( 1 ) t(6th sm.)-political sc.-g cbcs 2021

( 1 ) T(6th Sm.)-Political Sc.-G/(DSE-B-1)/CBCS 2021 POLITICAL SCIENCE — GENERAL Paper : DSE-B-1 (Feminism : Theory and Practice) Full Marks : 65 Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. ‘A Vindication of the Rights of Women’ ‘The Feminine Mystique’ ‘Protection of Women from Domestic Violence’ Committee on the Status of Women in India Please Turn Over

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Page 1: ( 1 ) T(6th Sm.)-Political Sc.-G CBCS 2021

( 1 ) T(6th Sm.)-Political Sc.-G/(DSE-B-1)/CBCS



(Feminism : Theory and Practice)

Full Marks : 65

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own wordsas far as practicable.

‘A Vindication of the Rights of Women’

‘The Feminine Mystique’

‘Protection of Women from Domestic Violence’

Committee on the Status of Women in India

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( 2 )T(6th Sm.)-Political Sc.-G/(DSE-B-1)/CBCS

[ English Version ]

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

1. Answer the following questions (each in a single sentence) : 1×15

(a) What is the difference between productive and reproductive labour?

(b) Write any one cause of the survival of Patriarchy.

(c) Mention one major demand of ‘first wave’ feminism.

(d) Who wrote ‘A Vindication of the Rights of Women’?

(e) Who wrote ‘The Feminine Mystique’?

(f) What is the main point of opposition of the Radical Feminists against the Marxist Feminism?

(g) Mention the central idea of Socialist Feminism.

(h) Who was Kate Millett?

(i) What is the ‘second wave’ of feminism?

(j) When and where was the Fourth World Conference on Women held?

(k) Name any two women leaders of the Indian national movement.

(l) Name any one of the prominent Indian Eco-feminist writer.

(m) When was the Hindu Code Bill passed?

(n) When was the ‘Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act’ passed?

(o) Name two members of the Committee on Status of Women in India (1974).

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( 3 ) T(6th Sm.)-Political Sc.-G/(DSE-B-1)/CBCS

Module - 1

2. Answer any one question (within 100 words) : 10×1

(a) Briefly discuss the relationship between biological sex and the cultural construction of gender.

(b) Discuss the differences between Liberal and Marxist Feminism.

3. Answer any one question (within 500 words) : 15×1

(a) “Feminism reveals the expression of Patriarchy”– Explain the statement.

(b) Discuss, in brief, the context of the emergence and main agenda of the Radical Feminist approach.

Module - 2

4. Answer any one question (within 100 words) : 10×1

(a) What are the major criticisms of the feminists against traditional historiography?

(b) Write a note on the Right to Property of women in Indian context.

5. Answer any one question (within 500 words) : 15×1

(a) Identify the major spaces of discrimination against women in the Indian family system.

(b) Analyse the courses of women’s movement in India after 1970.

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( 1 ) T(6th Sm.)-Political Sc.-G/(DSE-B-2)/CBCS



(Human Rights : Theory and Indian Context)

Full Marks : 65

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own wordsas far as practicable.


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( 2 )T(6th Sm.)-Political Sc.-G/(DSE-B-2)/CBCS

[ English Version ]

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

1. Answer the following questions (each in a single sentence) : 1×15

(a) What do you mean by human rights?

(b) Mention two milestones in the development of Human Rights.

(c) Which day is observed as the International Human Rights Day?

(d) In which year Magna Carta was accepted in England?

(e) In which year the UN Declaration on the abolition of discrimination against women was adopted?

(f) Write one reason for the failure of the UN in protection of Human Rights.

(g) Mention two rights stated in the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

(h) Write one purpose of the UNICEF.

(i) What is Vienna Declaration?

(j) Who is regarded as Father of Human Rights?

(k) Write down the Article 32 of the Indian Constitution.

(l) In which year National Human Rights Commission was established?

(m) Mention one law which was enacted for protection of human rights of women in India.

(n) What is the number of members of the National Human Rights Commission?

(o) Who appoints the members to State Human Rights Commission?

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( 3 ) T(6th Sm.)-Political Sc.-G/(DSE-B-2)/CBCS

Module - 1

2. Answer any one question (within 100 words) : 10×1

(a) Give an outline of the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights.

(b) What was the major content of the Vienna Declaration?

3. Answer any one question (within 500 words) : 15×1

(a) Discuss the evolution of human rights in the history of human civilisation.

(b) Discuss the role of the United Nations in the protection of human rights in the world.

Module - 2

4. Answer any one question (within 100 words) : 10×1

(a) Discuss the significance of the Fundamental Rights of the Indian Constitution.

(b) Discuss the composition and functions of the State Human Rights Commission.

5. Answer any one question (within 500 words) :

(a) Discuss the functions and role of the National Human Rights Commission. 8+7

(b) Identify the major problems related to human rights in India and discuss the remedies. 8+7