Запрошуємо до україни

ПЛАН-КОНСПЕКТ УРОКУ В 6 КЛАСІ «ЗАПРОШУЄМО ДО УКРАЇНИ» Topic: Запрошуємо до України. Цілі: удосконалювати навички усного мовлення й аудіювання з опорою на лексико-граматичні структури і вміння робити пропозицію; удосконалювати навички монологічного висловлювання, читання; розвивати культуру спілкування; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника, виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови, любов до своєї країни. Materials: texts, cards, computer, DVD-disk, projector, the presentation. The type of the lesson: combined PROCEDURE І. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу. 1. Warm-up Let's revise the words (DVD disk Welcome 2 lesson 1) «Countries and nationalities» Game «Guess where I am from?» One of the pupils takes a card with the name of a country. Others try to guess asking: Are you from…? So, today we are going to meet the guests and present them our country. The topic of our lesson is ―Welcome to Ukraine‖ ІІ. Основна частина уроку. 1. Speaking 1) Hometask What words do you usually associate with Ukraine? Presentation of the pictures. Ukraine Mild climate Rich culture beautiful nature My Euro -2012 Kyiv Friendly people A lot of flowers Golden the Dnipro

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Topic: Запрошуємо до України.

Цілі: удосконалювати навички усного мовлення й аудіювання з опорою на

лексико-граматичні структури і вміння робити пропозицію; удосконалювати

навички монологічного висловлювання, читання; розвивати культуру

спілкування; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника,

виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови, любов до своєї країни.

Materials: texts, cards, computer, DVD-disk, projector, the presentation.

The type of the lesson: combined


І. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

1. Warm-up

Let's revise the words (DVD – disk Welcome 2 lesson 1)

«Countries and nationalities»

Game «Guess where I am from?» One of the pupils takes a card with the name of

a country. Others try to guess asking: Are you from…?

So, today we are going to meet the guests and present them our country. The topic

of our lesson is ―Welcome to Ukraine‖

ІІ. Основна частина уроку.

1. Speaking

1) Hometask

What words do you usually associate with Ukraine?

Presentation of the pictures.




Rich culture

beautiful nature


Euro -2012


Friendly people

A lot of



the Dnipro

2) Dialogues.

Make up the suggestions and then practise them orally.

Why don't we work out a national dishes

work out a football match with their


Why not have a karaoke competition

having anything to eat in "Varenichna"?

performing a Ukrainian tale


What about show them some folk dancing

prepare an international festival

preparing a concert

have a tour about the city

make an exhibition of Ukrainian craft


make some souvenirs ourselves

Make up short dialogues. React to your partner's suggestions (from the replies



Yes, let's...

That's a good idea.

That might be interesting.


I don't like...

I don't feel like it.

I'm not very fond of ...

2. Reading and speaking.

Before reading Answer the questions.

1) Where is Ukraine situated?

2) What is the capital of Ukraine?

3) What are the biggest cities?

4) What interesting places in Ukraine do you know?

5) Which words do you usually associate with Ukraine?

Reading Read the text

Welcome to Ukraine

Since August'24, 1991 Ukraine has become an independent state.

Ukraine is an undiscovered1 treasure — a beautiful and fantastic country, where

visitors can spend their holidays, get to know the history and culture of the

Ukrainian people, visit the churches and monuments of a thousand-year-old culture

and get a good treatment at a lot of health resorts.

Kyiv and Lviv, Chernihiv and Donetsk, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi,

Odesa and the Crimea, the Black Sea and the Carpathian Mountains — these are

just some of the remarkable places awaiting the businessmen and tourists.

Dear visitors, you can enjoy some of the finest dishes in Eastern Europe and try

Ukrainian borsch and varenyky. Chicken a la Kyiv, the rolled, filled pancakes, or

delicious Ukrainian brown bread. But be prepared for a different style of service.

Bring your sense of humour. It'll help you to come out of any troublesome

situation. We are sure that you will enjoy your visit to Ukraine and come back

again and again!

After reading

Find the following words in the text and practise them chorally and individually,

then match them with their Ukrainian equivalents and practice the new vocabulary.

1) an independent state a) стиль

2) an undiscovered treasure b) курорт

3) culture c) почуття гумору

4) a health resort d) турист

5) remarkable e) незалежна держава

6) a tourist f) культура

7) a pancake g) чудовий, дивний

8) a style h) нерозкритий скарб

9) a sense of humour i) млинець

Fill in the gaps.

Culture style an independent state remarkable

health resorts tourists sense of humour

1) Many__visit our country every year.

2) She's got a really good__.

3) Our country is__.

4) We should be proud of our Ukrainian__.

5) There are a lot of__on the southern coast of Ukraine.

6) You look like a film star. I like your__.

7) Ukraine is__for its nature.

Complete the sentences:

Ukraine has become ….

Ukraine is the country …

You can enjoy….

We are sure….

3. Speaking

Introduce your country using the presentation.

The presentation

ІІІ. Заключна частина


1) What remarkable places in Ukraine (in your region) can you name?

2) What Ukrainian national dishes do you know?

3) Can you make any of them?

4) What attracts people from all over the world in our country?

5) What resorts in Ukraine do you know? Where are they?

6) Where would you like to spend your holidays?


Make up a leaflet for visitors to your region.