7:45-8:00- enter the classroom 8:00-8:30- daily math review 8:30-9:00- snack/ down time ...

W E L C O M E to Ms. Chandler’s 4th’s Grade Classroom!! Email: [email protected] Website: ms.chandler’sclassgrade4.edu

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Page 1: 7:45-8:00- Enter the classroom  8:00-8:30- Daily Math Review  8:30-9:00- Snack/ Down Time  9:00-10:00- Social Studies  10:00-10:10- Bathroom Break

W E L C O M E to Ms. Chandler’s

4th’s Grade Classroom!!

Email: [email protected]

Website: ms.chandler’sclassgrade4.edu

Page 2: 7:45-8:00- Enter the classroom  8:00-8:30- Daily Math Review  8:30-9:00- Snack/ Down Time  9:00-10:00- Social Studies  10:00-10:10- Bathroom Break


7:45-8:00- Enter the classroom 8:00-8:30- Daily Math Review 8:30-9:00- Snack/ Down Time 9:00-10:00- Social Studies 10:00-10:10- Bathroom Break 10:10- 11:25- Labs( Art, Music, Computer,

Library) 11:25-11:35- Bathroom Break 11:35-12:05- Lunch 12:05-12:10- Bathroom Break 12:10-1:00- Science 1:00-1:30- P.E. 1:30- 2:30- Reading Groups/ Centers 2:30-2:35- Clean Up 2:35-2:50- Dismissal

Page 3: 7:45-8:00- Enter the classroom  8:00-8:30- Daily Math Review  8:30-9:00- Snack/ Down Time  9:00-10:00- Social Studies  10:00-10:10- Bathroom Break


Daily Data This will be the method of taking attendance. Attendance will be taken at 8:00 when the bell rings. Students who enter the classroom after the bell rings without prior

permission to be late are considered as Tardy. Tardy or late entrances Student must sign in in the office before coming to class Student must have a slip from the office as proof when he/she

enters the classroom 3 tardies is considered 1 absence. Students who are late must get straight to Daily Math Review, then

check the daily reminder/announcements on board and be sure to write any reminders or announcements in their daily calendar journals.

If you have missed instruction, or completing an activity, you will be able to make it up during Lab time.

Page 4: 7:45-8:00- Enter the classroom  8:00-8:30- Daily Math Review  8:30-9:00- Snack/ Down Time  9:00-10:00- Social Studies  10:00-10:10- Bathroom Break

What if I was Absent?Excuses: Must be turned in to the office. The office will provide an excuse for

the student to give to me. Place excuse in the “excuse tub” that’s located on the miscellaneous

shelf.Make –up Work: Our daily curriculum and homework assignments are always posted

on the whiteboard. During Lab time, students will receive instruction and be able to complete any in-class assignments or tests that he/she has missed. Also, all the handouts and assignments completed that day will be placed in the “absent assignment” clear pocket folder, that’s located on the closet door in the back of the classroom. Homework will be due the next day from when he/she received the assignment. (depending on the number of consecutive days.

Our daily curriculum and homework assignments are always posted on the classroom website for your convenience.

Page 5: 7:45-8:00- Enter the classroom  8:00-8:30- Daily Math Review  8:30-9:00- Snack/ Down Time  9:00-10:00- Social Studies  10:00-10:10- Bathroom Break

Got Money? Put your lunch and milk money in the correctly labeled manila

folder(Milk, lunch) in the “money” tub.* Be sure to have your parents write your name on the envelope, what

the money is for, and how much it is. Ex: Kristen Agee $15.00 Lunch money Snack Money- Place your snack money in the correctly labeled

manila folder (Snack) in the money tub, then sign your name on the list and the amount it is.

Ex: Kristen Agee $1.50 Snack Field Trip Money- Always attach the money to the permission slip.

Fold and put everything in a sealed envelope. Place the envelope in the middle tray labeled “money” on my desk.

Fundraiser Money- Place money in a sealed envelope. On the outside of envelope be sure to write your name, fundraiser money, the date you turned it in, and the amount in the upper right hand corner. Place the envelope in the middle tray labeled “money” on my desk.

Ex: Kristen Agee Fundraiser Money 3/28/ 2011 $25.00

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Morning Procedure


Complete Daily Data Hang up your jackets and other belongings on your hook. Place

book bags in designated tubs. (Boys, Girls) Put all money in it’s designated manila folder in the “money” tub. Place your yellow Homework Folder in your cubby folder. Place your red Weekly Folder in the crate by the teacher’s desk. Place any notes from home, excuses, and all “turn-in” money on

the proper shelf on my desk. Take 2 pencils from the “I’m Sharp!” canister. Begin working on Daily Math Review that’s on your desk. If you finish early, complete previous assignments (refer to white

board), read your AR book, or complete a math skills game on the computer.

Page 7: 7:45-8:00- Enter the classroom  8:00-8:30- Daily Math Review  8:30-9:00- Snack/ Down Time  9:00-10:00- Social Studies  10:00-10:10- Bathroom Break

Leaving the Classroom….

Always: Clean around surrounding area.

End of the Day: Complete your classroom job. Backpack/ Belonging helpers (2) will collect all backpacks and

belongings and distribute them to the you at your desk. Place everything that is needed to take home in your backpack. Wait for your bus number to be called over the intercom or when

the bell rings to dismiss you. ( YOU DO NOT DISMISS YOURSELF!) Then, WALK (Do Not Run) to your destination.

*If school gets out early, a notification will be sent via phone, e-mail, and the school’s website detailing the situation.

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-Raise your hand and cross your first two fingers. I will give you a nod allowing you to leave the classroom to use the restroom.

Grab the restroom pass on your way out (Girls, Boys), then hang it back up when you return.

Library: -Raise your hand and hold of the number “1” with your first finger. I

will give you a nod allowing you to leave the classroom to go to the library. Grab the library pass on your way out, then hang it

back up when you return.

Anywhere Else: -Raise your hand and I will ask you where you need to go and why.

With my permission, take the classroom or designated pass and go where you need to go. Hang the pass back up when you


*Remember that we ALWAYS follow classroom rules at all times while we are in school!

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Homework Homework is given Monday-Thursday in the student’s yellow Homework


Students are given 1 day to complete their assignment, therefore, homework is due on the next day when they return back to school.

Fun, take-home reading assignments are given every Monday and Wednesday. These are accompanied with a writing activity that may be turned in the next day (Tuesday and Thursday) for an academic award.

The yellow Homework Folder is to be turned in every Monday and Wednesday into the “homework tub” on the shelf right above the cubbies.

Late homework will be accepted with an excuse. Late homework without an excuse will be accepted, but 2 points will be deducted for every day it is late.

If homework is not turned in or completed, a note will go home that has to be signed by a parent or guardian.

Make-up work, instruction, and tests will be given during lab time.

Page 10: 7:45-8:00- Enter the classroom  8:00-8:30- Daily Math Review  8:30-9:00- Snack/ Down Time  9:00-10:00- Social Studies  10:00-10:10- Bathroom Break

Scholar AwardsAcademic awards are given to students who put forth great

effort, and have a scholarly approach towards his/ her academics. Efforts, such as turning in all homework on time and completed, staying on task, achieving an Accelerated Reader goal, doing well on tests and assignments merit an academic award, and being a leader/role model amongst

his/her classmates.Students may receive one of the following academic awards for high

achievement: Homework pass

Extra Credit

Opportunity to teach a new approach during small group.

Opportunity to become a peer tutor to a student in 1st grade.

Visit to “Good Citizen” bubble gum machine. (Bubble gum balls and an incentive put in clear containers)

Page 11: 7:45-8:00- Enter the classroom  8:00-8:30- Daily Math Review  8:30-9:00- Snack/ Down Time  9:00-10:00- Social Studies  10:00-10:10- Bathroom Break

Miscellaneous Awards and Events

Student’s Birthday: Student will receive a birthday certificate and a prize from the “Good

Citizen” bubble gum machine. “Happy Birthday *student’s name here*” will also go on the class calendar for the whole day. Individualized birthday parties are not allowed due to county health regulations.

End of Semester: The students will host a coffee house themed parent/family night where

they will display their art and literary works for the semester. One of these will take place at the end of the first semester. (Fall Semester) At the end of the night, students will receive a certificate and a small token for becoming such great artists and writers!

End of Year Celebration: On the very last day of school, our classroom celebrates and has a big

themed celebration!( Theme chosen by class vote) The students will receive a prize and a

farewell letter from me!

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Please fill out the form labeled “Health Form” completely. This will notify the teacher and the nurse of any health concerns that may need attention.

Medications must be given to Nurse Betty in the nurses’ office. Students will be excused to the nurses' office to take his or her medication as needed.

If your student brings medication later in the year, be sure to notify the teacher and the school that your student needs to be excused to take this medication.( Typed letter)

Page 13: 7:45-8:00- Enter the classroom  8:00-8:30- Daily Math Review  8:30-9:00- Snack/ Down Time  9:00-10:00- Social Studies  10:00-10:10- Bathroom Break

Want to Visit?Because we will be busy learning, parents and family members may only visit

during the following times:

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Classroom parties

To chaperone during a field trip

To eat lunch with their student

*The teacher must be notified if a parent or family member is planning to visit. The parent or family member must send a typed note with that student when

he/she arrives in the morning to class.

There will be many events that will occur within this year that will request special attendance by all parents and family members. Those events will be featured in the monthly newsletter, posted on the website’s calendar, and you will personally receive an invitation in your student’s red Weekly Folder.

*When visiting, be sure to sign-in in the office and pick up a visitor’s pass.

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Want to Volunteer?Throughout the year, volunteers are needed for the following events:

Space & Rocket Center Trip

Desoto Caverns Trip

Fun Day

Book Fair

PTO Fundraiser Carnival

Volunteers are also needed on Fridays to prepare the classroom for the upcoming week. Activities such as making copies, cutouts, bulletin boards, and possibly organizing will be greatly appreciated.

A Volunteer Calendar is on the classroom website. If you log on using your child’s username and password, you will be able to sign up for the next month’s Friday’s and events for which you may like to volunteer. Also, Notice of all events will be in the monthly newsletter. If that event needs volunteers, it will be specified below the name of the event.

*Be sure to sign-in in the office and pick up a visitor’s pass.

THANK YOU!!! Our school is very appreciative!!

Page 15: 7:45-8:00- Enter the classroom  8:00-8:30- Daily Math Review  8:30-9:00- Snack/ Down Time  9:00-10:00- Social Studies  10:00-10:10- Bathroom Break

Class RulesStudents will collaborate to create three to five classroom

rules during the first day of class. This gives them a sense ownership for creating “their own rules”, therefore they will be more likely to follow them. Also, this will also create a sense of “community” starting on the first day.

1. Raise your hand to share thoughts and ask questions.

2. Respect fellow classmates, their rights, and their belongings.

3. Obey all school rules.4. Follow directions.5. Come to class with a great ATTITUDE ready to learn!

*The created classroom rules will be posted on the classroom’s website by Monday, August 8th.

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Good Behavior?Students who remain on task and maintain good behavior may

receive one reward. I love to give verbal praise, so I make it my duty throughout the day to encourage my students to keep up the good behavior. Also, verbal praise is used to encourage other students to become more mindful and

responsible of his or her behavior. Consistent good behavior may result in one of the latter four rewards. These rewards

will be given frequently throughout the semester!

Verbal praise Free time (Ex :reading while listening to pre-approved music

on mp3 player) Good notes home Hand Stamp Visit to the “Good Citizen” bubble gum machine


Page 17: 7:45-8:00- Enter the classroom  8:00-8:30- Daily Math Review  8:30-9:00- Snack/ Down Time  9:00-10:00- Social Studies  10:00-10:10- Bathroom Break

Not Following Directions?

1st offense: Verbal Warning (Green) 2nd offense: Flip of card (Green, Yellow, Red) = loss of privileges

( Ex. Silent lunch) 3rd offense: Phone call home and/or conference with parent (An

Action Plan will also be filled out and signed by the student) (Red)

Severe Clause: Office visit ( this action only occurs once the situation can no longer be handled while in the teachers’ possession)

These consequences are posted in the classroom at all times, therefore students will be aware of the repercussions and expectations.

A weekly behavior report indicating your student’s behavioral issues and rewards will be sent home every Friday in your student’s red Weekly Folder to be signed and returned on Monday.

Specific behavior plans may be made as needed by your request. (Teacher/Parent Conference)

Page 18: 7:45-8:00- Enter the classroom  8:00-8:30- Daily Math Review  8:30-9:00- Snack/ Down Time  9:00-10:00- Social Studies  10:00-10:10- Bathroom Break

Expectations for Group Work

Students are grouped together for most activities during the day. During this time, students are responsible for their group

members in the following ways:

Staying on task

Following classroom rules

Effectively exploring materials during activities (not playing)

If students cannot work within their group effectively, I will take sticks out of their group’s canister and replace them in the teacher’s canister. Whoever has the most sticks in their canister by the end of the week (between students and the teacher) gets to decide whether or not we have a Fun Friday activity.

Students are to check the agendas on the white board to see what they are supposed to be doing at any time throughout the day, including Reading Block.

Page 19: 7:45-8:00- Enter the classroom  8:00-8:30- Daily Math Review  8:30-9:00- Snack/ Down Time  9:00-10:00- Social Studies  10:00-10:10- Bathroom Break

Expectations for Seat Work

Students are placed in designated groups which aids collaboration. Students are to be mindful of their voice level during all times. Seat work is usually time for “whisper level”, and socialization should be effective and pertaining to the lesson at all times.

After students complete work, they are to place it in the appropriate notebook, tray, folder, or tub depending on the activity. Because students finish at different times, they may simply get up and walk to their destination without the worry of running into anyone. Students are never allowed to run within the school building, which keeps the classroom a safe haven.

Once students are finished working, they will be able to choose between a few activities listed on the white board. This list always includes: finishing other assignments, reading, and computer skill games.

Page 20: 7:45-8:00- Enter the classroom  8:00-8:30- Daily Math Review  8:30-9:00- Snack/ Down Time  9:00-10:00- Social Studies  10:00-10:10- Bathroom Break

CENTERS…. During Reading Block (1:30 –2:30) the classroom is broken into three

groups, and each group is placed at a center for 20 minutes, then students rotate to a new center at the sound of my timer.

The Reading Schedule located on the left wall in the classroom indicates where each group is supposed to be and what activity they are supposed to be doing. The station designated “Ms. Chandler” means that the students will be working with me in a guided reading lesson.

Centers include but are not limited to literacy games, journal writing, literacy theater, computer composition, independent reading, buddy reading, fluency assignments, etc.

Students will be given center activities to choose from, so that they feel in control of their learning.

Group leaders will monitor the actions of their group members during centers, I will monitor the students during centers, and students monitor themselves by placing a check next to the center in which they participated.

The sticks will also be used during centers as an economy system. If students remain on task, they get sticks added to their canisters, if they fail to remain on task or break any rules, sticks are taken away from their canisters.

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Expectations During Centers…

Check the Reading Schedule to see what activity you have during this time.

Go to that designated place, then begin working on that activity quietly.

If you do not like that activity, you may choose a different one only if the activity is similar in criteria, but if not you must stay with the original activity.

Once you complete that activity, you may move to the next activity listed under your choices for this time quietly.

Follow the classroom rules at all times, and keep in mind the noise level.

At the sound of the timer, quickly return your materials and clean up your station.

Check the Reading Schedule, make a choice, then WALK, do not run, to the next station.


Page 22: 7:45-8:00- Enter the classroom  8:00-8:30- Daily Math Review  8:30-9:00- Snack/ Down Time  9:00-10:00- Social Studies  10:00-10:10- Bathroom Break

Use of Classroom Materials…

FIRST!!!- If we don’t respect our materials, we won’t have them anymore!

Pencils– Every morning, take 2 pencils from the “I’m Sharp!” canister. If you pencils break or become dull, place them in the “I’m Not Sharp” canister. Grab a pencil from the “I’m Sharp!” canister, and continue your activity.

Classroom Library–When you find a book, write your name, the title and author of the book, and the date you are taking it on the sign-out book. You may have it for 1 week. When you are ready for a new book, put the old one in the alphabetized/ genre basket that you checked it out from and get a new book.

Computers–Only get on the computer if you have permission to. Only go to the designated sites or games listed in the computer area. If you would like to go somewhere else, you must ask Ms. Chandler for permission first. This is to keep you SAFE! No food or drink near the computers at any time. Always use ear phones if there is sound! (If you disobey the computer rules, your computer privileges will be taken away then!)

Learning Games– When you finish an activity, put it back in its box/bag/or crate and return it to its designated spot.

Page 23: 7:45-8:00- Enter the classroom  8:00-8:30- Daily Math Review  8:30-9:00- Snack/ Down Time  9:00-10:00- Social Studies  10:00-10:10- Bathroom Break

Use of Your Materials

Science and Math Notebooks –Check the Table of Contents example on the right wall in the classroom to make sure you have all your activities organized and color coded in order. Check each activity to make sure it is fully complete. Take pride in your notebook, because it contains your special thoughts, your understanding of the objective, and processes during our activities.

Reading Journal – Keep your Reading Journal neat, clean, and organized, and creative. Always head and date your entries. Don’t be afraid to write and share your thoughts and feelings –You and I are the ONLY people who see them!

Materials Box –Keep up with all of your materials by keeping them in your supply box unless you are using them. Be gentle and use your materials wisely so that they will last!

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Restroom breaks are taken at 10:00, 11:25, and 12:05 each day.

Only one boy/girl at the water fountain a time. Bathroom monitors (2) will count to 10 for each student.

Students may leave the classroom for emergencies with permission from the teacher. A bathroom pass must taken with the student. (Girls/Boys)

If the student has health concerns which may cause him/her to need frequent breaks to the bathroom or water fountain, a typed note from the parent or doctor must be given to the teacher before privileges may occur.

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Keeping In Touch!!Monthly Newsletter

Sent home in your child’s red folder on the first Friday of every month.

Can also be found on the classroom website:Ms.Chandler’sclassgrade4.edu

Weekly Reports

Sent home in your child’s red folder every Friday.

Needs to be signed and returned on MondayContains student’s grades, important comments and concerns, behavior report, and any

handouts from the school

Parent/Teacher Conference

Scheduled through email, phone call, or a note (Please list preference on your information sheet)

You may also receive periodic phone calls from me as needed

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THANK YOU!!!! First, I want to take the time and thank each and every one of

you you for coming out tonight! As you see, this year is going to be fun-filled for you and your student! I am looking forward to getting to know each and every one of your students so that we can have not only an amazing , but successful year! This year, we are going to explore so many things that will engage your child in thinking critically and learning anew on a daily basis . I have many interesting books in my library that will spark your child’s imagination and ensure captivating group conversations within the classroom and at home. If you ever have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you again for coming, and I hope to see you again soon!

Sincerely,Ms. Chandler

The mediocre teacher tells.  The good teacher explains.  The superior teacher demonstrates.  The great

teacher inspires.  ~William Arthur Ward