사회혁신 개론(introduction to social innovation)

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Post on 09-May-2015




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사회혁신(social innovation)은 기존의 혁신과 어떤 면에서 차별이 있는가, 왜 사회혁신은 일어나고 있는가, 또한 사회혁신의 관점과 특성, 유형 등을 살펴보면서 "인간의 필요를 지속가능하게 해결하는 새로운 게임의 규칙과 시스템"을 만들어가는 사회혁신의 이해를 돕도록 준비되었다. 발표일시: 2013년 10월 4일 과정: 사회적기업 리더과정 4주차 주관: 중앙대 산업창업경영대학원, MYSC, 열매나눔재단 * 시리즈의 두번째 발표자료인 (Steps and Road-map of Social Innovation)은 다음 링크에서 확인할 수 있습니다. http://www.slideshare.net/Thesocialentrepreneurship/steps-and-roadmap-of-social-innovation


  • 1. Introduction to Social Innovation MYSC / Fellow, Dell Social Innovation Lab (2012), < ?>()

2. : , 2012 1: microwork World Bank finalist Recognized by NIA 3. 2: publishing Awarded by Dell Social Innovation Certified by UNESCO ESD Project Selected by Global Social Business Summit 4. 1. 2. 3 3. 4. 5. 6. - 5. 10 World-changing Social Innovation? : , Oxford University 6. 1. The Open University & distance learning 2. Fair Trade 3. Greenpeace & many ecological movements 4. Grameen & BRAC 5. Amnesty International & the growth of human rights 6. Oxfam & humanitarian relief 7. The Womens Institute & womens organization 8. Linux software 9. NHS Direct & & public health service 10. Participatory budgeting models : , Oxford University 10 World-changing Social Innovation? 7. 2. 3 1. Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them. () 8. BOP Open- course- ware 9. () : < > 10. 11. 12. 2. 3 Player Process Problem Status quo Business-as-usual As is 2. 3 13. Player Process Problem players Processe s Opportunity New equilibrium Business-as-unusual To be 14. ? Problem 15. Opportunity Sanergy (Sanitation + Energy) # # , , 16. Process () ? 17. (reCaptcha) # # 50 Processe s 18. ? Player 19. Discovering Hands (disabled) (ability) players 20. Process Player 21. players Processe s Mine Kafon # # Rat Mining # NGO # 22. , , ? Problem Process 23. Women are Heros # # Processe s Opportunity 24. Player Process Problem 25. Processe s Opportunity players Community Cooker # # , , 26. 3. Recombinant Innovation Frugal Innovation (Minnovation) Indigenous Innovation Emergent Innovation Reverse Innovation Shanzhai Innovation 3. 27. Recombinant Innovation (Scuba rice) 28. Recombinant Innovation Frugal Innovation (Minnovation) (Scuba rice)1 (A Liter of Light) 29. Recombinant Innovation Emergent Innovation (Scuba rice)(Colalife) 30. Recombinant Innovation Indigenous Innovation (Scuba rice)(By Mom) 31. Recombinant Innovation (Scuba rice) (electrocardiogram) Reverse Innovation 32. Recombinant Innovation (Scuba rice) (Multi SIM cards)) Shanzhai() Innovation , 33. Shanzhai() Innovation ? Class discussion 34. : 35. 4. Hybrid Integration Convergence 36. Hybrid ) , 37. Hybrid Convergence ) 38. Hybrid Integration ) (Right-based approach), (human development) (MDG) & (SDG) 39. 5. Design thinking Biomimicry Inclusive Business ( ) Gamification Storytelling Big Data 30 500 - , 7 ( ) Puzzle Game Foldit HIV/AIDS 15 10 25 Am I not a man and a brother? EastGate , - , Keep the Change 500 40. : 41. 6. Scale-up ? Marketing ? Education ? 42. Presentation player Process Opportunity 3 ( 5 ) 43. Recombinant Innovation Frugal Innovation (Minnovation) Indigenous Innovation Emergent Innovation Reverse Innovation Shanzhai Innovation Report ([email protected], 10 10() 9) 44. : &