how many times does jesus in the gospels quote the old testament? can you guess? he was very...


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Page 1: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books


Page 2: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament?

Can you guess?

He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books.

From 600 and 3,000 direct quotes, paraphrases, allegories to the OT in Gospels and other writings of the NT.

NT quotes Isaiah at least 85 times

Jesus is recorded reading the bible to his listeners (Lk 4: 16-20)

How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament?

Can you guess?

He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books.

From 600 and 3,000 direct quotes, paraphrases, allegories to the OT in Gospels and other writings of the NT.

NT quotes Isaiah at least 85 times

Jesus is recorded reading the bible to his listeners (Lk 4: 16-20)

Page 3: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

He stood up to read and was handed a scroll of the prophet Isaiah. He unrolled the scroll and found the passage where it was written:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.” (Is 61:1-2)

Rolling up the scroll, he handed it back to the attendant and sat down, and the eyes of all in the synagogue looked intently at him. He said to them, “Today this scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” (Lk 4: 16-20)

Page 4: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

6 times (Sermon on the mount) “You have heard it said to those of old... Do not commit adultery. But I say to you.... ( Mt. 5:27-48 )

He challenged others: “If you are Abraham’s children do as Abraham did” (Jn 8:39),

He challenged who distorted the Scripture :“You are wrong because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God (Mt 22:29)

6 times (Sermon on the mount) “You have heard it said to those of old... Do not commit adultery. But I say to you.... ( Mt. 5:27-48 )

He challenged others: “If you are Abraham’s children do as Abraham did” (Jn 8:39),

He challenged who distorted the Scripture :“You are wrong because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God (Mt 22:29)

Page 5: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books


Read together

”Do not imagine I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets.

I have come not to abolish them but to complete them. For truly I tell

you, until heaven and earth disappear, not one dot, not one little stroke

is to disappear from the Law until all its purpose is achieved.”

Page 6: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

New Testament born out New Testament born out need to evangelize need to evangelize

First Christian Communities needed to :First Christian Communities needed to :

proclaim their faith (Catechesis and Mission)proclaim their faith (Catechesis and Mission)

Celebrate (Liturgy and Sacraments) (Phil 2:6-10)Celebrate (Liturgy and Sacraments) (Phil 2:6-10)

Reflect (Theology )(Acts 2,42)Reflect (Theology )(Acts 2,42)

New Testament born out New Testament born out need to evangelize need to evangelize

First Christian Communities needed to :First Christian Communities needed to :

proclaim their faith (Catechesis and Mission)proclaim their faith (Catechesis and Mission)

Celebrate (Liturgy and Sacraments) (Phil 2:6-10)Celebrate (Liturgy and Sacraments) (Phil 2:6-10)

Reflect (Theology )(Acts 2,42)Reflect (Theology )(Acts 2,42)

Page 7: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

Fathers of the Church: special characteristics:

Preach and live the values of NT

Unity of God Creator of OT & God Redeemer of NT

Reflexion in looking for synthesis: Faith & Life, Science & SalvationTo service God’s People (Chrysostom &


Fathers of the Church: special characteristics:

Preach and live the values of NT

Unity of God Creator of OT & God Redeemer of NT

Reflexion in looking for synthesis: Faith & Life, Science & SalvationTo service God’s People (Chrysostom &


Page 8: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

“St. Jerome, a Father of the Church (347- 419 AD) Bible centre of his life:

He translated whole bible into Latin,

He helped establish the Canon of the Bible he commented on it in his writings, he was committed to living it concretely”

“St. Jerome, a Father of the Church (347- 419 AD) Bible centre of his life:

He translated whole bible into Latin,

He helped establish the Canon of the Bible he commented on it in his writings, he was committed to living it concretely”

Page 9: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

Sacred Scripture (SS) has become The Book of the Church:

Feeds prayer & Evangelization Mission first translations of Bible into local languages

But there was also the sprea of Aristotle’s philosophy & rationalization of theology

SS no longer main fountain for theological reflexion, as in first centuries.

Centrality of Bible starts to fade with the rise of new schools of

systematic theology (Thomist, Augustinian...) (Bishop Santiago Silva CELAM-The Word of God in Church and its Ecclesial Life)

Page 10: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

Trent - Counter Reformation positions response to Protestant Reformation: with its emphasis on Bible

only and local language translations

Trent excludes translations except Vulgate because of Protestant versions & positions

It allows some translations of the gospels

but it restricts distribution of SS in vernacular for the ordinary people

The Bible was first book off the Protestant printing presses (Gutenberg 1450)

From 17 to 19 centuries Bible familiarity & personal use was Bible familiarity & personal use was lost to Catholics. lost to Catholics.

Church continued with the Word of God liturgical

celebrations. (Bp. Santiago Silva)

Page 11: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

At that time there was great emphasis on the observance of:

Sunday Mass,

Communion at Easter time,

Penance expressed by fasting, abstinence and frequent sacramental confession

material support for public worship

Page 12: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

Promote: Translation, production & distribution of Bible in vernacular language or for sale at low price

Biblical Renaissance of the Bible

Growing Consciousness: importance & function in Church life. Thanks to:Patristic studies, Catechetics, Liturgy. Divino Afflante Spiritu (Pius XII,1943) new Bible translations

– from original languages- instead St. Jerome Latin Vulgate

Page 13: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

It was commonly said that:

while celebration of Sacraments, especially Eucharist, was characteristic of Catholic Church

reading & interpretation of Bible characterized Protestant world.” (Bishop Santiago Silva ,General Secretary of CELAM CEBIPAL)

It was commonly said that:

while celebration of Sacraments, especially Eucharist, was characteristic of Catholic Church

reading & interpretation of Bible characterized Protestant world.” (Bishop Santiago Silva ,General Secretary of CELAM CEBIPAL)

Page 14: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

Renew & Evangelize: Read together please:

““The joys and the hopes, the griefs and The joys and the hopes, the griefs and the anxieties of this age, especially those who are the anxieties of this age, especially those who are poor or in any way afflicted, these are the joys and poor or in any way afflicted, these are the joys and hopes, the griefs and anxieties of the followers of hopes, the griefs and anxieties of the followers of Christ.”Christ.”

(Pastoral Constitution on The Church in the Modern World ,1)

Page 15: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

Summary of content in a phrase:

“God by Christ (Dei Verbum)

Saves people today (Gaudium et Spes)

In a community (Lumen Gentium )


sacramental signs (Sacrosanctum Concilium )”

Summary of content in a phrase:

“God by Christ (Dei Verbum)

Saves people today (Gaudium et Spes)

In a community (Lumen Gentium )


sacramental signs (Sacrosanctum Concilium )”

Page 16: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

“All scripture inspired by God useful for: teaching, refutation, correction, training in righteousness,

So, who belongs to God may be:competent, equipped for every good work.

(2 Tim 3:16-17) (cited in DV 11)

“All scripture inspired by God useful for: teaching, refutation, correction, training in righteousness,

So, who belongs to God may be:competent, equipped for every good work.

(2 Tim 3:16-17) (cited in DV 11)

Page 17: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

“The sacred Synod forcefully and specifically exhorts all the Christian faithful ... to learn the surpassing

knowledge of Jesus Christ’ (Phil 3:8)

By“Frequent reading of the divine Scriptures,

for ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ” (St Jerome, DV 25).

“The sacred Synod forcefully and specifically exhorts all the Christian faithful ... to learn the surpassing

knowledge of Jesus Christ’ (Phil 3:8)

By“Frequent reading of the divine Scriptures,

for ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ” (St Jerome, DV 25).

Page 18: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

“...all the preaching of the Church, as indeed the entire Christian religion, should be nourished and ruled by

sacred Scripture” (DV 21)

“...all the preaching of the Church, as indeed the entire Christian religion, should be nourished and ruled by

sacred Scripture” (DV 21)

Page 19: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

““Lectio Divina”, medieval monks’ tradition, found spiritual Lectio Divina”, medieval monks’ tradition, found spiritual nourishment in Sacred Scripture nourishment in Sacred Scripture

One version One version to answer 4 questions after personal reading or to answer 4 questions after personal reading or community proclamation community proclamation biblical passage biblical passage(Several versions)(Several versions)

FFirst:irst: What does the text say? What does the text say? Second:Second: What is God telling me in the text? What is God telling me in the text? Third:Third: How I respond to what the Lord tells me? How I respond to what the Lord tells me? Four:Four: What will I do now?What will I do now?

Page 20: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

This Document

Contains abundance of timely pastoral guidelines,

Explained wealth of reflections in light of faith and contemporary social context

Theme Theme :

“Disciples and Missionaries of Jesus Christ, so that our peoples may have life in Him”

This Document

Contains abundance of timely pastoral guidelines,

Explained wealth of reflections in light of faith and contemporary social context

Theme Theme :

“Disciples and Missionaries of Jesus Christ, so that our peoples may have life in Him”

Page 21: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

Lets read together:

“The Word of the Lord abides for ever, this Word is the Gospel which

was preached to you”

“I encourage all the faithful to renew their personal and communal encounter with Christ, the

Word of Life made visible and to become his heralds...”

(Introduction - Benedict XVI 2010)

Page 22: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

Verbum Domini (2010)Verbum Domini (2010)Biblical Animation of all Pastoral Life (ABP(ABP))

This does not mean adding a meeting here or there in parishes or dioceses,

but rather of examining the ordinary activities of Christian communities, in parishes, associations and movements,

to see if they are truly concerned with fostering a personal personal encounter with Christencounter with Christ, who gives himself to us in his word.”

(VD 73).

Verbum Domini Verbum Domini called for a greater “biblical apostolate”, not alongside other forms of pastoral

work, but as a means of letting the Bible inspire all pastoral life”».

Page 23: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

AEC Bishops priority 2013-15 APM April 2013, in Guadeloupe

to make the Word of God, central to their commitment to the New Evangelization of the region.

To give priority to the study, meditation and mission

flowing from the Bible,

AEC Press Release 24 April 2013

AEC Bishops priority 2013-15 APM April 2013, in Guadeloupe

to make the Word of God, central to their commitment to the New Evangelization of the region.

To give priority to the study, meditation and mission

flowing from the Bible,

AEC Press Release 24 April 2013

Page 24: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

AEC Bishops established Committee forABP headed by

Bishop E. Lafont , Cayenne. Objectives:Objectives: organization & implementation of ABP seminars in interested


distribution of relevant information on ABP and solid but simple Bible study guides,

training opportunities for catechists, religious, deacons, priests, etc. in ABP

AEC Bishops established Committee forABP headed by

Bishop E. Lafont , Cayenne. Objectives:Objectives: organization & implementation of ABP seminars in interested


distribution of relevant information on ABP and solid but simple Bible study guides,

training opportunities for catechists, religious, deacons, priests, etc. in ABP

Page 25: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

Guadeloupe ABP seminar by CELAM Gen Sec. B. Santiago Silva to AEC Bishops (19 April, 2013)

Bogota: ABP Training workshop 4 participants from AEC (1-12 July 2013)

Lima: 1st ABP Congress 11 participants from AEC including Bishop Lafont AEC-ABP Committee Chair (5-8 Aug 2013)

ABP Encounter 4 bishops 72 participants of AEC Castries province (10-12 Dec 2013)

ABP 40 delegates from AEC Region 1st Encounter Jan 2014 TT Encounter in Tabaquita, 60 participants, TT March 2014 Encounter in Barbados, May 2014 Encounter in St Vincent, June 2014 Regional ABP Encounter May 2014 TT

Guadeloupe ABP seminar by CELAM Gen Sec. B. Santiago Silva to AEC Bishops (19 April, 2013)

Bogota: ABP Training workshop 4 participants from AEC (1-12 July 2013)

Lima: 1st ABP Congress 11 participants from AEC including Bishop Lafont AEC-ABP Committee Chair (5-8 Aug 2013)

ABP Encounter 4 bishops 72 participants of AEC Castries province (10-12 Dec 2013)

ABP 40 delegates from AEC Region 1st Encounter Jan 2014 TT Encounter in Tabaquita, 60 participants, TT March 2014 Encounter in Barbados, May 2014 Encounter in St Vincent, June 2014 Regional ABP Encounter May 2014 TT

Page 26: How many times does Jesus in the Gospels quote the Old Testament? Can you guess?  He was very familiar: 84 times, from at least 16 of 46 OT books

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