management structure roles & responsibilities rules agm elections/appointments i.a.w.p...

Management Structure Roles & Responsibilities Rules AGM Elections/Appointments I.A.W.P Governance

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Post on 16-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Management Structure  Roles & Responsibilities  Rules  AGM  Elections/Appointments I.A.W.P Governance

Management Structure Roles & Responsibilities Rules AGM Elections/Appointments

I.A.W.P Governance

Page 2: Management Structure  Roles & Responsibilities  Rules  AGM  Elections/Appointments I.A.W.P Governance

President Vice Presidents 1,2,3, Executive Director (Appointed) Treasurer Recording Secretary Sergeant at Arms Historian Chaplain Regional Coordinators

Management Structure

Page 3: Management Structure  Roles & Responsibilities  Rules  AGM  Elections/Appointments I.A.W.P Governance
Page 4: Management Structure  Roles & Responsibilities  Rules  AGM  Elections/Appointments I.A.W.P Governance

Editor (appointed) Webmaster

(Outsourced) Business manager

(Paid) Committee Chairs

(appointed) Chair of Board of


Management Structure

Page 5: Management Structure  Roles & Responsibilities  Rules  AGM  Elections/Appointments I.A.W.P Governance

Management Structure

Page 6: Management Structure  Roles & Responsibilities  Rules  AGM  Elections/Appointments I.A.W.P Governance

Subject to the directions of the members of the I.A.W.P. at their annual general meeting, the business and property of the Association shall be managed and controlled by the Board of Directors who ensure the implementation of the general policy of the I.A.W.P.

Specific responsibilities are listed within the constitution for each position.

Roles & Responsibilities

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Page 8: Management Structure  Roles & Responsibilities  Rules  AGM  Elections/Appointments I.A.W.P Governance

The Board of Trustees is entrusted with safeguarding the purposes and objectives of the I.A.W.P. The Board of Trustees serve as an advisory body to the Board of Directors. The Board of Trustees consider and advise on matters of policy, procedures, finance, and other matters relating to the Association.

Roles & Responsibilities

Page 9: Management Structure  Roles & Responsibilities  Rules  AGM  Elections/Appointments I.A.W.P Governance

Articles of Incorporation Constitution Standing Rules Standing Orders Policies and Procedures


Page 10: Management Structure  Roles & Responsibilities  Rules  AGM  Elections/Appointments I.A.W.P Governance

Report to the I.A.W.P general membership: Officer reports Financial reports Changes to constitution Motions from the floor Conference bids Members’ opportunity to influence future


Page 11: Management Structure  Roles & Responsibilities  Rules  AGM  Elections/Appointments I.A.W.P Governance

Board of Directors 3 year term – elected or appointed.

Elected Positions (not Regional Coordinators) – tri-annual elections, all current members whose entitled to vote.

Regional Coordinators – Tri-annual elections only members within region can vote for their own coordinator.

Non elected – appointed by President Committee Chairs – appoint own committee
