it’s time for some reflection – you will turn this in… 1. thoughts on the first exam (avg. on...

It’s time for some reflection – you will turn this in… 1. Thoughts on the first exam (avg. on MC – 19): Was it what you expected? Why or why not? Thoughts on the topics of the questions (MC and FRQ) How do you think you did? Why? 2. What adjustments will you make to improve your performance? Think about: Reading strategies Study strategies In-class participation Out of class help

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Post on 15-Dec-2015




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It’s time for some reflection – you will turn this in…

1. Thoughts on the first exam (avg. on MC – 19): Was it what you expected? Why or why not? Thoughts on the topics of the questions (MC and FRQ) How do you think you did? Why?

2. What adjustments will you make to improve your performance? Think about: Reading strategies Study strategies In-class participation Out of class help

The immediate issue in dispute in Bacon’s Rebellion wasA. the jailing of individuals or seizure of their

property for failure to pay taxes during a time of economic hardship

B. the under-representation of the backcountry in Virginia’s legislature

C. the refusal of large planters to honor the terms of their contracts with former indentured servants

D. the perceived failure of Virginia’s governor to protect the colony’s frontier area from the depredations of raiding Indians

E. the colonial governor’s manipulation of tobacco prices for the benefit of himself and small clique of his friends

The Puritans who settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony wanted their settlement to be primarilyA. a place where they could get away from

persecutionB. an example to the rest of the worldC. a place where they would have the

opportunity to prosper free from government regulation

D. a society that practiced complete separation of church and state

E. a pluralistic society in which all would be free to practice and teach their beliefs

Which of the following is NOT true of the English colonial families in mid-eighteenth century America?A. Physical punishment was the normal method

of enforcing unquestioned obedience from children.

B. Women lost virtually all of their legal rights as individuals once they married.

C. Most families bore children who lived long enough to bear children of their own.

D. Women, while subservient to their husbands, set the moral standards by which children were raised and decided how the children would be educated and trained.

E. More than 90 percent of families lived in rural areas at about this time.

The famous cartoon of 1754 by Benjamin Franklin offered a warning to the 13 colonies if they did which of the following?A. refused to enter the

Seven Years’ WarB. continued to follow

the British policy of mercantilism

C. did not protest the Stamp Act

D. continued trading with French Canada

E. rejected the Albany Plan

Analyze the ways in which British imperial policies between 1763 and 1776 intensified the colonists’ resistance to British rule and their commitment to republican values.

In other words…

“British imperial policies between 1763 and 1776 greatly intensified the colonists’ resistance to British rule and [made them] lean greatly toward republican values because of the Navigation Act, Declaratory Act, and the Stamp Act.”

“British imperial policies between 1763 and 1776 greatly intensified the colonists’ resistance to British rule and [made them] lean greatly toward republican values because of the Navigation Act, Declaratory Act, and the Stamp Act.”

“The English who sailed to America may not have come with the intention of forming an independent nation, but the imperial policies of the British, their Acts, and this idea that they, as supreme, can tell America what to do, intensified the colonists’ resistance to British rule.”

“The English who sailed to America may not have come with the intention of forming an independent nation, but the imperial policies of the British, their Acts, and this idea that they, as supreme, can tell America what to do, intensified the colonists’ resistance to British rule.”

“From 1763 to 1776 the British implemented a series of policies which caused the colonists to resent and resist British rule. The British established their political dominance and rule, they enforced policies that would profit British mercantilism, as well as implemented many new taxes, all of which intensified the colonists’ resistance to British rule and their commitment to republican values.”

“From 1763 to 1776 the British implemented a series of policies which caused the colonists to resent and resist British rule. The British established their political dominance and rule, they enforced policies that would profit British mercantilism, as well as implemented many new taxes, all of which intensified the colonists’ resistance to British rule and their commitment to republican values.”

“The British government put taxes on tea. Tea was the main drink for the colonists, and even though they lowered the price to hide the tax on tea, the colonists didn’t like it. That is when the Boston Tea party happened. The colonists boycotted the tea and pushed it off the boats into the ocean.”

“The British government put taxes on tea. Tea was the main drink for the colonists, and even though they lowered the price to hide the tax on tea, the colonists didn’t like it. That is when the Boston Tea party happened. The colonists boycotted the tea and pushed it off the boats into the ocean.”

“The British imperial policies intensified the colonists’ resistance to British rule and their commitment to republican values by giving the colonists taxation without representation. This was one of the main things that upset the colonists. They felt that they should get a say in what taxes, laws, etc. were placed on them. They felt that it was among their rights to be given representation. This really made being a republican look good because they would then get to vote for someone to represent their wants.”

“The British imperial policies intensified the colonists’ resistance to British rule and their commitment to republican values by giving the colonists taxation without representation. This was one of the main things that upset the colonists. They felt that they should get a say in what taxes, laws, etc. were placed on them. They felt that it was among their rights to be given representation. This really made being a republican look good because they would then get to vote for someone to represent their wants.”

“After the French and Indian War, Britain had come out on top, and so did their amount of debt. [With]the hundred of millions of pounds they owed, they needed a way to gain back revenue. Taxes were a simple fix, and thus came the many Acts that would soon reach the colonies. First came the Sugar Act, which among other things, taxes sugar. Soon to follow would be both the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts. These acts placed taxes on paper items, documents, glass, white lead, and more – basically most goods the colonists were to use in daily life. This created an uproar among the colonists who believed these taxes were unfair. They believed that since the colonists weren’t represented in Parliament that it wasn’t right that they would have no say in the acts that would be passed. Enter the famous phrase “no taxation without representation”. The goal from Britain’s perspective wasn’t to be mean, but was just trying to gain revenue from the colonists, who were in face in need of their defense. Instead, the installment of these taxes would later lead to the Boston Team Party and the boycotting of British goods, which was a very effective method of getting their point across. Many more factors would contribute to the colonists’ resistance and movement toward independence but taxes played a key role in igniting the flame.”

“After the French and Indian War, Britain had come out on top, and so did their amount of debt. [With]the hundred of millions of pounds they owed, they needed a way to gain back revenue. Taxes were a simple fix, and thus came the many Acts that would soon reach the colonies. First came the Sugar Act, which among other things, taxes sugar. Soon to follow would be both the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts. These acts placed taxes on paper items, documents, glass, white lead, and more – basically most goods the colonists were to use in daily life. This created an uproar among the colonists who believed these taxes were unfair. They believed that since the colonists weren’t represented in Parliament that it wasn’t right that they would have no say in the acts that would be passed. Enter the famous phrase “no taxation without representation”. The goal from Britain’s perspective wasn’t to be mean, but was just trying to gain revenue from the colonists, who were in face in need of their defense. Instead, the installment of these taxes would later lead to the Boston Team Party and the boycotting of British goods, which was a very effective method of getting their point across. Many more factors would contribute to the colonists’ resistance and movement toward independence but taxes played a key role in igniting the flame.”

Finish Supplemental Summary Presentations

Review Unit 2 outlineChanges for B1 and B2

Provide the title/author of biography project book on sign-up that’s going around.

B1 B2 B4



Hannah McD.

Was the Articles of Confederation a good governing document?


Attitude Model of liberty and

equality Civic Virtue

Politics Expanded suffrage New state constitutions Protection of individual

rights Social Equality

Slavery Role of Women

republican motherhood

Written by 2nd Continental Congress (1777) and approved by states (1781)

Created a “firm league of friendship” confederation: most decision-making takes

place at the state level; the national government is very weak


To convince states to ratify Articles, had promised to use disputed land for “common benefit” Land Ordinance (1785) – plan to

organize Northwest Territory Divide and sell to pay war debts Some income used to support

public education Northwest Ordinance (1787) –

plan to admit new states from Northwest Territory Temporarily governed by federal

appointees 5000 free males = create an

assembly 60,000 inhabitants = apply for

statehood No slavery; admitted on same level

as original state

Economic Problems Flooded by cheap European

goods European trade restrictions Lots of war debt States not contributing

money Worthless paper money

Functioning as a Nation Lack of unity Boundary disputes Trade disputes

Shays Rebellion (1787) Farmers in tremendous debt;

farm foreclosures Demanded flexible money

policy Armed conflict between

protestors and state militia

What are Americans afraid of?

Who (group of people) seems to be most fearful of the current situation?

Why would a new government be a possible solution to these problems?

What type of government do you think the critics wants?

The assumption underlying both the weaknesses of the Confederation government and opposition to a stronger government was that

A.only the gentry could govern wellB.only the common folk could govern wellC.state merchants were worried about

federal taxesD.only elected officials could be trusted

with powerE.any concentration of power was


The Articles government’s greatest achievement was its

A.success against the British and Spanish in the West

B.a successful division of of the postwar prosperityD.establishment of sound public financeE. legislation of a system for orderly

settlement of the West

What are some things that Ms. Mueller can do to help you be more successful?