al12 2-vv • • •• • ¦ • , - . :im m&&mmm...

' _aL12_2- v v •• ¦ , - . :imm&&m Mm * ¦ ¦ ¦ . . ¦ . ¦ -awHiiaf c . f avfijte^i^ipl ^^for ^ oi^ the ' j^e ni gaite r TfKj fWlf! * ' p^- '^t* -fy J l f ' *** ^ r ^. slavery. - -; ' .i! 7 X ..1 J W dox ministers in the Ara ViboV Synagogu e^ io&piW&Nb ^ hkb i^aldYankAr ^ We did notu so the Wrm Ortho rf o x ln ti&lMbuf^ / *Apm$m^m\^fjM &* W it^trio ^;gDifi 0ati on ^wfttook , ft ;os3^ ifl„o^ mation by th pJ mmor *al $laipip ^ ^ ^ - //fcj btN &J N ^&TIZ ,&¦: , ^Mj tSgfc * ,aed ,n tl J e '&***& press , to denot e the op- be uninterpsting. -\ W j^ lf o^tt wibijF Frld j ^MoJIil i^,^:..; JSp^ t^^ifc'^ ; ^^^^,ii5^^t^ ^»^c^^^yt-^61:^05 - ponent f of ratio ,™! prog r^ss- ip tlippr pvlncji ^ " Verite Israelite , '' as they procee Mfrb in ' jh- . . * 1U - 1 '• - .- - '>, > ' Mfr U! W r * . , *^9^^^^ ^}m^^f $ ftnce « W$ , of Judiijiim l Jthn i party styling ' ija^QrT! .the per t bl thS learne d Aiunk? '* ¦ ;^ ':.: ' . ' < .. t ; JW^f*^^^ »« B^1tiH . and ^erh ^ jiny; ^w^:aiijl .consume in prop pr- thndox vvoah , not boast'upofcyone regu larl y ' * ! J oBepWB^^ lB ^f ^^ ; ^^^'^^ fe ^ tib£inore vih^havp feweriemperance laws 6^daihed:niin irter' ¦itt , i^!8 ?:ii6uHh ^,' . They Ihbrs lbn ^kWiqY^^ ^Stopped irith iu^nV4ftt ^^ i; -M'^M^y ^W toy the Mbe ^btll ^adJBd^:YPtiiibuf Veil/ nM &lJl Siiii ' &&&&% ' i 6 ^^ ^P ^iW^2mM ^^M-: "n^nown ^ l8TAe)itp8 ,; nB8«iied , rab bitv ib al ' y^bhyft ben lBli ok , aVBab« nl Ma grebl, and Yoil^^ SSkW d ' ie '^ -- ¦ ' ¦WMm$£ n ^is-o^Pari s.nfe ^b^ n art ^nB-wdr seHhhn fyi&dons jig alb p^ ven t by the famil y name ibn Shimouo. Uo . ,, , . .; " . * , " . ' * »^ /)/• tho se of New York orPhilftd el phm. > icnr pro less to ve ' nerafb;' ab 4^ was- .bom in Ma yrahfat Sabt aj fCeuta,) ' ^fe^ped/wUfyput pay ing u> r h}$y na; , Ber lin , Milan and T^rfo togeth er are np . authorities in Isr nel;'to -Whfthnh %y?«re ''*H of' *vbere bia father was constrained; like all subscr ipt ^ Julius Mohr , Chicago , li}. ' wprs S than any pne of pur large /cit ies. Wfe educate d, not entitlb fy^lW % or which ,fchey other Jews , to imitate all the reli gious prac- B*lance ^ [ito( , : v - - " . v- $& 00 need not lodk across the bdea tf fp r ill uet *^ are no^prepare d. ^ 80 .we wis h our las t re* - tices of the Moliametan relig ion. Josep h, s , „. *f ZZ. *,„,!„. ti° n W V™ ^8™ !.?. ^tW^&S* ? r<5 ' ; mark s . to be unders tood, , : .<i\ : ?.;L « vd \ <whils^P W ing** nad to attend the mosquW ..^ S ^P e< * < ?^ U J ^" v^S^T v ^ 8 ^ e Ww*™*^ ** ! ,fcW»«- An excepti on; to ^he^bpyainAy fce ibV and ^ad tnb Koran : . bulb j sM hcrfo uh d *™» ^ ^TTS ^^ ^r^ ^tf *** was Wo ely kn own, . The ; New York IS eth Bcni ^ , where * no^ay toeah s secretl y to bring him . upin; le prae- ; 00 , « or ^ ew Kork . , ryoe due us , »14 w que8 ta 8 i .*er e public morals better or bavr ^ piece of a i^r«»w iro m pomewherr^ tices .pf . ;the ^ewi6h^hj«vd' to make him ^ Stopped ' wiihout pay ing; Joseph ; >:o,, wors e twenty five ; years ago?: -It ^as ; deoi. , _ _ _ - ¦ ^ , ,; » ^. V , .;. : ;,;, ^ ;^ M study Hcbre ^iiild the ^orea ^oPkB ; tM™K.: .-> ' .: ^ :^°^ menyetyo nng ^osgph wr ote ^ebrew po- aT ^arbn , : ' :\ I 'f. '^' " ' i.^S'^ |' a j ^ d ^^ h ^ urt8 tt ^* f* *T*W ; - 9^5* ^ ^WW^JW .etry orgSa^ubl^i^V the same time he .j T-,^ ^ - V. ;^V V-- , - ; ,. v ' V , - * ; ¦ ' ¦ . } { mf o Km m& M $f f i^M ffi^ fflm mmmtimi&;; mai inf o ^n^B*iA s ieSH ^na : rf M | 'iedi- : Tlie WseasCindM^femedyv ^ " poh^rbl his 'passib^srhVi^prWe^ W'^!m%^1&M&&**Jti-$&*J !/: citemd ^h«p®i«w»^ ' I ¦ ' 1185: be quitted , Mahgreb and .repaired to served ; MMjyfcg;^ the-lasfflfteetfyear s ' t np; jo^-th<a- . lji^l t||.^;^, l »;in^d^;o^her; ;^TOU^ ;¦; , . .; - ,.,TJjgSSjSv^KJS ¦* ¦ ¦¦ ¦« ., ' ^ ? Egypt , in order to cohtiiiuehis stbdies otaie r ral corruption made an ' alarmin « prb gr ess )ie needs *ilej $alguardian ,, for only then hei B - QK £ vjjjv .^nni Mi'-^Si'w ' '^ ' l ' ¦Uj o ^eiBW ¦^^ a] ' &' o^de¦V^ o 4iB ¦ ce ¦ rliiD ^ j ib this counti ^iespeci all y inpblilical drcles. ^^W^l^Jwr^i^J^Si R ng^aj ^^ kBj- = : ^> ^^i^^j^W ^Ux *^! . in..h im * i-$iw etret ^ iThe^affia^aVapirit ' whifel^ p e^ddi^e ^ ^ ^ t^ rV/!. .1 >^^i ; i'S^ 1; - ; - , ? : ' h^ifi ibn; and tt' gi' eadove 'lor ' ebience ^as . -p ublio body, andl^U institutions W ;hi^^hBi elpM;^d mit tb o ,dembr ^lis!i^ : ¦;. ¦<%. -; ft W* : ^A^; 4»AIIgA«fil^ : ; . ; moM ht ^ched b^im than toi^^ com- in0uence ^ of^ j nebi riet y otid.Relieve , ibior be TreMUt ^^the orig ^»ifebre T tMt , expr«8i^ ^ ci ple^ ' He fLB\e . liim instructio ffin astro- : mercey Wealth, luxury r traveling ^ ^nrope 1 tlgid ^f^^^^ t'^^ I ¦ * . ; ^! rr ^^^ WSZ ¦ ??$? *}& nbmy, explaining to him the ^ &n<v«rt , and Rap ing Its aristo ora cy.J dcrea sed. ^^ Th o «W ; * j Sok^i^ ^t*ift infl ^^ ^^ ! , . ,;; :::; i ;[ i :.SJ ^.^M;^'^' ,, ^fei . T' . S ,r yf ; " ; ' . engagi ng with hi2n ; :in Ihb, correction of a simp le ,;honbra blo; sagaciou s ^nd ^npretert- " pbn slder at ttieicause.bH ^^b: consequence : - . ¦ ^ -.¦' . ¦ . r W}P *« ; ftw» . i fyg W *^ ' » ^. ;: ' y work ^ylbn/Ak ^ftet ^th ^ en^r^bn^ a stud^of th ? cbfegy and ^ phii bso ^ WmWmmWm.lF ;m: W®- ^P^ an ? ™*^» *^^m M»K rel ; @^^^^ L% i&ik^tftf^ ;| vPriSS^^^/'^^^ *^«*^5jW -^^^iajt ip 1i^;cKh»'r minfeoubi ^^^^^ I fSS^^ ^W^t^ib^V^G rieB'bf 'ic ic^e ^ in buta few^ years v and-th ey are succeeded - last ¦ decenniwn ^ that : s^me;:spr« of , a. reflplt^ ^:v " e penerea-iii - , rew ard , an d puni shme ^ r Sl&^^ I^deSe ^i^ :. ^ ith ^fi^di erl ^tep % : ^ir pbm«bn^ : ¦sS bfe' tA^i^S^ I ^A^d hce ^th ^igantitf :^^ ; bpm e^rpyprb ^i .^ Ua^Pbliry : ^iap re; l^gffi &^ra tle^Si nii : di8oi^;^ for , s thi s. p^pbs ^c6mpb 8# f {yr:> hl pted: ^; bi;; ;«ie^ ^I^M^^ f t -^b&^SSSg-SJ ^^ ffi ^^S ^ i: -hi»^e iiei:ofai 8 s^^ ;#*»^^^^ ^^^^^ ^m^^?j - ^h^bn^rlobi^^i^ ^tu ^he^elSted ^kt^titied ^ ^^ the jife^ powe ^^ V r SS^Sg ^^ tSf 4^" ¦GoJ 3e^^ th ^r> u¥wi>/ ;:? :'^'' '''" V :^: 7" jthe -ermy**tf;th e ie^^^ -^ S'SS^IsSiii^ aM& ^' mmm^^^f ^m^m^ : ?mm$*mmmmiMm rmz tj ^ff i^^^mmms^ s,i en eemiven«u^^^^^ ^^M - «^^ ^ m^ril y^i^ tea^«W;«^« !^^ SS ^ ^^ Sl oS Sd " 6itf Mairbbn jt ahKa sri: , be^ebap e;al80 : one «^poT3 ^pgeneraji p^^ of lh^ri ^^ hVsic rf ^ ¦ ' l^ ' - -^'i; ; - : " ' ' ¦ ¦ '^ir' -> ' - a : -k-w^ aj5i;i- - - -' - n^- »V ' ' body must see1 it:-. ' . .- , - " andvl cgislatioh s.^Gbn stian chap lainB /i nkthe .. ¦ ¦ ¦ - " ^ ° . " v ^^! """° v^a"^;W^a^^W:v ' r-»er/ JJjemmaiTJi80in 'nl , .Ji. . iIti ,!- wasviiis in 11- ¦ . . ^ ¦ : ,. ^ . - ¦ , . ' ¦ . - ¦ ; . . . . . . .v ' V _ \- - •;, ' "*• ¦ •'V¦i , . •¦ s, ^.vV¦. f ¦^ ' : ^': ' . , :i•:^. , ¦a ¦ ¦¦;, > i . tention 6nlv ' , wAa trt " int ^ i1>ia-n fi;« : >ii..k « wi: ' i J y ¦ j j oi 1 i. - ¦ •i T -a :' t i. i- ¦ generation is liau ted to bol tical ciro esi If elsewhere , with aimasterl y.lnn ctivi tvVftlack ' ¦:¦ >; " ¦ "" ¦ ¦ ' ¦ "" . ^ ; - - a ;W , 8o» -;: ap ^ A^« 0 :4ru , e:Mli, . . ;5- m ag friend , ^i,ce^br aM ; J ^ h ^ oe^; | COmmun ;^ a g^ i f 1 [^AM^ ot ^e^- a^vigor , ;^^ ^fiJoseph ; was Maimomde8 >Tfavonte i disr . , H p.; . * V 5- f " ** . V*" l £ ¦$?}' - * q " ; ' j' ^ t ^ ^^ jwr ^^y -.^v - , v,;^, -v a - , ;=j , ; ^. . . the ^brbbliets b'f ]HPn p rTi K« ' Kfl{n^^ V,tifc ' ''' ^ i^i__L ,. -iH i if ,v - . ' 1 ¦ ;' i v. . ¦ ¦ . /, . - bf a lack of i , virtue ihu st hav e its source in «r} wncre . , If ^; f act s , apeak: w ,p, .neeq. y onl y k "^ ^WP'^s oi j sra ei.j tl^s being, tb o liJgtr -» .otpleT ^h^ij nrylnB^art.e atertain eoVaisprfo ^ •j ;- . ' - , "^'-r " lt ' ^l!^^ 5 ^,; ' - q u -^ ° ' M v ? ¦ ;. - .. - ,, ; ;; ' ¦;. :- :;' ':-v . ;;; ^:- , : , , - : ^ .: f j- . i ; j : ,:\ ¦ : erft favbr lsfa ' Gl haa ' Hri Vnv ia 7 i,: > .a -., , ^1. , ma^^«^^|p|^ po ^ T X ^^ S§S^1^' a&^ ^oke ^So^ beloke i ac^«^SBagdad ,^o T^ pomp .^,prPminenfc ^ad, ; predominan ^ ban not ^ ffl««t^ :a^ nbu »M ^m4u^ibn " a^gsS fe: ?^ W of hou ses of ill repute -in^he^ ^ife ^^fe ^MF^^ . " ieir^d^u^ade ^to rptract: ¦ : ^-•W^, :.TO ^ffffil^W«ft «»W ^ ,fee W^ h ^ ^^ iv but ^n^lqbk s P C W^SIS* ?~' V * i S^S^^fcl ^Josebh died ' acoPrdine to " Al-Ki fti -at the- >Wrftb arAO ^M^TOCT^qaw^*"- Wthe aickmind is papable. of neither. :- ' ¦ Lh6 ^ ^m ^^ mm ^Am ^mmi * M^J ^ i^to^^& rt '^^ . haybg#a ;|irect ; pbjept,pg nW ^ .t^iW^^^4s**T^'^Wim* r 9 ^- *^¥ : ^^^'®*^ OO '^T^ lBM ^h^ etio ^^ ^»« ;M ^e ^ ch ^r ^^ Btics ^pf .^ ' . of ^mpr ^ati p n; U;is : the.; epn8e- . ^^ ^^^^J ^^ ^^m ^ . hia 'titi ^ j r eakn r ss and impotence whic ^np oJ iser T. e5 - queuoe. -vAll Morally . vigorous , men, ahd -na ^ l fla . groa t princip le ; , nb , d funda pippbl4por; A1 -T^il^i t^i ' i^a&ainn W few o uo- fan overlook. . Th py >are , the tormen tors r of tion s lire rfiligious t and always were B^witli ' 4 *f,n^; 9n W h«bl> i thp . whpl p.d^ppn ^a^^ nd iotfc « S toT bt :g£S£ pSlosSat 1 ^ h0 publ lc^ibd ^ ^•¦fcWfc ^VinffiSt U the inlSe.ibl rf#V« . l eg ^ :1W!»?!fr^pSI^ ^^ SMM^^S^SS h ^ ^mmf ^y ^m ^mm m^ Ra tion , and other .artifi«iai ,«rt an«. Ilovr H£^ * p liW» : ««Pb c all y^e^eye atio *^ ^^k&^MM^^ W ell-be ^pec ^W^^ uW^epa ^ our moral na « W ^MstaV.d in ^M ^^ TK^^ i^W-^^ f. : , - ^^Slll lf^SSSS ^ 6nt ' f ' - -,i-l , i '^^^ !»^«l.ed of .;dbn ^ii^ priestly " 'Tb ^^^9^g^^*Bri^J l1N** ^w^EWh « *2i,S *h««^ We do not think thelvbove ^ canU Juardi ans^and ^bmi^loSymV The better ^«^^''9 n^!>atewiw .^T^Mjd^ ^§^&r^^;t e S^. denied. Th ey must strike everyb od y !- It b at ^i^^^ral ^ iVeem ' en Ut .revolt >^ ^ditio bs rttl^ al^atb^' Smt^ °r ^^ -- w^^ SS !!SS v appears th ey are well known to-bWleader s against the impertinpbc p of men toMm ^na ^ ne ^^^ mm ^^^ %WS^ absoluteUieinB/ ' 2/-Of tbe ' ptiKc iples aooor -i. + r * . , A . . w- -;t3>ti »iS:. :-? ¦ ¦ ,, I j. . ,. . ¦ ". " ^^" ^h 1 " S^ J iuve nn r,«w ? ^ .-... „^ . ^ -and representatives , in Washington - as well guardians , in reli gious . , matte rs , .in. matfera T\ vW- ¦!¦ '# s^« ?'»-t* *>¦ *•» ¦¦ S !,^^ SSv ' nSr! ft9 in every state capital. Malthropists of l^m fi ^ tiM ^M^ .]^*^^^.^*^*^.y^lM« ^^ ^- Q ?^^ y r ?!^ -^ : : )>: bll descriptions , honest an ^ifiidnesj thin- ¦ ¦fcJ rt ijS^ At litTTJJ tf W itaB J LoEV^' a ' feers and zealots , philosopjiers and divin es , ^ftjfl||j^ %^ B(«j iin "" a " Cab ary ^bird -wa s founibeariug on app sar to be aware of -th is publi c disease , cou ro ^eftau toik on thei^ it^lek^BtoaVl &&£; ^hVau ^wsis^aBSunu ji- afid ^ea^gf|f^r |^a\ise8 and reme dies. - disgustin g i^h.ft«* n^;^i^§6«S%^ ^ $& WP?Mtf »$f a[&f a ff ^P ^^e 8u aWi4rt , ' fl( «rtJl ?A«» J QoU^l% \k*wM %h & ' ' - IWiO j ?P n '?^0j ^' e f c .^u?$?^hey, suppose ^ men , how t^ whep^pr ^ h^t h ^ ^. .f'V' ¦; . , lVi\^T'l^v ' )\ 'K : S * S^%? * : tf e^g^Tfrok *fhe;abal ap -d'found' ^sincere ' haWdisc ' oVef^ of publi p * ac- &eian 4.^rjm.,tWr ^oiM^W$ 4'iT ^v ' The ' thirteentn oDJ ection ¦ w; c why .doo»^ Afe&gb\iitoaQrW^ tw^ ' s , andjeg i ' slations entitl e M ioVy^artelsti^ ¥dini onide ? ! P^&^f9 w : n .?! aJrat iprinci- waS^ by - a^ayr^^ 'b^^^^ luna flo a8y lumV r yKe ^nfor UnatBr wer pbadl lanth ^optstsja^^^ ing forr trelief frtin 'her sad ^iU^bnfp^pd-ii, oliti onism , "h ence we ~ »0$$tim- ' &nA$m ^ ^ «' - 1 - »i ac ^ ftnd wonders nm^^ ^^ma ^ - gneedv death;, .;; She complained thm l^e mis- ' |w the sourcps , of , all ^rilC'iiqlior , ' slavery l] It id evident to our ^iod, that lhV eyiriia? '^f tyf ^K)°T1 tl» r , l Il, © r - -iS' 8C??S- *fBi'0 ruk and -seif^ ^ and want oP religion! 1 ' The facts, however , ' j ^ea ^J sewherp , * aj a'a{l£e aifplip d- ; means * 6n ^ v yeward tyid Jji . n^b^n^^n^ . o^er W eretife«^&HW '^^frI ^E^%- ' ^ AifViVj aii* ' are ' BOme^Kat 'aiiJ erent ' T^^^ ^ Btions ^Wner ' relftt ^ |n some parts of this country ever sirioe <it mee^ng^Sunofa^ . att entfant Vattr rt ^ ^ ^ t»5 ^1 ^pf ijnsV ,^ dise 'S slS^ind ^wia ^ul' w 18&1V k jperio d'flr *B S^ year af'>we enjoybd the Condition , tkbr 'incr ease J our .vigor ^ndi effiV ¦ ' <&<* * , ¦& A\ B B^:i; Z„X£tt%*i^£{^^ : ^ A in ^ Mm^M^^^ ^^-;: Ple^i bgs-bf J Jib < er ^,^^ ro{Suna v p^ac% Lrf l \i; %^ J ^; - ' - w* ' —^, - ' f ^f ^ ^ ^^ ^ oleht ?¦individua : lrwh6' 'found ' -thb ;note deterinU bmon ! gip " flMel ^8iith p bn(Bii£ y. ;add>violei i frop-3 » "WK ere ' isHh& 'evil and ^ at ^ isfthe ' r bmSi' ^oroA' lieinva/iajbl^^ttkV scihe ' T «bh * l8 &- ta-S nTOo ibve8tl gai* ^o ' ;^er ;V'l?he l^ y ' s position of Nort h arM^pofeare(bub 'a^vr: n dj ^ our reader r mig ht^a '^ U*es 4f ete: easily fouqd;. She waa remo ld l 9 . twenty ye ar s ago i pubho too^aw i wera ^lnuob |; it. -. BtSU Ve sha ll^ M^ i|on thereof in a?helsr pUteji .llb . Is . ttno .^^ l i ,^8tj . tuti pp, i In , a?few i mohths the bettor , bo th Nor ^T flni r^UtU ^ than «ju st it. TheI principal ^ ^ oauBe is materialism -We : frKn ' ^zr ^ i n5^iB ' . cbidlnente' r ^A« itieiWrWi b«t ^i8hes b7.heyfrietfd6^eregratified . 'ehe n ow^TThejrerwft lwQrd tnV^ ¦ ' * '" *v- , » RMi^'^ *fc*»»i KW efdoeai iaob .«ui *l8i4|iaM *«J *sMi^ $te ifi «WA^ "^^^ ^ i 1 ^^^ '*^ ; te^^ii^^jp^^ rt^^ yptla^biB worl 4 tf trials and' iroub ^; '^ S«f^«^««^**^ tfflg^

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Page 1: aL12 2-vv • • •• • ¦ • , - . :im m&&mMm… · ' _aL12_2-vv • • •• • ¦ • , - . :im

' _aL12_2-vv • • •• • ¦ • , - . :imm&&mMm* ¦ ¦¦. . ¦ . ¦ -awHiiafc .favfijte^i^ipl^^for ^

oi the 'j^eni gaite r TfKjfWlf! * 'p^-'^t*-fyJlf'*** r^. slavery. --; ' . i ! 7 X ..1 J W dox ministers in the Ara ViboV Synagogu e^

io&piW&Nb hkbi^aldYankAr ^ We did notu so the Wrm Ortho rfox lnti&lMbuf^ / *Apm$m^m\^fjM &*W it^trio ^;gDifi 0ation^wfttook ,ft ;os3^ ifl„o^mation by thpJmmor *al $laipip ^^

- //fcjbtN&J N^&TIZ ,&¦:, ^Mj tSgfc *,aed ,n tl

J e '&***& press , to denot e the op-be uninterpsting. -\ W j lf o^tt wibijF Frld j^MoJIil i^,^:..;JSp t^^ifc'^ ; ^^^,ii5^^t^ ^»^c^^^yt-^61:^05- ponent f of ratio ,™! progr^ss- ip tlippr pvlncj i

^" Verite Israelite ,'' as they procee Mfrb in ' j h-. . *1U- 1 '• - .- -'&¦>, >'Mfr U! „ Wr*. , * 9^ ^ }m^ f $ftnce « W$ , of Judiijiim l Jthn i party styling' ija^QrT!.the pert bl thS learne d Aiunk? '* ¦ ; ' :.: '.' <

..t ;JW^f*^ ^ »«



and ^erh ^

jiny; w^:aiijl .consume in prop pr- thndox vvoah , not

boast 'upofcyone regu larl y '*! JoBepWB^ lB^f^

; ^^'^ fe $° tib£inore vih^havp feweriemperance laws 6^daihed:niin irter' ¦itt •, i^!8?:ii6uHh ^,' . TheyIhbrs lbn ^kWiqY^ ^Stopped irith iu^nV4ftt ^^ i;


^Wtoy the Mbe ^btll ^adJBd^:YPtiiibuf Veil/ nM &lJl Siiii '&&&&% ' i 6^ ^P ^iW^2mM^ M-: "n^nown l8TAe)itp8,; nB8«iied , rab bitv ibal 'y^bhyft ben lBliok,aVBab« nl Magrebl, and Yoil^^ SSkWd'ie' -- ¦ '¦WMm$£ n ^is-o^Pari s.nfe^b^ nart ^nB-wdr seHhhn fyi&dons jigalbp^vent by the family name ibn Shimouo. Uo . ,, , . . ; " . * , ". '*» /)/• those of New York orPhilftd elphm. > icnr pro less to ve'nerafb;' ab4^was- .bom in Ma yrahfat Sabt aj fCeuta,) ' fe^ped/wUfyput pay ing u>r h}$y na; , Ber lin , Milan and T^rfo together are np . authorities in Isr nel;'to -Wh fthnh%y?«re ''*Hof'*vbere bia father was constrained; like all subscr ipt ^ Julius Mohr , Chicago , li}.' wprs S than any pne of pur large /cit ies. Wfe educate d, not entitlb fy^lW%or which ,fcheyother Jews , to imitate all the reli gious prac- B*lance^[ito(,: v - - " . v- $& 00 need not lodk across the bdea tf fpr ill uet*^ are no^prepare d.

80 .we wish our last re*-tices of the Moliametan relig ion. Josep h, s , „. *f ZZ. *,„,!„. ti°nW V™ ^8™ !.?. ^tW^&S* ?


' ; mark s. to be unders tood, ,: . <i\ : ?.;L« vd \<whils^PWing**nad to attend the mosquW


*< ?^UJ ^"v^S^T v

^8 *°

^e Ww*™* ** !,fcW»«- An exception; to ^he^bpyainAy fceibV

an d ^ad tnb Koran :. bulb j sMhcrfo uhd *™» ^TTS ^ r ^tf***

was Woely known,. The ; New York ISeth Bcni , where*

no^aytoeah s secretl y to bring him . upin; le prae- ; 00, « or ^ ew Kork . , ryoe due us, »14 w que8ta 8i.*ere public morals better or bavr ^ piece of a i^r«»w irom pomewherr^tices .pf. ;the ^ewi6h^hj«vd' to make him

^Stopped ' wiihout pay ing; Joseph ; >:o,, wors e twenty five ; years ago?: -It as ;deoi. , _ _ _ - ¦ ^

, , ; »^.V , . ; . : ;,;, ^ ; M „

study Hcbre ^iiild the ^orea ^oPkB; tM™K.:. - > '.: :^°menyetyo nng^osgph wr ote ^ebrew po- aT ^arbn , • : ' :\ I 'f. '^' "'i.^S' |'aj^d ^ h^urt 8 tt ^* f* *T*W ;- 9^5* ^^WW^JW •

.etry orgSa^ubl^i^V the same time

he .jT-,^ - V. ; V

V-- ,- ; ,.v ' V,-*; ¦ ' ¦. } {mf oKmm&M$ff i^M f f i^ f f l mmmmtimi&;;mai inf o ^n^B*iAsieSH^na

:rfM|'iedi- : Tlie WseasCindM^femedyv ^ " poh^rbl his'passib^srhVi^prWe^ W'^!m%^1&M&&**Jti-$&*J !/:

citemd^h«p®i«w» ' I ¦ '

1185: be quitted , Mahgreb and .repaired to served ;MMjyfcg;^ the-lasfflfteetfyear s 'tnp; j o^-th<a- . lj i^lt| |.^;^,l»;in^d^;o^her;;^TOU^


, . . ; - ,.,TJjgSSjSv^KJS ¦*¦ ¦¦ ¦« ., ' ^


Egypt ,in order to cohtiiiuehis stbdies otaie r ral corruption made an 'alarmin « prb gress )ie needs *ilej$alguardian ,, for only then hei B-QK £vjjjv .^nniMi'-^Si'w'' ' l'¦Ujo^eiBW¦ ^ a]'&'o^de¦V o 4iB


¦rliiD ^ j ib this counti ^iespeci ally inpblilical drcles. ^^ W^l^Jwr^i^J ^SiRng^aj^^ kBj- = : ^> ^^i^ j^W ^Ux* !.

in..h im*i-$iwetret iThe ^affia^aVapirit'whifel^ pe^ddi^e ^ ^ ^ t rV/!...¦1>^^i;i'S^1;-;-, ? : '

h^ifiibn; and tt' gi'eadove 'lor ' ebience ^as .-p ublio body, andl^U insti tutions W;hi^^hBielpM;^dmit tbo ,dembr ^lis!i : ¦ ;. ¦<%. - ; f t W*:^A^;4»AIIgA«fil^ :;. ;moM ht ^ched b^im than toi^^ com- in0uence ^ of^jnebi riet y otid.Relieve , ibior be TreMUt ^^the orig ^»ifebre T tMt , expr«8i^^ciple ' He fLB \e . liim instructio ffin astro- : mercey Wealth, luxury rtraveling ^^nrope 1 tlgid^f^^ ^ t'^ I ¦

* . ; ^! rr ^ ^ WSZ ¦ ??$?*}&nbmy, explaining to him the ^&n<v«rt , and Rap ing Its • aristo ora cy.J dcrea sed. ^^ Tho «W ;*jSok^i^^t*ift infl^^ ^ ! , ., ; ; :::;i ;[i :.SJ^.^M;^'^'

,,^fei .T' . S ,ryf ; "; '.

engagi ng with hi2n;:in Ihb, correction of a simp le,;honbra blo; sagaciou s nd ^npretert- " pbn slder at ttieicause.bH ^^b: consequence : - . ¦

-. ¦ ' .¦ . r W}P*«;ftw».i fyg W * ' » ^. ;: ' y

work ^ylbn/Ak ^ftet ^th ^en^r^bn^a stud^of th?cbfegy and^ phiibso WmWmmWm.lF ;m:W®- ^P^an?

™* »* ^mM»K

rel;@^^^^L% i&ik^tftf^ ;|

vPriSS^^^/'^^^ * «* 5jW -^^^iajtip1i^;cKh»'r

minfeoubi ^ ^ I fSS^^W^t^ib^V^GrieB'bf 'icic^e in buta few^ years v and-th ey are succeeded - last ¦ decenniwn ^that : s^me;:spr« of, a. refl pl t ^ ^:v"e pene re a-iii -, rew ard ,and puni shme ^r

Sl&^ I^deSe^i:. ^ith^fi^di erl^tep %:^ir pbm«bn^ :¦sSbfe'tA^i^S I ^A^d

hce^th ^igantitf :^ ;bpme^rpyprb ^i . Ua^Pbliry : iap re; l^gffi &^ra• tle^Sinii

: di8oi^;^for,s this. p^pbs^c6mpb 8#f{yr:> hlpted: ^;bi;; ;«ie ^I^M^ ft -^b&^SSSg-SJ ^ ffi^ S^i:-hi»^eiiei:ofai8s^


^^^^^ m^^?j - h^bn^rlobi^^i^^tu ^he^elSted ^kt^titied ^the jife

powe ^

VrSS^Sg^ tSf 4^"^¦¦GoJ 3e^^ th ^r>u¥wi>/;:?:'^'' '''"V :^:7" jthe -ermy**tf;the ie^^- S'SS^IsSiii aM& 'mmm^^ f ^m^m^ :?mm$*mmmmiMmrmz tj ff i ^ mmms

s,ieneemiven«u^^^^^ ^^M -«^^ m^rily^i^ tea^«W;«^«! SS ^SloS Sd"

6itf Mairbbn jt ahKasri:, be^ebap e;al80: one «^poT3 pgenerajip^^of lh^ri ^ hVsicrf ^¦' •l^ € '--^'i;;- :"-¦''

¦¦¦ '^ir'->'-a:-k-w^aj 5i ;i- - - -'-n^-»V '' body must see1 it: -. ' ..- , -" and vlcgislatioh s.^Gbn stian chap lainB /i nkthe ..

¦¦ ¦-„" ° . " v^^!"""° v^a"^;W^a^^W:v'

r-»er/ JJ jemmaiTJi80in 'nl,.Ji..iIti ,!- wasviiis in 11- ¦ . . ¦ : ,. ^ . - ¦,. ' ¦ .- ¦;¦ ; .. . .. . . v ' V_\ - - •;, '"*• ¦• • ' V ¦i!¦,.•¦ s,^.vV¦.f ¦ ' :^':'. , :i•:^ .• ,¦a ¦¦¦;, > i . tention 6nlv ', wAa trt " int^ i1>ia-n fi;« : >ii..k «wi: ' i• J y ¦ j joi 1 i. -¦• •i T-a :' t - ¦ • i. i- ¦ generation is liauted to bol tical ciro esi If elsewhere , with aimasterl y.lnn ctivi tvVftlack ' ¦:¦ >;"¦"" ¦ ¦'¦"". ^ ; - - a ;W , 8o»-;:ap^A^«0:4ru,e:Mli,. . ;5-

mag friend , ^i,ce^br aM ; J^


oe^; | COmmun ; ag i f

1[ ^AM^ ot ^e^-a^vigor, ; ^

^fiJoseph ; was Maimomde8 >Tfavonte i disr ., H • p.; .*V5- f " **.V*" l£ ¦$?}';¦- • *q " ; ' j ' ^t ^^ jwr ^^y -.^v - ,v,;^, -v a -, ;=j ,;^ . . . the ^brbbliets b'f ]HPn prTi K« 'Kfl{n^^ V,tifc ' '''^i^i__L , . - i H iif ,v - .' 1 ¦ ;' i v . .¦¦. /, .- bf a lack of i ,virtue ihust have its source in «r} wncre . , If^; facts, apeak: w,p, .neeq. y only k" ^WP'^s oi jsra ei.j tl^s being, tb o liJgtr -».otpleT^h^ijnrylnB^art.e atertain eoVaisprfo^ •j ;- .'-,"^'-r "lt' ^l!^ 5^,;' ^°- "° q u-^°' M v ? ¦ ;.-.. - ,, ;;; ' ¦;.:- :;' ':-v. ;;; ^:- , :, ,-: ^ .: fj - . i;j : ,:\ ¦: erf t favbr lsfa'Gl haa ' Hri Vnv ia 7 i , :> • .a -., ,^1.

,ma^^«^^|p| po^

TX^ S§S^1 'a&^^oke ^So^belokeiac^«^SBagdad ,^oT pomp.^,prPminenfc ^ad,;predominan ^ ban not

^ffl««t^ :a^nbu »M^m4u^ibn"a^gsS fe: ? W of houses of


repute-in^he ^ife ^^fe ^MF^ ."ieir^d^u^ade ^to rptract: ¦ : ^-•W^,:.TO ^ffffil^W«ft«»W ^


W^h ^ ivbut ^n^lqbk s P CW^SIS*?~'V

*i S^S^^fcl

^Josebh died 'acoPrdine to "Al-Kifti -at the- >Wrftb arAO ^M^TOCT^qaw^*"- Wtheaickmind is papable. of neither. :-'¦ Lh 6

^^m^^mm^Am^mmi *M J ^ i to^^&rt ' .haybg#a;|irect;pbjept ,pgnW .t^iW^^^4s**T^' Wim* r9^- f¦* ¥ : ^ '®*OO '^T^lBM^h etio ^ ^»«;M ^e^ch^r^^ Btics pf .^

'. of ^mpr ^atipn ; U;is :the .; epn8e- .

^ ^^^ J ^ ^^m .hia 'titi j reakn rss and impotence whic^np oJ iserT.e5 - queuoe. -vAll Morally .vigorous , men, ahd -na ^ lf l a .groa t princip le;,nb ,d funda pippbl4por ;A1 -T^il^it^i 'i^a&ainn W few ouo- fan overlook. . Thpy >are , the tormen tors r of tions lire rfiligious t and always were B^witli '4 *f,n^; 9n Wh«bl> ithp . whpl p.d^ppn ^a^^ ndiotfc «

S toT bt :g£S£ pSlosSat1

^h0 publ lc^ibd ^ ^•¦fcWfc^VinffiSt U

the inlSe.ibl rf#V«. W« leg :1W!»?!fr^pSI^

^ SMM^^S^SS h£

h ^^mmf y ^m

^mmm Ration , and other .artifi«iai ,«rt an«. Ilovr H£^*pliW» :««Pbc ally^e^eye atio*^^ k& MM^ W


^pec^W^ uW^epa our moral na« W ^MstaV.d in ^M^ TK^ i^W-^ f.:,-^^Slll lf^SSSS ^6nt '

f ' -- , i - l , i '^^^!»^«l.ed of.;dbn ^ii priestly " 'Tb ^^^9^g^^*Bri^J l1N**^w^EWh «*2i,S*h«« We do not

think thelvbove ^canU Juardi ans^and ^bmi^loSymV The

better ^«^^''9 n^!>atewiw.^T^Mjd^

^§^&r^^;te S^. denied. Th ey must strike everyb ody!- It bat ^i^^^ral ^iVeem'en Ut .revolt >^ ^ditio bsrt tl^ al^atb ^'Smt^°r ^ --w^ SS!!SSv appears th ey

are well known to-bWleader s against the

impertinpbc p of men

toMm ^na ^ne^ ^ mm ^^ %WS^absoluteUieinB/ ' 2/-Of tbe 'ptiKc iples aooor -i. + r * . , A. . w- -;t3>ti »iS:.:-? ¦ ¦ ,, I j . . ,. . ¦ "." ^^" ^h1 " S J iuve nn r,«w ?

^.-... „ .

-and representatives , in Washington - as well guardians ,in religious. , matte rs, .in. matfera T\ vW-¦!¦'# s^« ? '»-t * *>¦*•»¦ ¦

S!,^ SSv 'nSr! ft9 in every state capital. Malthropists of l^mfi ^tiM ^M .]^*^^^.^*^*^.y^lM«^ ^- Q

?^ yr?! -^:

: )> : bll descriptions , honest an ^ifiidnesj thin- ¦¦fcJ rt ijS^

At litTTJJ tf W itaB J LoEV^' a ' feers and zealots , philosopjiers and divines, ^ftjfl||j^ %^B(«jiin""a" Cab ary ^bird -was founibeariug on app sar to be aware of -th is publi c disease , couro^eftau toik on thei^it^lek^BtoaVl &&£; ^hVau^wsis^aBSunu ji- afid ^ea^gf|f^r | a\ise8 and reme dies.- disgusting i^h.ft«*n^;^i^§6«S%

$&WP?Mtf »$f a[ &f a ff ^P ^^ e8uaWi4rt ,'fl(«rtJl ?A«»

JQoU^l%\k*wM %h& '' - IWiOj ?P n'?^0j 'ef c.^u?$?^hey, suppose

men , howt^whep^pr h^th

^..f'V ' ¦; . , l Vi\^T'l^v ') \ 'K :S *S^%? *:

tfe^g^Tfrok *fhe;abal ap-d'found' ^sincere ' haWdisc'oVef^ of publi p*ac- &eian 4.^rjm.,tWr ^oiM^W$4'iT ^v ' The ' thirteentn oDJ ection ¦ w; c why .doo»^Afe&gb\iitoaQrW^ tw^'s, andjeg i'slations entitle M ioVy^artelsti

¥dini onide?!P^&^f9w:n .?! aJ ratiprinci-

waS^by- a^ayr^^'b^^^^luna flo a8ylumVr yKe^nfor UnatBr wer pbadl lanth^optstsja^^^ing forr trelief frtin 'her sad^iU^bnfp^pd-ii, oliti onism,"hence we ~»0$$tim- '&nA$m «' -1- »iac

ftnd wonders

nm^^^^ma - •

gneedv death;, .; ; She complained thm l^e mis- ' |w the sourcps, of, all ^ri lC'iiqlior, 'slavery l] It id evident to our ^iod,that lhV eyiriia? '^f tyf ^K)°T1 tl» r,lIl,©r- -iS'8C??S-*fBi'0

ruk and -seif^ and want oP religion! 1' The facts, however , ' j ^ea^Jsewherp ,* aja'a{l£e aifplipd-; means *6n^vyeward tyid Jji.n^b^n^ n^. o^er

Weretife«^&HW '^^frI ^E^%-' ^AifViVjaii*' are'BOme^Kat 'aiiJ erent ' T^^ ^Btions ^Wner'relftt |n some parts of this country ever sirioe <it mee^ng^Sunofa^ .att entfant Vattr rt ^^^ t»5 ^1 pfijnsV,^dise'SslS^ind^wia^ul'w 18&1V k jperio d'flr*B S^ year af'>we enjoybd the Condition , tkbr 'incr ease J our .vigor ^ndieffiV ¦ ' <&<**,¦& A\BB^:i; Z„X£tt%*i^£{ :


in ^Mm^M ^^^ ^^-;: Ple^ibgs-bf J Jib <er ^,^^ro{Sunav p^ac% Lrf l \i; % J ^;- '- w* ' —^ , - ' f ^f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^oleht?¦individua :lrwh6 ''found '-thb ;note deterinU bmon!gip"flMel^8iithp bn(Bii£y.;add>violei ifrop-3 » "WKere' isHh& 'evil and ^at^

isfthe' rbmSi' ^oroA' lieinva/iajbl^^ttkV scihe 'T«bh*l8&- ta-SnTOo ibve8tl gai*^o';^er ;V'l?he l^y's position of Nort h arM^pofeare(bub 'a^vr: ndj our reader r might ^a'^

U*es4fete: easily fouqd; . She waa remold l9. twenty year s ago ipubho too^aw iwera ^lnuob |;it.-. BtSU Ve shall^M i|on thereof in a?helsr pUteji .llb. Is.ttno. ^ li,^8tj.tuti pp, i In ,a?few imohths the bettor , both Nor ^Tflnir^UtU^than «ju st it. TheI principal ^^ oauBe is materialism -We : frKn '^zr ^ in5^iB'. cbidlnente'r ^A« itieiWrWi

b«t ^i8hesb7.heyfrie tfd6^eregratified. 'ehe now^TThejrerwft lwQrd tnV^ ¦ • ' * '" *v-, » RMi ^ ' ^ *fc*»»i KWefdoeai iaob.«ui*l8i4|iaM*«J

*sMi $teifi«WA "^^ i1 ^ '*^; te^^ii^ jp^ rt^yptla^biB worl4 tf trials and' iroub ^;' M«S«f^«^««^**^tfflg^