, e' z yh ^d &kzd & h>dz d />^ < ] v o Ç z l Ç } µ ] o } v

www.du.ac.in Page 1 Title Prof. First Name Shobhit Last Name Mahajan Photograph Designation Professor Address Dept. of Physics & Astrophysics University of Delhi Delhi 110007 Phone No Office Residence Mobile Email [email protected] Web-Page http://people.du.ac.in/~sm Educational Qualifications Degree Institution Year Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley 1986 M.Phil. / M.Tech. PG University of California, Berkeley 1983 UG St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi 1980 Any other qualification Career Profile 2004- present: Professor, Dept. of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi. 1996-2004: Reader, Dept. of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi. 1993-1996: Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi. 1991-1993: Senior Lecturer, St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi. 1986-1991: Lecturer, St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi. 1983-1986: Research Asst, Lawrence Berkeley Labs, Berkeley, California. 1981-1983: Teaching Asst, Dept. of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, California. Administrative Assignments CHANGE REQUEST FORM FACULTY DETAILS Kindly check your details on DU website (www.du.ac.in) and please fill in the relevant fields only (Please fill in this and send hard copy and soft copy through proper channel and through Email to [email protected] and [email protected])

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Title Prof. First Name Shobhit Last Name Mahajan Photograph Designation Professor Address Dept. of Physics & Astrophysics

University of Delhi Delhi 110007

Phone No Office



Email [email protected]

Web-Page http://people.du.ac.in/~sm

Educational Qualifications Degree Institution Year Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley 1986 M.Phil. / M.Tech. PG University of California, Berkeley 1983 UG St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi 1980 Any other qualification Career Profile 2004- present: Professor, Dept. of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi.

1996-2004: Reader, Dept. of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi.

1993-1996: Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi.

1991-1993: Senior Lecturer, St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi.

1986-1991: Lecturer, St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi.

1983-1986: Research Asst, Lawrence Berkeley Labs, Berkeley, California.

1981-1983: Teaching Asst, Dept. of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, California.

Administrative Assignments


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Director, Delhi University Computer Center, University of Delhi: 2004-2009 Areas of Interest / Specialization Particle Physics & Cosmology, Biological networks Subjects Taught

Mathematical Physics


Modern Physics

Radiation Theory

Computational Physics


Astrophysics II

Computer Lab

Nuclear Physics Lab

Research Guidance List against each head (If applicable)

1. Supervision of awarded Doctoral Thesis 8 2. Supervision of Doctoral Thesis, under progress 1 3. Supervision of awarded M.Phil dissertations 4. Supervision of M.Phil dissertations, under progress

Publications Profile List against each head(If applicable) (as Illustrated with examples)

1. Books/Monographs (Authored/Edited) 1. “More than 150 Unusual facts about Computers”, published by Scholastic Inc.(2002) 2. “More than 150 Unusual Inventions", published by Scholastic Inc.(2003) 3. “Eminent Scientists", published by Scholastic Inc.(2003) 4. “More than 150 Unusual facts about Physics", published by Scholastic Inc.(2004) 5. “From Bugs to Blackholes", Penguin Books. ( 2005) 6. “Environment in my pocket", Scholastic Inc. (2006).

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7. “103 Scientific Principles, Ideas, Theories & Stuff”, Scholastic Inc. (2006). 8. “The Story of Steel", a set of 4 books for young adults, Pratham Books, (2007). 9. “Physics in my Pocket- A Reference Book", Scholastic Inc. (2007). 10. “ A Quiz Book of Physics", Scholastic Inc. (2008). 11. “A Quiz Book of Mathematics", Scholastic Inc. (2008). 12. “The Story of Invention", Ullman Publishing. (2008). 13. “Concepts of Modern Physics, Sixth Edition" (with A. Beiser & S. Rai Choudhury), McGraw Hill. (2009). 14. “The Story of Science" Ullman Publishing. (2010). 15. “Scholastic Quiz Book" Scholastic Publishing. (2010). 16. “Get the Facts: Physics", Scholastic Publishing. (2010). 17. “Electricity, Magnetism & Electromagnetic Theory, (with S. Rai Choudhury ),Mcgraw Hill. (2012). 18. “Get the Facts: Information Technology & Computers , Scholastic Publishing (2013). 19. “Concepts of Modern Physics, Seventh Edition" (with A. Beiser& S. Rai Choudhury), McGraw Hill. (2015). 20. “Science & Society", (manuscript under preparation) Authored a report on Issues in Higher Education in Science, Observer Research Foundation, 2007. Contributed a chapter on ``Science & Mathematics Teaching in Schools & Colleges India" to the `Routledge Handbook of Education in India- Debates, Practices & Policies', Edited by Krishna Kumar. (2017), Routledge, ISBN 9781138103641(hbk) and 9781315107929 (ebk). Contributed a paper on ``In Search of a Scientific Public Sphere" to an edited volume ``The University Unthought: Notes for a Future", edited by Debaditya Bhattacharya (2018), Routledge, ISBN 978-1-138-06732-5 (hbk) and 978-0-429-44197-4 (ebk). Contributed a paper on “Of Pain Waves, Plastic Surgery & Panchgavya: The Quest for Hegemony in the Natural Sciences'' to an edited volume, “The Idea of A University", edited by Apoorvanand (2018), Westland Books, ISBN 9789387894259 (hbk). Contributed a chapter on ``Higher Education in the Sciences in India" to a volume on Indian Science Education(forthcoming), Edited by S. Irfan Habib \& Dhruv Raina, (forthcoming, 2019). Translated 2 books (A Folk Tale from Argentina" & A Folk Talefrom Mynamar") from English to Hindi for Pratham Books. Have also translated 4 pamphlets on Everyday Science from English to Hindi to be used in primary and middle schools.(2004) Translated 4 books for Science for Children from English to Hindi for Pratham Books. (2005)

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2. Research papers published in Refereed/Peer Reviewed Journals

1. Models of inflation with a low supersymmetry breaking scale",(with P. Binetruy), Nuclear Physics B 263, pp 413- ( 1986). 2. A mechanism for baryon generation in super symmetric cosmologies", Physical Review, D 33, pp 338- (1986). 3 Cosmological models consistent with SUSY compactification in superstring theories", (with A. Mukherjee, R. P. Saxena, S. Kumar, and N. Panchapakesan), Pramana 34, No. 5, pp 415 (1990). 4. A lower bound on the Higgs boson and Top quark mass from constraint on the Higgs coupling", (with A. Mukherjee, S. K.Sethi, N. Panchapakesan and R. P. Saxena), Modern Physics Letters A, Vol. 6, No. 18, pp 1731- (1991). 5. Dark Matter: Why and What ?", Invited Talk at the X DAE-HEP Symposium , Pramana Suppl. Vol. 41, pp 455-(1993). 6. RG improved bounds on Higgs and top mass from electroweak baryogenesis", (with S. K. Sethi, N. Panchapakesan, R. P. Saxena, A. Mukherjee and A.S. Mazumdar), Modern Physics Letters A, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 459- (1994). 7. Studies in Structure formation in theories with a repulsive long range gravitational force", (with D. Lohiya, A. Batra, S. Mehra and A. Mukherjee) , paper presented at the III International Conference on Gravitation & Cosmology, Pune, 1995, preprint gr-qc/9601039, Astrophysical and Astronomical Transactions,Vol. 13, pp 1, 1997. 8. Constraints on the Cosmological Constant from Gravitational Lenses in an Evolutionary Model of galaxies" ,(with D. Jain, V.B. Bhatia and N. Panchapakesan), preprint astro-ph/9803128, International Journal of Modern Physics A, Vol. 13, No. 24, pg. 4227-36, 1998. 9. Topological Defects in the Left-Right Symmetric Models and their relevance to cosmology", (with U.Yagnik, H.Widyan, A. Mukherjee and D. Choudhury), preprint hep-ph/ 9812406, Physical Review D, May 15, 1999. 10. Gravitational Lensing Limits on Average Redshift of Gamma Ray Bursts from evolving galaxies", ( with D. Jain, N. Panchapakesan and V.B. Bhatia), paper presented at the XIX Astronomical Society of India Meeting, Bangalore, 1999, preprint astro-ph/9902154, International Journal of Modern Physics D, Vol. 8, No. 4, pg. 507-514, 1999. 11. Constraint On Galaxy Evolution Through Gravitational Lensing Statistics", (with D. Jain, N. Panchapakesan, V. B. Bhatia), preprint astro-ph/991104, Modern Physics Letters A, Vol. 15, No. 1, pg. 41, 2000. 12. Limit on Average Redshift of Gamma Ray Bursts from evolving galaxies",(with D. Jain, N. Panchapakesan, V. B. Bhatia), Bulletin Of Astronomical Society of India, Vol. 28, pg. 377, 2000. 13. Nucleosynthesis in a universe with a linearly evolving scale factor", ( with A. Batra, A. Mukherjee and D. Lohiya), International Journal of Modern Physics D, Vol. 10, No.1, 2001. 14. Cosmic Equation of State, Gravitational Lensing Statistics & Merging of Galaxies", (with A. Dev, D. Jain, N. Panchapakesan and V.B. Bhatia), International Journal of Modern Physics D,vol. 12, no. 1, 101, 2003, preprint astro-ph/0104076. 15. Gravitational Lensing constraint on the Cosmic Equation of State", (with A. Dev , D. Jain, N. Panchapakesan and V.B. Bhatia), International Journal of Modern Physics D,

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Vol.12, No. 2, 2003, preprint astro-ph/0105551 16. Probing large distance higher dimensional gravity from lensing data", ( with S.R.Choudhury, G.C.Joshi and Bruce Mckellar), Astroparticle Physics Vol. 21, No. 5, pg. 559,, 2004, preprint hep-ph/0204161 17. A Freely Coasting Universe" ( with S. Gehlaut, D. Lohia and A. Mukherjee), Spacetime & Substance, 14/4, 2002, preprint astro-ph/0209209 18. "Dark Energy & the study of the Observed Image Separations of the Multiply Imaged Systems in the CLASS Statistical Sample", ( with A. Dev and D. Jain), International Journal Of Modern Physics- D, Vol. 13, No. 6 , 1005, 2004, preprint astro-ph/0307441 . 19. "Effect of radiation on the stability of equilibrium points in the binary stellar systems: RW-Monocerotis, Kruger 60", (with M.K. Das, Pankaj Narang, M, Yuasa), Astrophysics & Space Sciences , 314, 4,261- (2008). 20. "Effect of radiation on the stability of a retrograde particle orbit in different stellar systems", (with M.K. Das, Pankaj Narang, M, Yuasa), Planetary & Space Science, 57, 836- (2009). 21. "On Out of Plane Equilibrium Points in Photo-Gravitational restricted three-body problem", (with M.K. Das, Pankaj Narang, M, Yuasa), Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy, 30, 34, 177- (2009). 22. “Transition Redshift: New constraints from parametric and nonparametric method", (with Nisha Rani, Deepak Jain, Amitabha Mukherjee & Nilza Peres), Journal of Cosmology & Astrophysics, 12, 045,(2015). 23. “Revisiting the Distance Duality Relation using LOESS and SIMEX", (with Akshay Rana, Deepak Jain, and Amitabha Mukherjee), arXiv:1511.09223v1[ astro-ph.CO], 2015 , Journal of Cosmology & Astrophysics, 2016(07), 026- (2016). 24. “Constraining cosmic curvature by using age of galaxies and gravitational lenses'', (with Akshay Rana, Deepak Jain, and Amitabha Mukherjee), arXiv:1611.07196v1[astro-ph.CO], Journal of Cosmology & Astrophysics, 2017(03), 028- (2017). 25. “Revisiting dark energy models using differential ages of galaxies'', (with Nisha Rani, Deepak Jain, Amitabha Mukherjee & Marek Biesiada), arXiv: 1612.07492 [astro-ph.CO] , Journal of Cosmology & Astrophysics, 2017(03), 005- (2017). 26. “Probing the Cosmic Distance Duality relation using time delay lenses'', (with Akshay Rana, Deepak Jain, Amitabha Mukherjee & R.F.L. Holanda), arXiv: 1705.04549 [astro-ph.CO] Journal of Cosmology & Astrophysics 07(2017) 010 (2017). 27. “Probing Graviton mass using weak lensing and SZ effect in Galaxy Clusters'', ((with Akshay Rana, Deepak Jain, Amitabha Mukherjee), arXiv: 1801.03309[astro-ph.CO], Physics Letters B, 781, 220- (2018). 28. ``Direct calculation of time varying Aharonov Bohm effect'', (with S. Rai Choudhury), arXiv:1903.04138[quant-ph, hep-th], Physics Letters A. 383(2019), 2467-. 29. ``Constraints on Cosmological & Galaxy Parameters from Strong Lensing Systems” (with Darshan Kumar, D. Jain, A. Mukherjee, Nisha Rani), arxiv:2002.06354[astroph.CO], Physical Review-D 103,063511, 2021 30 ``A Model-Independent test of Variability of Type Ia Supernova and CDDR'', (with Darshan Kumar, Akshay Rana, Deepak Jain, Amitabha Mukherjee \& R.F.L. Holanda), arXiv:2107.04784[astro-ph] Submitted to Journal of Cosmology \& Astrophysics, 2021.

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a) Research papers published in Academic Journals other than Refereed/Peer Reviewed Journals 1 “Topics in Inflationary Cosmologies", PhD Thesis, LBL - 21436, 1986. 2. “Introduction to Inflationary Models", Invited Lectures, 1987 UGC School on Early Universe. 3. “Early Universe", Invited lectures, SERC School in High Energy Physics, 1988.

b) Research papers published in Refereed/Peer Reviewed Conferences 1. “Can the Many Worlds Interpretation solve the measurement problem", (with R. Nair), Paper presented at ISQR 1989- 90. 2. “Helium Production in a cosmological model with a linearly evolving scale factor", (with D. Lohiya and A. Mukherjee) , Delhi University Report, 1995. 3. “Light Element synthesis in a cosmological model with repulsive gravity", (with D. Lohiya and A. Mukherjee), Paper presented at the XVII International Symposium on Lepton-Photon Interactions, Beijing, 1995. 4. “Nucleosynthesis in a simmering universe", (with D. Lohiya, A. Batra, and A. Mukherjee), paper presented at the XII DAE Symposium, Guwahati, 1996, preprint astro-ph/ 9606082 5. “Constraints on the Cosmological Constant from Gravitational Lenses",( with D. Jain, V.B. Bhatia and N. Panchapakesan), paper presented at the XII DAE Symposium, Guwahati, 1996. 6. “Effect of Galaxy Evolution on the Statistical Properties of Gravitational Lenses", ( with D. Jain, N. Panchapakesan and V.B. Bhatia), preprint astro-ph/9807192, 1998. 7. “Effect of galaxy evolution on the average redshift of GRBs",(with D. Jain, N. Panchapakesan and V.B. Bhatia), paper presented at the XIII, High Energy Physics Symposium, Chandigarh, 1998. 8. “Gravitational Lensing Bound on the Average Redshift of Gamma Ray Bursts in models with evolving lenses", (with D. Jain, N. Panchapakesan and V.B. Bhatia), paper presented at the Mini Workshop on Gamma Ray Bursts, IUCAA, August 1999. 9. “Gravitational Lens Statistics and their use in constraining evolution of galaxies", (with D. Jain, N. Panchapakesan, V. B.Bhatia), paper presented at the IV International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology, Kharagpur, January 2000.

c) Research papers Published in Conferences/Seminar other than Refereed/Peer Reviewed Conferences

3. Other publications (Edited works, Book reviews, Festschrift volumes, etc.) PLEASE SEE Webpage http://people.du.ac.in/~sm

Conference Organization/ Presentations (in the last three years) List against each head(If applicable)

1. Organization of a Conference

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2. Participation as Paper/Poster Presenter

Research Projects (Major Grants/Research Collaboration) Please see complete CV

Awards and Distinctions

National Merit Scholarship, 1977.

National Science Talent Scholarship, 1977-81.

President's Gold Medal, University of Delhi, 1981.

Apple Distinguished Educator Award, 2006.

Association With Professional Bodies

1. Editing 2. Reviewing 3. Advisory 4. Committees and Boards 5. Memberships 6. Office Bearer

Other Activities Director, Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI), 2007-2013.

Director, IFCI Financial Services (IFIN) Ltd., 2008-2013.

Member, Board of Governors, Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, 2007-2013.

Chairperson, H.R. Committee, Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, 2009-2010.

Member, Expert Committee, Delhi Government for evaluation of Wi-Fi access proposals, 2007-2008.

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Member, Managing Committee, Cambridge School, Noida, 2008-09.

Member, Managing Committee, Cambridge School, Sriniwaspuri, 2009-.

Member, Board of Governors, Institute of Leadership Development, Jaipur, 2008-2013.

Member, Expert Committee for evaluation of proposals for Samajik Suvidha Sangam, Delhi Government, 2009-10.

Member, ERNET committee on GEANT Project, 2006.

Member, Technical Review Committee for E-Governance, NIFT, Delhi, 2006-07.

Chairman, Committee for Networking & Information Technology Resources, ICSSR, Delhi, 2005, 2006, 2007.

Member, Acquisition Committee of NASSDOC, ICSSR, 2005, 2006, 2007.

Member, Joint Cadre Review Committee for ICT Services Cadre, U.G.C, 2006- .

Chairman, Expert Team For review of NARS, ICAR, 2007-2008.

Member, Focus Group on \Habitat & Learning", National Core Group on Curriculum Reform. 2005.

Member, Core Group to monitor the implementation of the Supreme Court order for Environmental Education in schools. 2005

Treasurer and Founding Trustee, Dr. Arvind N. Das Foundation for Critical Social and Cultural Studies.

Founding Trustee, Om Charitable Foundation, New Delhi.

Member, Research Degree Council & Board of Studies, Kumaun University, Nainital.

Member, Advisory Board, Mahatma Gandhi Law College, Gwalior

Head of the Department Signature of Faculty Member

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You are also requested to also give your complete resume as a DOC or PDF file to be attached as a link on your faculty page.

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Journal Articles

1. “Models of inflation with a low supersymmetry breaking scale”,(withP. Binetruy), Nuclear Physics B 263, pg 413- ( 1986).

2. “A mechanism for baryon generation in super symmetric cos-mologies”, Physical Review, D 33, pg 338- (1986).

3. “Cosmological models consistent with SUSY compactificationin superstring theories”, (with A. Mukherjee, R. P. Saxena, S.Kumar, and N. Panchapakesan), Pramana 34, No. 5, pg415- (1990).

4. “A lower bound on the Higgs boson and Top quark mass fromconstraint on the Higgs coupling”, (with A. Mukherjee, S. K.Sethi,N. Panchapakesan and R. P. Saxena), Modern Physics Let-ters A, Vol. 6, No. 18, pg 1731- (1991).

5. “Dark Matter: Why and What ?”, Invited Talk at the X DAE-HEP Symposium , Pramana Suppl. Vol. 41, pp 455-(1993).

6. “RG improved bounds on Higgs and top mass from electroweakbaryogenesis”, (with S. K. Sethi, N. Panchapakesan, R. P. Sax-ena, A. Mukherjee and A.S. Mazumdar), Modern PhysicsLetters A, Vol. 9, No. 5, pg. 459- (1994).

7. “Studies in Structure formation in theories with a repulsivelong range gravitational force”, (with D. Lohiya, A. Batra, S.Mehra and A. Mukherjee) , paper presented at the III Inter-national Conference on Gravitation & Cosmology, Pune, 1995,preprint gr-qc/9601039, Astrophysical and Astronom-ical Transactions,Vol. 13, pg 1- (1997).

8. “Constraints on the Cosmological Constant from GravitationalLenses in an Evolutionary Model of galaxies” ,(with D. Jain,V.B. Bhatia and N. Panchapakesan), preprint astro-ph/9803128,International Journal of Modern Physics A, Vol. 13,No. 24, pg. 4227-36 (1998).


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9. “Topological Defects in the Left-Right Symmetric Models andtheir relevance to cosmology”, (with U.Yagnik, H.Widyan, A.Mukherjee and D. Choudhury), preprint hep-ph/ 9812406,Physical Review D, May 15 (1999).

10. “Gravitational Lensing Limits on Average Redshift of GammaRay Bursts from evolving galaxies”, ( with D. Jain, N. Pancha-pakesan and V.B. Bhatia), paper presented at the XIX Astro-nomical Society of India Meeting, Bangalore, 1999, preprintastro-ph/9902154, International Journal of Modern PhysicsD, Vol. 8, No. 4, pg. 507-514 (1999).

11. “Limit on Average Redshift of Gamma Ray Bursts from evolv-ing galaxies”,(with D. Jain, N. Panchapakesan, V. B. Bhatia),Bulletin Of Astronomical Society of India, Vol. 28, pg.377- (2000).

12. “Constraint On Galaxy Evolution Through Gravitational Lens-ing Statistics”, (with D. Jain, N. Panchapakesan, V. B. Bha-tia), preprint astro-ph/991104, Modern Physics LettersA, Vol. 15, No. 1, pg. 41- (2000).

13. “Nucleosynthesis in a universe with a linearly evolving scalefactor”, ( with A. Batra, A. Mukherjee and D. Lohiya), Inter-national Journal of Modern Physics D, Vol. 10, No.1(2001).

14. “A Freely Coasting Universe” ( with S. Gehlaut, D. Lohia andA. Mukherjee), preprint astro-ph/0209209, Spacetime &Substance, 14/4 (2002)

15. “Cosmic Equation of State, Gravitational Lensing Statistics &Merging of Galaxies”, (with A. Dev, D. Jain, N. Panchapake-san and V.B. Bhatia), preprint astro-ph/0104076, Inter-national Journal of Modern Physics D,vol. 12, no. 1,pg 101- (2003) .

16. “Gravitational Lensing constraint on the Cosmic Equation ofState”, (with A. Dev , D. Jain, N. Panchapakesan and V.B.Bhatia), preprint astro-ph/0105551, International Jour-nal of Modern Physics D, Vol.12, No. 2 (2003)


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17. “Probing large distance higher dimensional gravity from lensingdata”, ( with S.R.Choudhury, G.C.Joshi and Bruce Mckellar),preprint hep-ph/0204161, Astroparticle Physics Vol.21, No. 5, pg. 559- (2004)

18. “Dark Energy & the study of the Observed Image Separa-tions of the Multiply Imaged Systems in the CLASS Statis-tical Sample”, ( with A. Dev and D. Jain), preprint astro-ph/0307441, International Journal Of Modern Physics-D, Vol. 13, No. 6 , pg 1005- (2004) .

19. “Effect of radiation on the stability of equilibrium points inthe binary stellar systems: RW-Monocerotis, Kruger 60”, (withM.K. Das, Pankaj Narang, M. Yuasa), Astrophysics & SpaceSciences , 314, 4, pg 261- (2008).

20. “Effect of radiation on the stability of a retrograde particleorbit in different stellar systems”, (with M.K. Das, PankajNarang, M. Yuasa), Planetary & Space Science, 57, pg836- (2009).

21. “On Out of Plane Equilibrium Points in Photo-Gravitationalrestricted three-body problem”, (with M.K. Das, Pankaj Narang,M, Yuasa), Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy, 30, 3-4, pg 177- (2009).

22. “Transition Redshift: New constraints from parametric andnonparametric method”, (with Nisha Rani, Deepak Jain, AmitabhaMukherjee and Nilza Pires), Journal of Cosmology & As-trophysics, 12, 045 (2015).

23. “Revisiting the Distance Duality Relation using non-parametricregression technique.”, (with Akshay Rana, Deepak Jain, andAmitabha Mukherjee), arXiv:1511.09223v1[astro-ph.CO]Journalof Cosmology & Astrophysics, 2016(07), 026- (2016).

24. “Constraining cosmic curvature by using age of galaxies andgravitational lenses”, (with Akshay Rana, Deepak Jain, andAmitabha Mukherjee), arXiv:1611.07196v1[astro-ph.CO]Journalof Cosmology & Astrophysics, 2017(03), 028- (2017).

25. “Revisiting dark energy models using differential ages of galax-ies”, (with Nisha Rani, Deepak Jain, Amitabha Mukherjee &


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Marek Biesiada), arXiv: 1612.07492 [astro-ph.CO] Journal ofCosmology & Astrophysics, 2017(03), 005- (2017).

26. “Probing the Cosmic Distance Duality relation using time delaylenses”, (with Akshay Rana, Deepak Jain, Amitabha Mukher-jee & R.F.L. Holanda), arXiv: 1705.04549 [astro-ph.CO] Jour-nal of Cosmology & Astrophysics 2017, 07 (2017) 010.

27. “Probing Graviton mass using weak lensing and SZ effect inGalaxy Clusters”, ((with Akshay Rana, Deepak Jain, AmitabhaMukherjee), arXiv: 1801.03309[astro-ph.CO], Physics Let-ters B, 781, 220- (2018).

28. “Direct calculation of time varying Aharonov Bohm effect”,(with S. Rai Choudhury), arXiv:1903.04138[quant-ph, hep-th]Physics Letters A. 383(2019), 2467-.

29. “ Constraining Cosmological and Galaxy Parameters using StrongGravitational Lensing Systems”, (with Darshan Kumar, DeepakJain, Amitabha Mukherjee & Nisha Rani), arXiv:2002.06354[astro-ph] Physical Review-D 103, 063511, 2021.

30. “A Model-Independent test of Variability of Type Ia Supernovaand CDDR”, (with Darshan Kumar, Akshay Rana, DeepakJain, Amitabha Mukherjee & R.F.L. Holanda), arXiv:2107.04784[astro-ph] Submitted to Journal of Cosmology & Astrophysics,2021.

Invited Lectures & Conference Proceedings

1. “Introduction to Inflationary Models”, Invited Lectures, 1987UGC School on Early Universe.

2. “Early Universe”, Invited lectures, SERC School in HighEnergy Physics, (1988).

3. “Can the Many Worlds Interpretation solve the measurementproblem”, (with R. Nair), Paper presented at ISQR 1989-90 (1989).

4. “Dark Matter: Why and What ?”, Invited Talk at the X DAE-HEP Symposium , Pramana Suppl. Vol. 41, pg 455-(1993).


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5. “Light Element synthesis in a cosmological model with repul-sive gravity”, (with D. Lohiya and A. Mukherjee), Paper pre-sented at the XVII International Symposium on Lepton-Photon Interactions, Beijing (1995).

6. “Constraints on the Cosmological Constant from GravitationalLenses”,( with D. Jain, V.B. Bhatia and N. Panchapakesan),paper presented at the XII DAE Symposium, Guwa-hati (1996).

7. “ Effect of galaxy evolution on the average redshift of GRBs”,(with D. Jain, N. Panchapakesan and V.B. Bhatia), paperpresented at the XIII, High Energy Physics Sympo-sium, Chandigarh (1998).

8. “Gravitational Lensing Bound on the Average Redshift of GammaRay Bursts in models with evolving lenses”, (with D. Jain,N. Panchapakesan and V.B. Bhatia), paper presented atthe Mini Workshop on Gamma Ray Bursts, IUCAA(1999).

9. “Gravitational Lens Statistics and their use in constraining evo-lution of galaxies”, (with D. Jain, N. Panchapakesan, V. B.Bhatia), paper presented at the IV International Con-ference on Gravitation and Cosmology, Kharagpur, (2000).

10. “A Concordant Linear Coasting Cosmology” ( with S. Gehlaut,D. Lohia and A. Mukherjee), Paper presented at PASCOS,T.I.F.R, Mumbai (2003).

Preprints & Reports

1. “Topics in Inflationary Cosmologies”, PhD Thesis, LBL - 21436(1986).

2. “Cosmological Lower limit on Higgs boson mass in presence ofa heavy fermion”, (with A. Mukherjee, S. K. Sethi, N. Pan-chapakesan and R.P. Saxena), Delhi University Report,(1993).

3. “Helium Production in a cosmological model with a linearlyevolving scale factor”, (with D. Lohiya and A. Mukherjee) ,Delhi University Report (1995).


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4. “Nucleosynthesis in a simmering universe”, (with D. Lohiya,A. Batra, and A. Mukherjee), paper presented at the XII DAESymposium, Guwahati (1996) preprint astro-ph/ 9606082

5. “Effect of Galaxy Evolution on the Statistical Properties ofGravitational Lenses”, ( with D. Jain, N. Panchapakesan andV.B. Bhatia), preprint astro-ph/9807192, (1998).

6. “Topological defects and conditions for baryogenesis in the Left-Right symmetric model”, (with U.Yagnik, H.Widyan, A. Mukher-jee and D. Choudhury), preprint hep-ph/ 9805276 (1998).

7. “ Constraints on Cosmological and Galaxy Parameters fromStrong Gravitational Lensing Systems”, (with Darshan Ku-mar, Deepak Jain, Amitabha Mukherjee & Nisha Rani), astro-ph/2002.06354 (2020).

Reports & Contributions to Edited Volumes

1. “Issues in Higher Education in Science”, Observer ResearchFoundation, 2007.(http://people.du.ac.in/ sm/smweb/report1.pdf)

2. Contributed a paper on “Of Pain Waves, Plastic Surgery& Pachgavya: The Quest for Hegemony in the Natu-ral Sciences”, in “The Idea of A University”, edited byApoorvanand, Westland Books (2018).

3. Contributed a paper on “In Search of a Scientific Pub-lic Sphere”, in “The University Unthought”, edited byDebaditya Bhattacharya, Routledge India (2018).

4. Contributed a chapter on “Higher Education in the Sciences inIndia” to the volume on Indian Science Education(forthcoming),Edited by S. Irfan Habib (2018).

5. Contributed a chapter on “Science & Mathematics Teach-ing in Schools & Colleges in India” to a ‘Routledge


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Handbook of Education in India- Debates, Practices &Policies’, Edited by Krishna Kumar (2017).

Textbooks & Popular Science Books

1. “More than 150 Unusual facts about Computers”, publishedby Scholastic Inc.(2002)

2. “More than 150 Unusual Inventions”, published by ScholasticInc.(2003)

3. “Eminent Scientists”, published by Scholastic Inc.(2003)

4. “More than 150 Unusual facts about Physics”, published byScholastic Inc.(2004)

5. “From Bugs to Blackholes”, Puffin Books. ( 2005)

6. “Environment in my pocket”, Scholastic Inc. (2006).

7. “103 Scientific Principles, Ideas, Theories & Stuff”, ScholasticInc. (2006).

8. “The Story of Steel”, a set of 4 books for young adults, PrathamBooks, (2007).

9. “Physics in my Pocket- A Reference Book”, Scholastic Inc.(2007).

10. “ A Quiz Book of Physics”, Scholastic Inc. (2008).

11. “A Quiz Book of Mathematics”, Scholastic Inc. (2008).

12. “The Story of Invention”, Ullman Publishing. (2008).

13. “Concepts of Modern Physics, Sixth Edition” (with A. Beiser& S. Rai Choudhury), McGraw Hill. (2009).

14. “The Story of Science” Ullman Publishing. (2010).

15. “Scholastic Quiz Book” Scholastic Publishing. (2010).

16. “Get the Facts: Physics”, Scholastic Publishing. (2010).

17. “Electricity, Magnetism & Electromagnetic Theory”, (with S.RaiChoudhury ), Mcgraw Hill. (2012).


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18. “Get the Facts- Computer & Information Technology”, Scholas-tic Inc. (2013).

19. “Concepts of Modern Physics, Seventh Edition” (with A. Beiser& S. Rai Choudhury), McGraw Hill. (2015).

20. “Science & Society”. Manuscript under preparation.

21. “ Climate Change: An introduction for young adults”. Manuscriptunder preparation.