Exehf M o JOHN GLI I 'W e got whl] I GOi ["Sink: il)ud< ? Wants r ^ ByQUANEKENYON AP Capitol Writer -BOISE - h tifitit proposed by Rcpubllcai Idoho-Housc last week [ the drain, i After a long caucus noon. Republicans ann proposal calling for a ______ crcase In state spendini not win favor from tl House GOP caucus. "We don’t have the • $4% mtliion budget. Linden Bateman, R caucus chairman. “We higher." ________ Just-iiow-much-liigh mediately clear, But • Rep. Kathl« Gurnsey. R-Bolsc. sali that there was GOP 1-ccnt increase In the s .which would fund a I Uian originally proposec ------------- ••It—appe3n*d-there support, for a 1-cent inc tax. mid certainly enoi cent Increase." said ^ who Is chairman of the priations Committee, She said thal was as ' House Democrats appn taxes. And Rep, Steve Ante said his Revenue a Committee will take i look at sales tax bills. Besides a bill perman the state sales tax b> Anlone b*did lie’s also pt to boost It by 1 ccnt. It would channel mo: • See BUDGET on] Rebel ' s sa '■ .P ' • ,5- A Shlitc rebel take » \ Tl p tion tr jr i Q c - i m d a 8 By DO APPo Mondi and ca Ing to House endof I Sen. loser. —Monda - Ing.-G caucus vote. -------L‘l - d Glenn Ing an “ TonTgHI New I expects first of 5LENN tions. 0 'hipped* IS g e t- more )N ?tit state budget ' lean leaders erf Uie ;ek has gone down :us Monday after- announced that a r a minimum In- ding next year did __ n the 51-member hc votes to gel a ;et." said Rep. R-Idaho Falls: We will have to^o ilghct-wash:t-lm^_____ thleen "Kilty” said it appeared tp support for a 1 C state sales tax. a higher budget Dsed. ere was icnough increase in sales nough for a half- d Mrs. Gumsey, the House Appro- assuming the 19 jprove the higher ntone, R-Ruperl, and Taxation e an immediate _ ^ Vc lanently boosting by a half-cent, }preparing a bill more revenue to on Page A2 _______ Is VOW i By FAR The Ass, Ho 79th year, No. 52 lie w DONAIDW.ROTIIBI'IIG Political Writer ES MOINES. lowii -• idale swept the field lo win low. locratlc, caucuscs-MunUay nlj called It "a groal vlclory” poi to his nomination (or (lie Wh sc — and lo tJie i)et;inning of l of the Heagan admini.str;illon. n. John. Glenn of Ohio was tho j r. Raled a prime cliallenger'' daIe-ln-Ui0-pr«^)W)fiorMK<(liim^ ■GIonn”WQS'D“poi)r‘nflh"ir“ ( ruses, with only 5 pcrcenl of l -don’t-knaw-whal-liappehod in said in Boston. "I'm not m:i any excuses. We gol whippi 'ht in Iowa ... bul iirelin Hampshire." Glenn said I cts lo do very well liiere. in ti of the presidential primary ele on Feb. 2a. precinct mecIlnRs In fire house ^o ca l su pport RyoD Gunnell, left, and Blckel Elementary Schoo on audience Monday al patriotic songs. The occ£ ^ more a vkoOKTNa'Ssaii ssoctulcd Press IRUT. Lebanon - Druse ani m rebel leaders returning frnn vowed Monday lo prt'.ss Ihei algn for the ouster of Chrisliai Jcnt Amin Gemayel. Army anc a forccs dueled wi(h machlni and grenades In Ihc capital’: tated commercial district. y pulled its peaceiicepmg fnrcc: Beirtit and an Amorican sourci le U.S. Marines would be out o iirporl base by next week, jrica's 1,:J 00 shore-basec es continued to lic'.ntl utiuipmen on-essential pcr.-^onncl lo U.S Ips offshore, awaiting orders lc lhe pulloul nf combat Imiips. 0 redeployment plan bas bei-r i'ed. and lhe .Marines nre jusi g tho order lo exccutc it." sale icrican source wlio asked not lc entlflcd. "I don’i expect lhe cs to be al Uie airport nex e M arines ar<‘ cxpi'clcii lo rc ashore lo (juani ibc IJ .S. Em offices, on wc.M Beirut'.' nt. *** -------------- - --- iiitai /ins F. owa'.s _ night -. point- White ********** ;er to family rooms and ;mak-------]owa-I)emocr^ts-iii n“ (he"— infily for the form if lhe His suppliers we ilie .'>0 jiresleleniial hod,^^------at’siake in-the firsl mak- 'campaign. fe'' ____^\VJUi_mori!..Uiiin_ , , ’ caucus results coun n the •IS perceni of the vot elcc- oloi^o. Republicans cai uses. President Reagan u t nd other flrst-graders from hool in Twin Falls serenaded at Blue Lakes Mall with 'ccaslon was opening day of attacks Saudi Arabia, wh mediate a .scttleme differences betweeh anei Syrian-backed oppos rnm prince Abdullah bit heir the Saudi ambassad lian Slates. Prince Band, and for lalks wilh Syrian hIne Assad. l a l ’s Lebanon'sslatc rae ordered Foreign .Min rce.s to slop his trip to Jrce return to Beirut, as It of Rafik Hariri -was Lebanese capilal lo c ised lions, lent Salem, who left Bi U.S. bound for meetings \ s to aelmlnlslration, retur noon .Monday, the raci lee-n Druse apposition just Jiimhiatt and Shiite •;alci mander N'abili Be It lo • coordination talks wi the cal and military lead' lext ing back lo Leba Damascus, Berrl rc- Gemayel's resignalioi r'm- is an irrevocable dom; uf.s While Jumblatt Is sialcmeni. ihe dema: SBHi; Twin Fe b ig i ************ Re ............; .............. hour » ThG ^resiclGncy dale ************* cont< presl Id communily hails, • linpeMip^ver-wholm------ m or vic'o^presldeni.’ t'cre caplurlng 4G of Ser al nominating vole.' ruun: sl contest of the liiJM- -said hopei n_bvo;Clilrils.oLllic____ unled. .Monclalc hatl Foi ote. and nobody gaini show aucused. loo, wilh 1unopposed. sen m EduJallon Awarenesj ed Petersen made an o th officials gave speeche of their exhibits. For thes s on Gc vhich Is trying lo dicalei nenl of the bitter opposl h Gemayel and his only c osition. sent crown censur ain Abdulazi/. ami torm t idor lo the United lembei idar, to Damascus in President Hafez northe formei ■adlo said Gemayel Tripoli inisler Kile Salem ciman ) Washington anil Beirut IS Saudi medialor parlne IS back in tbe lionai i » continue ncgolia- Jum lo his : Beirut on Sunday lhe D i vvith the Heagan . ialnss< urned al midaller- Whil idlosaid. JumbI; n leader Walld confen itc .Moslem com- MintsK 5errl wound up army i ivith Syrian polltl- ShchaL iders before bead- chief .M )anon. While in' ^ *'o rri demanded ChristI ion. adding, "Tbis clalme mand." west B Issued a similar down ^ land by Beni in- beachh ; i L i t e 7 ^ over m t SALT Falls, Icjaho- i n Ie Reagan had campaiuned ir urs earlier, saying his wt .•mocrallc cballengors think I saur.s and offer only failed ai I of the past. The* major television nctwo id Iheir projections showet lie an easy victor in the ntc.sf of Itio ycur-oUl Denu esid{*nlial racc, The-firsl pro, mo fronTN’BC News with )i: kvalJemqcratic chairman, aen. Gary- llarl of Colorad lining sccond with I5 perceni id in .Manchester—NtH— H ped.that would him ;ijor alternative lo Mondale. h'ormer Sen, George .McGove: ining 13 percent. In third pi awing the 1U72 nominee call nor miracle." fen, Ernest F. Hoilings of ess Week. Mayor Emcr official declaration, schcx iies and students showed oi e story, turn to Page A6 emaye] lied a furlbirr hardening o osition line. Previously. Herr demanded that Gemaye ;ured by sborl^ening bis six n to two year.s ending nexl ber. -■rri went lo Syiian-conlr hern Lebanon for meetings :ier Premier Rashid Karan mil and former PresidenI an Franjieh In Zhorla. stati ■ul radio said. Both are .lumb ners in the anti-governmenl al Salvation Front, imblatt wa.s believed to have Is ancestral home in .Mukhtai Druse-dominated Chouf rr s southeast of Beirut, hile in Dam'ascus. Berrl iblatt held a six-hour oven erence wilh Syrian Fot Islt'r Abdul-llaltm Khadt y chief of slaff .Maj, Gen. Hil labi and niiillarv inleliig f.Maj.Gcn. AilDmiba. report later retracled - stlan-cotilroiled radio stai Tied an Israeli Invasion of Mo: . Beirut was launched before n with gunboat support ibn :hhcads eslablishecL on the c humor ( L_thje_hill . y A V c J ^ 3 r l I k I ZITY ■'■in-.) i in Iowa Carolina, wbo d woulcl-t)c in Iowa and i nk li|<<‘ dl- .Monday nlghl. J cl answers lory was lo bo cxj victory." besaid iworks all “Tbe real slor: wed Mon- Hoilings. lio .sai le leadoff for Glenn lo hav emtifrafic Holling projection ors in othor slal 1 Just two other candidates . -- . nominee,_and 1,1 r-iHn slrengthen ^ f~ irir'f— <M”ndal(*told rep .(-ni. lari Ilm ^ Che crcat.vlclory, p< lm .islh f victory , In. ... ---------------- beglnn!nfi.of_thc avernwas adminislrallon," c£r---; I" paignlng for the f a week from Tue: of South “iook good for us. ■j Rei I so r H Iowa t By MAUREn:N S ______ The Associated P WATERLOO. Reagan, campal( ncmocrat.s < Monday his we have a “dinosau . fers nothing for B H | -.pealing lhclr,failc Reagan campi and Dcs Moines c political mission - Hc used rldicu pcaledly lo critic ^nEI presidential cat |^ M |_ _Uicy_M’crc_nt.teL M fl orparly. "Let others a{ EJtt envy, pit group i people as helpless weaken our Reagan said at thousand cbcerii ------------------ McElroyj^uditorl “Lel them pi i they’ll deliver gre -j Thai echoed a c DemocraUc foes Mondale. Allhou mentioned Mond - campaign slrateg “I expecl’Mb’ntlaleTle ..........j and lhal llicy will the Carter admini served as vice pro . ... Reagan snld tl mising "begins w ^ the tax reductior ^ with your h - Iraq fi ater By ANDREW BOI _________ 'TricailcagoSun-’ i •g . NICOSIA, Cypn 5 "| ------------ omTiTcnnjrTJ^ims ^ 1 . fighting pattorn th mllilary concepts, i of the increasinglyvuint erri had with Iran, ayel be This view Is gair six-year Western and Arab exl Sep- other observers of al the head ofthe I inlrolled which few Imparli Igs wilh have been po.ssible rami in Iraqi armed fon DnI Sul- bo more and more ■tate-run conflict dragson., mblait’s casualties In the ft lent Na- growing, creating among Iraq'sShi’l ive gone are religious kin le itara. in Shl'itesof Iran.Ar moun- Iraqi capilal. isba the front, rri and Since January, I t-ernighl dose lo 200,000 tro Foreign andsoulhernsectc laddam. Casualtlcsmcan li Hikmal revolutionary zeal liigence can draw from a v. Islamic martyrs. 1 - by populalionof-lOmi stations, live wllh terror, h£ Moslem and martyrdom, oro -sun- Iraqi President 5 ibrough grimly banging on le coast conflict he started y comes ( 1 . i eau< I did lllllo campaigning finished a bail lasl Ha . said lhe .Mondale vie- ' -j expected. "It's nol a big id: Dei iry Is John Glenn." said Mo ;aid It was devastating nei ave run so far back in 1 ngs .'laid Glenn suppori- ful ;ales may now sbift lo Hai - . A 1Uiink this-win bore in--.A{L ens me considerably." woi epopters in Des Molnes:----- \\*ci jears wc have won a w;i.' perhaps a spectacular car le said, "Tbis Is the lab hc end of the Roagan ^ ind inche.<;ter. N.H.. cam- prc 0 first primary election stai jesday. said lhe results stre JS." ase a'gan m e th trip upstage SANTINI Press . ______ . Iowa President signing to upstage the curtain time, satd would-be challengers lur mentalily that of- }r the future bul re- iled past.” ipaigned in* Waterloo 5on the first full-scale 13! on of his quest for j''-'} I • ■.', cule and sarcasm re- llcize the Democratic j|||| :andldates, althougli iiuncnlioncd by name appeal to greed and He ) ogaTnst group, treat !ss victims and seek lo national defense.” .1 a rally for several ring Republicans al promise the moonT~^*^i reen cheese.’’ hesald. ,, V 1 criticism somc of his :s havo used against j ough Reagan never P “ ndale by namo. his eglsts havo said they 'to gol'lhe’nomination * „ ill try to link him with inislratlon in which he resident. the Democratic pro- with taking back all ons we were able lo holp. They are cap- [-Iran c ritical p OHOWIEC ^ n-Tlmcs irus — Amidst ____ nramhrn-crrntk -------------; ----- that defies mosl Is. Iraq is becoming Incrablc in its war ;iining ground among ab diplomats and ot the bloody conflict S;.! e Persian Gulf in rlial assessments- ble. ' :irces are reported to re restive as lhe futile , ^,, 1, 1. And civilian ^ 3 "* ‘front area arc w lg a danger of unrest li’llo Moslems, wbo ..u Ito the fundamentalist , AndBagtidad.the ‘ " barely 100 miles from ', Iran has mas-sed roops in the central :lors of the front- ilittlototho “ JJ ■alols in Tehran, who I vast pool of potential , i. Tbo Iranian mllllonhaRlcarnedto hardship, sacriflcc it Saddam Hu-ssein is "” 1^ on, pursuing the . ;d in S e p te m b e r , I'JUO, y \ .. M Tuesday, February 21,19S4 eus— "Hopefully il docs turn this inlo a Harl-Moncialc r,ir<>,"lip s.iid. • The were the firsl phase In' the selection 50 Iowa delegates lo the Democratic National Convention, and Mondaic’s showing pointf^d to a near-sweep of thoso nominating votes. Tho results gave Mondale a power- ful boost as he headed lo New • Hampshire on Tuesday. . A native of neighboring Minnesota , l»np.c|,.n.ltii[- Ho-;__to__lowa,^_______ .AlLndiile - met-expfclaUons-.that - ho --r-r would finish well ahead. His slrong. Avcil-financed-cumpaign organization— — ■Was suDPlcmented by an intensive campaign on his behalf by organized labor and leachers. —Caucus-reiults-and.cntrance polling______ indicated the 56-'yoar-olf former vice president ran well In all parts of the stale, urban and rural, and pulled 1 strong suppori from non-union as well as organized labor households. I steals lunderT jes Demograis RONALD REAGAN His old mike lives of an anti-growth, dinosaur men - tality that offers nothing for th_e.fut_uis______ Dufrep'eatlh'g'irreinaired past." Reagan’s motorcade to the auditorium took-bicHpast pockcts e>f demonstrators carrying signs conf* plaining aboul his adminislratlon and his economic policy. One said, "Reagan Comics” a play, on his R caganom lcs economic, policy.,____________ Bul once inside, the Reagan rheto- ric scorcd big with the partisan crowd. Almosi overy line was greeted with cheMirs and sliouls. Roagan defended his economic orogram al a rally lalcr In Dcs Moines • See REAGAN OQ PageAS conflict point Analysis in 0 euphoria of slogans for a crusade igainst Iran’s fundamentalist revolution. Three yoars and five months loter. ■vith the casualties on both sides said 0 be well over 100,000, Hussein’s >plions a re becoming limited. Early in February, he announced .hal Ills arm ed forccs would bomb 11 owns in Iran In an effort to bring the iyalollahs and their backers lo their mees. Instead of being bombed Into jumbission. Iran announce:d and :arriod out retaliatory attacks. Ifonebelleveslranian' irommunlejues. which Invariably start ,vith the phrase “In the nameof ilmighty God." some Iranian units ire pushing toward Iraq’s vital Kirkuk oil field.s. I ran h as also shelled a number of [raql towns. Including the gulf port of Basra, presumably in retaliation for Iraqi a ir and rocket allacks.on :ivillan targets, A U nlled Nations peacemaking nission collapsed before 11got off the ijround lasl week, and the two protagonists are once again facc to 'ace in a w ar lhat no one dares lo stop -fo r political reasons- ' For Hussein, It is a question of Arab • 5oe IRAQ ODPage A2 \ :

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Page 1: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud


M o

J O H N G L I I 'W e g o t w h l]

I G O i[ " S i n k :

il)ud<? W ants r ByQUANEKENYON

AP Capitol Writer

-BOISE - h tifitit proposed by Rcpubllcai Idoho-Housc last week

[ • th e drain, i A fter a long caucus

noon. Republicans ann proposal calling for a

______ crcase In s ta te spendininot win favor from tl House GOP caucus.

"W e don’t have the • $4% mtliion budget. L inden Batem an, R caucus chairm an. “ We h igher."

________ Just-iiow -m uch-liighm ediately clear,

But • Rep. Kathl« G urnsey. R-Bolsc. sali th a t there was GOP 1-ccnt increase In the s .which would fund a I Uian originally proposec

------------- ••It—appe3n*d-theresupport, for a 1-cent inc tax . mid certainly enoi cen t Increase." said who Is chairm an of the pria tions Committee,

She said tha l was a s ' House D em ocrats appn

taxes.And Rep, Steve Ante

sa id his Revenue a Com m ittee will take i look a t sales tax bills.

Besides a bill perm an th e s ta te sales tax b> A nlone b*did lie’s also pt to boost It by 1 ccnt.

It would channel mo: • See BUDGET on]


's s a '■ .P '

• ,5 - A S h l i t c r e b e l ta k e »


Tl p t i o nt r j r i Q c - i

m d a8 By DO


M o n d i

a n d ca Ing to H ouse e n d o f I

Sen . lo se r.

—M onda - In g .-G

c a u cus vote.

-------L‘l - dG lenn Ing an

“ TonTgHI N ew I expects f irs t of

5 L E N N tions. 0'h i p p e d *


g e t -m ore


?tit s ta te budget • ' lean lead e rs erf Uie ;ek h as gone down

:us M onday a fte r­announced th a t a r a m inim um In-ding n ex t y ea r did __n th e 51-m em ber

hc vo tes to gel a ;e t." sa id Rep.

R -Idaho F a lls : “We will have to^o

ilghct-w ash:t-lm ^_____

thleen "K ilty” said it appeared tp su p p o rt for a 1C s ta te sales tax. a h ig h e r budget Dsed.ere w as icnough increase in sales nough fo r a half- d M rs. G um sey, the House Appro-

assu m in g the 19 jprove th e h igher

ntone, R -Ruperl, and Taxation

e a n im m ed ia te _ ^V c

lan en tly boosting by a half-cent,

■} p rep a rin g a bill

m ore revenue toon P a g e A2 • _______

I s V O Wi By FA R

The Ass,

B EIRI M oslem Sy ria vc c a m p a lf P re s id e ! m ilitia : guns an d ev as ta t

I ta ly p ou t of BeSQld th eth e lra ir ]

A m eri M arines and non w arsh ips begin the

"T h o I approvcc w aitin g I an A m er be ideni M arines w eek .”

S om e : m ain asl

• hflssy c i k e s c o v e r s ea fro n t.


79th year, No. 52

l i e wDONAIDW .ROTIIBI'IIG Political Writer

E S MOINES. lowii - • id a le swept the field lo win low. lo c ra tlc , caucuscs-MunUay nlj c a lle d It " a groal vlclory” poi to h is nomination (or (lie Wh s c — and lo tJie i)et;inning of l o f th e H eagan admini.str;illon. n . John. Glenn of Ohio was tho j r. R aled a prime cliallenger'' daIe-ln-Ui0-pr«^)W)fiorMK<(liim^ ■GIonn”WQS'D“ poi)r‘n flh"ir“ ( ru se s , with only 5 pcrcenl of l

- d o n ’t-knaw -w hal-liappehod in sa id in Boston. "I'm not m:i a n y excuses. We gol whippi 'h t in Iowa ... bul iire lin

H am psh ire ." Glenn said I c t s lo do very well liiere. in ti o f th e presidential primary ele on Feb. 2a.

p rec inc t mecIlnRs In fire house

^ o c a l s u p p o r tRyoD Gunnell, left, and B lckel Elementary Schoo on audience Monday a l pa trio tic songs. The occ£

m ore avkoO K TN a'Ssaii sso c tu lcd Press

IR U T. Lebanon - Druse ani m rebel leaders returning frnn vow ed Monday lo prt'.ss Ihei

a lg n for the ouster of Chrisliai J c n t Amin Gemayel. Army anc a forccs dueled wi(h machlni a n d grenades In Ihc cap ita l’: ta te d com m ercial district. y pulled its peaceiicepmg fnrcc: B e irtit and an Amorican sourci

l e U.S. M arines would be out o iirp o rl base by next week, j r i c a 's 1,:J00 shore-basec e s continued to lic'.ntl utiuipmen on-essen tia l pcr.-^onncl lo U.S Ips offshore, awaiting orders lc lh e pulloul nf combat Imiips.0 redeploym ent plan bas bei-r i'ed . and lhe .Marines nre jusi g tho o rder lo exccutc it." sale ic r ic a n source wlio asked not lc en tlflcd. " I don’i expect lhe c s to be al Uie airport nex

e M arines ar<‘ cxpi'clcii lo rc a sh o re lo (juani ibc IJ .S. Em

offices, on wc.M Beirut'.' n t.

*** — -------------- - ---

iiita i/ i n s

F .ow a'.s _n ig h t - .

point-W hite —

* * * * * * * * * *

;er to fam ily rooms and;m ak-------]owa-I)emocr^ts-iiin“ (he"— infily for the form if lh e His s u p p l ie r s we

ilie .'>0 jiresleleniialhod,^^------a t ’s iak e in-the firslm ak - 'c am p a ig n . —

f e ' ' ____ \VJUi_mori!..Uiiin_, , ’ caucus results coun n th e •IS perceni of the vot e lcc- oloi^o.

Republicans c a i u se s . President R eagan u


n d o th e r flrst-graders from hool in Twin F a lls serenaded

a t B lue Lakes Mall w ith 'ccaslo n w as opening d ay of

attacksSaudi Arabia, wh

m ed ia te a .scttleme differences betweeh

anei Syrian-backed oppos rnm p rin c e Abdullah bit h e ir th e Saudi am bassad lian S la te s . Prince Band, and for lalks wilh Syrian hIne l’s L eb an o n 'ss la tc rae

o rd ered Foreign .Min rce.s to slop his trip to Jrce re tu rn to Beirut, as It o f R afik Hariri -w as

L ebanese capilal lo c ised lions,len t Salem , who left Bi U.S. bound for m eetings \ s to aelm lnlslration, re tu r

noon .Monday, the raci lee-n D ruse apposition ju st Jiim h ia tt and Shiite •;alci m a n d e r N'abili Be It lo • coordination ta lks wi th e c a l and m ilitary lead'

lext ing back lo Leba D am ascus, Berrl

rc- G em ay e l's resignalioi r'm - is an irrevocable dom; uf.s While Jum blatt Is

s ia lcm en i. ihe dema:

SBHi;Tw in Fe

b i g i* * * * * * * * * * * * Re

............; .............. h o u r

» T hG ^ r e s i c l G n c y

dale* * * * * * * * * * * * * cont<

p resl

Id communily hails, •linpeM ip^ver-w holm ------m or vic'o^presldeni.’ t'cre caplurlng 4G of Ser al nominating vole.' ruun: s l contest of the liiJM- - s a id

hopein_bvo ;C lilr ils .oL llic____unled. .Monclalc hatl Foi o te . and nobody gaini


aucused . loo, wilh 1 unopposed. sen

m EduJallon Awarenesjed P e te rsen made an oth officials gave speecheo f the ir exhibits. F o r th e s

s on Gcvhich Is trying lo dicaleinenl of the bitter opposlh Gemayel and his only cosition. sent crown censu rain Abdulazi/. ami to rm tidor lo the United lem bei idar, to Damascusin President Hafez northe

form ei■adlo said Gemayel Tripoliin isler Kile Salem c im an) Washington anil B eiru tIS Saudi medialor p a r ln eIS back in tbe lionai i» continue ncgolia- Jum

lo his :B eirut on Sunday lh e D i vvith the Heagan . ialnss<urned al midaller- Whilid losaid . Jum bI;n leader Walld con fenitc .Moslem com- MintsK5errl wound up a rm y iivith Syrian polltl- ShchaLiders before bead- ch ief .M)anon. While in ' ^ *'orri demanded ChristIion. adding, "Tbis c la lm em and ." w est BIssued a similar down ^land by Beni in- beachh

; i

L i t e 7 ^ o v e r


F alls, Icjaho-

i n I eR eagan had cam paiuned ir u r s ea rlie r, saying his wt .•m ocrallc cballengors think I saur.s and offer only failed ai I of th e past.The* m ajo r television nctwo id Ihe ir projections showet lie an easy v ictor in the ntc.sf o f Itio ycur-oUl Denu esid{*nlial racc, The-firsl pro, m o fronTN’BC News with )i:

kvalJem qcratic chairm an,

aen. Gary- l la r l of Colorad lining sccond with I5 perceni id in .M anchester—NtH— H p ed .tha t would him ;ijor a lte rna tive lo Mondale. h 'o rm er Sen, G eorge .McGove: in ing 13 percent. In third pi aw ing the 1U72 nominee call n o r m irac le ."

fen, E rnest F. Hoilings of

ess Week. M ayor E m cr offic ia l declaration, schcx

i ie s and students showed oi e s to ry , turn to P ag e A6

emaye]lied a furlbirr hardening o osition line. Previously. Herr ’ dem anded that Gemaye ;u red by sborl^ening bis six n to two year.s ending nexl ber.-■rri went lo Syiian-conlr h e rn Lebanon for m eetings :ier P rem ie r Rashid Karan mil and form er PresidenI an F ran jieh In Zhorla. stati ■ul rad io said. Both a re .lumb n e rs in the anti-governmenl al S alvation Front, im b la tt wa.s believed to have Is an ces tra l home in .Mukhtai D ruse-dom inated Chouf rr

s sou theast of Beirut, h ile in Dam'ascus. Berrl ib la tt held a six-hour oven e re n c e wilh Syrian Fot Is lt'r Abdul-llaltm Khadt y ch ie f o f s laff .Maj, Gen. Hil labi and niiillarv inleliig f.M aj.G cn. AilDmiba. rep o rt la te r re tracled - stlan-cotilroiled radio stai Tied an Israeli Invasion of Mo:. B e iru t was launched before n w ith gunboat support ibn :hhcads eslablishecL on the c

h um or ( L_thje_hill

. y A V c J ^ 3

r l I k I ZI TY ■'■in-.)

i in Iow a Carolina, wbo dwoulcl-t)c in Iowa and i

nk li|<<‘ dl- .Monday nlghl. Jcl an sw ers lory was lo bo cxj

v ictory." besaid iworks a ll “ Tbe real slor:wed Mon- Hoilings. lio .saile leado ff for Glenn lo hav em tifra fic Hollingpro jection ors in othor slal1 Just two other candidates

. -- . nominee,_and 1,1r-iHn slrengthen^ f ~ i r i r ' f — <M” ndal(*told rep .(-ni. la r i

Ilm ^ Che c rc a t .v lc lo ry , p<l m . i s l h f v ic to ry , In.

. ..----------------beglnn!nfi.of_thcav e rn w as adm inislrallon,"

c £ r - - - ; I"paignlng for the f a week from Tue:

of South “ iook good for us.

■j Rei I s o rH Iowa t

By MAUREn:N S ______ The Associated P

WATERLOO. Reagan, campal( ncmocrat.s < Monday his we have a “dinosau

. fers nothing for B H | -.pealing lhclr,failc

Reagan campi and Dcs Moines c political mission

- Hc used rldicu pcaledly lo critic

^ n E I presidential cat | ^ M | _ _Uicy_M’crc_nt.teL M f l o rparly .

"L et others a{ E J t t envy, pit group i

people as helpless weaken our Reagan said at thousand cbcerii

------------------ M cElroyj^uditorl“ Lel them pi

i they’ll deliver gre -j Thai echoed a c

DemocraUc foes Mondale. Allhou mentioned Mond

- cam paign slrateg ■“ I expecl’Mb’ntlaleTle

..........j and lhal llicy willthe C arter admini served as vice pro

. ... Reagan snld tlmising "begins w

the tax reductior ^ with your h

- Iraqfi ater

By ANDREW BOI _________ 'TricailcagoSun-’i

•g . NICOSIA, Cypn5 " | ------------ omTiTcnnjrTJ^ims^ 1 . fighting pattorn th

m llilary concepts, i of th e increasinglyvuint erri h a d with Iran, ayel be This view Is gair six -year W estern and Arab exl Sep- other observers of

al the head ofthe I inlrolled which few Imparli Igs w ilh have been po.ssible ram i in Iraq i armed fon DnI Sul- bo m ore and more ■tate-run conflict d ragson ., m b la it’s casualties In the ft lent N a- growing, creating

among Iraq 'sShi’l ive gone are religious kin le ita ra . in Shl'itesof Iran.Ar

m oun- Iraqi capilal. isba the front,

rri and Since January, I t-ernighl d o se lo 200,000 tro Foreign andsoulhernsectc laddam . Casualtlcsm can li H ikm al revolutionary zeal liigence can draw from a v.

Islam ic m artyrs. 1- by populalionof-lOmi

s ta tio n s , live wllh terror, h£ M oslem and martyrdom, oro -sun- Iraq i President 5 ib rough grim ly banging on le coast conflict he started


c o m e s (

1 . i

e a u <I did lllllo campaigning

finished a bail lasl Ha . sa id lhe .Mondale vie- ' -j expected. " I t 's nol a big id: Deiiry Is John G lenn." said Mo ;aid It w as devastating nei ave run so far back in 1 ngs .'laid Glenn suppori- ful ;ales m ay now sbift lo Hai

- . A

1 Uiink this-win bore in--.A{Lens m e considerably." woiepopters in Des Molnes:-----\\*cij ears wc have won a w;i.' perhaps a spectacular c a r le said , "Tbis Is the lab hc end of the Roagan ^

indinche.<;ter. N.H.. cam - p rc0 first p rim ary election stai jesday . s a id lhe results stre JS ." ase

a ' g a n

m e t htrip upstageSANTINI ■ Press . ______

. Iowa — President signing to upstage the

cu rta in time, satd would-be challengers lu r m entalily that of- }r the future bul re- iled p a s t .”ipaigned in* Waterloo 5 on th e first full-scale 1 3 ! on of h is quest for j''-'}

I • ■.',cule and sarcasm re- llcize the Democratic j | | | | :andldates, althougli iiuncn lioncd by name

appeal to greed and H e ) ogaTnst group, treat !ss v ictim s and seek lo

national defense.”.1 a ra lly for several ring Republicans a l

prom ise the m oonT~^*^i reen c h eese .’’ hesald . ,, V1 c ritic ism somc of his:s havo used against j ough R eagan never P “ ndale by namo. his eg lsts havo said they 'to g o l'lhe’nomination * „ ill try to link him with inislra tlon in which he resident.the D em ocratic pro- with tak ing back all

ons w e w ere able lo holp. They a re cap-

[-Iran c ritical pOHOWIEC ^ n-Tlmcs

irus — Amidst ____n ram h rn -c rrn tk -------------;-----that defies mosl Is. Ira q is becoming Incrablc in its w ar

;iining ground amongab d ip lom ats andot the bloody conflict S;.!e P e rs ian Gulf inrlial assessm ents-ble. ':irces a re reported to re res tiv e a s lhe futile , ^,,1 , 1. And civilian ^ 3 "*‘front a re a arc wlg a d a n g e r of unrest li’llo M oslem s, wbo ..uIto the fundam entalist , A ndB agtidad .the ‘ "barely 100 m iles from

', Iran h as mas-sed roops in the central :lors of the front- i l i t t lo to th o “ J J■alols in T ehran, who I vast pool of potential , i. Tbo Iran ian m llllonhaR lcarnedto hardship, sacriflcc

it Saddam Hu-ssein is "” 1^ on, p u rsu ing the .;d in S eptem ber, I'JUO,

y \.. M

T u e s d a y , February 2 1 ,19S4

e u s —"H opefu lly il docs turn this inlo a

H arl-M oncialc r,ir<>,"lip s.iid. •T he were the firsl phase In'

the se lec tion 50 Iowa delegates lo the D em o cra tic National Convention, and M ondaic’s showing pointf^d to a nea r-sw eep of thoso nominating votes.

Tho re su lts gave Mondale a pow er­ful boost as he headed lo N ew • H a m p sh ire on Tuesday.. A n a tiv e of neighboring M innesota ,

l» n p .c |,.n .ltii[- Ho-;__to__low a,^_______.AlLndiile - m et-expfclaU ons-.that - ho - - r - r w ould finish well ahead. His slrong. Avcil-financed-cumpaign organization— — ■Was suDPlcm ented by an intensive ca m p a ig n on his behalf by organized lab o r a n d leachers.

— C aucus-reiults-and.cntrance po lling______ind ica ted the 56-'yoar-olf former vice p re s id e n t ran well In all parts of th e s ta le , u rb a n and rural, and pu lled 1 s tro n g suppori from non-union as w ell a s o rg an ized labor households.

I steals lunderTje s Demograis

R O N A L D R E A G A N H i s o l d m ik e

lives of a n anti-growth, dinosaur m en­ta lity th a t offers nothing for th_e.fut_uis______Dufrep'eatlh 'g 'irreinaired past."

R e a g a n ’s motorcade to th e au d ito rium took-bicHpast pockcts e>f dem o n stra to rs carrying signs conf* plain ing aboul his adminislratlon and his econom ic policy. One said , "R e a g a n Comics” a play, on h isR caganom lcs economic, policy.,____________

Bul o n ce inside, the Reagan rheto­ric sco rcd big with the partisan crow d. A lm osi overy line was g reeted with cheMirs and sliouls.

R o agan defended his economic o ro g ra m a l a rally la lcr In Dcs Moines

• S e e REAGAN OQ PageAS


A n a l y s i sin 0 e u p h o ria of slogans for a crusade ig a in s t I r a n ’s fundamentalist revolu tion .

T h re e y o a rs and five m onths loter.■vith th e c asu a lties on both sides said 0 b e w ell o v e r 100,000, Hussein’s >plions a r e becoming limited.

E a r ly in F ebruary , he announced .hal Ills a rm e d forccs would bomb 11 ow ns in I ra n In an effort to bring the iy a lo lla h s and their backers lo the ir m ees. In s te a d of being bombed Into jum bission . Iran announce:d and :a r r io d o u t re ta lia tory a ttacks.

Ifo n e b e lle v e s lra n ia n ' irommunlejues. which Invariably s ta r t ,vith th e p h ra se “ In the nam eof ilm ig h ty G od." some Iranian units i r e p u sh in g toward Iraq’s vital K irkuk o il field.s.

I ra n h a s also shelled a num ber of [ raq l tow ns. Including the gulf port of B asra , p resum ab ly in retaliation for Iraq i a i r a nd rocket allacks.on :iv illan ta rg e ts ,

A U n lled N ations peacemaking n is s io n collapsed before 11 got off th e ijround la s l week, and the two pro tag o n is ts a re once again facc to 'a ce in a w a r lha t no one dares lo stop - f o r p o litica l reasons- • '

F o r H usse in , It is a question of A rab

• 5 o e IRAQ OD P age A2

\ „ :

Page 2: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud

pB rieff-------P p e n n r i c e t i n

“ B o i s a t A P ) — w rtirdecidlnR vote, the Idal legislation sup p o rte rs s la te 's open m eeting la

The S enate passed tt Jo lhe House.

T h e S e n a te d e a d lo c k p r e s id e n t o l th e S e n a t ' b ro k e th e tie .

_______ Sen^Roficr Fairc^itldsaid lhal the c u rre n t lo to lake Uielr actions ■procedures.

Under lhe ex is ting 1 taken in v iolation of the

— ; —B unin a tF rF a lrch lld ’ an official o r public willfully and k no w ln ly

L e a g u e d i r e c-• LEWISTON ( A P ) -

d lrecto r of the Idaho jio u n ced he w ill res ign I- F o rd -a n n o u n c e d th e - r e c e n t n e w s le l l e r .- In a recenl In ltrv lew the move since la s l

‘ Intentions then.: A num ber of facto rs -sa id , bul added th a l a c

m ore of^he s ta te .’ ' H e also decided lo r e

_ _ tfin d a new executlvi ’ '.en thus(asm "for th e jo t

______^v e-yearsflgcu-basald .- " I tell th a t I had giv -n o w .’’he said.~ Ford h as w orked for .a s a research er. The *■ declined to one by th e ll

A i r p o r t b u s t iIDAHO FALLS (AP:

■ r 31-year-old m an a f le r i . the Idaho F a lls Munlci] . D etective C apl. Mai- worth S83.900 and w as > > a telephone call.

r T o d aS c a t t e r *:xwln FaljB. Burtey-Bop 'GoodlDg areas:

________ Scottcred ro ln o r snow_ and snow in th e m ounta ins

sc a ttered show ers lh •- otherw ise clcarlnR a n d ci u P a r tly cloudy W ednesday,

zero through th e le cn s; hl|- InthcSOs.' Camas Pralrte Dod Wood R

r Pcrlod-s of snow today, : cum ulations n e a r five li i h igher m ountain e levation J 35. Windy a t tim es tonighl S te rcd evcnlnR show ers, thei •• colder. Lows 10 below to 5

do u d y cn W ednesday. HJgfi> NortbemNevadaaDdUtali

Scattered snow over nor today, ending W ednesday.

---------ature8of30fo-« :-low frln-U> 20s.C U lah will h ave increasln{

w ith somo widely sca tterc- northw est, m oving to the •: W ednesday. H ighs of 35

mostly In t}ie 20s.____Synopala;_________ ________

; The N ational W eather- ano ther sto rm Is m oving i : The h igh-pressure system- over Ihc s la te the p ast 1- beginning to b rea k down I m oveeaslw ard .

The m ovem ent w as in : la rg e Pacific fron tal systc i * W ashington. O regon a

____I—GaliromiarOloudlnMA^ml-1 In advonce of the fron t pi- Panhandle on Monday.

The main body of tti■ expected to m ove across

todoy. bringing a m ixlun snow wllh wind.

; Low tem p era tu re s • Mor- continued quite cool In t:

V Increasing clouds brought ' to a w arm er level In lhe- cen tral m ountains and so

w ere near le ro and below, th e soulh and 20s In the nort

The low In the s ta te Moi

: N a tio n a lM«< Min P

AibuauoiQuo 47 71Altania SC 44Doslon M 40Cn*c»BO 4? 270«tlas 47 39Den»nr ______ 50 16 •Delioil ^ 33Honolulu 01 nHoualon • 44 47lndlan»poh5 _<4 15 , _

I n d e ^B u s i n e s s ........................C l a s s i f i e d ....................C o m i c s .............................I d a l i o . .............................

ClrctUatton j-rynoytc ircu la tio n phones a r e r do not rccc lvc y o u r pa] a re a :Jerome-W cndeU-Goodln B urley-R upert-Paul-O aJ Buhl-C astlcford FUcr-Rogersory-Holllstei Tw in F a lls and a ll o th e r News acptenlUrtfiBa.m.

; I f you hnve a new s U p c — : _ d c p a r tm o n t,-c a lI_ 7 3 3 -0

• w eekdays. To r e p o rt lati *’ w eekends, c a ll 733-0936.

' : - Ad\v.;tistngI f you w ish to p lace a n a a r e taken M onday throi

‘S a tu rd ay s fro m 8 a .m . i av a ilab le w eekdays only

^ — :--------------

A -2T Im o3-N ow o, T w in Fal

I ly —in g b ill j u s t p a s s iflh Lt. uov. uavrdT^^oy'c 'ilsn [daho Senate Just m an ag ed li :rs say will put som e tee th lr glaw .d the bill 18-17 M onday. It no'

ocked on Ihe bill, and Leroy, nale. then casl the " y e s ” vol

illd,-Il-FjTiiUand. sp o n so r pfn t law, which requ ires public e n s In public, has no enforc

lg law, a Judge can d ec la re xi the law nu llandvo id .

lld ’s-blllraJuclBC could-also P llic office holder from of/ii ily vlolallnglhelaw .

e c to r r e s ig n s po!— Jam es P. “ Pat" ’ F o rd , exc

iho Conservation L eag u e , h gn his post In June.Lhc resignallonjn th e group’;

lew. he said he h as b een consi s l fall and told th e board

irs were involved In th e declsl a chief reason w as h is d esire

I resign in hopes lh a l th e leagl tive director who h a s the ^ " a s l i e 'd ld w n e i r h e 'f l r s t 1

given most of w hat I could g

to r the league for s ix y e a rs , st h e group’s six s ta f f m em bci le lim e he took the d ire c to r 's p

t n e ts c o c a in e h<\ P ) — Police here h a v e arre e r seizing two pounds o f coc: Icipal Airport.vlarv Campbell sa id th e dru a s confiscated S a lu rd a y nigh

l y ' s W Cr e d r a i n oitapert. Jeromo- p^.

>w In the valleys ' IHTtoaiy'Wraely

this evening. \Va colder tonight, f llay. Lows tonighl K; highs bolh days s o jdR lm V iH ey: _ _ay, with new ae- is Inches la the V \<lions. Highs 25 to < \ghl. Widely scat- ^then clearing and 7 0 . . ^0 5 above. Partly !ighs2Slo35.1 tab:northern Nevada!ay. High temper- ua»xvl Vl n 4 b e l e e a » t i o w _ | ^ ^ ^

sing clouds today. F r o n t s : < tered snow In the was 20 bei the northeast by al 37. had 35 to 40: lows reported ;

t ie d the r<___________ _______15M2. .ier Ervlce says ,ng toward Idaho. weather

and iwrlhemind a fg*" Mounlalt pushed Into the “ P 35

sim ilar nlhe Ironl was o ther arca

•OSS the stale byture ol rain and I d a h o

Monday moming BOISK in the south, but caslonal f<ghl temperatures higtiways ilhe north. In the lower elevuI southeast, lows Condltior:ow. wllh teens in U.S. 95 -lorth. bare to Icy;Mondoy moming Idalw55-

KirjisCdr 40L*jVefli» M

r, pcp l^os^Anool#* « ;

[ M^m?Oeacn 60 :) Milaaulioa 4« ;- MinnoJpolU 41 ;I Ne«Oil«»ns U i1 . . . No.roiK 5i -. • 0»l»hOf"»C*ly- 46 ;i----------- ornma------------------- w-----1) pno«nn 09 :

51 PillsDuron la 3I Porllana. Mn 50 3'

-------------1 -

............ B 6 - 7 M a g i c V a_____8 7 - 1 0 O b l t u a r i e

...............A 8 O p i n i o n............... A 3 S p o r t s . .

toyt,drcuUUao<lli«torre m anned betw een 7 a n d 10 a p ap e r by 7 a .m ., co ll th e m

dlng-Hagerm anOakley r areasI, roeneglogedltoc JonK lnncy.dtyiIp o r wish lo talk to som eone 0 ^ l_ b e lw c e n _ 9 « ) a .m ._ la te news and sp o rts rc s tJ Is a 36.

^advertisem en t, c a ll 733-0031 irough F riday fro m 8 a .m . u n . until Doon. In fo rm a tio n oi m y.

F a lia .fd ih o T u o sd a y . Febri

is e s P o le s f re e_______W A itSAW . P o l:

ISllrtjn iit! v ls l lln n U .N , S« d lo p a s s C u e lla r . C o m m u i I In to th e e m p lo y i 'c ja i le d I

th e U n ited S ta le s , now g o e s um ju s l h a p

U .N .-c m p lo y o o . > ly, w ho Is th e v h av o te lh a l o r d e a l .". . UM. M iss W eso low s

) e b ill .------g n in te d c lc m c n c ;c e n l l l le s J r i s o n In J e le n i a o rc e m e n t jo K ra n I fac e -lo -f;

e a c t io n s P i l o t s SCO_;____________ ^ T A L K K K T J^ ,.

Of C lea r s k ie s :M( tf/ipe fo r a d v e n tu r e r N a o m

lo th e lo p of M ouni At le a s t th r e e p

o s t f la n k s o f N o rth A

h a s a n w h e re h e le f t thei ' I' le v e l . 1

th e w a y do w n ; • i p s m osl K aiioiiai i

m o u n ta ln e e r ln f ' r

In w o l lT h n m a s

" \" )® _ _ T h e y „ w e r c j ;x p c c ! s t l o o K i r u e m u r a w a s sp o il

ci g iv e B i s t l i n e S€B O IS E ( A P ) -

. s l a r t l n g c o u r t Ju s t ic e sim b c r s h a d s ix - y e a r te r m . ■sposl. B is llln e . f i r s t ap

C ecil D . A ndru .s . L I fo r a n o th e r te rm .

B ls tlin e . G2. w a r re s le d a b e fo re b e in g app i o c a ln e a t H e n ry M (;Q uade n

In a s ta te m e n J ru g w a s D o u g la s B a lfo u r, Ighl a f t e r h e w a s lo o k in g fc

w a n ts lo c o m p le te

e a t h e r>r s n o w ; c<F o r e c a s t F o r 7 p . m . E s d a y . F e b r u a r y 2 1 f t - T e m p e r a t u r e s • ■

)l W calhof Sorwco rU ;S rO ep t-o t-€ o m tn e rc e —

s : C o l d * v ^ W a r m below a l Stanley, while Lewlslon. lad the hlRli for llic day, Pocalollo rd 11 dogroes below zero, which c record for the date sci b;ick In

m ld-allcrnoon Monday, sunny r p revailed ..icross .MmlliiTn while the northern roRion ol ilio ad m ostly cloudy .skies. Kven wlih vshlne. soutliorn Idiitio lemperii- rem ained below normal, wiih ;s In the MaRic Valley :irca In Itio

ilaln llom e rL-porlcd I'.usly winds 35 m 'ph'ilunnR tlfe ciriV.

report (rom Lewlslon. whili- reas reported only llRhi winds.

ID road rep o rtE lA Pl - Ico, snow ;in(l oc- 1 fof! were n'porlc<l nn Idaho r's Monday, hut mnsl roulcs al evallonsw cre hare.(ions:15 — Moscow Io Cocur d ’Ali-nc. cy: olhcrwise hare or wci 5 5 - lev

44 5jlll.Jk<tC.I, «

; ; Epokar..- 4

I t d a h o .........'jO . . Qo'-.« 3634 0? tlijOnr mm35 37 H..Qriii.,,t. 34

/ a l l e y ...........................A 6r i e s ................................. A 7.............................................A 4....................................... B l - 4

0 a .m . only. It youn u m b e r fo r y o u r .jciivcryr uai

uxl Sunclay.536.25.15

M3-t<rt8 M ®. 3 mon 32G-5375 .StaxUiyoigy.73WXW1 llmonlhiM :

M mp^rinordtycdllor .ine in th e ed ito r ia lL _ a n d „ 5 :M _ p .m ---------- -----------3 a f t e r 5 :3 0 a n d on

MaU Infomu Hx: Tlirvrrv N

0 3 I .a a s s i f l e d n d sI. u n til 5 p .m . a n d ^1 o n d isp la y acLs is <JenlKnnlrtl n.


-------------1 ------------------------------:

Jbruary 21,1584

e e j a i l e d U . N . w c.>nla n ii (A P ) - - A cting on a n

S e c re ta r y ( jc n c n il 'J av ic F -nuni.'^t au lhoritie .'- .Monday tr .•d 'I 'v y e a r s a tjo on a c h a r f ’e o le s .la p p y to h e w llh m y p a re n ls0. A lic ja W fso liiw ska. ^ a id b>

h a v e su ffe red m o re tlian I

jw sk a . 'IO. a I^olish c itizon , s; ‘n py a n d f re ed M onday m o rr l i a G o ra in w e s l i 'rn i^oland. S o-fac-c in ti-rv irw s o r h f phiiloi'

: : o u r p e a k f o r c l i rA . A laska (A P ) - P i lo ts took M onday iF lo o k fo r ove rdu i

lom i U e m u ra - lh e f irs t p e rs )u n l M cK in ley a lo n e in w in le r. :e p la n e s a n d a h e l ic o p te r buz h A m e ric a ’s ta l le s t p e ak , am h e rs h a d lo c a tc d U e m u ra ’s th e m on th e w a y u p - in ;i Ij .*1. U e m u ra w a s to r e tr ie v e tl

11 P a r k . S e r v ic e 's Bob G erl lg r a n g e r a l D en a li N ational0 th e 20,320-fool m o u n la in ; — a t th e b a s in a n d .ig a in lo’i1 fee l — b u l s a id h e found “ nn

y ic l r<>r_pilnL_<^niil_; W ick w ire ..a n d E ih o p ia n l , ;

d m o u n la in a l a b o u t lh c l^.OW )cctcd jo .scarcJi_up_to .l6 .iM W po tte d la s t w eek .

s e e k s a n o th e r te— S tep h e n B ls tlin e . a n Idah

s in c c 1976, -s a y s h e 's seek ii

I a p p o in te d lo th e S u p re m e Coi IS. a n n o u n c e d M o nday th a t h< m .w a s a S a n d p o in t a t to r n e y If ip p o ln tcd lo th e c o u r t b y An le r e s ig n e d lo ta k e a f e d e ja l jo le n t r e le a s e d ih ro u g h Bols iir, h is c a m p a ig n m a n a g e r , B ? fo rw a rd lo s e rv in g an o th ei le te lh e w o rk h e h a s s ta r te d .

: o l d e r t o n

. E S T R o i n ^ S r

_______S h P v v e r s _ M i l ,_ H u £

r O c c l u d e d . S t a t i cm. In ters la te 90 — Kourlii oflto wel; U okoul Pass.b rokenscll U.S. 12 - Lewlslon to OnIn icy^K ooskia loL oloP ass .lc

_______ Idabo 21 - Boise (0 IdnlnIcy; IdaiioC ltyioL ow m an.'

In ters la te 84 — Hurley Io1,„ ley wilh occasional foR; olhc I, U.S. 20 - .Mountain Momi

Icy; Fairfield to Carey, broken snow floor; Carey

I... spots. Arco 0 Idaho Falls, broken snow lloor. Idatio I tana, broken snow fl(K)r.

U.S. B3 - Tw in Falls to Ne icy; Tw m FT^Is lo .^ co . floor; A rco lo Salmon, ban Trail P ass, icy spols to snow

Idaho 75 — ShoslKine to I spols to broken snow fl .Summit loStanlc-y. snow flo

L-- I d a h o 5 l - I o y10 in te r s ta l c e e - i ta l tR lv c i11 F ;ills ,b are lo iey o rsn o w flo

in te rs ta te 15 - I’ocaie bare ; Hlackfool to Idaho f ley; Idaho Kails lo .Monli spols. broken .snow floor.

U .S .3 0 - » a r e .

1 i '■ i S r '“ ” 61

« " Tw in Fall

.'t" Toilay’n'-un-.-i

V a l l e y L i f t * .....................N a t i o n . .....................W o r l d ....................................D c a r A l > i > y .....................

«JaaR«tMrte (VJlvefy: diUy. II .10 per Sn ally and Sunday. II » per week. Rur»l r Ually, JI .M per week; Simday. 7U po tay. 11.70 per week. Mali aubeCrlpUooj ■rr nnl a n avaUabke only wtiere carrM lUiLned: claUy an i Sunday. I tnooUi tS.rnonUumiO. Umonlh.irSJD; <lallycmonlhi IM.U. B iT»nUi'< CS.IO. U m uiJy. 1 monUiCl Sj, J monlhf II0.9S. 6 it

M3.B0. StudenI and icrvlceman rat«. I inonU) for daUy and Sunday.

imuiUooNfws la pul.lui«i dally at Ii2 ■nOnJ

iIaJw. r id i. I)y Mactc VaUey N**i laxi poAtaiK paid at TwinTalla by Tho 1«B). OfNelal clly and eounty new»pai >n 6C-I08 o( Ifw Idaho Code. Thundj rtl A.1 Uw day of week on wtilch kt;a i»c<!

I Di--:s \m r-X io rf o r k e rrequest from d e n lia H

el-TOTOZ-rtO nTndlng freed a U..N.

_> of spy ing for

IS a g a in ." Ihe by telephone,

' w S k

s a id s h e w as ■ , '*. r n l n g l r o m a _____,S l .c - d e c l in « l» ,.r a p l ,r d

i m b e r u so d o ln, , aga inst

ok advan tage_____ c;;hm -luu -Japanese Should hTson lo clim b a r e bette

. Again,iuz7.ed th e icy oc^al bymd by la te in u n m ista l’.s .snowshoes d id a te sI basin a l .th e read y laithe shoes on , __

i^rhard. chief B t lal P a r k , who * *T a t m idday. • (0 check snow c ities a r no ev idence” vision to

s ta le funi

1, w ere flown percen t. ooo-fooVlevel, ; ' 'se ss io n ' i 10 feel, w here .^cen M n cr

T ha t I:_______ 1 ________________________________ exp lre -J jt e r m • u o n o f ihaho Suprem e Gov. king anotlier_ Republic

Ihat tax r:ou rl by Gov. E vanshe’s running (und s ta l

increasefor 2G y e a rs leges anc

Andrus when Republjob. Idaho’silse a tto rney produce ( B lstline said ab le bud;

ie r te rm and E vansbudget 1 general publican:

....................................m illlon.-But R

, doned lh:

™ i g h t I r aS n o w E 2 i3

U l l i - e s i a ---------- S J : r s t l 'r t^ 2 i^ 3 o 1 p r e s ld e n i r \ ~7^ sev e ra l c

assassincY grum blin3 ^ m illion is

conflict.- 5 0 a num ber

ru llh g esl rcvolutloi Khom eln and m ore and weap boost i ls (

__________________oil flow w---------------- 1 Iran ian s ;h o n a r y - - o fH orm u of July Canyon. oil rou te I nsnow floor. West.Orofino. bare to SpecuU

th e s tra italio_ClIy..weiJo__.. ..Qfcycles.

I' bare. ofposslb lme 10 Fairfield.

Icy spols Io ^ey 10 Arco. Icy Ils. Icy spols to 0 lo

Nevada, bare to ____D. broken snow M M M are to Icy: Losi ■ ow floor. ■0 Ketchum. icy I floor; Catena ■

floor. ^

ver In American floor; foR. ilello to Ulah.1 Falls, bare lo ^ mlda Pass, icy

15 -o«

73 03



— s___AIO

Sunday. T5« per " , ^n l mo(ar-n)ut« jlperw «k;d«U y , \nsm ustbepald \rrter delivery li \t&S. 3 monUn \lyonly, 1 moMh \mcxUha tU .20; \

6monUiaCJ.«. \ .[e.bymaUonly. \

____ \ <

lnJ.<U. W..Twui \ 'enoMpen liie. V-■f«T1me»-Newipaper puTBjanliday U hereby1;a]nD(lcea wUI

------------------------- f I---------------

Io7 U ) d c a5 MOINKS, Iowa (AP‘) - Hen lofflcial tally from News Ki iery ice of the first-level prc il-brtfferences of D cm ocials lg preeini'l across i

e a g a n -----• C ontinued from P age Aly before he Hew back ngton.s taken tim e to put nur p rogr; c e and for It to take hold.” -b u t-m y . a ren ’t we h.ippy to o u rg u n s Vn. in a line rem iniscent ot om* iffeclively in his 1‘JliO campal it President Carter. Iteag ••This vciir. no Keniihlic

I h e s ita te asking people if lh I te r off than four years ago.” In, R eagan mentioned no Dc by n am e, but liis reference w tak ab le when he said lhe "c: s In the other, party have laid oul a s lra tecy of promi^i

u d g e t —• Continued from P age A land counties.and have a pi to repay money borrowed frc unds last yea r. Anlone said.

ll. 11 w as a percent unlil the li n ' passe'd ' a tem jj'o rary '50 'pii c r e a s e , ___ ___________ .L h igher ra te is scheduled - Ju ly _ l7 an d thcjnajQE-conlt th is session between Dcmocr

John Evans and I iHca^nj^conlrolled Legislature x ra te .n s w ants a higher sales tax ta le program s, including'a 1: se for education and t h e o ind unlversiiies, ub licans have contend s recosuiElng economyCw :e enough rcvemie for a reasc Jdgel.ns originally announced L req u est of SSGO millionII spending; last week il a n s setlled on a figure of S4

Republicans officially abs Ihat figure on Monday.

a q ------------i^n tinued from P age Al ’e and h is own power. Since lh a r te d r th c charism atic— ent Is said to have thwarted ll coups and a t least seven inallon a ttem pts. The arm y is ling and the population of 15 1 is increasingly tired of the I.’s strengtli lies iri lhe .support c ae r o t A rab countries whose esfab llshm enls tea r Ihe lion o t Ayatollah Ruhollah llnl. But ll Is becoming m ore 3re difficult tooblaln money ;apons. Iraq has m anaged lo is oil exporL<i somewhat, bul tt / would bc restric ted if the.

muz, th a t key bottleneck in the le trom the P ersian Gulf to lhe

u lation aboul possible action i alt h as gone through a'numbei es. Now.-once again, ll Is tell - ch a m ove Is within the realm Iblllty.

5 A V .E \

Q Q ° / oS p c C 'a " ^

. • • fc-

lere IS low a Monday, Tl Kiec- cannol be d irectly

pros!-. • presidentia l p re fe rt als a(- lionalconventiondo iss the

every th ing to ev e fj'i :k to H e a ttacked F

content legislation - )gram labo r unions a s we 1.” he tha t wnuld require ; jy we age o f p a r t s 'f o r 'f c

m ad e in lliiseo u n try inohe "T h is is jusl the ipaign lha l can backfire i eagan fa rm e r .” he said.I'lican___trylng.lo-opcn.up.nit they la te trad e belween

lecl spccial in tere Dcm- m onkey w renches in e was T he low a trip , wh "can- an ap p earan ce at Wl ve al- w here R eagan wor nising announcer from l ‘j

"W e decided J pro- accom m odate liie ! from have p assed ," said E J- T he House a lre a d j

odiicnti^n e iaaa sa la ry .in c rea se .o l S; ) per- • general w age incr................ em ployees, caliing .fed lo m illion in new spendmien;--------B atem an (;ald budlocral h av e lo b e s la lle d u m

lhe if^the House will pa m ore in new sa le s ta;

He said there is : :ax to Republicans lo usi 3 s la le surplus lo re I'co l- rowed from various

, . year.L-nded M entioned m osl ;

the .W ater Pollution I :ason- used lo finance i:

sew er and w ater -ll ^ G um sey said abou jn In |)een borrowed from , Kc- , M rs, G urnsey f S496 L egisla ture m ight r............- prom ise"--budget-,.aban- million lo S510 milllo

spending."T h a i’s between

------- m ore and those whosa id . ...........................

s the

• \

\ Vit the

ra lt------I the




_____ li_C0>1> m monoy Jill»ij lovw<o>rWmoIh WllhMlnolio'5 0 »cli Irom odflcto odgcc libor optic*. Minoltc

301 MalnW.. 1


L O O K BE. L o o k O t t h e o t

___ _ _ o d v o n t o g e s , II l o o k o t o u r L o\ d e p a r t m e n t . I

\ THENJLE \ n o r R A

\ N E W 1 9 S\ m o Choo

STARTING I A T .........................

M E W 1 9 1ciCKUPs: 6 -ro c

STARTING ; A T .........................

BMW o a r c S ou lho i s o r v i c o BMW Di fu l l l i n o o f in<

^ c h o o s o f r o m .

[ P R1 2 4 3 B luo_L cit

oliicus 1These preferences 1,743 o ,y projected lo the ■rences ol lowa na- . Mond;i lolegates. ■ G lenn --------------

Uncon--------------------------— A sk ew

H art

yoody, i-K'k'if1 propo.sed domestic 1 ^ a bill hacked hyv e il a s .Mondale — -----------e a certa in percent- m%m foreign-ciirs-lo he m9m ry . . I0 kind of tinkering * ? on lhe Americ:m:1, “ We should bem a rke.ts_and sti in u -_________ ^n n;rtions. not pro- ^re s ts by throwinginlo the works.”vhlch also featuredA'HO Radio sludios,orked as a sportsl ‘J32 to l‘J;i7,

>6 million would not •; bills we already .1 Balem an.dy has approved ananting..Ieairher.s-Ji---------------S2t),-1 million and a ____c rease for public ’ for.more-tlian.S13___ iiri/p g c L p ro p o sa lsv ^ ll________intll it’s delermlneil p a ss a half-cenl or Lax...; sentimeril among ckIRT ise an anticipated repay money bor- u s s ta te funds last

[ prom inently was HATS n Conlrol Fund. I t’s 5

im provem ents to ;r system s. Mrs.)ut S7 million has m lha l fund. Ply thinks the

move to a " ., .w ith ..$505..................lion In general lund __ ,

n Ihose who wanl — ‘ ho wanl none,” she 123

'siR RY ■$ 5 0 0 SA V IN G S .

' Jo 4ond o loloim on lo you. So i>IiQ EP 300 Willi-yourwo'll p o s i oui cluiivu m ic'o-loning ly ttom Ihot \ o on virlually on / popor up lo 10" lto i» by for youf bo it copiof buy,

F s p e n c D ffice £.. Twin Fcllt. 733 «le0 1340 O

m O N D SEZ . .A P YEAR!lE F O R E Y O U L E A Po th e r s , th e n lo o k o t o u r io o H ’a 'f o u r s e l e c t io n . ,o w h 'r ic e s . Look a t o u r . L o o k a t o u r S a le s S to i

E A P I N T O AV Y M O N P r O i

> 8 4 L T D 'S N E W

% s o s

( 8 4 F 1 5 :iC H O O StrR O M S T A R !

.^7373ww ’o r n I d a l i o 's fu ll W e a r D o a l o r . S o o c u r b o q o n o d o l s - 11 to C o n l a

f h o Lo

R a y m o n d

□ k o s B lv d . T v /in

resulttt s43 o f 2,495 precincts rpt- 70 percent

,n d ;.lc ' 2G.27-1 - -If. pc i.■ nn . 3.1G0 - 05 pci.a n s to n --------------------------------- ou—pet:--------c o m m u te d - 07 pci,-kew , - .007 - 03 pet.r t a.725 - 15 pet,ll in g s 14« - - 0 0 pet,'k s o n LC30 - 03 pet.iG o v e rn V.3% - 13 pci.

> R A S T I C C U T S


3 0 % O F F ---------—

. ALLId -Udles'&

• - ••• r Men’s iHtli’

IH C W - . Revenlb^B

C K E i r - i ! ^ ^ i i S " ' ”


Itielxathemiaa.l33M oln Avo. Eott Tw in FalU


Y o u r C o i hf t C o r r y C o a t :

6 9 5 .0 0 ;___

So if you <on Como fn o n d loko ;5 ou r savings o n io y ^ v --------------------- *------hol Qlvftt you ctnor. c risp cop io i 10" X 1 J 'o n d "Stoto of th o A ri" !

>uy, •

l e e r ' s s u p p l y ito Ovarlond. Ourlvy, 67e>8333

i i e p ! ~

s w 1 9 8 4 RA N C E R S4X4'» a 3X4’> • 17 to c h o o io from

' " . T ! ' . . . . ® 6 5 2 3 1MEW 19 6 4 ESCORT


W INNEBAGO3 a r o y o u r a u l h o r i z o d W ln n o - q o D o a lo r . S o o t h o a l l n o w ■ nlai^rl V a n (2 in s t o c k ) a n d 3 L o S h a r o M o to r H o m o .

" C u s t o m o r S a t l c f a c t lo n I s O u r

^ J D r iv in g C o n c o r n . "

i n F o l l s 7 3 3 - 5 1 1 0-------------- J. ----

Page 3: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud

Lab tiB O I S E ( A P ( - T h e i

C om m iltec Mi)iiilay ;i rt*pe;il Uii.' I;ix rxt-n EnBinLH jrinj; Ijaborafor.

— ----------- U —w a s —se n t—tu—tiifrccom m cndation.

T h e key vole wiis !)-7 len isla lion . Then Uii‘ co send the hill to I!r’ iioi co m e before.* Ihc cnti o{ t

R ep. Chris Hooper, U to end a special lax e co n trac to rs , but no one ■

And Rep. Jam es Luc

XJ o f nMOSCOW (AP) - I

~ ----- Idaho-Legisialure\s-lr.funding education: a Id ah o ., official has num ber-tw o atlmlnistr

' th e U niversity of Nebra R obert Furjjason. vie

a c ad em ic affairs und i U n iversity of Idaho s

J e a v e th e U lo n M a y l .

T h e Issue of fundi educa tion a l all level

Legist~ Uy'l'ht-'ASS0ctntPtt1*nwr-

ScotTo Governor_ ------------ SB1292HFiniitiw>— Ku

p roprlatlonL abo r and Induslrlai Sorv

----- : — S B iaW -lF innnee)------chanK e In approprialion ofA R ricultun '.

* - • ' SB121H (Ftnunrei — Su: p rop rla tlon of J46.00O to f , I. cl a t i ^ u c e d In House

MB591 (Transporliillon *- Prov ides for Impo.sllt pound on hazardous was! In Idaho and providlnf’ | co llcctlon and rcmlllanre.

HB5‘J2 (Stalo Atrnirs) te rm insurance provided o ffice rs from 5Io,ooo to tso

HB593 (Judlclnry. Hi m in istration ) - Adopts F ra to ry Act creating.nuw labo ra to ry .... HB5M (Hesourees und — Exprc.s.-x-s IcRlslallvc I ta in , preserve , con.*;crve a r ip a r ia n lands.

HB5W (Resources and . - R equires cerllllcallon >

In h u n te r oducailon for p(


^ “ M t

• N o w th ru FThis beau tifu l l< a n d B illboard 's

C om ing Soo

\ A, “i'laAV «

A Vory Spocial Ei

S H E B W (S o m e t i m e s kn o w

.. . k n o w n s t a r o f tc l- t h r o e d o y l r < ^ ^ y



Informotlon702-755-2321 /

____. 20S 733 5103

t a x e x e

ie H ouse H c v c n u e e n d T axa tl( a p p ro v e d a b ill th a i wou

cen ip tion fo r Id ah o N ationiforvT----------------------- ---------------•the—f lo o i^ v t t l t—H—“ do —pn?;

!)-7 a c a in s t a n e ffo rl to s to p (I • c o m m itte e u se d a voice vole H ouse flo o r fo r a vo te , II cou of th is w eek .

U-noi.';e. u r ^ e d th e comtniMi X e x e m p tio n en jo y ed i)V INh )n e e ls e In th e s ta te .L ucas. U -M oscow , no ted tha t

1— C r illc iz ln n th e m a jo ri- l r a c k - r c c u r d - o n ___ L c^ ls la i

a U n iv e rs i ty of " I t s( s a c c e p te d th e a ttitu d e lis tra tiv e p o s t a t w e do b ra sk a -L in c o ln , - -m ln im u

v ice p re s id e n t fo r ' i d r c . ‘c a r c h a t l h e _0 s in c e 1*™. Wiil „

indinK fo r Id a h o a n d fim )vels h a s b e e n a e x c e lie t

la tion—— . • - - V.QlldUlfl

huntln;;!-+*up|ili*n»ctil nl-iip- ' of~ct;u1v; •io-DepnrlmenI of forelRnclorvtfes. __ IIH5%------Miikrs minoi----------- Imporlon to D epartm eni and .mic

R jn ie w-SupplcmonLai.ap' . control; | ' to Kovernorls of- be pari o

iQlroducilion and Defensei ..SJKliaosllion of fee p e r . provislorvastes transported . rejecl ornt; prooe<lures'far and cxpcice. commlll(rs) - In crea sin c - SCIUII(led 1(1 s ta te police ding a employct

HuiC5 and Art- SCRIUits Korenslc Labo- ihc iejiisluw sla le forensic counsci

.................rcapporlijnd Conservattoni SC flll?vc Inleni to m ain- LeKlsluti'k'l' and reiiabiiitale m itlec lo

highway I:tnd Con.-;ervallon) SRI332lon of com pelonry provideir persons bom on m enis of

8 p .m . & 11 p .m . N

IP in M K/ i

. F o b . 2 6 C I N D Y Ij | lo d y is G f o n to s t i c p e r f o n d 's #1 C o u n t r y F o m o lo A rt!

tl Engagem ent

t f O O L E Y M a rc h 4lo w n o s B e n C o l d e r , i b i s nc t e l e v i s i o n a n d th o m u s ic v

j l y o u w o n ' t w o n t to m i s s !

•Jl, OoiNNEf

i m p t i o n

atio n th e le g is la tio n h a d p n .o u ld ic ^ e s a n d u n iv e rs ilie s ional, m illio n to spend . •--------- -------A f i . 'is u p 'i s 'a 's p c c ia i

— D cpartT ncn t“ d f-K n rrR : c e r ta in a m o u n l lo the

p llie c o n tra c to rs a re e x e m p i lie lo T h e s la te fjcls abo u t .•ould a r r a n f ’e m c n t. S en , D:i

w ho b a t l le d a K a in s n h ' l il tce . r c o m p r o m is e " th a t

■ m o re i n s t a te la x rev e n T a x o ffic ia ls e s lim

lat if r e p e a le d , tlie s la te WOl

le av es , 6ir .s tu m b lin R - block in 11i l a tu r e __________________________

s e e m s lo m e th a t th e re Is a Jde in funding th a t is ‘W hat ca do to Ret by on th e ver m u m ? ’” .said Fu rR ason , w ho wi SCD.SOO a t N e b ra s k a , c o m p a rc

; Id a h o s a la r y of S5G,500,I 's le ad o f a lw ay s th e m in im u m .: w e ne ed a n a lt i tu d e of ‘L e f .s c ic e lle n l jo b . a n d le t 's Rcl to g e th j find ou t w h at it ta k e s lo do a licn t jo b ," ' h e s a id ,

jtciJ -liccnae . prio r-to -.iasuun'ccrof. IR llc rnsc; provides for accep ta ice iivalcnrtram tnR -iTninotncrTtntrD r ;n country.!i% (lu 'sourccs and Conservation) poses-lnc reasro t-H T ynm lcfrT T llr inlelope V;'anie laRs lo pay for bit'

w inler feedlnK and depredation 3l; perpclualapproprlatlon. will not rl of deparlm cnrsrenularbudK Cl,

lucedJn Sennte;il3 (Sta te Affairs) - SirlkinR llie ilon by vflilcli llie LoKisialure may

or reduce rates of compensation xpcnscs established by Ihc citizens illltH.'on IcRlslalivc compensation. tI15 (Sla te Affairs) - Kccommcn- j G percent pay increase for sla le yees.:n o tS tale Affairs) - Aulhorlzlnj' jjislallve leadership Iq hire leRal cl Io resprescnl Ihe sla le In aortionmcnl co se;* .........;117 (S late Affairs) -D tre c iln R lhe a live Council lo appoint a com- : lo supervise a revlew'of Ihe sla le ayprofjram ,332 (Jud ic iary and Rules) — To le addlllonal reportinR require- of Rcneralors of hazardous wasie



H U R Tb r m e r a r t i s t . .

i 4 . 5 , a 6. n a t io n a l ly c w o r l d is a

IERS FOR I( c o p t H o lid a y s

N ' “ I "\ toll (roa numbttf \ __ 1.600-821-1103____

n befoip a s s e d la s t y e a r , Id ah o 's c

ic s m iR h t h a v e h a d an n th er

i:ia i- ru lc - th ! it- ! i! lo w ^ -IN K I/r(

th e s t a t e a n d in re tu rn , sm m p t f ro m s a le s ta x . ou t S700.000 p e r y e a r u nder 11

D a n e W a tk in s , H -ldaho. Kal m h e b ill , s a id h e ’s wfli'k int;oi It w o u ld b r in y ai)ou t 5750,1 v e n u e ,l im a te if Uie e x em p lin n w< w o u ld c e l ab o u l Si; - niiiiton I

b la s ts Ia<lh e " O v e r . th e past fou

_________a d d e d 1K)0-Studenti.lis a n I f y o u u sed a v en 1 c a n f a c u lty ra tio of 20- v e ry s h o u ld h a v e added i: ) w ill u n iv e rs i ty , la re d " W e d id n ’t, W ecul

A l N e b ra s k a , Kurf tm . 1 c h ie f day -to -d a y a d n •.s d o 2ri.000-s lu d c n l univer j t h e r f o r ev ery lh in R hui 0 a n en V iro n m erila l seieiii

F u rR a so n lias been

ous and of o^lerator^ ol 1rOf.—-----d u m p s - - r .......... ...... .....i c e SHIXIJ (Judiciary anro r ---------iatlnR~tn~tnin!Tinrtatin

w asie. -- - 'on) SB133-) (Judiciary arr lk ---------slr ik t—(he nsiuiri-nii-iibiR de lained because of You lon Aci vlolalions be M't’.rcino t .......n ile s detained for<ithej;rI, s m x i s (Judiciary al

provide for alli-rnaliV' luvenlles found lobe In







K l ^

l-mi TWII 52;

I■ I : S “ "

L9LJ::I' ^ T

re f i i l l F. coi- v e a r . - IT SI K ep . J .F . " C h a d '

t h e d if fe re n c e , .ib T-dit*— en<iu(',l»-l(u--ldalm-tuiiv-ii----- -no t lik<> tiue i.M i-laci>nnte I ^ n a c u i Ke.'-ende/

I d a h o FaU s, p rese n t • th a t • IN K L ( lire c lly oi' in ■'alls. 1-; non;i|.’,ricuilinM l ji on a in v a r io u s la x ' ..

pO,(K)i) .Joe H u n te r, lonRi n o w l iv e s 4n Hnis<‘.

w ere p a y s a le s ta x e s ": n p e r th e m o u l ." lu -sa id

f c k ^ f f u iou r y e a r s , w c h a v e :k) y e ai.u ) .i j i is .u n lv e rs i ty ______ llc_vj ry la rR c s tu d e n t- w hile iO lO 'one. th e n w e s lu d e r•15 p o s il io n s to th is F o u

a.ssist;ul Ih e m ." cn R in iirRas'on w ill b e th e f e s so rd m in is tr a lo r a l th e . I n 1'e rs ily , re s p o n s ib le ColleRll n R ric u llu re a n d in tha i'lice. C oonne n a l th e U l n e a r ly inl!)71l

- . ^; hazarilmis w asie which I

and Rulesi - ite- ' .S»i:i:itnimf'tTnTnrclofTs--------ta tin n -------------------------------- dcfinlll.and H ulesi - To SUlli:(•111 (hat juvi'iiilc.s . .. .a u lh u d oulintetiabiriTalTon ^TRreeni rc^aknl from juve- IransfoToffcnM-s, sm a :and m i l F s r — T.i--------inil.Wfi

live placenienl of in vliiUiium nf law s lerm cn

U CAN LOSE UP TO 1 ^ LITTLE AS ■Sfc PAY FOR 0^ y ll '« hVro—your i

p fam ous N utri/S yfc oxlraord inary pri

he lped tho u san d % |V quick ly— H will t


Kothy Brow n •" ' • L ost 121 Iba.

II mi Hulli/Srtltm Wfcatit lon ......... .

IN F A L L S 7;25 Blue Lakes ElU R L E Y 6 7 8

■ir piF ^ r r n n /M TTT^ ^ w e ig h t lo ss contc -er 6 75 C e n te r s In N o r

H o u s e

id " C h a d b a n d , H -Id a h o Falls ab o u l STiH),()(H) p e r' year.® i i-tu-::iund.a .JiiL-si^uW ", t lu l .i jacd ttu 'K ------------------------- ---------lie/., c h ie f c o u n se l fo r Ihe IX e n le d a r e p o r t sh o w in n U ia l it ■ indire'iM iy s u p p o r te d o n e of ■ ll jo b s in Id a h o a n d p a id SU tr

iR lin ie Id a h o F a l l s co n tra c to ;e . s a id m o s t c o n l ra c lo r s at

" i r s a h s o lu lo lv w roiiR to ;(1

L T i 3 i n g

lc_svas h i r e d a s a n ins l r i ic lo r i i le s ti l l a n e n n in e e r in j; Rra :lent.o u r y e a r s l a t e r he becam is ta n l p r o f e s s o r of che: In ee rin R a n d w a.s n a m e d lul io rin lD G T .1 l ‘l71. h e b e c a m e d e a n o leRe o f l in n l iie e r in K a n d conl h a t p o s t u n t i l h e r e p la c e d H in rod a s a c a d e m ic v ic e pro.- !)711, -

;h lie oul.sldc the scope of the Vtabthfatioti-Aolr------ -------------- :__ti:i:ir< r ju d ic ia ry arid Rules) - IR- In—norancy -pub lic .—In-prmllllons. -------------u:i:i7. (S la le A ffairs) - To pro' lUdU’Ji^publiiiaRciicicsUL'.'!!!!'.': ■enieiits w illi Indian tribes - sfero f pe rsona l and real properly lia:«l iS la le A ffiilrsi — To mail W fu r ro r -persorTs*l(r7d e s c m t t ••sl Rraves and olher places nf lent, and loproviili-pfniillies,


s0 30 L B S.— IN AS iS 40 DAYS AND ONLY 15!*

j r ch an c o to loso on th e ' 'S ysrom p ro g ra m — now a t an pricc , N u tr i/S y s tc m has m d s loso w o ig h l safely and ill do th o s a m e lo r you!

P TO A POUND A DJ• No d ie t pills Of inloclions• No s tre n u o u s oxerclso• No h u n g e r or starvalion• No c o n s tan t calorie-

co unting• F ro fcss ionaliy

su p e rv ised

p ro g ra m and lose woiQhl L qu ick ly , often up lo a

. p o u n d a day . Achieve you r goa l by the dale

« sp o c illo d . o r pay no ad- l'--t d ltlonal c h a rg esfo r

N u trl/S y stem services « I un til you do.^ CALL TODAY FOR A FflEl


H r^ 3 4 - 0 4 0 5Blvd. N.

orth A m erica .—

i------------------' ll

alls, said '

Idahi■ DOK al H yTheTim es-N e ;il in IMJ,ofeverv TW IN FALLS

11 iniiltoi) n a tio n has a conj m o re commille

iclnr who m o ral issues lhar at INKL C h ristian Voice, to sinRle co n servative cvai

A nd accordinR ce n tly relea.sed

----------------- e iti'd r—ldii!n>-is-(sen a to rs and rej ce iv ed lOO pcrct vo te s in a nuinhei

orinl!l:i7 C h ristian Voic^HifiiaiT^ loDbylnfT-firoup-

budR el. funded I ■ame an Iribu tions from chemical dam en ta lis t Fr („H accord inR lo its

G a ry Jarm ine . n of tlic B ra u P 's'oiiliiiuod B i ■ ■(I Hoberl ■ l> I

■■■ THE -

J o j vJOO? OCOC-L'AtfEt

- Fle- M . TWINfALLS.Iprovirit I708T73

provide IlllTtiiU. _ .. ■ _ __________ICS - for ■ _______L

■make ll Hratt-or------- ■ • H M -, in- I

■ P__■


■ ^ 0 MIr

■ K ' s 2 2 I ^ H I

I l i® F o r

Have V_____- .........R oper'sI Wear tt-

N a t u r a l a n c P l a i d S q u a i C o m b i n e d P l a i d S k ir t , O u t f i t a O n i

50% polyesif 20% colton .T o p ................S k i r t .............

G r e a t s e le c______ s.ty je.s.,_C .on

t o g e t h e r a i 3 • y o u r s e l f h

s p r i n g w ith .

L o t s o f.d iffi; c h o o s e f ro r


ice;.— — ___jtn----- — ----- — f r -

■: ■! t

! «



pans allVews ' m ill

.S - N o s t a i e tn llie ^ inR ressiona l de leR ation lied to c o n s e rv a t iv e ' lan I d a h o . a cc o rd in R lo ' e, a n a t io n a l lobby of “ \ .■ani-elicals. . J * 'nf* to ti l e R ro u p 's re- ,(I l e t 'i s la t iv e " re p o r t s - lh t^ o n iy - r t a t r n v h o s c — |---. ■ e p re se n la l iv e s a ll re- •cenl .scor(“S fo r th e ir ie r of k e y a r e a s . Scjic e is a n a tio n w id e G eo p—\v ith~ T i“ S2“ TTiillinn— thC] I la rR c ly U irough eon- to J ; m m e m b e r s of fun- Hi F r o le s ta n l c h u rc h e s , — a: Is l e g is la t iv e d ire e lo r . and

reflie x e c u tiv e p o lic y com - , d i n

ses-etvD-jJOHTM—5, iDftHO ajao i

i S sr A Really Excilyou se e nsW ofTien’s - B G this w eek? B 9

ndT aupe lare N eck Top d with the Bias | u | | t. G ives This S f C 'ne P iec e Look.s ie r /3 0 % linen/

...................... $ 3 9 .0 0

...................... $ 4 3 .0 0 '■

ection of other5me_in_and_p.u.L..........3 g rea t look for lo s te p into i .

:h. S izes 6-16.

[ferent item s to flniA om. ^ ^ 2 -

I - - . ......

F1 5


t . ;



T ueriday , F e b ru a ry 21.1084 .

... - f d c t f e o z ^ -.

/ rate 100%m ilte e ra ie< l a l l re p re se n la liv e s a n d ; s e n a to r s on tlu* b a s is of 12 voles.

S p e c if ic a l ly , th e s e Iiad to do w ith s ta n d s on .such IhinRs a s .nhorlion. school b u s in R . v rlR hl-lo -iite ." th e n u c le a r f r e e z e , tu il io n la x crc ilils fo r • p r iv a te s c h o o ls , a ff irm a tiv e a c tio n , th e E tp ia l R iR h ts A m endm en t, m il i­la ry sp e n d in g ., s c IumiI p ra y e r, loans toc om nn itil .s i_ c o u n lr i e s ,__ a b a la n c e dhudf’c l a n d th e c e n su re of R cpsT D ah C ra n e a n d G e r r y S ludds.

S en . J a m e s .M cClure and H ep .G eorR e H a n s e n s e rv e a s m e m b ers o fth C R ro u p ’s advij<or>’ boi«rtiriiecord inf‘— ---------to J a r m in e , . -

B ut h e s a id t h e i r 100 pe rc cn t sc o re s - a s ,w e ll a s th o s e of R ep , L a rry CraiR and S e n . Stevt> S y m m s — " p ro b a b ly refle c t t b e c o n se rv a t iv e m o ra l c l im a te in I d a h o ."

M ^ersLand:drinks






IIVII (INf COUl’ON I'f rU>f(l'.;ON(’tHMOHI g

. . . . - - - - . . A

a n d _ ^ ^ i

citing S p ring !

1 ^ 1 ■

II Natural Lined I Belted T rouser

R ay o h a n d F la x ............ $ 4 8 .0 0

O ver-Sized Placket Shirt5 0 % p o l y c s t o r / 5 0 % c o llo n . 'C r c a m c o l o r ..................S 3 3 .0 0

Toast an d Natural Dolman Shin'Jacket ■W lin iw o w a y s ir ip . 5U % p o l y e s l e r / 3 0 % h n c n /2 0 % c o t t o n ...................................S 4 7 .0 0

/ f i t 's F ro m R oper's , it's R ig h t!U s o Y o u r R o p e r 's o p lio n c h a r g e o r y o u r b a n k c a r d ,

' • R U P E R T • BUHL

1 . T lrnoa-N ow o. Twin Falla, tdahoA -3

Page 4: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud



^ —Hou! oper

In some st secret meeti: can 1)6 fine( removed fror

No sanctioi public officiE moment’s no you the bares

Some of th -- -yvorsc.-throu]

One, which s tren g ^ en th

— -- -------people“ to gopen-meeting

; ......_ ..J lie .secondwould furthei hospital boar discuss long- competition V

The effect, public essenti

Take the oi Hospital, wh; elephant on t the Gooding < y ea r and pur< piece of propc

Their objec like a failing] continues to : $200,000 in the

County offi«-------------- assessmenL:t£

guarantee the residents be

- ' meantim e?One of the

exemption in represents Gc

: tha t if the exe: ~ Gooding Coun

of the public.The House

challenge clof Trounson’s

____ _ exemptionbil

NeighBOSTON — I have a I

: o f th e m edical commun lh a t, of course, tfn the sl h e r hom e address. This fro m h er hospllal work,

I h av e another friend____ • th e com pu ter com m uni

subdiv ision of our eront h is sen se of place In It.

O th e r friends nnd act; a r e m em lw rs of the the o r th e business com m ui com m unily . ThoufVi yoi a n y m ap. v.e know whei

N onuofus. m lndyou, com m unities. Nor did vs i;*H aulinR our possessk h a s p ap e rs to prove w e ; m em b ers of one such jy s e e m s tJiat m ore and mi by w ork these days, ratJ

In th e p a s t, most Ame nei(yitwrhoo<Is. We wen

L e tte r— -------R e a g n T T t s i f T T T

1 have some eominoni Dial w as w ritten by H id a p p e a rs to have a selecl concen iln i; the past hist Union. While the Soviet peo p le durlni; Uie w ar. i a n d “ prof'res.sive” lead

' S ta lin . :w to 50 million U murdere<l. Joseph Stall) w as ra tlie rovenm w erir

T b is Is the sam e sysie h a s f’lven U-s such enllfUi

- ' iMihavlor a.s the j'ulaf’. slw a rfa re In IwtJi Soulhea Affjfianlstan, tJie te rm p (th e only nation of earth cJLsorder). num erous via II and o ther a rm s contrt of H uni’ary . Czechoslov; Uie sliootlnfj down of the T h e U nlled S tates and tl

---------- c c r ta in ly h a v o nothing t-peace-lovioji Soviets, do

M fo r P resident R eac •■warm onger,” 1 Ruess h h ie ra rc h y . T hey have se< co n tro l of G renada, Cent e ffo r t to w eaken and evei

: p rev en ted . Finally . I wor ' s tu d e n ts tha t w ere rescm

- G re n a d ia n s thcm -w lvest f t

jnmE-Hoifartl Wili twT Ad

wijitng Editor Cii'

ise sh o u n m eetirstates, publlceofficial;

Qtings to.discuss publi ned, and after repeal :omoffice.tions of any kind now a cials can call an "exei notice, vote to spend y 'est of accountings, that may change, eitl

ough iw o-bills now bci

ich we think the House the anemic open-meet

^o^tb'^lstrietr^TSOurt ings law has been violat ndJ)ill,_Khick^^hop.e_t tier weaken the curren t lards meet privately in ng-range spending pla n with other medical fa« ct, we believe, would t ;ntial knowledge about t 1 ongoing case of Goodi vhich is fast becoming n that community. Th« lg County commisslone urchased,] )perty at what m ay be a jective was to save wh; lg hospital. Despite the: ,0 slide into the red ; a iie hole.fficials now are consid LtoJjail-itout — foiLa-v the condition won’t wc >e forced to pour m<

he legislators who oi in the Senate was Sen. Gooding County. We xemption is passed, ho£ lunty’s would be able tc c.ise should pass the losed meetings in courl

reasoning and ^ e biU_________________ :

hborhc• a friend who Is a m e m b e r aunlty. It does not say le sta tionery tha t bea rs 'h is m em bership com es irk.:nd who Is a m em ber of unity. This is a fa irly new _ fonomy, and yet he flm ls' it.acquain tances of m ine the academ ic com m unity, nunlty o r tlie journalistic you cannot find on , 'h ere we belonfj. ou, w as bom into these d wc m ove Into Ihem, ssions along wllh us. N one A'e a re card-carryinR 1 jyt)up or another. Y et it 1 m o reo f iw a re Identified ra th e r than by street, .m erlcaris lived in ^eren iem lw rsof

rs/ J o e S t a l lf l ‘ w < i n m ) u y t ! i ---------

lon lso iithe vltiale<l tom e tlc liard Graf, Mr. G raf leclive m em ory- •lilstory of the Soviet let Union many ir. under ttie l>encvolent jadersh lpof Jo.seph nU.S.S.K, citizens w ere ;alin'.s love for his people -•rinj;.

^ iem ofTiovcnim cnt Umt ‘ ifUilened and jwaceful ’. slave lalxir. c licm ical ' least/\.sln and .n political .schlzoptirenla :rthtJiat has tills m ental . v lo la tlonso fS aU I.S a lt ,

itro l treaties, invasions lovaklaandA ff^hanlstan. ' th e Korean airliner, e tc . d tlie res t of tliu world 'IR to fear from the----------------,do they? i

cjacan lw ln c lhe g rea t , ii is lie ls .to th eS o v le t cJI seen the ir effort lo take en tra l A m erica and th e ir jventually destroy NATO tl wonder If Uie m edical b « u e d and the wes believe that tlie I-

g i f i l

Wiib.imCA dwilliinii

JunvHuyi— ---------------------------Ciioilolion

lid p a s s - ngs lawals who' hold unlawful 3lic laws an d jin an ces_ jated violations, even

’ apply in Idaho. Here, <ecutlve session” on a [ your money and give

ither for the better o r >cing con.sidered4n the .

ise should pass, would setings law by allowing trt-^{=Hhey^thJnlf^the— ated.e_theilQiise_will d e fea t... nt law by letting public in planning sessions to' )lans when they’re in facilities.1 be to shield from the It their hospitals, d ing County Memorial ng an economic white ’he hospital board and ners met in secret last mpetitive bid. a^2 ,0002 an inflated price.■-hat looks increasingly le ir efforts, the facility

a t last report, it was

idering a one-time tax i_w hi]eJtiLlhereJsjio_i tvorsen. Should county money into it in the

opposed the hospital n. , Wes Trounson, who applaud his reasoning lospitals in trouble like to escape the scrutiny

2 bill to let citizens irt, but Jt should follow defeat the hospital-

ood, et)

G o o d

preciiicls or p a rish es o r scl dictionary slill d efines c o n In f’eoRraphIc te rm s, a s " a live in one placc.”

Hul t(xlay fewer of u.s do< one p lace: m o reo f us ju s t i Now wc call our tow ns “ l>ei and m any of us. w iUiout s n icebreakers, would h a v e tr the iK-ople on our s tre e t .

l l ’s not lhat we a r e m o re tha l many of u.s h av e t ra n s our friendsJilps, a m a jo r pc everyday social lives, fro ir m ore of our neij;lilx3rs worl

l i n ’s l o v e f o r h i• piv»gldpnt iv .i


C h e a p e r to t r e a t 1When wc u-se lo tte rie s to f

d esp era te nee<i for revenue, r a th e r Uirow Iheir m o n ey a ' tick e ts than supjw rl o u r stai avenues, we are indeed lack citizenship.

The New York Time.s f la tl —KovenuneiiLxevcnueljy.i’a n

“ econom ic Im m orality .” I t( slrenR lhofdeinocracy . W he m ad e public jwllcy a nd l>cco IcRlllmale taxes. Uiey a r c Ui o f all .social con gam es, Profi Cornell University, who cont lo tte ry sludy for tlie U.S. Ija\ A dm inistralionsays. " fro m , econom ic poinl of view , no oi /gamble wlUi slat*,* ru n o p era l

------ A s tu d y o f 1,1100 IcR al l e t t e rU nited S lates revealed U iat d corruption l)ccame m o re prx; Increased and larye s u m s of i dlverte<l from business.

The m ake w ar on p o verty tim e prom ote lo tteries Is poll bcsltlcs, a Rovem m ent financ w eakness will never m a k e a ; I^Jtlerles feed upon h u m a n w

t O f l l

s ____________________

I Wi'-r5 • . . .. ....... '


; Immn

WASHINGTON- a “ Im m igrant.” w hat

Ju lian L. S im on ,: Foundation, believe

1 Tlie im m igrant typle uneducated, unskillJ illegally. He intends« thus has sm uggled \„ All of Uiem a rc heav- . . - . no laxes; they a r e t:

A m ericans; and Uie / pu.<;h w ages down foy S im o n se to u tto e :g m atter. A few week;

m onograph. "N ine i which he d ispels the persuasive, and on I

:> — — / Solid evidence, he^ charge th a t im m lgr

Wlien legai-im m igri are m atched by age

1 difference In th e ir b) dependent ch iidrcn .r averaj;e im m igran t’ average n ative fami' outlays foreducatlo’ im m igrants.

The h igher costs 0 5 offset, how ever, by I/ Immlfp-ant fam ilies

and M edicaid. In 19; Inh lsstudy . theavei

________ $32ZJrom ihesosourfamily, legally in tin

h n ic tiethe

Tn '’■■e” lhe> d m a n fen

hav ' kno

“ opc■ school districls. My fro; :om m unily flrsl of a ll m‘•a body of iK“ople who ihn

knod o o u rllv lnR ln tha t shaLst it forsleeplng. froi *l>edroom suburbs" lad ; sm all children as U’se trouble nanilni! all Am

Uie;o re i.solalfri lotl.iy. I t 's vViii m sfo rred a chunk of lhe; r portion of our N•om home lo office. As eve /o rk away from home, of u

h i s p e o p l e w a s-x2--------------- ^ ^ ------cap i


t t h e c i i u s eto fill IdaJio’s Cheaiue, and people would jn y aw ay on lottery the\ss ta te Uirougli normal lotioi ack ing in good LO


a lly denounces W h•am bling as ................... j„ ,Itd eslro y slh e

/h en lotteries are jqj. |j,ecom e an invasion of j,.,* Uie most extensive ^ . rofe.s.sor Blakely of onducted a two-year (Ijaw Enforccfnent h^ve im a p u rc i j 0 one but a fool would •rations,” Wh

seo a i;teric.';neiflimrie----------a t dl.shonesly anti prevalent, frauds A rjof money were unprt

Uie w exlsU

ty a n d a l Ihe.same up. )olltlcal hypocrisy, ancctl on human Yet; a strong .society. Ujc a i n They o a th c

C O N F I R M W r a

ligrant— When w e h e a r the worti

lat Im age form s in llie mind? I, a .senior fellow with the Her ves Uiat Uie im age is a poor o p lca lly Is regarded as an illed M exican who Is here ids to stay he re ijerm anenily, d h is fam ily into the Unlled S avily on w elfare; they a re pji ; taking jobs aw ay from natl\ he effect bf th e ir presence is for everyone. ,1 est ablisli som e fa d s In lhls ;ks ago he published ae M yths About Im m igration, he b ad Im age, His evidence i n th is hlglily controversial to ird.-Let m e yield Uie floor lo I he says. ” gives th e lie lo the gran ts a rc w elfare abu.sers.” ;ra n t fam ilies and native fan ?e a n d education, there is no■ benefits from Io<hI s ta m p s .; n an d o th e r w elfare services nt fam ily is younger Hum the mily. and for tb is reason ave; lon a re indeed hii;lier for the

sof education a re m ore than y m uch low er paym ents to es fo r Social Security. Medlci 1975. lhe b ase y e a r u-seil hy Si /e rag e native fam ily receive

lhe Unite<i S tates, received

es yielcle w orkp lace Ixjcomes our ni T h e kaffeek la lch of the Ti()s

re a k of th e ’iWs, The waterco le e le v a to r and the parkinj; t in c e s of th ese nel>;Iil>orlioods av e lunch w ith day a fter tiay now the runn ing saga of our i pcratlonsrourch ilrt's-m ath i] •ozen p ipes and faulty transii W c m ay Ix* slraiiRers a l Uie

la t rep laced lhe corner groct now n a t th e coffee .shop in Uu liarc w llh each o ther a cast o •om th e Iw ss in tlur corner off idy in Shipping, to lhe lovers ,’s nol su rp rising lhal when r m erican s wlial tlu-y like lies' ley .say il Is " lh e shinotise (cl /lien they a sk young m others ley m ost alMiul work, il Not all th e neighlxirluKxls ai

very w tirkplace a frieiiiily ph r u s havtr h ad inixi‘<l «?xi>eriet

IS o v e r p o u / e r i :

Is it less painful to waste inoi III p a y lo sup jx irt thejKxirsu ffers fn iin com pulsive gam b It Ixithers us. o r the way It f uajH-T to t r e a t Uie caiLse. thai n th e next few days we wlli a ! w isdom of our law m akers r lery .X)U1SE M E Y E R }uhl

h ite s u p e r io r i ty C'n resp o n se lo M r. William R ilr. R alph, you reprim and Tl b ring ing you lhe news. T he i

lewsi w hether you like w h a l; r. A fltxKl. a p lane crash , a m(■ new s of a b u m p er crop Is ne2 th is dele ted from your paj* /e tra d e d In our bigotry and i rd s) for censorsh ip Jindoppr

I'ho is ri{ait2.We want to expt a nd vou w ant I th lilden, kc acciLsatlonswlUi little o r :

,ry an Natloius is growing a t a ireccd en ted ra te , not only hc w orld w hcrev erw h lte m en c sled long l>efore Uie news rnc

’es. Mr, R alph. I m ade Uie st an ti-C h rist Is In our land. Ho \i of a lleg iance to Y^t'tiweh an



t image■ r ^

ie rltag e H ^irone. B *

lly,J Stales.■paying -illve one-tenUi a s m uchis lo S im o n c ile sa s ti

Im m igrants m ak eIs w elfa rep ro g ram s

enjoy freeschoollri)n."In fo ^ s la m p s o r w e;e is IK'rcent of Uie ille>;topic he virtually none of tl

loh lm ; O ntheissue-of t;le thrt*e lo five y e a rss ,” fam ily eam ln g s "Iam llles average na tiv e farno subjc'cttow llhliolcs. aid to the sam e exc ise a r.’CS. The everyone else,lhe Perhaps th e m oiverage Uie im m ig ran ts ishe natives and th e reb

unem ploym ent. Inan p ro b ab ly is tru e ; ”) Uiat U.S. p liysiciarlicare large receni influx' Simon lhe re.staurant andived agriculture, Uie ev■rant Im m igran ts la k e ii(I In this reg a rd . Si

d to p nr neii;lit)orhood. env lroiOs is the coffee re c e n trcooler. the hall. pa.ssc5IJ' lot a r e the hack a roum3ds- a he people we O urlay a re wiio in o v e tur m o ther’s la b e ls

ism lssions, a s su mhe superm arket w ilh o locer. In itw eare- I t ’s rlhe lobby. We iinm ig

;t of charac te rs th is cooffice to tliecrazy m e m b;rK In Marketing. co in inn researc lic rs ask souf;htKist alxiul work. I>eopIe(c h a lle r) faclor," u p d a teers al hom e whnt e th n ic. il is Uie people. w ay wi; a re em pty, nor is w orkpiplaygroiind. Most T h is

'icnces in these su re ly

r i n g --------------------------------------------------- miRCOntnoney on chances toumimi sucker who . m a d e II iibliiigV Is it laxes Uiey a re ; fe spen t? Is it nol jhan to find a cure? invest ig II again w itness co in m u •s regard ing K ing ani

Uiat bac

M rfR .

con firiiK 'd p S .c . iR a lp li: p la c e s oIThe Times-News ow npeo; :ie cross Ii{;liting (eah ln e l □ ly o u h e a ro r S a u l’sb l mtxin lantilngor do ing w: news. Would you w as lifle

Qjfcr. A lsoyou • ic ln d tra id rac ism (your r a c e is I: iprcssion, m a t te r tx p o seso a ilm ay Uik_c_mpst, you------,o r no facts. mis-sion.'it a n p ro g re sshere , but all over P a u l w

m c a n b c fo u n d .il o f I s ra e l m edia p icked II A frica . Ii

h a d sc a ti w h ite SU]

is ta te m e iitlh a t N o Mr. H ow couldan to A fric a and h is law be .-m an (an

. I ' i'lE C O N C S K ^ IO N A L P U S I'I

^farfrcI J a m e s

K i lp a t r ic k

LlCll.I s tu d y sliowing th a l Illegal ik e nq_cxcc.ssive d em an d s upo m s. O ^ y aboul 4 p e rcen t of th ollng ; only 1 percent m an ag e i w elfa re paym enis. Seventy-.s< llegals pay Social S ecu rity lax )f th em get anything back .jf taxes . Simon found lh a t with a rs a fte r legal entry, immigrTi s " re a c h and pass Uiose of the fam ily .” Tlieir wages routine lo ldingof Income taxes. They .• a n d .sales laxes lh a t a r e paid

no s t wltiely voicc*d ch a rg e aga i is th a t Uiey lake jobs aw ay fn reb y increase native . In a few particu la r cases, Ihl; ;; ' ‘T here Is gtxxl rea.son to l>el ;ians will cam less b ecauseo f lux of foreign physicians.” Bu ind hotel industries, and in : evidence Is to the con tra ry , ce jobs Ihnl natives do not wan 1. S im on d ie s a sludy in S an Dl

ofessic’Ironm enls. Yet a s one w om at e n tly , she knows m ore about t ;ses on Uie way lo h e r desk Uia und th e block.lur new .sense of com m unity h, ved from house to office build: e ls th a t we w ear connect a s wi rn d ls tan tco m p an lesrc ltles oi u m e tha t we have som eth ing ’ h o th e r teachers, n u rse s , c ity | :’s n ot unlike U ieexperienceoi n ig ra n t g randparents. M an y ' ; co u n try still itlenlified thems m b e rso f lhe I talian com m uni iin u n ily , lhe Polish communli i;ht o ul and assum ed connecli p ie from the old coun lry . Man laletl thal experience. W e havi l i e itienlily with p rofessional 1 f w e replaced nei|;lilK)rhoo<Ls \ kp lace.h is w hole realif^nment of com L*ly m ost obvious a m o n g the n:

Ontruetl as'IxjJni! antPChrlstT* ling fathers took Y ahw eh’s la - it Uie law of our land . D o you arean lirC hris l.L. K ing was a com m unisl. Tht it iga ling King, sa id th a t he wn inunisin is lhe opposite, so thi: an tl-C hrisl. King Is d e a d now jack ed him a ren 't. -

, R alph , you m ade re fe rence I JS, I am i;Iad you d id , bee ee x a m p le o f our people in thc :s o f auUiority. Saul w as perse )eople (race) al Uie adv ice of I n e t ). This displea.sed G od so I s, unlll h e saw whal ; w a s wrong and changed . His ifle<l w h en h es ta rted to c a re f [ r a c e ) . You see, to go aga in st is in transgression of d iv ine la j r to w hat racc you belonR.

J, U iere are m any studenLsof 1 on und ChrlaUttiiily w jjo fee! U o n a ry journeys of St. P a u l spt ■essof civilization.II w a s sent lo the lost sheep of aol (no tU ieJcw s). H ed ld n ’tg a. B ut to Europe w here 10 trib mattered. This ju st con firm s a! superiority .Mr. Ralph, a N egro d id n t take ic a , n o rd id a n /\s ia lic . it was an A ryan). If w coffend you;,\


Y 'T '- > r J

j | l ; I #

n___ ___________VJi'CAIS V s .T H E B I t^ W i 'E

Dm real2.15-1 jo b s lh a iw e were d ep o rte d ; U

• cam e to fill them , low, Uie h o u rs we difficult, an d a s a ca tego ries " w e re residenLs."

The ty p ic a l leg; fam ily. F o u r oul < age of 40. In a ran one would find "&

pon low .skill and low (them • would co n ta in " a [elogel with h igh sk ill ant •.seven engineers, sc len ll axes, but p a rtly b e c a u se Ui

vigorous a n d oflei Ithin - te n tito fo rm th e ir

naUves. T h e im ag m akes c le a r . Is fa

le lyn re busUIng rea lity .

Idby^ P e rh a p sS lm o n ’stran d ed S im pson

Cainsl R u le s Comi from com prom b ill o

fashioned. I t h a sp I,jj5 nod from S p eak e rtelieve House floor n e x t n Df Uie would c o s t a bundl lu t In aliens, b u l Simon':

much g a in on dow:

nnt._______ J a /n e s KJlpntrlcDiego of Conservative Vicv

onal idean lold me profe.s.sionsIt the people she c ity s e e m tchan on her way p ro fe ssio n s

h a v e to sealhasn 't jusl s p e a k th e sx

idinR.The I d o n 't thiwith m embers m a ss iv e ly <: ond states. We— o f com m unig "incommon” co n nec tion iy planners. h u m a n . ButlOfour .shifting ideiy who came to w e se e m Incn.selvesas o u r s e n se ofnily. tho Irish ' Ifo u ro ff iinily. They o u r p ro fessirlionswith U ienho.w doanyofushave jo t)s? Self-wive replaced m e a s u re inillden llly .the c o m m u n illts wjUi Uio le ll w ho w e ;

mmunlty is KllenGoomoliile OIolK.

tTOur (ItmUl^b'nuMlaw sand W A Y N E Iou sny lhal H a n se n

-h cF B .,a ,lc r.vas prevIlls'makes c o n tin u e s I iw.butuioso v e to t l i s p l c

b e fo re h im . c h a n g e exce

e loS nu lo f co n tro l i/iste ecausc he is a a n y ta x sav i he sam e A ccordingsecullnghls c o m m e rc ia l if his advisers p e rc e n t o f U;0 heciiu.sed c o m m e rc ia l a l hew as to 20 p e rcen i is th a t w ould b eforh lsow n so U ie sa v in j s t your own le s s by c h an law .no a d m in is te r t

•- th a t a m o u n i I t ’s n o t a t ,

if history. re p re se n ta tl1 UiQl tlie-----------fo re fro n t o f IparkedU ie o fc o m m e rc :

Idaho .jH eov of the a n d w ould pi tg o to A s la c r so m u c h enc Ibesof Israel s i tu a t io n wh ; all the more re p re s e n te d

w o n d e r they ke the gospel ' p a r t o f Idahi IS a white T E R R Y Pi;Mr. Ilalph. T w in F a lli

Timo3-Now3,T w ln F a lla . I

I aT f

^ 6 S E , ■ " - T v : v -

tifaets-----I w ere held by Illegal aliens. T he aliens d; thejobs w ere availab le; no natives ,em. The wages w erc reg a rd ed a s too ; w ere too long, Uie jobs w e re too as a m atte r of p restige lh e job 'e re not appealing to Uie local

legal-im m igrant family Is a young ^5ul of five im m igrants a re u n d e r U ie^ random ly selected sta tis tic a l cohort,1 "som ew hat la rg e r proportions” of ow education, but the group also “ a m uch la rg e r proportion of those and hlgli education —physicians,

en llfic re.searchers and th e like."« Uie Im m igraht family is young,)flen highly ambitious, im m ig ran ts le ir own bus inesses more rap id ly than n a g e o f w elfare loafers. a sS in io n ' s f a r removed from Uie hustling,y-io n ’s evidence will help to m ove the ' >son-MazzoII bill off the ro ck s of the om m ittee. This is Uie best 111 on im m igration Uiat can be a s passed the Senate nnd needs only a ker Thom as P. O’Neill to reach Uie x t m onlh. In thd short run th e bill andle, a s Illegal aliens becam elega l ion 's paper suggests liUle h a rm and lown Uie road._____________________

Ir/ckuTiles/iiscoJum /i, “A 77ciK'' from lVas/2/ngton.

'entities |ons. People who move from c ity to m to pul roots down into th e ir ons. In an age of specialists, they moy search harder to find people who lesam elanguage .1 th ink that Uiere is anything- —:ly disruptive about Uiis sh ifting sense lun ity . Tho continuing se a rc h for ion and shared en terprise is very But I do feel uncom fortable wIUi our identity. TJie balancc has tipped and 1 Increasingly dependent on w ork for

o f self,offices a re our new neightwrhoods, if esslonal litics a rc oui* new e thn ic tags,V do we .separate ou r scl ves from our If-worth isn’l jiLst som ething lo

in the m arkclptace. Bul In Uiese new lilies, il becomes harcter a n d h a rd r to we a r c without saying w hat w e do.

Gominuin w rites fo r The B oston

n e n e x tiim e , y " 'IE E . JONES _ n

av in g s id e a ‘h o g w a s h ’irevaillngw age" coastructlon debate s. I am confident tha t Gov. E v an s will piecem eal bill Uiat is cu rren tly Im. 1 don't see any ncod for any ixcept to bring Uie laws u n d e r s ta le nsteado f federal control, b u t o s fa r as javings, tha t’shogwasli. lin g to mosl stud ies the c u r re n t Idaho c ia l tra tle wages a re w ithin aboul 10 3f Uie norm for the Unlled S ta te s . New c ia l no frillsconslructlon p a y about 10 cent of Uie tola! cost of th e job to labor Id l>e under Uie prevailing w age law. vin{;s would Ix; m ore like I p e rc e n te r h a n ^ n g the law. Tlie s la te co st to ;e r these laws would equal o r exceed lunl.L a t all curious to m e lo find the ita tlve from Coeur d ’Alene a t the L of-tho Iw ltle lo cu t wages and q u a llly - erc la l copstrucllpn for th e s ta te of e owns a la rge construction com pany Id p rofit Im m ensely. I t 's a sh a n le that energy Is expended on th is no w in I w hen North Idaho is a lready under lied in Uie s la te leglslnture. No h e y talk of seccossion In th e northern laho .Y PLATTSlnltn

la . idafio T u o sd a y . F o b ru a ry 2 1 .19fl4

Page 5: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud

W e lf j win $

c n ic A ( ;o ( A i > ) - ._ _____ CoLmLi'jvllJ.p;uLnn.'i:c

lo hunilrc{Js o f c u f b l a c k w elfa re w orke: u n io n sa id M onday m . r a o i : i ] d is c r im ln a tio i k in d in U .S . t i is to ry .

T h e 'a w a rd s ie m f k iw s u il by llie A h h t o f S ta te , C ounty IC m ployecs . T h e su i m a n y b lack public p c r f o n iio d llic sn m o b u l e a r n e d from S150

A t le as t 1.000 peopl a w a r d ,

••T lie ir day is a l 'h

D istraSA N T A ANA, C a l

d i s t r a u g h t fu tlie r c o n o f T iju a n a on M onda

- - p o l ie c in a « ) a r ih - fo i s o n . wim w as m is ta f r o m C aliforn ia a f te r s w e e p by im m ifira tio r

•T iju a n a po lice issU' b u l le t in a n d c i rc u i t M a r i o M oreno L opez.

_ t b e b o r d e r by Im m ifir - —- -rh liz a t io n — S c r v ic t r -

----------- —

r "


F E D g

: a r e

515 mil— Illino is and Cook Lit)(>ri(ui:tLthan_Si5jnilliou__.•urrent o r former - U'ese -kers In w hat tbeir rinbtfu ' m ay be llie Lihei lion a w a rd of its from

SIO.OOO-■ms from a l ‘J7:i about S nerican I'ederatiiin Abou y and Municipal award; sull cb a rg cd that tbe roc

blic a id workers aid dep no ta s k s a s w hites ' The 150 to S:»K) a m oiU^v,;^c st;i

' partmc'ople w ill share lhe paylnf-

duties i1 ’h a n d ,” said .Max mostly

aught da- A mWniB

:om bC (f'\he streets • —The iday \Prtb Mexican for Ibe -for-h is 15-year-old— UQn."^ is taken ly deported He a te r a s tree t-co rner aliens tlon o ffic ia ls. morninssued a n all-points where lu lated photos of for ride ez. w ho w as left at Capt. ilf>ration and Natu- tions o r - a « c n ts -^ ro u n d — deparJi

W ^ S 'W Y o u C

[ - ^ — S t a i t a n i f i

^ f c

I An IRA;I •Y ouft • Them ' • YcB . • A




i l S v — I I -

j r k ^ s

llion>ries, p r e s id e n t o f AFSCMf-' Lo I '•Tlir’v w ill f in : i l lv 'b i‘ I’c tt ;e la rK e s u m s of- m oiiey tl itfully d e s e r v e .",l>erle.s s a id th e a w a rd s wjll r a i n a b o u t S2,0(K) ' t o m o re tJ IKK). T h e a v e r a g e a w a rd w lii ,itS lf).00( ) .h e s a i d Jou t ‘J3 p e rc e n t of Ibo.'ie re c e iv rd s a r e w o m e n ! a n d ;i(Mi to -llKl r e c ip ie n ts s l i l l w o rk fjir Ihfl put: • le p a r tm e n t, lie sa id . le u n io n ’s la w su it c h a i ja w r j l - s ta te -a n d c o u n ty pub lic aVd ■ m e n ts rc le R a le d b la ck s lo h ;nK jo b s th n t Involved Ihe sa i es a s tilK h c r-p a y in f’ p ositions hi tly by w h ile s .

ad huntsnlRbl la s t W ed n e sd ay , le IN S , h o w e v e r , s a id se iirch ! be boy w a s " b e y o n d o u r ju ris t:

? a n d a;i o th e r .suspected illei IS iKid b e e n rou n d ed up tJ ninR on a S a n la A na s tr e e t c o n rc H is p a n ic s c o n n re R a te to w id es lo w o rk , th e INS sa id , ipt. llo la n d o C a s til lo , pub lic re ; o f f i c e r ' f o r th e T iju a n a poli i r lm e n i ,- « n id —M o n d a y - lh a L -

$ T H E S T I L L

T A R T >C a n s ti ll g e t a 3

o n l a s t yIR-A“Today-atFifst for .the a m o u n t yoLA at First Federai rias u get max^^taum intere ne m oney stays right i fou can confirm ttie a And you ean add to c inconvenience of cor

E R Y O N E S H C i O O N E I S T O (

O L D . S E E L

$ Y O U R IR>

LculyD ur_laxes^.star.l H ^R S -T- F E BERA TO T H E F U T U F

B U R LEY , R AND 11

rth Fin• H p rn a O d ic e• iW in T a H s —

I • B u f lo y — Ovifi------1 -----------K e ich u m — -c

. 1 • R u p o t t — 7 0 ' ^ ^ 1 * Buhl - 1 2 3 ^

ConviL ooal

’C iu n ti - iv iu n v N s v iu - F . .th e y P r is o n tju a rd s woai

to tin fj saw ed-off s r a n ^ e h o u se s and burns

t h a n M o nday to r Ib reo ( .'ill b e d a n g e r o u s " convit

a f t e r f lee ing a pri.-^o e iv in n At one house tti:■UK) o f ___ e m p ty , o ffice rs <p u b lic w in d o w s and kickei

A jju a rd spo ilt .! ;4 h a t e s c a p e e s n e a r the Id d e - d a y , 'o n e d a y aftei ) low - o f f ic e rs tr ie d lo su r s a m e p o p u la te d a re a bef

s h e ld fo u rth in m a le w as fled I h r nrc-:.

; deporteI ic e r s in a ll 27 p n

1‘ch lnK e v ertiiin f? hum anly r ls d ic - so m e tliin R tu rn s up.

A lth o u a h - Ihe . ci i l l e g a l m il lio n re s id e tils , t I t h a t ' u n u s u a l th a t police .■orner boy,) w a i t " f fiRuro he'U try

Ih e U .S ........" h e s;; r e la - ( ju ite a lone lim e nc p o llc c found h im ." aL -o f- . - - - r 'H e —sald.-.Uie- l«t

E *R rsT i m e i

a n i r ;I $ 2 0 0 0 . 0 0 ta x y e a r ’s t a x e s .

^ F ^ e r a l - a n d - g e t p u p u t i a u R t o , $ 2 C

js sev e ra l advantage ;re s t ra tes -It h e re in the Magic \ ! am oun t or the rate I

D or withdraw today \ lorrespondence or lo

lO U L D H A V E D O Y O U N G O U S T O D A Y F

R A A C C 0 U N 1

ar.t_a_Eirsi£ederal.iFIA_f A t ------BEBIGAJR E IN TWIN F / R U P E R T , BUHI fcCETCHUM.

^ s t F e c ii> a n A s s o c i cc e — T '.v in F a lls 2 3 3 2 n d S — B l u e L a k o s B lvd . N o rth '

O v e r l a n d S h o p p in g C e n te r— 3 9 1 - S a d d le - R o a d ------------7 0 1 7 tf i S t r e e t '3 N o r l t i B r o a d w a y

)icts stillF.. Tonn, lA P i . ; . P.,’annt: flak v es ts aiiil ovei

stiolKuns sea rch ed nervns n e a r ’ a lantlfill .>;ouriof four ••ex lren iely chei'

victs still a t la rce Tl;.MUiworkdelail. Slalittiat ap p ea red in be Rrov

crouched beneath woil;e<l in th ed o o r. farittied th ree of lhe fo r ile landfill la te Sun- offirler the e scap e , and unifiurrouiul the sparse ly Inicfore nif’ht fell The -theyas believed lo liave al le.


ed son ir:)reeincis w ould "dn Mnn )ly possible .. until • Mon jp .’’. dopicity - l i js abou l I f> - in , Castillo sa id ll w as direi ce had not found Ihe the !

conftry fo c ro ss a j'a iii to Jiad said, ••because Il’s __ thel

now Ihat we h av en 't "'Hi: . rif-bl

l«ty^—Ju lher.—duari .. s e a r

T O < A . ^X d e d u c t i o n

j t-a fu ll-d ed d c tio n -2 0 0 0 . 0 0 , _____________


; Valley ! here/w ithout the long d is ta n ce calls

e a n ^ r a . € d r T O O H f o r j



leral Sal a t i p n o f T vISI N o ilf l

■ r . s Lor


N a tio n

7 a t largeP o h e e Siiid llu-v j'C ie fkuxlt

e en iin l il ic lep tio iie c a lls e rvm is r c s id e n ls re jx irlin n ; lunds a n il a sk in g Ihal t li e ir Im le i 'k i 'd .T h e f iv e prisoner,'^ a l F o rt

!a le I 'n s o i i . abo u t •Iti m ile s \ ro w n s v ille . e s c a p e d Sa tu rday oi kiiii; III a s ila jie p il on Ihe p in n . I J s in j’ f juns a p p a re n tly r th e m In Ih e uroun tl. th e y lo f i r e r s ' w e a p o n s and one ol n fo i'in .In Ihe d a y followinR th e i (•y be ld Iw o fa m illi’s h o s ta c i le as l fo u r v e h ic le s a n d shut <

indow s o f a pu rsu iii) ' v

n T ijuaninronn , w a s In th e p o lic e . [onday a l m id d a y a n d w a s • ? p ie s s e d ."- Inp—' I 'h n m n s :—n ss is liin i— ri i r e c lo r fo r iiie L os A n g eles st le INS, s a id a c o m p u te r che )n firm e d M o re n o 's c la im tha l .id a v isa a n d w a s a lc% il re.-ii l e U n i le d S la le s .H o w e v e r . Ihe IN S w as nol bei f'ti! ils w ronK : " ^ '’e c a n n o l i rarc li p a r l y lo h e lp lo c a te h in

avingsw i n F a i l s -

* f US'

KXffd Wllh - QI ls— TKIIT]— - ' ---------

o n Pilliiw

•day w hile le p r iso n 's Ily h idden y look tw o

maue s la lii 'n t

cheek had ;hai M arm •e.-iiderif of

b elp in i’ lool fo rm a VOWm Jw w

> * 3 ” .

A i

V I12’x14’

, 12’x13’\ 12’x14

L I B’x13I I, B’xB’IO’[ 12’ x12’8’

B’ x 9 ’2 ' 8’ X 5’5

6’x12’5” FULL ROLL



^ v A r u ”% R E D B

r 'I Tr'l f

i! ■ -I N- I Al

. I Cl ' ■ ,

' ■ ■' IjV P f f q





f] l a 'x i a -7 'H eavy Pluth

Ooomotfic P r in i .....................

S R"o"iV PId i o ..........................................ft ia 'n a 3 '4 "t i Cum berlandn Honover O o k ............................

^ CARPET -----fi

M idwetf O ran ge K C e o m e lrle ...............................

SculplufoFora»t Walk Drown.................I l 'x I O '

\ MIdwe.lf Rud S c u lp tu re d .....................

i a 'x 9 'T»oKol.-Ambet--r-:-------------77-

H Sculptured O o lg e ...................• i l I 2 'X « '7 "i. J Buclokln............. ...................d l a 'x a o ';«-C onyon-R tdgo — ------ ----Lw Sculpture M o ine ......................i l i i ' x a a ' i o "

Cove Point r m Beige t B ro w n ........................

U SculptureSm Bronie .......................................

i a '* a o '4 "WonkeC om m ercial.............................I l ' x l l ' 4 "Sheraton ParkAqua Soxony P lu (h .................i a 'x i6 * « ’*O licoColdSaxony P l u t h ..........................

3 Irom

Armstrong and (


4» Ferecoit. light B row n ...............................

3» A rm itrong. Ton W/Brlck P o t te rn ................... • ■

JIM Id w e it.4 A rm itrong. D o lg e ', '............ . •

.Q> Armstrong. Sundlol0 Solarlan. Drown B ric k ............

)** O eilgner, SolarlanSelge Brick..................................

9 ” Congoleum^ P o e e m o k e r .............................

2’ * A rm tlrong CoitlMlanBeige t b ro w n ti le ................

5>l A rm itrong SolarlonDrown t b e ig e file .................

JU A rm itrong1 Solorlon.......................................

I I Congoleum Poeem oker LL la rg e Cold T ile P a tte rn ...........

I I A rm itrong Crow ne Corlon LL G eom etric O e lg e ...................

I I Voluo FloorLL Cold M arble ..........' ...............



BAININEI^,NAME___________ ____________ADDRESS_____________________CITY_________________ PHONE .

f i




iuu ;.tiay . F o b ru a fy Z l. I'JW

3 0 % - 5 0 % |PET & VINYLA N T StPET ^ iANTS WN CARPET


. . . . . - . . . • m - . w r n

............... M 98” ' 1 1 6 “ W

...............w M 6 9 " '

...............>573” W

.rr.OTv-n45“ fir ~ ..............■208” W C

.............. '172«> * 9 3 ’ “ M

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.............>297*' * 1 3 5 “ W.................> 2 4 1 - M 2 0 ” m

............. w m r [ # ]

en > \ • Striped /IS ' -RUBBEfiBACKEO'-

i C ongoleum 1

I N A N T SR og . N O W

.........: .......... W ' W

............... , . w 1 4 3 “

. m r= 7 ^ 1 0 5 ^ ^ - 6 0 '* ^ ' —

. . . . . . M s r ' 85^^ ~

$ 42™

. . . ■ ■ ^ 2“ * 2 5 “ .

. . . . . w ' 4 T

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I F .

.............................................. *


. . . ---------------------------1

^ Airlines jj


I N E RVEST 733-1421 J


W tim o 's-N ow a , Twin Falls, Idaho A-5

Page 6: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud

AreiBy BONNIE B A IRD J( and ANNETTE CARY T\mcs-Ncwsi writers

JERO M E — Only k residents seldom hear hawked over th e alrw; advertising c li ltd b ir tli: th e lra ttcn tlo n o n th c in

But a s the n u m b er c hospitals has d e c lin e d : United S tates, hospit; compcte m ore agresslv

St. B enedict’s Fam i Jerom e Is a sk in g Mag “ Take A nothej Look,

'carhpaiKn launched tfiis "We a re d irec tin g tli

tow ard .alljif the. Magic Campbell, the ch ic f ex hospJiaJ. "W e w an t pcoj. a t Uieir own lifestyle, and another look a t o

J o e K i n y o n , le f


________Timcs-Ncws corrcspc

ROSEWORTH - F____ the fa rm ing com m unl

S u rro u n d e d b y S a lt and sag eb ru sh . Rose fam ily fa rm e rs .

It is a n A m erican tr farm down fro m gene Roseworth is special fam ilies who fa rm t fa rm ers . M ost o f the repeat th em selv es twc

Tlie. road through called tile L illy Gra graveled ro ad , which one-vehicle w ide.

Rosew orth. I I mile? favorite p lacc fo r Twi hunters, a lthough il am ong R osew orth n Ihrough the canyon ke

LocalBy ANNETTE CAKV Timcs-Ncws writer

TWIN FALLS - Twin leaders on Mond*iy invilt

------ to -v is it- th e -sc h o o ls -n n (them selves the s ta te ' of <

------- rwnrFuiTs:T he invitation w as givei

L akes Mall, w h e re .Ma Petersen dec la red thi.s tlonal A w areness W eek, l( the good in Twin F alls spotlight s tu d en ts ' accom i

S n a k e 1

A R T H U R H . P U r G iv e s f u i t * n i l c d lo o l

a hosJJO N K SilYs

y lasl y ear. Magic Valley card health-c;irc servicc.s Irwaves o r saw billboards •th scrv ices competing for eir m orning drive to work. :*rof patients adm itted Itf ed the w estern ipitals a re he/^lnning to jslvelyforpnilents, im ily Medical C enter of la g ic Valley residcnt.s to )ok.” Jn an advertising tfiism onth.’ the m arketing program igic V alley." .says Robert f executive officor of the ' >eopJe 10 lake ano ther look le. their health prac tices it ou r facilitie.s and our

l e f t , a n d K o s e w o r t h r a

lili; fanIZMAN•spondcnt__________________

- F am ily tics a re strong in lunltyof Roseworth. Jalm onP ails C nnyonr desert- osew.orth Is a com m unity of

n trad ition to pass the fam ily eneration to generation, bul cial. All but two of the 14 n there a re father-and-son :he nam es on the m ailboxes two. th ree , even four tim es, Igh S a lm on F ails Canyon. ^rade. is a narrow , steep , lich in m any places is only

:iles south of C astleford. is a Twin F a lls Couniy pheasant I il’s a common opinion 1 res iden ts that (he d rive 1 keeps a lot of people aw ay.

IeducaIt is a cl

Ihat con poin ting t

fin F a lls school of school vileci the public s tro n g m -and-judgP“ for “ ~the-T-%vin- of education in body p rc

p ersons al iven al Ih f UluL* . " O v e r t .Mayor Em ery been m an, .s week Educa- a r e failtni k. lo em phasize •• P li ic r s a ic lls schools and and repot umpli.shmenl.s, have been

R iver Sl1 By ANNE

Tim cs-!\'c

I^ Sym posiu:

guides — c

evenin;; H. Purcel.

^ ws K facu lty al

------ C en te r fo rand a t Gc ty 's Schoc W asliingto

R a v tn u r e r of th plant, an ass is tan t

U R C I lL L will p a r tic j o k a t 1 9 8 4 d iscussion

r mspital:

serv ices a s a lam ily m edica M agic Valley Regional .M

has inereas<><i ils advertisin last year.

" In Ihe pasl. we depcndet public calendars, bul now. the a rea with a little more Sum m ers, tho d irector of tlons a t MVRMC.

Like the Jerom e ho.spital eye on the business of the r c ity w here it is located.

The hospitals also a re v; can a ttrac t the most palt services, particu larly sincc tlonal services seem s lo I instance, a l St. B enedict's ,' Ing an average of only 4.1 d s lay than the nalionwlde li

i days, according lo llie A Association.

Cam pbell says lhal m ed m oving strongly, low ard

r a n c h e r R a y J a c k s o n ri<]

ms defi^ m Clark and June

, s is te r, a re the fourth gen lolM nn 'K osow orth .

in The only lim e J im Rosew orth w as when hi

>rt— lie 's never-wanted t a l lYt of "T h is is fam ily." Clark

Ju n e anil Ken Tverd; ly p lace for 17 years. The ul and one girl, they hope 14 the fam ily for a t least an( on J im and .lune's fa ther e s now lives .soulh of Twin s, on range around Rosewoi n. The Sclinr/.man familii p,— ratfiTT>’‘g r6ups";ii'Rosew( ly belonging to John Bryanl

B ryant, who owns aim a ac re s at Ro.soworth. in

nt from his father, in Bill Schor/.man has livi ;e iy-16. Me first cam e I /. irriga to r, and in l ‘i.‘>l. tie

itors toI clianee for lhe si’liools to sljtiw on tra ry lo national report.s R In the prol)lcnis and failings lol systcm.s, '■edufalion is still in Twin I'alls, Colin .MuUloon, •in-Fatl^^-lit;;h-^;dlIK>^-^lll(lenl- ircsidfiit. tiilit (In* alumi nm > a llendingllieciTeinfthK 's. r the lasl mnnltis. t i i c r c '^ v c any com m ents lluit our sirmiols ling u s," .Siiperinlenilctil ( ;a ry aid. But .some of Ilu-cotnm cnis porls reporlcil Iiy the m edia ;on mislea<ling..lie said, refer-

►ymposiu'.•ElTKCAKY Veu'.s wriior

i FALLS - Ttic .Stiakf R iver ;ium Ihis year will take a look iociely and the technology iiiai — o r controls - it matured speaker for the .Mai c-h ing symposium will ttr Ai tl.ur :ell. a scientist: educator .mil

who is a inemlHT of Hic a l the American L 'niversity's forTeehnnlogy Adniiiiislrau'im- G corge \Vasliinglnii Uiiivc-isi- fiool oSKngineering, hotli in gton, D.C.

lond .Snielek. iii.niaj;- the Boise HewlL'll.p.ii'kiird and Paul (.'unniiighaiii. it lo Gov. John- Evans. tic ipale in an aflernooti jiariel on about higli teclinologv ;unl


ttgICIs begical center." low :I .Medical Cenler also w ill: ising campaign in the " I

ided on 'freebies' like - l)ul < IW. we have to reach and i o re force." says.Sue l a of comnumity re h u to ca

t im eita l. .MVRMC lias its th e p le region, not jusl the M ’

Clini; vying to sec which clay: la lten ls wllh special unde nee the .use of Iradi- s la y0 be declining. For coop' .'s, patients are stay- need .4 days, a f i r shorter .so p; e iafi:i average of 7.6 hom«

American Hospital At m ini;

nedical services a re a r e » rd prevention and c a re

■ f l


r i d e in f ro m a m o r n i n g

'ine conne Tverdy. tirother an d generation of tlieir fam ily 1

Jim has liVed oul o f /1 he was in the serv icc. fliY canyw licrceist— ___ark says. a:-rdy have f;irmed th e ir a he parenls of three boyspe to keep iheir fa rm in ii another geniTation, her. Truman Clark, who ' •''in Falls, still runs ca ltle kw orth. ei l l ic s a re o n e o f llic lh re e lie w o rth who rn rm 'R ro u n d -------anl'ofReilding, Calif. s. ulmosl half lhe irrigated

inherited lhe p roperly li

lived in Roseworth since a lo Roseworth a s an

lie and his wife. Bonnie, p

)ut achiK)w -ring lo a report reiirt.s Department of l-;(lticings Terrel Bell.;(ill Th;it report showed ion, eight foreign coim trie; rnl-— rthan—I Inited—St titers'Hid achievement le s ts Bu

years, the United Stallive numlier of stud<-nts itols d ran iatiealiy .l> li!e is;iiiry All -sludeiits in then ls w ere eoinpared wiih:li;i students in oiler- P liler s;iid. Bul Ihc hes

um to feilo.inu.-- ii.iU; lesi future

Mary Alice Fiori'iice 1,‘ry who IS 111 charge of jit i<,k anniiiil sym posium , sa i,;,i hilis ills talk a s a ••fun-

;jtourl!itM soeicly.ln liis l;ilk - c a l le d "

We’re Here, ’.Vhat Doe he is evpected to discu

!' and problems of the ’l*' lechMiilogy e ra a n d ; ■ (ieorgc (irw ell's p red i

have comc tnic^-----------Purcell’ tiriiigs a f ii i

background to th e nu si)eeelics he m akes

ij;- professional m eet ings ird campuses He w as ;in member appoin ted -

Jim m y C arte r 's Scienc lel Force in 1U7G. nd He served on Ihe prc

c V ajin erA-ard trealing patients wilh pi 11 rep laceo ra t least reduceh( "If our m arketing cam paign

• will he filling fewer of our I-we ~ill ijo serving the peop d heller ways." he says, la fa c l. .Magic Valley hospital, c a le r lo palienls who w ant lo .10 as possitDle m hospitals, r.- ; patien t IrcaLcdiiy a compelil VIVRMC. Sl. Benedict's and 1 nic and Hospital all have d' y surgical units to shorten the [lergoing relatively m inor su ly in the hospital. Mosl hosp )peraling, with ..doctors wh •ded for surgery on the day b» patien ts can spend an addi

Tie,VI Cassia County Memorial n is lra lo r Fred Schlo. .s says i ; choosing lo partic ipate in ■e programs. In sim ilar prog

g s p e n t ' t e n d i n g c a t t l e .

mmuniis la rlcd farming lor itiem s left,

— “ Thal’s'God's-counlry'OU At one lime, he and four of h farm ed In Roseworth,

__ J3ilISdiDrzmiin^.Uicce.sojan d Wade, grew up farmintJ and loday they farm 1.200 ac

The Scluir/.rnan clan now ing it the largest family grou

"I wanted to farm ." Wadi ••and this was Ihe best way li k ind of tired of being so everything when I was a kh liked II oul here."

— Wa>'ric-and-i)enni!t-boili-c sam e reasons,

"The only real problem v trucking through the canyi •'But olher lhan thal. this isa and farm ."

M any of Roseworth's loi purchased land there in lli

iieyemeeleaseil hy C ,S. .scored a ication Sccieliirv the forcii

ife al;d that sludcnis m num ber ies scored higher to Ami ■?«'—r<(ijrienis~nn — Ivcrsltip;

:iles lias seen thell c'diK'.n.'.. liM. " 'I 'l i a v e i

.;ii,i w ant loge 1‘niled .Si;i(c.., Connieh only lhc (up I'^lemenl.Ithcr coiiiitru's, vice pres1‘st [■ S students Associali

:ature lo<•siiiirccs in ttic m ission i

Island ace ol 'rwin Falls. sc ientistIiuhhcity for <hc mission-a \'s dial Purcell topicsn filtc(l");hmp.';e • t.m ergen

hazardoi'•lliiil- NowTlKil jippearec

lies It .Mc;in'.’" Agribusicuss lhc henefils su m ers Ile cuneiil high- Me has

.sec how close W aste Wdictions lor lUiil po lem ic;: ---------------------------tne- Chris'iMoinl Icchnical Kloren lumiTims public th is ; ; each y.-.n ’ ;ii s n a k c Ri gs and col|c-i;c- volunleei ; the yinini:cst Southern

-lo Prcsideni exchang( nee Policy T;isk sp eak er

den is aciresident's Com- |( |S linT v

i f f e ta of c

1 procedures that a round; hospilal s tays. p a tie n tsIgn Is a succcss. c a n lea 'u r hospital beds. nu rsin g ?ople in different g j

tals seem wlillng. to spend f s lillle— ra ther than see ^ ^ 1'

d Ihe Tw'in Falls• developed one- “lhe lim e patien ts je a v e lh c surgery need to

xspllals also a re "M oslwho plan tests to keep pM)oforo surgery , lim o cordditional day at post-su rf

a c tu a llyal Hospilal. ad- a n d the;•s more p a tien ts ■ te rm s .” (in home health- "W e wrogram s offered • t r e a t Ihi

• 'i 'l I -I / i

e . In t h e r e a r I s t h e o l d

ity o f Rmselves. They nevor_ ea rl ' "i-oul-lhcrcr” -hc 'says: — says if his five bro thers a ll back W ayne Davi ing with Iheir fa ther. th en ac re sa t Roseworth. "I

)w numbers 12. mak- Davl roup at Roseworth. stay , ade Schorzman says,. Th y Io gel sta rted . I got way. so far away from movi kid, bul I 've a lw ays enou

Lali-cfim e-back-for-the— Rose

livedn with Roseworth is "I nyon." Wayne says, he sa is a good p lace lo live to be

Thlong-time residen ts of ca llie lale l ‘)4Us and

ents a t:l a s well o r be tte r lhan reign countries, he said, also poinled to Ihe grow

e r of foreign studen ts apply .m erican colleges and tlP.'T------------------------------------ -

lur education is so“poi)r. why k-cso niiiny foreign s tu d en ts v,0 go lo school h e re?" h e askec nic Hutchinson, a .Mornings ‘n tary School te ach e r and I resident of Ihe Idaho E ducal iaiion. said th is w eek 's acti

16 k at 19in on lhe A ccident at T h ree iV1 and has served a s Ihe o ist on two p re s id en ts ' Cr in on Scholars. His a r tic le s

ranging from nuch jency preparedness dous-waste m anagcrilcn t h: red in Scicnce Digc Worldwide and C •s Digest.has also written a book. "1 Watchers,," callcd " a power

icaga lnsl'lhc evils of w aste "iristian Science M onitor,-------•enco says Purcell w as cho; s y ea r 's sfw akcr bccause 1 R iver Symposium — a boarc eers sponsored by the College ;rn Idaho lo p rom ote 1 nge of ideas — w anted [!r who would appea l to rt across the M agic V alley. 1 T w inFalls.

yad caid the valley, a nurse visits n ts a t home onco or m ore dal leave lhe hospital while tliey n g care .

Benedict's has plans to in -care scrvices. which 11 h a s ofl 6?frri(Aeir'Bii7sjiitr'«t7s})ilaris j al corps of aides who will be a ch things as prepare a m eal tiers if a wife or m other is ho s is t a surgery patient who li lousohold chorcs. so he o r she the hospital sooner, osl of the special serv ices a n :p people out of the ho.spital. I c com ing when critical-care pa u rgery patients will bc the 01 Uy hospitalized for any lengt. Lhey will b e .h e re for m uc i." Campbell says,• would ra ther help them s tay them afte r they a re sick.

Iip../. N.-V..JJ

J d R o s e w o r th e l e m e n t a

losewoarly BlSOs becausc It was incxp "T h is Is poor m an’s country

ays:-"W e f lrsfboughfland '01 ack when even a poor m an coui Originally from Missouri. L

>av is moved onlo their lan lem selves In 1952.• T v e always been satisfied « av is says. "When we cam e .ay ."T heir oldest son, P reston , f ay. Only 18 monlhs old whc lOved lo iioseworth. he left h lough to go to automotive collci L aw rence and LaVaun Ht oseworth-in-1947rThcirsonrLa k ed anywhere else." I went to Pocatello lo colleg ’ says, "but I would never live be oul by my.self,"T he Hells farm 1.200 ac re s an cattle . Larry, his wife. M arc

• S e e ROSEWORTH on P

t in lies are a good w

members of Ihe IE •owing teachers- plying "So m any lim es v I un- lhe lEA or the Twir ------------- Assoeiatlon,-it-ls wh(

; tiy (lo • jeachcr sa la ries , Bu that we a re firs'

'ked. Icachers in Ihe classiigside . . The Twin F alls E(id Ihe "tion is sponsoring ]cation school sludonls andictivi- work througli Saturd

984 sociieM Ile , The sym posium : ‘ only its program to incl Com- this year. Sm elek w

les on orations in a ttrac t! uc lcar high-technology firr

lo . ningham, who w have ■■'ernmentai agenclcs

)igcst. ■ and rangc-m an Con- minoral-developmci

discuss the future "T he sourccs,

FJoronce says Ih cxpocllng plenty 01

-----------obscrvaiions'fronvtrpanel discussion,

ic the 'a rd of Tickets for the i ege of se.sslons of which wl ! the can be purchased :cd a downlown. a t th e H ' resi- the Blue L akes M all ( y. not Tho cost for th e |

$3,50 for students.


impais recovering philosophy ' lally. so they ' h o sp ita ls tod. ey still need To com ba

from fewer1=5 s?=:S i - l t r r "

lives alone n„„,le e a n sa fe ly u se o fth e n e v

su rg e ry and t ire designed A t MVRM I can see the pushed. Son patients and ruys a n d lal oniy people m oney-m ako

gth of time. Is conslderim uch shorter ratoryTesultJ

considering ly well than , possib ly extei k. bul this •$€«

■ ■ h

A tByDi

of,poi the

D epai


it will ag ree


In a

th e c portin

mark< u se p

l a r y s c h o o l mendito Fe

. J c a n tyrth caSi'i------------------------- Und

xpenslve. govenry ." DIcy Davjs_ . GdutIj out here in iiH9 . d e p a r mid afford it," flrm alLloyd and Dicy Qua

and to farm it subm l p lan 1

J out here ." Mr, m ent, 10 . we cam e to F a lls ]

singlefeels the sam e Qua

hen his paren ts 532,32J home Just long •

lege in Denver.Hell moved to b a rry rncvG rhas J "

ogo for aw hile," vc in town. I like

and run 600 head rcella . ond their 1 P ag e A?

BOI:lonv “. . Paclfiiway to show ihat agents lEA are dedicated compu

In son; when you think of Includi t’in Falls Education The 'hon wc a re working . re n r npgnll.nllnp Pnclfh Ju t wc never forget If rs t and foremost propos ssroom ," she said, u a lly . Education Associa- followi ' perform ances by F crry - id displays of Uielr Je ro m rday at the mall, a n d Ml

Cust com pu

O ' t x 1 Ruperl. v > L V arrang

F orI also has extended Pacific elude local leaders station will discuss consid- som e 2

:tirig and rela ln lng The irm s to Idaho, Cun- would works wllh gov- sm ppi, cs on w ater, forest to m en anagem ont . and equipp lent issues, will to PUC ire of Idaho's re- p a ss

affeclcthe . group Is also becaus of com m ents and Thol

'tno'audlcnco a f th e — h carin S t. inE

Rcgi.symposium, bolh c lo su n

will bc held at CSI, la t te r i a t Judys' Books a rd . H allm ark store in F o r

llo ra tth cco llo g e . h earln I p rogram Is $5 o r w hen I r al334-*

^ T im o q ^N o w a.T w in F a lla . Ida!

ignsly calls for a ch ang ing role fortoday." .................... —

nbat the loss of revenue- resulting - - wor palienls and sh o rte r hospl- 1 periods, some h o sp ita ls a r e turning unt" programs. C am pbell says. Tliis working wilh m a jo r Industries and 's to offer h ealth -care p ro g ram s fof * lire staffs al a reduced rate , Tho Is .supposed to m a k e u p for Ihc :harges,hesays,[iencdict's. officials hope to.increase ' new er departm ehts. such a s one-day ind tho kidney-dialysls cen te r,RMC. ancillary se rv ic e s aro being Services like p hysica l therapy . X- I labratory tests a r e th e hospital's . lakers. Summers-.says. T h e hospital - jring courier sc rv ice to d e liver labo- sults and X-rays to d o c to rs . It also Is ng offering m ore la b se rv ices - •xtending them to v e te rin a rian s . '• See HOSPITAL on P a g e A7

QuattsheadsT^^igenda\ t c o u n c i l m e e t i n gy DAVID MOFFAT Imes-Ncws writer

TWIN FALLS — T h e appointment ,police Chief Tim Q ualls a s director the now Twin F a lls P ub lic Safely

epartm ent tops . to n ig h t's City luncII agenda.The council also is s e t to approve a d of S38.M0 for th e construction of fw restrooms a t H arm on P ark . And will consider final a p p ro v a l of a now^ m e n t w ith-PhU U hllg-foc-thc----------ase of 1,750 T w in_Falls Canal Co...............atersHarcs,In addition, the council w ill hear a •escntatlon by E la in e Fenw ick that e c ity allow all v eh ic les trans- irting handicapped peop le — not mply vehicles w ith specially ., a rked license p la tes — be allowed to c parking slots re se rv e d for Uie indicapped.City staff m em bers have recom- ended the city adopt a policy similar

Fenwick’s, by Issu ing signs that n be placed on dashboards of h id e s used to t ra n sp o r t th e hondi- pped.U n d cm ijc -c lty -nn iirager-fonn '-o f-----------vernmont, City M a n a g e r Tomlurtncy-bas the a u th o rlty - to a p p o la t- .......-partm onl heads, pending con- matlon by council.Qualls and Courtney a lready have bmlttod a proposed organizationalan for tho-Publlc S a fe ty -D e p a rl^ - .........ent, which will consolidate Twin ills police and fire s e rv ic e s under a igle director, e ffec tive M arch 1.Qualls' salary would Increase from 2.32S to $35,160 u n d e r th a t p lan. But ’

• See COUNCIL on P a g e A7

le a f in g ;e tovcr ail p lanB O IS E -T h e Idaho P u b lic u tilities ; mmlssion-will hold a hearing noxt ; inday, Feb, 27, In B oise o n a Union ;■clfic proposal lo re p la c e station ; onls with a centralized, • mputor-assislcd te lephone service I some 2G towns- a ro u n d th e state, | :lud lngsix in thoM ag icV alley . ; fhe slatlon a g e n ts coordinate ; light shipments hand led by Union ' clflc. jf the PUC approves the company 1 jposal. Union P ac ific ag en ts grad- ;Ily . would be p h ased o u l In the ; lowing area co m m unities : Glenns i rry-Mountain H om e. B uhl. Burley, t rome-WendelL, Shoshone-Goodlng I d Minidoka. ' 1Customers then w ould contaci j Tiputcr-cqulpped. c e n tra l offices In 1 p ert. Twin F alls o r Pocalollo to ! ' •ange for freight tran sp o rta tio n . 1 ^or the pasl two y e a rs , Union ; ciflc has been ap p ly ing for ; itlon-agcncy closures In Idaho, and . n e already have been g ran ted , rhe company b e lieves th e closures uld help stream line Its billing and pping operallons. b y having cus- ners call directly In to th e offices iipped with com pu ters , according PUC spokeswoman D a n a Howard, 'a sscngcr service w ould nol be ecled by the proposed closures :ause It Is provided b y A m trak. rhe hearing will bc he ld In the PUC iring'rOQm 'at-472-W .-W ashlngtorf in Boiso,

Icgional hearings to discuss the su re proposaLs a r e planned for • ‘ te r In the year, a cco rd in g to How-

^or more Inform ation about tho irlng . Including th e e x a c t tim e en it wlil start, call th e PU C officc J34-9415 c

Idaho T uosdny , F o b ru a ry 2 t ,1 0 6 4

Page 7: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud

—lit fh^E n g i n e ‘h e a t s ’

TW IN FALLS - A P ar------- ~ T i i s - i n r c K - n i r n ^ ‘in ( r m a

. b a rs a in e d for whi-n It cm F a l ls m old.

A l a b o u t‘J:50;i.m ., Jui o f h is truck anil relurnei 1472 Blue Lakes Hlvd. N.. s a id Capt, Jim Vickers o m e n t.

T h e enKlne probably iR nltod, One.flro cnninc T h e flrc, wliicti was confii o u t In a short time.

T h e re was about $300 < w a s owned by GcorKC Wil

A r e a m a n j o i nTW IN F A L L S -B ob II;

o f S u n se t Memorial P a rk b o a rd of the Twin Falls- h a s beon named by Go

. A dv iso ry Board of Aer p o rta tlo n .

H arn ey . 55. will .serve u n til J a n . 1.19C7. H ew ill of B oise , whose term lias <

H arn ey says one of h lal educa tio n .

S in ce airline deroKuk fou n d they are helnfi .se

.. - m m erc la l.,ca rrlc rs .:h c t'aug lil Uiat com m utcr all c a n provide a s.'i(e andsa y ^ ^ __________ _______

H arn ey has been a plU th a n SiOOOhours of fly ln s I

- - — h o a rd from 1974 (o 1982. -T h e sta te advisory b

rccom m cndatlons to the g ro lind transit lssue.s,

—ObitijIota Fairchild

R U P E U T - lola Falrcl; R u p e r t , died Monday a l Ciussl H o sp ita l.

B o rn Sept. 23. IW . a l O x sJie a ttended Oregon school: m o v e d w ith fwr fomiiy to

. .w h e re she . m arried Jnn- F a irc h i ld on Aug. 13. 1925.

■ m o v e d to Rupert, w here sh< s ln c c . M r. Falrchllddled in 19

----------- She-wafl-o-rocmlior o f-lho- - J c s iB Chrlst of-Latter-day-S

Ing fo r mnny years In th' orR onizatlon.

S u rv iv in g ore: tour sons. F a l r ^ i l d o( Rupert. D avid L o f R ockland . Collt.. Donald }1 o f A g u a Dulcc, Calif., and F a irc h i ld of Pasco. W ash.; J im Sm iU i of Ontario, O re.; c h ild re n ; nndlBBTCfil-grandd

S h e w as prcccdcd In dea b r o th e r s and o olstcr.

T h e funeral will tx held Thu a .m . a t the F irst, Sccond a i

• W a rd Mormon Chapel in R i B ish o p Arvln Hansen official w ill b e In Rupert Cemetery,

_ FV</»rwlB mnyi-nll nt UnngnrIn R u p e r t on Wednesday afte e v e n in g , and at the church one

-- - -- to th e se rv ic eo n T h u fsd a y ,

Marie M. TrappenT W IN FALLS - Morie M, T

o f T w in Fails, died Monday i------- T w in F a llca in Jcan d H o sp lta l

B o m Dcc. 23, |9W, In S l. Pc s h e liv e d In Spokane before F l ie r w ith bcr parcnts, Sh( sc h o o ls a t Filer and^ g rodu T w in FoU s HighSchooi.

S h e la te r graduated from N o rm a l School fn I92S and tan Jn F a l l s City,

-------Shc“m arric< IT :N r"N rcR "-lF i le r o n Oct. 25,1327, They far o f J e ro m e until h is death In l s h e m oved to Twin Falls.

S h e w as a memt)cr of thi C h u rc h , and altended bo th St. In J e ro m e and St. E dw ard’s F a l ls . She had served a s or{ c l io lr d irec to r for several y e J e r o m e ’s,

S u rv iv in g arc; two sons. J a c T rap p e n ,tw th o fJe ro m e; tw o t J o a n Buckendorf of Twin Fnlls W ood o f Portland; 15grontlchil 19 grcat-grandchlldrcn,

A so n procodcd her in death . R o sa ry will tx; rcclted a t

W e d n e sd ay a t Hove-Robert.<ioi C h o p c l in Jerom e. Moss of the b u r ia l will be celebrated T hun a .m . a t St. Jerom e’s Catholi< w ith lh e Rev. Father Wlillnm

-^eryic<JK R O M B —The funeral for \

T a r b c t , CO, of Jerome, who die w ill b e Iwld today at 10 n.r H a z e l lo n W ard Mormon C hap w in b e in the cemctcry a t S U ta h , n t 4 p.m.. with m llll p r o v id e d by mcmlwns of Iho £ A m e ric a n legion. Frlcnd.s m r th e c h u rc h in Hnzclton todny p r io r to th e service. IIiin.scn Me R u p e r t Is in cJinrgeof arranRcm

-H esp iMAGIC VA


M rs. C raiK Stringer nnd J e rry J< W eiss o f ShosJw ne; and Mrs. Rosnrli

D lsn iis_Shaw n.W llilam 3.j\daJ?cnlnc .iin< F a ils ; R a u l M artinet. MaltJjew Ml iiu rlc y ; M rs. Ixtrcn Kasmu.*iscn of I W cndeil; Je n n ife r Choquctte of II K im berly.

B irthA so n to M r, aiid Mrs, Craig S tring


H erm a n B raun of Gooding nnd Cot

le Valles ’ a l i t t le to o m u

i’a rm a m an who wanted to w m ornmR received m ore ttiai cau(>(il on flrc* Monday a t a 1

J u r r ie s Loren started the cn ■ned to Ills room al .Motel SIj N.. so the vehicle could w a n r •s o f the Twin Falls F ire Def

lly backfired and the gasc ne w as dispaicheii to the sc nfined lo the en>-inc a rea , wa.>-

00 dam a('e lo the vclilcle. w, W illey of P arm a. Vickers sale

i n s s t a te b o a rd) H arney of Twin Falls, llieov a rk and a former irem U er of lls-Sun Valley Regional Airp Gov. John Kvans to th e s

\e ro n a u tlc s and Public Tr,

rve on the Ihrec-mem b cr b e /ill tak e the place o rC eorfie C as expired .dah o ’s m ain aviation p rob len

;u latlon, Idaho residenli; h se rv e d less ami less by li

:h e .s ay s ..B u L p eo p le .jn u s t a ir lin e s , u'sln^ sm aller a lrc r id cost-effective alterriative,

p ilo t fo r 20 yoars and lia s . i t nR tlm tr.-Henervedon (he airj

’ b o a rd oversees, and m a le Kovernor on. all public a ir

variesectebrant. Bi

Irelilld. 7C, of tY ienS mn'0.ssin Memorial Wednesday

to 10 a.m . on TICoqullle. Ore,.ools. She later h h | | | | | ^ h


25. They later she had lived

nI9G4.tho-Church.of—^ ------y - S a i n t s r s c r v ^ ^ —

the Prlmaiy

>ns. Byron D,Id L. Fairchild -!d H. FairchildUld Jam es A. ■h.; a broi.'; 15 grand-(idchlldren.death by tu«

Thursday at 11 '1 and Seventh


«en Mortuary---- Twln-Folls.—aftcnwon and Magic Valley I one hour prior Bom Ju ly 29

hc married Ra In 1JM9. She c

n married ConnI. 1963.1. T rap p e n . T9. Mr. A la n iz , . jy m orn ing M Calliollc C l,Jn

" p k r T M l S . T - ^ ' l S ” " ;

Sho allcndcd a d u a M rrom

Alrnilz Dora ' ,m the Alhiori Anna Fife. Ma, taught school Alaniz, all ofT%

i’’-Trappcn-5t ^^Iz.; 15 grandf a r ^ south En,csto AlanizIn 1373. when Alaniz of Rut... ^ .i. „ Sweetwater, 'm e Catholic Carmen Alanli

I St. Jerome’s Rosary w'lllr d ’s In Twin Mortuary in Tworganist and , ^ 0 fun.years nt St. Arniod Friday a

Catliollc ChurclJack and Jim hcv. Father Pc«> daughters, nurial will be innlls and Betty TwInFnlis.children; and prjends may

today from S lc^ Wednesday and

at 7:l» p.m n.m.onFriday. Ison ^^ane^a! the Christianhursday at U f fa y m o n dlolic Church. TWIN Taylor as joslln, 35. of Bo

t e s - — —or Wendell L family suggcsLsdied Friday, tion.-) be m ade Un.m. In the Hospital inS a lll

(lapcl. Uuriai t SmiUifleld,illllary rites JEKOMK — T10 SmiUillold Drlesol, 8C. of Jmny call at dny. will be h<

dny an hour Hove-ilobertsonI Mortuary of Jerome. B u ria l'.jements. The lery, Friend.s n

ita ls—:VALLEY iDICAL CENTER nlltedy Jones, twUi of Twin Falls; Sar airio Castanctin ot Jackpot, nlsaod .and Mrs. ttart rtowui, all of Twi Mocstas nnd Kevia'Toiier; all i of Rupert; Mrs. Gary Lemmon c f Hngennnn nnd Brian Cooke c

Irth ■inger of Twin Fnlls.

n t y m e m o r u lnlttedCora BmoksofFnlrllcld,

e y —u c h S a w to o th pI w a rm TWIN FALLS - tian Me thcnic ^ Sawio( a T w in carnival, w hich wil

Durint; the carni enfiine . have a chance to p Six. a t set up by com pa rm UQ. library.) e p a r t - ■ , Proceeds from tl

classroom com puti iisoline Willey. To ra ise scen e . refreshm ents and r

k’a.s p u t a microwave oven.For more Inform;

w hich B runyera t 734-471U aid.

E d u c a t io nTWIN FALLS -

o w n er Excellence In Edu o f th e flndln^^s and recoi

irp o rt. today at B in tl r s ta te auditorium.Tran.s- The 17-member <

' national Kxccllenci b o a rd '"R ^PP'^

r C 5 5 k ------S c p le m b e r . - T h e - t tboard m em ber, sch and citizens.

em.s Is

C a s t le f o rdh a v ela r^ e CASTLEFORD -

u si .be - -Vicwjed and update rc ra f t . ' b b a ^ jn e e iin g . ve. he It adopted miri_ J _______elec tive an

■ m andated 90 percen The num ber of rc

! . ! ? y r .4 m io a : \v j s T a t s c d - f r o nc lass of 1984.

m akes In other business i l r a n d with Lenkner. Mich

for specch-and hear

i--------------------B u r ia l wlli be in -J e ro m e F.

C.n n y co ll a t the funeral >>omc a t lay fro m 3 to Sp.m, and from 9 1 T h u rsd ay . . - a l

......... hi




^ Hi



.AlanizB l

J J .S — Felix M, Alaniz, 55, of tvd Ied -S u n d a y -e v e n in g -a t------ ]

•y R egional Medical Center, xv- 29. 1928, In Kingsville, T exas, a a R a y n a ld a Perez In Californio Th c d ie d on Feb, 20. I9C2, Hc nnie G onzales in Twin F a lls in

z , Q m em lw r of St. Edw ard’s •]lu rch , moved to Twin F a lls 2-n1 7 j^ a r s a g o ,_ _ jo ia rc : h is wife of Twin F a ils ; MeE m c s lo Alaniz of Ruby, {c h ild ren , Gilbert A laniz, F a

n lz , D aniel Alaniz,-Michael■a G uzm an, Mary Hopkins, ,V largarc t Alaniz and D olores ,’T w lnF aH s,nndF c llxA lan lz 'Ir, AlnniT Ivilhu id c h lld ren ; three brothers, nlz o f O dessa. Texas, Benito l u b y and I.Aipe Alaniz of

T e x a s ; and a sis ter , 1 ” ilz o f Loveland. Texas. d ll b e recited a t White T w in F a lls on Thursday a t 7 u n c ro l m ass will be cele- 1!ly a l 11 a .m . a t St. Edw ard’s ------ Ttrch in Tw in Falls, with th e 2 p P e r r y Dodds as celebrant. T w

• in Su n set Memorial Park In olfi mo;

Qy c a ll a t the funeral t>omc i lo 9 p .m .. until 9 p.m. on Ec m d T hursday , and until 10IV. *'^ Haa

d Edwin JosUn * 5u . 5 — Raymond Edwin nnd B o ise ond formerly of Tw in Moi

sLs lh a l memorial contribu- hon c to th e P rim ary a illd ren 's d t L a k e City. T

l^ u die<

- TlHj funeral for Fronn M. p.m if J e ro m e , who died Satur- F a l

h e ld today at l p.m. a t We< o n Funeral Chapel in Cliu a l w ill be In jerom e Ceme- T w i I m a y call a t the funeral a lU

H erm nn M yersof Goo<i:

Sam CA

Ju n e Doman of Burlc;F airch ild of n u p c r t ._ ___

i r o f ....................................... .in of Ju n e Domah. L ew is i e of D errah l Holmes, a ll of Bu

of Heybum,


D alynn Hilt of B u rley a r

^ A son to Mr. and M rs. J o

I p l a n s ‘jc h o o l c a5 — "Com puter F a n ta sy ” v 1,'looth nicm cnIarjtT-jidlool will beheld FridayJwimG t o ! irnival. students and th e ir p; :o p ractice on four d iffe ren t ■ ipany dem onstrators in‘ '»',

n the carnival will be u sed U puters. .says publicity c h a in se money, sludcnla wJJl i id ra ffie tickcts for a co lo r tc cn.rm alion, call Willev a t 734-24: 71U,

n p a n e l to g iv e r«1 — The Twin Falls School iducatlon Committee w ill p ^commendations at a publii

tlic O’Leary Ju n io r HU

er com m ittee has been rev i m ce In Educallon R eport an pply it to Twin F a lls schi ?-eommittee-iH'eompose<I-oi school district adm in istra to r.'

d s t i f f e n s p o lic icJ — The Castleford school lilted .its'pollcy m anual a t

ninim um "em'ollfnent ”s ta ru and the state Board of Ei

cen ia tien d an ccp o licy .. . . f required academic u n its fo ro m 20 -to22 . to begin.w ilh-the

less, the board ex tended itj llchener and Associates of T earinR-therapy .services.

Falls, died Thursday In San B Calif., ol injuries rcceive automobile accldcnt.

Bom May 18. IMfl, in Twin attended schools and grndm high .school in Filer He gradu College of Southem Idaho, th ated from Boise State Unlvers degree In business admlnlstrai:

Hc served in the Navy for I during the Vietnam War. H< Marlene Rlgo In Twin Falls o,

zia72.— ......—Mr. Joslln moved In 1974

where he worked in the Insun ness.

Surviving arc: ason. Bryon J a daughter. Andrea Joslln, bol> his father, Lester Joslln, his sti Rae Joslln. and a brother, Karl of Twin Foils; artd a sislei Huston In Argentbia.

His mother. Dorothy Josllr 1976.

A funeral mass will tx con 10:30 a.m, Thursday a l Sl. Catholic Church In Twin Falls Rev. Father Perry Dodds a s < Burial will be in Sunset Memorl Twin Falls.

— F rie n d sn if ly c fli ra rw n itcM t Twin Falls from 3 U) 9 p.m. or day and from 6 until 9:30 Thursday.

Kenneth L. JonesTWIN FALLS - Kenneth U J

2-month-old son of Mr. and N .Jones.ofjrwIn.FaIls..dlcd..Sat Magic Valley Regional Mcdicai

Hc was bom Nov. 2S, 1903, Falls,

Surviving arc: his parcn brothers, John D, Jones J r . and L. Jones. boUi of Twin Fi mntemai grondmother. Carolyr

■I'wln tons; fils grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Fa> T\vin Falls; his m alcm ol grandmother, Vera Bryan o mento; and his paternal grandmothers, Mrs. Lyle Ballej F alls and Erma Evcsof Mullan.

He wns preceded indeath by a ■“ The funeral will be held Wcdn2 p.m'. at Reynolds Funeral C Twin Falls, with the Rev. John < officiating. Burial will be In Su m orial Park tn Twin Falls.

Earl E. HallILVZELTON - Kari E. Hal

Hazellon. died Monday nt Magi Regional Medical Center.

Furwrnl nrrnngcmenLs are and will be announced by Mortuary of Twin Fnlls.

home today from 9 n.m, until rx>o

TWIN FA IJ^ - Rosary fc I^u lsc Buckley. 81, of Twin F t died Friday, will be recited to- p.m. a t Reynolds I-'uneral Chape Falls, Mass will be celebrated a Wednesday at St, Edward’s a iu rc h in Twin Falls. Burial v. Twin Falls Cemetery. Friends i nil day today al the funeral home



irlcy, Lyle Comcron of Hcybu

D lm lic d 'Is Jensen, Jon Platts and dai r Burley; and Gina Van Tasscll a


y and Mary West of Rupert.. Birth

1. John Hitt of Burley. ■ ■ ’

------ —, L eaTWIN I-

deslKned t

a rn iv a l S S i ^ n . ,

Will be ihe(H'.s annual□ •♦pm Sawtooth 1p':rri-nls will1 com puters ■'I '.e .<d„» rs ">

rm a n Janci bt* sellini; . ck,

Iclcvision or ,.,1 [hea d m in is tr:

2427 o r Vicki m em ber tl lo a llp a tie

"W e.canr e p o r t cen ter) o r

says one ol Ui.strict’s '•Wc’rc I r

pre.sent lls ,, . . 1 ,j i|ic m eeting ■vival " llRh School SI

eludes the viewinR the m ;;rkctin i' jn d discuss- :hools sinceof- a- schmil ^ ^irs. teachcrs X m C # ^

• Cor1 - th ree daufi

volvcd i in ;>1 board re-t Its rccenl The new<

. . . . . . . a ro fa th e r-r TTdards Tor' ' F ra n k a r E d u cation’s sons Rick

" R osew orthfo r gradua- because thaeincom infi____ g ro w ^ n ^ ^ i

appealed t i ts contracl Isolation, Twin Falls "I ju s t wi

years e a r li t the re s t of way,

“ Idaho w Mrs. Rodp

^ we’ve beer talking abc

Bernardino, Idaho Is h a ' ved In an see anyth in

Idaho.” dn Falls, hc Mike, thilualcd rrem

wllh Iho (ai ■ S S a bul he h a s n S '» ™ ln g p e rr four years Rick and J He married on the fam ll on Dcc. 27. Ing tlic lr fir?

■1 lo Bala.-, -irance busl- B . ^ ^ f

n Joslln. and • Contjthof Boise; It would resstepmother. about $21 .OGirl Joslln. all one m anailer, Shirlce existing F ii

ondoclodal scries of im: . Edward's e lly’s 19114 b lls, with the The appais celebrant. of providing Irial Park In cated m e ta

necessary pM ortuaiytn--------MnicTCbnsIon Wcdntj. .p,,,,

a,m, on slightly ovc but c ity s ta m ended tha use of con

Jones, the . provide th e ( Mrs. John The w ate

kitun lay .o t_ ...d lscussed -a i m eetings. S

□. In Twin fjave po,n,e, the c lly has

F a S - S .Uhllfi haspolchml---------3hares-th!^)'

ayJonesof another 250 lol great- basis, of Sacra- He h a s ag

al great- the sh a re s i ley of Twin paid $10 eac n. Neb. com pany as5abrotlwr. T on igh t's (

dnesday al a t7 p ,m . a t ' Chapel In will begin a t

n Chandler Sunset Me-

:all. 74. of ■ ^Igle Valley I ^

e pending I by While I

for Helen Falls, who todny al 7 pel In Twin I nl 11 n.m.5 Catholic will tw In

s mny cnll nc._______ The n<

I is c u st no th in e a r . Tl th e d( S ee th<

jum nnd lola ^

laughter, and 1 and dnuRhU;r

'T /e

, , j l _ --------------

arn how to; FALLS — A free workshii] d to explain liow lo wrlle an

public-scrvice announn ind prcs.>i re leases, will he hel u rd ay , Feb . i"). al the Canyu — In n :— ?porT?nrpd— In— th h P re s s Club,'orkslm p will run cdiicurn'till hmohemi sem inar, •'How i in t-'roni i>f the Mwha.--' wine

C ontinued from P age A6 le sam e tim e, the Imspit; ■trators a r e trying to rt

th a l Ihey cannol be all thing tien ts .a n ’t open a can cer/lrca tin cn o r do open heart surgery.'

ne MVKMC adm inislratdi Iry ing to be altutied to lIii

r t iie com m unity, Thai's sur

>1. B enedict's , survival in Ihe four phases of iis nov ng p ro g ram .

>setvortli^D tlnued from P age A6 -lughters all are actively in- n h e farm and 'ranch actlvl-

(w com ers to Ko.seworth T-and-.son farmt?rs, ■ a n d ’M argarc t Rodgers and ck and Mike moved lu ITT t n ' 197TTronTGoIcI(.^ Colo., th e y felt .crowded by the

H enver 5iuhurhs_ nosc\ynr|t| i' f o 'lh e m "lieciiilse of " the

w ish we’d moved out here 211 i i e r , " Mr, Rodgers says, and of Ihe fam ily feels the sam e

w ea th e r is kind of w eird.” id g c rs say s. “ E v e r since eon here, everyone keeps ib o u t Ihe unusual w eather having la te ly , but I 've yet to linfl but unusual w eather in

th e youngest son. a ttends u r in g the w in ter and farm s fam ily during Ihe .summer, s n o l m ade u p his m ind about le rm ancn tly ,id h is wife, Jann . plan to s tay m lly farm . They a re expect- i r s t child in June.

uncil—in tlnued from P age A6resu lt in an initial savings of ,000 . due to the elimination of nagem ent position in the F iro D epartm ent, according ficials.s troom pro ject is one of a Im provem ents planned in the 4 budget.p a re n t low bidder for the job Ing and erec ting a prefabri- ;ta l building with all of the v_plumhlng fixtures is M arty n s truc tlon of Twin Falls.Ial cost o f Ihc project is )v e r the am ount budgeted, s ta ff m em bers have recom- h a t the council authorl^'c the :ontingency-fund money lo 1C d ifference,a te r-sh a re Lssue has been -a t-thc .lasL -severa l. council . S evera l council m em bers lted oul th a t In past years, as rocelved less than m arket ' ren ta l o f its 2.7G8 w ater

la s leased 1.500 of these t!^)ugl>-l«8rT-tmd-he-leuse»- 250 sh ares on a seasonal

ag reed lo pay SM each for s th is .y ea r . ' Last year, he ;ach . plus th e cost of canal assessm en ts ,'s council m eeting will begin at C ily Hall. A work .session a l4 p .m . .a l s o a t Clly Hall.

T I N Y C /Hearing

n e w tiny , ye t e ffe s to m fit ted inside t in g v isib le w ithin This is n a tu re 's w d e s ir e d sound in h e n ew canal h e a r


‘J a c I ^ ' W a r b e

^ e a h q g - c v W C1 061 B IuoL okos Bl>

733-0601 .

o get PSA ’diiip , al.'-o IS bem g siio iisor ■ a n d c lu b

h e ld T h e w orkshop will nyoii c o n ip o se d of Leo - t h t — K M V 'M -v —lohn-R cn '

s ta t io n KTLC, Don S 't illy N o rth s id e News kl- lo W hilehea< l of th e ' l iu 'i i- C h r o n i r l r — • -------- -

1 . : :

....... F i r s t , th e hospilHl wip ita l i ts im a g e — te llin g |

r e - n ie d ia a v e r tis in g Ju in g s H e n e d ic t 's i s . I n a follo

p la n is lo con tinue n e n t iinag i^ JjUt ti) J ie g in t r y . " h o w they a re rcsponsih Ito r, h e a l th life sty le a n d offi

llic on w a y s to m eet th e rc.‘ s u r- A th ird p h ase will

h e ^ in d iv id u als know in- n ic a te w ilh th e ir docto

now h e a l th in su ra n c e a n d g g e f t i ie m o st for Ih e ir h

th—^T h e R o d g e rs fam i

in- _ a c r e s a l R osew orth a i IVl- ' t e r e d p o lle d H ere fo rd c

O th e r n e w c o m e rs a t C h a r l ie R unyan a n d jil:............ a n d 'C orby '. T lic R u n j

a n d 'R o s e w o r th iri 1977 fnjo ___ w h e n t h e boys w cre .lcc

. T h e R u n y a n fam ily f lh e of J o h n B ry a n t’s g ro u [Cill— no - j l a n s .to . le a v e . lh •lli* ^ m o s t of th e o th e rs ."y

th e y s a y th e y “ re a l ly iii

e p s M b h M bh e r .

:: r s ^nut "The Chape/by

136 -J'.h AVE. EASr •cl PHONE 733

th e




" M y E d >

z broker I” plan foi

!Cn I with hinicll_______________________j r sr s .<ette r • Flexibility c

ia l s;cc^s• Tax.dcduct

forl,e • Tax deferrc,ai -■icKrctnic

mco'Tic unti -In c o nsidcroo ion ThL-^L'Dunuhlr,/

ecli«,itd O Jone ri,inr. To I retcfcri>cfii. com


P h o n o : 7 3 : B obS o ibo l & F

135S hoshon

----- - - * | r Men-

A N A Lg Aid

fec tiv e hearing a id 5 th e e a r canal w ith in th e shell of th e w ay o f picking up in th e o u te r e a r . a rin g a id .


y e r f f s

C o u i i s c l o i gB lv d . N .


T uoac

’s u sed iri iored hy Ihe press The p

public-S' to w nte

11 fe a tu re a panel' televisic .‘o .M alherg of what kit:mtnRto!i"nnM (iio----------------Sparh.'iw k of the The «

and , Uosalea p.m. It i e ' I-Uisl Cminly of all st


will be projecting■ piMiple through to tell ttJust "w h o " .St. new er slow ing phase, the surgery,.* exp lain ing the gram s.

show ing people dialysisiih ie fo r th e iro w n addition:iffering education Using•esponsibility. pital m;I be designed lo use radikv how to commu- advertisto r. how to select commuiiI g en e ra lly liowlo giving l<'h e a lll i d<illar. lours,

i iily (iwn.s 1.4U0 K ayarand ra is e s regis- Ro.seworI c a ttle . becauseat R osew orth a re could finihis tw o sons. Rod becam e ;:nyaris moved to lifperm afrom Castleford. And soc e n a g e rs__________sLiy.and.f fa rm s G40 acres grows upound. T hey have likes rantRoseworLli._Like say.s Jn*."young and old, Roseworli ik o lto u tl ic rc . ' ' Ing,

IT E M^ ^ c L c u i h ^ Of

t y th e P ark";r-TW IN FALLS33-5600 NATlo

Iward D. Jones • h as 3 good re >r retirem ent

' o f in v e s tm e n ts — s d c c t frore-t>cnc5r^---*-Tg‘~3'i9c

ic c ib ic c o n tr i b u t io n s — ud tc

r c c i j io m p o u n c l i n g in te re s t aiigH yielding faxaoie mvestme ntil re t i re m e n t w n c n yOur rax C iftly lo w e r

r, n n d m u c n more nro nv.iilobio ll nos & C o Sclt-Oifcctea IRA. KEi n liow ilieso progrnm s cnn nelp •


3 3 - 4 9 2 5 R o s c o e Patton

>no S t. No.

E d w a r d □ . J iEsiaohsnea w /i

?mRnrTrNf-5rYo?TrSfock“e«cn.-^'M*a>b«< S*ninl>«« PrMni

e T h is is ^ P y o u w ea r

a d a y . F o b r u a ry 2 1 .1534 TinT lm o3-N ow 3, Tvi^n Fnlls, Id aho A - ^ - -

I the mediale pan e lis ts will explain wJiat a ic-service announccmeni is, how, n ie it, how to got 11 on radio ;iri(l »/ision ahti m the newspaper, am i “ t kind of re su lts to expect. . -

e w orkshop will begin a l I;;i()It is iipen to the representatives _

II s e rv i c e o rg an iz a tio n s a n ti th e

' . . . n ■ . - - v ;v « . ■

•''Tn th e re th e program will gn ort - 11 the public about St. Bencdict'.'s .T se rv ices, such as Ihe one-day- ery, v arious out-patient p ro- ■ ns. fam ily birthing rooms, th e ' ■/sis c en te r and olher m o d e rii" - lions, Canipliell says. 'ing a soft-sell approach, the hos- m ark e tin g committee plans lo "

radio, television and new spapt'r • Ttising. a s well as speaking a t - muiilty organization m eetings. • lg lecture;, and holtiing liospital '

y and P a u le tte Jack.son m oved Io , worlli from Twin Falls In l ‘*7f> -,^Jse it w a s th e only fa rm - th e y I f ind to r e n i . As .soon as a p la c e Tie a v a i la b le to buy, they .se ttle tl ■m'anently. ' 'I son Clint. 11. says he plans loind .work w lliUiis father when h e -----------s up. Although he says he renlly ranching b e tte r lhan farming, h e Jiu—JusL. m a y _ c a rry on the

A’orth trad itio n of'faiiilly farm -

C ftftiiK j o i m 1 9 2 4 :


ss & Co. reasons to

> 7 ^ I

from government •

iD toS15,000 ;

:st and cap ita l gains 1:men:s a n a acfcf ma: ::ax Dfacve^moy DC ;

3(0 inrougr^ onciusivo •. KEOGH, and SEP/lRAlelp you pinn your _


P h o n o : 7 3 4 - 9 1 0 6 ' •G o n e S tu rg i ll "

1 0 2 7 B lu o L ak e s

J o n e s Er C o«cn .inqe. Inc.


ir . . . ___ . I

- i

----- ----------------- -

Page 8: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud

Frank and E

u i^ i r


M rHagar the hr s o B E V I C o U L

AhJ-<'rHitJsA8oTASES, l jc k y

Gasoline Alu r da t e l

g o w i th PoIIl), ,— V irg il?

Garfield1 THIS IS VOURrON!





The Born Lc--1 ~ ^ VtJ5LL0?AV/<


ML...:-!- tlt-T ^ ^ p t f c h r r - ; —----- —

I I Il i

^ ^ a i l--------- general- TENDE

vestlga te whntcvcr Is cnl m yste ry to you; delve Ir you com e up ^Wth corrc T he evening finds your ei n ic llng wJUi y ou r reason.

ARIES (Mar. 21 to better ways for handlin

“v“ ‘aSa 'property mattcrerTi

. A -8 T im o a ^ o w 3 , TwinFo

W c

I Ernest_____-HANDWRIfl

ANALYSIS-9 rrtlda„


Horrible3 o u r - v o u R - T .

e 2

MleyJ T ^

S r » /s itua tionc lu p that w? V practi

’W ^ y4S3



S~4Loserw B w e 'X ^ K n i i i i j c i

-- rf ' n?^^^ , i - W i"M ..

I tily crossw c

K■ ■ 7 3 74I

lily Horos<)E N C IE S :7 ^ n :— y o u rm n ti cn lgm atlc or a toKcUfera

c Into such and TAURU jrrec t answ ers, over conl T em otions con- com prom l on. uatlons ar

Apr. 19) F ind nol tonlghl lllng m o n eta ry GEMIN: rT o ^ o 'P * c a s e — b u s ity o c c

1 Falla, Id ah o T u o ad ay , Fo t

i '


-U 6 E T \ I ’ TO THEM .- A R ! J — ------J

i■ j £ § y I

= _ j —«5ET Yoii _

A t4 e S T E i^ S lo M


J K iNo. a n d I d id '

<3 e v e r y th in g like\ i j o u t d u g h t m g i

we d id n t L ___ ^'Mce? ^


O P F ^

c m r ' } ! i _ y jJE J-rec ( I ; ) ! - * k .vfr.

•PIU& ) / ^ X TO AU?1 A . . . y v T t '= F «

I ' l tACRO

1 1 Bool

7 0 r c lU F.nstor

13 It.rivoir — Illl I n | i ; I ’ ‘I Cily in I Hawni------------------------IS Old wc

Ish---------------------------16 Crown

blooof-----l^ B Indian

Lnyor----- 77 20 Trnnsp

- • syston 7 ---------------------- nbbf.------------------------------- 7 r-= T m r

\rr.------------------------- 22 CtlOWCI 23 P l.iylr' hiii------------------------ sh o o s

- - - - 'rnnc_irf .c.KwW t |

W m i I

' ,A ;c ;f ;n :i

r . s ' s ' f / '

scope;nte in -thc cvcninfrr Be hnppy- ra n d sm ile more.IUS (Apr, 20 lo May 20) Talk onlracLs wlUi partners and imlse If necessary. Oulside s it- a re good during lhe dny. but

ghl.INI- (M ay 21 to June 21) Keep >ccupted-at4ho-wof lc. you l a v«-


=obruary 2 i.1034________________

nici7 A N P ~ ^ ^ t | - T T

SM'Ler-FAce T H A T Y o i j p b j

J Y o u p " i y ’’ w i t

L ^


Mm^ f I don’t under- ^

ke \ stand.' What did | ne! i l y o u ta 'habou t?!

8"fW:3 ^ T H A T WA€> S ■- K IN P OF Jt L, f u n j


ripraTl I 7 ^ 0 ^■ F R A l^ ( IT£'/E

V y 00[F H o ^

iR O SS 28 w in lo r 4o» m e lonth rac ilo . ."J I -H e a v y ________1

. wDlght ston ing 32 H flwniinn 4 Ivor fo n sly in 33 Q vorw olght 4w nil 34 PluckI 35 Iro lond 4

36 Frior 3WS •• <.V--0ub1ln 5(jor nntivoi,ijnnco in 3S '-^oo rlous 5 /or 39 Lol u p oninspoil 40 M nnu in e lu ro 5 Itom s: 41 W rllino ar. m a lo rin i 5TflClOO------- a ? W .IMP — - - Gowed nllownnco 6y lro 43 Bnkory)0 s produci G

YrilcitI.iy s l'ij//lc Solvnil ■ s « c ;o j i j i i |A ;c i c : i f .A . b t | a:MIi Ie B c :II.I.(II)I.’c K r .v f t i r i t ;H t j i .A ; i i i f ,

■ ( '! n l i n i i n E i l r s » f

■SM P'F 'A M F.II S A.i;Z,<»■ rr ii lN .( :;F iH a M T .o .o ,T l i M i r A ^ s i f r f ;0.N, ’h’a ' i IN e ih M T a s iic '! )E c,A _nJi|M ;n.i m m i

I f s l f r F ; f . O . S . t . S ,

.’ ;< M I'

p ro m lso d to do. Work ev en ln i’.

MOON CHILDREN 21 )-F lnd o ut w hat your

py7 ” Trieiidi? w an t you to dc m en i is concerned,

dknd LRO (Ju l. 22 lo Au| ;it- w hat is expec ted of yo )ut live w ilh you. Relax to

Is n ol good fo ren lc rta li ep VIRGO. (Aug. w -w 4 )w righ t.£ourcc& .,for

S_If f c P — —

HiiT - f lT H - - I ) '

PI— ^

-------f Beei ■

| u

I ____ l : _ . s h o

I ■ !y 2

____________ AT s I1 ^ / 7 | I— L

i ^ j ^:l boyo

L \ i \ T « '■i > -A FTI

V\ u \ M 1 ( F D R '

m feBloi(5AGV\ ^ “i WONC

---------------- -----------

1 @

iTTrtA [7AVC1.

HEWJ5WEF5 I Pea‘ r;;?^

06'5M T rBIU6. J t h e IJ---------- UftS

J 144 C how y 11 Quilring

sta lk choor_45-Poculln r_ .. 12 GoHor's

poopio gadgot47 Borinfi 15 Opora ac

tool 17 Illogal 40 Indofinllo ollor

num bor 21 Tllho49 — w oo 22 Cogors

s a y in g uso Ihon50 Doublo- 23 Hlls

flockor 24 Clamor53 Siivory 2 S L nndm n

lish 2G Ono who 56 D ohind sco ids

1)10 — 27 Miscoilfl 59 Slanfloro

61 Sicillnn 29 Riding inv o lcano 30 Foil

02 N ight 34 Chaiico (iyoro 37 HinI

G3 r o o to d t l BlfdG4’ R oloilvo---------aa-N u t-------

p ronoun 40 Soldier a worker

DOWN 49 Fovoron1 C rush chilis2 S o o o o g lo 50 Tub ovor3 S oon 51 Arm bon4 Pull 52 Blind pai5 M agno — 53 Thootor G C e rta in sign

po in tin g s 54 Cat cry•7 in to ln l 55 Moray or

- B — AngnlDS - lamprey-9 C e rta in SG — and II

p ilch 57 Sickto Bite 5t9 W agor

k on liohby In th e *nrecrcatli

N (June 22 to J u l. p o r ta n t u r m ate a nd good LIBR^ do w here am use-- yourself

te rs ; yoi Don’t c«

kug, 21) F ind o u t tonight, you by those who SCORl tonight. E ven ing good da;

(lining- yourself5 ^ t . , a 2 ) Ck) to touch wi o r ,th e da ta you advlrff..


I W b

I T I F / S e?- m e - m s

/HU<5sePi W f e ? — \ — T H e -

i and LoisfAY 5UA/Be/>A^


';etle Baiiley

( TOPAY'S t h e \ PAY W E ( 5 0 T.

I JM o t t o

Loe_______ _mm m

idy CappNou w a n tA yS}.TOWf?lTE J f f l f l


ondie____SW O O O .D EA RB O V l I AN



lanutsHA'AM.I POn'i think F 7<AT HE 5AIP IN IE FIRST CHAPTER ^.5 6ERMANE... —

^ m

ng —I

r ' ° \

lom i— — •

or A Jackrah ljlt hamoss it w ill run to the''ho and run ncain. s t® a r le s . You can ’tJ ' se n se s to b e itso wff-............ ....irrngthygxpgrienc

In h is to ry 's U.SI CO so ld ie rs a l Vnlli

ded ica ted fighter W ashington Uiouj

----------------U ie sc ^ m e n rh e wor and re w a rd .” like casi ’'n d ' Louisiana law s

g row as tall a s yotvent>ono E X P E R T OPIN

Q. You said "1 ca lled "E nglish k

ry In F ra n c e and h;y or ca lled "R ussian kl■ey.................. A . T liankyou. ndliow snapsho t. O ur Ix ^ sn ap sh o ts of his ex

111 IJIC CVCUIIIB, K'-‘iatlons. C a re In driving is n tIRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) Ap ^ f-sc riQ u sly _ to .p rac tica l n you c a n g et m uch accomplish

com m it yourself to -anythn .)RPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21; day to sec how you can bei elf a n d becom c happier. Gci with friends who can give ;

i z a r d o f I d

' J j x W r'($0\U'n\ i T '^ N O r / l PPE

ft _ -iAB-PPOSABLV - - ^ h*A5 TO eo JO

0 E P JUST U £

M ln e I5 X 0 ... ^ ^ / Q ) j i p i ?TT«p

; I p

T S 7 ■ ' ' pY f c a ' i



AND IN g r a t i t u d e ); 'M G IV IN G VOU Y n


( WMAT UJA5 \ i F R E N C H ? ; / S

L.M. B o y d

W h a t’sw h at

1 h as its tu rfjilf piirsuwl l)y a c [he edge of its territory, then , stay ln i; w ithin Its personal I n’t chase a rabbit l>cyond w iown p ro p e rty line, O r.w a huic n c c tP l l s m c .- - -------- —u.sual p ic tu re "of the revolutl 'alley F o rge, they’re painti iturs d riven by patriotism . G louglit oUierwise, Whnt mot r w rote,- i s - “ the-prDjtixict-of:asJi.w specifically upholds your rl you can.

'IN IO NI "F re n c h k issing"’ In F ra t h k iss ing ." Wrong, darling, I 1 have ev e ry reason to kno' n k lss ln g ,",1. m y d e a r . Sorry you dldn'L£

Ix)ve and W ar tnan app ro s experts.

piuvcii o. u is Im- If you concenlratc

w orlliw hile things Apply w as tin g tim e wltli g

I m at- a lie a d faster., lished. CAPUICORN<D< lythlng good friend can

Avoi<i a group who 21) A g ossip can Ixjpreva b e lte r AQUARIUS (Jar Gel in H and le your careci ye you tiously . Avoid a big _________ ow n views. Take

r '

P E T rr

f i0 g H* W ELi„N cr - ^ ' j p i r

e X '^ C T L V ' - j PCL/K'E M E . . . . tie^ilMMP O N 'r S U L K . f J iPCNlT.LOOK . .•ORWARP TO IT ANY M ORS

THAN y o u •PO

feklnfgi f f 5ISH.

i t

MIN‘ ) ____■ * ^ y / a l l \r i r f_ - .= = - ^ - ja iG w T .- b ___

/ “ T \ T h e n 7 71 ^ I G U ESS


= — =55 *-\ "


' A N V V V A V ^


Q. W hy Is a " g a s ” ?

_____ A. A g a s expanda isS Ip a tc s quicHy co n cen tra ted , beli flow s downliill, so I

• Q. W ho was the d e fe a te d tlieChiric

w.,„-,.in NolxKly^ic::,'on h im ' Geronlmoe n tu n , ju s t got tired of il £

t r e a y whnt it ‘rc '^ y -


utionary A m a sk ed why U nted as u p s id e down. To fe> George

otlvates Y o u ’v e heard ho' of- some - h o ra e r id e r . I>ndy C

a s th e f irs t Peeplr riglit lo th a t o n e together.

a ry r id e In the tl d id n 't g e t into Uh c e n tu r ie s later.

'ance Is, I lived T h e o ld Roman; low It’s cau liflo w er. Dldn’i

c u ltiv a te d Uiem.L5cnd n_ _____reciates A d d re s s maD ti

ncw ^M ipcr.

. u»ov. 10 lAx;. 2 1 ) recre i ite on m ore o f th e PIS< pi of life and s to p Ideas1 gossips, you c a n ge t you ci

c lea rDec: 22 to J a n . ■ai) A trust©1 give you adv ice . 1 F \hero arg u m en ts and he o r iyalenl. Be log ical. w arman. 21 to F eb . 19) physUx r affairs conscicn- lo It Uigwlg who Is fixed in corrcc;e a liltJe t im e in verybr

. Z ' OtirrA 7 \

^ C f r r / t i

Kyp—r ^ l ^ i n n i n n i n i i s r

K r ’L L -e £ 7 ^ H E _ -^ z k = = ^ 5 E POBSt^'T NSSD A \ ............. ..............

M i<5f^r Li&nr. J ' '

S/OvV I T ^ V— ll(XX YOUR

I'F O W ^Tw M viE^

--=1£J_____ IOil IVMORKED OLTT^'*

0 E A U X IP U L L V ,) /

1 "v apor" m o re explosive than a

lands un iform ly in all directions, so ckiy.^A” 'v ap o r rem ains .sbmuwhai being h e a v ie r lhan air, and even

, so it can a c tu a lly go find a spark.

the w hite com m ander who finally tiiricahua A pache Gcronimo? •\K~ did th n t. N or did anybody ev e r llmo. A fte r 35 yea rs of fighting, he f il all one d a y . Rode In and signed a


iy Uie ca tfish In the Nile R iver swim 'o feed on w h a t’s afloat.

J how tlie ta ilo r gazed upon the nude dy (Jodlva, o n d thus becam e known - -- jeplng Tom . A sp inner of tales put ier. Lndy <3odlva made h er legend- e n th c e n tu ry . Mr. Peeping TomI tlie sto ry u n til more than seven

nans c u ltiv a ted both broccoli and Idn’t say th ey liked them. But they n.

Jl lo L.M . : ^ y d in caro of th is

creation.PISCES (F e b . 20 to Mar. 20) New . sas should b c p u l in motion so tha t u can ge t a h e a d much faster. Steer j a r o f new com ers. Show loyalty to jstcd friends^IF YOUR C H IL D IS BORN TODAY, o r sho will bo someone who will bc

irm , m a g n e tic , have a m arvelous' lyslcal q u a lity an d bc athletic. SecII th a t all th n t energy is channeled rrcctly . Y o u r progeny will become ry buslncss-m lnded la te r In life.


Page 9: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud


OCEANSIDE, Calif, p rob lem you’d m lh e r n

___poUce’_______________Tlien get on the horn

bend g ranny gum shoe’i p r iv a te invesU galor

involve a woman, b u t t tw ist — F lo rence

_ S p c r ib e c k is th e P .L A nd d on 'l get a ny i3e

she m ay be a scptuogei say s she c an still w ield In a fight.

A t 73, M rs, Sperbeck, “ Bulldog,” m ay be a ir p r iv a te investigators sh e ’s not letting up.

H ead of a one-wc D rum m ond Investig S perbeck stiH intervi w itnesses for a tto m e j

' people, looks up recorc In court.

“ I think every th ing b rough t m e to w here I so ld in a .reccnt JntcrvU In th is beach tow n 25 S an Diego. “ My life is

~ Z try ln { £ la se ttc .o U ie rs .. ‘• Ih a v e no trouble sle

on a long trip from he — a n d - lJ ie v e rJ iim .th e . .r

en joy thinking abou t th to th ink about.”

She has a lot to th lr the y e a rs she’s been s to re audit c lerk, a f! c le rk , policewoman, n selo r, juvenile con tro c a r e e r a s a p riv a te ey< 57, w hen she w as s e a s s c rap es .

W orking-~iff th e 1 A lam eda Police D epan ca lled to the hom e c

— w om an." I w as trying to bc

M rs. Spcrbeck re c a lk ■ ‘r ;o o k a tL u c y ! 'S h e w i

Love Lucy.’ I ju st to o k i fo r a second, and I kn< th a t. She pulled th is tal h e r bosom tha t she had

------- p o ln rso it-lo o k ed -lik e -son hollered. ‘Look ou tl

"1 had gone Into hei pillow In m y hand beca w as m entally off. T w eapon to use: you shi

I- .............................. -- - -—

^ j

------ AAAGIY .r

1 7 5 1 E l i z a b


th e V\

^ t~^liTNEclas:

M o rn in g &• A e r o b ic s• B o d y W o r k s• Co-Ed C o nd ii• B cg in n c n s E;• W a J o r E x o rc i


— ----------•G y m n o & i i c i• K a r o to

. • J u d o C lu b• M ondoy Bri

. » Y o u t h O v o r

■■ .

i t e ^ y e - 1

ALi n a f ilif. (AP) - Got a I g a n : r n ot tu rn ovcr.to__

om . d o iH a c c , 'a h d ~ jH |H

:or stories u.suully u t tills one's got a ice Drummond

id e a ^ b T I^ t bo^yi igenarlan. but she | R ^ H cld a m ean pillow

ck , oncc known ns am ong the oldest >rs around. But

•w om an agency,itlgatlons, " Mrs: B>rvlews potential I fn eys, traces lost [fxirds and testifies V

l g In m y life has j c I am now,” she f ‘View a l her offlcc ..25 m iles iiorth of I is m otivated bys . _ _________sleeping. 1 can go h e re to Oakland,

e ..rad lo j?n ,JJust__ J H y L th e things 1 w ant ^ f K |

iiln k about. Overcn a departm ent '- J i H B1 file clerk, mall., modeling coun-tro l, offlccr. Herey e began ot ageeasoned by a few F l o r e

1950s for Uie body’s fi)artm ent. she was shovede of a deranged th a t, sht

s a t on hbc nice to her,” U ie re s tt

ailed. "She said, “ Some! was'w atchlng “ I p illow .”ok m y eyes off her In 192know better than m ond, Utab le knife out of la te r . SI

lad filed down lo a a tto rn ey ke-a-dagger^H or— ia 7 0 ^ h ilU tr Throuih e r house wlUi a p ro v e Miscause I knew she e x a m s a

T hat’s a gooir m a il cleshove it in some- Onkl.nnd

H G ^ V A L L E Y

F .C .A .a b o t h B lvd., T w in F all;

S I S T E R N O \ P R O G R A M--------C l a s s e s - B e g i

W e e k of F e b r u

« K s i r i sSSES- i !

J & Evoning • • P ro• YoL

ts • A d iid ifio n in g • "N c5 E xorc ise Swi>rciso Swi

BA[CIALEREST C /l ‘“ ------------ ----------------- — t l

B r id g e ~ t O/o rn ig h ts


wieldsi g h t - a t - 4

i r e n c e D r u m m o n d S p e r l

s f a c e a n d c u i o tt u i e l r a i r . I Ju <1 th e pillow in h e r f a c e . Wi s h e fell dow n o n t h e flo o r , a n d 1 h e r untU (a n o U ie r) o f f i c e r g s t r a ln ln g s t r a p s o n h e r . m e p e o p le u se a f ;un . I u se

1929 she m a r r ie d P e t e r D ru r , U ien d iv o rc e d h im n in e yea: S h e m a rr ie d a g a in in 196-1

le y I v a n S p e rb e c k , w ho d ie dShe h a s o n c i lv ln g c liild .________o u g h o u l i t a ll s h e t r ie d to lr M ie rse lf , ta k in g c iv il s e rv i i

s a t e v e r y c h a n c e . A f t e r b e in g c le r k , s h e w en t to w o rk f o r U ind P o lic e D e p a r tm e n t ’s t r a f f

* J I q »

i T) W F O R \ S E S S I O Ngin--- ^ ^uary 20th

SWIMMINGNSTRUCTIONV o te r B o b io sr o - S c h o o l’o u t h^ d u lf L e s s o n s N o w " S y n c h r o n iz e d w im m i n g P r o g r a m w i m m o r s . A g o s 6 '1 6


A L L T H E " Y " A T 33-4384M O R E IN F O R M A T IO N

; ^ - m e a ]- a ^ e - Z S

A '

u r b e c k d i s i j l a y s p o r t r a i

I Ju s l d iv is io n in 1942 " a n d W ith ln g v io la t io n s up f r t

a n d I iK isket to n p a y in g a c

S h e h e lp e d s t a r ,<u. •! C a lifo rn ia J u v e n i le <

tio n w h ile in A lam ( f i r s l J u v e n ile o ffice

™ a ^ C o s ta C o u n iy S h e r if f

6-1 lo " M y Job w a s no e d in p e o p le a n d p u l U icm_____ " M y jo b _ w a s_ lo _ h <) Im- s lr a lg l i te n o u t U ie ir rv ic e h o n e s tly s a y I h a v e I n g a a n y b o d y o r p u t n n y b r th e 1 th o u g h t U iis is w h i •afflc h e lp U iem .”

M------------ ov

IMS tarting


— -A1 2 0 S . B r <

j \

' \


3B R E

CoS c i

10 p . m M Id n l!

Thoro's al fino food I only 45

______ tho_ Horsj Q c k |


n — ^ ----------------------

• - (

m % • » . H pi«: ---------i t l l

t pl;i n o ' fa r

D I> T w o c

- - o f - D i : long-Ki w e e k i

^ o f —t nhamlcc a s tp

T r av o te r jN o tc he a r l l es t r o k t

a i t o f h e r s e l f b a llo t T h e

n d b u ilt th e i r p a rk * _ h a \ fro m a w a s t e p a p e r a n d R a c t iv i ty .” d a y tl

a r t Uie N o rth e rn e O ff ic e rs A sso c ia - K a tiie n e d a a n d w a s Uie c e r o f U ie C o n tra f f 's D e p a rtm e n t .

lo t Ju s l to a r r e s t t r y in g Tl in ja i l , ” sh e s a id , h i m c h e lp Uiese p e o p le P r e s tc i r liv e s . A nd 1 c a n t h e m l v e n e v e r a r r e s t e d O f L /b o d y In Ja il u n le s s a n d c 'h o t I h n d to do to p r i m a

d id a tc

VER-IOtOOO-YA N STOCK TO Clg At Only . . . .


roadw ay



;E A K F A S T ^

-------------------------Biscuits &

ountry G ravy cram bled Egg


m . • N o o n S u n . - T h u r t . n I g h t .N o o n F r l . & S a t .

a l w a y s l o t s o f f u n . 1 a n d o n t o r t o i n m o n t

m i n u t o s a w a y a t r s o s h u C a s i n o in k p o t , N o v a d o .


i f —

-------------------------------T e a c

Movie iCHAHIJCS TO W N , W .V a.

te a c h e r s h av e b e en suspend* p a y fo r w atch in g a n l l - r a t e d i itl U ie lib ra ry w h lle s tu d c n tsA ^ —A -l ib ra r ia n , a m a U i-tea c li i tw o p h y sic a l e d u c a tio n te a Sch o o l w atch e d th e m ov v id e o c a s s e lte p la y e r o n .F e l R a y m o n d F r a i le r .

T h e m ovie d e p ic ts m o d e m - co p in g w ith p e e r p r e s s u r e an Huch a s " g a g m e w ith a sjxx “ f c r s u r e ,” " t u b u la r .” " ti to ta l ly aw e so m e .”

A t th e tim e . Uie s c h o o l’s : f a c u l ty w ere In th e a u d ilo r iu i p la y " C h e a p e r Uy T h e Doze n o v e l a lw u t th e in n o c en t a n i f a m i ly . F r a z ie r sa id .

lo lli n g s , n tiny N eH X V IL L E NOTCH . N .H . (A!0 c a n d id a te s c o u rte d th e 27 v D ixV llle N o tc h -in -p e rso n -» » g-Klfstance te lep h o n e d u r ln f ik e n d , a few d a y s b e fo r e re s t 1 h c ~ N c w " H a m p s h lr e m ou n le t b e co m e th e c o u n try ’s fi t p res id en U al b a llo ts In 198-1. 'r a d itio n a lly , Uie tw oK lozen e r s w ho live y e a r -ro u n d in Di ;ch m e e t M onday n ig li t Ixjfor U es t s ta le p r im a ry n n d a jk e o f m id n i ^ t , m o re o r le s s lo ts in th e p r im a ry .'h e ir votes are hardly bellwc lav in g picked only Ronald Rt1 R ic h a rd N ixon - b u t n t le asI ' t h e res id en ts o f th e c o m m o u tn u m b e re d by r e p o r t e r s as

h e r in Uie B a lsa m s, a r e s o r t 2r c m o s t of th e m w o rk , a n d o re T V c a 'm e ra s .in Sunday, Sen. E rn e s t Hol I.e .. spoke to the vo ters in pe lng to convince th em lo vot 1 on Feb. 2fl,_whUe form er istdent Walter M ondale c m long distance.If t h e 27 vo te rs , 19 a r e R e p u b l I c a n n o t vo te in th e Demo< T ia ry . b u t Uiey c a n w r i te in a t e s o n lhe G O P b a llo t . T h e


m iS ta rtin g

>. A ' ....................................

n e e p -BUHL

^ C C K tL ^ l^

m s s a3RT CASINOS H - — —T. NEVADA «ga}&. I

Z- r □t ^ \ i i n ___________________

. - '


time briia. (AP) ~ F ive higli school ;ndcd io r three days without Ml movie "Valley Girl.s"tsA%-crc in an assembly:------ -—iclier. a science te a d ie r and teachers a t Jefferson Hi|Ui novie on a school-owned Feb. 3. said Superintendent

“m -day California teen-agers : and using slang expressions qxMn.” "gnxly lo th e .in ax .” " trip ind icu lar" and " iik t ,

I’s sludenls and m ost of the •ium for ri perform ance of tho ozen,” a comedy based on a antics of a lnn ;e M ldweslem

, M o n d a ew H a m(AP) - e if^ t a re SplU fc

r? vo ters and independent:

ring the 2H.-esldcnts E a rl G allan t, Gnountain hotel,-w ns th e on5 first to by plione Sunda;M. a lread y m ade a ten-or-so m et Holllngs "I D ixville a lread y m ade Uf

jforc the dale, even befoi 1 a t the p residen t phoned ess, ca st v o te fo rh im .

"H e’s the front- IweUiers of experience u 1 R eagan G allan t. "H e kn( last f o r a is," n m un lty G allan t w as on s a s they c ra ts and two 1o rt hotel M ondale phoned, and vole S teven Barba,

spoke wiUi MondsHolllngs, d inner with HolllnI person, B arba . 38, p rc vote for corporation, saidie r Vice his m ind. “ Thei callcd m ake up the ir m

beforuU ie prim ar;ublicans He and Mond(n o c ra tic conversation and: In can- friend In Minnesohe o ther figured he would

l i iSPtT----------------W ! %

YLS 3$ 0 9 9

. . . . U y d . ^

l o o r s o n d riroi t e r i o r s ''W


a y >

^ L L Y O

- c a k e*

i B p iu >




. R efried Bean Span ish Rice

T am alos ‘ S alad Bar

N o o n -lO p . m . S u n .- T N o o n -M Id n lg h t F rl. 6

J u

Piix in -p ia n n in g lp i

ngs su sf3l F r a z i e r s a id a n a n o r I t s c r ib e d a s " a n o ld e r p e n

I w a rd o ffic e n b o u l " a n li-------in i jo f st < ju c 3 lio n n b le f llm

f " W c looke<l in to It an ■' w e r e ." F r a z i e r s a id . "N ' , U ia t’s no t U ie k in d o f film

F r a z ie r s a id o n e Uic U th e v id e o ca s-se tte a n d to

^ c o u ld T e lu n i il to th e s lo n „ w atche< l th e m o v ie o n the

li, * " W e c e r ta in ly d o no l a m o n g p ro fe .ss lo n a ls in t

le in tc n d e n t s a id . " T lie y wi le th e m know th a t w e h a v e i a a goo d e x a m p le a n d U ial •n thln(y> h a p p e n ,"

H e .said L heir p a y los.sej

lie c o u r t ip sh ire hfo u r e a c h D e m o c ra ts (o f

n ts . T h e in d e p e n d e n ts r e so l ie r -p r im u r ie s o n F e b : - ^ — P l

tiv e, C l. c ic c lr ic ia n a t U ic im p )n ly v o te r in to rv lo w e d la y w ho sa id h e h a d lx » i a c h o ice . H e sa if l h e h a s i " b u t m y m in d w a s to s u p ” to v o te f o r M on- w ri t fo re th e fo rm e r v lc c b a ll Kl h im . " H o l d h l m l ’d

T t-ru n n e r a n d h a d a lo t u n d e r C a r te r ,” s a id

j io w s w h a t Uie s c o o p a

o n e b f th e tw o D em o- in d e p e n d e n ts w h o m ■ i

)a . a n In d e p e n d e n t. I " d a le by phone a n d h a d ■ lings . ■ \re s id e n t o f Uie h o te l ■ id h e h a s n o t m a d e u p le v o te rs h e re d o n ’t ^ m in d s unU l th e n ig h t i r y . ” h e sa id , id a lc " h a d a c a s u a l id d is c u s se d a m u tu a l s o t a .” B a rb a s a id , " I •Id know J im M a d d e n

x l T ]A T — — =

5 - -

IS T a x




-T h u r» .. & S o t.

J -

ruaccJay . F e b ru a ry 21, IftM

P e o p l e -


•pensioninonym oiis c a lle r , w h o m h e de- p e rs o n ,” c o m p lained to U ie sch o o l :m Incident invo lv ing th e p re v le w -f ilm by te a c h e rs on s c h o o l t i i n e . " ------------------

; a n d found ou l w ho th e t e a c h e r s " N o n e o f Uie s tu d e n ts s a w it, bu t

film w e 'd w an l to c o n d o n e h e r e . ” le te a c h e rs a p p a re n tly h a d re n lw l d took it lo school w ith h im so he s lo re la te r In th e d a y . T h e t e a c h e r s I th e ir "p la n n in g t im e ." ,h e s a id ,

n o l a c c e p t Uial k ind o f l> ehav io r in th is school s y s te m .’ ' U ie sui>er- '

y w cro su sp e n d ed a s a w a y to let w c to ke ep a h lr ji s t a n d a r d a n d se l i i a l w e w on’t to le ra te h a v in g su c h

S.SCS w ill ran g e fro m $22« to $2»2.

t v o te rs h am le t;o f B ra ln e n l , M in n ,) , w h o ’s in Uie r e so r t b u s in e ss , a n d h e d id . ” -P h iiL ie o n n rd ;^ 8 rU ic -h o tc l* s -c x c c u ^ — — ;lv e c h e f , a R e p u b lic a n , s a i d h e w a s im p re s se d w llh H olllngs .--■-•I th ln k -h e ’s - a J / l a b lc c a n d id a t e .”— ___

Ix x in a rd sa id , n o tin g t h a t a l th o u g li h e h a s n ’t m a d e u p .h is m in d a b o u t w hom to su p p o r t in Uie p r im a r y , h e m a y w ri te in H olllngs’ n a m e o n th e G O P b a llo t.


N T ig ^ h ;

n L p n c i N O


i TO B€ or oA iiv; I I V n O T T O B € = *


S l I VI. , OAIIY •M A K IIn 'R ; »=1S0NLY


♦ T O M H I U C K *

L A S f l T E R i . )OAllV 7:30. 9:35

J 8 O SC A R1 B I O H T o m ln o t io i t* H I

^ S T U F F .

m o m u j k j u w b i a s w a ............ ... “

- 0 ^ —




SILKWO®D J;^ .V l 'l- '.V l- , .\1 .\K I'1N

lilNEIIGUY_________iB l


Tjmo3-Ni3ws, Twin Fa lla . Id ah o A-fi”

Page 10: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud


[ iI Q uI ba !I s e r

I t a s

II a-I $ 'I M /

II Ht l

IdahoI ?mW 20 Ib

mI Lm■ Slic

|4<I F R O I

Cilifoniia Blend VegetsI PtIlte.Peas Sliced Creeo Buns Cal Com GreeoBuu

. ^ 1 Miietl Veeet2tii«s BnmliCats

A -10T lm o3-N ow 3. Twi


a d a ’s 1 r r e s i ^

u i c k t o f i x ,

a s i c e g g ^ -

i r v e d w a n

i s t e s e v e n b



ATOES Mlbj_Bgg______

1 9 9 i

orge IIcing I


■»>- I E

W este rn Fai


jeUbles Broccoli I CauNIIawer -Mnlilefraaeaa Veeet2tles

Bnxcoli Nomundj Sutidiuirian Ve{el2bles Chuclnrjgoo Corn Orieotal Vegetatiles

rsmI MAC

_______ ,_ W qo]Clo

Twin Falla, Id ah o ' TuoscJ.iy.

Trudeair s o x > T r ^

6 1f u n t o s e r

- h a m - c f l

r m i n a n

b e t t e r f i x e d

m ____

a — The-flnesr-'-----W loca lly producc

a t Sw ift's I Tw in Falls • P la n t_________

! &Fresh


-------------- ■ ----------- Ib—


;o f o r h o m o m a d o c o i ig h r u p . h o m o m a d o - I o m o n o d o . i r n is h o s a n d l o n to n ( ts h ih o $ ........



20 oz. Pkg.!

9 ^ces E ffective ^ S. th ru AAON.

WEHSBIC N iQDkdays.B-9.P.M_______Closod S u n d a y s

ay. F ob ru a ry 2 1 ,19W


OTTAWA (AIM lOllloIl T nidrnii r; pi*iirslt>l)ei(‘iicliin Ilu' (‘11(1 of iiioru (iKi

1 1 1 «<ivenm u‘iit.I . L A Gufs.'-int; ltK'’(l;i;

iniHlii iiiuiiiuncc !iithe m a jo r (livrr'-ioi

— wltrrr:k'.nr'rirnn-Tiir-o f Idwti ;m<l walchii o f >ilmijl.-. l■lsuit .III

lUit Truduau k'______ ____ liii la pc(- Uccfiilly

p ro fjre s-s of his ;

1 ^> r v e a n d e a

: h e e s e s a n

E n g l i s h f

? d a t h o m e j

I_ * M a k o y our o g g

■- s o v o 7 9 ‘ ovory t!

- ^ EGG McSM o H i n .............

_____ ;_____.E g g , .C h o o s o . . . .

i c e d H o r n ................Benenns allowsnce lor spread on Uis imiftiD, eli

----------- T o t a l C^ O n l y

I K r u s t i


R o g .o rW h o t

T T T K . j . P kg . . . .

COKE.S S tab, DIF_ ________1 6 0 Z . 8

L JJLf■“ N A m c O

; B O N A____ R I T Z C R / I

1 l b .

P k g ......................W A V E R L Y t


?,°h----------------------o r TWI____ S o so m o & C h o o so ,

5 ~ EEBL



C 2 l b . $Box . . . .

~~W e tc tT

. G R A PE JlP u r o F r o z e n C<


I V ^E S T S P O



'I - What I 'riim -,.M inister rails hl.s ‘•com plcx- dpsttm

linn a (.’ridc’al point, iKiii If) ycai'.s tn rh ;irm ' of <‘ai

lay uliM l ll lf lil-v far-o id T r Ins roiiifiiH'Tit tliis l)i-coin<- ion> in this frij’id c ap ila l cily, iir-hfidrnirthJiralttrrouRm tic' liiiin I’a r liam o iil's raucous d .111(1 (lulram* OIJ Ick'vision.• kccpitifj friends anti foc.s al ly a re p n r tf r askc(t liini ; (’ lohctrottinK mi.s.sion lo

m ya t . T h e J l

n d w i c h p

M u f f i n ______ u

a n d i s t i

C O M P ig • ch o o so • h a m • Englli tim o w ith S w o n s o n 's flho

S W E N S E N ^ ---

7 7 7 r r r r . * T T 2 ‘-------------....................... 15*lor elecUicily,elc......................... 7 ‘

y s


C A K E p

D U Ro a t w /H o n o y



$ 1 2 9■ U o

W A FE R S, Box iW ORTHms---------o .H o rb s& S p ico

BC B ig1 4 o




> m s 9 , / ,

m Loal

hes IJUICE , IC o n c o n t r a to

z. Can

9 '



•r P n 'r rc lO ast-W (cnsi ;m v" a p ' ‘ fiiluVt*. - — - • n« '!in iH ..- -- " U h m y .” Iht C a n a tla ’s < if s l in y is .so c<m

V to tjo It lo a n i T ru d ea u inli»re.-;l.s in life ."

tw (llic (ifilv .a lo iifi ■'ttl'-' " ’a r n i i e '1tiCTcnlci------ciro ltM jf-flose-ix*IS d isp lay ■<> i» lv l.s f in adv.

w o rd lo a k au(. a lik e off ^ t i l l . (he d iffic

:,i i f . i i , , . d e l e r r c d (tie pla) 7 7 * 7 ^ 8 ? — ^ivai;rm sif«i-nicK i

w iMUCH LE!pa riso n be! using Sw ei tu red a t tru

» A R Eg llsh M u f f in s a n d w t c f i o s c h o I n g r o d i o n t s o n s a ! o n o v

^EGGMcMUFFIN’Af th e Drive-ln~

------IheyLdo_the_:_w o rk — you pay t h e p ric e

.. W este rn Fam ily_


S Y R U P --------------- $ ^ 9


j w d i e y -

Tiree-POST-TOASTIES= : ^ . . . . 8 9

P o s t s

FRUIT & FIBER . 0 . $ 1 4> x ............ ■

P o s t s


( o z . . . . ■

W este rn Fam ily


^ E D E <

B i

W ith fin e c

W este rnFam ily


S £

lh e p r im e m in i .s le r r e sp o n d com plex th a l ’ d o n ’t th in k I w a n y p a r t i c u la r a.'.poci o f in f e .")cs d ecid e to ( |u ir . th e re is Ilki

T ru d e a u doe.s no t .seem tc ?-})oUlieHl-friendshc-\%-ou)d-fcr id v a n ce — a n d w ho in t u r n r

f ficu lly of Ihi.s }>uessing f 'ii in c ;>layers. O ne c o lu m n is t h a s se ICklllli .M arch II*. w h ile a n o lh i

i i i

E SS E X P E Ie l o w ) w h e n

? n s e n * 3 - f i n t

u l y M c S c o t c

>* a n d10W7- -■ ■ ■ ■ .......----------------- -


Package Of 1 2 . . .

} — .....................


------------ j \ ____________O

y— V _ L y

( E

:s— —^ GF

i , «

S - C

6 9 ^



| C Sliced r 1 Ib. Pkg

ICOR?lATHR! quality p a p e r 1


4 Roll Pki


'n su iii w ould d e ie r m in e h isis political ca l w rite r is Ioo:...................2'1. O tlicrs u rop

tided. ".\ly A m a jo r obst. would like week when Tn m y m any loaUcr Kon.slat

round p f visits ikely to ho a rse n a ls and to . to tiave a 'I'rudoau is .sti

crl-obiiRcd— thc-GiftiadinTrpi I mi(’ht lel not seem to re

tasks w hiclj cou! ne has not S a tu rd ay w; set oul his Trudeau '.s surp Iher polltl- ov e r P royresslv

i HiNSIVE (scn y o u d o i t y

e i n g r e d i e i

c h p r i c e s b <


c e T r d



ROUND1 . 2


:UBEST1 . 9



................................................j\TE Y< lOOM■ rolls from Swe

te rnnily

ROOM Tl SUE 'e g . 2 Ply


: looking for a d ep artu rc .a s early a s i'eb, roputtipf>',theirbcts on ofhcr'dates. jbstacic to rc.siRnation was clearcd last Trudeau met- in Mo.scow with Soviet

-slanlin 'U . Chernenko. completinK a Islls to all five nations wilh nuclear • j to a dozen o ther cap ita ls, s .still talking aboul a ■■.secondplijsc” lo:n-pcacir:mttaH%'e7-bu{-in-lerms-Uiat-<l(>--------) require his persona l involvement In could be left to d iplom ats.

was the fourth ann iversary of surprising com eback election victory sslve Con-servatlve Jo e C lark.

I n Is e e c o m - I

' y o u r s e l f I

e n t s f e a - _______ I

b e l o w . I


9 ^ . 1

L A R G E I A A ■


Falls B rand H

WIENERS I2 l b ^ ^ g . _______■I

................... , , -DBEEE I1 9 . . IIDER ■

FEAK I1 9 . . IORN ■

> N I

S 2 liO U R P

A Ivensen 's H


Jum bo H Roll ■

S 3 T

Page 11: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud

— ^ B r oRICHLAND. W ash

W ashington P u b lic Syslem Is ho ld ing a g ran d scaJe — a c re s from nu ts and bolts chQlrs.-

__ The m ach inery .h ard w are a re p a r t ol WG2 m illion w o rth o sold by the u tility fro pow er p lan ts — Projc> s ta r te d building and not to finish.

W PPSS, Uie po.wc striic tlon outfit fo r a N orthw est u tilities , hi to cover the $2.5 bllllor two p ro jec ts s in c e la b iggest defau lt In m history.

— ----- “ i t is open-to-anyob id ," say s Jo h n B r itt "b u t you h ave to b u y 1

- av e rag e person wouli u se for th a t m u ch .”

Som e of the g e a r is tion, absolutely unuse<

“ Bhow th e w e a r a n d tc _use In construction .

In a m uddy field— —W PPSS-No, 2-nuc lear

which is to beg in gei tr ic lty la te r th is yeai bolts, w ashers iu id n u t

________^Constructionjtools ipalle ts. C ircuit panel! beside b reak e r boxoK

. e lec trica l cab le.

ReaganBy MICHAEL J . S N IF F E ! TheAssocJatcdPrcss

— _WASHINGTON - Tl adm inistra tion h a s decid Custom s agents to p u rsu tlons based on th e ir d ru g a n effort to end th e 1( betw een the C ustom s S e n Drug Enforcem ent A dniin

The feud h as sp aw n___complainta_toiin_Congrc

adm inistra tion’s m ulU m w ar on drugs lack s prop< tion.

But the battle b e tw ee and the White H ouse o ve m ay t>e winding dow n, a s tion officials said o v e r tl they a ro ready to a c c c p t a establishing a Cabinet-Ii c za r,” which R eag an -vet

--_ago ._ __________The dem and for a d n i

been fueled hi p a r t by from Customs a g e n ts tha

------o ther-federa l-agencles-bapursue all the le a d s de

S c h o o lsBy CHRISTOPHER CON^ TheAssoclatcdPrcss ^

WASHINGTO>r - D alam os raised o ver fa lling and o ther signso f tro u b le t education, college d e a n s a ity of the ir science, en g ir hum anities studen ts h a s nc

— recen t yea rs .-In som e cases, a cco rd in i

hundred deans who respo i federally funded su rv e y s , of students is even b e tte r five y e a rs ago.

The surveys on th e view academ ic officials a t nea s titu tions w ere re le a se d t w sep a ra te rep o rts by E ducation Panel o f the Council on E ducation . Tl w ere funded by th e N atio i Foundation and th e N a dow m ent for the H um anitic

The National S cience 1 lia s previously rev ea led th< of the suvey In sc ience an( lng.

Although m ost d e a n s sale

the ir hum anities stu d e 1970-77 to 19dffl2, C 'perC C th e ir m ost ab le s tu d en ts vn aw ay front the h u m an itie s because of lim ited Job oppo

By contrast. 40 p e rc e science and eng ineering o p o rted a shift h y s tu d en ts fields triggered by b rlg h spec Is.

T he hum anities r e p o r t th a t th e reccnt n a tio n a l c s tud ies " th a t strong ly c ri q ua lity of e d u ca t

._A m crlca;..scem lo co n n ic

S o a p d es€WASHINGTON ( A P ) - 1

c re d it b reak throughs in me su rg ica l technltiues f o r . l p rovem en ts m ay b e ovei v ita l ingredient in th e mode m acch low ard longer l ife : s

So concludcs V.W. G ree r ~ c n v lro n m e n ta l-h c a lth -sc le

th e U niversity of M lnnc colorful m onograph o n “ C a n d th e H eallh R cvolutloi for a trad e group, th e D etergent AssoclatlofV, .*

•‘Personal nnd d o m estic including bathing, show or

ash. (AP) - T h e ___ ^Ic Power Supply a yard sale on a • ,--v

r e s of everything )lts to desks and

T> tools nnrt t of an estimated 1 of goods being from two nuclcar o jects 4 and 5 - It m d then dccldcd

j.wer plant con- ‘ a co n ^rtlu m ol *', h a s been unable * lion debt from the

la s t year In the m unicipal bond

Tyon(Twanting-to— a a e Brilton of in lots, and the • •'Duldn’t have any "

■ is In m int condi-ised . O ther Items b H B II t e a r of: years of ~

ield behind theear-pow er planl,------ In -w a ngenerating dec- ch a irs , f

'e a r . He bags of a n d o lh e r nuts. Also h(Is, a rej)lJc^nto__p)arL tsj_r« nels a re stacked _ tors.CQg. and miles of E lsew h _ ............ ....... . office, tn

n tries torE N C ustom s c

a irp o rts an B ut Dcj

T he Reagan A drnln istri c id ed to allow in te rv iew : rsiKS Investiga- 1973 h a s hn rug seizures In ,: lO^year feud N ,^on. w it terv ice and the yn in lstratlon B ureau of

D rugs, th e

S “ offi “ to ‘" So p c r ctxirdlna- x rc „ s i,ry

S erv ice in rtjcn Congress m ade lh e 1 jv e r tha l Issue investlgatlc a s adm inistra-

R eag an sei

vetoed a y ea r ^. -------------- -got-S245.5-!d rug czar has agency d n by com plaints th en a tio n . th a t DEA and Now. h o \

derived from whom th e

Is d e fen dN NELL findings of

h a rsh e s t JuI _____________sp rin g by

D espite the tio n 's N aing te s t scores E xce llencele in American w arned o f '3 say the qual- ty " e n g u lf lfiglneering and The sc le i5 not slipped In sp ile th e v---- ------_____ Scholastic ..

l in g to several am ong cjollponded to two niors, “ SA 'ys, the quality nlors Intende r than It was m a th em a th

quite stableiew s of senior ea rly sev e rneariy 500 In- d e c l ln e b y lx l Monday In H ere a r ejy the Hlghef veys:h e American F o r un<

T he surveys s tuden ts , Gtional Scicnce repo rted nN alional En- studen t q u ailtles. . sign ifican to FoundaUon noted a s ignth e highlights A m o n g s ta n d engineer- a le school 1

cen t of th e ija ld there was In q u a lity , i

udents- from m ents, a n d rccn ro lso 'fe lt— can rd ec lln c; w ere shifting Seven ly -t'tes, p rim arily rep o rted no)portunltles. those aw aircen l of the hum an itie s ;g officials re- n iflcan t ImjJ its Into Ihelr s a w slg n lf icIghl Job pro- F o r unde

science and)r t concluded p crccn t o f IJ commission been no chcriticized the repo rted scation In and ju s t unc:n ic l with, the lean t declin t

serves som— People who lng — p la y e m edlclneand and g e n e ra r health im- revo lu tion ,” (verlooklng a b o m e x p e r t < (xlcm w orld's "F o lk kno*: soap. Uie h ea lth r e cne. a noted me<}lelne, c ien tls t-fro m —pharm acolo j inesota In a p rac titioner; "Cleanliness c red it,” s a id

tion" written B u lsa n ltale Soap and hygiene a lso

although ■•11;tic hygiene — advances Ilk pvorlng. laun- co m p u ter-as

^ R S S - p ]


P i l e s o f e q i i i p n i e i i t ar«

arehouses nearby a rc -d esk s .- filing cabinets, telephones

le ro fflceoqulpm ent. • housed indoors a r e th e two reac to rs and s team genera-

w here WPPSS h as 23 large trn ile rs which oncc housed

D S to p f i gi d rug seizures a t harbo rs , and In offshore w aters.[>cputy Drug E nforcem ent tra to r Jack Lawn sa id in an

ihsl week “ C ustom s from hnd a feud wllh the D E A .’' y. 1373, P resident R ich a rd M. wllh congressional approval.

the Justice D ep a rtm en t’s o f N arcotics and D angerous he W hite House Office of Drug aw Enforcem ent and GOO nar-

Investlgators from the y D epartm ent’s Custom s into the DEA. w hich was

e lead federal outfit fo r drug I tio n s .

Dntentlon between the agen- draw n added a tten tion since s e t up a special in teragency :e In soulh F lorida in 1D81 to t d ru g sm ugglers an d la te r 5-m llllon to Set-up-12-lnUjr* d ru g task forces blanketing n.low ever. Lawn dlclosed thal

h e DEA reports, A ttorney

d q u a lityo f th is survey." P e rh a p s th e ' Judgm ent was ren d e red lasl

>y the Reagan adm lnislra-. Natlonill— Com m ission on • c e In Education, ' which )f " a rising tide of m edlocrl- IflngU.S, schools, ilence report noted lh a l de- : widely publicized d ro p In c . Aptitude T est sco res oliege-bound hlgli school se- 5AT scores am ong h ig h se- m dlng lo m ajor in sc ien ce or itlc s In college rem a in ed b le Ihrough the s ix tie s and /en tles. with only a m odesty.l980.^^--------------------------- .r e the highlights of th e sur-

jn derg radua te hum an ities G2 percent of th e deans n o . significant ■ ch an g e In

ua llty ; 22 percenl rep o rted a I t decline and IG pe rcen t gn lflcan t Im provem ent, s tuden ts applying to gradu-

>1 In the hum anities, 57 per- »e deans reported no change /. m ore than 26 p e rc c n t felt •

nd 1C pcrcent saw a signifl-Inc:----------------------------------------I'-two percent ot th e officials no erosion in th e q u a lity of varded doctorates In the es; 19 percent rep o rted slg- m provem ent and 9 pe rcen l fican t dccline.iderg raduates m a jo r in g In m d engineering, roughly 61 if th e deans said th e re had c h ange : alm ost 25 p ercen l

significant Im provem ent u id e r 15 perccnt c ited slgnif- ine .._ . ...............................

l e c red itlyed an essential b u t sub tle r a l ly Ignored ro le In the I,” argues the C anadian- i l on infection control, mowledge usually a sc r ib e s 1 revolution to a d v a n c e s In

surgery andilogy.— As—cxpocted, — Uie— . not d isc la im the ildG roono.Itatlon. sewage dKsposal and iso played a sign ifican t p a r t , •they pale beside th e 'r e a l ' like kidney tran sp lan ts and -assisted tom ography ,” said hi.gfa-ngP-fmnnQgraph


■ Ma r c o f f e r e d f o r s a l e aft<

e n g lnccrsandcon tracU ies Potential c u s to m e n

com e to exam ine the wo so fa r Include co n trac t ra- and the developer of--------ireaY“WtihaTdlRSj;----------■ge W PPSS o fficials s a y I

so fa r am ounts

ghtbetwrs, G eneral W illiam F rem

T reasury S e c re ta ry D ;nl have approved a new o an tween lhe two agencies, im “ We a r e " in ' th e ’ fir

signing the Im plem cn I..awn said. "C u sto m s t

J.,' assigned by n am e ani enforcem ent Jurisdlcl specified poriod o f ti particu la r investlgatioi

. . supervision of D EA usIi u . and reporting p rocedure

Lawn said top-leve Customs officials w ill oi

‘ procedure for Ih e lr regi' ^ a t a conference h e re on r

• He acknow ledged, h :n- ‘‘a s long a s you have ce agencies wIUi d iv e rse n: cy a re going to tx: tu r f batl lo th e re w lllb e b a ttle s ln U i e r But he said the rea l ir* -w h eth er -thoso—b alU c ng overall w a r on_drugs, i

explain the new com] a l Congress over a d ru g czj to .Sen. J osenh Blden. D ;y fight to au thorize a C abl

I N a i


iS Iis I In Ia I _

u- Ir- I * p10 I ''2L Z ^It - I


I TDf Ile I '5- 1 ■ ' ' 'II I •

11 II M f i l H


e II ■ ftf lB j

Is 1 / J \ - \ 1n I H ; Vd I

e I

d I


aise m

Ftcir t h e d e b a c l e o f ( t i e

:Uirs_________ to _ a ? _ p e r;rs who have o rig in a l (e merchandise s a le s o f siclors, farm ers h a lf o f 11if a gold mine m illion.------------- T hem ory the Sl million of N ew YiIts to 2 percent 'c r s o n th e i

ueen age•nch Smith ana c z a r an cDonald Regan c r im e pi

’ agreem cnl be- la te ISSs- j S - ; - e a r ly 19 final stages*^f • b iireau c icntatlon p lan." w a r o n d; agents wlil be E a r lyUld given drug S tro m 1Iction for a of tlie Stim e to work re a c h e d

ions under the p a s se disIng DEA rules C abinet-:ires." c h a ir c d Ivel DEA and au tho rityouU lnethenew c o m p e titgional directors co tic s e nn March 2. N o ting

however, tha t now c h ae a numl>er of leg a l pollmissions, there J u s t ic e I

Bttles. Certainly D eC a irthe future.’’ m ln is tra

al question was “ E v e ry b Jc s_ h a rm _ th e — p ro m ise ,, and lhal m ay L a w n jmpromise with sh o u ld t» a r . to m e y jD-Dcl.. led the th a t thos

blnel-ievel^rug liv e ly on

lc« tn d


Nil o n e y —

le W P P S S p l a n t s

>erccnL. oLti3e_e<iulpmentIs.cost. They project lotal

r su rp lus items in tlie first th e y ea r os high a s $9.C

lo n d j godsto Chemical Bank York, trustee for bondliold- ic te rm inn ted plants.

e n c i e s ^ ^ind gol the provision added t< p ackage passed by C ongresi 982, bul Reogan vetoed It 1983, saying another lay e r

u c racy would only h a m p e r I I d th is month. Ulden and S

Thurm ond. R-S.C., cha irm Senate Judiciary Commllti

Kl a compromise and th e Sen: 1 a law providing for 2t-Icvel drug policy boai d by the otlomey g eneral, w •Ity to reduce d u p lica te •titlon and Inefficiency In ni enforcem ent.n g th a t the attorney genei h a ir s a Cabinet com m ittee Kjllcy with sim ilar m em bersh e D epartm ent spokesm an Tc r said Monday tha t the i ra tio n will support th e new bl ybody won In th is coi5C,liho«flld.-— ----- —n sa id the compromise versl : bc useful because " thQ .;

general’s office can assu lose battles don’t im pa c t neg on the overall mlssIonT^’

1 ® I Pr a f w i ^

^ 1 1 /'

_ O I ^

lationa p p eB yT lM A H E R N

n riio As.'MCi.'i It'd Prc.

B W/VSHINGTON -9 of llie A m erican H looks m uch lik e iH . office cram m c<i wH --------- m ina ls-and dcsJcsH papers, h in d e rs n nd H Hut those p a p e r■ Uie I’o v e m m e n t’sm .secrets a n d th e W quickly call up c r l t i3 help de te rm in e w 3 nuclear w eapons.3 This m u n d an e , t>3 — lhe c c n te r o f th

com m unications n< i a . ren t aclion c e n t e r , ’ d pnrt of a com ple j i National M ilita ry CN top-sc‘c re l w o rld U opened last w eek lo S _ Nearby Is th e e 9 • encc room , d o rn in ^ .screens a n d a boarc g of read iness o f a l l n“ (jranches. B e low i s . , lable wiUi 14 p lu sh s

H Unlike th e ac tlo r™ ference ro o m a p p c a

a Hollywocxl- vensl command c e n te r .

The e n llrc c o m | it's m ore than tw o d cta l-------- a n e rm if th -o f th e C urs t The cu rren t o fflce j 9.C yeareago;

Thfc c c n te r Is s t nk clock by-goner-als.

filled w ith s ta U m unlcatlons e q u ip Inform aiion to U .S . ]

-------- The N .itlonal MCenter Is p a r t ol Worldwide M il i ta r Conlrol S y s te m , v back-up c e n te r

^ M aryland e o u n try s l 1 of W aslilngton a n d j

“ post known a s t h e " ! The P en tag o n off

i r the Oie situation ro o m lr Uie S tra teg ic A ir Cc

Sen. Nebraska, N o rth A fense C om m and

illtec , quarters in C olora ^ n a tc ‘ • o r a

3 Clami1 nar- OCEAN S H O R E S

Tlie razor c la m sineral Washingion b e a c h e see on a re the th o u san d s wrship. tliose beaches In vTom tliem.

2 ad- Yel d espite th e cdo v b ill. clam d lg ^ n g th is y com - devastating shelHi;

_______festatiD n_m otcls_ln•rsion were booked to cQ .a t- Washington’s B lr th dssu re And so m e b u slnega- Washington c o a s t re

»!<><i l a c c f jnil 733 0031 Ion O'

------- -^ ^

T u o sECbmim a n d c la rs ord

m lilta r glOl«.

In a— The nerve cenler m eet

1 m ilitary machine rcwm. a typical modem sc re e n

w ith compuicr ler- lite Infc 3 overflowing with On a i d coffee cups, th e ah:rs contain somo of coinm j ’s most sensitive “ DefCc e computers can tion FI Itical data that could of a len whcUier to launch h e a r t c

th e P atwo-slory room sits fCon 4,

th e Pcntagon’.s vast enem y netw ork. The “ cur- U icder r . ” a s ll Is callcd. Is • Anoti ilex known os the tlie ro< Com m and Center, a conver

thn t was briefly w ires L10 the media, Undc em ergency confer- confere

ina ted by. six large ciia irs. ird showing tlie state a r e sea m a jo r U.S. military The

s a large confercnce the Wa1 sw ivel cha lrs-J-------- Uie-lInJon ccnter, the con-, and Ihi e a rs much more like crea lec ■Blon of a m lll|a ry . to p e n

e a c h o t n p lex was created The jccad cs ago In 'the 'belief, iJuban missile crisis,— tc lep rii :es w ere built eight w ords f

But ts taffed around the lagan is .^ r_adm lra ls-and— "M oLli ite-of-the-art com -• a sm nll ipm cnt to provide Then >. policymakers. fo r th e M ilitary Command w an ts 1 o f the Pentagon’s tex t of i ry Command nnd by phoi

which includes a T he 1 burled ' In the and sLa

^slde 70 miles north ex p ert i a flying command' tra n sm •’kncecap" plane. te s t t e ifflccs a re .lied into., su b jec t In the White House, tional F

Command center In Hotlii Am erican Air De- 'in thre<

(NORAD) head- Soviet rado and top U.S. Ute, anc

s desert I2S, W a ^ . (AP) - T o m js a re gone.from trade,c s th is year, and so have bcw ho normally walk tlons tcw in ter to harvest f o r a q u

Joslngof beoches lo "W e iy e a r because of o w ere tw

Iflsh parasite In- to the cln..lhia_resort. d ty __ Kitly-Eycapacity for the vatlon I

id ay weekend. c lam di|isinesses on the there wirepo rted their best get aw a

e lc e sI Comi 1 Marcl

[1 T h e T w in F a ll1 I m u n ity is c o n s t1 1 c h a n g in g , N ev \ —I — *-p e a r ,- o ld o n e s - - I - - q u i r e - h e w - o w m

I t e r e s t i n g is a l w a

I ■ IT* y o i j" h a ^ e aI c h a n g e s in y o u r

' 1 h e r e 's a n e a s y I c u s l o m e r s u p ti

I h a p p e n in g , , ,

2 I I n t e r e s t i

— 1 -------------- - y o u r :

I a p p e a r o

' j l If in tere4 1 y o u r S a le s

f - ' i X o r P h oJ K l Tirr':"r I T e le

D e i

a s k fo r

ODday, Fobruory 21.1934 Tlrr

centerdinaryIta ry com m anders a round the l« .11 a c risis, lop po licym akers could et In th e two-story conference m. w hich Is dom inated by s ix la rg e ccn s Uiat can project m ap s , sa le l-Inform aljon, g raphs o r film . ________

in a nenrby w alfis a b oard show ing a le r t sta tu s of all m a jo r U .S ."

iim ands. Ali but two w e re in th e efCon 5'' staius, o r D efense (^ n d l- 1 F iv e , th e lowest p eace tim e level ile rt. The Strategic Air C om m and, irt o f the nuclear s trike force, and P ac ific Command w ere a t "D e-

n 4 ,” the la tte r bccause U.S. and m y forces face each o lh e r a long dem ilitarized zone in K orea, n o th e r wall board shows w h eth er room Is "secure .” W hen It is,

v ersa lions cannot be o verhead o r e s tapped.Indcr the screens s its a la rg e ference tab le with 14 d eep sw ivel lirs. In anotiier p a rt of th e room s e a ls for other officials, he com m and c ^ t e r a lso houses W ashington end of the "hoU lne,”

-lInk-betw ecn-the_U .S_ p residen t— ------I th e Soviet leader th a t w as also Qted a f te r the Cuban m issile c ris is ' lerm U th e two leaders to ta lk to h o ther.he hotline, con tra ry to po p u lar cf, is not a red telephone. I t Is ap r in te r - th a l e la c k s - a lo n g - a t - G 6 -------tls p e r minute.u t th e hotline, known In th e Pcn- on as ‘‘Moscow L ink” • o roLlnk.-’-W toes-have-o-redphoneron---------n a il Ic^ge behind the p rin te rs , h e rc is no White Hou% te rm in a l th e hotline, so when the p re sid en t Its to send a m essage o r h e a r the L of one from Moscow, h e does so ihone.he ho tline Is tested once a n h ou r : s ta ffed round the clock by officers c r t iii R ussian, slncc e a c h nation ism lts in Its native tongue. The

te x ts a r e on non-controverslal le c ts a s Sov ie t.natu re o r th e N a-,.. . al F ootball L eague rules, o tline m essages a re tran sm itted tiree sim ultaneous w ays — via a let satellite , a n A m ericaJi sa te l- a nd a n undersea cable.

beaches> m ak e up for th e lost d a m d ig g e r e, Ituikeepers and m e rc h a n ts J been running energetic prom o- s to a ttra c t vaca tioners looking I q u ie t, m idw inter b reak .

Ve a r c finding th is y e a r th a t th e re J tw o types of v isito rs w ho cam e- le coast d iu ing the w in te r ,” sa id>r-EUdeJDLthe.Ocean S h a re s Reser=---------in B ureau . " F irs t th e re w ere th e 1 d ig g e rs who a re gone, a n d then e w e re people who Just w an ted to Qway from It aU; w e 've s ti l l g o t

il i n g

: h 5 t h . . .

=^alls b u s i n e s s c o m - n s t a n t l y g r o w i n g ancd* l e w b u s i r r e s s e s a p -l e s ' r e l o c a t e " a n iJ - a c — ---------/ i / n e r s —S o m e t h i n g - i n — ---------w a y s h a p p e n i n g .

a ‘ n e ^ b i j i m § § s ^ o r ' o u r e x i s t in g b u s i n e s s , s y w a y to b r i n g y o u r 0 t o ( j a t e w ith w h a f s

s t e d i n h a v i n g

i r b u s i n e s s — r r r -

• o n t h i s p a g e ?

e r e s t e d c o n t a c t l e s R e p r e s e n t a t i v e h o n e 733 -0 9 3 1 'im e s -N e w sile m a rk e tin g _______ ____) e p a r t m e n t o r Lori o r C in d y

------------------------------------------------- 1 -------

TIm os-N ow o, T w lnF a lls . Id a h o A-11

Page 12: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud

- L ead fatnila sec]By A N D R EW nOSF> The Associated Press

MOSCOW - Dcspl o f s e c re c y around p r iv a te l iv e s , u few r a re e m e rg in g about U C o m m u n ist P a r ty chl C hernenko .

U noffic ia l Soviet C he rn en k o ’s wife is o th a t h e h a s a t least o th a t h e h a s a daughte b y th e publication o co -au th o red , in the & p a p e r P r a v d a Sunday

B ut C hernenko 's ,r o u t of th e public eye, w ith th e fam ilies ot I

----------ClltO;---MO.WOW—offl<c lose-m ou thed about th a t few repo rts ci c o n lirm ed .

T h e re a r e confllctii w h e th e r th e 72-year h a s b e e n m a rr ie d moi

— w hether... h e has_on O fficial b iographies ; C hernenko la s t w eek' Sovie t le a d e r do m fam ily!

On S u n d ay , Prav a r tic le o b se rv in g the r y of th e b ir th of the S av e ly ev , a revolutl b een a n e d i to r of Pra> I ts fo u n d in g by Lenin, s igned b y E . Chemcn p h ilo so p h ica l sclen Solopov, candidate sc iences.

P r a v d a confirm ed I Inquiry b y T h e Asso<

M onday th a t E . Chen K o n s tan tin o v n a Chen of th e S oviet Par sp o k e sm a n sa id shc In s titu te o f Marxlsrr o th e r In fo rm a tio n wo: R u ssian l e t t e r for *‘E" th e E n g l l s h “ Y e.’l ..

K onstan tin o v n a Is U riv a tlo n , o r patronynr n am e K onstan tin , >

. tlnov ich Is th e m ale fo R ussian tra d itio n foro th e d e r iv a tio n of the fa

A cco rd in g to one So' new le a d e r 's wife is D m itr ie v n a Chemcnki

- . heE-GOs,____________. She is . a movie Ic th e a te rg o e r who takes d ev e lo p m en t of the S( du stry , th e source sal

--------- there-are-reports-that. .-'IC rem lln lead e rs h

........... sc re c n ln c s 'o f Soviet mby M rs. C hernenko.

A no ther S oviet who • a n o n y m ity also said

believed to h av e 0 wife Both so u rc e s said (

h a s a -so n .,V lad lm ir f C hernenko, who Is a s th e gov e rn m en t m Gosklno.



- - Js5



A -12T lm o3-N ow 3 .T w

Torld c f iByMC

nessmI h is hn I I I U iejui

e a r ib l; Dut

_ _ ! • a n d th

- / J L

could 1 •spile the usual veil , nd Soviet IcndtTs’ w reports and fac ts u tth e family of new chlcf Konstantin U.

-let sources s a y f ^is a movie buff a n d . I | nst one son. The fac t J Jiter w os.conflrmedn of an article sh e » y M te Communist P a r ty Tlie As

s .relatives rem ain .ye, a s Is custom ary Amonjof Uie Soviet ru ling “ fse djff|/.|n)>inm Iq ^ Stcadn3Ut personal de ta ils woU,

can be officiallyMisklti

ctlng reports about flghtlhear-old Q jem enko Sandinm ore than once a nd swam pone son or two, c o nst,

es published about “ He-1:«k when he becam e T h e 3I not mention h is bu lle t;--------------------------------Q]

ravda carried a n the lOOth annlversa- the la le Maximilian lutlonary who h ad >ravda shortly a f te r nin. The article w ns ncnkb, candidate of lienees, and A.Ite of historical

led in a telephone ssoclated P ress on tiemenko Is Yelena lemenko, daugh ter Party lender. A ihe works for th e ;lsm-Leninism. N o was provided. The- ‘E " is equivalent to

Is the feminine' de- lymlc, of the f irs t I, . and Konstan- e form. I t is an oldor offspring to tak e e fa ther's name.Soviet source, th e

• Is named Anna enko' and she Is in

‘ lover and avid Jces Interest in th e B Soviet movie in- sald. adding tha t

haUwlvcs.oLothcr----------------have attended

:t movies a rran ged________

'hoalso lnsistcd .on ...........—aid Chernenko Is vife named Anna.Id Chernenko also It Konstantinovich, a senior editor fo r ,

movie agency.

" Y o u con Ily

m li i r1 5 / .

I I i n

i s

Twin Folb, Idaho T u o sd ay ,

Jungle pMONTE HAYES } Associated Press

■KU;ni:l:0—H onduras— — Air .stnnn T cm istoc lesitnm lrez de ba ttle agaln-st jag u a rs , deadl; Jungle th a t tK gins a t the edge 0 •|bl)can coastal lown.;ut ho 's losing his fight a g a in s t t I the Honduran R o v e m m e n t. :amlrez, a na tive b f 'P u c rto l [led 'iSgh 'school a nJ '»co llege ne here neariy a q u a rte r of a <lng for adven tu re and -a-pJa Id be his own man.- Ie ca rv ed a 14.000-acre ram gles and built Uie largest mea king business in th is pa rt of Uie hen. In Ju n e I9a3, Uie U.S, Arm .•ction of his ranch and began cc

ndian rcMONTE HAYES Associated Press

EGUCIGAI.PA. Honduras • ong tlie N icaraguan rebel lead Dd In th is m ountain capH idm an Fagoth M uller Is a h

e heads M isura, an organizallor kilo, Sumo and R am a Indl: ting a guerrilla w a r against 1 dinlstas in the ra in forests £ m ps along N icaragua 's Caribb< 5t.tris~as*waryTw a hunted anlm

30-year-old Fagotli carries el in his chest from what he si 'th e la tcst Sandlnlstn-attcm pt

“ S u pIdaho's Nongame V butions from all of t that are not hunted, first aid cen ters for 1 bluebird), and have crucial w e keep thes

W e.can all do some' our Idaho income ta “Do Something Wild tax form. Simply che


- s W o -

: - • '

, W

lU to Hawaii from mofo

jroirllnoB ." A

j^For Tw<m Loci I the 1

(ay. Fobruory 21,1984

pioneei; ic :im p t( 'u e r r l l l a

-T lo iu lu ra

de A rellano won in Nov adly snake.s nnd m aneuvc jeo fU ils lso Ia led w h a rf ar

landing .ist the U.S. A rm y O fficers

ro lled ovlo Rico who at- R a m ir ge In St. Ixiuls, o f Incre. >f a century ago • C en tra l / p Jace-w hcrc-ho— ih a t-fo re

s ta n d a rd■anch from tlie “ l Just neat and sh r im p business, U iecountry. tru c k ov<,rmy m oved onto p r ize bi n coiustructlon of challehgi

ebel fickill h im . He tru s ts tig lit-kn it b and of ll

- —— A— m eeting—^ ,s •• — T eg u cig a lp a begar eaders u n expec ted telepl apital, co m in g ," tlie anor n lone a n d hun g up.

' S h o rtly before m lion of th e d oo r o f the hot< ndlans h is a rr iv a l. Six i ist the d a fk eh ed hallw a LS ancl pu sh ed th e ir way Ibbean su ite a nd searched

A ta ll, lean m ai nlmalr- - ro o m —im d “ Inlrod •les a F ag o th . e says "T h e re have bec TiprtO'— m y -llfC '—-o n c e -Ir

p p o r t

\i Wildlife M anagemeni )f us who ca re enougl 5d, fished-or trapped... Df raptors, buil^hom es je helped the endangi hese program s going

Tiething wild by makinj tax forms. You will fin

^Idl” checkoff on line £ :heck the am ount you CAN MAKE-IT-HAPPI

■ ■ ' J THi:D O

s o M e n i i N GW ILD !

K/o via y\!e I es-News

ik Forr im e j

T loses3 to tra in Salvadoran troops I lias. U.S. Arm y o fficers la ra n m ililary had told ‘them

ovem ber. as p a r t o f Joint U. ivers. U.S. w arsh ips anchoi nnd 2.000 M arines m ad e an [J. They se t Up ten ts a round 1 •s dem anded the k eys to h i s ; 3v e r his property, ilrez supports P re sld en t Rc£ reased economic and . milit .1 A m erica, and he believes.

rd of living.s t w ant to get back m y land, s s ." Ram irez said a s ho drt )ver his ranch, pointing with breeding slock and talk

iges of ranchllfe in th e tropic;

ghts as;ts no one outside h is time 'Ind ian .supporters. mov -wlUi Fagoth in a t a ,an wiUi a late-night, "1 jphono call. "H e’s one lonymous caller sa id the.

NlcaTrtraniBnnrkTDckTin-t-poiii otel room announced Sam

m en stood in th e F t ra y ’-‘outside; - T w o - - I ’e p r y into th e two-room forci Kl it Uioroughly. “ Vlan stepped Into th e Evil oduced-'titmsMlf as said,

BibI:een five a ttem pts on Chui - in -a • p la n e r ano th e r a mo

t ld a h^ i l d ]nt program is funded gh about protecting ^ .,.So.far,.donalions-ha j s H o r i d a f T t f s ^ Y a t e - b i i gered mountain carib 3 and begin new ones

ng a contribution on ind the nongame t 52 of your Idaho J wish to contribute. PEN:----------------- -



) hssternAii 5 19th An


' m i


5 his baD stofljyitlufllst “ T hclw

la ter said th e H e bustec em il was i;ov- .sympatliy

U.S,-Honduran th e re ’s a hored near h is p lan n ed lc an am phibious H onduras,

id h is buildings. R am lre: lis gates. T an k s W aslilngtc

E ngineers teagun’s policy to h e a r Hi lilitary aid for defense 'an (S. like R eagan . In Dec( ise-thc-reglon’s — A ppeals-lr

ru led aga id, get back m y Ju d g e Mai drove a pickup th e nation' 'Ith pride to h is p r iv a te ( alklng of th e exce.Hses.” 3ics. H is lawy

gainst Im e when 1 w as w alking. .or loving v eh ic le ," he said , slttli t a table."T hey th ink by controlllne

ne way or a n o th e r, they will le. 250 Ind ian communit Icaragua. A n d If you consli

nndlnlstas, it is no sm all thing Fagoth accu ses th e Sandlnl

ipres.<ilng'hls' people and ’-tr tree M arxism on them .“ We oppose a negotia ted si vll m ust be lo m o u t by Its roc ildi h lslanguage-reflectlng th iblical teach ings of tlie Me hurch. which h as a la rg e fo mong the co asta l Indians.

10 N o;d solely by-contfi- !• wildlife sp ec ies nave launched—- - ;bird"(moantain--------^ibou. It's Mes.


irtines ai nnual Wi

cial B i/vs Art Endj

^ttle wi; Iwttom line is tlia t the guy i; sled his r e a r end . We hav liiy for him ,” .said a U.S, ;-who-aaked-iK)t-to-lHJ-^denl . a w ar on. T w en ty yea rs d lo be helping th e Salvador; ras."irez sued. In U.S. D istrict igton to keep tlie U.S.' Arm e rs from trespa.sslng. The jut • Uie caso 'because’ ifinvolvw j'and nalional s ecu rity ." )ecembcr. Uie U.S. Circuit 6-ln W ashington, in a 2-1 de< □gainst him. In a dlssentir Malcolm W ilkcy s a id Uie rullr ion's historic cq m m ltm en l of

citizens’ r i ^ l s against is."iw yers aro c onsidering filing

N icara..once In a H e m ak es cl Ittlng down r c c e n t concess

S a n d in is ta s . in ling me In t io n s in 1985. -vill control "W e have n unities in w ith th e Sond insider tlie th e y h a v e Ued lone-to-Uie— m dm ns~ lrav{rl ling." th e ir v illages 1dinlstas of s a c re d . PeopleI'trytng-to ':^-------T h e Indian ’

T h e Sandinls d solution, tio n o f Indian i roots," he to m o v e then g th M tric t — p o te n tia l oombi

Moravian F a g o th com ; following su p p lie s , w cap

p o r t h is ,m e n

m g a n/lariel H em ingw ay

M MTiMm a ^ s o o (

Winter Vac

3onu£ nd En8 Feb

i t h U . S .’ is a piotiLtT. but Ram irez iive a lot of “ You see .S. Kmh.issy suppo.sedtointlfkMlr-iiBut----- K ov«nunonl; ago nolKKly A few daj iraas train in H onduras’

e m m e n t issi let Court in n ln g o f e x p n m y Corps of T h a t InclU' lutJgc refu-sed .seven shrlm /e d - i ia t io n -a r - - h i s s la u g lile i

for 50 . cow. Jit Court’ of e x e c u t iv e s . ! le c is io n , a lso T he Hondt ting opinion, ■ a la rg e air. i ling " ig n o re s p ro p erty . U.I o f p ro te c tin g s a id recen tly 1st m il i ta ry p r o v id in g ok

" I ’m n o m Ig for review. Uiey chose

igua’s 1«c lear hc has no faith in sv

;sslon.s announced by lhe cc Including plans for elec-

................................... ...... mnegoFlated Uiree tim es to

idlnlslas and each tim e pc jd (0 us.” he sa/d. "T he en i-hadTnore-tlian-lO O -of— be s burned, bom bed, m as- bl< le buried alive. min wtll notforgct UmL” T - - ilstas claim th a t reloca- to 1 villages was necessary Ni *m out of the vi»ay of kn

mplalned of a la c k 'o f ’ Its ipons and Iwats lo tran s- Tc n over the riv e rs a n d m(

n e


Cash dui cation Gi5 Cou itefT<)ruary

^.forceslircz knows h is chances a re fading fast, see, we d id someUiing you’re not

J to do. Wc ta lk ed back to the HonduranlontT ^Ilaxnirezsaid-------------------------------------days l>efore h e losl his legal appeal. •

is’ m ilitary -dom inated civilian gov- issued a d e c re e announcing tlie begin-

xproprin tlon of h is wholeproperty. ic lu d esh ls 1*1,000 acres, the dock for his rim p boats, a la rg e building containing filtering a n d packing plant, bunkhouses cowhands, hoaslng for H company cs. h is hom e a n d olher buildings, jndurxm m ilita ry h as p lans for building ilr, naval a n d a rm y base on Ram irez’s . U.S. A m b assad o r John D. Negroponte 2ntly th e U nited S lates was discussing g aid for Llie p roject.0 m ilita ry s tra te g is t. But 1 can see why DSC m y la n d .’’ Ram irez said.

leaderssw am p y te r ra in of the Indians’ an­c e s tra l la n d s on Uie Caribbean coast.,

“ We d o n ’t h av e even one outboard. m o tO E -boat^iie said.JiW henyou have-------

to w alk 15 o r 20 d ays and you're tired, pooriy fed , poorly dressed, and the en em y d o e s n 't walk even one hour

-b ecau se -h ^h as-h e llco p tcn s.-th o -p ro ---------b lem is s e r io u s . But with all that our m o ra le is h ig h ."

- -T h e in d ia n lead e r, however, re lu se a ------ ^to jo in r a n k s with the CIA-backed N ic a ra g u a n D em ocratic Force, known a s th e FDN, a larger and

-iie tter-fiupp lied^rebel-g roup that-hos---------’ its c o m m a n d headquarters in -.......T eg u c ig a lp a and operates In tho m o u n ta in s of no rth em Nicaragua.

iFJ LjrinjgTheGiveaway!




Page 13: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud

- ■ - .


Wil< I in D

B y STEVE CRUM P Times-News sports edi

TWIN FALLS - At wlll tcll you lh a t th e sl: th e greo ler-tlie chancc a wild card.

T ake, for exam ple.______ b a s ketball te am s In 1

w in g et together io m ^ o f Southem Idaho ( beg in nine days o f eli w ill delerm lne whic ad vance to th e sla

_ loum am ejU in Poca w eeks.

O ver the co u rsc c • Je ro m e (13-7) h a s pr

b e s t of the pack, beat!

Oakhat-CaB y STEVE CRUM P Times-News sports edi

BURCt'V — Outsl V alley Conference. C; on ly gam e In tow n. C

' a n d som e o lher A-4 b' te a m s south of Uic Sna like to change th a t this

The six MVC team s \ beg inning tonight for elim inations to prod i th a l will r ep re sen t th e ; D is trlc l 4 playoff i Je ro m e , w here they w top team s from to u m am cn t. T he two SI to u m am cn t will In tu rr ^slale'A-1 touraam cnt- Moscow.

Castleford, ran k ed N te a m s by both T he As a n d United P re s s InU bea ten all com ers in th is season, but often T h e Wolves finished seaso n with a 15-2 rc confcrcnce — defeat O akley twlco by a tot; T h e m arch to th e ci Included four-point ' M urtaugh and Hansen',

Bul the W olves’ tw ol

WinteJ u d g e s a l w

I B y DAN B A RREIRO Dallas Morning News

SARAJEVO. Yugosl f igu re sk a te r Rosalj c a m e for a gold medj s ilv e r and did not h ave t

F o r once, in a sporl th e political one-upsm; ju d g es ("You m a rk do from m y country and 1 sk a te r from y o u rs" ), lad les f l ^ r c s k a tin g titl on the ice S a tu rd ay niR E a s t G erm an and Yugo d id a little n u m b er on th e U.S. judge d id a III E a s t G erm an K atarina In love and trip le salcho

But the best sk a te r, sp ile of all lha t. "K a

_______v e ry well; sh e d e se rv e tSum ners.

On the face of It. thal a curious thing for Su aboul the gold m< especially considering S um ners sa id she d id n ska te .

Actually, 'Sihere was

W S p4




r ' V bI J h



d can )istriceditor

Any card player ^e shorter lhe deck. V.inccs of turning up

lie. the four boys’ in Dl.strict 4. who npTfrniFC ollcge— ; - B u r l e0 gymna.slum t o ' ’ Je ro n

eliminations lhatvhich team will te am al slato Class A-2 Wood

ocalello in th ree Idaho----------------------- shu ffle I

e of the season. T he fi proven ILself the B urley

eating every olhor w co k b ;

ley, Rai istleforedildr ................

Litslde-the-M agic----------- ^. Castleford is the 1. Oakley. Hansen .4 boys' basketball - - h l l H Snake River would— his week.ns will gather here R aft P for four days of M urta

oduce two team s h m h m :he southslde In the h a v e b e f next week In th e Twi y will facc tho two v a rs ity1 the northside N ev. Ai 'osurvivorsof th a t M urphe, um advance lo th e a n d ji cnt-March-8-lO-in— Z am o ra

a s the SEd No. 3 among A-4 So. hc Associalcd P re ss led by n

International, has .7-3 in in (hc conference W y a tt’s

len by very liUle. incredib hcd the regular th e sea:I rccord — 9-0 Id w e re l-€ [eating runner-up Ih e lr la i total of 14 points, four.

? confcrence also T he tcII victories over tonlglit ;cn', ta k e s o r A'olo.sses this y e a r w hile N

er Q/ynI w a y s b i a s e d b u

3 S u m n en•s eva lua te

could e v?oslavla - U.S. w as m al salynn Sumners S h eh ad r ledal. Ictl wilh a “ It wa veto be lold why. s a id th e ort dominated by m onds. smanship of nine b u t Um

down the sk a te r s liver. I id I’ll chop up the ‘ enough

the Olympic c c r ta ln ; ; title was decided - e n o u g h - nlfiht. Oil yes. ho needed I

U RO slavlanjudges show ed i on Sumners. But a tU ie c n I little number on She lei ina Witt. All’s fa ir m a y h a ’ chows. S u m n e nIcr. Wilt, won In ■Kalarinn skalcd ‘■ved l» win." sa id—

So wh;hal appeared like defendin Sumners lo say U.S . ch a medal winner. ” n i p ro

ng the fact lhat tion a ll n Id nol walch Witt L o rra l

m o re tfias 0 method to d id n ’t w,

> o r t

iiy BILLTilO.M>VS 7'/ie Bulltnwrc Sun

NEW YORK - Hairlines mid-field. Backs and knees i la s l tim e oul. and bellies, a fte r-d inner circuit, overhan deck a l Y ankee Sladium . Thii

"O h. m y God, my legs ; m oans basketball boss w arm ing up by a fake cam p th e la te s t M iller Lite ad;-------

“ Aw. stop complaining, g ru m p s from behind a bush. R alph Sam pson, you wouldn’t

if U ecker, a famed substil b a tted over .210, chances an here* either.

"H e 's definitely tho w orst i - f io ti’’--says-re tlred -N ew --V

T hronoberry . a t .237 lifetime second-w orst.

Ladies a n d gcnlJemcn: Th -S ta rs :-tT he-o ld -eo rcer-m ov(

wiUi the wind, bul the n w orking.)

.Taslea g r e a t . . . less filling . . . cuf!

^ looi ct 4 tc3 ( 1 a - 2

D is tr ic t ^ T o u r n e y

ToQlgbt’s gam es rtey v srw o a irR iv c f, 6:30 p:m 7’ -ome vs. B ub],8;30p.m .

a l least once and losing only I R iver am ong. South-Centr ) Conference opponents. BJe th o d eck ag a ln . --------------I firs l ca rd you turn up could I ;y (12-8), ranked No. 4 in ia

by The Associalod P re ss . Tl

lft Rivei rd domi3 3 ^ 4 .District^ T o u j m e s i

’ Tonight’s gam es t R iver vs. H ansen, 7 p.m . rtaugli vs. H agerm an, 8:30 p.m

been to bigger schools — one i 'w in F ails High School junic Ly and the other to Wendove And If anything. Coach Kell

h e y ’s poised group of senloi ju n io r sharpshooter Ste\

ira seem lo h ave gotien s trongc : season progressed, how ever, has the competltloi

f runner-up Oakley (9-10 overal In conference). Coach Nc; t ’s ballciub went through a clible siege of Injuries ea rly i eason and on New Y ea r 's De I-€. But the Hom els won e ight i la s t 12 gam es, including the la

! tou rnam en t .will get under w: fit when Hansen (11-9 and 5-i on R aft R iver (8-12 and 4-5) at M prlaugh (G-14 and 4-6) wi

mpics h) u t S u m n e r s a d n

e r s ’ m adness. Sum ners couldn a te W itt's perform ance, but sh ev a lu a te h er own. And Sum nct la tu r e enough lo face Ihe trutli id n 't skated well enough lo win, w as not my best perform ance, h e 19-year-old Sum ners of Ec s. W ash, "I cam e for the golt m not asham ed of getting th , I ju sl didn’t push m yself fa h (in p ractice). I’d rcach n point and think I’d gone fa h -and - then just q u it .-B u t - d to go fa rth e r :han tha t. Th: id up tonight. I lol up a liltie b e n d .”le t up m ore than a little, and

have cost h e r the gold m eda e rs left out a triple Jum p an } axel a l the end of her progranr in lleiy think I could have won ju m p ed the tr iple a t the end.

vhy leave It oul? Sum ners, th Jing w orld champion and 3-tlm ham plon , said she w asn’t sure )robably ask myself tha t que: 1 n lg h l,” she said, ra ln e Borm an, her coach, had

te lling answ er, "R osalyn w an l to m oke a m istake.’’ sh

. . . . . . ....produi

"Doies have receded lo Bubba es are down to (heir nobody;s, cjilarged on tho------ Whahang like the upper boys. r /j/sisthelalen tV down-i ;s a re killing m e." "Ov. s Red Auerbach, Corky m pflre on the set of of doin

ng ." Bob Uecker M artlr sh, " If you’d signed shots, dn’tb e h e re .’’ grounc'Stilule calcher. had Duri are he wouldn'l be sion. c

h av e brsl ballplayer we’ve buslne .—York-Met-.Mar-v— phcnoiime, the undisputed h ighs (

and mThe Lite Beer All- nam es

lovcs-m oy-be-gone-------I mouths a re still s ion ,”

ju s l 'ling . . , tastes g rea t .approp


ims bi ourne

Bobcats lost tw ice t season, the la s l tim e night in a gam e that

vf- 'cham pionship. But • ca ts ’ v ic tim s this

afT Jr— d lffcrciiL icam s lhal ■ \ 7 ■ one tim e o r anotl

service polls, inclui leam — Rigby -

n . ranked N oT T fn 'Iasf A-1 poll.

The second wild ca lly to R iver (ll-7 ). a team m tral last four gam es —

Bul victory over Jerom___ ___ Feb_lO — a nd scv.en.'ild be One of those two I I iast meet In the tourna .T h e . S e e A-2 On

;r shoot linatior

m eet H agerm an- (1' ‘ ■8:30.'CjSlIeford and '

tonight’s w inners on ^

sen tative to dlstrii y r j - tcrm lned on F riday / V survivors will vie for

___ on Saturday. .The Wolves began

three s ta r te rs back f >.m. finished 18-5 la s t sea: M B league cham pion Mi nc to G-foot-6 sen ior Alan unlor Howard and T roy Scl over, has continued to prc Kelly shooting of Zam ora nlors perform ance of jun Steve and M ark Tverdy. m g ^ Oakley, w hich_ _

s ta r te rs W ayne L Itlon, Woodhouse e a r ly in I ira ll. to struggle all seasc Neal ascendency h as para

an to form of Woodl ly in toum am cnt tim e ha: Day the lop sco rers and r

^ t o f district.J last Scime o ther team s

a challenge a s well, •w ay The Huskies, behind I 5-5) rebounding of Steve a t 7. shooting of Doug L: will sevcnof th e ir la s t 11 (

leaves II m i t s n n i s t a k e c c

Idn’t said, " I t w as the endt sho an d sh e was a little li:mers in tha t posillon, il’s tl-uth: do,”vln. Thai, of course, dice," you m oan by sm arl

Ed- skated Just ah ead <gold, celved excellen t scoi' the the trip le jum p . Sf far sealed the fac t Uial:h a By skipping It. Si ; fa r herself of th e sliver, u t l - nated horftclf from lhT hat tonight,” said Sumnoe bit the com pulsory ro

behind Wltl a f te r Ihcnd il "B ut If I think aboutedal. won’t ever be able

and anything e lse ."ram . The Judging w as v.on If freestyle round. Willnd ." the Soviet. Yugc

G c rm a n .E a s t Germ i. the judges, Sum ners goltim e rem aining four Judiiure, Switzerland, the U.Jlues- The Yugoslavian an

judges gave Sumn.lad a scores In technicalilynn Judge gave W ilt her’ she m erit scorc.

Iandrley. Hubba." yells Hilly .Miir luc( up w here people can .see i Jon'l tell m e how (o ac(," re ba Smith, " o r I’ll pu( (he pi ic/ycansee It," hat could bc m o rco as ic thair: ;. especially when the boj ti-lo-earlh drink in’ buddies as )vcrall it’s a p retty friendly 1 :y C arro '' an aging su rfer m ling Lite aiis.'eah , we only have one tin. an olght-ad veteran. "I s. the rookies have lo slay nd ,"iring lhe 10 yea rs they ’ve be

com m ercials for L ite Beer ‘ become a lan d m ark of mode le ss full of p assing fads, they .□ m c n Q n ^ p p in g ja lc s .f ju u t s (more than 17 million b an c making som c of the most

es In sports houseliold words. h o y ic c - tlic ^ o sL p o p u la r-a c ’’ says spo rlsw rile r F rank D

wriltcn a book on (1 opriatoly called Lite lU'udin ), "People enjoy seeing stars

3 y I; to the T igers th is ■nc3<J-32 last F rid ay ' ■at decided the SCIC ■It among the Bob- ■; season w erc six ■laLwore ranked a t ' ■ ithor in tho w ireluding the top A-2 ■- and Caldwell.---------■

srw^eek’s 'A P 'C Iass------- ■

card could be Wood im lhat has won Us- including a 58-17 ^ ime In Je rom e on , i :n.oUlsJasLnliie-------------) teams, which will namenl opener lo- 3n Page 82

t I---------------------------- 1

(M 7 and 0-10) a t id 'O akloyw iirp lay • n Wednesday.

ricl will be de- ay, w h ile 'the two. or lhe socond b erth . ^

in the seasoh w ilh ■ r.T ;c from a loam lha t ^ ;ason. runner-up toMurtaugh. Led by wBkn Sample. D arren i S;chlund. CasUeford ^irospcr behind the Wm-a and the s teady B Biniors Rich Owen IbR

lo st__ re lum lng_____ k i iLtnd and Cory h —.

1 the year, h a s h ad -ison. The H ornets’ K ”rallclod the re tu rn ^ •idhouse, who by ^las becomc one of B iI rebounding in the ,Iris figure to presen t 1. notably Hansen. id the scoring and I'e Elm an and the Larson, have won 1 games. _____

hitter ti: o s t g o l d P c

nd Of lhe p rogram . By TEIlired. When you’re ,\psp<.

; the sm arl thing toSAR,

depends on w hat no. Noirl. Will, who had firmly,I of Sum ners, re-:ores. Uy skipping The tSumners all but Village

II Witt would win. -No kls Sumners assured au logn er. but also ellml- h e a r t . .the gold.Ji:il-’lI h u r l------ners. who had wonround but fallenhe short p rogram , dn ish lr uM l a ions llm c. 1 lie to accomplish

very close In Iholit got firsts from nlhlelo ;goslavlan, West man-and Cunadion- ,1 1I.C nod Irom theidges from Ita ly . The<J.S. and Belgium, a comm d East G erm an charlsim ers her lowest profes?,i m erit: the U.S, ab o u titr lowest technical la .Z ay

P e te

.... ........................................ 'I B E

markliirliti. "Pu( lhe ' lliemsclvi-: .•eit” ■ aiiybiKlyc;replies G-fool-il ’ carica(ui:i' product -where linuv"

Thu l.ile;tiriji-erw nrille lu/ifiest rin boys-;»re—wich— tall-cnougl ■ as these guysV a full-flecli ly b u nch ," say.s credit. Inh lsfirs(yL 'ar ’T m fl;

(hem ,” he e ru le .” adds (or the s(a "In the group walk-on p;

IV In Ihe hack- All-SlarCi A dee.'uU

been on televi- industry ii ?er from Miller happen, i\ idem hype. Ina beer? (he> ley’re a tubular weigh( (\si :uiiej>_lQ_c.ecoai_Ji251-._U.iuiii rrols lasl year) a federal ost forgellable dorsliig ah J.S, m:ikc Ihc j

: Deford, who’s - H ere 'ar.(he subjeci, Insulting i

(linf- (Penguin, guages anc irs m ak e (un of every wher

Jn controlGooding S ta te 's Ctu loose ball ahead ol rlgbl, and Cam as' won th e battle but 1

taste fo^ o p u l a r Z a y a k p

'E R R Y TAYLOR iports Writer

IRAJEVO. Y u g o slav ia -"N o No k iss ,” the squeaky voice lly, then dissolved Into giggles

le secu rity guards al the Olyii igc persist, bul she Is adam kisses from Elaine .Zayak, g rap h s signed. "To my sw •I . ..L u v ya.IClaino,"

iyak“w on-no-m edals-ln-fact oul of the figure skating comi about four hours a lle r il slar h ing sixth overall despile shlng finale.It th e former U.S. and w npion 'from Param us, N.J., ncd one of the mosl pop etes a t the Winter Olymf :cially with lhe Yugoslavs in ggyB alkancIty ,"

le com eback kid. who didn’l ii om eback at all. is hoping i s m a wiil carry inlo her life esslonal skater - which sh Jt lo become. Al the rlpeold a; :ay ak ’s am ateur career Is ove; Ilc r Burrow s.l Zayak’s co

" S c o r e b o c j r d

■ C u l i c y e p o l l

■ B u s i n e s s

^ J oIvi-s. lUii (he iin ii|ue . lliiii); y c a n ide iilify w itii d u -sc I’uv.'- u r e s and h iu n a ii h e in tis ;t( I

,ile Beer eonim ercials are lhe Tinriniijri^sni^ 'iti^hriv iT niR ugh-to.pass for an ex-Uelroil 1 leciged ahimiuis wi(h Ihree a

flaKered Ihey askt-d me i hesays, siginni' free copies ol slage crew und gelling rend;

1 parl in Lite Beer sp(t( No. *Caiii|’'Hil.’’';i(ii- ago. tew in (he m alt ami I y imagined anydiing like th , .Marvelous .\iarv Tlironeln hey scoffed. He couldn'l eve (somewhere in the neighbo

liable to use-active a lh leles bi ■al law (hal prohibits tlu-jn ; alcohol. Miller resorted to ri hc pjleJi. The re.suJi scnl shot

'a re doiiens- ol uver-the-hUl g each olher, speaking fcfn and morc-op less telling beer- here (hat il’s OK to be f>li.

Chad C hristenson, le ft, gets I of Icom m ate R oddy Cabb is ' Lonnie Funkhotiser. GoO' ut lost the w ar, 63-61, during

jr som€p a n s s c o r i n g , s -

w an ts h e r lo comp World Champions! don’l look for her I

'No. no, " I ’ve won lhe ice said lo s f c m . If Id o n ’t 'les. ’e m ,” she said,

besl p ro sk a te r. I cHynipic:amanl. The W inter G; ik. just n igh ln ia re for Ihe

sweet- e r — (lie third [ w om en's team

, , ' S um ners and Tif: act-:ihe -sjie-faH tT cd in 11

rs:pile a F ig u re No. I,

" In the firsl (igi world e rro r . Bu( then I

.J,, re- figures and 1 thpu Dopular have m e so far di /m pics, g irls m ade the san

in this F ig u re No, 2, sl----------------clldn 'f“ do '“nnyiht

basica lly a good ’( m ake w inning figure mg the sp ec tacu la r, bul il lie a s a

she is F igure No. ;i, si d a g e o f did som ething (h; >vcr, figure. The lineu

coach, f igure-e igh t),”

I. II.I - I — .................T u o sd a y . Fob rua ry 2 1 ,1084

1 B 2

I 154 ■ '

!(-> ■

tck hiug IS d ia ( (h ir s ly . .An m civ.s. T h e y ’le sla iid .ii 'c l o f -s.

Mie s a m e kiiiil o f ])o st(i '• - • a rm e h ;n r ( i i i ; i r t

h e ii;i[ion’s T o d a y , a e c o i,iRiT5or<*irii,~."ci.'ds“ nnrT j'-'‘ fit I 'l . 'to n , ts p r im a l (h e r ;ip }

a d s lo his b r i 'a k s m io a h eg (i((en : id s (o

■ (o h e 111 is a n ..V m e ric io f ln s lio o k e n o u g h , ( l i e r e ’.s

illy lo (1(1 11 spor(s\v«.*;ir fo rV hi: "T h e (uhhy .

"H ’’s ni)( ju s lII b e v e ra g e a g e n t p u s h in g 11 th is w ould L iie e o m in e i , 'h e rry sell f e a lu r e i l fcillhai ven h it his J e l s a n d o n e n b o rh o o d of e v e r w a iK e il i: b e ea u se -n f la (e s l L i t e a d i; 1 f ro m eii- W oods s u r v iv a l r e d r e e s lo c a s t o f d o z e n s ,

lo rk wave.s " J v a r h y r a r--------------------uator llu b se r-vusIjl a th le le s p sy c li« h is (o r ia i i ( re ig n lan- h a s e o m e a s e l o jr - d r in k c r s . J-in’’.w i l l i t h e A id. fa l .’mil • Set

%3 to a first round o f the 5bage. D istrict A-4 T o u m a r wxllng F or resu lts o f a ll toi ng the B2.

e Amers e e k s f u t u r e a s

n p e lc a l nex t m o n lh ’s s i in sh ip s in O llaw a, B u t " ir l h e r e , lock iI* W orlds. I’v e n e v e r -Till! I’l go 1 w on’t e v e r*"N ow I w ant lo b e th e ( in is I c a n 'l w a il.” '

U am es s la r te d a s a m e d .le ram b u n c tio u s sk a l- go iii|

per.son on lh e U .S . I ’m ;I b eh ind R o sa iy n n w a s’iffany Chin — w h e n . s k a l t

lhe“ eiHiipuli;ory fig- "An Hc

Z ay a k fin ishes 12th:ig u re I m a d e a b a d " CI looked a l lh e o lh e r ’T h a

pug h l how could th e y s k a l idow n w hen th e o th e r fo u r

a m c m is ta k e ? ” g o ldsh e fin ishes Kith: " I D o rc

h in g w ro n g .- ' It " 'w a s — R o b l d f ig u re , ll w a s n ’t a r e o r -an y th in g ilw a sa so o d llc u re ."

slie finislies 12th: "1 I r ip h:ha l 1 did on lh e f i r s l p io n :eup w a s off (on th e m o s t

w o m


1084 TImos-Nowa. Twin Fa();i. idnhc',

y p e r ~iiu-redihle nie.'.s.ij'.e li\ a i^ k iiouii i r s.ilesiiiailshl|i i lll .■\,ielly- 111.' s ilivc reiidori'eini'iil iiiiIIkjii'n of i.'irtiTliai'ks waiiteil (o hf‘,ir .•cording (o Dcfurd. liu' i-o iu iiu t-j \ i r r - u r n ~ i i i r i n i . - , ' l l i illl.■■liim'-------------------;';ipy (ha( (unis or<liiiaiy ^ijiinrT ) a global eiutiliDiis’-. ,\ds havi- s (o the poinl uhei e !in-e;ili>ne ;.iiil;.•rican elixir. ,Vii(f if l)i;il'j. iicii ri’’.s even a new line of .Miller for men. in siiiali. mefiimn tmd

jusl beer anyniore." .'.ays a |>res:. ng lhe ai'eoiiiil. "ICs ,i life;.(yl<- " m ercial No. 1. siiown in I'lT;!.Iback .MaK .Sm-ll of ihe New Vork le niemor;iliie phrase ••.All you ll in a heei' . ami less " TIk-1(1 is a iiiulli sh(iek-saL'a-uLNurUi__________ival with a miliion-dollar set and

•ar Ihiwgs gel /jjure•ves heford. .4!^..ll»iaLknuwli-rli;rfl ■_________n a n cit ihe sales cam paign, who . close as any milsiiler ean to lie.iiigle A ll-Stars, .slianm:.their. p r iv . i l e ................... .S ee LITE on Page B2 '


' i .................


th e Northsldo Confcrcnce Sub- -nam ent Monday night a t Gooding.I tournam ent games, turn to P ag e

•ricansi s ‘b e s t p r o s k a t e r

She winds up 1. 1 h in'conipiilsories.“ 1 s ta r te d crying hyslerieally In (In.-

o ck cr room ." she said. " I IhoughI,This is 11 .,,-Tlie Ru.ssians d id n ’t ch> ig u res anybcK er lhan I did and they Inished fillh o rsislh .

"I knew 1 had no ehance of gel ling ;• nedal a fle r (i/!ures, hul 1 vvasn’l o ing to let (liein m ake m e fe d like •m a i:{(h-place ska(er. So I di^eided 1 ."as ju sl i;oing lo go oul th ere and k a le the besl I could.""And she d id ,------------------------------------------ - ■H er short program was solid, her

Inaie w as splendid.

"C arlo Fassi cam e lo im- and sa id , rh a l w as the besl 1 ever saw you k a le .” said Zayak, who com pleted lu r trip les. Fassi coached Olym pic old m edalists Peggy F lem ing ,)oro thy Hamill. John C urry and toblnC'Duslns,-------------------------- ---------

"S ka ling niy besl m akes rnc have c ry good m em ories from th is com- etiU on," said Zayak. whose s«?ven rip lc ju m p s at Ihe 19!i2 World C h am -' ionshlps, which she won, w ere the nost ever done in one event by a /om an .

V. i.

- J


Page 14: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud

^ a m a s.S ^T Jic Timcs-Ncws

j r i i o o n i N G - 'd : im a s_____■ ny j D lctrlch_advancc(l

• in4he opening rounti ol ' C lass A -l norllisltJi ; tournam ent.’ In first-round aclioi .fealt'ii G ooding S late g: Richfield 4G-15 nnd Uic

,• K etctium C ommunilyS' Aclion will continu

■ nlglit when C am as will •'5:30. lUiss will lake on

-------- -an a 'n icn fic id 'w iilm M■Community Scliool a iJoser-out gam e.

CaznosGS, Goodlj Gooding StJitc. go

^game-lying baskel. lost . . Iball wiUi Uiree scconds

preserve a G3-G1 vlcloi •County.; The Redskins, wlio tr of the first half, got t

- _early In th e sccond h ulf; •Mushers even througho •third and fourlli quarter

_____ ~a flvfr-poinl lead-w ith-;iT^alnlngV H I Uandy •Lonnie Funkhouser mis: la£Lempls thal would I

•3-poinl goal wilh 32 sec Ing to pull the Redskins

' ‘ points, and GoodingSlai in tim e lo sco rc the gam Instead, the Redskins tui

__ ,The R esklns’ Ray Ha- — gam c-hlghr 22-poln ta .-

K tmes and W eber had

including a p a ir of :--------- Webcr. G orm ley haciTs

the M ushers. while M

L ite —• Continued from P

thoughts, • lhclr tips groom ing and. most acting royalties,,^

This Ume oul. he p vestlgalive wildlife r cam eo role well within tl ills d ram atic sk llls^^nc he’s a sen io r wj*T% :

_____JUSlTMtCd.___________ L _"Som e people might

crossed th e line," he s: between takes in Ihc dres sh ares w ith foolball Greenwood and Buck Bu< r don’l se e It th a t way

sportsw rite r,"Only a person a l lh<

profession c an lalk that v y ea rs . F ran k Dcford ha righ t, as they say on lhe lo call ’em like hc secs ’ei

"To tell the Iru th . I 've hung around with athlete I l 's nol th a t to hav

_____re la tionship with them ww riter.

" I rem em ber Hot Rod___fo rm er basketball s ta r) a

one night lo pick up girls the talking, nnd .rlgh l aw up these th ree women, prettiest one, which was did all Ihe work. But latei

■ s trik e up a conversation ' I ’ll never forget whal si: Rod told m e not to talk to you’re a rep o rte r and a follow him around and everything people say. T h a t’s when I realized I be friends w ith a jock .”

So while L.C. Greenwoo S m ith aro trad ing stor who grew up in Balllmoi All-City in baskelball in

--------chair-ofM o4heslde-andllf“ Oakland was a riot,"

Sm ith, who played for the the Colts, “ This one Sundc tried lo shoot Al Davis ( owner). All the players h( by the tim e they got lo t and when Davi.s camc meeting wc w ere wonder

A -2 ----• Continued from Pa(

night a tC ::n iin lhcC S Igy c rack al Je rom e in the s of the tournam ent on Thi — provided Ih’Jrrrgers be

........... In the' fou r'team ' torm:]ning thal gam e wouldn't I gel the T igers lo stal< J e ro m e would slill have surv ivor of itu‘ two rcm;i nexl Tuesday to earn

Winning three straight lall order for any A-2 I M agic Valley however. C( happened inl*JJi;i.

Burlcy c am e into the toi the SClC cham p, wilh a 5 d istric t, followed by Jei Wood Klver (1-5) and Bu the firsl g am e of the t

— Buhl which had wor gam es a ir- '^vson lo fiiat p( the Uo[)cat5''5l-M . In round, Jerom e beat Buhl righ t. 10-li. paced hy Kev four points). Burley In tur w ay back, beating Wood Buhl Je rom e won the tillo G ary Hulsey scored a fiel one second left in overlin

-------T ig e rs ha'd ticd 'il a s timej-egulation pluy.\ r h c possibility of sut occurring in th is lotirn p robab ly g rea te r, since tl firepow er of Jerom e, f Wood R iver a re com parat w on th e T igers the SClC li be Ihe lr p rinc ipa l advan Inftrdistriet: ^

TlfT>oa-Now3. Twin F


s . B lis s ,nas Counly, B liss . _ . _ ':ed Motitlay n tt;ht_________ '2_tl of the D istrict -1 side subdistric t

■tlon, C am as de* c g :i-c i . B liss beat 'U lctrlch bea t the _____ tvy School 75-27.-. inue W ednesday #111 face C arey al on D ietrich at 7. Cama

I™' I"™ SlctrlCKll»gSt.01going for the p

lost control of Ihe nds rem aining to „ • : , , , d o ry for C am as

J tra iled for m ost .3t. th e lead backulf and p layed the , ‘Shout m osf of therters, C am as tookith -a -m in u to ro- o u k / iI T - G ^ m l l ^ a n d —Hissed free throwId have m t 11.0 J ' i i ;

am W eber till a scconds rem ain - ® m ins to w ithin two S tate got-lhe b an ^-ame-tylng point. [,."^*3"*’5 tu rned it over. h it a J-p H a rris scored a ta.— w hile—T odd—lad 12 ap iece - J ® tim e to)f 3 -P O ln le rs bv w in n in g 119 polnls to lead B liss’

M ike F au lk n er w ith 20

m P a g e B l would saIS on personal kill you? 5l of ail, th e ir And Dav

w as. but: p lay s an “ In- for tho gi

re p o rte r .” a “ Beingn th e ballpark of ch im es h ilncevln roal llfe— question!r^rt^5port.< : II- A 60-se____________- . days in tl

Ight think I ’ve oT tim e 1; say s, relax ing around. 'Ire ssin g ro o m h e um pire ^11 g rea ts L.C. take nap;Buchanan. “ Bul Bubba Sivay a t all. I 'm d aw n to d</— -a — -jtum --------■•irrwj

says Smilhe top o t his M ickey :

a tw a y . and ln21 dozen Litha s earn ed the cement-cthe sports beat. Splllami ’em , " I ’d have've never rea lly "M an.le tes tha t m uch. Sm ith. “have a personal bcfinc."n w hen you’re a When :

■ .......... re p o rte r 'od Hundley (the for his hr) a n d i wont oul he’s everIris. Hot Rod did “ Not la

en. He gol the H>e group ,’a s fa ir s ince he unlike mi a te r on 1 tried to people won with her. and opinions.I sh e said : 'Hot in a mor< to you. H esa id details, hd all you do Is writing iliind lake down “ I ’m ncly. about h im ,’ give lhed I could never they wan

Shakespe.vood and Bubba "Mlcke.tories. Deford, smoothiniTiore and m ade Bob Ueckin 1957. finds u soon as IillfitenSr-^------------- m orn ingr1." say s B ubba One mthe R aiders ond ex-Yankdnday som ebody cowboy clis (lh e R aiders telling Bos h e a rd aboul II todo:lo th e s tad ium . ''Bob.dime In for (he Iiltle mordering w hal he keistcr."

p a g c B l The Tl

M ' S E E

•mat. even win-.^ | ‘ 7,:i'l bc enough tota le , however.ive to play lhe „

- „ „ r i. C onsider w tu l

a ren 't invi tournam ent as Wood li a 5-1 reco rd In weeks age Je ro m e (5-1). road, a g Buhl <1-5). In llm iled W

f tournam ent, alm ost 2 0 ] won four But Jerom it poinl - upset • Uale n the sccond while B-f) f jhl lO-fl (that's^ Bryan Hui s'evln Hulsey 's offen.siveb tu rn fought ils jod H iver and illc g am e w hen * field goal w ith ^•lime afte r the " tm o raiv out iii" ' ^

• Jf. p'uliibsucii a th ing J . block <

urnam ent a re 7 pe th e offensive 2, Hurley and ^ 10 uuyrab lc . Defense ' J:• title , and will * < v an tage going

in Falla , Id ah o T uoaday . Fc

, D ie tr ic h

J A-4 D i s t o T i c t

Monday’s scores m as Countv. C3..Gooding SL Gl ss^lC, Kichfleld^lS ■trlch 75. Ketclmm Communi )127

W ednesday’s gam esrcy vs. C amas County, 5::}0 p.m ss v s .U tclrlch .7p ,m ,•liflckl vs. Ketchum Communi )l. 8;:iOp.m, (loserout)

Ibuted H,idlng Slale will face the loser ( Il’s Blls.s-Dlctrlch g am e in out contest Thursday night al 7,

B liss 46, R ichfield 45 hfleld picked up a-Blisti tu rnovi wo seconds lo play, bul couldn 1 .shot off before the buzzc 'cd. prc-sorvlng a -JW5 victoriKS,------------------------------- ;r - j--------two team s played even throug

n tire cam c. wilh B liss flnall I a-4G42 lead wiUVless a m inul Ining. Richfield's Nick W hltese 3-polnt goal wllh seven .second Ining. and Bliss tu rned the ba lh e court he T igers didn’t have enoug to lake the potential gam(

s ’ L arry Wilkins led all scorer 20 points. Including 12 in lh

say . 'Do they know who irlcd I' IU?’ one guy finally asked him liivis says, '1 don’t know who i lUt he m ust have rea lly been u] •g am e .’ ”ing on the R aiders,” somebod; s In. “ was like being w anted fooning,” -----------------------------■—-second Lito com m crcial can bi n j ^ m aking, which leaves lot e in between shots for fooilni i. T here are guys, like forme, c J im Honochick. who like ti aps. Then there a r c guys. Ilki Sm ith. w)io a rc on lap fron

0 d u sk . ____________■was a Woman, i 'd m a r ry you7 imith. putting his a rm arounc Y Splllanc. who's been In i Lite ads and never tak es off hU t-colorcd fedora.ane cocks his hat and sm irks ive to ask you. firs t,” n. you’d be beggin’ .m e.” says “ ‘Cau.'je If I was a w om an I'c

n the laughing d ies down; i e r-asks'Splllancrw orld-fam ou ' 5 hard-boiled crim e novels, it 'e r killed anybody, tla te ly .” hesays.

)up. Everybody likes him . And m ost w riters, he doesn ’t bore With a lot of stuffy literary

IS. "M y next book will bo done nonth," lie .says. P re s se d for . he adm its he h asn ’t sta rted III yet.not a w riter. I ’m a m echanic. I

1C people what they wanl. If 'an ted Shakespeare. I’d write p e a re .”:key’s funny." says Deford, ling down his m ustache. "But acker's the King of Comedy. As s he gels on the bus in Iheig r lt- s sh o w tim e :’' ----------- ---- : r ‘m inute he’s m aking fun of kee m anager Billy M artin’s r clolhes: the next m inu te he’s Bob Giraidi, the director, what

I, don't you ihink wo could use a lo re light on John .Madden’s

T igers ' formula is sim ple: good shooting team s out on lhe le r with a strong m an-lo-m an > and prevt'nling them from nslde by stationing Ihe 6-fnol-5 Hulsey Iticre. Ttial works

Kon Farnswtirth and Troy capable of staying with

tiii’ caiilRTiif H urley’s prolific 5oyd and Wood R iver’s G-2 luard .Mike Williams, nc also ex ffls ai controlling -ansilion gam e, p rim arily

Hulsey can linm inate the ve hoards. Hui the T igers avulneratile.

Hivor found tlial out two 3go in beating Jerom e on the1 gam e in which the T igers

\Villiams — who averages20 points a gam e — to ju s t 11. jm e neglected 5-u jun io r guard a rs t. who scored 20 points, f) forward.s Danny Wells and tu tle r held lhclr own on the e boards against Hulsey.

S N O W Einy lh« la>t low ol conlinui

I tlrooli oi'ti allciys irom pnvolu liibilt Ihii obitructlon ol public wc :k or porliolly blocI> ^lro<-lv. ollo n ptivQIo proporty oro viololing i lonol liability r .p o m rn by cti.olii -ollinr, publ-C [■•oporty toy locjol Cilol.ont will b.- l u.•< .

City of Twin Falls —

, F ob fu a t7 21.19W

h a ^ v a n c

fou rth 'q u arte r, whih Rod Stein paced H poin ts apiece,

D ietrich 75, K ^ 7 * • Devan Hubert SCO: / V A lan S toddard add ^ D lefrich routed the

m unlty School 75-27.

Dietrich 75iK

D W rtet ...........................Ketchum..................Dictrldi-Hiil«-rl7J,Stn

, m D L'rnilla '.K llrclilpy 'i.SouIhwlckO. Totals: 39-1-J75

K eldum — Ln.chrr i. Kl unity KuKhanB,Coyle< ToUl*; 13

Total fouin; Illrlrlch 15. Kinonr 3-polnl Kiuln: tinnr

<iroi Bliss 4«. R idin aIt 7, DlUa................................

.. RlcUieU ...........................S l ln - K»on 1. WiUliu. 2

, , . ---- MfHfh‘iici'2:Toljli‘n0tf-ir4lun t Richfield - flcIl 7. N mil izzer 11. T. Whllfr^ll 2, SuatnJlon ’tory Tol"'

none. 3 polni Roals: Ht<

oughlallynute............ Cainiis63,Gooiesellonds ......................ball OoodJii'^ - HifTiJ 22, <

3Urt^-----WeMfTi:PullcrMh<:Tolil!augh C«aM T-’ Hobbln* J, A:

ircrs out: none. 3-polnl rmI!': Go the Camas, Gormley

;d to

5ody C ollege scores

lots .I,ia,.«i.i s.t.RMAg.'.si lilng

n a »>"lu uiiii.ii'*,iM>*<.~nM'h is E i:r ." s , 'i"S £ r« .s -^

rks. ‘. ---- «

i l 'd


e-Of^—sE m S S)Ore NIVfOa.L CJ'DUr«M

a ry xone «iHinoolpBMKO"n.*’r«’K*'i*Inri

lc. I . If rite W C»lOll .M,fwllT'«ne .roJ

)rd, ' kocSnitButAs l\*Ml'n'l*cSlsVj'Mt .li'J

the " ‘


,e a •

ijf; The T igers have be((he contro lling Burley def<lan two m eetings this yeaiom Boyd. B urley’s C-4 seni>1.5 av e rag in g 21 points arks anyone e lse has howe

-oy peril, Dan Egbert.iUi forw ard . Is capable ofific points, a s its point guai6-2 — a 6-0 sen ior who exi

(hc B obcats’ perimetIng fense. He m ay lie evenliy on defense, quick cnolhe on-one wilh cpposini;[•rs shooters. Inside, Bu

depends heavily uponwo jun ior, 6-4 Hyan Hull. 'ihe m u s t m atcii up agains; r s nents.>es11. T he varsity tournaird preceded hy the sopIs. tou rnam en t, with gamend .4:45 this afternoon anche day and a l 6 p.m. on :

, T uesday . Feb. 2fl.

BUILD-UPinuctd vtiowloll ond \now build-unq problem-wilh-iiiow.buina./Olo proporiy. Cily Codi* Soct.o wayi «ic<rpl by tpticio! pcirtnif.

olluy». ond >iduwolk> with inO'

• oling ha7ordou\ driving conditi should piln on thncf

!•<) •( tont.nuocJ viololmnv occu'

; — S tree t D epartm

c e; t

______ _________________ AUlile Todd H iatt and BurlcRichfield with 11 tie w


K eU ±im iS7 IJ™.'; :o red 29 points and jgui-r dded 21 m ore as gouUi hc K etchum Com- gam e The

K ctchum 27 clock............... 11 » M TS pr^ve:.................. i 17 isn a t l e v

SiixJdiircl 21. C. Urrullas, lead.1> S..u(li*lck 3, 11 A ub

: 131.427. B^rne.Krlrlmm 17 Koulftlout: W ith f(

It « d cy s I

lcW lelll45 s " , ”

H u = «..............11 .1 11 o Burloii IS, Smllli 5. GravM 12. JoncSI34fi. Ij Ij; (|n.•lilte^ellB.Hlallll.Steln Jone Tolals: 167.I345. “ *tiehlleld IB. KouImI oul: AUbiatchtieid, N, whiirwii, throw


[>odlngSL61 .

.................8 S « «-

............T W -a- M a2, CibbaRp II, Klmesl2, /iir-lJiM rfll /Ashby 2, Gormley 19,' {H, Stuart 13. Tolals: TJ V

GoodltiR SI.. Webtr (2);


p . - — I

i . . ---------------------1M



illUI ^fl....... ....................... - [J

•in r) 32w

?, \

" tl

Illl n'bi*u


leen successful in ifensively in (hoir ;a r by controlling inior gu a rd who Is a g am e. Hardly

A’cvcr, and oppo-»t«M)n-Hoy<Wo-HM;--------------- -

a 6-C senior of sco ring a lot of lard Scott B arrett ixcels a t running eter-orienled of- en a b igger a.s.sel lough to go one- ng te a m s’ best Jurley’s offense in E g b e rt and aI. who frequently nsl b igger oppo-

lam en l will be ophom ore .S C lC -- - n e s scheduled a( /nd ag a in Thurs- fn F rid ay and on I


• IId up Ih.r Cilya.CUlhod oul...-•it _ _t.on-0 2 9(D) i jIt. Tho^o who V-ow rort.ovod *:roosing lh.rir Jlilionv tor lh» "KO proporty ^

t ie n t *

fennesjV U B U R N ._A Ia._(A P). irton h il two free throws lo bi

w ith 40 seconds rcm alninf b Jo n e s tipped in a missci 'OW 19 seconds la le r to bi ir-polnl cushion as Tenne.ssee li-ranked Auburn 57-5 1 jU icas le rn . Conference bask n e M onday night.'he Vols relied on a .slow ack th a t used moiJfoiTiie45-.S ck each tim e down the cour vented Auburn from climbin e w ith No. 4 Kentucky for thi d.■uburn fell lo 16-7 for JJie S' i 10*4 In the confercnce. on ne t ih in d Kentucky’s 11-3 h four g am es remaining.

w as tho second upset In s fo r Tennessee, which kn( F lo rida 75-74 in double ovo: urday.he sco re was lied at 51 ton h it his two freo lhrow 5 es g av e the Vojs a 55-51 Jead tip-in of I^an Federm ann 's m : throw.ub u rn 's G erald While hit a iw w ith nine seconds left, but inns looK. a I5nfj(h"-oi-ihe i

' m mM O R E TRoad King's

Rddial I40,000 IV *Twodt


I SIZE l » ' l l ' i n P10S/7 I n P18S/7f/~m I P'95/7

} / / P205/7J y m W r f ------- P2T577

P 22S /7P 205 /7P 215 /7P 225 /7P 235 /7

Sum m itUltra^Max^St

~ » 'S tU ra' ^ R ^ i a

........ • G utsy• R o d u t

P I55 /6 II I M M ^ -P16S/SI

P I8 5 /6 I^ ^ i ^ ' U n S P>85/7;

PI 95 /7 ; P205/7- P 215/7 ; P205/7I P215/7!

------------------------------ P2257'-7iP235 /7 i

W heel[ _ P ^ 1 ' - J " ! " ' ’

moti pxoeti;





^see cnjr- ..Wl.IJje— p a ss-fp c -a slan0 break a 57.52 . Teijncsset ling, a n d , lesled basket tc ssed free ihe buzzer.

build a T he Vols. 16-11see upset sho ts w ith less1 in a rnalnlng on the asketball - an d oflen allowe

the five-second n

ourt and S . M iss is s if. blng into haT T IE SB U R Ihe SEC M em phis State

tipped in a miss c season g u ard Andre Tu one full gjvg i 2ih-rank’ei -3 m ark g,j.<;7 ^ c t r o Co

vic to ry in over In th ree M ississippi Monc knocked T he E ag les w. ivortlm e p lay ing for the

strip p ed the bal Jl when S u llies. T u rn er I ows and L ee and attem pcad .wi th___ m isse d .g iv ln g l .1s m issed th e w inning bask

M em phis S tate t a free to 20-4 and 10-1 : }U tFred ence.Jie^court Southern Mfssi

T H A N J U's B est S teel ll ES-78XJMIIoLlmllodWorronty* o duroblo Sloel Dolti o smooth ridlnc; polyostor abodypiio*--- ]| olllcloni P-Molrlc slios

PRICE5/75R .13 $ 4 7 .6 05/75R .14 5 0 .5 05 /7 5 R -1 4 - 5 2 .2 35 /7 5 R -U 5 3 .9 45 7 7 5 R r u 5 7 .4 3 '5/75R .14 6 1 .0 45/75R -15 5 5 .0 35/74R -15 5 8 .6 55/75R-1S 6 1 .0 85/75R .15 6 3 .3 5

Steel R adial----

3iol P o l y o s t o r Cor3y”Bo3y itsy. 5 -R ib T r o a d d u c c d R o l l in g R o s i s to n c o

• PRICE1 /Q 0 R M 3 $ 3 2 .9 51/BOR.13 3 4 .9 5;/8 0 R .1 3 3 7 .9 5i/7 5 R -1 4 3 8 .9 5I /7 5 R -1 4 3 9 .9 57 7 4 R - 1 4 4 0 .9 5./7 5 R .1 4 4 2 .9 5/7 5 R -1 5 4 4 .9 5/ 7 5 R - 1 5 4 5 .9 5y-75R-l-5----------- — 4 8 :9 5 —/7 5 R -1 5 4 9 .9 5

iel Alignment1or*12**SPEC IA loetigr an


Pherson Strutsntn®« iinn.*cn««».i ABRIEL

ike O verhaul15C DAAKES

. *54”

■ Y T Y T

P I jwin F alls : 2030 KimDISE • •TWIN FALLS • G O O

gineersTm fiii’n k 'lh .il m :iH< » 2-1);ee gave up an uncon- ch:to Charles B arkley a( wh

• to •11 and 7-8. .seldom took sec ;s than 10 scconds rc - got e 45-second shot clock. lO-i ved it to dwindle under we: Im ark . 1s t r 6 9 ------------------------55::

n p p i 6 7 un iG . MI.SS. (A P ) - “:o forward Keith L ee Cssed 20-fool ju m p er by EPurner at the buzzer to scored Memphis S ta le a senConference basketball Uiecrtfm e over S outhern Texnday nighl. Athw ere holding the ba ll. ColiC last shot when L ee Rall from forward K en 12 p• then look a pass from secinpled the Jum per b u l »Mlr .lhe chancc to tip .in— tiieskel. . aftcite Improved Its reco rd T1 in the Metro Confer* teai

' ___ rcc<isissippi. now 11-13 and corv

\ F A I I

J S T A T I R ISum m

•W ido rib c o n s tru c• Fully r a n g o o f s ir• All w h o o T p o s if io

SIZE PL7 0 0 x 1 5 (6 )TT i 7 5 0 x l6 (8 )T T £ 800x16 .6 (8) TBL £ 875x16.5 (8; TBL £ 950x16 .5 (8) TBL t

Sum m

” ■ • D rive w h o o l so rv icc• D oop B lock a n d cloi• S trong n y lo n c o rd b

s i i Pir700l15(S)TT 6 a z

— -7 s e » i6 f l )n -8 — - a ly

Sum m it W ---- H ighw ay

• C lassic O u tl in e Whiti• 2 Stool B o lts /P c ly o s t• Q u io i C o m p u te r Dos

SIZE PLY m3(W50l-15(6)IBl 6 H

— 3 in o 5 « :ir (G m r^ 8

Sum m it. H ighw ay Sti Light Truck• Stool b o l ts• R adial p o ly o s to r co• Light tru c k a n d moi

cb m m crc ro i vohicU

SIZE PRICI70CR-15(8;TBL S B7750R 1B(B)TBL 32879)-1GJrB).TBL .95swr-iG i8.t b [ ns21S'B9l-1E(B)TeL 102 nSi’BSR-IBCBlTBL 107

K M i a

w■ m ^

n b e rly Road • 733-^OD ING • BURLEY • POCAT

s upset2-«) in the conference.’ aiso h ad Ihe____chance lo win (hc gam e in regulallon when forw ard Jam es Williams went to Ihe foul Ilne for a 1-and-I with 11 seconds lefl but.m lssed and the Tigers got the rebountf. Bul Lee missed a lO-fooler at tho buzzer and th e gam e went into overtim e,

■ Tiie Eagles led-throuRhoul much of-:. Uie firs l.ha lf , building as m uch as a 35-28 Ieadw ith5:09 lefl.

U T E P 6 2 C o lo r a d o S t . 5 5EL PASO, Texas (AP) - After

scoring only one point In the first half, senior F red Reynolds poured In IG In Uie second-halU o.pace-ninU i;rankcd . Texas-El P aso to a 02-55 W estern A thletic Conference victory over ColoradoSUile Monday night.

Reynolds, a 6-foot-e forward, scorcd 12 points during .seven m lnules of the sccond half when ho was lhe only .Miner lo score. Bul UTEP outscorcd •Uie-Rams 35-3H nihciinaP20 minutc.s- — a fle r leading 27-24 a t halftim e.

The M iners, currently (hc No. 1 team In the WAC, Improved their rccord lo 23-2 overall. 11-2 In lhe conference. CSU lell to l'M2 and '

r e s t 6 i ~

mit Highway

r u c t io ns iro s

i t io n so r v ic o

PLY PRICE 6 44.95

mit Traction

v ic o Ic l e a t f ro o d

Wide Clim ber y A /S

/ h i t o L o lto rs

Steel Radial kr c o r d b o d y m o d iu m

N . f A Y I

_____________ ___

3-8761: a t e l l o

? 5 5 5 S S 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 K 5 5 5 :


Page 15: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud

Seav*SARASOTA: F h i r r

pitchInK ;icf 'I'om Si t im e Cy Younj; Aw M onday reporlcri ti W hllcSoxlr;iitiln f'c ;ii

• • ll 'sa lrc m e iu lo u s i

Thf3'J-ycar-olilu 'ini fJJinics had a

th e Now York M ots 1 p red lclc il. "1 can wii tw een IG and 1!U jiam cs

"T ills Is an e.stahli

U .S . J u t a l l d o w r

SARAJEVO, Yufjo; W hen you coiisidi'r M cKinney, the wonu o v e ra ll chnmplori. <!» t lic lop three In any A lp ine medals won I T e a m at the U’lnie so m e t hlnK exceptional

T he five medals wei w on by the United O lym pics, and the thn V slan d ard .

No other nation di( p rom plinfi some .spc w h elh er Ihe A m erica

__ 1lnn;illy :in :iloi,ra » IS w iss and A ustrians. b e tho best in themomenl, .. ___; in h a l j s .s o . th e A m i

b e s t en]oy ils exalted

. ah e a d . The hearl o f lh to r e tire al the concUis C up season nexl.monll no understudies w allin

P h ll and i>leve iM bounded from a cam paign lo place 1- .slalom here, are qu

'“ -RcasofjH 'w ith the tci le a v e a hu^e void on l Indeed , the M ahre I. b een the m en’s team f( U .S . h as been compelil

In the Iwo Olympic h e re . Gate "T in c r" 5 V t.. was the only o .selected to com pele L Cup re.sults, and he e i th e r race.

In lhe m en's dowi ther;? ' Is Bill Johns(

— ^ a f l f o r n l a n who a morth e f irs t American evei W orld Cup downhill an

------------ Ih a t perform ancdw U htheO lym plC downhill,'

N oxt year it appear b e th e lone Am erican i w inningon IheW orldC

T h e women’s t e a m . ' h a s had more depth could lose its two I N elson, al 2Ji the oldest

I W orld Cup. is expeclec I a n tnjury-piaRued sc

C ooper, 24, of Ketcl________ ta lked of ouittlnK. a n d :

ev en bigger Joss s in c e . w ell as ever. Cooper s i lv e r modal In lh e '

------------ slnlom-horc,-belUiuLtca'A rm strong.

If Coopor hangs il i le a v e McKinney, the A rm strong and do\\ F lan d e rs , 2fi, as th e c A m erican contender.s c W orld Cup lour.

Ask I^ ■.. ..

- -| t / >

O u r k n o w l e c h e l p y o u c h c r i g h t p h a r r c a l s a n d h e i d u c t s f o r y o

CvowP H M m t

H "SoHobla E ipan.. ] ____ ___ l^ M oln^vo . S.. Dbv

Twin Foil*


59IPAddlton AI : Twin FoilH Convonlenl DriveU .Quick Stop ^

7c r i n,. (A P ) - Veteran Ih'ey'vc

Seaver, a tiiree- a full iAwarct-wmner, on help wl

to the Cliicano Thec am p . - la s l yeus re lie f 1(1 pul nn a in t h e /avci-sntri:-------------------- The"'V in n e r of 2~'A m a jo r ' th e iMa ;i-M rec o rd witJi pro lect

Is l a s t .season, but fo r thew in a n y w h e re be- Toronti

n c s w i th i l i i s c l i ih , a nd th<ib l i s h c d ha il c lu b : re tire .

iture H-'■ SPI

m h il l ;ifjoslayia (AF) — , 1ie r tlial Tam ara ' p)m eti's World Cup _<!»! n o fh re a k inltv ■my race , the five ■ ^n tiy the U.S. Ski | A ln ie r Olympics Is p . C l

w ere th e mosl ever I ed S ta tes in the g th roe golds also .se! o*.i

d id a s w ell h e re . Is p e c u la t io n a liou t g coi■ican stjiia ri. trad i- m J l ° ' r> In llif» p n » ..rfiil •ns. m ight actually ■ ______he world at Ihe

.m 'e rican team iiad tcd s ta tu s while ilJ m c s jp p e a n lo J le ---------------f lhe team is likely Uislon o fthe World )nlh. and (here are King in the wings.

.Mahre. who re----------------a s tro u s Wortd Cup : 1-2 in the men's q u illing after JO tenm . They will

m lhe m en’s team,L‘ l.wins, 2(3. have n for a s long a.s the e litive .pic sla lom events '• Shaw of Slowe.’ o th e r American e based on World ic fa iled to finish —

ow nhlil. a l least, inson. the cocky n on lh ago became ;ver to win a m en’s 1 and who followedU lia Roldmedal in__________lit,'ca rs Johnson will in m a n capable of d Cup circuit, n . w hich for years th th an the men,0 leaders . Cindy esl fem ale skier in :led to re lire after

season . -Christin L'tchum also hasnd s h e might bc an__________ce s h e is skiing as per cap tured tho ic w om en's giant

il up, that would le up-antl-coming ;lownhiller Holly e only legijimate rs on the women^s__ _

U S !

- -

e d g e c a n h o o s e t h e r m a c e u t l - e a l t h p r o - y o u ! C a l l !

A A C y M T;>anal Aqul"Dl>wntownMDll_ . _ _ . o i l . '

V a l l e y

n A vo. W.FolUfivo-ln window ^ P f l c o d R l f lh l l ^ ^

yhite S'v e had a 'las te of winning but 11 moulhful yel. and 1 liope I t with that,” Seaver said . ■

le White Sox won th e ir (iiv ii y e a r before bowing to B allinn e A m erican League playoffs. le-WhitC'Sox'ciaimtTJ-seavorfri iMets, who had left .h im i

ecled . as Type-A com pensat h e loss of p itcher D ennis Lamp into. At firsl. Seaver w as angei th e re wore reports he m ighl.u\ e. But eventually he agreed i - a i - i p - a H H


S t a n d a r d Pli & L ig h tin i

n a m e :___________________A D D R E S S ______________C IT Y _________ : ___________:

?Ton°%iooiciiO<^*'couroi^ **iINIItCllll OlfOJirNOlAtO tHANMllUA It CM!l»MU»f II OIPOHtCOlN IHItTOII nMlCHNAMI APflAIWN tXI



anc out (

a nD o n ’t setW ith .the Pl draw als fro across the they’re deli tions, natic network sy;

_______ M a k e yoiA pply"fdr" Bank accc; P ersonal I num ber no' look fo r SYSTEM s


)Ox shii)ut not join IhcU'hiti' Sn\ I;.

I can "Hetirenu'Ml wdu ■ re.sort, my last :

v i ^ n Seaver. ' 1 felt all ; inWi'e pitch .soniepl.ic*- 1'!'

about .llie While .''c rfrfim — fccdtirick-Nn-mnrrr n un- .lieard good th in o a sallon tion - fnun tlie In imp to the rlul)lniiiM‘ man igered Asked ahmii wh I .even done to him. .''t-avc. ;ed to really km>w uiiiil ' ■ ■ « m m B BS s a a


• lu m b in g ^n g



_______I________- I


/ ...............


-> L t a y

^ ^ h e n

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Itll' I'l'ii.iiii,’.!Iiii: lii'r u|) • ilii'.i !i t.i

•■ IIK- .Mri'..-Cl- >.;iiil. -Wc' -.U'D lI ( leliilHT ■'sa e s ta -cs C3 ^ . . . ............n iN fS ANt» '/5l)0 Y l --------------ION GIWtAV/AYl U

n Airlines ^V 0 M B SB U -----

0 0 0 1 5 0 i

y l o r '

t i l - , \ __

you’i ofto^ ck w iePL Iw est.o u c a n m a k e c a s h w i l l

l o r n a l c d t e l l e r m a c h i m

a .s u p t h e s t r e e t . A n

c e i n o v e r 2 . (XX) l o c ;

rs l h a n a n y o t h e r c a s

asie r.

fiitndtlUink and the / ’!-L w i lh y t i i i r iiu )r ic y a t rjv<’.

S e d u lity Hank o l I 'i n h . N . / ' • Scciiriiy H ank ol K i'ck

- I G E X M Q J INSURANC T H E W I N T ^Wllh IHI- WINNf-H prn^r, :i'i .'IL.' i>i.uiv.vj1u.iI>K:.Ij.iuI

- - itt-rir‘t-ninl-ri(-.nth tn-.»ir.iiire!t.M n t r u 'l N N r u i . r . i .-i

• 5 10.(101) A cchlc-Iit.jl D .• l l i i l i t n i l f d C lx -c k w rll lii• l'l<-t'. )\-|MIII.>li^l-d CIh• O u r VK.» C .irtl t o <)ii.ill' ■». a t.t .u .a fr.-• t)i-.« iiu i ils on 5^«-rsc»• K.'V « i» ‘i •>t»l C x 'd l l C:• tc.«..'1 .h k I I'.DKTl.W nni.• -\iiil iim di, im«<-li iiH.r* ( i<u,r hv <i/pe l .ilh li,

"uV srr lluil lh,-rr (»<■ in

T85- 3 0 8 8^ / S 4

W tk

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ii.)l In s t.illn w iit l.oo tis I CT.ircl n<-i|lsIr.ilioii


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in lo a ch 'onnieJt'.

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closc to home. land iB ank and the ; SYSTEM n U -~ - : — now.

■ ■

t—— s -.-ik_________________________ ^

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_ ^

&4 Tlmo3-No.v3, Twin F a lla , Id ah o B-3

Page 16: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud

K e t c h u m_____ ________TWIN FALLS

of T'wIHTallsTT : ' Gibbs of Gmcew

Cun Club Shooti: T hom as won I

535. whllP Pope B orncm an w as I look tiic D compi

------- -- . SlnRle class, w— hrrly . -wlio fia

Z-'l-- VanVoorheesof ' - Boise, !)5 In Cl:i..

: l-kiHsU.• : - : III doubles, th ; - - F alls. 278 In Cla?

Ilazclton. 271 In T im ber Wolfe of of 90.

In the No, I hi Mike Courtney ( (17-22) class; ar division.

The sccond tis of Ogden. Utah, T hom as,‘J2 In ioi

The total hani total score Qf 178

T hejun lb t fotii 175.

S w i m c l uPOCATELLO

'IHrd p lace In an weekend,

--------------- . .J l ie Pocolello' points, foilowed

MVSC w ilh 1.328 with l , 126polnts.

' SIX MVSC meTe'5p«:rivjniiv!si In the B-and-betl the D-ond-beltcr the B-and-bettcr In Ihe C dlvlsiot division: and Ric

Runners-up fn girls In the C div

; division; and C division.

Somo 250 swim MVSC Coach

youngsters inter ; the d u b . He can I

i Torcfi " r m j u a b

rekin<Ity MATTHEW v i t ; The Assoclntcd Pres

SARAJEVO. Yui dispute between offi

I and Los Angeles I A m erica O lym pic t

-----------— klndicd-M onday bOlympia.■ Hut the prcsldcn

--------------- ttona t-O iym pic Trwould be sctlled

• SL-Iicduled s ta r t of ll ' In May from Ihe anc ; Los Angeles for i

— , G am es.IOC P residen t

Sam aranch said he__________ w llh officials from.(

Angeles Olympicf• m ittee to settle

threaten.'? to dlsru|. to rch relay. ,

“ I Uiink ihey v a g reem en t.” Samai

----------------not-speclfv when tlbehe ld .

The orRanlzers ol G am es p lan to char p e r kilom eter for t to rch run ' tha t O lym pic flanie fro Anceles.

D espttf plan.s Id { c harily . G reek offic il would com m crria w arned tha t GrccJf w ay to Olympia, tr point of the relay.

The m ayor ol f Kponsorshtp plan i.s o u r history and callcd on Lo.s Ang n rad lcy to “ proteci th is sum m er's Olyn

_________ iheidcn . . . .------------------- Kcsidents-of-the-a

" a re deeply cuiic O lympic flam e nsl Insulted for the f h isto ry ." M ayor Spj

................. in a wet-keniJJeltc;rJof which w as inadc Associated Probs ir clay,

i-’otf’inos has thre. the torch from Iriiif! IS scheduled lo Losi AnKeles for tho t of the.Sum m 'T o ly ir

Sainariincii said w ith The As.s()i-i.-<’0( li<‘ flid not'liavc iirr di.sputf diirlni- th W inter G am es, wl Sunday, but added ih e re would be ■'

I reach ing a settlem ei ••The money ifror

Is for handicapped p S am aranch said

bu rned for the Sar: • been extinguished ai

------------:— w 3K~glvcn—t o - c a r. . headquarter.^ t

; Sw itzerland, a:, had ev en t lhls sum m er's

’ not begin in Olympia T he d ispute broke

; IOC officials gaUiei \ O lym pics m eeiln« e

_______ ; Gr«‘ek IOC inemll-( about tHe sponi^

; -

B-4 TIm oa-N ow a, Tw

■ ■ ■

m g u n n e r w in s eLS - Ike T hbm as of K elchui 5. F rank »c»rneman of (iuodii :e wore the overall w inners nt o t held h ere last weekend,)n Ihc Cla.«cs A com petition wl ope took the B competillon as Ihe C lass A winner at -IBO. mpetition with a score o f 185. s. w inners werc Chuck Woodl scored a 9-1 In Uic A d

lof Jerom e. 90 in C lass H: Ste' :ia,.sC ; and Gibbs, will) score

tlie w inners w ere Leon Har :iassA ; Pope.2(a In C la ssB ;. I in Clas:: C; and Gibbs. rJ3 ,* of Boise took the jun ior class

I handicap com petillon. the \ :y of Twin Falls. 87 In ttie sl ; and Pope. 89 In the; long yai

I handicap w inners w ere Kic ah, 93 In short y a rd a g e comi l iongyardage .landicap cham pion of Borne handicap cham pion was

lubSYd a t P o c a tiLO - The Magic Valley Swl I an4nvltatlonol sw im m eet h

jllo Y M ^ won Its own mci ed by the Boise YMCA'with ; 328. A club from M urray . Uta: nts,m em bers took high-polnt ho v lstonsrA m yH iatcher.-tPam better division; Je n n a Foster :ter division; P ranky K alange Her d ivision; Je rem y Sudwec sion; K rlsten Horner. 13-14 5 Rick H om er. 15-l8bpys in the ) from the MVSC w ere Cnrol ’ division; Hence M iller. 15-18 i C hris Standley. 15-18 bo;

vim m era look p a r t In tho comi ich B a rry Endo is still itcrc.sted In sw im m ing com; an be contacted by phoning 73

H ru n rb b l e

i d l e dI'TA ■ / d'ress ^

Y ugoslavia - The E officials from G rcecc K i les over a trans- lc torch run was re- ’ b y ._ th e _ m a i:o r_ o f^ B |B

dent of the Interna-

:d in tim e for Uie )f the flam e’s Journey ancient G reek c ity to r the 1984 Sum m er

;nt Ju a n Anionio he would be m eeting

m C rcccean d U ieL o s-.- - id Organizing Com­ic the dispute that srupt the traditional

f will work out an L m m aranch said . H e did n the m eeting would

s of the 1984 Sum m er | harge sponsors $3,000 )r the U.S. leg of the ^ t wiil deliver Ihe from G reece to Los

Id ntvo th e money lo fficials have chargcd rrialize the relay and cL'ks m igh t bar tlic , traditional starting

I Olympi.'i said the t l.s ’'d isrcspc’ctful to d civilization" and \nge lcs .Mayor Tom tect th e p restige” of Olympics hy opposing p

■uriccrned lhat the risks boing gravely L* first tim e in Its Spyros Foteinos said • - or lo B rad lcy^acopy a’cic available"to Tfic " ' s in A thens on Mon- “

(ireatened to prevent 'ing lit M ay 4, when It l>cgin its Journey 4o — ho opening cerem ony Ivinpicson Ju ly20 , plid in an interview

P re ss here thal lime to worli on lhe the XIV Olympic which ended here

cd he w as confident : "no problem ” in ment, 'rom the torch relay)■cl people," h e said. lid the flam e which Sarajevo Gam es had SI d and tha t no thought Ci carT >-ing-U -lo-IO C — -—

(n Lausanne,:ad beon .suggested in ,-r's torch rel.iy could ipia.ikecjut In S ara jevo as iliered for Ihcir pro- g ea rlie r th is monlh. 8:' L'inbers cnm plaliicd 2 ( n^oPSTJTp pTnrr : i M i

.T w in F a lla . Idaho . T uosday

e v e n t C y c lishum. Ron P ope TWIN F/rd in ira ilinvnn 'f----- IhelVFcb'ri. nt a Twin Fall.s The sessi

Rich Nyst. with a sco re of dlscu-ssed '

ion wilh a 520. th e possibi 80. while G ibbs ra c e th is su 5. - All cyclifodland of K im - a re invited

division: A r l” . The Magi ;tevcn Inouyc of C ycling Fee n m l a 92 lo win F u rth e r

ra-4110.lansen of Twini : Jo eN elso n n f B i q S k ^ rJ3 in C lass I). , , o ! s f i / ass w ith a score

e w inners w ere basketball ‘ short yard ag e season con yardnee (23.27,

itichard F a rre ll week as M impelltionixarul Nevada-Re

firs l round Iraem an. will, ;i O 'fc 'S "

Boise Stat as Wolfe, w ith .1 f re sh m a n j

forw ard Mi ■ E f lJ ’orler;

______________ W cherStalii t e l l o ~5wim Club look G u e r r eit held h e re la s t VEHO Bl

G uerrero lineet-w ith 2.895 hlstnry. Ulh 2.224 and fTie announcedItah, w as fourth G uerrero

hearing Mehonors In th e ir shortly bcfcam lTinder*girls Angeles." irte r. 9-10 g irls In m illion forIge, 9-10 boys In w as $900,00veeks, 9-10 boys no finam4 girls In th e C announced.IheC dlvlsion. m illion forol W aldron. 9*10 aroundS7n18 g irls In th e C T he pactboys In the C y e a r , slncc

Valenzuelaimpetlllon. arb itra tionII looking fo r G uerrerom petitlvely for in 1983.Hei;733-503S, in .an d a ,2 J

— 'T o b e T p a r a m e d ic jT m r d n e e d lo ts o f tra in in g . But o n H & .R B lock to com c t (0 k n o w every deduction , o n ly saves m e m oney , bui

P eop le w ho k





o u tf i t now a W I L L T R E A T YC


P A C K A G E O N E»S tflk » F lo n t T ub . C o v r• Hoovy O utyT ubp.• ?05 Rod Call Nylon Wodai • lo e a d T I n i ^ 9 *

— Includet F ro« Claor lo k a t Pan»Avi$ai.oc

P A C K A G E T W O• Slrlk* Float T ubaC ov.r• H aavy Duty Tuba• /SO S«ol Ero-W odar• lo c a d Flni

— Includai Froe Flihlng Al CUor

P A C K A G E T H R E E _• D aluxa P rollo a t Tuba Cov• H aovy Duty Tuba• #S0S oo l Pra-W adar<• lo c a d Fln>

— Includai F ra a H ihlng Al Claor



ALL FIB E R G L A S S R O D S . . . .

R E N E G A8:0d’.9 :0 0 M o n . S o t . A _ 2 8 0 S . I D A H O


ia y . F o b ru a rv 21,1984

i s ts s e t m e e t in gI FALLS - The M agic Valley :b'riiary ihl'etrn^rtoniRhT ession is scheduled for 7:30 p ystrom. ICjy Redwood Ciri eel will includc w inter tra in ir sibility of hosting d is tr ic t cl ssum tner.'clists who are inlerc-sletl in i ted to attendlagic Va)!ey Cyclials ai-c- fijHic Federation.e r inlormalion can bo oIjI;

Iky c i te s M o n ta n .■: (AP) - Unlversily of MonIa iwiak has been nam ed tho Mig all player of lhe w eok fo r il confcrcnce officials h a v e annc kowlak, a C-foot 9-lnch : a. Mont.-; had 'JU poin ts and 21 s Montana beat N o rth e rn Ai -Reno. 7‘J-62, and clinched a ind of lhe league's posl-seasim s nominated for the weekly State senior guard Vince in guard Ernest S an d e rs : lc I Mike Williams: Nevada-Hei er; Norlhern Arizona forw an ;tale senior guard G rog .loncs.

re ro s ig n s wit}T£) BEACH. Fla. <AP) - Thin •0 has signed the r ich est -<-i) _L os. Angel cs—Vjcci_Ei-esld£ :ed Monday,'cro. who was .scheduled for a Monday morning, s igned a i

before the hearing w aa schodu rn n n tn irD itra tio T rT a se rh e for a one-year c o n lrac i and I 3,000,[lanclal term s of the long-lpr :ed. allhougli 11 w as believed for five years and th e Dodg

J7mlllion.act obviously calls for m ore t nco that Is what Los Angeles tela was awarded la s t yea ;lon seltlempnt over In basebal •ero, 27, switched from the oul Hc responded with ;i2 hom e rui i ,298 balling average.’ ^

Saving lives is r business. Savin

— — — _ o


in io n 'c ju s t iu m p n ita r ta in b k t I 'm n o t tra ined in incom tic to ihc rescue. B lo c k p rep : ion, every form , y ou n a m e it bul helps me b re a th e a little

3 krtow thefr b u y n e ssIWIN PAltt

9!^, SAT. 9-5 ’'V»


ER IS OVS H IN G O P EA R l a k e :

E B R U A R Y 1 8


9 9 ” c o .p ,a .a m a

. 0 0 ____

$ 1 2laorLokai B A V I O V I


laorlaka. ■ A V lO V ll






.......................■ iSjJ to n ig h tey Cyclist.s will hold

p m. at Ihe home-of prircle. Topics lo tie Uvling Icchnique.s and le;championsliij) road e \

11 racing tills .sc;ison lit - I-

jictiiJiifd by Ihi; U.S. in

jiacni'il hy phoning fn of Ai

na p la y e r 'Vliana forw ard L arry ■ig.SkvConferencc-'s lhe third tim e this

inounccd. 'sophom ore from *

22 rebounds for lhe ' ' Aiiznna. tiH-58. and • a hosl spot for the ‘

:m tournam ent, dy aw ard Included | e Hinchen: Idaho I Idaho S tate senior I

leno junior forw ard I m i Andy Hurd: and I

D o d g e r^ ~ird b asem an Pedro contracl in. Dodger ftfn t_;V1_C am panis________

a sa la ry arb itra tion 3 flve-yoar conlraci [Iuled to begin in Losicrwns-seekinR-SlT'i------------1 Ihe D odgers' offer

iprm contracl wore ?d he was asking SH Jgors w erc offering

; than Sl million per ,‘s p itcher Fernando c a r in the richcsl lall.lUtficld lo th ird base runs, 10;i runs batlcd

mymg money on mytaxes is - Block’s i business.” I

i b u l a n e e ^ u — = imc taxes. So I rely parcrs arc trained it. And that not

[lc easier, loo.”

SS go to ^JiaOMI II I'n I


2 9 ComplotuviB $ 4 0 . 0 0 I

y 9 ” Complolo I' » $ 3 0 . 0 0 )A

lEAR LAKES *D 333 FLY LINE.7A R E E t- $ g y 9 5


3 0 % O f f

r a p i k ,:00-8 :00 S u n d ay

5 3 6 -2 4 0 7


T a r H eBy DAVK KAPLAN TiirA-<>ih-l:iK'(1

M-:\V Y O R K - T hu fou -bn?(kell)ii!!-pow(.*rs-i-1.ltHl-lli' prc?sc;isi)n h a v e r c t i i rn o d tn i Ihe wi-t-kly A s s o c ia te d P re s le ase d M o n d a y . U iougli nc ex ac t o rd er.

.N’ortli C aro lina . Gc‘< Houston and Konliicky -

in Ilie pi-cso;is(»n — wiin lhis rankmpFT-------

Tho No.l T a r H<‘els tool Inislratlon itf losing liic-ir fi of Ihe season :i Arkansas on Feh . 1‘) - by ' Atlanllc Coasi Conleienc North C aro lina S tale ■»: Maryland 7a-C;i in Ihc past wc

Coach Dean S m itirs team ni nf the ti2 firs t-p lace voles points in tlic nalionwule sporlsw ritcrs a nd hni:tilcasl(

Thoiiointssyslc-ni isbax-il cach fn-sl p lace . li< for eacl etc.

“GETAFJ JOIN THIW iihT iir. vviNNi;n (»<ri-ci-ivt- tii.iny v.iliiiihic ti CARD for (luiilini'd na-ii

_____ cnlov om- of the li.wi-sl iAll yiiti p>)V Is al small iii.iiu-fiis! 'n lli w in n i-:k

• O u r V isa C nrd to qi no nnniin l ff*t*

• PfrsoH itlizcd (• S 1 0 .0 0 0 AccJdenfiil• D isc o u n ts u n PerNo• Kcry Rinr; .nnd Crecll • ' A nd m u c h , m uch ni

Cumr hy iinv Twin I'nlh YiitiV.sff thill iht-rr itrr


p » ■ ( I f e fi i l l

M| 1 FASTRAK, Will

______ J' 1 PI05,'OOHI3{

f P185/3’5RU(.fc t P195/75HU(:

J P205/7SRU(i1 PJ0S /;5K I5 |if P215/;5»15(iI P225/75H15ilI P235/7SR15(I

g ! : f )1 1• f 9 ‘'il

{ i i .

\ ’

four c o lleg e-Ih o - ln ‘fil—III--------- T~---------.—tfl th e Ion 111 G eorgelow i

iif)j in 11,1. ■•‘■•mam"■ ' - a f lc r d e r e a l ln

Gc‘o rg e lo w ii, H ouston re|.l a n k e il • ( 'raw i

I 'I ■{ 1 D em o n s, up st■ . d a v - f e lL tO - f

,.«k mil 11,<■ ■ ;™ JM »n<linc

r - i - - ' i ; ;bv d e f c a t i n i '. ‘ . ' ' l - ' ^ i-lice r iv a l s a G1W,{ loss lo

M-71 a n d •I ,, ,,,,I, U u n n in Hcbc

...................lies f(.r p a n e l Ilf Ikl.-ilmiiia a a J .T s »">■iM-il m 20 lo r ’••idi ■..■(■i.nd ’ " P ' “ fo r Illl'

th e te n th spcl.

FREE V IS A i iE W INNERi(irojlMm at Twin F.ilK IJiiiik

ll' tiiinUiii<j siTvic*-s. Incliidliiii i la-inlx-rs with no .tiiniial fee. Y i-sl inti-ri-sl r>iti.-s <ifT<-r<’d on >iii


I q ii.^ lif ln l m t-m lM TS w ifh

•d C h e c k sitiil D e a th I n s u r a n c e r s o n a l I n s l i i l lm c n t l .o a n s e d it C a rd R e<]istr.> tlon !i m o re l

■Ill/s /lonk X' Tni'ii lijjicr mul si itrr rrtil Jx-nc/Jr.-i lo bi-iiui ti IW

K WM.I inc; io iu : is i: iu s k io u



PO U R B i S '


BIG STEEL IV4th Conaratlon

Ooubla Staal All-Saaien

------------SAFETY -MILEAGE


i T s m a l l


A Q 8 8J r isssR i


I3{ll)' ■ q9;o'814(0) 4 1 .6BU(E) 4 3 .BOl < ( f ) ................... — ll/li s i r ) 4 0 .0 S fV I15(0] 30.tJ8iSiH) s a . a s1S(l) 35.B8


( y N S T A

- • • 1 *-------- .. MorchoV ' Initol


R U P E R T7:4 Scolt - 43«.f}}l

eels kciplace vole and a total of lined in Ihe runnerup spot ' lngPrnvldoncer)!)-:iH.- ' •epiaced DePaul as Ihe ,\o. ; wing l,o<i7pnin(.'i. Thc I'.liic isel by Daylon 72-71 .Siiiur (_firUi_placc..Ajid-dc:4]Jlc ig a scarc fm m Variffi-rlttii V. Kenliickv advanc-crl iwi, i, 'I,r surprise of llic u i-i-k wa.s 10 Fresno S late hy .N'l-vada.

which drnppeii lhe ] bels Iwo ntilches lo No, 7, i Ilis \Wiich inchctl up lo Nu. j

I and T e x a s 'E I P a s n i-.icii ie spot lo . \o s . 11 . iikI 'I, '

w hile T u lsa on ie i-ed ih c 'le firsl linn - lli is sc-a'D ii iii ,


J Tnist. von AilDiir VISA MYon wiil .ilso vSS

inV cn-dit c.ini! '

' .sf'ifi ii;> iDtiiiij..VINNl.K!


i S T Ir - VALUE


H o r o 's a l i s t o f a l l tl iLS! o B o t to r T i r o W a r r a

4 .—2.-------------- 5__

i T 3. 6.D id y o u k n o w ?Major Tiro Manulactu

/ Cenerol. Micholln. DF C^ hoveaBOADHAZABD


W a.Wc<

L T I R E S F ® R S

A T S M A 8 . E . P IA D IA L ;

16!u :

i 12________________________ I

t O Y A B . E e @ S S CFIS

M ajor __Bnm d ii;a------------------------------:------------ DTD

Tires A t rtinor B rand 5/.'

„ . G78Prices

^ N T C R E D a ? ) C H E C K\PPLY FO R Y O U R


tolled Immodlatolyiponopprovol (_______

3.6.12-24 ymonlh* to poy



D U R L E YJl9 to .tM o ln - 67*.J411

'.ep lead Uy Aisoc!aEeiJ~Pn53 ^

[ The- Trip Tvifiily (--jiin w

' III ™

i ' n e.imllnii iMi 'I'l

' '|'‘J ;;

7,S.'V.|„i:. V.'tM-. •

' ' ■''' ■

!!w,’ik'- r-.irst lh-' >■* I.I,,,s>r,i-wM' I'-’I' i'’"‘i ''- Vlllj

r H EI G H T

r U F F !JE a SERVICE--------—)N& WARRANTY I

ill t h o I lm o s t o r o s t h a t c a r ry i r r a n ty t h a n B ig O B r a n d :I. 7 . :

9.f?lactursn (Goodyear. FIratlona,DF Goodrich, a te . , o te .) No lengor ABDWorranty.

IC O 's E x c lu s iv eSEE R o a d H a z a r d _ _________W arran ty t o L e g a l r c a ro u t l


16SSR13 s e .s a USSR 15 4 3 .S 8

EXCHANGE________________ '


3 0 « «■D7d:i4 ' 'E78.14 3 S .Mr r e u s r . s s

.C7B-U-------------------------- 3 9 .# * ______________ .Ltl/Q-U AI.'SB G7S.1S 40.0B M70.1S 4 a .e s L7B-15 43.BB ___________ EXCH-_________

r - -C O U P O N ---1

I I W hite j S p ok es ■4 . o r '8 8 i

I 1 5 .7 P l u s E x c h a n g o |

-| S pec ia l P /ices • iT I on T ire /W h e e l j

I C om bos II_______________________ J

« 501 So, Uncoln-324-4JMP A U L*" 2 iW ,.t Cllll -43».$4l>

din poll

Page 17: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud

Salv-----------------------D E A R ABBY:-V

In your column li th a t the Salvation locating lost rd a ti

I am Dutch a Ukrainian descent 32 yea rs ngo In Syc la te r moved to th(

fam ily was "m iss gcstcd that I cor A rm y, so I did. : Inform ation os I m issing relatives.

A fter two years advised us thal m been m arried ai Chtcagol Contact- sis te r, who had lot in Poland!

Thanlts lo Uic S w ere able to t n re la tiv es wIUi Uu b ro ther. Is ll a

; • e te rna lly grateful I -A .C .S ..A N C I

DEAR A.C.S.: touching testlmoiii

DEAR ABBY:!____________ w<f/» rflllM hor h n

w ish him a “ Mcrr;

p v 5A r c h a e

TWIPTTT^ archaeologist M useum, on i

• tho Snake U i\

B a b y - S iJERO M E

g raders will Je rom e, spon Service. Regi fee to cover th

A s im ila r c re.'«±eduled f clinic will be r


d-------------------------the 6tale-Capieas t en trance Includes rolls;

; S e rv iB U IIL -S h ir le y

t e r o f Lloyd K. am ! o f R oule I, Buhl, h£

h e r present ran_________ second-class while

C orps Air Stntibh • ....... ........... H aw aii.

TWIN FALLS Shelton, the son ol ron Schcnkel ot T> partic ipa ted in a j m en t and Navy h effo rt In the Indlai

------- A galegarw hlch wcby tropical cyclone

Shelton, a specia: -■ a crew m em ber a b

USS Fife, homcpoi w hich brouglil n w orth of supplies supply of food and islands’ 350 inhabit dellvercAJ basic nec U.S. businesses anc by th e ship’s crew.

R U P E R T -IM c . th e son of M ary L. R upert, has report M arine Corps Air C enL -'a ltw eiityn ii

TWIN FAIJ.S - Cooper J r .. Uie ; B rookovcr of Tav J a m e s E. Cooper ( received the A r m edal a t F o rt Hiloy m issile fire-conlrol 1st Infantry Divlsioi

GOODING - S;;t _____ th e daughter of I>

assigned to tlie F re




p . . . . . .

- WIN A TRIP fOK■ SMNOINOMONE■ c l lp & 0 <

: WALCO,g 203 4th A vo. \

■I n a m e ---------I ADDRESS __

___________1 CITY

_ ONK00»O**Mt0*»■ IICM «lf*OOUCtKJH■ INll>01UI.M«5»rt»C


k/ation /’’-:-When-l saw-the Item— n le tting people knowIon A rm y Is expert at ] ■a tlv cs, I had to write. [ V

a n d my wife is of I ^■ent. Wc wore married | ^ Sydney, A ustralia, andth e United Stales. Wc *

tb o u t-h s lf-m y rw lfe ’ii ------ilssing ." A friend sug-co n tac t the Salvation to Id. I g av e it a s much wh<: I could about these befic s . amiirs the S alvation Army he cL m y w ife’s s ister had W

and w as living in Chi:ct w as m ade wiUi Umt wclocatetl aiioUier sister ing

thnle S alvation A nny we thetra c k down all our TlUie exception of one loci

any wonder .1 am tllle[ul to It? pos; >iCHORi\GE. ,\LASKA . g raS .: H ere’s anoiher derioiilal: m ai{: L asl Dttc. 22. my whabro th e r in Chlcano to Tl

e r ry C hris lm as,” only ils.c

illey hapl e o l o g i c a l g r o u fF ALLS - Jo m r-n y tic r -z5ist, w ill speak at 7:30 p. sn th e College of SouUicm Idj R iv e r ch ap te ro f the Idaho Art

■ s i t t i n g c l i n i c F e lE — A baby-silting clinic ill be held Saturday a l the i w nso rcd by th e University o t 1 eg ls tra tio n will begin at 9:30 r th e cost of printed m aterials r c lin ic t h a t ^ a s schodulod U !d fo r A pril ?. Children prcvio je no tified by mail and need n<

w o m e n p l a n tri/:M.LS — Twin Falls County F ApitoLnoxtJVlonday^cb_27„ nee of th e K m art parking 1 lls and coffee on Uie bus. lunc!

r i c e n e wle y I .R e c d ,th e d a u g h - lngand B a rb a ra F . Reed c ru i, h a s been promoled to Twiran k of cnglneman Goolile s e iz in g n t Marine »ervibh in K anoene Uay, and

a n o__________;____________ < jo in i.5 — KenneUi y1 o f R obert and Shar- T \: T w in F alls, rcccnily 1983a jo in t S ta te Depart- Schc/ h u m an ita rian relief F o ndlan O cean islands of prog w e r c b a d ly d am aged—liOgi)n e /\n d ry . Hec ia lis t second-class, is S ipka b o a rd the destroyer re tir;ported in Snn Diego, Nav;

m o re Uian $12,000 J aies a n d a two-week an Amd fresh w aler to the JoriribltanLs, The Fife also Upoi lecS isitiesdonaiod by— su eeand cloUiIng provided progw. . - secoi

>fc. Phillip C. Carter, ^PW L. C a rte r of Route 2,

o r te d fo r du ly al lhe A ir Ground Combat y-nlne P a lm s, Calif. o'"

j — P v t. Jam es E. e son of Billie W. rav e n ile r , F la ., and ; r of 'I^vin Falls, has A rm y achievement llcy In K ansas. Ho Isa rol m echanic wiUi the sion.

Sgt. M arilyn Hryant,' I-cRoy and Ixinora TWiUlui;," 'h j s " b e e n ^ F rcsno iio iilh recruit-



!E 733-0931

■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I

OB TWO TO HAWAII ON BOASD )NEY DURING THE TIMES NEWS W, O o p o t l t T h is C o u p o n a 'l

0, INTERKATIONAl>. W o» t T w in Fa



i r s oVwitlO IN TM A4*W AI1.HIHI»«*J0VI VUl AT THI riMli KIM Wl

/alley liftArmy fi

» Abigail

► V anB ure

0 b o to ld th a t Uie a p a r tm c r v h e r e h e liv e d h a d b u rn ed tw o >efo re - th a t h e r b r o th e r w im o n g t h e l is te d d e ad o r I n ju n le c o u ld n ’l b e locatcd .

M y w if e Im m e d ia te ly c a l le d c - h l c a g o t r y in g to find h im . T h a j vc c a U c d th e Sa lva tion A r m y ’.- n g p e r s o n s d iv is ion In C h lc a i h a t w a s th e o n e o rg a n iz a t io n U h e J o b d o n e !

T h e p e o p le a t S a lv a tio n j c a t e d m y w ife ’s b ro U ier, t i f ie d a t th e Cook C ounty m o i o s s ib l y J u s t d a y s fro m n p ; r a v c , a n d m is e ra b le d a y s o: e r i n g b y h is fam ily f o r U l a i n d e r o f th e ir co llec live l i v e 'h a t h a p p e n e d to h im .T h a n t a to th e Snlvn tion A r r r

s. c o n c e r n fo r oU iers e v e ry w h e i

Dpeningsi p - t o m e e t—a — S h o s h o n e —BLM—d i s t r i c

p .m . T h u rs d a y a t H e r r e t t ’; I d a h o c a m p u s , a t a m e e tin g o A rc h a e o lo g ic n l Society. -

e b . 2 5c f o r f o u r th - Uirouf^i e i j ^ t h le U n i te d M cUiodisl C h u rc h ir o f I d a h o C o o p e ra tiv e E x te n s io r ;30 a .m . , a n d Uiere will b e n $1 a ls .d f o r F e b . 11 in E den h a s b e e r v io u s iy r e g is te r e d for th e E d e r I n o t r e g i s t e r again .

- ipy R e p u b l ic a n W omen will v i s i t g . .T h e bn-s w ilU e av ;g i[p n L th g g l o t a t 7 a .m . T he cost,- $16. n c h a n d th e tra n s p o rta tio n fe e .

WS------------l g s t a t i o n a s a r c g u lo r A m r u i t e r in F re sn o , Calif. A n a l w in F a l l s , she g r a d u a te d k K x llng H ig h School in 197J 2r v e d in Uie A rm y for e ig h t n d w o r k e d in H aw a ii .ind C o lo r n o p e ra t in g - ro o m te c h n ic ia n p >lninB th e A rm y^s r e c n i l l ln R te;

T W IN F A L L S - J a m e s G . S i j >83 ( p 'a d u a t e of T w in F a l l s :h o o l . h a s tr a n s fe rre d to th o r c e R e s e r v e O fficer T r a in in g r o g r a m a t U ta h S la te U n lv e n o g a n f r o m th e -U n iv e rs ily o f U t; H e i s t h e so n of D onald a n d F p lo n o f T w in F a lls . M r. S lp lo ‘t i r e d l ie u te n a n t c o m m a n d e r a v y .J a m e s S lp lo n is a tten d in g coll<1 A ir F o r c e R O T C sc h o la r sh ip r i n g in m e ch a n ica l e n g in e - p o n g r a d u a t io n from U tah S t a l ie c c s s f u l- t ro m p le l io n -o f - lh e - 1 •o g r a m , h e w ill bc c o m m iss io c o n d l ie u te n a n t in th e A ir F o r e


A n IR A f ro m M o d o rn W O ' m o n c a n g iv e y o u I o w o r f a : o n d i n c r o o s o d so v in g s .C a l l f o r c u r r e n t in te r s * ro t<


----- ■■M.-J rC o tr -CiU-rtoene r . .' 233 Addivon Aviitiuo Twir.Fatl-..ldoKo U3301

__________ « 0 0 ) 73<-557?


_______ SINCt llWt


W e s t e r n A lr t ln e st m i m m m m m m m m

Pans wr■ ■ ■ ■ ^ ■ -^ b ro th e r- ln - la w -i

rest beside h is

1 Tennessee. H isgrieve h is Ig.-^s,

T e n have been inxvn 1 . had never b e e n ,D o y My respec t fc

■» has alw ays b e • increased a - th

experience. M y ncnt-hotcl organization o w o weeks Salvation A m iy

w a s not and h u m an e ju re d . bul "pracU ccs w h i

coming th e p l xl a l l over well-being of a l l ’h a n k God — .ly ’.s miss- icago. forn t h a t got DEAR A B B Y

turn down s o m e m Arm y nb ridesm aid?, imlden- i have b een T io rp ie - ready, and I ju< I p o tte r’s any m ore a l Uiij 5 o f won- calls for a jiew I

th e re- slioes to m a lc h . iv e s as to more expensive

S op leasclc‘11 I trm y and friend savs. “ 1 < 'h e r e , my my wedding. ’ ’

------- -----1 DEAR N E E■’excuse" - j»ix

0 one. Say, " T h a 3 compliment: ! w

nffordlL”You will b e

. . . . --------— honesty.................(Problems? ^

r i c t ------------ Unhad-xm-AtA: t f s Hollywood. C: g o f personal rf:p)y

-------------- stonjped,-.'»e//-flc.

Ith -1 in Uon i $ I


\ r m y re- n a tiv e of ed from 1972. She - ;h t yeorsd o radoas--------------n p r io r to; te am ._________ ___

Slplon, a Ills High

th e Air ^Ing C orps V 7<-e rs lly atUtah;-------- V <d K arine 'p lo n is a fe r In the P "

Co lle g e on ;hlp. ma- ineering.U a te ande-R O T C -----------------------------c lo n ed a Io rc e . 1

]F TAX£S>. I p J

V o o d -f a x e s

a to s .C


J ' I ■

K * ■R ■

■[ I


^ I

r,; ____________

rite»_now-lj»u;-poau;{uiiy-at____s nuiU icr and faUiiT in is Ilv in t; lovthl ones slill

h u l lh:it lc --< would »nv liir.i,';- " if lif n lo c n l.•(!. jfo r ili'i S;iiv;ilion Aiiiiy I—

x.*cn g reat, bul it ti;is thousaniJfulii wiUi Uiis. - B :y v/Ifo and l fwi no ■ o n ea r th cxcels the H

iy a s a carini;, efficient H c; o r i ’aiiiz.iHon thal B h a t j t prLMLlif.'i" con- fl p h y s ic a l a:id spiritual ill m ankind.- J O H N K STAM''(ilU).

k h ;\n k l in .!> :n n .

■Y: Ilow di> vdii |>.ililcly le o iie v.lio;i;.)ss >ijI'1.i1h‘

n in n in e wi-'l-i'tic.s al u s t c a n ’t a ffup i lo Ih; in l i s t i n u v i'Avi;. line V l)n(i::.unal(l K'Tvii wttti •ll. Jinn it'll-/i,.-..... r'li',)-, j/c ev o iv y c .ii-I m e wti;i(I w ould liki.- yi’ii t" Ix’ In _

E D S ; . IKia 1. an ;ivi- a ' rc;is>>ii, tin- rt-al l a n k y o u f 'T tt;'' liivi-ly•wish-i-«ntl(IHni(-l-*';i!»ii-------

iC rf.s)K!Tl('(! fo r ymir


7,'ilif. ‘.Kxa'i.fy. plfil.'tc i'lidosr :ia d d I ■: en

> a s w a t e r h e ' O U s i g n i f i c a r

^ If you have c a n electric vn

I lo g a s w atei y o u r g a s ra (

-an d .-w a te L h W d o w n 10% tl II a ro u n d d e p

p r ic e of ele< a r e a .

G a s h e a t s w ^ a s e le c tr ic it i

2 Wouldn't it t worry a b o u t w ater? You c

I I tieater. Elect I I 18 gallons a »» 37 gollons a

th a ta im ple!.

^ New g a s w o g re a t ly im p r

3 0 ld o i m o d e ratings ordui

^ New higti eftI I t i e a t e r s a r e i I I c l f i c i e n t . B e t t

“ ■W reduces, hiec design provii com bustlo ti im proved flu .more h e a t ir




Oy 1’.AR1UK.\ V.MIKU < '!i.i-:u\oSm Tinics

Havlor ('i)llt‘i;c o f I-------iTnTi'TriiTTir^^iyrnininc 13 o

in Illf liloodD r. U;ill;mi Insull J r ,

i-iiii; ,iL ll'.iyloi-. s;ilil iti ( iiin ii :i 10 yiMf sIikIv

I h ra t-l <lisi‘as<‘.


’.‘..til n n vvinni:h pro>. I in.oK' v.ilu.ii>1<- i>l>i i-..M.,.li/.il VV'INNi;U <•.................... . f‘-<' <<'f “IIIII. llill.'. .• trcu- i'l-iMin.iliVc-d C

• •• I ..! i.i.I.-il Clii-ciivirl i ' i),(l(H) ;\n itii-n

• t Jur C .u d lo Q l , \ .i .At11111.1l

-------■ .................. ..• K>-v n iu l C:t4-cIII

■ > Ir .,1'1 I ->nil rm i-rl.iln . *. . '.m l iiiiilIi.. m u c h in

< l.n,, lav i»ii' hriri i <i/K'.piiVI s.'p' t<Kl' <ir«-


eating offers int benefits.!! a g o s f u r n a c e a r w a t e r t i e a t e r . c t i a

e r . t i e o t i n g a n d

□ te for bolh hea th^tieating_will_g.o__

t o 2 0 % y e a r ‘p e n d i n g o n t h e e c t r i c i t y i n y o u r

w a t e r t w i c e a s f a ity.b e n ice n o t to

Jt ru n n in g out of h c a n with a g a s

c tr ic m odels h e a t a n hour. G as h e a a n hour. Il’s just

i j __________________________

/ a t e r h e a ters h a v t a ro v e d effic iency .le is h a v e efficiencv u n d 65% or less, sffic iency g o s ? r a t e d up to 85% ;t te r insulation- ?at loss. New burm v id e s .b e llo r n e ftic ien cy a n d lu e d e s ig n ’re ta in s in t h e tank.

L D E T A I L S , C O N T A C

3s . It mokes



j f M e<ilcinc s tudy found th a l 13 e ff e c t iv e tnm lnctng-chD lc.'T

J r . . a iJ » v ia tc p ro fe sso r o f n m e n w ho w ere g iv e n th e ■

y -sfiowcd a ly jw rccn l r c d u c t i i


IE WINNERpro<ti>i»< -11 li^’iii r<ilN B a n k i!• ii.iiikliic) MTv-ictr., iiidud iiit) .U t ln i k% vuu use! A ll y o u

a ll I t I I . W INNi-il l>nirfils! Tl

d C:iM Tks v iritin« it. i l O c . i t l i Iiisiiroiicc Q ii. i l l f l t 'd MrmlM-rf, w iJh

•clil C .ir il |{ci{lstrJi(lo»' a ln in c i i t D lscoiliilh1 i n o r e l . . _____________ ___

:i/K ItiiiiK .M- Tnisi lijjit r <ind si i r f r r ti l iM 'iiifilsin M i r j « IV/

W ll I IM . KI III

Gas V make than <



rs A nc--------- is ^

l a n g e

ting 1

fast cii)


utI m i .

y -

r t' n e r



s more sens

t o n n f a :

r to chann i e d ru g , h o w ev

m onU i. • In su ll c n c c h o les le ro l th e le s s

la t Q ie o n rc><l m e a t, e g g s , V c . 'n e ro i— b y c n t tn g m o r e r n j i t

a n d le a n m e a ts , m e d i - A N ational In s lilu i

i d r u g 1 p e rc c n t d ro p of c lio n in i>erccnt d e c lin e in r

d l.sense.

L S W H E N Y <

f r .

. & T ruM . you J .ill lh<“ frvo.JU p<iy IN .1'n n - :w iN N i- R

sit/n ui> (rxfiiy. , j w S a S V lN N L Ii! ^

^oter h <

JSmore ever...

HMIDNTSew gos wate asv-to-own.-

Z e ro In te re s t flniW e ' l l i / i n a n c e t h € a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n n o m o n e y d o w r

- _ $ . 1 5 . 0 Q _ a _ m o n t l x . a m o u n t f o r f i n e r

$ 1 0 0 C a s h R ebiIf y o u p u r c h a s e w a t e r h e a t e r w i t I n t e r m o u n t o i n ' s g r a m , w e ' l l g i v e c a s h r e b a t e . .

= K n a n q i n g : f Q E n £ a n d w a t e r h e a t *

- I f - y o u r - g a s - f u r n a o l d o r o l d e r , y o L c o n s i d e r i n s t a l l i r t e c h h e a t i n g s y s l o w e r y o u r h e a t i t o 4 0 % . W e 'l l f i n 'a f u r n a c e a n d w a n o m o n e y d o w r l o w a s $ 2 0 . 0 0 a r

• S u b je c t fo c q i ia in c o r g o s w o to f n o a to f m u s o lo c ir ic m o d o l a n d ti(


ise than eve

t in C ^

T u o ad o y , Fobruary 2 1 .19£

nge diet---------w e v e r , is f x p e iu s r 'c - 5150 a c n c Q u ra g c s peojili. to lo w e r t l ie ir [

e s s e x p e n s iv e w ay • • ‘ly c u l l in g dow n ;s , wJioU* m ilk and lil(i). .'a t c h e e s e , a n d nJir7V<'f’P T a h Ic s 7 lt i^ a r r la tr y T )ro d u c ts ---------------

l i l u te s o f H ealU i s tu d y i-o n c lu d ed th a t a j f c h o le s t e r o l in IJie.hlixKl c au -scs a 7 in a p e r s o n ’s r isk of d e v e lo p in g h e a r t


leating a sense


yt e r h e a t e r

financing-t h e w a t e r h e a t e r ■5 n a t z e r o i n t e r e s t , i w n , p a y m e n t s o f

t t L _ ( M a ) < i t B u r r ! _________________________l a n c i n g , $ 4 5 0 )

; b a t e ' -s e a n e w . g a s w i t h o u t u s i n g l ' s f i n a n c e p r o - / e y o u a $ 1 0 0

jiew -furnQ ce ■ ...□ter-n a c e i s - 1 5 - y e a r s ---------------------------------o u s h o u l d l l i n g a n e w h i g h j y s t e n r r I t c o u l d 3 t i n g b i l l s b y 2 5 % n a n c e y o u r n e w r a t e r h e a t e r f o r . w n , p a y m e n t s o s a m o n t h .

c o n d i l l o n s In c lu d in g o n u s t f o p l o c e o n o x is l in g ” j b o f o t e d o t ASHRAE 9 0 -7 5 .

I M P A N Y .


. 19S4 Tlm o9-N ew 3. Twin Falto . Id ah o B-6 ,

'------ --------------------------------------------------------1 -------------i

Page 18: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud


-“ ' s a l t l a k e c i t y (A “ tiiin Fuel Supply Co, ofti ^■platis to reorijaiiizc II ^ s tru c tu re w ould allow It ^eff<sctlvc‘ly in tinnncia! Z' h ia rkc ts .

— ■=— M ountain—F u e l-an d -— ^ Knen^v-HeKUlntory-Cor

m ln is tra llv c Inw jiidse s; -- will benefit because n •r com pany, w ith a rc<luc£ '■* buixicn. w ill Ixj able to pi ^ e:<ix;nso.s. borrow mon ^ In teiust r a te s ancf n ttr ; vestors,

U llllty reg u la to rs ar .icIvocatesInU tahdisaB r

r. "W e Uilnk Uie uUiinntc .1 will b<>' lii^-licr gas bir co n su m ers .” sa id Utali F ^ C om m ission Chalrmar u Cam eron.J- ‘-We th ink the reorf’:

•: r;iis« .'ra tes betw een $2 r 'X m illion an n ually and th •1' i;o d ircc lly lo stocWic• .Joseph Ingles, cxw udvt ^ t t ir I Hah C oinndttce i

Scrvlccs.• .T he reoryanlzalion

m ucli o f Ult; reRulHtory accounllnf* to r gas costs r a te s o u lo fU ic I ’SC’sh a

-------- ItthoftoflfU jafcdcroLagc*‘As ;i r e g u la ^ r , 1 pn

tion of being th e decision Ih u n Ixjlng Just a party i ,Uic federa l jurlsidlctioi

reorgani7.ation plans k la tlv e nod from Washing

............T h c PSC and consulcom m lttec h a v e slncc Jc U lnh D ivision of Publl n i in n a jo in t appeal wlUi

T he p laiis, proposed fc havo been approved

- -.'jn lnlstraU vc-law Judj-e fhut have y e t lo receive a th e F E R C ’s board of co

____ \JIad Bie-Utah-aRenclca'Uu: ru ling, th e rcorgan . hnve au tom atica lly bet

— by^n ico in m lsslo n ._ :__' Itl n nu tshe ll, the p U -ansferrlng the respc

. M o u n ta in" I-'uel’s - ‘ D ivision to M ountain Fi

— - ^ n c .-.- 0 - subsld ta ry r-^ ; division a s se ts , placed •m illion o r :n percent

puc l'i; to ta l cap iU i asa ..■ transferred to Uie subsid ••. R esources would hav< sib lilty foi: gathering ga pi*occ.ssIng It. storing it o th e r com pan ies or buyi

; fuel from oU ier pipeline

s____- Thci tonovving^wm b «.e

THURSI; S A L E T I M E : 11

19/5 IHC Hydro 100 iro on<! low ronn«, vory <,

" m runrioo3«T wIHi IwO

’ . •.DopC"' Hiiol-. Iool>‘- oil '' 'a 'p o m 't ii : ic ! ir ’orauo'oi

(jooil ha-. •.«>! of M S V/

(luoc) ii .b b i ir , ^un^ f)oot J pom i liilcli. so ' ol duo

......................................T l1973 Totd pickup ' ■ 101 rur^-. O .K . IVSQ Tore!

’ <)ood ruhb .T . tun-, noo l.o tk c o t '.i' . lon. 'j 16' Somp-.on groi Hoys cu-nbiiui. pull >/|

n q o n ttio b -

P L A N T I N G■J JoUn:co cbtiriot lyiu.^

fionc'y 0(>piK<ito.^v i

I: . . 0


r I G R O U N D

5 I S B f P H O N ■i- I A ,.p.oK -i'« '-iy^J^j^ '

- 0 iyp<'.- no ()ollon

. . ; S . • N O U : Hnrdly ony n

____ ________________ T E R M !

i f Owners^ I S a lo m o n o g o d by• I A U C T IO N E E R S :

■* I K oyoW oll I• I 4J3-5596

I K im boriy T

\ ' I -

• Q-C T im o:i-N ow 3, Twin Fal

t s i - n e s s

ns-disa(AP) — ^ u n - o rsc llliii’

officials s 'a y 'lh e It wou> its c o rp o ra te Motinlaiii ; It lo dea l m o re which tal ;ial and enerf.O" lines am

W yom ini!jn d —a — E e d e m J ----- T h n aCommission a d - . porting i >e say c u s to m ers ra tes. Ad> n stream lin ed p a r ts of luced reg u la to ry reinovcnl0 p are o p e ra tin g PiiblicSe noney n t low er . ing les ittracl m ore in- meUiinls

allow Mo and co n su m er ra le s lo

agree. ' The addl inte resu lt o f th is fjo d irect

bills for U tah lain Fui ill Public S erv ice would Iw Tian B ren l H. it.

Mount:irganizatlon will "U is $2 million a n d Sf> throujUi'i1 the m oney will .n o lm p a c ;kiioIders," sa id a s ou r n (ive se c re ta ry o f 'cem ccf,” K! of C onsum er M ounlait

c r a l re g ii)n would ■ tak e ‘'There )ry-auUiority..ror.... custom er sts In c u s to m ers’ and the 1 ; hands and p la c e serv icejgeo cy ____________lilffcrciH-prefer th e posl* methodol

ilonmiiker r a th e r— ex ac tly i ■ty to the. e a s e in c ip les ar :lion." C um erSh defined li icw—before—th e — definetW ; received a ten- and thr; s ilngton. Mount;nsumer se rx 'iccs p jp c jin e . c Joined w ith Uic reauhitic jbllc U tilities In under sol /lU itheFE R C . ^ ^d fo u ry ea reag c ) .

^ e to rm e F E K C ,

t o not appeakK i: = 8 ™ ^ janizatlon would t e n au tt .o r l .c d

J plans ca ii for T h a fvisponslbllties of Uic FIC- T ran sm issio n ra lepaycI Fuel R eso u rces money.■:—T ransm ission - Moiinljed a t a b o u t SIGO hav ing ('■nt of M oun tain u tilitiesassets, w ould bc Wyomlniisldiary. r a te inciiave full respon- m ore n; gas from w ells, cedu res tg it,‘ .selling It to “ The r)uylng a dd itio n a l facilitieslines and s to r in g su its In r

BiMS« >o1d a t pub lic ouctlor< locoted I iiTSrd’HlgK^^Ay 30 7 " -----------------

ISDAY, FEBRUARYl l ; 0 0 a . m . L u n

T R A C T O R SI iroclor. dw4.>l, widi. front ond ry <|ood cond iiion ond <|oi.'d mIwo liucUot^.-llkf-Tirv/-/iht] pow .T broki" . cob l<i'.i •, ond ru.v. O .K . IHC 1).U t.n< ■0 orriplifii'r.- h o i onrl .iincjliV /duoK Ma---.>’y r.T(iii'.nn I. iow.>r •.i.-orir.g, -...1 a l dvini-. J ( ^ood Mo-.N«y Fof<iu-,on 35 irn duoli. .'K tro l o l of Ironi lir.i-., <i i

T R U C K S - & C O M II ton, o u lo m o l 'c , pow er ■.li'i-nnt:ord C600 true” . COE, 2 ’ . Ion U qood. h o i l£!' Sornpson in.,'lol r1, 'j ipciod ? \p<i.'d. V a molur i gram b<>d. lo ld <)own iloek /ork I lypu qooci condilion ibrourjtii ,„.,li.l bOl n .-w Mtindorii wultl.

0 & HARVESTDN!'‘'l''rO |b..(1 .ir',vo ^Ol.v.-r^b. n.

OTHER EQUIPMp..,...r, 10- 3 p e n t b.icb ^CtO^

°Mov!.''y F’°'<,i^von'^uiti‘r.'.1o^-.liank-.. 3poin lhp ieh i:i

uu .voba^jQiiaL'i"’'' ^ wbi'C'i

4 D P R E P A R I N G E

M T U B E S & M I S e i

IiilTi.iitiir lon l--

1 - M.rii'i-- ■ D oubli- tub-, 111.I'"-

M S : C o s h o r < h o e k c

5: EUGENE O O R lJ b y W a l l A u c tio n e e r s a n d

DonW oIl DanMfCii734-6001 <i6-3VB

TvIn FolU Nonvpo I.i

Falla, r<^a'ho T u o sd a y . FatJ

i g r . e < e . . D A

,ii|’ it.a>uld Ik ; s e p a r a te fi:om Ihc a in F u e l D Is trib u d o n D iv ision la k e s g a s fro m co m p an y pij>e- a n il d e l iv e r 11 to U t;ih an ti Illi; c u s to m e rs .

;ni(l tr a n s - n . g a s s iio w lip in c u s to m e r A fle r thc! n -o rgaiii/.alinn . th o se o f lh e g a s r a le s w ould Ik

chI f ro m c o n tro l t)y Ihc U ia l: S e r v ic e C om m ission .

L>s s a id d if fe ren t accoun lin ): d s ii:^‘d in W aslifiiglon w o iik M o u n ta in F u e l to c h a rg e h ifiiier lo r e c o v e r Ira n sm is sln n c o s ts ild ltio n a l r a te s , he sa id , w oulc i;c tly In to th e [)ockots of M oun ••ue! s to c k iio id e r s . and U ta l Iw u n a b le lo do .any llilng nlw iii

n la in F u e l d e n ies th a t sc e n a r io , is o u r {w sltion and h a s Ik 'c i tliout I h c Issue Ihat th e re w ill Ix )ac t o f U iis i-eorgaiiiz;ition ;is far • r c g i i l a t o o ’ a c tiv ille s a r e eon f ,” said John i3. C a r r ie a h i iru a in F u t 'l v ic e p resid en t fo r fedigtHat&r y . iT f:iin'' :-----------------------e re w ill l>e no lrni)act on an> n e r in U ta h Iw cause Ixitii U ia l le F R R C riii'.ulatc- on a c o s l-o f e b a s is . T h e rc is very l l t t i i Tice If a nv Iw lw w n th e twc d o io g ie s .■.“ iHitli reg u la te or y Ihc s u m e cosl-of-scrviee p rm

a n d c o s t of .service a s it i; d b y s t a t e ro g u la to rs and a s it i;

I! s a m e .” C a rric a ln iru s;iid-

in ta in F u e l s;iy s m osi in te rs ta te l e c o it ip a n ie s a m ao l su b je c L tt llion Iiy s ( :itc a genc ies, b u t a n so le a iJ th e rllY of tlie FK R C.I S trc f it a n .ily s ls tend lo lool o ra b ly u jx in u tilitie s th a t a n ; t til in o reU ia n th e asiia l a m o u n u la l io n . F r e e in g M ountain F u e d u p lic a t iv e regu la llo ri by s ta t i ie s w o u ld boost its f in an ica e a n d a l lo w il. for e x am p le . t< M tn o n c y a t Iw ttc r in r a le s m p n n y conteniLs. rw o T i l t lT x in e n r th o 'c o n s u m c r FICKC ju d g e sa id , b e c a u si ty c rs w il l p a y le ss for b o rro w e i la in I-'uel-alsO _Bayij^U » i> to go iHifon* llic s la le pu b lii ;s co in ri iis s io n s in U tah an t d n g a s w ell a s liie F K R C fo n c r e a s e s , th e c o m pany .s p e n d

m o n e y fo r reg u la to ry p ro L'S lh a n i t shou ld . . e r e g u la t io n of Uie s a m e s e t o ic s by th r e e c o m m iss io n s rc n rcH lundan t r a te c a se p r e p a re

s>d I mllo north ond V. milo oo»t

IY J984jnch a t th e W agon

Sbl.-. ■. m e ::iso Iront

ingln .lio i il end., looks 4inii Lu'.'k.....



MENT—i.— —o— -



c d a y olf sa?c

irKRliEGERnd S o l '- iV lonr^^ i-m cnl C o .

C,o,l..n Rott.i,.yAII.'M C l.-t3.,B, • ^


■abruarv21, 19W

v e r r . e ot io n . rev ie w , a u d it a.

l l i e a l th o u g h il Involve:;io n s i m i l a r e le m e n ts c)j>e- c o s t s o r s e r v i c e s . " Ca a n d " i n no w :iy a re

. , rc> o rgaiii/,a tlan to ;ibin.s- « -m iis ’ s t a l e reg u la tiu ;n i^ r m - a - w r m - u r s f


B C lip a D opi

2; “ SNAKE Rh e r g K im b o r iy

ml.‘- B N A M E Ilal. B A D D R E SS «>"• - B CITY

^'fl- ea w l a w

a n y i-----------------------------11 a h1-of- ■' -II ttietw o

on------------ ----------------------r i n - -----------t is it isin ii :_______________________

t a l e:L to __________________________


lica l

w e d id ^ B ... - - _____ . . -Iblica n dfo r

)n d sp ro -'

; t o f

a r a ^


f i

jrganizniui In v es t ig a tio n a t s ta te

/es th e s ;m ie o r w e Uiiiiof t r a n s m is s io n s im p ly

C.’a rr ic a h i ir u s a ld . u s lo f'oe we looking fo r to ry a gabso lve us o f ‘on- w lie n c.iun. W e III) no t look r e g u la tl a p B t a t a n - M - e a « i

TWO TO HAWAII ON BOARD V¥ y DURING THE tIMtS-NEWS WIN1 jp o s if T h is C o u p o n o t

RIVER AUCTIONly R d . b o h in d E cho M o to l

______ P H O N E ____

1F C 'm


I......-.............. -ever wl

sr a t e 3 0 l h e o p p

______________ \y o u r inc t h e m e

--------------------------- m a y inci h e ' i n d '

.............. A n c id ep c jy rT ie f iv o y e c

. i n c r c a s

ia t t e r r r


e a s y w

g ationa te r e g u la t io n th a t w ay ; ov< liin k il h a s Ix.'cn v e ry fa ir , ly d o n 't th in k Il’s neces.sar> f;o lx ;fo re th n n ; s r p c r a l e re j a g e n c i e s fo r th e s a m e m a t I o n e a g e n c y c a n h a n d le la l lo n ," h e sa iil.


Western AfrUnes

E l E


" . L k U l ' l M W l S

U n i t e d F irs t T e a m w c w l t t i A d j u s t a b l e R o t e

Y o u r in i t i a l m o n t h l y p; 50 y e a r m o r t g a g e s , a r p p o r t u n i t y t o q u a l i t y f


• (.

W e w o r k w i th y o u ’lc:ncdivicJiJCrst'tU crtionT-i+ 'il o v e m e n t o t o n in c ie >i n c r e a s e o r - d e c r i 'io f .G

id e x . )Y o u c o n c h o o s e t h e

d e p e n d i n g - o i : ' i e n t s c o n r e m a i n ( ix e

e a r s .Y o u a l s o h a v e ) th r.- o

a s e s , s o y o u o r e p r o t e

GET THE H U n i t e d F irs t c a n h e l

r m s y o u t h o u g t i t y o u C a l l o r s t o p b y a n y

w a y t o f i n a n c e y o u r

H i oc Ir t n e r -Idaho's larg

mo v e ra ll

:iir. W e ■a r y forre g u la - _n a t t e r s:Ile th e

P , a n l* Sell youJ deed of

P B your m(I ■

■I . Cul! us■ for a ijuoi

w I

g A>.k ti-, j Ihiiii® l'l)Ui|>Mll'l1l k’

' B


s a a J L -

w o r k m a k e s t i o m e fin e i t e - M o r t g a g e . L o a n s . . . . .y p a y m e n t s o r e l o w e r a n d w i th l o w e r m o n t h i Y f o r a l a r g e r h o m e .



’l o c ; c ? s ig n a f i n a n c i n g - f-iie t i i l e r e s t r a t e o n y c i e x p l u s a m a r g i n . (Y ou j r .G - J c ip e r id i r : ig .o n - th e .

h e i f i d e x t o w h i c h y o ui j ^ t f f i s p o n c i i r '" 'x e c i fo r o n e y e a r , t h r e e

.- o p t i o n o f l im i t in g m o t i t e c i ' j d f r o m a s ig n i f i c a

HOME YOU REALLY l e l p y o u g e t t h e h o m e )U c o u l d n ' t g e t . m y o f f i c e f o r c o m p l e t * u r h o m e : A d j u s t a b l e F

n i t s dF l r ^

^ n n i 5 R \ / / n G 5argcs! savings associolion

^ e h i x

D DEEDS b) u r c o m m e r c i a l . o r r e

if t r u s t t o u s - a n d ' g d

noney now . ^

■ *

Jo l M .lin AvL-nm

k . .

n a n c i n g e a s i e r t h a n

>r t h a n t y p i c a l f i x e d h ly p a y m e n t s y o u h a v


g p l a n t a i l o r e d t o / o u r I0c3f^ is DUb(=id"OTT lu r m o n t h l y p a y m e n t 5 m o v e m e n t o f

lur i n t e r e s t r a t e is t i e d . tc F i^ n t p e r i o d , y o u r ? e y e a r s , o r e v e n

o n t h l y p a y m e n t ; a n t r i s e in i n t e r e s t r a t e

y WANT, l e y o u w a n t .

‘t e i n f o r m a t i o n o n t h c > R a t e M o r t g a g e s .

TWIn Foils O ffice-m illuuK -t'.'illlv 'O N (dl i ili't /:u./i:’CK)J o ro m o O ffico1.10 1 M a.n '.tt.'i-l

""•3?.I'nn77--------------------------B urloy O KIco(kjtl.'v 67HOHiCOl O to in V klOMO I Q Moricjion. N arnpo CciicJwi >11,1'n n d r?o.bijto

- - -

residential ‘ ^gel -----------« --- ^

T h e ' ^ > C K H A R T )) D M P A N Y ^

.-nuc W osi,T w in rJlls/733-94M

jn . ------------------------

r ' ....... '..... ................. ........... ...........lO v e

DTT-------------- ^ ------------------------------------------nt

5 d .

a t e s ,


E iL lCo I alls, McCall L--------- ‘" " JItll.l’ocolollo


- i i - i -

Page 19: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud

w o rnREX BU RG (A P) -

-------------- (Ureclo!W)[-U»e—PotId ah o fears propaanJ tion will m ake policem en.

A nd he say s mosl q u a lif ie d /o r tlie Job,

M el A nderson’s c re sp o n se to proposed TOUld loosen cbhtn

_________w o rk e rs ont«rlng-th<a n d toui;hcn penalties h ire undocum ented al

Severa l am endm en pending.

“ AH responslbfllty em p lo y er to Invesllg peo p le a re In the co Illegally .” Anderson In th e investigative bi

T h e P o ta to Growei p asse d a resolutloi Im m ig ra tio n RWorm

A notlier' s ta te ag r th e Idaho F a rm Bur ta k in g a s ta n d 'p n it.

“ Depending on hov th o se am endm ent I te rm in e if we a re Ir

. . o v e ra ll b ill," sa id Bl---------:— B u r e a u —p u b lic — a ffa

Boise.--NHatch said lie like;

^ ---------- t h e o rig ina l biil tha tg ra tio n officials to b e fo re search ing fa m

------------- -IIo-Rald-inotols, m ao th e r em ployers use r U ian do fa rm s, b u t fa a tte n tio n because thi

M a r k e t s c l

-------------- f o r - t h e - h o l :■ TW IN FALLS -

P re s id e n t’s D ay hoil( a ll o f Uie n a tion 's prli com m odity exchange;

A s a resu lt. T he 1 n o t c a r ry any stock p quo ta tions today froi

. - o r-iro m any o l its loca g ra in and livestock 1 ava ilab le , however,

_ ........ p o rta , com piled, -by-1]B u reau and distril A ssociat<^ P ress.

POCATELLO (AP) ~ ia*h'"EaTTLE — #t»uBr>1e» sloar heDo'S no quolo:: leoder sic nellerft- no quolo: alaugniai°'*SHE£P — Good; etiolco quolo.To i^ofismbsnoQUOIo:

LIvoalOCK AyCllon - Ts .

Ilghi ©«aoi atoota 6l.75-( II7.SO-7DOO; Kolaloln losdfli

commofclil bulls i i .75-60.M: .. -----------M.OMa.oo;-iiQnUocflo/ nsil

=— r r s s i■ SPENDING MONEY C■ Clip & Dop

s l i o j u s e .I 1486 Bluo

■. a N A M E _____ .


J SJiia- ------------j “ 0H rrou 'O 'rF iw n»"tr

a COU'OHt AV All Alll *"'«



I N A M E _ _ I A D D R E S S

_ ■ C IT Y __________

J_ O'.l (Oll'ON^lnOArl-ltI

■ COUfONl Av*ll»»n *’ " NOX tu*ict>t|tv■ ■ i H ■ B ■ ■

I■ C R I

II you hovo ic>« crim e or hovo I reloling to o cri C A U J

W orlk er leg ying gi

’) — The executive ea.slerPo tu to -G row ers-o f-------**Wc■sod federal leslsla- any d ;e fa rm ers into n e ss .”

J imlost fa rm ers a ren 't tion i b. Tw in5 concerns a re in q u ire r sed legislation Uiat s ta r t c h tro ls on foreign enforc -tho-Unil«<J States, - The ties on fa rm ers who Assocl cl aliens. U iat wnents to the bill a re Unitec

E m jUy is p laced on Uie wlUUic sligate w hether Uic sa la rii

country legally o r Uiem on sa id . "W e’re not Uiey n e business.” “ Agw ers o t Idalio have forelgi tlon opposing the becau; rm A c t. b le tongrlcu ltural group,- Growc 3ureau, has put off Penall t. w orkehow it com cs out of ' F o n I batU es will de- jo b s , 3 In support o( the R aybo I Bill Hatch, F a rm board iffalrs d lrc c to r- ln — P otato

Bulik e s a p ro v is io n in c o u ld i h a t : r e q u i r e 3 Im m i* - in g a d i

to g e t w a r r a n ts a rm s f o r a lie n s . am an u fac tu rc rsan d__sc m ore illegal help d e i t fa rm e rs get more monev th e ir w orkers a re A m eri

e n d lh

c l o s e d today,

s l i d a y — —- B ecause of the A V £lollday on Monday. ■ ■ ■ principal stock and |„ p° ca-Iges w ere closed. sati » e Tim es-N ew s will :k p rice s o r m arkel j jPOCa from those sourccs ogdei ocal sourccs. A few '“55V1I :k quotaUons were !r, th rough the re- taiioy-y.. th e id ah o ^F a rm ____ ponnitribu ted by The «a»e'o!.

Idaho (anQS rgsdlol

ra ’leors'’ no quole-’lawlor jnior Moljioin »18et» no ■3lCB alauQtilor lamba no I

■ Twin Falls ll>D»lack I _ ullllly and commsrclal ■

i S Y Z ' S S 1 ^'lam"b°s SuMfO.M: noavv loedor'haliersnano/a.M^OC«|.M^Ij^______ ^

■ ■ ■ T M - W


e j o f J / V h e e Uluo L o k o s Blvd. N o rth

............... ........P H O N E

____ ___

TWO TO HAWAII ON 60A R 6 V :y d u r in g the tim es-n e w s wih ip & D o p o f it A t


______________ P H O N E

l l i i ; , « a

T W I N F A L l


r33-08ivo Inform ation

row ersle rto ap p reh en d , Wc-don*t-think:Tj-fnrm-shoulrt

differen t from any otiior In s .” H atch S tan g e r of the U.S. Inunlf! I and N alurallzation Service In F a ils opposes liie warnint rem ent. H e s,iid It may signal -t of m any ngvvrcMlrictio.iis o n j 3rcem ent officers, he -Idaho Grower.Slilpl ociation supjw rts an amendmI would allow workers to enter ted S la te s on nine-monlli visas. Employers would ix; roqiilreti :iliold n portion of workt tries, w hich woultl Iw mailed tn a fte r U ieir visas explre<l i y re tu rn ed to Uiclr Jwmo counlri A gricu lture needs lempor; •Ign la l» r , and we need that lal au se dom estic labor is not avato us.” s a id Dave Smith. Id:

iw er-Shlpper executive direct la iltes should l« directed k ers , not th e ir employers, tiesa orelgn w o rk ers arc willing to5 A m ericans refuse, said T ;bould. a Hibberd farm er i rd m em b er for tiie Natio: ato'CoUxicli: 'u l S tan g e r said mosl farmi Id find A m erican workers by p. adequate w ages.

M C j e n d s s l i d eETRO IT (A P) - After los ley every q u a rte r for 3‘A yea e rlcan M otors Corp. expects lh a t s lide by announcing a j)r(

« —it- r e p o r la —its-lO W -enrnlrly-

ICATELIO (AP) - ia»no fatm Oui mouniiin ataln lepotl MonMy;II whito wnnal, Cailo/. haid lofl sptino nl S l a i ’n?"’''"'iCAfELLO - WO? ldo.n I|, J5.70 Isloj

W M liioaUrl: i IR^M O — (down 1). tIIB.03 (ilui

» .,5 l,„:,y-ir.?a.t7.J5(dO*ni).iniuWO-IAP^^-.lJio-Pojiuml



\W estern Airlines ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i l



{isiatior1 / J ^u lr t-h c y ii

r T c i o sIce In _______________int re- ____

o ^ 7 n w _ n A n n o unt001 F l0 fl5 l5 ------

h lp JX 'r ...... _ .0 0 2 L o st& fo iJn didm cnt 003 A nnouncem ile r Uie 004 Spocla l nollea s OOSM oniorialnoretl to 006 P e rso n a lsir k e r s ' _____

“ „‘S ® So lecle in lr ie s . 007 J o b s ol interP « ra ry 008 S a lo s peopUM a lw r 009 Em ploym oniiv a ila - .- . 010 P ro le ssio n a '

Id ah o . o iS B a tiy s ltte rsrec to r . O ie S ltu a tio n swQd a l O17 0 uslnos3O Fi>sald 018 Incom o pro;:

t o d o 020 M onoy to lo;; n , .„ '021 M onoy w ant

} 023 Invostm oni 3 O25lni.truclion

U ional I 02B M uslclossD

.rm e rsy pay* ___ ------------------

- - LEGAL NOT!T h o Idaho Deparlmi

2 ' E m p loym on i h as•— -deslflna lecJ-by-lh© -

lo sln g o r n o r a s Iho y e a r s . m ln ls lra tlv o unit cL<; to s p o n s ib l e lo r prov

e m p lo y m o n i and t a s e rv i c e s funded b)

rntnfjB------- r ra im n irP a n n o rsn f(JT P A ) Tllllo provid s e rv i c e s dose

----------------below -dufl(*G -lhe-po lJ u ly 1 .1 9 6 '1 to J u i 198^. P ro p o sa ls m: s la to w id o . indl

Ouioju w id e , or roflionai a 10 whnal p a r tic ip a n ts in Iho heal (10 p o s e d proflram s isioadyj *^001 Titio HI eiig

c rilo ria . rl: «80 A a ta tew ld o . indi inuifly)... w id c _ or._ reo ional

l o c a te d worKors prc idi'i: LA jj, noodod- 10

w o rk e r s who:I maihci

1 . H avo bo en lormi o r laid olf or w ho r e c e iv e d a notico c m in a tlo n or layoff

3 om ploym G nl. a re ol------ f o r - o r —h a v s -a x h a

th o ir cn tiliom ent u n e m p lo y m e n t p o n s a t io n . and a n lik e ly to rolurn lo p re v io u s industry o c c u p a tio n s ;2 . H ave boon icrmin o r w ho havo rocoi' n o i ic o o l tormfnalii e m p lo y m e n t a s a i o l any perm c lo s u r e ol a plai

— fac ility , o r--------------- --3 —A fc ionfl-tcrm u

p lo y e d and havo ii o p p o r tu n itie s e m p loym ent or i p W n io n r i n ir»o"sai

“ ■ --------- a“ 5 lm ilat^occupatlif ■ t h o a ro a in which ' " Ind iv idua ls reside

I e lu d in g any o lder *' ■ v id u a is w ho. may . i " su b s ta n t ia l barrioi k - l - - - e m p lo y m o n i by ti ! ■ o f a g e .\ ■ D is lo c a te d W orker I I p o s a ls aro lniend(


r ;«^ I .

/I F f

^ r tS * f. J i tS r i■ I ----■ a S


* ISp ru p lf ra d


V ..

n ./j-

s s i f i e dn c e m e n t s □ 3 . R e a- , - -.---029O p0nni d .......... ........ . . (J30Homosm onts. 031 Out-0 (-'licos 032 8uhl-FIlo ticos 033 Kimbof

034 Joromc036 Roal os037 Farms J

6(3 o f f e r s 038Acroag039 Busine

orost 040 Cornellplo O-JSVacaliom tao en c ie s 044 Condorial sorvicos 045 Mobiio swantedopportunities P U P e roporty '“■ *loan - - OSOFurnisIinted 051 Unlurnil 052 Furn, an 054Unfurrsons______ _____ 056 Rooms

r i c E - ^ T e g a l n o t

m en to i result in tho plac 3 boon o l projoci partit ifr-Gow-— Into-----------unaub:9 ad- ompioymont at ; lit ro- suliicionl incomo 'oviding Applicants must . training thai projoct activiti by Jo b ro su lu in placom

:n ip ^ c t— particnpahta---------»ido tho ompioymont and ll scribod proposed servicci.perlod___not__d up lica te_ j2Iuno30. programs.may be Program provider idustry- u se JTPA Titlo III and ali lo a ss is t disi

ho pro- workers to obla' i must subsidized ompic iigibiiily through training s

lated emplciduslry- sorvicos which rr ial dis- ciudo, but _ art )rogram iimitledto:

serve 1. Jobassis tance , includ clubs:

n inated 2. Job dovolopmer10 havo 3. Training in job; i ot lor- for which d iff Irom exceeds supply: eligible 4. Supportive solau s iad__ includino____ comint -to assistance and fii

com- and personal cc aro un- inn: io their 5 . Pro-iayollassisI Iry or 6. Relocalion assli

andlinalod, 7. Program s com eivod a in cooperation ilion of em ployers or lat 3 resull ganizalions lo f manonl early intervonlion lant or evonl of closur___________D lanls OJ- (aciiitjpjs.

unem- Tho Titlo III fund; limited b e m atched on

for nonlodorai basis room- total projoct budg(

samc’or— consist-o f-a t-lea i itlon-ln— nonfederol— rose ;h such To Obtain furth jo . In- formation and a R □r indi- for Proposal y havo packet, inleroslet lors to nizations should i roason— Larry_Hertlino, P'

and Mana?or Pro- Sorvicos Buroir ided to partment of E

- y / m m

1 I ■f l l& t% ^

¥ C Id indei

057 R(eal estate oss of— - ' ------059Ccn houses ■ ■ oeiG :ies for sale _________ 063 W.oMown homos 065 Tc1-Fiier homes 066 MiOofiy-Hansen hom os imohomes I g l iI oslato wanted ■IS & ranchos 067 Mi•age S lots 068 CcIness proporty 069 Ccloloryjols ... 070W.illon proporty 071 S^dominiums for sale 072 Ar ilo homos for salo 074 M

'• 076 01 077 R:

:en.alslished houses 080 H' urnishod houses 082 0i i.ap ts.& dupioxos ' 083 G urn. apts. & duplexes 066 Fi .ms for ront_____________087 PI

>H C E ~ LEGA L N O Iilacomoni m ont, 317 Main irtlcipanis Bolso. Idaho B373 ubsWl2e d _ .p h o n e :_ _ 3; t a soil- Deadline for subtl mo lovol. Iho Title 111 prop st insure March 20.1984, Ivitleswili 79P9:H oment of PUBUSH: W---------inlo— F 6 b r u a r^ u _ 2 0 ,-^d lhat Iho Fobruary 21 licos will W odnosday. Fi ■ oxisling ■ 22,1984.________

jors mayIII funds ________________

lislpcated NOTICEOFDiain un- . SPECIAL MEEI ipioymont £,tjort Davis. Cf g and re- q, Twin Fal ipioym(3nt industrial Devoli I may in- -co rpo ra llon .

h ereby call . a meetinfl of lhe B

sea ch o irec to rs oi Ihe li luding job g, ooveiopm ent B

tho Cily of Twir Idaho, lor 12:00

obs shills p on Wodr demand February 22. 1934

, • City Haii Coni sorvicoj, Room , located

counsel- ,ng applicati, . industrial revenue

iislance, Honnlngsonislstanco; s to ra g e Conipany

^ . ... Longview Fibreonducted pgn"3n with 5 a TED This 17lhlabor or- February, 1984,

' Elbort Davls.;on in tho chairm ansures ol puBLISH: Tl9 -.--------,— F6bruary.21..1984.nds must . 'm a 50% iSis, Tho

r . m 0A nnounce960UtC07rther In- ________________J R e p o s t 002—Lort4 Found

ron^laci FOUNoT'^'an. blac [d contact ghop. around 100 P fogram _Avo e, Atior 6pm. 73:

nagomenl poUND: Ton apood oar, 00- itjonlify. coll 733-7:

Employ Som,

____ Itta c


\ ________


A S q u i c l <

sm a k


T h ephon

l a s sX

f Rontal mobiio homos i Offico & b u sin ess ronlal JConOominiums forront;- 7 ■I G arage ronlais3 Wanlod to ro n t-------------------5 Tourist ond traiior rental5 Mobiio homo spaco

H M e r c h a n d i s er Misc. for saio 3 Com puters 3 Camora oquipmoni DW antodlobuy .<1 S hoos and clothing ZAnliquesfl Musical instrum ents6 O ffico e q u lp m o n l7 Radios, TVs & stereos8 Furnlluro & carpets9 Appliancos OHcQting* air cond.2 B uild ing m a te r ia ls ■0 Garago salos6 Firewood7 Plants &.(roos

O T IC E 002-Lo3t& Found

S i w ' K : CHECK DAI334-2052. FORCURRE

-ubmitiaior h o u n d P Oroposal IS N E W S



z“*T°or?lor*3!'molowhilo.3, Shophord malo,

— ------------------------ brown.:0 F 4. Ausiralhan ShoEETING moio. black, brown . Chairman 5. Huoky X, lomaie

X S, ALflb.mafo.balck, a SPOCia — s.-Totrlor. brown_B Board of 9 , Doby. fomoio. bn10 industri- 10. Bulldog, lomalo It Board of whiio.puppy. ^ 'win Falls. 11 ElHhound X. 00 o 'clock brown. .

S r S li:Id ot 321 Hours 5 10 7pmlO-East.Jor______ Mondny, ihru f»l d iscuss- Coll TsWSKra cation fornuo bonds "L*50' Cold oESTfl^YEO allor any and by pioaso calLor vlali 1 Dro com - dally 10 chock whc

r has boon pickc nol an up-lo-

Mlxod dOQs oro hiocrlbo.comoloihc000 il youi pot

T..«oHnu Como and pick ol Tuesday., ,y|, ^384------------------would lovo lohovo

— ADOPTIO________ HOura

________ : ' 1. Fomalo Labilack lomalo . yoars.IOO bik. 7ih 5. Ono malo < 1. 733-7600. — tjlack and Ion. 0 ood biko. 1013-7208 ollor C^all....................

II no anawor........

r p fA c t i o n A d s

Itom s u n d e r Sl.OO a d v e r t is e d a t thi spccia l low ra te . .

■ 3 L IN E S , r D A Y S

--------------$ j p 9 0 ------------

Sl.OO lor ooch ri..

c k . a s y o u c a n —

t a k e a l o o k ,

w r i t e a l i s t ,

m a k e a c a l l ,

r u n a n a d . . .

SN A PI Y o u c a n

a k e a s a l e . M a k e y o u r m o v e t o

c l a s s i f i e d .

l e T i m e s - N e w s

o n e 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1

------- ------ ------------1-


9ifi€ed Lei088 V arie ty fo o d s 090 P o ls & po t su p p lie s 092 A u c tio n s

m F a rm e r s ' m arket095 Fortilizo r& to p so il096 F a rm s o o d ________

’ ’ 097 H ay . g ra in & 'leod098 F a rm s lo r ron l

— 099 P a s tu r e s for ro n t '100 L iv e s to ck w an ted101 A n im al b rood ing102 C a ttle104 H o rs o s105 H o rs o e q u lp m o n l106 S w in e 108 S h o e p110 P o u l lry S rab b its112 Irriga tion113 F a rm s & ran c h supp llo s114 f^arm Im p le m en ts115 Farm w ork w an ted

□ R e c re a tio n a l120 A viation121 B o a ls& m a r ln o itom s122 S p o r tin g g o o d s123 S k iin g o q u lp m o n t124 S n o w voh fclo s

nd - O O Z-LostiFound

AILY m S u i ™ o i t ! " tRENT hoa rod collarO U N D - -

S fstime I»5-MBmoH<JNo

™ a v e . v, . a l c o h o l

J K S r . -------- a™Ilo. black & ________________

Did you know mo: hophord X. havo boon baptise »n & while. Call 734-0365. alo. block 4 FAIRHAVE:

■ , . , Smoll llconood 0 . block & homo, (oaluilnp 0 , i ■ cookod moola, has

:kS whilo. oldoriy man or li • ......324-6443.—S o J i . n s HOTUNE

733-0122X. (omalo. A P/oblom Is nol a

whon aharod. Mom nalo. oroy. Asaoclatlon. Spm lc

Shophord. ------------HYPNOSIJs. brown. Can holp you,

wolaht. Impoloncy pm only Can John onylimo 3

oro brouQhl ordora 7 3 4 ^ 7 daySdS O L D or LAW SHOor 48 houro. U nconloalod divorill Iho pound Bankruptcy and coirholhor your J80. Wills. $30. <ked up. This ordor avallablo. (lo-dalo iisl. 0732, Bolso.haid 10 do- p r e g n a n c y HC

Iho pound 10 pfoonant? Nood h3t I# thOIO. 734.*f472.oul a puppy --------------y eo R .

Buy 1 pair olSxton voanoini*,— - io n la c i lonaonsoi

3oir froo. ---------------- 3luo Lnkoa Conn

OGLO G£ FOR ------ ---------- ---------------


doborman. piocod undor Iho h ono yoar. yourcHolcor-

,,.,324-8438 73M931.,.,324-4313

S e le c

0 0 7 -Jo b 3 o t Inten ADOPTION CC ^oaitilon opon. foi looncy In southo

b-------- — RoQulro-aoolal-sorI iiconso. Ploaso1— ............. ' : - 3umos-to-ROUTE' 207. RUPERT. ID^

bv March 3.1984 BABYSITTER no Monday-Friday. Cja fte r Spm._______ChlM C aro for S ; and houaokooptn' Jo rsoy prolosalor 1 yr stay. NoarLDS hour from Now

e Salary Is S400 pd• colioci ovontnoa

0414.___________1 0 0 CLERK NoodcdI . lyping. dala onir;h i s cord kooplno- /

background piolo . . hoolin caro bano

■ rosum o to P.O. 1• Twin Falla. ID833a

c o u p l e ' TO M/i----------- -----qntla.- Lo w ineom

tor Sonlor Cliizi borly. Ront rod

'"■'’ I oxchango (or mlrCOI1423-40S1

C A RCoMi.T I..... .Sh..ffy Dlivc 600.900DJ1KI-(

W ork on hoi ali<<rnoon» Iro




[ . C a r r i e r n o_______ _________W o r k o n h

'~ k e o p y o u i c a r r i e r fo

S d o n t " .CcalhT im e

L a N o r o

1 ------------------------------------------ --

T u o sd u y . F o b ru a ry 21,1084

^ g a ^ s

002-007125T rovel Iraders I126 C am pofsA sh e lls ' I127 M otor hom os '■128 Ulilily trailers

'O t A u to m o t i v e 1 3 1 ^ u lo sorvico

__________^ 132 .A ulaparls& accoss0ri03 . _133 A u los w onted .......- --------134 A u to sfo r ront

...............U S C y c lc s & iu p p l lO O ,_______ ______136 H oavy oquipm oni140 T rucks141 V ans142 im porl sp o rls curs 146 4-w hoe ld rives 1 4 8 A n tiq u o a u to s 149 A u los — AMC 152 A uloa — Buick 154 A u los — Cadillac

ios l6 6 A u to 5 — C hrysler158 A u los — Chevrolet 160 A u tos — Dodge 162 A u los — Ford 168 A u lo s — L incoin-M ercury I 6 8 AUIOS — O idsm oblle 172 A u lo s — Ponllac

s 1 7 3 A u lo s — Plym outh174AU10S — O lhor l7 5 A u tq d e a le r s 340 8 u 5 (n o ss d /roclory

xm d . . 007 -Jobs of Intw ert . .

'~maTo'l part AREA COHPORATION haool(. Ho’o 7 mo. Immodlalo oponlng (or mar- oKar. anaworo kolino salos mnnaoor, Com- Gonoroua ro- polillvo baso salary, com-. m is sio n -— poymonts--------S------------■ .......................oxcolloni (rinoo bonofll#. I

■ kui*lno i oalos oxpodonco S |bo knowiod^ablo ^f^ In-

------------------ Soulh Conirai Idoho. Inlor-i n i tr^e- oslod porsona should aondlU L IL /O roaumo to Box H-M. c /o

J g u ® -------------—Emolovcr.

TTTsr;----------. _ oloctrlcal 4 mochanlcal. . . . drawing. Excolloni h o a lin .

jod ahollor ^5,0 bonoflla. Sond roaumo ^Ras’foo^T or lo Po” 1S06. T.F.. IDB3303. ■

._.noodod^'°Exp^ only______-rrT=----------- nood apply. Sond RoaumoLINE to Box Q-56. C/o TfmooJ122 Nows. Sox 546. Twin Falla.101 a problom „ , IMMEDIATE. OPENINGS ..for.______Monfflf Hoallh Ru’a In a JCAH hojpltal In , , im lo 7am, Soulhorn (daho. Eicoiionl:0SIS----------- (ringo bonodis & salary>u. Tobacco. commonaorato wllh oxpBTI- oncy. siroas. onco. Contoct Noraing Ad-- mo 324-7281 minlstrallon or Paraonnol , Bankruptcy. OKlco. <2081878-4444. EOE,_ban buy mull---- IMMEDIATE-OPENING for'dav/ovo. dooondablo. gualidod -: u n p • Cnairaldo Oonlai Assistant.

Exporioncod S onpandod H duiloa to workin oatablishodj corporallor^. o„ico, salary 0 .0 ,E,“ ■ r 1.11 ySu 733-5346 (or Inlorviow.0. oaii AJO-

V n n r t IMP *>0 Oondod. exporioncod. 2-3 I. hra. ovos. plus &-10 hra. Sat.9d holp? Call „oa|,^ car,, bonodta.

----------------- sond roaumo 10 P.O. 0 OXR l 1747. Twin Falla, ID83303,

S ' NO... Ook 1-S8. Twin Fall.._________ __ IDB3301................................... - --------

m s E -Un BRANCH MANAGER'PECIALTY Novada UvoslocK PCA isb e c t o r y S . ”o " 'L T ,r a fo ” ? K l ;

r . r n f ' k r r r ; i S Ldopondino upon tho oxpotl-

1931 once. In Elko. NV. A dogrooin Agileuituro or a businoos roialod Hold, a proroquisllo. ThorouDh knowlodgo o(

C te d O f f e r s nvoaioclt & hay operations.— I Direct AG lending oxperl-___________ onco would quality an Indl-fniarati »ldual for this poallion. II Interest miereslod, call Novada

CONSELOR Livoatock PCA al {702) 738- tor liconaod 6498 or sond a current ,o~

uthoin Idaho. sumo to Novada Llvoolock l-sonilco-work___

I S e ’ S - . s o x .......N « i r E i i s r a ™ i i J D i 6>---------, IDAHO 53350 Inpul Person lor busy ac-84 counting depanmonl. Sond

noodVo— 5 ,.C .im <.,306 MATURE PERSON

• wl'h tolophono S car lo aoll^ i deliver Fuller Brush Pro-

riucla. Call ovo-a. 734-7851.r LDS church. 1 NEEDED RN or LPN lor 2 or 3ow York city hours por ovoning 5:00pm lo3 por mo Cali 8:00pm roloroncosS roaumo

]. Accounlino Odahoio Oil OrUllnO.>io(orrod. Exc. ovoraoas 4 domestic. Wllijenodla. Sond train. *25.000 10 « 5 . ^ +.0, BOX 1747, posa. Call Polroloum Ohllino83303. Sooi'lco ol 1-210-B31-2199 oxt


5 ii« n a .“ “K!m. J14-tM.000. Appllcallonsroduction In t>olng accoplod now! Call „i„„,

lR R I E R n e e d e d1 R O U T E

II. Tw.,1 ToMi for Sh.iity .Citclo- vc 2 ltl ) Block. Sh,..ry loi.., .SlOOOIock: ixk ol D.-l , ^oI S Cioslwooct.1 hour o doy bi.loi.- •.cliool S k..op your > (r.,.,. Jou . ou r car.'or l..ain o.nj b.icomo 'DENT",L Y O U R A P P L IC A T IO N IN T O IM ES - N E W S , M O N . - FRI.

7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1


n o o d o d in t h o T w in F a l l s a r o o .in h o u r a d o y b o f o r o s c h o o l a n d ________'o u r a f t e r n o o n s I r o o . J o in o u r

f o o m a n d b o c o m o " in d o p o n -

call y o u r a p p l i c a t i o n I n to t h o I m o s - N o w s 7 3 3 -093T o r c o N >ro W lk o m o t h o m o a t 734 -B 185

------------ -1 --------------------------------------------------------- -


J4 T lm os-N ow s, Twin Fads. Idaho B-7

Page 20: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud

DENNIS th e ME___ I , , - j I "

■ " \\i—

i - f

'■ Why don't trJUAtMMTfT. i SOME ZIP :./

007-Jotoollnteregt _Pockaait^M alnlonanco


Wo « Mavo an ImmodiQio oponino lor a PackoQluo Mainlonanco MoeHanlc. t* - porloneod -in - mGChnnlcal._

• oluclrleni s olocltonic mnln- lunancQ In a inanufaclurino or procaoalng plant. Excollont WOOD & bonotil packago.

______Coniacl/aena— iesum o in,.coniidonco io:

. . ^WaltStowmon

■------------Twin Falls. ID 83303 orcaII20a-733'5664

An Equal Opporiuniiy______ Emplovof.

PARALEGAL, oup roquirod. roal ostalo oxp doslrod.

, Sond (osumo & roloroncos to Timos Nows. Bo* J-50.Twin Folia. 1063301._______PAFIT TIME banquol wollross at Canyon SpringsInn._______ ______________REGIST'eRED Modical TochnoIOQlst noodod. Full

_____ timo. flood »(ilnry._oxcollonl_bonolits. Full llmo Pathologist. Cot;ltor. Abbolt V.P. IL 713. Contoci Porsonol

______ Dopl____Caaala__ MomofioUHospital. Box 489. Ourloy, ID 83316. 208-67M«<- MomoorIHCHospllola. EOE._______


Prolossionally wrillon Tallorod to your noofls.

_____ —ConlldonUal-roMonabla—___Ctirlsllno,0Zt227r___

SECRETARY. Shorthand, lyplno. R.E.. Mortfl. titlo background, caroor position with bonolila. Sond rosumo lo Boxg040.T.F.B3303. SHIPPING/RECEIVING clork tor local llrm. Must bo ablo 10 Illl SOIba 4 tiavo com- putorUod Invonlory- oxpori­onco. Somo OT. oxc. hoolth coro bonolits. Sond rosumo lo Box 1506. T.F.. ID 63303. WANTED: Holrsiyllst lor a modorn salon In Jorom o.Call 324-4S97._____________ •WOULD YOU LIKE lo wotK

......w llfi- lho -m ost SuccM slul -Rool Esialo Soloa (orco In

oothuaftalic, tiavo o dosiro ' tor auccosa, rocognltlon.

and way obovo avorago In- ■ ccimo.- Call Dick

MeASOismiih, at’Gom SUto BM lty loday. lor o pomonai Inlorviow. All Inquirloa will bo strlclly eonlidontlal. 73*-0400. Now or oxisling nebnaooawoleomQ._______

(X»-Salos People____■-LET’S TALK

ABOUTYOURFUTUREWb aro 0 young, aggrosslvo Nbnnwost Company & w o'to growing Ilko ganQbustora.

______ W o-nood-m en.A -w anien-ja-_ . ...orpH.w)IH.uSOytnpwant;._„-._

• to p Mornings• Exeolloni Irlngcs• Professional training• Gocognlllon• Managomont Opportunity

If you wanl o coroor on lliogrout»dJIOor ot a dynamic & rapidly oxponding Company -UofsTalk.

J o orrango Ior o conlldon- tial Intorviow. Call Mr. Kon Stnmot 733-1605.

- W e ’ U b e

M s h e l p y ot o g e t n e

- p h o n e - ■ f o r y o '

■■roust : g i v e i t: t n o u g

* - us a c1 •

• •- •

' - ,

: m '- \

' T h e T i• : 132 3rc

• Twin Fc

le c te d o£M E N A C E

In ? i’A ^

rr. 6EOR5S...DENNI? PUTS a t / F t . '

O O e - ^ M PeopleWANTED: lull llmo or par time Saloaperson to aol.

.C om plof-lina-ol-Janlintlal .10 nnd InduslrlftI mainlonanco >g supplioa. Roaumo lo ix- Hanaon. Inc.. 600 S. Isl ll._ Stroot. Pow tollo, ID 63201 or n- call for appl. 1-600-632-W3B. ^Q o ak fo rE do rJ .R .It. — :---------------------------- -


” • Agba “ 2-«: ’walk— Hifl ., wofeomo-tl hour. 73<-3?3fl.

Any ago. Anyilmo. but Frl.______nlghln \ tluclna_ilay:_S[il

Drop-Ins wolcomo. 733-«314, BABY SITTING In my homo, 7 days a wook. doy or nlgnt.

1‘y M p c rd ny,.7±ltfl<M_____

’2- with kIda - hol lunchos. M> homo-Call 734^533.

5i PROFESSIONAL COUPLE nooda lull-tlmo batjyalltlno

—, In our homo. Mcn-Frl M , mual havo car 4 phono. 2C

0® yrs or oldor. no smoking, — orinn no olhor chlldron. Jal J1,W /hr, 733-03J1 ollor 6 orull 733-0613 Irom 9-6,_________

-----WILL .BABYSIT—any, ogoMonday-Frlday. Hot lunchos

0” avalloblo..Call_73<-.163r___

iS ------ 018 -3 ltua«on i W anto)—'or' EXPERIENCED LPN Availa­

ble. Can I holp you? Full or part timo. Call 324-5552.. Advorllao whoro you'll Jind roody buyots- In

clnnr.illnd.___________ •

Q 17-Buslnes8 FOR LEASE: Slanloy Com- no morclal or mulilplo uso

building A propoftv. ,k Excollont cond. Approx 2300 iio aq It building plus (ot. Main T,. ot location, *700 por month , 1. on a yoor loaso for iho

bulidinn. Call 734-2132- :io MUFFLER and Gonoral

mochanic shop lor looso. — C alffom ppo ln im on trE d 'a t

o Hub Clly Aulo Parts. Won- “ • , doli. Idaho 536-5651. or 7^ ovonlng cnila 9344039- iol — NATWNAL VIOEO-TAPINO In SERVICE is looking lor mdl- ,n vlduotsw h o aro Intoroslud In ro cashing In on tho wTdo 'ii'Sil in markol o l vldoo-laping. For Inl moro intormaiion. on our ck rapidly-oxpandino nolwork. lto ' Coll Nalional VIdoo Toping,ai Sorvico 1-232-0212-________vill TACO TIME RESTAURANT ai- Franchise Oppoilunlty- ng Conlaci: 'Joseph Cosoy.

Vico Prosidoni, Crain Food ” Induslrlos-Box 9255. Oqdon,

Ulah 64409,1-601-621-5464.

WARNINGITho Timos-Nows • ro- E commonda thal you in­

ve vosligalo ovory phaso ol 'to Invoslmont opportunlllos. ra. oapocially thoso Irooi oul olJO___ 3lal(i-cr.ollcicdJiy.fl.CQtaon

do inobua incsaouio lo------- local m oiotornoior.-----------

We suggest you consult your own allornoy,Iho Boltor Business Ouroau,

y idaho Consumor Alfoirs or no ask lor a Iroo pamphloi and ; 4 inlormation Irom tho ny A llorno/ Gonorai's Con­

sum er>n- Protection Division. Stale- on house, Ooiso. Idaho 63720.

Phono 334-2400.

g m d o w n g i v e - a s a c

c e g la d to fOU p u t

o u r l i s t o£ s t se lls - SO i t so m e

i g W . t h e n g i ’'® .

i, caU-

33-09 '

Times-News Clas;3rd SI. West,Falls, ID. pnorie 7

, i.mi.L. I t-osoav. FobfL

f fe r s -R e noiZ-B ualneM O pptya.

Wlll~provido compioio oqulc----------- so tup 'S 'fu inochn icaftra in

*. ■ lng for highly succooslu ? pholography rolatod busl \ nooa os primary incomo oi

i businoss invostmoni. Car bo osiablishod In your oroa. Invoslmont roquirod. Call

} 400-586-0193.__________

J " ____ Q IM ncom ePropa i t y - - -......... SHARP dSploi noarly now; 3

bodroom. 2 balh. NEAR CSl. No fllairn. BELOW AP-PRAISAL:733-52B5--------2 DUPLEXES. Total prlco 537,500, Potontial Incomo J550-t600 por monlh, Roa- aonablo lorms. Cali Jorry Northwosi Proloaaional Rft-I t y . 324-7516.____________<l-Plox. Twin Falla, .S61.000. A ssum e 11W% FHA, Income ;710/mo.326-S3novns.

02&-MonoyToLoanHOME EQUITY LOANS. Got c ash lor onypuiposo. Crodit la no t Important, Shori & long lorm loans, wo aro direc i lenders. Call collect

__ dnytimo lor phono approval.O pon Monflay-Friday. and Salurdaya by appl. oniy.

— . Flr«t Amortcan M onjuoo P“ Co.. Inc. BoIbo, ID37WWO. 301/ -----------------

" io 023—InveslmeiH, BUYING or 8 E U roal oalato

._ McCoya Brokorago, Box 391.Twin Falla, 734-2066-_______

__ _ DUPLEX-Closo in, 137,000,ne Ownor-llnanclng. Oown Tno Paymont, nogotlebior—733*

__________________Fti. WE BUY PAPER. Hoal Estalo C[,i contracla, dooda/trual.

NEW paper. Wo pay all coata , NO BROKERS FEES,

— Foataorvfco-Cali orwrllo for

My Molropoillan Mortgogo 4__ ____Socurllios Co,, inc, 1055PLE Bluo U koa Blvd. 734-0367.1 ^ 0V03 733-3669,____________ _

■ 20 OZS-lnstructloning. ------------ ------------------------

3®Sr O20-MU8(C Lessons— PIANO LESSONSogo .B o g ln n in g -in to rm o d lo to , hos roasonabio roios. 734-9301.

Z ^ 3 Rm I Mtate*ilia- - — ■■I Of __ _____________________

7,1 02&-Open Houses

— D 3O =HD m 0i5i>LSalo___BRICK HOME wllh loiol ol 6 bdrm s. 2 both. 2 firoplacos.

~ lull linishod boaomont. heal pump with doubio garago.

V® M2.KI0 roalior ownod. Call '• / ; Will 73«0efl Of Moln Woal^ R6<ltv73HI5M.__________Z t t BY OWNER; 3 bdrm. to- ,ho modolod, Nico locallon.

Foncod yd., sior. A/C, D/W, — . dlap. tolrig, 7 V i\ astum . Of*' loan. *46,900.733-7822

— BY-OWNER: 2-Bdrm jU ,

BY OWNER; Hoat olllclont 3 IHn bdrm, 2 bolh, full basomoni "1? brick homo,” -2,100 'S F , 3 ll, M2,500, 974 Ooimor Dr. Coli

^o r COLLEGE MEADOWS 2our Bodroom condo, ,. Nowork carpoiing. good assumableilnii Idaho Housing loan. Cali

734-4411- _ 1 _______f f f ' n v r ^ 0 R M , '2 KfTCHENS,lly rent for or buy forlOy. S440/month. 237 Elm. 734-ood ___________

l !!' f o r y o u r f a m il y•(53.000-3 bdrm brick, nico yard, cloan. cloae lo shop-

ro- plnn. SlO.OOOdown.In- •S^.SOO-Shoip 4 bdrm, full ol basom oni, family toom. low

los down pyml. Kimboily, T77. iloi •MS.OW'Uriiquo 3 bdrm.aon___Dice loncod backyord. quiol

— altobiru3i»urnyom %. T78,~ — -•*58;000/Juallly— 4— trfrm-3uii bilck, boaomont. big rooma,

- quloi aroa. A good Ouyl B4,,au •J82.500-3 bdrm on Hoyburn , or W osl wilt) pool 4 play- and ground. JIO.OOO dn or Irado.


™ 73M«Mor5<M222

call-1 /J\fij

*7' \/' \

31 \ ■

s s i f i e d

! 7 3 3 -U 9 3 1 ___________

/ ,

l jfu a rv 21. lUtM

n ta ls0 3 0 - H o r i .J t f o r ^ o

quip b' y OWNER,' voiy nice, ram;— b’JdrmT^tpBirrnomortrrout jsfui , NE oroa. Largo Kliclio Jusl- /»/C, Firoploco. Dig 2 ^0 or narago. All on iorflo ic Can i05,OOP CALL 734-0336. ‘roa. oy" o w n e r . Romodcic

Palmed. North prosidoni : _ 540.000. Pmln. under J IC

— ____Low down paymoni. init ___ 031.734-1379. . ._

BY OWNER: Hugo 5 b'dim, bolh on foncod iv r aciu

flp' Spa, landscaping. S119,9C ^ ___ T®rm6,733-e02flovit3-------


" • • •000.

GORGEOUS BRICK HOM “ in primo NE location,

bodrooms. lamily room,— cozy liroplaco, AiiactioGol garago & boauillul yord, wll ®dll shrubs 4 irooa. FANTASTI1 * VALUE lor only 149,900. Ca • ra - T od .,I

a -HAMLETT REALTK:Si» . Joyce C o to - ............ 7 3 3 ^

O araK am la tt..........733-403

MOVING; lor sale by ownoi— large o laer homo. 3000-t s late It. appraised al *6J,00( — i . . .a s k in g — *57,000-. W/J500 ont. down. Assumo FHA loan € 391. *52,000. paymonls *633. ta __ & Insuranco Included, Zono000 tor livo al home buslnos: ovuri day coro cenlor-olllco, Wl 733— nogoUato.-734U010.—__ NICE A bdrm homo. 2 ball-tale lininishod family roon' USI, woodstovo. lonco

\ND 734-3346 ollor 5pm.______ _all ONEOFT.F.FINEST

:ES. NEIGHBORHOODSjfo r - 368 Alluras Dr-by-ownor.-

" 4 ' ro o m .’ firoploco. Boauilli 1055 yard, oul bulldlngs-dog rur 367. M9.500. *5000 down, assum

*625 mon pymt. immodiat— posaoaaion. 436-6227 days

t o - 6620ovo8 &wknds.= Prlco dropped *5000. 1;

acre,.ranch stylo. 3 bdrm. bth. A ssum o 0.5% Im 172.500.734-1357.324-5199

ito .._SH A R P3B D R M .2blti home I. n /c lor Iho hot summo

ahead , largo loncod yarc RV parking, dog konnof w/

---------runarsloragD-unltrexc-lociHon. dbl garogo. Assumobi'

— 10% loan. *65,900, 734-467' __ Markelino Assoc. Roailota,

VERY NICE 2 bdrm homi wllh lull baaemonL.(iaiaoc *38.000. Call Will 73«oee 0 Main Woal Realty

~ r , J^Bdrm r b a lf i f t i l c k homo *' (or saie by ownor. 660 Borah

o a . *39,500. 754.3285 loavo mao, e-Bdrm brick Excellenl N.E locallon. Luxury Ihioughou a /c . large dbl garage, boa consirucllon, 2 liroplacos

— • many Irull Irooa, 573.750

R ^ t y

031-Outo(T9wn iow.-V'ERY NICE. 3 bdriTLhomo'li ms Wondoli. ■ Eloctnc hoal

garage, noorly now cond V l good location on Eosl 0 Avo ’'J? oxc llnoneing avail- *49.950 Sp Call B o b -Jo n so n . ollicn

734-4875 or homo, 324-5076 __ ___MPtkaiiDQ^saQc^onllciiL.



1urnay- — — ■

y I n s s

II i-TllPv

I fS

N I — —

032-Buhl-Fller Hemes

e, 3

4"b OHM; V baih . split entr oil electric: wllh compio winiodzaiion. 2,500 SF, vio

— ol Soulh Hllli. Asklr 3iod JM.500. By ownc oall 42 ^1^ - 5201.302 G um ,pr, Klmborli

,[Q4->l9rome Homes .frTl Qy’oWNER. 3 bdrm, 2 bai -103 10''' ir't-'. assumablo toa 1,900. Mako mo on ollor. 324-7264.

boim, 3 bath, low dov _ paymoni, assumable 9

loan, 733-?323ot324-4332. FO R 's a le oy OWNER: Ddrm. possible 5 bdrr Assumoblo, Call 324-2650^

• OWNEH'dESPERATE! *30 will got you inlo Ihls nowot

l u p bdrm homo w/garago. Lo , 7 intorosl assumable loa

4 oxc ln^sm^nt^324;2792.__ t'lod 2 DDRM, largo lam. 4 livIr with loom.Paiiial basomor ;riC Lonnox AlC. Allached C Cali Port. Sior- Shod. Cornor Ic

Exc location in JEROM Priced roasonabio. FC


Ice) -------------- - t : ------------ —037-F annsl'R anches


(ior. Includod. Outstandingso bdrm home.

000. 200 Acre# double 3 sidSOOO. opener.tloa tB liss-------n o t "TM Acca slocK ranch nl Hlax Cily assumablo low in le r

nod contract.)ss. VERY GOOO. 4G ocro: Wlil grade "A" dairy, double_______horrlno-t>ono,-1J5cowa...1t

Vandonborg lockups, 15C gal. tank. oxc. 4 bodrooi homo -f 2 mobile homo:

^ 1,__ C allJIm Pouiflon 543-4930.

— BARNESREALTY 1043 Bluo Lakoa North

Call 733-6227120 ACRES prlmo land l(

br 460-7595.______________loto 194 Acres NE ol Joromi lys. Norlhsido canal water,

homoa w/vory good lr TT. provomonls. Good lan ' 5 ground. Can bo spill into In, parcels, oach wllh a homi

Priced 10 soil nov — Northwosi Professional Rirno.__aily.324-7518____mer ' —------*

C » -A c raaoe&Lots----- BEAUTIFDL— ROCK~Croc

iDle Canyon 2'^ or 5 acroa. t875, owner. 734-2445-_________^ ------------------------------>mo .................................

J°or QhEAT FAMILY HOME I5. lop NE area, 3 bodrooms. men— D airrnjarr-Tim snod "baSi rah. mont, lamily room, cos i(j, firoploco. lots ol lOon


1°“! AMERICAN REAL ESTATE 'p3 4 APPRAISAL?5o! (Across I r o ^ C ^ r t Houso,

— Doug Voiimcf, Brokor Mary AkKorman - , . 734-36! AldaSlrong ........... 733-09

B'ln - D o n n la V o i lm o rn 3 -9 1 l oal.' ■ L'owollWilis •••md. ___________ ______"TO. 5 ACRES w/5 bodroom.3 ^ ' baths. HOME 1200 tl. shO|Ico. Lois ol Irees.- noor TWif375. fo r BLEOW APPRAISAIs. _________________

lewm d


1 ' '^ '

® - i

' Q33-Acreage&L3ls MOBILE HOME tiOTS"”

I-------- aalo •'Maglc-Valicy-Mot— EDtatos” , Now aiitli s '" 'f y ' divisfonrWashingion Sl- PiO‘0 i 1 block woal on Phoan view Rti.Eosy lorm s, 734-8943.

’‘'*"0 SMALL olo'ck Solup on ' octos with 3 bdrm. 2 b

, mobiio homo-Coil 629-521 1 ACRE bu ild ing 'lo i

____ __ Halloy. Rivor Vlow..Soilba lh . Irado lor Incomo ptopoit; loan. T v ^ F a l l 3 _ ^ n 3 ; 7 4 _

28 ACr’ES or loss. Can 08. 3 — divided__ South__ East .Jow n Joromo.733-2323or324-4.

9% _ __________

f 3 039 -B uslness Propertyidrm. INSUUTED BLOO., 'n .6 _____now 1875 or 3750 SF roslr*3000 olllco. iQ.door. 734-2338 wor 3 ’I Low 040-Cem otery Lols

fivino M<-Coiidomlnlumsnent.I Cor ______________________

l«5-M6blle HomesF O R ----------------------------------


20NLY 1 Single wfdo 1 Doublewldo

------CONTEMPORARrHOME’ 2064 Kimboriy Roadaide. C A L L . . , . , . . ^ . _ 7 3 ^ a

, Hill -NEWKITHOYALOAK' lo rst 24x56 3 bdrm . 2 balh.

olecirlc lor aalo wilh lot, - ,05 Magic Valley Mobiio Hor )lo 0 Esiatos Washington Si. S ...100 . Phoasant Road. Contact


----------- FJiCrraO'BROADMOREBDHM. *8.200. PHOI

h 734-0236,__________________ SHOW MODEL SPECIALI] lor 1984 24x56 3 bdrm boauli

5-loi— 3cquolar'2xe walls, loadc )74, Iroo skirling 4 no park rc

___ IllIMay. 1904 or Iroo Doiplsmo Canoo. Oniy 524,995 4 ea , 2 bonklinar^clnn. HURRYI

im- Magic Vailoy Mobile Hom« larm 7 ^ < l110 2 SPECIAL PRICE 'omo. 1984 Broodmoro 14 II- wi now. wilh 0" wolis. oxira Insu I Re- lion. 4 all olociric. Jt2.fl

includoa deilvory and s o l ' “ “ locally


4 mitoa N o l Porrinu Brie----- T-F, Cali 734-3167or 436-57C

14 11 wido mobile hor partly lurn. locaiod al Laz

E In Park, *11.000. 733-8959. ns 2 ■^n7nn.7nnn',f.7;;'AV in l^

a t Camoo Esiolos. Spoco Call 734-2269 or 629-5170.

' 1977 FAIRVIEW Custc 14x70'. 2 Bdrm..dining roo

»Tc wot bat. furniahod. w/ni Konmoro washor and diyi

ISO} Al shapo. 734-9379.______1960 SAHARA 24X56.3 bod balh. AL siOing. shlnoK

»r Exc cond. Aaaumabie 12.5-3662 loan. Call 536-6119. ___

1960 14x70 MOBILE HOM Totally oieclilc. 3 bdrm. ni

-<562 -carpol;— Storm— wmoov^__ skirting S olociric panelm 3 ciudoo. Liko now. must s ;hop. Ihla ono to ?ppfocia WIN- • 512,500. II- Inlcrosiod-.c SAL, C76-94S6.9-6 or 678-9601 al _______ Bom 4 ask lor Thucm.

r iijm; a i i t l

V nplica' 01>'» '» P''"’" ’ c

iS S lO3 5 ^= ------- -

0 1 1 y J

i f f



M W itoblleH om Mr s l o r 14*70 BEAUTIFUL onoMnbllo olllcloni 3 bdtm Broadmc i r su fr ■ 2 lull balhrdoublLHiTndbSI So. earth woodslove. qu:

loononi carpel 4 drapos. lull skiM3 ing wllh 6 " Insulation.7,--fO olocltlc. Call 436-94502 bait" ______________-52t4. 1983 BAYWOOD. 14x56^ ' I n brdm. Liko now. 324-3001-SOU-Ot ._ - - - jotiy in 3 BodroomDoublewldi

- 1979 Skyline 24x60 Ab~an bo Avorago Condlllon. Sacrl

ol lor S24.900, Locaiod ol Sp J4-4337:— »1«0 SKylane MobMoPark------- CONTEMPORARY HOM

oslrm.^ a n— I f M R e n ta l s

050-Fumished HousesBEAUTIFUL nowor 4 bc

------- 2Vi balh homo, w/llropiond loncod yard. 2fi0 Mr

------- ows Ln- T.F.. *575/moPj^ONJ 733-4421._______

I c o m fy '" clean. wlnlorU** carpot. ..cJroDos. 1 b

mobiio homo, m ost ulilll no ools. 733-6234.

■> FURNISHED mobllo ho. m n Cl'iT'i^ 5165 por monlh. 423-5263.H-.2fi73 HANSEN 2 bdrm. MP

Homo, cloan lurnlah AK- - Rnaoonablo.Call423-S13t Ih. ali n ea r LYNWOOD. 2 BDI lot. Al WATER, yard caro provlcl Home *275 plus deposit. No p' 11- S 4 roloroncos, 734-6336.El_______ QtJLYiioQm3..+ bolh. Ic»>ee Ior 1 person. Has hidi /Mt:& carpol. romodol

*100. 733-8&7or 733^2534

S O ^ alnglo or couple. “ ONE North Washlnnion.;rp ,V SMALL 1 bOrm houso » ‘ALv , garago. Walor & trash

ctudod.5125,734-0693.. WITH WASHER A

o inhn ORYER. Adults, no pi ■ Doposil ond roloncos

qufod . PHONE: 733< (j- 0 8 “ "Of * w eekdays, anyt

wookonds.____________- t - $460. P -« . 3 bdrm. 2 b.

u,iHn rolrig. stovo. dishwasi nruia- disposal, waiorbods. ■,2900 bsmt. w /hookups. lon

yard, w/truil iroos, or aol up . .. Sawloolh Sch

DIslrlcl, 1603 Rlchmc Evana Proparty Maru

^ .............. ntenl.-7a*446l— ----------

051-U nlijm .H ouamhome HAZELTON: 2 Brdm Hoi

Lazy d W/slovo, hoat elflcloni. > hookup S17S/monlh 3 dop. Call 432-4475. ___

Before you know ll-winie gono and H'a lime lor ll lng. camping 4 vacaiio

„7nn^ vvhat to do with tho ront; (v/now Cali onTtifo* C Proporty Managi

------- N ow ThruM arclil8tw eobod. 2 a SPECIAL Spring DIacm ngloa. m c th A v a .N . 73*<a5e.

IN KIMOERLY. Unfurnisl - 3 bdrm. 4-piox. Fairly n>

tOMg, rent inci. rolrlgoralor, ale n .new walor & saniiaiion. No p< lOOWs; J250 i dooosll. 733-4952,'noi in- ------ ------- - --sl soo Avail immoaiatoiy Dciaio Buchanan SI. 2 + bdn i . can garage. I r p l . l o r iho l

5 3Ha*i a i e e s l

no7a3'U'Jl' 1*on o> -IftU

I ^




051->Unfum. Housesnorgy a CUTE 3 BDRM Hoi

awSMsaiMf'-ATTRACTIVE U rgo 2 bd

pe ts . 733-5307.

2 FIVE BDRM. 2 KTTCHI01. rent lor *3M ot buy------------ 5440/monih. 237 Elm.-Ido ’331________ _________Abovo FOR RENT: Smali 2 & crilico • homo. *200 Plus ulll. iSpaco doposll. Garbogoand Wiirk:-------- poldT-?94«2S58-*>y3'T34-(

nlQhlsand wknds.IMES _____________________•d---------- CLEAN 2 BDRM HOME, 14-2673----Jollerson, slovo lurnlsl ------- -----5250/month- 733-1072.

r l i i e lbdrm,

i Mailibdrm

!!!!"B------------^AOb\lolahod. ^ m m m '

i t s O f f i c e Ivided. AAonJoy througli Fricpels, day0o.m .lol2N ooi

D i M d l i iM___ 5 p.m, Mondoy-FrklUfltJlQ— day. 12 Nqo'»_So1» ) 105 a n d Mondoy.____ o - f lT f f fT T in n n i

r t i N o t i c e !' AND PcH ECK VOUR AD Orpota. C HON. II thofo ihoul

IS ro- jo I lm c i.N c w i immod3-3712 }onol bo rosponiiblo lytimo____ g o a

; R a t e s -oncod Pnvai» Parly AdiSchool-- -------------------------------mond. t-ro,olDoy» 1

---------------= ■ -----------------------------------

____ ' I N o .o lD o y > ~ 'T r ilouao. HJ,,..'• . " i s 2o-<

n in rli ’lO"* w ithout copy Con oii "moving «oio

,Ilona od». Othor rote* ovoi■ntal?

to lfo r D A C > i a l 4 i c <» « n i. KOSUlTS^stiTd •now. I s o l d

atovo. .1pota. .......... __________ ________

t __ r o f r l g o r a t o r' h o f i r s t

- . . d a y J . " ________

ST"c e s

Comi 1 MarcI T h e T w in F a llI ' m u n i t y i s c o n s t

, I c h a n g i n g . Nev*_ 1 _____ p e a r , .o ld .n Q G iS .

■ q u i r e n e w o w n :I ■ t e r e s t i n g is a l w a

I If y o u h a v e aI c h a n g c s in y o u iI h e r e ’s a n e a s y

. I c u s t o m e r s u p tiI h a p p e n i n g . . .

' I Interest I your I appear o

'jl If intenJ l your Sale!

I or Ptio Tin

r; I_____ Tele: I D eask for

007-051 I13 051-Unfum. Houses j

loV.°'?M AVAILABL-g:. 2 bdrm homo J

^ ------ t»^lt.Cafl734"o798. ’’ ;2 bdtm. ,_______ \ ________________ ;

AVAILABLE FEB 15; 3 barm. o>ora or j dishw ahor. stovo. lull______ ■ basom oni. earth stovo, oul-rCHENS “Ido po ls oniy. *395 + 5400 buy lor doposll. 733-7{e7alter 4pm. m. 734- AVAILABLE. Match lot-

Unique, all oloctric 2 bdrm2 2 bath, Franklin III Dius woodslove. ' dock. lull ■d'Wolor garage. 3/4 acroa In Cily ol ..M4-M48— twln-Foilo,-*375i por .month,---------------

1st 4 last. 733-3554._______________ BASIC 2 bdrm. houno lor « .)ME, 474 ronl,*150/monlh.S50dopO5- iinlshod. il. Poy own ullllllos. 423-4670 '2. or 734-6167,

People’s tetplace 834)931 -! H o u r s ------------------- —I Fridoy 0 a.rr>. 10 5:30 p .m . Saiur-

II r i e s ---------^■ Fridoy lor p u b lic ^ ian lo lluw inq Soliifdfiv l^r r>iililirnrion Sundoy

» a a 6 0 fl a a - f l v a - o - i n r n n n n n g

B l ------------------------------------------ i I3 ON TME FIRSI DAY OF PUBLICA-• ------hould bo an orror pluoi.i coil Tho® modioloiy, Tho Titn..s-N..wi w ill o •iblo lor morn Ihoti ono ineorrc icto

O O O O P O Q O O O g g f l g g g g g f l n

1 I 2-3 I 4-7 I e-10 I

■s:50" - 7:00- -10:50- -14:50- ^ ------r r ts ' U -20 21-25 26-301 20.00 22.25 25.75 28.00py chongo, Propaym ont roqu irod to io" ad» ond "posilion w on lod" avolloblo upon foquo ii.

t s ! ----------------------------- 1

- g s r i : :

l i n g

: h 5 th

-alls business com- nstantly growing and- |lew businesses ap-

A/ners, Something ifi- ' [ways happening, i

a new business or :our existing business, sy way to bring your p to (date with what's

s t e d in h a v i n g i r b u s i n e s s r o n t h i s p a g e ?erested contact les Representative tione 733-0931 rimes-Newsilemarketing____ L__Department ^for Lori or Gindy 1


j ■

Page 21: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud

I CUTE Ddrm. Noar bijo[— ____jaKec .malL__ Slovu^olill}-• Sl95walQ/i nanii.734.iS40

■ nTc E 3 BDRM Homo In Quhi.Good location with lonccdyard, CalLMWJM;_______

tlH E bO F PAYING RENT7 Nood a lax doducilon? Tno bosi Invoslmorn you can ,nattO Is a now Raln Troo hom o. Modols now avaliatiio l;om W7.60Q wllh as llllli: ;r. 4% down. Call 734-9GOO dayi

_______Of r33J0i3_pycnlnfl3,.VERY Nice 3 bfltm homo.

’ L argo yard & pallo. good' • location, J325 por monlh ♦

StOO cloanlng doposii. CallMlkoal4?a-<M7._________Vlo havo ronlal homos avallablo. Bolh 2 & 3 bdrm. Ronta ranQO Irom USO 10 J420 por monlh. Cnil us lo-

, day (oryour fontalnoods. Aurora Co^Ual^fpof«ltofi

Evea&wcMkonda P atty HlQOlnB 73*-t465.

1 SDRM ol 159 Quincy Sl. SIDO month. Call allor 5:30 PM o r wookonds. 734-6719.1 BDRM In Joromo, slovo &

■ f«ldQO. No pots, J135. Call3?4-^986.________________*140. I fiOflM. Elociric hoal,

a ls o 10 town, 332 3rd Wosi. II 734.41180 to coo.

'• '1 bdrm homo. 33214 3rd Avo Wont. Call 734-4089._______2 a n d 3 bdrm houso (or ronl.

------ r - T h r o e C-Pfop«rty Mtiwo«f»-73V6a58.0pon7d«Y9«wk.2 BDRM HOUSE in JEROME lor ronl. CALL 6:30 In Ifto o vot>lnn.733-6191._________

-- — 2~ D d m rh o m o ro as hooted: - S200/mo. n o o dop. 733-5722 d avo. 73t-7346 ovos. i s sa . p-77. 2 bdrm. 1 balh,

yarS^’ sTM nd Avo, ^ EviSa” P ^ p o ^ Manioemenl,

S200-2-.bdfm. now carpol. . w ash o r A drvor hookup, 423

----------R u3aol,-C aflH yi»B -'^--------*225. P-7B. 2 bdrm, 1 balh. rolrig , slovo. carpol. drapos. co rn o r lol, washor/dryor hookups, 506 3rd Avo. E, E vana Prupofty Mtnio*-

TT . . m e n t. 734.14&1___________S2S0. P-4. 2W bodrooms. \ b a th , largo kllchon. w/d hookup , yatd. 046 Bluo Laktja Blvd. Evins PropertyM anaaom ant. 734-1401 ------*276. P-3S. 2 bdim. 1 balh. rom odolodj rolrig, _stovo. cdrpbl7"iIrupo4, futr osmi, (oncod yard, garago. 245 3id Avo. N, Evwi# Property Marta Qpment. 734-1401 *250. P-19. 3 bdrm, 1 bath. C ounlry homo, largo lot. w oodatovo, carpol, drapos,

g a ra g o . ' ^ 9 ok. Hwy 30, Murtaugh, Evans Property M artaaem ent. 734-1401.*290. P-W. NICO 2 bd/m tow nhouso. 1 bath, carpol, d ra p o s . dlshwashor, slovo,

I rol. n /c , carpon. 776 N.I W aahlnoion. Evan* Property 1 I Managem ent. 734-14trt \ aB O R .B rlck. Irplco, Imlyim,.

No pols, Roloroncos roq, *335 t125dOD. 733-8082.3 BDRM. Homo, das hoal,

---------- u tt‘‘»240.-7^7873 BDRM HOME <n Joromo. W oodburnino slovo, no po ta . J250 + doposii & rol- o roncos. Call 734-71£fi...........-

______ *300 . Nico 2 bdrm, 1

w oodatovor’tvVo hoo™up^~ largo (oncod yard. 356 Birch S l„ Kimboriy. E»*n».Pro. oortv Minaoemont. 734-1401 *300. P-94, Largo 2 bdrm. 1

. b a lh , slovo, tolrlg, carpol, d rapoa . washor, drvor.

Ba rago, (onco yard. 444 von u ron . Evans Property M(r>*

qQBmcnt. 734,1401.*350. P-K. 3 bdrm. 1 bath, a tovo. Washor/dryor hook- up. carpol. drapos. woodstovo, rull bsmt, yaid. Q26 King Clrclo. Evans Pro- pertyM arnpem ent. 734-1401 *375. TH. 2 bdrm, 1 bath, o llico aroa. firopiaco. (oncod yard. 579 Monlo

— — VlstuTEw n6'P /0M nv'M *rP“ ... -■ .« otrm anL 734-14{n. .___

4 BDRM, 2 balh. lamlly rm w /carrosol. Full basomcni. Saw tooth achool, 1430 +dop. 423-4643.____________4 BDRM. 2 bath, doublo noraao . Now homo. J4M m onlh + S200 doposii.734-5000.________________•1 BDRM, 3 BATH homo lot ront. or poasiblo looso w /op tin to buy. ON ACREAGE. $450/monlh. PHONE: 734-2911 or 324-2910 nllofSPM ._______________4 BDRM HOUSE. $275. ♦ . SIOO doposit. Avail. Fob 15. 734-07B5,allor5.





a v u s i iM O ' ,-O uP s i P v i r i

BnO HZEOaABYSHoH Havo Ihoso momoi prosorvod (orovor In hror

; sliver, or gold. Spot-i? W. Phono 423-4107. BUILDING MAIWTENANCBulk] somo thingsR epalrm ost ihlngs Renw del ar>yihlnn. 733-21 CARPENTRY Romodol or now «

_____ _____ airuclion. NothlnQjooJ*Of Bmall. 734-3144 flAHPgMTTTY

• • Romodol. craltsmons I .proloasionally dono at c1 politlvo pricoa. Roloron<1 Platts & Sons 734-2251 0V(

I 051-U nfum . Houkw

zntals-Mi051—Unfum. Houwa

iijo fl Bdrm homo. Family toon111}____ dblri c a r gar. ^3003F.«00-3 ■ J400dop. 734.1263 ovor.

:cd 052—Fum. Apt. iD up.=■ a' T lT an” ! bdrrn lum.ap ' ' W ator & sonliailon paid. N'an po ls . 1135 mo. 734-4070.___fnn CLEAN, Catpolod btudio a|

W ator i sanl paid. No pol; V> »165 + dopoall. 733-0907. 3y-.> CLEAN bacholot apl, wait_____A _3anilatlon.Daid^iJ0/m i

+ dop, 676 All Sl. 13. nlo j 3406, 734-5050.____________

CLEAN STUOlO wllh wash< ;ail & dryor. J125 par monlh • _ t60d^Op. No pots. 734-5377. ios Excolloni Neldhtxxtiood tm. N oat Sludio, J165. 1 porsoi to N on amokor. Call 734-7105.

10- FURNISHED 2 bdrm Irallor 1 bdrm apl In Kimboriy. Ci

)n 733-6294.________________KITCHENETTES AN nlooplng rooms. Phonc. 733.^54,______LOOKINQFORAHOUSEO APARTMENT7 Call Qulller;733-2940.___________ -

L l Nico 1 bdrm (urnlshod ap All uiilltlos Indudod. Su

- . por monlh. Call 733-4593. -. ' SEVERAL 1 BOHM APT!

’ • C loan. S110-J170. Call 73 1333.

'''® ahow or. utHltlos lurnljhoi- Idoal lo r eoupio. $145. 73;"• 2513. _____________»™— 3 T u 6 r6 . vory- ' nici

dow ntow n, hoat. waior winilallon lurniBhod, N

f'o pola.*125-i- dop. 734-5516. -- 1 BRDM, ApartmonI, voi 5d: — “ Cloan,"--carpoloa,-'-I.parti ^ 2 lurn ishod . gulot orca. Cal- 11 Kitchon apis. Cablo TA Itl. convonlont loc. J45-J55 wl

i),® *135. P-74, Sludio, util, pd a tovo & rol. 317 Shoshor

- S t. Evana Property Mai 01, . aqam en t,73* -1W .-.i ii------ * i4 5 _ p -3 0 _ t- l> d rm ^ a ti- paid, Kimboriy, Evana Pn

party Marugemeni, 7303. 1401.

*1M, P .^ , Nico 1 bdrm, bath , rolrlo, stovo, parti

9^ ulillllos paid, 536 4th SI. ( _ E vans Property Managi. 1 m ant. 734-1461.__________''1 2 BORM (urnlshod dupIo:

Full basom onl. $225 p< monlh^-$50dop:31V M nni

_ SI. Coll 734-5543.________*75. P-4«. SludlO, Ap

___ Jurni3hed_260-2nd_Avo-JVh E vans Property Managi

m en t. 734-14&1,__________

HJ- 054-U nfum .A pt3 . ds! & Duplexes

?£' A vory culo 4 clean ."V Bodroom apt. Closo t- dow ntow n aroa. No' 'm oa rth tono carpols & pain o'. A ppilancos avail, gas hoa <0, vacant. J 2 4 ^ o r monlh. Ca N. KonRoval7;&-4321.^ All o loct. noar high school.- bdrm. S275 + doposii. Ha m. ro(rlg, atovo. waior pd. N

pola . Rofctoncos. 734-6336.- ATTRA'cTIVE Largo 2 bdrrt al. 0I0 V0- . rolrig, garago. a

utlllltoa paldrNosm oKorse10. po ts . 733-5307.___________h? BEAUTIFUL 2 bdrm, 2 bat ol- duplox, 2065 Falls Avo E

-----D iohwaaher, disposa, 1 (Iroploco, utility rm, Im/i

------CBrTOtedfunbasomtmfrJSfl3S, -t- ilOO dop, Includos watoi eh san ita tion , sowor. No pol: ro .— adullB proforrod. 733-57&1 2! CASA DEL PRADO: Wanle . 1 2 bdfJTi-.apts, vory door Dt, m odorn gardon apta In noti or. rat soitlno. convonloni loci 'an tlon. Appilancos (urnlshoi ir>- Including dlshwashor & dl9

poaal. Laundry on promlsos tn childron woicomo. no pola nl,; Ront basod on Incomo. 14

E ast Elghih Avo 41. Joromo rd Call 324-3464. EHO. r > CLEAN. 3 SDRM dupio 01 w /(oncod yord. cloao 1i ^ achoola & shopping. $350 ]"• Will diacounl. Calf78^573. iio CLEAN 1 bdrm opi. Rolrig irp— orators-stovo .-w ators-san

___ |iaUlJ^^<}l9..tl5q.-j-.dopp5

m! DELUXE DUPLEX-2 bdrm, : + ba th , (ull bsmt with Ig

finlahod room. A/C,- hoa pum p, wood burning stovo

,M Aulo narago door oponor ,l, (oncod yard wllh yard caio

pallo . Dfahwashor. disposal J- built-in aloroo apoakora. Nc

po la . Rollrod or woiklnj coupio prolorrod. Rol ro qulrod. $400 $150 dop. T6( Moadowa Lano. 733-^9 01 733-0106._________________

- DELUXE 2 BDRM 44>LEX. Al oloctric. $255, 750 Spaik:

'*• Avo. Call 734-1333.

■ k .


j k T * gW e l &t o pimorloa For drivowaybronzo, lota, oic. You htSpecial dollvor, NorthiI:____ _________ andRlnolnp. 73:UNCE LANPSCAPtHG

Pruning, pow wookly molnlon

13-2177. cloan-up-734-6I1--------- -------------- PAINHNQ.HANI con- Handyman w()0 largo____ ____ oncos. Froo_______________ W orkauarariloo______ _________ PLUMBING ANClonshlp, Stutsm an's Plunat com- Hoaiing 4 Woroncos. rom o d o li ropal; 1 ovos.

\ e r c h a n d i

054-U nfum :A pls.— & Duploxos00- . ALl^E'LECTRTo-2-bd»m-4.

plox Apl. appilancos, carpo . & dropoa, air conditioning

luundry (aclllllos. carpon. nc po ts . S2CS4- $150 dcpo'it

— Avallablo March V 733-83*0I No ExcoIloTii 2-Bdim 2-batf ___duplox al . Easlland I0 apt Siadlum .-Carpotcd,.drapes noia k llchon appl, lurnlsnod, w I

d hookup, auto garagr -;t : , doof,o!oc hoat pjm p wiir

a /c$ 3 5 0 -f JtSOdopNopota^ ---- 73^6467 733^5600.------------

EXTRA-NICE 2 bdifn. Al

r ;77. FALLS APARTMEKT3;" C loso to schools A-shop

p ing. Childron woleomo L’r®"' Warm, (riondly i gulot at

m osphoro . 1 & 2 bdrm apis " y ?l J1D5& $240 mon. 863Qulncy.

CALL73*«00 — FILER: 3 Bdrm apl, 2-baths AND kllchon appilancos, caipot f'o"® ing , dropos. garago. $300___ W otor & sant paid. 734-780-EOR or 734-6567,_____________ _lel'3. JEROME. Lovoly 2 t)drm----- carpo l. drapoa, stovo S roapl. Irig,, Ilroplaco. dlshwashor $165 W /D hookup, garago win . -. . - a u lo m a lic openor. Seo lc PTS approclalo . $295 + dop. Nc ' 734I POIa. 324-3301.7204or5163.-

^ r0 0 . apa c (0 u s . s u ~

Ihod drapoa . appl.. oxc. location 733. *266 por monlh 734^997.

Largo 1 BDRM, Also large ^ -iSTU D IO .— Moat—i —watoi 0, i lu rnlahod. 633 Shoshono N.

No 733-flSaa or 734-5325_______16. .N oar(y now duplox. $275. vory A lso: 3-bdrm. 2 bath. apl. 01

lartly— lurntnnoa:733-52i7.----------Call N ic e 2 bdrm, J260/mo. Noai , -fV Lynwood Mall. Slovo. Irig.1 carport, laundrv.326-H73.

bdrm , Kllchon appilancos, h ^ 'o VV/D hookup, pallo. carpon. Man- ao ll waior. santliailon&yarc

c aro lurnishod. $300 poi— month + dODOBlt. 734-7527. ^ SENIOR C1TI2ENS-1 bdrrr ^ un ll. Kimboriy. Bilck wltti

a o lar aun rooms, ront ac- — , cord inn lo (ncoinp, 4234051,Mllal Equal OnponunllyHouBlnfl,;i M W aahlngton St. Nonh-Vor> uoftl c loan 2 bdrm condo. Sulll In

“ app le & Ilroplaco. $300 poi - r ~ m onlh . Call 734^700 daya plo*. •8:30-5;00 or ovonlngs !

PyL. w ookanda 734-7931._______■ .1 BDRM. Apl. Washor/Dryoi

-7—, hookup. $1M deposit. CaliApt- 734-asfl or 7 3 3 -2 2 1 1 .___

— l-BORMOUPLEXrRotnnora; “ to r, alovo S waior furnishod,

----- $170 ■» dep-C all 733-1735.----- 1.2 or 3 bdrm. apis., un.

(urnlshod. No pots. Cali733-0740_________________

___ *100. P-34. 1 b^m , 1 balh

in .2 3rd Avo. N. Evana Property I to M anage m ent. 734-1401.Now 2 Bdrm, Opon boam colllnp,

(Iropl, dlahv/ashor, disposal, hool. alovo & rofrio.. jacuzzl. No (Jail DolB. *295.73j-t6i2.734-B229

----- 2 BOHM APT. For moro In->01.2 |ormnllon.Call733-5374.

2 BDRM DUPLEX. Stovo S ro lrlgorator, carpot, drapoa,

2!L AC. carpon . J225 por monlh drm. + *100daposll.734-3243.' 0" 2 BDRM DUPLEX, Finished rao>— boaom ontrJ225; 161571 iiAvo___ E aal. 733-114S oves.

2 BORM In Twin, Balh & Vt. 0 E. ca rp o n . laundry laelllUos. psal, - opptinncoa S patio. $265 -f

dop.326-404flor3?fr463S. *200. P - « . 2 bdrm, 1 bath, rolrig . stovo, caipot, drapoa,

DOIS. ^ r,ook.upa waler paid,— noxt lo park. 35t Lo(s II.

idmI *2*5. KR. 2 bdrm, 1 bath, ro t.


S ', 140)mo. _____ ___________________

0 56-R oom 8 For Rant ' 10 ROOMMATE WANTED:^350, S haro 3 bdrm houso. with^ tw o young mon, $150monlh.ilrlg- u lllllloapald, 734-1419,

pp5?_....05Z-!Jblobl]aiJome.— ____;T"5 U M - P*1®- f^lco 3 bdrm, 2

i- tja lh motJllo homo, rolrig. h„ ;i a lovo. washor S dryor,

carpo l, dropoa. Hwy 30 M urtaugh, Evans Proporty M anaoem enl. 734-14171

)sal' 2 BORM Mobilo Hcmo, SE ol , No Jo ro m o . big yord. wood king a lovo, appilancos, dish-

ro- w asho r. No smokers or 180 D o ts .*290 ■►dop. 324-3655.

9 or 2 bodroom 14x60 in Bluo Lokos Adult‘Poik, No pots.

Alt H om o la In oxcollont condl- n,Kn lion. Eloc. hoai. $250 + do-

poall. Call 734-9880.733-9576.

?rvice gu nd direct

OP SOIL TaSRogflvaya. parking Build, noJ haul or wo con on. 25%inhwoal Crano M archjro733-1234. TREE SEF

NO___________ Troo &)owor roklng.lonanco. spring jm _ n u o i1-6166,324-5962. YAROWO lANDYMAN Powor r

work, Rolor- (rulttiooaso Eatlmaioa.____ Froo osl.1ood324-740i: '^N0 WELDING Why kooi'lumblng. longer noWolding. Now. easy, lno:pair. 733-7124 ad.


jrpoiX i

I. no X

w'*'ioTh /

6 /ipca. - • / /

irago / Vwllh I '

lor & I \

— . • I ■.hop- \omo. \ ^t at- V ________ /apis. Y --------- (ney. X I

itiia. A

i§s;:-7804 .■drm.

Jhor! " th e recordO 'lS .I, No *------------------------------------63.-......................................................


A pprox 1300 SQ. (I. Tu— carp o io d , oKieo or shi argo o p aco . Cornor ol Addison rater.— Waghlnpion.-Call 423^202.- ® FOR RENT: Ollico— w arohouao spaco. Conti $275. Oalo 733-4846.II. or ________________________

OFFICE SPACE avallablo ( loaoo . bolt) Shoshono St.

"10. B luo U k o s Blvd. locatio i _ C on tac i Donna, 733-5200.

— PfllME-OFFtCES,—Addlat 'OOS. Avo. E. across Iro port, A lbe rtson 's . Ampto parkin yard 50O or 600 sq. II. Phor por_. D oohlor & Holloy.. Realtor

?L-___ Z34--2922________________jdrm _______________________

'*a” 075-Sewlngi Crafts W51.Infl, I------------------------------------Vory111 Irt - _____-por

days ]T-~-I &

Bip :


jairi, T1ML1Z2IC n*HK5 K,-246----------------- r»v..;;.i-^urn':77iTnrj

llnp. ■' "3Sa“.. No 3229 3 In-

10 s \ \ \ jpos,onih L


r ^ .Ilos.^ • rLVIHQ UHOIINCS >

wth, Mi.-'l l-wpOa, li„s:>,vmIi-jnv.-Ki,..lcaid,

11................... -fW -teoT .4M M ---age- g

gos *—ranslont.

lp -withnth.

yer. Ho 20: 0-} 13 OS.ToOrd^...

i ■Cilalod I'»I'><1


5 7 6 . _______________________

u id eto ry

ootlng & Remodeling tinow, rom odol. add y<

25% d iacount thru y<I. (roooa l. 423-5419. clSERVK^____________ ”& Shrubtiory trim- ic

Froo oal. Insurod.Troo C aro. 734-1464. iWORK&PRUNING r raking., shrubs &1008 p ru n ed . 7 yraoxp.asl. 73^7604.____________ ____

koop It w hon you no m ood II? Soil 11 Wllh an inoxponalvo classilied


d p la y e r has the hiccup he sam e thing over am

OSB-QffkaRentila___lully PRIVATE OFFICE with

shop coplloniat & onswo: on & sorvico. $200 monlh. J2-- -.— Bruco al-Qlobo .^toaliy

or 2626. . _____________ntaci 1.600 SF ol ollico sp

avallablo (or loaso In f (ntorslato Bank Build

— Cal l 383-3271 or733-0484.-

?IOn* ^ 5 P-20. JOO N. W Kimboriy. Idaho.-Largo

— (Ico Building 1700 sq

tono 720 SF o( ollico In 8lors____L akcj Olflco P a tk ._ i

733-7562 or 734-6398.

073-SewinD 4 Crafts

’ ij l j

ot .1tW l«.-<.ll iVtl|OCt-. All

CtmMldod CtaRm > erfm «nlC SJ30l

□ os ISOBlxt>y.OK7400B

A d v o r t is o --------------- f o r o i l i H I o o s-----

^ 1 p e r d o y


^ III I I II I II ! ■

No m atiot how you spnnd your days, cl.isr.ilicd IMS your bu iy r.chudulo. Pul clar.r.l1lod'2 iimo-saving dl­roctory ot goods ano sorv lcoa 10 wotk tor you loday.

ADVERTISE----------your- -------


PlacoO un^lci /ne fiojdinp 0/ youe ctioico!


:u p s a n d k e e p s s o y i n '

m d o v e r . "

_______ oes-WantedToRantl i l T ^ . LONG TERM rontors 1 ,worinp a-4 bdrm. g a rag^N .E .. 1. Call oxc rolatoncos.733-156( iiy-733* -B uy;— ooli, -irado , f_____ ciasslliod la Iho ono cspaco vou can do It all.

n FlrslJlldlng. ____^ ~ 1 * 3 M e r c h a n d l S '

Main ^ go o(- -------------------------------

_____ BEE EQUIPMENT, 30doiI 0 iuo Shallow aupora. Fac

Coll oqu lp , 10 Iramo, lots ol t~ —

COMPUTER dosk. VI gralnod (Inlsh, shall,dra

______ now . $60734-0077.COVE MINI STOR AREAS, (6x20's) all now Addloon Avo. W 733-6443 GOOD Condlllon lovo ! plua cotfTlorlabto c734-6577._____________Maytag Washor S d g roon : Eloctrolux (loor lah o r 3 brush; Danish r

/____ ___ orn._horflKO.od_diDina..lw /6 chairs; motal oflico I & upholstered chair: (

-5 Amorlcpn aola i lovo : co lloo table: 2 ond tat m itof saw compound w /atand . 734-5575.

,• METAL LETHE (or sale.a l 425 2nd Avo South or733-1488._____________Now Rainbows S Kirby uum a whllo ihoy last. $3C Call colloci 601-266-19326011266-6771.__________PHOENIX 5 ball C

Eulorlzod pinball mac^ xcollonl condition. ]

324-6414 days or 733- ovonlnnaA weekonds- PLAYBQY S PENTHQ C ollodion lor salo. s co lloclor'a Issuos. gpo

------------- oxcollont-condlllon.—Ca d o rS . 423-4367.

fiiI t e m s ' u r i d €

a d v e r t i s e d

s p e c i a l l o w

3 LINES,:....(Add S I.00 (or «a<For privalu Individ comtncrc.ol) lo toll Ihu lolal voluo ol oxcnnd SI.OOO. Tl<

____ I it«^m moM oppoOfrefund* or odjo»fi cancolled early.

■ C L I P T H

■W RiI N o m o s , a d c iro : JU q u o lo c J a p p ly t _ N o n -c o m m o rc i<


^ ■

■ ■■ ■I __________■■ ---------------------- ^I

________■ --------------------------

* C h o t k o n o ; ___

— ------- “ P lo flS o p u b U sh I

g NAM E:___■ A P D R E S S :

■ m

067-Ml8C6lianeous POOL fAQLE wllh : b a lls ^ so m o cuo stick

FIAGS- Mlb bags, eoic whllo, Gom Llnon Si 201 2nd Avo. Wesl. REFRIGERATOR 4 KE' w /lurgo C02 keg. $15( 423^017. _Skis tSO's, bibs, boot:

----------— 6. S20. Slereo-tecord 1• S30J3^qs5or $30.J23-4C

STEREO, a' n O 2 bl; whllo tv's: Pair ol woighl sol * boneh7 3 3 -h l7 .___________THE LARGEST soloct unllnlshod lutnliute- 1 o ra, rockots. stools, and roll lop doska. Tnc C anor Contor, 733-349; Foijnh Ave. E., Twin Fa TROPICAL FISH & cosaorlos. Valuod ovo moving, must, nolll Bc (or. Call 733-0102 ovonli THOY-eiLT Ro'iotlllers tory' prices dlscounl G ardon Counlry In G Froo aot up and Hlllo Coll coiloct 678-0226,

, TV TEST E0UIP(Plclurotubo tostor, col gonoralor. B & K anal loa l Iln. Call 733-9444.

----------- WIPE RAGS (or many_______ C heaper than papor t<in, -SOc/lb. 734.94l2Clalr

irs’ rroed 06&-CO(nputer8'.L a ro a , claaailled in liiSii:— _ whon you want to oxcl , n iro- ■unusodllom otorcaBh. 10 placo ------------------------ -----_ _ Oe&-Camera Equip.

ENLARGER 4 Tl j |_ _ ■■'washor.’ U aiisriargori

onlargor molor, dovol ' lanka. oasols, othor 0

---------- *150.324-5032.)_________ OLYMPUS OMI 35mm,

)doop, 5 carrying case incl. i l Factory boa t otlor. 734-6533.

■ o ltops,^ ip^N o— og^W antedT o_B uy_

Tr loa . 302 N. Main. 733-65! Fn^TfTp WANTED:now 496

WANTED: JoopardyTf nhni ' ’3lh editions. Of’*"'- In your ciosols & cat

---------- 8225.• ^'yof — —oor pol-sh mod- 072—Antiques i^oifo^’i J — 'A T m o u E -^ H O v r-s - : ir- Eai% M arch 3rd 10-7. Marc « aSar Si. Bornarda. 584 I tables’ Soxton. Blackloot. ID jnd coi m isH on-____________

074-M inlcal h o r ca ll--C H E S T 4pc. drum______ • w/aymbatla, new lifby vac- hoada. 324-4762, .$399.99 YAMAHA ORGAN lor 932 all 6 good condlllon. $800. ______ 423-5827.

lachino, 07$ -0 ff!ce Equlpmen MOVEABLE isio

I, ayalom , make odor.7jU-34S5orMarlone733iJrl

■ CALI___ ^coasottos, almosi no'■ original cost $175.'423;

IsiH ition^ :d e r $ r ; 0 0 0 :----- :i6 a t th is Q l>w ra te . . . A l >. 7 DAYS^ 0 0

•a ch oddition lino)ividuolv oi\ly (tion- (A d d ilCto ll po riono l itom i. *o l whicn d o o i no l For prI'Tli« prict* o l oocIi (non corr

oor in tho a d No no prico

■ H I S P O R T I O I

tiTE Y«I ro s s o n d to l o p h o n o nu m l: y to W o n t-A c d s fo r w h lc ^ 1 rc io l r o t e s o n ly .

: P R I N T W I T H D A R K P E 3 O N E S P A C E F O R E A C

_______ A c t io n A d ________

sh myqci fo r_ : ■ days fo

1 3 2 3 rd S t. W< m m m m m m m m r n

T uouoociny. F o b fua rv21 . I W . Tli

1______ 07B—Offte8 EquipmentI SOI of TWoTd^awer sloel cos cks. $75. cabinola $250 AND 1

oiorod X .suopiy. 077-Raiilo.TVSSIer»

KEG Ijnli COLOR Tolovlslons, U150. Call largo soloellon. From $3

- K on's TV & ApplianceOls ‘ai:o Main S. Twin. •' " •___d pluyof COLOR TV, wotks good.-4883. Can 734-0163._________black 4 FOR SALE: Siereo aysol skis: 40 wall Konwood. ameh; Cull Tunor, Tocrtnlc* lurnlal

casso llo deck plua slictlon 'ol cabinet. Sold Individual. d ress ' 09 a sot. Call Pal. JR.

i. ?halrs 4351 .days. S43-6398.OV0;rnoMaiy HIGH QUALITY compc493.2110 stoioo system. MacFalla. Carvor, Dynavocior & n

"S “ac- •Vory allordable. 531-430vor $170. RENT A NEWTVI Own aBost ol- color TV by ronilnp. No 1inlngs. Ilors checROd. 204 MainjriT F'ac- N .CAINS-733-7111.___inlod at USED POLQRED

Durloy. nuaraniood & roeondlllcillor/Fur. Portables i cons

BlackoraoDllance 733-11IPMENT. USED 25" COLOR TV.color b :r Call 3 2 4 -7 2 3 2 ,_____nalyst. & ‘ --------■I;______ • ------------------------------

K i .? ^ F u m . i C « |» a ..Ir CASH (or good

(urnlluro and appliar

---------- Couch and 2 chairsn mind couch $50. All In good xchango dlllon. Call 324-3756 adoi

____ FOR SALE; King 8I20Iross. usod3 mina, Imrr lato cond. 734-2459.

tim er f o r m ic a TOPPED dlt ircrvor^— **•'’ chionio t»ao A 4 cJi voloplnd O;’ ' / W

*** KING SIZE bed, compim, 1 yr. ''Ofy cloan. $50, 2 mate

"I25O or mlrrora. $80. 2 mate * nlQhlatanda. $60.543-690

" " ■ KING SIZE Maliroas S

-----— new T ^/m aplo-heB tfeI in gold Only $249. Banner. 733-1' flS? ' LIKE NEWIull sue main

— on^^ $39.95. Banner,

MOVING SALE: Largo a---------- ancoB, (urnlluro, anilqgamoa, mlac, Call733-2462anyllr

NEW 5 ploco dinotio :atl 934- j i 2§,95. Cam’B c --------- -----ancoCentflr.733-7111.---------- cS U E E P r-g fa^ JJ iiS ?

complete. $150. Call______ 4J7T_________________

PREPOSSESSED Quocn ircn 4ih maltrosa 4 box sprl .84 Wost Only $39.95 Banner.ID. Ad- i4 2 f________________

. . I SOLIO hardrock maple c & hulch. Beautiful pioc lurnituro. Cloaranco or

T T ^ l only S699.t^ W n a C ludwig anco6on lo r,733-7111.

WOOL CARPETING. L or oalo p ieces, vorv good condlSo Cali ca ll 733-2376._________

4-PIECE Btown socil Couch. Usod very lllllo

5!!L_tiling ---- '-----------

r. Korm ------------------------------^ 079-Awlto.. w/mlcro CHEST Iroozor, $250. now, VS Frosl-(roo lolrig, $200.23:4^31; . i n nlcocoi^d.Cali733-OT

i l i4

± 5 _9


S 9 O O

1.00 lo r ooch addllloaal Un«)jrivolo Indlvlduoli only Atom m orciolj. Thoro aro nCCO or itom lim ili. No ro- Qy31 a d iu ilm o n lt i( od it eon- __ oorly.

H A N D M A I l

> U R A ITibors s h o u ld b o cou n tedII p o y tn e n t is includcd w ilt

>ENCIL O R BALLPOINT I \C H W O R D (4 w o rd s pc

_ 4 - f 5 = 9 S p o c l o l -----------

fo r-w h ich I h o v o onclot«d-S

_________________ P H O h________C1TY:____S U a c l a s s i f i e d D

TV e s t , T w i n F o i l s . ID . 8 3 :

0 5 1 - 0 8 6nent 079—Appliances __icosolTTo COLDSPOT roldgoralor.) 1 dosk Whllo. ions groal. $75. Call____________ ?33-4na._____ ______ ________

.. DELUXE Modol, olocirlc doublo ovon rango, Soll-

■lereo cleaning, oxcolloni. NowS1199 soli lor $350.. CALL

■m $99.05: . 3Zil3j3_7,______________ _ince. 420 LARGE Capacity Gibaon '

Ffoozor, gdatonlood; only lood.S7S.. $329. Bannor.733-1421._______ NEWI WosilnghouaoI avalem W ashor S Dryor, 18lb capacl-

at^p & 7 - Now guaranloo. Heavy rnlablo 5 Now only $889.80.a Sloroo B_annor, 733-142j ^ ____ _idually o r NEW Holpoini touch control JR. 543- microwavo. $300. Call 934-

ovos. B555._____________ ,______impononl PHILCO aide by aido rolrlg- Mogpan', orator, wniio, glosa aholves,

• 4 ffioro. good ahapo. $350. 28 cubic :-4307. ft. Cheat lroo2or. Oldor^ „ „ n o w o'y 'o- *’25 Call allor 6pm..N oc?od- ________________Wain Avo. Rolrlgorators, $250 4 $125;

Frtrozor. $150. Ranges. $«50 ) & JlOO. All guaranioed. Call

W M 4 * * ' WASHER and DRYER lor - j y j Ts sa le. Call 733-8587. ■

WHIRLPOOL. Aulomatic----------- W ashor.'2 apood, 3 cyclo.

________ hoavy duly, guatanleed,

Jls 1427. ^d uaod ■ WHIRLPOOL washer i dryor pllancoa. pair. Guaranlood lor only-----------------JJ/U.U5.' "cam 's ciaarancij---------- --

,lrs $'l50, Q 2al0CJ33-nj1;--------------ood con- 2 MATCHING pair ol washer adore . & dryor. $325; Llko new Up-jiio^m oi- Hflhi troezer. m s . 733-7866.--------Immacu- ________________________

> mnoiio OeO-HeaBnjand, 4 ehajra. Alrrnnrilttnnlng_____________

FREE standing (Ireplace,------ —- good condlllon, $150 beat^T,?Td 0»0r.733-5349day..

S ^ ^ h ln S ------ reZ ^B u lk llnoM atflr ta ls--------------RED CEDAR exterior, Inlerl-

19 & box or. lenclng. Channel RusticU ly.-llko— V-groove.-WhltePlrte.-Ooral------------Btftward;----- himt)err324^20r32«--?127—-------------5 5 d i£ L ROUGH LUMBER, Trealed Tiatlross, POST 4 POLES, FEED- ier. 733- BUNKS.326-3131,326-^,

go appTi- 6'2x4 Economy 99c jnilqueo. 6'4x4 (ir.$3.49. nytlrno. Vi" cD Blow Plywood 6.49alle ao t. 7 'Masoniie siding $6.95 's Cloar- 26" Galvanized della ribIV_________ ^tln.63Bllnealfool,lalorboci,:aii 734: NORTHWEST ----------------------- RLYW OODSALES___________oen aizo (Behind United Oil)s p r i n g 733. ^

063-GaraflBSalM '? , c l o s e 0I>T SALEf Shoes.l a u o o f - c lo lhes size 24H, sew ing................LL-------- ------ m achine. 3 whool bicycle.i. Largo relrlo. furn. 733-6394.ondlllon. . . . i * '. . 1 ■ 1 ■----------- 066-Firewood

DRY FIREWOOD $65/C0rd.ncludod.

DRY ISLAND park pine. $55------------ p e r level « lon plskup load.

Spill & dolivorod. Call 733-________ 8378,____________________?50. AND FIREWOOD450 a big pickup • . . '

Both or .*40 .oinalLplcKup._Csn___-i___13-0373. ■^543-5876.

ECBtsaT l i e

T i m e s - N e w s


$ 3 1 5 0

(Add SIO.OO lor oach odd1. llna)

A d r u n s d o i ly in - t h e b u s i ­n o s s d i r e c t o r y u n d o r y o u r o w n s p e c i f i c h o o d i n g f o r 3 0 c o n s e c u t i v e d a y s .

L O R B R I N G I N i

D H E R E : !o d a s p a r t o f y o u r o d . R o te s A tith o r d e r . 3 l i n e s m in im u m . | |

>4T P E N ( i n k m a y b l u r ) ^ ! i p o r c l a s s i f i e d l i n o ) : J .

I--- ------------- -- -- J,_______ .___________I •

■ ■

____ ____________ I■----- • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I

■_ ----- ^ ^

___ B u s i n o s s D lr o c to r y ®

--------------------- ■ ■O N E ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J--------------------------- S T . : ------------------ ,

I D e p t. ■8 3 3 0 1 It m ^ m m m m m m m r n

T Im o a-N o w o . Twin Folia, Idaho &-0

Page 22: M o JOHN GLI I 'We got whl] I GOi [ " S i n k : il)ud


— p T H i'■H indsich t

lo_^scL ' th o....... yoirve


If a clofci kinK from A- ncr drops prom ises oil! queen or boll jnck. In the

. le ad e r is ask' his a c e to gi lead. Docs i underload tli' queen is sinf but it can liaj e x am p le pla; las R egional J im M usum T exas.

Wc-st Jed 1------------------------!— w n ch E a st-d ro ]

p e r f o r c e , underled hi:

............... . th ink inc Jip vE ast w anted was fo rced t< ex ited w ilh tl d u tiiiny 'sk ln (

R ising to J im rend the

________________ rato lv and p:d iam ond cigi finesse. I t v. ano th e r tru rr

_____ _________Should We

seen w lial wj p la c e ? T h e cloudy. West easily have t had South hc

_ m onds and 1: and clubs. (I

- the Q -J o f-sp of th e sp ad e s

________ o s ln h l ls h p tl d llH ad W esl d

his spado acc s till have bcc

Oawirawood•.........GOOD QUALITY FIfowooc

. ^ & up. Dolivory Immod molV. Call 733-4299. 73<-5B81 WE'VE GOT MOHl FIrowood. *65 pof lovol ton pickup load: cut, split i dollvofad.3?*-7Sa3.

0 8 7 - ^ 1 3 _____

------- — oett-Vaftety Foods—


------------- Championship— btoo<JIlw»oxc polonllal, irall or nu dogs. Whopod on 1/12/S'

------------- R«Mrvliyh—m alos, J25(femalos, *200. Call 36G-230 Glenns Ferry,AKC Blacl( Cocifor spanl( pupa, irrcststabla. a>o( chlld 'a pel. *75.423-47167 AKC PUREBRED Gorma Shephards. 4mo.. lomaie tSOoa. <23-4441 anyilmo. AKC reflfslorod Brillan S ^ n ^ d ^ p ^ ^ ^ ^ t^ w o o k

anawor 2 4 5 4 ._________BEAUTIFUL OOG HOUSED 3 alzoa, pricod fight. 12 JeH erson St or call 733-2450.

. ____

FREE PU'PPIES-Vj Sprlnoe Spanlol, e wooks old. 49 Park Torroeo or call 734-3422 FREE PUPPIES. Sliophefi and SprlnQor Spanfei mli7r«3;8692_;_______________. I*: to oood home chosapeako blacK labradof. crosa pupploa. Call 543-0310

QROOMINO UNUMrrEO Your dog novor hod It si good. Kindness, o ip .. N( tronoullizers. 734-2305.IrlBh 9BK«i-3,'T"Walo 5 ' (omalo, 2 yrs. old. Coo( hunlern.tSOeach. 43^232^ ONLY'3 lomalos loll. LARGi AKC Gorman ShoDpat( pups. GREAT bloodlines 5200. S. ROSE. PHONi 733-2500. 734.3426 ovcnlngs.

________ PROFESSIONALQ rOOMINQI VacaiioninQ! {'II t>oard your don. Chor MIIIOfKonnnl5,423:5l_04. _ PURE-Brud Qansoli hounc pupploB lor s.ito. 6wks. old Call a lle r 5 or anytlmtwKnda. 530-6105 _ _____PUREBRED Bassoi Hounc pupplos. 6 weokn, havo hoc ohols. 530^261 or 530-2178 _ WE aio buyino (rinr lahblls, 4V 10 5'.^ pounds i( you wanl to raise taUblis. call us loi b reedlnn slock 532-4569

F a r m e r s ’ m a rk e

096-Farm Seod

■ ' 097-Hay. Grain i Food b a l e d h ay dollvorud loadlol3.CallS3a-251t. _____FOR SALE: Appro*. 15, 3/d c u lt nn hay. Cair733-^230.

_______ FQR-SALE: H.iy pller 4nnp no.t350.C jH 324-41i>3.- GOOD HEAVY barloy 4 Good quality hay. Dellvorod tiyflomi roods. 034-4033._____

. H A YJorsalo. W ebuy. S0II4- ..-Giul hay. 54^6023 Of ^3-6090

HalnOow Commoflliy .____' • n M N U R E SPREADING,

L o o 's • Cosiom Farming ■WftJ964of32M703.WANT to buy corn ellaoo.63*-<4a2._________________WANTED TO BUYr Good /tnaiirv corn •fiM oe. Call

---------- g ^ f o ( ® f W 7 r r ---------------


I . B -10T lm o»-N ow 3.Tw ln

e r c h a n d i

i E ^ C E S "

f;ht is l /ic u b iii ty tho D ppnrivn itics litisiuf'-' — A n toJd


T 'lj f c n d e r l e a d s t h e ♦ 3

A -K a n d h is p a r t - ♦ r> s th e q u e e n , it e i t h e r a s in g l e to n jo th th e q u e e n a n d lie l a t t e r c a s e , th e is k e d to i in d c r le a d > g iv e p a r t n e r th e v i th s i t e v e r h u r t to s o u th

th e a c e w h e n lh e - ‘ ^ in K le to n ? R a r e ly . h a p p e n . H e r e ’s a n

c la y e d a t t) ie D a l - !)« la l T o u r j a m e n t by u rn e c i o f A u s t in . •

d th e .sp a d e Jtini- O pci t r o p p e d - th e -q u e e n .

W e s t n o w ( |,p ^h is sp a 'd e a c e . H o w e '

p w a.s d o in g w h a t b e e ne d h im to do . E a s l E a s t 'sJ to r u f f .'ind E a s l g a r n eh th e c lu b ja c k lo (jo,wnn n g : - — .to th e o c c a s io n , jth e p o s i t io n a c c u -

p a s s e d d u m m y 's S o u th I s ig h t f o r a d e e p

w o n . an(,i a f t e r u m p f in e s s e , t h ed u lv s c o re d - ______ •W e s t h a v e fo re -

w a s d u e to ta k e 'h e a n s w e r ’ i s Norch 'e s t 's p l a y c o u ld i* c b e e n a w in n e r , '♦

h e ld b e l t e r d ia - J l i l l l e in h e a r t s A N SW

(H a d E .1SI h e ld c h - s p a d e s , th e p l a y - - s h o u k Ic a c e w o u ld h a v e g : 'm e i I d u m m y ’s 10.)5l d e c id e d lo la k ea c e .- S o u lh w o u ld wuh.v:».D ccn a b l e to l a k e reply

114 -F arm Implomonts

rood,nodi- M ■ ■ ■ ■ M

r W E E K LS I » ; ■

f HEW 5 BALI------------1 -L ik o - N o w ---------— ■ W o » $ 9 ,7 0 0

^ S o lo P r tc o . . . .

T . ■ TIWIH F A llS T Hnun ■ 1 9 3 5 K im b o r l^ R

2<'84. _ _ _ _ MJ250,-2301

= 1 0 9 7 -m » .G iijn l!,F ee < rl7 -100 TON ol 2nd crop hay.rman to n ol w heal hay. Covor<nales dollvofod. Call 324-516)_______324-51B2_______________llany 40 ton hay Is l 4 2nd. No rooks Will soil small amounts.If no V« W. Jorom o, 324-5062.___ ____500 T O N S o » 1 o l4 ? n d aSES- quolily,h,ay...Call 65M395,

[450. 098 -F arm 3 For Rentbabw----- hOR C A S H tirA S e^ lmi?8-??....fBrm,-2- plvo(»-4- ti«no-J;----- 113 acros plow ground,

o c ro s now aMailo. 67 ac ■ pnslufo . Coll 53(^2151 bol2£££- fla m or aller 7pm._______

WANT TO RENT; 40 ocros- Sprinkler oi gfO'

-------botw oon Joromoomo. Hazellon. Boana, hay‘Oo'o . g rain. Call 324-fl325.____

WANTED TO RE' EO Farmland. Buhl 4 Casilel It 30 oroa. 537-6574. _

WANTED; Farmoround-----c rop aharo or cash loa8 1 Wilfiln 30 mllos (rom K

jOOd borly. ^2 _4flj43_,_____

AGE ----------------------------------pard o » - P a 3 tu r e s For RentONE FO R"s AUE: 697 A U M ^ins Ct.niei DuMo Gra^ino al.

m onl. S80-2427allor 6pm.ling/ 30~SaLWON~ RIVER shaiIhOfI to r sato. Call 734-411U.

100-U vestockW antedold. —time ______________________

I K ^ t t l eANGUS' BULLS 4 iopla( m onl hOilOfS. Howard Anfl

tills, R_nnch_W3^4^5.___BORDER Conic RuppTt

‘ Excolloni working sioit 50. 543-6659 01423-4276 b' r EEDING ogo Hoiali □ ullr. lor salo. 20 yoacs

" k e t biOOdlnfl^CaU 5«-5776.______ BULLS TO RENT_ Moat broods. Call Banl

543-6075 Of Lyons 543-5824 COLOSTRUM STARTEO D

— Calvoa Ioi salo. CALL 37360.______COLOSTRUM FED day < calvos lor sale. Com. Larry 01 Andy, Mogic Vall

3fd ■ Dairy,.43fl:^292_^________— ____ Cowa 4 calvos for Salo. Al

4___Appalooaa Horsos. CL l B7B-2963 attor 4pm. ____DOd f o u r 1/2 BLOOD Si

t>y m onial Cows to Calvo March- Throe t» -2 -y r-(

114 Slmmonlol Bulls; 733-4607.NEED High Producing Da

_ Cowa 10 pick. Terms- Co:I Call 324-2353.____________ilna 100 STOCK COWS, calvl__ . now . Warion Taylor. OrearQ8- Call 634-2339.______________ M HOLSTEIN Springjod HoKors. S tan calving the i ;:all or March. Call 645-2314 ---------- M» ?4533lic re pm:-----------

win F a lls , Id ah c T u o sd a y . f

l i s e - A u t o i



NOIlTil : - : |.A♦ 10 7Hv.A 10 11 :i♦ H 4 . . .♦ a K 10 7

S f KA.ST■ K '/n T r f s - ’+’Q-------------------------

V .1 7 r> :> .1 -J ♦ K .1 fl 2

r> 4 3 . ■ ♦ J y SOUTli♦ .1 r,

♦ , \ g lo 'jT i;♦ y i i : :

u ln c n ih le : Both. D wilor- lh- T he bidding:h West Noril) Ivisi

2+ ■ 01)1.- r .is s ■|-;,ss 3+ • l ' ; .«IMss r.* Ali

'noR.itlvc ilnuhic

p c n in ^ lead.-SpadckinK

d e e p t r u m p f in e s se , v e v e r , h e w ou ld n o t h a v e n a b le to c o p e w i lh .I 's f o u r t r u m p s , a n d th e i e w o u ld h a v o go n e o n e ’n. ___ _____ .______________

Did w U h T h c A cfS

:ii holds; 2-21-n_______________

♦ 107.1 » A lUH-T

. ♦ 0 •!

h Soulh IT

5 W E R : T w o c lu b s . Sh o w c lu b s ; o p e n e r ’s n e x t b id u l d - c l a r i f y — w h e t h e r . — le m a y b e w o rth a sh o t.

T)riaeir't|gcnion.s m T iir-Arrr---------Box 123B3. nallai, TfMi 7i335- vcIf.aJdfMWtJ, Jlampol cnvHopcply

tTnitrd Kralurr.S)rcu]i<A1i-

ts iH -F a rm Implements

I y ^ s p e c i a l T '


LER WAGON^ 8 7 8 0

TRACTOR &IHPIEHEK1 CO.--------------------y a a r s s e r

ed IM -K orseslay. too Hofsoa tjoughl-aold-ifado/oredS Homo ol Doc's Doctor.>167 or S3-LIvosloek. PH.733-605

ioTain. 1K -H oreoEqulpm 0nt/TrTow slm FrTsaddic.Tye

— guaranioo. JSOO. Aflor 5 cd good 53^2657. •______________

- ALL I^EW Aluminum Slo TtailOfs. Foimors Exchanc

_____ 837-6294 days. 733-4932 ovo

,0- lne.__Sl50a_-Sli£K-tOfX_>VOlJ<lId, 106 aaddlo. high caniio. I ’ acios Pla'o rlgfllng. S650. Bowm boloio fopei woiking saddle. S6(

Bolh aio now w /bash Siamp. Trado any of ii

po®"*prol. Call7to-9664. _ lav 4 TWO WORK HORSE H;

nossoa, J500 or boal oil. REVt- condllion.324-2101.llelord WE BUY 4 soil used saddi

4 lacks. Vlckor's W osion d 'l o ' S loros733-7096. ...............loaso 1902 18' Charmac H oiso

1 Kim- slock irallor. Lg walk-ln la rm, usod vory lllllo. 67&-72t

------- lO ^ W lM*lL REGISTERED ‘OufO* twii- l on Champion broodlno, C

alloi. 543-4930.________________m. •

— Call 733093i'io pUico yo ^ c.-.sailiod Jd Wo fo hcio

110-PouItfy i Rabbits .

f'ngua 112-lfrloation . ^------ BUTTE " iRRIgatI o’ n '.-'hi3Plc^ usod Vnllpy pivoia, go( Slock. condllion ( II43M10X _

■ 'FARM0RE'lRRlGA’f]0'N ilaloin Now PVC gated plpoK5 Al Uscdnlooli._ 12- iB3wallb.iro

10".1904 wall w rapped onloll Call 324-33_41824^ GATED PIPEODull 4 underground PVCL 324- Amoih Inigalion 4 Supply

543-4 777'V old HASTINGSonlict GalodAIum4PVCVailoy PVCUndorgtound____ Bill Mathois 423-5647.Alao ovonInQ c.illr. welcqmo

C.HI ■ pi>£^___:____ PVC4Aruminum

Sin*- PVC Undoigiounflvo In ' Pipolinus inslallod'r*o ia------------Pipe sfrarnhienec}-—>07. 733-4<:n3Qji,y Bob BaJlay PjpeSolos.^

Cojrt. SpiinkiorHoodnebulldori 1612 Main, Buhl 543-6633

-livlnn Guar, rebuilding lof Neisceana, RalnBird 4 Weaihor Toe.__

Usod PVC Galod plpo 8” ar^ r _______10 I3l 2 WHEEL LINES. '/• ml. 6 14 or maln. pumpsA pannoi, Ca


/ . F obruary 21 ,10W

■ n m o t r v e

113-F a rm Supplies' GRA^VEL. superior cru

_________ roadw ay-Iocdlo tjrafliStioem. 543-6062. 734-62 GRAVEL FOR Dolivofod by lhe load .'536-2511.____ _______SACRIFICJe Slool bui kit. 30x50x12'. W575 p 829.5092.

114-Farm Implementsa'SSUME PAYMENTS; now NH 425 balor &

--------- — awaihor IH -5286 6 '' Motroe apracoupo. Oo;

or_7340 734 4j0av0 mea; FOR" Salo; "3 bi Kvuinland plow, 10' br< roller hnnow.^aM 82W( f o r ' SALE: 3', Grain Bins, 3, 20'»8” Ai w /m olo is. 1. 50'»8'’ P Aunor. Call 326-4769. HYSTER Fork-IKI J1695. 4" Itrlgallon J950/’/. -mile. 3010 J DEERE Goa Tiaclof.

<-NoadOf. nrapple forks,- Ilros, now painl, low i S7050. .13- flal cod ini Uonal. 6cyl. gas, duol duol flBS lanKs. rolnic Irame, irallor hlich il95 bod tandem-a«lo Ir oxlendoblc lo 30'. i Complolo shop A-lramt high. Heavy beam, cas Irolloy J950. Hoavy.

-------------- o h o jM ranoT-W76—VJotnblos S95 CO. Facloryl 3 axlo 20' 5lh wheel Ir beaver tail plus ramps, c o n d ,14485-a37-63S3ov( INTERNATIONAL 856, H orso power, lair condlCall 423-5942, _____

___ __JD 2250 Sy^airi«f.J< .'ll.>5000. Held ready. 423-53 JD 4240 Ouad'. cab 4 I960; JD 4440 Quad. ci oir: AC 7040. cab 4 al

310A backhoo, lalo mi C aso 2390. cab, ak 4 d will Irodo: Call Louflhmlllor 733-5761

J D « 4 0 JD4230 JD 4430 IHC 1586 AC180 JD 4020 MF1105

1982 JD 4440 po w er fi

No Intorost nil J u ly i . l

__________ BUY.^THACrOR Jof t £

Call loll troo t-WO-227-1

• - JOH?T-'oFE‘RE~4430r'i range- Fronl wheol d

------- -ftoaf-now.(ifOB.-Cab one3500 hrs,. J18.000 Call

--- ---------- 2250.— ■ ■JOHN DEERE 4030. r< cab . quad. 3000 hours, cond. Call326-5860.____

■ M l MOHRLANG MIXER lO' I ■ bods, manure beds 4i ■ handllno cauiomcnt. Mil

" Ropalr. 201 Wesl AveI Jerom o. 324-4351._____■ NEW Holland 1068 E■ wngon S40K/olfor, dir■ cab w /air, 490 hrs Total.■ now. For Inlo. wrlle C.O■ 3615 Ashwood Dr., PI

-anlon,CA045()6_______I I 1976 iniornational 1466-1 W ' m air, 18-4x36 (ubber; 197i

■ tornallonal 375 Swai

■ ■ Also wanied John Doer flox planters. Ca[l ^ .^2 1

: 8 7 " i~ l 3 5 ^ W A t H C T “ FF ^ _ Bailor wilh molor. 500

■ wm fuel tank 4 sland. 324-34;40' BELTED Traiior. Shollod potato bod. K

------- • olfor. 423-5336.________8' METAL BED. 2 hydii

^ ram3&pump..Call_82j:50

S o m . 115-FarniW oik, CUSTOM manure hau" nay baling S Slacking. C5 yoof M ossenoof. 324-2245,5 cali HAY RETRIEVING in N

____ ___side area. Call 324-853SW^'k 324:5023,__________ _

lango. MANURE SPREADING-ovos, Holdomann. 423-4269-

id 'ln fl....,— r m ___________ _iwmli'n C j R e c r e a t i o n a l, S600. —jaskol --------------------------------

1 2 0 -A y fa ta___ HAVE you receivedHar- biochuro Ifom

oiler Soiivco? AVI al Twin I 01 ean holp you gci a

alrcrall i lollow.up 50f> ‘ Z m WO work wtlh Ihem A

you personal r.oivico » you buy liom ihem ihic

ISO or y^vi 733-6970. n lack --------------------------------d i l l l21 -B oa ts& A ccoss.

Evinrudo 4 Mcrcuiy Moi— boalr. 4 lishincj lac

t>oai Tom 's Marina & Sport (Call Hoyburn/Builcy. G?8.?47

____ ___ JOHNSON & Mcfcury ■_______ . board s. Senswirl Bpaia i

------- Marina 733-6141.your '------------------------

i;ie lo ^22—Sporting Goods

-------FOUR 12 ASH OARS,New. J17 each. ALSO F;

’ e r John Woi r.uil. l.irgo,___ Call 734-5259

GUNSFORSALEI W holesale ♦ 10%.

■•has C.lll734-8«2.lll.-?rigood ---------------------------------

1 ___ 123—Skiing EquipmentSKI EQUIPMENT, ur.oO

" twice, K2-S 2»8HP = Solomon 037 timJIngs, S

prt polos A r,i.-e 12 D.ilir boots. Ankinn J250 4 324-6949 __________

124-Snow VohtelosBRAND NEW 1984 POLA Indy GOO lo: r.alo or Ir. C.ill 423-5767

I 1960 K aw aukl LTD 4.S017 good condllion. 1982 !

Skldoo Bli^.-ard. Call - 6886.

■ 1382 KawasaKI 550 I lofcoptor low mi I oxcolloni cond. HI pnr _______ manca. A!15pm.J33S435

19.^ 125—TravelTrailors doro • ~

Ro«3 Rangor Travel TralP'®®" Now t983's .md 1984'a ;•— slock. Also argo soieci ■’ and o lu so d .

i T ^ - CONTEMPORARYHOMI . Call 2004 Kimboriy Road

■ 125-TravelTrallar8rushed, .W ild e m e ss& C lm aaflw_D----- ^-So-Mony-WayR-To-Cy ^ . - Tho Qualily In LHo."

SALE Trailers from 19’ lo 3: J.CALL Wheels Irom 24' ,10 35

_____ Illlc soloellon ol usocbulidlno oiS t- Sih w heels, -ill i

BONANZA n„ -- RVCENTEF-------- 400 Block. OvorlanS; Uke Burioy. ID

---------------6 7 8 - ^ 4 7 6 -io? 1277 11,,7 HOLIDAY RambKnaaaflo. 22', nood condllion,bollom C’<1132^-2047._______brINIonI ,379 3Q./, |t Transami’•5674. Jlf, w heel a /c , nv000 Bu control vac. washor Augers hookup, laino lull balhP.T.O. cond- Mobile Homo

Spocialllu;) 2414 AO " 40001 AyO-.E. 734-0670 734-694 n piDO _, , " S 126 -C ™ i^^ r3 & S M i5.^00^) CUSTOM TOPPER Ci V noui.. |i,3 v /ldc looflinioina- pickup. Carpel convtnlo/ced''’' m i E 127-M olorHom Bs

CLASS A MOTo'R HOf. ' f ' O . r e n t . 21 II.. sloops 6.73: :a3<0'3. or allor Som 733-6244

Irallo»; TREASURE VALLEY )S, new CENTER ovos. . Ilusca.2— 7.; Holiday rambior"dlllon,

29' PACE ARROW lorVi'^TT, Sloops 7. Allordablo It'^21 Cal'C78--3938attor3r—

1i 8-U lllllyTtallerajg Tondom axlo c a r Iralloi

moflel; f,ow painl, oxc cond,■ Oi'alj'ij or oiler, 733-3269-

-----------m A u tom otive

132-Auto. Parts 4 ___Accessories

Headers, tailpipe. 4 mu lor 350 Chovy 4X 4.S70

r front _________REAR bumper wilh I

.1964 hitch, FIIS Dodge 1970-1980. JSO. Call 67{

1F.«L«I alior6om.____________WE REBUILD Hyd

7-1007 Jacks al ABBOTT'S >_____ SUPPLY. 305 Shos

quad Slrool Soulh. Twin,■ drive, 2 P-215-75R14 Studded ind air. - tiros,— m ountoa—on—( all 657- wheols. lo ss lhan 100 ------ j?00rVci33^3P"transmi

ropos S50. Call 432-4475.___rs, oxc 350CHEVY 3/4 ENGINE____ ___ at Idaho Traclor Salloedoi TwinFaUs.4 feed —------------------------------yj^ch^s 133-Autos Wanted

DOD^E or Piymoulti,

diesel, 734^907^___________ ^

! Quinn 1 3 S -^ c le 3 4 S u p p ]le ; Ploas- HONbA” XL2M r " c ^

robu iit-cnn ino r-ieoo ,6-Cab. 934-8M5.« iihnr n ic e 1980 Yamaha

. spo c lal.-w /2 -holmots 02M. 324:5MJ,oi 837-6594,

J900^bosl. Call 733-4358, 3490 ' 1982 HONDA INTERST7— 55. 10.000 miles, loaded, ie

Unvn extras, excoilent cond“ " J4500. Call 655-4282,

r r r r . i982 yam ai^a y2125. cond. Voty cloan,

-L- quick, Many oxlias. 324. 76" yAMAIHA‘ YZ256r’v

___ _ Bros. Suiiponsion, J5<.itillnn, bor.lolfoi. 734-0769 . Clycfo --------------------------------___ 13fr-H0avy Equlpmonl

Norlh --------------------- ---------JOHN DEERE


J.D, 410 Backhoo, J13,5Q J .0 . 31013.1 ctihoc.t78,00

la l CaiM odelO O dozor,Sl2.

— ELUOTTINDCCIn lo rsoctlonH w yn& t

. Croasroadfl.lD5 aS ■ 324-2900□ Bob Hour,lon. Salos ROfvlce H o m o p h o n e ..........733A givo . . . , - _■ when 8'x20' 3 AXLE Gooso I Trough Trailer. 1981 model Bu

now condllion. Boavor------- loading r;imp, lights, bia

9,50«i6.S Ilros, silver. color.J4975,837-€383ov(

iOlo/2, — :----------------------------i"odS: 1<0-TnJCks'473 ' 1949 CHEVY, 95% roslc y Oul- Evyrylhing now excepl 1 la S E: 4rearond,C a!l324.327f

llalbad, 4 sp. reason------- ollrjr. Call 326-5350,

1965 DODGE 4 1966 Cho'r wnueloi:i W llh'tuns

bodfl Good condllion.S3US1I1

' • 1973 KENWORTH d ., truck wllh lOor 12yard b•' atrgaie, J16,000. Cull

5967,------- 1974 OOOGE 4 whool <, , hay boom Iruck. boom

llOhls. Call 543-6023 or lO JU2I 6000 Rainbow Commodlt

sl<is. 1974 w h ite 's ln n le axle , Scoii cummins, 1O sf nlimiu Ooadrangor Runs atr6 call makeoHer Calia37-M1_2 1977 Dalsun King Cab,

hull! ongine, now llie s .t i.ond, S1995 733-9233,

LARIS - . . .Ir.ido 1978 Chovy 3/4 ion Slop-

plcKup. Excolloni condl •SO cc low mil pane. 734-2851.

9500 1 982 CHEV 6,'2 Dsl. H.C1 50 . lon. 4W0. p /s . p /b . am

4spd. I ow ner. 58400/;— gTf, otmr, 753-2774 altor 5, miloj 67 CHEV, 2 ion. 4 and ; inrfor- Exc, Micholen Ilros,

79 TOYOTA 3/4 to n PlC llnlliod w/ium bor rack, f lires low mlloa. Good V

railor Truck. 543-5785 4'a m ---------------------------------eciion i4i_vans

1976 DOOGE VAN M IMES Custom Inlonor, ovory c d iof travel, low mlloa.

8 142-Im port SpwrtsCrra rro n Ropor.sossion i977‘0 G o f or___60,000, ml. -funa.floqri'•T ravel ^ ^ . / 3,?:'202a:3j5; 5_:3

3 33". 5ih 19C8 Camu/o SS, 5l< 35'. Tei- enq , black w/

sod liaii- siii{>us, mag whools i III pricod 'ig/^VWEEETL

Call 543-4930,A 1977 TOYOTA CELlCC D . cond. Call 734-1357 ? rt 356.^ Ask lor Roland.

1979 Audi Fox. From . drivo, studded ;;nov>----------------Low-mtlesrEre^^lleniblS^FliS. 543.8600. , . . _ . n, 55300. 1979 HONDA CIVIC C______ now ladials- Soma ■

^mnrii->n cosso llo . eicolloni llon.8S0«)m,los.S!3

or dryor 733-8566 Oayg.______

io ^s ‘’rv 148—4WhoQlDrivo5 WANTEOr 66"-7/ BR

- - any condllion, Reel — r unni ng. Call 536-225G lellS WlllyV)eop wagon, .i----------- Chovy eng. ExcollonCampoi 543-8600

• 1904 -■ CJ5 • Jeep. 17 w?q overhauled, now ir

paint, 52000. 432-5232, 1964 DODGE 3/4 loi

_ cond , crow cab IOME Ior W agon, w/:ihell. PTO 733-1027 now molor. 726-5733 0

_______1 1976'FORD F2M 3/4't^ RENT.-. Robulll engine, now l

=Y R “P- ^Cfievyft shon box. whoaui, roll u;ii, 1

lor ' ■ a l/jp lin iS j E.coilftnt-37^M71 _________lor renl.B luxury. .175—Auto Dealers


Id, SH75

ive -------;_______ r»n

mulilors570. Call I "

irallcr 0 Vans676-9601 rr:'V *‘T'- '.

lydraullc 5 AUTO lioshono

1 9 8 :

imlssion - o w n o r- :- iik e -r

Fn E. So’e S^ e , ^

iporiani. ^ ^

-7------ - 1 0 9 6 E .f tA o(lies ompieie

Call —

ha"' GM ____________________


ESTATE.'. i d s of— ------indilion.

I, Very » » l 5 B i i f l a w a a}24.8980. VVhiro

! ! ! : ' ont. I

1 ^ .983>MENT

1,500, ■’



-R o n I 4 D A Y S733-1490


''Of •' ‘1brakes. ■ {. £ , -I. ■,} i ’J (or.biue ■ ~ h ‘ - p

' Iislorod. I pi Irans ■'74, ■TjicmiT:---------B I F --------1 9 B 4sonable —

:hovv 10 " ‘^ j u a ---------



diivoomor 543-

■ 4 DAYSixic 335 (-,^1 V


s. good 13, Ask

z ,Z T ’ W AH.D. '/i am/fm,OO/^eai

"Magic Va mTx!, I m p o r t L e i

ry oxIia

rtsCars 146—4 Wheel Drlvo! in - Sut).-iru 1979 BLAZER 4x4. nort m.'iki! soli top, now wniie

--------- ^Strr-OaJTSaiSIS-AC:’«-7ni-k AM/FM casse iic - -iuMom n?n fowoiked 350, c■■K 513-8800 conoihon Call 837-6:

61 FORD 4«.l. w shell, I00lt)c:<, low J7000/t)i:M oiler t.if

-L'CA, e ic 93i./.gc0iill(!rG(>m )57 or 733- '— - • - -148—Antique Auto:ronl wheelinow lircn, 1955 Chovy BoUir llenl-coml-----ttooi-ncDuiIt-26ILV--£

ir r v r c 2 Ni.’eOsr. AMrPM '0 be loM ored liml ^3500, Call Ourloy ISMSO c i i »-» «'K,.. jiklorTM urm

------------- -----1956 CHEVV SEDANune w/wo molof 400

Iianr., Cali5l3-6/'0(lBRONCO, 31 ciiev SeUjiii, Go<

riecked or inn ft dnvintl Ni-i-tl:!2SGi Inl ,52^50 i.'.J-Gl-'M, In, 4«4 ,283 _______ ___ ; .■iiontconrt i45_Autos-AMCep, Jufli I——< ii.ins 4 152-Autos-Bulck'.^r. 1579 RiviERA FWD.

p '^ , “ sun loof, fOfluiar V! ? o S S te siiso ,.o lio ,,6/11.33:33 0V0S. 81 SKYLARK, loaded" i / . A A ca'.rioiie r.K’ieo . nw brakes'

h o e i '^ w o 154-Autos-Cadillat°’'cu slom 1376' CADILLAC C >ni“ "COn(J," .Sedan.; .Mint 07.000


3_ 175-Auto Dealers

r - i r - - - f c r - — ;

B 3 L I N C O L N CF f o n c h V a r iil lo c o lo r w i th

,. o w n ry -

S A V E T H O U ! = T H E N E W P R


9 3 M A Z D A1 X 7 G S L V

if l q M A Z D A --------C L C L X J l

W ot 56603 *

.j w b I



S im ila r D i s c o u n t s o n '

a r eValley's 1 1 .eader" ■ ■_______________________ 4 0 9 S o

ros 154-Autos-Cadllli4r>,>cIoTy 1977 CADILLAC ELD10 r.ool'r’ J4000 ilrm. Call iC.- p g - rn :— n-.'nnifTflrgrT34rt973

i,e .c"Iu 'iii 15&-Aul03-Chrysl.rrviiT CHRYSLER CO

m.r.o'fii. ' ‘ 11 powor, 400 c. inr .v . f- 11 ' ' ‘ff-'’MM.,. L..IN Call734-79U6,

103 Isa-Autos-Chevrcr Si'tlin 4 Ol-D Beal’ur: '67 C/-fi ■nan- 327 4spU. RunH.,('i?n.‘r>;' ■'Jood m er. Aux utii|.‘ n iinH'cI East lOlh. Jurorlike r?ev. H/?4 allei 5pm,

y C73-94B6! 19C0 EL CAMINO'Inr Cinn condllion. low i

J1G50.Call733-7735_^N ? door. 1973 CHEVROLET;00 Turuo wa^on, $500. CALL7:I 1974 EL CAMINO. Ukiod funn- agn, now r.lo/oo•(!:; ii.iinl A shlipo. S1200. 734.153•' 1976 MONTE CARLC

-------- (]00(i cond, p /s , 1). , 51995, Call 536-6636

L(:, nder 6. 530-2770— ----- JHM CHEVY ClUW

k % lb. 6 cyl. 4 spd, .-I tondilion, J3H0IJ, 733'). LoatJeiJ,

511500 lor ----------------------------3 3 72, l60^A u tos-D odger*fi .im/lm .........................-ii-an 4df ‘^9 OMNI 024 4sp,A

' 33mpo, E«i;. cc ........................ 52750. 734-444G.

Ilac 162-A ut03-F 0fd3DeVILLE 1970 FORD FALCOl

HM) m ilca .-O B tn l - lobi 250-6-cj 5500. Firm. 733.6331 a

i 175—Auto Dealers

C O N T I N E N T Ah rnotcliing v in y l rooPS 'cc

I S A N D S O F D 4 m C E ! ! A t O n l y

F O R DEY 6 7 8 - 0 4 9 1

4 1 "DAYS IrONLY » :



• P r ic c sI A r o H rI B e t te r ■ i- r I N o v i/ j e

I • G o s HI M i le a g e B ^ I Is B e tto r I N o wI • S e le c tio n B f I IF B o tto i —-I N o w I • S a fe tyIII A r c B e t te r I N o wI ■ 4 D ;I ■ O NL



n O t t i o r C a r s & T r u c k s In In

» e n l

TIPOl o c o n d A v o . S . . T w in F a l l i ,

— 0 8 6 - 1 7 B

adlllac 162-Aulos-FordELDORADO ■ ■ ■iBflOFORDFlESTAati 734.9911 Excolloni confliiion. (ront1973:----------- :— wnoofartvtjriovrrlovrmiles;--------------

' ' ' very oconomlcol, 53000. Calliryslor _____ _______, c o m o B K■ '79 FORD Runchofo G.T,

39.000 mllos. Two lone painl,__________ rally wheola, now Ilros. Fl-

nancing avallaOlo. 324-7384levroict- . ...a ito rO r-- — ------------- -----------S7 Cliev V.-Runs g re ji . 166—M ofcuryiuncoln

DEi’ENDABLE TRANS-"Jerome. 321 ponTATION 1903 Mercury 4

- - - , door. 390 V-8, AT. good UNO, good fut)bOf.:495. Call324-48&l.V miirnne. MERCURY Monloroy 4-r 7 ’ c . ' , Excolloni Shapo 5650.LL 733-0067^ 326-4052 aller 5 . ............

o. low mik’- i68_Aul03 - Oldsmobile0/00, eODCj ________________________4-l53Jall5. 1976 OLDSMOBILE.

c “ 4i9°"'’.'’'° '’:6636 ask loi *■ ________________________

luuon. p /s . . 172-Aulos-Ponllac___________WE WILL PAY CASH lor 19'74

.733-2317. _ 4 nowor P.U.S 4 4x4's. Also__________ ___ 1977 A nof/or Aulomoblloo.

. Fronlloi.Moloia, 734-8340.__.. , 1970 P'ONTIAC FIREBIRD,

sp A/C, p .3. Good condllion, bosl oflei.condition, Call 734-7900, .....................

-- --------------------- l/4-AU103-DlflSrS--------------------- TI960 MALIBU. 1076 F-10

LCON. now Dalaun hatchback. t9746- cyi;-A/T-.-----Toyola-Cororia.-655-4306-or--------------131 allorr. 733-5761.

ers 175-A ulo Dealers

A L M A R K V I5 'c d lo r k o y b c J l r i t o r io r , Io c a l '1 iv flilob lc ;, l a .QOO m i l o s . ........... .... ........... ^

D O L L A R S l y . . . ’ 1 7 , 9 5 0

WINTER H O U R S :A A - r = 8 a . m . t o 6 p . m .S a t . 8 a - m . t o 5 p - m -

1 9 8 4 M A Z D A V 6 2 6 4 d o o r

i D A Y S S Q A f l T l 3N L Y ............ W O W % r t U f B

' ’T I W E E H S i i f f l S i

------ 1 9 8 4 M A Z D A -------- V ---------------D 2 0 0 0 S E S V

W ot5674S ' ^ ^ B

» U R

R T H D A YI In I n v o n to r y

y R T Ti l l i . l d . » ( 2 0 6 j 7 3 4 -6 1 0 0 ____________ |