Копия Тема урока

Тема урока : Whatever the weather… Цель урока : обобщить знания изученной лексики и применять ее для решения задач коммуникации на иностранном языке; Задачи урока: 1) развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся; 2) приобщение детей к культурным ценностям англоговорящих народов; 3) воспитывать дружелюбное, уважительное отношение к англоговорящим людям; 4) выработка норм культурного общения; Оборудование: учебник «Enjoy English” 8 класс авторы: М.З.Биболетова, Н.Н.Трубанева, диск “Уроки английского языка Кирилла и Мефодия», интерактивная доска Smartboard Ход урока I Организационный момент - Good morning, girls and boys. I am glad to see you. - How are you today? - The weather is fine today, isn t it? - Is anybody absent from the class today? II Сообщение темы и задач урока - Today at the lesson we will have a nice trip. We ll visit some interesting places and do some challenge tasks. III Фонетическая зарядка - But before let s remember our poem about the weather When the weather is wet We mustn’t fret When the weather is cold We mustn’t scold When the weather is warm We mustn’t storm But be thankful together

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Page 1: Копия Тема урока

Тема урока : Whatever the weather…Цель урока : обобщить знания изученной лексики и применять ее для решения задач коммуникации на иностранном языке;Задачи урока:

1) развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся;2) приобщение детей к культурным ценностям англоговорящих народов;3) воспитывать дружелюбное, уважительное отношение к

англоговорящим людям;4) выработка норм культурного общения;

Оборудование: учебник «Enjoy English” 8 класс авторы: М.З.Биболетова, Н.Н.Трубанева, диск “Уроки английского языка Кирилла и Мефодия», интерактивная доска Smartboard

Ход урокаI Организационный момент- Good morning, girls and boys. I am glad to see you.- How are you today?- The weather is fine today, isn t it?- Is anybody absent from the class today?II Сообщение темы и задач урока

- Today at the lesson we will have a nice trip. We ll visit some interesting places and do some challenge tasks.

III Фонетическая зарядка- But before let s remember our poem about the weather

When the weather is wetWe mustn’t fret

When the weather is coldWe mustn’t scold

When the weather is warmWe mustn’t storm

But be thankful togetherWhatever the weather

(стихотворение записано на интерактивной доске в виде отдельных слов или словосочетаний. Используя их, дети восстанавливают стихотворение)- Read the poem all together, please.- Who can tell us the poem by heart?

IV Активизация лексических навыков- Look at the screen, please. What is the weather like on the pictures?(учащиеся называют, какая погода на картинках) (см. Презентацию)

- Pretend you are geography teachers and tell me, please:- What can you tell me about the typical weather in the place where you live

in autumn?- What kind of weather is typical in the northern part of Russia?- What do you know about the climate of Great Britain?- What can you say about the climate in Africa?

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V Речевая разминка- Look at the map, please and make up short messages about the weather in different countries for tomorrow. (работа с диском “Уроки английского языка Кирилла и Мефодия»)

VI Повторение и закрепление ранее изученного материала- I would like to suggest you a traveling. What do you need to know before

going to any country? (culture, traditions, climate)- You will listen to weather forecasts in different European cities. Match them

with the cities, please

- What items of clothes will you take with you to go to these cities?- Do the members of your family usually listen to weather forecasts?

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- Have you ever got into trouble because of a wrong weather forecast? How it happened?

- As you know, people often say that the British talk about the weather all the time. This is an exaggeration, but it s certainly true that the weather is a good way to start a conversation with a stranger. Because of the changeable weather there is always something to talk about in Britain even with a person you don t know.

- Now you will hear a conversation. Listen to it, please and fill in the gaps.

- Let s read the dialogue.- What makes our speech more beautiful? (adjectives, proverbs …)- Do you know any Russian proverbs and sayings with weather words?- Match some English proverbs and their Russian equivalents, please

1. Every cloud has a silver lining.2. To everything there is a season.3. It never rains, but it pours.4. One cloud is enough to eclipse the sun.5. After rain comes fine weather.

a) Будет и на нашей улице праздник.b) Всему своё время.c) Нет худа без добраd) Ложка дегтя в бочке меда.e) Беда не приходит одна: сама идет и другую ведёт.

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- You will get some short dialogues. Read them and fill in an appropriate proverb, please. Act out the dialogues.

№ 1

- Why are you so sad, my dear?- Oh, Mummy. I do want to go to the disco today. May I go to the club?- You aren’t 16 yet. And I don t want you to go to the disco. …..

№ 2

- Hello, Tim.- Hi, Jack.- You are frustrated today, aren’t you?- You are right. I even want to cry.- What s happened?- Yesterday my mother fell down and broken her leg. She is in the hospital now.- Don t worry! I believe she will be better soon.- But I have another problem. I have lost my passport.- I m sorry to hear it. ….

№ 3

- Mummy, today s day at school is wonderful for me.- Really?- Yes, I have got three excellent marks on Physics, English and Chemistry.- But what about Science?- Oh, I don t want to tell you, but my result isn t so good.- I see. …

№ 4

- How are you doing, Vendee?- I m OK. And you?- I m fine. Thank you.- What did you do yesterday?- I was sitting at home, it was cold outside. Because of the cold weather I and my

parents didn’t go to the cinema.- Were you frustrated?- Not so much because in the evening we watched a very interesting film on TV.- …..

№ 5- Did you hear that our neighbors were in Sochi?- Of course, I did. They said the weather was wonderful. They swam in the sea,

walked and ate exotic fruits.- But we hasn t gone to the south since 1999.- Don t be sad…..

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VII Подведение итогов- What countries and cities did we visit today?- Is the weather forecast important for the people?- Why is it so important?- What English proverbs with weather words did you remember?

VIII Домашнее задание- Imagine you would like to invite a foreign pen friend to your home town.

Choose the best season for the visit. Describe the weather and the things you can do in that season.