الأصدقاء الأربعة

بعةء الدقا ال كثيرةل في غابةب والغراب والغزالسنجايش مع اسلحفاة تعنت ال كايأكلون معان معا ونوا سعداء ، يلعبوجار ، فيها ماء وعشب . كا ال النومحكايات قبليحكون ال . وPart 1

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Post on 20-Jul-2015




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الدصدقاء البربعة

كانت السلحفاة تعيش مع السنجاب والغراب والغزال في غابة كثيرة

الجشجار ، فيها ماء وعشب . كانوا سعداء ، يلعبون معا ويأكلون معا

. ويحكون الحكايات قبل النوم

Part 1

There once lived a turtle with a squirrel, crow and dear in a forest with a lot of trees, it had water and greenery, they were happy, playing and eating together, saying stories before going to bed. Once the dear was absent, and was late for lunch, they waited but he didn’t come. So the turtle said to the crow: go and search the problem for us. The crow flew and started looking here and there, the crow saw the dear in the dear, trying to go out but cant

ف ًال فلم يحضر . غاب الغزال يوما ، وتأخرعن موعد الغداء ، انتظروه طوي

قالت السلحفاة للغراب : اذهب واستكشف المر لنا . طار الغراب وأخذ ينظر . هناوهناك ، رأى الغراب الغزال في جشبكة الصياد ،يحاول الخروج ول يستطيع

The crow came back and informed the turtle and the squirrel about the problem, so the three of them went, to save the dear. The squirrel cut the net and saved the dear. The hunter came so the dear ran and the crow flew and the squirrel hid in the hole. The turtle was walking slow, the hunter saw her and thought she was the one who cut the rope and saved the dear, so he took her and tied her with a rope.

أجتمع الدصدقاء الثالةثة قال السنجاب للغراب: عندي فكرة: اذهب انت والغزال إلى مكان يراكما فيه الصياد, وهناك يتظاهر بأنه جريح, ل يستطيع الحركة, وتتظاهر أنت بأنك تأكل لحم الغزال. عندما يراكما

الصياد سيسرع إليكما ليأخذ الغزال. في هذا الوقت أذهب أنا إلى .السلحفاة, أخلصها من الحبل بأسناني

The three friends met. The squirrel said to the crow: I have an idea: you and the dear go to a place where the hunter can see you and there the dear will act as if he is wounded and cannot move, and you act as if you are eating him and when he sees you both the hunter will run towards you both to take the dear in the mean time I will set free the turtle with my teeth

The dear said: that’s a good idea. And when he comes closer the crow flies and I run away: the squirrel said to the dear: run bit by bit, until the hunter follows you to a far place, and the mean time the turtle will go away and hide

إلى مكان السلحفاة, فلم يجدها فظن أنه في أرض العفاريت, .فأخذ شبكته وهرب من الغابة, ولم يرجع مرة أخرى

The dear and the crow went to a place where the hunter can see them. The hunter ran towards them to catch him. The dear started to run bit by bit and the hunter following it to catch it. In the mean time the crow attacked him to make him further away from the dear. It kept going on and on until the hunter got tired so he went back but he didn’t find the turtle so he thought it is a haunted land. The hunter took his net and ran away and never came back

إجتمع الدصدقاء البربعة مرة أخرى. هم سعداء ال ن, ل ن الصياد أخذ شبكته وترك الغابة. قالت السلحفاة: الحمد ل بإخل ص وتعاو ن والحيلة. قال الغزال: هيا بنا نرجع إلى بيتنا, ونتناول الطعام ثم ننام لنستريح من

.التعب. قال الغراب: أنا سأطير فوقكم لتكتشف لكم المكا ن

The four friends gathered again. They are happy now because the hunter took his net and left the forest. The turtle said: thank goodness with faith and unity and tricks. The dear said: lets go back home and eat food and relax from the tiered. The crow said: I will fly to discover the place for you

squirrel crow

grassWounded bird

The cat is attacking the mouse

The boy is following his mother

The boy loves sleeping

The turtle walks slowly

كانو سعداء يلعون و يأكلون معالنه وقع في فخ الصياد

بان قطع الشبكة

لنه ظن انها هي التي قطعت الشبكة

الصياد أنتصرا عليه باللخل ص و التعاون و الحيلة





