ﺪﺷ راﺰﮔﺮﺑ esp/eap - samt.ac.irsamt.ac.ir/uploads/esp.pdf · hassan soleimani isfahan...

Thursday, June 9th, 2005 (Khordad 19th, 1384) ﻣﻠﻲ ھﻤﺎﯾﺶ اوﻟﯿﻦESP/EAP ﺷﺪ ﺑﺮﮔﺰار. ا ھﺪافﺮاي اﻧﮕﻠﯿ ﺴﻲﺎن زﺑ آﻣﻮزش ﻣﻠﻲ ھﻤﺎﯾﺶ اوﻟﯿﻦ ﭘﻨﺠﺸﻨﺒﮫ داﻧﺸﮕﺎھﻲ و وﯾﮋه١٩ ﺑﺨ ﺗﻮ ﺳﻂ ﻣﺎه ﺧﺮدادﺎﻧﻲ اﻧﺴ ﻋ ﻠﻮمﻌﮫ ﺗﻮﺳ و ﺗﺤﻘﯿﻖ ﻣﺮﻛﺰ و ﺧﺎرﺟﻲ زﺑﺎﻧﮭﺎيﮕﺎھﮭﺎ داﻧﺸ اﻧ ﺴﺎﻧﻲﻮم ﻋﻠ ﻛﺘﺐ ﺗﺪوﯾﻦ و ﻣﻄﺎﻟﻌﮫ ﺳﺎزﻣﺎن) ﺳﻤﺖ( ﺷﺪ ﺑﺮﮔﺰار. از ﺑﯿـــﺶ ھﻤـــﺎﻳﺶ اﻳـــﻦ در٢٣٠ اﺳـــﺘﺎدان از ﺗـــﻦ و ار ﺷﺪ ﻛﺎرﺷﻨﺎ ﺳﻲ ﻣﻘ ﻄﻊ داﻧﺸﺠﻮﻳﺎن و داﻧﺸﮕﺎه ﭘـﯿﺮاﻣﻮن ﺑﺮرﺳـﻲ و ﺑ ﺤﺚ ﺑـﻪ و ﻛﺮده ﺷﺮﻛﺖ د ﻛﺘﺮا ﺗﺨﺼ ﺼﻲ اﻧﮕﻠﯿ ﺴﻲ زﺑـﺎن آﻣﻮزش ﻓﺮاروي ﻣﺸﻜﻼت ﭘﺮداﺧﺘﻨﺪ داﻧﺸﮕﺎھﮫﺎ در. روزه ﻳﻚ ھﻤـﺎﻳﺶ اﻳﻦ ﻃﻲ٤٢ و ﻣﻘﺎﻟـــﻪ١١ و اﺳـــﺘﺎدان ﺗﻮﺳـــﻂ درس ﻧﻤﻮﻧـــﻪ ﻣﺘﺨﺼﺼـــﺎنESP ﺷـــﺪ اراﺋــ ﻪ ﻛﺸــﻮر ﺳﺮاﺳـــﺮ. در ﺣﺠﺖ ھﻤﺎﻳﺶ اﻓﺘﺘﺎﺣﯿﻪ اﺣ ﻤﺪي اﺣﻤﺪ دﻛﺘﺮ اﻻﺳﻼم رﺋﯿــﺲ» ﺳــﻤﺖ« ﮔﻔــﺖ" : ﺷــﻜﻞ از ھــﺪف ﮔــﯿﺮي» ﺳﻤﺖ« ﭘﺎﻳـﻪ ﺑـﺎ ﻋﻠﻤـﻲ ﻛﺘﺎﺑﮫـﺎي ﻛﻪ ﺑﻮد اﻳﻦ ھـﺎي زﺑـﺎن ﺑﻪ ﭼﻪ ﺧﻮدﻣﺎن ﻛﺸﻮر ﻓﺮھﻨﮓ ﺑﺎ ﻣﺘﻮازن ﻋﻠﻤﻲ ﺷـﻮد ﺗﮫﯿـﻪ ﺧـﺎرﺟﻲ زﺑـﺎن ﺑـﻪ ﭼﻪ و ﻓﺎرﺳﻲ. در ﻣـﺎ ﺣﺪود ﺧﻮد ﻓﻌﺎﻟﯿﺖ ﻃﻮل١٥ ھـﺰار ﺳﯿﺼـﺪ و ﻣﯿﻠ ﯿﻮن ﻛـﺮده ﻋﺮﺿـﻪ داﻧﺸـﮕﺎھﮫﺎ ﺑﻪ ﻛﺘﺎب ﻧﺴﺨﻪ از ﻛـﻪ اﻳـﻢ ﻧ ﻈﺮ از و اﺳـﺖ داﻧ ﺸﺠﻮ ﺗـﻮان ﻣﻨﺎﺳﺐ ﻗﯿﻤﺖ ﻟﺤﺎظ، اﻧﮕﻠﯿﺴـﻲ ﭼﻪ و ﻓﺎرﺳﻲ ﭼﻪ، ﻛﺘﺎب ﺗﻌﺪاد و ﻧﮕﺎرش اﺳﺖ ﺗﻮﺟﮫﻲ ﻗﺎﺑﻞ ﻛﺎر. در ﺑ ﺘﻮاﻧﯿﻢ ﻣﺎ ﻛﻪ ھﺪف اﻳﻦ ﻛﻪ ﺑﺮﺳﯿﻢ ﺟﺎﻳﻲ ﺑﻪ داﻧﺸﮕﺎھﻲ ﻋﻠﻤﻲ ﻛﺘﺎب زﻣﯿﻨﻪ ﺑﻪ ﻧﺰد ﻳﻚ ﺳﺨﻦ ﺣﺪاﻗﻞـﻲ ﻛﻤ و ﻣﺤﺘﻮاﻳﻲ ﻟﺤﺎظ از اﺳﺖ دﺷﻮاري ﻛﺎر ﺑﺎﺷﯿﻢ داﺷﺘﻪ را اول." ﻛـﺮدﻛﯿـﺪ وي" : ﺳـﺮﻣﺎﻳﻪ ھﻤـﺎﻳﺶ اﻳـﻦ ﻋﻠﻤـﻲ اي ﺑﺮاي» ﺳﻤﺖ« ﻓﺮاھـﻢ ﻛﺸـﻮر داﻧﺸﮕﺎھﮫﺎي آﻳﻨﺪه و ﻣﻲ ﻛﻨﺪ." در ﻓﺮھﻨﮕـﻲ اﻧﻘـﻼب ﻋـﺎﻟﻲ ﺷـﻮرايـﻮ اﻓﺰود ﭘﺎﻳﺎن" : ﻓﻌﺎﻟﯿﺘﮫـﺎي اﮔـﺮ» ﺳـﻤﺖ« ﻛـﻪ ﮔﻮﻧـﻪ آن ﻛﺸــﻮرھﺎي ﺑــ ﺮاي اﻟﮕﻮﻳــ ﻲ، ﺷــﻮد ﻣﻌﺮﻓــﻲ ﺑﺎﻳــﺪ ﺑﻮد ﺧﻮاھﺪ ﻣﻨﻄﻘﻪ و ھﻤﺴﺎﻳﻪ." ﺣﺠﺖ ﻗـﺎﺋﻢ، ﻣﺮ ﻗﺎﺗﻲ ﺳـﯿﺪﻃﻪ دﻛـﺘﺮ اﻻﺳﻼم و ﻣﻘـﺎموھﺸـﻲ ﻣﻌـﺎون» ﺳـﻤﺖ« ھﻤﺎﻳـﺶ اﻳـﻦ در ﻧـﯿﺰ، ﮔﻔﺖ" : ﻣﻲ واﻧﻤﻮد ﭼﻨﯿﻦﺷﺘﻪ در آﻣﻮﺧﺘﻦ ﻛﻪ ﺷﺪ رﻓﺘـﺎر ﺷـﺎﻳﺪ و دﻳﻨـﺪاري ﺗﮫﺪﻳـﺪ ﻳﻌـﻨﻲ ﻓﺮﻧﮕـﻲ زﺑـﺎن زﺑﺎن ﻣﻲ ﻋ ﻠﺖ ﺑـﺮ ﻣﺰ ﻳﺪﺷﺘﻪ آﻣﻮزان ﺑﺎ ا ﻣﺎ، ﺷـﺪ زﺑــﺎن آﻣــﻮﺧﺘﻦ ﺑــﻪ دﻳﻨــﺪارانــﺎل اﻗ، زﻣــﺎنﺷــﺖ رﻓﺖ ﮔﺴﺘﺮش ﺑﻪ رو ﺧﺎرﺟﻲ." ﻋ ﻨﻮان ﺑﻪ اﺣﻤـﺪي دﻛـﺘﺮ و ﺑﮫﺸﺘﻲ دﻛﺘﺮ از ﻣﺮﻗﺎﺗﻲ ﻃﻮر ﺑﻪ ﺧﺎرﺟﻲ زﺑﺎن ﻓﺮاﮔﯿﺮي ﺿﺮورت ﻛﻪ روﺣﺎﻧﯿﺎﻧﻲ ﺑﻮد ﻧﺪ ﻛـﺮدهك در راص ﺧـﺎ ﻃـﻮر ﺑـﻪ اﻧﮕﻠﯿﺴﻲ و ﻋﺎم اﻓﺰود و ﺑﺮد ﻧﺎم" : در ﭘﺎ ﺧﻮدﺟﻮش ﺻﻮرت ﺑﻪ اﻓﺮاد اﻳﻦ در ﺣﺎﺿـﺮ ﻣﻌﻤﺮﻳﻦ ھﻤﻪ واﺷﺘﻨﺪ ﻋﻠﻤﻲ ﺟﮫﺎد اﻳﻦ ﻣﺼﺎﺣ و ﺳﺨﻨﺮاﻧﯿﮫﺎ، ﺟﻠﺴﻪ را ﺑﮫﺸـﺘﻲ دﻛﺘﺮ ھﺎي دارﻧﺪ ﺧﺎﻃﺮ ﺑﻪ اﻧﮕﻠﯿﺴﻲ و آﻟﻤﺎﻧﻲ زﺑﺎن ﺑﻪ." اﻧﮕﻠﯿﺴــﻲ ﺑﺎﻳــﺪ ﭼــﺮا ﻛــﻪال ﺳــ اﻳــﻦﻛــﺮ ذ ﺑــﺎ ويsamt.ac.ir

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Thursday, June 9th, 2005 (Khordad 19th, 1384)

.برگزار شد ESP/EAPاولین ھمایش ملي

ھداف سي ب راي ا اولین ھمایش ملي آموزش زب ان انگلی

سط بخ ش ١٩ویژه و دانشگاھي پنجشنبھ خرداد ماه تولوم انس اني زبانھاي خارجي و مركز تحقیق و توس عھ عساني دانش گاھھا تب عل وم ان سازمان مطالعھ و تدوین ك

.برگزار شد) سمت(

ــش از ــايش بیـ ــن ھمـ ــتادان ٢٣٠در ايـ ــن از اسـ تـشد و سي ار طع كارشنا دانشگاه و دانشجويان مقحث و بررسـي پـیرامون كرده و بـه ب شركت كترا دصي سي تخص مشكالت فراروي آموزش زبـان انگلی

يك روزه . در دانشگاھھا پرداختند طي اين ھمـايش ــه و ٤٢ ــتادان و ١١ مقالـ ــط اسـ ــه درس توسـ نمونـ

ــان ــد ESPمتخصصـ ــه شـ ــور ارائـ ــر كشـ در . سراسـمدي افتتاحیه ھمايش حجت االسالم دكتر احمد اح

گـــیري ھـــدف از شـــكل: "گفـــت» ســـمت«رئیـــس ھـاي اين بود كه كتابھـاي علمـي بـا پايــه » سمت«

علمي متوازن با فرھنگ كشور خودمان چه به زبــان چه بــه زبـان خـارجي تھیـه شـود مـا در . فارسي و

حدود یون و سیصـد ھــزار ١٥طول فعالیت خود میلايـم كـه از نسخه كتاب به دانشـگاھھا عرضـه كـرده

ظر شجو اســت و از ن لحاظ قیمت مناسب تــوان داننگارش و تعداد كتاب، چه فارسي و چه انگلیسـي،

توانیم در . كار قابل توجھي است ما ب اين ھدف كه زمینه كتاب علمي دانشگاھي به جايي برسیم كه به يك سخن نزد حداقل از لحاظ محتوايي و كّمـي

".اول را داشته باشیم كار دشواري استاي علمــي ايــن ھمــايش ســرمايه : "وي تأكیــد كــرد

و آينده دانشگاھھاي كشـور فراھــم » سمت«براي عضـو شـوراي عـالي انقـالب فرھنگـي در ". كند مي

آن گونـه كـه » سـمت «اگـر فعالیتھـاي : "پايان افزودــورھاي ــراي كشـ ــود، الگويـــي بـ بايـــد معرفـــي شـ

".ھمسايه و منطقه خواھد بودقاتي، قـائم حجت مقـام و االسالم دكـتر ســیدطه مر

ــیز در ايــن ھمايــش »ســمت «معــاون پژوھشــي ، نشد كه آموختن در گذشته چنین وانمود مي : "گفت

زبــان فرنگــي يعــني تھديــد دينــداري و شــايد رفتــار مي زبان لت يد بـر ع با آموزان گذشته مز ما شـد، ا

ــان ــوختن زب ــه آم ــداران ب ــال دين ــان، اقب گذشــت زم ".خارجي رو به گسترش رفت

نوان به ع مرقاتي از دكتر بھشتي و دكـتر احمـدي طور روحانیاني كه ضرورت فراگیري زبان خارجي به ند عام و انگلیسي بــه طـور خـاص را درك كـرده بود

پا در : "نام برد و افزود اين افراد به صورت خودجوش اين جھاد علمي گذاشتند و ھمه معمرين حاضـر در

ھاي دكتر بھشـتي را جلسه، سخنرانیھا و مصاحبه ".به زبان آلماني و انگلیسي به خاطر دارند

ــد انگلیســي ــرا باي ــه چ ــؤال ك ــن س ــر اي ــا ذك وي ب


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امــروز در بیشــتر : "تخصصــي بیــاموزيم، اضــافه كــرد مي كشورھا آموزش زبان انگلیسي در سـطح عمو

شده و در حـال اجراسـت میزان حـد . پذيرفته ايـن الزم براي حضور در عرصه جھاني اسـت امـا كافـي نیســت زيــرا پیچیــدگي روابــط، تعــامالت فرھنگھــا و زبانھــا، شـتاب تغیـیرات اجتمـاعي، بـه وجــود آمــدن

ھــاي مفــاھیم تــازه، زايــش علــوم نــو و تولیــد پديــده يد را جديد كه ھر كدام دنیايي با مشخصه ھـاي جد

مي به زبـان انگلیسـي پديد گاھي آورنـد ضـرورت آ ".كند تخصصي را مسّلم مي

مرقاتي با ذكر اين نكته كه در زبان تخصصـي اسـت ناگون واژه كه از میان ترجمــه جـا و در ھـا ب ھـاي گو

شان كـرد جاي خود به كار مي سلط : "رود، خاطرن تــن واژه ــر اي ــان ب ــوزش زب ــز از راه گســترش آم ــا ج ھ

موزش و صه آ يت آن در عر تخصصي و تعمیق و تقو ".شود تولید منابع علمي میسر نمي

آنچـه مسـلم : "در پايـان گفـت » سـمت «مقـام قائماست آموختن زبان آن ھم به صورت تخصصي بـراي ما فرصتي اسـت كـه بايــد از آن نھايـت اسـتفاده را

ما به عنوان كارگزاران امر تولید كتابھاي علمي . كرددر دانشگاھھا در خدمت استادان دانشگاه ھستیم ــته آموزشـــي فعالیـــت ــن رشـ ــعه ايـ ــراي توسـ و بـ

".كنیم ميمي بیر عل در ادامه برنامه دكتر غالمرضـا كیـاني، د

گیري، اين ھمايش، به ارائه گزارشي از نحوه شكل ته و گفـت برنامه چھـار : "ھا و اھداف ھمايش پرداخ

كه نخسـت ھدف عمده ايــن كنفـرانس ايــن اســت دوم اينكــه چــرا مــا بايــد . چیســت ESP/EAPبــدانیم

ESP/EAP ــدريس آن ــرورت تـ ــیم و ضـ ــته باشـ داشـست كـه ببینیــم چگونـه . چیست ين ا ھدف سوم ا

گــیرد، چگونــه مــواد درســي ايــن رشــته شــكل مــي شود و چه رويكردي بايد تألیف و سپس تدريس مي

داشــته باشــد، و ســرانجام اينكــه چــه كســي بايــد ".متولي اين رشته باشد

ضعیت تـدريس ما مـي : "وي افزود و ESPخـواھیم وبال تھیه مواد درسي براي آن را بررسي كنیـم و دن

". حلھايي براي معضالت آن باشیم راهدر ايــن » ســمت «ھــدف : "كیــاني خاطرنشــان كــرد

ند تا ببی ست ھاي خـود ا ھمايش ارزشیابي فعالیتمــا . چقـدر در ايـن عرصـه موفـق عمــل كــرده اسـت

خواھیم براي تدوين كتابھاي بھتر ايده بگـیريم و ميمؤلفــان نــیز فرصـــت داشــته باشــند تــا كارھـــاي

".خودشان را نقد كنندخارجي خش زبانھـاي يان از » سـمت «مدير ب در پا

ــأت رئیســه ــق و توســعه »ســمت«ھی ، مركــز تحقیــان و ــوزش زب ــن آم ــاني ســازمان، انجم ــوم انس علادبیـــات انگلیســـي، گـــروه زبـــان دانشـــگاه تربیـــت مدرس، دانشكده زبانھاي خارجي دانشـگاه تھــران، ــط عمومــي ــايش، رواب ــه علمــي ھم اعضــاي كمیت

ران بخـش ، صدا و سیما و بـه ويـژه ھمكـا »سمت«و نوشــین قبــديان دبیــر » ســمت«زبانھــاي خــارجي

به نحـوي در كه ساني مه ك اجرايي ھمـايش و ھبرگــزاري ايــن ھمــايش ھمكــاري داشــتند تشــكر و

.قدرداني كردبه شگاه پس از صحبتھاي دكتر كیاني استادان دان

ھا و نمونه درسھاي خود در پنج سالن و ارائه مقاله در پايان ھمايش دكـتر ملیحـه . اتاق موازي پرداختند

صابري، رئیس مركز تحقیق و توسعه علوم انساني آوري دســــتاوردھاي ، در جھــــت جمــــع»ســــمت«

یم : "ھمايش گفت باز كن سئله را براي اينكه اين مــرديم ــداف ســازمان برگ ــه اھ ــد ب ــاب . باي ــدوين كت ت

اســت و كتــاب نیــز » ســمت«درســي ھــدف عمــده


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مورد بــازنگري يد براي اينكه كارايي داشته باشد با ".قرار گیرد

در اين ھمـايش راھكارھـاي مفیـدي : "صابري گفت ــابي و شناســايي مشــكالت ســاختھاي ــراي ارزي بھا در تدويــن سي ارائـه شــد و ھمـه اين كتابھاي در

".كتاب درسي تأثیرگذار استدر پايان ايــن ھمـايش از مقـام علمـي دكـتر محمـد

ير فالحي مقیمي استاد بازنشسته دانشـگاه و مدســابق گــروه زبــان دانشــگاه علــم و صــنعت ايــران و مي ھمـايش توسـط دكتر غالمرضا كیــاني دبـیر علدكتر احمد احمدي و دكتر سیدطه مرقاتي تقدير به

به كلیه اعضاي كمیته علمـي ھمـايش و . عمل آمد اســتاداني كــه بــا ارائــه مقالــه و يــا نمونــه درس در

. ھمايش شركت كرده بودند نیز لوح تقدير اھدا شد

دکتر غالمرضا کیاني :دبیر علمي ھمايش

:اعضا کمیته علمي

دکتر پرويز بیرجندي

دکتر محمدحسن تحريريان

مجید خیام دار

دکتر مسعود رحیم پور

دکتر عبدالمھدي رياضي

دکتر جلیل بانان صادقیان

دکتر رضا غفارثمر

دکتر محمودرضا عطايي

دکتر سیدمحمد علوي

دکتر حسین فرھادي

دکتر پرويز مفتون

دکتر حسین مالنظر

دکتر میرحسني

دکتر امیرعلي نجومیان

دکتر مھدي نوروزي

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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Thursday, June 9th, 2005 (Khordad 19th, 1384)

Final Programme

8-8:30 Registration


Opening Session (Room 1: Amphitheater) Dr. Ahmad Ahmadi, SAMT President

Dr. Seyyed Taha Merghati, SAMT Vice-President & Deputy for Research Affairs Dr. Gholam Reza Kiany, Conference Academic Secretary & The Head of Foreign Languages Department


Keynote Speaker (Room 1: Amphitheater) ESP in Iran from Language Planning Perspective

Lotfollah Yarmohammadi Shiraz University

9:40-10 Break

Paper Presentation Sample Lesson Presentation

Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5


Features of

Quality EAP Textbooks:

Insights from Research and Book Reviews

Abdolmehdi Riazi Shiraz University


Conceptions of L2 Reading and

Concept Change: A Study on

Constructivist Language

Teaching/Learning in an ESP Context Gholam Reza Zarei Isfahan University

of Technology

A New

Discourse Plan for ESP Textbooks in

Iran Hossein

Shokouhi Shahid

Chamran University of


Rethinking the

Underlying Features of

ESP: Is It Just Text, or More? Mostafa Hasrati Razi University of Kermanshah

Afsaneh Dehnad Iran University

of Medical Sciences

Sasan Baleghizadeh

Tehran University


The Role of TEFL

Instructors vs. Specific-field Instructors in

ESP/EAP Farhad Tayebipour Shiraz Islamic Azad


Towards the

Development of a New ESP

Taxonomy Reza Khany

Ilam University Mohammad H.

Tahririan Isfahan University

EAP in Iran: Drawbacks of SAMT Textbooks

Hassan Soleimani

Isfahan University

From Theory to Practice Where Is the Missing

Link? Jaleh

Hassaskhah Guilan



Reza Mozayan Shahid Sadouqi

University ofYazd

Seyyed Hessamoddin

Aliasin Zanjan




Methodology: A Transition from

Present State Aram Reza Sadeghi Semnan University

A Psycholinguistic

Approach to ESP/EAP Material

Design Seyyed Mohammad

Ziahosseini Allameh Tabatabaii


Teachers as

Coordinators in

Developing ESP

Curriculum Ayyob Jodairi

Azarbaijan University of

Teacher Education

Trends in ESP

& EGP Mohammad

Zohrabi Tabriz


Nasrin Sayfouri Iran University

of Medical Sciences

Dariush Noruzi Allameh

Tabatabaii University


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Discourse Markers and EAP Listening

Comprehension Zohreh Eslami

Rasekh Texas A & M


شناختي ویژگیھاي زبان

متون علمي و تخصصي زبان انگلیسي و

چگونگي ترجمھ آنھاAli Alizadeh

Birjand University

Current Views on Syllabus Design

Massoud Rahimpour

Tabriz University


Critical Thinking

Activities in Content Areas

Behruz Lotfi Amir Kabir

University of Arak


Mohammad Reza Hashemi

Khatam University

Javad Horabadi Ahwaz Science and Research



Featured Speaker (Room 1: Amphitheater) Developing Bilingual Professionals

Jalil Banan Sadeghian Allameh Tabatabaii University

12:30-14 Lunch & Prayers


Featured Speaker (Room 1: Amphitheater) Reading Internet Documents: Appraising ESP Reading from a New Perspective

Mohammad Hassan Tahririan Isfahan University (Fahimeh Basiri)

Sheikh Bahaie University of Isfahan Paper Presentation Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5


موانع دستیابي بھ ھدف درس زبان تخصصي در

دانشگاھھاSalar Manafi

Anari Allameh

Tabatabaie University

EAP and

Communicative Use of Language Giti Karimkhanlui Zanjan University

Medicine or

Medical? Ataollah Maleki Zanjan

University of Medical Sciences

Evaluating Text

Types: Genre Based

Differences in the Syntactic and Lexical

Characteristics of Discipline-specific Texts

Mahshad Davoodifard & Abbass Eslami

Rasekh Isfahan


The Impact of

Rhetorical Functions on

Comprehending the EST Text by Medical

Students Fatemeh Haji

Seyyed Abolghasem

Roudhen Islamic Azad University


The Effect of

Semantic Mapping on the

Improvement of EAP Reading

Comprehension Ability of Iranian Medical Students Mohammad Reza

Mozayan Shahid Sadouqi

University of Yazd

A Shift of

Emphasis in English for

Specific Purposes: Rhetorical and Genre Analyses

Reza Nejati Shahid Rajaee


Teaching EAP to

Large Mixed Groups Roghieh Sajedi

Semnan University of

Medical Sciences

Autonomous Learning and Metacognitive

Strategies Essentials for

the ESP Classroom

Parviz Ajideh Tabriz


Teaching ESP in the Faculties of Medicine and Related Fields:

Bridging the Gap Between Theory and

Practice Samad Mirza

Suzani Imam Khomeini

University of Maritime

Sciences of Noshahr


ESP or General

English? Ali Mahbudi

Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

English Language Needs in Physical

Education: A Search for

Commonalities Among Language


Writing for Academic Purposes

Saber Delshad

Issues of

Learning ESP at University: An Analysis of

Students' Perspectives


ESAP Methodology in

Iran: Challenges and



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Users Seyyed Mohammad

Alavi Hadi Isfahani

Tehran University

Shahid Beheshti


Jafar Askari Arani

Kashan University of

Medical Science

Mahmood Reza Atai

Teacher Training University


Sample Lesson Presentation (Room 1: Amphitheater)

Co-ordinator: Mehdi Noruzi Khiyabani

Allameh Tabatabaii University

Presenters Javad Gholamy

Zhila Mohammad Nia Tabriz University

Morteza Asl Rassouli Maraghe Islamic Azad


Presenter Zia Tajeddin

Allameh Tabatabaii University

17:05-17:20 Break

Paper Presentation Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5


The Role of

Concordancing Tools in the

Teaching/Learning ESP Vocabulary to

the Iranian EFL Students

Ali Akbar Jafarpour Boroujeni

Shahrekord University

Teaching English

for Specific Purposes: A No

Man's Land Area of Activity:

Investigating ESP Courses

Administered in Iranian

Universities Abbass Eslami

Rasekh Isfahan University

The Role of

Web Resources in ESP Courses

Maryam Farnia

Najaf Abad Islamic Azad



Communicative Syllabus Design

in ESP/EAP Classes and How to Deal

with it in EFL Situations

Mehdi Rahimian Isfahan


A Needs

Analysis Based Evaluation of

EAP/ESP Teaching Materials:

Implications and


Reza Biria Sheikh Baha'i University of



An Evaluation of Writing Courses for Tourism in

Iran Maryam Hosseini Khatam University

Mahmood Reza Ataii

Teacher Training University

The Incidental Acquisition of

English Modals Through Reading

in ESP Masoud Khalili

Sabet Guilan University

Failure of

Meeting EST Objectives

Amir Mahdavi

Zafarghandi Guilan


Can ICT Be a

Powerful Means for

Communication and Education

in ESP Learning?

Fatemeh Alipanahi

Zanjan University


English for Science and Technology

(REST) Soraya Khonsari

K.N.Toosi University of Technology


Featured Speaker (Room 1: Amphitheater) The Relevance and Sociocultural Significance of Pragmatics for ESAP

Zohreh Eslami Rasekh Texas A & M University


Featured Speaker (Room 1: Amphitheater) Reflections on and Directions for ESP Materials Development in SAMT

Hossein Farhady Iran University of Science and Technology


Closing Session (Room 1: Amphitheater) Dr. Maliheh Saberi, Head of the Center for Research and Development in Humanities


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Proceedings of the First National

ESP/EAP Conference

Proceedings of the First National ESP/EAP Conference (Volume I) includes fourteen papers dealing with subjects related to the main themes of the conference, edited by Gholam Reza Kiany and Majid Khayyamdar. The first volume of the book features the following papers:

Part I: Abstracts of the Papers

1. Developing Bilingual Professionals(Jalil Banan Sadeghian) 2. From Theory to Practice: Where Is the Missing Link?(Jaleh

Hassaskhah) 3. Features of Quality EAP Textbooks: Insights from Literature and

Book Reviews(Abdolmehdi Riazi) 4. Rethinking the Underlying Features of EAP: Is It Just Text, or

More?(Mostafa Hasrati) 5. The Relevance and Sociocultural Significance of Pragmatics for

ESAP(Zohreh Eslami Rasekh) 6. Students' Conceptions of L2 Reading and Concept Change: A

Study on Constructivist Language Teaching/Learning in an ESP Context (Gholam Reza Zarei) 7. Reading English for Science and Technology(REST)(Soraya



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8. Reading Internet Documents: Appraising ESP Reading from a

New Perspective(Fahimeh Basiri & Mohammad Hassan Tahririan) 9. A Psycholinguistic Approach to ESP/EAP Material Design

(Seyyed Mohammad Ziahosseiny) 10. Medicine or Medical?(Ataollah Maleki) 11. Evaluating Text Types: Genre-based Differences in the

Syntactic and Lexical Characteristics of Discipline-specific Texts (Mahshad Davoodifard & Abbas Eslami Rasekh) 12. ESP or General English?(Ali Mahbudi) 13. The Role of TEFL Instructors vs. Specific-field Instructors in

ESP/EAP Teaching(Farhad Tayebipour) Salar)موانع دستیابي به ھدف درس زبان تخصصي در دانشگاھھا .14

Manafi Anari) 15. Autonomous Learning and Metacognitive Strategies:

Essentials for the ESP Classroom(Parviz Ajideh) 16. English Language Needs in Physical Education: A Search for

Commonalities Among Language Users(Seyyed Mohammad Alavi & Hadi Isfahani) 17. Can ICT Be a Powerful Means for Communication and

Education in ESP Learning?(Fatemeh Alipanahi) شناختي متون علمي و تخصصي زبان انگلیسي و ويژگیھاي زبان .18

(Ali Alizadeh)چگونگي ترجمه آنھا 19. Issues of Learning EMP at University: An Analysis of Students'

Perspectives(Jafar Askari Arani) 20. Revisiting ESAP Methologolgy in Iran: challenges and

Suggestions?(Mahmood Reza Atai) 21. A Needs-analysis-based Evaluation of EAP/ESP Teaching

Materials: Implication and Implementation(Fatemeh Alipanahi) 22. Teaching Writing for Academic Purposes(Saber Delshad) 23. Teaching English for Specific Purposes: A No-man's-land Area

of Activity: Investigating ESP Courses Administered in Iranian Universities(Abbass Eslami Rasekh) 24. Discourse Markers and EAP Listening Comprehension(Zohreh

Eslami Rasekh) 25. Reflections on and Directions for ESP Materials Development

in SAMT(Hossein Farhady) 26. The Role of Web Resources in ESP Courses(Maryam Farnia) 27. The Impact of Rhetorical Functions on Comprehending the

EST Text by Medical Students(Fatemeh Haji Seyyed Abolghasem) 28. An Evaluation of Writing Courses for Tourism in Iran(Maryam

Hosseini & Mahmood Reza Atai) 29. The Role of Concordancing Tools in Teaching/Learning ESP

Vocabulary to Iranian EFL Students(Ali Akbar Jafarpour Boroujeni) 30. Teachers as Coordinators in Developing ESP Curriculum

(Ayyob Jodairi) 31. EAP and Communicative Use of Language(Giti Karimkhanlui) 32. The Incidental Acquisition of English Modals Through Reading

ESP(Masoud Khalili Sabet) 33. Towards the Development of a New ESP Taxonomy(Reza

Khany & Mohammad Hassan Tahririan) 34. Incorporating Critical Thinking Activities in Content Areas


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(Behruz Lotfi) 35. Failure of Meeting EST Objectives(Amir Mahdavi Zafarghandi) 36. Teaching ESP in the Faculties of Medicine and Related Fields:

Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice(Samad Mirza Suzani) 37. The Effect of Semantic Mapping on the Improvement of EAP

Reading Comprehension Ability of Iranian Medical Students(Mohammad Reza Mozayan) 38. A Shift of Emphasis in English for Specific Purposes:

Rhetorical and Genre Analyses(Reza Nejati) 39. Developing Communicative Syllabus Design in the ESP/EAP

Classroom and How to Deal with It in EFL Situations(Mehdi Rahimian) 40. Current Views on Syllabus Design(Massoud Rahimpour) 41. EAP Methodology: A Transition from the Present State(Aram

Reza Sadeghi) 42. Teaching EAP to Large Mixed Groups(Roghieh Sajedi) 43. A New Discourse Plan for ESP Textbooks in Iran(Hossein

Shokouhi) 44. EAP in Iran: Drawbacks of SAMT EAP Textbooks(Hassan

Soleimani) 45. ESP in Iran Seen from Language Planning Perspective

(Lotfollah Yarmohammadi) 46. Trends in ESP & EGP(Mohammad Zohrabi)

Part II: Abstracts of the Sample Lesson Proposals

1. A Sample Lesson Proposal(Seyyed Hessamoddin Aliasin) 2. Sample Lesson Proposal for Students of Psychology(Sasan

Baleghizadeh) 3. Teaching Reading Through Graphic Organizers(Afsaneh

Dehnad) 4. A Process-oriented, Interactive EAP Project on Medical English:

A Case Report(Javad Gholamy & Zhila Mohammad Nia & Morteza Asl Rasouli) 5. Outline of a Sample Lesson(Seyyed Mohammad Reza Hashemi)

6. A Sample Lesson for Students of Erosion and Sedimentation

Control(Javad Horabadi) 7. A Sample Lesson Proposal(Mohammad Reza Mozayan) 8. A Lesson Plan in Instructional Systems Technology(Dariush

Noroozi) 9. Suggestions to Improve ESP Textbooks(Mehdi Nowruzi

Khiabani) 10. A Sample Lesson for Students of Medicine(Nasrin Sayfouri) 11. English for Business Communication (Sample Lesson

Proposal)(Zia Tajeddin) The remaining accepted papers will hopefully be published in the second (and Possibly the third) volume(s) soon.


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Evaluating Text Types: Genre-

based Differences in the Syntactic and Lexical Characteristics of

Discipline-specific Texts

Abstract There has been considerable interest among EFL researchers to consider a genre-based view of language teaching (Swales, 1981, 1990 & Bhatia 1991, 1993). The emerging field of study has tackled the issue of English language teaching viewing language realizations as text types necessary for students with specific goals to achieve in their lives (Clapham, 1993, 1995). The assumption has been that in order to be an insider to a language genre, one has to be made familiar with not only the conceptual content of the discipline but also the jargon and the conventions of the field of study. English for Academic Purposes is one of the major lines of language teaching with the goal of enabling students to accomplish their study needs through learning English as a foreign language. Arguments related to the general and specific English teaching have all been based on the major presumption that the abstract notion of English language is realized in terms of text types each of which with features making it

Mahshad Davoodifard Isfahan University [email protected]

Abbas Eslami Rasekh Isfahan University [email protected]


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different from others (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987 & Morrow & Shocker, 1987). This study is an attempt to investigate written academic texts in eight different disciplines to a) examine whether the differences in the specific genre and the text types in question could be observed, and b) to see to what extent one may claim a genre-based approach to teaching English as a foreign language when there are needs for language learners to be observed. Three syntactic constructions and three vocabulary types observed in eight disciplines have been chosen for examination. The cross tabulation method is applied for the analysis of the collected data. The results indicate that while a significant proportion of lexical and grammatical constructions are considered to be part of the common core of language, there are strong reasons for maintaining an EAP approach to teaching EFL. Key Words: Text type, discipline-specific text, English for Academic Purposes (EAP), syntactic/lexical constructions

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

Copyright ©2002-2005 samt.ac.ir


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Medicine or Medical?

Ataollah Maleki Medical Sciences University of Zanjan

[email protected]

Abstract Teaching English for specific purposes has always been a controversial subject among language teachers. The question is: "whether the specialist in the field should teach ESP or the language teachers?" The specialist in the field has little knowledge of language: its nature, origins, learning, and teaching. Thus he/she will satisfy himself/herself that teaching the subject-matter is what the curriculum designer opted for. However, in this article we argue that this is not the case. First of all, the goal of English for specific purposes is not teaching the subject (e.g. medicine) in a foreign language (e.g. English), but the aim is to teach the foreign language with a specific content (e.g. medical English) which is normally mixed with general topics. Second, to reach that goal the language teacher should undertake the task, because the language teacher is the one who is solely qualified for the job. Such a responsibility requires long-term training and experience.


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Key Words: medicine, medical, ESP

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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A Psycholinguistic Approach to

ESP/EAP Material Design

Seyyed Mohammad Ziahosseiny Allameh Tabatabaie University

[email protected] Abstract Psycholinguistics has revealed that humans receive and comprehend information mainly through listening and reading channels, and via syntactic and semantic approach. Based on this, an ELT classroom activity is designed in which the mental activities of the learner for processing the incoming information is taken into account as well as the linguistic form and function, and the cognitive and affective variables of the learner. As a reaction to the shortcomings of the present learning devices in the ELT classroom, the activities before, during and after the listening/reading of the text are so designed as to meet the basic requirements of developing the skills. Key Words: material design, reading skill, meaning construction, linguistic/content schemata

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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Reading Internet Documents:

Appraising ESP Reading from a New Perspective

Abstract Internet reading has become a serious concern of foreign language practitioners, as one of the most efficient ways of getting access to new information. It seems that Internet reading satisfies the criterion of effectiveness, which is a necessary requirement of reading. Efficient reading, however, is not possible until language learners are aware of the specific features of this kind of reading. In order to help foreign language practitioners enhance their understanding of the essential characteristics of Internet reading, this study addresses the following questions: 1) What are the typical features that characterize Internet reading and make it different from other kinds of reading? 2) Is there a relation between foreign language learners' language proficiency and their Internet speed? To answer the first question, from among undergraduate and graduate students majoring in English, 40 participants who met the

Fahimeh Basiri Sheikh Bahaie University of Isfahan [email protected]

Mohammad Hassan Tahririan University of Isfahan [email protected]


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selection criterion of the study were chosen to take part in the analysis. The participants were required to perform an Internet reading task, which consisted of four stages. Following completion of the reading task, the participants were asked to answer a twelve-item questionnaire. The frequency of occurrence of their answers to each item was computed and compared. The results led to the identification of a certain set of features for Internet reading. To find the answer to the second question, the Internet reading speed of the participants from different language proficiency levels was compared against the time limit set for each stage of the study. The results revealed no statistically significant difference among the four groups of the study. Key Words: Internet reading, reading speed, linear reading, reading comprehension, text processing

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Reading English for Science

and Technology (REST)

Soraya Khonsari K.N.Toosi University of Technology

[email protected]

Abstract English for Specific Purposes (ESP) reading programs often require specific grammar, vocabulary, and isolated reading skills as the organizing principle for syllabus design, and fail to admit how the act of comprehending text can affect reading ability. The present article concentrates on ESP reading texts and emphasizes the role of content comprehension. It claims that the instruction should be based on presenting grammar and vocabulary only if they are necessary for comprehension of the text. Theoretically it is suggested that the content comprehension approach can improve reading comprehension as well as knowledge of grammar and general reading ability. Key Words: English for Specific Purposes (ESP), English for Science and Technology (EST), reading comprehension, content comprehension


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Students' Conceptions of L2

Reading and Concept Change: A Study on Constructivist Language

Teaching/Learning in an ESP Context

Gholam Reza Zarei Isfahan University of Technology

[email protected]

Abstract This study attempts to investigate the development of students' conceptions of reading as an important skill at the tertiary level. For this purpose, a class of 35 students studying the course "English for the students of Engineering" at Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Iran, in the fall semester of 2003, were selected. They were first asked to write an essay on the topic "my conception of reading" at the beginning of the semester. After the constructivist treatment, they were assigned the same task of writing on "my conception of reading" at the end of the semester. Using a phenomenographic approach and concept map, the initial and final essays were analyzed: first, for the descriptions students provided of reading and second, for the possible changes that had occurred in their descriptions in the course of one semester. The results indicated that reading was described in five different ways: (1) reading as a set of rules binding vocabulary items; (2) reading as an integration of various


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language elements; (3) reading as a sampling technique developed by the reader; (4) reading as a confrontation between reader and writer; and (5) reading as an attempt on the part of the reader to identify and comment on the content features therein. While the students in their beginning essays were heavily dependent on the first two categories, they tended to move towards the last three categories in their final essays. With regard to the observed changes, the following categories were identified: (1) adding new concepts; (2) redefining the formerly stated concepts; (3) forming a complete framework and picture before initiating to conceptualize (define) reading; (4) arriving at an abstractive level of conceptualization (would-be or prospective rather than existing features); and finally (5) evolving descriptive into explanatory concepts. As a final word, it seems appropriate to think that from study skill courses should pay special attention to the development of infrastructural knowledge regarding the intended skills such as reading. Key Words: ESP, L2 reading, constructivist language teaching/learning

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The Relevance and Sociocultural

Significance of Pragmatics for ESAP

Zohreh Eslami Rasekh Texas A&M University

[email protected]

Abstract The main purpose of this paper is to show the relevance of pragmatics to ESAP (English for Specific Academic Purposes) methodology and the different areas whereby pragmatics could be made useful for ESAP. First, the argument will be developed on a number of theoretical grounds. Then, the argument will be tested on the Speech Acts, Cooperative Principle, and Politeness Theory. It will be argued that ESAP texts involve a continuous process of social negotiation and are highly conventionalized. A sample of ESAP texts will be used to show how pragmatic principles are realized in these texts and how rhetorical devices are employed in ESAP texts. The paper concludes with a number of recommendations, the most important of which is that a pragmatically informed teacher can make the pragmatic assumptions of ESAP books explicit and discuss the intercultu-ral implications of the pragmatically hidden assumptions.


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Key Words: ESAP, pragmatics, speech acts, Cooperative Principle, Politeness Theory

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Rethinking the Underlying

Features of EAP: Is It Just Text, or More?

Mostafa Hasrati Razi University of Kermanshah

[email protected]

Abstract English for Academic Purposes, particularly in Iran, is often associated with the analysis of texts from various academic disciplines followed by preparation of materials based on such analyses. The underlying assumption of this procedure is that each discipline has specific textual features which are of paramount importance to the inculcation of newcomers to a discipline, an approach consistent with Lea and Street's (1998) 'study skills model'. This approach considers texts in disciplines as the most important discourse that members of a discourse community should acquire. However, if we align ourselves with the social turn movement (Gee, 2000) and consider the broader concept of Discourse (written with a capital D) (Gee, 1999), we can argue that texts are only one aspect of academic disciplines. Other aspects such as epistemological orientation as well as the way in which members of a community interact with each other, and the way newcomers to a discourse community get inculcated (Connor, 1996) are


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at least as important as textual features. In this paper I will argue that we should rethink our overall orientation regarding what constitutes academic disciplines. Rather than regarding texts as the main aspect of disciplines, we should consider texts within the broader framework of academic cultures (Becher, 1981, 1989 & Hyland, 1997). This will have serious consequences for materials development in EAP. Taking such an approach will require emphasising not only the surface features of texts, but also their epistemological underpinnings. Key Words: epistemology, academic culture, big-'D' Discourse

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Features of Quality EAP

Textbooks: Insights from Literature and Book


Abdolmehdi Riazi Shiraz University

[email protected]

Abstract Despite some of the criticisms concerning textbooks, textbooks turn out to be an indispensable element in any teaching program. What matters, however, is that not any textbook can be perfunctorily selected and used for the teaching of a special course. Quality textbooks have some specific characteristics and features which distinguish them from other textbooks and must be meticulously taken into consideration when writing or choosing one for a specific course. This paper intends to introduce and delineate some of the features of quality textbooks. To this end, in addition to synthesizing and presenting the ideas of scholars pertaining to the features of good textbooks from literature, ten reading textbook reviews published in accredited journals in which the features of textbooks are indirectly pointed out will be offered. Given the versatile use of EAP textbooks around the world and in our country, it is hoped that the features presented in this paper will be used by textbook writers in


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planning and writing books as well as by teachers and administrators in selecting appropriate textbooks for particular courses in their programs. Key Words: English for Academic Purposes (EAP), textbook, content, organization, physical appearance

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From Theory to Practice:

Where Is the Missing Link?

Jaleh Hassaskhah Guilan University

[email protected]

Abstract Like other disciplines, ESP in Iran works within a dominant paradigm, a broadly defined set of values and procedures to which practitioners subscribe. But the benefits of the paradigm must be balanced against its drawbacks. Much of the language produced in ESP classrooms is language for display. Teachers offer students a model of the language forms along with technical terms and register which provide the focus of a particular lesson. They produce model sentences and ask learners to repeat and translate. They ask questions designed to elicit specific responses which practice the target form for a particular lesson, and finally they translate the selected text. However, there is dissatisfaction with the dominant paradigm and it is challenged by new values which emphasize the centrality of the learner, the social nature of language and its availability for spontaneous, original personal use. In other words, on the one hand ESP is informed by established practice and on the other hand that practice is challenged by


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theory and also by the experience of many practitioners. Thus the challenge is to propose a methodological framework which is able to integrate theory into practice, formal and communicative activities, but there is no clear consensus as to the way forward. By looking at the theoretical bases of the currently dominant paradigm practiced by the ESP practitioners, and current research into language description and language learning, this paper addresses the need for swapping the existing paradigm for another by offering practical suggestions on how to bridge the gaps. It also informs the ESP teachers of the inevitability of the need to deal with this newness and being prepared to experiment and innovate. Key Words: English for Specific Purposes (ESP), ESP syllabus/ curriculum, ESP methodology, language learning strategies

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Developing Bilingual

Professionals Does a Rose by Any Other Name Smell

As Sweet?

Jalil Banan Sadeghian Allameh Tabatabaie University

[email protected]

Abstract In the recent history of second language teaching, two developments with minimum theoretical and methodological credentials have had the most widespread influence on the technology and logistics of the field. These two are: Contrastive Analysis (CA) and ESP approach. CA with a maxim that “different is difficult,” within a single decade, produced partial contrastive descriptions of numerous languages, which found their ways into teaching materials and classroom practice. ESP, with an equally simple maxim that “content specificity makes second language teaching relevant and effective,” in less than a decade, produced numerous content-specific textbooks. You could rarely find a business or a university subject which did not have its own English teaching textbook. In this seminar on ESP issues, I will focus on the development of ESP and document evidences that: – content-specificity is only one of the many ways of making the content relevant to the


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learner, and if it is not understood properly, it may turn out to be a pain in the neck; – ESP teachers’ role needs to be reappraised and redefined. ESP teachers do their jobs as other language teachers do; – ESP materials, their production, exploitation, and evaluation have not been sensitive to the requirements of ESP. They are, in essence, no different from other textbooks. Then, I will indulge in speculative reflections that: – ESP students need to be defined as professionals. Their professionality needs to be described in terms of their developing secondary culture; – interdiscilinary studies have implications for language teaching. These implications, if understood and applied, can change our understanding of ESP; – “growing into a profession” is a more helpful concept and can be suggested as an alternative for teaching/learning, education/training, and knowledge/ability. Finally, I will suggest “Developing Bilingual Professionals” as a more appropriate term to encapsulate the above speculations, and an apt alternative for ESP. Key Words: English for Specific Purposes (ESP), ESP materials, English for Science and Technology (EST), primary culture, secondary culture

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ESP or General English?

Ali Mahbudi Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

[email protected]

Abstract Advocates of ESP courses (Snow, 1991; Kasper, 1995, 1997; Mohan, 1986 & Robinson, 1984, 1991) have argued that such courses offer a viable trend to meeting the academic needs of second language learners. Other scholars (Corbluth, 1972 & Spack, 1988), on the other hand, maintain that general English courses can lead to the same results as well. In order to cast light on this controversy, two groups of intermediate students of the same field of study (medicine) underwent two types of language instruction - one through ESP and the other through general English courses. Although language skills were not treated separately, the emphasis was on reading and study skills. Post-ESP tests revealed that students in both types of courses made pronounced progress in reading authentic texts in their own specialty. Moreover, no significant difference was observed between their reading ability concerning authentic specialist texts. This demonstrates that a sound


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language proficiency can equip learners to efficiently handle authentic texts in different fields provided they possess sufficient background knowledge in that field. In addition, the results proved that more attention to general English courses is quite fruitful. Key Words: ESP, EAP, authentic texts, general English

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ESP in Iran Seen from Language

Planning Perspective

Lotfollah Yarmohammadi Shiraz University

[email protected]

Abstract In this article the following points are discussed: 1. A historical sketch of the development of ESP methodology and material production in Iran (before and after revolution) is presented. 2. A selected number of ESP textbooks used in Iran are analyzed and evaluated, and the contributions of "Markaz Nashr Daneshgahi" and "Samt" are rightfully recognized. 3. It is argued that language teaching in Iran in general (except in a few instances) can be characterized as pursuing No specific purposes. 4. It is emphasized that multilingualism in Iran is a norm. Persian as our standard language with its long history embodies a rich cultural and literary heritage. Yet a few minority languages have the right to harmoniously pursue their own functions. In the modern world of information explosion, we need to maintain swift co-existence with minority languages, to develop Persian language with the hope to gradually meet the demands of the


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modern world, to systematically embark on the translation of basic materials of our urgent needs and to accelerate the teaching of English with specific objectives in mind. The coherent planning of all these activities and operationalizing them are strategic for our national development. In these planning activities the linguistics and the Teaching of English Associations should collectively be involved. 5. Suggestions are put forward with regard to the ways ESP methodology and material production should proceed.

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EAP in Iran: Drawbacks of

SAMT EAP Textbooks

Hassan Soleimani Isfahan University

[email protected]

Abstract During the nearly twenty-year-old history of EAP in Iran many books have been published to satisfy the perceived needs of policy makers, educationalists, and curriculum designers. The purpose behind all the books published as English for Students of X is officially defined as to enable the students to study their specific academic reference materials and textbooks to get acquaintance with scientific and technological advances in their field of study. This officially-defined objective is materialized in SAMT textbooks with a focus on reading comprehension. In this critical review, an attempt is made to crystallize the major drawbacks concerning the published materials including: 1) the gap between the theoretical rationale on which EAP in Iran is founded on and what is actually "materialized" as EAP textbooks; 2) absence of pluralism in tasks design; 3) little face validity necessary for learner-centered educational settings; and 4) inefficient needs analysis.


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A New Discourse Plan for ESP

Textbooks in Iran

Hossein Shokouhi Shahid chamran university of Ahwaz

[email protected]

Abstract This paper intends to present a framework based on discoursal aspects of texts for the improvement of current ESP textbooks. This framework will introduce different ways of skimming and scanning procedures via different activities and tasks. Some of the proposed tasks would be: 1) to re-orient students to better appreciating of a text (e.g. the designer can develop a clozeformat for each text in order to promote students' 'writing up summary' skill); 2) to provide a list of headings to be with the paragraphs that form a text (this can encourage learners to explicitly or otherwise identify main ideas of each and every paragraph); 3) to teach students how to use context clues to understand unfamiliar words, which in turn can increase their reading speed; 4) to devise exercises on cohesive links to help them recognize the links between and across paragraphs and thus help them achieve a better understanding of how a text is being formed; and 5) to develop skills on how to do multiple-choice and true/false questions (the current ESP textbooks only contain questions


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of this type but do not teach students how to answer such questions). This paper will also introduce some other activities on how to understand and use charts and graphs, cause-effect relations, comparison-contrast ideas, etc. These are but a few and principal activities that can redirect students into the appreciation of mapping information in a text.

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Teaching EAP to Large Mixed


Roghieh Sajedi Semnan University of Medical Sciences

[email protected]

Abstract This paper highlights core considerations for managing and sustaining the interest of large mixed ability EAP classes. These include providing a variety of authentic and purposeful learning tasks, and staging lessons with flexible timeframes. Other key factors like collaboration, open-endedness and enquiry are elaborated with examples for classroom application. The article recommends the selective use of methodologies from a continuum of approaches that range from sheltered to deepend strategies with different degrees of instructional scaffolding to be used throughout according to learners' needs. The teaching of the five skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking, and study skills) is essential to progress in tandem with the profound dimensions of EAP since there is no consensus as to a single ESP/EAP approach. This ensures skill transference, disposition towards study, overall development of competence, and, ultimately, the students' academic success.


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EAP Methodology: A Transition

from the Present State

Aram Reza Sadeghi Semnan University

[email protected]

Abstract There is no clear-cut consensus yet whether English is a foreign language or an international one. However, it is quite evident that it is considered important enough to be taught as a general subject at universities. All students at Iranian universities from engineering, medicine, and basic sciences to business and humanities have to pass general and specialized English courses as a requirement of their academic program. Let's take a look at it in terms of quality and accountability to see to what extent it has attained its goals. To do so we approach it from four different perspectives, that is, student, teacher, material, and methodology. These four headings are repeated in two parts: the first focuses on what exists now, and the second attempts to suggest some solution. Of course, it is quite evident that there are more variables involved to shape the outcome-like environment, and educational policy - but I believe that these four factors are enough to


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give us a clear picture of the present state of EAP in Iran.

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Current Views on Syllabus Design

Massoud Rahimpour Tabriz University

[email protected]

Abstract The main purpose of this paper is to familiarize materials developers and syllabus designers with the theoretical and practical issues as well as current views in the scope of syllabus design. First, three schools of syllabus design are introduced: 1. Lancaster School, represented by Candlin and Breen; 2. London School, represented by Widdowson and Brumfit; and 3. Toronto School, represented by Yalden and Allen. Second, three recent approaches for task-based syllabi will be reviewed and examined critically. These are: a) Procedural Syllabus (Prabhu, 1980, 1884, 1987); b) Process Syllabus (Candlin, 1984, 1987; Candlin & Murphy, 1987 & Breen, 1984, 1987); and c) Task-based Language Teaching (Long & Crookes, 1992; Nunan, 1993; Ellis, 2003; Rahimpour, 1997, 1999, 2002; Robinson, 1995, 2001 & Robinson, Rahimpour & Urwin, 1996). Potential advantages and disadvantages of each school and approach will be explained. Finally, three phases of planning, implementation and


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evaluation of curriculum will be discussed. Pedagogic implications which may be of particular relevance to teaching ESP, and theoretical rationale for the syllabus design and materials development are discussed in detail.

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Developing Communicative

Syllabus Design in the ESP/EAP Classroom and How to Deal with

It in EFL Situations

Mehdi Rahimian Isfahan University

[email protected]

Abstract Employing the communicative syllabus in the ESP/EAP classroom is tempting and has been a matter of gaining prestige for some teachers. But the nature of ESP/EAP classes in Iran and several years of practice in learning English through the Grammar Translation method make it challenging to employ the communicative syllabus in an ESP/EAP classroom. By observing some ESP/EAP classes we have tried to find the obstacles in using the communicative syllabus in such classes. By employing needs analysis for ESP/EAP it was identified and concluded that maybe restrictions in using English language orally can play some role in failure of oral practice in the EAP classroom. Other factors such as use of unsophisticated teachers in the domain of language teaching in some of these classes can be another reason in such achievements. At last, some suggestions for enhancing communicative skills drills in EAP classes are made based on the research results..


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A Shift of Emphasis in English for Specific Purposes: Rhetorical and

Genre Analyses

Reza Nejati Shahid Rajaee University [email protected]

Abstract Ever since it began, nearly forty years ago, English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has had its own movement, its own emphasis and its own procedures. It has developed its own approaches, materials and methodology and has experienced the following trends: 1. authenticity a. the skills-based approach b. the skills and strategies approaches 2. research a. the register-analysis approach b. the 'newspeak' approach 3. need a. the target-situation-analysis approach b. the learning-needs-analysis approach 4. text a. the rhetorical-analysis approach b. the genre-analysis approach These developments have not been treated as mutually exclusive; rather, they have been viewed as complementary. None of the movements has completely abolished. The so-called text-analysis approaches, namely the


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rhetorical approach (mid 1970s) and the genre-analysis approach (1980s), for example, still exist and admirably gather momentum in the new millennium. The present paper, then, tries to examine the relevance of these two approaches to the present status of ESP.

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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The Effect of Semantic Mapping

on the Improvement of EAP Reading Comprehension Ability

of Iranian Medical Students

Mohammad Reza Mozayan Shahid Sadoughi University of Yazd

[email protected] Abstract This research verifies the assumption that 'semantic mapping' or clustering ideas into meaningful units by learners as a during-reading activity can enhance and improve their reading comprehension in EAP courses. In this study a group of sixty homogenous medical students were selected and randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. Then both groups received a series of similar instructions except that the students in the experimental group were required to undertake semantic mapping following reading each paragraph and prior to expressing their ideas on gist orally. A textbook published by SAMT was used as the material. Then the following null hypothesis was proposed: "there is no statistically significant relationship between students' semantic mapping and their reading comprehension ability." Finally, in order to capture the probable significant relationship between semantic mapping and reading comprehension a t-test was used. The results rejected the null hypothesis and indicated that semantic mapping positively affected the students' reading comprehension ability.

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه


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Teaching ESP in the Faculties of

Medicine and Related Fields: Bridging the Gap Between Theory

and Practice

Samad Mirza Suzani Imam Khomeini University of Maritime Sciences of

Noshahr [email protected]

Abstract Based on theoretical assumptions, the main aim for designing the materials to be used by the students of medicine and related fields is to help students fill the gap between their general knowledge of English received through the elementary materials and the medical literature to which they will be exposed later in their studies. Presently the students of medicine are supposed to go through 12-credit English courses, four of which being general and the remaining eight specific. However, it seems that the logic behind ESP is still unknown to some students. They continuously ask what Specific English means and what rationale behind this program could be. Furthermore, they seem to be quite at a loss about what they have been expected to achieve during the course period and what they are supposed to be prepared for in the final exam. This study aims at opening perspectives towards some of the current problems of ESP in the classroom and attempts to offer some realistic suggestions for the betterment of ESP


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programs in educational settings. The ultimate end of such a study will be to take a step towards bridging the gap between theory and practice in the ESP classroom.

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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Failure of Meeting EST


Amir Mahdavi Zafarghandi Guilan University

[email protected]

Abstract As English is today's dominant language of science and technology (EST), students having passed general and EST courses need to interact primarily with the scientific community, especially in their field of study, for various purposes, including the understanding of educational films, and the skillful reading of EST texts. The general English and English for Science and Technology (EST) courses offered at Iranian Universities of Medical Sciences do not seem to enable the students to achieve the defined course objective(s). This article gives an account of the assessment of the extent to which students having successfully completed EST courses failed not only to understand educational films, but also to read EST texts skillfully. The pattern of results shows that the majority of students are not proficient enough in understanding educational dentistry films, nor are they skillful readers of EST texts in dentistry. Thus, there should be a change of


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curriculum through the inclusion of listening skills, as well as the adoption of a modern approach to teaching English at our universities.

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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Incorporating Critical Thinking

Activities in Content Areas

Behruz Lotfi Amir Kabir University of Arak

[email protected]

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how incorporating critical thinking activities in content areas (ESP/EAP) fosters language learning. Since "there is a large area of common ground that underlies all English use" (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987), ESP is learned like any other English. This paper explores the nature of problems in critical thinking pedagogy in which learning is based on problem solving and problem posing. Problems are open-ended with no one answer, and are posed and solved both by teacher and learners. The paper maintains that critical thinking activities keep language whole and involve students both cognitively and emotionally. Some of these activities are introduced in this paper which pose a true problem and give teachers a chance to provide learners with immediate and repeated feedback.


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Towards the Development of a

New ESP Taxonomy

Abstract Planning ESP courses, syllabus designing, and teaching both outside and inside Iran, implied or ostensibly manifested, have always been based on some underlying principles or held views about a range of events within a domain technically known as taxonomies. Despite this fact, ESP taxonomies are among the most neglected issues in the literature. Hardly can one find a systematic inquiry into the nature and bases on which ESP taxonomies stand. Furthermore, even the present tacit taxonomies have not undergone any thorough and valid empirical studies. Taking the above notions, the purpose of this paper is two-fold. First, building on Aristotle's second organizing associative principle, the principle of similarity which leads to categorical taxonomic structures (Mandler, 1994; Biolystic, 1994 & Leahey, 1997, among others), it is tried to show and argue the bases of the present ESP taxonomies in the field, and in so doing, a new taxonomy will be proposed.

Reza Khany Ilam University [email protected]

Mohammad Hassan Tahririan University of Isfahan [email protected]


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Second, drawing upon Zahoric and Richards'2002 tripartite classifications of the conceptions of theories in language pedagogy, an attempt will be made to set the ground for a proper validation process of the present and would-be chair-driven ESP theories and taxonomies.

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The Incidental Acquisition of

English Modals Through Reading ESP

Masoud Khalili Sabet Guilan University

[email protected]

Abstract The present study examines the processing of English modals incidentally while reading ESP texts in a second language. Previous L1 and L2 reading research has demonstrated that readers can acquire new vocabulary as a result of reading; but can they also acquire formal and semantic properties of the L2 grammatical system? The participants in the present study had no previous knowledge of semantic properties of English modals, as a pre-test indicated. Several variables were manipulated to expose the subjects to the target properties: (a) the frequency with which the modal properties appeared in the ESP input passages (6, 10, or 16 exposures); (b) the readers' orientation to the task (neutral, meaning-oriented, or form-oriented); and (c) cues to meaning. The effect of these variables were measured on both comprehension and input processing immediately after reading, two weeks later, and one month later. Comprehension was measured with a free-written recall and a multiple-choice comprehension test. Input processing was


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measured with a multiple-choice form recognition test and a modified cloze-form production test. The results indicate that the three variables each have some effect on comprehension and input processing.

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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EAP and Communicative Use of


Giti Karimkhanlui Zanjan University

Abstract In this article it is proposed to operate within theoretical perspective or framework of communicative competence in EAP classes. Taking this approach proposes incidental advantage of learning language in authentic situations. Furthermore, throughout this article, particular comments and important viewpoints will be briefly examined considering academic language learning as it is used by lecturers, researchers, and students in universities, and the following questions will be dealt with: 1. What is academic English and how does its nature relate to its function? 2. How are students in higher education expected to use English? 3. What kinds of problems do students encounter in academic English? 4. What kinds of help are students offered by means of communicative use of language? However, this research is an endeavor to create a kind of positive tendency and attitude for teachers of EAP to apply the principles of the communicative approach and to enjoy the outcome. .


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Teachers as Coordinators in Developing ESP Curriculum

Ayyob Jodairi Azarbaijan University of Teacher Education

[email protected]

Abstract This paper tries to take a moderate step in dealing with ESP issues in Iranian academic settings in order to offer a more practical reconciliation between "learning-centred curriculum" and "comprehensive needs analysis", which may be defined as the characteristics of the real life needs. This study suggests an interactive model of teaching, taken from Nunan's task-based approach, where learners are involved in EFL requirements - four major skills - through ESP jargons. Then we will have both textual interactive strategies and cogitatively motivated stimuli as a simultaneous phase which make the text - spoken or written - more intimate to the learners to understand - a "cultural tissue". This study values interactive approach towards teaching ESP through fundamental EFL tools, leading to intimate methodology - via discourse and skilled-based ESP curriculum development - mediated through teachers' comprehensive needs analysis.


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The Role of Concordancing Tools

in Teaching/Learning ESP Vocabulary to Iranian EFL


Ali Akbar Jafarpour Boroujeni Shahrekord University

[email protected]

Abstract Recent developments in corpus linguistics, particularly the easy access to large corpora and the development of powerful concordancing tools (softwares) have had an enormous impact on the ESP/EAP paradigm. The aim of the present paper is to investigate the role of concordancing programs in teaching/learning ESP vocabulary. Although classroom concordancing or data-driven learning (DDL) was introduced more than a decade ago, there seems to have been relatively little writing and research on the application of DDL in the ESP paradigm in Iran. In this paper I argue that DDL and concordancing tools have a unique and powerful role in enhancing the vocabulary knowledge of Iranian EFL students. Moreover, concordancing programs can help ESP materials writers to develop appropriate materials for these learners. Through the key-word-in-context (KWIC) technique represented in concordancing lines students


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can have easy and authentic access to the most frequently occurring lexical items in their specific fields.

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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An Evaluation of Writing Courses

for Tourism in Iran

Abstract The present study is an attempt to identify the effectiveness of the ESP writing courses offered by Iran-Touring and Tourism Organization for training tour managers. Through the study it was investigated if the present program was meeting its stated objectives or not. A further concern of the study was to explore probable relationships between the participants' age, sex, and language background with their improvement in writing skill. The findings of the study showed that there were discrepancies between the needs of the participants, the course content and the activities. Further, it was indicated that although there was an improvement at the end of the course, it did not meet the preset criterion. Finally, no relationship between the participants' age, sex, and language background with their improvement in writing skill was observed.

Maryam Hosseini Khatam University [email protected]

Mahmood Reza Atai Teacher Training University [email protected]


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The Impact of Rhetorical

Functions on Comprehending the EST Text by Medical Students

Fatemeh Haji Seyyed Abolghasem Roudhen Islamic Azad University

Abstract The aim of this study was to prove that learners' with conscious knowledge of top-level rhetorical functions (RFs) of description, definition, and classification from Trimble's chart (1985) developed better ability to comprehend related EST texts. The statistical analysis used in this study resulted in the following important findings: first, the RF's deserve especial attention in teaching as well as testing. Second, level of language proficiency is a moderate factor indicating there is a close relationship between the reading comprehension and the performance on rhetorical function text (RFT). Finally, teaching rhetorical functions proposed by Trimble (1985) can promote comprehension of EST texts by medical students.

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان samt.ac.ir

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The Role of Web Resources in

ESP Courses

Maryam Farnia Najafabad Azad University

[email protected]

Abstract The findings of the present study aim to investigate the effect of teaching ESP vocabulary through Web-based instruction and compare the results with those of the traditional text-based instruction. Data were collected from 80 students majoring in architecture at Najafabad Higher Education Institute. For this study a pre-test and a post-test on architecture terms have been applied. The results revealed the students' better performance in enhancing ESP vocabulary through Websites.

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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Reflections on and Directions for ESP Materials Development in


Hossein Farhady Iran University of Science and Technology

[email protected]

Abstract The purpose of this presentation is to reflect on past, present and future directions of ESP materials development in general, and ESP materials published by SAMT in particular. The procedures will be as follows. First a brief historical account of ESP materials development in SAMT will be presented. It is argued that given the facilities and considering the restrictions, the then developed books, which are still used, were well above the acceptability criterion of the country, both theoretically and practically. Second, the theoretical principles and practical application of the present ESP books published by SAMT will be detailed and a critique will be offered. The purpose of the critique is to demonstrate the mismath between the theoretical advancements in ESP and the extent of their applications for the purposes of revising, modifying, and / or replacing the present books. Third, based on the new trends in language teaching and ESP materials development, guidelines for a new framework


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will be suggested. Finally, a comprehensive agenda for research and potential reform in the policy and procedures of ESP materials development in SAMT will be proposed.

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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Discourse Markers and EAP

Listening Comprehension

Zohreh Eslami Rasekh Texas A&M University

[email protected]

Abstract Studies on discourse markers (metadiscourse) have traditionally focused on written texts and reading comprehension. This study investigated the effect of discourse markers on the listening comprehension of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) students. While several researchers have studied discourse markers from the descriptive and contrastive perspectives, there is a relative lack of experimental work on this topic, especially in relation to listening comprehension. This study describes a classroom research with a group of Iranian university students to gain further insight into the effect of discourse markers on EAP listening comprehension. Two groups of students listened to two different versions of the same text. The two text versions were different according to quantity and type of discourse markers. Each group took a listening comprehension test, and their mean scores were compared. The findings suggest that a more pronounced and appropriate use of discourse markers is associated with improved listening comprehension. The findings have


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implications for materials designers, teachers, teacher trainers, and lecturers, and provide useful suggestions for further research.

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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Teaching English for Specific

Purposes: A No-man's-land Area of Activity: Investigating ESP

Courses Administered in Iranian Universities

Abbass Eslami Rasekh Isfahan University

[email protected]

Abstract A controversial question needs to be addressed: whose area of activity is the EAP teaching and administration? Subject teachers and EFL teachers are both the candidates and have the entitlement. The controversy has gone on now and then without any resolution which, if reached, will lead to the promotion of the language programs designed for satisfying the study needs of undergraduate and postgraduate students, a vital goal for scientific development which calls for serious inquiry. This study is an investigation into the problem of which group of teachers-subject or EFL-are entitled to do the job. The work is undertaken to a) describe the shortcomings of the present EAP courses based on a survey using questionnaires, presented to both current and past students, EFL teachers, and also to subject lecturers, seeking information for the state of affairs of the EAP courses administrated presently. The descriptive method of data analysis and


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the qualitative analysis of the data reveal: a) there are serious shortcomings in the present administration which call for improvement; b) collaborative teaching will not only result in production of quality materials with regard to both conceptual content and language, but also bear teaching outcome that removes the problems resulting from the absence of pedagogical expertise.

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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Teaching Writing for Academic


Saber Delshad Shahid Beheshti University

Abstract Generally speaking, students in various scientific domains, no matter what the genre, often find themselves in dire need of shaping a scientific (or researched) paper in English in their field of study as a course requirement, or at higher levels, as a contribution to English-language scientific periodicals. A stumbling block in this respect is the students blurred perception that writing in English is overwhelming and almost impossible, simply because they have never been taught how to write. This faulty perception can be gradually corrected by providing guidance and shedding light on a number of facts about writing in general, and writing in scientific areas in particular. Firstly, what needs to be pointed out is that scientific papers are expressed in as simple a language as possible. Secondly, by using a series of writing instruction based on planning, writing, redrafting, and editing we can provide a scaffolding so that learners can progress towards more academically valued ways of writing. Thirdly, by focusing on the


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right use of connectors or transitional words and phrases we can greatly contribute to the unity of learners writing. It goes without saying that students are to know the jargons in their own particular genre. This paper aims to provide a series of lessons in a certain genre (preferably in the area of political science) to demonstrate how progression in scientific writing can be achieved, irrespective of the genre.

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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A Needs-analysis-based

Evaluation of EAP/ESP Teaching Materials:

Implication and Implementation

Reza Biria Sheikh Baha'I University of Isfahan

[email protected] Abstract This article, aims at investigating and assessing the objectives underlying EAP/ESP materials and the intended target outcomes which they purport to support. Various methods were utilized to examine EAP/ESP teacher's and undergraduate/post-graduate students' needs at Isfahan University. These included open interviews, semi-structured questionnaires, and observation and monitoring in the classrooms. The Findings revealed that the current approaches to EAP/ESP materials design do not mesh with the current demanding requirements of classroom realities. The findings further indicated that a needs-analysis-based evaluation program can increase the awareness of and sensitivity to those factors which may prevent the duplication of some mistakes in the past and lead to more successful EAP/ESP materials design in the future (Karavos-Doukas, 1996 & Moris, 1999).

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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Revisiting ESAP Methologolgy in

Iran: challenges and Suggestions

Mahmood Reza Atai Teacher Training University

[email protected]

Abstract English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP), an ever-growing branch of EFL instruction in Iran, has claimed to fill in the gap between students' general English competence and their ability to read authentic discipline-specific texts. As far as teaching methodology is concerned, ESAP calls for more communicative, strategic, and goal-oriented approaches compared with those of general English instruction. Although materials development for the Iranian courses has attracted a lot of attention in recent years, the evidence concerning ESAP methodology in these settings indicates a wide gap between the so-called ESP promises and the way the Iranian instructors conceptualize and implement their jobs. This paper, drawing upon a relatively large pool of non-participant observation reports, student and teacher questionnaires, and instructors' self-reports and interviews, attempts to present a representative picture of the Iranian ESAP methodology. The paper proceeds with a critical examination of


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the problematic areas/sources and tries to locate them within the larger framework of Iranian EAP curriculum planning and implementation. Finally, some operational remedial suggestions are cited.

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Issues of Learning EMP at University: An Analysis of

Students' Perspectives

Jafar Askari Arani Kashan University of Medical Sciences

Jafar [email protected] Abstract It is common knowledge that although students spend seven years studying English as a school subject, this is not sufficient for them to achieve an intermediate level of proficiency in language. Students find it very hard to cope with learning EMP (English for Medical Purposes) basically because of the lack of general English skills. Learners have to master medical terms to be able to understand professional texts and recordings of lectures and produce formal pieces in writing as well as to be able to make professional presentations and participate in discussions on contemporary medical issues. This paper discusses the findings of a research into the perspectives of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) at Kashan University of Medical Science. The aim of this research is to consider the issues of learning English at university level and explore ways of improving the quality of learning. A natural question that occurs is why school leavers do not possess adequate language skills. An attempt has been made to answer this question. The results stress the importance of encouraging learners' initiative and taking over responsibility for their own learning. Given space, time and clear directions, learners are bound to succeed.


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شناختي متون علمي و ویژگیھاي زبان

تخصصي زبان انگلیسي و چگونگي ترجمھ آنھا

علي علیزاده دانشگاه بیرجند

[email protected]


تون ھمراه با رشد فزآينده صنعت و فناوري لزوم توجه به متخصصــي زبــان انگلیســي و اصــول و روشــھاي مربــوط بــه ــل ــت قاب ــه گذشــته از اھمی ــون نســبت ب ــن مت ــه اي ترجم

ــه ضــمن . اي برخــوردار شــده اســت مالحظــه ــن مقال در ايیر تون غ صي و علمـي بـا م توصیف و مقايسه متـون تخصعلمي، به ويژه متنھاي ادبي در زبان فارسي و انگلیسي،

پردازيـم به مشکالت و موانع خاص ترجمه متون علمي مي و راھکارھاي آن را در قالب يک الگوي نظـري بـراي ترجمـه

دھیم گونه متون ارائه مي اين

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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Can ICT Be a Powerful Means for Communication and Education in

ESP Learning?

Fatemeh Alipanahi Zanjan University

[email protected]

Abstract This study investigates the potential role of hyperextend ESP websites in ESP learning and evaluates a work in which 60 low advanced students in an ESP class will be introduced to some hyperextend ESP websites and instructed to use them in their ESP reading classes as well as self-study. Collected data will show that in spite of some difficulties students have a positive attitude to using the chosen hyperextend ESP websites in their ESP learning. The students will find that learning and reading ESP through ESP websites is not only interesting but attractive and creative as well.

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان samt.ac.ir

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English Language Needs in

Physical Education: A Search for Commonalities Among Language


Seyyed Mohammad Alavi Hadi Isfahani

Tehran University [email protected]

Abstract A prime purpose of this study was to examine English language needs (LN) of studying Physical Education (PE) from the perspectives of five groups of language users, i. e. BA, MA and PhD students of PE, PE instructors, and officials in PE federations, to establish a common ground for materials development. This study also intended to investigate the hierarchy of English language skills in terms of their importance in studying this discipline. To achieve these objectives, the participants (N=256) were asked to complete a unique and valid questionnaire that was developed for the purpose of this study. The result of this investigation showed that there is a significant difference among the views of participants on reading, writing, speaking, listening, translation, and study skills preferences. Having valued the language skills differently, the participants, however, had a common agreement on the rank of English language


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skills in terms of the needs in studying PE, and expressed their highest agreement on the need for reading and speaking demands of the field. Finally, this study found that the official language program developed for the students of PE does not meet the required needs of the language users in this discipline. This study suggests National Curriculum developers to take into account the common language needs of the language users in PE in the design and development of ESP courses in general, and ESP for Physical Education students in particular.

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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Autonomous Learning and Metacognitive Strategies:

Essentials for the ESP Classroom

Parviz Ajideh Tabriz University

[email protected]

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to emphasize a different orientation to English study and to outline an approach which departs from that which is generally taken. Broadly, what is involved is a shift of the focus of attention from grammatical to communicative properties of language. We take the view that the difficulties which students encounter arise not so much from a defective knowledge of the system of language, but from an unfamiliarity with English use. Finally, it is suggested that although specification of language needs is necessary for ESP course and it will be useful for selecting and grading materials, in teaching ESP, learning strategies should play an important role . Accordingly, autonomous learning and metacognitive strategies are suggested as the two basic essentials for teaching and learning ESP.


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موانع دستیابي بھ ھدف درس زبان تخصصي

در دانشگاھھا

ساالر منافي اناري دانشگاه عالمه طباطبايي


با ھدف اصلي درس زبان انگلیسي تخصصي يا انگلیسي ين ) ESP(اھداف ويژه يان ا اين است كه دانشـجويان در پا

به درس بتوانند متون تخصصي در رشتة تحصـیلي خـود را تا . زبان انگلیسي بخوانند و بفھمند ما اينكـه ايـن ھـدف ااي است كه باشد مسئله چه حد در عمل قابل حصول مي

تجربـــه و تحقیـــق ھـــر دو نشـــان . نیـــاز بـــه بررســـي دارد شجويان را در مي موارد اســتثنايي در میـان دان ند اگـر دھ

توان گفت كه چنین ھـدفي در نظر نگیريم به طور يقین مي كه بسیاري از كتابھاي درسي موجود بـراي دانشـجوياني

بل بدون آمادگي الزم اين درس را مي گذرانند غالبـًا غـیر قاستیابي . سختي قابل حصول است حصول و يا به موانـع د

ير مـورد به ھدف اين درس را مي توان در سه زمنیة كلي ز :بررسي قرار داد

عدم آمادگي الزم در اكثريت قريب به اتفاق دانشجوياِن ) ١ھـــاي غـــیر انگلیســـي بـــراي خوانـــدن درس زبـــان رشـــته

.انگلیسي تخصصيبــاال بــودن ســطح زبــان انگلیســي در كتابھــاي زبــان ) ٢

تخصصـــي و مشـــكل بـــودن بیـــش از حـــد آنھـــا بـــراي دانشـجوياني كـه ھنــوز زبــان انگلیســي پايـه و عمومــي را

.دانند خوبي نمي بهیة كتابھـاي درسـي ) ٣ بودن اصـول و روش تھ نا مناســب

ــان ــه زب ــجوياني ك ــراي دانش ــي ب ــي تخصص ــان انگلیس زب .انگلیسي رشتة تخصصي آنان نیست

ھدف اين مقاله بررسي اين موانع و نــیز مشـكالت ديگـري ــان ــدف درس زب ــه ھ ــتیابي ب ــدم دس ــث ع ــه باع ــت ك اس

ــي ــگاھھا م ــي در دانش ــي تخصص ــوند انگلیس ــن . ش در ايــكل ــر مش ــم و ھ ــانع مھ ــر م ــان ھ ــال بی ــه دنب ــي ب بررس


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به اساسي، با توجه به تجربیات كسب شــده و تحقیقـات ــان ــراي از می ــیز ب ــي ن ــه، راه حل ــن زمین ــده در اي ــل آم عم

. برداشتن آن مانع و حل آن مشكل ارائه خواھد شد ھاي كلیدي واژه زبان تخصصي، اھداف ويژه، فرايند يادگیري، حـد مطلــوب، (

انگلیسي نیمه تخصصي

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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The Role of TEFL Instructors vs.

Specific-field Instructors in ESP/EAP Teaching

Farhad Tayebipour Islamic Azad University of Shiraz

[email protected]

Abstract After three decades of experience, ESP/EAP curriculum in Iran still seems to be suffering from a number of inadequacies in terms of instructors' qualifications on the one hand and the design of the materials taught on the other. As for the instructors they have been rather inefficient in that they lack either the specialized content knowledge or the English language knowledge. Considering the ESP/EAP syllabus, a particular Read-Only approach has been put on the agenda resulting in a partial, if not total, failure of the program. In this paper we touch upon these points in more detail, and, if appropriate, give some suggestions. Key Words: (ESP) English for Specific Purposes (EAP) English for Academic Purposes (EGP) English for General Purposes (ESL) English as a Second Language (EFL) English as a Foreign Language


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(TEFL) Teaching English as a Foreign Language

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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Trends in ESP & EGP

Mohammad Zohrabi Tabriz University

[email protected]

Abstract English for General Purposes (EGP) is a foundation course in the university curriculum which is supposed to pave the way for English for Specific Purposes (ESP). It could be noticed that after so many years of studying English language most of the university students are unable to read and understand their specialist texts. It is, thus, obvious that there are some shortcomings in the General English Course. It is believed that if the students learn the reading skills appropriately, they will be better armed to deal with their ESP courses. Undoubtedly, the students study a lot about grammar as a requirement to pass the university entrance exam before entering the university. However, it is clear that they cannot apply their structural knowledge practically and communicatively at the university. Nowadays, learning English language is a must for every student at university level. All students usually study 3-credit General English at university and then they study English for Specific Purposes. English for


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General Purposes is of prime importance because it is assumed to prepare the students for the later stages of their language education. In this paper it will be attempted to study this issue and then offer some suggestions to improve it.

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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A Sample Lesson for Students of


Nasrin Sayfouri Iran University of Medical Sciences

[email protected]

The textbooks which are taught for students of medicine in Iran have some shortcomings, the most important of which might be the absence of communicative skills. This sample lesson is an attempt to provide some interactive activities in the classroom. The first part deals with a grammar target, i.e. 'reduced adjective clauses' introduced by means of an innovative communicative approach, which aims to present the concept as it appears in real life circumstances.

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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Suggestions to Improve ESP


Mehdi Nowruzi Khiabani Allameh Tabatabaie

My suggestions to improve ESP textbooks: 1) Use the margins to help students understand new words by giving definitions, b) synonyms, or c) pictures. 2) To reduce memory load, and create discussions while teaching, include one or two reading comprehension questions after two or three paragraphs. 3) To create variety in uniformity, around thirty types of practical and useful activities will be suggested and materials developers will be free to choose eight to sixteen activities from among the suggested ones for each unit. 4) Tips on learning and learning strategies, quotations, riddles, jokes and use of more pictures and charts are recommended.

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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A Lesson Plan in Instructional

Systems Technology

Dariush Noroozi Allameh Tabatabaie

[email protected]

The purpose of preparing a lesson plan is to provide a goal, objectives, teaching steps, student evaluation, and teaching procedures during one session of teaching. Having a systematic lesson plan can help the teacher, and the students to be active and be involved in both teaching and learning activities. Major and strategic steps towards a standard teaching are provided within the lesson plan, in order to produce a sound performance of teaching instructional systems technology's concepts for I.S.T students, and also for any other ESP programs.

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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A Sample Lesson Proposal

Mohammad Reza Mozayan Shahid Sadoghi University of Yazd

[email protected] A. Pre-reading a. Greetings / a possible brief fun. [at most 2-4 min.] b. Asking students some questions relating to the previous lessons, especially related to some lexical items. (Because the students have already encountered the words in the context, asking them the meaning of words, although decontextualized, does not seem to be pointless.) [about 5 min.] c. Teaching new vocabulary. (To work on pronunciation, first students repeat the words after the teacher and then they study the meaning. Here some other difficult words, which may have been overlooked by the writer to explain and have previously been underlined in the text by a good student as difficult or unfamiliar, are added.) [about 7 min.] d. Now they have about 5 minutes to learn the meaning of the words by heart. (These words are necessary for next-step discussion.) e. Brainstorming / Motivating some general questions around the reading section. (As warm-up phase, the class discusses questions in groups of 3 or 4 in the form of brainstorming prior to inviting the whole class to discuss.) [about 7-10 min.] B. Reading It begins with silent reading which is also timed. Students take 2-5 minutes to read each paragraph silently to discuss


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the gist of each. It is to be noted that before discussing the gist with the class, there are a brief in-group discussions so as to make their notes in the form of 'semantic maps'. This has multifaceted benefits: a. By looking at their notes they can speak better, faster, and in a more organized way. b. Since they are less stressed, more groups participate in class discussions. c. Research suggests that writing notes, if little by little turns into writing simple sentences, has a beneficial effect on reading comprehension in the long run. d. It can also lead to better writing. [about 45 min.] C. Post-reading [about 15 min. left] a. (A short break and then taking around 5 minutes to answer any question.)

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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A Sample Lesson for Students of

Erosion and Sedimentation Control

Javad Horabadi Ahwaz Science and Research Center

Javad_HoR [email protected] This lesson is designed based on a needs analysis heavily focused on both the learning and use strategies of irrigation and watershed management students involved and to be involved in studying English for the specific purposes. Of greater consideration has been the compliance with the user-friendly (a term consciously and diligently introduced to the field by the designer) features of ESP materials so that positive feelings of motivation and success and a sense of accomplishment are aroused.

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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Outline of a Sample Lesson

Seyyed Mohammad Reza Hashemi Khatam University

[email protected]

Section I Part 1: Pre-reading: Task A: group work Task B: pair work Task C: pair work Part 2: Reading and Post-reading: Task A: silent reading Task B: pair work Task C: group work Task D: pair work Part 3: Homework: Task A: vocabulary reinforcement Task B: mini project (searching the Internet for information) Tasks C & D: optional activities Task E: homework assigned by the teacher (specific to the course) Section II Part 1: Further reading Task A: speed reading (an article) Task B: pair work (filling out worksheets) Part 2: Strategy training Hints on how and when to use previewing


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+ Task: reading an abstract to decide whether to read the article or not

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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A Process-oriented, Interactive EAP Project

on Medical English: A Case Report

The present study is a description of the developmental phases of an English and study skills course for the students of Medical Sciences, namely "Bridging the Gap 1." The rationale behind the development of this book was not merely to provide more EAP instruction to medical students, but, more importantly, offer a different instruction. The syllabus is an attempt to operationalize a process-oriented and interactive approach to reading in both its content and organization. Another major feature of this material is its adherence to proportional syllabus proposed by Yalden. Yalden (1983, p.124) suggests that different elements (linguistic forms; functional, discourse, and rhetorical components; specialized content and surface features of language) be emphasized in different proportions at various phases of language learning as it is illustrated in Spector-Cohen et al. (2001). Considering the Iranian EFL context, employing elements of Type A syllabi (focusing on the discrete elements of language) and Type B syllabi (emphasizing the purpose for and process of acquiring a language) as defined by White (1988), and creating a balanced combination of these two can fulfill the linguistic, learning, and communicative needs of students. As illustrated in

Javad Gholamy Tabriz University [email protected]

Zhila Mohammad Nia Tabriz University [email protected]

Morteza Asl Rasouli

Maraghe Azad University [email protected]


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the sample lesson, top-down, bottom-up and strategic treatment of language and its processing are taken into consideration in the development of every unit. Moreover, care has been taken to establish a balanced distribution of all linguistic and pragmatic sub-skills as the course progresses. In Bridging the Gap 1, both content specification and methodology have received fair attention and treatment. The material is designed to develop relevant linguistic skills such as knowledge of vocabulary and text organization, and to foster their use of process-oriented reading strategies effectively. It also covers medical students' communication skills, study skills, and, to a limited extent, their listening.

فروش| نشريه| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان Copyright ©2002-2005 samt.ac.ir


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Teaching Reading Through

Graphic Organizers

Afsaneh Dehnad Iran University of Medical Sciences

[email protected]

A graphic organizer is a visual display in which the information is converted into a diagramatic representation of the important key words associated with the study topic.There are different forms of graphic organizers designed for different purposes. Descriptive or thematic map, network tree, fishbone map, and spider map are just some of the examples. Graphic organizers, when used as a pre-reading activity, could facilitate learning by prompting the learners to guess and develop ideas and learn new concepts related to the study topic. Graphic organizers enable us to show a huge amount of information by a single picture, providing a "big view" of the topic after encountering the material. Moreover, they encourage the students to think about the information in a new way which removes the words and let them think about connections (critical thinking). Graphic organizers depict the relationship between main ideas, subordinate ideas, and supporting information and thus help learners improve their reading skills.


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Often, the study techniques for learning vocabulary are limited to ordered lists of key words isolated from the context. Yet, graphic organizers show the new words in a novel way which provides an efficient ground for recalling the meaning of words through schematic branches. While the effectiveness of graphic organizers has been shown empirically, the implications of the results for the design of educational materials have been disappointing. The present sample lesson is proposed to show the effectiveness of graphic organizers in an ESP class for the students of medicine, technical language (II), with the primary objective of improving reading comprehension.

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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Sample Lesson Proposal for

Students of Psychology

Sasan Baleghizadeh Tehran University

[email protected]

The following sample lesson proposal is intended for students of psychology. Following a task-based approach, the lesson aims to reinforce both the reading and speaking skills of the students. Besides, it incorporates a language-awareness component which seeks to give students sufficient practice in understanding and using adjective clauses. What follows is a brief description of how this lesson is to be planned and developed. I. Background a. Description of the students Iranian university students, mostly freshmen who are at an intermediate level of language proficiency b. Description of the class A rather large class with about 35 students II. Objectives 1. To give students some grammatical awareness


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2. To give students practice in how to scan a text 3. To give students practice in how to describe their personality III. Procedures a. Pre-reading T asks Ss what they know about the terms introversion and extroversion. Then Ss read a number of statements and decide whether they are true about them or not. (10 minutes) b. The task cycle 1. Ss read a short article about different character types. (10 minutes) 2. Ss do a scanning task in pairs or small groups. (5 minutes) 3. One S from each pair or group reports briefly to the class how they did the task. In this way, the Ss' answers are checked and the T gives them feedback. (5 minutes) 4. T reads the text aloud and tries to clarify it to clarify it to the Ss. They negotiate the meaning of the text collaboratively. (10minutes) c. Language focus 1. Ss do a consciousness-raising activity which gives them a chance to discover certain rules about the piece of discourse they have been presented to. (5 minutes) 2. T gives students further examples and elaborates on the rules discovered by the Ss. (5minutes) 3. Ss do some meaningful exercises to further practice the grammatical rules. (8 minutes) 4. T checks the Ss' answers. (7 minutes) d. Follow-up 1. Ss work in pairs. One of them becomes an interviewer and the other an interviewee. The interviewer asks his/her partner some questions about his/her personality (character type) and the interviewee tries to describe himself/herself. (10 minutes) 2. T asks some pairs to present their work to the rest of the class. (10 minutes)

Total Time: Around 90 minutes

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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A Sample Lesson Proposal

Seyyed Hessamoddin Aliasin Zanjan University

[email protected]

This sample lesson was based on a task-based syllabus design, aimed at creating a dynamic and interactive classroom environment through involving students in task performance. The lesson consisted of three major parts: Part (I): Pre-reading tasks. Here, in section (A), a list of words were given along with their phonetic transcriptions to be practiced by the teacher's help. Then, in the following sub-sections, the students were given some recognition and production tasks on pronunciation to perform. Then, section (B) provided the students with a list of vocabulary items along with their meanings as intended in the reading passage. Here, the students were asked to consult their dictionaries or other possible sources in order to write or find a suitable context in which to use the new vocabulary items. Part (II) included the Reading Passage after which some recognition as well as production tasks concerning the comprehension of the passage were offered to the students to


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handle. Under Part (III), dealing with Post-reading Tasks, vocabulary practice, grammatical pattern, and translation practice were provided in different sections and sub-sections, each in two forms again: recognition tasks and production tasks.

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

Copyright ©2002-2005 samt.ac.ir


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English for Business

Communication (Sample Lesson Proposal)

Zia Tajeddin Allameh Tabatabaie University

[email protected]

English for Business Communication is an integrated course which attaches priority to listening and speaking. The course is designed to be used by intermediate-level students who need, or will soon need, to communicate effectively in common business situations. English for Business Communication is made up of 12 units and two reviews, all based on two major objectives: 1. To encourage fluency and active use of English for key topics in business communication. 2. To develop knowledge of language used for these key topics. There are, therefore, two elements which shape the course: the topics and the target language. The topics refer to the business situations common to business communication. The target language describes the vocabulary and structures frequently used in business communication however, most business English is simply general English used in business communication - it is not special English.


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Each of the 12 units is divided into two parts and may be used as two lessons or as two halves of a double-lesson. Each lesson is expected to take about two hours in class. The units contain the sections below The First Half 1. Vocabulary (introducing the new words coupled with definition(s) and example(s)) 2. Listening Preview (functioning as a precursor to Listening by focusing on the structural, lexical, or perceptual aspects of the incoming listening input) 3. Listening (including short conversations, longer conversations, or talks on a business topic or in a business situation) 4. Speaking Preview (functioning as a precursor to Speaking by focusing on the structural, lexical, or perceptual aspects of the incoming speaking task, and activating students' background knowledge) 5. Practice 1 (assigned as homework and comprising Language Focus and Role Play) The Second Half 6. Reading Lead-in (focusing on the structural, lexical, textual, or conceptual aspect of the incoming reading passage, and activating students' background knowledge) 7. Discussion (providing students with opportunity to draw on the conceptual input and communication skills they acquired through Listening, Speaking, and Reading Sections to discuss a business topic in a monolog- or dialog-oriented task. 8. Culture Note (offered in certain units and informing students of the cultural aspects of international business communication) 9. Practice 2 (assigned as homework and comprising Vocabulary Focus and Speechwork)

| طرح مشارکت| مرکزتحقیق| مديريت تدوين| امور پژوھشی| کتابھا| اخبار| سازمان فروش| نشريه

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Thursday, June 9th, 2005 (Khordad 19th, 1384)


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Thursday, June 9th, 2005 (Khordad 19th, 1384)


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Thursday, June 9th, 2005 (Khordad 19th, 1384)


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