第 3 版 mini-world 万花筒

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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒. Word Bank 核心词汇. keep /ki:p/ v. ( 使 ) 保持, ( 使 ) 处于. 午睡是门技术活,让小编来为你的优质午睡支个招吧!. Take a Good Nap. Do you like to take a nap after lunch? It’s such a comfortable thing to do, isn’t it? A good nap will make you full of energy. So how to take a good nap? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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第 3 版



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keep v. ( 使 )保持, ( 使 )处于

Word Bank 核心词汇

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Do you like to take a nap after lunch? It’s such a comfortable thing to do, isn’t it? A good nap will make you full of energy. So how to take a good nap?◆ The best time of a nap is between one o’clock and four o’clock in the afternoon.


Take a Good Nap

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◆ 10-20 minutes: It won’t be hard to wake up. A short nap can keep you energetic for a short time.◆ 30-60 minutes: This is an ideal length of time of a nap if you have plenty of time. After a nap of such length of time, you will be more efficient at work and study in the afternoon.◆ 60+ minutes: It will make you groggy after you wake up.

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A Living Wallet会“走路”的钱包?这不是真的吧!

Don’t you see the wheels under the wallet? When you reach for it, it will slowly run away from you. Why is that? To help you save money!

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Word Bank 超纲词汇comfortable adj. 舒适的,惬意的

minute ‘n. 分钟

energetic adj. 精力 充沛的,充满活力的

ideal adj. 理想的,最合适的

groggy adj. 昏昏沉沉的

wallet n. 钱夹,皮夹

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wheel n. 轮子

take a nap 小睡片刻

full of energy 充满活力

length of time 持续时间

plenty of 足够的;大量的

be efficient at work and study 高效地工作、学习

reach for ... 伸手去够……

save money 省钱;存钱

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第 4-5 版

Super Classroom


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   Sherman is just like other ______. He is naughty and sometimes refuses to listen to grown-ups. But he is lucky to have Mr Peabody as his father—he can travel through time by the time machine!

Let’s welcome two new friends—Mr Peabody and Sherman.   Mr Peabody is nothing like other ______. He is ______ because he knows much about everything. He is a good ______ because he tries his best to raise his son, Sherman. He has invented a time machine—to teach Sherman history.  

smart boys dogsfather




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Travel Through Time Today we are going to have a trip through time. Come with us! It will be super fun!   Here come Leonardo da Vinci ( 列奥纳多 ·达 ·芬奇 ) and Mona Lisa ( 蒙娜 ·丽莎 ). Oops, it looks as if they are arguing.

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“Please smile, Mona Lisa. I can’t go on drawing if you don’t smile!” Da Vinci says with his hands waving. “I can’t!” Mona Lisa replies angrily. “How about you trying to smile if you have to sit still for many hours?!”    “ Please help me out, Mr Peabody and Sherman,” asks Da Vinci. “I want to keep this lady smiling.”   Guess what? We are good at making people smile! So we crack some jokes, dance and sing.    Now look at the charming smile on Mona Lisa’s face. We really did a good job, didn’t we?

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Little TalksSherman: Dada!Mr Peabody: No, Sherman. Not Dada, Peabody!Sherman: Peadada!Mr Peabody: Yes ... Peadada.

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Sherman: I love you, Mr Peabody! Mr Peabody: I have a deep regard for you as well, Sherman. ( Later on )Mr Peabody: I ... I love you, Sherman. Sherman: I have a deep regard for you as well, Mr Peabody.

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讲学指导Mr Peabody and Sherman 电影《天才眼镜狗》围绕皮博迪先生以


The Mona Lisa  《蒙娜丽莎》是文艺复兴时期画家列奥纳多

· 达 · 芬奇所绘的一幅肖像画,堪称为世界上最著名的油画。画中描绘了一位表情内敛、微带笑容的女士。由于不同的观者在不同时间从不同角度看画,她的笑容时隐时现,令人捉摸不定,故而人们将其称为“神秘的笑容”。如今,此画被保存在巴黎的卢浮宫供公众欣赏。

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everything pron. 每件事物,一切

raise v. 养育,抚养

invent v. 发明,创造

naughty adj. 调皮的, 捣蛋的

refuse v. 拒绝, refuse to do sth. 表示“拒绝做某事”的意思

lucky adj. 幸运的

Word Bank 超纲词汇

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argue v. 争论,争辩

wave v. 挥手,招手

reply v. 回复,答复

hour n. 小时

charming adj. 迷人的

regard n. 关注;关心;热爱

nothing like ... 与……全然不同

just like ... 正如……,就像……

try one’s best 全力以赴

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time machine 时空穿梭机

travel through time 穿越时空

look as if ... 看起来似乎……

go on (doing sth.) 继续 (做某事 )

have to 不得不

sit still 静静地坐着,坐着不动

crack a joke 说笑话,开玩笑

as well 也,同样地

later on 稍后,后来

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第 6 版



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Fast Food


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potato chips

fried chicken

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hot dog pizza

doughnutinstant noodles

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Popcorn Man

Popcorn Man,

Mr Popcorn Man,

What a heap you’ve got in

that white pan.

Now if I were rich,

As I’d like to be,

You could sell it all to me!

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It makes sense. 词组 make sense 在这里

表示“讲得通,有意义,有道理”的意思。当你觉得某人“言之有理”时,就可以使用这句话。此外,它的否定句 It doesn’t make sense. 或 It makes no sense. 在口语中也比较常见,表示“讲不通,没意义,没道理”的意思。Collin: I don’t like to go for a trip ( 去旅行 ) during holidays. There are too many people out there.David: Yes, it makes sense.

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Word Bank 超纲词汇doughnut n. 甜甜圈;炸面圈

popcorn n. 爆米花

heap n. ( 一 )堆

pan n. 平底锅

rich adj. 富有的

fast food 快餐

potato chips 炸薯条 (=French fries)

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fried chicken 炸鸡

hot dog 热狗

instant noodles 方便面,速食面

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第 7 版

Story Zone


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The Shadow (III) The shadow began

to tell his story. That day, the shadow went into the house and met a goddess. He learned a lot of things from her.

Then, the goddess allowed him to live his own life all by himself. He always helped people, and people all loved him. After telling his story, the shadow left the scholar’s home.

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A few years later, the shadow visited the scholar again. The scholar was writing a book. But he was so sad because no one read his book.

“You look tired,” said the shadow. “You have to take a rest. Let’s go to a spa. I will pay for the trip for you. Instead, you should be my shadow.”

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Word Bank 超纲词汇goddess n. 女神

allow v. 允许,同意

scholar n. 学者

spa n. 矿泉疗养地

pay v. 付钱,支付

trip n. 旅行

instead adv. 作为替代

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live one’s own life 过某人自己的生活

by oneself 独立,独自

a few years later 几年后

have to 必须

take a rest 休息一下