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I TnilMY-SKVKNT- TRaH NEW TeToT I YORK, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, PRIfK TWO CENTS. KEN VS LEGISLATURE rut titn ur rut: nto rnittiT-- i a i PJfet eTaTa? rii Aim: ft. a fhr gelgO'obWrai ol the Ulna when the ROOM i'rnprfii ri In Look Into f hp I'hartrr for i Orel litl An Instrument lo per-pri- u if 'i" KlMJi vM b I In tlip Somite this morning nir,. .it'r i bltrtfclf the Mil for the eon-1t- t on ol I BOMbf! nllre.d in I Mb and other aMeM 'I ' ol de I! r ol Jectioti- of t In Gort rnor Ihr ill bti I It pnt Ml for the Hit of (If frtftcfclM 1) IMllHi Horry, Leung li Uf f tti In (he Ability of Abraham O'liall ai H r. his rroM.led m Itie bill that Morld ' t n sell the frencht-- e In Bthri tf Mil 1M Mil i tl.r MM M Iktl fi tool by i, lloftaMi lat t A lively ilHUMWI frttowtd HtlBirod in of t n solution IniartcttM Utiiiow n! r .frscnUlUtM from this Mali to vote for :in Iprrorn o erect a nonl nflV e it ml fulcra! rourt nco- Hi h filft Men stor M urt-li- .ii.l lhat i( lhe jUtfllltOH was 4 be adopted liu would move nn i h I ' to Include Brooklyn, but he did not U n Hi rei it. in. n should p.m. It WM progressed, ir I II - pi ibl) kill it for the acaaioo. fie - lumber wa crowded this morn trig bl t Min of tolltit lau, who wcrr toff MBMHM to lorn t t ml' tit- of nil Ml Ml WIW rtlMtTFB, .i j r C pit n il would inert with. Tltr more Bvn;s of Alexander Frear, who ha charge of Sqnir- b'vrney'a jobs wen carefully watched Will tM county of New York win ci led upon lo Intrel'iri- Itl hill-- . Mr Frear opened hit drawer, pulled Ml Hie lltttf Joker.'" sprang lo hi feet ai d sanded lie prltalO !ocoment to a BAgO who went with It to tbl ehrk. The Idler rrad the IttlO and Meker WM Just about saying " this bill will be referml to tho Com nillee on Cities," when Mr KltriM arose and said ho had a motion to niskc MR. rRlilt Tt RKMD P l 1, aod twtehod nervously in hit seat. Speaker Hitch mao vt;i likewise visible affected, and I' Bqotre Beeny hod been In tho hall he MoboMf would hae iwoonnl A counterplot of aotne ott wat eipeeted. hot whit It would be wia more than they could dirine. Mr Kirnan, amid death like, a lence, pro reeled to say that Ihla bill, the mont imporunt that la LeifUlature would be c.illej to pa& nwm, omcht lo he rerrrd to the Committee of fie Whole, and ut to ire Committee on t'lUe. The new OUTlef VH dra'tr.i by ih,$ MM ennuaiit poltilcal tawyeia Injttt riclly. They hart Otttowod attention, ond it wM an 0(W per fCti6n il im Drceenl abape aa the Committee on (Mie could erer bope to make It. He alo wanted IM CinrtCf printed tmmoUUtcly, to that member cobM I1 it their won COinfMiATTO?!. Mr Ptrtr. who J u ring the dellrery of Mr lkr rt itpeeth WM a fltiaoU aahject to contemplate, tiowlv ruM, and In tremnlowa tona naid that he bad bo ohjecliofl to the IMJOif printing of the chart, r. hot MI M oped it would not be taken away from ttie Committer on Cute. Mr. Klcrnau, out of pity, j lOd IMJ Hpoaker joyomly aeot tbt cbsiter r if. HiOl Con.mittee, tTeatly to the relief of Mr Frer iftd otner alliea of Squtrv H eenv. M'lthiu the next h ilr hour the " Little Joner " took a trip ll.rouk'tt the rhumber. Kverybotly wanted to aee w bat it lo kf j like. The comment putaed on li were iBitkloi but complimentary to AbralramV III VILFUHKIM AND MODKUTT wer n ovtrlookoftu The nntior of I man dratinc Mortei J attnf aa a reward tor hla trouble o ly tb mointmcat of thirteen h"wd of departraanta : He Charter, iltbotft not yet eaammed. Wetta with th disapproval of eerybodT. I; tenda to thf ct iitraJiiNtMin of powr and to the pi rpetut It on r fRe of th-- heany rtynnaly. It will neror past Bltil It has been BQbJeClOd to oo many MMOdweni t'i t no one will be able to recocmae It. Koa t it the !oc ument i before tie public, are iMpff iir m n Mien it declared that t. nl aUmitate :.nrt I in in the mrhtii a: '...' the prt.ple The ltetationa the itii'C pfi po fa ' make OOttom rrtn ip oly in VOatlMJ tfee appolBtmenl of the hea4a of tuecrral Deoirt ueui .n lit haud of a B04in or v t i. ram roe of 'be Mayor, the Comptroller, the PrMl dni ii? tli- - !i it l o;' huerriaora, who Id Tw ed, the ClMloerUlO, obO t fwceny. and the RotBtWtf or Cly Jodji Ti.i wttl wi-- the aervicea ol the Pn.ird o' AldermfO. Mr. Peter Mi'chell intro- duce I a :11 t . iiy rncutatlni Hie il u'liinslini power cl Ml iu tbe Mil tie to be charred fot the laalf Tie bill provide tut ooek cas company la loi t ill ihaU euppU icaa of suteen cndhs tUu Dilaatlii: power MM the maiitmiin prire charred fur the iMmi hU not rrceed MJ pr tbuu-ani- l MJM fu Mr Tweed gtt nottee of a tdll In the Kenato to Incur; or iff a new i:a coud'uny above Kort econd MrOaj Tl a Itl aimiUr bill to that intMdor.-- t Mr !. the Aemh)y on 'hi ompany tht? aole illii to light Central Park 0 Mrj Diodeat MMOl 01 tl.e part of Twed and Kivlua t MJItAflM kLtCTIONH. The hi! introduced In tfco LofMlattrt to rtru'ate the OM IttOl of election tn thu city Mlttrllll) ch.ine'1 e etittinr ayaiem: The i me f bold I M e MttOnl and t e mone or votlnr f i.i't;. lhe uu ler the t. law. tret ten It lo N A M., 4 id rl e at? V M A ail quullfled vntt-- leinnlnin in line and altmr to roll at li" I our ol aUall be alluaad to d yotit thttlr b Hot Two n.ip'-ito- or elect on and two ditrtr t rn Twaer xr, it. te elcrtei ir earn elr tmn diatrle at the ,i e rction in UU, u . n. tin to v ..e inner tnoroofii r. hull be roteriof wa Jtrn' In ullitlou ibe I'oard 0 Hnper viora Iko annually Bpp not two of ilootlol am lortltr,e eu: ver lor eeh e.eetlon dUHiri lo oe 0 vot r. "( ti a t leetion dutrt-- in whleh ihL-- aerve and to h- Bp polk led at t IWtnly Ikvi brfnre the enera' eleettoo in oai h ffl r be h mt ol Haner aora r .u oioo nli ttli voronclea that m unur pilur to mo day nf fiertii n hv Hppoiuiuicot. The IKnrd ol BUpeivUon ie n - to appoint two poll Clerk loi t urn eiecuon dlMrlOl Bl tl.i F4ine tima tn aj rtora and COOrMMrl are appoi ted. The Po.ud of unva.Tf re to ui.m on the eloainn of the poll nd roeced to the eonraea 1 ba reootrod men-e- ao: thereof, nod the re Mil Or I e eoiraaa, hal. be ma le nd m rnblir, u t .11! djourniiieiij of reCM, at the plu a of election an t canvaaa, and tin v are o complete cady for nl.nt- - and dedrery, h: tie then and ther.' ant lotoq in a 'moi; wrniiper. and oroooni BOOiod an-- ncroa H.e m! hy the ilfnotu'e of each 'I nr rt canva-er- . Ond the name ahaM b- - apt lalad. BO til thev are before the Board of Lit or i tuat) Canvaaaer-- , Vhei they they aimil be r tie ranva-eim- of ih ret mot fio UwpfO vtr vi ale ti n or dlauict canv a n or oil clerk aiiali a in. . apac tv Wm h- - ahali he a candidate for aiiT ofll-- t i,e voicdjtor r y tb rloctori f nt ei ip iic office o; inap' el r oi e vet ion or d airlct Oar.vna er iM fDrOM ot en b htj ahi'1 be 'nlly ."cmpleted in ttie order In thu, law a id proclaimed li Molie afore IM n t. to eokfoeothe toil ' i he due putt ic nunounreiiient py ravaaen of an Btoetioti let -- f a !i ; fat tf avi 4ecf lact theraofi aud .1 the returni filed do B0I nnd wiib auch anncuiiremnit, tne said re lorw fl la all not be c ontod by the Hoard oft ounty C t. en the di a. Tenancy has been explain.-- 0. . Uittnel Cauaaaoia to the auftetactlon ol the Mord The pteseol bureau of elertlona liabolikhed, and the ROtro mi; ert kmrB aie directed to oatahlian a bureau I sen m in eooOOOtlOl Will, thi oulre of Ihaf cinrk Ih fuel of aad bOTOBU ikall be appointed by in 01 hupervnx.ra. and sbair h'.ld his om. e r ui reoio. ' sb.ill ai ee orient fon ,r the of the bureau, ol auch nun. Mr Be , aetarmiooa by 10b oi upei vuorv pens, pn art 111 ih-- neceaoerj form, blauka.and wi rui t rna f .r th umj of the b. arda of Inapectora 01 Weot boards of dtsli.i t aud also .f J"' 'r 00nl and cjiy ca ivaiera , aud nrorldi- ahlO aid Wlfh all i omwoo l.nutiell ta to rod atnet the city t .ratht 1ti day of hepioan er neit, bo that n i duii 10I shall contain inoi th 111 t.uee bundr. d IBrfJBri ir the Common Com i1 hal ueKlect thu ..or aha I. by proclamal on eMahltah ll. the l atrlcta ftt Other IMtufM of thl n i mpoi tani. KOI IBM 9MMATM AGAIN il MA I Tie (overnor no Louver 10 be Hnubbed-Plr- ai OnalnatiiBil upon ihr Kina'a ( kmrier-Me- w Kxclao i.iivs Ksn Cotapitiic) bftWi aUiarr, Feb. 2. Tht Donoertlio Btoitort a(lar. Itiir TiniH It llfot. fatllfl Sachem Tweed preal'iei. rue object of the eaueua wh tu COBtMer tie propriety of on Executire Be Blot Ui r m firm BeveraJ of the Governor oppoint-biBta- . TUia maket tht filth Democratic caucui of Mlttori ittln tbt put ibrit weeka. II tt ooeiacutirt teaalon can hereafter be held Withou' a coDiolUtlon flrat. Tho Oorernor doei l'4 der're to ba publicly anubbert any longer. Tht lroceel! were characterized by apathy. Senator Worton waiidrow hit objectlont to the couflrma-U- or Q orga A. Miller, of ilocneater, for Superiu Jjjjjf "f After aome It waa t j coilrin tlt last named rent! man. and H"w lor t of ifanka and ui tha 4ommiBi.ionera of tht Troy "fi'"tl h- named b? Ooo, Hoffman aa the jJnBei ioy Police 01.,.,. - ib lo be rejected. Mil q iHwCltlMj la that tht Governor wai once "lert.oi,. Hl aumpinmia feed li him on lhe ocea J'JJ J ffetnl rllll to Troy. The caucua heard lhe refOfl of ttor Creamer from a comuntlet to draft auilQtui ainse law throurliout lhi bUtt, which " 'i leo. Ii ta tt. bts introduced in tha Banale wia row. ia the flrat breacli iulo the tlnr'a mo arw which contains a w rial eiclae law for " J "'he m- auie la very liberal in Hi pro ibtrtoetl of tbt C'ouspirnri law is aio Bt ripoi u.d feOL wtormMBfrt op MurcaV AMtM vb, A Psw l l.n.n.w Incldente ttfewnneel fan the Bst.l - The lllaterv wf iko BmII- -l uiichlnt vHh Mr. A. T. ftrwftrt-Tfc- o It hn llntit wtih ike Prince. The ball iv.;n in honor ol Princt Arthur1! mothrt at Dc Imonico' w aa t charming ancceaa. wil deliRblcd with the nrranremeni of the CMMJllttM The C. mnnttce tmik the Trlnre int a Ml roll uper room. In which the crhn dt ta crime of the crime rfr ;,j rrrwel wrrt the only one united. Thta was an agreea- ble itVpflM to Itool who wire debarred from lOltl n; the private lOpMW nom. Ho select M the rtflle BflHy that even Mr. Thornton, the arcompllsbed lady 01 the Brlttll aaliltlOf, wa abut out from IwO room, Anions the hadrM who dined with the Priuce in tbeprhate Baajtt room wire Mr. Ilnluioni, wlft of the diMtneulnhed Chairman of tb- Nitronal democratic Cammittce; Mr. Bun- nell, wife of the polite OoHOftOf of the port; the really brtOllfol Mr. L P. Morton, and other. The lion V f.. M BMiOW and party were n.; Invited to theprivite "tipper, bfll they were nrrntly pajoood with the Committee' selection, a, indeed, wa rverybtniy In the room. The MMMJMfMMjtf of the anpper wa marked bv I wflMMlt IwMwMJl Mr Belmont and Mr (Jrinntll hil dicided thnt the Pi ir ce hould IMWfl Mfl ltel moot to OlMkrt, The other oirmbeia of the Com mittcc r fBfwfd thin eminently proper. Hut (Im Tin A Dlt, I TOttrmo diplomatist, told the Piince 10 a. roitipany Mrs. A. T. Stewart to the sua? per IBO It, and the Pnnct obeyed. Thla admirable stroke ofp.llcy on the part or den. Mi gave MtatfMtMl Fverybody WM charmed. The Prinre made etcrybody happr. Men :rtnnell lod Belmont h d elected partoer foi him In the variou daiicce. The Prince, however, pre-f- i rred lo chonar hla own partnera, to tht eitreme de:tght ol all the ladlea, eepeclally thoae who hod been promUed tho honor of the Prince'a hand by Mcaara. Orinnall ant Telmont Hlnce the ball the mod ' itrat a;ant have been abowered upon the bead ol the Committee by tht happy goesta. It Is proper that thoat wbo haee epJovtd ao moeh pleaaure and unalloyed hp. inra ahuld know to whom they are Indebted fti the ball. Mr. Thorn- ton, toe British Minister, having become aatlafled that, owing to the Feutao proc!ittlca ot the Dtrooc racy t.y whom the city governed, an entertain- ment of the Prince by the municipal author- ities waa out of the , ailon, went to that nit ured old gentleman, the Him Moes I Orinnell, ai d ptojioaed thai he should get up a public ball. In which the wealth and fashion o' N w York couM pay their homoge to the Prince. To thla Mr Orinnell avreed. He ai once el about the work, and has carrb d it thmueh with such success as to produce more qusrrela. uncbarlta blentaa and profanity, more Moloney n the hearts of women aud more rage id ti e btwrw of men. ot WoU at aaort public disgust, than a othet e eut Idol ever took thee lo New York society, aWvBalUtl br TOf QCniCl Tiic Prince ytairrduy VltlltJ Mr A T Stewart s lenth Itrlel drjTfcV.d- - palace He afterward lunched in Mr Mtrwart marir homo on Kifth avenue The Pr.u MMted tne French Tm atre In the evening 11. v. .11 at;, nd the chat ity ball at the AMdett of Mu-i- c th i evenm. and will out Malt the Brooklyn Oittl until to moi row nitfht. PUOTOGSl A PHH Bf si y H t. Putt f t: US. Kiclteanenl m Jerome lloktnaa I one rt -- The V. MaC A. lietltoe Their atOOOf In Aalewnoe-Mhuttln- a; Owl the oaratera. The Y. C. A. Hall was crow led last evening on the occiaion of tht tiotb concert of Mr. Hopkins' for the Opheon Free Choir school There was aome eieltement before the concert from the r fusal of the janitor to open the dKri unti the rent bad been paid In advance, .1 measure which was resisted. Mr Hopkins's BffMil has been accostoroed to pay ail bills between the parts of the programme, and he relented such strict measure on the part of ttie Y M. C. A. Trustees aa an inault not to be borne by one who for eight yon re ha supported free singing achoola oat of his own private purae Tbe offsir e aa finally ci after the hall bad bn-- filled through a smaller door The opinion of the Y M V. A. BlpfMatd by tbe rrowd OOmtdt an)thing but conipiimentary. an', a short spree b Tom Mt Hopkma. eaplanatory ot the situ illou, wae warmly applauded. Car r AlHaaon'a divorce- - Tbe ClOOO ot Ibelnuaeof I .of t v Hwestrlng. Tbe (Jlaason divorce trial, which wa begun OB Monday, before JuUe Barnard, was cloned yeeter day K cry part ol lhe ourt wa tlooelf packed, and deep inteieit waa manifested in tti if gumenta .of counsel Judge ltainsrd charred ttu lory concerning tbe law applicable to the case If the (acta and eircumlancea, and the toatimouy in tht ease did not convince the jury toa mord ttf tainty of the aullt 01 Mr OwttOO. tna jury, the ourt said, must give her the bent fit of the rloobt After an hour and a half, tha jury were dlochorgi d. having fitlod to agree. They stood seven lor Hit p aintirl tod Ave for the defendant. e One ot the Inanrnnee Honathblea. Some time ago Mr. Y. M. Huby wat appointed receiver of the Insolvent Briti li Commen-la- l Insur ince Company. He contracted with another com pany for the reinsurance of oil the po icy holder But ' ' of the laiter demurred, and M inied their jolicies translerred to a mulnal couipany. or one of their own ehootng. Mr. Hub) waa willing to ac- commodate them, but the company with which hi? had contracted would not agree. He waa therefore restrained by an Injunction from proceeding fur ther, and the- case WM before Judge Cardoto OOlOf day. The policy holders of the defunct company showed that tbe aasei of that company would art ill give them VI per cent, uiou their Inveatn itOtl whereas tha solvent company of Mr. Blab), should It fatl to moTow, could give tht m only ( per cent The) did not a. e to glva good mouey tor bad. The case is at. 11 on. Turfnaen'a Naiilewnl .. Th? delegatea met last evening in the Kverelt HOMO. Mr W. k Parka, of the Prospect Pa k took the clnir and Mr ticorge H. Hmith was Her relary o fern. luc hundred and twelve delcfatea were tdml ted to the OOfafftM ( aptain Rynders proposed the (bUowlOf aa the offl rers President, V M Parkes. of the proaptet Park ; Vice l'r Btdtott, T C. HtDJHMOO, Of lhe Htwh tye flub, and ti. M. l.anman. of KoodlOlf. Pa , H. htnllh, of IwrMJIOMt Pirk.audD ii Bruce, of l.niingtuu. The gtDtttBtn H'Crt U0BO ni:ou Biected. The nritadwiiy Aoprovrd. Tho Grand Jury recently visited the pneumatic tunnel under Broadway, and sj.ent an hour In ha careful eiamlnntlon, Including the novel blow if k and ninnelling machinery. The jury approve 01 tbe ootorprloo. The llllnmaburuh IWlaairophr. The ittoUMl in the cuse of Joseph Bobner, who was killed oo the Ittth ult. by tbt felling uf a row ol new tenement bouses In Division avenue, William. burirh, was hroatht to n conclusion, Ist nlnlit, by Coroner hit. hi. I. The following verdict wm ion dtfOd by the Jurr: 'We fird that Joseph Bonner came to his death by the falling of the tmKd ngs n Hlvlsion avenne, Btook il, on tbe latu day or January, 1K,0. and that John llrennan, tha contractor fur building tho foun- dation walla to said nuil 1ntra, uas highly censur- able for the carelesa manner In which aald wnl a were built. and Witt the cause of the fall of the bulldinf a and tha Jr, believe that the said wall went put up in a van unw.a kfnoollkl ami ilanv-- oua manner, and the Jcry roqut st the oroner 10 take 11. nature- - to 01 tain OrllOO by tho Htatu l.e. atnro to extend thl j t Uuii tlou of tba lluriau lor th survey and luspeetica of Hulldlogs over tho entire city of Urooklyn Immediately ." Ri w Jersey lor Free Cuba Till TOR, Feb, Jn Ibe House, Mr. Brown Introduo da reaolulloo Instructing the New Jern y wOnttort and RtprtttBlttlVM in CoMjreflt lo urce upon t ,e Pretldeot and General Government to pro- claim in legal form, the eiiatcnre or a Bill uf b between tho Cuban patriots snd tbl lpBtt Isn uatiuo. UOVM$ or 1 l ist m The annual reception of the JTTth Kekinv nt 1 G. N h V. takee place In lbs Itagluaental Armory ou ths veoln of Feb. IT. The annual of the Oeaaairrerlen la to be.'lven In tbe (iaruianla Aaeuibly Koouii ou the evsulugof Fabruarj 7 Choaen Few Orange Lodge, No. 4, Brooklyn, will celebrate w .hin ' blnhiiay at Prospect Hall. Military baud and addieases or clarryiuen. The third annual ball of tha N. Y. Jonrnermen Hakera' I'rot Ben. Union takes plaoa in ths tieruisuia JUIBMDly Houms on tbe eveuing of Feb. ft. The N. U Y. B. Aaaoclatlon. tho Hon. Tony llaitniau of the Mutual B. U ( lub. President announce a fraud "Hal do' take yourself lu Imug Hall ou lUa eVelllOi Of il mix i. 1. The Charity Ball lakM plant to night tt tht Academy of Music under tna uiual wall known man- agement No paina have been snared lo make It a eraud am cent I.amler'a and Uralulla'a Bands furnlah tlie niuall and tho supper nrraua'euisuti era ui lot bauds uf JOt" ' NEARLY A MILLION IN A DAY rttK KXTKxirn hrkh in nosE Ayn HUOMTKR HTHhmTH. Thw Uhwhlmnl. of Teneawe.i llenoee In It' i. nnd Vnnaewstrr a treed a Ttirnrd out In tin- i. nd of Mahl A ttfMI Huarar lesitrovel Pour Uulldlnco Con aumed In onater Mffffjft Phortlv before 2 o'clock yesterday morning fire wa tlMOftlOd In the haement of lckerhausen Brother' BtfM rentier), IP, H, and g.'i Hose street. Tbe (lie Is supposed to have bad tt origin In tht kilns. In less then hstf ao boor after the flrst slsrra the Uromen had loat all hope of snvlno the building. Tht narrowness of the streets mil onlr plsced the neighboring building In Jeopardy, but also prevent- ed the firemen from working to adrontare. The bnlldtng w a seven loiie high, and the fluinea leap ed throuth It from sub ct liar to garret, and when thoy btftt from tMJ tvof the whole neihborhood wis illummlriatrd A llOOld and third alarm were mounded until till theaailsble fire enK.nes were brought nut 1n beiore 4 o'clock tbe w alls fell, blockiug up the street and CntMIIIO IN A 00I1.OISO on the south side 'lhe lulling bricks struck the rear jmrt of this roc f ; fnr although the allies were crushed tn, lhe h wer front rooms were not lujured, while the centre of every resr loom, from root to cellar, is destroyed. It is remarkable that although the middle of the floors are gone, lhe pictures and furniture against ths walla remain In their places. The owner, C. McMsnus, setimatea bit loss at IttXOOO. The roots and sit windows of somo smalt nouses adjolning'tbs rear were dsmaged by Ore and water, sa are :ilo several l ooses on each aide and opposite, all of which were however saved by the Fire Department, although the poor tenants are comparatively heavy losers on tbtlr furniture and store. Ths los austalned by Oekershanaen Bro is as tins at ad at ahosi dT3,000 aa follows I Got Block, gHsXODO; oo DMchioerv. $lt',000; and on bnlidlrr. llOO.ObtV The- - are inaured ta follow: 1140,000, on aloe a $A0,U0. on machinery aod on building, ttevi-ra- deussly populated TBVIM KN r UOl'SKg adjoined tho snrsr refinery, and tht occupants bad to be rrmoved, many of them in their . NotwiibstKBdlui the great danger of remaining In their room, many bad to be driven out by the police. The delrnetion of ihetr property wa lelt to be a gri jer loss to them than the reffnerv to tbe OvkerbaueeL Brotbeis, ss the poor people were not injured. TUB rtBB IN WOOSTRR STOBBT. Tn- a''.-- 5 A. M eatcrda the aeeond story of IK end 111 VYopster street, occupied by the Metro politaa lapr c H.r t'ompsur. waa found to he on Art Ths interior of the building was soon burned otit Srii at obool 9 A M oue of tbe tide wttli fell aod ciranrn in mt wWfetXfWw, So. 110, whleh had been par ially gutted by Are Snnrtly afterward the remainlug watt lell, crnhlna! In the roof and upper amrv of No. tig. No. Ill and 114 was owned bj Bruner dc Moore, of 75 King street, and Wtfl or.ginall) built fm a cabinet manufactory. It was valued at $l.(aX The loss of tbe Metropoll tan CollOf Company oo atr-r- and maeblnery la eeti mnted at tbOOl UOO00 The itick waa insured lor Jtjn MO, t ie mai lunrry lor t'.OVO. and tbe building MJft.OdO A m ui tie st rii by ILe lollewine: ethi bit 'he New Yotk companies sudered very slightly Har'ford Cos f.v. New Tori Cos lo.itfay London Co... ow,.s tuber Cumpsmva . at ?;; Toisl II30o No. 110 w s occupied Hd o ne t by Mr C IWiller, on the OrM and second floor. csbinet wareroom. and tn the upper part us a duelling. I.ote building $10.1X10, stork J4.ISMJ. fsri.itura damage to r ar butldin BTOO. Inenrane sa fultow: Hear buibllnf tlO OJA). atock ffS.iOO to It u. of New York i bulldinc TOO in country companiea, and furni- ture f oai in P opto a, ot Ms York. N 11. occupied by Mer. Stock A Havermin, dealers In hardware l.ns on stoca: bv wstrr, " on walla nf buildinar and roof, fi ail In- sured. The third ao fourth floer. occupied by families of the names of Hick, Mejer, sod N 110, owned by Oroner A Moore, estimated damage f.1 .V aa insured in the Merchant's, of Hut ford, forf 4,000 A faullv livinjr tn front mom on ti e second storv. iwi e. me ol their furniture Mr Meyer looet M.M0MI In lurnitnre; lusnrrd for 11 i'i Tho llger OOef aa'ooa uuderuealh ta verjr tiiiic'i dam i rse ny water. No IM, or. op rd bf famlllM of the oamoa of Hath-iw- an Porroll, w m d itnated t the estent of I by w v ei Tho bolldjog arts Itottsl to Hath away b) Mr Romi Tho forollureofw cupaata wna im iged to the eatent ul ioooI g'.iJU; not insure. I Hnriuc Ihr tit- - UotlOTt William, of ougme No. tu Ml dowu a Might of at nr and bad bis ahoulder dialoealvd. ritl rOOM a MirWCMJ now. The fire late on MoWdaj nttbt In the tenement M)wM IM rttM Tbirl) fi'th atteet ha" assumed a fir more aerlOQI eompletton, on tnveatiaalion. Tbu origin of the fin- was neither aecident Bjoi dtWUnii but a drunken atjiay between aeverai peraono in of Liwatd Ooyoor, who 04 on He toof. Hurtng a fight the kerosene lamp w.ta knorked over, and before an one wa fOWtf us of the dancr. the room was in a blase, tiaynor n aa, it la feared, fatmty burned he Mamea eiiendt d thrciiigh the ttOM, and as aev. n flamiliea were sale-- p in ti e bouse, the 1. life mut hare 0000) 0ff BttlOMt bad not the police, un r Capt Tlioma rushed to tbt tpol wilh laudera, aud rescued them in their oIkIH dresses. ANoTIIKR riRBM AN O DLT IN Jt' BSD. Loot ITOOlOg a fire w as discovered In ths holler room in the basement of a tin atory brick building, 030, Wk and nil West Forty eventb sireet owned b i I. rlii Bucain. snd occupied by Hoherlson A Howell, woiilpuller, MOtllal s damace of ' Orlgll unknown As treck No. t oa pfiioeodlog to the tire it W3 upset al Ninth avenue and Fort) SOVtOlll reel, snd Joseph Bl rider WM BOfJMHItlV m j r ed. lie waa aeut lumc to J4U Weal P I ft. d bird BtfOOti Other t Fire. KUtit boildings in darker II It, Tenn .were burned yeatrrdaj Lost l.ouo lubtirsuco la.nuu Tie WBshlnrton House, on Main street, Norfolk, a , wsa burned yeaterday Loss The atuble and sdjolnine outhouses helonRlss: to I'hillp liater. In Rfoat harms, near the ftlorrlsamo town linr, wire burned yesterday. l.oas, 10,iw0 i.i sured. A Are In Water Itftot, Klmirs, reaterdsy morning ha'tly dama'C't ttie dry roods llowt 04 Wm K Mait and BsrtOO A Wilsoi, ami the hard are stock oi It, wotrouB, CVBIOMttiMM or t HlME. -- a Pnthir MortU'0 WbUkrr tnti. The Hibt Hev Wurrick Martin sppesred again yrateid.iy before Commlaaioner Oilorn to proeeiit Alderman Barker for deiraudinir. tht Oof eminent of lit lax 00 liquor msnuiacluii'd In IMA In Ins distillery in Fi.nteentl. aireet. The reverend gentleman illd not wear hi cloak hut he was a'tireo in a new suit of hlsek, and teemed m deteimtneal to couviet the City Fatner a be aa to avnd MtthOdlBl souls to Paradise w hen he ofin lati-- in the roiuh west as on exbnrter. The on lenes contained about fifty witnesaea for thu detence-a- nd tho for the prosecution ronlt adicted the go oru afllduvlis wbica theybsd inti Ir to the Hon. A. H. Purdy, thu Aaatet ant m AUorney. Knieat hchmtdt, a workman in the dlstilleiy, deposed that ho saw barrels of dll tilled apints, WltUtfOt the Government brand, removed from the building tlireo yoarsago: hut lie said he could out lell what the Govbrnment brands were at the tune ; and J. hn Vogle, snolher wltotM for the proaeeution, that he aaw a pipe lead- ing liom the distiller), nnd thai he uaed hoi Wlttf to thaw it tn the winter The Dislnct Attorney used stri nuou effort to eitract all In professed lo know about the otloblilhBIt nt, In order to corrooo rate bia urevmua afiidait, tiut Vogrtl tiled to be as dumb us the Rphiux ot the White House, and tho Ba mi nation was then adjourned until to day The -- it niinhiu Fnasenger Shurko. Henry Sotttulers engtig.'d pIBIIgl in tin- ltMID ship City uf Pans, and tia ina a quanUty of i t eiihauge lor gold, enured Johu Klils's offlie. al 0 llobok' n street, where he deposited his currency, and saw 0000 ltd out 1U6 sovereigns, l he ctdn whs plac tl in s belt, which Kills fastened around Saunders's Willi, and then he was hurried on hoard the steamship. Gn arriving In Liverpool launders found lu hla bell only lot) shillings, Gu hla return to this city he applied to tho police, and josdrd iy Detective Fields took Kills to the Tombs Police Court, where the prlsooer 's couossl placed ths case before Juatlcu Dowlinr in such o man net, thai he could "Mud no evidence upon which the prisoner could hu held." Hermann A. Block, a l.rmiiiii, Due of 14 Gieenwieb atrset, dealrod to visit Hnmhurir, and waa Induced by one Meyer to call at the ofltce Hi Liberty alreet, where be deposit ed $JVsJ in Kreenhscks. Tne belt fraud waa tu in- case eieculed by John and when Block had got two miles it m land bn found that instead of gold 'e bad silvoi in bis belt Leary was taken be furs Jn.- lire Howling yesterday, and lbs evidence ugaiust him was fuuud coucluairsi then lure he was held lo $1,500 bail. Ao OaTaot for the Neoro fote. Louisvi, a. Fob. . Tho Kontticky Hontt of Rspresentatlvss. by 78 to 10, Ublsd tbe resolution instructing ths Judlnlsry GommlUse to Inquiry into tbe propriety of repealing all laws prohibiting uegros tosliTylog against whiten. lavt wss ob- tained to ton, u lo o bid providing that forelrners twelve ovootbs In Kentuoky, sfter Mhng their declaration of Uleottou, shall bt votitleU to ruls Br.nnr jhk nt.AVKAMtTH'a x.Mr. Ilesid (inahed ond llnnd Crwsbed, a od In the Iloapltol TerrlaV Fig ht lo Pie re one's Aooowlt hr PhlU4VIhla Hnosjk -- The Korooe of the AoenHowl. Heddy the BlsckaOtith comes prominently be- fore the putinr. again. This time he is worsted In s midnlKht hrswl, and lies in a hospital wounded and lacerated- - thres danzeroua gashes in his In a. nnd his rieht h md smashed. At about nine o'cb ok last erenlni Hrddy entered Finn nce's bsloon at Hons ton street nnd Broadway, snd wa soon followed by Jsmes Hagirerty, otOfKrM Phibidelpldn rough and shoulder littler. Heddv was very drunk, while Usfigeriy was in( i, ; i n j tntoilcated. A number of their Irlrnds wero In the enloon. Ths two men oWfM a convirnatioo shout Iholr Minting Ouahttes, the one clsimlng that hs could flog the other. He, hiy became very sbusire, snd H agger ty lave him the lie. w hen a friend, apprehending o row, ssked t to go out, nnd bail him taken aa for as tie d or Then Rlggorlj llkfd them not lo take htm aw iv Heddy, In aring the word, returned and the isu men plunged into each other. They fought about Ave nmiules, surrounded by their friends, none of whom attempted to interfere Kcddy gettniK the trorat of the hitting. They threw each other repeatedly, and their bends were badly brnised aaraiiial the stone pa ement of the Moor. At the end of about sia HlMtoV Mghtiog Hacgerty be- come more violent, although his .ppon nt waa fan t in.- - aud at last he made a rush for tha counter, on which there was a large qnsntiU of glaaa. including 0 car iflV as Line aa a usual slaed decanter. With this he struck Kedde. wosndinr him severe Iv, The second blow broke broke the caraflV , and then Hssgerty w ilh desperate violence tore the ps rt remaining with him through Keddy's bsnd s the latter attemoeted to strike him. Redds hand be- fan to bleed very freely, yet still he attempted to bit opponent again, when Hsrgerty ssTSln rushed to tbe bsr, and, selling s tumbler. sWuck the blsck-smlt- on Ibe forehead. Heddy then fell, snd as Hag gerty waa again about to strike, the cry of police woa raiac aod the Philadelphia rough was the flrst tojnmp op the atepa and sly through one of tba Broadway doors, whUs Officer Choatt descended at tbe Houston street side. Be. id v as be lay on the ground, present d n fear- ful spectacle. Wronr. had, rongb man as be la and has been, be was sn object of eity. Ills fsce was all diacolorsd, and the l - swollen, wbUs both were covered with blood, snd tbs baud waa little better than a lomp of c:otted matter. He wss otterly unconscious unable either to apeak or re cognixe any ons sround him ; ond It wso in this state that, at shout ten o'clock, ths Nsw York -- the strong Heddy ton Blacksmith waa uken to the Eighth Precinct Station Hmiae by Officers rdioat. Dyk. man, and Black, aa helplssi as a child. At tbe station bouse tbe wounds ware dressed by Ilorlor Frarr, of police headquarters, and aoon titer Keddv was conveyed to Bellevne Hospital The wounda are const. lared of a serious character, but last ir tbs physician did not deem them of a fatal character. At tht station house a number of Heddy'a friends requistod that they be allowed to take bun to hie residence tn WiUlumsburgh but thu wm peiemp torlly refused. Jamea H .ggerty Is well koown In Plnlad- Irhla It is said that both men, with a number of others, hsd teen attend na: a prise flibl in New Jersey, and that there tht y had Imbibed too freely and ended their performance tt Florence's, much to ths disgust of the proprietor of that well known aaloon. CAS A OlAS VOM PI. IV A TtOHH. The 1henOreia Loteet Kick o t oooda -- The IHrkerlnoo of lhe I'edrillos Poll lit tuna who ore Piohlloor ogalwot Koto - Prce l'o ft for tfcfl Oesker ol AsolnthUme. ToMKfOi Feb. 1. 'ince lbs pondeniot politi- cal weatl ercoek of Primlnc House Hqnsre has de- liberately come to the conclusion that "Inetcad of the Colonies tteing dependencies of the Mother Country, the Mother Country has become the of tbt Colonic," the mixed rsees of America might MMy conclude that upoo their fu lure fate actually depended tbs safety and stability or one of the moat ancient and respectable kingdoms in tbe World, W hy then, Il may ba ssked, should not tbs rtoioM wranglinA-- s of Mm BoWok I 'nai colonials of to day attract the attention of the civil- ise, i world Perhaps, however, before going fur- ther, I ihooid quoe lhe remainder of tbe sentence abee tlloded to, in ordrr the paoro elesrty to l tbe m smog of Kngland'a metropolitan n. mi' hpiere The IMSOI go a on to say " W's are tied. Wklft the) irolOOM W'e srs suhjet t to danger, who. thtf Bit Wl org bound by obligations we cannot disavow, old) they are masters of Ihnr Allure fale " Could an) thiot be m re eiplleit or auggesttvut Must lhe atnpid Canadians, New Hruuswickore. Nswfoundlsn brs, Pnnei K tward Islsndsrs I need hstdly sdJ now Nova "cotlans and British CollaOblOBtl 00 Btlll n ore p. iniedly taught lhe road ao otOtrll lOdlOOted here by their good mother across the WOtei ! Do triey ot'U require to bo told, over and over acslr, t it the are not only not wsnteJ tisngink about tl s family mHnloo longer, but that Ibr) are Mtully IhdBBgertlf us ssfety by ther un welcome ? Nothing OOOld he clearer, and yet tbev BQ cling to their old mo'hrr's tprou strinr, :md Insist upon being actually flogged beioielhey will looMn their crsup Your corre-po-n ItOt bM been lod Into the shove train of IboQghl by the semi oAciel snuouncement here ti nt th" Domloloo oivernment are still await-lo- UMiruHiOtti from lbs Colonial Office befoie Ihty decids wh.t Ciey will do in reference to the Mod Hirer tr ubl Manliuie special odvlece Imm that quarter, in effcet, that two nenspapor corres jtonden's. sent out from this city not lnig ao, had rfMBOd Pi rt G irry ; but on their arrival wers either luul in c .ae cnnfineinent or placed under strict Got er nu. i nt nr i eillance In fact, thev were final v ordered out 0 the Tetntory within arlven apace of tune, pndef pens'ty of rloM coiiflnemmt or WOfWO. ThoTbltboull he rtoitberry Coinimssion, of which so n fji h boB boeo experied st ttitaws, w re allowed to r.m i , un ler gugrd, but were not allowe 1 to tn at tl.r OOthorltles, aa they could show no uu-- I h or it) f OIB e tl er h. Br t,h Dg ( BOtdUl tiovern-ment"- . ii ol tbl eipeii. d rorroopoodoolo, cone n. lea thst " the applir Hon of a litl'ernn moo mom wilt probwbly sttUt the wholt maiirr." But this I doobl verv murh. as his compinio'i In oilltMserta I hoi loo sorrtyiog norti lai summer did a great imotti I Ol injury to the Canadian cauee by the imprioi' manner In whlrh they tcuiasctsd iheir bOBtnsBt. sTiam hno-- . scroti firm. aflWiiir the nsme- - id ptoptl in i aosdt lo lota of land, ana giv- ing msuy MOM lo Ins and lhat iher land would be cut up and dlrlds t.. mil th G.ivrrninent. The snow ro id porl) J.-- eouinbutrd to mjure lhe OOUSt. Tbt queatlon ta, bOW lOBB will the British Ameri- can people ai nml this borfoTntoi atyle of adnuinstei-lo- their afl:.:rf I If they are wise, not long Ml II time, persons! squsbbles continue amceg Cublnel Min.sters si Gttsn. Mr McHongall, who wu here the ulhei day, furling bis wai back into the upp-- i lion roako, n oi m ivr.l with opoi anna ; and according I) hi rUSbtd back I.. ina-N..- md ia Sushi pitted ou the back by the Goverumsut orgau there thus ' There l tieart tn the Honorable Wpham MfDooiO I There is a strong iiaiue hue oi jut.ce. too, In the of UoaMrvtr Ihers is s kiud.inec. of .n-- i "' Hon tn the man, who girt t . een the titoit't repori.r h.aukets. ond eusts. sud provisions tn keen him c iu lOltObloln hlatravela over I hie it pra rtw ' which of OH n rtOerollf pltl una OenieHm.r thst lie can boost of might Uo on i to Imitate, n wuin grlsvoui io god it lo 00 li e surlom im n - n s man as wodesrrlno lo llttrs.ty throi u mse'i awai It would bem( muni' of il to iho-- villi mh he Btjsmt lo i.t tl Dteaent dileaed to know thai in offl bad si,irlfleeti iue opporiitnlty of aide-tim- and nad rali lost by lafh act the path to hot i no and to lan e " This Is a fair specimin of Cnnidim hlghminded neas and H hardly add Unit an niter dllgOBt II arioingin the minds 0f the more thoughtful ol tho provtncltl people, and that accord- ingly the vthole posse of im ngm rs will ere long hs ovei throw ii. and the w hole British Amrrr.ui pnsses-lon- s of to dav will then be found a frvOi from Atlantic lo PuciUe, Loudon organ Mil they are already. Jamea WinlWOrih, of Providence, pOOOOlIf made thirty fie Phot in one in'inite. and une imndred hots in linen minutes llilrlt eu , ondf Willi n I'eabtidv i ui.- It is said to bo Ihu quick at ti.uo evor mad- suh a rifle ; Ff ff oxA ItfTM i.i.iu f ;v rr. ' e Pi loet Arthur nn suite will be at the Charily Bail this evening. Cougi eaaman Hong, or Ohio, who was elected over thu Hon James N ATiley, ts on hla d. alh-be- The Wisconsin Kepublicana have nonuuated David Atwood, of Mudison. to fill ths vacancy tauasd by ths duatb or Itupren'iitaiive llopklua. Ths H v. CharleB Klngslsv, the Kngllsh noveltat. Is in the Wnst Indies, lie had betier oomo and aee the l ulled Otatoa. Us was a boutberu syinpsihizcr. Mrs. II. H. Htanion ban been to Boaton. Bhe aars that abe heard Ibero one of the create l discourse ahe ever llatsoed to It was by thu lisv. O B. Frolhlughsoi. on ths " Uuknowu liod." Mr. D. T. Monro, of tho Rural Nm Pfktft enter tam.-- a nuinber of gnntleinen laat uln. lu hla iuhu sioii. Forty irit strest aud Fifin avenur, In cslebraltjn uf bia inn 1, birthday atid the (wnniieMa anntvsi-aar- of hla saeellcut Juurual. TUt wuios ani fruit wuts all Mtilts THE SCIENCE OF POLITICS. tiik rK.mrui, CAttM atiom or tuk HON. II I Ul rs si u I it a Nohlo Words from Hemaior lloseo of tin. hereofler iw he Kejnnlo itniler the I.OW the lion. John A. I .oihii'i Illow for Pree Cnha-W- hy (he? Nary Yard Worhsnea seera Dlocharoed. WatHiNtiToN, Feb. 8. Iti the Scnste, nfler the pas ag- - of the Currency bill, Mr. Howt (Hep , Wis t spoke In support of the bill recently Introduced by him more effectually to preserve the neufral rela Hons of tbe United State Tho hill ropeula ootitln seotlonsof the set of miH, s Inch rorblds the hiring of an Amerlcon cltigen lo enllt tn a foreign army, or hla going ohroad lor that purpose, and prohibits American shipbuilders from being concerned in build log, fitting oot or equipping vessels designed to orutae against any foreign power with whom we are at peace. He argued that thla statute of HIS wss apart of an arrangement by which Bpaln ceded to the tailrd Btstes the Florida, the cession being mad almnltaneously with tlds Itgl'letlon, designed tn en able Spain to hold on to her own colonies. The statute WM designedly uuneutrsl, becsoss it waa passed st the solicitation of one belligerent agslnst ths Interests of ths other. Aa American otllaeo enlisting In the army or France In t war with Great Britain, would, la caat or capture by the latter, be treated simply as a pi tanner of war, but our law of MIA w ni l make him liable, If he returned home, to t penalty of I,000 berauee of hla enlistment. An American merchant in New York might sell and deliver o Teasel to Cttrmn Insurgents, receive pay therefor, and go to Madrid, and there employ the proceeds of that iranaactlon without the Hpaniah ttovernment danng to molest htm; but he oould oot atay In his own country without undergoing a heavy penalty Such was the operation of tbla unjust, un neeeasary, and. aa he tboaghL nnconatltutional law. In conclualon, be aald If a Government existed In Cuba which elslmed to be Independent of Spanish control, and tf we believed Independence lo be Cuba's jnat right, and that it would he made good ase of, wa oar U to ( Voo, to tht memory of oht fatAeri, and to th caves q Amertcen progrtM. to ltw oor xnrtign avthoriitUm to Me patriot of Cn6o to fght for that tnoVpenrfnc, and so at onct natch Mem from th category of pirofss If, be heving all theae things of the Cuban struggle, we re; used, oot of apprehension thst we might embar- rass tbe recovery of our clstms upon Ureal Britain, to repeal onjuat and unwarrantable restrictions upon onr trade imposed by the set or 1H1H, we thall here sui rendered that very joition which we are told tbe Pnatdent has resolved to mmnialD, said re- nounced the scred right of neotrniily. Considerable discission ensued, but oo under- standing wn re.ic'ied. Mr. Tat a bull (Hep., Til 1 reported, with amnd-menis- , Mr. Bteeaxt'B bill tusecurs to all person the eqnsl protection ot tbe laws. Tbe bill, ta amended, la as follows : H' ti e it erf. OVh Thst sfr within the Juriadlc lion of ike (inltsd Btsres (Indians not taxed excepted) shall have th- - aaine rmht. to every Male snd Teriiloij In ths L'nltt l htstos, to msae and eufou e ooiitracta, to sue the far t iv give evidence, and to the full and equal benefit of all laws asd proceedlniis f.: the security of peraoo snd Mtj erty a la enjoyed by white cltisrni.and shsti ts anbjeet to like punishments, pains, pensitirs, taxs. lieeuaes and exactions ot every kind, and none otner. snv law, statute, oidlnsnce. t Qaulailon. or cus- tom to tna cootrary notwiihstand ng No tax orcharge aliali be lmposel or enforced by any biate upon auy person emigrating thert-so- . Hno. z. hal any jeraon who, under color nf any law , statutn. ordmance. regulation, or eoMoto. snsll anbjeet oi mwt to be aunjseted any Inhabitant ol any state or Territory to the deprivation of any rl ht secured or protected by this Oct. or lo different puulshim-ai- pains or penaltlci on account of such person being an alien, or by reaaon of hat color or race, than ib precrlned foi the paut-nra- of citixena. aball be desmed gmltv of a inisjeineanor, and on convict n tboreof ahsll be pun- ished by a (las not exceeding :,ai or imprisonment not exceeding ons yesr, or bvib In tne dlcreiiou oi ths court. Oac. a. That ths " act to protect all persons In the United Male to their i ivU right and lorn sn ibe moans of their Vindication," BoaOWd Apiti tf, is lieishv and aald act. exeepi the Urst and aecoud set tloua thereof, m hereby referied to and made a part of this sot. Haass of Reoreoeniaiteaa. The House discuaaed n resolution calling upon the President for Information relative lo the impris onmeut of American clltsuna abroad. Mr I. oua a (Kcp., Iii offered a lesolutioo ueclaring thai tht THO PBOfLB Or CtOA swiaaw aaassj ostaa mmooj aMM aaewtaal oat awT hostilities against Hnain lor tndrpendrnci ; that they hsve snd ttlli maintain, a oV facto Government, snd now occupy wttn their aiunes, and control s large portion of lhe Island, and the Committee on Foreign Affairs to In- quire whst reasons, if sny, exist why the ItepHblic ol Cubs should pot be recogmgpd by fie L'uited States (iovernmi nt as s bellgr.eront Adopted. Mr. Banos iHep . Maia . asked tbe Chairman of tbo Committee ou Appropriations to state whether thM Committee had considered sny tnesnure lor lhe ralief of the large number of mechanics pisciianoBo raoo rut nat rou In various porta of the country. Mr. Dswna (,Kep., Mass , replied thst a bill fr thst jwirjMse was before the Committor, and a null probably bs spoiled to morrow m uiiln:, BUM a con'erence with the Navy Department. Messrs. Hlikcb (iem , N. V.) snd Cog (I)em., N Y i made aome remarka shout the diachaiging of tOhOnlM from the Brookln Navy YarJ, ths latter saying lhat the Navy Hepurtmeut had spent In aeveu months Ihu appropriation tuUnded to corer thu year. Mr. Dawos satd he did not know exactly why ao in .ny mm had been throwu out uf employment In two bureaus of the Navy Pepartmrut but he appre hended it arose from tbe desire lo put Into commm-alo- a larger number of ahipa than ever before, and from ti e consequent emplo) ment of a greater num- ber or men than usual. He auppoBe I the a hole thing lay in the employment of too tusny men in the e..rl part oi tho year ..n. r than sxtndiu it over the w bole i ear Mr . .Hem., Ind.)-Y- es; JOBI btOfl sn election. A II .4 I. Two Horses, One Trut h, and Three Cnrk- - ii Hioleu Irom a llouae Curt mon. One of lhe district csrtmen holding a commis- sion under the new cartage system adopted by tbe huh contracting parties in the t utom House, un- do took to deliver three MirklJI a of goods valued at upwarda of to the bouse of Kongo, Deon Y ( o yeaterday morning, but by lhe intervention of a third i nothing was le t to the driver after he had returned from the BOcood atory where he had gone to announce tha at rival ol the merchandise but a disturbed stale of mind, (or tbe laOfWeo, truck and Btori baudiss had gone Iron Ins gaxe like a dream. At 0 o'clock mat evening, after ihu liou"S vigor- ous hunt, the horses and cart were found, but the goods were a'lll missing. Thu mt aston-labin- fuel conuected with the tTOOOaoliOt Is that in llnee mlntitea after it had oc- curred the Int dhenei' snx reoorte.) at th.' office 01 Int licnerat Ag. nt or ( arttog, 117 Broadway. As the place- of the robbery la lilies, milet. from Ibe tieneral t arlae office, Mr, l.imUay . w ho is assbr-w- a a fox ontroppod the lorormtni by h - oan atory alter a ah arp croM exsminatton. Ii is believed by fJoOM offlci djg that it is a trii k on the urt of sopie or the son- hearted cart men lo bllOg discredit Oh thesy-t-- Mr. UlodaOf ssy a "it is a w cak de let id the t 00My. a l. ATKS T I t HUH St.HH. Tbe llOOl RIMOfll who w re at work on the Hud- son Blvev Kotlrood detot are still ou airike. Tbe Biooklvn Stonemasons l ist eveinu tttCttd Jas. Kenned) PreskifOI ; I Mo an VlM Irralili4l , V. Noble secretary ; r. Krngh, Tieasi-re- The men employed on Dtltlird and MeOoWOO'l canal deepening projrrt in tbe number ( 4UU. have mrtirk br higher WSgtl. They baiu re- ceiving iS p.-- day. The Iron Moulders' teuton. No K0. met last night Btiil ilnUri. lined to oniluiif thrlr alrlke BgalUSl .lues sou's foundry at n.i hsgards, OVOO tfiongh it last them six luontha. Thry bOVI Blpt nded 10 tsr d At the meeting of the Imu Moulders I'tnon No W Is in. II ana rtporlod Unt Mr Jarkson, in street, now boards (he men which have flllt d the placea of the at ikera on h.s prettiues, keo iLg n. virtually ua pruontrt. r i ashes MOM TUB oi kax VABhMM, o License hs been given for the performance of Virtoi Hugo's druiusa in I'aro The Amrrlcan riftantlne Kachel Coney wjs run Into and dsmaged ctT 1 rata gar. The Archduchess Klizabrth of Auitrla. ha fled to America, having embarked at Hamburg. I)r J. Hubs, of Zurich, bus been cUoseu Preaidt ut of thu Hs lai Cuufe.lei ntlun. Since the assembllntr or the (TVumrnlrsl Couneil several of tbe uieuiheis havu dbd ami four hae It'll the city. In the Spanish Cortes yesterday Honor Casteliar de. tlvcred nu effective apereh agalnjt the nsj meul ot the clergy by the Htate. The Puculty of the UslfOnllf of Hrealln hsre oongratulnted Or. Dolllnger on bis opposll.oo to the dec'aiatiou of Papal Infallibility. It la rumored that Dr. David Livingstone, the travsllvr, hss u burnud as a wuard oy a ohief iu ths interior of Afrius. A public meeting was dissolved bv the Parisian authorities ftg Tuesdsy night, because one of the spesksrs spoks Of M tn inn as J udas laesrlol. Id the Corps Logtslalif yesterday the proposition of M.Orovy. thst ths lreaidunts of ths Chambers have tbe right to demand an armed loroa when necessary lo ensure the freedom of their deliberation, was dsnsled After sn sxeitlug debate, luu proposal was defeated by 111 mtffW tt RBW HAVEN HAtrnOAIt MUttDKB Mlwa-Tra- o ia lha Twootr-oevoal- h Wtrwet Depot -- 4 Itaelon Ivlrrchnat Craohed ! Heath Bdtwaea m Car nod a lleotr U'aoelea Uaie. : : : 8 t :3: l l I 1 I .a ; i 4 i ; J :B: II I N.T.IM II. R K depot. 112 Track oo r tn avenue S It m it. h to the depot. 4 Gate. I Position of Mr. Perev when struck by tbe ear 1 WTirre Mr, P, Fell ana expired. ss Platform, t 9 Rarlem depot. At about i o'clock yesterdar morning Mr. If. M o Boston merchant who had justarmved froui thst city on tbe 6 50 express, alighted from hi car and entered the aide depot or the New York ond New Haven Railroad depot oo Fourth avenue and Twenty-sevent- atreet. While he w aa standing near the gate, one of the cars of the trnin jusl ar rived, drlvoo wilh its usual reckloa vtlocl-ty- , entered th yard, auddenl) turning tbe switch near where Mr. Peyser stood, and tehre he had the aligbteal warning ths car atrnck hlmou the aide and twirled him around as tt psaaed, crushing and crunching tbe booee of his body as If they were pipe stems, between the projecting aides or tbe car and tba heavy gst , depositing tbe wretched man. ao 01 most tireless mas- - of n, ah and bones, on tbe ground at the end of the gate. Mr. Peyser made a desperate effort to evade the blow from the ineoming car, but the position in which he atood was one In which tt would have been Impossible for him to extricate hlmsel'. The curve of the track lesdtng lo the ysrd is abort, sharp, and sodden. A besvy wooden gate bare the entrance, and la opened as far aa possihlu for the entry ol trains: but there is a telegraph pole behind the gate, cloae to the aide of the depot building, which pre- vent Its being opened freelv. or, rsihcr, close up or perfectly parMlel with lhe wall. When the trains are taming tho eherp curve, tbe ears project three or four feet over the track, leaving a space uf scarcely twelve tnrhe between the rar and the gate, whtcn as the gate banga In a vertical posi- tion deen ases towards ita end. Mr. Poner4 an he fore ttated, wa carrried the full length J the gate about twelve feet and fell, with a try bone m crushed, at the foot of tbe telegraph pole, as abown in the diagram above. There appears never to hsve been any pree nitlons takeo on tne part of the railroad company to pre- vent auch sc. id. nn There is nothing no Mgn or guard to warn atrangers or persons Ignorant of the premises of ibe danger. When the poor man was thrown at the foot of the BaOaaaaaWh polo, a bUodiaa. crwahed. maas, gasping wttb agon), siveral policemen gathered over bia body, and instead of promptly procuring medical aid. stipidly gsxed at the dying man. and aneculated upon the number of minutes he hsd to live. Final- ly, Officer Caeell concluded that a the man was desd the body might as well be taken to a police station Mr. lVyaer's body was tsken at 8 o'clock lo the Morgue He wes a large drr gooda merchant on Winter street, Boaton On his pwrWOl were a wateb and chain, a diamond pin, and a certlflrste that be bad boueht $900 gold from Foster A Co , brokere, Boston, oio a ama.l amount of money. TBB Kt.t.l.Y HA sums riotiT. Two Bowery Raogero In New Jrrer-Tb- o it i. ir oi the Prime Ktnc Huspeuded-N- a lnlerlrrcnce from the Police. A disgraceful fight between two well known Bowery rooghs took place on Unloo Hill. N. J., ye lordly morning. The principles Mike Murphy and dim Collins are member of the Kelly Hatter, a gang unfavorably known to the police. For some lime past a bitter feud has existed between the two, and It wm mnlnally agreed between them to eettlo their dtffrreneee by t eouara tund-tip- knock- down, drag out fight. For this purpose a tug was engaged upon w hich a select party em bsrked at tbe foot or Fourteenth street oefore day- light. On the war to the scene of the a lively time prevailed on bottrd the tug in consequence of the Isrge amount of free liquor con somed, and at the plaeeof debareatlon several of the gang ware left on board too drunk to be taken ashore. Muiphy waa Uken on boird t lor at the ft ot or Fortieth street, and Colhna drove from Hoboken In a coach, meeting the party on I'nion Hilt. Four trees were ned as atakes, around which was extended a rope. In the cen- tre of the nng the principals promptly sppeared stripped for their fight. A relsree oral it hcied, atid at five minutea to seven time was called' 'lhe rule- - of the rin were entirely ignored Both men went for earh other tike bull dogs notwithstanding the esrnest protestationB nf the ref'ree. Before encaging in the second roond. the in n were warned to guaid against louts. But they had no sooner atood up to ihelr work when another nVrce atrugvle onsued. The con- flict lasted twenty three minutes, both men after that lime exhibiting battered beads snd swol- len eyes The defence declared in favor of Mur- phy, on account of t foul blow dealt by Col- lins. As toon ts this decision waa de- livered, the friends of both men closed in and sfter considerable difficulty aepuralrd them The whole party then returned to this city on l oud the tug, the poltroon neither wide of lhe river to molest IhetB, A more brutal tUt.t ha not taken place in this vicinity for y...r A clorifvman in Helvidere, V J., recentlv re-- fused to tnanv a c.'iiide because tin Ua o. I I "sparked" for one wee! spa hks rttu.n WU t: i ri. rt; r; i ph. Oeorgla ha rat fled the amendments lhe K niurkv Colored Mrn'a Convention meots tn rraiikjort on the iM mat NOW Haven relur lo lend her cred I to tho Air Line Itailroad. The Sunday performance! in St. I.ouil theatres are to be slopped The rceetpio Ul toow of Ibe Hertford Fire Inur-000- Comnanies were ,ti,iie9 Svlvanua Prescott, a Wl 11 knowiotlllg of Lowt 11 was fnuud dosd in hla bed yeteriiay. Conttderohlt surprise is manifested In the Sena's si the noa appointment oi a successor to Ju: lice ( tier. The MTOInllonort jisrly In MoiIcO if anybody can tell which party that la is dally strengthening. In the Alabama House yeaterdav, g eoinuiittee re ported that ths members could not aprl: correctly ur write legibly. Two men confined In the S nn.-- yK i Jail for t o..- were taken not snd hsuged by a mob or aovuuty fi ve men on Mouday night. OOT. iOQtOr Of Tennessee, tins offered $rs for the arrest of the lynchei s w ho banged 0 coloud men In lluntiiigtou, ou Jsa 3. A riOOjollOO has been introduced Into the Maine House, directlug an inquliy luto lhe cip. diuuey of abolbhiiig cai list puuialinient. The Dominion Oovernment has order d the BOB alruction ofs number of b ate to uke Ironoi into Ibl Wiunipog aettleiueut on the opeuiug of spring. John PhillitNi, of Soulli Haltiinore, lonnltted suicide yeaterday hv shooting hlmerlf beeause a credi- tor waa prosing him for a claim of sixty doliara. Bourne Oleason, an old man we. known to the older reside n la or Worcester, Mss. ho bud led I sorl of hruuil life, wss touud dead In his bed uu MonOuy gh. John Oormsn, of Allentown, f P nn , sud entitneer st the LelHtrh tolling Mill was caught in the bolllDg yeaterday and drawn over lhe shatt. Us waa crushed luto a sbapelesa mass. In the Iron pipe rase between the Cily of Hsietn and J. W. A J, hiarr, of Camden, N J , tried in the 1' 1,1 " ii ti Court lu Boston, the Jury, after 'Jfl huuis debberatluu. returodd a verdict of I4t,uuu fiomooM for Pis city. Mr, mils 0. Smith whllt attempting to gel on board a train in motion In I'asiaic yesterday, fell undei the wheelB and ois lag was broken At the time his family wers ia Patterson, attsodiog lbs fuuersl of bis brother Utorg. TIIK WYNOCKIK MYSTERY. I TtiKwrnr.K CRtLDBBM rorsn dead NEAlt TMBZB UOMB. Tha llodlee Dlaravereal In the SiB4owsfa Rock -- The Craws I'lrcllno Above lhe o n i n, 1. i. i oi the A'rhlea. The three lost children of Wvtr, the Wynorkm hoop pole cutter, have at lat been found by acci- dent. Mr. William RlhMtf was the nrlborhooel of Wynockie yeMterd ay morning w la a friend, and will., walking along Un foot of a mnnntain aorao two miles distant irom the Wybla hn, saw o largo number of crows flying an nnd a spot nar hr, be tweeo which and themselves a huge rock roao up ao aa to effectually conceal what was be yond It. The noise raised by the btrdo wss ao great, and their peslst- nes so that Mr. Ramsey and hi companion for- ward to see what had caused the hubbub Arrived at tbe spot, thoy lalUa a ihOaM of dismay, for fhero be Tor e tht m lav lhe bodies ol tbe threo children who nnd bet n searched for so long The eldest, a boy ot ten years, lay on the ground 0 few yards from the rock, his clothes BbOWIflff marks of the heavy rains and changing weather that bsvt prevailed since New Year's day, and his face and banda badly torn by the Prow. V nder a shell of the rock and close against III surface wcrt Ibe two yoonrer children Mr. Ramsey al once hastened lor assistance, nd with the all of aome of (he neighbor carried the bodlrs to tho nesre-- t t n from which Ihey were to be eoo-- lo the hut on the mountain Tl.o aad ndirsrs were taken by tha neighbors lo the Wyhkrs, who received lhe n port, II is aald, with a mlxturo of grief at t is misfortune- made certa'n, end of joy at having ol Buspiclon rWarad from them. This event Is neto rnlly the oo4y theme gsya) foi conver sstion thruugb-ou- t lhe nelonborhoml. The Tuner d v.II tsl.o placW to dav snd will lie attended bv s gn ar crowd The Pateraon Ovat titan, with Its usual enterpriae). had a report of the finding immediati-l- upon Its ment. We are indebted to II fMJ some or onr psrtieuUra. the rwsr.HAL or c tsrrxov. Tbe fJreatror IrYoeeoelan Keer Wlmesoed Is) llavaaa-TH- e rnaTttnallnn al Hr Valna leero In staaxse Tbiraf for BsTood. IUvans, Fr i The ftmerBl of Caatanon took plane at MM The proceeslcm which roilowed the reavnins to the grave oernpi.-- two hour in passing agivea point, and is considered tho UrgOtl of the klad ever seen in this ritr Captain, (lencral De Hod armoancs in a publ.h order to- day that he eill take tbe children or the deeeued ournaliat under hi special prutcetion. C Al Matimxas laat night the volunteers, excited by the Castanon affaf.r In theaquire in front ot the (lovrrnnr'i palace and called for Aeevedn and II- n ni ter, who taere imprisoned fur boring con- cealed aim in their bouses. The volunteers msds loud threats and tired their mnkete lain the air. Tie Governor csrsje forward and delivered a g speech, bwl firmly d to deitv r up lhe prisoners. Ttie volunteets lingered ia the oisxa until morning, whea they d wlt iout doing further mischler 8BZBVBB or the stea MBB a Wil. e - i l The llrilieh 43unbont Dirt Taliee Her o Hnonno a .. n ... n .i m Amois lean Whlpo llverhoaled hv a -- eeaii.rrl. Kauai, Jan. 90, via laATAVA, Feb. 8 Tha British gunt'Oal Dan red he altMhtr Anna anchored near Brry Inland, nn the gVHi In' . and brought her to th i port, whtft an tneoellgoUoi waa held. It was rbond thai her papers wore regular and that ahe had no roe! on board, so iho wis released. On the follaalna dv her con"izi.ees applied Mr a clearance far St. Thoina, but it wra reused Tbo American Consul then demanded a clearance for tho Doited Swiii. and It was lOlO reliased. Yesterday s guard WWB rut on board the Annas and tlio Ameri- can flan was lowered. The Sp.mi-.- war steamer Venaitto stoppoo aad searched the cargo and oaper of the American vet-ac- i Housy Perkins, hence for Harbor laand OIlITt AHY. The d- mi-- e of Mr Rlehtrd stout, a leather men rhstit.aced si yeara. was nnnoitmeil errr1ay Ha died al his rMldOOee, t llenrv ntrrel He traa mem twr ut tht Msdlaon avenm- R iptt church, whrure bis body ts to be burled on Fridsr. Moncnef. of the Superior Court of tint else, disd ai hi rosldeoet on Tueadav, in Ike year ofbHais. The Court Odjoorwod v. trrdav and eulo-gm- were amnoonerd- n hi.cbra-te- Thi tuneral are to ht held in the If. la. Chuich. Wjhiuitoo square, tj morrow uiurning. MI ,e list F. , Mr Wm F Dotf has been elected Clia.nnso Ol the Neaa-- Board of RtClM. m Reekie, a German, of 34 Algea strict. New grk i died suddenly yeeteiday. A German nsmed Pratr.. who lost his leg hy an aecident a'. out rhrhteen in .nt - oco on the Morris aad Kssex Railroad, bas ret sived gJ.000 from tbo CompAOf K lith tGorman. who recently renounced ha Koman Catholic faith, leet'ired m Newark la- -t ntgnt, up n -- Uonilih Piifstbooq " a. disturbance wa created, and several pera ins wve e arretted. Sit borglort, named Kdsrd RofffO, John O'Neill, John Martin, w n, RtopMos, TbomM CMoy, ood Thoa. I'tiane were taken from tht Hudson rountv jail ve. terdav morning tn the wi ite Ptl-o- n at Trent m Rogers II i lhe I Went I years' man h"e Btlemoted rotOOt b New York IWttgM Wgl e, rested s few ytOrt Jta BMOOKl vs. i John k "'-- i lu-- hewn tMoloted JooRm N the armoiy in ths alltOtntl Ward Bl ISaltn Of $IJB$, Ttie Sitnervlor bavr of c I John Lc f, Keep r Ot the Dead lloeee. ii.nou a ear. Tbe rookeries mljoit.iiur the Court RoOM) fttorg an Income of $r;, t.w per annum to the OOOOty The Coroners' fees have been redneeil from tl to 10 each ce, which was the OaiglOtl aiuount. It t MOOO ltd bv the Sunrrvi-o- r to sell IPMJO t t nmlred lott 0Wnt4 by the county iu the BBigaoorl od of the Pen cot i try. Ororg! Jodsoo, riahlrr of the Rrooklvn Pivsl 'ifl e, was srr. tied of lhe tharts of pockal-tni- : the money which baa been code, led on unpaid leL teis. The Hoard of F.ducatmn w ip a new building, and will appoint a fomotiitle to cooler with s almiisr r ibi tnittne of the supervisors, wnn the v tew orssHiiring a sue. The jury in the case of Fdw ml V in Gaash-c- k acsl'ist the Lorn: Island Itailrosl Compooy wlucblfl an action lo rocoeof tfln.fxty dnmaee for injur let bvpls-ntir- si Ibe BrOM aerhlcnt last spiiog. will brlu In ase tied vetdiot this morning. A number of tbe pervms who w ere arrested tl ttlddlucs'B Hon ir aa oon, lludsou sv.m ae. near, where s cork Rghl was 00 rueodOV night, ortM fined Mf etoh b Justloi Vrolsh roaiornii (lid- dtmrs hlnoel l hav m be r admitted to hall aid o if onylklog kopooM t io t e cocks wii ch n I been eon tur"t he hold Mr Weigh rrpoti. b.i; tor ei .ty looniototi.1 JOTltNQM 4HOVTTOWM - 4 TtlO Vurltno Polrrit ne last sven'n- - In ths rest dem i ol Miss Myra OtrrtSOO, kg LtltOgvOn svennr. The Iteomablp Kurle brought to this port lhe crw Of lhe I 't Oem rsl It si ifctll, which a a abttmloiied a4 nen ou rtsrday The H'nai jMhortll congregation met ist niTg to is torabbl androilocted inolncuuBooot iboHot Dr. Vioavsr,f..r lbs neai three yO0fli Mr W L Ortnsbv iddrMaCd the LHtersl Clol lnl evening ou the io rnuuent sad oducaiioo of calk di en Milk consumer ae enttti ne I agtlntl paving tuetj bills to bogus cole, tor A nnniocr of lately swindled in ihi- - maniiei. Work Is to be curtailed or entirely uspended;oo lhe Sow York Pott (irflc- si ihs tod "I lata monin foi want oi an Bpproprattloo t Coogreta The report or ginal'v pnb Ithetl la 'be . r tit ihsj lay looks A c i loat en,M b the d fihitim Wis liatu Gray, is untrue. Ja Cook, a C lost OOthlMJ Pairolmati Rotttfl Miller, of apt Ctflr) 00tn mand,tuei.urinL'siv fett nine inch.-- and vene'iih'ha is to h iransplanlod li om tiie Twst I et h ar I to tbt BfOMWiy police. A petition agsmst tha Fi-- com-rel- pavem. nt winch had neen BlgOtd by a) cillleM waa reporlod oi by Dr. Hair. a to tin Bu.od II u. . .i i cr Jay II doclar.-- the pOTIOItDt a nolsgOM. At the BOO! log of the Board of Hoillh yeslenlir. Aasutsnt hand sry upei mien Morris forwarded a I 4 cotaraet made for rl an.iu lhe stri-e- and asenuoa heniK over smr mllei for IM', which has been awanlJ rd lo lr John I Mill. 73 &m-ut- ave.uue. The BtOOmof BlOtlegO de Cuba, Peh I, at If V M . cmiiK In contact with the teaiuatup Brunetio. ir on lurk for Phi's. Irlplua. The Hiunette auai in S 0011 aix minutes. The crew Were al. isved with fig esi epiiou of two tliemi'ii. lieome A sn 1 Joa McCarthy. The KantiagO de Cuba Is letkiug badly. I At'out onu hundred vatcranswho have been de. frau.iod of thrlr bouniiea by Col Hermann, hsvs ma lt affidavits before Comnnsaiouer Beits thai ibslr naiuao wern fnrvod ou tne panaia on which tbe money was ob tamed. They have issuu thla anion preparatory to llling applb-ation- fur the repayment ot th-- ir bounUM io the ( ouri of f, talnis. Offl. er Hit t, of Carmansvllle, rime down town tt Wood's Museum ttis other night w th a druukeo Mnik whose prolans aud uliscena Isnuage anioyod tbs ool cupsnu nf the di ess rircln Mr proouied to nJ out Ihu boor, nut the ornYar. showiug til atdcid, deog Mr Wood, snd the boor wna not kleaed out I hs onw cer waa on trial yesterday before tbs i'uilrs i onoma siotisrs. Whs will ifiam ii li ai foi this utwtllesi II - com dutl-

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Post on 18-Jul-2018




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rut titn ur rut: nto rnittiT-- ia i PJfet eTaTa? rii Aim: ft.

afhr gelgO'obWrai ol the Ulna when the

ROOM i'rnprfii ri In Look Into f hp I'hartrrfor i Orel litl An Instrument lo per-pri- u

if 'i" KlMJi

vM b I In tlip Somite this morning

nir,. .it'r i bltrtfclf the Mil for the eon-1t-

t on ol I BOMbf! nllre.d in I Mb and otheraMeM 'I ' ol de I! r ol Jectioti- of t In Gort rnor

Ihr ill bti I It pnt Ml for the

Hit of (If frtftcfclM 1) IMllHi Horry, Leungli Uf f tti In (he Ability of Abraham O'liall aiH r. his rroM.led m Itie bill thatMorld ' t n sell the frencht-- e In

Bthri tf Mil 1M Mil i tl.r MM M Iktl fi tool by

i, lloftaMi lat t A lively ilHUMWI frttowtdHtlBirod in of t n solution IniartcttM Utiiiown! r .frscnUlUtM from this Mali to vote for :in

Iprrorn o erect a nonl nflV e it ml fulcra! rourtnco- Hi h filft Men stor M urt-li- .ii.l lhat i( lhejUtfllltOH was 4 be adopted liu would move nn

i h I ' to Include Brooklyn, but he did not

U n Hi rei it. in. n should p.m. It WM progressed,

ir I II - pi ibl) kill it for the acaaioo.

fie - lumber wa crowded this morntrig bl t Min of tolltit lau, who wcrr toff MBMHM

to lorn t t ml' tit- of

nil Ml Ml WIW rtlMtTFB,

.i j r C pit n il would inert with. Tltr moreBvn;s of Alexander Frear, who ha charge of

Sqnir- b'vrney'a jobs wen carefully watchedWill tM county of New York win ci led upon lo

Intrel'iri- Itl hill-- . Mr Frear opened hit drawer,pulled Ml Hie lltttf Joker.'" sprang lo hi feet ai d

sanded lie prltalO !ocoment to a BAgO who wentwith It to tbl ehrk. The Idler rrad the IttlO and

Meker WM Just about saying " this billwill be referml to tho Com nillee on Cities," whenMr KltriM arose and said ho had a motion toniskc

MR. rRlilt Tt RKMD P l 1,

aod twtehod nervously in hit seat. Speaker Hitchmao vt;i likewise visible affected, and I' BqotreBeeny hod been In tho hall he MoboMf would haeiwoonnl A counterplot of aotne ott wat whit It would be wia more than they coulddirine. Mr Kirnan, amid death like, a lence, proreeled to say that Ihla bill, the mont imporunt thatla LeifUlature would be c.illej to pa& nwm, omchtlo he rerrrd to the Committee of fie Whole, and

ut to ire Committee on t'lUe. The new OUTlefVH dra'tr.i by ih,$ MM ennuaiit poltilcal tawyeiaInjttt riclly. They hart Otttowod attention, ond it wM an 0(W perfCti6n il im Drceenl abape aa the Committee on(Mie could erer bope to make It. He alo wantedIM CinrtCf printed tmmoUUtcly, to that membercobM I1 it their

won COinfMiATTO?!.Mr Ptrtr. who J u ring the dellrery of Mr lkrrt itpeeth WM a fltiaoU aahject to contemplate,

tiowlv ruM, and In tremnlowa tona naid that he badbo ohjecliofl to the IMJOif printing of the chart, MI M oped it would not be taken away fromttie Committer on Cute. Mr. Klcrnau, out of pity,j lOd IMJ Hpoaker joyomly aeot tbt cbsiterr if. HiOl Con.mittee, tTeatly to the relief of MrFrer iftd otner alliea of Squtrv H eenv. M'lthiuthe next h ilr hour the " Little Joner " took a tripll.rouk'tt the rhumber. Kverybotly wanted to aeew bat it lo kf j like. The comment putaed on liwere iBitkloi but complimentary to III

VILFUHKIM AND MODKUTTwer n ovtrlookoftu The nntior of I man dratinc

Mortei J attnf aa a reward tor hla trouble o lytb mointmcat of thirteen h"wd of departraanta :

He Charter, iltbotft not yet eaammed.Wetta with th disapproval of eerybodT. I; tendato thf ct iitraJiiNtMin of powr and to the pi rpetutIt on r fRe of th-- heany rtynnaly. It will nerorpast Bltil It has been BQbJeClOd to oo manyMMOdweni t'i t no one will be able to recocmaeIt. Koa t it the !oc ument i before tie public, areiMpff iir m n Mien it declaredthat t. nl aUmitate :.nrt I in in the mrhtiia: '...' the prt.ple The ltetationa theitii'C pfi po fa ' make OOttom rrtn ip oly in VOatlMJtfee appolBtmenl of the hea4a of tuecrral Deoirtueui .n lit haud of

a B04in or v t i.

ram roe of 'be Mayor, the Comptroller, the PrMldni ii? tli- - !i it l o;' huerriaora, who Id Tw ed, theClMloerUlO, obO t fwceny. and the RotBtWtf orCly Jodji Ti.i wttl wi-- the aervicea olthe Pn.ird o' AldermfO. Mr. Peter Mi'chell intro-duce I a :11 t . iiy rncutatlni Hie il u'liinslini powercl Ml iu tbe Mil tie to be charred fotthe laalf Tie bill provide tut ooek cas companyla loi t ill ihaU euppU icaa of suteen cndhs tUuDilaatlii: power MM the maiitmiin prire charredfur the iMmi hU not rrceed MJ pr tbuu-ani- l

MJM fuMr Tweed gtt nottee of a tdll In the Kenato to

Incur; or iff a new i:a coud'uny above Kort econdMrOaj Tl a Itl aimiUr bill to that intMdor.-- tMr !. the Aemh)y on 'hi ompanytht? aole illii to light Central Park 0 Mrj DiodeatMMOl 01 tl.e part of Twed and Kivlua t


The hi! introduced In tfco LofMlattrt to rtru'atethe OM IttOl of election tn thu city Mlttrllll)ch.ine'1 e etittinr ayaiem:

The i me f bold I M e MttOnl and t e mone or votlnrf i.i't;. lhe uu ler the tret ten It lo N A M., 4 id rl e at? V M

A ail quullfled vntt-- leinnlnin in line and altmrto roll at li" I our ol aUall be alluaad to dyotit thttlr b Hot

Two n.ip'-ito- or elect on and two ditrtr t rnTwaer xr, it. te elcrtei ir earn elr tmn diatrle atthe ,i e rction in UU, u . n.tin to v ..e inner tnoroofii r. hull be roteriof waJtrn' In ullitlou ibe I'oard 0 Hnper viora Ikoannually Bpp not two of ilootlol amlortltr,e eu: ver lor eeh e.eetlon dUHiri lo oe

0 vot r. "( ti a t leetion dutrt-- in whleh ihL-- aerveand to h- Bppolk led at t IWtnly Ikvi brfnre theenera' eleettoo in oai h ffl r be h mt ol Haner aora

r .u oioo nli ttli voronclea that m unur pilur to moday nf fiertii n hv Hppoiuiuicot.

The IKnrd ol BUpeivUon ie n - to appoint two pollClerk loi t urn eiecuon dlMrlOl Bl tl.i F4ine tima tnaj rtora and COOrMMrl are appoi ted. ThePo.ud of unva.Tf re to ui.m onthe eloainn of the poll nd roeced to the eonraea1 ba reootrod men-e- ao: thereof, nod the reMil Or I e eoiraaa, hal. be ma le nd mrnblir, u t .11! djourniiieiij of reCM, at the plu a ofelection an t canvaaa, and tin v are o completecady for nl.nt-- and dedrery, h: tie then and ther.'ant lotoq in a 'moi; wrniiper. and oroooni BOOiodan-- ncroa H.e m! hy the ilfnotu'eof each 'I nr rt canva-er- . Ond the name ahaM b- - aptlalad. BO til thev are before the Board ofLit or i tuat) Canvaaaer-- , Vhei they they aimil be

r tie ranva-eim- of ih ret mot fio UwpfOvtr vi ale ti n or dlauict canv a n or oil clerk aiialia in. . apac tv Wm h- - ahali he a candidate foraiiT ofll-- t i,e voicdjtor r y tb rloctori f ntei ip iic office o; inap' el r oi e vet ion or d airlctOar.vna er

iM fDrOM ot en b htj ahi'1 be 'nlly ."cmpleted inttie order In thu, law a id proclaimed liMolie afore IM n t. to eokfoeothe toil' i he due putt ic nunounreiiient py ravaaen of anBtoetioti let -- f a !i ; fat tf avi4ecf lact theraofi aud .1 the returni filed doB0I nnd wiib auch anncuiiremnit, tne said relorw fl la all not be c ontod by the Hoard oft ountyC t. en the di a.Tenancy has been explain.--0. . Uittnel Cauaaaoia to the auftetactlon ol theMord

The pteseol bureau of elertlona liabolikhed, and theROtro mi; ert kmrB aie directed to oatahlian a bureau

I sen m in eooOOOtlOl Will, thi oulre of Ihafcinrk I h fuel of aad bOTOBU ikall be appointed byin 01 hupervnx.ra. and sbair h'.ld hisom. e r ui reoio. ' sb.ill ai e e orient fon,r the of the bureau, ol auch nun.Mr Be , aetarmiooa by 10b oi upei vuorvpens, pn art 111 ih-- neceaoerj form, blauka.andwi rui t rna f .r th umj of the b. arda of Inapectora 01Weot boards of dtsli.i t aud also .fJ"' 'r 00nl and cjiy ca ivaiera , aud nrorldi-

ahlO aid Wlfh all omwoo l.nutiell ta to rod atnet the city

t .ratht 1ti day of hepioan er neit, bo that ni duii 10I shall contain inoi th 111 t.uee bundr. dIBrfJBri ir the Common Com i1 hal ueKlect thu..or aha I. by proclamal on eMahltah ll.

the l atrlcta ftt Other IMtufM of thln i mpoi tani. KOI


I Tie (overnor no Louver 10 be Hnubbed-Plr- ai

OnalnatiiBil upon ihr Kina'a ( kmrier-Me- w

Kxclao i.iivs Ksn Cotapitiic) bftWiaUiarr, Feb. 2. Tht Donoertlio Btoitort

a(lar. Itiir TiniH It llfot. fatllfl Sachem Tweedpreal'iei. rue object of the eaueua wh tuCOBtMer tie propriety of on Executire BeBlot Ui r m firm BeveraJ of the Governor oppoint-biBta- .

TUia maket tht filth Democratic caucuiof Mlttori ittln tbt put ibrit weeka. II tt

ooeiacutirt teaalon can hereafter be heldWithou' a coDiolUtlon flrat. Tho Oorernor doeil'4 der're to ba publicly anubbert any longer. Thtlroceel! were characterized by apathy. SenatorWorton waiidrow hit objectlont to the couflrma-U-

or Q orga A. Miller, of ilocneater, for SuperiuJjjjjf "f After aome It waa

t j coilrin tlt last named rent! man. andH"w lor t of ifanka and

ui tha 4ommiBi.ionera of tht Troy"fi'"tl h- named b? Ooo, Hoffman aa the

jJnBei ioy Police 01.,.,. - ib lo be rejected.Mil q iHwCltlMj la that tht Governor wai once

"lert.oi,. Hl aumpinmia feed li him on lhe oceaJ'JJ J ffetnl rllll to Troy. The caucua heard lherefOfl of ttor Creamer from a comuntlet to draftauilQtui ainse law throurliout lhi bUtt, which" ' i leo. Ii ta tt. bts introduced in tha Banalewia row. ia the flrat breacli iulo the tlnr'amo arw which contains a w rial eiclae law for

" J "'he m- auie la very liberal in Hi proibtrtoetl of tbt C'ouspirnri law is aioBt ripoi u.d feOL

wtormMBfrt op MurcaV AMtM vb,A Psw l l.n.n.w Incldente ttfewnneel fanthe Bst.l - The lllaterv wf iko BmII- -l

uiichlnt vHh Mr. A. T. ftrwftrt-Tfc- oIt hn llntit wtih ike Prince.

The ball iv.;n in honor ol Princt Arthur1!mothrt at Dc Imonico' w aa t charming wil deliRblcd with the nrranremeni of

the CMMJllttM The C. mnnttce tmik the Trlnreint a Ml roll uper room. In which the crhndt ta crime of the crime rfr ;,j rrrwelwrrt the only one united. Thta was an agreea-ble itVpflM to Itool who wire debarred fromlOltl n; the private lOpMW nom. Ho select

M the rtflle BflHy that even Mr. Thornton, thearcompllsbed lady 01 the Brlttll aaliltlOf, wa abutout from IwO room, Anions the hadrM who dinedwith the Priuce in tbeprhate Baajtt room wireMr. Ilnluioni, wlft of the diMtneulnhed Chairmanof tb- Nitronal democratic Cammittce; Mr. Bun-nell, wife of the polite OoHOftOf of the port; thereally brtOllfol Mr. L P. Morton, and other. Thelion V f.. M BMiOW and party were n.; Invited totheprivite "tipper, bfll they were nrrntly pajooodwith the Committee' selection, a, indeed, warverybtniy In the room.

The MMMJMfMMjtf of the anpper wa marked bvI wflMMlt IwMwMJl Mr Belmont and Mr (Jrinntllhil dicided thnt the Pi ir ce hould IMWfl Mfl ltelmoot to OlMkrt, The other oirmbeia of the Committcc r fBfwfd thin eminently proper. Hut (ImTin A Dlt, I TOttrmo diplomatist, told the Piince10 a. roitipany Mrs. A. T. Stewart to the sua? perIBO It, and the Pnnct obeyed. Thla admirable strokeofp.llcy on the part or den. Mi gave univara.ilMtatfMtMl Fverybody WM charmed.

The Prinre made etcrybody happr. Men:rtnnell lod Belmont h d elected partoer foi him

In the variou daiicce. The Prince, however, pre-f- i

rred lo chonar hla own partnera, to tht eitremede:tght ol all the ladlea, eepeclally thoae who hodbeen promUed tho honor of the Prince'a hand byMcaara. Orinnall ant Telmont Hlnce the ball themod ' itrat a;ant have been aboweredupon the bead ol the Committee by tht happygoesta.

It Is proper that thoat wbo haee epJovtd ao moehpleaaure and unalloyed hp. inra ahuld know towhom they are Indebted fti the ball. Mr. Thorn-ton, toe British Minister, having become aatlafledthat, owing to the Feutao proc!ittlca ot the Dtroocracy t.y whom the city governed, an entertain-ment of the Prince by the municipal author-ities waa out of the , ailon, went to that

nit ured old gentleman, the Him MoesI Orinnell, ai d ptojioaed thai he should get up a

public ball. In which the wealth and fashion o' N wYork couM pay their homoge to the Prince. To thlaMr Orinnell avreed. He ai onceel about the work, and has carrb d it thmueh with

such success as to produce more qusrrela. uncbarltablentaa and profanity, more Moloney n the hearts ofwomen aud more rage id ti e btwrw of men. ot WoUat aaort public disgust, than a othet e eut Idolever took thee lo New York society,

aWvBalUtl br TOf QCniClTiic Prince ytairrduy VltlltJ Mr A T Stewart s

lenth Itrlel drjTfcV.d- - palace He afterwardlunched in Mr Mtrwart marir homo on Kifthavenue The Pr.u MMted tne French Tm atre Inthe evening 11. v. .11 at;, nd the chat ity ball at theAMdett of Mu-i- c th i evenm. and will out Maltthe Brooklyn Oittl until to moi row nitfht.

PUOTOGSl A PHH Bf si y H t. Putt f t: US.

Kiclteanenl m Jerome lloktnaa I one rt --

The V. MaC A. lietltoe Their atOOOf InAalewnoe-Mhuttln- a; Owl the oaratera.

The Y. C. A. Hall was crow led last evening onthe occiaion of tht tiotb concert of Mr. Jaro.neHopkins' for the Opheon Free Choir schoolThere was aome eieltement before the concert fromthe r fusal of the janitor to open the dKri unti therent bad been paid In advance, .1 measure which was

resisted. Mr Hopkins's BffMil has beenaccostoroed to pay ail bills between the parts of theprogramme, and he relented such strict measureon the part of ttie Y M. C. A. Trustees aa an inaultnot to be borne by one who for eight yonreha supported free singing achoola oat ofhis own private purae Tbe offsir e aafinally ci after the hall bad bn--

filled through a smaller door The opinion of theY M V. A. BlpfMatd by tbe rrowd OOmtdtan)thing but conipiimentary. an', a short spree bTom Mt Hopkma. eaplanatory ot the situ illou, waewarmly applauded.

Car r AlHaaon'a divorce- - Tbe ClOOO otIbelnuaeof I .of t v Hwestrlng.

Tbe (Jlaason divorce trial, which wa begun OB

Monday, before JuUe Barnard, was cloned yeeterday K cry part ol lhe ourt wa tlooelfpacked, and deep inteieit waa manifested in tti ifgumenta .of counsel Judge ltainsrd charred ttulory concerning tbe law applicable to the case Ifthe (acta and eircumlancea, and the toatimouy intht ease did not convince the jury toa mord ttftainty of the aullt 01 Mr OwttOO. tna jury, the

ourt said, must give her the bent fit of the rloobtAfter an hour and a half, tha jury were dlochorgi d.having fitlod to agree. They stood seven lor Hitp aintirl tod Ave for the defendant.

eOne ot the Inanrnnee Honathblea.

Some time ago Mr. Y. M. Huby wat appointedreceiver of the Insolvent Briti li Commen-la- l Insurince Company. He contracted with another company for the reinsurance of oil the po icy holderBut ' ' of the laiter demurred, and M inied theirjolicies translerred to a mulnal couipany. or one oftheir own ehootng. Mr. Hub) waa willing to ac-

commodate them, but the company with which hi?

had contracted would not agree. He waa thereforerestrained by an Injunction from proceeding further, and the- case WM before Judge Cardoto OOlOfday. The policy holders of the defunct companyshowed that tbe aasei of that company would art illgive them VI per cent, uiou their Inveatn itOtlwhereas tha solvent company of Mr. Blab), shouldIt fatl to moTow, could give tht m only ( per centThe) did not a. e to glva good mouey tor bad. Thecase is at. 11 on.

Turfnaen'a Naiilewnl ..Th? delegatea met last evening in the Kverelt

HOMO. Mr W. k Parka, of the Prospect Pa ktook the clnir and Mr ticorge H. Hmith was Her

relary o fern. luc hundred and twelvedelcfatea were tdml ted to the OOfafftM( aptain Rynders proposed the (bUowlOf aa the offl

rers President, V M Parkes. of the proaptetPark ; Vice l'r Btdtott, T C. HtDJHMOO, Of lhe Htwhtye flub, and ti. M. l.anman. of KoodlOlf. Pa ,

H. htnllh, of IwrMJIOMt Pirk.audDii Bruce, of l.niingtuu. The gtDtttBtn H'Crt U0BOni:ou Biected.

The nritadwiiy Aoprovrd.Tho Grand Jury recently visited the pneumatic

tunnel under Broadway, and sj.ent an hour In hacareful eiamlnntlon, Including the novel blow if kand ninnelling machinery. The jury approve 01 tbeootorprloo.

The llllnmaburuh IWlaairophr.The ittoUMl in the cuse of Joseph Bobner, who

was killed oo the Ittth ult. by tbt felling uf a row olnew tenement bouses In Division avenue, William.burirh, was hroatht to n conclusion, Ist nlnlit, byCoroner hit. hi. I. The following verdict wm iondtfOd by the Jurr:

'We fird that Joseph Bonner came to his death bythe falling of the tmKd ngs n Hlvlsion avenne, Btookil, on tbe latu day or January, 1K,0. and that Johnllrennan, tha contractor fur building tho foun-dation walla to said nuil 1ntra, uas highly censur-able for the carelesa manner In which aald wnl a

were built. and Witt the cause of thefall of the bulldinf a and tha Jr, believe that the saidwall went put up in a van unw.a kfnoollkl ami ilanv--oua manner, and the Jcry roqut st the oroner 10 take11. nature- - to 01 tain OrllOO by tho Htatu l.e. atnro toextend thl j t Uuii tlou of tba lluriau lor th surveyand luspeetica of Hulldlogs over tho entire city ofUrooklyn Immediately ."

Ri w Jersey lor Free CubaTill TOR, Feb, Jn Ibe House, Mr. Brown

Introduo d a reaolulloo Instructing the New Jern y

wOnttort and RtprtttBlttlVM in CoMjreflt lo urceupon t ,e Pretldeot and General Government to pro-claim in legal form, the eiiatcnre or a Bill uf between tho Cuban patriots snd tbl lpBttIsn uatiuo.

UOVM$ or 1 l ist mThe annual reception of the JTTth Kekinv nt 1 G.

N h V. takee place In lbs Itagluaental Armory ou thsveoln of Feb. IT.

The annual of the Oeaaairrerlenla to be.'lven In tbe (iaruianla Aaeuibly Koouii

ou the evsulugof Fabruarj 7

Choaen Few Orange Lodge, No. 4, Brooklyn, willcelebrate w .hin ' blnhiiay at Prospect Hall.Military baud and addieases or clarryiuen.

The third annual ball of tha N. Y. JonrnermenHakera' I'rot Ben. Union takes plaoa in ths tieruisuiaJUIBMDly Houms on tbe eveuing of Feb. ft.

The N. U Y. B. Aaaoclatlon. tho Hon. Tonyllaitniau of the Mutual B. U ( lub. President announcea fraud "Hal do' take yourself lu Imug Hall ou lUaeVelllOi Of il mix i. 1.

The Charity Ball lakM plant to night tt thtAcademy of Music under tna uiual wall known man-agement No paina have been snared lo make It a eraudam cent I.amler'a and Uralulla'a Bands furnlah tlieniuall and tho supper nrraua'euisuti era ui lot bauds ufJOt" '


rttK KXTKxirn hrkh in nosE AynHUOMTKR HTHhmTH.

Thw Uhwhlmnl. of Teneawe.i llenoee InIt' i. nnd Vnnaewstrr a treed a Ttirnrd outIn tin- i. nd of Mahl A ttfMI Huarar

lesitrovel Pour Uulldlnco Conaumed In onater Mffffjft

Phortlv before 2 o'clock yesterday morning firewa tlMOftlOd In the haement of lckerhausenBrother' BtfM rentier), IP, H, and g.'i Hose street.Tbe (lie Is supposed to have bad tt origin In thtkilns. In less then hstf ao boor after the flrst slsrrathe Uromen had loat all hope of snvlno the building.Tht narrowness of the streets mil onlr plsced theneighboring building In Jeopardy, but also prevent-ed the firemen from working to adrontare. Thebnlldtng w a seven loiie high, and the fluinea leaped throuth It from sub ct liar to garret, and whenthoy btftt from tMJ tvof the whole neihborhoodwis illummlriatrd

A llOOld and third alarm were mounded until till

theaailsble fire enK.nes were brought nut 1nbeiore 4 o'clock tbe w alls fell, blockiug up the streetand

CntMIIIO IN A 00I1.OISOon the south side 'lhe lulling bricks struck therear jmrt of this roc f ; fnr although the allies werecrushed tn, lhe h wer front rooms were not lujured,while the centre of every resr loom, from root tocellar, is destroyed. It is remarkable that althoughthe middle of the floors are gone, lhe pictures andfurniture against ths walla remain In their places.The owner, C. McMsnus, setimatea bit loss atIttXOOO. The roots and sit windows of somosmalt nouses adjolning'tbs rear were dsmaged byOre and water, sa are :ilo several l ooses on eachaide and opposite, all of which were however savedby the Fire Department, although the poor tenantsare comparatively heavy losers on tbtlr furnitureand store. Ths los austalned by OekershanaenBro is as tins at ad at ahosi dT3,000 aa follows I GotBlock, gHsXODO; oo DMchioerv. $lt',000; and onbnlidlrr. llOO.ObtV The- - are inaured ta follow:1140,000, on aloe a $A0,U0. on machinery aod

on building, ttevi-ra- deussly populatedTBVIM KN r UOl'SKg

adjoined tho snrsr refinery, and tht occupants badto be rrmoved, many of them in their .

NotwiibstKBdlui the great danger of remaining Intheir room, many bad to be driven out by thepolice. The delrnetion of ihetr property wa leltto be a gri jer loss to them than the reffnerv to tbeOvkerbaueeL Brotbeis, ss the poor people were notinjured.

TUB rtBB IN WOOSTRR STOBBT.Tn- a''.-- 5 A. M eatcrda the aeeond story of

IK end 111 VYopster street, occupied by the Metropolitaa lapr c H.r t'ompsur. waa found to he onArt Ths interior of the building was soon burnedotit Srii at obool 9 A M oue of tbe tide wttlifell aod

ciranrn in mt wWfetXfWw,

So. 110, whleh had been par ially gutted by AreSnnrtly afterward the remainlug watt lell, crnhlna!In the roof and upper amrv of No. tig. No. Ill and114 was owned bj Bruner dc Moore, of 75 King street,and Wtfl or.ginall) built fm a cabinet manufactory.It was valued at $l.(aX The loss of tbe Metropolltan CollOf Company oo atr-r- and maeblnery la eetimnted at tbOOl UOO00 The itick waa insured lorJtjn MO, t ie mai lunrry lor t'.OVO. and tbe building

MJft.OdO A m ui tie st rii by ILe lollewine: ethibit 'he New Yotk companies sudered very slightlyHar'ford Cos f.v. New Tori Cos lo.itfay

London Co... ow,.s tuber Cumpsmva . at ?;;

Toisl II30oNo. 110 w s occupied H d o ne t by Mr C IWiller,

on the OrM and second floor. csbinet wareroom.and tn the upper part us a duelling. I.ote building$10.1X10, stork J4.ISMJ. fsri.itura damage tor ar butldin BTOO. Inenrane sa fultow: Hearbuibllnf tlO OJA). atock ffS.iOO to It u. of NewYork i bulldinc TOO in country companiea, and furni-ture f oai in P opto a, ot Ms York.

N 11. occupied by Mer. Stock A Havermin,dealers In hardware l.ns on stoca: bv wstrr,

" on walla nf buildinar and roof, fi ail In-

sured. The third ao fourth floer. occupied byfamilies of the names of Hick, Mejer, sod

N 110, owned by Oroner A Moore, estimateddamage f.1 .V aa insured in the Merchant's, of Hutford, forf 4,000 A faullv livinjr tn front mom onti e second storv. iwi e. me ol their furnitureMr Meyer looet M.M0MI In lurnitnre; lusnrrd for11 i'i Tho llger OOef aa'ooa uuderuealh ta verjrtiiiic'i dam i rse ny water.

No IM, or. op rd bf famlllM of the oamoa of Hath-iw-

an Porroll, w m d itnated t the estent ofI by w v ei Tho bolldjog arts Itottsl to Hathaway b) Mr Romi Tho forollureofw cupaata wnaim iged to the eatent ul ioooI g'.iJU; not insure. I

Hnriuc Ihr tit- - UotlOTt William, of ougme No.tu Ml dowu a Might of at nr and bad bis ahoulderdialoealvd.

ritl rOOM a MirWCMJ now.The fire late on MoWdaj nttbt In the tenement

M)wM IM rttM Tbirl) fi'th atteet ha" assumed a firmore aerlOQI eompletton, on tnveatiaalion. Tbuorigin of the fin- was neither aecident Bjoi dtWUniibut a drunken atjiay between aeverai peraono in

of Liwatd Ooyoor, who 04 on Hetoof. Hurtng a fight the kerosene lamp w.ta

knorked over, and before an one wa fOWtf us ofthe dancr. the room was in a blase, tiaynor n aa,it la feared, fatmty burned he Mamea eiiendt dthrciiigh the ttOM, and as aev. n flamiliea were sale-- p

in ti e bouse, the 1. life mut hare 0000) 0ffBttlOMt bad not the police, un r Capt Tliomarushed to tbt tpol wilh laudera, aud rescued them intheir oIkIH dresses.


Loot ITOOlOg a fire w as discovered In ths hollerroom in the basement of a tin atory brick building,030, Wk and nil West Forty eventb sireet owned bi I. rlii Bucain. snd occupied by Hoherlson AHowell, woiilpuller, MOtllal s damace of '

Orlgll unknown As treck No. t oa pfiioeodlogto the tire it W3 upset al Ninth avenue and Fort)SOVtOlll reel, snd Joseph Bl rider WM BOfJMHItlV mj r ed. lie waa aeut lumc to J4U Weal P I ft. d birdBtfOOti

Other t Fire.KUtit boildings in darker II It, Tenn .were burned

yeatrrdaj Lost l.ouo lubtirsuco la.nuu

Tie WBshlnrton House, on Main street, Norfolk,a , wsa burned yeaterday LossThe atuble and sdjolnine outhouses helonRlss:

to I'hillp liater. In Rfoat harms, near the ftlorrlsamotown linr, wire burned yesterday. l.oas, 10,iw0 i.isured.

A Are In Water Itftot, Klmirs, reaterdsy morningha'tly dama'C't ttie dry roods llowt 04 Wm K Maitand BsrtOO A Wilsoi, ami the hard are stock oi It,wotrouB,

CVBIOMttiMM or t HlME.- - a

Pnthir MortU'0 WbUkrr tnti.The Hibt Hev Wurrick Martin sppesred

again yrateid.iy before Commlaaioner Oilorn toproeeiit Alderman Barker for deiraudinir. tht Oofeminent of lit lax 00 liquor msnuiacluii'd In IMAIn Ins distillery in Fi.nteentl. aireet. The reverendgentleman illd not wear hi cloak hut he was a'tireoin a new suit of hlsek, and teemed m deteimtneal tocouviet the City Fatner a be aa to avnd MtthOdlBlsouls to Paradise w hen he ofin lati-- in the roiuhwest as on exbnrter. The on lenes contained aboutfifty witnesaea for thu detence-a- nd tho for theprosecution ronlt adicted the go oru afllduvlis wbicatheybsd inti Ir to the Hon. A. H. Purdy, thu Aaatetant m AUorney. Knieat hchmtdt, a workmanin the dlstilleiy, deposed that ho saw barrels of dlltilled apints, WltUtfOt the Government brand,removed from the building tlireo yoarsago: hut liesaid he could out lell what the Govbrnment brandswere at the tune ; and J. hn Vogle, snolher wltotMfor the proaeeution, that he aaw a pipe lead-ing liom the distiller), nnd thai he uaed hoi Wlttfto thaw it tn the winter The Dislnct Attorneyused stri nuou effort to eitract all In professed loknow about the otloblilhBIt nt, In order to corrooorate bia urevmua afiidait, tiut Vogrtl tiled to be asdumb us the Rphiux ot the White House, and tho Bami nation was then adjourned until to day

The -- it niinhiu Fnasenger Shurko.Henry Sotttulers engtig.'d pIBIIgl in tin- ltMID

ship City uf Pans, and tia ina a quanUty of it eiihauge lor gold, enured Johu Klils's

offlie. al 0 llobok' n street, where he deposited hiscurrency, and saw 0000 ltd out 1U6 sovereigns, l hectdn whs plac tl in s belt, which Kills fastenedaround Saunders's Willi, and then he was hurriedon hoard the steamship. Gn arriving In Liverpoollaunders found lu hla bell only lot) shillings, Guhla return to this city he applied to tho police, andjosdrd iy Detective Fields took Kills to the TombsPolice Court, where the prlsooer 's couossl placedths case before Juatlcu Dowlinr in such o man net,thai he could "Mud no evidence upon which theprisoner could hu held." Hermann A. Block, a

l.rmiiiii, Due of 14 Gieenwieb atrset, dealrod tovisit Hnmhurir, and waa Induced by one Meyer tocall at the ofltce Hi Liberty alreet, where be deposited $JVsJ in Kreenhscks. Tne belt fraud waa tu in-

case eieculed by John and when Block hadgot two miles it m land bn found that instead ofgold 'e bad silvoi in bis belt Leary was taken befurs Jn.- lire Howling yesterday, and lbs evidenceugaiust him was fuuud coucluairsi then lure he washeld lo $1,500 bail.

Ao OaTaot for the Neoro fote.Louisvi, a. Fob. . Tho Kontticky Hontt of

Rspresentatlvss. by 78 to 10, Ublsd tbe resolutioninstructing ths Judlnlsry GommlUse to Inquiry intotbe propriety of repealing all laws prohibitinguegros tosliTylog against whiten. lavt wss ob-

tained to ton, u lo o bid providing that forelrnerstwelve ovootbs In Kentuoky, sfter Mhng

their declaration of Uleottou, shall bt votitleU toruls

Br.nnr jhk nt.AVKAMtTH'a x.Mr.

Ilesid (inahed ond llnnd Crwsbed, a od In theIloapltol TerrlaV Fig ht lo Pie reone's

Aooowlt hr PhlU4VIhlaHnosjk -- The Korooe of the AoenHowl.

Heddy the BlsckaOtith comes prominently be-

fore the putinr. again. This time he is worsted In smidnlKht hrswl, and lies in a hospital wounded andlacerated- - thres danzeroua gashes in his In a. nndhis rieht h md smashed. At about nine o'cb ok lasterenlni Hrddy entered Finn nce's bsloon at Honston street nnd Broadway, snd wa soon followed byJsmes Hagirerty, otOfKrM Phibidelpldn roughand shoulder littler. Heddv was very drunk, whileUsfigeriy was in( i, ; i n j tntoilcated.

A number of their Irlrnds wero In the enloon. Thstwo men oWfM a convirnatioo shout Iholr MintingOuahttes, the one clsimlng that hs could flog theother. He, hiy became very sbusire, snd H agger ty

lave him the lie. w hen a friend, apprehending o row,ssked t to go out, nnd bail him taken aa for astie d or Then Rlggorlj llkfd them not lo takehtm aw iv Heddy, In aring the word, returned andthe isu men plunged into each other.

They fought about Ave nmiules, surrounded bytheir friends, none of whom attempted to interfereKcddy gettniK the trorat of the hitting. They threweach other repeatedly, and their bends were badlybrnised aaraiiial the stone pa ement of the Moor. Atthe end of about sia HlMtoV Mghtiog Hacgerty be-

come more violent, although his .ppon nt waa fan t

in.-- aud at last he made a rush for tha counter, onwhich there was a large qnsntiU of glaaa. including0 car iflV as Line aa a usual slaed decanter.

With this he struck Kedde. wosndinr him severeIv, The second blow broke broke the caraflV , andthen Hssgerty w ilh desperate violence tore the ps rtremaining with him through Keddy's bsnd s thelatter attemoeted to strike him. Redds hand be-

fan to bleed very freely, yet still he attempted to bitopponent again, when Hsrgerty ssTSln rushed to

tbe bsr, and, selling s tumbler. sWuck the blsck-smlt-

on Ibe forehead. Heddy then fell, snd as Haggerty waa again about to strike, the cry of policewoa raiac aod the Philadelphia rough was the flrsttojnmp op the atepa and sly through one of tbaBroadway doors, whUs Officer Choatt descended attbe Houston street side.

Be. id v as be lay on the ground, present d n fear-ful spectacle. Wronr. had, rongb man as be la andhas been, be was sn object of eity. Ills fsce was alldiacolorsd, and the l - swollen, wbUs both werecovered with blood, snd tbs baud waa little betterthan a lomp of c:otted matter. He wss otterlyunconscious unable either to apeak or recognixe any ons sround him ; ond It wso inthis state that, at shout ten o'clock, thsNsw York -- the strong Heddy ton Blacksmith

waa uken to the Eighth Precinct Station Hmiaeby Officers rdioat. Dyk. man, and Black, aa helplssias a child. At tbe station bouse tbe wounds waredressed by Ilorlor Frarr, of police headquarters,and aoon titer Keddv was conveyed to BellevneHospital The wounda are const. lared of a seriouscharacter, but last ir tbs physician did not deemthem of a fatal character.

At tht station house a number of Heddy'a friendsrequistod that they be allowed to take bun to hieresidence tn WiUlumsburgh but thu wm peiemptorlly refused.

Jamea H .ggerty Is well koown In Plnlad- IrhlaIt is said that both men, with a number of others,hsd teen attend na: a prise flibl in New Jersey, andthat there tht y had Imbibed too freely and endedtheir performance tt Florence's, much to ths disgustof the proprietor of that well known aaloon.


The 1henOreia Loteet Kick o t oooda --

The IHrkerlnoo of lhe I'edrillos Polllit tuna who ore Piohlloor ogalwot Koto- Prce l'o ft for tfcfl Oesker ol AsolnthUme.

ToMKfOi Feb. 1. 'ince lbs pondeniot politi-cal weatl ercoek of Primlnc House Hqnsre has de-

liberately come to the conclusion that "Inetcad ofthe Colonies tteing dependencies of the MotherCountry, the Mother Country has become the

of tbt Colonic," the mixed rsees ofAmerica might MMy conclude that upoo their fulure fate actually depended tbs safety and stabilityor one of the moat ancient and respectable kingdomsin tbe World, W hy then, Il may ba ssked, shouldnot tbs rtoioM wranglinA-- s of Mm BoWok I 'naicolonials of to day attract the attention of the civil-ise, i world Perhaps, however, before going fur-

ther, I ihooid quoe lhe remainder of tbe sentenceabee tlloded to, in ordrr the paoro elesrty to

l tbe m smog of Kngland'a metropolitann. mi' hpiere The IMSOI go a on to say " W's aretied. Wklft the) irolOOM W'e srs suhjet t to danger,who. thtf Bit Wl org bound by obligations wecannot disavow, old) they are masters of IhnrAllure fale "

Could an) thiot be m re eiplleit or auggesttvutMust lhe atnpid Canadians, New Hruuswickore.Nswfoundlsn brs, Pnnei K tward Islsndsrs I

need hstdly sdJ now Nova "cotlans and BritishCollaOblOBtl 00 Btlll n ore p. iniedly taught lhe roadao otOtrll lOdlOOted here by their good mother acrossthe WOtei ! Do triey ot'U require to bo told, overand over acslr, t it the are not only not wsnteJtisngink about tl s family mHnloo longer, but thatIbr) are Mtully IhdBBgertlf us ssfety by ther un

welcome ? Nothing OOOld he clearer, andyet tbev BQ cling to their old mo'hrr's tprou strinr,:md Insist upon being actually flogged beioielheywill looMn their crsup

Your corre-po-n ItOt bM been lod Into the shovetrain of IboQghl by the semi oAciel snuouncementhere ti nt th" Domloloo oivernment are still await-lo-

UMiruHiOtti from lbs Colonial Office befoie Ihtydecids wh.t Ciey will do in reference to the Mod

Hirer tr ubl Manliuie special odvlece Immthat quarter, in effcet, that two nenspapor corresjtonden's. sent out from this city not lnig ao, hadrfMBOd Pi rt G irry ; but on their arrival wers eitherluul in c .ae cnnfineinent or placed under strictGot er nu. i nt nr i eillance In fact, thev were final vordered out 0 the Tetntory within arlven apace oftune, pndef pens'ty of rloM coiiflnemmt or WOfWO.ThoTbltboull he rtoitberry Coinimssion, of whichso n fji h boB boeo experied st ttitaws, w re allowedto r.m i , un ler gugrd, but were not allowe 1 totn at tl.r OOthorltles, aa they could show no uu-- I

hor it) f OIB e tl er h. Br t,h Dg ( BOtdUl tiovern-ment"- .

ii ol tbl eipeii. d rorroopoodoolo,cone n. lea thst " the applir Hon of a litl'ernn

moo mom wilt probwbly sttUt the wholt maiirr."But this I doobl verv murh. as his compinio'i InoilltMserta Ihoi loo sorrtyiog norti lai summerdid a great imotti I Ol injury to the Canadian cauee bythe imprioi' manner In whlrh they tcuiasctsd iheirbOBtnsBt. sTiam hno-- . scroti firm. aflWiiir thensme- - id ptoptl in i aosdt lo lota of land, ana giv-ing msuy MOM lo Ins and lhat iher land wouldbe cut up and dlrlds t.. mil th G.ivrrninent. Thesnow ro id porl) J.-- eouinbutrd to mjure lhe

OOUSt.Tbt queatlon ta, bOW lOBB will the British Ameri-

can people ai nml this borfoTntoi atyle of adnuinstei-lo-their afl:.:rf I If they are wise, not long Ml II

time, persons! squsbbles continue amceg CublnelMin.sters si Gttsn. Mr McHongall, who wu herethe ulhei day, furling bis wai back into the upp-- ilion roako, n oi m ivr.l with opoi anna ; andaccording I) hi rUSbtd back I.. ina-N..- md ia Sushipitted ou the back by the Goverumsut orgau therethus

' There l tieart tn the Honorable Wpham MfDooiO I

There is a strong iiaiue hue oi jut.ce. too, In theof UoaMrvtr Ihers is s kiud.inec. of .n-- i "'Hon tn the man, who girt t . een the titoit't repori.rh.aukets. ond eusts. sud provisions tn keen him c iulOltObloln hlatravela over I hie it pra rtw

' whichof OH n rtOerollf pltl una OenieHm.r thst lie can

boost of might Uo on i to Imitate, n wuin grlsvouiio god it lo 00 li e surlom im n - n s man aswodesrrlno lo llttrs.ty throi u mse'i awai It wouldbem( muni' of il to iho-- villi mh heBtjsmt lo i.t tl Dteaent dileaed to know thai in offlbad si,irlfleeti iue opporiitnlty of aide-tim-

and nad rali lost by lafh act the path tohot i no and to lan e "

This Is a fair specimin of Cnnidim hlghmindedneas and H hardly add Unit anniter dllgOBt II arioingin the minds 0f the morethoughtful ol tho provtncltl people, and that accord-ingly the vthole posse of im ngm rs will ere longhs ovei throw ii. and the w hole British Amrrr.uipnsses-lon- s of to dav will then be found a frvOifrom Atlantic lo PuciUe, Loudon organ Milthey are already.

Jamea WinlWOrih, of Providence, pOOOOlIfmade thirty fie Phot in one in'inite. and une imndred

hots in linen minutes llilrlt eu , ondf Willi n I'eabtidvi ui.- It is said to bo Ihu quick at ti.uo evor mad- suha rifle

; Ff ffoxA ItfTM i.i.iu f; v rr.' e

Pi loet Arthur nn suite will be at the Charily Bailthis evening.

Cougi eaaman Hong, or Ohio, who was elected overthu Hon James N ATiley, ts on hla d. alh-be-

The Wisconsin Kepublicana have nonuuated DavidAtwood, of Mudison. to fill ths vacancy tauasd by thsduatb or Itupren'iitaiive llopklua.

Ths H v. CharleB Klngslsv, the Kngllsh noveltat.Is in the Wnst Indies, lie had betier oomo and aee thel ulled Otatoa. Us was a boutberu syinpsihizcr.

Mrs. II. H. Htanion ban been to Boaton. Bhe aarsthat abe heard Ibero one of the create l discourse aheever llatsoed to It was by thu lisv. O B. Frolhlughsoi.on ths " Uuknowu liod."

Mr. D. T. Monro, of tho Rural Nm Pfktft entertam.-- a nuinber of gnntleinen laat uln. lu hla iuhusioii. Forty irit strest aud Fifin avenur, In cslebraltjnuf bia inn 1, birthday atid the (wnniieMa anntvsi-aar- ofhla saeellcut Juurual. TUt wuios ani fruit wuts allM tilts


tiik rK.mrui, CAttM atiom or tukHON. II I Ul rs si u I it

aNohlo Words from Hemaior lloseo of

tin. hereofler iw he Kejnnloitniler the I.OW the lion. John A. I .oihii'iIllow for Pree Cnha-W- hy (he? Nary YardWorhsnea seera Dlocharoed.

WatHiNtiToN, Feb. 8. Iti the Scnste, nfler thepas ag- - of the Currency bill, Mr. Howt (Hep , Wis t

spoke In support of the bill recently Introduced byhim more effectually to preserve the neufral relaHons of tbe United State Tho hill ropeula ootitlnseotlonsof the set of miH, s Inch rorblds the hiringof an Amerlcon cltigen lo enllt tn a foreign army, orhla going ohroad lor that purpose, and prohibitsAmerican shipbuilders from being concerned in buildlog, fitting oot or equipping vessels designed to orutaeagainst any foreign power with whom we are atpeace. He argued that thla statute of HIS wss apartof an arrangement by which Bpaln ceded to thetailrd Btstes the Florida, the cession being madalmnltaneously with tlds Itgl'letlon, designed tn enable Spain to hold on to her own colonies. Thestatute WM designedly uuneutrsl, becsoss it waapassed st the solicitation of one belligerent agslnstths Interests of ths other. Aa American otllaeoenlisting In the army or France In t war with GreatBritain, would, la caat or capture by the latter, betreated simply as a pi tanner of war, but our law ofMIA w ni l make him liable, If he returnedhome, to t penalty of I,000 berauee of hlaenlistment. An American merchant in NewYork might sell and deliver o Teaselto Cttrmn Insurgents, receive pay therefor, and goto Madrid, and there employ the proceeds ofthat iranaactlon without the Hpaniah ttovernmentdanng to molest htm; but he oould oot atay In hisown country without undergoing a heavy penaltySuch was the operation of tbla unjust, unneeeasary, and. aa he tboaghL nnconatltutional law.In conclualon, be aald If a Government existed InCuba which elslmed to be Independent of Spanishcontrol, and tf we believed Independence lo beCuba's jnat right, and that it would he made goodase of, wa oar U to (Voo, to tht memory of ohtfatAeri, and to th caves q Amertcen progrtM. toltw oor xnrtign avthoriitUm to Me patriot ofCn6o to fght for that tnoVpenrfnc, and so at onctnatch Mem from th category of pirofss If, beheving all theae things of the Cuban struggle, were; used, oot of apprehension thst we might embar-rass tbe recovery of our clstms upon Ureal Britain,to repeal onjuat and unwarrantable restrictions upononr trade imposed by the set or 1H1H, we thall heresui rendered that very joition which we are toldtbe Pnatdent has resolved to mmnialD, said re-

nounced the scred right of neotrniily.Considerable discission ensued, but oo under-

standing wn re.ic'ied.Mr. Tat abull (Hep., Til 1 reported, with amnd-menis- ,

Mr. Bteeaxt'B bill tusecurs to all person theeqnsl protection ot tbe laws. Tbe bill, ta amended,la as follows :

H' ti e it erf. OVh Thst sfr within the Juriadlclion of ike (inltsd Btsres (Indians not taxed excepted)shall have th- - aaine rmht. to every Male snd TeriiloijIn ths L'nltt l htstos, to msae and eufou e ooiitracta, tosue the far t iv give evidence, and to the full and equalbenefit of all laws asd proceedlniis f.: the security ofperaoo snd Mtj erty a la enjoyed by white cltisrni.andshsti ts anbjeet to like punishments, pains, pensitirs,taxs. lieeuaes and exactions ot every kind, and noneotner. snv law, statute, oidlnsnce. t Qaulailon. or cus-tom to tna cootrary notwiihstand ng No tax orchargealiali be lmposel or enforced by any biate upon auyperson emigrating thert-so- .

Hno. z. hal any jeraon who, under color nf any law ,

statutn. ordmance. regulation, or eoMoto. snsll anbjeetoi mwt to be aunjseted any Inhabitant ol any state orTerritory to the deprivation of any rl ht secured orprotected by this Oct. or lo different puulshim-ai- painsor penaltlci on account of such person being an alien,or by reaaon of hat color or race, than ib precrlned foithe paut-nra- of citixena. aball be desmed gmltv of ainisjeineanor, and on convict n tboreof ahsll be pun-ished by a (las not exceeding :,ai or imprisonmentnot exceeding ons yesr, or bvib In tne dlcreiiou oi thscourt.

Oac. a. That ths " act to protect all persons In theUnited Male to their i ivU right and lorn sn ibe moansof their Vindication," BoaOWd Apiti tf, is lieishv

and aald act. exeepi the Urst and aecoud settloua thereof, m hereby referied to and made a part ofthis sot.

Haass of Reoreoeniaiteaa.The House discuaaed n resolution calling upon

the President for Information relative lo the imprisonmeut of American clltsuna abroad. Mr I. oua a(Kcp., Iii offered a lesolutioo ueclaring thai tht

THO PBOfLB Or CtOAswiaaw aaassj ostaa mmooj aMM aaewtaal oat awThostilities against Hnain lor tndrpendrnci ; thatthey hsve snd ttlli maintain, a oV factoGovernment, snd now occupy wttn their aiunes,and control s large portion of lhe Island, and

the Committee on Foreign Affairs to In-quire whst reasons, if sny, exist why the ItepHblicol Cubs should pot be recogmgpd by fie L'uitedStates (iovernmi nt as s bellgr.eront Adopted.

Mr. Banos iHep . Maia . asked tbe Chairman oftbo Committee ou Appropriations to state whetherthM Committee had considered sny tnesnure lor lheralief of the large number of mechanics

pisciianoBo raoo rut nat rouIn various porta of the country.

Mr. Dswna (,Kep., Mass , replied thst a bill frthst jwirjMse was before the Committor, and a nullprobably bs spoiled to morrow m uiiln:, BUM acon'erence with the Navy Department.

Messrs. Hlikcb (iem , N. V.) snd Cog (I)em., NY i made aome remarka shout the diachaiging of

tOhOnlM from the Brookln Navy YarJ, ths lattersaying lhat the Navy Hepurtmeut had spent In aeveumonths Ihu appropriation tuUnded to corer thuyear.

Mr. Dawos satd he did not know exactly why aoin .ny mm had been throwu out uf employment Intwo bureaus of the Navy Pepartmrut but he apprehended it arose from tbe desire lo put Into commm-alo-

a larger number of ahipa than ever before, andfrom ti e consequent emplo) ment of a greater num-ber or men than usual. He auppoBe I the a hole thinglay in the employment of too tusny men in the e..rlpart oi tho year ..n. r than sxtndiu it over thew bole i ear

Mr . .Hem., Ind.)-Y- es; JOBI btOfl snelection. A II .4 I.Two Horses, One Trut h, and Three Cnrk- -

ii Hioleu Irom a llouae Curtmon.

One of lhe district csrtmen holding a commis-sion under the new cartage system adopted by tbehuh contracting parties in the t utom House, un-

do took to deliver three MirklJI a of goodsvalued at upwarda of to the bouseof Kongo, Deon Y ( o yeaterday morning,but by lhe intervention of a third i nothingwas le t to the driver after he had returned from theBOcood atory where he had gone to announce thaat rival ol the merchandise but a disturbed stale ofmind, (or tbe laOfWeo, truck and Btori baudiss hadgone Iron Ins gaxe like a dream.

At 0 o'clock mat evening, after ihu liou"S vigor-ous hunt, the horses and cart were found, but thegoods were a'lll missing. Thu mt aston-labin-

fuel conuected with the tTOOOaoliOtIs that in llnee mlntitea after it had oc-

curred the Int dhenei' snx reoorte.) at th.' office01 Int licnerat Ag. nt or ( arttog, 117 Broadway. As theplace- of the robbery la lilies, milet. from Ibe tieneralt arlae office, Mr, l.imUay . w ho is assbr-w- a afox ontroppod the lorormtni by h - o a n atory alter aah arp croM exsminatton.

Ii is believed by fJoOM offlci djg that it is atrii k on the urt of sopie or the son- hearted cartmen lo bllOg discredit Oh thesy-t-- Mr. UlodaOfssy a "it is a w cak de let id the t 00My. a

l. ATKS T I t HUH St.HH.

Tbe llOOl RIMOfll who w re at work on the Hud-son Blvev Kotlrood detot are still ou airike.

Tbe Biooklvn Stonemasons l ist eveinu tttCttdJas. Kenned) PreskifOI ; I Mo an VlM Irralili4l , V.Noble secretary ; r. Krngh, Tieasi-re-

The men employed on Dtltlird and MeOoWOO'lcanal deepening projrrt in tbe number (

4UU. have mrtirk br higher WSgtl. They baiu re-ceiving iS p.-- day.

The Iron Moulders' teuton. No K0. met last nightBtiil ilnUri. lined to oniluiif thrlr alrlke BgalUSl .luessou's foundry at n.i hsgards, OVOO tfiongh it last themsix luontha. Thry bOVI Blpt nded 10 tsr d

At the meeting of the Imu Moulders I'tnon No WIs in. II ana rtporlod Unt Mr Jarkson, in

street, now boards (he men which have flllt d theplacea of the at ikera on h.s prettiues, keo iLg n.virtually ua pruontrt.

r i ashes MOM TUB oi kax VABhMM,o

License hs been given for the performance ofVirtoi Hugo's druiusa in I'aro

The Amrrlcan riftantlne Kachel Coney wjs runInto and dsmaged ctT 1 rata gar.

The Archduchess Klizabrth of Auitrla. ha fled toAmerica, having embarked at Hamburg.

I)r J. Hubs, of Zurich, bus been cUoseu Preaidt utof thu Hs lai Cuufe.lei ntlun.

Since the assembllntr or the (TVumrnlrsl Couneilseveral of tbe uieuiheis havu dbd ami four hae It'llthe city.

In the Spanish Cortes yesterday Honor Casteliar de.tlvcred nu effective apereh agalnjt the nsj meul ot theclergy by the Htate.

The Puculty of the UslfOnllf of Hrealln hsreoongratulnted Or. Dolllnger on bis opposll.oo to thedec'aiatiou of Papal Infallibility.

It la rumored that Dr. David Livingstone, thetravsllvr, hss u burnud as a wuard oy a

ohief iu ths interior of Afrius.A public meeting was dissolved bv the Parisian

authorities ftg Tuesdsy night, because one of thespesksrs spoks Of M tn inn as J udas laesrlol.

Id the Corps Logtslalif yesterday the propositionof M.Orovy. thst ths lreaidunts of ths Chambers havetbe right to demand an armed loroa when necessary loensure the freedom of their deliberation, was dsnsledAfter sn sxeitlug debate, luu proposal was defeated by111 mtffW tt


Mlwa-Tra- o ia lha Twootr-oevoal- h WtrwetDepot -- 4 Itaelon Ivlrrchnat Craohed !Heath Bdtwaea m Car nod a lleotrU'aoelea Uaie.


: 8



l l I

1I .a

; i 4

i ; J


I I I N.T.IM II. R K depot.112 Track oo r tn avenueS It m it. h to the depot.4 Gate.I Position of Mr. Perev when struck by tbe ear1 WTirre Mr, P, Fell ana expired.s s Platform,t 9 Rarlem depot.At about i o'clock yesterdar morning Mr. If.

M o Boston merchant who had justarmvedfroui thst city on tbe 6 50 express, alighted from hicar and entered the aide depot or the New York ondNew Haven Railroad depot oo Fourth avenue andTwenty-sevent- atreet. While he w aa standing nearthe gate, one of the cars of the trnin jusl arrived, drlvoo wilh its usual reckloa vtlocl-ty- ,

entered th yard, auddenl) turning tbe switchnear where Mr. Peyser stood, and tehre he had thealigbteal warning ths car atrnck hlmou the aide andtwirled him around as tt psaaed, crushing andcrunching tbe booee of his body as If they were pipestems, between the projecting aides or tbe car andtba heavy gst , depositing tbe wretched man. ao 01

most tireless mas- - of n, ah and bones, on tbe groundat the end of the gate.

Mr. Peyser made a desperate effort to evade theblow from the ineoming car, but the position inwhich he atood was one In which tt would have beenImpossible for him to extricate hlmsel'. The curveof the track lesdtng lo the ysrd is abort, sharp, andsodden. A besvy wooden gate bare the entrance,and la opened as far aa possihlu for the entry oltrains: but there is a telegraph pole behind the gate,cloae to the aide of the depot building, which pre-vent Its being opened freelv. or, rsihcr, close up orperfectly parMlel with lhe wall. When the trainsare taming tho eherp curve, tbe ears project threeor four feet over the track, leaving a space ufscarcely twelve tnrhe between the rar and the gate,whtcn as the gate banga In a vertical posi-tion deen ases towards ita end. Mr. Poner4 an hefore ttated, wa carrried the full length J the gateabout twelve feet and fell, with a try bone m

crushed, at the foot of tbe telegraph pole, asabown in the diagram above.

There appears never to hsve been any pree nitlonstakeo on tne part of the railroad company to pre-vent auch sc. id. nn There is nothing no Mgn orguard to warn atrangers or persons Ignorant of thepremises of ibe danger.

When the poor man was thrown at the foot of theBaOaaaaaWh polo, a bUodiaa. crwahed. maas, gaspingwttb agon), siveral policemen gathered over biabody, and instead of promptly procuring medicalaid. stipidly gsxed at the dying man. and aneculatedupon the number of minutes he hsd to live. Final-ly, Officer Caeell concluded that a the man wasdesd the body might as well be taken to a policestation

Mr. lVyaer's body was tsken at 8 o'clock lo theMorgue He wes a large drr gooda merchant onWinter street, Boaton On his pwrWOl were awateb and chain, a diamond pin, and a certlflrstethat be bad boueht $900 gold from Foster A Co ,brokere, Boston, oio a ama.l amount of money.

TBB Kt.t.l.Y HA sums riotiT.Two Bowery Raogero In New Jrrer-Tb- o

it i. ir oi the Prime Ktnc Huspeuded-N- alnlerlrrcnce from the Police.

A disgraceful fight between two well knownBowery rooghs took place on Unloo Hill. N. J., yelordly morning. The principles Mike Murphy anddim Collins are member of the Kelly Hatter, agang unfavorably known to the police. For somelime past a bitter feud has existed between the two,and It wm mnlnally agreed between them to eettlotheir dtffrreneee by t eouara tund-tip- knock-down, drag out fight. For this purposea tug was engaged upon w hich a select party embsrked at tbe foot or Fourteenth street oefore day-

light. On the war to the scene of thea lively time prevailed on bottrd the tug inconsequence of the Isrge amount of free liquor consomed, and at the plaeeof debareatlon several of thegang ware left on board too drunk to be takenashore. Muiphy waa Uken on boird t

lor at the ft ot or Fortieth street, and Colhna drovefrom Hoboken In a coach, meeting the party onI'nion Hilt. Four trees were ned as atakes, aroundwhich was extended a rope. In the cen-tre of the nng the principals promptlysppeared stripped for their fight. A relsree oral ithcied, atid at five minutea to seven time was called''lhe rule- - of the rin were entirely ignoredBoth men went for earh other tike bull dogsnotwithstanding the esrnest protestationB nf theref'ree. Before encaging in the second roond. thein n were warned to guaid against louts. But theyhad no sooner atood up to ihelr work whenanother nVrce atrugvle onsued. The con-flict lasted twenty three minutes, both menafter that lime exhibiting battered beads snd swol-len eyes The defence declared in favor of Mur-phy, on account of t foul blow dealt by Col-lins. As toon ts this decision waa de-

livered, the friends of both men closed in andsfter considerable difficulty aepuralrd themThe whole party then returned to this city on l oudthe tug, the poltroon neither wide of lhe river

to molest IhetB, A more brutal tUt.t hanot taken place in this vicinity for y...r

A clorifvman in Helvidere, V J., recentlv re--

fused to tnanv a c.'iiide because tin Ua o. II "sparked" for one wee!

spa hks rttu.n WU t: i ri. rt; r; i ph.Oeorgla ha rat fled the amendmentslhe K niurkv Colored Mrn'a Convention meots

tn rraiikjort on the iM matNOW Haven relur lo lend her cred I to tho Air

Line Itailroad.The Sunday performance! in St. I.ouil theatres

are to be sloppedThe rceetpio Ul toow of Ibe Hertford Fire Inur-000-

Comnanies were ,ti,iie9Svlvanua Prescott, a Wl 11 knowiotlllg of Lowt 11

was fnuud dosd in hla bed yeteriiay.Conttderohlt surprise is manifested In the Sena's

si the noa appointment oi a successor to Ju: lice ( tier.The MTOInllonort jisrly In MoiIcO if anybody

can tell which party that la is dally strengthening.In the Alabama House yeaterdav, g eoinuiittee re

ported that ths members could not aprl: correctly urwrite legibly.

Two men confined In the S nn.-- yK i Jail fort o..- were taken not snd hsuged by a mob or aovuutyfi ve men on Mouday night.

OOT. iOQtOr Of Tennessee, tins offered $rs forthe arrest of the lynchei s w ho banged 0 coloud menIn lluntiiigtou, ou Jsa 3.

A riOOjollOO has been introduced Into the MaineHouse, directlug an inquliy luto lhe cip. diuuey ofabolbhiiig cai list puuialinient.

The Dominion Oovernment has order d the BOBalruction ofs number of b ate to uke Ironoi into IblWiunipog aettleiueut on the opeuiug of spring.

John PhillitNi, of Soulli Haltiinore, lonnlttedsuicide yeaterday hv shooting hlmerlf beeause a credi-tor waa prosing him for a claim of sixty doliara.

Bourne Oleason, an old man we. known to theolder reside n la or Worcester, Mss. ho bud led I sorlof hruuil life, wss touud dead In his bed uu MonOuy

gh.John Oormsn, of Allentown, f P nn , sud entitneer

st the LelHtrh tolling Mill was caught in the bolllDgyeaterday and drawn over lhe shatt. Us waa crushedluto a sbapelesa mass.

In the Iron pipe rase between the Cily of Hsietnand J. W. A J, hiarr, of Camden, N J , tried in the1' 1,1 " ii ti Court lu Boston, the Jury, after 'Jfl huuisdebberatluu. returodd a verdict of I4t,uuu fiomooM forPis city.

Mr, mils 0. Smith whllt attempting to gel onboard a train in motion In I'asiaic yesterday, fell undeithe wheelB and ois lag was broken At the time hisfamily wers ia Patterson, attsodiog lbs fuuersl of bisbrother Utorg.



Tha llodlee Dlaravereal In the SiB4owsfaRock -- The Craws I'lrcllno Above lhe o n i n, 1. i. i oi the A'rhlea.The three lost children of Wvtr, the Wynorkm

hoop pole cutter, have at lat been found by acci-

dent. Mr. William RlhMtf was the nrlborhooelof Wynockie yeMterd ay morning w la a friend, andwill., walking along Un foot of a mnnntain aoraotwo miles distant irom the Wybla hn, saw o largonumber of crows flying an nnd a spot nar hr, betweeo which and themselves a huge rock roaoup ao aa to effectually conceal what was beyond It. The noise raised by the btrdowss ao great, and their peslst- nes so Mr. Ramsey and hi companion for-ward to see what had caused the hubbub Arrivedat tbe spot, thoy lalUa a ihOaM of dismay, for fherobe Tor e tht m lav lhe bodies ol tbe threochildren who nnd bet n searched for so long

The eldest, a boy ot ten years, lay on the ground 0few yards from the rock, his clothes BbOWIflff marksof the heavy rains and changing weather that bsvtprevailed since New Year's day, and his face andbanda badly torn by the Prow. V nder a shellof the rock and close against III surface wcrtIbe two yoonrer children Mr. Ramsey alonce hastened lor assistance, nd with the all ofaome of (he neighbor carried the bodlrs to thonesre-- t t n from which Ihey were to be eoo--

lo the hut on the mountain Tl.oaad ndirsrs were taken by tha neighbors lothe Wyhkrs, who received lhe n port, IIis aald, with a mlxturo of grief at t ismisfortune- made certa'n, end of joy at having olBuspiclon rWarad from them. This event Is netornlly the oo4y theme gsya) foi conver sstion thruugb-ou- t

lhe nelonborhoml. The Tuner d v.II tsl.o placWto dav snd will lie attended bv s gn ar crowd

The Pateraon Ovat titan, with Its usual enterpriae).had a report of the finding immediati-l- upon Its

ment. We are indebted to II fMJ some or onrpsrtieuUra.

the rwsr.HAL or c tsrrxov.Tbe fJreatror IrYoeeoelan Keer Wlmesoed Is)

llavaaa-TH- e rnaTttnallnn al Hr Valnaleero In staaxse Tbiraf for BsTood.

IUvans, Fr i The ftmerBl of Caatanontook plane at MM The proceeslcm whichroilowed the reavnins to the grave oernpi.-- twohour in passing agivea point, and is considered thoUrgOtl of the klad ever seen in this ritr Captain,(lencral De Hod armoancs in a publ.h order to-day that he eill take tbe children or the deeeuedournaliat under hi special prutcetion.C Al Matimxas laat night the volunteers, excited by

the Castanon affaf.r In theaquire in frontot the (lovrrnnr'i palace and called for Aeevedn andII- n ni ter, who taere imprisoned fur boring con-cealed aim in their bouses. The volunteers msdsloud threats and tired their mnkete lain the air.Tie Governor csrsje forward and delivered a g

speech, bwl firmly d to deitv r uplhe prisoners. Ttie volunteets lingered ia the oisxauntil morning, whea they d wlt iout doingfurther mischler

8BZBVBB or the stea MBB a Wil.e - i l

The llrilieh 43unbont Dirt Taliee Her oHnonno a .. n ... n .i m Amoislean Whlpo llverhoaled hv a -- eeaii.rrl.

Kauai, Jan. 90, via laATAVA, Feb. 8 ThaBritish gunt'Oal Dan red he altMhtr Annaanchored near Brry Inland, nn the gVHi In' . andbrought her to th i port, whtft an tneoellgoUoi waaheld. It was rbond thai her papers wore regular andthat ahe had no roe! on board, so iho wis released.

On the follaalna dv her con"izi.ees applied Mr aclearance far St. Thoina, but it wra reused TboAmerican Consul then demanded a clearance for thoDoited Swiii. and It was lOlO reliased. Yesterdays guard WWB rut on board the Annas and tlio Ameri-can flan was lowered.

The Sp.mi-.- war steamer Venaitto stoppoo aadsearched the cargo and oaper of the American vet-ac- i

Housy Perkins, hence for Harbor laand


The d- mi-- e of Mr Rlehtrd stout, a leather menrhstit.aced si yeara. was nnnoitmeil errr1ay Hadied al his rMldOOee, t llenrv ntrrel He traa memtwr ut tht Msdlaon avenm- R iptt church, whrure bisbody ts to be burled on Fridsr.

Moncnef. of the Superior Court of tintelse, disd ai hi rosldeoet on Tueadav, in Ike yearofbHais. The Court Odjoorwod v. trrdav and eulo-gm-

were amnoonerd- n hi.cbra-te- Thi tuneralare to ht held in the If. la. Chuich. Wjhiuitoosquare, tj morrow uiurning.

MI ,e list F. ,

Mr Wm F Dotf has been elected Clia.nnso Olthe Neaa-- Board of RtClM.

m Reekie, a German, of 34 Algea strict. Newgrk i died suddenly yeeteiday.A German nsmed Pratr.. who lost his leg hy an

aecident a'. out rhrhteen in .nt - oco on the Morris aadKssex Railroad, bas ret sived gJ.000 from tbo CompAOfK lith tGorman. who recently renounced ha

Koman Catholic faith, leet'ired m Newark la- -t ntgnt,up n -- Uonilih Piifstbooq " a. disturbance wa created,and several pera ins wve e arretted.

Sit borglort, named Kdsrd RofffO, John O'Neill,John Martin, w n, RtopMos, TbomM CMoy, ood Thoa.I'tiane were taken from tht Hudson rountv jail ve.terdav morning tn the wi ite Ptl-o- n at Trent m Rogers IIi lhe IWent I years' man h"e Btlemoted rotOOt bNew York IWttgM Wgl e, rested s few ytOrt Jta

BMOOKl vs. i

John k "'-- i lu-- hewn tMoloted JooRm Nthe armoiy in ths alltOtntl Ward Bl ISaltn Of $IJB$,

Ttie Sitnervlor bavr of c I John Lc f, Keep r Otthe Dead lloeee. ii.nou a ear.

Tbe rookeries mljoit.iiur the Court RoOM) fttorgan Income of $r;, t.w per annum to the OOOOty

The Coroners' fees have been redneeil from tl to10 each ce, which was the OaiglOtl aiuount.It t MOOO ltd bv the Sunrrvi-o- r to sell IPMJO t

t nmlred lott 0Wnt4 by the county iu the BBigaoorl odof the Pen cot i try.

Ororg! Jodsoo, riahlrr of the Rrooklvn Pivsl'ifl e, was srr. tied of lhe tharts of pockal-tni- :

the money which baa been code, led on unpaid leLteis.

The Hoard of F.ducatmn w ip a new building, andwill appoint a fomotiitle to cooler with s almiisr r ibitnittne of the supervisors, wnn the v tew orssHiiring asue.

The jury in the case of Fdw ml V in Gaash-c- k

acsl'ist the Lorn: Island Itailrosl Compooy wlucblflan action lo rocoeof tfln.fxty dnmaee for injur let

bvpls-ntir- si Ibe BrOM aerhlcnt last spiiog.will brlu In ase tied vetdiot this morning.

A number of tbe pervms who w ere arrested tlttlddlucs'B Hon ir aa oon, lludsou sv.m ae. near,where s cork Rghl was 00 rueodOV night,ortM fined Mf etoh b Justloi Vrolsh roaiornii (lid-dtmrs hlnoel l hav m be r admitted to hall aid o ifonylklog kopooM t io t e cocks wii ch n I been eontur"t he hold Mr Weigh rrpoti. b.i; tor ei .tylooniototi.1


TtlO Vurltno Polrrit ne last sven'n- - In ths restdem i ol Miss Myra OtrrtSOO, kg LtltOgvOn svennr.

The Iteomablp Kurle brought to this port lhe crwOf lhe I 't Oem rsl It si ifctll, which a a abttmloiied a4nen ou rtsrday

The H'nai jMhortll congregation met ist niTg tois torabbl androilocted inolncuuBooot iboHot Dr.Vioavsr,f..r lbs neai three yO0fli

Mr W L Ortnsbv iddrMaCd the LHtersl Clollnl evening ou the io rnuuent sad oducaiioo of calkdi en

Milk consumer ae enttti ne I agtlntl paving tuetjbills to bogus cole, tor A nnniocr of

lately swindled in ihi- - maniiei.Work Is to be curtailed or entirely uspended;oo

lhe Sow York Pott (irflc- si ihs tod "I lata monin foiwant oi an Bpproprattloo t Coogreta

The report or ginal'v pnb Ithetl la 'be . r tit ihsjlay looks A c i loat en,M b the d fihitim Wisliatu Gray, is untrue. Ja Cook, a C lost OOthlMJ

Pairolmati Rotttfl Miller, of apt Ctflr) 00tnmand,tuei.urinL'siv fett nine inch.-- and vene'iih'hais to h iransplanlod li om tiie Twst I et h ar I to tbtBfOMWiy police.

A petition agsmst tha Fi-- com-rel- pavem. ntwinch had neen BlgOtd by a) cillleM waa reporlod oiby Dr. Hair. a to tin Bu.od II u. . .i i cr Jay IIdoclar.-- the pOTIOItDt a nolsgOM.

At the BOO! log of the Board of Hoillh yeslenlir.Aasutsnt hand sry upei mien Morris forwarded a I 4cotaraet made for rl an.iu lhe stri-e- and asenuoaheniK over smr mllei for IM', which has been awanlJrd lo lr John I Mill. 73 &m-ut- ave.uue.

The BtOOmof BlOtlegO de Cuba, Peh I, at IfV M . cmiiK In contact with the teaiuatup on lurk for Phi's. Irlplua. The Hiunette auaiin S 0011 aix minutes. The crew Were al. isved with figesi epiiou of two tliemi'ii. lieome A sn 1 JoaMcCarthy. The KantiagO de Cuba Is letkiug badly. I

At'out onu hundred vatcranswho have been de.frau.iod of thrlr bouniiea by Col Hermann, hsvs ma ltaffidavits before Comnnsaiouer Beits thai ibslr naiuaowern fnrvod ou tne panaia on which tbe money was obtamed. They have issuu thla anion preparatory tollling applb-ation- fur the repayment ot th-- ir bounUMio the ( ouri of f, talnis.

Offl. er Hit t, of Carmansvllle, rime down town ttWood's Museum ttis other night w th a druukeo Mnikwhose prolans aud uliscena Isnuage anioyod tbs oolcupsnu nf the di ess rircln Mr proouied to nJout Ihu boor, nut the ornYar. showiug til atdcid, deogMr Wood, snd the boor wna not kleaed out I hs onwcer waa on trial yesterday before tbs i'uilrs i onomasiotisrs. Whs will ifiam ii li ai foi this utwtllesi II - comdutl-