- i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.bfy ot^cjz!h?..iabj...

' \ . ' 1 rocv»i/ed QAJilcJ till. Qjtrumant i»u - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.B...fy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ' . al ..... ^7..<^clock ...iC.lt., pvmunBnt iilea . ' at M;^s=t!la Coimtr. StaU o( MwUaxc ^no i^.....r2<^..^-: ?«u ':".;.:': :'•••••.:'• : • • . • i •':; ••••'• :' ••''•• • ' i •'•'^ ••..','• ' ' ; • '"'•••••. i I I

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Page 1: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

' \ . ' 1 rocv»i/ed QAJilcJ till. Qjtrumant i»u- i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.B...fy otCJZ!h?..iabj• ' . al.....7..<clock ...iC.lt., pvmunBnt iilea. ' at M;s=t!la Coimtr. StaU o( MwUaxc

^no i^.....r2<^..^-: ?«u

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Page 2: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

••••'"'- • • ' • •'••- - • . • • ' • ' . -

••(••'* m i° ..uw Aprnved alcck "orm—State Publlihtag Co, Helena, Montana—50551 ilfflBl ,;.

File No T /if R T'^'" ;^-MotnAm , — " 7 •

DUPLICATE fte'ct^Qf,-:.,, to^JmtaMadOU. |LOO . ' 1/ r f;. STATE OP MONTANA *


~ (Eiev. above sea leveL ) Notice of Completion of Groundwater \

~ Appropriation by Means of Well \~ ; DEVELOPED AFTEB JANUARY 1, 1962 %

0-5 Gravel and Clay (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended) 5, . 5

' OwneEmmat.t...OE..£vAlyn..Gillw«tlress.Huoon,...Montana- j.5 Static water J

~ level Draier...G*JCa.C.«.. Drilling. AddresBQX..6?.0j,.J4iatMmla j

• Date of Notice of appropriation of groundwater. m-xtmm \— 5-28 day I"

Bate well startcdAUguat..lB.>..J.97Oate completedAUgUat.-2.5*....1970 '•

— Type of welL DCiUed. Equipment uscdClUlZ!n...drill. $;: (Dug,driven, bored or drilled) (Churn drill,rotary or other) f

. 28-29 Brokan rook and Water use: Domestics Municipal D Stock • Irrigation • '

. ' — water Industrial • Drainage • Other D

Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different stratamet with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show

29 Exact depth Of depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearingbottom strata and height to which the water rises in the well.

Sin of 1 SUe and Pram T<i gnnmunnvi \Drilled WeWU <FM) ITM) rERFORATIONg jHole orCKlm Kiwi From To \

SUe (red) (Peel)

6" 6" 1?# 1 up 29 —-- —— —— |



I * Static Water Level for non-flowing wellj a4i i ^ .feet.

— j j Shut-in Pressure for Plowing WelL..5>.r.?r.....

— N j^QO tJJ>S~ ! j Pumping Water LeveL 15 feet . <v

— Filed for WCOrt .* . u * j ' 1 b at *5 Bal Per minute. - ._ thif (S day tt,/WnF-c'"' • ! i Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well .' ;_ A.D. »_Z^~,«t-ii2^: . j J. .......---- j '

O'dOCfc £LM* j j jjow Tested.....!CeB.t...pUiap.

~ ' '• 1 i 1 Length of Test. 2..JlQJUXa | .•'•''

Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, pack- |

\ Z. ^C.~Sec^..T.^.j2:^78'type0f8bUt0ff) "~" || Indicate location of well and ? '

place of use, if possible. Each •••small square represents 40 j , . /acres. \

" i /

, „ „ „ (Continue on reverse side) t .*'

USE—If uspd for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state j . ' . |numli r of acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- 'tion). I •' •

i ' ' 'i LnaaaJ Show exact depth of bottom. I

j I185 •• ; This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the ~--••••••-••;--•"••• "••••-•• ;-•; County Clerk and Recorder in the county in which the well is located, tissue copy to be Driller s Incense Number • |* ' retained by driller. /J/> sr ^///^ -*?Pleaso answer all questions. H not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be «".,,""T""A" ". 'returned. Driller's Signature.

Page 3: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

• • • • . • . ..... . • •- -^1

. <. •'

I-m$vw>j*v!—...r. _ ,. ............ ••••., . .. ......r.--.--.T.-."'"v.r.-""."rvr;i:.-'.Vr:.:r-.-.-.^-T.,-,.,>eO , , 300HfS- •P . ••:;-,• ' ; " ? 7 7 •

. '•' t iKetrtd aaa ijltd thUJnatnmmt it •-'••• •• -• • ••"•• ••= • ' • • ,..-•..-...• . .-*.•.-. .^. "xnwaxoHmMOTMi «'' :>«eord on &a..j.8:!Z<Sar oi>7fc«JS..7/.. _ ' _ r „

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U . 1 , ... S| a

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Page 4: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

. OW 2 ''V.. ApprOTed Slock Form—Stale PnbUlhtof Co, Helena, Moouna—50351 igjjp a '. |

FfleNo ^^c^--v T...^T._.B....i?:.^r:..._. _™. I

DUPLICATE %o, ."eO ° Comty.^/^d^f.1?^^. *



~ (Kiev, above «ea level ) Notice of Completion of Groundwater :

~~ n . - Appropriation by Means of Well ;'— 0-63 Gravel and elay developed after January i, 1962 4

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended)

— £nnnatt or -59 Static water l8v«lowner...._fly«lyn...Qilb«rt _Addrcss.Hu0On»...Mflntana. \

— , , Drmer_.jC*Kj.C».. .Drilling AddressJflX-lS.7.&»..J!IiRB.Q.Ula •(63-67 Broken rook and f ,

yellOW elay Date of Notice of appropriation of groundwater. mstumm. « '— (water cones in *

** 63*) Date we)! started.Q.C.t.»...15«....lS.7.Q~Date completed.0.O.t.*_.A9j_~15.7P.~. ;

— Type of welL....Drillftd .Equipment used...Churn..drJQJL V '(Dug, driven, bored or drilled) (Churn drill, rotary or other) 'j.

67 Exact depth Of Water use: Domestic B Municipal Q Stock • Irrigation D ]— bottom Industrial J~\ Drainage n Other • {

— Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different strata imet with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show •'

— depth at. which water is encountered, thickness end character of water-hearing Istrata and height to which the water rises in the weli !|

ibTaf i Sin ud From To pramwiTinNi u IDrlllNl Wdibl <FMt> (P«0 raBFOKAHONS jjj |Hoi. ofCBln. KM rnm He {• . I

SUe (FM) M "'

~ 6" 6" 17# 1 up 61 — —— —- f ' <

6" 5H 1^# 61 67 Burned 61 67 ?i ~ 1/8x4 »

• - __l 1 i

N Static Water Level for non-flowing well i • .

I - I I &| \ I 59 feet, f

) j j Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WelL...r.-S.... |

_ Doc. No.^300t77 j I Pumping Water LeveL 59 feet | - .

— S?**/7?*Lr' /rffiefl w 1 1 r a* :....1.<L. gal. per minute. j

\^n 1O "7/ tit l! 3o i ! Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well \

^'/-Ine^ P M. •! -i TSSS. ^

i _ | j How Tested fiftUST. I

~ I '• 1 ! ' Length of Test...?...hO.UT.«l. f ' I

Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, pack- {

1 ^%......Sec^...T.^^erMypeOfsh^^ """- \\ Indicate location of well and - ] . i\ place of usn, if possible. Bach jI small square represents 40 I • J

__ acres. , • 'j ^

j M . (Continue on reverse side)

! USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state •' — number of acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- '

• •. ! tion). :\ _ m--~- ij mm.^, Show exact depth of bottom. " ;* 18.5. ' This form to be preparsd by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the «"n™TT«r''".Tv«mfc«'' County Clerk and Kecorder in the county in which the well is located, tissue copy to be UnUer s Uicense NumDerretained by driller. spy , 7//// /' Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form wfll be ~~7™'~—•3-1^- ™ ^—returned. Drillers Signature. ;L "• '

Page 5: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

. • )

... i- '

•:•.'•., •• ,.• ^.V 30,0V?1/ '' " ' • •• -" * >..•--.• •:,..^r",B:,.,.;.Wv.J,.,;;-•;.,; r : -- r; - - - .. . .. _ __ J__ ~ :

•. Cjx«r«T«3 lidUimi tbii iBxtnmaa tat ! ; ' i I./ .•: «W«d on M..I.S3r..dar <22«*ifl>US.?/.. '" -•-•-<--•« ... • • . . . . . ';'•,.• .-•... «.../J30 fl'diik./?..JI« pBnnanant HIM . • .<• ..••••,«.. M,._.,..Wa '""""•'"•"•"»«~~«»~i«»u.«ao«»ni».-i' ••'.'. of Mluonla Codsrv. Srire o« J-'oataiia ' I

•i • ;': •'•'.'.•.'.; ' Wttams mv £aaa ;•; / . g g" « q ,".'',' • ; Virmot S. CrouM. Coorii? Aacordu ' *( S n i>'•••••..•'•••,••-'' Bf7n.-i.rr;&!!ftSijHfH»> .Dtpan _ * ^ B I-.st' , r^ i.iL..0 LJiitafciu*--. •••.'• ? 9 3 "S

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"• ' •' i • ' • *•••••'•"


« ;


Page 6: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER


__; __ , _ _ _ l _ J

I IS&lZZXSSS"* ^4*e-... Cou-*_-___aAB ?

I STATE OF MONTANA ,., '''"'< * >*k DRILLER'S LOG 'f ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE , ' . : . Xnl*SL •(_ ,(,.r ,*., i«, .w,i, s| MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD *•-... " ^ g ? J l f T ? ^ SST |

NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER < -,„ gravel, shale, sandstone, etc Show

Developed .fter January 1, J962 "

(Under ChapUr 337 Monttn. Settlon Lawt, 1961, »i .mended) Top of Ground iBCT. ,,-_ M ltwp !I Th!» ;fonn to bo prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed mm I t. I j

by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in <***" ***" __jwhich the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. _J2_. _ _ik32._^ JPleaie amwftr all qoe»tlom. If not applicable, to state, otherwlte the ~ ~' "?7~ "* """ *" *"*" "*1form may be returned _32_ _ J*CaXftl_aQiLjBia3L > <

Zi_! IOwner iimaat-^..MCCOllum.....p^ Adfnlni>trat0,t Ute I JiL. — • .55ilLJttttEaaJtaU—j !

| Address JS.t*..2*...xiii3fliifc Fiie«3^iZ 4.^.^?M£, -3&- . .i31a*«_ecaxaL-aEd j

ttjontana— p**zt<...£?.f,s?Z3- j

Dats well started .S.ep.t....l^j....iaZ bw 1 l?.Jp$.E^l. \

\ completedaftp.ti....^liL..ia?2 !

Type of well Qrilledl „ ,'(Oiil, driven, bored or drilled) _^__ ' •

Equipment used fih.UrX)...{JxilJL j(Chum drill, rotMy or oilier) _____ _____ j

Water Utec Domestic B Municipal fj Stcck D Irrigation • '!

Industrial Q Drainage D Other O* Garden/Lawn D ' !, -t

USE; If used for Irrigation, Industrial, drainage or other. Explain, "T""*state number of arres and location or other data (I.e. Lot, Block ———-.— _-._——.——.—.——-.—. , (

and Addition) mwmmrr. _, „_. ._ ____; •, j i

ESTIAATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL .~2.,.5D.Qt.Q.QD...g0llQXiaM M JwiS? inS Jin PERFORATIONi --—-----—------—--——-—HMD Of CMWfl - •—•••-•• .•_••_••_• •MMMHIHWM--—'••—I»M—«—•

I KM Prom T« ____________________| Uf (PmU <P«ei> "~~~ — — — — — — — — — —

i 6" 6" l?yj 2 up 88 —- ZIZIZZ !"....~T 1i ___..___ __________________ ii i I. j '

n ====== i. .I I H j I Static water level .7.4-.....,.. ft.* '~~~ i

! ! j Pumping water level ......7.9. ft.* \! \ —•! at .12. gallons per minute. |

' i measured ..6O..mlnutes after pumping.___ ___. .„.___„.___________ !! I began. _________ _ |

w I j B Measured from ground level. \.I j Well developed by Jj;as.t...piimp.... *" i , /

1 I j for ....10 hours. jI ! I Power...!?."!.-. Pump...-.-.--...... HP J ' /

\ ' Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, ____ ___, _________________ J •''* — — — * - — — — — > packers, type of shutoff) "* ~ ~~~ "" *"*~ ;

U.U..V4 m&a sec..2.a '~zz::z"™"~izz !T /£. NR..J13 X '


Drillers Signature .....L.4i*^^.^^^..1^ia^ '

* Driller's Address ..G.i'u».ll»...nEllling*...JR«.QJi...^QX....'3.7.Qj I 1 ' '

kisflD.ula»..iJ.Qn*ana license NO___k§i *&— show eX8Ct depth of botton' i


Page 7: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

. I received end filed this Instrumtnt (orf record on tho_i»EE3»/ofI£ sal9'.li „ . : ' '

«t \to : 3 tx'rlnrlcft M , purrrmnunt filmof Mlisoula County, State of Montana • 'Witneis my hand: " '.

V Dorothy 1. Head. Cmmty Recorder . • 'ByCV »^ .-'•_,, .cVJf - -ft ;O«p"<y • '-'Fas « a.nti .i Piild ^ >

•'. • -' • -. - ' •'"••

: E!; •"! I i QljT!;; • i ' ! I : ,

• • M.! !•

• • : i i I !

- 4 • .

Page 8: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER


r* ' «.•"•"*GW *

j Approved Slock Form—Scale rabUikliv Co. Helena, Mamuu—4lf]l (OH ' II MONTANA WATiS RESOURCES BOARD . .-) i» File No..._. R E C E I V E D !-JgJlLx^MML~gLL ;

I dtohoajtb MAR 2 Q .g70 countyJttiwsaiU . :


(Her. above im uvei. ) Notice of Completion of Groundwater I

I "o Appropriation by Means of Well . i

_»* Sand It QraV«l (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1$*1) |

5* *«d* Water cwAMMAJWL- uta^-^HKJK* _„__ ! j

^l Drmer^JWm..!tawai address 1^M.....J*SI$

j _£0* Sltt* OUjr Dste of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater ,

-50' Date wdl .t8rted....»l«?^..?..l?67.J)ate CompletedJ*^!»J» ISgL- |79* Obngr Hit lr «At«r ! •

! ~tm Type of welL_.a«lU.«l Equipment U«ed--^«H:..MUL :i - " W«r» 4rlT«n, bored or (Chora, drill, rotary or •. ,

8?* BLV» OCUV drUM> other) i

09* Water Vie: Domeitio fi Municipal Q Other D Irrigation D122* Ot««a Sttd li »Jhit«r Industrial • Drainage D Stock D •

X22* ^^ Indicate on the diagram the character and thiefcnen of the different1^1 BltM tttm-m itrata net with in drilling, such at (oil, clay, ahale, grairel, rock or land, ate.•S?* •*'*• w ™ Show depth at which water ii encountered, thickneai and character of water- jlaB* bearing Btrata and height to which water risei in the welL

uo* a*d oa«y , ! '' =r «w«f MaM VMM T» wmmrnwatiTtwtm

1«\| md* w<WMof ctm) mi nmwoKAimm

lj^t Broro 8mA It «»t«r 5" <5">SS*#) 0 1351 «»- »-> vm , ' 1

A55 tettrse taid ?•« QrecvA W«tor '

1 — a_ N Statio Water Level for non-flowing Well .•?. feet.

! u I ; 1 I T~l i 1: — ,....!.....! '. ! ; j Sbnt-in Prewnre for Flowing Well— ~ -....._...«...„.„........_™.

—i—;....; —I—;—j— Pumping Water Level J.. ...feet at .??. gaL per minute, j '

"! j --,--. , ^ 1 Diaoharge in gal. per min. of flowing W61L..._.........« , , , ,, :

I I I j ^ ^ . ^^ ^^^ ^^ Length of T«ft..M-.55?. .. !

'•':': • i i Remarks (Gravel packing, cementing, packer*, type of ihutoff, loca- iI _ ....j j j j j — tion of pUce of u»e «f groundwater U not at wells and any \

_ ....!....! L .! i ; other eimilar pertinent information, including number of Ii ; i i i j j 1

— ' ' ' 1 '• ' b—' acres irrigated, if used for irrigation) «

— /&%/lfe^Seo..r?.£ T/.«V KiiaxO. __ _ ^ |j ,'•'Indicate location of well and "" ' ' j;place of use, if possible. Each ____ _ _ \

— small square represents 10 acres, * ' "" ' ' " <5.

"' - I *hl< //Jf>ynf. ^/^y DriUe'rV'Liccn.e'Namber" fy

i -elock_y_M. Drier's Signature :

4 This form to be prepared by driller, and three copiea to be filed by the o inter with the County Clerk and Recorder •in the county in which the well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.I ' Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofI Mines and GeologT and Quadruplicate for the Appropriates. / / /

Page 9: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

/.*• . Ci _ _ : . _ _ _ _ .,... _ '• '•, : : : •' . I I !»-.«»«.• •>.' Mlnrf ttM tnetrmatw • - - - - - - . . . . ^

•' •'• ; Lr /;. id »-l-J;k-S /'H, o- ••••'"• <*- ; •- .'.•,... 1 m m wi-'. lv.-~.-. :•- .-•'••• r • ; • • .• ^ • I

A' • : %•• • •* I -'- - ' . •: I V..i •-.-.-• L ->J » '•""'• l*-"-«»- • • , i

, ,. . . . I

'• (

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I * •

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!! • - • • ; . , . ... !1 I

! '


! • '•I - ' .

! ••• •' "• ._ i

i .




Page 10: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

OWJ Appro** Stock FBim-S-K IMblUtat Co, Hdo-. Mama——KM) <^)^1

•j RIeNo , T.../S" ,R **• £j *

j DUPLICATE flmnity. MlOTOTHln 1


I ~ I (8i«r. «imt* im bvd ) Notice of Completion of Groundwater i

I r I Appropriation by Means of Well| -___ I _, DEVELOPED ARBK JAKUART1, 10M !v xr QMCT _____________t — (Under Chapter 23? Montana Session Law*. 1961, at amended) ,

_»• !! 97* BMfftag and & **•* 0wn«r».SB7..JJLT.fiftA«r. Addr«i Mla8..flllft_aw«fc-_™. ij ~_«» i

-yr Driller «TataJBttT«LL Mdnsi-._U-_Ufc_- ito* <a«y-4 Date of Notice of appropriation of gronndwater. i

- 110?* Sllty GX«9 Date weU >tarted- ****oa, 17-197D--D»te oompieted.Hareh..ZL_197D— ,

I W5* Type of well_._ItelU«i Equipment ""^flyip! nTlll i1 ltt)t Una Stmd Ir Water 'Du*' ""•*• •or"1 w drilled) (Chnnirill, rotU7 or othtr) rI ~* . Water me: DomeitieX] Municipal n Stock Q Irrigation • i

[ !?0f IndMtrial D Drainage • Other D ^

( - 153* Vkttr tVgnnnd Indicate on the diagram the character and Ihicknew of the different strata fmet with in drilling, inch at toil, clay, ahalf, . • Wei, rock or aand, etc Show Jdepth at which water 1» encountered, thicknsik. -dd character of water-bearing |strata and height to which the water riass in the well. T

i — . ij - m m wit* <r«o trm mnmAnmn j

~ «•» fi" 17W 0 IB * ^ w

_^___ _^^__-^ _____ _____________ '

— N Static Water Level for non-flowing well I I

| j -, .a-feet. I

j _ Doc. No.__2___i____ -i Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Wellj _ Filed for record j Pumping Water Level ...J. .feet

II _ this—____day of__^_<____.w K at 15 gal. per minute.

| — A. D. 19_Z___, at—f/7._?f?,_ ' ' Discharge in gal. per mln. of flowing wellI - o'clock_____--;,i.

! ~~ j How Tested I'WIP' •

i - ' - . •• I I I Length of Test _• <&o_T ••

> — Ecmsrks: (Gravel packing, cementing, pack-

i - /^_t%__a«__.T__:B__t ««-typ««'f'1>nto«) ,I _ Indicate location of well and 5: place of use, if possible. Each :I - small square represents 40 5I acres. . ................................. /j ™~ tI _ " "" l /) ..„ , ............ ......... ...(Continue on reverse side) \ .'*j *!. USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state i• _ number of acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- '

tion). !

___J «ww «o»ct _»pth of bottom. 11111111JIZZZZZ1ZZZZT™' IZZH ' \This form to be prepared by drfller, and thwe copies to be filed by the owner with the nri'i'w7r^iiirVmnW !Conntr <S«k and Recorder to tbe county In which the well 1» locsted, tlura. copy to bo *>n™T « License Number* retained by Orttler. /I/) *Plean antwer sll quetUom. U not applicable, so rtate, otbenrl»e the form will be ._-JjK^/.---ZS»s^£««=_=..,.,,„,,•« Ufillerb oignature.ntwnM- / .7/ j?a*r~•

Page 11: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

\. , ^ * t * « * ~ . . :• i .. . ;

fl ~™ •

1 rtcmlria 3ud Ulmd lilt iaatram* M.i ' m»rd 9£ .'no ..«?*?...day •< /&wwt.!9..yXc

«/*.•.*• .o'Tloct <ijiu pmHiM «J"of Mluoulc Ciunry, St«« M MaMiriaWitc««s ."sv =adV«rama«. Cniin. Causy »«ord«

«r f»/f,«_y-« -^ ,D«ii«iff»« t.... •—>•— -•*•« I

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\ , M0M,:,!.i •.•,-.-,il; | Z^OU.-.CrC 3OARD

j .. '• . R t! C Z i V E D

j : • : APR 2 9 1970

1; •r*rf- " ......... ..._..^^




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— — _ . <

Page 12: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

Owl Afprewd Hoc* Perm—Sine P«Mt«Ht C». Httea. MuulllM Cttt ^ * * ' I

Pile No STATP V'MTTi CONSl^nON BOffltl T._..15I R..._?.« g.\ :

DUFLI0AT1 JAW CO 1367 CountyMSfoia*.


m h h Top of Oitmad S .'" — '" " OrfrMua OF STATE EKOOnCES

(Star, atef* «m itrdjS^mZ JfrotiPBrof Completion of Groundwater

~ refMticMu Logi Appropriation by Means of WellDEVELOPED AFTEB JAXUABY 1, 1002

0 - 10 Tan allty -. ~~ elay with (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1981)

-/ •«•• graval Kaasy F. »/ori ' It . «ixed in, 0wberJL«l.J.o...ARlKf.r.S9]ll i^rr- "fllfli WmittffimiB i

lfi - 42 Taa ailty eelay. n*iu. Llhartw rj*»lHl«g Ca.kAA~. Minil., *»•*«•«

„ k» - kk Fin* brwm•and. SoaM Date of Notice of appropriation of gKrandwatfir...Jtaam...£lJL«a\

~ «il*y r/nfr, , ,_ %% - 67 Gray allty Date well «tarted...3/lD/65 Date completecL.5/X9/s5

elay with a Cabls Toola— f«w saattaraBTP* °' well—DrillaA Equipment u*ed..jL._Ba\taca>

Cravvla ($mt, Drlwn, bond «r drUled) (Onun drill, rotary or athar)slxcd la* Water we: Domeitle S Municipal D Stock 9 Irrigation(]

67 « 70 Piaa gray Indmtrial D Drahuge D Other Q ;— sand. T«ry Indicate on the diagram the character and thiekneat of the different strata

•llty* Vatarmet with in drilling, inch at ioil, day, ihale, grarel, rock or aand, etc. Show— with foul depth at which water ii encountered, thickneH and character of water-bearing

odor* itrata and height to which the water riiea in the well. ;

70 - XO8 Gray sllty «.^ I ••>•< I — i t. I'' ' " '••— elay* phm w*k vmo wm *""***""*_ 100 - 110 Oravol "* -<**« «- I «-- I *•

ill browa 6" 6 3/»" *H" OD_ elay. OD x V.* *1H 195 Shop p< rforat >4 sot

110 - 113 riao brown I'm" 171*8" *»3•and. Som allty porfon tloaa t«m

_ rator. ?*1 ? »113 - 136 Brokaa groan aad • «23 **7 {

~ gr«jr roek* Taa i n ' I < I I • i , • . m— >llt? eI*jr *" " Static Water Level for non-flowing well

oraek* aad i ; 1 \ 1 _•~ aoasa* I ~.*.Afl .....leet.— 136 - 1*3 Gray reek. j ! Shut-in Prewure for Flowing WellMoo>4C_

8««y «l«y i« | 1 Pumping Water LereL...-3W <•«»eraeko aad ! ' ^^~

_ aoaju* w — i i • at AH gaL per minute. •143 - 155 Browa aad j j Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well |

_ thin altoraato ! ! « ». , «_ ^^ 'layors. Gray | X i How Teit«L.Pa«p...To*t. ;

~ elay la craekol I I Length of TeitEaur...haaea. ,~ ... ... *•*•••••• • Beraarka: (Gravelpacking,cementing,pack- •- X35 - 530 Dark gray roek. * ^ ^ u * l i ^ J ! V . .

•m.^ •foTiS'^^Mu11^ "»??-A?^."|jrro._izi:0-...to ••oaaa at plaee of we, if poa»ible. Each *"*••*. tlaor £• porforat-815 to 233 w"^ •<!«•" repreaenta 40 •< frooa- 21"tv"233-»ad"froai •

_ t, j%5 to 44ofcrM> ...422 .to ..*47«—T«p-oX..-lla«r-i-oPlekod up ?*lf*.4. Ott* 1°. *a.!*f 7 ?.!:.* f';11* ?*! f.?s ..?.?-.#. *••

~ noat watar or<lor''t'o'fici'Iil'iti -£ -a];];a ga-" --- .-St 440*. d«w»i-B«Tnanr-wrcablo-. All- (Omn&M fiiwm*. » )

m—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state_ „ •_ _j . j_ 4fc. _,, number of acre* and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi-

wator rxooa &a to* woix tion)— 18 foot rron ourfaoo* T ' «-_._

„ .ft.fJB._ASJCfJL__-_ _.I_J Show «aet depth si bottom ~^Z~~Z~.,'.,, , , "~ I'll 'Bottoai of hole 539'ThU fora to U prepand far drflter, and Itoos eopiea to be filed by th» owner wfth the rMiwrri'^S^Vn'mil'IiCooiitrCaerkairfB««d«rtattaeoiiiitytowWdittawenbleeated<ai c Driller i Lieenae Number1 retained by driller. t ».M , C i \ Arrtomed. DnUer'a Signature

Page 13: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

. / . • •

, '• I /, 77 -:: — /Z?-_ - _ .... .

- ,: -sr^s:^4&H • • • • • • .-.;•. . ..

"• PalH I • r ' > • ; .-. r . ••• •- ;.-•• ro ;• :. r-r sjiv • n « %i «:.^ >tii ' ; ——-—_J ••••>{•,- .• . !••.•.•• .•:••„••••: •-; :"; w, r ¥' - K"' r- ;• :* i« .*• r r *••

1 .". ' v1'-'.-. ••• • .:;.'';; -;. ••"•••• ';!:«:uAl:$-: - - ^ i W : '

i . v • :• i" • "L- •:•• -i '• ::?; %u^* ij --I j

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: C r:S,,-:^r;::: ' ^: «f ^ •; ": ! L__i.

••• (.^mtt : • ,, r • ... ;-| f|;s3 .^

\ . • :, -:s; /-Si-:/ ". • :: : •.••: • ^: ?5 u ;I ' : ..• '.:.• ':- ''' "' 'I. ••• '• - . -_• •..• • : ' - ' "•'•••• , " '? - ; ' 'I

Page 14: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

i - /—; - : •• ..-••.•*. .• " '........-.'.".• 4 ^| OVl' I :. Approred SlockForm-SlMe PublUhtaj Co, Helen., Monum—«5«4i . g >3I File No.. ._ T.JA..I..:_R..JBKH. 2 \ ::

..I • • MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD ' • . • •*I »tIKJOATE ( R E C E I V E D County..JttM«U r;I • •. IOO .,M STATE OP MONTANA j?; JUiJ I' iSba . ADMINISTRATOR OP GROUNDWATER CODE *-.I r """T?Top of Ground OFPIOE OF STATE ENGINEER ;$ ' _• • * l ' • • ' ,' . • T§ Eiev. above sea levetHMDfz^ Notice-of Completion of Grpuridwater •*I ~ O o \ ^ Appropriation by Means of Well • !•I - T ' DEVELOPED APTER JANUARY 1, 1963 »! ~ — I (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session, Laws, 1961) V:

Owncr...XlNaAC...ft&..IIi)MV... .Addrcs3..MWg»»..lte».1hia>-...-.... • • •-?! - ~ ' ! „ , ;•. .•.••••••.• •.•$g — v Driller.. fl^??*. .Address ...........u.... 1 i*| ~~ \" Date of Notice of appropriation of groundwater..~_.*:?lf.»...!b<...*?8?. If

I H Date well started..?i$.»..M«...!!!*W...Date corapleted...fi.t.«...iBjL...WM. if' — \) ; • ^ ; . "> .. . '' — Typo of well JMUULfA Equipment used—H5!R..1?S?*........ fi

' ' • i • A (Du?, driven, bored or drilled) (Chum drill, rotary cr other) /~ L "Water use: Domestic0 Municipal D -..'.'.to'ck • Irrigation; D '

• — • |p— ' Industrial Q Drainage • 'Other • . " f.• rftr Indicate on the diagram the character and tbieknMs of the different strata ,*

*Jv* rf" mot w*t'1 "* drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel; Tock or sand, etc. Show •' ';;« — * Sf t, A • depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing . >i •

M jfi Btrata and height to. whjch the water rises in the well.-.:! |4 . . She of Slit and i From T« : •'" PEBmn .nnx,, ' J • •

— —jf" "* DiUW WdfW OF««I) (Fed) ,, PEBPORAT1ON» JI " Hole of CMbl i - 15a* i j I iJ " i

— V*" .'0 : •• n Static Watef'ji«^a.:for non-flowing'weU {~ a\o j I ; I p I .P'^ -Jtl—.»fcct. j1 T • j " i Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WelL 'i

_ | ! Pumping Water Lt\& .ftS feet _ aj -„ ' I — at.;...,?Rr..... .:.....:...»gal* per minute. !t >4." ! j Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well ] ;

~ ... jl i HowTcsted....l«fli»*...l».iik... | jj ~ I ! J ! Length of Test.. *...*•??•.•...... ., j( — . •-•• ~ .••_.••• ' Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, pack- j •

'• — Indicate location of well and ...Cft»if....«f»...«fBi*fil*f4..."i. S|. place of uso,. if possible. Each Platt*d tV •OVf*f • Ve«Old«A 'f - sma square represents 40 j t a j S S s ^ t ^ ^ t e Z Z Z Z Z |

1 '', -(Continue on reverse side) '< /• ,(,•." USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage pr other.. Explain, state ^ S j• — " \ " number of acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- < .: tion). . • •."•:'•;•;;: • 5 • :

• : LkmJ Show exact depth of bottom. . ..'*.'..; ; , i

! i' • • .''.. ''•':;- " 'I • • •:•.:•;

' -' i This form to be prepared bv driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the • ••••—•••—•••••»•»• =•i County Clerk and Reorder ii\ the county in which the well is located, tissue copy to be Driller s License Number : >

i ' ' retained by driller. - |• Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so Btate, otherwise the form will bereturned. Driller's Signature. - . ;•

• • i

it - ._

Page 15: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

• • .• •• •• • I '

•"• - j • ' . .<.,''••

. • ^^ Xr*'**-- • - .- ' • ••-;• -:- —- -_-_----_-•M , " -• : • : • ) ' i«! ^m received and tiled thls.Imtrumtnt lorM iRofd on th»J2JSiar WjUu»j9:.l».J. , , - ••-*•*•"-••">«•"•"'•'-"• • *» --w-mw-mm-w .j

^ M at...J.!.tf.4...tfcU>ck...f?.M..(pi!TaaBentJf{M — '•« V T5» 1 »>L. ' " ^ I *s-v ;S si Misooulc Csunty, State. 0/ Hoaiaxji) . ~' - »rr- .^- -**f- "i-" WJ^ *~*3| • WKiuis my fcaii- . _-i '--'«,*. I -* *w5 ! • V«raina« fl. C.-ouse, Coontv fiscaider • n»- jJ \ __ . vf**" ~7"

- « f« t..A.-B.a •'*p°<feL/~-^ ' "O

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•I -,••••• ' • ... ..: :;<x. z. n ".\ • - -.-. • ;. v 7::- • •• *: . , % ''•• .g; : I ;

! • ;; .:• • ''-:: • • ; . : l'l :l #• s * -:< •• •• ?• •-•' ••" - ^ : ;; :;- - ." t * 1

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•-.*•••" , . ' .. • , "• •' I

: -:•- i

Page 16: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

!' ,.- ~ • $ =« jS*j gw 2 Re»Kd iw !->—,„ County..-—... rt, _..<5

STATE OF MONTANA ..**--* - ^ l< '.• !,, DRILLER'S LOGi ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE "7,1 v n ini whn. o. ,)»»<« m1n, .hi* -

MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD ^ < '•> ^ ^ £ ^ 1 ^ . £ £ J

NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER' T" rr :t OF lOrayel, shale, sandstone, etc Show lAPPROPR.ATJON BY MEANS OF WEL^ ^ ' g * J $ * £ J ^ j j ;

Developed »ftar January 1, 1962

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Sewlon Uwi, 1961, »» amended) Top of Ground (BCT. .w «. i.«p jThis form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed I ftm I To I Iby the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder In the county in "'**" <rw0 \which the well Is located, last copy to be retained by driller. ^ g^y \Please eniwer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the ~C~ "* i•form may be returned * ffll, ,wJ «y»«jl !

Owner •*«l«d-JU-**»-J»fc»-r^>r Adm,n,5tf.tor., Use "1 -^T^- *%$•*th '*"* °f j

Address Wao-M-U*-Road f£aa23j32tl£25L --^|---- .Boek-.ad.tli-MMMi.ttC. .|

itaamir-MonUBft %u./(/W2::..&3I>.q,.»- ^& —--m»> j

j Date well started S«pW -8^ 1972 GW 1 1

; completed Swt-lk*-l97z\ I = • 1

. j Type of well DriUod- —• ———•™',I (Dug, driven, bond or drilled) ^imm m1mlm^ ij Equipment used Chttm-drill •• — 1i (Chora drill, rotwy or other) ___ _^^ |, Water Use: Domestic g] Municipal Q Stock D Irrigation Q !

Industrial • Drainage Q Other Q* Garden/Lawn • " 1

USE: If used for Irrigation, Industrial, drainage or other. Explain, \~~~\; state number of acres and location or other data (I.e. Lot, Block —•• •—— — — — — — — — — — . j

j and Addition) mm~m '•I


S3.2 I *&St (^ I <&> PERFORATION.ICIld From To _ _ _^_^^^_^_____^___Slit (Ftel) (Fad) '" • " — — ^ — ^ - ^ — — — — —

I 6" 6* 17i 1 up 48 — — — T..

N . —— —— ——.—————— _ I

I j I j I Static water level J?. ft.* '""" "" |I I Pumping water level ...iff. .ft.* t 'J 1 at 6 gallons per minute. *""* *" |' I measured .ft.mlnutes after pumping.___ ___._________________ % • '

; w j ! - bea«n- " 1 " I I?: i ! 'Measured from ground level. _ %! i j Well developed by Sailer ^

J J for if. hours. $ , . /I 4 I Pnwor—r— Pump..——... HP I /'"I I Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, • /

' — — — — * — — — * packers, type of shutoff) ~ ~ ""*" ;mmmm _ ___ '

..£....•%,£&..%$*:.£.]. ,T....V-.S: N R...j..Sr..... 8> '



/' [ Driller's Signature .L<Md^!}$£&^ \

* ' i Driller's Address .C,K»C.-l»lllilHJ#-P.0*--BOX..6?fl# -^- -L — '•

Mi-MOU3Ar-»»*aB» UCENSE NO 1&$ W« Show ex8Cf dePth of bottom"


Page 17: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

'•'"'' I T«xlrw(l and phd Iblt Inftrumuir torr«w «n ih«™/&...dar oi...i?W.fr. 7-2 ' .-a.._B..iCn?£Veiock..<!,M., pumunani NJm u . i/ -

. Wltaut nr sand . • ' '

ft I—i$Lj»*Z~ Paid <UL*/^. .'•,..

• .' .T It

.•.'•'••• I •:. • .. . . |I t. , • i

I- ' ' I

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•*' l | • • t '.

i . •• . ••. •:. ' • • ••; •:

i . • • . • . i

7: \ • [ : : ': :!

i •' •••'"•'' .V.' "» ' •

I j ' '

.'•..* I ' . * ' .. >'' 'y '" '" ' ! '''""*' ' " '



',•'••"' • ' i• • 1

Page 18: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

a- . . Jo

1 OW1 I STATE WATER CONSERVATION BOARD Approved Slock Form-Sute Publllhlnj Co., Helena. MonUM-4l933^^^^>'

¥He No OCT 20 W« T /^""*tt.JLa.jk!.J^. '*

DUPLICATE Bllte K'c°e""ott Connty22!A«fcA«*<i^. $Co-.-h Morton STATE OF MONTANA £ "Opinion Sullivan ADMINISTRATOB OP OBOUNDWATEB CODE ',',


(Hev. above sea level ) Notice of Completion of Groundwater "\

~ Appropriation by Means of Well j0 to 4« Top toil (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) 1

BV 0wMr__A9.!}fl_.C*.i;awUl , Address j6j"lll!fi_.S8_ 301 to 3Ef Uatsr & Gravel „, „ _ _ _nB ,,,,__ „,„.„,. „__«.

nriii.rGX5iin Camp 705 Aloor ArMro«g Klacoulat or>t __

' ~ (approx ID G.p.m*)Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater.

36* to 40' Send.gravel „ „ .9/a/£5 ~ ~ . ,9/11/tt;Date well started?'.!:/..-::. Date Completed?/..**'.*?

~ CiBy Type of welLOXill&d Equipment UsedJajimLdriU- !„• . ,,, .nJ (dng, driven, bored or (Chura, drill, roUry or

40' to 1»G« Sand i^^ other) I

46' to 52' Gravel Water The: Domestic fl Municipal • Other Q Irrigation D |~ Industrial D Drainage • Stock • j

! — 52' to 54'9" graval ]"SI Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different

! ~ Band & UBtor strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, ete.Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-

54'9" to 64' grcvol, bearing strata and height to which water rises in tha welL

_ sand t small amout of^i^., ,,,.„, ,„. To ™«»a™«DrniH Wtltklol |FM) (FM) rMF0"*T)0W* .

l~ uator •* c"taf - km I vm T i« !""""*• stit vm (FM>

7 64' to S5« B««ol * 6" 6" X-D« 2' •*•"• U'U ! '; "_ uutjfT 17.'/ caaln( to 6G'-11« nona

' • ' I

^ w Static Water Level for non-flowing Well i.?. feet.

— ....!.....! ! .....I.....; ' Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WelL.__..._..... ..........._...............„_.. .••_ ; ! I I i ! oo an : '- •

— I — i — ; — j — ! — : — Pumping Water Level....*t feet at z.....gal. per minute.

! j'" '! j j i' " Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well

i I | ; : i How Tested...t?P5!fi??.9.li.-:S!r. Length of TestJLJjMMi.

I j ; j ; i Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementb.^. packers, type of shutoff, loca-_ : j ; ! i I tion of place of use of groundwater if sot at well, and any \

; : , : ; j other similar pertinent information, including number of «

— I ' ' '• ' '• ' ' acres irrigated if used for irrigation) i

j - my^...... secll. TJSsPnaA:1^ _ f . /j _ Indicate location of well and $ y

place of use, if possible. Bach _ |{ — small square represents 10 acres. <

I m^mJ Show exact depth of bottom. Liuenca U 7 ! ''

Driller's License Number

^JL^....£kte%&.. IDriller's Signature (/ \

» ' This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder 'in the county in which the well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of 'Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. _-. ,

Page 19: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

• • . • - • • • t !- . _ i

-./ ',; •,•-•.

', • • " * . •

;£.;.:,,. •&• . ^?*g#4- ... ...,._.;

.' ' I nctivti and /lied thli Ipitjiinuiil tar^ rteord on Ida....// day otCfaJ- labs'.. ]•'"'•:•' v at..$.'.T<X. o'clock <7 M- Pf™mml '"" . ' . ! !. :: ' . . ol MJ«cou/a Counly. Stale cl Monfaiio j ' I••'•.. ' ' WttuesB oy hani: • ' ' |

'' .. VU'omae C'""A Co"11" «»co'<l«' . IBr/E5*O .. /SlM** . Dv<«y I

;:- :' |r"» A^M-rrr*** ; , __ j _

i• ' • ' , • ' j

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; '•' '! I . " ;: '•{ '• •?

: :!

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o : ' I

•' ' !


•••. . :.; ! _ • -..::-:: / '

' —

Page 20: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

j OWJl , t _ . Appro* Stock Form-SUtt PubtUbbt Co, Helena. MonUM—C32v <g^ » ;

| Rle;Koi—.__ T. iuC._R A.3^ ( j

| BDPUOAOT . O N T ^ T ^ M E S BOARD Owatyjaa*^*.*^ j \


(H«r. above m lard «• - - -) Notice of Completion of Groundwater

~ Appropriation by Means of Well- 0 to 2* Top soil DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1903

2* to 3B' Red Clav (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

j _ »• to *5» Clay & grevol Owr*rJM*ki.mJ!**m. .Address.! «3?n^t«MnjL_«Bn$

i - *»5» to G8» Broun clay DiMerJ ™..C«a!L....705.i& !

! Gfl* to 73* Clay & Qravcl Date °* Notice of appropriation of groundwater i

I _ 73e «» 90* 8enc!,graval D»t« well ttartod.l/5/fifi Date completed.~l/ll/66 '

— bodo uatar TTP* ot weU tolllad Equipment used PilW drill iI o«w uawr (^ Drlveni bmd or jjjn ) (Chnrn jjj, t y „. ( j w»««I 9C1 to 9ft1 Ton clav Water use: Domestic [fl Municipal • Stock D Irrigation Q j1 — Industrial D Drainage D Other Q ,' — 94* to 1DQ1 G.raV8l,«ar»d & Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different ttrata !! met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show j1 ~ —»» tttmtmr depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing I

_ ^ ^ «w*«r rtrata and hojght wUcll the watw yjg jjj the weU jM0» to 108* Grmml a s w i t>»^ i p» i t. i «»«»„,«„ i

"" DrBb* W¥i»l CPmO (FmI) "*""""'"" '

6" fi'I.D. 3»-7» Uxjvb |— 17# to f; G« •• '

tolU5»-7" Not*

j " Static Water Level for non-flowing well

; ~ I i I i I • **•— j j Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WelL*_ \X j Pumping Water Level 3t feet

w I i at ,?B gal. per minute.I Discbarge in gal. per min. of flowing well

| HowTested.^i?.Lli?§»I^LZI 1 1. I Length of Test .f»..J52Sf.?f. „_..

~~ Remarks: (Oravclpacking,cementing,pack-

^ft^MuaBaUU-TJCIUUL. e™'^° of "bnto") I— Indicate location of well and - « jj

place of use, if possible. Each '~ small square represents 40 "' *__ acres. _ • . /— " ~ i /

(Continue on reverse side) j sUSE—If used for irrig-ation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state !

— number of acres and locntion or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- :tion). ,

__J Show exact depth of bottom.I

Liconcc # 7This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with tha 7T'n7~7ir, 7r "tCounty Clerk and Recorder in die county In which the well U located, tissue copy to be Driller s License Numberretained by driller. /L A S\ 'Flease answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be —!=££-«£*£4&/is£«*4>.returned. Driller's Signature V

, • t


Page 21: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

,.,=••<=-..,-..,,-. . • , .-,... .. --ti'.'. ..::;•".•••., .: .....k>. .• •.,r-.-.- _-,..,- .„...,,_,

J^n Afr^jrv _ ,

,^\ / nntawf and «M IW« /Mfrmamil In,- netd m 1bt...J.lf.....dar d..am,.....tHitL. • - -- / '•.•«••—....•*»»»,.•> -«_/fc.'.fr..o'cJocl>V»-. M.. ftfmoiiMl /11m

I ' orf W/«woJa Csaotr. »«!< <rf Vsataga ,• • Witarmt mi bead: . .r«rauM R Chum, Caaatr Bwardw

*y.ana.«'aw-:..X«g>i»Miy.iXiiiyt Ptpmr


Page 22: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER


NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER °ravel« $hsle' »•"*•«>•. •»«• ShowAPPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WEIL _7* " whJ* w*_ '* 'T* "!?

tW^edeffrr W r y 1,1962 . WBht * wh'th "**' * " '" "•"•

(Under Chapter M7 Mont™ Sowton Uwt, mi, .. amended) Top of Ground m.,^,,^Thlt form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed I n» I t. Iby the owner with the County Cleric and Recorder In the county in '"*•" <*"which the well It located, latt copy to be retained by driller. _g _| MmV* r.p.»/fPlease answer all questions. If not applicable, to state, otherwise the 1" """*"form may be returned __ ____ jS____ifc_

Owner _*•" P*i+*r j— , 31 If ' ,tf»«cr &tranmi ,," For Admlnl»tr«tOf't Use

Address JLHHiiS. File y S?!?..7.S(? 7. • -.—.——.

^.1^.#....^»**..'??<> 5»fl44 ' / y^f/O/vj _.,__

Date well started Jiftf.'JL.?*!...?.??.!.,.. GW 1 .

completed ..•*<*...?•*...!?.?.?. _«_, .___ ,

(l>it'.'i'<iin'i£ii'a'irii»i) ____ ___ _______________________Equipment used ...C*H55...fy l_l I ___ ,

(Clmrm Hi, nun ot otlitt) _____ _____ ____________________________Water Ut«: Domes'lc 3 Municipal O Stock Q lrrl8»»lon D '"" ' ' — — — ~ —

Induitrlnl • Dralnoge D Other Q* Garden/Lawn • —— — - —_—.——.—————

016 If used for Irrigation, Industrial, drainage or other. Explain, —— -"— j 'state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block — — . — — J — . — . _ — - . — — — .

and Addition) __


miS y^ JKS Jit, rHTMAnoNt ~~ ~~3

•"/.n. •"/.it. •» aa>» B? 555 J~>17 tb _*ov»r*r tu g.t. ww|#

i "1 " | I Static water level * „....«.* """*" "*""" "~~~~~""""""~'"~~~~*i ! Pumpina water level ...*.*. ft.* _._„_ ___. ______,._______„„

—'—-J i* «f !??..._. gallons per minute.! ; measured ...*..mlnutes after pumping._.__ ___. ,_____________.__«„

_ ..! /r/if j began. ~, "> *» Jj i 'Measured from ground level.i ! Well developed by ..*2ZF£1!*J.2£. ' ' ~**'J ?j for f*. hours.I j Powsr-f???'...?.?*Pump.»g£J/.... HP"j j Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, _ ^

r/4cr **i */:.>.** P9ckerl' type of ihuloW) [r/w *< MUtTSAW. 1. •••-•

V4 % Sec....S.rf. A J-w., _____ _____ _______________________T ;X....(®R.....«3.5...... E 7


Driller's Signature ..-iM^i^iQ^T^p'iuprty-- — —1822 >. 1ith '., rltteuta, dontiita |

Driller's Address 99401 ' "

LICENSE NO ?.. *2 Show exact depth of bottom


Page 23: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER




Y I^Sfe'^i

' ^iim... Jan I



Page 24: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

V' ili. * -• ' AIMMBilHHKH OP OtOUNDMTATO COM " ^ • v t l V E D . ' —' «. . VP-

I»OHTAIU WAm KSOUtCIS ^Att Sff jf "b^KJI SS-uRS* '*fNOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GKOUNDWATER i ™ * «»«k-n*«o«t. •* *ow f

AWHOFtlATION BY MEANS OF WEU. •."."'St 13S S 1!T?J3l 'IW LaaJ alter *- - - - 1 «*A* • "•»• "• WTMOl W«OT nw «I wwM.

IW» fam to be prepared by drllltr, and three copiet fo be filed I Srg I J». I ' ! • -..••,••• ..-|(• by the mmt* with the County Clerk and Recorder h« the county in ihm *— ; ' * ' * *•

WWeh Ida w«ll it leeMd, lait copy to ba fatainad by driltar. p | <y__| r>f.rp, rOfttf*•tam amwer all quastiorw. If net appltcaUa, to ttata, etharwita iha> 'fofm may ba returned- , , , • fmmmm 22**. r**fnt 1t"r , '•

I Owner ?*** P*r+*r r ' i Si -?> »«-» a r»-w.«~ For Admtnhtrtor'i U«e I *«-fag-.>.--...-• •. ..i. •-

Addrau i-*'f* Rla J.L7.SjO7_ t

^>aa*>. >»«ita»iq CTgMt f /?$•/>£ ~

Data wall started J*.i«_?i?«..I5?JL SW 1 ! L ^^ WflHTtM mim BttMffgtg BBWU ^^^

. o-npwted ^arfjLkigal ] L.:.... ~±EOCIV|!U >

Typ. «, w... _i>l* U* ^______ = 1= gTM.jgl.,, .. i=jOH **« tai»< at Mta« mmmmmm mmmmmm '

Equipment inad -i*HKLj9P.'JJ. , — • — - — -J<OMi*aiMMT«iaaM>i '

W»ter Uia> Demattlc H «*unWpil D Stock D IrflQatlein Q — " — — — - ——,-{

Mwtrlal Q OmlrMoe Q Olner D* OardanAawn Q — ——— —•\

•Oetcrlbe -— — —•-}Wit If utad for IrrlQrtlon, lodu»trl.l, drainage or other. Explain, " j

Mate number of »erei and locitlon or other data (I*. Lot, Block — • ——— — — — — — — — —

j • .and Addition). . .... .., .77 \

miMATED ANNUAL WITHDHAWAI. ._, m»__^^,-^ ^r.,—

S? TsSm 5=8 »ft» tmnmAnom ~^ ~ .m j

••/.o. •"•#..•. f» j»» tt? I 33 I & |»7 I* aA«va> I

. *•"«•»•«• MM — ~ j

: • ~~ "TZZ^ I

lil I Static water level .?.,_ ft.* """ '*"*"* """"~""~"""~"**""""'"~"" » ••wmplno water level ..1*. ft.* ^ f

——* at ~-~*—-O«"ont par minute, *"~"" " "" *"""~ — — ^I maMurad ...5.jninute« after pumping —_ ut__j __»_rT_^-r,r-r^___, j

_ ! /r/if , began. !I *» >j ' *Maaiured from ground level. »_«,_ ._ —

Well developed by -.•SSS*!2iC | ~ 2Z ,j ?j. for ~*£._.Jyuri. I . ,'

IH>werJ .!L«L»*»ump££lfci/_- MpT | " !>» ^ Remark*: (Gravel packing, cementing, ___ ;

( UAtr **» 'fi <.**•* ) p^"1' "w" •* •hwfoH) • ^) { s a j ^ i S j L l - C — - - - . -~ -


4 ^ ™*»*~ ™'*™r'\M'Tt*.'*SS r"i—I 77—~H»' !5O*> 5* «• •" *>**- " f-fci-' «' - ,,rr.... ..,.*''* «f '• *' ' *»^ Himi »Md Ha«i«h rJ hnMnm^»T

1 ••- ' I

Page 25: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER


i-' -A

' OW2 „_,«»?.(!? r7> Appro»ed Stock Form—Suto Publiihtag Co, Helna, MonttM—42329 <4^&»> £ v-.

| File No ^ *" ^ "" T K Q..Z...... ?

/ ' ••! DOTUOATE . »?.AY30W/2 Count^.^1^^. f .'


(Eiev. above sea level ) Notice of Completion of Groundwater \

M, red cl«r Appropriation by Means of Well J^«j iea ox«jr DEVELOPED APTER JANUARY 1, 1962 !

! ' P4-* ' ———-——^—— |- • .'•••'_.. .. (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) I

J4' rea clay & gravel |

: i ^5' -. Owaa^JSmJimSJM£& ^ddress..m.]^...13V>IMK.COT, - ;

35' grs.vei M« a Draier....MS .KRAUgS jwdrM^JattJEBHSEL351 «»ep of water KKSOUIA, kontana

'•'. «»| — — — • jjate 0£ jjotiee of appropriation of groundwater. „•*° t«a clay »<3 aratvel ™-^ „ «, ^ --4*1 -t-i#~>« DateweUstartcdJ3S.!i...a4j.71 .Date completed.S!B.t.86».71

• . -**' gnrel a»f Water Type of well-JPJSIU-M Equipment uscd...Cffi8.N. j^ i (Dug, Driven, bored or drilled) (Churn drill, rotary or other)

• ' " Water use: Domestic fflX Municipal • Stock Q Irrigation Q— Industrial • Drainage Q Other d ,

f — Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different stratamet with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show

. — depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearingstrata and height to which the water rises in the well.

-. Slieol Size Mid From To numsinniui 'DfUkd Weljlll (F«() (Fm() rBtfOBATIONg

_ Hole ofCuIn, Jj | j J j ^ • -

6"I.D. 6-5/8"0.D. srouui 45' "M) CF*e°i _ 17 lbs. leve:. I

! l/4nsite-•-i - wall ' / • i

• '•• I• i

| N Static Water Level for non-flowing well

j - | j ......._SQ feet.

| — X j Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well ,

! _ j i Pumping Water Level 38 . feet

! w j j e a*-—IS gal. per minute.

! _ Doc. Ha$38%6 . $/tf/J?9 | j Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well . ,v i. !

_ filed for record 1 -J i ;. ' this rgy*"* rlatfhf hi ay ! ! How Tcstod.lXaJ,l..ii...SUto-.pUBp

: " ilttia^.n:^i» I ! 1 ! Length of Tcst....3...hr.». . : =

— fc*IQCK__fflJW, TouL-f £«fS Eeinarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, pack- • '•

. j " .fcZ4:.....SecM.T/a!/E.2^erS'tyPCOf8htttOff) .^— Indicate location of well and

place of use, if possible. Each"" small square represents 40 " v


- j . / i(Continue on reverse side) < /

USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state |— • number of acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- % . .

tion). % •-~ | ••*,

.j ~ _ !I ! I bkJ Show exact depth of bottom. | '....._...„. . ja. • This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the j:""V""""i9&—ZT~Z fi• i County Clerk and Hecorder in the county in which the well is located, tissue copy to be Wilier a License Number r,j_ ' ; retained by driller. ,_^2^ *&?>*/ ' I• Please answer all questions. If not apolicable, 80 state, otherwise the form will be ^SJ»&i....y«c^6flC.sfe3asS^—<r. . •;•. ' returned. " Driller's Signature\ • •••.•-'••• •• • I

Page 26: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

• \ . • ' ' '. . •-:•'. • • -' ••- • . X-

, s ...'••''

y , ' • •

* • »• t.:;"".i •—-"-••.-•. •• • ~ '' *•" " "•"•••"' '•;i""ti" "•" • •"••:'--"Ji -

- '"• ; • " ! ' ^."|

• V" : . • Ih* '••• ?'-;-^:' :- ." i i : . L.J

p^\:y\ : | • , , ;;• "' ' :". - \ \ L___.

. • • •; .'' ;, . "y ; *'..; • •"••.-.; • . . ' . • \ - •.-. -'- *•'<••] ? •;

i : •' ./ .' i' " '; '. ' •. • _ " :" .. " - '••''•''„''•. •"•

-- • . , • . .^.i ^ r ^

* • ' . • ..~! -' • '. • '• ' • *-'' •• \\ ii ii

' ' • '' ' • - ' • • •' t "T ,-'-!"."„••'•'.•• I '' • '"" \ .:- '; ' ..!',

•' ' ' ' '• ' ',— . : • >•

. 4 \ ' . • '

t :• I

Page 27: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

i "~ 3W 1 Approved Slock Form—State PublljhiDB Co, HelJM, Mont»M-4i336 >«jjjj>i» ") *T,

/!/ J ^ • •File No..~ T.....-15-.....R.....22~_ .......*.._..

DOTLIOATE Conaty-J^jgaap- VH

STATE OP MONTANA / n ] U j) W & f] j


Notice of Appropriation of Groundwateri L tWij/W££/?(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

i. i .tf..iU*Eater.flicircheji , of....l.8.QD....S....8.efiQnd..B.t...'«L.jaiEjBoiUa—(Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)

County of. MSSSHiS. , State ot M&l&ettlft , intend to ap-propriate groundwater in accordance with Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws of 1961.

2. The beneficial use to which water is to be applied is. to-irPlgata Borne-80- acres

...P.f..pjsjiJL8M.....cai...th0...H^t..aida..of...alx..»llG-&r©ek-(describe lands to be benefited, if for irrigation)

3. The rate of use in gallons per minute or miner's inches of groundwater claimed.


4. The annual period (inclusive dates) of intended use -from-aprll-l- to OOt -10

5. The probable or intended date of first 'beneficial use April 1 1954 t

6. The probable or intended date of commencement and completion of the well* or wells*

commence. macc.lx.....l5.....1.96A., -fompletlon -raapoh-Sp 1964

7. The location, type, size and depth of well or wells contemplated fi...1.! -drilled


8. The probable or estimated depth of the water table or artesian aquifier. estimated—30 feet

9. Name, addresB and license number of the driller engaged. Hajpol-S-•£-,Flefcene

.....IflrEftt...A1flnsa....illaEouis...iioBt LA-eeiwe--#™7&

10. Give such other similar information as may be useful ^ " ^_^t ! 'Si i j j

in carrying out the policy of this act. —! i tf j 1 j —

.Wel.X...!8Q...be...jilrlllad..oa...the...vfofi-t...sid.e of —:—|—S- |-—i—-|—

six..Mla...{Jre.Qj£...aome 7Q...f.eo.t...we&t..o-f ""wbTli'STr" j""i i'""the creek and approx 150 yds w —:—'—!*—I—|—!—i— eSQHtli...cif....tlia...pr.eiiout..dA/ailln6. '•[/': : : I

.. '-"B- /-•••--• .I---..J——i .

almost aHj:i......^ Sec..-S3- T 35n.....22Locate well or other means ofdevelopment as accurately aspossible on the plat.

Signature of Apprn^tori^J^fSi^^

Date-^T^reLj. ?~.JL=J.2&£>

• As defined in the Code Sec. 1 (c) "Well'1 meaus any artificial opening or excavation in the ground,however made, by which groundwater can be obtained or through which it flows under natural pres-

' gures cr is artificially withdrawn."

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with County Clerk and Recorder of the county in whichthe well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, bo state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to theMontana Bureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. _

Page 28: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

8 * *

Page 29: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

i 0W2 , MO*f/#fti?ATEf? RESOURCES BOARD AppreTed Stodt *"-*"• Put>««l>to« Co- Helen* Montin»-UMI ''SW^f' '

| File No^.y^f.^e^ DECEIVED T-J5Mjl^UaLJ&^\ -

j DOTHOATE CRT 2? 1857 Comity—21jL<ta*4Si, I


I | Top of Ground • • . OFFICE OF STATE ENGIKEER ;

(Eier. above sea leva. ) Notice of Completion of Ground water :

~ Appropriation by Means of Well •O-* Top nil DEVELOPED AFTEB JAKUABY1, 1902 1

— 2O4 Cloy (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) . >

_ J4-5C Owl wtth mOw. SumtMLWtAJUum 4.ddress.....ff...««it.. Iwill no* »ltw 1522 S. Uth !(20-30 0PM) Driller.—.6J.«Mfl...C.<mp...... AteKaa.MtMW»uln,..JM&atamL..

_ 35*40 Clay * Qrevlj Date of Notice of appropriation of groundwatcr.

- 40-46 Grav*l, •en*? an*\voimr Date well 8tarted....<Alijr..S*...iJMZ....Date completed...Vjiiy...27«....fASZ.... .

- Type of well.—Orlll*d Equipment vaeA.JUuunt.-JlmS.il• (Dug, driven, bored or drilled) (Churn drill, rotary or other)

. Water use: Domestic S Municipal • Stock • Irrigation D— Industrial P Drainage • Other •

— ' . Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different stratamet with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show

— depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearingstrata and height to which the water rises in the well. !

••»<•> i >ml I Tnm To nmmtinmit— . DrUM WlUW <F»tl) (Fut) rewPKATTONB

Roll OtCHbt mi V H I frSlU (PMt) 0?M|)

6" i.o. e» i.o. t»17 tb abov, 45* NONE

— 9, L._ • |' - '

— . . w Static Water Level for non-flowing well

i | j Qpawdown • Hf^ ™"— j. _* \ Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well . •

_ j j Pumping Water Level.. Jfff. feet

w | i E at 50. gal. per minute.

_ j j Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well - * 'j j ..,. *

~ j j How Tested...A*>..C*M¥«»«o*."" I '• 1 ' 1 Length of Test..:2..*»«ii*

. Bc-raarkg: (Gravel packing, cementing, pack-

*S^—BeeAS-TJ&LlUiii1 Cn> tyP° °f shutoff>--; ;— Indicate location of well and ~ !

place of. use, if possible. Each I~ • small square represents 40 }

acres. J . .)

, ; i . r.— ~ "• ) /

: (Continue on reverse side) ? /

USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state i_ number of acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- f

j _ tlon>- I '.j *

! ^J Show exact depth of bottom.' This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the .~.......Li£MM».....£...?.j County Clerk and Recorder in the county in which the well is located, tissue copy to be Driller s License Number4 j retained by driller. A* /I /VPleaso answer all questions. If not applicable, bo state, otherwise the form will be .w«!aX»«*fe<*M!fe:..l««!K(S£jeS?.returned. , Driller's Signature. Ql»n# Camp

Page 30: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

^ • j o w u ^ . w R E c E ! I' F, D c w n u T b ^ ^ M j Z , ;• - -, STATI POtUiHIMB COMPANY * .


. l _ _ _ ness of strata such as soil, clay, sand,NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER 9ravel- shale' »«nd»ton". »»=• sh»w ;

i APPROPRIATION BY: MEANS OF WELL *f* at ""* water '* fTd '"u •i • -., • t_ ,•' . .«/ "**•• height to which water rises In well.

; Developed after January 1, 1962

(Under Chapter 237 Monten» Setslon laws, 1961, at amended) Top of Ground c. tbOT. ., ,„.,, !This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed fmm I to I ~by the owner with the County Cleric and Recorder in the county in (F*"> (F*<0 •which the well Is located, last copy to be retained by driller. Qjf gfj» ^§B Stiff _ __ J

i Please answer ell questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the ""__"" *" ~ ~~~" '~~"~~~*jform mayr be returned. 8&» 85* tan Clay Wlttl VateT \

I Owner — For Administrator's Use """* r~"*"""""1"""~ "* """"j

ittrunrOTHf H.ed/.?..<?..i.? &« zz ~ -,-— . j

. 7ldr0i3o, 197/ ——. — —i— ___—.'

I Date well started _J*2»»*Jl*??* GW 1 .-$

I completed ?C?»8» -j-.?71 313 ^T. ._ S

| Type of well ...5?.?"^. [ M .i (Dug, drtwo, bored ot drill«lj -wWj;i Equipment used CHUjFW ___. M ,

(Chum drill, rotaiy or other) '*>' V/aterUse: Domestic® Municipal D .Stock • Irrigation D — —— ——s jjj

j Industrial D Drainage D Other O* Garden/Lawn D • -| ^

f *DeBcrtbs ••^•^•- •v«^»n fy'i

i USE: If used for irrigation, Industrial, drainage or other. Explain, I ikjstate number of acres and location or other data (I.e. Lot, Block — — — — — — — ~ Kjj

', and Addition) ZZZ!.—-— — Si*'


I ' ™» ^g 55) I VJO FEEFORAT1ON. ZZ "11 J | '! 6" Z.O. i J-6^"0) ground 38« "JS sa ofio Sb"

.? lbs. ie»e:L m jopw n n "II l/4«8ifle- slots 84 ft £8ftr- §

j » ; • StI I j I ; I Ststic water level .Iff ft.* \ " j»• ! | Pum^M water level pff ft.*,___ ___. ,___________—____ 'jf!! -J— ^ »t ...••.._.. gallons per minute. jj|i|1 j | measured ?Q...mlnutes after pumping ffijj• ! ! began. "" ' ~ ** 2— mm'

w ! j E 'Measured from ground level. Si| | Well developed by .tftBt-pUffip... ^ji J for...* hours. - ft ;! ! Power.«BH Pump.8/4. HP m|» | Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, *fj /

— — I packers, type of shutoff) — ~ >v'1 ^:

\//SO \i. s-,43 :''jT.MM.... N R.*4.Mf. E _ _, -'IN


.. . Driller's Signature ».2it.?ZZ™^....f..-..Z£.^£L<2?2^^. I-— %••'•

Driller's AUrm»V!!!!*U*!j!$^^ 1 I T '•''»

LICENSE NO 151 V&tt, Show exact depth of bottom '-f\

* I

Page 31: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER



(nctfnd «d Wed Uii<JDrtna«tf hr -• , s ' .*-neanLsa <h«.>?CL..dflr oU.(Af/....l»1ZL . : 'ct._d;!i23...odoek .<£-*.. pwrnaaut (Um I0/ Mlamile Couatr Stow « Montana .

j1 ' Wlu»«» mr aaaa ;• .I Vmanam K..Cmn. CmMt Itoewaw ' . ' '• •„

-, i , V ••; - *,• ....%f • • . - . ;<•->,;•

"' ' ' • ' i;' fc£ ^ V"{

... " , • . : \ . i|

' '• '••• '*• !

i ' - - i

. ' ' -•:(?£

; . " '*c !, J ; ; ( !*( I I ( !

' • , •'•-•••» - L- • •-

• fv :. ;.i:^i!i|i7-

. . . : • • , i ' I

• • : i i : ! i

I • •.••'.::•;« !: ' • '' - »

'•',-'• -*•'''

. 4

. • ' ' I


" j

Page 32: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

«" -m*' 3-7

Ffle No T 15 "jr 22 ^

DUPLICATE County.IitJW.ttli _..I


OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER / 0) K C E |? V £' f~>[n] '• u ft)

Notice of Completion of Groundwaier Appropriation Wilhou ^ e P r

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961)

Date of Appropriation of Groundwater Za -the 1920**

0wner.fiUtld..J»..BOM. Address....Bu»oaT-JfaotM*

Contractor (if «ny) ... J«...&....Ra|t.~ _

Address sf Contractor Ml HOWlB• ¥tfntwnB -

Date StartedJIot .*ppl4e«bUte Completedn»t *p^lie«bl«N Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by

sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth towater when appUcable.ta«*i.tjr...*lo». .to -lOWT _

aiw»tlon« with on» inoh pip* « w t v

w —! 1 • "'"

] Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of meth-' ' ' od used to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermit-

flg yA Sec._4- T..%K Rflfi- tent estimate approximate lengths ot periods of use ..Bm

Indicate point of appropriation b»wM.M*..MtM»...%\M.AA*.X9ZilM..MlA..rann~and place of use, if possible.


3/4 feMrtJupApi...:. „ .a


Signature of Owner...~v.!k<? hhrf ... :..X. i


lliis form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county inwhich the works are located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to theMontana Bureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriate*.

Page 33: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

I I txWnd and flM thl» MttnmmM tmI ' fKOrd on the. «/i....dir «< .Cl£A!...ltto3I , «(J,.'. J?.wd<»* .J?? *!., ftmammt MmI at H'ntrn'ia Cminlr, Slolj 0< KntOH I

I MARTIN S. bECnZH, O"H*I *****

Page 34: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

"W> ApprmriSu>ciFom-Juul>obUihtaiCo.Hekw,Mo«.n*-42199 4 0 ^ • **" '

PQe No T X5&....IL- 2r3^__




Notice of Completion of Groundwater AppM^i^b!1-£-

Without Well

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Seuion Laws, 1961)

Date of Appropriation of Qttmniwttn///^.f±/.L...~.../.!Z.^:.4..


Contractor (if any) __/jK«&/«?..'£s.

AddreH of Contractor _ >....

Date Started. /JZ£.-£L Date Completed_Z^r££!

n Describe mean* of obtaining ground water without s well "as by•i, , , 1 1 ! ; ; 1 sub-irrigation and other nataral proeeini". Include depth to

....I L.L.. {..--I !—. water when wp\ic»\>\c.M>..L....J.S/. G.<?J*.Z.Qjk...j>i2J&..

—j—I—:- :—-j :-— <2Jza///..&.....3.E.Z.L<<?.. 7e. (J2efi£££lU&<!tufe.t:

:-—!—•; ;--1—I- l!lLy...Jll?l?/h.d......ps.)!:S:.. cuts.. /?h.

,v —| 1 f-^t—| j 1 r. Jnbj^tfsT^ctc/^

• ; • : •„*•:

i • i ; i • Qnaatity of water developed and tued with explanation of method••••;••••:••••:- I : ; omj to meaiure or ertimate aueh amount. If ute in intermittent

• ettimate approximate lengths of period* of use-

........% Brn&L TtMxJA*' £&LJ&k. i±sh^£tJLt^....^A?^mIndicate point of appropriationand place of u§e, if poiaible. ..•X.fcZ/.S.'f.. _

Signature of 0wner-jO!Lj^^.../Z^ft^^!k4^....


Thii form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwiie by the owner.

Three copiei of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which thework* are located.

Pleaie answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the MontanaBureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

1 !

Page 35: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER



Page 36: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

<** > Appnmd Suck Form- Km Mbltahlm Co, Hekm, Haw-4UK tjP*8' **">

File No..- TJL6...-JI-E_.88..* ' ^



Notice of Appropriation of Groundwatar I(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

i. i, trm9X9.A*.-to-xJ*~*»*****J? if .??*..Jk\©x_fi!r. JEaaoa(Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)

County of_HI>..M.8SJi. , State of JbaftftMl , intend to ap-propriate gronndwater in accordance with Chapter 237, Montana 8cssion Laws of 1961.

2. The beneficial use to which water is to be applied a.JJCTlcatlm OJM A*** •ImaahoU «40for four dwalllaga*

.JtlxJU§J^l#.IM.j^Jte^(describe lands to be benefited, if for irrigation) S

3. The rate of use in gallons per minute or miner's inebes of gronndwater claimed. I<MSM]ML1^J.Mj»;IjU^^^ feat•*• aot boon aaaavrod.

4. The annual period (inelniive dates) of intended uie.-i.».-jr«ai!..Aroia»sl.ma1« At. all *!•••.S. The probable or intended date of first beneficial tue_..9U..lB..AjM. JMU 1858.

6. The probable or intended date of eommeneement and completion of the well* or welli#....lM5....

7. The location, type, site and depth of well or wells contempUtod...«t .y—». a\ ah«ll»W W*U

8. The probable or estimated depth of the water table or artesian nnlf'f iJ>Wg1«at«1y Bt f••#«

9. Name, address and Ueense number of the driller engagedL...a«t..Jau«U~..O««V««..!••«•• *nnMt

%)&»..9Ta&xtj-.Mt-JU&.Jtla»..XhU-.w»lX~w9*.4i| m w thi iul«r it tlu m n «

10. GWe such other similar information as may be useful *

in carrying out the policy of this act_ —!....: ! .! ;—J

ffMa...MJRi...flf ..l«Bkl..ns..paMluui*A..fMB. —.;-—:-..; .|....|....!-—

Ot0rf»...fjovAbatt«...bT...aMrj(a..JlM*«a..«)Mr* —-|—-;—-j-~ j—-j j—-h* aovwi hia atora to aAjoia tha tbaa * ; ; : . : ! I (a«M.ll^wr«X #10..in 1988- : : : i j ;

jvc-v. £>s, ;?7z> juILh seeaa_... us..... julm/ _ . locate well or other means ofo7«5/° (Paaarlytlon of aoro Of l*n« •dwelooment as accurately as

la «ttaObO«.) posslbfeontheplat.Signature of AppropriatoK«?r *4i« (>r... .<!%4.

Date.. L:42:.!&.:L

• As defined in the Code Bee. 1 (e) "Well" means any artificial opening or excavation in the ground,I however made, by which gronndwater can be obtained or through which it flows under natural pres-

sures or is artificially withdrawn."Three copies of this notice are to be filed with County Clerk and Recorder of the county in whichthe well is located.Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so ctste. otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Heeorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to theMontana Bureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

L S 5 , ? ? f


Page 37: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

? I received and filed this Instrument for • _. -.'•'.record on thejjSTday of_ifeana92i5«»<ir>y»"n'rlnrk f M . 6rmanpnl tilns ' ' . . \ . . •.. j.of Mlssoula County, State of Montana • • • • , " • •••..

' Witness my hand: • • ' ' ' . ;. •• ••••••";

• Do*othy L Head, County Recordsr' •• -.,-••" . .' ••'• By ^^t—"4. rJXufjJL, , Deputy "'" • ' - . ' ... - •I. e-« $ _<?• CfPtJc . Paid' fj • ' • - ' r '

i ' - '••'•••';*?

... • -: '- '; V' Yi?'~-*' '

•',.•• V r: fj

: : • ... ..',, \l"r \ t• • • . ,'.j v

. • *•"?/.

' ' ..-. •'"'*'. I

. • ' •, ; • ; i

•7 ; '•' •!

' ' • : | j •

» •' . ..:'-; •. \

O • .; ' • :

•^ *-. ^i H

• '• :

Page 38: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

• f+f #*> j} } ,f'.....« >j ow 2 Rcviwd 1969 4Tf*~. County...Mi.8S0Ula. *?..:.—-"• .•TATK PUBUSHINO COMPANY _t> /J* - • .

1 STATE OF MONTANA „. *"* V t> r*. DRILLER'S LOG "*t ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE "*•''* »,r Innate the character, color, thick- TrI MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD , „ * ft/y 1 " ^ ! Lh a, soil. d«. sand, $i NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER >, gravel, shale, sandstone, etc. Show £> .j APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL ' -•< '';; fgt J * j * ^ ^ j j % ">[ Developed after January 1, 1962

I (Undw Ch'P1*' 237 Monfn. Sewlon tawi, 1961, •> amended) Top of Ground gaCT. .bo««.i.«i) -%I This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed From to "I by_ the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in (Ftt" (F**° ,;

whfch the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. _ 0 BxlStUlg_W«ll :£Please answer all questions, if not applicable, so state, otherwise the "ZT" ~ ~ "in-form may be returned; 23 SUtV sand* Olay «na _#

| Owner _.J»MM..^..5arn»tt I For Administrator's Us7-| ^-gy-S^- ———f-'

I Address .P.».Qs...Box..Z7. Ri.^!«.75-3aOW... -JS^I • s^SLHS^-SSaJgSgZl-

. JtaM»»..J«ontana ^Al^.V,.m2 3§Z 7R. -l^f^^^^j

| Date well started -JMbJttxJSil. few 1 i.5.:.SQ...p,.<n,.... HM .-^ -SlSK j|

'. , | completed MMmJIUMIJ | !»§ ^^ -gKg^ JgS™k.»SJL gilBB.|

Type of well JMRUlftd %(Dug. driven, bored or drilled) _———, --——*— '•**" *

Equipment used OA.VUm...*Ci.ll ;f(Chum drill, rouiy or other) ^___ • !-';' •

Water Use: Domestic 3 Municipal Q Stock • Irrigation • A

Industrial Q Drainage • Other n* Garden/Lawn • %

•Describe £USE: If used for Irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, I $'

state number of acres and location, or other data (I.e. Lot, Block }* •


Drilled Welfi? (fS) (PT«) PERFORATIONS I j|.

Sin (Pea) (Feet) "~~~" ~~~~ ~~"—~~~~~~~~"~~~"^^^ fS,'

6» 6" 17)fH dom 177i — — — |

j ^^_^^_ I ;••: ._ •

| ' ~ _2 % i ' •I N • ' |[ j | Static water level 3t-tf ft.* *** ~ ijs ] | Pumping water level fi ft.* p §,'" 'I J -i at l.Q.Q*..gallons per minute, , T '| |' ] measured ..9-O.mlnutes after pumping .__„ . _________________ ?• ;[ • I I began. |• w j j * *Measured from ground level. _ \I ! > Well developed by .O.BBIBCfllfJ8S1""' V\ J J for .....1.0. hours. S " 'I ] ; Power...«r.'SS1. Pump. SSSS.. HP f ' •/I I | Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, *S • /| ' ________ packers, type of shutoff) ~ ;| y*

I ._£„»holm sec..*£... ZZZ"ZIIZ"Z!ZIZ" i. •'(•' T. .'X...®R......A.... E ?



•i . . ,;' Driller's Signature ..X.i^6^...."^K^6^^^^r^___ 1

s '. ; Driller's Address ...C..«.f.S»....5.C.tt.lln_J»..£&_»*J?Jh> | | "j" ^

; Mi8flQ.Ula»..M.Qn*anft. LICENSE NO 18.5 1ZZ_!_ Show exact depth of bottom

Page 39: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

• .• i I

• \ _ • • ,

• s , -

*.', • t "• *. • \ - ' \. . - . . • • I

• ;;;V':••.;•,,'•• : \^° 3a.g-7<-7 ._t ,: •• , ' ...|

•V ""•/• •• '. •••.. • / f | received and tiled thls^trum.nt for' ' ' , ^ .. • ,• , <:; , | record on tt.e_Xj»yo1^M^9223 » • :; • - !;.v -

••••-; f . "iMl^iaCo^"'••'""" ofMol"'1"a o .V; I•.-•••' • •• ' Witnesi ir.:' '-u&. , ' • ' ' , . ' i ' • ' ' -••> ;!•'••:' ,• porjthy L. tloaJ. County Record'.r , , ; ,' •. ;.; - , ••;••• !|

• ' • u— ~" ' r^Ti •-. .. ;i •••: . . • •£: li !

• ' ••.. f •• i t'- !;

•' •""•• " : - , " '^ , '* 'i ,, , I \••••'. • ' •. * •'*-. t \i -

"..'••• " • • o I

• :•. •" ' ' ' ' • . . ' ' ':!. : -l| •'

•-H • . . "• 1 I1 'O ;] :{ i ' ' ii

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..•:; r •• •:i;;Mii.!.|:i]i• ' : • ' : : i ' i j ; i ,|

' \ . ' . • • /' •-' ' • • ; ' • j : I i '• i *.. ' • • • • •. • : • i i '. : i I •

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1 <

Page 40: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

; • r r , r ^ r " | ...; =<g3*>3 OW 2 ReviKd 1969 fr j' [ -' ., "-Mi " ' "-' ."") County.^^^^tc^E-c. 1., ITATI PUILISHINO COMPANY " - ' '• •- • -l - - ' " »| STATE OF MONTANA , « ., ,n~., DRILLER'S LOG :i ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE ^ l-7.< lnHlrJlto ,ho ,h, ,rtep _.„,. ,v,t *i MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD n? .... . . . ^ ^ 2 ^ U i £ . S I i| NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER gravel, shale, sandstone, etc. Show j • ••,! APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL ?Vl ? Wuf u wafer '! f°U,nd "if !

_ . . . . . . « 1 height to which water rises n wel.Developed after January 1, 1962

I (Under Chapter 237 Montan. Session Uwi, 1961, at amended) Top of Ground (ei«. .bov. «. lCT«p II This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed nra To !I by. the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in .""*" "**" i[ which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. (fL fr7 fl>£f __ !I Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the f

form may be returned J T ^ ~J££m 0lAu££.±J2eft. I

Owner^^H,..^^!^*^ I For Administrator's UsTH **&• ^ -**£• ~ Z|

Address &P.*...%.7fM4c*/.7tfxt(j/.. TU&Aty.St.lfMS. ^S Z^ ^Aadt^iUB^e&L \

j lhiJ.pm...Sy^,.. *$£ "^L <aat-ua*<{L±s*xZ&-J

j Date well startedi^-4./.l?£ GW 1 ~&E. 1SE. f^LJJ&jf. J

ompkJ^JhJrlttC 1 1 MI W. ZZ^Jkft*a*J*CIlli

Type of well .OUa*i^)^. A^- i2^Ll, ,4<irt^-&lld-.<i!ri&<U J(Dug. driven, bored or drilled) —•—t— .'

Equipment used U*A&U flS_ / Sl- *&7<fe, <-«iuL£:-<LtJB£&*i—I(Cturn drill, reury or other) C. •

Water Use: Domestic B Municipal Q Stock Q Irrigation D AS:-tfZZ. ^ ^^«^l-ru««^^_I|

Industrial D Drainage Q Other D* Garden/Lawn Q ^- ^23_- t^aaadj&tuC^OuMii. J

describe ^E HS! ._^ J. USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, inu/ ixirj/ . V I

state number of acres and location or other data (I.e. Lot, Block "-1— •u>—— y^BMa t

; and Addition) /gll itf. .^j^l*<Uwu£±luX&.



• ! t-zv. Iff- &*' IS? 5S «JBo -1

vc^ vUj/ <t^-p^ =i=

EEZZZZZ3 'v1' ;

j w Sffe^. /u*/ /witi* •/B»o; !I I j 1 j I Static water \eveftLpiattxL&'*('--¥-* I j ,

j j Pumping water level jSTafife ft.*,__— ___. ________________J i at JOo. gallons per minute,! j measured fe£L.minutes after pumpingj O | . j began. ..

^ w — — j — | K *Measured from ground level. ___..___ _________________\ \ j Well developed by kamjuUd. ~ /! j J for feusr. houfs. ' (/ _ ' ..'.•j i ! Power<3A.«?.y. Pump..fefe_C... HP j • /

| | Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, ____ „_„, .. [ ' /\ ' packers, type of shutoff) ____ ____ .

I aim..*$..£..% secM. ::z::z::z:i::z:::::::::::r:---"l i ••• .T.../.£ $R...£JL..... E —,


I • ,.• Driller's Signature ...y$fr....CCU»i<....L^/.G*C4»«4<3fcj£:.

I 4 ' Driller's Address ...^..CX..^^...^-uu^^.^.C!m'.. -I- -L

I i LICENSE NO / ™" jri' Show exact depth of bottom


Page 41: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

.':. f — — — "'•••• '

•'.•;•. . . 5^ =«.•» s'ni"" MoB"l-e • - i

•;--;r>. • ' - ". m"Z.*«^>stfr&X»*« • •• • k :'s " •

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••*-" '' - •b • #- * • •

- 4 -.I

k" / ' • /

Page 42: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

I • O . <* 1: °W 2 Appnretf Stock Form-State Publtahtaf Co, Helena. Montana—MSSt < ^ »

' Pile No... ... - •••.... • , T l£ *'*.&& fi(J ££ J; : • L ; 3 :•; I :• \- ' •' •' DUPLICATE - " Countyj3&i£<taw ;

k M::. • ' loo CGT£: l"70 state op mohtaha :• : ADMINISTRATOR OF QROUNDWATEE CODEr Tmmmm\ Top of Oround STATE WATER CONSERVATION BOARD ;

| " (Eiev. above ua i«veL........_ ) Notice of Completion of Groundwater ;

, ~ r , Appropriation by Means of Well !; — O - 6- PfT DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY X, 1002 j

\ g - /a 6r3VCt-+dt-3y (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, an amended)

| £«-/««*/ Date of Notice of appropriation of groundwater^25iZ'...4i../.?Z!??. _. ;

IXO-lX? firayt^Y Date well started^.t^./i.*L....Date wx^\^sj2sI.Jij.W..9..

— . flMw^ (S-^Y Type of weU..</..ay..i?..53r. -Equipment used.JtSuWeJSLQL 'jfiSr- 17* ure j (Dn», driven, bored or drilled) (Churn drill, rotary or other) '

[ ** Water use: Domestic H Municipal Q Stock D Irrigation • :— ji >y */"*''' Industrial D Drainage D Other D

I .ort .. /?2l ?• ""O T i - \\ '•* '* Indicate on the diagram the character and thicknesi of the different strata .:; net with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show ;! — depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing ; i| strata and height to which the water rises in the well, • |

J Slnot I SIUU4 PreS To I PKBFOBATIONi iDiUUd w«Kti (Ftti) VmA rrawwATiQwsH* fC-hi > 0.,<cM.*J «S I SST T, j

' ! - Pb&roi. ^-^_<r^/^ .. ... I | |Filed for recordthls_^£^dwnf /&A/jsh , . ! . Statlc Water LeveJ, for non'flowtag well j

| ~ *O.19-J2£L.*O_'/J!/P i | *«*i^«£££-Jert. j— *»bteclu J4; j j Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WelL j

— | ! Pumping Water Level ~ feet j

i w j j E at....Z(?..<? gal. per minute. j

' j Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well \j j j » ;

j _ | How TestedA.('r..CJo.a»..f'.t..^~LS^L |

j ' ' ' ! ' Length of Test..£.r<xLvv. ]

i Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, pack- \i fiof j

| _ «^f_S(Ka£..Ti£B-;3L'/cr8'typeoflihutoff) :! Indicate location of well and - ;' ..'I place of use, if possible. Each ; ^i small square represents 40 j y

acres. j

! ......... ..........(Continue on reverse side) *

\ USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state. ' — number of acres und location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi-

^ tion).

I "~'•, l^^J Show exact depth of bottom. " "

4 ' " IThis form to be prepared by driller, and three cople. to be filed by the owner with the "•~£~T7Wn«'l" Nnmh'prCounty Oerk and Becorder in the county in which the well is located, tissue copy to be I»rUIer a License Numberretained by driller. \\ 0 Z9 V^/^Please answer all question!. If not applicable, ao state, otherwise the form 'rill be /X".™**l! -QCi««afc«6t!tii ]returned. (Driller s Signature.

Page 43: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER


* • '.••"*-•••**.>'• .

'\oJTJ- , ^9S~ZOP , . . J

. ~ :.L * ; •: ! I j

I |p! •**"* *»&£* OAijgrgfmflg] __.„„„ „,„.„ ..,_„._ .„ ,.«. -••

* tdJMUSUxfdofkjS^JL. p-rmoaem Mm . . .. . .. ,_,-•;_.,, t;1 j nl Mintmla Coistr, Stmt at Momma , o ;:. ~ _ V. iI wiiMM mr iond. _o . ; - - •" • r,iVmaaai J). Ciqum. Cmair Btcordu • "r "p S ^

I r-=^ 1 • . - • • •, ; & j •

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• | |« a *„••:. 1. ••••-: ;••• • .., ' • —i—--

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'•) • ; • ' -..•... \ , - _r. | • V

I • •

• •*



Page 44: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

i Crc Nn. &&>G>/^ \ v\ OWJ f: forrecord ,-••, /-jv.\ut; s-- " — ™ Awn s Pon - « ii- co.Heta Moiitti»-«j» ^.v ?.

1 ' •>. 19 v/ .at /.',?*/ "CT •• ~ 'I DUPLICATE Oc.ock__2£j,J. ftUb ^ ^ l Coontyl isft-ft-s Kfe * . ;


I ~ (Eier. abm m i«veL3*2SL__.) Notice of Completion of Groundwater

j ~ Appropriation by Means of Well~ DEVELOPED AFTEK JANUARY 1, 1962

(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) j— j

\ — 0 - Ij top soil Owner JU0o»-8t0» Address..BuatUtoat* Ji t| ~ Driller.-Hajoll.g»..ri o1wn« \ddre8«aAS4.fl«».AV*».JIs3a.. ;

Date of Notice of appropriation of groundwater. s1^ • 6 mill gxarsl »

Date well startcd......?/i4/»i Date completed...'S(/i44 f . .

— Type of well..4(4f«a- Equipment "'"^ibl« tool r~(Dug, Driven, bored or drilled) (Churn drill, rotary or otter) ^

6-89 anil gnvsl Water use: Domestic £] Municipal • Stock • Irrigation • £— taal & vatar Industrial D Drainage Q Other fj 1 .

— Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different strata 'Imet with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show k,

- depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing \k£9 . g£ Qjay n0 watar strata and height to which the water rises in the well. ?|"

Mm at I Hnpai i Fna I T» 1 ______-j.^- fMUM W*M (M) (TMO WM0»AII0W> /

_ Iteto alC«toi nS I SS I i. t 14 iufe 4 la 1.9, 0 44 "" v~> v-o (

82 - M aand tmctn 10.70 alata 43 38 [— • \aiji;

_ 38-44 enrol It water

1 "" N Static Water I/evcl for non-flowing well

i ~ ! i &f»»of -•o|r--*eet. j

— j i Shut-in Prwsure for Flowing WelL

! ^ ' | Pumping Water Lerelj^%,..^f^%Op_.feet

w j | E at jjg. gal. per minute.

I ! Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well.....J j

, |i How Testei...<oapOTMt>J.

I I— I. ' 1 Length of Test S-klSv~ Remarks: (Gravelpacking,cementing,pack- ;

| -" «AjDft4—Saa^SuTiaLBJW e™. type of shutoff) \ •

— Indicate location of weU andplace of use, if possible. Each I

— small square represents 40 iacres. „ . /

i . ••

(Continue on reverse side) « s

\ USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state !f — number of acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- 'j _ tion). •

' LmJ Show exact depth of bottom. "' "" *44 ft, •, Thl» form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the ~""—'""?"—fi~—~ ;* County Clerk and Recorder in the county In which the well in located, tissue copy to be Driller s Iaeense Number . ,retained by driller. - 'Plewe answer all queiUons. If not applicable, ao state, otherwise the form will be lY?r"rz>xZ?r~7X^~7i~^"7"m^'"—"TV '•, retamed. T)Mllers Signature ^^~-^zx^"^^t i

Page 45: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

• .,«.«. - — - — r r

'•: 30(n(0l q . "*""——™ J~— -I rmtir«< md flj^, tu, fji, ,,, I ,

, J.«l;A..Y....-etak^Rj». pm,,^,, ttto,I * "JmouJo Cmanr Jim. m Momano

i Wham ar aaaa| ', ; teas* A. Creon. Couatr Ikmui

' i , ;


- f • T" ." ! "

•/- K"'. ••* \

• '• • • i

:-" •

•••• • • • !:

•••i^:..r- • . • ••-.'"•

—•- • - i

Page 46: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

! . ' ' One tin. ^O&Cn'? ±: OW2 Filed for record si appco»«isuett>o™-s<.tcmuMumo>.Helot.Mo*u»-4g» <_^>

;. RleNo this. \j^.-jft&,.tiUU££43U4,^*' "r T n ^^1 ••- a.d. iq Vr:4v.vf, • C""" : ;

i DUKJOATE o'docle-J^LM. , CountyJ3^*«**e*U<^~ f



; ~ (Ekr. »bore m 1—1a.»g ) Notice of Completion of Groundwater \

~ Appropriation by Moans of Wellj - DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1902 '

I ~~ (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) *— j_ 0 - 1* top Mil Owner OaXhfJOm Jlddreu..HttlK».JfeMI*« }

! *DriUerJfcn«lfl..K...M«tetta Addres8a924. O,..AM...tUJLa* 1

i Date of Notice of appropriation of groundwater. JI - s> - 6 mil g»wi *

_ ft aaad Date well atarted..—.7/10/64 Date completed...f/Jfi/ftl i

— Type of well. ArlZHL Kqulpment uged*aM*..»ftQl I(Due, Driven, bond or drilled) (Churn drill, rotary or other) j

6 " W Mttll ennl Water uie: Domestic ffl Municipal • Stock D Irrigation D 1- B%uX toatar Industrial Q Drainage D Other •

— Indicate on the diagram the character and thieknew of the different stratamet with in drilling, rach as soil, day, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show

- depth at which water is encountered, thickness end character of water-bearing— £9 • 3t olar »> »nt«* strata and height to which the water rises in the well.

I — Sbt* I Unm* I f»« I T» I f«B»n«ATinim ^^j DriM w** <r»m (rmu TEmnmAimmI _ **• otCariw iS I ha 1 K

SS - 42 nad t wattr ilnik tin O.B. o Vf /J^ JJ* *JJ

— 48 « 47 ftiaval t ws««r

. 1 1 1 1 -I;-'

w Static Water Level for non-flowing well j

j j BLtt-ffiCJBULfeet, j

— j.... \ Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well _. i

_ | ! Pumping Water TA>vcl&..tt.ot...tap..~.t6et

__ w ' | g at 2& ....gal. per minute.

I j Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well -

~~ | i How TestedJ»BlSial«O*

"" I ' I ! J Length of Test.-.ahM» |

| ~ Remark*: (Qravelpacking,cementing,pack- |

1 " •*iWj4_ Sec.i?5...T..i-?B.i?? ers,typeofshutoff) i— Indicate location of well and — '

i place of use, if possible. Each •j — small square represents 40 "" ij acres. ; j /

i — (Continue on reverse side) j /'

I USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state !I — number of acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- II _ tion). I• i

IhmJ Show exact, depth of bottom, '

47 t\, 71' Thi» form to be prepmred by drffler, and three cople* to be filed by the owner with the tvjiiiV7 »t "_County Clerk and Recorder In the county in which the well is located, tissue copy to be Driller s License Number* retained by driller. . /0 'Please answer all question*. If not applicable, to state, otherwiae the form will be /bf-&-tocr<-ri—J?C~J~&*&*££~£3*&sreturned. Driller's Signaturei_:."~ I

Page 47: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

fr 30(,(»01 ~- *

| . r»».a.o.P-<-»»**" •*** —•

1 ' ' • *

: r


• • , i


• • I


I ' .

1 • \

• ••

. " i ' i

Page 48: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

• -1$O Approved Stock Form—Sate ftibliihln, Co, Helena. Monttm—«JM « »>

Kle No. T L^:~..B _...._

DUPLICATE County...... —


omos or stats znqiheee u U D£c 801963

Declaration of Vested Groundwater RfafftC ENGi.*- ': (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session turn, 1961)

1. *ff!j*****-l»** , of -JhMB.(Name of Appropriator) (Addms) (Town)

Comity cL-JSMS^M. - _ State of ScSfcMAhave appropriated groundwater menording to the Montana lawi in effect prior to January 1,1962, m follows:

NI P"i j I | j i I 2. The beneficial use on which lie data is bawd....AsCU.2S»..lSSS—....:.-—i—--I I—-: i _ _.. _

...... j ,. j. j. , 3 P^ w approximate date of earliest beneficial use; ar.d how mntinn- '....;....;.....; .!....i—j.... oni the vie haa been CootlBMOU Lbw 19$$ —

w j ' \ j | | r.

• j I . I ., ; ^ ^j^ amount of gronodwater claimed (in miner's indict or faUona...•....:—.! :....:.....;.... perminnte) 000 .gala parJdLatat -

: •' ! I i ! ! I 5. If tiled for irrigation, give the acreage and description of tht land*g to wbieh water hat been applied and name of the owner thereof

....0M..M».jBe.«nte•.K.U OmK t K h ifIndicate point of appropriationi&d place of we. if possible. Kach•mall aqnare represents 10 wres. 6' T0* means of withdrawing sneh water from the ground and the loca-

tion of each well or other means of withdrawal~)/lvJLtV-paqp

7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- 'drawal of groundwater ApMl. 1S#..H»S - '

8. The depth of water table kt? l£.< -

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specification* of any other .works for the withdrawal of groundwater lroa.eMJJ ,. k' 4UN*«r*-ltO*. 4m? :

" "*' i

1 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year..._JQt000..(l]j — ;

1 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of etch well if available.||t,t «V«ll«ild*> •• — '

i; 12. Snch other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including

reference to book and page of any county record BOM

Signature of Owner..l^^j.i^..._..

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located.

^ ' Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. J SSL £ S"

Page 49: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

yCl* a/ <~b 7r(

o • \ ' . ; ,;:

a^rrec)ack"f:-M"'m"'n"'itu>" . •jr/«*Ml« Coun(r, Slofo «/ «oK(ana

1 ' ' ••.••'! V'1:1*

I • • • : " • '• ' •-' :l| • ' " ' • : • : ' • ':'•_: '•. ']

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I - ' '.;•••-';'":.I - • : f ' '• .' ,v 'i | ..••;•• ; :.••--••

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. •••••• . . "• . : :

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-. "I-

ri-v— — •• |-...-. •• • • •.-••;.• •••• '• "' •' "••••*•••' '"

"• . . * ! • . . » - •-'"•

* ' • i

Page 50: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

j GW2 . • • *"" Approved Slock Form—Sun PubUihlnj Co, Helrai, Monttci—42«l . . .S I

•• . • : File No- .- ' T....J.D. R.......<sQr....:^[l..

• . | DTOHCA1E; - MOH.M/aii^u/^^CESDOyiPD Countv.-./^.Wa \! LOO R l s C E l V F f v 1 STATE OP MONTANA #J.<&. I :! ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE '•


(Eiw. above sea level ) Notice of Completion of Groundwater ;

I ~ Appropriation by Means of Well jI - 0-6 Pit DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1962

I ~~ 6-10 Gravet & Clay (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) j j

j f _ ,0-27 Clay Owner..J?4O£S£ ^...Address...J.M°!/x..(S!!iTANA _ I II j 1522 S. 14th \7. \ II - 27-SO Sand 4 Water DrflIer.....GMM..C.4«e Jlddress.....«/*m.*...«OAfr>IM....-

I ._••'•'' 60-120 Silt Sand A Water Date of Notice of appropriation of groundwater. j

I" 120-128 Oray Clay Date wll started....«/«B»...2O*...*ftfi9.....Dato completcA.«/ju.J«..J3C!»...X$$.8. I I

I ; — «9A_4'3O Bi-atvn Cinv nnri s«iKtPo of welL...O*?.ti.iarf. Equipment used .Ct>jura..jOr.i.li. II "ff73° 5rolOT Cta^ and Sarf*(Duf:f Driven, bored or drilled) (ClJurn drill, rotary or other)

I ••••"•••'• 130-132 Sand and wat^r Water use: Domestic® Municipal • Stock D Irrigation Q . 1I — Industrial D Drainage • Other • I

I ..•••• „ . — 132-168 Sitty aand and water Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different strata j • II ' met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show | II .. — 168-171 Sand, Gravot & depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing ,' II • Water strata and height to which the water rises in the well. | I

I • Sbeot I Sin mi Freia j iS PEnmuMTumii II ~. 171-173 Sand and water wikd wd«bi (f«o wmo mgm""1"" II __ Hoi. OICulx ibd iHH S , I

I _ 173-174 Clay 6» /.o. 6" 1.0. 7' 18S>S>' jI 17 tb aiova norm II — 174-183 Sand p,r ft. pit ' \I I floorI I 183-184*8" Oravt, Sand , II j — and water j j

I I ~ N Static Water Level for non-flowing well . I

I - | - ! I Oround .Lav.o.i feet. , I

I j — j j Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well ! I

I ' j _ j | Pumping Water Level S. feet j ',„ I

I • I w I ' b a* fitt gal. per minute. ' ' ,• : • I

I ! I j Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well ; ' I

I i ~ || How Tested AJjnJSsmnrJUMSHC I

I ~ I ! 1 ! Length of Test. i.hour- I

I — Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, pack- { ; I

I " 5^%4..:...Sec^.T./^.R.2.^cr8'typoof8hutoff) fI — Indicate location of well and - i '• II place of use, if possible. Each ^ • - . II ' — Biaall square represents 40 f , -/ II acres. i • •'" I

I ~ ; / \

I , (Continue on reverse side) i /• % . I

I USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Expiuin, state ; - II ' _ number of ncres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- ;I tion). ; • I

I ' • J LmbJ Show exact depth of bottom. > J

I " •>•-! This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the n^nf^f^f "v^w • II •'• County Clerk and Recorder in the county in which the well is located, tissue copy to be VnHet s License Number : 1I - . a ' . retained by driller. (Lj / /£ ' jI Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be «--«OU««fe£fc«fe:...iK£fc^KSG?. — jI . returned. Driller's Signature GlmntTCcmp IL__-- •" ''

Page 51: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

». fS-7 tt _ _ _ _ _ '

•• # iV**- -. i •-" : " "-• ~ -—"T-T-T-r-p

- - - t ___r ij_£; ~~ ..'Jj£i fitiTecolred o_d tOai file fnufnuncm for • : . ; ;' |jgjj ««d on ih».Xl 4ar et .(OXt.toWr. : • • ' '«J *,!.$.Le>.a. o'c_ci..#...M.. pn-.oDm »i;« ; ' ' . ; '.!,.'.

; • *3 o( Missoula County, Slate at Monlcna " ••?;:•! Wftneos ay head;. ,''.'•! Veramm B. Crouoe, County Recorder

•. ,i Bf g?..'-!«i!W.&ii_fei!Lartn>»»iX'i II—...Oeputl» •; . ' ',<' ' fc| J f«« S.JJ..d>.i ......J..J>.atif_j( : • >; ., ' • •-.

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, •-•,..,•• _ '• ;' TV" "Zr '••'•-••• . r ._ rf- ::; -

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' . ( • ' ' ,--' " \

_ " i

Page 52: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

File No T 15...JR 22,

DUPLICATE County.... |iaSOU!i:a




Notice of Compleiion of Groondwaler Appropriaiion Wifhont Well

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961)

Date of Appropriation of Ground water &&Bm '1963


Contractor (if any) Hon»

Address of Contractor ••-•Bon* -

Date Started...a<UM;-1963-~- Date Completed... jun«, 1963•

N Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by__ sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to

water when applicable....io...Hrp4.«l«etrie-fflotor-«Bd-

^ .pta ..i....1x- ...to_lpinip..iwrtir.. rim.ntea ...att

| into..a.. x.inch.*luadnuin.«aiiv.pip«-for oonvey«nc«

: of ...watar. ..to .all- past* -of •• th*--8W -o*-S«o-r-~2S,

Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of meth- '' od usftd to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermit*

H&..%..8K Sec,25 T.15. R22- tent estimate approximate lengths of periods of use _

. and.ua «d.during-all-o«-...th«.irrigation

ffntBMon *?f wch y#Bir» ™.™.«..«..«...«.....«..«..«...

Signature of 0wner......O...^^A..l...:,<^C^.S^'^^


This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county inwhich the works are located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to theMontana Bureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.



1 7 Af |

Page 53: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

' '•/: ' , ' . • : : . . • • . , f

. I reoelved and </led thl« (n«(iiim«n( lot <'.'•'" '' • . . xeeord on thm.JLf......day oLjStit»t.aAi ;, ",

. (K.../.,S*:.otcJoclt/a....M., p«rmin»nt iUn . >-< * ' - . ot MisBouh County, Stala ot Montana '

• '•' ' WltMtt my hand:• •' • MARnNS, BEHNtt.CountyH«orf«

. ' . | r«« $a.g- i»qm I »,

•'.(/ • •• - • • - ' " '. r••:'-•" .. I • . • • . i '


Page 54: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

(""N—Helen* Independent Record «^V'"7 !?

File No -_ T.....05...^_....^.™

DUPLICATE Count.y.™™^L~.



I " OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER \~d) £ C E1 ¥ &[\\\

I ' Declaration of Vested Gromdwaler Bights DEC 3 1963 —^

I (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) , _

f i «al«»»...2*...ac*«itft«m , ot .fimwra. '.i (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)

[ County of Mii.HP.Ul* .State of. Montana ' i; have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1,1962, as fol- 'j lows: ;ij N •: I—] 1 1—| 1 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based ;

| Far» irrlgatioiv and »toek w«t«ri»g '

: 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con- >j tinuous the use has been JU?.OUfc..lfi9.Q...- <j continuoua :I W _ _ _ _•«__ ' __^_ B - ',[ ................ ..<..•........ ........ ... .... ......................I

i' 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons i

per minute) 1(1 pl«>r'* ^**chf¥

| • ,

! I ! I ! 1 S. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the: • lands to which water has been applied and name of the owner ;

i thereof ..JHKi(U%>....S«C....25r...9wp.....l&..|^.,....lt^..22-.».

j tOL~.V*9M.. Sec.25.. T..15 B.2Z. JUP*II. ~ ~ I

i Indicate point of appropriationand place of use, if possible. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the :

I Each small square represents 10 location of each well or other meana of withdrawal 'acres< .._..BB§..AS ...RMS.J ,

i •" Ij 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- I

• drawal of groundwater ••••j-owvy — !

I !8. The depth of water table 17...t»mt !

t9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any j

other works for the withdrawal of groundwater 36-i»cfa-tll»-- caalng-— ,

' i

i ;

I 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year 10,.00Q...gallana ;

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available ;! nww ivtliliMt

( 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including ' > • /\ reference to book and page of any county record -Non* - -

Signature of Owne*U#^4ifc..£:.<^I^ki£.J^^^

Date.....BQV«B4J*C...J!7i....19.6.3...... ,Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.' Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureauof Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.j

Page 55: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

t I jf.'..">vffd arid liUd this Instrument ioirecord oykeJ2J.. day ot..fl4?tiz...lB43.at..../3&?3clot:k.jP...M., pamtinmt Ukuat Mieaoula Cuunly, Fiato ot Montana ' ':Wltnen* t*r ton*MARTIN S, BEHNEff Cwnfr flaconhr

|fw»A.^..- ~~. Paid - ": J • -|;

j ?• .: ;; • •;!; ^ =;

• o

' , I .•.-•;• 'I :- '

1' V 0 . " • ' , '

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I : • , ' '! • ^:^ •' - •• ••'.


! ,.<••--•'

'••"'. «


fc - , a.

Page 56: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

• . .' ~ ~ £ • •\ ow 2 Approved Slock Form—SUIe PubUnhlnt Co., HeteM, Monum—4I93J' j£jj>' * '

| File No t AS"/^. 3^ <?G> k

| D0PLIOATB (^u«WfvfeHtefl^»».n5Y .?'STATE OP MONTAl|Aj^ t£ IIP It U W IE 11 11 }

ADMDHSTBATOR OF OSOUNDfOlBE CODE 'Ml >P — 1 Top of Crowd OmOli OF 8TATB EHQttBfa^Pp 8 1965 — ^ \

(Hev. above sea leveL ) Notice of Completion of ^MMchMatai; r r n jAppropriation by MeaS/brrWeiPmtt:K j

0 to 3' Top soil (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) j— • j

3* to ?• ClB*,i * gravel Ormer....J.ii*BamlutJUit ddreRs_Huaoar..itanlana j

—' 7' to 1S« Sand DrmerJ&5!!D...S!W^ |

16' to 21 • Sand * uatar Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater. _ I

21 • to 31 • Snnd.orawal Date well itarted.t)*C..tt.*iS&£. Date Completed. J^...?7.*!?6* f

j ~ a uatar Type of welL...Drlllacl Equipment Used....G!M*n.drill \I _ (dug, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or j

_ 31* to 55* Clay & graval drilled> 6ther> j55 • to 68« Groan sandy Water Use: Domestic$3 Municipal • Other Q Irrigation Q

~ , Industrial • Drainage D Stock D

68' to 65* Broun clay *%EI Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the differentfl5« tn 97 • Grav aandu strata met witi "* drUlill8> suel1 u 8oil> clt> inaIe' P"* 1) rook or •andI ete.

uray annuy Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-Clay bearing strata and height to which water rises in the well.

| 97• to 103' Sand -===============================^— **"* SlMirt Fro. T» | mnmATinm

103' to 10S1 Sand ft ««- «•;*;•' cf«.) (p.0 rarautma

•mall graval mm ^ am mm \

~ IBi to 111' Clay 6" 6" x-°- 5' BbDWB G-U !i ~ .... . 18.97 „' to 116» «ma

~ U1 ta *-«l to ft- & uatar

_ " Static Water Level for non-flowing Well..M..«bflVJS...&..U ieet.

I - ....j i : «...! ; j—- Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well »

: — ....|—.;.....: ;....|....|..... Pumping Water Level.....H!.f£?!!l...!f.^e1t at .?? gal. per minute.

-— i----, ----,-- I , , DlichErge in gal. per min. of flowing W8lL...« ,

" "~j | j i i |~~ E How Tested...I»"Lt.P.l«np.... ^^ ot Test.....M^?.«!.1 j : ! j ; ,; i : : • i Remarks: (Oravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca- t .

- •'": I : : i I tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any ii : i : . i | ! other similar pertinent information, including number of 1! — '• • • • ' • ! ji _ I ' '—'• ' ' acres irrigated, if used for irrigation)...

j — Vt Secf?A. T./..£! R^?J _ j , j: _ Indicate location of well and "' j ' '.-' |i place of use, if possible. Bach _ _ ! • / iI — small square represents 10 acres. •

' ,f Show exact depth of bottom. Licence (f 7 1

Driller's License Number |

Driller's Signature £' i

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copiea to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorderin the county in which the well is located. i

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ,

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of It Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. -sacSf

* i

Page 57: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

fE2ii>l:;...,-..:..:_•;;. „. . . .\-.,-... ..>

• 1,^ ;""' '

; ;' i

1 tmctiond anitilai thli Jntlrammt t<$,«eo»d on lh« O......iat et<£)Mi/..19£.£.. '• |at../J*3Ji o'cJoct.A.M., permanent 111— ' |

t o< Wftsoulo Count)', Slate of Montana '• ! W/tness my Jioni: ' • ;

' VtrniJt fl. Qour«, County Rtcprder t •

j Fm f -?*"'» 1 --^ - P"'-*

v • . . •

, • i ': 1


1 • ' - • *• • . i p » . ••


Page 58: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

r*-:i **• •'tUtmnd Stock Porm-Suu PublMriat Co. Hdera, Monun»—C32»" Jj>iJ

RleNo *"•••'• K.'. --•- "— —.^ T .OZ.JR .«?_.«, .^Jfi ; v-

i DOPLTOATB p,.. °EC 2HUtt county-J2&fe*fe*^*^^ \


r""""| Top of Ground *"• •n~ZHH3 .'"'".''——--OFFIOB OF STATE ENGINEER : .

(taw. »bow wa lm] !!!lX~— btotfce~of"Completion of Groundwater I

; ' Appropriation by Means of Well< - O «• t2» Brown Clay DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1962 '

( 22' <• 22' S««a of wot (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) ,

f __ 22 » to 32» Ora/ «<a/ Owner.J*iX»»...*M!fi« M6.Teta...BK~3M..^ty—mr-mmi- [

I *»• «• 52'5»«# of water Drmor.OAt*IL.C«iji.....M2A.^-.J««Addres«^#|,#«#4.,Wwtfwle. j

j * • • Date of Notice of appropriation of groundwatcr !

i _ 52' «• 5«ft* Cta, *r.ll«wDatewell«tartecL...f.2/f.*/f.#. .Date eomplet^*#&«. j

I - *••* Type of well JOr.LLl»lt... Equipment rmi..^CI)mraL(lrtlJ !I (Dog. Driven, bored or drilled) (Churn drill, rotirjr or other) !j — 84&* t« 7«» Y»How reck Water use: Domestie«3 Munleipsl D Stock Q Irrigation Q rI — »f*n Industrial n Drainage • Other Q i

— IIMI •' *«<•' • Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of th6 different strata j*a a 0 i/ met wlt'1 riUliS. inch as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show -,

— *° ••"•*'• depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearingstrata and height to which the water rises in the well.

~" 7#» «• *O* etmy .I Steal Hwart ma To . _-..„„.

~~ Urn <FmO (TmO

I - ' I- B" 14# *a» I • «0* «MM# I

— ••»«!< 54* 7»' !

j ==______i-___===J_«___=_===_=4=^^

— N Static Water Level for non-flowing well

j ^j ..ft!L.<r*ir_™feet,

— j Shut-in Prewure for Flolfift fH\i!!3.^f!fL

__ ! | Pumping Water LeveL.^f feet S

I w | e at 20 gal. per minute.

> | Discharge in gal. per tnln. of flowing well

! _ •• •! T»«« P»mp 1* O.*.*r , •\ i i HowTeiteA..«ali*r...itJ.t..2J3!..!5!»f.,*f.f... ,

, "" I ! 1 '• 1 Length of Test....**-***

| — Remarks: (Gravelpacking,cementing,pack- )

^^'^/y4......Sec.^..T..^:.R.«?^ er*ltype°f"hut0tf) '— Indicate location of well and

j place of use, if possible. EachI — small square represents 40 ii acres. 1

| J j

I (Continue on reverse side) : '•

I USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state I ' /i — number of acres nnri location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- < '

tion). j"~ i

. • L««^J Show axact depth of bottom,

TWi form to be prepared by driller, »nd three copies to be filed by the owner with the tH^^r "*~7~~—"~Coonty Clerk and Keeorder in the county In which the well is located, tiaiue copy to be Driller s License Numberretailed by driller. / / jn.* Pleue aMwer aU qnmUons. If not applicable, «o state, otherwiie the form will be jK*5S£«£AslMArL!>«<LUtJ) •returned. Driller's Signature (S*

Page 59: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

1 "en/md and KM thj, iMfntment /0- •r«Mjden(*.....«?..Srf5y o/X&c 19 6f ,M./«.1:sT.yKi .<f.i.. p,,mOT;Bt .nj. • -

• 0/ Mi»souJd Cnpnly, S(ofr ol VcntifSj ' . . ' . ••••:'•;

Vuamac fl. CifL'M. 'JuL-nfT yii--j,J.,r I • ',-i. , • Br.<££**fc-.C£v5t..«***: .,£,,.,„.„' - • . . . . . . .

Te« t. ...wt.,..P..tC „, Pdd«£ -I . , -

•V I ' • •• ' '


". • • .-• : >• lv


' • •• !* • ; ' • • • •.: •' • ' . : I

I ;• •" ' > •. -5 >! • , ^ ' ... ,i

c } < -.- :1 •

1 ,. r • tr^ ,' • T ••"*, l-

* ! . 4

• »-t

Page 60: - i- -• ••••'• ,, record oji thy..!%.Bfy ot^CJZ!h?..iabj ...mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/...L0(j ^ #?/ STATE OP MONTAKA • ADimnSTRATOR OF GROUKDWATER

owa -• • fi|i|,icnimmini nmii nmriiiniiim m.minm iiimmn win <^^^i

File No ]'0-:: .. ,"V**^"3 tit" .ai* ^ ! ^

D0PLIOATE ,.. . . n ..-.-. CountyMlMjSjiAji •


I i—~| Top of Onnmd OFFICE OF STATE ENOINEEB • .

(Btor. abore w» iwd. Z) Notice of Completion of Groundwater I

~ ••n «8C7i/On; « vn« 'rra Appropriation by Means of Well ;DEVELOPED AFTER JANTJARY 1, 1963 i

'— 0^2 Tcpioil (Under Chapter 237, Montana Senion Lawa, 1961) •.

, 5-to O'.v;l ins1 iirtd Owner ?t'(<! .•/.ft'*'"i'.Jl ._ Mdww...^".-'...-^»__?'_.'• I~ C ViT VtLL MILLING C f5?? 3. U1h •". j— 15»CJJ cr.rf ant' '. otur Driller 11 , .--....tX. _Jddren..l:.(.Bit.Hj.C*_./;.'.<J.C.tjyi.<J_ (now 1 •'"•' )

' Date of Notice of appropriation of gronndwater.— CSmC'O ~r..y Clay

, _ DateweUstaited ! l/.._?j..J JL"_Date eompleted-*££L'_2t_l£Sl_ |I CC-CC • tn<f ar.d '.''aimr , ;I - Type of well. ZtlJLlgJt Kquipmcnt need—£JLT..n...l':lU. ;I C. -C« /.reum '><cy and (Dn«, driven, kored or drlUed) (Churn drill, rotary or otlwr) || . r.v»( Witter use: Domestic H Municipal • Stock Q Irrigation Q |

— Indnttrial D Drainage O Other D ;

_ C4-1ie .r.-.t Clay Indicate on the diagram the character and thtekneu of the different itrata 'met with in drilling, inch at soil, clay, ahale, gravel, rock or land, etc. Show |

— 11C~1l:1 :lu« Gley depth at which water ii encountered, thickncM and character of water-bearing :itrata and height to which the water ri*e« in the well.

- frf.f?V7'- irrvvl a«rf -., I ».* I ^ S—I __|U_B^ ' | •- errr M M w«M vm <fr*> """*"""" )

I " « tfOatat KM I FMa T» {— f" i,~-. fi'W.r. f'<" il<?>7» mm vm turn \_ »'/ th . :.-jv • :

par ft, ',/.. j

j : -—J II — * Static Water Level foi non-flowing ttsII

I i T 1 I riowi t ?•<** feet

_ j ! Shut-in Prewure for Flowing Well __—

j _ ! j Pumping Water Level 30. feet

w _^_____ | K at ZS gaL per minute. I

n I 0 ^ /? '' Diicharge in gaL per min. of flowing well j

j ~ Filed torrocord ^_Q.ua>a^—— \ i HowTeited ..i£..l:MU^r.:..M.ar.

this—^T^V °a\_fytlA4- I '• 1 ! 1 Length of Teit f?.J...feP..t:C.«

_ A. D. 1» ygjfi Bemarka: (Gravel packing, cementing, pack-

~ °'Cl0C ' SjL.yMe^.T.^n.li.r «"-• ^. of .butoff) j •

— Indicate location of well and - j ;place of use, if ponible. Each <

j — amall iqua?e repreiebtn 40 Jj acrei. „„ _.__.....™...__ I

_ —~——™—w-™~™ j ,- (Continue on reverie lide) |

; vSS—If tued for irrigation, industrial, drainage ov other. Explain, itate i S_ number of acres and location or other data (U.: Lot, Block snd Addi- ,

tion). i! — t

• L^J Show exact depth of bottom. _ i

t(c-/if) 7This form to be prapsred by driller, and three copies to be filed by the ovner •»>.•»:• vj-i V3',7"V"i" ™ T. ' connty Oerk and Recorder in the county in which the well is located, tissue wpy to 5«r Driller I License Numberretained by driller. th* /J ^ .* Please answer all questions. U not applicable, so stats, otherwise the lorm will U- .**^^IUii<iAM~S**@xi%l/!?..retomed. Driller'n Signature.*" '**•• ' J../i-(.//.u .-. «o;j jilt; LY. '