: cognitive market research / : 2021-03-01 / : 200

제 7판 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 보고서 2021 발행사: Cognitive Market Research / 발행일: 2021-03-01 / 페이지: 200 / 가격: Single User PDF; $3,145 개요 Cognitive Market Research는 최근 발표된 “첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 규모, 동향, 성 장, 경쟁자 분석 (2016-2028)” 보고서를 통해 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS의 자세한 분석을 제 공한다. 이 조사 연구는 전세계에 위치한 자사의 고도로 숙련된 분석가들에 의해 실시된 포괄적 인 12차 연구의 산물이다. 이번 시장 연구는 현 시장의 성장을 가속화하는 주요 요인들을 포함한 산업 역학에 초점을 둔다. 보고서는 또한 규제 및 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 산업의 높은 성장 부문을 위한 기회를 명시한다. 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS의 시장 성장에 영향 을 주는 요인들의 전체론적 관점을 제공하기 위해 거시 경제와 미시 경제와 같은 주요 산업 요인 들은 PESTEL 분석을 통해 상세히 연구 되었다. 시장 성장은 회기 분석, 최종 사용자의 감성 분석 등과 같은 복잡한 알고리즘을 통해 예측되었다. 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장은 다양한 요인들을 기준으로 나뉘어졌다. 모든 부문 들은 2016년부터 2028년까지의 매출 및 규모를 기준으로 분석 및 예측 되었다. 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장: 유형 부문 분석 모든 유형 부문들은 현재와 미래의 동향을 바탕으로 분석 되었고, 시장 규모는 2020년부터 2028 년까지 측정되었다. 연구는 또한 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장의 빠르게 성장하는 유형 부문의 주역을 이해하기 위한 각 유형의 질적 양적 분석을 제공한다. 이 보고서에서 분석된 주요 유형은 다음과 같다: 적응식 정속주행 시스템 차선이탈 경고시스템 사각지역탐지기

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제 7판 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 보고서 2021

발행사: Cognitive Market Research / 발행일: 2021-03-01 / 페이지: 200 / 가격: Single User PDF;



Cognitive Market Research는 최근 발표된 “첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 규모, 동향, 성

장, 경쟁자 분석 (2016-2028)” 보고서를 통해 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS의 자세한 분석을 제

공한다. 이 조사 연구는 전세계에 위치한 자사의 고도로 숙련된 분석가들에 의해 실시된 포괄적

인 12차 연구의 산물이다. 이번 시장 연구는 현 시장의 성장을 가속화하는 주요 요인들을 포함한

산업 역학에 초점을 둔다. 보고서는 또한 규제 및 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 산업의 높은

성장 부문을 위한 기회를 명시한다. 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS의 시장 성장에 영향

을 주는 요인들의 전체론적 관점을 제공하기 위해 거시 경제와 미시 경제와 같은 주요 산업 요인

들은 PESTEL 분석을 통해 상세히 연구 되었다. 시장 성장은 회기 분석, 최종 사용자의 감성 분석

등과 같은 복잡한 알고리즘을 통해 예측되었다.

글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장은 다양한 요인들을 기준으로 나뉘어졌다. 모든 부문

들은 2016년부터 2028년까지의 매출 및 규모를 기준으로 분석 및 예측 되었다.

글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장: 유형 부문 분석

모든 유형 부문들은 현재와 미래의 동향을 바탕으로 분석 되었고, 시장 규모는 2020년부터 2028

년까지 측정되었다. 연구는 또한 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장의 빠르게 성장하는 유형

부문의 주역을 이해하기 위한 각 유형의 질적 양적 분석을 제공한다.

이 보고서에서 분석된 주요 유형은 다음과 같다:

적응식 정속주행 시스템

차선이탈 경고시스템


위 도표는 참고자료임을 밝힌다.

글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장: 적용 부문 분석

이 보고서는 전세계, 지역, 국가 수준에 따른 매출 성장을 예측하고 2016년부터 2028년까지의 첨

단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS의 각 적용 부문별 최신 산업 동향 및 기회를 분석한다. 이는 다양

한 최종 사용 업계의 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 수요를 분석하는데 도움을 줄 것으로 파악


주요 적용 부문은 다음과 같다:




1 개요서

1.1 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장, 2016-2028 (USD 100만)

1.2 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장: 스냅샷

2 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 개요

2.1 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS의 제품 개요 및 범주

2.2 시장 세분화

2 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS의 제품 개요 및 범주

2.1 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS의 제품 개요 및 범주

2.2 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 부문, 유형별

2.3 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 부문, 적용별

2.4 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장, 지역별 (2016-2021)

2.5 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 규모 (2016-2028)

3 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 경쟁, 제조업체별 (데이터 가용성에 따라 상이함)

3.1 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 매출 및 점유율, 제조업체별 (2016-2020)

3.2 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장의 2020년 Top 5 주요 참여기업

4 Covid – 19이 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장에 미친 영향

4.1 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 – Covid – 19 영향 분석

4.2 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 – PESTEL 분석

4.3 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 – 5 세력 모형

4.4 복구 분석

5 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 – 산업 분석

5.1 개요

5.2 시장 주역

5.3 시장 규제

5.4 기회

5.5 시장 매력 분석

6 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 – 지역적 부문 분석

6.1 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장: 지역적 부문 개요

6.2 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 매출 및 시장 점유율 (%), 지역별 (2016-2021)

7 북아메리카 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 개발 현황 및 전망

7.1 북아메리카 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장, 국가별, 2016-2021

7.2 미국

7.3 캐나다

7.4 멕시코

8 유럽 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 개발 현황 및 전망

9 아시아-태평양 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 발전 현황 및 전망

9.1 아시아-태평양 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장, 국가별, 2016-2021

9.2 중국

9.3 인도

9.4 일본

9.5 대한민국

9.6 호주

9.7 동남아시아

9.8 나머지 APAC 국가

10 라틴아메리카 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 발전 현황 및 전망

10.1 라틴아메리카 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장, 국가별, 2016-2021

10.2 브라질

10.3 아르헨티나

10.4 콜롬비아

10.5 나머지 라틴아메리카 국가

11 중동 & 아프리카 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 발전 현황 및 전망

11.1 중동 & 아프리카 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장, 국가별, 2016-2021

11.2 사우디아라비아

11.3 남아프리카

11.4 터키

11.5 나이지리아

11.6 아랍에미리트

11.8 나머지 MEA 국가

12 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 – 유형 부문 분석

12.1 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 – 유형 부문 분석

12.2 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 매출 및 시장 점유율 (%), 유형별 (2016-2021)

13 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 – 적용 부문 분석 (2016-2021)

13.1 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장: 적용 부문 개요

13.2 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 매출 (USD 100만) 및 시장 점유율 (%), 적용별


14 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 제조업체 프로필/분석

14.1 Continental Ag

14.2 Delphi Automotive PLC

14.3 Robert Bosch Gmbh

14.4 Aisin Seiki Co. Ltd.

14.5 Autoliv Inc

14.6 Denso Corporation

14.7 Valeo

14.8 Magna International

14.9 Trw Automotive Holdings Corp.

14.10 Hella Kgaa Hueck & Co.

14.11 Ficosa International S.A.

14.12 Mobileye NV

14.13 Mando Corp.

14.14 Texas Instruments Inc.

14.15 Hitachi Ltd

14.16 Sensor Supplier

14.17 SONY

14.18 Magna

14.19 Panasonic

14.20 valeo

14.21 MCNEX

14.22 Junsheng Electronics

14.23 Homogeneous electron

14.24 Flextronics

14.25 Zhejiang Kang

14.26 Valley electron

14.27 Lotes

14.28 Melexis electronic

14.29 Radar Supplier

14.30 TRW

14.31 Bosch

14.32 Mainland

14.33 Denso

14.34 Delphi

14.35 Autoliv

14.36 Hella

14.37 Hitachi

14.38 Velogyne

14.39 IBEO

14.40 Beijing Cody

14.41 Fai Electronics

14.42 ChipSoftware Vendors

14.43 Mobileye

14.44 TI

14.45 ADI

14.46 Infineon

14.47 NXP

14.48 Toshiba

14.49 Ansenmei

14.50 Toshiba

14.51 ST

14.52 Fly Carle

14.53 Fujitsu

14.54 Renesas

14.55 Ambarella

15 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 제조 비용 분석 (해당할 경우)

15.1 주요 원자재 분석

15.2 원자재 주요 공급업체

15.3 제조 비용 구조 비율

16 시장 효과 요인 분석

16.1 소비자 욕구/소비자 선호 변화

16.2 경제적/정치적 환경 변화

17 산업망, 소싱 전략, 다운스트림 구매자

17.1 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장망 분석

17.2 다운스트림 구매자 목록

17.3 유통업체 목록

18 마케팅 전략

18.1 소비자 욕구/소비자 선호 변화

18.2 시장 정위화

19 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 전망 (2021-2028)

19.1 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 매출 전망 (2021-2028)

19.2 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 매출 (USD 100만) 전망, 지역별 (2021-2028)

19.3 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 매출 및 전망, 제품별 (2021-2028)

19.4 글로벌 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 매출 (USD 100만) 전망, 적용별 (2021-2028)

20 북아메리카 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 전망, 2021-2028

20.1 북아메리카

20.2 미국

20.3 캐나다

20.4 멕시코

21 유럽 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 전망, 2021-2028

21.1 유럽

21.2 독일

21.3 프랑스

21.4 영국

21.5 이탈리아

21.6 러시아

21.7 스페인

21.8 나머지 유럽 국가

22 아시아-태평양 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 전망, 2021-2028

21.1 아시아-태평양

22.2 중국

22.3 인도

22.4 일본

22.5 동남아시아

22.6 기타

23 라틴아메리카 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 전망, 2021-2028

23.1 라틴아메리카

23.2 브라질

23.3 아르헨티나

23.4 콜롬비아

23.5 나머지 라틴아메리카 국가

24 중동 & 아프리카 첨단 운전자 보조 시스템 ADAS 시장 전망, 2021-2028

24.1 중동 & 아프리카

24.2 사우디아라비아

24.3 남아프리카

24.4 터키

24.5 나이지리아

24.6 아랍에미리트

24.6 나머지 MEA 국가

25 연구 내용 및 결론

25.1 주요 인터뷰 & 설문조사 응답자의 주요 통찰

25.2 분석가, 컨설턴트, 산업 지도자의 주요 요점

보고서 문의

7th Edition Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Report


Publishers: Cognitive Market Research / Date: 2021-03-01 / Page: 200 / Price: Single User PDF;



Cognitive Market Research provides detailed analysis of Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS

in its recently published report titled, "Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Size, Trends,

Growth and Competitors Analysis (2016-2028)". The research study is an outcome of extensive primary

and secondary research conducted by our highly experienced analyst team located across the globe.

The market study focuses on industry dynamics including driving factors to provide the key elements

fueling the current market growth. The report also identifies restraints and opportunities to provide high

growth segments involved in the Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS industry. Key industrial

factors such as macroeconomic and microeconomic factors are studied in details with the help of

PESTEL analysis in order to have a holistic view of factors impacting Advanced Driving Assistance

System ADAS market growth across the globe. Market growth is forecasted with the help of complex

algorithms such as regression analysis, sentiment analysis of end users, etc.

The global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS market has been segmented based on various

factors. All segments have been analyzed and forecast based on Revenue and Volume from 2016 to


Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market: Type Segment Analysis

All the type segments have been analyzed based on present and future trends and the market size is

estimated from 2020 to 2028. Moreover, study also provides quantitative and qualitative analysis of

each type to understand the driving factors for the fastest growing type segment for Advanced Driving

Assistance System ADAS market.

Some of the key types analyzed in this report are as follows:

Adaptive cruise control

Lane departure warning

Blind spot detection

Figures are for representative purpose only.

Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market: Application Segment Analysis

This report forecasts revenue growth at the global, regional, and country levels and provides an analysis

of the latest industry trends and opportunities for each application of Advanced Driving Assistance

System ADAS from 2016 to 2028. This will help to analyze the demand for Advanced Driving Assistance

System ADAS across different end-use industries.

Some of the key applications as follow:

Passenger Car

Commercial Car

Figures are for representative purpose only.

Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market: Region Segment Analysis

All type and application segments have been analyzed based on current trends at the global, regional

as well as country level. The Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS market research report

provides in-depth information about the data analyzed and interpreted during the course of this research

by using the figures, graphs, pie charts, tables and bar graphs. The key regions are analyzed by

considering various factors such as the profit, product price, capacity, production, supply, demand,

market growth rate and many more.

Following are the various regions covered by the Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS market

research report:

North America (U.S., Canada and Mexico)

Europe (Germany, UK , France, Italy, Russia, Spain and Rest of Europe)

Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, South East Asia and Rest of APAC)

South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia and Rest of Latin America)

Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, Nigeria, UAE and Rest of MEA)

Above graph is for illustrative purposes only.

Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market – Competitive Landscape

The subsequent part of the report includes competitive landscape along with the company profiling of

the key manufacturers involved in the market. The report covers detailed competitive outlook including

the market size as well as market share and company profiles of the key participants operating in the

global market.This part of the report majorly highlights key developments such as new product launches,

expansion, mergers & acquisitions, partnerships, agreements, joint ventures, business overview, key

strategies and financial analysis associated with the key players. To overcome the impact of COVID-19

most of the leading players in the market are investing on research and novel product development.

Following are the major key players:

Continental Ag

Delphi Automotive PLC

Robert Bosch Gmbh

Aisin Seiki Co. Ltd.

Autoliv Inc

Denso Corporation


Magna International

Trw Automotive Holdings Corp.

Hella Kgaa Hueck & Co.

Ficosa International S.A.

Mobileye NV

Mando Corp.

Texas Instruments Inc.

Hitachi Ltd

Sensor Supplier






Junsheng Electronics

Homogeneous electron


Zhejiang Kang

Valley electron


Melexis electronic

Radar Supplier











Beijing Cody

Fai Electronics

ChipSoftware Vendors










Fly Carle




Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Executive Summary

1.1 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market, 2016-2028, (USD Million)

1.2 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market: Snapshot

Chapter 2 Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Overview

2.1 Product Overview and Scope of Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS

2.2 Market Segmentation

2.2.1 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Segmentation

Chpater 2 Product Overview and Scope of Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS

2.1 Product Overview and Scope of Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS

2.2 Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Segment by Type

2.2.1 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Revenue (USD Million) and Growth

Rate (%) Comparison by Type (2016-2021)

2.2.2 Adaptive cruise control

2.2.3 Lane departure warning

2.2.4 Blind spot detection

2.3 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Segment by Applications

2.3.1 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue (USD Million) Comparison by

Applications (2016-2028)

2.3.2 Passenger Car

2.3.3 Commercial Car

2.4 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market by Regions (2016-2021)

2.4.1 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Size and CAGR (%) Comparison by


2.4.2 North America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Status and Prospect (2016-2028)

2.4.3 Europe Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Status and Prospect (2016-2028)

2.4.4 Asia Pacific Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Status and Prospect (2016-2028)

2.4.5 Latin America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Status and Prospect (2016-2028)

2.4.6 Middle East and Africa Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Status and Prospect (2016-


2.5 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Size (2016-2028)

2.5.1 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Status and Outlook (2016-2028)

Chapter 3 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Competition by Manufacturers

(Subject To Data Availability)

3.1 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2016-


3.2 Top 5 Key Players of Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market 2020

Chapter 4 Covid – 19 Impact Analysis on Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market

4.1 Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market – Covid – 19 Impact Analysis

4.1.1 Immediate Impact

4.1.2 Short term Impact

4.1.3 Long Term Impact

4.2 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market – PESTEL Analysis

4.2.1 North America

4.2.2 Europe

4.2.3 Asia Pacific

4.2.4 Latin America

4.2.5 Middle East & Africa

4.3 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market – Porter's Five Forces Analysis

4.4 Recovery Analysis

Chapter 5 Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market –Industry Analysis

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Market Drivers

5.2.1 Drivers for Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market: Impact Analysis

5.3 Market Restraints

5.3.1 Restraints for Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market: Impact Analysis

5.4 Opportunity

5.5 Market Attractiveness Analysis

5.5.1 Market Attractiveness Analysis by Product Segment

5.5.2 Market Attractiveness Analysis by Application

5.5.3 Market Attractiveness Analysis by Regional Segment

Chapter 6 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market – Regional Segment Analysis

6.1 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market: Regional Segment Overview

6.1.1 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Revenue Share, By Regional, 2019

And 2022

6.2 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue and Market Share (%) by Regions


Chapter 7 North America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Development Status

and Outlook

7.1 North America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market by Country, 2016-2021

7.1.1 North America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Size by Type (2016-2021)

7.1.2 North America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Size by Applications (2016-


7.2 United States

7.2.1 United States Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type


7.2.2 United States Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Market Size by Applications


7.3 Canada

7.3.1 Canada Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2016-


7.3.2 Canada Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Market Size by Applications


7.4 Mexico

7.4.1 Mexico Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2016-


7.4.2 Mexico Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Market Size by Applications


Chapte 8 Europe Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Development Status and


Chapter 9 Asia-Pacific Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Development Status and


9.1 Asia-Pacific Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market by Country, 2016-2021

9.1.1 Asia-Pacific Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Size by Type (2016-2021)

9.1.2 Asia-Pacific Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Size by Applications (2016-


9.2 China

9.2.1 China Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2016-


9.2.2 China Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Market Size by Applications (2016-


9.3 India

9.3.1 India Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2016-


9.3.2 India Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Market Size by Applications (2016-


9.4 Japan

9.4.1 Japan Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2016-


9.4.2 Japan Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Market Size by Applications (2016-


9.5 South Korea

9.4.1 South Korea Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type


9.4.2 South Korea Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Market Size by Applications


9.6 Australia

9.6.1 Australia Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2016-


9.6.2 Australia Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Market Size by Applications


9.7 South East Asia

9.7.1 South East Asia Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type


9.7.2 South East Asia Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Market Size by

Applications (2016-2021)

9.8 Rest of APAC

9.8.1 Rest of APAC Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type


9.8.2 Rest of APAC Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Market Size by Applications


Chapter 10 Latin America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Development Status

and Outlook

10.1 Latin America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market by Country, 2016-2021

10.1.1 Latin America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Size by Type (2016-2021)

10.1.2 Latin America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Size by Applications (2016-


10.2 Brazil

10.2.1 Brazil Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2016-


10.2.2 Brazil Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Market Size by Applications


10.3 Argentina

10.3.1 ArgentinaAdvanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type


10.3.2 ArgentinaAdvanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Market Size by Applications


10.4 Columbia

10.4.1 Columbia Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type


10.4.2 Columbia Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Market Size by Applications


10.5 Rest of Latin America

10.5.1 Rest of Latin AmericaAdvanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by

Type (2016-2021)

10.5.2 Rest of Latin AmericaAdvanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Market Size by

Applications (2016-2021)

Chapter 11 Middle East & Africa Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Development

Status and Outlook

11.1 Middle East & Africa Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market by Country, 2016-2021

11.1.1 Middle East & Africa Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Size by Type (2016-


11.1.2 Middle East & Africa Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Size by Applications


11.2 Saudi Arabia

11.2.1 Saudi Arabia Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type


11.2.2 Saudi Arabia Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Market Size by Applications


11.3 South Africa

11.3.1 South Africa Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type


11.3.2 South Africa Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Market Size by Applications


11.4 Turkey

11.4.1 Turkey Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2016-


11.4.2 Turkey Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Market Size by Applications


11.5 Nigeria

11.4.1 Nigeria Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2016-


11.4.2 Nigeria Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Market Size by Applications


11.6 UAE

11.6.1 UAE Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2016-


11.6.2 UAE Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Market Size by Applications (2016-


11.8 Rest of MEA

11.8.1 Rest of MEA Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type


11.8.2 Rest of MEA Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Market Size by Applications


Chapter 12 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market - Type Segment Analysis

12.1 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market - Type Segment Analysis

12.1.1 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Revenue Share, By Type, 2020 And


12.2 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue and Market Share (%) by Type


Chapter 13 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market – Application Segment

Analysis (2016-2021)

13.1 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market: Application Segment Overview

13.1.1 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Revenue Share, By Application,

2020 And 2027

13.2 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue (USD Million) and Market Share

(%) by Applications (2016-2021)

Chpater 14 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis

14.1 Continental Ag

14.1.1 Continental Ag Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.1.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.1.3 Continental Ag Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.1.4 Continental Ag Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.1.5 Business Strategy

14.1.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.2 Delphi Automotive PLC

14.2.1 Delphi Automotive PLC Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.2.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.2.3 Delphi Automotive PLC Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%)


14.2.4 Delphi Automotive PLC Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.2.5 Business Strategy

14.2.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.3 Robert Bosch Gmbh

14.3.1 Robert Bosch Gmbh Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.3.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.3.3 Robert Bosch Gmbh Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-


14.3.4 Robert Bosch Gmbh Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.3.5 Business Strategy

14.3.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.4 Aisin Seiki Co. Ltd.

14.4.1 Aisin Seiki Co. Ltd. Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.4.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.4.3 Aisin Seiki Co. Ltd. Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-


14.4.4 Aisin Seiki Co. Ltd. Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.4.5 Business Strategy

14.4.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.5 Autoliv Inc

14.5.1 Autoliv Inc Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.5.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.5.3 Autoliv Inc Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.5.4 Autoliv Inc Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.5.5 Business Strategy

14.5.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.6 Denso Corporation

14.6.1 Denso Corporation Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.6.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.6.3 Denso Corporation Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-


14.6.4 Denso Corporation Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.6.5 Business Strategy

14.6.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.7 Valeo

14.7.1 Valeo Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.7.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.7.3 Valeo Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.7.4 Valeo Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.7.5 Business Strategy

14.7.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.8 Magna International

14.8.1 Magna International Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.8.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.8.3 Magna International Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-


14.8.4 Magna International Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.8.5 Business Strategy

14.8.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.9 Trw Automotive Holdings Corp.

14.9.1 Trw Automotive Holdings Corp. Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its


14.9.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.9.3 Trw Automotive Holdings Corp. Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share

(%) (2016-2020)

14.9.4 Trw Automotive Holdings Corp. Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.9.5 Business Strategy

14.9.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.10 Hella Kgaa Hueck & Co.

14.10.1 Hella Kgaa Hueck & Co. Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its


14.10.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.10.3 Hella Kgaa Hueck & Co. Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%)


14.10.4 Hella Kgaa Hueck & Co. Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.10.5 Business Strategy

14.10.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.11 Ficosa International S.A.

14.11.1 Ficosa International S.A. Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its


14.11.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.11.3 Ficosa International S.A. Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%)


14.11.4 Ficosa International S.A. Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.11.5 Business Strategy

14.11.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.12 Mobileye NV

14.12.1 Mobileye NV Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.12.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.12.3 Mobileye NV Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.12.4 Mobileye NV Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.12.5 Business Strategy

14.12.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.13 Mando Corp.

14.13.1 Mando Corp. Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.13.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.13.3 Mando Corp. Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.13.4 Mando Corp. Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.13.5 Business Strategy

14.13.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.14 Texas Instruments Inc.

14.14.1 Texas Instruments Inc. Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its


14.14.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.14.3 Texas Instruments Inc. Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%)


14.14.4 Texas Instruments Inc. Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.14.5 Business Strategy

14.14.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.15 Hitachi Ltd

14.15.1 Hitachi Ltd Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.15.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.15.3 Hitachi Ltd Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.15.4 Hitachi Ltd Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.15.5 Business Strategy

14.15.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.16 Sensor Supplier

14.16.1 Sensor Supplier Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.16.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.16.3 Sensor Supplier Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-


14.16.4 Sensor Supplier Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.16.5 Business Strategy

14.16.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.17 SONY

14.17.1 SONY Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.17.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.17.3 SONY Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.17.4 SONY Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.17.5 Business Strategy

14.17.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.18 Magna

14.18.1 Magna Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.18.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.18.3 Magna Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.18.4 Magna Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.18.5 Business Strategy

14.18.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.19 Panasonic

14.19.1 Panasonic Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.19.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.19.3 Panasonic Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.19.4 Panasonic Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.19.5 Business Strategy

14.19.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.20 valeo

14.20.1 valeo Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.20.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.20.3 valeo Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.20.4 valeo Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.20.5 Business Strategy

14.20.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.21 MCNEX

14.21.1 MCNEX Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.21.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.21.3 MCNEX Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.21.4 MCNEX Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.21.5 Business Strategy

14.21.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.22 Junsheng Electronics

14.22.1 Junsheng Electronics Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.22.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.22.3 Junsheng Electronics Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%)


14.22.4 Junsheng Electronics Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.22.5 Business Strategy

14.22.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.23 Homogeneous electron

14.23.1 Homogeneous electron Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its


14.23.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.23.3 Homogeneous electron Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%)


14.23.4 Homogeneous electron Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.23.5 Business Strategy

14.23.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.24 Flextronics

14.24.1 Flextronics Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.24.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.24.3 Flextronics Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.24.4 Flextronics Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.24.5 Business Strategy

14.24.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.25 Zhejiang Kang

14.25.1 Zhejiang Kang Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.25.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.25.3 Zhejiang Kang Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.25.4 Zhejiang Kang Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.25.5 Business Strategy

14.25.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.26 Valley electron

14.26.1 Valley electron Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.26.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.26.3 Valley electron Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.26.4 Valley electron Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.26.5 Business Strategy

14.26.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.27 Lotes

14.27.1 Lotes Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.27.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.27.3 Lotes Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.27.4 Lotes Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.27.5 Business Strategy

14.27.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.28 Melexis electronic

14.28.1 Melexis electronic Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.28.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.28.3 Melexis electronic Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-


14.28.4 Melexis electronic Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.28.5 Business Strategy

14.28.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.29 Radar Supplier

14.29.1 Radar Supplier Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.29.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.29.3 Radar Supplier Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.29.4 Radar Supplier Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.29.5 Business Strategy

14.29.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.30 TRW

14.30.1 TRW Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.30.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.30.3 TRW Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.30.4 TRW Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.30.5 Business Strategy

14.30.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.31 Bosch

14.31.1 Bosch Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.31.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.31.3 Bosch Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.31.4 Bosch Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.31.5 Business Strategy

14.31.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.32 Mainland

14.32.1 Mainland Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.32.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.32.3 Mainland Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.32.4 Mainland Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.32.5 Business Strategy

14.32.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.33 Denso

14.33.1 Denso Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.33.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.33.3 Denso Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.33.4 Denso Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.33.5 Business Strategy

14.33.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.34 Delphi

14.34.1 Delphi Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.34.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.34.3 Delphi Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.34.4 Delphi Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.34.5 Business Strategy

14.34.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.35 Autoliv

14.35.1 Autoliv Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.35.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.35.3 Autoliv Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.35.4 Autoliv Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.35.5 Business Strategy

14.35.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.36 Hella

14.36.1 Hella Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.36.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.36.3 Hella Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.36.4 Hella Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.36.5 Business Strategy

14.36.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.37 Hitachi

14.37.1 Hitachi Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.37.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.37.3 Hitachi Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.37.4 Hitachi Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.37.5 Business Strategy

14.37.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.38 Velogyne

14.38.1 Velogyne Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.38.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.38.3 Velogyne Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.38.4 Velogyne Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.38.5 Business Strategy

14.38.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.39 IBEO

14.39.1 IBEO Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.39.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.39.3 IBEO Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.39.4 IBEO Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.39.5 Business Strategy

14.39.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.40 Beijing Cody

14.40.1 Beijing Cody Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.40.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.40.3 Beijing Cody Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.40.4 Beijing Cody Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.40.5 Business Strategy

14.40.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.41 Fai Electronics

14.41.1 Fai Electronics Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.41.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.41.3 Fai Electronics Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.41.4 Fai Electronics Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.41.5 Business Strategy

14.41.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.42 ChipSoftware Vendors

14.42.1 ChipSoftware Vendors Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its


14.42.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.42.3 ChipSoftware Vendors Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%)


14.42.4 ChipSoftware Vendors Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.42.5 Business Strategy

14.42.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.43 Mobileye

14.43.1 Mobileye Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.43.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.43.3 Mobileye Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.43.4 Mobileye Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.43.5 Business Strategy

14.43.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.44 TI

14.44.1 TI Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.44.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.44.3 TI Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.44.4 TI Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.44.5 Business Strategy

14.44.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.45 ADI

14.45.1 ADI Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.45.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.45.3 ADI Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.45.4 ADI Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.45.5 Business Strategy

14.45.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.46 Infineon

14.46.1 Infineon Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.46.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.46.3 Infineon Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.46.4 Infineon Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.46.5 Business Strategy

14.46.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.47 NXP

14.47.1 NXP Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.47.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.47.3 NXP Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.47.4 NXP Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.47.5 Business Strategy

14.47.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.48 Toshiba

14.48.1 Toshiba Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.48.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.48.3 Toshiba Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.48.4 Toshiba Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.48.5 Business Strategy

14.48.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.49 Ansenmei

14.49.1 Ansenmei Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.49.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.49.3 Ansenmei Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.49.4 Ansenmei Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.49.5 Business Strategy

14.49.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.50 Toshiba

14.50.1 Toshiba Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.50.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.50.3 Toshiba Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.50.4 Toshiba Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.50.5 Business Strategy

14.50.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.51 ST

14.51.1 ST Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.51.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.51.3 ST Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.51.4 ST Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.51.5 Business Strategy

14.51.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.52 Fly Carle

14.52.1 Fly Carle Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.52.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.52.3 Fly Carle Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.52.4 Fly Carle Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.52.5 Business Strategy

14.52.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.53 Fujitsu

14.53.1 Fujitsu Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.53.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.53.3 Fujitsu Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.53.4 Fujitsu Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.53.5 Business Strategy

14.53.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.54 Renesas

14.54.1 Renesas Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.54.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.54.3 Renesas Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.54.4 Renesas Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.54.5 Business Strategy

14.54.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

14.55 Ambarella

14.55.1 Ambarella Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and its Competitors

14.55.2 Main Business/Business Overview

14.55.3 Ambarella Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin (%) and Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.55.4 Ambarella Revenue Market Share (%) (2016-2020)

14.55.5 Business Strategy

14.55.6 S.W.O.T. Analysis

Chapter 15 Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Manufacturing Cost Analysis (If Applicable)

15.1 Key Raw Materials Analysis

15.2 Key Distributors of Raw Materials

15.3 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure

15.3.1 Labor Cost

15.3.2 USA Labor Cost Analysis

15.3.3 EU Labor Costs Analysis

15.3.4 China Labor Costs Analysis

15.3.5 Manufacturing Expenses

Chapter 16 Market Effect Factors Analysis

16.1 Consumer Needs/Customer Preference Change

16.2 Economic/Political Environmental Change

16.2.1 Europe

16.2.2 Japan

16.2.3 Africa

16.2.4 East Asia

16.2.5 Latin America and the Caribbean

Chapter 17 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy, and Downstream Buyers

17.1 Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Chain Analysis

17.2 List of Downstream Buyers

17.3 List of Distributors

Chapter 18 Marketing Strategy

18.1 Consumer Needs/Customer Preference Change

18.1.1 Direct Marketing

18.1.2 Indirect Marketing

18.2 Market Positioning

18.2.1 Pricing Strategy

Chapter 19 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Forecast (2021-2028)

19.1 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue Forecast (2021-2028)

19.1.1 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue (USD Million) and Growth Rate

(%) Forecast (2021-2028)

19.2 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue (USD Million) Forecast by Regions


19.2.1 North America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue (USD Million) Forecast


19.2.2 Europe Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue (USD Million) and Growth Rate

(%) Forecast (2021-2028)

19.2.3 Asia Pacific Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue (USD Million) and Growth

Rate (%) Forecast (2021-2028)

19.2.4 Latin America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue (USD Million) and Growth

Rate (%) Forecast (2021-2028)

19.2.5 Middle East & Africa Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue (USD Million)

Forecast (2021-2028)

19.3 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue and Forecast by Product (2021-


19.4 Global Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Revenue (USD Million) Forecast by

Applications (2021-2028)

Chapter 20 North America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Forecast 2021-2028

20.1 North America

20.1.1 North America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market by Country, (2021-2028)

20.1.2 North America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type


20.1.3 North America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by

Applications (2021-2028)

20.2 United States

20.2.1 United States Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type


20.2.2 United States Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by

Applications (2021-2028)

20.3 Canada

20.3.1 Canada Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2021-


20.3.2 Canada Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Applications


20.4 Mexico

20.4.1 Mexico Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2021-


20.4.2 Mexico Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Applications


Chapter 21 Europe Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Forecast 2021-2028

21.1 Europe

21.1.1 Europe Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market by Country, (2021-2028)

21.1.2 Europe Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2021-


21.1.3 Europe Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Applications


21.2 Germany

21.2.1 Germany Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type


21.2.2 Germany Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by

Applications (2021-2028)

21.3 France

21.3.1 France Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2021-


21.3.2 France Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Applications


21.4 United Kingdom

21.4.1 United Kingdom Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by

Type (2021-2028)

21.4.2 United Kingdom Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by

Applications (2021-2028)

21.5 Italy

21.5.1 Italy Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2021-


21.5.2 Italy Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Applications


21.6 Russia

21.6.1 Russia Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2021-


21.6.2 Russia Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Applications


21.7 Spain

21.7.1 Spain Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2021-


21.7.2 Spain Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Applications


21.8 Rest of Europe

21.8.1 Rest of Europe Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type


21.8.2 Rest of Europe Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by

Applications (2021-2028)

Chapter 22 Asia-Pacific Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Forecast 2021-2028

21.1 Asia-Pacific

22.1.1 Asia-Pacific Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market by Country, (2021-2028)

22.1.2 Asia-Pacific Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type


22.1.3 Asia-Pacific Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by

Applications (2021-2028)

22.2 China

22.2.1 China Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2021-


22.2.2 China Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Applications


22.3 India

22.3.1 India Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2021-


22.3.2 India Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Applications


22.4 Japan

22.4.1 Japan Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2021-


22.4.2 Japan Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Applications


22.5 Southeast Asia

22.5.1 Southeast Asia Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type


22.5.2 Southeast Asia Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by

Applications (2021-2028)

22.6 Others

22.6.1 Others Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2021-


22.6.2 Others Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Applications


Chapter 23 Latin America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Forecast 2021-2028

23.1 Latin America

23.1.1 Latin America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market by Country, (2021-2028)

23.1.2 Latin America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type


23.1.3 Latin America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by

Applications (2021-2028)

23.2 Brazil

23.2.1 Brazil Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2021-


23.2.2 Brazil Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Applications


23.3 Argentina

23.3.1 Argentina Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type


23.3.2 Argentina Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by

Applications (2021-2028)

23.4 Columbia

23.4.1 Columbia Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type


23.4.2 Columbia Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by

Applications (2021-2028)

23.5 Rest of Latin America

23.5.1 Rest of Latin America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size

by Type (2021-2028)

23.5.2 Rest of Latin America Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size

by Applications (2021-2028)

Chapter 24 Middle East & Africa Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market Forecast 2021-


24.1 Middle East & Africa

24.1.1 Middle East & Africa Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market by Country, (2021-


24.1.2 Middle East & Africa Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by

Type (2021-2028)

24.1.3 Middle East & Africa Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by

Applications (2021-2028)

24.2 Saudi Arabia

24.2.1 Saudi Arabia Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type


24.2.2 Saudi Arabia Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by

Applications (2021-2028)

24.3 South Africa

24.3.1 South Africa Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type


24.3.2 South Africa Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by

Applications (2021-2028)

24.4 Turkey

24.4.1 Turkey Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2021-


24.4.2 Turkey Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Applications


24.5 Nigeria

24.5.1 Nigeria Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2021-


24.5.2 Nigeria Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Applications


24.6 UAE

24.6.1 UAE Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type (2021-


24.6.2 UAE Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Applications


24.6 Rest of MEA

24.6.1 Rest of MEA Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by Type


24.6.2 Rest of MEA Advanced Driving Assistance System ADAS Market (USD Million) Size by

Applications (2021-2028)

Chapter 25 Research Findings and Conclusion

25.1 Key Insights from Primary Interviews & Survey’s Respondents

25.2 Key Takeaways from Analysts, Consultants, and Industry Leaders

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