a region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars there are 88 constellations, divided into 3...


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Page 1: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern


Page 2: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

What is a constellation?

A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars

There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups: Northern Equatorial Southern

A subgroup of northern constellations exist – the circumpolars (never set below the horizon)

Also the northern and southern groups are divided into seasons – Winter and Summer

Page 3: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern


Page 4: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Circumpolar Constellations


Thuban, Rastaban, Etamin Nodus Secundus Tyl Aldhibah Ed Asich Gianfar Arrakis Kuma Grumium Alsafi Dsiban

Page 5: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Circumpolar Constellations

Draco myth: Pythos, the dragon Apollo slew in order to win Delphi. In

honor of his victory, he placed his trophy among the stars.

Page 6: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Circumpolar Constellations


Schedar Caph Tsih Ruchbah Segin Achird

Page 7: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Circumpolar Constellations

Cassiopeia myth: The wife of Cepheus

and the mother of Andromeda , When she rejected to the marriage of Perseus to her daughter, Perseus displayed the head of Medusa and turned his enemies, including Cassiopeia, to stone. Neptune placed her in the sky, but in order to humiliate her, arranged it so that at certain times of the year, she would appear upside-down.

Page 8: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Circumpolar Constellations


Alderamin Alfirk Er Rai Kurhah The Garnet Star

Page 9: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Circumpolar Constellations

Cepheus myth: King of Ethiopia and father to Andromeda (same story

as Cassiopeia)

Page 10: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Circumpolar Constellations


Dubhe Merak Phad Megrez Alioth Mizar Alcor Alkaid Al Haud Dnoces Talitha Australis Tania Borealis Tania Borealis Alula Australis Muscida

Page 11: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Circumpolar Constellations

Ursa Major myth: Zeus fell in love with

Callisto, daughter of Lycaon and by her had a son, Arcas. In order to spare Callisto from the wrath of Hera, Zeus changed her into a bear to hide her identity.

Page 12: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Circumpolar Constellations


Polaris Kochab Pherkab Yildun Anwar al Farkadain Alifa al Farkadain Epsilon

Page 13: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Circumpolar Constellations Ursa Minor myth:

Hera, discovering the tryst Zeus had had with Callisto, convinced Arcas to hunt after his mother, who had been changed into a bear by Zeus. To protect Callisto, Zeus changed Arcas into a bear and carried them both by their tails to the heavens, where they became constellations. Annoyed at this honor, Hera convinced Poseidon not to allow the bears to bathe in the sea. For this reason, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor never sink below the horizon.

Page 14: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern



Page 15: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Spring Constellation

Bootes (The Herdsman or Bear Driver) Arcturus Nekkar Seginus Izar Mufrid Merga

Page 16: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Spring Constellation

Bootes myth: According to one myth, Boötes was placed in the heavens as a reward for inventing the plow.

Page 17: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Spring Constellation

Hercules Rasalgethi Kornephoros Sarin Marfik Maasym Kajam

Page 18: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Spring Constellation

Hercules myth: Among his famous Twelve Labors, Hercules defeated the Nemean Lion (otherwise known as Leo) and the many-headed beast called Hydra. While fighting Hydra, Hercules also killed the little crab, Cancer.

Page 19: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Spring Constellation

Virgo (The Virgin) Spica Zavijah Porrima Auva Vindemiatrix Heze Zaniah Syrma Rijl al Awwa

Page 20: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Spring Constellation

Virgo myth: Identified with many heroines, Virgo is usually associated with Ceres, goddess of the harvest. The brightest star in Virgo, Spica, means an ear of wheat or corn.

Page 21: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern



Page 22: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Summer Constellation

Aquarius (The Water Bearer) Sadalmelik Sadalsuud Sadalachbia Skat Albali Ancha Situla

Page 23: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Summer Constellation

Aquarius myth: This constellation is depicted as a man or boy pouring water from a bucket. It may represent the rainy seasons.

Page 24: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Summer Constellation

Aquila (The Eagle) Altair Alshain Tarazed Deneb el Okab Deneb el Okab

Page 25: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Summer Constellation

Aquila myth: This is the bird that Jupiter sent to carry off Ganymede to serve as cupbearer to the gods.

Page 26: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Summer Constellation

Corona Borealis (The Northern Crown) Alphekka Nusakan

Page 27: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Summer Constellation

Corona Borealis myth: Ariadne fell in love with the hero Theseus, and helped him to kill the Minotaur. Dionysus looked down on her and fell in love with her, and had Theseus abandon her on an island. Dionysus married Ariadne and gave her a gem-encrusted crown as a wedding gift. When Ariadne died, Dionysus placed this crown among the stars.

Page 28: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Summer Constellation

Cygnus (The Swan) Deneb Albiereo Sadr Gienah Cygni Azelfafage Ruchba

Page 29: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Summer Constellation

Cygnus myth: Phaethon got his father to agree to let him drive his sun chariot, and his reckless driving threated to destroy the earth. Zeus intervened and hurled a thunderbolt at Phaethon, who fell into the Eridanus River. Phaethon's devoted friend, Cygnus, dived into the water in search of the body. Apollo took pity on Cygnus and changed him into a swan, placing him in the heavens.

Page 30: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Summer Constellation

Delphinius (The Dolphin) Sualocin Rotanev Deneb Dulfim

Page 31: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Summer Constellation

Delphinius myth: A dolphin convinced Amphritrite to marry Poseidon, and as a reward, Poseidon placed Delphinus among the stars.

Page 32: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Summer Constellation

Lyra (The Lyre) Vega Sheliak Sulafat Aladfar Alathfar

Page 33: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Summer Constellation

Lyra myth: The Lyre (a stringed instrument like a harp) was invented by Hermes as a gift to his half-brother Apollo, who gave it to Orpheus, the musician of the Argonauts.

Page 34: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Summer Constellation

Pegasus (The Winged Horse) Markab Scheat Alginib Enif Homam Matar Baham Salm

Page 35: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Summer Constellation

Pegasus myth: This winged horse sprung up from the blood of Medusa after Perseus killed her. Pegasus was tamed by Bellerophon, who used Pegasus in defeating the fire-breathing monster, Chimera. Bellerophon died while trying to fly up to Mount Olympus to see the gods. Zeus sent a gadfly which stung Pegasus, when bucked and threw Bellerophon to his death. Pegasus continued to fly up the mountain, and earned a place among the stars.

Page 36: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern



Page 37: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Autumn Constellations Taurus (The Bull)

Aldebaran Alnath Hyadum I Hyadum II Ain Alcyone Celaeno Electra Taygeta Maia Asterope Sterope II Merope Atlas Pleione

Page 38: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Autumn Constellations

Taurus myth: Zeus disguised himself

as a snow-white bull in order to attract Europa, Princess of Phoenicia. Drawn to his beauty, she climbed onto his back and Zeus swam with his passenger to the island of Crete.…

Page 39: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Autumn Constellations

Auriga (The Charioteer) Capella Menkalinan Al Anz Haedi Hoedus II Hassaleh

Page 40: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Autumn Constellations

Auriga myth: No story really

explains the figure that this constellation is suppose to define -- a charioteer without the chariot and horse, holding reins in his right hand, a goat on his left shoulder, and two small kids in his left arm.

Page 41: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Autumn Constellations

Andromeda: (The Chained Lady) Alpheratz Mirach Almaak Adhil

Page 42: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Autumn Constellations

Andromeda myth: Andromeda was the daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia, King and Queen of Ethiopia. When Cassiopeia boasted that Andromeda was more beautiful than that of the Nerieds, sea nymphs, they asked Neptune to send the monster Cetus to ravage Ethiopia. Consulting an oracle, Cepheus found that the only way to appease Cetus was to sacrifice his daughter to the monster. Andromeda was chained to a rock by the sea to be sacrificed, but Perseus arrived from killing the Medusa, and turned turned Cetus into stone with the head of Medusa.

Page 43: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Autumn Constellations

Perseus (The Hero) Mirphak Algol Miriam Menkib Atik Gorgonea Secunda Gorgonea Tertia Gorgonea Quarta

Page 44: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Autumn Constellations

Perseus myth: Perseus killed Medusa, the only one of the Gorgons who was mortal. The three Gorgons were monsters that turned any that looked upon them to stone. Using his shield as a mirror, Perseus was able to kill Medusa without looking on her directly. With the head of Medusa, Perseus was able to kill the monster Cetus, and save the princess Andromeda, whom he married.

Page 45: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern



Page 46: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Winter Constellation

Canis Major (The Great Dog) Sirius Murzim Muliphen Wezen Adara Furud Aludra

Page 47: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Winter Constellation

Canis Major myth: This constellation is

offened recognized as the dog of Orion, the hunter. Orion loved to hunt wild animals, and his dog can be seen ready to pounce on Lepus, the hare situated at Orion's feet.

Page 48: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Winter Constellation

Canis Minor (The Small Dog) Procyon Gomeisa

Page 49: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Winter Constellation

Canis Major myth: Often associated as another of Orion's dogs, Canis

Minor is sometimes associated with one of Helen's favorite dogs, who allowed Paris to abduct his mistress.

Page 50: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Winter Constellation

Orion (The Hunter) Betelgeuse Rigel Bellatrix Mintaka Alnilam Alnitak Nair al Saif Saiph Meissa Tabit Thabit

Page 51: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Winter Constellation Orion myth:

When this giant met Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, her brother Apollo feared for her virginity. Apollo sent Scorpius, the Scorpion, to attack Orion, who lept into the sea to escape. Apollo then tricked his sister into shooting at a dark spot on the waves, which was actually Orion. The goddess tried to have Asclepius revive Orion, but he had already been killed by Zeus' thunderbolt. Artemis then placed Orion in the heavens, where he continues to be hunted by the scorpion.

Page 52: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Winter Constellation

Gemini (The Twins) Castor Pollux Alhena Wasat Mebsuta Mekbuda Propus Propus Tejat Posterior Alzirr Propus

Page 53: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Winter Constellation

Gemini myth: Castor and Pollux, the

famous twins of Leda. Castor was the son of Tyndarus, King of Sparta, but Pollux was the son of Zeus, who won over Leda in the form of a swan. After Castor's death, Pollux (immortal because of his father) was so overcome with grief that Zeus reunited them by placing them together in the heavens.

Page 54: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Winter Constellation

Leo (The Lion) Regulus Denebola Algieba Zosma Adhafera Chort

Page 55: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Winter Constellation

Leo myth: This is the Nemean Lion that Hercules battled as the first of his Labors. No weapon could pierce its skin, but Hercules killed the lion by strangling it. After killing the lion, Hercules used its own claws to skin it. Hercules wore the skin as a cloak, and it became his trademark.

Page 56: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Winter Constellation

Cancer (The Crab) Acubens Altarf Asessus Borealis Asellus sAustralis Tegmen

Page 57: A region of the sky with a distinctive pattern of stars  There are 88 constellations, divided into 3 main groups:  Northern  Equatorial  Southern

Winter Constellation

Cancer myth: Juno sent this crab to distract Hercules during his battle

with the Hydra. The crab didn't succeed in its mission, but Juno placed it in the sky to reward it for its efforts.