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English Language Paper 1 Q1 – Identify a quotation (5 mins) Q2 – Inferences (5 mins) Q3 – Language and structure (15 mins)

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Page 2: Web viewEnglish Language Paper 1 . Q1 – Identify a quotation (5 mins) Q2 – Inferences (5 mins) Q3 – Language and structure (15. mins)

Lesson 1: Monday 3 rd April

Task 1: Read the paragraph below and answer the question that follows it.

1 Then she observed that now Tom was talking more particularly to2 Amy Lawrence than to anyone else. She felt a sharp pang and grew3 disturbed and uneasy at once. She tried to go away, but her feet were4 treacherous, and carried her to the group instead. She said to a girl5 almost at Tom’s elbow – with sham vivacity:

From lines 1-5, identify the phrase which suggests Becky is jealous.



Task 2: Read the paragraph below and answer the question that follows it.

30 And so on, with clapping of joyful hands till all the group had31 begged for invitations but Tom and Amy. Then Tom turned coolly 32 away, still talking, and took Amy with him. Becky’s lips trembled and 33 the tears came to her eyes; she hid these signs with a forced gaiety34 and went on chattering, but the life had gone out of the picnic now,35 and out of everything else; she got away as soon as she could and hid36 herself and had what her sex call “a good cry.” Then she sat moody,37 with wounded pride, till the bell range. She roused up, now, with a 38 vindictive cast in her eye, and gave her plaited tails a shake and said39 she knew what she’d do.

From lines 30-39, give two ways the writer shows that Becky is upset.

You may use your own words or quotation from the text.

1. ______________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________

Page 3: Web viewEnglish Language Paper 1 . Q1 – Identify a quotation (5 mins) Q2 – Inferences (5 mins) Q3 – Language and structure (15. mins)

Question 3:

In Paper 1, question 3, you will have to read another small paragraph and look at how the writer has used language and structure to present an idea. In today’s lesson I am going to work through how you might answer this question.

We are going to look at the following question:

In lines 47-56 how does the writer use language and structure to show how Tom reacts to Becky and Alfred?

Support your views with reference to the text.

The first thing I would do is highlight all the words, phrases and sentences in the paragraph below that suggests some kind of thought or feeling Tom has when he sees Becky and Alfred.


Using your highlighter, do this now. Highlight any words / phrases or sentences that suggest some kind of thought or feeling Tom has when he sees Beck and Alfred.

47 world besides. Jealousy ran red-hot through Tom’s veins. He began 48 to hate himself for throwing away the chance Becky had offered for 49 a reconciliation. He called himself a fool, and all the hard names50 he could think of. He wanted to cry with vexation. Amy chatted51 happily along, as they walked, for her heart was singing, but Tom’s52 tongue had lost its function. He did not hear what Amy was saying,53 and whenever she paused expectantly he could only stammer an54 awkward assent, which was as often misplaced as otherwise. He kept55 drifting to the rear of the schoolhouse, again and again, to sear his56 eyeballs with the hateful spectacle there. He could not help it. And 57 it maddened him to see, as he thought he saw, that Becky Thatcher58 never once suspected that he was even in the land of the living. But59 she did see, nevertheless; and she knew she was winning her fight,60 too, and was glad to see him suffer as she had suffered.

Reconciliation – to make upVexation – angerassent

Page 4: Web viewEnglish Language Paper 1 . Q1 – Identify a quotation (5 mins) Q2 – Inferences (5 mins) Q3 – Language and structure (15. mins)

Hopefully you came up with the following:

Quotation from the text What feeling is Tom expressing him?

Which word is key in showing his reaction in this sentence and why?

Jealousy ran red-hot through Tom’s veins.

He is envious in that he wishes Becky was with him.

Jealousy – shows he is watching them and wishing that Becky was with him. He is upset she is not.

He began to hate himself for throwing away the chance Becky had offered him.

He called himself a fool.

He wanted to cry with vexation.

Tom’s tongue had lost its function.

He could only stammer.

He kept drifting to the rear of the schoolhouse, again and again, to sear his eyeballs with the hateful spectacle there.

Page 5: Web viewEnglish Language Paper 1 . Q1 – Identify a quotation (5 mins) Q2 – Inferences (5 mins) Q3 – Language and structure (15. mins)

Lesson 2: Tuesday 4 th April

Task 1: Read the paragraph below and answer the question that follows it.

1 After dinner, and till the beginning of the evening, Kitty was feeling a 2 sensation akin to the sensation of a young man before a battle. Her 3 heart throbbed violently, and her thoughts would not rest on anything.

4 She felt that this evening, when they would both meet for the first time,5 would be a turning-point in her life. And she was continually picturing6 them to herself, at one moment each separately, and then both 7 together. When she mused on the past, she dwelt with pleasure, with

From lines 1-7, identify the phrase which suggests Kitty is nervous.



Task 2: Read the paragraph below and answer the question that follows it.

12 for her to think of Levin. In her memories of Vronsky there always 13 entered a certain element of awkwardness, though he was in the14 highest degree well-bred and at ease, as though there were some false15 note – not in Vronsky, he was very simple and nice, but in herself, while16 with Levin she felt herself perfectly simple and clear. But, on the other 17 hand, directly she thought of the future with Vronsky, there arose before18 her a perspective of brilliant happiness, with Levin the future seemed19 misty.

From lines 12-19, give two ways the writer shows that Kitty is confused.

You may use your own words or quotation from the text.

1. ______________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________

Page 6: Web viewEnglish Language Paper 1 . Q1 – Identify a quotation (5 mins) Q2 – Inferences (5 mins) Q3 – Language and structure (15. mins)

Question 3

Last lesson you were exploring sentences used to describe Tom’s feelings on seeing Becky with another boy. We identify key sentences and within those key sentences, key words.

Now can you identify what type of words these are:

Noun – the name of a person, place or thingAbstract noun – the name of an emotion or feelingAdjective – a describing wordVerb – a doing / action wordAdverb – describes how an action is complete.

If you can’t identify what type of word each word is, could you use a dictionary to look it up? The key word in each sentence is in bold.

Key word from last lesson

What types of word is it?

Jealousy ran red-hot through Tom’s veins.

Jealousy is an abstract noun

He began to hate himself for throwing away the chance Becky had offered him.He called himself a fool.

He wanted to cry with vexation.

Tom’s tongue had lost its function.

He could only stammer.

He kept drifting to the rear of the schoolhouse, again and again, to sear his eyeballs with the hateful spectacle there.

Page 7: Web viewEnglish Language Paper 1 . Q1 – Identify a quotation (5 mins) Q2 – Inferences (5 mins) Q3 – Language and structure (15. mins)

When we have identified key phrases in the text, we need to construct a paragraph on 1-2 of them. When we write our paragraphs, we will use a really simple framework called TEE.

T – technique – the type of word that has been usedE – example – the sentence this word can be found inE – effect – the reason why this word has been used and what we think a reader might think or feel as a result.

Look at the two example paragraphs I wrote below. Can you identify where the different parts of TEE are used.

T – underline the line in which the technique used is identifiedE – box out where the example is providedE – draw a squiggly line where the effect of the technique is identified

Example 1:

An abstract noun has been used in the line ‘Jealousy ran red-hot through Tom’s

veins’ to present Tom’s reaction. The use of the abstract noun ‘jealousy’ suggests

Tom feels upset that Becky is spending time with another boy and not him. The

reader would think that Tom is envious of this other boy.

Example 2:

A verb has been used in the line ‘He began to hate himself for throwing away the

chance Becky had offered him’ to present Tom’s reaction. The use of the verb ‘hate’

suggests that Tom is upset with himself because he turned down Becky’s offer to

make up with him. The reader would think that Tom is angry and wished he had

made up with Becky before.

Page 8: Web viewEnglish Language Paper 1 . Q1 – Identify a quotation (5 mins) Q2 – Inferences (5 mins) Q3 – Language and structure (15. mins)

Lesson 3: Wednesday 5th April

Task 1: Read the paragraph below and answer the question that follows it.

11 The Canadian’s last words produced a sudden revolution in my brain. I12 wriggled myself quickly to the top of the being, or object, half out of the 13 water, which served us for a refuge. I kicked it. It was evidently a hard14 impenetrable body, and not the soft substance that forms the bodies of15 the great marine mammalia. But this hard body might be a bony 16 carapace, like that of the antediluvian animals; and I should be free to17 class this monster among amphibious reptiles, such as tortoises or 18 alligators.

From lines 11-18, identify the phrase which suggests Pierre uncertain about what lies in the sea with him.



Task 2: Read the paragraph below and answer the question that follows it.

19 Well, no! the blackish back that supported me was smooth, polished, 20 without scales. The blow produced a metallic sound; and, incredible21 though it may be, it seemed, I might say, as if it was made of riveted 22 plates.

23 There was no doubt about it! This monster, this natural phenomenon 24 that had puzzled the learned world, and overthrown and misled the 25 imagination of seamen of both hemispheres, was, it must be owned,26 a still more astonishing phenomenon, inasmuch as it was a simply 27 human construction.

From lines 19-27, give two ways the writer shows that the men have no reason to fear what lies in the sea with them. You may use your own words or quotation from the text.

1. ______________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________

Page 9: Web viewEnglish Language Paper 1 . Q1 – Identify a quotation (5 mins) Q2 – Inferences (5 mins) Q3 – Language and structure (15. mins)

He called himself a fool.

He wanted to cry with vexation.

Tom’s tongue had lost its function.

He could only stammer.

He kept drifting to the rear of the schoolhouse, again and again, to sear his eyeballs with the hateful spectacle there.

Learning: Last lesson you learnt the TEE structure that you will need to use in order to answer question 3 brilliantly. In today’s lesson you are going to practise. Use the chart below to help you.

He called himself a foolTechnique – what technique has been used?

A _______________ has been used to present Tom’s reaction.

Example – What sentence contains the example? (Clue: it’s above)

This is evident in the line _________________________



Effect – What does the use of this technique tell

The use of the _________________________________

Suggests that __________________________________


The reader would think / feel ______________________


Page 10: Web viewEnglish Language Paper 1 . Q1 – Identify a quotation (5 mins) Q2 – Inferences (5 mins) Q3 – Language and structure (15. mins)

He wanted to cry with vexation.Technique – what technique has been used?

A _______________ has been used to present Tom’s reaction.

Example – What sentence contains the example? (Clue: it’s above)

This is evident in the line _________________________



Effect – What does the use of this technique tell

The use of the _________________________________

Suggests that __________________________________


The reader would think / feel ______________________


Mastering: Now try completing without my sentence starters.

Tom’s tongue had lost its function.Technique – what technique has been used?

Example – What sentence contains the example? (Clue: it’s above)

Effect – What does the use of this technique tell

Page 11: Web viewEnglish Language Paper 1 . Q1 – Identify a quotation (5 mins) Q2 – Inferences (5 mins) Q3 – Language and structure (15. mins)

He could only stammer.Technique – what technique has been used?

Example – What sentence contains the example? (Clue: it’s above)

Effect – What does the use of this technique tell

Extending: Now try writing your paragraph without the use of the chart.

Quotation: He kept drifting to the rear of the schoolhouse, again and again, to sear his eyeballs with the hateful spectacle there.











Page 12: Web viewEnglish Language Paper 1 . Q1 – Identify a quotation (5 mins) Q2 – Inferences (5 mins) Q3 – Language and structure (15. mins)

Lesson 4: Thursday 6th April

Task 1: Read the paragraph below and answer the question that follows it.

10 right way, by reason of the ruins’ – ‘Plato, thou reasonest well!’ said 11 she, or words to that effect, which I could no ways understand; and 12 again, when her foot stumbled against a broken bit of a car wheel, she13 cried out – ‘Angels and ministers of grace, defend us!’ – Well, thought I,14 to be sure, if she’s no Jewish like the last, she is a mad woman for 15 certain, which is as bad: it would have been as well for my poor master16 to have taken up with poor Judy, who is in her right mind any how.

From lines 10-15, identify the phrase which suggests the new lady hurts herself.



Task 2: Read the paragraph below and answer the question that follows it.

22 ‘I shall faint with the heat of this odious, odious place’ – ‘My dear, it’s 23 only three steps across the kitchen, and there’s a fine air if your veil 24 was up,’ said Sir Condy, and with that threw back her veil, so that I had25 then a full sight of her face; she had not at all the colour of one going to 26 faint, but a fine complexion of her own, as I then took it to be, though27 her maid told me after it was all put on; but even complexion and all 28 taken in, she was no way, in point of good looks, to compare to poor 29 Judy; and with all she had a quality toss with her; but may be it was my30 over partiality to Judy, into whose place I may say she stept, that made31 me notice all this. – To do her justice, however, she was, when we

From lines 22-31, give two ways the narrator shows that he feels the ‘new lady’ is inferior to Judy. You may use your own words or quotation from the text.

1. ______________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________

Page 13: Web viewEnglish Language Paper 1 . Q1 – Identify a quotation (5 mins) Q2 – Inferences (5 mins) Q3 – Language and structure (15. mins)

Question 3

Last lesson we were practising how to write TEE paragraphs analysing language – the key words used in the text. In today’s lesson, we need to start considering the sentences.

Today we are going to learn about the simple sentence.

A simple sentence is a sentence that contains one subject and one verb.

John kicked the ball.

This is an example of a simple sentence. ‘John’ is the subject and ‘kicked’ is the verb.

Here is another example:

The movie started to play.

This is another example of a simple sentence. ‘The movie’ is the subject and ‘started’ is the verb.

Task: Look at the following simple sentences. Can you identify the subject and the verb?

Subject VerbSimon walked to Tidworth.

Diana completed her homework.

Matthew swam at the pool.

Jenny danced all night.

The fridge whirred.

The sun shone all day.

The ball rolled onto the floor.

Page 14: Web viewEnglish Language Paper 1 . Q1 – Identify a quotation (5 mins) Q2 – Inferences (5 mins) Q3 – Language and structure (15. mins)

Now in the extract we have been looking at we have identified five simple sentences that show Tom’s reaction to Becky and the other boy. Can you identify the subject and verb in each of those:

Subject VerbJealousy ran red-hot through Tom’s veins.

He called himself a fool.

He wanted to cry with vexation.

Tom’s tongue had lost its function.

He could only stammer.

However, identifying a simple sentence is not good enough – we also have to be able to explain why it has been used AND we have to be really SPECIFIC

Why might this be conveyed through a simple sentence?

Jealousy ran red-hot through Tom’s veins.

A simple sentence has been used to show how quickly Tom reacts to seeing Becky with another boy and how quickly he feels envious suggesting he does really care for her.

He called himself a fool.

He wanted to cry with vexation.

Tom’s tongue had lost its function.

He could only stammer.

Page 15: Web viewEnglish Language Paper 1 . Q1 – Identify a quotation (5 mins) Q2 – Inferences (5 mins) Q3 – Language and structure (15. mins)

When we have considered why a simple sentence has been used specifically, then we can also construct a TEE paragraph about how simple sentences are used in a text. Look at my example below:

A simple sentence has been used to present Tom’s reactions. This is evident in the

line ‘Jealousy ran red-hot through Tom’s veins.’ The use of the simple sentence

suggests that Tom has an immediate and quick reaction to seeing Becky with

another boy. It also suggests that Tom quickly feels envious which would make the

reader feel as though he does really care for her.

Now you have a go with one of the other simple sentences from the extract.











Page 16: Web viewEnglish Language Paper 1 . Q1 – Identify a quotation (5 mins) Q2 – Inferences (5 mins) Q3 – Language and structure (15. mins)

Lesson 5: Friday 7th April

Task 1: Read the paragraph below and answer the question that follows it.

4 ‘Yes, yes, Master Davy,’ said Peggotty. ‘She’s coming home. Wait a 5 bit, Master Davy, and I’ll – I’ll tell you something.’

6 Between her agitation, and her natural awkwardness in getting out of the 7 cart, Peggotty was making a most extraordinary festoon of herself, but I8 felt too blank and strange to tell her so. When she had got down, she 9 took me by the hand; led me, wondering, into the kitchen; and shut the10 door.

1. From lines 4-10, identify the phrase which suggest Peggotty is anxious.



Task 2: Read the paragraph below and answer the question that follows it.

14 ‘Something’s the matter, I’m sure. Where’s mama?’

15 ‘Where’s mama, Master Davy?’ repeated Peggotty.

16 ‘Yes. Why hasn’t she come out to the gate, and what have we come in17 here for? Oh, Peggotty!’ My eyes were full, and I felt as if I were going 18 to tumble down.

19 ‘Bless the precious boy!’ cried Peggotty, taking hold of me. ‘What is it? 20 Speak, my pet!’

21 ‘Not dead, too! Oh, she’s not dead, Peggotty?’

22 Peggotty cried out No! with an astonishing volume of voice; and then sat23 down, and began to pant, and said I had given her a turn.

24 I gave her a hug to take away the turn or to give her another turn in the25 right direction, and then stood before her, looking at her in anxious 26 inquiry.

Page 17: Web viewEnglish Language Paper 1 . Q1 – Identify a quotation (5 mins) Q2 – Inferences (5 mins) Q3 – Language and structure (15. mins)

From lines 14-26, give two ways the writer shows that Peggotty has made the David feel nervous. You may use your own words or quotation from the text.

1. ______________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________

Question 3

Last lesson we were exploring simple sentences. In today’s lesson we are going to explore complex sentences.

Here is an example of a complex sentence:

Then Tom turned coolly away, still talking, taking Amy with him.

A complex sentence is made up of two parts:

A main clause – which makes sense on its own

A subordinate clause – which does not make sense on its own (and is surrounded by commas).

In this example

The main clause – Then Tom turned coolly away taking Amy with him.

The subordinate clause – still talking

Now look at the following examples of complex sentences on the next page. Can you identify the main clause (the part that makes sense by itself) and the subordinate clause (the part that does not make sense by itself and is surrounded by commas)?

Page 18: Web viewEnglish Language Paper 1 . Q1 – Identify a quotation (5 mins) Q2 – Inferences (5 mins) Q3 – Language and structure (15. mins)

Complex sentence Which part is the main clause?

Which part is the subordinate clause?

Then she sat moody, with wounded pride, till the bell range.She roused up, now, with a vindictive cast in her eyeShe was sitting cosily on a little bench, behind the schoolhouse, looking at a picture-book with Alfred Temple.

The most important thing though when you are thinking about complex sentences is the subordinate clause. You need to ask yourself, why did the writer insert that subordinate clause? What extra information does it give us?

Let me think about the complex sentence I identified earlier:

Then Tom turned coolly away, still talking, taking Amy with him.

You need to ask yourself three questions:

1. What do you learn from this sentence?2. What do you learn from the subordinate clause?3. What does the subordinate clause reveal about Tom’s reaction?

1. From this sentence I learn that Tom turns his head, without care and continues to chat with Amy.

2. He carries on chatting.3. He is trying to appear as though he isn’t upset by seeing Becky with the other

boy. If he is still chatting, he is trying to show he hasn’t been distracted by them. He is trying to carry on as normal as though nothing happened.

Now you have a go completing the chart on the following page:

Page 19: Web viewEnglish Language Paper 1 . Q1 – Identify a quotation (5 mins) Q2 – Inferences (5 mins) Q3 – Language and structure (15. mins)

Complex sentence What do you learn from this sentence?

What do you learn from the subordinate


What does the subordinate clause reveal about Becky or Tom’s

reactions?MY EXAMPLE

Then Tom turned coolly away, still

talking, taking Amy with him.

From this sentence I learn that Tom turns his head, without care and continues to chat with Amy.

He carries on chatting. He is trying to appear as though he isn’t upset by seeing Becky with the other boy. If he is still chatting, he is trying to show he hasn’t been distracted by them. He is trying to carry on as normal as though nothing happened.

Then she sat moody, with wounded pride, till the bell range.

She roused up, now, with a vindictive cast in her eye

She was sitting cosily on a little bench, behind the schoolhouse, looking at a picture-book with Alfred Temple.

Page 20: Web viewEnglish Language Paper 1 . Q1 – Identify a quotation (5 mins) Q2 – Inferences (5 mins) Q3 – Language and structure (15. mins)

Now let’s return to our practice text. Look at the following complex sentence.

He kept drifting to the rear of the schoolhouse, again and again, to sear his eyeballs with the hateful spectacle there.

1. What do you learn from this sentence about how Tom is feeling.




2. What do you learn from the embedded clause ‘again and again’?




3. What does the embedded clause ‘again and again’ suggest about how Tom is feeling after seeing Becky and the other boy?




When you have analysed the sentence, you should put your findings into a TEE paragraph. Look at the one I have written below.

A complex sentence has been used to present Tom’s reactions. This is evident in

the line ‘Then Tom turned coolly away, still talking, taking Amy with him.’ The use of

the subordinate clause in the complex sentence suggests that Tom is trying to

appear as though he isn’t upset by seeing Becky with the other boy. The reader

would think he is trying to show Becky, he isn’t affected by what he has seen. They

would think that Tom is trying to carry on as normal as though nothing happened.

Page 21: Web viewEnglish Language Paper 1 . Q1 – Identify a quotation (5 mins) Q2 – Inferences (5 mins) Q3 – Language and structure (15. mins)

Now go back to your complex sentence:

He kept drifting to the rear of the schoolhouse, again and again, to sear his eyeballs with the hateful spectacle there.

Construct a TEE paragraph explaining how the use of the subordinate clause helps to present Tom’s reaction to seeing Becky with another boy.









