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HS10237 최최최 HS10204 최최최 Globalization and The Clash of Civilizations

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Post on 25-May-2015




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HS10237 최정민HS10204 김소연

Globalization and

The Clash of Civilizations

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The process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global network of political ideas through communication, transporta-tion, and trade.


Definition of Globalization

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Examples of Globalization

Blending of Cultures

Foreign Companies

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Positive Effects of Globalization


•Compa-nies compete in a global scale

•Prices fall and qual-ities rise


•Compa-nies look to-ward other countries when manufac-tur-ing goods

•Ben-efits both compa-nies and de-veloping countries


•The me-dia deals with global is-sues

•Han-dles is-sues such as hu-man rights, law, poli-cies etc. on a global scale

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Negative Effects of Globaliza-tion


•Competition for jobs rises


•Most of the profits go to the rich


•Negative aspects of foreign culture are spread to other countries


•Diseases reach foreign countries

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When did globalization begin?

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Theory 1

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Was its largest at around 1279 Reached 9,700 km in length and was

34,000,000 square km in size. Had a population of 100 million peo-

ple Under the Mongols, new technologies

and ideologies were shared in Eurasia through the Silk Road

The Mongol Empire

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Theory 2

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Discovery of the New World

Christopher Columbus started his voyage and discovered America in 1492

With this discovery, Columbus created a trade route between continents and started a long history of west-ern colonization.

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In 2002, Kevin O’Rourke and Jeffrey G. Williamson created a theory that the start of globalization would match the period that the prices of goods in different countries became similar due to being affected by global supply and demand

Their theory stated that globalization started around the 1820’s

Theory 3: Convergence of Prices

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Discussion Time

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While civilization refers to the society in its whole or the technological ad-vancements that the society has achieved, culture refers to the ways of life or psychological aspects that separate the people of that society from others

Civilization VS. Cul-ture

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The Clash of Civilizations

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The Theory

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The Theory

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1. Western VS. Islamic2. Western VS. Sinic3. Orthodox VS. Sinic and Islam

Examples of Clashes

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The contrasting opinions between Is-lamic states and the West on Lybia Is-sues

U.S. bombing of Baghdad and the Iraq War

Problems between Palestine and Israel 9/11 terrorist attacks

Western VS. Islamic

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Vienna Human Rights Conference be-tween the West and Confucian states rejecting "Western universalism

China’s nuclear experiments despite US protests

China selling missiles to Pakistan

Western VS. Sinic

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Russia talking about the ‘Threat from the South’

The continued fighting in central Asia between Russian troops and Mu-jahidin guerrillas

Orthodox VS. Sinic and Islam

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As globalization progressed, a need for a paradigm to define the post-cold war era emerged

One of those paradigms is the Clash of Civilizations theory.


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The Emergence of a Universal Civi-lization

The Co-Existence of Civilizations by Harold Müller

Other Paradigms in the 21st Century

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The idea that the Western Civilization will become mainstream and will have the other civilizations under it

Less people believe it today than in the past

The Emergence of a Uni-versal Civilization

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The Co-Existence of Civiliza-tions

In the future, civi-lizations will coop-erate to get the world moving

This theory was created while criti-cizing the Clash of Civilizations

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Views the world in Black and White thinking

Ex) West vs. Non-west, Islamic vs. Non-Islamic

The Flaws of Hunting-ton

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21 of the 31 clashes between civiliza-tions is between Islam and Non-Islam countries

All clashes need an opponent; among the 62 civilizations that clashed, 21 are Islamic

The Flaws of Huntington

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Q1: What is the difference between civilization and culture?

Q2: Explain the Clash of Civilizations and give your own example.

Q3: What is the reason the Clash of Civilizations is so famous?