^ faills dail nem mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/twin... · -y ----- iiiiiiii w...

-y ----- Iiiiiiii W President,and Seretary of Ida- ;{< . ■^“ -ItjdenM'DWare intentiM S; VtoPutForeeintMaS’?^^^^^ jjrt *'•' ■ asWeator^ndiltons ftlfe : ThM'airub^U 'ivn- . ... 'm»d«;tobipnRir»«ir'.irofkoatlj*,.- Xdaho-UDtna-tiOinr u »ea u . J ' -vMthuv^dna ll tb* ■ .tlm . Itatenut- eostalpM in • Isttn .of: *l«o6ljota«yij7.a«)tg*l4.D*Tl», .did atemtry,:aai:JeWli2^^8Umrt, Ton $6inarf ^ it» vufm> ncOni- too . ty-ito Iwla':r*ll* cnuabor of l>ul 1,. ta M y^dir Jtr., , - i ........... : l oei Wo'Wiih.ta a^Tiio yen til®* ^0 ftrruR«mBDti to begin the bi . diirvr;^ for Ihe Idaho Central railroad III juit MHAOD 'u the wmUicT condltloni IU win pcnaU tu to procwd alonjr oeo- || nomie Uno*. In other wordi, juil ai , ■ •oon ha.>e eaa-j)Ute »a «o^e«rinf( K eoTM la tho'ileld and tbe'inow at I thb W dls.nnalt hai lultlded infftr | clently to allow onr ttcn to aum rtcU I ' t n o n e j r . ' , . PBTAILa WiraHBIiD roa^HlBSENT. ! I n ^ u w m tlm e, wc will defer mnk- inff;Mj’*<unher itatemontj or propo*- nU: rcjjoriliDg ^he ralilnR of nny mor- bottui ia that roRlon until our »ur\Ty C#.o| il wbH under wav and we havo tho op- poilunlljr flf <aftklo(f a tliorougU In- u vesUiralfon of eoffdlUoni in thnt ro- *' rion. You.aay rMl.awnrcd tirv jnit as ujixloui aa the "people In that ' ^ .ftglon t». have thli road eonitrucled W d hare been, tad are'hoWjrmlBg onr ei ^TMT endeam .ta .brlng'^O'* tueecii- . iu l (ODfilDdoa the bnnd}Bg;ofv the aamo. t , We will appreeUte aay-Information rettardln/ireaiher'dendUloiii.asd alao tlnuai : Joibpk i ■SMinrt, SiOTttty.: pMil Miiiilfflpl Thirteeii’-Vet^; pia ‘yiptlin of S S . HtirdOTou'Atta;(^,pn^^ ronvc : Hy: Stibotimbs to W omi^ ' i ' . ALL . ‘ WACO, Texaar(/^Th‘e'death early rrho tfliloyof Homer Turk, IJycar* «W I'oy. comml whb irai.fttruik dovu by.the amaalni the of )V. IL Barker ana nia wiioon, their ,„aud» ttoro nt Concord Saturday night, ellm* «poi|, Inatoa pCnlble .evidence to tha Identity fltors of the ilayer* «ecpt. through tha foar- oy^. year-old Uaiker girl,' the only llvtnff „pat - nirwbw.crthe <anjily..; ... . 'Mcontlu Detcetwoa cannot find a motlvo. It propo, WM aof TobUiyj appueoUy; and If to* ^ venj^e, the deteetlw* aek why thd boy, iji{Q„ n rlsltor, wal eloln and tbe little girl " Jcfl nnhnrt. . • ■ ' . nnpoit Hve of ..nino negroes orreited are i t l l l .b i ^ g 'h e ld . ’ ■■■•• V -whjei; WIU REDUCE FREIGHTSto ffi!' ENCOURAGE BUSINESS I'i,. ' * . other t«wt6 Kii»for?iiUdin*. uffe^^ tJjofttifflo . .......—;— . Ott WASHINGTOK, D. C.. ypj - l'ro- PBI poied rednetloni'of • freight'ratei qn tho la trtffle'.freo MiuUjlppl' Hvcr..;.volt^ fng w palnti to 'the Paeifli eeait via uuth- czi'cpi ern'iwrta wote'definded-Kday teforo aMo » a hearing; of the Intentato commereo fordc rommlnlott by repre»eatatlvei of . mid- io the iro4tW.Jr«Ur^»0- V' inrrra '; w f^ .' BLett, .forelCT freight man- nod ir age^ of tie Wlnou Central, aald Iho ths r* Mdii.prqpoMd to. make thfi redilrtlon were — ■f'boeanae bmloeM la net moving from No'Yc ihc midwcit it the preient eharges.'' the *i Pint relairJCrelght. rat«» .from. Ch? mark, mgo'to New.Orlliatu ant now IS.£0 per wnrk hnadnrt* |)ound»ri« erplainei while from' fThlnign to Now* 'Vork, they arc q • •' ^^‘I^lUi, nobody will ahlp fir»l elui freight'deitlned for the Paclfie eout , l. via New Orleani,’* lie aald, ''when bo can pel-Into ;Kew York cheaper and cetbeltcr 'Md more frequent bonl aer^•• 'w, lee via the m a L ” ^"7*’ •viJTiB'lower waler 'ratet; from New : ( ^ a n a -wonld" not -Niuallro' thii, the w” ne«-liiiUtea(-■ _ ' . r " I l IhfiK onything itnlawfal then In . tliPKO re^lneUoMt’*- A. P. :Hnmborgh, r J ' cnuniel for the melnola Central, uked. , "Nothlnc at #1),'.’ the witneai re- vtlni, "and anmethbg very, deairahle frnoi the' itandpelnt of public poUey Id. Jnerenainir.the ute of Panama eanal fflclHtle^ and of eom^tUivo torTlce'.to ' L09 .ron^nmen.” • Aguln • ' * !■'’ ii» I ■ .,' iirree -TBOOPBLANDATiraWYO^' the U ,\TW lO llK , ypJ.- Thfl United of the S'ntei armv tnmipert Ca^tlgny arrlv- t« l>e nl from Antwerp today wlthV 1059 u»t. it i;«np» from, the area of ceeopfttien in arrmany. and the bodtei 27Q Wf»^ be n i hmtri, brought here,Ir«m eemiteriN e*ecn» in Ptaore for reburi*!. ninget TBE ONL^SSOdii ^ FAI BmiAii.Career of [~ . Cbimgo W o ^ n ls Brought m m EM * . OniCiLQO, (AV-7bo bandit ea- •Teer of Eya Daley, 28 yeari old, > « tn^i lu i night wheg. Ihe eo- toredi grocery'itore aad attempt- -'ed to' hold op the prpprlbtoi',: ae- - co'rdlog to the police. The, grocer ,grabbed her gun and held her,un- til a.tartomer ciUfld.the police. , > The. polleo u y they ^eUevo'that •hfl-li the grirwho haijbcen lead- .Ibg a band of robben on holdopi and-biirglsrlei here for eeveral •daya.'^. ■ •. ' H<fyatid Official , Found Dead With .Bullets ill Body . ■ HAVANA, (iP) — Rafabl Uar- tln£z Alvnu, member of the houw I ofli'oprcicntatlvea and liberal can- didate for mayot'of Havauli, waa tound'i}ead tbU tJttfttOitt I b Uf room at tbe hotel Luz, wltb three ' bullet woundi in hli body. Eo ii known tu bave taken lunehaon at ' the howl with two oilier leaden of ' tbe liberal party who had not been, located Into'todBy. iiili iicEiiisi TJCOIiiS' ;cale Com m ittee of U nited tiline Workers Stands Pat In Op- ■^))9?ition to Cut in Pay; Ref- erendum Vote to Be Taken ■ . : ' .. Mvst IW)I.\.SA1’0U S, Ilil, (fl>) - Con- . ^ liuaneo of preient ..wage* for io(t )H-biineri ond nn/ltimaw .cf C sa •- Jf eont for the I anthraclto worker*, .i 'n i vked .up wltlj.iv thTeat uf n general ,, §k«.ia4ll.^eId».on.Aprlt 1, w uthe M< flf^e.wilftirrecomwondcd todny to.the ^ork^ of America by U* aeale com- • Itt^e, ■'-eompc.cd ot the 27 dbitrlei feildent*." ' . lor mu Aetlon by the eonvoatlun oii the •mmittco report, whlri ira* rK6lrcd * 1th'chccri'from' tho 2000'delegate*!' fli defcrjcd.tiiilil tomoffonr, and tho ireatened convention fight , over tho 'Otlng ni delegalen o f the follnwen ' AlcxJader Ilownt, the deponed Knn- ^ 1* leader, nlw fWled to lirtoV on llic mvontioii f’q o r.,', — • 'Mau; 'AXT MBETINO OP / LL OO.U. MIKEBS. '^?ho fThc itrlku threat, mado by ilio xealc ntent« immltlop •vrn* conldldey 'lu-ndJondtim I tho report.oil formal wbrc tN’alo de- Edflrnr audfl being «taUd under tho title of h'ltlcM policy." After n*nerting thnl oper- dlwovf or* nf wpslorn Penn*ylvnnin nnd hio- bad broken their projont ogrcc- l‘f>» ii ent with the .iinlbn by refusing to n**hliij ntluuo.a'joint ennfctcncj), tbe report ■epoied Ibat efforl* be renewed to it a meeting wUh operator* in both tomtnmx nnd anthrarite field*. |>cdillei IVHher Ibo committer repommcndod ipointment of a policy committeo lo lelde *'nll nnforfieen tmergcnelei ‘>cen f( hlch nmy nriie,” th;»t .the wage heen n [Wmpht.for tht* central moKwlitivo ““wlvt eld, comprising wMerti Pennjylva- a. Indiana,-IlUnolA nnd Ohio l» matlj O E M ’fere-necpflatipnn'nrp iimlertaken in her (oft>cbarfip!d* nnd thnt before t « ■ ly 'icalo N-ftdopled tlmt it bo mibmit- « d to a referpndiim of nlinern directly fected by It. i . OHmA lEIES POUOBWOMEN ..'jT I’BKINfl, (ff) — Wortiii |K)llfp are peUtva 10 latest nddltion to the forfo of Pok- natter g which. Iia* the r^piitatlnn of being (^tv d iccptinnnlly jjood nnd, cnMly rorapar- taken >lo with jrollre forces In the cltlei of nee *a reign rrniintrie*. It wn* found that rharge the nalemon Oetoroi (ntod* wcro be- ivtwrri rr snugirli-d pnat the police by womia id in iinler to c»pe with the nituatlon BAN f rank* of the police li thi* dUtrlct oit pre auCTjcntcd by ten policcworacD. n ,^ Y o'Yeport ha* vet been Imued u to i|„.*ra e *upccM of thii.Mperlmenl which JL ,i, ark, th,' oprning of a new field of T .t" nrk for the women of China, BBOEEBAGB PIBU 7AIL& - jo]mb NEW .'i'OnK, O^rPalliirt* of Craw, plea <ri rd, Pottcn nnd Cannon member* of the pr e New York BtofR'ctclinnee. wni an- nineed At the opening of liunlnci* to- ' V ir. Ilenrv-D. Cannon, i* tho beard ember of the flmi. whic.i w u organ- iqai], ] P)l In November, 1011. pnrpon Annoiin'‘ement wo* made Inter thai .irar fii e f-rm had a*»Igneil for the beoefU «>■]«.1 it* rreditor* to William Oti* Bad- |76o T, Jr., nlio. announced that a prelim- tana-'- nry cjtlmate Indicated llnbilltle* of u W r •out •.‘!.r.nn,ooo and aMft* about «3.- . ^ «.i)00. -------------- PAL POEUSB BAVDIT nm T B D . Nation LOS .*NnRLE8. ra>. m - EniUlo inUnnldrt. leader of the-Philionlne In. Werol rreetlon. will be Invited tn attend ‘'0''«r e twenty-fourth nnntial • cflnvcntlon •** *ht fhe United Spanish War Veteran*,- • Ite h'lld lu I<oi Angele* next Aug- t. it il announc.ed. VIE] >'urthBrm6re, if he awepti, be will and th n guv'it of honor, according to . tbi Rave ji eestlTO cemmme^ .ln eharga ef w . maklas ngemeuti for the co&veaMoa., were a iiArED PRhs NEWSP LLS ,.tw m VAWa. IBAHO, T3Ea BomeWhe i 'A sa; a A view ef the home of ^yJlHnm pci- wni and Taylor In Loi Angelct, where ho the;: l i l i i i ll[S ip INfflESIiP I" JISSiiN --------- - sj lln, lystery Surrounding Death of. S I Ml William Desmond Taylor Is >p» ! WOI Impenetrable W alt; Too ri> Many Tips Confuse ^ . iw ' ' • ' ' — . ; ' *«r nnectcd wlih the Wm. Deimond Tay-f . r murder mystery, il braye enough to j !cl*r«-thnt. any actual progreu had I* !cn,made toward.Itl.solution.. n Tli'o officer* w e» nt .work nbd still ll. preil lietenninatlon to do their best find ths *laycr of thb film dlrcrtor, . it found tbetnwWts confronted witlt too'mnnv'wHd tip*;” they said,.nnd 0 fow genuine clewi. Uauy of these “ tipi" live thVn’ngh e edition of n now»pnper. jind dbap- The dclcftlve* of tho police'.lepar't- PffiJ .•nt (Itill declared their bolict that thi- j ;. fleAjr wodld-bff'cloared, up 'until Uie lernrd P. 8andi, the mlttlng former - itler-*ecretary to Toylor , bnd been And the iherlff’K dcputin were still •w in Iliolr rnulenlion thnt Snmlnlmd • tbiiig to do with the eiine. ' dent Tlio. oir wn* filled with rumors of tiio c njTlory iiu>n" nnd "m yitpry woni-L„tC( " imd “ myrtrry myHlerlci.'* “ driigi ,, ddlcr*,” "jr»iloH*y motive*” nnd ‘ , revence theorip*," but back of tbem 1 wi're-lbe fnrt* tbnt Sand* bnd not ‘h en found; tbnt tbe murderer had not cn nrroted nnd that thi' cn.e wok tive< Mlved. ' l« P< . ■ fo fl EWH summons ; PlONEEft S;?” ^ . nna I B. Borer*, Early Day SetUer of whld Bock O m k Dlitrlc^ Dlei In Tin a*It“lik « |i(iicd . / ' hi* a Word wn*'^today reeclvpd bcre of *nriP n dentb In Bnlt LnkP nn Tbur<dnv, fulfil ibtTijkTN- 3. flf-.X. T„ Bnwtnt, vloum lipnd ttler.of Roek Creek nnd Artesian retur fy dlntrlet*. The body wn* to be It ken to Tturley fnr biirinl, thn men-|tiludi 0 said, fiineral' *i'r\-icc* Mne In made orge of the Rika’ ledce of whlrli Mr. mtliii iwcr* wo* a member. ■ nte i . --------- .'■*----------- ' witb BAKDIT DBOXOMSS TO PLEAD Irltcr SALT LAKETITY, (ff)-<lllbw L. -ighton, jointly, cha^g^ with Ange- le Waeaiter nnd Boy E Donnell in rrtp 0 ilaying of Chnrlca A. Fnu*, member the city board of education, ot hii CT me three weeka agt>!' refuied to plead lea arraigned before City Judge Ben - . hnibn today. The judge ordered n ea-of ‘'not guilty” entered and lei e pr'cllmlnafy hearing fer Mnreh 13. MBW LOAKB AEB MADB WABHINQTON,' (ff)-Among tho in* for liveitock ond agricultural rpoie* announced' lait nfghf by tho ir finnnce corporation ai having been ,,„,i i ide Pebniaty 0-11 Inelude; 176,000 In Idahot 1073,000 In Mon- na; .«0,(W0 In Oregon; find M70,000 _ "t?, UTAH BANK CLOSBB ' PALT LAKE CITY (ffWThe Pint l " itional banic at ^fyton, Utah, doied liay, according fb word received by »pj„ derol. reierve bank -offlclali ' here. , )ver loaning" on livestock wai glren tb e « iuiu . . .. , , , OAB rA B E i.m o H . ■ VIENN'A, (/P) — Street car fnrp* rt the prieo of giia and pleetrielty ve Ju»t been advanced 100 per cent, kklag tben 14 tunc* more' Iban they 3 ire a y?ar ifo. tlm if^APER IN^TWiN FAL DAIL BapATT, rfflSBDABT H , IMS, here Movie Director. Was S V‘ pH' 01 fonud murdered. . The arrow marki foun le room in which Taylor'i body wa* lultii Color Display in ' Til Skie^alledOff III Sun .Spoti Not Big Enough I to Besult in Northern { ' LigWa r NEW. YOBK, <flVAurora’i idenilng- colon nro not to bo ex- , . (ilbited tonight) ion ipoti or no lun ipot*,- announce* Pr. .Prank Seholi- linger, obaerver ot Yale obicrva- tory„ ilc odvlie* ngnlnst leekingtho ^ . witora, nltUounU dlipatebe*. frcm XOtl Miami,. Pla., announced that the _ ipotirnow vlaible on Ihe lun’i face o wore likely to came a colorful dis- play overhead. ,5 Th(^;ipoU oro t£0 amall, the Klen- tin reported, and aotvllkely to of- ^ fer ttn^thln'g ilrlking.' y. SPffliESi In resident Harding Favors Sol- , Inir fl diers’ Bonus ayt ls_^ln(lecid- ^ ™i edas.to Best Method IVABIIJNOTOX, a 0., UPI - h c i - llir»o nt Harding I* unalterably opponed tn **' 0 enaclmcnt of.the upcclartnitci iug- stcd to flnnnro tlir *oIdl«r bonus or tho return to tnxp* whieh havo beeii Tht pc'atcd, It wn* »tatcd offirlnlly t(idn.v ‘’"R ' tho Whlto IIou*e. '"«• It nlio was Indicated that the execu- p-e wa* very much In doubt If it would pociiblo to raise" the required ,jium 1'“!*" hnauep Ihc ca*h feature of tho OT*si nu* unlcr nn Imuo of bond* without f am ipreciably ■ ttdvftiiplnB Inlcresl rnte« lit dustrc.vlng the flnaiivlnl trBnquilitv. ■ileb Is .rniglit., . •=, The president. It w « sr.i'd, wnrf <ied to be favorable tu Uie bonus l>ut » attitude hnd.to bo that of finding np and sPnKlbte - pniidltlon* fpr the " Iflllinput of prom)*ci mndn on.^onp ’''(L" ind wlllitiut dlslurlilng Ibe denired turn' to flnnnelal itablllt.v. ''"J" It wit* rtnted that Mr. Jlnrdlng's at- :udo on Ibe bonus question would be ' itde clear (o eongroin In a communi- " tlun expected lo be'ient to the *cn- e and bouw; *ub.fommitleca deoHni: fJ""" itb the bonn* »ubjfct. Whether thi* itcr would tjo forward todnv wns not " •closed. ' ^ men; ORD REITERATES FOtiMER STATEMENT ON PURCHASE “ J rtiolt Mas m i N»t AltK Tamu of •PwpoaiUca for Pw lttM of . ' ' ‘ • of th . • . ___ In PJ WAsntNOTON. n. P.. (ip) - w . n. '""r.*’ nxo,- chief pnKlneer nnil per*onal '" oke*man for Ilenrv Ford, todny no- 'led Iho house military committee in: Ml|mtlog-the Fnnl offer for purcbuc ifl l..« . «t llic Mo.flo 81.0.1., Ala,, vemmonl-owncd propertlp* " t h a t I’®’] " ’ r. Pord had mnde tho bc«l offer he nl(l.M , • morn The Itatement wai nceepte<l b v th e f?“ P mmittec 0* rcnffirniinB Mr. Mnvo’s claratlon of yesterdny thnt Mr. Ford mid, not jireept anv luiriefial altera- m In bl* proposed plan. - " Th®'Inrtrtlgatlon .wn* rnntinwd to- r with Mr. Mayo facing a rapid fire ' terrogation. by BeprcBcntetlve M ill- __ , rrpnblican, Wanhlngton. who said intnded to show where the gov^ nment '/get* off In this deal.” lo " ,»'■■- ' . the Jl . . .■ IDAHO WEATiaiE. ‘<> «» Toniijht • and WcdncMny. con- tianed cold. iLLS COVmY'^n X NE s Slain . 11| -T I ' . i )'r ilo A hel i ^ ^ m k w c h h . . to' - r;0': . f P * " found. ' Detective* aro boro shown con- he lulling on the cue. > of tb iiiiEiiil liliii liiiiietEI lotal i f ' V iolent -D eaths' W ««“ Belfast Streets Reaches 18 j£i' . Since' Satui-day;' Civil W ar May Be'Oiitoonie . , - tlBtiad thiir. grljn’v o n rla tita dU- tosbM MCtlou 'o f BcUtot .UtU f>lKhe m eiT ^ aad-br mU4tf tha death roll linca Saturday b*en la- a ^ to 18 by .tba daatlu ef tw»-' man wlio ware Tlctlma of flying' prf.“ ' bDUats in tha itreeta dialog . tha> «<''I're tioon hour. • Tb# manner of wonnd-' • od at the lama hen;, had .t«ach*d the'total of apptff^^aljr DO . In the main-thi»i«\^’farci of the ity busincii proceodctnpparcntly: a * ____ sunl bnt in tbe stqrin;,^tcn tbo snip- nir'wnn frcqucnt'nud dnngerous. Wllllnm Wnring, o carttnkcr of Or- •URC ball in Cllflon-itreel, wos sbot In he neck Imlnv'nnd i* In a scrloiii con- iltion. ' • . ■' A truckman Ibadliig. a hone ' lirouRb C'ifton itrcCt, near the *cene f the Waring shootlnir, wo* itopped . i ’ 'V n mm who fired .'point blank, nt n,.*,, Im. wounding him In .tbo abdomen. Ho i in Cl c-Ulcnl condition. Thn police today wero again patrol- Ing tJip Irnnbled dlotrict* in armored ar». tifiiiit The .najorlty of tho ihop* nlontr «orth Qnccn street hnve su*|iendcil ^ . admlr. ILSTBB OABIWBT , . are bt !AKBB UP HITUATION. ntrtmi The :nl!nct of Sorthi-rn Mrclnnd, irpsided over by Sir Jnm?* Craig, thw norning took up the situation in con- ,! lectlon with tho kidnaping* from Ty- ono and Permnnauh. It wn* expocted 1 *tntcment would, bo isiued dnrlns he onernodii.. Ihp n Tlia two mnn kll'ed were a.'truck nnn whn wn* *bot In'tho back .while P^’ Irlvinj: n Im y nnd Oenrce Harper,.10, ^ rbo wn* hit.bv n bullet while itandmg it ft *tri'«t confer. , MCV Shortly bofore two oVIock this aft- rnonn,-heavT firing dVenrred in the _ •’oil*; road di*trlct. shot* coming .from be iin'onUt (wtion in.Northomlxrland ireet In' Ihe Hlfln Fein quarter. Oun- neu In tbp latter quarter rotallatcd nnd i flerr p tcvolm dual-continued for a . , s ; SHOTS m tB D BI P) WAmST AMB0IANOB. . - jjexlc • Bhol* wero fired into Tvoynl avenue. )ne mijo wai wnundod and the driver >f the nmhulnnce whieh.Wfli ru*bed up Cei n cnrry him off. reported thb ambn- ho ca ancp bad been {ired U|>on. of hli l*rpvionih- ft man had been found ' lend In Little York street—the-nine- ehnlh virtim of the flghtlog. . , Mvoh MnrtM O'llnnlon, 13, wbo , wai whw rouuded in tho neck and am by the ^ .omli w’d,-b exploded In W eaver i«treet ast nlglit; laid at tho bospltAl thli 9^ ^ noniing thot *he nnd n ,number of ompanion* were iklpplna rope on the . qi idewalk when the bomb was thrown prr mona them. Qn Rpjchfipld itreet Jn East Belfast; i*.,., , Hrl wa* struck In, the breast by a ittlle^ which T>lctced ber Ivodv. She « * till rv’lve this aflernoon. lOBDBB-TBOTJBIJJ 8 B^ONSIBLB. .>■ : LONDON, {/I^Annrtuucemeat that ^ ho jniniitry regarded' It n», neccnary CliJ 0 m pend.the evacuation of British roop* frota aoutbcrn^Trelaad waa made ~*iirhfltT*IiH tti Pica., lin t) tea n m M PSIOB n T B OBHTB iiliF - iEMM^" lEI||iEI Sensational Advance in Llver- pooled Other Foreign Marr kets Reflected in Strong Ad- vances on Chicago Board OHICAOO, <fl-W lii«t prlcn Jumped a* much ai 0 l-2c a bushel " ” " today at the opening of the board of trade Tbe reaaoa waa a ieaia-' tionnl advaneo in UverpooSAnd' other foreign market • eeaien, while United fltatCi exchange! ' were cloied during ywterday'i holiday. - { . : • May delivery; the moit active trading.opUoB here, , opened 'a t *1J7 to $1.89 1-S aa ai^oit ILU to t u a 1-S nt tbe fiuUh on Satur- day. Dealtog* in Chicago took oa large ' roportioDi as loon ~~u ths market pened. The <prevailing view i^ o d > be that the oztraordinary rbe v u irgely due to more general reallutibn ■ I tbe fact that tbo world Ji eonlroat- lb'ysmaU^ppUc«qt.«hcat,aadtbat ' )pe for reUet by earlr il^pmeala 'of ew winter wheat f^m , the United totei might, prove fallaelona, - owing I tho poor crop ontlook. PBOirtATOM '• CAT BB HABD BIT. ; , , Speeulalor* who ha<i'aqtd w h ^t on le auumptlon tbat a normal yield of Inter wbeat In tbli.cenntry was to it'ci^beted’''fonnd then*el*ea thi* ornlng In an oncofflfortable poaltlen, nd It wa* their effort* to ertrieato iifnitlvei without further toiiei that' ' td mueb ,to do , with ’. ferciag prim ( ' ert-'lharply upwa^ [Whea daaand . : ,-y ■bin thii iourn ba^bees piiJ^ latii- - ied the':Bi*jk«t iea6t«d’'*eim4wliit;''.. ' A good deal ef the aelUBg OB the in- ill advaoeo ia the.wbeat mkrket'l'ere ' a i'u ld .t* eomo.from.latareita that ad bought at'W innipeg - ywterday * hllo'^the advaace: there w u' la I ti:.. : :.i irlyiligpi. . r'^: On today’* ..nbtoma In; pH6e*,':tl» )S2 crop In thli'cfluntr^ tboehflJ the lghe*t ' qontatloni y^-iilt^eS'i(|iU ason for that moatb; |1;£8.a-l)iHbel^ ore tha i, 25 ecnti a bushel kbhve here thb 'mai;kcfr wls'wben Teceaf de-, , m ion of valuea^wis.tnost aeute. Mav , ’Ivery, which stnndi’fpr Wheat'jiar- folLsolA todaywRWUh^— . : ccnt* a.biisbel higher than'tbe bot-; m Icvcl.-'Wnche'i. during- the lato, big dine. '1' REWS BADl^iDEPLETED Inittl OoonU for UodaratlOB in B«dacUoa' of SaaFoicei •I ' ' . '' WABHINOTON,. P. C., (/p)-Moh- nn 200 deiltroyfr* of the United sics navy’^iro now lying in various rt*;wl*.h depleted >rewa, barely suf-, ^lent In n n i^ r to keep up tbelr In- Inato mechanism, Adi^lral Bobert E. onti, chief of nayal.opcratloni, tii- / ^ed todoy ' before the Jionie n av al,."' mmltfre. Only 05'ships of this yas* e In ''operating. commission."'the . miral »ald. nnd tbo crewi of these-•. e being inaintained at Mper ccnt o f; rmal stccngthv - .a . •. . Supporting'Bccrotary ■Denby’s rcf . imendatlon that the'pnilsted *treniitb , ; . the,no47 be not reduced below CO.- ,, 0..thB witness said that the 100 do-, ,. r ' royer* whieh would bo placed, wbol- ,v, v™; oul of commlniilon. to make. poulbla e reduction of tert tbouiand men In e navr i<iigitcstcd by Beerotrunr Den- “ will deterlomte to-a‘greater nr • ' II extent’' while Inld up;- •' lEXlCAN CHIEF IS PAROLED '' i ' ■' \ •nual Joan Uerlgo BalMunil from . Outody by Septxtmiat ef . Tnattca AcmiU KL I'ABO. Texas, (ff) — General , inn Merlgii, (irre*ted early Sundiy ou; ' Ip Unl{fld elates-lido of the line nea* I Paso, of^eV'be had'relnmed'fr^m exlco, was,paroled by department'"of- i; '■ stlce operative* last ovening aftor vernl hours invciUgntion. , -f*. Generali Uerigo will ‘,'w anin wbcrn - ; >can be hsd,” according to the terms ' bis pirole. The genera! ii *aiirtff*bave been the adrair ipirit In. an attempt to itart a volution in Cbihukhua l u t ' week, hen two bridge* were bumed.. Two atieelAtci of General Morign iploTod wltb bim stlU are beW In jalt. . El Paso. ^ ,• HOLLAND OHAUPXOK JMSB^ PHILADELPniA, (fi>^AlfyTller-{of- : olland,. European ehaapien» irtlU o:',' stcd bv Percy N. Collins, Ghibago. la :• afteraoon match of the Intematloa- doss A 18.a bll^-Une ,bnilara* lamploniblp' by ithe teo'Hivof.'JOp tb 13 In 27 Innlngi,.. BWBTodK D I T O I ^ . ' ; cniC A C O ,''(^ -— Dircetor* of..tho .. nilam^-Wrigtoy, Jr.. cempaay, todai- - cUred a. 16,000,000 stock' dividend, .. vi'ng one sham .of-*to?)c .for, every - anew held.

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Page 1: ^ FAILLS DAIL NEm Mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · -y ----- Iiiiiiii W President,and Seretary of Ida- ;{< . ^“-ItjdenM'DWare intentiM S; V toPutForeeintMaS’?^^^^^

-y ----- ■ ■

IiiiiiiiW President,and Seretary of Ida- ;{<

. ■“ -ItjdenM'DWare intentiM S; V toPutForeeintMaS’?^^ jjrt

*'•' ■ asWeator^ndiltons ftlfe :

T h M 'a i r u b ^ U 'ivn- . . . . 'm » d « ;to b ip n R ir» « ir '.iro fk o a tlj* ,.-

X d a h o -U D tn a - tiO in r u » e a u . ■ J ' - v M t h u v ^ d n a l l tb* ■ . t lm. I t a t e n u t - eostalpM in • I s t t n .o f :

* l« o 6 ljo ta « y ij7 .a « ) tg * l4 .D * T l» , . d i d atemtry,:aai:JeWli2^^8Umrt, Ton $6inarf it» vufm> ncOni- too

. t y - i t o I w l a ' : r * l l * c n u a b o r of l>ul 1,. t a

M y ^ d i r J t r . , , - i ........... : loeiW o'W iih.ta a^Tiio yen til®* ^ 0

ftrruR«mBDti to begin the b i. diirvr;^ for Ihe Idaho Central railroad III

ju i t MHAOD 'u the wmUicT condltloni IUw in pcnaU tu to procw d alonjr oeo- | |nomie Uno*. In other w ordi, ju i l a i , ■•oon h a .> e eaa -j)U te » a « o ^ e « r in f ( KeoTM la th o 'i le ld and tb e 'in o w a t Ithb W d l s . n n a l t h a i lu lt ld e d in fftr |clently to allow onr t tc n to aum r tc U I

' t n o n e j r . ' , .

P B T A IL a W ira H B IiD ro a ^ H lB S E N T . !

I n ^ u w m tlm e , wc will defer mnk- in ff;M j’*<unher ita tem on tj o r propo*- nU: rcjjoriliDg ^he ralilnR of nny mor- bottui i a th a t roRlon un til our »ur\Ty C#.o| i l wbH under wav and we havo tho op- poilunlljr flf <aftklo(f a tliorougU In- u vesUiralfon of eoffdlUoni in th n t ro- * ' rion . Y o u .a a y rM l.a w n rcd v« tirv jn i t a s ujixloui aa the "people In th a t ' ^ .ftglon t» . have th l i road eonitrucled W d h a re been, ta d are'hoW jrm lBg onr e i ^TMT e n d e a m .ta .b rln g '^ O '* tueecii- . iu l (ODfilDdoa the bnnd}Bg;ofv th e aamo.

t , We will appreeU te aay-Inform ationre tta rd ln /ire a ih e r 'd en d U lo iii.a sd alao tlnuai

: ■ Joibpk i ■SMinrt, S iO T ttty .: pM il

M iiiilfflp lT h i r t e e i i ’- V e t ^ ; p i a ‘y i p t l i n o f S S

. H t i r d O T o u 'A t t a ; ( ^ , p n ^ ^ ronvc

: H y : S t ib o tim b s t o W o m i ^ 'i ' . ALL

. ‘ WACO, T e x a a r ( / ^ T h ‘e 'd e a th early rrho tfliloyof Homer Turk, I J y c a r* «W I'oy. comml whb ira i.fttru ik dovu b y .th e a m a a ln i the of )V. IL B arker ana nia w iio o n , the ir ,„aud» ttoro n t Concord Saturday n igh t, ellm* «poi|, Inatoa pCnlble .evidence to th a Identity fltors o f the ilayer* « e c p t . through th a foar- o y ^ . year-old U aiker g irl,' the on ly llvtnff „ p a t

- n ir w b w .c r th e < an jily ..;... . 'M c o n tluD etcetwoa cannot find a motlvo. I t propo,

WM a o f T obU iyj appueoU y; and If to* ^ venj^e, the deteetlw * aek w hy thd boy, iji{Q„ n r ls lto r, w al eloln and tb e little girl "Jc fl nnhnrt. . • ■ ' . nnpoit

H ve of ..nino negroes o rre ited are i t l l l . b i ^ g 'h e ld . ’ ■■■ •• V -whjei;


' * . other

t « w t 6 K i i» f o r ? i iU d in * . uffe^^t J j o f t t i f f l o .

.......—;— . O ttWASHINGTOK, D. C.. yp j - l'ro - PBI

poied red n e tlo n i'o f • f r e ig h t 'ra te i qn tho latr t f f l e ' . f r e o M iuU jlpp l' Hvcr..;.volt^ fng wpa ln ti to 'th e P ae ifli eea it v ia u u th - czi'cpie rn 'iw rta w o te 'definded -K day te fo ro aMo »a hearing; o f the In te n ta to commereo fo rd crommlnlott by repre»eatatlvei of . mid- io theiro4 tW .Jr«U r^»0- V' • in rrra' ; w f ^ . ' BLett, .forelCT fre igh t man- nod irage^ of t i e W lnou Central, aald Iho th s r*M dii.p rqpoM d to. make thfi redilrtlon were

— ■f'boeanae bmloeM la n e t m oving from No'Ycihc m idw cit i t the p reien t eh arg es.'' the *i

P in t relairJCrelght. rat«» .from . Ch? m ark,m g o 'to New.Orlliatu an t now IS.£0 per wnrk hnadnrt* |)o u n d » ri« e rp la in e i whilefrom' fThlnign to Now* 'Vork, they arc q

• • ' ■ ^^‘I^lUi, nobody will ahlp fir» l e lu i ■ fre ig h t'd e itln ed for the Paclfie e o u t , l . via New O rleani,’* lie aald, ''w h e n bo can p e l-In to ;Kew York cheaper and c e tb e ltc r 'M d more frequent bonl aer^•• 'w, lee via the m a L ” ^ "7* ’•viJTiB'lower waler 'r a te t ; from New : ( ^ a n a -wonld" not -Niuallro' th ii , the

■ w” n e « - l i i iU te a ( -■ _ ' ■ . r " I l IhfiK onything itnlaw fal then In .

tliPKO re^lneUoMt’*- A. P . :H nm borgh, r J ' cnuniel for the m elnola Central, u k e d . ,

"N o th ln c a t #1),'.’ the w itneai re- v tln i, " a n d anm ethbg ve ry , deairahle frnoi th e ' itandpeln t of public poUey Id. Jnerenainir.the ute o f Panam a eanal fflclHtle^ and o f eom ^tU ivo torTlce'.to ' L09 .ron^nmen.” • Aguln

• ' * !■'’ ii» I ■ . , ' iirree-T B O O P B L A N D A T ir a W Y O ^ ' the U , \ T W lO llK , y p J . - Thfl U nited of the

S 'n te i arm v tn m ip e rt C a^tlgny arrlv - t« l>e n l from Antw erp today w lthV 1059 u»t. it i;«np» from, the area o f ceeopfttien in arrm any. and the bodtei 27Q Wf» be n i h m tr i, brought h e re ,Ir« m eem iteriN e*ecn» in P tao re fo r reburi*!. ninget

TBE O N L ^S S O d ii

FAIBmiAii.Career of [ ~. Cbimgo W o ^ n ls

Brought m m EM* . OniCiLQO, (AV -7bo bandit ea- •Teer o f E ya Daley, 28 y e a r i old,> « tn^i l u i n igh t w heg. Ihe eo- t o r e d i g rocery 'ito re a ad attem pt-

- 'ed to ' hold o p the prpprlbtoi',: ae- - co'rdlog to the police. The, grocer , g rabbed her gun and held h e r,u n ­t i l a .ta rto m er ciUfld.the police. ,

> The. polleo u y they eU evo 'that •h fl-li the g rirw h o h a ijbcen lead-

.Ibg a band o f robben on holdopi a n d -b iirg ls rle i here fo r eeveral •daya.'^. ■ • . '

H<fyatid Official , Found Dead With

■ .Bullets ill Body. ■ HAVANA, (iP) — Rafabl U ar- tln£z A lvnu , member of the houw

I ofli'oprcicntatlvea and liberal can­d idate fo r m ay o t'o f Havauli, waa tound'i}ead tbU tJttfttOitt Ib U f room a t tbe hotel Luz, wltb three ' bullet woundi in h li body. E o ii known tu bave taken lunehaon a t ' the howl w ith tw o o ilier lead en of ' • tbe liberal party who had not been, located Into'todBy.

i i i l iiicEiiisiTJCOIiiS'

;c a le C o m m i t t e e o f U n i te d t il in e

W o r k e r s S t a n d s P a t In Op- ■^))9 ? i t i o n t o C u t in P a y ; R e f ­

e r e n d u m V o te t o B e T a k e n ■

. — : ' .. M v s tIW )I.\.SA 1’0 U S , I l i l , (fl>) - Con- . ^ liuaneo of preient ..wage* for io (t)H -b iin e ri ond n n / l t im a w .cfC s a •-J f eont fo r the I anthraclto worker*, .i 'n iv k e d .up wltlj.iv thTeat u f n general , ,§k « .ia 4 ll.^ e Id » .o n .A p rl t 1, w u t h e M<flf^e.wilftirrecomwondcd todny to .th e •

^ o r k ^ o f America by U* aeale com- •Itt^e, ■'-eompc.cd ot the 27 dbitrlei feildent*." ' . • lor muAetlon by the eonvoatlun oii the •mmittco report, w h lr i ira* rK 6lrcd * 1 th 'c h c c r i 'f ro m ' tho 2000 'd elegate*!' fli d e fcrjcd .tiiilil tomoffonr, and tho ireatened convention figh t , over tho 'Otlng n i delegalen o f the follnw en *® ' A lcxJader Ilow nt, the deponed Knn- 1* leader, nlw fWled to lirtoV on llic mvontioii f ’q o r . , ' , — • 'M au;

'AXT M BETINO OP /LL OO.U. M IKEBS. '^ ?h ofThc itr lk u th rea t, mado by ilio xealc n te n t« immltlop •vrn* conldldey 'lu-ndJondtim I tho report.oil formal wbrc tN’alo de- Edflrnr audfl being «taU d under tho title o f h'ltlcM policy ." A fter n*nerting thnl oper- dlwovf or* nf wpslorn Penn*ylvnnin nnd hio- bad broken the ir projont ogrcc- l ‘f>» ii ent w ith the .iinlbn by refusing to n**hliij n tlu u o .a 'jo in t ennfctcncj), tbe report ■epoied Ibat efforl* be renewed to it a meeting wUh operator* in both tomtnmx nnd an th ra rite field*. |>cdillei IV H her Ibo committer repommcndod ipointment of a policy committeo lo lelde *'n ll nnforfieen tm ergcnelei ‘>cen f( hlch nmy n riie ,” th;»t .th e wage heen n [W m p h t.fo r tht* central moKwlitivo “ “wlvt eld, comprising w M erti Pennjylva- a . Indiana,-IlUnolA nnd Ohio l» matlj O E M ’fere-necpflatipnn 'nrp iimlertaken in her (oft>cbarfip!d* nnd thn t before t « ■ ly 'icalo N-ftdopled tlm t i t bo mibmit- « d to a referpndiim of nlinern directly fected by It. i .

O H m A lE I E S POUOBW OMEN ..'jT I’BK IN fl, (ff) — W ortiii |K)llfp are peUtva 10 la test nddltion to the forfo o f Pok- n a t te r g which. Iia* the r^piitatlnn of being ( ^ tv d iccptinnnlly jjood nnd, cnMly rorapar- taken >lo w ith jrollre forces In the c ltle i o f nee *a reign rrniintrie*. I t wn* found th a t rharge the nalem on Oetoroi (ntod* wcro be- ivtwrri

rr snugirli-d pnat the police by womia id in iinler to c»pe w ith the nituatlon BAN f rank* of the police l i th i* dUtrlct o i t pre auCTjcntcd by ten policcworacD. n , ^ Y o'Yeport ha* vet been Imued u to i|„ .* ra e *upccM o f th ii .M perlm en l which J L , i , a rk , th ,' oprning of a new field o f T . t " nrk for the women of China,

BBOEEBAGB P IB U 7A IL & - jo]mb NEW .'i 'O nK , O ^rP a lliir t* o f Craw, plea <ri rd, Po ttcn nnd Cannon member* of the p r e New York BtofR 'ctclinnee. w ni an- nineed At the opening of liunlnci* to- ' V ir . I lenrv-D . Cannon, i* tho beard ember of the flm i. whic.i w u organ- iqai], ] P)l In November, 1011. pnrponAnnoiin'‘ement wo* made Inter thai .irar fii e f-rm had a*»Igneil for the beoefU «>■]«.1

it* rreditor* to William Oti* Bad- |7 6 o T, Jr ., nlio. announced tha t a prelim- tana-'- nry c jtlm ate Indicated llnbilltle* of u W r •out •.‘!.r.nn,ooo and aMft* about «3.- . «.i)00. •

-------------- PALPO E U SB BAVDIT n m T B D . Nation

LOS .*N nRLE8. r a > . m - EniUlo inUnnldrt. leader o f the-Philionlne In. W ero l rreetlon. will be Invited tn attend ‘'0 ' '« r e tw enty-fourth nnntial • cflnvcntlon •** *h t

fhe United Spanish W ar Veteran*,- •Ite h'lld lu I<oi Angele* nex t Aug-

t. i t il announc.ed. V IE]>'urthBrm6re, i f he aw ep ti, be will and th

n guv'it of honor, according to . tb i Rave ji eestlTO cemmm e^ .ln eharga e f w . maklas ngemeuti fo r the co&veaMoa., were a

iiArED P R h s NEWSP

LLS, . t w m V A W a. IBAHO, T 3 E a


i 'A s a ; a

A view e f the home of ^yJlHnm p c i- wni and Taylor In L oi Angelct, where ho the;:

l ili i i ll[S ip INfflESIiP I"JISSiiN

--------- - s j lln,

l y s t e r y S u r r o u n d i n g D e a th o f . SI Ml

W ill ia m D e s m o n d T a y l o r I s >p»! WOI

I m p e n e t r a b l e W a l t ; T o o ri>

M a n y T i p s C o n f u s e . iw' ' • ' ' — . ; ' *«r

nnectcd w lih th e Wm. Deimond T ay-f . r murder mystery, i l braye enough to j !cl*r«-thnt. any actual p rog reu had I* !cn,made to w a rd .I tl .so lu tio n .. nTli'o officer* w e » n t .w ork nbd still l l . p re il lietenninatlon to do the ir best find th s * laycr o f thb film dlrcrtor, .

it found tbetnw W ts confronted witlt too'm nnv'w H d tip*;” they said,.nnd0 fow genuine clewi. •U auy of these “ t i p i " live thVn’ngh e edition of n now»pnper. jind dbap-

The dclcftlve* o f tho police'.lepar't- PffiJ .•nt (Itill declared th e ir bo lic t tha t thi- j ; .

fleAjr w odld-bff'c loared , up 'until Uie lernrd P. 8an d i, the m lttlng former - itler-*ecretary to Toylor , bnd been

And the ih e r l f f ’K d c p u tin were still •w in Iliolr rnulen lion thn t Snmlnlmd • tbiiig to do w ith the eiine. ' dentTlio. o ir wn* filled w ith rumors of tiio c njTlory iiu>n" nnd "m y itp ry woni-L„tC( " imd “ m yrtrry myHlerlci.'* “ driigi ,, ddlcr*,” "jr»iloH*y m otive*” nnd ‘ , revence theorip* ," b u t back of tbem1 w i're-lbe fnrt* tb n t Sand* bnd not ‘h en found; tb n t tbe murderer had notcn n rro ted nnd tha t th i' cn.e wok tive< Mlved. ' l« P<

. ■ fo fl

E W H s u m m o n s ; P lO N E E f t S ;? ”— ^ . nna I

B. Borer*, E a r ly D ay SetUer o f whldBock O m k D litr lc ^ D lei In Tin

a*It“l i k « |i(iicd. / — ■ ' hi* a

Word wn*'^today reeclvpd bcre of *nriP n dentb In Bnlt LnkP nn Tbur<dnv, fulfil ibtTijkTN- 3. flf-.X. T„ Bnwtnt, v lo u m lipnd t t l e r .o f Roek Creek nnd Artesian retu r fy dlntrlet*. The body wn* to be I t ken to Tturley fnr biirinl, thn m en-|tilud i 0 said, fiinera l' *i'r\-icc* M n e In made orge of the R ika’ ledce of whlrli Mr. mtliii iwcr* wo* a member. ■ nte i

. --------- .'■*----------- ' witbBAKDIT DBOXOMSS TO PLEAD Irltcr SALT L A K E T IT Y , ( f f ) -< l l lb w L. -ighton, jo in tly , c h a ^ g ^ with Ange- le W aeaiter nnd Boy E Donnell in r r t p 0 ilaying o f Chnrlca A. Fnu*, member the c ity board of education, o t h ii CT

me three weeka agt>!' refu ied to plead lea arraigned before C ity Judge Ben - . hnibn today. The judge ordered n ea-of ‘ 'n o t g u ilty ” entered and le i e pr'cllmlnafy hearing fe r Mnreh 13.

MBW LOAKB A EB MADBWABHINQTON,' (ff)-A m ong tho in* for live itock ond agricultural rpoie* announced' la i t nfghf by tho ir finnnce corporation a i having been ,,„,i i ide P ebnia ty 0-11 Inelude;176,000 In Idahot 1073,000 In Mon- na; .«0,(W0 In Oregon; find M70,000

_ " t ? ,

UTAH BA N K CLOSBB 'PALT LA KE CITY (ffW T he P in t l " itional banic a t ^fyton, U tah, do ied liay, according fb word received by »pj„ derol. reierve bank - o f f lc la l i ' here. , )ver loan ing" on livestock w ai glren t b e « iuiu . . . . ■ ■ , ,

, OAB r A B E i .m o H . ■VIENN'A, (/P) — S tree t car fnrp* rt the prieo o f giia and pleetrielty ve Ju»t been advanced 100 per cent, kklag tb e n 14 tunc* more' Iban they 3 ire a y?ar i f o . tlm



here Movie Director. Was S


p H '

01 fonud murdered. . The arrow m ark i foun le room in which T ay lo r'i body wa* lultii

Color Display in ' Til S k ie^a lledO ff III

S u n . S p o t i N o t B ig E n o u g h I t o B e s u l t i n N o r t h e r n {

' LigWa r

N EW . YOBK, < flV A u ro ra ’i idenilng- co lon nro not to bo ex- , . (ilbited tonight) ion ip o ti o r no lun ipot*,- announce* P r . .Prank Seholi- linger, obaerver o t Yale obicrva- tory„ ilc odvlie* ngnlnst leek ing tho ^ . w itora, nltUounU dlipatebe*. frcm XOtl M iam i,. P la., announced th a t the _ ipo tirnow vlaible on Ihe lu n ’i face o wore likely to came a colorful d is­play overhead. , 5

Th(^;ipoU oro t£0 amall, the Klen- t i n reported, and aotv llke ly to of- ^ fe r ttn^thln'g i lr lk in g . ' „


SPffliESi• In

r e s i d e n t H a r d in g F a v o r s S o l -, Inir fl

d i e r s ’ B o n u s a y t ls_ ^ ln ( le c id - ^ ™ i

e d a s . t o B e s t M e th o d

IVABIIJNOTOX, a 0., UPI - h c i - llir»o n t H arding I* unalterably opponed tn **' 0 enaclm cnt o f.the upcclartnitci iug- stcd to flnnnro tlir *oIdl«r bonus or tho return to tnxp* whieh havo beeii Tht

pc'atcd, I t wn* »tatcd offirlnlly t(idn.v ‘’"R ' tho W hlto IIou*e. '" « •

I t nlio was Indicated tha t the execu- p-e wa* very much In doubt If i t would

pociiblo to raise" the required ,jium 1'“!*" hnauep Ihc ca*h feature o f tho OT*si

nu* u n lc r nn Imuo of bond* w ithout f a m ipreciably ■ ttdvftiiplnB Inlcresl rnte« lit dustrc.vlng the flnaiivlnl trBnquilitv.■ileb Is .rn ig lit., . •=,The president. It w « sr.i'd, wnrf <ied to be favorable tu Uie bonus l>ut » a ttitude h n d .to bo that of finding np and sPnKlbte - pniidltlon* fpr the " Iflllinput o f prom)*ci mndn on.^onp ’''(L" ind w lllitiut dlslurlilng Ibe denired turn ' to flnnnelal itablllt.v. ''"J"I t wit* r tn ted th a t Mr. Jln rd lng 's at- :udo on Ibe bonus question would be ' itde c lear (o eongroin In a communi- " tlun expected lo b e 'ie n t to th e *cn- e and bouw; *ub.fommitleca deoHni: fJ""" itb the bonn* »ubjfct. W hether thi* itcr would tjo forward todnv wns not " •closed. '

■ ■ m en;

O R D R E I T E R A T E S F O tiM E R

S T A T E M E N T O N P U R C H A S E “ J

r tio lt M a s m i N » t A ltK T am u of •PwpoaiU ca for P w l t tM of

. ' ' ‘ • o f th . • . ___ In PJ

W A sntN O T O N . n . P.. (ip) - w . n . '""r.*’nxo,- ch ief pnKlneer nnil per*onal ' " oke*man for Ilenrv Ford, todny no- 'led Iho house military committee in: Ml|m tlog-the Fnnl o ffer for purcbuc ifl l . . « . « t llic Mo.flo 81.0.1., Ala,, vemmonl-owncd propertlp* " t h a t I’®’]" ’ r. Pord had mnde tho bc«l offer he nl(l.M , • mornThe Itatem en t w ai nceepte<l b v t h e f?“ P mmittec 0* rcnffirniinB Mr. M nvo’s claratlon of yesterdny thnt Mr. Ford mid, not jire ep t anv luiriefial altera- m In bl* proposed plan. - "T h® 'In rtrtlga tlon .wn* rnn tinw d to- r w ith Mr. Mayo facing a rapid fire 'te rrogation . by BeprcBcntetlve M i l l -__, rrpnblican, Wanhlngton. who said

in tn d e d to show where the gov^ nment '/g e t* o ff In th is deal.” l o

" , » ' ■ ■ - • ' . the Jl . . . ■ IDA H O W EA T iaiE . ‘ <> «»

T oniijht • and WcdncMny. con- tianed cold.

iLLS C O V m Y '^ n

X NEs Slain . 1 1|

■ - T I

' .

i )'r



i ^ ^ m k w c h h .

. to '

- r ; 0 ' : . f P * "found. ' Detective* aro boro shown con- he lu lling on the c u e .

> of tb

iiiiEiiill i l i i iliiiiietEI

l o t a l i f ' V io l e n t - D e a t h s ' W ««“

B e l f a s t S t r e e t s R e a c h e s 1 8 j £ i '

. S in c e ' S a t u i - d a y ; ' C iv il W a r

M a y B e 'O i i to o n ie . ,

- tlBtiad th iir. grljn’v o n r l a tita dU- tosbM M C tlou 'o f B cU to t .U tU f>lKhe m e i T ^ a a d -b r mU4tf th a death ro ll linca Saturday b*en la- ( » a ^ to 18 by .tba d a a tlu e f tw » - ' m an wlio ware Tlctlma o f f ly in g ' prf.“ ' bDUats in tha itre e ta d ia log . th a> «<''I're tioon hour. • Tb# m anner of w onnd- ' • od a t the lam a hen;, had .t«ach*d th e 'to ta l o f a p p t f f ^ ^ a l j r DO.In the m a in - th i» i« \^ ’fa rc i of the

ity busincii p roceodctnpparcn tly : a * ____sunl bnt in tbe s tq r in ; ,^ tc n tbo snip- nir'wnn frcqucnt'nud dnngerous.

Wllllnm Wnring, o carttn k c r of Or- •URC ball in C llflon-itreel, wos sbot In he neck Imlnv'nnd i* In a scrloiii con- iltion. ' ■ • . ■'

A truckman Ibadliig. a hone ' lirouRb C'ifton itrcCt, near the *cene f the W aring shootlnir, wo* itopped . i ’'V n m m who fired .'point blank, nt n , .* , , Im. wounding him In .tbo abdomen. Ho i in Cl c-Ulcnl condition.

Thn police today wero again patrol- Ing tJip Irnnbled dlotrict* in armored ar». tifiiiitT he .najorlty o f tho ihop* nlontr

«orth Qnccn street hnve su*|iendcil ^ .

■ ■ admlr.ILSTBB OABIWBT , . are bt!AKBB U P HITUATION. ntrtmi

The :n l!nc t of Sorthi-rn M rclnnd , irpsided over by Sir Jnm?* Craig, thw norning took up the situation in con- ,! lectlon w ith tho kidnaping* from Ty- ono and Permnnauh. I t wn* expocted 1 *tntcment would, bo isiued dnrlns he onernodii.. ■ Ihp nTlia two mnn k ll'ed were a .'tru ck

nnn whn wn* *bot I n 'th o back .while P^’ Irlvinj: n I m y nnd Oenrce H arper,.10, rbo wn* h it.bv n bullet w hile itandm g it ft *tri'«t confer. , MCV

Shortly bofore two oVIock this aft- rnonn,-heavT firing dVenrred in the _ •’oil*; road di*trlct. shot* coming .from be iin'onUt (w tion in .N orthom lxrland ireet In' Ihe Hlfln F e in quarter. Oun- neu In tbp la tte r quarter rotallatcd nnd i flerr p tc v o lm dual-continued for a .

, ■ s ;SHOTS m tB D BI P)W A m S T AM B0IA NO B. . - jjexlc• Bhol* wero fired in to Tvoynl avenue.)ne mijo w ai wnundod and the driver >f the nmhulnnce whieh.Wfli ru*bed up Cei n cnrry him off. reported thb ambn- ho ca ancp bad been {ired U|>on. of hli

l*rpvionih- ft man had been found ' lend In L ittle York s tree t—the-nine- ehnlh virtim o f the f lgh tlog . . , Mvoh

M nrtM O 'llnnlon, 13, wbo , w ai w hw rouuded in tho neck and a m by the ^ .omli w’d,-b exploded In W eaver i«treet a s t nlglit; la id a t tho bospltAl th li 9^ ^ noniing tho t *he nnd n ,number of ompanion* were ik lpp lna rope on the . q i idewalk when the bomb was thrown p r r m ona them.

Qn Rpjchfipld itr e e t Jn E ast Belfast; i * . , . ,, H rl wa* struck In, the breast by a ittlle^ which T>lctced b e r Ivodv. She « * till rv’lve this aflernoon.


LONDON, { /I^A nnrtuucem eat th a t ^ ho jn in iitry rega rded ' I t n», neccnary CliJ 0 m p e n d .th e evacuation o f British roop* frota aoutbcrn^Trelaad waa made

“ ~*iirhfltT*IiH t t i P ica ., l i n t ) tea n


i i l i F -iEMM^"lEI||iEI

S e n s a t io n a l A d v a n c e in L lv e r -

■ p o o l e d O t h e r F o r e ig n M a r r

k e t s R e f l e c t e d in S t r o n g A d ­

v a n c e s o n C h ic a g o B o a r d

OHICAOO, < f l - W li i« t p r lcn Jumped a* much a i 0 l-2c a bushel " ” "today a t the opening of the board of trade Tbe reaaoa waa a ie a ia - ' tionnl advaneo in U verpooSA nd' other fo reign m arke t • eeaien , while United fltatCi exchange! ' • were cloied during y w te rd a y 'i holiday. - • { . : •

May delivery; the m oit active trading.opU oB here, , opened 'a t *1J7 to $1.89 1-S aa a i ^ o i t I L U to t u a 1-S n t tbe fiuUh on Satur- day.

Dealtog* in Chicago took oa large ' roportioDi as loon ~~u th s market pened. The < prevailing view i ^ o d> be th a t the oztraordinary rb e v u irgely due to more general rea llu tib n ■I tbe fac t th a t tbo world J i eonlroat- lb 'y s m a U ^ p p U c « q t .« h c a t ,a a d tb a t ')pe fo r reU et by e a r l r il^pm eala 'o f ew w in ter w heat f ^ m , th e United to te i m ight, prove fallaelona, - owingI tho poor crop ontlook. •

PB O irtA T O M ' •CAT BB H ABD B IT . ; , ,

Speeulalor* who ha<i'aqtd w h ^ t onle auum ptlon tb a t a normal yield of In ter w beat In tb li .c e n n try was to it 'c i^b e ted ’''fo n n d then*el*ea thi* ornlng In an oncofflfortable poaltlen, nd It wa* th e ir e ffort* to ertrieato iifn itlv e i w ithout fu rther to iie i th a t ' ' td mueb ,to do , w ith ’. fe rciag p r i m ( ' e r t- 'lh a rp ly u p w a ^ [Whea daaand . : ,-y ■bin th i i io u r n b a ^ b e e s p i i J ^ la tii- - ied the ':B i*jk«t iea6t«d’'*eim 4w liit;''.. 'A good deal e f th e aelUBg OB the in-

i l l advaoeo ia the .w bea t m krket'l'ere ' a i 'u l d . t * eom o .from .la ta re ita th a t ad bought a t 'W in n ip e g - yw terday * hllo'^the advaace: there w u ' la I t i : . . : :.i i r l y i l i g p i . . r' :O n to d a y ’* . .n b to m a In ; pH6e*,':tl»

)S2 crop In th l i 'c f lu n t r^ tboehflJ thelghe*t ' qonta tlon i y ^ - i i l t ^ e S 'i ( | i U ason for th a t moatb; |1;£8.a-l)iHbel^ ore tha i, 25 e cn ti a bushel kbhve here thb 'mai;kcfr w ls 'w ben Teceaf d e - , , m io n of valuea^w is.tnost aeute. Mav , ’Ivery, which s tnnd i’ fpr W heat'jiar-

fo lL so lA to d a y w R W U h ^ — — . : ccnt* a.b iisbel higher th a n 'tb e bot-; m Icvcl.-'Wnche'i. during- the lato, big d ine . '1 '

R E W S B A D l ^ i D E P L E T E D

I n i t t l OoonUfor UodaratlOB i n B«dacUoa'

o f S a a F o ic e i•I ' ' . ' '

W ABHINOTON,. P . C., (/p )-M oh- nn 200 deiltroyfr* of the United sics n a v y ’ iro now lying in various rt*;wl*.h depleted >rewa, barely suf-,^lent In n n i ^ r to keep up tbe lr In- Inato mechanism, A di^lral Bobert E . on ti, chief o f nayal.opcra tloni, t i i - / ^ed todoy ' before th e Jionie n a v a l , . " ' mmltfre. Only 0 5 'ships o f th is yas* e In ' 'o p e r a t in g . com m ission ." 'the . m iral »ald. nnd tbo crew i o f these-•. e being inaintained a t M per ccnt o f ; rm al stccngthv - .a . •. .Supporting 'B ccro tary ■ Denby’s rcf . imendatlon th a t the 'pnilsted *treniitb , ; . th e ,no47 be n o t reduced below CO.- ,,

0..thB w itness sa id th a t the 100 do-, ,. r ' royer* whieh would bo placed, wbol- ,v, v™ ; oul o f commlniilon. to make. poulbla

e reduction o f tert tbouiand men In e n a v r i<iigitcstcd by Beerotrunr Den-

“ will deterlom te t o - a ‘g reater n r • • 'II e x ten t’ ' w hile Inld up ;- •'

lE X lC A N C H I E F I S P A R O L E D ' ' i ' ■ ' \

• n u a l Jo a n U erlgo BalMunil from . O u to d y b y S e p tx tm ia t e f .

Tnattca AcmiU

KL I'ABO. T exas, (ff) — General , inn Merlgii, (irre*ted early Sundiy ou; 'Ip Unl{fld e la te s - lid o o f the line nea*I Paso, of^eV 'be h ad 're ln m ed 'f r^ m exlco, w as,paroled by department'"of- i; '■ stlce operative* la st ovening aftor vernl hours invciUgntion. , -f*.Generali U erigo will ‘, 'w a n in wbcrn - ;> can be h sd ,” according to the terms ' b is pirole.The genera! ii *aiirtff*bave been the adrair ip ir it In . an attem pt to i ta r t a volution in Cbihukhua l u t ' week, hen two bridge* were b u m e d ..Two atieelA tci o f General Morign iploTod w ltb bim stlU are beW In ja lt.. E l Paso. ^ ,•

HOLLAND OHAUPXOK JMSBP H IL A D E L P niA , (fi>^AlfyTller-{of- : olland,. European ehaapien» i r t lU o : ' , ' stcd bv Percy N . Collins, Ghibago. la :• afteraoon m atch of the Intem atloa-

doss A 18.a bll^-Une ,bnilara* lamploniblp' by ithe teo'Hivof.'JOp tb •13 In 27 In n ln g i,..

„ B W B T o d K D I T O I ^ . ' ; c n iC A C O ,''(^ -— Dircetor* of..tho .. nilam^-Wrigtoy, J r .. cempaay, todai- - cUred a . 16,000,000 s to c k ' dividend, .. vi'ng one sham .of-*to?)c .fo r, every - a n e w held.

Page 2: ^ FAILLS DAIL NEm Mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · -y ----- Iiiiiiii W President,and Seretary of Ida- ;{< . ^“-ItjdenM'DWare intentiM S; V toPutForeeintMaS’?^^^^^

! ‘ Biif r iusiii; IlliU

;: i ■ Original Bibie Sent to t’ressJ ; • America was Printed in t; : - tonsue of Massactiuse'; I Aborigines

; C H 1 C \0 0 , B b f irs t Dl

Kk tc d in tbo United Stole* ip n CMtly ftnai a aatlouol lalleltatloQ •' , fucd i in England ood Wale* In a n

ne t •om ««hat ak in to tiw U he !■ • Loaa drlvei, Mcordlng to Oootjto

Otloy, U l iw lw of the N ew be t^: brary hero. Tlio llbrory h « both

;i , ' f l n t Aweilcan Blblo anJ the m VV ’ tbo EnRliih parliament vrlileb led to! ' ; > T h li BlWfc -wm n UiHrtUllen into

tonjruo ol tho IfiiMttehQiell* Indii •; ■ ' For y e a n Jolifl E \lo t ,.a PoTlUm f'1 I f I d r /rora>cr»couU on who Iftndcd «1

'| cn yenri o ltc r tbo U nyfloirer, bad bu ' > .icndlnfT back 'to EBgland rcporti obI . mlM lonary lu tc ii* luaonu tbo Inilli

, Wbon tbe Pu riton i cJimo Into po’he found' n ‘friendly govc^oment, i in WD, n-ithm <br a a n tb i ni

! Charlei I was exeeuted, when Cri well WJI lupremo, parliament p u

■; : " a n a c t /o r promctinK and props*iBg tho <;oipel in I^ew BnRtand." 1

} i • «Tcated.i» eorporatlan conilstiaR of\ Londoneri, which thereafter.carriedI thli'vfork. i oxafBaAL o o U £ o t io n '

TO 0 0 7 B B BZPEMSB.; But nio'o «peci,(Uly It ordered

; ! 'KL-ocrai callcctlun in a ll the coaatrf ritii-f, toH iii ond lo n sb e i .o f Engli

= ; and Wale*.’ ’ I t nxjuUed the tn t:( tc rs to n.'Oil tbe act to their coagrc

tione aii-l iu c tiu ttcd tlitm , K ilh oth< to "KO w ith a ll convenient ip f»om'.Uo\i»o to hou*u to every one

; - tb o inh ib itan ts o f ^ h e u id . paria and plate* reipettlvply, nnd Jo taUp

; lub ie rlp ti^a o f e v e ry 'w eb pereon:1 a schod'ilD to .bo preaonted to tl! for th a t iiurpoao nnd nci'ordinsly

the s a n e tlmo to colleet and gather 1.1 iflme.','- ‘ '... B e tte r education of tbo Indiani(C I a lio na tnoiram ong tho purpoaet of

• . corporation. Twonty-flv,o yeara 1< ; ' tbero wornj Hour In'dMin tow ni -a

ichoolf «n M aiiaebU M tti, and "' [ . praylnfT In d ia n i" there numbe t : - «,000. ': I ’ h li eolleetlon ordered, by p u

n ient .t)rousht in about 11,000 poui i. I t ia reported.; , Pourtflrtn year# U tar, fa 1653, E [ farn iihcd the h r t t eomplete B

. printed iu the w oitern beniipbero. ■\ • • t i t le pace b e a n tk e Ubm, ^‘ A1

! chArgo M d 'w i th the eoaient ofv ' ■ C oriw ration 'la ' E ngland for th e 1

f motion o f tbe Ooipel anoDsvt tbo«liBM m Kiiw Sngfaail."

j Tbo plaeo of prlntlnjj waa C, liridgo, Mm *., whBTC 33 m n bi<

I } E lio t bad helped compile tbe Ij Pialm boo't. th e f l n t book lo eomo

__ tbo j^ M B T ln w hat li now the Unii " ~ " fitntea.

; MfflllisI GJPipilt

Director of Destinies of Ciiri 1.!. : - ian-.Science Monitor

Had Wide Experience; 1I08T0K, U i iu , (ff) — WIIIIj J . '

bot, nowly elected editor of Tbo Cl tian Scicnrc Monitor a t tbe eoneiui

; . (if difficulties over control o f tbo .Cl tlno 8cit‘;iro periodlcalt, i i ’an Am

I ■ .'nn nowKpancr man o f Iodr oiperie: ; Aetivo in national polUicti prominent a i a w ntor from Waah:I ton on puUtleal tuples, M U< a ln • nicuibcr o f tjio A a tb o n ’ Lcapio' A neiictL Pa trio tic tlicmci havo IkI- ■' '. ly intereilfld him fls nn author.) I t U thU ty ycRT» tiRO tlvla year I

tlio 'U o n ito r 'i now. editor f i n t ei la to pTOwlncato In . l l i c . newapj

; world Ul rennajfinf; c Jito r^o f tho' Chicago 7imM . OoSnjf to Now 'Yor

few years la ter, ho lerTcd for varl 1 periods nn writlUBrBOllor of lho I [ York JoiinfiJr: 'ehicf . cditnrial w t

of tho New .-Yotk'American, and w ing editor of the Now York Sun. w itV v ho ho* bcen .a taff corrcuponii fo r une of tbe-national wrrklirR.

rrakinf; nii uUv&4tttorc«t in nolll Mr. Abbot in IflSm directed as ch man tbo H enry Oeorjfe cnmpalcn c m itteo in Now York, and wai mano

■ o f tho DcniMnatie Nntiotinl l*rciui , reau .in the ■'presidential rnmpsl;^’*

IPOO.aod JCQS.. -

B i a o i r y d b t i c i t . .CI/BViihA.ND, 0 ., — N«m«i

■ulti flfainut • tbo c ity of Clovol loomed to'day followlnR Mayor t Ic r ’i deelaratiOQ to the c ity eou l a i t tilgbt tlia t no money nouul l>c ] to e rc ^ to n fo r h illi carried .o rer f IB21.

, I n lubm lttine n 1022-budget. Mi K eU et told th e counellmcn tn a t i^ o r l te d (lefieit amount to |l;£50 Instead nf |7S0,I)00 u 'U itieSpiited.

W hy Copper, i i-a u p irie f .. L U htnln* conduetori o re wmm • \ f m sde bf..eopp_cr bccauw It ”< '4 a c t t " b e tte r than aoy o ther me v l l l 'n o t f u o 80 cnilly nnd Is le is b le to porrotion. T he fining; of oit by lI^htDlnjr (s oot bpoa iw nf.

- t a e u l 'i ioftDc*!. bnt licranM It li.* nnftll to give 0 full pnrli to the r

I • m »r. . . .

!' ' IWO

jMillFTLKIO „ • BlfiPflLimiNlCl

I . E i g h t o f P r e a i d o n f t o P o r d i

I I I y o u t h f u l O f f e n d e r S t i r a U p

f l j y ' B i t t e r O o D tro v o r s y .

BUENOS A IE E 8, . ( f f ) - A ponderc le ja l eonlroversy ha« a rlien b p tm

— V J.* P rw lden t lrigoyott and the courti o» 6SS I n the p ro iideE t'a r ig h t to par'3on a t: , w wbo bad beea lenteneed to ier\'e t in i n 6 yearp in tbe pealU htU ry for iteali

a doten i;a ln o f cotton soeka. USOtlS J o u lu in e L tho,. lO-yosr-old you

wbo «rai employed In a B uesoi Ali elothlog ito re , did BOt' i te a l the loi fo r ^ l e l f , bu t fo r d poor boy w

. had nono. KovortlieleH,: 'the.' jiid Bible gavo bim the f o il penalty c t . th e la

spraoff A p ^ a l was taken ' to - tb e eHmli tion o f c ou rt o t appeal* and 'Jo a e was kept a man- Jail fo r 11 o iontbi wMId t?io jadgoa i U heHy liberated. PreaiaeRt Irlgi^vea* lo t iij^o B. veaed na>I pardoned^hTm ond.Joso. itry ll- turued te hla hott* .j 5th tho p o u o B OBDEBED“ J «• TO arraoT iiEB si,. .

a to the The ceort .then ordered th e pol nd a n s . to n rre it hiin lu d -re tu rn hun -to p< in flee- oo, g e t t i n g th e president bad . d elev- power to pardotl s penoh.w boae gu td b e en or lonoeeheo b a d 'n o t . been legally < a obout term lned. T h e y .u ld , u Jo ie had i Indians, been con\lct«d pending tbe ir deciii< I power he could uo t bo pardonedt ' ' - nt, and Ilow ercr, tbe usually effic ien t B

afte r no i Alrea police ..bavo th il j f a r i Crom- Rularly f iilled 'to locate th^ boy elaii

paucil by the e e u r f a i a '.fog itlve , from J opagat- tice. Meantlmo the appollato jud( " T h li and tbo m ln lite r o f iustiee a ra engat f o f 16 In tf lively.debat« aa to the eooiti ried on tional tIgM i o f tho preiiden t to p

don tbo lifty. L a Bpocba, tho gore mont 6rqan , p rin ts levoiv c&luana qu ing precedents nnd au tboritlc i Incli Ing t to w American ju ris ts I n .»

•fd " a port of tho preiiden t. ' uatrle*, „ —■ — , »-■. - _

3 iIEDSIIlIES-SiPi S ifllW E lB iewrialici • '

raon in H uQ {fB iiaQ F 0U07 a s t o T r a i

ig iJ 'T t B m l f f r a n t s K o ther tbo W e U A c c e p t e d —

ini w at .-BUDAPEST, G rant Sniiof tbp B ta tts chajge d 'a ffa ire s

! - »k H w iniry. Ie m aking repreieetations'.IiL ^'1®' H «"?“rian Rovemment tbnA' I

the S tates Shipping B oard’a lliimbered , bould be Included among lho llcem

. shipping companies.J ^ . j IVforo »be w ar H ungary ojorclsecpouail*, p referential trea tm ent by wbleb, , f f l^ t a<) emigration tro ffir w ai in ' n i i? Cunnrd line and attem

i t ‘f ’Mtoro tU jM l ie y have been mietc. IU , i n „ tho w ar.-^

M of tlie United StsB iipp log 'B oard ; w h o 'w as . hero ic

4k T ’ ‘' “J’* “ long.diieusiion ontfio in - lub ject with m em ben of tho Rove

mont, and i t Is' ozpe^ed th a t eqc a j^ trea tm ent will bo;sacur«d for the Ui

e Bay J^®s ^ oenr /u lo rf .

u M t'^ d 'R E A L E S T A T E T R A N S F E I

Fnm lsbM t v t l u Xwla Falla T itle ’ < I A b itn c k 0 o a p«&7 .

V Quit '•laim deed; 8 . U. Bolton to J . P . North Klde Inv . Co. f l , lo ts 12 1

13, block 72, H ollister. . r n ^*“ ritn \} . DenoI • K to Frank W agner *1, lo t 20, block I l l fTwln FnVn.I U l l D ee(J :,Jred E.'-Ramaay to 8r

- t l 0,000,-(iamo lot.. . Peed: M. T. Gamble to H . N . Han

^ n r iS t- 11, lot 11, block S, Twin ra ils .Deed: Bnnk of I lan irn to J . D. J

H aS- I I . pnrt N half N E W-in-I}. Deed: W. P . Donnelly to f lnw i

;g Ddnnelly $1, lo t 3. bfock 30, T’

Decil: Amelin 6 lsen to h U A tlI J . A b ion (f^OO, lots 'a and. Z\, block0 Chris- BubL , —nclunon Deed: Thoniat Costello to Carollnt0 Chris- nend rle J l . lot 7 , ‘block .131, T'Ameri- Fnlls. ' ’

*riencf. Deed: Korfcst 11. Wiek to Jlortc's and Perrine <5000, B half ln t '3 , block'aabing- Ashton Add.a l n a Deed; I'. 8 . A. Blekel to E va .higuo of t u b t.i 1: f.iid 12. blocHc 7, Bick'ei A0 large- Q olt clnlm tlpcil: Jame* 71. Boyd

L W. Uawlines e t .a l «I, lot 7. W.lar lh a t 2 MurtauRh. ' 't camo Deed: ,M la VnnMeter to Joi.’plin-spapot llw<\>‘ >-'>00, Int 0, block 120, Titho old FaIU.'York ft IVcil: Wesley Youne to L. V. NicIvarious ion «20,2C(I, W holf 8R 15-10-lfl.tio New Deed: 0 . .M'.»Fleenor to Corda i

w tite r Mar lo t *4, Orcbalara Tmctid writ- •— -in. I?p- I f .vour property is dw im blo andpondeat oilvcrtixcd in the e lau lfied —■ yoi«, find ''nu, Inycr.n o l i t lc m _________________ _1 chair- ~ •' ■ - "

con-iinnocer ■ . ■ » .

' ■ ABERDEnmeroufi

1 3 : BABY NUT,. . G u a r a n t e e d - S a t :

S E ' 'Ited.' .



ui P H Oof. tl;e • 11 ll. im) A c r o s s F r o m 0 .lie 'rur"



■n . Wealthy Hobo Spendff Wtat U in Basshine '.


jderoui 'Ptwven t l over

a ' boyvfl tw a 'itealing ■'

I A lrei ^ ■ H B B S K v n n9 loek^ ' V m B V H 9 S | B s V jly who

k e p t° ^ ■ igoa'^r-

polieo { tS S u10 pril- ' 'ad . ;io T

'“ I Dr. Jam ca H ow , luK iw i\(t( .a th» .'mimoD*!™ bol*,!- U'

. „ ’ ia Baa Dlege, C a lifw ala , i p t a to g ” * 1*®; R-loter m cnth i In th a t- inaiiy-^oi

u . . . i whJA » J * " ® tjneaployed. can and who canao t a ffo rd to 1

U iB a a D lego 'a eotc l*.I>elnff form ed f o r the pmpos

S E . l . r t l . 8 . . .H o .

iSECEPOUK■ I 1,1LISHliDlK Rukan Authorities ^ e trani.; 5teP !<"■ Establishment c Uot ’ Civil RiBitls

U O SW W , VP)—A eeniallo,ns-ag Smith, a ll persons under a rre s t fo r poll

lires In offenses in Kussia m ust bo made w i« '* th o ^ 0B{l’'wlth\B tw o nonUi'a lines perion i under arrest; ninst tithe ilcenied ^ « ed or tu ined over to - tb e courti

le u ipecial p e nn lu lon for furthei ■cisedn tention la received f ro m 'th e ce eh at- czocntivo committee itsolf. Thli

in tb e '* t l r ‘>l‘il<-'<i 1» the decree publishei ttem n ti tbo ccaira l ' oxecutivo eomm n made announcing officially tbe pawing

o f exlsteaee of th e all-B aiilan el 1 S tates th e soviet i m c t police ftod'judieii n some ganlMrtJou.

on the ro E M B E PO W BB'Rovem- OTOTADiBD.

le Unit- ^*>e dectoo orders th a llauldatU lore. a 1] tbe brarehe i of the cbeka,.ere

' instead a new " i td ta 'p o l i t ic a l d( ‘C C D C ->nent," which will take over mat • r c n o th e c h ck i'a pow en, b o t vrill h a te

diction only in cases o f open- co Itla tB4 revolutlo.1, espionage, banditry ,

isafcguardiii;; o f railw ay and river Im unltatJoji, p iotectlon against cc

n to T .ibdnd and persons w ithout proper ' 13 an d .d cn tln li. '

Felix DJcrjlnsky, ex-president 0 DQ„c,>^.,.{cboka, will bend the new doparli lock 85 l^ t I» announced tb e s ta f f will bo f

'i l y reduc.>d'ai there will bc no Iht< 8 r n i r ^ f lV 4 n -P »y»t< a ff^ r t,>


10-13. '---------A. U lU tsiy , H avai *sA ^ t « O tfld :

I, Twl.‘i Take F a r t ia L as t O e n o o sk

A tkin- MONTEVIDEO, (fl>) — M ilitsrj oek. 'JS, vaV nnd atato honors w ill be ren

— by tbo Uruguaynn governm ent ti e lln^ 1*. TOW to S ir K m eit E haekleton whe I T 'f in body Ii pu t on tbe British itesi

Woodvlllo, which will convey U lortciix] to South Georgia iiland for burli )lock 1, ■ A fier M-rvieei a t the English c:

tho coffin will bo placed on a gur 'a .J^dd ringe and conveyed to a pier wll :ei Add. cM ort o f troops nnd followed b 9uyd to proeosaloii o f B ritish organlzatio'iu ^ MofI' repreioutatives of the geberal p

Troops stationed a t in tervals alon «.’pli ir . lino o f m nrdt w llL*aInte as tho I. Tw in p u ses.

.F o re ign M inister Buero will 1 Nicl'ol- the body n t tbo p ier, w here he n

1. b ly w ill d illvcr th e eulcgy. The ‘da La- e r Ilniguny will escort tho \7oo< rm p t. to sea <b<1 fUe tv farew ell aaSute,

and. Is ’-CU ulflril a’lvertW ns ‘s Ih r r-■ .von’II Mt th in s ynii cnn b u r—inensun'i

tlie pr.'fUs It faay b ring y ru .

EEN coal:r, per ton - $6.7flatisfaction lo r Boilers, aces and Stoves

EL COAL COO N E 4 3 60, s. L. Paiienjor Depot •


U S EI B M P■ ' D e a t l i F o l lo w s E n c o u n t e r I

P . . - t w e e n S o l d i e r a n d VioiCU!

W B i r d w i t h B f(il< en w i n g

SANTI’ACO,.Chile, — A Ster:

|i . , . ft soldier‘a fatail a i r ^ l e ir iih a li . eagle la a inounU ia paN ^aear Les

. ' des la s t S a tu rd ay .I t told'-b)r -tbe'.fl« papera hero. '-The soldier shot tha «i and, th ink ing be le d kiUed the t approaebed, b u t ' th e eagle had 1 l a f f e re i « broken wing and funo

. a ttacked b m .

In tho itn igg le wbleb followed * eag le’a elaw i elotebed the t r i m t

tbe so ld ier 'i gno, whieh'-wai dlieb cd, tho li(.tlet.ent«riag the tnatt'a b<

- Ue died ia th e a m s of. bis eompanl , who look U ll body and. a h o tb e woi

' • ed Mgto 1o,-.Loi jAndei.,,. , ; ; •

■ fa

' Bulk o f Vann i U m a a d OfsOgOf bjr TM aBttM l'V ooM a’a d a U

lU .tiL i . © M ia h a■•l».-now , ;la g th a U N XV EBSIOT.OP.IDAHO, M oi .:oUmfc (Spoelal-tb flt 'o N * w i) .^ tu d e n i ’ed who m d s aV-tbe T lB iT M tyL ot Idaho ead^tba toU i:<10450 and virtvally a ll of eotnmlt-t am onat 'Is ; now le n t ool! to itiidi M sk of aeM rdlng to a n amiomieefflent b r Z

P a ru n s , ' ^ ze cn tlre . l e u e t a ^ of , ' . nniveraity.’ The T ariou diviilobi

J the fund o f the Pedernted Wom ' ; ' Cluba o f Idaho, amounting to >0

, Vernon P o rte r ,P aw M tt memorial f 11000; Moccow Botary elub, IlOO; ]

■ cow ChamhW o f Commeree, ♦100| logg Chamber o f Commerce, IIOO;^

n ’aro Chambor-of^Commerce, >30. i l l ' “ S ovbfifr 'o ther d v ic ’ organlrat

I I tbro'iiffhont the. i ta te ha re dispb considerablo- in te rest In' the atu Innn Iden und are eooteciplating i ine donatloB»,v ta ld ' M l. P n r

:e B ig '-'The prr»ont c ond ition 'a t tbo .uo: sltv U.sQri; th a t th e fund is Insui

{ o f , en t a 'tbough tbo grea test resnlti b e b s gained from th e m oney-av a b l i ."

V irtually aM loam are made cortain provlaioni. m oit o f which

agaln it to Insure th e ultim ate re ta rs of Dolltleal I'pper-elwsm on are ali^ given tho preference, and'^a senlt 5 w llW j n j y „ pe rm itte d . lo drop from k nths a ll becsbse p t ibortago of fnnda tber bo " T h e itn d c n t loan fu n d i" u id . l u rti un- Ident A< H . Uphani. "pr>)vide< a ;her do- derfnl w a y 'fo r people to hel(l itnd ceotm l galn an cdncation. l l f t y do llan pl

?hls is i f thia fnnd is v i r tn l l y everlas ihed. bv O ften th is lu m .i i su ffielrn t to pe mmJttee * itu d e n t to eoinplete a eellega ea la g ou t and w hrn i f l i returned I t will fi I ebska, the same re rrlee to another. Th< lelid qz- lu l t i being aooompllslied 4rith tbe

•r ff f tm d a te eo onnow t"-

. The News la read b» th e pern* earning e laaea.

ntlon of ereatlngdepart ,

aany of

« t - - ’ counter ty , thofcr eom- ,

contra- ' •per cro-

S Buy “BiInterfer- -

K Tn

.O R E R wiivc.i^, bD cnw so B i l l lk c

j d a i i to H hocR a r « H om otliinR U h

e v e r y K r u w in g f o o t Rhoiil

isry, no- W cn r . rendered t tomor- "rlion his;esm»hip T I hjcc w n ’t Jl n o i l a n ;

arial!” ' ' ' w h e r e i n R i l l ik m i S h o e

I church T l i e r e i» n o t l i i n g to • hiu

w itb 'nn t l i e tc i i ( lo r c .s t U t t l e f e e t ik

low land P r e v e n t t h e k i d d i e 's to ipublic, f r o m g r o w i u g o x a c t lv f

W ; t l .n v « l ,o n W .

II aw ait . .* e prolin-

“o o d '% n m — I l i c r e i» ( jc n u in e

■tt. ■ ‘ jjiireiit Hhould wisely com • -i<f»p l ) O M K h t- - ,T im t i« w h y B l i ]

vcstment—th ej help the

T R I ll lk o i i S h o e s a r e m ac

^ i n p R irlf l. ..U ul tlu s p r ic r a

$2.60Brown Kid Oxfo:

. T h e f l e x i b l e Bole B i l l i )

t>iic i s o f IV f i n o q u a l i ^ h i

a m i l i t a r y h e e l . I f y o u <

■ *

^ALLS, IDAHO, TUESDAr ■ Peggy Will TeU of HerL • M a^edL ife


n huge I Los An-

Ibft eagle he

only^ 1 f

the 'I m r o f 'Iliebarg- -V b o d r..puiloni,1 wound

FAST 'Peggy Hopkia* Joyce, actress '

stidVQtod fafflons divorcee, has aalled fo r Euj to ipend eev^ al monthi. While *hi abe saya th a t sbe will w rito her m oirs 'o f her married life w ith ber tl

c T l S bu»toida. ■ _

f t v r ■ rimna sjia. to j im y . ,SiaS, ’ TO K W . 1 «b v I.. P P“ '« tennis s tar. Is to bo njuw od 1' o f t h i » Seliuko rukush lm a, daog!lani ftr« of a prominent resident o f Bendai,Women’s wlH Iw ^o )ritb hla b ride almost a t (1 aoooo- for Amorlca. Sbimidxu was .n menla l^uB d of th e runner-up team In tbo D avisOO- Mos-’ chafflpioasjjip tonrnim ent. H e gooOOi Kel- ^fow -York In the employ o f a li

J a p i i in e conm eK ial corporation.SJ* • ‘ bride-to-be is l l k e i ^ a tcnn li plin lttU in a who ■ h u : won* 'g fS arpopuU rity locillanUvcri She i l ft nnslclan o f eonildem ble

•ludVnt en t I" “ “ fh interested In arti

m u o n s . ' ‘ ■ ^) .uoIver- ' Ums T ali’ to Sound .Alam*. insufficl- , A lthou ih .tiie beivsr'd i-hief use •“ " » Its flnt..trouH-*!ii>p'-i| >nll In Tor in f ; avail- Jj hns.nn i'ibcr pnri’"w . W.Aa wUv, t>W t«i <m. «tw x‘ nt«T ll

- i ™ > ' .1 of the ;

alwayssenior in

:r Breeding Et tw ram d baad o f Oro«

K i n R . , toEaHiUwd^pahlw&UM \o perm it ' M «U Urge^ Vlgotoua, e lan y

lll 'fo U in “ 4 ^ Jl®* conaitttm. th a y

T t o n - . p - B tb e .p re i; _ / , ..............

Call on or address J.cnnaneni

Jillikens” fit the , _ ^

l^iU ikethat

tioiild I •

any-IhoeH.' •' ' / j r W S•hurl •. it nor ' '8 tOC>‘ ' M \


ine service-giving quality that’every coHBider when ishoefi for childrea arc Billiken Shoes are Itlways a good in- the poolcethook nfj, well ax the feet.

• • •

made for children, raiRacH uud.prow- icfts range according t^size, from—

0 to $4.75■ford For Ladies || Srownlilliken for ladies. This I .A hroiyhro\Mi kid, and tarries!o u d c s i r o c o m f o r t . w e a r .H

. £_i , I ^ > ^ w in g and stylo try, a 1 ,pair of tlieso a t {■

U $ 5 S |^

)AY. FEBRUARY 14,1922

IiB m m '" ii|ipciimI F e im l l s r l o s d e i q o f f t . ? u e n t t

H . .S h o w s b y .O o i s i i i i a d ^ X i t t

B . ' , " o f O b ^ i l i i i P i '

i > » c i i . i^ how

e n ti fo llow 'fO tld «Teiiti — Bsd otiui'

B b « n liorfl. m OiV;taWjg of tha■ . anaoal a eh o o l.e en sd ii '^ t. eomplated.■ .Some of the names whleli u iu e d tb e 4■ . peoiui-token i o ' i u k - t h a t they be r e - ?■ pealed w««ei . : . ft■ . J U b e r ty Bond W ilUaoa, ,C h a t« a |f■ T bleny B o g e n ,;L y I» '6 to < k in g ,.A (in r&■ SereaUa B a if, J ie r r lly aram bling,.H ({& ' m l sea Lyre, Polly P a rro t t, Helen■ / er, gervlM W lmner; U olba Peach,^{cr- f i l ^ 'P r i c e , ^ n p e .W tll io i^ - i lA a & ia o

f- O there a n a w t :^ the .Q U M tlw /^W hh,* sbiill we e a ll-h lia t” oy affix ing as rWcu n a m t» .P a ltJ tk D8BTy,-Ethaa Al­len, George W ashington, A braham ,L in­coln, \?ood row .. W Im h and. Xfuten

^ Harding., .

Sm o u u ih t t la ia ’a Oottgb J^onady A ldi - -irttan.

Medwlnea tha faW -iA tB te fst always n o i l 0« « lM L J I h « la b « iW n ’. C o « h B e n td y acta on th is plfta. Xt allaya the congb, relieve*, tbe •longl, aids expee-

»r three opes* tb i loerrtion* aod aids____ nature Jn re ito ring tho syatem; to a

healthy '.eondlU on..' .Thouianda have' '’7* . testified to i t t good qualities.; Try It Itu, Jn- wbeo you havo a cough nr told.—adv. od lOOnaoghter _ _ __ y _

'l t ’o«lS t o o o o w h omember Tla iv e r . B oU ''afid WaadlU

B y A u t o S t a g e

>n-,The u ,» lB « Twin F a lli -S ,a . m . aad I ' P“ ? « ' p. m.— Conneeihir-B l'‘Ooodiag w ith ' loc^ly. No. W a sd 17 going-w ert.

l> i»lng.G ooding 8 a. m. and 1:80 ]u m.. a rriving fn Tw in F a lli lOiSo n. in. asd 4 p. B . 1Tlieie eari a re eijnlpped .witb heat- rrs. making tbe tr ip a p lean ra .

■'."J" T r a s k B r o s i & M u n s o nw iira ma r u i i oma s o n o m a m i

' H r a j . M o r 'm i w .

Ewe For S e!TOM B re^B w ai, two ilT * 7« « n old, brad UBi, d u to b e K la U ia b lB c U trc I i 'eUL Tbiiw n y typ« e f thoioitfhtjr .fad H I w ltf t« lay iAotOd prodoca 100 P«r c«Bt o r more of;

D B ^ ^ T I p U L A B a ' .. , ... .

J . E M O l ^ M o i i M o n t a n a

i t u a o i . ■ ■ ■ . -

f o r K i d d i e s

e n ^ o o e s

iir • ' I

^ B i l l i k e n S p e c i a l J

i f r l o r L a d i e s H

A lo w h e e l o x f o r d , in . e i t h e r .h ln c k 'k i d o r h r o w n

c a lf f lk in . T h o f a m o u s B i i- ■ llk i 'n f l e x ib le so le . O n e w o

i-a n r e c o m m e n d f o r w e a r . '— K n e i-in l ly p r i c e d —

$4.95 I

m Calf Oxford For Ladies-i r o w n c n l f o x fo rd " w i t h t h e p o p u * o}i«c R tiU liiu g B . R u b b e r I je o l . O n e in r o c o m m c n d C H p e c ia lly f o r t h e lig G i r l flR w e l l a s f o r L a d i e s . R co ^

s o n a h ly ” p r ic e d -

^ $ 5 . 5 0. . . . . . . ^

L - i = = = = = = = = = = - ' ■

Page 3: ^ FAILLS DAIL NEm Mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · -y ----- Iiiiiiii W President,and Seretary of Ida- ;{< . ^“-ItjdenM'DWare intentiM S; V toPutForeeintMaS’?^^^^^

,• • , - -------- : . Ila

Ship Reported Held Up In Gen- !ii iline Old Tims Stsfej Se-

cure Much Booty ■, ,';jPEK IK O, yPi—.K reerudMConcn of (>)<

iho oetlvitlos o f form er Cblnese pir- a le t roecoU / took p W e when (ho ^

Leo, A itM uaer bound from " j ' (0 nooK-koDg, u ru boirded

b r a Uuid o( SO C bb ew <«bD tame alOQi^da In Junki .and dem andoi.the

I sarrendijr of the vcuel. Tho p lr tte i! lifliiriionol tho crow end commtndea ^ t tho esp tsln to contlnuo hU eoarto to-

word IIoBRkoDj. Two of tho throo 'iP jonke in which tho pirates h id come

•■v. ...aloBgsWe .th t Kwwvg Leo w e n aban- *7 doacd owJDg tO iJtte foet ■ that, they woro bddl>- bU lorcd’ b r tbe heavy aea °5 provalUn?, whllo tho th ird wm' towed ! ' j hy order of tho plrato chiof. P*

The »t)amcr.proceeded tow ard HonR' . konjT roaehioj;^ T aU enl b iv lato one P alglJl•w h^^^,U 'w a» rtoppcA tho ' s Chloeio ivuded the ir Jualu w itb p lnn ' i l der. ^ r n r o leaving thu ih lp ihoy ^ completely diimantlod ita englnea and tho pirato ieader u reported to 'b a v c

~ . bidden a polite good-bye to tbo captain . o f tbo Kwing: L n and failed off. Ilio Ktoaner Tuima^d to otske ita port lomp tw o daya lite r . ' •

F L U N D im WORTH . 6 lBaA L M O N B Y .- Tho pb n d e r o f the piratea amounted :

' to aomo il20,000 inelodlng five c au a of aUvoT doUari eonrigned to acme Cbineio hank In Hong KonR. Ono „ ChlneiD powenRor • WM • k lJ W r itn f lb ' . board o f iho «hlp by .the plrnte* b u t • thoy mado tip for t b u uotow srd lnei> | den t by fom ponia tin ir 'the father of tho killed paiMBger w ith a p rew nt of f ” MOO and two gem wflUlini. . .

Tho plMto m w 'b f ta 'n o t boen’ ngaln .hoard fm>n aineo tho le lruro of tho “ 8 K w » e Lw . . .


PnbUo BxpesM of'TT^luap O ia B« Jo»> tU M o a H o Othttr ]>M U m

a p t t t e ' th(

U N lV E ^ n T ' O fT llX llO , M l«eoir, 5 , . ' (Special lo Tho Nowa)—'.'S tndent# are ha

educated j t pnblio c jp e n * Mu . order fo, - th a t 't i ip y loay be be tter e itU oD i/tbe re «-i

. . . ia .n o other'.theory OD w bU h-yon-can on ' . iuH Ify it,V aaid Donald A . CiUahan. •

W Ulaec c i t o r t ^ , in an a d d rd y to ^ on lv o n lty atudent* a t thoir ro jpilar fla- “ •enb ty .

“ Tho unlveralty th a t doe# no t train a i ita a tadenta t o - m th a t tbey w!io''aKr pd aloRled .out to receive Wgber oAueatlon Co ■ro being trained to enter tipon the re- (iponeiblHHv o f leodcrfhip la not glv-, fo iog tham (bo education it ahonli^ fU'

• '‘ W hat doei tho man In a rcmot* iei aoetion of tbo ita te , with no ehildreu. in caro about tho U nlvcraity o f Idaho} nr Por hla own family, nothing; b u t h e CI «or« t h a t enly through th li un lveriity wl <-an c ltlzen i bo trained for the tremon- dou« ta*V< th a t U« beforo them. M aho ih atlll l l I n ^ primitive ita to ; i t i t l l l b gr iindpvelo,ied, young.' i t has before l l no n .g rea t futaro, if tho men lUid women tn n f tbo future nro ab le lo develop It. wl

" M en nnd women of the p a it bo- th Itorfld most firmly th a t a_repnblin do

* « o W Hvn nnd berome gA at, only oa a t ita poOplo received the /b e n c f iti of to

' liiphcr lenrning. They, therefore, set ur a iido public domain, lu f f lc le n t.fo r on of omplre, to provide f n education for you itndonta, whom they foreinw h c ^ . fl

' T h ink ba rk to' tbo timo wbon Idaho k < w R w lldcnicw . th ink c f tho men nnd 'w D m en'w ho le ft the eomforta of civlllzatlnn to eomo here and create ,

.' - t h i s a tate . Becanid of (ho hardahipa they endured, Idaho e i i i t i , tho nni- v m l ty erls ta, and y o u . oro enjoying _ tho. ben tfita of theie prWIegea. : - "


tl " T h e y did no t IDO the present Idnho;' you d o ,, nnd you m uit mcniuro your

livc i no t only by tho boncfita.you ro- fclvii Im t by tho lervlce you cnn give. Whon yo!t go ou t inWx tbe atato, tW nk yj

, of the eontrlbuljon .you c m mnke to ita CTfninwa. • m

“ You ihould Jwvo n p a rt- jn publi- (, affalnr—in politics. I t In astounding to 100 how few mon who bavo itndled for oven nno w m eitcr a t the O nivori.Uy of Idaho mq to bo found s itting in th o 's ta te legislature. Wliy i i It th n t „ Tdnho grnduatc i are not offering th e ir i,* tlino^rtnd tnlpnti fo r the be iirn t o f q,

• th H r gTMt atntnf Bcrhuio, jnitcnd of , ’ aaeriflelng. th r lr timo and talents in g,

^'piiblic w rv ire , they are a ttend ing to thp lr own pffalra.

‘ f l .e t Ul bave Idaho men in tlio Icgla- ~ h tu rc . Why ihould thoy nnt bo there t ri Why ihonld Ihc eondnet of pnbllc af- q, fa ir i 1)0 given to nntrolned men, w M loiu •tndonts nro being taught b o re ' thn ^ « la icrrtift o f the eentim eal n

■-“ W hen you go ou l from the'TniW tn- itv , remember the unlveriity and ir fi^tht fo r it, not paly fo t w hat it has ]t m o tu t to r you bu t fo r w hat i t ean q

‘ mean to the state. F igh t fo r Idaho ^ nnd her an lveriity . Know IdahO} th a t, f know ing U, yon m ay love I t ; and, tov e\ Ing H , yoa may » a m i t " •, . • ' t:

. . .F iow ir Sermon.,- F t w e r MHSon t a d It otsIij Iti 8 t. t<

O atherine Creo, S n g ln d . On W bll o 'U onday each of the congregation car- Hed a bunch of flowers, a n d 'a larger _ bonch w as laid on tbe pulpit c a ih lo a " Ttie m to r a hna ip r ta d , but I t ha» „ •ocncwliat changed. Now. In « a n j j, cfttirclies the now erierm on Is prcnclied j, on Sundnjr ami the church la decomied ti

■ w ith flowern, the membera of the wn-gn»cnllrtti’nlsoiitlog,flow ers with llienj , In th e MH-lee. l i i e tlmo of -hnliiinj

..till* piprvlre varies . In tUfferenl or liiiri'h rx hut It I* iiiDnlly liHil in Ihi jKiifliig .nr <>nriy.iumnicr when tliere II o an ahunrinore of garden llnwerK ^

O ow naneot ^ Two a ro tip e ta Oppo- d tlo a fo r n m e IB m sto ry

' .cfOoTEtttty'

OTTAWA, (/P) — iThe dominiflh par. , llament this year, fo r the f ira t timo In Canndl&n hiatory. will havo -two ^ itrong oppoalllop groupi in tho houw o f. eommoni.. .

In tho v»»l, w ith only two nialn par- ^ liiM entary groups, it was the cuitom for tho 1,-ovemmout p^rty tb oeeupv r- the seats to the rlghV<^f ll>o iJKaker, wItU. tho opposition oppoalte. During the last }T an of the-^rilezi-U oighea jadm uiitm tlon a s n a i l ' b to e -o f Inde-’ pendenta, ; mostly.' fanneri. ijrejf up. T heie “ outlaodera’* »at a t the back of the 4-hamber, fa r in g the ipeakcr.

Aa a reiuK of the reeeht c lw tlou there ,art> two opposition grouix and tb e lr combined atrongth er|ual» th a t of Prem ier MftcKontle. K ing '* suprwrters.The' unofllfial opponllion groun Is made ^ o f progrtstlves, wbore rlilcf la T. A. Crcorar, i> Nhpoleon of w eitern farm- c n .

The Crserar group is larger than tha t o f form er. Premier Moigfaen, bu t moro closely 'approachea ■'the government policy OB ta r i f f and other liiue*.

sciMs IB w m i'

—— - ■ to

Base of Fmous Leprosy Cure K ; will Manufactured from

.. Philippine Trees5

MANILA, P . I , ~ Ixjpera of the f l Philippine islands v o lo bo|curod w ith V tbo products o f th e ir ' own' land, ac* s I cordinff to Dr. H . L Cole'.^orgahle chem* la t of thV buKflu of aVience.-wiio liai Just, roturnod.-from 'flu eKteililvo inves. liga tion through tho southern pcirt of tb e archipelago where he found in abnndaare the Iludnocnrpus Uutoblh* ion , the tree whieh hears tho nu t from which chanbncfogtft oil ia obtained. Thl^ , «U is mnde Into e th ; lc i tn w hlrh haa L l already le e n used luecMifuHy In the Uawtklisn islands and other places in - ' th e .eu re leprosy.

M any o f tbeie trees were found on tbo island of. Mindanao und Dr. Dole bollcves.bcylii^^lMMmercd ‘ enough to y ltW te n tt»n» of ito f li annntlly . l ie *1 haa a m n g e d to hn\*e the nuts ga thered hui fo r shipment to M anlU where tbo oil 0 ,, wilt be oxtrsftod a t Ih r luireau of scl- cnee..- '

rocO H O a O A L P t m i7 7 - lus18 JXrST A 8- 9 0 0 D. ; ! - . * •

“ Chsmirnlly the rhanlmoogra oil m ade-from Iho I’hilipplne miodi I n » pure as tiie oil from In d ia ," said Dr.Colo. ........... J J

“ I t take*, one Io n of seed to csro f o r 1000 leper# for a .w ar. Wo havo n * • ' fuppW Urge enough to ra te fo r 10,000 lepers and- we m ay be nblo ta find a ^ la rger supply. In th a t case wo will ^ probably send somo of the oil to India, China and other Fnr E a*f c«uatriea w hifh havo leprosy." • j”

A t pr-!iont thero nre 5000 lei'ers on the ,W and o f CuUob In the PhSUpplBe group,’ Koveral hundred of wliem nre n o w ’rrceivlng the 'ch-'iulm.oogra oil trcatm enti Oovernor General Wood *'* who ho* exprosied speeinl in terest in tho trpatnicnl of .these leper* hai or- d o red 'a large (jonntily of tho medleine and bo p lw i to ta tteaiB tbe num lw p l to whom i t is given n i fa it ns poMible, W until all bovo'bcOH given tho benWIt ,

t i l I n in i n i IS :

B F r a DISKED i:

Entire Sitnation Drows Hourly -y Uore Todso. aad Grave u i

Foors Entertained . ■ e=

LONDON, m — Michael Collins' d rnn ia lle . disflomiro ' of nn nlleged re- puhllron plot to overthrow the pro­visional government,, the sudden aud

° unexplained aufpeuslon of tho British m lllla ry etncuatlon nud tlio dangerous] tottrion bclweon tjie uottU nn<l south

5 Imve combined fo produce a serious nit- “ nation In Treland.'■ Tho outcome no one here ventures "J to forecast more deflnitri.v thaq bv ‘ sperulating on tho drend" poMlbilltie's ' b u t disr-itehes ilinw thn t thu poiitlon ‘ on tho (rotalcT l« no t fftt'TcwoveJ ftom '' a s ta te of war. Indeed, tho proipcci " o f civil wnr ia being seriously dlseuaaerl ° in Jlo lfa jt and elicwhcro In the north.i

The dlipatchea w n t by B e lfait cor- *• rtipondi-nia o f the London newspapers ' represent the temper o f the U lster men'*

Q& being tuch U»at, unless the kidnaped 1 ®|unionbita n re, speedily released, there " wili rcrla ln ly follpvr an exploiloa '

which ma.»' lead to wnr.^ O f tho »tiipenslon nf troop move- ° ments, Ultle moro ia known here, but

i t is. Roncrally believed this devolop- ** tBCQt i t duu to tho dangeiDus ita to of '® affair# of the northern border o f thu ^ free sU t», although somo correspond.' en ts Indefinitely to “ cortain week-end

bapponiogs in south I re la n d " a i ft con tr ibu tory cause.. Tho northern dnnger, ,w .th i l l threa t

t. to th e whole Irish lo^lieihcnt, I* realiz- U ed neuteljV in 'th e eoalh, whieh, how r. ever, rea lite i also tho g rea t difficulties

eonfm ntlng (be provlalonal govern- , m ent.“ l i e writes, " C o llin i bas mj

m illlo iy .foree i a t his disposal and cao- not cUlm tho direct allegianco of (Eo

' Irish tepiiW ltan arm In County Monag- han, o r in any other p a rt o f tho cotia

m W hih U d iM W *r« MUM.ig Ladles of quality o r l c i ^ l y wo(^ ll m niks e ith er to protcc t the ir com.« picxlona fm iu tho burning sun o r ont It of tnodcaly lo prevent iheni from being

rccognlsed wblli- ■>in <tf do<ir*.



N E W S . T W I N F A L L S . I

G a n d h i , “ G r e a t

vtuto 'l ie quii-l ti(u- ny i,TaulUiK n i.iiumt 1 r e c e o tly lt dlspalchetl tbe heir to tiie Bril o f th e pwitvle oR the O tndW bi>jcott. .'P ' to tiifl p rince ot Woles In Uoiabny Ihe C ^ t th e injunction of the ir leader and bronglit about the aheddlog o ( tiloo4.

aan d h i ih rn Isiued o proclaniAtinn I lug them to do i«nanco nnd m ake rcp n n been dqne. the tnboo Is still working, witl

i B l KSIDQBi^

, t;

Ludicrous Error on Part of Or- < -■ te tra Well Received by

Late Lord,Bi7ce , |TA M PA , Pin., UP) — Tho seo»e of .

hum or posicised by the, lote Vlicount Bryco, form erly Brltlah A iiibaiiador lo the . U nltod S tates, w'no passed awny, recently In England, w *i strikingly il ' Iu s trn tc d .i t a banquet .tendered ,ih«

!>»»« vcM i o j» bv the Otimpa Board of Trado. ' ' ‘...Ih o orr.bMt&v..At.the hotel w here^ lhoa banquet w ai held was 'compowd ''o f T yrolese, none-o f whom c o u ld 'ipeak 1 Bngllsb. W llll» ' n . Powell, form erly j wideiy I.UOWU middle w e i te m 'a n d " e a ite m newspaper and advertising p man, then se c re ta ry .o f the Board of ‘ Trade, w n i eharged w ith (be 'p ropara-1 tion o f the m oilcal program* and h e j i tindertook to In itrue t the orchestra I leafier tha t when (he ton^lmaiter did ' .tho honors to G reat Britain nnd lho ' ambnmsdor a n d the aaicmhlage nroic I nnd lif ted glaste i for Ibe toast, the '

I orebeatra should play. “ God Savo tho I K in g ." To be ecrtoin th a t t.hc lendci I , underitond h i s ' in itruc tlons’ Powell I . whlst*.ed n few b n n of tho British Na- ' , tlonnl. anthem.

r m . T T O A N OTH EE ‘ • ‘ . W EL L IIN O W S ANTHBM. |

The nuiplcioni moment nm vcd. .The I ' tastmnnt.>r feelingly ' ipoVo of tho

rnrdlnl relations between Orent Brita in 1 and the U nited S ta te i, proposed a to a u ] to tho mother eoiintry and her ombass- <

Indor, tho company arose—nnd tho or- 1 ehostm burst out w ilb “ T here’II Bo < n • n o t Time In . tho Old T ow n; To- 1 nigh t.” ■ • .

The ffiiesti w er i tn i rk dumb nnd atl ' 7 oyei turned tow ard Mr. Bryce. T hat 1 gentlem an begnn to langh. 'H o laagbcd ■ un til tho tears i»tr(nmed. down .h i i |

j Id a ilT iC D• I ■

G E O R G E M E L FO i

i “THE FAffl‘ - A P A R A M O U N T

- I M IL T O N S I L L S a n■*

a | ----------. --------- A L 8

‘ P a r a m o u n l - M a c k S e n n e f I

;i “ W a l c h V o u r N e l g h l

if - ■ .

I I w E O K E S O A Y - I H U R S O in r '^• — -- ------------------------

E- G e o r g e L o a nr*>, , P R O D U I1* -

: “LADIES M’ Adapted from (bs novel



, I D A H O , T U i S D A ' i r , F E E

a t - S o u l e d O n e ” t-------- -------- - - I p

. . I . s;H ere' Is 'ii iiuw jKiArall o f Maliat- “

iim Gmidlil; li-iiiler of lllb■!^ori•co■op^^ 'a icra” «f .I|idln wim a re m ising m eli J’ruclloiiR 111 tha t fur atfay- poiuetsloii uu f Ibo llrltlHli (’midre. l l Is dllUculi ,,fo r Ihe Auiirlcflu. Iwlnis o f the Weel tli«i uMilmiiinil tbit Kiint, ■■ sbovm In \ tlie s»w6t!*»u 1* India. « andh t 1« aaltl lo be U dlHdple of Tugore. tndlon |M>ri liii'l Hliiniiiir. T li^ title g lrenlilm lijr hiu (ollowun la ‘'Oreat-Souled liihu '." .*«liiri‘ till' wnr** .clusft wher li••H»:lf-ili'ionidiiuJ(nn" hus b « n so much ^>•11 Ihu »uri(Viflir( (Sim'dhl lias gnloed <iiiiiiiv fiil'iivviTH. Uls crusade 4i baaed ''ull Tnli<li>'nii iMiu-r«!*islnniv. T lie nyw * li*nd<‘r iH']H»iltlvi>ly (>pi>uiicd’lo phylcnl^iiree. F u r jvnrs the .iiulci campaign _Ilf ‘iiiHi-fu-i>)'emCloir w llh the nlli'u ^rovom nifni. o f Indln .suwvedwl witii' jtiut lliougbt of Torcc. UllUonH dhcyi**! gl i i > : It u'nx u nilimi iip iln ff- g,

I .h e lJ r itlsh .- 'l t ivns n ither efftHllvr.T lic British loveriiiiiwii souplii i» g

nt toeasurc of home rulo to India, tju lie a

3rittah throne to India to lake tliu mlndii ,. 'p o r in g th e tS itltem tnt o l th e m < p i l‘ni ^» O andbl followers fo r the moment fur- n id took to forte, ereniej| «tlsturb«n«‘i«.

n to Moaleras nnd Hindus alike, reqiilr- 0a ra tlon fo r the ir violente. This hflvlnj: nvith w hat resu lts remains to be mh>u. ti

■ --------•:________________________B

W hen Ihe orcheitm roiiclm W tin tlrendition o t tho a ir 10 popalnr with eth o an n y and navy duriog the Sponiih- vAttierlcRn w ar the pa itv applauded b

I loudly and Ihe mualciani, feeling high- ii1 ly honored by the aceloim, played It g

1 M r. B rj’co waa ao, grcflHy amilMd n l lith e Incident he 'took ile p i lo>sec lh a t ptho newipapers. In Great Brita in ro- «

• <Qtded l l t a i from th a t source U w ent wa ll over tne world. I;

BDICHlEDIflin:___ •. fl

[ Ships of- M Elndi Fnt Oat to [ '&^aoae Han Swept from .

Steamer’s Deck r

’ NEW YORK, (/P) - A icoro o f ihlp* \ ■■ o f » n -4a « j* w ere.leaving tbe lr ocean \ D ^ u t c s todfty. O D -a .m itfiu . .««-.aiofcy. i f T hey wero contlnolng the search f o r ? ^ jJo h n BIrkner,.S4, the ia llo r w as cast I j n d rif t fm m tho itcamahlp Gaffney la it . Jw o d n e iiln y , 700 miiei in an nnfre- f tq n e n te d pa rt of the A tlantic. — •. ‘ I f B lrkner’s frail c m f t« itl l l afloat. p |to d n y ’s ‘-4iawn marks tho boginning of I llll aevcnth day nd rift on th e w aters.I Tho m aster o f the G affney, Captain 0 Wft’le r Beckwith, ndvlied every cm ft 0 by w ireleu- U ■ seek > tho drifting 0 steam er. '•0 B irkncr wns warmly elolhed a t th<j1 tlm o .tho .ii'ridont aent him on his ione- II ly nilventure (\nd h ls .bont .jras well I- stoked .w ith food.

BIrknor wm one of four aallori or' d^red to laiih a llfebont in n terrific storm when a 'g i i n t wave bceled the Gnffnev over. The life boat was swept

e in to the len nnd Blrkner with ir. For 0 10 hour* Cflplnln Befkwllh cruised n abnul, trylniT to get d o le enough to :( p u t a lino aboard. But higb aeai frns- 1- trn ted each nttem pt. Twice awirllng r- snow storma hid him from view, only « lo pass nnd leave him in sight. B n t a )• th ird ito n n hid him and when I t poued

he had ' dlsnnpenred. Y ot honr* n fter tl th is the Oflffney circled nbout the spot it b n t the hnat w ni not agnlu seen nnd

Capta in Bcc-kwlth wan compelled to I ij pu t Into port.

jl IAST WS T#DAv]O R D 'S P r o d u c tio n

H HEALER”T P I C T U R E w l lh

n d A N N F O R R E S T

L s p . — — ;—

8 ( t C o m e d y —

I h b o r ” w K h C l i a s . M a r r e y

/ ■ ■ ' '

s ’ '


lUST LIYE”n l by Allca Omt >|llltr :.V . . I wllli I


(Bj riRBT NIODTEH., '’■<II I w<

Long afloT th e Inst sccae'%f “ The Fn Pnlth H ealer’’ hnd faded oiit a t the Idaho theatre ycslcrday tlio captlvat- Ing and im pretiive ilo ry the picturo provldr^, lingered in the memory of gg ^ e t a t o r i . Those who w w “ The Mir.

I. ado M a n " eonmared i t favorably with pc th a t Ismoaa tiioduellqn,' and tho com-

|. jiariioa was deserved. •Tho picturo la based on the late Wil- s i

11am Vaughn Moody'a play and the 5, '• icenarlo was w rltlen bv Mrs. Moody, ofI the widow, in collaboration w ith Z. tn n W all Covington.II T b it bill clOHa .tonight. . ali » . — II. n Louise Oiaum, In “ Lovw M adncii", pa ll is tho big o ffering a t tbe Rlnlto s ta r t- ,I ing today, and running for two days.I, This film id I7 f a r her best effort, nnd J contain! seven reels o f higb claia net- J ing. A tw o p a rt comedy i i also includ*“ ed OB IbU super-blll.

^ “ ilcm orselessL ove", in which EUliie nam m enteln will be preaented a t tho Orpheum theatre for the last tin e to-

' d v is A lom ew hat d ifferen t type of ' s to ry from any in which tho popular < u ree n sta r has y o t nppeared.

Thero are no ballrooms or evening ;> gtrwni. M ils H smmersteln appears a i 9 ft young girl whom a iKtIo education hai f failed to ehango from the prototype' of , her nneestori whoao lovea ond bates

wero. as strong and w ild aa the w indi Ihnt. rocked tbe ir m ountain tree i.

W here do they g e t the n m e O riffei • , Oroilpf I t Is the u inal question In cop-.: nectlon with th a t fine concert altrae-

tlon which comes to tho Lavtriftg to ­morrow,, W edneidny ovening, under tho

" anapites o f tho T w entieth Century elub.- T boergan itatlon itie lf iicompoMd of. B

I" three prominent youiiir A merican'eon- :h cert .artists, a singer, a p lan lit and n ll- vlollniat. They begnn the ir jo in t work id by dedicating It “ To A iplring Ara«r- h- ican A r t / ’ hence i t was fitting allo- It la th e r loa t they ibould chooio the

name of ono of the moat unusual aad nl In tere itlag eompoieri th a t America has I t prodoced—the la te Charles T . Griffei 0- whoioNinlimeiy death camo ju i t as his xi work .was being prom inently and wide­

ly roeognUed.^Vblla tbo G rif/ea Group l i in tereitcd

Hln fostering tbo b est American eempo- illlon i, j l doee not confine i ls prpgrams to them, however I t Ineludai a t afi tlm ei a t least one composition by O rlffea

:o ' 'T h e y Appoal to O ar BjnnpaUilei - - 'T he bilious and. dyspeptic nre eon-

i tn n t lu ffercrs-and appenl tn our lym pathlei. M anv lucb. hnwevor,. have

, boen fompletely restored fo hcn'th bv- the Ulo 'o f C hnm lierlnit’s Tnh'ef',

P* T h m Isb ltts -s tT tn jA b tn tho itomnch.“ Invigohito the liver nad improve tho y . Jigeation .., Tbey. nisfr c«u ie..n pentjij

bowels; lVJ,en you

s t •__________ _ —f . ~ ~ --------------- —— ;--- .

i L a y e r in gift


! 20thCENTltic _____ _

Concert Attractioled

I “THE GRIFF'e d l • • ’te r ' '


OLOA 8TEEB 8A S0B A JAG Plano ' 'VioVa

HOLGA 8TKHB is n brillian t ila r 'o n p ast j'car abo h a i replaced upon (m Lovltski w ith uproarioui aueccsi. " power th ^ t cannot fa il to be recogn

EDXA. THOMAS b w a g rea t m ono “ b i t " i f abe had no voice n t'a li; be entertainer. Bbe compels altM tloii. 'ollnc* o f .18<Q a te bec.omlng ImmcM ■ king aung tw lee over boforo th e ;f concert procccd.-’^-^N cw 'Y ork Tim«i

jX c O W N p V P -T h e re Is s c a r e d r a B th a t Eas i)of jls tid Jncobliiofram oi ■ l l e i i amodg tho “ b ig o n e e l' o f the v H . . 'who.lteuTd blra the te 'cftnV if it lne' I ‘ f irst visit t6 th is country .'V -N ew 1

I SfAT SAIE NOW Mlj P H ieE Sr^^K $t.O O ;


]J0 RECEIVE COMPENSATION ; jO rer One UUUoa l>ollaia » D ay Now :

Oolng to W orld W ar V eten ia i . ; ' . ■

.SEATTLE,. W aih., (Spoclal to The '' Nowfl).—D liablcd during tcrvico ln:thc

world wor, Pernaudo Bcltom o f Twin : ^ I s W4S awarded #20 a month govern- ’ ment eonipvnifitlon, bc;;Isalng immodi- ' a tely and for an Indofinlto jwriod, by •I the-U nlled Btnte* V eterans' bureau in ' Seattle today. Tho rating board bIhu • awarded^ tho claim ant WO baek eom- •‘ pen iition .•. Annoilnecmont waa mnde by official* • '

o f the .veto rana' bureau tha t moro than ' 11,000,000 ft d^y gDverement monev ' U now golog d lreetly Intn the hand*> of fo ra u r service men or their,depend- ■ t n i l

W. B. Lawrence of Twin F n llt was a lio awarded government compeoia tlon of l i n a monlh on-* 1334 bsck-

, pay.



I n H er l a te s t Big Special

I ^ l O V E M A D N E S S ” jN ine P io d a r tlo a - '

' Be 8 iue ani! See it-vA Iie ' B hovlfii a N ore lly Bcenle

I A B I G P R O G R A M'. - B U A U ..A 9U Z S SI0N

U A TQ fBB and SV SN IM a -t 10 AKD 20


V H e m o r s e l e s s J - o v e "i Btarrlng

! ELAIHE HMfiKBESTisiK ‘J- A O rana f l to r^ o f tl» -g in ta c k ?

0 0L D W 7H o o u B i n r - A i i o ■

Paradise of The PacificA .B » f A ^ S c t t i i a


“ J A N E E Y R E ”;; . j r o ia t la P a a io t a K o T e l^ O u tf . - .’ • l c t t e ‘B r e n U - n » 'S t o n r W • • •“ W e n u , V i l t t e a b y ft W oBiu.

J T h ea® ^►AY, FEB. 15U S P IC E S O F

URY CLUBion Extraordinary!


r ^ ^ o r r - - • b d n a t h o m a s ilia , - Oostnato

r'on Iho planlstie horUon. Witl^in thoL Immediate uo tice both Qodowskl u d. " S h o playod w ith a -^ f l e le n e y n d ognltcd.“ —New York Eve.'W orld.

ino-eoalrallo voleo, b e t she would bo a I bccauso sbo has Ibe sp irit o f tbo, born oil. ‘Her Creolo Song* aung in' tb'o erin--'•cuaaly popu la r.' VThese w ftg S 'w m alV 10'^ ^ ilonab lc oudleaee would let the

y ’ a large fft?b'pitr|i-'b«re ‘o r ^ a Enrope J__kmehg ila. soleiilV'^i},.sereral oceasiont..10 ^MpUn, sa tisfactory and r tr e . “ To all Inavltablo memory o f H litb a E ljw o’a

rw York Eve,-Sun. . \ r '

M J E S T IC PH A R H A C r , /

0 ; S f u d e n l s S O c ^ '^ P I u s T a x

' TBUi'

Page 4: ^ FAILLS DAIL NEm Mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · -y ----- Iiiiiiii W President,and Seretary of Ida- ;{< . ^“-ItjdenM'DWare intentiM S; V toPutForeeintMaS’?^^^^^

I B B I B. (■ , W o r ld 'a . H o a y y f f e lg h t ’ O h a m p

I f| O f f o n S e o r e t J U s 8!p n 7 ~D o> •

i.' n io s S u m o r s o f V a u d e v il le ;

L 0 8 A N 0ELE8, Cftl., (/P)— Jnck Denip*«y, w orld’a ’ WBvyweiglit el»im- ]iion, b u le ft b e rs 'to d li on b li way

J to -N ew York,' Ted I la / ts ,. the chnm-V ■ r io n '5 M crotary RDDouocod today., ’ Demptey^ Jaft under rover, and It w at .

ooj, generally k n tu m jh a t ho wr))i jfcad* ..V •' . ed fo r tbfl e a it; , v' . .. A eeorflnf: fo Hnyc0r^’f “ rw y ^tlH *1'' ~

DothUi; in New York until Kayes joini.; . ; Jilin thoro in &bout;two wocJh . ifayo i

. ttl»o tlcn'.cd n tciMstl th a t the fliampUn ; : wa* to embark o» .anotber vniiilcvlllc j •; tour.


■ | ' CniOAQO,' (ff) — Jack Demniifiy,w o rld 't beuvywoJRbt ehntnplon, le /t a t . noon toiluy /o r New 'York In rcjponso

<' '■ to w hnt ]'0 m id w oi nn urj^rnt meuaiio < '*' from M l tnanaRcr, Jack K earni, tb&t

bo ws« about fo ii((n (bo eliainplon for a match Jn liondon or Paria, preeum-

;i j libly w ith O eorjei C’arpcntler.' Demp- iCY reached here from tho Pnel/Ic,eoa>it,

■; 'j th i i morning u d told o f K cnroa' moss- <: > oge between traim .I i Dompioy ta llied ftee lf on m tny sub-. jcc ts nlU i tbo flock of nnwspapormen{' j who mot liim nt tbo traia to aak quci- i f Uona conccrnlBR reporta tbot he was

cngOKed ( o ’Bebo D aoJek ,

i . NOT aO.*nO TO M A to Y "U IS S DANIELS.

• i “ Courso Mlai D aiilolr and I areo 'c - I RoioR to MBt m arried ,'’ be ta ld . * '^ o 'dy • pick I ' ”

BeplylnR to a queitioD ho aald he cx* - ‘i i pcctcst to ge t a i t r U a “ th t f l n t . "

■'l' ■ " W h a t f i r i t f ” wo* the query. •,'i . " F l r a t th a n e e ," rrptlod tbo eban- ■j, pion.

" D o you know whn killed t a y lp r ! " bo waa asked next.

■ "SuTD. E toryono knows th a t Vol*■; stead k ilted -T ayJo r," bo answered.J ^_«Dempjey said lie.wSs " itc h in g fo r a

‘A ' 'f igh t.'* • . . • . . . ... -T? : ‘ ‘I*V0 J iu t touB b t a bomp M d I'H , ,

havo to Uiko B lot o f s o e k a 'i f t t e ehia- U Ijl to pay.lo'rM t,” ,h e *ald.,;*‘l donV caro n !l{ w bethcf It* W ills o r Ooorgts th a t giTCs

tno thoso aoeka. Anyone the pabllo K anta suits m e.” ■" I ,

. j] • • ■ '■ —I Ifimiiffiiii’i f .:A m a t o n r a a d P r o f o a d o & a l A th *

lo tio B O a n n o t S e A l o i l g i .

^ m a t e d ; D e c la r e s O o a o h .

I ' CHICAGO, .( f lV - '.P ro fe ilo B r f 'a tb V i; le to s afo mtieh Uko movio s ta r t irho Ba I, m t I ^ d foi b c ln j h c r« » In th a t they j

h&vo R tcadoney tow ard lu n e sa of iA- morals nnd in the ir belief th a t <hcy oti or« .’ e n title d ' to -sp ttia l" privllCKes, dn: .Conch A . A . 8 t » s toM students o f the see U n iv e rsity 'o f (4lc*go :hero yesterday «a( ' " 'P n fu s io n a l &\hltlra a?« n coi

eJas, to h»ve U » u t h o r i t V : ^ « i J ^ ia , " I don’t jsay th a t a l l^ re a S o a il la a>e mig >>>lbo.iiflW eW [!f'lype bu t U has bocB br«

I n ’y obaorvation th a t th is lack of r«< 1• a tra ln t is one of the cliaractcrlstiea o f twi J, a'i>rofcMlona\ BTBap.''' • - r i l j - ‘‘ I f pr*fe*sional .athletes were al> th«

lowed to play on eollego teams I t would nil hiean tlie breakdown c f diKipllne. I f wli I b c plnyci* hnd a game, on Sunday of Ibpy m ight o ften be dlinoiied to mal^s I toxeuses fo r hot playing In Jbelr Satur- goi liay foiloRO ia n ie ; the wholo stm elnro

; o f colle/o nthlctics would break down." A l i tbe moral and eduratlonal ■■

lies of I'oHege sports would be gone.Yon c an 't .m ix easb and Vharactor. Tho

' reason - for in tcrcollrgiatf a thlctic5 would illsnppear'i eollego faculties

^ woubl uo t.porm it ti mlzluro of profcs- slonnl and am ateur 'athletics. In tm

. lu u h l ntliletica'w ould he the one sport th a t could ex ist.’’

V E f i S S l i l EW r c a t l i n g 'b y B o t j n d s t o B e Q i r -

o n ^ o r o t i f f h ' T r y - o n t » in

T h r e e K a t o b n S f ih e d o le d

CinOAOO, yp) — The se ro rert lest• yo t g i« n tlw new sj-»tfm of wrestling

by ronnd*, In tbe opinion of closo ^ 1 . lowers o fifhe sport, will lake place here tonlght^w hcu s ix Jifaryw crght n a tn e n

• will engaw nnilcr tb e nrw rnlei.M nnn P k s tln n nnd John rreh erg ,

bo th Bspim nls fo Stanlslnu* 7 liy n k « ’» •bcavyw efrht crown, wlU W tho main AttjnjtliJti o f tli(' erenijig. Tho priocl-

■■ pnla a s w ill ns Ihc font men In tho pre­lim inaries dll woigh aiioat 2tM pounds.

Tho e lilcf ohjcclion ,rsi>ed fo tho round ,system in, w restliag b r critics has bean fbn t in fhe .caso o f alow mov- lilg heavjTv-eigbta It will b e 'cM rnncly d if f i ru l t 'f o r tbem lo get Into nction l>rforo B round has been completed.

The Pr«tlB ii*Prfbcnj na tch will go 1. rounds. ■ ' ,


' Threo OoraoT»d Mgmint A lto OoDdos U p a:: to ObarKot of I a a *

N EW Y OTlK,'(ff) — -Club owners of tb trN aliftnn t Icapio m ei foday to ra t­ify tho 1)122 Mhetlulo af IM g anea and to 'w l to c s s A -thrre-fornerM .arKQmeat betw eca; Jh o • PhllJIcs, .Ib^ 'B rooklyns I and t i r , ^ r « i n n l t oV erW ilH tta P . Ba* I

• k e r ’i , ;« f itc r iie n t. th a tcR fa o cb Biekoy ,% M d.^w ilftert: Rflbln<nii. Jin ir- 'b « n ‘'tam * ■ j^oriiig .With 'b is p b^ erfc ,. M r .'B a k e r > h a t o o t- .p rc fe rro t l-e lia i^ t 'j i^ io s t Bob- inaon ,'ftnd -B lekox ,.bu t,com p lained to . P R s id ^ a i , B:uydlot ''A ad reaoostud u ^

. io ro s tlg a f lo n / ' Biekejp -r ib d 'R obinson did ;n o t JiUeod th e rn o e t ln f , b a t the g f ^ d e o t i . o f ' tbeir'.'-.elttbi w ere; on i

. 'Th*. N ew j U T « a ,b 7 . l h t | « i u » 6w i « earn ing r lu s c t .< ; . ■ J tm

I ' :tcpm' ' , , , f ";

H a p p e n in gP. *------------ -------------- --— " T T T

Winner May Fighitl

t lr 'w ' A■■ r

'-■■■■ ■I.

' - I' SIUnKilw ilP i

1*'• T o n , Gifcion;*'. /*«'. j' Tom OibboDi,.of 6 t. Paul, and H arry I

Grob, Pittsburgh W e r , regarded os two j o f the coun try 's foremost light heaN'y* I weights, havo been lAatchea' for a fif* I

, teen-round bout In Sfadtson Square Oar*, I den. New York Clly, March .18 .,,

The winner Is ^hodulcd to ba ttle Jack Dempsey for h it vtotW'a Utle. I l l * tlio most im portant match mode aineo tbe

I Dempsoy*Canicntler flgbt. i I t is onnouneed that 'tho men will

clash in tho feature bout o f a card '* which Promoter Tex Rickard Is eon*

ducting fo r the New Y ork Milk Fund. Sovcral lim es befofo i t wos reported

'■ th a t they were matched to ba ttle , bu t a I , bout between them never materialised.

Gibbons was m atched'for a hout here . a g s lo tt Q«ott5«s .O ttpeutier, world'*

li^bt-heavywelght ebamplon, b u t tills I eojitest rta? abandoned.

In silts W BII;, , , - , Cl3 — -r ■ ■ IS

L a t e s t B i l l i a r d T o u r n a m e n t ^

t S t a r t s O u t .w i t h 0 E n e h — dl)

L o c a l I n t e r e a t E t in a H ig h

' U aeanloy's ilnublo IH.S'balkllne h^l- nii ■ lia^d tonrnam ent opeiicd last evening, 'Wi

w ith Bnbfik winning the opeulug gamo ^ of the Cjlasl 'A dlrision from Bailey by th o ^ ^o ro of 123 fo M In « innings. Shook made high run with SO, while nb B alloy’s.be^t-e ffo rt was ft run of 10. : fl'i

Snook it& rtea-off a t tiiough h e wns lA'ft h a rrr, 's io a U;l0okcd m thaugh an- r o ther, rpeord wonld bo smashed) Im^, during tho Ja tje r p a rt of t ^ j*m eTl>o seemed lo s lo w \u n ." tU (lcy , who hnd ,, tach ..tn lse r ib le breaks jn th<* three eoililon tournam ont, dlacovcred th a t ^ d ioek Is dpt to stick, notwilbstand*' Th inif tho Lind, o f 'g a m e played. The wl' breaks laat Tilgbt went riglit past him.

The Mcond game In this division bo* tw een illllingtoB and Bonebmkr; ro * jI’o s il lied 'In .a . victory, for nilllngtoo hy pl» the .sco re of 1S5 lo 01) in -18 Innlnei. Ull'ington lind higb run in th is game wllh l;>, with Bonebrake mnklng a rnn of m '

Bl’Uni;tnn played bln usual m rcfiil .W. gome, m aking n few each shot, whl'n U b ^ i i i I w - I a a a a e a g a a a a a a a s a ^

[S inC L O ^

of g M ffii, W or

YOUDOLLAB WlW o u l d y o u l i k

We Have Stnrdy i Smart, Colnfortal

■ ; S<3

These shoes are ms ---they look well ar

I can buy them at th

|S i 11'


igs o f a D ay\t\Dempsey1or Title:, •1*5

I ' 11

In {-


I i:rry I

ar* I «|c


tbe | |

rlH -

Bonobrako w iu nifabio to get Ms'. • ' I

. CQLASS b ' o AMB V ZS HA EO rO D O H T. ; "

m u ' opening game in Iho Class II' division wns played betw een Bob Lo- gntt'and i i a n k M urray, 1/igftn winnlng- 100 fo 83 Id 82 inning*. Lofgan made a n m iJ f 7 ,'w lth M urray buarh lng a

■ n in of.5. Tills gamo w as n ip and-tuck ., 'With .Murray . leading during the early , ip a r t o f fho 'gnm e. A t 't h o SO mark

Logan brocdrl up, and front tben on was ' never heided. , , .

lIorb .Q raDt nad . CaH PeLong fur 'I nUhed tho fan s w lth 'a real thriller l^i .. ; ,fbo sccond gajne, both p 'nycfa b rln g in »*

I the Urge * o w d lo checr* M vc ju i.U m u . , iVith beautiful^sliots, O rau t. won. th is .

ja aW fltH rto 'iH M n rlll InBiBift. A l n /‘ tim e o f the ^wno- did c ith er p layer lead ; tho olhiT by., more tbnn three points.'I Bo** co.itesfantt rande n fun o f 7.

This ovjn lhg w l'l se<) K nyler and ' Thompso 1 open tho Class A teellon ' I with. O rtcken and B llling ton e ltah ing < , In tho iccond. ■ • - ,

For fho Class Q s t m , T aber' and i I Donnelly (.pen w ith ,A llen a n d Thomas j

playing tho second. ,. 1


.W. Stowart, ath letie d irce tor a t ' t b e I University of South D akota, h a s , ro* '

LclaiN G O U TSHOES) m e i i a n d C

WILL BUY DOUBLE All i k e t o c u t y o u r S h o e B i l l

&hool Shoes for Boys liable. Long-wearing SI Stylish, Comfortable SIuade of the highest g and feel just right, this sale at a BARGj

c l a i


r In S p o r tssigned. H e refuM d to. s ta te any rea­son for'fals 'aetioir, fxcapt th a t he .hod other' plant, fo r nex t year, which .ho did no t care tb divnlge, .S tow art h a t

, b ^ n director o t Kthletlcf .ak the un\* ' v e n l t r four y o a n . B e come hero from Iho Sioux i^ ity high school;

TWIN CITY BOWLERS PLAYMlnnwapolii U a a L sad l a F i re k n

tn d DoaU/) O U a — Oood B eortt n i L i f V b '

0T. PAUL. M!nnv, ‘( A V -T w li.c i ty ■bowlers^ w ith ftfw exceptions. Tolled la tbe intdrn tflonal bowilo'g xasoclatloii'a

i touroam ent' hero .today. UlnoBapcIis t teams Icid In tho five men and'donbles .c la s s - th o McTfellia Athletic e b b Hnd. •I’c ttlt 'C rosgoven , tesM<tlv«ly. C. Frost o f .\lb c r t I ^ a , Minn., malntalDod

jthe lead m th e tb g le s .H. Brooms, rolling with the Mlnno-

jnpnlla Dyeni in tbe llvo men events,. marked up tho high teore of. tho tour*

ivamcnt; A fter 11 etnkM U i.lo k t In ll . , le f t two pins standing, 'keeping him'

(from n -p e tfe c t (|coro by tw o polnti.’• Ills to ta l 208. ; .

! MXDGET SM ITH W INS.I SALT J.AKB .C IT Y .'U tah , (ff) - I Midget d u ltb o f S a lt Lake C ity won I n fix-round iicclsion over Jimmy Johns [of Ogdcu. The. men Are Junior light* , ; weights. Benny Garcia of Denver won to decision over H nrry-C nseV 'of Tn ' I cotna, W nrh., Inat n ight In a four-round ' jbout. ' . '

WAXVEK FB IO E EBBUOED NEW YOBK, ( f f ^ T h o InternaUonnI

league o f -b a te la l l 'e lu b s today v o ttd ; lo rediieo tho w alro r price for playort \

J from 12,000 to $I,CO paad.topeTm iM he ' i willulrawBt.of XA lvcrt h lth trto banned. I'rhii lengue tebedulo for 1022 opening on,A pril l& wa* adopted. • »

I A N ulttnoe. !I 'C h tr iM M .-.8chw tb ta id a t t .d in *

= 1 Ber In 'l> )re ltb j *•a - “Some meo, retiring from b u ln e t t

■t fllty*five o r lo , take ho&talowt a t ' Lm A ngelet and do Dothing bn t alt

on Iheir fro n t po rchc t and llslen to ' fhei^ arte riM ,harden ing . A 'bad thing.

II- •‘O lhe rt Join th e Atlantic Clly'col*'• ony. T here tliey la re sure to bewm eff erankt. golf c rank t. while the ir wire*,’ frequenting th e board walk sa le t InJ! th e -Jap a n ese oliopt. become anctlonV cranka. B a ther a nnlsance. that,jj “I once tp en t th e vreek end n t WJ, ' A tlantic City collage where niy ho it■ and bo*te« w ere e rank t o f th li kind.

■ : My bedroom adjoined the irs and I got Jl teOL-lltOe r e ti . fo r nil night loJig the » - golf crank boahend k e r t i h o o t ln g jo a -W«

aortlon w a n k w ife .w crnlrt,.ydl,-rot.> V om npd a W " , , . • ',

'' . Coal i t m 8upr«m#.'a Ktmi If H w ere pw tlb la to tJettlop n and u llllse a l . nnre every po ta lb it g economic' w aterpower resource ' Id

AiT)t*rleB. the to la j energy (l)UB made 1 iy.1llnhle > 'DUld rc p h re only a tnioU t pnn n f the Immc-powcr now < te r l ^

evi-ry year fn«n coal. While develop- menl o f w nier |» w e r Is Impprlant. er* pi-rts point mil (Imi <^dl n ill rcmpln th e p r ln r ljm r soiircc. In which the

I couiitry niiiKi I<Hik for di'volopmtiit■ of pon-pr fncllltip*. , •

Hr SALEI for

C h i l d r e n

l ip SALE!,III ip half? ;

?s and Girls Shoes for Men Shoes for. Womengrade of leather

Best of all, you JAIN.-

. r • - ,3


' T « l t^ e n « O p t n i t n In th e 'K U. f . Im p le y td Codt T h a t BaRM

J ... r i t t " U tftn lng IB. . i

“Emilio. Buckw btiil.'; NBW, i d o o t 5 l,g w ant -Broadway. Olmme Buckwheat, a ,s i T hat yoD. Buckwheat. WeU, why In t n\* — don’t yno on3'(re(;1 George Wfish- o )m Ington w ants to lalk to H arry Thuw •

an d too a j ^ t ;too.”A rer^o«ver giiiw c ra x y j-^ io t a bit !

^Y of U ; Jusi tnij,w ay;tho A. E . F . tele phooo o iw m tw ttl aume beadnuortwK

^ told .another operator a l (yime o ilin ' t hendquartert tha t Oen. . 8o-»ud-8.( u

' warned to lallc w ith C o l Sonebni.t h E lte . Plalti i^igllsh wooldn^ 'huv^ »

,y done a t a ll. bccnuie'th 'e cinnecs werv |> i i th a t ' some Boclie who used tb drlvi- « i ' , « brew ery wugnn on Avenue'Tt'«vn)> lis ed iting In along ih e .llr ij. wi'lMiig for os an earfu l on (lie next Anici^cau Jiniijv ' nd, off., . . ^

Even with auch disguises a s Hit- , above didn 't alw ays work, and Ihe In ,| a tance la related , by 'C opta in I.nvliit‘

J, whore a num ber o f Chocfawt o r ........ |,,f! oUicr Indian tribe wero used a'a u ii-|g 111 t n f o n and tran ttaW td th e ta w w sv ^ .j. Im' Ii> th e ir Inimitable native way ati>l| h . ' thereby ruined tha hearing of fou r Hi- ,

fening Jerrie*.* . • • fl1 io following lA a hectic h it p f au* ^

th o rah lp 'lh a l la tT p l i ^ tn d J a i l a b it > •“ tr i te a t p r e t e n l : '■ ^ L

' "To ih e .no fU iire tt llre m ariflet jnel th e ' ko lter’t best m arching forw ard

,Q *nad) P aris’ lu the ' fu ll flitsh o f t Ic to ry , and lu m e d 'th em back—tm aied ,

id itnpened, demomllted. ."Donnen\-et(er l W h t t ' haa hap-'; q

p e n ed t .. . . : , . • In"Tho Americans had hap'peaed. Iri

n ] Tho peak had been" reaehe)L The ni H on hnd been etopped. Tbe world ]<

;« breathed agaln.”-C hIcago Evening h

W liat I t n ie le tt to you may be vatu- kl - ah te to othera tdveitU e H In 'ib c r

e la ttlf led e o l n i t .

n* ___________________________

• t Ia t I S C

W mV r

3l* •ae . ,

In K f l f f i i Pon .

K ■ ■ 'id. . ....rr...... ................... / - B R Tit • f f ' f R Ihe ’ ' i J | f n

■ I U T!• '. X H J l l l L / iin ■ ' 'W lle V V Jn ' \ J ld \ J | lp- i J P Vft* ' , . P f , >In U ■'

I M is s fe' Steps Fo

- r w e a r i n g a b c o u t i f u l (Iro i n ia tc r ia lH R o lq c tc d h e

' ' ,iM jrfcc tio i i in e v e r y r ^ ) c c t c e m c d .

I ’n r c n t s , tliL *refore, H liou ld 1 • i m p o r t a n c e , f o r t h e r e w I g r e a t e r c o n f id e n r e to t h o (

t h a t fllie iK p r e t t i l y d r e s a e o n s lb i i .

. She Will Need GF o r c h ic K chool d r e ^ e s

a w o n d e r f u l a r r a j ^ y o u n e^ A H . k in d s , n i l p r i c e s . 20c

.• tiH su e a a n d P e t e r - P a n s a t -

1 She Will Need liI F o r j u iu i io f droKfloa jw p

ill w o n d e r f u l s h a d e f i i n I 8 u h u r h a n S u i t i n g — S O c; > t i n e .75c u p ; S h n i i tw n g 65)

i:r She WillNeed C Lots of Them

B u c h h o Q u tifu l p a s t e l Mi a l s o w h i t e . . S h e h I io u M h

, O r g n u d i ( ‘ hucIi aK y o u

t h a t Ik O r p i n d i c a f t e r i t v o jlo . W o n m h a v e O e i g iu id i f i a t 5 0 e y a r d a u d u p

She Will N eed-I.<ila u t p ro ttyw liite piod

' for triiniiiiiiKH, and n-o In ttifse w a n k

And Silks She W' • Tiiffpin hi nil tlio new Him

O m ton CrcVc8 and finKn». need* licro nl saving p riw a

Another PackageBooth Merca

.Y;FjBBRUARY14/lfe2'.» TWO MORE MEN • -

(ttn lti^ned fipm -Page O at)

by Winston ChurtbiU, the eolo.nW sec- r tU rr , . ln tho ho t«c;of eflmtnont.today.

t The tole reison fo r the laspenW on, ho I. sold; w a t ' the disturbed altuatioa.' on II the sor^bem border aod no t becaose , . lo f ooytM ug th a t h&d hftppened la tht,

would cross.to Eoglaiid ton igh t to-con ''* fer wltb the cabinet member", had In*- formed the government he vrould lak e• the steps before loav iJ^ D nblla la I' bring about the release of tb e kidnaped» ualonlsU a s soon a a posrlble. Collins ffT,» had sU led In hi* message, odded tho 2^ ,f secretary, th a t he .knew wbero a num -,. ber of the kidnaped jnen wore being S}:; hoifl*' . . , &

, ' Symbolic C e lla r,C B n it .. ,Kor Ihe iKTHon b tim ln O ciotOTwho _

wlRlit>s to liuvt!. a . r ing slir><vlng tb e ' ' si>in>* ot hiK guiirdluii niigcJ nnd opoa*

'' ilH for flic iii<iiilli~-u’<iuulm, old cut* tom wurtli ri'vlvlng—It Is worth know-

'■ Inx tlmt f«r ilie ongi‘1 iiuiin*<i Bariel,''la g n te ts tli'e'aiiine, onii rbr ilm 'apostle ;* '8 lmun,Jii<:!iiili Is « ie c lc d . The cpmbl- ■ 'inailun. tliuiiKli sjnnhoilc. iulghl no t be •M iltogeUicr j]lta"lng. an*

c lw lly UM*<1 .US the njm liollc'jIow cr of. I ' ' b e month. Is suineilm es uscil n s t b t ' 1 d e ig n in m> nninniemnl Kold ring, fo r ' *

lpcn}>ins lioni In Ociolicr. '•t ■ ■ . .1 ... ■• , T h t.M o sq u ito ... ' • , , . ..I' Acoititliig w uti uld iicgrti

whll h iis 'pnsw il nil her !(iuys (n New ‘•jOrlnin)!. iln- inoiniultH |e„u scheming,

m -adieniiw liug. ."H ere he', comca,"IrUo siiys. “clitsu fa yon. tlgiiln ', lovln*

e nnd i:i‘iiili>*llke. ^'ousln,- <-iiusln.' Bui i JiMi us Rmiii .n i'h e 'e goi e good meal t he nln'i gi>i' nu ihorc use fo r yoti than : plten. • 'n iu i 'h ^ n in a hia ngly. sk ln o r "

olil bead nnd imlls-awuy, Ringing *No• kill, tm klu. Ill) kin.’ "—Pittsburgh' CUniMdivTctpgniph. ' _______ _

V • ; '

raduatej ' o r w a r d

i r e i a w b f c h h a s b e e p j i i u d c h e r e . B h o i s p ro c In ln ic < ] '

c c t , Ko f a r a s d i'C M Im <.*on- i

u ld n o t lo s e s i " l i t o f t h i s iH n o th in g w li ic h g iv e s

10 G r f l ‘l « a t e t l i a n t o k n o w ,8ae<l f o r th iB -e v o ii t fu l oc- ^

G i n g h a m s ' : ; : -

e s t i l l s c h o o l e n d s . 8 u c h - n e v c r s a w a a s h o w n h e r e . • > - 2 0 c y a r d ' t o t h e f i n e .s i l k ‘ a t - 7 5 c t p 8 5 c y a r d . !

W a s h S i i i t i n g i s

0 p o p u la r , a n d th e y c o m e -1 P o m - P o m C lo t l iT ~ 5 0 c ;; N’e v a F a d e a t 4 9 c : R a - '6 5 c . ' . ■ . . J

O r g a n d i e s - T

ftlm ilea ,8h e .c a n l ia y e n n d * '•1 h a v e p e r m a n e n t f i n i s h g e t h e re . I t s O r g a n d i e , .

itj^ l a u n d e r e d t in d n o t y e n n iu e P e r m a n e n t O r - u p to $ 1 .2 5 y d . 1 ■ ■

■■■ - A / '

) 0 d 3 f o r i t « d e r w c a r , I a c G 8 ’ h a v e p r e p a r e d f o r a i r . '

W i l l N e e d - -

H hude.s in c h i f f o n w e ig h tU H .. S h o c a n g e t a l l h e r

■■ , a

! e F r o m B o o t h ’s . . ,

3 a n t i l e C o . ; , '

■. ■ 'V - ■ ' v : . : .

Page 5: ^ FAILLS DAIL NEm Mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · -y ----- Iiiiiiii W President,and Seretary of Ida- ;{< . ^“-ItjdenM'DWare intentiM S; V toPutForeeintMaS’?^^^^^

^ ifflffi'iEE:

^ i l i S 'DfetriOt^Trustees-Consider

.C|uKti6n,(if,Sal9ries ^Will Not Close for Holiday

ScMbn* o f'/lV Jn‘PttlI, jm hlk nc^obtfl , , , wilJ-coatlnuo throughout tlio dny on the

a n n l m m / o f W oshlngUti'a b lrthdur • n e r t Wtsltwadfty lu McordaSitc w ith iW\

. cWori fca J jc J Bt lM t-n lirh l 'i niMflnjjl of the boarU o f school d iit r le t truitocs! Tha holiday heretofore ho» hee>i ob- *cn-od hote w itlj itunenelon- d r gchoo) M w i o n t . , •; - ■ ■

, ,w aj^ icalcii .to r tho eom’hlg r n r 'tm e Jn tor fcenoWm 8ji»r&^of. the board'* ntten tlon a t b i t

• nlR hi's w b c tln g .'.N o '.aefUioQ wm reaehc l i,thoagh J t waa JndJcnfet} th a t f oal seti/*ti mlRlit 1)0 taken, n t «

- “ rial ncetlo jc to uo convouotl tw o w otkf lafer. ' ' ■


In comiceilon w H t a w ritten’ ttnto- n e n t ptnpaTO-i liV/a eommiltiM for the t f t ^ h h l ' ' council, Jo ttinc ' fo rth ’ roa- loiia 'Why, la tho tcaehcrs’ opinion, tliero »noii1(l bo ho fu rth e r rcd a e tlo u Jn (heir t tl a r J c t naxt •yenr, Superln- tcndcot M. 0 . M itchell proiontod a tftbu’flHon lndlcaUnfi: th e rolatlve pojl- Kon-.of Twin P a l ls tfB«bpr» a® rccards •alnriM .m, comparuion .'.w ith iialsriM I»iid Jn other distric ts <ft Idaho and

................. .o.t“.cr,.«t:c*V’n>'st«t<*,- • - i■ ' rnils tibn latlon showed th a t id ou t I

o f the 23 (cncJjcii fmpJo»«d In JJio). Twin •Palis h lg lnehool recolvo the mln-l im um .u lnry o f |U 0 0 , and tho b b b e s t M b ry nold i« >2000, tb s avorajo '.bp- Init I 1 0 H , In comparison w ith tiHary acheilulf* o f tho 13 la rw st high sfhoots 3n the s ta te ,. Tw in nvmige.ta}- aripi are lower than any o irop t those of Lowbtan, Mosconr and Durloy. Bolsfl wJJh Oi8 on ly sehoo) In th » i ta to l im r than T w b I'ttlls ftnd w ltb an .a ro rsM of $188, pays |1700 a y e a r .to JT out ot 4S tMchor* employed.

Forty-nine por cent o f the ^ I '. tc ^ h - <‘nt rmpluyed in Twin F a lls ’ pH narv grarfe rucoU'e tf t j njidinctm Mlary of $1200 a year and . {he highest KV'*Ty pa'.'l H $ i m - ‘..v.V;


Twin FafJs Muh whool te iirlio t* ' a r- Srtige w tary of $1078 Is .thu^vrra)^) fot the s ta te , a re o iw f.t ff i^ M i ' hrdt eumpJfed b y (ho ita U |3 S ie ^ & > ^ 'aion of tho federa l barcflulpt'i$«l^qiK)'o'; i.veraKO of salaries paid ter & ^ ;m 1kio1 trochon fn eUfcs rangina im nopula-' lion from iUOO to lu.OOi^in •wcstcrd Btates is Riven In th is tn h u la tlo k 'a j fnlloH-s: Callfornfa., 12045} Novado, 41800; WyomloR, $1740; U tah, |1«W ' W ashlagton, llUO^j Oregon, *1 5 3 9 ./

IteeritanizatlOD of tw o eommltt'ees : » n s last n igh t effected by tbo bow d i w ith areeptanco of tho reslKaation of 3ames K tiR erttld u mctnber of Ibo waffon Mriimltteo and appofntoiMit of

* 0 , E . U rC lain to fill, tho vacancy. Mr. tritzgeruM w u appointed to f ill a va-

' eaney on the building commltteo occa- ^ . , sloned by aecfptance ia s i jjiontK of*ibo"'!

rcsiRnntlan of l)j V . U pdeem ff as pres- 1 idenl and.m em ber o f th o ’hoard.


f ltlfu l Condition of th s Country UM ; Rsvsalsd by the Articles O f f e r i d ^

.'fo rm al# . ■.

'• The « 7 , th a t Itussia,^ w as ^vhoMy w ithout ncnlleu, pins and itireaO w as' «&pu«QUy wlUiout (ouQdattuQ. > .Tiw ' •boJJJlfn ot iloiucsUc trad o reaWc*

........... ttona bas produced a vTcat quantity :^ ji^ aucb artlclcfl iu Ruaslnn m arket i

' m i l f Tticy a re of Ituwilun, ^ g llH h , fl«nnan and .A m orlran 'roflnufaciurc,. U oeb of I b b kopjJly ■ d()ubUc;i» wa» hoarded aud could bo bad scerolly be­fore f if e (raile w as. lunuguratcii.

Damlnff rotton and wool, books a ad q re i, IialrplDo, combs, bruxliea. but-

jfi tons and otlivr notions a lso a re of> fered freciy .'.bu t' a t blgji p ritca b ^ u ipartsoa iy-ltb Uie marVcla of wett- e ra Bmpe.

ll* scorce uni] apparro tJy of I ^ ^ l o r quality, - jia rk p t itnllH BOl*

* I. .dop1.b9te .u n n 1 tlmu ti ttf . any sort o f cotlOD or VfO^*»

Ijorcclaln I» nJeojW*'*;^ijooi u m . . I l i n m J

m w * ^ I , In (J,g hands o t Im n d rtis -4 reduccd s>*nUefolh, who stand In queues nboul tbe public lunrbcls nml offer fhclf iJOUicIwIiJ bc lonslnps fo r Ibo rubles ncccsNiry- lo Waclt b rtail a t 3,000 ruliU'S for a RuMlan pound nf 12 minccs. E very con«I»d*.

^ bio hou'^hold artlcU and every aort nfKanneitt van UourIu ; In tbw c (jueuca.-I- O inlm, clmndcllora, Ininps. aiores, WfpMf. rue*. CTdiUca. tronks, loJklo* iiiachlnea, l«d», bicycle*. p«t». l»ajw. IccitlM, table linen., fu r coaf^ bools. CTcnlDit 80"ns nnd CTcry so n o f wear­ing apparel nre (iffercd for snle by tbe lr OB-nfM Ij) Ibesc queue*. End- Jeaa.lbiM of «ccond-banil denier* and Indlvidunls rwiulring w nres pos* along fh w e qticiipw nnfclnf; firices n rd offer- Inc i-flfh or Imrli’r .-N c w York Trtb-


“fMil ycm kn<i«'.“ ' wiW -Mr- Dolan^ j "tUe T ^ l <n5it {Ucrc n t« w-rmons Id : s iu n w r ' '‘No," np llw j ,\Ir. Ilrtfrotty,. "lliousli I do cnll 10 mind tb a t a brtck- bai hns hore nml Mien! beeu n loro- ixiTBrity c y m v lr ifln ff 'n w 'n ^ t."

rwiiri r a D i i

G T r e a s u r e r ’s R e p o r t a n d .E s t i ­

m a t e . S h o w P r o l j a b l e 'R e -

: , s t o r a t l o n t o C a s h B a s i s -«• — a« ,

i ia Hutlmatcs p repared b y c i ty Treasurer

ftU lo the -c ity council Indicate th a t Twin Falls r iiy , a t tho elOso of tbo offlclal term of tJio p resen t adm inistration In

, .tho spH n; o f nex t year, will bo. ro- stored to a cash 'basis oad will h a ta a

,■ t . surplus In its ' trea su ry ,.I?” M unicipal expenditures durld;: tho I ,., f lrsl nine m onthj of tho present odmln- ^ / l i s t r a t io n bOTO been 'he ld to $M ,H 8a5 k » l or <123.73 under tho'.budgot approprla- : * Hon of IflO,400.08 for th a t period.’ . , Tho probabto su rp h s s t tho close of '

the p re se n t a d a lm s tra tio n 's term I* csUmated roU5»‘>y fW .W . Tbis ; amount Is de tera ined b ^ tho addition of tho amount collocted In fines, costs '

'•“J and Iie»B0 fees, esllointod a t $5,000, to tho e lty 's proportion o f highway tox, estlmalod a t $B,000, fo r expendUuro of

•>“ which no provision was mndcUp the I)*' builgcl, aod adding to - tb ls amount an **? esifmato. o f $5,000 as the surplus tha t

Is j'xpccted to remain a* between th o p amouftt o f oxpondlttttea and tho smn to ,

■ be raised under currcnM ® * I*'’!**- * 1 , W hatever surplus remains is to bc | ‘i®' taken into 'eoosidoratlon in preparation |

« f tbo nex t bttdje^ to b ring about ft xc- ■ d u t tb n 'ln th e innnielpal U x levies. -

I’a y a e a t .of aU delinquent, taxes a t , fhe present tlm o would make possible ,

■ redemption of a ll dufsUndinff c ity war- j 1 ronts, I t w as oxplalned to the eoantH.

' i . The Blatcincnt o f cx?«BdUui«» for ul tbo three m onths past togelher w ith thq , amoun.ts of budget appropriation for ( tliat period and for this year in the sev- cral departm ents Is as follows: ' - j -

■^J' D epartm en t^ . ,..........- ......

f lo w e r------- --- ------------------- ----------- ---ConHnffent -------------------------------------- :

2 Pollcc ---------- -f i r e ____________________________ •

A dministration ----------------- ---------------1*® e t i t t t . ------------- ----------------— .-.............'

P a rk ; _______________H ea t apd 'd a i r y ......— -------------- --------EaglneerlnR ------------— .....................

Skfect lig h t in g .............................■

D a n a ' . j r j l —" . - - ...................

S .................

)'0i . ■ iol •.•"K.lli.d I.*. Mm. K. H- 'V illlsa* : la: W opbeB# 8JW ,«

a* ■ TIks Filer Business ‘Women’s club “m 'fi io, itiTlnir a Valentino dance n t tlio Iley- s Mld'broeco pkvlllon la tb a t el{y th is even- 1

Ing. Thb hall .is handsomely decomtcd >•eslfo r tho oeeaslon and nothing b leU « J d uhdouo-to add to lho plew uro o f those , o f w ho.httcnd. An inv itation b extend- bo ed t o the public.o f ■' --------- ■ .ir- Tbo BusIbcw W omen’s club met In '«• rfttu b r « u lo n n t th e ir club rooms on

, Monday orening. A fte r tho transaction bo of business n social hour was spent.

M ils Butli Y oungs wfts hostess to th« K ing’s Danghtem M onday, evening a l

ft bcr hDmo ou F lftb nw tb . E l8“- ” teen mw ibcrs were present and a goocr. , ^ 1 40cbl tlnio was enjoyed a fte r be ■ MBfcorincss o f tbo ovctilnR bad b « n A'*-

ifosed of. Befrcsbments and decorations wero miiiropriate to tho soason, cnrrj'- ing out the. V alentino iiloa.

IS Oue-half o f the membcra of tho W -tw w odftusUlub ftm «nt« tciln lti8 the otUot .■

half a l a V alentino Inntboon n t the ty home of Mrs. H . 8 . Cowling 104 Pop ar t t frveaao, on. W edneaday n t one-tblrlj.

J . ‘ Tbo Eirt«opa1 au il.l 1* K>vtng K <ij.- B, ter tea a t tho home of M rs. D. D . Al- B. vord, 130 Sixth avonue/nortbi on Tliurs-

Jny afternoon. An espfcW ly , »ltal prsiia ro will bo rIvc«v uiulor tho 1

JJ. direction of Mrs. J e rry Siw io*.

'f- , Tho Amoma elnss of” tho Bantint 8 un:la Jay school held the ir annual olecllon o! ,It- officers In tho church M onday evening

fflth tho following re»uU«J President, of Thelma ThTClkol<’ *^v1ce-pre»ldenl. 80Q ••

of ‘• ^ s w T . VQty W olfcndcn; vU l or. ICrystal Kelley; lib rarian. M arian Tura- <„ ? r “ lw{or; Ju d ith J o n « ; entertainer, ,Ilulh IfcFatlm ia- |

' th o Coatottnlty Bervtoo depattm M tof tho Tw entieth Century elub aro hold- ^

wl Inir an open meeling In tho nmusemcnt o r room a t Ihe “P " ' “ S " ^ .Y ,S V n ck dM attCTnopa- All womt« Interested In an the d ifferent form s nf T^ty tpvero tnon . Z aro urged to attend. Hn;« 7 J-B enW

will speak on the p rese n t form o f our c ltv novtrttncnW 0 . W. W ltham on the c o m X s W tatm, '

• on t i e tf ty mannger plan. Tho «r« l sMflVcr )iBB Iwen aslted tn begin a t - J o

n« nnd U it hoped th a t a ll a ttend ing will bo t'resen t a t lh a t hour.

n J T ho MImc»by Ua, ncu lih Troii-loU‘, 1 auUno Ware , / nnd Amifie R raal" enterta ined sixty

i u i t a V alentino Saturdaypvenlnir nt the Hnslnexs W omen’s rliib

!” “ rooms. Defofat.iong of I 'c arts and ru- nlils w'Ti.' uwd in prftfii*I‘'n and the ,

<>>• rtlo n lln . U r« ro w a l' '! 1« H 'J l . f W . . o,( t j a ho .l.fSR's (iMislr'l In rcfflvin,", a n d ^ sf t'c " punch lliro«i:l‘'» ‘t the evening.

“?• The BkooVum Tlllleum Cnmpflro ^ 1 »

Mnndnv evening a t 7:30. A fter a »hort 1 :ek- n.cetlng n l o . ^ l honr wn* on-jtra- joyed. ' Pourteen m em bra woro P « » '[. ' ’ cnt. . ' , - . '.-I

: - . m------ , - ----------

j HIGH SCHOOL NOTES■ A short^humoroui p b y will be given

t the public apeakbg 'S tuden t< under df- r reetfon of 'th e ir teacher Miss Jackson.

^ 0 name of IhV play is* 'Suppressed D esires * Tho blgb schotA usem bU ti

, . | aro a ttrac tive to j e o p b .o f tbe commu- l l n ity and v isttbrs aro always Vow wel­

come. They will f ind this week's pro-■ gram espeelally interesting.

■ S tudents who havo toeelved their . proofs from Mr. Hlilburg,.Ooyolo pho-

tographer fo r th is y far,.oxpresa satis- faction with hU .w ork. Tho U k ln g of

K, the Ju n io rs ' p le tarts will be eomplct- cd thU week.

la , . ' . ~ -ro- .T h li Bluo Triangle .d u b .h a ro laid J a elaborate p lans-for tboir nex t neflllntc

on W ednesday n l jh t . TJio jneetlog tho will be devoted to vocational lopiis.

Mr. K am es, principal o f tlio high ^ 5 school w lil ^ a k on tbo oceopatlons a ria. girl may follow w ltb n high school odu-

eatlnn, and .M rs, I . R. Jo ilyn will U lk gl on tho vocations tb a t a g ir l njax,folb«r

w ith a higher education. There will bo t b a duet by tw o boys of tho orchestra. {qj, Thero will bo gam es and refrctJiments , t | a t thp close o f the evening.

a ? ' ~

thj I ,^ iO R HIGH SCHgOt‘" t , Tho f if th perioih today the girls of •hOf lho ^ ven th .B rada bosketbaU te a a play- t f ed (ho g l r b 'o f £Ao eighth grade. TIi«

sci)rc w a s .a Uo. Tomorrow the same temns will play again and the winnlnft fcnni wHI p b y tfte ehsm pbus o f the Jun ior I lie li, wbo aro olghtb grade girls. Tho basketball wnrk was tnken 4ip in

“ coiincctJon w ith (ho G irl Beserto eluh and tho teams are coached by Miss Tow- hill and M bs.N elson. ;

PIANO, V lb L lN , CORNBT A V I' H cello instruetor. Nelli 'h btodio, Ni-«« I ‘" .O niJie tim Bldg. Phono 1525H'.—inlv. j

Amount Appro. ; Appro. Expended . fatP eriod ,

.„ '# 3 ;> 0 0 .0 0 , . •$ 2 ^ R 8 3 • 1 2,025.001

.... a.tllHTOO 1,238.47 ' 1^05.002,pfi2.i:4 ,,a.Bn8.ifl - 2,223.03

-0.010.00 7.D80.80 • .0.757.50:. . . 14,B2.'i.OO 11,417.72 . . * 11,118.75

J3.S30.00 0,753.01. 10,372.50(.... • 12;iOQ.OO n,023.3S . 0,375J)0l

1 2,100.00 1,5(10.31' 1,575.00.... 2,W0.<10. , . 2,5SS.flO U87..';0

250.00,. . 228.88 " 187.5013.000.00 . 7,704.85 10^08.73l,3M.on -'WG.OT ■ 076.00

000.00 450.00 450.008,455/10 • • 0,000.00 0,341.25

.;.?fl8,(154.24 - $09^04.05 '|M ,400.08 ^ - Bnrplus 125.73- . - 7^

. WCIDElii DELAYS .BETUBN• M n . 'B : a -o e tM T t l l DMalsed ia'rObi-

J ' ctgo br Dnettm oi A n a '■

: B ccaaie.of fracluro of ber right arm j »a/forcd Jd a /a l l Jn CbJea^o-whon thr

, has. boon-for several woekk .folliwliic iro iJtlendanco a t fiiueral .services for hor -y- sbter,dH>Jnp. }ip> w oJJierV JJInfM. Mr#, sn- H. 0 . O ett,‘r t will bo 'detained for three cd wMk's.froui rc ti irn ln g jd her,homo here >/| B rrortinjf to irtird n 'ceJveJ ycslerrfaV.j

, . .' P earls From H s^ n o * . ' |"Frciich iH-arla" were' very popular ,

liefprc lho w ar. T o mnke these art;-1 (leinl p i-n rk tb'o i-’rencb cniftsmen ob- I tnlncti flsh .renlcn from tbe Busslan I MmV ttsbcriw , n m l'n « « V ib e» a h c w j j HOilw lo Klvo s la as bcnda th e lu sicr n /.

. ivoarb. T he .war Rtoppcd Ihb Russbn nfilu-nncn. anil oonsi'qucntly tVcncb

;b. m u lf j jio longer wiN-k.Df. Thorofore g rrn i e irorts were made in ' he 'find n nubm liulf f.ir Ibe lluMlan fltili fs- scnfn*. Nnw II hjp* been found fimf ns the srniM df certain sen berring nnd V ' shad pntisc.M a d fllen tf lua ler slmllni '

;lo orlenial i**nrls. T lie silvery cont Ing l8 /e m « v « l nntl from U "cssenM-

•i- d’Orloiit" u r pi-nH cwonce Is madt*.•Tbi' m lbm fi Hkc cem ent; anil

‘'® a glass bend tvbli-b bns been eoatoi' wJHi » Iwars n pn«Mblo rt*»emblnjn- !o a ccniilno penrl.

J . ■ Woman d row s Prix* Datsa. rs. Oo a fdur-ncro plot In Callforalo lU. ilrs . Curl WiiiKlhouBC ploQtcd date ho ireca clgbl yOnra ago, and ib b yenr

(bo bo“>ent will net about $5,000. Two . o f be p rix r bnnrbes tjjjity

in: poundi iticb. Mrs. W oodbonw fan* done all the work b e rso lt

- ......— -at, -------ug - . Sa iu fn 's Rihfll, n j j'rr tfr-w 'r J’lckrr)«« Scriares - th s t or. thc-tlilcknesa .n t Sn to tn 'a ou ter edge m- of Ihl* nu ler r lii« '‘A n in only a few er, m ljw. (Jinl o f th e tim er rlnu B la

inmft forty mllM p v a ie r . while the tbirkncsa of th e cmpo ring b nboul

sat r.0()0 mllpR.Id-1^1 11 . . . . ,

9 O h o a p In B tir a n o o U*' liii, n o t g o o d — ^ n o lth e r i s ru- .g o o d i n s n r a n o e c h e a p .

p r o to o t io n w i th )M- t h e s a m o d ls o r im i n a - m l t i o n t h a t y o a b u y a n y '

o t h e r c o m m o d i ty . . • j ■

ilLY-'NBWS, TWIN p a l :""f . Oorsot for PrinceflB Has

I . O o ^ ^ B , . ; 1

Tills c o m t, reeontly exhibited a t the Fashion Bhow In Now York City,' b to

i.« bo given Princess Mary for hor trous- ' semi. The corset has a brassier o f gold

and aU v«_brociJcd c lo th 'u n d Is fla* iT ished with solid gold buckles, hooks and od eyes. Princess M ary, who b to wed

Viscount Lascclles rvb rua ry 28,t will W; j,3 r« h o ib e riirset as n wedding g if t. U iia

;U0 Thelma Van is here shown displaying .75 It. _______

^ 0 6* to Ifom ]2 to-SO' per cent ou thv ,00 M t of harness by buying th b week a t,.'■,0 trcd ailv.

,73 Sule nl Frnl F o u going fnsl,-^ad».',00 ‘ — ------ . ,


etm M m ' l s n n M l U ^. TTpon Opanfilg of H artw t—W orld ■

' Scarcity la CatiM

‘!V‘ - CIIICAOO, (/^h-fllcop np iurns In the price of-w heat look placo In Chl- cago tfldny,' with traflsaetlons on a big

'-*■ leale. Tho advaneo hero prom ptly fol- lowed a sdrprlsing r iw which hnd te e n registered yesterday <)t W innipeg, Llv-

V* erjwol nad Buenos Aires, whilo business w a r^ e ln g .'in te rru p U d in tho nited Slates by a holiday. Dealers hero a l ­

a r Iributed tho advance chiefly to world tj. senrclly and lo hc.nvy buyWg ’on tho ,1,. p a rt of fo rc l^ e rs . Opening q^uotatlons ,,, here varied from 3 7-8 to 0 1- ^ higher, " j w ith May *1.37 to $1.39 1-2 a n d Ju ly

n f. I —

Cl f i g M M r a I

I S K M H y i l l i M P 'In>b nn

Id i n "


I** Itfvl f f i

'■ , I • V ^ e take pic I eluded an arr

I . - f f i ■ ■ le » 'nr B i . .ro *;■ y ‘7 »0« «

tel- ths sale of S,' ■ * - of.theMomei

m ' ■ (Wgning.room h« jW we may expeci

I there'mll.be.b = I M iQThosc who fol

| | . . . tiveofthecha: H : : i of the "mode M \ ^ be exclusiveI ' q P r iCT ______. moii W t S S S j

LLS, IDAHO, TUESDAY,I I J .22 io # lJ 3 . Tbcso flgn rca .pm -eJ to ,b e tho topmost reached in tuo , early

_ trading, In^m urh a a 's a lc s to obtain profits broadened out, and fo r a t least tbo Umo being tU ctkcd any fuTtber gains. ,

.Voderafo downturns which occurred during tho mlddio of tho day owing to sales tha t were ascribed mainly to Now Y orK lntercsls were largely overcome In tho final hour on a rrnun t o f persistent haying duo to a vblblo supply decreUse, be tto r fJour .demand nnil reiterated

. bullisli cron rrporl*.- The eloso wns strong a f 3 .1-4 fo .1 5-8o n e t a'dvanci-,

- with May a t $ U 8 1-2 lo $1J18 .1.8 and Ju ly $1,213^410 f l .21 7-8.

Corn aod oats mounted In value with wheat. thouKh to a much l e u deRroo; tho recHls of com hero todny being unusually b rg e and o ffse tting to n no-

' lUeablo extent the influenco «of the ! whentp rice advance. A fter opening

5'8 to .2 l- lc .M rW ,- May 59 3 4 to (10 3-8c, the m arkel goii)cd a lll tle moro and then receded somewhnt.

Word lha t 25,000 tons of corn grits would be purchnicd for llu s sb n relief aided A new ndvance In tb n 'co m innr-

• Vltl n t the last of tho dny. Prices cloned strong, 1 1-2 (0 l ;i-4e n r i biclle^■wilh May at'OO 5.« .tb 00 3-4c.

Oats sinrled 3-8 lo 7-He higher, Mav 41, and later reacteil a b it.

Higher quotations on hns helped to lift the vnlpp o f provislons.» .

O iih Grain and P ro rlslon t CIIICAOO, y p )-W b e .i t: No. 3 red

♦ U l 1-2; No. 2 hnrd $1..12 to $1.33 C-8., C o m -N o . 2 mixed 55 3-4 to 54c.

O s ts -N o . 2 whllo 38 1-2 to 40c; No. while .11 to 30c. lly o -N o . 2, $1^2.Barley—58 to flSc. •Timothv seed—f5 to $7.

_ ' Clover 8eod- « 1 2 to .$32.■ I’ork—Nomlntil. a . |.nr<l-^10.72.'3 . }illui-$t0.25 to $ i | .U Flour flegliterg A drancethe MINNtlAPOLIB, (/pj~-Plour ndvanc-■ to “ barrel a t one of Iho largest „ „ raJH* here to .Iay rn s n J e su it o f tho ous- gjfonjj wheat mnrket. Rnngo of prices fold fof pntent grndes wns $7.05 to $8.50 a f la . bnttel, sold In eatloa.1 lots. Tl»o mlnl- and ‘l“ototlon this y e a r was $0.75 a ■red *" effec t Janunry $4.„ ' B utter apd Effgi -

(M lia^OO, ( f l ^ - B u t t o r - H ig b e r ; , creamery extras 40 1.2c; f irs ts 31 to

'log 35 l-2c; seconds 28 to 30c; standards 34c. '

Kjw*-Un#elfle<jf re e d p Jf . J4,S24 tl>» eases; f ira ta .35 l-2c;. ;o rd laaty f irs ts ; # t 32 to 33e; miricollaneous 34 tb 34 l-2c.

Poultr)--A llve, higher fowls 25 i-3c{, . springs 20c; roostcra JBc. ^

P0U t0a« ,CIIICAOO, (ffH P o ia lo c a — B tea d y ;'

1 receipts 01 cars; Wlscoosln saeked''

S Round W hiles $1.60 to $1.05 cw t.; W is­consin bulk Bound W hites $1.00 lo $2.10; U lnntsoUi m k e d Roond m « t a

- fl<70 to $1.00 c w t ; Idaho sacked Bur-.I a b $2.1(1 cwt,{ Colomdo sacked Brown,' Beauties mostly $2.10 cwt. 'T Y ■. ■ 'P ortland M anteU

POBTLAND, O roH .W —C attle, bogs, ie ty and-aboep, nomlnaUy^-»li*d/*,jM> , t t - i I •• ee/pU .-; .

•• Omabft U n f to c k OMAUA, (/Py-H oga—B w elp ts ' IS,-

In 0(y>; aellve; lO to SOe h igher; 165 to mil- 100 pound-w eight bntehers $0.50 to big $9.55; top $0.70; COOvto 800 pound fol- botchers $0.10 to $0.50: pack ing n a d e s ,ocn $7.25 to $8. , ■ • ' •'Jv- Cnttie-U fieoipts 6,800;- beef steers less nelive, 10 to 25eblghBr;'top^$8.10; sbo- Ited stoek 115 to 25e higher; b u lb strong: nl- vealors, stoekera and' feeders fully

jrid ateady.tho Sheep—Receipts 10,000; lambs 13 tn ioni SSc higher; bulk $18.65 to $14; |op her, $14.25; sheep ilrong; ewes $7.50; feed-, 'uiy e n steady. .

o A m o m c e m e r i

pleasure-in announcing t h a t '

arrangem ent w ith

o f his creatiom io Dresses.' Me Dent" models w ill come to ua, I loms twice each montb. T he nu pect to receive will, o f course, b e b u t one Dress.of each design,

follow Fashion’s latest dictates w fa rm in g originality o f M osiiont jd e”—and th e fac t t h a t eac ve w ith i ts w ea re r ehhanc.ei

Price, be i t no ttd , ori MosHOf models is most moderate. ,-The £ originMions are now on displ Your inspection is invited.

Y, gEBRUARY:14,1922

A C000 5 TO-TRAOe

" " -_______ ■ .O hleiifo WTOrtoek^,

r y CniOAOO, (/^ -C a tU e -B e e e lp la -ft .; -) ,; - tin 000;.nctlvo;, beef steera and sto«ker»>. li t aad feeders stendy to strong: topj^ear*.' '-I.er Hags m i y 1,00 pound s te m $8,751 ■-. bulk beef sleers $7 to $735; o th e r '-” ,

ed elasjcs atoady; bn lk bologna’ b u lb ' i to $3.75 to $4; bu lk f a t ralvM | J 0 to , >w $10.75. ,t.,In lIog«—Beeoipts W.OOO; fairly actlro s- • ' n t l(j to 16c higher than M onday’s nver- “•j ago; $10.25 paid on 150 to ,IB$ ponfld: cd hogs; bulk $0.70 to $10.10; pigs slow; •.0* 23 to 60c lowcr^n‘<i’ . ^ « P - « e c e I p t s 10,000; besl f a t

bm bs 25 to 5Qc higher; others and , sheen strong to 25eih lgher; f a t lam bs .

to c ity l)uteJim carjy <jfl- b idding > $15.25 on best,- medium 103 ponnd

lo- Colorado , w othert .

” ' H u k t t E l j » . l i » w » r(„ , NEW YOUK.'ro -rates and buying orders over tbo ro-

eent holiday ntim nbtcd lho fu rther ir- Its regular riso of stock m arket prices to- of day. Bnles npproxlmnted some COO,000 ir- shares.es . Hjiorulatlvc -favorites mnde sp irited ’•

galni o t tho opening of to d a y ’s a toek 'Wflf heJnfr Jn te r ru p f^ in th e , Onlted

ay tho rcreipls n f corn here today belnff wheat p riro ndvance. A fter, opening

H igher quoJalJona on hoea bi-Jued to nge; *1.25 paid on 150 to 180 pound- m arket. Accumulation of buying or-

c-d ders over the dimlilo holiday prompted •8. fu rther urgent covering of snort con*

Irntls. Oulf HUtes Steel mado an Ini- fo. t b i gniii of 2 1.2 points, Mexican Pe-

Irolt'um roia 2 jw lsf* and UaJilwJn Lo- eonilitlve wns 1 jw in t higher; Btudoba- ber, Amerltnn Com Products nnd aov- ena of tho -jun lo r-ra ils nlso atrenrtb-

•. ened. Improved. cobdUlon's abroad were Iiidiented. by a b risk recovery la

. slrriing oxchango f ro m ,b s t Sa tu rday 's shaqi reaction.

Cnll money fell to 4 per cetit In tho final .hour.. T rad ing b rondoned ,'tm - brw lngJjljib -s inae ro lb , eswrSalJy Ca-

• " nadian Pacific nnd Bending. Tho clos- r . ’^ " I t r o n g . Bonds nhoWed a to v

dcaey ir im p ro v o ns stock m arket op- “ erayoni expanded.- . .

U b t t t y Bondi S E 'K fO B K , t f P ) - U l , .r ly , l o n j .

flosed: a l-2a $07.80; f i r s t 4s $00.84; second'4s $00.10; flrM -t H s $011.84; . .

’[ • BMond 4 \At $38,205 iW td 4 1-4* $a7iB{ .fflurfj. 4 1-4S V Jcforr 3 U t

.VkloVj. < a .4 . , 100.1"- •

124- lU w ' Bugar^Ub ' n e t w o r k , g p j^ T h c oaily law bu- 2c . Bw> mnrket was quiet and nominal a t . Ic; S e .for'^ubas coil and fre igh t;oqua l'ttv

wJJii Pj’TUt meet t i S B y . '^0 (nleg were repo rted .'

ly; ' " th e spot marVotIlKt.^ i.tA ^-Ffiew ed eovcrlnd and buying - t y • j . com ^st^on houses In^raw sugar.fu torc*J . nn d 'rr iie s n t m idday wero o tii 0 poIoU

« r U .l5 b .r . . ■ ■ ,.Tho .m arket fo r rqf(ne<{_ w aa tm*

--■•changwl a l 5.00 to 5.10 for firio grann>, ' b led . The demand was l l j h t . ' - ; •

• ' Them were no ^nnsSeUona Jn ie fiae d folurcs.

V H A V E Y O U H E A R D I T ? . I

i “MOLir 0” ';rs y ic ttf t E o w ^ ’ p la y e r Binl. u d ,0. B heetJH ttic . '

g .COME IK AND i l i a l l ' l T

t . . L O G A N M U S IC C O .

>10 A t* . N . , . .P lo n . io l

t w e h a v e c o n - ' I

M o s H o u i r a “ M o d e i . , , v

a . f r e s h f r o m h i s 1

n u m b e r o f m o d e l s , :

i b e - l i m i t e d — a n d r f

J- f ■.

> 1 ^ 1 b e a p p r e d a / i

> r r a i n t e r p i e t a t i o n j f

a c i m o d e l w i l l |

c , e s d e s i r a b i l i t y . KlO N T Z f, ___

e f i r s t ' . I ~

> p la y . - . ■

j l i l

Page 6: ^ FAILLS DAIL NEm Mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · -y ----- Iiiiiiii W President,and Seretary of Ida- ;{< . ^“-ItjdenM'DWare intentiM S; V toPutForeeintMaS’?^^^^^

' -TWIN FALLS DAILY NEWS p"5 — :--------- ----------- -J, — ^ MC

•< tv ^ r j atwnwc«'**c«t>l jmo

■ f: Twin F«m Now* I'uDlliJiIni Co.. lnr.;i . iC ttabllihvJ IBOir • .. (lov

■; BO iT a / i iEAD........................... PrMl.»«ni; JOHN C. IlAUVBV...................Trfu»ur«< '

, ) / --------- --------------------------- ------------------- hi«*•: E iU tm l u* leeaiiil cUti tiAll " ‘“ '• f ' jio,

*BfH ». th» pwinfflM »i TwIi'V ; ■ K l l* IdoUo. u n j . r Ih* ac/ of M»r«h J i,„jI; ;■ i r » . ____^

'i ; ............. 8U08CRIPT10N RAT8# clol? OM ............................... .....................!!-liV isn,: >i I .. ..........................................................; I ............................................................. .. Ii

............ ( , , ,' • ilK U D EU-O F A880CJATE0 PBESa

Tb* AMocUtod P«M >• *KCJtt»lve»y cti- / : Ulled w Ui« UM till*' a«w* dlipoichci cr«dliw w ». or ool o t ^

^ U e In' UiU psper, Bnd ^K> Tlil

:■ fjw _______________ _ i t ,No recponilblKtr If Auumvd for t ta

•; e*re ofwj»6lleltod m*nu»cripu. plwt»- .. rraphs or other c o n trlb u ^ ^ '"B

r i w i . .num lttM nr,D»l>«“ tlon r t » “

unleM awmp4nlM}’ ^ D M nm rr P<«t* l>ia

• ***•■ ■ ; ' ‘htt ! T hs New* U fc Of t t» O rt


. I fard Duliainf. C(»l«r>.

b u e o p b EBOOTEEHTO j

I f UiB slg o i ot tbe Umci aro rolUble Kuropcan co u n tries with Amerieo,

'I iioffljr bu t JtcaJliy M d w reljr jid j iu t- .Inffthooiiclves nnd, mod, we w o urjod^ ^ to bcHove, ilio old world, torn by the

’ • n o j t drcfldful and dovMUUngiD&dv belo*ou«t, i i patching iUeU ®P BD( m tin g llBolf lo do burintM *X Ibe old »land nnd on tho old w and Indui-

; tr ia l bn«m . .T bU belnR ^nio> Twin FalU c ity and

L _ d U tr l t t folk na well u* tho oqtlro ita to of Idnho-aod Intonnonntaln togion la general, m u lt ibaro proportlonatoly In

; tb e p rojpority bonnd to eomo wbon tho w orld h ia flniU I/ gooo through the W;

h « ^ u itm o n t nnii roJuvonaMon cour».'i se ttled b n c t to the condaot of ^\ oa tho I 'b u s ln o u a i boforo" plan. iL ’ <JI»triet being an agrieullujal a r e a ' l l ^ a I t l l na tu ra l lo anppew, findI ' m arkot n t stable pricoi fo r iU produec,

j u d onro moro th^ tillor ot th e .w ll

' «U I Ucar the morry ilnglo o f .th c <oln o f tllD realm In his ^ k e t i whlto the

I tnc'rchant prosper*’ fn proportion., ] . SI;n>* havo bocn multiplying of la te CO

tl)a t European . flnanoo. and ioduatry, though (till in a bad way, arc slowly ®**

j irapr^vliif:. Secretary Hoover »tatod--a^;• fow d a ys 'ngo , on n basis o f report*

mtido to tlio tloparlin rn t.o f cooinu’rc c ji .„ , | th a t tliorc rnn be no iluubt of thin. I t lu r. 1 u i \« in e oul l>y, Ih f tIso Iu F rench nml lin llan pKchnngc. Than i,^^] th is there routil lirT io «urpr i‘virtenco:of J

th a t commi'rcliil nffalrx HproBvin'a* surely riKhtiiijc thcmnclvc*. To th c jf in i

' samo c f f j ' i n nirioiin liil uf inrlilon tn l'«»•<!

tesUmnny nmv be Kli'aiu'il from Iho lnl* out bonk of J . M. KiTnos. In I t the Okl. grcfit EnKlifli'i'ciiiiomit;*niithorIly Je-^ !'^ ' ctorcH lha l ‘ ‘in ip it r o f Irndv dcptcs-’

[ alon.nnd tllBordcred pjchanp 's, Kuropo, dny [ under.tlip, siirf/icp, is much Mnblrr nn.l

hcnlth lcr Ihnii two ycar< ako. " pfTwo ycai* ivro w hat Wm Mr. Koynca n*ki

prcilietlngf In. hls volumo “ Tlic Ikon- omic Coniftjui'ncc* of the Iv.iri’ ” ho aaw Europi" on Mu' verKC of comiilcto ® dlsn iter. I t ’« whole (•ivilirjitinn «nm eniliiiiBerrd nnd if the Trealy of Ver- anillcs wore to ho rnrrleit.o iit nnthiri^i iht wns to bo lotthoil for except prwiibllnj;! “ ,»i jjoverninenls ami n ccnernl dciri.i! find

finnurin l OcIjhvIo. Noiv, liuwevrr, Mr. jj,j,

K eynes nijmltii thnl in (hi'nc resiK'cti ho ouli wns, to UUP tin' phrnim nf licrnnrd Hhnw,

___/ ' a ro tten Im.l pM jilii'l." lie admitslh a l iatmy i>f tlic mW ortunes he pro- o u ' d ie ted the:^ hnve nnt oceurrcd. I lo oz< b}ui p lnins th ii Ih jmrtlv nn ncpouot of tho

M.ide frmn hand-picked Uta) H w ith «>{ cfttffuHy »Metlo

■• w ith n mntchlcgs aaoco io sea

^ 3 .ronult is bi-atis whole aad motli■ ■ . 'gcst, with .1 flnvor\^sestfulnes*

H . n now eoneopliol^of Pork*and .J 9 ulur pn rt o f the fn u lly 'd ie t ii^ 9 . Uonie*—order by Hit caw.

H QaQiau/i!6d:odl- B - 6 f a k a t I g V S W t« l .

pstlecco ofi the.eomooD pcopto 'and.ths 1 1 fae t th a t ' eovernm'onta]' InatltiiUons f l l proved tnore stable Iban ho o spe tled . | | Also, he says, th in e tlo n s o f thoio In power Jiavo been “ wUer than ’ their words." In tlilB Btalcmcnt M r. Keynes 'Is clearly referring fo hU paragraph in his earlier volumo on Uonnnn Bepara- JioiiJ.**-IIe now remarks tb a t If th e « p g j hnd been carried o ilt a conecrted e ffo rt ^ . io ronipol. Oermany to moot her finan- cial obligations all o f his dire prcdle- lions w ould jiave .cone to pais.

Hut the Uuth 'o f the m a tte r is tha t 81 Ocrmnny has bcenjinylng, is paying and (iromUei th a t iho . will do her best in thi* f u tu ^ to pay as abo has agreed.'A Ioi T hU particular qpestlon baa an unde-;81>“I ninble Imporianto In tho en tire eeon.i{^"^ mule, outlook of Europe, bu t, a fte r n ll.'n reh i l l Imporlante can bo considered ^ “ t ; ^ i minor. Mr. Keynes rega rds-tho e a ll- .j j j j ing of tho Inlernational Eeonomlo Con-!bo i

T 6rw ee a t Oenoa a* a confirmaUou

hls’ ldoni ot.-lflSO. But ho wiU.BOto'Arch lh a l, formally a l.leaa l, Ibo q u e s tio n a l then Oerman.Vepiitailoj^ l l n o t- to be upon

thit agenda n t Oenoa. ideacliOt US hope, thougli, th a t U r . 'E iy o c t If tl

provus a more rollablo prophet fo r lOSS Ihnn ho was In 1020. ' -Jail

‘ marj

FO S p W n T B B JT7STI0E ’ ; QBBI t is a matter o f frequent eom m ent,HA I

nmong the puhllC’th n t there ahould be . 0< such oxlraordlaary delay betw een Ihb nrrest of thoso chnrgod w ith crime nnd triec

tho ir trial. • b t ”The e ffec t o{ prolonged , de^jp' Iti

b ringing o ffendera 'tb tr ia l tends to vraa wcnken Iho iofluoneo o f _ exemplary l>nnlihm'cot.' The erlmo is remembered ^ ^ b u l , iiie vindication of tbo law la ana> ccllpsod'by tho Interval boforo^eonvle- t ln o .^ .N o th ^ J s so enlculatod t o deter the orlSil'iiiiny inelincd or to protec t n Ing comumnlty from a reign o f terror lliuUN and bandlta a* the detnonstrated {,g,p to rln ln ly lh a l Iho yoUte anti o f l i t t r j m aa nrc-vlgilaM and th a t tho a rro it Is fol- lowed Inflvitabljr by^ sw ift and ccrtaln

>rlal. . , ,( New Jersey justice has bccome fam-; — nus throughout thn nnllun fo t the eel-| . .(•rliy o f its disposition of crlminnl cas-^ | cs. ■ I f thU atandard 'fm - prevalent, . throughout tho c o n n trj we should hear, less o f crim e wnvcs nnd more of rc ip c e t' L fo r the law. , • ' j

C O M M E N C E W O R K O N a O O K s j r "--------- , , ■ I Jj

StAt« Exam iner u td A n l f ta n u S t u t OH; g ram lnatlon of Oklahoma Bank 1 w]

■ Kad: OKMPMIKK, . cikln.. (/P) -r- Frcrl I'n rkinau.i, sta te rxam lnor And Inspect- I dt or, hero, with V. T. Mlltor nnd U. .1- Tl AlexandoT, doimtiM, lodny a tarted Hut upon. a. thorough exam ina tion -o f the Tl booka and rceord* of Ihe defunct Bank Vou of iComnii'roe of Okmnlgce, which fall- eil Inst fnll, with the esprcMod Intcn ^ „| Tiou lo " U hv nn the Job un til I t is finlalied, if It takes six davs o r six , , W ftfka." - . *

8ui>erinf Court Judge II. II. Chrlito- plicir \m * 'w ired toilny ftonv. Coy'c. Okln., frnm whero y esterday 'he mailed liU rrnli’nntinn to M J . Ulck, chairm an ^'o. o f 0 e lti/e iis '.,,com m ute" whieh con lltii ilemried Ihu judg e 's netlon Inst Thurt- dny tn iilrrolvhi;; tho superior emirt | i|i grnnd ju ry In the midst n f Its Inquiry j.v in to the affnlrs nf the defimcct JIanh j „ o f Cominiri-i', Tho comnilttei- hnd .. nakciM hfll the jiidgp.rM tgt.. " ,

" WillElffsl Tow«r cf Ml k.

Su eiiiiriiuiuK h ilic (iiiisiiiii]>lli’ii ol | v| COiidfiiSiil milk III vnrliiiiH rorm.s ilnil' ai a - je iir’n rtiiii|i:> l.u ii» Ik lit \n ,|burden for nfTiliv n .ii.irw lU iircwiit t i iH'r\liiu iii 'iliv >t<>iiiri. iiiiii.c^. Til ni't ‘ tfl0 Uioll- vivlit I..... Ilf lln Vils,lil-SH, Xliolet UN ............ >1 I’liliiuiii. froui lln- liun*tln-dti iiili’iioii' III i(iiH wlik'li vt'U-' tuiii I t: >-li 'll tl ..... Ilml itmi ourOullllllll. KIiIm I.IiJ oo II tlllNl' I.IIV llllll-. till'd rei'l M|niin-. i.lll rine lilKber itiiin lliv iitrniiilt of lln- i;iiYel lo« tT . I ll lirl;:lii. In riivi, u l | | |:<. I.IlK) fci't. nnd ou IlK io|> ilu’i'i' Mill l.c rouirorliilile B^uiKltiiK n>»iii tor lii.ir liulliilliiuti of 60l(lli-n«.

Utah K avy'.l^'M a. P IE B C B '8 TOMecloil bakoil • vldcs j u i f the apj

sealed containers n'Cal.; P IE B C B ’8 ‘1 can e ic a p e H T h i'—‘r^ .lu s e d ’a* o^ 7geta ill

nollow, easy Jo dl- ' dclightfui.-goodnlia nes* th a t ^ v o you .ind liw ina. Arcg>“ - ^t in thousind i of

M H N IN 6 C d f j i M L


IW T iiFamous, Anarchistic Trjo; i j ■In Sweden Hard Put toll to |

. Find Asyium. ■ ’B IO O K H O U I/W I - S m t o l i t o -

lo g A eurlooa dilemma o i the. re iu lt of her ire ir m eant hospitality In' gouU ng lemporarj* oiylnm to E ta m r Ooldnian, Alexander B e tk a an - and- Alexander Shapiro,' /o m e rly -d e p o r ted to B uulu . from, tho' United S tates. .B ln e o 'th U tn o arrived, aoveral other Ruialaji otv- n reh liti have eonidVnto tha country.

Aa n ia tf m sU n d V t presont Sweden may either have to dopoit tho anarch- Uts or copii w ith ITraovcm ont,.said to bo on. foot, o f m aking Stockholm an in te m a tio n a ra n u e h ls t eentral.

But .to w hat country ean 'th ese an- iirchlsts bo deported! Kobody mu>ts Ihem. Blnee Ih tlr attW alM n Block holm, Em m a'G oldm an and, other an- n fch lili frnm BuaiU .have, so roundly ' doaoiiac;d the aovlct government tha t i f thoy 0)0 returned th ither, the lol-. aherik authorities,,, nevor noted for ih e lr ionloney, may aend ,tlie'm all to Jail or deni w ith,them In a 'm e re lum- marj' fashion. noO B E M A N Y W ILL enHAVB NONE O P THEM ch

Oermany ha* a ltvady-iiu t up tho tic b a n ag d n st the ia agitator* u was ahown .reren tly when U Iss Goldman — tried to en ter Germany for tho purpose of attend ing tho International ansreh- U t eongn.‘i i jn B erlln ._ Freund, h \ us' t r la ’i repreaontalWe to th li conclnve, was a rreited on tho border by tho Ger­man pollc).

Now iho Stockholoi presi state.i that a resolution w aa'adopted a t live Berlin anarcb lit rongrew to establish nn In- tom M lonnl anareh lit bureau In the SwedUh capital, presumably beenu'e Stockholm Js nov^tho temporarj- abid­ing plac«^ot so many Jeading auarehUt lights. The pres* emphmizei th a t U wonld be m ost unfortunate If Sw eden's hospitality ' should bo abused by thus t n a w g Btockholm art nnn rth lil conlrnl and the n n e papers assert tha t ener­getic iten* wilt be taken ngainit an at'* tem pts o f this character.

L Y R I C ^ F L I F E


tH E USUAL U F B _______

I IK) .^OT wlHlryuu rtchei. frieod,• Fof rlcliL-rf'niay no t M a jH ' '»i) mueh WL' loae, so muel) we lend,

-So iiiueii wt' throw nwny.1 wish you only tmillra through team And glnil ih ifs lit tlie luiildeit yctint.

I do l u t wImIi yon rbiiillesfi skli-K;They cHii'i Ik- a lw ays fulr.

{lut.niay tho sun tb n l a lok t a rise.Tliu hearl a rise from cure. ,

Vou tnn « ' have elouds, but may th*y •show

A sliver lliiliiu H<iiii*.ivliun‘. thouch. •

I d« not wInIi yiiii iinty fiiKV,No toll fiir'liniiil iir lim lii;

"I'lii'y arc but piinitdleM, nri''llii‘*e _ . Wlio live by olliorH* jiuln; “N'n. itiiiiioililii;: iiiiiKt ynur lif^ ouiiil()y->Hill mnv yrtiiTliilnir he h 'Ji^y..

I dll imi wKli yii'n. frleiiil. KMi^miieb, Knrli dny ii diiy n f f iin ; ■ '

I wIkIi y<iii only trensur>'n< xiirh As oihi-r iiioii bnv<- woii-

.Ind IteltiT f rl.... 1 nm I than theyWbo wish for you a rtnu illeu day,

I wish for you a mo^eat p a n .And Hlniple Joya fo r y o g ;

\m l ilieu J hope w ith 'a ll my heuri TIiiit' alMple dream come* true.

■ « lsli yi'u tiill, nml tuorrlmetit— ■Tho ii'‘Hnl life, with Jlfo u-»ntfiii.

fCnn\Tl;!liC!> _______


c iiA s . £ . E c w o u r r s & c o .Phono 21B-W

120 Bhoihon* St. 'W«»i .V French DcK OleaaliiB


rOMATO BOUP pro- B' appelltcr fo r-every .3 's 'ilO M iN Y o . r t r ' H , • .

I iBtfawf ■


Singer Brians. S ^ t for. S600,- D

000 Damages , •

Ba ' <01


: fa!. dn

b t

•“ .N- ■: - * foi

dy^ jin

U m e. JohonoA Qa4<U, famous' wiig- norioo aopraso, U m ln ; the Chicago Op- en era. AnoclaUon for 1500,000. She pa charges breaeh of eontraet and defama­tion o f charaeteT.


1 5 ~ . F E B R U


Get There On Timt

“P-Ad . 0 . s i a a m s , D lo tator j a i

FORETRAC'NOW $3 9 S.Western Au

The Triumfo rty -five y eats ago tion of uncertain util

1 _ Tqslayit.ia a n actual : ' fiousehold se rv an t

. T h e development o i i ty and efficiency has

' ’ ~ . t ^ inveritibris and i

Nearly half a centur the exercise j f orgai of inestimable valu'e- and women a re cons

I t ' i s their constant factorily.

■ I J e M o u n t a i h S t a t i


_______: 111Coach n » s u « m U 7 to ^ l a tw in Fall* gni

F r ld ty .to T a lk 'o B .X ^ re ch o lu U e. A cttrttla* . ' art

■’h — • ' ■ ; > thi UNlVBRSlTY OP IDAHO, Moscow, b q

(Special).—Thomas Kelley, director, of no o th^tlcs tu id -head football eoaeh a t k ., tbp U aivenity o f , Idaho; loft, Moscow Batorday, P^brearyi l i ; o#/ft--14-day ,

• lour of southern Idabo, to vU it somoof tho principle high aehoola.' Coach ^ KeUey will give apecial ttllejrtlon 'lo va- terschoUstie actiyltlea ^ i n g planned ^

• ftfr the cunning year and wiU aUo'tu]- dress blgh achool assemblies and -meet . I membors of (ho 'g radna ting c lu ae i, ^

Coach Kolley will b« In Idaho Pkll#, M onday,-febm ary 13; Bigby, Tuesday; ' Blaekfoot, Wednesday; .Poeatollo, on Thursday; Twin lU U . Friday and ' Saturday; F iler and Buhl, Monday, .^ b ru a ry 20{ Burley, Tuesday; Good- ijJg, Wednesday; Boise, Thorsday, Fob- m ary 23; WoUer, W d ay .

A ' Jodldona Z tiqdnr A well knowii traveling man who vU

It* the drog trado says ho h u often ‘ beard druggist* ask . a cuitomor, who wished to huy a cough medielne,-wheth­er It was fd r » d id or an adult and if . for a child they almost Invariably roi- onmended Chamborlain's Cough'Beme- dy. Th^ teaaott fot tiila ii Ib a t they . know there .Is no danger from It and th a t I t always cures.- Theio U not the leait dangec In gfvfng i t , ^nrf for eotds.

’ croup and whooping congh i t U tmaor ! p ^ . - t d r .

Thr .VrWa U read by th e p e tn a trn i '■arnlng rtaMea.


: U A R Y . ^ - 1 5

ONriON OF OFFICERS me and See U M t ■

\ ‘-P»JAKE SONFUET^ Seoretat;

TORS is.00 D E T O iflT jL uto Go., Agte. n

-^TRUNK U N E S O FT T lt BEUTELEPHONI. C m w th |«M > 7C M O Q bss.« -w *n4U C «

^ • V

nph of H a lf aa g o t h e t e l e p h o n e w a s a n e x p e r i m

u t i l i t y a n d o f q u e s t i o n a b l e v a lu e .; ,

u a l b u s i n e i s n e c e s s i t y a n d a n a l r t io i

t .. ; ■ , • •o i t h e t e l e p h o n e t o i t s p r e s e n t h i g

h a s c o m e a b o i i t t h r o u g h h u n d r e d s

n d t h e s o l v i n g o f h u n d r e d s o f s c i e i

, t u r y o f r e s e a r c h , e x p e r i m f n t a t i o n :

r g a n i z i n g g e n i u s h a s r e s u l t e d i n a

[u'e— a s e r v i c e w /l) ic h t h o u s a n d s o f o n s t a n t l y s t r i v i n g t o i m p r o v e a n d

i n t e n d e a v o r t o s e r v e y o u e if ic ie i

a t e s T e l e p h o n e & T e l e g i

^Y. PEBRUAiRY:iri922• f.l’.t*f-vtt._./.Wino Mjriwry.

iOi-n'iy' sijriomida uii oW niona**«rv, iiviit:'SuuU. I/M .fui1ii..D »lcli5t- 'nie j!rt‘iiHT pnri WOB pulled down - Boiiie years'U gK #iid Ure U um oypd:* gi^Hl deal of the'riem uluilcr. T b ert art! twvMttl deyp wetls. and It .U iwld th u i 'a t the’ bultom of one tKcw nr*8,000 bottle* of wloe pUced.;tl'i're,,by •m o n k ^ ib p t t o attem pt to tlDd them haa fatlwL C oder' the ruins, n rp ' •

num ber .Pf, M rtheow arb. bo ttlei o f Quaint p s ttem , M d there la fl I w n d U ttt • n t ) i ^ leads from Ibc inunas- t v | to iibb«7<—LoQiioo Dally¥ a l l , ^


t-'-. '

Don’t have sue-c e s s - w i th y o u r baldng today in d feUuTB tomorrow.

Haye perfect eco-' n o m ic a l .r^ u lts ?,every time you.T<il^—^youcandO' itify o u u se

g a u jh e tBMiMO powoea ^

I fi tw e re n o tp u re

—most economical, , . j ' it would not be the' world’s bisgest sell- in g li ta n d jii^ . .

No human hands ever touch Calumet.‘ i t is nude in the la rg es t and m ostMT>itftty Vi^ViT>gpffflr«

d e ^ factories, on

a Century; .■iment-^-an inven- le.;.,

Host indispensable

ligh s ta te o{ iacll* . eds of supplemen- :ientific problems.

on, invention and a a public service ■;of telephone men nd enlarge.

ciently an d u tis*

. !?

:graph C om pany

Page 7: ^ FAILLS DAIL NEm Mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · -y ----- Iiiiiiii W President,and Seretary of Ida- ;{< . ^“-ItjdenM'DWare intentiM S; V toPutForeeintMaS’?^^^^^

f e t i l yAdyeHisementsDEPLDRES FURma SKY SIQN #

I U n d e h N tw fp ip e r Cernplalni Of O i» I iJIrnl B r ^ o A dv«m iun#ht* M g

... Jpollln® Cltjf'i e««uty. ■- 3 •

; .7 b e LoDdoa ObM^rVer ventnrea to ;> rc ilc te r a good -u tu red p ro test aca liu t

n i i e , te rrib)« amicUon b t the J o n . . lu n lo a r in " - t t u i t tb o a t t td i r acIve^ ■ ^ tlian e flU from e re ry corner o f Uie

^ H . L o n d o n ftro eU wbeo darkness come*. C A Tba connlaUTC affect o f tbese flAshlni O ' e lec tric tina U a> dU treis lag os a <

■ r .< ^ r t l0 s t i ven llb rls t* ' w ith a meft*r p h o D « : t ^ i ' ' ^ ' r : i . ' ' -------- ---

, T be ^ c e n t s ^ t ' c o r o e r of.........dl!l> d rc u s u tbo hab ita t o f the wonrt Wl

o f te o d e n . ' l t 'S s 'f tb tu o v i th flnml&g s t t i - b n u le i^ BO t i i a t 'I t looks Uke a bouH Ab OD fire.' 'T l ie galoxy'.of f rm le d let* loan'i w ring jiv e t 'y o u tho blinks. Leicester ^n d 8 j u ^ ; ] i a f a fireea rlTet-Of .teani sta jg ing «bout a aafetjr razor advertljte- y„

'■ --.mtal" . : ■ locJl n - - ^ l t w l a n d . tbe Observer com- ,

tncdts,' they do tMnga d lffv ren tly -^r did, before tb^ w ar. In Zurich tbe dtl< ten s a lt by tb e lr »wlft-IIowln* Llnjmflt and w atcb tb e s b l a n e r o f n-ater under the a to n o r moon, while tho Tenemble . Yoi outlines o f tb e old m inster loom da rk ou t o against th e aky. Ports, indeed, has lost fl rtt b er old 'tim e begemony a s tbe c ity o f qui

- l lg b t ';T h a t prim acy baa now pasied use 1 to T o tk , « l th U & doa A close tee- in sa end.- r • - - •-

“Some, perbops, would rn thcr bo left to d ream of th a t o the r Qeorglao Lon* , don. -bftiuited by na tch inen w ith dlK tafffl and U nthonia, o r the ElUiabctban one. peopled by c a lla n u with niff, doublet. Jerkin,, and am oklnf torches.The aoap, baby food and whisky they p refer J^o_ encounter In newipspertk where tb e m ere aight o t It docs not cnsloD a kind of visual delirium tn> " H n D ena .-'-T he U rln g Age. ua li

. . I.,— — . iiume;

H A V E .H E W I D E A O F M A R R I A a E 'a

Public Olseusslon of th e Subject th e J a p a n s ^ P r e s s 'l l Regaided

■ a sS lonlflc tnL

A 'se ries o t a r t i d e r o n love and o a ^Tltge Is appearing in Japftucse nevf»- papera u d magazines, as a sign o f tho m o d e n . teudeocles of tbe Japanese m entality .. Profesaora In psychology,!•chool teachers and w rttera of note ac« ' Tbo p r w ln e n t ia tb e dlscosslon on reform* T h e r Ing the old matrlinoQial system,, fill nod a adrocatlftg more freedom fo r peraonal yoo si choice. • . i»osh<

' A ccord lsf to lh « e ld c a s to f f l , th e p a ^ | en ta chose bride Kad-bridegroonr a n j _ _ _ the B i u H w ; i W ‘ p e « o w ^ ^ th e In terested .'W n laa ba rin g knoih> L E (

. t t 'd t « lU r . \ l lU T ia t* co n s id e re d ___. Ja do ty tow ards country and ,fam ily , the religion o f ancestor w orship be- . ing its’ principle. T he young cooplei U red w ith tb e 'paK Q ta and th e bcida||{^l y owed complete obiedlence Mo be r!],tw m m olhe^ln•law . . '

Tbe custom U now ^preralent.for tb e on Wi young people to meet long before the m. A m arriage takes place so tb o t tboy m a y , oitcd •know u c h other, and to I k e a p a r t ito ati from th e fnmlly la no longer c o n * |tf« « t sMered undotlfnl. Yet,, o f law , tb e '* ’'*®"' tendency appeared to m arry for lore'* aake u d o u t of personal choice. T h l f now u d rom antic Ideal la so strong i * tha t oil mcona a re tried to obtain It, K O UI entaltlng ctopcmenta,. eulcldes & ad| B E i

. -notorious fam ily-dissensions. H ence OF tlie discussion for g rea ter liberty a o d j ' OP more s « I a l life, which a re qu ite op* [EiiReii' posed to th e old aoclnl system o f [ . ' Confnclaa, th a t men and women should,C barlc keep bpa rt and m arry fo r duty*a aake MU u d not fo r loVe. .

H ard N am ia to PfOBOUW*. •Tho new fron tier ' w hich'-baa beea *“ '® ®

draw n np In Dpper Silesia wiU. affect ' the place n a o e a 'o f n num ber of dt*

IPS more o r lesa la n U la r to the Ameiv paU g'■ lean public. O f Uie larger cities, I ta tl- j e « /

b o r . ( I tsc lb o n In Polish), Q lelw lti, (QU- w berd wlce) snd Beutheu (B ytoo) will re* ed pJa

, ts in tb e lf p rvw iit U cnuan e a m e t ,0 a Chwlc th e Polish- aide the place 'nam es of wife, i towns which, while they ha ro nil along beeu known to the Poles by th e ir original Polish names, h a re fo r ® th e l u t tw o centuries offlclnlly bom e

■ G erman nam ea, will now r e r e m t r t h e PoUib forms, n u a IConlgsbutte again M . .

' la H ota Krolewska, KDttowlts ogaln,b e < ^ e s Katowice. P less Is changed H i .back to Pszcyyna, T am ow tu will ■ j l,Bga’lu be Tam ow skle Qory, u d .once H U

''^fflort.Lubllnltz will bo known a s Lub* M B.Unlec. T bo plnco nam e o l Itybnlk wlU m |rem ain u n c h u g ed , tbe Polish and Q e> 5 7

• a u form a being Identical


; i' ciVH S E f iT t l ( w nv'T H i

BAONOw— l> WN".N FOI.UOW H in rtNOWEft

\ . tURC HE kKAVlia r r «■^ H O U S E 5-------- -

News? u n d e r t h i s h e ;

I Uncommon SenseI , — i - . i



SA V i;(a d m i . l « i J o i t no- i f f i clea* you uUUze the tlmo yon ijU n a ti eave.. , a ta te

Most people aro In a burry. Tbey icrlbei 'tlib to tbe lr olOcea In tbe morning. T! rhey roah to the ir bomee a t bIghL v <^)

W hen they get to. th? ofllee, they lit around w alling for dlnnw . ^

About th ree quartcra of the*areroge |. Pall nan's Ume Is spen t ‘f itt in g around." . Pub ind tim e spen t u lttlag around la al* on tbi •aya w asted lim e.

Yoo a re given about eight hours to Dof I f you w ant to and eight houra' . / n . “ ” «fk . okodlt

tii lc a s 'y o u have an unusoally easy ereo g ob, yon can save llftle oa t o f the Ight hours’ working Ume.You con sa \‘’o £rom ono to lire hours M crue

u t o f tb e eight, a t least once o r twice law ful week. If yon a r e ^ r e f u L ' * DatiD ut unless you use th a t time, and

se it wisely, there wlll .be no sense

' B r D tM ost lucceasful men are very care* _____

Jl to Bttve a little Ume on t o f the so* illed* Idle e ight hours. . p Q RThey use tills elUier to add to the

fforts they pu t forth oh the ir regular uslneas, o r to tnke up-som ething * da ted to th e ir buslneu which la pQu icoDTtnleM to. do during working j,,< y n - . , ,5 ,5 pi n o tlier worda Uiey usis the ir time roadit< I latelligently o i th e ; do tbelr iwiey. -T hey m a k e 'll earn dltWcnda. nd tim e se t to work In tha t faahlon : fllwaya a good Inveatmenf. KnlgbiSteam ships, rollroads, rapid Ironslt Co., S<

CM tia re together affected an Im* --------lense sav ing ' o f Ume for Uie human FOR 1C& der OlNo longer doea a man need to spend m outh, practically Idle a ll the Ume, ,

Jlng from London to New York. H e ' “^*1* m go In leas than a week, wlUi Uiree ^ ceka aared .' . _Those' th ree weeka tire w orth moftey. h e r m n r mean ancceas. Dee Uiem >d a considerable share o f a ll tbe Ume )o sa re , u d you r ou tpat soon begins (Corri I sho i^ .* gn^Ufyicg Increase.


------------ -— V " - - ' -


. m ‘, iA meeting o f tbo Twin Falls County Gceie orUcnltural loelcty ' will he bcId iit Torkey e Fa rm ers’ BervUe office'' in the Dueki, iscment a t tbo corner o f Shoihone root south anil South Soeond itrec t, ipitrnli I Wedneiilfly, Febniorj* JB, a t 10 :i. W heat, . All n 'rm bers and a ll perioni inter* ted in fru it ftrowing are requested I’otaloi

a ttend . Soverol queatloni of in­rest to ^1 fru i t RTowcrt will hccan* (pu lered, IneludlnR tbe (]ucitIon of the . .rebate e f ejiray m a ttria l in tju u t l ty Cnttl id n t ’Tholcsnle priee. ' ,-eal, 6:v. . E . L . TYLED, Sec. llJg ,

[ITIOB O P SH B E IIT 'fl.aA X B 0 ? ' ‘I"'"' BEAXi BBTATB Q in)E B O F TOBBOLOSim B AKD ORDBS .O F BALB . «igene W nhl, 1‘U lntlff, Applei,

TS. Pots.to< larles A lrord and Poorl Alvord, hls flquanh?irlfe, and J . E. M bntnm ery . n)id CabUau Jane Montgomery, bis w e , ■ 'Canlifli

Defendants. Turnip*Under and by v irtue of an order o t Carrotsle and doereo o f foree.eaure, luned Oaioas,t o f the D istr ic t Court o f Uie E ler- P s rtn 'f th' Jud ic ia l .D istrict of the State ofaho, In and fo r the County of Twin Plonr, ills, da ted the 1st day of Pebniary, Sogar,23, In th e above estHled . action, Sugar,le i^ n E u)^ne W ahl, the above nam- Creamp la in tiff , obtained-a decree n fa in it D tifk (

.tttlc* AlvotA and Pearl AWoTd, W» Bc#n» fo, and J ; B. Mqutjremery, and Jane Bread .ontgomery, his wifo, defeedantt, on B ntter9 noth day of Jaeuory, 1022, which B utter id decree was on tbe SCth day of

Bacon. Bacon,

i L ' S ' l l S a i S S f

' ' ' 11 V ' a j a i : ■

• . t iA 9 c r i iS \ f,THt J ■ I- (n OlEft HOW?- f i x . rIftKt

' F\


s Clas— :---------r - --------- ----------------------------------

l e a d , O n e C e n t ]

B y a c t u a l c o u n t y f o \ i r o u t i

t h e s e p e o p l e w h a t y o u h a

s a l e o r r e n t , t h e p o s i t i o n

w unry, 1922, recorded in, Jndgm ent c n took Seven o! u ld D istrict C o u r t, 'a t i J l i age 181, I am commanded to sell allla t certain b t , piece'or parcel o f land ,tnated In the County o f Twin Falls , ^late o f Idsho, and beandod and de- 80° irlbed as followi, to-ir |l: '

The east 110 fe s l -o f L o t F ivo »“f(S) of Surtees Subidivliioa, oe* l>'icording to Uie official p la t thereof P<»a s filed and of record in the office nt-o l-(he Recorder of the said Tw in shoP a lls County, Idaho. . ,Pnblfb notice is hereby given, th n l ^

J th e sccond dnr c f March, 1022, a t ^le hour of S o 't lo tk pi m . (U onntain , me) of said day, a t the east fro n t )or o f tho Courtbome o f tho County: Twin Falls, State o f Idolio, I will, in *=“ •jcdlence to sold order of aale and. de- 4-eo of lereeloture, se ll-the above de- nroribed p ro p erty .ta .sa tisfy p ln ln tiff 'a [,«, 9cree rn th in tereit thereon, togetherI th 'a ll costs tb a t hare aernied or m ay L ., erue to tbe higheit bidder fo r cnsh,w ful money of the United S U tes. 8D ated th is . . -2nd day of February , rooI2 l ing

E. K. BHERMAN, WilB h e ta f. ■ ■10

r DONNIE HERRIMAN, Deputy. , I f 1

OR SALE - r AUTOMOBILESn i u SA I.F riu r H ,U 'e , - r i r i i .-I*.', ens iri) V<Ud ilr t tyrnnd ■•f. S j

FOR BALB—Ford touring! the «« r b s i heen ov*r]imIr<). #110. Un>'18 Ford touring. llB5|*oue l!‘l» Fnr- !------ad iter. Cfotrsl O araae. I’ht.«.

. r x . . - - “ii-'l" r o i l B A L ^ A n o th e s Fuid a t a bnt,1a; Overland 00, »285; 84 WUlyi »•<)night &*passengFr, $400. Taylor Ant< ea it.I., Seeoad a re . No. . —^

F O R '* P E P " se e * 'B T E l‘‘> U ieC y lli Ullili; r O rinder. 147 Second ar« . N . . FO

n )H SALB OB T B A D ^ tu 'd s b s k e ' Si k 'sd ite r !n e i t r a good eoadltlosj wli i^rrhM pt Ford la 'U ad e Pbene 909W. „„„p.

' Main.

^TWIN FALLS MARKET FORPdeea Paid P iedncen ' p —

Corrected daily .by Elkborn Cream- Bery Co.) | vroi

r ^ t eream (not more than 4 per cen t L . . acidity , 85 to. 45 per e in t t e s tk per — —Ib , bpttW fiH -baie___1-.;_____m * 2cItter f a t, pound_____ ----------;___ 31e »nd ]ta b ranch eggs, dos«-A w -.:___ 35c £ h Mms and eprlngs, p o u n d ...... .^ IS e p oa to c l i , pound _ J ----- 1 0 ; i , „ „ |ese ...........—— .iN o m arket —rk o y s '_____________ L ._ N o m arket FOleks, pound . _ _ - . 8e vanIa

O tilo . centsitrNUbcfl h r Twin Falls Flour .UHlsi Is nol

- o litaioes, Rurals, ewt. SSeOH-^O

L lT astw x , , « » • (Funilihed hy Independent Mral

L'.lllo - C o* . 8@ )fi . i n r i t t s.-i 'S

H ogt—Prim e 0@7e. 'rliiv|»—Motion, 4e; la a b i, 6c. FO]

-------- PalU;H O nSBW lFB 'S aUID B. thur :

(B ctsil -Prlees.) --------. r tu l ts u d TegeUbles. ■ FOI

iples, h u . ______ .......... ~ < l . [email protected] andts.toes, c w t . ' _____*1.5> Foani!ua«h. |>cr Ih. — — .04 3-4 mbUaite, ,.rr IK. --------------------------0.1alinow er, l l \ ................. ...10®12 l-:Je ^01rnip», per __________ ____ Mrrota, per lb. ---- -------------- 1...., X<» ? * « •ions, per lb. ........... .. ...............- .05rsn«p» --------------------------------- • .03 pQi

Pnw m ons and fltaplaa.3ur, 48-lb. a a e k _______ •L80@ i.40gar, beet, 100 lb s ._____ *7.50 |7 .60 ^gar, cane, JOO lb s .____ I7.77@ 7J5 p o iaam C h e e s e -------------1------------ roomIrk Cheese ----------------- JO All itana ----------------------------------- .OS ,n tb :ead . .. ..... - ......itter (creamery) — ___i------- -- <5e FOItto r (raneb ; ------------------------- 85e conpei

Ueata. 1con ___________________ M @Boe ^eon. s l ic e d __________________.40 £■ f «m ' -------------------------------------- .S O S '” ’un, alieed — — ___________ .40 Pbone,rk ebopi Z-------------------17 l-2@Meotton e h o p i --------------- --- 17 l*8025errk r o a s t -------:--------------- 17 1.2@Merk s a u s s g o ________________ .20Bteak - e irlo la 25e; T bone £5ej ^ ond S5ts t in e k 17 l-Se. pO]Oeef—P o t roast 1S@17 l*2e; pU te and a ei b riaket Be. tn g


TOKt IT B « K TO JHOUSE .5 ------------ f

' - 1 L


r NEWiTWIN f a l l s :

5sifie(p e r • w o r d p e r i

i t o f e v e r y f i v e h o m e s i n T v

l a v e t o s e l l , t r a d e o r e x c h a

n y o u w a n t , o r t h e h e l p y o i

OR SALE - REAL ESTATE WA_________ ^ ^ ---------------------- ~ w /

Whnt Iiaro you to oxehanKO (orgooil.farui w ith 'n il modern Improye* ^ , a c n ts t Vfe h av e\a large llaUng oT j ” fam ii'nnd ae'rcagelnt now and lower prlees. We bellevh now is tbe op-,portune tlmo to buy whllo prlees are roomnt Ihclr loK cst Come In and tot n i not tslioiv you somo real bargains. able.

4pA O RES-Choleo good Jand, fiveroom modern house, eleetrie lights, \ v /waler prcMuro syitem , furnace heat. ,e t . ;A real home for you. $350 per aero, £ .Will trado for ID'acre trac t or good :— ~city property. " ’J'

40 ACRES-Oood land, fnlr ini- Iirovemonts, a ll varieties fru its andberrli-s, close to paved ro a d . ' $175 upliolper nen-. TV’IH tr a d e 'f o r aercage AutoD


80 A CRE9-W ell improved aoven 5,room modern holiie, good outbuild- _____Inga. A good buy o t 1220 pe> acre. WAWill eonaidcr an exchange fo r good pair;40 n n rs , lap ioved 01 n n ta p w e d , elasa ;If clear o f Ineumbranee. Liad

20 A C R P »-aoo(l land on paved -WAroad, fnirly well improved. I3C0 per overluMtc. Will trade for modern honse hareenst port. N’o eash required. mone.i

B E A U O H A M P f t A D A M S w a Mored from M ain B aet t« &bo- piano, libono Beutb, phone 301 —

-r— ^ ' ........ I IVo uFOli f iA l.f> -B f« . gWirt Nnrfh.*-1# k-lii-. 4110, good soli,'good terms. Dr. ivlyi.i Twill Fall* • _________ p i„ .

FOK 8A L B -^F !re,serei> i 1-2 m ilt lUo! I t. 14 mile sooth Waahlngton sebool

»xiK A real t ^ g ^ n in well* groan I|.rn*»d north side farfa. P r . D i ^ h t piston

TOS BALE O P T B X D B -T w o rcioi istered ond kalsomined hoose. two ‘ ^ a (> eluaris, front and baek sleeping -pttti reh; lawn, bara and two ex tra Iot«| a riae I up. I'hunp 123 or eaU ot 111 E ast -------


f lumbe

BILENT C A L L -F u lle r breshei..irompt acrvice. Phono 724W. . tci tni- ____- qnarU------------------------------------------------------ a t iUFOR 8 A L B -8 >ngle-eo»b Rhode Isl- — r - d Red citi^ fo r hstching- *I fo r IS. WA lone M gRl. . ' ' 'P O il’ rfiVLB—Two rarloadii ' cIioIm’ iral scad jwtntocs. I ’Honc 344.

FOR a i’iL E -B c s t grndo o f l 'p n n » ^ n la parnflne base m otor oil a t 2. FOI nta |)cr quart. 'W o gnaranteo thero 1^0 B< nothlnjj better. Lind Automobile Qv. ‘

FOR BALE—Horses, haijieM and or goiigon*. Acros* from Fnim ors' cor* yearsJ. one la----------------------------------------------------- stuff)POR BA LE-M nJcstlc raijgo, nut-j Bass,itic elertrie w asher; good as now; Twin',-nis to rellnhio parties. 100 Kimborlj- —•—id. I’hone ISOdW. ' W il-----------------------------------------------------PallsPOR SALB—Five aero triw-t In Twin nnd bIls; suitable for itoultry, farm. Ar icy, nXT L. 8 wlni, ormer. . -------------------------:------------------------ — 1- BINPOR SALE—About 300 tons first QHIN! d seeond cutting alfo l/a. I'rnmandcy, 0 miles south, one mile eatt HEI

mi. Bouth. R. a Bonder# place.

FOR 8 A L B -B lgh t,- h m e s , TR^lies and hogs.. 0 . B. Suilivan, 4 mik. ear tn s t, 1 a-4 mis. south of the BW torner la s O

l!I:_______________________ “ d a :f o r B A L B -Pow er b a r baler. Seeont le.. Can be seen a t Lawreni-e Ma- lne shop. W., I . Oillette.

FOR 8 A L B -U edroo» l e i . 'T n n o , 'IB M t, player piano, M iJm Iic r»m,v I Id f irs t e la n conditlno. Wn 8*-v- *“

: .........■ C 'cFOR B A LB-100 slde-Ugnt glMs for — ipes u d aedans. Moon^a shop.

ro fe R IL E - Finn »11»8 n p jl .v - T .„ , g rade Jonathans u d Grlmea Qofden. ro n lle a west, 1 1-4 sontb. P a t Wynn. one 517B3.

POB a A L E ~ i i io ~ w ia iu r f a s , ' »\i ' v . : r es, prlees reasonabls; beadUgbU and ^ 0 - ndow glass. Phone 6,- Moon's:Shop.

__________S '?0B SA L B -B leyeles, trleyeles, tires i aeeessories. W erner's Repair Shop.I Beeond St. E.______________________


I AT 0 0 0 P O N T B’UWO ] V I D THE -i> ftR K W S E S J


E M Li n s e r t i o n , a n d , ^

T w i n F a l l s r e c e i v e T h e N e

i h a n g e , a b o u t y o u r r o o m s f y o u n e e d — O N E C E N T p e i

W A N T E D M I S C E L U W E O U S _

’’w A N T E D -ro s lt lo n : Typist, switcbr loard op-?rator, clerical w ork; had four 0 . 'ears vzpcrlenrc; gradunled from Dc- :.l— ro lt Commercial coUcgc. L . 8 ., Box po] .72, BuliI, Idaho. . find

\VSiNTED—To ren t five to seveu- ■ ", oom houw .’tiiodern; in Rood locaUon, “ lOt too f a r o u t; rou t must^Uo reason,-! pn , b le.^ Lloyd Craven Co., 123 M nin ',,y“ [J

W AN TEl>-U urncM to ollj »1 jwf; *'01 e t; N ca lifoo t o il used; come any day I. E . Finney & Co. The Bradley sliop.i .

WANTED—S tationary gas engine If des nd trac to r repairing of a ll k inds;! • torli Buamnteed. L ind AutomoWle Co,' '^ 1

WANTED — Recovering as well ss phoUt4)riiig of old furniture. Lind .utomobile Co. . * |

W n n ted -O ia fnrttlture” to ’ Te’t o v t r ' r r re-uphoUter. L ind Antomobile Co.

'^VANTEI>—Tops and eurU lns to re-1. FOJ a ir; work guaranteed to have both l>OArd lasa and s ty le a t p tlees th n t n ie xlgUt. 'p A j; .Ind Automobile Co.______________

•WANTED—Have yoor automobilo j verhauied before tho spring rush. W« * ” nre th e equipment and can save yon j leney. L ind.A utom obile Co.

WANTED — To“ bny~'secoDd lmn.p\ lano. Address A. care News.

WANTKD — Automobilo re |« ir ln ;: .' i’o tell you before we commcneo w het J , " .; will cost you. Lind Automobile

W E W ANT potntoes, -.abbag*, » | , les; large or small lots. Coll ' . . - j t J

'______________________i b a t b .W A N T E D -H nvo your motor rc-'f ienUe

loand nod f itte d w ith K an t Bkotel . Istons. T h e ,re su lt wHl betb surprise* *.„* nd pleaso yon. L ind Aulomoblle Co,

W A N T B D -PoU toesj nom ber'tw o '* M»ln te fen ed . J . B. W hite, Pbone &8, P m ’“ T S !ae ho te l/

W A N T E ^ f t t hogs o rT to e iT 'M * M lM . ■ T. Brown,. Kimberly. Phone

WANTED—OOOO feet weond-han. \ e e p l t imber. Bd V anfA .ftiW lc;.M arki4....... fj.asot

WANTED— All unCM lored liborer- KO'i tn ik f Um L abor H all tbe lr head a p a r tnarters. ' Free llgbt aad heal. 0 )m! Fiftht . i l l tu ses .. , --------

WA NTED— I!or»»»: ro<h|. rb 'S p ra* irai tw o tallea w est. I l-< m » b l’»? yan .. Phone fli;B 3.

M I S C a L A N E O U S

FOBD p o r ta .' Auto W recking Co.10 Becond nve. 80.

PO B 8 A I ^ O R .T B A D E ~F or cattle Hi• good w te s : Mammoth Jeriiictt, 7 ___sera old; one t o k 1 1*2 yeari* old;10 jack, H months old; this is a ll good uffj w hat have you to trodef W. A. r- ■ sss, Jerom e, Idaho, or J . A. Barre tt, W IND frin F ills .

W ILL PELL OR TRADK for Twin • slls land, comploto up-to-date eigar id b lllh rd buiiness locntcd In B u r TTON y, Idaho. M atauley Brothers. Shoi

BINOER SEW INO MACHINE MA- — — BIN E CO. I l l M ain E . Phone 08J

HELLOl D O N 'T -P O R Q E T ' i !aee._______ _________ . ■ ' phM

TRY n u R repair shop for all your ,--------ir troubles. 'Ve saU ify. Auto W jeck - r-n g Co. 140 Beeond i s e . 80.

D AN’B PLACE, 8 a r ^ h o f h o n 7 ^ i ____-reond baud elotbes bonght and -loId

D R E S ^ E n O. U ra! EIU Camsroa ; r ^

OAR OWNERS e an .n ie onr sbop n. ---------} tbe lr own repa ir w ork; ‘‘ mloimuBl i t . " Try th is se rrice. Anto W teek . p * , ' .Ig Co.. 140 Seeond a re . Bo. ^

FOUND TSB________ ___________^ T r u iP0UN1»— Milk license plate. Call r t *— — ■ iw s offieo. •________________________


MONEY TO liOAN on modern dnell ian |^ ; repayable in small iaaUiIlments; palJiberal repaym ent privilege. -Artbur L -irim * Co. • J H.

■ — — rul'l FARM LOANS U d ■oainly pa.Mh. • kqo,

welling lo w s. A rthnr L. Swlai <{<,1

) . Y k k e 0 0 0 6' % C COflE M CK

: . 1 ;l-L

f c l k l i- • ■■ ^


PaglW O R T H I t !

J^ews, daily. Tell all"> for rent, houses for Der word — Phone 82,

FORR HTFO B RENT—Sovoral goud-stbres. H. O ettert, Phone 23,110 Mhin No. •

FOU ilE N T O tt BA LK -20 ncrca of nd adjoining city : 10 acres In benr- g orchnrd: no buildings. Inquire a t :! Fourth nve. E . .

ROOM AND BOAIID-Bpeclal ratv ’ till montb; eloae Tn.' I’honu 048:

FOR RENT--f^v(t-rooni m odem ‘ uac. i'hone 1514..

1 - m RENT—I-'urnlslted rooms; boord desired. 121 Beveuth. ovi!. No.

iX)R RENT—Furnished room Itk. iidern home; 2 meals if dcaircd, f o r 5 liy. Phone C08W.

fcX)R UBNT—E ight room liuuae part* furniiUed} dose iu. I'hunu E. A.

FOR KENT—Room, n e rt to baUi* ard If desired. 506 Third E.

?dR B E N T -P a rtjy furnished aport- m t. 130 Fourth ovo. E . I'liono 8aiM .

FOR RENT, with option to b u ; ^ 0 res a t <100 jwr acre; «l00n cash. Ar* - - w L. Bwjm.

FOR R E N T -'H eatcd rnemj gentle- n preferred, 411 Third avo. W.

i ^ A V E I'O R RENT desirable ala- 5m bou»e on Eighth n re . No. M. J . reeley, F irs t N ational .9ank fildg.,lephone HI.

FuRi KENT—150 Tliird ave. K o ., • - :lose in J* a fro n t room, electrie heal, tb ad joining; large enn igb for **» nUemen.

FUH HK.VT—Two roun a partm iD t^ iiuoali-o, ruuipletely furalshed tir - ;ht housekeeping.’ The O iford, 4 » - sin N.

SIO B q n k t rooB for a i t e n i t y e«M ^ eeial nu :ie . iliu Ulstb avr. N, Poone IM.

r o iT y E N T - B a t r a Mce ligh t boo**- eplng rooma, stlth batb p riv ileg e . isonable. 404 Beeond a re . a

FO'tt. K E N 'r-T h ree room .fura iabed - lartmenti teasenablei Bnngalow A^ta^ fth I t. sad Heeond ave. £

LOST _____;LOST—Smnll leather cnso contaln ifl;0 koya ond 120 on ^ tu rd a y oveaiitg. tu rn to room 7, 8 mlth*Rleo bldg. B»- ' rd. ‘ • ■

l i is s f lm M i, QLASB

NDOW o L & i^ W iB d shialds,~iu>- ' work. H o o n 'i ahop.- Phone 5.

SHOE REFAmmaS P A i i B m O B RB PA IB IN ^Ihop. 132 8boihon» \Vest. Hh«t» epalred wbHi yon wan.


>hone 848. ' ■ ' • •

p r o f e j j l o n a l

AOOODNTAHTi o O W T ^ T - "u. A 'Salm on^^'lFa ibosbone S l 80, fboae 655.

ATTOENEYS ’J . H O B N iS b O O K ^ x J ^ r r i r i t r ’W .P. Guthrie.

U N W. Q B A B A U -U w 't ir . Baak *rru s t BuUdlsg. Phoa* P35-U.

lUEB B. W IL S O N -U w y e i~

I ^ B 0 . M I U .^ B o < d Bonding

nSBLSY h SWBBLBY -1 law. P jseiice lo *11 runrt*. Twt«Palls, Idaho.

H. W IS B -L aw yer. » 'ulirM gaaIs'»l -uitrrJlun Oepafimeoi. U fllie s-~Kooms 6 and 7, o*er Twin Falli Baak T m it Co.. Twin Falis, Idaho.

By H . F 0-NBH 0»

’~i I— n — n T

I I .| POST(h.----- ---- NOK o m i . i ' i

SffVW .

Page 8: ^ FAILLS DAIL NEm Mnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · -y ----- Iiiiiiii W President,and Seretary of Ida- ;{< . ^“-ItjdenM'DWare intentiM S; V toPutForeeintMaS’?^^^^^

j '/ '- ■'■ioBT','

!: PBDBfflSiUl Jm il Fir.....................— -IE

D e s l a n a t l o n o f J \ . W . H u r r a y a s . w

; ■ A s s i s t a n t t o I n s p e c t o r , I s ^ ; ; ;

O n e C o n c r e t e S tB p P e n d ln B

■ D e v e lo p m e n t s i . i

I'roblcra* of m eat and dairy lnip«e-'tlon a p iln eomo In for a.eonBHBraWe gj,.aharo ot offieial Bttcnlion flt laat even- io s 's w u ib n of the c ity council. Defln- tl^ Ue nclion wn» taken ooly w itli rcspccl to 'th o dwlffnation of ff. Marrfly,' "I

i • d t ^ winltary ln»iK)clor, m- nMialnnt to Dr. W. II. Ikaril, m eat nm r.ila lry -in -

* ^ u ^ c i t | t i n » lookfnt; toivanl rp.'drWl*' ' Ing o f municliial m eal and dairy 'i n - i ,,c

« p c c t^ n ordlimnrcn, conaldercd a t a p rior n u ^ R o t tlio eouncH whon n

* <Iolecn{l6n t f t dairym en presonted a n - ', ,!, . nue*t fo r moro rlglil Inspection of

• ' ila lrjp i and o ffer to roeol nddltlounl ex-. ,j,. i ' onBo Involved, woro held in nljcynnce

n l l a i t even ing’* M uton wheu n now noRlB to the problem wwi prencntcd by

' ■ C ity A tto rney Taylof Cummins. , -

x m o A H O H i' WAB JtB A£D fO . I ,

! • Opinion o f the eourl In ponainn.mS-, Ration in which onforeemont of m eal |

j f Inspection.ordinance* Uad Iwcn on-' J S; .jo inw l, mlKlit neecMitato • roylilon of • S* tho rcffulatlana to a dcgreo th a t ooold E • n o t now ho fotoaoon, 'H r. Cummlni ftd-| , 3 ' '■ \-iiod... An early dcciilan by the c o n rt . i , I* fxpceted following f i l l a j of b r ia f i,* " ' '}'■ ■ • bv T . K . Haekman M attorney « r ^ ■!■ Jmieher* wlio In ititu ted the acllon. i ' ‘«'i! Pending fu rth e r doTclopwcnU in l h # ,^ ■ in ipeetlon aitutxUon, • i , '

thorlw d conliBlwneo of noROtlatloni.' ; • ■ V ilh B. B. Dooler, e ily ehomlrt, look-,

Inir tow ard MtabllBlimcnt of n »y»tomj^i ' o f daily teata o f w ator ADd u ilk . | .

! ; . Inijw etor, ft poiitlon whleh ho n t ono,tim o nccnpicd, Mr. Murray will Iw c r - , ^ veeted to o ie re iic lu p e n liio n o w

I *n » lle f d iJ r lc i w ith in Ihe e ity U nati. ^J n t u i t i o n o t - th f tn b ja c tJ I a T ^ H a r -

Ciulatloft of 'th e im alJer dalrieiH jO T ld .. . not- be earrled to a point w l e r M W

’ , would Imj d rlron ou t o f b n d n e ^ b n t — th a l they ahould bo-required ,

m ilk th a t w o d « t * cortp4«iWe t t W - Uy to ,th« pw d tte t o f th e larKcr-rtalri*-

i m r a w A o n w . ' - . «jir-O H -O A H p.-';"--......... . jM '

" T b o eounell dc fened action for nn- .‘ . o the r week on tho appUeatlou o f J-

f . 'litten tter. fo r *M ehU o .eoverlnj In- i ita lla tlo n o f 'a ly itcm of eftna fo r eo •: lection o f waate o n 'itfo flli. - I t

oped Ih n t t h e . f t w l im t a ipeftcd to dc- J "r iv e 111* tCBpesBaUon for th e w ivlce from th e « lo of advertlilhR *paeo on

-the enni, and th a t ho bad n o t y i t ob: U lned . f r o o 'th e cHiunlior o f eoiumoron ‘ •bloc c a rd ” eommltteo ,a penn lt tn «o- .

f t e h advertU lng for t|>li,porpo»e. ' ,

____ --------- • TalB«sii™sraii =l i i l l B Til; l i l t ;

: ■ • --------- oil! .. M a y o r a n d O b n n b il A ix iv e a t chi

i D e c if l io n A l t e r T w o B o - ' "

' c r o t B a l l o t a •

■ A fte r two bnl’<'t* m wl'irh tbo * «ncec»!.fii\ nppU tnnl lM -\. Mnyor P . W . , McRolwrf* n t |a » f evonidff’* meettncn f the c ity connHl. nmioiince.l tlie np- iKvlntwent o t A. WaltP as c ity wolifb- mfwtcr lo f ill tho vn rinry rreateil by the ilrftUi o f Ihe In^e W." H. Oreenhow.nnil the Hj'Polntmfnt n-aa fonflrmod bythe <'Oun.-{l. Thero wt-re '11, rtpplicanti fo r the Toaltlon. . v . nn

i . Compeniafloii ■ n f . tlui woijthmaiterI wns rcilnf.Hf from *1200 a -> e ar to a „„

'ntfjxlimiw o f tlOOft n year, and u l i r y flf Ihti new lnr««\\»enl v.W futcd M ♦7CL41 m 'lnlh, ulbw ani'o beinjr ma'dfl for powiblP neccwlty for employment of nn BMiitiW’t durlni,' the fam i marketing seaion. I t wn«, entlmnted thnt the re- — celpU of the offire on th is baai* would d e fray it* expense on aeeonnt of *iV

’ e je c t io n of Mu- new weiRhmailer T ' . wa« (leelureil Ijy tb r mnyor and mem-

Iw ra o f I t e cnuneW lo b t lUe w ort d lf-‘ fleu lt di'cUloh whlrli Ihey have yet been called upon Jo make.



T " <)0«Btlaiu B «u tl7 ft to D iTlilon of Ftop- • e rty and F lum ces U p for


H oadrd by W. C. ITnll, a delepitlcn o f re iid ea li o f the Murlnufih hiRhway d lit r le t, form ation of w hirh wa< voted n t an e1o<Uon T ebruary 4, l i IhU a f ­ternoon in confcrenee w ith eommli- iloB or.‘i.( :tl .» T V ln M U h lE h .* r dll- t r i e t (^ o f tio n s relo tiro to ^v liio n of p roperty ftod finance* a t between tbe d lsW eU i r t w to .li® d ^ o w ed.

Thfl ifW ye* r o e a M now le tte r and . iB Toke f t j e t ;W e have them. C!o« \

nook Bttfrf A r f y . - .

M ISS I 'pT R A TBAOLA — -Bpanlah i e w n i ffivi-H by SpanU h'bpro teaebff. A pply a t M Merced ho»p»ftl~ -ad> .,

O a n l f if l l n 'lvortialutr U tho cheap- ' ' ciV IM')R *0® IjuyT -m em red hv-

th » p fcflta li, n » y yf>^

- ' i v y tkb * « d F o a 'I ii tfa e w aad ia l«

T f f i x F A i . : . s l ‘ A l t ;

'mEtmnsB nT w sim iiiii is ii

RepreflontatlvoB of Form Ba- / roao and Marketing Agency

Address Meeting'

I’roduetion nnd co-operative market- . ing o f head lottuco were under diiooa- alon today a t a m eeting e f preapecUre •

l lctluce grower! oucm bied m Pariah IV ihn ll ItrtQ under auHplcct of tho Twin

I Pnlli County 'Vcgetablo flasoclalion, ■I which waa formed here Saturday.

I ' BcialoDi-thla inornlog were, nllendod l.y between 100 and 200 pereoni.

0 . B . Bo»s, lecretary of tho ita te ffnrm bureau federation, waa tbo f l n t

> apcaker. He dlicu iied ndvantagei of 'Iw -operativo m arkoling in general and /

InnEtiona- of the farm Irareaa, n» bo j|j|, conceived them, in particular.

need Moody of Caldw ell, repreaenta- 0“* live of the /!aayon county fann bureau, w ai to ui'tak on ilm llar linca at the af- {■"*

, ternoon lew ion. ‘Officlala o f the California Vegetable '

union, w ith which lettuco grow cn a l Cnldwell rccentiy rlowd- n mnrkethig c ontm ctrw ere -lM i aftornoon U> dH '-nM i"'''

, Iho Jolltic'o growing Indiiitry witli /' pcclM emphaaii on production j.robli'ina,

‘, nnd w llh reference nho to Hit hlnl'iry ;o f co-oporallvp m arketing in Col for-, nIa. Tho organlintlon official" a c h e i l - ; - , ,,lo.l to Mwnk woro Tho.. ,0 ’N'ell.* n t f - 0 . D. Hi»f/o«?,' dufK'rJnfcmh'nf.. -” ’’

R . Q . U U ter, iu\>cclnli'ndent proilucHon. _ ' .

, ' • lU’r

i f f e c S Q r e V i t i M KI ----------------------- = ----------------j ' i M

H ere on B nainen—I’. (>r Jlothunu'1 |i' I’ jn tlio c ity from .Icroini* looking ilfliirifo r

l>u»lneaft tiffalrn. * j ICoii ------ ------- • I iin

Lookln* A fter-Sheep—J.nrk lloyjiN'iinact-.Hurley i** Io T w in f n l |* looking n tlu r lo f ' u band of nhoep which he It havitiu'/fod, rro 5 near here. • , . j j'leii

• B ack from O oaat-Anlii’r » . ffllko ii^ou ih u * returned from n buaiiicw vUil o f [Me ■fioniu two v;w'k» in Loa Ang’-lc* n n il j .y I Califonilrt eUlw. II ------------- Mu

Eotu^Us to .T w in F a lU -D f . T. 0 . H«| J lJo y d wiiri hn» ipont the (>art twn ) ' weeks In I>>ug Hcnch and I/i* AnRele* riai

,'linji returni'd to T w ln 'l^ill-. lug— ^------ ivf

; ‘D lre e to n to Moet—nircctur* of llie of Twin F n lli ClmmbiT of Commerro will imij

I Mwmbic thU evening in tlic chtimber fhn ! Ilf fouiinerce offire* for thclr rei:ulnr.na U w m tU y mi’cttni*. ' ' low

O ff te F o r t l a ^ - ^ l r . - a u d Mr*. J . H. n,ci Morehouse are leaving tonight for Port- ruii land, wbero tboy will remnin to r a fort- tro< nljtht or moro for tho benefit o f Mra. m I M orchouK > health. • for

■ ■ hnr' DlToyiM X« Q n & led -D crree o( d l iko vorco wii» grnnlert yealerday by Jniljfo n'n! W. A. Babcoek in d lafrlrl court b e n ,,liV to M innie CreweU 'fw m .Vernon Crow- (hn e l l Olio rin tody pf a minor daughl«r > wna QWiinreii lo l i e ' mother. <lel

'• i « . . . , (hi> J e v e le n Ihcorperate — Artlpirj< uf m i

InroriwrtiUrm'lUJVo been fUcd l'» Ibv' «<• mm fico of Ihe county recorder h e re .b y tii[. Jam ei H. Wi«e, a tlb rnej', fn r the fbis- ft, niuim?! Jew elry • compo».v of Twii. lit, r a il* .’, Capital rili>ck of the cljrporntion imi, 1* Kiven n i «S0,000 nnd the Incoriwral- «r i or* nre ti«.'»vlii llnaimiMcn, U t ly Unn |,r„ tnnn rii uimI l.om I'liaplii ' mti

MeetlAgi Draw Orowdi—Revlvnl tnti m eo tingsin p rog reu undor direction of a,u Dr. W. W. U urk i nod Mr. and Mra. of Olcnn Curlii n t t h e ' Kirst Chriatian eau church here nro a ltrac tlng a ttead an ti |ik< ftom ntfatby town* nnd many ftom th e out surrounding country aro In regular at- o? lemlnncei^lt wn* announced loday. Dr. B u rks' topic for this evening 1* ■‘ H eartfe lt IlellgloD.”

Now Llcenaca Iisu e d -U p o n roeora- we menilatil.ii o f Olilef o f •I'oyse lien J . llo Hrown. tlie“ rlly Voiincll lasl^ evening d a nuUiiirlrJiil iM iiance. nf Imlglng hnune lov ticnnaea under prdvlxlona of <irillRnnr>: Th ri-eenlly n Jh jiled . lu the Cambtlilue dip lloomii, .\vnn l Hounc, Enrekn lloomii, am Cflltnge Inn ond to Joo M artinez. Sec- wo find hnnd dealer*’ llcvnne wa* Iuued prl III W. P . IlineRardner for D an ’* Placo lo r nnil to ihe Sehade repnir *hop. - t d

Tlie now year m eani new le tter and bnl invoice file* .' Wc ;have .them 'Jloi the Book filorc.—adv. *> - of

r — ^HemgtilWE ARE PLEA







S f f l f f l i0 ff iW =

;____ ---------------------- P

Twin Falls County Republicans, ® Under, Inspiration of Occas-«

' Ion, Lay Plans to Assure;; Annual Observance- ’ . ■ "

Abmhniu LIncolu’* nnn hundred nnd thirteen th W rlbduy aiinlverxnry 'f in ^ obicrverl in fTwin Kails eounty Ifwl '-ve- „ iiinR by "0* hundred men nnd nnmen „ Kalliert'd nl n linnqnet In the Hotel |, I’errlue here.; tl

W ith Iii»pim tlt.iinr nddrcM on i, U nco ln 'i life a nd 'w ork and li'i ftpr!i’ ||> cntlon lo Jhe pre»cnl d a y 'b y . Hugh A. L U akti-H f llujw rt, iito»ccMltiiR » ttfltney i„

I fo r illn i'l tikn ronHty? w llh nHucilolojiij lo f l,inroiM from tin- vkw jiolnl -of i | i , I friend niiJ nelgblior by Tlioinn* K .jti I Harris, n fo n n e f reaideul of Spring- p■ firlil. lllinoU. • now l lv im J in Twin ^ iP a l'a ; with sw ec iir tlroa MnglnR by „■ Mix* I'e.ifi Uoyd nnd a lrains o f orrhei- ilrn nniH‘.-'; w ith a snnipfuuiii ’ repnat „ ! served In n polorfnl. M ll ln g 'o f flngf],,from among wliieh lh.* g rea t wiir i>re»i- M, dont'a (dctnre .looked down upon the . nui'mbln;:e, ihe nffoir wa* nn ontalnnd-' n lug ono omong orcnaion* of lU kind. .j<<

,1 LINCOLN DAY |A SflO 0IA T IO N ,roaM B D .

' Under Hi" Inapirntion of It there wn* i i formed mH civening, thi* Twin >'nllx i| iCounty liirifoiii Doy naiinelnlion,.whlrli,,i i la to arr-»ngo for *Smllnr annual o b - |i liatvaacc* nf th e event. K. V. Laraun f, lo f Trfln.''P alla, who pfftiMed a t in»t ^ eronlng'if tjnlherliig, ^vn* elected greni- d

Ident nf ih i new nsi>ck'lntirm nftvr-Shrnl j I* noclgiii, chnlmiaji o f the nepubllcon ft

'counfv eea lra l i-nmmiltee, nud R. T. jv iMfN'fimnrn of Buhl, for.ronsona g lvni f, ,l.y Ihemae’.vei blid declined the place, n

D^'ltgnf-otis o f men a n d women flo m ' j M urtangir to B.ilhl'nnd C aatloford'tllidjo Kojrprson .were in nlti'ndiince. itl

Mr. R oker’a nddrea. wna an apprr- b rlallon nfld eulogy nf Wucoln. conrlud- ti Ing with a plan tha t the “ prlnripiea tl nf fiectlnn* nnnemnfcl by Ibftl partv „ o f which l.in ru ln wn» the f ln t great loader ahnll bn hy na handed down In * Ihnao who follow n* pure and fl* denn I

•na Lineoln 'gftve It to thoso who fol-j lowed h im .'; , . In

.“ Wo m eet to , reverently, honor tlip ji, momory'Tif n mnater mind and nf o j j auiterm'hii. ’ the Bpeak'er wild in hi* i>i-;^ Iroduclory remnrksi .“ \bra1inm l.ln coin, tiro simple homely unmo given b y j^ fond a n d 's lm p ’c parenla to n, sim p'ojp hnmnlv l oy wn* bom Pebniary -12, 1H05>. In l l ic 'i ln te o l K w ln r iy . Nevft.™ wna nno o f nio^c* lowly birth . . No pro -|g

,liirela:fo'*flold'bl« coming. N,i> one said ^ Ihnl II n rV king wn.* nbout tniTw 1'orn, » >’o one Kiiid Ihnl n ehlld, .dealined tn .leiiver-llK' notion 'from . lf*el< nnd from ^ (hi> sin iif ila nwn m nklng wa* nlwot tl In be liorn. .Xn AUn annouD''ed iha t the mnn drati'ier) l» s ta rtle the world witli f tlie di-rh rn llon Ihat 'aliH , in the right f, to )»il in*!> ills nioiilh the bread thnt iiU .nv'ii linnils..1tnvc..rnrucdl..he---«hp j,human s'nveV ia the eni'a l rif e n - ...... ^er wnn. vhft.- ..t W nek.' No o»<> loud'v ^ prnrlninicd h i. Idrlh .' • N'n Itell* were (■ rnni: nml nlflr nppcareil In the ea.l lo nnnoni'cf him. I te I'nme oa uno*len- tntioiial^' ns obild wn* over liorn. Ill* = advent "fliikcd nn 'rlpn lc In tho surfeee o t a quli’t pomnnmUv. Ill* comln" caused ni) mmmont. I lo wa* born nnd. like otli-ir dilldri’n. took hia plneo wilh- onl »]iccinl nollee among Ihe ehlldttn o f hi* day. T


“ When now wc mention bis oamo we do so with roveron,ce, w ith nffe-*- lion nnd w ilh gratitude. T hat appre­ciative Bfd g rate fu l Americana ahould Iflvp him Ix oa nntiiral n* nature llaeU.

' Thnl people should m e et'to -h o n o r hia ! mrmnry Ix nn nrknnwiedgment of lovo , and gratitude. Wo regard, bim, hia

work nnd hi* meroorj* na *aered. Wp 1 pride our*dvca th o t he was ono of ua,I io r tho wothl o ffera ao pomllel in mor-

t d mao.“ We know nnd havo known from

I bnbyho»l a portion e f th e Sermon on I tbo Moufll. y e t from the mem Mylng of I t wo feel e u n d v e i respond to tho




3ING MACHINE TALLBD IN THEt o r e , w i t h



[ j^ iiD A H q ^ T iii^ Y .:Ideal) a sd t r t t b i ib ine tin rtsW il. 6 o ait_U w ith doinff hontir-to 14neoln.:.WB pm ay learn ttothlng we do a o t know, t)n l tlwe aro .mado betloT -for having done oau. O ur hope* and. our fa lth i nre re- ra c w e d ..W e ,f ln d jio « ilrencth lo.carr>v 0Ul thro-Ji(h tho m iner dlm cultlc* we Ite rperien ic and we feel n .now deter- itm lnat/nn to l i r e eJcaoer,. to t t e r I rm , ' «bavo-elcaoer, purer .honioa,'and a bot- ^le r country, l l i i tiVe will over be an 0 IniplmUop. fo r nobler ijce-li, fp r blgber thooghU and for g rea ter nchleve. m_en_li.*' - • - j


R c fe rrW to tragedy and aerrow th a t• marketi Llncoln'a life th e speaker told 0

of h is having iieen betord ho w a i 'te n V} ‘Mila mother burled in a solemn foreat C

b y M «./n tJicr .m n erode faome-made T c o ff in ," nnd p a ld .a tr ib u te to the m other,,and atep-mother o f tho g roat c w eru tlve . “ A nd today," Jjo-. 4d d , fl

! “ when n 'l Ihe civiliMd world ia payltfg „ hflwage Ifl t l« memory, o f one o f th e i

grenleal o f the race, cno w e^not raiso j i |‘ Io GihI n-gm tefui prayer fo r'm other \

' ud th a t step-mother nnd can wo not ' in llioiight place n w reath of love upon „

the humble, gravea of KnncV Ilank* t' I.in ro ln ,tl-e mother who gnve A brnham ,-

birth nnd transm itted lo him thoao a-jftfw IH W .'or.m ind, h eart and *ool th a t j,m adi' b m crent.-aiiA to flnlllo Bush jI U ncolni- the-B tt^i-m olher.- whn , lovM v

' him fls 'JiPr own nnd w ho /Jevdopwl .ii■ thoBf. jidicrited qiialitie* and mado it \• posaible io r him to become w bni h e - r ; waa • • • U 't u* Itftuor th e memory of y

molhera 1‘H without the ir tmseiflah \■ eon»iimln.» Jove the world jrpiiJd J,,.'-.

cold iu le e d .. M other’* loro hna mode tj' moro men tru ly g reat than th e com- j

bined effortu o f m an.'.’ ■ I j■ Cond'iding n brief review o f L ln- w

coin i nte work .IJio apeakor declared, j | “ A» i t Mfls given to W aahington to jI create n free people under a govern- r m ent o f fbeir own ebesJajroud to w ise -J r

[ ly Btnrt it on It* way, U wa* given to .- r Lincoln lo lave and preaerve i t w heu:

' i t appeared Ihat in te rnal atrlfo and r 'id liaen tlo ii were about to brcnk It up. ^I I venture the ita tem ea t th a t Lincoln^*' ’

I Iw k wn* greater n n d 'Ih a t m ord .ovI!|woatil havo attended nnd followed bU

; defeat thwi would have foUflWod Uie ®■ defeat of- W ashington. W ashington j ' n n t erM fed aod Lincoln *are<l a'trec■ jw plfl. Ho\ anly »-■«« a' free twople bu l wna a guiding sp irit in , •jund th e f i n t rejire*entatlve o f nn or- *I ganlzatlprt having for I t i purpose tho *‘ I only perpetuation and exteoaion o f •> j th a t freedon; Lincoln no t only saved *' b u t created nnd puged on to u* and " to those nho follow tho du ty o f savintr

' ‘ he'eroatBd na l.o laved th h t Kwhich W w hington ercated.

I E B S P O H S t t n m I?i D fB B R irA Q B .; . ;}

'! “ We p r td e • ouradvei ..upon bdn ff'* ' , m om ben of . the p e l l t l e a r p i r t f Ji,- “ -brought lfllft « ls tc B e « 'T lie partv, ht ^ , i t l creation w ai eleoh and puro and jl' ® iw a» left to ua by him Ju it u d e a n aud *

pure nnd untamlahod. I t* Idealt wore ■ iM lofty ns the ld e d i o f the man who'

'm p rc M n te d It. i l e le ft u i an' Inherit- ' ;ianeo o tg rc a le a t m Iub and a bu rdenV f ’ jg rea t, p rrtpo rtlona 'rc sti.upon na,- W o V ftw ehargcd w llh th e du ty of re ta in ing d

' while we aro here th a t which h a i beoa oj■ g ire n to o i te keep and d f n ^ o g on b< ' to po tie tily the prinelplei e ^ l i S U e d ,I Rt so g reu t-a -e o at nnd-po»ilble o n lr '• through the ideaJs o f a L lB edn ,'" - 'c J

■ :P r« e d lP g iI f . B aker's addresi; I Ia r- ‘T' ry J . Benoit o f Twin P d l j rca<l U a - tl

colu 'a G ottyaburg nddreai. 8Relation of incident' and anecdotei m

ill L iu re ln 's life from the Tiewpolnl-n of Mr. Lcwli, who w ai a member of a n a lee elub th a t took nn netWo p a r t in u

, Mio preildcniial electoral eam pdgs in d ; behalf o f L ln rdn In 1800 and who la n g tl

' - ■ j d U

; Among the Firs‘ ORGANDIES—Imporb

new shades. Special Fi of this clotli is retainee es. Special price, the 5

V O IL E S A M D a W I S

-Xc*w S p r i i i y V ()ne .s a n d S w iiw n o w K im dpjj n n d p n t t e r n s . P r i

/o m a H A M s —T l io n u w y i l k K t r ip c T i s s u e s oVi w o n d e r f u l a s s o r t n i o n t o f r m t t c orK. W i d t h 3 2 in c b e « . P n ^ e p

^ Q S E A tO m a H A j. J i w t r e c o iv c d a c o b c o f n e w s p r i n H o d S e a lH . T lip y n r d __

T he iiirgcst Htvckfm t o w n to st l i s l i n n d t h o l)C3t n u ik c a o f Amc

The V1 3 7

r . F m u i j t Y . i 4 , 1 9 ^ :• V

So a t fnaeral t e n l t t i f « the ' m it ty w d n p te ildcn t flv o -y ea n l ite r , wa* ono o t

i t th ^ m o s t intereiU og fca tn rei of the ■e evening.' Mr; Lowli told o f ' a eall bo e-, no d e updn U neoln 'on New Y ear’i dsy

fli.y e a rs ago-nnd o f homely Ineldont# re In L incoln'* life a s seen by a neighbor - r- in Sprinftleld .

f ' O lT 'aANOXIBt l i O T O SX L IfiT .. - « Tlio ’gueit lis t jndufled :

il . Ti E en d o m n and T. T. Botledge, . Murtnugh. ' ,;

E. T. Provojt, H anien.Dr. o n d -J in . J. N . D avb and John

• W. U ardln;'K lm berly. • CIt - Mr, and H « . T . E . Moore,. W. A; « Id Shear, Elmer H. Bnyder, A. 0 . Madland;!0 W. D. Olllls, Dr. A . A . N owberiy.’Ivan V *t 0 ; L lned a , G uy-.H .- Shearer, H arry • le Hammerquist; iHlflr.*0 W . B. Oreen, ClAude B. .tJ ( lc h , J . i t Garden Adams, J e s i 0 .'£ s> tm an , B. B. Si d. Blee, B. T. M cNamara, William Cun- m fg nlngham, Joo Boyd, W lU onghby'H all, w '« i f . Kopplcmnn, H. C..*.Gmt, A." E . Id » KHsa, R ./0 . M onc, W lgiilai and -Wort ai sr W eat, Buhl. , '»l fienatof and Mrs. J , H. SeaVer, Mr. « >0 and-M nr; B. L . Hodgin, Mr. nnd Mr*, w <■ E. V. Laraon, Mr. and M n . O. P . Dn- ai

vftll, Mr. and M n . C. a e i r t i tu , Mr. “ >0 and M n . 8 . Claudo flU wart, 3i&.'ftod 01 »t Mnu R B. 8herm nn,.M r. a n d .S ta .M .'f i i * J . Bweeley, M r. and >Iri. H . J . Benoit, ta '<1 Mr. nnd Mr*. - H . C. Vnn Audeiii. n •d Mr. and Mra. 0 . B. L anon , Mr. and in il Mrs: ,W. V. Eilwarda, Mr. and .M rs. A ,' 'C- Dorman JohnBon, .Mr. and Mr*. E. - J . | ' “/ H omibrook, Mr. and Mr*. 0 . E . '. '■ '.W right, Mr. nnd ^ r s . Clinton W. Ev- '<• ana, J f n . K. L W arren, Mr*. W. W.

Humphre.v, M k i ' Olive VanMetor, *'' “ • Jame* McMillan, George F . Spragtie,

I J . G. Brndlev, A. J ..M y e n , H arry Me-1 "• KInlcv, H , a H amilton, O.-H: Browne,!

John B. A ult, H . B. G rant, P . 0 . L ynch ,!‘“ J . A. Barre tt, Carl L . DeLong, J . C.'"• H arvey, O rli Crydor, A. W ilton Peek ,' .0 'D r . W. P . ' PM ier W. B. H ill, 0 . D.In Tliomni, K^W . L u lt, Dr. E 8. MUford.'

'^'suspends judgment in '[■PORFIRIO .VASQUEZ CASE.O;

Court ImpoiM Ja i l Sentence, B u t Ad- m lti U exleaB .'fflto O onfeeM to ,j

BUma to Paro le ' ja i

Porfirio Vasquez, who wo* a rr e a tc d .- ,f. February fl, when deputy ihoriff* dIs-'[

co v ered m .a p i t under ^ ehlcken honie:„f on hi* ranch eaat o f bore, a 'l t l i r a n d i I

leized tho^e a qaantU y of homo-made;. „) whiskey, In d iit r ic t conrt ye itefday rf-.; ^

ternoon pleaded gu ilty to ehargo o f lile- Ral.peiseW qn ot.li.qnor and wft* sen-; - te n ttil b i’3udg«~W ‘.-A l^ B abtM k . lo -~

'l e rv e th ree m onthi term in the eounfy I jd l . Benteneo waa luipendbd. ..V aa-J^ i quDz told au thdritle i he had no pnipne- , ta ry in te re it In tb e itlU o r liquor, and f ' ad m itted ,gn llt only to the cx ten tnK at he had faDed to n a k e known the pret- ^

,t ' onee o f the eontraliBnd on h l i place ‘ a fte r learning of I t . .

re : ' . V ---------T ' ’ ■ ' " v10; A in r o u m iB k B N n .

»f ' The Loyal Order o f Mo,oie will m eet'0 Wedneedav n ight in tb d r liail. Annoal

■g dectlon o^offTceri wUi.be’tid d , aa-we!l in a* inltlatory' ceremonici. - Lutich will m be lerved- ’•d, ■ . • - .i— 1^-. •I.r .The L ad les ' Aid o f th e F irs t BaptU t t[d iu rc h w lU -gire 'a. patrietii: porty ot»:

i r -T h n rs la y afternoon, Fchruarv 10, .In^ d- tho bungalow. The h o a tw I* Mr*. A.

& MJn^yn, a»*l*ted bv Mra., A.' Hunt*- Dl mab, Mra. Fred Weddle, Mnt. Bil Boh s t-n n d Miss Alieu Glbba. A very fine a program hM been prepared and soma

in unique numbers will oe presented un- In d e r the direction e t Mr*, j . H. Ma*-,''R te n . ' ' i

M Mr s t A r r i v a l s f o r S p

i r t e d S w i s s T r a n s p a r e n t 0

F e a t u r e : T h e o r i g i n a l f i n i

l e d a f t e r w a s i i i n g a n d i r o t

e y a r d ......... ............................................

T O S -

’iiw i n l ) c a i i t i f u l .Tiiiil r e c e iv e d aL»ricea, t h e y a r d M i u i d i e s t i r p c i. . . . . . 8 9 e - to $ 1 .1 0 . W ld U i 3 6 . in c h (

. . . N i*W H U ickof.tli'1 nro now in. A i n f c nnd c .Itc™ nnd ™l-0 per yard.. 69c i>rii.c,,_n,ildri

HAU • (JOT f lp r iu g p a t to r n t* ' . P l e n t y o f f i r s ................ ..........2 5 c S a u c e r s n t th e

CEINA WARE0 s c l e c t from ,- 1 5 o p e n s to c k p a t t c i i m e r ic a n . w a r e . T h o p r i c e s r a n g e fo i

V a r ie tyJ 7 M a i n A v e n u e W e s

\ Temperature Agcdn ; Declines to Low: at <

Three Above Zero:• r Teniperatnro in th l i d litrie t yei-,'

'terdftT .reached 8?_degw ai' abore aero, laekisg 6 i tg n ta o f tot/eU ng.. Bnnday'a higb po to t aad dipped

' aitht to S 09V9,meh ■ 'waa Bunday n igh t’s low ,'aeeording . .

, to m o r d i o f th e goTemmentv - < w eatber obie rva to ty here .A-'tyaeo • o f p rec l^tatlon .iw as lecord 'e l.;" . . .

; S f i o w • D H IF T S ^ ,

t W a n e r W Mt&er Z te u ti. '^ r ■ o f i w f t t i a w o o d 'W tt tW im t iT : . W

• „ f i « » :« ' Uie B l f W 6odV,Bi«ri.and j f ‘. Soldier Creek .wfttenbedii -tia« -ifiltled * ^*• m a te r i^ jr }n eonseqaenct; of ..w a rm e r* t ' , woalher the f ir s t b f th l i month. a o i « l : % f ' '. la g e f t i a m o w sta k e a t K riley iV bw -l a ry 0 ,ahowed a to ta l! -e e p th o f '2ft-

Inebei, a a J record* p f iDow/aU f o r- 'ty # ; . .. M aiott ih c w ed .a .to ta l b f C8.'8 luebcn w ith a w ater cauivalent o f '6 .0 r Inches

• as compared wlUt depth o f 70.70 inebet.•. aad ,-w alor eqniyaleaU o f 11.81 Inche*1 on,.tho corraiponding d a le - la r t year,. Baow lovol At Soldier c re ek 'w a s ' 25, inebe*} K ctrhum , 25 w h e i ; W loilow ',,', ranch, J I :S inehci, 'a n d Mascoti 4i>- 1 inchea. , , ,

■■ . O A ^ W T E O J H ^ : , \ / .• 'i-W e-w iih to 'th a n k our friends for

tb e lr nmHv upfj o f Jflnd»e«.vJarJoff thfi lilac* and .death o f our deaf hoiband nnd.son. . ■, . . .

I] Orcln E. V aa-H em crt.I . M ary A. Van: Hem ort, ; ,

, ■ M ary K. Oatrander. '

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