ag-ents wanted foe - nys historic...

H f f r t f :™ V"..' mM$3m I ' PW--' si«8S? r id , ywniiit, m- -AiLOOOI’SPOBOUflPLASTEES, »■ , - lM M m . satire paint o f the *jfc u d back, attieho* J 5bM'i»^MtMWtmV<Ulos«i Win itta « * cat* 10 *1 ; ora-my i*it,fitiMl rites dacgtroai **wp^fa(lbr*iwT!tra*ulrt fftqwst Hum ta in J. ThM»j>Wlt«lr*cWtrtlbif*tOBt«, and- need to It f;)ttg*y*iirtMdrsw* u*q, ;■ . ,•“ PAXMornoisiDacnsBD "V -,* v 'i < ,-AUmUm,Jfam .April<,i*?, ^jit^T.JUkeeikkCo. J .' ,J)tQrJkr: t tf dasxbtac *Kd. ono or yonr I’orofi k. ftM ttrcM M kadaftrybadiHltilli her tide, aid > te«re* o se iissk. Youn truly, jfflCi* * iftlK I ),i_jptt*V.N HUFHJK. »,<*aou> byon *' dialkr . vYMtre.;.B*teh4>lo«,frt)TldMC«, B 1, write, ' Kor.liW: “H O trM otf teXrion* rU itvs Ibr .-■■ twmlyywart, aadt. at r*UU and Jobbing, a u it u v t * ,vf«UfM»ly IratM olw # *tiof®M»r' tThtytra wwu Mk*A" t>A ttooek’* K >ibp>*i4«rm. A M dhy.'. .,TEJtftJU.PJ»K,Dn«lrt. ilT M S B IIti RSVBLITHMSt TWf m ^ mUI cpibfioMtomin* la tbe loUscstnlt k tba-h**4?«.<»rkkil toad illhwbuu. TMH9«W " '.YMfcKtdHtalQtMUt" *ixl"th® Joaraal ot Chnb- TM tholull maybe •oMydyod. b n j H H w />♦& l3W f* <pn^O>WI TMTItOHT, (•u M o w tu n fa l iMlroli, Md cwtlfyts* Ikat ^ * C bm ^oro't- 'Excelsior Xtye ^MoWwYAtroOclaHirlid* lor chnilpgHioeoiOT *4 Itebk’jr.Wt ^ -''AMMi^ra|bX.KAvs. .. —=='C5(MTA»OJlO'»-HAlK H um m m . *«* -I., nkeAriaraon IheHilr tftn Dj»<« •'-» -flik'ii-1 v, '*** ■ "** '*** • ••“• -r 1M& tf snbcliu. • Mrpifi, Coldtor Sere Throat •\. ,3Uquim iratdtiUn i attention, U LuafiatfMlwi m ilt* In os Ucuniia IIaicIHiWm. blfcwwraiXrtickialTrwch#* , <y K .4 '•«•'■ Mirjli ffiOAi IawtfiiM r tire l u tu t n> j, ^ttJNaSao«t«|inqH, Atxuat. O tju u ii, Ooxurafo- * <hr.O^>AT»wolT Djixxu*, Ore/ tunm a ooothios fl'.-liiat.-fl-V. ''-S- ♦ '» '*■.■-•: ' - f MOKia^ aod HTXAKXBS n « Ibea toclter iH t;itMfcthoa tho talc ^ OwU*toU»«t«)dr»ptttWo*iJripo 5»l*rihro<ta» imiittkM mntf- x ywjl^w.iw<)Hiyt |h> w t*iot>*f«» niO M ^ BROHCHIMTROGRES. * rob- '■ fhSBteSOttfAliTSbCHBS,' aotoher.,. .THIO.’A, x£sK,Draxzht, \V i ? f Coae <mt oi the J a w s o f D e a t h ‘ T m O o w h w U l kiUyotr,s’ . V ,Try Oaugh hemedy, '-,.««flOI>tawl*tVoat P tw w tt laid toD toli. t , , Tiy Inks Cf«gk lew iy. MhWh *e *“»*•’ { s». J-a: \ J T rj l u ll Csmgl U tm tiy, ■-AttBnt*jrl»ld 0*11 Wc. «l*«i (and Al.OO bolttea tor taMoo). Aak MrJHawM’o, aod tak< noothar r o H o . Id -Howard 8u N. Y. fT £| j-iir.H wn»n» w <wy w ithin- roj^t|imSiLTE ; u Hannit.Sr<ilM«y Iw m 'i Wtad’KMiaoyer M tw en lmonwa ’ < - roSAb.j&rania** IjOc. eirwYsna *i OO pot* far V 4 * fe r|’h»^h« iakwttUksOeothcr) 1j f l i i l w 0»»Wo.tttfow»ABt. N T . C03TAR‘S» , I4M> »sra*A% ) e « H B, 3tfi- *»x rt ^ i-IUii^l|Mtt«y'#^Xxi.«tBla*l6rt, S«»odw»nf'H»t#mU«tori»'.--; YlMiMlXaihootlPd^derf 1 -- tenaHMlw**-:-. ; '• |. r<.■Ttta-BKltr'f »rii«t «n3 i|p§pr-y-'?v - 4~':' ' ro;,.*, h ‘ toW)P*®*oa if th |#fiw ii-|liagi ? laws (or the aatiotff is tho platie to nciciso ooonotny, and to demand retrench, went. And we now believe that were Congtwi to exercise one half *f the cars, and practice half the self-denial it asks of the President and tbe heads of the Depart wente, in conducting the affairs of the na- tiob that, at ieaat one-third of -the present expe|se* might ho saved. We have pointed (hia .pit on numerous occasions. Tbe eal- arie|pl' Congrc«|pen are . at. lsast doable what ^ t p y p ^ k i 't o ^ '' ’SjMjjp u n o fat] ing thi4 ^aji^pii^lffceithe Mmfxr of do<f|toe|^ jD ffth^/^la,p»!tBuston 4 a, 4 ^ about ^jc jcaplthh that can find any ththg like profitable employment’ , I t is within bounds to say, that to how many millions soever the legislative expenses ol tho government roach, one half o f it ongbi to bo saved, by tbe rcduoing of salaries and the discharge ol supernumerary servants, tbc abolttion of the franking privilege, Ac. Bat with a sort ol make believe, which. Congnsamen seem to think wifi satisfy the popular clamor, they talk about economy, looking ho the Army and the Navy and the [ndiafi Bateau, and the departmtats, lor retrenchment, bub do not deign to speak of any excel* practiced on Capitol Hill. We have thought, and still think tbat Presi dent Grant and Secretary Boutwell, are doiog about all they can to retrench the expenses. By the help of Congress, they might do more doubtless. But we think it time Congress did something itself in this Une. , Compared with the administration of Andrew Johnson, President Grant hu re duced the expense during the first half oI (us fisctl year from $112,400,Ofil to $87,- 3fi4,048. ThlB 1* * gain of over $25;OQO,- 000 ia six months, and is equivalent to over fifty millions a yetr. This Is a hand some turn to save. H is Congress reduced th* sxpcnoes, in its spbero of expenditures, to an equal amount, or in Iiko proportion 1 We venture to asacrt that it has not. Bat thii saving is not nil tho credit President Grant and his Secretaries aro rightfully co- titlad to. They have made * clear gain In the closer collection of tho customs roro- auos, of very n « r five millions, and in tbo internal rovenucs, of 9X0,000,000; aud in other source*, ot 93,073,000—making a to tal hi about twenty-four mililona. During the first half, then, of President Grant's fiscal year, over fifty millions bavo b$cjl saved in curtailing expeues and gained in tbe rsveoues. This is equivalent to a gain of 9100,000,000 • year. Can Cofigreu ahow aa fair a record 1 Were Congress In good earnest to second tbe efforts o f ths administration, we should ba placed at once oo tho highway of prosperity, and tbe Republican party could defy the assaults of lie adversary. Ths deportment* have discharged hun dreds of needless darlu. Has Congress discharged any from the Capitol I Not tbat wa have heard of. Wo can tee where tbs Executive inrhiiH ^cabinet minister! have been economizing, and to what extant they havo made gains. Can Congresi show where it bae saved anything in iti expenses! We pauio tor a reply, asd shall Im very hippy indeed to chronicle even the smallest gain from that quarter. G rtw lu ewiokeu, Ws congratulate the Re-Union on it» plnck to speak bat in condemnation of tha spend-thrift propensities of Its leading par lizans at Albany. Io plain, honest terms, itjhcartily denounces their course, ss evi dences of which we quota a paragraph from an editorial of considerable length on tbe ■abject: “Wc observe with diiappomt- “mcnt and regret, that onr Democratic Lccr- “islalUie has, a* we understand tho case, “roads a bad beginning, by passing a bill -“forgiving compensation over thtjr regular <1‘salaries, to thifieputlci and clerks employ- “in the offlaial department at Albany. W> “have Men several attempts to justify the “act, but nothing in the least satisfactory. “We have wad several of the speeches "made oa .the occasion of the passage of “the bill, bat everything teema to be caro- ‘Tnlly avoided, which toadied the merits ar “dimerita of tho nutsurc. All the facts "that late come to out knowledge satisfies “as-that it fa a wanton depredation on the '‘property of tlw people (ortho benafit 6f “kvotcd individuals, and an set contrary “to the pledges oi the organized Democratlo “party.made to secure tbo suQVsgcsjjL-tbc "people.” Wo reproduce this paragraph with plot •are, *i evidence of tho growing indepcn dance ot tho press generally, which really holds tha destinies of tbo country in its heads. The timo will come, wo trust, when without respect to patty, tho press will unite heartily in condemnation of whatever Is done m Legislative halls, or in Executive mansions, contrary to the true intercats oi tbe ptoplo. When that day arrives wo may look for more economy in government, nnd 1cm peculation in pubiio office. SS!f Wa Tbukk Hoi.—The Hon. D. C. Lib tlfijohn, of tho Assembly, yesterday called up his resolution requesting Senators and members of Congress to rednce thoir sal* rtes from fire to three thousand dollars s year. . The resolution passed unanimously. It will pass the Bonato, wc trust, with equal promptness and unanimity. Every Btate Legislature now iu session shoald iCthpon the subject in a similar way.— Congressmen should be advised that the people ate thinking of this subject, snd de mand ateduction of taxation. ' FOREIGN. Tits Treasury Department of Great Brit— ■l^Tfchtqaty'Jit, purchased ths cable con- utetilg ^ j^ll-ifith Germany, for £728,- OOtf t<§ri Cofchrane, of the jfikqswti&wvthfr j j e Petrel, off Afnca,reporhithat Df. David Livingstgno, tt* crtebrated Africau trateler,' has bem « *Ni*ard, by • otilef £' the 1 7 \ *•• -r~» «• • \l I i : ' i ; - ii ii sL n : JB- K4ltwviil P ara|r«fhtii. Eve# unto En, wvomcn have been cx- pcrimentiun <nt the amount man would bear a n d not back under the pressure. We suppose anoit wives fijidouttlie last feather before thoy celel«»to even their " Wooden V•ddiag.,, It is only those poor uniortii&atei wrlxo have no Barkis tbat ia willin’, tbafe t« a Bayard in every one of the m ale sex At * recent meeting of a delegation frocn the 'Woman’s Suffrage Con vention, with -the Committees of the House and Senate, afc Washington, Mrs. Beecher Hooker waihmving quite a spirited contest with one of tiw committee, wb*n Mis* An- diony, who ous of our oxohangeS describes aa “ a good, toLid, iquare-shouldered girl of an uncertian ijge’’ interrupted by saying, “ Oh, ahe ia tots- oevere, too severe." “ Mad arac," replied tlie oommitUeman, “ wo are all married mua, tnd accustomed to bear these thing!.1’ And. Mr. Hooker added, “ She isn’t mnrried, and she doosn’t know how much men can bear.” - We are glad ko make * note of any mer. itofioua work whereby woman asserts her self. Think of all the long centuries when •be was neveithae companion, but simp'y the creature of cun, U p to the beginning of tbo present century there are not the namcB o f a dozezo females at all noted In ail the annals of English literature. Since then they mett sard crowd man to the wall m literature sod mrt, tu d assume no wean piact m scientific attainment!. Excepting Hawthorne and Borneo, we have no novel lata to compiro with Mrs. W hitney aod Mrs. Harding Cards. H ue Maria Hitched of Vusor College, is to deliver a course ol lectures on astronomy in Philadelphia, to be followed by s similar course la New York. There tn anx American girls study ing sculpture in Romo, M in Whitney, Miss Efoamcr, Miss Freeman, M u s Ferris, (col ored) Miss Vtonle Jletni, and M ia Foley, sad Mrs, Delille, better known to our res dera as Olive 1-ogam, is tb e author of Surf, one ot tbe moat popular comedies of the day, whicb is greeted night after nigbt with undiminished delight at the Fifth Av enue Theatre in News York. IVe are not disposed to exbsusC the subject in a tingle paragraph, and couldn't il we should try. We may return totZris subjoct again. Jenkins is ubiqoiboua. H o bas an eye for lioaaty as well as icmndii. He ia an adept In ill royiteric* of tbe'toilet. Ho can enu merate ovary article pot!lining' to a lady'a wardrob* n glibly ta thi m ost accomplish' ed dry goods clerk. Ha tips his hat to Lady SntenreU ; ht ia check by jole with 6u Benjamin Bsckbdte, ta d be bolds the carriage door when E-ydU Zrsngnish elopes ith youeg Captain Abtol-atd, and in the next moralog’s RaUmdmilT* Qaxxtta, he ghc* you all the mlnxata of the affiiir, even to the color ol the bradd oa Lydia1* travel ing draw. Of late, Jeankim h as been among the Gougraaiunsl baXu at Washington, snd ha IIinns with lueh diinty colors at to mike • btchoJor’a heart ache. Thu* Sec ratary Boutwsil'* daughter Is a slight, sweet- fsced girl, but Utils rxsore than twenty, yet caxryiag on nar frail Khaeldexa a head tbat abaorbw all national ictbjtct*. Bho ia s*lf- polnd, and thoroughly educated, and un der tome thiens reqilring hoth thought snd invMllgatiOD, her eye* grov large. Whan the XVI Amendment psswa, aha will take her place in OongTeaa. Ulia Blanche Bnt- teris eye* have no deflect is them , w a con clude, sine* ohe is coowidcrod by many as the handaomert woman in IVoahington. Bh* ia one of naturo’a ran blonds anapoUed by art. Her hair ta pxus szibtim gold, and Its gleaming colts arc all bet o w n by birth right Her complexloe ii very fair, and her ebeeki woar the soft glow o f tha peach. Sh* is on only daughlor. and bar father U reputed to hajo lots oi «p- • stamps Mbs Chandler is alio an only daughter, and sh* is a very «legant girl lu XBgure, bearing and costume. And than ww hive Joaephine Ponton, transferred from tho gubernatorial mansion, and merging th e ingenuous school girl into an elegant, stately, tolf-conicioua. oh I adjoctivca, whore asm you! But tbe climax Is m cbed in Mli Bfinoy Benton, tha is a beauty, a perfect Hobo, a and her* Jccms faints sway im a we* of rose- water, and Laaplsrre in i Wtbsheraro both extsaited. X® Yoasss Wen. Young mco, a word or two for your, ben efit, il y o u beikl it, In this fast age, when i t very unloihionabie to work for a liviug, wvlies young men aro anxious to start in bufiacaajusfc where thiir fathers leave off iff successful, after a long life of toil aud de- rotion to buiiness, it would be well if you took a plain, practical sad common erne view of tbi« life upon which you have just exnbirked. Fintixa importance is tobeboaest,indus- lexoui ao d economical. Start iu life w ith & good reputation nod be sure to keep it-— Remember that “ it is easier to ba a good basinets xnan than a poor one. Half the caergy displayed in keeping ahead, that is required to catch upwhen behind, will save credit, give more time f) bueinea and add to the profits and reputation of your work. - Honor year eng» gements. It you -promisi o meet a nun, o r to do a certain thing at a certain xnemen-t, be ready at tbe appoin ted time, If yoti have work to do, do it al once, cheerfully, and therefore more Bpcedi- iy a n d correctly, 11 you go on business, attend to th e matter promptly, and then, as promptly, go about your own business.” Attend to business matters in businest tears. N o young man can get rich or succeed in business of any kind, except in bankruptcy, by sitting around' stores and saloons. I f you have to work for a living, don’t be ashamed, nor too lazy to doit.—- R member that all uielul toil is honorable. If you employ others, be on hand to see tint they attend to their duties, and direct with regularity, promptness, liberality. Never bay what you don’t want, or can do without, because it is cheap. Never run in debt, uni ess joa know how and when you can pay. Ramomber that time is money, sod never squander it Ii your time is yo-ur own, builners'wlll suffer it you do. If yoo work for others for pay, it belongs to them and yon hive n* more righ to steal it than to ileal money from tbe drawer — “Hofp yourself and others w ill help you."— Ba faithful over the Intersts confided to your keeping, and in nil good time your responsibilities will bo increased. Do not bo to too great harte tn get rich. Don’t build until yon l ave arranged arid laid a good foundation. B e obliging. Strive to avoid bareli words an d personalities. Do not kick every stono iu iho oath; more miles c a n he made in a day going steadily on than byjtoppiug to kiuk. i’ay as you go. A man i»f uonor respects his word as he does U)« bond. Ask, but never beg.— Help oXlioo v ro u y<*«> ew, b u t never give when you can nol afford to, simply because It isfiojhiuiublc. Learn to say no. No neceulty of snapping it oat dog fashion, but lay it liraiJy and respectfully. Havo but Itw confldanta, an d tho fewer the bat ter. Use your brains rather than those of olbtra. Loam to think aod act for yourself. It briug£i bankruptcy to do business upon other paoplo'a brains, ai surely m upon other pesoplo’i moooy. Young man, alter you hive read tbis,lry and retneipbor It. It won't hurt you.—Exchan no. A color** R e e DriXn 300 mites In an Open Boil. Ftoo toe Wttxalmtcm CN. C.) Bl*r, Jib . II. Lost S atw day a week ago, ■ colored man by tho aaunc of Schuyler Hooper, w ho was employees it aasiitlng oo the wrecked steamer biucille. got Into a turf boat for tbe purpose o f bailing hor out, and while so engaged th* bomt broke from her fastening and drifted out throucH tbo inlol into tho open mi. Some hopes were entertained for a few day* that he might tn picked up by i puiing vessel, b u t ii timo puawdind noth ing bad b-ees k«*rd of him , tba opinion bo- gan to bo generally colaE-tahged that he had perished. It wax, therefore, a source of no little aurpriae is w«ll os gratification, when intelligence wu received on Sunday morn ing lost tb a t tho loet m an had finally turned op and trou nllre and wel'u It #enn* that the best, wbicb -vroa a vory staunch one, alter drilling abont completely s£ ths msnsy of iho wind aod who*, for about three hundred miles finally (rent ubare on Gape Lookout beach, whero h* wsi picked up ir • very exiaatufid cxndliicHJ, and carried to Beaufort laOTiTO-**,—Doe* It over occur to nor readers how ready, ta • people, we ore to Imitate Um example ut tu by tba “ old world,” in th* m atte o f m ay species of amusement now in vogui -with as. Bcien- tific boxing, horse-racing, dog fightfng, cock mains, robbing ben-rooils, atealing from clothat-line*, and gcttirig drunk and crazy as lunatics, an baci whisky—these acsm to bo tho popular ipoxts aod pastimoa ol the prtaent day and generation, noarly *11 of which, have come to us irom over th s water. A pleasant and tMMsloglj agree® bio modut operandi of wilding away the time by idlers and lwufen, an* th* dog and cock-fighting, and painting Uic optics of one's adversary with the Scyts-and (or a brute, a moat amiable why off enjoying life! Getting drank, and miilakring th e gutter for one's bed, to eceentrie, to say the least-- orhugggiog thp^amp-post for embracing ono'i fricoO, m a aort of enjoyment of quas- ticnable oodesrmont often indulged in through the patency of " tanglefoot,” tod “ Tefi-eye," which to a p t lo taoiilead many into foolish exhibitions of loo sincere hos pitality. Stealing to economical, ti It aaves paying for board, and that is expensive. Murdering sad aisussinatioa ii popular, though not quite fashionable,' because it to apt to lead to a “ grave" end. W hat a charming ago w e live in, and how thank ful we should ba to the “oirS world,” for allowing tu to have a glimpse oi tbe “ ele phant,” and thereby prove what apt schol ars we are in learning these mmnly acquire ments, Rewor* hr B o r a l x B a 't 11* 1], The troubles la Mexico arc daily increas ing and tho dilution laextromriy perilous A revolution his broke o a t in I’aebla, San Lola Palowf, (luwoajctira, QucreUro and Micboacan, tnd wifi not b e out down with out difficalky. Tn* P ooxtt or l e t —In addition to the fact that let is lighter than water there is another curious thing shoot it which many parson* do not perhaps kaow, via, its purity. A tum p off ice melted will become pure distilled rater,—salt, air, coloring matter, sod all ixnpmitie*. Frozen tea water makes frah-water ice. If y e a fre< a basin of IncJigo w ater, It w iil m ake ice os clear and ai -white s s that mads of pare rain wafer- "Whou th e cold to very sudden these foreign matter* hare do time to escape either by riling or sinking and are tbus entangled wrth the ics, but do n o t make &sy part of It. Eeittiattve. In the Aaoetnbiy bills were introduced by Mr. Allabm amending, thi Rht allowing towna to tain stock in ths Rosdout snd Oswego railroad; by M t Frear. to repeal ate the conduct cf elections in the city of Now York. H r. Littlejohn c#Utd up bit resolu tion urging a reduction of tltei pay aud mileage ot Cocrreaamm And tin rsbolidonof tho irwtog piml^iadtpted, ▲fijuumd. —Mr. Farnsworth of Illinois yesterday, reporting &hill from tbi Post-Office Cim mittcc to pmvent soeh improper matter os gift enterpriie and lottery circular* from bring sent through th e miB*. ooked that it bo put upon ix» pussgo hat Mr. W ood of Now-York objected, whicb was entirely natural and highly laudable. Self-prescrv*. tion is s primaS law to th! obeyed vnfliurk ingiy on all oocasioos. —A littletwo-Tcir-old Troy girl on Sun day Itotentng to -a dlscusaion between her parents in relation to religions matters. Fi nally tho lather asked the mother where she thought heaven w as, whan tho little one, whose mhxd was probably running on a favorite comic song, which she had beard her brother aixxg, answored : "Up in a hallaon, boyi!” —Decius Litxamer, w h o livss in Simsbury Connecticut, his a shepherd u p g which act* as a newspaper carrier. T he paper is thrown off from the train by the baggage master and thi dog never fails to be on hand to take ti to his roaster’s house. Ten trains s day mj* this point, b a t ti to only when the right train tomes that he scam • pen down to the trick sod receive* hie daily newspaper. —Years ago a deficit ol $S2,000 wu found in tbo account a of a Portsmouth,N.H„ bank cashier. He disclaimed ail knowledge of it, and bis bondsmen took possesiioa of his property to Indemnify themsedvei, Tbe persons connected with th s ifahr died, the business of the bsaik via wound up, bat tha missing 982,090 never cane in for re dsmption, snd it is udw supposed that that amount of bill) wren destroyed by the directors. The oishiet’s property bai bean restorod to bis hem , but h e snd h is family lived In poverty and sorrow for yean, and died without vindication. M firrief) NUTTING-RESOBH-In Somerville, Jap »tli. bv H»v. 3. A. Canfield, llr. William 11. Hntrine, to Ute* Hannah X. Bender, both oi An twetp- CAHBBKTSR—KMEBR-Atthe reoWenceM llr.*, N Y. NEW AD?EHTiSEM^T8 O liP B eP III !',OOJ a l't—Goanly «f J,(r«r«jt.- O Cffrouu® Iferrtu «gatu«t Darnel Cdfril«taaH 4&d Lcoqm C*i»l$cian h it wits, John MRoc^ and Elizv betU Bqct hf*wlfc. Jacoli Bffrme#. Georgo P Balto and Frederick Heel*, andJobu CO‘»*« Deiandauts:— Toa arc hereby Bunuucuwd aun rc^uncd ti» answer the cumplalat of Carotin* HerrlH. Piaintlff, in the ^Qpr«»e Court of tho State of Hew York which wa- tiled in the office of th e \)terk of tbe comity ol Jef fvrton, at Weteitown, on tbe 28tb December, 1880, nod to nerve ▲copy of year a&awer on ui at our of flee, in the city of wmtortown, county flforeBitld. within twenty days alter the lerrlceof thieeom- mo&s, excitaiv* of the day ol service. And you are hereby notified tha* If yon fhU to an •wer tbo com^Mnt as above required, the plaintiff wUl app'y to tiio aald Oouit 'or tbe relief domnnded u the cucmlaim, Dated, December ki*Ll&G9. LAJSSlNOffcSBKRMAN, feb8dfiw PlffV Attorney. ^GkNrs WAIfftD. To cm vase In Watertown and othsr'j»lacsa in Jffterson Comity for an art icie needed by every *>n Ineai man. A larjfe commisalon paid to a good Other counties to be tMven loon. Addrese J . HKNBY KOQKH8» FshAdfit-wlt Canton, N Y. QiaCDXiATING LIBBABJ OF S T E R L IN G & M O SH ER NO. 10 WASHINGTON STUBET, Terms2Cts. P et Volnme Per Day BOOKS RECENTLY A DDED. * mOPPBB’S QUITE. TRIALS ANDTBll'M P H S -ir lifoof r. T, Bjrnum LIP80E JOHN B. GOUGH. PLITTa BOB’S t IVBS—4 Volt. BOTCH BBPUBL1C—3 Voli UT BNXMY'B D AUGBTaa STEFPINQ HBA.VSN WARD, TWO LIVES IN OJTE. FISHER BALDKN YILLAG* ON VH8 0L1P?. 8TOBYOF KLTZJBBTH. TWTBTED TBHBABS. FUCK , VEBBIIBABYI, 1830. poH SALE CHEAP. SO M E FIR ST R A T E B U M L JD i Jy fr L O T S Come^BaUand and Bronson Streets. KtqoUe at 238rotuon itract ddftwll* NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, 1was cured o i Realuess and Catarrh h i i »linrio reucdy and will ebnd tlie receipt free, .: ■ f cl)H w AIKS. I t . ft L8GQKTT,' ffoVtoluia N . 3 OPIUM EA.TERS.'^,^hclC* fur Circular. ACdieea IVM, P. FAH18H A Ca. F»M 4w Auacoetia.D. C. AGENTS WANTED-*&M« t eif-abfosttnff DuTdee. Tor catting perfect fltttnc. Panti, Boundab_ouu>. and M a W DrciBon. frdlepen- rihlo in every houaarthuld. eCOTT, nttaoursli. Fa. Address RAHSBY <b Febl-4w Great Chance! Agents Wanted C tn n n p&r > ’ear madu t*y Agents, JA lU U U TuaJeor fcmalo, selling our woilQ i ieuuwui a 1'iitcut EverlaiLtng white Wire \ olotheb Lloea. Ox-eapubc and best Clothe linos tn tho world; omy 3 cts. per foot, and _ will Iasi a bundled >can*. AddrOMS the H a d toa River Wire Co., 76 WO Um tHuct, Ne*w Yo* k or 18 Deatborn nt., Chicago, Hi- FubMw Tea & Coffee Store. 1 QQBarrel*ofchoU-v fiuplc* at the k Coffee ttiorc, N -» 6 Waatuagton »t. W it orto wd Tea 'tO F F U roMlcd icd groan«] <Ul)y, &l the T n A J Coffee Blore. G O and sec Hall Jk Hoot's W itcr Vogto*, at the Watertown T ea ACofleo Btort.Nu. 3 VVaehtng- ton st. Y OU can get iho beitqaaiily’ of one doltfr Young Qtsoo Tos to b« baa in th« elty for fl»o peaoas for $1 off) st tbo Wascrtown Toa A . Coffee Store. W IEN Toucotac to town, ro to Lbr>T«* & Cof- Ero dlore end trot fi pound* of that % \ lh Japan Tea, which U told hyr toost trrocen at $1 4ft. T HE bcit Old Oorommcnt Jew* ('offer for 3e per pound. At the Too aod Coffers tHom, No, 3 Wsib- lnctcn st S APOLLA ' VYbat t a tt ? Go to the Tea k Coffee store end see It. Bay ecako ind take It home I; will »*ti jrour wifo much labor, end nuke bnr beppy. Try \U iTorfx r Btoi Rio CoQ o (or ?hcte. el the Ten A Coffee 8tor^. T F you went Ui pot fan yrolght, Wouo«5s to th* pound f» tv f.ucn pe^biCtfo u> tbo Watertown Toe A Coffee 8 lore. I X> el) who iraM to osve mooey *o eay. po tn the Watertown T. a A cofleo Store, Ho 3 Wtrhlrg ton S t QA.BIRBT 8TORR F o r S’ale. In coucqaenca of ths recent death of tke retidant partnor of tho bnn, tha aUendon of BnilncM men l» called to the STOCK OP FURNITURE, At 19 and SSL Co art I trout Offering i good opening f o i capable boato mi msn, with a tnodf&ate capital, writhing to engage In basi nets. TilK LEASE OF THE 8TOES will bo trio* fen ed If desixtl Wot «5o4re a t the stofa, 19 and S3 Coiart Street, Persons indebted to tlio undersigned, will pldue call and settle. a B. VA.N DU7.BE & Oo. jfta22dwlw. gAFOHKSa9Bf9 HAIR DYX, Ths hot in Iho world—does not conUln told -no vUrit] pofifltaS to panlyza the systeixi or prod oc* death, tt Uperfectly harmtoss—reliable—in»unun eons. Avoid the vanntcd ssnd delosire prepaniiona boasting virtues tbey do n o t possess, !i yon would cscapa thedaanez. The gcsmlno W. A. Bstcholor's Hair Dye hit thirty years* reputation to uphold Its Integrity 8oid by ill Dnggtoti epnHod a t Dttche&r’s Wlc K»ctory, h o . 16 Kow York. ;tot8 snd rorfnmers. aod • —* - ,d 8u Nov25dly gm tA i AND GRAYS*. PBOPH1STOKB OP TH E Union Mills, ARB SIANUFACmjBING THB FOLLOWING BRANDS OV CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR; Double Extra, Union mills, Banner ffiills, M i l l F e e d . <fcc S dg All of which will be »ol8 et th« Lrw csl Market Prlc®, tnd ddltetcd within C ity ilmlte free of Oilra chares, *> W O ath Paid for drain. Fartlcnlar aUratlon paid to O T X S T O B d Grinding. eoptisdwtf From Solectod While Whest. From Bost Amber ’■ Winter Wheat. From Prime Number Ono S p r ln j CACTVAS8ISG-BOOKS SENT FIIHE Pull P a r is BY Sunlight and Gaslight A wotk dcficrlptivo off Ihe Myeterlea, Virtues, xc8. 8pioL>doni .nd Orlmen, off the ei y olParta It toi 0 bow Purl>»has the uajeiL and tud Beumtful city in tho world: how its Beauty aa Splendor are purchased ul a fearful coat off btietff ttjjff Suflering; how urn ewtndiod. by lefiaioual swmdlera ; how Virtue and vicu g o firm lovotber in che beantlfai city; how the most- I'ta: Crimefl are CotomitUid and cealed; how znuutyja “qaamdered tu uafto»» luxury ; anicontamB over due engravings of noted places, life asd scenery Pari a. Agents wanted. Canvasing hooka new fr AddresB. NAlONAL POBlISHEN® (X). PhlladeJpblu, Pa . AG-ENTS WANTED FOE T H E P H 7 S I O JLLI L I F E o f W O M R li TEETH TUOVSA.FD SOW READ T. BY OEOUGE H, NAPHEYS, H. D. The most irmarkable snccesfl of the dyy. Iflf - ing wlib iiopiDc«deni<d niddity. It couUinfiiY t every uiau asd worn tuoaxld to know, aud fetvtu tt w in BbYe n>uch uoflcrlDK- Aa the only rvpulu » «ork upon Lhofcingieand married Ute. itise«fDi ■ ly recommended hy Win. Dommoud. P/eeld Sark Bopklns. Kev LLcnry Ward Beecher, Boshni |i, Mre, K. B. Gloax>on, M-D., Preff. K . Btstmon, etc. Being eagerly sought for, thu Agu work le easy, bund stamp for p&Bphlct, etc, te G 80HG E Mcl.ttAJJ, Publiahor. t <6 Nareau tflrcet N Ot, 71ft Somson Street, Phila., V a d v n aTnajaiM x-*. L ie# ot Dcalnow^ aud UaUrta by a dnni. ro>nS’l,ti' e»x»dtbe jjbcuiptfreo. p ” tB. M- C, LBGGH1T. Qabokca, NJ, V I. ________ L- SAfipegat Wo: R —-lto-w mado In 10 hour* wltlmnt riiiigs. lor cixculan. *dd(en . Cromwell, Conn. g„ bo., no,, 10 t-er cent BOND*. VttiSra to rnu.icMJ luttMet pavabla asinii of Amonca. Msy int. PobttlaUonof ly at Ooam> valuatl abont i Pblalo Jonds d For Job .tddrct! Mo., . ws 0 4*»nw.»®! wuj tn, . __ andrwyiS'ylncreMtn^.' A *waa,rd -opertv rlJyO 10,80 X, C a s t , vxlae >. Total dent leaa than SSUO.OOO }dtree oaluiis of any PxprorB route — z'pg Ume aud o her informs ton H'L. A.UaYLOKo & CO., B t. kouia Jaa2?4v TH E ¥ YORK MbTHuDIST PabUshea now Chili tie Kolkp, - «n<l oihorsj ru. Dopartt e n c e —lu ei PfUDily pup^ unw lo CaliV at auv time, tu THU M.K Wanted— AGENT! $1S TO 1200 PER MONT Kverjwhcrv male olid female lo Introduce th' Genuine Improved Common Sei FAMILYSEWLNGMACHU This hUchicu will stitch, betn, fell, toci cord, bind, br«ld, smi cmhtoilcr, in a most >oj» manner, PRICE OM.Y EIGi- TEEN DOLUI Fully Warrantcil fur Five Yean. stronger, moro brsuufui.or more elastic fostn than oofl Iimakostb* ELASTIC LOCK STITCS * Kvery tocond stitch cam bo cuL and sUll the c i cannot bo palled ajiArt vrithooi teaiing It* \Vd jf AgeaU from$Tj t o l i ’OOjier cnonth yndcxpenteg s c&umUeUin trom wbw h toat amount i made, Addfc»«. Bxsooaua. a co„ Pittsburg, Pa Boston, Wisa. , or St. Lori Missouri. CAUTION -&ow9 tct*l nil agents aeUxo^ MacbU uudor the seme oamo u mire, nolaae U>cy caq in a Oartlgcatoof Agoncy etruod by os. We shall l holdoatvelTei raaponaibTe (or worthless MschU •old by other partiea, »»d iball pmtectto sU part either soUlnr ur o*ioc macUIdci ander this nam| toe (0 1 e Tixml ul toe la«. •,nlo-a loch Uschinei v obtaided a*» byoor Agent s f>o aot bo 'tap upon by partite wh-> ropy oar tdvarUeomanU i cirtaiarn, end off *5 wur.blows macblQCf st a i ptito. mbl] A I AfvDts wao*«l— Lad lea aud G *• Ucidcq {ijT i botr spare tnomvii -A Sowing Mscbloc, a Go«d VTat-h, a Btbios tn f and other gtxdi given •• promlatn Rem . VPW ^ berr. Whst and mil othor i*rticai<trt Frt* Addrt C I Vsa Alien, X71 Br'dvray. y. Jani 8 l| To,Jt trLnh, X.OR] •* B U J Smolxin) It Is put up in 4era for Moon x-oh : Yach Smoking traded • tt lea' ing; It la very one poamlwUi Iu thi -i brand i qaaltty Meersoj aelvea it ia all 11 ZeOBZZij G E N ' Chewinpl Iho best chewtt Z.OBZX.1 S K U acknowledged If your ator< for sale, aak hi epcctuiuojobbei C*i rcuJar oi p * L o n ii# ; aber’al '•lory r*Ttdo Pamiij, % tory evory woek. Cbatewtth the L\C dais by tldu bust M-ettiodDt wtiteii ign udi Domoetic Correspondence, I t RolitcioQb jn d Bociflar Intern* kvha.tcvo*- g o eslo m a k e s comulete Irice, f250 af*»r. Ltbural preai. • k. Yearly euoacnptioiiBc. mrneace “-pectmera, aucloae a two cent buudd bt»TviW Naueau Ht. New Yoik —Mouejmariaiswy. Manor , „ , ««imonjDywhore. Aridroii I 18T A C o., Ptpla elphlo, Po. |BSW M l >bacco li an excellent ir- tide of granulitel Virginia; Introduced it L-tmt vereolljr orimlrod, Jeomc m naira bogs. In ehlch or tn Pipe® ore dnlly packed. fo l ’B Club ibacco lamadoofthechok. eet leaf grown; It It anti nervona In Hi tffectn, u tlie Nlco- Une hu bees a. sojpeck orders every da. for frit J ripei. T n it and convince vonr. ilme tot>e "TalPimiT or oil, S X 'I Thla brand o f Flu n , Cut cheplng totot- co h®a no eqool ot w o . nrsssrS R ibacco In the conntry. IR V I I have not* bean In « um cvneral dm In th, V Dnltad 8latee over . 110 yean, a n d atlll [c beet wherever treed. [per doei root havo these artloln i net ikm ; they are eold by te- ilmost everywhere, irlccs milled on application. US A CO. Now Tark. COLGATE’S piMIVB°HATiC I f CfiBTABLE SO At For the Delicate Skin of Ladiet tf OkiUm HOLD BY Alili D nvqG int. r O L K h T I t o v o l . o r e , - Wi-at'iHtx Bboolur. A neat, ilaraok’ urtajion, loer loch barrel. Prlc, ■ J.bO Intel paid. Addiceal t! A D 8 T IM , llilo jilch Mo a moniu glth. BUacll— Dies Bamplna tree. V. H 81-gacara • Oo- B n l- r’raPfrovniBNT. I j Dies. Bsmpltn uebnro, Vcrtnout 60 CENT i? dreM a. RICHARDS, b o i JSSft New Vork. J»7-4» AGENTS MAD THIS!_ W I W ILL PAY iO W m A * U U H of f 31! P er W e«k and eipurena. or lUo* i large cotnmlHltm, to eeil air now woadcTlsl tnwwn- Cana. Address tt. WA.GNSS ft CU-, Monk®U, U l n h l c a n ______________ JSPtw ra sisa} ^ iTBTgAJK 88, chamtst* Ootrcit, SY R A O rrSE MEDICAL DISPENSARY. E b T A B L IS U S D IN 1860. Twa&iy thaafliad yaaag men of BuslsH Weakness and Ncrvoaft c SmltfioQi. 8csd ’i«m p (ur ctrcQlfr! P’ico o( ih-c Hcdlciis© w it by moil $S. Addtcia DK. W. &L WaTwuN k 0OM Box OB, Sjracatc. N«v» YuiL. Ji*-4W itr.piG. c bcips rcsi^blo, K k J AC®BNT8 W aNTBD UraiUi I FVti FAMILY Cfi'r erysmnno ac* F aamula 8toct>i t' PKhB Address HffNELEY KNl T1SO ^tACUL'^c.ct).,lJ4Lb,M4i.orl76Bruxow»y, r. ___________________________ ft AGIEINITB W A N T E D KOJ THE SECRETS OF INTERNAL RLVLNUE EXPOSING Tbo Wblsksy Blur. Qolff IUsg, and Di*»hii frxod* Divnhdog frr^tcmAtlc Kohbory of ths Pufec Trostory, OrvsDlzard DcpmisUaoJ. Ccminlrxdcs |d Rxlda era the uoTrrmnent—Offlaiju Tarpltade, Trcstary, < (eatxQtc. Tyranoy mx4 OotTupUaiL—T t s cooft S 3 i ling, FtecinAtln*. iTistmctim uxd Importxnl Qkk yet pablUbed. UosUiaiog saOmUc (sctk in it patxblo evtdrnca, evrocn ussllmooy, COTBpWUfDd accante det&Us LcgUls’ore*, Fsnaera, H frcbintv, Keehsnics trftry Clt±x«n sad Tsxpsyer, sra dtxocUy Intcart9icd|n the 'timtt * Oomi . 0r**Dtck Forgftrs Usbad In one sunictl're roiume, About GOO trel fillet pscss. with spirited iiid»u«uqq*. P ice low a roll Iho times, $3 00 Bold by tabialplloD ooly IFecd forcdrc&lfir nnd ipcdnl terms. WJl. FLINT, iPab- lUber, PWUPt. __ f>HYCUOM ANCT. PASOIKATION O B BOUli- l CHAKJfftNO clo'h This Wonder ful book ba* foT iDjt/Qfi x-bito eoshio tho resdef in ta*cU»ti' oiihcr fci, or any axilmsLtt wtfl. M—- oicrtrm- S^ilr tto* no. sod bundreds ol oitoar e n r^ w cioerliacoia- It can bo obrslmfft hy •cttdinff sddrwro ^ . . n. m ^.IRJ No. G Sowth dAwiw h po# *u'O. to T W KY \NB < Mgbui *troc^. Phiiai4clpb-a. ROW sTRtlffGl -Tbo«tnto4 Lacto- Pnvmtfl < otnp«lin» conUtoS itw d*»tv "Z T&f rmsilon. CM& iffv««fuT ttasp, AA* M (S. C. HANKY, Hws rex, Ps. JU4W DB, Ol*rw.37 Bondn-q N. Y. tmts pnmto discxsoe. ScmiaxJ HnhawloDS, Impotsnqy Ac BoxrdiDg tn cstAbtlshtaeoi tf floslrzd- Tbov> sods ofcaienErotn ovenr 8taYoludlcite Ut* Doctor's ullL bcalod pamphlet for 9 itiBUA. THIS IS DTO HtTMBTTO t T a n is («o nunBTO — syassdiBgaicUa wnth igo. beighth color of *ye« tad hair, yo« will re cel to, bv return null, s correct p’ctarw ofyoar miurw hoahand or wife, with umm sod dstw 0! Mir* riiffo. Address W. FOX. P. O.Demwm No. M Ftl* tcorttls. Now Tors ___________________ JIT4T JUST A noMKNT I Ab a Friend of Sinnanity I WISH TO SPEAK TO YOO KILL THE pAin l&suntly, and heal* old Ulcer*. Wolcott1* A n othilatOT cares CiUrrh, Bronchi tie ind cold Is the b«xd. Bold by HI Druggist*, sad 161 Chattusn Bqture, N. Y. J*n.7ib|w WH AT ABE THBT ARB NOT A VjfiE FANCY DHfNK Sm The Magic Comb S W toa permis<raiw BUck or 8rown. I t contain* NO, POIBON, Anv one eua use It, Ouo seal by mail tor oae dollar. Address X K aaic C o m b Go® ^priogflold.Ma# s dec.4 8m Special Notice. Sly In M llIgent H e a d e r I— I! CMeo Bressrisi and Provtelijii. - a»u wonld bn? any di JUtoiedL. LAKPHKAR—In X aa mrtaptlo®, OsnMHna D. UMBOs, M ill lop. |Um Vac. Stmt, UN. o D.luptatr, igod « w i, gPSOZXX SSBSTINO. AfXTos s OmoB. i City of W*t*rtowxi,Peb. 9d, 1870. f To H e T o t Payera o f the- C ity of Walmrltntm: TAKX NOTICE, that a Spaclil MMtlnsof the Tax Pajert o f aid dt?, will t>« hold st Flrerean Hall, oa Stone St.. on the 16th day of Pebruarv, 1S70, otTJf o clock) V M. to voto for oriralnat a tax to halavled fortbo nirpnoo of pnrehailnea TPlro Alarm Bell, msA bnlldlog a Tower for tbe uiae. Th# n n ptoposefl to be n'w d in two thousand «olfata By order of tha ( ommnn Cowell* re 050. W. FInOWHB, Majoi. ota * 4*ab"-” T!iaSSitlS6t'. WILL ALL TH08E AFf LICTKD WITR OOTIOH OH OONSCTWrflOW Road the followlnx end lcara tbo valno of ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. UR. LLOYD, of Ohio. Snrgcon to tba artsy during tbo war from pxpoame, contracted contacipUou Hs ttya *T have no hesitancy tn stating that it was by tbe ose of rmzr Lang Belsam that I am now alive and eujuyingicalth.” DK FLBICBEB o! Btiasonrl, ways: —“1 rscozn- mend yonr Batsnm, in prefercnco to any oiher medi dDo for Cough*, and it gives satlsfActlon." Allon’i Long-Bnlssini istberomedy to care all LQnf ac<J T h r o a t dilUcQltieto Itfihoald brthor- oughly tested beioreuaiog fiuyother Batoaiq. It will rnre when all others Ul) Pin ctiona acrompany each bottle . .1® N® HAGtHXB fit Oo® Po'e Troprlotdr, CINCINNATI, O. Bold by all DroggiaiP FSHBV BAVI0 a •ON’, PROVIDKNCB. B. 1. fabt Iw Oon. A jfuts lor Now SngTd States * LLENB LUNG B ALBAH fold rev Xre THEO. A PECK, DrnxgiaL \T O T I O B - T h o nndersLvoed h"ve thf* day form 1 V ed a D partnership, onder tbs varao end ,trio of Btreeterano Bars ford, for tbepnrpove ofcarrrtngon In *11 ftibranebca tbe Clolhtrg a- 6 Gea-e FareLh- ing Good! B nilsas, st tbe s-nre formerly ocetinlcd bv Smith A Strcoter, No 14 WoedrnfT Bonwe, -TNO. 0 ■ v TBSETBB. H . HAJUnrOEB, VYatartown, N Y F«b 1, ISTO, ilwSw ADXTLTEHATIOHS OR SHOUT WBXOH7d. BccomI? exposed by the New Yolk World, go to NO. 23 COURT ST. KTLcro yon will find s FIU28H STOCK OP PAJOAP QBOCKBIKS. rS I BHBT TSAI, FOJEUirr SFXOSi 0£.SA»m#T ■U9AHH. dU A B IIV BTSOS #• nO IT OSXTOZOVB riO S X M , r n r m sa.z.t rxoa KTB m SA T S, Svkj ollorrd In Northern New Lrlr. Good* dl- ti rprcd without R rtrs Charg*. Teas Ten Per Gent Cheaper! Tlion ®np Store lit lh® City COME AND ' TEST W Y BXATBM BNTB* GEORGE W.LAWSSNCB. 51 tJo»it Slreot. WatortownJN.T. BNdAwtL \W V MANHOOD! Hew Lust, How Regained I Jort r j'''i»bcd ioaeealcd envelope. Pclee lU cerfl A L e« 'l ORE ON THE NATURALTttB ATMBNT and raoiusi euro o f Bpermstorrliaii, o r Mfflto*! Wrakxaete, Involantory Jtmiselons, Soxentl DcMll ty, and impedimenta to marriage genirallT: Nertow*- oeifl, ccncumptlon, epilepsy, And dt*: Jfeptll amp g hreical iocapAclty, resnltiog from hICadoWi*®*' y^nyt.j. cuivorwoll, U if. aatUor of the “Green Book,"" 4 c. UA. boontothouA a n d B o f iQffBr#r».,f’ Boat under sea), lo a plain envelope, to any ad* drcei, po«tp»id, on receipt ofalx centi, o r two poet* Ago stamps, to OHAS J . 0. KLLNB JtOo^ 137 Qowcry, Now York, Post Office Box M L Adso, Dr. CnlvorwoU'a "lU rrU ge Qb j^PJJ oa * SIOO REWARD! -n-y B> cent, pftatp'tld. It ll tbs III of OaiU jt H. wIToHElrL, Ob« 478N»teilO(rn. H. T. davdllW stete v . ;

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Post on 19-Feb-2018




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> te« re*b o se iissk. Y oun truly,jf f lC i* * if tlK I ) , i_ jp t t* V .N HUFHJK.

» ,< * a o u > b y o n * ' d i a l k r .vYM tre.;.B*teh4>lo«,frt)TldM C«, B 1, write,

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k tba-h**4?«.<»rkkil toad illhwbuu. TMH9«W" '.YMfcKtdHtalQtMUt" *ixl"th® Joaraal ot Chnb-

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^ * C b m ^ o r o ' t - 'E x c e l s i o r X ty e

^MoWwYAtroOclaHirlid* lor chnilpgHioeoiOT *4 Itebk’jr.Wt ^

-''AM M i^ra|bX.KAvs.. .— =='C5(MTA»OJlO'»-HAlK H u m m m . *«* -I., nkeAriaraon IheHilr tftn Dj»<«•'-» -flik'ii-1 v, '*** ■ "** '*** • ••“• -r1M &

t f s n b c l iu .

• Mrpifi, Cold tor Sere Throat• \ . ,3U q u im ira td tiU n i attention, U

LuafiatfMlwi m i l t * In os U cuniia

IIa ic IH iW m .

b l f c w w r a iX r t i c k i a lT r w c h # *, <y K.4 '•«•'■Mirjli ffiOAi IawtfiiM r tire l u t u t n>

j, ^ttJNaSao«t«|inqH, A txuat. O tju u ii , Ooxurafo-* <hr.O^>AT»wolT D jixxu* , Ore/ tunm a ooothios

fl'.-liiat.-fl-V . ''-S- ♦ '» '*■.■-•: '

- f MOKia^ aod HTXAKXBS n « Ib e a to c lte r i H

t; itMfcthoa tho talc^ O w U *toU »«t«)dr»ptttW o*iJripo5»l*rihro<ta»

imiittkM mntf-x ywjl^w.iw<)Hiyt |h> w t* io t> * f« »

n i O M ^ B R O H C H IM T R O G R E S .

* rob- '■ ■fh S B te S O ttfA liT S b C H B S ,' a o to h e r ., . .T H IO .’A , x £ sK ,D ra x z h t,

\ V i

? f Coae <mt oi the

J a w s o f D e a t h

‘T m O o w h w U l kiUyotr,s’. V ‘ , T r y O a u g h h e m e d y ,'-,.««flOI>tawl*tVoat P tw w tt laid to D to li.

t , , T i y I n k s C f « g k l e w i y .M h W h * e *“»*•’

{ s».


\ J T r j l u l l C sm gl U t m t i y ,■-AttBnt*jrl»ld 0*11 Wc. «l*«i (and Al.OO bolttea tor taM oo). Aak MrJHawM’o , aod tak< noothar r o H o . Id -Howard 8u N. Y.


£ | j - i i r . H w n » n » w < w y w i t h i n -

r o j ^ t | i m S i L T E; u H an n it.S r< ilM « y I w m 'i

Wtad’K M iaoyer M tw e n lmonwa ’<- roSAb.j&rania** IjOc. eirwYsna *i OO pot* far

V 4 * f e r | ’h » ^ h « ia k w ttU k sO e o th c r)1 j f l i i lw 0»»Wo.tttfow»ABt. N T .

“ C 0 3 T A R ‘S » ,I 4 M > » s r a * A % ) e « H B ,

3 t f i - *»x r t ^i-IU ii^ l|M tt« y '# ^X x i.« tB la* l6 rt,

S « » o d w » n f 'H » t# m U « to r i» '.- - ; Y lM iM lXaihootlPd^derf 1 --

tenaHM lw**-:-. ;'• | .

r< .■Ttta-BKltr'f »rii«t «n3i | p § p r - y - ' ? v -4~':' ' ro;,.*, h

‘ toW)P*®*oa if th|#fiwii-|liagi? law s (o r th e a a tio tf f is tho p la tie to

n c i c i s o ooonotny, a n d to d e m a n d re trench , w ent. A nd w e n o w b e liev e th a t w ere C o n g tw i to e x e rc ise o n e h a lf * f th e cars, a n d p ra c tic e h a lf t h e se lf-d e n ia l it a s k s of th e P re s id en t a n d tb e h e a d s o f the D ep art w en te , in co n d u c tin g th e a ffa irs of t h e na- t io b t h a t , a t ieaa t o n e - th ird o f -the p resen t e x p e |s e * m ight ho saved. W e h av e po in ted (h ia . p i t on n um erous o ccas io n s . T b e eal- a r i e |p l ' C o n g rc « |p e n are . a t . ls a s t doab le w h a t ^ t p y p ^ k i ' t o ^ ' ' ’SjMjjp u n o fa t ] in g th i4 ^ a j i ^ p i i ^ l f f c e i t h e M m fx r of d o < f | t o e |^ j D f f t h ^ / ^ l a , p » ! t B u s t o n 4 a , 4 ^ ab o u t ^ jc jc a p lth h t h a t can find any th th g lik e p ro fita b le em ploym ent’, I t is w ith in b o u n d s to s a y , th a t to h o w m any m illions soever th e leg isla tiv e expenses ol tho governm ent roach , one h a lf o f it ongb i to bo saved, b y tb e rcd u o in g of sa laries and th e d isc h a rg e o l su p e rn u m era ry servants, tb c ab o lttio n o f th e fra n k in g privilege, Ac. B a t w i th a s o r t ol m ake believe , w hich. C ongnsam en se em to th in k wifi satisfy th e popu lar c lam o r, th e y ta lk abo u t economy, looking h o th e A rm y a n d th e N a v y and th e [ndiafi B a te a u , a n d th e d e p a r tm ta ts , lo r re trenchm en t, bub do n o t deign t o speak of any excel* p rac ticed on C apito l H ill. W e hav e th o u g h t, a n d s till th in k t b a t P re s i­d e n t G ran t and Secretary B outw ell, a re d o io g a b o u t a ll th e y can to retrench th e expenses. B y th e h e l p of Congress, th e y m igh t do m ore doubtless. B u t w e think i t tim e Congress d id som eth ing i t s e l f in th is Une. ,

C om pared w ith the adm in istra tio n o f Andrew Johnson , P residen t G ran t h u re ­duced th e expense d u rin g th e first half oI (us fisctl year from $112,400,Ofil t o $87,- 3fi4,048. ThlB 1* * g a in of over $25;OQO,- 000 i a s ix m on ths, a n d is equ ivalen t to over fifty m illions a y e tr . T h is Is a hand­some tu rn t o save. H is C ongress reduced th* sxpcnoes, in its spbero of expenditures, to an equal am ount, o r in Iiko p roportion 1 We v en tu re to asacrt th a t i t h a s n o t. B a t th ii sav ing is not n il tho c re d it P residen t G ran t an d h is S ecretaries aro r ig h tfu lly co- titlad to . T h ey h a v e m ade * c le a r g a in In th e closer collection of th o cu sto m s roro- auos, o f very n « r five m illions, an d i n tbo in ternal rovenucs, o f 9X0,000,000; a u d in o th e r source*, ot 93 ,073 ,000—m ak in g a to­ta l h i about tw en ty -fou r m ililona. D uring th e firs t half, then , of P re s id en t G ran t's fiscal year, over fifty m illions bavo b$cjl saved in cu rta ilin g e x p e u e s and g a in e d in tbe rsveoues. T h is i s eq u iv a len t to a gain of 9100,000,000 • year. Can C ofig reu ahow aa fair a record 1 W ere C o n g ress In goo d earn es t to second tb e efforts o f ths adm in istra tion , w e sh o u ld ba p la c e d at once oo tho h ig h w ay o f p ro sp e rity , a n d tbe R epublican p a r ty c o u ld defy the a s sa u lts of lie adversa ry .

T h s deportm ent* hav e d ischarged h u n ­d red s o f needless d a r lu . H as Congress d ischarged a n y from th e C ap ito l I Not tb a t w a h av e h ea rd of. W o can tee where tb s E xecu tiv e in r h i iH ^cabinet m in ister! have been econom izing, and to w h a t ex tant they havo m ad e gains. C an C ongresi show w here it bae sa v ed an y th in g in iti expenses! W e pau io tor a reply , a s d shall Im very h ip p y indeed to ch ro n ic le even th e sm a lles t gain from th a t q u a rte r.

G r t w l u e w i o k e u ,W s co n g ra tu la te th e R e-U nion on it»

plnck to sp e ak b a t in cond em n atio n of th a sp e n d -th rift propensities of Its lead ing p a r lizans a t A lbany . Io p la in , honest term s, i t jh c a r tily denounces th e ir course, s s e v i­dences o f w hich w e q u o ta a p arag rap h from a n ed ito ria l of co n s id erab le len g th o n t b e ■ ab jec t: “ W c observe w ith d iia p p o m t- “ m c n t a n d regre t, th a t o n r D em ocratic Lccr- “ islalU ie h a s , a* w e u n d e rs ta n d th o case , “ road s a b a d beg inn ing , b y passing a b i l l

-“ fo rg iv in g com pensation over t h t j r reg u la r <1‘sa laries , to th if ie p u tlc i a n d clerks em ploy- “in th e offlaial d e p a r tm e n t a t A lbany . W > “h a v e Men severa l a tte m p ts to ju s t ify th e “a c t, b u t n o th in g in th e le a s t sa tisfac to ry . “W e hav e w a d several of th e speeches "m ad e o a .th e occasion o f th e p assage o f “ th e b ill, b a t every th ing teem a to b e caro- ‘Tnlly avo ided , w h ich to a d ie d th e m erits a r “d im e rita o f th o n u tsu rc . A ll th e facts " tha t l a t e com e to out k n o w le d g e satisfies “a s -th a t i t fa a w an ton d ep red a tio n on the ' ‘p ro p erty o f tlw people ( o r th o benafit 6f “k v o tc d in d iv id u a ls , a n d a n s e t con trary “ to th e p led g es oi th e organized Dem ocratlo “ party .m ade to secure tbo suQVsgcsjjL-tbc "people.”

W o reproduce th is p arag rap h w ith p lo t •a re , * i evidence o f tho g row ing indepcn dance ot tho press g en era lly , w h ich really h o ld s th a destin ies of tb o country in its heads. T h e timo w ill com e, wo tru st, w hen w ith o u t respect to p a tty , th o press w ill u n i te h e a r tily in condem nation of w hatever I s don e m L egislative halls, o r in E xecu tive m ansions, contrary to th e tru e in te r cats oi tb e p toplo . W hen th a t day arrives wo m ay look for m ore econom y in gov ern m en t, nnd 1cm p ecu la tio n in pubiio office.

S S ! f

W a T b u k k H o i .— The H o n . D . C. L ib tlfijohn, of th o Assembly, y es te rd ay called u p h is reso lu tion requesting Senators a n d m em bers o f C ongress to rednce tho ir sal* r te s from fire to th re e th o u sa n d dollars s y ea r . . T he reso lu tion passed unanim ously . I t w ill pass th e Bonato, w c tru s t, w ith equal p ro m p tn e ss a n d unan im ity . Every B ta te L eg is la tu re no w iu session shoa ld iC th p o n th e su b je c t in a s im ila r w ay.— C ongressm en sh o u ld b e advised th a t th e people a te th in k in g o f th is su b je c t, s n d d e ­m and a te d u c t io n of taxation .

' F O R E IG N .T its T reasu ry D e p a rtm e n t o f G reat B rit—

■ l^ T fc h tq a ty 'J it , p u rc h a se d t h s cab le con- u te t i lg ^ j ^ l l - i f i t h G erm an y , fo r £728,- OOtf t<§ri Cofchrane, o f th e

jfikqswti&wvthfr j j e P e tre l, off A fn c a ,re p o rh ith a t D f. D av id L iv ingstgno , t t * crteb ra ted A fricau t r a te le r , ' h a s bem

« * N i* a rd , b y • o t i le f £ ' th e 1

7 \ *•• -r~» «• •\ l I i : ' i ; -

i i i i s L n :


K 4 ltw v iil P a r a | r « f h t i i .

E ve# u n to E n , wvomcn hav e been cx- pcrim entiun < n t t h e a m o u n t m an would bear a n d not b a c k u n d e r th e pressure. We suppose an o it w iv e s f i j i d o u t t l i e last fea th e r before thoy cele l«» to even their " W o o d e n V • d d ia g . , , I t is on ly those poor un io rtii& ate i wrlxo h a v e no B a rk is tb a t ia w illin ’, tbafe t « a B a y a rd in every one of the m a le sex At * recent m eeting of a delegation frocn the 'W o m an ’s Suffrage Con­vention , with - th e C om m ittees o f th e House and S en a te , afc W ash ing ton , Mrs. B eecher H ooker w aihm ving q u i t e a sp ir ite d con test with o n e o f t i w committee, w b * n Mis* An- diony, w h o o u s of o u r oxohangeS describes aa “ a g o o d , toLid, iq u are-shou ldered g irl of an uncertian ijg e ’’ in te r ru p te d b y saying, “ Oh, a h e ia tots- oevere, too se v e re ." “ Mad arac," rep lied t l i e oom m itU em an, “ wo are all m arried m u a , tn d accustom ed t o bear these th in g !.1’ And. Mr. H o o k er ad ded , “ She i s n ’t m nrried, a n d she doosn’t know how m u c h men can b e a r .” -

W e a r e glad k o m ake * n o te of any mer. ito fio u a w ork w h e re b y w om an asserts her­self. T h in k of a l l the long cen tu ries when • b e w as neveithae com panion , b u t sim p 'y th e c re a tu re of c u n , U p to t h e beginning o f tbo p re se n t c e n tu ry there a r e not the namcB o f a dozezo females a t a l l noted In ail t h e a n n a ls of E n g lis h lite ra tu re . Since th e n th ey m e tt s a rd crow d m an to th e wall m lite ra tu re sod m rt, t u d assum e no w ean p ia c t m scientific a tta inm ent!. Excepting H aw th o rn e and B orneo, we h av e no novel la ta to c o m p iro with Mrs. W h itn e y aod M rs. H ard in g Cards. H u e M aria H itched o f V u so r C ollege, is to deliver a course ol lectures o n astronom y i n P h ilad e lp h ia , to b e followed by s sim ilar co u rse la N ew Y ork. T h e re t n a n x American g ir ls s tu d y ­in g scu lp ture in Romo, M i n W hitney , M iss Efoamcr, M iss Freeman, M u s F e rris , (co l­ored) Miss Vtonle J le tn i, and M i a Foley , s a d Mrs, D elille , b e tte r k n o w n t o our re s dera as O live 1-ogam, is t b e a u th o r o f Surf, one ot tb e m oat p o p u la r com edies of th e d ay , whicb i s g ree ted n ig h t a f te r n ig b t w ith undim inished d e lig h t a t the Fifth A v­enue T heatre in News Y ork. IVe are n o t disposed to exbsusC the su b je c t i n a tin g le paragraph, an d couldn 't i l we shou ld try . We may re tu rn totZris subjoct again.

Jenk ins i s u b iq o ib o u a . H o bas a n eye for lioaaty as w e ll as icm ndii. He ia an ad ep t In i l l royiteric* of tb e 'to i le t . Ho can e n u ­m erate ovary article pot! l i n in g ' t o a lad y 'a wardrob* n glibly t a thi m o s t accom plish ' ed d ry goods clerk. Ha t i p s h is h a t to L ady S n ten reU ; ht ia check by jo le w ith 6 u B enjam in Bsckbdte, t a d be b o ld s th e ca rr ia g e door when E-ydU Zrsngnish elopes

ith youeg C ap ta in Abtol-atd, an d in th e next m o ra lo g ’s RaUmdmilT* Qaxxtta, he ghc* y o u all th e mlnxata of th e affiiir, even t o th e color o l th e bradd oa L ydia1* travel­in g d raw . O f la te , Jeankim h a s been among th e G o u g ra a iu n s l b a X u a t W ashington, sn d h a IIinns w ith lu e h d i in ty co lo rs a t to m ik e • btchoJor’a h e a r t ache. T h u * S ec ra ta ry B o u tw sil'* daughter Is a s lig h t, sweet- fsced g ir l, b u t U tils rxsore t h a n tw en ty , yet cax ry iag on n a r frail K haeldexa a h e a d tb a t abaorbw all n a tio n a l ic tb jtc t* . Bho ia s*lf- p o ln d , and th o ro u g h ly educated, a n d u n ­d e r tom e th iens r e q ilr in g h o th th o u g h t snd invMllgatiOD, h e r eye* grov large. W han th e X V I A m endm ent p ssw a , aha w ill take h e r place in OongTeaa. Ulia B lanche Bnt- teris eye* have no deflect is th e m , w a con­clude, sine* ohe is coowidcrod by m an y as th e handaom ert woman i n IV oahington. Bh* ia one o f natu ro’a r a n b lo n d s anapoU ed by a r t . H e r hair ta pxus szibtim go ld , a n d Its g le a m in g colts a rc all bet o w n by b ir th r i g h t H er co m p lex lo e ii v e r y fa ir, and h e r eb eek i woar th e soft glow o f tha peach . S h* is o n only d a u g h lo r . and b a r fa th er U repu ted to h a jo lo ts oi « p - • s t a m p s M bs C han d le r is a lio a n only d a u g h te r , a n d sh* is a very « legant g ir l lu XBgure, b ea rin g and costume. And th a n ww h iv e Joaephine Ponton, tra n sfe rre d from tho g u b e rn a to ria l m ansion, a n d m erg in g t h e ingenuous school g ir l in to a n e leg an t, s ta te ly , to lf-conicioua. oh I adjoctivca, w h o re asm y o u ! B u t tbe clim ax Is m c b e d in Mli Bfinoy B e n to n , thais a b eau ty , a perfect Hobo, a andher* Jc c m s faints sw ay im a we* o f rose- w ater, a n d L a a p ls r re i n i W tbsheraro b o th e x ts a i te d .

X ® Y o a sss W en.Y oung mco, a word o r tw o fo r your, ben­

e f i t , il y o u beikl it, I n th is f a s t age, w hen i t v e ry un lo ih io n ab ie to work fo r a liv iu g , wvlies y o u n g m e n aro anxious to s ta r t i n bufiacaajusfc where th i i r fa th ers le a v e off iff successful, a f t e r a lo n g life o f toil a u d de- ro t io n t o buiiness, it w o u ld be well i f you t o o k a p la in , p ractical sa d common e r n e v ie w of tb i« life upon w hich y o u have ju s t e x n b irk e d .

F in tix a importance i s to b e b o a e s t,in d u s - lexoui a o d economical. S ta rt iu life w i th & g o o d repu ta tio n nod b e sure to k eep i t - — R e m e m b e r that “ it is eas ier to ba a good basinets xnan th a n a p o o r one. Half the caergy d isp la y e d in keeping ahead , t h a t is required t o catch u p w h e n beh ind , will save c red it, g iv e more time f ) bueinea an d a d d to th e profits and re p u ta tio n of y o u r w ork . - H onor y e a r eng» gem ents. I t y o u -promisi o meet a nun, o r to d o a certa in thing at

a ce rta in xnemen-t, be re a d y a t tb e appoin te d time, I f y o ti have w o rk to d o , do i t al once , cheerfully, a n d therefore m ore Bpcedi- iy a n d correctly, 11 y o u go on business, a tte n d to t h e m a tte r prom ptly , a n d then, as prom ptly, go a b o u t your own business.”

A tten d t o business m a tte rs in businest t e a r s . N o y o u n g m a n can g e t rich o r succeed in b usiness of a n y kind, excep t in b an k ru p tc y , by sitting a r o u n d ' sto res a n d saloons. I f you hav e to w ork for a liv ing , d o n ’t be a sh am ed , nor to o lazy to d o i t .—- R m em b er that a l l uielul to il is honorab le . If y o u em ploy o thers, b e on h a n d to see t i n t they a t te n d t o their d u tie s , a n d d ire c t w ith regularity , p ro m p tn e ss , liberality.

N ev er b a y what you d o n ’t w ant, or c a n do w ith o u t, because it is c h eap . N ever ru n in d e b t , uni e ss jo a know how a n d w hen you c a n p a y . R a m o m b er th a t time is m oney, sod never s q u a n d e r i t I i y o u r tim e is yo-ur own, builners'w lll suffer it you do. I f y o o work fo r o th e rs for p a y , i t belongs to them and y o n hive n* m ore righ to steal i t than to i le a l m oney from tbe draw er — “ H ofp y o u rse lf and others w il l help y o u ."— Ba faithful o v e r t h e Intersts confided to your k e e p in g , and i n nil g o o d t im e your responsib ilities will bo increased. D o not bo to to o g re a t harte tn get rich. Don’t build until y o n l a v e arranged arid la id a good fo u n d a tio n . B e obliging. S triv e to avoid bareli w ords a n d personalities. Do not k ic k every stono iu i h o o a th ; more miles c a n he made i n a day going stead ily on th a n b y jtopp iug t o kiuk. i ’ay a s you go. A man i» f uonor respects his w o rd as he do es U)« b o n d . A sk , b u t never b eg .— Help oXlioo v r o u y<*«> ew, b u t never give when y o u can nol afford to, sim p ly because It isfio jh iu iub lc . L ea rn to say no. No n eceu lty of sn a p p in g it o a t dog fashion, but lay it liraiJy and respec tfu lly . H avo bu t Itw confldanta, a n d tho few er the bat­ter. U s e y o u r brains rather th a n th o se of olbtra. Loam t o th in k aod a c t for yourself. I t briug£i bankruptcy to do b usiness upon other paoplo'a brains, a i su re ly m upon other pesoplo’i moooy. Young man, a l te r you h iv e read t b i s , l r y and retneipbor I t . It won't h u r t y o u .— E xchan no.

A c o lo r * * R e e D riX n 300 m ite s I n an O p e n B o i l .

Ftoo toe Wttxalmtcm CN. C.) Bl*r, Jib . II.Lost S a tw d a y a w eek ago, ■ colored m an

by tho aaunc o f S chuyler Hooper, w ho was employees i t a a s i i t ln g oo t h e w recked steamer biucille. got In to a tu rf boat for tbe purpose o f bailing hor out, a n d w h ile so engaged th * bom t b ro k e from h e r fastening and d r if te d out th ro u c H tbo in lo l in to tho open mi. Some hopes were en terta in ed for a few d a y * that h e m igh t tn p ic k e d up b y i p u iin g vessel, b u t ii t im o p u a w d in d n o th ­ing bad b-ees k « * rd of h im , tb a opinion bo- gan to bo g e n e ra lly colaE-tahged th a t he h a d perished. I t w ax, therefore, a so u rce of no little aurpriae is w«ll os gratification, w hen in te lligence w u re c e iv e d on S unday m orn ing lo st t b a t tho lo e t m a n had finally tu rn ed op and tro u nllre and w el'u I t #enn* th a t the best, w b icb -vroa a vory s ta u n c h on e , a lter d r ill in g ab o n t completely s £ th s m snsy of iho w in d aod who*, for a b o u t th re e hundred m ile s finally ( r e n t u b a r e on G ape Lookout beach , w hero h* w si picked up i r • very exiaatufid cxndliicHJ, and carried t o B eaufort

laOTiTO-**,—D oe* It o v e r o ccu r to n o r readers how ready, t a • people, we o re to Im ita te U m ex am p le u t tu b y tba “ old w orld ,” in th* m a t t e o f m a y species o f am usem ent now in vogui -with a s . Bcien- tific b o x in g , ho rse -rac in g , d o g fightfng, cock m ain s, ro b b in g ben-roo ils , atealing from clothat-line*, a n d gcttirig d r u n k a n d crazy a s lu n a tic s , a n baci w hisky—th ese acsm to bo th o p o p u la r ip o x ts aod pastimoa ol th e p r ta e n t day a n d generation, noarly *11 of w hich , h a v e co m e to us irom over t h s water. A p le a sa n t an d tM M sloglj agree® bio modut operandi o f w ild ing a w a y th e time b y id lers an d lwufen, a n * th* d o g a n d cock-fighting, and p a in t in g Uic o p tic s o f one's adversary w ith the S c y ts - a n d (or a brute, a m oat am iable why o f f enjoying life ! G etting d r a n k , a n d m iilakring t h e g u tte r fo r o n e 's bed, to eceentrie, to say th e lea s t-- o rh u g g g io g th p ^ a m p -p o s t for em bracing ono 'i fricoO, m a aort o f enjoyment o f quas- tic n a b le oodesrm ont often indu lged in

th rough the p a te n c y o f " ta n g le fo o t,” to d “ Tefi-eye," w hich to a p t lo taoiilead many in to foolish ex h ib itio n s o f l o o sincere hos­p ita lity . S tealing to econom ical, t i I t aaves paying fo r board , a n d that is expensive. M u rd erin g s a d a is u ss in a tio a ii p o p u la r , though n o t q u ite fa sh io n ab le ,' because i t to a p t to lead t o a “ g rav e" e n d . W h a t a charm ing ago w e live in , and how th a n k ­fu l we should ba to t h e “ oirS w orld,” for a llow ing t u to h av e a g lim pse o i tb e “ ele­phan t,” a n d th ereb y p ro v e w h a t apt schol­a r s we a r e in lea rn in g th e s e mmnly ac q u ire ­ments,

Rewor* hr B o ra lx B a 't 11* 1],The troub les la Mexico arc d a ily increas­

in g and th o d i lu t io n laex tro m riy perilous A revo lu tion his b ro k e o a t in I’a e b la , S an Lola Palowf, (luw oajctira, Q ucreU ro a n d Micboacan, tn d w if i not b e out d o w n w ith o u t difficalky.

T n * P ooxtt or l e t —I n add ition to th e fac t th a t let is l ig h te r th a n water there is ano ther cu rio u s th in g sh o o t it w h ic h m any parson* do no t p e rh a p s kaow, v ia , i ts p u rity . A tu m p off ice m elted w il l become p u re d is tille d r a t e r ,—s a l t , air, coloring m a tte r , sod all ixnpm itie* . F rozen tea w ater m akes frah -w ate r ic e . If y e a fre< a basin of IncJigo w a te r , It w ii l m a k e ice os clea r a n d ai -white s s that mads o f pare ra in wafer- "Whou t h e c o ld to very sudden these foreign m atte r* hare d o time t o escape e ith e r by r i l in g or s in k in g and a r e tbus en tang led w r th the i c s , b u t do n o t make &sy p a r t of I t .

E e i t t i a t t v e .I n the Aaoetnbiy b i l ls w ere introduced

b y Mr. A lla b m am en d in g , th i R h t allow ing tow na t o t a i n sto c k in t h s R o s d o u t snd O sw ego ra i l ro a d ; by M t F rear. to repeal ate th e co n d u c t cf elec tions in the c i t y of Now Y ork . H r . L ittlejohn c # U td u p b it r e s o lu ­t io n u rg ing a red u c tio n o f tltei pay aud mileage o t C ocrreaam m And tin rsb o lid o n o f tho i r w t o g p i m l ^ i a d t p t e d , ▲ fiju u m d .

— Mr. F arn sw o rth o f Illino is yesterday, reporting & h i l l from tb i Post-O ffice Cim m ittcc to p m v en t s o e h im proper m a tte r os g ift enterpriie and lo ttery circular* from b r in g sent through t h e miB*. ooked th a t it bo p u t upon ix » p u s s g o h a t Mr. W ood of N ow -Y ork objected, w hicb was entirely n a tu ra l and h igh ly laudab le. Self-prescrv*. tion is s primaS law t o th! obeyed vn fliu rk ing iy on all oocasioos.

— A little tw o -T c ir-o ld T ro y girl o n Sun­day Itotentng t o - a dlscusaion between her p aren ts in relation to r e l ig io n s m atters. F i­nally tho lather asked the m o ther w here she th o u g h t heaven w a s , w h a n tho little one, w hose mhxd was p ro b ab ly runn ing on a favorite comic song, w h ich s h e had beard her b ro th e r aixxg, answ ored : "U p in a ha llaon , boyi!”

—D ecius Litxamer, w h o livss in Sim sbury Connecticut, h i s a shepherd u p g w hich act* as a newspaper carrier. T h e pap er is th row n off from t h e t r a in by t h e baggage m aster and thi dog n e v e r f a i ls to b e on hand to tak e ti t o his roaster’s house. Ten tra ins s day m j* this p o in t , b a t ti to only when th e right t r a in to m e s t h a t he sc am • p e n do w n to t h e tr ic k sod receive* hie daily newspaper.

— Y ears ago a deficit ol $S2,000 w u found in tbo account a of a Portsm outh ,N .H „ bank cashier. He disclaim ed ail know ledge o f it, an d bis bondsmen to o k p o sses iio a of h is p roperty to Indemnify themsedvei, T b e persons connected w ith t h s ifa h r died, th e business o f th e b sa ik v ia w o u n d up, b a t th a m issing 982,090 never cane i n for re d sm p tio n , s n d it i s udw su p p o se d that t h a t am o u n t o f bill) w ren d e s tro y e d by th e d irec to rs . The o ish ie t’s p r o p e r ty bai b e a n resto rod to b is h e m , but h e snd h i s fam ily lived In poverty a n d sorrow for y e a n , a n d d ie d w ith o u t vindication.

M f i r r i e f )N U T T IN G -R E S O B H -In Somerville, J a p » tl i .

bv H»v. 3. A . Canfield, llr. William 11. Hntrine, to Ute* H annah X. B ender, b o th oi An twetp-

CAHBBKTSR—KM EBR-Atthe reoWenceM l l r .*, N Y.

NEW AD?EHTiSEM^T8O l i P B e P I I I !',OOJ a l ' t —Goanly « f J ,( r« r« jt .- O Cffrouu® Iferrtu «gatu«t Darnel Cdfril«taaH 4&d Lcoqm C*i»l$cian h i t wits, John M Roc^ and Elizv betU Bqct hf*wlfc. Jacoli Bffrme#. Georgo P Balto and F rederick Heel*, a n d Jo b u CO‘»*« Deiandauts:— Toa arc hereby Bunuucuwd aun rc^uncd ti» answer the cum pla la t of Carotin* HerrlH. Piaintlff, in the ^Qpr«»e C o u rt of th o State o f Hew York which wa- tiled in the office of th e \)terk of tbe comity o l Jef fvrton, a t W eteitow n, o n tbe 28tb December, 1880, nod to nerve ▲ copy o f year a&awer on u i at our of flee, in the city of wm tor tow n, county flforeBitld. within tw en ty days a lte r the lerrlceof thieeom- mo&s, excitaiv* of th e day o l service.

And you a re hereby notified tha* If yon fhU to an •wer tbo com ^M nt a s above required, the plaintiff wUl app'y to tiio aald Oouit 'o r tbe relief domnnded u the cucmlaim, D ated, December ki*Ll&G9.

LAJSSlNOffcSBKRMAN, feb8dfiw PlffV Attorney.

^ G k N r s W A I f f t D .

To cm v ase In W atertown and o th sr'j»lacsa in Jffterson Comity for a n art icie needed by every *>n Ineai m an. A larjfe commisalon paid to a good

O ther counties to be tMven loon. Addrese J . HKNBY KOQKH8»

FshAdfit-wlt Canton, N Y.

Q ia C D X iA T IN G L I B B A B J OF

S T E R L I N G & M O S H E R


Terms 2 Cts. Pet Volnme Per DayBOOKS RECENTLY A DDED. *


V E B B I I B A B Y I , 1 8 3 0 .

p o H S A L E C H E A P .


B U M L JD i J y f r L O T SCome^BaUand a n d Bronson Streets. KtqoUe a t 238rotuon itract ddftwll*

N E W A D V E R T IS E M E N T S ,

1 was cured o i Realuess and Catarrh h i i »linrio reucdy and will ebnd tlie receipt free, .: ■ f c l)H w AIKS. I t . f t L8GQKTT,' ffoVtoluia N . 3

OPIUM EA.TERS.' , hclC*fur Circular. ACdieea IVM, P . FAH18H A Ca.F»M 4w A uacoetia.D . C.

AGENTS WANTED-*&M«t eif-abfosttnff DuTdee. Tor catting perfect fltttnc. Panti, Boundab_ouu>. and M a W DrciBon. frdlepen-rihlo in every houaarthuld. eCOTT, n ttaoursli. Fa.

Address RAHSBY <b Febl-4w

Great Chance! Agents WantedC t n n n p&r >’ear madu t*y Agents,J A lU U U TuaJeor fcmalo, selling our woilQ

i ieuuw uia 1'iitcut EverlaiLtng w hite W ire \ olotheb Lloea. Ox-eapubc and b e s t Clothe

linos tn tho w orld; omy 3 c ts. per foot, and _ will Iasi a bundled >can*. AddrOMS the H ad to a River Wire Co., 76 WO Um tH uct, Ne*w Yo* k or 18 Deatborn nt., Chicago, Hi- FubM w

Tea & Coffee Store.1QQ Barrel*ofchoU-v fiuplc* a t the

k Coffee ttiorc, N -» 6 Waatuagton »t.W it or to wd Tea

'tO F F U roMlcd icd groan«] <Ul)y, &l the T n A J Coffee Blore.

GO and sec Hall Jk Hoot's W itcr Vogto*, at the Watertown T e a ACofleo Btort.Nu. 3 VVaehtng-

ton st.

Y OU can get iho b e itqaaiily ’ of one doltfr Young Q tsoo Tos to b « baa in th« elty for fl»o peaoas

fo r $1 off) s t tbo Wascrtown Toa A. Coffee Store.

W IEN Toucotac to town, r o to Lbr>T«* & Cof- Ero dlore end trot fi pound* of th a t %\ lh Japan

T ea, which U told hyr toost trrocen a t $1 4ft.

T HE b c it Old Oorommcnt Jew* ('offer for 3e per pound. At the T oo aod Coffers tHom, No, 3 Wsib-

lnctcn s t

S APOLLA ' VYbat t a tt ? G o to the Tea k Coffee store end see It. Bay e c a k o ind take It home

I; will » * ti jrour w ifo much labor, end nuke bnr beppy. Try \U

iTorfx r Btoi

Rio CoQ o (o r ?hcte. e l the Ten A Coffee 8 tor .

TF you went Ui pot fa n yrolght, W ouo«5s to th* pound f» tv f.ucn pe^biCtfo u> tbo W atertown Toe

A Coffee 8 lore.

IX> el) who iraM to osve mooey *o eay. po tn the Watertown T. a A cofleo Store, Ho 3 W trhlrg

ton S t

Q A .B I R B T 8 T O R R

F o r S ’ a l e .

In coucqaenca of th s recent d ea th of tke retidant partnor of tho bnn, th a aUendon of BnilncM men l» called to the STOCK OP

F U R N I T U R E ,A t 19 a n d SSL Co a r t I t r o u t

Offering i good opening f o i capable boa to m i m sn, with a tnodf&ate capital, writhing to engage In basi­nets.

T ilK L E A SE O F T H E 8TO E S

will bo trio* fen ed If d e s ix t l Wot«5o4re a t the stofa, 19 and S3 Coiart Street,

P e rso n s in d e b te d t o tlio u n d e r s ig n e d , w ill p ld u e call a n d s e tt le .

a B. VA.N D U 7.B E & Oo.jfta22dwlw.

g A F O H K S a 9 B f9 H A I R D Y X ,

T h s h o t in Iho world—does n o t conUln told -n o vUrit] pofifltaS to panlyza the systeixi or prod oc* death, t t U perfectly harm toss—reliable—in»unun eons. Avoid the vanntcd ssnd de losire prepaniiona boasting virtues tbey do n o t possess, !i yon would cscapa thedaanez. The gcsmlno W . A . Bstcholor's H air Dye hit thirty years* reputation to uphold ItsIntegrity

8oid b y ill D nggtoti epnHod a t Dttche&r’s Wlc K»ctory, h o . 16 Kow Y ork.

;tot8 sn d rorfnm ers. aod • —* — - ,d 8u


g m t A i A N D G R A Y S * .




CHOICE FAMILY F L O U R ;Double Extra,Union mills,Banner ffiills,

M ill F e e d . <fcc SdgA ll of which will be »ol8 et th« L rw cs l Market

Prlc®, tnd d d lte tc d within C ity ilm lte free of Oilra chares, *>

W O a t h P a i d f o r d r a i n .Fartlcnlar aUratlon paid t o O T X S T O B d

Grinding. eoptisdw tf

From Solectod W hile Whest.

From B ost Amber ’■ W inter Wheat.

F rom Prim e Number Ono S p rln j


P a r i s BY S u n ligh t and G aslight

A wotk dcficrlptivo off Ihe Myeterlea, Virtues, xc8. 8pioL>doni .nd Orlmen, off the ei y o lParta

It toi 0 bow Purl>» h as the uajeiL and tud Beumtful c ity in tho w orld : how i ts Beauty a a Splendor a re purchased ul a fearful coat off btietff ttjjff Suflering; how urn ewtndiod. by lefiaioual swm dlera ; how Virtue and vicu g o firm lovotber in che beantlfai c ity ; how th e most- I'ta: Crimefl a re CotomitUid and cealed; how znuutyja “qaamdered tu uafto»» luxury ; anicontam B over due engravings of no ted places, life a sd scenery Pari a. Agents wanted. Canvasing hooka new fr

AddresB. NAlONAL POBlISHEN® (X).PhlladeJpblu, Pa


L I F E o f W O M R l iT E E T H TUOVSA.FD S O W R E A D T .

B Y O EO U G E H, N A P H E Y S , H . D.

T he most irmarkable snccesfl of the dyy. Iflf - ing wlib iiopiDc«deni<d n idd ity . It couUinfiiY t every uiau a s d worn tuoaxld to know, aud fetvtu tt w in BbYe n>uch uoflcrlDK- Aa the only rvpulu » «ork upon Lhofcingieand married Ute. itise«fDi ■ ly recommended hy Win. Dommoud. P/eeld S a rk Bopklns. Kev LLcnry Ward Beecher, Boshni |i, M re, K. B. Gloax>on, M-D., Preff. K. Btstmon, e tc . Being eagerly sought for, thu Agu work le easy, bund stam p for p&Bphlct, etc, te

G 80HG E Mcl.ttAJJ, Publiahor.t<6 Nareau tflrcet N

Ot, 71ft Somson Street, P h ila., V

a d v n a T n a j a i M x - * .

L i e # o t Dcalnow^ aud UaUrta by a dnni. ro>nS’l,t i ' e»x»dtbe jjbcuiptfreo. p

” tB. M- C, LBGGH1T. Qabokca, NJ,

V I . ________L- SAfipegat Wo:

R—-lto -w mado In 10 hour* wltlmnt riiiigs. lor cixculan. *dd(en

. Cromwell, Conn. g„

bo., n o ,, 10 t-er cent BOND*.VttiSra to rnu.icMJ luttMet pavabla asinii

of Amonca. Msy int. PobttlaUonofly a tOoam> valuatl a b o n ti Pblalo

Jonds d F o r Job .td d rc t! M o.,

. ws 0 4*»nw.»®! wuj tn, . __andrw yiS 'y lncreM tn^.' A *waa,r d

-opertv rlJyO 1 0 ,8 0 X, C a s t , vxlae>. Total dent leaa th a n SSUO.OOO

}d tree oaluiis of any PxprorB route — z'pg Ume aud o h e r informs ton

H'L. A .UaYLOKo & CO., B t. kouia Jaa2?4v

T H E ¥ Y O R K M b T H u D I S TPabUshea now Chilitie Kolkp, - «n<l oihorsj ru. Dopartt ence—lu ei

PfUDily pup^ unw lo CaliV at auv time, tu THU M.K

Wanted— AGENT!$1S TO 1200 PER MONT

Kverjwhcrv male olid female lo Introduce th '

Genuine Improved Common Sei FAMILY SEWLNGMACHU

T his hUchicu will stitch, betn, fell, toci cord, bind, br«ld, smi cm htoilcr, in a m ost >oj» manner,

P R IC E O M .Y E IG i- T E E N D O L U I

F u lly W a r ra n tc i l fur F iv e Y e a n .

stronger, moro b rsu u fu i.o r more elastic fostn than oofl Iimakostb*


Kvery tocond stitch cam bo cuL and sUll the c i cannot bo palled ajiArt vrithooi teaiing It* \Vd jf AgeaU from $Tj to li’OOjier cnonth yndcxpenteg s c&umUeUin trom wbw h to a t am ount i made, Addfc»«.

B x s o o a u a . a c o „P it tsb u rg , P a B oston , W isa., or S t . Lori

M isso u ri.

CAUTION -&ow9tct*l nil agents aeUxo MacbU uudor the seme oamo u mire, nolaae U>cy caq in a Oartlgcatoof Agoncy etruod by os. We shall l holdoatvelTei raaponaibTe (o r worthless MschU •old by other partiea, »»d iball pm tectto sU part either soUlnr ur o*ioc m acUIdci ander this nam | toe (0 1 e Tixml ul toe la«. •,nlo-a loch U schinei v obtaided a*» byoor Agent s f>o aot bo 'tap upon by partite wh-> ropy oar tdvarUeomanU i cirtaiarn, end o ff*5 wur.blows macblQCf s t a i ptito. mbl]

A I AfvDts wao*«l— Lad lea aud G*• Ucidcq {ijT i botr spare tnomvii

- A S o w in g M s c b lo c , a G o « d V T a t - h , a B tb io s tn f and o t h e r gtxdi given •• promlatn Rem. VPW ^ berr. W hst and mil o t h o r i*rticai<trt Frt* Addrt

C I Vsa Alien, X71 Br'dvray. y. J a n i8 l |

To,Jt trLnh,

X .O R ]

•* B U JSmolxin)

It Is put up in 4era for Moon


S m o k in gtrad ed • tt lea' in g ; I t la very one poamlwUi Iu th i -i brand i qaaltty Meersoj aelvea it ia all 11

ZeO B ZZij

G E N 'C h e w in p l

Iho best chewtt


S K Uacknowledged

If your ator< for sale, aak hi epcctuiuojobbei

C*i rcuJar oip * L o n i i # ;

ab e r’al '•lory r*Ttdo Pamiij, % tory evory woek. Cbatewtth the L\C da is by tldu bust M-ettiodDt wtiteii ign ud i Domoetic Correspondence,I t RolitcioQb jn d Bociflar Intern* kvha.tcvo*- goeslo m ake s comulete Irice, f250 af*»r. Ltbural preai. • k . Yearly euoacnptioiiBc. mrneace “-pectmera, aucloae a two cen t buudd

b t»T viW Naueau H t. New Yoik

—Mouejmariaiswy. Manor , „ , « « im on jD yw h ore . Aridroii I 18T A C o ., Ptpla elphlo, Po.

| B S W

M l ”> b acco

li a n excellent ir- t id e of granulitel V irginia; Introduced i t L-tmt vereolljr orimlrod,

Jeomc m naira bogs. In e h lc h or tn Pipe® ore dnlly packed.

f o l ’B

Clubi b a c c o

lamadoofthechok. eet leaf grow n; It It anti nervona In Hi tffectn, u tlie Nlco- Une h u b e e s a.

sojpeck o rd e rs every da. fo r frit J ripei. T n it and convince vonr. ilm e tot>e " T a lP im iT o r o i l ,

S X ' I Thla brand o f Flun , Cut cheplng totot-

co h®a no eqool ot

w o . n r s s s r S Ribacco In th e conntry.

I R V I I h a v e n o t* b e a n In « um cvneral dm In th,V D n l t a d 8 la t e e over

. 110 y e a n , and atlll[c b e e t w h e r e v e r t re e d .

[per doei root havo these a rtlo ln i n e t ik m ; they a re eold b y te- ilm ost everywhere,

irlccs milled on application.U S A C O . N o w T a r k .


p i M I V B ° H A T i C

I f C f iB T A B L E S O A t

F or the D elicate S k in o f Ladiet t f O k iU m H O L D B Y A l i l i D n v q G i n t .

r O L K h T I to v o l .o r e ,- Wi-at'iHtx Bboolur. Aneat, ilaraok’ urtajion, lo e r loch barrel. P rlc,

■ J.b O In te l p a id . A d d i c e a l t ! A D 8 T I M , l l i l o j i l c h

Mo a moniu glth. BUacll— Dies Bam plna tree . V. H 81-gacara • Oo- B nl-

r ’r a P f r o v n iB N T .I j Dies. Bsmpltn uebnro, Vcrtnout

60 CENTi?dreM a . RICHARDS, b o i JSSft New Vork. J»7-4»


o f f 31! P e r W e « k a n d eipurena. or lUo* i large cotnmlHltm, to eeil a ir now woadcTlsl tnwwn- Cana. Address tt. WA.GNSS ft CU-, Monk®U, U l n h l c a n ______________ JSPtw

ra sisa}^ iTBTgAJK 88, cham tst* Ootrcit,

S Y R A O r r S E


Twa&iy thaafliad y a aag m en o f B uslsHWeakness and Ncrvoaft c SmltfioQi. 8c sd ’i«m p (ur ctrcQlfr! P’ ico o( ih-c Hcdlciis© w i t by moil $ S . Addtcia DK. W. &L W aTwuN k 0 O MBox OB, S jracatc . N«v» YuiL. Ji*-4W

itr.piG. c bcips rcsi^blo, K kJAC® BNT8 W aNTBD U ra iU i I

FVti FAMILY Cfi'r e r y s m n n o ac* F aamula 8toct>i t' PKhB Address HffNELEY KNl T1SO ^tACUL'^c.ct).,lJ4Lb,M4i.orl76Bruxow»y,,r . ___________________________ f tA G I E I N I T B W A N T E D K O J


E X P O S I N GTbo W blsksy Blur. Qolff IUsg, and D i*»hii

frxod* Divnhdog frr^tcmAtlc Kohbory of ths Pufec Trostory, OrvsDlzard DcpmisUaoJ. Ccminlrxdcs |d Rxlda era the uoTrrmnent—Offlaiju Tarpltade,Trcstary, <(eatxQtc. Tyranoy mx 4 OotTupUaiL—T t s cooft S 3 i l i n g , F t e c i n A t l n * . i T i s t m c t i m u x d Im p o r t x n l Q k k yet pablUbed. U o s U i a i o g saO m U c (sctk i n i t patxblo e v t d r n c a , e v r o c n u s s l lm o o y , C O T B p W U fD d accante d e t& U s

L c g U l s ’ ore*, F s n a e r a , H f r c b i n t v , K e e h s n i c s trftry C lt± x « n s a d T s x p s y e r , sra d t x o c U y In tc a r t9 ic d |n the't im tt *O om i .0r**D tck Forgftrs Usbad I n one sunictl're roiume, About GOO tre l fillet pscss. with spirited iiid»u«uqq*. P ice low a roll Iho times, $3 00 Bold by tab ia lp lloD ooly IFecd forcdrc&lfir n n d ipcdn l terms. W Jl. FLINT, iPab- lUber, PW UPt. __

f>HYCUOM ANCT. PASOIKATION O B BOUli- l CHAKJfftNO c lo 'h T h is Wonder­ful book ba* foT iDjt/Qfi x - b i t o eoshio tho resdef in ta*cU»ti' oiihcr f c i , or any axilm sLtt w tfl. M—- oicrtrm- S ilr tto* n o . sod b u n d r e d s ol oitoar e n r^ wc io e r l i a c o i a - I t c a n b o o b r s lm f f t h y • c t td in f f s d d r w r o^ . . n. m ^ . I R J No. G Sowth

dAwiwh po# * u'O. to T W KY \NB <Mgbui *troc^. Phiiai4clpb-a.

R O W s T R t l f f G l -Tbo«tnto4 Lacto- Pnvmtfl < o tn p« lin» conUtoS itw d*»tv "Z T&f rmsilon. CM&iffv««fuT ttasp, AA*

M (S. C. HANKY, Hws rex , Ps. JU 4W

D B , O l* r w .3 7 B o n d n - q N . Y . tm tspnmto discxsoe. ScmiaxJ HnhawloDS, Impotsnqy Ac BoxrdiDg tn cstAbtlshtaeoi t f floslrzd- Tbov> sods ofcaienErotn ovenr 8taYoludlcite Ut* Doctor's ullL bcalod pamphlet for 9 itiBUA.

T H I S I S D T O H t T M B T T O t

T a n i s ( « o n u n B T O — syassdiBgaicU a wnth igo. beighth color of *ye« tad h a ir, yo«

will re cel to, bv return n u l l , s correct p’ctarw ofyoar miurw hoahand or wife, w ith umm sod dstw 0! Mir* riiffo. Address W. FOX. P . O.Demwm No. M Ftl* tcorttls. Now T o rs___________________ JIT4T

J U S T A n o M K N T I

Ab a Friend of Sinnanity


KILL THEpAin l&suntly, and heal* old Ulcer*. Wolcott1* A n othilatOT cares C iU rrh , Bronchi tie ind cold Is the b«xd. Bold by HI Druggist*, sad 161 Chattusn Bqture, N. Y. J * n .7 ib |w



The Magic Comb S Wtoa permis<raiw BUck or 8rown. I t contain* NO, POIBON, Anv one eua use It, Ouo seal by mail tor oae dollar. Address

X K aa ic C o m b Go® ^priogflold.Ma# s dec.4 8m

Special Notice.

Sly I n M l l I g e n t H e a d e r I— I!C M eo B re ss ris i and Provtelijii. - a » u

wonld bn? any di

JU to ie d L .LAKPHKAR—In X a a mrtaptlo®, OsnMHna D.

U M B O s , M i l l lo p .

|U m Vac. Stmt, UN. o D .luptatr, igod « w i ,

g P S O Z X X S S B S T I N O .Af XTos s O m oB. i

City of W*t*rtowxi,Peb. 9d, 1870. fTo He Tot Pay era o f the- C ity of Walmrltntm:

TAKX NOTICE, th a t a Spaclil M M tlnsof the Tax P a je r t o f a id d t? , will t>« hold s t F lrerean Hall, o a Stone St.. on the 16th d a y of Pebruarv, 1S70, otTJf o clock) V M. to voto for o r ir a ln a t a tax to halavled fo r tb o nirpnoo of pnrehailnea TPlro Alarm Bell, msA bnlldlog a Tower for tb e u iae . Th# n n ptoposefl to b e n 'w d in two thousand « o lfa ta

By o rd e r of tha ( ommnn Cowell*re 050 . W. FInOWHB, Majoi. ota *

4 * a b " - ” T ! i a S S i t l S 6 t ' .


Road the followlnx end lcara tbo valno of

ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM.UR. LLOYD, o f Ohio. Snrgcon to tba artsy during

tbo war from pxpoame, contracted contacipUou H s ttya *T have no hesitancy tn s ta tin g that it was by tbe ose of rmzr Lang Belsam th a t I am now alive and eujuyingicalth.”

DK FLBICBEB o! Btiasonrl, ways: —“ 1 rscozn- mend yonr Batsnm, in prefercnco t o any oiher medi dDo for Cough*, and i t g ives satlsfActlon."

A llo n ’i L o n g - B n l s s in i istberom edy to care all LQnf ac<J T hroat dilUcQltieto Itfihoald b rthor- oughly tested beioreuaiog fiuyother Batoaiq. It will rnre when all others Ul)

Pin ctiona acrompany each bottle ..1® N® HAGtHXB fit Oo®

P o ' e T ro p r lo t d r ,

CINCINNATI, O.Bold by all DroggiaiP


fab t Iw Oon. A jfu ts lor Now SngTd States

* LLENB LUNG B ALB A H fold rev Xre THEO. A PECK, DrnxgiaL

\ T O T I O B - T h o nndersLvoed h"ve thf* day form 1 V ed a D partnership, onder tbs v arao end , trio of Btreeterano Bars ford, for tbepnrpove ofcarrrtngon In *11 ftibranebca tb e C lolhtrg a- 6 G ea-e FareLh- ing Good! B n ils a s , s t tbe s-nre formerly ocetinlcd bv Smith A Strcoter, No 14 WoedrnfT Bonwe,


VYatartown, N Y F«b 1, ISTO, ilwSw



SHOUT WBXOH7d.BccomI ? exposed by the New Yolk World, g o to


r S I B H B T T S A I ,F O J E U ir r S F X O S i

0 £ . S A » m # T ■ U 9 A H H .d U A B I I V B T S O S #•

n O I T OSXTOZOVB r i O S X M ,r n r m s a . z . t rxoaKTB m SA T S,

Svkj ollorrd In Northern N ew L r l r . Good* dl- ti rprcd w ithout R r t r s Charg*.

Teas Ten Per Gent Cheaper!T lio n ® np S to re l i t lh® C ity


GEORGE W .LAW SSNCB.51 tJo»it Slreot. W atortow nJN .T. BNdAwtL

\ W


MANHOOD!Hew Lust, How Regained I

Jort r j'''i»bcd ioaeea lcd envelope. Pclee lU c e r f l A L e« 'l O RE ON T H E NA TU RA LTttB ATMBNT

and raoiusi euro o f Bpermstorrliaii, o r Mfflto*! Wrakxaete, Involantory Jtmiselons, Soxentl DcMll ty, and impedimenta to marriage genirallT: Nertow*- oeifl, ccncumptlon, epilepsy, And dt*: Jfep tll amp

ghreical iocapAclty, resnltiog from hICadoWi*®*' y ^ n y t . j . cuivorw oll, U if. aatUor o f the “Green

Book,"" 4 c.UA. b o o n to th o u A a n d B o f iQffBr#r».,f’Boat under sea), lo a plain envelope, to any ad*

drcei, po«tp»id, on receipt o fa lx centi, o r two poet* Ago stamps, to OH AS J . 0. KLLNB JtOo^

137 Qowcry, Now York, P o s t Office Box M L Adso, Dr. CnlvorwoU'a " lU rrU g e QbH « j^PJJoa *

SIO O REW ARD!-n-y B> cent, pftatp'tld. I t ll tb s III

of OaiU j t H . wIToHElrL, Ob« 478N»teilO(rn. H. T .

d a v d l lW s te te

v . ;