القراءة المركزة للسادس


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مرشحات اللغة الانكَليزية للأستاذ خضير القريشي


Page 1: القراءة المركزة للسادس

المركزة القراءة


قطع الكتاب

التهجي المفردات


السـادس االعدادي




English For Iraq

67560000870المدرس / خضير القريشي /

Page 2: القراءة المركزة للسادس

Reading Comprehension : القطع االستيعابية

Answer the following questions :

1.What do the diabetics have to do every day ? ان يفعلوه كل يوم ؟ السكري مرضى على ما الذي يجب -1

2.Why was Mustafa's mother unconscious? 2- لماذا كانت ام مصطفى غائبة عن الوعي ؟

3. How did the paramedics know that she was diabetic? كيف عرف المسعفون بانها مصابة بالسكري ؟ -3

4. When was the radar invented? Why ? 4- متى أُكتشف الرادار ؟ ولماذا ؟

5. How does a radar speed gun work? 5- كيف يعمل مسدس رادار السرعة ؟

6. What is a radar detector ? ما هو كاشف الرادار ؟ -6

7. What does " working freelance " mean? اذا يعني " العمل المستقل " ؟ م -7

8. Why should interpreters read newspapers? ون الصحف ؟ان يقرأ ينلماذا يجب على المترجم -8

9. What are the most important qualities in an interpreter ? ماهي اهم مواصفات المترجم ؟ -9

10. What can high blood pressure cause ? يسببه ضغط الدم العالي ؟ يستطيع ان ما الذي -11

ذا لم يأخذ الناس استراحات وعطل كافية ؟ ما الذي يحصل ا -11

11. What would happen if people do not take enough breaks and holidays?

12. What are workaholics ? 12- من هم محبو العمل ؟

13. Why should people save money for the future? المال للمستقبل ؟ نلماذا يجب على الناس ان يدخرو -13

14. How can people invest their money? 14- يستطيع الناس ان يستثمرون أموالهم ؟ كيف

الوقت الحالي ؟ المتحدة في ما هو االستثمار األكثر شعبية في المملكة -15

15. What is the most popular investment in the UK at the moment?

16. Why are spreadsheets used a lot in business ? لماذا تستخدم جداول البيانات كثيرا في العمل ؟ -16

17. What are the main ways of studying computer skills? 17- ماهي الطرق الرئيسية لدراسة مهارات الحاسوب ؟

18. Why are new jobs appearing all the time? هر وظائف جديدة طوال الوقت ؟ لماذا تظ -18

19. Where is the body language important ? 19- ون لغة الجسد مهمة ؟ اين تك

بأي الطرق تم استخدام طاقة الرياح لآلالف السنين؟ -21

20. In what ways has wind power been used for thousands of years?

Answers :: :: األجوبة

1. They have to have injections of insulin every day.

2 . She was unconscious because her blood sugar had dropped very low.

3. They knew that she was diabetic when they spotted her insulin user’s identify card.

4. The radar was invented during World War II to detect enemy aircraft and ships.

5. It works by sending radio waves towards a car and bounce back towards the radar gun.

6. A radar detector is a machine that detects the radar speed gun .

7. It means independently or working when you need to and for the organization you want to work for.

8. They should read newspapers to have general knowledge and know what is going on in the world .

9. They are : remaining calm under pressure , convey the sense and to be able to think fast.

10. High blood pressure can cause strokes and heart attacks.

11. … the pressure of life would affect both their physical and mental health.

12. Workaholics are people who think that their work is too important to leave in the hands of others.

13…to save for their retirement to continue to enjoy the good standard of living when they are older.

14. People can invest their money in savings account, pension plans ,stocks , shares and property.

15. In UK, the most popular investment is investing in property.

16. Because they can show information in table form and financial information.

17. They are : on a course on line or from a book.

18. New jobs are appearing all the time because of the new technology.

19. It is important in an interview and how to write a good CV.

20. It has been used to power sailing boats and grind corn.

2 English for Iraq

Various Questions ::: متنوعةأسئلة

67560000870المدرس / خضير القريشي /

Page 3: القراءة المركزة للسادس

1. I (clean) my room and I (find) £ 30 under my bed. ( Correct the verbs ).

2. A thief ( take ) our clothes while we ( swim ). ( Correct the verbs ).

3. There ( be) a house here but they ( knock) it down two years ago . ( Use : used to ).

4. She (not / talk) so much, but now she never (stop) . ( Use : used to ).

5. I like those shoes. Can I (try/on /them ). ( Put the verb and the object in the correct order).

6. Can you lend me ----- money ? - Sure. How ---- do you need? Use : ( many / much /a few / a little).

7. When you get in a car you ( must / needn't / mustn't ) put on your seat belt.

8. There is petrol in the car, so you ( have to / mustn't / needn't ) go to the petrol station.

9. Please put out your cigarette . You (needn't / didn't have to / mustn't ) smoke in the police station.

10. He studied hard. He ( should / shouldn't ) fail the exam.

11. She is in 6th

preparatory. She ( should / shouldn't ) graduate this summer.

12. Nada should enjoy her job. ( should here expresses : advice / expectation ).

13. Keep your passport in a safe place. ( Give an device)

14. Help your friend with his baggage. ( Make an offer) .

15. Give me your passport please. ( Make a polite request)

. go next Friday. Use : let where toMake a suggestion telling 16.

17.Yesterday, my father asked somebody to clean his car. My father ( get , gets , got ) his car cleaned.

18. They told me to turn down the music. They ( makes, makes, made ) me turn down the music.

19. ( Will / May ) I ask who is calling ?

20. If they are kind , they will forgive . Name the type of " if " here.

21. If you (not renew) your passport last month, you wouldn't have been allowed to travel. ( Correct ).

22. She could buy a car if she ( has / had / has been / had been ) the money.

23. When did you lose your book ? ( Reported question begin with: I asked her ----).

24. Can I borrow some money? She asked me …… ( A reported question ).

25. Unfortunately, they didn't train every day. That's why they lost the match. ( Regret ).

26. I ate three bars of chocolate. That's why I feel sick. ( Regret ).

27. She's writing the letters. ( Present perfect continuous with since /for. Use : two o'clock. )

28. Would you like a cup of coffee? No, thanks …one . ( Present perfect .Use : just / already / yet ).

29. After we ( speak ) to the teacher, we ( leave ) the classroom. ( Put the verbs in the correct forms ).

30. The book was missing. It has the information . (Combine with a relative clause).

31. Dubai ( who / where / whose / which ) we spent our holiday, is famous.

32. Babylon (who / where / whose / which ) is 85 Km south of Baghdad is a tourist site.

33. The girls are cleaning the room right now. ( Passive Voice ).

34. People use these coins in Egypt. ( Egypt are in used coins these) : ( Unscramble the words ).

35. I am going to study hard to be a doctor. ( schedule / intension / prediction ).

36. Naji ( meets / met / is meeting ) the director tomorrow morning. ( Choose ).

37. She thought he ( will like / likes / would like ) teaching but now she's not sure. ( Choose ).

38. He's going to be a librarian. He decided he ------.

39. You can do more than just read information on the Internet. You can listen to the news as well.

( Make one sentence using : in addition to ).

40. Books can be used anywhere. Computers can't be used anywhere. ( Combine with : unlike ).

English for Iraq

Grammar ::: القواعـــــد


67560000870المدرس / خضير القريشي /

Page 4: القراءة المركزة للسادس

Answers :: :: األجوبة

1. was cleaning / found 2. took / were swimming 3. used to be / knocked

4. didn't use to talk / stops 5. try them on 6. a little / much 7. must

8. needn't 9. mustn't 10. shouldn't 11. should 12. expectation

13. You should keep your passport in a safe place. 14. I’ll help you with your baggage.

15. Could you give me your passport , please? 16. Let's go to Karbala. 17. got 18. made 19. May

20. First conditional. 21. hadn't renewed 22. had 23. I asked her when she had lost her book .

24. She asked me if she could borrow some money. 25. If only they had trained every day.

26. I wish I hadn’t eaten three bars of chocolate.

27. She has been writing the letters since two o’clock. 28. I have just had 29. had spoken / left

30. The book, which has the information , was missing . 31. where 32. which

33. The room is being cleaned right now. 34. These coins are used in Egypt. 35. intention

36. is meeting 37. would like 38. was going to be a librarian.

39. In addition to reading information on the Internet , you can listen to the news.

40. Unlike computers, books can't be used anywhere.


Q I / Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box:

1. We often say : Bless you, when somebody ----. 2. I can't swallow. I have a ----- throat.

3. Ahmed , who is a scientist, attended a big ---- in London. 4. Drivers must ------ the speed limit.

5. Scientists find ways to ---- damage to the environment. 6. I'm afraid your card is no longer -----.

7. You can ---- for this class by completing the form . 8. Wind is a ------ source of energy.

9. If you have internet access you can bank ------. 10. Captain Ali has been a ---- for ten years.

Answers : 1. sneezes. 2. sore. 3. conference. 4. obey. 5. limit.

6. valid. 7. register. 8. renewable 9. on line 10. pilot.


QII / Write the correct choice ::

1. A paramedic is a person who gives ( injections / conclusions ).

2. Smokers die ( six / seven) years earlier than non-smokers.

3. A ( witness / pickpocket ) is a person who saw or heard something .

4. He wants to fly. I think he will like the ( air force / land force ).

5. You must be 18 years to ( join / belong ) the army.

6. To cross the river, we had to ( sail / board ) a ferry.

7. A ( balance / transaction ) is the total amount of money in your account.

8. The ( savings / current ) account needs a minimum balance.

9. ( Pollution / Conclusion ) is the process of damaging the environment.

10. Global warming is an average ( increase / decrease ) in Earth's temperature.

Answers : 1. injections. 2. seven. 3. witness. 4. air force. 5. join.

6. board. 7. balance. 8. current. 9. Pollution. 10. increase.

Vocabulary المفردات :::

( limit , conference , valid , register , sneezes , gone , renewable , obey , sore , on line , pilot )

67560000870المدرس / خضير القريشي /

English for Iraq

Answers of Grammar أجوبة القواعـــــد :


Page 5: القراءة المركزة للسادس

Q III / Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box:

1. The bank ----- shows that I have a lot of money in my account. 2. Waste is often burnt or -----.

3. My uncle designed that amazing building. He is a famous ----. 4. Don't leave your ----- in the ignition.

5. You must send your ----- to the school by 10 May. 6. I feel -----. I think I'm going to faint .

7. If you ---- a crime, the police will arrest you. 8. We need to use the Earth's resources -----.

9. Footprints can tell the ---- of shoes a thief was wearing. 10. Police use special powder to see -----.


Answers : 1. statement. 2. buried. 3. architect. 4. keys. 5. application.

6. dizzy. 7. commit. 8. wisely. 9. types. 10. footprints.

QIV. Mach the words and the phrases in List A with their meanings in List B

List A List B

1 ambitious . a out of job طموح

2 unemployed عاطل b bags and suit cases that carry your possessions on a journey.

3 a fine welcome حسن الضيافة c hospitality

.baggage d the same as or similar toامتعة 4

5 ATM الصراف االلي e improve (for example, job prospects).

6 equivalent f want to succeed مساوي/ مكافئ

7 enhance يعزز g is someone who works in magazines.

8 competitive تنافسي h the opposite of deep.

9 chat دردشة i a machine you can withdraw cash from.

10 A cartoonist رسام كاريكاتير j cutting down trees for wood.

11 vacancy وظيفة شاغرة k talk or communicate informally for example (on the internet)

12 withdrawal سحب l someone who draws amusing pictures.

13 editor محرر m a good salary, compared with other employers.

14 shallow ضحل n money taken out of your account.

15 logging قطع االخشاب o the company has a space for a new employee. Salary

Answers : 1. f. 2. a. 3. c. 4. b. 5. i. 6. d. 7. e. 8. m.

9. k. 10. l. 11. o. 12. n. 13. g. 14. h. 15. j.


Q / Complete the following with correctly spelt words : : اكمل االتي بكلمات صحيحة التهجي

1. correct ; incorrect pleasant : unpleasant legal : illegal moral : immoral

2. co ; company comp : computer exp. : experience freq. : frequent

4. excite ; exciting wonder : wonderful luxury : luxurious attract : attractive

3. be ; been find : found meet : met do : done

5. enhance ; enhancement attend ; attendance admit : admission withdraw : withdrawal

6. like ; dislike encourage : discourage lock : unlock use : misuse

7. cold ; colder big : bigger. dangerous : more dangerous bad : worse

8. things for covering a cut = plaster / bandage

9. joints in the leg = knee / ankle

10. joints in the arm = elbow / wrist / shoulder

( commit , wisely , fingerprints , buried , shoes , keys , application , architect , dizzy , force )

fforgetstatement ,



Spelling التهجي :::

67560000870المدرس / خضير القريشي /

English for Iraq

Vocabulary ::: تكملة المفردات


Page 6: القراءة المركزة للسادس

? Who is Mohammed Khudhair .1من هو محمد خضير ؟ -1

- He is an Iraqi writer. - . هو كاتب عراقي

2. Where did his first stories appear ? When ? أين ظهرت أول قصصه ؟ متى ؟ -2

- It appeared in The Iraqi Writers magazine in 1962. . 1962ظهرت في مجلة الكتاب العراقيين في سنة -

3. What is " The Swing " ? ما هي األرجوحة ؟ -3

هي واحدة من أهم روايات محمد خضير حول الحرب . -

- It is one of Mohammed Khudhair's best short stories about the war.

4. When did he write "The Swing" ? متى كتب " األرجوحة " ؟ -4

- He wrote it after the summer 1967 war against Israel. . ضد إسرائيل 1976كتبها بعد حرب صيف عام -

5. What does " The Swing" stress ? 5- ماذا تشدد " األرجوحة " ؟

إنها تشدد على ان الحرب تدمر كل شيء. انها ال تؤدي الى شيء فقط الموت , الحرمان والدمار . -

- It stresses that war destroys everything. It leads to nothing but death, deprivation and destruction.

6. What does " The Swing promote ? ماذا تعزز " األرجوحة " ؟ -6

إنها تعزز القيم العائلية بجعل الطفولة آمنة وان يحب احدنا اآلخر . -

- It promotes the family values by making childhood secure and to love one another.

7. What are the main characters of " The Swing " ? ماهي الشخصيات الرئيسية في االرجوحة ؟ -7

( ستار : جندي يحاول ان ينقل موت صديقة علي الى عائلته .1هما : -

( حليمة : طفلة صغيرة يموت والدها في معركة حديثا .2

- They are : 1. Sattar : a soldier who tries to convey the death of his friend Ali to the family.

2. Haleema : a little girl whom her father dies in a battle recently.

8. In 1967, Arab countries were at war with Israel. 8- العرب كانوا في حرب ضد إسرائيل . 1967في سنة ,

9. Sattar and Haleema ate a hot loaf of bread before lunch. 9- قبل الغداء حار خبز رغيفستار وحليمة اكلوا

. تعزيز الحياة العائلية , الدعوة لطفولة آمنة وان يحب احدنا اآلخرالدروس األخالقية هي : -11

10. The moral lessons are to sustain family life , call for safe childhood and to love each other.


1. What was the idea of the story ? 1- ة القصة ؟فكر ما

. الذي مات اخيرا عن حبيبها طائر الكناريحيدة تخبرانها حول امرأة و -

- It was about a woman lives lonely with her beloved canary which died at last.

2. By what were the people carried away? 2- بماذا كان الناس مندمجون ؟

- They were carried away by the canary’s singing. - كانوا مندمجين بغناء الكناري

3. How does the story of “ The Canary ” end? كيف تنتهي قصة الكناري ؟ -3

-It ends unhappily when the canary died تنتهي بحزن عندما مات الكناري . -

? Why did her heart feel hollow .4؟ بالخواء قلبها شعر لماذا -4

- Her heart felt hollow when she saw her canary died . . عندما رأت بان الكناري قد ماتقلبها شعر بالخواء ) اجوف ( -

? Do you find it easy to sympathise with the woman ? Why .5؟ لماذا ؟ المرأة مع التعاطف السهل من انه تعتقد هل -5

- Yes, because is a lonely woman who has just a canary. She loves him so much but she loses him.

.. بال قلوب ومخلوقات صغيرة باردةالناس لديهم فكرة بان الطيور -6

6. People have the idea that birds are heartless and cold little creatures.

. ميتا كان" عندما وجدته مستلقيا على ظهره وعيناه قاتمتان " . كانت تعني بانه عندما قالت ميسوس -7

7. When Missus said: " When I found him lying on his back with his eyes dim " . She meant he was dead.

67560000870المدرس / خضير القريشي /

The Canary قصة الكناري :::

English for Iraq

The Swing قصة االرجوحة :::


Page 7: القراءة المركزة للسادس


Dear Ahmed ;

I like to write some ideas and advice you may need. You should take a taxi to the company to be

early and ready there. Tell the receptionist about the interview so that he can tell you what to do. You

should be calm and sober and not to worry because it is normal procedure.

About the interview, you should wear a nice suit and a tie to be neat and formal. You shouldn't forget

to have a notebook with a pen . You should write any note or information during the interview. You

shouldn't speak more than what is needed. You should be smart and serious . You should take time to

say " thank you " after the interview.

Best wishes ,



Studying English in Britain is very nice . It makes me get many advantages there. Firstly, I can hear

people speaking English all day in many different situations. Secondly, I will have lots of opportunities

to practise speaking English especially if I stay with Britain family because I live, eat and drink with

them. Then , I can discuss different matters with them. After that, I can watch TV and films in English

and listen to the radio. In addition to that, I can read English newspapers, advertisement and notices. On

the top of that, I can observe the British way of life when I go out in the streets, restaurants, colleges

and parks. Finally, I can possibly stay with British family.

AB. J. Page. 116

Last summer I went on a holiday to Cairo in Egypt. I went with my friends. It was a package deal

which cost 500 $ each. We stayed in five-star hotel overlooked the Nile. It was very clean with big

rooms, swimming pool and tennis court. There was a self-service buffet in the dining room. In the first

two days, we hired a taxi to do some sightseeing. We visited Al-Azhar Mosque in the centre of the city.

We went to the old bazaar to do shopping. We had our dinner in a popular restaurant. Then we took a

ferry on a wonderful tour in the Nile. Finally, we visited the pyramids and saw the great Khufu. The

best thing on the holiday was the nice people. The bad thing was that the streets were crowded.

English for Iraq

Compositions ::: االنشاءات


67560000870المدرس / خضير القريشي /

: The Interview المقابلة

The advantages of studying English in Britain فوائد دراسة اإلنكليزية في بريطانيا


A wonderful holiday I have had : رائعة قمت بها عطلة
