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The Ministry of Defence SR Yugoslavia - WHITE PAPER ON DEFENCE










Ministarstvo odbraneThe Ministry of Defence

Novinsko-izdava~ki centarNewspaper-Publishing Centre


For EditorProf. Mitar Kovac. Ph.D, Colonel


HeadZvonimir Pesic, Colonel

Special Editorial BoardEditor-in-ChiefPetar Boskovic, Lieutenant commander

Editorial BoardDocent, Nedjo Danilovic, Ph.D., ColonelMladen Marjanovic, Lt.colonelKatarina Strbac, M.A., Lt.colonelMiodrag Sekulic, M.A., Lt.colonelStanislav Stojanovic, M.A.

EditorMladen Marjanovic, Lt.colonel

Fine art – Graphics EditorsAleksandar Svedic, Ba.A.Milen Culjic, Ba.A.

Proof-readerNada Dragisic

Translation into English LanguageSuzana Andjelkovic, M.A.Jack PetriMladen Momcilovic

Translation Proof-readerJohn D. Moore Bick, Maj.general Suzana Andjelkovic, M.A.

ProofsBrankica DamjanovSuzana Andjelkovic, M.A.

Editorial Office SecretaryVera Zvonarek Jovanovic

PrintMilitary Publishing HouseBelgrade

Books No 131

Circulation: 2.200

ISBN 86-7530-124-3

Web sitesThe Ministry of Defencewww.mod.gov.yu

The Armed Forces of Serbia and Montenegrowww.vj.yu



Za izdava~a

Prof. dr Mitar Kova~, pukovnik



Zvonimir Peši}, pukovnik

Redakcija posebnih izdawaGlavni i odgovorni urednik

Petar Boškovi}, kapetan fregate

Ure|iva~ki odbor

Doc. dr Ne|o Danilovi}, pukovnikMladen Marjanovi}, potpukovnik

Mr Katarina [trbac, potpukovnikMr Miodrag Sekuli}, potpukovnik

Mr Stanislav Stojanovi}


Mladen Marjanovi}, potpukovnik

Likovno-grafi~ki urednici

Aleksandar Švedi}, akad. slikarMilen ^uqi}, akad. slikar

Jezi~ki redaktor

Nada Dragiši}

Prevod na engleski jezik

Mr Suzana An|elkovi}Yek Petri

Mladen Mom~ilovi}

Jezi~ki redaktor prevoda

Y. D. Mur-Bik, general-majorMr Suzana An|elkovi}


Brankica Damjanov Mr Suzana An|elkovi}

Sekretar redakcije

Vera Zvonarek Jovanovi}


Vojna {tamparijaBeograd

Kwiga 131

Tira` 2.200

ISBN 86-7530-124-3

Adrese na Internetu

Ministarstvo odbranewww.mod.gov.yu

Vojska Srbije i Crne Gorewww.vj.yu












April, 2005. April

SADR@AJBELA KWIGA ODBRANE – ZAŠTO? ....................................... 5

1. BEZBEDNOSNO OKRU@EWE................................................. 7

1.1. Globalna bezbednost ............................................................ 9

1.2. Regionalna bezbednost........................................................ 10

1.3. Bezbednost dr`ava ~lanica i Srbije i Crne Gore ..... 12

1.4. Izazovi, rizici i pretwe bezbednosti .......................... 13

2. POLITIKA ODBRANE ........................................................... 15

2.1. Bezbednosni i odbrambeni interesi ............................. 18

2.2. Ciqevi i zadaci politike odbrane................................. 18

2.3. Osnovna opredeqewa politike odbrane ....................... 19

2.4. Odnos sa me|unarodnim organizacijama ........................ 21

2.5. Regionalna odbrambena saradwa ..................................... 24

2.6. Bilateralna odbrambena saradwa .................................. 26

3. RESURSI ODBRANE ................................................................. 293.1. Qudski resursi ..................................................................... 31

3.1.1. Stawe kadra ................................................................ 32

3.1.2. Projekcija razvoja kadrovske strukture............ 35

3.1.3. Upravqawe qudskim resursima .............................. 36

3.1.4. Vojna obaveza ............................................................... 36

3.1.5. Obrazovawe, obuka i

nau~noistra`iva~ka delatnost ......................... 38 Obrazovawe za potrebe odbrane .................... 38 Obuka u Vojsci Srbije i Crne Gore ............... 39 Nau~na delatnost za potrebe odbrane ....... 40

3.2. Materijalni resursi ........................................................... 42

3.2.1. Finansirawe odbrane ............................................... 43

3.2.2. Upravqawe materijalnim resursima ................... 47

3.2.3. Modernizacija naoru`awa i vojne opreme .......... 48

3.2.4. Osnove razvoja odbrambene industrije................ 50

3.2.5. Infrastruktura odbrane ...................................... 52

4. ODBRAMBENA SPOSOBNOST............................................ 55

4.1. Sposobnost odgovora na vojne izazove, rizike i pretwe bezbednosti ............................................ 57

4.2. Sposobnost odgovora na nevojne izazove, rizike i pretwe bezbednosti ............................................ 59

4.3. Sposobnost u~eš}a u mirovnim operacijama ............................................................................ 60

5. SISTEM ODBRANE SRBIJE I CRNE GORE .................. 635.1. Elementi sistema odbrane................................................. 65

5.1.1. Institucije Srbije i Crne Gore.......................... 66

5.1.2. Vojska Srbije i Crne Gore ....................................... 66 Kopnena vojska .................................................... 68 Vazduhoplovstvo i

protivvazduhoplovna odbrana .................................... 69 Mornarica ............................................................ 70 Logistika............................................................. 71 Telekomunikaciono-informati~ki

sistem ................................................................................. 73 Vojnoteritorijalni organi ........................... 74

5.1.3. Institucije dr`ava ~lanica ................................ 74

5.2. Upravqawe i rukovo|ewe sistemom odbrane ............... 76

5.2.1. Institucije koje upravqaju i rukovode

sistemom odbrane ...................................................... 77

5.2.2. Demokratska i civilna kontrola........................ 80

5.2.3. Planirawe odbrane ................................................... 82

6. REFORMA SISTEMA ODBRANE ........................................ 86

6.1. Reforma Vojske Srbije i Crne Gore .............................. 88

6.2. Reforma nadle`nih institucija u dr`avama ~lanicama u oblasti odbrane ............................................ 94

6.3. Reformski zadaci drugih institucija od zna~aja za odbranu ................................................................ 96

ZAKQU^AK...................................................................................... 97

SKRA]ENICE ................................................................................ 98

CONTENTWHITE PAPER ON DEFENCE – WHY?........................................ 51. OUR SECURITY ENVIRONMENT ........................................... 7

1.1.Global security....................................................................... 91.2. Regional security ................................................................ 101.3. Security of member states of Serbia and Montenegro........ 121.4. Challenges, risks and threats to security............................. 13

2. DEFENCE POLICY ................................................................... 152.1. Security and defence interests ............................................ 182.2. Defence policy goals and tasks........................................... 182.3. Basic defence policy aims .................................................. 192.4. Relations with international organisations.......................... 212.5. Regional defence cooperation ............................................ 242.6. Bilateral defence cooperation ............................................. 26

3. DEFENCE RESOURCES .......................................................... 293.1. Human resources ................................................................ 31

3.1.1. State of the personnel................................................ 323.1.2. Projection of personnel stucture development.......... 353.1.3. Human resources management................................. 363.1.4. National serv ice ....................................................... 363.1.5. Education, training and scientific

research..................................................................... 383.1.5.1. Education for defence purposes......................... 383.1.5.2. Training in the Army of Serbia and Montenegro.... 393.1.5.3. Scientific research for defence purposes............ 40

3.2. Material resources............................................................... 423.2.1. Defence funding ........................................................ 433.2.2. Material resources management............................... 473.2.3. Modernisation of armaments and military equipment ... 483.2.4. Basis of defence industry developoment ................... 503.2.5. Defence infrastructure .............................................. 52

4. DEFENCE ABILITY.................................................................. 554.1. Ability to respond to military challenges, risks and

security threats .................................................................... 574.2. Ability to respond to non-military challenges, risks

and security threats ............................................................. 594.3 Ability to participate in peacekeeping

operations............................................................................. 605. THE DEFENCE SYSTEM OF SERBIAAND MONTENEGRO .. 63

5.1. Elements of the defence system.......................................... 655.1.1. Institutions of Serbia and Montenegro ..................... 665.1.2. The Army of Serbia and Montenegro ....................... 66 The land force .................................................... 685.1.2.2. The air force and the anti-aircraft

defence ............................................................... 695.1.2.3. The navy ............................................................. 705.1.2.4. Logistics ............................................................. 715.1.2.5. Telecommunications-informatics

system................................................................ 735.1.2.6. Army territorial organs ...................................... 74

5.1.3. Institutions of member states .................................... 745.2. Defence system management ............................................. 76

5.2.1. Institutions managing the defence system........................................................................ 77

5.2.2. Democratic and civil control .................................... 805.2.3. Defence planning ...................................................... 82

6. DEFENCE SYSTEM REFORM ................................................ 856.1. Reform of the Army of Serbia and Montenegro................. 886.2. Reform of the authorised institutions in member

states in the area of defence ................................................ 946.3. Reform tasks of other institutions of import

for defence .......................................................................... 96CONCLUSION............................................................................... 97ACRONYMS ................................................................................... 98


Dr`avna zajednica Sr-

bija i Crna Gora, ob-

javqivawem Bele kwi-

ge odbrane, ~ini još jedan

reformski korak ka pri-

hvatawu savremenih stan-

darda o otvorenosti i

transparentnosti u pi-

tawima vezanim za izazo-

ve i pretwe nacionalnoj


Strateška doktri-

narna dokumenta, u kojima

se bezbednosni problemi

predstavqaju na ovakav

na~in, ~ine osnov za wiho-

vo uspešno rešavawe.

Zbir ovih dokumenata,

tako|e stvara osnovu ko-

jom se problemi i rešewa

stavqaju u ~vrste pravne

i institucionalne okvire. Time se najboqe do-

prinosi procesu ja~awa bezbednosti i stvara-

wu široke politi~ke podrške takvoj bezbed-

nosnoj politici.

Sadr`ajem Bele kwige odbrane ne prejudi-

ciraju se rešewa bezbednosnih i odbrambenih

izazova. Wihovo sagledavawe ima deklara-

tivno politi~ki karakter. Bela kwiga od-

brane svoje vi|ewe bezbednosnih procesa nudi

stru~noj javnosti i gra|anima na uvid. Ona je

sa~iwena u funkciji ostvarivawa prava sva-

kog gra|anina da se informiše o savremenim

izazovima, rizicima i pretwama bezbedno-

sti, bezbednosnim i odbrambenim interesi-

ma, politici i strategiji odbrane. Time se i

stru~na i šira javnost navikava da vodi bri-

gu o pitawima bezbednosti i da za wih budu


U ovom dokumentu se promoviše opredeqe-

we Srbije i Crne Gore za pristupawe evrop-

skim i evroatlantskim integracijama i uka-

zuje na potrebu zajedni~kog delovawa sa

partnerima radi ja~awa mira i stabilnosti

na lokalnom, regionalnom i globalnom nivou.

By publishing White Pa-

per on defence, the State

Union of Serbia and

Montenegro makes another

reform-oriented step towards

the acceptance of modern

standards of openess and

transparency in matters re-

lated to security challenges

and threats.

Strategic doctrinary docu-

ments wherein security is-

sues are presented in this

manner, constitute the bases

for dealing with those issues

successfully. Also, a collec-

tion of such documents cre-

ates a basis through which

the problems and their solu-

tions are placed within firm

legal and institutional frameworks. This is the best

way to contribute to the strengthening of security and

creating a broad political support to such a defence


The contents of the White Paper on defence do not

in any way prejudice the solutions to security and de-

fence challenges. This overview of the above cha-

llenges is political in character. The White Paper on

defence offers its view of security processes to the ex-

pert public and to the citizens. It has been prepared

with a view to realising the right of every citizen to be

informed about contemporary challenges, risks and

threats to security, security and defence interests, the

defence strategy and policy. In this way, the expert

and the general public get used to caring about secu-

rity issues and being responsible for them.

This document promotes the opting of Serbia and

Montenegro to accede to European and Euro-At-

lantic integrations, and points out the need for joint

action with partners with a view to strengthening

peace and stability on the local, regional and global

level. In addition to this, it presents in a transparent




Osim toga transparentno su prikazani na-

pori Srbije i Crne Gore u oblasti odbrane i

istaknuti problemi sa kojima se suo~ava dr-

`avna zajednica u prevladavawu iskušewa u

procesu reforme sistema odbrane.

Dokument sadr`i osnovne informacije o

bezbednosnom okru`ewu, izazovima, rizicima

i pretwama bezbednosti, politici odbrane,

odbrambenim potencijalima, organizaciji,

upravqawu, finansirawu, kontroli i razvoju

sistema odbrane Srbije i Crne Gore.

Projektovani sistem odbrane treba da bu-

de racionalan i efikasan i da omogu}i akti-

van doprinos o~uvawu mira i stabilnosti u

regionu, kao i razvoj i unapre|ivawe partner-

skih odnosa sa odgovaraju}im institucijama

sistema kolektivne bezbednosti.

Prikqu~ivawem evroatlantskim inte-

gracijama, prvenstveno NATO Programu

„Partnerstvo za mir”, pove}ava se bezbed-

nost u regionu, ja~a odbrambena sposobnost

Srbije i Crne Gore i promovišu evropske i

evroatlantske vrednosti.

U periodu koji je pred nama ima}emo prili-

ku da, u procesu pristupawa politi~kim,

ekonomskim i bezbednosnim integracijama,

reformišemo sistem odbrane prema našim

potrebama i mogu}nostima i evroatlant-

skim standardima.

Ne sumwam da }emo u tome i uspeti.


dr Prvoslav Davini}

manner the efforts of Serbia and Montenegro in the

area of defence and points out the problems which

the State Union faces in striving to overcome obsta-

cles in the process of reforming the defence system.

The document contains basic information about

our security environment, security challenges, risks

and threats, the defence policy, the defence potential,

the organisation, management, funding, control and

development of the defence system of Serbia and


The projected defence system should be rational and

efficient, and should make possible our active contri-

bution to the preservation of peace and stability in the

region, as well as the development and improvement of

partnership relations with the corresponding institu-

tions of the collective security system.

By acceding to Euro-Atlantic integrations, first of

all, the NATO “Partnership for Peace” programme,

we shall increase the level of security in the region,

increase the defence ability of Serbia and Montene-

gro and promote European and Euro-Atlantic val-


In the period which lies ahead, we shall have the

opportunity, in a process of accession to political,

economic and security integrations, to reform our

defence system in accordance with our needs and

possibilities, as well as the Euro-Atlantic standards.

I do not doubt that we shall succeed in this.

DEFENCE MINISTER Prvoslav Davinic, Ph.D.



Bezbednosno okru`ewe

The Security Environment1



Globalna bezbednost

Uposledwoj deceniji 20. veka došlo je do ve-likih promena u meðunarodnoj zajednicikoje se ogledaju u nestanku bipolarne po-

dele sveta i razvoju integracionih procesa.Razvoj informacione i komunikacione tehno-logije doprineo je intenzivirawu promena iubrzao proces globalizacije skoro svih aspe-kata meðunarodnih odnosa. U ovakvom okru`e-wu saradwa postaje bitna pretpostavka za ja~a-we mira, stabilnosti i demokratskog razvoja.

Proces globalizacije imao je za posledicu ineke destruktivne pojave, koje su izazvale re-gionalne i lokalne napetosti i konflikte.Novi izazovi, rizici i pretwe bezbednostiuslovqeni su sve izra`enijim razlikama u eko-nomskom razvoju pojedinih dr`ava i naroda.Savremeni svet je zbog toga postao optere}en


Global security

In the last decade of the 20th century, there occurredgreat changes in the international community, re-flected in the disappearance of the bipolar division

of the world and the development of integrativeprocesses. The development of information andcommunication technology contributed to the inten-sification of the changes and speeded up the processof globalisation of almost all aspects of internationalrelations. In such an environment, cooperation be-came an essential prerequisite for strengtheningpeace, stability and democratic development.

Among the consequences of the process of globa-lisation were some destructive phenomena, causingregional and local tensions and conflicts. New secu-rity challenges, risks and threats are conditioned bythe increasing differences in the economic develop-ment of certain states and peoples. On account of


1.1. 1.1.

mnogim neizvesnostima, stim što je wegovoglavno obele`je u oblasti bezbednosti smawe-we opasnosti od tradicionalnih vojnih suko-bqavawa i direktnog konfrontirawa velikihsila, s jedne strane, i pojava mnoštva novih ne-vojnih izazova, rizika i pretwi, s druge strane.

Nacionalni interesi i daqe su ostali u sre-dištu meðudr`avnih odnosa. Meðutim, u prviplan izbijaju opšteprihva}ene civilizacijskevrednosti, kao što su demokratski sistem vla-sti, poštovawe qudskih prava i sloboda, pri-hvatawe tr`išne privrede i poštovawe meðu-narodno prihva}enih obaveza i standarda. Po-red toga, u ciqu o~uvawa stabilnosti i bezbed-nosti, kao i radi efikasnog odgovora na noveizazove rizike i pretwe, te`ište se usmeravana preventivno delovawe. Pri tome vojna silanije više jedino sredstvo, ve} jedan od instru-menata u kreirawu meðunarodne bezbednosti.

Pozitivne tendencije ja~awa evroatlantskebezbednosti potvrðuju zna~aj saradwe, dijalogai zajedni~kog delovawa dr`ava u kreirawuglobalnog mira i stabilnosti. Pove}awe brojadr`ava koje dele i unapreðuju vrednosti savre-mene demokratije i tr`išne ekonomije i pro-movišu dijalog i saradwu pozitivno uti~e nabezbednosno okru`ewe evroatlantskog pro-stora.

Regionalna bezbednost

Rizici od izbijawa ratova i drugih oru`a-nih sukoba na evropskom prostoru znatno susmaweni, ali nisu potpuno otkloweni. To seposebno odnosi na zemqe u isto~noj i jugoi-sto~noj Evropi koje su u procesu tranzicijesuo~ene sa ekonomskim, socijalnim i politi~-kim problemima i poteško}ama, što mo`e uodreðenim okolnostima da izazove porast na-petosti.

U postoje}im uslovima, OUN, OEBS, EU iNATO kqu~ni su elementi evropske bezbed-nosne arhitekture. Od sposobnosti wihovogprilagoðavawa novim izazovima bezbednostii od karaktera odnosa koje }e te asocijacijeuspostavqati sa ostalim akterima savremenemeðunarodne zajednice najviše zavisi bez-bednost evroatlanskog prostora i sveta u ce-lini.

Novi karakter NATO-a i razvoj zajedni~kebezbednosne i odbrambene politike Evropskeunije pozitivno se odra`avaju na bezbednostevroatlantske zajednice. Poseban zna~aj za bez-bednost evroatlantskog prostora ima ProgramNATO-a „Partnerstvo za mir". Izgradwom svo-jevrsnih partnerskih odnosa u okviru tog pro-

this, the contemporary world has become burdenedwith a number of uncertainties, its main characteris-tic in the area of security being a reduction of thedanger of traditional-style military conflicts and a di-rect confrontation of the great powers on the onehand, and the advent of many new non-military cha-llenges, risks and threats on the other.

National interests have still remained in the centreof relations between states. However, the generallyaccepted civilisational values, such as a democraticsystem of government, respect of human rights andfreedoms, acceptance of the market economy and theobservance of internationally agreed obligations andstandards have come to the fore. In addition to this,with a view to preserving stability and security, andfor the purpose of responding efficiently to new risksand threats, the focus has been shifted to preventiveaction. Under the circumstances, military power isno longer the only means of achieving internationalsecurity but one of the instruments for doing so.

The positive tendencies of strengthening Euro-At-lantic security testify to the importance of coopera-tion, dialogue and the joint action of states in creat-ing global peace and stability. The increase in thenumber of states which share and develop the valuesof modern democracy and the market economy, andpromote dialogue and cooperation has a positive effect on the Euro-Atlantic security environment.

Regional security

The risks of wars breaking out and other armedconflicts in the area of Europe have been conside-rably decreased, but they have not been entirelyeliminated. This refers in particular to countries ofEastern and South-Eastern Europe which are in theprocess of transition and are faced with economic,social and political problems and difficulties, which,under certain circumstances, can cause increasedtensions.

In the current circumstances, UN, OSCE, EU andNATO are the key elements of the European securityarchitecture. The security of the Euro-Atlantic areaand the world as a whole depends mostly on theirability to adjust to the new security challenges, risksand threats, and on the character of the relations theabove associations will establish with other membersof the contemporary international community.

The new character of NATO and the developmentof a common security and defence policy of the Eu-ropean Union have had a positive effect on the secu-rity of the Euro-Atlantic community. Of particularimportance to the security of the Euro-Atlantic areais the NATO “Partnership for Peace” programme.The development of partnership relations within theframework of this programme makes it possible to


1.2. 1.2.

konstelaciji meðunarodnih odnosa. Unutra-šwe promene u ve}ini dr`ava tog regionauslovqene su novom vojno-politi~kom realno-š}u opredeqewem za razvoj politi~kog i eko-nomskog sistema ustrojenog prema modelu zema-qa razvijene demokratije. Evropska opredeqe-nost dr`ava jugoisto~ne Evrope realna je osno-va za ja~awe stabilnosti i izgradwu evroatlan-ske vizije bezbednosti.

Iako je postignut zna~ajan napredak u iz-gradwi mira i stabilnosti, još uvek je jugoi-sto~na Evropa bezbednosno osetqiv prostorevropskog kontinenta. Posebnu pretwu wenojbezbednosti ~ine ekonomsko-socijalni pro-blemi, nacionalni i verski ekstremizam, or-ganizovani kriminal i nedovoqno izgraðenedr`avne institucije. Takvo stawe ote`avaproces wihove br`e i uspešnije demokratsketranzicije.

Zbog slo`enog karaktera izazova, rizika ipretwi bezbednosti neophodno je da dr`ave ju-

on the process of redefining their position within thenew constellation of international relations. Internalchanges in the majority of states in this region are con-ditioned by the new military-political reality, charac-terised by opting for the development of a political andeconomic system structured on the basis of the modelof countries with a developed democracy. The Euro-pean option of countries from South-Eastern Europerepresents a realistic basis for developing stability andthe Euro-Atlantic vision of security.

Even though considerable progress has beenachieved in building peace and stability, South-EasternEurope is still a sensitive area of the European conti-nent in terms of security. Economic-social problems,national and religious extremism, organised crime andinsufficiently developed state institutions represent aparticular threat to its security. Such a state of affairsmakes the process of their speedier and more success-ful democratic transition more difficult.

In view of the complex character of security cha-llenges, risks and threats, it is necessary that countries

grama omogu}ava se stvarawe širokog meðuna-rodnog foruma s te`ištem na ja~awu mehaniza-ma dijaloga, saradwe i prevencije u izgradwi bo-qeg bezbednosnog okru`ewa i stabilnog mira.

Ja~awe bezbednosti i stabilnosti na evroa-tlantskom prostoru pozitivno se odra`ava nakonsolidovawe prilika u dr`avama jugoisto~-ne Evrope. Takva tendencija pozitivno uti~e ina proces redefinisawa wihovog mesta u novoj

create a broad international forum focusing on thedevelopment of the mechanism of dialogue, coope-ration and prevention, with a view to developing abetter environment in terms of security and a stablepeace.

The strengthening of security and stability in the Eu-ro-Atlantic area has a positive effect on the consolida-tion of the situation in countries of South-Eastern Eu-rope. Such a tendency also exerts a positive influence


goisto~ne Evrope zajedni~kim naporima su-zbijaju negativne procese koji ugro`avaju wi-hovu bezbednost. Poseban zna~aj za konsolido-vawe mira i stabilnosti imaju regionalnebezbednosne inicijative: Proces za saradwujugoisto~ne Evrope, Pakt za stabilnost jugoi-sto~ne Evrope, Sastanak ministara odbranezemaqa jugoisto~ne Evrope i Inicijativa zajugoisto~nu Evropu.

Budu}i da je stabilnost uslov za pribli`a-vawe tog regiona Evropskoj Uniji, izgradwazajedni~kih mehanizama prevencije rizika ipretwi i upravqawe kriznim situacijama va-`ne su pretpostavke bezbednosnog konsolido-vawa i br`e demokratske tranzicije dr`avajugoisto~ne Evrope.

Bezbednost dr`ava~lanica i Srbije

i Crne Gore Meðunarodni polo`aj Srbije i Crne Gore pod

sna`nim je uticajem opštih kretawa u regionu ievropskoj i svetskoj politici. Proevropska po-liti~ka orijentacija i demokratski tok refor-mi društvenog `ivota u dr`avama ~lanicama iSrbiji i Crnoj Gori, kao i pozitivne promene uwihovom odnosu sa zna~ajnim meðunarodnim su-bjektima, posebno s dr`avama evroatlantskogprostora, doprinose ja~awu bezbednosne pozici-je Srbije i Crne Gore. Te`wa svih dr`ava regi-ona ka istim civilizacijskim vrednostima i in-tegracijama umawuje mogu}nost direktne pretweili agresije na Srbiju i Crnu Goru. Opredeqe-nost za pragmati~nu i racionalnu spoqnopoli-ti~ku orjentaciju i ~lanstvo u meðunarodnimbezbednosnim strukturama, prvenstveno u Pro-gramu „Partnerstvo za mir" i NATO-u, zna~ajnodoprinosi wenoj bezbednosti. Shodno takvojorijentaciji, izgraðuje se nova bezbednosna po-litika, na osnovu koje Srbija i Crna Gora posta-je aktivni ~inilac regionalne bezbednosne sa-radwe, deo savremene evropske porodice i rav-nopravan i pouzdan partner u meðunarodnim od-nosima.

Bez obzira na pozitivne tendencije u ja~awubezbednosnog polo`aja, Srbija i Crna Gora jejoš uvek suo~ena sa mogu}im izazovima, rizici-ma i pretwama bezbednosti.

Specifi~nu pretwu predstavqa mogu}nost ak-tivirawa postoje}ih kriznih `arišta na Koso-vu i Metohiji i jugu Srbije. Kontinuitet priti-saka i nasiqa nad Srbima i ostalim nealbanskimstanovništvom na Kosovu i Metohiji najozbiq-nija je pretwa ne samo bezbednosti Srbije i CrneGore, ve} i ~itavom regionu Jugoisto~ne Evrope.

from South-Eastern Europe should join forces intheir efforts to suppress the negative processes en-dangering their security. Of particular importance forconsolidating peace and stability are regional securi-ty initiatives: the Process for Cooperation in South-Eastern Europe, the Stability Pact for South-EasternEurope, the Conference of Defence Ministers ofCountries from South-Eastern Europe and the Initia-tive for South-Eastern Europe.

As stability is a prerequisite for this region’s approach to the European Union, the development ofcommon mechanisms of risk and threat prevention,as well as crisis management, represent importantprerequisites of security consolidation and a fasterdemocratic transition of countries from South-East-ern Europe.

Security of member statesof Serbia

and Montenegro The international position of Serbia and Montene-

gro is strongly influenced by the general trends in theregion and in European and world politics. A pro-Eu-ropean political orientation and the democratic re-forms of social life in the member states of Serbiaand Montenegro, as well as the positive changes intheir relations with important international subjects,in particular states from the Euro-Atlantic area, con-tribute to the strengthening of the security position ofSerbia and Montenegro. The striving of all the coun-tries of this region to achieve the same civilisationalvalues and integrations reduces the possibility of adirect threat to or aggression against Serbia andMontenegro. Opting for a pragmatic and rational fo-reign policy orientation and membership in interna-tional security structures, first of all the “Partnershipfor Peace” programme and NATO, significantly con-tributes to the security of our country. In keepingwith this orientation, a new security policy is beingdeveloped, on the basis of which Serbia and Mon-tenegro is becoming and active factor of regional se-curity cooperation and an equal, dependable partnerin international relations.

Regardless of the positive tendencies in thestrengthening of its security position, Serbia andMontenegro is still faced with potential securitychallenges, risks and threats.

The possibility of the current crisis points inKosovo and Metohija and in the south of Serbia be-ing activated represents a specific threat. The conti-nuity of pressure and violence directed against Serbsand other non-Albanian population in Kosovo andMetohija is the most serious threat, not only to thesecurity of Serbia and Montenegro, but also to theentire region of South-Eastern Europe.


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vqenim interesima i nedovršenim integracio-nim i tranzicionim procesima na globalnom, re-gionalnom i lokalnom nivou.

Oru`ani sukobi globalnog i regionalnog ka-raktera mogu}i su u slu~aju opšte evropske i svet-ske krize. Do wih bi moglo da doðe ukoliko bi se unekoj od zemaqa regiona zaustavio demokratskiproces, uz dodatno komplikovawe situacije zbogekonomskih, socijalnih, etni~kih i verskih raz-loga.

Oru`anom pobunom, kao specifi~nim oblikomoru`anog sukoba motivisanog neustavnom i nasil-

unlikely, and may have to do only with conflictinginterests and unfinished integration and transitionprocesses on the global, regional and national level.

Armed conflicts of global and regional characterare possible in case there is a general European orworld crisis. Such conflicts could occur if democra-tic processes in one of the countries of the regionshould stop, and if the situation is additionally com-plicated due to economic, social, ethnic and religiousreasons.

Armed rebellion, as a specific form of armed con-flict motivated by an unconstitutional and violent

Izazovi, rizici ipretwe bezbednosti

Demokratski procesi u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori iwihovom okru`ewu, kao i aktivnosti i anga`o-vawe meðunarodne zajednice, doprineli su uspo-stavqawu mira i relativne stabilnosti u regi-onu jugoisto~ne Evrope. Meðutim, zbog slo`e-nog nasleða iz prošlosti, još uvek postoje iza-zovi, rizici i pretwe bezbednosti, koji u od-reðenim okolnostima mogu ugroziti mir i sta-bilnost.

Izazovi, rizici i pretwe bezbednosti mogu bi-ti vojne i nevojne prirode.

Vojni izazovi, rizici i pretwe dr`avama ~la-nicama i Srbiji i Crnoj Gori su zna~ajno smawe-ni, ali se u ovom trenutku ne mogu potpuno is-kqu~iti.

Agresija na Srbiju i Crnu Goru je malo verovat-na i mogla bi se dovesti u vezu samo sa suprotsta-

Security challenges, risksand threats

The democratic processes in Serbia and Montene-gro and its surroundings, as well as the activities andthe engagement of the international community, havecontributed to the establishment of peace and relativestability in the region of South-Eastern Europe.However, due to the complex legacy of the past,there are still potential security challenges, risks andthreats which, in certain situations, may endangerpeace and stability.

Security challenges, risks and threats can be ofmilitary and non-military nature.

Military challenges, risks and threats to themember states of Serbia and Montenegro have beenconsiderably reduced, but cannot be completelyruled out at the moment.

Aggression against Serbia and Montenegro is very


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nom te`wom za promenom granica, mo`e se ugrozi-ti bezbednost dr`ava ~lanica ~ije teritorije~ine teritoriju Srbije i Crne Gore.

Drugi sporovi sa upotrebom oru`ane sile moguda nastanu kao posledica eskalacije terorizma,grani~nih i teritorijalnih sporova i nasilnogzaustavqawa demokratskih procesa u dr`avamaJugoisto~ne Evrope.

Nevojni izazovi, rizici i pretwe bezbednosti~ine sve ve}u globalnu opasnost i mogu da ugrozeinterese i bezbednost bilo koje dr`ave u svetu, pai bezbednost dr`ava ~lanica i Srbije i Crne Go-re.

Najverovatniji nevojni izazovi, rizici i pret-we bezbednosti su: terorizam, nacionalni i ver-ski ekstremizam, organizovani kriminal i korup-cija, prirodne nepogode, industrijske i druge ne-sre}e, i epidemije.

Terorizam je jedan od najve}ih izazova, rizika ipretwi po globalnu, regionalnu i nacionalnu bez-bednost zbog transnacionalnog karaktera i veza sorganizovanim kriminalom. Za dr`ave ~lanice iSrbiju i Crnu Goru terorizam je najve}a i najra-sprostrawenija bezbednosna pretwa, kojoj se su-protstavqaju svi elementi sistema bezbednosti.

Nacionalni i verski ekstremizam, koji su biliizra`eni u nedavnoj prošlosti u celom regionu,još uvek su aktuelan ~inilac rizika i mogu}a pre-preka mirnom rešavawu sporova i kriza. Sporostdemokratizacije ekonomskih i politi~kih proce-sa, neodlu~nost u raskidawu sa negativnim ratnimnasleðem i autoritarnom tradicijom, koji su op-tere}eni nacionalnim i verskim ekstremizmom,mogu znatno da doprinesu odr`avawu stawa tenzi-je i wihovom prerastawu u potencijalne sukobe.

Organizovani kriminal i korupcija, posebnowihova povezanost u oblasti trgovine qudima inarkoticima, kao i proliferacija konvencional-nog oru`ja i oru`ja za masovno uništewe, realnasu pretwa bezbednosti dr`ava ~lanica i Srbije iCrne Gore.

Prirodne nepogode, industrijske i druge ne-

sre}e i epidemije, kao posledica prirodnih sila inaglog industrijskog i tehni~ko-tehnološkogprogresa i wihovog uticaja na sve sfere `ivota,mogu da ugroze bezbednost dr`ava ~lanica i Srbi-je i Crne Gore.

Pored navedenih, postoje i drugi izazovi, rizi-ci i pretwe bezbednosti, kao što su nekontroli-sane i masovne migracije, nedostatak strateškihenergenata, zloupotrebe novih tehnologija inau~nih dostignu}a u oblasti informatike, ge-netskog in`eweringa, medicine i meteorologije.

attempt at changing state borders, could endanger thesecurity of the member states whose territories makeup the territory of Serbia and Montenegro.

Other disputes involving the use of armed forces

may occur as a result of the escalation of terrorism,border and territorial disputes and a violent suspen-sion of democratic processes in countries of South-Eastern Europe.

Non-military security challenges, risks and

threats represent an increasing global danger andcould endanger the interests and security of anycountry in the world, and thus the security of themember states of Serbia and Montenegro.

The most likely non-military security challenges,risks and threats are: terrorism, nationalist and reli-gious extremism, organised crime and corruption,natural disasters, industrial and other accidents, andepidemics.

Terrorism is one of the greatest challenges, risksand threats to global, regional and national security,due to its transnational character and connectionswith organised crime. For the member states and theState Union of Serbia and Montenegro, terrorism isthe greatest and most widespread security threat, opposed by all the elements of the security system.

Nationalist and religious extremism, in evidencein the entire region in recent past, are still a risk fac-tor and a possible obstacle to a peaceful settlement ofdisputes and crises. The slowness of democratisationof economic and political processes, unwillingnessto break with the negative legacy of the war and theauthoritarian tradition, burdened with nationalist andreligious extremism, may considerably contribute tomaintaining a state of tension and its evolution intopotential conflicts.

Organised crime and corruption, particularly theirbeing linked in the sphere of trafficking in peopleand drugs, constitute a real threat to the security ofthe member states of Serbia and Montenegro.

Natural disasters, industrial and other accidents

and epidemics, as a result of the work of naturalforces and rapid industrial and technical-technologi-cal progress and their influence on all spheres of life,may endanger the security of the member states ofSerbia and Montenegro.

Apart from the above-mentioned ones, there existother security challenges, risks and threats such asuncontrolled and mass migrations, lack of strategicenergy sources, abuse of new technologies and scien-tific achievements in the sphere of informatics, ge-netic engineering, medicine and meteorology.



Politika odbrane

Defence Policy2



Evropska i evroatlantska spoqnopoli-ti~ka orjentacija dr`ava ~lanica i Sr-bije i Crne Gore i opredeqewe da se ak-tivno ukqu~e u proces saradwe i zajed-

ni~kog delovawa sa drugim dr`avama na iz-gradwi globalne i regionalne bezbednosti~ine okvir nove politike odbrane dr`avne za-jednice.

Novom politikom odbrane afirmišu sekoncept kooperativne bezbednosti s ciqem dase Srbija i Crna Gora pribli`e evroatlant-skoj viziji nedeqivosti bezbednosti i sprem-nost da se prihvate standardi odbrambenog or-ganizovawa demokratskih društava.

Srbija i Crna Gora opredeqena je za ~lan-stvo u meðunarodnim bezbednosnim struktura-ma, prvenstveno za prikqu~ewe Programu„Partnerstvo za mir” i NATO-u, shodno demo-kratski izra`enoj voqi graðana, kao i drugimevropskim i evroatlantskim integracijama.


The European and Euro-Atlantic foreign policyorientation of the member states of Serbia andMontenegro, and their opting for active parti-cipation in the process of cooperation and joint

action with other states with a view to developingglobal and regional security, constitute the frame-work of the new defence policy of the State Union.

The new defence policy affirms the concept of co-operative security with the aim of bringing Serbiaand Montenegro closer to the Euro-Atlantic vision ofindivisibility of security; it also affirms readiness toaccept the defence organisation standards of demo-cratic societies.

Serbia and Montenegro has opted for membershipin international security structures, first of all, for acceding to the “Partnership for Peace” programmeand NATO, in accordance with the democraticallyexpressed will of the people, and also to other Euro-pean and Euro-Atlantic integrations.


Bezbednosnii odbrambeni interesi

Bezbednosni i odbrambeni interesi su iz-raz opštih potreba dr`ava ~lanica i Srbijei Crne Gore da `ive u sigurnosti i miru, daneguju i štite nacionalne, kulturne i civi-lizacijske vrednosti. Ti interesi su osnovnikriterijum za oblikovawe i primenu nove po-litike odbrane.

Vitalni bezbednosni i odbrambeni intere-si su:

– odbrana dr`ava ~lanica i Srbije i CrneGore;

– pristupawe evroatlantskim integracija-ma, Evropskoj uniji i drugim meðunarod-nim organizacijama i institucijama;

– saradwa s meðunarodnim organizacijama iinstitucijama;

– izgradwa poverewa, bezbednosti i stabil-nosti u regionu;

– sprovoðewe Rezolucije 1244 Saveta bez-bednosti UN o Kosovu i Metohiji.

Dr`ave ~lanice i Srbija i Crna Gora od-lu~ne su da svim raspolo`ivim i dozvoqenimsredstvima štite svoje bezbednosne i odbram-bene interese i da aktivno u~estvuju u izgrad-wi i zaštiti univerzalnih vrednosti meðuna-rodne zajednice.

Ciqevi i zadaci politike odbrane

Prema Strategiji odbrane dr`avne zajed-

nice Srbija i Crna Gora, osnovni ciqevi po-litike odbrane su:

– obezbeðewe potrebnih uslova za odbranu izaštitu vitalnih bezbednosnih i odbram-benih interesa dr`ava ~lanica i Srbije iCrne Gore;

– aktivan doprinos o~uvawu mira i razvija-wu povoqnog bezbednosnog okru`ewa i

– razvijawe i unapreðivawe partnerskihodnosa sa odgovaraju}im institucijama si-stema kolektivne bezbednosti i susednimi drugim dr`avama.

Ciqevi politike odbrane ostvaruju se krozslede}e zadatke:

– izgradwu sistema odbrane sposobnog da od-govori na sadašwe i budu}e izazove, rizi-ke i pretwe bezbednosti;

– efikasno upravqawe odbranom; – stabilno funkcionisawe sistema odbrane

prema postoje}im resursima i mogu}no-stima za logisti~ku podršku;

– dostizawe interoperabilnosti sa siste-

Security and defenceinterests

Security and defence interests are an expression ofthe general need of the member states of Serbia andMontenegro to live safely and in peace, to maintainand protect their national, cultural and civilisationalvalues. These interests are the basic criterion for theshaping and implementation of the new defence po-licy.

The vital security and defence interests are:– the defence of the member states of Serbia and

Montenegro;– acceding to Euro-Atlantic integrations, the Euro-

pean Union and other international organisa-tions and institutions;

– cooperation with international organisations andinstitutions;

– developing trust, security and stability in the re-gion;

– the implementation of UN Security CouncilResolution 1244 on Kosovo and Metohija.

The member states and Serbia and Montenegroare determined to protect their security and defenceinterests using all available and allowed means, andto actively participate in the development and protec-tion of the universal values of the international co-mmunity.

Defence policy goals and tasks

According to the Defence strategy of the StateUnion of Serbia and Montenegro, the basic aims ofthe defence policy are:

– providing the conditions required for the de-fence and protection of the vital security and de-fence interests of the member states and Serbiaand Montenegro;

– active contribution to the preservation of peaceand the development of a favourable securityenvironment, and

– developing and improving partnership relationswith the corresponding institutions of collectivesecurity and with the neighbouring and otherstates.

The aims of the defence policy are realisedthrough the following tasks:

– developing a defence system capable of re-sponding to the current and future security cha-llenges, risks and threats;

– efficient defence management; – stable functioning of the defence system in

accordance with the existing resources and thepossibilities for logistic support;


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mima odbrane dr`ava ukqu~enih u evrop-ske i evroatlantske bezbednosne integra-cije;

– saradwu sa dr`avama ~lanicama Programa„Partnerstvo za mir”, Severoatlantskimsavezom i drugim dr`avama i savezima i

– reformu sistema odbrane. Ostvarivawem ciqeva i zadataka politike

odbrane, na optimalan na~in, obezbeðuju se:efikasna odbrana teritorijalnog integritetai suvereniteta dr`ava ~lanica i Srbije i CrneGore; mirno bezbednosno okru`ewe i koopera-tivan odnos u sistemu kolektivne bezbednosti.

Osnovna opredeqewapolitike odbrane

Srbija i Crna Gora podr`ava pozitivneprocese u savremenom svetu i zala`e se za miri smawewe opasnosti od svih vrsta sukoba ukojima se ispoqava nasiqe.

U izgradwi i implementaciji politike od-brane, dr`ave ~lanice i Srbija i Crna Gora:

– privr`ene su izgradwi meðunarodnih od-nosa na osnovama ravnopravnosti, sarad-we i nemešawa u unutrašwe poslove dru-gih dr`ava;

– odlu~ne su da ispuwavaju obaveze proiz-išle iz Poveqe UN, Univerzalne dekla-racije o qudskim pravima i drugih meðu-narodnih sporazuma i ugovora;

– achieving interoperability with the defence sys-tems of countries involved in European and Eu-ro-Atlantic security integrations;

– cooperation with countries that are members ofthe “Partnership for Peace” programme, NATOand other countries and alliances, and

– reforming the defence system. By realising the aims and tasks of the defence pol-

icy in an optimum manner, we shall ensure: efficientdefence of the territorial integrity and sovereignty ofthe member states and Serbia and Montenegro, apeaceful security environment and cooperative rela-tions in the collective security system.

Basic defence policy aims

Serbia and Montenegro supports positive process-es in the contemporary world and strives for peaceand reducing the danger of all kinds of conflicts in-volving violence.

In developing and implementing the defence poli-cy, the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro:

– is dedicated to developing international relationsbased on equality, cooperation and non-interfe-rence in the internal affairs of other countries;

– is resolved to fulfil the obligations arising fromthe UN Charter, the Universal Declaration ofHuman Rights and other international treatiesand agreements;


2.3. 2.3.

– zala`u se za ja~awe uloge OUN, OEBS iEU i za stvarawe sigurnih mehanizama uni-verzalne bezbednosti, uz uva`avawe inte-resa svih dr`ava, naroda i etni~kih grupa;

– privr`ene su Završnom aktu iz Helsinki-ja i ostalim dokumentima OEBS-a, poseb-no u vezi s nemewawem granica, razoru`a-wem i kontrolom oru`ja;

– ne smatraju neprijateqem nijednu dr`avu; – dele ubeðewe sa drugim dr`avama da sta-

bilnost i bezbednost evroatlantske regi-je mogu da se ostvare samo na osnovu sarad-we i zajedni~ke akcije;

– rešene su da ja~aju unutrašwu stabilnosti aktivno doprinose bezbednosti i sta-bilnosti u regionu jugoisto~ne Evrope;

– opredeqene su da poštuju i ispuwavajupreuzete obaveze iz Dejtonskog mirovnogsporazuma;

– odlu~ne su da dosledno poštuju Rezoluciju1244 Saveta bezbednosti UN;

– dozvoqavaju privremeno stacionirawestranih oru`anih snaga na svojim terito-rijama samo u okviru mirovnih misija naosnovu odluka OUN i utvrðenih sporazuma;

– opredeqene su da delove Vojske Srbije iCrne Gore zadr`avaju na stranim terito-rijama samo u okviru mirovnih misija, naosnovu odluka OUN i utvrðenih sporazuma;

– odlu~ne su da ne poseduju i ne razvijajuoru`ja za masovno uništavawe i da aktiv-no u~estvuju u spre~avawu wegovog šire-wa.

Dr`ave ~lanice i Srbija i Crna Gora opre-deqene su da svoje odbrambene potencijale an-ga`uje na osnovu Ustavne poveqe, a prema Pove-qi Ujediwenih nacija i principima meðuna-rodnog prava kojima se reguliše upotreba sile.

Politi~ka opredeqewa u vezi s na~inomostvarivawa odbrane i anga`ovawem raspolo-`ivih resursa u zaštiti vitalnih bezbedno-snih i odbrambenih interesa, dr`ave ~lanicei Srbija i Crna Gora iskazuju kroz strategij-ski koncept odbrane, u kojem na transparentanna~in saopštavaju da }e, zavisno od vrste i in-tenziteta izazova, rizika i pretwi bezbedno-sti, odgovoriti: u ratu – odlu~nom odbranomdr`ava ~lanica i Srbije i Crne Gore sopstve-nim snagama, uz pomo} partnera, saveznika iprijateqskih dr`ava, a u miru – izgradwompouzdanog partnerstva i saradwom u obliko-vawu povoqnog bezbednosnog okru`ewa i od-vra}awem efikasnim sistemom odbrane.

– endeavours to strengthen the role of UN, OSCEand EU and to create safe universal securitymechanisms, while respecting the interests of allstates, peoples and ethnic groups;

– is dedicated to the Final Act from Helsinki andother OSCE documents, particularly those inconnection with maintaining the current stateborders, disarmament and armaments control;

– does not consider any state an enemy;– shares the belief of other countries that the sta-

bility and security of the Euro-Atlantic regioncan be realised only through cooperation andjoint action;

– is resolved to strengthen internal stability and toactively contribute to the security and stabilityof the region of South-Eastern Europe;

– is resolved to observe and fulfil the obligationsarising from the Dayton Peace Treaty;

– is resolved to consistently observe UN SecurityCouncil Resolution 1244;

– allows temporary deployment of foreign armedforces on its territory only within the frameworkof peacekeeping missions, on the basis of UNdecisions and agreements concluded;

– has opted to deploy units of the Army of Serbiaand Montenegro on foreign territories only with-in the framework of peacekeeping missions, onthe basis of UN decisions and agreements con-cluded;

– is resolved not to possess and not to developweapons of mass destruction and to actively par-ticipate in the prevention of their proliferation.

The member states and Serbia and Montenegrohave opted to engage their defence potential on thebasis of the Constitutional Charter, and based on theUN Charter and the principles of international lawregulating the use of force.

The member states and Serbia and Montenegroexpress their policy decisions in connection with themanner of realising their defence and engaging theavailable resources to protect their vital security anddefence interests through the strategic defence con-cept, in which they announce in a transparent mannerthat, depending on the type and intensity of securitychallenges, risks or threats, they will respond: in a

state of war – by resolutely defending the memberstates and Serbia and Montenegro relying on theirown forces, and in peace – by building dependablepartnerships and through cooperation in the creationof a favourable security environment and by dete-rrence through an efficient defence system.


Odnos sa meðunarodnim

organizacijamaDr`ave ~lanice i Srbija i Crna Gora opre-

deqene su za potpunu integraciju u savremenemeðunarodne tokove, o~uvawe stabilnosti imira u regionu, poštovawe qudskih prava, de-mokratije i vladavinu prava, smawewe soci-jalnih razlika i zaštitu `ivotne sredine iprirodnih resursa. U vezi s tim, reintegraci-jom u OUN i OEBS, kao i ~lanstvom u SavetuEvrope, dr`ave ~lanice i Srbija i Crna Goranastoje da se aktivno ukqu~e u napore meðuna-rodne zajednice za ja~awe mehanizama kolek-tivne bezbednosti i poštovawa univerzalnihdemokratskih vrednosti.

Slede}i ~vrstu opredeqenost da doprinosiizgradwi i ja~awu mira i stabilnosti, Srbija iCrna Gora je ratifikovala i inkorporirala udoktrinarna dokumenta mnoge meðunarodne ugo-vore i opšteprihva}ena pravila meðunarodnogprava. Ratifikovani ugovori se odnose, pre sve-ga, na oblast meðunarodnog humanitarnog prava;kontrolu naoru`awa; pravila i ograni~ewa ukontroli konvencionalnog oru`ja; zabranu raz-voja proizvodwe, ~uvawa i upotrebe hemijskog i

Relations withinternational

organisationsThe member states and Serbia and Montenegro

have opted for a full integration in contemporary in-ternational trends, preservation of stability and peacein the region, respect of human rights, democracyand the rule of law, reducing social inequality andprotection of the environment and natural resources.In connection with the above, through integration inUN and OSCE, and through membership in theCouncil of Europe, the member states and Serbia andMontenegro strive to be actively involved in the efforts of the international community aimed atstrengthening the collective security mechanismsand respect of universal democratic values.

Firmly resolved to contribute to the building anddevelopment of peace and stability, Serbia and Mon-tenegro has ratified and incorporated in its doctrinarydocuments a number of international agreements andgenerally accepted rules of international law. Theagreements ratified refer primarily to the sphere ofinternational humanitarian law, armaments control,the rules and limitations pertaining to the control ofconventional armaments, the ban on developing,stockpiling and using chemical and biological


2.4. 2.4.

biološkog oru`ja; zabranu nuklearnih proba izabranu upotrebe, skladištewa, proizvodwe iprometa protivpešadijskih mina, kao i na wi-hovo uništavawe.

S obzirom na to da je OUN najzna~ajniji meha-nizam za ja~awe bezbednosti u svetu, dr`ave~lanice i Srbija i Crna Gora se posebno zala-`u za revitalizaciju uloge OUN i reformu we-ne institucionalne strukture. Svoje odnose saOUN Srbija i Crna Gora zasniva na poštovawuPoveqe UN i rezolucija Saveta bezbednosti.

Polaze}i od stava da OEBS ima va`nu ulo-gu u ja~awu svih dimenzija bezbednosti i sta-bilnosti evroatlantskog prostora, Srbija iCrna Gora je spremna da se ukqu~i u sve wego-ve aktivnosti, posebno u one koje se preduzi-maju radi ja~awa poverewa i bezbednosnogkonsolidovawa regiona jugoisto~ne Evrope.

Srbija i Crna Gora, saglasno principimaOEBS-a, u oblasti bezbednosti i odbrane pri-hvata:

– javnost u poslovima odbrane, posebno iz-veštavawe o buyetu odbrane, transferunaoru`awa, politici odbrane i oru`a-nim snagama i wihovim aktivnostima;

– razmenu informacija o odreðenim katego-rijama jedinica oru`anih snaga, sa pravomkontrole, poseta i posmatrawa jedinica ipodru~ja;

– primenu drugih mera izgradwe poverewa ibezbednosti i rešavawa nesuglasica mir-nim putem;

– opšteprihva}ene standarde u definisawumesta i uloge oru`anih snaga, komandova-wa i nadle`nosti civilnih vlasti premaPravilu ponašawa o politi~ko-vojnimaspektima bezbednosti;

– disciplinovan i transparentan odnos pre-ma drugim sporazumima vezanim za kon-trolu naoru`awa;

– promovisawe principa meðunarodnog hu-manitarnog i ratnog prava.

Kao ~lan OEBS-a i potpisnik Dejtonskogsporazuma, Srbija i Crna Gora ula`e zna~ajnenapore u sprovoðewu Sporazuma o podregional-noj kontroli naoru`awa i odlu~na je da u potpu-nosti doprinosi ja~awu bezbednosti i stabil-nosti u regionu. Srbija i Crna Gora dosledno sepridr`ava ograni~ewa koja se odnose na katego-rije ofanzivnog naoru`awa (Tabela 1).

Srbija i Crna Gora je posebno zaintereso-vana da postane potpisnica Sporazuma o kon-vencionalnim snagama u Evropi, pri ~emu na-glašava potrebu da taj dokument postane sveo-buhvatan instrument kontrole naoru`awa uevroatlantskoj regiji.

Za Srbiju i Crnu Goru razvoj bezbednosne iodbrambene politike EU, usmerene na preven-ciju konflikata, upravqawe krizama i ja~awe

weapons, the ban on nuclear tests and the ban on using, stockpiling, producing and trafficking in landmines, as well as their destruction.

In view of the fact that UN is the most importantmechanism for strengthening security in the world,the member states and Serbia and Montenegro par-ticularly support a revitalisation of the role of UNand a reform of its institutional structure. Serbia andMontenegro bases its relations with UN on respect-ing the UN Charter and Security Council resolutions.

Based on the view that OSCE has an importantrole in strengthening all the dimensions of the secu-rity and stability of the Euro-Atlantic area, Serbiaand Montenegro is prepared to be involved in all itsactivities, particularly those undertaken for the pur-pose of developing trust and the consolidation of thesecurity of the region of South-Eastern Europe.

In accordance with the principles of OSCE, in thesphere of security and defence Serbia and Montene-gro accepts the following:

– opening defence affairs to the public, especiallywhen it comes to reporting on the defence bud-get, armaments transfer, defence policy andarmed forces and their activities;

– exchange of information on certain categories ofarmed forces units, with the right to control, vi-sit and observe army units and areas;

– implementation of other measures of developingtrust and security, as well as peaceful settlementof disputes;

– the generally accepted standards in defining theplace and the role of armed forces, commandingthe armed forces and the competence of civil au-thorities according to the Rules of Conduct con-cerning the political-military aspects of security;

– a disciplined and transparent attitude towardsother agreements in connection with armamentscontrol;

– promotion of the principles of international hu-manitarian law and military law.

As a member of OSCE and a signatory of theDayton Peace Treaty, Serbia and Montenegro makesconsiderable efforts aimed at the implementation ofthe Sub-regional Arms Control Agreement, and isresolved to fully contribute to the strengthening ofsecurity and stability in the region. Serbia and Mon-tenegro consistently adheres to the limitations per-taining to the categories of offensive weapons(Table 1).

Serbia and Montenegro is particularly interestedin becoming a signatory to the Agreement on Con-ventional Forces in Europe, and stresses that it isnecessary for this document to become an all-encom-passing instrument of armaments control in the Euro-Atlantic region.

For Serbia and Montenegro, the development ofEU security and defence policy, aimed at the preven-


transatlantskog partnerstva, još jedan je ko-rak u harmonizaciji napora na ja~awu bezbed-nosti. Ona je spremna da doprinosi razvoju tepolitike i poboqšawu saradwe u oblasti bezbednosti i odbrane.

tion of conflicts, crises management and thestrengthening of trans-Atlantic partnership repre-sents another step in the harmonisation of effortsaimed at strengthening security. The State Union isready to contribute to the development of this policy


Tabela 1:Pregled naoru`awa prema Sporazumu o podregionalnoj kontroli naoru`awa

Tab1e 1: Armaments Review According to the Sub-Regional Arms Control Agreement

*Prema Sporazumu o podregionalnoj kontroli naoru`a-

wa kalibar ve}i od 75 mm, a prema Sporazumu o konvenci-

onalnim snagama u Evropi (CFE) ve}i od 100 mm.

*According to the Sub-Regional Arms Control Agreement, calibre exceeding 75 mm, and according to the Agreement onConventional Forces in Europe (CFE), exceeding 100 mm.

Srbija i Crna Gora je zainteresovana za us-postavqawe potpune institucionalne sarad-we sa NATO-om, pre svega za prikqu~eweProgramu „Partnerstvo za mir”, što je jedanod prioriteta wene spoqne politike. Ostva-rewu tog prioriteta podreðene su te`išneaktivnosti na unutrašwem i spoqnopoliti~-kom planu. Prikqu~ewem tom programu, Sr-bija i Crna Gora `eli da, kao aktivni part-ner, u~estvuje u kreirawu savremene bezbedno-sne politike evroatlantskog prostora i da do-prinese ja~awu regionalne i meðunarodne bez-bednosti.

O~ekuje se da se aktivnim u~eš}em Srbije iCrne Gore u Programu „Partnerstvo za mir”umawe opasnosti od spoqnog ugro`avawa bezbednosti; oja~a sposobnost za efikasne od-govore na savremene izazove, rizike i pretwebezbednosti; ubrza zapo~eti procesi integri-sawa u evroatlantske strukture; unapreditransparentnost u planirawu odbrane; ostva-ri demokratska i civilna kontrola vojske, irazviju kapaciteti za zajedni~ko delovawe usistemu kolektivne bezbednosti. Prikqu~e-we tom programu omogu}ilo bi paralelan raz-voj interoperabilnosti i primenu standardaNATO kao sastavnog dela reforme sistemaodbrane.

U skladu s tim, politi~ko rukovodstvo Sr-bije i Crne Gore, u aprilu 2002. donelo je od-luku o otpo~iwawu procedure za pristupaweProgramu „Partnerstvo za mir”, a formalnizahtev za prijem upu}en je u junu 2003. godine.Zna~ajan iskorak za prikqu~ewe Programu„Partnerstvu za mir” jeste realizacija poseb-nih programa saradwe Srbije i Crne Gore saSeveroatlantskim savezom.

Ostvareni kvalitet saradwe Srbije i CrneGore sa NATO-om u rešavawu bezbednosnihproblema na jugu Srbije i Kosovu i Metohijipotvrðuje da je ona pouzdan partner i da pose-duje respektivne kapacitete, koji mogu zna~aj-no da doprinesu ja~awu mira i stabilnosti uregionu jugoisto~ne Evrope. Potpuni inten-zitet saradwe s NATO-om o~ekuje se nakonprijema Srbije i Crne Gore u Program „Part-nerstvo za mir”.

Regionalnaodbrambena saradwa

Za dr`ave ~lanice i Srbiju i Crnu Goru re-gionalna odbrambena saradwa i odnosi sa suse-dima va`an su aspekt wihove evroatlantske po-litike. Srbija i Crna Gora uva`ava inicijati-ve i napore na regionalnom nivou i opredeqenaje da u~estvuje u regionalnim vojnim snagama ra-

and the improvement of cooperation in the sphere ofsecurity and defence.

Serbia and Montenegro is interested in establish-ing full institutional cooperation with NATO, first ofall, by joining the “Partnership for Peace” pro-gramme, which is one of its foreign policy priorities.The key activities on the domestic and internationalfront are aimed at realising this priority. By joiningthis programme, Serbia and Montenegro wishes toparticipate, as an active partner, in creating a modernsecurity policy of the Euro-Atlantic area and to con-tribute to the strengthening of regional and interna-tional security.

It is expected that the active participation of Serbiaand Montenegro in the “Partnership for Peace” pro-gramme will reduce the danger of external securitythreats, develop the ability to respond efficiently tocontemporary security challenges, risks and threats,speed up the already initiated process of integrationin Euro-Atlantic structures, increase transparency indefence planning, achieve a democratic and civilcontrol of the Army and develop the capacity forjoint action in the collective security system. Joiningthis programme would make possible a parallel de-velopment of interoperability and the implementa-tion of NATO standards as an integral part of the re-form of the defence system.

In accordance with the above, the political leader-ship of Serbia and Montenegro decided in April 2002to initiate the procedure for joining the “Partnershipfor Peace” programme, and a formal request wassubmitted in June 2003. A significant step towardsjoining the “Partnership for Peace” programme is therealisation of special programmes of cooperation ofSerbia and Montenegro with NATO.

The quality of cooperation between Serbia andMontenegro and NATO that has been achieved indealing with the security problems in the south ofSerbia and in Kosovo and Metohija confirms that theState Union is a dependable partner and possesses arespectable capacity, which can contribute signifi-cantly to the strengthening of peace and stability inthe region of South-Eastern Europe. The full extentof cooperation with NATO is expected to beachieved following the entry of Serbia and Montene-gro in the “Partnership for Peace” programme.

Regional defencecooperation

For the member states and for Serbia and Mon-tenegro, regional defence cooperation and relationswith neighbours are an important aspect of their Eu-ro-Atlantic policy. Serbia and Montenegro acknow-ledges initiatives and efforts on the regional level,and has opted to participate in regional armed forces


2.5. 2.5.

di izgradwe poverewa i sposobnosti za reagova-we na izazove, rizike i pretwe bezbednosti ikreirawe stabilnog bezbednosnog okru`ewa.

Srbija i Crna Gora, kao ~lan Pakta za sta-bilnost jugoisto~ne Evrope, aktivno u~estvu-je u radu sva tri radna stola, pri ~emu posebnupa`wu posve}uje aktivnostima tre}eg radnogstola, koji se bavi bezbednoš}u i odbranom.

Shodno prirodi problema sa kojima se suo-~ava, Srbija i Crna Gora je posebno zaintere-sovana za pitawa koja se odnose na kontrolugranica, proliferaciju malog i lakog naoru-`awa, uništavawe eksplozivnih ostataka izrata, spre~avawe organizovanog kriminala,trgovinu qudima i aktivnosti u slu~aju pri-rodnih katastrofa, tehni~ko-tehnoloških idrugih nesre}a i opasnosti.

Srbija i Crna Gora je punopravni ~lanProcesa saradwe zemaqa jugoisto~ne Evrope,u kojem potvrðuje kroz ravnopravne aktivno-sti sa ostalim zemqama ~lanicama, svoju ~vr-stu opredeqenost za ja~awe regionalne sarad-we i ja~awe poverewa i bezbednosti.

Inicijative NATO-a koje su usmerene premaregionu jugoisto~ne Evrope sra~unate su na da-qe bezbednosno konsolidovawe dr`ava tog pro-stora i Srbija i Crna Gora iskazuje potpunuspremnost da u wima aktivno u~estvuje. Sa sta-novišta interesa, za Srbiju i Crnu Goru pose-ban zna~aj ima Inicijativa NATO-a za jugoi-

for the purpose of building trust and the ability to respond to security challenges, risks and threats, andcreating a stable security environment.

As a member of the Stability Pact for South-East-ern Europe, Serbia and Montenegro actively partici-pates in the work of all three working tables, devot-ing particular attention to the activities of the thirdworking table, dealing with security and defence.

In accordance with the nature of the problems it isfacing, Serbia and Montenegro is particularly inter-ested in issues to do with border control, prolifera-tion of small and light arms, destroying explosive de-vices left over from the war, prevention of organisedcrime, trafficking in people and activities undertakenin the case of natural disasters, technical-technologi-cal and other accidents and dangers.

Serbia and Montenegro is a full member of theProcess of Cooperation of Countries of South-East-ern Europe, where it confirms, through its activitieson an equal footing with other member countries, itsfirm dedication to the strengthening of regional cooperation and building trust and security.

NATO initiatives aimed at the region of South-Eastern Europe are calculated to further consolidatethe countries of this region in terms of security, andSerbia and Montenegro expresses its full readiness toactively participate in them. From the point of viewof interest, of particular importance to Serbia andMontenegro is the NATO Initiative for South-East-ern Europe, which is entirely dedicated to security


sto~nu Evropu, koja je u celini posve}ena izazo-vima bezbednosti i promovisawu regionalnesaradwe i stabilnosti. U okviru te inicijativeformirana je Upravna grupa za bezbednosnu sa-radwu u jugoisto~noj Evropi, ~ijim radom Srbi-ja i Crna Gora predsedava 2005. godine.

Uva`avaju}i zna~aj zajedni~ke bezbednosnevizije jugoisto~ne Evrope, Srbija i Crna Go-ra je prihvatila zajedni~ki dokument o proce-ni bezbednosnih izazova i mogu}nostima sa-radwe u tom regionu, Inicijativu o razmeniinformacija iz oblasti bezbednosti i Sasta-nak ministara odbrane zemaqa jugoisto~neEvrope. Osim toga, podr`ala je aktivnostikoje se odnose na inicirawe procesa razmenegrani~nog qudstva i izradu komparativne stu-dije o nacionalnim bezbednosnim strategija-ma i aktivno doprinosi wihovoj realizaciji.

Srbija i Crna Gora je zainteresovana za br`eukqu~ivawe u regionalne inicijative, kao štosu: Multinacionalna brigada jugoisto~ne Evro-pe, Sastanak ministara odbrane zemaqa jugoi-sto~ne Evrope i Mešoviti bataqon „Tisa”(Maðarska, Rumunija, Ukrajina) ~iji ciq je za-jedni~ko delovawe na spre~avawu tehni~ko-teh-noloških akcidenata i prirodnih katastrofa.Svoju opredeqenost i spremnost da doprinosiregionalnoj bezbednosti Srbija i Crna Gora po-tvrdila je uspešnim izvoðewem zajedni~ke ve-`be „Plavi put” sa Republikom Rumunijom i „Za-jedni~ki horizont ” sa Republikom Italijom.

Bilateralnaodbrambena saradwa

Bilateralna saradwa u oblasti odbranezna~ajan je segment ukupne meðunarodne sa-radwe koju ostvaruje Srbija i Crna Gora.Kroz bilateralnu odbrambenu saradwu iz-graðuju se perspektive za ostale oblike sa-radwe, kako na regionalnom, tako i na glo-balnom nivou. Ta saradwa je uslovqena ukup-nim politi~kim odnosima sa odreðenim ze-mqama i polo`ajem Srbije i Crne Gore u me-ðunarodnoj zajednici.

Te`ište bilateralne odbrambene saradweSrbije i Crne Gore jeste na unapreðewu odno-sa sa susedima, ~lanicama NATO-a i drugimuticajnim dr`avama. Ciq te saradwe je uspo-stavqawe i razvijawe vojno-politi~ke, vojno-tehni~ke i vojno-ekonomske saradwe. To bi do-prinelo stvarawu povoqnijih uslova za o`i-vqavawe proizvodnih kapaciteta i izvoznihpotencijala odbrambene industrije i racio-nalnijem koriš}ewu istra`iva~ko-razvojnihi qudskih resursa dr`ava ~lanica i Srbije iCrne Gore, kao i wihovom aktivnijem ukqu~i-

challenges and to promoting regional cooperationand stability. Within the framework of this initiative,the Management Group for Security Cooperation inSouth-Eastern Europe has been formed; Serbia andMontenegro is to chair the Group in 2005.

Acknowledging the importance of a common se-curity vision of South-Eastern Europe, Serbia andMontenegro has accepted a joint document on the assessment of security challenges and the possibilitiesof cooperation in the region, the Initiative on the Ex-change of Information Relating to Security and theConference of Defence Ministers of Countries fromSouth-Eastern Europe. In addition to this, it has su-pported activities pertaining to initiating processes ofborder personnel exchange and work on a compara-tive study of national security strategies, and active-ly contributes to their realisation.

Serbia and Montenegro is interested in a speedierparticipation in regional initiatives such as: theMultinational Brigade of South-Eastern Europe, theConference of Defence Ministers of Countries fromSouth-Eastern Europe, and the Mixed Battalion “Ti-sa” (Hungary, Romania, Ukraine), the aim of whichis joint action for the purpose of preventing techni-cal-technological accidents and natural disasters.Serbia and Montenegro has confirmed its dedicationand readiness to contribute to regional security bysuccessfully carrying out the joint exercises “BlueRoad” with the Republic of Romania and “CommonHorizon” with the Republic of Italy.

Bilateral defencecooperation

Bilateral cooperation in the sphere of defence is animportant segment of overall international coopera-tion pursued by Serbia and Montenegro. Bilateral de-fence cooperation helps build perspectives for otherforms of cooperation, both on the regional and theglobal level. This cooperation is conditioned byoverall political relations with specific countries andthe position of Serbia and Montenegro within the in-ternational community.

The focus of Serbia and Montenegro’s bilateraldefence cooperation is on improving relations withneighbours, NATO members and other influentialstates. The aim of this cooperation is the establish-ment and development of military-political, military-technical and military-economic cooperation. Thiswould contribute to the creation of more favourableconditions for reviving the production capacity andthe export potential of the defence industry, as wellas a more rational use of the research-developmentand human resources of the member states and theState Union of Serbia and Montenegro, and their


2.6. 2.6.

vawu u razmenu informacija, tehnologija, is-kustava i ostvarenih rezultata.

Saradwa sa susedima i drugim dr`avamaznatno je unapreðena, ~ime je stvoren povoq-niji bezbednosni ambijent za Srbiju i CrnuGoru. Tokom 2003. i 2004. godine, 1.200 pripad-nika Vojske Srbije i Crne Gore u~estvovaloje u 535 razli~itih aktivnosti u 38 dr`ava(Grafikon 1).

U istom periodu potpisani su i brojni me-ðunarodni sporazumi i dokumenti sa drugim

more active participation in the exchange of informa-tion, technologies, experiences and results achieved.

Cooperation with neighbours and other states hasbeen considerably improved, thereby creating a morefavourable security ambience for Serbia and Mon-tenegro. In the course of 2003 and 2004, 1200 mem-bers of the Army of Serbia and Montenegro have par-ticipated in 535 different activities in 38 countries(Graph 1).

In the same period, a number of internationalagreements and documents have been signed with


Grafikon 1: Pregled aktivnosti meðunarodnevojne saradwe tokom 2003. i 2004. godine

Graph 1: Review of Activities within the Framework ofInternational Military Co-operation during 2003 -2004

zemqama. Radi poboqšawa uslova za ostvare-we još zna~ajnijih rezultata u toj oblasti,Srbija i Crna Gora }e uskladiti zakonodavno-pravnu regulativu s meðunarodnim standar-dima i intenzivira}e meðunarodnu odbrambe-nu saradwu prema svojim spoqnopoliti~kimprioritetima.

other countries. In order to improve the conditionsfor achieving even better results in this area, Serbiaand Montenegro will harmonise its legal regulationswith international standards and intensify interna-tional defence cooperation in accordance with its fo-reign policy priorities.



Resursi odbrane

Defence Resources3



Osnovne resurse odbrane dr`ava ~lanicai Srbije i Crne Gore ~ine qudski i ma-terijalni resursi. Oni presudno uti~una uspešnost odgovora na izazove, rizi-

ke i pretwe bezbednosti, a time i na zaštitubezbednosnih i odbrambenih interesa dr`ava~lanica i Srbije i Crne Gore.

Qudski resursiSna`nim razvojem vojnih tehnologija

i sofisticiranog oru`ja nije umawen zna~ajqudskih resursa za odbrambeno organizovawe sa-vremenih dr`ava. Otuda je aktuelan problem iz-nala`ewa adekvatnog modela za rešavawe kom-


The basic defence resources of the member statesand Serbia and Montenegro are human and ma-terial resources. They decisively influence theefficiency of responding to security challenges,

risks and threats, and thereby also the protection ofsecurity and defence interests of the member statesand Serbia and Montenegro.

Human resourcesThe forceful development of military tech-

nologies and sophisticated weaponry has not decreased theimportance of human resources for the defence organisa-tion of modern states. Hence the current problem is findingan appropriate model for resolving the complex issues of


3.1. 3.1.

pleksnih pitawa anga`ovawa qudskih resursa zapotrebe odbrane, posebno izra`en u zemqama ko-je prolaze kroz proces demokratske tranzicije.

Uva`avaju}i zna~aj, kao i politi~ku osetqi-vost tog problema, Srbija i Crna Gora nastoji dau procesu reforme sistema odbrane qudske resur-se projektuje i organizuje prema raspolo`ivimdemografskim i ekonomskim potencijalima i va-`e}im standardima odbrambenog organizovawazemaqa evroatlantske zajednice. Zbog opredeqe-wa za reformu sistema odbrane i postepenouvoðewe modela profesionalne vojske neophodnoje reformisawe sistema izbora, popune, školo-vawa i usvršavawa kadra i poboqšawe wegovog`ivotnog standarda, odnosno, definisawe novekadrovske politike. Takvo opredeqewe ~ini nu-`nim iznala`ewe optimalnih mogu}nosti za so-cijalnu adaptaciju qudstva koje }e morati da na-pusti vojsku u procesu wenog reformisawa.

Qudske resurse odbrane ~ini demografski po-tencijal dr`ava ~lanica koji je sposoban zaukqu~ivawe u sistem odbrane, odnosno, koji je umogu}nosti da doprinese tom sistemu.

Stawe kadra

Qudske resurse Ministarstva odbrane iVojske Srbije i Crne Gore ~ine profesional-na vojna lica (oficiri, podoficiri, vojnicipo ugovoru), vojnici na odslu`ewu vojnog rokai civilna lica.

Od ukupnog broja pripadnika Vojske Srbijei Crne Gore na dan 31. decembar 2004. godine(77.900), 12,07 odsto ~ine oficiri, 15,15 odstopodoficiri, 9,63 odsto vojnici po ugovoru,39,79 odsto vojnici na odslu`ewu vojnog rokai 23,36 odsto civilna lica (Grafikon 2).

Grafikon 2: Struktura kadra u Vojsci u 2004. godini

engaging human resources for the purpose of defence; thisproblem is particularly pronounced in countries that areundergoing the process of democratic transition.

Acknowledging the importance and political sensiti-vity of the problem, Serbia and Montenegro is striving, inthe process of the reform of the defence system, to planand organise human resources in accordance with theavailable demographic and economic potential and thedefence organisation standards currently in effect incountries of the Euro-Atlantic community. Having optedfor a reform of the defence system and a gradual intro-duction of the professional army model, what is requiredis a reform of the system of selection, manning Armyunits, education and development of the personnel, andthe improvement of their living standard, that is, defin-ing a new personnel policy. Such an option makes it ne-cessary to find the optimum possibilities for the socialadaptation of those personnel members who will have toleave the Army in the process of its reform.

The demographic potential of the member stateswhich can be involved in the defence system, that is,which is able to contribute to this system, constitutes ourhuman resources in the sphere of defence.

State of the personnel

The human resources of the Ministry of Defenceand the Army of Serbia and Montenegro are profe-ssional Army personnel (officers, non-commissionedofficers, contractual soldiers), soldiers doing theirnational service and civilians.

Of the overall number of the personnel of the Armyof Serbia and Montenegro on December 31st 2004(77,900), 12.07 per cent are officers, 15.15 per cent arenon-commissioned officers, 9.63 per cent are contrac-tual soldiers, 39.79 are soldiers doing their nationalservice and 23.36 per cent are civilians (Graph 2).

Graph 2: Personnel Structure in SMAF in 2004


3.1.1. 3.1.1.

Odnos profesionalnih pripadnika Vojske(oficiri, podoficiri, vojnici po ugovoru icivilna lica) i vojnika na odslu`ewu vojnogroka je 60,21 odsto prema 39,79 odsto. Tenden-cija smawewa procenta vojnika na odslu`ewuvojnog roka bi}e nastavqena do potpune pro-fesionalizacije Vojske.

U strukturi profesionalnog kadra Vojskepostoji odreðeni nesklad u zastupqenosti od-reðenih kategorija. Kod oficirskog kadra iz-ra`en je nesklad izmeðu oficira viših i ni-`ih ~inova. Oficiri do kapetana prve klase~ine svega 39 odsto. Standardi modernih armi-ja name}u potrebu brze promene odnosa premaoficirima ni`ih ~inova i pove}awe procen-ta wihovog u~eš}a u ukupnom broju oficira.U kategoriji civilnih lica postoji stalan ne-dostatak lica sa završenim zanatom i višakadministrativnih lica.

Nepovoqan materijalni i socijalni statusposebno ote`ava adekvatnu popunu vojnicimapo ugovoru. Shodno generalnom opredeqewu zapostepenom profesionalizacijom vojske, svekqu~ne specijalnosti u poslugama borbenihsistema popuwava}e se u narednom perioduvojnicima po ugovoru.

Prose~na starost oficira iznosi 41 godi-nu, podoficira – 33 godine, vojnika po ugovoru

The ratio of professional Army members (officers,non-commissioned officers, contractual soldiers andcivilians) and soldiers doing their national service is60.21% to 39.79%. The trend of reducing the percent-age of soldiers doing their national service will conti-nue until the Army becomes entirely professional.

In the structure of professional Army personnelthere is a certain discrepancy in the way certain cate-gories of personnel are manned. In the case of offi-cers, there is a discrepancy between high-rankingand low-ranking officers. Officers up to the rank ofFirst-Class Captain make up only 39% of the overallnumber of officers. The standards of modern armiesimpose the need for a quick change of attitude to-wards low-ranking officers and the increase of theirnumber in relation to the overall number of officers.As regards the category of civilians in Army service,there is a constant lack of craftsmen and a surplus ofadministrative personnel.

The unfavourable material and social status in par-ticular makes it more difficult to get a sufficientnumber of contractual soldiers. In accordance withthe general option for a gradual professionalisationof the Army, all the key specialities in the sphere ofcombat systems crews will be manned by contractu-al soldiers in the coming period.

The average age of officers is 41, of non-commi-ssioned officers – 33, of contractual soldiers – 29 and


– 29 godina, i civilnih lica – 43 godine. Takvastarosna struktura name}e potrebu preduzi-mawa mera za podmlaðivawe profesionalnogkadra, pre svega oficira. Jedna od mera koja}e posredno uticati na poboqšawe ukupnestarosne strukture profesionalnog kadra bi-}e penzionisawe velikog broja oficira vi-ših ~inova i civilnih lica. Osim toga, pla-nira se preduzimawe mera koje treba da dopri-nesu ve}oj afirmaciji vojne profesije.

Posebno pozitivna karakteristika jeste na-cionalana struktura profesionalnog kadra ko-ja odra`ava multietni~ki i multikonfesio-nalni karakter dr`ava ~lanica i Srbije i Cr-ne Gore. Pripadnici mawina i drugih verois-povesti u svemu su ravnopravni, a procenat za-stupqenosti tih lica u profesionalnom sasta-vu Vojske pribli`an je procentu wihove zastu-pqenosti u stanovništvu. U narednom periodunastoja}e se da se procenat zastupqenosti ma-wina u svemu usaglasi sa standardima.

Obrazovna struktura profesionalnog kadrau Vojsci i Ministarstvu odbrane je povoqna:72,4 odsto pripadnika ima sredwu stru~nu spre-mu, 4,6 odsto višu i 23 odsto – visoku stru~nuspremu. U kategoriji oficira 92,25 odsto imavisoku stru~nu spremu, a 25,72 odsto oficirazavršilo je specijalisti~ke i poslediplomskestudije na Vojnoj akademiji ili na fakultetimau graðanstvu. Pored izvesnih nedostataka, ob-

of civilians – 43. Such an age structure imposes theneed for decreasing the average age of professionalpersonnel, officers in particular. One of the measuresthat will indirectly bring about an improvement ofthe overall age structure of professional personnelwill be the retirement of a great number of high-rank-ing officers and civilians. In addition to this, certainmeasures are planned with a view to contributing toa greater affirmation of the military profession.

A particularly positive characteristic is the nation-al structure of professional personnel, which reflectsthe multiethnic and multiconfessional character ofthe member states of Serbia and Montenegro. Mem-bers of minorities and other religions are equal in allrespects, and their percentage among professionalArmy personnel is approximately equal to their per-centage among the general population. In the comingperiod, efforts will be made to adjust the percentageof minority members entirely to the standards.

The educational structure of professional perso-nnel in the Army and in the Ministry of Defence isfavourable: 72.4% possess secondary school-leveleducation, 4.6% advanced-level education and 23%possess higher education. As regards the category ofofficers, 92.95% possess higher education, while25.72% of officers have completed specialist coursesor postgraduate studies at the Military Academy or atcivilian faculties. Despite certain shortcomings, theeducational structure of professional personnel pro-


Grafikon 3: Pregled školovawa i kursirawa ka-dra u inostranstvu u 2003. i 2004. godini

Graph 3: Review of Personnel Educated and AttendingCourses Abroad During 2003 and 2004

razovna struktura profesionalnog kadra ~inidobru osnovu za reformu sistema odbrane.

U 2003. i 2004. godini deo oficira i civilnalica školovani su u inostranstvu, dok je veli-ki broj pohaðao kurseve i seminare, ili je u~e-stvovao na konferencijama koje su odr`avaneizvan zemqe. Školovawe u inostranstvu, kao iu~eš}e na kursevima, seminarima i konferen-cijama, omogu}ava sagledavawe modernih ten-dencija u odbrambenom organizovawu, što je po-sebno zna~ajno za uspeh reforme (Grafikon 3).

Na stawe profesionalnog kadra zna~ajnouti~u ograni~ene ekonomske mogu}nosti i ni-zak standard zaposlenih u Vojsci i Ministar-stvu odbrane.

Projekcija razvoja

kadrovske strukture

Reforma sistema odbrane obuhvata i znatnepromene u kadrovskoj strukturi, prvenstvenoradi obezbeðivawa ve}eg stepena profesiona-lizacije i usklaðivawa sa potrebama za ka-drom odreðenog profila. To podrazumeva izna~ajno smawewe broja lica zaposlenih u Mi-nistarstvu odbrane i Vojske.

Promene }e uslediti u vezi sa zastupqeno-š}u pojedinih kategorija kadra i u strukturisvake kategorije posebno. Planirano je da2010. godine u strukturi Ministarstva odbra-ne i Vojsci, oficiri budu zastupqeni oko 10odsto, podoficiri oko 20 odsto, vojnici pougovoru oko 20 odsto, civilna lica oko 16 od-sto i vojnici na odslu`ewu vojnog roka oko 34odsto, s tendencijom sukcesivnog smawivawa.Time }e se smawiti u~eš}e oficira i civil-nih lica u ukupnoj strukturi Vojske, a pove}a-}e se u~eš}e podoficira i vojnika po ugovo-ru. Daqe promene }e se odvijati u pravcu ve}eprofesionalizacije (Grafikon 4).

Grafikon 4: Projekcija razvoja kadrovske strukture

vides a good basis for a reform of the defence sys-tem.

In 2003 and 2004, a number of officers and civil-ians were educated abroad, while a great number ofthem attended courses and seminars, or participatedin conferences held outside the country. Educationabroad, as well as participation in courses, seminarsand conferences, make it possible to get acquaintedwith modern trends in defence organisation, which isof particular importance for the success of the reform(Graph 3).

The limited economic potential and the low stan-dard of living of Army and Ministry employees con-siderably influence the situation of professional per-sonnel.

Projection of personnelstructure development

The defence system reform encompasses consi-derable changes in the personnel structure, primarilyfor the purpose of ensuring a higher degree of profe-ssionalisation and adjustment to the needs for certainprofiles of personnel. This also presupposes a con-siderable reduction of the number of people em-ployed at the Ministry of Defence and the Army.

The changes will occur in connection with the ma-nning of certain personnel categories and in the structureof each individual category. It is planned that by theyear 2010, as regards the structure of the Ministry ofDefence and the Army, officers should make up about10%, non-commissioned officers about 20%, contrac-tual soldiers about 10%, civilians about 16%, and sol-diers doing their national service about 34%, the ideabeing to gradually decrease it. Thus the percentage ofofficers and civilians in the overall Army structure willdecrease, while the percentage of non-commissionedofficers and contractual soldiers will increase. Furtherchanges will be in the direction of increased profe-ssionalisation (Graph 4).

Graph 4: Projection of Personnel Structure Development


3.1.2. 3.1.2.

Sa stanovišta starosne strukture, te-`ište promena }e biti na podmlaðivawu ka-dra, posebno oficira. Dakle, najve}e promene}e nastati u strukturi oficira jer }e se sma-wivati broj oficira viših ~inova, uz pove-}awe broja oficira ni`ih ~inova.

Promene u kadrovskoj strukturi i smawiva-we brojnog stawa Vojske izazva}e pojavu vi-ška vojnog kadra. Stoga je u toku razvoj soci-jalnog programa za zbriwavawe viška kadra,na osnovu kojeg }e se rešavati problemi tihlica: osposobqavawe za poslove u graðanstvu,tra`ewe novog zaposlewa, zapo~iwawe samo-stalne privredne delatnosti i preduzimawedrugih mera predviðenih tim programom.

Upravqawe qudskim


Normativnim dokumentima Srbije i CrneGore propisana su prava, du`nosti i odgovor-nost svih nivoa upravqawa qudskim resursi-ma u procesu donošewa odluka, wihovom spro-voðewu i kontroli realizacije.

Vrhovni savet odbrane definiše osnovnesmernice upravqawa qudskim resursima i od-lu~uje o regulisawu stawa u slu`bi generalai admirala.

Ministar odbrane odlu~uje o prijemu u pro-fesionalnu vojnu slu`bu, školovawu i usavr-šavawu profesionalnih oficira, regulisa-wu stawa u slu`bi, unapreðewu i prestankuprofesionalne vojne slu`be profesionalnimoficirima ~ina majora, i višeg. Takoðe, od-lu~uje o upu}ivawu profesionalnih pripad-nika Vojske u inostranstvo i nadle`an je zadonošewe podzakonskih akata kojima se ure-ðuje upravqawe qudskim resursima na svimnivoima odlu~ivawa u Ministarstvu odbranei Vojsci.

Ministarstvo odbrane prati stawe u ka-drovskoj oblasti i preduzima mere radi daqegusavršavawa sistema upravqawa kadrom iprilagoðavawa konkretnim uslovima.

Upravqawe kadrom usmereno je ka profesi-onalizaciji Vojske i primeni standarda kojiva`e u savremenim oru`anim snagama. Norma-tivno se dograðuje sistem plata i socijalne za-štite kojim se obezbeðuje briga o zaposleni-ma i ~lanovima wihovih porodica.

Vojna obaveza

Osnovni na~in osposobqavawa stanovni-štva za poslove odbrane jeste vojna obaveza. Taobaveza je opšta, i du`ni su da je izvršavaju svi

As regards the age structure, the focus of thechanges will be on decreasing the average age of thepersonnel, officers in particular. Therefore, the great-est changes will occur in the structure of officers, be-cause the number of higher-ranking officers will de-crease, whereas the number of lower-ranking officerswill increase. The changes in personnel structureand the reduction of Army personnel will result in asurplus of military personnel. That is why a socialprogramme is being developed with a view to takingcare of the personnel surplus, on the basis of whichthe problems of these persons will be resolved: re-training for civilian jobs, seeking new jobs, startingtheir own business activities and undertaking othermeasures envisaged by the programme.

Human resource management

The normative documents of Serbia and Montene-gro prescribe the rights, duties and responsibilities ofall levels of human resource management in theprocess of making decisions, their implementationand monitoring the realisation.

The Supreme Defence Council defines the basicdirectives for human resource management and de-cides on regulating matters pertaining to the serviceof generals and admirals.

The Minister of Defence decides on the acce-ptance of personnel for professional military service,the education and specialisation of professional offi-cers, regulating the situation in the service, promo-tions and the cessation of professional military ser-vice of officers having the rank of a major and higher.He also decides on sending professional Army em-ployees abroad and is authorised to pass decrees re-gulating human resource management on all levelsof decision-making at the Ministry of Defence and inthe Army.

The ministry of defence monitors the situation inthe area of personnel and undertakes measuresaimed at further improvement of the system of per-sonnel management and adjustment to concrete con-ditions.

Personnel management is aimed at the profession-alisation of the Army and the implementation ofstandards that are in effect in modern armed forces.The system of salaries and social welfare whichmakes it possible to care for the employees and theirfamilies is being updated in normative terms.

National service

The basic form of enabling the population to en-gage in defence is the national service. This is a gen-eral obligation which must be fulfilled by all citizens


3.1.3. 3.1.3.

3.1.4. 3.1.4.

dr`avqani Srbije i Crne Gore. Vojnom obave-zom se obezbeðuju snage rezerve.

Vojna obaveza obuhvata: regrutnu obavezu,obavezu slu`ewa vojnog roka i obavezu slu`ewau rezervnom sastavu.

Nastaje u godini kada regrut navršava 18 go-dina a završava se u godini u kojoj vojni obve-znik navršava 60 godina `ivota.

Regrutna obaveza traje od po~etka vojne oba-veze do odlaska u Vojsku. Regruti se upu}uju uVojsku u ̀ ivotnom dobu od 19. do 30. godine, izu-zetno do 35. godine. Regrutima se garantuje pra-vo na prigovor savesti.

Vojni rok mo`e dase slu`i na tri na~i-na: sa oru`jem, bezoru`ja i u civilnojslu`bi. Slu`ewe voj-nog roka sa oru`jemtraje devet meseci, aslu`ewe u civilnojslu`bi i bez oru`ja –13 meseci. Sistemomregrutovawa obezbe-ðuje se da se rod, slu-`ba i specijalnost od-reðuju na osnovu veri-fikovanih stru~nihkvalifikacija regru-ta koje su imali predolaska u Vojsku. Du-`ina trajawa vojnogroka u narednom peri-odu skra}iva}e se iutvrðivati na osnovuminimalnog vremenakoje je potrebno da selice osposobi za oba-vqawe borbenih i ne-borbenih zadataka izavisno od stepenaprofesionalizacijeVojske. Na taj na~inobezbeðuje se popunajedinica i ustanovaVojske i vojnostru~no osposobqavawe vojnikaza odgovaraju}e du`nosti u oblasti odbrane.

Slu`ewe u rezervnom sastavu, u narednom pe-riodu, bi}e regulisano na principu dobrovoq-nosti u aktivnoj i pasivnoj rezervi, uz odgova-raju}u nadoknadu.

Opšta tendencija popune kadrom jeste pro-fesionalizacija.

Status vojnih obveznika regulisan je Ustav-nom poveqom dr`avne zajednice Srbija i Cr-na Gora, Zakonom i podzakonskim aktima izoblasti odbrane, na osnovama poštovawa qud-skih prava i graðanskih sloboda.

of Serbia and Montenegro. Reserve forces are estab-lished through the national service.

The national service encompasses the followingobligations: recruitment, military service and beingpart of the reserve forces.

It commences when a recruit turns 18 years of ageand finishes when a person subject to military con-scription turns 60.

The recruitment obligation lasts from the begin-ning of military service obligation to the moment ofjoining the Army. Recruits are sent to the Army be-tween the ages of 19 and 30, or up to 35 under excep-tional circumstances. Recruits are guaranteed theright of conscientious objection.

National service maybe performed in threeways: with arms, un-armed and in civilianservice. The nationalservice with arms lastsnine months, and the na-tional service withoutarms or in civilian servicelasts 13 months. The re-cruitment system ensuresthat a recruit is assignedan Army branch, serviceand speciality on the basisof his verified profession-al qualifications acquiredbefore joining the Army.The duration of militaryservice in the coming pe-riod will be shortened,and will be determined onthe basis of the minimumtime required to train a re-cruit for performing com-bat and non-combattasks, and depending onthe degree of profession-alisation of the Army. Inthis way it will be ensuredthat Army units and insti-tutions are fully manned

and that soldiers are trained for appropriate duties inthe area of defence.

Service in the reserve forces in the coming periodwill be regulated based on the principle of voluntaryservice in active or passive reserve, subject to ade-quate remuneration.

The general trend in manning Army units is pro-fessionalisation.

The status of persons subject to military conscrip-tion is regulated by the Constitutional Charter of theState Union of Serbia and Montenegro, legal regula-tions and decrees pertaining to the sphere of defence,on the basis of respect of human rights and civil liberties.


Obrazovawe, obuka i



Obrazovawe za potrebe


Obrazovawe kadra za potrebe odbrane sa-stavni je deo sistema obrazovawa u graðanstvu.Oficirski i podoficirski kadar školuje sei usavršava uglavnom u vojnim školama. Ma-wi deo kadra potrebno obrazovawe sti~e u od-govaraju}im civilnim školama i na fakulte-tima u dr`avama ~lanicama i u inostranstvu.

Školovawe i usavršavawe u vojnim školamaureðeno je Zakonom. Vojne škole ~ine: sredwevojne škole (Vojna gimnazija i Sredwa stru~navojna škola) i visoke vojne škole (Vojna akade-mija i Vojnomedicinska akademija).

Podoficirski kadar se školuje u Sredwojstru~noj vojnoj školi.

U Vojnoj gimnaziji kao obrazovno-vaspitnojustanovi u~enici sti~u opšte obrazovawe zanastavqawe školovawa u Vojnoj akademiji.

Oficirski kadar se školuje u Vojnoj akade-miji, na fakultetima u graðanstvu i u ino-stranstvu. Vojna akademija je obrazovno-nau~-na ustanova u kojoj se sti~e visoko obrazovawei organizuju poslediplomske, specijalisti~-ke, magistarske i doktorske studije. Vojnaakademija organizuje i školovawe za rezervneoficire sa odgovaraju}im visokim obrazova-wem. U Školi nacionalne odbrane, koja je usastavu Vojne akademije, organizuju se i reali-zuju poslediplomske specijalisti~ke studijeza komandno-štabno i generalštabno usavr-šavawe oficira, kao i magistarske i doktor-ske studije vojnih nauka.

Vojnomedicinska akademija je zdravstvena,obrazovna i nau~na ustanova u kojoj se organi-zuju i realizuju poslediplomske studije istru~no usavršavawe profesionalnih sani-tetskih oficira i drugih lica s visokim ob-razovawem.

Kadar za potrebe odbrane obrazuje se i naFakultetu civilne odbrane u Beogradu, i nadrugim fakultetima u graðanstvu ~ijim su na-stavnim planovima i programima obuhva}eniodgovaraju}i sadr`aji. Deo kadra za potrebeupravqawa kriznim situacijama u toj oblastiškoluje se u inostranstvu.

Nastavni planovi i programi vojnih školaosavremewava}e se prema meðunarodnim stan-dardima i sopstvenim mogu}nostima radiobezbeðivawa kvantiteta i profila kadra zapotrebe sistema odbrane i osposobqavawa zau~eš}e u mirovnim operacijama.

Education, training and scientific


Education for defencepurposes

Education of personnel for defence purposes is anintegral part of the educational system in civil socie-ty. Officers and non-commissioned officers are edu-cated and specialise mostly in military schools. Asmaller percentage of personnel acquire their educa-tion in corresponding civilian schools and at facultiesin the member states and abroad.

Education and specialisation in military schoolsare regulated by law. Military schools are: secondarymilitary schools (Military Grammar School and Sec-ondary Military Vocational School) and high militaryschools (the Military Academy and the Medical Mi-litary Academy).

Non-commissioned officers are educated in Se-condary Military Vocational School.

In Military Grammar School, as an educational in-stitution, students acquire general education for thepurpose of continuing their education at the MilitaryAcademy.

Officers are educated at the Military Academy, atcivilian faculties and abroad. The Military Academy isan educational-scientific institution where higher edu-cation is acquired and postgraduate, specialist, MScand PhD studies are organised. The Military Academyalso organises educational courses for reserve officerswho possess corresponding higher education. TheSchool for National Defence, which operates withinthe framework of the Military Academy, organises andrealises postgraduate studies for commanding officersand general staff-level specialisation of officers, aswell as MSc and PhD studies of military sciences.

The Military Medical Academy is a health care,educational and scientific institution which organisesand realises postgraduate studies and professionalspecialisation of professional medical officers andother persons possessing higher education.

The Faculty of Civil Defence also educates stu-dents for defence purposes, as do other civilian fa-culties whose plans and programmes of study dealwith matters related to military purposes. A certainpercentage of crisis management staff in this area areeducated abroad.

The plans and programmes of study inS militaryschools will be modernised in accordance with inter-national standards and with our own possibilities forthe purpose of ensuring the quantity and quality ofstaff required for defence purposes and enablingthem for participation in peacekeeping operations.


3.1.5. 3.1.5.

U narednom periodu postoje}i sistem voj-nog školovawa i usavršavawa bi}e dograðenprema ukupnim promenama u sistemu visokogobrazovawa u graðanstvu. To se posebno odno-si na reformu školstva i wegovo usklaðiva-we s Bolowskom deklaracijom i Helsinškomkonvencijom.

Obuka u Vojsci Srbije

i Crne Gore

Obuka u Vojsci Srbije i Crne Gore realizu-je se kao organizovan i planski proces sticawaznawa, veština i navika i razvijawa moralnihsvojstava li~nosti u kojem se pripadnici Voj-ske, komande, jedinice i ustanove osposobqava-ju za obavqawe namenskih zadataka.

Opšti ciq obuke vojnika i profesional-nog i rezervnog sastava jeste osposobqavaweza uspešno obavqawe funkcionalnih du`no-sti, samostalno i u okviru jedinice. Prema sa-dr`ajima, obuka u Vojsci se deli na: vojno-stru~nu obuku, fizi~ku obuku i moralno vas-pitawe.

Vojnostru~na obuka predstavqa osnovni idominantni sadr`aj u celokupnom procesuosposobqavawa, a weni rezultati neposredno

In the coming period, the existing system of mili-tary education and specialisation will be further de-veloped in accordance with the overall changes inthe civilian system of higher education. This refers inparticular to the educational system reform and itsadjustment to the Bologna Declaration and theHelsinki Convention.

Training in the Army of Serbiaand Montenegro

Training in the Army of Serbia and Montenegro iscarried out as an organised and planned process ofacquiring knowledge, skills and habits, as well as thedevelopment of moral qualities; within the frame-work of this process members of the Army, co-mmands, Army units and institutions are enabled toperform the tasks they are assigned.

The general purpose of the training of soldiers andprofessional and reserve staff is to enable them tosuccessfully perform their professional duties, be itindividually or within the framework of their Armyunit. Depending on its content, Army training is di-vided into military-professional training, physicaltraining and moral education.

Military-professional training represents the basicand dominant part in the entire process of enabling per-


doprinose uspešnom obavqawu funkcional-nih du`nosti i namenskih zadataka. Za sadr-`aje vojnostru~ne obuke predviðene su dvetre}ine ukupnog vremena planiranog za obu-~avawe.

Fizi~kom obukom se obezbeðuje odr`avawei razvijawe fizi~ke sposobnosti i opštegzdravstvenog stawa pripadnika Vojske, kaoosnovnih preduslova za obavqawe funkcio-nalnih i najslo`enijih zadataka.

Moralnim vaspitawem se ja~a sposobnost imoralna ~vrstina jedinica, komandi i ustano-va Vojske i doprinosi motivaciji i razvojuvoqnih osobina li~nosti wenih pripadnika.

Na kursevima u zemqi i inostranstvu pri-prema se odreðeni broj starešina za planira-we, organizaciju i realizaciju sadr`aja obu-~avawa radi u~eš}a u mirovnim operacijama.Za to je formiran poseban nacionalni Cen-tar za mirovne operacije.

Promene u sistemu obuke bi}e usmerene napoštovawe standarda interoperabilnosti.

Nau~na delatnost

za potrebe odbrane

Nau~na delatnost za potrebe odbrane deo jenau~noistra`iva~ke delatnosti u društvu.Sprovodi se kao organizovana i sistemska ak-

sonnel to perform their duties, and its results directlycontribute to the successful performance of duties andthe tasks assigned. Two-thirds of the overall trainingtime is dedicated to military-professional training.

Physical training ensures the maintenance and de-velopment of physical ability and the general state ofhealth of Army members, as the basic prerequisitesfor performing the professional and the most com-plex tasks.

Moral education contributes to the ability and themoral fibre of Army units, commands and institu-tions, and to the motivation and development of vo-litional qualities of Army members.

A number of commanding officers are prepared,through courses attended in our country and abroad,for the planning, organisation and realisation oftraining objectives for the purpose of participating inpeacekeeping operations. A special national Centrefor Peacekeeping Operations has been formed forthat purpose.

Changes in the system of training will be aimed atfulfilling the standards of interoperability.

Scientific research for defence purposes

Scientific research for defence purposes is part ofscientific research going on in our society as a whole.It is carried out as an organised and systematic activ-


Nau~noistra`iva~ki rad u oblasti odbraneobuhvata osnovna i primewena istra`ivawa iistra`iva~ki i razvojni rad u oblasti dru-štvenih, prirodno-matemati~kih, tehni~ko-tehnoloških, biotehni~kih, medicinskih ikulturno-istorijskih nauka, kao i istra`iva-wa za potrebe vojne nau~ne delatnosti.

Svrha ekspertskog ocewivawa programarazvoja Vojske jeste izbor optimalnih reše-wa i donošewe odluka pri usvajawu sistem-skih rešewa i razvojnih programa koji imaju

Scientific research in the sphere of defence en-compasses basic and applied research and researchand development work in the sphere of social, natu-ral, technical-technological, biotechnical, medicaland cultural-historical sciences, as well as researchfor the purpose of military scientific activities.

The purpose of expert evaluation of programmesfor the development of the Army is the selection ofoptimum solutions and making decisions when sys-temic solutions and development programmes ofparticular importance for the Army are adopted. The

tivnost na istra`ivawu, razvoju i primeni do-stignu}a u svim oblastima nauke zna~ajnim zaodbranu zemqe. Ciq nau~ne delatnosti jeste ot-krivawe i projektovawe najpovoqnijih organi-zacionih, tehni~kih i drugih rešewa i wihovaprimena u komandama, jedinicama i ustanovamaVojske, kao i u ostalim elementima sistema od-brane. Time se pove}ava stepen osposobqenostiVojske, uz racionalno trošewe resursa.

Osnovni sadr`aji nau~ne delatnosti su: na-u~noistra`iva~ki rad; ekspertsko ocewiva-we projekata i programa razvoja; inventivnadelatnost; stvarawe i usavršavawe nau~noi-stra`iva~kog kadra; završna i verifikacio-na ispitivawa; meðuarmijska nau~na saradwa,i ostale aktivnosti zna~ajne za nau~nu delat-nost u oblasti odbrane.

ity aimed at research, development and the applica-tion of scientific achievements in all spheres of sci-ence of importance to the defence of our country. Theaim of our defence related scientific research is todiscover and design the most favourable organisa-tional, technical and other solutions, and their imple-mentation in command units, Army units and institu-tions, and in other elements of the defence system. Inthis way we enhance the level of training of Armypersonnel and spend our resources rationally.

The basic forms of scientific activities are: scien-tific research, expert evaluation of development pro-jects and programmes, inventive work, the establish-ment and specialisation of scientific research perso-nnel, final and verifying examinations, inter-army sci-entific cooperation and other activities of importancefor scientific activities in the sphere of defence.


poseban zna~aj za Vojsku. Ciq ekspertize jeusklaðivawe s polaznim dokumentima za rea-lizaciju razvojnih programa odbrane.

Inventivnom delatnoš}u obuhva}eni suzaštita poverqivih pronalazaka zna~ajnih zaVojsku, prihvatawe tehni~kih unapreðewa irealizacija konkretnih predloga za odbranu.

Nau~nom delatnoš}u u oblasti odbraneupravqa Ministarstvo odbrane. Nosioci rea-lizacije nau~ne delatnosti su Vojna akademija,Vojnomedicinska akademija, Institut za stra-tegijska istra`ivawa, Institut za primewenumatematiku i elektroniku, Vojnotehni~ki in-stitut, Hidrografski institut, Institut zapomorsku medicinu, Vojnogeografski insti-tut, Vojnoistorijski institut, Tehni~ki opit-ni centar, Vazduhoplovni opitni centar iMornari~ki opitni centar. Nau~na delatnostu oblasti odbrane uslovqena je planovima raz-voja, kadrovskim potencijalima, materijalnimresursima i finansijskim mogu}nostima.

Materijalni resursi Materijalni resursi obuhvataju prirodne,

privredne, finansijske, informacione i osta-le potencijale dr`ava ~lanica i Srbije i CrneGore koji se anga`uju za potrebe odbrane.

Najzna~ajniji materijalni resursi za potrebeodbrane su finansijska sredstva, naoru`awe ivojna oprema, vojna infrastruktura i kapacite-ti za proizvodwu naoru`awa i vojne opreme.Politika planirawa materijalnih resursa zapotrebe odbrane sprovodi se uz poštovaweprincipa realnosti i transparentnosti u obra-~unavawu i trošewu odobrenih sredstava. Rea-lizacijom procesa upravqawa materijalnim re-sursima obuhva}eni su i programi koji doprino-se ja~awu interoperabilnosti sa oru`anim sna-gama zemaqa ~lanica Programa „Partnerstvoza mir” i Severnoatlantskog saveza.

U skladu sa izazovima, rizicima i pretwamabezbednosti, ciqevi planirawa materijalnihresursa su racionalizacija wihovog anga`ova-wa, modernizacija Vojske, optimizacija raspo-lagawa odbrambenom infrastrukturom i oslo-baðawe od aktivnosti koje nisu tipi~ne za Voj-sku. Najve}i problem u tom procesu jeste defi-cit materijalnih resursa, ~iji deo mo`e da senadoknadi smawewem postoje}e infrastruktu-re, naoru`awa i objekata, kao i naoru`avawemmawim, ali modernijim oru`anim sistemima.

aim of expert evaluation is adjustment to the basicdocuments for the realisation of programmes for thedevelopment of defence.

Inventive work encompasses the protection ofclassified inventions of importance to the Army, theadoption of technical improvements and the realisa-tion of concrete proposals pertaining to defence.

The Ministry of Defence manages scientific re-search in the sphere of defence. It is accomplished bythe Military Academy, the Military Medical Acade-my, the Institute for Strategic Research, the Institutefor Applied Mathematics and Electronics, the Mili-tary-Technical Institute, the Hydrographic Institute,the Institute for Maritime Medicine, the Military-Ge-ographical Institute, the Military-Historical Institute,the Technical Test Centre, the Air Force Test Centre,and the Navy Test Centre. Development plans, per-sonnel potential, material resources and financialconstraints condition scientific research in the sphereof defence.

Material resourcesMaterial resources encompass natural, economic,

financial, informational and other potential resourcesof the member states and Serbia and Montenegrowhich are engaged for defence purposes.

The most important resources for defence purpo-ses are financial resources, armaments and militaryequipment, military infrastructure and capacities forthe production of armaments and military equip-ment. The policy of planning material resources fordefence purposes is carried out while observing theprinciple of being realistic and transparent when itcomes to calculations and the expenditure of thefunds that are granted. The realisation of the processof managing material resources also encompassesprogrammes which contribute to the development ofinteroperability with the armed forces of membercountries of the “Partnership for Peace” programmeand NATO.

In keeping with security challenges, risks andthreats, the aims of material resources planning arethe rationalisation of their use, modernisation of theArmy, the optimisation of managing the defence in-frastructure and freeing the Army of activities thatare not typical of it. The greatest problem in thisprocess is the deficit of material resources, which canpartly be compensated for by reducing the existinginfrastructure, armaments and objects, as well as byusing smaller-scale but more modern weapons sys-tems.


3.2. 3.2.

Finansirawe odbrane

Osnovni izvor za finansirawe potreba od-brane ~ine sredstva o godišwim prihodima irashodima neophodnim za finansirawe nadle-`nosti poverenih Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. Utvr-ðuje ih Skupština Srbije i Crne Gore, napredlog nadle`nih organa dr`ava ~lanica iSaveta ministara. Pored sredstava iz buyetadr`ava ~lanica, za finansirawe odbrane ko-riste se i sredstva koja se ostvare u sistemuodbrane.

Sredstva za zajedni~ko finansirawe odbra-ne i planirani prihodi u sistemu odbrane is-kazuju se u buyetima dr`ava ~lanica, u iznosi-ma preuzetih obaveza i prema tendencijama ra-cionalizacije vojnih izdataka prema meðuna-rodnim standardima.

Vlade dr`ava ~lanica su du`ne da obezbedestabilno finansirawe i uredno izvršavawerashoda za odbranu.

Ekonomske mogu}nosti dr`ava ~lanica iSrbije i Crne Gore za potrebe odbrane zasni-vaju se na stabilnom rastu bruto doma}eg pro-izvoda (BDP) i proporcionalnom apsolutnomrastu troškova odbrane u granicama od oko

Defence funding

The basic source of funding for defence purposesis the annual income and expenditure funds for fi-nancing the authorised activities the State Union ofSerbia and Montenegro has been entrusted with.They are established by the Parliament of Serbia andMontenegro, acting upon a proposal submitted bythe authorised organs of the member states and bythe Council of Ministers. In addition to the fundssupplied from the budgets of the member states, theincome earned within the framework of the defencesystem is also used for financing defence.

The funds for joint defence funding and theplanned income within the defence system are ex-pressed in the budgets of the member states, in theamount of the obligations undertaken and in keepingwith the trend of rationalisation of military expendi-ture in accordance with international standards.

The Governments of the member states are obli-gated to ensure stable funding and orderly expendi-ture for defence purposes.

The economic capability of the member states and theState Union of Serbia and Montenegro for defence pur-poses is based on a stable growth of gross domesticproduct (GDP) and a proportionate absolute growth of


3.2.1. 3.2.1.

Tabela 2: Makroekonomska prognoza rashoda odbra-ne za period 2004–2008. godina (u milionima dolara)

Table 2: Macroeconomic Forecast of DefenceExpenditures for the 2004–2008 Period (in millions USD)

2,5 do 3,3 odsto BDP, bez u~eš}a troškova zavojne penzije, koji }e garantovati odr`avawei razvoj sposobnosti odbrane (Tabela 2, Gra-fikon 5 i 6).

Grafikon 5 i 6: Makroekonomska prognoza rashodaodbrane 2004–2008. godina (u milionima dolara)

defence expenditure of approximately 2.5 to 3.3% ofGNP, excluding the expenditure for military pensions,which will guarantee that defence capability is main-tained and developed (Table 2, Graphs 5 and 6).

Graphs 5 and 6: Macroeconomic Forecast of DefenceExpenditure 2004–2008 (in millions USD)


Struktura utroška sredstava u dosada-šwim buyetima odbrane pokazuje da se skoro80 odsto tih sredstava koristilo za isplatuli~nih primawa pripadnika Ministarstvaodbrane i Vojske Srbije i Crne Gore, kao i zazadatke redovne delatnosti, logistiku, uslugei obuku. Preostalih 20 odsto buyetskih sred-stava koristilo se za izgradwu, opremawe inau~noistra`iva~ki rad, što je bilo nedo-voqno za nabavku slo`enijih tehni~kih siste-ma, odnosno za modernizaciju Vojske.

Za period od 2004. do 2008. godine prognozi-ran je realni rast BDP od pet odsto, uz opre-deqewe da se za potrebe odbrane postepenosmawuje stopa izdvajawa iz BDP sa sadašwih3,3 na 2,5 odsto. U takvoj situaciji, tokom pr-vih nekoliko godina do}i }e do smawewa izno-sa buyetskih sredstava namewenih za odbranu,a zatim, od 2007. godine do wihovog postepenogpove}awa u odnosu na nivo iz 2004. godine. Tozna~i da }e se u tom sredworo~ju raspolagati spribli`no istim finansijskim sredstvima zapotrebe odbrane kao do sada, uz odreðeno pre-strukturirawe prema nameni (Grafikon 7).

Grafikon 7: Struktura buyetskih izdataka Srbije iCrne Gore u 2003. godini

For the 2004-2008 period, a 5% GDP growth inreal terms is forecast; the intention is to graduallydecrease the percentage taken from GDP for de-fence purposes from the current 3.3% to 2.5%. Insuch a situation, over the next few years the budgetfunds earmarked for defence will decrease, andthen, from 2007 onwards, they will gradually in-crease compared to the 2004 level. This means thatover this mid-term period the funds at our disposalfor defence purposes will be approximately thesame as up to now, only restructured to a certain ex-tent depending on what they are to be used for(Graph 7).

Graph 7: The Structure of Budget Expenditure of Serbiaand Montenegro in 2003


The structure of expenditure in budgets up to nowshows that almost 80% of the funds has been used topay the salaries of employees of the Ministry of De-fence and the Army of Serbia and Montenegro, andfor the regular activities, logistics and training. Theremaining 20% of budget funds has been used forconstruction work, equipment and scientific re-search, which did not leave enough money to obtainmore complex technical systems, that is, for themodernisation of the Army.

Buyet odbrane je dodatno optere}en sred-stvima koja se izdvajaju za 52.000 korisnikavojnih penzija oko 340.000 vojnih osiguranika,kao i troškovima za potrebe oko 7. 000 licakoja slu`e vojni rok u civilnoj slu`bi.

Uravnote`ewem strukture sredstava name-wenih za odbranu do 2010. godine treba da sepostigne da udeo za nov~ana primawa qudstvaiznosi 40 odsto, za redovno izdr`avawe – 30odsto, i za izgradwu, opremawe i NIR – 30 od-sto. Takvom strukturom rashoda za odbranuobezbedi}e se sredstva za obavqawe redovnihzadataka, ali ne i sredstva za finansirawe re-organizacije Vojske.

Predstoje}om reorganizacijom Vojske sma-wi}e se brojno stawe pla}enog kadra, što }eomogu}iti odreðeno prestrukturirawe troš-kova za potrebe odbrane. Postepeno }e se po-ve}avati procentualno u~eš}e opremawa uukupnom obimu rashoda, sa sadašwih 11 na 17odsto u 2008. godini, tako da }e godišwe za tenamene, umesto sadašwih 86 miliona dolara,mo}i da se izdvoji više od 125 miliona dola-ra. Budu}i da to ne}e biti dovoqno za plani-ranu transformaciju Vojske prema standardi-ma NATO-a, nadle`ni organi dr`ava ~lanicai Srbije i Crne Gore treba da obezbede dodat-na finansijska sredstva. To se, pre svega, od-nosi na Fond za reformu Vojske Srbije i Cr-ne Gore, kojeg ~ine prihodi ostvareni proda-jom i izdavawem pokretne i nepokretne imo-vine koju koristi Vojska, namenskih kredita uokviru Programa „Partnerstvo za mir” isredstava iz drugih izvora.

Planirana buyetska sredstva se usmeravajuprema nosiocima programa i zadataka, u odgo-varaju}em procentualnom odnosu, shodno mi-sijama i zadacima (Grafikon 8).

Grafikon 8: Alokacija buyetskih sredstava za 2004. godinu

The defence budget is additionally burdened withhaving to pay out pensions for 52,000 beneficiariesof Army pensions, to pay for the health care of340,000 Army beneficiaries, and with the expensesfor the requirements of about 7,000 persons doingtheir national service in civilian service.

By balancing the structure of funds earmarked fordefence until the year 2010, the aim is to have thepersonnel salaries amount to 40% of the funds, thesum for regular activities 30% and the sum for con-struction work, equipment and scientific research30%. Having such a structure of defence expenditurewill ensure funds for carrying out the regular activi-ties, but will not provide adquate funding necessaryto finance the reorganisation of the Army.

The forthcoming reorganisation of the Army willresult in reducing the number of paid Army personnel,which will make possible a certain restructuring of de-fence expenditure. The percentage of equipment ex-penditure in the overall expenditure will gradually in-crease from the current 11% to 17% in 2008, so thatinstead of the current $ 86 million, more than $ 125million will be spent for this purpose on an annual lev-el. As this will be insufficient for the planned transfor-mation of the Army in accordance with the NATOstandards, it will be necessary for the authorised or-gans of the member states and of Serbia and Montene-gro to provide the additional funds in order to achievethe planned transformation. This, first of all, refers tothe Reform Fund of the Army of Serbia and Montene-gro, made up of the income earned through the saleand renting of movable property and real estate usedby the Army, specific-purpose loans within the frame-work of the “Partnership for Peace” programme andfunds from other sources.

The planned funds are to be allocated proportion-ately to the planned programmes, in accordance withtheir missions and tasks (Graph 8).

Graph 8: Allocation of Budget Resources for 2004



3.2.2. 3.2.2.

Najve}i deo ukupno odobrenih sredstava zapotrebe odbrane izdvaja se za zadatke i pro-grame za koje je nadle`na Kopnena vojska(KoV), a najmawi deo za civilnu odbranu.

Što se ti~e utroška sredstava namewenihza program opremawa naoru`awem i vojnomopremom (NVO), najve}i deo se odnosi na KoV– 45 odsto, zatim na komandovawe – 33,9 odsto,Ratno vazduhoplovstvo i protivvazdušnu od-branu (RV i PVO) – 14,3 odsto i Ratnu morna-ricu (RM) – 6,4 odsto. Na osnovu tako utvrðeneprocentualne alokacije buyetskih sredstava,o~ekivanog iznosa sredstava za potrebe odbra-ne i definisanih prioriteta u razvoju Vojskeplanirana su i budu}a sredstva za nosioce za-dataka i programa. U vezi s tim, treba ra~una-ti i na dodatna vanbuyetska sredstva, koja }ese dobiti kroz kredite i prodaju pokretne inepokretne imovine. Ta sredstva }e se raspo-deliti nosiocima zadataka i za programe pre-ma utvrðenim proporcijama.

Upravqawe materijalnim


Upravqawe materijalnim resursima u si-stemu odbrane zasnovano je na operacionali-zaciji opštih postavki teorije i prakse logi-stike u organizaciji, prema konceptu dr`avnei vojne logistike, ~ime je obezbeðena opti-malna podrška funkcionisawu sistema.

Logistika, kao poseban podsistem, obez-beðuje da se usklaðenim odnosom, organizaci-jom i anga`ovawem logisti~kih slu`bi rea-lizuje materijalna, zdravstvena i infrastruk-turna podrška u sistemu odbrane, a obuhvataadministraciju i sporazume, procedure, kapa-citete, materijale i transport.

Pod sistemom upravqawa materijalnim re-sursima podrazumeva se donošewe odluka ~ijaje priroda uslovqena zakonima i propisima ko-je donose nadle`ni organi vlasti i strukturerukovoðewa i komandovawa u sistemu odbrane.

Ministarstvo odbrane je zapo~elo sa uvoðe-wem sistema planirawa, programirawa i bu-yetirawa koji je kompatibilan s metodologi-jom i standardima Severnoatlantskog saveza.Taj moderan i jedinstven sistem omogu}ava iz-radu sveobuhvatnih planova. U wemu buyetproizilazi iz programa, program iz potreba,potrebe iz zadataka, a zadaci iz ciqeva utvr-ðenih u Strategiji odbrane dr`avne zajedniceSrbija i Crna Gora.

Za planirawe i upravqawe materijalnimresursima odbrane neposredno su odgovorniMinistarstvo odbrane i Generalštab VojskeSrbije i Crne Gore. Proces upravqawa resur-

The largest portion of the overall funds grantedfor this purpose is allocated for the tasks and pro-grammes for which the land forces are authorised,and the smallest portion is allocated for civil de-fence.

As regards the expenditure of funds earmarkedfor the programme of obtaining armaments andmilitary equipment, the greatest portion is spent onthe land forces – 45%, then on command – 33.9%,the air force and the anti-aircraft defence – 14.3%,and the Navy – 6.4%. On the basis of thus estab-lished allocation of budget funds, the expectedamount of funds for defence purposes and the es-tablished priorities in the development of theArmy, future funds are planned for the task- andprogramme-bearers. In connection with this, onecan count on additional funds outside the budget,which will be obtained through loans and throughthe sale of movable property and real estate. Thesefunds will be allocated in accordance with the es-tablished ratios.

Material resources management

Material resources management in the defencesystem is based on the operationalisation of the ge-neral postulates of theory and the practice of organisa-tional logistics, following the concept of the state andmilitary logistics, which ensures optimum support tothe functioning of the system.

Logistics, as a special subsystem, ensures that ma-terial, health care and infrastructural support in thedefence system are realised through the coordinatedrelations, organisation and engagement of logisticservices, encompassing administration and agree-ments, procedures, capacities, material and transport.

The system of managing material resources is un-derstood to consist of making decisions whose natureis conditioned by the laws and regulations passed bythe authorised organs and the structures of manage-ment and command in the defence system.

The Ministry of Defence has initiated the intro-duction of a system of planning, programming andbudgeting compatible with the methodology andstandards of NATO. This modern and unified systemmakes it possible to produce all-encompassing plans.In this system the budget arises from the programme,the programme from the tasks, and the tasks from theaims established in the Defence Strategy of the StateUnion of Serbia and Montenegro.

The Ministry of Defence and the General Staff ofthe Army of Serbia and Montenegro are directly re-sponsible for planning and managing material re-sources. The process of managing resources is com-plex, necessitating a high degree of coordination be-tween various levels of hierarchy. Therefore, there is


3.2.3. 3.2.3.

sima je kompleksan, pa je neophodan visok ste-pen koordinacije izmeðu razli~itih hijerar-hijskih nivoa. Stoga postoji potreba da se uMinistarstvu odbrane uspostave programskisavet i savet za modernizaciju koji bi predla-gali kona~ne alokacije velikih vojnih stavkibuyeta i odreðivali prioritete u wihovoj re-alizaciji.

Nezavisno od ustanovqavawa racionalnogmehanizma za planirawe i upravqawe materi-jalnim resursima odbrane, sistem demokrat-ske i civilne kontrole Vojske u dr`avama~lanicama i Srbiji i Crnoj Gori obezbeðujepovoqne uslove za efikasnu kontrolu troše-wa rashoda za odbranu i transparentnost svihaktivnosti koje se preduzimaju u toj oblasti.

Programirawe, kao najva`nija odlika si-stema planirawa, jeste proces utrðivawa iozna~avawa ukupnih ~inilaca na osnovu kojihse mo`e garantovati da }e se ostvariti stra-teški ciqevi i zadaci u restriktivnom iz-dvajawu sredstava za potrebe odbrane. Progra-mi }e se razvijati u sredworo~nom periodu odpet godina, sa utvrðenim prioritetima u raz-voju sistema odbrane.

Upravqawe resursima koje se zasniva naprogramima doprine}e optimalnoj realizaci-ji ciklusa smawewa personala i naoru`awa,kao i objekata infrastrukture.

Duplirawe sposobnosti u materijalnim re-sursima u civilnom i odbrambenom sektoru jeskupo, pa se te`i komplementarnoj raspodelimaterijalnih sredstava, uz potpunu primenu ianalizu ekonomskih kriterijuma nabavke i~uvawa materijalnih resursa.

Modernizacija naoru`awa

i vojne opreme

Na osnovu tehnoloških prodora u najzna-~ajnije oblasti vojne tehnike ostvareni suzna~ajni rezultati u gotovo svim armijamasveta.

Brz razvoj novih tehnologija posledwih de-cenija 20. veka, a posebno informacionih teh-nologija, podstakao je i obezbedio nove mo-gu}nosti u razvoju sredstava naoru`awa i voj-ne opreme.

Modernizacija naoru`awa i vojne opreme usistemu odbrane dr`avne zajednice Srbija iCrna Gora izvodi se dogradwom postoje}eg irazvojem, proizvodwom i nabavkom novog nao-ru`awa i vojne opreme.

Za modernizaciju, razvoj i proizvodwu sred-stava NVO, posebno slo`enih i visoko sofi-sticiranih sistema naoru`awa, potrebne suodgovaraju}e nau~no-tehni~ke i tehnološke

a need to establish, within the framework of the Mi-nistry of Defence, a Programme Council and a Mo-dernisation Council, which would submit proposalsfor the final allocations concerning the Army’s largebudget item requirements, and determine the appro-priate priorities.

Independent of establishing a rational mechanismfor planning and managing material resources for de-fence purposes, the system of democratic and civiliancontrol of the Army in the member states and in Serbiaand Montenegro ensures favourable conditions for theefficient control of defence expenditures and for thetransparency of all activities undertaken in this area.

Programming, as the most important characteristicof the system of planning, is a process of examiningall considerations and making decisions on the basisof which it may be guaranteed that the defense rela-ted strategic goals and tasks may be adequately metin a constrained funding environment. Programmeswill develop over a mid-term period of five years,with priorities established in the development of thedefence system.

Resource management based on programmes willcontribute to the optimum realisation of the cycle ofpersonnel and armaments reduction, as well as thereduction of infrastructure objects.

Redundancies in material resources in the civilianand defense sectors are to be avoided. The goal is themost efficient utilization of these resources.

Doubling capacities in material resources in thecivilian and the defence sectors is costly; the aim,therefore, is a complementary allocation of materialresources, with the full implementation and analysisof the economic criteria of procurement and thepreservation of material resources.

Modernisation of armaments and military equipment

On the basis of technological advancements in themost important spheres of military technologies, sig-nificant results have been achieved in almost allarmies of the world.

The rapid development of new technologies in the fi-nal decades of the 20th century, especially informationtechnologies, has spurred and provided new possibilitiesin developing armaments and military equipment.

The modernisation of armaments and militaryequipment in the defence system of the State Unionof Serbia and Montenegro is being carried out by up-dating the existing armaments and military equip-ment, and through the development, manufactureand procurement of new armaments and militaryequipment.

What is required for the modernisation, develop-ment and production of armaments and militaryequipment, particularly the complex and highly so-

osnove, nau~ni i stru~ni kadar koji je organi-zacijski institucionalizovan i tehni~kiopremqen, odgovaraju}e sirovinske baze, in-dustrijsko-proizvodna infrastruktura, eko-nomske mogu}nosti izra`ene u društvenombruto proizvodu i nacionalnom dohotku, i ap-sorpciona mo} doma}eg i stranog tr`išta,~ime dr`avna zajednica Srbija i Crna Gora umnogome raspola`e.

Odgovaraju}om tehni~ko-tehnološkom mo-dernizacijom i prestrukturirawem kapacite-ta odbrambene industrije Srbije i Crne Goremoglo bi da se obezbedi oko 50 odsto potrebaza naoru`awem i vojnom opremom. To se, presvega, odnosi na: streqa~ko naoru`awe i mu-niciju, neke vrste artiqerijske municije, mi-nobaca~e i minobaca~ke mine, neka sredstvaza protivoklopnu borbu, sredstva za li~nu ikolektivnu nuklearno-hemijsko-biološku za-štitu, eksplozive i barute.

Postoji opredeqewe da se Vojska zna~ajnijemodernizuje u periodu od 2010. do 2015. godine.Pri tome, prioritetetan treba da bude razvojkomandno-informacionih sistema i oru`jakoja imaju visoke performanse: mobilnost,preciznost i efekat na ciqu. Te`ište u raz-voju opreme bi}e na zaštiti vojnika.

phisticated weapons systems is: the corresponding sci-entific-technical and technological basis; scientificand expert personnel permanently resident in the or-ganisation and supplied with state-of-the-art equip-ment, adequate raw materials bases, the industrial-production infrastructure, the economic potential ex-pressed in terms of gross domestic product and nation-al income, and the absorption power of the domesticand foreign market; the State Union of Serbia andMontenegro possesses the above to a large extent.

An adequate technical-technological modernisa-tion and restructuring of the capacities of the defenceindustry of Serbia and Montenegro could provide approximately 50% of the requirements in arma-ments and military equipment. This pertains primarilyto: firearms and firearm ammunition, some types ofartillery ammunition, mine layers and the correspon-ding mines, some anti-armour weapons, equipmentfor personal and collective nuclear-chemical-biolo-gical protection, explosives and gunpowder.

The goal is to effect a significant modernisation ofthe Army in the 2010-2015 period. The priorities in thisprocess should be the development of command-and-control systems, and weapons with a high level of per-formance and reliability, characterized by mobility,precision and targeting effectiveness. Equipment de-velopment will focus heavily on soldier protection.

Cooperation in the sphere of technical-technolo-



3.2.4. 3.2.4.

gical development will contribute to a more rapidmodernisation of armaments and military equipmentthrough the projected forms of security integrations,while ensuring for high quality and standards ofequipment, new methods and management of the re-sources of knowledge and technologies, in accor-dance with the conditions of a market economy.

Basis of defence industry development

The defence industry of Serbia and Montenegro ismade up of companies which manufacture and assemble weapons and military equipment, cooperat-ing-service companies, scientific institutions, insti-tutes and laboratories.

The current defence industry complex is made up of15 specialised companies employing approximately14,300 people. In addition to this, the defence industryencompasses another 13 companies which possess in-dividual capacity for the production of weapons andmilitary equipment, and additional capacities in thesphere of metallurgy, metal processing, machine engi-neering, chemical industry, textile industry and leatherand footwear industry, which complement the re-sources for the production of weapons and militaryequipment. Within the existing complex, six compa-nies have been assigned the status of production in thesphere of defence industry, and their programme orien-tation falls within the jurisdiction of the Ministry ofDefence of Serbia and Montenegro.

The required capacities for the production ofweapons and military equipment, in accordance withthe equipment requirements of the Army, are definedby the Ministry of Defence, and the companies in ques-tion are not orientated solely towards fulfilling the do-mestic needs but also towards entering the world mar-ket. In view of the fact that the defence industry is ca-pable of achieving a high quality of production and thatits presence on the world market stimulates furthereconomic development, integration into the globalmarket creates greater possibilities for the sale of ourproducts. In this context, integration presupposes a cre-ative and radical reprogramming of the defence indus-try through various forms of military, scientific-techni-cal and economic cooperation.

Research and development programmes are con-ducted by the Military-Technical Institute, the Tech-nical Test Centre, the Air Force Test Centre and theNavy-Technical Test Centre, in cooperation with other scientific institutions in our country and abroad.

Apart from research work, a necessary and impor-tant factor for the accomplishment of tasks is the de-velopment work in defence industry companies. Anecessary precondition for the successful executionof the programme of scientific research work re-quires adequate material prerequisites in order to en-

Br`oj modernizaciji naoru`awa i vojneopreme doprine}e saradwa u oblasti tehni-~ko-tehnološkog razvoja kroz projektovaneoblike bezbednosnih integracija, uz poštova-we kvaliteta i standarda opremawa, novih me-toda i upravqawa resursima znawa i tehnolo-gijama u uslovima tr`išne privrede.

Osnove razvoja odbrambene


Odbrambenu industriju Srbije i Crne Gore~ine preduze}a koja proizvode i finalizujusredstva naoru`awa i vojne opreme, koope-rantsko-uslu`na preduze}a, nau~ne ustanove,instituti i laboratorije.

Sadašwi kompleks odbrambene industrije~ini 15 specijalizovanih preduze}a, sa oko14.300 zaposlenih. Pored toga, odbrambena in-dustrija obuhvata i 13 preduze}a koja posedujupojedina~ne kapacitete za proizvodwu naoru-`awa i vojne opreme, koja kao dopunski kapa-citet iz oblasti metalurgije, prerade metala,mašinogradwe, hemijske industrije, tekstil-ne industrije i industrije ko`e i obu}e upot-puwuju resurse za proizvodwu naoru`awa ivojne opreme. U postoje}em kompleksu šestpreduze}a je definisano sa statusom proiz-vodwe u oblasti odbrambene industrije ~ija jeprogramska orijentacija u nadle`nosti Mi-nistarstva odbrane Srbije i Crne Gore.

Potrebni kapaciteti za proizvodwu naoru-`awa i vojne opreme, saglasno potrebamaopremawa Vojske, definisani su u Ministar-stvu odbrane, a preduze}a nisu usmerena samona zadovoqewe doma}ih potreba ve} i na izla-zak na svetsko tr`ište. Budu}i da je odbram-bena industrija sposobna za ostvarewe viso-kog kvaliteta proizvoda i da weno prisustvona svetskom tr`ištu podsti~e daqi privred-ni razvoj, u integraciji sa svetom ve}e su mo-gu}nosti za plasman proizvoda. Pod integra-cijom se podrazumeva kreativno i radikalnoreprogramirawe odbrambene industrije krozrazne vidove vojne, nau~no-tehni~ke i ekonom-ske saradwe.

Istra`iva~ko-razvojne programe realizujuVojnotehni~ki institut, Tehni~ki opitnicentar, Vazduhoplovni opitni centar i Mor-nari~kotehni~ki opitni centar, u saradwi sadrugim nau~nim institucijama u zemqi i uinostranstvu.

Pored istra`iva~kog rada, za uspešnu rea-lizaciju zadataka zna~ajan i neophodan ~ini-lac jeste i razvojni rad u preduze}ima odbram-bene industrije. Preduslov za realizacijuprograma nau~noistra`iva~kog rada ~ine ma-

terijalne pretpostavke koje treba da obezbededa udeo koji se izdvaja za istra`ivawe i razvojsredstava naoru`awa i vojne opreme bude zna-tno ve}i od postoje}eg.

Te`ište u razvoju odbrambene industrijebi}e na: proizvodwi dela naoru`awa i vojneopreme u doma}im preduze}ima; anga`ovawuproizvodnih kapaciteta za odr`avawe i re-mont; unapreðewu istra`iva~ko-razvojnog ra-da; pove}awu proizvodnih programa, produk-tivnosti i ekonomi~nosti poslovawa.

Prioriteti u programskoj orijentacijipreduze}a odbrambene industrije i vojnoteh-ni~kih i nau~nih ustanova jesu osvajawe savre-menih informati~kih tehnologija i tehnolo-gija za projektovawe, razvoj i proizvodwu no-vog streqa~kog i artiqerijskog naoru`awa,svih vrsta municije i nekih vrsta raketnog na-oru`awa, kao i modifikacija i modernizaci-ja oklopnih borbenih vozila, školskih avio-na i bespilotnih letelica.

Odbrambena industrija u funkciji razvojanovih tehnologija pod kontrolom sistema bez-bednosti prati i podsti~e nove tehnologije ucivilnom sektoru koje su zna~ajne za proiz-vodwu naoru`awa i vojne opreme, i ima re-spektivan potencijal i vitalnost.

Procesima tranzicije u jugoisti~noj Evro-

sure that the funds earmarked for research and deve-lopment of armaments and military equipment areadequate. Meeting this objective will necessitatehigher funding levels than those currently provided.

In the development of the defence industry, the fo-cus will be on: producing a part of the armaments andmilitary equipment required in domestic firms, engag-ing the production capacities for maintenance and re-pair, improving research and development capacities,increasing production programmes and productivity,and operating in a fiscally responsible manner.

The priorities in the programme orientation of de-fence industry companies are to master modern in-formation technologies and technologies for design-ing, developing and producing new firearms and ar-tillery weapons, all types of ammunition and sometypes of missiles, as well as the modification andmodernisation of armoured vehicles, aircraft used fortraining purposes and unmanned aircraft.

For the purpose of developing new technologies,subject to the control of the security system, the de-fence industry follows and stimulates the develop-ment of new technologies in the civilian sector thatare of importance for the manufacturing of arma-ments and military equipment and possess a re-spectable potential and vitality.

The processes of transition in South-Eastern Eu-rope and the entry of Serbia and Montenegro in the



3.2.5. 3.2.5.

processes of integration will create more favourableconditions for the conversion, privatisation and entryinto the international market on an equal footing withthe requirements of the domestic defence industry.Export arrangements under the new conditions willcontribute to the increase of the material base of de-fence industry companies and make possible in-creased investments in scientific research and deve-lopment work, as well as adapting the latest process-es and being aware of the trends in the sphere of ar-maments and military equipment.

Defence infrastructure

Defence infrastructure encompasses the com-pounds and structures used by the Ministry of De-fence and the Army of Serbia and Montenegro, suchas housing and other structures of importance for de-fence purposes.

The member states and Serbia and Montenegrobuild, maintain and develop infrastructure for thepurpose of creating optimum conditions for the func-tioning of the defence system, including telecommu-nications, traffic, energy production and distribution,finances, information and other elements. The resultsin this area will depend on security challenges, risksand threats, economic constraints and meeting thestandards of Euro-Atlantic integrations.

The current territorial arrangement of immovableproperty on the territory of the member states and

pi i ukqu~ivawem Srbije i Crne Gore u inte-gracione procese stvori}e se odbrambenoj in-dustriji povoqniji uslovi za konverziju, pri-vatizaciju i ravnopravan nastup na meðuna-rodnom tr`ištu. Izvozni aran`mani u novimuslovima doprinosi}e pove}awu materijalnebaze preduze}a odbrambene industrije i omo-gu}avati ve}a ulagawa u nau~noistra`iva~kii razvojni rad, kao i pra}ewe najnovijih pro-cesa i tendencija u oblasti naoru`awa i vojneopreme.

Infrastruktura odbrane

Infrastruktura odbrane obuhvata kom-plekse i objekte koje koriste Ministarstvoodbrane i Vojska Srbije i Crne Gore, stambe-ne objekte i druge objekte zna~ajne za odbranu.

Dr`ave ~lanice i Srbija i Crna Gora iz-graðuju, odr`avaju i razvijaju infrastruktururadi stvarawa optimalnih uslova za funkcio-nisawe sistema odbrane, ukqu~uju}i teleko-munikacije, saobra}aj, proizvodwu i distri-buciju energije, finansije, informacije iostale elemente. Rezultati u toj oblasti zavi-si}e od izazova, rizika i pretwi bezbednosti,ekonomskih mogu}nosti i standarda evroa-tlantskih integracija.

Postoje}i teritorijalni razmeštaj nepo-kretnosti na prostoru dr`ava ~lanica i Sr-

Prostorni razmeštaj vojnih kompleksa re-šava}e se prema prostornom planu razvoja in-frastrukture odbrane na celokupnom prosto-ru dr`ava ~lanica i Srbije i Crne Gore. Iz-rada tog planskog dokumenta bi}e usklaðenasa potrebama odbrane i realnim ekonomskimmogu}nostima. Rešewa problema razmeštajavojnih komplekasa bi}e usmerena na disloka-ciju iz gradskih celina, ukrupwavawe vojnihsadr`aja i koncentrisawe svih aktivnostivojne obuke na što mawem broju lokacija. Deoodgovaraju}ih vojnih kompleksa, prema novojkoncepciji prostornog razmeštaja jedinica iustanova Vojske i Ministarstva odbrane, za-dr`a}e se uz znatna smawewa i modernizaciju.Investiciona ulagawa bi}e usmerena na mo-dernizaciju i dislokaciju vojnih kompleksa uperiodu do 2010. godine. Deo neodgovaraju}ihkomplekasa koristi}e se kao privremeno re-šewe, do stvarawa uslova za kona~nu disloka-ciju u procesu reforme.

Racionalnim raspolagawem i upravqawem,na osnovu dela kompleksa koji ne odgovarajupotrebama odbrane, obezbedi}e se finansij-ska sredstva koja }e u}i u Fond za reformeVojske Srbije i Crne Gore. Ti problemi }e serešavati na nivou Saveta ministara, u sarad-wi sa dr`avama ~lanicama.

The geographic arrangement of military com-pounds will be decided on in accordance with the in-frastructure development plan for the entire territoryof the member states and Serbia and Montenegro.The drawing up of this planning document will beadjusted to the defence needs and our realistic eco-nomic constraints. The planning considerations formeeting challenges that will result in the effectiveand functional geographic arrangement of militarycompounds will focus on their removal from citycentres, and concentrating military structures andcomplexes, and all activities associated with train-ing, on as few locations as possible. According to thenew concept, some Army units and Army and De-fence Ministry compounds that are of adequate qua-lity will be retained, but will be considerably reducedin size and modernised. Investments will focus onthe modernisation of military compounds and theirremoval from city centres by the year 2010. Some in-adequate compounds will be used for temporary accommodation until conditions for their final re-moval, in the process of reform, are created.

Through rational use and management, based onthose compounds that do not meet the defence re-quirements, financial assets will be obtained and willbe channelled into the Reform Fund of the Army ofSerbia and Montenegro. These problems will bedealt with on the level of the Council of Ministers, incooperation with the member states.

bije i Crne Gore nije adekvatan sadašwim ibudu}im potrebama odbrane. Od ukupnog brojavojnih kompleksa, ve}i deo ~ine neodgovaraju-}i kompleksi i objekti, pri ~emu su pojedinejedinice i ustanove smeštene na neuslovnimlokacijama i objektima. Ve}ina vojnih objeka-ta se nalaze u gradskim jezgrima, što ote`avamirnodopske vojne aktivnosti i usporava ilionemogu}ava razvoj brojnih funkcija naseqe-nih mesta (Tabela 3).

Tabela 3: Pregled infrastrukture odbrane

Serbia and Montenegro is not adequate to the currentand future defence requirements. Of the overall num-ber of military compounds, the majority are inade-quate compounds and structures; some units and in-stitutions are in locations and in structures that areinadequate. Most Army structures are located in cen-tral areas of cities and towns, which makes peace-time military activities more difficult and slowsdown or prevents the development of numerousfunctions of urban settlements (Table 3).

Table 3: Defence Infrastructure Review



Odbrambena sposobnost

Defence Capability4



Odbrambena sposobnost dr`ava ~lanica iSrbije i Crne Gore uslovqena je ukup-nim demokratskim i ekonomskih razvo-jem, efikasnoš}u wihovog funkcioni-

sawa i kvalitetom odnosa s relevantnim pred-stavnicima meðunarodne zajednice.

Celina odbrambene sposobnosti dr`ava~lanica i Srbije i Crne Gore neposredno seispoqava kroz mogu}nost odgovora na vojne inevojne izazove, rizike i pretwe bezbednostii stepen ukqu~enosti u bezbednosne integra-cione procese.

Sposobnost odgovorana vojne izazove,

rizike i pretwe bezbednosti

Nosilac oru`anog suprotstavqawa vojnimoblicima ugro`avawa bezbednosti Srbije iCrne Gore jeste Vojska Srbije i Crne Gore.

U posledwih petnaest godina, zbog smawe-nih finansijskih sredstava za potrebe Vojske,umawivane su sposobnosti za odgovor na vojneizazove, rizike i pretwe bezbednosti. To semanifestovalo kroz: zastarelost naoru`awai opreme; smawenu zainteresovanost mladihqudi za vojnu profesiju; nemogu}nost planskeobuke rezervnog sastava, komandi i jedinica;pad `ivotnog standarda i pogoršawe uslova`ivota i rada u Vojsci.

Prema novom konceptu odbrane Srbije i Cr-ne Gore, neophodan je razvoj mawih, mobilnih isavremeno opremqenih vojnih snaga, usklaðe-nih s qudskim i materijalnim resursima, spo-sobnih za anga`ovawe u realnom vremenu iprimerenih karakteristikama prostora.

Mogu}nosti Vojske Srbije i Crne Gore zaotklawawe opasnosti od vojnih pretwi iska-zuju se kroz sposobnosti za odvra}awe i odbra-nu.

Sposobnost za odvra}awe Vojska ostvarujekroz opremqenost savremenim borbenim si-stemima i organizovanost za obavqawe zada-


The defence ability of the member states andSerbia and Montenegro is conditioned by theiroverall democratic and economic develop-ment, the efficiency of their functioning and

the quality of their relations with the relevant repre-sentatives of the international community.

The defence ability of the member states and Ser-bia and Montenegro in its entirety is directly mani-fested through the capability for responding to mili-tary and non-military security challenges, risks andthreats, and the level of involvement in security inte-gration processes.

Ability to respond tomilitary security

challenges, risks and threats

The Army of Serbia and Montenegro is the princi-pal state controlled force, responsible for the securi-ty of Serbia and Montenegro in the event of a mili-tary threat.

Over the last fifteen years, due to reduced fundingfor the Armed Forces, the ability to respond to militarysecurity challenges, risks and threats has been reducedas well. It has been manifested through: the obsoles-cence of weapons and equipment, a decrease of youngpeople’s interest in the military profession, the impo-ssibility of carrying out effective training of reservepersonnel, commands and Army units according toplans, a reduced standard of living and the worseningof living and working conditions in the Army.

According to the new concept of the defence ofSerbia and Montenegro, what is required is the de-velopment of smaller-scale, mobile Army units withmodern equipment, adjusted to realistic human andmaterial resources, capable of being employed in re-al time, and other relevant conditions.

The capability of the Army of Serbia and Mon-tenegro to effectively reduce or eliminate threats of amilitary nature is manifested in its capacity for dete-rrence and defence.

The Army achieves its capability for deterrencethrough being equipped with modern combat sys-


4.1. 4.1.

taka, kao i kroz u~eš}e u realizaciji zadata-ka u sastavu meðunarodnih snaga.

Vojska svoje sposobnosti za odbranu iskazu-je kroz mogu}nosti odbrane teritorije, vazdu-šnog prostora i akvatorije, uz anga`ovaweneophodnih resursa odbrane, samostalno i uzpodršku partnera, saveznika i prijateqskihdr`ava.

Sposobnost Vojske za odvra}awe i odbranuprojektuju se za maksimalan intenzitet proce-wenih vojnih izazova, rizika i pretwi bezbed-nosti, a vrsta, ja~ina i na~in anga`ovawa sna-ga zavise od konkretne situacije. Iskazuje sekroz: efikasno funkcionisawe sistema, jav-nost i kvalitet priprema za odbranu, osposo-bqenost kadra, formirawe borbenih sastavasposobnih da efikasno obave zadatke, ve`bov-ne aktivnosti (ukqu~uju}i i snage partnera isaveznika), borbene mogu}nosti naoru`awa ivojne opreme i visok nivo odlu~nosti za od-branu.

Vojska Srbije i Crne Gore osposobqava seza realizaciju borbenih operacija na kopnu,moru i u vazdušnom prostoru. Borbene opera-cije se projektuju u uslovima oru`anog suprot-stavqawa vojnim izazovima, rizicima i pret-wama bezbednosti. Sadr`ajem operacija obu-hva}eno je i odgovaraju}e u~eš}e Vojske u su-protstavqawu oru`anoj pobuni i eliminisa-wu drugih sporova uz upotrebu oru`ane sile.

tems and organised to accomplish assigned tasks, inaddition to its effective participation with interna-tional forces.

In large measure, the Army manifests its capabili-ty for defence by its ability to defend the territory, airspace and territorial waters of our country, based onadequate defence resources, acting both independ-ently and with the support of partners, allies andfriendly states.

The capability of the Army for deterrence and de-fence is planned and based upon estimates of maxi-mum-intensity security challenges of a military na-ture, risks and threats. The type, intensity and man-ner of employing armed forces depend on specificsituations. This capability is expressed through: theefficient functioning of the system, the public natureand the quality of defence preparations, the effective-ness of personnel training, the formation of combatunits capable of performing tasks efficiently, exer-cise-type activities (including those with forces ofpartners and allies), the combat effectiveness ofweapons and military equipment, and a high level ofresolve in terms of national defence.

The Army of Serbia and Montenegro is trained tocarry out combat operations on land, at sea and in theair. Combat operations are planned for an effective de-fence in response to security challenges of a militarynature, risks and threats. Operations of this type wouldinvolve the appropriate participation of the Army in re-sisting armed rebellion and successfully responding to


U skladu sa Strategijom odbrane i s obzi-rom na karakter savremenog terorizma, re-formom vojske treba obezbediti organizova-ne protivteroristi~ke snage kao nu`an vojniodgovor na ovaj tip nevojne pretwe bezbedno-sti.

U odbrani bi se sila primenila premaprincipima meðunarodnog prava, kao krajwesredstvo, selektivno, dozirano i saglasnoprirodi i intenzitetu opasnosti za dr`ave~lanice i Srbiju i Crnu Goru.

Sposobnost odgovorana nevojne izazove,

rizike i pretwe bezbednosti

Nosioci odgovora na nevojne izazove, rizi-ke i pretwe bezbednosti su dr`ave ~lanice.Na wihov zahtev, a na osnovu odluke Skupšti-ne Srbije i Crne Gore i Vrhovnog saveta od-brane, mogu da u~estvuju i institucije Srbijei Crne Gore, u saradwi sa wihovim organima islu`bama, prvenstveno slu`bama bezbedno-sti, policijama i pograni~nim, carinskim ipravosudnim organima.

U odgovoru na nevojne pretwe veoma je zna-~ajno da se, shodno karakteru i intenzitetupretwi, izgrade sposobnosti za preventivnodelovawe i koordiniran odgovor, što se po-

other conflicts necessitating the use of armed force.In accordance with the Defence Strategy and in

view of the character of contemporary terrorism, thereform of the Army should provide organised anti-terrorist units as a necessary military response to thistype of non-military security threat.

When defending, force would be used in accor-dance with the principles of international law, as alast resort, selectively, in a measured manner and inkeeping with the nature and intensity of the danger tothe member states and Serbia and Montenegro.

Ability to respond to non-military

security challenges, risks and threats

The member states are the agents of response tonon-military security challenges, risks and threats.Upon their request, and based on the decision of theParliament of Serbia and Montenegro and theSupreme Defence Council, institutions of Serbia andMontenegro may participate, in cooperation withtheir organs and services, first of all security servi-ces, police forces and border, customs and judiciaryorgans.

When responding to non-military threats, it is veryimportant, in accordance with the character and in-tensity of threats, to develop the capability for pre-ventive action and coordinated response, particularly


4.2. 4.2.

sebno odnosi na terorizam, organizovani kri-minal, nacionalni i verski ekstremizam idruge nevojne pretwe kojima se ugro`avajuqudska prava i slobode.

Institucije dr`ava ~lanica, ustanovqenena osnovu ustava, razvijaju sposobnosti za kon-tinuirano funkcionisawe dr`avnih organa,preduze}a, organizacija i slu`bi i lokalne sa-mouprave u odgovoru na nevojne izazove, rizikei pretwe. Na osnovu sopstvenih potreba i mo-gu}nosti, kao i standarda meðunarodne zajed-nice, redefiniše se koncept wihovog anga`o-vawa, uz ve}e uva`avawe realnosti i wihovopotpunije anga`ovawe, posebno na nivou lo-kalne samouprave. Kroz obezbeðivawe norma-tivnog okvira i jedinstvenog metodološkogpristupa funkcionisawu tih institucija,funkcionalno se uvezuju wihovi elementi uskladnu celinu. To se posti`e doslednijimuva`avawem meðunarodnih standarda, stvara-wem uslova za što potpunije koriš}ewe mate-rijalnih i qudskih resursa, normativnoprav-nim ureðivawem, obezbeðewem stabilnog fi-nansirawa i opremawa, ja~awem demokratske icivilne kontrole, intenzivnijim obu~avawemsvih struktura društva i modernizovawem iunapreðewem sistema upravqawa krizama.

Radi koordinacije ukupnih priprema za za-štitu i spasavawe qudi i materijalnih doba-ra u dr`avama ~lanicama i Srbiji i Crnoj Go-ri, obezbeðuje se multidisciplinarni pri-stup u rešavawu problema vezanih za organi-zaciju i funkcionisawe civilne zaštite. Uvezi s tim, potrebno je da se usaglase i dopunepostoje}i zakoni dr`ava ~lanica i Srbije iCrne Gore kojima se ureðuju pojedine oblastizaštite i spasavawa. U takvom konceptu, ci-vilna zaštita se organizuje i sprovodi na ni-vou dr`ava ~lanica, s tendencijom da se ve-}ina wenih aktivnosti realizuje na nivou lo-kalne samouprave.

U realizovawu zadataka civilne zaštitemogu da se anga`uju i odreðeni resursi VojskeSrbije i Crne Gore, i to u slu~aju prirodnihnepogoda i katastrofa ve}ih razmera u kojimasu ugro`eni qudski `ivoti, `ivotna sredinai materijalna dobra.

Sposobnost u~eš}a umirovnim

operacijamaDr`ave ~lanice i Srbija i Crna Gora opre-

deqene su za u~eš}e u sistemu kolektivne bez-bednosti. Na taj na~in se pozitivno doprino-si projektovawu i izgradwi povoqnog bezbed-nosnog okru`ewa na regionalnom i globalnom

relating to terrorism, organised crime, nationalist andreligious extremism and other non-military threatsendangering human rights and freedoms.

Institutions of the member states, established onthe basis of the Constitution, are called upon to de-velop the capability for a continuous functioning ofstate organs, companies, organisations, services andlocal government in responding to non-military cha-llenges, risks and threats. Based on our own needsand potential, as well as the standards of the interna-tional community, the concept of their employmentis redefined, taking the reality of the situation intoconsideration to a greater extent than before, and en-gaging these agents more fully, especially on the lo-cal government level. By providing a normativeframework and a common methodological approachto the functioning of these institutions, their elementsare functionally connected into a harmonious whole.This is achieved by consistent observance of interna-tional standards, creating the conditions for the mosteffective use of material and human resources, pro-viding a normative-legal framework, ensuring for theprovision of adequate funding and equipment,strengthening democratic and civilian control, inten-sive training of all appropriate elements of society,and modernising and developing the system of crisismanagement.

For the purpose of coordinating the overall prepa-ration for the protection and rescuing of people andmaterial goods in the member states and Serbia andMontenegro, a multidisciplinary approach to solvingproblems related to the organisation and functioningof civil defence is employed. In connection with this,it is necessary to bring into agreement and supple-ment the existing laws of the member states and Ser-bia and Montenegro regulating certain areas of pro-tection and rescuing. Within the framework of such aconcept, civil defence is organised and implementedon the level of the member states, the trend being toconduct most civil defence activities at the level oflocal government.

In order to accomplish civil defence tasks, certainresources of the Army of Serbia and Montenegromay be called upon for assistance; this may be donein the case of natural disasters or large-scale catastro-phes endangering human lives, the environment ormaterial goods.

Ability to participate inpeacekeeping

operationsThe member states and Serbia and Montenegro

have opted to participate in the collective securitysystem. In this way, a positive contribution is madeto planning and developing a favourable security en-vironment on the regional and global level, and the


4.3. 4.3.

nivou i nastavqa tradicija u~eš}a u mirov-nim operacijama OUN zapo~eta još 1956. go-dine.

Snage sistema odbrane Srbije i Crne Goreanga`ovane su u mirovnim operacijama Ujedi-wenih nacija u Isto~nom Timoru, Demokrat-skoj Republici Kongo, Liberiji, Obali Slo-nova~e i Burundiji. Anga`ovawe u tim opera-cijama realizuje se kroz u~eš}e pojedinacapripadnika Vojske, kao vojnih posmatra~a, ianga`ovawe sanitetskog tima pod okriqemUjediwenih nacija.

Sposobnosti za u~eš}e u mirovnim opera-cijama i drugim aktivnostima u inostranstvuSrbija i Crna Gora razvija prema Poveqi UNi meðunarodnim ugovorima. Posebno se razvi-jaju sposobnosti za u~eš}e u pru`awu humani-tarne pomo}i i drugim poslovima i zadacimana koje se Srbija i Crna Gora obavezala poseb-nim meðunarodnim ugovorima.

U mirovnim operacijama i za u~eš}e u drugimaktivnostima u inostranstvu upu}uju se na do-brovoqnoj osnovi posebno pripremqni i obu~e-ni profesionalni pripadnici Vojske, osobqecivilne zaštite i zaposleni u organima dr`av-ne uprave. Modeli mogu}eg anga`ovawa tih sna-ga odreðeni su zavisno od karaktera mirovnihoperacija, kao i drugih poslova i zadataka.

tradition of participating in peacekeeping missionsof the United Nations Organisation, initiated in 1956,is maintained.

Forces belonging to the defence system of Serbiaand Montenegro are engaged in UN peacekeepingmissions in East Timor, the Democratic Republic ofCongo, Liberia, Ivory Coast and Burundi. Their en-gagement in these missions is realised through theparticipation of individual Army members in the roleof military observers and the engagement of medicalteams under the auspices of the United Nations.

Serbia and Montenegro develops its capability forparticipating in peacekeeping operations and otheractivities abroad in accordance with the UN Charterand international agreements. What is particularlydeveloped is the capacity for participation in the pro-vision of humanitarian aid and other activities andtasks that Serbia and Montenegro has undertaken bysigning special international treaties.

When it comes to participating in peacekeepingoperations and other activities abroad, specially pre-pared and trained professional members of the Armyare sent on a voluntary basis, as well as civil defencepersonnel and employees working for state adminis-tration organs. The modes of engagement of theseforces are determined depending on the character ofpeacekeeping operations and other activities andtasks.


Da bi se anga`ovale snage za mirovne opera-cije, pored Zakona o u~eš}u profesionalnihpripadnika Voske Srbije i Crne Gore, osobqacivilne zaštite i zaposlenih u organimauprave Saveta ministara u mirovnim operaci-jama i drugim aktivnostima u inostranstvu,potrebno je da budu ispuweni i slede}i uslo-vi: mirovna operacija treba da bude pod man-datom Organizacije Ujediwenih nacija; trebada postoji sporazum izmeðu strana u sukobu;odluku o anga`ovawu snaga treba da doneseSkupština Srbije i Crne Gore i potrebna sujasna pravila anga`ovawa.

Obim i karakter u~eš}a snaga u mirovnimoperacijama i drugim aktivnostima u ino-stranstvu bi}e usklaðeni s pove}awem ukup-nih potencijala i finansijskih mogu}nostidr`ava ~lanica i Srbije i Crne Gore. U na-rednih nekoliko godina mogu}nosti za takvoanga`ovawe ograni~ene su na individualnoanga`ovawe, do u~eš}a jedinica ranga vod –~eta. U toj fazi mogu se obavqati posmatra~-ki, vojno-policijski, in`iwerijski, sanitet-ski i protivteroristi~ki zadaci, kao i zada-ci u okviru štabova multinacionalnih kon-tingenata nivoa brigade. Kasnije se mogu upotpunosti opremiti i osposobiti kontin-genti nivoa bataqona za obavqawe zadataka usvim oblicima mirovnih operacija. Takoðe,mogu se osposobiti štabni oficiri za u~e-š}e u štabovima multinacionalnih kontin-genata nivoa ukupnih snaga u mirovnoj opera-ciji.

Za potrebe anga`ovawa Vojske Srbije i Cr-ne Gore u mirovnim operacijama usklaðuje seorganizaciona struktura i ja~aju svi oblicisaradwe i zajedni~kog delovawa sa drugim na-cionalnim kontingentima.

Zaposleni u organima dr`avne uprave i oso-bqe civilne zaštite iskqu~ivo }e obavqatineoru`ane poslove. Osobqe civilne zaštiteobavqa}e poslove predviðene @enevskimkonvencijama koji se odnose na otklawawe iubla`avawe posledica prirodnih katastro-fa, tehni~ko-tehnoloških i drugih nesre}akoje ugro`avaju zdravqe i `ivote qudi, mate-rijalna dobra i `ivotnu sredinu.

Da bi se sve snage dr`ava ~lanica i Srbije iCrne Gore efikasno pripremile za u~eš}e umirovnim operacijama i drugim aktivnostimau inostranstvu obrazovan je Centar za mirov-ne operacije.

Apart from the Law on the Participation of Profes-sional Members of the Army of Serbia and Montene-gro, Civil Defence Personnel and Employees of StateAdministration Organs in Peacekeeping Missionsand Other Activities Abroad, for the purpose of en-gaging of our forces in peacekeeping operations, it isnecessary that the following conditions be fulfilled:the peacekeeping operation in question should be un-der the mandate of the United Nations Organisation;there should be an agreement concluded between theopposing sides in the conflict; the decision on engag-ing our forces should be passed by the Parliament ofSerbia and Montenegro, and clear rules of engage-ment are required.

The extent and the character of the participation ofour forces in peacekeeping operations and other acti-vities abroad will be adjusted to the increase of theoverall potential and the financial constraints of themember states and Serbia and Montenegro. In the nextfew years, the possibilities for such engagement willbe limited to individual engagement and to the en-gagement of units up to the level of platoon/company.In this phase, the following tasks may be performed:monitoring, military-policing, engineering, medicaland anti-terrorist tasks, as well as tasks to be per-formed within the framework of headquarters ofmultinational contingents on the level of brigade. Sub-sequently, it is envisioned that, contingents on the le-vel of battalion may be fully trained and equipped toperform tasks in all spheres of peacekeeping opera-tions. Also, staff officers may be trained to participatein the work of headquarters of multinational contin-gents on the level of the overall forces participating inthe peacekeeping operation in question.

For the purpose of engaging the Army of Serbiaand Montenegro in peacekeeping operations, the or-ganisational structure is adjusted and all forms of co-operation and joint action with other national contin-gents are developed.

State administration employees and civil defencepersonnel will participate solely in activities that do notrequire them to be armed. Civil defence personnel willperform activities prescribed by the Geneva Conven-tions pertaining to dealing with and reducing the con-sequences of natural disasters, technical-technologicaland other accidents endangering the health and thelives of people, material goods and the environment.

In order to enable all forces of the member statesand Serbia and Montenegro to prepare efficientlyand effectively for participation in peacekeeping operations abroad, a Centre for Peacekeeping Opera-tions has been established.



Sistem odbrane

Srbije i Crne Gore

Defence System ofSerbia and Montenegro




Sistem odbrane ~ine meðusobno povezanielementi dr`ava ~lanica i Srbije i Cr-ne Gore koji se na organizovan na~in an-ga`uju radi zaštite i odbrane wihovih

zajedni~kih interesa. Sistem odbrane je poddemokratskom i civilnom kontrolom.

Osnov za izgradwu sistema odbrane ~ine po-trebe i mogu}nosti, kao i nivo integracije usistem kolektivne bezbednosti. Izgradwaelemenata sistema odbrane usmerena je naja~awe snaga odbrane koje }e biti sposobne daodgovore na savremene izazove, rizike i pret-we bezbednosti.

Elementi sistema odbrane

Sistem odbrane je funkcionalno povezan saostalim institucijama dr`ava ~lanica i Sr-bije i Crne Gore (Šema 1).

Šema 1: Sistem odbrane Srbije i Crne Gore


The defence system is made up of interlinked el-ements of the member states and Serbia andMontenegro that are engaged in and organisedfor the purpose of protection and defence of

their common interests. The defence system is sub-ject to democratic and civilian control.

Building the defence system is based on realisticdefence requirements and potential, as well as thelevel of integration in the collective security system.The building of the elements of the defence systemaims to strengthen the defence forces that will beable to respond to contemporary security challenges,risks and threats.

Elements of the defencesystem

The defence system is functionally connected toother institutions of the member states and Serbiaand Montenegro (Scheme 1).

Scheme 1: Defence System of Serbia and Montenegro


5.1. 5.1.


5.1.1. 5.1.1.

5.1.2. 5.1.2.

The elements of the defence system are:– institutions of Serbia and Montenegro estab-

lished on the basis of the Constitutional Charterof the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro,

– the Army of Serbia and Montenegro,– institutions of the member states established on

the basis of the Constitutions of the memberstates.

In the realisation of the aims and tasks pertaining todefence, the elements of the defence system adhere tothe provisions of the Universal Declaration of HumanRights, the Geneva Conventions, the International Hu-manitarian Law Code and the internal legislation.

Institutions of Serbia and Montenegro

Institutions of Serbia and Montenegro in thesphere of defence are: the Parliament of Serbia andMontenegro, the Supreme Defence Council, theCouncil of Ministers and the Ministry of Defence.

Institutions of Serbia and Montenegro manage thedefence system in accordance with the ConstitutionalCharter of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro.

The Army of Serbia and Montenegro

The Army of Serbia and Montenegro is the armedforce of the defence system. It is developed based onthe best domestic and foreign experiences andachievements in the sphere of security and defence.

The Army is entrusted with missions and tasks. Missions and tasks of the Army are defined by the

Parliament of Serbia and Montenegro, on the basis ofthe inalienable right of the member states to indivi-dual and collective defence, in accordance with Arti-cle 51 of the UN Charter, based on the principles ofinternational law regulating the use of force and theConstitutional Charter of the State Union of Serbiaand Montenegro.

Missions of the Army of Serbia and Montenegro are:– defence of the member states and Serbia and

Montenegro against external armed threats; – participating in building and preserving peace in

the region and in the world; – support to the member states in the case of natu-

ral disasters and catastrophes.The basic aims of the Army of Serbia and Mon-

tenegro are:– deterrence against armed threats and other mili-

tary security challenges, risks and threats; – defence of the territory, air space and territorial


Elementi sistema odbrane su:– institucije Srbije i Crne Gore, ustano-

vqene na osnovu Ustavne poveqe dr`avnezajednice Srbija i Crna Gora;

– Vojska Srbije i Crne Gore;– institucije dr`ava ~lanica ustanovqene

na ustavima dr`ava ~lanica.U realizaciji ciqeva i zadataka odbrane

elementi sistema odbrane pridr`avaju se od-redaba Univerzalne deklaracije o qudskimpravima, @enevskih konvencija, Kodeksa me-ðunarodnog humanitarnog prava i unutrašwegzakonodavstva.

Institucije Srbije

i Crne Gore

Institucije Srbije i Crne Gore u oblastiodbrane su: Skupština Srbije i Crne Gore,Vrhovni savet odbrane, Savet ministara iMinistarstvo odbrane.

Institucije Srbije i Crne Gore upravqajusistemom odbrane prema Ustavnoj poveqi dr-`avne zajednice Srbija i Crna Gora i zakonom.

Vojska Srbije i

Crne Gore

Vojska Srbije i Crne Gore je oru`ana silasistema odbrane. Razvija se na najboqim do-ma}im i stranim iskustvima i dostignu}imanau~ne misli u oblasti bezbednosti i odbra-ne.

Vojsci se dodequju misije i zadaci.Misije i zadatke Vojske definiše Skup-

ština Srbije i Crne Gore, na osnovu neotuði-vog prava dr`ava ~lanica na individualnu ikolektivnu odbranu, saglasno ~lanu 51. Pove-qe OUN, na principima meðunarodnog pravakojima se reguliše upotreba sile i Ustavnepoveqe dr`avne zajednice Srbija i Crna Go-ra.

Misije Vojske Srbije i Crne Gore su:– odbrana dr`ava ~lanica i Srbije i Crne

Gore od spoqnog oru`anog ugro`avawa;– u~eš}e u izgradwi i o~uvawu mira u regi-

onu i svetu; – podrška dr`avama ~lanicama u slu~aju

prirodnih nepogoda i katasrofa.Osnovni zadaci Vojske Srbije i Crne Gore

su:– odvra}awe od oru`anog ugro`avawa i dru-

gih vojnih izazova, rizika i pretwi bez-bednosti;

– odbrana teritorije, vazdušnog prostorai akvatorije;

– osposobqavawe vojnika, starešina, ko-mandi, jedinica i ustanova za realizacijumisija i zadataka;

– u~eš}e u meðunarodnoj vojnoj saradwi imirovnim operacijama pod okriqem OUNi sistema kolektivne bezbednosti;

– pru`awe pomo}i dr`avama ~lanicama uslu~aju prirodnih nepogoda i katastrofave}ih razmera u kojima su ugro`eni qud-ski `ivoti, `ivotna sredina i materijal-na dobra.

Na osnovu odluka Skupštine Srbije i CrneGore i Vrhovnog saveta odbrane, Vojska mo`eda obavqa i druge zadatke.

Osnove organizacione strukture i brojnuveli~inu Vojske utvrðuje Vrhovni savet odb-rane, na predlog Ministarstva odbrane, zav-isno od stepena ugro`enosti, resursa, misija,zadataka i meðunarodnih standarda.

Vojska se, na~elno, popuwava profesional-nim, ro~nim i rezervnim sastavom, sa tenden-cijom ka potpunoj profesionalizaciji. Razvi-ja sopstvene sisteme obuke i logistike, a osla-wa se na resurse dr`ava ~lanica i stranihpartnera. Na osnovu odluke Vrhovnog savetaodbrane, svoje kapacitete stavqa na raspola-gawe i drugim korisnicima.

Vojska se organizuje na strategijskom, op-erativnom i takti~kom nivou i u komande, je-dinice i ustanove. Na~elno je ~ine vidovi, ro-dovi i slu`be. Vidovi su integrisane organi-zacijske celine rodova i slu`bi koje su rela-tivno autonomne u borbenim dejstvima na kop-nu, moru i vazduhu.

Vidovi Vojske su: Kopnena vojska (KoV), Va-zduhoplovstvo i protivvazduhoplovna odbra-na (V i PVO) i Mornarica (M) (Grafikon 9).

Grafikon 9: Procentualna zastupqenost vidova i logistike

– training soldiers, commanding officers, com-mands, Army units and institutions to be able toaccomplish missions and tasks;

– participation in international military coopera-tion and peacekeeping operations under the aus-pices of UN and the collective security system;

– assisting the member states in the case of naturaldisasters and catastrophes of major proportionsendangering people’s lives, the environment andmaterial goods.

Based on decisions of the Parliament of Serbiaand Montenegro and the Supreme Defence Council,the Army may perform other tasks as well.

The basis of the organisational structure and thesize of the Army (in terms of the number of perso-nnel) is established by the Supreme Defence Council,acting on the proposal of the Ministry of Defence,depending on the nature of a threat, the resourcesavailable, the missions, tasks and international stan-dards.

The Army is manned by professionals, soldiersdoing their national service and reserve force mem-bers, with the trend being towards full professionali-sation. The Army develops its own systems of train-ing and logistics, relying on the resources of themember states and foreign partners. On the basis ofthe decisions of the Supreme Defence Council, theArmy places its capacities at the disposal of otherbeneficiaries as well.

The Army is organised on the strategic, operativeand tactical level, and in the form of commands,units and institutions. As a matter of principle, it ismade up of branches, sub-branches and services.Branches are integrated organisational wholes rela-tively independent in combat activities on land, atsea and in the air.

The Army components are: the land force, theair force and anti-aircraft defence, and the navy(Graph 9).

Graph 9: The Percentage Representation of Branchesand Logistics.



The Army branches are: infantry, armoured-mechanised units, artillery, engineering corps, ar-tillery-missile units for anti-aircraft action, aviation,navigation, electronic reconnaissance and electroniccounter-measures activities.

Army services are subdivided into general and lo-gistic services.

General services are: intelligence, security, signalcorps, information technology, chemical-biological-radiological, air reconnaissance and alert, geodetic,hydro-meteorological, hydro-navigational, and legalservices.

Logistic services are: technical, supply, medical,traffic, veterinary, construction and financial servic-es.

Land force

The organisation, make-up, armaments and equip-ment of the land force are based on the requirements ofcombat activities on land. Along with other branchesand elements of defence, the land force is the agent ofarmed combat, liberation and maintenance of landspace under all kinds of combat conditions, and of par-ticipation in peacekeeping operations.

Rodovi Vojske su: pešadija, oklopno-meha-nizovane jedinice, artiqerija, in`iwerija,artiqerijsko-raketne jedinice za protivva-zduhoplovna dejstva, avijacija, pomorstvo ielektronsko izviðawe i protivelektronskadejstva.

Slu`be Vojske dele se na opšte i logi-sti~ke.

Opšte slu`be su: obaveštajna, bezbedno-sna, veza, informati~ka, atomsko-biološko-hemijska, vazdušno osmatrawe i javqawe, geo-detska, hidrometeorološka i hidronavigacij-ska i pravna slu`ba.

Logisti~ke slu`be su: tehni~ka, inten-dantska, sanitetska, saobra}ajna, veterinar-ska, graðevinska i finansijska slu`ba.

Kopnena vojska

Organizacija, sastav, naoru`awe i opremaKopnene vojske prilagoðeni su za realizacijuborbenih dejstava na kopnu. Zajedno sa drugimvidovima i ostalim snagama odbrane, KoV jenosilac oru`ane borbe, oslobaðawa i dr`awaprostora u svim borbenim uslovima, kao iu~eš}a u mirovnim operacijama.

Kopnena Vojska je organizovana u Komandukopnenih snaga, korpuse, odreðeni broj nepo-sredno pot~iwenih jedinica takti~kog nivoai Centar za obuku i usavršavawe.

Naoru`awe i vojna oprema KoV zasnivaju sena tehnologiji iz sedamdesetih godina 20. ve-ka, a borbena vozila su druge i tre}e generaci-je.

U operativnoj upotrebi su slede}a osnovnaborbena sredstva:

– automatska puška 5,56 mm M21; puškomi-traqez 7,62 mm M84; baca~ granata, automat-ski, 30 mm M99; snajperska puška 12,7 mm„Crna strela”;

– tenkovi M–84 i T–72; – oklopna borbena vozila BVP M–80 i

BRDM–2;– artiqerijska oruða za podršku H122 i

H155; TH152 D20; HT152 „NORA”; top 130;LRSV 128 „PLAMEN”; SVLR 128„OGAW”, MB–120 i MB–82;

– protivoklopni raketni sistemi POLOM–83, POLK 9K11 i 9K111.

Vazduhoplovstvo i



Vazduhoplovstvo i protivvazduhoplovna od-brana objediwava rodove i slu`be ~iji su orga-nizacija, sastav, oru`je i oprema prilagoðeniza izvoðewe borbenih dejstava po ciqevima u va-zdušnom prostoru, na zemqi i vodi, i pod vodom.

Snage Vazduhoplovstva i protivvazduhoplov-ne odbrane organizovane su u Komandu vazduho-plovstva i protivvazduhoplovne odbrane, jedi-nice, vazduhoplovne baze i Centar za obuku iusavršavawe.

Taj vid Vojske poseduje tre}u generaciju bor-benih aviona, u koje spadaju lova~ki avioniMiG–29, MiG–21, lova~ko-bombarderski avion„Orao" i školsko-borbeni avion G–4.

Avioni imaju opremu i naoru`awe iz sedamde-setih godina 20. veka, a osnovu naoru`awa ~inenevoðena ubojna sredstva. Pored navedenih bor-benih aviona, u sastavu Vazduhoplovstva i pro-tivvazduhoplovne odbrane nalazi se i odreðenibroj transportnih, izviða~kih i školskih avio-na, a u operativnoj upotrebi su borbeni i tran-sportni helikopteri tipa Mi–8 i „Gazela”.

Raketni sistemi koji se koriste za protivva-zduhoplovna dejstva pripadaju generaciji ureðajaproizvedenih šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina20. veka i u procesu su modernizacije. Na tajna~in u~iwen je pokušaj da se stari sistemi zadr-`e u upotrebi do nabavke novih, modernijih si-stema, a da to što mawe uti~e na borbenu goto-vost.

The organisation of the land force comprises theLand Force Command, corps, a number of directlysubordinated tactical-level units and the Centre forTraining and Specialisation.

The armaments and military equipment of the landforce are based on 1970’s technology, whereas ourcurrent combat vehicles are second and the third gen-eration.

The following means of combat are in use: – automatic rifle 5.56mm M21; submachine gun

7.62mm M84; automatic grenade thrower30mm M99; sniper rifle 12.7mm “Black Ar-row”;

– tanks M–84 and T–72; – armoured vehicles BVP M–80 and BRDM–2;– artillery weapons for support H122 and H155;

TH152 D20; HT152 “NORA”; gun 130; LRSV128 “PLAMEN”; SVLR 128 “OGANJ”,MB–120 and MB–82;

– anti-armour missile systems POLO M–83,POLK 9K11 and 9K111.

Air force and anti-aircraft


Air force and anti-aircraft defence comprisebranches and services whose reorganisation, make-up, armaments and equipment are based on the re-quirements of combat activities in air space, on landand under water.

Air force and anti-aircraft defence comprise theAir Force and Anti-aircraft Defence Command,units, air force bases and the Centre for Training andSpecialisation.

This branch of the Army possesses third-genera-tion fighter planes, among them MiG-29, MiG-21,fighter-bomber “Orao” and the training-fighter planeG-4.

The planes carry equipment and weapons fromthe 1970’s, and their armaments are characterizedby unguided delivery systems. In addition to theabove-mentioned fighter planes, the air force andanti-aircraft defence possess a number of transport,reconnaissance and training planes; also in use arefighter and transport helicopters Mi-8 and“Gazela”.

Missile systems used for anti-aircraft defence be-long to the generation of devices produced in the1960’s and the 1970’s, and are in the process of beingmodernised. In this way, an attempt has been made tokeep the old systems in use until new, more modernsystems have been procured, while maintaining com-bat readiness as much as possible.


Osnovna sredstva u operativnoj upotrebi zaprotivvazduhoplovna dejstva su:

– raketni sistemi sredweg dometa „NEVA” i„KUB”,

– raketni sistemi malog dometa: „STRE-LA–10”, „STRELA–1”, „ŠILO” i „STRE-LA–2”;

– protivavionski top 30/2 mm, i 40 mm L–70.Vazduhoplovstvo i PVO opremqeno je ra-

darskim sistemima „P” serije, zasnovanim nacevnoj tehnologiji, proizvedenim šezdesetihgodina; „S” serije, zasnovanim na tranzistor-skoj tehnologiji, proizvedenim sedamdesetihgodina, i „TPS” serije, zasnovanim na inte-grisanoj tehnologiji prve generacije, proizve-denim osamdesetih godina. Osnovni radari ko-ji se nalaze u operativnoj upotrebi su: P–12,P–14, P–15, P–18, RL–128, PRV–11, PRV–16/9,S–600, TPS–63, TPS–70 i „@IRAFA” M85.


Mornarica objediwava rodove i slu`be,~iji su organizacija, sastav, oru`je i opremaprilagoðeni za izvoðewe borbenih i drugihdejstava na moru, u obalskom pojasu i na unu-trašwim plovnim putevima.

The basic means of anti-aircraft combat in use are:– middle-range missile systems “NEVA” and

“KUB”,– short-range missile systems “STRELA-10”,

“STRELA-1”, “ŠILO” and “STRELA-2”,– anti-aircraft gun 30/2mm, and 40mm M–70.The air force and anti-aircraft defence are

equipped with the “P” series radar systems, based onthe tube technology, produced in the 1960’s; the “C”series systems, based on the transistor technology,produced in the 1970’s; the “TPS” series, based onthe first-generation integrated technology, producedin the 1980’s. The basic radars in use are: P-12, P-14,P-15, P-18, RL-128, PRV-11, PRV-16/9, S-600, TPS-63, TPS-70 and “ŽIRAFA” M85.


The navy comprises branches and services whoseorganisation, make-up and equipment are based onthe requirement for performing combat and other ac-tivities at sea, in the coastal region, and within inlandwaterways.


Organizovana je u Komandu mornarice, Flo-tilu pomorskih snaga, Re~nu flotilu, brigaduobalske odbrane, Pomorski centar i Centarza obuku i usavršavawe.

Poseduje više vrsta brodova, pokretne lan-sere obala–more, artiqerijska oruða, osma-tra~ke sisteme i druga sredstva naoru`awa ivojne opreme.

U sastavu pomorskih snaga nalaze se brodovisredwe generacije, razli~ite namene: raketnefregate, raketne topovwa~e, podmornice, di-verzantske podmornice, lovci mina, minopo-laga~i, desantni jurišni ~amci i pomo}ni iškolski brodovi.

Re~na flotila, kao osnovna jedinica Mor-narice na unutrašwim plovnim putevima, po-seduje vlastite kapacitete za bazirawe i odr-`avawe ve}ine formacijskih brodova i plov-nih sredstava.


Logistika ~ini poseban podsistem, koji obez-beðuje realizovawe materijalne, zdravstvene iinfrastrukturne podrške Vojske u ostvariva-wu wenih misija i obavqawu zadataka.

Pod osnovnim principima u organizovawulogistike podrazumevaju se projektovawe i us-

The navy comprises the Navy Command, the ma-ritime fleet, the river fleet, the shore defence brigade,the Maritime Centre and the Centre for Training andSpecialisation.

The navy possesses several types of ships, mobileshore-sea launchers, artillery weapons, reconnais-sance systems and other kinds of armaments and mi-litary equipment.

The maritime forces possess middle-generationships of various purposes: missile frigates, missilegunships, submarines, sabotage submarines, minesweepers, mine layers, landing attack ships and au-xiliary and training ships.

The river fleet, as the basic navy unit for inlandwaterways, possesses its own capacities for basingand maintaining most formation ships and vessels.


Logistics is a special subsystem ensuring the real-isation of material, health care and infrastructuralsupport to the Army in the accomplishment of itsmissions and performing its tasks.

The basic principles in the organisation of logis-tics are the planning and the establishment of a func-


postavqawe funkcionalne logisti~ke struktu-re i weno povezivawe i oslawawe na odgovara-ju}e dr`avne i privredne kapacitete, ~ime se,prema realnim mogu}nostima, na optimalanna~in obezbeðuje materijalna i kadrovska po-drška Vojske u realizaciji mirnodopskih iratnih ciqeva i zadataka.

Logistika je organizovana u Komandu logi-stike, logisti~ke baze, logisti~ke brigade iCentar za obuku i usavršavawe.

Logisti~ka podrška Vojske obuhvata funk-ciju snabdevawa, odr`avawa, zdravstva, tran-sporta, infrastrukture i opšte logistike.

Snabdevawe je funkcija kojom se obezbeðujeplansko i racionalno koriš}ewe materijal-nih resursa, kao i kontinuirana i pravovreme-na popuna jedinica i ustanova Vojske potreb-nim materijalnim sredstvima. Pod wim se pod-razumeva dostava materijalnih sredstava i in-formacija od izvora–proizvoða~a i iz uvoza, dokrajwih korisnika jedinice.

Odr`avawe je logisti~ka funkcija namewe-na za o~uvawe i obnavqawe zahtevanog stepenaispravnosti, pouzdanosti i resursa tehni~kihsistema. Organizuje se i sprovodi s osloncem nakapacitete Vojske i namenske proizvodno-re-montne i uslu`ne kapacitete. Vojska planira iorganizuje odr`avawe na osnovu sopstvenih ka-paciteta, a preko nadle`nih dr`avnih organaanga`uje i remontne i infrastrukturne kapa-citete preduze}a, zanatstva i stru~nih organi-zacija.

tional logistic structure and its linking to and relianceon the corresponding state and economic structures,thus ensuring, in keeping with our real potential andconstraints, material and personnel support to theArmy in the accomplishment of peacetime andwartime goals and tasks.

Logistics comprises the Logistics Command, lo-gistic bases, logistic brigades and the Centre forTraining and Specialisation.

Logistic support to the Army comprises the func-tions of supply, maintenance, health care, transporta-tion, infrastructure and general logistics.

The supply function ensures for a planned and ra-tional use of material resources, as well as continuedand timely supply of units and institutions of theArmy with the requisite material goods. It presu-pposes the delivery of material goods and informationfrom the source – the manufacturer, and from im-ports, to the end-user unit.

Maintenance is a logistic function aimed at thesustainment and/or renewal of the required degree ofthe working order, dependability and resources oftechnical systems. It is organised and implementedrelying on the Army capacities and specific-purposeproduction-repair and service capacities. The Armyplans and organises maintenance on the basis of itsown capacities, and engages the repair and infra-structural capacities of companies, crafts and expertorganisations through the authorised state organs.

Transportation is a logistic function ensuring aplanned and rational use of transportation resourcesand roads, and organising and monitoring the move-


Transport je logisti~ka funkcija kojom seobezbeðuje plansko i racionalno koriš}ewetransportnih resursa i puteva i organizuju ikontrolišu kretawe i upotreba transportnihsredstava. Funkcijom transporta obezbeðuje seplansko i uredno odvijawe saobra}aja na komu-nikacijama i ekonomi~no koriš}ewe tran-sportnih sredstava, s osloncem na jedinstvenisaobra}ajno-transportni sistem zemqe, radiobezbeðewa pokretqivosti jedinica Vojske iwihove pravovremene logisti~ke podrške.

Zdravstvo je logisti~ka funkcija kojom seobezbeðuje zdravstvena zaštita qudi i ̀ ivoti-wa. Realizuje se kroz preventivnu zdravstvenuzaštitu qudi i `ivotiwa, pru`awe pomo}i ile~ewe, evakuaciju i snabdevawe sanitetskimmaterijalom.

Infrastruktura je logisti~ka funkcijakojom se obezbeðuju povoqni uslovi za kvali-tetno obavqawe drugih funkcija logisti~kepodrške. Obuhvata planirawe, izgradwu i eks-ploataciju objekata za rad i smeštaj qudstva.

Opštelogisti~kom funkcijom obezbeðuju sepovoqni uslovi za ishranu, odevawe i smeštaj.

Stru~ne nosioce realizacije funkcija u po-jedinim podsistemima logisti~ke podrške~ine logisti~ke slu`be.


-informati~ki sistem

Telekomunikaciono-informati~ki sistemnamewen je za planirawe, organizovawe, elek-tronsku obradu i razmenu informacija na

ment and use of means of transportation. The trans-portation function ensures a planned and orderly un-folding of transport communications and the eco-nomic use of means of transportation, relying on thecommon traffic-transportation system of the country,for the purpose of ensuring Army unit mobility andtimely logistic support to them.

Health care is a logistic function ensuring thehealth care of people and animals. It is realisedthrough the preventive health care of people and animals, the provision of aid and medical treatment,evacuation and provision of medical supplies.

Infrastructure is a logistic function ensuringfavourable conditions for a quality performance ofother logistic functions. It comprises the planning,construction and use of structures intended for workand accommodation of personnel.

The general logistic function ensures favourableconditions for nourishment, clothing and accommo-dation.

Logistic services are the agents for the accom-plishment of functions in individual subsystems oflogistic support.

Telecommunications-informatics system

The telecommunications-informatics system isdedicated to the planning, organising, electronic pro-cessing and exchange of information on the strategic,


strategijskom, operativnom i takti~kom ni-vou komandovawa, i izmeðu wih, radi stvarawauslova za efikasno komandovawe u realnomvremenu.

Organizaciju telekomunikaciono-infor-mati~kog sistema u Vojsci realizuju: stacio-narne i mobilne jedinice veze, jedinice zaelektronsko izviðawe i protivelektronskadejstva i Centar za komandno-informacionesisteme i informati~ku podršku.

Podsistem veze u Vojsci delom je integri-san sa telekomunikacionim sistemima u dr`a-vama ~lanicama.



Vojnoteritorijalni organi osnovni su iz-vršni organi za poslove vojne, radne i mate-rijalne obaveze. Organizovani su u vojne okru-ge, odseke i odeqke.

Vojni okrug je nadle`an za poslove vojne,radne i materijalne obaveze na teritorijiviše regiona – okruga. U Srbiji postoje pet, au Crnoj Gori jedan okrug.

Vojni odsek je nadle`an za poslove vojne,radne i materijalne obaveze na teritorijiviše opština. Postoji 29 vojnih odseka.

Odeqak vojnog odseka nadle`an je za poslo-ve vojne obaveze na teritoriji opštine. Po-stoje 184 odeqka vojnih odseka: 163 u Srbiji i21 u Crnoj Gori.

Poslove iz svog delokruga, vojno teritori-jalni organi obavqaju na osnovu Ustavne pove-qe, Zakona o odbrani, Zakona o Vojsci, zakonai podzakonskih propisa dr`ava ~lanica i Sr-bije i Crne Gore, i pravila i uputstava kojimase reguliše oblast vojne, radne i materijalneobaveze i mobilizacije.

U realizaciji zadataka, vojnoteritorijalniorgani povezuju komande Vojske sa organimaministarstava unutrašwih poslova dr`ava~lanica, mati~nom slu`bom opština, dostav-nom slu`bom PTT-a, sudovima, Direkcijom zakonzularne poslove Ministarstva spoqnihposlova, i drugim dr`avnim organima i prav-nim licima.

Institucije dr`ava


Institucije dr`ava ~lanica deo su sistemaodbrane dr`avne zajednice Srbija i Crna Go-ra. Organizuju se na nivou dr`ava ~lanica ilokalne samouprave.

Nadle`nosti institucija dr`ava ~lanica su:

operational and tactical levels of command and be-tween them, for the purpose of creating conditionsfor efficient command in real time. The organisationof the telecommunications-informatics system in theArmy is comprised of stationary and mobile signal-corps units, electronic reconnaissance and electroniccounter-measure units, and the Centre for Command-informatics Systems and Informatics Support. TheArmy communications subsystem is integrated withthe telecommunications systems in the memberstates.


Military-territorial organisationss are the basic execu-tive elements dealing with matters pertaining to military,service and material requirements. They are organised inthe form of military districts, departments and sections.

Amilitary district is authorised to deal with matters per-taining to military, service and material requirements onthe territory of a number of regions – districts. There arefive military districts in Serbia and one in Montenegro.

A military department is authorised to deal withmatters pertaining to military, work and material re-quirements on the territory of a certain number ofmunicipalities. There exist 29 military departments.

Sections, within military departments, are autho-rised to deal with matters pertaining to military obliga-tion on the territory of a municipality. There exist 184such sections: 163 in Serbia and 21 in Montenegro.

Military-territorial organs perform the work theyare authorised for on the basis of the ConstitutionalCharter, the Law on Defence, the Law on the Army,laws and decrees of the member states and of theState Union of Serbia and Montenegro, and the rulesand instructions regulating the sphere of military,work and material obligations and mobilisation.

In the accomplishment of their tasks, military-te-rritorial organisations link Army commands with or-ganisations of the Ministries of Internal Affairs of themember states, local municipal services, the deliveryservice of the Post Office, courts, the Directorate forConsular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairsand with other state organs and legal persons.

Institutions of the mem-ber states

Institutions of the member states are part of the de-fence system of the State Union of Serbia and Mon-tenegro. They are organised on the level of the mem-ber states and the level of local government.

Institutions of the member states are authorised to:


5.1.3. 5.1.3.

– obezbeðivawe neophodnih pretpostavki zafunkcionisawe sistema odbrane;

– zaštita i spasavawe qudi, materijalnihdobara i `ivotne sredine.

Osnovni zadaci institucija dr`ava ~lanicau sistemu odbrane dr`avne zajednice Srbija iCrna Gora su: obezbeðewe kontinuiranog funk-cionisawa dr`avnih organa, privrede i javnihslu`bi; edukacija i odbrambeno osposobqava-we graðana; podrška humanitarnim operacija-ma; informisawe javnosti; ostvarivawe regio-nalne i prekograni~ne saradwe i koordinisa-we aktivnosti sa ostalim institucijama zna~aj-nim za odbranu; rano upozoravawe i obavešta-vawe; zaštita i spasavawe civilnog stanov-ništva, materijalnih dobara i `ivotne sredi-ne, i zaštita kapitalnih kulturnih dobara.

Elementi institucija dr`ava ~lanica su or-gani, organizacije i slu`be dr`ava ~lanica,organi i slu`be lokalne samouprave, preduze}ai druga pravna lica, jedinice, poverenici ištabovi civilne zaštite.

Da bi se obezbedilo racionalno i efikasnodelovawe institucija dr`ava ~lanica u siste-mu odbrane Srbije i Crne Gore organizuju sepripreme graðana, dr`avnih organa, organiza-cija i slu`bi, organa i slu`bi lokalne samou-prave, preduze}a i drugih pravnih lica, javnihslu`bi, osobqa, jedinica i organa civilnezaštite.

– provide the necessary preconditions for thefunctioning of the defence system;

– protect and rescue people, material goods andthe environment.

The basic tasks of institutions of the memberstates in the defence system of the State Union ofSerbia and Montenegro are: to ensure the continuedfunctioning of state organs, the economy and publicservices; education and defence training of citizens;support to humanitarian operations; informing thepublic; realising regional and cross-border coopera-tion, and coordinating activities with other institu-tions of importance for defence; early warning andalert; protecting and rescuing civilian population,material goods and the environment, and protectingmajor cultural monuments.

Elements of institutions of the member states areorgans, organisations and services of local govern-ment, companies and other legal persons, civil de-fence units, trustees and headquarters’.

In order to provide a rational and efficient func-tioning of institutions of the member states in the de-fence system of Serbia and Montenegro, the trainingof citizens, state organs, organisations and services,local government organs and services, companiesand other legal persons, public services, civil defencepersonnel, units and organs is organised.

Civil defence is an element of the defence systemof the member states. It represents a subsystem in themanagement and coordination of activities aimed at


Civilna zaštita je deo institucija dr`ava~lanica u sistemu odbrane. ^ini podsistemupravqawa i koordinacije aktivnosti na spro-voðewu mera u zaštiti i spasavawu qudi, mate-rijalnih dobara i `ivotne sredine od prirod-nih katastrofa i tehni~ko-tehnoloških i dru-gih nesre}a.

U dr`avama ~lanicama civilna zaštita ob-jediwava u jedinstven sistem zaštite i spasava-wa i sve organe, preduze}a, organizacije i slu-`be koji obavqaju delatnosti zna~ajne zazaštitu i spasavawe civilnog stanovništva,materijalnih dobara i `ivotne sredine.

Osnovne funkcije civilne zaštite su:– zaštita, pod kojom se podrazumevaju sve

mere usmerene na prevenciju nesre}a iograni~avawe wihovih posledica;

– pomo}, koja obuhvata sve aktivnosti spasa-vawa qudi i materijalnih dobara radi ot-klawawa posledica nesre}a;

– rehabilitacija, koja ~ini sve mere i aktiv-nosti koje se preduzimaju radi uspostavqa-wa neophodnih uslova za `ivot graðana napostradalim podru~jima.

Organi, jedinice i slu`be civilne zaštitefunkcije i zadatke realizuju u dr`avama ~la-nicama i lokalnoj samoupravi prema odredba-ma @enevske konvencije i meðunarodnog huma-nitarnog prava.

U dr`avama ~lanicama se ureðuju doktri-narne i normativne osnove organizovawa ifunkcionisawa civilne zaštite, donose pla-novi anga`ovawa, realizuju pripreme graðanaza li~nu i uzajamnu zaštitu, organizuje slu-`ba ranog upozoravawa i pripremaju i sprovo-de mere zaštite i spasavawa.

Dr`ave ~lanice i lokalna samouprava for-miraju i razvijaju organe rukovoðewa zašti-tom i spasavawem, odrede civilne zaštite ispecijalizovane jedinice za zaštitu i spasa-vawe, izraðuju nau~ne i tehni~ke projekte izoblasti zaštite i spasavawa i ostvaruju meðu-narodnu saradwu.

Upravqawei rukovoðewe

sistemom odbrane Upravqawem i rukovoðewem sistemom od-

brane obezbeðuje se stalno delovawe i efika-sno reagovawe svih elemenata sistema odbra-ne na vojne i nevojne izazove, rizike i pretwebezbednosti dr`ava ~lanica i Srbije i CrneGore.

implementing measures for protecting and rescuingpeople, material goods and the environment fromnatural catastrophes and technical-technological andother accidents.

In the member states civil defence incorporates,within the framework of a unified system of protec-tion and rescuing, all organs, companies, organisa-tions and services of importance for the protectionand rescuing of civilian population, material goodsand the environment.

The basic functions of civil defence are:– protection, which presupposes all measures

aimed at the prevention of accidents and thecontainment of their consequences;

– assistance, encompassing all activities pertain-ing to rescuing people and material goods forthe purpose of eliminating the consequences ofaccidents;

– rehabilitation, encompassing all measures andactivities undertaken with a view to establishingthe necessary preconditions for the life of citi-zens located in disaster areas.

Civil defence organisations, units and services ac-complish their functions and tasks in the memberstates and on the local government level in accor-dance with the provisions of the Geneva Conventionand international humanitarian law.

The member states regulate the doctrinal and nor-mative basis of the organisation and functioning ofcivil defence, prepare engagement plans, ensure forthe preparations of citizens for personal and mutualprotection, organise the early warning service, andprepare and implement measures aimed at protectingand rescuing people, material goods and the environ-ment.

The member states and local governments estab-lish and develop organs of management of protectionand preservation, civil defence units and specialisedunits for protection and preservation, prepare scien-tific and technical projects in the sphere of protectionand preservation, and accomplish internationalcooperation.


managementManagement of the defence system ensures the

continued functioning and efficient response of allelements of the defence system to military and non-military security challenges, risks and threats to themember states and Serbia and Montenegro.


5.2. 5.2.

Institucije koje

upravqaju i rukovode

sistemom odbrane

Sistemom odbrane upravqaju SkupštinaSrbije i Crne Gore, Vrhovni savet odbrane,Savet ministara i Ministarstvo odbrane,prema nadle`nostima utvrðenim zakonom.

Skupština Srbije i Crne Gore upravqa-we ostvaruje kroz donošewe zakona, odluka idrugih akata, i kroz nadzor nad elementimasistema odbrane, preko skupštinskih odborai komisija.

Kao najviši zakonodavni organ, SkupštinaSrbije i Crne Gore u oblasti odbrane:

– proglašava i ukida ratno stawe, uz prethod-nu saglasnost skupština dr`ava ~lanica;

– kontroliše sprovoðewe utvrðene politi-ke odbrane;

– donosi strategiju odbrane i zakone koji seodnose na vojna pitawa i odbranu;

– odlu~uje o ~lanstvu Srbije i Crne Gore uregionalnim i širim vojnim savezima uokviru sistema kolektivne bezbednosti;

– ratifikuje meðunarodne sporazume i ugo-vore;

Institutions managing the defence


The defence system is managed by the Parliamentof Serbia and Montenegro, the Supreme DefenceCouncil, the Council of Ministers and the Ministry ofDefence on the basis of their authorities establishedby the law.

The Parliament of Serbia and Montenegro accom-plishes its management function by passing laws, de-cisions and other acts, and by overseeing elements ofthe defence system through parliamentary commi-ttees and commissions.

As the highest legislative organ in the sphere ofdefence, the Parliament of Serbia and Montenegro:

– decides on declaration and termination of a stateof war, having obtained prior consent of the Par-liaments of the member states;

– monitors the implementation of the establisheddefence policy;

– passes the defence strategy and laws pertainingto military issues and defence;

– decides on the membership of Serbia and Montene-gro in regional and broader military alliances with-in the framework of the collective security system;


5.2.1. 5.2.1.

– utvrðuje sredstva (godišwi prihodi irashodi) neophodna za finansirawe nad-le`nosti poverenih Srbiji i Crnoj Gorina predlog nadle`nih organa dr`ava ~la-nica i Saveta ministara;

– obavqa demokratski nadzor i kontrolunad Vojskom i ostalim elementima siste-ma odbrane;

– odobrava upu}ivawe jedinica Vojske iostalih snaga odbrane izvan teritorijedr`ava ~lanica i Srbije i Crne Gore iprisustvo stranih oru`anih snaga na wi-hovoj teritoriji.

Vrhovni savet odbrane, u svojstvu vrhov-nog komandanta, komanduje Vojskom i od-lu~uje o wenoj upotrebi. Odluke donosi kon-senzusom.

U ostvarivawu svojih nadle`nosti, Vrhov-ni savet odbrane:

– odobrava Plan upotrebe Vojske,– odobrava Vojnu doktrinu,– odlu~uje o upotrebi Vojske u miru i ratu,– odobrava osnove organizacije Vojske,– donosi ukaze o kadrovskim rešewima u

Vojsci.Savet ministara i Ministarstvo odbra-

ne funkciju upravqawa ostvaruju ruko-voðewem i kontrolom.

Savet ministara, kao izvršni organ Skup-{tine Srbije i Crne Gore, u oblasti odbrane:

– utvrðuje i sprovodi politiku Srbije iCrne Gore saglasno zajedni~koj politicii interesima dr`ava ~lanica;

– predla`e Skupštini Srbije i Crne GoreStrategiju odbrane i zakone o vojnim pi-tawima i odbrani;

– donosi mere pripravnosti;– utvrðuje osnove planova priprema predu-

ze}a i drugih pravnih lica koja imaju po-seban zna~aj za odbranu;

– stara se, prema zakonu, o razvoju proiz-vodnih i drugih kapaciteta za proizvod-wu naoru`awa i vojne opreme i o prometutih sredstava;

– predla`e troškovnik-dokument o go-dišwim prihodima i rashodima neophod-nim za finansirawe odbrane;

– ostvaruje inspekcijski nadzor u oblastiodbrane.

Ministarstvo odbrane najviši je uprav-ni i stru~ni organ Srbije i Crne Gore uoblasti odbrane (Šema 2).

– ratifies international treaties and agreements; – determines the funding required for financing

the authorized activities of Serbia and Montene-gro is authorised for on the basis of a proposal ofthe authorised organs of the Member States andthe Council of Ministers;

– carries out the democratic oversight and controlof the Army and other elements of the defencesystem;

– approves the deployment of Army units and oth-er defence forces outside the territory of themember states and the State Union of Serbia andMontenegro, and the presence of foreign armedforces on their territory.

The Supreme Defence Council, acting as thesupreme commander, commands the Army and de-cides on its deployment. The Council reaches deci-sions by consensus.

Performing the functions for which its is autho-rised, the Supreme Defence Council:

– approves the Plan for the Deployment of theArmy,

– approves the Army Doctrine,– decides on the deployment of the Army in peace-

time and in wartime,– approves the basis of Army organisation,– issues decrees on Army personnel matters.The Council of Ministers and the Ministry of De-

fence accomplish their functions by managing andoverseeing the Army.

In the sphere of defence, the Council of Ministers,as the executive organ of the Parliament of Serbiaand Montenegro:

– establishes and implements the policy of Serbiaand Montenegro in accordance with the com-mon policy and the interests of the memberstates;

– submits proposals for the Defence Strategy andlaws on military matters and defence to the Par-liament of Serbia and Montenegro;

– passes emergency measures;– establishes the basis for plans for the preparation

of companies and other legal personnel that areof particular importance for defence;

– in accordance with the law, ensures for the de-velopment of production and other capacities forthe production of armaments and military equip-ment and for their distribution;

– proposes the expenditures list – a document onthe annual income and expenditures necessaryfor funding the defence;

– accomplishes its oversight function through in-spections in the sphere of defence.

The Ministry of Defence is the highest manage-ment and expert organ of Serbia and Montenegro inthe sphere of defence (Scheme 2).



U okviru svojih nadle`nosti, Ministar-stvo odbrane:

– sprovodi zakone i druga akta SkupštineSrbije i Crne Gore, Saveta ministara iVrhovnog saveta odbrane;

– koordinira i sprovodi politiku odbranekoju utvrdi Savet ministara;

– izraðuje predloge zakona, planova i stra-tegijskih dokumenata u oblasti odbrane;

– upravqa razvojem sistema odbrane;– koordinira aktivnosti sa drugim mini-

starstvima dr`ava ~lanica i Srbije i Cr-ne Gore, bezbednosnim institucijama i or-ganima dr`avne uprave i lokalne samou-prave;

– planira i koordinira koriš}ewe resursaodbrane;

– upravqa qudskim resursima, ukqu~uju}i iškolovawe kadra;

The Ministry of Defence is authorised to: – implement laws and other acts of the Parliament

of Serbia and Montenegro, the Council of Mi-nisters and the Supreme Defence Council;

– coordinate and implement the defence policy es-tablished by the Council of Ministers;

– draft laws, plans and strategic documents in thesphere of defence;

– manage the development of the defence system;– coordinate activities with other Ministries of the

member states and Serbia and Montenegro, se-curity institutions and state administration andlocal government organs;

– manage human resources, including personneltraining;

– coordinate preparations of defence infrastruc-ture;

Šema 2: Organizacijska struktura Ministarstva odbrane Scheme 2: The Organisational Structure of the Ministry of Defence


– koordinira pripreme infrastrukture od-brane;

– koordinira rad specijalizovanih organa iinstitucija u oblasti odbrane;

– planira proizvodwu naoru`awa i vojneopreme;

– utvrðuje standarde, metrologiju i klasi-fikaciju u oblasti odbrane;

– planira nau~noistra`iva~ki rad u obla-sti odbrane i planira i ostvaruje meðuna-rodnu saradwu u oblasti odbrane.

Ministar odbrane koordinira i sprovodiutvrðenu odbrambenu politiku i rukovodiVojskom Srbije i Crne Gore, na osnovu zakonai ovlaš}ewa Vrhovnog saveta odbrane.

Generalštab Vojske najviši je stru~ni ištabni organ koji priprema odluku o anga`o-vawu Vojske u miru i ratu.

Na~elnik Generalštaba obavqa operativ-nu funkciju komandovawa Vojskom, u skladu sasvojim nadle`nostima i odlukama Vrhovnogsaveta odbrane.

Upravqawe i rukovoðewe institucijamadr`ava ~lanica ustanovqenim na osnovu usta-va dr`ava ~lanica deo je upravqawa sistemomodbrane s jedinstvenim komandovawem. Spro-vodi se na nivou dr`ava ~lanica i lokalne sa-mouprave.

Demokratska i

civilna kontrola

Demokratska i civilna kontrola Vojske iostalih elemenata sistema odbrane zna~ajan jepokazateq demokratski ureðenog društva,stvarna te`wa Srbije i Crne Gore i jedan odosnovnih preduslova za wen ulazak u meðuna-rodne bezbednosne i druge integracije. Demo-kratskom i civilnom kontrolom pove}avaju setransparentnost, otvorenost i odgovornost uoblasti odbrane i izgraðuju adekvatni meha-nizmi kontrole Vojske i ostalih elemenatasistema odbrane.

U izgradwi i ja~awu mehanizama demokrat-ske i civilne kontrole Srbija i Crna Gorapoštuje principe i standarde OEBS-a, isku-stva razvijenih demokratija u zemqama Evrop-ske unije i zahteve Programa NATO „Part-nerstvo za mir”.

Da bi se stvorile neophodne pretpostavkeza uspešnu demokratsku i civilnu kontrolu,Srbija i Crna Gora je preduzela odgovaraju}emere i aktivnosti na politi~kom i zakonodav-nom planu:

– Ustavnom poveqom definisano je da jeVojska Srbije i Crne Gore pod demokrat-skom i civilnom kontrolom;

– coordinate the work of specialised organs andinstitutions in the sphere of defence;

– plan the production of armaments and militaryequipment;

– establish defence related standards, specifica-tions and classifications in the sphere of de-fence;

– plan scientific research in the sphere of defenceand to plan and accomplish international coop-eration in the sphere of defence.

The Minister of Defence coordinates and imple-ments the established defence policy and managesthe Army of Serbia and Montenegro on the basis ofthe law and the authority granted to him by theSupreme Defence Council.

The Army General Staff is the highest expert andheadquarters organisation preparing decisions on en-gaging the Army in peacetime and in wartime.

The Chief of General Staff performs the operativefunction of commanding the Army in accordancewith his authority and the decisions of the SupremeDefence Council.

Managing institutions of the member states estab-lished on the basis of the Constitutions of the mem-ber states is part of the management of the defencesystem by way of unified command. It is carried outon the level of the member states and local govern-ment.

Democratic and civiliancontrol

Democratic and civilian control of the Army andthe other elements of the defence system is an impor-tant indicator of a democratic society, the real aspira-tions of Serbia and Montenegro, and one of the basicprerequisites for the State Union’s entry in interna-tional security and other integrations. Democraticand civilian control of the Army increases trans-parency, openness and accountability in the sphere ofdefence, and contributes to the establishment of ade-quate mechanisms for controlling the Army and theother elements of the defence system.

Creating and strengthening the mechanisms ofdemocratic and civilian control, Serbia and Mon-tenegro observes the principles and standards ofOSCE, the experiences of developed democraticcountries in the EU and the requirements of the NA-TO “Partnership for Peace” programme.

In order to create the necessary prerequisites for suc-cessful democratic and civilian control, Serbia andMontenegro has undertaken the requisite measures andactivities in the sphere of politics and legislation:

– the Constitutional Charter prescribes that theArmy of Serbia and Montenegro is under demo-cratic and civilian control;

– the Constitutional Charter prescribes the author-

5.2.2. 5.2.2.

– Ustavnom poveqom su propisane nadle-`nosti institucija Srbije i Crne Gorekoje upravqaju sistemom odbrane;

– uskla|ena je organizacija Ministarstvaodbrane sa savremenim organizacionimrešewima evropskih dr`ava;

– Generalštab Vojske Srbije i Crne Gore ušao je u sastav Ministarstva odbrane, afunkciju ministra odbrane obavqa civil-no lice;

– donešen je Zakon o slu`bama bezbednosti,prema kojem su te slu`be stavqene pod de-mokratsku civilnu kontrolu;

– vojnim obveznicima je omogu}eno pravo naprigovor savesti;

– Zakonom o kontroli prometa naoru`awa ivojne opreme stvoreni su uslovi za demo-kratsku i civilnu kontrolu i nadzor nadprometom naoru`awa i vojne opreme;

– ostvareni su kontakti s relevantnim in-stitucijama i nevladinim organizacijamau zemqi i inostranstvu koje se bave pro-blemom civilno-vojnih odnosa i organizo-vani su brojni seminari i kursevi za obu-ku poslanika i stru~nih slu`bi u Skup-štini Srbije i Crne Gore, Ministarstvuodbrane i Vojsci;

ity of institutions of Serbia and Montenegromanaging the defence system;

– the organisation of the Ministry of Defence hasbeen adjusted to the modern organisational solu-tions of European states;

– the General Staff of the Army of Serbia andMontenegro has become part of the Ministry ofDefence, and a civilian performs the function ofthe Minister of Defence;

– the Law on Security Services has been passed,placing those services under civilian control;

– persons subject to military conscription have beengiven the opportunity for conscientious objection;

– by passing the Law on Controlling the Circulationof Armaments and Military Equipment, condi-tions have been created to establish democraticand civilian control of the Army and to monitorthe circulation of armaments and military equip-ment;

– contacts have been established with relevant insti-tutions and non-governmental organisations in ourcountry and abroad dealing with the problem ofcivilian-military relations, and numerous seminarsand courses have been organised for the trainingof representatives of the people and expert servic-es in the Parliament of Serbia and Montenegro,the Ministry of Defence and the Army;

– representatives of Serbia and Montenegro ac-



tively cooperate with the Centre for DemocraticControl of Armed Forces in Geneva;

– conditions have been created to significantly in-crease the influence of the public, governmentaland non-governmental organisations in thesphere of defence.

Through the above-mentioned measures and ac-tivities, conditions have been created for the estab-lishment of qualitatively new civilian-military rela-tions with the goal of ensuring the desired comple-mentarity of the defence system with the democraticcharacter of the member states and Serbia and Mon-tenegro.

Defence planning

Defence planning is realised as an integral part ofthe process of planning and funding the functionsSerbia and Montenegro has been entrusted with.These functions are accomplished by the authorisedorgans of the member states and Serbia and Mon-tenegro, in accordance with the Constitutional Char-ter of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, theLaw on the Implementation of the ConstitutionalCharter and legal regulations dealing with the de-fence system and the system of funding.

The planning of the requirements of all manage-ment organs in the defence system is based on the re-alistic economic estimates, priorities established inthe expenditures list, the aims and tasks of the de-fence system, security estimates, priorities for thegiven period and the obligations undertaken.

In the process of defence planning, the integral sys-tem of long-term planning, middle-term programmingand annual financing is used, in accordance with inter-national standards. In this way, the Defence Strategy,the Army Doctrine, the programmes and the expendi-tures list are linked consistently, long-term, middle-term and annual priorities are clearly defined, and a ra-tional and efficient use of defence resources is ensured.

Defence planning is carried out for the purpose offulfilling the following requirements:

– defining the plans that will ensure an effectivecorellation between needs and available defenceresources, according to established priorities;

– ensuring stable financing to fulfil the needs ofdefence and the Army and to fulfil internationalobligations;

– coordinating the work of state organs and theother elements of the defence system;

– improving the efficiency of joint cooperationwith NATO and creating conditions for interop-erability in defence planning;

– creating conditions for participation in interna-tional military cooperation, including participa-tion in peacekeeping operations;

– transparency of budget expenditure for defenceand improving the efficiency of control.

– predstavnici Srbije i Crne Gore aktivnosara|uju sa Centrom za demokratsku kon-trolu oru`anih snaga u @enevi;

– stvoreni su uslovi za zna}ajniji uticaj jav-nosti i vladinih i nevladinih organiza-cija u oblasti odbrane.

Navedenim merama i aktivnostima stvore-ni su uslovi za uspostavqawe kvalitativnonovih civilno-vojnih odnosa kojima treba dase obezbedi `eqena komplementarnost siste-ma odbrane s demokratskim karakterom dr`a-va ~lanica i Srbije i Crne Gore.

Planirawe odbrane

Planirawe odbrane ostvaruje se kao inte-gralni deo procesa planirawa i finansirawanadle`nosti poverenih Srbiji i Crnoj Gori.Realizuju ih nadle`ni organi dr`ava ~lanicai Srbije i Crne Gore, saglasno Ustavnoj pove-qi dr`avne zajednice Srbija i Crna Gora, Za-konu za sprovo|ewe Ustavne poveqe i zakon-skim propisima kojima se ure|uju sistem od-brane i sistem finansirawa.

Planirawe obaveza svih organa upravqawau sistemu odbrane zasniva se na realnim eko-nomskim mogu}nostima i mogu}nostima odre-|enim troškovnikom, ciqevima i zadacimasistema odbrane, procenama bezbednosti, pri-oritetima za planirani period i preuzetimobavezama.

U procesu planirawa odbrane primewuje se,prema me|unarodnim standardima, integralnisistem dugoro~nog planirawa, sredworo~nogprogramirawa i godišweg finansirawa. Nataj na~in se konzistentno povezuju Strategijaodbrane, Vojna doktrina, programi i troškov-nik, jasno definišu dugoro~ni, sredworo~nii godišwi prioriteti i obezbe|uje racional-na i efikasna upotreba resursa odbrane.

Planirawe odbrane sprovodi se radi reali-zacije slede}ih zahteva:

– definisawa planova kojima }e se obezbe-diti efikasno usaglašavawe potreba saresursima odbrane prema utvr|enim prio-ritetima;

– obezbe|ivawa stabilnog finansirawa zapotrebe odbrane i Vojske i ispuwavaweme|unarodnih obaveza;

– koordinacije rada dr`avnih organa i os-talih elemenata sistema odbrane;

– poboqšawa efikasnosti zajedni~ke sa-radwe s NATO-om i stvarawa uslova zainteroperabilnost u planirawu odbrane;

– stvarawa uslova za u~eš}e u me|unarodnojvojnoj saradwi, ukqu~uju}i i u~eš}e u mi-rovnim operacijama;

5.2.3. 5.2.3.

– transparentnosti buyetskih rashoda za od-branu i unapre|ewa efikasnosti kontrole.

U oblasti odbrane izra|uju se strategijskipregled odbrane, plan razvoja sistema odbra-ne, plan upotrebe Vojske, i druga planska do-kumenta. Osnovnu ulogu u procesu planirawaodbrane ima Vrhovni savet odbrane. Savet mi-nistara koordinira planirawe odbrane, a we-na realizacija je u nadle`nosti Ministarstvaodbrane.

Ministarstvo odbrane izra|uje predlog fi-nansijskog plana odbrane za svaku godinu naosnovu godišwe iskazanih potreba Ministar-stva odbrane i Vojske Srbije i Crne Gore iUputstva Saveta ministara za izradu zakona ogodišwim prihodima i rashodima neophod-nim za finansirawe nadle`nosti poverenihSrbiji i Crnoj Gori. Za dugoro~no planira-we, ministarstva nadle`na za poslove finan-sija dr`ava ~lanica obezbe|uju Ministarstvuodbrane podatke o projektovanim buyetskimrashodima za odbranu.

The following documents are drawn up in thesphere of defence: Strategic Defence Review, thePlan of Development of the Defence System, thePlan of Deployment of the Army and other plan-typedocuments. The Supreme Defence Council plays afundamental role in the process of defence planning.The Council of Ministers coordinates defence pla-nning, while the Ministry of Defence is responsiblefor its accomplishment.

The Ministry of Defence prepares the proposal ofthe financial plan of defence for every year on the ba-sis of annually expressed requirements of the Mi-nistry of Defence, the Army of Serbia and Montenegroand the Guideline of the Council of Ministers per-taining to drawing up the law on annual income andexpenditures necessary for the financing of the func-tions entrusted to Serbia and Montenegro. For long-term planning, the ministries responsible for the fi-nancial affairs of the member states provide the in-formation on projected budget expenditures for de-fence to the Ministry of Defence.



Reforma sistema odbrane

Defence System Reform6




Politikom odbrane dr`ava ~lanica i Sr-bije i Crne Gore usmerava se reformasistema odbrane prema realnim izazo-vima, rizicima i pretwama bezbedno-

sti, realnim mogu}nostima i me|unarodnimstandardima.

Usvajawem Strategije odbrane dr`avne za-jednice Srbija i Crna Gora i Odluke Vrhov-nog saveta odbrane o osnovama organizacijeVojske Srbije i Crne Gore stvorene su osnov-ne pretpostavke za sprovo|ewe reforme si-stema odbrane Srbije i Crne Gore.

Osnovni ciq reforme jeste izgradwa efi-kasnog i ekonomski odr`ivog sistema odbranei profesionalne i modernizovane Vojske,opremqene i osposobqene da realizuje defi-nisane misije i zadatke.

Da bi se ostvario ciq reforme, neophodno jeda se obezbede: politi~ki konsenzus, zakonskaregulativa, finansijska sredstva, ukqu~ewe ubezbednosne integracije i podrška javnosti.

Uprkos teško}ama sa kojima se suo~avala uproteklom periodu, Srbija i Crna Gora po-stigla je zna~ajne rezultate u reformi siste-ma odbrane u slo`enim bezbednosnim i mate-rijalnim uslovima. U vezi s tim:

– usvojena je Strategija odbrane dr`avne za-jednice Srbija i Crna Gora;

– usvojene su Osnove reforme sistema od-brane;

– formiran je Odbor za koordinaciju re-forme sistema odbrane u Ministarstvuodbrane;

– formiran je Fond za reformu;– formiran je Centar za mirovne operacije;– vojni pravosudni organi prešli su u nad-

le`nost civilnih sudova dr`ava ~lanica;– poslovi obezbe|ewa dr`avne granice na

teritoriji Republike Crne Gore prenetisu u nadle`nost MUP-a Crne Gore 2004.godine, a prenos nadle`nosti na terito-riji Republike Srbije otpo~eo je u janua-ru 2005. godine;

– uspostavqena je nova organizacija Mini-starstva odbrane i Generalštaba;


The defence policy of the member states andSerbia and Montenegro directs the reform ofthe defence system, taking into account real se-curity challenges, risks and threats, constraints,

and in conformity with international standards. The adoption of the Defence Strategy of the State

Union of Serbia and Montenegro and the Decision ofthe Supreme Defence Council on the Basis for theOrganisation of the Army of Serbia and Montenegrocreated the basic prerequisites for the implementa-tion of the reform of the defence system of Serbiaand Montenegro.

The basic aim of the reform is to build an efficientand economically viable defence system and a profe-ssional and modernised Army, equipped and trained toaccomplish its assigned missions and tasks.

In order to achieve the aims of the reform, it isnecessary to provide: political consensus, laws, ade-quate funding, entry into collective security systems,and the support of the public.

Despite the difficulties it has faced in recent years,Serbia and Montenegro has achieved significant re-sults in the reform of the defence system under com-plex circumstances in terms of security and funding.In connection with this:

– the Defence Strategy of the State Union of Ser-bia and Montenegro has been adopted;

– the Basis of the Defence System has been adopt-ed;

– the Committee for Coordinating the Reform ofthe Defence System has been formed at the Mi-nistry of Defence;

– the Centre for Peacekeeping Operations hasbeen established;

– the Army judiciary system has been transferredto the jurisdiction of civilian courts of the mem-ber states;

– the tasks pertaining to securing the state borderon the territory of Montenegro have been trans-ferred to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Inter-nal Affairs of Montenegro in 2004, and thetransfer of jurisdiction on the territory of the Re-public of Serbia began in January 2005;

– a new organisation of the Ministry of Defencehas been established;

– Obaveštajna uprava i Uprava bezbednostipreformirane su u Vojnoobaveštajnu iVojnobezbednosnu agenciju i pretpo~iwe-ne Ministarstvu odbrane;

– znatno je smawen broj jedinica na takti~-kom nivou, a preformirawem i disloka-cijama poboqšana je wihova popuna iopremqenost;

– rasformirani su školski centri i uspo-stavqena jedinstvena Vojna akademija.

Realizacijom navedenih aktivnosti stvore-ne su va`ne pretpostavke za nastavak refor-me, u~eš}e Vojske u misijama OrganizacijeUN i aktivan kurs ka prikqu~ewu evroa-tlantskim bezbednosnim integracijama. Re-forma sistema odbrane obuhvata reformuVojske i razvoj ostalih elemenata sistema od-brane.

Reforma Vojske Srbije

i Crne Gore Ciq reforme Vojske jeste izgradwa profe-

sionalne vojne sile osposobqene da realizujedodeqene misije i zadatke.

Radi realizacije ciqa reforme, definisa-na su slede}a strateška opredeqewa: postepe-no skra}ivawe vojnog roka; postupna profesi-onalizacija vojske; stvarawe moderno organi-zovane, naoru`ane, namenski pripremqene iinteroperabilne vojske osposobqene za rea-lizovawe dodeqenih misija i zadataka; po-boqšawe statusa i standarda pripadnika voj-ske i Ministarstva odbrane.

Prioriteti u razvoju Vojske jesu ja~awe imodernizacija protivteroristi~kih, brzo po-kretnih, helikopterskih, sanitetskih i in`i-werijskih jedinica i jedinica vojne policije,kao i osavremewavawe i razvoj sistema koman-dovawa na svim nivoima.

Razvoj Vojske Srbije i Crne Gore operacio-nalizovan je u tri faze.

Prva faza (do kraja 2004. godine). Nakonstvarawa stabilnijeg bezbednosnog okru`e-wa, preduzete su brojne izmene na osnovu kojihje racionalizovana organizacija Vojske; ras-formirane su jedinice i ustanove koje su ima-le neadekvatnu namenu i opremu, a preformi-rawima i dislokacijama poboqšani su popu-na i opremqenost ostalih jedinica.

Racionalizacija Vojske realizovana jekroz:

– organizacijske promene – rasformirawe,preformirawe, pregrupisavawe, ~ime jesmawen broj komandi, jedinica i ustanovaza 30 odsto;

– the Intelligence Office and the Security Officehave been transformed into the Military Intelli-gence Agency and the Military Security Agency,both of which have been subordinated to theMinistry of Defence;

– the number of tactical units has been consider-ably reduced, and their manning and equipmenthave been improved through transformation andchanges of location;

– school centres have been disbanded and a uni-fied Military Academy has been established.

The accomplishment of the above activities hascreated important preconditions for the continuationof the reform, the participation of the Army in UNmissions and efforts aimed at joining Euro-Atlanticsecurity systems. The defence system reform encom-passes the reform of the Army and the developmentof the other elements of the defence system.

Reform of the Army of Serbia

and Montenegro The aim of the reform of the Army of Serbia and

Montenegro is the development of a professionalarmed force trained to accomplish missions and tasksassigned to it.

In order to realise the goal of the reform, the follow-ing strategic options have been defined: a gradualshortening of the national service, a gradual profes-sionalisation of the Army, the development of a pur-posefully trained and interoperable armed force organ-ised in a modern way, able to realise missions and tasksassigned to it, and improving the status and the livingstandard of Army and Defence Ministry employees.

The priorities in the development of the Army arethe strengthening and modernisation of anti-terrorist,highly mobile, helicopter, medical and engineering, andmilitary police units, as well as the modernisation and thedevelopment of the system of command on all levels.

The development of the Army of Serbia and Mon-tenegro has been operationalised in three phases.

Phase One (until the end of 2004). Following thecreation of a more stable security environment, numer-ous changes have been effected, on the basis of whichthe organisation of the Army has been accomplished,units and institutions whose purpose and equipmentwere inadequate have been disbanded, and the ma-nning and equipment of the remaining units have beenimproved through transformation and changes of loca-tion.

Rationalizing changes in the Army has been accom-plished through:

– organisational changes – disbanding, transfor-mation, regrouping, whereby the number of com-mands, units and institutions has been reduced by30 per cent;

– reduction of armaments and military equip-


6.1. 6.1.

Druga faza (od 2005. do 2006. godine). U tojfazi ubrza}e se reformski proces kroz uspo-stavqawe savremene organizacije na strate-gijskom i operativnom nivou i nastaviti ra-cionalizacija Vojske na takti~kom nivou. Na-vedenim promenama stvori}e se osnove za mo-dularno organizovawe, sa bataqonima–divi-zionima–eskadrilama kao osnovom organiza-

Phase Two (from 2005 to 2006). In this phase, thereform process will speed up through the establish-ment of a modern organisation on the strategic andoperational levels, and the continuation of theprocess of rational restructuring of the Army on thetactical level. The above changes will create the ba-sis for a modular organisation, with battalions-divi-sions-squadrons as the organisational basis of the

– smawewe naoru`awa i vojne opreme – izoperativne upotrebe povu~ena su zastare-la sredstva ratne tehnike;

– smawewe broja lokacija – smaweno je de-vet garnizonskih mesta.

– smawewe broja qudstva – formacijskobrojno stawe Vojske smaweno je za 29 od-sto. Prema strukturi kadra smaweno je 26odsto oficira, 12 odsto podoficira, 32odsto vojnika po ugovoru, pet odsto civil-nih lica i 33 odsto vojnika.

Organizacijska struktura Vojske u prvojfazi reforme prikazana je na šemi 3.

Šema 3: Organizaciona struktura Vojske u prvoj fazi reforme

ment – outdated weapons and equipment havebeen phased out;

– reduction of the number of locations – the num-ber of garrison locations has been reduced by nine.

– reduction of the number of personnel – Armypersonnel have been reduced by 29 per cent. Interms of personnel structure, the number of offi-cers has been reduced by 26 per cent, the numberof non-commissioned officers by 12 per cent, thenumber of contractual soldiers by 32 per cent, thenumber of civilians by 5 per cent and the numberof soldiers by 33 per cent.

The organisational structure of the Army in PhaseOne of the reform is shown in Scheme 3.

Scheme 3: Organisational Structure of the Army in theFirst Phase of Reform


cije Vojske. Radi interoperabilnosti sa save-znicima i partnerima, komande i jediniceopremi}e se savremenim naoru`awem i opre-mom za u~eš}e u mirovnim operacijama.

Na osnovu odluka Vrhovnog saveta odbrane,donetih 2004. godine, planirane su slede}e or-ganizacijske promene:

– organizacijske promene na strategijskomi operativnom nivou – uskla|ivawe orga-nizacije Generalštaba sa organizacijamasavremenih oru`anih snaga, formirawekomande operativnih snaga, komandi vido-va i logistike i rasformirawe komandikorpusa;

– rasformirawe grani~nih jedinica – pre-lazak grani~ne slu`be u nadle`nostMUP-a Republike Srbije;

– organizacijske promene borbenih jedini-ca – preformirawe i rasformirawe jedi-nica koje nisu organizovane prema misija-ma i zadacima definisanim u Strategijiodbrane i Vojnoj doktrini Srbije i CrneGore, i povla~ewe iz operativne upotrebezastarelog naoru`awa i vojne opreme;

– organizacijske promene u logistici,školstvu, zdravstvu i ustanovama kulture– rasformirawe dela ustanova koje nisuneophodne za funkcionisawe Vojske iprelazak dela ustanova na dohodovni na-~in finansirawa.

Navedenim organizacijskim promenamaobezbedi}e se zna~ajni resursi za uspostavqa-we savremene organizacije i stvoriti mogu}-nost za preduzimawe slede}ih mera vezanih zaprelazak na model profesionalne Vojske. Or-ganizaciona struktura Vojske u drugoj fazireforme prikazana je na šemi 4.

Tre}a faza (od 2007. do 2010. godine). U tojfazi }e se završiti planirani ciklus refor-me Vojske i zna~ajno ubrzati modernizacijanaoru`awa i vojne opreme. Te`ište organi-zacionih promena bi}e na formirawu koman-di snaga za reagovawe, glavnih odbrambenihsnaga, teritorijalnih snaga i logistike. Podrealizacijom tre}e faze podrazumeva se pre-vazila`ewe vidovske organizacije, a zato suneophodne zna~ajne strukturne i funkcional-ne promene na svim nivoima organizovawa.

Jedinice kopnenih snaga dominantno }e bi-ti organizovane na modularnom principu, ate`ište modernizacije bi}e na osavremewa-vawu postoje}eg i nabavci savremenog oru`jai opreme za protivteroristi~ke i in`iwerij-ske jedinice i jedinice veze.

U vazduhoplovnim i protivvazduhoplovnimsnagama bi}e zastupqen modularni princip or-ganizacije; objedini}e se borbene i logisti~ke

Army. For the purpose of achieving interoperabilitywith allies and partners, commands and units will beequipped with modern armaments and equipment forparticipation in peacekeeping operations.

On the basis of the decisions of the Supreme De-fence Council passed in 2004, the following organi-sational changes are planned:

– Organisational changes on the strategic and

operational levels – adjusting the organisationof the General Staff to reflect those of modernarmed forces, the establishment of the commandof operational forces, commands of branches ofthe Army and logistics, and the disbanding ofcorps commands;

– disbanding border units – transferring borderservices to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of In-ternal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia;

– organisational changes of combat units –

transforming and disbanding units that are notorganised in accordance with the missions andtasks defined in the Defence Strategy and theArmy Doctrine of Serbia and Montenegro, andthe phasing out of outdated armaments and mi-litary equipment;

– organisational changes in logistics, education,

health care and cultural institutions – dis-banding some institutions that are not necessaryfor the functioning of the Army and the transferof some institutions to income-based funding.

The above-mentioned organisational changes willprovide considerable resources for establishing amodern organisation and creating the preconditionsfor undertaking the next measures pertaining to con-verting to a professional Army model. The organisa-tional structure of the Army in Phase Two of the re-form is presented in Scheme 4.

Phase Three (from 2007 to 2010). In this phasethe planned cycle of the reform of the Army will becompleted, and the rate of modernisation of arma-ments and military equipment will be increased con-siderably. The organisational changes will focus onestablishing commands of the response forces, themain defence forces, the territorial forces and logis-tics. The accomplishment of Phase Three will serveas the basis for moving away from the current thebranch-type organisation of the Army, and will re-quire considerable structural and functional changeson all organisational levels.

Land force units will be predominantly organisedbased on the modular principle, and the modernisa-tion process will focus on current armaments andprocuring equipment for anti-terrorist and engineer-ing units, as well as signal-corps units.

Air force and anti-aircraft defence units will be or-ganised based on the modular principle; combat unitsand logistic units will be unified within the frame-work of air force bases, developing unified anti-air-


jedinice u okviru vazduhoplovnih baza i razvi-jati objediwene snage PVO teritorije i sistemvazdušnog osmatrawa i javqawa, koji }e bitiukqu~eni u zajedni~ki sistem u regionu. Moder-nizova}e se odre|eni broj aviona lova~ke i lo-va~ko-bombarderske namene, višenamenski he-likopteri i radarski i raketni sistemi.

craft defence forces of the given territory and the sys-tem of air reconnaissance and alert, which will bepart of a common system in the region. A certainnumber of fighter planes and fighter-bomber planeswill be modernised, as well as multi-purpose heli-copters and radar and missile systems.

Navy forces will be organised in the form of ma-


Šema 4: Organizaciona struktura Vojske u drugoj fazi reforme

Scheme 4: Organisational Structure of the Army in theSecond Phase of Reform

Snage za reagovawe izgra|iva}e se u modernoopremqene, osposobqene i u najve}em postotkupopuwene jedinice. ^ini}e osnovnu snagu Voj-ske za odgovor na vojne izazove, rizike i pret-we bezbednosti. Bi}e sastavqene od snaga zahitno reagovawe i snaga za brzo reagovawe.

The response forces will be developed as mod-ernly equipped, trained and manned to a highest de-gree. They will represent the basic force of the Armyfor responding to military security challenges, risksand threats. They will be made up of urgent-responseforces and quick-response forces.

Snage Mornarice bi}e organizovane u po-morske i obalske snage i snage na unutrašwimplovnim putevima. Te`ište u razvoju bi}e napove}awu mogu}nosti za protivbrodska dej-stva, PVO pomorskih snaga i osavremewavawukomandno-informacionog sistema.

Strukturu Vojske prema nameni sa~iwava-}e: snage za reagovawe, glavne odbrambene sna-

ge, teritorijalne snage i logisti~ke snage

(Šema 5).

ritime and coastal units, and inland waterway units.Concerning the development of the navy, the focuswill be on increasing the potential for anti-vesseldefence, maritime forces’ anti-aircraft defence, andthe modernisation of command and control sys-tems.

The structure of the Army, based on its assignedmissions will be made up of: response forces, the

main defence forces, territorial forces and logistic

forces (Scheme 5).


Šema 5: Organizaciona struktura Vojske u tre}oj fazi reforme

Scheme 5: Organisational Structure of the Army in the Third Phase of Reform

Snage za hitno reagovawe bi}e profesio-nalne, specijalno opremqene i osposobqenejedinice, namewene za protivteroristi~ka iprotivdiverzantska dejstva, i za pru`awe po-mo}i u odgovoru na nevojne izazove, rizike ipretwe bezbednosti. Zadatke }e obavqati sa-mostalno i u sadejstvu sa snagama ministarsta-va unutrašwih poslova dr`ava ~lanica i me-|unarodnim snagama.

Snage za brzo reagovawe bi}e popuwene,opremqene i osposobqene za odgovor na vojneizazove, rizike i pretwe bezbednosti, za u~e-š}e u mirovnim operacijama i obezbe|eweuslova za mobilizaciju i narastawe glavnihodbrambenih i teritorijalnih snaga. Popuwa-va}e se profesionalnim kadrom i aktivnomrezervom.

Glavne odbrambene snage ~ini}e jedinicenamewene za: oja~avawe snaga za reagovawe;odgovore na vojne izazove, rizike i pretwebezbednosti; obuku profesionalnog sastava,vojnika u drugom periodu vojnog roka i rezer-vnog sastava, kao i za pomo} stanovništvu uslu~aju prirodnih nepogoda i katastrofa.

Teritorijalne snage bi}e jedinice opre-mqene i osposobqene za obavqawe zadataka udodeqenim zonama odgovornosti. Popuwava}ese na teritorijalnom principu. Bi}e namewe-ne za: osnovnu obuku vojnika, odbranu pravacai objekata u zonama odgovornosti i pru`awepomo}i u slu~aju prirodnih nepogoda i kata-strofa u kojima su ugro`eni qudski `ivoti,`ivotna sredina i materijalna dobra. U miru}e ih ~initi profesionalni sastav i vojnicina odslu`ewu vojnog roka za vreme osnovneobuke, a u ratu i pasivna rezerva.

Razvoj profesionalizacije Vojske prouzro-kova}e postepeno ukidawe glavnih odbrambe-nih snaga, a wihova uloga bi}e dodeqena sna-gama za reagovawe i teritorijalnim snagama.

Logisti~ke snage ~ini}e jedinice i ustano-ve opremqene i osposobqene za obavqawe za-dataka vezanih za logistiku. Oslawa}e se navojnu i nacionalnu logistiku dr`avne zajed-nice i ekonomije dr`ava ~lanica. Zasniva}ese na sistemskom pristupu, jedinstvu komando-vawa i raspolo`ivim materijalnim resursi-ma, uz poštovawe principa neprekidnosti ifleksibilnosti. Bi}e namewene za: snabdeva-we, odr`avawe, ishranu, odevawe, smeštaj,transport, zdravstvenu zaštitu i razvoj i odr-`avawe infrastrukture.

Radi uspešne realizacije misija i zadatakaVojske, do 2010. godine, Srbija i Crna Gora }e:

– organizovati i pripremiti, na visokomstepenu borbene gotovosti, deo profesio-nalnih mirnodopskih jedinica, pre svegaza protivteroristi~ku borbu;

Urgent-response forces will be professional, spe-cially equipped and trained units, whose purpose willbe to engage in anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage action,and to provide assistance when responding to non-military security challenges, risks and threats. Theywill perform their tasks independently or in coopera-tion with forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs ofthe member states, and international forces.

Quick-response forces will be manned, equippedand trained to respond to military security cha-llenges, risks and threats, to participate in peacekeep-ing operations, and provide the conditions for mobi-lisation, and for the increase of the main defence andterritorial forces. Professional and active reserve per-sonnel will man them.

The main defence forces will be made up of unitsintended to: reinforce the response forces; respond tomilitary security challenges, risks and threats; trainprofessional personnel, soldiers in the second periodof their national service and the reserve force; and toassist the population in the case of natural disastersand catastrophes.

The territorial forces will be units equipped andtrained to perform tasks in the zones they are respon-sible for. They will be manned based on the territori-al principle. They will be tasked to: perform the ba-sic training of soldiers, to defend lines of communi-cations and specified objects in their assigned zones,and to provide help in the case of natural disastersand catastrophes endangering human lives, the envi-ronment and material goods. In peacetime, they willbe made up of professional personnel and soldiersdoing their national service during their basic train-ing, whereas in wartime, passive reserve personnelwill be included as well.

Continued professionalisation of the Army willlead to a gradual disbandment of the main defenceforces, and their role will be taken over by the re-sponse forces and territorial forces.

The logistic forces will be made up of units andinstitutions equipped and trained to perform taskspertaining to logistics. They will rely on the militaryand national logistics of the State Union and theeconomies of the member states. They will be basedon a systematic approach, under the principle of uni-ty of command, with the available material re-sources, and adhering to the principles of continuityand flexibility. They will be intended for: supplies,maintenance, providing food and clothing, accom-modation, transportation, health care, and the deve-lopment and maintenance of infrastructure.

For the purpose of the successful realisation of theArmy’s missions and tasks, by 2010 Serbia andMontenegro will:

– organise and prepare, to a high level of combatreadiness, a part of its professional peacetimeunits, first of all those intended for anti-terroristcombat;


– organizovati dovoqne snage za odvra}awei odbranu koje }e biti mobilne, fleksi-bilne i sposobne za borbena dejstva nakopnu, u akvatoriji i vazdušnom prosto-ru, u svim vremenskim uslovima;

– pripremiti deo jedinica, ja~ine do bata-qona, za u~estvovawe u mirovnim opera-cijama. Prioritet }e biti na pripremipešadijskih, in`iwerijskih i sanitet-skih jedinica i jedinica vojne policije.Pored toga, pripremi}e se i odre|enibroj posmatra~kih i spasila~kih timovaza u~eš}e u humanitarnim operacijama;

– osposobiti deo snaga za u~eš}e u spasava-wu stanovništva u slu~aju prirodnih ne-pogoda i katastrofa;

– pripremiti teritorijalne snage za odgovorna eskalaciju vojnih i nevojnih pretwi ipomo} stanovništvu u slu~aju prirodnihnepogoda i katastrofa ve}ih razmera;

– organizovati sistem obrazovawa i obukepripadnika Vojske, rezervnog sastava igra|ana za odbranu.

Uspostavqawem funkcionalne organizaci-je komandi na strategijskom, operativnom itakti~kom nivou, organizacija Vojske Srbijei Crne Gore bi}e usaglašena sa standardimamodernih armija.

U svim fazama reforme, postoje}a organi-zacija Vojske mewa}e se u korist brzopokret-nih i fleksibilnih jedinica, popuwenih, op-remqenih i osposobqenih za realizaciju mi-sija i zadataka samostalno ili u sadejstvu sasnagama partnera, saveznika i prijateqskihdr`ava. Prema utvr|enoj dinamici, postepeno}e se uvoditi profesionalni kadar na svekqu~ne vojni~ke du`nosti. Vojska Srbije iCrne Gore razvija}e se prema dugoro~nom pla-nu modernizacije, za koji }e biti neophodnave}a buyetska podrška.

Reforma nadle`nihinstitucija

u dr`avama ~lanicama u oblasti odbrane

Ciqevi reforme institucija dr`ava ~la-nica ustanovqenih na osnovu ustava dr`ava~lanica u oblasti odbrane su:

– dostizawe potrebnog nivoa efikasnosti uobezbe|ivawu uslova za funkcionisawedr`avnih organa, privrede i javnih slu-`bi u odgovoru na nevojne izazove, rizikei pretwe bezbednosti;

– zaštita i spasavawe qudi, materijalnihdobara i `ivotne sredine;

– organise forces sufficient for deterrence and de-fence that will be mobile, flexible and capable ofcombat action on land, at sea and in the air, un-der all weather conditions;

– prepare a part of its units, up to the level of ba-ttalion, for participation in peacekeeping opera-tions. Priority will be given to the preparation ofinfantry, engineering and medical units, and mi-litary police units. In addition, a number of mo-nitoring and rescue teams will be prepared forparticipation in humanitarian operations;

– train a part of its forces to participate in rescuingpeople in the case of natural disasters and catas-trophes;

– prepare the territorial forces to respond in thecase of an escalation of military and non-mili-tary threats and to help the population in the caseof natural disasters and catastrophes of majorproportions;

– organise a system of education and training ofArmy personnel, the reserve force and the popu-lation for defence.

By establishing a functional organisation of co-mmands on the strategic, operational and tactical le-vels, the organisation of the Army of Serbia and Mon-tenegro will reflect the standards of modern armies.

In all phases of the reform, the existing organisa-tion of the Army will be changed in favour of quick-ly mobile and flexible units, manned and equippedfor the accomplishment of missions and tasks, inde-pendently or in cooperation with the forces of part-ners, allies and friendly states. In accordance withthe established plans, professional personnel willgradually be introduced to perform all the key mili-tary duties. The Army of Serbia and Montenegro willdevelop in accordance with the long-term moderni-sation plan, which will require a more enhancedbudget allocation.

Reform of the authorisedinstitutions

in the member states in the areaof defence

The aims of reforming the institutions of the mem-ber states established on the basis of the Constitutionsof the member states in the sphere of defence are:

– reaching the required level of efficiency in pro-viding the conditions for the functioning of stateorgans, the economy and public services whenresponding to non-military security challenges,risks and threats;

– protection and rescue of people, material goodsand the environment;


6.2. 6.2.

– ure|ewe teritorije i akvatorije za potre-be odbrane.

Prioriteti razvoja institucija dr`ava~lanica u oblasti odbrane su: formirawe te-ritorijalnih i mobilnih specijalizovanih je-dinica civilne zaštite; formirawe nastav-nih centara za obuku pripadnika civilne za-štite i stvarawe uslova za civilno slu`ewevojnog roka u ustanovama, organima i slu`ba-ma civilne zaštite.

Reforma institucija dr`ava ~lanica odvi-ja}e se u tri faze.

Prva faza (do kraja 2005. godine). Usvoji}ese doktrinarna dokumenta institucija dr`ava~lanica i doneti zakoni o civilnoj zaštiti.Uredi}e se nadle`nosti u oblasti civilnezaštite dr`ava ~lanica i obrazovati organiuprave za vanredne situacije pri vladama dr-`ava ~lanica. Reorganizova}e se štabovi ci-vilne zaštite kao operativno-stru~ni organiizvršne vlasti za rukovo|ewe zaštitom ispasavawem.

Druga faza (od 2006. do 2007. godine). For-mira}e se i osposobiti teritorijalne i mo-bilne specijalizovane jedinice civilne za-štite koje }e, uz profesionalne vatrogasnejedinice, ~initi okosnicu interventnih snagazaštite i spasavawa u vanrednim situacijama.Obrazova}e se nastavni centri za obuku kadrakoji profesionalno radi na poslovima civil-ne zaštite i u štabovima civilne zaštite, iosposobqava}e se lica na civilnom slu`ewuvojnog roka za mere, postupke i aktivnosti uzaštiti i spasavawu.

Tre}a faza (od 2008. do 2010. godine). Izgra-di}e se i osposobiti sistemi zaštite i spasa-vawa, kao i kontinuiranog funkcionisawa dr-`avnih organa, privrede i javnih slu`bi zaodgovor na nevojne izazove, rizike i pretwebezbednosti, prema potrebama, standardima imogu}nostima. Te`ište u razvoju institucijadr`ava ~lanica i lokalne samouprave u obla-sti odbrane bi}e na pove}avawu sposobnostiza zaštitu i spasavawe qudi i materijalnihdobara.

Preduzimawem predvi|enih mera i aktiv-nosti obezbedi}e se neophodan doktrinarni inormativni okvir za uskla|ivawe aktivnostidr`avnih organa i organa lokalne samoupravedr`ava ~lanica u organizovawu i sprovo|ewupreventivnih i operativnih mera zaštite odelementarnih nepogoda i drugih nesre}a iopasnosti. To je posebno zna~ajno za aktivno-sti koje su, na osnovu zakona i me|unarodnihstandarda, utvr|ene kao izvorna nadle`nostlokalne samouprave.

– preparing the territory and territorial waters fordefence purposes.

The priorities in the development of institutions ofthe member states in the sphere of defence are: theestablishment of territorial and mobile specialisedcivil defence units, the establishment of training cen-tres for the training of civil defence members and thecreation of conditions for civilian national service incivil defence institutions, organs and services.

The reform of institutions of the member stateswill proceed in three phases.

Phase One (until the end of 2005). Doctrinaldocuments of institutions of the member states willbe adopted, and legal regulations pertaining to civildefence will be passed. The authority of the memberstates in the sphere of civil defence will be regulated,and management organs for emergency situationswill be established with the governments of themember states. Civil defence headquarters’ will bereorganised as operational-expert organisations ofthe executive authority for managing protection andrescue operations.

Phase Two (from 2006 to 2007). Territorial andmobile specialised civil defence units will be estab-lished and trained; along with professional firebrigade units, it will form the core intervention forcefor protection and rescue operations in emergencysituations. Training centres will be established forthe training of personnel dealing with civil defenceaffairs, and persons doing civilian national servicewill be trained for protection and rescue activities.

Phase Three (from 2008 to 2010). Protection andrescue systems will be formed and enabled to func-tion, ensuring the continued functioning of state or-gans, the economy and public services in order to re-spond to non-military security challenges, risks andthreats, in accordance with the needs, standards andpossibilities. The development of institutions of themember states and local government will focus onincreasing the capability for protecting and rescuingpeople and material goods.

By undertaking the necessary measures and ac-tivties, the required doctrinal and normative frame-work will be established for adjusting the activitiesof state organs and local government organs to theorganisation and implementation of preventive andoperative measures for protection against natural dis-asters and other accidents and dangers. It is of parti-cular importance that the activities established underthe authority of local government be in conformitywith the law and international standards.


Reformski zadacidrugih institucija

od zna~aja za odbranuZna~aj za odbranu dr`ava ~lanica i Srbije

i Crne Gore, pored osnovnih elemenata siste-ma odbrane, imaju institucije koje se bave po-slovima u oblasti diplomatije i bezbednostii, uz saglasnost dr`ava ~lanica, drugi organii slu`be koji su neophodni za funkcionisawesistema odbrane.

Poslove odbrane ove institucije obavqajuu skladu sa zakonom, u koordinaciji sa drugimelementima sistema odbrane.

Na osnovu zakonskih ovlaš}ewa, druge in-stitucije koje su zna~ajne za odbranu:

– u~estvuju u procesu planirawa odbrane iodgovorne su za realizaciju svojih plano-va;

– pripremaju svoje infrastrukturne siste-me za odbranu;

– obezbe|uju zaštitu gra|ana i materijal-nih dobara i objekata koji imaju posebanzna~aj za odbranu;

– sprovode nadzor nad realizacijom mera iaktivnosti za potrebe odbrane;

– predla`u i preduzimaju potrebne mere zafunkcionisawe i razvoj sistema odbrane.

Kroz proces reforme sistema odbrane stva-raju se uslovi za sve ve}e u~eš}e drugih insti-tucija dr`ava ~lanica i Srbije i Crne Gore urealizovawu misija i zadataka Vojske i osta-lih elemenata sistema odbrane. Poseban zna-~aj u oblasti odbrane imaju mediji, udru`ewagra|ana, nevladine i druge organizacije. Wi-hova prava i obaveze u toj oblasti regulišu sezakonom.

Reform tasks ofinstitutions of importance

for defence Of importance for the defence of the member

states and Serbia and Montenegro, in addition to thebasic elements of the defence system, are the institu-tions dealing with matters in the sphere of diplomacyand security and, based on the agreement of themember states, other organs and services necessaryfor the functioning of the defence system.

These institutions deal with matters pertaining todefence in accordance with the law, in coordinationwith other elements of the defence system.

On the basis of legal authority, other institutions ofimportance for defence:

– participate in the process of defence planningand are responsible for the accomplishment oftheir plans;

– prepare their infrastructural systems for defence; – ensure the protection of citizens and material

goods and objects of particular importance fordefence;

– monitor the accomplishment of measures andactivities undertaken for defence purposes;

– propose and undertake measures necessary forthe development and functioning of the defencesystem.

Through the reform of the defence system, condi-tions are created for the increased participation ofother institutions of the member states and Serbiaand Montenegro in the accomplishment of missionsand tasks of the Army and other elements of the de-fence system. Of particular importance in the sphereof defence are the media, citizens’ associations, non-governmental and other organisations. Their rightsand obligations in this sphere are set forth by law.


6.3. 6.3.


Nakon usvajawa Strategije odbrane dr-`avne zajednice Srbija i Crna Gorastvoreni su preduslovi za donošeweosnovnih doktrinarnih dokumenata i

odgovaraju}ih zakona u oblasti odbrane. To seprvenstveno odnosi na Vojnu doktrinu VojskeSrbije i Crne Gore, Strategijski pregled od-brane i nova zakonska rešewa u toj oblasti.

Bela kwiga odbrane Srbije i Crne Gore od-raz je nove politike u oblasti odbrane. U wojsu obrazlo`ena osnovna opredeqewa sadr`a-na u Strategiji odbrane dr`avne zajedniceSrbija i Crna Gora o savremenom organizova-wu odbrane i ispoqeni principi javnosti itransparentnosti poslova odbrane. Time sestvaraju preduslovi za javnu debatu i potvr|u-ju na~ela odgovornosti svih institucija u si-stemu odbrane.

Dokument se odnosi na bezbednosno okru`e-we, politiku i resusrse odbrane, izgradwu od-brambenih sposobnosti i prezentovawe in-formacija o stawu i reformi sistema odbra-ne. U wemu su predstavqeni novi ciqevi si-stema odbrane, misije i zadaci Vojske, koja }ebiti osposobqena po standardima evropske ievroatlantske bezbednosti. U Beloj kwizi od-brane potvr|eno je opredeqewe dr`ava ~lani-ca i Srbije i Crne Gore da odgovorno i tran-sparentno izgra|uju sposobnost za zajedni~kodelovawe u sistemu kolektivne bezbednosti.

Doma}oj i inostranoj javnosti Bela kwigaodbrane daje pouzdane informacije, koje una-pre|uju demokratsku i civilnu kontrolu Voj-ske i sistema odbrane, kao bitnog ~inioca de-mokratskog razvoja društva i pristupa evroa-tlantskim bezbednosnim integracijama.


Following the adoption of the Defence Strategyof the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro,conditions were created for passing the basicdoctrinal documents and the corresponding le-

gal regulations in the sphere of defence. This pertainsprimarily to the Army Doctrine of the Army of Ser-bia and Montenegro, the Strategic Defence Reviewand new legal regulations in this sphere.

The White Paper on the Defence of Serbia andMontenegro is a reflection of the new policy in thesphere of defence. It provides a justification of the ba-sic options contained in the Defence Strategy of theState Union of Serbia and Montenegro concerning amodern defence organisation, and demonstrates theprinciples of the openness and transparency of de-fence affairs. This contributes to the establishment ofpreconditions for public debate, and confirms the prin-ciples of responsibility of all institutions in the de-fence system.

The document pertains to the security environment,defence policy and resources, the development of de-fence capabilities, and presents information on thestate of the defence system and its reform. It presentsthe new goals of the defence system, and the missionsand tasks of the Army, which will be trained in in sucha wqay as to contribute to European and Euro-Atlanticsecurity. The White Paper on Defence confirms the op-tion of the member states and Serbia and Montenegroto increase their capability for joint action in the collec-tive security system, responsibly and transparently.

To the domestic and foreign public, the White Paperon defence provides accurate information that con-tributes to the development of democratic and civiliancontrol of the Army and the defence system, as an es-sential element of the democratic development of so-ciety and accession to Euro-Atlantic security systems.




UN – Ujediwene nacijeOUN – Organizacija ujediwenih nacijaNATO – Severnoatlantski savezOEBS – Organizacija za evropsku bezbednost i

saradwuPzM – Partnerstvo za mirEU – Evropska unijaSCG – Srbija i Crna GoraKiM – Kosovo i MetohijaRH – Republika HrvatskaFBiH – Federacija Bosne i HercegovineRS – Republika SrpskaCFE – Konvencionalne snage u EvropiMUP – Ministarstvo unutrašwih poslovaMO – Ministarstvo odbraneGŠ VSCG – Generalštab Vojske Srbije i Crne

GoreNGŠ VSCG – Na~elnik Generalštaba Vojske

Srbije i Crne GoreVOA – Vojnoobaveštajna agencijaVBA – Vojnobezbednosna agencijaKoV – Kopnena vojskaRV i PVO – Ratno vazduhoplovstvo i

protivvazdušna odbranaVS i PVO – Vazduhoplovne snage i

protivvazduhoplovna odbranaV i PVO – Vazduhoplovstvo i

protivvazduhoplovna odbranaRM – Ratna mornaricaM – MornaricaV i ED – Veza i elektronska dejstvaPM i SP – Popuna, mobilizacija i sistemska

pitawaBVP M-80 – Borbeno vozilo pešadijeBRMD-2 – Oklopnoizvi|a~ki automobilLRSV 128 „PLAMEN" – Lanser raketa, samohodni

višecevniSVLR 128 „OGAW" – Samohodni višecevni

lanser raketaPOLO M-83 – Protivoklopno lanisrno oru|ePOLK 9K111 – Protivoklopni lansirni kompletBDP – Bruto doma}i proizvodMFP – Materijalno-finansijsko poslovaweNIR – Nau~noistra`iva~ki radNVO – Naoru`awe i vojna oprema


UN – United NationsOUN – United Nations OrganizationNATO – North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationOSCE – Organization of European Security

and CooperationPfP – Partnership for PeaceEU – European UnionSMN – Serbia and MontenegroKaM – Kosovo and MetohijaRC – Republic of CroatiaFBaH – Federation of Bosnia and HerzegovinaRS – Republic of SrbskaCFE – Conventional Forces in EuropeMIA – Ministry of Internal AffairsMOD – Ministry of DefenceGSA S&M – Generalstaff of the Army of Serbia and

MontenegroChGSA S&M – Chief of Generalstaff of the Army

of Serbia and MontenegroVIA – Military Intelligence AgencyMSA – Military Security AgencyKoV (A) – Army (Land Forces)WAF and AACD – Warfare Air Forces and Anti – Air

Craft DefenceAF and AACD – Air Forces and Anti – Air Craft

DefenceA and AACD – Air and Anti – Air Craft DefenceWN – Warfare NavyN – NavySEI – Signals and Electronic ImpactMMSI – Manning, Mobilization and System IssuesCIV M-80 – Combat Infantry Vehicle M-80ARV -2 – Armoured Reccoinnossance Vehicle – 2MPRL 128 “Plamen” – Multi Pipes Rocket

Self-Propelled Luncher 128 “Plamen”SPMPRL 128 “Oganj” – Self-propelled Multi Pipes

Rocket Luncher 128 “Oganj” ATL M-83 – Ant-Tenk Luncher M-83ATL 9K111 – Anti-Tenk Luncher 9K111GNP – Gross National ProductMF – Material – FinancingNRW – National Research WorkAME – Armament and Military Equippement



UDK 351.86(497.1)

BELA kwigaBela kwiga odbrane dr`avne zajednice Srbija i Crna Gora / Êglavni i odgovorni urednik

Petar Boškovi} ; prevod na engleski jezik Suzana Anðelkovi}... i dr.Ë = White Paper on Defence of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro / [editor in chief Petar Boskovic ; translation into English languageSuzana Andjelkovic... et al.]. – Beograd : Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije i Crne Gore, Sektor za politikuodbrane : NIC Vojska, 2005 = Belgrade : The Ministry of Defence of Serbia and Montenegro, Sector of Policy of Defence, 2005 (Beograd : Vojna štamparija = Belgrade : Military Publishing House). – 100 str. : ilustr. ; 21 cm. – (Posebna izdawa / ÊNIC VojskaË ; kw. 131 = Special Editorial Board / [Newspaper-publishing centre Vojska] ; books 131)

Upor. srp. tekst i engl. prevod. – Tira` 2000.

ISBN 86-7530-124-3

1. Boškovi}, Petar

a) Nacionalna bezbednost – Srbija i Crna Gora

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