
MONDAY, NI'lw " TmilTY-SIXT- H YEAR. YOHIC, AUGUST 2:?, 1869. HUCE WOTO SING SING CAMP MEETING. 3t1a110v .taxi:1 orixiox or tuk CITY Oh' .V.'H' TOltK, I Tollrpmrn Proving like Christian rum-- A Fine Tlrlil for 'MI. hlcrr-Tl- ic Tlrk. pocket Nnnirnllr Following Ihp Poller llnnlrl Dress-T- hr ollirr Celebrities At J- truiliiis I lie Chhip .Meeting. ( of The Sun. i 8iko SSno, Au,r. 22. Despite the lowcrlng i clouds, tie attiiidauce nt tho Camp Meeting iwa unusually large, there being it tbout .soon lio lex than live thousand person ion the ground. Tlili throng wa mainly .composed of clerk nnJ apprentice In llielr Sun-Ida- clothe, with llielr "girl" or sweetheart. I The steamers on the mer wero crowded wlthpcr-- , ion of tin" rlan", and the came lip to Hie, ground ' In the grcnt,1ntig, double scalid couches of the place, which vi decked with ll.ic and green Uatc. In ftcl, fli anJ green leaves arc the prcol!ln(t deco- - .ration iifHIng Sing ot present; and h) the wayside !iare publicans, who retail Ice cream, peaches, pics," Ac , for a consideration. THE LOVE I'EtST. f , At about o'clock thin (Sunday! morning the dy ;w opciiid by a lovo feast, which I peculiarly Methodist, and lis 110 reference to eating food, as 4h Ignorant inljlit suppose At this loto least If. kof the elect. orne of them lemalcs, related their ex- .r1cncrclrc., Dmlng tbclrcihortatlnn there w mn unusual numheilof M amen, "pralso be to uod, tftc, these cne coming rficn from elderly women, , 'who roekrd themsihcs loan fro In their enthusiasm. brother Ferris, Trending Elder of this l)ltrlct, had "die eh.ilr, and among the best speakers were Broth-.r- s Thomas, (lall.igher, Ebcnczcr Urown, Egbert lUnchort, and oilier. A tuK stnxox j A.- - fWn delivered by the dlstlngulshel Illsl-o- Jane, W nivbo for one hour and a half held the attention 11 the I congregation, his themo being the Impending terror , of the law. Ills words were so vlvll that the cmo- - I JHont of many vtcre aroused beyond their control ' lllshop Janes asked where were Bodoni and Clomor rihl and then sppllcd the question to l'arls and .tew York. lie called upon the religious present to ' ' 0 out Into the world, erd tell It of Us tola! wicked- - yjtss, and tho daiknesa In which It Mas wrapped, lie said that they knew not tan Impending ven- geance of the Lord, for their Sabbath, flaying cards, and other sluful employments. 1 s the at woiik. I F On the outskirts of tho congregation was a Oer Brian Presbyterian womao, who becamo engaged In i a colloquial dispute with a Methodist man, but It Uld not atlract much attention, Till! SrRVlCE. 'At 1 o'clock Ihcre was a hrge prayrr meeting In front of the grand stand. Brother Applegate of the (John street M. II. Church, spoke effectively, lie Is t thin man. of the American build, and a r'ally able I lwrson. Among the speakers wero the Hev. C. K. I IPulney. pastor of the Jane street Methodist Eptsto ) jaal Church, and the lit. v. Mr. Osborne. The singing IT lmnrr-iv- e. At 2X In the afterioon, Dr Brlstow, a Kentucky local preacher nnd missionary, and one of the re- ligious cclibrtlc of the West, delivered a Uno serimL. lu theevtnln;. tho Itcv. Mr. Hanford .preaebed. On rlaturday, nrother Meredith of New York, a joung and able man, and the Hev. Mr. Urown, were I tho preachcin. rOLlCI STATION. displays the inn of the two Amorlcan Hags. This is before the door lonnge the arc Methodists. Kvery evening meeting of their own, and the occasions generally are Brothers Perrltt, Sleph-- n Johns IT1H twelve men on duty here, Osborne, of the Twelfth " ncKrocKHj. They have a nice, easy lime fere on the gronud three or font auJ of course the police were If they were men, one of the officer told us. he could "spot" them Immediately, or the male sex of rogues liava a certain style abont them which Is Immediately leeogiiUahle ; but with the women it Is dlfTerent. The ftmale professional .pickpocket looks more like 11 genteel rcboolmirm than anylhlnj; ele. rievt ral persons, during the n this formoon at the 1 o'clock pi a) rr meeting, were rellivrd of ll.tlr moniy, which varied from ten to two hundred dollar. There Is a rumor that n certain lent Is exclusively under lb' Ir control ; but If this ! true, wo do not sec why t'icy could not he discovered. These pickpocket arc the ouly rtally 'dangerous claa present, the "Miliums" (belnc offensive but harmless. The majority of these last named fellows are ILvdiily dressed and oaslly Tecojnlaed. The most of Ihein come up here to i"ree th fun." and some way or other manage to get idrunk In tune In go home on boat aud sing anau.llln ns. How ever, if one of them makestLc least disturbance on the giouud a pollc-mai- i tskca lira by the neck in the same wu I hat he would a cat, and (srorting him to tho entrance, rather ty boost him outside. uETTixa coxveiiTtn. I Tho procet .f gotllnj couvcitcl is somewhat In- teresting. Tin re more work accomplished in the evening than at any other time. The tree jloomlu In the darkness, the stir dimly Iffhlnlug abou', and Hie weird blue Hit its f( the ulclum apparatus, cotul.lnrd With the fiery Abrcatinlng tone of the preachers, woik upou p.ople an eiuollunal or imaginative teinpenmeiit to a degree. Tho excitement Is carried to such a that one almost tec hell lawulng before blm, with his heart buratlng, and tear 111 his ryea, lie the din of groaua aud "amn," which could be more cll'ectlve or serious were tho day of arrived. It at a time like this when nil the converts arc made. Tlieybillevc the that ibis I their "last chanie," and his to them of the uncertainty of and botlomli- abyss, about which their dotitip assume a reality. MSTl.NGl'ISUEU rtOI'LIC HIBE. Daniel Drew, the greatest Methodist In the and one of the bulls or bear of Wall street, Icf j t ill bo up here Monday with hi family, lleliu i wooden tent, furnished tlrgantly, and hll ho- - when here I very famous, Bishop Janes know is here, as well a Robert CUlycr, the Hev. Newman, Chaplain of the United Statu Senate; Rev. Mr. Hedatroni, of the Hwcdtsh Bethel ; tl.o l!ev. Mr, TaruforJ, of New York, &c. trasteea for this year are i President, John Me Sterhea A. Mirrltt i William Trouslow ; Treasurer, Joel raniinls ; Charles II. Applegate, Daniel Huberts, l)run, Laban ,SI lev, Kybcrt ltlnehart, Tuvlor, Stephen A. Mcrrltt, Jr., A. Brum- - William Ilycr, John Falconer, and Thomas aiiy rir.v. In ltocbrmrr. The old Itochester House wn burned tills by Luther tiordnii A Co. by Whiting & Doty, sash million feet of pine lumber In deslruved. The lus to with an Imnraneoof fA.lssi ; MU), Insured for fi.'Mi. ij.ox.ii:s of the building, lost by I'lrr. bleaching eslhlishment at on buturday. Loss, (JS.OOU tannery In Utlea wn Injured to the cxteut of O,0wJ. furnace dsmaged the works lobouih extent of 00. At No. IBS and 1C6 Chrvstle street, on Baturday, Jamea M.ay toil Ptrtek Hoy le IW'JO, Mr. II.1W, ud Jllchel Cox 11,000. Ioist evening at Orchard street, originating on the seeoml Boor, oicuplel by Aorahani Mark. usl by explo.l..n of kerweae lamp, JJauiage, 1,000 U-- . sdroo lor l. I; ot;r .v t'.t,rK.v.t. The (Irnvryniil of hprrulntlmit and the Abiding Plncr or Toll - i:lfnordlnnry lVnlllly ofthp Moll- - A Twent) 'rhosmnml Acre I'nrni-- A Prlvnle I'nrk or Ouo Thou- - nnd Acres. Correspondence ot Tho Sun. Cnioo, Cal., Ausf. 10. I liava just arrived" In this place from Willamette, Oregon, a'ter a weary ride In a e state over a country lately full of promlso and rich with hope of happiness, the site of Innumerable airy castle of gorgeous hue and rich material, but now desolate beyond description. On every side stretch decated fields and charred forests, deserted ranches and villages, settlements ruined, farm exhausted, building depreciated, anil mining district without miner. Machinery rust- ing, and place rapidly beeooilnj covered with a rank vegetation, alone mark the spot where lie burled the fund expectation of despairing thou-san- liven the Chlniman, who can loll from morning to night, and live on almost nothing, ha left the water-whee- for the ditch I dry, and not a scanty mouthful can he wring from tho corpse of whit was once a fruitful oll. A disheartened r or two Is met here and there, standing sadly In his decajln? hut, awaiting some freak of capricious fortune which my enable htm to depart from out the shadow of the curo which ha fallen on Ills IITc. Disheartened and careworn, half starved, and In tatter, they remain like Jackal aronnd a grave- yard, hannting the scene of their misery, too Indo- lent to mske an effort to break their fetters, too de- spairing tn take another look Into the fuinic. One brick building was pointed out tn mo at Hoaita, which cost tSfl.OOt) to erect, and which had been ola for CiW. Another at Yrck sold for 1 1,000 that cost twenty live time the amount. ri.ou nitATn to Li ib. Whtt a delightful change to strike the fertile val- ley of the Sacramento after all this dcaolutlon. litre the fruit tree bear volunteer crop. Here every- thing grows spontaneously, or wllh little rare, drapes may be had at two cents a pound, and apple. Kur, and (caches at tl ree cents. " What splendid spnle you base," once remarked an English tourist, when seringa fl(ly.ound water-melu- tn the valley for tae first time. "Apple bo dd I" answered the California larmer; "these are onlj California huckleberries." They hasa even taken to raising tobacco and tho inul berry tree, and the silkworm will follow In a nhort time. All Is needed I fjcturle tn turn tu ac- count the wool of the thousands of sheep, and fur- nish the Inhabitant with cheap clothe ol their on in tniiiarture. These, too, will doubtless be added before long, and the new Paradise will be com- plete. AGRICULTURE! VS. (lOMI DIQMNO. The reason or this contrast He In tho fact that In the one phco Ihe pioneer wildly In ex. travagant searching tor gold which never existed; In llv other they set qnUtly to work and dug from Ihe soil the riclies which may be funnel in any place. Thise were slow tut sure: thoe let their vaulting ambition o'rrlcap Itself. Like thousand ot others who did not come so far trom home to cast their foituucon the haxsrd oftha di they not only be- came ruined theinselve, but blighted all and every- thing within their reach, wi.lle their more sensible brethren rested content with the gn.nH the god, and without any nnusnil etTort found them- selves after a while master ol the wealth lor wh'eh the other hd rlsxed and lost no much. As an in- stance In (Mint I may mention Urn. Ilidnell, A TWRKTT TIIOrSSHD ACKB TAHH. In 1MI ho Invested $10 In a Mexican stamp, and Is toduytho owner of a rich and prodnctivo farm of M.fXO acre. A far a t to keenest eye can see from the rl.aeramento to the Sierra nrkc-t- miles by three and a half of tho finest land in the worlti cults him master; and this after presenting 8.0UU acre to hla nalghbor for the sake of company. LUZl'RT IN TDK WlLDIUNtS. Ipaldllie General a lslt, and was received with rlneely hospitality at Id paliro of :t residence, very luxury, every reflnemint Imaginable pan ready and cuDStunt eoort to the favored pioneer ol n quarter of a century ago. Alter a luxurious break last that would nuke the mouth ol n resldtut of l'lfth avenue water with longing, the Oeneral or tiered his carriage, and wo started oil on a tour through the estate. livino iiorsm. We first visited a "patch" of a park, eight thou-h- acres In extent, two tbousanil of w bleu are cov- ered w 1th oak treca. I saw a million of fir trees trom six to twelvo feet in diameter. Home were larse enough. If sawed Into boerd. to build a second Ho ton COlticnni from. The Orncral' carrlano could easily have bein driven through a tunnel made through their trunk. ONE THOUHAXD ACHES Or WHEAT. Emerging from the park, we came upon Tint wheat field, one thonsand acre In extent. Just think of It, yc old fogies or " ten acre enough" and five acre loo much." One thouand acre of gold-en- , waving wheat, thlrty-flr- bnshels lo the acre, a perfect sea of embryo bread, enough to feed a small town. All Ihe work I done by machinery, and I waa astonished to see 1. 1 what a won. If mil degree of n these wood and Iron automaton had been brought. Here were header, and wagon loaded, filled In three minute by the watch three men cnttlnr their twenty acre a day. Under the trees, tl ere wa the engine, threshing out the grain two bushela a minute I Here I saw with my own e)e thrco benders, forty-eigh- t horse, tweniy-fou- r men. one boy and a Un- bone power enilne cut, gather, thresh, and bag twelve hundred bushels of wheat in eleven hour, ma aiocx or a califoxia rami. The General estimates the yield of wheat on bis farm thl year at 40,00-- bushels, and of barley at 13.aU bushels. He ha laVXJ head or cattle, nuo head ol horse, 100 milch cows, and 1,500 hog. limes are dull, and grain Is low, aud these fluures are far below his usual productions llo grinds 2u0 barrel of wheat per day In the Chleo mills. All that is ncided Is an outlet, to make thl part of the Union the greatest country In the world. A SHALL ITEM Or rill'IT. We next went through the orchard at a trot, These consist of 100 acre of peach, pear, npple, plum, nectarine, apricot, Og, almond and pumecian-at- e lice, all bowed down with tLrir load of rip nlng fruit lo vuch an cnormosi extent that upple and peaches only bring 3 cent a pound, 111 gruperlc will yield lUl.toi pounds of grape tins season, nnd at 2 cent a siuud will be worth t' After this we need no longer laugh at the Crockett stories rt puttlug the ear do n In h thousand acre twtato tl- hi, lu hear the big potatoes tell tho little potatoes to He still and slop crowding, and tho slory about n rac horse chasing a pumpkin vine hall a mile. Murder In linltlmnri. Haltimoke, Aug. 22, A ilillicully occurred this afternoon at a restaurant In the suburb of this city, brtwceu a party o men, in which Lewi Melteu wa badly beaten by John Chamber. Heilie left the place and subsequently returned with hi brotbir Augut and a friend when the pally assaulted Cham-her- . Lewie Meltee atiuck Chamber wllh a ttone weighing ten pound, crushing out In brain, und causli g mitant death, All the par Hi a were arret tut. - 1'nllticnl Oosslp. Gov. llairlinan of New Hampshire lias ac- cepted an Invitation to take part in tho Ohio cam- paign. Win. 1). Man, of Mobile, the Democratic agger, cut. It to said, til, t JO to secure hi election to Congress, but In rain. The Hon. Horvey Jewell, Speaker of the Mas- sachusetts Legislature, will make on effort to carry the ltepubllc-i- n cancu In opposition to Guv, Clallln. Ibe Louisville Courier-Journ- say that " ten or twenty time a much opposition Is made to Chinese immigration by the ltadlcal a by the Democratic party." I'arson Jlrownlow warm tho Administration not to pon'sh the Renter men of Teunessee, and says that Andrew Johnson will not be elected Hcnalor. Henry Iteynold, seeing that the Ohio Demo- crat are around nominating the class of meu who alway bitterly opposed them, and fearing his turn would como next, wrote that on no account would he lie prevailed upon to accept. Tlic Nashville Jitnntr, always tho friend of Andrew Johnson, oppose III Henatotlat promotion, cud say Ihe name Is now u;gestivo of agitation, turmoil, and excitement. What the Baniur wants I peace. Oon. Longstrect, tho new Hurveyor of tho port of New Orleans, has appointed several colored men to position In In department. The llrpubli-cau- a are delighted, and tho Democrat eannoi com-pl- a n uo w that the) arc voting lor negroes and b( gglng lUur vote. Under the head " I'rogrv of Military Usurpa- tion," the Philadelphia A'j, the Demos. ratlc organ of the State of Pennsylvania, scores severely the policy ol Oor lloflumn In threatening martial law along the line of the Alhan) and busquehanna Itaitroad, und In declaring that lie would seize hold of aud run tho road unless order wa restored. A German deform organization in Cincinnati have adopted resolution that they will not support any candlilate fur the legislature who will not re- duce Ihe lary of local cuuul) officer to tlo.UX) a year, and no candidate for these office who will nut pledge himself to give of his fee Cur chai (table purpose. The Democratic press is already at loggerhead on the subject of Chinese iminlgrklion. Tlig World, some lime since, cam out In an article claiming that the Democratic pre favorod it. But icxrccly u Ihe Ink dry on the article before the Albany Argiu. denied It. Bince then the Cincinnati Enqulrtr en- dorsed the position of the Jrgut. The Chlcsgo JBaut side with iht Werlit la Ux custciu UFU IN TUB MTKOPOLIS. D.i.iiivs jivni: .t.v iiir.nt: nv Tin: svs's JtuyoiiTiiiiH, The HnndsiT Lnger llrer In rn The Proerlon of New Ynt-krri- Alhlrst-1'.srnpl- ng tbo Moshp of the lix-el- l.nsv. The crowd that oneo a week throng the ferry- boat to Itobnkrn wrro yealerday multitudinous computation. Beginning early in the morning, thousand on thousind of released New Yorker poured over the river until as late a 3 Ir. tho alter-noo- wcndluz their respective ways to llud'on City, theKlislan l'ietds, West Hobokcn, and the various saloons and garden In lloboken Itself They were as numerous as the sand on tho sea shore. Olto Cottage tl.irdrn.was so well patronised a to very nearly resemble a bedlam In heat an t wild confu- sion and despair. We do not undertake to compnto the lager beer that was disposed of, nor the Rehweltxer kltse. As many pretsels were swal- lowed as would rtqniro . hundred takr to miiuractnro In a week. A ponderou Teuton, w ho spent hi alteruoou In the garden, after rutting nut of sight an rstonlshtng amount of the liquid, otlered In make a bet "mlt any man who fell so a If be wunld feel verv vergnllgct tn boiUprtfel of hi money dat he vonht trlnk inoro as he," which wauer wm Immediately taken up by another lenton, who sal at a tabln behind him A we lo.t tho place the term of the bet were being arranged. Mix keg of beer wei to be tapped foi Instant use, an 1 a It was Impossible that cither should get drunk, tt was te solved that th one who first gave In, or lell desd, should pay nil the expense, We have not heard how thl frightful aflalr turned ont. The eunfu'lon sva so great that In every direction waiter were looking In despair for the table at which their or- der had been riven, nnd Ihe table were looking In vnln for the waller O' the waiter a large extra nnmherarc hired for Mondays alone. Ity ten In th" evening they are drunk a fiddler, the bar- tender are diunk, the drinker are drunk, the po- licemen ate drunk, Ihe tree are drunk, the table are drunk, and theie a general dninkrniira every- where Thl w is HundBV In lloboken. The riknnilrrbtll Freight IVsr, The maxim that competition is tho lifoof trade, I by no mean Invariably true The rcckle com-- tition, at all events, In which the Central and Erie tliilruiid Companle havo been for somo time en- gaged ha prove 1 so unprofitable to both belligerent, that persisted In, would, uotwlthNbandlng their Im- mense wealth, lnesltably Involve them In bankrupt- cy. I'uruierly their rcaular chaigo for freight waa f 1.10 per hundred pounds, hut within tho last two or three week the spirit of rlsalry ha gradually brought It down to the nominal rhargo of lio cent. The Commodore, l.owescr, though having ample mean to carry on the ruinou contest, has nn no-t- n of doing so any longer, and from this day on mean to raise the rato tn lo cents. Thiongbont tho conteat tae Krto Kallrnnd Com-un- In consequence of tu lioadquartri being in Jer-- t y, has labored under material diadvanLu:r, for while their depot ha been glutted with goods.the van ill rlnli proplo havo been sending off ten or twelve Height train per day, and have now-- very litht stuck on hand. 1'iitlier Corrlgiiu'M Lecture-- - There wa n meeting of olliccr of Father Temperance rioclctk-- yesterday, at which n cominltiee, consisting of Messrs. Brady, I!o)1e, Lamb, Mitchell, and Kelly, was appointed to confer wllh the seseral societies nnd Willi the Common Council lo securp Hit Ir piesciice and cooperation at tho lecture In be delivered by thu Hot. Father Hrpt. 0. In rrptrnitor. lime. I'arepa-llos- will h"gin season of English opera at tho French Theatre In Fourteenth street on Saturday evening, the Ith of September next. Tho first performance will he that of Balfe's opera of the " Puritan' Datightir." Tho season will be limited to Ultecn nights. Tim roic.r. of tuk ruorr.n. Vermin ami Pestilence lu the Unr CwsUlnn. To (A Minor ot Tht Sun. Sim Under tho above, heading your corres-ponde- " C," In Tn Bun of Aug. 18, objects to or cushions. lie may be In the Interest of the car company, wtahlng to save thorn the expense of eush- - Ion by uDlitutlng wooden seats. Vermin are not desirable, but they do not generate " pestilence." I ride constantly In the borso cars, and I have never seen auj vermin. If the poorer people who ride In the cars have vermin about tbelr pertuns, the diff- iculty would not beobvlaUMl by wooden seat. I hope the cor cushions will be kept In cleanly, decent or- der! but I hope never to see the abomination and nuisance of wooden seat, They are rxtremly cold mid uncomfortable In winter, aud by chilling the sys- tem, tend to produce disease. If "C." I a fat, plethoric gentleman, the wooden scats may answer very well for him : but they do not answer for per- sons of a spare habit of body. The car Jolt horri- bly a they pox over tho uneven and Imptrfect rail, nnd many Individuals feel as If all of the hones in Ihrtr bodies would be broken, Itbeumatic proide and other with painful condition of the body, suffer aery much in thl war, while riding In tho car. W n.Mlen ent wuuld greatly lutcnsl'y the evil, Let n. therefore, hold on to tho car cushion ; hut let thtiu be kept In decent order. PHYSICIAN. Tho Kxtorllounte linker. 7b thi Editor or Thi Sun. Htn: Tivo or three days ago I complained of the bskrr. among otner thing. Bread that I had bought for 0 cent weighed ttouuee; lor H cents, II toll ounces; fur 10 cents, It to 10 ounces. It wa not bought for experiment; It waa weighed to satis- fy my curiosity. "A Baking Company" aay In your ppr that they aell 1 pound 0 ounce of bread for II cents. If they tell a good, puro article at that price. It prove thut other baker ate tlmply I with you would lniesllgale thl matter thoroughly. And concerning the " I.leened Vendor'" mca. lire and pilng weighers, I It not the duty of the City Inspector lo Hpcct them Just a completely and carefully s ho doe those of the tea dealers, grocer, ami market. men. A. D. W, Aug, HI, 1UKI. llnav the Lnsvver' Clerk are Underpaid, yb Iht Utilcr ol Tht Ami. Siki IliickUjcr, tailors, carvers, moulders, and others have their strikes, but a much abused i.ud overworked aud miserably cumpensslcd class of employee still quietly ubmtl to the lmpotttou of t Li r employers, Thl state of affairs ha lasted long enough, aud It high lime that a change should bn brought about. A clerk In a law office work a r.arn nay. naruer man uury koous cicra. Ha must do things ''Just o," and the llghtest and most Immaterial departure from tho beaten track In- cur the displeasure of bia employer, and compel blm to ucrln anew the wnrk ot one or more day. And would you like to know how he Is remunerated t llo may tccelve four, six, eight, or ten dollars per week the litter being the highest salary lawyer lidnk they aru in conscience bound to piy. There are, duubtli si, exception, but thrao are few and tar bttwecn. FIAT JUBTUIA. The New Pollllcnl Movement. To the TMior of The .Tun, Sik i In The Sun of I sco tho working-me- n have proposed N. W. Young for Mayor or In Congre. Senator Hpragnv. of IUiode Island, aid we hid too many lawyer there ; too much talk, and loo little work. And now, Mr. Kill-to- would It not be better for the whole country were Ihe people represented by meu who understand w hat they want I Do we not want more mechanics, farmers, merchants, and worklntmen In Congress-l- ess talk, and more work 1 As The Bun shine for all, I know of no better way than for you to keep It beiore Ihe people ; aud If the peoole want their represented, both In Stale and national councils, let them make their own nomination, a the working men arc trying to do, and not leave It to political rings and caucuses to make them for them. ONE OK TUB PEOPLK. A Lovely Girl Ibe Best (swimmer sit Long Branch. From the llotton Pott. A lovely girl, the must vigorous dancer at tho biggest hotel at the Brsuch, WMhosout all traces of the last night's ball lu a morning swim out beyond thu turf, when the cnvloo wave do not Hash their foam In her httlo mouth, but the long roller kindly rock aud caress licr. A notable swimmer I b. Encased In a free and not cumbersome suit of light blue, her long hair free to wind aud wave, she trips to the surf, take a bold header through the first breaker uud strike out, Another roaring wae cumis at her, but the little drlpplug head duck and plunge through it, reappcarlngou the other tide and shaking llm salt drops back with glco. Again and again, and the List breaker is past, and alio strikes out ovor Ihe rolling deep water, beyond the ufety-buoy- , wllh a stroke that would thame the Adonis who whirled her laat nl.hl In the dance and who ha not yet come down tn hretkfast. Iteturnlng, he rlJt-- lu on tho breaker like a queen, fresh, invlgo. rutfd nnd can less ol the terrors ot thu deep of which she I so charming a mistress. Alter the bath (lie ladle retire to their rooms, and the other sex In (he bsr. It I ald that both have th anie object, and that the "little glass" I the regular corrective of ra water, without distinction of sci. There t alio a queer odor a or clgreltea, which is unaccountsblo but by supposing a mol pre-tni- The Kentucky Dlllltla. St. Louis, Aug, 22. Three companies of (he Stale militia, numbering all told about US men, left this morning for Lebanon, Ky., to be d'strlbuted in (ho lower counties, where (he Jiegulatori btve beta dBitedAUog, ' " TU V MAJESTY O t' XI! II" l'OBK L.tir. One Alan whom (ho lilng'a Policemen will not Arrest A llnlltvny King rnsun I'.xrm. nlnr for tho Unr Couilurtor. Car No. 201 of tho Third Avenue Hailrnad started from the depot at 10:10 on Wednesday nlghl wllh complement of passengers, Nothln.T unnsuit occurred until the vehicle had reached Fourteenth street. Here It stopped, and a distinguished railroad nnd steamboat king, who I neither Jame Flsk nor Cornellu Vandcrbllt, entered, but did not take a seat, The king I somewhat post tho merldlnn of life. He l large snd eloul and Immensely ileh; we may add thai he Is a stickler for discipline on the rosds of which h I. (hecnsled head, lie wa dressed and cisnled .alargo gold headed cine. It wa evident that he had Just left a meeting of ono of (he railway boards, the evidence brli.g Ihe peculiar roll of the upper part of hi body, the shsklness of his redlculnr cxtremltle, and tho general air of un- fathomable profundity which mshrouded his puffed-u- visage and hi half closed eye-- . He stood Just lu front of (he doorway, beldlng both side of ihe door w lib hi bejewelled hand, completely block- ing (ho patsage. A block or (wo further down the car slopped again and sevcril ladle entered. The conductor tap- ped the colossus of rJlrod on the shoulder and called out: "Gentlemen please inosc forward a tittle aud let these ladle In," The man who wa neither Jame Ftsk nor Commodore VanderblH did not budge. He merely started sudddrnly, elevated hi eyelid a little, and then quietly subsided Into hi former oscillatory abstraction. The conductor tap- ped htm on tbo shoulder again and male a peraonal appeal lo him to pleaise permit tin ladle to get In- side. Turning his head (lowly around, he drawled out dreamily; " You go tt 1 1, you --steAer you." The conductor waxed wroth, and geully Insinuated that If ho did not get out of tho way Instantly he till conductor) would bo under the painful necessity of forcing him. Aronscd by thl threat, the railroad and atetulboat king, who wa neither J. 1 nor ('. V., snddrnly Jerked himself aronnd and poked his cane through a pane of glass. The conductor quietly Intimated that ho would take a dollar from him for that, but tho king ataggered back and told him to " Go lo ti- 11 for a d d snicker" again, at the same time making a psss at blm iiliJobnC. lloennn. The condnolor caught hi arm, snd having got the ladles salely lu, stepped to (he front of llw ear and (old the driver to slop and hall the first policeman he met. The latter did so at Canal Urott, and tho policeman approached and drew hi rlub, llo looked at the offender, stopped, hesitated, put back bis club, and said to the conductor : " Never mind him; he's all light. Just you take my number, aud If lie don't pay you 1 will." Here the railroad king grasped one Jamb of (he door, cocked hla head (o one side, and, nhnltlng his eve ouinplctely, growled with an air of mock dig tally; " Say I (hie) d'ye know who I ant 1 Pin , and I'll havo you broke." " I don't caro for nr anybody else," re- sponded lire conductor. " Policeman, 1 want you (o lake (ha( man to tho station houso aud I'll make a charge against him." "No, nn. You Just (ake my number, and I'll be responsible for Ihe pa) meat of the glass." Finding It Impossible lo get the drunken Mogul arrested, the conductor wn obllgoj to slat t hi (car, but he finally got him offal Franklin street. TUK WA.ll or Tit r. HACKS. (.'e of Virginia Chivalry-Ne- w York Criminal C'ourla rjacccsefully luilmlcd. A correspondent of Hie Washington OhronitU writes from HeatliSTille, Vs., riving the following particulars of the Isle not In that place. He say that the day In question, the tth Inst, waa court day, allhoogu no court wa held, and that a large crowd, mostly of white men, had collected. Under a certain tree an old colored woman had a rcfreih-nien- l slsnd, and to thl tre It. u. llsjnte, tlM Con- servative member elect lo the Legislature, tied hi horse. The animal wa restive and endangered the atand, whereupon the old woman' soa garo him a alight tap to make blm change hi position Ihe owner, who stood by, afWr some words, hursewhlp- - both the son and the mother, and a riot ensued fed which the blacks were fearfully beaten, It only came to an end when one of them had been laid out for dead, flrt by a blow of a cane In the hand of one of the rlnglcaders.'atid then by a brickbat. lie died about 0 o'clock the umi night, and hie mur- derer wa committed to Jail. The next mornin no prisoner was to be found. The Jailer, oa being questioned, claimed that during the night parti unknown to him came and the kty, and threatened lo " kill htm" If he did not give It op, wklch he did, though within calling dlstaace of the public house where lodged the Military Commtmtonorat Abont noon an attempt wa made to overtake (he eacaped prisoner, but In the course of a few hours the partiee returned without him. That morning an Inques wa held upon the body of the murderer) man. some of the rioter acting aa Jurors, but opto thl time no effort whatrr has been made by the ctvil authorities to bring the actor to Jostle. In the mind of many thl la regarded a a premedita- ted affair. CVlllOHlTlKtl Of CltlMK. Take Homo ofThla-Ta- ie CoeleM lteudlug ol Ibo Meaaon. Dud Carter, a Tciinetaeo outlaw, having hern taken to tuk by Ihe newspaper for late uutrtge npou William If. Hill, ha addressed a "card" of explanation to the Nashville Manner. IIosathat Jame Bowion, a nephew of Col. William llosson and a cousin of thl Mr. Hill, blacked and disguised thcmxlve and stiot John T. Hog or, (be sou of Oon. ltoetrs, In the presence of Carter. Fur (bis (hey were sued, and Carter waa employed to run tho wit- ness off, on a promise of receiving f 'JUI snd two horses for hi ervteeii. The 900 wa not only not paid, but 11111 and Bosaon had Carter arrested and cast Into prison, where be lay for month at a cost of about f 2,0nu.beroro tie could obtalu hi release. He (hen elaed Hill and held him In custody until he had refunded th Carter nys that he treated Hill better than he waa treated hlinaclf, snd adds, by way of a postscript, " I hope such ncwsp.1-pe- r as have noticed this transaction will give ins the benefit of (his explanation, aud nasure the pub- lic that (hey ate In no danger trom uiy bauds if tbey attend to their own business." The Tiger lu Court. Itobert Moran and eleven odier persons were taken to Jefferson Msrket Court yesterday, on charge of lighting " the tiger at the corntr of Eighth ave-nu- e aud Twenty-sixt- atrel. The pollco paid their respects tn the place on Saturday night and cuptnrcd all the paraphernalia of Ibe game, which w a Lundc I over to the Property Clerk at the Po'iee Central of Bee, to be used as the Police Commissioners may di- rect. Moran, who keeps the plsce and was dealing the cards when arretted, wa locked up yesterday In default ol tMU ball, bul Ids partners Id guilt were dlachtrgod. How tbey Don't Pay Ihe Other Hoy. Franklin Harris, an ofllce-bo- In the employ of John Mctjulggan, furniture dealer In Spring strret, complained at Marshal Tooker's office, on Salurdsy, tbt he could not get hla wages. McQulggau bus lined boys and kept them aa long aa they would lay without wage, and then when luey grumbled he discharged them and took others, thereby gating their service fur nothing. Knocked Into Eternity by n Tumbler. On Haturday night Joseph L'arr, a dock build- er, of ;i Sixth street, quarrelled with his wile and threw a turaoler at her. II (truck Ann Couuerty, a. girl of 10, who happened to be present, and who was faUlly Injured. Tin wound I three Inches aero the ngut temple and very deep, Carr wa arrisled. DECENT ai'OllTlNU XHH8. Tbo Brooklyn Yacht Club Itrgntla. The Brooklyn Yacht Club on Saturday stalled M a race from Oowanu Bay past Builcu Island 16 Grevesend Bay, where they ate chowder and drank ehampairne. Tho enlric were tho Soplat, Niagara, and Matkodeod. cabin sloops; Fanny Vail. Hoop La, Phantom, and Marlon, open sloops. At II A. M. the word wa given, and (be Phantom led the way, followed by the Bophla and Mirton, Ihe Hoop La, Fanny Vail, Niagara, and Muskodeed beino; con alderably aatcrn and well together. The first tuck wu toward btaleu bland. The ran along (he shore of Ihe Island abowed, a good race between Ihe Hoop Lt und tbo Mirton, and the ranny Vail and Musko-deed- When paialng Tottcnvllle the Fanny Vail overhauled and pissed the Muskodeed, which soon after carried away her halyard, and withdrew from the race. On ncarlng buoy 11 the Marlon cornel awy her Jib, which obliged her to withdraw and give her place to Hoop La. The yct(s rounded buoy 0, the first (urnlug point on the coarse, lu the following order! Phantom, Bopbla, Hoop Ii, Niag- ara, aud Fauny Vail which order they mulutalni d nntll reaching Qraveaend Bay, the terulnusof (he race. Only a short time was nsccauary to allow all (he boats to come op, the schooner Alice, Commo- dore Klsd, having arrived first, by taking a straight conns, ibe ABce not being In the race. To prate pennmU were awarded to Ibo sloop Bopil, owner Capt. O. Kelt, sailed by Capt. II, Botch I phantom, owner CaftjHobctUt, and. eiUer Jiarry -- , - ii in mi 'til r iifmmt - - HKDDY THE HLAGKSM1TII. rHi; viTxnss i.ahii:xci: (iisaiia.h xot vkt M( itii:iii:i. Hilll Allvr-T- he Fourth Wnrd tlenlry thrcnl en lo Hill Hint If lie Aoprnrs-ll- n w a (itlrrn Hint n Piilllleliin I Trrnted hv Other Pollllrlnna-U'li- nl Ihr People Pny I'nrnnil tVlml they del. The vague anil contradictory nimor thai have been In circulation of late, concerning the where- about of Mr. Lawrence Graham, who w a robbed In llotllylha Illncksmllh's den an Chatham square, nnd with the particular of which c: so the public are Inniillar, are at last brought down to fact. Mr. Graham ha not disappeared, h is not licen murder- ed, ha hot been bribed, but on (he contrary ( alive and wetland Intrndi lo do Id duty. WHAT tin. GI1MIAII SST. A Few reporter took a trip to Hudson City last night In qnent of Mr. Graham. Our reporter sjient upward of an lour Inlnqnlrlng for the whereabout of Mr. Graham. Finally, after hating questioned neatly a hundrnl resident, The Spn' reprecntallve found Mr. Graham. Ho I a verv honest, and man, and very seldom takes strong drink, lie ss Hint Ihe money which ho w robbed of In Vrlcy'a saloon I not all the. lo. he ha utalned in rnwecutliig lleddy, nud that In snbpcenalng witness, lawyer' fee, and other sun- dry disbursements, not counting lu the time be had lost, nor the necessary expense he had Incurred, Sir William de Varies; anil his gang had cost him about f 000 more. He h tpplled to tho District Attorney for reimbursement, but h always been put off, being told to wait until the fugitlvo Itcddy was con- victed. All thl notwithstanding tho fact that Mr. Graham had attended the trial of llrcnnan and How srd, both of whom were convicted, tho former being aent to Stale Prison for flllecn year, snd Ihe latter to only five jears. But the Ovcrr man, owing to the overflow of mercy, or something cle In tho breast of (he noble Judge who sentenced him, backed cp by Assistant District Attorney Ilntcl.inga'a philanthropy, wa kept In tho Tomb a week Just long enough to enable the merciful young Judge and die philanthropic young man who look fter tho In- terest of Ibe people to wrlto a doleful rcqneat to Governor Hoffman, nrgently begging of him to par- don Ihe Fourth Ward politician' pal. Thu Governor could not resist (he appealo of gentlemen who are paid t",000 and $3,000 per annum, and so the con- victed robber wa pardoned after he had been Incar- cerated two week. Mr Gialumr-al- lbt number of Iteddy' friends, , black.moutchcd de.pcradoe, ttio pests snd eonrgc of thl community, have thuit their flllhy crra-- s Into hie nloon, Interceding for their chief. They have had recourse lo all device. Ihey have made alldemptlng promise, they have threatened hi lift. After all ltd, Varley' wife, accompanied by flvo little one. vilted him. Mr. Graham wn out. Ill wife, however, waa at home, and had lo listen to Ihe broken-hearte- wife' ap- peal. Mr. Graham denies In tola tbat anybody ha olTored him a bribe of either 3,000 or i not to appear against Keddy, and ay! "Being out ot o mnch money, of course, I would like to get ome of It hack ; but the cltlien of New York snd needn't bo afraid that I wou't appear. Ill ihe will he of no avail with me now, for If I live I'll be a wltneaa against blm. You may depend upon me, sir. II la not bribe I fear, but It' the talk of thoac that come (o me. I with tometlme that I had (hi piece sold out, and wa many a mile from here. I'm no coward, and dou'l Intend to be scared away, however, If I can help It. I wouldn't take a bribe In no matter what amount." Mr. Graham tells bis story In a very plain, sltalght-forwar- manner, and say be ha been a gardener for the beat part of hla life (he sppear to be about US year or age), working ovor aeven year for one man, Mr. John Lafarge, and two yeara for another gentleman, who I one ot hi best friend and coun- sellor at the prncnl time. He sty be ha no tool- ings of revenge to gratify, bnt simply wanta Justice, and tbat he Intends to have It with tht aid of Tub Bun, Our reporter Informed him that some doubt liaa been expressed about hi ever having been worth or f.'jOO to be robbed of. He replied that be- fore Id present misfortune "'twnan't $500 alone I could show, but four time that, for I had over $2,000 In good hard money a short time back, and I don't know bnt what I could ralsr $Su0 About a year ago be bought the bar ho la keeping, and has a fair ran ot custom. Mr. Graham could not asy that the threat that liad been uaed to him came from Iteddy himself, bul supposed (hey did, a Keddy had political Influence, and bl lervlcv are much needod In the coming elec- tions. He wa mnch pnt out at (he District Attor- ney and (he officer of Ihe Court for the long time the ce ha taken to bring it tu a head and the lotse be had snatalned, saying he had promised to refund htm $300, bat hadn't done II yet. He sup- posed Ibe delay was caused through Iteddy and hi friends' political Influence. Ho further said that the threat from Iteddy' gang would not deter blm from going to New York whenever he bait business, bul that he prelcrrcd there In tho daytime, aud did not now go at night. Why Governor Center Ouahl lobe Henator. Cor. Lowttille ConrUr Journal. I met a very ahrewd politician ono of the light of lher(rirnrincn lu ract "good old rebel," and I ald, after omo preliminary remark about (he crop and (he weather " Well, how about Scnlcr I" " Wbv," ald bo, " Bentcr'a a cussed a." " How so!" " He' losing deal, lr. He' Idling Etheridge and Johnson get the start of him. In fact, h.'s a mere quarter nag." I ventured to remark that I didn't sec II, snd he continued " If were Governor, by (he lord, sir, I'd kuosr who'd be HcDalor." "Who!" " Me, sir; me myself, sir." " You think, luce, that Scutcr could bo Senator If l.e desired t" "Desire, the dickens I Of course ho desires It, but he don't know how." " What should ho do I" "I won't say what ho should do, hut I'll tell you what 1 would do. When the Legislature meet P.I call the boy up like a d'ove of pd baud, and I'd aay ; ' Look here, fellow, I'll bu plain with you, All thl my work; so don't be proud. Your ex- istence Is my doing. You owe your places to me, Alone I did it, and If I cannot nndo tt Iran do tho next tiling to undoing It I can (hwart and bother you mightily, I can so vex and destroy ) our legis- lation aa to make It pracdcally valueless. 1 have only to Join Ii alula wifi Ihe ltadlcal Tennessee dele- gation lu Congress to rstse up a pretext which Con- gress aud the Administration will lump at, I don't Tfint to make trouble, however, Elect me Senator and I'll say no more about It. I'll consider the ac- count between u qured. Kcfuso me, and I'll Just raise devil. Thai's what I would do If I were Senior. But ho hasu't the melt tu do II." Worn nn Hnrued lo limth, Ciucihhati, Aug. 19. Mrs. Fitigerald, of Stories township, wa burned tu death by the explo- sions! a coal oil lamp, l'i:itSOXA I4 INTEl.l.iaUXCK. Admiral Mendez Nunez Is d. Mr. Gladstone la tn good health, The Governor General of Canada deulea that he advocated severance from Eogland tu hi (jucbec ipeecn. MaJ.-Ge- Meade ts expected in Gettysbargh to- day. All the Coulederate Ocnert except Ucn.lleatli havo excused themselves, Mr, E. Ilepple Hall, traveller, author, and guide, piloted a large and select party of mentis aud lutlied guests ItouiitlUia Wcrld in,the:Lotiit Itoomof the Hotel, Long llraoch,ou Saturday nlghtlast. Commodore VanderblH wa married on Saturday, at Loudon. Canada, lo Mis Frank Urswiurd, diughter of Itobeit I.. Lrawtord, of Alabama. Augustus ecnell, r New York, and Bupeilnteuduut TiUtilahst, ot the New Voik Central Itallroad, wero the omy jier-oo- presautatthectreuiouy, The bridal party Are In tiara- tvlt. I11V LA llOll XOVMWXT, The New York COpcratlve Building Lot Associa- tion et thl evening, The House Carpenter will go on sn excursion tu Myer's(Jroveon Wednesday next. Bricklayer' Union No. 3, of Uiookln, will Inctl tht cvenluf In their rooms. Tie Wheelwrights' and Blackmlth' Union will meet In lhurdon s Jackiou 1111 on Wedscaday even, lug. Tho tailor employed by Hull, Harry, Hadden, J S, Clara. and J, . Lee, or Broadway, and Doll of lleek-ina- street, will meal (hi evening, at 1 Htanton street. The Labor Congre closed It sesaloni In Phila- delphia Balnrday. Ittchard Trevelllck was tlected rrealdeot for th 6nuiug year, aud It w voted to hold th nail CoagttM lo Clwlouau pa (he third Upuday In rkaXiu(, UN. v ' - ' mmt. ir' ,. si ti .i mmmma&Hm- m- -- ?'. , J ,& .inmrAi. or rnixci: Anrnun. Itrlll.h Itnynlly In Nuvn "rntln-llo- sv Ihe lllun ,n-- c Itrrrlvis lnrrn Vlclorln'a son No Irlshmnn Welcome Mini. Hali-a- e, N, 3., August 21. Tho City of Paris surprise! Halifax thl forenoon by bringing Trlnce Arthur, tpcedlly the people tolled up attic stair- way to tl elr roof whence a vlow of the steamship, majestically riding In nnder the sunshine, could te had. Some hundreds hurried for the landing, but as II Sunday no great demonstration was made. Carriage were sent down to tho whatf for Ihe Prince and hi companions, and company of the Seventy-eight- Highlanders acted asgutrd of hon- or. The si Ip touched the rler, tho gangway wa i oved onl, and a select company, consisting of Sir John Young, Gnnrnor-Gcncra- l of the Dominion, MaJ Gen. Chitrle Hasting Doyle, tenant Got ernor of Nov fcotla, Ailml rat Wellcsley, the Mayor of Halifax, and other notables, stepped on board to welcome and congratulate the prince Informally. Whllo this brief ceremony wa taking placo In Ihe cabin, the mall w agon ratlh d up, the mall and bag:age w a remov- ed, and the steamer lightened of w hat few passenger and llltle freight she had brought to thl port. Then, In sight of the shin' crew und passenger for Now York, who were huddlid cn ceck. and ot tho spectators on tho neighboring dock, tic I'rinre appeared at the top of the gangway, lilted hi lit, ind began to descend, lie I now 19 year old, having been born In I KM. Hi figure I tall, slender, and lltli", and hi fa Co hi the marked family like- ness, nnd remind one of the portrait of tho 0,uccti n well n thai of Prince Albert. It waa a fair, modest, mlllnf, blushing face, IMS morning, wllh soft side uhtsken Knglhlilnp tl.o German of It, and light blue ere which r nird tu see and thank everybody mutually for a rather mule welcome. A for tho lrlncc' garb, ho wore a dark blue coat with a black velvet col'ar, and a standing linen collar nn top of that, which gave blm a manlsli look; grayish pluht Irnwsrr, a plain black necktie ami lavender colored kid glove, striped with blare. So ho came down the gangway wllh hi natty tile held graeefnllr aloof from his smoothly combed head, Vowing nnd emlllng neon to spectator anil the Highlanders, who salutca, and followed to hi carrlago by Hi Governor-Genera- l and other "dlgnalarie." A faint cheer or two rang out a lie rolled nwy, and the Highlander, with their band ahead, marching silent closed tn an I escaped the party to tho resi- dence of the Lieutenant-Governor- . It wa a general tuple of remark that no Irishman wa among the multitude who welcomed the Prince. Pacnger by Ihe City of lirl report the Prince aa very nffable on tho voysaje, winning all rolks' good will. Thl n he attended 0110 of the Episcopal churches. To- morrow he lo lnvr a fnrmal, and may he enthusi- astic, reception, and scverul festivities are rontem-Plate- d In his honor, of which you will rcicivc dm rcpoit. . lixrcmlon ol (inlvln nud atondr. The following arc Iho particular of the Last moments on earth of theso two young murderers, la Memphis, n Friday last: At 8 n clock this morning Galvin' brother and sister vlsltrd turn fur tho last time. Galvin wiv nttrndrd by Father O'Brien, a Catholic clergyman, and Moody by 1 colored minis- ter. Galvin wa about SI, and Moody 31 year of age. About twenty-lit- policemen, erincl wllh rifles, were stationed In Ihe anil a large force outside. At P. M. BherllfCurryl ap- peared with the prisoner Galvin, accompanied by Father O'Brien and a guard. Galvin mounted the scaffold with a firm tread, and, apparently, without any fear. Arrived upon the the Sheriff read the decision of Ihe Court, aflrr which Galvin, with Father O'llrii n. united In prayer, when Galvin, tn response lo a question from the Buerilf whether be bait anything to say, stepped forward nnd addressed the crowd; acknowledged to having fire. I Iho fatal shut, bnt said he did lt In alter which religious aervlce waa rood, Gal- vin' arm and les pinioned, and Ibe cap placed over hi head, the 11000 adjusted, and at I; 10 the drop fell. After hanging flllecn minute the physician pronounced Hie extinct, when bl body waa cnt dow n and delivered to lit brother. Moody, Ihe ac- companied by the minister and officer, ascended the aeatrold at 210. The Sheriff read the death warrant, and told Moody If he had anything to say to do so. Moody then declared hi Innocence, warned all to keep out or bad company, said Bed- ford wa Ihe man (hat fired the shot, and tbat he wa going to die for the crime or anolhrr, but ex- pressed a willingness lo die, basing experienced re- ligion since hi confinement. Alter thl the colored e'ergymnn, Mr. Hovel, oflered a prayer and suiig a hymn, Moody Joining In the lallcr. At the Conclu- sion, Moody's sruis and leg were pinioned, Ihe cap drawu over hi bead, and at 2n tho door wa ;aln dropped. Fifteen minutes after life had 111 Ihe body, lt wa then col down and delivered to hi friend. The New Orleans Post Office l'.mlarzalrinrnt. Fivm the Von ,, Ao. s. For some time past there have been rumor affecting the Integrity of Die late Postmaster of thl city, Hubert W. Taliaferro, and ycsleriUy he wa upou a warrant, lasued by Commissioner Urbun npon two affldavlus made against blm for of United State fund, by Acting United States Attorney lor tho District, J. W. Ourlry. Ttin amount Involved Is some ttt.UX), fur which Mr. Tallafeno seem utterly unable to account In de- fault or $1.1.000 ball ho waa teal yesterday to the Parish Prison. Snlt ha been Inttllutsd against blm for th amount embezzled, aud against hi bonds- men, John Itay, Madison Well, and Win, llallcy, Esqr., for the amount of bl bond. Mr. Taliaferro ha for n long lime been Icndlug n very dissipated life, and when arrested wa In estate of intoxication. .iottixoh a iiour roir.v. Three persona were In Ihe Houso of Detention Crime, poverty. Itobert Hall, aged tt.dled suddenly at 171 Mulberry atrrct on Saturday night. Five hundred and ninety-tw- peraou died here last week, 310 began life, and P7 couple were married. A ConvenUon of the Fenian Brotherhood U to asenihlo her In !sonlc Hall on Wednesday uext. Andrew FtUhamer committed suicide by hanging on Haturday, at 1KI Third street. Jamea Mclueer, recently from the Sooth, died yes- terday of yellow fever, at S13 Caaal street. A btaketnau on a peach train on the New Jersey Itailroad was crushed to deatu at Morrli Junction bat- urday evening. An unknown man, sppare nlly about CO year old, was round orownd yealarday alteruoou at the foot of HMh alrcct. North Hirer. Neptune Division No. , S. of T-- , will go on their eleventh annual plculc to Boulevard Drove, Brooklyu, E. D The Seventeenth Assembly District I'ulon Ittpiib-Hca- Association will meet tills evening la Forty sixth meet, near Llghth avenue, The shooting gallery of Mr. Denis, (A Charteton stieet, gutted" by gng of rough on Saturday evrnlng, aud lleiila' life was threatened. Families, boys, and girls, who want home in the West, can go with a party on Tuesday, Au.MI. Callou Monday and Tuesday, at J East Fourth alreel. Henry Glynn, of KM Third avenue, who made n plvtnl target of Joan Gou' hed yesterday morninz, ws locked up lu Jefferson Mirkit lu default .of lUw ball. A foot race of 200 yard, betwien Samuel Warner and Hlehard Hooper, for IIM aside, at Harlem, on Sat- urday, resulted lu the victory of the former by four feet. County Clerk Charles E. Loew, In behalf of the other gurtla of th Mansion House, presented gold chronometer to Augustus Heckler at Long Uiuucli ou Friday, for his bravery during the Into lire. Jane llobcrtt, s.ede, of srrj Division street, hi thlscllr, wss run over and Instantly killed, yesterday nernouo, ittliu Yonkrr depot, by the expms train booth on the Hudson Itlver Itailroad. Johanna Vignol, of 111 Seventh atreel, Cornelius Kltder, of TTIrit avonne, near street, und Hubert Ball, of 171 Elisabeth ilrect, died suddenly yes. lerdsy. William Thompson wa rreted early yesterday morning, on the flowery, dtuaken und disorderly when it was ascertained that he had stabbed uhtrt bchubert f n fhrystlu street. Emma (loss. Alls Coburn. wa comraltud for stealing ! from Henry Levy of U Hoblnsun street on batnrdsr night. Kmuia has sevural Hue been aecuied of a similar offense, add Is well known at the Pomhs. EUziheth Moore, who hid been arrested for conduct, attempted to hang herself In lue Last Thirty-filt- street 1'nllce Siatlou yesteiday ruornu'. with Ler handkerchief, lu her tell. Adam I). Logan, a lawyer, aged "0, who had been laid up for aoine time with paratysla.fell from the fourth slory lo the vrd of the Clarendon Hotel icsierday rternooo, and was lustantly killed. Frank McCue, aged 9, of Elghty.fHIh atrret, near Fifth avenue, fell Into an excavation wade for a lower at Fourth avenue and KlKty-uft- street, He was res- cued from drownlaoi by linker Urahaiu. Mr. Ann huttun, widow of an early California letllsr, dleI suddenly ou Ntturday at 3d Cannon street. She had 111,000 hi aavlngs hauks, and ret v uuwllllug to engage a pnisiclan lo attend her lu sickness, Capt. Hose and the crew of the )acht Freddie, of Jersey City, had nsnuw ese.apu from dratrnhu in iho lower bay on Saturday, when they wete uioetbythe squall, Ibe Long Uruutti tleauier Msgenta resvued them, The remain of Mr. Sarah A. Browne, who was supposed to hare hueu pol.nned by her husnand t 70 Sullivan street, were rxtiuun' and laktinlothe Morgue, where 1'rnf Iioieiuui u ill nuke an analysts of tho coo teutaof the stomach. About ISO Cuban and Americans went on a picnic to tprb.g Hill Urnve, noith of Yonkera, on Saturday. Ihe) took the steamer Fort Lee Ironi foot ot Twenti-thir- d strict. Tho trip realised IC0, which it to be added to the Cuban iudepeudene fund. Mr Mary Jane Beglin complains that her husband Johu llt'Ktln. tstiu bad been run over by a becond av- enue railroad ear and laUeu to the hospital, was uot tied to tee his wile aud six children, lie died on term. after bit ad.nlislou. An unknown man got Into a row boat yesterday afternoon at the Christopher street pier, and lell over- board. Acrowdofrouxha were lighting on the pier and would huvelet the man drown, but atranser pass- ing Jumped la and, ttecacdniuiia mcilauAi-- U coodj-Un- , . te 7 THE REVOLUTION IN CUBA. i CAiiAt.r.nno ni: hodas t'linrAtt-i.- a to iiirrvnx to hvain. The Cuban n Unit far thr Independence ot of Hpanlnrd In (ha tntrrrsit of thr Cmpeilr floTrrnment. , WAAiiiNQTOir, Aug, Si. Cuban advices to (ha Bth, received In this city, give the following lte- - mtnt of Ihe political condition (here. The volon- - (eer are exhibiting the purposes of their organization that of seising the government of Ihe Island of Cub from Spiln. Every where throughout the Island the volunteer Jnnta are acting In concert wllh lha Ayunlamicnto al Havana, and now excrrlso (he same control over De Hods that expelled Dolce from hi position. II I reported that a formllabl of Spaniards In tho Interest of the Cos petles Government, In every part of the Island, hoa been exposed thronih the means of a spy. The ob- ject of thl organization was to counteract that ot the solnntceis, and lo strengthen the Cuban In the field In the mean necessary to carry on the contest. Thl they did ; bnt tins esposii lias driven hun- dred Into the Cuban army, and given thera a moral and physical power which will lie a terror lo the Spanish troop ami volunteer as organlicd on the Island. It It reported that De Hoda contemplate telgnlng an 1 returning to believing that hi longer continuance la ' hi pricut position nonld dainago hi reputation. s vi.'ir.v Fi10.1T Th? 1'lrry Epoch Vnhlncton' Normal The .aiulual nfler) I'rrxti Lau- rel Thr Tftbnrro Slnmp. Va.iiin(1TOX, Aug. .j. The extraordinary heal of Friday and yesterday waa almost cquslleJ to day Last nlghl a heavy gus( of wind, accompa- nied by vivid lightning, pissed over the city, bnt scarcely a drop of rain fell. To-la- y Iho atmosphere waa close, sttllry, and almost stifling, with scarcely air enough to move a leaf. A heavy black cloud coverel the city like a pall nearly all the afternoon and evening, but no rata Ml. Prayers for rsln wero offrrod Inmost of the church tiMliy by very dltnlnuttvo eungrcitin. In this extremity II has been proposed that heavy discharge of artillery should lie rrnurlcd (o, a the cannonading in tho great battle of the rebellion almost Invarliblr brought copious rslns Immediately afterward. Fortunately our supply of Potomae wnt"r continue guod, nthcrwlae it would be almot here. The Mutual Base Hall Club of New York arrived Indnr, mid will play the National after- noon Thl afternoon Chirle Sehelck, a druggist, doing bus'ness at Firth stri et and Gli-ar- amine, Phila- delphia, dropped dead at the railroad depot a he wn about entering the C: Itl train for Philadelphia. Ill deathwa cauacd by heat and He had In en lo Klc'imond and wa on hi return home. The new and three pound tobacco tamp will be ready next week. The ten, bflccn, twenty, (wen(y-ouc- , twenty-two- , forty, and d stamp are finished. nd numerous orders wero Illicit at the ltevenne Bureau last week. The one, two, and stamps are not completed tvt. ir.i nixa 10 it thu ninrAitv. The llulllmore Poller Inillntlua Ihe Near York llody " Piping" Forger nnd gel- ling Information, but runklng neArrest-Wl- in are Ihr Thieve' L'ourrdrraleaT To the KWor of Ihe Bun. Si: Your orticlo this morning, "Another Commentary on American Police Practice," teems to deserve more attention than will probably be paid It in these data of successful robberies. On Monday laat, the day ou which Messrs. Brown Bio. & Co. received their fraudulent droll, Messrs. Howies Brest, Co , of 19 William ttret, were also the recipients of a similar draft for tn.3.10, drawn by the First National Bank of Iodisnapolls on Messrs. Wlnslow, Lanier A Co., for rerotltsnce In English exebango te box 3tfi, Pot Office, Baltimore, to II, M. Horton. duly Indorsed to that person by It. U Dart, ta whoso order (he draft wss drawn. Mr. Blbley, the cashier of Messrs. Bowles Bros. ,t Co., Immediately detected the forgers, and found hla viewa verified by Messr.t. Wlnslow, Iotnler X Co., who, telegraphing tn thr bank al Indianapolis, found the true vaine of the dralt to be $32, in place of t,3U0. Mewrw. Howie Bros. Co. Immediately tefegraphed and wrote to prominent Baltimore detectives, a well aa forwarding by return mall decoy letter to Ihe Unas cter Iloiton, and tbr result wn the ame aa In the ease of Brown Brolhcr. A aomaa called for tba decoy letter, and wo watched, but not arrftttd, nor further traced by the B illlmore detectives. The result wat, of course, no arrest, and Mr. HorUm and hll associate mar consider themselves happy. Now, here arc two case similarly worked by the same parlies with fraudulent view, and though separately offered to the shrewdest of detectives for "pi pine," similar results occurred. No arrests In either bnt an assurance almost (o (lie Horton nd contcmporaneou flnnuclcr tbat money la obtainable tn Wall street ir "Star" or any other paper la offered, provided the Wall strret gentry arc not a trifia the supcr'un, a of those who make It a v special prolcion. Now, the query offers, had loss i occurred aud u reward been oQcred, would not our 4 friend of the detective police have bcatlrrrd them sj selves In the matter? Truly, " Virtue la its owa reward." INt.UlSlTOIL til'AllKS fHOM 11IK TKLKOllAPU. The l'rcfttof Tcrplgnan and ten other Carlisle havo been arrested on the Spanlih frontier. Gen. Lehoeuf has been appointed French Minister of Wsr In succeed Marshal Sed. decaasod. Gen. Pczuela, Duke of Chesle, Spain,! to be exiled to the Canaries. The French official have arrested a few mora ' Carllst chiefs on the .punish frontier. I The crop In England, with the exception of wheat, f" will be al least at good su the average. jjtf Peter Conet, 10 year of age, banged Llmtclf at f Mainptou Junction a day or Itvvtlttcc. , Ferdinand blow the tup of hi head off with a pistol In St. Lonli last evening. The heat In St, Lout yesterday wa excrlve, (ha thermometer at time rngtng 10. In the shade. Thirty Insurgent prisoner arrived In Havana fro ox the Interior of Cuba yesterday attrruoon. At 8 o'clock last evening, Herman llersdell, a la- borer, fill dead, of eicctilvu heat and drunkcunei, la Clmlunall. The manufacturer nt Fall Itlver, Mas , have con- cluded to run their factories but three day lu th , week ti resent, Commodore VanderblH and brtJo arrived In Sara t.iga yeslertUy. by speeul train at 1 o'clock. Ihey take rooms at Cougrw Hall, Thobody or one Trsver waa found In a pond tt Hide Park, near Poughkecptle, yesterday, lie com- mitted suicide by druwulcgon HI lay. The Thomas Hughe has been ap- pointed referee by the Oxonians and Harvard It ta said at the special desire of tho hitler. Edward Hon land, ton or the ship- owner or New Hedford, Mss coiiiuiittod suicide at La-- e Tahu, Cal , Aug, Hi, by blowing out his brains. The official returns give the total vote fir Governor or VlMlnla as rollowst Walker, lit) 3 Wells, lOtMi Waller's plurality, John Connor and Albert Sharp h7e been arrested 111 1'oronlo on susplcloii or s schooner Uar ryoweu, recently sunk opposite, Ohio. Lewis Horr.brck and Stephen Paulding, of Milton, N. V , wero Instantly killed on Sturry nlghl by a train or Ihe Hudson Itlver lUllrosd, while walkirg oa 1 Ibe track. I The volunteer have petitioned tho Spanish Gov. I ernmrot to pre the life of the Cortlat Polo, and the tatter's wiro lias also lulcrceded for him with (Jcnerit Prlui. I Discussion hat arisen In the Spanish Cabinet In re- gard to the manner In which the Oovernuient ahould f urocred scslnst those lltstops who have refilled to obey i Ihe late decree ot the Itegeni. I In Barcelona. Spain, fifteen thousftod working-me- i ' r strnc-f- or hhiher wge. aud other are expected I "m In Ihe movement. Grave fear are enter- - t ,anedoTlh.;.u''';f' ' Albion N. Lorone, kVSJ Chicago. Harliugtoa. and Qulney . M'.!, ? ih rd thn appointment or Ueneral Suiortnis., Ccuira! Pacific Itailroad, at a salary or lU.uuo lo go- w- ThcErlo and Hudson Hirer Hallway Companies have concluded to desist rroui competition ror wetrn or tnioughfreigut, and to return I) a bijhr rat of pOic,. Charles Brown aud Jacob Merrinun (negTcet). who tecently commuted an outrage ou a young ou thu line or the Orange, Alexandra and Mauauu I Hatlload, wero takan from the Jail at Alexandra br a paity ot armed men and lincoed. ' Ihe trot between Commodore VanderblU't Moan, tain Hoy and SIcMacken' Ldy Thorn, lakea place In buraioa t at noon. Toe lite.. Is in good order. Mountain Boy is said to have made a quarter mile tn 31 teuoudt wbitu traluiug rtceatly. The baik Eva Hilton wat found Aug. 10, In lat. 13:15 lou. WKM, with llritlsh ensign itrpd in rnltiea rlgslng, union down, and th Captain sad three of th crew ticket yellow fver. One man had beta buried ou the tth. Assistance wat given her aud the set tail tor hey West, t The (wo men who wero killed bv Ihe nlghl eg. , press train ou the Hudson lltver Itailroad on Saturday night were Lewis llori.beck, or Milton, aad gtrplieia Paulding, of Pouihkeei tl. They were walklog down on th up track directly In the (ace oflko tpproaculog Msrtin MeGoIre, a Isborer, attempted to murier hit cycatuog her tare.!. Tbilxohii quarrelled about some property waicn they owoad la common, air. UcOolr was aUte last . sod biS""0 1 M'm,,w' IL. hi. kaiTtaaTta

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3t1a110v .taxi:1 orixiox or tukCITY Oh' .V.'H' TOltK,


Tollrpmrn Proving like Christian rum-- A

Fine Tlrlil for 'MI. hlcrr-Tl- ic Tlrk.pocket Nnnirnllr Following Ihp Pollerllnnlrl Dress-T- hr ollirr Celebrities At

J- truiliiis I lie Chhip .Meeting.( of The Sun.

i 8iko SSno, Au,r. 22. Despite the lowcrlngi clouds, tie attiiidauce nt tho Camp Meeting

iwa unusually large, there being it tbout.soon lio lex than live thousand personion the ground. Tlili throng wa mainly

.composed of clerk nnJ apprentice In llielr Sun-Ida-

clothe, with llielr "girl" or sweetheart.I The steamers on the mer wero crowded wlthpcr-- ,

ion of tin" rlan", and the came lip to Hie, ground' In the grcnt,1ntig, double scalid couches of the place,

which vi decked with ll.ic and green Uatc. Inftcl, fli anJ green leaves arc the prcol!ln(t deco- -

.ration iifHIng Sing ot present; and h) the wayside

!iare publicans, who retail Ice cream, peaches,

pics," Ac , for a consideration.THE LOVE I'EtST.f

, At about o'clock thin (Sunday! morning the dy;w opciiid by a lovo feast, which I peculiarlyMethodist, and lis 110 reference to eating food, as

4h Ignorant inljlit suppose At this loto least If.kof the elect. orne of them lemalcs, related their ex-

.r1cncrclrc., Dmlng tbclrcihortatlnn there wmn unusual numheilof M amen, "pralso be to uod,tftc, these cne coming rficn from elderly women,

, 'who roekrd themsihcs loan fro In their Ferris, Trending Elder of this l)ltrlct, had

"die eh.ilr, and among the best speakers were Broth-.r- s

Thomas, (lall.igher, Ebcnczcr Urown, EgbertlUnchort, and oilier.

A tuK stnxoxjA.- - fWn delivered by the dlstlngulshel Illsl-o- Jane,W nivbo for one hour and a half held the attention 1 1 theI congregation, his themo being the Impending terror, of the law. Ills words were so vlvll that the cmo- -

I JHont of many vtcre aroused beyond their control' lllshop Janes asked where were Bodoni and Clomor

rihl and then sppllcd the question to l'arls and.tew York. lie called upon the religious present to

' ' 0 out Into the world, erd tell It of Us tola! wicked- -

yjtss, and tho daiknesa In which It Mas wrapped,lie said that they knew not tan Impending ven-

geance of the Lord, for their Sabbath,flaying cards, and other sluful employments.

1 s the at woiik.I F On the outskirts of tho congregation was a Oer

Brian Presbyterian womao, who becamo engaged In

i a colloquial dispute with a Methodist man, but ItUld not atlract much attention,

Till! SrRVlCE.'At 1 o'clock Ihcre was a hrge prayrr meeting In

front of the grand stand. Brother Applegate of the(John street M. II. Church, spoke effectively, lie Is

t thin man. of the American build, and a r'ally ableI lwrson. Among the speakers wero the Hev. C. K.I IPulney. pastor of the Jane street Methodist Eptsto) jaal Church, and the lit. v. Mr. Osborne. The singing

IT lmnrr-iv- e.

At 2X In the afterioon, Dr Brlstow, a Kentuckylocal preacher nnd missionary, and one of the re-

ligious cclibrtlc of the West, delivered aUno serimL. lu theevtnln;. tho Itcv. Mr. Hanford.preaebed.

On rlaturday, nrother Meredith of New York, a

joung and able man, and the Hev. Mr. Urown, wereI tho preachcin.


displays the inn of thetwo Amorlcan Hags. This is

before the door lonnge thearc Methodists. Kvery evening

meeting of their own, and theoccasions generally are Brothers

Perrltt, Sleph-- n JohnsIT1H twelve men on duty here,Osborne, of the Twelfth "


They have a nice, easy lime

fere on the gronud three or fontauJ of course the police were

If they were men, one of theofficer told us. he could "spot" them Immediately,or the male sex of rogues liava a certain style abont

them which Is Immediately leeogiiUahle ; but withthe women it Is dlfTerent. The ftmale professional.pickpocket looks more like 11 genteel rcboolmirmthan anylhlnj; ele. rievt ral persons, during the n

this formoon at the 1 o'clock pi a) rr meeting,were rellivrd of ll.tlr moniy, which varied fromten to two hundred dollar. There Is a rumor thatn certain lent Is exclusively under lb' Ir control ; butIf this ! true, wo do not sec why t'icy could not he

discovered. These pickpocket arc the ouly rtally'dangerous claa present, the

"Miliums"(belnc offensive but harmless. The majority of theselast named fellows are ILvdiily dressed and oaslly

Tecojnlaed. The most of Ihein come up here to

i"ree th fun." and some way or other manage to getidrunk In tune In go home on boat aud singanau.llln ns. How ever, if one of them makestLcleast disturbance on the giouud a pollc-mai- i tskcalira by the neck in the same wu I hat he would a

cat, and (srorting him to tho entrance, ratherty boost him outside.

uETTixa coxveiiTtn.I Tho procet .f gotllnj couvcitcl is somewhat In-

teresting. Tin re more work accomplished in theevening than at any other time. The treejloomlu In the darkness, the stir dimlyIffhlnlug abou', and Hie weird blue Hit itsf( the ulclum apparatus, cotul.lnrd With the fieryAbrcatinlng tone of the preachers, woik upou p.ople

an eiuollunal or imaginative teinpenmeiit to adegree. Tho excitement Is carried to such a

that one almost tec hell lawulng before blm,with his heart buratlng, and tear 111 his ryea, lie

the din of groaua aud "amn," which couldbe more cll'ectlve or serious were tho day of

arrived. It at a time like this whennil the converts arc made. Tlieybillevc the

that ibis I their "last chanie," and histo them of the uncertainty of and

botlomli- abyss, about which their dotitipassume a reality.

MSTl.NGl'ISUEU rtOI'LIC HIBE.Daniel Drew, the greatest Methodist In the

and one of the bulls or bear of Wall street,Icfj t ill bo up here Monday with hi family, lleliu iwooden tent, furnished tlrgantly, and hll ho- -

when here I very famous, Bishop Janesknow is here, as well a Robert CUlycr, the Hev.Newman, Chaplain of the United Statu Senate;Rev. Mr. Hedatroni, of the Hwcdtsh Bethel

; tl.o l!ev. Mr, TaruforJ, of New York, &c.trasteea for this year are i President, John Me

Sterhea A. Mirrltt iWilliam Trouslow ; Treasurer, Joel raniinls ;

Charles II. Applegate, Daniel Huberts,l)run, Laban ,SI lev, Kybcrt ltlnehart,

Tuvlor, Stephen A. Mcrrltt, Jr., A. Brum- -

William Ilycr, John Falconer, and Thomas

aiiy rir.v.In ltocbrmrr.The old Itochester House

wn burned tillsby Luther tiordnii A Co.

by Whiting & Doty, sashmillion feet of pine lumber In

deslruved. The lus towith an Imnraneoof fA.lssi ;

MU), Insured for fi.'Mi.ij.ox.ii:s of the building, lost

by I'lrr.bleaching eslhlishment at

on buturday. Loss, (JS.OOU

tannery In Utlea wn Injuredto the cxteut of O,0wJ.

furnace dsmaged theworks lobouih

extent of 00.

At No. IBS and 1C6 Chrvstle street, on Baturday,

Jamea M.ay toil Ptrtek Hoy le IW'JO, Mr.II.1W, ud Jllchel Cox 11,000.

Ioist evening at Orchard street, originating on

the seeoml Boor, oicuplel by Aorahani Mark. uslby explo.l..n of kerweae lamp, JJauiage, 1,000 U--

. sdroo lor l.I;

ot;r .v t'.t,rK.v.t.The (Irnvryniil of hprrulntlmit and the

Abiding Plncr or Toll - i:lfnordlnnrylVnlllly ofthp Moll- - A Twent) 'rhosmnmlAcre I'nrni-- A Prlvnle I'nrk or Ouo Thou- -

nnd Acres.Correspondence ot Tho Sun.

Cnioo, Cal., Ausf. 10. I liava just arrived" In

this place from Willamette, Oregon, a'ter a weary

ride In a e state over a country lately full ofpromlso and rich with hope of happiness, the siteof Innumerable airy castle of gorgeous hue and

rich material, but now desolate beyond description.On every side stretch decated fields and charredforests, deserted ranches and villages, settlementsruined, farm exhausted, building depreciated, anilmining district without miner. Machinery rust-ing, and place rapidly beeooilnj covered with arank vegetation, alone mark the spot where lieburled the fund expectation of despairing thou-san-

liven the Chlniman, who can loll frommorning to night, and live on almost nothing, ha

left the water-whee- for the ditch I dry, and not ascanty mouthful can he wring from tho corpse ofwhit was once a fruitful oll. A disheartened r

or two Is met here and there, standing sadly Inhis decajln? hut, awaiting some freak of capriciousfortune which my enable htm to depart from outthe shadow of the curo which ha fallen on IllsIITc. Disheartened and careworn, half starved, andIn tatter, they remain like Jackal aronnd a grave-

yard, hannting the scene of their misery, too Indo-

lent to mske an effort to break their fetters, too de-

spairing tn take another look Into the fuinic. One

brick building was pointed out tn mo at Hoaita,which cost tSfl.OOt) to erect, and which had beenola for CiW. Another at Yrck sold for 1 1,000

that cost twenty live time the amount.

ri.ou nitATn to Li ib.Whtt a delightful change to strike the fertile val-

ley of the Sacramento after all this dcaolutlon. litrethe fruit tree bear volunteer crop. Here every-thing grows spontaneously, or wllh little rare,drapes may be had at two cents a pound, andapple. Kur, and (caches at tl ree cents.

" What splendid spnle you base," once remarkedan English tourist, when seringa fl(ly.ound water-melu-

tn the valley for tae first time."Apple bo dd I" answered the California larmer;"these are onlj California huckleberries." Theyhasa even taken to raising tobacco and tho inulberry tree, and the silkworm will follow In a nhorttime. All Is needed I fjcturle tn turn tu ac-

count the wool of the thousands of sheep, and fur-nish the Inhabitant with cheap clothe ol their onin tniiiarture. These, too, will doubtless be addedbefore long, and the new Paradise will be com-plete.


The reason or this contrast He In tho fact that Inthe one phco Ihe pioneer wildly In ex.travagant searching tor gold which never existed;In llv other they set qnUtly to work and dug fromIhe soil the riclies which may be funnel in any place.Thise were slow tut sure: thoe let their vaultingambition o'rrlcap Itself. Like thousand ot otherswho did not come so far trom home to cast theirfoituucon the haxsrd oftha di they not only be-came ruined theinselve, but blighted all and every-thing within their reach, wi.lle their more sensiblebrethren rested content with the gn.nH the, and without any nnusnil etTort found them-selves after a while master ol the wealth lor wh'ehthe other hd rlsxed and lost no much. As an in-

stance In (Mint I may mention Urn. Ilidnell,A TWRKTT TIIOrSSHD ACKB TAHH.

In 1MI ho Invested $10 In a Mexican stamp, and Istoduytho owner of a rich and prodnctivo farm ofM.fXO acre. A far a t to keenest eye can seefrom the rl.aeramento to the Sierra nrkc-t- miles bythree and a half of tho finest land in the worlti cultshim master; and this after presenting 8.0UU acre tohla nalghbor for the sake of company.

LUZl'RT IN TDK WlLDIUNtS.Ipaldllie General a lslt, and was received with

rlneely hospitality at Id paliro of :t residence,very luxury, every reflnemint Imaginable pan

ready and cuDStunt eoort to the favored pioneer ol nquarter of a century ago. Alter a luxurious breaklast that would nuke the mouth ol n resldtut ofl'lfth avenue water with longing, the Oeneral ortiered his carriage, and wo started oil on a tourthrough the estate.

livino iiorsm.We first visited a "patch" of a park, eight thou-h-

acres In extent, two tbousanil of w bleu are cov-ered w 1th oak treca. I saw a million of fir trees tromsix to twelvo feet in diameter. Home were larseenough. If sawed Into boerd. to build a second Hoton COlticnni from. The Orncral' carrlano couldeasily have bein driven through a tunnel madethrough their trunk.


Emerging from the park, we came upon Tintwheat field, one thonsand acre In extent. Justthink of It, yc old fogies or " ten acre enough" and

five acre loo much." One thouand acre of gold-en- ,

waving wheat, thlrty-flr- bnshels lo the acre, aperfect sea of embryo bread, enough to feed a smalltown. All Ihe work I done by machinery, and I waaastonished to see 1. 1 what a won. Ifmil degree of n

these wood and Iron automaton had beenbrought. Here were header, and

wagon loaded, filled In three minute by thewatch three men cnttlnr their twenty acre a day.Under the trees, tl ere wa the engine,threshing out the grain two bushela a minute I

Here I saw with my own e)e thrco benders, forty-eigh- thorse, tweniy-fou- r men. one boy and a Un-

bone power enilne cut, gather, thresh, and bagtwelve hundred bushels of wheat in eleven hour,

ma aiocx or a califoxia rami.The General estimates the yield of wheat on bis

farm thl year at 40,00-- bushels, and of barley at13.aU bushels. He ha laVXJ head or cattle, nuo headol horse, 100 milch cows, and 1,500 hog. limes aredull, and grain Is low, aud these fluures are far belowhis usual productions llo grinds 2u0 barrel ofwheat per day In the Chleo mills. All that is ncidedIs an outlet, to make thl part of the Union thegreatest country In the world.

A SHALL ITEM Or rill'IT.We next went through the orchard at a trot,

These consist of 100 acre of peach, pear, npple,plum, nectarine, apricot, Og, almond and pumecian-at- e

lice, all bowed down with tLrir load of rip nlngfruit lo vuch an cnormosi extent that upple andpeaches only bring 3 cent a pound, 111 gruperlcwill yield lUl.toi pounds of grape tins season, nndat 2 cent a siuud will be worth t' After thiswe need no longer laugh at the Crockett stories rtputtlug the ear do n In h thousand acre twtato tl- hi,lu hear the big potatoes tell tho little potatoes to He

still and slop crowding, and tho slory about n rachorse chasing a pumpkin vine hall a mile.

Murder In linltlmnri.Haltimoke, Aug. 22, A ilillicully occurred

this afternoon at a restaurant In the suburb of thiscity, brtwceu a party o men, in which Lewi Melteuwa badly beaten by John Chamber. Heilie leftthe place and subsequently returned with hi brotbirAugut and a friend when the pally assaulted Cham-her- .

Lewie Meltee atiuck Chamber wllh a ttoneweighing ten pound, crushing out In brain, undcausli g mitant death, All the par Hi a were arret tut.


1'nllticnl Oosslp.Gov. llairlinan of New Hampshire lias ac-

cepted an Invitation to take part in tho Ohio cam-paign.

Win. 1). Man, of Mobile, the Democraticagger, cut. It to said, til, t JO to secure hielection to Congress, but In rain.

The Hon. Horvey Jewell, Speaker of the Mas-

sachusetts Legislature, will make on effort to carrythe ltepubllc-i- n cancu In opposition to Guv, Clallln.

Ibe Louisville Courier-Journ- say that " tenor twenty time a much opposition Is made toChinese immigration by the ltadlcal a by theDemocratic party."

I'arson Jlrownlow warm tho Administrationnot to pon'sh the Renter men of Teunessee, and saysthat Andrew Johnson will not be elected Hcnalor.

Henry Iteynold, seeing that the Ohio Demo-crat are around nominating the class of meu whoalway bitterly opposed them, and fearing his turnwould como next, wrote that on no account wouldhe lie prevailed upon to accept.

Tlic Nashville Jitnntr, always tho friend ofAndrew Johnson, oppose III Henatotlat promotion,cud say Ihe name Is now u;gestivo of agitation,turmoil, and excitement. What the Baniur wantsI peace.

Oon. Longstrect, tho new Hurveyor of thoport of New Orleans, has appointed several coloredmen to position In In department. The llrpubli-cau- a

are delighted, and tho Democrat eannoi com-pl- a

n uo w that the) arc voting lor negroes and b( gglnglUur vote.

Under the head " I'rogrv of Military Usurpa-tion," the Philadelphia A'j, the Demos. ratlc organ ofthe State of Pennsylvania, scores severely the policyol Oor lloflumn In threatening martial law alongthe line of the Alhan) and busquehanna Itaitroad,und In declaring that lie would seize hold of aud runtho road unless order wa restored.

A German deform organization in Cincinnatihave adopted resolution that they will not supportany candlilate fur the legislature who will not re-

duce Ihe lary of local cuuul) officer to tlo.UX) ayear, and no candidate for these office who willnut pledge himself to give of his fee Curchai (table purpose.

The Democratic press is already at loggerheadon the subject of Chinese iminlgrklion. Tlig World,some lime since, cam out In an article claiming thatthe Democratic pre favorod it. But icxrccly uIhe Ink dry on the article before the Albany Argiu.denied It. Bince then the Cincinnati Enqulrtr en-dorsed the position of the Jrgut. The Chlcsgo

JBaut side with iht Werlit la Ux custciu


D.i.iiivs jivni: .t.v iiir.nt: nv Tin:svs's JtuyoiiTiiiiH,

The HnndsiT Lnger llrer In rn

The Proerlon of New Ynt-krri-

Alhlrst-1'.srnpl- ng tbo Moshp of the lix-el-

l.nsv.The crowd that oneo a week throng the ferry-

boat to Itobnkrn wrro yealerday multitudinouscomputation. Beginning early in the morning,

thousand on thousind of released New Yorkerpoured over the river until as late a 3 Ir. tho alter-noo-

wcndluz their respective ways to llud'on City,theKlislan l'ietds, West Hobokcn, and the varioussaloons and garden In lloboken Itself They wereas numerous as the sand on tho sea shore. OltoCottage tl.irdrn.was so well patronised a to verynearly resemble a bedlam In heat an t wild confu-sion and despair. We do not undertake to compntothe lager beer that was disposed of, nor theRehweltxer kltse. As many pretsels were swal-lowed as would rtqniro . hundred takrto miiuractnro In a week. A ponderouTeuton, w ho spent hi alteruoou In the garden, afterrutting nut of sight an rstonlshtng amount of theliquid, otlered In make a bet "mlt any man who fell soa If be wunld feel verv vergnllgct tn boiUprtfel of himoney dat he vonht trlnk inoro as he," which wauerwm Immediately taken up by another lenton, whosal at a tabln behind him A we lo.t tho place theterm of the bet were being arranged. Mix keg ofbeer wei to be tapped foi Instant use, an 1 a It wasImpossible that cither should get drunk, tt was tesolved that th one who first gave In, or lell desd,should pay nil the expense, We have not heardhow thl frightful aflalr turned ont. The eunfu'lonsva so great that In every direction waiter werelooking In despair for the table at which their or-

der had been riven, nnd Ihe table were looking Invnln for the waller O' the waiter a large extrannmherarc hired for Mondays alone. Ity ten Inth" evening they are drunk a fiddler, the bar-tender are diunk, the drinker are drunk, the po-

licemen ate drunk, Ihe tree are drunk, the tableare drunk, and theie a general dninkrniira every-where Thl w is HundBV In lloboken.

The riknnilrrbtll Freight IVsr,The maxim that competition is tho lifoof trade,

I by no mean Invariably true The rcckle com--

tition, at all events, In which the Central and Erietliilruiid Companle havo been for somo time en-

gaged ha prove 1 so unprofitable to both belligerent,that persisted In, would, uotwlthNbandlng their Im-

mense wealth, lnesltably Involve them In bankrupt-cy. I'uruierly their rcaular chaigo for freight waaf 1.10 per hundred pounds, hut within tho last two orthree week the spirit of rlsalry ha graduallybrought It down to the nominal rhargo of lio cent.The Commodore, l.owescr, though having amplemean to carry on the ruinou contest, has nn no-t-

n of doing so any longer, and from this day onmean to raise the rato tn lo cents.

Thiongbont tho conteat tae Krto Kallrnnd Com-un-

In consequence of tu lioadquartri being in Jer-- t

y, has labored under material diadvanLu:r, forwhile their depot ha been glutted with goods.the vanill rlnli proplo havo been sending off ten or twelveHeight train per day, and have now-- very lithtstuck on hand.

1'iitlier Corrlgiiu'M Lecture-- -

There wa n meeting of olliccr of FatherTemperance rioclctk-- yesterday, at which n

cominltiee, consisting of Messrs. Brady, I!o)1e,Lamb, Mitchell, and Kelly, was appointed to conferwllh the seseral societies nnd Willi the CommonCouncil lo securp Hit Ir piesciice and cooperation attho lecture In be delivered by thu Hot. Father

Hrpt. 0.

In rrptrnitor.lime. I'arepa-llos- will h"gin season of

English opera at tho French Theatre In Fourteenthstreet on Saturday evening, the Ith of Septembernext. Tho first performance will he that of Balfe'sopera of the " Puritan' Datightir." Tho seasonwill be limited to Ultecn nights.

Tim roic.r. of tuk ruorr.n.Vermin ami Pestilence lu the Unr CwsUlnn.To (A Minor ot Tht Sun.

Sim Under tho above, heading your corres-ponde-

" C," In Tn Bun of Aug. 18, objects toor cushions. lie may be In the Interest of the carcompany, wtahlng to save thorn the expense of eush- -Ion by uDlitutlng wooden seats. Vermin are notdesirable, but they do not generate " pestilence." I

ride constantly In the borso cars, and I have neverseen auj vermin. If the poorer people who ride In

the cars have vermin about tbelr pertuns, the diff-iculty would not beobvlaUMl by wooden seat. I hopethe cor cushions will be kept In cleanly, decent or-

der! but I hope never to see the abomination andnuisance of wooden seat, They are rxtremly coldmid uncomfortable In winter, aud by chilling the sys-

tem, tend to produce disease. If "C." I a fat,plethoric gentleman, the wooden scats may answervery well for him : but they do not answer for per-

sons of a spare habit of body. The car Jolt horri-bly a they pox over tho uneven and Imptrfect rail,nnd many Individuals feel as If all of the hones inIhrtr bodies would be broken, Itbeumatic proideand other with painful condition of the body,suffer aery much in thl war, while riding In thocar. W n.Mlen ent wuuld greatly lutcnsl'y the evil,Let n. therefore, hold on to tho car cushion ; hutlet thtiu be kept In decent order. PHYSICIAN.

Tho Kxtorllounte linker.7b thi Editor or Thi Sun.

Htn: Tivo or three days ago I complained ofthe bskrr. among otner thing. Bread that I hadbought for 0 cent weighed ttouuee; lor H cents, IItoll ounces; fur 10 cents, It to 10 ounces. It wanot bought for experiment; It waa weighed to satis-fy my curiosity. "A Baking Company" aayIn your ppr that they aell 1 pound 0 ounce of breadfor II cents. If they tell a good, puro article at thatprice. It prove thut other baker ate tlmply

I with you would lniesllgale thl matterthoroughly.

And concerning the " I.leened Vendor'" mca.lire and pilng weighers, I It not the duty of theCity Inspector lo Hpcct them Just a completely andcarefully s ho doe those of the tea dealers, grocer,ami market. men. A. D. W,

Aug, HI, 1UKI.

llnav the Lnsvver' Clerk are Underpaid,yb Iht Utilcr ol Tht Ami.

Siki IliickUjcr, tailors, carvers, moulders,and others have their strikes, but a much abusedi.ud overworked aud miserably cumpensslcd class ofemployee still quietly ubmtl to the lmpotttou oft Li r employers, Thl state of affairs ha lastedlong enough, aud It high lime that a changeshould bn brought about. A clerk In a law officework a r.arn nay. naruer man uury koous cicra.Ha must do things ''Just o," and the llghtest andmost Immaterial departure from tho beaten track In-

cur the displeasure of bia employer, and compelblm to ucrln anew the wnrk ot one or more day.And would you like to know how he Is remunerated tllo may tccelve four, six, eight, or ten dollars perweek the litter being the highest salary lawyerlidnk they aru in conscience bound to piy. Thereare, duubtli si, exception, but thrao are few and tarbttwecn. FIAT JUBTUIA.

The New Pollllcnl Movement.To the TMior of The .Tun,

Sik i In The Sun of I sco tho working-me- n

have proposed N. W. Young for Mayor orIn Congre. Senator Hpragnv. of IUiode

Island, aid we hid too many lawyer there ; toomuch talk, and loo little work. And now, Mr. Kill-to-

would It not be better for the whole countrywere Ihe people represented by meu who understandw hat they want I Do we not want more mechanics,farmers, merchants, and worklntmen In Congress-l- ess

talk, and more work 1 As The Bun shine forall, I know of no better way than for you to keep Itbeiore Ihe people ; aud If the peoole want their

represented, both In Stale and nationalcouncils, let them make their own nomination, a

the working men arc trying to do, and not leave It topolitical rings and caucuses to make them for them.


A Lovely Girl Ibe Best (swimmer sit LongBranch.

From the llotton Pott.A lovely girl, the must vigorous dancer at tho

biggest hotel at the Brsuch, WMhosout all traces ofthe last night's ball lu a morning swim out beyondthu turf, when the cnvloo wave do not Hash theirfoam In her httlo mouth, but the long roller kindlyrock aud caress licr. A notable swimmer I b.Encased In a free and not cumbersome suit of lightblue, her long hair free to wind aud wave, she tripsto the surf, take a bold header through the firstbreaker uud strike out, Another roaring waecumis at her, but the little drlpplug head duck andplunge through it, reappcarlngou the other tide andshaking llm salt drops back with glco. Again andagain, and the List breaker is past, and alio strikesout ovor Ihe rolling deep water, beyond the ufety-buoy- ,

wllh a stroke that would thame the Adoniswho whirled her laat nl.hl In the dance and who hanot yet come down tn hretkfast. Iteturnlng, herlJt-- lu on tho breaker like a queen, fresh, invlgo.rutfd nnd can less ol the terrors ot thu deep of whichshe I so charming a mistress.

Alter the bath (lie ladle retire to their rooms, andthe other sex In (he bsr. It I ald that both haveth anie object, and that the "little glass" I theregular corrective of ra water, without distinctionof sci. There t alio a queer odor a or clgreltea,which is unaccountsblo but by supposing a mol pre-tni-

The Kentucky Dlllltla.St. Louis, Aug, 22. Three companies of (he

Stale militia, numbering all told about US men, leftthis morning for Lebanon, Ky., to be d'strlbutedin (ho lower counties, where (he Jiegulatori btvebeta dBitedAUog, ' "

TU V MAJESTY O t' XI! II" l'OBK L.tir.

One Alan whom (ho lilng'a Policemen willnot Arrest A llnlltvny King rnsun I'.xrm.nlnr for tho Unr Couilurtor.

Car No. 201 of tho Third Avenue Hailrnadstarted from the depot at 10:10 on Wednesday nlghlwllh complement of passengers, Nothln.T unnsuitoccurred until the vehicle had reached Fourteenthstreet. Here It stopped, and a distinguished railroadnnd steamboat king, who I neither Jame Flsk norCornellu Vandcrbllt, entered, but did not take a

seat, The king I somewhat post tho merldlnn oflife. He l large snd eloul and Immensely ileh; wemay add thai he Is a stickler for discipline on therosds of which h I. (hecnsled head, lie wa

dressed and cisnled .alargo gold headed cine.It wa evident that he had Just left a meeting of ono

of (he railway boards, the evidence brli.g Ihe peculiar

roll of the upper part of hi body, the shsklness ofhis redlculnr cxtremltle, and tho general air of un-

fathomable profundity which mshrouded his puffed-u-

visage and hi half closed eye-- . He stood Justlu front of (he doorway, beldlng both side of ihedoor w lib hi bejewelled hand, completely block-

ing (ho patsage.A block or (wo further down the car slopped again

and sevcril ladle entered. The conductor tap-

ped the colossus of rJlrod on the shoulder and

called out: "Gentlemen please inosc forward atittle aud let these ladle In," The man who waneither Jame Ftsk nor Commodore VanderblH didnot budge. He merely started sudddrnly, elevatedhi eyelid a little, and then quietly subsided Into hiformer oscillatory abstraction. The conductor tap-ped htm on tbo shoulder again and male a peraonalappeal lo him to pleaise permit tin ladle to get In-

side. Turning his head (lowly around, he drawledout dreamily;

" You go tt 1 1, you --steAer you."The conductor waxed wroth, and geully Insinuated

that If ho did not get out of tho way Instantly he

till conductor) would bo under the painful necessityof forcing him.

Aronscd by thl threat, the railroad and atetulboatking, who wa neither J. 1 nor ('. V., snddrnlyJerked himself aronnd and poked hiscane through a pane of glass. The conductor quietlyIntimated that ho would take a dollar from him forthat, but tho king ataggered back and told him to" Go lo ti- 11 for a d d snicker" again, at the sametime making a psss at blm iiliJobnC. lloennn.The condnolor caught hi arm, snd having got theladles salely lu, stepped to (he front of llw ear and(old the driver to slop and hall the first policemanhe met. The latter did so at Canal Urott, and thopoliceman approached and drew hi rlub, llo lookedat the offender, stopped, hesitated, put back bisclub, and said to the conductor :

" Never mind him; he's all light. Just you takemy number, aud If lie don't pay you 1 will."

Here the railroad king grasped one Jamb of (he

door, cocked hla head (o one side, and, nhnltlng hiseve ouinplctely, growled with an air of mock digtally;

" Say I (hie) d'ye know who I ant 1 Pin ,

and I'll havo you broke."" I don't caro for nr anybody else," re-

sponded lire conductor. " Policeman, 1 want you (o

lake (ha( man to tho station houso aud I'll make acharge against him."

"No, nn. You Just (ake my number, and I'll beresponsible for Ihe pa) meat of the glass."

Finding It Impossible lo get the drunken Mogularrested, the conductor wn obllgoj to slat t hi (car,but he finally got him offal Franklin street.

TUK WA.ll or Tit r. HACKS.

(.'e of Virginia Chivalry-Ne- w YorkCriminal C'ourla rjacccsefully luilmlcd.

A correspondent of Hie Washington OhronitUwrites from HeatliSTille, Vs., riving the followingparticulars of the Isle not In that place. He saythat the day In question, the tth Inst, waa courtday, allhoogu no court wa held, and that a largecrowd, mostly of white men, had collected. Undera certain tree an old colored woman had a rcfreih-nien- l

slsnd, and to thl tre It. u. llsjnte, tlM Con-servative member elect lo the Legislature, tied hihorse. The animal wa restive and endangered theatand, whereupon the old woman' soa garo him aalight tap to make blm change hi position Iheowner, who stood by, afWr some words, hursewhlp- -

both the son and the mother, and a riot ensuedfedwhich the blacks were fearfully beaten, It onlycame to an end when one of them had been laid outfor dead, flrt by a blow of a cane In the hand ofone of the rlnglcaders.'atid then by a brickbat. liedied about 0 o'clock the umi night, and hie mur-derer wa committed to Jail.

The next mornin no prisoner was to be found.The Jailer, oa being questioned, claimed that duringthe night parti unknown to him came and

the kty, and threatened lo " kill htm" Ifhe did not give It op, wklch he did, though withincalling dlstaace of the public house where lodgedthe Military Commtmtonorat

Abont noon an attempt wa made to overtake (heeacaped prisoner, but In the course of a few hoursthe partiee returned without him. That morning anInques wa held upon the body of the murderer)man. some of the rioter acting aa Jurors, but optothl time no effort whatrr has been made by thectvil authorities to bring the actor to Jostle. Inthe mind of many thl la regarded a a premedita-ted affair.

CVlllOHlTlKtl Of CltlMK.

Take Homo ofThla-Ta- ie CoeleM lteudlug olIbo Meaaon.

Dud Carter, a Tciinetaeo outlaw, having herntaken to tuk by Ihe newspaper for late uutrtgenpou William If. Hill, ha addressed a "card" ofexplanation to the Nashville Manner. IIosathatJame Bowion, a nephew of Col. William llossonand a cousin of thl Mr. Hill, blacked and disguisedthcmxlve and stiot John T. Hog or, (be sou of Oon.ltoetrs, In the presence of Carter. Fur (bis (heywere sued, and Carter waa employed to run tho wit-ness off, on a promise of receiving f 'JUI snd twohorses for hi ervteeii. The 900 wa not only notpaid, but 11111 and Bosaon had Carter arrested andcast Into prison, where be lay for month at a costof about f 2,0nu.beroro tie could obtalu hi release.He (hen elaed Hill and held him In custody untilhe had refunded th Carter nys that hetreated Hill better than he waa treated hlinaclf, sndadds, by way of a postscript, " I hope such ncwsp.1-pe- r

as have noticed this transaction will give insthe benefit of (his explanation, aud nasure the pub-lic that (hey ate In no danger trom uiy bauds if tbeyattend to their own business."

The Tiger lu Court.Itobert Moran and eleven odier persons were

taken to Jefferson Msrket Court yesterday, on chargeof lighting " the tiger at the corntr of Eighth ave-nu- e

aud Twenty-sixt- atrel. The pollco paid theirrespects tn the place on Saturday night and cuptnrcdall the paraphernalia of Ibe game, which w a Lundc I

over to the Property Clerk at the Po'iee Central ofBee, to be used as the Police Commissioners may di-

rect. Moran, who keeps the plsce and was dealingthe cards when arretted, wa locked up yesterday Indefault ol tMU ball, bul Ids partners Id guilt weredlachtrgod.

How tbey Don't Pay Ihe Other Hoy.Franklin Harris, an ofllce-bo- In the employ of

John Mctjulggan, furniture dealer In Spring strret,complained at Marshal Tooker's office, on Salurdsy,tbt he could not get hla wages. McQulggau buslined boys and kept them aa long aa they would

lay without wage, and then when luey grumbledhe discharged them and took others, thereby gatingtheir service fur nothing.

Knocked Into Eternity by n Tumbler.On Haturday night Joseph L'arr, a dock build-

er, of ;i Sixth street, quarrelled with his wile andthrew a turaoler at her. II (truck Ann Couuerty, a.girl of 10, who happened to be present, and whowas faUlly Injured. Tin wound I three Inchesaero the ngut temple and very deep, Carr waarrisled.

DECENT ai'OllTlNU XHH8.Tbo Brooklyn Yacht Club Itrgntla.

The Brooklyn Yacht Club on Saturday stalledM a race from Oowanu Bay past Builcu Island16 Grevesend Bay, where they ate chowder anddrank ehampairne. Tho enlric were tho Soplat,Niagara, and Matkodeod. cabin sloops; Fanny Vail.Hoop La, Phantom, and Marlon, open sloops. At IIA. M. the word wa given, and (be Phantom led theway, followed by the Bophla and Mirton, Ihe HoopLa, Fanny Vail, Niagara, and Muskodeed beino; conalderably aatcrn and well together. The first tuckwu toward btaleu bland. The ran along (he shoreof Ihe Island abowed, a good race between Ihe HoopLt und tbo Mirton, and the ranny Vail and Musko-deed-

When paialng Tottcnvllle the Fanny Vailoverhauled and pissed the Muskodeed, which soonafter carried away her halyard, and withdrew fromthe race. On ncarlng buoy 11 the Marlon cornelawy her Jib, which obliged her to withdraw andgive her place to Hoop La. The yct(s roundedbuoy 0, the first (urnlug point on the coarse, lu thefollowing order! Phantom, Bopbla, Hoop Ii, Niag-ara, aud Fauny Vail which order they mulutalni dnntll reaching Qraveaend Bay, the terulnusof (herace. Only a short time was nsccauary to allow all(he boats to come op, the schooner Alice, Commo-dore Klsd, having arrived first, by taking a straightconns, ibe ABce not being In the race. To pratepennmU were awarded toIbo sloop Bopil, ownerCapt. O. Kelt, sailed by Capt. II, Botch I phantom,owner CaftjHobctUt, and. eiUer Jiarry

--, -ii in mi 'til r iifmmt - -


rHi; viTxnss i.ahii:xci: (iisaiia.hxot vkt M( itii:iii:i.

Hilll Allvr-T- he Fourth Wnrd tlenlry thrcnlen lo Hill Hint If lie Aoprnrs-ll- n w a(itlrrn Hint n Piilllleliin I

Trrnted hv Other Pollllrlnna-U'li- nl IhrPeople Pny I'nrnnil tVlml they del.

The vague anil contradictory nimor thai havebeen In circulation of late, concerning the where-about of Mr. Lawrence Graham, who w a robbed Inllotllylha Illncksmllh's den an Chatham square,nnd with the particular of which c: so the publicare Inniillar, are at last brought down to fact. Mr.Graham ha not disappeared, h is not licen murder-

ed, ha hot been bribed, but on (he contrary ( aliveand wetland Intrndi lo do Id duty.

WHAT tin. GI1MIAII SST.A Few reporter took a trip to Hudson City last

night In qnent of Mr. Graham. Our reporter sjientupward of an lour Inlnqnlrlng for the whereaboutof Mr. Graham. Finally, after hating questionedneatly a hundrnl resident, The Spn' reprecntallvefound Mr. Graham. Ho I a verv honest,

and man, and very seldom takesstrong drink, lie ss Hint Ihe money which ho w

robbed of In Vrlcy'a saloon I not all the. lo. heha utalned in rnwecutliig lleddy, nud that In

snbpcenalng witness, lawyer' fee, and other sun-

dry disbursements, not counting lu the time be had

lost, nor the necessary expense he had Incurred, SirWilliam de Varies; anil his gang had cost him aboutf 000 more. He h tpplled to tho District Attorneyfor reimbursement, but h always been put off,being told to wait until the fugitlvo Itcddy was con-

victed. All thl notwithstanding tho fact that Mr.

Graham had attended the trial of llrcnnan and How

srd, both of whom were convicted, tho former beingaent to Stale Prison for flllecn year, snd Ihe latterto only five jears. But the Ovcrr man, owing tothe overflow of mercy, or something cle In thobreast of (he noble Judge who sentenced him,backed cp by Assistant District Attorney Ilntcl.inga'aphilanthropy, wa kept In tho Tomb a week Justlong enough to enable the merciful young Judge anddie philanthropic young man who look fter tho In-

terest of Ibe people to wrlto a doleful rcqneat toGovernor Hoffman, nrgently begging of him to par-

don Ihe Fourth Ward politician' pal. Thu Governorcould not resist (he appealo of gentlemen who arepaid t",000 and $3,000 per annum, and so the con-

victed robber wa pardoned after he had been Incar-

cerated two week.Mr Gialumr-al- lbt number of Iteddy' friends,

, black.moutchcd de.pcradoe, ttiopests snd eonrgc of thl community, have thuittheir flllhy crra-- s Into hie nloon, Interceding fortheir chief. They have had recourse lo all device.Ihey have made alldemptlng promise, they have

threatened hi lift. After all ltd, Varley' wife,accompanied by flvo little one. vilted him. Mr.

Graham wn out. Ill wife, however, waa at home,and had lo listen to Ihe broken-hearte- wife' ap-

peal. Mr. Graham denies In tola tbat anybody haolTored him a bribe of either 3,000 or i not toappear against Keddy, and ay! "Being out ot o

mnch money, of course, I would like to get ome ofIt hack ; but the cltlien of New York snd

needn't bo afraid that I wou't appear. Ill ihe

will he of no avail with me now, for If I live I'll be

a wltneaa against blm. You may depend upon me,sir. II la not bribe I fear, but It' the talk of thoacthat come (o me. I with tometlme that I had (hipiece sold out, and wa many a mile from here. I'mno coward, and dou'l Intend to be scared away,however, If I can help It. I wouldn't take a bribeIn no matter what amount."

Mr. Graham tells bis story In a very plain, sltalght-forwar-

manner, and say be ha been a gardenerfor the beat part of hla life (he sppear to be about

US year or age), working ovor aeven year for oneman, Mr. John Lafarge, and two yeara for anothergentleman, who I one ot hi best friend and coun-sellor at the prncnl time. He sty be ha no tool-

ings of revenge to gratify, bnt simply wanta Justice,and tbat he Intends to have It with tht aid of TubBun, Our reporter Informed him that some doubtliaa been expressed about hi ever having been worth

or f.'jOO to be robbed of. He replied that be-

fore Id present misfortune "'twnan't $500 aloneI could show, but four time that, for I had over$2,000 In good hard money a short time back, and I

don't know bnt what I could ralsr $Su0

About a year ago be bought the bar ho la keeping,and has a fair ran ot custom.

Mr. Graham could not asy that the threat thatliad been uaed to him came from Iteddy himself, bulsupposed (hey did, a Keddy had political Influence,and bl lervlcv are much needod In the coming elec-

tions. He wa mnch pnt out at (he District Attor-ney and (he officer of Ihe Court for the long timethe ce ha taken to bring it tu a head and thelotse be had snatalned, saying he had promised torefund htm $300, bat hadn't done II yet. He sup-

posed Ibe delay was caused through Iteddy and hifriends' political Influence.

Ho further said that the threat from Iteddy'gang would not deter blm from going to New Yorkwhenever he bait business, bul that he prelcrrcd

there In tho daytime, aud did not now go atnight.

Why Governor Center Ouahl lobe Henator.Cor. Lowttille ConrUr Journal.

I met a very ahrewd politician ono of thelight of lher(rirnrincn lu ract "good old rebel,"and I ald, after omo preliminary remark about(he crop and (he weather

" Well, how about Scnlcr I"" Wbv," ald bo, " Bentcr'a a cussed a."" How so!"" He' losing deal, lr. He' Idling Etheridge

and Johnson get the start of him. In fact, h.'s amere quarter nag."

I ventured to remark that I didn't sec II, snd hecontinued

" If were Governor, by (he lord, sir, I'd kuosrwho'd be HcDalor."

"Who!"" Me, sir; me myself, sir."" You think, luce, that Scutcr could bo Senator If

l.e desired t""Desire, the dickens I Of course ho desires It,

but he don't know how."" What should ho do I""I won't say what ho should do, hut I'll tell you

what 1 would do. When the Legislature meet P.Icall the boy up like a d'ove of pd baud, and I'daay ; ' Look here, fellow, I'll bu plain with you,All thl my work; so don't be proud. Your ex-

istence Is my doing. You owe your places to me,Alone I did it, and If I cannot nndo tt Iran do thonext tiling to undoing It I can (hwart and botheryou mightily, I can so vex and destroy ) our legis-lation aa to make It pracdcally valueless. 1 haveonly to Join Ii alula wifi Ihe ltadlcal Tennessee dele-gation lu Congress to rstse up a pretext which Con-gress aud the Administration will lump at, I don'tTfint to make trouble, however, Elect me Senatorand I'll say no more about It. I'll consider the ac-

count between u qured. Kcfuso me, and I'll Justraise devil. Thai's what I would do If I were Senior.But ho hasu't the melt tu do II."

Worn nn Hnrued lo limth,Ciucihhati, Aug. 19. Mrs. Fitigerald, of

Stories township, wa burned tu death by the explo-sions! a coal oil lamp,

l'i:itSOXA I4 INTEl.l.iaUXCK.

Admiral Mendez Nunez Is d.

Mr. Gladstone la tn good health,The Governor General of Canada deulea that he

advocated severance from Eogland tu hi (jucbecipeecn.

MaJ.-Ge- Meade ts expected in Gettysbargh to-day. All the Coulederate Ocnert except Ucn.lleatlihavo excused themselves,

Mr, E. Ilepple Hall, traveller, author, and guide,piloted a large and select party of mentis aud lutliedguests ItouiitlUia Wcrld in,the:Lotiit Itoomof the

Hotel, Long llraoch,ou Saturday nlghtlast.Commodore VanderblH wa married on Saturday,

at Loudon. Canada, lo Mis Frank Urswiurd, diughterof Itobeit I.. Lrawtord, of Alabama. Augustus ecnell,

r New York, and Bupeilnteuduut TiUtilahst, ot theNew Voik Central Itallroad, wero the omy jier-oo-

presautatthectreuiouy, The bridal party Are In tiara-tvlt.


The New York COpcratlve Building Lot Associa-tion et thl evening,

The House Carpenter will go on sn excursion tuMyer's(Jroveon Wednesday next.

Bricklayer' Union No. 3, of Uiookln, will Inctltht cvenluf In their rooms.

Tie Wheelwrights' and Blackmlth' Union willmeet In lhurdon s Jackiou 1111 on Wedscaday even,lug.

Tho tailor employed by Hull, Harry, Hadden, JS, Clara. and J, . Lee, or Broadway, and Doll of lleek-ina-

street, will meal (hi evening, at 1 Htanton street.The Labor Congre closed It sesaloni In Phila-

delphia Balnrday. Ittchard Trevelllck was tlectedrrealdeot for th 6nuiug year, aud It w voted to holdth nail CoagttM lo Clwlouau pa (he third Upuday In

rkaXiu(, UN. v


'mmt. ir' ,. si ti .i mmmma&Hm-m-

-- ?'. , J ,&

.inmrAi. or rnixci: Anrnun.Itrlll.h Itnynlly In Nuvn "rntln-llo- sv Ihe

lllun ,n-- c Itrrrlvis lnrrn Vlclorln'ason No Irlshmnn Welcome Mini.

Hali-a- e, N, 3., August 21. Tho City of Parissurprise! Halifax thl forenoon by bringing TrlnceArthur, tpcedlly the people tolled up attic stair-way to tl elr roof whence a vlow of the steamship,majestically riding In nnder the sunshine, could tehad. Some hundreds hurried for the landing, butas II Sunday no great demonstration was made.

Carriage were sent down to tho whatf for Ihe

Prince and hi companions, and company of theSeventy-eight- Highlanders acted asgutrd of hon-

or.The si Ip touched the rler, tho gangway wa

i oved onl, and a select company, consisting of SirJohn Young, Gnnrnor-Gcncra- l of the Dominion,MaJ Gen. Chitrle Hasting Doyle,tenant Got ernor of Nov fcotla, Ailmlrat Wellcsley, the Mayor of Halifax, andother notables, stepped on board to welcome andcongratulate the prince Informally. Whllo this briefceremony wa taking placo In Ihe cabin, the mallw agon ratlh d up, the mall and bag:age w a remov-ed, and the steamer lightened of w hat few passengerand llltle freight she had brought to thl port.

Then, In sight of the shin' crew und passengerfor Now York, who were huddlid cn ceck. and ottho spectators on tho neighboring dock, tic I'rinreappeared at the top of the gangway, lilted hi lit,ind began to descend, lie I now 19 year old,having been born In I KM. Hi figure I tall, slender,and lltli", and hi fa Co hi the marked family like-ness, nnd remind one of the portrait of tho 0,ucctin well n thai of Prince Albert.

It waa a fair, modest, mlllnf, blushing face, IMSmorning, wllh soft side uhtsken Knglhlilnp tl.oGerman of It, and light blue ere which r nird tusee and thank everybody mutually for a rather mulewelcome. A for tho lrlncc' garb, ho wore a darkblue coat with a black velvet col'ar, and a standinglinen collar nn top of that, which gave blm a manlslilook; grayish pluht Irnwsrr, a plain black necktieami lavender colored kid glove, striped with blare.

So ho came down the gangway wllh hi natty tileheld graeefnllr aloof from his smoothly combedhead, Vowing nnd emlllng neon to spectator anilthe Highlanders, who salutca, and followedto hi carrlago by Hi Governor-Genera- l

and other "dlgnalarie." A faint cheer ortwo rang out a lie rolled nwy, and theHighlander, with their band ahead, marchingsilent closed tn an I escaped the party to tho resi-dence of the Lieutenant-Governor- . It wa a generaltuple of remark that no Irishman wa among themultitude who welcomed the Prince. Pacnger byIhe City of lirl report the Prince aa very nffable ontho voysaje, winning all rolks' good will. Thl n

he attended 0110 of the Episcopal churches. To-morrow he lo lnvr a fnrmal, and may he enthusi-astic, reception, and scverul festivities are rontem-Plate- d

In his honor, of which you will rcicivc dmrcpoit. .

lixrcmlon ol (inlvln nud atondr.The following arc Iho particular of the Last

moments on earth of theso two young murderers, laMemphis, n Friday last: At 8 n clock this morningGalvin' brother and sister vlsltrd turn fur tho lasttime. Galvin wiv nttrndrd by Father O'Brien, aCatholic clergyman, and Moody by 1 colored minis-ter. Galvin wa about SI, and Moody 31 yearof age. About twenty-lit- policemen, erinclwllh rifles, were stationed In Ihe anil alarge force outside. At P. M. BherllfCurryl ap-

peared with the prisoner Galvin, accompanied byFather O'Brien and a guard. Galvin mounted thescaffold with a firm tread, and, apparently, withoutany fear. Arrived upon the the Sheriffread the decision of Ihe Court, aflrr which Galvin,with Father O'llrii n. united In prayer, when Galvin,tn response lo a question from the Buerilf whetherbe bait anything to say, stepped forward nndaddressed the crowd; acknowledged to havingfire. I Iho fatal shut, bnt said he did lt In

alter which religious aervlce waa rood, Gal-vin' arm and les pinioned, and Ibe cap placed overhi head, the 11000 adjusted, and at I; 10 the dropfell. After hanging flllecn minute the physicianpronounced Hie extinct, when bl body waa cnt dow nand delivered to lit brother. Moody, Ihe ac-

companied by the minister and officer, ascendedthe aeatrold at 210. The Sheriff read thedeath warrant, and told Moody If he had anythingto say to do so. Moody then declared hi Innocence,warned all to keep out or bad company, said Bed-

ford wa Ihe man (hat fired the shot, and tbat hewa going to die for the crime or anolhrr, but ex-

pressed a willingness lo die, basing experienced re-

ligion since hi confinement. Alter thl the colorede'ergymnn, Mr. Hovel, oflered a prayer and suiig a

hymn, Moody Joining In the lallcr. At the Conclu-sion, Moody's sruis and leg were pinioned, Ihe capdrawu over hi bead, and at 2n tho door wa ;alndropped. Fifteen minutes after life had 111 Ihebody, lt wa then col down and delivered to hifriend.

The New Orleans Post Office l'.mlarzalrinrnt.Fivm the Von ,, Ao. s.

For some time past there have been rumoraffecting the Integrity of Die late Postmaster of thlcity, Hubert W. Taliaferro, and ycsleriUy he wa

upou a warrant, lasued by CommissionerUrbun npon two affldavlus made against blm for

of United State fund, by Acting UnitedStates Attorney lor tho District, J. W. Ourlry. Ttinamount Involved Is some ttt.UX), fur which Mr.Tallafeno seem utterly unable to account In de-fault or $1.1.000 ball ho waa teal yesterday to theParish Prison. Snlt ha been Inttllutsd against blmfor th amount embezzled, aud against hi bonds-men, John Itay, Madison Well, and Win, llallcy,Esqr., for the amount of bl bond. Mr. Taliaferroha for n long lime been Icndlug n very dissipatedlife, and when arrested wa In estate of intoxication.

.iottixoh a iiour roir.v.

Three persona were In Ihe Houso of DetentionCrime, poverty.

Itobert Hall, aged tt.dled suddenly at 171 Mulberryatrrct on Saturday night.

Five hundred and ninety-tw- peraou died herelast week, 310 began life, and P7 couple were married.

A ConvenUon of the Fenian Brotherhood U toasenihlo her In !sonlc Hall on Wednesday uext.

Andrew FtUhamer committed suicide by hangingon Haturday, at 1KI Third street.

Jamea Mclueer, recently from the Sooth, died yes-terday of yellow fever, at S13 Caaal street.

A btaketnau on a peach train on the New JerseyItailroad was crushed to deatu at Morrli Junction bat-urday evening.

An unknown man, sppare nlly about CO year old,was round orownd yealarday alteruoou at the foot ofHMh alrcct. North Hirer.

Neptune Division No. , S. of T-- , will go on theireleventh annual plculc to Boulevard Drove, Brooklyu,E. D

The Seventeenth Assembly District I'ulon Ittpiib-Hca-

Association will meet tills evening la Forty sixthmeet, near Llghth avenue,

The shooting gallery of Mr. Denis, (A Chartetonstieet, gutted" by gng of rough on Saturdayevrnlng, aud lleiila' life was threatened.

Families, boys, and girls, who want home in theWest, can go with a party on Tuesday, Au.MI. CallouMonday and Tuesday, at J East Fourth alreel.

Henry Glynn, of KM Third avenue, who made nplvtnl target of Joan Gou' hed yesterday morninz,ws locked up lu Jefferson Mirkit lu default .of lUwball.

A foot race of 200 yard, betwien Samuel Warnerand Hlehard Hooper, for IIM aside, at Harlem, on Sat-urday, resulted lu the victory of the former by fourfeet.

County Clerk Charles E. Loew, In behalf of theother gurtla of th Mansion House, presented goldchronometer to Augustus Heckler at Long Uiuucli ouFriday, for his bravery during the Into lire.

Jane llobcrtt, s.ede, of srrj Division street, hithlscllr, wss run over and Instantly killed, yesterdaynernouo, ittliu Yonkrr depot, by the expms train

booth on the Hudson Itlver Itailroad.Johanna Vignol, of 111 Seventh atreel, Cornelius

Kltder, of TTIrit avonne, near street, undHubert Ball, of 171 Elisabeth ilrect, died suddenly yes.lerdsy.

William Thompson wa rreted early yesterdaymorning, on the flowery, dtuaken und disorderly

when it was ascertained that he had stabbeduhtrt bchubert f n fhrystlu street.Emma (loss. Alls Coburn. wa comraltud for

stealing ! from Henry Levy of U Hoblnsun street onbatnrdsr night. Kmuia has sevural Hue been aecuiedof a similar offense, add Is well known at the Pomhs.

EUziheth Moore, who hid been arrested forconduct, attempted to hang herself In lue Last

Thirty-filt- street 1'nllce Siatlou yesteiday ruornu'.with Ler handkerchief, lu her tell.

Adam I). Logan, a lawyer, aged "0, who had beenlaid up for aoine time with paratysla.fell from the fourthslory lo the vrd of the Clarendon Hotel icsierday

rternooo, and was lustantly killed.Frank McCue, aged 9, of Elghty.fHIh atrret, near

Fifth avenue, fell Into an excavation wade for a lowerat Fourth avenue and KlKty-uft- street, He was res-cued from drownlaoi by linker Urahaiu.

Mr. Ann huttun, widow of an early Californialetllsr, dleI suddenly ou Ntturday at 3d Cannon street.She had 111,000 hi aavlngs hauks, and ret v uuwllllugto engage a pnisiclan lo attend her lu sickness,

Capt. Hose and the crew of the )acht Freddie, ofJersey City, had nsnuw ese.apu from dratrnhu in iholower bay on Saturday, when they wete uioetbythesquall, Ibe Long Uruutti tleauier Msgenta resvuedthem,

The remain of Mr. Sarah A. Browne, who wassupposed to hare hueu pol.nned by her husnand t 70Sullivan street, were rxtiuun' and laktinlothe Morgue,where 1'rnf Iioieiuui u ill nuke an analysts of tho cooteutaof the stomach.

About ISO Cuban and Americans went on a picnicto tprb.g Hill Urnve, noith of Yonkera, on Saturday.Ihe) took the steamer Fort Lee Ironi foot ot Twenti-thir- d

strict. Tho trip realised IC0, which it to be addedto the Cuban iudepeudene fund.

Mr Mary Jane Beglin complains that her husbandJohu llt'Ktln. tstiu bad been run over by a becond av-enue railroad ear and laUeu to the hospital, was uot

tied to tee his wile aud six children, lie died onterm. after bit ad.nlislou.An unknown man got Into a row boat yesterday

afternoon at the Christopher street pier, and lell over-board. Acrowdofrouxha were lighting on the pierand would huvelet the man drown, but atranser pass-ing Jumped la and, ttecacdniuiia mcilauAi-- U coodj-Un-

, .

te 7


CAiiAt.r.nno ni: hodas t'linrAtt-i.-a

to iiirrvnx to hvain.The Cuban n Unit far thr Independence ot

of Hpanlnrd In (hatntrrrsit of thr Cmpeilr floTrrnment. ,

WAAiiiNQTOir, Aug, Si. Cuban advices to (haBth, received In this city, give the following lte--mtnt of Ihe political condition (here. The volon- -(eer are exhibiting the purposes of theirorganization that of seising the governmentof Ihe Island of Cub from Spiln. Everywhere throughout the Island the volunteerJnnta are acting In concert wllh lhaAyunlamicnto al Havana, and now excrrlso (hesame control over De Hods that expelled Dolce fromhi position. II I reported that a formllabl

of Spaniards In tho Interest of the Cospetles Government, In every part of the Island, hoabeen exposed thronih the means of a spy. The ob-

ject of thl organization was to counteract that ot thesolnntceis, and lo strengthen the Cuban In thefield In the mean necessary to carry on the contest.Thl they did ; bnt tins esposii lias driven hun-

dred Into the Cuban army, and given theraa moral and physical power which willlie a terror lo the Spanish troop amivolunteer as organlicd on the Island. It It reportedthat De Hoda contemplate telgnlng an 1 returningto believing that hi longer continuance la

'hi pricut position nonld dainago hi reputation. svi.'ir.v Fi10.1T

Th? 1'lrry Epoch Vnhlncton' NormalThe .aiulual nfler) I'rrxti Lau-

rel Thr Tftbnrro Slnmp.Va.iiin(1TOX, Aug. .j. The extraordinary

heal of Friday and yesterday waa almost cquslleJto day Last nlghl a heavy gus( of wind, accompa-nied by vivid lightning, pissed over the city, bntscarcely a drop of rain fell. To-la- y Iho atmospherewaa close, sttllry, and almost stifling, with scarcelyair enough to move a leaf. A heavy blackcloud coverel the city like a pallnearly all the afternoon and evening, but no rataMl. Prayers for rsln wero offrrod Inmost of thechurch tiMliy by very dltnlnuttvo eungrcitin.In this extremity II has been proposed that heavydischarge of artillery should lie rrnurlcd (o, a thecannonading in tho great battle of the rebellionalmost Invarliblr brought copious rslns Immediatelyafterward. Fortunately our supply of Potomaewnt"r continue guod, nthcrwlae it would be here.

The Mutual Base Hall Club of New York arrivedIndnr, mid will play the National after-noon

Thl afternoon Chirle Sehelck, a druggist, doingbus'ness at Firth stri et and Gli-ar- amine, Phila-delphia, dropped dead at the railroad depot a hewn about entering the C: Itl train for Philadelphia.Ill deathwa cauacd by heat and Hehad In en lo Klc'imond and wa on hi return home.

The new and three pound tobaccotamp will be ready next week. The ten, bflccn,

twenty, (wen(y-ouc- , twenty-two- , forty, and d

stamp are finished. nd numerous orderswero Illicit at the ltevenne Bureau last week. Theone, two, and stamps are not completedtvt.

ir.i nixa 10 it thu ninrAitv.The llulllmore Poller Inillntlua Ihe Near

York llody " Piping" Forger nnd gel-ling Information, but runklng neArrest-Wl- in

are Ihr Thieve' L'ourrdrraleaTTo the KWor of Ihe Bun.

Si: Your orticlo this morning, "AnotherCommentary on American Police Practice," teemsto deserve more attention than will probably be paidIt in these data of successful robberies. On Mondaylaat, the day ou which Messrs. Brown Bio. & Co.received their fraudulent droll, Messrs. Howies Brest,

Co , of 19 William ttret, were also the recipientsof a similar draft for tn.3.10, drawn by the FirstNational Bank of Iodisnapolls on Messrs. Wlnslow,Lanier A Co., for rerotltsnce In English exebango tebox 3tfi, Pot Office, Baltimore, to II, M. Horton.duly Indorsed to that person by It. U Dart, tawhoso order (he draft wss drawn. Mr. Blbley, thecashier of Messrs. Bowles Bros. ,t Co., Immediatelydetected the forgers, and found hla viewa verified byMessr.t. Wlnslow, Iotnler X Co., who, telegraphingtn thr bank al Indianapolis, found the true vaine ofthe dralt to be $32, in place of t,3U0. Mewrw.Howie Bros. Co. Immediately tefegraphed andwrote to prominent Baltimore detectives, a well aaforwarding by return mall decoy letter to Ihe Unascter Iloiton, and tbr result wn the ame aa In theease of Brown Brolhcr. A aomaa called for tbadecoy letter, and wo watched, but not arrftttd, norfurther traced by the B illlmore detectives. The resultwat, of course, no arrest, and Mr. HorUm and hllassociate mar consider themselves happy. Now,here arc two case similarly worked by the sameparlies with fraudulent view, and though separatelyoffered to the shrewdest of detectives for "pi pine,"similar results occurred. No arrests In either

bnt an assurance almost (o (lie Horton ndcontcmporaneou flnnuclcr tbat money la obtainabletn Wall street ir "Star" or any other paper la offered,provided the Wall strret gentry arc not a trifia thesupcr'un, a of those who make It a vspecial prolcion. Now, the query offers, had loss ioccurred aud u reward been oQcred, would not our 4friend of the detective police have bcatlrrrd them sj

selves In the matter? Truly, " Virtue la its owareward." INt.UlSlTOIL


The l'rcfttof Tcrplgnan and ten other Carlislehavo been arrested on the Spanlih frontier.

Gen. Lehoeuf has been appointed French Ministerof Wsr In succeed Marshal Sed. decaasod.

Gen. Pczuela, Duke of Chesle, Spain,! to beexiled to the Canaries.

The French official have arrested a few mora 'Carllst chiefs on the .punish frontier. I

The crop In England, with the exception of wheat, f"will be al least at good su the average. jjtf

Peter Conet, 10 year of age, banged Llmtclf at fMainptou Junction a day or Itvvtlttcc. ,Ferdinand blow the tup of hi head off

with a pistol In St. Lonli last evening.The heat In St, Lout yesterday wa excrlve, (ha

thermometer at time rngtng 10. In the shade.Thirty Insurgent prisoner arrived In Havana fro ox

the Interior of Cuba yesterday attrruoon.At 8 o'clock last evening, Herman llersdell, a la-

borer, fill dead, of eicctilvu heat and drunkcunei, laClmlunall.

The manufacturer nt Fall Itlver, Mas , have con-cluded to run their factories but three day lu th ,

week ti resent,Commodore VanderblH and brtJo arrived In Sara

t.iga yeslertUy. by speeul train at 1 o'clock. Iheytake rooms at Cougrw Hall,

Thobody or one Trsver waa found In a pond ttHide Park, near Poughkecptle, yesterday, lie com-mitted suicide by druwulcgon HI lay.

The Thomas Hughe has been ap-

pointed referee by the Oxonians and Harvard It tasaid at the special desire of tho hitler.

Edward Hon land, ton or the ship-owner or New Hedford, Mss coiiiuiittod suicide atLa-- e Tahu, Cal , Aug, Hi, by blowing out his brains.

The official returns give the total vote fir Governoror VlMlnla as rollowst Walker, lit) 3 Wells, lOtMiWaller's plurality,

John Connor and Albert Sharp h7e been arrested111 1'oronlo on susplcloii or s schooner Uarryoweu, recently sunk opposite, Ohio.

Lewis Horr.brck and Stephen Paulding, of Milton,N. V , wero Instantly killed on Sturry nlghl by atrain or Ihe Hudson Itlver lUllrosd, while walkirg oa 1

Ibe track. IThe volunteer have petitioned tho Spanish Gov. I

ernmrot to pre the life of the Cortlat Polo, and thetatter's wiro lias also lulcrceded for him with (JcneritPrlui. I

Discussion hat arisen In the Spanish Cabinet In re-

gard to the manner In which the Oovernuient ahould f

urocred scslnst those lltstops who have refilled to obey iIhe late decree ot the Itegeni. I

In Barcelona. Spain, fifteen thousftod working-me- i' r strnc-f- or hhiher wge. aud other are expected I

"m In Ihe movement. Grave fear are enter-- t

,anedoTlh.;.u''';f' 'Albion N. Lorone, kVSJ

Chicago. Harliugtoa. and Qulney . M'.!, ? ihrd thn appointment or Ueneral Suiortnis.,Ccuira! Pacific Itailroad, at a salary or lU.uuo lo go- w-

ThcErlo and Hudson Hirer Hallway Companieshave concluded to desist rroui competition ror wetrnor tnioughfreigut, and to return I) a bijhr rat ofpOic,.

Charles Brown aud Jacob Merrinun (negTcet).who tecently commuted an outrage ou a young ia.frou thu line or the Orange, Alexandra and Mauauu IHatlload, wero takan from the Jail at Alexandra br apaity ot armed men and lincoed. '

Ihe trot between Commodore VanderblU't Moan,tain Hoy and SIcMacken' Ldy Thorn, lakea place Inburaioa t at noon. Toe lite.. Is in good order.Mountain Boy is said to have made a quarter mile tn 31teuoudt wbitu traluiug rtceatly.

The baik Eva Hilton wat found Aug. 10, In lat.13:15 lou. WKM, with llritlsh ensign itrpd in rnltiearlgslng, union down, and th Captain sad three of thcrew ticket yellow fver. One man had beta buriedou the tth. Assistance wat given her aud the set tailtor hey West, t

The (wo men who wero killed bv Ihe nlghl eg. ,

press train ou the Hudson lltver Itailroad on Saturdaynight were Lewis llori.beck, or Milton, aad gtrplieiaPaulding, of Pouihkeei tl. They were walklog downon th up track directly In the (ace oflko tpproaculog

Msrtin MeGoIre, a Isborer, attempted to murierhit cycatuog her tare.!. Tbilxohiiquarrelled about some property waicn they owoad lacommon, air. UcOolr was aUte last . sodbiS""0 1 M'm,,w' IL. hi.
