情報基礎 a lecture 1 takeshi tokuyama tohoku university graduate school of information sciences...

情情情情 A Lecture 1 Takeshi Tokuyama Tohoku University Graduate School of Information Sciences System Information Sciences Design and Analysis of Information Systems

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Page 1: 情報基礎 A Lecture 1 Takeshi Tokuyama Tohoku University Graduate School of Information Sciences System Information Sciences Design and Analysis of Information

情報基礎 A   Lecture 1

Takeshi TokuyamaTohoku University Graduate School of Information

SciencesSystem Information Sciences

Design and Analysis of Information Systems

Page 2: 情報基礎 A Lecture 1 Takeshi Tokuyama Tohoku University Graduate School of Information Sciences System Information Sciences Design and Analysis of Information


• Takeshi Tokuyama– Professor, Graduate School of Information

Sciences  – http://www.dais.is.tohoku.ac.jp/~tokuyama/profile.htm

• Profile– Ph. D in mathematics, 1985– IBM research, Tokyo Research Lab 1986-1999– Professor of Tohoku University 1999---– Speciality : Theoretical computer science

Page 3: 情報基礎 A Lecture 1 Takeshi Tokuyama Tohoku University Graduate School of Information Sciences System Information Sciences Design and Analysis of Information


• Teaching Assistants– Kaothantong Natsuda (D1)

• Thai

– Hideomi Miyashita (M1)• Japan

– Tran Phuong Nhung (M1)• Vietmum

Page 4: 情報基礎 A Lecture 1 Takeshi Tokuyama Tohoku University Graduate School of Information Sciences System Information Sciences Design and Analysis of Information

Course Overview

• Contents– Basic knowledge on information technology– Document writing and programming exercises– The Internet– Information society and information ethics– Fundamental usage of a computer (Today’s goal)

• Evaluation– Assignments (and Attendance)

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Computer system in Campus• Operating System

– Windows○ Graphical user interface (Icon, Mouse)○ Various useful software○ Almost same as your PC!

– Linux○ Character user interface○ Secure

• Attention!– Main aim is to have general knowledge on computer

science.– Handle with ethics and responsibility

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• Switch on the machine and display– Select an OS(Linux or Windows)

• Enter your user ID and password– Password is case sensitive– Password will not shown when you type

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LCD Display

LCD DisplayPower switch



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Attention and apologize

• By technical reason, current key binding is strange

• This will be resolved (hopefully) by next week.

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User ID and Initial Password• User ID

– Allocated by system administrator– Two different IDs

○ Tohoku University ID○ Student ID

• Password– Decided by user– NEVER tell this to anyone

• Initial Password– Given by system administrator– Generated from your personal information– You MUST change this

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学籍番号: A9JB1234

名前: 徳山(トクヤマ)

生年月日: 1990 年 1 月1 日

出身高校所在地: 東京




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北海道 a 大阪府 A青森県 b 兵庫県 B岩手県 c 奈良県 C宮城県 d 和歌山県 D秋田県 e 鳥取県 E山形県 f 島根県 F福島県 g 岡山県 G茨城県 h 広島県 H栃木県 i 山口県 I群馬県 j 徳島県 J埼玉県 k 香川県 K千葉県 l 愛媛県 L東京都 m 高知県 M

神奈川県 n 福岡県 N新潟県 o 佐賀県 O富山県 p 長崎県 P石川県 q 熊本県 Q福井県 r 大分県 R山梨県 s 宮崎県 S長野県 t 鹿児島県 T岐阜県 u 沖縄県 U静岡県 v愛知県 w V三重県 x滋賀県 y京都府 z



都道府県 記号記号 都道府県


1990 01 01


0 1 9 9 0

0 1

0 1


990 01 011

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東京:小文字 m


Page 14: 情報基礎 A Lecture 1 Takeshi Tokuyama Tohoku University Graduate School of Information Sciences System Information Sciences Design and Analysis of Information

Initial Password

Anyone can generate from your basic information.Leaving initial password can cause


Anyone can generate from your basic information.Leaving initial password can cause


Change to the one that no one can guess

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Basic Usage of Linux

• Common Desktop Environment(CDE)– Mouse operation– Application Startup

• Application example– Terminal: command line operation, programming– Text editor: K write– Mailer– Internet browser

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Basic Usage of Windows

• Desktop environment– Mouse operation– Application startup

• Application example– Command prompt: programming– Text editor: Microsoft Word– Spreadsheet: Microsoft Excel– Presentation: Microsoft PowerPoint– Internet Browser: Internet Explorer, Fire Fox

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Course Registration

• Open your Internet Browser– Go to “Teaching Support System” in CITE website– Login and click course registration

• Only registered user can use PC in a course(otherwise forced to logout)

This registration is only valid in Multi Media Building and not related to grading system.This registration is only valid in Multi Media Building and not related to grading system.

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Changing Password

• Open your Internet Browser– Go to “Integrated Electronic Authentication

System Login” in CITE website– Follow the instruction

• Password– Alphabet and number– Easy to remember, difficult to guess– Never give it to anyone– Ask TA a help when you forget

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Course Overview

• Acquisition of basic knowledge on Information Technology and Information Science

Basic knowledge of informationBasic knowledge of information

ProcessingProcessing UtilizationUtilization EthicsEthics

•Problem Solving•Mathematical Solution


•Netiquet•Intellectual Property Right & Laws•(Security)

•Netiquet•Intellectual Property Right & Laws•(Security)

•Computer and Network•Logical understanding•Computer and Network•Logical understanding

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• Textbook

• Handouts

Print out limitation is 120 Pages/Semester

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Multi Media Building

• ICL rooms are open except for course hour– ICL1 8:50-17:50 Linux/Windows*152– ICL2 8:50-20:45 Linux/Windows*152– ICL3 8:50-17:50 Linux/Windows*55, MacOS*2– ICL4 8:50-20:45 MacOS*20

IT Help Desk

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Multi Media Building

• Technical Assistants are available for your question– 09:00-17:50 Assistant room(red circle below)– 18:00-20:45 ICL2,3


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• Cracking, breaking facilities will be punished by the law

You are required to use computer in compliance with the law