წლიური ანგარიში 2013

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წლიური ანგარიში 2013


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მისამართი: ჯ. კახიძის ქ. N 15,

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saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoeba


wliuri angariSiANNUAL REPORT 2013

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medea marRania-avaliani saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebis

generaluri mdivani

naTia lolaZe saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebis prezidenti

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95 weli TqvenTan erTad!

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1918 weli - saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebis dafuZneba;1923 weli - saqarTvelos wiTeli jvari wyvets damoukidebel arse-bobas da xdeba sabWoTa kavSiris wiTeli jvrisa da wiTeli naxevar-mTvaris sazogadoebebis aliansis wevri;1993 weli - saqarTvelos parla-mentma moaxdina 1949 wlis Jenevis konvenciebis ratifikacia;1995 weli - saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebam ganaaxla ar-seboba, rogorc damoukidebelma organizaciam;1997 wlis 2 oqtomberi - saqarTve-los parlamentis mier miRebuli iqna saqarTvelos kanoni „wiTeli jvrisa da wiTeli naxevarmTvaris emblemebisa da saxelwodebebis Ses-axeb“;1997 wlis 16 oqtomberi - miRebuli iqna kanoni „saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebis Sesaxeb“;1997 wlis 20 noemberi - saqarTve-los wiTeli jvris sazogadoeba gaxda wiTeli jvrisa da wiTeli nax-evarmTvaris sazogadoebebis saer-TaSoriso federaciis wevri;2008 weli - swjs-sa da tuberku-lozisa da filtvis daavadebaTa eronuli centrs Soris gaformda memorandumi urTierTTanamSrom-lobis Sesaxeb;2008 weli - swjs gaxda „zianis Sem-cirebis saqarTvelos qselis“ wev-ri;2008 wlis agvisto - gamoica saqa-rTvelos prezidentis #415 brZanebuleba da saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebas mieniWa sagangebo roli, romlis Tanaxmad igi axorcielebs sagangebo situ-aciebis Sedegebis salikvidacio samuSaoebSi Cabmuli arasamTavro-bo organizaciebis moqmedebebis organizebas saqarTvelos Sinagan saqmeTa saministros sagangebo situaciebis marTvis departamen-tis koordinaciiT.

xedvasaqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazoga-doeba zrunavs da orientirebulia adamianTa tanjvis Semsubuqebaze da siRaribisgan, Zaladobisa da mc-dari Sexedulebebisgan Tavisufali garemos Seqmnis xelSewyobaze.

misiasicocxlisa da Rirsebis dacvis mizniT davexmaroT umweo adami-anebs sagangebo situaciebiTa da socialur-ekonomikuri krizisiT gamowveuli Sedegebis daZlevaSi.

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wiTeli jvris da wiTelinaxevarmTvarissaerTaSoriso moZraobis fuZemdebluri principebi

saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebisfilialebi (36)

Tbilisi, baTumi, quTaisi, saCxere, baRdaTi, Telavi, sagarejo,

ozurgeTi, senaki, Cxorowyu, mestia, rusTavi, gardabani, bolnisi,

marneuli, TianeTi, gori, qareli, qurTa, axalcixe, axmeta, lagodexi,

xaragauli, TeTriwyaro, dmanisi, zugdidi, oni, ambrolauri, cageri,

duSeTi, WiaTura, zestafoni, lanCxuTi, tyibuli, xulo, yvareli.

humanurobamiukerZoebloba neitraluroba damoukideblobanebayoflobiTobaerTobauniversaluroba

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katastrofebis marTva.............................................................................................10katastrofebis dros institucionaluri mzadyofna da efeqturi sa-koordinacio meqanizmebis SemuSaveba...................................................................Temze dafuZnebuli katastrofebis prevencia, mzadyofna, reagireba/katastrofebis riskis Semcireba........................................................................10sagangebo situaciebis saojaxo gegma...............................................................13mimRebi centrebi TbilisSi, quTaissa da senakSi..........................................13mowyvladobisa da SesaZleblobebis Sefaseba................................................15klimaturi forumi aRmosavleTSi......................................................................17

jandacva da socialuri mxardaWera..................................................................19sisxlis nebayoflobiTi uangaro donaciis propaganda............................20rezistentuli tuberkulozis kontroli......................................................23 Temze dafuZnebuli jandacva da pirveli daxmareba..................................25pirveli daxmarebis strategia 2012-2016ww......................................................25fsiqosocialuri daxmareba...................................................................................27daucveli jgufebis socialuri mxardaWera maTTvis erToblivi ser-visebis, socialuri strategiebisa da momsaxurebebis ganviTarebiT saqarTveloSi..............................................................................................................27

komunikacia da sazogadoebasTan urTierToba.............................................31TanamSromloba mediasTan......................................................................................32

organizaciuli ganviTareba..................................................................................36axalgazrduli samsaxuri da moxaliseoba.......................................................37samarTlebrivi bazis srulyofa..........................................................................41ugzo-ukvlod dakargul pirTa gardacvalebiswinare (ante-mortem) monacemebis (amm) Segroveba...................................................................................41ojaxuri kavSirebis aRdgena (oka)......................................................................42usafrTxo xelmisawvdomoba..................................................................................43resursebis mobilizeba...........................................................................................47 filialebis ganviTareba.........................................................................................50safinanso angariSi....................................................................................................50

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ilobriv xelisuflebasTan, ise katastrofebis marTvis sferoSi qveyanaSi moqmed arasamTavrobo organizaciebTan. regularulad tardeboda Sexvedrebi saxelmwifo struqturebTan da arasamTavrobo seqtorTan katastrofebis riske-bis Semcirebis, mzadyofnisa da reagirebis Sesaxeb gamocdilebis da codnis urTierTgaziarebisa da efeqturi sakoordinacio meqa-nizmebis SemuSavebis mizniT.

institucionaluri Sesa-Zleblobebis gaumjobeseba centralur da adgilobriv doneze katastrofebis marT-vis efeqturi sistemis da-fuZnebis mizniT

erovnulma sazogadoebam gadad-ga aqtiuri nabijebi sakuTari makoordinirebeli rolis Ses-rulebis mimarTulebiT, rac mas

katastrofebis marTva

strategiuli mizani 1 – katastrofebisTvis efeqtu-ri mzadeba/mzadyofnisa da reagirebis mizniT ufro us-afrTxo Temebis ganviTareba da aRdgeniTi meqanizmebis gaZliereba.

katastrofebis dros insti-tucionaluri mzadyofna da efeqturi sakoordinacio meqanizmebis SemuSaveba

2013 wels katastrofebis dros institucionaluri mzadyofnisa da efeqturi koordinaciis mizniT gaRrmavda saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebis TanamSrom-loba rogorc centralur da adg-

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dakisrebuli aqvs „bunebrivi da teqnogenuri xasiaTis sagangebo situaciebze erovnuli reagirebis gegmis damtkicebis Sesaxeb“ saqa rTvelos prezidentis 2008 wlis N415 brZanebulebiT, romlis mi-zans warmoadgens katastrofebis marTvis sferoSi CarTuli arasam-Tavrobo seqtoris koordinaciis gaZliereba. saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebis organizebiT gamarTul SexvedrebSi monawil-eobas iRebda sami samTavrobo da ocamde saerTaSoriso da adgilo-brivi arasamTavrobo organizacia. imarTeboda Sexvedrebi katastro-febis marTvis sferoSi moRvawe iseT organizaciebTan, rogoricaa ECHO, OXFAM, UNICEF, ACF, Save the Children, daniis wiTeli jvari, avst-riis wiTeli jvari da sxva. am Sexve-drebis mTavari mizani iyo infor-maciis, gamocdilebisa da ZiriTadi miRwevebis gaziareba, rac dadeb-iTad imoqmedebs organizaciuli unarebis da koordinirebis gaum-jobesebaze katastrofebis risk-is Semcirebis sferoSi. erovnuli sazogadoeba aqtiurad iyo Car-Tuli UNDP-s mier organizebul katastrofebis riskis Semcirebis samuSao SexvedrebSi, romelic periodulad tardeboda saangari-So wlis ganmavlobaSi.

treningebi katastrofebis marTvaSiorganizaciasTan „moZraoba SimS-ilis winaaRmdeg“ (ACF) gaforme-buli xelSekrulebis safuZvelze, saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazo-gadoebis katastrofebis marTvis departamentma, samegrelosa da zemo svaneTis skolebis maswav-leblebisaTvis Caatara treningi sagangebo situaciebis saojaxo gegmis Sesaxeb, romlis mizani iyo maswavleblebis daxmareba moswav-leebisTvis treningebis CatarebaSi

da maTi codnis amaRleba, raTa maT icodnen, Tu rogor gaxadon Tavi-anTi saxlebi ufro usafrTxo.

2013 wlis aprilSi swjs-is katastrofebis marTvis departa-mentis saTao ofisis TanamSrom-lebma wiTeli jvris saerTaSoriso komitetis TanamSromlebisTvis TbilisSi, gorsa da zugdidSi treningebi Caatara usafrTxoebis zomebis Sesaxeb miwisZvris Sedege-bis Sesamsubuqeblad.

regionuli da saorganizacio Sexvedrebi somxeTSiivnisSi erevanSi (somxeTi) Catarda regionuli samuSao Sexvedra koor-dinirebuli Sefasebebis Sesaxeb, romelic kavkasiisa da centraluri aziis regionuli samsaxuris (UN OCHA ROCCA) mier iyo organize-buli. SexvedraSi monawileobas iRebdnen gaeros saagentoebis, samTavrobo seqtoris (sagangebo situaciebis marTvis departamenti, garemos dacvisa da bunebrivi re-sursebis saministro, ganaTlebisa da mecnierebis saministro da sxv.) wiTeli jvrisa da wiTeli naxevar-mTvaris sazogadoebebi, CENN-isa da sxva arasamTavrobo organi-zaciebis warmomadgenlebi sami qveynidan (saqarTvelo, somxeTi da yirgizeTi).

maisSi katastrofebis riskis Sem-cirebis proeqtis farglebSi saorganizacio Sexvedra Catarda somxeTSi, romelsac saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebis, somx-eTis wiTeli jvris, daniis wiTeli jvris, wiTeli jvris saerTaSoriso komitetis, avstriis wiTeli jvrisa da wj/wn saerTaSoriso federaciis warmomadgenlebi eswrebodnen.

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krizisebis marTvis uwyebaTaSori-so operatiuli centris amoqmede-ba, romelic ganTavsebuli iyo saqa-rTvelos Tavdacvis saministros erovnul gvardiaSi, xolo Sinagan saqmeTa saministros specialu-ri da sagangebo RonisZiebebis centris sagangebo situaciebis marTvis departamentis samaSvelo momzadebisa da reagirebis sammarT-velos bazaze - savele operaciebis centri. swjs-is warmomadgenlebi aqtiur monawileobas iRebdnen rogorc krizisebis marTvis uwye-baTaSoriso operatiul centrSi, aseve savele operaciebis centrSi. varjiSis dasrulebis Semdeg swjs-is warmomadgeneli daajildoves ,,erTiani horizonti 2013’’ - Si gaweuli didi wvlilisa da aqtiuri monawileobisaTvis.

sameTauro-saStabo swavleba „didgori 2013“

2013 wlis seqtemberSi, saqarTve-los wiTeli jvris sazogadoebis katastrofebis marTvis departa-mentis warmomadgenelma monawil-eoba miiRo saqarTvelos Sinagan saqmeTa saministros mier organi-zebul sameTauro-saStabo swavle-baSi saxelwodebiT „didgori 2013“, romelic mimdinareobda saqarTve-los Tavdacvis saministros krwani-sis saswavlo centrSi.

swavlebis erT-erT mizans warmoad-genda sagangebo situaciebisa da saomari mdgomareobis dros sxva-dasxva saministroebisa da uwye-bebis erTiani da koordinirebuli muSaobis meqanizmis daxvewa. swav-lebis farglebSi, Sinagan saqmeTa saministros mier Seqmnili iyo krizisebis marTvis uwyebaTaSori-so operatiuli centri, romelSic gaerTianebulni iyvnen saministro-ebisa da wiTeli jvris sazogadoe-

uwyebaTaSoriso varjiSi ,,er-Tiani horizonti 2013’’

2013 wlis ivnisSi, swjs-is warmo-madgenlebma Sinagan saqmeTa samin-istros specialuri da sagangebo RonisZiebebis centris sagangebo situaciebis marTvis departa-mentSi uwyebaTaSoriso varjiSSi ,,erTiani horizonti 2013’’ miiRes monawileoba. aRniSnuli varjiSis mizans warmoadgenda „bunebrivi da teqnogenuri xasiaTis sagangebo situaciebze erovnuli reagirebis gegmis“ mixedviT, sagangebo situ-aciebis dros saministroebisa da uwyebebis erTiani da koordinire-buli muSaobis meqanizmis daxvewa. varjiSis Tanaorganizatori iyo saqarTvelos Tavdacvis saminis-tros erovnuli gvardia da masSi CarTulni iyvnen sxvadasxva saminis-troebisa da saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris warmomadgenlebi. varjiSi xorcieldeboda aSS-is jorjiis Statis erovnuli gvardiisa da ev-ropaSi aSS-is samxedro sardlobis mxardaWeriTa da dafinansebiT. var-jiSis dros gaTvaliswinebuli iyo

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bis warmomadgenlebi. aRniSnuli centri uzrunvelyofda Sedege-bis salikvidacio saqmianobebs da mosaxleobis dacvis RonisZiebebs simulaciuri farTomasStabiani sagangebo situaciebis dros, xolo saomari mdgomareobis dros - samo-qalaqo Tavdacvis RonisZiebebs.

Temze dafuZnebuli katastro-febis prevencia, mzadyofna, reagireba/katastrofebis riskis Semcireba

• katastrofebis Sesaxeb TemSi codnis amaRlebam SesaZlebloba misca Tems efeqturad imoqmedos katastrofebis dros;• wiTeli jvris adgilobriv organizaciebSi informaciis drou-li miwodebis da SesaZleblobaTa gazrdis Sedegad Semcirda adgilo-brivi Temis mowyvladoba sagange-bo situaciebis da katastrofebis SedegebTan mimarTebaSi.

2013 wels swjs-s katastrofebis marTvis departamenti axorcieleb-da katastrofebis riskis Semcire-bis sam proeqts: 1. „samxreT kavkasiaSi usafrTxo adgilobrivi Temebis ganviTare-bis regionuli programa“, romel-ic dafinansebulia evro komisiis mier da Tanadafinansebulia daniis wiTeli jvris, avstriis wiTeli jvris da islandiis wiTeli jvris mier wj/wn saerTaSoriso federa-ciasTan konsorciumSi; 2. ADA FRAMEWORK - usafrTxo da stabiluri Temebis Camoyalibeba; 3. „katastrofebisTvis mzadyofna da reagireba“, wiTeli jvris saer-TaSoriso komitetis mier Tanadaf-inansebuli proeqti. samive proeqtis farglebSi ganx-orcielebuli katastrofebis riskis Semcirebis proeqtis Sede-

gebis safuZvelze, Temis moxal-iseTa jgufebis raodenoba 8-mde gaizarda, gawvrTnil moxaliseTa raodenoba 240-mde, 6 mcire zomis samitigacio proeqtis Sedegad dacul iqna 8280 ojaxi. 160 maswav-lebeli gaiwvrTna katastrofebis riskis Semcirebis sferoSi, 79 sko-laSi moswavleebi CarTulni iyvnen sagangebo situaciebis saojaxo gegmis SemuSavebaSi, 7 skolaSi ki saevakuacio wvrTnebi gaimarTa.

sagangebo situaciebis sao-jaxo gegmaxuTdRiani axalgazrduli sazaf-xulo banaki moewyo ambrolauris, onis, cageris, lentexis, tyibulisa da saCxeris skolebis moswavlee-bisaTvis, romlebmac Seadgines sagangebo situaciebis saukeTeso saojaxo gegmebi. moswavleebs Cau-

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tardaT swavlebebi katastrofe-bis marTvaSi, pirvel daxmarebaSi, moewyo fsiqosocialuri Sexvedre-bi. gaimarTa kulturis saRamo, sadac banakis monawileebma Tavian-Ti kuTxeebis tradiciuli cekvebi, simRerebi da leqsebi warmoadgines. banakis mimdinareobisas axalgaz-rdebisTvis safexburTo turniri moewyo.

Temze dafuZnebuli kvlevebis Sedegad, raWa-leCxumisa da qve-mo svaneTis regionSi, tyibul-sa da saCxereSi, noemberSi Temis katastrofebis riskis Semcire-bis swavlebis aspeqtSi dadebiTi maCveneblebi SeiniSneboda. Temis wevrebis procentuli raodenoba, romlebic acxadebdnen, rom maT ician ra unda moimoqmedon bune-brivi katastrofis dros da ro-gor daexmaron sxvebs reagirebis dros, 23%-dan 72%-mde gaizarda, xolo im adamianebis raodenoba, romlebmac ician Tu sad unda wav-idnen evakuaciis SemTxvevaSi - 17%-dan 71%-s miaRwia. garda amisa, mniSvnelovnad gaizarda im Temis wevrebis raodenoba, romlebmac informacia miiRes katastrofebis riskis Semcirebis Sesaxeb, ZiriTa-dad saskolo programis meSveobiT. sagangebo situaciebis saojaxo gegmis SemuSavebaSi CarTuli ojax-ebidan 30%-ma katastrofebis risk-is Sesamcireblad TavianT saxlebSi cvlilebebi ganaxorciela.

inovaciuri katastrofebis riskis Semcirebis modeli, Temis moxal-iseTa gundebis Seqmna, riskebis Ses-axeb sazogadoebis codnis amaRle-ba, skolis saevakuacio varjiSebis mxardaWera, simulaciuri varjiSe-bis Catareba da Temze dafuZnebu-li samitigacio mcire proeqtebis mxardaWera kargad iyo integri-rebuli erovnuli sazogadoebis

strategiul gegmebSi.

mimRebi centrebi TbilisSi, quTaissa da senakSi„katastrofebisTvis mzadyofnisa da reagirebis“ proeqtis fargleb-Si TbilisSi, gorSi, quTaissa da senakSi mimRebi centrebi Camoyal-ibda, romelTa mizania katastro-fis dadgomidan 72 saaTis ganmav-lobaSi dazaralebulebis miReba da daxmarebis aRmoCena (mag. pirveli daxmareba, fsiqosocialuri dax-mareba, ojaxuri kavSirebis aRdgena da sxv.) samizne TemebSi Sexvedre-bi gaimarTa adgilobriv xelisu-flebasTan da sxva dainteresebul pirebTan proeqtebis saqmianobebis gaziarebis mizniT.

erovnuli da regionuli masme-diis warmomadgenlebi aqtiurad aSuqebdnen swjs-is katastrofebis marTvis saqmianobebs televiziisa da Jurnal-gazeTebis meSveobiT.

programebis institucionalizaci-is Semdgomi maCvenebelia 8 samizne TemSi (aRmosavleT da dasavleT saqarTveloSi) Temis katastrofe-bisTvis mzadyofnisa da reagirebis gegmebis SemuSaveba.

sazogadoebis codnis ama-Rleba katastrofebis riskis Semcirebasa da klimatur cvl-ilebebTan adaptaciis sakiTx-ebSisazogadoebis codnis amaRleba katastrofebis riskis Semcire-basa da klimatur cvlilebebTan adaptaciis sakiTxebSi sxvadasxva gziT xorcieldeboda:• erovnuli da regionuli media kampaniebi da katastrofebis riskis Semcirebis saqmianobebis (mag. simulaciuri varjiSebi) ga-Suqeba;• skolebSi formaluri da ara-

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katastrofebis marTvis proeqteb-ma xeli Seuwyves da gaaZlieres regionul da adgilobriv xelisu-flebasTan da sxva dainteresebul mxareebTan koordinacia da TanamS-romloba katastrofebis riskis Semcirebis saqmianobebSi CarTvi-Ta da codnis amaRlebiT. amJamad, wiTeli jvris sazogadoeba dafase-bulia da miRebulia xelisuflebis mier da Riaa Semdgomi TanamSrom-lobisaTvis.

mowyvladobisa da Sesa-Zleblobebis Sefaseba8 samizne TemSi Temis moxaliseebma mowyvladobisa da SesaZleblobebis Sefaseba Caatares. Sefasebis safuZ-velze ganxorcielebulma samitiga-

formaluri ganaTleba;• sagangebo situaciebis sao-jaxo gegmebis SemuSaveba;• skolis saevakuacio varjiSe-bi; • mowyvladobisa da Sesa-Zleblobebis Sefaseba, samitigacio mcire proeqtebi da sxv.

programebma samizne TemebSi adgi-lobrivi samoqalaqo sazogadoebis gaaqtiurebas Seuwyo xeli, rac ganpirobebuli iyo katastrofebis riskis Semcirebis sakiTxiT dain-teresebiTa da imis dadasture-biT, rom resursebis nakleboba ar niSnavs imas, rom maT ar SeuZliaT ukeTesad moemzadon, daicvan Tavi da gaxdnen naklebad mowyvladebi bunebrivi katastrofebis mimarT.

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cio proeqtebma Temis mosaxleobis umravlesobas sargebeli moutana.

4 arsebuli da 8 axali Temis mox-aliseebis gundi Semdeg sakiTx-ebSi gaiwvrTna: wiTeli jvrisa da wiTeli naxevarmTvaris principebi, katastrofebis marTva, samaSvelo/saxanZro saqmianobebi, pirvel dax-mareba, fsiqosocialuri daxmare-ba, ojaxuri kavSirebis aRdgena, komunikacia sagangebo situaciis dros, klimatur cvlilebebTan adaptacia, mowyvladobisa da Sesa-Zleblobebis Sefaseba, proeqtebis wera da sxv. katastrofebis marT-vis departamentma Temis moxalisee-bi standartuli damcavi saSuale-bebiT aRWurva. 10-ma Temis moxaliseTa gundma samaSvelo/saxanZro brigadebTan, adgilobriv xelisuflebasTan,

saswrafo daxmarebis razmTan, sa-gangebo situaciebis Sinagan saqme-Ta marTvis departamentTan da sxva dainteresebul pirebTan erTad municipalitetis reagirebis gegmis amoqmedebasTan dakavSirebul simu-laciur varjiSebSi miiRo.

katastrofebis marTvis pro-gramebis farglebSi SemuSavda da gavrcelda sainformacio da sagan-manaTleblo masala.

stiqiuri ubedurebis Sedegad dazaralebuli ojaxebis dax-mareba2013 wels swjs-is katastrofe-bis marTvis departamentma, wj/wn sazogadoebebis saerTaSoriso federaciis katastrofebis Se-degebis salikvidacio sagangebo fondidan (DREF) miRebuli TanxiT humanitaruli daxmareba gauwia

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rogorc dasavleT, ise aRmosavleT saqarTveloSi Zlieri wvimisgan da qarisgan dazaralebul 5 000 meti ojaxs (TiTo ojaxze gaica ori leibi, ori sabani, ori higienuri amanaTi da erTi samzareulo nakre-bi). dazaralebuli ojaxebis iden-tificireba da maTi saWiroebebis gansazRvra moxda Sefasebebis sa-fuZvelze, romelic swjs-is TanamS-romlebma da moxaliseebma Caatares dazaralebul municipalitetebSi adgilobriv xelisuflebasTan koordinirebiT. humanitaruli daxmarebis darigebis procesSi aqtiurad iyvnen CarTulni swjs-is TanamSromlebi da moxaliseebi, adgilobrivi mTavrobis warmomad-genlebi, adgilobrivi mosaxleoba, wj/wn sazogadoebaTa saerTaSoriso federaciisa da wiTeli jvris saer-TaSoriso komitetis warmomadgen-lebi.

„klimatis forumi aRmosav-leTSi“saqarTvelos wiTelma jvarma safuZveli Cauyara samoqalaqo sazogadoebaTa qsels sxvadasxva arasamTavro organizaciebTan da eqspertTan erTad klimatis cvl-ilebasTan adaptaciis sferoSi. garemos dacvis, humanitaruli, jandacvisa da soflis meurneo-bis seqtoris warmomadgenlebi

regularulad marTaven samuSao Sexvedrebs, raTa ganixilon iseTi problema, rogoricaa klimatis cvlilebaze reagireba saqarTve-loSi. proeqtis mTavari mizania, samoqalaqo sazogadoebis organi-zaciebis unarianobis Camoyalibeba da ganviTareba adgilobriv xeli-suflebasTan, evrokavSiris insti-tuciebTan da saerTaSoriso orga-nizaciebTan politikur dialogSi monawileobis misaRebad klima-tur cvlilebebTan dakavSirebul sakiTxebSi. 2013 wels ianvarSi saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebam dai-wyo proeqtis “klimatis forumi aRmosavleTSi” ganxorcieleba. regionul proeqts koordinacias uwevs avstriis wiTeli jvari da mas axorcieleben Semdegi partniore-bi: saqarTvelos wiTeli jvaris sazogadoeba, azerbaijanis wiTeli naxevarmTvare, somxeTis wiTeli jvari, belorusiis wiTeli jvari, ukrainis nacionaluri ekologiuri centri da ekospeqtru (moldova). proeqti dafinansebulia evroka-vSiris mier; Tanadamfinanseblebi arian avstriis ganviTarebis saa-gento, avstriis wiTeli jvari da bunebis msoflio fondi.

Sexvedrebi regionis doneze:

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regionuli samuSao Sexvedra bakurianSi18-22 Tebervals daba bakurianSi Catarda regionuli samuSao Sexve-dra, sadac proeqtis prezentacia gaimarTa. Sexvedraze ganxiluli iqna proeqtis samuSao gegma, daige-gma regionuli Sexvedrebi da Seiqm-na proeqtis samuSao gundi.

regionuli samuSao Sexvedra daba CaqvSi8-9 ivliss daba CaqvSi Catarda meore regionuli samuSao Sexvedra Temaze „klimatis mowyvladobis Se-fasebis meTodologia“. Sexvedris mTavari mizani iyo mowyvladobis SefasebaTa avtorebis Sexvedra samoqalaqo sazogadoebaTa qse-lis eqvsi qveynis wevrebTan, raTa ganxiluliyo saukeTeso midgoma erovnuli angariSis SemuSavebis procesisTvis.

samuSao Sexvedra ukrainaSi 7-8 oqtombers ukrainaSi, kerZod odesaSi Catarda mesame samuSao Sexvedra (treningi) Temaze - efeq-turi advokatireba da sakomu-nikacio strategiebi, romelSic monawileoba miiRes eqvsi qveynis erovnuli qselis proeqtis gun-debma da komunikaciis eqspertebma. Sexvedraze xazi gaesva erovnul advokatirebas, rogorc mTavar prioritets.

regionuli samuSao Sexvedra TbilisSi11 dekembers Catarda morigi samuSao Sexvedra proeqtis „kli-matis forumi aRmosavleTSi“ far-glebSi. samuSao Sexvedris mizani iyo aRniSnul qveynebSi erovnuli qselis wevrebs Soris proeqtis farglebSi samuSaoebis Sesrulebis procesis mimdinareobis da moma-vali gegmebis ganxilva.

Sexvedrebi adgilobriv do-neze22 marts q. TbilisSi gaimarTa proeqtis prezentacia „klimatis forumi aRmosavleTSi“, sadac monawileoba miiRes samoqalaqo sazogadoebaTa qselis sxvadasxva wevrebma, iseve rogorc samTav-robo institutebma, romlebic klimatis cvlilebis sferoSi moR-vaweoben. Sexvedris mTavari mizani iyo samoqalaqo seqtorisTvis da saxelmwifo instituciebisTvis/kompaniebisTvis proeqtis Sesaxeb informaciis miwodeba da samomav-lo TanamSromlobaze SeTanxmeba.20 maiss swjs-m Caatara samuSao Sexvedra, sadac mowveuli iyo saqarTvelos garemos dacvisa da bunebrivi resursebis saministros warmomadgeneli q-ni medea inaSvi-li, romelic fasilitacias uwev-da aRniSnul Sexvedras. Sexvedras agreTve eswrebodnen swjs-s Ta-

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namSromlebi, moxaliseebi da sxva dainteresebuli pirebi. ganxilul iqna Semdegi sakiTxebi: globaluri daTboba, klimaturi cvlilebebis fenomeni, klimaturi cvlilebebis gavlena da klimatur cvlile-bebTan adaptacia, rogorc msofli-oSi, aseve konkretulad saqarTve-loSi. 18 ivniss swjs-m Caatara samuSao Sexvedra, romlis mTavari mizani iyo partnior organizaciebTan erTad konkretuli mimarTule-bebis ganxilva saqarTvelos erovnuli klimaturi cvlilebebis farglebSi. amave Sexvedraze swjs katastrofebis marTvisa da jan-dacvis departamentebis warmomad-genlebma gaakeTes prezentaciebi katastrofebis mimarT saqarTve-los mowyvladobasa da klimaturi cvlilebebis janmrTelobaze gav-lenis Sesaxeb. 20 noembers, swjs-m Caatara samuSao Sexvedra, romlic mTa-vari mizani iyo partniori orga-nizaciebis warmomadgenlebTan biomravalferovnebisa da klimatis cvlilebas adaptaciasTan daka-vSirebuli sakiTxebis ganxilva. Sexvedras eswrebodnen wiTeli jvrisa da wiTeli naxevarmTvaris klimaturi centris teqnikuri mrCeveli luiza vitloki, iseve rogorc sxvadasxva organizaciebis warmomadgenlebi. Sexvedraze ganx-iluli iyo biomravalferovneba da masTan dakavSirebuli riskebi. garda amisa, aRniSnuli proeqtis koordinatorma isaubra proeqtis farglebSi ganxorcielebuli da momavali saqmianobebis Sesaxeb.

klimaturi cvlilebebis wi-naaRmdeg brZolaswjs-is organizebiT, Tbilisis zooparkSi klimatis cvlilebTan brZolis dRe aRiniSna. aqcia miznad isaxavda informaciis gavrcele-

bas klimaturi cvlilebebis wi-naaRmdeg brZolis, florisa da faunis gafrTxilebis da aseve garemos dacvis Sesaxeb. wiTeli jvris moxaliseebma zooparkis teritoriaze gaavrceles sain-formacio bukletebi, Seqmnes kreatiuli naxatebi da gamarTes gamofena. gamofenaze warmodge-nili iyo cxovelTa is saxeobebi, romelTac klimaturi cvlilebebis gamo gadaSeneba emuqrebaT. dRis bolos zooparkSi gaimarTa disku-sia Temaze “klimatis cvlilebis sawinaaRmdego ra zomebis miRebaa SesaZlebeli sazogadoebis mxri-dan”. diskusiaSi aqtiurad iyvnen CarTulni rogorc swjs-is moxal-iseebi, aseve is axalgazrdebi, rom-lebic moxaliseoben zooparkSi; maT agreTve SeuerTnen rigiTi mo-qalaqeebi, romlebic dRis manZil-ze wiTeli jvris mier darigebul informaciul broSurebs gaecnen.

jandacva da socialuri mxardaWera

strategiuli mizani 2 – Temis medegobis gaZliereba katastrofebTan, konfliqtur da krizisul situaciebTan, yoveldRiur ubedur SemTx-vevebTan, daavadebebTan da epidemiebTan ukeT gamklave-bis mizniT.aiv/Sidsis gavrcelebasa da stigmasTan brZola axalgaz-rdebTan prevenciuli saqmi-anobebisa da narkotikebis ineqciuri gziT momxmare-blebTan zianis Semcirebis aqtivobebis ganxorcielebiTqveyanaSi arsebuli situaciidan gamomdinare, 2009 wlis oqtombri-

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dan dRemde italiis wiTeli jvris mxardaWeriT, swjs aiv/Sidsis gavrcelebis Sesamcireblad pro-eqts sami ZiriTadi mimarTulebiT axorcielebs:• codnis amaRleba axalgazr-debsa da narkotikebis momxmare-belTa Soris;• savele aqtivobebi narkotike-bis ineqciuri gziT momxmarebel-TaTvis (nigm) da• fsiqosocialuri daxmareba samizne nigm-TaTvis.

2013 wels sainformacio-saganmanaT-leblo saqmianoba ganxorcielda Tbilissa da 6 samizne regionSi (aWara, samegrelo, Sida qarTli, qvemo qarTli, raWa da svaneTi). sul Catarda 149 seminari 4 486 monawilesaTvis; aqedan, 65 seminari – swjs-is 1 128 moxalisisaTvis da 84 seminari _ sxvadasxva saswav-leblebis da universitetis 3 358 student-axalgazrdisaTvis. velze muSaobis dros damyarda kontaq-ti nigm-ebTan, moxda sainforma-cio-saganmanaTleblo masalis gavrceleba, Spricebis, kondomebis gadacema da nigm-is swjs-is ofisSi mozidva Semdgomi saganmanaTleb-lo-sareabilitacio samuSaos gan-saxorcieleblad da fsiqologiuri konsultaciis gasawevad. gaweuli samuSaoebis Sedegad, kontaqti damyarda 217 axal beneficiarTan, aqedan 117 nigmi mudmivad iRebda proeqtiT gaTvaliswinebul dax-marebas. proeqtis fsiqologe-bis mier Catarda 165 erTjeradi individualuri konsultacia da 30 jgufuri Sexvedra; agreTve, fsiqologiuri daxmareba gaewiaT beneficiarTa ojaxis wevrebs. 37 beneficiari regularulad iRebda individualur konsultacias.

SidsTan brZolis msoflio dRe

2013 wlis 1 dekembers swjs-m Caatara SidsTan brZolis msof-lio dRisadmi miZRvnili sajaro RonisZiebebi Tbilissa da 6 samizne regionSi. wiTeli jvris moxal-iseebma gaavrceles sainforma-cio-saganmanaTleblo masala sas-wavlo dawesebulebebTan, parkebSi da skverebSi.

TanamSromloba zianis Sem-cirebis sferoSiswjs-is zianis Semcirebis proeq-tis gundi aqtiurad agrZelebs TanamSromlobas zianis Semcirebis sferoSi momuSave yvela samTavro-bo da arasamTavrobo organizaci-asTan. proeqtis gundi aqtiurad iyo CarTuli zianis Semcirebis qselis da masSi Semavali orga-nizaciebis mier organizebul samuSao SexvedrebSi, seminarebsa da treningebSi.

saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazoga-doeba 2008 wlidan aris zianis Sem-cirebis saqarTvelos qselis wevri.

gaformebulia urTierTTanamSrom-lobis memorandumi swjs-sa da zian-is Semcirebis saqarTvelos qsels, aseve, swjs-sa da a/o „axal veqtors“ Soris.

saerTaSoriso doneze, swjs aris wj/wn saerTaSoriso federaciis sx-vadasxva samuSao jgufebisa da aiv/Sidsis da tuberkulozis sakiTx-ebze evropis wj/wn sazogadoebaTa qselis wevri.

sisxlis nebayoflobiTi uan-garo donaciis propaganda2009 wlidan dRemde saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoeba, nor-vegiis wiTeli jvris mxardaWer-iT, axorcielebs bilateralur proeqts “sisxlis nebayoflobiTi uangaro donaciis propaganda saqa-

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rTveloSi”. amasTanave, 2013 wlis agvistodan 2013 wlis dekembris CaTvliT, sisxlis nebayoflobi-Ti uangaro donaciis saqmianobebi mxardaWerili iyo wj/wn-is saer-TaSoriso federaciis mier. proeq-ti miznad isaxavs qveyanaSi sisxlis maragisa da sisxlis uangaro don-aciis wilis gazrdas, usasyidlo, nebayoflobiTi sisxlis donaciis propagandiT 18-30 wlamde axalgaz-rdebs Soris.

2013 wels, proeqtis farglebSi, Tbilissa da 6 samizne regionSi (aWara, samegrelo, Sida qarTli, qvemo qarTli, raWa da svaneTi) erovnuli sazogadoebis adgilo-brivi filialebis bazaze Camoyal-ibda aqtiuri, saTanadod momza-debuli moxaliseebisagan Semdgari 10-kaciani gundebi.

seminarebi sisxlis donacii-sa da sisxliT gadamdebi daa-vadebebis Sesaxebproeqtis TanamSromlebisa da mox-aliseebis mier usafrTxo, uangaro, nebayoflobiTi sisxlis donaciisa da sisxliT gadamdebi daavadebebis Sesaxeb 233 seminari Catarda 4 402 studentisTvis/axalgazrdisTvis

Tbilissa da 6 samizne regionSi.

sisxlis donaciis aqciebi2013 wels swjs-is mier ganxorciel-da sisxlis nebayoflobiTi, uanga-ro donaciis 8 aqcia:

25 ianvars - ilias saxelmwifo universitetSi; 8 maiss - wj/wn-is saerTaSor-iso dRisadmi miZRvnili sisx-lis donaciis aqcia;25 oqtombers - Tbilisis sisx-lis gadasxmis saqalaqo sad-gurSi; 1 dekembers - Tbilissa da ba-TumSi, SidsTan brZolis saer-TaSoriso dResTan dakavSire-biT; 6 dekembers - moxaliseTa saer-TaSoriso dRisadmi miZRvnili aqcia - Tbilisis saxelmwifo samedicino universitetSi (jo enis samedicino centris sisxlis mobiluri banki); 9 dekembers - aqcia baTumSi (ba-Tumis sisxlis gadasxmis sadguri); 13 dekembers - iv. javaxiSvilis Tbilisis saxelmwifo universitet-Si (iaSvilis bavSvTa centraluri saavadmyofosTan arsebuli sisxlis mobiluri banki).

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2013 wels, swjs-is mier gamarTuli sisxlis nebayoflobiTi, uangaro donaciis aqciebis Sedegad, mTlia-nobaSi, mobilizebul iqna 768 po-tenciuri sisxlis donori, Tumca, 768-dan mxolod 450-ma axalgazrdam daakmayofila sisxlis donorobi-saTvis aucilebeli moTxovnebi da gaiRo sisxli. sisxlis donorebs swjs-s mier specialurad Seqmnili samaxsovro maisurebi gadaecaT.

sisxlis donorTa msoflio dRe14-21 ivniss Catarda sisxlis do-norTa msoflio dResTan dakav-Sirebuli kvireuli. kvireulis farglebSi ganxorcielda sisxlis donacia sisxlis gadasxmis saqa-laqo sadgurSi, sadac amerikuli saswavlo programebis FLEX-is kursdamTavrebulebma, swjs-is moxaliseebma da TanamSromlebma uangarod gaiRes sisxli. garda

amisa, swjs-m Caatara quCis aqciebi centralur da adgilobriv do-neze, romlis drosac swjs-is mox-aliseebi gadaadgildebodnen Ria avtobusiT da axdendnen sisxlis uangaro, nebayoflobiTi donaciis propagandas sainformacio-sagan-manaTleblo masalis gavrcelebiT saswavlo dawesebulebebTan, parkebSi da skverebSi.

TanamSromloba sisxlis don-aciis sferoSi

TanamSromloba damyarebulia daa-vadebaTa kontrolisa da sazoga-doebrivi janmrTelobis erovnul centrTan, rogorc erovnuli sisxlis programis koordinator-Tan; agreTve jo-enis samedicino centris sisxlis bankTan, Tbili-sis sisxlis gadasxmis saqalaqo sadgurTan, iaSvilis bavSvTa cen-tralur saavadmyofosTan arsebul sisxlis bankTan da baTumis sisx-lis gadasxmis sadgurTan; axalgaz-

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rda donorTa klubTan, umaRlesi saswavleblebis administraciebTan centralur da adgilobriv doneze, maT Soris, Tbilisis saxelmwifo samedicino universitetTan, ilias saxelmwifo universitetTan, goris universitetTan, quTaisis univer-sitetTan, iv. javaxiSvilis Tbili-sis saxelmwifo universitetTan da baTumis sazRvao akademiasTan.

urTierTTanamSromlobis memo-randumebi gaformda daavadebaTa kontrolisa da sazogadoebrivi janmrTelobis erovnul centrTan, „jo enis samedicino centris“ sisx-lis bankTan da Tbilisis sisxlis gadasxmis saqalaqo sadgurTan.

rezistentuli tuberkulozis kontroli 2008 wlidan dRemde wiTeli jvrisa da wiTeli naxevarmTvaris sazoga-doebaTa saerTaSoriso federaciis teqnikuri da finansuri mxardaWer-iT (donori Eli Lilly and Company), saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazo-gadoeba axorcielebs proeqts – „rezistentuli tuberkulozis kontroli TbilisSi“.

rezistentuli tuberkulozis winaaRmdeg brZolaSi swjs-is saqmi-anobebis ZiriTad amocanebs war-moadgens: • rezistentuli tuberku-lozis kontrolis erovnuli pro-gramis mxardaWera ambulatoriul fazaze myofi pacientebis mkur-nalobaze damyolobis gaZlier-ebiTa da samizne rezistentuli tuberkuloziT daavadebuli paci-entebis fsiqologiuri daxmarebiT; • qveynis doneze tuberku-lozis kontrolis mxardaWeris mizniT advokatirebis, komunik-aciis da socialuri mobilizebis (aksm) saqmianobebis ganxorcieleba; • sazogadoebis cnobierebis

amaRlebis gziT tuberkuloziT daavadebuli adamianebis mimarT ar-sebuli stigmisa da diskriminaciis winaaRmdeg brZola.

erTwlian saangariSo period-Si, swjs-is damyolobis gundis zedamxedvelobis qveS mkurnalob-da samizne rezistentuli tuberku-loziT daavadebuli 102 pacienti.damyolobis gundis aqtiuri muSao-bis Sedegad, samizne 102 benefi-ciaridan 29 klientma warmatebiT daasrula mkurnalobis kursi; dafiqsirda mxolod 4 Sewyvetili mkurnalobis SemTxveva.

swjs-is muSaobam cxadyo, rom mkurnalobaze damyolo-bis gaZlierebiT, Tanmxlebi fsiqologiuri problemebis ukeTesad marTviT da tu-berkulozis Sesaxeb codnis amaRlebiT, rezistentuli tuberkuloziT daavadebul pacientebs Soris, SesaZloa, miRweuli iqnas mkurnalo-bis warmatebuli gamosavlis maCveneblis gazrda.

qveynis doneze tuberkulozis kon-trolis gaumjobesebisa da gad-awyvetilebis mimReb pirebze zegav-lenis gaZlierebis mizniT, swjs-is proeqtis gundi axorcielebs ad-vokatirebis saqmianobebs. am mimar-TulebiT muSaobis ZiriTad samizne jgufebs warmoadgens: tuberku-lozis sferoTi dainteresebuli mxareebi, gadawyvetilebis mimRe-bi pirebi, masmediisa da biznesis warmomadgenlebi, tuberkulozis erovnuli programis TanamSromle-bi, proeqtis aqtiuri beneficiare-bi da moxalise-mkurnalobis mxar-damWerebi.

tuberkulozis adreuli gamov-lenis da drouli referalis ga-

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saumjobeseblad, tuberkulozTan asocirebuli stigmisa da diskrimi-naciis Sesamcireblad, swjs-is mier saTanadod momzadebulma 140-ma moxalisem Caatara saganmanaTleb-lo-sainformacio seminarebi 1 337 Temis liderisaTvis. xolo, sa-varaudod, arapirdapiri gziT daax-loebiT 4 011-ma adamianma aimaRla codna tuberkulozis Sesaxeb.

TanamSromloba dainterese-bul mxareebTanproeqtis ganxorcieleba mimdin-areobda dainteresebul mxareebTan mWidro TanamSromlobiT. am mimar-TulebiT swjs-is ZiriTadi part-niorebi arian:• saqarTvelos Sromis, janmr-Telobisa da socialuri dacvis saministro;• tuberkulozis erovnuli programis (tep) koordinatori _ tuberkulozis da filtvis daa-vadebaTa erovnuli centri.TanamSromlobis safuZvels war-moadgens 2008 wlis ianvarSi saqa-

rTvelos wiTeli jvris sazoga-doebasa da tuberkulozisa da filtvis daavadebaTa erovnul centrs Soris gaformebuli urT-ierTTanamSromlobis memorandumi.

2013 wlis bolos globaluri fon-dis grantis ZiriTad mimRebad Ser-Ceuli iqna daavadebaTa kontrolis erovnuli centri. amJamad mimdin-areobs aqtiuri muSaoba daavadebis kontrolis erovnul centrTan da ganixileba globaluri fondis axali grantis farglebSi swjs-is gamocdilebis SesaZlo replikacia sxva regionebSi.

saerTaSoriso doneze, swjs aris wj/wn saerTaSoriso federaciis sxvadasxva samuSao jgufis wevri, maT Soris evropis jandacvis mene-jerebis forumis saorganizacio komitetis wevri, tuberkulozis globaluri samuSao jgufis wev-ri, aiv/Sidsis da tuberkulozis sakiTxebze evropis wj/wn sazoga-doebaTa qselis wevri.

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Temze dafuZnebuli jandacva da pirveli daxmareba2013 wels saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebis pirveli dax-marebis proeqti mimdinareob-da wiTeli jvris saerTaSoriso komitetis finansuri mxardaWeriT. pirveli daxmareba gansazRvrulia, rogorc swjs-is 2012-2016 ww.-is strategis erT-erTi prioritet-uli mimarTuleba, rac Seesabameba saerTaSoriso federaciis pirveli daxmarebis politikasa da wiTeli jvris saerTaSoriso komitetis konfliqtisaTvis mzadebis koncef-cias.

swjs-is pirveli daxmarebis saqmi-anobebi miznad isaxavs, saTanadod gawvrTnili pirveli daxmarebis moxaliseebis mobilizebiTa da adgilobriv xelisuflebasTan mWidro TanamSromlobiT, krizisis (katastofebi/konfliqtebi/yovel-dRiuri gadaudebeli SemTxvevebi) Sedegad dazaralebuli mosaxleo-bis droul, usafrTxo da efeqtur daxmarebas. erovnuli sazogadoe-ba agrZelebs pirveli daxmare-bis mimarTulebis instituciur ganviTarebas. iseve rogorc mox-aliseebisa da TanamSromlebis unarianobis gaZlierebas, saWiroe-bis SemTxvevaSi, isini mzad iyvnen daSavebulTaTvis pirveli daxmare-bis aRmosaCenad.

pirveli daxmarebis strate-gia 2012-2016wwswjs-is prezidiumma 2013 wlis agvistoSi damtkicda pirveli dax-marebis strategia 2012-2016ww.

muSaoba evropis pirveli dax-marebis serifikatis misaRe-badevropis pirveli daxmarebis sert-

ifikatis misaRebad swjs-is mier momzadebuli da wardgenili ga-nacxadi miRebul iqna saerTaSo-riso federaciasTan arsebuli pirveli daxmarebis globaluri saganmanaTleblo centris mier.

pirveli daxmarebis qseli2008 wlidan dRemde, swjs agr-Zelebs efeqturi da mdgradi pirve-li daxmarebis qselis Camoyalibe-bas. 2013 wels pirveli daxmarebis 6-kaciani gundebis qseli gafarTo-vda da daemata pirveli daxmarebis gundi swjs-is quTaisis filialSi (imereTis regioni). Sesabamisad, swjs-is pirveli daxmarebis moxal-iseTa qseli dReisaTvis aerTianebs pirveli daxmarebis gundebs Tbilissa da 7 filialSi - baTumi, senaki, quTaisi, mestia, ambrolau-ri, gori da rusTavi.

saangariSo periodSi momzadda 13 master-instruqtori: swjs-is pir-veli daxmarebis 8 moxalise samizne filialebidan da jandacvis pro-gramis 5 TanamSromeli. aRsaniS-navia, rom wj/wn-is saerTaSoriso federaciis mxardaWeriT, senakis filialis pirveli daxmarebis mox-alise-trenerma monawileoba miiRo pirveli daxmarebis master-tren-erTa saerTaSoriso treningSi da miiRo saerTaSoriso master-in-struqtoris serTifikati.

pirveli daxmarebis moxal-ise-trenerebipirveli daxmarebis 48 moxalise momzadda trenerad. fsiqosocial-ur daxmarebaSi gaiwvrTna swjs-is 32 moxalise; pirveli daxmarebis treningi centralur da adgilo-briv doneze Cautarda swjs-is 144 moxalises da swjs-is 26 TanamS-romels; sul 250-ma moxalisem da TanamSromelma SeiZina/gaiumjobesa saWiroebis SemTxvevaSi dazarale-

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bulTaTvis elementaruli pirveli daxmarebis gawevis unari Tbilis-sa da 7 filialSi. bazisur pirvel daxmarebaSi pirveli daxmarebis moxalise-trenerebis mier gaiwvrT-na 3 847 Temis lideri. mosalod-nelia, rom TiToeuli gawvrTnili Temis lideri codnas gauziarebs sul mcire Temis 2-3 sxva wevrs. Sedegad, daaxloebiT 9 600 adamiani aimaRlebs codnas pirvel daxmare-baSi. Sesabamisad, daaxloebiT 13 440 adamianis mowyvladoba Semcir-deba konfliqtebis, bunebrivi da xelovnurad gamowveuli katastro-febis, aseve yoveldRiurad warmo-qmnili gadaudebeli mdgomareo-bebis mimarT.

aRsaniSnavia, rom mniSvnelovnad gaizarda swjs-is, rogorc pirve-li daxmarebis saqmianobebis gan-maxorcielebeli organizaciis cnobadoba adgilobriv da saer-TaSoriso doneze. qveynis doneze TanamSromloba damyarda saqarT-velos Sromis, janmrTelobisa da socialuri dacvis saministros-Tan, ganaTlebisa da mecnierebis saministrosTan, Sinagan saqmeTa

saministrosTan, Tbilisis saxelm-wifo samedicino universitetTan, gaeros saagentoebTan, adgilobriv da saerTaSoriso arasamTavrobo organizaciebTan. saerTaSoriso doneze ki, swjs aris evropis pirve-li daxmarebisa da fsiqosocialu-ri daxmarebis qselebis wevri.

„janmrTeli sicocxlis xelSewyoba rusTavSi“2013 wlis dekemberSi, swjs-m sa-fuZveli Cauyara „rusTavSi jan-mrTeli sicocxlis xelSewyobis“ proeqts, romelic dafinansebulia iaponiis mTavrobis mier „gras-rutebisa da adamianTa usafrTx-oebis proeqtebis“ farglebSi da mxars uWers qarTuli foladis samkurnalo centri. proeqtis mizania xeli Seuwyos socialurad daucvel rusTavis moqalaqeebs, raTa miiRon kvalificiuri saba-ziso samedicino daxmareba. rus-Tavis da mimdebare soflebis mo-saxleobas saSualeba eqnebaT 2014 wlis maisidan miiRon kvalificuri samedicino momsaxureba proeqtis farglebSi Camoyalibebul da Ta-namedrove aparaturiT aRWurvil

proeqtis xelmowera.swjs-is prezidenti, q-ni naTia lolaZe da iaponiis sagangebo da srulu-flebiani elCi saqarTveloSi, misi aRmatebuleba batoni toSio kaitani

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saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris klini-kaSi. proeqts xeli moawera saqa-rTveloSi iaponiis elCma toSio kaitanim da saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebis prezidentma naTia lolaZem.

fsiqosocialuri daxmareba 2008 wlidan dRemde swjs-m fsiqosocialuri daxmarebis sferoSi sakmao codna da gamoc-dileba daagrova.

fsiqosocialuri daxmarebis qselifsiqosocialuri daxmarebis qseli 2009 wels Camoyalibda Tbilissa da oTx samizne filialSi; dRes-dReobiT, gundebi warmodgenilia Tbilissa da 7 samizne filialSi (baTumi, senaki, quTaisi, mestia, am-brolauri, gori da rusTavi). 2013 wels fsiqosocialuri daxmarebis aqtivobebi swjs-is mimdinare pro-gramuli komponentebis farglebSi xorcieldeboda.

2008 wlidan swjs aqtiurad TanamS-romlobs evropis fsiqosocialuri daxmarebis qselTan da monawile-obs qselis yovelwliur Sexvedreb-Si, rac xels uwyobs saerTaSoriso doneze swjs-is mier fsiqosocial-uri daxmarebis sferoSi ganxor-cielebuli saqmianobebis Sesaxeb informaciis gavrcelebas. amasTa-nave, swjs-is fsiqosocialuri dax-marebis gunds aqvs mWidro TanamS-romloba wj/wn-is saerTaSoriso federaciis fsiqosocialuri dax-marebis saganmanaTleblo centr-Tan; swjs-is farglebSi mimdinare fsiqosocialuri daxmarebis yve-la treningi centris mier momza-debuli masalebisa Tu saxelmZR-vaneloebis safuZvelze tardeba, romelTa morgeba-adaptireba xdeba qveynis kulturul konteqstTan.

2013 wlis maisSi swjs-is fsiqolog-ma nino siraZem gaiara saerTaSor-iso federaciis fsiqosocialuri daxmarebis centris mier organize-buli master-treningi daniaSi da gaxda e.w. “rosteri” (fsiqosocial-uri daxmarebis eqsperti). swjs-is fsiqologma, rogorc fsiqoso-cialuri daxmarebis eqspertma da sakontaqto pirma fsiqosocialuri daxmarebis sferoSi yofili sabWo-Ta kavSiris regionisaTvis, swjs-is gamocdil moxalise-fsiqolog-Tan erTad, 2013 wlis 10-14 ivniss Caatara fsiqosocialuri daxmare-bis regionaluri trenerTa trenin-gi ruseTSi (moskovi).

daucveli jgufebis social-uri mxardaWera maTTvis erToblivi servisebis, so-cialuri strategiebisa da momsaxurebebis ganviTarebiT saqarTveloSi

saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazo-gadoeba „2012-2016 ww. strategiis“ Sesabamisad, socialuri uzrun-velyofis modelze dafuZnebiT axorcielebs daucveli jgufebis janmrTelobisa da socialuri md-gomareobis gaumjobesebas:• xarisxiani da regularuli servisebis miwodebiT;• saswavlo sesiebis da treningebis ganxorcielebiT;• swjs-is moxaliseebisa da TanamSromlebis mobilizebiT, maTi unarianobis gaZlierebiTa da Sesa-Zleblobebis realizebiT;• humanitaruli diplomatiis gamoyenebiT daucveli jgufebi-saTvis advokatirebis proceseb-Si maTive CarTulobiT da gad-awyvetilebis miRebis procesebSi monawileobiT;

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saqmianobaTa centrebis qseli 19 raionSidaucveli jgufebis socialuri mxardaWera moicavs swjs-is inte-grirebul komponentTa da saqmi-anobaTa erTobliobas daucveli jgufebis gaZlierebisa da sazoga-doebaSi integrirebisaTvis. swjs-m Tavisi mravalwliani gamocdilebis, saerTaSoriso partniorebTan erToblivi muSaobis, ganuwyvete-li swavlebisa da axali midgomebis ganviTarebaze dafuZnebiT, daucve-li jgufebis socialuri mxardaW-erisaTvis Camoayaliba da ganavi-Tara saqmianobaTa centrebis qseli 19 raionSi.

aRniSnul centrebSi beneficiare-bi:• Tavs grZnoben sasurvel stumrebad, axerxeben damegobre-bas da qmnian piradi mxardaWeris qselebs;

• monawileobas iReben centris marTvis saqmianobebSi da erTvebian saqmianobaTa jgufebis muSaoba-Si, iReben informacias sakuTari uflebebis da misi gamoyenebis Ses-axeb;• CarTulebi arian gad-awyvetilebis miRebis procesebSi da daucveli jgufebis uflebebis advokatirebis samuSaoSi;• SeimuSaveben da ganaxor-cieleben Temis saWiroebebze da-fuZnebul iniciativebs swjs-is moxaliseebTan, Temis sxva wev-rebTan da programul komponen-tebTan integrirebiT;• monawileoben aramobiluri xandazmulebis binaze momsaxurebis procesSi da qmnian daxmarebisa da TviTdaxmarebis jgufebs. 2013 wlis bolosaTvis swjs-is socialuri proeqtebis ganxor-cielebiT sargebeli miiRo 755-ma aramobilurma da 4 100-ma mobi-

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lurma xandazmulma, xolo so-cialuri mxardaWeris proeqtis farglebSi, saangariSo wlis gan-mavlobaSi socialur saqmianobebSi CarTul moxaliseTa ricxvma 925 Seadgina.

saqmianobebis ZiriTadi mimarTulebebidan aRsaniS-navia:• prezentaciebi da aso-ciaciebis Sexvedrebi, rac saSualebas aZlevs partniorebs ganixilon da imsjelon saqmiano-baTa Sinaarsze, indikatorebze, gamocdilebasa da Sedegebze, rome-lic agebulia partniorTa CarTu-lobaze, wlebis gamocdilebaze, kargi praqtikis da saswavlo ga-kveTilebis gamoyenebaze. • sxvadasxva saswavlo se-siebi da treningebi, romelic emsaxureba monawileebis, moxal-iseebis, beneficiarebis da daint-eresebuli mxareebis unarianobis gazrdas, meTodologiebisa da in-strumentebis aTviseba-gamoyenebas praqtikaSi.• midgomebisa da meTod-ologiebis damuSaveba da sas-wavlo saxelmZRvaneloebis gamocema dainteresebuli mxaree-bisa da uSualo monawileebisaTvis Temebis doneze. • regularuli Sexvedre-bi adgilobriv xelisuflebasa da miznobrivi Temis wevrebs Soris, ganxilvebi da diskusiebi benefici-arTa monawileobiT municipaluri socialuri strategiebisa da so-cialuri programebis SemuSaveba-ze.• gacvliTi saswavlo vizitebi adgilobrivi xelisu-flebisa da Temis wevrebisaTvis, kargi praqtikebisa da miRweuli Se-degebis safuZvelze SemuSavebuli kargi praqtikis lifletebi da bukletebi saukeTeso saSuale-

baa gamocdilebis gaziarebisa da axali ideebis inicirebisaTvis rogorc adgilobriv, ise central-ur doneze. aseve, mniSvnelovania rogorc efeqturi instrumenti saqmianobebis replikaciisa da gan-viTarebisaTvis. • binaze zrunvis modelisa da saxelmZRvanelos (Temebi-saTvis) SemuSaveba da adgilo-briv municipalur samsaxurebTan TanamSromlobis safuZvelze er-Toblivi servisebis Camoyalibe-

ba-ganviTareba adgilobriv doneze.• saqmianobaTa da TviT-daxmarebis jgufebis Camoy-alibeba-ganviTareba Taoba-Ta CarTulobiT da solidaruli qmedebebiT, aseve genderulad specifikuri saqmianobebis gaTval-iswinebiT• socialuri centrebis

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dafuZneba qalaqad da soflad adgilobriv xelisuflebas-Tan erTad, rogorc erToblivi saqmianobebisa da misi mdgradi ganviTarebis indikatori. 2013 wlisaTvis swjs-s aqvs 22 dRis saqmianobaTa centri adgilobriv xelisuflebasTan erTad sxvadasxva donorebisa da saerTaSoriso part-niorebis mxardaWeriT, kerZod: Tbilisi, quTaisi (2 centri) sagare-jo, xelvaCauri, xulo (xulosa da qedlebis TemSi), TeTriwyaro, bolnisi, senaki, Telavi, lagodexi, axmeta, yvareli, Coxatauri, gard-abani, tyibuli, ambrolauri, saCx-ere, marneuli, duSeTi, lanCxuTi; • adgilobrivi da saer-TaSoriso trenerTa tren-ing-kursebi da seminarebi, saxelmZRvanelos SemuSaveba da gamocema qarTul enaze advokatirebaSi swjs-is Ta-namSromlebis, moxaliseebisa da lideri xandazmulebisaTvis, ro-melic ganaviTareben uflebebze dafuZnebul midgomas da adamian-

Ta uflebebis advokatirebisaTvis saWiro xerxebs, advokatirebas-Tan dakavSirebuli iniciativebis SemuSavebas da xandazmulTa darw-munebas, raTa ufro aqtiuri monaw-ileoba miiRon advokatirebis pro-cesSi. diskriminaciis SemTxvevebis gamovlena da masze reagireba aris mTavari saqmianoba, romelic ga-movlindeba rogorc xarvezi da saWiroebs specifikuri daxmarebis miwodebas genderul WrilSi. • uflebaTa dacvis jgufe-bis Camoyalibeba adgilo-briv doneze da qselebisa da kavSirebis Seqmna qveynis masStabiT. aRsaniSnavia rom uflebaTa dacvis jgufis wevrTa siaSia studentebi da mediis war-momadgenlebi. uflebaTa dacvis jgufebis mTavari saqmianoba iSle-ba saWiroebebis Sefasebis Sedegad gamovlenil saWiroebebze reagire-bisaTvis advokatirebis midgomeb-Si, mis ganviTarebasa da Sedegebze. • yovelkvartaluri Sex-vedrebi TemTan uzrunvelyofs

advokatirebis treningi swjs-is TanamSromlebisTvis

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beneficiarebisa da adgilobrivi xelisuflebis daaxloebas. Temis wevrebis SesaZlebloba Sexvdnen gadawyvetilebis mimReb pirebs, miiRon kvalificiuri pasuxebi ofi-cialuri pirebisagan da esaubron TavianT satkivarze gulaxdilad, Zalzed aaxloebs TviT Temis wev-rebs Temis SigniT da iwvevs maT gaZlierebas Temis saerTo prob-lemis identificirebisa da masze reagirebis kuTxiT.• socialuri proeqtebis farglebSi saangariSo periodSi SerCeulma da ganxorcielebulma 50-mde moxaliseTa iniciati-vam moicva 6 000-mde Temis wevri, 1 500-mde moxalise da gamoavlina 50-mde lideri xandazmuli. Zal-zed mniSvnelovania moxaliseTa iniciativebis SemuSavebaSi qalTa wvlili. isini gacilebiT meti ra-odenobiT da aqtiurobiT gamoirCe-vian iniciativebis wardgenisa da ganxorcielebis procesSi. Temis wevrebisagan sakuTari iniciative-bis SemuSaveba- wardgena siaxlea soflad mdebare TemebisaTvis, rac mniSvnelovnad amcirebs maT izola-cias da Caketilobas. • adgilobrivi da centra-luri donis mrgvali magidebi dainteresebul pirTa da benefi-ciarTa monawileobiT partniorTa gazrdis saukeTeso saSualebaa, romelic ganapirobebs moxaliseTa iniciativebis mdgradobas da maT ganviTarebas Temis resursebisa da damatebiTi partniorebis xar-jze, xolo wiTeli jvris roli da imiji qveynis doneze xels uwyobs dainteresebul mxareTa Sexvedreb-sa da mWidro TanamSromlobis Cam-oyalibebas. • socialuri proeqtebis Sualeduri mimoxilvebi da Sefasebebi Sefasebis konsultan-tebis, proeqtis gundisa da Temis liderebis CarTulobiT ganap-

irobebs miRebuli gamocdilebis gaziarebas, miRweuli Sedegebis Sefasebis dokumentirebas da Semd-gomi samoqmedo gegmis SemuSavebas, romelic aris mTavari instrumenti monitoringisa da Sualeduri mi-moxilvisaTvis.

komunikacia da sazogadoebasTan urTierToba

strategiuli mizani 3 – erovnul sazogadoebaSi da mis gareT kavSirebisa da qse-lis ganmtkiceba, romelic xels Seuwyobs iseTi garemos Seqmnas, sadac swjs-is yvela filiali da dainteresebuli mxare informirebulia swjs-is muSaobis yvela aspeqtis Sesaxeb da amiT daxmarebas gauweven erTmaneTs misiis SesrulebaSi.

komunikacia da sazogadoebas-Tan urTierToba 2013 wels saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebas daarsebidan 95 weli Seusrulda. am TariRTan dakavSirebiT araerTi sazeimo RonisZieba Catarda rogorc cen-tralur, ise adgilobriv doneze. gamoica da gavrcelda saiubileo welTan dakavSirebuli sainfor-macio masala. sazogadoebrivma mauwyebelma daamzada socialuri tipis rgoli, romelic swjs-is ZiriTad saqmianobebs asaxavda da 6 Tvis ganmavlobaSi gadioda am-ave televiziis eTerSi. saiubileo xasiaTis RonisZiebebi mTeli wlis ganmavlobaSi mimdinareobda da xels uwyobda wiTeli jvris Sesaxeb sazogadoebaSi cnobadobis gazr-das.

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TanamSromloba mediasTanmediasTan TanaSromloba saangari-So wels erT-erT yvelaze pri-oritetul saqmianobas warmoadgen-da. pres-relizebis, interviuebis da angariSebis meSveobiT, swjs-is saqmianobis Sesaxeb informacia sistematiurad vrceldeboda beWd-viT da eleqtronul mediaSi.

reportaJebs swjs-is Sesaxeb gadas-cemdnen satelevizio arxebi: „sazo-gadoebrivi mauwyebeli“, „rusTavi 2“, „imedi“, „erTsulovneba“ da“ „me-9 arxi“. saangariSo periodSi 30-ze meti satelevizio siuJe-ti gakeTda swjs-is saqmianobis/RonisZiebebis Sesaxeb centralu-ri da adgilobrivi masmediis sa-SualebebiT. satelevizio kompania „rusTavis 2“-ma gadacema „SuadRe-Si“ miiwvia wiTeli jvris sazoga-doebis prezidenti da sxvadasxva departamentis warmomadgenlebi da farTod gaaSuqda erovnuli sazo-gadoebis saqmianoba.

swjs-is Sesaxeb informacia vrcel-deboda sainformacio saagentoebis mier: inter pres niusi, eqspres niu-si, jieiCeni, praim taim niusi, nius presi da jeo niusi.

JurnalSi „mediatori“ daibeWda interviu swjs-is prezidentTan naTia lolaZesTan.2013 wels momzadda socialuri filmi (qronometraJi 11 wT) „erTi Tbili oTaxi“, romelic asaxavs devnilTaTvis sacxovrebeli inter-ieris gaumjobesebisTvis gaweul saqmianobebs.

RonisZiebebisaangariSo wlis ganmavlobaSi ar-aerTi RonisZieba moewyo, romelic eZRvneboda: pirveli daxmarebis msoflio dRestuberkulozis msoflio dResSidsis saerTaSoriso dRes,sisxlis donorTa msoflio dResmoxaliseTa saerTaSoriso dResxandazmulTa saerTaSoriso dResbavSvTa dacvis saerTaSoriso dRes da a.S.

„wiTeli jvris kvireuli“tradiciuli „wiTeli jvris kvireuli“ 8-15 maiss moewyo. sai-ubileo kvireuli warimarTa lo-zungiT „95 weli TqvenTan erTad“

da araerTi

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saqvelmoqmedo da saganmanaTleb-lo RonisZieba Catarda, ramac Tavis mxriv xeli Seuwyo erovnuli sazogadoebis cnobadobis gazr-das. momzadda da mosaxleobaSi gavrcelda sainformacio masalebi, rasac wiTeli jvris moxaliseebi RonisZiebebis dros avrcelebd-nen mosaxleobaSi. „wiTeli jvris kvireulis“ sainformacio uzrunve-lyofa ganxorcielda rogorc cen-tralur, ise adgilobriv doneze.8 maiss, TbilisSi, saqarTvelos parlamentis erovnul biblioTeka-Si „wiTeli jvris kvireuli“ ofi-cialurad gaixsna gamofeniT, sadac warmodgenili iyo skolis moswavleebis mier wiTeli jvris Tematikaze Sesrulebuli naxate-bi. gamofenas win uZRvoda wiTeli jvris Sesaxeb codnis gavrcelebis seminarebi, romelic swjs-is war-momadgenlebma Caatares Tbilisis da regionebis saSualo skolebSi. seminarebis mizani iyo moswavleTa informireba wiTeli jvris misii-sa da fuZemdebluri principebis, klimaturi cvlilebebis, tuberku-lozis da Sidsis Sesaxeb. wiTeli jvris seminarebSi monawileoba miiRes Tbilisis skolebma: „zaal sulakauris samxatvro studia“„saerTaSoriso qarTuli skola“

„evropuli skola“ 161-e sajaro skola„aibi mTiebi“proeqtSi CarTulni iyvnen aseve swjs-is filialebi, romlebmac msgavsi gamofenebi adgilobriv doneze moawyes, xolo saukeTeso naxatebi TbilisSi gamoagzavnes. wiTeli jvris gamofenam mogvi-anebiT quTaisSi, saqarTvelos parlamentSi gadainacvla, sadac bavSvebis naxatebi uamravma damTva-lierebelma moinaxula.

maraToni “wiTeli jvari TqvenTanaa“11 maiss, wiTeli jvris sazogadoe-bis da wiTeli jvris saerTaSoriso komitetis organizebiT gaimarTa maraToni “wiTeli jvari TqvenTa-naa“. maraToni eZRvneboda saqarT-velos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebis daarsebidan 95-e wlisTavs, aseve wiTeli jvrisa da wiTeli naxevar-mTvaris saerTaSoriso moZraobis 150-e wlisTavs. maraTonis mizani leikemiiT daavadebuli bavSvebis daxmareba iyo. RonisZiebidan Semo-suli TanxiT wiTeli jvris sazoga-doeba daexmara iaSvilis klinikas da maTTvis saWiro medikamenti SeiZina. aRniSnuli RonisZiebis sponsorebi iyvnen kompania „galfi“ da „borjomi“.

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maraToni “wiTeli jvari TqvenTanaa“

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publikaciebi da cnobadobaswjs-is saqmianobis Sesaxeb infor-macia regularulad qveyndebo-da wiTeli jvris veb-gverdze da feisbuqze. ganaxlda veb-gverdis dizaiani; daibeWda da gavrcelda yovelwliuri publikacia „wliu-ri angariSi 2012“. aseve, sxvadasxva programebis farglebSi daibeW-da da gavrcelda sainformacio lifletebi, bukletebi, plakatebi da biuleteni, romelSic gaSuqda wlis ganmavlobaSi yvelaze mniS-vnelovani RonisZiebebi.

swjs sistematurad uziarebda informacis saerTaSoriso fed-eraciis evropis zonis komunik-aciis ganyofilebas Catarebuli RonisZiebebis Sesaxeb. swjs-is statia „xandazmulTa socialuri izolaciis daZlevis Sesaxeb“ gamo-qveynda saerTaSoriso federaciis publikaciaSi „Humanitarian impacts of the economic crisis in Europe“.

swjs serialSi „Cemi colis daqalebi“didi gamoxmaureba hpova saqarT-velos wiTeli jvris sazogadoe-bis gamoCenam yvelaze reitingul serialSi „Cemi colis daqalebi“. scenaris mixedviT, serialSi arse-bulma jgufma „gamouvali mdgo-mareoba“ gamarTa saqvelmoqmedo koncerti mcirewlovani bavSvis dasaxmareblad. aqcia-koncertis dagegmva-ganxorcielebaSi ki mom-Rerlebs wiTeli jvari daexmara. kadrebSi kargad Cans, Tu rogor agroveben Tanxas Semowirulobis yuTiT wiTeli jvris moxalisee-bi bavSvis dasaxmareblad, xolo msaxiobebi damswre sazogadoebas urigeben wiTeli jvris buStebs. am epizodis televiziiT Cvenebis Semdeg, video Youtube-ze aitvirTa, romelic 2013 wels 41 000-ma adami-anma ixila.

komunikaciis strategiaswjs-m daasrula muSaoba 2013-2016ww komunikaciis strategiis dokumentze. momzadda aRniSnuli strategiis ganxorcielebis samo-qmedo gegma da moxda misi gaziare-ba swjs-is filialebTan. strategi-is samoqmedo gegmis ganxorcieleba 2013 wlidan daiwyeba.

kavkasiis regionuli komunik-aciis vorqSopi4-8 Tebervals somxeTSi, waxkaZorSi Catarda kavkasiis regionuli komu-nikaciis vorqSopi, romelSic monaw-ileobdnen somxeTis wiTeli jvris da saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris Ta-namSromlebi, aseve wiTeli jvris saerTaSoriso komitetis da daniis wiTeli jvris warmomadgenlebi. samuSao Sexvedris mTavari Tema iyo komunikacia sagangebo situaci-is dros. islandiis wiTeli jvris trenerebma aRniSnul vorqSopze sakuTari gamocdileba gauziares msmenelebs.

Sida komunikaciaSida komunikacia swjs-is fil-ialebTan gaumjobesda treninge-bis da seminarebis Sedegad. fil-ialebis warmomadgenlebTan moxda gamocdilebis gaziareba zogadad, socialuri qselebis efeqtur

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gamoyenebasTan dakavSirebiT, maT Soris wiTeli jvris veb-gverdis da feisbuqis gverdis sazogadoebisT-vis ukeT gacnobis Sesaxeb.

organizaciuli ganviTareba

strategiuli mizani 4 – swjs warmoadgens wamyvan humanita-rul organizacias, romelic efeqturad funqcionirebs da gaaCnia mdgari organizaci-uli SesaZleblobebi.organizaciuli ganviTareba

moxaliseobis politikasaangariSo wlis ganmavlobaSi, saqa-rTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoe-bis Zalisxmevis Sedegad gadaixeda da damtkicda erovnuli sazoga-doebis moxaliseobis politika, ganisazRvra moxalisis statusi da roli, gaZlierda moxaliseobis

mniSvneloba swjs-is saqmianobaSi da Camoyalibda erovnuli sazoga-doebis ZiriTadi Rirebulebebi, standartebi da damokidebuleba moxaliseobis mimarT, rac xels uwyobs moxaliseebis motivaciis ga-Zlierebas.

filialis saxelmZRvaneloswjs-is filialebis unar-Cvevebis ganviTarebis mizniT, erovnulma sazogadoebam SeimuSava filialis saxelmZRvanelo, romelic fili-alis kargad funqcionirebisaT-vis aucilebeli strategiuli da samarTlebrivi dokumentebis er-Toblioba warmoadgens. filialis saxelmZRvanelos Seswavla saval-debuloa filialebis warmomad-genlebisTvis maTi instituciuri mexsierebis Camoyalibebis, sagange-bo situaciebis dros swrafi da efeqturi reagirebis, wevrebis da moxaliseebis mozidvis da moxalis-eobrivi saqmianobis warmatebuli marTvis, servisebis gafarToebis da kargi praqtikis gadatanis uz-

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uli da Sromismoyvare adamiane-bi, gaimarTa ara erTi fondebis moZiebis aqcia; aseve, axalgazrdu-li samsaxuri aqtiurad iyo CarTu-li katastrofebis marTvaSi, jan-dacvisa da socialuri samsaxuris servisebis gaumjobesebaSi. aseve, 2013 wels, swjs-is axalgazrduli samsaxuris mier SemuSavebulma proeqtma „klimatur cvlile-bebTan adaptacia da katastrofe-bis marTva“ moipova gamarjveba da „Youth on the Move Award” avstralia-Si, kerZod ki sidneiSi Catarebul generalur asambleaze jildo gadaeca.

aqcia „gamicvale sigareti“saangariSo wels axalgazrduli samsaxuris mier Catarda aqcia „gamicvale sigareti“. RonisZiebaSi monawilebas iRebda wiTeli jvris 20 moxalise. aqciis mizani iyo stu-dentebisTvis informaciis miwode-ba, Tu ramdenad vnebs Tambaqo maT janmrTelobas da ra zianis miyene-

runvelsayofad.regionuli forumiwiTeli jvris saerTaSoriso komitetis mxardaWeriT, swjs-m Caatara centraluri aparatisa da filialebis warmomadgenelTa ori regionuli forumi (80 monaw-ile), rac miznad isaxavda erovnu-li sazogadoebis organizaciuli da operaciuli SesaZleblobebis gaZlierebas qveynis masStabiT mowyvladi jgufebis saWiroebebze fokusirebuli da efeqturi momsax-urebis gawevis mizniT.

axalgazrduli samsaxuri da moxaliseoba2013 weli saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebisTvis, kerZod ki axalgazrduli samsaxurisTvis nayofieri da mravlis momtani iyo.

ganxorcielda mravali proeqti, Catarda mravali saintereso da axali RonisZieba; moxaliseebis rigebs Seematnen axali, energi-

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ba SeuZlia sigarets maTi janmrT-elobisTvis. RonisZieba Tbilisis ivane javaxiSvilis universitetis mimdebare teritoriaze Catarda. ramdenime saaTis ganmavlobaSi, moxaliseebi axalgazrdebs siga-rets ucvlidnen saReW rezinaSi, xolo im studentebs, vinc mTeli kolofi sigaretis gadagdebaze iyvnen Tanaxma da hqondaT survi-li TambaqosTvis Tavis danebebis, wamaxalisebeli prizebi gadaecaT, romelic jansaRi cxovrebis wesTan iyo dakavSirebuli. aqciam didi gamoxmaureba hpova, „gamicvale sig-

aretis“ Semdeg moxaliseTa rigebs erTi kviris manZilze aTobiT iv. javaxiSvilis universitetis stu-denti SeuerTda.

„mzis festivali“1 ivniss, bavSTa dacvis saerTaSo-riso dRes, swjs SeuerTda „mzis festivals“, romelic „mziurSi“ gaimarTa. aqcia fondebis moZiebis saxes atarebda da masSi monawileo-bas iRebda swjs-is 30-mde moxalise. RonisZiebis msvlelobisas wiTeli jvris moxaliseebi sazogadoebas awvdidnen informacias wiTeli jvris Sesaxeb, arTobdnen bavSvebs da yiddnen wiTeli jvris logoTi damzadebul namcxvrebs.

„wiTeli jvris uqmeebi“zafxulis cxel dReebSi mTawmindis parkma umaspinZla „wiTeli jvris uqmeebs“. moxaliseebTan erTad parkSi misul stumrebs saSuale-ba hqondaT CarTuliyvnen mraval gasarTob RonisZiebaSi, daegemovne-

swjs-is axalgazrduli proeqtis dajildoveba sidneiSi

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binaT namcxvrebi wiTeli jvris emblemiani namcxvrebi da monawil-eoba mieRoT „fleS-mobSi“. aseve, moxaliseebi yvela bavSvs sTava-zobdnen saxis moxatvas, daidga uamravi TamaSi da moewyo ara erTi Sejibri. swjs-is moxaliseebi See-jibrnen ”baqvsvudis“ skolis mos-wavleebs ramdenime TamaSSi, romel-ic sabolood fred dasrulda.

„axalgazrduli Sexvedra“ sidneiSi8-10 noembers, 116 qveynis erovnu-li sazogadoebis 198 axalgazrda Seikriba avstraliaSi, sidneiSi gamarTul „axalgazrdul Sexve-draze“ da generalur asambleaze, sadac swjs dajildovda konkursSi wardgenili proeqtisTvis, romel-ic klimatur cvlilebebs exeboda. proeqti miznad isaxavs sazoga-doebaSi informaciis gavrcelebas Tu rogor unda moxdes brZola klimatur cvlilebebTan, ra zianis miyeneba SeuZlia mas sazogadoebi-sTvis da rogor unda imoqmedos xalxma klimaturi cvlilebebisgan gamowveuli janmrTelobasTan da-kavSirebuli problemebis prevenci-isTvis.

swjs-s warmatebuli proeqtis SemuSavebisTvis gadaeca sertifika-ti „Youth on the Move Award“ da prizi - nouTbuqi da videokamera. saqa-rTvelos wiTel jvarTan erTad gamarjvebulad dasaxelda keniis, CineTis, ugandis, Ciles, panistanis da iranis erovnuli sazogadoebe-bi. generalur asambleaze Svidive erovnuli sazogadoebis warmomad-genels gamarjveba piradad mi-uloca saerTaSoriso federaciis prezidentma tadateru konoem.

moxaliseTa sabWo2013 wels Camoyalibda swjs-is moxaliseTa sabWo, romelSic 15

yvelaze aqtiuri moxalisea gaw-evrianebuli. kviraSi erTxel imarTeba Sexvedra saTao ofisSi, sadac moxaliseebi axalgazrdul samsaxurTan erTad gegmaven axal RonisZiebebs, xdeba axali ideebis gaziareba, ganxilva, diskusiebi da a.S. moxaliseTa sabWos wevroba sakmaod sapasuxismgebloa. moxal-ise, romelic moxvdeba am jgufSi, aqtiuri da dauzareli unda iyos; arsebobs wesebi, romlis darRvevac ar SeiZleba da aseve 3 arasapatio gacdenis SemTxvevaSi moxalise tovebs sabWos rigebs.

moxaliseTa saerTaSoriso dRe5 dekembers, moxaliseTa saerTaSo-riso dRes, saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebam 100 yvelaze aq-tiuri moxalise saqarTvelos par-lamentis erovnul biblioTekaSi miiwvia, sadac swjs-is prezidentma, naTia lolaZem maT sigelebi ga-dasca 2013 wels gaweuli saqmiano-bisTvis. aqve gamovlinda 2013 wlis yvelaze aqtiuri da dauzareli moxalise - daviT WiTanava, romel-sac swjs-isgan saCuqrad „aipodi“ gadaeca, xolo kompania „bekom“ gaaTamaSa mtversasturi lototro-nis sistemiT; Jurnalma „cxeli Sokoladi“ moxalises saCuqrad Jurnalis axali nomeri gamougza-vna. dajildoebis ceremoniis das-rulebis Semdeg, kinoTeatrma „rus-Taveli“ yvela iq myof moxalises animaciur filmze umaspinZla.

da bolos ...„afxazuri ajikis“ damzadeba sen-akis filialSi da „feradi Semod-gomis“ (CurCxelebis amovleba) organizeba swjs-is saqmianobaTa centrebSi; fleS-mobi quCaSi, lit-eraturuli saRamo da Ria avto-busiT gaseirneba qalaqSi, fotose-sia botanikur baRSi da eqskursiebi

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„mzis festivali“ mziurSi

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- gremSi, daviT garejSi, bolnisis „sionSi“ da alaverdSi. sazeimo torti da sadili restoranSi, mrgvali magida municipalitetis warmomadgenlebTan da bevri sa-maxsovro da lamazi wuTi.... da es yvelaferi axalgazrdebTan erTad, saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris, adgilobrivi partniorebisa da sa-kuTari resursebis mobilizebiT.

swjs-is samarTlebrivi bazis srulyofasaqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazo-gadoebis instituciuri ganvi-TarebisaTvis erT-erTi aucilebe-li pirobaa samarTlebrivi bazis srulyofa da misi mudmivi ganvi-Tareba. swored amitom, 2010 wlidan daiwyo swjs-is kanonmdeblobis daxvewaze muSaoba, romelic dRem-de aqtiurad grZeldeba.

2011 wlis bolosaTvis SemuSavebu-li sakanonmdeblo cvlilebebis/damatebebis proeqti gaigzavna saqarTvelos parlamentSi. par-lamentisagan miRebuli rekomen-daciebis safuZvelze, swjs-is sakanonmdeblo cvlilebebisa da damatebebis paketi saboloo saxiT Camoyalibda da 2014 wels igegmeba misi wardgena saqarTvelos parla-mentSi gansaxilvelad da dasamt-kiceblad.

mniSvnelovania sakiTxi swjs-isTvis sagadasaxado SeRavaTebis daweseba-sa da finansuri benefitebis miniWe-basTan dakavSirebiT. saqarTvelos parlamentisgan miRebuli rekomen-daciis safuZvelze, 2013 wlis bolos wiTeli jvrisa da wiTeli naxevarmTvaris saerTaSoriso fed-eraciisa da wiTeli jvris saer-TaSoriso komitetis mxardaWeriT, aqtiurad daiwyo muSaoba saer-TaSoriso praqtikis damuSavebasa da maT Semdgom gaziarebaze samTav-

robo uwyebebisaTvis. es xangrZlivi procesia, romlis dasrulebac 2014 wels igegmeba.

2013 wlidan swjs-m wiTeli jvris saerTaSoriso komitetTan erTad daiwyo axali proeqti, romelic iT-valiswinebs sagangebo situaciebis dros saqarTvelos kanonmdeblobis srulyofasa da xelisuflebasTan molaparakebebis warmoebas, romel-ic 2014 welsac aqtiurad gagrZel-deba.

2013 wels daiwyo proeqti, rome-lic iTvaliswinebs wiTeli jvris emblemis cnobadobis amaRlebasa da misi ukanono gamoyenebis aRkve-Tas qveynis masStabiT. 2014 wels igegmeba am proeqtis axali ZalebiT ganxorcieleba, risk-jgufebis ga-moyofa da maTTvis detaluri in-formaciis miwodeba swjs-s emblem-is gamoyenebasTan dakavSirebiT, rac minimumamde daiyvans imis Sesa-Zleblobas, rom momavalSi emblem-is ukanonod gamoyeneba moxdes.

ugzo-ukvlod dakargul pir-Ta gardacvalebiswinare (an-te-mortem) monacemebis (amm) Segroveba2013 wels, wiTeli jvris saerTaSo-riso komitetma da saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebam gaagr-Zeles TanamSromloba proeqtis farglebSi, romlis mizania 1992-93 wlebis SeiaraRebuli konfliqtis Sedegad ugzo-ukvlod dakargul pirTa gardacvalebiswinare (an-te-mortem) monacemebis (amm) Seg-roveba. informaciis mogroveba xorcieldeba mxolod humanitaru-li miznebisaTvis, rac gulisxmobs ugzo-ukvlod dakarguli piris bed-iRblis dadgenas, misi da misi ojaxis interesebidan gamomdinare.

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regionebSi swjs-is farTo qselis arseboba da misi saqmianoba aR-moCnda yvelaze efeqturi meTodi dakargulTa ojaxebTan dasakav-Sireblad. swjs-is saTanado un-arebis (gadamzadebuli adamianuri resursebi, masalebi) gamoyenebiTa da wjsk-is teqnikuri da finans-uri mxardaWeriT moxda amm-is Seg-roveba. monacemebis Segrovebam gaaiola urTierToba sxvadasxva saWiroebebis mqone mosaxleobasTan da gaaZliera swjs-is cnobadoba da aqtivoba qveynis yvela regionSi. proeqtis farglebSi sul treningi gaiara swjs-is 27-ma moxalisem da gaiwvrTna rogorc amm-is Semgrove-beli; maTgan 22 moxalise CaerTo uSualod proeqtSi.

garda amisa, 2013 wels proeqtis ganxorcielebis procesSi Caer-To swjs-is 2 ufrosi savele ofi-ceri. ufrosi savele oficrebi koordinirebas uwevdnen amm-is SemgrovebelTa muSaobas da amow-mebdnen Segrovebuli kiTxvarebis xarisxs; isini aseve iRebdnen uku-kavSirs Semgroveblebis mxridan wjsk-is mier mowodebul siebTan dakavSirebiT (Catarebuli intervi-uebi, uaris SemTxvevebi, araswori sakontaqto informacia da sxv.) da anaxlebdnen siebs am ukukavSiris safuZvelze.

saangariSo periodSi, swjs-is amm-is Semgroveblebs CautardaT 6 refreSer-treningi (aqedan 3 - wjsk-is savele oficris, xolo 3 - wjsk-is savele oficrisa da swjs-is ufrosi savele oficrebis mier) da 3 stresis marTvis sesia (wjsk-is fsiqologisa da swjs-is ufrosi savele oficrebis mier). amasTanave, swjs-is ufrosi savele oficrebisa da amm-is Semgrove-belTa mier Catarda sainformacio sesiebi proeqtis beneficiarebi-

saTvis (TbilisSi – 7, quTaisSi – 6, zugdidSi - 5). 2013 wels amm-is Semgroveblebis daxmarebiT Seivso 512 kiTxvari. igegmeba proeqtis gagrZeleba 2014 wels.

ojaxuri kavSirebis aRdgena (oka)2013 wels, saqarTvelos wiTe-li jvris sazogadoebam, wiTeli jvris saerTaSoriso komitetis teqnikuri daxmarebiT, ganaax-la proeqti „ojaxuri kavSire-bis aRdgena“. proeqtis mizania, saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazo-gadoebis unarianobis amaRleba, raTa man damoukideblad SeZlos oka-s servisebTan dakavSirebuli RonisZiebebis ganoxcieleba saku-Tari mandatis farglebSi.

saangariSo wlis ganmavlobaSi xdeboda oka-s servisis uzrun-velsayofad rogorc praqtikuli RonisZiebebis, aseve proceduru-li warmoebis danergva-srulyofa. swjs da wjsk erToblivad monaw-ileobdnen saZiebo saqmianobeb-Si; aseve awarmoebdnen Sesabamisi momarTvebis aRricxvas da maTze reagirebas. swjs-m daiwyo bazis momzadeba oka-s saqmeebis Sesabam-isi aRricxvis sistemis dasaner-gad. daiwyo muSaoba oka-s saZiebo saqmianobis procedurebze, rom-lis dasrulebis Semdegac moxdeba maTi gaziareba sazogadoebis fil-ialebisaTvis.

„oka“ da masTan dakavSirebuli servisebis arseboba erovnuli sazogadoebisaTvis prioritetu-lia, amitom aucilebelia aRniSnu-lis ganxorcieleba filialebis donezec. 2013 wels „oka“ gaxda sagangebo situaciebisaTvis mzady-ofnisa da reagirebis struqturu-li wevri. swored am egidiT, wlis ganmavlobaSi moewyo samuSao jgu-

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fis Sexvedrebi, sadac sazogadoe-bis moxaliseebs (15 moxalises) CautardaT treiningi oka-s Sesax-eb; aseve saganagebo situaciebi-saTvis mzadyofnisa da reagirebis farglebSi moewyo simulaciuri varjiSebi, sadac sazogadoebis moxaliseebma gaswies katastrofis SemTxvevaSi oka-Tan dakavSirebu-li saTanado momsaxureba.zemoaR-niSnuli treiningis Semdeg, sazo-gadoebis moxaliseebma SeiZines unar-Cvevebi, romlebsac isini gamoiyeneben katastrofis an/da ubeduri SemTxvevis dros Sesabami-si reagirebisTvis.

2014 wlidan igegmeba saZiebo saqmi-anobis procedurebis srulyofa da maTi gaziareba sazogadoebis filialebisaTvis. aseve dagegmil-ia treiningebis gagrZeleba oka-s Tematikaze, rogorc sagangebo situaciebisaTvis mzadyofnisa da reagirebis proeqtis fargleb-Si, aseve sazogadoebis fil-ialebis kompetenciis gaZlierebis mimarTulebiT, raTa filialebs gauCndeT Sesabamisi unari da Ses-aZlebloba moaxdinon srulyofi-li reagireba oka-s mimarTulebriT adgilobriv doneze.

usafrTxo xelmisawvdomoba2013 wels saqarTvelos wiTe-li jvris sazogadoebam, wiTeli jvris saerTaSoriso komitetis mxardaWeriT, Caatara usafrTxo xelmisawvdomobis CarCos da dage-gmvis samuSao Sexvedra, SeimuSava orwliani samoqmedo gegma (2014-2015) da Camoayaliba gegmis Ses-rulebaze pasuxismgebeli samuSao jgufi saTao ofisisa da fil-ialebis xelmZRvaneli pirebisa da TanamSromlebisgan (9 wevri). aR-niSnuli samuSaos ZiriTad mizans warmoadgens swjs-is misaRebobisa da usafrTxoebis gazrda, raTa,

Tavis mxriv, gaizardos xelmisaw-vdomoba sazogadoebis mowyvladi jgufebis dasaxmareblad sagange-bo situaciebis dros, maT Soris SeiaraRebuli konfliqtebis, Sida areulobebisa da daZabulobis dros.

“vimoqmedoT erTad”2012 wlidan saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoeba avstriis wiTe-li jvrisa da avstriis ganviTare-bis kooperaciasTan (ADA) erTad axorcielebs proeqts „vimoqmedoT erTad“. proeqtis mizania social-uri CarTulobisa da ndobis ama-Rlebis xelSewyoba saqarTvelos oTx mravaleTnikur regionSi Temze dafuZnebuli servisis miwodebisa da mSvidobis Sesaxeb ganaTlebis gavrcelebis gziT. es regionebia:• Tbilisi• bolnisi• marneuli• axmeta 2013 wels proeqtis saqmianobebi aqtiur fazaSi Sevida: • gaizarda gawvrTnil moxal-iseTa ricxvi (maT Soris eTnikuri umciresobis warmomadgenlebi), romlebic aqtiurad CaerTnen pro-eqtis saqmianobebSi;• gaizarda beneficiarTa ricx-vi, romlebTanac xorcieldeba Temze dafuZnebuli servisebi; • Seiqmna sakoordinacio komiteti proeqtis efeqturi ganx-orcielebis mizniT.

saangariSo wels, proeqtis „vimo-qmedoT erTad“ farglebSi sul 193 axali moxalise daregistrirda, maT Soris 55 % eTnikuri umcireso-bis warmomadgeneli. servisebis miwodebasa da saganmanaTleblo saqmianobebSi aqtiurad aris Car-Tuli 200 beneficiari-moxalise 4 samizne regionSi. 2013 wels sul

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proeqtis farglebSi daigegma Sem-degi servisebi yvela miznobriv regionSi: Tbilisis miznobriv jgufebs warmoadgens boSa da asurelTa Temi, romlebic nakle-bad integrirebulni arian sazo-gadoebaSi. moxda orive Temis war-momadgenlebis datreningeba da CarTva moxaliseobriv saqmianobeb-Si. 1 ivniss, bavSvTa dacvis dRes, „mziurSi“ dagegil RonisZiebebs daeswrnen boSa bavSvebi, romlebic swjs-is Tbilisis filialis moxal-iseebTan erTad parkSi seirnobd-nen wiTeli jvris buStebiT da avrcelebdnen informacias wiTeli jvris Sesaxeb. samomavlod dageg-milia asurelebis kulturis popu-larizacia maTi tradiciebis Senar-Cunebis mizniT.

axmetasa da marneulSi proeqtis miznobrivi jgufebia xandazmule-bi da axalgazrdebi (qarTvelebi, azerbainajelebi, somxebi, qiste-bi). moxalise-beneficiarebis mier binaze vizitebi xandazmulebTan xorcieldeba orive regionSi. amave filialebSi Seiqmna moxaliseTa ax-algazrduli gundi, romelic reg-ularulad gegmavs da axorcilebes sxvadasxva RonisZiebebs benefic-iarebisTvis, rogoricaa swjs-is Sesaxeb informaciis gavrceleba, jansaRi cxovrebis wesis propagan-da, fondebis moZiebis aqciebi da sxva. samomavlod dagegmilia axal-gazrduli saqmianobaTa centris Camoyalibeba, romlis mizania maTi inteleqtualuri da praqtikuli unarebis warmoCena da ganviTareba.bolnisSi miznobrivi jgufia unar-SezRuduli adamianebi. moxalise-Ta gundebi gasarTob-SemecnebiT vizitebs axorcieleben unarSez-Rudul bavSvTa skolaSi, sadac 27 unarSezRuduli bavSvia. aseve isini regularulad akiTxven iseT beneficiarebsac, romlebic sax-

295 beneficiarTan (xandazmuli da unarSezRuduli adamianebi) ganx-orcielda regularuli vizite-bi, romelTa Soris eTnikuri um-ciresobis warmomadgenlebic arian.

proeqtis TanamSromlebisa da moxaliseebis treningi2013 wels sainformacio-saganmanaT-leblo saqmianoba ganxorcielda 4 samizne regionSi (Tbilisi, bolni-si, marneuli, axmeta). sul Catarda 9 treningi 120 moxalisesTvis, maT Soris eTnikuri uciresobis warmo-madgenlebisTvis. • proeqtis marTvis treningi Cautarda 4 samizne regionis 12 Ta-namSromels• saorientacio kursebi gaiara 4 samizne regionis 60 moxalise-ben-eficiarma.• binaze movlis treningi Cau-tarda marneulisa da bolnisis 30 moxalise-beneficiars.• pirveli daxmarebisa da gadamdeb daavadebebis treningi Cautarda 20 moxalise-beneficiars.• katastrofebis riskis Sem-cirebaSi gaiwvrTna axmetis da pankisis xeobis 20 moxalise-benefi-ciari, maT Soris qistebi 50%. • fsiqosocialur daxmarebaSi centralur da adgilobriv doneze gaiwvrTna 20 moxalise-beneficiari da 5 filialis TanamSromeli.• mcire moxaliseobrivi ini-ciativebis ganxorcieleba da proeqtis weris teqnika Seiswavla proeqtis 45-ma moxalisem da 10-ma TanamSromelma 4 samizne regionSi.damatebiT Catarda 10 prezenta-cia zogadad swjs-is da proeqtis saqmianobebis Sesaxeb – swjs-is 200 moxaliseTaTvis da 10 prezentacia sxvadasxva saswavleblebis moswav-le/studentebisTvis.

Temis saWiroebebze da-fuZnebuli servisebis ganvi-Tareba

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lidan ver gadian da saWiroeben yuradRebas. bolnisis moxaliseebi fsiqosocialur daxmarebas (Tama-Si, gaseirneba, kiTxva da sxva) uw-even Tanaklasel unarSezRudul bavSvebs, romlebic sajaro skola-Si dadian da uWirT sazogadoebaSi integracia.

sazafxulo banaki 201331 ivlisidan - 10 agvistos CaT-vliT, moewyo sazafxulo axal-gazrduli banaki daba bakurianSi. aTdRiani axalgazrduli banaki saqarTvelos oTxi regionis Tbili-sis, bolnisis, marneuli da axme-tis axalgazrdebisTvis gakeTda, romlebic mTeli weli aqtiurad iyvnen CarTuli proeqtis saqmi-anobebSi. banakis mizani iyo sxva-dasxva erovnebis warmomadgenlebis - qarTvelebis, somxebis, azerbai-janelebis, asurelebis, qistebis, boSebi da osebis - codnisa da gamocdilebis gaziareba, megobruli urTier-Tobebis Camoy-alibeba da maTi

mSvidobiani Tanacxovrebis xe-lSewyoba.

banakis monawileebisTvis Catar-da prezentaciebi wiTeli jvris/wiTeli naxevarmTvaris saerTaSo-riso moZraobis da fuZemdebluri principebis Sesaxeb, aseve Catarda swavleba katastrofebis marTva-Si, pirvel daxmarebaSi da moewyo fsiqosocialuri Sexvedrebi, ro-melic miznad isaxavda pirovnuli unarebis ganviTarebas, sakuTari Tavis warmoCenas monawileebis gundis Sekvras. gaimarTa kul-turuli saRamo, sadac banakis monawileebma TavianTi kuTxeebis tradiciuli cekvebi, simRerebi da leqsebi warmoadgines. banakis saR-amoebi gajerebuli iyo sxvadasxva saintereso aqtivobebiT: iumoris da mxatvruli kiTxvis dRe, in-teleqtualuri da kulturuli RonisZiebebi. banakis mimdinareobi-

sas axalgazrdebisTvis moewyo sxvadasxva sportuli

Sejibrebebi,maT So-ris safexburTo

turniri. axal-

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gazrdulma banakma daamegobra monawile bavSvebi da liderebi; maT Seqmnes jgufi feisbuqze da yovel-dRiuri kavSiri aqvT erTmaneTTan.

mariam margoSvili, 15 wlis, banakis qisti monawile: „ubednieresi adamiani var, rom miviRe monawileba wiTe-li jvris mier organize-bul sazafxulo banakSi da gavicani Zalian bevri kargi adamiani. me Tqven arasdros dagiviwyebT, imitom rom am aTma dRem CemSi axali ojaxi Seqmna da me Tqveni saxiT meo-re ojaxi SeviZine. axalgazr-duli banaki yvela monawile-saTvis waruSlel mogonebad darCeba.“

Temis sakoordinacio komite-tis Camoyalibebayvela miznobriv filialSi, proeq-tis farglebSi Camoyalibda Temis sakoordinacio komiteti (Tsk), romelic Sedgeba dainteresebuli pirebisgan proeqtis beneficia-rebis CaTvliT. am komitets aqvs saorganizacio funqcia da mxars uWers miznobriv regionebSi swjs-is Sesaxeb ganaTlebas, Temis gaaq-tiurebas rogorc socialur ise sazogadoebriv saqmianobaSi da axalgazrdobis CarTulobas Temze dafuZnebul momsaxurebasa da mox-aliseTa iniciativebSi.

Tsk-is wevrebi ikribebian kvar-talSi erTxel, raTa moxdes ar-sebuli situaciisa da miRweuli Sedegebis Sefaseba, gamowvevebze reagirebis erToblivi gzebis Zie-ba da samomavlo gegmebis dasaxva. Tsk-is regularuli Sexvedrebi uzrunveyofs yvela monawilis codnis da unar-Cvevebis ganviTare-bas, aseve problemebis analizSi, gadawyvetilebebis strategiebis

SemuSavebaSi, adgilobriv doneze partniorTa da fondebis moZiebaSi, advokatirebaSi da a.S.

adgilobrivi partniorebis qselis Seqmna4-6 dekembers Catarda „mrgvali magida“ saqarTvelos oTx region-Si - Tbilisi, bolnisi, marneuli da axmeta. aRniSnul SexvedraSi monawileobdnen swjs-is TanamSrom-lebi da moxaliseebi, adgilobrivi xelisuflebis warmomadgenlebi, sxva arasamTavrobo organizaciis xelmZRvanelebi, kulturis sax-lis da skolebis TanamSromlebi, resurs-centris TanamSromlebi, Temis liderebi, beneficiarebi da adgilobrivi media.

„mrgvali magida“ miznad isaxavda proeqtis mimdinare saqmianobebis da miRebuli Sedegebis Sesaxeb informaciis miwodebas, arsebuli gamowvevebisa da problemebze rea-girebis erToblivi gegmis SemuSave-bas, proeqtis samoqmedo gegmis gaziarebas da erToblivi pro-eqtebis/saqmianobebis dafinanse-bas grZelvadiani TanamSromlobis gaZlierebis mizniT adgilobriv TviTmmarTvelobasTan. Sexvedrebi warmatebiT mimdinareobda yvela regionSi. adgilobrivma xelisu-flebam didi interesi gamoxata eTnikuri umciresobebis socialur integraciaze gaTvlili proeqtis mimarT da TanamSromlobis gagr-Zelebis survili gamoTqva. aseve, aqtiurad iyvnen CarTulni adgi-lobrivi Temebis warmomadgenlebi, romlebic proeqtis mimdinareobaSi regularulad iReben monawil-eobas. proeqtis TanamSromlebis, moxaliseebis, beneficiarebis da adgilobrivi xelisuflebis keTi-li nebis Tanaxmad, oTxive regionSi daigegma erToblivi saqmianobebi 2014 wlisTvis.

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dainteresebuli pirebis aseTi aq-tiuri CarTuloba uzrunvelyofs proeqtis warmatebiT ganxorciele-bas rogorc centralur da adgi-lobriv doneze.partniorebi TbilisSi: evropu-li centri umciresobaTa sakiTxeb-Si,boSaTa organizacia, asurelTa kongresi saqarTveloSi, N64, N99 sajaro skola.partniorebi marneulSi: mar-neulis municipaliteti da kul-turis saxli, samedicino koleji, sof.wereTlis skola, marneulis N2 da N8 sajaro skola, marneulis televizia.partniorebi bolnisSi: bolni-sis municipaliteti, arasamTavro-bo „somexi qalebi - saqarTvelos moqalaqeebi“, bolnisis unarSez-RudulTa skola, kazreTis N1 sko-la, bolnisis N1, N3 skola, gazeTi „bolnisi, bolneli tv.partniorebi axmetaSi: axmetis

municipaliteti, kaxeTis ganvi-Tarebis saagento, gazeTi „kaxeTis xma“.


mobilizeba saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazo-gadoebis resursebis mobilize-bis samsaxuri ukve mexuTe welia regularulad utarebs fondebis moZiebis treningebs sakuTari filialebis warmomadgenlebs, romlebic miRebuli codnis gamoy-enebiT adgilobriv doneze saWiro resursebis mobilizebas axorcie-leben. 2013 wels wiTeli jvris 15 socialuri centris benefic-iarebisTvis swjs-is filialebis mier stabilurad xocieldeboda saWiroebebis moZieba. proces-Si adgilobrivi arasamTavrobo organizaciebic mWidrod TanamS-

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romloben swjs-is filialebis warmomadgenlebTan (baTumis, gar-dabnis da sagarejos socialuri centris xandazmulebs stabilurad miewodebaT samkurnalo prepa-ratebi).

saangariSo periodSi erovnuli sazogadoeba warmatebiT axor-cielebda TanamSromlobas adgilo-briv xelisuflebasTan. dafinansda swjs-is adgilobrivi filialis ramdenime TanamSromeli, rac pirdapir pasuxobs swjs-is fond-ebis moZiebis strategiul mizans. filialebis gawvrTnili moxalise gundebis mier wlis ganmavlobaSi wiTeli jvris RirSesaniSnavi Tari-Rebis aRniSvna ZiriTadad adgilo-briv doneze moZiebuli resursebiT mimdinareobda.

wiTeli jvris namcxvrebi2013 wels fondebis moZiebis far-glebSi swjs-is mier axali inicia-tiva ganxorcielda. kafeebTan „citroni“ da „gurme“ molaparake-bis Sedegad, damzadda namcxvrebi wiTeli jvris emblemiT, romelic wiTeli jvris sxvadasxva aqciebis dros iyideboda, xolo gayidvidan Semosuli Tanxa swjs-is saqvelmo-qmedo fondSi Cairicxa da Sesabami-sad qvelmoqmedebas moxmarda.

saqvelmoqmedo koncertebiswjs-is filialebSi (marneulsa da duSeTSi) moewyo saqvelmoqmedo koncertebi mZime seniT daavadebu-li adamianebis dasaxmareblad. RonisZiebidan Semosuli Tanxa Semowirulobis saxiT beneficia-rebs gadaecaT. partnioruli urTierTobebi da mxardamWerebi• swjs-is socialuri centre-bis beneficiarebma monawileoba miiRes sakuTari namuSevrebis ga-

mofena-gayidvaSi. RonisZiebidan Semosuli Tanxa beneficiarebis saWiroebebs moxmarda socialur centrebSi. monawileobisTvis saW-iro Tanxa gaiRo swjs-is part-niorma kompania „tav jorjiam“. maT aseve saSobao saCuqrebi ga-dasces aqciaSi monawile xanda-zmulebs.

• swjs-is resursebis mobi-lizebis samsaxuris Zalisxmevis Sedegad, Tbilisis „Tavisufali Teatris“ direqciam usasyidlod umaspinZla speqtaklze Tbilisis socialuri centris beneficia-rebs.• saqarTvelos parlamen-tis erovnulma biblioTekam orjer usasyidlod dauTmo sa-jaro biblioTekis didi darbazi wiTeli jvris sazogadoebas, sadac Catarda wiTeli jvris saerTaSo-riso dRisadmi miZRvnili bavSvebis naxatebis gamofena da aseve moxal-isis saerTaSoriso dRisadmi miZ-Rvnili RonisZieba.

• swjs kvlav agrZelebda leikemiiT daavadebuli adami-anebis saWiroebebisTvis Tanxebis moZiebas. am mizniT, 8 maiss, wiTe-li jvris maraTonze moxda Tanxis Segroveba da iaSvilis klinikas gadaeca samedicino preparati (neronemi). maraTonis mxardamWeri iyo kompania „galfi“ da „bor-jomi“.• 2010 wels saqarTvelos wiTe-li jvris sazogadoebis mimarTvas 2008 wlis konfliqtSi daRupuli sagangebo situaciebis marTvis departamentis TanamSromelTa Svilebis ufaso swavlebasTan daka-vSirebiT ,,aibi mTiebis“ direq-cia gamoexmaura. skolis direqciis gadawyvetilebiT, 3 wlis ganmav-lobaSi 3 bavSvi CaerTo am pro-eqtSi. 2013 wlidan skolis gad-

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awyvetilebiT, swjs yovelwliurad moiZiebs 5 socialurad daucveli ojaxis bavSvs, romlebic ufasod miiReben ganaTlebas aRniSnul sko-laSi.• 2013 wlis ivnisSi swjs-m da ,,redison blu iveriam,, er-Toblivi saqvelmoqmedo aqcia gamarTes, sadac wiTeli jvris mxridan Tbilisis da saqarTvelos sxvadasxva kuTxidan socialuri centrebis 17 beneficiari, xolo stumrebis mxridan ,,redison ho-tel jgufis“ topmenejmentis 70 -ze meti warmomadgeneli monawile-obda. stumrebma adgilzec daamza-des nakeTobebi, aseve maT SeiZines beneficiarebisa namuSevrebi. aqci-is Sedegad 11 000 lari Cairicxa swjs-is saqvelmoqmedo fondSi.

2013w. swjs-is sxvadasxva RonisZie-bebis dros wamaxalisebeli pri-zebi gaiRes kompaniebma: „beko“,

fitnes klubi „dilato“, kom-pania „sevenTi“, maRazia „niu balansi“, kompania „barambo“, kompania „krafti“ , Jurna-li „cxeli Sokoladi“ ,aseve RonisZiebis mxardamWerebi iyvnen „mTawmindis parki“, „animaciu-ri jgufi“ da sxv.

2013 wels erovnulma sazogadoebam moizida 35 999 laris saWiroebebi (nivTobrivi), xolo moZiebulma Semowirulobebma, Semowirulobis yuTebis da satelefono donaciis nomris meSveobiT 8502 lari Seadgi-na.saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazo-gadoebis resursebis mobilizebis samsaxuris mier ganxorcielebuli proeqtebis da mimdinare saqmia-nobebis analiziT daisaxa momavali 2014 wlis resursebis mobilizebis prioritetuli mimarTulebebi.

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bis codnis da unar-Cvevebis ganvi-Tareba, aseve gamocdilebis miReba adgilobrivi Temis saWiroebaTa kvlevaSi, problemebis analizSi, gadawyvetilebebis strategiebis SemuSavebaSi, adgilobriv doneze partniorTa da fondebis moZiebaSi, wevrTa da moxaliseTa mozidvaSi, farTo sazogadoebasTan urTier-TobaSi, humanitaruli diplomatiis danergvasa da momsaxurebis gaweva-Si arsebul saWiroebebze drouli da efeqturi reagirebisaTvis.

filialis ganviTarebis mod-elis TiToeuli komponenti, rome-lic erTmaneTTan mWidro kavSirSia da integrirebulia, emsaxureba filialebis SesaZleblobaTa gaum-

filialebis ganviTarebis modelisaqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazoga-doeba, romlis filialebis qseli dReisaTvis moicavs 36 filials, erT-erT prioritetad filialebis ganviTarebas miiCnevs, raSic mas daniis wiTeli jvari 2009 wlidan aqtiurad uWers mxars. swjs-Si mimdinare proeqtis ,,filialebis ganviTareba efeqturi momsax-urebis gaweviT“ farglebSi 2013 wels SemuSavebuli iqna filialis ganviTarebis modeli, romlis Semadgeneli komponentebis gamoy-enebiT miiRweva filialebis xe-lmZRvanelebis, TanamSromlebis, moxaliseebisa da saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebis wevre-

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jobesebas da xels uwyobs fili-alis mzadyofnas maT winaSe arse-buli gamowvevebis dasaZlevad da dakisrebuli misiis Sesasruleb-lad. kargad funqcionirebadi filiali aris swjs-is prioritetuli mimar-Tulebebis Sesabamisi proeqtebi-sa da saqmianobebis warmatebiT ganxorcielebis winapiroba, xolo TiToeuli warmatebiT ganxor-cielebuli proeqti aris filia-lis SesaZleblobebis gaZlierebis saukeTeso saSualeba. SemTxveviTi ar aris, rom filialebis ganvi-Tarebis procesi aseve integrire-bulia swjs-is sxvadasxva partnior-is Tu donoris mier mxardaWerili proeqtebis saqmianobebTan, raTa erovnuli sazogadoeba gaxdes kar-gad funqcionirebadi organizacia da jansaRi konkurencia gauwios pumanitarul sferoSi momuSave arasamTavrobo seqtoris sxva war-

momadgenlebs da, amasTanave, gax-des qveyanaSi moqmedi adgilobrivi Tu saerTaSoriso organizaciebis kargi partniori.

saukeTeso moxaliseobrivi iniciativebis saxelmZRvane-losaangariSo periodSi evrokavSirisa da daniis wiTeli jvris mxardaWer-iT SemuSavebuli da gamocemuli iqna saukeTeso moxaliseobrivi iniciativebis saxelmZRvanelo ,,erTad qvelmoqmedebisaTvis,“ romelic mieZRvna swjs-is 95 wlis iubiles. publikaciaSi Tavmoyril-ia informacia wiTeli jvrisa da wiTeli naxevarmTvaris saerTaSor-iso moZraobis, misi komponentebi-sa da fuZemdebluri principebis, saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazo-gadoebisa da misi strategiuli mimarTulebebis Sesaxeb. mkiTxveli gaecnoba swjs-is moxaliseebis, beneficiarebisa da partniorebis

bolnisis saqmianobaTa centris gaxsna

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STabeWdilebebsa da naazrevs ganx-orcielebuli moxaliseobrivi iniciativebis Sesaxeb. mocemulia aseve sakonkurso dokumentacia. aRsaniSnavia, rom 2013 wels swjs-is filialebSi mimdinare sxva-dasxva proeqtebis Sesabamisad gamocxadebul ,,moxaliseobrivi iniciativebis konkursebze“ war-modgenili 102 mcire proeqtidan SerCeuli da ganxorcielebuli iqna 34 axali iniciativa, xolo saqmia-nobebi gagrZelda 2012 wels daw-yebuli 45 moxaliseobrivi inicia-tivis farglebSi. sul saangariSo periodSi mimdinareobda 79 mcire proeqti, romelTagan 15 moxalis-eobrivi iniciativa srulad daf-inansda sxvadasxva adgilobrivi municipalitetebis biujetebidan. garda amisa, proeqtebis saerTo Rirebulebis 60% -ze meti adgilo-briv doneze iqna mobilizebuli. moxaliseTa jgufebis mier ganx-orcielebuli mcire iniciativebis farglebSi momsaxureba gaewia da Sesabamisi servisi miiRo 1 980-mde beneficiarma sxvadasxva mowyvla-di jgufebidan. miznobriv TemebSi aqtiurma moxaliseobrivma saqmia-nobam xeli Seuwyo swjs-is Sesaxeb cnobadobis gazrdas adgilobriv doneze. gaumjobesda filialebis imiji, rac dadebiTad aisaxa mozid-uli wevrebisa da moxaliseebis raodenobaze, romelTa ricxvi saan-gariSo periodSi 1,4-jer gaizarda.

daniis wiTeli jvris moxal-iseTa viziti swjs-is 4 filials (axmeta, senaki, tyibuli, baTumi) 2013 wlis oqtomb-erSi daniis wiTeli jvris moxal-iseTa gundi stumrobda. vizitis mizani iyo gamocdilebisa da saukeTso praqtikis urTierTgazi-areba. gaimarTa samuSao Sexvedrebi filialebis xelmZRvanelobasTan,

wevrebTan, moxaliseebTan, benefi-ciarebTan, adgilobrivi munici-palitetebis warmomadgenlebTan. stumrebma monawileoba miiRes filialebSi dagegmil saqvelmoqme-do aqciebsa da moxaliseTa jgufe-bis mier organizebul RonisZie-bebSi. Semajamebel Sexvedraze centralur ofisSi maT swjs-is generalurma mdivanma qalbatonma medea marRania-avalianma umaspinZ-la. garda amisa, daniis wiTeli jvris moxaliseebi gaecnen saqa-rTvelos istoriasa da kulturas, Tanamedrove qarTuli saxelmwifos miRwevebsa da gamowvevebs. Tbili da siyvaruliT savse dReebi das-rulda, Tumca swjs-sa da daniis wiTel jvars Soris megobrobis gan-mtkicebisa da urTierTTanamSrom-lobis gaZlierebis gzaze mtkiced svla grZeldeba.

“mSvidobis xidis mSenebloba saqarTveloSi”

proeqti „mSvidobis xidis mSeneb-loba saqarTveloSi“ dafinansebu-lia britaneTis saelCos („sagareo da Tanamegobrobis samsaxuri“) mier da xorcieldeba saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebis mier. proeqtis ganxorcieleba 2013 wels daiwyo da misi mizania gazard-os Sida qarTlis konfliqtisgan dazaralebul soflebSi mcxovrebi osebis socialuri integracia da aamaRlos maTi codna uflebebis Sesaxeb. es Tavis mxriv, wvlils Seitans Semwynareblobisa da samo-qalaqo integraciis erovnuli koncefciis ganxorcielebaSi da or samizne sofelSi politikuri sta-bilurobis damyarebaSi.

proeqti moicavs konfliqtis zonis axlos mdebare 4 (oTx) Tems, ese-nia: wiTeli ubani (goris raioni),

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nawreti (goris raioni), taxtisZi-ri (qarelis raioni) da kexijvari (qarelis raioni). proeqtis pir-vel wels swjs-is TanamSromlebma oTxi samizne Temis beneficiarebs 7 treiningi Cautares. moxaliseeb-ma mniSvnelovani codna SeiZines iseT Temebze, rogoricaa: Temis TanamonawileobiTi ganviTarebis Sefaseba, proeqtis wera, proeq-tis marTva, pirveladi daxmareba da fsiqosocialuri daxmareba. treiningebis mizani iyo benefi-ciarTa unar-Cvevebis gaZliereba, rac saSualebas miscems eTnikuri umciresobis ufro met warmomad-genels (osebs) ufro efeqturad da aqtiurad CaerTon Temis cxovreba-Si. zemoTaRniSnuli treiningebis meSveobiT, 100-ze metma moxalisem SeiZina saWiro codna da unarebi.

oTx samizne TemSi (wiTeli ubani, nawreti, taxtisZiri da kexvij-vari) Catarda mcire grantebis konkursi, ris Sedegadac proeqtis „saqarTveloSi mSvidobis xidis mSeneblobis“ farglebSi dafinans-da 12 saukeTeso moxaliseobrivi iniciativa. gamarjvebuli inicia-tivebi, ZiriTadad, Temis Sefase-bis Sedegebze dayrdnobiT Seiqmna (Sefaseba Catarda oTxive samizne centrSi specialurad gawvrTnili adgilobrivi moxaliseebis mier) da uSualod pasuxobda im mwvave problemebs, rac samizne TemebSi iqna gamovlenili. mcire grantebis konkursis Casatareblad special-urad gamoyofili dafinansebis 60% adgilobrivad iqna moZiebu-li moxaliseebis mier. am samizne TemebisTvis Zalian mniSvnelova-nia moxaliseobrivi iniciativebis mxardaWera, radgan Temis wevrebi yvela arsebul gamowvevas TavisiT pasuxoben da Sesabamisad es Zalian mniSvnelovania maTi Tavdajerebu-lobis asamaRleblad. Temis wevrebi

TandaTanobiT ufro socialurad aqtiurebi da efeqturebi xdebian, rac udaod mTeli TemisTvisaa sa-sargeblo. proeqtis pirveli wlis ganmavlobaSi swjs-s Seemata 130 moxalise, romlebic proeqtis ganx-orcielebis procesSi adgilobriv doneebze CaerTvnen.

proeqtis pirveli wlis dasasruls ukve miRweuli iqna Semdegi serio-zuli Sedegebi:

3. ganisazRvra SerCeuli osi Temebis saWiroebebi da Sesa-Zleblobebi socialur inkluzi-asTan da mSvidobis ganmtkicebas-Tan mimarTebaSi;

4. samizne osur TemebSi adg-ilobrivi filialebis (gori da qareli) mier ganxorcielebul Temze dafuZnebul momsaxurebasa da swjs-s moxaliseTa iniciativeb-Si CarTuli arian sxvadasxva eTni-kuri warmomavlobis mqone swjs-is moxaliseebi, maT Soris axalgazr-debic.

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safinanso angariSi

swjs mier 2013 wlis manZilze xor-cieldeboda donorebis mier daf-inansebuli Semdegi sagranto pro-gramebi:

• wiTeli jvrisa da wiTeli naxevarmTvaris organizaciaTa saerTaSoriso federaciasa (Semd-gomSi federacia) da swjs-s Soris moqmedi grantis 2013 wlis xe-lSekrulebis Sesabamisad feder-aciam daafinansa: katastrofebze reagirebis sagangebo fondis pro-eqti (DREF), tuberkulozis pre-venciis proeqti.• wiTeli jvris saerTaSoriso komitetis da swjs-s Soris moqmedi grantis 2013wlis xelSekrulebis Sesabamisad komitetma daafinansa uZravi qonebis legalizaciis, pir-veli daxmarebis, sagangebo situ-aciebze reagireba, mzadyofnis da naRmebis proeqtebi.• evrokomisis proeqti,”samx-reT kavkasiaSi usafrTxo adgi-lobrivi Temebis ganviTarebis regionuli programa”, romelic xorcieldeboda raWa- leCxumi, qve-mo svaneTis regionSi, saCxeris da tyibulis raionSi (DIPECHO)• evrokavSiris da daniis wiTe-li jvris erToblivi proeqti “so-cialuri strategiebisa da mom-saxureobis ganviTareba yvelaze daucvelebisaTvis saqarTveloSi” proeqti xorcieldeba kaxeTSi kerZod axmeta, yvareli, Telavsa da lagodexSi, aWara xulo, da guria Coxatauri. (EU)

qvemoT mocemulia grantis pro-gramis farglebSi 2013wels, do-norebis mier Camoricxuli Tanxa larebSi:

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dasaxeleba weli 2013

federacia 722 070.30

w.j saerTaSoriso komiteti 369 581.42

evrokomisia da daniis w.j (DIPECHO) 416 438.66 avstriis w/j da avstriis ganviT saagento (AT) 137 916.48

avstriis w/j da avstriis ganviT saagento(ADA DM) 147 824.42

avstriis w/j da evrokavSiri. klimatis cvlileba(CC) 121 128.16 norvegiis wiTeli jvris sazogadoeba(sisxlis donacia) 28 361.19

daniis wiTeli jvris sazogadoeba (filialebis ganviTareba) 84 527.20 daniis w/j da evrokavSiri (EU) 151 469.00 didi britaneTis saelCo 119 524.52 sxva 176 300.51 sul 2 475 141.86

garda sagranto dafinansebebisa, swjs-is danarCeni Semosavlebi 2013 wels:


weli 2013

sawevro Semosavali 4 366 Semowiruloba 10 309.03 saijaro qira 100 205.5 sul 114 880.53 sul Semosavali 2 590 022.39

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saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebas 2013 wels 2500 wevri hyavda.

swjs-is sakuTari xarjebi 2013 wels ZiriTadad Semosavlebis miRebasTan dakavSirebuli sxvadasxva xarjebisagan Sedgeboda:

dasaxeleba 2013 weli fuladi xarjebi 83 859.96

sul 83 859.96

grantis (programuli xarjebi) xorcieldeboda grantis xelSekrulebebis Sesabamisad da donorebis mixedviT ase ganawilda:

dasaxeleba federacia 717 944.68

wiTeli jvris saerTaSoriso komiteti 369 581.42

evrokomosia da daniis w/j 416 767.38 avstriis w/j da avstriis ganviT saagento (AT) 146 862.61 avstriis w/j da avstriis ganviT saagento (ADA DM) 104 358.52 avstriis w/j da evrokavSiri. klimatis cvlileba(CC) 105 576.38 daniis wiTeli jvari (filialebis ganviTareba) 5 6975.06 sxva xarjebi 314 760.04 sul 2 232 826.09

sul xarjebi 2 316 686.05

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amrigad, 2013 weli swjs safinanso saqmianobis TvalsazrisiT sakmaod Sromatevadi da warmatebuli iyo. swjs ganagrZobda muSaobas efeqtu-ri safinanso meqanizmis Camosayal-ibeblad.

aRsaniSnavia, rom saangariSo wlis ganmavlobaSi sxvadasxva pro-eqtebidan miznobrivad SeZenili iqna 114 400 laris ZiriTadi sa-Sualeba. aqedan umetesad aRiWurva filialebi da maTTan arsebuli socialuri centrebi.

2013 wels Catarda avstriis w/j da ganviTarebis saagentos mier dafinansebuli proeqtis “vi-moqmedoT erTad” auditi. au-ditoruli Semowmeba moicavda 01.06.2012-01.07.2013 wlebis periods. auditi Caatara saerTaSoriso au-ditorulma kompaniam “beiker tili jorjiam”, romlis daskvniTac programuli xarjebi gaxarjulia miznobrivad.

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„tav jorjia“ da saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoeba

Tbilisisa da baTumis saerTaSoriso aeroportebis operatori kompania “tav jorjia“, ukve 6 welia CarTulia saqarT-velos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebasTan erTad saqvelmoqmedo saqmianobaSi. 2008 wlis maiss, wiTeli jvris da wiTeli naxevarmTvaris saerTaSoriso dRisadmi miZRvnil kvireulSi pirvelad Tbilisis saerTaSoriso aeroportSi ganTavs-da wiTeli jvris Semowirulobis yuTi, saidanac Semosuli Tanxebi orxrivi Se-Tanxmebis Tanaxmad qvelmoqmedebisTvis ixarjeba.2008 wlis ivlisSi, „tav jorjia“ erT-er-Ti partniori iyo saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebis mier organizebuli saerTaSoriso axalgazrduli banakisa, romelic aWaris regionSi ganxorcielda.2009 wlidan dRemde, „tav jorjia“ mud-mivi partnioria saqarTvelos wiTeli

meTe erqali“tav jorjias”

erTad qvelmoqmedebisTvis

jvris sazogadoebis mier organizebu-li resursebis mobilizebis kampaniisa, romelic yovelwliurad leikemiiT daavadebuli bavSvebis mxardasaWerad imarTeba. 2010 wlidan dRemde „tav jorjia“-s gen-eralurma direqtorma batonma meTe erqalma da saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebis generalurma mdivanma xeli moaweres urTierTanamSromlobis xe-lSekrulebas korporatiuli TanamSrom-lobis programis farglebSi. bolo periodSi „tav jorjiasa“ da saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris mier orga-nizebuli erToblivi RonisZiebebidan gansakuTrebiT aRsaniSnavia, 2013 wels Seraton metexi palasSi gamarTuli saer-TaSoriso gamofena-gayidva, romelSic wiTeli jvris xandazmuli beneficiarebis monawileobas mxari „tav jorjiam“ dau-Wira.

generaluri menejeri

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meTe erqali“tav jorjias”

saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoebis partniorebi

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1918 – Foundation of the Georgia Red Cross Society;

1923 – Independent existence of the GRCS was interrupted and it became the member of the Alliance of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of the USSR;

1993 –Parliament of Georgia ratified Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949;

1995 – Georgia Red Cross Society resumed its existence as an independent organization;

1997, October 2 – The law on Red Cross and Red Crescent Emblems and titles was adopted by Parliament of Georgia;

1997, October 16 – The Law on Georgia Red Cross Society was adopted by the Par-liament of Georgia;

1997, November 20 – Georgia Red Cross Society became the member of the Interna-tional Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies;

2008 –The MoU between the GRCS and National Center of Tuberculosis and Lung deceases was signed;

2008 – The GRCS became the member of the Harm Reduction National Network;

2008, August – The President of Georgia is-sued Decree #415 on approval of the Nation-al Response Plan for Emergency Situations, by which the GRCS is granted the special role among other NGO’s during Emergen-cies. Based on the Decree the GRCS, under the coordination of Emergency Management Department of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, organizes the work of non-gov-ernmental organizations involved in the recovery activities caused by the disaster.

The Vision Georgia Red Cross Society responds to and focused on human suffering of environment free from poverty, violence and prejudice.

The Mission Assist vulnerable people in coping with the effects of emergencies and socio-economic crisis to protect human life and dignity.

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Tbilisi, Batumi, Kutaiai, Sachkhere, Bagdati, Telavi, Sagarejo, Ozurgeti, Senaki,Chkhorotsku, Mestia, Rustavi, Gardabani, Bolnisi, Marneuli, Tianeti, Gori, Kareli, Kurta,Kharagauli, Akhaltsikhe, Akhmeta, Lagodekhi, Tetritskaro, Dmanisi, Oni, Ambrolauri, Tsageri, Dusheti, Chiatura, Zestaponi, Lanchkhuti, Tkibuli, Khulo, Kvareli.

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Table of ContentsIntroduction............................................................................................................................................63

DISASTER MANAGEMENT................................................................................................................66

Institutional Readiness for the Disaster and Development of Effective Coordination Tools ................66

Community-based Disaster Prevention, Readiness, Response/Disaster Risk Reduction.......................68

Family Emergency Plan..........................................................................................................................69

Reception (Operational) Centers in Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Senaki............................................................69

Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA).....................................................................................70

Climate Forum East................................................................................................................................71

HEALTH AND CARE...........................................................................................................................74

Promotion of non-remunerated voluntary blood donation......................................................................75

Drug-resistant Tuberculosis (DR-TB) Control.......................................................................................76

Community Based Health and First Aid.................................................................................................78

First Aid Strategy 2012-2016..................................................................................................................79

Psychosocial Support..............................................................................................................................80

Social Support of Vulnerable Groups through the Development of Joint Services, Social Strategies and

Services for them in Georgia..................................................................................................................81

COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS...............................................................................85 Cooperation with Media..........................................................................................................................85

ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT...............................................................................................89

Youth department and voluntary work...................................................................................................89

Improvement of GRCS Legal Base........................................................................................................92

Ante Mortem Data Collection of the Missing People.............................................................................94

Restoring Family Links (RFL)...............................................................................................................94

Safer Access............................................................................................................................................95

Resource mobilisation.............................................................................................................................99

Branch development.............................................................................................................................101

Financial report.....................................................................................................................................104

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were held with representatives of gov-ernment agencies and non-governmental organizations for the purpose of reducing disaster risks, exchanging of knowledge and experience related to disaster read-iness and response and developing of effective coordination tools.

Enhancing of Institutional Capacities for Establishing Effective Disaster Management System at Central and Local Levels

The National Society made aggressive steps towards the execution of its coor-dinating function assigned to it under the Presidential Decree #415 by 2008 on the Approval of the National Response Plan for Natural and Man-made Disasters with the aim to strengthen the coordination of non-state actors involved in the disaster


STRATEGIC GOAL 1 – Develop communities and recovery for effective disaster preparedness and response.

Institutional Readiness for the Disaster and Development of Effective Coordi-nation Tools

During 2013 Georgia Red Cross Society (GRCS) had deepened its cooperation with central government and local au-thorities as well as with non-governmen-tal organizations working in Disaster Management area in order to ensure institutional readiness for the disaster and effective coordination. Regular meetings

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management sector in Georgia. Georgia Red Cross Society organized meetings that were attended by representatives from three governmental agencies and over twenty international and/or local non-governmental organizations. Un-der the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) projects several meetings were held with different organizations involved in disas-ter management area, such as: ECHO, OXFAM, UNICEF, ACF, Save the Chil-dren, Danish Red Cross, Austrian Red Cross, etc. These meetings contributed to sharing of information, experience and lessons learned which in turn will have positive influence over the improvement of organizational skills and coordination in DRR area. GRCS had been actively involved into Disaster Risk Reduction think-tank meetings organized by UNDP several times throughout 2013.

Trainings in Disaster Management

According to the agreement signed with Action against Hunger (ACF), GRCS Di-saster Management Department provided trainings for Samegrelo and Zemo Svane-ti teachers on Family Emergency Plan-ning. The purpose of the trainings was to support teachers in providing trainings to students and teach them how to make their homes safer.

In April GRCS Disaster Management (DM) staff members from HQ conducted trainings on earthquake safety measures for the ICRC staff members in Tbilisi, Gori and Zugdidi.

Regional and Organizational Meetings in Armenia

In June Yerevan (Armenia) hosted a regional workshop on coordinated as-sessments organized by Regional Office

for the Caucasus and Central Asia (UN OCHA ROCCA). Participants from UN agencies, governmental sectors (Emer-gency Management Department, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Education, etc.), Red Cross/Red Crescent societies, CENN and other Non-Governmental organizations from 3 countries (Georgia, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan) attended the workshop.

In May Armenia hosted an organizational meeting under the Disaster Risk Reduc-tion project. Representatives of Georgia Red Cross Society, Armenian Red Cross, Danish Red Cross, International Commit-tee of the Red Cross, Austrian Red Cross and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies partici-pated into the meeting. Interagency Exercise “Shared Horizon 2013” In June, 2013, representatives of GRCS took part into inter-agency exercise “Shared Horizons 2013” held at the Emergency Management Department under the Ministry of Interior of Georgia. The objective of the exercise was to im-prove the tools of coordination between various Ministries and agencies during emergencies according to the “National Emergency Response Plan.” National Guard of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia was co-organizer of the exercise. Ministries and GRCS representatives were actively involved into the exercise. “Shared Horizons 2013” was carried out with the support and funding of the State of Georgia National Guard (USA) and US EUCOM. Exercise included setting up of interagency Crisis Management Center that was located at the National Guard of the Ministry of Defense. The Field Operation Center/Field Command

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Center had been set up at the Rescue Training Base of the Special and Emer-gency Operations Center under the Min-istry of Interior. GRCS representatives actively participated into the operation of the Crisis Management Center, as well as of the Field Operation Center/Field Command Center.

Upon completion of the exercise, the GRCS representative Tamar Kamkamid-ze received special award for her contri-bution and active participation into the “Shared Horizons 2013.”

Command and Staff Training “Didgori 2013”

In September, 2013 a representative of the Georgia Red Cross Society Disaster Management Department took part into the inter-agency command and staff ex-ercise “Didgori 2013”, organized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia and held at Krtsanisi Training Center of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia.

The aim of the exercise was to improve civil-military coordination between gov-ernment agencies in times of emergency and armed conflicts. During the exercise Crisis Management Interagency Opera-tions Center had been established by the

MIA; it consisted of representatives from different ministries and GRCS. The Cen-ter ensured civil protection activities and elimination of consequences of emergen-cy situations in a simulated large-scale emergency situations and civil defense activities in times of armed conflicts.

Community-based Disaster Preven-tion, Readiness, Response/Disaster Risk Reduction

• Increased awareness on disaster/emergency allowed communities to ef-fectively act in times of disasters;• Timely flow of information and building of capacities of the RC local organizations contributed to the reduction of local community vulnerability towards emergency situation and disaster out-comes.

In 2013 GRCS DM department imple-mented three DRR projects:

1. “Regional Programme for Build-ing Safer Local Communities in South Caucasus” funded by European Commis-sion and co-funded by Danish Red Cross, Austrian Red Cross, and Icelandic Red Cross in a consortium with IFRC; 2. ADA FRAMEWORK - Building safe and resilient communities;3. Emergency Preparedness and Re-sponse (EPR) funded by ICRC. All three GRCS projects built on the pre-vious DRR programme outcomes with an increase of 8 new Community Volunteer Teams bringing the total membership to 240 trained volunteers as well as pro-tecting over 8,280 households through 6 new mitigation projects. A further 160 teachers have been trained in DRR while students in 79 schools were involved in

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the Family Emergency Plan (FEP) proj-ect and 7 schools conducted evacuation exercises.

Family Emergency PlanFive-day youth summer camp was or-ganized for Ambrolauri, Oni, Tsageri, Lentekhi, Tkibuli and Sachkhere school students, who had developed the best Family Emergency Plans. The students were trained in Disaster Management and First Aid, as well as psychosocial meetings were arranged for them. At the cultural evening the Camp participants presented dances, songs and poems tra-ditional for their respective areas. During the summer camp a football tournament had been organized for young people.

Community-based surveys carried out in Georgia (mainly in Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti Region, Tkibuli and Sachkhere) in November 2013, revealed positive indicators in all aspects of com-munity DRR learning. The percentage of the community members stating that they knew what to do and how to help in times of disaster increased from 23% to 72% and the number of those individuals who know where they are supposed to go in case of evacuation increased from 17% to 71%. Also the number of community members having received information on DRR, mostly through the schools pro-gramme, has been significantly increased. An impressive 30% of families in Geor-gia that had undertaken the FEP had made physical changes to their houses to reduce risk.

The innovative DRR Model, establish-ment of Community Volunteer Teams, improving public awareness on threat, implementation of Family Emergency Plans, supporting of school evacuation exercises, conduct of simulation exercis-

es and support of community-based mit-igation projects has been well integrated into National Society strategic plans.

Reception (Operational) Centers in Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Senaki

Within the framework of the Disaster Preparedness and Response (DPR) pro-gramme, Reception (Operational) Centres have been established in Tbilisi, Gori, Kutaisi and Senaki. The main goal of these institutions is to assist disaster-af-fected population within the 72 hours after disaster (e.g. First Aid, Psychosocial Support, Restoring Family Links, etc.). In order to share information on project activities in target communities, number of meetings have been held with local authorities and other stakeholders. Repre-sentatives of national and regional media actively covered GRCS Disaster Man-agement activities through TV channels and printed media.

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As a further demonstration of the insti-tutionalization of the programme, the 8 selected communities (in eastern and western parts of Georgia) made positive progress to update or develop community disaster preparedness and response plans.

Raising of Public Awareness on Di-saster Risk Reduction and Climate Change AdaptationImproving of public awareness on Disas-ter Risk Reduction and Climate Change adaptation has come through a number of ways:• Regional and national media campaigns and coverage of DRR events (such as the simulation exercises);• Formal and informal education at schools;• Development of Family Emergen-cy Plans;• School evacuation exercises; • Vulnerability and Capacity As-sessment, small mitigation projects, etc.

The programmes helped to motivate local civil society in targeted communities by raising their interest towards Disaster Risk Reduction by proving that lack of resources does not necessarily mean that they are not able to increase their own protection, be better prepared and thereby less vulnerable.

Disaster Management projects contribut-ed to strengthening of coordination and cooperation between regional and local authorities and other key stakeholders by involving them in DRR activities and raising their awareness and knowledge. At present National Society is very much respected and accepted by the authorities, which in turn, are open for future cooper-ation.

Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA)Volunteers from 8 target (selected) com-munities carried out Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA). Mitigation projects implemented on the basis of the Assessment brought benefits to the ma-jority of the community population.

All 4 existing and 8 new volunteer teams received the following trainings: Red Cross/Red Crescent principles, disas-ter risk management, rescue/fire-fighter training, first aid training, psycho-social support, restoring family links (RFL), communications in emergencies, climate change adaptation and conduct of Vul-nerability Capacity Assessments (VCAs), project proposal writing skills, etc. GRCS DM Department equipped volunteers of the communities with standard personal protection gear. Together with rescue/firefighters teams, local authorities, medical first respond-ers, Emergency Response Department of the Ministry of Interior as well as other stakeholders, volunteer teams from 10 communities went through simulation trainings related to the launch of munici-pality response plan.

Awareness and educational material has been developed and distributed through disaster management programs.

Relief Assistance to Disaster Affected Households

In 2013 GRCS Disaster Management Department used the funding of IFRC Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to provide relief assistance to more than 5,000 households in western and eastern parts of Georgia that were badly affect-ed by heavy rainstorm and wind (each

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household received two mattresses, two blankets, two hygienic packages and a kitchenware set). Identification of affect-ed families and their needs was based on the assessment carried out by GRCS staff and volunteers from the affected munic-ipalities with the coordination of local authorities. GRCS staff and volunteers, as well as representatives of local author-ities, local population, IFRC and ICRC took active participation in relief distribu-tion process.

Climate Forum EastThe Georgia Red Cross established a civ-il society network with various non-gov-ernmental organizations and subject mat-ter experts in the area of climate change adaptation. Representatives of environ-

ment protection, humanitarian, health-care and agriculture sectors hold regular workshops in order to discuss issues, such as response to the climate change in Georgia. The main goal of the project is to create and further develop the capacity of civil society organizations in order to participate in political dialogue with local authorities, EU institutions and interna-tional organizations on climate change.

In January GRCS launched the imple-mentation of Climate Forum East project. This regional project is coordinated by the Austrian Red Cross and implemented by the following partners: Georgia Red Cross Society, Azerbaijan Red Crescent, Armenian Red Cross, Belarusian Red Cross, National Ecological Center of

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Ukraine and ECOSPECTRU (Moldova). The project is funded by the EU; co-funders are: the Austrian Development Agency, the Austrian Red Cross and the WWF.

Meetings at Regional Level:

Regional Workshop in BakurianiOn February 18-22 regional workshop was held in Bakuriani. The event served as a presentation of the Project. Partic-ipants of the workshop discussed work plan of the Project, planned regional meetings and established a project work-ing group.

Regional Workshop in ChakviOn July 8-9the second regional workshop on Climate Vulnerability Assessment Methodology was conducted in a small

town of Chakvi. The main objective of the workshop was to arrange a meeting of the authors of vulnerability assessment with members of civil society network from 6 countries in order to discuss and agree on the best approach to the process of development of the national report.

Regional Workshop in Ukraine On October 7-8 the third workshop (training) on Effective Advocacy and Communication Strategies took place in Odessa, Ukraine. Project teams of the na-tional network of the six countries as well as communication subject matter experts participated into the event. The workshop participants identified the national advo-cacy as the main priority.

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Regional Workshop in TbilisiOn December 11 next workshop was organized under the Climate Forum East project. The goal of the workshop was to review the implementation of the Project activities and discuss future plans among the members of the national network of the above listed countries.

Meetings at Local Level:On March 22 Climate Forum East proj-ect was presented in Tbilisi. Various members of the civil society network, as well as government institutions working on climate change issues, participated into the event. The main objective of the meeting was to inform the civil sector and government institutions/companies about the project and agree on future cooperation. The guests showed great in-terest into the project and expressed their readiness for cooperation.

On May 20, GRCS held a workshop and invited Ms. Medea Inashvili, a represen-tative of the Georgian Ministry of Envi-ronment Protection and Natural Resourc-es to facilitate the meeting. GRCS staff, volunteers and other stakeholders also attended the meeting. The participants discussed the following issues: global

warming, the phenomenon of climate change, effects of climate change and adaptation to climate changes around the globe and specifically in Georgia.

On June 18, GRCS organized a work-shop, which aimed at discussing specific directions of National Climate Changes of Georgia with partner organizations. Representatives of GRCS Disaster Man-agement and Health Care departments made presentations about Georgia’s vul-nerability towards disasters and the affect of climate changes on human health.

On November 20, GRCS conducted a workshop, the main goal of which was to discuss the issues related to biodiversity and Climate Change Adaptations (CCA) with representatives of partner organiza-tion. Louisa Whitlock, Technical Advi-sor of Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Center, as well as representatives of other organizations attended the meeting. They discussed biodiversity and threats related to it. In addition to this, the coordinator of this project talked about work done within the framework of the project and discussed future activities.

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STRATEGIC GOAL 2 – Strength-en community resilience to cope with disasters, conflict, crisis, daily accidents, diseases and and public health emergen-cies. Combat against spread of HIV/AIDS and level of stigmatization through prevention activities among youth and harm reduction activities among target injecting drug users

In response of the situation in Georgia and with the support of the Italian Red Cross, GRCS makes efforts from October 2009 till present to mitigate spread of HIV/AIDS through the following three directions:

• Raise of awareness among youth and drug abusers;• Field activities targeting injecting drug users (IDUs); and• Psychosocial support to the IDUs.

In 2013 informational/education activi-ties had been carried out in Tbilisi and 6 target regions (Ajara, Samegrelo, Shida Kartli, Kvemo Kartli, Racha and Svane-ti). In total, 149 seminars were provided to 4,486 participants; 65 of them target-ed to 1,128 volunteers of GRCS and 84 seminars were designed for 3,358 stu-dents/youth from different institutional

Fight against Climate Change

GRCS celebrated the Day Against Cli-mate Change at Tbilisi Zoo. This event aimed at raising awareness on the fight against climate change, preservation of wildlife as well as environment protec-tion. Red Cross volunteers distributed informational booklets on the territory of the zoo, painted creative paintings and ar-ranged an exhibition showing the species of animals that are endangered because of climate change. At the end of the day, a discussion on “What Can the Society Do to Fight against Climate Change?” was held in the zoo. Both GRCS volunteers as well as the youth that did voluntary work at the zoo were actively involved into the discussion; they were joined by regular citizens who learned about this issue from the informational booklets distrib-uted by the Red Cross volunteers during the day.


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facilities and universities.

During the field activities, GRCS reached IDUs, distributed awareness raising/edu-cational material, as well as sterile sy-ringes, needles and condoms and invited them to visit GRCS office for further educational/rehabilitation engagements and psychological counseling. As a result of outreach activities, contacts had been established with 217 new beneficiaries, 117 of which (IDUs) received regular services from the project.

Project psychologists provided 165 one-time individual psychological counseling and 30 group meetings; In addition to this, psychological support was offered to the families of beneficiaries. 37 ben-eficiaries regularly received individual counseling.

World AIDS Day

On December 1 GRCS arranged public events in Tbilisi and 6 target regions dedicated to the World AIDS Day. GRCS volunteers distributed informational/ed-ucational material near the educational facilities, public parks and recreational areas.

Cooperation for Harm Reduction

GRCS Harm Reduction project team continues active cooperation with all governmental and non-governmental organizations engaged in the field of HR. The GRCS HR project team was actively involved into workshops, seminars and trainings organized by Harm Reduction Network and its member organizations. Since 2008 Georgia Red Cross Society has been the member of Georgian Harm Reduction Network (GHRN).

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) had been signed between the GRCS and GHRN as well as between the GRCS and NGO “New Vector.”

Internationally, the GRCS is a member of IFRC’s various working groups and the European Red Cross/Red Crescent Society Network on HIV/AIDS and TB (ERNA).

Promotion of non-remunerated volun-tary blood donation

Since 2009 till present the Georgia Red Cross Society with support of the Nor-wegian Red Cross implements bilateral project “Promotion of voluntary non-re-munerated blood donation in Georgia.” Also from August till December, 2013 VNRBD promotional activities were sup-ported by the IFRC.

The project aims at increasing blood supply and share of voluntary non-re-munerated blood donations countrywide through promoting of the voluntary non-remunerated blood donation among the youth at the age of 18-30.

In 2013, 10-member teams of active, properly trained volunteers were estab-lished at local branches in Tbilisi and 6 target regions (Adjara, Samegrelo, Shida Kartli, Kvemo Kartli, Racha and Svane-ti).

Workshops on Safe Blood Donation and Blood-borne Diseases

Project staff and volunteers provided 233 workshops to 4,402 students/youth in Tbilisi and 6 target regions on safe, vol-untary, non-remunerated blood donation and blood-borne diseases.

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Blood Donation Campaigns

In 2013 the GRCS conducted the follow-ing 8 NRBD campaigns:

January 25, 2013 – a BD campaign at the Ilia State University; May 8, 2013 – a BD campaign dedi-cated to the World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day;October 25, 2013 – a BD action at the Tbilisi Blood Transfusion Post; December 1, 2013 – a BD campaign in Tbilisi and in Batumi, dedicated to the World AIDS Day; December 6, 2013 – a NRBD action dedicated to the International Volun-teer Day at the Tbilisi State Medical University (mobile Blood Bank of the Jo Ann Medical Centre (JAMC));December 9, 2013 – a BD action in Batumi (at Batumi Blood Transfusion Post); December 13, 2013 – another NRBD action at Tbilisi State University (the mobile Blood Bank of the M. Iashvili Children’s Central Hospital).

In 2013, as a result of all the VNRBD campaigns organized by the GRCS, in total 768 potential blood donors were mobilized. However, out of 768 only 450 young people complied with the require-ments of the Blood Banks and were able to donate blood. Blood donors were awarded with specially developed and produced T-shirts of GRCS.

World Blood Donors Day

Through June 14-21 the week dedicated to the World Blood Donors Day was or-ganized, which included blood donation at the City Blood Transfusion Post, where the alumni of US educational program

FLEX, as well as GRCS volunteers and staff donated blood. In addition to this, GRCS conducted street campaigns at central and local levels by driving GRCS volunteers in an open bus and promoting non-remunerated, voluntary blood dona-tion and distributing informational/edu-cational material near education facilities, recreational and public parks.

Cooperation for Blood Donation

Cooperation has been established with NCDC as a National Program Coordina-tor; as well as with Jo Ann Blood Bank, Tbilisi City Blood Transfusion Station, Blood Bank of Iashvili Children Cen-tral Hospital, Batumi Blood Transfusion Station, Young Donors’ Club, administra-tions of high educational facilities (both at central and local levels), including Tbilisi State Medical University, Ilia State University, Gori University, Kutaisi University, Tbilisi State University and Batumi Naval Academy.

Memorandum of Understanding has been signed with the National Center for Dis-ease Control and Public Health, Blood Bank of Jo Ann Medical Center and Tbilisi Blood Transfusion Post.

Drug-resistant Tuberculosis (DR-TB) Control

Since 2008, with the technical and finan-cial support of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Georgia Red Cross Society is implementing Drug-resistant TB Control Project in Tbilisi (Donor: Eli Lilly and Company).

Main objectives of the GRCS in fighting

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against DR-TB are as follows:

• Supporting of the National MDR-TB Control Program by strengthening ad-herence to the outpatient treatment of and providing psychosocial care to the target MDR -TB patients; • Conducting Advocacy, Communi-cation, and Social Mobilization (ACSM) activities in support of TB Control in Georgia; • Combating stigma and discrimina-tion against TB patients by raising aware-ness of the community.

In 2013 targeted 102 MDT-TB patients, being under treatment provided by the NTP, were regularly supervised by the GRCS project team. As a result of the ac-tive work of the GRCS treatment adher-ence team, 29 out of 102 target MDR-TB patients finished treatment successfully; 4 patients interrupted the treatment.

The GRCS work made it obvious that strengthening of treatment adherence, better management of co-morbid psy-chological problems and raising aware-

ness on TB could improve a rate of successful treatment outcomes among MDR-TB patients.

To improve TB control in Georgia and to influence decision-makers to increase support to the TB control, the GRCS project team carried out advocacy activ-ities with key target groups, such as: TB stakeholders, decision makers, represen-tatives of media, businesses, NTP person-nel, active beneficiaries of the Project and volunteers/treatment supporters.

In order to support early detection of TB/MDR-TB, timely reference and stigma and discrimination elimination, 140 trained volunteers of GRCS conducted educational-informational sessions for 1 337 community leaders, as a result of which approximately 4011 community members raised their knowledge on TB through indirect method.

Cooperation with Stakeholders

The project was implemented in close co-

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operation with stakeholders. GRCS key partners in this direction are:

• Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs (MoLHSA);• Coordinator of National Tubercu-losis Control Program (NTP) i.e. Nation-al Centre of TB and Pulmonary Diseases.

Cooperation is based on an official Mem-orandum of Understanding (MoU) signed

in January, 2008 between Georgia Red Cross Society and National Centre for TB and Pulmonary Diseases.

By the end of 2013 the Georgian NCDC was selected as the new PR of Global Fund in Georgia. At present intensive negotiations are carried out with NCDC on the possible ways of spreading GRCS

experience to other regions of Georgia in the frames of the new grant of GFATM.

Internationally GRCS is a member of the various IFRC working groups, includ-ing Steering Committee of the Europe-an Health Managers forum, Global TB Working Group, the European Red Cross/Red Crescent Network on HIV/AIDS and TB (ERNA).

Community Based Health and First Aid

In 2013 GRCS First Aid Project was financially supported by the ICRC.

FA has been identified as one of the pri-orities of the GRCS Strategy for 2012-2016, which is in line with the Interna-

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tional Federation Policy on First Aid and the ICRC concept of conflict prepared-ness.

The GRCS FA activities aims at protec-tion and assistance of vulnerable people, affected by crises (disasters/conflict/daily emergencies), in a timely, safe and effec-tive manner through mobilising properly trained FA volunteers while working closely with local authorities. The NS continues its efforts to improve institu-tional development of its FA unit and ca-pacity building of staff and volunteers in order to make them capable and prepared for providing FA services to disaster-af-fected people.

First Aid Strategy 2012-2016

In August, 2013 GRCS Presidium adopt-ed FA Strategy 2012-2016.

Activities to Obtain Europe’s First Aid Certification

In order to obtain Europe’s First Aid Cer-tification (EFAC), GRCS filled out and submitted EFAC application form that had been accepted by the IFRC Global First Aid Reference Centre.

First Aid Network

Since 2008 GRCS continues building of effective and sustainable Red Cross First Aid network. In 2013 GRCS network of 6-member FA teams had expanded through establishment of FA team at Ku-taisi branch (Imereti region). According-ly, GRCS FA volunteer network currently consists of FA teams in Tbilisi and 7 branches (Batumi, Senaki, Kutaisi, Mes-tia, Ambrolauri, Gori and Rustavi).

During the period, 8 GRCS FA volun-teers from target branches and 5 em-ployees of Healthcare program have been trained and certified as GRCS FA Master Instructors (in total 13 trained instructors). It should be mentioned that with the IFRC support, the GRCS FA volunteer/trainer from Senaki Branch had an opportunity to participate into Inter-national Training of FA Master Trainers and was awarded with the international certificate of Master Instructor.

First Aid Volunteers/Trainers

48 FA volunteers were trained as FA trainers; 32 PSS volunteers were well skilled in PSS; 144 GRCS volunteers and 26 staff members were trained in FA at central and branch levels; in total 250 GRCS staff and volunteers in Tbilisi and 7 target branches gained knowledge and skills to provide initial FA in case of emergencies; FA trained volunteers provided trainings to 3 847 community leaders in Tbilisi and 7 target branches. It is estimated that each of trained com-munity leaders will share FA knowledge to at least 2-3 other community members. As a result it is estimated that at least 9 600 community members will gain FA knowledge. Accordingly, vulnerability of approx. 13 440 community members to conflicts, natural, man-made and daily emergencies will be decreased.

It should be noted that the image of the GRCS as a key First Aid provider has been significantly improved at local and international levels. At local level coop-eration was established with MoLHSA, MoES, MoIA, State Medical University, local UN agencies, local and internation-al NGOs; at international level GRCS

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Psychosocial Support

Since 2008 the GRCS accumulated significant knowledge and experience in providing of psychosocial support.

Psychosocial Support Network (PSS)

The GRCS PSS network has been estab-lished in Tbilisi and 4 target branches in 2009; nowadays the PSS teams are pres-ent in Tbilisi and 7 target branches (Ba-tumi, Senaki, Kutaisi, Mestia, Amrolauri, Gori and Rustavi). In 2013 the psychoso-cial support activities were implemented under the GRCS ongoing programme components.

Since 2008 the GRCS maintains in-tensive cooperation with the Europe-an Network for Psychosocial Support (ENPS) and participates in the ENPS Annual Meetings, which raises awareness about the GRCS PSS activities on the

became a member of FAEEN and ENPS.

Support of the Healthy Lives in Rus-taviIn December 2013, GRCS launched Healthy Life Support project in Rustavi, which was funded by the Japanese gov-ernment under Grassroots and Human Safety Projects; the project is supported by Georgian Steel Treatment Center and aims at supporting socially vulnerable citizens in Rustavi so that they should have access to qualified basic health care. From May 2014 population of Rustavi and adjacent villages will have opportu-nity to get qualified medical care at the GRCS clinic established and equipped with modern equipment under the proj-ect.

Project agreement was signed by Mr. Toshio Kaitani, Japanese Ambassador to Georgia and by Natia Loladze, GRCS President.

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In accordance with the Strategy 2012-2016, Georgia Red Cross Society seeks to improve health and social status of socially vulnerable groups on the basis of social welfare model through:

• the provision of quality and regu-lar services;• the conduct of educational classes and trainings; • the mobilization of GRCS volun-teers and staff and improvement of their skills and capacities; • the use of humanitarian diplomacy while advocating for vulnerable groups through their involvement and participa-tion into decision-making processes.

Activity Center Network in 19 Districts

Social support of vulnerable groups includes the synergy of GRCS integrated components and activities towards em-powering of vulnerable groups and sup-porting their integration into the society. On the basis of its multi-year experience, joint work with international partners,

international level. Besides, the GRCS PSS team has close cooperation with the IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support (the PS Centre); all PSS train-ings at the GRCS are based on the mate-rial and guidelines provided by the IFRC PS Centre and adapted to the country context. In May, 2012 GRCS psychologist Nino Siradze attended a PSS Master Training organized by the PS Centre in Copenha-gen, Denmark, as a result of which, she has been added to the Roster-list of the Centre. As a PSS expert and PSS focal point for the post-Soviet area, on June 10-14 the GRCS psychologist togeth-er with the GRCS experienced volun-teer-psychologist conducted the regional Training of Trainers (ToT) on Psychoso-cial Support organized in Moscow, Rus-sia. Social Support of Vulnerable Groups through the Development of Joint Ser-vices, Social Strategies and Services for them in Georgia

Ms. Natia Loladze, GRCS President and H.E. Mr. Toshio Kaitani, Ambassador Extraordirary and Plenipotentiary of Japan. Project signing ceremony

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continued education and elaboration of new approaches, GRCS established and developed Activity Center Network in 19 districts in order to ensure social support for vulnerable groups. At the above centers the beneficiaries:

• Feel welcome, make friends and develop personal support networks; • Participate into the management of the center and are involved into the works of activity groups; receive infor-mation on their rights and entitlements; • Become involved into the deci-sion-making process and advocacy works for vulnerable groups;• Develop and implement com-munity-based initiatives through the integration with GRCS volunteers, other members of the community and program components; • Become involved into the process of home care for homebound elderly and develop support-groups/self-support groups.

By the end of 2013, 755 homebound and 4100 mobile older people benefited from the implementation of GRCS social proj-ects; the number of volunteers involvedin social activities under the social sup-port project during the reporting period totaled 925.

The following activities shall be under-lined from the main directions:

• Presentations and associations’ meetings, which allow partners to review and discuss content of activities, indica-tors, experience and outcomes that are build upon the involvement of partners, years of experience, best practice and lessons learned. • Various educational sessions and trainings, which aim at improving the capacity of participants, volunteers, beneficiaries and stakeholders; use of methodologies and tools into practice. • Development of approaches and methodologies and publication of training manuals for stakeholders and

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direct participants at community level. • Regular meetings between local authorities and members of target com-munity; reviews and discussions about the development of municipal social strategies and social programs with the involvement of beneficiaries.• Exchange study visits for mem-bers of local authorities and communi-ties; best practice leaflets and booklets that are developed following to the best practices and achieved results, represent the best tools for experience sharing and initiation of new ideas at local and central levels. Also it is an effective tool for the replication and development of activities. • Development of home care model and manual (for communities) and establishment/development of joint services in cooperation with local munic-ipal agencies. • Establishment/development of activity and self-support teams through the involvement of generations and sol-idarity actions as well as by taking into consideration gender specific activities. • Establishment of social centers in urban and rural areas in cooper-ation with local municipalities, as an indicator of joint activity and its stable development. By 2013, GRCS operated 22 daycare centers in cooperation with local authorities and with the support of various donors and international partners. The centers are located in: Tbilisi, Ku-taisi (2 centers), Sagarejo, Khelvachauri, Khulo (in the communities of Khulo and Kedlebi), Tetritskaro, Bolnisi, Senaki, Telavi, Lagodekhi, Akhmeta, Kvareli, Chokhatauri, Gardabani, Tkibuli, Ambro-lauri, Sachkhere, Marneuli, Dusheti and Lanchkhuti;• Local and international train-ings of trainers (ToT) and workshops, development and publishing of advo-cacy manuals in Georgian language for

GRCS staff, volunteers and leader old people, who shall develop human rights-based approach and tools required for the advocacy of human rights, come up with initiatives on advocacy and persuade elder people in order to make them more involved into advocacy process. Identi-fication of cases of discrimination and responding to them is a main activity; it shall be considered as a shortfall requir-ing the provision of specific help from gender perspective. • Establishment of human rights groups at local level and development

of network and links throughout the country. It must be noted that human rights teams include students and media representatives. The main activities of human rights teams are focused on the advocacy approach, development and outcomes to the response on needs identi-fied through needs assessment. • Quarterly meetings with com-

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munity ensures bringing of beneficiaries and local authorities closer to each other. Community members have opportunity to meet with decision-making officials, receive qualified answer from them and share their problems openly. This in turn brings the members of the community closer to each other and empowers them in terms of identification of common problems in the community and provision of response. • Around 50 voluntary initiatives that were selected and implemented within social projects during the report-ing period, covered 6 000 members of the community, 1 500 volunteers and identi-fied 50 leaders within the elderly popu-lation. Women role into the development of volunteer initiatives is very crucial. They are relatively more in number and are very motivated while offering and implementing of initiatives. Development and presentation of initiatives by the members of the community is a novelty

for rural communities and it also greatly facilitates to the decrease of their isola-tion and separation. • Round table meetings at local and central level with the participation of stakeholders and beneficiaries is the best way to increase the circle of part-ners, which in turn contributes to the sustainability of volunteer initiatives and their development at the expense of com-munity resources and additional partners; the role and good image of the Red Cross makes it easier to arrange stakeholder meetings and establish strong coopera-tion. • Interim reviews and evaluation of social projects with the involvement of consultants, project team and commu-nity leaders contributes to sharing of les-sons learned, documenting of assessment of outcomes and developing of further action plan, which represents the key tool for monitoring and interim review.

Advocacy training for GRCS staff

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activities/events by central and local media sources. TV Company Rustavi 2 invited GRCS president and represen-tatives of various departments of Red Cross Society to participate into TV show “Shuadge” in order to discuss the activi-ties of the National Society.

Information on GRCS was spread by the following news agencies: Interpresnews, Express News, GHN, Prime Time News, News Press and Geo News.

“Mediator”Journal published an inter-view the Natia Loladze, President of GRCS.In 2013 a social movie (duration: 11 min) One Warm Room has been prepared describing activities aiming at the im-provement of living interior for internally displaced people.

Events:During the reporting year numerous ac-tivities were organized in celebration of the following events: World First Aid DayWorld Tuberculosis DayWorld Blood Donor DayInternational AIDS DayInternational Day of Volunteers

International Day of Elderly International Day of Children, etc.

Red Cross WeekThrough May 8-15 a traditional Red Cross Week was organized. The anniver-sary week was carried out with the slogan “95 year working together .” It included numerous charity and educational events, which in turn facilitated to the increase of public awareness. Informational material has been developed and disseminated to the population (Red Cross volunteers dis-

Advocacy training for GRCS staff


STRATEGIC GOAL 3 – Enhance linkages and networking within and out of the National Society that contribute to creating an environmentwhere all the GRCS branches and stakeholders are kept informed of all aspects of GRCS work and are thereby enabled to support each other towards fulfilling the mission.

Communication and Public Relations

In 2013 Georgia Red Cross Society cel-ebrated its 95th anniversary.Numerous events were held both at Headquarters’ level and in local branches to celebrate the anniversary. Informational material dedicated to the anniversary has been published and distributed. Public Broad-casting Channel prepared a social video, which described the main activities of GRCS; the TV story was aired by this TV channel for 6 months. Anniversary events continued throughout the year and contributed to the increase of awareness about the Red Cross. Cooperation with MediaCooperation with media represented one of the highest priorities in 2013. Through press-releases, interviews and reports, information about GRCS activities was regularly disseminated by printing and electronic media.

The following TV channels broadcasted TV stories about GRCS: Public Broad-casting Channel, Rustavi 2, Imedi, Ertsulovneba and 9th Channel. During the reporting period, more than 30 TV coverage were prepared about GRCS

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and sent best paintings to Tbilisi. Later GRCS exhibition was moved to Parlia-ment of Georgia in Kutaisi, where the numerous visitors had opportunity to see children’s paintings.

Marathon “ Run for Red Cross ”On May 11, GRCS and ICRC organized a marathon named “Run for Red Cross”. The marathon was dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the GRCS and to the 150th anniversary of the RC/RC Interna-tional Movement.

The goal of the marathon was to help children with leukemia. GRCS used the money raised from this event to help Iashvili Health Clinic and purchased necessary medicines for them. The spon-sors of this event were Gulf and Borjomi companies.

tributed the material during the events). Informational support of Red Cross Week was done both at central and local levels.

On May 8, Red Cross Week was of-ficially opened with the exhibition at the National Parliamentary Libraryof Georgia in Tbilisi. Paintings by school students dedicated to the Red Cross were displayed at the exhibition. The exhi-bition was preceded by the Red Cross awareness workshops that were conduct-ed by GRCS representatives in secondary schools of Tbilisi and regions of Georgia. The workshops aimed at informing stu-dents about the mission of the Red Cross and its fundamental principles, climate change, TB and AIDS. The following schools from Tbilisi participated into Red Cross workshops:

Zaal Sulakauri Art StudioInternational Georgian SchoolEuropean SchoolPublic School #161IB MtiebiIn addition to the above, GRCS branch-es were involved into the project; they arranged similar exhibitions at local level

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clearly see Red Cross volunteers who raise money by using the charity box-es and the characters of the movie are distributing Red Cross balloons to the public. After the airing of the episode, the video was uploaded on YouTube, where it was viewed by 41,000 people in 2013.

Communication Strategy

GRCS finished development of Commu-nication Strategy 2013-2016. Action plan of this Strategy has been elaborated and shared with GRCS branches. Implemen-tation of the Action Plan of the Strategy will be launched from 2013.

Caucasian Regional Communication Workshop

Publication and Awareness

Information on GRCS activities were regularly published on Red Cross web-site and facebook page. Web site design has been updated; annual publication of Annual Report 2012 has been printed and distributed; informational leaflets, book-lets, posters and bulletins, covering the most important activities of the year, has been printed and distributed within the framework of various programs.

GRCS systematically shared information on implemented activities with the Com-munication Section of European Zone of IFRC. GRCS article on “Overcoming the Social Isolation of Elderly Population” had been published at IFRC publication „Humanitarian impacts of the economic crisis in Europe“.

GRCS’s Appearance in TV serial “My Wife’s Female Friends”

Appearance of GRCS in the top-rated TV serial My Wife’s Female Friends had a positive public response. According to the screenplay, the musical band “Ga-mouvali Mdgomareoba”of the film held a charity concert to help a child. One can

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On February 4-8, Tsakhkadzor, Armenia hosted Caucasian Regional Communi-cation Workshop with the participation of staff from Armenian Red Cross and Georgia Red Cross, as well as represen-tatives of ICRC and Danish Red Cross. The main topic of the workshop was communication during the emergency. Trainers from Icelandic Red Cross shared their experience to the audience.


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during emergencies, attracting of new members and volunteers, effective man-agement of voluntary activities, expan-sion of services and adoption of the best practice.

Regional forum

With the support of ICRC, the Georgia Red Cross Society hosted two regional fora for the representatives of HQ and branches (80 participants), which aimed at strengthening organizational and oper-ational capacities of the National Society throughout the country by provision of effective services that are oriented on the needs of vulnerable groups in the coun-try.


2013 has been very useful and diverse year for the GRCS, especially, for the Youth Department.

Numerous projects have been implement-ed and many interesting and new events have been conducted; new, energetic and hardworking people joined RC volun-teers; number of fund-raising campaigns have been organized; Youth Department was actively involved in Disaster Man-agement and health care activities. In 2013, GRCS Youth Department devel-oped a project of “Adaptation to Climate Change and Disaster Management” winning the Youth on the Move Award, which was awarded to the National Soci-ety at the General Assembly in Sydney, Australia.

Internal Communication

Internal communication with GRCS branches has been improved as a result of trainings and workshops. Experience on effective use of social networks, includ-ing the application of Red Cross website and its Facebook page has been shared.


STRATEGIC GOAL 4– Function effectively as a leading self-reliant humanitarian actor with enhanced and sustainable organizational capacities.

The Volunteering Policy

In 2013, with the efforts of Georgia Red Cross Society, the Volunteering Policy was reviewed and approved; the sta-tus and the role of a volunteer has been defined. Importance of volunteering in terms of GRCS activities has been im-proved and the main values, standards and attitudes towards voluntary work for the national society has been developed, which contributes to strengthening of the motivation of volunteers.

Branch Manual

For the purpose of developing GRCS branch capacities, the National Society has developed Branch Manual, which in fact is a set of strategic and legal documents required for effective func-tioning of the branch. Understanding of the Branch Manual is mandatory for representatives of branches in order to ensure establishment of their institutional knowledge, rapid and effective response

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The campaign received a great response and during a week it increased the num-ber of volunteers by a dozen students from Tbilisi State University.

Sun Festival

GRCS joined the Sun Festival held at Mziuri Park to celebrate International Children’s Day on June 1. For GRCS it was fund-raising event with up to 30 volunteers. At the event the Red Cross volunteers disseminated knowledge about the Red Cross among public, played with the children and sold cupcakes with Red Cross emblem.

Red Cross Weekend

On hot summer days Mtatsminda Recre-ation Park hosted Red Cross Weekend. Guests and volunteers visiting the Park had an opportunity to get involved in var-ious recreational activities, taste cupcakes

‘Trade the Cigarette with Me”Campaign

In 2013 the Youth Department run a campaign named “Trade the Cigarette with Me” with the participation of GRCS 20 volunteers. The campaign aimed at sharing information to students about the harm of the tobacco and ciga-rette for their health.

The event was arranged at the territory adjacent to Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvi-li State University. For few hours, the volunteers traded cigarettes for chewing gums; those students who were ready to throw away a box of cigarette and want-ed to quit smoking were awarded with incentives related to healthy lifestyle.

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with Red Cross emblem and participate into a flash-mob. Also, volunteers offered face painting services to children; they staged numerous games and arranged sports competitions. GRCS volunteers played against the students of Backswood School and scored equal.

Youth Meeting in Sydney

On November 8-10, 2013, 198 youth from 116 National Societies gathered in Sydney, Australia to attend Youth Meet-ing and General Assembly. GRCS had been awarded for its project about cli-mate change submitted for the contest. The project aims at raising public aware-ness on the fight against climate changes; also the harm it can bring to the society and what shall people do in order to pre-vent health problems caused by climate change.

For the development of successful proj-ect, GRCS had been awarded with the Youth on the Move Award and prizes (notebook and camcorder). Kenyan, Chi-nese, Ugandan, Chilean, Pakistani and Iranian National Societies won the simi-lar awards. Tadateru Konoe, the President of IFRC personally congratulated repre-sentatives of all seven national societies.

Council of Volunteers

In 2013, GRCS Council of Volunteers composed of 15 active volunteers has been established. Once in a week the Council holds meetings at the HQ of-fice, where the volunteers meet with the Youth Department to plan new activities, exchange new ideas, review and discuss issues, etc. Membership of the Council of Volunteers is full of responsibilities. An individual joining this team has to be very motivated and active. There are rules that cannot be violated and in case

“Youth on the Move” award giving ceremony

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of 3 non-excusable absences, a volunteer is excluded from the Council of Volun-teers.

International Volunteer Day

On December 5, International Volunteer Day , the Georgia Red Cross Society invited 100 the most active volunteers at the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia, where Natia Loladze, GRCS President awarded them with Certificates for their work done in 2013. They also identified the most motivated and active volunteer of 2013 – David Chitanava, who was awarded with IPod from GRCS. BEKO Company did a lottery for a vac-uum cleaner. “Tskheli Shokoladi” Mag-azine sent a new edition of the magazine to a volunteer. At the end of Award Cer-emony, Rustaveli Movie Theater offered free tickets to watch a cartoon movie to all attending volunteers.

and the last...

Cooking of Abkhazian Ajika at Senaki Branch and organizing of “Coloured Autumn” event, which included making of Georgian candy “churchkhela” at GRCS Activity Centers; flash mob in the street, “Literature Night” and touring of the city in an open bus; photo shootings at Botanical Garden and tours to Gremi, David Gareja Monastery, Bolnisi Sioni Church and Alaverdi Church. Dinner at a restaurant and enjoying of anniversary cake, round table with representatives of a municipality and lots of memorable and nice moments... All the above said was done with the help of the youth and through the mobilization of resources of the GRCS and local partners.

Improvement of GRCS Legal BaseOne of the most important issues for the institutional development of GRCS is the improvement and constant develop-ment of its legal base. Therefore in 2010 GRCS started working on the harmoniza-tion of legislation, which still continues up today.By the end of 2011 a draft of legal amendments/changes was submitted to the Parliament of Georgia. Based on the recommendations of the Parliament, the final package of GRCS legal amend-ments/changes has been developed, which will be submitted to the Parliament of Georgia for review and approval in 2014. One of the most important issues is the fi-nancial benefits for the GRCS. At the end of 2013, based on the recommendations received from the Parliament, GRCS actively started working on the review of international practice with the support of IFRC and ICRC. The document will be later shared with the governmental agencies. It is a time-consuming process, which is planned to be completed in 2014.Since 2013 GRCS launched a new proj-ect with the support of the ICRC. The project includes improvement of the legislation on the emergencies and con-duct of negotiations with authorities. This process will be continued in 2014.In 2013 a project was launched, aiming at raising awareness on the Red Cross emblem and preventing its illegal use throughout the country. The project will be continued in 2014 and will include the identification of risk groups and dissem-ination of comprehensive information to them on the use of Red Cross emblem, which will minimize the possibility of the illegal use of the emblem in the future.

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“Sun Festival” in Mziuri

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Ante Mortem Data Collection of the Missing People

In 2013, ICRC and GRCS continued cooperation in the frames of the project aimed at collecting the Ante-Mortem Data (AMD) for the missing people that were missing during armed conflict in 1992-93. Collection of information is carried out only for humanitarian purpos-es, i.e. to research the fate of the missing people based on the request of his/her family members.

Existence of large network of the GRCS in the regions and its activities turned to be the most effective method to reach families of the missing people. Through the application of respective skills (trained human resources and materi-als) and with the technical and financial support of the ICRC, ante-mortem data of the missing people had been obtained. Collection of information simplified relationship with population that was facing different needs and strengthened GRCS image and activities throughout all regions of the country. In the frames of the project, in total 27 GRCS volunteers have been trained as AMD-collectors, out of which 22 were involved in actual process.

Besides, in 2013 2 GRCS Senior Field Officers (SFOs) were involved in the project implementation process. The SFOs coordinated work of the GRCS AMD-collectors, by checking collected AMD-questionnaires; the FSOs were also receiving feedback from collectors relating to the lists provided by the ICRC (AMDQs filled, cases of refusals/incor-rect contact information etc.) and revis-ing lists according to the feedback.

During the reporting period, 6 Refresh-

er Trainings (3 by ICRC FOs and 3 by ICRC and by GRCS FOs) and 3 Stress Management Sessions (by ICRC psy-chologist and the GRCS FOs) have been conducted for the GRCS AMD-collec-tors. Besides, the GRCS SFOs and AMD-col-lectors conducted Information Sessions for project beneficiaries (7 – in Tbilisi, 6 – in Kutaisi, 5 – in Zugdidi). In 2013 in total 512 questionnaires have been filled by the GRCS AMD-collectors. It is planned to continue the project in 2014.

Restoring of Family Links (RFL)

In 2003, Georgia Red Cross Society with the technical support of ICRC renewed a project “Restoring Family Links” (RFL). The aim of the project is to improve GRCS capacity for implementation of RFL services independently within its own mandate.

In 2013 practical arrangements as well as implementation of procedural tasks were carried out to ensure RFL services. GRCS and ICRC jointly participated into tracing activities, as well as registered ap-plications and responded to them. GRCS started development of a database in order to implement relevant registration system of RFL tracing cases. In addition to it, tracing procedures are being devel-oped and as soon as it is finalized it will be shared to the branches of the National Society.

Existence of RFL and related services is very important priority for the Nation-al Society. Accordingly, it is necessary to implement them at branch level. In 2013 RFL became the structural part of Emergency Preparedness and Response.

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In 2013 working group meetings were arranged under this program as a result of which the GRCS volunteers (in total 15 volunteers) were trained in RFL. With-in the scope of Emergency Readiness and Response simulation exercises were arranged, where the National Society volunteers had the opportunity to pro-vide RFL-related services in case of the disaster. As a result of the above noted training, the National Society volunteers gained skills, which they can use in re-sponding to disasters and/or emergencies.

Starting from 2014 it is planned to im-prove tracing procedures and share them with the National Society’s branches. Also trainings on RFL shall be contin-ued both within the scope of Emergency Readiness and Response Project as well as under strengthening of the capacity of branches, so that they shall be able to possess relevant skills and capacities to provide comprehensive respond to RFL needs at local level.

Safer Access

In 2013 with the support of ICRC, the Georgia Red Cross Society hosted a workshop on Safer Access Framework and Planning; it developed an Ac-tion Plan 2014-2015 and established a working group responsible on the im-plementation of the Plan. The working group consists of leadership and staff (9 members) of the HQ and branches. The key objective of this effort is to increase GRCS acceptance and safety which in turn will enhance access to help vulnera-ble groups of the society during emergen-cy, including armed conflicts, civil strife and tension.

“Acting Together”

Since 2012, Georgia Red Cross Society is implementing “Acting Together” project supported jointly by Austrian Red Cross and Austrian Development Cooperation. The objective of this project is to enhance social inclusion and confidence building in four multi-ethnic regions of Georgia through community-based service provi-sion and peace education. Target regions areTbilisi,Bolnisi,Marneuli andAkhmeta

Since 2013 the project became more dynamic:

• The number of trained volunteers (including ethnic minorities), who were actively involved in project activities increased;• The number of beneficiaries to whom GRCS provides community-based services also has been increased; • Community Coordination Com-mittees established to ensure effective implementation of the project.

During the reporting period, in total 193 new volunteers have benn registered within the project. 55% of them were ethnic minorities. 200 volunteer-bene-ficiaries are involved into educational activities and service provision in 4 target regions.

In 2013, regular visits were provided to 295 beneficiaries (elderly and people with disabilities) including the represen-tatives of ethnic minorities.

Training of Project Staff and Volun-teers

In 2013 informative-educational activ-ities were conducted in 4 target regions (Tbilisi, Bolnisi, Marneuli and Akhmeta).

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In total 9 trainings were conducted for 120 volunteer-beneficiaries, including ethnic minorities. • 12 staff members in 4 target regions were trained in project manage-ment;• Orientation courses were con-ducted for 60 volunteer-beneficiaries in 4 target regions;• Home visit training was provided to 30 volunteer-beneficiaries in Marneuli and Bolnisi;• First Aid and spreading diseases training were conducted for 30 volun-teer-beneficiaries;• 20 volunteer-beneficiaries were trained in Disaster Risk Reduction in Akhmeta and Pankisi gorge (50% of them are Kists);• 20 volunteer-beneficiaries and 5 staff members were trained in psycho-so-cial support at central and local levels;• 45 volunteer-beneficiaries and 10 staff members were trained in small vol-unteer initiatives and project writing in 4 target regions.Additionally, 10 presentations about GRCS and project activities were provid-ed to 200 GRCS volunteers and 10 pre-sentations were conducted for students from different schools/colleges.

Development of Community-based services

According to the Project scope, the following services were planned and implemented in all target regions: Roma and Assyrians represent target groups in Tbilisi; they are less integrated into the society. Representatives of both commu-nities were trained and involved into vol-untary work. On June 1, Roma children

attended the event dedicated to the World Children Day held at Mziuri Park. Hold-ing GRCS balloons they were walking and spreading information about GRCS together with Tbilisi branch volunteers. Next steps are to contribute the popular-ization of Assyrian culture for the pur-pose of preservation of their traditions.

In Akhmeta and Marneuli, project target groups are elderly and youth (Georgians, Azerbaijani, Armenians, and Kists). Vol-unteer-beneficiaries provide home visits to elderly in both regions. The same branches have established youth groups, members of which regularly plan and implement activities and events for beneficiaries such as: spreading of information about GRCS, promoting healthy lifestyle, fundraising, etc. It is considered to estab-lish Youth Activity Centre in the future that will aim at identification and further development of intellectual and practical skills of these youth.

Target group in Bolnisi are people with disabilities. Volunteer groups provide entertainment - educational visits to the school for children with disabilities, which serves 27 students with disabili-ties. They do regular home visit to such beneficiaries, who are homebound and require care. Bolnisi volunteers even provide psycho social care (playing, taking out in the street, reading, etc.) to their fellow students/children with dis-abilities who study at public schools and experience difficulties while attempting to integrate into the society.

Summer Camp 2013

On July 31-August 4, Georgia Red Cross

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Society organized Summer Youth Camp in Bakuriani resort. Ten days youth sum-mer camp was arranged for those youth from Tbilisi, Bolnisi, Marneuli and Akhmeta, who are actively involved in project activities. Summer Camp aimed at sharing knowledge and experience among the representatives of various ethnic groups, such as: Georgians, Ar-menians, Azerbaijani, Assyrians, Kists, Romans and Ossetian as well as building of friendly ties and supporting of their peaceful reconciliation. Several presentations were held includ-ing Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement and fundamental principles. Exercises in Disaster Management, First Aid, as well as Psycho-social meetings for self-ex-pressing, developing personal skills, building team spirit, were conducted for participants. Cul-tural Night was

organized and the participants of the Camp had the opportunity to present traditional dances, songs and poems from their regions. Summer camp evenings were full of interesting activities: Day of Humour and Intellectual Evenings and other intellectual and cultural activities. Also several sport activities including a football tournament were arranged for young people Youth camp created friend-ship between participants, as well as the leaders of the camp. They opened the group on Facebook to keep daily contact with each other.

Mariam Margoshvili, 15 years, Kist participant of the Youth Camp: “I am very happy, because I participated in

Red Cross Youth Summer Camp and got acquainted with many good

people. I will never forget you, since during these

ten days I found a new family

and you are

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the members of my second family. All of us will forever remember the good times we had in the camp”.

Establishment of Community Coordi-nation Committees

Community Coordination Committees (CCC) composed of all key stakeholders including beneficiaries were established in all regions. This committee has steer-ing function and supports education about GRCS in regions, raising the in-volvement of the community in terms of social and public activities and engage-ments of youth with community-based services and volunteer initiatives.

Members of CCC meet quarterly to evaluate existing situation and achieved results, to respond problems/challeng-es together and make future planning. Regular meetings of CCC ensures the development of knowledge and skills of all participants as well as helps them to improve their problem analysis, develop-ment of decision-making strategies, local fundraising and partnership building, advocacy, etc.

Creating a network of local partners

On 4-6 December round table meetings were conducted in the following four regions of Georgia: Tbilisi, Bolnisi, Mar-neuli and Akhmeta. GRCS staff and vol-unteers as well as representatives of local authorities, leaders of non-governmental organization, staff of the Culture House, schools, resource centers, community leaders, beneficiaries and local media participated into the above meetings.

Round table meetings aimed at sharing information about project’s activities and achieved results, developing of joint plan

to respond existing challenges/issues, sharing of joint projects / activities in order to increase funding for long-term cooperation with the local government Meetings were successfully carried out in all regions. Local authorities expressed great interest in the project designed for social integration of ethnic minorities and expressed their willingness for further cooperation. Representatives of local community, actively participating into the project, were also involved in meetings. According to the good will of GRCS staff, volunteers, beneficiaries and local authorities, joint future activities were planned for 2014 in all four regions.

Such active involvement of stakeholders ensures successful implementation of the project at central and local levels.Partners in Tbilisi: European Centre for Minority Issues, Roma Organization, Assyrian Congress in Georgia, N64, N99 public schools.Partners in Marneuli: Marneuli Munici-pality and Culture House, Medical Col-lage, School in village Tsereteli, N2, N8 public schools in Marneuli, Marneuli TV.Partners in Bolnisi: Bolnisi municipali-ty, NGO “Armenian Women – Citizens of Georgia’, the school of disabled children in Bolnisi, N1 public school in Kazreti, N1, N3 public schools in Bolnisi, News-paper” Bolnisi”, Bolnisi TV.Partners in Akhmeta: Akhmeta Munic-ipality, Kakheti Regional Development Agency, Newspaper “Voice of Kakheti.”

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tained suc-cessful coop-eration with local author-ities. Several employees of GRCS local branches were funded, which direct-ly responds to GRCS fundraising strategic goal. The eams of trained volunteers in branches used re-sources raised at local level for the cele-bration of important Red Cross celebra-tion dates.

Red Cross Cupcakes

In 2013GRCS implemented its new initiative for fundraising purposes: fol-


For the fifth year now, GRCS Resource Mobilization Section provides regular fundraising trainings to the representa-tives of GRCS branches, who use the gained knowledge to mobilize necessary resources at local level. In the reporting period GRCS branches continued to regularly mobilize resources required for beneficiaries of GRCS 15 social centers; local non-governmental organizations closely partnered with representatives of GRCS branches and elderly beneficia-ries of Batumi, Gardabani and Sagarejo social centers received continues supply of medicines.

During reporting period, GRCS main-

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lowing to the negotiation with the cafes of “Tsitroni” and “Gourmet”, cupcakes with Red Cross emblems were baked and sold during different campaigns of the Red Cross. Money raised through selling of cupcakes was transferred to GRCS Charity Fund and was spend on charity activities.

Charity Concerts

GRCS branches in Marneuli and Dusheti organized charity concerts to help peo-ple with serious diseases. Money raised through this event was donated to the beneficiaries.

Partnerships and Supporters

• Beneficiaries of GRCS Social Centers participated in the exhibition

and selling of their own handmade craft. Money raised through these campaigns was spent to meet beneficiaries’ needs at Social Centers. TAV Georgia Company, which is GRCS partner organization, financially supported this event. The Company also awarded elderly people, participating into this campaign, with Christmas gifts.

• With the efforts of GRCS Re-source Mobilization Section, the admin-istration of Tbilisi Free Theater offered free tickets for its play to the beneficia-ries of Tbilisi Social Center.

• National Parliamentary Library of Georgia offered GRCS the Main Hall of the Public Library for free (twice) in order to run the exhibition of children’s arts dedicated to the celebration of in-


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azine. Also Mtatsminda Park, Anima-tion Group, etc. were the supporters of GRCS activities.

In 2013, the National Society raised resources worth of GEL 35,999 (in-kind), as for the raised donations through do-nation boxes and donation phone calls it totaled GEL 8,502.

Through the analysis of projects imple-mented by Resource Mobilization Unit, as well as current activities, priority directions for 2014 resource mobilization activities were identified.


Branch Development Model

Georgia Red Cross Society , whose network of branches currently consists of 36 branches, considers branch devel-opment as one of its priority directions. Since 2009 Danish Red Cross is active-ly supporting GRCS in achieving it. In

ternational Red Cross Day as well as the event dedicated to the International Volunteer Day.

• GRCS continues fund raising for people with leukemia. For this purpose, on May 8, GRCS raised money through its marathon and donated required med-icine (Neronem) to Iashvili Clinic. Mar-athon was supported by Gulf and Bor-jomi companies.

• In 2010, the administration of the school IB Mtiebi responded to GRCS 2010 appeal to provide free education to the children of employees of Emergency Response Department who were killed during 2008 armed conflict. Upon the decision of the School Administration, 3 children were involved into this project for the last 3 years. In 2013, by the deci-sion of the school, GRCS will annually identify 5 children from socially vulnera-ble families and send them to this school for free education.

• In June, GRCS and Hotel Radis-son Blue Iveria organised a joint charity event with the participation of 17 GRCS beneficiaries from Social Centers of Tbilisi and different regions of Geor-gia and more than 70 representatives of the top management of Radisson Hotel Group. The invited guests made some crafts on site and purchased hand-made items from beneficiaries. As a result of this campaign, GRCS charity Fund re-ceived GEL 11,000.

In 2013 the following companies pro-vided award prizes for the GRCS vari-ous campaigns: Beko, “Dilato Fitness Club”, “Seventy” company, “New Balance” shop, “Barambo”, “Craft”, company”, ““Tskheli Shokoladi” Mag-

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2013, through GRCS project “Branch Development Through the Provision of Effective Services,” branch development model has been elaborated, according to which the use of its components will lead to the following: increased knowledge and capacities of GRCS branch chairs, staff, volunteers and GRCS members; more experience in the assessment of the needs of local community, problem analysis, development of decision-mak-ing strategies, identifying partners and funds locally, attracting of new members and volunteers, relations with the public at large, implementation of humanitarian diplomacy and timely and effective re-sponse to the needs of service provision.

All components of Branch Develop-ment Model are closely inter-related and integrated, serve to improve branch

capacities and support the readiness of branch to cope with existing challenges and perform the assigned mission. Well-functioning branch is the precon-dition for successful implementation of projects and activities that are in line with GRCS priority directions. Each success-ful project is the best way to increase the branch capacity. It is not coincidence that branch development process is integrated into activities of projects that are sup-ported by GRCS partners or donors. Such approach aims at making the National Society a well-functioning organization that is capable to compete with other players of civil sector that is involved in humanitarian field, also to become a good partner for local or international organi-zations in Georgia.

Opening of GRCS cctivity centre in Bolnisi

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The Best Volunteer Initiative Manual

In 2013, to commemorate 95th anniver-sary of the Georgia Red Cross Society, the EU and Danish Red Cross funded development and publication of the man-ual of best volunteer initiatives named “Together for Charity.” The publication covers the information about RC/RC International Movement, its components and fundamental principles, as well as information on Georgia Red Cross So-ciety and its strategic directions. Read-ers will have opportunity to learn about experiences and impressions of GRCS volunteers, beneficiaries and partners and read about implemented volunteer initiatives. It also provides criteria for competition. It should be noted that in 2013, out of 102 small projects submitted in response to Volunteer Initiative Com-petition at GRCS branches, only 34 new initiative had been selected and imple-mented. Implementation of 45 volunteer initiatives that were launched in 2012 continued throughout the reporting peri-od. In total, 79 small projects were car-ried out in 2013, 15 of which (volunteer initiatives) were fully funded from the budget of various local municipalities. In addition to this, more than 60% of project value had been mobilized locally. Within the scope of small initiatives carried out by volunteer teams, 1,980 beneficiaries from different vulnerable groups received relevant services. Active voluntary work at target communities contributed to the increase of GRCS awareness at local lev-el. The image of branches had been also improved and this in turn, had positive impact on attracting of new members and volunteers whose number grow by 1.4 times in 2013.

Visit of Danish Red Cross Volunteers

In October, a team of volunteers of Danish Red Cross visited 4 branches of GRCS (Akhmeta, Senaki, Tkibuli, Ba-tumi). The aim of the visit was to share experience and best practice. Working meetings were arranged with the leader-ship, members, volunteers, beneficiaries of the branches and representatives of local municipalities. The visitors took part into charity events planned at the branches and activities organized by vol-unteer teams. On the final meeting at HQ, GRCS Secretary General Mrs. Medea Margania-Avaliani hosted the visitor. In addition to this, volunteers of the Danish Red Cross had the opportunity to experi-ence Georgian history and culture, learn about achievements of the modern Geor-gian state and its challenges. These won-derful days were over, however strong cooperation and friendship between the GRCS and Danish Red Cross remains.

Building Peace Bridge in Georgia

The project “Building Peace Bridge in Georgia” has been funded by the British Embassy (Foreign & Commonwealth Of-fice) and is implemented by the Georgia Red Cross Society. The project took off in May 2013. The main aim of the proj-ect is to enhance social integration and awareness-raising on rights of Ossetians living in conflict affected villages of Shi-da Kartli region, and thus contribute to the National Concept for Tolerance and Civil Integration and to political stability in the two target locations.

The project is covering 4 (four) commu-nities placed near the conflict zone. The targeted communities are: Tsiteli-Ubani (Gori region), Natsreti (Gori region), Takhtisdziri (Kareli region), Kekhidj-

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vari (Kareli region). During the first Year period 7 trainings have been con-ducted by the GRCS staff members, for the beneficiaries from the four targeted communities (Volunteers had received the important knowledge on the themes like: Participatory Community Develop-ment Assessment, Project Writing Project Management, First Aid, Psycho Social Support). The trainings have been con-ducted in order to build the capacities of beneficiaries and as a result enable more ethnic minorities (Ossetians) to engage in community life more effectively and actively. More than 100 volunteers had gained the required knowledge and skills as a result of the above mentioned train-ings.

Small grant competition have been con-ducted in four targeted communities (Tsiteli-Ubani, Natsreti, Takhtisdziri, Kekhi-Jvari) and 12 best volunteers led inititatives were funded under the project “Building Peace Bridge in Georgia”. The winner initiatives have been mostly based on the results of Vulnerability Communi-ty Assessment research (Conducted in all targeted communities by the specifically trained local volunteers) and directly ad-dressed the acute issues identified inside the targeted communities. The 60% of the funds allocated specifically for the con-duction of small-grant competitions have

been mobilized locally by the volunteers. Support of the volunteer led initiatives is extremely important for all targeted communities, because community mem-bers are answering existing challenges by their own thus contributing immensely to their own confidence building. Commu-nity members are gradually becoming far more socially active and effective which is without the doubt extremely beneficial for the whole community. During the first year period more than 130 volunteers have been recruited by the GRCS and involved in the project implementation process at the local level.

Two major project outputs are already achieved by the end of the first project year.The achieved outputs are:

1. Needs and capacities of the tar-geted Ossetian communities regarding social inclusion and peace building are defined.

2. GRCS volunteers (youth among them) with diverse ethnic background are engaged in community-based service delivery and volunteer initiatives im-plemented by the GRCS local branches (Gori and Kareli) in the targeted Ossetian communities.

FINANCIAL REPORTIn 2013 GRCS implemented the follow-ing grant programs funded by various donors:

• Subject to 2013 Grant Agreement between IFRC and GRCS, the IFRC has funded: DREF and TB prevention proj-ects.

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• Subject to 2013 Grant Agreement between ICRC and GRCS, ICRC has funded the projects of legalization of real estate, first aid, emergency response/readiness and Data collection on mine/ERW victims . • EU project Regional Program for Developing Safe Local Communities in South Caucasus, implemented in Ra-cha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti Re-gion, as well as in Sachkhere and Tkibuli districts (DIPECHO).

• EU and Danish Red Cross joint project on Development of Social Strate-gies and Services for the Most Vulnerable People in Georgia is being implemented in Kakheti, namely, in Akhmeta, Kvareli, Telavi, Lagodekhi, Khulo (Ajara) and Chokhatauri (Guria) (EU).

The below table presents amount of money in GEL donated through Grant Contracts in 2013.

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Description 2013

IFRC 722 070.30

ICRC 369 581.42

EU and Danish Red Cross (DIPECHO) 416 438.66

Austrian Red Cross and Austrian Development Agency (AT) 137 916.48

Austrian Red Cross and Austrian Development Agency (ADA DM) 147 824.42

Austrian Red Cross and the EU Climate Change (CC) 121 128.16

Norwegian Red Cross Society (Blood Donation) 28 361.19

Danish Red Cross Society (branch development) 84 527.20

Danish Red Cross and the EU (EU) 151 469.00

The Embassy of the United Kingdom 119 524.52

Other 176 300.51 Total: 2 475 141.86

GRCS income in 2013 other than grants:

Description 2013

Membership income 4 366

Donation 10 309.03 Property rental 100 205.5

Total: 114 880.53 Grand total: 2 590 022.39

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In 2013, GRCS had 2,500 members.

GRCS own expenditures in 2013 mainly consisted of various expenditures related to income generation:

Description 2013

Money expenditures 83 859.96

Total: 83 859.96

Grant money (program expenditures) were spent in accordance with Grant contracts and were contributed by the following donors:


IFRC 717 944.68

ICRC 369 581.42

EU and Danish Red Cross 416 767.38

Austrian Red Cross and Austrian Development Agency (AT) 146 862.61

Austrian Red Cross and Austrian Development Agency (ADA DM) 104 358.52

Austrian Red Cross and the EU. Climate Change (CC) 105 576.38

Danish Red Cross Society (branch development) 5 6975.06

Miscellaneous 314 760.04

Total 2 232 826.09

Total Expenditures: 2 316 686.05

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company Baker Tilly Georgia. According to audit report, program funds were spent correctly.

In sum, 2013 was very busy and success-ful in terms of GRCS financial activities. The National Society continued to work on the establishment of effective finance tools.

It should be noted that in 2013 GRCS purchased fixed assets through various projects; the total value of the purchased fixed assets is GEL 114,400. The pur-chased assets were used to equip branch-es and social centers under them.

In 2013 Austrian Red Cross and Devel-opment Agency funded the audit of the project Acting Together. Audit inspection covered 01.06.2012 – 01.07.2013 period and was conducted by international audit


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TAV Georgia and Georgian Red Cross Society

Already for 6 years, the operator company of Tbilisi and Batumi International Airports TAV Georgia has been involved in numerous charita-ble activities organized by Georgian Red Cross Society.In May 2008, during the events held concerning the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Day, the first donation box of Georgian Red Cross Society was placed in Tbilisi International Airport. The money gathered in Airport is spent for different charitable activities throughout the year. In July 2008, TAV Georgia was one of the part-

TAV Georgia, General Manager

ners and sponsors of an International Youth Camp, organized by The Georgian Red Cross Society in Adjara region.Since 2009 TAV Georgia permanently assists Georgian Red Cross Society’s campaign to mo-bilize necessary resources in support of children with Leukemia. In 2010 TAV Georgia’s General Manager Mr. Mete Erkal and Secretary General of Georgian Red Cross Society signed a cooperation agreement within a corporate partnership program. In 2013 the most remarkable event supported by TAV Georgia was Christmas Expo Sale in Sher-aton Metekhi Palace. Participation of Red Cross elderly beneficiaries in the event was supported by TAV Georgia.

Mete Erkal



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darekeT mobiluri telefonidan nomerze 0901 200 100 da daexmareT gasaWirSi myof adamianebs

zaris Rirebuleba 1 lari

Dial 0901 200 100 from cell phone to support vulnerable peopleCall cost 1 GEL

swjs-is satelefono Semowiruloba


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