المحاضره التالته د. فاطمه عقاقير د هيثم العدل

5. Cascarilla bark ( ر ش ق ر ب ن ع ل ا) Origin:- It’s the dried stem bark of Croton eleuteria, Family. Euphorbiaceae Geographical source: Bahamas islands ر ز جما اها ب ل ا. Description ( M o rp ho l og y ) Shape Single quills or channelled pieces Taste Aromatic , bitter disagreeable ?? Chemical constituents 1) 1-3% Volatile oil. 2) Resin. 3) A bitter principle Cascarillin. Uses 1) Aromatic stimulant & carminative. 2) Fumigating agent. 3) To add aroma to tobacco. ( Flavoring agent ). 4) Bitter stomachic .?? Powdered Cascarilla : V.O

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Post on 28-Jul-2015




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5. Cascarilla bark ( العنبر قشر )

Origin:- It’s the dried stem bark of Croton eleuteria, Family.


Geographical source: Bahamas islands الباهاما جزر .

Description ( Morphology )

Shape Single quills or channelled pieces Taste Aromatic , bitter disagreeable ??

Chemical constituents

1) 1-3% Volatile oil.2) Resin.3) A bitter principle Cascarillin.


1) Aromatic stimulant & carminative.2) Fumigating agent.3) To add aroma to tobacco. ( Flavoring agent ).4) Bitter stomachic .??

Powdered Cascarilla :

6 . Cascara (Sagrada) bark المقدس القشر

Origin:- It’s the dried bark of Rhamnus purshiana [ Family. Rhamnaceae ]

Stored for at least one year after collection , before use (aged or


cured), converted to their oxidized forms the anthraquinones which

has milder action.

Geographical source: USA, Canada and Kenya.

Other names: cascara bark, sacred bark

Stored one year to induce oxidation of the anthrones or it is heated and dried to induce artificial aging.

Description ( Morphology )

Shape Dried quills, flattened and/or curved pieces .

Outer surface is marked with whitish lenticels, silvery gray patches of lichens, mosses and liverworts ( epiphytes ).

Odor faint characteristic.

Taste intensely bitter and nauseous taste.

Color yellowish brown.

Microscopical characters

T.S.Diadram shows:

1) Cork : narrow zone & with brown anthraquinone content.

2) Cortex :

collenchyma (2-3 layers) with mucilage cavities

Parenchyma interrupted with sclereides (old bark) and mucilage cells, contain starch. gr. & clusters of CaOx.

3) Pericyclic :

batches of fibers and sclerides .

4) Phloem :

Seive tubes, phl.fibers, parenchyma containing clusters and prisms of CaOx., the phloem fibers is associated with true crystal sheath. ( def. ? ) with NaoH

Medullary rays: wavy, (1-5 rows), with yellowish brown anthraquinone



Chemical constituents

o Anthraquinone Glycoside derivatives :

a) Free mainly emodin, iso-emodin, chrysophanic acid

and aloe-emodin in free state ( aglycone part )

b) Combined as glucoside with glucose and rhamnose

sugar forming cascarosides A, B, C and D.

Pharmacological action ( M.O.A )

Cascara affects the motility of the colon inhibiting stationary and stimulating propulsive contractions.

It also stimulates chloride secretion increasing water and electrolyte content.

The β-glycosides are prodrugs that are neither absorbed nor cleaved in the upper gastrointestinal tract. They are degraded in the colon by bacterial enzymes to anthrones laxative metabolites.

Useso As purgative or cathartic.

o Dose: 1–2 g per day

Chemical Tests

1) Test for free anthraquinones ( modified Bornträger’s test ):

Extract the powder with boiling water, filter while hot. Extract the filtrate with an equal volume of ether or chloroform. Separate the organic layer add shake with dilute NH4OH The aqueous layer is colored rose-red due to formation of ammonium phenate salt.

2) Test for combined anthraquinone ( Bornträger’s test ):

After acidic hydrolysis Boil the powder for 2-3 minutes with dil HCl , filter, cool, extract

with ether or chloroform separate the organic layer into a clean test tube, shake with 2ml of dil NH4OH The aqueous layer is colored rose-red.

3) Microsublimation test.??

Dry heating of PW in test tube yellowish brown sublimate + KoH Reddish brown colour ( rose red color )

4) Powder + KOH ( NaoH ) rose-red color.

7. Frangula األسـود العـوســج قـشــر

Origin:- It is Dried bark of Rhamnus frangula (Frangula alnus) Family

Rhamnaceae, stored at least one year before use.?

Since fresh bark contains an irritant anthrones, mainly Gluco-frangulin glycosides. Upon storage anthrones are converted to their oxidized forms the anthraquinones

Geographical source: England and Europe. shrub native to northern Europe

Synonym: Alder Buckthorn Bark

A yellowish-brown powder with a characteristic odour and intensely bitter nauseous taste

Chemical constituentso 9% anthraquinone glycosides mainly as:

Glucofrangulin A.

Frangulin (frangulaemodin + rhamnose).

o Resins, 6% catechin tannins, and lipids.

Uses more preferable & more effective than Cascara

Chemical Tests ?? Test for combined anthraquinone

( Bornträger’s test ):

Contra-indications ( Cascara & Frangula )

In case of patients with GIT disorders as abdominal obstruction, ulcers

In case of Patients treated with thiazides which cause

excretion of K+ ions ( Hypokalaemia )

In case of Patients treated with corticosteroids

In patients suffering from Hypokalaemia, haematoria, albuminuria

Powdered: characterized by the following:

1. Cork cells with crimson color.2. Parenchyma with clusters of CaOx & starch granules.3. Lignified fibers with crystal sheath.

Combined only

Combined only

Frangula Cascara