Υπουργείο Μακεδονίας Θράκης

Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση ή αναπαραγωγή του παρόντος έργου στο σύνολο ή τμημάτων του με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο, σύμφωνα με τις διατάξεις του ν. 2121/1993 και της Διεθνούς Σύμβασης Βέρνης - Παρισιού που κυρώθηκε με τον ν. 100/1975. Τέλος απαγορεύεται η αναπαραγωγή της συνολικής αισθητικής εμφάνισης του βιβλίου (στοιχειοθεσίας, εξωφύλλου κ.λπ.) με φωτοτυπίες ή άλλες μεθόδους, σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 51 του ν. 2121/1993. – All rights reserved ΣυγγραφεαΣ Ευάγγελος Α. Χεκίμογλου ερευνα αρχειων Συντονισμός: Ευφροσύνη Ρούπα Συνεργάτρια Έρευνας: Αικατερίνη Παπανικολάου εκδοτικΗ επιμελεια - δΗμιουργικο Δημήτρης Λούκας μεταφραΣΗ Αναστάσιος Χουλιαράς φιλολογικΗ επιμελεια Μαρία Λεπενιώτη Αναστάσιος Χουλιαράς yπευΘυνοΣ ΣελιδοποιΗΣΗΣ Κώστας Παπακωνσταντίνου ΣυνΘεΣΗ εΞωφυλλου Στυλιανός Αγγελόπουλος ΣτοιχειοΘεΣια - επεΞεργαΣια εικονων Δημιουργικό Τμήμα Εκδόσεων Ν. Καραμανλή Ε.Ε. εκτυπωΣΗ - βιβλιοδεΣια Ν. Καραμανλής Ε.Ε Author Evangelos E. Hekimoglou reseArch Coordination: Eufrosyne Roupa Research Assistant: Ekaterini Papanicholaou generAl editor - creAtive mAnAger Dimitris Lucas trAnslAtion Anastassios Houliaras editing mAnAgement Maria Lepenioti Anastassios Houliaras Junior Art director - dtP Costas Papaconstantinou βοοκ cover illustrAtion Stylianos Angelopoulos tyPesetτing - imAge editing N. Karamanlis Group Atelier Printing - Binding N. Karamanlis Ltd. © υπουργειο μακεδονιαΣ - ΘρακΗΣ / ministry oF mAcedoniA And thrAce isBn: 960-88644-1-0 Θεσσαλονίκη: Εγνατία 113, τηλ.: 2310 272720, 2310 225972 Αθήνα: Καπλανών 10 & Μασσαλίας, Τ.Κ. 106 80, τηλ.: 210 3634320, 210 3634330, 210 3634580, fax: 210 3634730

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Υπουργείο Μακεδονίας Θράκης


  • , . 2121/1993 - . 100/1975.

    (, ..) , 51 . 2121/1993. All rights reserved






    - . ..

    - . .

    AuthorEvangelos E. Hekimoglou

    reseArchCoordination: Eufrosyne Roupa Research Assistant: Ekaterini Papanicholaou

    generAl editor - creAtive mAnAger Dimitris Lucas

    trAnslAtionAnastassios Houliaras

    editing mAnAgementMaria LepeniotiAnastassios Houliaras

    Junior Art director - dtPCostas Papaconstantinou

    cover illustrAtionStylianos Angelopoulos

    tyPeseting - imAge editing N. Karamanlis Group Atelier

    Printing - BindingN. Karamanlis Ltd.

    - / ministry oF mAcedoniA And thrAce

    isBn: 960-88644-1-0

    : 113, .: 2310 272720, 2310 225972: 10 & , .. 106 80, .: 210 3634320, 210 3634330, 210 3634580, fax: 210 3634730

  • 36 37

    HGThe arrival of the Greek army troops in 1912 at the liberated city of Thessaloniki (Photography Museum of Thessaloniki, Angelos Papaioannou s collection).


    ( , ).

    reece rePossessed the AreAs oF mAcedoniA And ePirus during the first Balkan War. From october 1912 to november 1913 macedonia and epirus, as well as the repossessed insular areas, were administered under the form of administration of

    occupied country, according to the international law and the hague treaty of 1907. According to Article 430 of the aforementioned treaty, as soon as the occupying country obtains the essential power it owes to take all the measures that are depended by it, in order to restore and reserve public order and public life, respecting the current laws unless in case of insuperable obstacles.the birth of the institution of general administrations is historically connected to the application of

    the RepResentative of the goveRnment

    20 .

    Postcards of the early 20th century, depicting the coastal avenue of Thessaloniki.

    A e i h - . 1912 1913 , ,

    1907. , . 430 , - , , 3. , - 31 1912, : . , - , - 4. , - , . , . , 5. , . . -, . . , , 6. 7. 1912 , , . - (). , , . , .

  • 38 39

    Taksim Pasha signs the protocol that delivers Thessaloniki in 26 October 1912.

    26 1912.

    The liberation of Thessaloniki in a lithography of that time. (Valkaniki Polemi 1912-1913: Elliniki Laiki Ikonografia Historical and Ethnological Society of Greece, Army

    Staff of Greece, Athens).

    , ( 1912-1913:

    , , , ).

    1912( , ).

    The people of Thessaloniki welcome Eleftherios Venizelos at the citys railway station in 1912 (Photography Museum of Thessaloniki, Angelos Papaioannou s collection).


    - -, , . - , . , 1913, - , - , . . - 17/30 1913, . . - , , - . , , , . - , - , - . , - . , .

    . . , [] - , - - - , , . , , . - 8. 63% - - ( -

  • 42 43 ( . ).

    The facilities of the 3rd Army Corps in Thessaloniki (V. Kolonas archives).

    Eleftherios Venizelos, admiral Pavlos Kountouriotis and Panaghiotis Daglis supervising Greek units in Thessaloniki, December 1916.

    , 1916 .

  • 64 65

    The fact that thoroughly changed the image of Thessaloniki was the

    terrible fire of August 5th 1917, which destroyed almost half the historic center of the city. More than 9,500 houses were destroyed and

    some 70,000 citizens were left homeless.Bottom: aerophotograph of the destroyed city of Thessaloniki.

    Right: Eleftherias square and Venizelou street.

    fter the ContraCt of athens, two different opinions were expressed regard-ing general administrations. the former was that through the normalization of the legisla-tion and the attachment of the new areas in the Greek legal and administrational system

    general administrations were not necessary anymore. the latter emphasized on various difficulties in the application of legislation and the particularity of the new areas, and in fact it temporarily prevailed.the general administrations of epirus and the islands were soon abolished, unlike the General ad-ministration of Macedonia and the General administration of Crete. all general administrations, including that of Macedonia, were abolished in March 1915.then followed the formation of a revolutionary government led by eleftherios Venizelos in thes-

    Abolishment of the generAl AdministrAtions

    5 1917 . 9.500 , 70.000 .: .: .

    . ,

    . , , 273/8/11.6.1914, . , , 524 24 1914, , . , . , , . - . 1915, , - . 1915 , ( 16/19.3.1915). . , - . 1917 - , . - ( 1913 ) 29 191737. [] , 38, . , - ( - ). , , . , -

  • 66 67

    ( -, , 1917,University Studio Press, 2002).

    The residents of Thessaloniki clean up the area of Egnatia Odos after the disastrous fire (Aleka Karadimou-Gherolimpou To chroniko tis megalis pirkaghias, Thessalonik August 1917, University Studio Press, 2002).

    , 1917(. - . , 1900-1960, ).

    Southwestern view of the Rsidency building after the fire of 1917 (C.Zafiris - A.Papatzitzikas, En Thessaloniki 1900-1960, Eksantas Publications).

    1917 ( , ).

    Aerophotograph showing the destroyed area after the fire in 1917 (Thessaloniki Photography Museum. Angelos Papaioannou collection).

  • 69

    (1.7.1917 - 15.2.1918).

    Pericles ArghiropoulosMinister / General Manager

    (1.7.1917 - 15.2.1918).

    : Ernest Hebrard 1917.

    Left: the historic center of Thessaloniki, redesigned by Ernest Hebrard after the fire of 1917.

    1918 ( ) ( , ).

    The name that was given to the general administration in 1918 (Gheniki Diekissis Thessalonikis) (Historic Archives of Macedonia, General Administration of Macedonia Archives).

    1917 1912-1913. - 1918, . 1149/1918 .


    1149/1918 - : ( - ) , . - , - , 39. , 2574/26/26.4.1921 - . , - . , : , . , 3898/12/13.2.1929 , , , 40. 1149/1918, - - . , - - . 1149/1918 - 10/12.2.1918,

  • 74 75

    1912-13 , , . 1.300.000 , . ( , ).

    After the victorious wars of 1912-1913 which doubled the Greek area, the Asia Minor campaign and the following Disaster were meant to mark the political, social and financial life of the country for many decades. The arrival of 1,300,000 refugees created serious problems in all sectors, since the Official State was unprepared in both financial and institutional level for such a situation.Pictures of Greek people rooted out from Asia Minor (Nea Smyrni Photographic - Historic Archives, Manolis Megaloeconomou collection).
