absolute location-the exact location of a place measured by it’s longitude and latitude relative...

5 Themes of Geography

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5 Themes of Geography

5 Themes of Geography

LocationAbsolute location-The exact location of a place measured by its longitude and latitude

Relative location-describes a place with respect to its environment and its connection to other places.

2Absolute LocationLongitude-Measured east or west of the Prime Meridian line in Greenwich, England.Lines run up and down around the globe

Latitude-Lines of measurement that measure north and south of the Equator.Lines run sideways across the globe

Relative LocationNot exact location of a place

Related to another place

The United States is on EarthColorado is in the United StatesLongmont is in ColoradoSt. Johns is in Longmont

Relative LocationEasy to use directions

Longmont is North of Denver

Kansas is East of Colorado

Copy and answer on the next slide:1. What is the relative location of Longmont from Boulder?

2. What is the relative location of Fort Collins from Longmont?

3. What is the relative location of Estes Park from Fort Collins?

4. What is the relative location of Breckenridge from Estes Park?

5. What is the relative location of Colorado Springs from Breckenridge?

6. You are now in Colorado Springs, what direction do you need to travel to get back home?

PlaceDescribes the human and physical characteristics of a location.

Mountains, rivers, lakes, coasts, hills, beaches

Plant and animal life.

Other traits of a PlaceHuman characteristics include the human-designed cultural features of a place

Culture is passed down for generations

Distinct foods can be a key description of a place.

Architecture, religion, transportation, and communication networks all forms of the livelihood of the place..26

WorkIn a five to seven sentence paragraph write a detailed description of a place you have lived or visited.Human-Environment InteractionHow humans adapt to and modify the environment.

Humans shape the landscape through their interaction with the land.

This interaction can have positive and negative effects.


39MovementIdeas, fads, goods, resources, and communication all travel distances.

Movement studies spread and migration across the planet.

How culture, foods, goods become popular in different areas from where they originated.

RegionDivides the world into manageable units for geographic study

Have some sort of characteristic that unifies the area

3 types of regions: Formal, functional, or vernacularFormal RegionsAre designated by official boundaries, such as cities, states, counties, and countries

Berlin Wall

Functional RegionsDefined by their connections


A central place and the surrounding places affected by it

Highway system within a state connecting two or more major cities is a functional region.

Vernacular or PerceptualIs place where people believes exists as part of their cultural identity.

Perceive, or see, the characteristics of the region in the same way

Human feelings and attitudes about areas

These are very subjective, meaning that they are based more on opinions than facts