ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى

2009 ً ﻋﺎﻣ44 ﻗـﻮى ﻛﺘﺐ ﺗﻌﻠﻴﻤﻴـﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻣﺘﺪادأﺷﻬﺮ و أﻋﺪادىول ا اﻟﺼــﻒ اول اﻟﻔﺼﻞ اﻟﺪراﺳـﻰ اﻋﺪادىول ا اﻟﺼــﻒ اول اﻟﻔﺼﻞ اﻟﺪراﺳـﻰ اHell o ! Based on 1 st Prep First Term ﻣﻠﺤﻖ اﻟﻤﺮاﺟﻌﺔ واﻻﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎتBy Ayman Abdel-Hamid ﻣﺮاﺟﻌﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﻤﻔﺮدات اﻟﺘﻰ ﺗﻢ دراﺳﺘﻬﺎ ،ً ﻣﺮﺗﺒﺔ أﺑﺠﺪﻳ ﻣﺮاﺟﻌﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﻘﻮاﻋﺪ اﻟﺘﻰ ﺗﻢ دراﺳﺘﻬﺎدارات ا اﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎت ﻣﻦ ﻣﺨﺘﺎرة ﺗﺪرﻳﺒﺎت ــﺎ ﻟﻤﻮاﺻﻔــﺎت اﻟﻮرﻗﺔً اﻟﻤﺨﺘﻠﻔــــﺔ ، ﻃﺒﻘ اﻻﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﻴﺔ ﻟﻜﻞ ﺛﻼث وﺣﺪات ﻋﻠﻰ ﺣﺪةول اﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎت اﻟﻔﺼﻞ اﻟﺪراﺳﻰ اRevision on Vocabulary Revision on Grammar Selected Exercises from different directorates, on each 3 units First term exams اﻟﻤﻌﻠﻢ اﻟﻤﺆﺳﺴﺔ اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ اﻟﺤﺪﻳﺜـﺔﺳﻜﻨﺪرﻳــﺔ ﻟﻠﻄﺒـﻊ واﻟﻨﺸـﺮ واﻟﺘﻮزﻳـﻊ ﺑﺎﻟﻘﺎﻫــﺮة وا11381 : ﺷﺎرع اﻟﻤﻨﻄﻘﺔ اﻟﺼﻨﺎﻋﻴﺔ ﺑﺎﻟﻌﺒﺎﺳﻴﺔ ــ اﻟﺮﻗﻢ اﻟﺒﺮﻳﺪى8 08002220000 : أو اﻟﺮﻗﻢ اﻟﻤﺠﺎﻧﻰ26823792 - 24677183 ت :

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Page 1: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى


أشهر وأقـوى كتب تعليميـة على امتداد 44 عاًما

الصــف ا�ول ا�عدادىالفصل الدراسـى ا�ولالصــف ا�ول ا�عدادىالفصل الدراسـى ا�ول

Hello ! Bas

ed o


1st PrepFirst Term

ملحق المراجعة واالمتحانات

ByAyman Abdel-Hamid

● مراجعة على المفردات التى تم دراستها ،

مرتبة أبجدًيا ● مراجعة على القواعد التى تم دراستها

ا�دارات امتحانات من مختارة تدريبات ●

الورقة لمواصفــات طبًقــا ، المختلفــــة االمتحانية لكل ثالث وحدات على حدة

● امتحانات الفصل الدراسى ا�ول

● Revision on Vocabulary

● Revision on Grammar ● Selected Exercises from different

directorates, on each 3 units

● First term exams



المؤسسة العربية الحديثـةللطبـع والنشـر والتوزيـع بالقاهــرة وا�سكندريــة

8 شارع المنطقة الصناعية بالعباسية ــ الرقم البريدى : 11381ت : 24677183 - 26823792 أو الرقم المجانى : 08002220000

Page 2: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى

Part 1● General Revision on Vocabulary

äGOôتdG ≈∏Y áeÉY á©LGôe ●

● General Revision on Grammar IóM ≈∏Y äGóMh çÓK πμd óYGƒ≤dG ≈∏Y áeÉY á©LGôe ●

Part 2● Revision Exercises ¿Éëàe’G äÉØ°UGƒªd á``≤HÉ£ªdG á∏Ä°SC’G •É``ªfCG ™«ªL ≈∏Y á``LQóàeh áØãμe äÉ``ÑjQóJ ●

( IóM ≈∏Y äGóMh çÓK πμd )

ájô¡°T äGQÉÑàNG ●

Part 3● First Term Exams ∫hC’G ≈°SGQódG π°üØdG äÉfÉëàeG ●

● Written worksheets ájôjôëJ äÉÑjQóJ ●


Page 3: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى


General Revision

on Vocabulary


General Revision

on Grammar

Page 4: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى

4Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 1

A) General Revision on VocabularyÉ kjóéHCG É k«ÑJôJ áÑJôe ∫hC’G ≈°SGQódG π°üØdÉH É¡à°SGQO âªJ ≈àdG äGOôتdG ≈∏Y áeÉY á©LGôe

add ................................................... ∞«°†jadjective ............................................ áØ°Uadvertisement ............................... ¿ÓYEGadvice .......................................... áë«°üfafter that ..................................... ∂dP ó©Hage ........................................... ø°S , ôªYairport ............................................... QÉ£ealphabetical order ........... ióéHCG Ö«JôJanyone ....................................... óMGh iCG

baby ......................................... ™«°VQ πØWbaker ............................................... RÉÑNbank ................................................... ∂æHbe able to ............................. ≈∏Y G kQOÉb ¿ƒμjbeach ............................................... ÅWÉ°Tbecome ........................................... íÑ°üjBedouin ........................................... ihóHbetween ................................. ( ÚæKG ) ÚHbin .................................... ( äÓª¡e ) á∏°Sbody ................................................. º°ùLbreak ............................................... áë°ùabrick ................................................... ܃Wbuild ................................................... ≈æÑjbusinessman ............................ ∫ɪYCG πLQbusy ............................................... ∫ƒ¨°ûebutcher ........................................... QGõL


carrots ............................................. QõLcatch ............................................. ``H ≥ë∏jcentimetre ................................. Ϊ«àæ°Schase ............................................... OQÉ£jchemist's ....................................... á«dó«°Uclap ................................................... ≥Ø°üjcleaner ........................................ áaɶf πeÉYclinic ............................................... IOÉ«Yclock ........................................ §FÉM áYÉ°Scoffee ............................................... Iƒ¡bcome out of ......................... øe êôîjcomfortable ................................... íjôecomma ........................................... á∏°UÉaconsonant .............................. øcÉ°S ±ôMcooking oil ............................. ΩÉ©W âjRcorner ............................. á«°UÉf , ájhGR , øcQcourgette ....................................... á°Sƒccover .................................................. ≈£¨jcut .................................................... ™£≤j


daughter ............................................. áæHGdeaf ................................................... º°UCGdessert ......................... ( ΩÉ©£dG ó©H ) ƒ∏◊G dishes ............................................. ¥ÉÑWCGdivide .............................................. º°ù≤jdolphin ......................................... ÚØdhOdownstairs ................ ≈∏Ø°ùdG ≥HÉ£dG ( ≈a )



called (be called) ................. ≈Yój , ≈ª°ùjcapital letter ........................... ÒÑc ±ôMcareful ........................................ ¢üjôM

Eearth ................................................... ¢VQC’Gedge ................................................. áaÉMelse ........................................... ( ôNBG ) É k°†jCG e-mail .................................. ≈fhÎμdEG ójôH

Page 5: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى

Part 1

5 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

empty ............................................ ÆQÉaenough ............................................. m±Écenvironment .................................... áÄ«ÑdGexamine ....................................... ¢üëØjexercise ........................................ ÜQóàjexpensive .............................. øªãdG ¤ÉZexperiment ...................................... áHôŒ

fabulous .................................. ¢ûgóe , ™FGQfall over ............................................. §≤°ùjfamous ........................................... Qƒ¡°ûefantastic ........................................... ™FGQfar ................................................... ó«©Hfine ................................................... áeGôZfit ................................................... É«fóH ≥F’fix ................................................... í∏°üjfloat ................................................... ƒØ£jfull ................................................... A≈∏efull stop .................. ] á∏ª÷G ájÉ¡f ≈a [ á£≤f


game ................................................... áÑ©dgarlic ................................................... ΩƒKglasses ............................................. IQɶfgo back .............................................. Oƒ©jgram ................................................... ΩGôLgrammar ............................... ( ƒëf) óYGƒbgrandmother ................................... IóLgreengrocer's ........................ ö†ÿG πfigrocer's ....................................... ádÉ≤ÑdG πfiground ......................................... ¢VQCGguess ......................................... øªîj


headache ........................................ ́ Gó°Uheadmaster ................... ( á°SQóe ) ôXÉfheat ................................................ øî°ùjheavy ................................................... π«≤Kheight ............................................. ´ÉØJQGhigh .......................................... ™ØJôe , ∫ÉYhold ................................................... πªëjhotel ................................................... ¥óæahousewife ................................ ∫õæe áHQhuman ........................................... ¿É°ùfEG

if .................................................. ƒd , GPEGin front of ........................................ ΩÉeCGinstructions ................................. äɪ«∏©J


Japan ............................................... ¿ÉHÉ«dGJapanese ........................................... ≈fÉHÉjjoin ............................................. ``H ≥ëà∏jjuice ................................................. Ò°üY


kick ....................................... ( •ƒ°ûj ) πcôjkilogram ................................... ΩGôL ƒ∏«c


lab ................................................... πª©elanguage ............................................ á¨dlast name .................................. á∏FÉ©dG º°SGlength ............................................... ∫ƒWline ................................................... ô£°Slion ................................................... ó°SCGlitre ................................................... Îdlive ................................................... ¢û«©jlook after ......................................... ̀̀ H ≈æà©j


handwriting ................................... ó«dG §N


Page 6: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى

6Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 1

machine ..................................... áæ«cÉe , ádBGmade of .................................... øe ´ƒæ°üe magazine ......................................... á∏›match ................................................ π°Umean ........................................ ó°ü≤j , ≈æ©jmedicine .......................................... AGhOmetal .......................................... ¿ó©emillion ............................................ ¿ƒ«∏emind ................................................... ™fÉÁmiss ...................................... ] Ö«°üj ’ [ ó≤Øjmobile phone ...................... ∫ƒªfi ¿ƒØ«∏Jmountain ........................................ πÑLmultiply ................... ( ÜÉ°ù◊G ≈a ) Üö†j


nature .......................................... á©«Ñ£dGnext to .......................................... QGƒéHnoise ............................................. AÉ°Vƒ°Vnoun ................................................... º°SG


Oonions .............................................. π°üHopposite ....................... ΩÉeCG , ``d ¬LGƒeordinal numbers .............. á«Ñ«JôJ OGóYCG

Ppan ......................................... ( á°SÉW ) IÓ≤epaper ................................................... ¥Qhparagraph ................... ( áHÉàμdG ≈a ) Iô≤apast .............................. ( áYÉ°ùdG≈a ) ... hpatient ........................................... ¢†jôepea ................................................... á∏°ùHpeel ................................................... öû≤jpick up .............................................. §≤à∏jplastic ......................................... ∂«à°SÓH

poem ..................................... ( ô©°T ) Ió«°übpost office ................................. ójôH Öàμepostman ................... ójôH ( ≈YÉ°S ) πLQpreparatory school .......... ájOGóYEG á°SQóeprice ........................................ ô©°S , øªKprize ................................................ IõFÉLproblem ......................................... á∏μ°ûepronounce ....................................... ≥£æjpunctuation ................................. º«bÎdGpush ................................................... ™aójpuzzle ................................................... õ¨d

Qquestion mark ................... ΩÉ¡Øà°SG áeÓYqueue ............................................... QƒHÉWquickly ............................................ áYöùH

Rreceive ......................................... º∏°ùàjrest ................................................ íjΰùjride ................................................. Öcôjride ................................... ] kÓãe πª÷ÉH ] á∏MQriver ................................................... ô¡frobot ........................................ ¤BG ¿É°ùfEG

Ssalad ............................................... áWÓ°Ssales assistant ................................. ™FÉHsalt ................................................... í∏esalty ................................................... í∏‡sand ................................................... ∫ÉeQscience ............................................. Ωƒ∏Yseconds ............................................ m¿GƒKsecretary ...................................... ÒJôμ°Ssell ................................................... ™«Ñjsend ................................................... π°Sôjshape ............................................... πμ°T

Page 7: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى

Part 1

7 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term


should ............................................ Öéjshout .............................................. í«°üjsingle ................................ ( ÜõYCG ) êhõàe ÒZsink ....................................... ¥ô¨j , ¢Uƒ¨jsize ................................................... ¢SÉ≤esmell ................................................... º°ûjstraight on ......................... º«≤à°ùe §îHson ................................................... øHGspace ................................................... ÆGôaspaghetti ..................... ( ≈àLÉÑ°SEG áfhôμe )special .............................................. ¢UÉNspelling .......................................... AÉé¡dGspoon .................................... á≤©∏estudents ............................. ò«eÓJ , ÜÓWsum ..................................... á«HÉ°ùM ádCÉ°ùesurprised ..................................... ¢ûgóæeswerve ........................... ICÉéa ∞£©æj , π«Ásyllable .......................................... ™£≤e

take away ..................................... ìô£jtake out .......................................... êôîojtank ..................................... ] AÉe [ ¢VƒMtaste ............................................ ¥hòàjtell ................................................... Èîjtemple ............................................. óÑ©etext message .................... á«°üf ádÉ°SQthing ................................................... A≈°Tthousand ......................... (1000) ∞dCGtime .............................................. âbhtimetable .............. ( ¢ü°üM ) ó«YGƒe ∫hóLtoilet ................... √É«e IQhO ] ¢VÉMôe [tonne .............................................. øWtry .............................................. ∫hÉëj


Turkey .............................................. É«côJTurkish .......................................... ≈côJtourist company .............. áMÉ«°S ácöTtreasure .......................................... õæc

upstairs ........................ iƒ∏©dG ≥HÉ£dG ( ≈a )use .............................................. Ωóîà°ùj

Vvalley ................................................... OGh vegetables ............................... äGhGö†Nvehicle ......................... (kÓãe IQÉ«°S) áÑcôeverb ................................................... π©avillage .............................................. ájôbvisitor .............................................. ôFGRvocabulary ................................. äGOôØevowel .................................. ∑ôëàe ±ôM

Wweigh ................................................... ¿õjweight .............................................. ¿Rhwelcome ........................................ ÖMôjwhen ................................................ ÉeóæYwhich ..................... ( πbÉ©dG Ò¨d ) ≈àdG/iòdGwhile ......................................... AÉæKCG/ɪæ«Hwho ............................... ( πbÉ©∏d ) ≈àdG/iòdGwide ..................................... ¢†jôY , ™°SGhwife .............................................. áLhRwin ................................................... RƒØjwithout .............................................. ¿hóHwood .............................................. Ö°ûN

XX—rays .................................... ¢ùcEG á©°TCG

تدرب على هذه المفردات من خالل أسئلة المراجعة الشهرية بعد شرح القواعد .

Page 8: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى

8Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 1

B) General Revision on Grammar∫hC’G ≈°SGQódG π°üØdG ∫ÓN ájƒ¨d óYGƒb øe ¬à°SGQO ºJ ɪd á«∏«°üØJ áeÉY á©LGôe

( IóM ≈∏Y äGóMh çÓK πμd )

Units 1, 2, 3, Revision A

1. Verb to be

Affirmative äÉÑKE’G

subject pronouns πYÉØdG ôFɪ°V

present simple§«°ùÑdG ´QÉ°†ªdG

past simple§«°ùÑdG ≈°VɪdG

I am (= 'm) was

He / She / It is (= 's) was

We / You / They are (= 're) were

Negative ≈ØædG

subject pronouns present simple past simple

I am not was not (= wasn't)

He / She / It is not (=isn't) was not (= wasn't)

We / You / They are not (=aren't) were not (= weren't)

Examples : I am in a preparatory school. I’m not a doctor.I wasn’t at home yesterday. I was in the club.He was in Class 6 last year. He wasn’t in Class 5.Am I late ? No, you’re early.They were young last year. They weren’t old.

2. Present simple of the verb “have got”

singular OôØŸG plural ™ª÷G

I have got I've got We have got We've got

You have got You've got You have got You've got

He / She has got He's / She's gotThey have got They've got

It has got It's got

Page 9: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى

Part 1

9 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Examples : I’ve got two brothers.

How many brothers have you got ?

Sorry, we haven’t got any fish today.

What have you got in your hand, Salma ?

My friend has got three sisters. He hasn’t got any brothers.

3. The imperative ôeC’G ᨫ°U

. äɪ«∏©àdG AÉ£YEG óæY ôeC’G ᨫ°U Ωóîà°ùJ `

. Qó°üªdG ᨫ°U ≈a É kªFGO ¿ƒμ«a ¬∏μ°T ô«¨àj ’ ôeC’G ᨫ°U ≈a π©ØdGh `

Instructions Negative instructions

Walk Don't run, please.

Work hard Don't be lazy.

4. The present continuous tense ôªà°ùªdG ´QÉ°†ªdG øeR

● Use : ¬eGóîà°SG

. (É¡«∏Y ΩÓμdG AÉæKCG) ¿B’G çóëJ AÉ«°TCG øY ô«Ñ©à∏d ôªà°ùªdG ´QÉ°†ªdG Ωóîà°ùj ``

We’re reading English now.

● Form : ¬æjƒμJ

: øe ¿ƒμàjh ``

am / is / are + π©ØdG Qó°üe + ing




e I am (= I'm) playing.

He / She / It is (= He's etc.) reading.

We / You / They are (= You're etc.)eating.




ns Am I playing ?

Is he / she / it reading ?

Are we / you / they eating? etc.

Page 10: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى

10Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 1



e I am not playing.

He / She / It isn't (= is not ) reading.

We / You / They aren't (= are not) eating. etc.

Examples :What are you doing ?

I’m reading a book.Are Noha and Hala doing their homework ?

No , they aren’t doing their homework, they’re watching TV.Hany is playing football.Is it raining outside ?

5. Prepositions & Adverbs of place ¿ÉμªdÉH á°UÉîdG ±hô¶dGh ô``édG ±hôM

● near øe ÖjôbDon’t sit near the television.

● next to QGƒéH My house is next to the hospital.

● between ( ÚæKG ) ÚH The tree is between the house and the car.

● opposite ( `d ¬LGƒe ) ΩÉeCG

My friend’s house is opposite the school.

● upstairs iƒ∏©dG ≥HÉ£dG ≈a

Look ! The cat is upstairs.

● downstairs ≈∏Ø°ùdG ≥HÉ£dG ≈aThe cat is going downstairs.

● on ( ¥ƒa ) ≈∏Y The book is on the desk.

Page 11: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى

Part 1

11 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

● under âëJ

The cat is sleeping under the table.

● in front of ( áeó≤ŸG ≈a ) ΩÉeCG

The teacher is standing in front of the class.

● behind ∞∏N

The teacher is standing behind the class.

6. The past simple tense §«°ùÑdG ≈°VɪdG øeR

● Use : ¬eGóîà°SG

. ≈°VɪdG ≈a É keɪJ â¡àfGh äCGóH AÉ«°TCG øY ô«Ñ©à∏d §«°ùÑdG ≈°VɪdG øeR Ωóîà°ùj ``

I played football after school yesterday.

● Form : ¬æjƒμJ

: - e `H ≈¡àæj π©ØdG ¿Éc GPEG §≤a - d hCG , π©ØdG Qó°üe ¤EG - ed áaÉ°VEG øe kIOÉY §«°ùÑdG ≈°VÉŸG øeR ¿ƒμàj

open → opened close → closed

: ≈∏j Ée G kó«L ßM’

. óYÉ°ùe π©a á∏ªédÉH øμj ºd GPEG ∫GDƒ°ùdG ≈a did Ωóîà°ùf -

. óYÉ°ùe π©a á∏ªédÉH øμj ºd GPEG ≈ØædG ≈a didn't Ωóîà°ùf -

. ( äÉaÉ°VEG ¿hóH ) Qó°üªdG ᨫ°U ≈a É kªFGO π©ØdG ≈JCÉj didn't hCG did ó©H -

ßØëJ É¡H á°UÉN ¢VÉe ᨫ°U É¡d øμdh , ≈°VɪdG ≈a - ed É¡d ±É°†j ’ ≈àdG IPÉ°ûdG ∫É©aC’G øe ô«ãc ∑Éæg -

: ≈g ɪcPresent ´QÉ°†e Past ¢VÉe

is ¿ƒμj was

are ¿ƒfƒμj were

can ™«£à°ùj could

have òNCÉj , ∂∏Á had

meet πHÉ≤j met

do π©Øj did

see iôj saw

Page 12: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى

12Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 1: πãe , ≈°VɪdG ≈a ≈¡àfG π©ØdG ¿CG ≈∏Y ∫óJ äɪ∏c ™e §«°ùÑdG ≈°VɪdG øeR Ωóîà°ùj Ée ÉkÑdÉZh ``

- yesterday ¢ùeCG- last (week) ≈°VɪdG ( ´ƒÑ°SC’G ) - in the past ≈°VɪdG ≈a- (a week) ago ≈°†e ( ´ƒÑ°SCG ) òæe - When I was young

- in 2001 2001 ΩÉY ≈a G kô«¨°U âæc ÉeóæY

- Once, ... ... Iôe äGP

Examples :Who did you meet after school yesterday ?

I met Tamer.

Did you have English after break ?

No, I didn’t.

7. The possessive ( ’s)

. á«μ∏ªdG øY ô«Ñ©à∏d ( ¿Gƒ«M hCG ¿É°ùfEG ) º°S’G ájÉ¡f ≈a’s Ωóîà°ùf Ée IOÉY : ] . É¡∏Ñb ɪd É kμ∏e ¿ƒμj - ’s `dG ó©H Ée ¿CG iCG [

the girl’s name the horse’s tail

the head teacher’s office Ali’s father

™ªédG s ó©H §≤a-’ ™°†f ÉæfEÉa , É k©ªL º°S’G ¿Éc GPEG ÉeCG , §≤a OôتdG º°S’G ™e ¿ƒμj ≥HÉ°ùdG ΩGóîà°S’Gh :my sisters’ bags my parents’ room

: ] á«μ∏ªdG øY ô«Ñ©à∏d ’s Ωóîà°ùf ádÉëdG √òg ≈ah , s `H ≈¡àæJ ’ ™ªL ≠«°U ∑Éæg ¿CG ßM’ [The children’s kites men’s clothes

8. The present simple tense §«°ùÑdG ´QÉ°†ªdG øeR

● Use : ¬eGóîà°SG

: çhóëdG IQôμàe IOÉY øY ô«Ñ©à∏d §«°ùÑdG ´QÉ°†ªdG øeR Ωóîà°ùj ``I go to school early every day.

: πãe , áàHÉK á≤«≤M øY ô«Ñ©à∏d hCG ``The earth goes round the sun.

● Form : ¬æjƒμJ

: øe §«°ùÑdG ´QÉ°†ªdG øeR ¿ƒμàj ``. ( äÉaÉ°VEG iCG ¿hóH iCG ) Qó°üªdG ᨫ°U ≈a π©ØdG -1

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Part 1

13 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

: ÉkÑFÉZ G kOôØe É kª°SG hCG he / she / it πYÉØdG ¿Éc GPEG es hCG s ¬d ÉkaÉ°†e π©ØdG -2Affirmative äÉÑKE’G

I / We / You / They drive / work / do / etc. ïdEG

He / She / It drives / works / does / etc. ïdEG Questions á∏Ä°SC’G

Do I / we / you / they drive ? work ?

do? etc. Does he / she / it

Negative ≈ØædG

I / We / You / They don’t drive . work .

do. etc. He / She / It doesn’t

Note the following ≈JB’G ßM’ øμj ºd GPEG ≥Ñ°S ɪc á«ØæªdG πªédG hCG á∏Ä°SC’G øjƒμàd IóYÉ°ùe ∫É©aCÉc do/ does Ωóîà°ùf Ée ÉnkÑdÉZ ̀ `

. óYÉ°ùe π©a á∏ªédÉH. Qó°üªdG ᨫ°U ≈a É kªFGO ¿ƒμj do/ does ó©H ≈JCÉj π©a iCG ¿CG IÉYGôe Öéjh

. (a, e, i, o, u) ∑ôëàe ±ôëH ≈¡àæj ¿Éc GPEG ] §≤a - s ¢ù«dh ] - es π©Ø∏d ±É°†j ̀ ` : - ies ∞«°†fh - y `dG ±òëJ ; øcÉ°S ±ôM É¡∏Ñb - y `H ≈¡àæj π©ØdG ¿Éc GPEG ̀ `

study ôcGòj studies

Units 4, 5, 6, Revision B

9. Comparison áfQÉ≤ªdG

: than áª∏c Égó©Hh-er áØ°ü∏d ∞«°†f ÉæfEÉa , Iô«°üb áØ°U ≈a ( ø«Ä«°T hCG ø«°üî°T ) ø«æKG ø«H ¿QÉ≤f ÉeóæY ``Ali is taller than me. ≈uæe ∫ƒWCG q≈∏Y : ≈橪H

- est áØ°ü∏d ∞«°†fh the Iô«°ü≤dG áØ°üdG πÑb ™°†f ÉæfEÉa , áYƒªéeh óMGh ø«H ¿QÉ≤f Éæc GPEG ÉeCG ``Ahmed is the tallest boy in class. . π°üØdG ≈a ódh ∫ƒWCG óªMCG : ≈橪H


Comparativesø«æKG ø«H áfQÉ≤ªdG

SuperlativesáYƒªéeh óMGh ø«H áfQÉ≤ªdG

tall πjƒW taller than the tallest

heavy π«≤K heavier than the heaviest

young ( ø°ùdG ≈a ) Ò¨°U younger than the youngest

smallºé◊G ≈a ) Ò¨°U

(smaller than the smallest

light ∞«ØN lighter than the lightest

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14Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 1: áfQÉ≤ŸG óæY - iest hCG - ier É¡d ∞«°†fh y `dG É¡æe ±ò– y `H ≈¡àæJ ≈àdG IÒ°ü≤dG áØ°üdG ¿CG ßM’ ``

happy → happier than → the happiest

Examples :My father is the tallest in our family.He is also the heaviest.Salma is the youngest person in our family.My mum is twenty centimetres smaller than my dad.

10. Can, could and be able to

subject pronouns past present futureI / He / She / It

could can will be able toWe / You/ They

: ÉæfCG ßM’: ≈°VɪdG ≈a É¡∏©a ™«£à°ùf Éæc AÉ«°TCG øY ô«Ñ©à∏d could Ωóîà°ùf ●

She's very clever. She could walk when she was very young.: ¿B’G É¡∏©a ™«£à°ùf AÉ«°TCG øY ô«Ñ©à∏d can Ωóîà°ùfh ●

My brother can speak three languages.: πÑ≤à°ùªdG ≈a É¡∏ªY ™«£à°ùf ±ƒ°S AÉ«°TCG øY ô«Ñ©à∏d will be able to Ωóîà°ùfh ●

Next year I think I'll be able to use a computer. ¿hóH) Qó°üŸG á`````¨«°U ≈a π`©ØdG É`gó©H ≈`JCÉj could, can, will be able to ¿CG ß`M’h ●

. á≤HÉ°ùdG á∏ãeC’G ≈a âjCGQ ɪc (äÉaÉ°VEG

11. The future simple with “will”“will” ΩGóîà°SÉH §«°ùÑdG πÑ≤à°ùªdG øeR

● Use : ¬eGóîà°SG. πÑ≤à°ùŸG ≈a çó– ±ƒ°S AÉ«°TCG øY ÒÑ©à∏d §«°ùÑdG πÑ≤à°ùŸG øeR Ωóîà°ùj

● Form : ¬æjƒμJ: øe ¿ƒμàjh

will + π©ØdG Qó°üe




e Iwill



He / She / It go.

We / You / They travel. etc.

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Part 1

15 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term





I play ?

he / she / it go ?

we / you / they travel ? etc.



e I / We / You / Theywill not (= won't)

play .go .travel . etc.He / She / It

● Keywords : ¬«∏Y ∫óJ≈àdG äɪ∏μdG: πãe , πÑ≤à°ùªdG ≈a çóëj ±ƒ°S çóëdG ¿CG ≈∏Y ∫óJ äɪ∏c iCG

next .... ΩOÉ≤dG .... tomorrow G kóZ in 2020 2020 ΩÉY ≈a When I leave school... ≈ª«∏©J ≈¡fCG ÉeóæY When I grow up ôÑcCG ÉeóæY

Units 7, 8, 9, Revision C

12. The past continuous tense ôªà°ùªdG ≈°VɪdG øeR

● Use : ¬eGóîà°SG: ≈°VɪdG ≈a ø«©e âbh ≈a G kôªà°ùe ¿Éc çóM øY ô«Ñ©à∏d ôªà°ùªdG ≈°VɪdG øeR Ωóîà°ùj

He was playing football at six o'clock yesterday evening.● Form : ¬æjƒμJ

( was / were + π©ØdG Qó°üe + ing) : øe ¿ƒμàj

Affirmative äÉÑKE’G

I / He / She / It was playing.


working. etc.We / You / They were

Questions á∏Ä°SC’G

Was I / he / she / it playing ?

doing ?

working ? etc.Were we / you / they

Negative ≈ØædG

I / He / She / It was not (= wasn’t) playing.


working. etc.We / You / They were not (= weren’t)

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16Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 1

: πãe áæ«©e äɪ∏c ™e øeõdG Gòg Ωóîà°ùjh -While AÉæKCG , ɪæ«H When ÉeóæYat + ( âbh ) yesterday ¢ùeCG ... áYÉ°ùdG

While & When

: ≈dÉàdÉc ≈gh , É¡JÉYGôe Öéj á°UÉN óYGƒb É¡d ¿ƒμj ∂dòd ; á«æeR §HGhQ When h While ôÑà©J● While :

While + ( ôªà°ùe ¢VÉe ) ( §«°ùH ¢VÉe)

While I was having lunch, the table broke.

● When :

When + ( §«°ùH ¢VÉe ) ( ôªà°ùe ¢VÉe )

When the table broke, I was having lunch.

More Examples : What were you doing when I telephoned you ?

When you telephoned me I was having lunch.

Ali was playing tennis at ten o’clock yesterday morning.

While Heba was eating, the teacher asked her a question.

Were you sleeping at nine o’clock yesterday ?

Was Hala eating lunch at two o’clock ?

13. Punctuation º«bôàdG

: á«dÉàdG º«bôàdG äÉeÓY É kªFGO ™ÑàJ. Iô≤a πc ájGóH ≈a Iô«°üb áª∏c áaÉ°ùe ∑ôJG - 1

. (capital) ô«Ñc ±ôëH á∏ªL πc CGóHG - 2. á∏ªL πc ájÉ¡f ≈a á£≤f ™°V - 3

. á∏ªédG ≈a áØ∏àîªdG AGõLC’G ø«H hCG áªFÉ≤dG πNGO äGOôتdG øe IOôØe πc ó©H á∏°UÉa ™°V - 4. ∫GDƒ°ùdG ájÉ¡f ≈a ΩÉ¡Øà°SG áeÓY ™°V - 5

You should help your mum in the kitchen. If you can't cook, you can

help with the easy things, like making eggs for breakfast. Will you do that ?

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Part 1

17 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

14. The first conditional with “If””If“ΩGóîà°SÉH á«Wô°ûdG πªédG øe ≈dhC’G ádÉëdG

● Use : É¡eGóîà°SG

: ø«©e π©Ød áé«àæc πÑ≤à°ùªdG ≈a ¬KhóM ™bƒàe A≈°T øY åjóë∏d á«Wô°ûdG πªédG øe ≈dhC’G ádÉëdG Ωóîà°ùJIf I stand on this cup, it will break.

π©Ø∏d áé«àæc ¬KhóM ™bƒàe A≈°T•ô°ûdG IGOCG

● Form : É¡æjƒμJ

If + present simple will + π©ØdG Qó°üe

ƒd , GPEG §«°ùH ´QÉ°†e §«°ùH πÑ≤à°ùe

Examples :

If I drop this glass, it will break.

What will happen if I put a piece of paper in water ?

A piece of paper will float if you put it in water.

15. Relative pronouns π°UƒdG ôFɪ°Vwho / which / where

● who ( πbÉ©∏d ) ≈àdG / iòdGThe woman is a doctor. She helped me.

The woman who helped me is a doctor. º°S’G ó©H who Éæ©°Vh ÉæfCG ßMÓfh , IQÉÑ©dG √ò¡H Égó°ü≤f Ió«°S iCG Oóëæd who á∏°üdG Òª°V Ωóîà°ùf

. Iô`°TÉÑe ¬Ø°üj iòdG πbÉ©dG. á≤HÉ°ùdG á∏ª÷G ≈a "She" πãe (π°UƒdG IQÉÑY) á«fÉãdG á∏ª÷ÉH QôμàŸG Aõ÷G ±òëf ÉæfCG ßM’h

● which ( πbÉ©dG ô«¨d ) ≈àdG / iòdGWhere is the cheese ? It was on the table.

Where is the cheese which was on the table ?

● where ( ..... ¬«a iòdG ¿ÉμªdG ) å«MI saw the house. My father was born in it.

I saw the house where my father was born.

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18Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 1

Units 10, 11, 12, Revision D

16. Countable & Uncountable nounsó©J’ ≈àdG Aɪ°SC’Gh ó©J ≈àdG Aɪ°SC’G

Countable Uncountable

º°S’G ΩÉeCG (a) Ωóîà°ùf ó©J ≈àdG Aɪ°SC’G ™e

: øcÉ°S ±ôëH CGóÑj iòdG OôتdG

I've got a pen.

This is a door.

iòdG IôμædG OôتdG º°S’G ΩÉeCG (an) Ωóîà°ùfh

: ∑ôëàe ±ôëH CGóÑj

I want an orange.

Give me an apple, please.

™e G kóHCG (an)h (a) OGôaE’G äGhOCG Ωóîà°ùf ’

: ó©J ’ ≈àdG Aɪ°SC’G

I eat rice every day.

There's sand in my shoes.

some & any

. ó©J ’ ≈àdG Aɪ°SC’Gh ó©J ≈àdG Aɪ°SC’G ™e any h some Ωóîà°ùf ÉæfCG ôcòJ

äÉÑKE’G ≈a some Ωóîà°ùfh , ≈ØædGh ∫GDƒ°ùdG ≈a any Ωóîà°ùfI bought some eggs.

Do you have any oranges ?

We don't have any oranges.

: Ωóîà°ùf Oó©dG øY ∫GDƒ°ùdG óæY

How many ... ? ? ... OóY ºc

How many pens do you have ?

™ªédG ᨫ°U ≈a É kªFGO ¿ƒμj ∫GDƒ°ùdG Gòg ¿CG ßM’h


How many apples are there ?

Are there any oranges ?

I bought some milk.

Do you have any sugar ?

We don't have any sugar.

: Ωóîà°ùf ᫪μdG øY ∫GDƒ°ùdG óæY

How much ... ? ? ... ᫪c ºc

How much sugar do you want ?

: OôتdG á∏eÉ©e πeÉ©J ó©J ’ ≈àdG Aɪ°SC’G ¿CG ôcòJ

How much rice is there ?

Is there any sugar ?

(How much ᫪μdG º`c ) ΩÉ`¡Øà°S’G IGOCGh , ( How many Oó©dG ºc ) ΩÉ¡Øà°S’G IGOCG : ¿CG É kªFGO ôcòJ

. ( ¬æY ∫CÉ°ùf iòdG A≈`°ûdG º`°SG ) É`ªgó©H õ««“ ΩGóîà°SG øe óH ’

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Part 1

19 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

17. too ... to ...áØ°U + enough to ...

too ... to ... .... ’CG áLQód G kóL ....(too + áØ°U + to + π©ØdG Qó°üe ) : øe ¿ƒμàJ IóYÉ≤dG √ògh

: á«dÉàdG á∏ãeC’G ≈a ɪc , ..... ’CG áLQód G kóL .... .. : ÉgÉæ©ehThe food is too hot to eat.= The food is too hot. We can’t eat it.

: IóYÉ≤dG ¿ƒμàa , áØ°üdG √ò¡H ôKCÉJ iòdG ¢üî°ûdG º°SG IóYÉ≤dG √òg ≈∏Y OGõoj ¿CG øμÁh(too + áØ°U + for + ¢üî°ûdG º°SG + to + π©ØdG Qó°üe)The food is too hot for Soha to eat.= The food is too hot. Soha can’t eat it.

enough ±Éc

: º°S’G πÑb IOÉY ™°VƒJ enough ¿CG ßM’ ●

I don’t do enough homework.

I don’t give my sister enough help.

áØ°U + enough

: πãe , áØ°U É¡∏Ñb ≈JCÉj enough ¿CG ßM’ ●

The park isn't clean enough.

Noha isn't good enough to answer all the questions.

Compare : ¿QÉbMy uncle hasn't got enough money to buy a car. ( á«aÉc Oƒ≤f ¬©e ¢ù«d ) My uncle isn't rich enough to buy a car. ( m±Éc πμ°ûH Ék«æZ ¢ù«d )

18. too much + º°SG & too many + º°SG

not enough ¢ùμY ≈g too much h too many ¿CG ßM’ ●Compare :

I don’t do enough homework.

I’ve got too much homework.

: ó©J ’ ≈àdG Aɪ°SC’G πÑb Ωóîà°ùJ too much ¿CG É kªFGO ôcòJhtoo much homework too much help

: ó©J ≈àdG Aɪ°SC’G πÑb Ωóîà°ùJ too many ¿CGhtoo many cups too many oranges

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Part 1

19. May

É kªFGO ∫É©aC’G √ògh ( ïdEG can/will : πãe ) á°übÉædG ∫É©aC’ÉH ≈ª°ùJ ≈àdG ∫É©aC’G áYƒª› øe may π©ØdG -

. Qó°üŸG ᨫ°U ≈a π©a Égó©H ≈JCÉj

. áHò¡e á≤jô£H Ö∏£dG hCG ¿PE’G Ö∏W ≈a may π©ØdG Ωóîà°ùj -

May I see some shirts, please ?

May I close the window, please ?

20. Because & So

: í°VhCG πμ°ûH ≈橪dG º¡a ≈∏Y ÉfóYÉ°ùàd ø«à∏ªL ø«H §HôJ , §HQ äGhOCÉc so h because Ωóîà°ùJ -

● because :

. ÖÑ°ùdG Égó©Hh áé«àædG É¡∏Ñb ≈JCÉjh ÖÑ°ùdG í«°Vƒàd Ωóîà°ùJh ( ¿C’ ) ÉgÉæ©e

I like mobile phones because they are easy to carry.

áé«àf ÖÑ°S

● so :

: áé«àædG Égó©Hh ÖÑ°ùdG É¡∏Ñb ≈JCÉj å«M , ΩGóîà°S’G ≈a because ¢ùμY ≈gh , ( ∂dòd ) ÉgÉæ©e

Mobile phones are easy to carry so I like them.

ÖÑ°S áé«àf

More Examples :

I don't like computers because they are too difficult to use.

Computers are too difficult to use so I don't like them.

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( A )

Revision Exercisesتدريبات مكثفة ومتدرجة على جميع

أنماط ا!سئلة المطابقة لمواصفات


( لكل ثالث وحدات على حدة )

أسئلة مختارة من امتحانات ا1دارات

التعليمية المختلفة

( B )

Monthly Testsاختبارات شهرية


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22Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

تدريبات مختارة من امتحانات ا دارات التعليمية

لمختلف محافظات الجمهورية فى السنوات السابقة

Units 1, 2, 3, Revision AA) Language Functions

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ∫hC’G ∫GDƒ°ùdG1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

What — Pyramids — think — cousin — How

Ali : Where did you go yesterday ?Hassan : I went to the .........................(1).............................Ali : .........................(2)...................... did you go there ?Hassan : I went there by taxi.Ali : Who did you go there with ?Hassan : With my ..............................(3)................................Ali : What do you .......................(4)................ of them ?Hassan : They are fantastic.

● Finish the following dialogue with these words.

sell — bakery — baker — What — buy

Nadia : ......................(1)...................... is your father’s job ?Nahla : He is a ................................(2)................................Nadia : Where does he work ?Nahla : In a ...................................(3)..................................Nadia : What does he ...........................(4).......................... ?Nahla : Cakes and bread.

● Finish the following dialogue with these words.

types — difficult — a — an — housewife

Doha : Is your mother a .................(1)..................?Hassan : No, she is a secretary.Ali : Where does she work ?Hassan : In .....................(2).................office.Ali : What does a secretary do ?Hassan : She ............(3)............letters and uses computers.Ali : Is her work easy ?Hassan : No, it’s ...............................(4).............................

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Part 2

23 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

● Finish the following dialogue with these words.

lab — to — floor — me — opposite

Eslam : Excuse .........................(1)........................ Can you help me ?

Noha : Yes, of course.

Eslam : Where is the science ............................(2).......................... ?

Noha : It is on the first ....................................(3).......................... .

Eslam : Is it next .................................(4).......................... class 2A ?

Noha : Yes, it is.

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ≈fÉãdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Rana : What is your favourite subject ?

Reem : ......................................................................................

B) Student : .................................................................................... ?

Teacher : The head teacher’s office is opposite the library.

● Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Ayman : What does a teacher do ?

Kamal : ......................................................................................

B) Teacher : ................................................................................... ?

Mona : I was born in Aswan.

● Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Ahmed : What does a doctor do ?

Adel : ......................................................................................

B) Ayman : .................................................................................... ?

Yaser : We had science, Arabic and Maths yesterday.

● Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Youssef : What would you like to be ?

Fady : .....................................................................................

B) Father : ................................................................................... ?

Son : He fixes cars.

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24Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

B) Reading Comprehension: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ådÉãdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

3. Read and match.1. Nurses look after

2. Ali was born

3. My mother’s husband is

4. The school library is

5. A mechanic

a) works at home.b) fixes cars.c) next to class 2B.d) my father.e) in Luxor.f ) ill people in the hospital.

● Read and match.1. A doctor examines patients

2. A secretary uses a computer

3. A tourist guide gives

4. A farmer keeps cattle

5. A mechanic fixes cars

a) tourists a good idea about Egypt.

b) and works in a workshop.c) and grows crops.d) and uses X-rays.e) and cooks food.f) and types letters.

● Read and match.1. My father’s father is

2. The science lab is the place where

3. I can’t help. Sorry,

4. Uncle Fadi is

5. They went to Khan Al-Khalili to buy

a) some presents.b) married to aunt Salwa.c) we watch films.d) we do experiments.e) I don’t know.f) my grandfather.

● Read and match.1. A secretary is a person who

2. Ahmed speaks

3. Uncle Kamel is

4. Let me tell

5. When the teacher came,

a) a teacher of English.

b) he said ‘hello’ to everyone.

c) you about my new home.

d) Arabic and English.

e) a place where patients go.

f) types letters in the office.

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Part 2

25 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ™HGôdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

4. Read the following, then answer the questions.My friend is called Hassan. He is a doctor. He likes his job because

he likes helping people. He works in a hospital. He goes to work at

seven o’clock. He examines patients and gives them medicine. All the

patients like him because he is kind.

A) Answer the following questions.

1. Where does Dr. Hassan work ?

2. Why do all the patients like him ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.

3. Dr. Hassan goes to work at ................ o’clock.

a) five b) six c) seven

4. He ............... patients and gives them medicine.

a) examines b) visits c) meets

5. The underlined word him refers to .................. .

a) Dr. Hassan b) patients c) medicine

C) Usage and Writing: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ¢ùeÉîdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c.

1. A doctor ................. sick people.

a) looks after b) teaches c) forgets

2. Emma is from England. She speaks ..................

a) English b) French c) Japanese

3. Tourists like to stay in ...................

a) hospitals b) hotels c) schools

4. I go to school ................... 7 o’clock in the morning.

a) at b) for c) in

5. People in Egypt speak ...................

a) Japanese b) Turkish c) Arabic

6. We like our teachers. They are very ......................

a) angry b) nice c) bad

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Part 2

7. A ..................... is a man who makes chairs and tables.

a) doctor b) baker c) carpenter

8. A ..................... works in a tourist company.

a) butcher b) businessman c) grocer

9. Listen! The pupils ..................... in English.

a) sing b) song c) are singing

10. My dad’s brother is my .....................

a) cousin b) uncle c) grandfather

11. My father’s mother is my.....................

a) grandmother b) aunt c) grandfather

12. She didn’t ..................... to the market yesterday.

a) went b) go c) going

13. Postmen ..................... letters from door to door.

a) read b) write c) deliver

14. My school is next ..................... the post office.

a) to b) with c) at

15. ..................... look after patients.

a) Teachers b) Nurses c) Chemists

16. We play games at school in the .....................

a) classroom b) science lab c) sports hall

17. My father’s father is my .....................

a) brother b) uncle c) grandfather

18. I was born ..................... Cairo.

a) on b) in c) at

19. My father is my cousin’s .....................

a) uncle b) brother c) aunt

20. I don’t think she’s ..................... a letter.

a) to write b) wrote c) writing

21. My aunt is my father’s .....................

a) daughter b) mother c) sister

22. During the break, she goes to the ..................... to read books.

a) sports hall b) bookshop c) library

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27 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

23. He ..................... playing football now.

a) was b) is c) were

24. My brother ..................... a new car yesterday.

a) bought b) buy c) buys

25. Where ..................... a teacher work ?

a) have b) does c) do

26. Look! The birds ..................... over there.

a) flying b) are flying c) flies

27. I’m very ill, I should see a .....................

a) teacher b) doctor c) baker

28. A baker makes and sells .....................

a) cakes b) clothes c) books

29. Mona is married ..................... Hassan.

a) to b) two c) too

30. How do you ..................... this word ?

a) smell b) spell c) taste

31. She is ..................... a letter now.

a) to write b) wrote c) writing

32. Ali ..................... to the market yesterday.

a) goes b) went c) going

33. His father teaches history. He works in a .....................

a) hospital b) school c) shop

34. I always ..................... early to get up early.

a) sleeps b) slept c) sleep

35. The teacher was ..................... because the pupil arrived late.

a) pleased b) angry c) ill

36. Where did you ..................... yesterday ?

a) go b) went c) going

37. How long ..................... she stay in London last year ?

a) does b) did c) will

38. Last ..................... I was in primary six.

a) day b) night c) year

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28Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

39. Damascus is the ..................... of Syria. a) village b) city c) capital40. Turgut speaks Turkish. He is from ..................... a) Japan b) Turkey c) India41. I ..................... a student. a) am b) is c) are42. Shady lives ..................... to Samir. a) opposite b) next c) between43. A doctor ..................... patients to find out why they are ill. a) examines b) examining c) examine44. Maher ..................... some new clothes and left the shop. a) buys b) bought c) will buy45. A ..................... is a length of time. a) kilometre b) kilogram c) second

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ¢SOÉ°ùdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.1. Ahmed is Hany’s cousin. (Who)2. The headmaster’s office is next to the library. (Where)3. I was born in 1995. (When)

● Write questions using the words in brackets.1. A baker makes bread and cakes. (What)2. Ali went to Aswan last holiday. (When)3. There are sixty minutes in an hour. (How many)

● Write questions using the words in brackets.1. Classroom 2B is upstairs. (Where)2. I was born in Giza. (Where)3. He goes to school by bus. (How)

● Write questions using the words in brackets.1. A mechanic fixes cars. (What)2. He lives in Giza, near the Pyramids. (Where)3. He starts work at half past seven in the morning. (When)

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29 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ™HÉ°ùdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. Cats is animals. (.................)

2. I have English in Saturday. (.................)

3. Adel has got English after broke. (.................)

● Read and correct the underlined words.

1. I’m thirteen years heavy. (.................)

2. At this moment, she watches TV. (.................)

3. What does he do yesterday ? (.................)

● Read and correct the underlined words.

1. She have got two brothers and one sister. (.................)

2. My father’s father is my brother. (.................)

3. A mechanic works in an office. (.................)

● Read and correct the underlined words.

1. Yesterday I play football. (.................)

2. Hesham is getting up at 7 o’clock every morning. (.................)

3. I have a friend call Maha. (.................)

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a øeÉãdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences.

(The words in the box may help you.)

carpenter _ workshop _ things of wood

My uncle is called Samy ............




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30Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

● Look at the picture and write three more sentences.(The words in the box may help you .)

doctor _ exmined _ medicine

Last week I was ill. .......................................................................................................................


● Look at the picture and write three more sentences.(The words in the box may help you .)

a mechanic _ a teacher _ a sales assistant

A doctor is a person who works in a clinic.






● Look at the picture and write three more sentences.(The words in the box may help you .)

outside — letters — people like

My uncle is a postman .................................




D) Punctuation

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ™°SÉàdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG9. Punctuate the following sentence.

_ did ahmed and nabil go to school_ what time has amir got english on tuesday_ does mona go to school on friday_ ali s father is called mahmoud

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31 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Test on Units 1 , 2 , 3اختبار شهر أكتوبرA) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

find — how — angry — what — late

Mother : ..............................(1).......................... was your first day at

preparatory school, Rania ?

Rania : OK, but I was ....................(2)................. for my first lesson.

Mother : Why were you late ?

Rania : Because I couldn’t ..................(3).................. my classroom.

Mother : Was the teacher ......................(4)...................................... ?

Rania : No, he was very nice .

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues. A) Ehab : What does your uncle do, Eman ?

Eman : ........................................................................................

B) Hala : ...................................................................................... ?

Rawan : I was born in Cairo.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

1. X-ray pictures show


2. A clinic is the place

3. My aunt

4. Classroom two is

5. Sales assistants sell

a) is called Mona.

b) opposite classroom four.

c) the inside of the body.

d) clothes and other things.

e) at 8 o’clock.

f ) where people go to see a doctor.

4. Read the following, then answer the questions.My name is Basim Samir. My father is a doctor. He works in a big

hospital. He starts his work at eight o’clock. He likes his job because

he likes helping people. He examines his patients and tries to find

out why they are ill. He examines X-ray pictures. These show him the

inside of his patients and he gives medicines to his patients.

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32Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

A) Answer the following questions.1. What’s Samir’s job ?2. Why does he like his work ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.3. Dr. Samir is ....................... a) Basim’s friend b) Basim’s brother c) Basim’s father4. ....................... show him the inside of the body. a) Medicines b) X-ray pictures c) His patients5. Dr. Samir gives ....................... to his patients. a) X-ray b) medicines c) presents

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.

1. My father’s son is my ....................... . a) grandfather b) uncle c) brother2. Where did you ....................... yesterday ? a) went b) go c) going3. I go to school ....................... 7 o’clock every morning. a) in b) on c) at4. My school is next ....................... the post office. a) to b) with c) of5. Mechanics ....................... cars. a) fix b) sell c) keep6. Rana is from Turkey and she speaks ....................... a) Arabic b) Turkish c) English7. Postmen ....................... letters from door to door. a) play b) write c) deliver8. Listen ! The birds ....................... a) singing b) are singing c) sing

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. Ali went to Aswan last holiday. (Where)2. A baker makes bread and cakes. (Who)3. He usually has lunch at home. (Where)

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33 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. Yesterday, I see a nice film on TV. (..................)

2. A mechanic sells bread. (..................)

3. When is you meet him ? — Last week. (..................)

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences.

(The words in the box may help you.)

Heliopolis Hospital _ doctors _ patients

Shadia is a nurse. .........................................





D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following sentence.

dina studies her english lessons on friday

](∫hCG ΩôJ) iOGóYE’G ∫hC’G ∞°üdG (ájõ«∏éfE’G á¨∏dG)≥ë∏e-3Ω]

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34Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

تدريبات مختارة من امتحانات ا�دارات التعليمية

لمختلف محافظات الجمهورية فى السنوات السابقة

Units 4, 5, 6, Revision BA) Language Functions

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ∫hC’G ∫GDƒ°ùdG1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

How heavy _ How long _ age _ weight _ camels

Father : What are you doing, Huda ?Huda : I’m reading a book about .......................(1)...................... .Father : ..................................(2).............................. can they live ?Huda : They can live to the ......................(3).................... of forty.Father : How far can they walk ?Huda : Camels can walk about fifty kilometres in one day.Father : Can they carry heavy weights ?Huda : Yes, of course. Camels can carry a ...................(4)................. of a hundred kilograms.

● Finish the following dialogue with these words.

places — like — temples — where — when

Amira : Do you .................................(1)............................... Egypt ?Tourist : Yes, I like Egypt very much.Amira : ...............................(2)................................. are you from ?Tourist : I’m from England.Amira : What .....................(3)...................... did you visit in Egypt ?Tourist : I visited the Museum, the Pyramids and the ....................... .....(4)....................................... in Luxor and Aswan.

● Finish the following dialogue with these words.

long — places — visit — from — often

Ahmed : Welcome to Egypt. Where do you come ............(1)............ ?Tourist : I come from Italy.Ahmed : Is it your first ..........................(2)........................ to Egypt ?Tourist : Yes, it is.

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35 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Ahmed : How ......................(3)....................... will you stay in Egypt ?Tourist : I will stay for a week.Ahmed : What ............................(4)............................. will you visit ?Tourist : The Egyptian Museum and the Pyramids.

● Finish the following dialogue with these words.

weight — kilometres — fast — fastest — age

Eman : How long can camels live ?Ahmed : Most of them can live to the .................(1)............. of forty.Eman : how ................................(2).......................... can they run ?Ahmed : The ........(3)........ camel can run fifty ........(4)........ per hour.

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ≈fÉãdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues. A) Ali : What time will Soha arrive at school tomorrow ?

Amira : .....................................................................................

B) Nada : ................................................................................... ? Ramy : Yes, my mother is younger than my father.

● Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues. A) Yasser : How many boys are there in your classroom ?

Rami : .....................................................................................

B) Huda : ................................................................................... ? Mona : Soha will have breakfast at seven.

● Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues. A) Abeer : What will you be able to do when you are 25 ?

Dina : ....................................................................................

B) Samy : .................................................................................. ? Salem : A camel can drink about fifty litres of water ?

● Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues. A) You : How long will you stay in Egypt ?

Tourist : ..................................................................................

B) Hala : ................................................................................. ? Mona : I am 1.5 metres tall.

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36Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

B) Reading Comprehension: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ådÉãdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

3. Read and match.

1. They went to Khan al-Khalili to


2. How much water does

3. The River Nile

4. What time will you

5. The deaf can

a) is one of the longest rivers in the world.

b) travel to Cairo ?c) make words with their handsd) some presents.e) hear well.f ) a camel need each day ?

● Read and match.

1. Braille is

2. Tourists visit Egypt

3. How high is the biggest

4. The Valley of the Kings

5. Blind people

a) to see the Pyramids.b) can’t see.c) is a fabulous place.d) can’t hear.e) special writing for the blind.f ) mountain in Egypt ?

● Read and match.

1. The tourists will

2. Can you tell me

3. How long

4. My brother is ten kilograms

5. Camels can live in a place

a) is the River Nile ?b) visit the Pyramids in Giza.c) the heaviest.d) the time, please ?e) where there is not much water.f ) heavier than me.

● Read and match.

1. When will you

2. The human body

3. We’ll be able

4. How fast can

5. She can’t go shopping

a) is a fantastic thing.b) because she is tired.c) finishing your homework ?d) finish you homework ?e) a horse run ?f ) to build better hospitals.

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37 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ™HGôdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG4. Read the following, then answer the questions.

Helen Keller fell ill when she was two. After her illness she could smell, touch and taste things but she couldn’t see or hear. She became blind and deaf. Her life was difficult. Her teacher Anne Sullivan taught her how to spell words with her hands but she couldn’t understand them. Later she learned to read Braille, special writing for the blind. Helen became famous for her work for the deaf and the blind.A) Answer the following questions.

1. Who is this about ?2. What could Helen do after her illness ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.3. Hellen became ill at the .................. year of her age. a) first b) second c) third4. The underlined word “blind” means unable to ................... . a) see b) hear c) speak5. Anne Sullivan was her .................... . a) doctor b) friend c) teacher

C) Usage and Writing: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ¢ùeÉîdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. ..................... are you going to stay in Egypt ?

a) How long b) How far c) How high

2. “What time is it ?” — “It’s half ..................... twelve.”

a) past b) to c) at3. Can you tell me the ..................... of the film ?

a) clock b) hour c) time

4. They will stay in a ..................... hotel.

a) comfortable b) comfort c) difficult

5. When will they ..................... in London ?

a) arrived b) arriving c) arrive

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38Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

6. People travel abroad by .....................

a) plane b) plant c) planet

7. Dad is the ..................... person in our family.

a) older b) oldest c) old

8. The ship can ..................... at 50 Kmph.

a) go b) fly c) sail9. In the Egyptian Museum, we can see a lot of .................... . a) flats b) treasures c) stations

10. Zaher can ..................... up and down 50 times. a) jumps b) jumped c) jump11. “How ..................... are you ?” — “70 kilograms.” a) tall b) heavy c) old12. How ..................... can camels live ? a) long b) many c) fast13. ..................... high is the biggest mountain in Egypt ? a) What b) How c) Why14. Deaf people can ..................... words with their hands. a) make b) speak c) do15. ..................... Salma play tennis yesterday ? a) Can b) Will c) Could16. A plane is ..................... than a rocket. a) slowest b) slow c) slower17. Tourists stay in a ..................... when they visit Egypt. a) bakery b) hotel c) field18. Tourists visit Egypt to see its ..................... . a) fields b) hotels c) treasures19. I visited the ..................... Pyramid at Giza. a) Great b) Greater c) Greatest20. The Nile is the ..................... river in the world. a) longest b) longer c) long21. Ahmed will ..................... drive a car when he is 25. a) can b) could c) be able to22. A blind person can't ..................... a) see b) hear c) speak

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39 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

23. Camels can live ..................... water for about two weeks. a) with b) without c) for24. He cannot hear. He is ..................... a) blind b) deaf c) dumb25. Braille is special ..................... for the blind. a) work b) writing c) song26. The ship ..................... 70,000 tonnes. a) weighs b) sails c) flies27. A ..................... person can't see. a) deaf b) young c) blind28. Deaf people can't ..................... a) read b) see c) hear29. A camel can ..................... f ifty litres of water. a) drinks b) drink c) drinking30. When my sister was two years old, she ..................... walk. a) will be able to b) can c) could31. Mona is ..................... than Huda. a) tall b) taller c) tallest32. “How ..................... can a horse run ?”-“About 60 km an hour.” a) fast b) far c) long33. ..................... tall is the Cairo Tower ? a) What b) Where c) How34. The giraffe is the ..................... animal. a) tallest b) taller c) tall35. The Great Pyramid weighs about six million ..................... a) metres b) tonnes c) kilometres36. Our classroom is the ..................... classroom in the school. a) big b) biggest c) bigger37. Planes are ..................... than cars. a) faster b) fastest c) fast38. “How ..................... is the box ?”-“It’s 1000 kg.” a) high b) heavy c) long39. My uncle is ..................... my father. a) old b) older than c) the oldest40. How ..................... is this street ? a) long b) fast c) tall

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40Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ¢SOÉ°ùdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. I’m 1.30 tall. (How tall)

2. He couldn’t go to school because he was ill. (Why)

3. Camels can walk about 50 km in one day. (How far)

● Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. Camels can live to the age of thirty. (How long)

2. My father will visit London next month. (When)

3. Tourists stay in hotels. (Where)

● Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. The tourists will stay in Aswan for a week. (How long)

2. I could swim when I was ten. (What)

3. Yes, I will visit Luxor. (Will)

● Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. Noha is taller than Samia. (Who)

2. Lake Nasser is 10 km wide. (How wide)

3. Sara starts work at 8 o’clock. (What time)

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ™HÉ°ùdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. Camels can live to the old of forty. (....................)

2. It’s half and twelve. (....................)

3. We will are able to find new medicine. (....................)

● Read and correct the underlined words.

1. The ship can go at 50 kilometres per hour. (....................)

2. The plane is the fast vehicle. (....................)

3. At the age of six, Huda can speak two languages. (....................)

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41 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

● Read and correct the underlined words.

1. When will she has an English Test ? (....................)

2. They will catch the train on half past seven. (....................)

3. Ali is tallest than Ahmed. (....................)

● Read and correct the underlined words.

1. How much can a camel run — 50 kmph. (....................)

2. Ahmed is the taller boy in our class. (....................)

3. We don’t go to school in Friday. (....................)

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a øeÉãdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences.

(The words in the box may help you.)

heavy things — strong — without water

Most camels can live to the age of forty.



...................................... for 15 or 16 days.

● Look at the picture and write three more sentences.

(The words in the box may help you.)

plane — hotels — visit

Tourists visit Egypt all the year round. .




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42Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

● Look at the picture and write three more sentences.

(The words in the box may help you .)

preparatory school — 12 years — 1m 40 tall

My brother is called Mohammed ............






● Look at the picture and write three more sentences.

(The words in the box may help you)

Pyramids — Luxor and Aswan — two weeks

The tourists will arrive in Cairo next

Monday. .....................................................





D) Punctuation: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ™°SÉàdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

9. Punctuate the following sentence.

- omar and heba welcomed the english tourist

- i m from giza

- my school will visit the egyptian museum next month

- aswan and luxor are famous cities in egypt

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Part 2

43 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Test on Units 4 , 5 , 6اختبار شهر نوفمبر

A) Language Functions1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

long — places — visit — from — often

Mona : Welcome to Egypt. Where do you come ............(1)........... ?

Tourist : I come from Australia.

Mona : Is it your first ..........................(2)........................ to Egypt ?

Tourist : Yes, it is.

Mona : How ......................(3)...................... will you stay in Egypt ?

Tourist : I will stay for a week.

Mona : What ....................(4).................................... will you visit ?

Tourist : The Egyptian Museum and the Pyramids .

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Ashraf : Can you tell me the time, please ?

Bassem : .........................................................................

B) Heba : ...................................................................... ?

Noha : We will meet at the park tomorrow.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

1. What time will

2. How heavy is Ahmed ?

3. When I was three,

4. We’ll travel to Aswan

5. My mum is

a) the same age as my dad.

b) by plane.

c) He’s 1.5 m tall.

d) I could run.

e) you get up ?

f ) He weighs 60 kg.

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44Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

4. Read the following, then answer the questions.In January, millions of tourists from different countries come to

visit Egypt to enjoy its sunny and warm weather. They also like visiting

many fabulous places in Egypt such as the Pyramids and the Sphinx in

Giza, the Valley of the Kings and Queens in Luxor. They like visiting the

Egyptian Museum in Cairo to see the ancient Egyptian treasures.

Some of them like visiting Khan El-Khalili to buy some presents.

After spending their holidays, they go back home to tell their families

about the happy time they spent here and how the Egyptians were

friendly and nice with them during their stay.

A) Answer the following questions.

1. Why do tourists come to visit Egypt ?

2. What do tourists think of the Egyptians ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.

3. The underlined word “some” refers to ...................

a) the Egyptians b) tourists c) treasures

4. Tourists usually visit Egypt in ..................... .

a) summer b) spring c) winter

5. Tourists buy their needs from ...................... in Cairo.

a) Giza b) the Egyptian Museum c) Khan EL-Khalili

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.

1. Blind people can’t .................... .

a) speak b) hear c) see

2. Tourists would like to stay at a ................... hotel.

a) noisy b) comfortable c) old

3. They will come ....................... bus.

a) in b) on c) by

4. The dog is ....................... than the cat.

a) stronger b) strong c) strongest

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45 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

5. Braille is special ....................... for the blind.

a) work b) song c) writing

6. When he was six, he ....................... swim.

a) can b) could c) will be able to

7. They ...................... at two o’clock tomorrow.

a) arrived b) arrive c) will arrive

8. In the afternoon, you’ll ............... in a comfortable hotel.

a) test b) rest c) best

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. Camels can drink about fifty litres of water. (How many)

2. The tourists went to the Pyramids by taxi. (How)

3. We’ll stay in Luxor for a week. (How long)

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. I go to school at half to seven. (....................)

2. At the age of three, Hala can run. (....................)

3. Hassan will arrive at the hotel last week. (....................)

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences.

(The words in the box may help you.)

Pyramids — ride camels — nice time

A lot of tourists like to visit Egypt.






D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following sentence.

_ is august the hottest month in egypt

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46Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

Mid-Term Tests (Units 1 - 6)

Test (1)A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

postman — delivers — new — baker — Where

Heba : Hello! Are you a ............(1)........... student in this school?

Dina : Yes, I am.

Heba : What’s your father’s job?

Dina : He is a ......................(2)..................... .

Heba : ......................(3)...................... does he work?

Dina : In the street. He ...............................(4)................................

letters to homes and companies.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Hany : What’s the longest river in the world?

Ashraf : .........................................................................

B) Soha : ...................................................................... ?

Nada : It’s half past ten.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

1. Where was

2. In her dream,

3. The daughter of my uncle

4. How high

5. We will be

a) is my cousin.

b) able to build new hospitals.

c) your father born?

d) you doing your homework?

e) Noha was riding on a lion.

f ) is the biggest mountain in Egypt?

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47 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

4. Read the following, then answer the questions.Mr. Ali is a businessman. He is meeting some tourists at Cairo Airport

at the moment. He would like to tell them about the timetable for the week. They will stay in Egypt for a week. He says “ Hello, everyone. We will leave for the hotel in fifteen minutes and we’ll have rest for the rest of the day. On Saturday morning, we’ll leave for Alexandria where you’ll visit Alexandria library.

On Sunday, you’ll visit Giza Pyramids, the Egyptian Museum and the famous Khan El Khalili. On Monday, you’ll visit Luxor for two days where you’ll enjoy visiting the temples and the Valley of the Kings. On Wednesday, you’ll visit Aswan. Finally you’ll return to Cairo on Thursday evening.”A) Answer the following questions.

1. What places will the tourists visit in Cairo ?2. Where will the tourists be on Tuesday ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.

3. The underlined word “them” refers to ................... a) temples b) tourists c) timetable

4. The tourists will come to Egypt by .................... a) ship b) car c) plane

5. They will stay in Egypt for ...................... a) seven days b) four days c) fourteen days

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.

1. ..................... you like to visit the museum with us? a) Could b) Should c) Would2. ................... people can’t see. a) Deaf b) Blind c) Young3. How ....................... is your father? a) weight b) hight c) heavy4. A man’s ....................... is the mother of his children. a) wife b) daughter c) mother

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48Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

5. What are you ....................... in the picture?

a) did b) doing c) do

6. Our school is ....................... to a hospital.

a) in front b) opposite c) next

7. My uncle is ...................... person in my family.

a) tallest b) the tallest c) taller than

8. Camels can live ...................... water for 15 days.

a) without b) with c) under

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. Camels can live to the age of forty. (How long)

2. Doctors examine patients to find out why they are ill. (Why)

3. I was born in Cairo. (Where)

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. I will visited my grandmother tomorrow. (....................)

2. A mechanic mixes cars. (....................)

3. Can you swim when you were seven? (....................)

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences.

(The words in the box may help you.)

slower — heaviest — fastest

These are three vehicles ...................






D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following sentence.

what s your uncle s job

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49 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Test (2)A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

old — age — wide — is — long

Ahmed : How ................(1)................... is Lake Nasser at Aswan?

Samir : It is about 110 kilometres wide.

Ahmed : How ................(2).................. is the River Nile?

Samir : It ....................(3).................. about 6600 kilometres long.

Ahmed : How ...................(4)................ is Ibn Tulun mosque in Cairo?

Samir : It is about 1100 years old.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Soha : Where’s the library in your school?

Ola : .........................................................................

B) You : ...................................................................... ?

Friend : I’d like to be an engineer.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

1. A second is

2. Blind people

3. We’ll leave the hotel in

4. You’ll be cold

5. X-ray pictures show you

a) without your jumper.

b) the inside of your body.

c) can’t hear.

d) can’t see.

e) a length of time.

f ) about fifteen minutes.

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50Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

4. Read the following, then answer the questions.Nader was telling Sherif his favourite dream. In his dream he was a

businessman. He had a big office in Cairo. Twenty people were working

in his office. He had lots of money. He was giving some money to

his family. He was helping his friends. He was using some money to

build a new hospital for poor people. He was travelling to different

countries. He was married with three children. Nader was very happy

in his dream.

A) Answer the following questions.

1. What was Nader’s job in his dream ?

2. Who was Nader giving money to ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.

3. There were ..................... people in Nader’s family.

a) six b) four c) five

4. In his dream Nader was ..................... a hospital.

a) going to b) building c) working in

5. Nader was very ..................... in his dream.

a) rich b) poor c) angry

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.

1. I go home at ..................... to three every day.

a) half b) quarter c) too

2. Mr Ashraf ................... this car last month.

a) is buying b) was buying c) bought

3. The ship can ....................... at 100 kilometres per hour.

a) sail b) sell c) sale

4. Nada is twenty centimetres ....................... Noha.

a) small as b) smaller than c) the smallest

5. Braille is special writing for ....................... people.

a) deaf b) poor c) blind

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51 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

6. We ....................... go to Alexandria next summer.

a) won’t b) don’t c) didn’t

7. We’ll ...................... make new machines for ill people.

a) can b) be able c) be able to

8. My aunt’s son is my ..................... .

a) uncle b) cousin c) grandfather

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. I met Omar yesterday. (When)

2. The box weighs ten kilograms. (How much)

3. The tourists will stay in Luxor for 3 days. (How long)

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. The plane is lighter then the ship. (....................)

2. I’ll meet my friends in Monday. (....................)

3. Camels can live to the old of forty. (....................)

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences.

(The words in the box may help you.)

hospital — examines — medicines

My uncle is a doctor ..........................






D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following sentence.

hassan will go to cairo on monday

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52Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

تدريبات مختارة من امتحانات ا�دارات التعليمية

لمختلف محافظات الجمهورية فى السنوات السابقة

Units 7, 8, 9, Revision CA) Language Functions

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ∫hC’G ∫GDƒ°ùdG

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.history — science — do — for — an experiment

Samy : What are you doing ?

Ali : I’m doing ..................................(1)..................................... .

Samy : What do you need .....................(2)................................ it ?

Ali : A pen and a ruler.

Samy : Do you usually .....................(3)..................... experiments ?

Ali : Yes, I do.

Samy : Who taught you to do them ?

Ali : My .................(4).................... teacher taught me to do them.

● Finish the following dialogue with these words.

was — an — have — were — on

Ali : What ............(1)........... you doing when your father arrived ?

Galal : I ...................(2)................................................ watching TV.

Ali : What were you watching .......................(3).................... TV ?

Galal : I was watching ........................(4)...................... English film.

● Finish the following dialogue with these words.

a little _ pay _ took _ anybody _ dropped

Policeman : You must ............................(1)........................... a fine.

Tourist : Why ?

Policeman : Because you ...............(2)............ a bottle on the sand.

Tourist : Was ............................(3)................................ injured ?

Policeman : Yes, ............................(4)...................................... girl.

Tourist : Sorry, sir. This is the fine.

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53 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

● Finish the following dialogue with these words.

crossing — ambulance — how — while — happened

Huda : ..................(1)................... did you go back home yesterday ?

Nada : By bus.

Huda : Did you see the accident ?

Nada : No, I didn’t. What .............................(2)............................. ?

Huda : A car hit a boy while he was .............(3).............. the street.

Nada : What happened next ?

Huda : An ..........................(4).................... was coming and the driver

saw the accident, so he took the boy to hospital.

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ≈fÉãdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Ali : What is the chair made of ?

Amira : .........................................................................

B) Ali : ....................................................................... ?

Ahmed : Pupils do experiments in the school laboratory.

● Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Ayman : What does “environment” mean ?

Mai : ..........................................................................

B) Radwa : ........................................................................ ?

Tamer : I was helping Mum at seven last Friday.

● Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Huda : How do we keep the environment clean ?

Amal : ..........................................................................

B) Ahmed : ........................................................................ ?

Ramy : If I put a piece of wood in water, it will float.

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54Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

B) Reading Comprehension

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ådÉãdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

3. Read and match.

1. A teacher is a person who

2. A school is a place

3. The boy

4. When we arrived,

5. You will get sixty if

a) the tourist was riding a horse.

b) if you divide thirty by two.

c) you multiply two by thirty.

d) teaches pupils.

e) fell off his bike.

f) where we can learn.

● Read and match.

1. A tourist is a person who

2. Dolphins are

3. A fine is

4. Another word for litter is

5. People who throw litter

a) rubbish.

b) money which someone pays for

doing something wrong.

c) visits another country.

d) should be fined.

e) animals which swim in the sea.

f) stays at home.

● Read and match.

1. You should sleep

2. Would you like to

3. She was teaching us

4. The boy swerved

5. What were you

a) doing at six yesterday ?

b) about the internet.

c) if you are tired.

d) to miss the woman.

e) we thanked them.

f ) visit my town ?

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55 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ™HGôdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG4. Read the following, then answer the questions.

Parks are very important for us. We need parks everywhere. People go there to talk, relax and breathe fresh air. In the parks, we find trees, flowers and grass where people can enjoy beautiful time. Children can find a safe place to play, run and laugh in front of the eyes of their parents. People usually go to the park on Fridays. They take with them too much food and drinks. We should clean the parks. We should put litter in bins to keep our environment clean.A) Answer the following questions.

1. Why do people go to the park ? 2. What can we find in the park ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.3. People usually go to the park on .................... . a) Sundays b) Saturdays c) Fridays4. We ................... put litter in the bins. a) should b) shouldn’t c) would5. We should keep our environment .................... . a) dirty b) clean c) empty

C) Usage and Writing: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ¢ùeÉîdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.

1. A plastic cup won’t break if you .................... it. a) dropping b) drop c) dropped

2. If you .................... five by five, you’ll get twenty—five. a) multiply b) divide c) take away3. When I saw Sally, she .................... the street. a) was crossing b) crossing c) crosses4. The man on the bike swerved to .................... the young girl. a) cross b) miss c) hit5. If you drop a glass, it .................... a) broke b) will break c) was breaking

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56Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

6. When you phoned yesterday, I .....................

a) am sleeping b) was sleeping c) will sleep

7. If you .................... sixty by six, you’ll get ten.

a) multiply b) add c) divide

8. When I arrived home, my father .................... the paper.

a) reads b) reading c) was reading9. Light things .................... in water.

a) sink b) fall c) float10. I was .................... a letter when the telephone rang. a) write b) wrote c) writing11. My friend .................... down and broke his leg. a) fell b) falls c) falling12. If the weather is fine tomorrow, I .................... for a walk. a) go b) went c) will go13. He was having lunch .................... the table broke. a) when b) while c) if14. In our science lessons, we always do .................... . a) shopping b) cooking c) experiments15. If you ............... a hundred and a hundred, you’ll get two hundred. a) multiply b) add c) divide16. The walls of our house .................... of brick. a) is made b) are made c) was made19. If we put .................... in water, it will sink. a) wood b) paper c) a stone20. If you put .................... in water, it will float. a) glass b) brick c) wood21. This bag is .................... of plastic. a) make b) makes c) made22. Wood will float if you put it in .................... a) a hole b) water c) sand23. Metal things .................... in water. a) sink b) sinks c) sinking

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Part 2

57 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

24. If you put wood in water, it will ................... . a) swim b) sink c) float25. If you put ..................... in water, it will sink. a) glass b) wood c) paper26. Planes ...................... of metal. a) are made b) made c) are making27. If you put a piece of paper in water, it won’t ..................... a) sink b) float c) fly28. Bricks ..................... in water. a) sink b) float c) flying29. Some trousers are ...................... of wool. a) taken b) made c) given30. While I was talking to my friend, the teacher ...................... in. a) come b) comes c) came31. If you divide six ...................... three, you’ll get two. a) in b) on c) by32. While I ...................... the bike, I fell off. a) riding b) was riding c) rode33. If you ..................... five away from twelve, you’ll get seven. a) add b) multiply c) take34. The bottle is ..................... of glass. a) make b) made c) makes35. If ..................... is put in water, it will sink. a) paper b) wood c) metal36. We need a ................... of trousers for my son. a) couple b) pair c) piece37. While he was ...................... to school, it rained. a) go b) gone c) going38. Books ........................ of paper. a) are made b) made c) is made39. If we take five away ....................... twenty, we’ll get fifteen. a) of b) from c) out

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58Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

40. When she entered the room, Hany .................... to music.

a) listen b) listens c) was listening

41. A helicopter was flying in the....................

a) sky b) club c) class

42. Cars are usually made of ....................

a) brick b) metal c) paper

43. While she .................... tennis, she fell and broke her arm.

a) playing b) was playing c) were playing

44. He’ll run quickly if he .................... late.

a) was b) will be c) is

45. The boy had an accident while he .................... a bike.

a) was riding b) rode c) rides

46. If you go to bed early, you .................... up early.

a) got b) will get c) get

47. A farmer is a person .................... grows vegetables.

a) who b) which c) where

48. The girl .................... is wearing glasses is my sister.

a) why b) which c) who

49. This is the beach .................... we swim.

a) where b) which c) who

50. We should .................... our streets clean.

a) keep b) build c) dust

51. Windows are made .................... glass.

a) of b) from c) with

52. This is the radio .................... Heba broke.

a) where b) which c) who

53. .................... like to visit the Pyramids.

a) Policemen b) Camels c) Tourists

54. A doctor is a person .................... examines patients.

a) where b) who c) when

55. .................... are big sea animals.

a) Lions b) Dolphins c) Elephants

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59 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

56. He made the tourist .................... a fine. a) pay b) paid c) pays57. This is the tourist .................... dropped the bottle. a) why b) which c) who58. When the policeman ...................., the tourist was taking a photo. a) arrive b) arrived c) arriving59. The ............... is the nature and the place where we live and work. a) school b) environment c) library60. A hotel is a place .................... people stay. a) where b) which c) when61. The boy .................... is riding a bike will hit the little girl. a) where b) who c) which62. Planes .................... of metal. a) are made b) made c) are making63. A school is a place .................... pupils learn. a) who b) what c) where64. Another word for litter is .................... . a) letter b) litter c) rubbish65. The policeman made the tourist pay a .................... . a) fire b) fine c) bin66. He was careless. He .................... a banana peel in the street. a) fell b) dropped c) caught67. Dolphins play .................... sunny days. a) for b) in c) on68. While I ...................., it rained. a) play b) played c) was playing

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60Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ¢SOÉ°ùdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. Soha did two puzzles last week. (How many)

2. Tourists visit the Egyptian museum to see the exciting treasures.


3. We can read the “Internet Magazine” on the internet. (What)

● Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. I’ve got two sisters. (How many)

2. I was sleeping when he arrived. (What)

3. I was late because I didn’t catch the bus. (Why)

● Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. The boy was playing in the playground. (What)

2. He dropped litter so he paid a fine. (Why)

3. He was working at 8 o’clock in the morning. (When)

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ™HÉ°ùdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. a plastic ball sinks in water. (....................)

2. If he studies hard, he would succeed. (....................)

3. The teacher is the person who learns. (....................)

● Read and correct the underlined words.

1. If you multiply nine by three, you will get three. (....................)

2. If I put a piece of wood in water, it will sink. (....................)

3. While he is flying his kite, he fell down. (....................)

● Read and correct the underlined words.

1. Hassan can’t cut up the flowers. (....................)

2. If you add three with five, you’ll get eight. (....................)

3. Scientists make experiments. (....................)

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61 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a øeÉãdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences.

(The words in the box may help you.)

paper — wood — metal

Some materials float when they are put

in water and other materials sink. ............





● Look at the picture and write three more sentences.

(The words in the box may help you .)

reading — toys — watching

Everyone was busy yesterday evening :






● Look at the picture and write three more sentences.

(The words in the box may help you)

glass — paper — window

The ball is made of plastic. ...................






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62Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

● Look at the picture and write three more sentences.(The words in the box may help you)

sea — sunny days — eat fish

Dolphins are nice animals. ...........................





D) Punctuation: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ™°SÉàdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

9. Punctuate the following sentence.1. we don t go to school on friday2. if i put this in water it will float3. if you add two and two you ll get four4. what were soha and ahmed doing when the telephone rang

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Part 2

63 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Test on Units 7 , 8 , 9اختبار شهر ديسمبرA) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

an accident — which — who — why — hospital

Teacher : ............(1)........... are you late, Ali ?

Ali : Because there was ............(2)........... on the road.

Teacher : Was anyone hurt ?

Ali : Only a boy ................(3)................. was riding his bicycle.

Teacher : How did they save him ?

Ali : An ambulance took him to the .................(4)................. .

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Nada : Why shouldn’t we throw litter in the streets ?

Shahira : To ........................................................................

B) Ahmed : ........................................................................... ?

Samy : This chair is made of wood.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

1. A hospital is a place

2. The police should fine


3. The environment is

4. A horse is an animal

5. Dolphins are

a) the place where people live and work.

b) which can carry people.

c) animals which play in the sea.

d) who keep places clean.

e) where patients go.

f ) who drop litter.

4. Read the following, then answer the questions.Last night, Tamer dreamt that he was on his grandfather’s farm with

his sister. They were helping their grandfather because he was tired.

While he was looking down, he found a box full of money. He took the

money to his grandfarther. His grandfather was very happy because

Tamer gave him the money. He thanked him for his honesty.

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64Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

A) Answer the following questions.1. Where did Tamer go in his dream ?2. Why did Tamer’s grandfather thank him ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.3. Tamer was in the farm with ................... sister. a) her b) his c) my4. They helped their grandfather because he was ............... . a) happy b) honest c) tired5. The underlined word (him) refers to ............... . a) Tamer b) sister c) grandfather

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.

1. We should look .................. the environment. a) for b) after c) up2. People should .................. the River Nile clean. a) look b) keep c) do3. This is the village ................... my uncle was born. a) where b) when c) who4. The boy .................. is wearing glasses is my brother. a) where b) which c) who5. If you put ................. in water, it will sink. a) paper b) glass c) wood6. While I was ................. home, it rained. a) going b) go c) goes7. A cleaner is a person ................. keeps places clean. a) which b) where c) who8. Rubbish means ................ a) litter b) letter c) latter

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.1. The ruler is made of wood. (What)2. Hala put the litter in the bin. (Where)3. A restaurant is a place where people eat. (What)

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65 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. If you put wood in water, it would float. (....................)

2. This is the window who he broke. (....................)

3. We shouldn’t keep our environment clean. (....................)

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences.

(The words in the box may help you.)

weather _ fruit and cake _ enjoy

Yesterday we had a picnic at the park.







D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following sentence.

they have got holiday in july and august

](∫hCG ΩôJ) iOGóYE’G ∫hC’G ∞°üdG (ájõ«∏éfE’G á¨∏dG)≥ë∏e-5Ω]

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66Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

تدريبات مختارة من امتحانات ا�دارات التعليمية

لمختلف محافظات الجمهورية فى السنوات السابقة

Units 10, 11, 12, Revision DA) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ∫hC’G ∫GDƒ°ùdG

dessert _ vegetables _ start _ else _ eat

Waiter : What would you like to ..........(1).......... with ?

Hanan : Some green ...........(2).........., please.

Waiter : Next ?

Hanan : I’ll have some fish please.

Waiter : What ..........(3).......... ?

Hanan : I’ll have some rice.

Waiter : Would you like any ..........(4).......... ?

Hanan : No, thank you.

● Finish the following dialogue with these words.

some _ got _ any _ have _ to

Hoda : Have you got ..........(1).......... money ?

Mona : Yes, I ..........(2).......... got some money.

Hoda : What would you like ..........(3).......... buy ?

Mona : ..........(4).......... sugar.

● Finish the following dialogue with these words.

else — drink — eat — courgettes — run

Waiter : What would you like to ............(1)............ ?Ali : Rice, meat and ............(2)............ .

Waiter : ............(3)............ ?Ali : Tea, please.

Waiter : Anything ............(4)............ ?

Ali : No, thank you.

Page 67: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى

Part 2

67 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ≈fÉãdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Waiter : What would you like to drink, Sir ?

Customer : ..........................................................................

B) Guide : ....................................................................... ?

Tourist : Yes, I want to visit the Pyramids.

● Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Sally : Why do you go to the chemist’s ?

Mona : ............................................................................

B) Ahmed : .......................................................................... ?

Ramy : I’d like to have meat with rice, please.

● Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Soha : May I have a piece of cake, please ?

Mum : ............................................................................

B) Kamel : .......................................................................... ?

Hatem : A kilo of carrots is one pound.

B) Reading Comprehension: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ådÉãdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

3. Read and match.

1. The bag is too heavy

2. A baker

3. Huda isn’t

4. We like supermarkets.

5. There’s too much

a) enough good.

b) good enough.

c) for me to carry.

d) sugar in the tea.

e) sells bread and cake.

f) They are cheaper than

corner shops.

Page 68: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى

68Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2● Read and match.

1. He is so busy

2. All mobile phones

3. She is too busy

4. The opposite of expensive

5. Can you tell me

a) is cheap.b) is light.c) the way to hospital ?d) that he can’t watch TV.e) send and receive text messages.f) to go shopping.

● Read and match.

1. She can’t watch TV

2. I can’t answer this question.

3. Hany went to the grocer’s

4. I went to the butcher’s

5. We’ll have fruit salad

a) It’s too difficult for me.b) to buy tea and sugar.c) to buy peas and carrots.d) for dessert.e) to buy meat.f ) because she is too busy.

4. Read the following, then answer the questions.: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ™HGôdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

Last Monday, I went with my friend Ali to a restaurant. We went there by taxi. When we reached there, the waiter came and asked us what we wanted to eat and drink. Ali ordered chicken, soup and macaroni. I ordered fish and rice. We had a nice meal. Then we asked the waiter to bring us something to drink. We stayed there for an hour till it became 3 o’clock. We returned home and decided to go there again and again.A) Answer the following questions.

1. How long did they stay at the restaurant ?2. Did they like eating at the restaurant ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.3. The restaurant was .................. the friend’s home.

a) very near b) near c) far from4. They .................... at the

a) ate only b) drank only c) ate and drank5. Ali ordered .................... .

a) fish and rice b) chicken, soup and macaroni c) soup

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Part 2

69 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

C) Usage and Writing: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ¢ùeÉîdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. Would you like ................... tea ? a) some b) a c) an2. Put the pan on fire ................... fifteen minutes. a) on b) in c) for3. It’s ................... cold to go out. a) very b) much c) too4. Ahmed bought ................... onions. a) some b) any c) an5. The tea was ................... hot for Noha to drink. a) to b) too c) two6. ................... salt do you need ? a) How many b) How old c) How much7. There are ................... eggs in the basket. a) a b) some c) any8. There is ................... rice, but not much. a) many b) any c) some9. How ................... help do you give your sister ?

a) many b) often c) much10. Shady isn’t tall ................... to play basketball. a) if b) too c) enough11. I haven’t got ................... mango juice. a) a b) any c) an12. Mothers use tomato ................... in cooking. a) piece b) oil c) paste13. My mother asked me to ................... lunch. a) cook b) count c) swim14. Saad was too busy to ................... the phone. a) answer b) answers c) answered15. We haven’t got ................... red pens. a) much b) some c) any16. ................... there any rice ? a) Were b) Is c) Are

Page 70: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى

70Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

17. Tea, coffee and lemonade are .................... .

a) drinks b) vegetables c) fruit

18. There is ..................... rice in the plate.

a) many b) much c) any

19. A computer is too expensive ..................... me to buy.

a) for b) to c) with

20. We buy medicine from the .................... .

a) baker’s b) chemist’s c) bank

21. Go ..................... on Mustafa Kamel Street and turn right.

a) straight b) long c) a long

22. She is ..................... busy to watch TV.

a) so b) too c) enough

23. The box is ..................... heavy to carry.

a) two b) to c) too

24. How ..................... cheese is there on the plate.

a) much b) many c) high

25. I can’t eat this food. It is ..................... for me to eat.

a) too salty b) very salty c) salty enough

26. Monday is the ..................... day of the week.

a) second b) first c) third

27. The tea ..................... me to buy.

a) he b) his c) him

28. The question is too ..................... to answer

a) busy b) difficult c) easy

29. She went shopping and ..................... meat.

a) buy b) bought c) busy

30. I need some bread. I should go to the .................... .

a) butcher’s b) bakery c) grocer’s

31. We buy meat at the .................... .

a) butcher’s b) bakery c) grocer’s

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Part 2

71 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

32. I haven’t got ..................... oil.

a) some b) any c) many

33. People like internet shopping because it is easy and .....................

a) slow b) difficult c) quick

34. The police should ..................... people who drop litter.

a) thank b) fine c) help

35. “How ... sugar do you need in your tea ?” — “Three spoons.”

a) many b) much c) long

36. There is too ..................... noise in class.

a) many b) enough c) much

37. After lunch, we have some fruit for .................... .

a) desert b) dessert c) deserts

38. You shouldn’t ..................... outside if the weather is hot.

a) play b) playing c) plays

39. ..................... straight on and turn right.

a) Going b) Went c) Go

40. Turn left, the supermarket is ..................... your left.

a) at b) on c) in

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72Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 2

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ¢SOÉ°ùdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. I’d like to drink coffee, please. (What)

2. We can get meat at the butcher’s. (Where)

3. I couldn’t drink tea because it was too hot. (Why)

● Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. He bought two kilos of sugar. (How much)

2. Adel bought two books and a pen. (Who)

3. I need five books. (How many)

● Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. I have two cups of tea. (How many)

2. The chemist’s is next to the supermarket. (Where)

3. My shirt is fifty pounds. (How much)

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ™HÉ°ùdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. Meat is very expensive to buy these days. (....................)

2. How many sugar do you need ? (....................)

3. She doesn’t have money enough. (....................)

● Read and correct the underlined words.

1. The shoes are too small to me to wear. (....................)

2. October is the ten month of the year. (....................)

3. People drink many water in the summer. (....................)

● Read and correct the underlined words.

1. I need two cups of sugar in my tea. (....................)

2. He didn’t have some water. (....................)

3. I don’t mend eating meat. (....................)

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Part 2

73 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a øeÉãdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences.

(The words in the box may help you.)

study — homework — exam

I’m too busy to see this film. ...........................................................................



● Look at the picture and write three more sentences.(The words in the box may help you .)

throw — bins — fine

We should keep our environment clean. ..................................................................



● Look at the picture and write three more sentences.(The words in the box may help you .)

find what they need - cheaper than corner shops -don’t stay until late

In big towns and cities, people shop in supermarkets ..................................................................................................




D) Punctuation: ¿Éëàe’G ábQh ≈a ™°SÉàdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG

9. Punctuate the following sentence.1. will soha shop on the internet on thursday2. are rasha and mona cooking the lunch3. ahmed doesn t like fish milk or eggs

Page 74: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى



الفصل الدراسى ا�ول


äÉfÉëàe’G òg πjó©J ºJ

ΩÉ©dG Gòg ¿ÉëàeG äÉØ°UGƒªd É k≤ÑW

Page 75: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى

75 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 3

( 1 ) محافظة القاهرة

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

Yes - Where - is - will - by

Ahmed : ....................(1).................... are you going, Nabil ?Nabil : I am going to the zoo.Ahmed : How ............(2)............ you go there ?Nabil : I will go there ................(3).............. car.Ahmed : Can I go with you ?Nabil : ....................(4)................. you can.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.A : Manar : What time do you go to school ?

Heba : ...........................

B : Walid : ........................... ?Ramy : A butcher sells meat.

B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.(A)

1. The tea is too hot

2. We should put litter

3. If you put wood in water,

4. People go to the beach

5. Rania buys tea


a) it will float

b) on fridays.

c) where they can swim.

d) at the grocer’s.

e) to drink.

f) in bins.

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.Tourists usually come to Egypt by plane. They come in winter to

enjoy the fine weather. In Cairo they visit the Egyptian Museum. In Giza they can see the Pyramids and the Sphinx. In Luxor they can visit Luxor temples and the Valley of the Kings.

إدارة عين شمس التعليمية

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76Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 3

A) Answer the following questions.1. How do tourists come to Egypt ?2. Why do they come in winter ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.3. Tourists can see the Pyramids .............

a) in Cairo b) in Giza c) in Luxor4. They visit the ............ in Cairo.

a) Egyptian Museum b) zoo c) temple5. The Valley of the kings is in ............

a) Fayoum b) Alexandria c) Luxor

C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. While Ali was riding a horse, the policeman .......................... a) arrived b) arrives c) arriving2. If we ......................... fifty by five, you will get ten. a) divide b) add c) multiply3. The door is made ........................ wood. a) at b) of c) on4. Adel went to the .......................... to buy medicine. a) baker’s b) greengrocer’s c) chemist’s5. How .......................... sugar do you like in your tea ? a) much b) many c) lots6. Plastic ........................... in water. a) plays b) sinks c) floats7. He ........................... T.V when the phone rang. a) watches b) watching c) was watching8. This is the boy ........................... won the prize. a) where b) who c) which

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.1. A baker sells bread. (Who)2. I live in Cairo. (Where)3. My name is Sara. (What)

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77 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 3

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. Are there a book in your bag ? ( ..................... )

2. A clinic is a place which we see doctors. ( ..................... )

3. My mother went to the greengrocer to buy bread. ( ..................... )

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences, (the words in

the box may help you).

teacher - school - English

My uncle is called Maher .....................................


D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following sentences.

mona and aya like reading english books

( 2 ) محافظة الجيزة

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

garage - Where - clinic - job - fixes

Mohamed : What’s your uncle’s ....................(1).................... ?

Karim : He’s a mechanic.

Mohamed : ............(2)............ does he work ?

Karim : In a ................(3)..............

Mohamed : What does he do ?

Karim : He ....................(4)................. cars.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A : Sara : What time do you have your breakfast ?

Nadia : ...........................................................

B : tourist : .......................................................... ?

Man : The museum is opposite the square.

إدارة شمال الجيزة التعليمية

Page 78: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى

78Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 3B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.(A)

1. The environment is the place

2. If you aren’t fit

3. The police should fine people

4. She can’t watch T.V

5. A butcher


a) who drop litter in the streets.

b) because she’s too busy.

c) where we live and work.

d) Where people can sit or swim.

e) sells meat.

f) you should exercise.

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.Camels are strong animals. They can carry a weight of a hundred

kilograms. They can also walk about fifty kilometres in one day. The

camel has a strong, heavy body. It weighs about 690 kilograms. Strong

camels can live without water for fifteen or sixteen days. They live in

places where there isn’t much water. Most camels can live to the age

of forty.

A) Answer the following questions.1. Where do camels live ?

2. How heavy is the camel ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.3. Camels can live without water about .............

a) fifty b) fifteen c) two

4. Camels can ............ weight of hundred Kilograms.

a) drink b) carry c) walk

5. Camels can live to the ............ of forty.

a) weight b) height c) age

C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. While Soha .......................... a poem, her mother arrived.

a) reads b) is reading c) was reading

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79 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 3

2. Tourists visit the ......................... in Giza.

a) Temple of Karnak b) Pyramids c) Valley of the kings

3. There is .......................... rice, but not much.

a) some b) any c) many

4. I don’t have enough money, .............. I can’t buy a mobile phone.

a) but b) so c) because

5. Deaf people can’t ..........................

a) hear b) see c) speak

6. We ........................... live on the moon in future.

a) were able to b) will be able to c) are able to

7. I can’t eat this ........................... It’s too salty.

a) apple b) chocolate c) cheese

8. The monitor is a part of the ...........................

a) mobile b) camera c) computer

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.1. I had English, maths and religion before break. (What)2. A doctor examines patients to try to find out why they are ill. (Why)3. I’ll do a science experiments tomorrow. (When)

7. Read and correct the underlined words.1. If you put paper in water, it will sink. ( ..................... )

2. Dolphins like playing on sun days. ( ..................... )

3. I went to the chemist’s for carrots and peas. ( ..................... )

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences, (the words in the box may help you).

birthday cake - sing - photograph

It is my birthday .....................................


D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following sentences.i d like egypt to stay tidy

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80Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 3

( 3 ) محافظة القليوبيةA) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

lab - to - floor - me - opposite

Eslam : Excuse ............(1)............ Could I ask your help, please ?Noha : Yes, of course.Eslam : Where is the science ............(2)............ ?Noha : It’s on the first ................(3)..............

Eslam : Is it next ................(4).............. the library ?Noha : Yes, it is.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.A : Samy : What are doors made of ?

Tamer : ...........................................................

B : Mona : .......................................................... ?Hala : I’ve got two brothers.

B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.(A)

1. A butcher

2. He was holding a camera

3. I advise you

4. All mobiles can send

5. She can’t watch TV


a) and receive text messages.

b) to carry things.

c) sells meat.

d) because she is too busy.

e) to take some photographs.

f) not to waste your time.

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.My name is Samir. I’ve a friend in England. His name is Tom. I know

him very well but I have never met him. We often write to each other. My letters are very short, because it’s still hard for me to write in English. Yesterday I received a letter from him. He is coming to Egypt for a short visit. I’ll be happy to meet him at the airport. He’d like to visit the Egyptian Museum and the pyramids.

إدارة الخانكة التعليمية

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81 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 3A) Answer the following questions.

1. Where does Tom come from ?2. Why are Samir’s letters very short ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.3. Samir will meet his pen-friend at .............

a) the cinema b) the airport c) the zoo4. Yesterday Samir received a ............ from Tom.

a) present b) camera c) letter5. Samir has never ............ Tom.

a) written to b) met c) heard of

C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. Planes .......................... of metal. a) are made b) are making c) made2. They ......................... to the shops yesterday. a) go b) are going c) went3. A clinic is a place .......................... sick people go to see a doctor. a) which b) who c) where4. How .............. sugar do you want ? a) many b) much c) fast5. My tooth hurts me. I should see my .......................... a) engineer b) dentist c) secretary6. There are twenty four ........................... in a day. a) minutes b) seconds c) hours7. Blind people can’t ........................... a) speak b) hear c) see8. We should keep our ........................... clean. a) homework b) bread c) environment

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.2. Mr Usama teaches us English. (Who)3. A camera is used for taking photographs. (What)4. She speaks three languages. (How many)

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82Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 37. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. While I’m going to school , I met my friends. ( ..................... )

2. This is the house when we all live. ( ..................... )

3. We go to school on seven o’clock. ( ..................... )

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences, (the words in

the box may help you).

a farmer - farm - grows

My uncle is called Ali .....................................


D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following sentence.

salma and i don t eat meat

( 4 ) محافظة الغربية

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

what - do - is - your - who

Manal : Where is ....................(1).................... classroom ?

Nada : It ............(2)............ upstairs.

Manal : ............(3)............ teaches you English this year ?

Nada : Mr. Hosam teaches me English this year ?

Manal : How many lessons ............(4)............ you have a week ?

Nada : I have 5 lessons a week.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A : Dina : Can you ride a horse ?

Noura : ...........................................................

B : Zaki : .......................................................... ?

Suzy : My favourite hobby is playing football.

إدارة شرق طنطا التعليمية

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83 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 3B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.(A)

1. There are too

2. This is the house

3. Horses are animals

4. Don’t drop litter

5. We should teach children


a) which can carry people and things.

b) how to help poor people.

c) put it in a bin.

d) where my family lives.

e) was great.

f) many people on the bus.

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.When Nermin and Ramy were coming home from school yesterday

afternoon, they saw a lot of people near a big shop. They also saw two thieves running out of the shop with bags full of things in their hands. The shopkeeper was running after them. A policeman was standing among the people but he didn’t do anything. “Can’t you see the thieves ?” Nermin shouted. The policeman smiled pointing to a big camera. “We’re making a film. Those men are actors and I’m an actor too”.A) Answer the following questions.

1. Who was running after the thieves ?2. When did this story happen ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.3. The thieves were carrying .............

a) a big camera b) bags full of things c) the shop4. Nermin and Ramy were going ............

a) to school b) home c) to a shop5. The underlined word “they” ............

a) Nermin and Ramy b) the thieves

c) the shopkeeper and the policeman

C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. Chairs and desks are made of ..................... a) paper b) wood c) glass

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84Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 32. He is from Turkey. He speaks .........................

a) English b) Arabic c) Turkish

3. There are twelve .......................... in a year.

a) weeks b) months c) days

4. Tourists are people .............. visit other countries.

a) which b) where c) who

5. The policeman made the driver ............. a fine for driving too fast.

a) leave b) pay c) buy

6. We should teach our children how to look .......... the environment.

a) for b) after c) at

7. I want ........................... healthy.

a) being b) to be c) am

8. My favourite fruit is the .....................

a) bear b) kitten c) pear

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.1. Big Ben is 96 metres high. (How)2. I visited uncle Fahmy last Thursday. (When)3. He was born in Beni Suef. (Where)

7. Read and correct the underlined words.1. They were hold a lot of books. ( ................... )

2. He didn’t have some water. ( ................... )

3. The boys break a window while they were playing. ( ................... )

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences, (the words in the box may help you).

kite - horse - ride

I went to the Pyramids yesterday. ...........................


D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following sentences.does hossam s brother eat healthy food

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85 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 3

( 5 ) محافظة البحيرة

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

to - for - floor - where - science

Rania : Excuse me ............(1)............ is the sports hall ?Amal : It’s next ............(2)............ the head teacher’s office.Rania : And where is the ............(3)............ lab ?Amal : It’s on the second ................(4)..............

Rania : Thanks for your help.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.A : Hala : Is your uncle married or single ?

Sameh : ...........................................................

B : Rami : .......................................................... ?Sami : He works in a garage.

B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.(A)

1. A school is a place

2. If you sit on the ground,

3. She can’t eat the food because

4. The human body

5. Sami is clever.


a) he can understand well.

b) which we learn.

c) you will get dirty.

d) there is too much salt in it.

e) where children learn and study.

f) is a fantastic thing.

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.Mrs. Soheir is a good teacher. She teaches us English. She has a boy

and a girl. The girl is nine years old. She is in primary three. The boy is only two years old. He doesn’t go to school. He is to young. Mrs. Soheir likes us very much. We also like her. She teaches us new words, puzzles and nice songs. She doesn’t give us a lot of homework to do. She always helps us do all the exercise at school.

إدارة دمنهور التعليمية

Page 86: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى

86Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 3A) Answer the following questions.

1. Where does Mrs Soheir work ?2. What does Mrs. Soheir teach ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.3. Mrs. Soheir’s son is ............. than me.

a) older b) younger c) bigger4. Mrs. Soheir’s daughter goes to a ............ school.

a) preparatory b) secondary c) primary5. Mrs. Soheir has ............ children.

a) two b) three c) four

C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. A .......................... sells meat at the market. a) grocer b) baker c) butcher2. This match isn’t interesting ......................... to see. a) much b) enough c) little3. A .......................... is used for writing and drawing. a) pencil b) wood c) metal4. Mrs. Samira .............. us about the environment. a) teaches b) learns c) says5. Rahma .......................... tea when I e-mailed her. a) drinks b) drank c) was drinking6. Emma speaks English. She is from ........................... a) England b) Turkey c) India7. Our teacher makes us ........................... the homework every day. a) do b) to do c) does8. The girls ........................... ice cream at this moment. a) are eating b) eat c) ate

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.1. Aunt Samia has two daughters. (How many)2. Helen’s life was difficult so she was unhappy. (Why)3. A train is faster than a car. (Which)

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87 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 37. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. Ahmed doesn’t mind help his friends. ( ................... )2. Mother looks at the family. ( ................... )3. Huda has got school at Saturday to Thursday.. ( ................... )

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences, (the words in the box may help you).

car - tourists - happy

Last Friday I visited the pyramids. ..................................................................................................

D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following sentences.nadia and eman are doing their arabic homework

( 6 ) محافظة ا>سكندرية

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

Are - come - name - class - science

Amr : Hello! What’s your ............(1)............ ?Sami : Hello, I am Samy.Amr : What class are you in ?Sami : I’m in ................(2).............. 1 -C.Amr : How do you ................(3).............. to school ?Sami : By bus.Amr : ................(4).............. you good at English ?Sami : Yes, I am.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.A : Yasser : How many litres of water can you drink in one day ?

Emad : ...........................................................

B : Amira : .......................................................... ?Samar : Heba is fourteen years old.

إدارة برج العرب التعليمية

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88Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 3B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.(A)

1. My father’s father

2. He works,

3. Aswan is

4. We will be able to

5. Can you tell me


a) very far from Cairo.

b) the time please?

c) fly into space in rockets.

d) is my son.

e) in a hospital.

f) is my grandfather.

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.Tourists come to egypt from all parts of the world. They usually

come by plane. Some of them come by ship. They like Egypt very much because the Egyptians are kind. In Cairo, they visit the Egyptian museum and Khan Al khalili. In Giza, they visit the pyramids and sphinx. Then, they go to Luxor. There, they visit the temple of Karnak and valley of the kings. Finally, they go back to their countries.A) Answer the following questions.

1. What do tourists visit in Luxor ?2. Why do tourists like Egypt ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.3. The underlined word “there” refers to .............

a) Cairo b) Giza c) Luxor4. Tourists usually come to Egypt by ............

a) ship b) plane c) bus5. Khan Al Kalili is in ............

a) Cairo b) Giza c) Luxor

C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. Yasser is .......................... Egypt. a) on b) from c) to2. My father is ......................... now. a) read b) reads c) reading

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89 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 3

3. He didn’t see .......................... in the room.

a) someone b) anyone c) something

4. I like my teachers. They are very ..............

a) nice b) angry c) sad

5. The sons of my uncle are my ..........................

a) aunts b) cousins c) grandfathers

6. I want to know where you live. Tell me your ...........................

a) age b) job c) address

7. I weigh 70 ...........................

a) kilometres b) metres c) kilograms

8. My sister is the ........................... in the family.

a) short b) shortest c) shorter

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.

2. Yes, she was driving very fast. (Was)

3. Sami is wearing a white shirt. (What)

4. Noha will visit us next week. (Who)

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. He goes to school by foot. ( ................... )

2. A blind person can see. ( ................... )

3. How much books are there in your bag ? ( ................... )

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences, (the words in

the box may help you).

run - carry - without

Camels can live to the age of 40. .....................................


D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following sentence.

have you got english on tuesday

Page 90: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى

90Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 3

( 8 ) محافظة المنوفية

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

books - go - after - hobby - bike

Tamer : How do you ............(1)............ to school ?Sami : On my ............(2)............

Tamer : What do you do ............(3)............ school ?Sami : I study my lessons.Tamer : What is your favourite ............(4)............ ?Sami : Football.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.A : Eman : ........................................................... ?

Hala : Go straight on and turn right. The cinema is on your left.

B : Ali : What about visiting our friend in the hospital ?Abdo : ...........................................................

B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.(A)

1. The box is too heavy

2. “Full” is the opposite of

3. If you put metal in water,

4. I advise you not

5. Too much food


a) makes you fat.

b) watch TV.

c) to play in the street.

d) for me to carry.

e) empty.

f) it’ll sink.

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.Ali is eleven years old. He goes to a preparatory school. His father

is a mechanic. He has got two sisters. Shams and Norhan. They go to a primary school. Ali was hungry yesterday, so he went to the kitchen. He tried to cut an orange with a knife. He cut his finger as he was careless. He cried and was very angry.

إدارة منوف التعليمية

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91 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 3A) Answer the following questions.

1. What happened to Ali when he tried to cut the orange ?2. What does the underlined word “They” refer to ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.3. Ali cut his finger because he was not .............

a) careful b) active c) easy4. Ali went to the kitchen to ............

a) drink b) play c) eat5. Shams and Norhan are ............ than Ali.

a) younger b) older c) taller

C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. Brialle is special writing for the .......................... a) deaf b) dump c) blind2. Samah and Amel are the same age. Samah is ......................... Amel. a) older than b) as old as c) oldest3. You’ll get thirty six if you .......................... six by six. a) multiply b) divide c) add4. I can’t eat the food as there is too .............. salt in it. a) mini b) few c) much5. Samia can’t go .......................... a walk now. She is cooking dinner. a) to b) for c) on6. How ........................... books have you got ? a) much b) many c) few7. We enjoy ........................... funny stories. a) read b) reads c) reading8. When did Samir ........................... last night ? a) arrive b) arrives c) arrived

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.1. She comes from Japan. (Where)2. I’d like to have some water, please. (What)3. There are sixty minutes in an hour. (How many)

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92Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 37. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. A plastic ball sinks in water. ( ................... )

2. There are seven days in a weak. ( ................... )

3. Scientists make experiments. ( ................... )

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences, (the words in

the box may help you).

strong - meat - big

A lion is a dangerous animal. .....................................


D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following sentence.

do rana and heba live in aswan

( 9 ) محافظة الدقهلية

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

old - age - read - deaf - blind

Hesham : Have you ............(1)............ about Helen Keller ?

Ibrahim : Yes, I have.

Hesham : What ................(2).............. was she when she was ill ?

Ibrahim : When she was two years ................(3)..............

Hesham : Could she see ?

Ibrahim : No, she was ................(4)..............

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A : Teacher : What is a car usually made of ?

Student : ...........................................................

B : Salah : .......................................................... ?

Tariq : I will have lunch at 12:45.

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93 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 3B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.(A)

1. This is the fine

2. With the mobile

3. You can see the treasures

4. The boy who is wearing glasses

5. A helicopter was.


a) is my brother.

b) at the Egyptian Museum.

c) riding a bike.

d) flying in the sky.

e) Which he paid to the policeman.

f) we can send messages.

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.On Sham el-Nasim people usually get up early to enjoy the fine

weather. They go to parks or take boat trips on the river. In the morning they eat coloured boiled eggs. In the afternoon they eat salted fish ang green onions. They watch TV with their families in the evening. Sometimes their friends visit them. They spend a good time.A) Answer the following questions.

1. What do people eat in the morning ?2. Why do people get up early ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.3. Some people eat ............. in the afternoon ?

a) coloured eggs b) green onions c) fresh fish4. On Sham el-Nasim people spend ............

a) a good time b) the fine weather c) boat trips5. People watch TV in the ............

a) morning b) afternoon c) evening

C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. A .......................... works in a shop. a) housewife b) sales assistant c) postman2. She was ......................... the dishes with soap. a) washing b) wishing c) watching

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94Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 33. My dad’s .......................... Ali.

a) calls b) called c) calling

4. How long will you .............. in Egypt ?

a) stay b) stayed c) staying

5. Look at the words .......................... the board.

a) in b) at c) on

6. If you put ........................... in water, it will sink.

a) glass b) paper c) wood

7. What is the ........................... vehicle ?

a) slow b) slower c) slowest

8. The walls of our house ........................... made of brick.

a) is b) are c) was

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. Football is my favourite sport. (What)

2. I do enough homework. (How much)

3. A teacher teaches students at school. (Where)

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. Held up a pencil. ( ................... )

2. Doctors examine X-lays. ( ................... )

3. He speaks two language. ( ................... )

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences, (the words in

the box may help you).

grow - carry - walk

Camels can live to the age of forty. ........................


D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following sentence.

in ten minutes soha will arrive home

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95 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 3

( 11 ) محافظة كفر الشيخ

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

don’t mind - breakfast - asked - dessert - have

Amgad : What are you doing, Rwan ?Rwan : Mum ............(1)............ me to cook lunch.Amgad : What ............(2)............ we got ?Rwan : Lots of vegetables, carrots, tomatoes and onions.Amgad : I .......(3)....... courgettes. What can we have for .......(4)....... ?Rwan : There’s some ice cream and some chocolate.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.A : Adel : What do you do before exams ?

Samy : ...........................................................

B : Teacher : ........................................................... ?Student : If we fly, we’ll arrive in Luxor at half past twelve this


B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.(A)

1. What do want to be ?

2. Hala goes to school

3. The bag was too heavy

4. Tamer had

5. I stopped cleaning the house to


a) for Salma to carry.

b) a good dream yesterday.

c) opening the door.

d) when you leave school?

e) answer the phone.

f) from Sunday to Thursday.

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.I’m Ahmed. Khalid is my Dad. He is forty-two years old and he is

the tallest in our family. He is one meter eighty centimeters tall. He is also the heaviest. He weighs seventy-five kilograms. My Mum, Manal is thirty-six. She is twenty kilograms lighter than him.

إدارة كفر الشيخ التعليمية

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96Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 3She is twenty centimeters shorter than him. Soha is eleven and I’m

twelve years old. Soha is one meter fifty centimeters tall, but I’m twelve centimeters taller than her. I weigh sixty-two kilograms. Soha is thirteen kilograms heavier than me.A) Answer the following questions.

1. How heavy is Manal ?2. Who is the lightest in the family ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.3. There are ............. persons in the family.

a) three b) four c) five4. Soha is ............ than me.

a) taller b) shorter c) older5. Soha is Manal’s ............

a) mother b) son c) daughter

C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. I’m very sick. I should .......................... the doctor. a) see b) go c) help2. How far can a horse ......................... ? a) run b) walk c) jump3. The walls of our house .......................... brick. a) is made b) was made c) are made4. Soha didn’t .............. her book. a) write b) read c) red5. Children .......................... play inside if it is hot outside. a) should b) shouldn’t c) aren’t6. I was born ........................... March 12th 2000. a) in b) on c) at7. He didn’t have ........................... water. a) many b) enough c) few8. There are sixty ........................... in a minute. a) minutes b) seconds c) hours

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97 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 36. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. While I was sleeping, my cousin came. (Who)2. Thirty pupils went on a trip to Cairo. (How many)3. I have Arabic lesson at ten o’clock. (What time)

7. Read and correct the underlined words.1. I don’t want some oranges. ( ................... )2. I sink this bag is heavy. ( ................... )3. You should work in a friend. ( ................... )

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences, (the words in the box may help you).

Pyramids - nice time - ride camel

A lot of tourists like visiting Egypt. .......................................................................................................

D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following sentence.when noha came her mother was cooking

( 12 ) محافظة الشرقية

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

Where - work - want - find - Why

Teacher : What do you ............(1)............ to be ?Mohamed : I like to be an engineer.Teacher : ................(2).............. ?Mohamed : Because I want to ................(3).............. in a factory.Teacher : ................(4).............. does an engineer study ?Mohamed : He studies at the faculty of engineering.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.A : Maha : May I have a piece of cake, please ?

Mum : ...........................................................

B : Hesham : .......................................................... ?John : I am from the U.S.A.

إدارة شرق الزقازيق التعليمية

](∫hCG ΩôJ) iOGóYE’G ∫hC’G ∞°üdG (ájõ«∏éfE’G á¨∏dG)≥ë∏e-7Ω]

Page 98: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى

98Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 3B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.(A)

1. Blind people

2. people who throw littter

3. A hospital is

4. If you add two and two

5. How fast can


a) should be fined.

b) a place where patients go.

c) can’t see.

d) camels run?

e) can’t hear.

f) you will get four.

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.Mohamed is a university student. He studies at the faculty of

Engineering. He wants to be an engineer. He lives with his sister and his parents in Zagazig. Last year; he studied hard to join the faculty of Engineering. His father is a teacher and his mother is, too. His sister finished her university education two years ago. Mohamed’s favourite hobby is the computer and watching football matches.A) Answer the following questions.

1. What is Mohamed’s favourite hobby ?2. Where do Mohamed and his family live ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.3. Mohamed is a .............

a) teacher b) student c) doctor4. Mohamed wants to be a/an ............

a) policeman b) engineer c) footballer5. Mohamed’s mother is a/an ............

a) teacher b) doctor c) engineer

C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. A camel is .......................... than a mouse. a) smaller b) lighter c) bigger2. She left the shop and ......................... the road. a) crossed b) cross c) crossing

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99 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 33. Carrots and onions are ..........................

a) metal b) drinks c) vegetables

4. Last .............. I was in primary six.

a) day b) week c) year

5. What is a car usually made of ?

a) metals b) paper c) brick

6. I need some bread. I should go to the ...........................

a) butcher’s b) bakery c) chemist’s

7. Yara was born ........................... Zagazig.

a) on b) in c) about

8. I ate all the cake. It was ...........................

a) delicious b) bad c) boring

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. A butcher sells meat. (Who)

2. Football is my favourite sport. (What)

3. She went to cairo last week. (When)

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. We didn’t have some bread. ( ................... )

2. There are ten months in a year. ( ................... )

3. Hassan runs quick. ( ................... )

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences, (the words in

the box may help you).

doctor - hospital - help - sick people

I like my father. ..................................


D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following sentence.

salma and i don t like chicken, but we like fish

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100Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 3

( 14 ) محافظة بور سعيد

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

met - very - late - more - teacher

Mother : How was your first day at school, Leila ?Leila : Ok, but I was ............(1)............ for my first lesson.Mother : Was the ............(2)............ angry ?Leila : No, he was nice.Mother : What lesson did you have ?Leila : I had math, religion, Arabic and history.Mother : I think you like history .......(3)....... than math.Leila : Yes, I also .......(4)....... Safaa. She is a good girl.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.A : Ahmed : Where were you born ?

Omar : ...........................................................

B : Nadia : ........................................................... ?Marwa : My mother is a doctor.

B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.(A)

1. He went to the bakery

2. She can’t do the homework

3. We have some salad

4. Hani was putting

5. Stand up and


a) to start with.

b) close your eyes.

c) got the timetable.

d) and bought cakes.

e) litter in the bin.

f) It’s too difficult.

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.Adel is a taxi driver in Port Said. It’s a beautiful city. Adel starts

work at 7:00 in the morning and finishes at 4:00 in the afternoon.

إدارة بور سعيد التعليمية

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101 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 3

Adel has been driving a taxi for 15 years. He started when he was 23 years old. He loves his job most of the time. He likes to see the beautiful city and meet all kinds of people.A) Answer the following questions.

1. Where does Adel work ?2. When does he begin to wok ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.3. The passage is mainly about .............

a) Port Said b) a beautiful city c) a taxi driver4. How old is Adel now ?

a) 38 years old b) 15 years old c) 23 years old5. The underlined word It refers to ............

a) the taxi b) Port Said c) his job

C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. How many brothers .......................... she got ? a) have b) has c) are2. My class is next to the science ................... a) playground b) lab c) lesson3. The boy can .......................... the ball. a) eat b) write c) kick4. We .......................... for a boat trip tomorrow morning. a) will go b) was going c) went5. Maher’s family were happy when he .................. a prize for reading. a) lost b) won c) looked6. If you ........................... wood in water, it will float. a) were putting b) had put c) put7. ........................... means nature and places where we live and work. a) Environment b) Puzzle c) Park8. There’s ........................... chocolate for dessert. a) a lot b) two pieces c) some

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102Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 36. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. My name is Ahmed. (What)2. We can buy meat at the butcher’s. (Where)3. Mr Abdou didn’t go to work because he was ill. (Why)

7. Read and correct the underlined words.1. Do you have a maths lesson yesterday ? ( ................... )2. This cup of tea is very hotter. ( ................... )3. Camels can run fifty kilograms per hour. ( ................... )

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences, (the words in the box may help you).

clever - school - English

My father is a teacher. ........................................................................................................

D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following sentence.were ahmed and ali at home when you arrived yesterday

( 15 ) محافظة السويسA) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

nice - angry - lesson - had - liked

Mother : What ............(1)............ did you have at school ?Ahmed : I ............(2)............ Arabic, history and maths.Mother : Which lesson did you like best ?Ahmed : I ................(3).............. Arabic.Mother : Why ?Ahmed : Because the teacher was very ................(4)..............

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.A : Maher : What does a doctor do ?

Salim : ...........................................................

B : Teacher : .......................................................... ?Reda : It means nature and the place where we live and


إدارة السويس التعليمية

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103 Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 3B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.(A)

1. A tourist is a person who

2. If wood is put in water

3. This is the fine

4. While I was having lunch

5. A restaurant is a place


a) It will float.

b) which the man paid to the policeman.

c) the telephone rang.

d) where people eat and drink

e) at seven o’clock.

f) visit another country.

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.Nabil and Gehad are husband and wife. They live in a big house in

Suez. Their children are called Nagi and Manal. They are very happy family. Nabil, who is a businessman, has been to many countries and cities. Last summer, he travelled to England. He also took his wife and children with him. When they arrived there on 3rd May 2009, they went to london and visited Big Ben which is the biggest clock in the world. They left England on 13th May.A) Answer the following questions.

1. When did Nabil and his family travel to England ?2. What did they do in England ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.3. Nabil and his family live in .............

a) London b) England c) Suez4. They were in England for ............ days.

a) twenty b) thirteen c) eleven5. Big Ben is a ............

a) clock b) factory c) television

C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. Listen! The birds ...................... a) sing b) siging c) are siging2. My aunt is my father’s or mother’s ......................... a) sister b) mother c) brother

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104Teacher - Hello ! - First Prep - First Term

Part 33. .......................... Hamid work in a school ?

a) Do b) Does c) Is

4. You should put litters in a ..............

a) pen b) bin c) pin

5. If I have much money, I ................ buy a car.

a) would b) won’t c) will

6. She bought onions and garlic to .................

a) sell b) cook c) drink

7. I go to the ........................... to buy meat.

a) butcher b) butcher’s c) butchers’

8. Have you got ........................... money, Soha ?

a) some b) a c) any

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. A mechanic works in a workshop. (Where)

2. Sami went to the grocer’s to buy tea. (Why)

3. Yes, there are some sweet things to eat. (Are)

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. Camels can live to the old of forty. ( ................... )

2. My friend is shorter boy in class. ( ................... )

3. He is not single, he is marrying. ( ................... )

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences, (the words in

the box may help you).

favourite - club - friends

I played volleyball on Friday. ................................


D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following sentence.

did heba go to rome last year

Page 105: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية أولى اعدادى

105 Teacher - Hello ! - Third Prep - First Term

Part 3

( 16 ) محافظة شمال سيناء

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

It - When - born - What - your

Nourhan : ............(1)............ is your first name ?Sara : My first name is Sara.Nourhan : What is ............(2)............ last name ?Sara : ............(3)............ is Hamdy.Nourhan : Where were you .......(4)....... ?Sara : I was born in Alexandria.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.A : Mustafa : How many people are there in your family, Mohamed ?

Mohamed : ...........................................................

B : Seif : .......................................................... ?Ali : I was doing homework at eight yesterday.

B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.(A)

1. Books are

2. When Maha phoned me,

3. The tourist will stay in Egypt

4. Merna will go

5. If you put metal in water,


a) for ten days.

b) it will float.

c) it will sink.

d) made of paper.

e) I was listening to music.

f) to the shops after school.

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.Mariam had a dream last week. She dreamed that she was a doctor

in a big hospital in Mansoura. She had lots of money. She was helping the poor. She was giving some money to her mum and dad. She was using some money to build a hospital. She was very happy and her mum and dad were happy too.

إدارة شمال سيناء التعليمية

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106Teacher - Hello ! - Third Prep - First Term

Part 3A) Answer the following questions.

1. When did Mariam have a dream ?2. Where was she in her dream ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.3. Mariam was a ............. in her dream.

a) poor b) teacher c) student4. She was helping the ............

a) poor b) rich c) pupils5. She was giving some ............ to her mum and dad.

a) presents b) money c) books

C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. Helicopters can .......................... in the sky. a) fly b) drive c) ride2. ......................... Hani go to the airport yesterday. a) Could b) Can c) Will3. She .......................... answer all the difficult questions yesterday. a) is able to b) was able to c) will be able to4. There isn’t .............. meat in the fridge. a) some b) any c) a5. A .................. fixes cars. a) postman b) baker c) mechanic6. Nora is ........................... a book and some flowers. a) reading b) writing c) holding7. He closed his right eye and kept his left eye ..................... a) open b) opened c) opening8. Reda’s daughter ........................... Dina. a) is called b) calls c) called

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.1. She will arrive at five tomorrow. (What time)2. Soha goes to school by bus. (How)3. Mona was happy because she won a prize. (Why)

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107 Teacher - Hello ! - Third Prep - First Term

Part 37. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. If he dropped this bottle, it’ll break. ( ................... )2. Yasser doesn’t go to school at Friday. ( ................... )3. The camel is an animal who can go for a long time without water.

( ................... )

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences, (the words in the box may help you).

reading - toys - watching

Everyone was busy yesterday evening. ..................................................................................................

D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following sentence.we don t go to school every friday

( 17 ) محافظة جنوب سيناء

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

Where - work - want - find - Why

Teacher : ............(1)............ is your favourite subject ?Ahmed : My favourite subject is science.Teacher : Why do you like it ?Ahmed : Because I like ................(2).............. experiments.Teacher : What do you want to be ?Ahmed : I want to be a ................(3)..............

Teacher : Why ?Ahmed : To help ................(4).............. people.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.A : Soha : Have you got a mobile phone ?

Manal : ...........................................................

B : Tamer : .......................................................... ?Hesham : I was born in Cairo.

إدارة العريش التعليمية

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108Teacher - Hello ! - Third Prep - First Term

Part 3B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.(A)

1. I go to school

2. How long can

3. A zoo is a place

4. My mother went to

5. Blind people


a) where we saw animals.

b) than her sister.

c) the market yesterday.

d) on foot

e) can’t see.

f) camels live ?

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.Last night, I had an amazing dream. In my dream, it was my birthday

party. I was not working or studying. I was sitting on a big chair at home. My mother was in the kitchen. She was baking a big cake for me. My father was taking pictures. A lot of friends came to my house. We were watching television and playing computer games. They gave me beautiful presents. I was very happy.A) Answer the following questions.

1. When did you have your dream ?2. Where was your mother ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.3. My ............. was taking pictures.

a) father b) mother c) brother4. In my dream, I was very ............

a) sad b) happy c) angry5. The underlined word “She” refers to ............

a) sister b) mother c) friend

C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. Open your bag and take ...................... your books. a) in b) out c) up2. What will we ......................... do in the future ? a) be able to b) can c) could

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109 Teacher - Hello ! - Third Prep - First Term

Part 33. Courgettes and carrots are ..........................

a) fruit b) vegetables c) dessert

4. How .............. sugar do you want in your tea ?

a) fast b) many c) much

5. The tea is ................ hot to drink.

a) too b) to c) two

6. If you put glass in water, it will .................

a) sink b) float c) run

7. Students do ........................... in the science lab.

a) shopping b) exercises c) experiments

8. While I was ........................... home, I saw an accident.

a) going b) go c) goes

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. A farmer keeps animals and grows plants. (Who)

2. I go to school by bus. (How)

3. He starts work at eight o’clock. (What time)

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. Hatem is tall than Adel. ( ................... )

2. She didn’t have some money. ( ................... )

3. My shirt is make of cotton. ( ................... )

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences, (the words in

the box may help you).

baker - 40 years - work

This is my father, Ali ................................


D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following sentence.

salma and mona don t like fish

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110Teacher - Hello ! - Third Prep - First Term

Part 3

( 18 ) محافظة الفيوم

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

zoo - see - did - animals - do

Ahmed : Where ............(1)............ you go last week ?Hassan : I went to the ............(2)............

Ahmed : What did you ............(3)............ there ?Hassan : I saw many ............(4)............

Ahmed : Was it a nice day ?Hassan : Yes, it was.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.A : Amal : How many days are there in a week ?

Soha : ...........................................................

B : Hanan : .......................................................... ?Nawal : I go to school at 7.30.

B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.(A)

1. What’s your job ?

2. Can you help me ?

3. What are you doing ?

4. I have got a brother.

5. Where is the science lab ?


a) I’m drawing a picture.

b) It’s next to the head teacher’s office.

c) He is called Ali.

d) I’m a doctor.

e) They are pushing a car.

f) Of course, I can help you.

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.While Ali was walking down the street yesterday, he saw an accident.

A man was riding a horse when he fell off. The boys who were flying a kite helped the man up. Two men ran after the horse and caught it. A policeman arrived and an ambulance came to carry the man. The policeman carried him to the ambulance.

إدارة الفيوم التعليمية

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111 Teacher - Hello ! - Third Prep - First Term

Part 3It carried the man to hospital where a doctor examind him and gave

him medicines. The man thanked the people and went back home.

A) Answer the following questions.

1. How was the man carried to hospital ?

2. What did the doctor give the man ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.

3. Ali saw ............. down the street yesterday.

a) a film b) a play c) an accident

4. The ............ helped the man up.

a) boys b) doctor c) policeman

5. The underlined pronoun “it” refers to the ............

a) horse b) accident c) ambulance

C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.

1. I was ill, .......................... I didn’t go to school yesterday.

a) because b) so c) as

2. If they go to the sea, they ......................... a lot of people.

a) would see b) will see c) could see

3. Aunt Nabila is married .......................... uncle Ali.

a) for b) to c) with

4. A mechanic .............. cars.

a) buys b) sells c) fixes

5. Pupils do experiments in the ..................

a) sport hall b) laboratory c) class

6. The museum is a place ........................... treasures are kept.

a) when b) who c) where

7. If you ..................... nine and five, you’ll get fourteen.

a) add b) multiply c) divide

8. While I was ........................... home, it rained.

a) go b) goes c) going

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112Teacher - Hello ! - Third Prep - First Term

Part 36. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. Ali goes to the library to read books. (Why)

2. Hany scored the most famous goal. (Who)

3. Tennis is my favourite sport. (What)

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. I enjoy read English books. ( ................... )

2. How many cooking oil does she need ? ( ................... )

3. How is the height of your brother Zaki ? ( ................... )

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences, (the words in

the box may help you).

picking up - litter - cleaning

Some people were cleaning up the environment yesterday.


D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following sentence.

he ll leave at five next tuesday

( 20 ) محافظة المنيا

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

once - where - often - floor - when

Soha : Is there a library in your school ?

Nada : Yes, there is.

Soha : ............(1)............ is it ?

Nada : It’s on the second ................(2)..............

Soha : How ............(1)............ do you go there ?

Nada : I go there ................(3).............. a week.

إدارة ملوى التعليمية

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113 Teacher - Hello ! - Third Prep - First Term

Part 32. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A : Teacher : Where should people put litter ?Manal : ...........................................................

B : Dina : .......................................................... ?Heba : Fine, thanks.

B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.(A)

1. Arabic is beautiful, but

2. Football is

3. If you put a piece of wood

in water,

4. Blind people

5. Doctors work in


a) my favourite sport.

b) can’t see.

c) the grammar is difficult.

d) hospitals and clinics.

e) it will float.

f) can’t hear.

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.Yesterday was a holiday, so Mervat’s family went to the zoo. They

went there by car. They took thirty minutes to reach the zoo. There, they had cheese, eggs and jam for breakfast. After that Mr. Salim, Mervat’s father was reading the newspaper while his wife, Mrs Wafaa was lisening to music on her mobile. Mervat and her brother Tamer enjoyed seeing different animals.A) Answer the following questions.

1. How long did the car take to get to the zoo ?2. What did the family have for breakfast ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.3. It was ............. yesterday.

a) Saturday b) Monday c) holiday4. Mrs Wafaa listened to music on her ............

a) mobile b) watch c) TV5. The underlined word “there” refers to the ............

a) house b) zoo c) museum

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Part 3C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. Fady .......................... the street when I saw him. a) was crossing b) crossing c) crossed2. Go straight on, then turn ......................... a) write b) right c) read3. This question is .......................... difficult to answer. a) to b) enough c) too4. Last .............. I was in primary six. a) year b) week c) day5. Hesham is .......................... than khaled. a) tall b) taller c) tallest6. We should go to the ........................... to buy meat. a) bakery b) cinema c) butcher’s7. How ........................... did you stay in Cairo ? a) much b) long c) fast8. I can ........................... a bike. a) run b) drive c) ride

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.1. People go to the sea to swim. (Why)2. My uncle went to Cairo last week. (Where)3. Yes, I can speak English. (Can)

7. Read and correct the underlined words.1. Ramy is marry to Randa. ( .......... )2. We will be able to building better hospitals in the future. ( .......... )3. I haven’t got some money. ( .......... )

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences, (the words in the box may help you).

starts - finishing - grows

A farmer keeps animals...........................................................

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115 Teacher - Hello ! - Third Prep - First Term

Part 3D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following sentence.basma is traveling to america next january

( 21 ) محافظة أسيوط

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

teacher - name - school - do - at

Mona : What’s your ............(1)............ ?Reem : My name is Reem.Mona : What’s your job ?Reem : I’m a ............(2)............

Mona : Where ............(3)............ you work ?Reem : I work in a ............(4)............

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.A : Ali : Can I eat this cake, please ?

Mum : ...........................................................

B : Salwa : .......................................................... ?Soha : I’m fine, thank you.

B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.(A)

1. If we put wood in water,

2. A butcher

3. She can’t watch TV

4. Is your uncle

5. There is too much


a) sugar in the tea.

b) because she is too busy.

c) single or married.

d) it will float.

e) sells meat.

f) buys fruit.

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.Hello, my name is Adel. There are four people in my family, my

sister Dalia, my father, my mother Afaf and me.

إدارة البدارى التعليمية

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116Teacher - Hello ! - Third Prep - First Term

Part 3We live in Assuit. Dalia and me go to school. My father is a teacher.

He works in a prep school. My mother works in a big hospital. She is a


A) Answer the following questions.1. What is Adel’s father job ?

2. Where does Adel’s family live ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.3. Afaf is Adel’s .............

a) mother b) sister c) aunt

4. Dalia is a ............

a) doctor b) student c) nurse

5. There are ............ people in this family.

a) three b) five c) four

C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. The boy, .......................... is wearing glasses, is my brother.

a) who b) which c) why

2. I’m very sick. I should go to the .........................

a) doctor b) baker c) teacher

3. Last .......................... I was in primary six.

a) day b) night c) year

4. My school is next .............. the post office.

a) with b) to c) at

5. The cat is .................. than the dog.

a) smaller b) small c) smallest

6. She was born ........................... Giza.

a) on b) in c) at

7. Ahmed is ..................... a letter now.

a) writes b) wrote c) writing

8. The car is made of ........................

a) paper b) wood c) metal

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117 Teacher - Hello ! - Third Prep - First Term

Part 36. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. A baker makes bread and cakes. (Who)2. Tennis is my favourite sport. (What)3. Yes, Manal is older than Hind. (Is)

7. Read and correct the underlined words.1. We have got too eyes. ( .......... )2. I don’t have some juice. ( .......... )3. There are seven days in a wake. ( .......... )

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences, (the words in the box may help you).

30 years - 170 centimetres tall - 65 kilograms

My brother’s name is Mazen...........................................................

D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following sentence.samir went to aswan last friday

( 22 ) محافظة سوهاج

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

What - sells - sales - work - sell

Ali : ............(1)............ is your father’s job ?Magdy : He is a ............(2)............ assistant.Ali : Where does he ............(3)............ ?Magdy : In the clothes shop.Ali : What does he ............(4)............ ?Magdy : Shirts and trousers.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.A : You : Where do you come from ?

Tourist : ...........................................................

B : Hany : .......................................................... ?Soha : I was watching TV yesterday evening.

إدارة سوهاج التعليمية

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118Teacher - Hello ! - Third Prep - First Term

Part 3B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.(A)

1. I can play football

2. A hospital is a place

3. If you put metal in water

4. Blind people

5. I went to the library


a) where doctors work.

b) but I can’t swim.

c) can’t see.

d) to borrow some books.

e) it will float.

f) it will sink.

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.My name is Bakr. I am a student in a prep school. My father is a

doctor and my mother is housewife. I have got a brother and a sister. We live in a house in Sohag. My father has a nice car which he uses to go his work. Every day my sister helps my mother clean the house. My brother and I want to be doctors like our father. Every Friday we go to the club. In the club, we play and have fun.A) Answer the following questions.

1. Who helps your mother clean the house ?2. Where does your mother work ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.3. My father goes to work by .............

a) car b) taxi c) bus4. There are ............ persons in my family.

a) four b) five c) six5. We go to the club on ............

a) Februarys b) Mondays c) Fridays

C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. Look! The pupils .......................... in English. a) singing b) is singing c) are singing2. He ............... at school yesterday. a) is b) was c) are

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119 Teacher - Hello ! - Third Prep - First Term

Part 33. We should put litter in a .................

a) pen b) bin c) pencil

4. The bank is next .............. the school.

a) to b) at c) on

5. Ahmed works in a bakery. He is a ..................

a) farmer b) baker c) doctor

6. How ........................... is this ship ? 20 metres.

a) far b) long c) old

7. Saturday is the ..................... day of the week.

a) one b) first c) last

8. ........................ he was driving to school, he had an accident.

a) When b) What c) While

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.1. Soha went to Luxor last week. (When)2. No, I’m a teacher. (Are)3. Ahmed is listening to music. (Who)

7. Read and correct the underlined words.1. We have school from Saturday in Thursday. ( .......... )

2. My brother is tall than me. ( .......... )

3. It’s half and one. ( .......... )

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences, (the words in the box may help you).

farmer - grows - animals

My uncle is called Mahmoud.




D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following sentence.i m from giza

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Part 3

( 23 ) محافظة قنا

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

old - years - Arabic - Syria - is

Nabil : Where do you come from ?Samy : I come from ............(1)............

Nabil : What language do you speak ?Samy : .......................(2).......................

Nabil : How ............(3)............ are you ?Samy : I am thirteen ............(4)............ old.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.A : Nada : What were you doing yesterday evening ?

Hala : ...........................................................

B : Ali : .......................................................... ?Rania : She works in a clothes shop.

B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.(A)

1. If she studies hard

2. Wood floats

3. He saw a tourist who

4. We buy meat

5. Is there any


a) dropped the camera.

b) orange juice ?

c) she will succeed.

d) on water.

e) at the butcher’s.

f) in the street.

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.Mahmoud’s father is called Ahmed. He is a carpenter. He has a

workshop in Cairo. He makes chairs, tables and desks. Ahmed works hard and gets a lot of money. Mahmoud is a student. He has got two brothers and a sister.

إدارة قنا التعليمية

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121 Teacher - Hello ! - Third Prep - First Term

Part 3Mahmoud is good at English and maths, but he is not good at

science and Arabic. Mahmoud’s mother works in a school, she teaches


A) Answer the following questions.1. What does Mahmoud’s father make ?

2. Where does Mahmoud’s mother work ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.3. Ahmed has got ............. children.

a) three b) two c) four

4. Mahmoud is good at ............

a) Arabic b) maths c) science

5. Mahmoud’s mother is a ............

a) student b) carpenter c) teacher

C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. While I .......................... football, it rained.

a) play b) was playing c) is playing

2. The boy ............... is wearing glasses is my brother.

a) where b) who c) which

3. Deaf people can’t .................

a) speak b) see c) hear

4. The questions are too .............. to answer.

a) busy b) easy c) difficult

5. Ali didn’t bring .................. cakes.

a) some b) any c) no

6. Six divided ........................... three equals two.

a) for b) by c) on

7. At the ..................... of two, I could walk.

a) age b) by c) old

8. How ........................ are you ? I’m 45 kilograms.

a) heavy b) tall c) long

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Part 36. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. English is my favourite subject. (What)

2. She was happy because she won a prize. (Why)

3. He starts work at half past seven. (When)

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. If you put metal in water, it will float. ( .......... )

2. Can I have too apples ? ( .......... )

3. We’ll go and swim in the see. ( .......... )

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences, (the words in

the box may help you).

teachers - school - maths

My father is called Mustafa.


D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following sentence.

nabil and rami live in aswan

( 25 ) محافظة أسوان

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

before - homework - often - do

Ahmed : What are you doing Ali ?

Ali : I’m doing my ............(1)............

Ahmed : Do you do your homework every day ?

Ali : Yes, I ............(2)............

Ahmed : How ............(3)............ do you do your homework ?

Ali : Once a day.

Ahmed : Do you do your homework ............(4)............ you go to bed ?

Ali : Yes, I always.

إدارة أسوان التعليمية

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123 Teacher - Hello ! - Third Prep - First Term

Part 32. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini dialogue.

A : Nada : Where are you from ?

Noha : ...........................................................

B : Alaa : .......................................................... ?Reda : I’m a doctor.

B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.(A)

1. If you put plastic in water

2. A library is

3. A butcher

4. If you aren’t fit

5. He can’t go to the club


a) sells meat.

b) you should exercise.

c) it will float.

d) because he is too busy.

e) buys meat.

f) a place where we borrow books.

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.Sami is a very clever farmer and he is famous in his village. He has

been a farmer for more than ten years. Sami is married to Samira who

works at home and looks after their children. They have got two sons

and a daughter. All people of their village like them because they are

very kind and helpful.

A) Answer the following questions.1. How long has Sami been a farmer ?

2. Why do people like Sami’s family ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.3. Sami and Samira have got ............. children.

a) four b) two c) three

4. Samira is a ............

a) housewife b) doctor c) farmer

5. The underlined word “they” refers to ............

a) Sami b) Samira c) Sami and Samira

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Part 3C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. The girl .......................... is wearing glasses is my sister. a) why b) which c) who2. I’m very sick, I should see the ............... a) teacher b) doctor c) butcher3. The horse is ................. than the donkey a) stronger b) strong c) strongest4. There are sixty .............. in a minute. a) hours b) seconds c) minutes5. He left the shop and .................. the road. a) cross b) crossing c) crossed6. My house is next ........................... the mosque. a) to b) with c) at7. Last ..................... I was in primary six. a) day b) night c) year8. If you put ........................ in water, it’ll sink. a) glass b) paper c) wood

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.1. Football is my favourite sport. (What)2. Ahmed went to Alexandria last holiday. (Where)3. A carpenter makes desks. (Who)

7. Read and correct the underlined words.1. He’s got too legs. ( .......... )2. She didn’t eat some food. ( .......... )3. There are seven days in a weak. ( .......... )

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences, (the words in the box may help you).

club - team - twice a week

My favourite sport...........................................................

D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following sentence.are you going to cook lunch soha

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Part 3

( 26 ) محافظة الوادى الجديد

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.

people - company - who - What - live

Huda : ............(1)............ is your name ?

Ola : My name’s Ola.

Huda : Where do you ............(2)............ ?

Ola : In Alexandria.

Huda : How many ............(3)............ are there in your family ?

Ola : There are five people, my sister, my brother, my father, my

mother and me.

Huda : Where does your father work ?

Ola : He works in a tourist ............(4)............

2. Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues.

A : Hany : Where do we do experiments ?

Samy : ...........................................................

B : Aya : .......................................................... ?

Nadia : I was happy because I passed the exam.

B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.(A)

1. The police should fine


2. She can’t go shopping

3. The walls of our house

4. Ahmed is four kilograms

5. The New Valley is


a) are made of bricks.

b) famouse for its dates.

c) who drop litter.

d) play football.

e) heavier than me.

f) because she is doing her homework.

إدارة الوادى الجديد التعليمية

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Part 34. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.

Ayman’s father bought a computer last week. Ayman knows how to

use the computer and the internet. yesterday Ayman sent e-mails to

his pen friends in England inviting them to visit Egypt. He told them

that Egypt has fine weather in winter. He also told them that there are

beautiful places they can visit, they can visit the pyramids at Giza and

the Valley of the kings in Luxor. They can go to the Red Sea to dive.

A) Answer the following questions.1. Why did Ayman send e-mails to his pen friends ?

2. What is the weather like in Egypt in winter ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.3. Ayman’s pen friends live in .............

a) Egypt b) England c) America

4. People can ............ in the Red Sea.

a) dive b) drive c) fly

5. The underlined word “them” refers to ............

a) Ayman b) Ayman’s father c) Ayman’s friends

C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.1. We can see exciting .......................... at the Egyption Museum.

a) treasures b) trains c) towns

2. He will ............... the bus at 5 o’clock.

a) hold b) catch c) fish

3. Doctors ................. patients to try to find out why they are ill

a) examine b) say c) work

4. He .............. me to his birthday party yesterday.

a) built b) invented c) invited

5. While the car driver was trying to stop quickly, the boy ...... off his bike.

a) fell b) falls c) falling

6. A school is a place ........................... children learn and study.

a) who b) which c) where

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Part 37. He was late ..................... the first lesson yesterday.

a) at b) in c) for

8. How ........................ cooking oil do you need ?

a) many b) much c) few

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. English is my favourite subject. (What)

2. This is Ali’s car. (Whose)

3. I visited my uncle yesterday. (Who)

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. The lion cheese the giraffe.09o./l, ( .......... )

2. I love do puzzles. ( .......... )

3. Ali is marry to Huda. ( .......... )

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences, (the words in

the box may help you).

football - in the club - score goals

Ahmed likes sports.


D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following sentence.

nader and hala study arabic every day

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