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*Narrative Writing* -Short Story-. * Fourth Grade*. *Science*. Georgia Writing Assessment for 5 th grade – That’s next year!. Students in Georgia are required to take a writing assessment in: *Third grade *Fifth grade *Eleventh grade. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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*Fourth Grade*

*Narrative Writing*-Short Story-


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Georgia Writing Assessment for 5th grade – That’s next year!

Students in Georgia are required to take a writing assessment in:*Third grade*Fifth grade*Eleventh grade

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Students are assigned a topic from a prompt bank representing three genres:

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Students writing is scored in four domains:

*Ideas*Organization *Style*Conventions

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• What students already know about writing

• How students plan• How students organize• The best way to develop

their writing further• To plan future writing


A preAssessmentwill be given todetermine :

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Example Pre-Assessment:

Materials:•2 sheets of lined paper and 1 sheet of unlined paper per student•Sharpened pencil with eraser for each studentDirections: •Today, you are going to write a narrative story. Try your best, as this writing sample will show me what you already know about writing stories. •Hand out materials to each student•I am going to read and write some writing prompts on the board, you will choose one to write your story about.•The teacher will orally read the writing prompts and write them on the board:

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Writing Prompts*The following prompts are example prompts from the Georgia Department of Education 5th Grade Georgia Writing Test, in which the students will be taking next year.

1. There’s a large lumpy sack on the teacher’s desk that is making strange noises. The teacher leaves the room and the sack starts to move. Write a story about what happens.

2. A circus animal shows up at your school. You and your friends invite it to join your class. Write a story about what happens during the animal’s first day at school.

3. Neighbors ask you to babysit while they go to the grocery store. When you arrive at their home, a monkey opens the door. You discover that you are going to babysit the monkey! Write about what happens.

4. One day you and a friend go to a creek. You put a small boat in the water. It floats downstream and out of sight. Write a story about the travels of the boat.

Georgia Department of Education. (n.d.). Grade Five Writing Assessment. Retrieved May 25, 2009, from the Georgia Department of Education Web site: http://www.doe.k12.ga.us/DMGetDocument.aspx/Grade%205.doc?p=6CC6799F8C1371F6C0EEF2BA1C3472A1300BEB9F0D2B4BD71CBD45CD9F4D062E&Type=D

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Effective Instructional Grouping Options During Prewriting:*based on teachers needs Modeling: Whole


Practice Activity: Whole group –Interactive ‘shared pen’

Assessment Activity: Independent

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Effective Instructional Grouping Options During Prewriting:

*based on students developmental needs

Assessment Activity: Partners- allows for peer scaffolding, and allows an opportunity for both students to benefit.

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Effective Instructional Grouping Options During Prewriting:*based on students cultural/linguistic needs

Assessment Activity: Partners- English language learners work with proficient bilingual students

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Narrative Story Writing:

Narrative stories are: *written from the point of view of someone, or something. *either true or made up*always in our own words, and our own ideas.

5 components distinctive to narrative writing:*Characters*Setting*Plot*Theme*Point of view

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Prewriting The prefix ‘Pre’ means ‘before’. Prewriting is what we do ‘before’ we write!

Prewriting Procedures: 1. Decide topic, consider purpose, form and audience.

2. Brainstorm list of story ideas

3. Organize ideas on a graphic organizer

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Graphic Organizer:

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Accommodations for students with differing developmental needs:*Students who have mastered this concept:

• create more in depth plot• create more characters than the required • can act as a peer helper to those struggling.

*Students who are below level in their writing/reading comprehension:

• Work with a peer

*Students with visual impairments: • bolded print, bolded lined paper, and color

overlays.• Seated away from bright lights

*Student with hearing impairment: • Sound amplifying headset

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Accommodations for students with differing cultural/linguistic needs:

* Bilingual students- will work together during assessment activity to ensure that they fully understand the pre-writing activity.

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Drafting procedures:

Use the ideas from your story map. 

Skip lines while writing to leave space for corrections later.

 Make sure you use sentences and paragraphs.

Begin with an introduction, using the characters, setting, and problem.

 Draft the beginning of the story.

 Draft each event adding details that may not have

listed on the story map.

 Draft the conclusion or ending of the story.

**Do not worry about mechanics: spelling, punctuation, or capitalization!**

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*The word revision means ‘seeing again” *Go back and make changes to better your writing: *Do not worry about mechanics!* AddSubstituteDelete orRearrange the material

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Harrison, C. Revision technique: Revision sprint. Retrieved on May 28, 2009, from Writing Fix website: http://www.writingfix.com/PDFs/Process/SWG_Revision_Sprint.pdf

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The Revision Sprint Up to four runners will sprint through your paper’s rough draft…nothing like a good 50-yard dash to get your heart racing! Your teacher will tell you what names to give the runners; write their names below them. When you read your paper, indicate which of the four runners won the race by drawing a big, thick arrow between that runner and the finish line; then, determine where the other three runners were on the track when the race was won by drawing each of them an arrow. Decide who wins and comes in last based on the names of the runners. When you revise your draft, you will need to make sure your slowest racer ties your fastest racer. Before writing next draft, talk to your teacher about how you plan to make your slowest of runners a much better runner.

House, T (2009). Modified from, Harrison, C. Revision technique: Revision sprint. Retrieved on May 28, 2009, from Writing Fix website: http://www.writingfix.com/PDFs/Process/


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Editing Procedures: Now we look for mechanics!

Use checklist to look for mechanical errors:

*spelling*complete sentences*agreeing subject and predicate*punctuation*correct comma placement*capitalization

Have a peer make editing suggestions

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Publishing procedures:

Publishing is when we put our writing in its final form!

* Re-read edited draft. *Make any additional changes to story- if desired. * Use Microsoft Word to type corrected story. * Use spell check on the computer. * Print story. 

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The End!