รายงานฉบับสมบูรณ์ คอป.กรกฏาคม 2555

รายงานฉบับสมบูรณ์ คณะกรรมการอิสระตรวจสอบและค้นหาความจริง เพื่อการปรองดองแห่งชาติ (คอป.) กรกฎาคม ๒๕๕๓ กรกฎาคม ๒๕๕๕

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Post on 02-Nov-2014




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รายงานฉบับสมบูรณ์ คณะกรรมการอิสระตรวจสอบและค้นหาความจริงเพื่อการปรองดองแห่งชาติ (คอป.) กรกฏาคม 2553-กรกฏาคม 2555


  • 1. (.)

2. . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . () () () . () () (Statement Taking) .. () . . . () . . . . . 3. . / . () . . . () . . . . H.E. Mr. Kofi Annan H.E. Mr. Martti Ahtisaari . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - .. .. - 4. . - .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. - . .. . . .. .. .. .. ... .. - - - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. . .. .. . 5. . . . .. (latent tension).. (overt conflict).. (power struggle) (violence). . .. (Reparation) .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . 6. . . . . . . . . (Annexes) 7. .. (.) . . ( ) ( ) ( ) (.) . . . . . . (.) 8. . ... (.) Truth for Reconciliation Commission of Thailand(TRCT) . .. . .. / .. 9. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / . / 10. . .. . . . .. .. . . 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Public Accountability). . . . 12. . . . . . (Transitional Justice) (Transitional Justice) (transition) (justice) (political transformation/regime change) (authoritarian) (repressive rule) (transition todemocracy) . Criminal Prosecutions (accountable) . Truth Commissions (establish the truth) (inquiry) (truth seeking) (focus on the past) . Restoration Programs (official/state apologies) 13. Truth andReconciliation Commissions (TRCs) . . TRC . . . (Truth Seeking) . (Restoration) (Restorative Justice) (Social Justice) (Conflict Prevention) . . . Memorialisation of Victim (recognition) (raise moral consciousness) (memorial) . Institution Reform . Reconciliation 14. .. . . . . . . . . . . . Ms. Priscilla Hayner . N. Hassan Wirajuda, J.S.D. . Professor David Kennedy, Ph.D. . Honorable Judge Dennis Davis . .. . . ( ) ( .) . . 15. .. . - . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ,. . ,,. . ,,. . ,,. . ,,. . ,,. . ,,. . . . , , . , 16. . ,,. . ,. ,,. ,,. . . () . () . - . Pocket Book- . - - .- . .. . . . . . . . 17. . . . . . .. .. . . . . () . (Statement Taking) ( ) . 18. .. . (Statement Taking) ( ) . ( ) . ( ) . ( ) . .. .. Ms. Beatrice Schiffer, Ph.D. (Forensic ScienceExpert) . 19. Mr. Quentin Milliet (Visual Imagery Expert) Mr. Matthieu Glardon Mr. Fabiano Riva - . United Nations Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC) Mr. SteveNash, Crime Scene Expert . International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) Mr. Ari Bassin (Management Strategy Expert) . . United Nation Development Programme (UNDP) Mr. SamuelGbaydee Doe, Ph.D. (Advisor for Conflict Analysis) . . . Ms. Priscilla Hayner (Truth Commission) Mr. Howard Varney . . Mr. Howard Varney Mr. Patrick Burgess (Truth Seeking and Management) International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) . . . . Gary Lewis United Nation Office on Drugs and Crimes(UNODC) (crime scene expert) . . H.E. ChristineSchraner Burgener . . Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (CHD) . . 20. . . . Mr. Tamrat Samuel United Nations Development ProgrammeNew York (UNDP) . . (Overall view ofthe TRCT) . Centre of Humanitarian Dialogue (CHD) . . . . . . H.E. Heidi Tagliavini H.E. ChristineSchraner Burgener Truth Commission . Focus Group Consultation Session . . International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) . . . Ms. Priscilla Hayner (TruthCommissions) ( Transitional Justice) . - . H.E. Mrs. Kristie AnneKenney . . Ms. Priscilla Hayner . . . . . . . . . . . . () International Crisis Group (ICG) ( ) . . (TRC) 21. . H.E. Sirpa Menp . . . Mr. Frank La Rue (UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion andProtection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression) . . . . . . (Delegation of European Union to Thailand) . Mr. Francesc Vendrell Mr. Michael Vatikiotis Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (CHD) Mr. Adam Cooper Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (CHD) (Friend of Thailand) . . . International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) Mr. PatrickBurgess Mr. Ari Bassin - . . H.E. Mr. Kofi Annan H.E. Mr. MarttiAhtisaari . . ( ) . H.E. Mr. Lutfi Rauf . . (OHCHR) . Mr. Wolfgang Hsken 22. . (ICRC) . . . 23. . ... .. (.) . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. () . . . ( . . . . - .. 24. ) ( ) ( ) . . . . . . . . (Transitional Justice) . . . . . . . . . . / . . 25. . (Rule of Law) . / . () . . . . (..) . . . . / . / . . (Political Will) (Rule of Law) . . . .. .. 26. . . . (Criminal Justice) (Transitional Justice) (Restorative Justice) . . . . . . .. . . / . . . .. . / . / .. ( ... ) . . . 27. . .. ... - .. . . . / . . . . . . - .. . . . . . . . 28. . (Statement Taking) . . (Statement Taking) , (Interview) . ) ) ) ) - (...) . . 29. . (Statement Taking) .. . . . . (Content Validity) (Statement Taking) SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) . Transition and Transitional Justice, MultiStakeholder Conflict Analysis, Truth-Seeking, Reparation and Reconciliation - .. Mr. Samuel Gbaydee Doe (Advisor for Conflict Analysis) United Nation Development Programme (UNDP) . .(Statement Taking) - .. (in-depth interview) .. (.) .. 30. , . . / / . . . . . . .. / / / / .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... () . 31. . .. .. .. . / . ( ) () . - . . . - . . 32. . . () . (Trust Building) - . (Hearing) .. (Focus Group) . 33. . . . . ( ) ( ). (Victim Hearing) . . . . 34. . ( ) . . / ) - . . . . . . . 35. ) ... (.) ) (Group Support) ) . . () () () () ) - - / - // - - ( ) 36. // ... ) - - / - // - - - ( ) (.) () . / . .. .. .. . . / 37. . . . . ) ) ) ) ) . : . : . : . : . United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (UNDP) . . . /( ) 38. . . ) (Michael Mann) ) : (Conflict - Transformation) . . . 39. ) : ) SSR (Security Sector Reform) SSR SSR SSR ) - 40. ) () . . . .. .. .. . 41. . . (Thai PBS) . . . . . . (TRC) (Transitional Justice) Truth forReconciliation Commission (TRC) . (Transitional Justice) Ms. Priscilla Hayner (Truth Commissions) (Transitional Justice) . .. . . .. . 42. . . . . . . ( ) . . . www.youtube.com " . " 43. . H.E. Mr. Kofi Annan H.E. Mr. Martti Ahtisaari . . . . H.E. Mr. Kofi Annan H.E. Mr. Martti Ahtisaari - . . H.E. Mr. Kofi Annan H.E. Mr. MarttiAhtisaari . . . http://www.thaitruthcommission.org http://www.facebook.com/TRCT fan page: http: //www. facebook.com/TRCThailand Twitter@THAI_TRC . H.E. Mr. Kofi Annan H.E. Mr. Martti Ahtisaari ... 44. . (immediate cause) (root cause) (.) . ) ) ) ) .. . (Truth Seeking) . . ( ), , () . ( ), , 45. . / . . . . .. - . . truths truth (establish the truth) (what happen) (how it happened) (why it happened) (what impact) .. . . . - . ( ), , 46. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . / . - . ( ), , 47. . . . . . ( ) . . ( ) . .. (. ) . - . - . . . 48. . (Inquire Hearing) (Focus Group Meeting) (Statement Taking) . ) . ( .) ) . ) ) ) ) . / . . . . (Inquire Hearing) ) ) ) ) ) 49. ) - ) ) - ) ) ) ) . (Focus Group Meeting) ) ) . ) ) : ) ) ) . (Forensic Science)) . . (Visual Imagery Forensic) 50. (Ballistic Forensic) . (LAB) .. ) . ) . . . . . . 51. . (Statement Taking) . (Interview) , . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53. . .. .. (...) ... .. (..) ... .. 54. ... (Prerequisite for Prosecution) (Prerequisite) ... ... ... () ( . ) . 55. . () ( ) ... ( ) ( ... ) ... ... ... ... . ....... ... ... ... . 56. (.) .. .. .. ... (CTX9000) , - ... ... ( .) . . (Crime against Humanity) ( . ) 57. , . . ( . ) . / . . / ... ... ( .) . .. ... () , . ... . ... . / , ( ) 58. No Vote No Vote . . . .. ... ... .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . ... .. ... ... . . .. .. .. .. .. , .. .. , , : - , 59. ... . ( .) .. .. . .. .. . ... . ... . ... . .. . . ( ) . .. . . . . (...) (.) ... . () .. .. . (.) (.) . ... .. (..) ... .. . ... http://th.wikipedia.org/wiki/ _.._2549 #cite_note-, 60. . . .. .. . " (.) (.) . .. 61. . .. . . ,, ,, . (.) ... .. .. .. .. . . ... 62. () . . . . - . . . . . . . . ... .. ... / 63. . ... .. . . .. .. - . ( .) . . ) . ) ) ) - . . . . .. .. . . 64. - . .. . . . . . .. . () . (D-Station) . . . .. 65. / . - .. . .. . . ... .. . . ... (. .) (. .) . .. .. .. - - - . ... ... . . . . . ., http://www.komchadluek.net/detail/20110823/107021/....html#.UBjJYkfbk, / / 66. . ( .) . - . ... . . " (.)" ( ".") . . . ,, (...) . (...) .. 67. ... .. (. ) . .. - .. - . .. . . .. .. . .. "" . .. (.) .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . , , http://www.matichon.co.th/news_detail.php?newsid=&catid= 68. . . .. . . (.) . (...) ... . (.) (.) . . ., . . . .. . . . ... , 69. () . .. ... . . .. ( ...) - . (..) (..) (.) (. .) .. , , , . .. ... ... . - ./ ./,http://www.supremecourt.or.th/webportal/maincode/admin/announcements/files/March_5_2010_4_44_095319d94849bb8114e8d61ef75999ab.pdf 70. . . . . . , , (. . . .) , .. (PEACE ROOM) (Talk about Talk) (.) . () 71. . , . . . . . . (.) . ... . .. . . .. . .. .. (.) . . .- , http://prachatai.com/journal/2010/03/28327 72. ( ) (...) . .. . . . .. .. , .. . .. . 73. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... .. ... .. - .. - , - - , http://hilight.kapook.com/view/47429 ! , ,http://www.khaosod.co.th/view_news.php?newsid=TUROd01ERXdNVEF4TURRMU13PT= 74. . . ( ) .. . . .. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75. . (.) . . ./ ./ . . . . . . . . . . .. ... .. - . . .. ( ".") (.) . . . "" , http://www.komchadluek.net/detail/20100408/55195/ 76. () . . . . . () . . . . . . . . , ( )..html, , "."""" "" ", , www.matichon.co.th/news_detail.php?newsid=1270616709&grpid=10&catid=no . . .. ... 77. . -/ . .. () . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . ... (.) . . . . .. ( ) . . . . . . "" / - 78. . . (.) ( ) . , . . . .. . . . . . . ... , . . .. . . . . . 79. . . . . . . , . .. . () .. . . .. . .. . . . / ( ) . ./ / (.)/ . ../ 80. . . . . .. . - . (UN) .. ... . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . / - , , https://www.thairath.co.th/content/pol/78254 81. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . / .. ., . . . . . "" , , http://www.matichon.co.th/news_detail.php?newsid=1272021949&grpid=04&catid=no 82. . ... . . .. . - . . , . . .. . . . . . . . 83. . . . . . . . . . . . (DSI) . . . / . .. ... .. . . . 84. . (SMS) .. ... . ...... . " ...." "...." .. . . . . . . . ... . .. . . .. ... - 85. ... ... .. ... ... . ) . - . ) ) " " ) ) . .. . . . . . . () . . .. . . Hearing -- 86. - . . . . . . - . . - . - . - . . , "" % , , , http://prachatai.com/journal/2010/05/29429 . ./ , ./ , ./ , ./ / .. . -, , http://www.matichon.co.th/news_detail.php?newsid=&grpid=&catid 87. - . . . . - . . .. .. . . () . . - . .. http://media.thaigov.go.th/pageconfig/viewcontent/viewcontent1.asp?pageid=471&directory=1779&contents=44623 . 88. ( ) .. . . . .. " " . . . . . . , . ( ) () . . . . . . . ( ) . . (Andrew Buncombe) The Independent , , http://www.thairath.co.th/content/pol/83901, , . 89. . . () ( ) ... .-. . . () - . - . . - . . . , , (The Globe and Mail), ( ), , , , Hearing /, , - / , , . , , http://www.thairath.co.th/content/region/86062, Hearing PowerPoint - (.) 90. . . . . () . . . . . . . . . - .. . ) ) ) ) .. ) - ) ) ) ) ) . (.) , , . , .. , Hearing -- . () .. 91. , .. .. ... ... . ( People Channel) . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . " " , , http://www.komchadluek.net/detail/20100408/55195/..html 92. . . . . .... . , ... . , . . . . ... .) . () . .. 93. . ... ... . . ... (International Telecommunication Union : ITU) ... .. .. , .. .. , .. http://www.tja.or.th/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1567:2010-04-08-10-25-14&catid=49:2552&Itemid=26 94. . .. .. ... . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . ( ) . ... ) . 95. ) . . . . . . ) . . . ... ) . . ) . ( ) . . , . . .. . . / . , . . 96. ) . , . . ) .. . . ... ) ) ) ) ) ( ) ) ) ) . . . . . . . . . 97. " " " . . . .. ) . ... ) . . ) .. (. ) . ( ) . . . . , , 98. . . . . . . () . . . . . . . , /, .... / NewYork Times: Violence Erupts inThai Streets, , http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/11/world/asia/11thai.html , : , . , - 99. ( (Ballistic Forensic) Fabiano RIVA and Matthieu GLARDON, FORENSIC FIREARMS & BALLISTICS EXAMINATIONFOR THE TRCT, June 21st 2012, page 9 100. . . ... ) . . . . . . ) . . . Mr. Agnes Dherbeys NewYork Times:Violence Erupts in Thai Streets, , http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/11/world/asia/11thai.html, Mr. Agnes Dherbeys . . . 101. . . . ) . . ... () . . . . ./ . , - . . 102. ) . ... ) . . ) . . . . . Fabiano RIVA and Matthieu GLARDON, FORENSIC FIREARMS & BALLISTICSEXAMINATION FOR THE TRCT, June 21st 2012, page 8 103. Sidewalk Cafe ) . . ... ) . . .. (.. .) . .. , (Statement Taking) . , , .. , . 104. .. . .. . () (VisualImagery Forensic) .. Quentin Milliet, Forensic Imagery Report, 19th of June 2012 (Updated version of the9th of July 2012): Mandated by the Swiss Expert Pool for Civilian Peacebuilding For the Truth forReconciliation Commission of Thailand (TRCT), page 26 105. ) .. .. .. ) .. ) . . . ... , . ./ : 106. ) ) . . ... .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .. ( ) . ., , , . , ( ), .. , . , /, , ., , ,(: . , ), . 107. ... . . . . .. - .. . . ( ) . . - Quentin Milliet, Forensic Imagery Report, 27th of June 2011 : Case: Death of Mr.HIROYUKI MURAMOTO on the 10th April 2010,page 11 ... . , / 108. : 109. () .. ... .. . Sidewalk Cafe Quentin Milliet, Forensic Imagery Report, 19th of June 2012 (Updated version of the 9th ofJuly 2012): Mandated by the Swiss Expert Pool for Civilian Peacebuilding For the Truth for ReconciliationCommission of Thailand (TRCT), page 27 Quentin Milliet, Forensic Imagery Report, 19th of June 2012 (Updated version of the 9th ofJuly 2012): Mandated by the Swiss Expert Pool for Civilian Peacebuilding For the Truth for ReconciliationCommission of Thailand (TRCT), page 28 110. . x . (. ) ... ) . . . . . . . . . . x .(. ) Fabiano RIVA and Matthieu GLARDON, FORENSIC FIREARMS & BALLISTICS EXAMINATIONFOR THE TRCT, June 21st 2012, page 9, 46 http://archive.voicetv.co.th/content/14044/%E %B % E%E %B % A%E %B % B%E %B %B%E%B%%E%B%%E%B%A%E%B%B%E%B%%E%B%A%E%B%%E%B%%E%B%%E%B%AB%E%B%%E%B%AD%E%B%%E%B%E%E%B%B%E %B%%E %B% E%E%B %B%E %B%A %E%B %B%E %B% E%E%B % %E %B %A %E %B %B %E %B % D%E %B % A%E %B %B %E %B %A , http://www.manager.co.th/Crime/ViewNews.aspx?NewsID=9530000073347 ( ) 111. ) . . ... ) . ) . . ) . . . , () 112. . ( .) . x . . (NATO) Sniper Rifle SR- . . ) ) . . . . ) . . . . ) . . ... . . . . . . . . ., , 113. . . (.) ( ) .. . ... .. ../ . . . .. .. . ... . . . . . . . . , , 114. ... . - . . . ( ) ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . , ,http://www.thairath.co.th/content/pol/78891, -., , http://news.sanook.com/923522/-., .., ,http://www.komchadluek.net/detail/20100518/55952/ ...html#.UBaI1L8kfbk . . ./ 115. . . " / " . " / . " /. (Marksmanship) (Sniper) . .. .. ... . . . . . , . . . . . . . ./ . ./ . ./ (.)/ . , - 116. ... . . ... . . . .. - .. . ... . . ... . . . . . . (.) 117. . . . . .... . . . . . . . . - , , https://www.thairath.co.th/content/pol/78254, , - .. ., . . . 118. Physician for Human Rights . . . Liquid Propane Human Rights Watch . ... . . ... . . ( ) .. ... ... .. ... . ... , , . . ... ... . .( ) . ... (...) .. Hospital Staff Upholds International Medical Ethics During Unrest in Bangkok ABriefing Paper by Physicians for Human Rights, May 2011 Human Rights Watchs World Report 2011: Thailand, http://www.hrw.org/world-report-2011/thailand 119. - .. . . .. ... . . - . . . . ... . . . . . . ) ) ) ... . , ,http://www.matichon.co.th/news_detail.php?newsid=1273639937&grpid=&catid= ./ , ./ , ./ , ./ CCTV . ...!"----" .. , ,http://www.matichon.co.th/news_detail.php?newsid=1273728001&grpid= &catid 120. ) ) . ( ) ) .. .. .. ... . . . . .. (.) - .. .. ... . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . .. ... .. . .. .. .. .. .. , , . 121. . . . .. . . ... . .. . .. . . ... .. . . Nato . . Soviet Nato . . . x . P90 . . x . P90 - . . .. ( Robinson ) Crown Plaza . . Fabiano RIVA and Matthieu GLARDON, FORENSIC FIREARMS & BALLISTICSEXAMINATION FOR THE TRCT, June 21st 2012, page 28 / 122. Google Earth .. .. .. .. . . Fabiano RIVA and Matthieu GLARDON, FORENSIC FIREARMS & BALLISTICSEXAMINATION FOR THE TRCT, June 21st 2012,page 28 123. ... .. .. .. . ... . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. / () / 124. ... ... ... . . . ... ( .. ) - / // . ../../ - .. ./ ../...() 125. .. - - .. ... - - .. . . . - . ( ) ... . . . .. . . .. - - (- ) ... - .. 126. - - - - ... .. . . - . . , M . -, ,http://www.krobkruakao.com//30393/-M-79----.html . . / CSI -S 5309 51 127. () . ... ) . . . . .) . . - . . . . // . ../../ - .. ./ ../...()) 128. .) . . - . ) . / . - ) . 129. () ( Blank Bullet)... ) . . ) . .. ) . . Fabiano RIVA and Matthieu GLARDON, FORENSIC FIREARMS & BALLISTICSEXAMINATION FOR THE TRCT, June 21st 2012,page 14 130. ) ) ... - ) ) ) AsiaTimes France 24, ,... Unmasked: Thailands men in black, Asia TimesOnline, http://atimes.com/at...a/LE29Ae02.html 131. .. .. ... ... - - ) / . . . . . . . . . - . .. . . / The Complete Condo Hearing -- , 132. ) ) . ) . . . .... ) / . .. / / 133. ) . . ) . . . (.) ) (memory card) PowerPoint Fabiano RIVA and Matthieu GLARDON, FORENSIC FIREARMS & BALLISTICSEXAMINATION FOR THE TRCT, June 21st 2012, page 30-37 CSI-S-5210-041 134. ... () ... ) . . ./, 135. ... () CSI-S-5309-129 136. ... () CSI-S-5309-130 137. ) 138. ... CSI-S-- 139. ... (