¦ and freight of every description...

Oreatax Richmond's U-Mtest Ne»-ipao*r, Stoänmip «®afe>- Opalen GREATEST WANT A.NU IIIS A L k8- 1 V I i; MUUlliH l.\ villi.IM \, AND ONE OF TUB BEST IN AMERICA. Want Ad Rates Dali)', uue cent per word «Thea paid in advance. No AU. takaa (or less tkou Sen cents. Uue uud one-Iiulf cents a word all clnsHlncutloUn except Situation Wunted (or Sunday. Situation Wanted, one cent a word. No Ad. Sunday taken (or less Hum uftccn cents. No Ads. tukeu (or less than trrcnt:- five cents «vheu phoned In or charged at the counter. Phouc orders no* guurnutccil. ITasalOcntloas not aunrnntecd after OiBU I*. M. l''or business contracts, send (or the Want Ad. Man. (tiour .iluorue 1. Host ana j,;ouno LÖSt^ON EXCURSION Tit A IN from fluckroe Beach, Monday night; bunch of key., with name on aatue, Henry F. Mlllur. Iteturn to UH B. .Main Streot. Reward. LOST." ON K.VT RSIoN Tit A IN llt'.M Buckruo e»r oil Uroad and Main ear. a watch fob, with small Kold locket containing 0110 picture. Reward. Apply 921 Ilrouk Ave., or HtJi.ll 4, Secorid Market, LOST, SUNDAY NIOUT, ONE EAGLE receipt book. Finder please leturn to No. .i West Maratiall, Ii. E. BUCHES, and receive reward. l?cip caaim-o, u-nu* WANTED, FOP. u. S. AltMY. ABLE- bodied, unmarried men, between aged of und llö, citizens of United otates, of good character and temperate nao- tts, wlio can 'speak, real and write ttio English language. For -nforma. tlon aj'piy to Recruiting otu.er. v."j e. Brua l Street. Itlchmond. Vs. want EI <7 "f Wo 11 A mm K RS m 1 "i 11S. experienced on locomottve forging, to work '>n H.O"ej ami ä.OQo-puuii'l Chumbe-rnhurg »tt-am hammera;steudy work. N<i strike or otlie: t.-""i!>.e with men. AM DEN FORGE COM' PAN Y, Catnden, N. J._ the mail «Vrder coop fa top.v. BOXLEY BROTHERS, Manufactur¬ ers and Shippers of win: Chicken and Turkey Coops. Humpas;, Ya._ W ANtEIk~~\~~\ < >l Mi m aN of expe- rlence and ability ns bookkeeper and stenographer; state experience, sal¬ ary desired and references, to Auto¬ mobile, G ki*. care Times-Dispatch. you, arb av antEI~for <sovi litn- ment position; $80 month. Send pos¬ tal for list of positions open. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, Dept. 31c-P. Rochester, N. y. Wanted.""j''»b pre.--.-? feeder and a cylinder press feeder. CLYDE W. SAINPERS. Twelfth and <';u>. WANTED, FIRST-CLASS TILE-SET- tcr; threw to four weeks' work; wages, s.s.so per du,y for good man. Address <j «s3, care Times-Dispatch. Wantei"ä si no i.e. white man to work In dairy and help with the farming. G. L MANAH AN, care ilowell Bro.. CO: e. Broad St City. IWANTEÄ AT once. 20 or 25 i.A- boreiii on Madlion School Job. Wages 20 centB per hour._ BRIGHT. WILLING BOY WANTED to learn print ng business. cook PRINTING co.. 27 ti Thirteenth St. V^nTkTs A IliST-' I.\.-;~" TINNER*. SMITH field PLUMBING AND HEATING CO.. Stnlthfleld. Va._ "WANTED. ex PERI EN*'ED SOLKT- tor, lady or gentleman, for retail grocery trade; good < ommlsslon. Ap¬ ply at once. West Broad._ I'oR SA le.' '< »R exciIan' 111 FOR country home, lot, corner Mulberry and Cary. Apply not we?t^ Broad. """"anted, "a COLORED pqrter; amt.ll boy preferred. Apply at hell- : thin bros, Seventh and Broad. WANTED. A GOOD hotel STEW- ard. Address PROPRIETOR, ..rock¬ et t Springs. wan ted. 2I laborers, apply "7 A. M., Plum and Cary Street?. filiations Cfliantrti» 9"»alt WaTsTiTdT BY AN EXPERT Ac¬ countant and experienced office man, a position with some responsible concern, 11 years' practical experi¬ ence in bookkeeping and all kinds of ofilco work. Address J 105. care Times-Dispatch. WanTeD. PO."~f"rVn ab STENOGRA- pher by competent young man; good education; can furnish A1 references. Address K 7*1. care Tlmes-Dlspatch. WANTED, POSITION AS TRAVELING salesman for wholesale grocery or hard-ware house In Virginia or Main¬ land. H. b. ABER NAT H Y, Coch- rane, Va. _ WANTED, POSITION BY EXPERIENC- ed bookkeeper; contractor's work preferred; references given Address D. R. snow, Charlotteavllle. Va. thobocgh LyTv >M j. grenT~I-»5i'BL*"T- entry- male bookkeeper, now em¬ ployed, desires 10 mak» r change. L 830, care Times-Dlsoatch. i"?rlp cUanrcD, Jrrmau iWi^fE^DT^^^ifCE," an expbri- er.oed, practical nurse, In the coun¬ try; tubercular caso. Write, stating particulars and salary expected. Box 4 8, Vigor. Va._ "wanted. YOUNG LADY STENOGRA- pher, between IS and 22. for perma¬ nent position: reasonable salary, ¦with, chance of advancement to cap¬ able and energetic person. Address p. o. Box "57, giving references, age and experience._ Wanted. a~ good cook; musti make good bread; need not apply without city reierence. Room on place. 2327 Grove Ave. WANTED. X FEW EXPERIENCED ¦white waitresses at KIRKAVOOD'S, 404 E. Broad Street. _ WANTED, at ONCE cook FOR fajnilv, 3001 W. Taylor Stroot. MRS. A. VAN N. FlO? EN KOK. WANTED. A FEMALE STF.NOOP.A- pher for law work; must be accu¬ rate. TURNBULL & TURNBULL, Lawrencnvllle, Va. wanted, at oncE, COLOR Ed Glrl to do general house work, washlr.c: family of four; good room furnish¬ ed; reference required. Apply 10 N. Meadow. _ Situations, professional WaT5t"3D," FOSFf f< 5 N "AS T EACffgR of voice ami piano by lady graduate. Box 023, Wlnona Ivike, Ind. YOUNG MAN OF CULTURE AND ED- ucatlon desires position govern¬ ess fir companion. Address MISS L. H ADEN. Evlnglon, _Va._ YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION for winter as teacher of small chll- elren; also beginners <n piano: refer¬ ences exchanged. Address X. y. Z., caro Postmaster, Falrllcld. Vn. --s ptctroöiDiidi i?rip dciantrti Wa^^&dT' tiI^a^iTers öf^^äiIl grades, for collece, public and pri¬ vate schools, also matrons and housekeepers, for fall openings In Virginia and Southorn States. VIR¬ GINIA TEACHERS' BUREAU, R. w. Crldlln. Manager. Richmond. Va. lACtil Csttitc CUtintcb NELLY & CO. Write- postal for noc- easary blanks._ GOOD NINE-ROOM HOUSE, WITHIN four blocks of Eighth and Broad. Slato best cash price. G 600, caro Times-Dispatch._i WANTED, TO RENT BO TO IfiÖ ACRES of good land, north of city and not cvor six miles out. W. T. HOOD & CO.. tlUJon a. City. h_. IcUal C0tatr Jrot ssalf "TSl^T^A RÖÄllN..j^AitM^^SiXTAtj^ In« 30 acres, l-j miles from city, on mnca'lumlzi il l oad, close lo elec¬ tric car line. ;,«¦. tare. 18 acres clear¬ ed and In high state of cultivation and very productive; balance 'n tim¬ ber; line orchard! vineyard, etc.; fenced and cross-fenced; residences rooms: hot and told water bath, telephone, etc.; an Ideal country home and a genuine bargain; QlUSt sold hi once; sot qnt<k; terms easy. j. II. MOSELEY & CO., 313 Travelers Building. CO-OPERATIVE GARDENS..LET Mil tell you all about our plans for saving you from 50 per cent, to 75 per cent, of your table supply b'llfi and still kIvo you a belter quality and In ubundancc. G. j5. RICHARD- BON. Basement Amcrlean National Hank._ 10 !. BY 17»! GROVE AVENUE, between Meadow and Rowland: tJ'..',0 per fool A. J. WARBEN. 11j FOR BALE, 113 ACRES, 24 MILKS north of Richmond, two miles from Station; timber and cleared land. OWNER, 422 South Harrison Streit. Mgents CuantcD a (S :.N ts ma K 1 N' i s 6 TO* I -' 0 .' > A 11. y* Helling "Titanic Disaster" book; told by survivors: S50 iwnct, fifty Illustra¬ tions: price II. complete book to can¬ vass with, ','J cents, postpaid; SO per cent, commission; .*.') per cent, to gen- erai agents; cash prises; freight paid; credit given. Almost as big seller us '"Titanic" Ik our new Look, "1 iie.it Leaders and National Issues of 1912." Initiative, referendum, re" ill and other Issues discussed by the groat leaders th« mselves.Roosevelt, Bryan, La Kollotte. Wilson and others; plat¬ form of all parties: lives and pictures of all candidates; price 11; both out¬ fit- free INTERNATIONAL BIBLE HOUSE, Perry Building, Dept. o. Phil- .. lelphia. STEADY POSITION AND QUICK money..a few men wanted to n- troduce a high-class household spe¬ cialty in every home. Women who know what th«- week's wash Is. buy It on sight. Write or call nt once. j, FRANK smith. WeMpoint. Va. AGENTS, MOST EXCITING POLITI¬ CS.! campaign in half-century; tariff, I recall, money trust and other burn- j lug questions must be settled by the voters of the United States. All the facts and arguments on both sides of question's, written by the lenders j themselves; inn portraits and other engruvincs. Every voter wants our wonderful book. "Great Leaders and I National Issues." Be first In the tield and make b!^ money fast. Handsome prospectus and canvass¬ ing outfit free. Send 10 cents ;n Stamps to pny postage. THE TH"MI'S')N PUB t. Louis. Mo. Beal estate for Kent.- FOR BENT, FOB JULY AND AUGUST, furnished cottage at Buckroe Beach, Denting 100 feet on the water. Ad¬ dress CHAS. K. WILLIS. City. fob BENT. I*ART 753* e. MAIN FOR j ofllcc or business_ FOR RENT. WAREHOUSE WITH 8ID- lug, centre of wholesale district. M.ui.s--'.-. ..TT._ femmnet Soacbfnß niGGsj' fi»tta<ocean view, va.. fronting Chesapeake Bay. Modern In every respect Hoarding, lodging, bathing. Best accommodations guar¬ anteed. SI M M ICR BOARDERS WANTED; large, shady grounds and every eorfort. terms reasonable. Address MisS CURTIS, "Esseton," Staunton, Va. STMMKl'i BOARDERS WANTED AT Glasgow Manor. D-irgc bri« k house w'th plenty of shade; large, a'ry rooms; good table: within five miles e,f the famous Natural Bridge. Write f"i further particulars to .T. S. Mc- ''I.fit II, Manager of Glasgow Man¬ or, Glasgow. Va. LARGE, SHADY LAW Ns" BRICK buildings, with up-to-iiate bath rooms, lighted with gas; macad¬ amized road to station. Polder and terms on application. Drawer U. itrange, Va. _ GREENWOOD, AiIbeMaRLe"-"« »UNTY on e-. ,fc O.. in heart Blue Ridge Mountains; beautiful scenery; fr"sh vegetables, fru t. milk, etc ; good service and reasonable rates. Apply MRS. M. 8. HARRIS. Greenwood, Va WHjSON COTTAGE, VI HG INI A BE A! 11 Va., w-lll glvo special rates from Mnv is to June 13. For particulars address MRS. C W. WILSON. "KENILWORTH COTTAGE," OCEAN View. Va., fionHng on Chesapeake Hay, or. cottage line, now open for the season. Apply MISS D. i- K A UN. '.¦¦¦an Va._ L>orttD CCltintro" flu'xfrTv Rei.Ciuf"avanted. 'clo.se lo Richmond, for couple and child. Will pay pood rate for desirable ac¬ commodations. Private home prefer- red L >2f. care Times-Dispatch CCiuiurn wanted/ "To "büy f6r~'~cash'. household goods in any quantity. Phon? Madison 3551._ TYPEWRITERS RENTEDl three montiiB. 55 and upwards; Initial pay¬ ment allowed to apply If purchased: every machine In good working order. Phone Madison nJe-i. AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO.. 605 East Main StreeL_ Wanted, to buy öld mahogany bureaus, sideboards, chairs, old brass and stiver candlestick and otner un- llquos; also a few choice pieces of nntlque furniture for sale. 19 Weit Main. Phone Monroe 250t._ DON'T WORRY! DDT ÜS COLLECT your accounts: sure and quick re¬ sults, lt. s. ELLYSON {fc 00., Base- m-nt American Bank._ _ WANTED, TO BUY a SMALL GRAPH - ophone; must be cheAp. Box 194, City._ wanted. TO Bl'Y fob CASH. ODD gold and old alver; any quantity. E. C. MEYER JEWELRY CO., 317 Kast Br.^ad Street. g.-_iJi SOiHDtng Mr sTle e ' st r i n fPli psc^mitT^a N- over Cafe, 100 West Franklin. Sum¬ mer rates. Transients a specialty. MRS. c. k"bOW>.RS. 115 E. FRANK- lln, rooms and board for porman,ent and transient guests; dining room well ^quipped. _ NICELY FURNISHED "ROOMS for rent, with hoard. 16 South Fifth Si root._ WANTED. BOARDERS for LARGE, desirable rooms; also table boarders. 3119 Esst Grace. _ Tu »ME Ci imFOIffsTi>i-iSIUABLE OUT- side rooms. 100 W. Main, adjoining i1 ifforson Hotel .f 111; j n DK1: s 1 5 n 1: i TlXviNfT qu ä f.-' Hied as ndnilnistrators of the estate of .lohn G. Fitzgerald, deceased, all persons Indebted to or having claims ngnlnst snld estate are requested to make settlement with or presont same to the undersigned. JOHN I>. FITZGERALD. JOHN b. WELSH. Administrators of John g. Fitzger¬ ald, deceased._ TYPEWlü TErs RENTED; THREE months. $5 and upwards; initial pay¬ ment allowed to apply If purchased; every machine in good working order. Phono Madison 6256. AMERICAN WRITING MACnnislC CO., 605 East Main Htreet. *_ WANTED,*" THE PUBLIC TO ICNOW that JAHNKE BROS.. Jewolers. 912 East Main Street, buy. sell, exchange and REMOUNT DIAMONDS IN THE LATEST STYLES. Old gold and all- vor always tAken-ln^ejcnhftnge. I DAILY PUZZLES What kind of vehicle? ANSWER TO YKSTEHDOTM puzzle. Goodbye. jroc fejait NEW ARRIVAL OF THE FINEST goods u:i earth now on exhibition und at reasonable prices. Come and «-e lt...Ii,. YARID s. ill N. Finn, i MOTORCYCLES AND Iii-, YCLES, NEW and Second-hand; re-pan ing or all kinds. I.MPKJNS. West broad. For" sali;, cylinder disc ta Liv¬ ing machine and records on easy terms. c. B. UAVNES & Co.. 121 _West Broad._ FOR SALE, A CASH BUSINESS, GRO- I ccries, fresh meat.'*, notions, feed, wood and coal, horse, wugun and harness; very cheap rent. Oood reu- S'jns for selling. Address A 411, care Times-Dispatch. _ I FIVE-PASSENGER (CAD1LAC) AU- lomoblle, good condition; automobile i tires, 112x4. cheap tu quick buyer. Phone .Mledlson 51S12._ TYPEWR1TE RS REN T E D; Til R E e months, and upwards; Initial pay¬ ment uiiowed to apply if purchased; every machine in goud working order. Phone Madison 6256. AMERICAN WRITING -MACHINE CO.. «'.'5 Bast Main Street._ ¦_ FOR sa l.T;7 no s~ "pülsöm et e r steam pump, will pump 40 per cent. sand or mud; 3-Inch discharge, half- inch steam. Also 50-H.-P. boiler, 15- h.-p. engine, twu steam drills; one double drum hoist, one single-drum holet, derricks, cars and track; twu- horsepower hoist, winches and gen- j cral quarry or contractor's cquip- I mc.it. Address H i5. caro Times- Dispatch. _ WUÜ WAGONS GO TO RICHARDSON BROS.. 61.'» Brook Avenue. Palming, 1 .Vailing and rul>:.er-tire work. Madison 1 4 07._ FOR SALE LIDGERWOOD HOISTING engine, double cylinders. 7x10.« dou¬ ble drum.-, boiler and all fittings; I Just out of service. Will sell tur I |2.".'.'. P. o. Box 117.1. Richmond. Va. cTTeä"pT tJläss"-t;äb~iN launch in excellent con-liton. can be seen at foot of Nicholson Street: must s'.-il at one. Address IDLEON, :>22 Les¬ ter Street._ FoR SALE. ONE TÖ'P GROCERY WA- gon, newly painted, good as new, one- top buggy, steel tires. $35, and one top buggy, rubber Pres. JGf<; several runanouls cheap. A. j MEYER'S SONS, 7UI E. Cary Street. WANTED. EXPERIMENTAL MA- chine work. RICHMOND MACHINE. inc._j NICE BECOND-HAND BUSINES8 BUO- gy. Vib. SEVERAL NEW burrets at prices to suit. WE HAVE A WELL EQUIPPED plant for repairing and painting ve- I htclts; automobile body building r.nd painting a sneciaity; prarr.pt service. RICHMOND VEHICLE CONSTRUC¬ TION CO.. 314 North FlStreet. Mad-son 213(«._ FOUR-SIDED PLANER, 6x24 ; DOUBLE surfacers. *-inch moulder, swing cut- e.fr saw. resaws, lath mills, stave ma¬ chinery, sawdust blowers, belting, hanrers. sr.afting and pulleys. j. Bl.Ur« »R! Ä- CO WAO<"''NS KoR EVERY USE. T' 'P AND open. We can supply vou at once. A. MEYER'S NS,' 7öt E ''a.y St. Bußiiuöö Opportunities; i A^IMt01-1'i'A ti L E B US1N ESS ON'" TI IE right side- <>t East Broad Street for Mile for an appro\iniate Investment of $10,000; part casli and part by notes with reliable Ihdorsiors, Apply E 581. are Tlim-s-Dispatch. CO-OPERATIVE GARDENS..LET- ME tell you all shout our plans for tavlng you from 50 per cent, to 75 per cent, of your table supply b'lls and still give you a better quality and .n abundance. g. 6. richard¬ SON, Basement American National Bank._ WANTED TO SELL 53.000 WORTH of slock in an insurance business. Address G 65S, care Tlines-Dlspatch. want ed. party to invest $moo to $5.000 in insurance business that will bring excellent results. Appiy "O" 077, care Times-Dispatch. Jri aiiT,jToT L<r~nt fo^^ie^ItT^a^a^tm en t^at""sta^ lion on Southern Railroad; shady lawn; $5 per month. W. II. BOTZ, Clayvllle. Va,_ s El O N" d-STORY. HOUSEKEEPING flat, furnished, furnished rouins. 7 North Sixth. _ FOR RENT. "NICELY FURNISHED flat for light housekeeping. 2016 «irove Avenue._ Jrlate ÜUanteö BixJ "^RöoMsr SatIl i?5ÜEc^rTrtic lights, gas range, hot water heat, West End, September I. Address e 577. care t mcs-Plspatch._ "Je\v arrival «of~ theT f?>Test goods on earth now on exhibition and at reasonable prices. Come and see them. Y A RIP'S, 217 N. Fifth. i GIJ a R a N t e i-T"to "STO p a ny BODY7« hair from falling out; worst cases solicited; bnldneSB Is absolutely un¬ necessary; 50e. trial acts liko mac,io. I Talk with seitz, tho Barber, Pro¬ prietor Chesterlleld Barber Shop, 1203 Enst Main. Sco testimonial:;. Phone Monroe 2867. Ct)-< rf'EiLVTIVE GAR7) ENsT.lEt ME tell you all about our pinna for; saving you from 50 per cent, to 75 per cent, of your table supply bills and still givu you n better quality; and in abundance. G. h. richard¬ SON. Basement American National Bank. HUMAN HAIR BOUGHT and bold at HUGHE858. 203 North Third. 5er, Coal'mio «läooö " \vood~~ani3^öa"u our dry kindling best in city; heretofore handled by Midlothian Wood Company; $1.50 half-cord. da¬ VID M. lea & co. Thono Monroe _6 8 «3._ just phone to headquarters for wood. i recommend slab wood for hot water. Make» quick, hot flro and goos out when you are through your work jor cooking. Vir¬ ginia anthracite coal Is cheapest for hot weather. Will send a samplo free. LONG. Madison 1070._ pTÄTE~ICE. PUREST AND BEST for all usos and tho most economical, 40 cents per hundred. Try a load of our pine and oak wood, which dry and under shelter. tyler & ryan. -100>^.es^Car^ir'-Madlsonn979) ' - I 43oultrp, pets ani) _.c fetoch and white, perfectly marked, Htrong- and healthy; pedigree contains buch celebrated show collies as Cham¬ pions 8eedlcy Superior, Siulre of Tytton, Parbold Peacock a-d An- I ileld Model. -,d show prospects. 1'rlcea tea-,.: ible. GEORGE T. HOOG. No. 500 Kost Marshall Street. 1-'"|; kalk. ONE ri.ksh r< vV. \v it"ii calf by her aide. T. A. LUCK « BKQ., 107 8. Twelfth Street FOR SALE, ON MALE BULLDl a Call Monroe IJ2-L, or address C. C. Va. By and P, Co, a?löCtllrUUUUÖ Set "yoI it name uiV WE AltE expert sign painters. Prices cut to rock bottom, Qualuj guaranteed. Prompt service. You same money. virginia sign works._920_K. Main .Street._ shoe repairing. 75c HALFSOLE MEN'S SHOES. 80c ladles, every pair sewed; heat leath¬ er, no nails, no pegs. Rov.il run- ber heels, 25c; Tred-Alr rubber heeis, 40c; leatner heela rebuilt like new. 25c. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY* 71S ii. Main. Rhone Mon¬ roe 8'M. SLil' COVERS. IN LINEN AND CRETONNE, "OB BED room or pari'..- üade to rlt. S.YD- NOB & HUNDLEY, INC.. Seventh und SLIP COVERS SLIP COVERS MADE TO ORDER, furniture polished and repaired. LEV Y. the I pholuterer, 425 West Broad._ !" RATS a N D~ MICE*! " I GUARANTEE TO RID YOUR premises' of ruts and mice and save you from wane, expense und an¬ noyance. Letters lrom physicians, bunkers and prominent citizens prove my claim. Rhone or write OTTO ORK IN. Monroi S224, American Bank BuUdlng._ STORAGE. CHEAPEST STORAGE IN CITY. 11 per load. Btorc, your furniture, bug- gleg, automo die.--, pianos at I"OMP- _KINS. :;2 7 V.-.:' fltoad._ j LADIES' TAILOR LADIES! I HAVE JUST RETURNED lrom New York with a full lino of the latest Imported novelties for the coming fall si ason, which I will make up at I immer prices. Call and examine ti-.,- new goods. CHAS. FISHER, the Up-to-Date Ladies' Tailor, :i02 E Grace Street._ PHON O U1tAI'HS. WHEN YOU BUY LOOK FOR THE name Edison :f you want one you cirn understand every word on mo record. C. B. HAYNES & CO. LOANS. tc.ooo TO LEND ON DIAMONDS AND watches s.t New York rates. N. F. JACOBS A SON. No. .'IS North Ninth LADIES YOUR HAIR. BARAINS THIS WEEK.1,000 PURE bail' switches, ail sli.ides, manufac¬ turers' prices; bargains. 500 pure gray hair switches, bargains. Your own combings made up Into switches, pompadours, etc.; cut-r.ite prices. Fadeii switches, pompadours, etc., rocolored; charges moderate. Shampooing tins week. 35c. THE Rl vALLE. 807 E. Utoad St.. Rich¬ mond._ BOLTS AND STAY BOLTS. WANTED. BOLTS AND STAY BOLTS made to order. RICHMOND MA- CHINE WORKS. INC._ BHARP-O CO. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES RESHARP- ened, 2 l-2c. each; razors honed, 15c- Work hair tested, sterilized and guaranteed; thousands satisfied. Send for circular and convenient blade mailer. SHARP-O CO., 50* East Main Street._ STOVES REPAIRED*. GAS. STEEL RANGE, ANY KIND. G. RAND, The Expert. Call Monroe 598 or Monroe &M7. SEA FÖÖU CALL PHONE MONROE 1111 FOR fish, steamed crabs, crab meat. De¬ livered promptly. 309 N Monroe St. ANTIQUES. ORIGINAL antique FURNITURE. Furniture repaired. polished and packed; upholstering, etc. L. N. ar- j NALL & SoN, 1017 \V. Broad. Phon« I Mad i »un 627 7._ i TOOLS AND CUTLERY. IF YOU WANT ANYTHING IN TOOLS or cutli ry, see tho EVANS HARD¬ WARE Co. Best line at lowest prices In city. 700 W. Broad Street. LAWN MOWERS. LARGEST LINE OF LAWN MOWERS, garden hose. In tho CHy; prices rea¬ sonable. \\ e sell Detroit was ran;;-.-s. EVANS HARDWARE CO.. "00 West Broad. SPORTING GOODS. SEE EVANS HARDWARE CO. FOR the largest line of sporting goods in tho city. 7^0 West Broad fit root._ ".IF YOU CAN'T FIND IT. GO To ile- G RAW'S.'1 OVER THREE HUNDRED PENNSYL- vanla mowers used In Richmond, In¬ cluding all the public parks. Why not have the best'.' We handle only the goillne Pennsylvania. JAMES McGRAW, ii"" anil ip 2 E. Main S'. iDimo.iio ^otiecs. ~ Planters' NaTlonai Bank, Richmond, Va.. June 20. 1012. THE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK have to-elny declared a d'vidend of 10 per cent, on the capital stock ifree of tax) out of tue earnings for the past six months. Payable on and after JUDY 1, 1912. RICHARD H. SMITH, Cashier. Richmond, Va., June 19, 1912. AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF directors cd the Nat,mal Hank of Virginia, Richmond. Vn.. held to¬ day, a semi-annual dividend ot .11-2 per cent, was declared, payable JULY 1, 1912. to stockholders of record as of Juno 15. Books open July 2. W. M. ADDISON. Cashier. AT A MEETING OF THE DIRE 1TORS of the Gorman-American Building nnd Lonn Corporation held »11 the above date, a semi-annual dividend of 3 1-2 per cent, wus declared, pay¬ able to stockholders on and after JULY 1, 1912. CHAS. K. WILLIS, Secretary and '.': usurer^ Main Street Hank, Richmond. \ü_, June 25. 1912. THE DIRECTORS OF THIS HANK have to-day declared a seml-annaul dividend "f 2 1-2 per cent., free of tax, payable to stockholders of rec¬ ord as of June 25. Checks will bo mailed. F. H. HARDAWAY, Can hi or._ The Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Company Richmond, Va.. June 25, 1912. _>rVlDKNU>.TUCB IDIR MOTORS OtF this co-rirpany hava declared ja. semi¬ annual dividend of llvo per cent. ($1.26 T>er sharo, _nd 'free, frosin tax), payable July 1st next, to stew-kh«,Li¬ ers ot record Juno 25, 1912. Ttr.-viisfor linesks closed from this date do July Uli, inclusive. Dlvl- denel -will ho nwilled t«> stockholders. Changes of oddrrvu should ho noti¬ fied tho company. .w_.L-^t-v»fpoAajtfT_iiv. ito.:ota.. , ftOuiilS J:0l IXcv.i N^G&ELY'''FiTRNTS»fE*l> * :ooMS. VVITH or without board. us East Mar¬ lhall. ROOMS FOR RENT. APARTMENT "T _Ti!E_ llANoVl.ll Mi,MI*on 631S-.I. PLEASANT.~ ÄT r It ACT! V E' ROOMS. 1 i North s'xtn. east sia. or str..t. FOR RENT, NICELY FURNISHED rooms, with ui without board. TIS _East. Marshall. FOR RENT. SPAi'lOUS DINING IiomMs. furnished completely, capacity for, ->0. rent re., son.i',1- Call Room 30«. National R.inl. of Virgin la _^ DELIGHTFULLY, COOL ROOM; COM-1 binatlon lights, hath; cheap to por- manent part; 122 South Fifth. SEITE. TWO LARGE EOO.MS. OATH niul hall, s w. Franklin. ONE LARGE, FURNISllIlD ROOM*. t:r«t Hour, immediate possession; two lar»re. unfurnished rooms, second itoor, possession September I, Grace near First. Address G 306. are Tin:« .--1 lisp.io h. SfCtilrö Proposals state Highway Commission] Plus WILL RE RECEIVED AT THE clerk's ollleo at Lebanon. Va., until 12 o'clock TUESDAY, July Sj 1912. for the construction of a steel bridge over Clinch River, at Nash's Ford, in Russell county. Plans and speci¬ fications may be seen at the clerk's office in Lebanon or at the office of tho State Highway Commission, Richmond, Va. A certified check tn the- sum of (250 must accompany each bid. Tho right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Rids are asked on substructure and superstructure separately. P. ST. .1 WILSON. _Btatc llii.h-.wv < .. ni'-ilsHlpnor. Automobiles tor seale FOR SALE. CHALMERS DETROIT. J"1- horscpower touring car. fully equip¬ ped; nearest offer to D.ooo takes .t; first-class condition. WM. P, AT¬ KINSON COMPANY, Oox 101. Pe- _tcrsburg, Va. _ _ F< > It SA EE. I'" IV E I 'A> S11 iE R f( Ml f- Ing car just overhauled ?225; tWO- pnssehger runabout, just overhauled, J22.r.: both cars have tops, head and Oil lamps and good tires; full de¬ scription sent on request. R. M. ZIMMERMAN, '.S27 K Street. N. \V. Washington. D. C. auction. ö-Jlrs \3Ijis £>nv By J. Thompson Brown & Co., HE; Main Street. AUCTION SALE OF ATTRACTIVE MEDIUM SE'.E LEE DISTRICT BRICK DWELLING, NO. $ STRAWBERRY. NEAR Fl/JYD AVENUE. on premises, W E <NEST 'A Y, JUNE 26. 6 P. M. Nearly new. modern and up-to-date; six rooms, two halls, btstn and pantry; latro-i.e he.it and combination fixtures. etc. Immediate possession. Owner has moved and it must he sold. Just the house |n demand for home or Invest- ment. Come and x< " a bargain. TERMS: Extra easy, and announced at sale._ High Constable's Sale I IV ill sVSll by public, auction, on WEDNESDAY, THE 26TH DAY" OF JUNE, 1912, 3 O'CLOCK P. M.. at my storehouse, No. i3.)i> East Frank- I In. the following property, to satisfy d!str';-s warrants antl excctitiorvs in my hands: Hur. aus. Waxhstands. Refrigerators. Table Linen. Silverware, ohc TERMS: t'a-h. W. H. WYA.TT. JR., H. C . C. R. fluition öalrs, future £>ars ' A. J. <*h> wning Company, Real Ewtatö Atuctlonecrs. AUCTION SALE OF Entire Block of Land in 'Scott's Addition' ON THURSDAY. JUNE 27. 1912. at" 6 o'clock P. M. This property fronts 346 feet on the north Ride of (Brookland Street, ex¬ tending back between High Point and Summit Avenues 140 feet to an alley 20 fee;t wide. Everybody knows the rag)id Increase In values in this Jooailty. The owner needs the money, and lias directed us t'> place th.s l ie bargain before yon. Coin 4 and secure it. We will offer first in building lots, and optionally a whole. TERMiS: Easy, and announced at salt-. A. J. r'HF.WNlNG COMPANY. _Auctioneers. Wm. B. PizzinI CoT Real Evt.ite Auctioneers, 723 East Main Stroet COMT.nsSIONERS' SALE OF DESIRABLE FRAME STORE AND DWELLING. NO. 320 SOUTH LAU¬ REL STREET. CONSISTING OF A STORE AND DWELLING OF FOUR ROOMS. EXCLUSIVE OF RATH. WITH STABLE ON REAR OF LOT. Pursuant to a deereo of the Rich- Imond Chancery Court. In the sal'. -»f Mary L. Rchluetor, wh.-. ;;..-s. etc.. vs. John H. Sc'hluoter et als., entered .Tune 20, h>!2. the undersigned special com¬ missioners wlil soli by public auction. on the premises, on THURSDAY, JUNE 27, Em, at 6 o'clock P. M., the real estate. No. :'.-'" South Laurel Street, the lot fronting sixteen < 16> feet Oh tho west side of Laurel Street, and running back between parallel lines one hundred anil thirty-five tUI5) feet, more or loss, to an alley twenty t2f'i feet wide. This property should attract the at¬ tention of any one desiring a good store and dwelling, as well as inves¬ tors of idle funds. TERMS: One-third cash, and the bal¬ ance in two equal instalments, evi¬ denced by the promissory notes of tho purchaser, with interest added, pay¬ able at si* *nd twelve months after date of salo, and titio to be retained by the court until the purchase price ll fully paid; or for nil cash, at the option of the purchaser. This property is sold subject to a deed of tru--.t of 11,000 and the interest thereon from April ">. 1011. GEORGE J. HOOPER, BROCKENBORI >l ill LAMB, Special Cotumlsslonors. i certify that the bond required by the above decre« of tlie- spocial com¬ missioners has been duly given. Given under my hand tills 21st day of June, 1012. Teste: OHAS O SAVILT.E. lACii. estate J'-or ttrnt Arcade! Arcade! Acade! Fouis-he« Street, between Broad end Orar.<\ l'.irLs of first, second and third floors for rent Splendid location, most convenient njid aittracMvo arrangement for (btustrtoissi. Elewa-tOT ami janHor K<<rvlcc. Ste-a.m heat and water fur- nished. Rent reasonable. hawkins * RUFORTD, loo Norrh gevwth Street_ lAcai estate {SorTsAiiB "or? ri?nt\ Handsome modern dwelling. Xo. S05 Virginia Avenue, Barton Heights: every convenience:,.newly ipalnted and papored. john R. o A.Y.LE, N<?. .30 Nortli.Nirtia Street. Auction öalcö, Jftttute Dagö Sale of Refused and Unclaimed Freight of Every Description W* will sell at pifblic auction, to tho highest bidder, unless otherwise disposed of, at our freight warehouse, co-rnor .Seventeenth and Marshall Kts,, Richmond, Va., thursday, june 27, 1912 commencing it 10 A. M.. various lots of Dry Goods, Clothing, Rugs, Drug-jrots. Furniture, Hardware and miscellaneous articles of every de¬ scription. Tho public are requested to attend. Elevated seats -provided for ladles, and special accommodation will bo af- forded out-of-town buyers for ship¬ ping goods. the chesapeake and ohio railway company. l. l sohbrer, _General Claim Agent. COMMISSIONERS' SALIC OF VALUABLE TRACT OF 311 ACRES ON ROCKFISH RIVER. NEAR HOW- ARDS\ 11.EE. VA Pursuant to a decree of the Chan¬ cery Court of the city of Richmond, in the suit of Flournoy et als. vs. Vir¬ ginia Steel, Iron und Slalo Company et alS.', entered on the 15th day of -May, 1912. we will oiler lor sk.il« at public auction, in lr<>nt of the post-ofltco at He\vux_8vllle, V»., on WEDNESDAY. JULY 10, 1912, at 2 o'clock P. M., that certain tract of land |n Alibemarle county, \ ._, ly in_- on the waters of RooktltOt River and the turnpike road leading tvi Uo-war.svlllo, adjoining the ;.u;.is of Fe u>wick, Bondurant, Potvton ami others. containing by a recent sur¬ vey iiuide on Juno 7, 1912, by F. W. Swan', 341 acres, and being tue same land which was conveyed to tbo Vir¬ gin, .i Steel, iron and .Slate Company lrom B. C. HarLsook. trustee, hy deed dated February 26, lSJVl, and recorded ;u the i ierk's otnoe of Albemarle coun¬ ty, in D. B. y;., page 0i. A plat of lliu said survey can bo seen at the store of Mr. Jos. IC Irving, at HowtardsvlUe. This is a very deslrafble and valuable tract of land, and well located, fronting uti tho Howardsvlllo Turn¬ pike and running back to the Rookflsh River, Olid has on It a large quantity of chestnut and other valuable umber., TERMS: Otuft-bhllrd leash, anil the balance at six and twelve months, the purchaser to ex ecuto notes for thu deferred payments, with interest from tho dato of attic, and title to i>o re¬ tained until all tho purchase money Is paid and conveyance ordered by the court; or all cash, at the option of the purchaser, C. & O. train leaving Richmond at o'clock will reach Howards villi- jn time for the sale. Train leaving How- ardsvllle after the sale reaches Rich¬ mond at 6:40. Any further Information desired can he obtained from tho commissioners or from Jos. K. Irving, at Howards- vllle. W. D. CARDWELT« WTLLÖUGHBY NEWTON. JR., Special Commissioners. I certify th.it the bond required by the above decree of the special crmi- mlssloners has been duly given. Given under my hand this the 17fh day of June. 1912. Toste: OHAS. O. SA VIDI.E. _"Clerk. Virginia Auction Co., Auctioneers, 616 E. Broad. HANDSOME STORE FIXTURES, wall CASES, SILENT SALESMAN SHOW¬ CASES. SODA FOUNTAIN COM¬ PLETE. MIRRORS. HUMIDOR, BOOKKEEPER'S MERK. ETC., ETC. AT AUCTION. We will sell at S3ii Ess) Main Street, FRIDAY. JUNE 2<«. at n:S0 A. M.. ir-foot Onyx Soda Vountaln, with 14- foot R*nt Counter. Extracts. Flavors etc.: two handsome SOxlO feet Wall i\ sc.*. with Light Rr.ick.-ts and Mir¬ rors; one Glass Pipe Case, one Glass fliar Case, three Consols, one Gas Lighter and Pedestal, BxSVS Window Backs, ll-foot Panel and Glass llutnl- dor. Ihre., Ice Cream Chairs and Tftbl.S, on. Standing Desk, etc. These are a very handsome set of fixtures. Should he seen to be SJppro. elated. Sals positive. TERMS: C.->:;h. Goods to be removed on Monday, July l. VIRGINIA AUCTION CO.. Auctioneers. By Pollard * Bagtoy, Ren] Estate Auctioneers. TRUSTEE'S AUCTION sale OF DETACHED FRAME DWELLING KNOWN AS NO. 120 1 NORTH NINE¬ TEENTH STREET. In execution of a deed of trust dated August 6. 1907. and recorded in the clerk's office of Richmond Chancery Court, TV B. 194-D, page 20.1. default having been made In the payment of the debt therein secured, and bcir.g required so to do, I Will sell hy auction' on the premises, on THURSDAY, JUNE 27. 1912, at B o'clock P. M., the above mentioned attractive de¬ tached frame dwelling. Tho lot h:ui a frontage of twenty-six (2fi» foot on the west lino of Nineteenth Street, run¬ ning back west wa rd y between parallel lines one hundred ami twenty-live I12;',i feet eight (8) Inches to an alley in rear fourteen (14) feet wide. This sal." |s made subject to a prior nu.rt- gage, of 11.000. TERMS: Cash. Iin.L .MONTAGUE. Trustee. p. 8..It Is possible that -the auc¬ tioneers may bo able to mak< bettor terms upon the day of sale._ lAdUtOtlÖÖ KRAIIOAIU» AIR LINE. Fouthbc.nd trnlr.» schudule.l to Irnve Rich¬ mond dully: 9:06 A. M..Local to Nor'.lna. 1:20 P. M..Sleepers and cu.ichrs. Atlanta, ilirmliiRhnm, Sarannnh. Jacksonville, P. M..Sleeper* anil conches. Jackaouvlllb. IliB P. M..Hlceperj and conches. Atlanta. Rlnnlnghnm. Memphis. Northbound trains schedules to arrive in Richmond dully: 7:10 A U.. 9:U> A. M « M P. M.. i-iO V. iL. Local._ The Valentine Museum ELEVENTH AND CLAY STREETS. Open dally from 10 A. M. to F> P. M. Admission, 25 c, IVoe on Sajturdays £U(irotiD0 * ficuionAjFrCuencteu'ii & PotomÄw I TO AND FROM WASHINGTON AND BEYOMtX i Ix>two Illolummtl .6.50 A.M. Iljrd Kt.Kta. «8.00 A.M. Mala 4»L S«n, .8.40 A.M. Iljrd Kt.Ni». .D.10 A.M. lljrd HU Kta .0.2SA.H. MalnNt- Hb». .12.(11 noon Bl rd KU Uta. tS.OO P.M.Bjrd 8t, Rta. ¦KL50 P.M. Brrtl H». Sl» 54.15 P.M. F.lha Glutton »5.16 P.M. »lalnHt. Hta.1 »8.80P.M. lltr-lM. Nta Arp'T* lUchmonA .00 A.M. Ht rJSt.Htai i i.« A.M. Kiha sutioa4 Ht..15 A.A. KjrdKLStesA »1.12 *.::. v.ilnM.Htaw .x.50 P.M. Bjr.1KI.Hta.'! »6.17 P JH. Main K t. rt tsv.! .CIO P.S. BjidSt.Ht*.*. »0.00 P.M. Byr« Kt.Bl*^J tu.10 P.M.Brr4 8t.Rt»V .11.17 P.M. MalnM-SU*) . lx.Mi sight DTrdW4.8ti ACCOMMODATION TRAINS.WEEKDAYS. Leare By rd Hl. Rta. 4.W P. M. for Frederlcfcsbaritsf .1 Leave nibs Hm. 7.46 A. H..6.25 P. U. for AaulaneU Arrlff Tlrrd St. si i. s.A.M.from Frtdeilekub'M AfTlT«Elba8U.G.30 A.M...1-10 P.M. from AshlaneLA .Daily, t Weekday*. JSuodays only. All trains to or from Byrd Street StalioiL .top at Elba. Time of arrivals and departures, acii guaranteed. Read the sinus. Richmond & Petersburg ilecinc Railway Cars leave Manchester, Suventh ani Perm- struts, for Petersburg;: .«. ~. «. .», lo, . .. »ia a. m :. «s. «. m ..4:4.-.. -6 T. a. .», 111 P. M. H-.UO P. 11 lor Chester. 12:00 midnight ftr** VtU riburg. j Cars leave Petersburg, foot of SycanaorsH Eire'-:. :<.r Manchester: } 15:16. e.V.. '»7:18, »7:35. »:3S. 9:35, «10:35. H:SJB ! a. M.: \l:ii. .!:!;, :.3i. 3:30. «4:33. s:3S. 6:3V !*7..V,. 9:35, »10:40. UMO P. VL tOatl) ex ;tt Bundaya and holidays. .Csrrlci baggage and express. ..Limited, except Sundays and holidays. .' All can from Petersburg connect wltJsn cars for Richmond. Norfolk & Western Railway^ si ONLY ALL RAIL I.INT. TO NORFOLK. Schedule In Effect June 17. 1012. Leave Byrd Street Station. Richmond. FOISf NORFOLK: bS:10 A. M., «9:00 A. SA., P. M., Milfl P. 11.. bT:38 P. M. Full LYNCHBURG AND THE WEST: A M, »10:00 a. it.. .>$...-) 1'. lt.. '9:20 P. 14% 1 Arrlvi Rl hmond from Norfolk: a 11:40 A.? 11. bll:45 a. M .:... P. M.. b!0:25 P. St., .; P. M. From the West: 't:f9 A. M . 10 P 11 bl I P. St., »6:00 P. St., »9:00 P«l M. .Dally nD.illy ex. Sunday. bSunday only. W. 11 HKVll.T,. II H. BOHLET. 0. P. A.. Hoanoke. D. P A Richmond. SOUTHERN RAILWAY?, PR Ell I EU CARRIER UK THE SOUTH. -. Tmim Leaye Richmond. N. B..Following schedule llgurca publlsts*/ ed as Information and not guaranteed: For tho South.Dally: 6:10 a. M. Locals' Trains Arrive Rlchmänd. From tho South: 6:00 A. II.. 5:10 A. MV« j ::<.:. P. lt.. 8:05 P. II. dally; 12:55 Ex. Buo.1 From Weal Point: 'j.-'O a. St. dally, ll:S6 A^f si. llo».. Wed. and Frl., 4:25 P. St. Ex, SuojI S. E. BURGESS, D. P. A., 90T E Main St. Phons Madison 373. 10:4! A. M. Express. 6:00 f. St. Express»! with electric lighted Sleeping Car for Atil .a at a and Birmingham. 11:45 P. IL Express* 1 IVeok l>a>«: 3:0« P. M. Local. YORK RIVHU LINE. 4>0 P. St..Daily..Connecting for BsltHf inort M. n. %\>d. and Friday. «:P0 A_ St..Kx^l Bun. and 2:1j P. M..Man.. Wed. and FrtH da>. Local _ Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 7:30A..Local.Dally.-Newport Newa. 1:16 A..Local.Dally.Ch'vlll*. Ex. Sun*^ 'Ihurmond. .9:00 A..Express.Daily.Norfolk. Old Point*'/ |le:C0 A. Local.Dally Lchbg., Lex. C. Fora«! »12:00 Noon -Express Dally.Norfolk Old Pt*i .2:15 P. -Express.Dally, ein., L'vllle. (4.0'i I'.-Expreas.Dally.Norfolk, N. News. ,< 4:00 P..Local.Dally.N. News, Old Point. t:l?> I'. .Local.Ex. Sun..tJordonavlllo. 5:16 1'..Local.Ex. SOT.. .Lchbg, Natura^! Bridge. Clifton 1-orgo. .6.4 > P..Limited.Dally.Clnctn'tl, Chicago^ *lt:to P..Express.llatly.Cincinnati, l.'vllla*< *Mieepers. tl'artor Cars. I TRAINS ARRIV'U RICHMOND.Local frorst. East: S:10 A. M., 7:1» P. M. Through troaxil East: 11:30 A M . 2:05 P. St., 6:30 P. m. Locate from West: S :o A. St., ..!»:« A. M., kaof! 7:20 P. II. Through: S:W A. lt., U:65 A<! j At. and 2:50 1> St. James u.\.-r Line: ..«iss a. m., «:io p. üv "Daily exe.pt i'r.nd!;. .-1-ti. Atiantic Coast Liner Tho Standard Itailronil of the Souih. EFFECTIVE JUNE 16th. 1912. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. For Florida and South: 1:15 A. M. an«' l:M l'. St., 1:00 a. SI. For Norfolk: ..1:10 A. M 9:0) A. IL. .3:9«' , 1'. II., 4.10 T. If.i ..7:3.'. P. M. For N. & W. Ry. ^Ve.¦^t: 6:16 A- M 10:0». A M.. «3.00 P. St.. 9:20 P. St. ' For Petersburg: 1:00 A. II.. »:1S A. M.*,i "Silo X. St., Silo A. St., 9 00 A. St., 10:00 JUl 11., »1:00 I'. M. 4:10 !¦. M.. 6:05 P. m., 6:6f"| P. lt.. "7:.15 P. II.. 9;il P. M . 11:« P. Jf. < For Ojldsboro and Fuyettovtlln: '4:10P.M«.i Trains nrr.ve Richmond dally: 5:05 A. M.J j 4:40 A. M.. 1:55 A. II.. *.vJ7 A. 11.. "10:4s A^l Si 10 A. 11 "IRIS A. M., «2:10 P. il-a1 .-1.I0 P. M. 4:05 p. M.. 4:35 1'. II., 8:00 pTI 11 :. -i P. II.. »»10:21 I'. St.. 11:30 P. AL .Except Sunday. "Suadoy only. Tone of arrival and departure and coa«j Hon» not suarantsed. t, S. CAMPBELL. D. P. A- «. Mola St. ' RIOIlltONn AND CHESAPEAKE ba?S' RAILWAY COMPANY. Schedule of Electric Trains, uffecfrvo Itayf 30, 1117. Leave Richmond, Laurel and BroaoT Streets: b .4:00 a. lt.. .;.:« A. M., bS:lo aJ 11.. »:10-A. It "10:10 A. M.. 11:10 A. St., I:iff I' M ,2:10 P. II.. 3;:-. P. St., bl:l0 V. M.. 5:20)! P. M. 4:20 p. lt., T:io P. St., bS.10 P. St.J 1 .e> p 11.. 11:46 I". 11. Leave Ashland, EngVt 1. t:.,: Maple Stret tt: »Si&S A. St., b »7:00 a. At., S:00 A. lt., b3:00 A. lt.. 10:CO A. St.. "U OOt A. 11., .12:00 11., "1:00 P. II.. 2:00 P. St.. 2:0»! P. II.. 4.e«» P. St., b5:.X> P. 11.. 4:00 P. St., 7:0M V St., ") p. 11., b»:00 P. 11.. ll:C0 P. 11. .Dally tsrppt Sunday. "Sunday only. j bCarrlsa baggage. > via Halifax, N. S., cruise of ;.V» miles. Hogs,. nlflcenl Scener; Out ol Canso, Northumber,] land Strait. Oulf an-'. River St. Lawrence and] far-famed Sngaenaj Itlvrr. s s. "Trlnldml'M from tt, V. July Ät.i an,I 20th, Aujr. 3d unaR 17th. Fjom ytiuliec July 12th and 26th, Aufjjj Go . T.o.L_ Tour« inc. Hotel-., nlinre Excursions, J.ovve-sSY Kates. Twin Scre« >. s. ..iiiirmfdian,") 10.51S tour, displacement. Electric runs; wire-*; Fnsleat, newest anil only, steamer lunUlng pasaengeni at ttie dock lrxi. Itermuiln without transfer. >allings evcryjl live days i:i m with R. St. s. pj Co. Tlclteta interchangeable. s For lull Information npply to A. E. OUTIss EIIURIDCK A CO., Ast».. 4|<iebr<- S. S. Co3 I id.. Ilrdwy., N. 1.. >. II. 1IOW1IAN, 70© K. Main. or any Ticket AkL. or Ql'Eimo I ¦s. s- i t) LRL, Qurlicc._ i -^ OLD DOMINION LINli. Lv. Richmond foot of Ash St. daily.7:09 p. %Cj Leave Newport News.5:0uA. At,i Amu Noriolk.6:00 A. Ät,* Connects u.th main Una steamers iesvlnW Norfolk lor New York daily, except Sunday^ 7:00 1'. 11. Conuectlons also mudo by n. fL\i YV. Ry. 3 P. M. and C. A O. lty. at 4 p. iJV Night Uno suannrs stop at ..,:,.-,.... land or io;«lv» p.u. a on aigasi, aos\7 v, .A bn mat by public conveyance. VIHUIMA NAVIGATION co. (tjuectlvis Maren UJ.-Jamis River by dayilghi fQJN Norfolk and Old Point. Newport News und. si. J.mn River landings. Sloam.r leavest'j y. .i..:.i>, WcJn. jdüy and Friday at 1:30 j±a M. Freight recolved for all Jaaues l:nu(J' landings. 'Pbons Madison 175. Main Ticket OiTIes. 521 K. Mala Mrsst. !ctERCIIA^TS. ANI> MINERS' TRANS. CO»- Vacation Trips "By Sea" NORFOLK TO jj BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE. Steamers .Norfolk to Boston daily, except.' Thursday, to Providence, Monday, ThutW Cay and Saturday. 7 P. M. Through tlcksug un sale to principal points. F.no ate&mers. excellent service, low farsaW Wire.ess telegraph. Send for bookteL ^ Apply C. & O. Ry... N. A W. Ry., a. *e*t Bowman, No. 701 B. Main Strset. and Rlcfifl mond Transfer Comosny. No. 809 E. Main Stjf -.-a. Travel Without Trouble I America and Europe Includes Tullroad, steainsblp. tRtjs^ pendent tlcltets, with hotel «rinnemi>aB nations. "ASK MR. BOWJIAM," Tourist A«er|t. 3 1 aoa. la. Mala mc^_oB«t^ Vj^-Aj

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Oreatax Richmond's U-Mtest Ne»-ipao*r,Stoänmip«®afe>- OpalenGREATEST WANT A.NU IIISA L k8-1 V I i; MUUlliH l.\ villi.IM \, ANDONE OF TUB BEST IN AMERICA.

Want Ad RatesDali)', uue cent per word «Thea paidin advance. No AU. takaa (or less tkouSen cents.Uue uud one-Iiulf cents a word allclnsHlncutloUn except Situation Wunted(or Sunday. Situation Wanted, one cent

a word. No Ad. Sunday taken (or lessHum uftccn cents.No Ads. tukeu (or less than trrcnt:-five cents «vheu phoned In or chargedat the counter.Phouc orders no* guurnutccil.ITasalOcntloas not aunrnntecd after

OiBU I*. M.l''or business contracts, send (or the

Want Ad. Man. (tiour .iluorue 1.

Host ana j,;ounoLÖSt^ON EXCURSION TitA IN from

fluckroe Beach, Monday night; bunchof key., with name on aatue, HenryF. Mlllur. Iteturn to UH B. .MainStreot. Reward.

LOST." ON K.VT RSIoN Tit A IN llt'.MBuckruo e»r oil Uroad and Main ear.a watch fob, with small Kold locketcontaining 0110 picture. Reward.Apply 921 Ilrouk Ave., or HtJi.ll 4,Secorid Market,

LOST, SUNDAY NIOUT, ONE EAGLEreceipt book. Finder please leturnto No. .i West Maratiall, Ii. E.BUCHES, and receive reward.

l?cip caaim-o, u-nu*WANTED, FOP. u. S. AltMY. ABLE-bodied, unmarried men, between agedof l» und llö, citizens of United otates,of good character and temperate nao-tts, wlio can 'speak, real and writettio English language. For -nforma.tlon aj'piy to Recruiting otu.er. v."je. Brua l Street. Itlchmond. Vs.want EI <7 "fWo 11 Amm KRSm 1 "i 11S.experienced on locomottve forging,to work '>n H.O"ej ami ä.OQo-puuii'lChumbe-rnhurg »tt-am hammera;steudywork. N<i strike or otlie: t.-""i!>.ewith men. AMDEN FORGE COM'PAN Y, Catnden, N. J._the mail «Vrder coop fa top.v.BOXLEY BROTHERS, Manufactur¬ers and Shippers of win: Chickenand Turkey Coops. Humpas;, Ya._W ANtEIk~~\~~\ < >l Mi m aN of expe-rlence and ability ns bookkeeper andstenographer; state experience, sal¬ary desired and references, to Auto¬mobile, G ki*. care Times-Dispatch.

you, arb avantEI~for <sovi litn-ment position; $80 month. Send pos¬tal for list of positions open.FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, Dept. 31c-P.Rochester, N. y.

Wanted.""j''»b pre.--.-? feeder anda cylinder press feeder. CLYDE W.SAINPERS. Twelfth and <';u>.

WANTED, FIRST-CLASS TILE-SET-tcr; threw to four weeks' work;wages, s.s.so per du,y for good man.Address <j «s3, care Times-Dispatch.Wantei"ä sino i.e. white manto work In dairy and help with thefarming. G. L MANAHAN, careilowell Bro.. CO: e. Broad St City.

IWANTEÄ AT once. 20 or 25 i.A-boreiii on Madlion School Job. Wages20 centB per hour._BRIGHT. WILLING BOY WANTED tolearn print ng business. cookPRINTING co.. 27 ti Thirteenth St.

V^nTkTs A IliST-' I.\.-;~" TINNER*.SMITHfield PLUMBING ANDHEATING CO.. Stnlthfleld. Va._"WANTED. ex PERI EN*'ED SOLKT-tor, lady or gentleman, for retailgrocery trade; good < ommlsslon. Ap¬ply at once. West Broad._I'oR SA le.' '< »R exciIan' 111 FORcountry home, lot, corner Mulberryand Cary. Apply not we?t^ Broad.

""""anted, "a COLORED pqrter;amt.ll boy preferred. Apply at hell-: thin bros, Seventh and Broad.

WANTED. A GOOD hotel STEW-ard. Address PROPRIETOR, ..rock¬et t Springs.

wan ted. 2I laborers, apply "7A. M., Plum and Cary Street?.

filiations Cfliantrti» 9"»altWaTsTiTdT BY AN EXPERT Ac¬

countant and experienced office man,a position with some responsibleconcern, 11 years' practical experi¬ence in bookkeeping and all kinds ofofilco work. Address J 105. careTimes-Dispatch.

WanTeD. PO."~f"rVn ab STENOGRA-pher by competent young man; goodeducation; can furnish A1 references.Address K 7*1. care Tlmes-Dlspatch.

WANTED, POSITION AS TRAVELINGsalesman for wholesale grocery orhard-ware house In Virginia or Main¬land. H. b. ABERNATH Y, Coch-rane, Va.

_WANTED, POSITION BY EXPERIENC-ed bookkeeper; contractor's workpreferred; references given AddressD. R. snow, Charlotteavllle. Va.

thobocgh LyTv >M j. grenT~I-»5i'BL*"T-entry- male bookkeeper, now em¬ployed, desires 10 mak» r change.L 830, care Times-Dlsoatch.

i"?rlp cUanrcD, JrrmauiWi^fE^DT^^^ifCE," an expbri-

er.oed, practical nurse, In the coun¬try; tubercular caso. Write, statingparticulars and salary expected. Box4 8, Vigor. Va._"wanted. YOUNG LADY STENOGRA-pher, between IS and 22. for perma¬nent position: reasonable salary,¦with, chance of advancement to cap¬able and energetic person. Addressp. o. Box "57, giving references, ageand experience._Wanted. a~ good cook; mustimake good bread; need not applywithout city reierence. Room onplace. 2327 Grove Ave.

WANTED. X FEW EXPERIENCED¦white waitresses at KIRKAVOOD'S,404 E. Broad Street._WANTED, at ONCE cook FORfajnilv, 3001 W. Taylor Stroot. MRS.


pher for law work; must be accu¬rate. TURNBULL & TURNBULL,Lawrencnvllle, Va.

wanted, at oncE, COLOR Ed Glrlto do general house work, washlr.c:family of four; good room furnish¬ed; reference required. Apply 10 N.Meadow.


Situations, professionalWaT5t"3D," FOSFf f< 5N "AS T EACffgRof voice ami piano by lady graduate.Box 023, Wlnona Ivike, Ind.YOUNG MAN OF CULTURE AND ED-ucatlon desires position govern¬ess fir companion. Address MISS L.HADEN. Evlnglon, _Va._YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITIONfor winter as teacher of small chll-elren; also beginners <n piano: refer¬ences exchanged. Address X. y. Z.,caro Postmaster, Falrllcld. Vn.

--sptctroöiDiidi i?rip dciantrtiWa^^&dT' tiI^a^iTers öf^^äiIlgrades, for collece, public and pri¬vate schools, also matrons andhousekeepers, for fall openings InVirginia and Southorn States. VIR¬GINIA TEACHERS' BUREAU, R. w.Crldlln. Manager. Richmond. Va.

lACtil Csttitc CUtintcb

NELLY & CO. Write- postal for noc-easary blanks._GOOD NINE-ROOM HOUSE, WITHINfour blocks of Eighth and Broad.Slato best cash price. G 600, caro


of good land, north of city and notcvor six miles out. W. T. HOOD &CO.. tlUJon a. City. h_.

IcUal C0tatr Jrot ssalf"TSl^T^ARÖÄllN..j^AitM^^SiXTAtj^In« 30 acres, l-j miles from city,on mnca'lumlzi il l oad, close lo elec¬tric car line. ;,«¦. tare. 18 acres clear¬ed and In high state of cultivationand very productive; balance 'n tim¬ber; line orchard! vineyard, etc.;fenced and cross-fenced; residencesrooms: hot and told water bath,telephone, etc.; an Ideal countryhome and a genuine bargain; QlUStb» sold hi once; sot qnt<k; termseasy. j. II. MOSELEY & CO., 313Travelers Building.

CO-OPERATIVE GARDENS..LET Miltell you all about our plans forsaving you from 50 per cent, to 75per cent, of your table supply b'llfiand still kIvo you a belter qualityand In ubundancc. G. j5. RICHARD-BON. Basement Amcrlean NationalHank._10 !. BY 17»! GROVE AVENUE,between Meadow and Rowland:tJ'..',0 per fool A. J. WARBEN. 11j

FOR BALE, 113 ACRES, 24 MILKSnorth of Richmond, two miles fromStation; timber and cleared land.OWNER, 422 South Harrison Streit.

Mgents CuantcDa (S :.N ts ma K 1 N' i s 6 TO* I -' 0 .' > A 11. y*Helling "Titanic Disaster" book; toldby survivors: S50 iwnct, fifty Illustra¬tions: price II. complete book to can¬vass with, ','J cents, postpaid; SO percent, commission; .*.') per cent, to gen-erai agents; cash prises; freight paid;credit given. Almost as big seller us'"Titanic" Ik our new Look, "1 iie.itLeaders and National Issues of 1912."Initiative, referendum, re" ill andother Issues discussed by the groatleaders th« mselves.Roosevelt, Bryan,La Kollotte. Wilson and others; plat¬form of all parties: lives and picturesof all candidates; price 11; both out¬fit- free INTERNATIONAL BIBLEHOUSE, Perry Building, Dept. o. Phil-

.. lelphia.STEADY POSITION AND QUICKmoney..a few men wanted to n-troduce a high-class household spe¬cialty in every home. Women whoknow what th«- week's wash Is. buyIt on sight. Write or call nt once.j, FRANK smith. WeMpoint. Va.AGENTS, MOST EXCITING POLITI¬CS.! campaign in half-century; tariff,I recall, money trust and other burn-j lug questions must be settled by thevoters of the United States. All thefacts and arguments on both sidesof question's, written by the lendersj themselves; inn portraits and otherengruvincs. Every voter wants ourwonderful book. "Great Leaders andI National Issues." Be first In thetield and make b!^ money fast.Handsome prospectus and canvass¬ing outfit free. Send 10 cents ;nStamps to pny postage. THETH"MI'S')N PUB t. Louis. Mo.

Beal estate for Kent.-FOR BENT, FOB JULY AND AUGUST,furnished cottage at Buckroe Beach,Denting 100 feet on the water. Ad¬dress CHAS. K. WILLIS. City.

fob BENT. I*ART 753* e. MAIN FORj ofllcc or business_FOR RENT. WAREHOUSE WITH 8ID-lug, centre of wholesale district.M.ui.s--'.-. ..TT._femmnet Soacbfnß

niGGsj' fi»tta<ocean view, va..fronting Chesapeake Bay. ModernIn every respect Hoarding, lodging,bathing. Best accommodations guar¬anteed.SI M M ICR BOARDERS WANTED;large, shady grounds and everyeorfort. terms reasonable. AddressMisS CURTIS, "Esseton," Staunton,Va.STMMKl'i BOARDERS WANTED ATGlasgow Manor. D-irgc bri« k housew'th plenty of shade; large, a'ryrooms; good table: within five milese,f the famous Natural Bridge. Writef"i further particulars to .T. S. Mc-''I.fit II, Manager of Glasgow Man¬or, Glasgow. Va.LARGE, SHADY LAW Ns" BRICKbuildings, with up-to-iiate bathrooms, lighted with gas; macad¬amized road to station. Polder andterms on application. Drawer U.itrange, Va.

_GREENWOOD, AiIbeMaRLe"-"« »UNTYon e-. ,fc O.. in heart Blue RidgeMountains; beautiful scenery; fr"shvegetables, fru t. milk, etc ; goodservice and reasonable rates. ApplyMRS. M. 8. HARRIS. Greenwood, VaWHjSON COTTAGE, VI HG INI A BEA! 11Va., w-lll glvo special rates fromMnv is to June 13. For particularsaddress MRS. C W. WILSON."KENILWORTH COTTAGE," OCEANView. Va., fionHng on ChesapeakeHay, or. cottage line, now open forthe season. Apply MISS D. i- K A UN.

'.¦¦¦an '¦ Va._L>orttD CCltintro"

flu'xfrTv Rei.Ciuf"avanted. 'clo.selo Richmond, for couple and child.Will pay pood rate for desirable ac¬commodations. Private home prefer-red L >2f. care Times-DispatchCCiuiurn

wanted/ "To "büy f6r~'~cash'.household goods in any quantity.Phon? Madison 3551._TYPEWRITERS RENTEDl threemontiiB. 55 and upwards; Initial pay¬ment allowed to apply If purchased:every machine In good working order.Phone Madison nJe-i. AMERICANWRITING MACHINE CO.. 605 EastMain StreeL_Wanted, to buy öld mahoganybureaus, sideboards, chairs, old brassand stiver candlestick and otner un-llquos; also a few choice pieces ofnntlque furniture for sale. 19 WeitMain. Phone Monroe 250t._DON'T WORRY! DDT ÜS COLLECTyour accounts: sure and quick re¬sults, lt. s. ELLYSON {fc 00., Base-m-nt American Bank.__WANTED, TO BUY a SMALL GRAPH -

ophone; must be cheAp. Box 194,City._wanted. TO Bl'Y fob CASH. ODDgold and old alver; any quantity.E. C. MEYER JEWELRY CO., 317Kast Br.^ad Street.g.-_iJi

SOiHDtngMrsTle e '

st r in fPli psc^mitT^aN-over Cafe, 100 West Franklin. Sum¬mer rates. Transients a specialty.

MRS. c. k"bOW>.RS. 115 E. FRANK-lln, rooms and board for porman,entand transient guests; dining roomwell ^quipped.

_NICELY FURNISHED "ROOMS forrent, with hoard. 16 South FifthSi root._WANTED. BOARDERS for LARGE,desirable rooms; also table boarders.3119 Esst Grace.

_Tu »ME Ci imFOIffsTi>i-iSIUABLE OUT-side rooms. 100 W. Main, adjoiningi1ifforson Hotel

.f 111; jn DK1: s 1 5n 1: i TlXviNfTquä f .-'Hied as ndnilnistrators of the estateof .lohn G. Fitzgerald, deceased, allpersons Indebted to or having claimsngnlnst snld estate are requested tomake settlement with or presontsame to the undersigned.JOHN I>. FITZGERALD.JOHN b. WELSH.Administrators of John g. Fitzger¬ald, deceased._TYPEWlüTErs RENTED; THREEmonths. $5 and upwards; initial pay¬ment allowed to apply If purchased;every machine in good working order.Phono Madison 6256. AMERICANWRITING MACnnislC CO., 605 EastMain Htreet. *_WANTED,*" THE PUBLIC TO ICNOWthat JAHNKE BROS.. Jewolers. 912East Main Street, buy. sell, exchangeand REMOUNT DIAMONDS IN THELATEST STYLES. Old gold and all-

vor always tAken-ln^ejcnhftnge.


What kind of vehicle?ANSWER TO YKSTEHDOTM puzzle.


jroc fejaitNEW ARRIVAL OF THE FINESTgoods u:i earth now on exhibitionund at reasonable prices. Come and

«-e lt...Ii,. YARID s. ill N. Finn,i MOTORCYCLES AND Iii-, YCLES, NEWand Second-hand; re-pan ing or allkinds. T« I.MPKJNS. West broad.For" sali;, cylinder disc ta Liv¬ing machine and records on easyterms. c. B. UAVNES & Co.. 121_West Broad._FOR SALE, A CASH BUSINESS, GRO-I ccries, fresh meat.'*, notions, feed,wood and coal, horse, wugun andharness; very cheap rent. Oood reu-

S'jns for selling. Address A 411, careTimes-Dispatch._I FIVE-PASSENGER (CAD1LAC) AU-lomoblle, good condition; automobilei tires, 112x4. cheap tu quick buyer.Phone .Mledlson 51S12._TYPEWR1TERS RENTED; Til R E emonths, i» and upwards; Initial pay¬ment uiiowed to apply if purchased;every machine in goud working order.Phone Madison 6256. AMERICANWRITING -MACHINE CO.. «'.'5 BastMain Street._ ¦_FOR sa l.T;7 no s~ "pülsömet e r

steam pump, will pump 40 per cent.sand or mud; 3-Inch discharge, half-inch steam. Also 50-H.-P. boiler, 15-h.-p. engine, twu steam drills; onedouble drum hoist, one single-drumholet, derricks, cars and track; twu-horsepower hoist, winches and gen-j cral quarry or contractor's cquip-I mc.it. Address H i5. caro Times-Dispatch.

_WUÜ WAGONS GO TO RICHARDSONBROS.. 61.'» Brook Avenue. Palming,1 .Vailing and rul>:.er-tire work.Madison 1 4 07._FOR SALE LIDGERWOOD HOISTINGengine, double cylinders. 7x10.« dou¬ble drum.-, boiler and all fittings;I Just out of service. Will sell tur

I |2.".'.'. P. o. Box 117.1. Richmond. Va.cTTeä"pT tJläss"-t;äb~iN launch in

excellent con-liton. can be seen atfoot of Nicholson Street: must s'.-ilat one. Address IDLEON, :>22 Les¬ter Street._FoR SALE. ONE TÖ'P GROCERY WA-gon, newly painted, good as new,

one- top buggy, steel tires. $35,and one top buggy, rubber Pres.JGf<; several runanouls cheap. A.



SEVERAL NEW burrets at pricesto suit.

WE HAVE A WELL EQUIPPEDplant for repairing and painting ve-

I htclts; automobile body building r.ndpainting a sneciaity; prarr.pt service.

RICHMOND VEHICLE CONSTRUC¬TION CO.. 314 North FlStreet.Mad-son 213(«._FOUR-SIDED PLANER, 6x24 ; DOUBLEsurfacers. *-inch moulder, swing cut-e.fr saw. resaws, lath mills, stave ma¬chinery, sawdust blowers, belting,hanrers. sr.afting and pulleys. j.Bl.Ur« »R! Ä- CO

WAO<"''NS KoR EVERY USE. T' 'P ANDopen. We can supply vou at once.A. MEYER'S S« NS,' 7öt E ''a.y St.

Bußiiuöö Opportunities;i A^IMt01-1'i'A tiLE BUS1N ESS ON'" TIIE

right side- <>t East Broad Street forMile for an appro\iniate Investmentof $10,000; part casli and part bynotes with reliable Ihdorsiors, ApplyE 581. are Tlim-s-Dispatch.

CO-OPERATIVE GARDENS..LET- MEtell you all shout our plans fortavlng you from 50 per cent, to 75per cent, of your table supply b'llsand still give you a better qualityand .n abundance. g. 6. richard¬SON, Basement American NationalBank._WANTED TO SELL 53.000 WORTHof slock in an insurance business.Address G 65S, care Tlines-Dlspatch.

wanted. party to invest $mooto $5.000 in insurance business thatwill bring excellent results. Appiy"O" 077, care Times-Dispatch.JriaiiT,jToT L<r~nt

fo^^ie^ItT^a^a^tment^at""sta^lion on Southern Railroad; shadylawn; $5 per month. W. II. BOTZ,Clayvllle. Va,_s El O N" d-STORY. HOUSEKEEPINGflat, furnished, furnished rouins. 7North Sixth.

_FOR RENT. "NICELY FURNISHEDflat for light housekeeping. 2016«irove Avenue._Jrlate ÜUanteö

BixJ "^RöoMsr SatIl i?5ÜEc^rTrticlights, gas range, hot water heat,West End, September I. Address e577. care t mcs-Plspatch._

"Je\v arrival «of~ theT f?>Testgoods on earth now on exhibitionand at reasonable prices. Come andsee them. YA RIP'S, 217 N. Fifth.

i GIJa R aNte i-T"to "STOp anyBODY7«hair from falling out; worst casessolicited; bnldneSB Is absolutely un¬necessary; 50e. trial acts liko mac,io.I Talk with seitz, tho Barber, Pro¬prietor Chesterlleld Barber Shop,1203 Enst Main. Sco testimonial:;.Phone Monroe 2867.Ct)-< rf'EiLVTIVE GAR7)ENsT.lEt MEtell you all about our pinna for;saving you from 50 per cent, to 75per cent, of your table supply billsand still givu you n better quality;and in abundance. G. h. richard¬SON. Basement American NationalBank.HUMAN HAIR BOUGHT and boldat HUGHE858. 203 North Third.

5er, Coal'mio «läooö" \vood~~ani3^öa"u

our dry kindling best in city;heretofore handled by MidlothianWood Company; $1.50 half-cord. da¬VID M. lea & co. Thono Monroe_6 8 «3._just phone to headquartersfor wood. i recommend slab woodfor hot water. Make» quick, hotflro and goos out when you arethrough your work jor cooking. Vir¬ginia anthracite coal Is cheapest forhot weather. Will send a samplofree. LONG. Madison 1070._pTÄTE~ICE. PUREST AND BEST forall usos and tho most economical, 40cents per hundred. Try a load ofour pine and oak wood, which i» dryand under shelter. tyler & ryan.-100>^.es^Car^ir'-Madlsonn979) ' -

I 43oultrp, pets ani) _.c fetochand white, perfectly marked, Htrong-and healthy; pedigree contains buchcelebrated show collies as Cham¬pions 8eedlcy Superior, Siulre ofTytton, Parbold Peacock a-d An-I ileld Model. -,d show prospects.1'rlcea tea-,.: ible. GEORGE T.HOOG. No. 500 Kost Marshall Street.

1-'"|; kalk. ONE ri.ksh r< vV. \v it"iicalf by her aide. T. A. LUCK «BKQ., 107 8. Twelfth StreetFOR SALE, ON MALE BULLDl aCall Monroe IJ2-L, or address C. C.Va. By and P, Co,

a?löCtllrUUUUÖSet "yoI it name uiV

WE AltE expert sign painters.Prices cut to rock bottom, Qualujguaranteed. Prompt service. Yousame money. virginia signworks._920_K. Main .Street._

shoe repairing.75c HALFSOLE MEN'S SHOES. 80cladles, every pair sewed; heat leath¬

er, no nails, no pegs. Rov.il run-ber heels, 25c; Tred-Alr rubber heeis,40c; leatner heela rebuilt like new.25c. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOEFACTORY* 71S ii. Main. Rhone Mon¬roe 8'M.

SLil' COVERS.IN LINEN AND CRETONNE, "OB BEDroom or pari'..- üade to rlt. S.YD-NOB & HUNDLEY, INC.. Seventh und

SLIP COVERSSLIP COVERS MADE TO ORDER,furniture polished and repaired.LEV Y. the I pholuterer, 425 WestBroad._!" RATS a N D~ MICE*!"

I GUARANTEE TO RID YOURpremises' of ruts and mice and saveyou from wane, expense und an¬noyance. Letters lrom physicians,bunkers and prominent citizens provemy claim. Rhone or write OTTOORK IN. Monroi S224, American BankBuUdlng._


per load. Btorc, your furniture, bug-gleg, automo die.--, pianos at I"OMP-_KINS. :;2 7 V.-.:' fltoad._

j LADIES' TAILORLADIES! I HAVE JUST RETURNEDlrom New York with a full lino ofthe latest Imported novelties for thecoming fall si ason, which I willmake up at I immer prices. Calland examine ti-.,- new goods. CHAS.FISHER, the Up-to-Date Ladies'Tailor, :i02 E Grace Street._


WHEN YOU BUY LOOK FOR THEname Edison :f you want one youcirn understand every word on morecord. C. B. HAYNES & CO.


TO LEND ON DIAMONDS ANDwatches s.t New York rates. N. F.JACOBS A SON. No. .'IS North Ninth


BARAINS THIS WEEK.1,000 PUREbail' switches, ail sli.ides, manufac¬turers' prices; bargains. 500 puregray hair switches, bargains. Yourown combings made up Intoswitches, pompadours, etc.; cut-r.iteprices. Fadeii switches, pompadours,etc., rocolored; charges moderate.Shampooing tins week. 35c. THERl vALLE. 807 E. Utoad St.. Rich¬mond._



SAFETY RAZOR BLADES RESHARP-ened, 2 l-2c. each; razors honed, 15c-Work hair tested, sterilized andguaranteed; thousands satisfied. Sendfor circular and convenient blademailer. SHARP-O CO., 50* EastMain Street._


or Monroe &M7.SEA FÖÖU

CALL PHONE MONROE 1111 FORfish, steamed crabs, crab meat. De¬livered promptly. 309 N Monroe St.ANTIQUES.

ORIGINAL antique FURNITURE.Furniture repaired. polished andpacked; upholstering, etc. L. N. ar-j NALL & SoN, 1017 \V. Broad. Phon«I Mad i»un 627 7._i TOOLS AND CUTLERY.IF YOU WANT ANYTHING IN TOOLS

or cutli ry, see tho EVANS HARD¬WARE Co. Best line at lowestprices In city. 700 W. Broad Street.


LARGEST LINE OF LAWN MOWERS,garden hose. In tho CHy; prices rea¬sonable. \\ e sell Detroit was ran;;-.-s.EVANS HARDWARE CO.. "00 WestBroad.


SEE EVANS HARDWARE CO. FORthe largest line of sporting goods intho city. 7^0 West Broad fit root._


OVER THREE HUNDRED PENNSYL-vanla mowers used In Richmond, In¬cluding all the public parks. Whynot have the best'.' We handle onlythe goillne Pennsylvania. JAMESMcGRAW, ii"" anil ip 2 E. Main S'.

iDimo.iio ^otiecs.~

Planters' NaTlonai Bank,Richmond, Va.. June 20. 1012.THE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANKhave to-elny declared a d'vidend of10 per cent, on the capital stockifree of tax) out of tue earningsfor the past six months. Payableon and after JUDY 1, 1912.


Richmond, Va., June 19, 1912.AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD OFdirectors cd the Nat,mal Hank ofVirginia, Richmond. Vn.. held to¬day, a semi-annual dividend ot .11-2per cent, was declared, payable JULY1, 1912. to stockholders of record asof Juno 15. Books open July 2.

W. M. ADDISON.Cashier.

AT A MEETING OF THE DIRE 1TORSof the Gorman-American Buildingnnd Lonn Corporation held »11 theabove date, a semi-annual dividendof 3 1-2 per cent, wus declared, pay¬able to stockholders on and afterJULY 1, 1912. CHAS. K. WILLIS,

Secretary and '.': usurer^Main Street Hank,

Richmond. \ü_, June 25. 1912.THE DIRECTORS OF THIS HANK

have to-day declared a seml-annauldividend "f 2 1-2 per cent., free oftax, payable to stockholders of rec¬ord as of June 25. Checks will bomailed. F. H. HARDAWAY,

Can hior._The Virginia Fire and Marine

Insurance CompanyRichmond, Va.. June 25, 1912.

_>rVlDKNU>.TUCB IDIR MOTORS OtFthis co-rirpany hava declared ja. semi¬annual dividend of llvo per cent.($1.26 T>er sharo, _nd 'free, frosin tax),payable July 1st next, to stew-kh«,Li¬ers ot record Juno 25, 1912.

Ttr.-viisfor linesks closed from thisdate do July Uli, inclusive. Dlvl-denel -will ho nwilled t«> stockholders.Changes of oddrrvu should ho noti¬fied tho company.

.w_.L-^t-v»fpoAajtfT_iiv. ito.:ota.. ,

ftOuiilS J:0l IXcv.iN^G&ELY'''FiTRNTS»fE*l> *

:ooMS. VVITHor without board. us East Mar¬lhall.

ROOMS FOR RENT. APARTMENT"T_Ti!E_ llANoVl.ll Mi,MI*on 631S-.I.PLEASANT.~ ÄT r ItACT!V E' ROOMS. 1 iNorth s'xtn. east sia. or str..t.FOR RENT, NICELY FURNISHEDrooms, with ui without board. TIS_East. Marshall.FOR RENT. SPAi'lOUS DINING IiomMs.furnished completely, capacity for,->0. rent re., son.i',1- Call Room 30«.National R.inl. of Virgin la _^DELIGHTFULLY, COOL ROOM; COM-1binatlon lights, hath; cheap to por-manent part; 122 South Fifth.SEITE. TWO LARGE EOO.MS. OATHniul hall, s w. Franklin.ONE LARGE, FURNISllIlD ROOM*.t:r«t Hour, immediate possession; twolar»re. unfurnished rooms, seconditoor, possession September I, Gracenear First. Address G 306. areTin:« .--1 lisp.io h.

SfCtilrö Proposalsstate Highway Commission]Plus WILL RE RECEIVED AT THEclerk's ollleo at Lebanon. Va., until

12 o'clock TUESDAY, July Sj 1912.for the construction of a steel bridgeover Clinch River, at Nash's Ford,in Russell county. Plans and speci¬fications may be seen at the clerk'soffice in Lebanon or at the office oftho State Highway Commission,Richmond, Va. A certified checktn the- sum of (250 must accompanyeach bid. Tho right is reserved toreject any and all bids.

Rids are asked on substructureand superstructure separately.

P. ST. .1 WILSON._Btatc llii.h-.wv < .. ni'-ilsHlpnor.

Automobiles tor sealeFOR SALE. CHALMERS DETROIT. J"1-horscpower touring car. fully equip¬ped; nearest offer to D.ooo takes .t;first-class condition. WM. P, AT¬KINSON COMPANY, Oox 101. Pe-

_tcrsburg, Va.__

F< > It SA EE. I'" IV E I 'A> S11 N« iE R f( Ml f-Ing car just overhauled ?225; tWO-pnssehger runabout, just overhauled,J22.r.: both cars have tops, head andOil lamps and good tires; full de¬scription sent on request. R. M.ZIMMERMAN, '.S27 K Street. N. \V.Washington. D. C.

auction. ö-Jlrs \3Ijis £>nvBy J. Thompson Brown & Co.,

HE; Main Street.



on premises,W E <NEST 'A Y, JUNE 26.

6 P. M.Nearly new. modern and up-to-date;

six rooms, two halls, btstn and pantry;latro-i.e he.it and combination fixtures.etc. Immediate possession. Owner hasmoved and it must he sold. Just thehouse |n demand for home or Invest-ment. Come and x< " a bargain.TERMS: Extra easy, and announced

at sale._High Constable's Sale

I IV ill sVSll by public, auction, on


at my storehouse, No. i3.)i> East Frank-I In. the following property, to satisfyd!str';-s warrants antl excctitiorvs inmy hands:

Hur. aus. Waxhstands. Refrigerators.Table Linen. Silverware, ohcTERMS: t'a-h.

W. H. WYA.TT. JR.,H. C . C. R.

fluition öalrs, future £>ars'

A. J. <*h> wning Company,Real Ewtatö Atuctlonecrs.


Entire Block of Land in

'Scott's Addition'ON THURSDAY. JUNE 27. 1912.

at" 6 o'clock P. M.This property fronts 346 feet on the

north Ride of (Brookland Street, ex¬tending back between High Point andSummit Avenues 140 feet to an alley20 fee;t wide.Everybody knows the rag)id Increase

In values in this Jooailty. The ownerneeds the money, and lias directed ust'> place th.s l ie bargain before yon.Coin 4 and secure it. We will offerfirst in building lots, and optionally

a whole.TERMiS: Easy, and announced at

salt-.A. J. r'HF.WNlNG COMPANY.

_Auctioneers.Wm. B. PizzinI CoTReal Evt.ite Auctioneers,723 East Main Stroet



Pursuant to a deereo of the Rich-Imond Chancery Court. In the sal'. -»fMary L. Rchluetor, wh.-. ;;..-s. etc.. vs.John H. Sc'hluoter et als., entered .Tune20, h>!2. the undersigned special com¬missioners wlil soli by public auction.on the premises, on

THURSDAY, JUNE 27, Em,at 6 o'clock P. M.,

the real estate. No. :'.-'" South LaurelStreet, the lot fronting sixteen < 16>feet Oh tho west side of Laurel Street,and running back between parallellines one hundred anil thirty-five tUI5)feet, more or loss, to an alley twentyt2f'i feet wide.This property should attract the at¬

tention of any one desiring a goodstore and dwelling, as well as inves¬tors of idle funds.TERMS: One-third cash, and the bal¬

ance in two equal instalments, evi¬denced by the promissory notes of thopurchaser, with interest added, pay¬able at si* *nd twelve months afterdate of salo, and titio to be retainedby the court until the purchase pricell fully paid; or for nil cash, at theoption of the purchaser.This property is sold subject to a

deed of tru--.t of 11,000 and the interestthereon from April ">. 1011.


Special Cotumlsslonors.

i certify that the bond required bythe above decre« of tlie- spocial com¬missioners has been duly given.Given under my hand tills 21st day

of June, 1012.Teste: OHAS O SAVILT.E.

lACii. estate J'-or ttrnt

Arcade! Arcade! Acade!Fouis-he« Street, between Broad end

Orar.<\ l'.irLs of first, second and thirdfloors for rent Splendid location, mostconvenient njid aittracMvo arrangementfor (btustrtoissi. Elewa-tOT ami janHorK<<rvlcc. Ste-a.m heat and water fur-nished. Rent reasonable.

hawkins * RUFORTD,loo Norrh gevwth Street_

lAcai estate{SorTsAiiB "or? ri?nt\

Handsome modern dwelling. Xo. S05Virginia Avenue, Barton Heights:every convenience:,.newly ipalnted andpapored.

john R. o A.Y.LE,N<?. .30 Nortli.Nirtia Street.

Auction öalcö, Jftttute Dagö

Sale ofRefusedand UnclaimedFreight ofEveryDescriptionW* will sell at pifblic auction, to

tho highest bidder, unless otherwisedisposed of, at our freight warehouse,co-rnor .Seventeenth and Marshall Kts,,Richmond, Va.,

thursday, june 27, 1912

commencing it 10 A. M..various lots of Dry Goods, Clothing,Rugs, Drug-jrots. Furniture, Hardwareand miscellaneous articles of every de¬scription.Tho public are requested to attend.

Elevated seats -provided for ladles, andspecial accommodation will bo af-forded out-of-town buyers for ship¬ping goods.the chesapeake and ohio

railway company.l. l sohbrer,



Pursuant to a decree of the Chan¬cery Court of the city of Richmond,in the suit of Flournoy et als. vs. Vir¬ginia Steel, Iron und Slalo Companyet alS.', entered on the 15th day of -May,1912. we will oiler lor sk.il« at publicauction, in lr<>nt of the post-ofltco atHe\vux_8vllle, V»., onWEDNESDAY. JULY 10, 1912,

at 2 o'clock P. M.,that certain tract of land |n Alibemarlecounty, \ ._, ly in_- on the waters ofRooktltOt River and the turnpike roadleading tvi Uo-war.svlllo, adjoining the;.u;.is of Fe u>wick, Bondurant, Potvtonami others. containing by a recent sur¬vey iiuide on Juno 7, 1912, by F. W.Swan', 341 acres, and being tue sameland which was conveyed to tbo Vir¬gin, .i Steel, iron and .Slate Companylrom B. C. HarLsook. trustee, hy deeddated February 26, lSJVl, and recorded;u the i ierk's otnoe of Albemarle coun¬ty, in D. B. y;., page 0i. A plat of lliusaid survey can bo seen at the store ofMr. Jos. IC Irving, at HowtardsvlUe.This is a very deslrafble and valuabletract of land, and 1« well located,fronting uti tho Howardsvlllo Turn¬pike and running back to the RookflshRiver, Olid has on It a large quantityof chestnut and other valuable umber.,TERMS: Otuft-bhllrd leash, anil thebalance at six and twelve months, thepurchaser to executo notes for thudeferred payments, with interest fromtho dato of attic, and title to i>o re¬tained until all tho purchase moneyIs paid and conveyance ordered by thecourt; or all cash, at the option of thepurchaser,C. & O. train leaving Richmond at1« o'clock will reach Howards villi- jntime for the sale. Train leaving How-ardsvllle after the sale reaches Rich¬mond at 6:40.Any further Information desired canhe obtained from tho commissioners

or from Jos. K. Irving, at Howards-vllle.W. D. CARDWELT«WTLLÖUGHBY NEWTON. JR.,Special Commissioners.

I certify th.it the bond required bythe above decree of the special crmi-mlssloners has been duly given.Given under my hand this the 17fhday of June. 1912.Toste: OHAS. O. SA VIDI.E.

_"Clerk.Virginia Auction Co.,


AT AUCTION.We will sell at S3ii Ess) Main Street,FRIDAY. JUNE 2<«.

at n:S0 A. M..ir-foot Onyx Soda Vountaln, with 14-foot R*nt Counter. Extracts. Flavorsetc.: two handsome SOxlO feet Walli\ sc.*. with Light Rr.ick.-ts and Mir¬rors; one Glass Pipe Case, one Glassfliar Case, three Consols, one GasLighter and Pedestal, BxSVS WindowBacks, ll-foot Panel and Glass llutnl-dor. Ihre., Ice Cream Chairs and Tftbl.S,on. Standing Desk, etc.These are a very handsome set offixtures. Should he seen to be SJppro.elated.Sals positive. TERMS: C.->:;h. Goods

to be removed on Monday, July l.VIRGINIA AUCTION CO..

Auctioneers.By Pollard * Bagtoy,Ren] Estate Auctioneers.


DETACHED FRAME DWELLINGKNOWN AS NO. 120 1 NORTH NINE¬TEENTH STREET.In execution of a deed of trust datedAugust 6. 1907. and recorded in theclerk's office of Richmond ChanceryCourt, TV B. 194-D, page 20.1. defaulthaving been made In the payment of

the debt therein secured, and bcir.grequired so to do, I Will sell hy auction'on the premises, on

THURSDAY, JUNE 27. 1912,at B o'clock P. M.,

the above mentioned attractive de¬tached frame dwelling. Tho lot h:ui afrontage of twenty-six (2fi» foot on thewest lino of Nineteenth Street, run¬ning back west wa rd y between parallellines one hundred ami twenty-liveI12;',i feet eight (8) Inches to an alleyin rear fourteen (14) feet wide. Thissal." |s made subject to a prior nu.rt-gage, of 11.000.TERMS: Cash.

Iin.L .MONTAGUE.Trustee.

p. 8..It Is possible that -the auc¬tioneers may bo able to mak< bettorterms upon the day of sale._


Fouthbc.nd trnlr.» schudule.l to Irnve Rich¬mond dully: 9:06 A. M..Local to Nor'.lna.1:20 P. M..Sleepers and cu.ichrs. Atlanta,ilirmliiRhnm, Sarannnh. Jacksonville,P. M..Sleeper* anil conches. Jackaouvlllb.IliB P. M..Hlceperj and conches. Atlanta.Rlnnlnghnm. Memphis. Northbound trainsschedules to arrive in Richmond dully:7:10 A U.. 9:U> A. M « M P. M.. i-iO V. iL.Local._The Valentine Museum

ELEVENTH AND CLAY STREETS.Open dally from 10 A. M. to F> P. M.

Admission, 25 c, IVoe on Sajturdays

£U(irotiD0 *

ficuionAjFrCuencteu'ii & PotomÄw ITO AND FROM WASHINGTON AND BEYOMtX iIx>two Illolummtl.6.50 A.M. Iljrd Kt.Kta.«8.00 A.M. Mala 4»L S«n,.8.40 A.M. Iljrd Kt.Ni»..D.10 A.M. lljrd HU Kta.0.2SA.H. MalnNt- Hb».

.12.(11 noon Bl rd KU Uta.tS.OO P.M.Bjrd 8t, Rta.¦KL50 P.M. Brrtl H». Sl»54.15 P.M. F.lha Glutton»5.16 P.M. »lalnHt. Hta.1»8.80P.M. lltr-lM. Nta

Arp'T* lUchmonA.00 A.M. Ht rJSt.Htai

.¦ i i.« A.M. Kiha sutioa4Ht..15 A.A. KjrdKLStesA»1.12 *.::. v.ilnM.Htaw.x.50 P.M. Bjr.1KI.Hta.'!»6.17 PJH. Main K t. rt tsv.!.CIO P.S. BjidSt.Ht*.*.»0.00 P.M. Byr« Kt.Bl*^Jtu.10 P.M.Brr4 8t.Rt»V

.11.17 P.M. MalnM-SU*). lx.Mi sight DTrdW4.8tiACCOMMODATION TRAINS.WEEKDAYS.

Leare By rd Hl. Rta. 4.W P. M. for Frederlcfcsbaritsf .1Leave nibs Hm. 7.46 A. H..6.25 P. U. for AaulaneUArrlff Tlrrd St. si i. s.A.M.from Frtdeilekub'MAfTlT«Elba8U.G.30 A.M...1-10 P.M. from AshlaneLA

.Daily, t Weekday*. JSuodays only.All trains to or from Byrd Street StalioiL

.top at Elba. Time of arrivals and departures,acii guaranteed. Read the sinus.

Richmond & Petersburg ilecinc RailwayCars leave Manchester, Suventh ani Perm-struts, for Petersburg;:.«. ~. «. .», lo, . .. »ia a. m :. «s. «. m..4:4.-.. -6 T. a. .», 111 P. M.H-.UO P. 11 lor Chester. 12:00 midnight ftr**VtU riburg. jCars leave Petersburg, foot of SycanaorsH

Eire'-:. :<.r Manchester: }15:16. e.V.. '»7:18, »7:35. »:3S. 9:35, «10:35. H:SJB! a. M.: \l:ii. .!:!;, :.3i. 3:30. «4:33. s:3S. 6:3V!*7..V,. 9:35, »10:40. UMO P. VLtOatl) ex ;tt Bundaya and holidays..Csrrlci baggage and express...Limited, except Sundays and holidays. .'All can from Petersburg connect wltJsn

cars for Richmond.

Norfolk & Western Railway^siONLY ALL RAIL I.INT. TO NORFOLK.

Schedule In Effect June 17. 1012.Leave Byrd Street Station. Richmond. FOISfNORFOLK: bS:10 A. M., «9:00 A. SA.,

P. M., Milfl P. 11.. bT:38 P. M.Full LYNCHBURG AND THE WEST:

A M, »10:00 a. it.. .>$...-) 1'. lt.. '9:20 P. 14% 1Arrlvi Rl hmond from Norfolk: a 11:40 A.?

11. bll:45 a. M .:... P. M.. b!0:25 P. St.,.; P. M. From the West: 't:f9 A. M .

10 P 11 bl I P. St., »6:00 P. St., »9:00 P«lM..Dally nD.illy ex. Sunday. bSunday only.W. 11 HKVll.T,. II H. BOHLET.0. P. A.. Hoanoke. D. P A Richmond.


Tmim Leaye Richmond.N. B..Following schedule llgurca publlsts*/ed as Information and not guaranteed:For tho South.Dally: 6:10 a. M. Locals'

Trains Arrive Rlchmänd.From tho South: 6:00 A. II.. 5:10 A. MV« j::<.:. P. lt.. 8:05 P. II. dally; 12:55 Ex. Buo.1

From Weal Point: 'j.-'O a. St. dally, ll:S6 A^fsi. llo».. Wed. and Frl., 4:25 P. St. Ex, SuojI

S. E. BURGESS, D. P. A.,90T E Main St. Phons Madison 373.

10:4! A. M. Express. 6:00 f. St. Express»!with electric lighted Sleeping Car for Atil.a at a and Birmingham. 11:45 P. IL Express* 1IVeok l>a>«: 3:0« P. M. Local.

YORK RIVHU LINE.4>0 P. St..Daily..Connecting for BsltHf

inort M. n. %\>d. and Friday. «:P0 A_ St..Kx^lBun. and 2:1j P. M..Man.. Wed. and FrtHda>.Local


Chesapeake & Ohio Railway7:30A..Local.Dally.-Newport Newa.1:16 A..Local.Dally.Ch'vlll*. Ex. Sun*^'Ihurmond..9:00 A..Express.Daily.Norfolk. Old Point*'/|le:C0 A. Local.Dally Lchbg., Lex. C. Fora«!»12:00 Noon -Express Dally.Norfolk Old Pt*i.2:15 P. -Express.Dally, ein., L'vllle.(4.0'i I'.-Expreas.Dally.Norfolk, N. News. ,<4:00 P..Local.Dally.N. News, Old Point.t:l?> I'. .Local.Ex. Sun..tJordonavlllo.5:16 1'..Local.Ex. SOT...Lchbg, Natura^!Bridge. Clifton 1-orgo..6.4 > P..Limited.Dally.Clnctn'tl, Chicago^*lt:to P..Express.llatly.Cincinnati, l.'vllla*<*Mieepers. tl'artor Cars.I TRAINS ARRIV'U RICHMOND.Local frorst.East: S:10 A. M., 7:1» P. M. Through troaxilEast: 11:30 A M . 2:05 P. St., 6:30 P. m. Locatefrom West: S :o A. St., ..!»:« A. M., kaof!7:20 P. II. Through: S:W A. lt., U:65 A<!j At. and 2:50 1> St.James u.\.-r Line: ..«iss a. m., «:io p. üv"Daily exe.pt i'r.nd!;..-1-ti.Atiantic Coast Liner

Tho Standard Itailronil of the Souih.EFFECTIVE JUNE 16th. 1912.TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY.

For Florida and South: 1:15 A. M. an«'l:M l'. St., 1:00 a. SI.For Norfolk: ..1:10 A. M 9:0) A. IL. .3:9«'

, 1'. II., 4.10 T. If.i ..7:3.'. P. M.For N. & W. Ry. ^Ve.¦^t: 6:16 A- M 10:0».A M.. «3.00 P. St.. 9:20 P. St. '

For Petersburg: 1:00 A. II.. »:1S A. M.*,i"Silo X. St., Silo A. St., 9 00 A. St., 10:00 JUl11., »1:00 I'. M. 4:10 !¦. M.. 6:05 P. m., 6:6f"|P. lt.. "7:.15 P. II.. 9;il P. M . 11:« P. Jf. <For Ojldsboro and Fuyettovtlln: '4:10P.M«.iTrains nrr.ve Richmond dally: 5:05 A. M.Jj 4:40 A. M.. 1:55 A. II.. *.vJ7 A. 11.. "10:4s A^lSi 10 A. 11 "IRIS A. M., «2:10 P. il-a1.-1.I0 P. M. 4:05 p. M.. 4:35 1'. II., 8:00 pTI11 :. -i P. II.. »»10:21 I'. St.. 11:30 P. AL.Except Sunday. "Suadoy only.Tone of arrival and departure and coa«jHon» not suarantsed. t,S. CAMPBELL. D. P. A- «. Mola St. '

RIOIlltONn AND CHESAPEAKE ba?S'RAILWAY COMPANY.Schedule of Electric Trains, uffecfrvo Itayf30, 1117. Leave Richmond, Laurel and BroaoTStreets: b .4:00 a. lt.. .;.:« A. M., bS:lo aJ11.. »:10-A. It "10:10 A. M.. 11:10 A. St., I:iffI' M ,2:10 P. II.. 3;:-. P. St., bl:l0 V. M.. 5:20)!P. M. 4:20 p. lt., T:io P. St., bS.10 P. St.J1 .e> p 11.. 11:46 I". 11. Leave Ashland, EngVt1. t:.,: Maple Stret tt: »Si&S A. St., b »7:00 a.At., S:00 A. lt., b3:00 A. lt.. 10:CO A. St.. "U OOtA. 11., .12:00 11., "1:00 P. II.. 2:00 P. St.. 2:0»!P. II.. 4.e«» P. St., b5:.X> P. 11.. 4:00 P. St., 7:0MV St., ") p. 11., b»:00 P. 11.. ll:C0 P. 11..Dally tsrppt Sunday. "Sunday only. jbCarrlsa baggage. >

via Halifax, N. S., cruise of ;.V» miles. Hogs,.nlflcenl Scener; Out ol Canso, Northumber,]land Strait. Oulf an-'. River St. Lawrence and]far-famed Sngaenaj Itlvrr. s s. "Trlnldml'Mfrom tt, V. July Ät.i an,I 20th, Aujr. 3d unaR17th. Fjom ytiuliec July 12th and 26th, AufjjjGo .T.o.L_

Tour« inc. Hotel-., nlinre Excursions, J.ovve-sSYKates. Twin Scre« >. s. ..iiiirmfdian,")10.51S tour, displacement. Electric runs; wire-*;Fnsleat, newest anil only,steamer lunUlng pasaengeni at ttie dock lrxi.Itermuiln without transfer. >allings evcryjllive days i:i m with R. St. s. pjCo. Tlclteta interchangeable. sFor lull Information npply to A. E. OUTIssEIIURIDCK A CO., Ast».. 4|<iebr<- S. S. Co3I id.. Ilrdwy., N. 1.. >. II. 1IOW1IAN, 70©K. Main. or any Ticket AkL. or Ql'Eimo I¦s. s- i t) LRL, Qurlicc._ i

-^OLD DOMINION LINli.Lv. Richmond foot of Ash St. daily.7:09 p. %CjLeave Newport News.5:0uA. At,iAmu Noriolk.6:00 A. Ät,*Connects u.th main Una steamers iesvlnWNorfolk lor New York daily, except Sunday^7:00 1'. 11. Conuectlons also mudo by n. fL\iYV. Ry. 3 P. M. and C. A O. lty. at 4 p. iJVNight Uno suannrs stop at ..,:,.-,....land or io;«lv» p.u. a on aigasi, aos\7v, .A bn mat by public conveyance.VIHUIMA NAVIGATION co. (tjuectlvisMaren UJ.-Jamis River by dayilghi fQJNNorfolk and Old Point. Newport News und.si. J.mn River landings. Sloam.r leavest'jy. .i..:.i>, WcJn. jdüy and Friday at 1:30 j±aM. Freight recolved for all Jaaues l:nu(J'landings. 'Pbons Madison 175.Main Ticket OiTIes. 521 K. Mala Mrsst.


Vacation Trips "By Sea"NORFOLK TO jj

BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE.Steamers .Norfolk to Boston daily, except.'

Thursday, to Providence, Monday, ThutWCay and Saturday. 7 P. M. Through tlcksugun sale to principal points.F.no ate&mers. excellent service, low farsaWWire.ess telegraph. Send for bookteL ^Apply C. & O. Ry... N. A W. Ry., a. *e*tBowman, No. 701 B. Main Strset. and Rlcfiflmond Transfer Comosny. No. 809 E. Main Stjf-.-a.

Travel Without Trouble IAmerica and Europe

Includes Tullroad, steainsblp. tRtjs^pendent tlcltets, with hotel «rinnemi>aBnations."ASK MR. BOWJIAM,"

Tourist A«er|t. 31 aoa. la. Mala mc^_oB«t^ Vj^-Aj