- counties - york) history of york issued by york chamber ... · rivers, v/hich section bocr.n.o...

- COUNTIES - YORK) History of York Issued by York Chamber of Commerce, York, 3. C.

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Page 1: - COUNTIES - YORK) History of York Issued by York Chamber ... · Rivers, v/hich section bocr.n.o one of the principal battle ficldn of the lattar part of the Revolutionary V.ar. When


History of York

Issued by York Chamber of Commerce, York, 3. C.

Page 2: - COUNTIES - YORK) History of York Issued by York Chamber ... · Rivers, v/hich section bocr.n.o one of the principal battle ficldn of the lattar part of the Revolutionary V.ar. When

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Enquirer: March 12,1970

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Page 3: - COUNTIES - YORK) History of York Issued by York Chamber ... · Rivers, v/hich section bocr.n.o one of the principal battle ficldn of the lattar part of the Revolutionary V.ar. When

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The town 01' "Yorkvllle, ea o town or village, has very little Revolutionary history, except such as ray ccme tc it from the feet that it was a pnrt of the country lying between Broi-d and Cetawbo Rivers, v/hich section bocr.n.o one of the principal battle ficldn of the lattar part of the Revolutionary V.ar. When Drayton *md his pstriotic colleseues were stirring up thj spirit of resintpnco to th-3 mother-country in Charleston, tho up-country took ve~y little Interest in thj war-like situation* In fact, when Drc.yton wts rent from Charleston &s an emissrry to stjr up n spirit of r^s^st- fcnco rmong th.3 settlors r ;sidinK betwi.-on the Broad ana Enorc-o Rlvors, thj Reverend Mlli*m Tennant, c Pr^sbyturian minister, w&a sent upon & simill&r nicslon to tho an peonic r o- 3d ing botv/^cn t^.o Broad Fnd Cctawbn- Both re-turned to ChurluEton with the report that the p'opl.o of this section could not be aroused. In justice to this noction, it r.hould bo stpted, however, thot it war not u leclc rf patriotism on tho prrt of these aottlorr from Pannsylv^nla tnd Virginia, but it wts rother due to the fsct th?t up to thij time they hrd net b^on pormitted to participate- in of the Str.tc, they hi-d no Court.0 , th:y * r-nd yet they contributed

Trip'3,.rrnk no too, used ro stcert; in amount of tsxes . They v/oro very

veil satisfied to continue as rubjectr of the K5n£, ospoclt lly ;-o rs ^ result of the trertmont th'jy hrd received from the Council of Cherleston ond tho Immoiirto vicinity, Furthsrmoro, they v/cro, to D certain extent, a different people from thos-s vho crttlod the lo^v country, r.nd wore not bound ti them by strong ties McCrer.dy snys thrt rt n ncoting at Bullocks Crook Church hold durin^. r.n oarly period of the wrr, .vhero thora wero sovort-1 Rovolution-'-ry lerdors pr-'ccnt, all pr.scnt, v;ith ono exception, rdvi^cd tno 'Ahigc to mrko no furth3r rosistanCv to the King's government. Thin cnc ex ception wrs Colonel V.'illium Hill. Hill roturnod to Nrnny 1 ?. Mountain ^-nd there rriscd th: ^mcricrn st'ndrrd rnd grthor^d n smrll body around him. V/hen th'j King's omicsrri^s camo to them r.nd offered thorn rmiicsty, the offer wcs Indignr.ntly refused. I think sometimes that too llttlo credit h*3S boon given to this Revolutionary here for hi:; p; rt in the groat 7/ar cf Indepondenco.

Colonel Hill eroctod rt Nanny 1 3 Mountain the first iron works in York County, rnd prssibly tho firr-it built in tho StGto. The foundries were locrtod on Alliscn Creek nt wh? t is known ra Miller's Mill end S^m'g Mill, nnd the oro v;? s brought from Nanny's Mcuntrin, r dlstt-ncc of sbrut two nnd ono-ht-lf r.ll;s, over f trur.- wry to thic point. The ru.lns of the- old v/orks and some of tho "Slagn CL.H still be so:.n upon the creek brnks; v.hilo, up to e few ycrrs rgo, ct Ics.st, the cut rnd gracing ol' tho rid trrm-wcy wrc still ctsily dl.Ttinguishr.ble. At these iron vv-rks were mrdc sorio of the c-rincn thrt wore uncd in the Rcvoluticnrry W*r. Th'v y hnr?.ly doservo the nomo cf Cfnnon, being smrll, rough, ^nd unman-.g!, nblo rffcirs. It Is strted thrt whan Huck's pnrty r.pprooched Nrnny'3 Mountr.in fr-r the purpose -. f destroying thi iron v/crks (which it r..f tu-rw rds did r.ccomplish) th^t sevor;il of thcac littlo crnncn were mounted upon e high hill n^rth cf ^113 son Crock t nd ^ show cf roslstcnco n^dc, but rt the first discharge one cf the crnnon burst rnd the re-mrlndor v/orc h r stlly rolled d^wn tho hill rnd thrcv/n int;' tho mill pond. One ef these cannon v:rs t ftorwrda found rnd brought tc Yorkv311o, end for r number of yo r rs Ir-y bo- hlng the count or in Dr. Kuykendrl's drug atrrc. Huck's p-rty, rs stated, eventually destroyed the Iron vorks, end th^y wer-3 nev^r rebuilt.--It is told rp tr-diti'n th? t r good old Scotch Pr :;s- bytcrl«n older in prrying for tho success ^f tho Amoricrri rrmioy, r.skod, fmong oth;r things, "Dorr L-rd, whttov;- also rnr-y toppen, not let the~Brlt*3h dcstory Billy Hill's Iron works." Nanny's Mountain is nrmod for Colonel Hill's v;ifo, Nr.ncy Hill. Hill 1 '? Mnnuscriot is rogrrded rs r. vory«rcc-irr to rccrunt of th^so skir- nishcs rnd battles :f tho V."- r in which ho pr.rtlciprtod.

Tho first reglrrorit cf prtricts crgonizcd In Yorl: County (then co-monl^ Cillod the Nev; Acquisition) hrd for its Colonel, Thomas Heol rnd frr its Lloutonint-C lencl, Ez .kicl Polk; rnd for Its Mrjor, Joseph Hrbinson. Tho33 rrc tho only cfflcora given. I Iv vo never boon rblo to find r-ny record -f those officers Ictor in tho w n.r, except Thomra Ncol. He lr mentioned rn boing in a body of r; ngors lr tcr orgrnizod.

i A^rt rrHook JHili.«.

Page 4: - COUNTIES - YORK) History of York Issued by York Chamber ... · Rivers, v/hich section bocr.n.o one of the principal battle ficldn of the lattar part of the Revolutionary V.ar. When

Vihilo thorj wore only two br.ttloa of • ny import r nc In York County (King 1 n Mountain t nd Huck's Defeat), y-;t this territory w-a constantly trrvorsjc1 by the Britishod pnd Amer King'r Mountain <• nd Huck' s Defect ere fully described In the vcri'U.-j hislrrics. It is only in recent yr:rrs, h^wov.^ tht't the trua ir.portc.nco of thoso vict-rio-s hr c fcjon r jccgniz'jd by the- historians. The Incidents of those tv;o b^ttlos rro frmilior to every student of history, r nd need no rc-strtemont here.

Bullocks Greek scoria to h^vc boon GV jr. b ,f ore the Wr.r, sn Importrnt nesting pl^co f^r both Whigs rnd Torios. Horc it wes thr t Lr cy, Hill, rnd Brntton mot to pirn for rocistrncc to the British; rnd hero it wrs thrt Cornwrllls ia srlci to hrvo oncrmpad. \vhilo on his w<~y tc the r aslstrnco of T^rlcFton, rnd vrhilo thcr:.- encrnpod herrd the news of th^ disastrous defect rt Crwpjns-

It ne.y interest seme tc knov: thrt Bullocks CreoVrs Church wrs originally called "D-n", rnd the s;:.no people *.vhc cs t^bli shod this church pushed further up en Bullocks Crook rnd established Eosrshcbr. . So those tv/c churches wcro fcrmorly known rs "Dr.n" rnd Be

I hrvo often b .?n trld fist th; rcrd turning off fr^n tho Pinchknoy Herd ft tho pl<"ntrtion "f Mr. R. M. Crrroll, rb^ut ton riles s-uth cf Y^rkvlllc , wra It-.id out rnd constructed by tho British onginoors for tho use ^f tho British tr-^Ds ^n th ,-ir v;ry from Blr.ckstcck rnd V»imsborr to B^rrrl Hiv.r ^nd rcr-ss into Sp-Ttrnburg rnd Union counties. I rn nls- told thrt there v/*»3 -nee r Irrgj British cr-^p ccmposod ^f r nunbor ^f C-^rnv-llia 1 troops ct n print cu tho Line-In n^ r d, n : r v;hero ?Ir Bruco Y^ungblood nov; llvr-s. V«hr t is nc\: knov: .- 3 tho Limostcnc Rc^cd crosses tho Lincoln Road :t this pcint ^'his Llnostcnc ^e-rd, allo\vlng fcr the inr.ccur r cies rf thj orrly mrp-:, wr r evidently odoptcd, in prrt at lo^.at, fr^T. thj rid Indian Trril lording frcr tho Crjrokeo tc the Crtrv/bc Nntien. This trril, rs I cm ".Isc told, hr s b^cn used r.s r rrrd, rnd is still being so us^d ct «:fjny points, rnd SOTIG ••" f the oldsr settlors i round Lj^llo strti^n in this county still spcrk of it r-s thj Indian tr'-il.

York County hrd it^ shTO of Tories, v.ho fr-rncd thriaolvos Into brnd^ in order thrt th:y night r.oro srfoly plunder ; nd hr.rr.ss tho Vv'higr>. One of thoso brnds \v s 1- cctod on Fishing Cr'jok, nnd another n^r r King's Mountrin Settle Ground. They erred little f~r tho British C?UGJ, but v;e-ro intent upr-n plunder. Chester, Fnlr- flold md Uni^n rise h--d their brnds of Tories. Dr. Lrtht-n at^tca in his "South C^r-rlinr in the Rov^luti-n" thrt s'vnu time in Soptorbor, 1780, r. psrty of thoso Tories V-.TS phasing through York County, rnd st- ppod rt the- h^uac of r. mrn ncned Str.llion (Scnc Ciuthr.rltioG givj it rs Sttllings.) This nrn lived on tho plrntr-tion fornorly ov:ned by B. T. i. heeler, rbr ut fifty yrrds north of tho bridge on the ivad lording fror: iiVhool,,r f 3 sav; nill tc J. T. Lowry's plr.ntntion. Both tho Stnlliona wor.j Tnrioe. The St&llions th-t lived n n the= Stocle plrco, nr.rriud •- slater ^f Colonol Love, the gr, c t-gr or. t-gr nndfrther of Dr. 'Aillirr; Love, formerly of McC^nnolls- vllle. Colonol LOVJ rnd his sistjr, Mrs. Strllion, v/ero true Whigs. By sono -noons Colonel Err.nd^n cf Nerth C^rollnr rnd C c i on ,' : i Love, who livod v.ithir. - short cMstrnco of tho Dcvinnoy plrco, Icrrnod thrt n b-vnd f Torios v:r»s r; t Stallions. Brrnd^n ' nd Lovo grthorcd up r fov/ r.en, surrounded thj houso of Stallion, rnd firod upon it, but without killing rnyono . Mrs- Strlllcn, fcirlng thr t tho Tories v;culd bo t'koln rnd perhaps r.ll shot, hor husbrnd included, p;.rtirl- ly "'penod th : door for tho purpose of surrendering t n tho '"bigs and b-SGing her brother, Crloncl Lrvc, to apnro tho lifo of h^r huobr.nd. Mrs. Strllion is s-id to h^v-- hrd on i. men's h-t, nnd just ns s rn rs her he^d w.^ seen, r brll pierced it, r nd she foil do-d. It wrs generally thought thr.t Colonel Lcvo flrod the shot thrt killed his slater, Mrs Strlllcn. Stnlllon Is srid t^ hcvc lerpod into the yrrd, rnd fr-nticrlly cried to Colonel Love, "Y~u hrVL killed ny v;lfo«you hrvo killed y-ur nist.,r. n So filled ' ith ^ntuiah wore tho horrst of the Whigs rt this terrible trrjjody thrt th.-y ratir-d v:lth'ut further ncl -sting the Tori-33.

At tho house of tho ^ther Stallion, r prrty of Torios wrs ottr.ckod b- tho notorious Jack McCnln r nd tw^ others v/oro killed.

Page 5: - COUNTIES - YORK) History of York Issued by York Chamber ... · Rivers, v/hich section bocr.n.o one of the principal battle ficldn of the lattar part of the Revolutionary V.ar. When

After tho battlo of King's Mountain, Tarle-ton &nd his men passed through the upper edge of Yo^k Comity r.efrching for such of the heroes of King's Mountain as might have romainod ir. this section. They visited tho house of Colonel Watson n.ar Reeky Alllaon Creek, killed all his gccse, and cnrrl'-'u off thj sslt that was stored there. This Ipct nar;od loss wcs o covorc onj, for sclt wf.s very scrrco rnd all tho salt of tho neighborhood wcs stored at Colonel Wntaon's by consent. It is stiid th&t on a of Tcrleton's men scrstched his name on ono of the stonos of the chimney of Colonel Wotson's house, tnd 3£ i id thPt fcfter the wer wf.3 ever the Whigs conquered he WGS coming bnck to live in t'.iis house. Ho novor crno.

Some historians sty thrt rftor tho Battle of Kirg 1 3 Mountrin, Lr.cey r:tlr;d w 1th his m«n "to the hi;:h hills of Bullocks Crock" to fiwoit tho arrival of Tarlcton. Dr Lt thr.n fix:s this spot just north of Scott's mill (about five- miles west of Yorkvlllo on the Sh: ron rord.) I hrve been told thrt sever?! British soldiers were buried in front of where W. L- Hill's store now strnds in Shrron. No one cm give me- rny pnrticulrrs. It might not be unre£s~nrblo tc essumo thrt whrt wr.s me tint by the "high hlllc of Bullocks Croek" wra tlio high rid£, on v;hich Shoron is built, rnd the British officers referred to end s r id to h^vo bo^n buri.d in front cf Hill's store woro prisoners.

Th3 County is full of loc^i tr'diti^n nf historicrl interest. Like all tr^ditlrn, c f course, there rrc in rny Ir.rccurrcios, but pcrhr-pe thuro is - kornol of truth in it '11 th? t rrK.y b; w^rth pr ;-s -rvlng.

The first tuthontlc rjforencc thrt I ht.v: been able to findth: town of York villa is contained In c deed from

Wiilinr. r'nd J^hn Fergus to Willirm Hill, Jr. Tils d >ed is doted tho 21st dry of October, 1793, -rid r-rds -a follows:

"In c' nsidcrrti'^n of the cur. of One Hundred Pounds to thorn, the s r id Wllli^TTi rnd John Fergus, In hrnd p"5.d by the rrld William Hill, Jr., Two Hundred Acrju of Ir-nd in Y^rk County, Scuth Crrolin''-, including: "Y'-rk Villo", being a port rf r tr-ct -•f lend srmtod by p< t^r.t to J"hn Miller fr^m His Maje-ty^ ^fflees In North Crr^linr, nnd bclnp d-tod the 25th dry r.f April, 176r rnd frorr hit. crnveyod to Wllllnm end John Fergus " I hrvo OXP- mined tho rocorda in Lincolr.tcn, K. C-, °-1 C:lunbir., Ci C., &nd hrve hrd then r.t Rr.loigh .'ind 'Mlniinc:t n, -":'d I hrve never b^on r.ble t^ find tho rriglnrl ^rrnt -r loltern prtout Thv. f ^llowiriG description of this tr?ct might enable somuone t^ locate it: "Beginning r.t r hickory tree no- r tne rocd frcra Yorkvillo to Crl?b Powers pl f r:t^ tlrr., nnd running north 70 W. 240 poles tn a post '^k -?t Alex Rrrm.y's ne r r J'-hn Crraghrri's; thenco N- 40 E. 270 p~les tr r p-int "r. th-r crct ^f th- wr r.on r- 1 d fr-^. 3' id C»"urt Hcu^o t^ Mr tthev/ ^ickson's; th.ncc S. 58 E. 46 p loa to c bl-ck-jrck on ' nc side of the gl^dj; thoncu S. 40 2. 270 polos to th:- bcglnrin:'-, Including "Y-rkvillo." V*hM - thic de ^d wris deted 1793, V.liiinn Hill hrd evidently obtrlr:.-d p-'Scocai^n of th'- "villrg^ of York Viiio" ct nn ot-rllor dfito, oa will bo ahov/n

of the rider citizens tell re the t where Yorkvlllc r4 ow strnds rt the Intersection cf Liberty r nd ^engross Strjots wrs kn^wn cs "F-rgun Cress Rords." Another tr^dltlo:. srya t-ifit Fergus Crerja Rorda v/r s norr tho roald JHCC of Mr Joseph Dlckoon ' t th> oxtrono ar-rth jr.d of the trwn. • nd thrt -r tavern stood Just across tho rord fivn \vhore Mr -^icks^:; f 3 hrus: nov,- in v/hcro "nelosses r-nd run v/rs srld." &r. M r rr?s Morrc, In hi? "Reminis cences ^f York," 3^3 thrt tho first h use In Yorkvill,; was built oil th". sp^t vhorc tho Pr-sbyt ri^n ^hurch nov: stands, nnd v;os "v;nod by one Hnbort SmJth. H' glv.s tho places of the second r .oidonce -s b.inp; 'n tho Nlch^ln lot, rnd strt-.s thr.t it w-s built by "Oontlemon Aloe Love." Dr. M'cro st^t:s further thrt the third domidLD wr3 r Irrge two-st^ry log building erected by Dr:vld McC^ll, r.nd b-» him w; a conducted the first "h^uao of ontortrlnment," but thrt in o fev/ yorrs Drvld McCr.ll 3"ld ^ut to his br- th'.r, J :hn McCcll, t nd thrt for mmy yc-ra thor j- ofter, John McC&ll conducted the only inn or trv.rn In the

Page 6: - COUNTIES - YORK) History of York Issued by York Chamber ... · Rivers, v/hich section bocr.n.o one of the principal battle ficldn of the lattar part of the Revolutionary V.ar. When

T'r.ps of Jrrccs Cock i-nd Henry .^uz^n, rcd3 in 17^1 end 1775 rcspoctiyjly, sh^v/ thrt just b.-frro the frrmrti'n 'v'f YorK County, f.nd'whil, this district wt-s still r prrt rf Crmc"en District, cert' in \v £-on rords, one lording sout.hv/r rri fr^. Kinrr'r M"»untnin, another r -inning v/ostwrrd t'. w!vt wrs crilod. Pincikncy's Forry r-n Dro'-.d *"iv,r, intersected md rt thj intersection of thos . two ror on the v;^ tor-shed mldwry between tn~ tw r> r5v ira, mother rord branched nut in thj dirjcti-n r-f "Chr rlottcab'irc, " crossly tho Crtcv/br ^iver rt, or ro^. tho presort Wrigbt 1 a Ferry rnd tho intersection ^f thosa ro^as w-a known rs "Fergus Cmci« Ro; a.s "

York District uca cut off c-f Cmdcn District la 1785 rnd n comr-iiasi^r) rppolntod t: select c. aitj nnd build «• Court House r t s ~mc sultofcl: point in th- county. /-.bout 1785 the town of Y^r 1 -:- villo vrra Irl i out -nd f^undod rt tlv: Intcrs^ctirn of tho so ro^dc. I h? vc never been ^hlc t~ find thcn^ mrpc rf C'ok end Mruznn, but I got thin Inf-^rir.rtlon f r r. on ^ld p^p^r pr^pnrod by Colonol '.V. C. Ecrtty in 1839. This section bcin^ ^uttl^d by c^il^rrnts from Ponnsylvnl'' rnd Virgin!- , it ij; onsily s-^m whoro tho coni;t ^"-s its nt me ^f YTk,--jurt ^t cur ndj^inlng counties ^ot theirs of Lrnc^st:r rnd Chest r. The t^.n 7/ao flrat knnxvn ^3 Y^rkvlllo. It 3 :oms t' me thrt now *:.)uld b. r- v-:ry g^od t^mc t^ dr-^p the "ville", just «-3 Ch.st.r. Uni^n, rnd Sum tor hrvo tia-;ir "Villa," fine. Chr.rlott; its M bi-u- ̂ . "

The first deoi th r t I find on roc-rd is frvm Will Ion Hill to Jchn Goo, -r nci I.": doscr-ibod r 3 follows: "A cortr^r. lot ^f ground Nt- 17 in th^ f*v;n called "Y rkvlll:i" rnd ril ining Mr. Bnll:y f s -n N. ** . aid. of Congress Strict, 65 ft. in fr^nt rnd 330 ft. in depth. M This dcod ic dr-t-d in 1788, rnd th-j price pcic1 fcr the lot w^s Eight ^prni.-sh Millo-J roll-re.

The next docd i^' frnr.i - lllicm }H 13 , v:hr styl-3 hlmaolf "Iron Mcstcr," to Elljrh Br-lloy, "planter." This l^t is nf th s.-m^ dim,r.sir.nr- rnd IE kn'-vrn in th - pl r t :T th. sri:^ town ra Lot N^. 16, rdj^lnl.i^ t-- rnd 3^-uth of th- C-.urt H^uso lot. Thld dood la drtod 0112 yc,T orrllor (1797) though not r cr>rdod un^il lr-tor. Th.: prlc^ prid for this !• t wra "Two Pound::, Irvrl'ul ncn-y. " I hrvc v/hot is arid to be tho vriftlnrl mrp of th'J t^wn, rrrj froni this mcp, r.a v/cll na thj description, it it fix:d .' s bcin^, thf t let rt pr^3:nt O7fn-,d by Mr. Horry I. McCcv/. AS r. nnttor of curicL-ity, I tr ccd the titl->, rnd f^und thrt Elijah Bnll^y c-Mivcyr-'I to R-.b'-jrt McCf.w, ; nrl fr--r. t'.:-- 1 tin-, t'-- tho present it hrc contlnu urly boon tho property of tho McCrw frmily.

All thy l^ts in th- vLllr.o of Yorkvillo '.vcrc originrlly l^ld '>ff vith f fr*ntr^- of 66 f ,ct, rnd r djpth -:f 330 fo'.-t, with tlio Qxccpti'vn r f the eight 1-ts lying -jn Liborty "nd Con^rcaa Struts,--tv^ l"ts on u^c^ 3idc ^f th-, s^il ctrootn r t their intirsoctt n. Ther;; l"-ts r re orch ton p^lor in lorigth ^nd cl^ht p-'-l'.-s in d-pth. The 1't where the C'urt H^uso nrv: stands w-3 do sign?1 tod ".s th^ V.o . C'urt Hounu lot. Directly r.croas fie strn>-t wra tnu "gc^l lot." Whore the Wlthcrspoon buildlnr stands w ^ knv\vn ra tho "mrrkot l^t, w rnu the Mich'-ls building x;os the "church l^-t. 11 The lot nov/-iwnoa by Dr R. A. Brrttor. ccncintjd of throe lots, nr.moly, 34, 35, &nd 36, *--nd v/r n sol'- to R^bort Olondonnin In 1813. Tho Withe-rap- • n lot on th<- corner of C^ngrora f nd Liberty Str^otg v;- s first c^nvcyci to John °r^vm for tho conaiUorrtion nf .$1. This v;r 3 in 1801. When the tovr. v/'3 criglnrlly l^id off, it w-a the evident intention of tho o\,7iors t^ dr.nr to r lot for r church nnd e r/rket. The lot where Mrs. Nocly now lives V.TS indlcrtci on tho Id nips c.a b-^ing the sch-- ^1 house lot.

Eor,inr.in~ v/lth lot No. 16, which Is on tho West sido of Liberty Street junt S-- u th of the c ^urt Houyo, tho next l^t, N^ . 17, wra c ri li to John Koov/n f-^r ono pound, sjvont-aon shillings, r nd ff\T P'"nco. Wo find rmong thj crrly ovm^rs of lets following: on down this ctroct, ^illi'-n Hr.ckr.tt, £ A. Cronahr.w, Thcmna McNool, ond ¥horr^;3 '»"illirm3. v>hi"!c, un tho other cido ^f Congrjsn Strjot In tho a^rne blor:ck • nd bi^innin^ Dt Jofforson Stroet, wo find thrt r f ter thj throo Clondennin lota, no-.; own 0*5 by ^i1 . bn tf-n, thrt George G r'lhr'iith, and John Feernstor, r-nd Pot or Quinn ov/noci lota up t the ^l:1 J?ll. Thlc bl^ck wr 3 aottl^d o^rlior thnn nny other portion of the VYTI. B^glnnin^ nt Mrdla.-n Str^ot ^n tho ocst sido .'n(3 coming south, \v^ find thrt L "t Mo. 41 Is th ) first 1 .-t, rnd it wrs sold tr Arrcn Viiin-na. 1hs noxt lot to A. A. McVThortcr, NO. 39 t~ tho s*mo prrty. *hc next l^t w^s gol'J t^ Judge Smith,

Page 7: - COUNTIES - YORK) History of York Issued by York Chamber ... · Rivers, v/hich section bocr.n.o one of the principal battle ficldn of the lattar part of the Revolutionary V.ar. When

r.rrJ the next bhrc; tr J?hur;thrii Eo^tty; the n^yt to J lo&t''n. On tho '"wst side ^f C .^.^r;..s3 Str-j-^t, borinnin^ with ircn Stro;-t ^n-i coring s'uth, v;-? fin^ thr.t Sr.rru-J. i.'ri.jht ovnoi

pr.ctlc^ly u.ll of th~ or.-pory until you _-.-t h- ck t<- ' b^ut y/h-irc vr . Strap's rt^rcj aov sfcrnds. Th-r c^no A. rx>ur.y • ith tvo lotr, cno ncxb b. Chirbora. In 1. 11 the u*'-c"2 to S; r'uol V.'ri^ht thoy crc rritt-.n t;: "Snuucl 'Vriglit, sh.v^-mr Icor." I c.m tr-ld th? t this ol rl rrn crrno hore, " i; 'lie* rrr.ny ot'i.rr, v:lth r pr ck ^n hi a beck, but :;orn require.1 quit; f crnsic'or' bl c amount of property •

U.".tbr tMi"1 . 3 ng, vhoro the residence st^ncln, v.rs fir^t cv/ncd by Jf'hii T-icCi 11, but rftcnvrrdr soi"1. t^ J.r ^33 Lrttn. L n t N". 4 v/hich rd.1c-5.^j it :n thj north v;rs c^ld t^ J" los Lr.ttr in 13OL, cnu is ^nokon -jf • ."> being th*: lot "vhorj th: ?' id J* mca L r ttr ko^ps hit storo." t.i^cn ?!r. Lvttc first err;- her 3, ho v;ould brin^. hin g'V)rtf> cv'ry C^urt v/ook, rn;l clisplry them in tho inn :ir trv^rn. Fr?:.i 1*^1.; bt-^lniiln^ rcsultrC hir l^r.^j st^rc in Yorkv1.ll-:, vlth brrnchos in C-vx1 ;;n, Chirst'jr, C"iu:nbif. ona clscv/hcro.

s^uth of J^rfcrson St. ->n tac Vv^st Si/.o, "11 thrt pr pcrty nrv; ovnccl *: " E. Smith, Mrs- ^rriah, rad Dr. '"hitc, dov/n rs f r r r ^ tho prrporty of M. C. '.Vil.'lc, \vs -Tffinr.lly ornod by Jutfrp Sr.lth, <• v-jry l.'Tncct, irr'sciolc, c^^.rky --I* ^.'n. II o built t:v, Irr^'-- ?;hitc h^us^ thrt v;> ;: rfb^rv^r-'s dustroy::! by i^ro v.'.iil? jccupi-^:! by Mr. Jor Hc.rt. This buililng -.:••£ Pt cno ti rnc ucoi -3 r girlr 1 nchr^l. JuJI^c S-il th nust h".*? rtt r incl SOT.O import- nnco in tho ntrte, f'T n; is sp^kon ^ f -s t"i7 "n^tucl opp^-n^nt of Crlhcun." H: v;rs n :\cc either vloct';d or rppMlntc'J t th- Unitod Sti tcs 3?!;rt,, rnd v/f s r^f tcrv.v rCs dofort^cl. He bocrr.c s»: ^ tor -cl ov ,T th". clof v t th' t he nnvci to Alrbr.rnr \-horo ho Hoi.

lot \;horo tho Pr.sbytoricn Church p."-* ct^n^s v;rr first ^v/noi1 b John McC'nv, rn-i tho lot juat v;-,ct of it ( the R'u.ls pr^ pcrty) v/^o cAr/n:j'l by J hn^.thf.n B-.jt.tty- Th- Rr.v:l3 hcuso, sp.-kcn ^f ^a "th", little rod ho,iP^, ff v/r g ulv.ryc believed tv- bo hrunt:'-, rnd mc:ny inter JKtin,; trlon r r , tr-ld in c^-iircct* - n -;ith thn Etrr ngo ncl3:;3 r nd rt rpc^kr:" in t:.is hf us a.

P---rhr.ps r no r.f tho 'V'?t iniprrtrnt np-'-ts in tho o r rly hictcry of tho t-^v;n v;rc the ho^d of th ; h^llr^* no?r .'here Mr. Sch.rb'c stir:1 !" 3t r rds. H'jrc v/rs ti;c public cprin^,, and x '..n t^l""' th^t r.ll •^f tho c^rly ?ottlcr3 did thoir v.^ahirg r nd obtrin^u thjir v- tor hor> b .if ro the .re. rf volls.

Most trf.il tlon 1? f thi effect th^t ^b.rt Hryno ovnod tho tov;n ^f Y-rkvill'j. This is en orr r. ;»illi'::n Hill first '•'V/njd it, rnd Hf..yno 3*11 r.K ny lots f-r hi". unl',i- th ; po-»:cr rf attorney- ship. Hr^c cIJc1 r f torv/T^s buy r ii-- if inter. 'rt in th. iinR^l:1 1-ts. It sz.-*:s th-t th-. firat sc-ttl-ra -ir-cfc - distinction b?- tv/ocn th", "villrfo ^f Ynrl: Vilic," rnd tho w t^:n ^f Y'^r 1.: Villo", for I finr c!ouis ro^-cHr.-, "r c.rtr in l"t ^f l^n:l ^dlcinin. th^ "villrrc -f Y^rV Villc" "h -ginnir^ «r - st-kc on the vest r:J'3o r>f Cr-ngross Str-ot 4 clirina m::. 50 linkn S 2^5 E. fr^?n tho S. YJ . aide of 4cffor3"n Tid C -n^rosa Str.ots, rrr* rnnnin r ; S. 25 E. 9 linK r to'/i.'S r.nd 20 Links t^ r strlcc nn tho dividing b^tvrccn th-. t^v/r. lend rn^ R-r nsoy's." Fr^-: t'lic rnd -^thcr ci^Jl'r docds, I TrTTTr thrt the "vlllrgs -f Y-rk Villo" include: the tv r bl'-cka fr--m Mr. J. '-. . D'ba-.n f 3 t- f !r J. C. ^ilbrrn 1 s ; while- the "tov:n rf lrnc» v/- s tri r,n(;ul-r in f -rr., .-xt^ndin^ fr'-r: rb^ut ^'ri£ht Av;nuc ar-uth to Mr. K. C. «illl3« n:rth lino, -tv* thrt tho v;oat lino ' this tri'nglc bo£_-rn rt r p^ int norr tho nogro Zi^n Church, rn^- tho c"st lin^ b-'gr.n s'-^ovhcro nc-r tho r;siuoncj ^f Mr- I. V/. J r-hn- son, rnd thcsu or at v;ost linos conv-jrgjd norr bright /vvonuo.

Am-n^ tho orrllost purchra-rs of Ir.nd in the "villrjro of Vlllo" v;-j fin'l tho r*rnca ^f John Ooo, Elijrh B- yli»y) Jcaoph

Atkins'n, John MGOTO, Aloxrndor Lo vu, J^hn Br. tea, Joseph Kc^r, Chrir?t^ohor Th^npa^n, J- hr. McCrll, Ji-hn E^i^lc.jtrn, Rcb-rt Lrthrn, J ~hn Pccnator, Johnrthnn BV- tty, J-naa.Rcsc, Srrtucl \Vright, Jolin CT3^n, Dr. Josirh M"^rj, Goor^o McKni^ht, J^M s Lrttn, Willlnn Sr.ith, Jchn McCrv, /Icxr.nd.r ^.ury, ^rthur Fr leaner, J-rscph Bcggc, Agorick J.hn /.illckoa, R^b ,-rt ClGnd.nr.5n, Srrijol Civ rib: ra, ^ndrov. Mc«»hortor, Jom-a Arnatrr-n^ '^hlto, L :vi rtjlah, Arr^n villirns McM'.ol, Tltrgrrc.t Lyra, J hn E. B. Lyrns, Sr.nuol Zi^irornrn, rnc1. many ethers. It c.-alc? b" intcroatinr tc trrco c r-ch *••£ thuao ruaidcnta - nd their Irta os ahnv/n ^n tho old mr-p, but it v tnkc tro much tino.

Page 8: - COUNTIES - YORK) History of York Issued by York Chamber ... · Rivers, v/hich section bocr.n.o one of the principal battle ficldn of the lattar part of the Revolutionary V.ar. When


The tov;n of Y^rkvillj, r.g nt^torl, v/^s inc -rp^rrtcd In 1849 and \i. I. Clr-y/G^n v;-s th-'j first Mayor, with St^nh^po Ssdlor, P. M. Onlbrcit/i, T. H. Simrlll, rn5 B. T. V.hoolor P,S v:rrclcns. Tho popul".ticn '^f the t'->wn rt thr.t tine w-s r.bcut 800.

From 1850 to the br^rking -ut f-y the Civil Vy'rr v/r c tho ore the tino nf ur-»a?ority far Y-rkviLlc. In 1852 tho Kind's

ain rrilror.d wr 2 built;. in 1854 tho Yorkville Pcru-le Ccllogo v:-s -stcblishod; 1355, t:v, Kj.n/3 1 s Mountain Militrry Acrlsmy; 1860 ens v;rrks v;r 3 ostcblishod, rhd th: old chronicler v/ritcs thrt "tho town v/rs light jcl r 3 London v:r 3 . "