karl marx wrote “communist manifesto” (1848) marxist = communist what is the root word of...

Karl Marx wrote “Communist Manifesto” (1848) Marxist = Communist What is the root word of Communism? Does that sound bad? Goal was to make everyone an equal class IMAGINE by John Lennon

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Karl Marx wrote “Communist Manifesto” (1848)

Marxist = Communist What is the root word of

Communism?Does that sound bad?

Goal was to make everyone an equal classIMAGINE by John Lennon

Religion is considered a “social evil” Ironically North Korea

does allow some Christianity, and after much persecution, China has allowed some religion

No individual ownership All possession were taken

and divided up by the state

Your home belongs to the state, your body belongs to the state

Attempted to remove class system No rich, no poor – only middle

class The reality is there is a lot more

poverty and now the classes are based on statue and occupation instead of money

Only works if everyone supports it That will never be the case,

Propaganda – Advertisements of national pride

Censorship - Government control of media and travel

Fear – Secret police, Concentration (Gulags) camp, death

1914-1918 WWI (Great Depression)1917-1918

Bolshevik Revolution

Bolshevik = Communist Russia = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) 1917 - 1991

Bolshevik PropagandaOctober 25, 1917“RED OCTOBER”

Vladimir Lenin – first communist leader of Soviet Russia – called the “Boss”

Joseph Stalin – second leader Responsible for killing 6 million Russians Placed Russian war heroes in Gulags – (Siberian concentration camps)

WWII was between: Allied Powers – Great

Britain, U.S., and U.S.S.R.

Axis Powers – (Nazi) Germany, Italy, and Japan

After the war USSR gains control of eastern Europe and the countries East Germany and West Germany were born

Winston Churchill



Ironically we are better friends with the Axis Powers than the Allied Powers today

Battle of the Super Powers - Wealthiest and most powerful U.S.S.R and U.S.A. fear of have WWIII

(Nuclear World War) Arms Race - build up of weapons

USSR spies stole nuclear plans Containment – fight where

communism spreads (Korean War/Vietnam War)

Space Race USSR October 1957 launch Sputnik

and 1961 first man in space USA first on the moon 1969

Olympics Gold Medal count Miracle on Ice

1991 Communism Falls

Yuri Gagarin April 1961

First man in space

First in Space October 4, 1957

Launching of SPUTNIK

1950 Communism moved into Korea US fought from

1950-1953 Cease fight agreed Demilitarized Zone

(DMZ) was established at the 38th Parallel (38⁰ Latitude) creating North and South Korea With no people, wildlife in

the DMZ has thrived

The Kim Jong’s




His dead body

is also on display if you’d like to see it

People fled west to prevent becoming apart of the Communist Bloc

To stop this emigration a barrier had to be created

Built 1961 and was torn down in 1989

The next decade the East would be an economic burden to the West



Celebration of East Berlin Wall being torn down

Nov. 9, 1989




There are 5 countries that are still Communist today

1.China2.North Korea3.Cuba4.Laos5.Vietnam

Will Russia return to Communism?