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_FPUR I~~=- '~~T~H~E~SC~O~'~I"l"SVILLE~U_}' THURSDAY; APRIL 3, 1952

AN The Scottsville Sun \ To The Editor. lup my war m~o.rial Highway and put this store I.?"r .what hav~ Y~'~~~~h~--:here ~e' attended the])j THE NEIGHBORING COMM . 'illy Fluvanna country. back f,ar enougn JD the begmnrngiillonthly meeting a,f the Women's


PLUVAI-.lNA AN 7" UNITIES IN ALBE- Questi.on: But Iookjiere, I've been so the State wouldn't. have to come IMissionary Society.SERVING THE PEOPLE OF~:EUCKINGHAM COUNTIES .Sur'veys are now being made for planning to build a store rb-ht along and move me out, Wonder I Mr. and M:'s, J, L, Proffitt andEdit0r . TC?WN OF SCOTTSVILLE Route 15 through Fluvanna. This close to the present edge of Route why my Dad didn't find out ahout


\ June were visitors in Richmond___. . .. J Be d M D 'highway is to have a r-ight of way ]5, my land runs right up to the this to sta t wien -r But I guess in this weetc.Mana,'~iJlg Editor '__,_.___ ---------------------, mar,' c earmon.J E of 110 feet. This right of way will' present edge of Route 15 - you those days they didn't ~ave a Zon- 'I Miss M-ary 'Walton attended theCharl()~~~sville Manage;-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--·---------·-------·_ ltz.abeth Wimer be taken \by the- state as part of Imean to tell' me that a bunch of ing Ordinance td warn a fella I State W.M$. meeting in DanvilleOfficf' !"htnauer ---------.-------------.Lmdsay Mount the state twenty year plan for the \,p';'l~~rscan come stomping on to uer e he could PH~h.s business or llast week.12,50 a year in Alb~_;;,'~-;;~--F;~_,.-------Mrs" Annie Clements Melton development of Virginia highways. my property and t.ell me I've got I his house and know that it could [ Mes, W, P, Thurst.on spent

. '. anna, Buckmgham and Nelson Counties In 1949 Route 15 through Flu- Ito put my etore back a certain I slay put there for keeps," and not I 'I'hursday shopping' in Richmond.~3.00 a year. ants ide of th.,· . di I h t I'th t I.. ese .cOUntIes vannn was adopted as a War Me-! tstance from the highway, when ..ave 0 'Pay a~ Lese ex ra axes ~ Mr. and Jl4rs. A, D. Lamont of

Published weekly every Thursday of the ·YeB.T morial to tfte Veterans of World I it's mv OW!j LAND I want ta'l be ause or the moving." I Richmond were week-end guests ofEntered as second-class matter at th Wars I and n. This route was' build it on? ·1 ISO,YOU SEE, THIS ~ONING IM'.'. and Mrs. Dabney Cosby,. . e post office at S tt " ORDINANOE' OU A DVirg'l~la, October 0, 1951. co svn:e, selected as a War Memorial be- Answer : Look, pal, you've gotl· ' . . ~'S Y R, N Mrs. E. B. 'wrtght and ehtldren

;"ause of the fact that Route 15, this t.hi'ng wrong, It's not a bunch I VOUR KID'S BEST FRIEND. ',Of Newark, ;Del. s,pent last ,weel{ the only FedeI1al highway of guys in FJ1UV;iTInawho can t;:l1j Submitted b~ Se~reta:y. of Iwith Mr. and Mrs: R. B. Holber--~nthe county, would b~_the m:ost\yoa t~is. ',Bercre ,any ,man, woman! W,ar Mem'Ol'lal Associatlon \ tor·

All' d· ,- l'mrp.ortant highway in the county. or ChIld, In, lnu,·m:t'.a C(J;_iTIty or\ _, --L- ! -----------

In lcatll}J13 point to a record year of trav"l th' 5' Q t' ~ 'd f 0 ' t- g'l C 1 bO Nd so' ' " 15 pnng ues wn:Do you want to attract "·v "01' ,a ~upervlS~rs "ou,n i ~,', P,'\lmYr'a News~n6 ummer. n _one cay, In the month of Match, mOre than tOUI'Ists to Fluvanna ',' \~f any (jHhnance, your"state Le~~ .uO ,urn ....a ews ~ (ContillllHXl j'rom three), 00 passengers rleparted flom New York by sl f E Ans.wer: Of course, because tour- lslature. at the requCl3t of yo, 'bv_Mrs, H. S. Mosby Ichi1cl\'en,of Chester, Va. <1reSl)cl!d-

. IIp or 'lUQ1"'call St t H hi D t t d \ports. ThIS 1l1dlcates the extent of AmeriCan ave _ t f ;sts spend money in a county. '. a! ,e Ig way ~ar m~n, e- Mrs. W'. F. Kayser is spending \.jng the week-end with her par-pected tillS year. r,eas rave ex- QueeUon: What attr~cts tourists cHied that the, nght-of-way of I some time with be>' mother, Mrs, ents, Mr, and Mrs, W, N, Hannah,

Offi." ,Rnd makes them stop in a county Route 15 was gomg to be 110 feet IArthur Walton while ::,ecoverin;; Mrs. Stafford Pace and little son. ,Clals say the departure o~ this number of passengers \and spend money. ,~:c1e, an~ you. !tnorw ~~~n the '[from a rficent op~ration. \visited in the L. E. Minter i:orne111~ne day, as early as :rvlarch constItutes a new record for ol:e' Answer: An att::active highway, a .' a,te seL a r~.R"htof \.:-._\, thley, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Griffin nndlove, the week-end. It was nire

t' 1 M I 'I ' [- pia h' do,"t do too m:lch asl':."n'" t ley I ",seas lave. eanwl1 e a.,'tomobl'le cllJ'bs al1no ti '9- ce w, ere they WIll want to stop . ~"sons Bartwell and- Eugene, left,h'lVlll,o' them wIth us at Sunday

. l • ,unce lat 1 '1) d I . r.ake the l'1"'rht of way, very ....,~-, .1 . . I ""IS ex pected to be a recorc

1f I ' . . ~an oak. . _ hI· t ; Saturday £0-::' a FlorIda vacatIOn. I s~hool.

Un't d 5t t . .. year or trave on the ll1ghways of the Question: But tal'en't tourists go- lltely a~d leg<t_JY:but they take'; Mr. a'nd MTS. W. M. Quick -and II Mrs. Clyde Hasher. of Richmondlea es. ,ino- th it. And If vou 1:'ul1d your st'J::e, or ... ,. . ; b rough anyway en a larg0 " t h t children were called to NashvIlle, \spent. sometIme recently WltD heeThese IndlCations, ftc'ded to the/reduced airline f-11-es tC)IIFeder311 Hd.'l"'h,way? \'d·hat .hf,atvhe.';:,u..:.,up ~tt..' ..pre:::erl ITenn because of the death of Mr. mother and sister, Mrs. Belle Hef-

E d I. .' Answ F' Of ' ' I. e ge 0 e hl':"/Uway,I JUS"ml1ans' ' - . h

llrope an otlet P01l1ts are conclusive proof tl ttl' " be. course, but thats JUs Ith t .th ~, '1' t" \QUiC'k'S brother.' .ner and Mrs. Lotbe Fles man re~a recorLl travel year Ai:li 1 f.J 13.... us IS to e the p'Oint - we want them not a. 1 e.l ,e~ CI~I.lfl:~. yo~I' t~~~ .:~ M'I·'and Mrs J'ohn Otis Ipectively and helped nu-::se them

eff t M"T i e passenger are rel1_uctions "frO into only to go t.hrough but to stoP]"!" l-,_·rmg "le ne~Ime (Itt al I 'J>' ~re the p'roud p",.rents of aithroUO"h a spell of flu.

ee on ay 1st h 1 tl' h' .' ' . ·olf you:'s that you coun op. eav-I " .,.. "". . . e on y 11llg W leh \\'1.11 :iornewhat mar ['nd spend mOn2Y·No tourist stops~,. t th .".. _t· ~,arughter Anne Cameron born, -.---- ..------thts record vacation traffic;i the collective trag~aly of '["Itl, ,( in an ugly spot if they can help "1,~' ','011'> Htore .0,' e 1;:;...,,·1 C.IS g~~'March 2~ in 'CharlottesviJl~. Visi~'tl l' I • Co. on·

tt·· ..10" D rome a eng, ,-,n ~\JU .... -

1e 11g~1ways aUG skyw?ys which is sure to becur ' 1.; drIve slowly to .en-I VO~l: kid on ihp. shoulde~ and SfY tors to see them Sunday!The slaughter on ollr 1 . h d' I' JOYatbacttve-scenery and a hIgh- :'How came ,,'.'ur store j~; .s~~~r:g-Mrs. W. F. Kayser\ Mrs. A:thur I·

d I Il1g ways to ay IS arge~y unnecessary "'fly that has been beautified. I t "'h h' h' t· t' ·t Walton the Misses Mary Alice,!

an per Japs t 1C O"reatest blight h' Q t' t Sl) ('1,1~' 0 f'. Ig, \V'.t) nn l' ' ,. '.. ::., . on our Qlt erwlse super-modern ,ues.lOn: How can we a -I ~ornes \\'itr,:n the 110 reet t"te Anne ·and Nancy WaltDn and Mrs'"cl~t11zJ.tIOn .. The. best SOllltlO11 at present seems to lie in qener t,ra'~tIve War Memorial Hlg~WaYJf·tate decided v."as going to ne :n \ : s. Mos,by. \ :drtve~ qua~lficatlOn laws) .stricter permit tests, more stric 1. l}nd yet not work. a .h:'trdsh1p on, this highway? IVl.ig'hty so_ry, but .~1;rs. J. S, ?illard of stage .l_~nc:enforced highway regulation d' I h ' ,iY our FI~vanna busmess fiems and you've got to be moved back", bon waS m town Wedneoua~tJ':rivin rac' , s an a~pea s to t e publlc for safer farmers? So you :,;ec, (t-e ordin!lUl'e is foran -g p ~lC,es.The ~Fpe~l to d~lvers .to adopt more cautious Answer: By getting our ~u.siness your prote~;:;on - w1}~t i~l'ea}ly_d S:l£er drr:'lng practiCes IS especIally timely on the eve of the ~en and farmers to p.ut t~el~ large sayS. to you IS: "Dan~~·",_"-watt:tl

biggest vacation spree ever witnessed in the United St t E f sl.gns back from the hl-ghway a out, j l "oene lao c1os~ 10 thisthe best vacation is' a flo when ' a es .. ~en dlstance of 25 feet, where they high\vay with your buildi.m;--Gon'tf '1 t . p one or more of the vacatlOners I can be seen and yet where they you l'no\', .his ic the hig'w:a" 'hatal 0 return home~ due to an automobile accidel~t. will not mar the looks of the War the ~tate ~,3Vf';'- will ':'e·qtlir~·110

____ ' Memorial Highway .. ~n o:he-r I fect rigHt-elf '~f ay, Liste':l. oe awords, keep our advertISI~g Slg~S · guy and ]:.ut your stor," (('r1;Jut keep them the reqm-:'ed .d~s-I your permanent pasture, or your.tance from the Memorbl ~Igl1~I fish pond, or your orchard, or yourway. In this way, thN€' WIll be, harn, o~'your house) back outsideno hardshilp on the advertisers 'this area, ....and then YOUI' kindtheir signs can be seen from this won't say some day, "Gee, I wishdistance; and no hardship on the myoId m'1n had been sma~ andWar Memoriail HiKhway either.which will- not be ma--red QY haV--l

I '"'

iR'ecor~ Travel Year


Doesn'tCost aCENT-InsteadIT PAYSA PROFIT

. . . ' Question: What about my small,po11B and helping by vobno- thei" bon The reg;sbar may hand you \ . ld mall business'1ndtvidual J'udgrr:ent '" - a penCIl and sheet. of blank paper SIgns - cou fIDYtfS the edO"e\. _ . si'gn be see 25 ee rom ,..,

,and then refuse to say another . tBecause we have only hrrlf-cared of the highway, I.e. 80 fee fromword to you. The says vou· .?

fI,hont. oUr government we have ttl. " 'fi 'd f' t I the center of the hIghway. ,nermitted: Questionable characters mus~ \ a e cer1am SP~Cl e kac S Answer: No, of course not, ,but youto prosuer on RFC booty, tax col- ~: t a Ptper~. fh

YOll o.n?t dnow c1on't have to put small signs 25 I'leC'tors'to flourish in cahoots with ese ft,acSttWhIe arethreqUlre youd feet from the edge of the high~

canna, pu em or.. e pape:'l an ' II 'ghig tax dolla:'S, communists to JC- t' t P b bl d way You ,can put your sma Sl n

> canna regls er, 1'0 a. y you o' 3 II signscupy vital federal jobs. thieves to not have the law available to (the ordinance says smarake off with government-o'WIled stud \ havin,g a total area not to ex-p-rain, criminals to fatten on ~- H:;e Is a form that seems to \ ceed 6'0 square feet for. the three)liances, dope peddlers to contaoffil- l' ·th th law crp it and at the edge of the hIghway.

h' d t t camp y W1 e . 1 . H can I p"'e:vent

nate our C II .ren, gan~s ers a 'YI~T'1orizRit by substituting facts Que:stlOn: .fYW. • •

control sports In many mstances, ~rrp1ica'ble to you such as name, someone havmg.a Junk-~ard rightbtlreaUl":racy to pump us full of age and residence.' I next to my property, WhIChwouldn-::-'opaganda by radio, OUr children "My name is John Doe: my a<)'8;certainly dec-rease the value of myto be denied the high feeling of is 35 years; I was born Mar~h Iproperty? . .pride that comes with kn~Wledge\ 10, 1917; my place of birth is Answer: The Zo.mng ordmanc:of our history and the baSiC con- Riehmond, yirginia; my residence \ takes care of thlS for you, a;_cepts of our form of government,' is 625 Blank Street, Richmond, protects you:' pr~perty from h vand imposition of a baJc;k-ibreaking Virp"inia' my occupation now and iIT;>:an unsi.ghtlly Junk-yard parkedtax burden upon our people. ! forr, the 'past two years has been II next to it.In mentioning "half-cared" we bank clerk' I have previously vot- Question: Then is the War. Memo-

mean that only about one.-half of ed and m; last vote was cast. in rial Highway and the ~onmg Or-the people have ·participated in blanl{ precinct in blank county in dinance a~ advant~,ge to m~a::f'"overnment by voting. All shOUld, the state 'of Virginia." bringing more tOUrists, by :'vote. ProbaJbly the:e is n-o other In other words the applicant ing tourists to drive SIOWlh:.t-o en-'~1"ce in our life where such com- must ap.ply in his own handwrit- joy the beauty ~f t~e. Ighw


..,l!':te equality exists .as in the vot~ in~ without aid, suggestion O?:': and so read my sIgns.;'.!; booth. There the vote of the. me~orandum, in the presence of' Answer: Indeed,' the Memo-:i~l;'lost humble citizen counts ex- the registrar st.ating therein hid i Hig:hway and the Zoning Ord1-,a"Uy as much as d~es that of the n3.lme, age, date, and place of \ nance are' a real bu.siness adva.~~~r'~ost prominent citIzen, birth, residence, and occupati':m at I t.!l,ge to· you. ~ere ~s the way 1_

Here in Virginia two things must the time and for the two years iworks: AttractIve hIgh:ray-tourl; d e before a citjzen can vote. next p-::teceding, and whethe,r he ist drives slowly to enJoy beauty;hatn citizen must be registered [lhas previously voted and if so the' o~ high:way-- tourist looks aro~nd .

h. f 'he poll tax must be. ~tate county and ,precinct in 1\; -tourist sees and -::·eadsyour Sign,

;"l,nd IS or l' I ~ ~ , 25 t f ' the edge'd The pitfall or t~'ap to catch which he last voted. (,a big one fee rom.

nal . 's the 'fact the poll \ It is wroncr that you should be' of the highfWay) - .tourist stopsthe unwary 1 . n.. I '. t t'

t b Paid for 3 years and renllired to bUy the right to votE::I to .buy gas at your fillIng s a lOn,

tax mu::; e I " V' f or apple"',h a'd ix months before from the Commonwealth of lr- '\or cattle at your arm, -it mu!"t .e pIS -' . t hard, " I' \ o-jnia It is also wrong that regls- or peaches a your arc '..-lp"hon lme.· .~. ·t 1 k rke~ 1·... this year will be on tration should be purposely made IQuestion: Say, then, 1 00 s 1As e ce..lon . I. 1M' I H'ghw and

1\ per 4th the Doll taX must so diffiCUlt, But that 1S he aw ~this Wa-::' emana. I. a~ I~Tov€'n:" b fo,re Mav 3rd. Ifl imposed upon u,s by those we 1·Z'::mingOrdinanlCe 1d.ea1S gomg tob paId -on or e '1". ' d t" ge, ' hal' eable with the pDH choose .to ~present US in 0 U r·

1~ive me a lot of good a vel' Ism ,

you arc c Ig t three vears yoU I state 13.1w-makingbody. It will re- isn't it? You, I've beent:"-lX 100"-' the as - \ ' . " 1 - . I t if b k but,L • ediately with main the law until enQugh of n8 'I thinking It was a a () un,shoUld checlc lfim er If it isn·t vote a~d are able to select repre· looks like I had it wrong - it'sur County Tre~:iUr . I th I t St t ndyo .t Ev n if you owe sentatives more 'considerate of e· teaIllY a pretty smar a e a

paid thel). P~~a~~~h: tota1. with peo;le of Virginia. ~he general as- \ County set·up to make my Countyfor three ,y d $500 to' m,bly should run a bull dozer Imol'e attractive, to hel'P me ad-

It. should be un e-r· se "tpena.les, din No matter along the road to the voting booth vertise my business. _You canret III good stan ~. th propoSi- and clear out the inexcusable ab .. \beat Old F1lu--!Boy,Let me go see~?W much you detes 'on:'ealth of stacles noW in the path. my Supervisor, ?ut quick,. and. telltion that the Gomm h' 'ght I him to Js.eep thlS Memo:::1alHIgh-

_ .' 11 ld sell voU t e 1'1 . \ ~Vugima s 0fU t em~ing that yOU, Noah's Ark was built of gopher way and, ~oning Ordinance Idea "all the best" " _,'to vote the ac:r <. th~t d going, so that NOBODY can mess •••••• IIII•• IIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIII.. ;:'•• l1li ,8-5 a c~tizen. must humbly bUY \woo. I III

Country Lawyet~-,By Walter JoYImmn Ivery fundamental right.

The very bread of our Republi- Even after you have'" uought theean form of self-[''Overnment is the right to vote from your state gov~fluff rage of the people. Too few ernmEmt you must take one more.people\ exercise that right. Too I'ltep. This is tricky too 'Qut not toomany want to ride along withOut dJfficult if yoU Ut'<hmI it-tltk'

Worried about your child'sfuture? Bow you can affor,J\:Jiano, ]'essons when it means:mying a piano? Your wor-ries are solved with tn::..


Let us put a spinet pianoin your home today so youcan start your boy's or, girl' 5

musical education at nom i-tal, cost. Pay by the month,either as rent, or on purchase)f a Lester Piano,

W rite or phone us about ourMONTHLY PLAN for giv-ing your child rhmie lessons





The cows give more milk-the hogsand beef put on weight faBter-thechickens lay more eggs when runninlwater is always before them. In thehome. mother gets her washing donequicker-her dishes washed-noorascrubbed and meals prepared with lessfatigue--the health features of indoortoilets-the comforts of bath rooms-all these blessings actually make ~


THURS. & FRI.April 3-4 .

"The inspectorGeneral"Starrin


Robert TaylorJohn HodiakArlene Dahl

because it gives morewater per minu te--:-iscompletelyautomatIc-self priming-trouble~free. Runs yearslonger because of"Life-Lok" fea-ture. Get prices ..and details on




SUN. & MON.April 6-7"Starlift"StarringDoris Day

Gordon MacRaeRuth RomanVirginia MayoGene Nelson


R. L. COLLINSPlumbing &' Heating

ContractorPhone 78~42Scottsville, Va.

o;;;;i_1III!",~~g ...


Lucky guessers will have an oppo~tunity totry their skill in ,a contest at Scottsvllle Flour

)Vlills during the next ,five weeks.

The contest is based ,on the growth-rate or"a number. of chickens which will be on display

a\ the dealer's st,ore,

Tylor Robertson, dealer points out th~tthis is Durely a local contest, that someone m

}his 'are;' must win. "The amateur has just a!

b "h 'd "b,much chance as ,1 e expert, e sal ecaustceven the chickens themselves don't know how

fast they will glOW."

The contest will r\ln for several weeks, andthe person whose guess is nearest to the actualweight of ,the birds at the close 01' the c'ontestwill 'be given the chickens free of charge, A 100-lb. bag' of feed is being ,offered as second prize.Contest blanks maybe obtained at the dealer's


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Scottsville Open 1 pm except Saturday-ll am SaturdayllIil!J@:i ?zaQi--..........." ......~~.,.,~~' ...,;' ,..,?>.. ",-.-.'" .--------~~=~==~---=''-----=------------

\:"YOURBASY·CHi·ci(··c·OUPO"t.j'\Name i

j:. Street Rt •• __ Box'_ ~: ::'~:,Town\ GOOD ONLY ON ABOVE DATE \

GARMENT SHOP \ tNOCHI~_Il£~N _U_N_LE_IS~W-IT-_H_P"'_I2ENTS1- ....- \PJ=b~~.H~,~~~n:"t" S::T":.~:LE \ ...""....'-·-Ill"..··.._~-_....'- .. ·tJA,_ .. _-~ .... ~ .... fIIC..... ···--;E""""·~~·~·~.....R'~~SO-N---M-IL;L~S:::=:=~:::~-'

Phone 78F42\~.---_·-llI!Iw_""~ \ \SCOTTSVILLE, VA.


THU.l'tS12.~Y, APRIL 3, 195:2 ' .__ ~_--=.T:::::H~E~S_COTT'SVTLI.ESLJN

Pnr~ 1 \ Mr. ancl Mrs W,; Eustler werc\ p .t/ .""0na s !,week.end ,gue~t.s 0(' hee' mother', alm yra

Mrs. Oeorsre Bragg of Palmyra.

By AII1!!.ieC. Melton '\ . D' _ '=' J

Mr. and Mrs. Gieason Giannini Mr. and Mrs. Otis Dennis, Mrs.of Richmond and Claude P. But~ \Billy Wlalc1en.and Mr. and' Mrs.ler, of West Point visited their \':i1UO Do:::rier a~d .daughter, Judiemother Mrs. Ella Butler Sunday. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

___ John Dunn, of CharlQttesville.

Mrs, Tom Payne, of "payne's''Mill" Buoktnoham spent this past. Miss Dolly Dorrier, of Charlot-week-end iri Philadelphia, Pia. vis- tesville spent Saturday night with;ting vejatlves there. Mrs. Billy Walden.

,Nj~s 1Ann-i p: cston Shepherd \'~llse 0 a vacancy there of W. A. 'baseball team met McIntire HighC

hi h h s S'ho'ol on the MrIntire Diamondhas been quite ill in Richmond. MdClanahan, as rer, W 0 a ...She had to undergo a serious op- been transferred to Charlottes- in Charlottesville Friday afternoon

c" as an aJtcrmath of the vJle. Thll' is qUlt~ a blow to the at 3 P.M. The score was Fluvanna

, By Mrs. C, C. Conrad, ST, t 4Wt.rnte 'parI"", of Newport flu. ;ommunityas Mr. Morris has been 7 and Mcln ire .'1' Pat-ons of the Palmyra Branch here for several years and bas Mrs Lottie Halterman who bas

,,'.v,> has been visiting his pa.>- '", ', .of the Nall'o

n'" Bank & Trust Co. .nved his customers well and in, been ill since Janiuary is jmprov-.

vu.s. Mr. ::l,ndMrs. Winst.on Pork- ' ~received lette" thiS ,wecrl: f:om the en admir",ble manner. It ts with ;ng r,atfsfaetorilY we are glad topresident, H, A, Haden, of Char- t ue ,regret that we will see him report.lottesville saying our present reave. ' },{.. and Mes. Bill Lloyd and rour

cashier, Ed Morris would be trans- InLlv,~nna'" cou"n~t~,Y.. ;H~i~g~'h~;s;e;h;o;o~I.... ~(~C~o;,,~t;'in~l;';'ed.i"i"~paagllle.fil,,.ulr.)...

fOd"'l'to the Fod' Union Branch JiiIA<'~:.oL • 7 II,.a of the first of the month be-

you are cordially' invited to attendhouse to see the 1952 Frigi~ ~refrigerators, electric

v,rashers and deep freezers on Thurs~day, Friday and'Saturday, April 10,

11 and 12.





Phone 46

------.._------- f,t§~ 1FP'*'~"-

lAFAYETTETHEATRECharlottesville, Va.

Every kernel of SouthernStates Hybrids is given aprotective chemical coatingagainst:

Friday & Saturday!REX ALLEN and KOKO

in ._- ~~-


Seed Borne I

Diseases, ~~----.,,--Sunday & Monday


Soil BorneDiseases

Tuesday onlyJOE SAWYER in


InsectDamage , i --_ ....... ------------- ----


RESULT I Plants get off to• healthy start, increasingvour chances for a good crop.

,I :Ii.t, '

Wednesday & ThursdayJEAN \pETERS and LOUIS J'ORDAN



!Mrs. Carl Combs and smandau~:hteT, of Alber'ene, spent \Thursday with her monther-i.n-law, \M:rs, Come CCllI'"ttbs. \


Miss Patricia Whtted, ","ho is a Istudent at Mary Washington cOl-llege in F'redericksbul'g spent the Iweek-end with he:' parents, Mr.and Mrs, C. A, Wfiitted, of War- \ren. .1]L~"SE I,'Mrs. Bm :Moore, of Warren spent. Ln

Friday w~th her mother M:s. Ora 1Bell.


It>ousands and thou sondE of crippled

o:hildren 100\0;. to yotJ for help 0.1 Eoster ----------\ ~.---' -----~1~'::~~·


2.000lime. rhe proper care ;10W will help

them ,temd on their {)wn or:d groWMr, and ~s. C. C. Conrad, Jr.·'md IitUe Mary Curtis were Sun-day guests in the home of his pa~- up strOll!:1' ';.... led 0 hand, won't

ents Mr, and Mrs, C. C. conrad, yO'J? C-'" naY>,l.ll.-rlr.g t!1e 1lithS1'.,of Palmyra. Annual Easter St:ol./.ppcoL

-_.:......--- 8AByeu/ers4&5 • t~ousand.s of coc~v"ls.TO ~e gi\len. .way..bsotut",tvhlte, and wd:~out obl~gatiof1, _ to So family. .



dere's a fashion note f ci rAn we ask 1s that you bringyour own contalner .. prefer-ably a shoe box. Don't missthis chance .. come early andbe sure of getting yours.

S P r i n g I Sparkling color·

bright toppers - waiting to

shine in the Spring Parade.

Crisp. new straw hats - tbe

lighter, bright spring CO'lo[s,

suits, handbags and shbes in

all new spung styles and

colors ..


Please rill in the couponbelow for presentatlOQ atthe door.

• No need to get along with old, worn..out fixtures any longer. You caDbringDewbeauty-new convenience-to yourhome with a Crane quality bathroom.Not only are these fixtures new in styl-ing, but they possess such importantengineering features as Dial-ese faucetsthat open and dose at a finger's touch.Best of all, these fixtures represent a I

new high in valuejan~ are available onour convenient time payment plan.Call us today or, better yet, drop in

and ·talk it over. I

WITH TJ.-:cSE fEATURES:Dial-ese Controls -as easy toturn as the dial on your radio.Bath and lavatory of porce-

lain enamel on cast iron-cleans a! the touch of adamp c1o","Toilet 01 v'treous chino-

q~iel,efficient fl.shing action,Bathtub has flat salety bol~

tom-low 14 in. height-easy fa step in and GUt..

Welcome Spring with a

smart outfit hom our. large

assortment. See them t0day.

Scottsville, Va.

Page 5: · %&&'&(&)&*+&,&%&-./.*0-11)&# 2% '(#$*3456 4"$-1 78 9:;

r-----~--------'-:---'-----l.',"~-_~....=-':'__-""~== .......,......"'.'__=_~_'__", .L---='-'--==:!"""~~~~I1!!!!!!!•••••••••• I11!1•••••••


K~-m~l;nR'-\Scotts_. ' 11 ove.. for .nat missing button, i Hit By School Bus ' Lrcspttal authcrittes said she

April the "----,-'."V'r'l'S' VILLI> 'VIRGIN. I Ahat.l,ittl~ gem or q pUb, liealion,: Ihad a separated shoulder 'and I.-magical and muslcaj v~~rWord ~v _----' "'_, , .:~ _-"Ii 0,d 'I'imes, has In Its Aprtl Jo Rose, 77-year-old Negro wo-r eel attone.nice name A 'oS even fl. charming series of Illua- J'H\Jl t "1 Id t h d Thror a O'jv'l Y h ti -,, was repor ed in satisfactory J ic acci en eppene ura-

. see Or hea <:> ~. ou do r. nrc ,ps along with 'an article condition at the University Hos.lohy morning' while a school bU8t kind f r .much of the elabor'- J II ItO A!prn foot jokes that us - ,old homes and gardens in pttal Fl'iday morning with tnjur- dri il9n . by Robert 'Parsons, oft .0 be played. Perhaps th ' -s- 'Dhe pictures are paint- ics received Thursday when she Howardsvtlle, was turning around, ,IS lOsing its sense of h e wor TJ-LFl METHOf. homes and gardens by was knocked down oy a school bus I on uhe Warren Road, a few miles1 I dEevelOPinga less SlapSti~:O~{: RCOrrTSVU.l.rtist Homes Day, one- near' her home in Buckingham: south of Howardsville In Bucklng-

j ven AI' Car. th' JaCI){ B, ~nt of Amherst county, County. I I County.• t ' J:'P, at whimsi'cal' jl ,•••• Ir lllIlll!IIliIIma:ll!a .or of Ll'I .Alb" captured the color and 4'f1.i1D~. ji wp:;:;re .....~~,

, 1t..; i. h I ner and Daisy 1 S',..-~~' '.. ,'~I,1 observed that peoPle' a:c\ 'Jof ma,ny lovely spots: J

~ , .....- '" (. mg the al~ility to laugh at tn,. nhur('.h SchogTirginra. I L'- ~ selves WhtC'h is d 'X Omohundro)..;' E. F, W,

... -' J .... '~aaolbserva M' W Iand not in keoping with th " ornmg <! I

B E!' b 'h C "\ of A 'I e Spt P~l S d YY 17,3, ell • CampbeU) prt, when everything is new -', m un ~ )H()mc FA'''no.mist, Appalachian and young in nature. To me it has t,or and rec1'HE 1\0 fU:f;:tHHIliIU HAJU'J IEleetric Power ComllMlY a wa"Ys seemed like the beginning Youth Fe!; l

Old hose make excellent dusting of th~ year. After all, the calen-' ,Holy Wee,. <'"'--' - -, - .....

cloths. Just cut off tJle feet and dar is only a sheet of paper. Yrm 'Senmon b-':OTHERSuse the tops. 'Dhey are free of lint. OWnyea::, can start whenever you Mqnda:y jWhen paper becomes stuc'k to want it to. ~...ot' some it starts wit Rcvi;al ~ ~

the- poliShed surface of a table, the school year in September, 0soften it with a little olive oil and on their birthday, but I prefer ithen rub wiah a soft cloth. This to start when the sap rises in t-will remove the paper w.ith'out any trees and the gray tiglht buds \mark. gin to show their colors. Co~When using peroxide' to remove Ibursts out everyv..rhere and t~

stain, be sute to wash thoroughly clouds ~ce a'cross the sky. 1Ft D' N J Ch It Ld ll-" to cJ b f .. Every now' and then 0 .,' j or IX, • . - ar e .

an a vV\' ,y e ore lronmg. t bl. I s me ffilScott of ScoH.sville has arrivedtroning while still damp may leave co-mes ou pu lC y and hollq here and has been assigned to Go.a rust stain. lo~dly at the gross negligence 04., 39th Inf. Regiment of the 9thIf you are having t.rouble with Wlves wlho put avmy ~hirts w1th'nfantry Division for 16 weeks of

uneven and ur1shapely loaves of out 'buttons anct socks wiUh holes . t ' ,. • 'nslC rammg.brend. t.ake more care when plA.c- One ,man ha:'3 sug,gested that all Private ;Slcott. is the son of brB..~d in t.he oven. See that such horrifying articles should he'd Mrs Robert E. Scott of' Routethe pans 'lteitller touch tlhe side,~ dumped in a heap on the livir.g scott~vme.of the OVfln nnr touch one another.' room floo~'.It is .something to po.n- i'rior to ente=ing service PrivateFor those who have trlOuble del' and somethmg for the statIs- ,tt attended Scottsville Hjgh

wash_ing lacy linlgelie and dainty ticians bo work on as to bhe com- <001.blouses. try making a bag of any ?arat~ve n~ber of wive.s·who err Juring his training period hecotton mesh. 'Dh~ open weave of Im tJhlS fashion and the husbands 11 receive instruction in general .the cloth insures C'omplete sudsing who drop whatever they may be -litary subjeots infantry weap- 10.00. A.action. This is also good protec-l,-weari~g at bhe time ~hey either gf>ns and tactics a~ ,wedlas a char- ~:.r;~t A


tion for. ruffled curt.a::n<;and small I to beo, get up, or deClde to chang~cte,. guidance nrogram which iq " .. th . h d I . ~f- l' ~ I Sel'monitems l!ke tbaiby clothes. " ell' CI~t es an eave said r\unde!' the supervision of the Post

To avoid keeping nn:ightly rag~1 rncnt on the fl?or eXiactly ~:.fChaplan. Upon completion of his St. Ste·tucked away out cf SIght, keep a dropped off bhelr frames. v;,; 1\1_ basi,c training he will be eligible 10:00small rubber spcnge in the bath-l have been a-dvised to leave all s~ for consderation to receIve addi- Holyroom :lnd use it to clean the lav'],- : :'''PH t tional instruction in a leadership ,SermontOTY. I - .:~Course and may submit. appltca- 11:00When ~.'QWillgrm materials su('h· ~~ , tion to attend Officer Candidate St. A.nn

as silk, pin a towe~ over tJhe end Ii 'I '[ School. 8:00 P.of the seyving machine. 'l.'he mate-. Ulil I I ~,

, ' t I' ff du"'n the .~.'MdM fJ'>'.rHt d'Z'OI' CROS'!ll3WW WI (/fl/~ EastrIal wlll no s Ip o. .L< g rp,ewing process. ," _~~RI _ SAT _ APRIL 4- 5 J e •

StOl'~ your ball 'If ~;t!'ing in that _,_ '\t 10' sod "Cop -".~~tearoL _whi."1 is no elUlg u ~1-

I!~'l'HU}{::)DAY, Arl\,l ""3

Household~Hints r '"

liltarlie L. Scott

Morning ~meSuncllay by.,of new R'" •ISupper, ~ervlceChUI'ch ,S'"terson, Q

Phone 43-JR

Church ISCC::::::~::::::::Afternoon I

mon by !Piper.Easter ijcola nex~

Le~ loose end of C'ord dangle fromthe spout.To keep soapy p:hampoo wah~r

cut of yOUI' eyes, rnb petroleumj0liy across the forehr:lacl before~tarting to si~:1.~tmpoothe hair.To dress HI:' eggs for children~

t:y making th€!1TIin pen,...-uins.Peelhard cool;:ed,eggs ana" ellnl. Ma'kBlegs by inserting two toath'Rick'Ointo large' end of egg and aff:xfeet of two hab:ed pitted blae}.:,:'ipe olives. Put third ,pick int.:>'bacl;:, slan1:iw'ise,to form a tripodso bird can stand. Stick fOurthpiC'k thl'Qugh eg:g to' hold on flip-pers (two ;halvefl pitted olives).Run fifth pick through olive onthe slant so ~hat one end sticksout for a beak and spear otherend into top' of egg fa.: head. _I!If yOU have no ring mold for I!, ,

jello 'salads, place a small glass·filled with chopped ice on the cen-ter of a·· boWl. pour your saladmixture around glass an'cl set inrefrigerato,:' to ~ongeal. To serveremove ,glass and invert boWl.Did you know tlhat celery leaves

have three times the food valuefound in the stalks and you Clan\do lots of things with pretty greencelery leaves. leaves, thensbo:'e in, re~rigerator in covered Idish. Here al'e some uses: i1. ;;3lprinlde as you would chOP-I

peel parsley, for a garnish.2. Add a few leaves to mixed j

green salad.3. cook wit.'1 spinach or other

greens.4. Mince, and add to soups, cr'O-

'luetts, salads, sandwiCh fillings,. Isauces or cas~erole dishes.5. Chap, and. add to boiled or \

ste,a:m,eclpotatoes, carrots, onions, \Ietc. I


T-W'O sl10ws SAT. 7 - 9 PM

Whatever the occasion ..whatever you are wearing ..we have a Picturesque

.Designer Stocking thatwill add excilemenL ...

transform a dress into asignificant fashion •.. Of> agown into a truly dramatic,

memorable creation!Many styles, priced 1.95 to 7.50


"He Ran ;:;1 The Way" 11TWO Shows SUN, 7-9 P.M, iTUES. - WED" APRIL 8 - 9 I,I



"Daughter OfRosie O'Grady"


•Shown; Aladdin's Lam'p-a,

very provocatiye touch •black velvet-ydee.or '

(on both stockingstSizes 8';4 to ~ .•• l..:.9~pr.




in -"The Groom WoreSpurs"·

_ .._-----~--FUR SCARFS :now at- 12FRI. - SAT. - APRIL 11



Pre-Easter SAVINGS!

Pa'ssage""California c. H. WILLIAMSTWO SHOWS SAT.• SUN"

CARFULL FOR $1.20 '~,ax Incl. LeadingCharlottesville's

AVOID DISASTERDisaster lurks behind many !ac~-swhen you keep lYourval-

nable papertl and 'artic1e~ In your Illume. The}' are 'tin danger, of

loss from fire and bUl'gIa,ry. It Is po~sible 'lJhat some ir'repla:,~ble

document mft,y get into ~he halndsr oIlf littI~ children, '\-\'iltomay

bmocently cut paPed" dolls from these valuable IlocUJneJ1tswhich

you may·pla,~ed in ,what ~'ou ~hought was Ii" safe place. It

is not necessary to risli suc.1thazardlS when you can Tent a sate

deposit ?OX in our vaults for ()JlJy a few cents a week. In a safe

deposit box all oj "your valuable 8i1"ticlesarnd tmporbJint papers

will be completely safeguarded against fire~ theft, miSJlla.~e-

. ment 31ndloss fIoT24 hours a day. Rent a safe deposit box today

~d enjoy peace 0'1mind and complete pl'otection from disaster

whioh may result fl'om the l{)$ "of vuihmble ·papers atnd articles.


Branches: IV,es! rna - ScoN,ville - ForkPalmyrt;, - Louisa' - Mineral


S: _!. . ew V<::.W!.e ..Wi ....

Be"a better cook with,


PYREX PercolatorPYREX Percolators take aU the guesswork OUl of coffee-making! Watch the coffee perk tilJ the color tells youit's just right I It's a percolator that make~delicious coffee .•. e~ery rimeI

4-cup size _$2.4.5-6-cup size $2.959-cup size $3.45

IfJh,",.", ...--

PYREX Mixing Bowls

. Rounded inside foreasiest m;ing by hand or electricmixeFlat bases for steadiness. Thre<;handy sizes formixing. bakinl;>anrl serving.

NeSlof3 $1.39

PYREX Utility DishFor baking cakes, biscuits.baked apples, macaroni '0cheesel Keeps food'hot •• > adreamto clean.2-qt.osize.89¢;1-qt. size, SLOO.

l-qL size 69¢

PYREX Loaf PonJust what you need for mealloaf, nut bread, baked beans!The handles are a blessing!Bakes and serves your food. in'ltyle! l0!2-in. size, 89¢.

9-in. size 69¢






Charlottesville, Va.


Page 6: · %&&'&(&)&*+&,&%&-./.*0-11)&# 2% '(#$*3456 4"$-1 78 9:;



';eg Ann" Preaton Shepherd I-riuse 0 a vacar THUR 1QAY, APRIL 3, 1952~IX .' THE SCO'l>een qutte ill in Richmond. MdClanahan, C( --';_~----~_:._=_:_=_

_____ ~ "",had to undergo a 3erlOUS op- been transfer{, died Saturday in Wash- I I

C • h 'N O·'-~l ~IS an of the v.Hc. Th~S ~D. c. I n MemoriamC I a s si f jeD- Flower Lore unnmg am ewt'"" I h ;1mmumtY;\]es her husband, she is sur- . In me~ory of .;;; Desir Br..therTatnms ~f the Pa myra Brune here for,r by the following children:

01 'f' I I By Frances Taylor the Nationa l Bank & Trust Co. '~ived~. Be· -a f G " h Alfred G. Winks. Died one yeart asar le~.g are sotd fl." -ce rate of Mrs. Roy Parrish, Mrs. WCF1eceivedletters thtsrweea 'f:am the nn adm- .1 J' h a~ ~". a M :'ec~wl:.C, ag0'f"\pril the 1st. 1961.wo cen a a word, 00 cents mjni- \ by Norma Todd-Davis Parrish and Mrs. Frank Schut- '1presIdent, H. A Haden, of Char- t·; b.~tn M' ~n, ~. ~arlJCY./, Sister aud Brother

mum. Display crasstfteds 60 cents VIOLET AND PANSY I Red ero-ss solicitors, ~lq;\ lottesvtlle saying our present leave ,eMs.l' Ed ra. Mane C· arry] On yea~ has passed alnee thatFtn inch. . . r- • • ISS I na 9.€ atn, at i ~~ d

"Violet is 'for faithfulness which II$54.00 m the Cunnlngha casbtcr, Ed Morns would be trans- F'Iuver ,;,...... to D Cd' I ~ ay .. t ( svasmug on, . ., an .LvII'S.l'\7lh<>~ I d, _ ionme shall abide. muntty, oward the Distr [C" red ' to the For-k Union Branch .'_.r;',.".'....r- L p I ~II one we ove was called

I'I,. . . lar- -~ . ayne,,of Hampton. ,.... .

flopinO' likewise that from your T,he sollcltors 'WIsh to tha,;, f a of the first of the month be-I " C. , ,away .• ' 1:\' " ,,0 "l. ' a.m was the daughter of I G . ~ .

, heart I who ,helped to makJ this'l\: . 1r.. ,Jlod~ took hlm home--It wall HIliI • .." cord ;Yo ,.~ y ~emue G. ,Sll1pman, of Wash- ! will

You w.\Jl not let It shde. ';n~ .. OU and sister of Vvilliam G- I /.' ,I

So sings Shakespeare, the great- . Mrs. John Parker, who ha f,. . 1 "l~lin our h0M'ts he liveth stili.I •• ~. ... J.n, John B. ShIpman and "

e~t of all poets. Wordsworth ha.:J \'I~I<Jngm the hO':T,eof her - R S ' ' - I '. ' . . open. . hlpmml, all 0... Wa~h~ ...------'?"Iven us n.ssurance that f'Long as PI', Herbert F:...Greer, ~eturnI I.. VJ.I\GINIA! there's a sun that sets, her home in Damascus, Vir~. • -:J. , . ,IN XHE CIRCUIT OOURT OF'I Prim:"Oses will have their glory; on 'Saturday, accompanied by da~; fun~r~l serViCes wc:.'e add. I'Tm6 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE,

. ·,T,onO'as therf' a"e violets and Mrs Greer and child} rf:' Wednesday at I·ort Mye= Chap- M:\.'ROH 29 19"2t"ARM NEA'i. HOvVAJRDSVIILE '=' ,~,. - :-',' , I· ,u . -. ~R RENT ", rhey will have a place in story". I<;harles and Judy, and Miss B, V'll, [it. Ii ort Myel', Int~rment foll- COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE

. f In the festival of the TeraHa 'dn. Parrish. f.ved III Arlmgton NatlOnat Cemc- I V \ ORDER OF PUBLICATION12 acres James River lowgrounds I' 'j ,'''elebr.oted by the Romans in honor Mr. and Mrs. Henry SouthlwOi,\ d ::.ry, 1 IJAMES (''llRATI'ON EMME~rnear Howardsvl11e Contact Mrs. J • ' • ; " a '• . I' of their dead, VIOlets were strew- ann son, Henry Le~, and M,t' _ GRATTON, LUCY B WIlJ.JAMS,

W. L. Johns Howardl:lVllle Va. . 0 d R' h . {' ''''Wilm" N ', 'I ed as offerm .....s. I Walter Scott ,agen an son, of lC m{)nd VH. ,I , t e ,,\, Mi\.RTHA E. TURNER, IDA BAR--FOR SALE gives us his authority in favor of ed in the E. E. ~lack home -1' 11 "'! • Ing on W:. BOUR, MAGGIE B. MALONE

TiC' timb~l' and mine props. B. :B~. all!' beloved flo-weI': centay. . 1" _.- FRANCES -B. BRO\VN, EARLWells, HowardaviUe, Virginia. The violet, in her greenwood bow- Mrs. Clyde Giannini spent J 8y, Mrs. 'I.'. H. G~i:ffin BARBOUR, MABEL T. N1CHO~

er week in Richmond, with ~1r. t LAS, BURREL TYREE ANGUSORJ:DERS TAKEN for home-made Where birchen boughs with l!.azels Mrs. W. E. (Jack) Parrish. ,J\. ' Wilmington CommunIty As- . TYREE, ELNORA W.' BLUNT,cakes, pies. cookies and c~ndy. mingle; 1 P.arrish is recuperating from . .Lion spOnSOl'LTIa Barn Dance and ALL OTHER PERSONS IN-

.Parties' a specialty. Mrs. Frances! MJay boast itself the fairest flOW-Imajor operation. ltei·r Community House Satur- TERESTED IN THE ESTATE OFKie, Cohasset. _ er ~ .' Mr. and Mrs. George Glenn SCOj ·t'ight. ISAAC GRA{I"I'()N,0,8pel'801l:S un-

In glen or copse or for..e'stdingle. My. and Mrs. Frank Schum. !l.,..;J Anne Pittman, of Rich- knO\vnJ 949 Ford 'Sedan The pansy, still, more than the, and children, rnotorf\d to s~' a" spent the week-end :with 'Ehe object of this suit Is to ~1'949 'Me-rcury Tudor.- violet, is the favorite of poets. Tt.', ton, Virginia Sunday ~nd vi." :::rllli:l T. J. LJoving f,amily and at~ ,sell for delllnquent taxes five and1950 ~ercury cpe .1949 Mercury FornoI' be.ars a great vari~ty of pl·P.t~yI Mrs. F. R. Ga.lloway and ~. ~ ",~dedthe barn dan~ce. a balf acres In the Rlv3ll11181Di8~HH1 Ford Sedan names sueohas Heart ~ ease, Lady s K-aran S~nfley who are pab:, M:r.and Mrs. Dou~as L. Folkes tricot of Albemarle County, Vlr-

946 F'o Delight, Butterfly VIOlet, etc. but 'I at the Kmgs Daughters H'Ospl1' ~ve returned from Flo:'ida ginia, near Proffitt, assessed to1 I'd none prettier than the french ~en- I Ma:ian Breeden, son of },..:, t... Isa30'1 G-at·--.1950 Land Cruiser $!udeobaker 1m ',Miss Sadielew White was a busi- ~.' lIWl

1840 "Nash see (-a thought) from which the 'I Marion Breeden .an.d C rles p,~ jess visitor in Richmond last. It is .ordered that Je~, Grat-English pansy is derived. ell, son of Curbs Powell, both~ Every kernel of Southern t .Emmett G tto 'L B

1"11 Lincoln " , ' 1 t k • •• ("eek. on, ra D ucy •'IDverYlbody recollects OphelIa 3 Palmyra, eft las wee f'01~ States Hybnds IS gIven a Willi , M _. B Tu' lela1;.J;JJ Buicl{ t h' ~I-. """"h 'R I d . Th a1"enow" _ The hearts of the people of this aIDS, arlllLno • mer,

ouc m.g speel.'H- J.' ere s ose- \ arme serviCe. ey.. 'protective chemical coating - Barbour M.a ie B. Malone M.a-1918 Buick Super lm-arY, that's far remembrance; tioned at Fort Meade, MaryIR.. g', t" pmmunity have ,been siaddened by ,gg .1!)5l ~eIicury Fordor Pray you love, remember; and I M:'s. George Glenn and ;.. • 81ns : 'e recent death of Mrs. Mary bel T. Nichola,s, Burrel Tyree, An~1950 Mercury Cge. there's P a nls i e s, that's for' Frank Schumaker and daug~ ~ Sid' B . 1-;l1s White, the Wife 'Of Mr. J. gus Tyree, Elnora W. BUmt, and1 ~::!J Ford Ithought." I Patsy and Nancy we!'e guestr: ) 1-,: ee 0,n9 I 'i White. all other persons lntereste(l In tile1~)lfi Olds. Tllo1o~' \- Spencer speak'S of the "pretty, day, in the home of Mr. and 1\ ~ i. D~seases ~~s.J. w. WHIs and Me'S.SarR:l Est~te of Isaac Gratton 6S heil"8.1'11:-Mercury Fordor pansee' and Milton of the "pansy, IC. S. King, of Arvonia. The ---4 hell Gray visited their 'brotih- ! cr,edltors, ,flssi,g1neesor otherwise,l~::-:n'Mercury TU(lor streaked with jet." Icasion was in celebration of lit' ID Soil Borne r A. P. Campbell, who lives Iwho wi8h to protel~t their InterestslPl~ Plymouth Tudor The nuptial couch of Eden was Paltsy Schumaker's birthday.. 12"... Diseases FOr old home-stead. I?O a;ppear within tell' dtll~ as:rert-..'\;10 Plymouti": 4: Dr. formed of "pansies and violets and Jessee Taylor was albusI'· \ . - .~ rng such claim ~ __~~_-~ have.1'14U Lincoln Cl)~mo. Iasphodel and hyacinths, earth's. visitor to scottsville, on Mun~., --- -- .-------- ----~-

;'locGREGOJ, MOTOHS INC .. freshest, softest 1"1'.'" I Mrs. E. M. Parrish and da~ ([3}3~ Insect " ~ ~~' tt/'''P /7)./7' P~ I416 W. Main St. TIlE LAUREL . tel', My~Ue, and John Turner~ 'Damage ";:7()1 VU '7'~ I

Charlottesville The .fafbled oriogin of the lau=ell mother, of Louisa visited .' ~-.). jDIl"'.488 liS this. 'Druphne, daughter of the! Parrish's brother and sister-in- nnSULT r Plant. get off·to _,'.' .,.-... f· I

- C'iUARiANTE:EID UiSED--c:AiiS river ..Peneus, offend~ by the per- Mr. al}d Mrs. Charlie No:,cr • beahhy start, increasing 1 ' ~ I1950 Ford Deluxe 2 door, Radio & 8e~utlOns of Apollo, Implored suc- Sunday. - . tour chances for a gOQd crop. f

J' I

\ cor of the gods who changed her I Frank E. 'Schumaker. local 1)1r _ _ _ __ _ 1



Heate,,:' . . into a laurel h~e. Apollo crowned\ister, of Cunnin.gham Chu~ __ '"!,Q-<\OFord Deluxe 2 do.o-r,Heate\I,hiS head with the leav:es and or- preached from the pulpit of ~,....,::,:~~~~~-.:~ .. "",-.l."IIJI.IIIIIII ••1949 Ford 'F-3 %, ton plCku.p, Hea Ide~ed that forever after the tree. home Church on Sunrlay night: ...~~! f ~~..... ........~....~

er. should be sacred to hi'll. brought to us a very fine me-ssa.geI Mrs. Beatricf' Van Allpn Be",..:1948 Ford F~6 2 ton truck, 2 speedl It. was the cus~om of the Ro- on the subject, "Unconditio~al Rl, wife of R E. BeRI, died earlv

axle fla.t body. mans to ('fawn their victorious Surrender", faken from the scrlp_ Tuesdav mornine- ~t her home,!1948 Ford F-1 Ih ton pickUP, generals with laurel leaves. Laurel tures of Romans 12: 1-17. Mr·1 ".sunn~side", in Fluvanna County,:

Heater was worn by the salcred priestesses S,chumaker is supply pastor on the following an extended illness. I1937 ChevliO:et 1;-S ton PickUp, 01 Deliphi. . Schuyler cha:'ige at present. Mrg. B,'eal was born a,nd reared J

good tr:es. From the customs which prevall- in WaHenbo;,o, S. C. She was anBRUGE-DOR[EU.ER ~O':~R "0. \ed in some places of c:uwninr; Home Club Meets l'letive rnemfber of the ~cottsvil1e

scottsvIlle, Vlrgml'l the young doctors in physics with The monthly meeting of the Pal~ Barntist Church f<?r 56 years. IPhone 39 llaurel herry (hacca lauri) the stu- myra ~Home Demonstration Club Besides her husband, she is sur I


-dents were called bacca laureate, was held Tuesday at Miss Kathe~ \ vived iby f"Our daughters,. MrR. F'Ior bachelors. ine Omohundro's office. The prtJo A; Talley of Richmond. MIS.';Hel- IFlower Show The Poet'·s ,crown was always gram was the seC'nn~ in a series en V. Be,al, of Scottsvi.}le, andformed of laurel. on the suhject of Indoor and Out- \ Mrs. H. M, !Spence: and Mrs. Ho~

(Continued from page one) door storage. mer Ch~avac·ci. both of Charlot-" Sml"th N,amed IDuring a brief business segsio!'" tesville, and four sons, Robert Leerangement (accessories permitted) Mrs. Cecil Bell was appointed D~~ Beal, of Roanoke, Fred H. BealClass- 2.3 _ !S'Pring arrangement fense Chairman and M:s. Henry I and Olifford V. Beal ,both of Rich-for a Shut-in Garden Club Delegate McGehee was ruppointed Citizen- I mond, and Kenneth w. Beal, ofClass 24 _ Boutonniere fb:' lady or ship Chfl.irman. ~Cha.rlotteSVille. There are eightm~n I Miss Omohundro gave an inter- grandchild:iem.Class 25 _ Arrangement far "My The Fluvanna Garden ClUb held report 'On the convention ot . The funeral was held at 4 0'_Lady's Boudoir" (Open only to itc: rP'g"nlar mpl.tin ......on Thursday the Virginia H-ome Economics As~ clock Wednesday afternoon fromh;gh school students) afternoon, March 20, at the home sociation. The theme stressed was the home and interment followedClass 26 _ Specimen Narcissus of Mrs. F. A. Crockett in F0rk "'F3!mily and Hom;, The Head of Iin the PreSbyterian Cemetery fn(RPe notes 8 & 9) Union with Mrs. J. H. Yeatman Democracy." I scott.sville.Chss 27 _ Speciomen Flowering as co-hostess. Miss Ontohundro Sho'\'led slidesShrub -Mrs. William J. Smitll, J-. Pres- i .pertaining to indoo:" stol"'

Division V-Potted Plants ident, 'Wtasse-Ie'Ctedas delegate to ; spaces.(]V(rl'l.R. B. Hol1Jerton, Chai:lffian the state meeting to be held May I' Mrs. Mered,ith Minter and Mrs. I Mra. Frances Luci1le Cain, wifeDivision V) 13, 14, and ]5 at The Chamber· C. S. Duncan 'were. ho,gtesses and of Byron B. Cain~ USMC, who re-Cl~ss 28-African violets~blue or lain Hotel, Old Point Comfort, Vir- served strarw.berry lce cream and \ sides at "Elm Hill' on the Scotts-purple g-inia, with Mrs. H. M. Bransford, 'home-made angel food cake I

Class 29 - African violets~pink State Chairman of Junior Garden Th -f 1'1" -..".------------------ '\Class 30 - African violets-white Club of Piedmont District as' alter- ( ·0 oWIng c'an now go out:Division VI-Education-al Display nate. lr:'Unharnessed Forces of Conser~ The club voted to place a benrh D 1 h" " S dr "b d Ivution" (By Junio,' Garden Clubs) With a bronze plaque, ca,rying e p IDlum, nap', agons m .u " I

~~~i~n~~:L~~~~~gi:e;i~:~;e ~~,~;:,.t~Columbine, Sweet William and Larkspur" Iof the mill stone that had been r

s,,~~~;~:~~s for the fl<>wershow, Cabbages, Southern and Home-grewn"Flowers on Parade" which will now ready"be held on April 9, were distribut-

::;;~la~~il~,,,~~~ne,;::, g~~e th: ' Vegetable Plants In Seasonmost interesting and informative FOB Gr nh etaH, on "Wild Flowers", She ex- . " "" ee oushibited many pressed sl;lecimensof her own during the talk.

The ref:reshments were deliciousand decorations in which the

, sh~mro(}ks and sta~'S were fe~tur-


ed lent a most delightfUl touch of"The Irish" to the occasion.

\. Labor Day is the only nationalholiday recognized ,by Ctmgres~sionarl action, -.;;.



W, R. PITTSPhone 55



SOAP ,!1




yAJ,DPY .. ODUCTS FOil AMtlllCA AIl: CIl.AnD IN I!NGLANO AND f1MJ ... m ...e.I;A. noM THII OJllOINAl ENGLISH fOIlMULAE!.CONBDlJHO fMPOIlTIJ) AND o<NatftC ............... -~

BRUCE'S DRUG STOREScottsvill e Phone 34

Plymouth 2 Dr" Deluxe-BeaterChevrolet 4 Dr., Fleetmaster - Radio &:HeaterStudebaker Coupe--Champion, R&HC1}evrolet 2 Dr. Fleetmaster - Radio &Heater

1942 Chevrolet Sport Coupe, Sp. Deluxe, Heater1941 Plymouth 4 Dr. special Deluxe1939 Ford 2-dr., S cy\., Heater1938 Chevrolet-4 Dr.-Rough1936 Plymouth-2 Dr.-Rough1936 Chevrolet 2 Dr.

TRUCKS1950 Chevrolet 3-4 Ton Pickup-9000 miles1949 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery-Heater1948' Ford 3-4 ton Pickup, H1947 Studebake}' 1 1,2 Ton S.W.B., 2 speed-

Good Tjres1947 Dodge Dump 1

Tires1946 Ford 1-2 Ton Panel1942 Ford 1 1-2 T. Flat1939 Chevrolet 1 1-2 Ton

1\1 ~~!T~CHEVROL~TS~m~£I SALES gC!li' ;ERVICE-----.,.-------.-.:...- -~-_:....-:.=:.:..-..-.:..=:=-~

19501948Mrs, Bryon B. Cain


PLEASE' Excess Postage RetuiTIed

1-2 Ton, 2 speed - Good

'. I

Annual Ea51er Sll=al Appeal.

Amherst, Va.

Thousal'lds and thousond~ of Q'lppl~d

children look to you for h~lp ell Eo"'"

J. J. Ambler,lime. rhe proper core now will help

them stand on their own and grow

up .trong. $0 kind" u hond, won',

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