, i jp'liw · 2015-05-30 · fjlour jwr-alt-golden gate & salinas-q-h flour telephones,...

I I - - r " ,,r- - -- ?t t--t. - aw - , I i .- - I -- ? o?! -- ,.' ( Jp'liW U i jIm JW' Jl Jv Ul ;- -, t- - '"'- -' " '' '' ' - - -- '" yioL. XIV. No. 23?J2. HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 10, 1889. SO 01NT8 SUBSCRIPTION PER MONTH ' I Tfifi "fiAlLt: BTJELETI' Is printed nnd published at tho ofllco, Quoen Btroct, Honolulu, II. ovcry' afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, 50 cents per Month. Address all Communications Daily Bulletin. Advertisements, tc ensure insertion, ihould bo handod a boforo ono o'clock p. u. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor Bulletin Stoam Printing Olflco. Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of all kinds done on the znoBt favorable torms. Bell Telophone No. 250, Mutual Tolopliono No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. , An interesting and comprehensive publication, contains 8' columns of reading matter on local topics, and a oomploto resume of Honolulu nnd Island News. It .is tile best papor oubllsbed in the Kingdom tot send to friends abroad. Subscription: Island : : : f 4 00 year Foreign : ': : 5 00 " Commission Bleroiiants. HiVOKirJEXiJO & Co, H. Qoneral Commisaion Agenta. " ' Honolulu G. W. HAC2ABLANE & Co. IMPpRTKRS AND COMMI8BION ' '' ' i lMSRaHA5NT8, Qaeen street, - Honolulu. H. I. . ' 1048 GONSAIiVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Morohanta Beaver Block, Honolulu. BRBWKB A COMPANY, c. (Limited) . g&mbbal mebcaktilk amd Commission Agents. . , LIST of omcBBa: P.'05Jone8, Jr. .. .President & Manager Jf ,0OABTfln. .. ..Treasurer '& Secretary DIBBOTOBS: Hon. C. It. Bisuop. S. C. Alleh, H. Watkeuoosb. aU8 ly . fOHN T. "VTATEBHOTJlfe, O Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. ,1 B. N. Castle.-- J. B. AtWton-- G. P. Castle & OOOKE, GASTIiB Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King at., Honolulu. l Cl&uaSpreckeli. ffffl. O. Inrin. IawiN & Company, WGt. Sugar factors and Commission ents, Honolulu. 1 WILDER t OO., Dealers in Lumber. Paints, Oils, Nails. Sal; and Building Materials of evory'klnd, cor. fert'and Queen sts., Honolulu. . LeworB, T. J. Lowroy O. M-- . Cooke. & COOKE, I. (successors to Luwers ft Dickson.) Importers and Dealers In Lumbi-- r and all Kinds ot'Buildlng Materials, Fort street, Uouolulb 1 H. G. CRABBE, DEALER IN Wand GRAIN, 81 King Street, opposito the Old Station House. Mutual Telephone No. t. 87 tf VETERINARY. A R. KOWAT, Veterinary Surgeon, a oiiico unu iiutiriimuv ubuttnumiu Hotel Blables, comer Hotel und Richard strouts. ScleutiAo treatment in all din-eau- of domestic animals. Orders for plantation and ranch stock promptly attended to. Mutual Telephone 51, P. O. Box 320. roh.18-8- O LUSO HAWAIIANO. ALL persons who want to cominuni with the l'ouucucso, either for business, or for procuring workmen, servants or any other helps, will find It the most profitable way to advertise in the Luio iawaiiano, the now organ of Iho Portuguese colony, which is pub- lished on Hotel street, ami only oh urges rqusouablo rtu for advertismunnls I. .11. II. II HI rnHE BEST PAPER to subscribe X for la the "Daily .Hulletlu," 60 cuti per mouth f Professionals; JM. MONSABRAT, at Law & Notary Public 140 Merchant Btrcct, Honolulu; tf Alfred maqoon, J Attorney at Law & Notary 1'ubllc 178 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly David Dayton Will practice in tho lower courts of the Kingdom as attorney, attend to collect, ing in all its branches, renting of houses and any other business ontrustcd to him. Ofllco 91 King Street Upstairs. . FebWO pipNiauna STEAM CAM FACTORY AND BAKEBY. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook und Bakor. 71 Hotel St. "StST Telephono74. Mrs. L. C. Pray, Genuine Massage RomanBattis 160 Fort Streot. Chinese Church Yard. dec-7-8- 8 HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fort Street, : William's Block, 21G Honolulu, H. I. H. M. BKNBOW. a. w. smith. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 118 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu Depot for Bocrlcke & Seechlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Rickieckcr'a'Pcrfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y WENMR & CO. JHnnnfactui-lnf- f Jewellers, NO. 0 PORT STREET. Constantly on hand a large assortmen of every description of Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly Thomas Lindsay, Uannf actor ing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukul' Jewelry a Specialty. King Street, Honolulu, H. I. Next door to tho Hawaiian Tram-wa- y Company's Office. CST" Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. jan.19-8- 0 Sanders!. Baggage Express Co. M. N. SANDERS, Proprietors. Office, 84 King street, Telephone No. 8G. Residence Telepbono No. 202. GoiiUJGaipreBBliiu: &. Draylnji Piano and Furniture moving a specialty. Wagsus meet nil incoming steamers. 1uly.25 ly Hustace & Robertson, .mar" p K A. Y DE 3V . ordora for Cartage promptly at- tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods In transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Office, next door to Jaa, F. Morgan's auction room. 983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10. Richard Cayford, VETERINARY Slioeii&g- - Forge, 70 A HI Kliic Mtreet. Shoeing, from $1.50. Horsou and Cattle Troatod foi all DisouseB. Residence! Chamberlain House, next Kawaialmo Church. X, O, JlOX 40H, BollTelephoneja, BEAVER sL SALOON The Boat Lunoh in Town, it Tea and Coffee at ill Hours i Tho Finest Brand of GlEIH. jim TlDICEO -- i 'WKiJ'JsjiS A.lTVtvyn oix Hand. U. J. KOI.TK, Proprietor. TJU3S i&jK&w!f Metropolitan Meat Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale & Hotail Butchors AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly Choicest Mutton 1 Beef,) fpff Pork, Fisli, "VoarotixtoleB, &c, &;o. Always on hand at the HONOLULU MARKET (Successors to Wm. HcCandlcss), No. G iueen 8t : : Fish Market, Honolulu, II. I. KTamily and Shipping Oi dors care- fully attended to. Live Stock furnished to'vcsselB at short notice. . my 17-8- 8 JOS. TINKER, MUTOHEH. Nuuanu Street. Beef, W Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Fork. ALSO Cambridge Pork Sausages ! Fresh Every Day. JSPHis noted Sausages aro 'made by the every best machinery, and all orders entrusted to his care will bo delivered with promptness and dispatch, and his prices are as low as anywhere in tho city. CSTTry his Bologna Sausages." oct-5-8- 8 Anderson &Lundy, JOentists. Artificial Teeth from ono to an entire sot inserted on gold, silver, alluminum and rubber bases. Crown and Bridge Work a specialty. To persons wearing rubber plates which aro a constant source of irritation (o the mouth and throat, wc would recommend our Pro- phylactic Metal Plate. All operations performed in accordance with the latest improvements in dental science. Teeth Extracted without pain by tho use of Nitrous Oxide Gas. co at Old Trogloan Residence Hotel street. Feb-20-8- 0 FJEIA.ISOE. Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36 Hue de Dunkerque, . Paris. Kxecutea Indents for every description of French, Belgian, Swiss, German, and English Goods, at tho best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices. Commission, per cent All Trade and Cash Discounts allowed to Clients. Original Invoices forwarded when requested. Remittances, through a London or Paris Banker, payable on delivery of Shipping documents; or, direct to tho manager. Tho Agency Represents, Buys, and Bq)1b, for ilomc and Colonial Firms. Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics, Silks, Velvets, Lawns, Chintzes, Muslins, Carpets, Cloths, Millinery, Laces, Gloves, Fringes, I'arusols, Haberdashery, Gold aud Silver Lace, Flannels, Feathers, Pearls, Boots and Shoes, Glass, and Ohlnn.wuro, Clocks, Watches, Jowollry, Fancy Goods, Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments, Fans, Ecclesiastical and Optical Goods, Mirrors, Toys. Perfumery, Wluos, &c. Oilman's Stores, Hooks Artlstio furniture, Stationery, Ohmnuu, Muchlnory, &o &o, 18ft lvrt. PASTURE for HORSE AT Ilalekou, Kaneeho, Koolaupoko, bS'J norpa of good pasture laud, h( enclosed plenty of water. Apply to Charles I, Hirtim. at the King's Stalleb, ' Honolulu, or M llftUkou, fcb-3- BO-l- y EMBROIDERIES and LAUGE IMPORTATION DIRECT FROM EUROPE -- NOW OPEN POPULAR MILLINERY - - HOUSE, 104 Fort Street, Honolulu, TV. S. - - Proprietor. I1NSE ASSORTMENT ! Call and LACES ASTONISHING PRICES examine. Swiss Nainsook & Hamburg Edgings, In every width and nil qualities; Embroidery Skirt Length Flounces, .. Exquisite patterns, at very low figures ; All-ov- er XDmbroideries, Latest patterns, in Swiss & Nainsook; Children's Embroidery Flounces, In Swibs & Nainsook ; Laces & Lace Flounces, An immonso assortment; Oriental Lace Flounces Skirt Length, In White & Deep Ecru, at exceptionally low prices ; Valencienne Lace Flounces, Full Skirt Length & Edgings to match. The above Goods aro direct from Eurono nnd direct from tho manufacturers, and will thcreforo bo sffered at prices lower than hithor-tofor- o. -- OFFER AT BED California Hay, Oats, Bran, Oil Cake Meal, Linseed Meal, Barley, Boiled Barley, , Middling Ground Barley, Wheat and Corn Flour. FJLOUR JWr-Alt- Golden Gate & Salinas-Q- H FLOUR Telephones, No. 175. Boll Telephone, OO - HAWAIIAN on hand nnd For AT T1IE- - FEED CO., ROCK FEICES Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts. - IMCutual Telephone, 3-y- i WINE CO., Sale a Full Assortment of- - So. U Merchant Street, Near Fort Street. 0 -- Have All Brands of. American Whiskies, BOURBON, RYE and MONONGAHELA, In Bulk or Case; SCOTCH and IlfclSJBL TtHrMfSZCY, In Glass and Stono Jars; Very Fiuo fe Very Cheap Qualities, as aro wanted ; GINS; in Large & Small Bottles; (White or Black), also, STONE JUGS; Old Tom Gin, XJet Brand in llio Mur-lfot- ; EUROPEAN SHERRIES and PORT ! In Bulk and Cnso. All Brands of American Lager Beer, English Ale & PortcrLGerman Beer, Etc, In Pints and Quurta; Finest Brands of Champagnes, In Pints and Quarts. Bitters, Liquors Absintho, Apollinurl Water, Kummols, Very Superior CALIFOBNIA WINES, A8 rOJ.MWB : Zlnfundol, Malaga, Tokay, Madeira, Purl, Sherry, Riesling, Hooka, Eto., EIoa o 0T AU ol wnloh will bo Hold AT LOWEST HATES by FRANK BROWN. 3170 Manager, A. h; rasemann, Bookbinder, Papor-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. Merchant street. Up stairs. ocUl.88.ly tHWJ HONOLULU IBON WORKS, SiNlNHStcam engines, sugar mills, boll-cr- coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of. every description made to ordor. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice " 1 Alex. Flohr, Lock & Gunsmith. Next door to Hoffschlaccer & Co., Damon Bloek, Bethcl'strcet. All kinds of Safes & Soalos repaired. Also, Bewlotr Machines at reason, able ratcH. Bell Tel. 424. P. O. B. 4W. I" NTERPRIS PLANING MILL. E 1 Alakoa, near Queen St. HI Telepbono 55. WALKER, & REDWARD, Contractors &; Builders. Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; es- timates given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 18 King street. Bell Tele- phone No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. ap-5-l-y GEORGE LDOA, wxESiiSHEafc and Builder, ..,, o. . " Tt . .uuuuiuiu oicam iriamng MU1S, nado, llonolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work flnlsh. Turning, Scroll and Band' Sawing. AU kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly atttmded to and work guaranteed. Orders from the other Is--, ands solicited Pioneer Shin Factory Of Honolulu, No. 17 Emma St The undersigned begs to inform the public of these Islands that he is making Slilrts toy Measurement T Directions for will be given on application. Wbtte Shirts, Oiersblrts & Night Gowns A fit guarantee by making a sampli Shirt to every ordor. Island order solicited Bell Telephone 410 601y A. ST. MEIililS. WRI&HT BROS.; THOMAS & HENRY, Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill, W. W. WRIGHT, Nos. 79 and 81 King Strott. Carriage Builders, Ship's Blacksmllhing, Drays, Carls & Wagon Building as specially. Every description of work In the abovo lines performed in a first-clas- s manqer and executed at short notice, i ALL WORK GUARANTEED., tW Ordors from tho other islands solicited. Will bo pleated to sco all our old customers as well as now ones. Mutual Telephone No. 575. apr.lD-8- 9 Honolulu Library ANB Reading Room Association, Cor. Hotel &. Alakea Htrcets. Open every Day and Evening, Tho Library consist at tho present time of oyer Five Thousand Volume. The Beading Boom is supplied with about ilfty of the leading uowspupers and periodicals. A Parlor is provided for conversation and games, Terms of membership, llfty cents a month, pnyablo quarterly In advance. No formality required In joining oocespt signing tho roll, Strangers from foreign countries and visitors from the other IshindB are wel- come to tho rooms at ull times as guests, This Association having no regular means of support except thu dues of moiubora, It is expected that residents of llonolulu who ileslro to avail themn solves of Its privileges, aud all who feel an Interest In maintaining an Institution of this kind, Villi put down their names aud becomo regular contributors, A. J, OAhTWUIOHT, l'res,, M, M. SCOTT, Vice-Preside- nt, 11, A, 1ABMKLHK, Secretary, A, L.HMlTH.Treasurer, O, T. BODQKHH, M,H Chairman Uall and Library GominltWt, NEW IfORK . . Life Insurance CQWiANY. Assets, : : $95,000,00.00 "Facts aro Stubborn Tolags." At every age, on every premium tablo, and im every year, ihe AC- TUAL BEStLTS of Tontine Policies of tho New York Life Insurance Co. have been LARGER, than 'those OF ANY OTHER COMPANY issuing similar policies. For particulars apply to C. O. BEB&ER, Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands. 283 tfl FIRE, LIFE, ! MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire' Insurance Co. Asteti, $5,288,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) Asset, $490,000 Anglo-Nerad- a Assuranoe Corporation (Fire and Marino) Capital paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marine Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 New York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $89,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1653 ly The Best Company THJE MUTUAL Life Insurance Go. OB1 JSEW YORK. Rlcliaid L KcCnidy, Pr osldenl The Largest Company in tho World The Oldest Company in the U. 8. It Give the Meat Liberal Pelioiee ' AMD Pay the Largest Dividends. Claims paid to policy holders in tho Hawaiian Islands, durteg the a past tea years, Over t 0100.000 OO For rates, apply to S. B. SOME, General Agent, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. . :,.ocUH-l- y CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire & Marine th'stirce Agents. xanrra ro& The New Kaglaaa MUTUAI LIFE INS. COMrVY of Boston. Tho iEtna Fire InwuraHoe Go of Hartford; Conn. '' The DbUb ilxt imi4 Marine IhtUfance Co., of Baa Francisco. Cala. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance ComVv ( MT13WSHKD J818, Capital,. 8,(H9,tK rWlsMeiarhs THE undersigned, having bwn asw aceat of the ba Oempmy for the Hawaiian Islands, js preyarMlle aocept risks, against Klre, on Duildiags, Furniture, MprohsndUe, rrodute, iugat Mills etc., on the most FaYoribN Verwa UM Preatfily asjyitsd Mi fvpM Msaslulu, U, KLIMKNsiOHNKLPKH,' Jly.871y "arWtr0i. ir'& T fl

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Page 1: , I Jp'liW · 2015-05-30 · FJLOUR JWr-Alt-Golden Gate & Salinas-Q-H FLOUR Telephones, No. 175. Boll Telephone, OO-HAWAIIAN on hand nnd For AT T1IE--FEED CO., ROCK FEICES Cor. Edinburgh


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'"'- -' " '' '' ' -- -- '"yioL. XIV. No. 23?J2. HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 10, 1889. SO 01NT8


' I

Tfifi "fiAlLt: BTJELETI'

Is printed nnd published at tho ofllco,

Quoen Btroct, Honolulu, II. ovcry'

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, 50 cents per Month.

Address all Communications DailyBulletin.

Advertisements, tc ensure insertion,ihould bo handod a boforo ono o'clockp. u.WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

Bulletin Stoam Printing Olflco.

Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of

all kinds done on the znoBt favorabletorms.Bell Telophone No. 250,

Mutual Tolopliono No. 250


Weekly Summary.

, An interesting and comprehensivepublication, contains 8' columns of

reading matter on local topics, and a

oomploto resume of Honolulu nnd IslandNews. It .is tile best papor oubllsbedin the Kingdom tot send to friendsabroad.

Subscription:Island : : : f4 00 yearForeign : ': : 5 00 "

Commission Bleroiiants.

HiVOKirJEXiJO & Co,H.Qoneral Commisaion Agenta.

" ' Honolulu



Qaeen street, - Honolulu. H. I.. ' 1048


Wholesale Grocers & Wine Morohanta

Beaver Block, Honolulu.

BRBWKB A COMPANY,c. (Limited) .

g&mbbal mebcaktilk amd

Commission Agents.

. , LIST of omcBBa:P.'05Jone8, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJf ,0OABTfln. . . ..Treasurer '& Secretary


Hon. C. It. Bisuop. S. C. Alleh,H. Watkeuoosb.

aU8 ly

. fOHN T. "VTATEBHOTJlfe,O Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. ,1

B. N. Castle.-- J. B. AtWton-- G. P. Castle& OOOKE,GASTIiB Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King at.,Honolulu. l

Cl&uaSpreckeli. ffffl. O. Inrin.IawiN & Company,WGt.Sugar factors and Commission

ents, Honolulu. 1

WILDER t OO.,Dealers in Lumber. Paints,

Oils, Nails. Sal; and Building Materialsof evory'klnd, cor. fert'and Queen sts.,Honolulu.

. LeworB, T. J. Lowroy O. M--. Cooke.& COOKE,

I. (successors to Luwers ft Dickson.)Importers and Dealers In Lumbi-- r and allKinds ot'Buildlng Materials, Fort street,Uouolulb 1



81 King Street, opposito the Old StationHouse.

Mutual Telephone No. t.87 tf


A R. KOWAT, Veterinary Surgeon,a oiiico unu iiutiriimuv ubuttnumiu

Hotel Blables, comer Hotel und Richardstrouts. ScleutiAo treatment in all din-eau-

of domestic animals. Orders forplantation and ranch stock promptlyattended to. Mutual Telephone 51,P. O. Box 320. roh.18-8-


ALL persons who want to cominuniwith the l'ouucucso, either

for business, or for procuring workmen,servants or any other helps, will find Itthe most profitable way to advertise inthe Luio iawaiiano, the now organ ofIho Portuguese colony, which is pub-lished on Hotel street, ami only oh urgesrqusouablo rtu for advertismunnls

I. .11. II. II HI

rnHE BEST PAPER to subscribeX for la the "Daily .Hulletlu," 60

cuti per mouth



JM. MONSABRAT,at Law & Notary Public

140 Merchant Btrcct, Honolulu; tf

Alfred maqoon,J Attorney at Law & Notary 1'ubllc178 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly

David DaytonWill practice in tho lower courts of theKingdom as attorney, attend to collect,ing in all its branches, renting of housesand any other business ontrustcd to him.

Ofllco 91 King Street Upstairs.. FebWO


AND BAKEBY.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook und Bakor.71 Hotel St. "StST Telephono74.

Mrs. L. C. Pray,

Genuine Massage RomanBattis

160 Fort Streot. Chinese Church Yard.dec-7-8- 8


Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fort Street, : William's Block,21G Honolulu, H. I.

H. M. BKNBOW. a. w. smith.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,118 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu

Depot for Bocrlcke & Seechlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Rickieckcr'a'Pcrfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2y

WENMR & CO.JHnnnfactui-lnf- f Jewellers,

NO. 0 PORT STREET.Constantly on hand a large assortmen

of every description of Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Uannf actor ing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukul' Jewelry a Specialty.

King Street, Honolulu, H. I.Next door to tho Hawaiian Tram-wa- y

Company's Office.

CST" Particular attention paid to allkinds of repairs. jan.19-8- 0

Sanders!. Baggage Express Co.

M. N. SANDERS, Proprietors.

Office, 84 King street, Telephone No. 8G.

Residence Telepbono No. 202.GoiiUJGaipreBBliiu: &. DraylnjiPiano and Furniture moving a specialty.

Wagsus meet nil incoming steamers.1uly.25 ly

Hustace & Robertson,

.mar"p K A. Y DE 3V .ordora for Cartage promptly at-

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods In transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Office, next door to Jaa, F. Morgan'sauction room.983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.

Richard Cayford,VETERINARY

Slioeii&g- - Forge,70 A HI Kliic Mtreet.

Shoeing, from $1.50.

Horsou and Cattle Troatod foiall DisouseB.

Residence! Chamberlain House, nextKawaialmo Church.

X, O, JlOX 40H,



The Boat Lunoh in Town,it

Tea and Coffee at ill Hoursi

Tho Finest Brand of

GlEIH. jim TlDICEO-- i 'WKiJ'JsjiS

A.lTVtvyn oix Hand.U. J. KOI.TK, Proprietor.

TJU3Si&jK&w!f Metropolitan

Meat Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesale & Hotail Butchors



Choicest Mutton 1

Beef,) fpff Pork,Fisli, "VoarotixtoleB, &c, &;o.

Always on hand at the

HONOLULU MARKET(Successors to Wm. HcCandlcss),

No. G iueen 8t : : Fish Market,Honolulu, II. I.

KTamily and Shipping Oi dors care-fully attended to. Live Stock furnishedto'vcsselB at short notice. . my 17-8- 8


Nuuanu Street.

Beef, W Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Fork.


Cambridge Pork Sausages !

Fresh Every Day.

JSPHis noted Sausages aro 'made bythe every best machinery, and all ordersentrusted to his care will bo deliveredwith promptness and dispatch, and hisprices are as low as anywhere in thocity.

CSTTry his Bologna Sausages."oct-5-8- 8

Anderson &Lundy,JOentists.

Artificial Teeth from ono to an entiresot inserted on gold, silver, alluminumand rubber bases. Crown and BridgeWork a specialty. To persons wearingrubber plates which aro a constantsource of irritation (o the mouth andthroat, wc would recommend our Pro-phylactic Metal Plate. All operationsperformed in accordance with the latestimprovements in dental science. TeethExtracted without pain by tho use ofNitrous Oxide Gas.

co at Old Trogloan ResidenceHotel street. Feb-20-8- 0

FJEIA.ISOE.Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.36 Hue de Dunkerque, . Paris.

Kxecutea Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgian,Swiss, German, and English Goods, attho best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices.

Commission, per centAll Trade and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to thomanager.

Tho Agency Represents, Buys, andBq)1b, for ilomc and Colonial Firms.

Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks, Velvets, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, I'arusols, Haberdashery,Gold aud Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, Glass, andOhlnn.wuro, Clocks, Watches,Jowollry, Fancy Goods,Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wluos, &c.Oilman's Stores, Hooks Artlstiofurniture, Stationery,Ohmnuu, Muchlnory, &o &o,

18ft lvrt.


AT Ilalekou, Kaneeho, Koolaupoko,bS'J norpa of good pasture laud, h(

enclosed plenty of water. Apply toCharles I, Hirtim. at the King's Stalleb,

' Honolulu, or M llftUkou, fcb-3- BO-l- y



POPULAR MILLINERY- - HOUSE,104 Fort Street, Honolulu,

TV. S. - - Proprietor.


Call and




Swiss Nainsook & Hamburg Edgings,In every width and nil qualities;

Embroidery Skirt Length Flounces, ..

Exquisite patterns, at very low figures ;

All-ov- er XDmbroideries,Latest patterns, in Swiss & Nainsook;

Children's Embroidery Flounces,In Swibs & Nainsook ;

Laces & Lace Flounces,An immonso assortment;

Oriental Lace Flounces Skirt Length,In White & Deep Ecru, at exceptionally low prices ;

Valencienne Lace Flounces,Full Skirt Length & Edgings to match.

The above Goods aro direct from Eurono nnd direct from thomanufacturers, and will thcreforo bo sffered at prices lower than hithor-tofor-o.


California Hay, Oats, Bran,Oil Cake Meal, Linseed Meal,

Barley, Boiled Barley,, Middling Ground Barley,

Wheat and Corn Flour.FJLOUR JWr-Alt- Golden Gate & Salinas-Q- H FLOUR

Telephones, No. 175.

Boll Telephone, OO -


on hand nnd For

AT T1IE- -


Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts.

- IMCutual Telephone, 3-y- i


Sale a Full Assortment of--

So. U Merchant Street, Near Fort Street.


-- Have

All Brands of. American Whiskies,BOURBON, RYE and MONONGAHELA,

In Bulk or Case;

SCOTCH and IlfclSJBL TtHrMfSZCY,In Glass and Stono Jars;

Very Fiuo fe Very Cheap Qualities, as aro wanted ;

GINS; in Large & Small Bottles;(White or Black), also, STONE JUGS;

Old Tom Gin, XJet Brand in llio Mur-lfot-;


In Bulk and Cnso. All Brands of

American Lager Beer, English Ale & PortcrLGerman Beer, Etc,

In Pints and Quurta;

Finest Brands of Champagnes,In Pints and Quarts.

Bitters, Liquors Absintho,Apollinurl Water, Kummols,


Zlnfundol, Malaga, Tokay, Madeira,Purl, Sherry, Riesling, Hooka, Eto., EIoa


0T AU ol wnloh will bo Hold AT LOWEST HATES by

FRANK BROWN.3170 Manager,

A. h; rasemann,Bookbinder, Papor-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No. Merchant street. Up stairs.ocUl.88.ly

tHWJ HONOLULU IBON WORKS,SiNlNHStcam engines, sugar mills, boll-cr-

coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of. every descriptionmade to ordor. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice " 1

Alex. Flohr,Lock & Gunsmith.

Next door to Hoffschlaccer & Co.,Damon Bloek, Bethcl'strcet.

All kinds of Safes & Soalos repaired.Also, Bewlotr Machines at reason,

able ratcH.Bell Tel. 424. P. O. B. 4W.


PLANING MILL. E1 Alakoa, near Queen St.HI Telepbono 55.


Contractors &; Builders.Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; es-timates given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to. 18 King street. Bell Tele-phone No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. ap-5-l-y


and Builder,..,, o. . " Tt ..uuuuiuiu oicam iriamng MU1S,

nado, llonolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work flnlsh. Turning, Scroll and Band'Sawing. AU kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly atttmded to and workguaranteed. Orders from the other Is--,ands solicited

Pioneer Shin FactoryOf Honolulu, No. 17 Emma StThe undersigned begs to inform the

public of these Islands that he is makingSlilrts toy Measurement T

Directions for willbe given on application.

Wbtte Shirts, Oiersblrts & Night Gowns

A fit guarantee by making a sampliShirt to every ordor.

Island order solicited Bell Telephone 410

601y A. ST. MEIililS.

WRI&HT BROS.;THOMAS & HENRY,Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill,

W. W. WRIGHT,Nos. 79 and 81 King Strott.

Carriage Builders,Ship's Blacksmllhing, Drays, Carls &

Wagon Building as specially.

Every description of work In theabovo lines performed in a first-clas- s

manqer and executed at short notice, i

ALL WORK GUARANTEED.,tW Ordors from tho other islands

solicited. Will bo pleated to sco allour old customers as well as now ones.Mutual Telephone No. 575.


Honolulu LibraryANB

Reading Room Association,

Cor. Hotel &. Alakea Htrcets.Open every Day and Evening,

Tho Library consist at tho presenttime of oyer Five Thousand Volume.

The Beading Boom is supplied withabout ilfty of the leading uowspupersand periodicals.

A Parlor is provided for conversationand games,

Terms of membership, llfty cents amonth, pnyablo quarterly In advance.No formality required In joining oocesptsigning tho roll,

Strangers from foreign countries andvisitors from the other IshindB are wel-come to tho rooms at ull times as guests,

This Association having no regularmeans of support except thu dues ofmoiubora, It is expected that residentsof llonolulu who ileslro to avail themnsolves of Its privileges, aud all who feelan Interest In maintaining an Institutionof this kind, Villi put down their namesaud becomo regular contributors,

A. J, OAhTWUIOHT, l'res,,M, M. SCOTT, Vice-Preside- nt,

11, A, 1ABMKLHK, Secretary,A, L.HMlTH.Treasurer,O, T. BODQKHH, M,H

Chairman Uall and Library GominltWt,


Life InsuranceCQWiANY.

Assets, : : $95,000,00.00

"Facts aro Stubborn Tolags."

At every age, on every premiumtablo, and im every year, ihe AC-

TUAL BEStLTS of Tontine Policiesof tho New York Life Insurance Co.have been LARGER, than 'those OFANY OTHER COMPANY issuingsimilar policies.

For particulars apply to

C. O. BEB&ER,Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands.

283 tfl


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire' Insurance Co.

Asteti, $5,288,000

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marine)

Asset, $490,000Anglo-Nerad- a Assuranoe Corporation

(Fire and Marino)

Capital paid up, $2,000,000

South British Fire and Marine Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000

New York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $89,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1653 ly

The Best Company


Life Insurance Go.OB1 JSEW YORK.

Rlcliaid L KcCnidy, Pr osldenl

The Largest Company in tho World

The Oldest Company in the U. 8.

It Give the Meat Liberal Pelioiee'


Pay the Largest Dividends.

Claims paid to policy holders in thoHawaiian Islands, durteg the a

past tea years,

Over t 0100.000 OOFor rates, apply to

S. B. SOME,General Agent, Honolulu, Hawaiian

Islands. . :,.ocUH-l- y

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Fire & Marine th'stirce Agents.

xanrra ro&The New Kaglaaa


Tho iEtna Fire InwuraHoe Goof Hartford; Conn. ' '

The DbUb ilxt imi4

Marine IhtUfance Co.,of Baa Francisco. Cala.

101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance ComVv

( MT13WSHKD J818,

Capital,. 8,(H9,tK rWlsMeiarhs

THE undersigned, having bwn aswaceat of the ba Oempmy

for the Hawaiian Islands, js preyarMlleaocept risks, against Klre, on Duildiags,Furniture, MprohsndUe, rrodute, iugatMills etc., on the most FaYoribN VerwaUM Preatfily asjyitsd Mi fvpM


U, KLIMKNsiOHNKLPKH,'Jly.871y "arWtr0i.




Page 2: , I Jp'liW · 2015-05-30 · FJLOUR JWr-Alt-Golden Gate & Salinas-Q-H FLOUR Telephones, No. 175. Boll Telephone, OO-HAWAIIAN on hand nnd For AT T1IE--FEED CO., ROCK FEICES Cor. Edinburgh


r r

ifL P'









m ,z


'i-its- a

latXg gtuTIqfinPitched to neither Sect nor Party,But established for the benefit of all.

SATURDAY, AUG. 10, 1889.

Wc suppose that the letter of onecorrespondent, in this issue, callingattention to probablo murder com-

mitted and no Investigation, nudthat of auother, respectfully askingwhether- - the Goternment la actinginood fnlth trith regard to publiclamls,:ivill be deeined "Anti-Reform- "

tirades by the Advertiser.

AT IT AGAIN.By the use of small capitals the

Advertiser, iu a quotation that it

had not the hanesty to make origin-

ally, again strives o twist Ihe ob-

vious intent of an article in this pa-

per. Before laying down his pen,however, the writer iu the morningpaper seems to have been strickenwith the consciousness that he wasonly making a donkey of himself,for hcwinds up with a dash of bluffcharacteristic of the genus bully.He threatens to make room for"anti-refor- m and nt

tirades" from this paper. As tothe anti-refor- m part, if oppositionto sound principles of governmentbe meant, we defy the hack to pro-

duce aught of that nature from ourcolumns. And, regarding anti-Go- v

eminent criticism, the servile sheetmay get enough of that to publishfrom plain talk likely to be heard in

the Reform primaries and con-

ventions. That is, if some ofthose most prominent iu theprevious campaign of the partywill have the courage to utter therewhat are now their freely-spoke- n

convictions. The Adveitiser underpresent auspices has made someconvulsive efforts at being inde-

pendent, but, not having "thesand" in it to maintain the posture,each time has only witnessed its re-

lapse into a lower level of servility.The present attempt to jam the Bul-

letin into a box of the hack's own

making reminds one of the despica-ble intrigues of courtiers in mediieyaltimes to curry favor at court by be-

smirching the reputations of betterpeople than themselves.


Editoii Bulletin: As we knowby experience, that amongst otherthings, politeness, 'as for as answer-ing letters goes, has been reformed,it would be useless to write to ourpresent rulers to have a few ques-tip- ns

answered. That is why wetake the liberty to present themthrough the medium of your valua-ble paper, so giving the governmentan occasion to prove to grumblersand fault-finder- s, that its hands areclean of all favoritism.

There is perhaps no district iu theHawaiian Islands where there is lessland to be disposed of tfor home-Btea- d

purposes than in North' Ko-Jial- a,

Hawaii, and still, .wheneverthere is a rare occasion, it is sorelvneglected by those committed tofoster the interests- - of the commu-nity. By community we understandthe public at large, and not a fewwealthy privileged ones.

The following ai e the points re-

quiring a little elucidation:1st. Is it true that our high lands,

surveyed for homestead purposesabout a year and a half ago, havebeen leased, iu consequence of apetitiou of a few Kohala'planteis?

2d. Have the government laudsnot, according to the law, to be soldt auction?

3d. "Why then are the Ilualua-lana- ito be disposed .of by private

applications?iJOl. 12 acres divided into lots of

10 or,20. acres, could make 15 or 30families happy, and being close tothe mills would be most suitable forhomesteads. Civis.


KwToii Bum.i.tin: It is current-ly repoi led that Mr. Cluing, betterknown us a former Chinese inter-preter with Mr, Hartwell, and whohas lately returned to this countryami again occupies a dusk in thesame guntlauian's olllce, has beengrunted Letters of Denization by thelioYuriitnent to enable him to applyfor admission to the bur. By a ruleof the Supreme Court as it appears,,noilu,but Hawaiian citizens can liuadmitted to practise law. By n ta.tutu, Letters of Denization may begranted by the King, in certain coiwtiinjeuples, to foreign em such let-to- rs

giving the holders nil rights ofcUlzeushiji, By u constitutionalprovision, Cldnehtiiup excluded frmu light to vote, Tlio franchise U

tlio test of citizenship, MlietfYur niliYPrsul suffrago obtains, uio tliomiffrugu it unlYuibiil, burling Ch.weau and other Asiatics,

JlfW can U Iip ! blu that if theGojlUllltJn 111 teiuiH excludes "IIAflali0 from n fe ? nun q )i

tlio SuprviiiP Pt'litt(imter niulijiiHy of suime) Hiuhruilfcliiji a ffliullilon lirrmli'M totidJUUMPJ IS IN twM aiy liflW


can the King (evett by ntlt with UiC

advice, etc., etc.) by this palpableevasion place Mn Chung in a posi-

tion which embraces all the rightsof Hawaiian citizenship ; and a for'ton", when this constitutional pro-

vision has been passed long slncothe "Denization" law? When Mr.G. K. Wilder returned some monthsago from the Ann Arbor LawSchool, a member of the MichiganState bar, the Cabinet refused himletters of Denization, (though hisfather is an old and prominent re-

sident of Honolulu); and he wasobliged to become a Hawaiian ctti-zo- n

"under the naturalization lawsbefore he could appear in Court.Here, however, we have a China-man, who happens to be a clerk ofMr. Hartwell; and "the case 'beingaltered, altetsthe case."' Of course It may be said: "Ifwhite mechanics aud merchants areto be ronted out by 'Chinese cheaplabor,' why also shouldn't law-yeis'- i"'

But the circumstance Is astraw which by blowing as it doesshows the consistency of the Cab-

inet in favoring the Mongol, wherewhite men not of tuir otm cliquearc the ones to suffer by the act.

As Obsekveu.


(Yuri th Ihio Jlecord, July 30.)

A fire which nearly proved to bea veiv damaging one, occurred onWednesday noou last week. Theyouugest child of Mrs. Loebenstein,iu the absence of her mother, pro-

cured some matches aud lighted alire in a small room off the mainbuilding of the Coan premises. Theinterior of the room was well burntout, but the fire being discoveredbefore it had made much headwayin the mam building was fortunatelyput out. Thanks aic due to Leviand Ernest Lyman for their efficientkerviccs at the fiie. Fires are be-

coming more numerous in this townas we are getting built up more andmore, and wp must either have ourwater pipes laid on soon or be forcedto organize a lire brigade.

Our remniks a lew issues agoabout the Cocoanut Island premises,were well received and steps aiebeing taken to put the building ingood repair, put in a pood "springboard" at the bathing place, cementthe rocks jiround it, build pathsabout thfi Island aud a wharf forlanding on, etc. Any sums, how-

ever small, will be received by Mr.Richards at the telephone oflice andwe will guarantee they will be allfaithfully applied to tlie above pur-poses. We will be one of ten per-sons to give 82. oO for a good 400gallon iron tank for water, as a tankof some kind s needed. "Who willjoin us? Let us not be small in ourcontributions for putting our sea-side park in good order.

The weather has been veryshowery the past week and we arec;lad to see that our streams m everyfull. We need a great deal of rainto fill up our upper swamp, so as tocarry us through the fall dryweather. Not having had any snowfall the past winter on our moun-tains, we must have a great deal ofrain fall this summer to make upfor it. or else wc will suffer whenthe di3 Kona weather sits in.

The Government schools have allclosed and the teachers are all goinginto summer quarters. A smallparty-o- f ladies have gone on a tripto Waipio and Waimanu. We hearof another jiarty, who arc intending3to camp out near the Volcano.

Judge. Lyman holds an appeal ses-

sion at the Court house in Ililo Aug.lGth. Let all who have business be-

fore him take note.Judge Austin and wife leturued

from an overland trip through Ha-mak-

to Kohala and hack, at whichplaces the Judge held Court.

The" Sheiiff arried back fromHonolulu on the last Kinau and wehear that the Deptuy Sheriff leaves

on a tour of inspectionaround the Island. This is as itshould be. The heads of depail-raent- s

ought to be well posted fiompersonal inspection, on what isgoing on in their departments.

The Liteiary Club is about totake a vacation. The last meetingis to be held Saturday evening, atthe l esidence of Mrs, Sevei mice. Wiunderstand that the vacation lastsuntil the first week in September.

Iiaiu lins at last fallen in llama-ku- a.

Lust Saturday and Sundaynights two inches fell.

(Fiom the Uito Jlecord, Aug, G.)

Mr. and Mrs. Lord arrived on theKiiiuii from Kohala last Sundaymorning. Mr. Lord takes the placeof Mr. Win fi.I, In the Union school.Wo welcome them to Ililn.

The llilo Literary Club gave theirlast meeting Saturday ovcnlng, Theevening passed off very pleasantly,and was enjoyed Hy all, The vocalduet by Mr. Itissoll and ErnestLyinnn was inuih upjoyed, and motwith hearty "incoros," Tlio clubvacation lustB for two months. Avote of tlmuks mis tciuluicd to Mrs,Hevurancu 0r her kindness in open-ju- g

her doors to tie club,A piUoni'i' by tlio iiniiiu of Kenkl

psonpoii from the pi Hon gang, work-

ing on the Volcano oml, on Fridayjust, A reward of $ Ifi Is offoreil iythe Hlioriff for Ids uircst,

Hills are asked for, for ('paiisawl buildings on the jiill premlMiij.hiiictif)inna to lie eprn tit tlienjllmif tliu vSliuiff. Hill tn liu opiiifilAiiKiidt 1

i ut Honolulu.A Jiipmiw yw billwl t Hoiio-liii- m

lM wel? liy ih'Ihh tlrijpil liya runaway ihiiIp. u was In'tlm wof geiiliig on 111? hiiiIp iiri'prumry


to f6lng up lo the firltt to work,when his foot slipped and becameentangled in the trace chain and hCfell to the ground. The mule im-

mediately started and dragged himquite a distance along the Governmuni road and down into Ihe k'lhnwal near by. Bcforo ho could beresuuetl ho was dead, being teniblybruised about the head mid shoul-ders.

Volunteers have been at work onthe improvements on Cocoanut Isl-and. Great credit must be give Mr.Richards for ills labors in this mai-ler, A nice spring board has beenplaced in position aud the rocksaround cemented. The househas been put under lock and key.A Hue new table and good bencheshave hern made. All these will re-

fit the house so as to make it cpin-i- oi

table lor picnic parties. We needa good water tank and some otherthings to finish up with. Amongother things we would suggest thatthe ladies look up some odds andends of dishes (cups, plates andsaucers) aud donate the same, to bekept on the Island. A cupboardunder lock and key will be providedif the dishes are forthcoming. Inthis connection let us remind all thegentlemen ftieuds, that if each onewjll contribute fifty cents, it will,gofar to paying for the improvements.Don't uait to bp asked, as the con?tiibutipns arc (supposed to be yolup-tar- y.

So just call in and drop afifty cent piece in Mr. Richardshands, for this purposp.

Mrs, Hartwell and two daughters,with quite n number of Ililo's youngfolks, started for the Volcano lastweek and expect to return thisTfjek.

The Government survey partystart for the summit of Mauna Kensoon to erect Bignal stations. Theyexpect to camp on the top of themountain one or two nights.

Arrived, schooner Lizzie Vancefrom San Francisco.

Hawaiian Tramways Co.,


SUNDAY:Extra Cars for Convenience of Persons

Attending Church Service.

Cub leave P.iuo.i for coiner Tort andBeretaniu 0:45 a. ui. lo 9:45 p. m.

Car3 h'Ae PaiMi for corner Nuuanuaud KtrctuiU a, m, to 8:20 p. m,

Carsl'ave comer Fort and Beritaniafor f'uuim 8:'S) a. m. to 9aS5 p. in.; anFx'ri tnr at 12 00 noon and 6:40 p. m.

Cira leave Queen Emma Hull forI'aua 11.07 u. in. and every hour asuhuhI.

Cars lenvc Oaliu College for cornerPort and lierctanin tlreelB simeas weekdn)B. xtra Cr 9: 8 a m. anil TwoKxtra Cars at 10:US and 11:28 a. m.

Cars leave corner Puuahou and Berc.Unia streets 9.82, 9:5'5, 10:32, 10:00,11:33, 1 1 :C0 a. in. and every hour until7:5C p. in.

An Exlra Car from corner Fort andBeretiuiiii strums tor Punuhou at W p. in.

322 It

MEETING NOTICE.TPHE annual nutting of the Olowaln1 Company will liu he'd on MON.

DAY, AiiiiUKt 12tli, at 11 a. m, at theollieu oi Win. G. Irin & Co.

C. O. Bfc.RGK,(17 Ct bccrciury.

MEETING NOTICE.A QUAli 1'EMA niei linp of theBnnrd

J:. olTrtifUft. of t'io Hwill he held on SATURDAY, the

7th Hcjiluiiihur, 18 9 at 11) o'clock a m. ,.ii Ihe Koouin of 1 liu Clinmlier of Coin,mi rce lluMiith of importance Amend,incut of the Dy-- f ins. I'cr order

F. A SCIIAEFER,320 1m fccrciary.


NOTICE ia heieln aiven to all thosetool; u l.uml in puttliif,' down

ii c dn tardly attempt t f ihe !!0ili ulto ,and assih'cd iu the maintenance of lawand oidcr, whubu Laiues me upon IheMarshal's list, that the sum of Ten (10)Dillaihwill hopiid to all such us willcall on the. undurt-igiu- on or h fore tlio20 h inst., on hehall of the Mcrclrmts ofHonolulu, as a blight lecogultlon of thetcrvices rendered.

JOI1X H. PATY,Acting becrcurv.

Honolulu, Aug. 10, 1880. 322 7t


rpWO .Men, oi.e to iil,u cine of horaCB,I. 'liu nthi i for a much uu ieiiernl

farmer. A ply at ihU oflliic. 1110 if

European Billiard Purlors,

rnilE riamUoinr.nl Hilllaril Parlors InX iliu aiiy, ami lilted up In thu most

approvid tylo Four mlilen with all thulatest linproviimi iiIf.

J, l. HOWKN & CO,,070 If l'roprliitor.


J ATR Kiwhlonce ofMr, Itnlnionsslmeldor,

Kniiiia bifcet,T ati: Ht'fclilrucp of

Mf, frank Brun,HpimiH rsriti

EUSIPRKOW, ofMr, lumei loyo,

Ivlnjj Mrpcl

T ATR HwliU'iirs ofIJ Mr. M Oreen,

W furl m

K3 Mr, Wol!i fion r,l?UHJtlFPttur Ai!y iq

Ai it 9WJUQUTiinn K tlsrwiiBi im

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.


Cre it MB mlam Inftptcleil hy Me3Rr. H HAOIC.

I'KfjI) & CO lo tell at Puhlln Auc.Hon at their Store. Queen street,

On a Liberal Credit to the Trade,

.Honda?. Tnrsilny,WciiuiHtltiy & Thuriilny,

Aug.'S 12lh, 13th, & 13th,

Commencing at 10 a. m, each day,

All their Import Hions of Merchan.Ulae oi every

prlsini- - full lines of

Bit Goods, Dress GooSs,

TiVUjOB'. GOODS,EiiRlith and Australian Saildlep,Twine and Filter Press Clnlh,Gnlvnn zed Corrugated Iron and

Ititlgli'K, .

Iififjs and Digging,

Vienna Furniture IAn nsiortment or



I ALBfJ rrr--


Champagnes, Pert & Sherry Wines,

Brandies, Whiskies,Ales, Doers, &c, &c.

tyAll Good-,ofluci- l will positivelybe sold,

TGItaiS at hai.i:.

JAS. F. MORGAN,317 td Auctioneer.

Second Annual Picnic--OK TIIL- -



Kapiolani Park,-- o-

Saturday. Aug. 10.Admission 59 Cents. Ladies Free.

Ticket to hi lnd of all mem hers of theCluh Three I'ur will leae eornur olFort and King street, every li.ilf hour,coinnieuo'ng ut 1 o'clock r. u, andHussi'H will transfer lndks and childrenfri m the Bridge to the picnic placefieu of charge.

Sports for joung and old commenceat Si r. m A ""large platform is on thegrounds for dancing, ilmlc hy theHojal ll.iw 13 uid. 317 Gt

Oahu Gosfege-- AKD-


These Schools open for the Hew Year

September 9, 18SU.

The faculty of Chdiu College will hothe same as last year The I-- icndsays: "Wc think that there Ins neverbeen an abler faculty at Oahu College,or one better adapted to impart a highclassical and scientific education."

The lioaidiug Uepaitmeut can ac-

commodate but few more than were inattendance last year, and all who dci-ir- e

to enter Miouid make an eaily applica-tion

The Preparatory School continuesunder the I'liucipaMiIpof MKsMiilonc;Sliss CiU'iie A, Oilman takes JlinsChamberlain's position, the litter hav-ing leslgned to iciiime to the UnitedSums.

The Trustees are happy to unnoiuuvtl at. iluoiigh the geueious inteu-s- t of uf i lend, they aie ejecting' a tine newbuilding and remodeling l he pichcutone, ih.it this school will occupy newand commodious ipiaiteis iu Sejiteni-be- r.

When thus (.quipped wc hclluvothe Pieparatoij School will offer oppor-tunities second to none in tlio Kingdom.

JGny'Addn Si nil letteis of iuqiihy oappllcallon to

KEV. W. C. MKHIU'IT,.'117 Ini Picbldeiit.

Kamehameha School

The neit teim of ICamoVainelia Schoolwill o,.en

MONDAY, Sept. 2d.'Ihree gentlemen, hAlng npeo!al qua.

liHi'.ilivn.tu. touchers of itnmml training,have hum eiigtgeil for tlio coming vein.Twoof'hetu aru hliilily lecoiumemleilhy l)r Wooduard of tlio CululiraitilAtniiiinl 'riiiiiiing School of WiifliingtonUnlvcr 'y. hoing giwtnalus of ihm in.uliiitiin , Thu other as l'rlnrinM ofllnhoknn Acudfiiiy lma had valuableoxperiiuco m an limtniotor in severallriiiH'lii of tniiniuil training,

Appl' 'iUIoiib for nilinihsiin elimihl hittent immcdlnuily tn thu I'rliu lp.il, nsroiinik v ho riMiigiiijil in older ofiipillr"on.

Ciay Tor fuilhrr liifoniiiiil'Hi iipnly to

111 I If 1'iliieli'al.

FKW VIU.ok & Wlilte ParlorOikuh nIIi elglit stops, Huliahlo

for tillimil nr ciiiiioii A line lusiru.lilflil. njily m (i7 I'unolilHil Mitifl,OpiOfll' li I', flBi(IH l8lll 97 If


QRAI Kllltuidr V.IU he rwvlvul itP tl. niniTi M II 'ii.ee, liu iwownuli liuiu duu

.Ini 'U iUiiiMutbilua: jr t

mn, riMHiurjiiuum, l'lU8VUd.tiWim ilmmff W M


Is This Plain Enough For The Investors ?

Some Suggestive Facts and Figures Showing the Financial Operations of the Two

Largest Life Insurance Companies in the World.

(l?rom the Annual Statements for 1888, and the Official Jlcporls to the Insurance Department.")

rJCo tlie TJiougrlitful Iirvestox :

Considering Hie vat importance involved in connection with Life Insurance, and tlio natural inference to betaken from n reading of the many pamphlets, circulars, and advertisements of the Kqnitable Life Assurance So-

ciety, claiming superiority over every other company, and alluding particularly to "Its Two Largest Comneti-tors.- "

As a representative of oue-o- f "Two Largest Competitors" I olfer no apology for presenting a com-

parative exhibit, showing the flanueial opeiatlons of Mil tit it 1 and Equitable Life Ins. Cos., and haraimed lo make the comparisons plain enough to "LET EVERY EYE NEGOTIATE FOR ITSELF'

Respectfully submitted, a. u. tmujjia3,Executive Special Agent, the Mutual Life Ins. Co.

An Ounce of Fact is Worth a Ton of Assertion.1 As to admitted assets Jany. 1st, 1889:

The Mutual held $125,194,71!) )) I'xccss ,n fnvor of Mulual Lifc' S82.182.'190'The Equitable held Mm

2 As to the amount of assets to assumed Insurance Obligations:The Mutual Lifu held 8202 per each one thousand ., .

The Equitable held $173 per each one thousand J'xccs9 lu Life $1000.',

3 As to nmount of insuranco issued in 1888 over 1887Tlio Mutual Life gained 838, 750, 793 ) . .', .,,,..

LxCe9S 0f Ml,t"al L,fo "15;910,480 in far0rThe Equitable gainedThe percentage of gain in the Mutual was 48.6 J . o- -' 'IEsccss Mulualfavor of ccnt'The percentage of gain in the Equitable was 11.6 in 1,er

I As to Piemiums received from, and to holders:The Mutual Life pnid $75.70 for each $100 ) .

The Equitable paid S53.70 for each ) Excess favor of M?lllal L,,e S22,00 l,er cvcri' Sl.0- 0- ..

5 As to general 4 percent Surplus over all Tontine and ascertained dividend liability:The Mutual Life held Jan. lat, 1889, $7,887,639 )

j Lxccss in favor of MuLllal S2.632,220. .,The Equitable held Jan. 1st, 1889, $5,255,419

The Equitable boastfully advertises a Btirplus of S20,79 1,715 while their own sworn statement, as shown inthe latest report of the Ins. Dept., proves tlio advertisement "padded" to the extent of $1,726,312.The Equitahlo's GROSS surplus is only $19,068,102 and from this amount should be deducted the sum of $13,-812,9- 83

already accrued on Tontine and other policies lor which special class of policy holders it is simplr heldin trust and cannot be used in any manner for the protection or profit of any new member. If tlio $100,000 ofcapital stock be also deducted the Equitable's general surplus is shown to be $5, 155,419.

Interests, Expenses, Diyitts ai Total Payments to Policy Holders.From 1863

by over ninenot enough tc




to 1889 the interest receipts of The Mutual Lifc was more than sulllcient to nav nil dr.ir.ii Tnwpomillions of dollais, uhile during the same period of years tlie interest receipts of the Equitable was

pay its death claims by twelve millions of dollars. The total outco for both death claima mid or.penses in the same period being seven percent grenter in the Equitable, than in tlie Mutual Life. The divi-dends paid by the Mutual Life, in the last 21 years alone, amount to $73,514,374 as against $33,598,916 paidby the Equitahle. While the total payments to policy holders since the Company's organization have been ; inthe Mutual Life $272,481,339. In the Equitable $118,494,751. The Mutual Lifc has paid back to its membersin cuaii uiiu noma securely mvesieu iorever received irom mem, wniie iuc

The Thoroughbred Stallion

ii MARIN"Will stand at scivice al


$50 ani $75 Insnrance.

lii.coitn 2:22, Sacramento, Sept. 15.1897.

Pedigree: Ma-i- n was sired hyQuiun'a i'ntcheu, ho by beo M. Patchen,.Ir.; Marin's d.im hv Emigrant, hehy Billy AlcCrnclwn; Billy McOiuckenby McUraekcuV Black Hawk, 707, (the"ire of Lady Dooley, iiiid of ihe dam ofOvermau, JULrneUen'h BlackHawk, 707, by mi HI ek Hawk, 6;2nd dam by Marshall's black Uawk, heby Easion's Blue k Hawk. The d.im ofQninn's Putchcn by biockliriilgo Chief,ho by Vermont Bhick Ha.k, (5.

II. T. f'arnill of Nin Krancbco theformer owner of Mariu, voucIu-b- , thatout of ihitiyjix umrcs served by thishnrtc during his lust feaenn in Cali.fornia, ihhiy.flie piovid with foal

PAWL II. ISKKfilKKG.jly 2l'-8- 6

Carringf For Sale Cheap.Ni:W Cutunder5rs I

lJft.i- - JL mue jimt llnifhtd'.y-T-5 and blind oim trinunul

Hi tlrm clasr Mylfj mu-- i be immediatelysold to olo-- o mi novlmnmnt. Annlv to


Colt ago To Lot.

MSkft A NIJW one utory Cottagen on upper imit of J.llihaj$M iM, street, cuiiiiiiiiliur C rooms

nicely impcred mid painted, hath room,Kite en, nice lawn, bhmlu tiecs, etc.

V1I1 he rented lenhoiiablu to a uyod ten-ant.



ii: npiIK Btoru lately occuiilcdX by B, O, Howe, Wuv'h

Illnck, King strni t, at reason.alilo rental. Iosh1 ii clven at onoe



PlIEhostieineilyforI wnuniH. ulcers,

gulls, pi mid Hash amiSS. noiitk of every deiioilii-tl-

to iinrsmis or mil- -liuilj, Ailunleil hy imiillng hoiuo 111IUI mill, eih mid liM'iy sbOileu, )to III

thu I'liUci! Hiiiim mill elhowlunii. Wn(up piepiieil tn novo this ulnteiiiput liylillliit)iiils iiiii) lefniimiTH tn ilinii4iimllheiymen n llilb Kliijjildii),Apnlv to


THltuifl VtoWi11

Alli(UJMi'inwilnfniiiugi"niiJiii' imw uuhji'IUi' 'nm'iy luilltlliitfii wjt'i

liiiliN Uliinili fur ii!p 111 imnjiiiuilili1

Oorusr ral WMPrftoul fell eiifo

claims paid potior

favor of Mutual $89.00 per



lutiire payment, uvcr Sixty Millions of Dollars More thanftqutiaMo has returned in like manner




Kaul- - Mkkz,El'OENE TirAYKH,

Clara.Louise Kellogg,





five 317




ttST -- a

Sole for theCall, for 321 lm






caatz(0-O OS

err arwt' l '






- .--3, l. i

LESS than millions. tf



Aug. Homman,Aboli'. Glof,


S. S. " "


under of MISS

Renowned for Tone and Durability80,000 In GUAll6A?SS.F0K EstaWisM 1840



Agents Hawaiian Islands.or wnte Catalogues.




Dressmaking DepartmentCLARK.

New lode


83 Jk.






No of to 28 KeyoFull Cnso of 84 Type

Keys that oan bo in 5 Socondo,

gjV Thin motlioil nllowa tlio uso of any languKo or stylo of typo,Tio nlignniiint of tlio Oiiandaij. is far superior to nny other typo writer,

Typo Sleovo






l!ggTlie New Model!


Typo Sleeve

Tilting Carriage Gonuumo TimoOnlyOharaotora Intorohangoablo


Tliis out rnnreiJiiiitH UiuTyno PIoovp pectilinr lnMioPi,NAJ.i.Tvw;Wiiw,(1 iiiovim up mil) (owiii null twiilw to Hip lib'ht inn) Uft U wwh a eominoultlillllllK potU. it titililiiliiH H tlio luttoin uupitals, o)vor nii,, (Igiiretimill ini(iiiitlon inirl;hio iliu mimluir- of t'ialityfmir aiiuopa, ThUTy-- Slcovn imu lio jiiinv'i, nnd luititlinr, vltli nn miliro oImhiK" p( typi,ln)tii In li Hini'liiui" in i fi'w nHHiiuls. Tlio Hleoyou vi) l' ii)orpapiinimiiiliiM m hc tn liinliulit all tlyli'h u( tltni.

- jlW fiBlltl lur UilUllilluy,

HAWAIIAN NEWrS 00M(iW H Unpil Aifijiiti fur tli" llawailmi Island,

vAv &' &&. S"K - fe !. 4 .ljk.J I fk' S-s- . kr f,Hk JL - - Ai ,JJH MAJtovm



Page 3: , I Jp'liW · 2015-05-30 · FJLOUR JWr-Alt-Golden Gate & Salinas-Q-H FLOUR Telephones, No. 175. Boll Telephone, OO-HAWAIIAN on hand nnd For AT T1IE--FEED CO., ROCK FEICES Cor. Edinburgh



lultj iutlinSATURDAY, AUG. 10, 1889.


Stmt-- ICnala from KauaiStmrLlkcllkcfrom MaulStmr Mokolll from MolokaiSlmr Kliuui from Hawaii ami MaulSchr Hccla from the South SeasHer bk Dcutschland from BremenSchr Mokuola from Ewa


Schr Kawallani for KoolauSchrLcahlfor Kohala


From Maul and Hawaii per slmr Kl-na- u,

Aug 10-- Mrs A S Uartwell and 8daughters. V Llto&e, Misses Annie andLouise Hose, Airs a. Corscaddeu, AJitrgcr and two sons, Misses Chamber-lain, Helen Severance and Hillebrand,Mrs 11 M. Whitney, It W Lalne, ChunLunjr,JSO'Iowda, Rev A U Blssell,Airs Bishop Willis, Jose O Scrrao, J Itteuton,ON Spcuoer, I) Dayton, Miss

Ella Dayton, Miss L Lyman, NormanLyman. W W Gilmer, J Bright andWife, Mrs .T Makacna and child, J SSmithies, O W Smith, W A Kal, ApanaMiss M. lOstmm, hcv JM. fcllvcr. MrsMary Loko, J Gasper, Major W II Corn-we- ll,

Miss Cornwall, C Bosse, W Bcr-lowl- tz,

Miss S Green and child, and 81deck.

1'rom'windward ports.per slmr Llkc-llk- e,

Aug 10 -- A D Thomas, J II Hare,MirsPepoou, Miss Dayis. Mrs Mnuleand daughter, J Very, Wy Nam, WGoodalu, Henry Giles, II Ihenberg, O M1 Foster, Dr Fit Day, lion Heleku-nili- l,

J Ilodrlqucs, Ahol, C Ahu, U Aho-u- a,

Kwoug Hang Chan, J Kahuna, It DWalbrldge, Ah 31ol and 35 deck.


The Lllccllke brought this day 53 bgssugar, 180 hides, 1 horse and 62 pkgssundries.

The Kinau brought this day fromwindward ports 5207 bags sugar, 290bags spuds, 100 bags corn, 30 bags gin-ger, 10 bags peanut, i horses, 1 donkeyengine, 20 barrels molasses, 25 ton scrapiron.

The brig Johu D Sprcckels arriv. d atKahulul Tuesday, Aug 0th, 12 daysI mm bun iiaucisco witu to mules, lhorse, 1602 scks fertilizers, 07 pieces

n irou pipe and n large quantity ofgeneral merchandise for A F Hopke audottiers. She leaves for San Franciscoon the 15th in ballast.

The schooner Lizzie Vance arrived atIlilo August Cth, 18 days from SanFrancisco with a caigo of general mer-chandise. She returns with a full loadof sugar.

The Mokolli brought this morning140j9hcep, C head cattle, 30 barrels mo-

lasses and CI bags sugar.

died!MASCHKE On Saturday morning,

August 10, 1880, of heart disease.Oscar Haschke, aged alout 47years.

KiFl'hc funeral will take place frombis late residence on School street (ad-joining l.Q. Tewksbury's) on Sunday atII o'clock a m.


The Schooner Ilecla Arrives Mar-cus Island AiincxeI--Tli- c JennieIValkor Wrecked.

The schooner Heeia, Capt. An-

drew Roseliill, arrived in port lastevening forty Uay3 from Jaluit, hav-

ing on board Capt. Anderson of thoschooner Jennie Walker, which ves-

sel was wrecked March 20th, at Ma-rak- i,

Gilbert Islands.The Heeia left Honolulu Mar. 27th

last and after trading through the Gil-

bert Islands, proceeded to MarcusIsland. Capt. Iiosehill took pos-

session of this island on June 29th,hoisting the American Hag. Theceremony was witnessed by Capt.Anderson, W. L. Foster and Wil-

liam Boyd. Marcus Island is situ-ated in Lat. 24, 14' North andLong. 154: , 0' Ea3t. It is sixtyfeet high and about eight miles incircumference. Tho soil, samplesof which Capt. Roseliill has broughtwith him, is very rich, there isplenty of foliage, between three andfour thousand coaoanuts, and millions of birds. Returning to Jaluitthe Heeia took on Capt. Andersonof the wrecked schooner JennieWalker, and sailed for Honolulu.Fine weather was experienced. TheHeeia has on board a bird knownamong seafaring men as tho man-of-w- ar

hook. It was caught' quiteyoung at Marcus Island, and is fedon fish.

Capt. Roseliill in his report saysthat J. Cameron and tho man Jor-gens- en

of the General Seigel wholoft Midway Island October 14,1888, for Jaluit without charts orinstrumentSj and very little 'provi-Hion- s,

arrived at Millc after a tedi-ous passago of forty-thre- e days inon open whale boat, Tho schoonerFleu'rdoLis went ashore at Tarawa,Gilbert stands, but got oil' again.The schooner Mungberia wentashore at l$bon, Marshall Islands,and was a total loss,


Capt. Amlorson of the schoonerJennie Walker reports having leftHonolulu February 10th, for Fan-ning- 's

Island, arriving there on tho24th. Left March 1st for Uutari-tui- i,

which Island was reached onthe JQth. Afipr (lisohnrglng freightsailed on the 17th for Marukl d,

arriving there the followingday, On the lOlli commenced tojuice In cphra, About three o'clockon tho morning of the 20lh a heavygne from the southwest suddenlysprung up, rwl tliu Jennie Walkerwent ashore und bocamo a totaljofs, Tliu crow,1 nuiuhoi lug eight,wcro nil Btivcd, After remaining titjnraki thrne wpeka, Capt, Anir-g9- H

wpi)t In houi t Aplimg, (rmnUioro to .liiluit, then to Mnnikl,thence U IMitm'iUH, nwl back to


Lots of good things nt tho Eltto

Tun Elclo tliis morning is nttcr"Old Betty" of tho Advertiser.

l'nor. Mclvillo is to mako a balloonascension from Kohala, Hawaii, to-


The Honolulu Arion picnic is be-

ing hold this afternoon at KnpiolauiTark.

Mil. It. D. Wnlbridgo, Manager oftho Wailuku Sugar Company, is intown..

Haskiiam. match tliis afternoon atMnkiki at 3:30 o'clock. Stars vs.Hawaii.

Tlifc members of Engine Co, No 1

had v. good drill last evening on Mer-

chant street.

TIierb will be union service atKaumakapili Church Sunday even-ing at 7:30 o'clock.

The U. S. S. Nipsic, now on theMarine ltailway, has a Mutual tele-phon- o

on board. It is number 98.

The bark Lady Lampson will sailfor San Francisco on Monday with700 tons of sugar.

The annual meeting of the Olo-wnl- u

Company will be held on Mon-day next at 11 a. ni., at the ofllco ofWm. G. Irwin it Co.

A special notice from tho HawaiianTramways Co. appears elsewhere. Itgives time of extra cars for conve-nience of persons attending churchservices.

The opening of the term of theThird Judicial Circuit Court at Wai-ohiu- u,

Kau, Hawaii, lias been post-poned from September 5th to September 12th. Mr. Justice Bickcrton ,

will preside.

A lua of sugar slipped from thochuto on the bark Lady Lawpsonyesterday afternoon striking the sec-ond mate on the left arm, breakingit above tho elbow. He is at theQueen's Hospital doing well.

On Monday at 10 a. m. Mr. J. F.Morgan tho auctioneer, will com-mence a large and important creditsala by order of Messrs. H. Hackfcld& Co. Full particulars of tho goodsto be Bold will be found in anothercolumn.

An old coral building, corner ofQueen and Kaumana streets, is beingtaken down. Many years ago it wasused as a canoe house by GovernorKekuanaoa. It was purchased in 18G9by Hon. H. A. Widemaun and hasbeen used by him since then as awarehouse.

PunsER Chas. Dudoit of the Moko-li- ireports a tidal wave at Halawa last

Wednesday, the water going rightclose up to tho houses. Tho tugEleu and cable schooner C. H. Tup-pe- r

were at Fukoo, and if tho weatherwas line to-da- y the laying of thecable from there to Napili, Maui, wasto bo commenced.

m .

A meeting of prominent merchantswas held yesterday afternoon to de-

termine what should bo done with asum of money they had subscribedas a slight recognition of the servicesof those who took part in puttingdown the late insurrection. It was,decided to'givc $10 to every personwhoso name is down on the Marshal'slist.


Meeting Hawaiian Mission Chil-

dren's Society, at residence of W.W. Hall, Nuuanu Avenue, at 7:30.


Mr. Oscar Maschkc died verysuddenly this morning about 10o'clock at his residence, Schoolstreet, of heart disease. For thepast two years he has been a collec-tor for the Hawaiian BusinessAgency, and was looked uponas a very faithful employee. Hewas also a lieutenant of CompanyA Honolulu Rifles. The deceasedwas a native of Russia and leaves awidow and two children. The fun-

eral lakes place Sunday morning at11 o'clock from his late residence,the Rev. Alex. Mackintosh conduct-ing the services.


The German bark Deutschland,Captain Antone lit gemnnn, arrivedoff port last evening, 135 days fromBremcrhaven, which port, she leftMarch 27th. Passed the Lizardten days later. Was twenty-on- e

days from SO south in the Atlanticto 50 south in tho Pacific. ' Experi-enced variable weather, TheDeutschlaud brings as passengers9 Germans, 1 mun, 2 women and (

children. Her cargo consists ofgeneral merchandise and 800 tonsiron rails for the Oahu RailwayCompany. Sho comes consigned toII. Hackfcld & Co., and is dockedat tho 1'acHlo Mail wharf.

widowsIfthTdead.Thero appears to ho only three,

out of the seven persons killed In

the late riot, who weso married andloft wives. The wife of Poni livesin n little cottage on MaunakenBtroet,hut!k of tho new Chinese enginehouse, Tho wife of Lolka lives in acottage on Queen street, back of thoGovernment building. The wife ofKekl lives at Kalihl. These poorwomen are doslltuto, and told ourreporter that they had not a dollarin the world to buy food wlthi Heroaro thrt-- cases which our good peo-

ple should attend to, Any contri-

bution loft Hi the Klolo Olllce forlliou poor, unfortunate widows will

bo properly attended to by us,



From (he llilo Jlecord, Auy fi.)

The insurrection of the last weekin Honolulu has taught us a lesson,which we will do well to heed. Ru-

mors of Wilcox's intentions havebeen in circulation for severalweeks, especially among a portionof our iiatiTts population. Aud ourGovernment paid no hoed thereto.Tho affair, if it had been led by nsmarter man, might not have endedas it did. To think that an armedforce of 150 men could march a mileaud a half through the main streetof Honolulu, at 4 o'clock In themorning, without even a notice fromthe police force, supposed to be onpatrol all through the nieht, leadsto the suspicion that almost all ofthe native population of that citymust have 'been knowing to the"emeuto." What were the policedoing that no alarm was sounded tillafter the rebels had made n lodg g

ment within the Palace walls? Butperhaps it is useless now to cry overthe "split milk," and only to askourselves, what is the lesson to belearned from the whole affair. Onething is certain, the present Govern-ment havo learnt, and that is not tolie back believing "that the Hawai-ian- s

are not thinking much over thesituation." There is a feeling ofhitler hatred of the whole "Reform"movement, among a small (ntid wesay "small" advisedly) portion ofthe Ilawaiians. Before "Reform"took place, the Hawaiian was led tobelieve, that he was and should bethe "master of the situation." Nowhe finds that it is only when quali-fied to act, can he fill any importantposition. That simply because he isa Hawaiian, does not bring him intopower, but that ho must prove him-

self capable as well and this doesnot Suit.

But we will say, throughout thecountry districts, the incendiury andtreasonable utterances of suchshectB as the "Oiaio" do not find aresponse among tho Ilawaiians as arule. When the news of this insur-rection reached us over tho wireslast Friday, among no persons wasit more heartily condemned than bythe Ilawaiians in our tdwn. It is amatter of thanks to us here, that wehave but a small following of Bushand Wilcox among our native Ila-waiians. But in Honolulu it is dif-

ferent. There all the "discontents"among the natives naturally gravi-tate and are there urged on by suchmen as Poepoe, Wilcox, Boyd andothers, to just such acts as havebeen done in Honolulu tho pastweek. Now, what is to be done intins matter? What shall we do withthe leaders in it? We do not beliefin halfway measures. Let our Gov-

ernment take hold of it withoutgloves and sift it to the end. Nohalfway measures. Strike wher-ever it may be necessary, evenif it be necessary to bringhigh personages under the sen-

tence. We feel for thoae whowere led into it, that they might belet off easy, but to thoso who ledthem on, aye, even to those who sitin high places, that allowed it to bedone, let the severest penalty of thelaw be meted out. It will not dofor this country to be subject tosuch insurrections, every little while.The injury done thereby to usabroad is such that it will takemonths, we might almost say years,to overcome.

."We hope that the outcome of thisaffair will be to unite all true citi-

zens of Hawaii on the side of goodgovernment. Coming as it has,only a short time before our generalelections, next year, it should sounite all classes, that we can beable to send only such men to theLegislature as are in favor of ourpresent form of Government. Oncemore. If the Government is afraidto try Wilcox, Boyd and ethers ofthe insurrection, in Honolulu, letthem change the venue to Hawaii.We believo we have here honest Ila-waiians, who will try the matterfairly. And the whole country de-

mands that the matter be dealt withwith a stiff hand.

The thanks of our townspeoplehere in Ililo are tendered to Col. V.V. Ashford and the Honolulu Rillcs,aud all others who took part in thefight so bravely and manfully. Ililocould not be present, but; she iswilling to acknowledge her thanksto those who were. We hear thatall our Ililo boys stepped right inand did good work. Hilo's thanksto Townsend, Loebcnstein, and D.Howard and Rex. Hitchcock.


Satuudav, Aug. 10.Chun Lung charged with larceny

of coat and pants value 10 wasfound guilty and sentenced to onemonth's imprisonment at hard labor.

Ah Yan for having opium unlawfully in possession was lined $50with one hour's imprisonment atiiard labor.


Pino Fruit andEXTRA(hart&coj Pies, CrenmVmnolulu (Jakes, PchcIi Plec, Apple

Cl;e and nil UIihU ofFancy Pustry fresh fulay

t Die "Elllo." HS3 H

iRY McCarthy's Oidir. 818 tfJL

MOTT'S Older at McCarthy's.318 tf .

THE WEEKLY BULLETIN1. Wi columns, purely locwl iiwttur

Mailed to fcirelun couutrlw, $0 perannum,

U. S. S. NIP31Q.

The VesHcl nijth uml Itry on the Ma-rine Itnllwn)',

Yesterday shortly after noon theU. S. S. Nipsic was floated into thocradle of tho Marine Railway, andher hull being grasped by tho bilgeblocks was all ready for hauling up.About half paBt two o'clock tho.work of hauling up was commenced,there being present on the variousboathousca and tho Mail wharf alarge number of people. Severalboats from the U. S. S. Alert wereoff tho King's boathouse with ladiosaboard. The work of hauling onproceeded slowly but surely, untilabout half pa9t four o'clock sho wasin a safe position on the dock. Notthe slightest hitch occurred andthe work of hauling on was most cre-

ditable to Messrs. Sorenson & LyletSome idea of the damage done tothe vessel in the hurricane at Apiacan now be obtained. Eighty-fou- rfeet length of the keel is chafedwithin six inches of the garboardplanking, while thirty-si- x feet lengthis chafed within three inches. Partof the garboard streak and dead-woo- d

aft nro gone. The copper istorn off in patches all over tho bot-tom. The rudder post is entirelygone. The stern post is broken offup to the bearing of tho propeller.The blades of the latter are bcnt,butan effort will be made to straightenthem, though a new propeller hasarrived for tho vessel. As much ofthe keel will be left as can be.Messrs. Sorenson & Lyle have al-

ready commenced repairs on thovessel.


Some weeks ago tho body of anative woman was found in a poolof water near Haiku. A coroner'sjury was empanelled and upon thetestimony of the Government physi-cian a verdict of death from somecause other than drowning wasbrought in by it. The woman hada contused wound on the head pro-duced by some heavy blunt instru-ment that might have caused death.It is well known that she had .frequent quarrels with her paramour,aud one of theso occurred the daybefore the body was found. Noone has been arrested and probablynever will be. Thus another myster-ious death and no investigation ofthe circumstances leading to it.

The burglars arc again quietowing perhaps to the bright moon-light nights.

The planting is about over andanother spell of dry weather has setin, but hopes arc entertained that itwill not be of long duration.

Paia, Aug. 9th. N.

Auction Sale by Wm. Jno. Brodie.



By order of Mb. JOUN HIND, Managerof the Star Mill Co., I will sell at Pub-H- e

Auction,At ICrtpaan, Ifohnla.


August 80th and 31st,


87 Gal. Trucks&Haraesses15 Horses and Mares,Cane Wagons, Cane Land,

Houses, Housa Lots,Blacksmith's & Carpenter's Tools,

Lumber,And a complete assortment of

IITho Machinery of the ahnvo Millis in first-clas- s order, offers forwhich arc solicited and consists of

One 26x48 Mill with Engine,1 Pair Boilers, 0x20;1 Double Effect, 0 and 7 feet Tans,1 Vacuum Pan Q It. with Blako Pump

3 Weston Centrifugals & Engine

Together with the usual assort-ment of

ClarlQers, Cleaning Pans, Coolers, Sc,

And other Machinery usually foundin a Mill.

For further particulars apply to

Wm. J. BRODIE,822 I7t.d WO at.w Auctioneer.


account of departure from thoJ country a Genuine Fischer Piano

will be sold at a b'irgnin. The instrumentis nearly now of thu upright htylo.'sevenand a third octaves and In perfect order.

Also, 1 Amoinutlo Sewing Machina,largest size and in perfect condition.Address "IS," Hui.lktin Ofllcu.



rpWO Eastern Girls each desire a situ.X atlon as a nurse or second work.Apply at

"OKNTUAL IIOU8R,"831 tw Alnltim htreot.

situation wanted"1"Y ft Jupauun man and wlfoi thuJ mu to work In yard and blahle,lliij wiuiir,u to do loii6uwurk nnd cook.Apply at thi oulce, Oil iw


he EquitableOF


film !


Life Assurance Society,THE UNITED





Funds Hand

Deo. 31J1888,



MUTUAL LIFE.1 The Mutual commenced business in 1813, and is 46 years old. The Equitable commeaced buiBM In

1859, and is only 30 years old. The following shows standing to-da- y:

Complied from tit Anuunl fox 1 888 o theEQUITABLE and MUTUAL LIFE.

Cemmtnced Butiniit

MAGNITUDE.Outstanding Assuranco $549,216,126Premium Income 22,0-47,81-

Total Income 2G,958,&77

GROWTH AND MAGNITUDE.New Business 153,933,535Increase in Outstanding Assurance .,.?."" 66,186,561Iucrenso in Premium lucerne "; . . h. '. 2,932,038Increase in Interest and Other Income 786,090In'creaso in Income 3,718,128Percent, of Increase in Income . . . 16-0-

Excess of Income over Disbursements 10,129,071Percentage of Income not Disbursed 3757Increase in Payments to Policyholders :'. . .. 1,821,947Percentage of Increase in Payments to Policyholders 18'11Increaso in Assets 10,664,018Percentage of Increaso in AssctB 1264

STRENGTH.Surplus $ -- 20,794,715Increaso in Surplus 2,690,460Percentage of Assets to Liabilities ....'. - 12801

ECONOMY AND PROFIT,Percentage of Expenses and Taxes to New Business 322Cost of each $1000 of New Business 2447Allowing 7 1- -2 nor ct. of Renewals for caro of Old Buslnosd.Surplus Earned




the of



Contrast the Equitable's with the Annual the Mutual and the wouldbo still more

2 The Mutual has been 46 years its assets the only 30 years.Increase in Assets, 1888 EQUITABLE $10,664,018Increaso in Assets, 1888 MUTUAL 00

From figures it will be seen that it will not take long to pass the Mutual in this respect.

3 There is one ground which the Mutual outranks all competitors it keep silent. It hasincomparably tho Largest Debt of any Life in the world.

Liabilities MUTUAL LIFE 31, 1888 00It boasts of its but says Not One Word about tLia Enormous Mortgage upon them.

4 The Mutual with $67,000,000 less of outstanding assurance than the has an of$43,000,000 more.

5 The Mutual being much the older company is havingolder members. This is something to lament over, not to boast about.

6 If the rate of interest were to decline to 3 percent. The Mutualwhile the would still have a large Surplus Fund.

7 From Mutual's advertisement in "S. F. Coast Review :"Assets aro given atAssets from Insurance Department, New York






notice creditors".

otherwise,simoduly authenticated











2,333,400 h3,096,010








Statement Statement difference

accumulating Equitable




Assets,Equitable indebtedness


guished, Equitable

"Padding" done by Mutual ." $587,434,83

years ago tho Mutual's Surplus appeared ai"Official Statomcnt ; $6,294,442Given to Spectator Co ; 7,532,889 VQivon to Insurance Journal 7,176,663

l.Given in Co.'s Paper (Weekly Statement) 7,061,002- -

Surplus, from N. Y. Insur. Department including items deuuatod underDepartment rules

And the Mutual deprecates a "loose way of stating facta and9 This Agency does not propose to continue this controversy through tho newspapers. It not propose

to be a party townrds boring the public with mutual recriminations might ba kept up until doomsday.Anyone who doubts tho stability of tho Equitable or its power to cope with the can get all theinformation they desire by applying for copies of the Equitable Record which hereafter will always be kepton filo at this olllce.

320 lmH


HAS tho best and cheapest BlackRock, Coral, Band and Soil for

Bale in any quantity. Apply nt the lawofflco of William 0. Achi, No. Cfl Mer.chant street, Honolulu, II. I. 301 Sin

Notice tocompletion of lay.

of tho HawaiianPacific Cablo on or aboutAugui-- t mil, tlie A.1 Upper

Schooner "0. U Tupncr," Captain J.Kclley. 100 tons, will heoncn for charterfor any American or British ColumbianBort, or will return to Victoria,

For freight and passage apply tK. O. Hall & Bon, Honolulu, H. 1,

& BAKER.810 tr


W. YTOLTKBS and Mr. Ed. SuhrImvo this day been to

sign our firm name bv procurationII. HACKFKLD & CO.

Honolulu, August 1, 166U, 111) 8t

loTHE undersigned glvcB notice that

has been appointed Executorof the Will of Mrs. Margaret Keegan,deceased. All persons having any claimsagainst her cstato whether secured bymortgage or aru requested topresent tho andw(tU proper vouchors if any exist tohlin at his oillco on Fort street, in Hono-lulu, within fix months from dutu ntthey will ho forover barred) and allpersons ImluMed to said cstato aro re.quested to make linmediuto paymentto him,

GKOHGK LUOAB.July 10, lbw. 7 lin




v ....' .m.w y inrtfii

rTSMawjncrw.iii ' ii

tho Yoar







-- :i iLIFE.





24-8- 6






$ 3,797,462

heavier drains upon it by death

Life's be about extin- -



30th ofapparent.




upon upon which


8 Some follows: .


Gross returns,6,858,501

yet figures!"


Mutual Life



ALEX. J. CARTWRICHT,General Agent Equitable Life Assurance Society for the Hawaiian Islands.

50-CENTS- -








3 50 CENTS



Pacific Hardware Co., Ld,1 O i





PAINTS, OIL, VAIISHIIS,Turpentine, Etc., Xtc


Revere Rubber Go,, Boston.


ilr&MDiilisg.f0 0U and examluo our New

Goods, Aug-1-8- B



Page 4: , I Jp'liW · 2015-05-30 · FJLOUR JWr-Alt-Golden Gate & Salinas-Q-H FLOUR Telephones, No. 175. Boll Telephone, OO-HAWAIIAN on hand nnd For AT T1IE--FEED CO., ROCK FEICES Cor. Edinburgh


$&m&- -











1 WW Hl'lijliH4(K'ffMvfam ,r .a aemc to"TH



3Eorpoise. , JLace Bootees Ac Slioes?,Guaranteed Waterproof. Now additions constantly boing made

.lo.oUr Lurgo. Stock of

La,die,and (eiits Fine Goods.

TheManufaciurers5 Shoe Co., 6 Hotel St.

TRFTelophono 240,- - -- o:Gg

LEJS, & q0 111 Fort Street,'J'. hl U 1 HONOLULU, II, i.,


n smi .u.f h maTim .,. aBy each stearaci' if the 0.

Fresb Cala. Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Cala, Fruity

A complete line of Crosse & Blackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods

. :F-- ' J Always! ohfiiand. Alsbft jfciiVccolvcd a fresh lino of

Gorman la'ic & Totted MeiitMi & ltottlod Preserved Fruits,Lewis fc Co.'ij Maltese Brand Sugar Oared Hams & Bucoa,


New Breakfast Cereals, Orcam Oat Flakes & Oraam Wheat Flakes,.1 Sicily Lomdriar& Calfr. Riverside. OrnngoB,

' C" " 'Oregon Burhnuk .Potatoes, .Ktc., Etc., JStc.

ap-1- 6' jfXTtisfacti'oii'GS-iiai-aTiteedL- . 87



and Feed,STREETS.

Groceries, ProvisionsBAST CORNER

New Oopd8prcceivcd PacketFresh




S. from

from the Eastern States Europe


OK or Killer Siroot.



by ovqry.

and Goods to part'ef Hho city froo of nhargo.- Island- - ordera poli.cited. Sattsfantlbn cuarantaed. PA&t-Gfllr- ftox 115., TIonUone No. 83 liiov-4-8- 5









Kit SalmotfBcIlica, BIoclc Codfish, Smoked Beef, Buffalo Ham &Bacon, .Boaes. Smoked Herring, Tins Jorewginn Salt Herring,Mild Cal. CbeeBe, .Atrnore? Mince Meat, Greeu Turtle Soup,Terrapin Soup," Sugar "Raisins. Currants, Walnuts, Almonds,Dricd-Teacu- es; Prunes, Dates, Honey, Cereoline Flakes,

CAPE COD CRANBERRIES,Tomato "Ke'tcliup, Sugar Corn, Cases Sugar Peas,BlUGPotato'te,5RutatBagaB Turnips; Calafortiia Crackers,al kinds; CJhoipo Teas, Fresh Apples, Sluon Pilot and .MediumBreaa,JWLeaV Flour,'" Butter, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And, a General Assortment ol Canned Meats, Frnits and Other Groceries.

mh-9- J S& Leave your orders, or ring up 119. 86


JOHNDlmond JEJibcIc,?' 3Xo.


- ii. , It J,rii'.T7':ylC.-!?ilLZaai3- t tt.

fenife" Ipn-- aad Tin Ware !

B s liCharldeKbrs, Eairips and-Lantern-s,




SheeT Iron "Work.

il'Aui-- l

H JiUv)XS5l'NVii Jta

It'tf i i A v jS . !sSn''is$',- -

. .dftirJf V .J Jk.Jbi v, .. -


v. Vr $KJOJWHfe j$ SNJAtoUllijJ ; '

o'borflMhiprho boutht a i((Kitf to rM on." Don' t

Uk ordtoar ioipi fur

M,Ve, pf.lt. .CniimntiiifuHorr riAulU In

ii&Kkuk elwiiiliift "t uwwmIUUhi n crijat out, t

.. .r.Mb ....i i.iuir. ivhirii mora man naiauni

iiMilniu(Jciurlj)if. All fwwi U H. No. SI.



- Bo- -- P. O.

t mrt. '.







-- 1

czscPj7st'tA .Vjn.vfr""-r- 'HI 4T!l. 11 " i.'--.




ifufUPMe, 4 ho's rlclit. 1h Meat A hOUM

wlera thy op't ua Bapollo'l "

'livorybodyljnews ourjolilfrlond

'':r6mo9 :andl'tjaldtrulyi AwlLs?wn,'r!1e?t,Is a 'IroaSuroV' Sapolfo IaMirucairdofScouring Soap, Try it In houao-elcanln-

No. J. lOi'pyrifht, Mrcb, 1S67.


!&K -. ,;,,

Per " Royal Alice '!195 days from Liverpool.

i j, ili-- .

M GOODS!j t'Large, Varkd & Selected Stock.

FANCY GOODS,Dicssiug Cases,

Mirrors,Wicker Ware, Etc.

U ft 14 ; V

GRuGEKlEb,A full line.



A large assortment.



Oarx'injpo Lamps,






Other VarietiGB..J jnr oil a tc ( i. rol-.-


Latesj Noypltles. . .


American andPortuguese





Rock,Liverpool and

Higgin's Dairy.

Oils ! Oils !

Boiled & Raw Linseed, Castor.

Paints & Zinc I

Flpwer Rots,

Fern, .Stands & 'Wire. Baskets,



Kettles,Frypans, Etc., Etc.,


Corrugated & Plain.


In all varieties.

Fence Wire !

Annealod,Gal vaplzed Barbed,

' Putent'Bteel'llarbcd.

Bedsteads of Iron,CUTLERY,


California Brocenes

Of all varieties, always In Btock.Alto,

Hay, Feed & Flour


Thpfl Hnt?lQQ Rl On

. llfcUf ill UUV ICO Otf UUl Jj May7 HONOLULU. 166)

WMiim'm pqjiju


' ' ''' if" '0'luwmwmmimm



Cashmere, bouquet Toilet aSaMp.

Caslimero Uouquet Perfume.

VipleUet Water." BiiiGQ ,i:fcbiicho, (Dentifrice,).

Depot Wholesale and Eetail.JS.ATWAJiXJL.'N

Carnage Manyfeotunng Go


Mil LmL&Busies,


I'Eii 11 CarriageSolicited at Very

Our 1ATENT BREAKS priRinatcd in Honolulu by us have beenReduced 25 Per Cent in Price.


Second Growth of White Oak Spokes,Hubs, Felloes, Rims,

Plaplcetc, Heavy Hickory Wngon,Single & Doublo Trees, Etc., Etc.




17UKNI8UED Rooms lo let,corner of

t'unchbowl and liert-tani-a

streels, would be very convenient fur asmall family. 255 6m


on Hmma street, at a rca.sonablcflpuro, Apply to

J. M. JHUWHAJiKAT,Cartwright's Block', Merchant St.

291 tf. .iStables & Pasturage To Let.

V Stables con'EXCELLENTm Sii.JjJMjJ Stalls, Cottageand 7 acres Pasture Land, on

boutli street, near King, formerly occu-pied by Mr. White, proprietor of thePalama Bus. To let on very moderateterms. Apply to

E. BROWN & CO.,255 tf 283Ierchant street.

FOB SALE or LEASEand Premises atHOUSE Honolulu. House

couiains three largo and twoamall looms and hull and a large attic.Cottage with threo rooms on' the s;

cook and bath-hous- Stablewith Ihrue Btallsl nnd, carriage house;shade and fruit trees on' the premises.Apply to J.'M. MONSARUAT,

Cartwrlght's Block, Merchant St.294 tf


TO purchase on one of thoHawaiian .Islands n,

Tract of jLund. 10,000 acres,fn'me' 'or II-hs'-. L'eave offerswith Etatemunt of price, sub:

AsrH.l)a."'BDiXKTiN.OJllcB. 397.1m



Hawaii, March 0, ise8. f

IllHiloii Iron Jt Ijucomotlvc AVorkH,San J'rnnclMCO.

Ghstlemen: AVo have used two nfyour 30 Chambered Filter Prestes thisseason. Thoy are convenient, easilybandied and aro working entirely to oursatUf action. lean recommend no

on them.Very lcspecifully yours,

(Signed) A, MOORE,Inniifccr l'aauliaii Plantation.

These Pri'SRCS tiro inado extra heavyfor high pressmen, occupy u lloorHpapo il feet by l f. t, and preicnt afiltering surfaeo of 240 iquare feet.

A limited number In stock In Hono-lulu and arc sold at very low prices.

Risdoa Iron & L"03. Works,San Francisco.

jr For particulars enquire of.1011 V DYK.ll, Honolulu,

Ilooui No. 3 Hpreckols' Block,

2250 tf W. G. Irwin & Co., Auit.

& CO.,


, uuuuum wiuuiuMiiui uuiuiij.


.). f

or ;

wfe BreaksANII- -i

Etc., Etc., Etc.


& Hon ImMLow Prices.


Steam Works, Sunny South,

Tolc: Bell 186.

Depot, 28 Merchant Streot.

Tele.: Bell 172, Mutual 360


SXodcnt Hfnclilncry.

Patent Ulaan Vnlvo Bottles


The only apparatus using Purified Car., ; bonicApid Gas, making

i ."high" class

Tahiti Lemonade,

Apollinoris Water, J'1 ;mJOream Soda,

Ginger Ale,

Hop Alo,

Grenadino, Etc,i H

And Pure, Strong Effervescing



Notk. 'Kmpty Bottles to ho relumed'prior to new orders being exAiultd.

tfiyCfdea delivered to any part oftho city. Island orders solicited, 88 tf


flnnmilR StfiAinshin nnmtir?8g


Arrivo at Honolulu:

OfAustralia August 23Mariposa August 31Australia. tSoptcmber 20.Zcnlaiitlia September 28Australia October 18Alameda October 20Australia . November 15

Losvo Honolulu:,

Zealaiulia ....August 24,Australia August iuAlameda ..September 21Australia September 27Mariposa ,. . .October 19Australia .October 25Zealaiulia November 10Australia November 22Alameda Dcccmbor 14

218 tf

LADIES' NUKSE.MONROE, ladles' nurse, has

romoved to No. H, Kukul laneFeb.H-8- 9

New Zealand Jams I

JUST received a consignment of NewJams, assorted cases. For

salo at low prlcrs byJ. E. BROWN & CO.,

227 tf 28 Merchant street.

IS-wong- ' Sang--,

Manufacturer of

Ladies' & Gentlemen's Boots & Shoes,

No. SiO Nunann St.,All work guaranteed. Lowest prices.The very best leather kept on hand.


J. E. BROWN & CO..

B Blcrclmnt St., Honolnln, H.I.


Conveyancers & General Agents


Sole Agents for the Burlington RouttAcross America, and to the Azores.

Sole Audits for Pitt & Scott's ForeignParcels lExprcsa & General Shipping'Agency.

tiblp Agents for Sunny South AeratedWaters.'.

Sole Agents for 'Mftsclleld Bros.' NewZealand Mullet and Canned Goods.

Special-Agents for Lending Mow Zcjilantl and.Ausiriilian Mercantile Firms.

Special Agents for the California LaudAssociation.

Special.Agents for the Honolulu Businosa Directory.

Also, Other .Special Agencies,

tSy Customs' Entries .Passed. Propei ties Managed. Assignees and Audi

'tors' Wijrk . done promptly. HouseiLeased and Rent's Collectca.

New Business SolicitedBell Tele. No. 1 72 Mutual Tele. No. 360.Dec-- 5 i Pott Olfico Box 4G9. , 8S-- 1

P. O. Sox 351.,-SJ- W Boll Tele. 74.

uawaiiaii Business-Agenc- y

Corner Fort & Merchant Streets,Honolulu, IT. L

GENERAL AGENTS.Accouutant & Collcctora


Hawaiian Bell Telephone So.

Manager of Advertising Department. FOR THE

"Mufiepa Kuokoa.,yDEPARTMENTS, of BUSINksS:

'Collections rwlll, receive Special attqn.'tlon and returns protnptiy'made.' c . ' I

ncalXitatalboUghtiifcold.ahtL'leaiDd.vrTaxes pajtl nndpropqtty.saffcly Insured

llouie.Cotlaoei, Rooms and Otfictj,'leased an'd rentcd,ntJd rents colle'cleil,'

Flfe'an'd'tlfo lnsuraricefefTectcd: In'flrBt.ciiiss'insuranco tJompanien. .' Conwyaochtp ,n Spep.laljy, .Records

.searched and. pprrect Abstracts of Title,.funffilfedl' teal DocumenU and Paper's of .evprydescrl)tlbtfcarefully drawn atid liamlsomcly engrossed, . I i

Copying and Translating in all languagoein geiipral usoftn this Kingdom.

Cuitorri llouie' qajirfDiV transacted withacciiracy'and dispatch.

Lgsot.nogptjated at fvorablo rates.Godj Silver and Certificates bougkt and

sold.AdverHemenl' and Subscriptions soli

cited ifor'piinHshttrs..Skilled end Unskilled Labor furnished.

Anyj Article purchased or, sold.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti-

cular attention.To Lot, Furnished and Unfurnished Cot-

tages lu desirable localities at reasonablerentals.

Seyoral Valuablo properties in, andaround the olty now for salo and leaseon easy terms.

lyAll business entrusted to our carewjll rccejyo prompt and faithful alten-tin- n

at pindftrato charges r' FeMfiO

HE ONLY LIVE' PAPER ofHonolulu "The Dally Bulletin."

CO cents per month.

Australian Jail SotvIgq

FOIl 8AN FRANCISCO,Die now and lino Al steel steamship

"Zealandia."the Oceanic Steamship Company, vllbo due nt Honolulu from Sydnoy

and Auokland on or about

August 24, 1889.And will leave for tho above port withmalls and passengers on or about Uiatdate.

For freight or passaco, . having 8U.PEH10R ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WE Q. IRWIN & CO., Agents:

For Sydnoy and Auckland

The ncv and flno Al otcel stcan3htp

it QVinncnvti ifvroiAyOf tho Oceanic Steamship Company, wil

bo duo at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or- about

August 31, 1889.And will have prompt dlppatch withmails and passengers for tho above porta

For freight or passage, havinir BUFERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto37 WM. G. IRWIN & CO.. Afjento



Prlntinsr Done for Amntonra,Cabinets $6 aDoz.'Work Guaranteed.

JJtT" Entrance on Fort Street. -- a12!1 tf

J.Hopp&Go.,74 King st. H KiDg Et

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.

CORNICE POLES.Fine Upholstering- -

& Beading

wA Spccinilty. t


TO LEASE!The Beautiful Seaside Resort at Wai.

klki (formerly the residence of Col.G. W. Macfaflane), known as


Park! Beach Hotel.It n. ..!-- ..

'iGnrSMBE fsA

' ThoiPremlses'consist of.

A Main Building,Containing a

Lanai 40x40, Dining 'Room, Pantry,KitcheB &, 5 Bedrooms,

All partially furnished.

One Building-- ,


Bowling Alley, Billiard Boom.. and 3

Zjumo Bedrooms.

Qnfe Cottag-e- ,


l Largo Bedroom's U9H Dressing 'Rooms.i -

" . V

One Building: on beach,Contalrilng--- i

Rath Houses,, Waoh Rooms, Eto.

Largo and Commodious,

Stables with -- Carriage, Honse.

Upper Floor lilted with Largo AiryRoomB. suitable for servants,

etc., eto. Thoro are

Large & Well-laid-o- nt Grounds,

Connected with the Premises on whichcoiilil be erected cottages for visitorsshould the place be converted into nhotel, for wh(ch It U admirably adapted,The Battling facilltio equal the bestalong tho line of beach.

lrThesq Premises wil be leased fora term of years to responsible parties.For further particulars apply to

W. G. IUWIN & CO.A Springfield Gas Hacaine iton Uie Promises and the pipes lead intoall tlie above Bui dings. apr.8W9
