พุทธศาสนา และ globalization กับ world connectivity

เอกสารประกอบการสอน รายวิชาพระพุทธศาสนาในโลกปัจจุบัน (Buddhism in Contemporary World) ประยูร ป้ อมสุวรรณ์ .. (ขณะเป็นสามเณร), Ph.D. (Philosophy) วิทยาลัยพุทธศาสตร์และปรัชญา มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพระนคร ๒๕๕๔

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จุดเริ่มต้น ตลอดถึงเงื่อนไขความเจริญและความเสื่อมของพระพุทธศาสนาในครั้งอดีต เพื่อเป็นแนวทางในการ ... ความแตกต่างกันของพระพุทธศาสนานิกายเถรวาทกับนิกายมหายาน


  • (Buddhism in Contemporary World)

    .. (), Ph.D. (Philosophy)

  • - - -

  • -

  • () ()

  • (Buddhist Mindfulness)

  • 1

    (-) (Buddhism in Contemporary World)

    . .




  • 2

  • 3 ()

  • 4 ()

  • 5

    . . .

    . % .

  • 6

    . . .

    . . . . .

    . . . .

    . - A - B+ - B

  • 7

    - C+ - C - D+ - D


  • 8

    . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . .

    . . .

  • 9


    . . . . .

    . . .

  • 10

  • 11 1 Missonary 2 " "

    1 A. I.22 2 Narada. The Buddha and His Teachings. (Malasia: Buddhist Missionary Society,1988) p.viii

  • 12 3

    4 5


    3 Narada. The Buddha and His Teachings. (Malasia: Buddhist Missionary Society,1988) p.X 4 5 D. II. 154.


  • 13 . . . 7


    7 Kalupahana, D.J. Buddhist philosophy: A historical analysis, p. 82. 8 Luang Suriyabong, The Universe in the Light of Karma, p. 5.

  • 14 9 . . 10 . 11 12 ( )

    9 B. Jinananda, Four Buddhist Coucils, in 2500 Years of Buddhism, P.V. Bapat (ed.), pp. 31-36; cf.

    W. Rahula, Theravda Mahyna Buddhism, in Gems of Buddhist Wisdom, Tan Teik Beng (comp.), pp. 454-455.

    10 Edward J.Thomas, The Life of Buddha as Legend and History, p. 166. 11 Kanai Lal hazra, History of Theravda Buddhism in south-East Asia, p. 25. 12 B. Jinananda, Op. Cit., p. 36.

  • 15 13 () 14 () 15 , () 16 17

    13 B.Jinananda, Op. Cit., p. 39. 14 Ibid., p. 37. 15 Charles S. Predish (ed.), Buddhism: A Modern Perspective, p. 26. 16 Vide W. Rahula, Op. Cit,. p. 455 17 Vide infra., p. 195-196.

  • 16 18 , , 19 20 21

    18 Cf. B. Jinananda, Op. Cit., p.44. 19 Ibid., p.42. 20 Pranab Bandyopadhyay, Op. Cit., p. 57. 21 Cf. B. Jinananda., Op. Cit., pp.44-45.

  • 17 22 23 24

    22 Cf. P.V. Bapat Principal Schools and Sects of Buddhism, in 2500 Years of Buddhism, P.V. Bapat (ed.), pp. 86-87.

    23 Ryukan Kimura, Hinayna & Mahyna: A Historical Study of the terms Hinayna and Mahyna and the Origin of Mahyna Buddhism, p. 13.

    24 P.A. Payutto, Op. Cit., p. 17.

  • 18 25 26 .. ()27 . 28 .

    25 Buddhism, Microsoft Encarta Encyclopaedia 2002, CD-ROM (3 CDs), 1993-2001, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    26 Nalinaksha Dutt, Mahyna Buddhism, p. 81. 27 Victor A. Gunasekara (ed.); BSQ Newsletter No. 10, The Buddhist Society of Queensland. May

    1998, (Accessed 21 April 2002). 28 Ryukan Kimura, Op. Cit., p. 45.

  • 19 () () () () () () 29

    . . . .



    . .

    29 Yajneshwar S. S., Mahynastrlakra of Asaga: A Study in Vijnavda Buddhism. p. 4.

  • 20

    . 30


    . ()


    . () () 31

    . 32 33

    . 34

    30 Cf. W. Rahula, The Heritage of the Bhikkhu; pp. 100-101, 137-138; K. Sri Dhammananda, Op. Cit.,

    p. 60; Phra Medhidhammaporn (Prayoon Mererk), Op. Cit., p. 119; H. Wolfgang Schumann, Buddhism: An Outline of Its Teachings and Schools, p. 94.

    31 Yajneshwar S. Shastri, Op. Cit., p. 106. 32 They are: (i) Sotpanna stream-enterer, (ii) Sakadgm once-returnee, (iii) Angm non-

    returnees, and (iv) Arahatta the worthy one, 33 Ryukan Kimura, Op. Cit., pp. 136-7; Yajneshwar S. Shastri, Op. Cit., pp. 115 et seq. 34 Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, Outlines of Mahyna Buddhism, p. 2.

  • 21

    . () . .

  • 22

    . (object-subject) 35 36 37 (Vincent Smith)

    35 (: , ) - 36 Vide Ibid., pp.. S. Chatterjee and D. Datta, An Introduction of Indian Philosophy, pp. 141-150 37 (: , )

  • 23

    .. , 38 ..

    38 Kannai Lal Hazra, The Rise and Decline of Buddhism in India, p. 57.

  • 24 .. () 39 .. 40 .. .. .

    39 Ibid., p.58. 40 D.L. Ramteke, Op. Cit., p. 46.

  • 25

    .. , .. , 41 .. .. .. 42 .. .. .. ..

    41 Kannai Lal Hazra, The Rise and Decline of Buddhism in India, p. 80. 42 Chaudhari Sukumar, Renaissance of Buddhism, pp. 410-419.

  • 26

    .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. 43 . (Babasaheb Ambedkar)

    43 Kannai Lal Hazra, The Rise and Decline of Buddhism in India, p. 80.

  • 27

    (-) . 44 .. . () (.. ) .

    44 D.L. Ramteke, Op. Cit., p.226.

  • 28

    .. . 45 . () 46 . .. . BBC () () () () 47 . .. ..

    45 Ibid., p. 179. 46 Ibid., p. 181. 47 G.S. Ghurye, Caste and Race in India, p. 92.

  • 29

    .. . . . . , . 48 .49 .. ,, .. .. .. 50 .. (.. ) .. .. 51

    48 Ibid., 93. 49 D.L Ramteke, Op. Cit., p.192. 50 .. 51 (: , ) -

  • 30

    - () 52 53 54 55

    52 Phra Brahmagunabhorn (P.A. Payutto). Thai Buddhism in the Buddhist World. Bangkok: Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya, 2005, pp. 84-85.

    53 .. (: , ) 54 Cf Sukumar Sengupta, Buddhism in South-East Asia, pp. 33-132; Kanai Lai Hazra, History of

    Theravda Buddhism in Sount-East Asia: With Special Reference to India and Ceylon, pp. 49-190. 55 Cf. Heinrich Dumoulin, Buddhism in the Modern World, pp. 104 et seq.

  • 31

    . .

  • 32

    . . . . .

    . . . .

    . . . . .

    . . .

  • 33

    . .

    . . . .

  • 34

    56 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

    56 . []

  • 35 ,, ,, % % % % % % ,, ,, ,, % () (Silk Road)

  • 36

    (Kingdom of Nepal) ,, (..) .. .% .% ( ,, ) .% .% (Kirat) .% .%

  • 37

  • 38

    .. 57 58 59

    57 (: , ) 58 59 .. (: , )

  • 39

    (Kingdom of Bhutan) , (Je Khenpo) , (.. ) % % .% .% .. (Phajo Drugom Shigpo) (Drukpa Kagyupa) (Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyel; .. - ) .. Tsongdu

  • 40 (Tsechu) 60 GDP GDP

    60 .().(: , )

  • 41

    (Taxila) .. .. - 61 (Peoples Republic of Bangladesh) " (Bangladesh)" "" ,, (..) .% .% .% .% ,

    61 (: , )

  • 42 .. .. .. - ()




  • 43

    (Sri Lanka) (Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka) .. ,, (..) % % -% .. ( ..)

  • 44 .. .. .. , .. ..

  • 45 .. - .. (Henry Steele Olcott) .. .. .. (F.L.Woodward) .. .. , 62

    62 http://www.geocities.com/sakyaputto/mbuddhism1.htm ( )

  • 46

    (Peoples Republic of China ) ,,, (..) - www.adherents.com , () , ,

  • 47 .. - .. .. ,, , (Bodhidharma) .. 63 " "

    63 http://www.geocities.com/sakyaputto/mbuddhism1.htm [ ]

  • 48 .. .. " " (Taklamakan) .. ""

  • 49 ,, .. , . .. , , ..

  • 50 .. .. . .. .. (.. - ) () Lotus Sutra

  • 51

    . .. (Shan tao) . . . , (.. -) 64 (.. -) (.. -)

    64 (: , )

  • 52 65 66

    65 (: , )

    66 (: , )

  • 53 67

    67 (: , )

  • 54 .. 68 .. ..

    68 (: , )

  • 55 69 .. (North Korea) (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea : DPRK) ,, (..) , (.%) .% , (.%) (South Korea) (Republic of Korea) ,, % % % - % (Nonbeliever in God) ,,-,, , ..

    69 (: , ) -

  • 56 .. , , .. .. -

  • 57 .. .. ) ) .. .. (North Korea) (South Korea)

  • 58 .. .. % .. ,, ,, ,, , , , , .. , ..

  • 59 - - (Japan) ,, (..) ,, ..

  • 60 (Suiko) ..- (Umayado) .. (Nara) .. - ..

  • 61 () (.. - ) .. .. .. .

  • 62 . .. - . ..

  • 63 .. (.. - ) . . . .

  • 64 . . . " " . . (..-)

  • 65 . ( ) (Soka Gakkai) - Squad Squad Company Company District District Religion Chapter (Tibet) ..

  • 66 .. , "" (Land of Dharma) , , , , .. (.. - )

  • 67 (.. - ) .. (.. - ) (Nyiangma) (.. - )

  • 68 .. - (Lamaism) (Dailai) (.. - )

  • 69 .. .. ,, .. . . . (Lamdre)

  • 70 . , ,

  • 71

    . .

  • 72

    . () . .

    . . . .

    . . . . .

    . . . . .

  • 73

    . . . .

  • 74


    70 (Kyrgyzstan) (Tajikistan) (Uzbekistan) (Turkmenistan) (Kazakhstan) 71

    70 (: , )

    71 (: , ) -

  • 75

    (Anatolia) (Asia Minor) (Islamic Republic of Afghanistan) ,, (..) % .% .% .% .% .% (Taliban) .. , ,

  • 76 (King Ashoka) (Kipin) (King Milinda) (Menander) (Menandros) .. (Gandhara Style) (King Kanishka : .. - ) ()

  • 77 (Bamiyan) .. ,

  • 78 . . . .. ( .. ) () , 72 ( ) 73

    72 (: , ) 73 (: , )

  • 79 .. - 74 .. .. -

    74 (: , )

  • 80 () ..

  • 81

    (Cambodia) (Kingdom of Cambodia) . . ,, (..) % % 75 , (.. - )

    75 .. (: , ) -

  • 82 (.. - ) (Angkor Wat) (Angkor Thom) (.. - ) (..) .. .. - .. - , . , , , , , ..

  • 83 , , , , , () .. .. .. .. (.. - ) (.. - ) .. () " "

  • 84 .. .. .. (Buddhist Socialism) .. .. .. (Pol Pot) ,, " "

  • 85

    ,, , 76 77 , .. (Kingdom of Cambodia) ..

    76 (: , ) 77 (: ,


  • 86

    (Union of Myanmar) ,, (.. ) % % % .% .% , , "" (..)

  • 87 (Sri Ksetra) .. (Pagan) .. (.. - ) .. (Shwedagon Pagoda)

  • 88 , , , , , , (World Heritage) UNESCO , .. .. - ..

  • 89 .. (.. - ) , (.. - ) .. .. .. ..

  • 90 .. .. .. .. .. .. (Lao Peoples Democratic Republic) ,, (.. ) % % (Animism)

  • 91 .. (.. - ) (.. - ) ..

  • 92 .. - .. .. .. .. .. .. ( ) . . () . () . () . () . () . () . () .

  • 93 . . 78 (Vietnam) (Socialist Republic of Vietnam) ,, (..) % % 79

    78 (: , ) 79 (:

    , )

  • 94.. 80 .. (Meou-Po) .. .. - (.. - ) (.. - )

    80 .. (: , )

  • 95 .. - .. .. (Trinh) (Nguyen) .. - , .. .. .. ()

  • 96

    .. . .. (.. - ) ..

  • 97 81 .. (Indonesia) (Republic of Indonesia) ,, (..) % .% - .% .% ,, .. 82 (Borobudur) (Kedu) . . (Krom) "" " + " . (Statterheim) "" "" (Budue) (Minangebau) " "

    81 (: , ) 82 ... .. (: ,


  • 98 "" "" "" " + " " () " (..- / .. - ) (Sailendra) .. - .. - (Angkor Wat) .. - ... , 83 .. (Sir Thomas Raffles) .. - ..

    83 (: , )

  • 99 .. 84

    84 (: , ) -

  • 100 85

    85 -

  • 101



  • 102

    . () .

    . . .

    . . . . .

    . . . . .

  • 103


    . . .

  • 104


    (Kingdom of Thailand) .. . % . % . .

  • 105 .. - () ..

  • 106 .. "... ..." 86 () .. .. () .. " ()"

    86 . (:

    , )

  • 107

    .. () .. - .. .. - , 87 .. .. " " ..- .. ,

    87 . ( ) -

  • 108 , , .. .. -

  • 109 88 % .. " "89 ..

    88 (

    ) 89 (: ,


  • 110

    (.. - ) .. () .. ..90 .. ( . . - ) 91 - - ..


    (: , ) - 91 (: , )

  • 111 " " ( . . - ) 92 , , .. .. " ... ( ) "

    92 ( .. ,)

  • 112

    (..-) .. "" .. (..-) .. .. .. , .. .. ""

  • 113 .. .. ( ) (.. - ) .. .. .. (..) .. .. - .. "" .. (.. - ) .. - , .. ""

  • 114

    (.. - ) . .. . , .. .. ... .. .. .. "" (.. - ) - .. .. - .. (...) "" ""

  • 115 , - ... .. ... .. ,, % -

  • 116

  • 117

    / -

  • 118 , / () () () () () () , , ,

    . .. (.. ) . ..

  • 119

    . .. ... ..

    ( )

    .. ... .. ... .. () .. ... .. ... .. ...

  • 120 / / / / .. .. ( ) .. ..

  • 121 .. 93

    93 ( ) (: ,

    ) -

  • 122


  • 123

  • 124

  • 125 .. .. ( ) ..

  • 126

  • 127 94

    94 Phra Brahmagunabhorn (P.A.Payutto). THAI BUDDHISM IN THE BUDDHIST WORLD.

    Bangkok: Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya, 2005, pp.137-154.

  • 128

    . .

  • 129

    . .

    . . .

    . . . . .

    . . . . .


  • 130

    . . .

  • 131

  • 132 95 (Pali Text Society) .. (Light of Asia) .. .. .. ..

    95 Phra Brahmagunabhorn (P.A.Payutto). THAI BUDDHISM IN THE BUDDHIST WORLD. Bangkok: Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya, 2005, p.158.

  • 133 .. .. (Charles Henry Allen Bernett) (The Light of Asia) (Sir Edwin Arnold) .. (International Buddhist Society)

  • 134 (W. A. Purfust) .. .. ..

    . ( . ) . .

    .. .. . . . . . . . 96

    96 (: , ) -

  • 135

    .. (Society For Buddhist Mission in Germany) ( Leip- Zig ) (Karl Seiden Stuecker) ( Anton Walter Florus Gueth ) .. ( Fritze Stange ) (Walter Markgraf ) .. ( Breslau) (German Pali Society ) .. (League For Buddhist Life ) .. .. (Martin Steinke) (Community around the Buddha) Tsihia Shan (Thunanda) 97

    97 (: , )

  • 136(Zen) .. 98 .. 99

    98, (: , )

    99 -

  • 137 .. .. .. 100 .. 357,813 1.9 % (Buddhists and Buddhism in the United States) Robert Wuthnow Wendy Cadge 3.8 % ..

    100 . .( : , )

  • 138 .. .. 5 % 900,000 30 0 % 500 21

  • 139 300 Perth 9 () Buddhanet bswa.org webcast Perth Perth Buddhist

  • 140Center webcast Perth Mouse Perth 2 240 20 583 1 Perth Victoria Melbourne Buddhikusuma

  • 141 ( )

  • 142


    .. .. 102 (The Italian Buddhist Union) UBI (Milan) . 1985 (The UBI)

    101 .(, ). . . () [] 102 (: , )

  • 143 UBI ( 4 ) UBI 22 50,000 10,000 10,000 UBI 3 UBI 36 () 103 104

    103 .(, ). . . () [] 104 (:, )

  • 144

    105 1451 (Buryatia) (Kalmykia) (Tuva) 17 (Datsun) 19 , , , (Agvan Dorjiev) .. 2478 .. 2491 (Ivolga)

    105. (, ). . . () []

  • 145 .. 2540 ..

  • 146 .. .. 2441 .. 2540

  • 147 20 4 4 500 250 150 34 19 4 .. 2480 200

  • 148

    .. 60-70% 1 12 10

  • 149 70% .. 4 3-4 (.. ) 15

  • 150 .. 2540 4 .. .. 2551 10 1 () .. . .

  • 151 .. , . . . . - 106 (Worlds Parliament of Religions) .. (..) () .. .. ( )

    106 ( ) . []

  • 152 ...... ...107 .. .. () () () ( ) .. () .. Buddhism in America . (Convert Buddhism)

    107 ( ) (: , )

  • 153

    . (Immigrant Buddhism) (Ethnic Buddhism) . (Asian-AmericanBuddhism) () Issues in American Buddhism . (Import Buddhism) (Elite Buddhism) - . (Export Buddhism) (Evangelical Buddhism) . (Baggage Buddhism) (Ethnic Buddhism) . The Faces of Buddhism inAmerica Zen Mountain Monastery, the Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Sooka Gakkai International-USA, the Buddhist Churches of America, His Lai Temple, the Insight Meditation Society, Spirit Rock Meditation Center, and Shambhala International.

  • 154 . .. ..

    . (More Conservative in Immigrant Communities) . (Insight Meditation Group) . (Monastic-led) . (Gender Equity) .. () . (Social Engagement) .. . . (Mindfulness-Based Engagement) (Seeing then Acting) (Social-Based Engagement) . (Intra-Inter Dialogue, or Pan-Buddhism) (Do not be idolatrous about or bound to any doctrine, theory, or ideology, even Buddhist Ones.)

  • 155

    . Luminous Passage : The Practice and Study of Buddhism in America Ethnicity, Democratization, Practice, Engagement, and Adaptation.

    , (Cybersangha) Cybersangha Silent Sangha, Virtual Community Cybersangha ( ) () ()

  • 156

    (Lay Sangha) .. .. , , , 108

    108 http://www.geocities.com/sakyaputto/mbuddhism1.htm ( )

  • 157



  • 158

    . . . . .

    . . . .

    . . . . .

    . . .

  • 159

    . .

    . . . .

  • 160

    ,,, ( ) ,,, () ,, . 109

    / ,, % ,, % ,, % ,, % ,, % ,, % ,, % ,, . % ,, . % ,, %

    109 ( ) . []

  • 161 ,, (- ,,, ) ,, () ,, () () ,, () (Mass Identity Crisis) Prebyterian (Buddhistic Modernism) / . Buddhistic Modernism: Present Situation and Current Trends (Re-Discovery)

  • 162 (Monastic Life) (Lay-Daily Life) (Early Buddhism) (De-Mythologization) () () () () (Scientific Religion) - - () (More Practical Issues than Theoritical Issues) () () () ()

  • 163 ()-Optimistic -Pessimistic () Activistm Inactivism - (Engage in Social Works) () () () () (Social Philosophy, Philosophy of Equality)

  • 164

    (Democracy in Buddhist Society, Democratic Society in Buddhism) () () ( )

  • 165

    (Buddhist Nationalism) (Buddhist Mindfulness) Mass Meditation (New Trends in Contemporary Buddhism) . (Green Movement) . (Buddhist Nationalism)

  • 166

    . (Re-Assertion of the Teaching and Values of Traditional Buddhism) () () . (Radical Return to the Root of Buddhism) .. .. .. ..

  • 167 ( ) .. .. .. . (Renewal of the Ideas of Forest-Monk) , , . (Revival of Samatha Meditation) . (Revival of Ritualism and Spread of Tantrayana) . (New Type of Buddhist Syncretism) ()

  • 168

    . (Re-Mythologization of the Buddhist Tradition) . (Buddhist Feminism) , (Buddhism of Equality) (Lay-Oriented) (Gender Equal) . (Exploratory Buddhism) (Post-structuralism, or Postmodernism) (Hermeneutics)

  • 169 . (Community-Oriented and Socially Conscious) .. .. . , .. (Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement) Unto This Last () Plum Village ()

  • 170

    . . . .

  • 171 . . (Materialism) (Consumerism) . . () . . . .

  • 172

    . . . . . .. . ..

  • 173 (Buddha Jayanti) (Vesak) Vesak Spirituality , (International

  • 174Day)



  • 175

    Anguttara Nikya, ed. R. Morris and E. Hardy, 5 vols., London: Pali

    Text Society, 1885-1900. The Book of the Gradual Sayings, tr. E.M. Hare and F.L. Woodward, 5 vols., London: Pali Text Society, 1951-1955.

    Dgha Nikya, ed. T.W. Rhys Davids and J.E. Carpenter, 3 vols., London: Pali Text Society, 1890-1911.

    Bandyopadhyay, Pranab.The Voice of Buddha: The Eternal Truth. Culcutta: Punthi Pustak, 1988.

    Bapat, P.V. (ed.). 2500 Years of Buddhism, 6th rpt., Delhi: Publications Division, 1997.

    Chatterjee, S. and Datta, D.M. An Introduction to Indian Philosophy. 8-9th rpt., Calcutta: University of Calcutta, 1984, 2004.

    Dutt, Nalinaksha. Mahyna Buddhism. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1977.

    Ghurye, G.S. Caste and Race in India, 1979; rpt., Bombay: Popular Prakashan, 2004.

    Hazra, Kanai Lal. History of Theravda Buddhism in South-East Asia: With Special Reference to India and Ceylon. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1982.

    Hazra, Kanai Lal, The Rise and Decline of Buddhism in India, New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1995.

    Kimura, Ryukan, Hinayna &Mahyna: A Historical Study of the Terms Hinayna and Mahyna and the Origin of Mahyna Buddhism. Patna: Indological Bok Corporation, 1978.

    Kalupahana, David J. A History of Buddhist Philosophy: Continuities and Discontinuities. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1994.

  • 176Narada. The Buddha and His Teachings. Malasia: Buddhist Missionary

    Society,1988. Payutto, P. A. The Pali Cannon: What a Buddhist Must Know, (tr.)

    Somseen Chanawangsa, Bangkok: S.R. Printing Mass Products, Co. Ltd. 2003.

    PhraBrahmagunabhorn (P.A.Payutto). Thai Buddhism in the Buddhist World. Bangkok: Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya, 2005.

    Prebish, Charles S. (ed.). Buddhism: A Modern Perspective. Delhi: Sri

    Satguru Publications, 1995. Rahula, Walpola. The Heritage of the Bhikkhu. New York: Grove

    Press, 1974. Richard F. Gombrich. Theravda Buddhism: A Social History from Ancient Benares to Modern Columbo.

    S., Yajneshwar S. Mahynastrlakra of Asaga: A study in Vijnavda Buddhism. Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1989.

    Sengupta, Sukumar. Buddhism in South-East Asia. Calcutta, Atisha Memorial Publishing Society, 1994.

    Suriyabong, Luang. The Universe in the Light of Karma. Bangkok: Mahachula Buddhist University, 2502/1959.

    Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro.Outlines of Mahyna Buddhism. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2000.

    Thomas, Edward J. The Life of Buddha as Legend and History, New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1992.


    Britannica 2002 Deluxe Edition, CD-ROM (3 CDs), Copyright 1994-2002 Britannica.com Inc.

    Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2002, CD-ROM (3 CDs), 1993-2001, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

  • 177The Concise Oxford Dictionary (COD10), CD-ROM, Oxford

    University Press 2000, Oxford: Oxford University. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, CD-ROM, Oxford University

    Press, Oxford: Oxford University. INTERNET SOURCES

    A. Gunasekara, Victor (ed.), Basic Buddhism: A Modern Introduction to the Buddhas Teaching, Third Edition April 1997, The Buddhist Society of Queensland, (Accessed 23 April 2002).

    , Victor (ed.), BSQ Newsletter No. 10, The Buddhist Society of Queensland, May 1998, (Accessed 21 April 2002).

    , Victor (ed.), Humanism and Buddhism: A Comparison of the Doctrines of Humanism and Buddhism, Considering their Similarities and Differences, The Buddhist Society of Queensland, (Accessed 21 April 2002).

    http://www.geocities.com/sakyaputto/mbuddhism1.htm(Accessed 20 September 2011)

    . . (). : ,.. ( ).: ________.. (). : . . (). :

  • 178 . . ().: . .() : . .(). : , ... .. . (). : . (). () : . . (). : . . (). : ..(). : . . (). : . (, ). . . () () ( ). 4 ()