fl ' h l'l ' i - iapsopii until they •cc, let tl1cm opcr1jtc for thcnrnclvoo1 nn

' '.fl h l'l ' t>ui•uJ, t ,.., w1m-11 U,f,tTS"fHA'J'l\'ti:: OF ' I l'I \ 1'01\'MH AS A OllHA'l'lYM AIH:NT, •, l\1 E S ME ll l C 8 L E E P, ANtJ Tiit: Uf(SfoRATJO!'I or TUil l'ATll':!i'C. MF.1,UOUllNli:: .\;>;IJ t•t·nt,J!<llil;U JIY K OVO/JJ;, 'F"",\K'<T!!X·J'l'l'l!J;};"/'. 1850. I/

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Page 1: fl ' h l'l ' I - IAPSOPii until they •cc, let tl1cm opcr1Jtc for thcnrnclvoo1 nn

~ ' '.fl h l'l

' t>ui•uJ, t

,.., w1m-11

U,f,tTS"fHA'J'l\'ti:: OF

' I l'I ~ \

1'01\'MH AS A OllHA'l'lYM AIH:NT,

•, l\1 E S ME ll l C 8 L E E P,

ANtJ Tiit: Uf(SfoRATJO!'I or TUil l'ATll':!i'C.

MF.1,UOUllNli:: l'J\lNT~:lJ .\;>;IJ t•t·nt,J!<llil;U JIY K OVO/JJ;, 'F"",\K'<T!!X·J'l'l'l!J;};"/'.



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lN these <lny• whcu 111cn ttro louth to believe nuythlng tlrnt. in noi cognisnblo to tltc sense~, it iH nccc/'Js:try to tnnko tlie iutrotluctioh of n. new Heicucc M clcnt· nii po?~thlci tltnt. thii cnutious nml tho •cc11tienl mny lm hclpc1\ to tlrn <lbcovery oft.he n.d\•nutngcs p1'oprmcc1, ns incviinblo 011 ils nJoptiou.

1'It~s111crist11 hus1 like crcry olhcr goo<l, to co111lutt tho ]1l'I!•

jnUicc uf the ngc1 in tho cn8e of lhoso who w-i1l )Jot U1ink1 1111U who nro i;trongly hiaf!se<l n.gnitu1t tho introdnctio11 ol' novclticB1 u.s \Vcll UH in that of tliuHO who.'JO ro11giou~ prhll·i· plc;i, or co111u1cl'cin.l gains 1u·c in 1u1y tlPgrcc t,hrcntcueJ. 'l.1hifl 8cicucc tins Leen one of the 1tHJF1t unpupulnr Jn tlH• rcligioui< world, froiu its supposctl connection with the u evil one," nnU the consequent untightcou:-::ucs~ of Jnc<ld1ing with nn h11lucncc1 which nprieitt'(~tl to thr111 to he n ~i111ulntion of t,J1c "gift.'i of l1caling,'1 t~c., &c., lrhich n.louo bvlong t.o God. Notwitlu;;t~tt1<li11g Ru~h vil\\ nspcn1iuns on the l:;cic11~0 nn!l if!..; :ulvucatc11, lVC tlu not shrii1k fnnn tlcf'cu<llng it, nntl rccon1· nicu<liug it to the world, ns one of tlio grcatcHt lile~:-:iugs permitted 11y Go<l, to he 11ml by tho humnl\ race. We >hall havo 11\.1 tliITlcu1ty in co111lmting e.ucccsAfttlly, tl1c oppol!Hion which l11tR bt:ell offcretl untl ia still in 'force 11gt\h11:!t it,; :nul our eouHdcuco ls Mtrc11gtlH~11e<l on knowing lhat, when wi.~4~ n1cn co1nc to the nreua nnd inrcst.igatc itx clailns to Lolief, they iu,·nrinbly a,rc, Roon er or Inter, it8 niost nblo llllJiportcr~; wht)ll \VO Hee tlignitarics of tho several Chute he~ goiug forth 1·1n their iuh;~ions oflnorcy, lvith this 111ighty nntng1.111ist t.o disease nntl tmin, in their hnu<l~, nnd re.~tori11g tho 1011~ lost ntt.riLutc uf the priei:;thc1oll, (tho powC't to l1cal), surely we cruniot con~istcut.ly sny, "thL" is uot or OCltl." )\111t·11

\\'c sec the brightest luminaries in t-hc lit.entry world cnl'l'~ fully lvntcliing its dcvclotHncut~ .• nnU dccluting tlirir 1u1-

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qunliHrll lieliuf in tlie t.ruth autl UHefu1ncsti of its 011rr1itio11 ... , wo RUrcly cru1noL rc11soJJU1J1y 8tty it i.':I 11 Jnaul1ug!' 'J'Jiuug!t tltnt. word is uow f!t.l1rcutypcU ih conucution wit.Ii 1\fel"llnrrif'illt, )'Ct tlui Scicncu lrnri 111·1·ivctl t\t lhtit f:!t,ugc whore it hrings tht• 1•cflf.!t•tl11g portion of the world lo t\t4uud, nn<l by iLs n1ighty achievc1ncntR Rtttrt,lca thcn1 into nwo, when they wo1t1t.1. vcn~ tu1·e 1in nttnok 011 it.s principlrn; null in·nctico. Jt hna ~ot :n1101tg.~t !ll'J n curntive power tlin.t wil11 if pcr.sevc1·iug1y use<l, Je~sen to u.11 int.1.eliuito <legtl'<.11 tlio pltysiclll HUITnri11g1:1 of OUJ' rnce1 nlnl ho n fiu· p;rcator check to t.lio tlost.rutrt:i, a.IHI qun.ckc­rie.".\ of u11pl'i11ci1,tcJ. n11tl ittt'otnpctc11t t,hysic vt~JH.ler:-t thnu I\ thouR:Ut<l nets nt l'nrlintncnt; when certtdnty L'Hll lm so roiulily ol.Jtn.inetl in tliscuvllriug tht! t.1.ingnof!i~ of tliscnso, tho h1tcllignnt 11Iiysicinn is frt'r'<l fro111 tlHJ nocus.~ary uueortninty often ntteu<liug tho ~iinilitt· iu<licu~

tions of very tHffercnt utgauic llisc:moa, ant.1. receives t.hc tlict11tos of l\I1..111n1e1·i11u1 us tho unerring ornch~ of Uio in11c1· tnnn.

lt uot 0111y, iu H.".I lower Jt~vcloptncnt~, 1nnlH~fJ us nt.. .... quuintctl wHh our 11uiterio.l orgnuizatiou 11.n<l tlisorgnuization, lillt lmull'I fttr licyonll the ]11'~·ci11cts of fleHh iuto tlic 'vorhl of the unknown; uni! i11 its higher nt11l 1uoro Ynluablo Ucvl~lnp· ntcnts, 11ffurd.'I us uUJitiouul l'OJH-!o111tio11 RB chri.-itinnH, Ullll

artus 1u1 with \f(_mpons of uucquullc<l t1scfuh1e;;s ng11i11.r,it tJ10 infidel. It oxhibit.R inost lucitlly our thrucfohl con~titut.iun UA u1cn1 nnd s110\YB U1c distinct. funt~tion~ of t.110 bnily, soul, und t-tpirit; it <1pcus to us the~ pnrt.al:-:1 oft.he other ivorlcl1 nntl give!:! tu us a g1i111p:;.c of the life t,o con1c; pertnitliug i11tcr­cou1·se wit11 the Uepa.rtc<l uu<l thu hcntific<l of. OH~ u.ngelio stntc; tlutt HUeh i.'l not 1111'"eriptnrnl u11iy lm P.pccclily i:show11, if wo look over tho l [oly Hcri1,turos; it supp1icH u.s witli different iuataucoa of npvuritions of the two l:lorts of s11irit..:, iu<livhlually, nu<l. in linntun fortns. 'l1hrec nngelf.! in t.l10

form of tnen :q111car to Ahrnluun, und even converse with him. Oen. chup. 18.

Jt i~ un nngcl1 nh:to, who, iu the hunHtn foru1.1 n11JH~nrs to

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.Jncoh, n1nl \Vl'csUes \rll11 tho holy 1,ntl'jnreh, t.o giro l1l1u l«1 n1111ct·Klantl thnt the wcnkrst lllrtll J11ny tlo lt1ttd1 with tlu~ :H1f>IHt.!lrtco of hcn\·cn. IH ~lnwt, tlft.1)1' the 1'l'~tttrccl.ion of 011 r IJortl J{•5Hf.I Christ., it WllH l\ll nugel, who in thl, fn1·1n of " you11~ 1111111 nppenrH tu :rtlury 1'lngdulenc n1H1 t.ho ot111~l' ~liM·y.

~un1uc•l 1 nftt)r Uencu11t1ing to U1u gro.\'e, n1qm1H'R to 8n\\l it1 t.lio scun~ fur111 ns lie hntl 011 cnrth, t.l1r11ugh t.la~ uu.•ut1~ of tlw witeh of J~ndor, of whotn Ond 11Ht.kcs use tu cxcrnlo hi~ llrily dc.'lig11s, with rcgnttl to the llelJrow J{ing. Fir.11t lJnt_ik of Salll.i clrnp. ~8.

1'loscs, 1nat1y ycnra tiftcr, lu1vi11g l'CJHlc1·ctl up hi:-; R[lirit. <n1 ~.Jouttt Nebo) nnd .Elins, lu11g ycat'i nft('r1 harh1~~ ttuit.tc<l tlti.· ('at·t.11, n11pc•ur in lntnu1n forin.~, though f1nrro111tdL~d with 1.dnry, on the 'J'nl)Or, a high 111nu11l:1in, tu tTohn 111Hl .Ju1nc~,

the thty of tho 'frrtnflfigu1·ntio11 of our J.ottl .le"trn Uhtisl. ~Jat., eht111. '}j j l\Jnrk, cli:tp. U.

'Ve ncc(l gn no fl\rthcr, to Bl1ow thnt tl1c intetcu11rsn nl' \){_'l'blth.•.fl. ur cluirvoy1ltllr:. \Yith the invisih1c world, is not. uut•cnFottnlJlo nur \1hscripturo.1, it1a!'.tuuch t\~i where there lrnA hceu the rm111it1ito faith in the \\"Orld, such iutcrcour~.e

Jrni;i lmcn pertttittcd; huntlrct~" of cxntnplcs 1uight Ji" n<ldncctl of clnily oceurri11g crnt11cis111sJ whie.11 nt·o Rttpportc~t hy tho obscl'Ytltio11, L{!licf, nud signatures, of 1nn11y of tlH· niost ctniucnt incn iu l~nropc, tuuong!l:t whotn nro prince:; und philosoph<:rs. ])oul.itless; the re1na1·ks rclntlvo to the ccstntic·prophctic contlition nnd its cxtrnordinnty plrnno· n1cn~, \Vill excite in so1nc 1ninds rctlicule, nud in sotuc pity; but in 1nn11y others real contcrnpt for the protuulgntors of such <logtnna, (so considered.) \Ve nre nwnrc of such being tho cnso, but wo cnnnot rcfrn.in fro111 letting the eccpticnl kno'v tho real fncta of the case, t1111.t iust(\nU of h~ving \'CU·

turcd too fnr in our definitions of :\Iee.n1cril:lm, wo hnvo tlouc very littlo to\v11rda unfolding its boundlcse rnngc over the <lonta.in of t:!pirittu11is1n, as well ns its sovereignty oYcr tnnt­ter. "11'ucts nro stubborn. thingR,' 1 antl those \Vho have witnessed must believe in thc1n; if others will not believe

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until they •cc, let tl1cm opcr1Jtc for thcnrnclvoo1 nn<l t.hoy wlll he l'cwartl.otl for their pti\us, ir their 011ly nitu is the cultivnt.ion of virtue nndrcvorcncc fur G odi f1·ou1 who1u coJncs t1iis blcsaing, with cvury other. Jlut, lfOO be to those who V(!Jlt'uro UJiou such sncrcU grou1ul, tl:3 tho higher phcnomcn:i of :;\lci:1n1orisn1 prescntaJ with hnpuro Bult1a; for under !ittcli circtttnst.nncce, t.11oy run the rislt of fcntful consC11ucnccs t.o tJicUl!'!Ch-·cs untl their fJO.ticnts,

'l'ho Mo cx11crimcnt• by Mr Gilbert, though of tho •ccou<l orllcr, fully dcu1011:1truLo to c\·cry rcusounL1o tiorson, t11nt there is us tuuch truthful11cs.s in l\fcEU1cri~1n ns in l'~lcctl'i· cit,y. No one dcuics tho cxi~tcuce ofun J•~lcctric fluid, nor lluca uuy infortncd pcrAou deny the uscfultlcfl!-1 of the ]~lee· tn.1·gnl\'ani1.1 cut·rcnt, it.1 n variety of >uorbitl c11nililion!l uf tlic hu1nn.u frcuno, yet tho modus vperandi in tlicso cnf!cs, is n:". incx!Jlicu.blc ns in t,hoso of J\[cl:!tnc1·Js1u; then 'vhy is there such roluctuttco to reccivo l\h:s111cri,t.11n into the Calrgory uf our 8cicuccs, nnd. tu u~c it with every ot.hcr for tho benefit of Society? lt i1' owing to tl1e u1ntcrin.lisu1 of tho ngc," which not only displays it,clf in tho ordinary wnllis nlllong

tncu, but ls tl. proniiucnt cln1r1ictcrcstic, even in tho so·cn.llell rcligiuus worhl, nntl prcvcuta the reception of nnything thnt cnnnot be thoroughly hu111nnisc<l.

1 t is with a viclY to cxlcntl the prncticc of )lesinorhun, ns a curntivo ngcut iu 11urticulllr, thut this F-tnttll work h1 givcu to the puLlic.

,). Il, JI.

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l .-</11ealion. 'Vhnt is .. A.uhnnl ~li:1guotis111 r ~-1ttsuier. A ey111pn.Lhy aup11osml to exist bctwccu tlu)

nrnguot nntl tho huu1nn hotly, by 1ncuns of whit~h the for1ncr, it wns thought, possosec<l. the pl'operty of cudng 1nnuy di~onscs.

2.- Q. With whom did tho idoo lltAt orlginolo I A. It hils bccu in 011crntiou frou1 tho cntllest n.gcs, hut

in rcccut titncs, nftcr bch1g lost to the l~urotietnu~ for n long periotl, it wna ngniu brought into notice hy n. Oortunn pl1ilu~ Jo1nphcr, na1ncd Futhcr 1Ichl. l\I. l\Jcstnor rl!lopting his pl'inciplca, bccrune the direct founder of tho HyHtcui. 'Being •ohcmcntly opposed ~y Hehl nml lngonhousz, his "Y'lom foll into disrepute. llo nppoolod to tho Acndomy of' t-lcionccs n.t 1Jcr1in, but they rejected l1is atlranccs with Bcorn. 8ti11, un<lnuntcd 'vith so 111n.ny tlcfcatf:!, ho rcLh·ctl to P11ris in 1778, where ho \Vn.s po.tronir.ed. by tho n.uthor ot' the 11 /Jictionait·c clea merveillca de la Nature." lie now re· tired with his potieut' to Crctoil, whonco ho shortly returned with thorn pcrfoclly cutctl. Ono of his tmpiJ,, nomcd Mons. llcslon, rmliscd £100,UOO. ln 177ll, ho pub­lished a. 111c1noir on tho suhjcct of Auin1nl l\lnguotisui. The Joctriuo uf'tcrwur<ls wns cx11lodcd uutil the Into rcBcurc11cs uguin excited tho public nttcntion.

3.-Q, fo w\in\ \lUU\icn\fons shall \VC !\UU infornm\ion Oil

~Icsn1cris1n r A. In the Zoiat, a. Qunrlorly ,Journal of lHl"slllcl'i~tu; Jlr.

Hi1'dn101a l\tcstucristn iu Indi:i.; l\lr. 'l'ownBhcud.'s 1~1L-Cts iu !Hcsn1crism; l\lr. Ncw1n1u1's lluntan. l1fa9netism; lJr. Stu· rcr's ,1/csmerfam in Disease,· 1'1iss l\Jurtincau's Lertc1·a; )fr. Spencer llnll's /J!csmeric l:.'xperiettces; the llcv, J. '11.

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Pyuo·~ r'"itat .i.lla911ctl.•111 i u. llotncJy; 1\Ir. l1Jthvlu J.eo'1:1 ~\uinud l\l11guct.ip;1u; l\1r. 1(ifit·R Letter,• 1\lr. J~ttug's ,11~.~­

t11eri$1n in Scotla1t<l ; un<l Cahguct'a Secrcl:1 nf llifJ l~fc to (.'Oflte.

J,~(,, 'Vluit gl'cat nn1ncs have bcon inducrn.l to pay nt .. nttoutiuu tu this Huicuco?

A. S. T. Colritlgo, tho l•lo .Dr. Arnold uf l\ugby, lit. J·:Ilioli:!Otlj nr. Furbt.~s, &c., l~C., &c.

n.---(J, \Vhy ltll\Y 'VO con.so to 'vondcr nt tho Bcc11ticis111 tli,pluycd liy nmny 1

A. ]JcetLUKO 8ccpt.icif;111 lirHl :ilwriye 1utulc Ulundcrs; lighl­iug the flti·ccts with gas, vaccinntion, &o., 1nub with tho satno opposition on lltcir first intru<luction.

0.-fJ. \Vhnt uro thtl: rcnl 1lifficulticl'\ which l\fcsu1crhnn }ll'cscnts to tho 1'hilosouhcr?

A. '' lf ~fc$1ncris1n l!C uttor1y fu.lso, ib1 rccc•11tiot1 t11.11ongr:t l'lO tnany nblc, cool judging, close reasoning ctt(pdrere, is u tnoral phono1nonon, nlinost as rnurvollou.ll as !tJo.s111cri.':Hn i tsclf."

7.-Q. Wliy do so mnuy 'cioutifio rnou atill disbelieve in HI

A. JJccllUl:!U the vust mnJllrity of di~bclicvcr~ hn.vo nc\'Cl'

ticrsonnlly, nor 'vith mlcr1untc pcrAovcr1incc, pursltcLl the inriui.ry .1'--Sanrlby.

8.-(J, Aro not tho nltnost incrctlihlo in~lnnccEI of claii•­voynncc, cited n.s nrgumentr:i ngninst tho prohnhility of 1\lcs· 1ncrif!n1?

A. Yes; Lut l\Icsn1eris1n tnny exist without r.lnirYoynnce, nnd n i)crson un<lcr the infiuct1co of l\Ics1noris1n, is not ncccs· t'urily clairvuynut; ,vhile natural cla.irvoynncc if; of frequent occurrence.

11.-Q. Hut has not tho uso of Chloroforrn nn<l 1':tbc1· enpcrscdc<l Mcsmcrlsm ?

,1, Pcrlrnps so," for t110 extinction of sensibility in sur· gicnl opcrntjons in tho cnao of hcnltl1y sn\1jccte/' but whl'n otherwise, their inhulation is pcculinrly 11ttzn.rdouF1. 'J'hey

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11ct more rcrt<lily nnil rnpitlly thnn Mc•tnol'iBm, bnt tho latter wilt be found ivlU1 u. lnrgc 11u1uhcl', t.lic f.!nfcr iu tho (:nil.

10.-(/. Hut wlmt root nilvantugo hao Mcsntol'i<tn over inlrn.lntion of 11~:thcr nncl Chlorofurtn?

A. 'rllis tuo~t it1111ortitut one, vi?..: Ulttt tho inhnlntiou Df ..11:t,hor or Ohlorof'ortn u nltors l110 vHnl cou~titueuts eif the \1loo!I, nurl nots ingloriuttHly on tlie liruiu u.uU l1111gA, while t.hc l\ll'HIHcric conut not.Hally Jitclllucell n heaHliy influcneP, ,i.:11p11ortii llto norvolL' ottorgy of tho 11aLic11t, lA cnpalJlo of fro· 11ucnt, rcpotitiuu, nnll hn~ never yet \Jeon clittrgutl with 1·1lt1sing death, or raiHit1g fear l1y nuy dnngeroua f4y11111to111H." --Sa11dly.

11.-Q. 'Vl1nt nro tlic priucipn.l uauscs of ou1nity to ?Ile~· HIOl'iHlll? Pl; , c}/} f

A. Projutlil'c, ignornn<'o1 lnuf~aucntiun, 1u11l solriutcrcst. 12.-Q. Whnt nrc t11e prlnoip<1l mo1lcs by which Mc.,ucr·

hun h1 nccountctl f'orf /1. 11 JlonoLony, 11

" lly~Lerin," 1r ltnitaLiou," "l~t\ilh," !lilt.I. a l111nginntion."

I a.-(-/. flow aro 'vc to tlifl}10f\O of the first fii113c Bolution r 11. '!'he tickling of n ft•uthcr, or rca.Uing a <lull hnuk for tt

long titnc will oftun tictsuntlo to sleep, liut n dnily rrpt•tt­t.iou of tho triul will soon nullify the rffcl~t. )lt\'IU1ori~u1 011 the coutrn1·y if! obtninl~<l tno1'e easily anrl more quic lcly al t'ttch renewal of the pruct•sM. Agtti11 1 mall!J l\lcstncri.r:1cr.ll .~rarcel.1J 1tfiC u11y 111onoto11ona n1ovc1nonts ut ulJ.

1~.-Q. Wliat do you "'Y of llysleriLL? /f, (f' 1\lcRlncric uction ho tnuruly IlyHt,urin, ho"' couhl it

nliate fe\·cri.~h or ccrclirnl irritability? or prollUec il1.l!cn1'1i· l1ilit.y to pain~ 'J'o cxpla.in l\lcs111oris1n J,y Uw nndl'Uncd t.enn " l{ysterin," is but to cxchn11gc ono t.l!Hiculty fol' nnothcJ'. If :ftlt?Stnoristu be 1Tystel'i11, U1en IIyst.criil is a enl°e 1u1t1 nnt n. discasr:.

lf>.-(i. Whnt i• lo bu sni~ oflmitntiun? .-/. In opposition to this solution, youug nnUnrtloM girls,

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Llie dcuf, the tlmnh, thu l1lh1tl, ptilieuts who hnro trnvcr henrtl of 1\Ios111c1·i1:11u, who knew nut who.t ptoccsa wns goittf~ to tnku place!, have ull cxhiLltcd tho RtttllO rlctss of pltcnorucna.

10.-Q. \Vho.t of }~1tith, i.o. oonfl<lcuco in tlio power of tho 011era.tor, nntl tt (lesiru to ho hcnlc<l ?

A. On tltit~ theory wo cn.unot cxpluln those iu1:1fn11t'Cl'I

where tho 1iutient JatH nct1uilly oviuccd n <lccldell t·epr1,711.a11rP to Le 1'1e~uncl'iscl1 1 ntHl yet, lrni:;i fulleu into IL f'.lnto of 0011111, no le"" prufounrl \111111 if ho !tori been n moat williug pntiout.

17 .-fJ. \Vhnt clo yoH Bny of 1nutgitlntion f .11. A l>nticnt urny Le sent to b1cc11 two or throe tlnys i11

i;nccc.:ision, Lut wuuhl the f!!llHe 111cthoU succcoJ. tlny uftcr drl.Y fur scvorul 111011the. Cn11 l111uginutiuu nccount for t.111~ Rj'tnJintliy thnt cxistti Lctwccn lho tin.Munt itntl the 011crnt1Jr Y

lH,-<J. What hns bcou tlw cuneluMiun of' t.hc knrnetl Hocioticii a.ftcr hnving cx1uuint·1l its phcnonicnn.?

El. 'I1hey coneludcd thnt th1'y wero tho result of n 111ug· nctie fiuttl, ttntl ngrcrnl wit.11 tho first pru111olurs oft.he 8cicneo llfl to tho existence of ccttaiH runutrknble 1,Lcuo111c111t. 1'ltes ore at isE1Utl only rcspcctiug t110 cnuRo.

111.-Q, What other cauae rotuuius for itM foiluro? ,r/. One iuoat hnportnut one, viz: our i111patic11co of whul·

1!'\'t•r we ennuot nce-ouut for ; it i13 t11ia ,vliich ciiusr!'I nutu· Lcrlcss well utlc.stetl ti1cts to Lo 1'C1jcctcU ns i£ nu tc!:ltimony l.r1

their truth hntl ever been olTeretl. 20.-Q. \Vhat n.rgu111c11t nrny he 1iUducc1l t<l!:!pccting t.hiP.

wont of Jr'Ltith 1 A. Orntiting that 'vhatcvcr is beyond the Jinlo of' nor

knowlc<lgo ia n <lclusion, we by parity of reasoning, intt!'t tlcny tho cxi."Jtcnco of ourRclvra, nnll conscc1nc11tly of n\1 c:xtcr· nnl thingB; for tho F1oul is nn une.olvcll prohle111, t\u<l n1nn is tho great nnotna1y of crcntion."-'.l'uwns!tend.

21.-(J, Is there nny other nrguincnt for uot giving up tho invcRtignlion of ~lcsmcric phcnotnCtll\ ?

A. IC "tho proper study of tnn.n is 1nnn,'' t11ia science prcscntR to us a. fair flclt.1 of investigation, nn<l we nrc wnr.

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f l

1·11utcd iu putsuiug any tlbcovoty which 1i1·011thJcs t1Lhnul11gu to the huninn fit111Hy.

22.-Q. 1a tho proposnl-0 fllcRtuctisc ruo, uutl l'tl Le ... licYC yoli/' faltn~iuus ?

;f, Yes J for ahout.l tho pettton who )ltO)mHoa this t"t t1ot lm F1ul1jcct to 1'lcEJn1cric influence 11t thut ptttticulnt thnc, ho will 11rolir1-bly think ho hns t!1tccoctlt~U in l'cftttiug tho olnims of Mcsmor!B111 for ovct : lmt ho forgot,, thnt t!JCl'e ntc un<l 111ust he, contlltJous, us tlil.!1'0 nto ht chc.utlrl\l u~porl­tncttt~ on itnpnfol,sivo n1nt.crinl~ 1 null tnuch 1norc h1 uccc8foilltily dcuiand~d wlicu the E<uhjcct iR thu llclicnlo hu1111u1 frntuc ! It. ct1Hnot Le 1i concluMi\'o test wliere t.hu tnin<l il8clf offc1·~ atl1Jitionnl rc~istnuco to 111ng11ctic infl.ucnrc.

~U.-(J. A gl'c11t ohJcc;tinn to 1\Ic•Htncrl~tll jg fuHtHlc(l ou t.ho supposition thnt it rnltonnlir:c~ t11u inlt1\oll's of our lJlrs.'lcd lJoJ·tl. Cun this iu1pn\'!t:1iou bo done 1twtiy with?

.L/, Certuinly: 11ot to tlwe1l upou Much ltihtwleH nR t11c tut"niug ur "'Iller iut.o wluc; the 1nhucu1o1ts draught uf Jl~hcs; the eti1lit1g t110 t.cJ1111r!-lt 011 tho Lnko of Gcuuc~f\· reth; \ho fcelliug of fiOOO; thu wnlking 011 the sea; the tl'tlllSngurulioll; lltlt\ t.ho raif~i11g of tho llt•nd j in llll t!Utl vnt'b of 'vldch iulrucles it is tilniu thut lH.l nw.81Hi~ric ngt'lH~Y unlcrs; we t.urn tu t11csc 111irnclcB cspcci:dly, which froJu their curative 1uil11rc nrc f'l.Uppo~ctl c~~pC'cin1ly to be nccouutetl fut' liy l\fe~tueri~u1. In thcs{l \Ve sht1l1 ilnU five Uisti11et duu·ucteriBtic.'I, which cffect.unlly seiin-rntc thctn frotu uny 1·cscn1blnnco lo even the highest. orc1cr of JllC!-!lllCl'ic power.

~·l.-Q. Wh11t lll'O thc•c five points of tlblltrntiou 1 A. 1. Tho univcr.ullity of the cure. "lie lic1dctl nil

tha.t '"ore sick."~~fntt. ''iii., 10, ~. The <liscnscs were ·tcry tlcspcrntc, nuU iu soJJJL'

('nscs orgnni('. a. 'fho cure wna inst.nntnncoui:1.-1'J11tt. \'iii., H1 15;

ix., 7; x:ii., 13. 4. Tho cure wus pcrtnaucu t. fl. 1l1hc cure wns occnsionnlly pcrfotuicdnt a <li~hHH:c.­

N11tt. Yiii., 13.

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!.!r1.-(J, Is t.lwr<i uny ot.licr ~1iffHHctivo quu.lity nppct·· tuintng to Uto tniraclcB of our J,ord?

A. Yea; tho t>owor w1u1. t.1'1Lnsu1lasivl\; tho A110Htlcs Lnil 1.liu sutne vjrtuc 111 n11 etlunl dt•grec. 1\lea111erif:llH'B lurti'tJ not tho t1nwcr t.o t.rnnRt:uiL t,hcir 'votHlerful pnwors to others.

!!0.-(J. I~ 11ot 1\les1ncria1u ohjcctcll 'to ou the scot·c of ur\llger r

,1/. Yes; hut wlu1t gPnd ia tlu)tC free front 1:10111c 1tttotHl1111t evil? Volly 111ul wieku,,.Jucss will nhtt8o unythiug.

2i .-(.{, 1\rc not objectiuua llllldo OU U10 /4Coro or JllOl'Jt.lit.y r A. Y c~ ; l1ut UJt~so fcuJ'a nrc grou1ulluas-U10 nbuao ut' n

thlug proves noUiing 11gni11at lt.s uao; t.nq1cricnoo ehowa t.ltat uliuost ulwnya tho lllCHUH:ric sktto tiroducc~ on tho po.rt of the patients t.1uch tt ccuee of right l\~ woul<l tnrik() t.hcu1 lcl:!!-1 thn.n ever 1..lh~posctl t.u ltcquicsco in 'vluit \VHS wrong. Agnit1 1 secure n trust·worthy 1\lc1-n1wl'iscr, lu1tl o. thir<l purty, un11 u11 U1t't:!(~ ohjcctions ,·uuish.

!!8.-<J. 'Vltat ifl Cl"Of:S f!IcNJllCl'i~u1 y A. '1,h<l infltwnt·c of two or tuot•o n1ca1ncd.'.lcn1 ut the .t31Lllie

ti1uc. ~0.-<J. llow 1un11y kitnll'I or l\lostncrii-.111 arc there r A. ~\vo: t.hc nrst when t.ho patient is nslcnp 111111 it1

toudtctl Ly one not "en rapport'' 'Yitlt hilu. 'l1hc ot.hct·, \Vhen tho pn .. ticnt is not netu1tlly !l'11cop1 l1ut iM u11dur u1ag­netic trcu.ttucnt, 1u1<l the ot'iginal tttc~1ncri~ur EH.UH.ls 1~ sulisti, tutc in his tjhttc, wHh wh(11t1 tho patient 1lue~ not Ayu1p11-thiAc.

30.-Q. 'Vhut is Leing "en rapport l'' A. \VJl(~Il one iudlviclunl 1icts upon another hy the exi:-:­

tcncc of u physici+l tiyu111athy Let,vt•cu the1u.1' aL-fJ. Cnu nuy ono lUl~SlllOtisc r A. Y r.5; l>ut for pcrso1u1 of wrn1k or even sickly coustittt·

t.ionR it is not t,o be rcco111u11Judcd either for th<.uusclros u1· t.11uir Jittticnt.s.

ili..!.-(J. 'Vluit two particuhtr.l!I uro tv be noth:od hcfurl• "·c begin to l\Icl':!n1crisu ~

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A. 1. 'L1lwt. ~lccp i~ liy no 111rut11:1 it1tlill}ll'llf.lttl1ly 1Hwc.11:"a1-y

iu pt'uof of nn effect; uLl'lclH.'e of l'Ulnn, iH uu pruol' of hb~cnce of I\Icstncl'ic netiou; tttul nhhough the i11\·nli1l 1111ty rcn1n.in ns wnkcl'ul ns c\'cr, yet grrrit gootl uiuy !Jo ro111111u11icatrnl ur t:lli~et11 11.

2. No ccrtttill cHCcts cnn ho tlrcdlrntctl or 1h•1w11tlc1l upou, uxccptiuus 1111rnt ho lot1kcd l'n1·.

133.-Q. Iulo l1ow uu1ny i:d.ugoa ls the ~feK111eri11 Slcl'p divided?

A. Into four. 3'J .-Q. N nme them. A. First, aiu11ilc sleep; accondly, deep slee!p or comtt,

whcro the sleeper exhibit• nttnchmcut, sympathy, nttrnetion, nud inseut1ibility to pain; t.hirdly1 tho alecp waking stntc, where there is IL CLHtunuuity of tnHt.o ttnLl scusntio11; fourthly, the clnirvoynnt, nntl ccstntico·prophctic attltc.

3fi.-Q. Whot wns tho opi11io11 of l.o l'lncu MU Ouvier, n1cn who helU t.hc 11rat rttuk in tho world of science r

A. 1.1hcy euhl thut tl11J effects protlttcml Uy l\l.cslltPrhnu 110 longer permitted it to be doubled thut the proximity of two living bot.Hes in certain po~ltions nHd with certain ac­tionR hns a rcu.1 result uud iti..lc1ieu1le11t or ttll pnrtieipnlion of the imnginntiou. 1'ho immot't<tl Newton nlso gn1·e !do ... ent to ito v1'iuciples.

30.-Q. Whnt precautions nte to be observed In opol'!· ling 1

A. 1. Tho 1mrly uperntiug shuulil be in the po"e"ion of good health, u1ul free frotu nny inft•ctious tlcsense, Buch na itch, scrof11ln, &o. If the person opcrnting ho of a very ouseep\iblo tcmpernmeut ho ehould take cnre thnt tho person opcrutcd upon Ir!! not eo nJnictcd. A gooll constitution, n. strong ucrte, nnd llot,orininntion uro very rcq11isit.o on tho 11nrt of a.u opcrn.tor. Tho bilious, or Lilionfl·flnuguiuo tcmpcrn1nent is the bC'st, nnJ. t.hnt of most succca:!a ful operators, though Mr. Spencer Unll is nn c~· ce11tio11 to tho rule.

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~. C11ru •l1nuld he tnken tl111I tho )lnticul or peraou opcrn.lctl upon ia uot utnlcr tho inlluet1co of in· toxloaling driuka.

3. It ia noco"nry tlml tho p11ticnt wilh<lrnw liia or hor ntt.ontion n• much "" posa!Llo from nil otlwr objects, and pr(Jvout nnythiug Uko oxcito1ncut, which roWtrdi:i f,he operation.

4. Pineo tho person lnfluunco<l in ,,. eu.y n pooition •• po5'il1fo.

5. 1'he pnrly should not be 11llowo<l if attcc<icdcd wif.h to rcu111in too long i11 tho :rtf ea111erio Bleep; Uuring tho early operations frotn 5 to Hi minutes ia auf· ficiont. If' it is for nny 1inrticulttr compfolnl no phrnnologlcnl orgnns should bo excited 01copt 1Iopo1 -\Vit, Firu1ncss1 Unu~mlity, or Alirucntntivc· ncss.

0. Cttro ahoultl bo tnkon nol to nllow others to meddle with tho pntionl; for nllhough eomo ridicule tho itlou of croAA-1\1camcrjan11 yet it is uo lc~s f,rltc, und m 11ch hotter to nvo!<l it.

37.-Q. How nre tho p1186ea t., be mmlo? .A. The pn5f!C8 aro to co1n111cnco at the crown of t.hc }1ond

ntul tlcsccutl over tho fnco to thu lower 11urt of tho trunk or feet, n.s 1n1iy Le thought ncccsHitry. Tho opera.Lor 1nust throw tho pointa of his fiugora off at the concluaiou of 011ch pa.ss.

38.-Q. What length of time is rcr1uired to prmluco Mesmeric Sloop ? ~

A. An infinitude of circumstance!-! influence tho opcrntion,··~ 110 thv.t the time r01tuircd may v1try from a few tniuuhm {.o S<.'YCtal hourfl, Penmvcre.

B9.-Q. f{lJW ate the Jlllti{'nt~ to he f('8tored? .A. ~lake paf-\<.l.l'f:I in tlie t:'·OUtru.ry direct.ion, or at right

n.nglt.l'I to the ll(~ly, ,or l1lr_1w on t.bc eyelid~, t-ipcuking to Uic.tn. ~f this fail,, n little imter may he u>cd, though thia ahU1iltl IJ-0 a I .. t rc•ourco : yQu may frequently wake your pntient. by lwMing lhdr h1tntli! nml commanding them to awake.

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l ti

40.-Q. When opcrn\iug for fits how hmg ol11>L1ld n pntien\ Lo left. in t.ho •Ice[' 1

A. irro111 tWt!nty 111lnutcs tu on hour, nn<l so1uo fur n. longer period, \hough i\ is Lotter \c Mesmerise often thnu it lenvo them very long 11t one •it\ing.

41.-<J. Whn\ urc some of tho discn.•o• which have ylol<lc<l lo Mesmeric lnlluenco 1

d. Wenktte5" of sight, requiring very powerful glnssc•; 1uu·nlyfli1-1 ; los3 of "pccch ; ti~ dolorcux ; "pilcpsy of trutny yours 'tnn<ling; <lchllity; hyalcrin, with cxhnustlon of iu­t1}Jleotunl !JOWcr8, J1~it8 of 1.111 Jcit1t1Hj co11tn1etv<l lliuh"'; St. Vitus'a <lnnco urloug r:;tnhtling; t.lcufucsli; scrufnhl; dif!CllHc<l luuga ; hcn.J·ache ; F-!JIRKtnotlic uBl1111ut; nt!r\'oUs llif:lonscs of thu 1llOBt 80Vorc kind j sz1inlll nfl(,ctionH j Jlllinf"u} BWullingf! J lockjaw; tctnnua, or ao,·cro apaF.ltnuUic nfll•cUuns.

42.-Q. Wltn.t surgical opcnitiota~ lun1c Lccu tJcrforu1ntl with its aid 1

A Amput.n\ion• of nrm, leg, Lrcua\, &c. llctnoml ur jnw, tooth tlrnwing; rcu1oviug of }lolypu~ fro1n the uoac; removal of atono fron1 tho l1lu<ldor, &c.

41J.-Q, Con you give ue nn cxou111lo or two to support your stnto111cnts r

A. Dr. Elliotauu incntions tho cnao of n. patient wl1ou1 he found lnbouring untlor o. very aevl.'rc fortu of St. Vitus'a <lunco of nine ycors duration. Dr. Nuralrnll llull 11rmroriLo<l "u1usturd cut1LplnamA to the Rpinc1 cU})l'lng on the huck of th9 neck e\'(lJ'Y iift.h t.lny, nnd mercury to su(ih nu ()J:tcnt th1tt not one sound tooth wna left in the tmt.icnt's hcad. 11 Ile 'trcnt.od tho case fur three months1 nntl wished to contiuua hiH plttn for twelve tnantlt!. Tho Jficnt.ls however iutcrfcrctl, nnd Sir l1cnjn1nin Brodie "'na consttltcd, who cot1detnned the trcntmout in tho inoat unqualified nutnnct1 declined to sec the patient ngnin, untl stntctl thnt nothing n1oro could be done than to cntlcnvour by every tncnns to strengthen tho <lchilito\cd framo. Dr. Holl wrote a lettur (still In the t•O!!­se,i;~ion of the fn111ily,) tunint.nining his own opinion., nnd

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I.routing t!JRt of Sh- Det1j1uul11 llrodll\ 11100\ l\outeUl\tltto11'ly . .Ur. l~lllul"ou oH Lt•ing cotlE>uhed, u<lviacd thett lHostucri"tn •hould bo tried, but "ntrott~eil tlm tmttie• not to Im dlsn11· 1•oi11t0<l if no good te•ulte<l, nml ho ndd• tl111t uftor Mo•tttor· i~1u 111ul hccn used fur four n1nut.h~, tho itu11rovc111uut in the atrc11gth, el1•cp1 nud gettontl St.pfrnttrnneo of the pittlent lYVtCJ

Lruly nsloni~hing. It w11.fl continued 11ntH a perfect cure ·wus cfft><~h,(1. Dr. Fl. givcf! 111n\1y ot.hcr cnRC8 of a. like nature. -A• ~lr. Sn11ndcrH1 of llntltJ 'l"l\S cur·cd of deaftU.'lle hy beiug 1Hcstuuriflcd fifteen or Bixt.ef:'n thuca.-A r.n~o of cure of·fl}Ul&-1uodic nsthu1n1 1:1 given hy 1'1r. l\ee:1tt1, R. tnugncU~or of lHni~

ucncc, untl ntttho1· uf " Jfn.ctB R.n<l l?ul\at~ius," which i.a also attcatcd by the ltcv. Mr. Ilolil"""'th, hchl\nrl of lDxolor, uud viettt of Droxhu.tn, t1ln pntil1ttt; tnliznhcth Spurdons, ii! wife oft.ho foot.tno.n in ~tr. llold~wotth'fl ftuuily; her MUffcr­iuga hnd lJCctl luten~c ft1r tnn11y ycnrs1 l1ut shewn.,. aoun tc­~torctl to perfect health by ftll'f'tncrhnn ulonc.-Dr. ChnrltonJ nss.ir;lunt Surgeon, 1-loynl l\lnrinc~! in giving a cnso whk•h occurred n.t l\'1clrilh1 ll1n1pitn.l, Cl111.thn.111J Rtnl,l',lj that ho w.a~ 1~ t'c~olutc sceptic up to tho thno ot' the following inP1tanoo: Mi·•· Gregory, nur<et·y-womun to tl1c lu<ly o!'(Jnpt. Vnlinnt of the 40th ltcgt.1 suifor(l<l for u long tituo fro111 <lecnyocl tcetbJ which cnu~c(l n1uch eonstituUot111l irritation, nurl r1ppllcd nt the Tiori11itul 1 couqJ1niniug of hf)tu_l-ncbe, 111111 pn.it\ in tho up~ 11cr jnw of tho 1110Rt tlxcruc.intiug kittd. ()n exnniinnti<HI the g111us were ttlc(lrttt.ocl, the ttlvenlnr rrocmJ.<11 c11.rioun un tliu l'ight Ride, and presenting i1un1erous Hpicnlu. uf 110110 project· 1ug through the gtun~, lvhich wcro esquiRitcly pnint'ul ou th" •lightc<t J"'""uro wHh tho Ot1gcr. Filing off tho Hpiculu of bone wns 1ulvh~ml ttnd ootJl"oUtcrl to. 1'hc pOrfor1unnce of tho operation nn<lor tho infl1tPnco of l\lt>fllTlCI°io co1u11. l;oing prnpo~c<l, it Wit~ untlort.nkcu in tho rrc,tifl(Jfj of Hir 'J1hoo11111

'V-illshirc nttd Captain Vuli11nt.; l'llcop lrnR spNnlily h11lucrtl hy Sit rr1io1nn.s, a111l in hi\lf 101 hour Hilo Wll~ Jll'1JHOUllccd fit t'or tho opcnition.

"Au i11Pil'lio11 wn~ 11u1dc 011 hot.11 Hhk!,..j 1d' tho 11h'cohir 1wi1·

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liesws, cxLe1utl11g fr<nn the iueif'lor to tho tool1u· teeth, tlivld­iug the guu1e., -wl1ioh woi·e h.trae<l lJ1wk f'IO n~ to cxpo~e th~ di•ctt•cd houo. 'l'ho •pic11ln Loing ounsi1loml lhn tirit1olp1.t oouroo of nuttoyance, wcro filed off '1noolh wlLh tho jnw, the gun1s n.pproxirutLted, nnd creosote upplictl to tl10 cnrioua points. 'l~he filing occu11icd fully flvo 1ui11utett. '!~h(' tintlcnt howc·vur evinced not, tho !lltightcst fceliug frou1 the nporntlon, nnd continued uudiaturbcd 1.u tho cnjoytncnb of pt·ol'o111ul sleep, fur nu hour, n.t tho uxpirntiou of which th110 sho'wM n.wukc lJy 8ir 11homns, nppca.ring 11,s ir aroused frotn a ilrcam. Ou con~uioUf'!11CM buin~ rue::tutu<l, shn cx11rc1:1!;1..•t\ l1ct111elf Jn­cre<lulous thnt tlllJ 01icrntiu11 lutd been pcrfo1·nwtl on her jnw, not hnving felt tho slightc•t 1mi11, nor )JOcn Jn 1111y de­gree nwn.te of whnt was going on.

Au extract frutn tho Nortli /Jcvon Jvurual tooda tliur4 : " bla.ny of our rca<lcre will bo gt·ntiflctl to kuow Uuit t,hnnk~ wcl"o puhllcly returned in tho pttrish church ol' llfrncumhc, for the •ignnl mercy of Ood lowur<l• tho girl, Cntln1tluc Drown, iu her rcslorntiun of speech by 1'1cstuuri81111 through the instrutncntnlity of 1\-lr. lJ1n·oy, who Wn!I lccturiug t,JH.wc. Sho hntl 1uflcrcll ft·o111 n nervous <liflcuso which left her dutnh. Tho uarrutivo is llA follows:

"'l'hc girl is in hor 18th yenr, hur nnu10 Ca.therino lln1'wn, nnd is tho tlBughtcr of n incchnnio living o.t Cot11pn,1:1R llill, llfraoomhc. Hor tuothcr •t.ntcs thnt •ho ""' tukcll nlnrttt­ingly ill in OctoLer of 1841, her complnint lying in her hc11d1 1:1illo, nntl gt,uuu~ch, At this timo Rho prcscut.ctl n 111oe:t tlcplornblo t1ieturc uf hu111n11 tnisery null 111uf1Cring, 11utl her ~cren111B "·hioh wcro t.orrilic, couhl Lo heu.rtl at a very con· sitlernhlo distnnce. Sho coulU uovcr be left fur I\ Jnouicnt, fur <luring tho tilJBonco of tho ntt.oudaut,s alto would bcnL hor bond 11guJ11st tho 1v11.ll 111ust u111ncreifully, l!iO DI'! f,o lonvo wounds n!!! well ns OruiscB; eho \VtLS Hkuwiso oftcu convul!it~tl, duriug which pnroxys1ns, it. wn!ll ns 1nuch ns two could do to holt.1 her, l\luny 111cdicnl gcntle111011 of tho town Yiaitrnl bcr, nn1l guvo her tncdieiuc ; in fu.ct 111ho ".!Ml an obJoot of

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gouoral chntity, nt1<l t \1dlcvc \hero '"'no\ oven nn occn· slounl 111c11lcn.l visitor iu tlto tow11 who tlitl not prcecrilm for 11ur. After n leugt.hencd poriml of Uurntion ntul suffl)ri11g tho vuloleuco of Jiu: co1UJ1lui11t greatly sul1sidcd, but Mt, her tlumb I rtom that period "I' to tl10 tirno of lwr l10i11g Urat l\tc.stuotiarn.l, sho ltnd no\•cr spokon n siug1o sylln.hle1 a.lthough brilics l1n(] bcon offered lier in or<ler to itnluce her to try out! <lo so, She still continuctl \ho ohjccl of cborih11Jlc t;isita fron1 the t.uwn, runougst whotn wa.f! - 1At'C1 J~f:l(i,, a 111n.gh:1t.ruto, who offcrod liur 1nonuy to pronounce his nntuo: but oven this JtJonuayJlublo e.l10 wus tttlltblo to articulate.

u After being l\fe,citnotisc<l t11rco thucR, nnil ns Roon ns conaclousncse WM wl1olly destroyer! •ho hogan \o speak, but nt flrAt her t1}1ccclt wns slow, o.nd el1e Uwclt on tho first lotter of tho word, just ns those do who hnvc nn ordiunry i1111icdi· 1ncnt in tbl!ir epccoh, con1mon1y known us [!. 8lammeri119: thus, on pronouncing tho word cnt1 sho clwult on tho c, ns c-c-u-n.t; d-U-U-og, ... Y.t.o., &c. ; nnd in a. sitnllnr 1110.nnor was her pronunciation of other monosyllnlJlos. Sha w1i.a

tl1cn nskc<l her nnmo, 1vlicn, dwolliug on onch syllttb1c, .sho rc11llcd Cntl1crino Jlrown,

"_From thh1 it 1vns evident that hor speech wns itnprov· lug, nm! nftor n further trial elicited o quick rctily-Catho· rinc llrown. After a short thno sl10 was dcM1ncsrnoriscd 1

nud thoso who 'vorc present will not forgot tho countcnnuco of tlic pntiont, lvhon rising frotn her chair, t.1110 ran towttrtls u liUlo girl in thti rootn, crying out in joyous accent.~, 'Oh l\Iu.ry Aune, I can speak ngnin now I' A fonr I Lc1iovo wos cntcrtoincd lc'I the faculty of opcooh would again lcuvo her on being dc·mcsmcriscU, but tho fcnr wnS groundless, nnd wholly disappeared on hearing her thus nddrcSB hor frictul. 1.1ho tlelight of tho mother mBy be moro onsiJy hn· ng\ncd than described, when sho found her daughter ublo \o opcak, after being dumb /or several yrars."-Jlrom tho North Devo1i Journal.

Mr. S, T, Hall relate•• cure of St, Viluo• Danco in tho

Page 18: fl ' h l'l ' I - IAPSOPii until they •cc, let tl1cm opcr1Jtc for thcnrnclvoo1 nn

JUllowlug terms: "111 the month of Nuv<'mlicr, l~~,I, l vb'.!it.cll l•erth, null Wt\S Wt~ill~t.1 u11uu l.iy ~11· .. lvhu lJuugln~1 (urnnngcr n\ tho oflice of the l'crth•hfro Agtioulturnl Uolll· 1mny,) whoso <faugh\or hntl for sumo tiltJe been Mlfll•ring fro111 cltorcn, or St. Vitus1H Dnuco. llnvlug tuc~111cri1:1ell hct Dncc, atul left instructiouH how tht\j' Wl~rc furlhct to ttl't\t.

tho ens(), J\1r. J-tunca l>ouglns, jcwullor of J•crt.11, 11rocPc1lcU with it, oml 011 the 31st of llcccmbor tho p11liu11L's father thus "'rule to n. rulutivo in l~tlinUurgl1, the lotter bclt1g l\t

prcecnt in tuy posscsaion :-" ~hauld you huvo !ltl opportunity of sccilig nlr. llall,

t.cll hin1 th11t ruy tlnttghtcr ii; 11uHo rccovorml frout her nf­flicHon, autl is a.t school ugnin. This ia nuolhcr proof of lho curative rro11crtic8 of l\lt~s1ncris111, which ~Ir. 11. will no doubt oxpl:liu to you, uu<l while wo 111cc~ with Junny tttlluts nutl jeers fro111 the 'voul<l-bc-lenrned who tli8pttto it, we h1n•o the >ntisfoctiun of po\nliug her out to lhem."-8. 'l'. Hall'• Experiences.

John ~l'\Villi111ns, oattoli.apinncr, Oolder-guto, Curli,fo, aged 34, hntl bccu ill uino 'vcek~, ofa. hiliouH uttnck, entliug in an ulfoction of tho spine, which mmlo it pniuful for him to wulk, and in short, neurly suspended nil power in his lower limbs. Ho had been under tho treahncnl of two of tho faculty, wns cupped, and took • grcnl varioty of medi­cines, but without nny beneficial effect Ho enmo lo mc1

whon I made 1msses over his buck and legs, whilst ho re­mained in u. passivo but vigilant stutc, nnJ. nleo n.etcJ. by gontlo pres."uro of tny thutnbs u11on such pointa UB1 through \110 agency of the nerves, were in cspocinl sym11nthy with the nlfcetcd parts. Water was afterwards Jmured upon tho nope of tho neck, nnd the palms of hie hnnds, and on the following day he come to mo again much improved. On the third duy he nppeorod n\ the Athc1111>um1 before o very !urge and rcc<pc<Jtablc nu<licncc, declnriug himself quite free from pain, urn! able to worlc without the >light"t di•trm.­llall.