Мастеркласс по gtm на google event

Проведем 70 минут с пользой! 10 минут теории 20 минут делаем Measurement Plan 40 минут практики

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Проведем 70 минут с пользой!● 10 минут теории● 20 минут делаем Measurement Plan● 40 минут практики

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[email protected]_3-23

google.com/tagmanager и google.com/analytics

GTM-59L85S UA-61497996-1



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Немного теории

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Структура GTMКонтейнер – основной блок кода, хранящий все теги (устанавливается на все страницы сайта)

Тег – фрагмент кода, который мы хотим имплементировать на сайте

Правило – условие активации тега

Макрос – переменные уровня данных

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Типы Тегов и Макросов

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Google Tag Manager позволяет отслеживать шесть типов событий:

Типы событий

✓ Прослушивание кликов (gtm.click)

✓ Прослушивание отправок форм (gtm.formSubmit)

✓ Прослушивание кликов по ссылке (gtm.linkClick)

✓ Прослушивание таймера (gtm.timer)

✓ Обработчик ошибок JavaScript (gtm.pageError)

✓ Обработчик событий истории (gtm.historyChange)

+ вы можете писать собственные обработчики событий

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В кастомных макросах и тегах можно ссылаться на свойства объекта DOM, или сам объект

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gtm.element.nodeNameExample return value: IMG

gtm.element.valueExample return value: Simo AhavaWhat it does: Returns the value of the element. This is useful if you’re tracking input elements on your forms (with e.g. blur, focus, or change), and you want to send an event every time a form field has been filled.

Data Layer Variable Name: gtm.element.hashExample return value: #chapter1What it does: Returns the hash (if any) of the element href. So if the link was to /this-page/?internal=true#chapter1, gtm.element.hash would return #chapter1

Data Layer Variable Name: gtm.element.pathnameExample return value: /this-page/What it does: Returns the path in the element href. If the link was to /this-page/?internal=true#chapter1, gtm.element.pathname would return /this-page/

Data Layer Variable Name: gtm.element.searchExample return value: ?internal=trueWhat it does: Returns the full query string of the element. If the link was to /this-page/?internal=true#chapter1, gtm.element.search would return ?internal=true

Переменные типа dataLayer

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Data Layer Variable Name: gtm.element.parentElementExample return value: (object), extend further with some property of the parent elementWhat it does: Returns the direct parent of the element, and you should extend this macro further to access its properties (e.g. gtm.element.parentElement.id returns the value stored in the ID attribute of the parent tag)

Data Layer Variable Name: gtm.element.firstChildExample return value: (object), extend further with some property of the child elementWhat it does: Returns the first direct descendant of the element, and you should extend this macro further to access its properties (e.g. gtm.element.firstChild.className returns value stored in the CLASS attribute of the child tag)

Data Layer Variable Name: gtm.element.nextSiblingExample return value: (object), extend further with some property of the sibling elementWhat it does: Returns the next element in the DOM tree which is on the same hierarchical level as the element, and you should extend this macro further to access its properties (e.g. gtm.element.nextSibling.nodeName returns the tag name of the sibling tag)

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● beforeunload – Fire a listener when the window, the document, and all resources are about to be unloaded (e.g. when someone is closing the browser window).

● blur – An element has lost focus (e.g. the user has left a form field). Note, this doesn’t bubble by default, meaning a listener on the document node won’t be able to catch it. To activate event delegation, you’ll need to set the last parameter in thedocument.addEventListener() call to true instead of false.

● change – The value of an element changes between receiving and losing focus (e.g. the user enters a form field, types something in, and leaves the field).

● click – A click is registered on an element (use GTM’s Click Listener instead).

● contextmenu – The right mouse button is clicked.● copy – Text is copied to the clipboard.● cut – Text is cut to the clipboard.● dblclick – A double-click is registered on an element.● focus – An element has received focus (e.g. the user has left a

form field). Note, this doesn’t bubble by default, meaning a listener on the document node won’t be able to catch it. To activate event delegation, you’ll need to set the last parameter in thedocument.addEventListener() call to true instead of false.

● keydown – A key is pressed down.● keyup – A pressed down key is released.

● mousedown – The mouse button is pressed down.● mouseenter – The mouse pointer is moved over the element

where the listener is attached. Won’t really work if the listener is on the document node.

● mouseleave – The mouse pointer is moved off the element where the listener is attached. Won’t really work if the listener is on the document node.

● mouseout – The mouse pointer is moved off the element where the listener is attached or one of its children.

● mouseover – The mouse pointer is moved over the element where the listener is attached or one of its children.

● mouseup – The pressed down mouse button is released.● orientationchange – The orientation (portrait / landscape) of

the screen changes.● reset – A form is reset.● scroll – A document view or element is scrolled.● submit – A form submit is registered (use GTM’s Form

Submit Listener instead).


var eventType = "change"; // Modify this to reflect the event type you want to listen for

if (document.addEventListener) {

document.addEventListener(eventType, {{generic event handler}}, false);

} else if (document.attachEvent) {

document.attachEvent('on' + eventType, {{generic event handler}});




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CSS Selectors rules (GTM v2 only)

.thisclass Matches if element has class “thisclass”

.thisclass.thatclass Matches if element has class “thisclass” and class “thatclass”#thisid Matches if element has ID “thisid”#main .navlink Matches if element has class “navlink” and is a descendant of an element with the ID “main”div#main > .navlink Matches if element has class “navlink” and is the direct child of a DIV element with the ID “main”:checked Matches if element is checked (radio button or checkbox)[data-title~=”chairman mao”] Matches if element has attribute “data-title” with the string “chairman mao” somewhere in its valuea[href$=”.pdf”] Matches if element is a link (A) with a HREF attribute that ends with “.pdf”.contactmail:only-child Matches if element has class “contactmail” and is the only child of its parent


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Что вообще можно делать?

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Так выглядят реальные контейнеры

И да, там ни строчки кода GA/dataLayer на сайтах. Все отслеживается “снаружи”.

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GTM трюкиCustom HTML tag fired on GTM load

<script>var checkzoom = function(e) {

if( e.which === 187 && e.ctrlKey ) { dataLayer.push({'event': 'zoom'}); }

};document.addEventListener('keydown', checkzoom);


Начиная с какого разрешения экрана пользователи разного возраста пользуются CTRL+?

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MAILTO + &cid on Google Apps Gmail

Revenue from the mailto: links

MP: http://www.google-analytics.com/collect?v=1&tid=UA-8202998-27&t=event&cid=1732166662.1421823610&ec=client&ea=new&ev=3420000

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● top - Detail view● 500px - Checkout● end of the article - Transaction

jQuery custom listener + chain of events + custom html datalayer pushes + enhanced ecommerce tags

Custom Scroll Listener

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Вызов транзакции в GA и Метрике одновременно

По 1 правилу - два тега

1) сustom html tag

<script type="text/javascript">yaCounter179064.reachGoal('Home', yaParams);</script>

2) тег Google Analytics, тип transaction

GTM трюки

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GTM трюки - проигрывание видео на сайте

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GTM трюки - клики по маркерам на карте

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Пример расширенных сегментов

ссылка в ротации по clientId.

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ClientID traversalhttp://surveygizmo.com/s3/1933094?sguid=12324233.123123123

Пример расширенных сегментов

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Собираем объект для расширенной электронной торговли по кускам

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Если товаров много (например, в корзине)

var products = new Array();for(var i=2; i<document.getElementsByClassName("sale_basket_basket zero")[0].getElementsByTagName("tr").length-1; i=i+3) {

var b=document.getElementsByClassName("sale_basket_basket zero")[0].children[0].children[i];var name = b.children[0].getElementsByClassName("m5")[0].innerText;var quantity = b.getElementsByClassName("quantity")[0].children[0].value;var price = b.getElementsByClassName("price")[0].innerTextproducts.push({'name':name,'quantity':quantity,'price':price});}

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Отправляем Product Impression с указанием списка (также покупают, подойдут) по мере попадания продукта в зону видимости

var productPosition=0;

$(window).bind("scroll", function() { $(".name_carousel:in-viewport").not('.impressionSent').each(function(){ $(this).addClass('impressionSent'); productPosition=productPosition+1; dataLayer.push({'event': 'impression','list' : $(this)[0].parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.className


(function($) { $.belowthefold = function(element, settings) { var fold = $(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop(); return fold <= $(element).offset().top - settings.threshold; }; $.abovethetop = function(element, settings) { var top = $(window).scrollTop(); return top >= $(element).offset().top + $(element).height() - settings.threshold; }; $.rightofscreen = function(element, settings) { var fold = $(window).width() + $(window).scrollLeft(); return fold <= $(element).offset().left - settings.threshold; }; $.leftofscreen = function(element, settings) { var left = $(window).scrollLeft(); return left >= $(element).offset().left + $(element).width() - settings.threshold; }; $.inviewport = function(element, settings) { return !$.rightofscreen(element, settings) && !$.leftofscreen(element, settings) && !$.belowthefold(element, settings) && !$.abovethetop(element, settings); }; $.extend($.expr[':'], { "below-the-fold": function(a, i, m) { return $.belowthefold(a, {threshold : 0}); }, "above-the-top": function(a, i, m) { return $.abovethetop(a, {threshold : 0}); }, "left-of-screen": function(a, i, m) { return $.leftofscreen(a, {threshold : 0}); }, "right-of-screen": function(a, i, m) { return $.rightofscreen(a, {threshold : 0}); }, "in-viewport": function(a, i, m) { return $.inviewport(a, {threshold : 0}); } });


Visibility обработчик


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Делаем из хлебных крошек Enhanced E-commerce Product Category


"Главная > Каталог > Шторы > В гостиную > Комплект штор для гостиной Antonio-S 123206770"

document.getElementsByClassName("breadcrumbs")[0].innerText.replace(/\s>\s/g ,'/').replace("Главная/Каталог/","");

"Шторы/В гостиную/Комплект штор для гостиной Antonio-S 123206770"

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Инструменты дебага

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Проверка валидности хитов в Measurement Protocol

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Google analytics Debugger

● включает расширенный лог в консоль, заменяя analytics.js на analytics_debug.js

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Tag Assistant by Google

● показывает какие теги присутствуют на страницах и нет ли синтаксических ошибок

● для GTM контейнеров показывает какие теги были запущены через него.

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● А создался ли сам объект ga?● Выполняются ли функции?

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Если MP отправляется из недоступного вам куска кода

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Инструмент отладки

1) Отладчик GTM

2) отчеты Real Time

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Какие теги сработали при выполнении действия

Инструмент отладкиДействие при отладке

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