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EITI in the next 3-5 years Dyveke Rogan and Richard Dion EITI International Secretariat Astana 19 May 2015

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EITI in the next 3-5 years

Dyveke Rogan and Richard DionEITI International Secretariat

Astana 19 May 2015

Evolution of the EITI

2003 EITI Principles2005 EITI Criteria and Sourcebook2008 EITI Validation Guide2011 EITI Rules and Validation Guide2013 EITI Standard2016 EITI Standard v 2.0

A national multi-stakeholder group (government, companies and civil society) decides how their EITI process should work.

This group publishes an EITI Report where government revenues and other data are disclosed and independently assessed.

The findings are communicated to create public awareness and debate about how the country should better manage their resources.

Production and export data

Transfers to local government

Transportation payments(encouraged)



Government publish receipts

Companies publish payments

Licenses & contracts

Monitoring production

Tax collection

Revenue allocation

Social and economic


License register and allocations

State ownership

Production contracts(encouraged)


Social expenditures

EITI Standard recap

Legal framework

Sale of in-kind revenues

Revenue distributions


Quasi-fiscal expenditures

Some highlights from the first 25 reports…

1. Non-revenue data, a key feature

Source: http://www.eitimongolia.mn/en

2. EITI data more relevant to local issues

Mongolia: Analysis of performance against environmental protection and rehabilitation plans, and Mining Development Plans

Source: Mongolia 2013 EITI Report

Ghana: performance of the petroleum fund and other revenue management issues.

Source: Ghana 2013 oil and gas EITI Report

Global standard, national ownership

Challenge: 237 EITI Reports, some impact, but still

limited reforms as a result of EITI implementation

Some reasons why:

1. EITI data has not been relevant enough, starting to change

2. EITI data is too old3. EITI data is not accessible4. Limited capacity to use and interpret the data5. Lack of follow up on recommendations from

EITI Reports6. EITI reporting detached from prevailing

government systems for managing the sector

Implications for the future:• Review of EITI in the next 3-5 years: April 2015 –

Global Conference 2016• Issues for consideration:

o Embedding EITI in government systemso From EITI Reports to reform – addressing

challenges such as data timeliness, accessibilityo Clarifying ambiguities in the Standard, e.g.

project level reporting, beneficial ownershipo Validationo Implementing country ownershipo Technical and financial assistance, inlcuding WB


Opportunities for Kazakhstan:• Online reporting good start. Explore other

opportunities for mainstreaming EITI Reporting?• Transportation of Minerals • Social Payments • Environmental Payments • GIS Mapping and variables• Revenue management and expenditures• Understanding the impact of lower oil prices on state
