
m^^uixETIN M £ ^ '" m*j1««^ d - K c ^ho5 & ____________ lyed by H i Ishinsky '^M '-m K « l Udi; a l.;JM to.A«iBn a n d m m - u forccs tho seth ^fe^ffUbdninl - rrd ChlM anil ' .H'(^i]i<ln<^ Ot ,. K l ^otihewum- K ihm r t h e h .I t » t U>e T iu ume posen th>t i2ie uch pu^Uel < mre advftnctns. ) the &e«»t Et lo communut M ' ^ K s r i twn voting tor ^K^eroislnj of lhe 4 ^ * Into lU emer^ • 'D - * * / ^ ! ^ K d dUcua putUng a r 'f l l ^K > to halUni Chinese J - -»• v 1 Korti It of ^ .— B 3 W »dran«d by • {^ '^^Kansum povm and 1 i ^K a i n d CMb» after a ■ ^ GOODIti ^ ^ E ld a Vrpd WCrC PtCSC Georeo Ho -K S ." » ,S S ! Itaaloy^ ^ ^ F i s t s b l j action. saict}', BOU « r f U'S whole world tj^jtios anc ■ b ? .S ‘lh'd?i«a[l^: He bricfi ^ |i i r « ] ChlM'i mnten. jon on tho » r ,“s.Kr„“ — ^Itciterated hb old work n scr ■jnhuf-lhetrUsealM tho prCBCnt ^■itifminlJC." and de- forced.” he ^ ■ tc eaaatinlrt Chln«e _ ^ _ niuter-aixKl t ^ r;; fair to fmrae ^Bib R iiifpt >^‘‘<1* ^ :^B9 D U llC l oUicr driven. ■*Natioir, £±:':i 1 ^ 8 Strike klll^H tiM rrai Uiat the natlc ^B ahilletttl the nallon from a proBn '^ C ^ A ^ 'c n u t ta Uie Ap- plua cropn lo Ttier. dumped vaUon of r« ..^ ■ c e ih c mldRCjt, un- maximum, pi /•7 ^■sSt-ia-hour Ralea on turnl product _ _ ^ M a f .irtiV-tml-tumed — He-tllJtciav ^^I^^BteMHmndcsrtT -UnsU-^'^tjr M ^ K l . «esnlW« dttftSltd M .lhe -*uc:« ^ K k H H U ln e Mn5um« -■ ^ coopcraUve el T * 9 _ ^ f c L « t ‘. forecaster. ^ ■ ^ t tr a n im a n a i 'a r •‘" ’‘“U®,*' “ A blanket of ,‘i'f . neat pUlnj up lo Mven l«« .*^ IlllnoU, parent Uint ti ^ B - ^ u and wiBContln. operaU''** *" »u predicted for the opponenu ^^B ajliinla.w ejl Vir- «ally striking iV O I^ H ^ ‘•‘le hi£ storm Nav. fneUiod of dol " The report .^^Btom e i f d l a r below tho arange. P n ^ H W .C T pliins, and Icy cliangei In Ui( ll^B l tht wsy to me nio Uves. hfta not I TiT« unmiiiRs UonMhcnuIUU bAtmr Ala- exUt. The and Louisiana <C»ni!n»»4 * a below lero i -------------------- IH ^B l^ bclow at IWwc wd n bclow a t IVWc ^ B ^ 'n r e above -cro >t BOISE. D( Tem pinlmndlc VomeMrt > l^M n lhe nio orande, ?®“ o rl^K ^ It ana Coniui home navp t n^»Oulf,33eefirc« and break/ai ^ --------------------------- day season. Woman Is ..“'i.?'?- -I® by Police ■"“£ ■ “1 olllcers nble to vblt , for a :i. Chrlsunas. l f » ^ H , '? . ® i ? " ‘'‘''>l'Mbec!i Mrs. BaM V' Ml each niKl -'■ “na —siirsaia:" mine are Ml pajoas »r.a hai b:u. to do son H « ‘lc. m the ,o«. to/h"avo“l Urookj, T » m ____________ tnlmns woaan ^ ^ ■ a - ’Qund Qnnd V itw -------------------- Wi Seven neict; rcclort ot elv .\\ TufAday night -' • rence; dlrcclb X ' ^rcluij. chief I > Ihelr du N V \ '‘''d to bes fc""" I / % -L . funt^tions Inclu . I 'ruU '^'^*nlnR, alrcr I ' eommunlcaUon Or. Oeorge E II. Uoyd Ton ofdccr.i and pl I ^ _____ A Regional New OtfkUl a t r •>< Cgastr Min»t»fT Grange Officfira. p^7'r^'r. •■ T h m orricen e( tbe Idako 8Ut« Grmofe pei Airred R im . Wilder, iUt« leelsrtr; Virgil N bosta fer the cen<renUoa. and George Uertley, B< * * * . * * Problems Facir OutKnMatC GOODING, Dcc. 6—An outline of Idaho 'cre presented to dolesates at the Idahi leorge Hornley, state Grange master. . Hcrflley praised Idnho Grangers lor .thi afety, boH fertility, local, county and stn ivitioB and other-state proerams. He briefly pointed out the problem of ru )n on tho state school reor- ' anization law. '• Q , "It will, beyond any doubt, ■ork a serious hardship upon lany sections of out* state if 10 present law is ehtlrely en' R ::^||fl| )rced,” hesald. On the pnJbleau of fann to mor- ' "’ !t tmi^>ortAUon. ,the Orange Uil'-t l aster-said the gasoline tu la un- pv . » . ir to fairaers vho um few paved radi but pay ihe same tax as her drivers. * -The ta* will be 100 per ctnl {Ultable vhen e m r farmer has j .r. V- unedlat4 acceu to a poved road." h -; T m fr TTio master discussed Uie present [ V?"** jrld altuaUon from the tUindpolnt ••• • | - ' ' v at tho nallon may have to tliange j. •—. \ ^ . • otn m program of disposal ol aur- I ua cropn lo a prognun of eonser> .Uon of resources and possible axlmum. producUon of .agrlcul- ^ ral products. < He-dlsciLWl-the advantages of nner cooperaUves aJid salOrTlO CUAI nsumer Uian.haa ihojrogram of opcraUvo'^ntcftuUc.'* , wr^hi Uersley <}uot«<l reporU of the «aUon-and-e<>oporaUve..cominltt............... *. .. » of Uie naUonal Orange de- , ndlRff Uie eooperatlvo movement I P|g|*L nn nttttClts ll has bad from other V i i i O I J.' tcre.'sta.-TBe-cooperaUre-commIt- —w ) report said "U has become ap- |^ |« aci rent that tax exemptions for co- ^ •«■ cmUves are nominal and what 9 opponents of eoopcmtlves are I |» || illy striking at Is the cooperaUve .*. * m rUiod of doing buslnt-vi." WASinNO: m e report also pointed out Uiat Charles O. R » Orange, while not advocaUng pyj^j unges In Uie ux law forewpera- Trrnnan. diet es. has nol defended actunl taxa- h>.« v in »hp n-lhctiuiuu-wjjtn-tney'araloma p^„_ yesterday exUt. Tho taxation ccmmltlee ^ <c«.Un.^» rM»«. C.1— I) lhe Pr«S?eni ' r with Whom h Mrs. Santa BOISE. Dec. « WT-Parents of Roas Uiat he oungsters eonvalcsclng frem confercnee « oUo a t the Elks eonvnlescent eame." Mr. Ty ome have been offered a "bed ment. •'Ho fell nd breakfast" during Uie holl- ty- of hli fldi ay season. delermlnaUon Mra. Oraee Baas, rouU I, Boise, ahould know I lid ihe U providing free lodg- truth. Sn the* lg and breakfast from Dec. IS He esUbllsh ) Jan. 18 for out-of-town par- « a newspapi nis U'ho oUierwbe would be un- career on the ble to visit their children on paieh. He wo hristmas. JMl—In Uie Mrs. Bass said alie can keep alon—for an i I eaeh nighL try's jillghl—w Sliraalcf: "I love'cMIdfCn'amr in - line are all married to I want- ,l :1 to do aomething to help the -itock midren at Uie eonvale.vent - '* (C»nllMrf . Jvilian Djefense Aides With Director, Lea icven newly appointed deputy dl- chemical defei lort ot elvll defense eonfened since and spec Mday night wlUi Percy L. Law- W. O. Watt. ice, dlrcclbr.~ind‘TTOIUm~IC aiKTenglhcerir land, chief deputy director, to 'Teny Youns. rn their duUes and responslblll* titUon. houslr I and to begin Uie groundwork of_ civilian war al ’ elly'a civilian defense plan- Oraydon W K- - • - ' formaUon. leg- lie deputy dlrectora and thclr mlnlstraUon; ‘Vions Include: LawTenee sa ■apt. Oeorge Taylor, air raid [gr records an aircraft observaUon and pointed. No de; ■imunlcaUons. pointed-for U r. Oeorge B. Brown., medical aid fire and mob! hralUi jicrvlccj. «-ork dlrecUy Lloyd Toung. wardens. Incident Ireland, cer.i and plant protecUon. A general pl ■J Morsan, radlolojlcaJ defense. ic«aiiJiMd m lonal Newspaper Serring Ji . icers Cnm^A J i A Grmn«« poae daring the eMTenUon a t O ^ la c . I •; Virgll Norweod, Haiertnan, masler of the Good Uertley, Bobe. lUte Onuige mailer. (Staff pbol< « * * « * i acing State Gra at Ooodmg Con^ a of Idaho Grange activities and problems : the Idaho state Grange convention Tuesi master. rs for .thclr work in soil conservation, h y and state fair participation, cncouraBcn )lcm of rural educati|)n and said thero are dl Succumbs Senate rj^w |pg!ia| ^ Loon 'P‘’o . r*.'A P WA8HDJ0TI .:>.!-K. .u- exe«i pretlli ' 30 bouse approi today of majc ^ . V ;1 «n«te. ’J .\- A—1^. t • ■-t-iw r ' "M senator Oeor ?-.:r® r T V-.Y. of the t*3c-wr; '.•• ■■■ eoumlltee. prt ■'•\5 - • changes for t aenate. but he v ' V '- '- " eongress lOU » toPrtsldenlTr Lopsided hou I' - - fcm '’-;' yeaUrday. The ''Xr'j.V’V V ' nepubllcan efl OOP-drafied'l CUAiaEB O. n085 -?r^^Braa*i-pwri««utrr fho'conaparf-ana-aieirin-liU' down;the-OOF mU-Hoo*o-olUe*-earJy^XM»-------Tii»-aO-wi»- AT Bliht. . _ pauage wero al *. : Tba.liouae.hl per tsnl ta* oi lai-IesRoss, ir-Xf: ------ . . i . the to'or ytita Press Aide to i'S S " T\» OUitr tongrt Truman, Dies WABinNOTON. r*c. 5 ypi 7 relations com: larles O. Ross, scholarly ]ourmu- *38,000.000 pro( . Mid press Meretary to President food relief fi •rnnan. died ijntjtptcledly at Ws Yugostavla. .V In thp—WhHo-Hous«-at-t:W —controls—*1111 n. yesterday. HewasfiS. mobile Dealers iloss WM aa old achootaalc of that the Jtdwal 6 president and Mrs. Tniman. ed^the Intent i lh whom he had “groitTj up“ la cut payment t Itpenflenee. Mo. to 15 monUu wl I f was chamctwlsUc of Charlie <i” ler«. ss lhat he was holding a press ilertmeei w hen the wrxmons ne." Mr. TTOman aajd in a staie- nt. 'Ho feU at hU poat. a casus - of hll ttdeUty to dut; atid Us «rmlQaUon that our people mid know Uie trvUi. and all Uie th. tn these critical Umes." esUbllshed a wide reputaUon a newspaperman durtng his long eer on Uta St. I«uU Post Dis- Ich. I!e won a Pulitzer prlie In ll—In Uie mldit of the deprts- n -fo r U l arUcIe on "the coun- ‘sjillghl-wbat caa be done about lealti v.-iis attributed to a heart L]ong-Ume reporter hlmielf. Rdss <1 Just after lie had (inUhed a (C»nll»»rf »m r»t« ». C4Ui»» a» \ides Meet , Learn Duties mical defense, bomb rtconnaU- ce and special weapons defenie. /. O. Watt. re.wie, publtc.uUIlUei renglirccriiig. vny Young. transporUtbn. evac- housing asd feeding, and Ilan aid. iraydon W. Smith, public in- naUon. legal, training and aO* ibtraUon; _ AWTence said a deputy d^eclOT recorda and supply will be a ^ Jted. No deputy director was it^ .fo r the eonsUtiiUtL^U^- nnd mobile unlu. whleh w^l It dlrecUy under Lawrence m q and. . ^ .1 . » at tho cflraer e vV \\ \ \< '//f T W lN FA I.i5 T m N FALLS, IDAHO. ^YEDNESDAY. ';;g | .. ^ TOKYO, circled surrounded Korean Du .two^Biinii seventh division across south Their Imrr mounuln miles another Infantrymen > f ^ : Spearheadei the \ BrlUah aband ' u te Wednesd desperate bk flying out B.( t Ooodlag. U tt to rilht mo Mr*. ^ day* • of the Goodbf romoiu Grange, y,, janie IBtaff pbot^eogravlngl l„ ij,e • * * * « long night Ju parallel and tx Grange Convention « 1 problem. H dnstt. Grange ntion Tuesday afternoon by sutin Seoul <C<aUsi*4 < ;crvation. hlffhwny and'iarm ... cncouragemcnt of youth ac- J a y C C t thero are dlf fcrcncea of opi«- SchC' Senate Trim Yul _ (• fianU Claus Loomuig.for ?rc'Si"»“ i». -r ing to Newel Profits Levy r«„,»p..aop»p.rt. S 'l'S 'f f 'J WASmNQTON. Dec. •—A hw o business dlatrl ce«i pnsflli tax bill bearing ! ^ - the j» }house approral faced the pnaj^ct j„ u,j,r chrisi KSay of major operaUoni In the inate. In oUier f eenator Oeorge. D.. O a, chairman nijht hy Uie the t*x-wrlUng aenate finance UmeWble waa j immlltee. predicted aome dtaaUc Uie •'welfare w tansca for Uie measure In Uie completion by nate. but he wiced confidence Uiat list of families ingress itlU will aend Uie measure Uon of pr«ii President Truman befort the new Dee. IB. and d' •aj., Sawrday befoi Lo’prided house pasiag# cattle laW ‘ tion^oralHJ OP-drafied-biiWor-Uiat-beBiff S!?SorTM<m-3!i:Mn<!.- Th*.30-wh»-vot4d-Sfto-on-final m j—pr«par»lH ,m $e wets all RepubUcana. Parker aald th' Tba bouse.hlU would.Jmpote.*-75 to-*ee-thal no T cent ta* on corpoiailon prottU Christmas- TK Uch exceed 63 per cent ofUie aver- food, small toy e earnSiig* in Uie Uae# U st of packed awordt e four years ItHO through iMO. family, le levy wwW apply to earnlrss --------- Syntheti lay Included: PnCP Yugoslavia — The senalo foreign 1 1. laUons committee approved a ••%VAflIlINOT( B,000.000 program of emersency -nie govemmei >d relief for drought-atrlclccn k ig jncrtaslnt igoslavla. _________ _ nibber.iuproduc Conlrol^^^Th■e“ N^tlonaI Aul 0- a pound. The )bllo Dealers assodatlon dhartted morrow, at the federal reserve board Ignor- , ^Uie Intent of congress when It I payment Ume on automobiles han£ea the 16 monUis WlUiout consulUng Uio Auto Sm ashes li r f oI‘lb« U M l Unoa boo'k SW Itoeoiaiw**- ---------------------- J NJj (NESDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1950 Snare„ ( RStei TOKYO, (Tbursday). Dec, 7 o;,R)—Fif rlrcled marines and infantrymen sinaahe. surrounded Hagttru and drove southward t Korean Dunkerque Wednesday jjlffhfa™ ::w^minuniBt-dlvi8ionB-blockinff their cs A small Britfsh commando unit nnd eler levcnth jnfantty dlvlson rcffiroehts jolnw livlsion m a dash for freedom down a t icross a mile-hfgh ‘ prafeau ---------------- louth of the Chosin reservoir, rri ,• Their Immediate goal Ute 16Sl1I1’ Dounuln viliago of ttotorl, seven nUes souUi. whero S^WO men of T\ .nother marine regiment and oUier U ajllf nfantrymen abo are surrounded. Abandon AJntrip T Spearheaded by a marine task . IS L oree Ute trapped Americana and ^ irlUah abandoned Hajaru alrsirip TesUmony ( ate Wednesday and started their district eo eaperate bid for freedom after «^a*«aBe ault lying out 5.000 casuaJUea in Uie against Arvld ast fire days. BuhJ, as the e« A t Uie same time Uie D. S. elghUi ‘^5' Jud rmy in Uie west halted It* head- * U-man /uty mg night JuK norUi ot Ui# jbUi . « « t w] w « e l and lumed to strike back at «‘Mniey ihlneso communist troops moving opening ol .Vo Pomien Pbnad ------crJbe.Uie lala Eighth army patrols probing north "^ ’*** *!■ 3und no communlaJa in Immediate ^ ” ^*d belweer ursult and It appeared lhat the ^altby and A: Chlnesa red offensive may Wrs. a avo slowed temporarily. mother of Ihi But In Swui. 30 aSlea soutii of Ui« ajed ir WUUam H ire.: ------- * ------------------ Hahn car. dlei raycees Plan ““ "oX" Schedule for “e‘X2''S‘ __ , persons at Uie Yule Project « on U'S nature lg to Neu-d Nelson and Addison Juries and thel Tho'p(^™ rwiriStalS'‘Tuu. In oUier -plm made Tuesday ^ Ifbt by Ujc genersi eoamlU^ a. ^ on of procurement of goods by ■» , ><«. ID. and delivery of baskets Uie I M on T awrday before Chrlstmaa. iW ail f Jay-C-Etles are aiding In Uie » . repa»UonofUiema,leriiat.ithai Tr» A double purpose, to avoid dunlica. -*-U rl.U on-cf-Bld-«-weii.a»,*v#nt-(m» ___ _ asasssssfic ^um ZTSS.".Z‘“?Jr,1 ,^’S rt pftpartaon—or-oie-Basteti: jwuJtvud hristmas. The 6as*e(s, contalnlna •od. small toys and games, win b« ??** Lilncoln.atr S S “ *" iScoS'Z.t ------ —- __________ A secUon ot f l^thetic Rubber^ Price Is Boosted WASHINGTON. Dtc. 8 M-) _ Valley Menorls le govemmenl announced today wna treated for Is inmaslng priccs of syntheUe which reoulre W«r.lUp»duce«by3>4loaUeenla bruloes.-H^ir* pound. The raise la effeeUvo to- trwUnenL orrow. H Vf T. An announcement by Ui« recon- avenue, was ap' rucUon finance corporaUon. which eecUon In ano' Indies Uie govemmenf* rubber Peters, Iravelllr ofram. attributed Uie boost to o«nue K S gher producUon coats. -t^uV.M^ ikes Into House, Destr « orertBruej eirJy ffedne«lay the boiu. h„i Uneola tlreei. hnrUlag tn tT ^ ■ Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties ) U«Bb«r •( A»llt Bgmi AMwUlad Prm aed Qj TxcEm tei fe Go S o u L 'S O u t ‘A i 01,R):—Fifteen thousand «n- WASHIl' cn smashed out of Chinese- ruled out a DUthward toward a northeast the world c nlghf against an estimated States in B Iff their CBCii5C: Hirdecli lit nnd elements of two U. S. Press club, ents joined the first mnrino session wit down a snow-covered road result of tl -----------------------— Korea and festimony i n ' Damages Suit ‘°ra.X X T session broi Is Lontmued A White Ho TesUmony conUnued Wednesday two heads of 1 district eourt In Uie tSI.i37.7B efforU must amage suit of Nellie S. Maltby producUon as gainst Arvld and Emll Hahn, both Uvo use of avi uhl, as Uie case went Into IU third terlals. sy before Judge Kales £. Lowo and Implies 12-man Jury. The fuU tai| The first witness called by Ray nouncement 1 Rte. attorney for M la Maltby »t clear, le openlnc of Uie momlng seaalon At lt« broi as W. R. Maltby, broUitr of Miss mean' a jrest :alUiy. Maltby was asked to dea- U«Uon progn 'Ibe.Uie IctersecUoa wuthwtst of putting their« win FaUs where the collision oc- » war footing, irred between cara driven by MUs Possibly pol :alU)y and ArvU Hahn on Dec. 4, an announces H9. Mr*. Amia M. -llalUiy, 83, don Johnson. lOUier cf Uie witness and Nemo itoL Johnson lalUiy. died In the coUliJon. Oeorse ed serrlcM coi 'UUam Hlrt. J3, a passenger In the defenso heart ahn ear, died thrte days later of fense offldali ijuries rtcelved In . Uie coUlalon. for the "mobl Dr. Oordqn Oldham, local physl. la »n fields." an. followed Mallby to the. stood Ambasi Id was quesUoned by A<e« h to whll* Prlmi le nature of Uie injuries of. tba «Alr«aiag Uu arsons at Uie scene of tbs accident, Tntman nceli irUcuIarly Miss Maltby. ' ustenkdor at The doctor was on the sbmd ^vlnft.'Aabsi hen court wu recessed at XI ajn. told neniraen 1 Id resumed hb tesUmony follow- t o . Trinnmn t g Uie recess. .He w u questioned B* Uid hi 1 Uis nature of Mlu Mal^by's In* Unlt^.'.BMtCt: rles and their possible penttanesk tw u jw 'M tt fects. Plcbira were presented fo i | 3 ^ 0 | i | K e doctors esimlnaUoa whloh Riuned ■otsT^^Jed thtf mal InterpreUtlnL ^ BBM pH Dr. Oldham waa on the stand ' M -W toSI ien court adjoomed at noon and tolched - off.1 IS expected resume Ms-tesU-' th it hf> put my when court re-convesod a t coa and ;OUe pja. un$er the Unl rhe Hahn brothen deny respoool- i^de '.from Ity for Uie tntereecUan dslllsimi asoW t- '’‘M’S i lUiwest'of INrln Falls and ask M.- a p e ^ tirough (C«.(i.i«t< W Pi«»». c«iB«y T) . BriW n’a reeog Ian Wedged [n Auto After. |£ f S Hitting Home 3ordtm-A. Peters. U.-340K-Blue keep In-mlsd- kea bouJeyud north..cacapcd’scilr alm.o! sscmlai I Injury ot 13:40 ain. Wednesday #pcct for tnten en hb-lSSfi Pord coupe overtum- ' i n ' conKfess, ilt Oie'conief of Hej'W n aiveriue among 30 Rej 1 Lincoln.street and crashed Into seek an unden i-bou»o ot LaDell U «on.'.3M deat Truman 1 icoln sUtet. menU he maj i secUon ot fenee tom out by the will be put in IcmobUe peaelrated tha cab of making Uiem* ) vehicle, narrowly mUsed Peten flcaUon. 0 remained wedged In the car T h r 30 sesal 1 had to be'removed by poUeo selves with a leen. Bo was taken to the Magic ward that, but Uey Memorial hospital whero he eated the I a treated for mulUple UceraUoas. would defeat 11 leh required sUtchlng, and ilses.-He-WBS-ttieased-foltowaiff ~ — ^AE0"001 aUnenL WASHINaTC Sn. H. M. Iverson, «tfi Heybum Ttie atomlo en< :aue. was approaching the Inter- nounced "wlUi: Uon In anoUier car. She said reslfnaUon. ef xn, travellbg west oa Heybum Joseph Volpe, :nue. attempted to.negoUato tbe cotmseL Ho 1 (CmUiiiii4 n Tm* 1>. C » l m S> picked. ' * * * * --------------------- Destroys Part of Fenc e beoto but did nol damafo It. nowcrir, a ««e LS deaoUahtd. Officer Boyal Beyer-lospeeto 1& loto-engravln^ FIN m -nS:, 2ounliea A«lt Bgma U Clmlit!^ U i ?im, taj P iRs=^re^ outh; Att] Appeaseni ruled out any *ppcascraent” of red China •M® ? " f !t "IVuraan on steps .psult of the ominous military setbacks t iorea and (ho threat of a ' « . rreat v.^r posed by com- wpj. , , nunlst China’s IntervenUon W Orlfl n the fighting th£Te. "UIIU This third Truman-Attlee K orP lesalon breughk a formal an- >o“n«m ent of ono decision. A White House statement said Uie W lU m heads of lUte agreed vigorous » ifforU must be m tit to laere«M ^ ^ u e U o a and assure most efteo- ivo use Of avaUable scarce raw m a- S?**** eriab. the/« * <tf th r ImpIlcaUoa Nol Clear the p. TTje full impUuUaat ot this nre- lomement were nol tamedktSy U A t'ite brosder Umlls, it oould But lean a jrestljr slepp^ up mbUU- 5? '*•3' ° atfon program for both naUons. ^ cfespevu 1 'UtUng their economies oa vlrtualb- altackln* Obit ' war footi^. A wide ump Possibly potaUnt Uiat way was In Uii pi n announceoieat fi«a Sea. tyn- geoeraU: oa Johnson, D, T«,-at tht cap- tmited SU loL Johnson said Uie senate u m - flnn <t serrices commiUee v u rf»r«y<ng m uaiit »ami efense hearUip beause top de- N«w T « BOse officials are revising pi«n. tloau OouuU'i » the “mobUUaUon of manpower advised Prealflj J al] fields." firm” oniast __ Ambssaador Btceivtd . OWaeae ootum Wbu« Prime Ulaiiter AtUee m a ^ Botion i aanmUigti»prmavi>.Pmi«mt Vusian rocelTtd Uie South K o n n ^th«rm mtRuadcr at the White Hoorn OB iR m 'J IM HKOtb t }MnmcienallbehadheaMfKm ttw M ir. Truman is aupm ^ ;ef 1 B*. IM he Is eooQdUt “tb i luched.otf.lbe setut-of.riM iil g °g ? w ™ 4 t hfe put Uuusaoils of Amertf 'i ».” *25362 m and /OUed fighter* In Xortti i i i ' '0 ^ ^ n^er the umted KaUons btnner.- f f Xalde-from hU itrosg stand UMI f u n s t - <"MV«aseaeBt.’‘ Attlee* \w- ' l e ^ tirought (l).a defease of -.Ifi H i] rttaln's recognlUon of eammunlst h l^ and (3)\a pjea against per- a a w it^Dg.emoUona] reacUons to die- X X fn ,U Korean war policy. UUIXI Bed Cestrel Facloat HORTmnfP On tteosmoa. bt said ttom u- »£. »'SvS st eontnl of tte Chinese mala- tianiet toda^ nd ta ai fact aad he did not feel to halt a ^ i x.-4om.cootact WlUl Uiem. toStauSr on-t»U(^he-«Mrtto- thtaf-to ;cp In-mlsd-wss-UiaJOQS-ruce M t-M aSL in « t for tntemaUonal uw. . .SSiirSta! noag 30 Aepublican seaaCon to They dtiu 1 «k aa undenUndlag from P m l- ia t^ u ^ t ■Mt Thiroan Uut **nf*S^h enu he may ttacb. wiUi AtUee Z SS^BUW Je atomlo enertfy wmmlailoa an- that men wtm. -unced “with reJwuaWJodsyth® S ^ r S S ^ ^ “ ft »l«naUon. effecUve Jan. 18, o f li »eph Volpe, Jr, u ATO general Seoul'South H unseL No succesMr has . beea ______________ Pyongyang-^ht ^ , North Korea ab .' r ence " <forauie fim Chinese ealerei Most refil^ •7^:3 railroads as tt ' ^ A They-climbed ' paUently la thi to pull the cat ', Not maay w >I‘>wn which < 3 forcea were w dusty coavoys. was oot beint - clvUlana.-It.n vlUtout pailll And thee « refugees, 'i , paUent ant 1 V ' V ' ' c t o w n used to JBm;' through yt leaders i i i f l l B i l B T o c Heads of 1 have been tn regular Decea Twtn Falls Ba foff to w . H. I i meetln«--wUl Thursday . V torium. ' The mceUng board of dlteci UUons were 1 Pareat.Teach Oranges, dvlc, Iclal and otte [mur«tedpe» . land aald.'.. J w, iten» ■ ■ ■ ■ B ^ B B H H B B .' IPnvna which m ern, a ««eUeo #f feio«4S^ ... jw ialaS " F IN A L C IT Y E D IT IO N tEICBSCEOTS Attlee lemenf -Prime Minister Attlee today" ){ red China as a solution for n will stand beside tho United a an address to the National ely after his third conference Jl on steps to be taken aa a f setbaclcs to U.N, forcps J o ___ * * * World Scans Korea Crisis With Anxiety By Ttk« Aawetated Ptoa •ra# world debilsd the loreaa crlsU with row lm anxlsty todsy In the face of tbreaU of another world war and Uie posilblUty of the worst military disaster la United BUtei the 1st «Uto to' ftrgent. But dlugre^eat exWrt------- « s w«t« siA meins <rf deslfaig «Uh Uie desperste sltuaUon posed tu altackln* OhlnoM re<ls. • A wide suopUng of edllorUl com- ment In tts press of the u. S. Indi- cated generally • strong hope that • > Uis tmlted Slates-and tbt U, N.— wUl stand flm in oppoiSni th» m s- nunbt aggrwloa. - • : . : m N<w T«k..Clty, ttt toUraa. - tloaal OouwU'of CbriiUaa Ohtvehtt advised Proiiaent IWmaavto “stand firm” oyalut appeascmeet .of tha ^ ‘so ttOB '' fcnown as thaOowii'W «»IW>' - rt'^thannria otVettailXi&caa troops liom'Xam,',wttt0n ^ 'o ( tt» cereath mtatW 'ft tbi o S m ' i *^5 . repobnoatfttcaSamici^'^ . Bteiiigee T i ^ I ;is Halted on ' 38th Parallel KoOTTOmr aeaiier today where A m ertctna^ . » halt a tide of biama DtMiy n n n n r ff*’’* watima-— loro^ . t t i e l r f ^ t . t e tttt-vtsvfietlsi hafow WHdtw— - rf--tat -otilnan-na Jtm l M. aaja^owBthtMtdseBd-vwBttw. . n«i(ti.Ja gilent Joi»es._'— : ------ ---------- They dimg to rallmd ean Ukt flitota a< thetralns rumbled teuttn m d -through .frt*ea..-,wlndiwert - they weft Pnac^on. hat north of tht » b parallel divldlnf Nortb and Booth Sorea. None was permitted to rtlj ha train* beyond tbat p-^t. And hero Uiey milled about—fm iu j md bewlMered-a resUess thron» h a t knew not which way to tum. Ko one wu quite sore wbo Issued - he -toder lo halUhs-ttfugttLaUbfl------- larelleL Sot Ols had thtir oztlar hat men, women and children must » mawtd, trma tratni brtasl^ equipment aad suppUes towaxiJ UwtU,' SouUi Korean capital. Moel: of Uie tefngee# wer^ from >yongj»ng-the red capital of Jorth Korea abandoned to the <ttl- lese communliu. They^had tM lown the tre*en madi belor* th t aUnese entered Uie cIV. , Most Ttti^gtca w tn chccuos the ailroads as tte 6esl escasa rout^ Chej -climbed « eara and waited _ saUently la Uie edd for an enclno a pull the can eouthward. Not many were on tbe hlghwar lown which the Cnited NaUona r o S wen withdrawing to Italy convoys. The array’s traftlo n s not Wn» hsmpertd W th* di-lUans.-It.waa movin* swtfuy-ana------- irtthout p a:^ A»d Uiere ~ W P*^J|fS5 lhe refugees. They were ellent ana paUent and rtaUned. as t ^ j h pown used to terror and dl«nB- tert through yean ot suffering. leaders Invited To CouncU Meet Htikda ot Tarifflia qrgiBlatlq o i have been Invited to atUnd the rciular December meeting of tho Trta Falls Safety eoua^ a ^ - laa to W. H. Ireland, president Tht SSoS jT- wUI bo-held -afc-a-pin. - - Thursday In tt^M aho Ww® audl- ■'^Thft meeUtig was planhed by ^ , board of dlncton Wov. f. and lan- UUona wen sent to the beads of Parent• Teacher astooJatloov.l - Oranges, dvlc, veterans, s«*le^ ^ clal and other erganlsatiooa AO a r^ ^ E.’MeOoyi ftsfS^tiifflo*55® '^itiirtin *"i j.

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Page 1: · m^^uixETIN M U» £ ^ ' " m*j1««^ d - K c ^ho5 & ____________ ly ed by

m ^ ^ u ix E T INM U»

£ ^ ' " m*j1 « « ^ d -

K c ^ho5 & ____________

l y e d b y H i I s h in s k y '^M

'-mK « l U di; a l . ; J M

to.A«iBn a n d m m -

■ u forccs th o s e th

^ f e ^ f f U b d n i n l- rrd ChlM anil

' .H '( ^ i] i< ln < ^ Ot

,. K l o t i h e w u m -

K i h m r t h e h . I t » t U>e ■ T iu ume posen th>t

i2ie uch pu^Uel< ’ mre advftnctns.

) the &e«»tEt lo communutM ' ^ K s r i twn voting tor

^ K ^ e r o i s l n j of lhe

4 ^ *

Into lU emer^ • 'D - * * / ^ !^ K d dUcua putUng a r ' f l l^ K > to halUni Chinese J - -»• v 1

Korti I t of ^.— B 3 W »dran«d by • { ^

'^ ^ K a n s u m povm and 1 i^ K a i n d CMb» after a ■ ^

■ GOODIti^ ^ E l d a Vrpd WCrC PtCSC

G e o re o Ho- K S . " » , S S ! I t a a l o y ^

^ ^ F is t s b l j action. s a ic t} ', BOU■ « r f U'S whole world t j^ j t i o s anc

■ b ? . S ‘lh 'd ? i« a [ l^ : H e b r ic f i^ | i i r « ] ChlM'i mnten. jo n o n th o

» r , “s.Kr„“ —^ I t c i t e r a t e d hb old w o rk n s c r

■ jn h u f- lh e trU s e a lM th o prCBCnt ^ ■ itifm in lJC ." and de- fo rc e d .” h e ^ ■ t c eaaatinlrt Chln«e _ ^ _

niuter-aixKl t ^ r ; ; fair to fmrae^ B i b R i i i f p t >^‘‘<1* ^: ^ B 9 D U l l C l oUicr driven.

■ *N atioir, £±:':i 1 ^ 8 Strike

k l l l ^ H t i M r r a i Uiat th e natlc^ B a h i l l e t t t l the nallon from a proBn

'^ C ^ A ^ 'c n u t ta Uie Ap- plua cropn loTtier. dumped vaUon of r«

. . ^ ■ c e i h c mldRCjt, un- maximum, pi/•7 ^■sSt-ia-hour Ralea on turnl product_ _ ^ M a f . irtiV-tml-tumed — He-tllJtciav

^ ^ I ^ ^ B te M H m n d c s r tT -U n s U -^ '^ t jr

M^ K l . «esnlW« dttftSltd M .lhe -*uc:« ^ K k H H U l n e j . l a M n5um «

-■ ^ coopcraUve elT * 9 _ ^ f c L « t ‘. forecaster.— ^ ■ ^ t t r a n i m a n a i 'a r •‘" ’‘“U®,*' “ “

A blanket of ,‘i ' f .neat pUlnj

up lo Mven l«« .*^IlllnoU, parent Uint ti^ B - ^ u and wiBContln. operaU''** *"

»u predicted for the opponenu^ ^ B a j l i i n l a .w e j l Vir- «a lly striking

iV O I^ H ‘•‘le hi£ storm Nav. fneUiod of dol" The report. ^ ^ B t o m e i f d l a r below tho a range.P n ^ H W .C T pliins, and Icy cliangei In Ui(

l l ^ B l tht wsy to me nio Uves. hfta notI TiT« unmiiiRs UonMhcnuIUU

bAtmr Ala- exUt. Theand Louisiana <C»ni!n»»4 *

a below lero i--------------------I H ^ B l^ bclow at IW w c

wd n bclow at IV W c

^ B ^ 'n r e above -cro >t BOISE. D(Tem pinlmndlc V o m e M rt >

l ^ M n lhe nio orande, ?®“or l ^ K ^ It ana Coniui home navp tn ^ » O u l f ,3 3 e e f i r c « and break/ai

^ --------------------------- day season.

■ W o m a n I s . . “ ' i . ? ' ? -

- I ® b y P o l i c e ■"“ £ ■ “1olllcers nble to vblt

, for a : i . Chrlsunas.l f » ^ H , '? .® i? " ‘'‘''>l'Mbec!i Mrs. BaM

V ' Ml each niKl-'■ “na — s i i r s a i a : "

mine are Mlpajoas »r.a ha i b:u. to do son

H « ‘lc. m the ,o « . to /h " a v o “lUrookj, T » m ____________

tnlmns woaan ^ ^ ■ a - ’Qund Qnnd V itw --------------------

WiSeven neict;

rcclort o t elv . \ \ TufAday n ight

- ' • rence; dlrcclb X ' ^rcluij. chief

I > Ihelr duN V \ '‘''d to bes

• ■ f c " " "I / % - L .

funt^tions Inclu

. I 'ru U ' '^*nlnR, alrcr I ' eommunlcaUon

Or. Oeorge E

II. Uoyd Ton ofdccr.i and pl

I ^_____ A Regional New

OtfkUl a t r •><Cgastr Min»t»fT

Grange Officfira.p^7'r^ 'r. •■

T h m orricen e( tbe Idako 8Ut« Grmofe pei Airred R im . Wilder, iU t« leelsrtr; Virgil N bosta fe r the cen<renUoa. and George Uertley, B<

* * * . * *

P ro b le m s F a c ir O u tK n M a tC

GOODING, Dcc. 6— An outline o f Idaho 'c re presented to dolesates a t th e Idahi leorge Hornley, s ta te Grange m aster.. H crflley praised Idnho Grangers lo r .thi afety , boH fe rtility , local, county and stn ivitioB and o ther-sta te proeram s.H e briefly pointed out the problem of ru

)n on tho s ta te school reor- ' an ization law. '• Q ," I t will, beyond any doubt,

■ork a serious hardship upon lany sections of out* sta te if 10 p re sen t law is ehtlrely e n ' R : : ^ | | f l | )rced,” hesald .On the pnJbleau of fann to mor- ' " ’!t tmi^>ortAUon. ,the Orange Uil'-t l — aster-said the gasoline t u la un- p v . » . i r to fairaers vho um few paved radi b u t pay ih e same tax as her drivers. *-T he ta* will be 100 per c tnl {Ultable vhen e m r farmer has j .r. V- unedlat4 acceu to a poved road." h -; T m f r

TTio master discussed Uie present [ V ? " * * jrld altuaUon from the tUindpolnt ••• • | - ' ' v a t tho nallon may have to tliange j. • —. \ ^ . • otn m program of disposal ol aur- I ua cropn lo a prognun of eonser>.Uon of resources and possible axlmum. producUon of .agrlcul- ral products. <He-dlsciLW l- th e advantages of nne r cooperaUves aJid salOrTlO CUAI

nsumer Uian.haa ihojrogram ofopcraUvo'^ntcftuUc.'* , wr^hiUersley <}uot«<l reporU of the«aUon-and-e<>oporaUve..cominltt............... * . ..» of Uie naUonal Orange de- ,ndlRff Uie eooperatlvo movement I P | g | * Lnn nttttClts ll has bad from other V i i i O I J.'tcre.'sta.-TBe-cooperaUre-commIt- — w) report said "U has become ap- | ^ | « a c irent th a t tax exemptions for co- ^ •«■ cmUves are nominal and what9 opponents of eoopcmtlves are I | » | |illy striking a t Is the cooperaUve .*. * mrUiod of doing buslnt-vi." • WASinNO:m e report also pointed out Uiat Charles O. R» O range, while not advocaUng pyj^junges In Uie u x law forew pera- Trrnnan. dietes. has nol defended actunl taxa- h>.«v in »hpn-lhctiuiuu-w jjtn-tney 'aralom a p^„_ yesterday

exUt. Tho taxation ccmmltlee ^< c « .U n .^ » rM»«. C.1— I) lhe Pr«S?eni

' r with Whom h

Mrs. SantaBOISE. Dec. « WT-Parents of Roas Uiat he

oungsters eonvalcsclng f re m confercnee «oUo a t the Elks eonvnlescent eame." Mr. Tyome have been offered a "bed ment. •'Ho fellnd breakfast" during Uie holl- ty- of h li fldiay season. delermlnaUonMra. Oraee Baas, rouU I, Boise, ahould know I

lid ih e U providing free lodg- truth. Sn the* lg and breakfast from Dec. IS He esUbllsh) Jan . 18 for out-of-town par- « a newspapinis U'ho oUierwbe would be un- career on theble to visit their children on paieh. He wohristmas. JMl—In UieMrs. Bass said alie can keep alon—for an iI eaeh nighL try's jillghl—wSliraalcf: "I love'cMIdfCn'amr i n ­

line are all married to I want- ,l •:1 to do aomething to help the -itockmidren a t Uie eonvale.vent “

- '* (C»nllMrf .

Jvilian Djefense Aides With Director, Lea

icven newly appointed deputy dl- chemical defei lort o t elvll defense eonfened since and spec Mday night wlUi Percy L. Law- W. O., d lrcc lb r.~ in d ‘TTOIUm~IC aiKTenglhcerirland, chief deputy director, to 'Teny Youns.rn the ir duUes and responslblll* titUon. houslrI and to begin Uie groundwork of_ civilian war al’ elly'a civilian defense plan- Oraydon WK- - • - ' formaUon. leg-lie deputy dlrectora and thclr mlnlstraUon;‘Vions Include: LawTenee sa■apt. Oeorge Taylor, air raid [gr records an

aircraft observaUon and pointed. No de;■imunlcaUons. pointed-for Ur. Oeorge B. Brown., medical aid fire and mob!hralUi jicrvlccj. «-ork dlrecUyLloyd Toung. wardens. Incident Ireland,

cer.i and plant protecUon. A general pl ■J Morsan, radlolojlcaJ defense. ic«aiiJiMd m

lonal Newspaper Serring

J i . •

icers Cnm^A

J i A

Grmn«« poae daring the eMTenUon a t O ^ l a c . I •; Virgll Norweod, Haiertnan, masler of the Good Uertley, Bobe. lUte Onuige mailer. (Staff pbol<

« * * « * i

a c in g S t a t e G ra a t O o o d m g Con^a o f Idaho Grange activities and problems : th e Idaho state Grange convention Tuesi m aster.r s f o r .th c lr w ork in so il co n serv atio n , h y a n d s ta te f a ir p a rtic ip a tio n , cncouraB cn

)lcm of rural educati|)n and said thero are dl

Succumbs Senate rj w |pg!ia| ^ Loon

'P‘’o. r * . 'A P

WA8HDJ0TI.:> .!-K. .u - exe«i pretlli '

30 bouse approi today of majc

^ . V ; 1 «n«te . •’J . \ - A—1^. t • ■ - t - iw r ' " M senator Oeor ? - . : r ® r T V-.Y. of the t*3c-wr;'.•• ■■■ eoumlltee. prt

■'•\5 - • changes for taenate. but he v

' V '- '- " eongress lOU »toP rts lden lT r

Lopsided hou I' - - fcm '’-;' yeaUrday. The

''Xr'j.V’V V ' nepubllcan eflO O P-drafied'l

CUAiaEB O. n 0 8 5 - ? r ^ ^ B r a a * i - p w r i « « u t r r fh o 'c o n a p a rf-a n a -a ie ir in - liU ' down;the-OOFmU-Hoo*o-olUe*-earJy^XM»-------Tii»-aO-wi»-AT Bliht. . _ pauage wero al

* . : Tba.liouae.hlper tsn l ta* oi

lai-IesRoss, ir-X f:------ . . i . the to'or y tita

Press Aide to i 'S S "T \ » OUitr tongrtTruman, Dies

WABinNOTON. r* c . 5 ypi 7 relations com: larles O. Ross, scholarly ]ourmu- *38,000.000 pro(. Mid press Meretary to President food relief fi •rnnan. died ijntjtptcledly a t Ws Yugostavla..V In thp—W hHo-Hous«-at-t:W —controls—*1111n. yesterday. HewasfiS. mobile Dealersiloss WM a a old achootaalc of th a t the Jtdwal6 president and Mrs. Tniman. ed^the Intent ilh whom he had “groitTj up“ la cut payment tItpenflenee. Mo. to 15 monUu wlI f was chamctwlsUc of Charlie <i” ler«.ss lha t he was holding a pressilertmeei w h e n the wrxmonsne." Mr. TTOman aajd in a staie-nt. 'H o feU a t hU poat. a casus -of h l l ttdeUty to du t; atid U s«rmlQaUon t h a t our peoplemid know Uie trvUi. and all Uieth . tn these critical Umes."

esUbllshed a wide reputaUon a newspaperman durtng his long eer on Uta St. I«uU Post Dis- Ich. I!e won a Pulitzer prlie In ll—In Uie mldit of the deprts- n - f o r U l arUcIe on "the coun-‘sjillgh l-w bat caa be done about

lealti v.-iis attributed to a heart

L ]ong-Ume reporter hlmielf. Rdss <1 Just after lie had (inUhed a (C»nll»»rf »m r»t« ». C4Ui»» a»

\id es Meet , Learn Dutiesmical defense, bomb rtconnaU- ce and special weapons defenie./. O. Watt. re.wie, publtc.uUIlUeirenglirccriiig.vny Young. transporUtbn. evac-

housing asd feeding, and Ilan aid.iraydon W. Smith, public in- naUon. legal, training and aO* ibtraUon; _AWTence said a deputy d^eclOTrecorda and supply will be a ^

Jted. No deputy director was i t ^ . f o r the eonsUtiiUtL^U^-

nnd mobile unlu. whleh w^l It dlrecUy under Lawrence m q and. . ^ .1. » a t tho cflraer e

■ v V \ \ \ \ < ' / / f

T W l N F A I . i 5


' ; ; g | ..^

T O K Y O , circled surrounded K orean Du .two^Biinii


T heir Imrr m ounuln miles another Infantrymen >

f ^ : Spearheadeithe

\ BrlUah aband' u te Wednesd

desperate bk flying out B.(t Ooodlag. U t t to rilh t m o Mr*. day*

• of the Goodbf romoiu Grange, y , , janieIBtaff pbot^eogravlngl l„ ij,e •

* * * « long night Juparallel and tx

G ra n g eC o n v e n tio n «1 problem. H d n s t t . G rangention Tuesday afternoon by s u t i n Seoul

<C<aUsi*4 <;crvation. hlffhwny and'iarm ... cncouragemcnt of youth ac- J a y C C t

thero are dlf fcrcncea of opi«- S c h C '

Senate Trim Yul_ • (• fianU ClausLoomuig.for ?rc'Si"»“

i» . - r ing to NewelProfits Levyr « „ , » p . . a o p » p . r t . S ' l ' S ' f f ' J

WASmNQTON. Dec. •—A h w o business dlatrl ce« i pnsflli tax bill bearing ! ^ - the j» } house approral faced the p n a j^ c t j„ u ,j ,r chrisi KSay of major operaUoni In the inate. • In oUier feenator Oeorge. D.. O a , chairm an n ijh t hy Uie■ the t*x-wrlUng aenate finance UmeWble waa jimmlltee. predicted aome dtaaUc Uie •'welfare wtansca for Uie measure In Uie completion bynate. but he wiced confidence Uiat list of familiesingress itlU will aend Uie measure Uon of p r« iiPresident Truman befort the new Dee. IB. and d'

•aj., Sawrday befoi Lo’prided house pasiag# cattle laW

‘ t io n ^ o r a lH JO P-drafied-biiW or-U iat-beB iff

S ! ? S o r T M < m - 3 ! i : M n < ! . -Th*.30-wh»-vot4d-Sfto-on-final m j—pr«par»lH ,m $e wets all RepubUcana. Parker aald th'Tba bouse.hlU would.Jmpote.*-75 to-*ee-thal no T cent ta* on corpoiailon prottU Christmas- TKUch exceed 63 per cent ofUie aver- food, small toye earnSiig* in Uie Uae# U s t of packed awordt e four years ItHO through iMO. family, le levy wwW apply to earn lrss ---------

Synthetilay Included: P n C PYugoslavia — The senalo foreign 1 1. laUons committee approved a ••%VAflIlINOT( B,000.000 program of emersency -nie govemmei >d relief for drought-atrlclccn k ig jncrtaslntigoslavla. _________ _ nibber.iuproducConlrol^^^Th■e“ N^tlonaI A u l 0- a pound. The)bllo Dealers assodatlon dhartted morrow, at the federal reserve board Ignor- ,^Uie Intent of congress when It I payment Ume on automobiles han£ea the 16 monUis WlUiout consulUng Uio

Auto S m a s h e s l i

r f oI‘lb« U M l U n o a b o o 'k SW Itoeo ia iw **-

---------------------- J NJj


Snare„ (■ R S te i

TOKYO, (Tbursday). Dec, 7 o;,R)—F if rlrcled marines and infantrym en sinaahe. surrounded Hagttru and drove southward t Korean Dunkerque W ednesday jjlffh fa™ ::w^minuniBt-dlvi8ionB-blockinff th e ir cs

A small Britfsh commando un it nnd eler levcnth jn fan tty dlvlson rcffiroehts jolnw livlsion m a dash fo r freedom down a ticross a mile-hfgh ‘ p r a f e a u ----------------louth of the Chosin reservoir, r r i , • T heir Immediate goal 1« Ute 1 6 S l 1 I 1 ’

D ounuln viliago of ttotorl, seven nUes souUi. whero S WO men of T \.nother marine regiment and oUier U a j l l f nfantrymen abo are surrounded.

Abandon AJntrip TSpearheaded by a marine task . I S L

oree Ute trapped Americana and ^ irlUah abandoned Hajaru alrsirip TesUmony ( ate Wednesday and started their district eo eaperate bid for freedom after « a*«aBe ault lying out 5.000 casuaJUea in Uie against Arvld a s t fire days. BuhJ, as the e«A t Uie same time Uie D. S. elghUi ‘ 5 ' Jud

rmy in Uie west halted It* head- * U-man /uty mg night JuK norUi ot Ui# jbUi . « « t w] w « e l and lumed to strike back a t «‘Mniey ihlneso communist troops moving opening ol

.Vo Pom ien Pbnad ------crJbe.Uie la laEighth army patrols probing north " ^ ’*** *!■

3und no communlaJa in Immediate ^ ” *d belweerursult and It appeared lh a t the ^ a ltby and A:

Chlnesa red offensive may Wrs. aavo slowed temporarily. mother of IhiB ut In Swui. 30 aSlea soutii of Ui« ajed ir WUUam H ire.:

------- *------------------ Hahn car. dlei

raycees Plan ““ "oX" Schedule for “e‘‘X2''S‘

_ _ , persons a t Uie

Yule Project« on U'S naturelg to Neu-d Nelson and Addison Juries and thel

T h o 'p ( ^ ™ r w i r iS ta lS '‘T u u .

In oUier -p lm made Tuesday ^Ifb t by Ujc genersi e oam lU ^ a. ^

on of procurement of goods by ■» ,><«. ID. and delivery of baskets Uie I M o n T awrday before Chrlstmaa. i W a i l f Jay-C-Etles are aiding In Uie » .

repa»U onofU iem a,leriia t.ithai T r » A „ double purpose, to avoid dunlica. -*-U r l . U

on-cf-Bld-«-weii.a»,*v#nt-(m» ___ _

a s a s s s s s f ic umZTSS.".Z‘“?Jr,1, ’S ”r t pftpartaon—o r-o ie -B a s te t i: jwuJtvud

hristmas. The 6as*e(s, contalnlna•od. small toys and games, win b« ??** Lilncoln.atr

S S “ *" iScoS'Z.t------ —- __________ A secUon o t f

l^thetic RubberPrice Is Boosted

WASHINGTON. Dtc. 8 M-) _ Valley Menorls le govemmenl announced today wna treated for Is inm aslng priccs of syntheUe which reoulre

W «r.lUp»duce«by3>4loaUeenla bruloes.-H ^ir* pound. The raise la effeeUvo to- trwUnenL orrow. H Vf T.An announcement by Ui« recon- avenue, was ap' rucUon finance corporaUon. which eecUon In ano' Indies Uie govemmenf* rubber Peters, Iravelllr ofram. attributed Uie boost to o« n u e K S gher producUon coats. - t^ u V .M ^

ikes Into House, Destr

« orertBruej eirJy ffedne«lay th e b o iu . h„iUneola tlreei. hnrUlag t n t T ^ ■

Nine Irriga ted Id ah o Counties

) U«Bb«r •( A»llt BgmiAMwUlad Prm aed Qj

T x c E m t e i

fe Go Sou L'S O ut ‘A i

01,R):—Fifteen thousand «n- WASHIl' cn smashed out of C hinese- ru led ou t a DUthward toward a n o rth e a s t th e w orld c n lg h f against an e stim ated S ta te s in B

Iff th e ir CBCii5C: H ird e c lilit nnd elements of two U. S. P re ss club, ents joined the f irs t m nrino session wit

down a snow-covered ro ad re su lt o f tl -----------------------— — K orea and

festimony i n ' Damages Suit ‘°ra.X

X • T session broiIs Lontmued A White Ho

TesUmony conUnued Wednesday two heads of 1 district eourt In Uie tSI.i37.7B efforU must amage suit of Nellie S. Maltby producUon as gainst Arvld and Emll Hahn, bo th Uvo use of avi uhl, as Uie case went Into IU th ird terlals. sy before Judge Kales £. Lowo and Implies12-man Jury. The fuU tai|The first witness called by Ray nouncement 1 Rte. attorney for M la Maltby » t clear, le openlnc of Uie momlng seaalon At lt« broi as W. R. Maltby, broUitr of Miss mean' a jre s t :alUiy. Maltby was asked to dea- U«Uon progn 'Ibe.Uie IctersecUoa w uthw tst o f putting th e ir« win FaUs where the collision oc- » war footing, irred between cara driven by MUs Possibly pol :alU)y and ArvU Hahn on Dec. 4, an announces H9. Mr*. Amia M. -llalUiy, 83, don Johnson. lOUier cf Uie witness and Nemo itoL Johnson lalUiy. died In the coUliJon. Oeorse ed serrlcM coi 'UUam Hlrt. J3, a passenger In th e defenso heart ahn ear, died thrte days la ter o f fense offldali ijuries rtcelved In . Uie coUlalon. fo r the "mobl Dr. Oordqn Oldham, local physl. la »n fields." an. followed Mallby to the. stood AmbasiId was quesUoned by A<e« h to whll* Prlmi le nature of Uie injuries of. tb a «A lr«aiag Uu arsons a t Uie scene of tbs accident, Tntm an nceli irUcuIarly Miss Maltby. ’ ' u s te n k d o r at The doctor was on the sbm d ^v ln ft.'A absi hen court w u recessed a t XI a jn . told neniraen 1 Id resumed hb tesUmony follow- t o . Trinnmn t g Uie recess. .He w u questioned B* U id hi 1 Uis nature of M lu Mal^by's In* Unlt^.'.BMtCt: rles and their possible penttanesk t w u j w 'M t t fects. P lcbira were presented f o i | 3 ^ 0 | i | K e doctors esimlnaUoa whloh Riuned ■ o tsT ^ ^ Jed thtfmal InterpreUtlnL ^ B B M p HDr. Oldham waa on the s tand ' M - W t o S I ien court adjoomed a t noon and to lched - off.1 IS expected resume M s-tesU-' t h i t hf> put my when court re-convesod a t coa and ;OUe p ja . un$er the Unlrhe Hahn brothen deny respoool- i ^ d e '.from Ity for Uie tntereecUan dslllsimi a so W t- '’‘M’Si lUiwest'of INrln Falls and ask M .- a p e ^ tirough

(C«.(i.i«t< W Pi«»». c«iB«y T) . BriW n’a reeog

Ian Wedged [n Auto After. | £ f S Hitting Home3ordtm-A. Peters. U.-340K-Blue keep In-mlsd- kea bouJeyud north..cacapcd’sc ilr alm .o! sscmlai I Injury o t 13:40 a in . Wednesday #pcct for tnten en hb-lSSfi Pord coupe overtum - ' i n ' conKfess, ilt Oie'conief of H ej 'W n aiveriue among 30 Rej 1 Lincoln.street and crashed Into seek an unden i-bou»o ot LaDell U « o n .'.3 M d eat Truman 1 icoln sUtet. menU he maji secUon ot fenee tom out b y th e will be put in IcmobUe peaelrated tha cab of making Uiem* ) vehicle, narrowly mUsed P e te n flcaUon.0 remained wedged In the c a r T h r 30 sesal1 had to be'removed by poUeo selves with a leen. Bo was taken to the Magic ward tha t, but Uey Memorial hospital whero h e eated t h e I a treated for mulUple UceraUoas. would defeat 11 leh required sUtchlng, and ilses.-He-WBS-ttieased-foltowaiff ~ — ^AE0"001 aUnenL WASHINaTC Sn . H. M. Iverson, «tfi Heybum T tie atomlo en< :aue. was approaching the In ter- nounced "wlUi: Uon In anoUier car. She said reslfnaUon. ef x n , travellbg west oa Heybum Joseph Volpe, :nue. attempted to.negoUato tb e cotmseL Ho 1 (CmUiiiii4 n Tm* 1>. C » lm S> picked. '

* * * * ---------------------

Destroys Part of Fenc

e beoto but did nol damafo It. now crir, a ««e LS deaoUahtd. Officer Boyal Beyer-lospeeto 1& loto-engravln^


m - n S : ,2 oun liea

A «lt Bgma U Clmlit!^ Ui ?im, ta j P

iR s = ^ re ^outh; A tt] Appeaseniruled out any *ppcascraent” o f red China

•M® ? " f ! t "IVuraan on steps.psult o f the ominous m ilitary setbacks t io r e a and (ho threat of a ' « . r re a t v.^r posed by com- w p j . , , n u n ls t China’s IntervenUon W O r l f l n th e figh ting th£Te. " U I I U

This third Truman-Attlee K o r P lesalon breughk a formal an - >o“ n « m e n t of ono decision.

A White House statement said Uie W l U m heads of lUte agreed vigorous » ifforU m ust be m t i t to laere«M ^^ u e U o a and assure most efteo- ivo use Of avaUable scarce raw m a- S?**** eriab. th e / « * <tf th r

ImpIlcaUoa Nol Clear the p.TTje full impUuUaat o t this nre-

lom em en t were nol tam edktSy U

A t 'i te brosder Umlls, it oould Butlean a jrestljr slepp^ up mbUU- 5? '* •3 ' ° a tfo n program for both naUons. ^ cfespevu 1 'UtUng their economies oa vlrtualb- altackln* Obit ' w ar fo o ti^ . A wide um pPossibly potaUnt Uiat way was In Uii pi

n announceoieat fi« a Sea. t y n - geoeraU: oa Johnson, D , T « ,- a t th t cap- tm ited SU loL Johnson said Uie senate u m - flnn<t serrices commiUee v u rf»r«y<ng m u a iit » a m i efense hearUip beause top de- N«w T « BOse officials are revising pi«n. tlo a u OouuU'i » the “mobUUaUon of manpower advised Prealflj J al] fields." firm” on iast__ Ambssaador Btceivtd . OWaeae ootumWbu« Prime Ulaiiter AtUee m a ^ Botion i

a a n m U ig ti» p rm a v i> .P m i« m tVusian rocelTtd Uie South K o n n ^ t h « r m m tR uadcr a t the White Hoorn OB iR m 'JIM HKOtb t} M n m cie n a llb eh a d h ea M fK m ttw Mir. Trum an is a u p m ^ ;ef 1B*. I M he Is eooQdUt “tb i

lu c h ed .o tf .lb e s e tu t- o f .r iM i i l g ° g ? w ™ 4 t h fe put Uuusaoils of A mertf 'i ».” * 2 5 3 6 2 m and /OUed fighter* In X ortti i i i ' ' 0 ^ ^ n^er th e um ted KaUons b tnner.- f fX alde-from hU itrosg stand U M If u n s t- <"MV«aseaeBt.’‘ Attlee* \w - ' l e ^ tirought ( l ) .a defease o f - . I f i H i ] rttaln's recognlUon of eammunlst h l ^ and (3)\a pjea against per- a a w it^Dg.emoUona] reacUons to die- X X f n ,U Korean war policy. U U I X I

Bed Cestrel Facloat HORTmnfPOn tteosmoa. bt said t to m u - »£. »'S vS s t eon tn l of t te Chinese m ala- tian ie t t o d a ^ nd ta ai fact aad he did not feel to h a lt a ^ i

x.-4om.cootact WlUl Uiem. t o S t a u S ro n - t» U (^ h e -« M r tto - th ta f - to;cp In-m lsd-wss-U iaJO QS-ruce M t- M a S L in

« t for tntemaUonal uw . . .SSiirSta!noag 30 Aepublican seaaCon to They d t iu 1 «k a a undenUndlag from P m l- i a t ^ u ^ t ■Mt Thiroan U u t * * n f * S ^ henu he may ttacb. wiUi AtUee

Z S S ^ B U WJe atomlo enertfy wmmlailoa an - th a t men wtm. -unced “w ith reJw uaW Jodsyth® S ^ r S S ^ ^ “ ft »l«naUon. effecUve Jan. 18, of l i»eph Volpe, Jr, u ATO general Seoul'South H unseL No succesMr has . beea

______________ Pyongyang-^ht , N orth Korea ab

.' r ence " <fora uie fimChinese ealerei• Most r e f i l ^

•7^:3 railroads as t t ' A They-climbed

' paUently la thito pull the cat

', N ot maay w>I‘>wn which <

3 forcea were w dusty coavoys. was oo t beint

- c lvU lana .-It.n vlUtout pailll

And th e e « refugees, 'i

, paUent a n t 1 V ' V ' ' c t o w n used to

J B m ; ' th rough yt

leadersi i i f l l B i l B T o c

Heads of 1 have been tn regular Decea Twtn Falls Ba foff to w . H. I i meetln«--wUl Thursday

. V torium.' The mceUng board of dlteci UUons were 1 P a rea t.T each Oranges, dvlc,

Iclal and o tte [ m u r « te d p e »

. land a a ld . ' . .J w, iten»

■ ■ ■ ■ B ^ B B H H B B . ' I P n v n a whichm e rn , a ««eUeo #f f e i o « 4 S ^

. . . j w i a l a S "





Attleelem enf-P r im e M inister A ttlee to d ay "){ red China a s a solution fo r n w ill stand beside tho United

a a n address to th e N ational ely a f te r h is th ird conference Jl on steps to be taken aa af setbaclcs to U.N, forcps J o ___

• * * *

World Scans Korea Crisis With AnxietyBy Ttk« Aawetated P to a

•ra# world debilsd the lo re a a crlsU with ro w lm anxlsty todsy In the face of tbreaU of another world war and Uie posilblUty of the worst military disaster la United BUtei

th e 1st « U to to 'ftrgent. But d lu g re ^ e a t exW rt-------« s w «t« siA m eins <rf deslfaig «U h Uie desperste sltuaUon posed t u a ltackln* OhlnoM re<ls.• A wide suopUng of edllorUl com- • ment In tts press of the u. S. Indi­cated generally • strong hope th a t • > Uis tm lted Slates-and tb t U, N.— wUl stand f lm in oppoiSni th» m s - n u n b t aggrwloa. - • : . :

m N<w T«k..Clty, t t t to U ra a . - tloaal OouwU'of CbriiUaa Ohtvehtt advised Proiiaent IWmaavto “stand firm” oyalu t appeascmeet .of tha

^ ‘sottOB ''fcnown as th a O o w i i 'W «»IW >' - rt'^ thannria otVettailXi&caa troops liom 'X am ,',w ttt0 n ^ ' o ( t t » cereath

m t a t W 'ft tb i o S m ' i * ^ 5 . r e p o b n o a t f t t c a S a m ic i^ '^ .

Bteiiigee T i^ I ;is Halted on '

38th ParallelKoOTTOmr

aeaiier today where A m e r t c tn a ^ .» h a lt a tide of b iam a DtMiynnnnr ff*’’* watima-—loro^ . t t i e l r f ^ t . t e

tt t t -v ts v f ie t ls i h a f o w W H d tw — - rf--tat - otilnan-na J tm lM.aaja^owBthtMtdseBd-vwBttw. .n«i(ti.Ja gilent Jo i» e s ._ '— :------ ----------

They dimg to ra llm d e a n Ukt flitota a< thetralns rumbled t euttn m d -through .frt*ea..-,wlndiwert -

they weft P nac^on. h a t north of t h t » b parallel divldlnf Nortb and Booth Sorea. None was permitted to r t l j h a train* beyond tbat p -^ t . And hero Uiey milled about—f m iu j md bewlMered-a resUess thron»h a t knew not which way to tum . •

Ko one w u quite sore wbo Issued -h e -toder lo halUhs-ttfugttLaUbfl-------larelleL S o t O ls had th ti r oztlar h a t men, women and children must » m aw td , trm a tra tn i b r ta s l^ equipment aad suppUes towaxiJ UwtU,' SouUi Korean capital.

Moel: of Uie tefngee# wer^ from >yongj»ng-the red capital of Jorth Korea abandoned to the <ttl- lese communliu. They^had tM lown the tre*en madi belor* t h t aUnese entered Uie cIV. ,

Most Ttti^gtca w tn chccuos th e ailroads as t t e 6esl escasa rout^Chej -climbed « eara and waited _ saUently la Uie edd for an enclno a pull the c an eouthward.

Not many were on tbe hlghwar lown which the Cnited NaUona r o S w en withdrawing to I taly convoys. The array’s traftlo n s n o t W n» hsmpertd W th*di-lUans.-It.waa movin* swtfuy-ana-------irtthout p a : ^

A»d Uiere ~ W P * ^ J | f S 5 lhe refugees. They were ellent ana paUent and rtaUned. as t ^ j h pow n used to terror and d l«nB - tert th rough yean ot suffering.

lead ers Invited To CouncU Meet

Htikda ot Tarifflia qrgi Bla tlq o i have been Invited to atUnd the rc iu la r December meeting of tho T r t a Falls Safety e o u a ^ a ^ - laa to W. H. Ireland, president T h t S S oS jT - wUI bo-held -afc-a-p in . - - Thursday In tt^ M a h o Ww® audl-

■'^Thft meeUtig was planhed by ^ , board of d ln c to n Wov. f . and la n - UUona wen sent to the beads of P a ren t• Teacher a s t o o J a t l o o v . l - Oranges, dvlc, veterans, s«*le^ ^ clal and other erganlsatiooa AO

a r ^ ^E.’MeOoyi ftsfStiifflo *55®' itiirtin *"i j.

Page 2: · m^^uixETIN M U» £ ^ ' " m*j1««^ d - K c ^ho5 & ____________ ly ed by

PAOI nroi , ----------------------------— —

f Feed Dealers Discuss Eggs,

Milk at MeeJEROME. Dec. ^-P ronuble m

•sd t f t producUen ®*topic* dUcuMKl br ejwwlon ipecu

_______ >.7« «fTrf nnlv/-rtltr of maiiO peTtO---------nel » t lhe litH o r t ^ i S i S t i r Vh ______trition ewifertnc< h«M Tut

m y t f t i dt»]fri, county •nd yeurtW InjtrucUfft from J*ome. Cu'U . aoodln*. Llneoln. Mln

;' dole*, Bltlne tnd Tirin P»!li coui tlei »llenil«l Uie mtetlngs In ll

■ eourtbmije.MiU(«iseiit Dl*c«iM4

il DJKUsiIns m tM ffa e n t prtcUt1 for proflUblB mllk-pnxlueuon, B . )

r ■ no u . stiocUt* d»lry h iubindm i I; iujseiW d "cow thould havo • ci' ' «»ch >e«f »nd iliould be bred i

<J»y* /oJIo»-ln* prtvloui c tlvlm If# rtcommendtd cow* hive s «Ji

■ ftfriod frora lU lo eljht *eelu. di ' pending cn »ge *nd eondltlon.

Rapid mlllilng U the bejt way ( ObUlnlng the maximum producUc

I and producM clftner milk * lln If^ time »nd Itbcr, «cofdln».to Rom;______________ BlmiM_Rel«‘lo n ._ _

He jtreijcd Uie lirporUnc* o f n lecUng tlie tx.M calve.' u replaci m enu tnd la iM d t)3er be Jt colojinim for the lln l three day followed by two ncelu on whole mil

.1. and Uitn • lecosnlrfrt meUiod < feeding.

Idtlio farmers are ble>»ed by h r Ins allnlfi hay of high quallly. s(

• cording lo O. C. Andcraon, exUr i>lon dalrjTnan who ipoke on

. fundsmental nutrlllonal requlrt menu of dairy calUe.

In very few iniuncei. he cofl Unued, li It necp.iiary to feed ouf plementwy high protein. He ttl lha CXU4 high protein tn & feed ri Uon Is lu t ftnd \s Juil extra cosl t the daJrrman.

CxpUlat Feed Cenlrel At ft luncheon mefUng, Don D»

ker of the eUte department ot •grl culture explained the operation o

, the Idaho feed control latxiratori , The poultry diKuwlon# wero con

ducted by Reid Merrill, niensloi poullrymu). u id 0. P. Feierjcn. u foclftte profeuor of poultry hu t huuliT.

Merrill lUeued.Uie need of • luf ' fldently large production to mak'

th« operation o( ftutomatlc equip menl efficient, Ke recommended i

j minimum of 400 Uylng hena fc'■ prenuM t prwueilon.

A blend of two cr three proteli nipplemenU la desirable In poultr; Itedj, Pelenen told the group. R«

, eeat r tm rc h has thown lha t vlU ' m ia S<ta U neceuarr m a ll r t ( Mow. especially Jn, starter amI breeder rsUoni, he added. F lth mea

and m ett meal are lourcet of B»U ftcoordlng lo Petersen.

Increases tn growth of el«ht to li I per cent In chickens and lo to 2i

per cent in turkey poulU havo rt' : tullod from using anUbloUc* U■ -- - poultiy.r«Uoai,.b» concluded... .

2 QyHSxaiB.:

l i O ^ C o m iTwo district court sulta wero dls-

n ltsed by Judge Kalcj E, Lowi Tueaday ti te r lUpuTfttlons w re filed Infortnlng the courl the mat-

. t«r» wer# seiued. Bolh «ult« wer* dUmlued with prejudice, preveni- In t either j u r ^ frtm reopening til l eases..

Bolh acUoni wera begun by Mr» : J . B. WUlt..In one tu ll ahe charged I her ion*tn>Uw and daught«r. Mr-----------f tM -M M .-H .'T rB * i« rw n iu rw tt:_______defraudln|_h»r_pf MJOO. •

_____ Sha "claimed aho gav» her eon-:i_ ; — la3ft*;ft'cli«clc;io.purcHairfc:iMun■ "^fftr-htr-ln-TwlD-FaUa-W Kj-Uiat to i

properly wat nol worth the amouni............. ih B 'n ’W 'them ftnd 'it»y-rtfu»ec

«o tlve her a deed to property Tba delendanla denied comreri-

Ifig any ot the money to their owt UM and clftlned they had ftccount- •d to her for all the money.

In th l aecond acUon. M n. WUli ! filed suit agalntt the ton>lB-:«ii

tor recorerr of tl,9!B.U allegedlj I due on a promlison’ note. Salter-

white. In hla answer, claimed thi ;; note had been paid In fu ll

i' ‘ nK E 8 PAIDJdO M E , Dec. ft—Thrw -B urle ;

. a e n paid fuiei ^ tlO each In pollci court Bunday'oh charges'Cf h e ln rln toxlcated. They-were Slrel K aw nan

.Oerald Kassmtn and King Ilender ton.

The H ospitalVlslllng hours at the Uagle- Val

liy Memorial hospital are from : to * and from 7 to 8 pjn.

ADMITTED D d* Lrtlt. Undt Lytle. Lctralfl

Lytle. Mrs. Dennts Bolton. Mrs l\ ArtelU Tellord, Mrs. Bvertll Borah

Mr*. Frank Bpencer and Mrs. Lloyi Hann. all T«,-in Falls: Mrs. Ofors' Matson, Filer; John BorU. Decio M n. Arlle Ryneanon, Burley; Mr* Charles MarihaU. Jerome: Mri

_ L«on.aunn>ti, nini> in,-aad-M ri Uoyd YarbKjuah. Buhl.

DISMISSED - Mr*. 0 . C. Anderson. Twin FaUs

. . Mrs. Blanche Messenger. Jerome ; I and Jamai Dajley. Burley.

Wea f herDy Unllrd P r tu

Stagle VaUey — W arm rr witl occasional rain lonlght, Imprarln to partly eloody Thoraday. Loi lonl/bt about Si Ijj rallej, J» o: Camaa pntrle; high Thurtday nea 80.

ffr n t rt~«;i M -. >l(r. rc: , — - .......... •*

liujicT----- ---------------- •* 5*

rjl' lli =i' ‘I

St,Inr, _ ----- i i _V •”Stli L .I. CIW _______ U t t

_ - a IsW«!iliifloa __ U . • J

i 1 o t* a I Keep th# W hltc Fit; ® o f Safety Flylai

Eggs, ,

t Meet IiTonuble milk nr e n the main \\«islon ipecUl- 11 .Maho person- ) J| . X

f 'issT tfi '-w i- 1-------------------------------------------id ^ e Tues- I n .

county agenU I ‘U ^ ':<rrs from Jet- 1 HLincoln. Mint- in Falls coun* I N ow one d a v w i th o u t < ctings In the j tra f fle tte a th tn o u r ilagU

tent p ftc t l t t i ' •dueUon, R. H. i T l.trr.S Charles Ross,

Press Aide toht weeka. de- r r t f v »Traman,Diem producUon (re ts r«f< o»>)nllk with lets stfnt tn the role he flked best^thing .to Rots, of a reporter. He had given newip:llon permea a graphic account, down)rtince o f se- "jnimiMTItla»irof-th»-TTBman-A' u replace- Uee meeUng.they be Sea JeJevlsJen men'w ere **JU;I three days, to make a recording of his Hatm whole milk ment.i meUiod cf MlM Ijerghelm, wlUi whom tl

press secreury liked to Joke, talested by lu v - -oh , they don't wanl your mutI quaUiy, ac- bllng.“ersoR, exlen- she aald Ross tmlled and rpoke on the pUnj. - i don’t mumble. I ipeak ve;nal require- clearly."

Then, UghUng a cigarette. Iees. he con- tlumped over in h it chair,to feed aup- Private funeral tervlces will I

eln. Ha atld held for floss a t 3;aO p in . ESTtn ft feed r t - morrow. The Pretldent and his fanextra cost to liy wlU attend.

2 Fugitives From jSS.°uoS“ ; Army Bound OverII laboratory, ^ ^

To Federal CoutPeiersen u - Tertdy O. Reynolds aod Jamet V wimrr hu t- Pfle*- ‘ ClffiJtled belrw i 0 7 nu t- PorUaad. Oneed of a tu t- •Ion to mako »utomoblle In Tacoma, waivedmalic eaulo- prellmUiary hearing before V. i S ^ e n ^ c d a Commlttloner J . O. PmaphreyTue;™ r S for bound U

U.-a. dltlriet eourt a t Bolte.hree tiroteln Th®

e m u ^ i S the arrival o t a U. B. marshal- n ^ a t VlU- trrested early Monder m a ll momlng following -a wUd H<lU rter and through DuW which ended whe■d. Flth meal they wrecked the stolen car near C«rees of B<;u <1« m tiia g . Uninjured, the pareet oi u u , to tr . -8. highway :f elsht to 10 “ '*3' caught a rtde lowarnd ID to M T»lnP»l‘*- Kowerer, peUce tloppel u havB r i . cw lQ‘whloh they were rldln lUbloUe* induded............ . .* 7 “ P M T POSTPONEDl l t s ' ’ g * OP*CAy, D»Ct

jOlU’t Magic Valley Funerals

U E. IXIWO I ' I . — II- I .........•tlons « r a B trR trV -aravetld# tarvlcM for t the m at- a a ry Vayne Temple wlU be held a

eulta wer* a p. m. "niuraday a t the' Burle:e, prevent- cemeUry with IMe Rev. A. iiI reopenln* -niomu, Burley Methodlrt pfttlor, t

charge.gun by Mra. --------ahe charged oLENNS PTR RT-Flm eral serT,ught«r. Mr. ice, for U n. vera Slmpaon wUl heli•w n iu rw ita at- J- p rm rT h u r td a y - a t - th r B *

• _____mortuarj_wlih LDS Blahop A. Oat(• her ton- Andft7>on of(lclating‘;_B urlarw lin)UM K^nouift mada-la O lena-R e tt-oea tU ^;-—M -tb fc t- th a ____________________the amount TWIN FALLS — Puneral tervlce

t»y -rtfu»«d to rn e n n a n Knyp*lra-wm be-heliho propertr. «{ 3;S0 pjn. F rid ay a t the TwJie«l convert- FaUs mortuary ehapei Burial wllto their own be made In the Twin Falls eemeu d account- tery.tioney, ., M n. WUli jrao M E _ ru n en J MrvJcei Io

ton-ln-Jftw John Connor* 'WllUimt will be heliM aUegedl? al 2 p. m. Thursday a t the Wendtlloie. Salter- prMbylerltn ehurth with theclaimed Ute o . B. Cue otflclaUng. lOOP gravefu ll tld t terrlcet wlU be held a t th-— WendeU cemetery.

PALLS-Funeral tervlci Ellubalh MUler wllV-heid-in;ro-prwrniflay-at-W

’ o ttv tiy Chtpel. n e R*t ing Ilender ^ jj parreu will otrielate. Burla

wUI be made In Bunioi Memorlk

i t ® i PAOI. - r i;;; ;;;!Mrs. U ura M, Nielson will be hole

Magle- Val- al 2 p.m. Prldny al the Paul LD! are from 3 church. Durlnl will be made In th

>-m. Paul cemetery-. . .

Ue. LcrralneW ton, Mra. x *.u ...e rtl t Borah. TOT t h o t V 6 Pd Mrs. Lloyd

chocDurley: Mrs. . ■

InQiyicii>Twin Falls;

[tf. Jerome.

er-arm rr witht. Improvlnr ^nraday. Low V'O

if j l .1 G E M O F F I C E

I I IO JU I. A x t . . . N ,« l, ,

*0 .ts I OPEN PRIDAY * 8ATDH __ •

mut. ElM Defense Aides.ety Flylag ___ , , ,

Hold Meeting, Leam Dutiei

irnm rtr* Om )fente w u given by tAWrence, wf charged the depuUe« w ith the

X _______ tfgtS roH w outlined UPUns for defreloplng a local bloc

— .......— hank aY illililg -lftJ ilL jtrw ny jy i

•> last week between Lawrence, tnland and U n. m ie n B tJler. exea

WKflOUt a Uve secretary of th e Red Cm o u r t fa a ic chapter here. Lawrtnco termed tue

out the Red Cross ti a p a rt < ’ drJUan defense.

Ke described the local 0T«anlri O R R . Uon as a part ot the T7. B. civil d<

“ fense, which knowi no boundaile 1 . In event of a man-made dUaate

n l ^ t O lie Ml<I- stricken point woul call 03 Uie point cloeest to ll fc

l . l ) l 0 S d a the bails of apeclal tralnln " he received In Salt Lake City. Law

>aa) rente tugge tl^ to comailtt<ced bett—l^i«t {hat there U ;itU« danger ol a given newipa. atomic bomb atUck In thU area, ount. down to However, he warned. If an A-bom r-TTBman-Al- faU rln-the Pacific northwe*t,-Twl

Falls~eSuld be flooded with a tei were waJUnj rifle influx of evacuees. •Thla mlgh of his Ilate- penetrau even Into our hame*." h

declared,;h whom the DepuUet are in the proceti c to Joke, tald, selecting Uielr slalfs. and lAwrm c I your mum- sat'* they would welcome volunlee

public minded clllMn*. The astlgn lied and re. menu are’not limited to men, an . I speak very Lan-renee urged h it depuUes to ca

upen women, cigarette, be Each deputy will have a ita tf c hair. from 10 te 30 penons. m eklng thvices wUl be toUl civilian defense aU ff for Twli p in . EBT to- Fall! number between 150 aad ' 171 and his fam- Lawrence udd.

He tUted the tecond m ala eon------- eeni tn (Ms are* Is saboU fe of lr

rlgaUon and power ayaum t. Dcpuile ? r U l l l are planning for any ovtatuaUtj

d Over *’*TO J*u'flke bemg on • tooUjal1 i*i A. preparing for l u toughesI (JOlirt same—one we hope w ell never havi n,* T .« .. w to Lawrence eonUnued. -Bu

have Uie training, th' equipment, know the other team'.

*>* ^ ^mh , 4 P Because ot no eoncreto naUona

has written to man; apnrey i-ues- InformaUon on uie elvlUan defenae. The plan hi

^ i« I.II chose IJ ona esUblUhed and worklni t held in Jtll Cambridge, M att, authorlxed b; * “ 'h pend. erdlnancea. I t propotei KB. marahaL ima ererr phate of tha defenti

__________________ended when T T * 1George Hislop M Passes at 100' were riding l03 ANOELES, Dec. 8 WV-Tlm«I the youUu itnaUy ran oul Monday to r Oeorge

Hltlbp. He died, aocne live aon th i------ ' • after celebrating hU lOOth birth'INED day anniversary.I—T O tM IA For 50 yeart prior to 1M«, Hlaloj

published a farm Journal, the Pam -|3 | | |M H H t t l Volci). a t Chicago. A l 88. whenB B D H B int. most men Uilnk about retiring, hi

■ ~ ' bwght a 400-tcre' applA orcharcI t near Twin Palls, and operated tt fatl l e y eight yeart. He came here 11 yeana ago.'» DnUl he retired a t the age of 89

II- 1.111 , J and ven t to Callfomla In 1030. Mr.tervlcet tor ran a s BO-acre orchard eight

II be held a t mile* toulh of Twin Palli. The 400- Uie Burley •« « orchard he operated when he w e u u r .^ ^

Irt pfttlor, uj ""'I ^6 reulned the tmaUer' orchard.

He waa active In the Crehanllst uneral serr- atsocUtlon In T ain Palla. ^ ^ ^ d • W'- ^ furvjved by one aoa.

Thomaa-Hl»lop,-and-one-tlaughur. ih o p X Carl Ellubelh WaRonscller, bolh ct

M terj^ ' ~ ~ g ran d e h l^e n .— l

.Workers.Needed~ ‘bSi’u In Coast RegionsFalls eeme- ConUnuing expansion o t th e

navy^ Paclflo forcei plua the de- mandi of the Korean altuallon hta

MTvleei Ior brought a need lo r hundred* of will be held worker* In naval •cUvlUe* la Uie the Wendell pajuia arta. A. J. Meeka, Twin Falls .th the Bev. manager of the Idaho tla lo em- lOOP grave- pioyment tervlce. reported Wednes- held a t the day.

Mott crlUcal need is for dealgn

:ral serviced —

I • I U M J ^aervlcei for A T 1 0 / Oorrwt thna

be held K l H V H n i pSS^tr t^V -e Paul LDS E f c l l F l l K t a T l I e I'M . 6noet made In the

> > '• -

I Q t v e r y ^ ' s p e c i a l "

n , c h o o s e t h e b e s t . .

ividual Cards___f f u H A L L M A R K

Perhaps /t*a• MOM


> 0 • SISTER



Just a good F riend\ TTiey thow you've thought

enovJh to aend the ver^-best,^ day aer\-lce on personalised

5c to 1 .00 Eaciv'

FFICE SUPPLY, I n c . ,xrth / _ - Phone n«


^ d e s T w i n p S leting, “p . Llcaiied pracUcal nurtes wl

| | l f - | 0 Q meet at I Pin. T hundsy a l tnL ' U l ' l C a bcmt of Mr*. Occr Ryman, Ta;

lof _____

*wrence, Iiw-Dai;ey. exeeu- __________________e Red Crott .

' Reports Arel i a p a r t o t 1 ,

>cfti oT^anua. aubmitled in0 . 8. ClvU de- _ . , ■

Spud ActionnOPEBX Dec. 8 -M ost of Wed test to ll for In district com

. . . hert la the acUon brought by tw w Heybum farmen agalnsi Mlnldck'f® Firms. Ine, * m spent In the In^ *P«etlon of reporu of Uie defcndar

, L ^ J i ports were ottered In evidence hy Uif a w d5fiH aifririH irT nnih i--» i3c«or

™ mi^M company bookkeeper, was on Uih . *und. The onlr o ther wiuteju ex

j r homes, he Uwrence Newman, i,e nrocett of defendant,anfl lAwrnic* pive*linet«s Jor the defease volunteer tUled Tuesday. . ,

T he « t tm - Oaatld Are/y M d MeJbert Tayloito men and pUlnUlIt In Uie acUon, retted thel

•miUes to eaU c“ « Tuesday momlng. Avery 1 uklng HU.19 and Taylor Is seekln.

i v e a i t a t f o f T S I " m P»ym «t: m eklng the *Weh Uny claim Uiey told to MlnU ff for Twin Wolta P*nni Us Deeember, 1940.150 a n d -175 TesUtylng tor the defense, Johi

EQUlit. a Minidoka F a n a t ' employeid m ala eon- he lorted SS8 sacks of Avery'boUffe 0 ^ . pouioes and 395 aacks of Taylor*.erSi iJm uUet "O'' ^ ^ e S t y Seve Uii itcks weighed a fuU 10(

' pounds,on • tooUjan received credit tor 18;lU toughest *he P araif warehouse anc

11 neverhaveillDued -But of No. 1 and J poUtoes.traln lne the Two truck driven for Uie FarmsoUier team'* ^ Droadhead

0 play a a l to teiUfled ai lo Uie number ot stelLthey trawported trom Avery's cel.

reto naUonal l*r to Ui* Farms’ warehouse. Halc^Itten to tTi.ny tald h i weighed three sacks oln on o r e S - Averr’t poUtoet and their welghuThe Dlan he » « • *3. poundt. DaUy re-1 and working made by the truckert durlnf wthorlxed by the PCMod were allowed aa exhibtu

propotei to over the protest of S. T . Lowe, at-3f tha defense tomey for Avery and Taylor.

Head grader a l the Farms, Keni____ Blevenion, Burley, UsUfled Uiat Ui<• w. condition of Avery and Ttj'Jor'# po-l A l O D 'w "''Ol ’''O ' Bood." He eald

Uial ot Avery-a « a aacks of poU-t • 1 A A <««• wtre graded as No. 1 andt X U U 3 and Uie rest went aa euUs.

engineer! in a number of llelcU and Ior ‘killed worken In many ahlp-

; ^ K y»rt Iradet, tuch aa ahlpfltUra,100th birth jtieelmeial workera. caiD enten; ma- loM Tii.i«„ ehlnliU. •lectrielafts, and electric

’ »elder*, Meeks aald. •ReprttenUUvea from Uie Mare

' « . t r i n r ntval ahlpyaid will be In Uw

S l l "p“ si- 'ss ■s.’r/s,':n i . f - “ Interview and appointnere i i years { „ u,e poaliloni which art

. now open a t Mar* laland and theMarlanu Islands,

> r^ i?d il?ht i n ^ : i u u % % S n ' ^ L d v XIlli fumlah full Information tfl^ i ' w « i l ! «11 interested penon*.

the smaller TttlES-NEWS WANT ADSe Crehanllst i ■■ lU.

dleV, ^ U i e t I l H 'J h " I

legionsWl o t th e )lua the de- situation haa hundreds of flUe* la Uie a, Twin Falls0 tla lo em. Jte d Wednes- J

t for dealgn Ml

b rrv e t thna

f e ■ xinTortd. 10 MIT to Uka.

ANY WAT YOU tOtha froftf or rear, Ini

"* exclfameni h juti thi T951 Mercury.

For ll's a new fron' witb 0 sweeping r For extra sofety, Ih

■ s r j £ , “ricnd fobric*, ond new up

jught ^

LSsed SWlY I, , choice!ch- X — ——

DC■bene R4

r.M. 251 T H IR D A \


/ , / '

Falls News in BriefBirth*

nurses wlU A ton was te m Wedneaday a lu-adsy a l Uie the Magle Valley Meaiorlal hospltJ •San, 3«« Tay. to Mr. and Mn. Leca BUnaett, Han


Driver FinedI of Mr. and Orlo WUUams. Twin Palls, paid

has returned i : fine and 13 cosU in JusUce eoui 'T WVto ^ ’ne»iay-*«et-ple*iflng. guilty I «tng Inducted puUlng an unlicensed traUer. WU n a mfm berc ium i was dted b r aU te pollce.-

FtnalU Asked-------- Prank J. Ksthlas, 43i Fourt

> street west. appUed for a buUdlnA f P , pennit appUcaUaa Tuesday a t th

d ty derk 't office. Ha wUl build -1 • 7- by 8-foot door canopy on U s real

g Q 2 1 1 EsUmated cotl la $30,

* • Board Cooveaes\ ction DWtel «hoor« PTA execuUv Monday attem oon a

Uost of Wed* the ichooL Atlendinc the meeUndistrict court w en Mrs. Vaughn Bair. Rupen•ought by two im i district president, and Mninsl Minidoka Kennea Whiteside, Twia Falls, tecn t In the In- retary ef Uie tU te PTA coundl.the defendant

Problems for State (irange

rr vlUi&u ex- C?

defendant. Are Outlined,e defease t e s - ................. ^

teJbert Taylor, report ur»ed Uiat Ux UiequlUe 1 rested their « i««d by different meUiods of rO' ig. Avery Is PorUng Income be elUnlntled, rior Is seeking Henley ouUlned the naUona for poUtoes Orange program regarding aurpluj

’ told to Mln- crept aad price*. The Onmge pro- Iber, ISio. gram advocatet the two priee pro- lefense, John gram In which Uie farmera sell: i ia s ' employe, esough crop* to meet dometUc con- Ju of Avery's tumpUon a t parlely pricet. Produc- ■a of Taylor's Uon In turplut of this amount woulc

did not be- be K l i try the fam ier H low tur- ed a fuU 100 plut. price*.

The tU le Or»nge matter aisc >dlt tor 183 p o l n l e d out thal the naUonal 'arehouse and Orange advocatet a bl-partlun . 13- tor 3W tacks man, federal farm eommlstlon tc s. take ihe farm prognun out of poll-)r the Farms, uca. This eommb.ilon would advise a Droadhead, the secretary of agrleulture on nber ot saelU meiisuret to be taken to tolve farm . Avery't cel- price and producUon problems. :houie. Hatch In closing hts cpeecii, Hersley paid -e« aacks of tribute to A. 6. Ooss, past national Ihelr welghu Orange m a t t e r , who died last adt. Dally re- month..ickert during AU Orange meeting* Wednesday <f as exhibtu momlng were closed meeUngs. T . X<owe, a t- NominaUons fo r.iu te ottleer* were raylor. held as was a primary election.Farms, Kent Ecctlon will be held Thurtday. Sev- Ifled tha t the ®P«n meeUngs were held Wed-I TXytor's pO' nesday tifiemoon and a state lee- ood." He eald oP^n meeting U slated for icks of pota- ® P-*h-at No. 1 and --------------------------

— Bean Growers to Meet Here Today

» ahlpfltUr*. The Beangrowers’ Warehouse as- iD«nten;ma- socIiiMon started lu unnunl-mem- and electrle bershlp meeting sUrUng a t noon

, Wednesday a t the Turt club. Lunch n the Mare was eetvcd at tho tU rl of the meel- wUl be In the inK-e Idaho a u te Aboul JOO members of lhe assoda- hureday and Uon had been Invited lo liear a and appoint tevleu- of the a-MoclaUon's buslneis n i which are cf the past year. The meeUng was and and the conducied by Carl Iru'ln. chairman

of UlC board ol dirccton.Ised to make ElecUon of three ncw directors Is and will be was scheduled. Other builneu will formation to Inchide a report on the lOSO audit

and dlscwjlon .of problema eon-------- fronling the a-v.oclaUon for nexlWANT ADS. year.

rAY YOU tOOX AT IT -from notMnj, fit*II o r rear, Iniltia o t eul. there’senl h iutl the look of lhe new And ih* 1951 lercury. hlQher ratolo Vi■s a new front, ond a new reor Inveisweepino new Urder Dew.

ro sofety, Ihere's a reor win- *»*«*• »'rer 1,000 iqyoro Inches big. "**' *w eok>n-.lniide and oul, new Drop In end f ond new upholtler!e«-lW e‘i of your lifp" Is •

Sway In« SW.fs,« .loftrfoi



/ ■

T'T I World Scans —---- Korea Crisis:SlTSi'p,iS W ith A n x ie t]

U) twUce Uie terms ot Uils *«reemer in Korea: Uiat lha CWne*« agree t

Palls, paid a arbitntlon ot the P o rm i« questlo

4U im rlh M ^ g * th™ ^ S. would ^ "tellln iT * b S d taS '=“ ‘' Prlnelple for whlcL a v ^ the It »tands“ If H *ot oul of K o m an I f l ll W id i ^ wmUUce p ng - ra h ls re a l- p_ ^ w b u rf , whoie b a d

cround It th st o f * W all etnw banker and undersecrttary o t th

-» . . treasury under President PrankU

atlOToon a t , , eaUlng on the Prealdent “t

1 nf mS; ■“Chmnie P onJw id

A eouacu. j,, washUigton, 800 mayor* an------- d ty otfldali lave thought to a prc

P«*> “ BeereU ^ o f Defen* l U X MarshaU In charge ot th e govers

____________m tn fi dvllltn d^denw operaUons.n v k f v z k Th* P'“ - reoommeh'aeaUy-Tli c t l l H C dvll defense committee o t th

_ . ” - American Municipal tuoclatia t l i n A r l would wlUidraw top authority froi I J L U l C l l Uie newly created civU defense ad

mlnlstraUon headed try Millard 1 “ . I ,... CaldweU.'fonner fovem or of Plot sx meqdUet .caldwell now U responslbl

of re- jg ^ President Truman, iln ited , Staaien Spcskahe naUonal i„ Tokyo, Harold E, Stassen urge •ding aurplu* an Unmedlal* ceas«-flr« order I Orange pro- K orea-or If lha t talU—an all-ou

>0 priee pro- assault with atomle and othe farmera selb weapons oo red China’s m llltar lome*Uc con- mUht.lees. Produc- The former Minnesota goveroo iiujunt would and aspirant for the 1M8 RepubU at low tu r- ctn naaliisUoa to r P ztilden t f a r

hb vlewt a t a news conference a da; master also after he had a private ta lk wlU Uie naUonal Oen. Douglas MacArthur. partisan. 13* QoetUess Petedimmistlon to In London-memben o t parllamen out of poll- tired quesUont a t the torelgn offlci

would advise aboul witlthsr General MacArthu: Tlculture on h u overstepped h it a ttthorlty li 0 tolve farm Korea.roblems. They all received the tam e answe:Hersley paid from Emext Davies; foreign under. )#it national tecreu ^ :0 died last As commaader o t the United Na'

tlons forees. MacArthur ha.i "beei Wednesday acting wllhln the resoluUon pa&se(

1 meetings, by the U. N. on Oct. 7."sttleer* were This resoluUon declared th a t thi iry elecUon. C. N. ahould take “all approprlati urtday. Sev- stCBJ" lo 'ensure condlUons of sU. e held Wed- Uiroughout Korea." a tta te lee- -------------------- -------

■ Rupert Council to "7 . Lay Sewer Pipesrs lO nuPEIlT, Dee, 8—The Rupert cltjT / v y l n . r coundl Tuesday night voted to InyX U U d j three blodu of tewcr pipe on SlxUi

irehouse as- atreet e u t of A and to purchase 30nnunl-mem- <auU everpven tree* trom the.stateng a t noon ^or planting in the city park,club. Lunch councU alto agreed to. pty

of the meet-

the ossoda- ■ f f iT a f C T n f f

ins business m u s t i i

111 n

nothing Hit If on (he rood today!

Jld Ih* 1951 Mercury'i longer life,>er rasolo volue maVe il c better ------round Investm ent for lomorrow,Whan you Invait lit a ntw car,

ly , m«Jf» sur* you gal a raolly' ( T f j H I r etB--rh« 1951 M anuryl

Top In end find out why "the dr/Va 'Our lifp" Is "tha buy of your life." '

I *<«¥• e rWfilt (Mea forI'Moti* c>rl>* end B»% TevA-0-'"I cl txrte. eoiij «r.d .ddltlsn, I'oniiirf atantford trBnimtulein.

i i L i i ^ N - M

M f O ------------------- ------

f?®. Seen TodayJC181S i— ------- ----------— .

Anny recrulten «UU bdn * raae>

i x i e t y r.Se”2Stephens explalala* his parkin

hi. m .iji-mrn t “ *1* plckup Touto to i-wo Uller ested fdlews . . . ENC John L art

^ S S ^ n fvergrtea tveteran! admlnlstfaUoa eecreUr

Ont" ChrisUnas spirit about office . ,

fo r M e ^ '• • • O tjanE a reserve corps offlc1 :

Id bt. -aelllni »hlrt and Mcrwln L. Neamlch wear Die for whleh ^ ^ to x . . . neighbor of K orea and IntpccUng broken fence « i LaDeju ^ U ^ ^ Larson rtsldtnce, 390 Lincoln itree!

^ *tl«r night visit by aulo . , . DWwhose back- BalkUy In Twin PaUs frota JeromW all street - • • Two lar^e dogs playing Uki

•ttarv of the kittens on courthouso lawn . , . Twi™ P i i i m »m»'l llfl* riding trlcyelea on Loh e r grmft) of cust itreel north and managUig uPrealdent “to disrupt irafflB. . - Large crowd oI and w ith- tpeeutort ea hand ■ for aesslon o

troop# frcm district court. . . Snow saeaking uj on Twin FaUt . . . Ooose huntei

r e n d e r^ showing ilp ii ot alarm over pos-mavor* and »lbl» dlsdosure ef favorite hununj

a h t to a pro- grounds . . , Harold Hove weailniy o f Defense atvtl plald th J r t . . . Bob lUnkle]f th e Bovers- acUng confuted . . . And overheard:operaUons. “Heyt Where did th a t anow c«ni

h 'a w Uy-The -trem?-—--------------------- --------------tlee of the •

uthw'S Testimony in1 d e lu u e v l . J

r S s Damages Suit iS Is ContinuedBtassen urged'Ire order In ( rn a ras* Oai)Is—an all-out 301.10 for. medical expeosce, los

and other work time and damages. na’5 m ilitary TesUfylng 'Tuesday u to the In-

Juries received by M ist kialtby an( o U governor the reiult of the Injuries cn h t IM8 RepubU- -phyilctl condlUon were D r. R. A resJdajJ yaw I fn iit . b tr physician; W. 3. MaJtby ference a day a brother, aad Betty Skinner, h a .to ta lk WlUl aunt.ur. Also giving details of the acddenlsed and tlie condlUon of Uie c a n wenot parliament orvll Ohtney and Victor Ooertien foreign office n je la tur produced pictures ol Use .1 MacArthur accident Kcne.•tjthorlly In ---------------------------

BALTLAKE V ISIT0E8 same answer bprINODALE. Dec. 8—Mr. and

rreign under- i£r,, Arthur Yost and ton . Detoier _ are vbllUig relaUves Ui S a lt Lake

ir ha.i*‘*'beeiiluUon passed one-tourUi Uie cost ef flushing the • . ^ arato-dltch soulh 0 /Rupert near Uis red th a t the addlUon, one block

appropriftte q{ pipj ^ U fj hydrant tuons of sU - ijj iiutalled north of the canal ^ ___ In Uie Idtho realty addlUon.______

ICil to B uyina-L IS T E N to tlw oIo tlog f■ Pipes tone ohS« uWf*e Ruperl city . ^ W ^

.lp“e‘'on aii?h C TjiyWOWC' ........reed to. pty

C«M ta, tM Mty It b Is m 7MW-lr«d»4iaacapt^I CLAUDE BROWN

5 a * s i ^ m M ain a v e . e a s t H ffgaw tto* ______________________________

^eiA /

| f l l E R [

R Nlolfiih5 t^ o n - t f i e n

j -M e r g u r y , i


W aylU bdn * raaed Q lf-Navy rootball T f

. i u - I V o r e a n 'to two Uller- ( r « . . *

'9 ?>a M a .S,*-or evergreen to tgaia lUoa Bccreury Uiit marktj about office . , . v»:;wi« w >

■ve corps office o f r i ^ h ^ "g u t w l^ Boh t a r ^ . > . . ^ »*t

Neainlch wear- q,- , I w

U frota Jerome A rU iu , ,1^ ®ta. :w

>*«aeaklngup m a S w o ^ S ^ ^ «

* north-MuUt

7 A spokej-iiia f» u J

in SLSi-lss_ . msin hiRhv»,

s Suit. S i-?.’"?! tinnedOai) BroCT, sludejt u

W s sM to the In-

Itt Sialtby and -ijurles «n her C P l | f | A t i 'ere D r. R. a : ' C U n l j S : W. J , MaJUiy, " ^ A l f J r Bklnner. her • J J L H I I

3t the aeddent

tetor-Ooertien. . ^pictures ol Use .

is r r o E S

d ton . Detoier,U) Bolt Lake X *

if flushing the

Uon, one block 'ff jl the canal


H Bomi4 TUU


( p i § l

t l f f l

R a i m

iin^ (ik if

tfift toadi

n jr ic W


Page 3: · m^^uixETIN M U» £ ^ ' " m*j1««^ d - K c ^ho5 & ____________ ly ed by

r p a ren ts C o jn p Jied A gain D: r T ra in in gfl (Fi — auhni*ilne n»

told U Un>« »PPUaiU( **^nT w hr »<Uo

tblM “ ® 'durin* the mW» u j i t «-m luefuto n te r to c j^ power plaals ■

’ ftouiS- Mof* tli*n f-®* When marine

rS o jf if* . *« , a ^ to e . I t w«j^ c o t r t s ' pf«t>>«“*- could be ui«:

tr tlM *od 4ZH.! T ^ . i H , r , t B to iu rl/„nu

gtudit • ’? « PU“ le r brer)^ a o !? buUcy projects.

• dijctiMJon oa » M t^ i i tv U I c n m * g ^ ^ fS e fo r t EBd elaboriU leadn u a f i t^ - to protect oper' h,inf lhe newut. got deidly rays. ^ U o n . Yei WMhln

mbimU u the fstb*r hoping to comp an »lomJe mot

“ .h .f nur vouDB- * convenllondl line. whlclLJJ

ss.p“ °v.“s;.iS"o-* sbout fthrlnklr

gtfilM CrIUdsa tlons to suehtw^nn-iCflUfse profeisor to produce #n

tald Uiat tn spite ship by ISSf^vSueJMn of modem Looktn* on tif mmiDunlcaUon. Ui# fact with particulari t t (A) BUT arandparents force. So far; ItIf tar h'sh *Uuw!artl* get » ^ o -ahe« :J (Bl «ir rtadlng habits. ---------------------M UJrwT H *' J 1V y t b , p u n k . Montpel

Takesi ; rWM Wffl» jyopj# -a o iS E Dee. gig Uielr brothen. M tetpellcr. won — ---------------Herelord enlrlei

estFestival [srSL Ti“dL Id for Church ^ iX T p ^lUJf, Dee. 9 — Ttie Rs and the blue rlUSchinth held Ita 18lh the open claas.ond /oUral Friday In o*Tier by JenwijStghslI. Bazaar llems reserve chainploiM n and durlm the open class. glhBliesu M rt aucUon- ■ aOBiltand Silas Condlt FTA 1

S'=a* 03 uble were Atrs. .aclulnnan.M rj.Carl- A S P I R I N AIka QUmcre and Mrs. ■ •I^L tll}. Hendrickson, I f W orld 't La• Uts. I^sle Ollmore, S«ll»r « ;p of the bazaar, Mrs.

I Clalu for the auction r Dtnnli. Rupert, aed

: . W arner's and

eavenly N:the perfect com binatior

In WacA

wnllhok .nd fed like a milli

. ‘ !■«« Ihcjovely up lil t m . tht cup tontour. you w ant, and t

• " ont! Give a W n m o r:t'o this Christmnsl


* Cup

Whll, „ . j ,

*-B-C Cup

To be sure—Be

— :: G l a d y s ,G o o t

r ^ ^ y a r n e r ’s O

•» ' .!‘- - l . i , ■ — Mczzphiric

- t c , RnO ERS

beCEHBEE «, 1950

lojnparison Seen B Diesel Engines

?AHHlNaTON,I>ec.e<Bpe«i*l)- iij miblUousa « U ie e t fed the top-prlorlly tor* to use in iansrlne motor being bitill at sUes sod, ptK> wffl h*Te aeas*Uoa»l peace- space ahlps.

.u ■o'J.Tn;/.;i» " th f n '^ M ? ^ ‘p r o S l l ^ ^ u 5 .Jln“ . ' , , , V , The first .uhfere IIH the «le*el tao tia TfBS'CUIUBilcl,in u a clumsy, stodgy jnichlne n im Inventorit WM UMful 01 for Kcneral .o»er plants or the Urgest a m ^ ujg ijjq . jq.,len marine designers crtm mw juccea ui Wo.Jito the Ught confines of • sub- i ,, 5534rlne. I t was proren.tha cnelhe i„ 6treamUnrtad be used in buses, injcks, j j , , ;ins snd amaU ahJps. Atom n«pleilmllarljr,, nuclear reactor*—e a lle d ----------------:_a fer brerHy-haTO beea huge • [ \ , v — ky projects. TheyTe beea buUt I V* wide open spaces wllh aereraJ I \ t of thJckneas ot eoocrete anil \ 1 joraU lead shields around them . .A I protect operaUng personnel frero .*11 dly rays. 11•el Waahlngton engineers are Iilng to complele wlUUn two yeara 3f.y aiomle motor Uiat wUl fit Into / conventional fleet-type subma- fax

whlch_H smallest of all nov7 ibal'tessels. 1/sflih'U ie"slie-of 'la te s t balUeshlps. _ / / ,he BrlUah, not so opUmlsUo u t ahrtnklng atomic spplica- IS to sueh a small scale, hope x V j L ^ y V jroduce on engine for a batUe-> by IfiSf • • J y C ^ K f iooktng on Uie Areo experiment I { ^ y > f f W\ particular Inlerest Is Uie a tr ^ - ^ v U R i e. So far,' It h u been unable to (I Y y j lv »»go-ahe>d from congress for / ^ y \

ontpelier Youth / y fakes 2 Awards U h |7ISB, Dee. e 4f>-OaJI Jeatea. ^ L t itpeller. won two awards for his slord entries in the opening of a / r -day cattle exhibit and tale a t / V western Idaho state fairgrounds. m -pound steer won Ui» grand nplonshlp In ths junior class t ^ the blue ribbon for Jensen In / ( / \ \ open claas. AnoUjer Hereford I ^ \ )

cr by Jensen won the Junior 1 'V T ^ • j rve champlonahlp and the Jimlor \ i /I Clsjs^_________ ^

PTA TO MEETVOBRMAN, Dec. ff-TTie Pre- c l PTA win meet a l 2 p. m. rsday In the Civic club rooms, klfturlce Schecl ulll be the guest ker. All pre-school parenta are J to attend.

miHjTijsjm/o^ ■■



Nylon Ibination I /

T \

E tIn blacA o r tchite . j

3.95 /

te a m ill io n jit dcaiffnctl-by Kely up lif t you \•ant, and the correct V\ W ftm cr S-Wny-Sizc4


" Iiu re — B e f i t t e d ! /

ly s ,G o o d r i c h

rner*8 Coraetlere

Mczzphirie— . 1


1950 ___ :.

sn Between Atom j ines for SubmarineamblUous plans to buUd reac- example of the 1

* to UM la airplanes, guided mis- « y thn Mimlf« a f u c l , r v « ;

:ongrrss has told Uie air foreo wait and tee what happens with ! submarine motor at Areo. If PO'tfPlsa proJ«t Js successful,- Use 1»- ‘he n.ipuUioa pranlum for Uien » first »u««isftil <llrael engino vtnlence of a prr eomoadcj' by' T Oe?- •»«ciie TTim n n .n Inventor: Its proring period In a decade <

Ecneral .marine uses came In absurd Uiat any! WM.JO'i, after Its pheaooenal or alr-solng. wl;ceu In World war I submarines, ahare ot Its sp&c

1534 the engine V u InstaUed It may item nai6treamUntd locouioUres for Use of iKomoUon

Ume. or years btfore aVtom people Kite lo point to Uie at Uie fufl jsug.

------— -----MAIN AVEN


pam pei

/ GiveA ^ m L O H S U P — fre

nylon — thegift_sht slip th a t wcara com jiffy ! Chooao pink 0

• - ................... B .-N Y L O N SLIP —• inh Nojc th c snip-hcm .

I this luxurioufl y ift. I:

C ^N Y L O N GOWN — / doesn't w ant a night 1j tricot wonder — look.

She’a aure to treas to 4 2 ______________

------- D ^N Y LO N -PA JAMAS •I - _ — laco trim on pqc]«t^ V ' Btyled collar. Lovely ■ y ' ............... ............... Nylon' Lovelies M n pl

/ Nylon pettlci


, P a n lj

J J l fi

H oit Treaswed G ift L ChrislmaB Tre

Famous NylonSchioparclli, 51 - 1 5 ____

Hudion, 51 • 1 6 --------- ------60 - 1 6 ___ :______

V&n^Raaclt, 61 . 1 5 ---------

Hollyvoffue, 61.- 1 6 ---------

Picturesque, 61 - 1 6 ---------

Vanncttc, 51 - 1 6 ------------: 1 , . ' 6 0 - 1 5 ___ „ .J . :

O Hoilery C enter — Slrpc


tom and Banno( arine Powermple of the dltsel engine. Thty nock coun^^Sl

thsl ptiroleum came Into usit Unlsed by a grai a fuel, evtn when It cost a great PeUtlons wtn a more lhan coal, becausc It U irpug^ t Uie (

-""poSX"""" “a lu a l o T I K " ,* ;;!» wn-Jence of a practifally wetghUeaa __0114 tOcl like iiiiVonablTurinluni.' commission Nor.a a decade or two. It may be « st«t«mtnt In *1UM Uiat any velilcle, land or tea not wish to Ualr-Kolng. wUl devote a large cloud handing on« or lls space to carrj-lng fuel. He h u chargenay seem natural Uiat alt types reguUrlUts- hs'iKomoUon should run months conduct of buslnfears before anyone evtn^lanee* county commissiUie furl gauge. Meanwhile. U«

f t / ^ Tw in Fai


S a n ta J .

^ f l

p a m p e r h e r t h i s C h r i s t m c

■ive Her NyliSLIP — frosted with lace and nylon n e t B th e g if t_she wanU above a ll! Specially in i wears cbnstintly — never needs nn iron

ooao pink or white. Sizes S2 to 4 2 ______

3LIP — in lovely nylon trico t w ith dninty snip-hcm . . . four-gorc cut fo r be tte r f i t •ious g i f t In white or pink. Sizes S2 to 40 .

GOWN — both beautiful and practical! m t a night gown th a t gives her b o th I Ju s t Ic der — looks so lovely, wears so well, and wi e to treasure it. Chooso p ink or turqi

*AJAMA3 — -00 i-ery fcm inino-in ati nyloi on pqcj^t^Boftly p ^ f^ -B leev es , and sroi a r . Lovely sheer nylon net yoke adds peri •elicsl-Inplnk.'bluc, w h ite ; S lzes‘32-to“40.

Other Nylon L ovclI«

ylon petticoat and panty ( m atches B. Slij

P e t t ic o a t_______________ 5.98

P a n tjr___________________ 2.98

i ^ — A nderson’s Stiv S t h t U v t f ,

ed G ift Under Her tlmaB Tree

ylon Hosiery• 1 5 ____ _______ .2.00

________________ U 6___ :____________ 1,65

. 1 5 ____________ 1.G5 ----------

1 5 ____________ 1.75 •

• 1 6 ___ :_______ 1.95

6 -------------- -------1.655 ___ _..J.„.._1„L1.96- \

■ Chre r — Slrcct^EIoor |q ;


a n n o c k j u r y

P r o b e S o u g h t — ^OOATELLO, Dtc. « W>-Dan- UNITY, Dec. «•k county affaln may be sou - is »poiuorln|s«d by a grand Jury. »nd social la Ui« ■eUtlons wtre being circulated ^-------------------jughoiil Uie county loday tor on .ill T ,A H fl clal InvesUgaUon of attain atcourthouse here. Addrtued lo I CORR.fifth dbtrlct court, Uiey were I b pImmbi

-ffiiytSualsslon Nor. 7 -and t iu Issued Ijl ■■elem ent In whkh h# said be does I Maaaan - t

wish to tako ottlce -wlUi a [I —Ida HaBonId handing oter the courthouse." II _ _;e h u charged Uiat ’•certain tr- I U K . A L MjUrlUts- hare eilsted In Ui# I CUntOduct of business by Uie board of UO ftU b Nainty commlsslontt*. Illlil—[eanwhlle. Uie three commission- lif e ; .- ■

Tw in Falla

l £ R S O ^ n-.................. - ......................m O N E tlM

P "7oLoued

I ^ LI

hristm as

Wyton Ilylon n e t Beautiful, dutiful 1secially in a smooth fitting 12ds on iron and dries in u 14 2 _______________ A S S

vith dnlntynylon not trim.--------------- -- ■• be tte r f i t She’ll welcome s 82 to 40 _ J _______7 . 9 8

I practical I W hat woman ^ loth I Ju s t look a t this nylon i well, and washes In a wink. k or turquoise. Sizes 82 ' f ________________

in-all nylon-tricot-Dainty------ 'I------ — ^s, and a'round-the Johnny— ------ ~_ _ i0 adds perfection to thesofl-32-to-40 ----------- —- - •


ches B., Slip) '


p .

'isitJYourlon Center |c.Rion’s Street Floor —

» . '


; ChrlBtmas '

IGIFT W RAPPING—Sffrerf-J------- -------------^


V. H. Jeoiia, Roy T. Bale and AUets. h a n told newsmen Uiey

1 “welcome a p a a d Jury In- .


ir ry , Dec. t —The elder* quor- Is spoiuorlng a square dance L / I S t IlocUl la tha ward haU Dec. IS.


^ P l^ B I (Irf MJdIiM. BMkutM

■yrUilM _^ Uj _______________

U aa ian - Celoals lnrl<*U«n L U l - I d a HaBofT.

DR. ALMA HARDIN m i ,cmnopiucTOB P L i

uo ftUb Narth Pbes* tm ■ ^

m s —ONE tIM ....... .............................



— S t r ^ Floor ' _ ' '


ATTENTION ELKDistrict D eputy Visitatii

THURSDAY, DEC.EntertairiiTrent"

Lunch A fter Lodg



• Merry Christrr

" Store-—

^ M M

"•■mW I I ‘H

I’l[ y |s - i J i J


The P r O ila t GUtJ^f m

. Nylon BlousesN y lo n T r ico t I Y o u r p re tU e a t, m oa t p ractica] w ith a g n ic lo i^ ae lf .< m b n )ld e r« l yo k e o f Jow clryJovin ir nock line . I t ’a n o t ahfier, J t i n c c a th e Iron. I n Icpvely w h ita , a lrea 32 to 88

I l U i l o n C n l W — H a a m t e

r t

'I ELKSV isitation

, DEC. 7W i t ‘ ' ' - t ; r

■ L od g e......_



hristm asj r e - --------------------- --------------


' H

f i I -

A Jh9


' 0

k J "• > M |

l o f A a i ___________ —

)useslost practical b l o f i i r " ^ — - ired yo ln of sy lo i) , ' 'o t sbiser. I t dbesD^ 'tite8 8 2 t o 8 8 . . M t , '

I m t O M - „• ■



Page 4: · m^^uixETIN M U» £ ^ ' " m*j1««^ d - K c ^ho5 & ____________ ly ed by

III .l.KSSm.".5VW"hSK^‘;S“;I I A.JJ, .W .< «0

f ! '•i- BUntatiPTtoN « * J » „ . „ _

BT C l» » lt» -r* T * 8 U IN iOVAXeM

ii» ihi o ir ,,.' ................. — , .:•:, , _ BTM*Il^P*T*BLriHiI)VAKCl

'! WlOia li* ^ » 4 Ettl CmsV- XrrU<>

- t f - ---------------ittf'l Kr Ihl 7Mr __ __________ ___________________;••;• • o»tiW« c u u •{ iM .i ______lj' Lr UiJ~ ----------- ----------------------------------II g /C U W - M - ----------------

■' fe«wdi> >■■»« »t Itu >n«T t» IH. K.HI. UUu

p j G E R M A N V O TE A I.A R M IN GJ " . F ra n ce h a a long been th e c h ie f a tum h

Wock w h en e v er O errow i r c f lm a m e n t ; i d lacu jsed . B u t now a new a n d g r e a te r bw ! i h a .1 a ris e n : O erm any Itse lf.

J ; T he O e rm a n Boclallfits h a v c v y o n U V s tr a ig h t fllnt-e e ljc tlo n a as.a,vow c(J opponi i ii of rea rm a m e n t. T h eir m o s t rec en t, tr lu r------------ catTiff In B a v aria , n p a r t o f O e rm a n y mi I before cnptdred by the aocictllirDcmocri - • •• (Socialist) p a r ly . - .................................... —I No o n r In G erm a n y d o u b ts t h a t th c Ij/ . I c lcnr, T lic Soclnl D e m o c ra ts ' m o s t ?f; \ j tlve e lec tion p o s te r d e p ic te d a r if le toppeC

a .itccl h e lm e t a n d s tu c k In to t h e c h u r t soil of a b a ttle fie ld . T h e c a p tio n r e a d : "N!

Qgftln."No one. d o u b ts , e ith e r , t h a t th e B avat

result, c o m in g a f te r s im ila r S o c ia lis t s .. eases In H cA ie s n d W u fr tte m b erg -B o d e n . 0 serious b low to w estern p la n s to b r in g Q

------ -- m a n y in to t h e E uropttn d e tta so e s tab l l'•7 ' m ent,

I F lu shed w ith v ic tory , S o c ia lis t .le a d e r s •If-— calling J o r n e w n a tio n a l e lec tio n s o n th e

a rm n m e h t'lM u e . T h e re is nQ _slgn_yet_w l o r li th is c a ll w lli-be h e e d e d B u t ev en t h

: ' i n o t, C h a n ce llo r A d en a u er 's C h r is t ia n Deo .1 c ra llc g o v e m m e n t is c e r ta in to b e consld ' abJy e m b a r ra s se d by th e n e w t u r n o f evei ! I A d en a u er Is a lread y o p e n l7 c o m m itted t

policy o f re m ilita riz in g W e s t O erm a n y . } ' . h e c an h a rd ly do a n y th in g a b o u t I t In tb e fl ' : of su c h obv ious p o p u la r s e n t im e n t agali

I it. U nless t h i s tr e n d Is so m e h o w in te rru p l o r rev e rse d , h la h a n d s w ill b e tie d Indefin ite

A nd t h a t znake# O e rm a a rtM m am ent . .. q uestion s t r ic t ly f o r t h e p ro fe sso rs . F

, p la in ly , a O e rm a n a rm y w ill n o t b e creal a g a in s t th o w ill o f th e O e n n a n people.

F re n c h oppo sitio n to a renU U tJirlzed Oi m a n y w as b a d enough , b u t th la la w orse. Thi w as a lw ays th e fee lin g t h a t If th e s ltu a tl

i grew c rit ic a l, F ra n c e wouJ<I y ie ld a n d appro G erm an d e fe n se u n its . N obody la com ing w ith a n y b r ig h t id e as , ho w ev e r, a b o u t hi to cope w i th r e s is ta n c e w i th in O erm a n y

[:[> T h e issue i s n ' t o n e w h ic h c a n b e qule' .ahelvcd fo r a la te r d a y . R u ss ia h a a b e e n wel

• Ing th e so -cnU ed "pollco fo rc e " In E u t 0< ; - m a n y In to >iip effecU ve a n n y . l U ow n a rm; . I In E as t O e rm a n y a n d e lsew h e re h o ld a coi . . mandlflfir a d v iu ita ffe in b o th m a n p o w er ai

w eapons o v e r a n y th in g th e w e s t c a n m ust .. In E urope ( e x c e p t th e a to m lo b o m b ).

.*•, I t h a a b e e n recogn ized f o r m a n y m ont th a t a E u ro p e a n d e fe n se fo rc e w ith o u t slzal O erm an u n i t s w ould bo In ca p ab le o f ha ltli

' . th e R u ss ia n s In a n y p u s h w es tw a rd . T h a t ou « jj look h a s n 't c h a n g e d , a n d n o fa n c y w ords fro .' a n y d ip lo m a t c a n m a k e th e p ro sp e c t bright^

' I T ho O e r m a n e lec tio n r e s u l ts sh o u ld be U t;: - s ig n a l fo r t h o Im m e d ia te su m m o n in g 'o f- .ti

-------- ^scatem .clefciiacjJlflclnlB_tCLiv_ncw^conrfr?ni.{o^conslder th c a l te r c d p lc tu re . T im e car

------- -— T^salbly -b e '- 'w o rs tin g -o n -o u r^ -^ ld o -w h cn ^ ^j , a re ri 't d o in g a n y th in g to g e t rea d y .

" 'T H E Y 'T H ^ IR T > A P E R S " ’ ~J T h e c ity o f P i t ts b u rg h h a s Ju s t found 01

' w h a t 11 Is lik e to b e w ith o u t I ts da lly new, p a p ers fo r a p ro lo n g ed p e rio d of tim e . Edltloi o f S unday . N ov. 19, w ero th e f i r s t since a wall

I o u t o f m a llro o p ) em p loyes closed th e th ri I P ittsb u rg h d o llie s on O c t . 1.

A su rvey ta k e n b y - a n a t io n a l advertU li a n d pub lic re la t io n s f irm sh o w s w h a t happei .A ed to b u s in e s s a n d . to Ind iv id u a l readers .

I i I A u tom obile de o lers w ere u n a b le to advertl•f^t.........m o d e ls a n d te o k lo sses ran g in g fro

6 to 70 p e r c e n t. B e a u ty p a rio ra estlm au a f a llin g o f f In t r a d e f ro m 20 to 50 p e r cer

, , C lo th ing r e ta i le rs sa w the! decline as 35. p I , c en t. D ru g s , e n te r ta in m e n t , f lo ris ts , schoo I . sp o r tin g e v e n ts a ll sh o w ed s h a rp declines.I ■ , A to ta l o f 02.4 p e r c e n t o f people Interview^ f ■ th o u g h t n e w sp a p e rs h a d becom e more In 1 p o r ta n t s in c e th e y h a d b e e n unab le to gi

th e m . A to la l o f 84.B p e r c c n t sn ld th e y four I t d if f ic u lt to fin d o u t f a c ts o r ge t the s tra lR h t w h e n n e w sp a p era w e re n 't avallabl

I Men ml.vied ch iefly , In o r d e r of Im portanci, lo cal new s, sp o r ts , n a t io n a l newa, forelg

new s, ra d io a n d te lev is ion In fo rm a tio n con •lcs, c o lu m n lsU a n d e d ito r ia ls . W om en mlsat local new s, lo c al s to re a d v e r tis in g , m dlo a r te lev is io n in fo rm a tio n , v ita l sta tU tlc-v ni

11 ; t lo n a l new s, food a n d cooking, comics a rI fo re ign ne w s . ---------------------- -

■- ---------------------------------------- 1

H J U S r W A K fN G U P ,1 . Sp e ak in g o f th e w re ck -r id d en Long la ln r

.1 r a ilro a d , a n o ffic ia l of th e In te rs ta te con ..; m erce com m ission’s b u re a u of s a fe ty mnt i ) ' th U s ta te m e n t :

“In m y ex p erien c e th is Is th e f irs t ra l ro a d I 'v e en co u n te re d w h ere th e hendwi

l i j Is so close a n d th e t r a f f ic so dense a t certal 11 ! tim es t h a t p e rh a p s I t req u ire s special trea ; I m e n t w ith re sp e c t to s a fe ty devices."

W e d o n ’t - k o o w 'h o w lo n g thl.? o f / jc ia rh i been w ith IC C , b u t o f f - h a n d h is w ords sour like q u ite a ri ad m issio n . T h e LonR W and hi been In e x is te n c e a lo n g tim e . I f s been ru i

I ' n ln g u n d e r p r e t ty m u c h th c sam e heavy tra i I f lc c o n d itio n s fo r a lo n g tim e . i ! T h e IC C s a fe ty b u re a u h a s Ju risd ic tion oV' 7" ' on aJi U. 8. lines.-W ttu t in■ n f fl. fn K rju T II. M nOff .^t' c o m in g a w a re o f th e u n iq u e t r a f f ic problei

fa c ed by t h i s b u s ie s t o f a l l co m m u te r r a l r o a d s?

I n th o l i g h t o f th is sh o w in g , confircss m lgh , w ell ta k e ' a good look a t th e IC C 's safet:

o p e ra tio n s w h e n f t c o n s id e rs n ew fu n d s fo: th o agen t;^ n e x t y e a r ,




= « W H I R L I G I GMH Vmu I - I . WASIIINaTON-AlUumib food « iU »U1 b?i7Vi' a . to f i r t Tie* pctkf in etrly 1931. a ip*cJ»l k m UKmi. •. iJT*. of th« h u ll CMt of IlYlni m»r >>« b«c»

----------------- th« ln«iU»«Uon Uu«»l«n* th« pre*enl prie* I m litbo pel prtxluet cf lii* new cb*lnn*n ef the wn

I M _ »jr1culture »n(J forwtry commit;-----TT - - 1 11— T n i t n " -

—M-” -~ -* it% X ,,.- .L o u l* U n » .-w h o wUl iu « « d £

*'J1 . *. miirte*. Ai k r*p«*«oUUT# rrom---------- 1 i-?? « a * fugM couBUy. n e n d e r 1______ h 'm ___ y - .c ' . 'L tu r t l l j W*nu to p r o l^ the prl---------- ^ ;If*ed position which cu f» r»U Bll

______. . . . In O’* «1*U0C itituU . U ^- t li* ta » f * « u i« the Ititen

---------- ■/'H2 of both tb s produem Ulll domti, A re/inert o l e u i t «Ad bw t «U|

H iu k 5 " ir s l , t» t T».»« reO 'S U Q A R -T h i »hlft la ■ ,01. Utto Co<«. eh .ipntnihip, jnddeau llj, *how» how bulc. n*U«

wld« prsWtou *f8 tU e c lti b j iveh p*nonneJ eh»m ING Sfti»lor Tliomu !* eoneerred chiefly ibout cott

*nd h»a no pollUtU rewon for blocking a ims tu m b lin g

m e n t w aa y atlM U . ch*Jm:in eS tgrtevllun't nt« r b a rr ie r commliwe Invoilsiunr food eo«U. f»Ton Iow» ec

producu. which JrtquenUy *nt*r Into compeUUon w: s o n th re e eommodlUes mid* Irom tu jar.ODDOnenta Bui *nir»nc« of B lender Intc the piclure u t t rh iw n h Powerful niure irarutorm i the commlitee frem • J » ^ coiion-corr jfoup mto a pro-»ugir combine. The e

im y ne v er p^jted tddiilsn ot »ever»l *outhem memberi >cm0c ra tlc 'piMe 0/ t/ie ■d^H^W^r7^J0EM-*^d-fl«^.-Scett-'. _____ L ucu. Illinois, who w u * coniumeri' m tn. «; th e Issue *tren*Uien iht touW am tn’j po»JUon. l o s t ? ffec - . • .toDDed bV ■•'EXPtorrED'-LoblJTliita ror the rtfinfrifs tlo:

» rf^yyrr,f.A *^6 AlUnUc coul foughl fiercely tn d lueceMliilly I e c n u m c a ^ t . r W proeeulng ot Ui# raw productId : "N ever „{mer*.

Thet* Indiatrltl InterwU her* earn Urge profi B a v ar ia n from their handling of th* erude, tllhoujh thl* dl

A llat a u c - crlmlniUon helpi to create *uch unemploymenl ti1. « n f« l ^ Puwto-ijaocji. ja nenatntnt pwr-house and rcdpJent o l AmerlcM r

)rin g Q e r - uet f„ad«,e s ta b l ish - Jn ;»et, it IJ tbe poverty tn d wretchedneu ot tl

ntuvej which h i l liven rtw • to Ui* -indtpeoiien ifl/fart Ara BiaremraJ. wheee leaden are now *ccu«d of htvJi iBucfo a rc ^ y , , tttem pted aMOMlnttlon ot Presm m e r e - ^enl ■mmnn. The ntUontlUU make conilderth jre t_ w h e n jrc p M tn d t from fh trje* tha t Puerw nico J»’«n i f I t i s ' p k lua" by th» .Araerlcta cenjrtM tnd lia poUUci m D e r n o - «e«»mle tw odtl*^ ,

f ? " ! ? - / . " EXPIM B-Th* om *tt* oommltt«'* We explr;A T . •rtU* Ui» p r* « a l w n fre a on Jan.ilt ted to a t m , «h<n the S3nd <eulon t«ke« over. Whether ll w| la n y . B u t b« *xtend»d uutU y dependi on tbe dedre of the Un th e ta c e eouoniu i chtlm tQ .fc « « f T ^ I9»M uw Im Uod* tb i t 5*BtU>r Blender w;> ^ JI oppoi* tny turther i r t n l of tim i fer th* Inquiry o.te rru p te a th« ground lh»t le ha* competed ll* work and ihoulle lln ite ly . be t conUnulng body tor proUsUon'of Uie consumerla n ie n t a .• • •iOn. F o r , M A JO a n r - I f Ql*nd*f OPPCM th it pUn, 8«nat<« c re a te d OlUelt* WUI otter a rtMluUon for creation otQole *p*cUl commute* th a t wUl nol ba tn tw ertb le . 1

6«nitijr 23Jender. Howffver. th* I j FBUeile-Mcnr*a e d o e r - reor,»al»U!in t c l rvled tg t ln i t Uie lorrotUon trae. in e r e guth ipecitl group*, declaring tb t l Inqulrie* thouls itu a tio n b* cosdueted by lubcommltt*** of regular committee

1 ap p ro v a m y floor (bowdown. tb* « u f tr le n tto n would uc amintf n n doubUdly win «t»lly. Ctn* tn d b*et tug ir tr e grow2 la «bout JO iitU t, and te ten olher *ut<* poulbly mor DOUt n o w r*flnery-mlnded. Thu* they c tn uiually poU ( m a n y i t - c r mtM y«ei, t m tjortty.

>e q u ie tly boost—food prlcu , howertr. will become t coneen w eld - troTcnltl tnd ciploalve Iwue when the EUende?C u t O e r - equbbl* reache* tb* noor.m tJnfreeMltnt*! f*<Jer*l espendlture* wUl .combln

with ihorUge* and higher w H«i to booit Ul. coil fla a com - the mtrket buket. tccordlng to Uiew torecuU. j j) » e r a n d ze»m *m a:t-m onty Is ye t beinj ipent, whrrca* ln m u tt e r ihould begla to pour out a t the n te ot t3.000.000.005 etrly nexl yetr. then rltlng to Tht. ’^'1 ntturallT Inerewe ebniumer demand, u will txa t s S b ^ peeud ftlten ln j of pay envelope*.

f h a l t in g P A hm ir — Slmultaneouily, however, the trmetm a t o u t- force* will *nt«r the m trka t for tood tor our troop;irds fro m <tow orenet*. which wlU h«v« te b« increued. andb r ig h te r , stockpile for Uie projected dttense fore* of 3,000,00(

•*«« condlUona wlU exut In Europe. Ai turo- lg O L.iop. ordinary produeUon to Uu mtnuJflC'inrfr?nco_ ju re ot wetpona. iliev wUl rcqulr. greater eupplles ol me c an ’t food trom the u n l t ^ e iaC sT ~r h e n ' wfl Aa In-thU country, there win b« thoriAge* ot I trn----------------- iT0TtCT-Bg~d-»-Bn>*ller--t>ul|mt^f-rtrtnnn-,-=*;mcu3-

tural machinery tn d other equipment The Unltec a tite j wl]l then became, to a large or unall degree. boU

IS the trienal m d 'the-pm tryT fthe-fT tcircT ta.* 'iimrf Under tuch clrcum*ttnce.\ congresa may bo forcedju iiu o u t i,y public opinion t« ie t up tn tgency whleh hai iy new s- Jrequtntly been proposed In llie p u t—a pcrrotneni . E d itions oommltlee to InvesUgtw tho high coal of living.e a w a lk - ----------------------------------------

h.ih„. V I E W S O F O T H E R Sivertlslng ’ in c l u d e U8 o u t , CF.nMANB bath a p p e n - While thow who are b / courtety called ita tum erders wrangle tbout whether aerman* tre- ur Ue alldwec

thli Well European trm y tha t lUll fji.m only itaavo riise u ,b pUnnera, the O erwini htve indl-ring fro m « tfd « irtih » b a rs no p a n ©r i t -----------istlm ated Wm i Oerman elecUona • tew daya ago gave ilronsr e r c e n t »“fiP0rt to 6ocltllat parU u who opposed aerm an ptr-

“iR ‘‘f'P&tlon In thla defenie proffram except on terms o;u . ojwllty not likely lo be yranled while the Prtnch havi

, schools, anyihlm; lo tty . Their view li that thtlr conqueronlines. have relieved tbem of responilblllty, there 1;ervlew cd thing a Oermnn likes better than another It Is U< nrn I™ ^ rtlleved ot rcsponslblllly.i/oie Jfn- WlUioul acUve German help it U hard lo « e hooe to g e t Wf«em Europe can be defended, e.ipeclally with lh«ey fo und U. s. pinned down In the Korean anowi. Tlio FrencrICt th e m UrlUih are dragging their heels. Insisting that thiivaiinhij. ®' luppIy must of. tile equipment and mo.<t of thtI'lu iuo ic . Uiough Europe la fuU of able bodied unem-lo rtance: plnj-fd men who could be aied if Uie counlrlti ovei

fore ign thtte really thoughl Uielr Independent* worth de- on com -n keepi n u w lt from moving InT Only explana-11 miMCQ tlon offered to data ij fear of our atomic bomba. *riaio a n d fe»r not liitely lo conUnue indefinitely ta Uie n u j.tlc.V n a - ilans Inereajie lhelr own aupply.nlcs a n d Europe avoids oecupnUon by Itirnla li *i[]

_ be due to the grace of Ood and nothing else, for theI " 'prople and their Rovemmenl* »H11 act u If thev aoni< give a d&ra what happen* to thcm.^Nampa Free

Presi.g Is la n d ■ -------------------ite com - E M riltTB KECOBD 1B-GOODtv njfldo connecUon wim Uie Impending vim lo this trea

of Joih Lee. member of the clvir aeronauUcs board who U InvMUKtUng Empire Air llnei operaUons, w*

irst r a i l - would like to pm in our two eenu ' worth,headw ay " ’e btlleie that Empire Is doing an excellent Jobt c e r ta in ^ fulfiriing a itgnlflcanc transportauoanl iT fn t *“«ttJon In irinho. eaMem Oregon and eaiiem Wash-1" Ingson. The company'* permit lo operate u a feeder

_ _ line ihould be renewed____ — -----------------iciaJ h a s A" *bo have iravejfj Empire'* rout* t in ItsUfy th*tds so u n d weU operated. Certainly n uland h n s function tor Uie lemio.-y. many

•’y commercial aireen r u n - u-anaponallon if Uie permit were to be denied. Thew y tr a f - percentflsc of scheduled trlpa which are carried

out, IS a-tll as Uie larjie number ot pasitnsers carriedflnn ftvor eloquently to this partlcuUr point lhan

l a t Vfnd ^ Kafla laying that we consideraOBLhllK. -miaL-t.im_rvenUalJln> - - ■■___________pro b lem “ ^ Iisnllicam in this re»p/ct. as we ttported In oH? Ler r a i l - ?*“'* ^ o , Uiai United Air Unes

it t u aofi na! pltn to oppose e iunslon of Esipire’s permit ' on lls present routes, indeed, is the loral UAL m in ­

is m ig h t *5fr reported, his company con.ilde.-j Empire a va’u- I s a fe ty adjunct la developine traXftc for the trunk carrier nrt« fi-ir W fclvly ene e / tbe Jmpori*n! riinciions

feeder unea ir* supposed to carrj' out-W olU WaUs • i7nian»Bul3etia.'— —

ION A L I --------- I G P O T

S h o t s ^It pric* level* Of .n of the lenate wtry eommltte*. » ,J4_nilO<l»rj^K.t. _______J P8T1CE IB B lIKP

auuve from U»* ‘ me«Ung w u 1r m e n d « M - » i ^■ol*et tbe nrlTl- m eani to atop tha tljg rtn l dlires.ISrVLR *f lhe .Ul*;* irtfllc U txrtttuU. I t WM AUUw«nJore*mentiiWelaUp;td tte lnter**U promli*d thal Jrom now onm tnd domtaUo rloUton wi:.« d ^ t WMMT. eaforetd without regard to rtc*. ■

. ' • or. crted or .oclal luuidlng. W11 ih ltt la th e h»PP*ni? One JuiUce of Uie p«w basic. ntU on- dltmUiM t tti* of rtcklesi drunonnel ehtnge*. b e a u u .enforcement of they tbout cottoa. ■•»’ork t htrdihlp on«klng t lu g tr youUii tnd Uielr famlllei." A i

tence for drunken driving 1agricUlure-* «;!>.

w U tT o n ^ t h " "•ompeuuon w iui ^T ll. goddesi of jUiUce ll aupposed

he picltiro MJ « jjjjjjijunlltee a j. m. Bnipltlooimblne. The ex- , (Eden)n member* In ■ • •-S C T .-Scott^ j----------^OPB f fC tte rw -S O A R O -leri man. will ^ jiopert-U It origin

If ao. we mirlii use It the day bef' Chrlsimns. Wc'll wall tor a po

refineries tio n r card. - . . .aueceasfully for . .raw product hy sAME THING

n large profit-/ ® " ’’hough Ull* dla- In Uie old day* wben a ma mploymeni tn d wenl Into a uloon, he checked h 1 h u become a aii*>hi>oler «Uh tbe bartecde I Americtn te - Why ibeuliln't driven now chet

lhelr csr ktyi cltbtr wllb the bai :hfdneji ot the t*ndfr or ilie cl«:- a t the UqutI Indepcotlenew - w lortf........... -u«d of bavJnj Shortyttlon ot Presl- • * *e conilderabl* 6EAS0S"8 0>’EB, TOO> nico J l *‘«K- Dear Tot Shou:Id lu poUUco-. -— *floth»r' on» 0/ Ujo

hunUng dogi- Thli cnB,-im-IrL te tter, came to our placo durli

a life explrta hunting tt«on. If the owner wan Ul on Jan . 3, Ije ean get him or anyone el WheUier ll will can have him who wm pick him i lire of the the within Uie next tew dayi. We dor

w ant him snd don't intend to Icei r nieader will him htre Jong.Ul. Inquiry on O. t . 't lv k b a mork and ihould <Mllner)Ute consumer*. • • •

PUrS FOR KIDS DEPT.I plan, S tnalor Plve pups, Ui* otfiprlng of a Ui creaUon ot a rier mother and unknown fathe antwertble . to will be given tway to foUu who wl bUelle-Mcnroe provide good bomei. You can ha<

tormtUon of your choice of colon. Phone 0103-F iqulrie* thould after 3 pm. t r commlllee*. * * •ton would UD- FAMOUB LAST LINEgar tr e grown - . . jt-. getting ta the pair possibly more, where yoo never knew If tacncen

uually pou M will driv. Usroagb yonr lenp a t dir B » tline.- ■

OENTLEMAK IN THE xeome t con- FOUrtTll ROW the Ellender- ------------------------------

wUl .combine n o w OT

mSk CLOSIt, Whrrca* 11f $3,000,000,000 \ I i ' V0.000.000- Thl* 1*^ • ^

ror our Uoop* reued. and lo ;* of 3,000,000

s ^ s ; m s C m s f m a s

tage* ot f trm • .

. The United — ■II dtgree. boUi y n B W , T0Tt3.“ ' H -BlM ■ # - - J

r.Sorh?. R •Parker 51 ’•a permanent [ ' ^ j i J

ot living. W P?

l E R Sled 8ta(«men Iff be allowedejj.ils only In I Ini bave indl- f •' |

------------ ............P*n r .0 gave strong , j Him bm i<it aoiim e t« cn ' aerm an p tr - 11 '" " i f '

'-.I »5IuiAkS,*«r>„"„'; S e t !s Prtnch have f i • im., hki u... ‘ , '•ir conquerors I -Id .lt there Ls h ?.'££*“''• (nr.Unj •loUier It is to t ; l , ,

|-( fM juJo iN .r.i.ii« ) I- •d to Me how " (,ally with the *.l ffOW1. Tlio French M _ _ ^

I; Parker 21 ibodied Unem- i I ^ ilountrifi over , •:* worth de- f

>nly explana- ; 'mic Iwmbfl. a ■.)u Uie n u s . ,

Russia 11 *m1 else, for tha \ : If they a o n i-Nampa Free

3D '■ 'I to Ull! trea ‘ .]lauUcs board I 'i Pcn ^perauon,, w* i*, jj.O Q '

excellent Job I - Set '

N ist: - " - " - S f in lu U fy th a t K ' »«# (». I.L t,.) .erUlnly n is ____ l i l — ' .mio.-y. many ........— ......................‘

^ ■n are carried T ho Ncw n nngtrs carried. ''P o ,k c H o ''r point than ptK jeforreildenu ................................

ted Air Unes m ■ K ■

'B O O K S T O R En! riinciions 12) M AIN AV£, WESTWolU WaUa _ . .

TnilES-NEWS, 1


^ P E G L E FNEW YORK-The Dolled NtU

never wlli commaad Che reaped those mllUoni of Amerlcta* who

tU that 'Eleanor ' noojevci: lUnd*

g B l iy p tor. unul lhe la re-

--------------- - iiiiiiIII iiiiiii III | ^ K p [ f | i jie«Ung w u helddtvlse wtyi tn d j * t t t e thlalagrtnl disregard ( i ^ f n e a t l y b u t . . '^ ^ U I B B:iC laws. .. . y][Sniit p.,»lnnmtiiWeltU prei- ouyiouj f tc t , trom now on all -n iu woman li AigfriL,: \ f i Tlolaton will be , parusao poUU*

I trd to rtc*. col- e jm and propt- ^sundlng. W hat ^andlAt tnd h u been tn axaoci

lee of Uie peace ^ „ d ' friend c t mtny Indlvldu reckless driving \chose acUvlUea aroused *uaplcl

nt of the law including Alger lllu and the 1 irdihlp cn the Louis S. Weiss, amlllei." A aen- WcLis w u a New York lawyer » , driving la set manipulated Manhall Field dun )uilne« requUed hU wild phase u tha publisher o

pro-communlat daljy thing In. N repeated nearly York. Welia wa* the man who

lly la lha ilat*. In Uie fix tn tbe Amerasla cose, ce ll supposed to died recently.

r fully un<!*nland tbat nobc M. BDiplcloo* waa charged with lrea-«n in I

(Eden) Amerula case, but Juit the same t• aubject mailer ot the case wai

W SOARO------ JJicfl-Pf-flPfimepu from the teciT. It n sit f*l“ O'*’’ country whlclT'wt

t Uie day before P“ « “ « * P'i H to r a p L t . «">ni«nlst group.^ ^

'• Arthur Dlls.1 Lane, lh . career dti iv a lomat who chucked It all to tell I

true atory of the betrayal of Pola: snd thff borrJble ilrportJlJona of t

wben t man Pole.i and the Katyn mauncre, r he checkcd hi* ecntly recalled an incident in f Jie bartender, own experience which llluttrates t cn now cheek Impropriety of Ur*. Roosevclfs co r wllb the bar- duel and showi bow inappropriate

a t tbe Uquor la to retain her u a rrpresentaU......... ...... o f lb* Uiaifd flutes In the Unit

Shorty . Natlona.• Lane waa aenlng In Mexico Cl

ER, TOO under Ambassador Josephua Dai leU and Daniels made a partial pollllcal Ipeech on the Tetpot don »r one ol s^ose ^^ndal.

cnt, --AfUTwinJ. he tsked Ltne whJ.? thought of Uie ipeech and Lar

e owner w anu ,t ^ td been Improper becau: DanlelJ wm not the ambassador .

Ill p i« nim up Danocrallc pariy or Uie Demt . u " «T>tle admlnlJlrailQn but Uie an

inwnQ to u c p tassador of Uis United 6Ut«s.» . . L.. He re«!)j that OanJeli aaJd »i

proximately tlils;(Milner) ..j gycj., yoy r)gi,t bt, s D E r r . ■>— . „ ,d c .jrlng of a te r- . • .mown father. noojcvelt went to Callfomltclka who WlU to campaign for her ton, Jlmm;You can have n,j,^ ^ nuwlJenjWt record JPhone 0103-R3 hla bu'Jneia relaUona, and for Hele;


IW lacnceneir tenp a t din- g i J . I k f a M k M

AK IN TIIE « J 1 I rn i ROW I ■ 1 1 1 A

OT 1 :j IH : # . • I t l <


' ^ f m a s

• s r IIBffiP


Pen r ; ' — " ^ 5^ $13.501. , ■

dhr.Ltn) I ' • R uitlnh ib ito r ’ ■

• W o n 't Horm Rubber 1

'• • Poiifivc Protection 1

" 2 1 " !- ' •

/ r 7 - - ^ r t . “ T w h t- L I n k

Ti*"® C h a in

m PI ! e ■ S iiliS . uv'iV'ow.

.... S ' l iior O i | ^

,wesT f:E S -C :,W -

■NEWS, t w in ' f a l l s , IDAHO


. E R ’S A N G L ]a Dnlted KtUon* Oahagan Douglaa M «la* t ^i Ute m p e c t o l Nixon, who made eommunUmnericans wha ra- sole l.'sue and won,, ^ Both of her candidates were 1

lh l^ * a s 't valid partU an poll jnandti* for a person In her Job obviously would have been r*p

j ^ ^ D n S | aiSOa^.'ACCOTdlnglyr^hoiUd.b*

sltut*l^°and no person vho L the refinement. inleUlgesee su tom anihlp to comprebead Itnpropriel)'' of tier* ecnduct t* proprlate tor her job.

Il Is not even debaU ble th i t *>«»rMa r « u r anusonliea Uie morality, m an cn tn auoclate and pttrfoUam of aiUUoa* of Am my Indlrldual* cans who have a r i s b t to re{ rased *Uaplclon. Uiemselve* ta good eltU eni. a tnd the Ute T hai U a ftct.

Aa long aa ail# 1* kep t In her rork Itwyer who thore Americtn* will remalri cyn! 01 Field during suspicious tnd reaentful and will a publisher of n pose no confldenco in the Un ’ thing In. f<ew watlons. They wJJl be*njd*e b!lt e man who pul the Americtn lives th a t have b lerasla case. He »nd yet may be committed to

ventures.d that nobody Ttit'r will be th e more rtxluJ lrea-«n In the becaui*, u any IntelUsent e ta i lit the same the of the f tc u m ty prove, her ti he case wsi a band wt* Individually reipcns from the secret for ihp c»ltm lty_ef_ th e gor y tthlclT'were war. now degerieraUhi~Ia15~tt"' Ises of A pro- wlUi red China. ^

* It Is polntleu to argue , tb t tlh . career dtp- huiband did h « bw t. He d idn 't b I all U. Ull the to go to Btalln In a role more U. •ayal of Poland mlnlous lhan p jam berU ln ’* wUltonaofOic Munich and B ereh li^ tdW l. But I massacre, re- went neverUie csa, because, In ncldenl in his disastrous vanity, he thought t I llluitrates the whatever he did m urt b« t l l rlgh loosevclf* con- This woman 1* now tr r ln s to 1 nappropriale It her huibtnd out o f h is drami represenuuve decline from a a tatus o f dl*» lA the United that of t demon. But, meanwhile....................... m ere 1» B ny-c h * a» ;th a t-th e won Mexico City could be spared tlie u ltfn itte t loiephua Dan- and we»lem dv llitatlon could de a partisan saved through the UiUted Natlo e Tetpot dome that chance Is stood off by 1

vain tn d selfish liu lstence on ol Jd l i n e w hat a a r importance, -prcrw atlvea, : ^rch and Lane coma for herself and Elliott, * iroper becauie sycophanUe honor*, ambassftdor o r Ttie people of tb a United BU or Uie Demo- will never tiu i t th e United Nallt but Uie am - n.i long aa she remain* In her pn

ed SUt«s. enl poslUon or haa any poilU nieli aald «p - whatever Jn t^ie Dnlted NtUoni.

be right be- tte r tribute to Welaa w hea he dl aid Uie same n-a* t shocking expression by ar

one prelendlng to repreien l t ' A Unlled St&lo» In ar\y attem pt. to Callfomla deal wlUi Soviet Ruasla.

ton, Jimmy. She aald ohe grieved th a t "a Wt record Jn oUier power tor good ehould and for Helen Uken trom ui" ond m fo rth In Ui

I - U n i t C h a in

B o o s t e r '

O i l N o w A l l s t a t e H e a t e r H3ual,r^ Extra largo Sijo—fiis / | | C rfj

9 8 Valuo a t OtiV. 2 d .Q g 1 ^» q»oli7 p>l>T«n ISO n . fi. o.V p.r

‘Iton, Con b* ui><) with "l,.,ii.o;," j|,

■ — I T - ------------------:

I AHO___________ •

' F R O l l—_ ^ fcr of Ctrol WeUa KJn*. the la

0 T I ? f « H any Brlflats, Jiarl and ]1 T I ^ P j Bniwder aad O eftardt.£isIer:

* - • ha v u tbe power behind U tn a aa last'R icha rd Fleld^-brainl***S m m ukU m UJB “ prmiotfl hU own d«i commum*m u>e

idate* were bad* tbrough th* Hrtl tr ia l of Alger 1 iS v i S i bUB-bualng wlUj Carl Binger.

w U U ^ pjyehUtrtsi who w u brought I in in her tab ib* fn" W JapretUon« b e t t WtUtUker Cbambw*. th . tceul r V * S » S d ^ i^ l *»«“ »• » “ • P«»«i“ P*lble :ly rM oiM »* pui -jjiij-pn^ablr-koow int-that-'W

M ^ ^ e A ^ r S . S U t ontelllgence tnd ***w mprebend th* He ‘fixed- It to well U itt i* conduct i l *p. tbe congita f t U u .V ^ u t l fit b. uiui far h ts been unabl« to bi jaU ble t h i t ib t through Uie "fU - and expo*e jrallty , m anaen tniUi.UUoni o f Ameri- Nixon was eiected (be eei r i s b t to regard on the iuue of tbe (ftUlt of A c lllten i. Hiu. who w u defended by Elei

Booievelt.kep t In her Jeb M12i*rd Tydbyra M aryl«iA I remalii cynical, btdly betten on th e issue ot tfu l and wUl re- Ameraslt "fix'’ and reU ted lastaj

in the Dnlled of dliloytlly. w u d s e bliieriy . welM prnetlctlly admltled th*' th a t have been did pul In the "fix" bu t rtfusei; im m ltted to lU go furUicr on tha cround Uttl

activity wa* conildenUal betw more t*dur»W Uwyer and client.

elUsent eaavu i Aa t m ttter of fact, he te lei prove, her hui» d ifett rtthe r th tn serve Uie e tlly reeponslble of JusUce. The whole buslneas of the Koretn be exposed If w me eommltlee lris~Int& 'a'w i r 'conirarwUl-call-Maishall-rieWn

mtke him teil the tru th oti o tth . • Two repuUble citizens, who i

a rsu e Uiat her mcrly held high position In Fle . He d idn 't btve publishing enterprises, already b role more Uno- ptised the word th a t Welai put am berlaln'i t t Uie “fl*" *t ^ W hite House i u s td e n . But he sent Pleld a bill for a large tee. F because, In h li was employlnr M ark Oaynaone e thought Uiat the men arrested In Uie Amen* be all r igh t cue. Oayn was no t indicted, w tr r ln s to ball • • •■f hla dramtUc yj{ Eleanor Rooaevelt benjo lus o f dl*» to uie low of thU conspirator « t, meanwhile, If tht, background, describing him ;th a t- th e wotld -v»uan t'fo r-tm th"- and one- 7 > ulU m tte war “Uiose who were eTU."atlon could be -auo. be 11 remetnbered. aha 1 [fnlted NtUona, confident Uitt her friend. Al Bd off by tier hUi, was not guilty, and convlni Istence on of«* that hU aueceaful accuser, W7i •cr«ffatlvea, In* ttker'O ham bira...Fa« a low chiid Elliott, ana acter. ------ ---------

Eha took occasion to write t ■ United BUtea during the trltl fo r any eilect U United Nalloni her opinion might have on the Ju n s In her prea* she has been repudiat«d a t I I any poilUon poIb and shi'ahould «o. Nobody e< ted NaUoni. asked her to repruenC the Americ* nation except H arry Trum an and

;s w hea he died few other low pollUclan* who thi ession by any- ber ethic*.repreien l Uia if ihe really wants tbe Americ

r\y attem pt (0 people to glre tbe U nlled Natloni Mla. cbtnce. ahe will ge t ou t and U ved th t l “an- her aon. Elllolt. and his line of gt )od ehould be cerics, slmmlcks and notions wl o forth In Uiat her.__________ ________

rotect your car oil winter✓ j f

/ A L L S T A T E P(

^ A jN rn-0 N E ^ F I L U N ( T ~

^ 5 - L A S T S A L L W I N T E R

• Won> Boil Away; No Ttf 0 Ruit ReilK ant— Prtvenh

Be po.stive, g e t AIJstatoJ I Get lasting onc-fill protcctfi nnd frcczc-upa 1 W lntcrproof


H ' a n t i - iPure untJilutcd M ethanol v'. hibitor gives you postlvo pri Compare prices, sec the snvii

"Prcatono" Brand AnH-froexi

f t o r y. s l e r U W D e f r o i t w

6.95 m m 2.69\ h m

•. fiMot i« 1 4 \i i ..Kk.t, W1.S l / j ' f f ' •

^ / » ■ *"I*. l i y . . . ««p


. 403 MAIN AVE. W EST . . p n ------------- :pn o N B :2 8 eo --------- ------------^


b o b h o I•fiardt fasler: U it t --------- - ^ v i lr b e ^ M trtb tu New d^-bralnl*** for.

h is own devloin In HoIlvwLi?^ *61S « had flutteSd Setu & trW of Alger Hln. posient, h SI Carl &lnger the fif«, ^ “ th* w u brought In u> w s e ^ ? ,I JapretUoR Uut of R M»««. th* tceuslng didai 9 1jBjchopaUjic Utr; o s y i H

a well th t t even iJ J u .V a lM S u t v rooct .I unabl« to brisk drtnati- ’ and expo*e the *». Uiuiuj

k O T o S t o t e Mled to Uje senate ^he (fuUt of Alger *een Ute ended by E etnor ^ m ■

Benny t , u ^U MaryJwiA t-u fn firi, ti» th e issue ot Uia »»vle* <iiifer,aur*.»^I related Instancfi » ■four hiodteiw .*'

My fooi pnnti'rir *• admltled U ltl he I*®-»“ 1 Uiry X" bu t refused to Deiie.

eround U itl hls H'* the UdenUtl between « ««Eniy^iiS t“^

s t s

M S K J U ' e d e t s l

s s L “,“ r wposition In Field'! munlcaur *tre i5 l5 ises, already have by Agiiw 7 ^ i , ^

«.1001 y,ir.>osevelt bemoani Coa;!ei4 lofonstteconspirator wiUi cslloo tam t m iiu «lescrlbln* him aa MIsiBiroaktiihiTn

an d one-jrh# «r ftem-lhttow ereeTa." Uth cl»U Mnleantembered. aha waa Ofllce friend. Alger Nurm should fflf.y, and convinced Uona Intne^tuii mI accuser, WWt-. of tbe litft cMI i«r5'.aa a l e ^ c h t r . pllcanti for Uii tb n

............ catorp«u*iiilaaim to write UlU uoni I n a ie d ls i^• any effect that tlve lecretair. lave on Uie Jury, lervlca eitmlMa,« ipudiaUd a t Uie t d m l n l i t r a t K a 1 so. Nobody eversnt tbe American - -.______y Trum an a n d * WJIHXHTia Iclan* Who aharo OtG<HS PCUiT, a

Roiln, Bk*« BStrea.1 lU tbe Americtn 0»tUn.Y£mto«,« Jnlted Netlona a »fd Broeki Cupcaci r t ou t and Uke v U l^ lirtaH-Uhc I hU line of gro. wtek-eai ^ nd notions with • ' - __ _____________ RZAD TIMES-iani

w i n t e r a t f a r l o f i i i l

' A T E P e r m a n e n t G l y J

I T I - F R E E Z j

n w r ~ \

V I N T E R A ^ J n

.w ay: N o TeiU ng R tq u irti I n t— P re v en ti R u it Cloggini I

AIJstatoJ Be manej' ahesA t y j •fill protection, and forffct wtsSB W intcrproof nntJ snve s l ^ ' H

S T A T E M t T H A N p l

m T I - F R E E Z E lM ethanol plus r u s t - i n - ^ A B i postivc protection. % J n H BCC the snvingd. # V H

I A n tl- f re e x e ..................... . t* .M

i d s h l e l d Mi f r o s t s r n l

2.69 1 ^ j lr, Iffw.cvfTiBl ruHIfll-hnrar ' ~



i t o w A l t s ] ! B A T T ^


^ PW »-r ^ ^ i i E i ^ All theI r r m tm m M iu i"


WBDKESDAY. D g c a J l

Page 5: · m^^uixETIN M U» £ ^ ' " m*j1««^ d - K c ^ho5 & ____________ ly ed by

il Service Sai ams Slated l i p T0 Vacancies

__aHBmU*len w i‘ ■frt aimloMUona lV '

W f^ fb J j la e u *n*lnt. .u - .

5 2 ^ blgbwM 4 ■,';•; / ; - ^

^ I i l .4 1 bQStotM »n“ y>t- '.' -■ .


‘i S w w POilUeM UM

ft wrliun t« t

^ £ o m c r r position*

^ U i S u t Die VailtA

^ n f a n u t o r r .A M w ^f u s s u must puJ a wrtU

t la cood phrtlctl ttm- titTra«U<’'> pm on tl

, tad eiunctff.KB limit io i busl.^ coQuiiMllt7'lDdusUT

^ U x l S^ limits ^ 18 J A U

U b n r en«ln(«r tnloM ^ 31 ta 4S r t u t tor

^ f l e e r poslUcmi. i z tor correctional ^ vQ b« aeu p u d br t d V 8. clrll «<rnc» ex- D V p n itinU V T .'U m if V W l rnrther ooUee. a Ior blsbvtur.enslneer -.,i«-. should bo tUed pot f Peb. I wllb the clTll ^iti!fln. W M bbjtoa » ,

____ _____ ^ F recrtlw L th i^ (sr buxloeu tx itijn , Barmond B u n , ■•tMsslrr anaJrit and ln> hl« •ppeaimsiee - V ilU t n il b« ucept<d InspecU a t m

W aihlnfton of- Ftttaer, both All tsibe ootlce. but tboM ^ ^

^ BMlderailon should ___

JSS”» «i’.,p.i. Folder.SI bi; be obtained from ecstUiEli; Valley clvU ^ 7 ,s l lh e T « 1 n r» I U J r r O I I l . t J i a th# dvU eervlce ___

‘ “• K 'b! if Property

^ i ^ where a p a rt of iJstate Okayed 3 ‘S..",'SSr p m Uoj Otto W. Ring Raymond Rujg a sell rtsl azul perMnal nlylng Christmas1 the tsuie of the lale • promUe ho mai ndl D. IUo«. who died ho waa a boy li i Uwcd Tutiday In pro- neither he n o r hi

for Christmas.I ezKUtor bf Urt. lU sj’i i t b a Uttle I i«eh rinhU peU U on there were no C nl* of porUons of th* thw e <Uy». V *"y faeetsvy In order to per ,and oversli

U u d Usacles provided Christmas trees I ud pay clslmi ssalnst shift* didn't take

trees,c.' the property by either r u k now a re: ;r!nta ssle Is authorlied ha* been brlngU »■ valley for the - ; ---------------- - Shortly before T

and Visits L m lne ChrlatmmI . , - - than arounEl Thken at MaroaDec. I - ^ . u d Mrs. trees for the ir lm

iiUahiM returned from Rufu'* trees thl Jmbtta. Callf. around Lookout nVa. Agiert Klslltr imd Canadian border : W iaairom BlseEfoot ~ B ug8 says'Tjo i r «C« Bffllna KUtler. bl* tree* from li M flfib t-h is-parcjt* '

l . l« l ll Ylsltlnf hersii3a.iiLPAima._......______ ______ __IJev tuilara relley,^ c iT ijiiin g Mr. and^J>na and itr . and __ ,

5 ]ie\&gae


for ■ tlawlu) N f feth

O eU alom ^n

‘*ic‘Vhaio I ork01^ I

* '« Jm f„ij8 a o *m f

TO™?! I c. c.

Santa’s Advanced P

' . ''r •


re«d li»L tha:B R tn l.e(-laD U Oan* la -M ade- moftd B u n . AlbttUea, M eet, former Bohl mld< tppeaimnee with thensaBd* o( Christmas trees. W. ecu a tree In h b eld hooc town are Ralph Stn er, both Albertson. (Btsif phote-enrrsvlsc)

.* * * * ' * *

>i^er Buhl Resident ] Promise to Self in Tr<HL. Dee. #— Ever wondered B ut no -m atter : all the Chrlitma* trees com come, he added. I ’ When tree* areorm tr BuhJ man can tell you for eutUnir the I a p a rt of them are from. He almost every tre< les approximately for mantle of snown il of Magle Valley every year, from each tree t ■mond Rugg"* buslniSM of sup- se t an Idea of : Christmas trees eame through look In someone j TiLu ho mado to himself when Rusg hires fro u a boy In Buhl and when to get the trees X he n o r hi* friends had tries than eleht feet iristm as. the top* of larte1* a Uttle farfetehed to u y After cutting, t were no ChrUtma* tree* In % pawaWe road,

day*. M any famUle* btd ^m!- and quality and md oversUed *agebrush a* for traniportaUei mas trees but such make- To get here, tht didn't take the place of apnice Mngle Valley thli

appcoxlmately 90 g. now a resident of Montana. Ruge praised t «en bringing trees Into th* use to Insare the <

for tbe last seven years, tinuous supply c y before Thanksgiving every For every tree t le begins cutting trees for the plained, another s Christmas. Cutting eatller Its -place.' Nonel around Thanksgiving m aku there ore times ee* u.ieless since there must doe* seem too p tiard frost to "condition" tho wlll be there all for the ir Intended use. a lot depend* onu'a trees thi* year come from be used er not. 1 Lookout mountain near the added, If a good lan border In Moiijnn^ _ eom^ * o ^ rnqugl J says'Tjo purchawi m o s r^ be cu i lh tJme'tO ee* from lumber companle*. place* for Christ

IB W P a r k e r ' S r ^

il"nt *»M'^'^'^fo't°ii«'nieUr .or s fl*wU*» line. K»* rU-lliuf«*rvolr thst tho*» lak ropply.lo nib*T ^ ^ 5 ^

'w“ 5rSPlciAh| ^ ^

» W •Amailni

i r k e t t e ^ ^ p ^ ?

S jsA u ^ ZiiJl C. C. ANDERSON’S, T W IN .]


ced Patrol , Iris Grc■ ' ' Have 5

> Meeti: About » meml

. t h e Ma*lc Valle; r laat Eaiurdiy t i

; , company *udiu,rl metUng of the p

... ------- — - — Castlffwn. Qo»di.----------------■----------------- -— ,1,. >iU*;ii4*»it<>n,-ii

.. .' . Mn. Ed Conr y * '• . J presldeni, *nnoujL - I i “ Wt of Mr*. .\iiP ' i • W Mrs. A-E, KlUs,b - chalrjnm of-theK X . i ^ P lla llty comm■ i ^ ^ l .1 A proposed con

'^ “ 1^ ■ E B v .' P t t ' ! ' .- Declo. was appro' L 'M ^ U .. For Uic prosrai)

. - / S v C S i ' 0 be.- recent tn where she vbite Tom Cralg, well. Iris breeder.

U n. Alfred K ahowed film slide Ray K. Rickman, In the films hemerocalU) and Iris gardens *as Idaho als

An ipprrclstlon to U n. S. Smi tiring reglona] vie American Iris toe—M n r r r w r i a u i

refrtslimenu. Th 'ratiged'wlth a Ch

The meetl tcheduled tenUU' Baturday In to be the society

LOB ANOELES, Zanperln], Ob'mp

.£ -^ T C w B B I tlm* hero who »p .-B«. .r .-T M M iA M anM ai Japanese prison ( la-M axIe VaJl*T m tr r - r tu ^ converted maj Bnhl re*ldent. eenterTpiU to M W « to O h m tla « tree*. Wllh him here a* he Ralph Strait, left, and Gen*

«vlsg) Japan whe* * ^ . tvangellst meetlnj* * * * -At one meetlo

lent Fulfills___ a* JO.OOO."*

n Tree Tradewher* he wat Im

no - matter from where .they edly" cam* forwi . he added, the work Is not easy, glveness.I trees are In prime condition ------------------------utUnir tho snow U heavy andIt every tree look* perfect. The -m •le of snow ha* to be *haken T U r k e Veaeh tree to enable cutter* to _____/ .n Idea of how the tree win Bervea byn someone'* Uylnj room. | / | i i D l[g hire* from six to eight men I x I f V lD l ; the trees ouU All tree* more eight feet tall are eut from C D I f M )p* of larter trees, Rugg eay*. r l V I . / W l a" cutting, tree* are dragged to _ , , sable road, graded a* to tlze .H .® :?® .’uality and,Joaded onto truck* .' • Muportatlon. ' ChUd Undi[et here, the tree* being Jised in n i c c u c k i r u Valley this year had to travel M

ilm ately BOO miles.g pralaed the method now In -------------------------Insare tho country with a con.IS supply of Chrlstmu trees, very tree tha t U cut, he ex- ^ B ^ K H d, another is planted to take a ce .' Nonethele.u, he added. are times when the supply

:eem too plentiful. The trees ) there oU right, he said, but jepend* on whether they can ;d or not. Tm example, he If a good hard frost doesn't

loqjj rnojiBh._U)f_trrfrc»nnBi ___in um e to be uied at distant W B B B S ior Chrlstmaa trees,. .

ea';eut>tai»Ai«MSW ''am-pric»Ip«a. (>*r.L>B|

^ 'AmailnXMW & Q | S ^ SgL c lftrth > » ... W tu *S s n a lF a i lN r> ( l* r tM 4

b e s ^ " lrW IN . FALLS


is Growers Bill on 0 Save Second Meeting Here £.n*sys.~5out 30 memben and guesU t>f Ua*lc Valley Irts society m et I Eaiurdty t i the Idaho Power

pany auditorium for the tecond ting of the group. . • _ - J .*»>»«r» w ere-piw m t IWffi'BUni: “ *■: 'llffoiTl. Ooortlng JymfTiP T r tn -----*rlias»it«n,-Buriey-»nd Declo.— ------- ------------Jl. Ed Conrad. Uuh], society Jdenl, announced Uie tppolnt- it of Mr*. .Vtrgaret Meyers and . A- E, KlUs, both Buh), a* 00- rm m o f-the membership-end - • - . . - nuuiy commlit«. proposed constitution, prepared re»d by Mrs. C. W. VallelU,

lo, was approved,ir tfic program.Mou Vallelle t o l d ____le.- recent trip to Los Angele*re the visited the garden* of 'I Craig, well-kncrwn artist Alfred Kramer, Castleford, ted film slides of the garden of K. Rickman, JopUn, Mo. Bhowa he films were varieties of iris, erocalll* and chrysanthemum*, gardens In Oregon. Utah. K an. ind Idaho also were shown.I appreciation gift was presented in. 6. W. am lth. Tain PaUs. re- g reglona] vice president of the rlcan Ws society,n r r r w r i a u c i a n T H M . '^ o m ^ --------------------peedy, bolh Twin Pall*, terved - ------------islimenu. The tabla wat sr-ed'wlth a Christmks moUf.' Mle nexl meeting of the group 1* f lduled tenuuvely lor the first nrday In Merch, Ums and placeI# announced. Membership inloelety 1* open to all Iris grow-

:-PW Converts Former. _Captors ___ H '6 ANOEXES, Dec. i (Ui3—Louis serlnl, Ob'mplc* sUr and war- hero who »pent 30 months In

nese prison camps, aald today onverted many ef U*-fonner If* to OhritUanlty.B former University of Boulhero smia mile nirmer retumed

Japan where h* conducted lellst meeUngs., one meeting 4,000 Japanese forvard to become Christians."Id. "Some crowd* were a* large

i S3-year-old World war n fUer hla former guard* In camps t he wat Imprltoned "repeat-

cams forwanl to for.

‘u rkey D innerServed by W 3.0U. .


lenrlns B:30'to S:30 P.I.L'. Adults tU D per Plate . ' .

- ChUd Under I0-7Sa



ill on Columbia I Into m ColumbU

Pact IntroducedrASS»CrrOM.Dec.eM>>-AbUl io ™ M “ y‘ u aMlUiorlie Uie tU te i of Idaho. su U engineer. tJ i ta sa . Nevada, Oregoa. Utah, of tbe tu te had

: THEREI5 S T I t t ™




APORTRAlPby Leyson

is one that you will be proud to give.

1 t

htncton and W yoslac to «st«r ing that aa ColumbU ttm - oosjpaet ha* upen for equlUbl*Introduoed by RepretenUUv* th* water* etf ihe

■ett. R , Wyo. Ulbutarie*.irrett told a reporter he wa* Jn- ------------->ed by I* a BUhop. Wyoming Tiig deBgn <<B engineer. Uiat rtpreaenUUve* uu* Ui* weaitrt3e tu te had decldtd a t • meet- trict and elan lea<

m s iTIME ^AVE \


I T ~ ~ ^ ^

O ia taooapae tiboaU beacnad .1 for equlUbl* apperUosmtat of / w n . a n n s w waler* ct the Colaabi* ta d lU ^ d r tl*rt**. ^ y j »«mny

------------------------- brother. Clarence 1deuga cf BcsUlih U rtaa* ta Okkland, CtUL

Uj* weatti^ family, home dlt*■ aad elan leader.______________JtXAD T O g M tl

Have you thought of 0 fam ily group (a gift th a t will become pric

( I f j j j ; in the years to come)T ^ O W n r tH n im r to - l

r ■ itTnade,~-wh(le’youan J all together.*'............

JIfafx Your yippoinimerrt Toe

PH O N E 118


Flrat S c*orIt^afik3Idffr

JEROM E, IDAHOJPpeni/jffs a/u^-Sundaifs by App<^

“ • • n h i U r '

“<"« ’"■14 . ^


BACK H O i a : ..............OSAK OBAW. Deo. » -U r . M «L O ul Eendits haTCrntBtned- ti tlMlr famUy frca ' vlitttB ('her ther. OUreace B m r, aad U a O j r%.»i«wi« n«ii»


F ■

ought of up (a gift :ome priceless to com e); . . I

^ I m ^ t o ■ h o v 8 --------- -

lle^you are-^----- ^ U

imeiit Todail'


O N>10ank'Bldf.------------ - - r

DAHO _by Apindnim a^ . v""

% l' V ^ m .

Ft« tn i--


% ■


Page 6: · m^^uixETIN M U» £ ^ ' " m*j1««^ d - K c ^ho5 & ____________ ly ed by

PAGE s n _______________

Editors Name Envoy as Top Woman of ’50

NEW TORK. D « . < W>-WoBiw ot the I t i l . tor 19J0, u nlm^3 ^ ta Auod«U<l PretJ poU of ne*«- p«per »omea'» edllor*. li

• b u ll of budUn# loUTMt; Blnw Mrt. MMU-* •P Poln l»«‘- .^ ,.‘“ ®'»b« h u derot^d heriell itriowly W b«r lob In Ui« IHtle countn'.

■ n i /.aw u i W * ih lM lo a ^ « “ hM b « n rec*Ued to Un »PoUI«ht

- .Uff tbU Tur-by tb« cuntot Jo iun

]s wblch E ihd Mermtn t»rtr»j» in j -U d y Ambuwdor to prtcUlmed luiiily « ’ ih ' ‘> « « « y ltn tb« nioilM' on Uie S tu - ,_______

^rb e ri .lS e i? !n U » W im iu lc * l. _ MlM Mermw U toted the jew »

s r r s ” r . — “ S]\u leomm of Ui« yttr.

Others voted ouUiandm* in v m .' mu field* ire »i follow;

Movie*: OlorU 6«iWon. by $!• nsoji unanlroouj vole, for her «ro«* b»eJc In 'Sunstl Boulerird.

UMMturf; retr} B. Buclt. flrrt womin lo *ln the Nobtl prlM, In • j, 1D3B Her moving trtlcle, ’T he g , Child Whn Never Orer," based on th# life of her o o t d»ujhler, cre-

' »t«d » Kwsllon thU ye»r________-------------------O ncw -rnnd---------------

Bclenee: Dr. Uene Corty Dlller, cf tho In«Uiiile for Cinetr Hweirch. PhUidelphla. who dUcovertd a

• common fungw pre»enl In cuieera. ‘ • Bporu: Ow*y Mor#n, who won

headline* for miorthedox dreu on “ the until* eourU, tnd for l»o brot* en enjosementi durlni the yt*r. ' *’o

H*dlo: M*r7 M«r«arcl McDrlde. u who ffcenlly *wllehfd htr ponulnr m«

— lBtCTvlew-progr«m_rroaLJ<gP to “ ADC.

r i f b u T t l Cal _ Buim m :_Y W «.K ell£m J^.auia- to j

ington. Connn mmufaeturtf. it." cODtlnulnj fight a*aln*t wlUihold- ,k , Ing income tixes trora her employti ,» r h u made her ■ thom In the side of .. VaeJt Bun. Bh* w*j*«J »n untuc* eesitul e*inpaipi tor tha Iltpubllctn unatorlai nomination in OonnecU- cut thU year. .

Mu*le: M artaret ■rwinaa. daiuh- U r of UiB Preildent. osnllnulni her concert career. C

EducaUon: MllUcent Carty Mc- lan Intoih. dean ot B em ud college and tro' mother ef tiw . ________ _ reli

--------------II '

Creamery Plans For 2 Meetings An!

B 0 B L rr .D « .S -P l« i i hava been aempIeUd for two meeUnp et Je r- f ome Cooparatlva Creamiry member* of •nd their frlenda today and totnor- all row,

The meetln** are c»lled fall raem- [U bertblp 4nd tpallty meet^ig* In i ' J which tha program ot the eoopera-

- - U v t u well u Ui*-feneraJ-tJ»try ---• laduiti? will ba aUniMrt. THe R u- ■v pert meeUn* will be held a t » p.m . t<,p Wedneaday »t the Rupert clvle ^ •udIlorluRi. prc

Tb* Burley muUn< win U beld n , • t tba Jerom*'Coop«r«tire plant » t j I p.m. Thuraday. Prtaldent Albert joj, J tttls . DuW. wflJ a<£«nrf, anrf ftoberC gtai Bovey. DoUe. will give-quAlliy dls- ter cuMJon* and ahow *lldei. Boviy wt* tha tormerly « lth tha *anll»rian de* nw partment, Balt L*k« Olty. and with of ' tha atate pubUo baalUi d«p»rtaant no; /o r MaJio. D

Frea refraihmanti will bo aervad. pia R. H. Jaoobi, Decio. li prealdent of jori the loc*l organluUen, wlUi Carl bee Men, Heybum, »acret»r7. Hei


-C ruelty Charged— lnJ)ivorce Suif f.n

--------nobert - B vls«R -rocte-»r-B uhl; —filed • dl»oree ault Iji dl*lrl«t court T ' Tuewfay « a ln « Connie 8*rtg«r. Ootylins. c h u iln i thal UuouthoutIKelr ro a m a ia m a itznoit tnna tha -moment the ceremony w u con- £eluded ahe traated him with e*- >jutjem# cnnUy. tra

7}» ceupj* ww m vrte t Oct. 8. carIBiO, a t Ooodlnt. »c<orillng to the imcompinau ., cer

a « H * r alleges t j ^ ihortly * fu r ithey were married hli wife in- uuformed him liie didn't love him Faand never would. He iay* alte ex- lu hlbltdd InlenM (latred tor him,M lllnj him vile namti »nd cast- ssIng retleetleni on hla character. On s n Not. 8. according to the complaint, aol ehg lold him *he w u through vi'lUi abhim. dll

lieiloraUon of his wife's maldtn name. Connie Bhaw. li uked In the locomplaint. ml

J. W. Taylor I* the hu»b»nd‘a a t- Intomey. »ui

n r w *■*

l i 7^B b O I ^• ' bon d ed

— Ssm ad e it

'l io c e U

uowm-F(_________ Xi l»ullWh


.op’5 0

-Woman / ' /P<KtK w ^ J amed by . M r X S BDf newj- m J f - i f c ^ S h•rie Mes- -.2 . «

t. etRc« ; L K i V « f l p |B N n f e £ r ^ ^ ^in 1P<9. ( V l l

lowly w > lA i t

. hojie** y /- iL*flipoUlght , T L ^It jm aih • > ^

W o « o r t n t « « . r t - c

i«L It rat the home ell r . ------- ------------------- '~5eioog*^#iftwCT'jJiiflrB8musical. — — I year'* --------------------:

UlfS Marines Say “J t AP'Lensman '

Taken North •:• n o r t h e a s t niO N T. Korea. Dtc. '

■I T he g _ AswclBlfd P re rj Plioioj- ;t r « p h e r Frank Noel was marclinl i■*'' "* r. »wiiy “loward the north" by hu J_______ r h in w fiiptnr« SiHiifrinv. rcPQrH _j,

/rom f iijp fd p.'Jjonerj JndJcnU'. An ium er, eyeallneu reported Noel wttjs nol ”

woundfd. il cancer*. capture ot theho won veteran Puliuer prlM winning |Ireu on cameraman eame from two marine jro brot* prJaoaff wltb Iytar. • Noel but laler e*captd..Their »»ry, iilcDrlde. a* related by Capt. Michael Capraro, ipopular marine public Information officer. | <D0 to »’a j /lown oul of the encircled lown------------ Bf-KoftryeJtCTdaT;---------------------------

"When the CTilnm h it ou r m b - ,...Bum- Toy w* dtddad » m»k* *• XUht-ct i. who** It." marine Pvt. Calvin Domltrow- *.Uihold- r ty , J9, Manrllle, N, J., to ld Cap- | |

' fm lr* "W htn Prank joined us. he was jlb« eooIeiC of the lot. In /« £ . I *

S n i J S Uiought Ul* old guy w ai • marine ‘w arrant officer. We were a ll mUed i

diiiBh. *hd In Oie darkneu I d idn 't a t flrsl i.Int her reeognlia the guy with the ' camera.’ }

Cpl. lAWrence A. Plnlaance. Port- isy Me- Jand. Ore., who escaped w ith Dotnl* *ege and trow»kl when Uielr Chinese guard ,o

relaxed hi* vigil, told Capraro that ii---- K o e rw a i’ hiilUied- a w a y - to - th a »„ norUi by Uia Chinese.B Pallunce tald Noel had n o t been ]l

wounded. K* u ld Noel and oUitr i f Ings Amerlean prisoner* were treated va been "’'e V decenUy" by tha Chinese. of Je r- Plalsance brought back th e lens lember* of Noel's camera. Ha u ld th a t w utomor- all that w u lett of lu «

McGrath Renews m " fin - Slot Ban-Appeal -he R u- WASHINGTON, I>ec. 9 WO — At- V # p .m . tomey-Gentral MeQmth renewed ,I clvle i n urgent plea today th a t cong rm ^

prohibit in te n u u ehlpment of alot b» beld machine*. ^ilant a t Ho told Chairman Edwin C. John* “

Albert jon. D.. Colo., of the aenate Inter* RoberC na ie eommtrce committee. In a Jet- *'

lly dls- ter McOrath made publlo loday. *, Ity wa* tha t "itlUi eaeh pauing day" the ?' an de* need for • law banning ahlpment Id with of the one-armed bandlla •■beeomu . irtment more apparent.” A

Both tha house and senate bar# •arvad. p»«ed aueh a bill, but In different i dent of forms. A compromUe measure h u h Carl been blocked by Senator Mnlone. R..

Nev.. who Ulked against I t tor 11 - houn lust before congreas recessed ^

fJ l u t SeBi«Eb*r.I I me-ban-OT)glnally-u-ft»-propo4ed

ty in e attcm ergenrralTrranc-con»- u U l l ference here l u t Februarj-. '

Troop Transport Z "S By Subs Backed |IS con- BUFFALO. N. Y.. Dec. 8 WV-Clrllh « - >Jubert Wilkins aay* • Biibmailnes y,

travaUlni In the Arctic ocean eanOct. «. carry Amsricen troop* w ithin »lrik- . .to the Ing dUtance of Russian lndu*trUl ^

center*.ly afU r Xha ArcUc explorer. In • film life In- Illustrated talk iKfore th e Central ve him Park MelhodUt church men'* club alie ex- last nliJii, »sld;r him, "Tlifl poienilal of using the Arctic Id east- as an underwMer rouie to R ujiia is I:Ur. On g reat By any olhtr approach fool Implalnt. snldlen would have to go overland Igh VL'lUi About 300 mllrs In Arcllo eon- I

dltloni." Imaldtn The Australian • born conauIUnt I

d In the to the u ,6. mllltan' pimmlne com* Imission tald there nre no Icebergs I

nd’a a t- In (he Arctic thal would dlsiurb Itubs. I

At rr »AT» OM THI lABUr — - J

^ f^ h e a you pivc fam oua b o n d e d O ld Forciier. you oiay bc sure you a re g iv in g tb e c legkot flavor—the tnsd ifiooa l qoaJirx th a t Im .5 n ia d c it G n a t II b isk j

' l io c e J8 7 0 | O rde r today!

Ksflluelcy SW:lil Bac'flwi Mihky 100 f W • flcOled In Bsn-J UOWM-FOIMAN DinilUU COKT.

6 CAROL ____ ____

i| ' i j ^ a ^

p i / f s s i r ^

r b o w , rt» Gheit of Oirfrt-


y Twig FaUs RadKLIX KVM’


marcllfll M Fl> ABHhtn* C;» •flibri.l 11.1bv hu * ‘;*li« r-- »]«»_'3*ni U»,B.

cnte. An 'U wr.i,,, w«ik litu •llldil.o Tr® waa not J.fn"'''""' t3IIl»a ^Jtio •Crimt^ri»l"

lll l i ■Wi>lt|n'’t'.r IVakal; lli>« Piaet Onhiie of the THUB8DAT lUJt Wt*»winning I:?i c»ii lo r» .n t TBURkna

I marine tm Liars jtm a. h» iWllh «.«o c. m, mo, . i

i r »»ry, i;io i.» tiiiai. n« . i S - :5 7 i . Capraro, m s I’oii. I’. t u i:oo ii,«ktMi n.

officer. ! :« .|i!i"‘iui‘ t:»bi,‘ m s led lown ,1» .J .,,,, *, a'lni •Tpl^*Tegf“ --------------iMJio.EliwU-«i«*____ Vfl;llii_!£aua*llt-ur « a - I in !?!iSa h t-c t I ijijiM i I - . T w i« - u . « »t»st« r.if

tjow- * '** ***»tbin TlltiM pm.Id Cap- li^jo rjSk*Klrt-l

he was I'lSIte t, I Acsiiam *lig 'Sty* ^ |0( 'marine tiU Utk«uu*n OillrwB SiU*rulWa L«w

II mixed *!« x S \ « i«a t f ln l Iico rit e'.i«k uu io . n .im u u i sh

e. Port- t io •nok‘.,r«»#u«a*T V” •hmJ’ »»t’ a I Dotnl* . *' ‘. n u airo that lliOO *TiIk Bi<k U i>0-I.m rn v a't o - t h e I J t k n i.

r s Marines’ Mothers R Appeal for Action

ha t w u BIRMINOUAM. Ala, Dec. S (U.W- D Wives and moUisr* ot U. fl. marines nol trapped In th® Chosin reservoir area the of Korea appealed to Presldant Tru* pac

W 8 msn todsy to use "aTenr weapon U.I necestary'to save thalr loved oti*s. v

n g g l . —Iba-w onU d-tan illlat-sen l tele- K Al B'*™' '® 'J'* Pretldenl and to Ala-

bsms's contrwjlonal deJetailon ,>,1 ■ Z ItZ "-“ h ‘hem to "evacueie our " n

o f ^ troops Immediately.”Tlis m etug* w u dra tud a t •.

' John. meellni l u t nlghl *“ •'B inter. «Pon»ored by Uie local Marine Corps n a J« . »''<* aiiendad by

tome 300 relaUves of members of ..." th f *'” “ 1 sll branchet of the armed ?lpmlntbeeomu . , *“ ------------

Arizona Approves Town at Film S ite .

°?«r M DAVID AND DATHSHEDA. ArlL,Dec. S OI.R)—Clly offlclaU took of. tlca loday and gave thU lon-n creat- «<1 by the Santa Cru* board of JUPtrrlw i-an -ill-IIo Ilrw ond- bot- - emroont... - -

_____ _ Screen 'st«r_8utan Hayward waar t namtd"buy6l•,“ in d ^ e lo r-a re^ o ^ 7 :

Peck became police chief. Char- I J aeter actor Raymond Massey w u

* K 6 n alecl*<l fir* chief. Director Henry 1King heft4cd the-eity-couiieii.^----------- 'The loivn. legally rtcognlsed by

the couniy. w u built for filming of a moUon picture named "D*vid

d w u u i Baihsheba."_____________________

• film Central n'a club

e ArcticIs B ^ P

.ch fool f W Wiverland f ^ I J I / ^ l | l10 eon- K j ; ^ I i


n e w " 2 1 ’

JBOUI ofuolum poial- »c*.xhroujh lak rt»tr»ol

J, (no nibb*f ptrli). Altr»(tlvi glU box.^ n S S .O p Sfll$S J;

new PorketteOuUUadlinKen9inyp«8.S[j!oo(h.»fiiint. hoeiI*J J y ^e st . . . tiilnltu etp. II

tl far ea« k/itJ

' , P cn« .00 S.I5S.0O

TWIN falls '"___________ 127 M ain A . l . t .

T I M E S - N E W S , • n y i N :

: Spirit took 50009* iniJsi Abo** «fl otHen. ^ * Cwtc«t» W th* hu* tfml of Chnsftrxn.-------

i Radio Schedules ®KVMV KTFI-AM-FM ,

150 KHiOCTCLCBI (I:7> Rn.O>99.7 MCOI IJS alaursioualAtn I'.'BC *Uiah.Ukbe J

nrepNEaoiT wtDNEaOAV

“ as.“s : :fs^ls;:;a.. J^ •fl.bri.l 1! ..,,., .lUU. ot 1., j - j g f e t i ! : : ; -lu ‘ llldilaa Trslb illllbird blimind 1 '10 ‘Crlnif rUKUn >:<o <0u Man’i i.nillr prof» *1 Ur* a Mrilirr »;U Mn»-»m«rr MUloa unl'0 Piaea Onbialra 5 10 *j'®“ • d(

nUUOAT ll:;j i.'V.wi tnJ Min off aillll*6 Earl; Usralni l'«w> ‘ TIIUIISDAT Dl«j N.*t aa4 UiilX J;” Jj'",, v inij AsrU!o R IiVlaai Ktn »'»•!■/“ ' '•'I'"""1 .‘Fi=s;rnSM...‘i'''‘ s.*.'. g r ^» ‘TpIJ Tag, I.M U -l"-**" '- Ji'lHlai j.j„ .H l5 ^ ? * ll2 r! ;ir |7 ~ l’ :ij4w “ ujr,*itid‘ uar» COm|o •Cairta r<nur t:: K lOWr* K‘c*< -TJ#-t«St« r.lf0 • Q;i«n for • Di» 1?:IS haVt

t • £ ." 11.1.1 ” . . . *:C-i T r...l.r. C^Ot0 •Slr.lahl AfMw i*"M M.rr ibOU0 *str Ki0( <;'« ‘iT*'/,!!. In ;: : s a & i i S i K K . - i i , , =»«t ‘ ntm lla,... K m t:»3 K»a»t Dal0 'l.lwiMtk Show '■:» iDuiart ,0 •IU^OfU .• ncualos Tlifl ,S«w» lUm0 'lliblad U . ai.rr t iDlrMUn _ riajliDViM rCSUl1 ° »;;» KJsXri/ii» i S l i t [’JJ” ' O'laumtllca.1 Alr»o<t MO >N«to «'alf JO>>-l0 *I Lar. t Kr>laf7 t>:C3 iNiw. < Ot C

----------ii. i

ers Robins to Attend ^ ition Compact Meeting#(— BOIBE, Dec. « MV-Oav. 0 . A.marines Roblni plans to attend a meeUng of•oir area the Cclu.Tib!* buin Interslaie com-inlT ru* pact commlsslan tn PorUand Dec.weapon u .

1 on**. Mstk B. Kulp. su te rKlamatlon ____engineer, slio wiir*Ueha [h»'m«»t-'

to AU- ing and the meellnjt Dec. 13-14 of•Jfg*t)on columbta basin Jnter-agwcyjaie our {ommliice.

X n lah t TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS.1* Corps

byibers of

ves I M M lSite


yj- BOT- —

w uOreeor?


byfilming -

v M 4 t u - m U i a

Tha worlcl'i mo«i-wsnW pen. A mrxib flit lor your tpMlil ftvor- Uu. SrtrliUng wHh B«» ink fillet —ovtrtlta I’U-gUtJ

-reafrvslHROBibliar-tiaUtl_______ ____$13^50 Set S 1 9 J 5

l e w " 2 1 "

rtltytlii«,N«»»- __

:r ptni)!Titr»e^ V s ? ^ n e w i -

x T s f l iM jsTypical "«l" bauiiy »adpr»eitlaalL«ai. UI»r»»«rrolf (nonit barpirut.oeuaiuo

III polot glvai latlB- H »m»oih wrtUag.-

A iL S JEWELERS__________ ______________ P h o n . 32

i . ' n y i N F A L L S . I D A H O ' '


^ Day of ‘White i Collar’Device ™ ;.5'Sl Believed Near

NEWARK. Del.. Dec. « bet"mion <J*y of the whll* collar machlnc li A.

netr a t hand, a mathemtUcs proftJ- l-'sjMTfelleves. •______________

Dr. Robert F. Jtekw n. attocUle u,s' •niiir profbssar ot msthemstlM a t the MUioa unlvertlty of Delaware, said wllhln

a decade electronic calculalora msy {,5-1 m Uke over the tatks now done by g, Un off millions of whll* collar workers, r Dr. Jsckson. a consulUnt to the

baliutles research Jaiwratofy of Ifie i.*J„ army’s Aberdeen. Md., prmms I ground, made hit statement In a sP)

graduate lecture. Mucli ot the ,#f i^»..mi« jiboraiorr* «ork involves elecUonlc d Uar* computing maehlnea. ^,ujl' ............T b t pfol*«<ir-t»ia-<MH-ot ths jjd i 1I major reasons thet* electrical brains gundilarkau haven't been pul to widespread me ------

has been Uie cost. An tleclronle **** ,..i.r . calsmator. built by hsnd. oow eotts _

about »SOO,000, Dr. Jackson said . ► ■'* In m u* production, they II, eort trom 110,000 to tlO.OOO.

An eleetrenlo brain, he *ald, "can turn out a* msny and as good

jjbDUM results u hundreds of payroll clerks,'' hand-computers, shipping clerkt.

Job-rouUng elerks-afmosl any ipj'e . , ( of clerical heljJ. '

----------T h e ? tra-no fbu iir fo r 'f t in ju , '--------- narrow, speclallied Job. They are

, sufflclenUy verttUle lo do almoil |H any type of Job, to long as no .

ImaslniUon or orlitnallty U rt-

lUng of ' ' '' ^If COJU- I) -Tin: NEXT VOICE :Id Dec. I I “OS THE IBLE OF


i SPHCIAL ATTRA(o s O fll 8TA«E - 8i2» T ■ Merle StoCilard Danc«

_ P r g ^ A srr.ClAL DA^

S t a r t s TOD„ T l i e O ) lo f # s i c 3 l7 < i a f - S l i ( W

That "Anni*" gal ond tf dancing g u y .. .whe

.'ftvoi^ ^ O '- . r f

n e w

P ^ UT: OA________ -^R fiU N D - RUTH

r T H T f --WAftRiciB R ?:5JjjtniPO!![iiri[uoviI g ^ I 'l \ -^.^4^^5cltl^p!l/C;,mi^^Sc5n •\ -------

-C » U « |I .W \ -----;------1 .,^ .« I*-*' j _

32 '■- ~ ~

"^ jliX R iJs DICKENS W .

: t thH « » wi»» Chm fm M ^Ifr I ^ U

__________________ _ quat«_____________________ ________ _ Tin

te Delay ifil• BOISE, Dec. tf a /JS-Tbfl borto M M

C 6 wandered onto th e bridge andgared oai over th© p«*cetul ■ *unir>-tlde. But when Dobbin W \

3 3 1 irltd to leave th o bridge, be B w couMn't. One hoof waa ituck H U

"r-Tiie between the rallroftd tie*. line ts Along c tm e Onion Pacific proftJ- i-'sif' ^0- » . eaauwund. Tha j

..,■_... __Tfcin. along gam» «-cr»»t4ftaa- — MUi9 ehe.'ltrs office •o d tbe rail* r t | l |

I t the foitd section ractff. K -Hwllhln lie v i t removed and the m g t ■* horte went about lla buslneu.>ne by go did Uie tra in — bu t iS m m

mlnutei Ul*.

of Ihe _______________ I9 I,„ „ „ 5 CimiSTENED W l

In a flPHlNODALE. D « . «—Son* Of W \f Mr. and Mn. Fred Johnaon and VU\:Uonlc j n j 1 , , R uloa H urst and r t t

daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Wetley » >>( (hs Sell wert cfarl*t«s«d I s ib» churcb - Mbrains aundty. '®td u«e ^

‘3 j Benefit D a n c et School Rot Luncb Tunil H

"can fgood i F R I.. D E C . S th m

c l « u ; ■ I„ t TTIE BLACKBmDS’'' ^ Admission llJtO per coupli .

tinju,- \ --------- c n E E N W O O D “a U t SCHOOL ^

U rt“ f * ' I

: \T VOICE y o u JJE,4n" ~ i l l I HE ISLE OF SAMOA* i l


R STAGE — fliii-P.-M.------------------ illl— — £: LLOYD BUITHDAY PARTY | f

0. ATTRACTION ~ I ^L«E-8iJ» P.M. TO.NITE IoCilard Dance Biurilo f \rr.CIAL DANCE SHOW! |^ V

s TODAY! %

riaf-SlioufsOrfOneB/jW.. ' ^

1" gol a n d that w ondarfu l ] g u y ...w h o t a p a ir ! ' ^


t) POISlSr lEUCMS • DitectM tr HCIS1«>| I uCltOO 1 W;i!\ Scjii • AiJii-s(ul D.iiip.t tj Olie luyier

A Porcmeunl Pittur* . ~


' ______________ ■ ™ N - E SDA7

NS West Brewer S t r i l

Prices Count Se; Is Dismissed 5h“

WASHINOTON. Doe. fl t o _ ’Prlce-flilng complUnl* -agalmt :s .v.i'ZJ

/ « , western brewers and tour lnduiU7 g i group* to Which tbey belong have eirl.0: m been dlsmlsMd by Uie federal trade ^ commlttlon,

K brewer* vere members of one or 4 1 more ot Uie Industry groupi, uie i a ' Washington B r e w e r s lasUtuie. / rn i Srower* aaUWite o t Oregon. CaJi- / l y ■ fomU BUW BnnreTa lnatnato and r rdi Idabo Brewers InsUtuU. /m The commiaslon tound Uial Uie / — -to prmcUces charged have nol been > C • uaed since IM l and Uiat state ✓

Ui«.-rttIe»-«ntfTenI*t;onaaret<ie. — — — qixata to prevent any rtfumptloa.

The conmlssion reaerved tto right b l l to start • new proceedings It fu- ^ _ ture tacU warranU

•ndcetui ■ . W t V I Or’bfiln J y y T w t , ^ ,,

ituck j j y y j y j y y Q i y i y y


i i ^7 777 • CARTOON f

Door* Open — E7»7ag» 1:15 e • flattmUy MaUnet* l t»

H i y e s , t h e n e w ROXY IS ,11 TO GO TO SEE A SHOW. W

1 1 It. We’ve tried to do everyl

I I ■ assuro your comfort and enjoj I I new flcatfl'for you soon. But I

III rived as yet. Several other ite I delivered yet either, but we’ri

l i l dny to s ta r t showing you a col! K you 'll like. Then when all the

dcred are delivered, wc'll all a I a “ GRAND OPENING."

J O P E N S T H U R S . . . . O P


l ? f | r

00 (V

1 ■. w ™

Q t Seattle SHi sed

‘g jy ;

pi,* the An . j-uUtuie. /

—ia» Uie / —.I been ^ K ^t state v '

^ OrderthcUoluiay,! m

V ROXY IS A NEW m i A SHOW. Wc hoptmll to do everything poiclji 'ort and enjoyment Wilb u soon. But they hiTiati eral other Items hiTiB({«; lier, but we’re ope!iir!)g( in? you a col!cctloitd]bn when all thc thlnptfSiif

;d, wc'll all celcbntialti


I S . . . . O P E N S THllii

Page 7: · m^^uixETIN M U» £ ^ ' " m*j1««^ d - K c ^ho5 & ____________ ly ed by

r ro w I s r ^. PHILADELPin

IrTlfllB ID “»* - n«port* I* « « » * - wert cc r f tide the Bhubert I

I H i s t o r y ii** «uihia* to a

ffL NfWWM BuMUnr Into U57wrtP*c4rol iju , ih t r fiwnil B? f h ^ (Balremrr neetof WIUIm i*.

____th# t u g t WlUl»tretcbe«l, f»cln« M ttl. He w u t

tied to th e itTMt. . flBilj ni PoUee left quiet

t . . i„ 11*®* ^ “ ^ 7 o:

iSS”" ” '" ” Trips and . Reyealec

Uie IW. • 7 blow BLISS, Dec. 6 -B “ na, yieArthw Wld ^ gpeni U ie .na [jia « « . * hM rcturoed to Bl

‘ w la a l a f f " “ J Mr. ta d J ln . n itfod »• ^ 0 Jure moved to Bol*.

Itll bade to m teuas In Oood ^Snw l* 0“ arw ige wlU ro t m«

The when « Ohrt»tm»« „ lad iJie 'de ith held.. joiioa. Ouesta of Mr. ;s i^ m lM Btrleo l u t week wtu 6* -Jnclt— Baleef.—Bem

ir-ide hU U‘ Wn£WnBUin: »nd ^ S - • dc “ u/rord. W«l«r.

i u ' ' ' .Al--PenIold »odM. ne 1»1 *UU> Ann StQd<. h«Te 1< ftrctj In t brilUint atU,. to apend Uie r a n ? i'( 'i Ultl In u ra . J ooq Btrt< U jtaitW fle'l word th*t her nei jMcrHJiT®' Aniffloni. BrUtol. ■:t>.ma t.1e callon‘1 uued In teUein In

Mr. and Mrs. Jtc ti ^ U t l r a - ------ been irxitsta ol hla jeJ UM Kcupatlon of Mr«. Elmer AnderK

al U(|{ rrpuUlJw)-. i i n . C. E. rwJbj {laUoni reprcMnU* vUIUng la Sti •8-fl«Ua -VI* flteren K ystr. Am< gtbercd to Uie line been vlslUnr hb Kr 1 n i bclnj reetored. m d M n. Elmer An<1 nnilni. cam# »n- • -----------------;iet-the mvtilon ol VISITS BIif tte North Koretn piLEB. Dec. » -F l aj Tith 11. mother umbU Ptlla, Mont,. IbcArthur. (Uter. M n. R trrc r :ijdntle .— ------.~ — —

f t- TU Cie mlrtcle p - ----------------------

Cl CUnM. A (IW GOOD"am 300W0 tnd

'{Jrt' mirwie*- I‘For the very Jge\ miMcies in carc p lus fast, tet Tcie bue<t on

c jularx

ifo M arry 2 -hO!,tB -H o iir» o o d ^ Y O U ' L L Kiaii 0-Jtbln will v'.cr CiuriM Darld, I

ir.nounee. I!if cn the cltr htll I i V W V P w fdin Wlxe of 8W' I ^ *

hu bftn miinled I I H u ' (lla producen !.•A Fell! ;>c)uon. .“J S “ * “ S ; ' ? " ' I 232 2 n d S l te n t rhlla nilUng ber

YOUi i i y j A Gl

icAtv \ W


n One Div Left,G(n t- wer* caaln« tn m In-

he Bhubert the*t«r tent p o | | .■Ahiny to the eeene jester- V^Ollllli*Unr Into the elosed buUd- 60UU Koret. Dtther found nlghl w tlchmtn Lau-ion colUns. u it wrniMi*. M. f ttndlnj oa »ufl. tofiaj- thI4ge WlUl h it «® » out* couia jpart only orbed, ftcw* JJW) empty for Korea. b'Jt *v

He WM beUowlnf w o n leave UrJwd N.Qo;O O bert-ead BulUpJ outiiU.-abtfrtT--------I in 1 iiiity Tain t f i ^ t ' ' ^ T i i . i u n 1.111.0 th e Itreet. loid a r r n .ee left quleUr le»Tla* of U.e norU»«" uto c trr r on la Uie p ta d 0 ,^ «loa- CJJ InJCorta.

- Jie ttld th« onljr

IS and Events i T O - C1 .1 . w ti* tifbome. But he ta

jve^ed at Bliss sr«nt l’;:S, Dec. 6 -B . W. Snaw orth ; ‘ ^ - ^ 7 - . - . en t the. jumtntr la Oregon, >uraed to BUu for the .win- » e ‘Ud did not

mediate relnforceoii

^ '^oT '^U ie tu te OranfiCla Ooodlni. Uie BMm i ” - '? : . '? '" ,

WlU ro t meet mUl Dec. 31 ^” n $L O hnttm ta p ir tj wiU be r e .e m r o f mo

men—tn over-all in s of Mr. and Mra. John,!i,t «'Mk n i , u r . u .d M .I com n, a.„o™ uJ3slew r-BelM :-;-BU l_Lem lh*-*Wed_elihUv..j5Uin: »nd Mr. jnd.Mr*. e n ^nvtloced bi- . po; ord. welter. foreet drirtng domEnfold ta d dtughler. Mrt. _ ‘ad t. h tre left Jor PhoenlK. “P r tt lr Cen

X nd the winter. 'T he elghlh trre;I Btrtee h t t rtcelved pe tea uke cin

u t her nephow, Thurmtn itld .I, BrUtol. T ena. h u been He tald he vaj X tcUsn In Koret. the orderUneo of piid Mrs. Jtck Anderton htve re tre tl and lhe hittsta ol hla parenu. Mr. end troops. ----------Tier Andenon. He endorted OtnC. r . DtJby J]*a rewmed A rthur't view Uitt ^Ua« In S t lt L tU Cltr renUon h td cretCed K y ttr , Amerlctn Palli, h t t altuttlon In Koret.

lU nyhls grandpirent*r«r; thought Uie-alomla I. Elmer Aadenca. uted a t a ttc tlcil 1-------------------------- the lavidlng CWnwi

VISITS BISIXB "Cprl*lnly nol f«., Dec. 9 - m a l : Ltpp. OoU ye«t«day."t i l t , Mont, U. Tuiung h ll . . --------- :------■n. H trrey S h tn t_________nSAD TlM E8-?iro


th e very b^gt In wardrobe dcaning anr p lus fast, courUous acrvico , . .



nd S tra it E u t I


A a e

~ = F irit-Q «o lity ;

k ^ ^ ^ L L S T iNo fin e r g:lft fo r ftll

■ I B b ' II7 enjoym ent and«(ate Super>Safit; Kuoranlccd 18 moni

ex tra nillesfi;e Cold Rubber. Get a 1

403 MAIN AVE. 1 ' PHONE28I

e D i v i s i o n S ta te M ayl

it, GeneralI I f , _ Roblw h ta been Inijn l l l t I C ^ a V G tCor Dworshik th tl

• o a y o a au U a admlRljiiaUi:• Ued trtntfe.- of IU

■V. J- i : SL titll ICollins, u, E. trm y chief of The »ui« h u been'■4 todar the United SUtes obt*ln the fieillUea c« r t only one more dlvUlon Btrevell CAA f.tUon'ea. b'Jt even th t t would pcrt-of-eniry checkinlted NaPom forcet_,y%»Uj._B t a i l a t - J ia r i h t ib«fr<i,~ 'mthorlnUoa

iress conference tfte r a 'to u r Hoe In Sttitle Nov,lorths-fit btlUefront, ute of Tliree bullainji—anlc bomb would be impracU- mUnlctUon sutlon ti^oret. I, p lut k well—ire a t uJd th t only iiT ). ■ ■

“ i - C . r r S ' S P ocatello P Hearing-

ht~ e-______ BO ISt. Dee. 8 0tx p tc u No iud ' pubUo- utlllUw-coni

™ «o. s s j i L r i p r t t

nerletn dlrUlont. tot«] about v iu announce the c AppUctnlt for Uie c

rly SDOOOO Chlneie aad Ko- i « are illle t U n en mtnunl.u front-line fatwpt « n . Malad, Walter en et of more Uitn 700WO bon. and Lloj-d Hub! 1 over-all army of more th a a ___________ —-

J dlicounUd luggeiUoDt th a t . "jeJ fUhfh .army n igh t be i \;d b )-- postrlu l-C W ntt*iriring dom li right lU n t“Pretty Ceapetear lelghlh army U pretty com- -V'. ' - ■ -to Uke cire of lUelf," h«

Jd he vaj Imprewed wlUi rUneM of pit elghUi *im y'i and Uie h l^ m o rtle c t lU '~ B r f * f . I

idorsed Otn, Dougltt Uao- view Uut O iln t'i la te r - ! ■

htd cretced ta entirely ne^In Koret. Atked U h*

ding CWnwe, he ttld : _Inly nol.Iraa whtt I t tw

^ M -N T O S WANT APS. I w-------------------- ltNr«'W*fO.«;Si

A gorgtovi gilt IholcnyoAi V

>0D BUY! r,ailing «nd p ro u ln s '" J " "• I edofj ond blotk.

I Offcer Hn# Porki

SERVICE w , ! . .'E R S E ^ f^ S ,


Phcn. 788 I TinN rA Li


i io l i ty ^ u p e r ^ S ^ e ty 'T re a d

■STATE TftESrift for ftll-ironnd fam- • . _ ment and aafelr. AU- M #;>er>Safitr>TreadB are ■ ^ 1 ^ V d 18 months and made ■ K J mllcoRe with X-il’ ■

. r . G . t . p .d r l . d « - .

ALLSTATE Prem k Q u a l i t y TIRES . .

n only. ..:..V| B Premium guollty tirca hi

deeper tread for 867o more 24 m onth ffuaranteo. Dt

■ u “ bald” tires. In w inter. G

i^ B L

ALLSTATE Premium 8 “0l


O N i r ..... .....

W e believe the th e h ighw ay! Premium tread d ep th ; lOO^o finest rayon cordxarcass.>fc\v "c tread!

E u y Pa}’m ent Plan . J u s t S2 Down on Ses

UN AVE. WEST v n v x ? P A T?1HONE 2860 PARI

/ . ~ TBlES-»

e May Obtain Boys Seei revel] CAA Site . r o r - » 2E. rxc. 8 Wv-Oor. C. A. iongfeit were inc ud h ta been Infcrroed by 6en- •orshtk that Uie dvll aero* d ty of the Tw m Pi admlRljiiaUon h i t author-

tntfer ol IU cfojed tUUcn **”*J <: s i . t \ tn to Uie x tu , lUie h u been tiu.-npilng to the ficiliuea of the one-time

CAA i'.tUon for uie u a •entry checking jUUon. — aiUJ3*arihtk'«— <cu^.-a*l_d'----------

Seattle Nov, g, \ ”I bullainsi-a residence, com- \ f i l lUon sutlon tnd power plant. \ I ifwell-ire a t Ujc j u Uoq. y y '

atello Pdwei- xearing Delayed

-B T .B u ^ nled unUl ItU r t Poetiello D C A h i

on tn tppllcaiion for elec* D W M Pwer from Uie Idtho Power H>y. H T h e g ift 1hetrlng h td origlntlly beea M cnJoyfl.Dec. 15. -me PUC itld It B

nounce Uie new d tu ItUr. B ehipmernU for the compeny"! ier»- M fee®*billet L tnen and Ouy Lar- I f filad, Walter Predrlcki, Ar* V Lb. td Uo)-d Hubbtfd. Holbrook. F BoxCS J

j ' L a^ A w iy i

y i s U i h U ^ - - - | i - - -

I T P »« lc r tO ,m IS ln

lorg.ow. I.walry gI Ihol cryoA. vlll H C A Rte . Ss beeulIM H '

M " H «•ihlen AeOdeny 2 ■* •• includlnr 1 •ord. 7 tm«rl H I r V 5f. oAd block. | H ..........

r Hn# P a r k tn I ! B -!_Spe<tq1. >1000 f W GET TM M ; e r " 2 r ' , « » ^


= = i


i “W extr» butbi


•Tread - _ Bromm H awEt

' CAME# l l ^ ................ — ...............-with PUth

“ 1 2 - -

6. 9 5


T SEARS LOW PRICE f T M ort rejml n AU Ughl

fl RONS!TE Premium B riRES. . . H X ”

•S57t> m orcmilease. ran tee . Don't risk w inter. Gct yours

4 mnlum QuoUty

)N TIRES-0 .9 5 SLINKYI K .. Hoils Dow

MONOPth e finest tire cn 'EnUruininBPremium quality Educational ______

)0?o finest quality 1iS9.>fc\v‘'cut-'EkId". '

■ ■on-n on Sears

1; PARKING m i l


ys See Movies "iorlet. one ba tporu ta d the Bob Mingo, preildI “dating," tnd a community ttudenU of the "Holl;

were Included In the pro- and alumni dtnci De, the regular meeUnj Tues- ----- ----------the Tw m PtlU hlgb tchool Naturtil lee itUl U “lub. private ute In norUieaoyi t tn g two rcuadi and co each winter.

j p p * ^ ' ' G if f! h e 'll r t(

C a “n D Y « B lf

T h e g i f t everyone V YtnJiir'i Shivlit Beie n jo y s . F r e g h W » ith b m . . , btciv;

sh ip m e n t ju s t ^ octwioidHp,richireceived . . __.ttiutiMlcr|.yirfii

Lb. « i t Loll«lieoellnt«cB o x e s iefritWfll.Wh.tiwt

9 q p 0 Othir YinlliT {in illtoo. U M , pin Ux.

C H R ISTM A B J S f S . 'T f a ' : *

C A R D S W ' i ; s , r ‘- “ “

Tm eit StlKUtra « |Including Vlewi of ^ |.... iiiiho .... .ll LO,z ro c x ^ ^ j A n t r I „ M JJSIW

Powder B

C hrlB tm os T re i f l u


S E T S ™ I E v e n i t

y y to * I 'a c e P o w d e r ...O et a tupply ef extra bulU. too.

A g i f t a n y m e m . ^ | H o i r D n ^ b e r-o f-th e -fa ra lly — B — 2 ----------- -------------Li v a n n j o y ; -------------■ — J -----------F o r-A li- tl

12-75 ? CORNX C o ra p le t* w ith

RONSON WIleguItT or Butane ^ X I V A A W I ' tylet for men tnd , ♦

women ' X 1“ <* JX 3 ta ln u la — * 4

>6 . 12-“ ....... .

i j l l i i I A c c o r d !

un fo r Everj-on# 2 T h e y

■i n k y , 9 8 c

I A W i d . M c c

O N O P O L Y Ir , '___2 .9 5 13*95 „

w in s C o j

u , » Z ’"«SSmm dtnct Dec. » . r irst p r i « ^ ? ! r t ^----- -------------- ■ r e t .'I-W hy I like to tal lee itUi u “h tm stcd" for contest, ehe wUl nute In northern New Uezl* t«rLngi bond. ->winter. The award wat acn

fs hfi'II rea lly e n l o y . . ; ^

YARDLEY— - ___________lij 'i Shivlit Bwl Ij I ffwfJe ^ 1 ^ ^Bin. . , beciiiii ll ihfti luch


r TinJIiy rill iiti lo chcoii ( r o r n ^ ^ ^ d j j ^

•4l«>’k I \

L O V E L Y G I F T S fe


iwdflr Boxes i | Comb, BrTt MlUl — X X .-Ca»B

BetuUfuI Tunet T ^

•5 0 ^7 .5 0 1 1 io-<»

Eyening in Paris Irnmt, llp.tick, S .O O I ^t P o w d e r ................... .......3 ” 1 „

G IF T S ID E A L fo i

■ NJckle B a a t— -Electric____^

lir Dryers . . . $7.50 |“FoT’AiHhe-Famiiy-to-Uae----------1 ------ E:

' * * * * ” E i^E cii* c *** **” ** *1 :

CORN POPPERS Iplat* with fltovt « Aft I HIdeal G i f t ...... ; ........... I a


^ E A M Z ix a n u o | | * Bht^*

^Z O R S I I oidSpiMS

24.S0| [


SHAVING SETS |are a Favorite A O c t i / tH e C a n U ie ________ ^ 9 ^ * Gif:


Accordions . S e r v l c a S t a t l

[ , P , . y _ 3 - 4 9 ; 2 - 9 8 3

Wide Sclcction of A n All-Time F a

DOLLS Tinker T«At prices you Uk# a SUet to Choote

9 S . . 5 - 9 5 | 5 9 «

^ins Contest . “!iuK"«sSw.‘ S r ^ s* yesterday In the wool bu- Vhy I like to tew wIUj wool- SON C B BISr

6h# wUl rteelTO k .1100 U N m f, Dec. e -«o j bond. -> Mrt. Ray S e ta w u » trd wat acaouaced a t Uie church h tr* fluaday.

— -------------------

^ g f l P S Iwith GIFTS by,

” « l A M O i n - V I

-------------- Coler-HiBQony. F m 1B ouse , l ip i tic ii , Pan*C

n ' t f P V o r P ia - S t ik M tluH F F v f la t te rb e rv e i7 « in ioo l

tK A . l "-SS-^TSiitC

T S for the U D IE SJEW ELira I I LADKfl’ Alffim b. Brush I | BillfbMa

- S t t i Z 2 Beat QuaUty Ket)

10-oo I I 2.S0

I I Revlon Manicure S<I I thtde« ef pnii«h coix^Iet*

“ I I" ;!! ! !____2 .5 0 ,o l0 . i

^L for the HOME_ — G en u ln ft-W et-P ro o f E le c tr io

q : h e a t in g p a d s

X X CflUBMlor f ltrean illB ed

I I B a t h R o o m S c a l e i

• | | E a f r R w d l n » -----------_ 0 * ‘

.G IFTS for MENI A Share LoUon t | O OURTIxr

I Spica S t t t I I Shave Set H _ 2 . 0 0 | , I

^ n i c A m mZ T h e B r tn d S p e a k s f o r I ta e l

iC j r ____ : 3 - 5 0 t , 1 0


lea S ta tio n s i r n B P i m t S

® and 3*9® I "^ET Y O U B ~

■ »«.» .» »»»♦»♦« I P r c s c r i p t i o r

11-Hme Favorite Ii k e r T o v s I T R O L I N G E RIKer I oys l Onallly« to Choote r rc a i ; | L r l c .


i Wool Orowen aaodatian loa. LouUe Reed. Oonilas, on oae ol tereral UiW prtaet I Tocelre a gaa twad.

SON dnU ST Q O D Y. Dec. e -« o a of Mr. and ay B eta wa* ctirUteaed ta h u « fluaday.

J I O l * . W I I l » y ‘

iDQony. F*w P o w J g ^ iptiidc, P a n * C ^ —’■ a-jtik M a k ^ U p M ' r v e r r m e o l e r i a c .

I j S l S J C S f * •

DIESTWWTWTWW^^^VWW 4.u m a ' A M r r e

u n f o l d s It O ullIT U n H a


i c u r e Sell JJib coK^IeU M lti I ’

i 0 , . 1 0 .0 0 |

y l E _____________

o o f E le c tr io ■ -X...................

i P A D S I -

rean iU aed X

1 ^ c a l e t I

_ _ 6 * 9 5 |

ENe o T jR T ix r I •

a v e S e t t I

r _ » . o o I

i i E P i P E r *iks f o r I ta e l l

Oto lO-W

i i i i ' i "ET YOUR

i c r i p t i o n sf ille d I t

L I N G E R 'Slo a llty ite s t S e rv le t

L o w es t P r ic e s '

■ < ■ . / ' I

Page 8: · m^^uixETIN M U» £ ^ ' " m*j1««^ d - K c ^ho5 & ____________ ly ed by

I Enlisbnents^ Change Notei

~ ^By~Recniit<One rm llitm ert. thre« new

UitmenU tnd % c h u fc la W (lozu wen tstoounce^

■ M »7 reenJU n ier « « le

wid will bowd ft rfeeinn* «Kfp T R u u rt UUjfii CaJlf.. for ftuli tnenl. Jt« K rred * preriou* t t eolUunent of two Ttw*, *od ! »p«nt Uwt# y«*n In IM n» rtJtrre. Hinklm wm > deputy ihe

• la Twin PUli founly.-A Tel«»a of J5 monthi la :

t m y »lr corps. Bwl ro rrw t A a , S37‘i 8«venth ftvenue nor enlUted u > nu T aJmi»n MonC fotJouT J tu of duty. H« ll th* I

• cf Ur. »nd Mff. P<t« ^ Aih. Tin rectlte hli rtcnilt irftlnlag B u Olcfo,

Creed OtrUd DeJJ. J9. Buhl. « hu- ipent two *nd on«-h»W yn In Ute niUotul fu u d . enllit«d Mc dky u ft *eun»n recruit la 1 ntry. HlJ enlUtment li for U ye in . He U the ion of »nd W Jim ei Wiymon Dell.

AIM enlUUfig fti ft »«ftxn«n reer Mondiy for four ye»r» w»i Jftr Ulller. IB, rout« !. DuhL He li t ion ef Burt MlUer. MJUer »nd B ilia wlU recelfe Uielr recruit tr»l inj ftt fl»n Diego.

______ ____iiecruilera jinnouneec the nah u relnxed >rruUtioni cfihccml enlUtment of men wlUi dependen Tlie nft»7«m li ftccepUnj ftny m. wItiiBut prenoui lerrlce m d wl one dependent for enUitment u Kftfflftn recruit.

EnllitmcnU ftlu may be mide thoM w)U) prrvlDUi servlca In t

~iecOnd p*y Rftde ftnd vUh one d pendent. Ttiers a rt ho dependen nitrletJow tor those «bor« Uie if end p»y r»d«.


IHAKB BlVtll W i m BETOin’ C SECUDEI >. im

(Utloa '** EtKhTor Ceat. Y«r > ^•(boa Uk« __ Kl,((9(«) n},tlO(

R «ib«* -------- - l.*»S 1,1(41I>1M _______ IXM 1,1(4n>ii<r _______ 4.IM I,<:eCkpgiii ,, ___ 4.1(4 MI9Aa. rilll lUi. _I.III.St4(s) 1,eit,tl0(Uka^W>irotl~IZ IMMf

r.rrr _ >,lt4 >;iM Mllntr B B Ctiitj i l l itlMll>«r H « Cso.1 III Ul

(» A<r»(Mi •ib«r «uiBIttlM ta a«oa rr«L|luUo« »Mt wmIii Morta 0,(0 Im

iWiioB «.!• ......... .LYKN OnANDALt Oklrkt EoiIdmt.

m1 £ v e r s

I a t<

= ! = =i - . . I ...................................................

: j


I I %!

i »




Ulte In ‘

yeftia, ftad hfti In thft DftTftl n >

ft deputy iherUt

months la th*-I ro rre it Aih. ivenue north,Jnnftn Mondiy

ult trftlnia'g ftt

one*hftlf ycftn , enllit«d Mon- recruit the t for four

Irena Backley. BICE ftrt dr)leamftn recruit ib® Mttege. Car) HwdJji, Kljnb“l . ’ i* *rt itodeoU. Uiten M MUi BocluhL Ha U Uj« ealmlaftted fftU ie m work fer .Uller ftttd BeU ------------------------------------------- -

recruit triln - 1 I * - i

«<i u>e nft«7 Burned Mail ilmi cfiftcwning — ---------- - ................

Hormone Perlca ftnd withiiUitment fti ft By ALTON L. BLAKEALEE

A r Sdencft Iteportrr ly be mftde by CLEVEXAND, Dec. 8 W>-A m servlca In the wjoi 70 per eent of his *kln bun I with one de- tv a y by fire, w n Mvtd from dti w dependency by the wonder hormane AC7TH. i ibo reU ie iee- Amertc*n MedlcaJ utoeUUcm J

been advlied.

I l l wfti ft' ncftT miracle Uiit lived. L ou of hftlf your rtln .lm

--------- 1 , I— ftlwayi Is ft painful death lentenct BETOin- 0J» B ut Uiert were alx other near Bl ' w *n exhibit and plettirei by 1i M. Jamei Whilelaw, Pheeol*, ArnrCcat Y «r.s^.) * The man was freed from dread• , • pair). Jfe e3Mprd ahock ond polw• J i l i l t i l l ing. He had relaUvely little jcarrli 9 iii(4 Ha eicaped crippling of mmc « J.JM , Ujftl comes from eonWacted near t 5 J 'j;, sue. and he lurvlved pneumonlo a

l,<ni:i>o|i) appendiclUs.?i») Perhaps mo«l miraculous of i9 iJM grafted ikln from other peno

7,01 took rool and apread on his cJ i|} body. This kind of sucttuful ista;g l.iH Ing. cxcept In Identical tnlni.BiitfM ta accoa^ something ncw in medical historyHofia a (0 iMk ^ ■T-' rancher near Parker, Arit.. wliotan li laiha, scheduled lo make peruinal ar onANnAt-t. pesrances a t the foutlti ellnlcsl »<

Son ot m e AMA UlU week.

Ever Lovely . . .

t o p - r a n

I k k w c f i e s t v c d ^ g

liS t .a ^ p c ic e f a r k ) v r c r t h a n

^ a m e n d s t h a t w<

'•<&2u 2 f l t e t d o g t i t a t j

' k s d f . K o c I y w

W i i n ^ o i y F c l k w g o ld

V f. Y ou D onT K h

SICE Art Studei

ICE art drpartnient head, lupeeU ft patsti&( ai ardiji, Klobrrty, aod U vlca Wake, Elba, ftdranecd u Mlw BDckley commeala sb th e werk. Tbe eshlbli a work for Hardifl. M l« Wake. DU Seowaitf. Bn-

>lan Alive as Wonder ne Performs 7 Mii’acleiLAKULCE His recover?, and Ihat of a fe teportrr other burned people since, holds oi8 n v -A man Promlie of ft new treatment In burt;

(lls A in burned Bums ftre one of Uie common, ftn ^ed from deiUi “ ost ‘“ fou*- ° t battlcfieid wound me AC7TH, tha Oatns contributed another nei iMocJiUm hft4 ffllradr. In his own courage. He v i

burned when sa.villna caught fir IracIe that he “ he was filling the Unk of a Irat uT rtln ftlLosl tof. » ‘ «^hand 111 a clgarett ath « n « n « T^e over young Oalntath lentence. ^ ^

)therntM m lr.d£‘ i* t AHt' HU whole body, above Uia bel PhoenU, Arir, backrhi...ln»t«kft, righ

. , Itg and handl were burned levercl: from dregful j,j,

. i f 0 ‘ lM received ACTH tor n dayiK a r t r *«ttlng a toUl of ftboul ons-sev

..i “n",':.™s'ra on h ^ o»^ hospital,cce.ufuJ jta f t- • " “leal IwlM. U ■ ATTTNDS MEETING aical history. HEYBUHN. Dec. 8 - Emmet ialnj. son of a Moyle left Tuesdiiy momlng Io , Arl*.. wlio Is Denver lo Htcnd tha Western In perMinal ap- ternatJonal Fur thow. He aLw wll

ltl clinical »es- go on to New York Clly to atlenc week. in nucUon fur sale there.


» FOR A SPARKL. .Everlasting

i n k i n g ^



>cdaing ring yo» t i j r c ’e w s t t n ' .

rer tban y o u y expcct. Five huge

: tb a t w eigh a to t j l o f o n e -h c ^ c

Jg «ba« to a k a e a d i cfiamand a a o

’loely wTCMgfK iDodcTO m ounting

ow g o U . A d t ^ n o m w t n f l

tonU'Knoie Diamond9,>Know Your,


Students Inspect Work

I patstUi( ftl pert; Uary Amende. Albloo: Mai Ibv ftdraneed KeoBft Obcn Durfee. Ourley. (Pa L Tbe e ih lb ll ---------------------------------------------

Doctor Released id e r On $40,000 Bomr “ ....... t — B A s r A ~ y s r n n i .7 'D tt: fii’a c le s -Ihat of ft few MOW bond lodfty after ahe pleideInce, holda oul innocrnt to charges ol kidn»ptninent In burtu. ft s-year-old girl,

common, ftnd Olflcers caplurcd Dr, Campbecfieid wound*. Nov, 10 u ihe reached tor a IJO,OCanoUier near bundle of ransom money i t Uie gaUlurag* He v ru of Uie Alien Stamm ejUte, She Ut*e caught fire eonIfs.ied to poHcfl that ihe k of ft irac- Unda Siamm because iho "needt111 ft clgarettf. Uie monty."young Oalna. Dr, Cimpbell entered the ple

J ran. beat oul In ditlrlet courl here yesterdiy.u n d s van found tm ie d In i

hnve tha h .u blanket and dragged In IB« back ica

im ed levercly. nurerorerTu. aca and neck

’:3s"s^ p l U l , ^

T-^kmett J . E. WHITEw S /nl ‘*™*He aLw win «« E " ‘ *”

;ily to attend


^ o im ........ ---------------- -------^

" a 1



ftr'sceD\ . 3v € h u g e s p a r k l iK g w h k c

c a r a t . E x q u b i t c

o o d s t a a d o u t b y

tM M n tin g fci e i t h e r 1 4 k t ,

Q o a a b e p t o t t d t o O W L , v

710 Your. JeweUr!’



, Albloa; Marlon Meymaa. W r»0|de!l. Alaika, and r. Osriey. (Parrott jh o lo - « U il CDgrmTlng)

00 Bond;I1, pKmlneal

v u fre« on ter ahe pleaded i w '

01 kidnaping

Dr, Campbell st tor a t30 .m ley I t the gateisute. She Uter M | | | | | j ^ ^ a V i V ; V i S

lhe kidnaped J Ke lhe "needed

:red the pleayesterday. t y *im ie d In a > « v * f tW C

I the backleal ar. The girl II LOANS

I I T E >■ I l u m B „ „ it t T ,„ s t

B a ild i iiB '


^ l SUI A/ ............ .

W// /W \ /w/ /m // ^ a f r|^8_ - t /// /



5 0 . ^ded

Guaranteed y a lu e ..............


IF Y OU 3 /

Vti.. , iDESiRE . ,

^ 0 , . ^ ____________

Area Defense ■ ■ Chief Outlines

Plans for T. FnrTAW rcncc,' Twin~Pa51

ClvlUan defense director., outline defense plans to the RoUry elub i

' ]u weekly meeting In the America ' Lesion hall. He ftUo »poke itrangl

m necm tnr-ft-btood-bftnlc. queitlo raUed Irom the floor.

delense problems confronting Ui: JocalUy—ft possible Influx of a larg number of refugees from Uia coai in e^eat of aa a tuck , and ub o ta j of dams and public uUllUej In IhJ

He nald the Pacific northwesl. e« r v '''‘"V Seattle, «1ll be a prime Uu rei in case of war. He pointed oi Twin FalU h on the natural rouI for refugees from the 6eatUe arei

At such Ume aa the governor a; points a Bt«t« director ot defeni Lawrence aald the local group wl adapt lU plans to fit In wllh th u ol the sia t« organization. Meanwhll Uie local eroup U plannlnc alon lines of a tuccesiful defense prograi adopted In Cambridge, U au .

Hotariana also heard Mr*. Hele , AUika, and Bailey, Red Cross executive dlreclo. Ting) ask for donors of blood to be flow

Wonderful,luzuriouagiftafor des1c-or.tab1^-In oRlce or home. Scoop bolder, held to baaebytIny,permanonlmftc- not,»wingBfreclyinoiiydirefr

ainglo or double j ^ S & ^ / r •***• O^y*' o y t a l or rairbte

j g m ^ ^ base#.

? 8 .7 5 t o ? 3 5 .0 0

J E W E L R Yg 3 a a a > g .^ 3 a E ! 3 8 » £ i a > E ! « g a > i g

W / ^ \ \W // / Al


iranteed ‘1 2 !


fense | S i “S S S i. ! • be here only tha l day and aikMt i m e s to aign up weU In advanc*.■ .U X A V i? notfttUns TOlunteertd at t ^

I* T T F , "^M^BftUey lald the wfti n o lla i poeiUoa U> ftnarer a question Irow

rr T w in-Palls tht-fioor rwardlng-Twln-PaUs-Rol ctor outlined having a R*d Croai blood back

- i T r ; Bhe lald ahe Uiought Ui* clly w ^ k loU ry elub a t Ka„eynie ta Uie fmure ^the American u,e local medical atsoclftUon dexlrei

spoke itnm gly Jt.iwnv l*WTene«. whose ipeech foUow«

” i f t iT a b T irn e a iK d - T ^ 'U r r v Swill ha te a blood bank if the sliua-

!Cffi-two m ^ n t>(m-™ uye*-it.-d«iplf-obetaclc!

flu* of ft large ----------------------'■--------------rom the coast %, and sabotage UllUej In Ull*

I sI SeatUe area.! governor ap- or of defenie,

? n 5 . ; S " u ; ^ r i o H d V . c o « U l w a t eon. Meanwhile «bcmnd .ia tho world’* figti'SSn.SS:, M .. . I la iU iib , a n d ta rp o n th ri

***,'*’' ■ anBlers who come here f)d to bo rtottTi ' “dcep-Bca fish in j a t ila bcji

H U i Whiske/at itslH ill ond H ill will no t m al

:o« .[» t M i o n n o , b u t

f c b c U t o p ro v id iy ia iw ilh -w b iA c jiftncniroag- . A tr u ly p ro ise -w iinoxydirce- c o tch 'o f rich K en tu ck y | 0 or doubleII or rairbte _ ^


(/ J* rioot ---xolootl Dblillm rredixft Corporotlon, Nnr

2 5 > ^

^ e w e iri^f T R A D I T I O N B I N C B IS

TVEDN■ ^ B N E S D A T .d e j j j

61oo4 donatloa

I Xiui.question from ^«By 'Wa. d« Twln-PaUs-Rot - t Ail- M blood back, Y ln m W r l i^ l ;lh* clly WWW AIn the future u X *1 jfk w a - «claUon deilres J v O P B j

nk If the s liS ! nttp lf -o b itac ln Imo-rn,;

rg e a fs W n L

o a s ta l w a te r*10 world’* fight- 3a ttling marlin,1 ta rp o n th r ill come here for

linB a t ita bcjt"l 7 f \

^ . ::j

/etHsTiest1 will no t m ake you hcnnoB, b u t i t will w ith “whiiVcy a t iti lly p ro i*e-w inning 1 K en tu ck y flavorl '

I 'l l lU

I Corporotlon, Nnr Tcfk. K. Y, « UJ|


i" \

% .........


Page 9: · m^^uixETIN M U» £ ^ ' " m*j1««^ d - K c ^ho5 & ____________ ly ed by

Commission in Res< AC Given to T.F. Re

i W P P l"jOTiW e i~ — '

c i^ < rc » t^ ^ U d e u « m be

^ com.

i y ef tiUhovu Jola>

on u n -

hUtaWtTTlcU boldl >

■ABBAMX.Wivu I mtat>«f ^ ^ i lto ffM H m

^ „»™. Oregon Sou : ! f S v ? r S Survey Wc a = » Lincoln J

'bliulxneiJ oreiM U Und 0 « . w m eonier.-.klr to Europe, be* the »oll eenm reL on

Z «e.“ in ShMhoae. Ooodin*S t r of W lllirt T. U it week u ilitln* wl^ arenue c u t. lervtUon work.--------------- •nie tiro m m !n«pedD v A n Y d n i m tlon P'*“1 7 0 ^ ^ 0*11 i n to i u m n t end rerlewe

t r* • J a . , . cft] iTcommendftUon olinC Y l C i n i L j cotucm U on dlsLrlcU tV, i ^ l Z ___ up to datfl on ncw prat O m p l C t l O n WUUiu rtrlewnl «:

I DK »-J»ck Keith. In ’IaeUon rtcommendet• Pi'i.ppf lor the them fit the new consi‘ai ranssemtnl, re- vey legend that li helm» nne improvement jenien lallited Luth«tt» ducitt l i nearly itrlc t coneerviUonUt,I U jfor. Approx; Kid Leonerd Bond. WoI ICM hive been re- gerviUanl^t In worklrI ec;ti of have Wood Itlver dlatrict i

wUicMt of Die- ---------------------

; a “';..nSS B "stoT ake Students tc

1 blue FSM WM Memben cf the T*-li A , ^ Khool Pep club were a<Id Ltu Include the th tt a but will be t t o*«liDt-r»irnei4 j^ue T»-in F»ii» high «cj I Tteni Creek and ,a the , | „ t b».iketbRll III Ssile Duiie: 3JOO ..par for tho Bruins o t d Kiu; nn area In nlRht. sr DotUi nnd west ol ^ n n P trrj' and Char Ltt m Blelne coun- colleeUni fares for tl

afc ti end Muth of m other bailncM a t iSc rtCroid; and the nieetlnK, Ctirmrn Cunn Ltl Mrth of Oood- Janet Churcli wcre appc ji« i ind P«k Mea- men of Ui« docoratloa

and Kent Anderwn anc Hh u.i wtat of Mini- Kinney were appolnu e4 «lh hilogelon. To charse of aoda pop and Ua iff» wai burned —!:•« tSEfS. It WM r t - I -- - .-

Shoshone Ilases Clocks fE verythin

S W E E T A M D Iehir7c. w h e w a h o jJor the two W A R M A N D C

f=K* Kid two njore L .?wiW to the rooms Hi, 3 Pt>t=iu:yeir, ^ 1 / MtWPti strung, Dee. 18. { L .J^ V ^ iM ttiil Awetnbllcs T3<^7rty^itoUtftobaa.-There

to Rticntl.

ficFinesy li tie police lU . -------------

‘atrtiii[roMR«e<i. A m n g e to h a v e i 8. It-oihy Tender, r c f f u b r de liverie s

l l y fu e l o il. T h .

in ir ia ro r" 'o !> V .' •r.3.tnce DeiirlR. a n d cozy.Am noy. Arthur . _________ ••

f 7 ! ) M M M B^ II (ich for two Mr y w T 5»mATMENT I L #■ JtJ4 za>- I c j ^ ^ n i hoipiui tn

fT FOR THE FAMILY!ipehart’E ^ — - -

l i t in c t iv e '= ^ = ^

' Provincial i'i’n/ecordince » iu , - £ ;* ^ i L

n in iL r '" '’’

"I l typc.wjl] ____ ^


...... ....

d.NER M u sic c <

j^y,pEC!MBEBB. 1950

1 R e s e rv e F. R e s id e n t

0 Soil Men 1 ^ ey Work in ■> icoln District 'v! "TIIH. 0 * t • — ObawllM' [ f ^ r ^ M1 Ueader WUklns. Port- ^ m u conierraUoolita for aw rra tlo n ierTtM. wereae. Ooodin* and Jerome \ tu liU ns with Mil eoo-

men Inepeeted eonierra- m % # « • for ImproTln* the lervlee A c Y q y Gand rerlewed the technl* ■ w w «#lendatlon of all the toll . . ,n dlstxlcti to brlD8 them H O m a r t Ion ncw practice*. ■ i w i i i w i ■ ireviewed and corrected ecommendatlan* to mako

T>."n;sr.‘c r - (sink Not ln(Jilted Luther Jone*. dl»- ervatlonlit, Twin rail*. ’ '•d Bond. Work unit con- C o b m eh dejigne<

In working wllh the t,;4,l,«»:r dlatrict luperviaor*. Kiicnen plan, ---------------------- B f. Som i-ojjem bii

I Tflke T. F . «»mw« «• tt» ents to Gamecf the Twin Fall* high club were advljcd Tues- but will be chartered to 'all* high tchool atudenU basketbRll Rame of the ^

5 Bruins o t Buhl Friday

y and Charlene Holme*I fares for the Buhl trip. Mbailne.M a t the Tueiday m '■ " 'irmrn CunnliiRham and f S ,Jl wcre appointed chair- ^I dscorallona eommlttee ~ ---------nderson and Carol Mc- Ire appointed to take I \ ; -,>da pop and concessions. ( _ .

S Y T H I N S I S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1VT A M D R 0 5 XW A H O M E I S ^M A N D C O Z .V /

Kenmor Saves TiS trea m lin ed

i = r i T ® D = r f f TH nk o f w P e r fe d

to h a v e n s m a ite Eke it, e v e ry Jimelle liv e ric s o f qua !- m otic trm er o n d bi

611. T h tn J-our <.bl. crumb troy,1 nlways be warm . . . . , / •

durable steel, tnp


]'; 1 New Ken Cool

V ariab le He<

A p a rty -s iie f w [ ' p ^ i f , . oh/mioum g rid? giv. 9 jM boke*, ortllsl N ew

■ g ^ eo jm g . Light jig r ^wofffe* o re d o n e .

C CO '■ r -

5 ® !lEBUCKAHPCtt y ~ ■ .



. l a i ^ y i ^ L L — « »

^ 1* ‘

iTou See It! Unpainte nart Kitchen EnsembI

Not Included) 241.3Die Sea n Kxiy PaTratn'

1 designed for irtmort efficiency in jizes te clien plan. M ade o f smoothly-jonded Dov^ n’-ojjembied fo r wctra economy. Biry comp) fe o r the individual pieces. Add match laler. Pinondng and instoflotion orronjied..

i' - !^ ^ r

imore Pop-upToaste es Time and TroubI

m lined . M odern ^ ^ , 9

W Perfect goWen brown loojt }ojt ftie woy y very fimel No fujj, no mujj. Ju it iel thp ou ier ond browning control do Ihe workl Remc mb troy; outomalic current ihut-off. Made I te e l, triple plated. U.L approved.

. , r

Kenmore Automati Cooker-Waffler

)le H e a t C onlroi 2 3 . 9 i;ii« fo r j o u r ercw ydoy d eW X I Sp«*> l “ > grid i give more even keotingl Toattt, f ^ rllsl New Doo-Jtki wofBe gridi-never nee Light lignoU when to peer bottef and whe

re done. CocJ pkufic trim, a ro tn e pfafet

iteluw mtiuUaaoi oma

■________________ T im -N E

'• f t ^ '5

- V y/ ;

' I ^^ ^

a.. * * ’ ____ _____ li

i i i i ^ E S e ^ ; I . jl

tainted I semble ^ ■* 1 - 2 4 | \

PaTDieril R aa »y_^____

f in sizes te ftt / ^ 11'jnded Douglas I ^. Bvy complete \ v ^ H l f lAdd matching \ \


U B e (

\ ' “ O '


■ M ^

|) f l B V W • S T A Y S

I- • n ^^crc’s n spark]^ f C t f l i Do dishes in tl' / J ^ M the porcclain '

\V Inundry-sizcd, ]

baster M I rouble -W w! 4 . 9 5 j j tIt the Way yoa (fIt le ithn auto- ^ H o m a r t D i s hwofkl Remov- Complolely An

r-off. M a d e o f /. Priced b w , , 2 2

; , IT G E T S T

S g j f c ^ i ♦ A L L W l l

g P STIH t £ k ■ ! w PAY O N LY

■' ' (ffil '° 5 " ___

Ivl * w in te r« y Y I dependable, S e uO m O t l C M

*1 «e ' t 0 > 7 d , T i

1 REG. 2 0 9 .9 5/ SPE CIA L ..................

Toattt, friM, . Iijtever need IJ^f*f and wh#o Rid your hom e crotni pfated. ^ H om art s to k e r t

W ' ^



B e a u t i f u l G l e a m i n g W h i t a


RIMSINK OUTFnING 1 ^ / %N BO A RD S ..............................




8 n sparklinff beauty that rIvcs you doul ishes in the non-splash, V/i-m. deep sink [wrcclain enameled dralnboard and unci ry-sired, llV i-in . deep tu b l _____

^ irlW e l e l / Aitfomolic Pofceldn {

•u ot •« # , Add-rtiltUn* flnUh.'J«Mr.ire>Ml «»r, ^ ^ bailn*. Ideal for enaU

' S a n a t S ean

G E T S T E A D Y L O W C O S T H E >

,L L W I N T E R L O N G W I T H A


5 S W m _ _ :................... ... 3 7 6 '*8.00 DOWN 1030 UONTH

; Jt w in te r a ir conditioning fum sce so at lable. S cars guarantees it! Gas, smoke i

Ita h ig h cost quality a t Scars low pric*


1 9 9 .M.00 DOWN UJO UONTH

lur hom e of unnoce jsuy d ir t and d u s t •t s to k e r w ith “Safe-T-LIjlit” slffnal syst jre b o a t per dollar. Sava now!

V V \ \ ’

( [ A D C 4 0 3 M A I N a v e : W J t H H J P H O N E 2 8 6 0


U S T IN G KITCHE__________


I f

I ShI J fulI

O l

pofo i

W M t . ^ I ' ~ T L j

J R P O S E ■


4 4 . 9 5 m -UONTH " i ^ B m

SB " f l ®


:s you double d u ty l M i g M deep sink o r slide



R i m I r o n - S m k S h a l l o w W e l l P.n Pofceloln Enameled ^75

2 4 . 9 8 Res. M il — ^ 7 9 '

lUU lUilih. 7-In. a « p - ^ r . , T ' ' S T t llt l t e m.11 U i a n i S i j i ? ' ? , 'KUl. rUM lr ,., k

) S T H E A T

^ I T H A . . . J ^ 9 H i

lACE76-95 ■dONTn ' N

-nace so strong, ao Ismoke |

s low - ^


99.95 MiONTB

J ld d u s t In stall • signal system . En* .

' \ ’

a v e : W E S T S H O P

E 2 8 6 0 ______________F R I D A Y A N I



tSHIPPED 1 " T l C

^ DIRECT................. % 0 | t J

^ ----------------nid-Down------------- i is T H o tn




She'il remember a g if t like th is bi y ful Hom art Steel Cabinet Sink ever

of .the yeart

^ Our largest and finest ateel tlnl spacloui^ under lin k storage coB

■* merit*.

Beautiful gleaming white, easy to porcelain enamel finish. H urry, buj fo r Christmasl

- / J

___ Ui '

w W e l l P u m p W h i t e T o i l e t S elopociry, 275 OP.H. Ha/*«(xlSiock—Sflieothl

—79.95 At S tan

H f c - .........

B i


P a u m aP l m

S H O P T I L 9 : 0 0 P . A iU J

A Y A N P . . M T U R D A Y N I Q H T !

” .;i.

’ PAOIP A O I M i l*

6 6 - I N C H

NETIK '7 1 9 5




t like th is beauU.^ot Sink every day,

s t steel link h u storage comptrt*

ilte, easy to c lu a (1. H urry, bujraoTt . •

T o i l e t S e a tSiodE-SffloelhRnUh:

_ 6 . 9 5he Me*. M iMf

kroMMti*-'r«g M«4«r4bok

S B i i p

3^-^ lira

i f t e S m • s y P a y m i n t

P l m ■,

N W H n :

& ■ ■ ■

Page 10: · m^^uixETIN M U» £ ^ ' " m*j1««^ d - K c ^ho5 & ____________ ly ed by

n s

: il l l] R?C ^2iiyS^3PM

Cflr I»«« q«r»<'«n ‘hel9 tnika Ihe turn (ram Oc

; pta . T0t«!»r. Tfie f»r> hS|h»*J. lt«n U»»eW i*I * * * *

CaTOvS^ur But Jiem-

' A 1M« PlymouUi ilrtven bI ert t D»rlgsr. JO. rout# a

filled UJ m»lte lh« curve from toll nenu# onlo LoeuiV lU f . ld pin. Tuesd*/. «)«>»»

; boulder *lilch wM h«U-hui;. U}» jTound. »ti(J rollfd ovti

befor# caoilni to ru t in i l\ lU tld«.

B»rt«»r »nd Ihret comp Arthur Mlllrr. 1», route I.

r< Jo in NelMR. le, md MticelU19. boUi Trio * t n i

I up, cut ind bniutd. tu t noiI iTvJwtd MrtaM»\y.I city pollee *ho tnve«Uj»UsI BMlfU told them h# »«»

Firm and Burea Set Market Pli

1 For Distribut; WENDELL. D K ..b-0»tM{ Inc., ftod the Idiho I

Kinounced Jolnlljr Wednetdt lorjJuUoD of • miTlteUni t t n bo f*dUt»l« dUtrtbuUon ef lh# »upeip)io«t)li»t* fertlllter prc

r '«{ (Ae eiptJtdJn* WwdeU pl*Chufe* T. a»Ui, prejtden

ported U»» ijrtemiDt h»d bee proved both by tho renillrer p»ny m d thi Finn Bureau e t n iitcw i.

0 »«» iiVTitiOTCtQ IhiV ftreprestnUUvt would be emi Jotntiy by Jhe £iw orffenlzaUo

I aupervUa lhe mtrkeUnf ot &1tuixex .nuttrU lt m»nufuturi WexidtH. ■>

............— -E»cl>-«omilj r»rro-Bure»uh u Uj» ppOon of letUflf up IL

I dlitrlbutor lo wwehouse IhoI UIl«r. If ntither p1«n l« put; •ffect. Ul* u ie t represettUUviI MUliUth »uthatutB« Kid ma

}of laolUUe* In thoso unont# eounUe*. U in » |tt O w ri# r . w wpIUned. ' .

l i t urged Farns Dursau jncj to place iheV Icriliuer order* tbelr local Farm Bureau erea Uta ** far In advance aa poMH reUeve th# annual htavy a MgulremenU.

------Okayed by-Gollei................- Joyw B*arlley. »«ci*larv-to_-------------- Ii»U»-Hlfh-8«ho«J-J'iiiicJp»l_

r ia t t. h u been accepted an a ati _ . - - b j AnUoch Collcne, YaJlow Sp:

O. Bli# will enroll ne*l AUfU-it, Th# eoUeie U operated on i

' operatJva Tork plan therebyd ealt reeejfe practical tralnlDjj

' with elaamom work.;• Mlsa Swartley was amone tht i8-»Wdenta Bholastlcally InJ 1H9 clau at TvIn Falli high x

Hank in Snar Too Great

^ Bt iiE N nr s ie ttM O n er r w In a kind of unarly, usly i

toda;, a n i 1 t » n ■sho k It.

t l ■ It a s «!artcd when a etV member ol our household wa.i s(

enough 10 catch lhe Ilu ana | bed with U. leav., •

t ins me *lih all‘ > I S e ^ the cooking and' f:'; hand - and • fool f ' l i

»altlng on to do. I _ —J ?. ll -naUB the »)n. X - - , - '- O ,L >1, dow. S h u t lbs I I ■: 'i;ili window. Cl«i tn# a * i .1 H( ( ] a * ( ot water.fef. »■ . -I , Turn ofl Iht h e a t |K ,v • . i

' a lltUe. Tum o n P ^ t? c r i« ^ttie heat a 'imif, aelmeana.-.plrln,

I S*.!".."".;"'; - - f "I J«hl4r blaukeu Hanfl m# a c

. .) e tu . rm out oS m tieh ti. Calik , number. Call that number."r r A centlped# 'on • blcj-de tom'. P cave corered Ui« mllea around; 1 houj# that I have been eovt. y Aad I have answerrt more' j far adtntlon ifian F. Nlghtli• did ba thl whole of lhe Crlt

!' »ar.; Th* lail Ih ln j 'l want lo \[ I; heanJea*. but I ean i help fe, *1 that » tr^uun prrjon «I t aa made out lo be. I've been 1! : a long tine and I never aav a r

[ , |[ Th# laal jtraw-well. the nei1 I! the Uat. anpraT-cann- todny v,;f after cooking breakfajl and aer

Ito n a tra M w aa to ld lo B o m iu . r Inif for stuff Ior lunch and dir

t I aald ta make out a llat anc! call lh# grwrtr., i TJJs paUfnt »ouJ<Jn‘J n!*nd

lh a t..« id proceeded lo glv* jr I < ' ]S*minute talk on hov much chi

J t f I cofjJd etc tood staiply ty Cii5 - lh# market basket and doingi ahoppto* wlUj th# pushcart reac; ; on Third and Second areauta.

■ Knowln* i never, would hear i1 • laat of « If I didn't jritJd. J yJelt

•ad , U ilo j off m y aproa, allpi’ ' tf

PASi m r

Driver Blames UnJ

qsrtllan Ihe Jr/re? e l M t vm ked aedan wblcl um Irom 0«{erlob avrnue onlo Locuit atreel abc The rar left lire marka for 40 paeea before leav traveled iS atepa before ilepplng. After learl

* * * * * *

e r t u r n e d ^ n f l W r e c k c

i e m ’ P a s s e n g e r s E s cuth driven by Rob- mlUar with tha curve and • JO, rout# a, Buhl, prtsachlns It at a *peed of t

11 curve from Oster- mllea an hour,0 Loeiul atreel a t inveUlgallon revealed 1 iday. drove out a made noaliew pl to tu rr .T lr waa half-burled In thowed for 40 pacea before J rolled over twice jen the pavement. U went) reat in a fleld cn m pace* before stopping. Tt\

der. whiUi waa approxlmatithre* companion*, feet in diameter and e»tlml», route 1. Duhl; « |g h between 300 and 800and Maicellft Snow. torn from the pourF*li», were ahaken Jl pace* hy the im p u iued. but non# was ,■ I 'Thfy pointed ou l the “ ln v ',U i.W ..M , , J , em h# wa* unfa- j , „gi

' from the dlrrrUon frcm wjjK l i r p a i l car wai approaching. In atu u i c a u th* road 1* divided by th .

' i r a f P l a n line and there would b« a («.a c t L l a i l question regardUiB thc Bp«ec

stribution. ilT'."™"«. .b—Oates Bro*.. driver'* fatlier. aho Parm Bureau AfWor damage rwuJi^d Jn a y Wednetday the eoUlalon Inveiillgated by city irketlng agreement Tueiday afiemoon.DuUon ef lh# trlpl# Autca driven by Jack L, lertlllter produced 1143 Fourth avenue east, am WendeU p lan t Ilam H. Winter, route 1. T»lr

;ef. preildent, re- collided at the InteraecUon o: lin t had'been #p* b'>ni and Locu*t »treel abov he rerllllrer com- P- m.,rm Bureau board --------— — ----- — •

unceQ that a aalex l l6 S ]u 6Dies in Pendle

keUng of all le r- p a cL . Dec. fl - Mr*. Lau manufactured a t Ni#iaon. 71. died Monday i

liome of her aon. Wallace. Ir •rro-Bureau group dielon. Ore, JoUflfflng » lot lettlng up It* own ntns. rehouse the fer-

epreaentaUse y , , o , huaband Jr‘o ^ *>'d*uehter, Mr*. Jamea Moncui

Oeorg; F. Wllkln. ,^.5 ^er aor■ • . and fftmlly. She waa active 1

th«r“«rd«^u^U;’uuer oraer* y i n nursing while living hen Bureau erganlia. Ptndlelon laat year.u 'h J a ^ a p r i n g Bh# 1* »urvlved by e lghl chl u wavy spring Moncur, Rlrle; _______ Nielson, addfCM unknoHTi; c

v-Cftllptr-PLietanr-to-T& 'ia NleUon, both Pcodletoa, Ore.:l-p rirrinni Tnhti TlMef stvfrM n and M ra.-rpted a* a atudent MHl Muiiiiiuttr6 h• Yallow Snrlnas *’ '">r'’i‘ed by a alster ond bro tnext AUCU.U • C aa.da .-33. erwulcUildrcn...*peraled on a cn- whereby atu- Tlie body 1* being sent to Ical training along and will rest at the Pam e)rk. luar^'. Funeral ten’lce* will b<Ul among the top a t lh# LDS church In Paul a:a5llcally In ch» m. Friday. Burl/il. will b* maFalls high Khool, the Taul eemrler>-.

1 S n a r l y M o o d ; L a b o r

G r e a t a s W i f e I s A i l iiIcLtMOItE the batket on my nrm and h unarly, ugly mood for lhe pushcart dLMrlcl. cart who know* Mllrt ot these pushcart* ar«

Third and Becond. and I mui when a certain they have xemr mJshty fin* « whold wa.1 selfish I bounced rulab.-iRa.% In thU i' IB Ilu and go to pinched lomainrA m ihe next

■ •''« *V«-i c f■ nnrt wandered block atler '/■' ^ V * ■ iMkln* for Ihe greeneal. fn [• I . wniertrtM. endive and letluw ^ I had shnppfd almost an

, ■'’ '-ty --' and mj b,i\kri uns loaded |. »* ' ' a Kunwalr.'^and neiKhni ulia i ac

HK y • . "0^ to look where I wai golni~ W C T i< r" .4 ’ **’cn I had ItnUhed ! waa *

|f“ -? < I« block* from home.. Naturally. I tnllcd a laxl f

• u7um,rm l'”nie, I had lo Up, exlrn because he wasn'i too

unfl m# a dgaf- '’l='"it cnrrjing a vegetable tnalchea. Cali Ihlj In l'li new rab,number.” Thi doormRn had to hava a'I blcj-ele couldn-t nioney Ior helping me get oulnllej around (hti l«*!nc ihe ,i!u» to the elevatorc been eoverlnt;, elevninr man naturally hi•ered more ealij w rewnnled for helping me ut1 F. Nightingale . flie patient wm dellshled tlof lhe Crimean “ 'f 'l «• »uch money b'

market ba.\ket jhopplng, andC want lo b« b « « RO Oh b«lnc dellRhUd.m l help leellng *•’"» »re cerinln thing*ion l..,n't « alek m^n's llie that ar* not a woi

I've been living l>Mine.v«.ever aaw a really fcr u.s»';ast MA,ik«i».

s S S s I W A N T E D !“.“.KS'.;: dead or a liv eIt a lli t and I'd U o ra ts - M u les ■ Cow«

Jdn-I atand ta r ' ««*•»«>l t o g h . me I)w much chcap. ' CO LLEtl'Imply ty ta iing C5J6rJ3and doing my I ' •

G R E E N B rould hear tha TROUT FARMfltld. J yJelded ^ ______________apros,


s Unfamiliar Road for

t , , ' '

irdan which failed painaent U a lnsA » h a t t t alreel abaut fl:W feel- Hobert E. Darigar, .0 iKfore leaving th . three paaaeager* were n o t li After Jearinf the pbeto-eafr*^l°f>

i!pv.L-pYl— Events Schedul By Girls’ L ea

J b j S C a p C OlrU- Leapie olfleera m din* cRilrmcfl tnet a t th « h.

curve and wa* ap* Puher for a business n I apeed of about 40 olflcer and s u n d ln s

man save a u p o it o n w ork revealed he had pllshed lhls year a l T w in Fal to turn. Tire marks .sclioo). Plans were mnde for lee* belore lVi« cm m u piojteis. 6trvlce chalir t it. I t went another Helen Andenon. Junior: I topping. TTie Fiini:. tnthsr. aad MMrgaret approximately two aon. tophomote. and e*tlmated 10 rlan* aljo Wc*e m nde for

« and 800 pounds, mai unit partle.i. C hairm en »j the ground and retarie-i In charge Include Lbeiiflpacl. chairmen. Kancy L atham .

w SJinle-Fox, junior: Norm *. (lophomore; 'a h d -a^cretttrles.ted ou t Py»* tCcifr. lenlor; Nan Soden. I t I* in bad c ^ Sherring. aophomore.m e l» Freda Jo Molltor n n d Joycn from ter are (n charge of decoratlling. In addillon. buiitiin board* In th e m a in 1 ed •by lh . counl? chrlitma.i. uid b« a technical jj .Ijq decided thr g thc apeed limit. „j,Duld do some public ity w rscrlbed as nearly kef^ing the halls clean. The I* owned by the t in were assigned to Ml.ia <

Mla Molllaf and M arilyn !eauJled Jn anolhrr ----------------------------ted by city pollee chsrlemagne *«nt Chrlstlain. nlflnarlea lo Bremen. O erm ar Jack L, TUttlf. 7S7.lie east, and WII- - •mte 1, T »ln Falls,leraecilon of H eystreet about 1:0B

iJesident’endleton j- Mr*. Laur* M.Monday a t lhe

Wallace. In Fen*fflng * long . I I I . , ___ __ H J W

7v' Ttildev\l ^ mirs. elionly atirr . m vhuaband In IS^T ^ ^ 1 ^ 1 ^ ^! to live w ith h t inea Moncur. and m ^•llh her aon. Bill, ' ^ X 3ran active in Uie . ^ did much prac-living her*. She M 0 9

n a a ty e a r . W ^ly e ight children.•, R ltle; nalph nknoBTi; o»b«rt ;.v)n, bolh Wruh-

______ _______________ .leloa, Ore.; Mrs.—Veda ^ -------- -------------------------------

cr ond brother In!cUildrcn...ftnd .6 ....... .................. ............... .

K sent to Surley ] * ^ >Lhe Pai-ne m or-[ U•ice* WlU be held , /In Paul a t 5 p.: »1

wlU 6« m ade In i (


iborAiling i

arm and headed

ihcarU ar« along I A -.and I mu»i **y I , % v

rhty fin* etllWfa. A V '- .50.1 in th is blcptk, K k X . ; • - _1 the next block.Ilie eyes of fUh.Kk a lle r block reeneal. freshenand lettuce. A .»ln\o?t a n hsur, ^s loaded 10 Ihrirci ttliat aeemed A __\V

In my enlhu*»■ t'ffiriles I far- - — »,I wal going and jjje4 I waa * « » l ■

•<1 a laxl fo g tl ! « t,UaA iQ Up him i I ^ K r vft.^n'l too crazy ( , egctable market j ___ _

t ' ' liftI to hava a' little me get out andhe elevator. And r ■laturally had 10 iping me unload, dtUslited thal I !I money by my — ' ‘" V vipping. and *he / T ____ish u d . „ .In thing* In a I

a woman'*

I'ED! I M j j j l ^ ^ a l i v e ■{

a - Cov« ■•tek-op ■- W d . ■ I ^ I B

I I -2 E N B I ,IRM , ■

id fo r Accident

ruck m hatf.faorted bealder whlcb It moved abc Barlgar, SO, rODle S. Duhl. Ibe driver ef the car

» were n o l Injured aerlauilr. .S'o arrett waa made.■>

cheduled - B W R lS f f ifS s’ League P l l i i i l i i l Rilflcera n n d «tand*rt Mt th e home c t L \XI business meeting. I iiid s u n d ln s ch*lr- ^ / /

a l T w in Falla high 'b '.* /t mnde fo r Christ. Irvice chairm en are [ ,®B

Junior: Barbara - w M | if M arsare t Olber- 0 0 jmODW

m nde fo r Christ- it lo v e s you

h m lM iss I ®L ath am , aenlor:

jr: N orm * Logan, _•ecretartes. Helm'an Soden. Junler, ^ .

v E B s.'.'j ;leclded the girls ^ M t / f t T I Kpublicity work In w W y i l

} ^ M ’M Carter, p„„.SBi.DO«rii. Int.. Hinfort.1 M arilyn Dftlsch. ___________ _ ^ _

n t C h ris tian ml.*. len, O ermany. In

U ---------------------------------COWBOV BOOT; colors andtw o-iones_______

------- :— --------------- f — — w iU T E .atA Joa£____________ / j fry. Soft leather t

T C --------JXA'TRKB!; PITlI_ / \ Western atyle, Slsi

R froN loaVek ' k Warm, practical a:

t j t / ' r f HOUSE SLIPPER! ( y 1/ nnd C lrl* .............

1 _ _ ______________

A—Wbili^^ slmc ill sires 2 to ». R to EE Bro'^•n.

B—Rro'vn hi^rb.Oioc for boy.-?, so!t loallicr iippcrH with composi. i'on soie, A s l ^ v shoe Inf RoI>* in Hood, 5izc.s 8 U to 12 in B,C «nd D widths.


State’s Jayci

MHeadOutlii _ Club P r o g i

^ JI 310ME. D e c .* -J « S k o k ton. prealdent of the Idaho Charntier of Commeree. toll ben of the Jerom# club ■

‘ • rector* of the Twin Pall* cl • dinner meelJn* Monday hlg

Americanism Is the chief pr^ .......... ; - 'tIi«~*Tra j i i ju i t u iia iilia t

A S • ' ' ■ the program raay be carrtea- / — ---------- L,_ clul*'throughout lhe state. :f l ~ " ' that he would Uiu to see thef • club esubllsh n new Jaycee

■ ellher Wendell o r Ooodlng.i- ' Oerald Dellinger, prtsiaen

' \ ducted the bualnes* sessioni ) ing the dinner. Jack Koorhi

*.7 / ported th a t lelWr* will be u' / • : wtek to all Magle Valley

/ ' % Chambenj.-eenlor Chamber*.-I ■ can Legion*, Veteran* of :

' - War* uriJU tn d local a e' committees deploring, the prc

, , , ■ of Chriatmas prior to Thank' • 5 ^ A commute* composed 0:

II BxdwsineM tto


IF y o u MEZD—Aipl ^ S s ^ — . s u in g . BaUUnp Bm J

- Weather Slripptog .

i r n o j j F R E E ESTJW

^VoiKA i ^ 1 „ A ,Ofani3 U ^ l l I Vw

,1. Inc.. Hinfort. Cooa. I Q |

Georg* m n c b tag

> 7 ^^ And C h ris tm a s m eans i:

A dvertised Shoes from 1 love. “W h a t H o,” says Si

th ere’s no th in g too Rood for ever, they rea lly ‘f i t ’ in my bag

BOV DOOTft-for the llllle Ouy* and Oali, V

____ $4.98 „ $8.9rE JtlA JO aE IIE BOOTS ic r U u amall Jloft leather with taisle t r im ....

-RK BT W LlSO N T fO D 'rS7!>r-lllll< rt»t»-^w -^rm atyle, Slsei 5 to 12....... .................... . 9 3 * 4

N LOAVEK 'fiO,X -^'Sta-r; fir'rtrfiiiYts arid'cJlild

__ $1.95 «. $2-9$1.98. $3.4

- You m.Ti' !)c fl3,iuShoos from Huds correctly fitted trained personnel, feel menu happy C hijdj'fji

C h i l d r e n ' s

S h o f i s / / i ^

3 .49 to 7 .9 5 ( h

^ 1- a c c o r d i n g t o

■ .........i ‘n o ~ -------------

Remember IAU Our i

/ M

B-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHOIDAHO V ______________V • Mabe. d ttlm u a , XMUocaI n V P P P Walter Oruel wa* iclected U

j a y e e e tor the « sa u il (-W 1 , ^ ? a r t y for the Jayccts aa

Jutlines or Ui# home Chl^ UgbUng contest were oulUi

Ifa/JfWh Walllngtoo. Member r r O i f f c t X l I i{,,i commercial lighting WlU

Included lo the contest. Th *— Skok. W»l»' ,73 to fiw prlaes. »1f the Idaho Junior . ,jj |. eeeond prize: 115 mmeree. told mem- ^^te ' *10. fourth prlie. and ( rom# club and dl- ^ h j colitwt ia based•win Pall* club at a tarlor »nd. Interior Ughtlnga Monday hlghl that . jlfM t.the chief project of ‘ for^lie evenl wm b<T~ frrgfinV ail^ I i-Tr i,t ihf .Tnrfrr coaimltt<

ty rnir s i carrifd 6D n ^ tiucrTTie-00ta«=7tnWtnmt lhe *Ute. He tald rurtstmas UghUng will be done« to see the Juome belween Dee. IS and £new Jaycee club in members o t the con

ir Gooding. bejjijra WalUngton are Dickier. prtaaent. con- day. ehairman, and Ralph Pines* session follow* a private trap shoot for mJack Moorhead re- of i^ie onranlaUora was ann;n wIU be *ent tlil* Ior 1 pm , Sunday a t the falrgi:agle Valley Junior Charles L'Herisson discus*r Chamber*.-Amerl- pitmollon for-the-baaketballetermns of Foreign tt'ween the Denver Chevroled local merchants and the Oates brothers teamjrlng the promotion I4 acheduled hero Dcc, H.or to Thankjglvlnj. Directors of the Tvi ln Palcomposed of Irtln who atterxlcd thetaeetlng wci

aiM lUapic Valley Applicators For


m ^ S 9 u / L " " e a t h e r - t i g h t

I / ) , . o w roeJlnff-servlce does D'^ < provld# Just a roof, l l guarai

tee* structural protecUon ' vJ^ -|T b u i l d i n g for year*' ar^ yeari' II assures freedo:

11" " from endless repair eipens| | I I t a f f o r d * dlstlngulshr

( ^ * ( .J beauty, ALZ, a t a saving prici

rmZD—Atphalt Sbleglta . Shakes - A*b«tto* BaUUnp Boof* • Alnmlasmi Scretni - Innilatloa r Stripplag ■. CaO collect, well pay th« bill


X Phone 2739-W

I MAGIC CITY ROOFING ^ 8 IMPROVEMENT CO.:hlag <7. Addlioa Dan DasJel

s means a pair of famous Nationally :s from Hudson’s th a t a ll Childrci ” says Santa—“At Christmas time Rood for my Charges. The fines

1 my bag.”

md Galj, Plain ^ !

. . $ 8 . 9 5 ^

. $ 3 . 4 5 ^ .

.T}*" !)c n3,iurcd thatfrom Hudson’s nro Siy fitted by o u r ' ' r ^

personnel. Happy I t f i fJnii happy growing A v t : • .. . f i H


U f u M\ ‘ Footwear for the

A r t Q u b P l a n n i

B y T . F . S t u d ee bome ChrUtmas ^ **hool at

were outlined by Interested In art are organlt[ton. Members voted a r t club under sponsoratilighting wlU not be Jacqueline Arnold. O fflden •contest. The club elecled FTlday

n prU a. *25. f ln t A consUluUon is being dr*id prize: 115. third by a commlltec composed cI prize, and »5. fUih bara Bpclr*. Lol* qummerjohcst ia based on ex- Wealhermw, Nonna neese #,lor UghUnga visible Draljer. chairman. The pi

committee om»l*tg of Normaevent wm be mem- Joan Campbell. Kathy Oeyis,gf» rommit te t phia ThompKin, Pa l Bralser and

hj, »w«. ~HiHffrchalrmaa. . ~ V l«=7U tW tnr-ct~th» -■■n>aft , »!lli:. C r-finrTTTTfglg win be done s o m o -------------------------------------- -ee. IS and Dee. 25. Thrtlkeld. Don Zuck. Prank

of the c c ^ l tw # rence. Vie Oraybeal, Oene Uon are Dick Balia- u jju j p„ k er usd LcHo t k j(md Ralph Peters. D»l Scherer Was a giesishoot for members ■

lon was announced _____________________t a t the falrgrtjunda. luon discussed the fiG'baaketbail game iver Chevrolet team rothcrs team whleh

tie Ttt^ln Palls club W e l ir-mcetlng were Jade I M i

o rs For '



'S i NEW FREEDOM Flrvice does no to oI.K im r.0 . H o t Ul. .o n d . yoa .m ,protecUon to noiJcsaiflprcveniedlRev

for year*' and Scotl Microphone gi\x*ures freedom Don lo d rtu as you pleaepalr expense. moitihaneonventioMlin!

dUtlngulshed yourbeJtv-hileyouiOAJi) I saving pricel

- A*be*to* jInnilatloa I. - f ~— -

C _ > ^ T O P SECB — “ * mw cowcin m hm iiik

TION l i B M B a a a a M M a

I F o iO F IN G I rersonal A:W i n u ■ g g j .

C O . I Will be■ ^ . I RISER CAIN

I . All D ay Fri.-=—

Nationally ^ - . s ^' Children mas time,Phe finest


D. - ^ 5 ®

STRAP! Soft n k


an d A U

E-FAMOTJS 8A0DI and While, Red

■ in d ’ WlilW, Si*«

F—TWO-STRAP lO A FElt aty: BlHs for girl* and Teen-Ag in *ty]i.

i d o n ^ ^yr the Entire FamUy


1) Planned F. Studentshigh tehool slnfitnlj l. , *-----.rt are crganltlng an miirtmder aponsorahlp ot iold. O ffldeia wffl be noon. ' ^

m 5s being drawn up * composed cf Dar. t A fc,lls gummerjohn, Dan P A R4ojjna Reese and P«c » ^ IUm an. The publlcllr I ' A ' i i ; tUlS oC X om k Iteere I « \ J A . Kathy Oeymer, Pat

1 Zuck. r tan k U « - ' F o ll t liTbeal, Oene Martin. & I n t m ^Jld LcRoy, Klenilf, ^Was ft guest of the Art. g.

_ MINIATUfif INSrfiUMENT'HtD^ :R YOUR CL0TH1N5, YT ClVB 1 FRtEOOM FROM CLOTHING NOI5 Iouodsyou HDflr'whjleirriutiii| \ Iprevented! Revoiuiionuy Top. V I atjphofie gj\-e* you stw nm- CM as you plcaie, >ti eojij noconvenlionaUnilrumenu.LooikhileyouiaAkyoufbcjtl

f TO P SECRET" I 'iciPTiii HMime iisiiuRU it ll

re rso n a l Appointwfnl MR- HENDRICKS. ViTib

Will be a l . . .SER CAIN APPLIANCE All D ay Friday, Dee. 8■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M W

C-PATeNTDBE«8 6 T * * r t» * B *lte* to thro.l «1U> ’^ f o ra m M « « S . ‘ M

^ n o v e l t t n nSTRAPS for owe »«»* , ■Softnk leaU iff la*““ ” ■and A to 0 wWtbi. ■

MOWS SADDU: oxroBT*1 While. Red and rW hlW . S U « tor 1111“ “

p lO M in ■»» 1” Ia u id T n n - A I 'n .» “ ’‘ . ■

i m U i f

Page 11: · m^^uixETIN M U» £ ^ ' " m*j1««^ d - K c ^ho5 & ____________ ly ed by

l l a r k e t s a n

i/(,c*ks L iv e s• OCOI

I c - ' S z S s s r . f j ' . ' . ’ . ' s

n*‘ lu u b u r b.lftr» l».OC-i

iS 'B r ii •“ * «*•"* ]M; 4ko«t « M r l iMl:U >nf Utb4,i ^ * ls r* w

» 8hM« **Ubl< H : BOJ noUUi tlMir

--------— U -M lU ^ »“l» U» rOETU

t lU ltf** te t rORTTJlKD, Dte.« br > lU nuU il* U«imukir — »».« 4iHl th»k. UMMu •««>• “ JU»! MBt l«t irp» ba

» r . m d l« <IW40 lb. n - t {i'l

t ff"** <»''•* • ,um4f ca »ll »r1t«*": »0 ^ ' . wfoN ii>< mirUt dlsn *11 Ik. M «U

K S i S i S i K ’. ':

**Il *''<;r*B4* «»«ii»rrtS*ntUr «ow»'Au: ' h u t t s ‘, ‘7 .

- a I ‘“Tinw " c“ s< *it ir«TKUb* »i?d n?r.I ,« % : eu a iT i on (W ) to

S”S‘U r ^ c M N i{>!; 211, W.rt « 3 Tti-<*x »teo . b«»4.

» I'i’ 5.“ “i! k Jll i ' s AKC:^., Cui « S to a ANOtLM. D.C

jJliSnlMIrT <»W CttUi u ltb li 1.1m i , |V Xit Dl»l *• BSMISB >b4 low

«J«VC»»lr»l l«j> IU. Jl.ftO.JI.Mi low I

r>cUI« tl.Mi «MB»a >b4 iB'SiJ?«tli«CM Mn*»B4*CT^*U.MOg a ru ti '^ *ll t«0: tlMdrl nadlBinHVNnfX 3*> It.eo-II.H: atdlim *B<HiIr.aM' fn ; u r aalro tl.OMI.M.g^r.MBR ]»H Heta aaUVla IMi aUSu pva OU i 4>d <hak* lt».lu»5 c 1 J s »0: iiaall I«u ll.7»-J0.(55 SlMl 4h odJ baad to <M lia. 1T.»

R »«t B « S Hwi ll.U.IT.tO... ! ; ? aaUkla Bmal Tssdai’ laad ■«»

{Tf«“ ^ n il?Jli *ANtA8<

5 !loll N J « H c m . Dac.•’■• 1“* Mln” ■ eholaa 11*->M lb.. ll.U.tHi Kut * C« »’S

IS " - !i!?J‘i'“*nn'^ 11 Bhaap W fti Utaia atlirtclba ricltl* II hlitnfl l» d and ohol<aH r . nl/llB- l l« **■»*•S E :* c is r ‘’ * r s s i i im u » M U t n^4 OHAirA. Da«, « I*■ trismilt «i aalabla I,MO: isa«t;«tal; IIIUSilMl 1>S asd fllta I t aa< lliwiUiMa («>d and choka lt»-l«4 UV V>ta>r Sre* U li fllu ll.tM ei up Il.« |l> K’oi AnU dosblai IOO.II9 Ibc IT.fB« Wat Alibr Mn ata«a ll,0ft-)l«0.

*>S cattla aakabla l,»COi m u Mrt U\> inda on alautMar can

.32B^I«Wi « S auan l l .l l i part loadBS mU»d i-.aflinn 11.10:. f»od and thoica ilaara'aiiTOXK a ’lD I.IM Iba. It.004i.l0: in<rus.

'S & s rus Viab Ua Sur I ]>4i: ra>l aaiuaaa bulU ------ Ban aod aaJIiim bviu !i

W. kl*. “ f t w *aUkla*7,s” 'r .knnitat nsMarl prioaa en lamba ralanll»i

Aikad aala aUathlar Uaiba 11 ■ ll.l l claMta ataadr U alrem.. I .7< and choica vsolad tiautht

1__________ I .01 daeli (»od and tbalaa I%— ■ „ ■ - - - M-» Ko. 1 >a1u t l .l l i camnot____________t: J l lar rwm 2I.IMM0: dad___________ tl .11 Ib. faadar Umba H............... ....... .'iImo DBNVei------------------ !iMJ HEKVni. Orr. I MVr- 'iii! •:

iverages_I ■ ■ I • oiooprwd'ai^-r>>^k*'«

T»il-Kli<a< rm a <aU« SS.TO-tl.]I a II « l . :« ; bMUhcn II ^ U 'till.-Bteeli : ««.!jad^ t^^ -l.

i l - u i - }};* - n.1 - -8 tw a.W ; na.kat‘” ‘!;l Ji'i cnicAct

II >ij »!.! IU CHICAGO. 0«^« (ft Ki (]!l Toi ad 'aM on «<!|?U 1»- _ I and ri»ka J10.JIO n>i.'ll.<

'and Eggs- I i7.0»; Ib<. l«.7»-'l nu-vcieco CalHa taUbla 10,»00: otX b i l I rm \ » .

A^J aSa m*B *1’° ^ J J j ? **** ■i..„ A

■ ;™ - . . . .I ,Iba. Jl.ftO; madlua t»

i?"v*CO ■firm: aad <ho!«a hallafa «.«; ^ " lU Hllln, ,horl f»di down to H.tfli

•i'v,' • lilihari baat tao, JlOMl.OOi caiI ,'|l* ,* ‘j.» 0 »j.:i: Il.t^i».7«: madlna lo<b<

a*'abla MM; all®»!l“>n» lawba’i food to tholw w»

I I - *' «* *®m'‘i ’ . »* t»,».U.IO.'s iiiri^r^ —

YORK. Dac. It-‘KE Cin *®‘* hftUhM JlYw.**”

i i 0'*- !*«.»: Dat. IJI.C.A Cj I’b"! *’/ Cattlflca.H -« I aMt■ * *"“• fuloraa cU ^

UNCELU tll . l t i Kar r47ini*jB»• t)«. . ,UN_j,.,v., ”w l ' '^ l tat;'=" IB.||«, N-Nomlnall

'r.Mlam II;'I 'i : . . ' . f l S ,* '« .• n » . , „♦««* lo (tuil.n la cMH ttii* ' '"ij.’jf* '*''?i'4*'i}

^^rwF^M arkets;i!>TOCI ^• !10 lb,. ^ POTATOM fOal

-.'- 'Z Z Z jiJif:!!;" w t J —r p r r — ------- »ilt3 l^»--ir<talara «aetad)- - i r m l l l l t , , MTB POUU iT ~ U8 fo.l. 4 ,1^ 0.

'•« w b"i.« mr r ---- ' U« aprlan _______Z----- ---- - !«ci. ___________r — r-— • i‘ M.i»a« CMki ________r ~ — -J.e-i-Jo.cs cort.----- -- •^ 7 ^ ^ :5 c ilJ t‘li.; .. aUTTSBrA, V V I i V i " i l ’ll I ^ ttlrU t "''.’•'J itl 'ta 'ju f " " ' «»»si—W.1, K („ a ,Qg pgQf

»iS8 L.„V

*»'ii A ■'


a n d F i n a i K • • * * * *

iv es to ck - GraocDKK , cmc*co. 0«. < U

I, Dw. < 4

S , ■;

E ,u‘‘S f f l . r . c r i £,t aUadM B>adl.» to la ^ J->*" tfrt ^*lTaa^ll^^ i .M; i^taa'MUbl. Mi BO Umta a«U w b : ,{«»»»r7araoBd atMirl aaYaial aaal l;“ S '" » io «l«*»tato BadUa aUubUT r ta IMO. D«'™k«r H.It. ____

POBTLAND cillcarnJ im C l . " 5 f S ° i ,=£.•,

nf lat w a baUbara «»»Mi f«>< Oai. S» ilb. PQ-a IU*-17.00| ioed and h ., , , ,hi'u !J* \V iidar pin aaotaila Jl.00.II.00. | ) . , (n«rr'«'b?|, »T C - ! 5 i K « . ' b ' s ! ; :I Ik. tH awan «*»: Jkjbiar. Ma.1140: (a<* aoBBsa alaara J4.00. _ _ _iW a Uib madl»« Mfl rUTVRra

.4 nlUT «swa BoaUr lUO'll'OO: ••>!' -ini: oennn baat ad»< 1140-11-COj : :labia ISOS Bukat 4<U>a; rood j,,

lUbl ««wj aa«rca: *4 . •‘J tl Jair rs? ' ; :JiJ ,,.

)d’ala»ibtaT a-aa aaUbla 1I.OO.M D°*‘<; aaa lot roaac braadla* »-a« • -J‘,too a baad.

LO* AKCILM ■'VraHOtLU, Dac « cn-m M H ]— Dac i.|e< labla^l.l0«I }|,*J j j ’ }}«,iVooT ‘fS* m iila r '‘sarbaaiu'’**10; BadlaB aad f«d cnsabrad Jan MUj :.)tlt btUan J; nadlam b>lfara Mar Ml 2»>■ B»a asd madlaa aa«a tt.M- Mar M7dluB aad rood MB- JaIr J.M!i :.mnttan U.oo-Jl«: aaltaa aalabla Urddrl loadlaB asd raod Taalara Daa lIJff ' tl.lll: aa4:im tBd low raad aUo(b> Jaa ll.i: ll.iiII.H.I1.00. Uar i n t IMTlakla 1M| alaadr U tt kubar: Mar K.7t 11.10

<bok« ItO-ltO lb. (Tucblaa ll.OO* Juir II.M 1U0lou lt.7(-:0M: IU It*. lUO: Whaal-ra<lftc C.itil 4M ba. lT.MIno4 lixl cboXa Dan MS;i MM

;-iuo. ' - ■— - ------ :laUbla Bma: naikat antaat«l: KAKIAI c mdar laad rood aUmblai r*aa KAN8A* ClTt. D...10 «at al II.M. aan: avMatad to S< 1

XAK8A8 CITT to^irtl'j N». J*ri' IJ.lS CITT. Dac. « tUH - Kon » •> « “ «■da m««Ur U Mibar: t» d and >'«'*' 'tM lb>. II.U.IO: top II.M. ?•IMl calraa K»I alambur atMra Ko. J »blu ll.tO: Na.« atrau ts JJ blibir: oadlSB r«lle» and nliad IIJJ’adat«n Urtair 1I.M4IJ0I t«» <U r to IU I: cIomi M

tOOi liaba aad raarllan (ft-I.OO ' Kafir C.IJ.•* ■ " * • '• • K : i i ' i ! , i t


00: B ^;«talr aatltai barrowa it blfb.n aa>> U40 ap: balk choka IIO-IM lb. barrawa and n j i MIO ^ Vl‘ M.ll^*’riSd and P 0 t s t 0 6 8 " ^ 'I up to UO tba. I<.7t.l7.7(;L ) |« . I —II I I. II I IIlakabla l,MOi Mtlra. IDABO PJalautblar callla 1144 bliharj rnAlIO FALLS Dm. chaaf^, at«ka,a and fijdm r h iV fn ln,u“ ' . . r .‘ r p m iad’ c^ii* to Vrlaa K ? i ^ . ‘aVtod r* plll irlinn 11.10: naarma laada u” chanxSs asd lha mri

aboul alMdr. Tkallabo ’" • J T “ •«»"« IM carload, .ou

i aa*i«V\ttrii 1IJ0.II.M: OOB. 'V.V. w^obii* loi'l/' * laJIam bulU II.OO-tl.M: nadlan * D.llrar^ aaW .“ iplr

I S K C ' i i ' j f f i i , ! " .“ 'i ; !T .5 * K .v ."a ; ;‘“ .!; t t S '

u ^ iu g i .» d c i j » cnicAcdar laaba MAO. ClIICAnO. Dm. 4 lUl'

DBNVBB ‘*l:uppl'l^^libli *dmat. Dm. I (THrUSDAI-Catlla dull r fa> lalM.00| calrv aalabla IM| aarlr Track aalri (IM lha.aUara aed Silfara itaadr to U. S. 1 ilia A » » M 1

uUiMia U-il hlibrr: othar larfa ear i.tC: aaolktr iW:^|Md lad «a»ra u V “h^common andmcJIum baat co»a »a1lw dUtrlct Tfinilar. c

finiirra- and catlm 17.«. trajhad and »ax«l 5.1l-aM-r)»W-^laT«-as4'baBrr tiinnaraUU bavaaliid ataUta :9.C>0-t|.C«. Onion tuppUaa nodrra« ; bauhcn ll-IJ bljbrri ao«i aarkat dull, _■1-iiadtbolca-mtiiM: ffnt an.l _T.aak_a.Iaa—<l»-lto.lbl. |I.2J;'II(M aa»a around Eranlih I Inch ninlnan

ri; bulk 17C.SM Iba. ll.tO.14.tO. 1 qualllr 1.10: MlnnBOWi Jsaikal nal-wlablkbad.-- U - ^ Mai a.|nak aad I

I and condition abawlat dlCniCACO fitraat aalaa (M Iba.) r). Dk. < (ft-(CSDA)-Ho«a Jfal'r qualllT an;«Q. iiMtfv IA II hitfttfr noKi *atUm madlan r.lla^ .I J » Iba, I .T JJa?l '•» •r:o.!?0 ni!'” ew V :u’uT ^ Jilnlmum tJOi MI<W

(ar ar.Uhta up M ]:> Iba.i S» •W]*, Wfa lT.7t.ll.M: ItO-tlO Iba. 17.10. «t t.OO: IlllaaU fair Qa.

« Ib..*l"4.7tic!lt. • ■ ' " I

“f t ,S " S iS " S P o t a t oFutur

n f , abalM to p ^ a l.W U M (ConrUiy C. W. HiT iiSM iS’Sl •b^;lr.i.'.l*‘S.^ c o « p w . r tk , a u iaara 11.00: cbaka ar«ar>d l.TSOr'hS lr»li‘’a< w rS n t JANCAKV 01

0.00.H.OO: casBtTi and aottan 11.•• Mill. Il.4t low. aadlaa 10 .b . , c . . l . r . 11.00. »r..old.abla MOO: alaaihtar Umba 10 II-« Mlh. II.M law.II.10 on'fad waitarn and naUra «ra aold. ______

WOOL **"}niC. Dac. I (ft-tillBitad 4T.M all U>tM«n^< Ml Ur»a Wtra 1(0.000 pasBd.; , .

In fan t]S^JLV '/.at u tow BtmLEY. tne . i -ful?Sl J C d 11 blrtar to -I TtmpH. ta fu il lon ol lawar: Dac. IHJB: Uarrh AIVA Ttfflple. Burlejr

%«Vn” - • » " tilrth At B:U Iid .A ^ l ton I17JW. « t th# C otui# he*Ti1.Nomlnall , SUTVlvlnC bctldu h---------------------------------- ta-0 Uiteri, Mn, Nor:a„U hUharll Qrmda AA lar,. pert! ItllJ Mrt. Doril im H.70; trada A larra l>-70i snd (OXir broUstn. 'IT: intll 4I.U- AlrtB T im pll. Piul

UeJrtn Twnple. tU Bu 1 . O rtteiJd# Mrrleu t

r K 6 t S 2 p- ■_____ _ comiUry with thoThomM, Burle? Mot

'TATOE* rDalltarad) ja chATtl. ThJ McOl" I I Iw®# u la ch*n# of

ara «aelad) ^ S U S S h S I MLITB POULTST A ^

C A S:■ — S F O R D E i l

DSELE.? : ! _ = = : ! : .. anim a:

ICO rooL PHONE COL r»JuIIn‘l('Til«y/lil't,t^fS5 GOOdlllff 47 E.......................... — ; ;; M n F d l .

= = ! • : IDAHO H= 8 TALLOWi ' l vHudi


~ ~ T Report H a n C 0 At Lions

G rain S ' i S ICO. D«. < ;n-wba4i «taa to Ine , the non-profit o:a bMrd ef trada todar and up In Illlho 10 « d * t S r S i i ? bAnUlCApptd. t tu glvi•ad c.t..i’( uiMBca bad Qvlu • o t Che T\L'ln FiIU Ul

S;H?2j'£1S!Srr.«a .i„ ,s.ftd^l,< l4B rtfaIlr Live. Jnc, wllh h«clarf'?i'!ii tw —w *» iporjortd I

era lt,.]L4 blihar Daaabar tiOItl midc by LlOnJ (i oau u-ii l^har. Oaaa». OUI the »Ul*.

i l f . ' i '> 'iSir, ';>au.r7 MM.MH. aBd 6<n>Ul Uid dUflllt“ par ICO Iba. Vllbar. 15 perMM have-b«e

_____ malUng IWmi. The ctCASU CRAIN *el up M 1 m»rlteil

CO. D^. I oona. Iwure k ottidy sirtar

.’ t i«:t!w i; JencM. b«k(0. 1 bi«r .b lu IIH I Mo. 1 a itrt mAii>' Other IKmi an Ilu 91: hv J tiua baarr »bit» hindlcapped worker*.n=mtn.i i a u ^ 1,10. , I , faad « « b»nd. Currently

*re working In the _____ work thop locAied InruTVRrTfAiitB *’5' '“yGO, D... I Mid other l«oU wer#

0 ;n III(b Urw doaa lU t#.

H i:; l i i t 111,1 M !5 sm.m , S ! r M: i ; ' : Mi*^ m :s J J iS purchue liemi mAi5-5' j :i ‘* j . :m MHa Bol*# And uked loeilI 4i>, ii{>; M tu iM«; Mil th# Item* on cont

u n ;__ i j i ’I HttJlUpUy»d-#»aple*i'«-b !J1 • ! J]1* i'JSJf! Inwxl'i.'.H u i \ u m MHb CTemeni. progrm thl

.»«‘i -i: ,tm .17 Dr. Oordon Tobln1!-, '3m* 'J}?r 'U ii p lu u here Ior the Re:»! 'lili j i sency blood b»nk »e:

^ • " whol# blood donaled! *! i.i«s l.u 1.M «SenU will be t*kenjJ MS|. immedlitely toJ J I,. u t^ . >.tm u*# or wounded a e a

M4H :>ti; t i t s tlT S OttposH C•.It Mji^ t.n j.fMj Tobla uked Lloxu

! : i : . l i l i i i i S . S:!!"

III? i!l{ !}” }!!} <ionon.i n t n il 1110 JMI «port#(J 0iiiit IMO ' ]i!;o IMO iiud* b ; Che local dubii.« 1U0 IMO 1I.H Uih a'local Red CrOMMMS i j i ’i : LUW . tu w

KAKIAI CUT CBAIK Dr. Tobln to bead av.lS “ *«■ “ “>1

,y; :;'.s,iK5 t t K iT - v ^ S iS S iS ;IU II.H! No. A tu iH i Na. t #Croai Who lelt t o Cal d BUad lU n i la 1U». Ha. I ------------------

Reserve Gn Formed]

I’ “ AetlvaUoa ot two11,11 to ii.toy. e ranen t <»1U to Ma«

PLAX uiacunced W*dn#«daAPOLIS. Dac. I (f>—T ta K*. Cecll R. OnlUi. actiat

to r t o tha anay orti I corpa In thU area.

iatoes-Onions laT'Ketehum arta, CiI MeTadden, filaliu cou

IDABO PALLI **'• •ttom#T. ll th# cotPA ui. c i I t r a i o o - «eer. -n:# eeU Includiinuuirr .ad dauad (or idaba c e n and «oUited men,

» b o ^ a illikl but ImUJlar u ^ j attached,"and lha m rk« V S Vnoud*aa 'n i# aecond cell WUdr. Tk.ii»bo ear apot iBdkatad tb# Bupert-DuTlej are

B>*alta by Capt. She:^*ln.T'2;l.fmJ:•'.l!” ^ .S^i*. wood. Minidoka counticki U, 9. 1 oaihad nadlum to KttOrT>ey*CleCt. I t hU I

‘ enlUt«d meo. »cven1 aaW .“ inlnr palM ba.1. and attached.■Mppint p^inti ICO Ib. aacka Sergeant fiialth Ital

u ' i «alUt«di?niiM» »radl**' 10-»j uiUta. IntonhAUoa ma;> rnrwrni Oulk pcr cwt. farm a t th# local ORO Ol1 faw ij_ia A »iibad faw aalia; U jj jjU eOJUCnaadei*. '

' ” * ' ' • ' componenta el lh# cniCACO goveram eu company,

S ' j s j i wi sTwo Men Ja In Theft

•let rfinilar. commiftlaU tUa A _ RDPERT,. D#C.. 8 -

ippUaa n.od.rala: dnn.nd alaw| Of Iteallng » ealf.frOK1, _ --------------------— Preib#rf#r fana Nor. •rn^'^i!,'ilim‘i n « ‘«nt uT* te n n n D ffiTM unirJi1.10: Mlnn.ou fallow 01.*.; JOhD Kulouetl, JJ, l a ln.b aad larrar fair-aiMlllr Re«d,-23« «pp«tred-b(?" Jud** W#I1 Nor.!" ,1“ |,'M ; “•-'i.l,,'™ S J '» • !UM t r a u»lNjlvm r . i w 1J 0.1,10| faw bait aiz Bionthi to Jail I ‘°i*^’'i »ertln« out h ll $3W flitlioT MlrtiTaVnStihin IOO: Lwn* Ortw. who • la »MU bolFan Ulcblratta (nr v lth Rced and KUlOUIlsaU fair QBallW Ml. eOimect#d With th# CA

I ■■ II "n dene# ahawed.

a t o a n d O n i o n . M “ S r a ' ? a ; F u t u r e s

rr t W. McEobert. Md J. Etta B ldf, Ri#ae W l— J MtKKEAPOLlS. Uae, •JANCArt ONltlHS h” b.?'7"l’“ w ’.d.Vd fat:b, ll.ll law. 1U» cloaa: I, .kipmMU 4l,ltO.

1i. 11.41 low. |l ,n aloaa: 47 aB.Uaiad. ILM. MABCn ONION! __ _ _ _

fiC M'.zr,;— sU>raaea»aold. - . Vc■ j I f M j k f f 4

ifant Dies "*Dee. « — 0»i7 Wayne

ifant tea of Mr. and Mn. ^ ^ . ipl#. Burl#r, died ahorUy to t new# r t " W » tl a t BiM p, m. Tueiday ««ietl«ii t s d t o (b#

I, Mn, Norma Dlt*. Ru- *ad *“ ceoemry lafcnMrt. Dorli « w . Burley: n p r P M R F E brothtn. Vlnll Temple,

npl*. Paul Timple, »nd J#bB 3 ^ (mpl#. ai: Burley. A dmtlieaieat. D.I# im le u wm b# held a t Cnffeh * OoodbnT hundar * t th# Burley n v r r u D P Cwith th# R«v. A. M. DECEMBEF

Burley M#thodlit pu to r. Bin Bb m bTh# MeCfuUoch funeral AdTertluaeot, D,

I Chan# of a rtiae tro e n ^ CoL B. W. Mo CoHantb

m m S S m ^ m K m DECEMBERA ^ r n m W ETerelt Oood#

A K f l AdrertlKaest De| S j n ^ nollenbeclc A lloUesh

R D E A D e w “ ,t C P r C 'O C AdrertUemfBt, Dtl a C i U E i a O Barrey C. I te ru a . A

lN I M A i :,s = = = = =

DNE COLLECT iT T u m o N r*B

,^ 1 7 E ap .rt '6 6'EVin F a lls 814 Sal# dtpaitm tab Le ____ ______ _ plAto how you aIHO HIDE «m p

A L L O W C O . S

____ . . t im e s-nt im e s -n e w s , t w i n f a l l s , i d .

port Heard Buhl, State Lions Club

. T V iCalluaky bal been au

eeting Here S S ,^ S ? ;. ';

Idaho 10 aid lhe phj’alcaUy Under the agreeme;pped. ttaj given to member* rn«i">«<" the hlghwa:IM'in FiIU Uoiu chib Wed- UmlU to the nllroaiaoM-by-Oraydon'SmltJi; a -worlcrbow#r»rti-t»-t• 0< Iht conwratirm*! hotrrl n ^ n ln m With the t t

Inc, wllh ht»d(juarter» In Th# commtulonen. i tpoiuored Ihrough dona- (]ty n lth t. alw adopte Ide by Llani club* through* requiring Che llcenal: I'A'*- »ad Kcepted th# T n U .Making l lm i ' north of the bal) par

I »Aia during the p u t year street t i • part of tl­oni have-been engaged in a contract for th l le t^ The eorpofailBa wiw ehlorln# from the Per u a marketing agency to jlanufacturlng compi

I eteidy sirtam of Jund* for « pound also waa ap Ictn. commluloner*. Th# < lencei.' baaketa, maU and In th# clty'e water

ther Item* ar# made by tho Broadway Beer parle pped worker*, most of whom beer lleena# by th# o Id. Currently eight peraona *n agreement on the rklng In the corporation'# county Hr# truck « op located in a building do- Falli County MutuU y the cliy ot BoUe. Looma ecmpany waa approw ler tool* wer# glvea by th#

Support Urtrd Minidoka’sI urvcd local member* toe Item* manufaetured In 1^011111111166Id a*ked local merchanta to r u . «_ Item* on conilsnment baala,lay*d-#aaple* ut irtuiea,-------H cy b u m r^ l* reeiee, w u introduced by Lou Minidoka cou;I. program chairman. “ <* markettog admit Jordon Tobln reported onere Ior the Red Croia' emer- Friday,ilood hank *errl». He ia ld Heeled vlee chuiilood donaled br local resl- couaty commltte#,. wnu be taken Dec. 16 and HolUnser. Regular inmedlately to Korea for the O. Spark*. The'oundtd m ea are Donald Atery and

Be»poo« Good -----------------aiked Lion* to tak# part READ TIMI8-NEWJ

irojram and received an al- -----------------------------00 p u cent reipcaa# for

'■ox nportttS on plaai being'th e loca] club to help eiUb* W wcal Red Cro*a btood bank la W g _ _aa emergeacy In thl* area.' \M r P M Fenl Victor TUflet appototed f % I . I I IIn to bead a commltte# to I m V l l l l1# .club-s annutl ChrUtmia L | | U | 1V • /■ n iL. QUllam u chairman of I>’a Clrlc Drama gutld play \ RO EIUCK ANJ. H# replaeu Earl Dahl- R \tio left for CaUfomla.

irve Groups ‘ormedinAreatloa of two mUltaiy gov- ^caUi to Magle v*U«y wa* ('• j

ed W*da#eday by M /S jt. C 'ftallh. actla* unit Initnic*Jia anay ortanlKd reMrrc thU area.

II w u aeUvatedtothe Hal-hum arta, Capt. Joaeph J . Vm. Blala* county preaecut- S#y. U th# gnmrnani1ln | of- J f1# ceU Includei aeven offl- j f«nUited men, (our aaalgned f

a attached. f!coad ceU w u acUv*U4 la fert-Burley area. It l l com- { • ^ •-‘-by Capt. Sherman J . BeU- inldoka county proaecuUn* | , T n i^ec t. It h u 12 ofHcen aad mea, teren aulsned and Ached. ^ ^ ■ B k l i ]n t Smith (tated tliere are

for eaUaUd men in both foiauUon may b# obUlned ocal ORO oltlc# or from commandei*. Tt# c#Ua are oU cf the > th mUltaJT !M compaay, wllb bead* a t Rexburr.

Men Jailed1 Theft of CalfIT..Dec..8 — T « 'o-tran .0 pludtd guUty to ch&rgea -----« a ealf.frna th# Charles•I farm Nor. 4 aro aervlng 'lh# counlyTali;SuIouetA 31, and A lfonn , /. appeared-before-Probato .......... .......... — ’ ■k* Wall Nor. Jl. Kuloueu d IKK) and lentenced to 'Lhi to Jail and Reed U ut h ll $300 fine.3 r tn . wha WB* arreited '(d and Kulouetz. waa not1 with th# cue, laler evl-jwed. ^0 men wer# arteJted Nov. P f k r Rupert apartment where V / iM cf th# call wa* found A fU r t ithroom.

rLous . w t> aN u lAMLIS. Uae. J j S1] (Uad.rd ; 10 hliWr. KVMUnl i I Inanu 4l,ltO. l U ’ nl ll \ I '

brin 14 cran bllt>.f. 41.10: > ;ilddllni. M blikw. iO.OOi rad O f ^ V ‘jad. *t.M._______________ n

m m m1% SALE ^13?:|m ^ Caiasdar

WATCn THIS * iPACSDAlLT M oka gift* of

r t U i|t« Taney^ rarm I PRECIOUS PL asd fer (b# date tbelr

^ S I L K 'loeaaary iBfomaUea. i

)E C E M B E R " i ' “JehB Tralaer I

irtlieaeat. Deo. 4-S i1 A Oeedbna, Aset*. | w V i

)E C E M B E R 8 |

. Mo CoUsngb. Aoctleaeer | H

■ECEMBER 11 Q ’ sea our Urg:Terelt Ooodiaaa ■ ■ ecUon of!rtlKBiest Dee. 7-S H V ^ prlnta 1<k il Itolleabetk. Auct*. B f l jorted (»lorj

E CE M B ER 11 n 5 i \“ t o 'g l l tUlvard W..Fltld 9 BrtUemtBt. Dee. 8-9 t S BC. Ite ru a . ADcUeaeer H U

ENTION rA R U EU 'you'plan a lana aai# • ^th# Tlme»*New» Pana

ipartmtsL Let u* ex« ■how you cao cover

ih time and rfoaej. _____ y a

I, State Agree Man Wet In Auto.

r ba l been authorUed by the ,imlulonen to cater lato an H i t t i n i V n l with th# lU te rtlaU re to A U l l U l ”I and maintenance of high- ,jiroujh Duhl. lufn 0,^ , Ltacoln *trthe agreement the atate will ^ te of ipeed. Mn.

1 the highway from th# clly the ught* on Pete; } the railroad trac ij. The turned off and the ,w#fgrU-to-U-dcn a ^ .d ly . agalw t4h#-««b.aiur t with the atate paylag-the^y^y ,n,und tn i_m n

immtulonen. meeting Tue*- u id . cauted Peten' c It. alw adopted an ordtoance the air, execute a h { the llcenalng of bicyclei land bott<;m*slde up. epted th# Tr*n<iuU addition - h j vehicle cra»he<■ the ban p « k on Fifteenth o f ^ eI • pajt of m# city. tndlihed 'a lecUon o: ilract for the purch**# ot .from the Penn*y)vanla 8»)t q, the ar

Ituring company a t 10 centa

ly Beer parlor w u liven am»# by th# commlulon and . ''=ooraing to ^ i i «

r s ' s r r

idoka’s PMA S ' . t S ' . S ”• 1 1 Tb* 1 J An InjpecUon of

nmittee Picked ss .‘'.S"5>riiS‘RT. Dec. 5 -C a ri. E,., Men, .»Toag-»lde-of'the-iirTr»4"reelecle'd chairman car befor# giillnldoka county producUon mm.rkettog admlnbtraUon com- pcten said he alienit the county eonvenUon In uie tum when he uMday. car approaching fromd vlee chairman of Uie Uiie Aald, I t waa polnl commute# wa* Har%'ey C. police chief Uiat LlnccT. Regular member I* Ru- a t Heybum avenui.Spark*. The two allem atei -------------------eld Avery and Emle M*rlc)e. Fourteen factoriea I

l< producing more thinM£8-NEW8 WAKT AD3. machine unlU per moi

iE A R jp ^lE IU C K A N D C a f * \

) j SEV


ike gift* of luBury— / j f i

ECiOUS P U R E . . . .


98c ^O th trs u p to 1 .9 5

See our large u l - / M ^ U g m W ^ /ecUon of plala *aad prlnta In u -aorted colors and / s m t Ap a ttan il £xc«l>ient for gUUI

l i S . IDAHO

1 W e d g e d Reckless Dr A i i t n A f t e rA u t o ^ t e r x ^ „ . j i o n |

i t t u i g H o m efPiaa Paia OBa) Twin 7*11*. WU dlipOM

) Lincoln atreet « t « high day In probate court wapeed. Mn. Iverson a*ld driving Ucenie waa it* on Peters’ ear were 'Jan. 30.ff and the ear aUdded Mlu Langdon waa t

■ Wttft. b y - ^ -

led Peter*' car to Hy toto to probate eourt betexecute a half tu m and ige. Max Lloyd handu;m>*lde up. aecuUoa.hide craahed agalnat the The glr) w u arrest«the Larson home and de- mllea west ot Twto' a (ecUon of heavy wood her ear cruhed toto

wrecker clearing theita ot the area told police lowing a Uiree-car cr*rd the car coming down jjulck *edan ciilven byt. Uie noUe of the motor demoUihed. Mlu Lat{ Uke a low-flying air- companion, Meraa M

brul* to poliee. the Larson InveiUgaUng officeI not damaged. Larson aald w u driving at a high1 shook the hou»« to lU and disregarded warn)n. marken placed by therge wa* filed against Pet- wrecking vehicle ande Chief Howard W .ailletU officer*.u # wDI remain open pead- — ' ---er Jnvestlgatlon.ipecUon ot Uie accident F A R M f O•Ing daylight hour* showed •* JJJ feet long on Ui# _ jU M & rte - - —d e -o f ' U ie-sireet-lert-by , _sr befor# going Into the rrm m fi a t t

iald he altempted to make BUI COIltawhen he saw UghU of a lOt Malo At*. C.. I

achtog from hta left, OU- /eX//edertoe, I t was pointed out by Uie ti. .


:n factories In Japan each \ M t § »«m:tog more than 600 aewlngunits per monlh. , ■, —




M a k e ChriB tm ns la s t t G ive ftp ro iu , d rcaacs, nt F a ir lo o m p ercale s . F a m t

P m n K b e a u ty a t S c a rs easy-ona H ^ . buc^set.

for family n lB h h re a r . . . ' . COTTON FLANNIL

V _ S a i f t night wear for Ui# whol 2 t C aiPPO(>> washable,

Ible patUm*. pUlni a ^ ‘

— - f e T - g T h b b u M v ; ; : — RAYON. TAFFETA

— Wft*habre'~i - u - w ia t.4n- j W L M p | | T \ . t«n beauUful colors. Yard V

L a j E Q l l ^ for GIfe ShirtsSHIRTING FUNNELMany colorful patterns to

f ' wonderful gift ahlrta from, j80*^ duijble. y^ rd - - <

^lo^MOKtfr^a^' s m s

Jess Driving Main Releasi e Ends A fter Lick of Ei 'o-Month LagmonUi-old recklea# driving S ^ H r S y I w ^ ialn*t Bertiae L*ngdoa. 17, S ^ V l S ofVv l».wudl»posodofW edne*-M«r!f.“ w“r S ^ l i i Chief Clyde Pryor up Ucenie was revoked unUl q, q , g. Llndjaj

ralgned before JusUce c angdon was represented to Rudy aad pleaded. Inn oourt. by-^--;Mi.inAybciaL _ jn>«nM-CoUen», alto

f t in 'cu B u'U ' tfKfigerrBir ^ W n f f e^ ito court because of h tr tnced to 10 daya In Ja( Lloyd handled tb# pro- --------------------

' ON TRIPrl w u arrested Sept. a four cEDAR DRAW Dee eat ot Twto Palla aiter n ^ ^ o i U wi eruhed toto Uie rear of a “ , w p through Wai clearing Uie highway fol- ortgoa. Tliey are «tp#cl Uiree-car cra*h. The I(M .".V®" ^

dan driven by the girl wai 'ed. Mlu Langdon and a ro. Meraa Mock. IB were

gaUng officers sheing at a high rate of speed J .rgarded wamlng flare* and M m lplaced by Uie driver of Uie ^ 2 vehicle and Uie *lgnals ot

- i 'lR m l o a n s

11 C o n b e r ly:*lo Av*. e.. Pbon# IOM /a X/ractorioii wMh

Tb# PrudiatlaX H / u i | | f t ^ n Insurance Co.

M of Amerlc*■ I I« « OfflM




)0 M FABRICc ’


tnns last th e y e a r 'round. j m ^drcaacs, n o v e lti^ . n a d e of M m ^

cales. Fam ous f o r we&r and vir s easy-on-your Christmas J

Ig h h re a r .. . for SuiN ond S locks,.kNNEL RAYON SUITINQ' for Ul# whole fam - In th# newest shade#. Creed, washable, revera- alitaat, grand for *ult« «ilatos ilAcki. Yard ______ A

------- r for Gift. J r e i m . , .-------------------^RAYON-PRINTS---------• Washable,.d#ei»-ton»-floralr

for all family wear LANNIL PINWALI CORDUftOYpatterns to nu k e In gay *port«wear colon. :

h lr ti from. f*vorlteI Long weartog, « r^ rd _____O ^ C rich plie. Si tochl Yard *

I p /■K l

I K , 403 MAIN AVE. W n* PHONE 28<

r PAGE- PA G E E l^ V E N

Released for ;k of Evidence. Dee. e -O rtn ie HunUey.I arraigned Monday on a ilf peUy larceny. later w u toz lack of evidence, ry w u arrested by FoUee lyde Pryor upon th# com- t O. E. Lindsay. He w u ar- before JusUce of P e a n C. E. id pleaded, tonocent.

____ _

id C u " n H e 1 i 'iM ^ a10 days In JaU.

ON TRIP a DRAW. Dee. » -M r. and 1# Edmon* aad family .are D througb Washington and rhey ar« expected home this


:O LO RFU L...


4 9 «

Y a r d ;

nd S le e k s .. .IITINGi t shade#. C reue r*>

I t M I . , . - . ’-HNTS-------------- T -— ---------ep-tone-floral,-Dowlty----------

illy wear CORDUROY fwear colon. F u h lo a g weartog. «a ch lY ard * « O W -

' ,

: . i ..... _________

- — . . I ■ '

IN AVE. v / e r ONE 28«0 ' :............ ... l l l » I . l .

Page 12: · m^^uixETIN M U» £ ^ ' " m*j1««^ d - K c ^ho5 & ____________ ly ed by

W eiser Girl Wed ToD w ightK erlir In Home Servic

EllabeOj PtierioD. d»u*hUr Str, »nd Mr*, w n ii Pttm on. WeU Uld tw lght KerUn. Twin w« m trrltd »t the home of th« brld p trtnU on Kor. 35. The ilonJe rl:

. ceremony w u pcrfornttd by lhe n<

’B r ^ r e n before ■ lf?inr'crr‘ Tti roicbudi md white chry.uith tnumJ.

Preceding lhe ceremony, weddli miuJe WM furelJhed bj Mr». Am lUxJibaUBh. Mr?, Don Jlimmi iljler of lhe bride, ang "0 Promt Me” and the 'Lord> Prayer." # ccajpuiled by I>orlne flodabaugh.

Th# bride, given In m irri«|S I her fither. wore t itreet length go t*ffet» dreu with bUelt accMJorl «/!d c im ed an trm bouijuet of plf e»msUon». "Hie matron of hono Mr*. Norberl Norbom, alater of U bride. *’or8 a black crepe drew wil jn*tih)nj itcfuorlea and curled neiegay et larcBder and whU chrTMnthemumi.

n * j Mooo. Twin ralla. waa be.

The bride'* mother wore a fuachi dr*** and a c«nige ot white eu natlen.

After the eeremony the new/ywW w«r« honored it a turkey dinner.

Oul*of>lo»'n guesta Included th bridegroom'* ilater u id family. M Uld Mra. J. A. Holloway, Buhl: Mi Uld Mr*. R*r Moon tnd famllj T vln Palla; Mr. and Mra. Don Ham mar. OnU««. Ore.. and Ilowa

_____Buterbaugh, Ogden. CUh.The newlyweda uo ' makirig thel

home n e u Twin Palla where he 1 «ngased In farming. '

M arian M artin Pattern ^

WABBBODE PICKUPS. __.WesklU.arfJnpa in fashion (or

yew t tp tn U i wtfdrobel Nle«-Jn tolorful wool er eorduroy w white

------- pSim«,-Wear *!lh-«Wrla-W'-»l»ctal..............P a tte m T y Js t ln u w iJ , u , Ifl, la,

30; JO, 33. 3*. 38. S8, 40, « . Slie IB, Upp,T»~yiM r5M nch-nap: other, IH yuda SMnch nap.

■nill. ta i7 - to > u u pattern glVN p«ff«et flc. CeiapItU, ilhulfjOnl aew eh»n *howi jrou tv try etep.

Sead thirty cent* tn colna for epe< clai pattern to Marian Martlit. catc a l Tlmea-New*. pattern depu-tment. P. O. box n«0. CMeago 80. 111. Print plainly your name, address, tone, alte Uld atyli number.

I Send twenty cent* In coins fo r’ouiM ulan Martin paitem booki Daalts aepuatea. taahlon lor the young anc jroung In heart plus gift Ideu galore A (rte pattern ol a blouse ta maki

I trom a yard of 38-lnch fabric. 1:I printed in the boek.

aooM T irtNX ■ M M M

j l w ii - ^

I :ij C O O K I E S '

. , ADD SPA RK tl. »dd coloif| cookies, c tkes and candiesfl the pay, colorful c ik e aad o} I *>;> jan! So easy to u s e - ju s' Spriox goes o a uai/b rm iy . I

}ag0tw ju**ieAoee/dU SD ntSpriox lu g tr c rjf ta l i ; r t i gi

I ' J f edl. Af j o u f g ro c e r’* OCT"



McJ* i r <>«*../ M MapUlA*. CruetiX S


I W ed LeadeKerlinService

; daughter of itm on. WeUer. win Palla. wer*

or the brlde'i rhe (Ingle ring 'ifd b y lh e n e t. n ^ & * - ' ■

I chryaanthe-

nony, wedding \ J . »by Mra. Amoa 1 <wn ilammar, 1 - /ng "0 Promlae • ...


I marriac)) by.length gold

ek accciisoriea niijuet of pink ■ — i iion of honor. *v. . -. ,1alaUr of the

rpe drew with ■ind curled a ...l' and white B H B j B H B 3 L 2 i - £ i £ i - -■

lila. was beat Mra. ifelea vuentm e, rlgbt. i

w o T 'f u ^ l a “ phDto.engraTlniIt whlto e u - * * * *

fie newJywedf Mrs. W atk ins Is Included the H onored fo r 25

1 family. Mr. • i jiy ,B uh i:M r. Y e o r s in Lodg'

At the lUbekah lodge meetu I'-H u« tT n Tueaday night, Mra. Effi# Watklr and Ilowan jiebeki“ “ y f* n ._ w u honored Imaking their the local group, where h# U immediately foUowlns the InlU

tloo etranim let a t the 700P ha Mr*. Watkln* waa given a gift I

n r t l n Mf*' *'“>■« w aleott rcpreaentlng tl ' Theto Hho Olrl*, ond a numeml :

r t /rom the Jodge. Mrr. R uUj Jtrrsi' ' was reader tor the program honoi

Ing Mrs. WatUna.Mra. Watkins la a p u t prcMdei

/ of the Itebekah Asaembly of Mat> ( j J officer of Thel

. [ i Rho, a slrla organlraUon, She al' r z ^ J i - bcea.a..«xm M r .of tlie loa

^ ~ ' t j Theto Rho group.i l Initiated a t l^t / l M 'Tueiday meeting ar# Mra. Dpi

Downes. Mn. NelU# Hatch and Mr 4 ^ ^ .’A Velma Luaon.

Officers vere elecled a l the bus: I neas meeting. Tno ncw noble gran

, '^ ^ H la Mra. Helen Valentine succcedl]' ' M n. Margaret Jonea. Eleetcd I

M3lit her were Mra. Fay Wolcol Vic# grand: Mra. Clulc« Walter recording aecreUry; M n. Thelm Higglna, financial aecretuy: Mr Beulah Carter. Ireaaurtr. and Mr Watts, SUtf captain.. .

The ocw offleera wlli be Imlolle formally in January.

C are of YcB y ANG!

‘J 'nia w orld'll ao MU of woDder^things theae dayg that children u axelled and confused. They war to listen to radio progranu. wale

K J M ^ B television, listen to their recor pU yers-and-at-th8-«amo-llmo'g«

' I / H chorea done. There are aJ / / I many calls on their attention tha

■ / A Mmethtng muat give way and I t 1 A usually tha achool work.p / Nobo<Jy can tell me tlmt a chll

can do hla homework properly an.^ ^Kord playe

-while he is doing M. I t la nol dom _ U M I W# are so create<l that our mind

. ,r can attend to but one Job a t a tlm anti se t anywher* « iih It. Divide.

* > attenUon m e a n i contusion « KUPS thoughtsfashion (or The atudent-w ho-alta-beforeth

mI Nice Jn iiJerjiitw »izim lor'tiC haH i'O t't oy w white a fu r dinner la not doing hla home B-er-alaekx|. worK-Nor i* h# llkaly W b» leUtt; IJ. U , Ifl, la, lh# meruAl attltuds th a t wfll hel , *5. Slie IB, him to do hJj wcrk IrtellJgentlj -nap; other, •snih benefit to hla tnlnd cM o-h l

achool* tteord. Something mus laMtrn give* give way and It ahmild not b* hi, lauslrated aetiooi work. -------**17 step. Wo all accept the fact tha t ehll elna for epe- dren and j-oung people should lls Martin, cate ten to the radio, enloy their reeot depu-tment, player* and • JeJevJslon but w* td* SO. 111. Print accept th# n#ee«lty of the ir adu css. tone, alte taUon. The matUr come* to .

htad aom# night «-hen tha repoi coins for our etrds «r» pre.ienlt<l for algnatur* booki Daalts, "My ROOdnfM. What'a thl* ie young and What, do you mean t>y brlnglni Ideugaiorel homn Auoh a reixitl aa this? I t ' lUss to make a dlvrace. 2t'a ahamrfu]. Here ch fabric, la atter you listen to no mor* radii ____________ prograau, watch nc m ore-etc."

y o u r H O I I D A Y

O K I E S W I T H SPRINXa d d co lo r, add new beauty to holiday

nd candies 11 i w ith Cresceac SPR IN X — c ik e aad Cookie deco ratioo j ia ' tpriniler. to u se—jus't sprink le the decorations on< a ifo tm l j . N ine co lorfiii ru iec ie s , includ- * «iU /»S priru t: r td . g reen, p ink and yellow itila ; x t i p « e o , b ro w n aod m in d Spriox •ocer't nCT»f;

W«y <m U» SH"* Mm - W• t*n .'isr DmtW iI SV. Sm »*« 4. Wmh.

SCENT S P R I N Xr C n t fa t MBn/aelvrlnQ Companr. m a ltn ol K Cruetix SplMI, Flaren ond taking rg.d«r


-e a d e rs Pose With V eterc

L l . B H H Elue, Hgbt. new noble grand ef ihe Twin FoUi R< going noMf grand,.and Mra. Eftle Watklna. » pi lo-engraTlng)

* ■

ns Is C lub 's M em bers For 25 Elect Mrsi W hite

, , Mra. Rachel White was eleciC'L o d a e ol the Pas! .Matrons cJu

Priday a t Uie home of Mr*. Rev, OHlcer* chosen to aaalat Mn

In n^PhTk ' ■Whit* are Mra. Oayle Sailabury, Tic . h«nnrM hv P«5'<Jcnt. and Setsle d r lio n . stere s, honored by „ 1„ C „ l ^ ^

waa named housing‘chulrman.? J M P h % ’ MrJ. Sarah Painter jav# a boo!cn a gift by I'*’'***-rreaentlng the A two-course plate luncheon waa numeml 35 aerved by the hostess. She w u asR uth Jverscn alaled by .Mra. B va Meeks. Mn>griim honor- Catherine Potter, Mrs. Slella Phln^

ney, M n. Maude McRoberts. MralUit president Ina Zllloux. Mrs. HuUa Champlliibly of Idaho and Mrs. Musa Howca.:er of Thelo xj,e next meeUng will be heltion, p e alv) j the home of Mrs. BerihjOf the.loc4l Carlson.

Club P lans P a rty■tch Uld Mrs. jjga l the hual met Erlday afttmoon a t the home

r noble grand <>' ‘o'" ‘’‘ole succctdlng dc“ Wt bridge. A Christmas part)

Elected to * “ planned by the club.Pay Walcolt, OueaU of Uie club were Mra. Wai- :lc« Walter*. U r JlolsUn and Mrs. Nettle Rlchud- J n . Thelma son.retary: Mra. Mn. Ulllan MaUiew« won high cr. and M n. *core, Mra. Lyle Whillle the a!l-cul

prlie and Mra. Qenevelve Olsen the 1 be Imtolled low acore. Mrs. nichardjon won the

guest prlte.

f Y our C hildrenB y A N G E L O P A T III

of wonderful Now that 1* impoeslbli, 11jm»children ate are as much a part of our chll-They wanl dren'a lives as tho dinner Ubl#.

iram*. watch "niey must listen ond watch andtheir record they musl a l» live, grow andmo-llmo-get- !eam :-W hy-not-ratlon-tiie Umefhere are ao Program lha frto time, set tho studylentlon tha t hour and Inspect lhe work done,•ay and I t Is That will take Uie tlms and effortk. of a weary adult, true enough. Buttlmt ft child It '"111 prevent a clilld'* failure, i iproperly and >1U promote his groKih and hisfcord player underiUndlng of Uio rclnllon ofla nol done, entertainment to. duty. T hsl 1*

t our mlnd.i something all ot ua eould profitob a t a tlm# by any time, anywhere.It. Divided ChUdren murt be trained lo Jcno»

jntuslon of which Intcre.iU or diiUcs come first in Importanco anil attend to them

i-beforethB flrst—Pnthers-and-m oilierfl-m usliTjoiir'OT'W heJp thfm Jrarn-thli-jaajt-eaMjjtiBjE hla home- ability becau-'.e |i has much to doto-b» le t i la j «lhiOTrccntul-ll»lng,______ftl wtll helpInteDlgently, * child '>!» 1> >tl] <ratn.4 b <.MIn<c<Kl CMO-hl» >• ll‘" ' *7..*'roon.. TMi trilnln* 4Wda m , m » i1 not b* nls hU W kln Nn. Jei. To nfcuiq a nVT »lli4

____ I 10 <*nu frnln ind k V<*nl:t th a t ehll. Si* a u “ a ’o.'N « YrrkirN.' v.'I should lls- ------------------------------- 1-:-------------their recordbut w* a lw ♦’ - .......... „ _ _t the ir *du- come* to a , .1 th l report i>r algnature. that's thl*? ' vbj- bringing /J this? I fsc lu l m n - . \ \ ^

perfed ' ] _ \ partner for ] |


oliday • . •

m Znson* Veurreur.dr;j|

« n o w . -Spriox CMwyMrSeelM^tfMMsCa


j j '

,V 1 "■g.d.r '

V e t e r a r ^ ^

r»In FaUi Rebekah lodge, e»nfer» with Mra. S lu - yatklna. » pa*t-pre»lde_Bt aod a aUff captain for

* e r s C a lendar I W h i t e -----------—------------

was elecled DUHI/-nower Levera club wll .\fatrons cJub meet PHday a t Uie home of MrsOf Mrs. Reva lioyd Hayei.lo assist Mr*. ¥ ¥ ^

Salisbury, Tlee The Supreme Forest Woodmen'i:arbcn. seere- elrele a-H) hold Its business meet'Carlson also Ing a t 8 pm. Tliur«lay a t the hom((inlrman. of Mrs. Homer Dean.^nler.

jav# a book meeUng of the gcnerk'1, . sroup and three circles o t the Bap-Rh. 1^ , * “ tb t Mtuionary group wiU be held at

x?l* 3 pjn. Thursday a t the BftpUatS 'p h ^

TJie Senior guild of Uic Church da C huaplln DreUjren Is sponsoring a

church /amlJj' n lfh t old fashioned wlU be held dinner at 7 pin. today a t the Mrs. Bertha church parlors. Mrs. Uoyd Nichol- ton la preirnm, e i ia lrm ^

D z - i t - f s / riremtn's auxiliary wlU meet atr u I I y 7.30 pm. Ttiuriday wlUi Mra. Violet

Tho CB Club Schecle, 315!i Third* avenue we»ta t the home PJani n il be completed tor the lioJ-two Ubles of Iday dinner and offlcen will be

Istmas party Jf. Jf it■te Mra. Wai- Paat ^«We Onind club's tea wJJl ■ttle R lchud - be held at 8 p.m. Thursday. Mrs.

Lora Shtlley. 2i2 Lincoln streel. Is • » won high hostess. All memberfl of club u e :« the all-cut W attend and vialtlng Pastive Olaen the Noble Orands are welcome.Uon won the ^ ¥ + •

The LDS fourth ward Relief so- _ _ _ _ _ clcty s-IK meet Thursda)’ n'Jth the

vlalilng teachers meellns called tor 1 :« p.m. The Uicology lesson wlU

L d l be given by LlUle Condle a t 2:30 pjn.There will 60 a nursery lor-eiiildren up lo 8 years old._ _ _ _ _ * * ¥

_ BOHL-Hom# Culture club will?f “>«« » p-ra- “ >«

of Mrs. John Baty wllh Mrs. Dal# Plaltera and Mn. O u ar Johnaon

' aastsUng. Tli# annual ChrUtmaiP‘f;|y-J‘» .'L e l» _ ^ ?L «n80 be

aet tho study *'' **• m m m work done. * * ♦

L,'S5h"£ Mrs. B arre tt Is ;rr- ,.iS Feted a t Show er

rclaUon of HEynURN. Dee. 6- M r s . Ivon y. T hat 1* Ellaion.enlerlalned Friday altem oon could profit a t a pink and blue shower for Mrt.

Jay Banelt. Games were played and Ined lo JoMw ilf ta wero opened by tho hoaorcc. cs come first Retreihmenla wcre served, end to them * * *

=HD sBarrds-D ine':much to do BUIIL. Dec. 8—The lam it club---------- ■-■. held liauum al hiLibanrt^ n igh t din-

ner Prlday evening nl Uie home ot ir.ininV tw fj •'" 'oJd TswiJer. AUTI Dr.- Pltn. PoUuck. dlnner.-wa4..acryed„After T) eb»4iri>f« In which plnochl# wa. played with high ■la » c« r nii4 p r ia going to Mr. and Mr*. 8 . 0. « . p.‘ orSS. O " Jo" *« Mr*. Oicftf, N. V. E\'er*on-

__ , , _ • •

I 'f u f»ix>i J JM cf hei-diy hoipiulif/

6f ‘JT to tr'jof tht S«>«ll Bfyil Mi»,

'* __ *V«J»»"tf't»»B»A''ng»lioft™tf<

T Joe*«trt li-wxTj rftben oft<ty lo

P.e'pffr.-< i«d U-«».. .■

Vesif pear. d>\jg it»^ er ecfHeionety new he 1 tm}))


Edith F airbanks A nd C lair Loosli

| f e - ' M arry in N evadaRUPERT. Dee. S—The m'urlagt

of Edith Fairbanks, daughter 0 Mr. and.Mrs. Olen Palrbanks. ani:

H . pfc. Clalr Loosli. u n of Mr. and ' - Mrs. J. P. Looell. was solemnltcd a

f * - ' 11 a. m. Saturday, Nov. 18. a t thtCoromunJty Methodist p<ir*cnage lr Winnemucca, Nev. The Ucercmonj

__ wa.1 performed by the Rev. Robert

----------- — ■ --The-fpupie-waa attended-by.-mi. , bride’a father and OUver Curutthet

L ' winnemucca. r . / More than KB guests attended ■ il i M w«5dlnf rtcepUon Nor, 34 a t the t - t M LDS thlrfl'w inl-chapcl In Ruperl. » V The brtde «’aa alUrtd In a skyf f - ' j B . i gray ault wllh brown accessories 'I - m j f «~;3 aeccnted with a coraaje of rod c u - •d j l r \ I i nations. Attendants w e r e Oar ^ m LoosU. brother of Uie. bridegroom

I and Mrs. Oar Loosli. who wore a JJght brown ault with a corsage ol red carnations. Ushers were Larry Loosli and Wayne Schorzman.

The bride's mother wore an aft- erBooo frock of 11ms rrcen. Both m othen »ore red carnation cor-

h Mr*. S lu . Mjes. captain for The reception room was deeorated—................ in bouquets of. j'cUoH-ind. white

------------------ chr>'sanihemums and candelabra of- —■ while upers.

M n. Dale Budd. Haielton. wasn t' ^ ofgift display was in charge of Mn

— D. P. Hendrickson. Elaine Dalby and ;rs club will Blanche Dalby with Sandra lome of Mrs. and Crystal LooslI acUng as gift

beorera.‘ The program consisted of an opcn-t Woodmen's ln« prayer by Eda-ard Oee; Mn jslness meet- O ar Ixwsll. Mrs. Ephraim Hansen a t the home and Barbara Lowder. aang "Alwnj-s"

Filer. and "I Love You Truly.“ Plano solo‘ by Shirley Orchard followed andf the gcnerkl readlnire were given by the Bev. anti 1 o t the Bnp- Mrs. Phillip Daniels. The Rev, and rill be held a t Mrs. Carl Adams, Mr. and Mn. Ray the BftpUat Sanford, and Mn. Jay Wrigley and

nns partly, M n. Oolden Banner sang. A tkll by Phlllip and Russell Jacobsen and a

UlC Church mock wedding concluded the pro- (ponsorlng a Rmm. Closing prayer was offered dd fflshioned hy ths Rev. Mr. Dnniels. day a t the ‘The .tliret-tlfrcd wedding cake Joyd Nichol* topped by a mlnlaiurb bride and

bridegroom wo-f cut by lhe j-oung........... - couplc.and acn'dtl by Mn. Merle

will meet a t Mtisoner. sister' of thc bridegroom, h Mr* violet Mrs. Dale Loof.ll and Mr*. Marvin avenue we.t^ Loo’“ >»»'-. r , n h,. ate of Rupert hlKh achool. has been i n a t Mini-Cassla Mar-

kciing coopcrnUve for Uie poai two Tfjii Loo,ili. a 1047 gradu-

x?r. “‘e. prt-'WMt fn his senior

f . i f functions. He attended Hcnager's? i.?i^ hualne-ia collcKe In Salt Lake Cityt’ialllns Pjist employed by the Mlnltfolta.ome. Cooperative Supply unlll his enlist­'d Relict so-lay n-JUi the oul-of-to«Ti bu«£.i were Ifr. aijd IS caiiea lor j.j„_ oene.Ostcrgar. Pocniello; Mr,

e a t r3 0 pm ®"‘*■ for-ehildren

i iH K M A Y i:h Mrs. D«I#car Johnaon ____I ChrUtjnasngfl ivllJ be _______

>hower >fx- U ts. Ivanlayaftomoon r S V ^ -1_wer for Mr*. 7 V « w•e played and . *the hoQorce. M f l j f g O l C 'ed.

D in e '^lam lt club

a -.n lsh tjiin - — W l K l i r i / f f f f Uie home ot M J I in W v ^ * . 'TannJer. A ■ y l l i< * ' jscryed after t'Aj®•ed wiui high ■I Mra. 8. 0 . n] Mrs. Oscar

r «

Z : k ' % i r

J ■ ^'S- Jf\^ I

\ j 1

iftdy'n \ /

itm J)) , . ^


,• 'iR R I V M s ImSulti

* Cocktail' «nd Holi• >-’cw Jlew j fo r C

-» _


anks W e d i n _ N e v a ^LoosliNevadarhe muTlage ..daughter ot tlrbonks. and

of Mr. and solcmnln^d a t ‘ . 'X* 3

a t the

he Uceremony Rev. Robert

- by.- U J Ier curutchet, r

J attended a > ' \ y. 34 a t th#i'ln Rupert.' r r ..jI im iS t: 1id In a sky L' ' ' ' AI accessories 1-, e o f r o d c u - w e r e Osr L'

1, bridegroom .. '- J who wore a Cyrt a corsage Of I.-.1 were U rry |j| f | i i l> B ii i i i i i orroan. CLAIB LOOSU

TVith ph«to-*t»ff engnvlaglmatlon cor- ~

las decorated Surprise POTtV r_4Dd white , • y -andclabraof ' HOHOrS COUple

On A nn iversaryarge ot Mn. BUSS. Dcc. 0—A surprise partyne Dalby and for Mr. and h jn . I ra Wlckenhagenwith Sandra was given Saturday n ight cn their:Ung u gift n th wedding annlversory by friends

trom Hagerman and Bliss. •d o f a n o ^ - ^he program, directed by Mn.I aee; Mn, Abbott, Included readings by

*” Mr. and Mrs. Aldrich Bowier and ing Alwnj-s j„y culrlghl and musical selec- '• , Uons by Mr. and M n. Wlckenhagen,

•"* Abbott and John Bartee. - h e ^ v ’and TOe'^Wuck Junch was scrred -by lnd Mm Ray Mrs. Bob BuUer and Mrs. John Wrigley and Bariee; Mn. Linnle CuU-ight was In Ig. A tklt by charge of Uie guest book and gifts obsen and a R-cre pre.icnted h r Afrs. ila rtw . Mra. ed the pro- M. K. Slsne made Uie large cake was offered whleh w»4 th# ecnttrplcce for the i . gutst table. ••;ddlng cake Jf ¥ *

t toO T "C h a t" R eportedliEySURN, Dcc. » -A tirealde

Dm^room. i j„ i ror Uie'Junior M-Mcn and the

Lee and EldonL,r h i : Jw'ki. WM held a t U16 home of Mr. ? , . . u M -, and Mrs. Leland Thaxton Sunday

^ evening. Hurley Parklmret, Burley, t n i i ^ r i . . the speaker. Alyce Bair gave

lany sctiool _______________:__________d Hcnager’st Lake City Mrs. Ed Gross and daughten. Col-'le Minidoka leen and Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Dii:II his enlist- Budd and sons. Ronnie and Terr>*. IS In August, Mra, Mabel Budd and Mrs. O. B.

Powers, Haselton; Mr. and Mra.ere Ifr. oijd Robert Abmmi. Rfchflcld; Mr. andicnlello; Mr, Mrs. B. E. Hartley, Filer, and O n-iks. Mr. and yn Lcabo, Tft'ln Polls.___________

t K . ^

M b / 1

- A


^A lS Include . . ■prinK Suitsil and Holiday Drcjse.t lews fo r Christm as Giving

lho: ' ' ........ .............................

ivada Boise M an Talks ■ m To BPW Group

On Policy PlanThe beneflU of pre-pain hccpiui

Insurance and the details ot the BlUB Crties Insurance procrua wen ezplslaed to the Bualnesi MnU Pr». feaslonsl Women by Harold Oiun- gordner. Boise, a t a meeUng Mon- day at Uie Baptist church.

Florence SehuJlz, program chair- man. waa assisted by M n. TeaU BeliUl. Mrs. Wanda Reed, Muso nawea, Ura. Joale May Jonee, Ura. ii»y7 jau ij ftuil.JfiiZCfia.Jiiuriuy.

Community singing was led by Mr*. Catherine Potter and Mn. Ef.. li« iUnton played accompanlmentr.

The ChriilBiaa dinner wjjl be held y D c c . “ 17 «t'the-*ounlry-hom e of

O lid ji and Helen Caudle.

Job 's D aughters Elect N ew Queen At Je rom e Meet

I “ 0. « - I* N c U IM

Daughiera beUiel No. 14 a t a meet- . . - f , , ing held Thunday evening at the • i l l y Masonic tempi#. Senior priiicua

I elected wa* Joan Jensen; junior ) U D l e princesj.-JoAnn Rlgney; guide. Lols

^ Claar.-imd marshal. Carolyn. Ytngit' G r s a r v Drown. reUrlng honored

' queen, conducied the business meet- irprlso party [n- pjaru were made for Inlllatlon Wlckenhagen j)«c. 34. FaUien will be tpeclal gh t cn their ^uMb at Uie event and the Wendell ry by friends bdhel also will be Invlled to altend. Jllss. ' D u r in g the ceremony. Patricia l td bv M n. Baker.Patty Brown and Betty Hovey readings by wlli be InlUated Into Ui# beUiel. Bowier and Clirlslmaa holly will be told Dec,

nuslcal selec- 10 at the Idaho Power-imilding and- Vlcke?ihagcn, * runrmage sale wllhbe held Uie Unrtee '**»• B«w ly Hammer Is gen-• .- rra l chairman In charge ot rum-as Mrved hy j ijn tjd t y poufa Harris “and , Carolyn Ylngat who are amuiglnstrigtitw as m jjjvcrUslng. Following Uie nrnimaRe >ok and gifts the girls will hold their annual Bartw . Mra. yjpptr a t (Ijc Mason/e temple.6 large cake fjembers of the council are making • ilcce for Uie arranEcmenU wlUt Mn. Cleo Am. ;

brose In charge.The new queen will be Installed ]

)ortedJunior Pinochle.._ ;

.S™'™ Group Is Active ;home of Mr. CEDAR DRAW, Dec. 6 -M r. and cton Sunday Mr*. Ted Hlcka enwrtalned man- t u n t, Burley, ij^rs ot the Cedar Draw Junior i e Bair gave pmodilo club a t a poUuck dinner ( ncnts were saturjlny evening to start the sea­

son's acU\1tle& Ouests w en Ur. t-----------------and Mrs. Olen Fife and Mr. andighten. Col- Mrs. Har>'cy OrindsUff, 1 d Afrs D ili High score prlies wera awarded I and Terr>\ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hendrix, low to

Mrs. O. B. H. J. Van Zante and M n. Lonnie•. and Mra. Moore and traveling to Hendrix. 1^)d; Mr. and Nrxt meeting will be held Dec. 8 i;r. and Ora- nt the hom# of Mr. and Mrs. Frank t

Strawser,________________________ l

HOP- •-------

S b ) £ i c |S

IK Bright h u b ln s fn . of J

y ipringUm# in f r t s b . I

new pttterja, w Jd » - U

awake colonl 100-d*aler ^

crep* prints In becom- j-IPI sllhoueltM w i t h j

1/ ^ sofUy pleated aklrU, 7

I / ptplumi, wing coMan, ( /

W f f tracetul s l e e v e trea t- j ,f ij|

menu. j w l

i $8’ 5 I IO T H E R S T O J j a E

(29 .75

EM hM S A SizCR 12 to 20

u y , to 221/ ,

\ ' ■ it. V

O P E N F R I D A Y * S A T I

U N T I I i 9 P . M - T H B I


Falks Group :y Plan ;•paid hc*piui I '

ot the 'procrun were I R«M and Pro.Harold Oiun. ;m e e ^ Uon- ' ' * urch. ,' rogram chair-r M n. TeaU ^

n««d, uuw nly Jonee, Ura. H

was led by a ndM n.E t,

:ompanlmentr. er wjjl be held ilry-home of udle. 9 V

hters Queen le Meet -•I*NcU IMjueen ot Job'i ‘Staff14 a t a meet- * * • 'fcnlng at the / - i , ^

RiteslowQ Unite

ring honored IJustness meet- ' « ^cO nO lI for Inlllatlon Qtt. a JII be, tpeclal ‘l'‘“s!iierotUn.Hi*J d the Wendell ‘ W. !>.. becamalied to altend, «r<l Erb, jr , »a a i*ony. Palricta t-wnard Ert, Bnti ^Id Betty Hovey the ptRonan of to ?h# beUiel. odist c.*iurch. ^I ^ told Dec. For |i„ orlT r- , v ^ d in g sn d - the Bride won-be held the brown tlinrer

U « ^m V R e I their annual

«n<l Afa

. 1. to M W B « .“ “ “

. U n Erb »w bmBayard high xbcci e

'chle.._Active S S j r ':. 6—Mr. and Poll»wing iht c s ntalned man- tlon wa* heldla ( 1 D raw, Junior and U a DuWajnttj }Uuck dinner of the bridal iv tya■tart Uie sea- A detonled t t i i jts w en Ur. tered the Uble.and Mr. and Mr.andMnlAciif, home in Cooavcra awarded ' * * Indrlx, low to DlRTUDaiaM n. Lonnie BLISS, Dec. 1-ltE.ito Hendrix. Hobdey. Leeheld Dec. 8 dey and Mr. aal f a

d Mrs. Frank son were blrtli6j<s Uie Oscar Psm iba


WDWSDAT, bkcqi^ B

Page 13: · m^^uixETIN M U» £ ^ ' " m*j1««^ d - K c ^ho5 & ____________ ly ed by

« l i ° . ..

^ K im h ^ Oakl< I ^ T o p ^^ h lM t* proftuiOP- ^

b T d cfea trn fflhe’B2-41 a t Kimber

O th e r sarncs i a S I - - ? f e ' - W - wnlloD D ietrich 4

edge M alta 6S-42 ’ Edon 29-27 and E

»-31. Bu]cetbtU «ct 1“ TiUey Thur*

A f f l m SKOM en. Frldty

COMh P»ul UcOli «®“ »cr«ppy UtUe oulflt

^ cr"i"r on, yea the l i s t bre»k. broki ^SuU s t a for tiyln* with » b lu ln j th lr^ fl,ai for miUrtiJ. two t« « n i b»tUe<l t► ««* hmn U'»n good quarUr and OUIey <‘ UHlof Un W«h gin to 38-57 Kt th# t' . B ut In the third pJ Uil uwiUr S 't brok# Joow <br H pol-lh W iptrkllnK lU n la j Oftkley to Mveo-doio2»I wntrict U »cn-ea finished Uie sr« Ctt ixl e ij Both tewni wed itop ccnacud befOrt j^od i

Cil biK»“’ took top icorl:a lt tse jMtlf. nne. A „ pojnu_ Behind h , liih ftxw P»y Crlichfleld wllh Ifl.

«<5d « - «o re waa knotted-^? ^ i b l r «t;U be of regiiUtlon p jv . .TfiStricf rour hind. U>we McEwln AVSrtlfnerslpfMUce. proves looked goodK J men. connected berly Bulpups, withf ^ b j l l «ho would- Crttehfleld car^’lnBl i ibwt the welfare Oakley,^ j l t n c u l o f h l g h Declo Jud to worlS ^ n , Uie rule PBUl 33-31 In n jw t■ tf i t u It sUnds. «a» U'e opener for b<r t W T«u It 1* hard both were ermlle InK3 i red many kids Poul look a narrow/asS inyUilng elte end of the f lru perlotin i Tt.t smount of net* were In front a t, r r J receive for a The score wm knotte^ isil not be worth start of the final perl^ (S^cilon of hla Dedo dumped In i

the Iiui 13 minutes t< Paul.

ijj jw e lulhorlUcj Mnnuel Gulleret leif-j orer in entler* wlUi nin# polnta. whll

aJ nil monlh by Cecil scored a like number«e -had one Declo also won the

El tlli retr In Mtglc game a3-3fl. AI/Tunrtj ci Buhl huDlera w ith. 15 polnta to 13ttlk In the Black Paul.L. Hanten came up wlI Uilr.e flih end ssme scoring punch to defe;: cliixlni lhe doe U In a game a t HansenIff. It itlchfd 30< im and Ken Daw spatr cljin IW the flrat kies to Uie w la MustiTt!{hlr.t more than points through tii# b«

accounted for !0,In U«ie Valley top MalU made a gami 3. n hid Uie first way until the lasl four I* tlih iniltrj »nd ta wos wlUiln aU poll liiatopwlnweyiht, near the end ot Uio fli ------------- D. Anderson sparke

Arrives "iS!?™ ..»> ^ msity preliminary gaine

taflniio Taylor'saU tlld gen opened Uielr IfiSCBellevue wlUi a <J.21

n i n m ^ the Oietrlch Blue D< Udlll(^ cloie flrsl quarter. B< QiiPn^r « n in _ a*ay easily. Wllh IlAlel

rtT;wJir for Uieir P “>«<! .ou^t^ndlng b

7 •balrmfcr-J.-Kend-tool -honora-wlih-lD polnta.

lt.t= c05 duringiiHB IPS Bellevue andiVe-flSw s

^Hi.tcnrd sneclalE < ^ n cMch- Coach Harry Dennis C< fc!o-r“ colleTB dlani-opeped their aea/

an upset victory ove taiiCTt Callfomla Ortall*"- in a ; ‘‘ Wn-fd Ul# vik. ‘>attle. Eden, however, tejStJt onponenta schedule ahead, did i " Khrtuted regular varsity first s ®“« siisck. which Acequia also won th

” l«:3ifd twa Cill- prellmlnarj' 27-10. Wi tfsjon, w u --------------------

-XSr.'.'-S Wyoming Pi For Florida

WlbJci and that LARAXnE, Wyo.. D ‘f J kickoffj, Wyoming's unbeaUn I « Ktlih Son. who Is scheduled U) lesv# J

‘H Tjrianijhiatan Dec. la for Florida i Year's day date wlUi

“ “ Bjtnce liaiilef. and Lee In Jacksonville' “am “ “■ '0 ) nnil Coach Bowden Wyal

«.H!o;i MM llic « players and five coac i f^.. ^ H«nlrt'i Uie trip..' "me Cowboy* will hi' *:orlng. bneker* In lhelr tcst“ — -— _ Southern eonference Sp}ipr1„U ^JOfe Uinn 000 Ueket o c n e u u le l,cre wmun a few hou

_■ were placed on sale a Vj**.'’” m the making for aai’n'iT ^ '^ rry th# universi!ii’, ‘o Florida.i’",?,,*' *,-?••' (ll'T. --------------------

BASKETBAIS:i?::r -jm M dri jinw j|y ' ’V ]/r

i m b e r l y W a l l (

i k l e y 5 2 - 2 1 1(

) p V a l l e y A c t iB ver-dangem n

itm lr T h r O a lc lc y H o m e ts o f tR ^B iK Scvc i t K im b e rly T uesdfiy n ig h t to h ijrh ligh t r g a m es saw B ellevue . * * * D ie tric h 49-27, H nnscn iia n res » , » a l t a 6S-42, A cequia n fp ' « r u it M.iD-27 a n d D eclo n ip P a u l “ " “I'u » ; ! isketball acUoa will resum# *„,„ . j - •aUey Thursday, with more no.. * c i ; [:.•[ on. Friday tnd Baturday * J o ^'[j .

n i l / I 0 e 0 t ” Paul UeOloy's DuHdojs. a ““‘' j : * « S V*‘

UtUe outfit aad masten a t •• r « i 9 ^break, brok# Oakleys ^blu ing UUrd quarts , p e « 7 tn i batUed to a 17-13 first n .« .n __Z L Luid Oakley closed the m u - iiiU nirn _.. ;___ ;1-37 a t Uj# half. --------the third period, Kimberly dellevuc o . ni

M for 17 poInU wKlIe hold- ' t « rr ni,-ley to (even. Kimberiy re- s - . . i i » J -J" nlshed the game. j . lu .d c « > Mfieama uied a f t l l brand of cb'tpmia < o ■. some good off enslT# shool- / o o a..Iharp rebounding dUpltyed, ° “ JDoper, veUran Oakley for- iijI!sk top icorlng honors with l[|";s. Behind him was Hilton _____ |^"-Id wllh Ifl. 7.''“ '* ‘ ‘ ■ ''! T.JP and Robert Carey shared II..! ' ' ' ' I 'lonon for the Bulldogs wllh __IClmberly’t tcorlng was well , xitiUEn|.r »i. oimong th# starter#. KimUflr te < pf o,v rlyalMwon-UieJimlar-var- ..i.iii, ;e 47-41 in a contest Uial ; • r K"0 on overtime period. The t . t h . i j ti i a knotted-4M I at lhe end Kiuim>r< t i I'cm •tlon play.. « Ivi:.,, ? J McEwln. Mcltobertj and u. 7. , , , 0 , ooked good for Uie Kim- Fimii 0 1 i[ llpups, wlUj Oorrlnge and « « ‘ IId caro’Ing Uie load for i i i i

Touli :> I 111 Tchad to work hanJ to nip - --- -----------n In a game at_DecltiL-It — Z_-)pcner for bolh aquads and de c lo ii. tae ermlle In Uielr play. fc (1 pt,r.»iok a narrow M Ittd a t Ui» Vetbun t * e' s.c are first period, but Uie Hor- y“7 ‘ ' , J ® *■ in front a l Uio htlf U-10. « 1 1: was knotted 1M9 a t Ui# Am.n i 0 i «;Kni.ihe final period. tiri,7n! a elumped m four points In iiii„.3 minutes lo only iwo for T I ii| t

Gulleret led Declo scorer* ?«“ ~ Ipolnta. whllo Mi* Connor __________________

Ike number for Paul n ' i« . r<lio won Uie Junior rarslty K O W l i n ? SU. A l/T um tt M DkIo >-Mlnta to 13 for Hatch of > ■

MEN'S MAJOR 1come up with unexpected Ui

inch to defeat MtlU s:-43 "•"''Im!' ....... ........- J»5 a t Hansen. Jetiy.Mush- p ? * " .------------------ !•:cn Daw sparked the Hus- d w u __________ ::e w la MuahllU poured 19 jj/***’"*’'* ' ' {}■ough Ul# basket and Daw "" "* __forW , T o u t .--------------- >J

nade a game of ll all Uie r.cKic D.the lasl four mlnuus. Mal- " " t ' f ------------------- .jUiln polata of^Hansen Adkin. - -md ot Uie final quarier. n .n r r ------------------ H;rson sparked Malla wlUi ------------------- !:

also won Uie Junior var- Toi»1j ---------------- nnlnai>- game 45-S7. ---------;ilff Taylor's Bellevue ca- ,, .. lo:d Uielr 1B50-31 teason a t jiJidwin --------------- ,.VlUl ft 48-27 victory over Cmm _____________uich Blue Devils. After a ... ........ !l, quarter. Bellevue pulled c«itm.n __I I H Z Z I i ly. with Hnleh. J. and —vdlng tho way. Warien —........ ........BUndIn, U.U ior Dttt-

«lng and cutUng paltfm limik _ Z --------------;Bellevue kept Dietrich off ......... Jf.-Kend-took-top-tieorttit t a p -------~ ..■■.-rti±-lD polntfl.-wlUi Warreu1 for DIeirlch. -------- —......

ie^prellm^nar>-. Klsle M E h i = : 7 —llevuE and L. Nebon of iion .u ir----------------- : j;ed.far-top scarltig.Mnorailnls each. K .ini_________ H ^ marry Dennis’ Acequia In- ui"<n ------------------ » 'ied their aea*6n by-pu!llng - .o-ivictory over Uie Eden bJ

23-27. In a nip and tuck n4Bjie*p__________ iiien. however. wlUi a big c m n ------------------- leiihead, did nol play any — !i!rslty first stringers. ' ' _____ i ralso won the Junior var- c u h ----------------u-....i:iilnarj’ 27-10. __________-;7;

i j n g P r e p a r e ^ '

l o r i d a T r i p & " = = = E i : iT . Wyo-. Dec. 8 1-?) - -----------------i l !

unbeaUn foolball team Tvi*li '__________ tic:d U) leave here by Ualn d.t4’i c<>risr Florida and lu New --------------- }ij’ date with Woahlnclon « o'7e)h'»«a”Z Z IZ i j iJacksonville’s Oalor bowl, n i- .^ __ ________ joiowden Wyatt said about f,*'"'-.-------------------JMmd five coaches will make * ---------------- i J

TnU l.--------------- 1«M■boy* will have plenly of --------------------

lhelr tcst against Uie m EN CiniAN %VINB MOKTHEAL. d « . «

1 000 Ueket* were sold nauthllle of France a , a few hours after Uiey Sndfd r ^ T S w i d

f i ' tlUe, Kored a unanlm king for a special train ^f.uion ow r Otis On he university band and m Tueaday nl’»da. ,______ _ bout a t th# FOnim befo

rersAii^9. Wcirlcl. ST i 1 B S 3 aODD.

w iui <1 " •

t ^ n n A ' i ^ i L U i

-------- - "

_______ .TIMES-NI

a l l o p s _____

1 t o MA c t i o n B

: B ig Seven c o n fe re n co ' hijThlight j i r e a a c tio n , j W W

* * * * ' tSRES 11, M*t,TA U f ' ‘ . J

>r tl t t M.iu Ir tl »f t i t t

1 i ThocnpMa

Tcuii 11II — Z Z I IS i»—41

l e v l t n in n ic n ir i f tt

IkI im' c

. Joe Oehem, Belse'* •------------------- 10 n -3 » night to take oa Poat

-------- rouods of bflxlag 1« 1tlEn|.Y Jl. OAKLET <i beavyweltht flihl. pal

*! ‘'1 Orrocks, Spoiiaiif, wl~ 5 : f '■ »■? J ■ «nateb«*o u e aa U

( 0 i cic'rtrnta < 0 1 s otie of the prtllmlairy> • I'cVi' m m i Radle Rendtvoe.

jil Charles ^ = 3 ^ a i n Del!

I, n . l C INCINNATI,!) 0 o’ ^uti'uJhf * I d e fe n d ed hia-.hcavy• » J { la s t n ig h t, knocking0 I «'Kn°pJ'V'’ * « • o f th o 11 th ro und in1 0 !■«»>;« J 0 I o f f punch .

_____ I""” ’’ i i i A crow d o f nbo

* * ^ r'l 'n s ' A ' l“ Z - i : : : ; » * • 553 .334 ,go, cheercd----- -------- I c in n a ti N eg ro ’s coc l lr io * S r n r P Q 2«-yetr.0ld ex-maiV l l l l g i J L U r e S Barone's flr« knocki______________________I knockout of hls 53-scr.N'S MAJOR LEAtiUE ' Charles had commam

Id4h* Cff all the way. even beatln — - ;»f i:j IJJ J I his own game of Inf-------------u» IJI j” * ‘ one angle on which the________11; II? s s was ejpeeted to excel.-------------i.“ }lr i l l J i The flnUh came w|i

--------------------- suddenness, after 10 rou------------ >« Its 1014 : » i or less drab Infliihilng

p.cific Dll __ 6y tome long-distance i — jji ,;{ jjJ lhe champion.Z ___ ZI.i«« lli 111 i : t Barone.Mowed down fl-------------HI 1*1 j|« « i terrific punches In the eZ Z Z Z Z ' u i lu lit *iT and tenUi. was almait

--------------------- a solid right to Uie Jaw—— ------ **• jiUi. A wobbly Barona

from that slugging only___ iM iM » JM a barrage of r lshu and

________ Ul Ul n <»• head—climaxed by one w------------ u> i:» II 1*1 to the chin which droppr - ... ........It* 111 I, Iti U’S reiln.ZZZZZZIiii : i i i*> 1*1 The same kid. fils eyei

— — ——— u[) a t the counl of six I ...... ........• '’* refused lo lift him from

”"ir t l t l lt l II] by Referee Tony Wamd------------ It* II* ns Ul After the fight, Bar— ' };| ,;} };{ over hls left eye suffered

----- - ' '' ■" — — - -no .-K rm e up-wltn-...... ..........«s» s i i J in gntj crossed his rl£

............... hard.” ---------------------i«i 1P» 111 Spe.iklng of that same

________ :i t lt l tl l (S) les, the champion decia- r—r:— sUr t ed as a left...............II, iM i” ji» bill'w^untl up riKht In ?J1Z____ z r m IU ltl III Thc right lo the Jaw foi

■“ "JL?U Ml " f ' - -»1 m i;s 11! Up to the finish. Baror------------ Ill lt l 181 i;: In a couple of rounds bi, ---------- i»i i;i III 11. poinitd In Ui# oUiera—so

"ir« - « Its-IJI-Chnrle.-i^lefts to the hea secUon, ond a l o'ther U

— Inflghung In whicli Uie .Dk N ti l t command after the earlj

___i> K) It One of Barone's best------------iTi :m <s ii» the second when he pu------------!5! SJ “ i '‘nder Charleji' ehln and------------ 1»; M, -I it> to the mldxcUon. Beven________i » i n u *?J champ had to hold to St

— terlng. Barone also appe_ . „ _ . t i o t l l m I. J jjjjj plenty ot puneJo.74> c h m yjg handwrli

;Z______ill i n m «|i wall appeared In Uie flfi

Z Z Z Z Z is* ll? 1" **0 WBO w i r p s w injM Ah-----------i ! ! i l J PULLMAK,' Wash, D_______lew «}] , j 7 ;i; j "me Waahlngton a ta t

coasted by Whitman's sn«< %VINB ---------------------------------AL. Dec. 8 W ^Laurefit - - ^ < : France, a leading eon- A / ^ D C £ T L the world middleweight r l ^ r s C r ^ t • a unanlmou* 10-reund

:r OUs Oraham, Phlla- Tueitday night's featur# ,FOnim before 6.000. ^

^ electrle MalarH n R E P A IR K B i F H| r . ELECTBIO n n j l | M ^■rwwiw •»< Jw ^ w aoD D E E -B iirm _

^ = ' Ktnraci

E l i $ i

I j i P. A G i m i l m a

KENTUOCi. i j J .6 ,P g 9 Q F ^ N A T |

BIES-NEWS. t w i n PA IX SrlD A

Bounding Basque


V ' '

:hea, Boise's “Ba*qo# bull." wbo relnm* lo Twin I take oa Peace deLeon. 200-pound Negro from 8po

>f boxlag t« blfhllght thl* winter’* (IrU nght car l{ht flgbl, pairing Windmill Plerte, SaU Uke City,

Spokane, will serre a* the leml-flnaL Three also u e aa Uie.canL.-HnIJialloway. Jeremf. n lll ai le prtllmlairy bout*. Matched wlli lia ri tri:SO p.ii l» Rendevoe.

arles Kayos Baro Defense of CroY[NNATI, Dcc. 6 ( ^ — E zaird Charles si I his-.hcavywcight .championship for tho : it, knocking out N ick Barone, Syracuse, N . ' •th round in a bout w hich locked luster up t:h. ----------------------------wd of about 10,085 ,)\vn fans, who pnid J u C K i V l S e i 50, cheercd the C inl ^ a . • 1 T f 7 Negro's of o t O i a C K V i ir-old ex-marlne. I t was •»

K;;*;., Fast Matclhad command,pracUcally y, even beatlnr Darone atgame of InflBhUng—Uie „ , , . h won their Uir on which the New Yorker i , , , double main ^d. to excel. u , , i featuredUh came with startllnfr wrtjUIng program *powI, after 10 rounds ot more Twin Palls VTW. ab intliihllng punctuated k , . „ defe.ttd Pierreing-dlslance punching by out of Uire# falls In

packed bout, one of thtllowed down from ChnrltV pre.«nted here In yearsiches In the eighth, ninth wrciUed hard and ctea:

was alm ut tumbled by holds unfamiliar to th# iit to the Jav early In the fan. obbly Barona came back gtojack put an end Itslugging only to run Into inzV.a of the colorful tof rlshU and lefti to the ghelk Abdullah by de:axed by one winging r ght A-nbun ImportaUon ti1 which dropped him Into falls.. VM f,i.".v;'.'"r.i..,.,* Dale Haddock downed

« S bu't W . - . S “S 'lift him from Ui# middleand he wts counted out UBelle won Uie openliTony Wamdorff, » «r1e» of drop kick* u# fight, Barone, a- eut Wocks foUowed by a bodt eye suffered In Uie late aho^der press. KUer; __________________ With a ntTLhold and.plnme up-wltn-B IctCTiooK w iih-a-‘'skln-thc-cat.--irosaed his rljhL Hs hlls ' The deciding fall came----------------------------- Z— caught UBelle by U>#of that same left, O har- Prenehman w u attempt

amplon declared: cute a drop kick. Kbejd as a left U lh# Jaw, Belle around. Uien appUt

uprigh t In Wck'i'mifldle. crnb- for Uie ellncher.- •/) the Jaw followed. Nick Abdullah. aUlred In alIronit boy. and If he gets ery of an Arabian sheiklg sharper hel! be all they wresU# by Uie ni

Dnlled States. He w uI finish. Barone wa* even on the fln t tall when ht: of rounds but was out- jank his knees Into aU),

;z V . 5 3 ! , S “ s S

S mleji' ehln and fired oway---------------- i!'., ecUon. Beveral Umes Ui# sick, Abdullal to hold to stop Ul# bat- P*"""’-

sne also appeared tlrong He had to be eaeortei m ty ot punching In Uie ring by the referee and Ui8 handwrlUng on Uie Haddock uied a re'

•ed In Uie flfUi. alreich to foree BrMckir --------------------- up in the flrsl match.•a winTMAN -----------------------------N,’ Wash, Dec. fl (/P>— ball forces 65-35 Tutsdaj ilngton State Cougar* uncovered a ntw long Whitman's small basket- In ScoU Foxley, th# fooU

m m i% ntlm ms Boui onjnm Kmtu&


X S , I D A H O . . . . J . .v _ .

sque ^S>. X /U ): f (

' I -


.. .V ST. PETERSBUl H P s A league, returned to

• league, Clarcnce-(] undisclosed salary.

4 ^ |E '.% ^ $ H |2 |g g er New York Giant fielder and manage

.. , Dressen, i. ■' v named Brooklyn' sk

. ’ Th# news about Ott o' '^ K i% £ ^ S E 9 developments at

winter meetings as the n polished off their draft

, ' 1 sessions. The ml-{ b ■ t o H H

aerious— business W ednes-IT

. " day to discuss t h e - -..... .. - bonus nil*, h ig h ./«.

- school r u l e andi ..j radio a n d tele- / «

I t!*''. There w asnt a!

baseball man l n ' ' \ the h o u s e who' ^ wain't Uckled to! I

•n* lo Twin Fait* Friday c” n ° ’e c 't* o n ^ ^ ‘ •gro from Spoyne, lo 10 Oakland whera Dressen i m nght canl. AnoUier siengel wera so aucceu; I t Uke City, wJlh Beany wiUi Ott-at Oakland. flnaL Three fo u r-ro u ^ , i Sacramento and Rog rereme. will aee aeUen In , i statUe, Coast leam r i at l:W p. iSl. FrW iy ftt hVve an ail.ilar-dclega

mansger*. Perhaps It---------------------------------- dream ot a third maji

Uttle closer.

Barone S S S^ Oraw in 1P20. a ls-year-<I ' ■ M / v n m louUIana wlUi a lUawI ; I fl IW 11' had been connected wll \ ^ A V f TT X t ,

Charles flucceorfully *® !oitle," aa he U afip for tho f i f th tlmo known, 'mceeded BIUrac'uflc.N.Y.'; In ’2:06 Olant-manager-tn'iw-lu s te ru p to th o p a y . mo"Jri^ofer”

---------------------------------- lyn In a starUlng move,x r t , since he w u relieved IK 1 Q P 1 * ' O tt h u assisted Carl Hu9 o igni fgnn ,y»tOT.

I « V 7 * Several other m a n ai p i r i V m named for the new seasI t - i i , TT 1 1 1 ifte Important w u. . . Oeorga Selkirk to bos* th


I featured Uie weekly i®*’ °

up to LouUtUI# la the Al fetltd Pierre LaBeU# two eoelaUon. re# falls In an aeUon- The minor leafue draft Jt, one of UlB best to be oter. After a rpendlw here In years. BoUi men higher class leagues, ard tnd clean ond used leagues slumped way off mlllir to the average mat The minor* telected a

players for t33S,900. La. out an end to Uie rough player* were called up foi the colorful and bearded The obvious p e a t dec. lullah by defcaUng Ui# lower leajues, which dep. TipoftaUon two atralght on teen-ag# player*, w u

the war scare.MDOI d o ra .a . « ,a

D n.cko .n ta t l .. “ »

ran lhe ooenlns fall wllh ’"Minor kaffjii teama widnsp kicks and ahoulder ted to make delayed playt

iwed by a body slam and imUl 10 a. m. Wednesdayiress, KUer came back ----------

ling fall came after Kiser _3elle by U># feet M th a P t n n i> l> r - T i< ^ n f 1: w u attempUng to exe- * i v l i c c ip kick. Ki^er spun La- bT. PETERSBUnO, PId. Uien applied a Boston w v-ciass B leagues *eIB'clincher.--------------- -- form er'P ltmeer 'league-. aUlred In aU the refln- Tuesday's baseball d rafu 'Mtblan ehelk, tound 4ut Morley Bockmao ot <le by Uie n ile* -ln -U ie to AutUn. Tex, of Uie.tes. He w u dltquaUfled league.I tall when he repeatedly Lennl# Lament, Ogdenncei Into fltojaek's neck. mao. and OU Hawkins'.'rosrtd back wlUi ten- catcher, to Newport Mtwalake the sccond fall. The _______ ____•America football player ^ ilngtoa Stato lifted th# ihelk above his head andaround S3 lime* In the 1 I 4 A 3 1 1rplane spin. Dased and - 4 9 Q ^ ^ U | i S f C Z |sick, Abdullah waa easily iiiJ K m A _ i

to be escorted from th# - . p . j „ _ 1 referee and handlers. “ p e rt Body a

uMd a reverse neck Fondor Repali foRe BrMckman to give . im match. MARUN A VICI ----------------------------- , MOTOR CO.

f - S . ’ ^ l o M f a i S » . . « m A V E . Exley, Ul# footbaU punter.

s m s i E - ^ iUAMD J S j ^ C n ^


S tiU a ,

IT s. LTlKmtUCty price/WHISKEY '


dand Signs Mel fv York G ia n tsETERSBURG, F la., Dec. 6 (/P)-M cl Ott. 'ctumed to baseball Tuesday as manager c Clarenca-(BrJck)-iawfl,.OaklMid prsi^identled salary. Thc form - --------------;-------------^ork Giants s ta r out- y r | • nd m anager succeeds I - I I l f i K l P C Dressen, r e c e n t l y X l U O I U C t . Irooklyn skipper. * - p i J * • s about o tt overshadowed / \ r C / \ lopments at Uie ba*ebaU ^ '‘"*-itlngs as the minor leagues Tifuu ft their draft in two long W ith a noticcablo 'he m l - t h o Associated Pre; "b ousH I ^ ^ B I ^<»tball team. For irednes- team s, with A!I-Amrussthe-i-' 'I, hlgh ./« ^ S B R — . . ... _

r i o n e e r L <

S’J To Cast Vc Against Bc

-at Oakland. Joe Oordon >*»««• agreed Tuesday tinto and Roger* Honisby Thursday ,

Coast leaimo fans will Play« bonus rule,, f.slar dcl^aUon“6r ^ e w —T he oftlrtBls atw dedPerhaps It makea tha t In favor ot aboUihlng s

a third major league a which keeps proleulon from contaetlng high *CJ

m t tor 33 yean, departed for baseball cofltracta.he end of th# 19M *ea- j p Hauiweii. pocal

»K* “ >• meeting held In ^ the u m annual me•onntcted wiui lh# New Mjuan^j A*tocIaUoa of i

a* player, manager or ijgjne*.

,» io l over tw a Drook-irUlni move >“ trucled to piw u reUeved u manaaer. «»■ 8“ schedult* andIstod^arlH ubbellln th# t h ^ ^ t ^ ^ e P— m

lUiw m a n a g e r * were lehedule Uiey prefer.Uie new season. On# cf Offlelals atUndlng U iportant w u selecUon etirk to bos* the New York ler. Jr, of the SL Loul* arm a t c ity . repre*enttUTA from Poett - w u very nieeessful a t Plelg cf the ClndnnaU1. N, Y.. In Uie c lau A reienUUne for Ogden; Etue 'the 'im m u yeats. of- the-Phlladelphla-P: •lon. M a r t y Marlon't Maury Doerr who JolnUy t Ul# Boston Bed Sox ed and c u t Balt Lake CIt BlroUngham In th# Doerr, Twla Falls, also LssoeUUcn. T hat was FaUt vote,n Pmky Higgins moved Hayden Walker, Boise;rUls In the American w - ert, Idaho Fall*; Dr. B.

OreatFaUs, and WlUlam r league dratt wls nearly p« of the Brooklyn Do ’ a tpendlng spree by represented BUlingt.a leagues, Uie lower ----------------------iped way off. Army fooUsall backr* telected a total of 1 « BaldwUi aoon wUl raKtSJ5*», Last year 5JJ from hi* faUier who UI called up for |44»,0J0, ig th | jenilar anny.!i* p e a t rferllne bv Uie ^ ___a, which depend heavily i ' , ' 'player*, w u because of / A

lagues picked Cl playen ' V iplret today tor *68,000. Wcircuit^ drafted only 13

IU# teams were pennlt- C l U *delayed player aelecUoniI. Wednesday. m a A £

i m s S e l e c t — e c i v e S

s i - L e a g u e r s ^ = s u p c mSlSBUnO, Pla.. Dec. 6J leagues selected live ,—leer league-player# -In — i - Mball draft. They were; iM | xkman ot O reat Tall*^ of Ui8 Big Stat«

mont, Osden first b a s e - __lU Hawkins; Twla FaU* *■ tewportt^iws, Va.

• Eitra frad i ^ W r 7 T W a |M ^ • R educs ik l

• Dono with np recappi

B o j , = .d '• f‘y“ °"y, J . r R .p ,.lr> .“ ' “ 1 '

■IN i VICKERS _ ' . ,lOTOR CO. G oodyiiar’. am o

a im AVE. EAST “ » * » " “ x »luifac* of TOUT wllh thounmdi o

rt r . - . ■■‘jy grippingedgw.Tit done right on y on* tr*atmmt l a

IS dllTfV <BX a

^ S m ^ M When tractionii*wecm ofl you r t i original tough tt for hoi wealher d

wf c /

siiH^rx I MAGtfte « am e i o i o ^ ^


_________________ . PAGB THI

KMel Ott, Forme ntA cerasiV fana—Mcl Ott, tho all-time homerun king o f th«I manager of tho Oakland club of th e Pad d prs^ident, nigncd_Pit_to a t w o - y ^ conti

skies’ Ace Makei ’s All-AmericaI noticcabloilack of west coast players on t' }ciated Press has announced ita 1960 All team. For the f ir s t tim e the AP h as no ,’ith A!I-Amcrican offensive and defensive----------------------------- - Don H einrlch,-tbi

T 'r tA w % ' brenhlng passing wh:t e e r L O O p university of W a1 . \ r . 'vas tho only w est cc<ast Vote e r to make the offens

w Lea Richter, brllllanlnst jDonusfirs t string defcnslv

, a .a l- 1 th . K S l S i u S^ , erall. Oklahoma, and

d lls atso'dedded ta-M te xentucky.--OQard3-«--Li t aboUihlng a reitrlcUoa McFadln. IV ns , aad Ro ps proleulonal baMball Maryland. Center—Bill xUng high tchool'tenlon niinni.. Bael»>-Belnrleh. :l cofltracta. ton?. Bobby Beynoldj.Ollwell, Pocalello. presl- Bverett Orandellus. Mleh I Pioneer, prealded during and Dick Kaxmaier. Prl lg held In conjuncUon The defenselve f ln t m annual meeUng of Uie dodes; Ends - Fraak asocIaUon of Prolesslonal Oklahom»; u]d'DDn Meni agntt. - Taeklt*-Al-OanjM Ua,-l

said Ul# 1991 Pioneer Al Wahl, Michigan. Ouanl IU b« seleeUd aad an- Oallfomla. 'and Ted Dal a league meeUog In Po- netsee. L lnebaeker^E lt

. 7. PIoyd Bojltli'ofmiU; A nnyr»u4“ Jnda'-Holdi le maker for the Pioneer. Carolina. Back* — Bob jtrucied to prepare thrte Notre D ane. 'Vie Jano hcdulu and to present State, aod Eddie ea lem ,. e Pocatello meeting. second itr ln f offe

then will chote which i^ U ' fiid*—Bucky Curt! ley prefer. blit; and Jim Doraa, Iattending the meeting Tackle*—Jim Staton Wi

lUwell were: Oeorge Sis- tnd a T . Hew«ler. the SL Loul* Oardlnals, ouard*—Pat CannameUa Iv# from PoeateUo; Fred Callforola, and Joha I le ClndnnaU Redi, np* state. Center — John P for Ogden; E. T. OoUln* neQ. Backs—Vlto ParlUl, Uladelphla-PhUUes-and Eddie—Talboon.—Wymni rr who JolnUy represent- Bright, Drake, aod B I Salt U ke City* proxy; souUiera MeUiodlst. ” a Falls, also c u t Twla Memben of Uie aecond

(enilTe unit are; Ends- ValkiT, BoUe; Bill WIek- Cool. Stanford, and BlK Fall*; Dr. E. M. Larsen, Duke. Tacklet-Paul Le , and WlUlam P. Bchwep- and Elmer Oosta. Nortl Brooklyn Dodgen^:who suU. .Ouartt-DenU*- BUUntt. P a w ln h la , . and UDci

■ Alabaaia. Line backen—IooUiall back Howard maw, COLA.- and Jen «n wUl rato a salute Notre Dame. Backa—WUT lUier who U a te rs tan i Arizona s ta te ; Leon Be< Jar army. boma, aod John DotUey, ]

o o o d A e a r IsT P A C T I O M I Z I M O I t

C I V I S Y O U R - W R B S ^ I ^

x f r a 'f r f lc t lo n f o r . w e t ley ro a d * :educ« ik ld d ln g In a n y d i r e c t io n . lo n o w i th o u t ro m o v ln g ti ro s . . ^10 re c a p p in g(Ives a n y m a k e l i r o m o re non*ikI<f o f e ty t h a n i t e v e r h a d b e fo re

lyoar'a conaiing 'l^etO'er” tottoot th* •atlraC0 of your tir* trtod ithouBtmdf of Uny, rood-dng edges. ItccttonlilngQi right on your car andnotmeitt lasts lb* e n * > .liilTer on n iir* season* ' ^ 'mt^a ttCicUontTi l tr^otinwit »iVtfI ofl you itill b a rs yourla l tough t r ^ rubber9t weolher driving. IJ

O o oSet of 4

a c t i o n i z e ' a l l 4 t i n

G e t i f n o w !

MAGirAUTO COYotir 'P e t (a n .

■ /A i» Macfs ofR ubK tr" >. .129 J r d At*. N . Phene

• 'I

■ ' 1PAGB T H IE T E E ? ........... !

Mormertfanager—n king o f the Katlooal o f tb e Pacific Coast

■ o -y ^ contract a t aa

lakesicaplayers on th e aquad, ita 1960 AU-Amcrica

AF h as named two d defensive un its .{e ln rlch ,-tbo -reco rd .---------passing w his-for th e -

ty of W ashington, only w est coast play*<e the offensive team , iter, brilliant Callfo>d, was named to th e injr defensiva unit,lemben. of th# offensive g' bielQde: Ends — Dan \rmy, and Don stonetlfer, im . Tackles-Jlm WeaUi- ahoma. and Bob Gain,-aoards-.— -LcwU- “Bud"--------.T ens, aad Bobert Ward, -

Center-BIIl Vohaska. lek^'-Helnrleh. Waihlnf> ly Beynoldj. Nebraska: -andellus. Michigan SUt«, Kaxmaler. Princeton. . i lenaelve t in t itr lnc tn>Ids — Frank Anderton,. ' :iandDon MeneeeOi Tesa*;...........J

J-OanpeUa,-MlamL and I lehlgan. Quart*—Bleh ter. 1 'and Ted Dattner, Ten>

aebackera-Elm er Stout,t “ m ia-H olda*h.-N oTlh----------

_ Bob WlDianu, a e . 'Vie Janowlex, Ohio 1 Eddie Salem, Alabama,

ind s tr la s offemtye I—Bucky Curtlj. Vander- Jim Doraa, l o n State, lm SUton, Wake rore tl.T. Eewgler. Wyomlsf. a t Cannamellsk Soathem

and Joha BUts,- Oblo ter — John PlerUc, Cor>*-Vlto ParlUl, K tttacky;Iboon— Wynmlaf,- J o h a .........rake, and ^ e Rote, JeUiodlat. ~of Uie aecond ttr ln f d»- ;

lit a n ; Ends-BUl Mo- I ford, and Blaine Saron. Jclet-Paul L e^ Tulane. . ! : Oosta. North OandUia lardt—Bemift- Lempnlck,Ua,. and UDcs lO sm n y , Titn tN rk fn —TVm Uoo*

LA.- ’ and Jen y Oroom.e. Backa-WUTred White,Ate: Leon BeaUi, Okia- I John DotUey, IC uim ppl. |

^ i

!K ..... T

roads re c tlo n . res . . )

9 non*iki<f , 'e fore j

s a -A

i'r ^ - 5 ' x S

4 tires/

r r« P o i( a n , f * u b 6 tr“ ___ - 1

P h o i i i m v # ^

Page 14: · m^^uixETIN M U» £ ^ ' " m*j1««^ d - K c ^ho5 & ____________ ly ed by

PAGE r o u n r a E N

% ' ' ^


AJJ Item s 1

t so desire I:

■GJFT-CE( T hese j i f t

t SANTA (A n o th e r I. to t lods«, Q U kf jo o i


B« Slim, and Cfl

. ' a » js

• W k who I



1.25-100% wool Jicq


'I’-' % Ir : ....... -


! %________ f ____ ron THX YC

■ * ' Now N;

f ' i .TEE S

1 - 9 8 .

4 i ' ♦ P lae knll wlU) p a tten u • '

• Slits S .M

& ___nr% l . « e « 8 S

^ G A y y U f c i

4 \

:ee g if t w r a p p i n g . . .UJ Iteras purchised Jn tn y departm en t o 0 dcflire In our fpecial ? l f t w rappinir bo

FT-CERTIFICA TES^.----------'h ese ffift certificates a re made out for

■NTA CLAUS SUITS LOANEm o th e r I. D. Store free ChriBtmas ecrvfo0 t lodg«, church or other organization u k f your reservation.


B«Slim, Sleekand Comfortable in— PAl

The new- I I— which redi

/ C i » t-h ip 8 ,- '-unbroken

^ «nd e

. BcautlfuIJy ^ ' ‘ k t - - ' fine, run-i

" e e t w ith jpted elastlcli

'^A$h ihe Girl bands. T iyth e invisil

who wears ihem / fo r t o f th<

rO V E L T Y W OOL S o H nG L O V E S A N D . . . ,

M T IT E N B , Q u i * f « d B o

1.25-1.49 98c^ wool Jicquud dealen Por hoslerr or glovi1 to a d embnliSgrta cu*3J»7 ijulJUd u u . Thl Ideta X m u Htulerjr boxv htTs

Uon*. Au3rt«d colo


j-h e a r t-o f -a n y y o l - / - t r a s t i n ^ trim ; S'

i d c a l ' f f i f f T m

- ■ ----------- Ju iien ileSh


>n TJ« T.oc>io _man tn Co t 'THE FAMILY ° '

Now Nylo-Glow TEE SHIRTS 4.£

1.98 ..d 2.98

• Slits 8 . M. U • • SlM* A. D

URTEEN* , ■ ■ • . .

dtuP Of joyo

ir tm e n t of the store will b e jrift wrapped ippinu booth located in th e r e a r o f our sto

J out fo r sny iraount you w is h . . . asVab*

.OANED FREE OF CHARGE.las Bcrvfcc tha t is increasing in popularit; inization tha t needs a S a n ta Clau^ Suit,

U R S ...SD SATURDAY E V EN IN G S fo r Your Cl

PANSIESl ie new scanty p an ty - ?hlch reduces fabric bulk t hips,- 'leaving smooth nbrokcn lines under fo r- lals and sheer dresses.

1 . ^ J kbeautifully fashioned o f ine, run-proof rayon t r i - EOxBO5t w ith specially construct- 64x54i elastlclzed waist and leg Colo)ftnds. Try them, you’ll lo v t 50x72ne invisibility and com- 64x72>rt o f them. 72x90


Satin N ylon A cetateItad Boxm

98c 2.98Pln» quftllty crepi. nylc

lery or glovM. Pin# and acetate mlxtd. Nylc ijulJUd i*On — net. trimmed. AdJu»Ub boxes htTB 6 IK- Ihoulder itraps. W h i t uortod colon. only. Bltei S3 to 40.

d r e n ' s COWBOY BOOTS[eoI-Wfnf/'rn etylo th n t w ill corral the if-any youngster. Red o r black w ith co n - ' g trim ; Slies 6 - 2 ^ g g -

enUe Shoe Dep't. . . D ow nstaira''


1-00 p..• 100% Nylon

• 6x8 Rib

• Coldflre Glow Colors

• Sizes 10 to 18


HAND FRAMED W O O t and n y l o :

I ANKLETS___“ * M r. wool ■ aor. Nyl,

• n u U c lop • SlM.1 lo’i to• ncEUlur VBliiri

2 -2 9

Coot Styl« -Tcx TonPAJAMAS BELTS

4.98 , „ „ 1 . 5 0 „ 3 : 5 i* Pine nayon irlmmfd ‘ "'1 complete >

Japel and eulti. sortm tnt of fine leath^ Its - 6lKJ 38 lo M *

» Body of *uhsbl» /bmdclcUi. I

> Slie* A. D, C, D. j

* 1 ‘ • • j . ^

o y o v i s

m k w


f t wrapped — ready for g iv ing — if you r o f our s to r e . . .

. . . a sV ab o u fit iirtheu ffice .____ _______

lA R G E ...I popularity e v e r y . j t t f ' . . . I f you belong I!au9 Suit, ju s t step up to ou r office and

'or Your Christm as Shopping convenience.

Scranton ~ LACE CLOTHS

Each o re in a Gift Box

EOxBO Linen C olor................_...4.9864x54 Assorted Pottery

C o lo rs ....................................... 4.9850x72 Linen Color__________ 5.9864x72 Linen Color „ j ________ 6.9572x90 Linen Color..................... C.9572x108 W hiie or Linen ...........12.95

A cetate Boxod Hdkfs

49c-79c_98c.98• creoi. nylon colored embroidery or nl]

mUed. Nylon ,h n e . gome Jace edjilnK on <1. AdJuiUblB comer/:. Three )iandJter- raps. W h U # ejiifj, uia box.

to 40.

O O T S:oirnl th e __ ^w ith con - - . v / /W

= . 4 1 8 = : : ^ ^ ^


:l e t s p — ---------Nylon and A<

lir SPORT SHIColors — prey, srccn, 1 Sizo.s— S. ^5. ML, L Full cut. fully washable


Famous "First-TASE' PAJAMAS - byRAMED * bIccvcjf’NYLON----a b le - b r o f id c to lh — • “ G

PYC ® Color.s Biuo, Brown . C O --------- G rfly -» Size.s A, B, C. 1

• 30-. NylonSl«.i 10’, to IS CLUB LOUNGEn PAJAMAS

JJ8 valiiri

!9 ____________


^LTS ■ I50„3:50- : I1 complete n . Hof fine leather i I


S : -

H f e y . •

; >7- if you

— —

you belong office and F-*':

5^ Lovely Bedding for}^-j your Christmas Giving

- DOWN COMFOUTERS 'In rayon uU n v llh (ane; qulU- tns or plain taffeta. 72xS4 cut tlze, Chooie (rom ro u , green.

I : t _ 2 2 . 9 5 , o 3 2 . 5 0 ;

- ..4 -3 8

i qn ■ Morgan Jones colonial waven knit be — 5 98 Co't"" bltaehed white. Ivory, silver, i

— .6.95„...C.95 «ATES “ GEO. WASH

12,95 Pftier\’cs Uie timeless artlstn ' ot rare I and readily »ailiable. Ivory only.

Full and Iwln slMs — E ac h ----------


; _ 9 8 C to 'W w o n Mtm spreads wllh IuUblue, wine, grten. grey, rose_______

ery or all CHENILLE BIrtjilriK on bc.iullful Jloral design* or solid p;)jandJtff- tost

*• bluc, pey. peach, red — Each______

An Ideal Gift!

^ G o ld o

^ S = = ^ S A N JA- bffiratttuHittlc* pa

m Xfcftlurcd in cither Goi( -v;. to 9 .....-.;....;..-.

1 and AcctatoRT SHIRTS ^cy. STccn, b)uc and Lm■ ml, l C 95 I

' — Lovely.—s . __:_____; color.t to sui

3.00 quality

s " F irs sN itc r" '<

AS - by W eldonong Blccveiop • Wtiph- =aih—• “ Gripper-^ront------------ '“ G i r l s '”.uo, Brown nnd r ftA 1 A, B, C. D, . QIacitn her hei

~ tvjde t.vorln PAJAMAS AT „ 7 .DO

I I W a U

'V ,. '^r ’

MES-NEWS, t w in f a l m . id a h

— r — ~ ' j — '

6 .95

“ M INUET’•aven knit be&tpr«d » llh tied Stlngt, 0 / 1 'Q K ■vory. sliver, pink. Full slie — Each

;o . WASHINGTON’S" CHOICE, Irtlstiy ot rare eoverlela. Thla ipread Is reverslbl#

__________ 27.50lUILTED SPREADS

19.95NII.LE B E D S lteA D Sns or solid psticms In a host of colors. V/hlle.

......... 5.95to 16.95V

Gift!Gold o r S ilver

A N D A i S ^ -H ittlc* party and form al sandalcither Gold or Silver g Q g

SPECIAL! tGirls' Rayon

PAJAMASi'hnt ft buyf A t th is holiday Acnson - Lovely rayon kn it p jn m a s in Mor.s to su it any little c irl. Re;;ular .00 quality. A special th is - | Qfr ■cck cnil fo r only .................

Sizc.s 2,to 14

~GlrIs'~CH^ilfo"ROBEs "lacitn her heart wllh a lovely Chlnelle robe

tvjde «.«orlfflent o t co}or.i Jn ?uj| r.vee^

».7!r.___ rl.98.o3.49


^ T ^ V E ^ x

3, I D A H O _________.



e V ' ^ ^ 4C K E R .

|M > U 4

Pl l _ . - J - - —

Wher«v«r you roam, ouldoi beighi «»en|;oJ fer yovr ad taUng patch pocW i, <onvi

J W «h It a t often o i you wii>Gay odoilm cnt of color cor

-----------------r a m o u s -S ff /P - 'n S ffO S Sleading fatklon naffozinu


m ^ 'T ,


s reverslbli \


Beautiful Molaroyra il length dlagonial ilpper — loi to choose Irom — Aqua, tan. green

jn . White. maroon — Sizes 13 to_18.... .....—1 ^ n j r Button style — colors same as aboi 1 0 * J U Blits 4 to 10 o n ly _____________

vl___________ !__________


f/ie M ore ffte

-------------- M ’e w - i e r J l C ^ r i



t j \ ~ r Y



1 ■, Flonhtim Sho

for every name

■ SBerrietChriit

fo r many, man]

5HED 1906 / i . fts

" IF IT IS N ’T m e BI


e p t ^ S S ln g h o m -------

j t ^ p F = = = = = l> ln l 4 =

UfOGffl, outdoors or ol homt. thl, I,*, oJ fer yout odJv* )if«J Bmj}, f*u pockeli, tonvertibla eollor, oclion boi>

)<n 01 you wiih-ll’i Sonforir»jf, colc*j tnt of color comblnolioni. Sire, 30 toil

'P-'n ■SHOSS-^ualiffi-tt -o^Hrtut^ a- fon nagazinet ond UFl.

Here i l thc Slirt for

the Cowboy, '

^The Lone Rangir*

P o B lit i-fu t eels,- ^ '3 tcne itylt vitb inS i x sleevtj - loU ol f«971 TTTs embrolderr wtrt - ^ 7> ^ # y C I divldualy boxed—finI a lo 12.

Only 2 '^ ^

time for Santa’s l i s t . . .

M elaroy Cord SH/m-i l zipper — lovely asMrtneSdsln ,qua, tan. green. re<J. fft*10.18 ........................................ 533rs same as above


e ffte

: j e r J i C f f i ^ r o y L ■

lonhtim S h o tT t S l a a t *

r every name oa yonr liil ■ ’ •

Sm erChriB tinssiDdutiif*'^

r many, many m ontb W »S?

I'S A 'T R I G B T , ■

B R i s e I t ’ ’ M

D K jS

Page 15: · m^^uixETIN M U» £ ^ ' " m*j1««^ d - K c ^ho5 & ____________ ly ed by

^ ^ ^ r e n dl ^ p a r e n t ’ i n ■ ■

^ of I-

PfgeUW*- ^ p . I . - h * ««t4;

I C « r 5 f r . «

P - r B s r i£ r ‘sl * ^ / V i m KboiuUo

^ ikMa —" fftuTBed u TOt* |3 < ^ ; i ;X , r tn e d u d dU .

bKl <lU»ni]tT. in E ? r nUttiCtoT K holuUo

et lb« cm bftd jetr."'K 3 S Ute iltMtion when ^ ■ ■ ■ Hr S ^ T e n l t i u w e p» c U - S«a..E)«t IE j5 r 1 of stai dmins the ccrretiwBdfatK t^ ezprtised the belief henfc-hiiiilbf

J ;i? £ SenatK v of enluira n e n wero

a nlltse for *pecl*J j

K tM itnc the uncertainties X K r » W c h «■«» «l»«lent4 K iU W J told the *tudentj: By f a E d TO* no*' (WulilntWn S ■liUr 03-* WASniNOTO ■ ------ --------------- --------------- :

i Committee ^SZ.'SSl■ , - . • i n i __ __ “Whew, im re;■ c k e a m L r n i o c e i y - u r e d i : i _ _K w pEBRy. D«- ®-Dom- Vw y s : Mounuin Home. N|lid th iln n in of the ETlmerB 3B. the dsy afl K i S l w - t the eoun.

btld recenUy m ed. His hceUe ro

K E « !a » n , KIne Hill, was e « ry th ln j I ro■ l a 't . ‘ilnnan.‘*n<l-Henry H o m e - hunll; K r itaauin Home, w m Mr*. WeU■ ^ : u wmtier- The two *nd hU execuU■ a Ll Cflfl T. Collett, secretArjr. Ne^ E « idJl.’n nuucll, May- N e l s o n of IV ‘ A n th o n y , (o

oemltler members "brea^E-ln" «eul ■ T t t s a l iy , K*rl C a rrn - leaders.■ i s B : Eirl w. Hoslst, vlee Welker Is ma:^ E ' IK T, TraJ!. regular temporarily at t

C. Watson, f irs t Mr*. Welker U■ ’islUtrUnO. Woodward, where he viU }oHicTjIe. year*oId daughtH i s n l i r . Tom CoUette, Chrlstm u hoUCH ; Ollta; U- Orldley. vice Ice' here to be eH ; Ltenard W. Andenon, The couple ha■ s t s i e ; Ralph Oroefsma, Chevy Chase. U■ r iU: and Vers Knlefcl, of D. C.. althouH ^ i e . s o t coapare r: ■ :----- Idaho. Welker i

liction Staff ■med for P lay■ STATE COLLEOE;. Poca.■ c . (-Qsht Mails Valley - ^■ u liiho State college a re i T }■ d Use producUon staff fo r ^ 'H w i of ivimpole Street* ^ i

at the school Jan,

^Rcnrvler. Tvln Falls,^ ■ t K t maMKe:; El&tne M . TVLi PdIU. win a.ulst / / ^H K t j r n ; anil Mao' Jenn | V /

hl!i. sill be property ^ ■ u iv d b; rninces UlelA*

^ F E s . Tvln Falls, will as- JcciUtutlon and Robert m

nrrd Klocpfer. bolh ^ B . e s u u t t npeclal sofa B -SunUr«nc-ot-lh« —

Wit play.

^ ^ i g t g t g g t S t g - i g l g t g t g g

H f i j L . /

' Wf i f e ELECI C a a a p FuUdou■ > 2 4 * 9 5

■e%t’ew0S£@ i£gvi£e«■ ;Laboni.

I t t l n g h W t ELECTRIC COI■ | " l word la . 1 ^ ■ ‘ ^» .M i.a t»m iM l« ttd» a Uw> wliola night JP

r»Faidlo» of Uffl. ^thijiirn. Oular > < & 5 ^ 2 5 » * 1 I fi j

K ? ; & * “■■ ihftt U 'C S S g S t T v i j ^ ^■ »«htd. Row h W .« r :■ by Ond«.V UbortUMn. h a . ,

f o t - - - - $ 3 9 . 9 5 w e i f i i■ ELECTRK

» o i . _ $ 4 7 . 4 5 ^ h S tB r w - . ^ . MaiBlain*'i

l^e«e«0iK 05£0 Sim'Zj.H waihM, li)H » > ,_ writm* Lol


^ M &J "For^ Your \Vcslli

I ■I« Ma i n a v e n u

BECEMBEK 6, 1950

Senator-Elect II

6en.*E)e«t Hermaa Welker. H sh t, ebaU so the t jTreflwadent cf Ihe Tlmo-New*. On hla flrit lrl snsc'hiinlbf and neetlnc people, (UarrU^E>lilc

* * * * _________________^

lenator W elker Gei Impressed by (

Dy PAT MUNBOE had lo have affaahJntWn Staff Correspondent) In the west an VASHlNOTON.Dec.fl (Special)— J J ‘o ■' la ia r-n tc t Heraian Welker, of '' '« “ '‘e ' “fS ' * jretto counly. flnlthed hls f irs t A* for exen I days here with the aclam alloa. hopes to play i hew. m real. _ “ borrow Sen. \u rrd r • ;n r . rldlnc.pui’h e f r t j h m a D ^ ^ T ^ i ^ ^ B »n accompll.ihi )n arrived N ov.^K^'' ' ] |^ ^ B celved a hori the day a f t e r B ' Cro.iby. bul it

(creu a u em b l-R ^ f w U Welkers H lshecU eroU 'V ^ several wcIIkIs} has l a c l u d c d B § ^ * j n ^ H including Sen. rylhln; f r o m f ^ B t t S ^ ^ H ^ ‘ bnuka, ten: u s e • h u n t in E H B B & l^ p H Crosby, tl Mr*. Welker H Welker loldi his e x e c u U v e H ® ! ^ ', ' f l IowIhr his hud' retary. N e a lH M f g ^ .- M th a l this cour I s o n of ^ serious time Int h o n y . (0 a bo Amerlcan.ii

eak-ln" session wllh Republican iiclans. We mi lers, usual and rer/clker Is maUn; hb home here Korea." - iporarlly at the Mayflower hotcL He pledged i I. Welker Is en route to Idaho President "In c TO he will }oln her and ihelr 10- for lhe countr r-old daughter. Nancy, for th e cooperation in ; Istmas holidays before relum * Welker and here to be iwom In Jan . 3. n e ll of Utah, al

he couple haa found a house In been setting t :vy Chase. Md.. on the ouUklrta They never h D. C.. although the grounds do both aay they t

coapare with their ranch In closely, tio. Welker »ays tha t ~n-e Just The Idihosn

m f T n , A ’. i m i I I I f


/ i


W o s tin g h o u se ELECTRKFull douM*-bodi*efM eoiy v r a r a l fa j^ ^ .^ rrjarilaai of tempwaturo.UMj'ourfavorit*

listed by Undnrwritei*^ C ^ O ; Labo»t«i«, la a


« 4 9 - 8

W e s t i n g h o u s 0 ELECTRIC BUNKETSoft fleecy textoro fa thi»« tichcolot»,to*e,Uu«,5ce«u Maintains »el«:ted warmth

!s;rs,r,l,;';ix,s,wnihM, l i i t ^ by Uada-y ^w ritm ’ LibontonM, Inc. '

>u’IiFind m i i / Wondcrfut-Gtfrid,

I &Y Electricour \yc3tinglRuse AppHiincc S to p , . . Pl


s t a g i g i g g i a a a a a s s i s i & i a s

1950_____________ ITO

ect Inspects Washiugt


at* so Ihe ttep* cf the eaplUl boUdlot with Pal MI hla flrat trip lo the natlon'e-eapltal. Welkrr and 1 JMrU-Eildl photo—(taff escnivlni)

r Gets Set fo r Duti by Capitol, Its Syr

d lo have a house. I waa raised -In the OOP hai the west and r don’t know w hat nepubllcan senj Is like to lire In an apartment, and work hard IJ like larse areas." rather tiian ilt IKs for exercise. Welker' says hfl #etHmated," i pes to play some Rolf and. maybe,irrow Sen. Woyne Morse's horse" "loanea w. rldlni.purpo«*. His-daughter, rider, recently re- He jays thal t

ved a horse from slnRcr B in f ators have been3sljy, but 11 *11! remain a t home, him and dexrlbnie Welkers received flowen from VlrKlnla as aeral wellwlshers on their srrlvaJ. Rentlcmnnludlnir Sen- Kenneth Wherry of enWfed Idal tjriislca, aenato GOP leader, and)jby. ---------------------- son of. Naw-MeVelker told Die Tlmes-News fol- p-Mahoney of•InK his huddle with OOP Uaders ‘'" 'J fflf"II this country faces "Uie most welker was as lous time In lls history. We m ust him inasl aboul Amerlcan.1 now rather Umn poU- T I Z I I Z I Z ^ ans. We must forKel pollllii aslal and remember the kids In t M, H , .

fe pledged cooperation with the j aldent "In n ’ers'thtns worthwhile j

lhe country- but wunis “some I Nowperatlon in return." i O iet NtKbttrVelker, and 6enntor-rieet Ben- Z ***+ **** a*, lo f Utah, alto a nepubllcan. have - ■ * ^ * * * * * n gettini Uielr heads toneUier. ^:y never had met before, but h aay they plan to work together tely,he Idihoan reports older heads

louse ~1 BiEDDING I n• ICTRIG SHIETl |ll, .. . %3 ]dler. Viiibl

r t U K told F^ fu/orx. Gif)

II 9 - 8 5 : I 1 ^sew0w£w@«£ I

- G t f V I d e d a ^ a t T r r - ^ — K

Co. Io ro . . . p h o n e 154” 3 ;

TWIN FALLS Jit ‘ B ^ Dt g i s i a a s i s i s e i - s a

i ■ . ..

t im e s -n e w s . t w i n f a l l s .

s h i u g t o n N e w E

■ I










etI t with Pat Monroe. W ashlnrtoa V a, U vWllnff I Welkrr and his wUe have be«n Mr*. Basil nine

-------* ----*----H---- A-------------htHi-risHlnt-fcT V J * replied:I h lT lP G * '■ L 'U l ' i C O * monumenL Pec

see them every

;s Symbolismthe OOP have urged Uie rookie p S K S E K S K J

■publican senators to get golnu d work hard in the new congress Jier tiian ilt back and ••get slow. ,acclimated," as ts the usual cus- £n. Welker feel.4 UiAl Itic new-men t t! ••loadea- w lth-Cl^rlcncc nnd *on' out oii any-plnys," • - Ie jays Uial the Democratic sen- irs have been eounlty cordial to ! n and describes Sen. Hnsy DjTd VirKlnla as a "kind and Inictlt- ll. gentleman." Two Democrats0 entered Idaho to aid lhe Demo- ^ 3 tic Uckcl were Sen. Cllnl Ander-1 of. Naw-Mexico-and'Ben. Joe ■ j .lahoney of Wyoming. Botli have A M ■n (lulte frlendli'. he reports, mm P Telkcr was asked wtiaf Imprcs. es * " a moal aboul Washington, whitli flin? '4 + + + + -fr+ *+ + .M .*+ *w S :i5 DR, M, H , M acD O N A L D t I W A M O

_ c s iR O P K A c n o t N E V A I

J w a s h ;Now CBcated ♦

Oiet N tnbttn '* • Pbeoe JSSS ♦ *+ + *+ *+ t*+ ****+ + *+ *+ + » Urr xKr:rirX KX

4 N j ]

All new m<

WORID'S .MOST WANTED PENI Sew “SJ” dim e ; }dla-. Viiibte ink Ut.rl.-7JK o> w i « reitneir'U c fc t t U K sold polM, Phlhenliun-llpped, anj nuttrtti Ink culori. Gift eeied. Refular or dcmi-»iie. ColJ-JilUd < rlduaiptnj, H9.1S up (F.E. tax Intl.). iMstroley o

■ f ^ l i

few E n g la n d Dworsha M an S e le c te d “ aho ‘‘

N o . 1 D o c to rXEVELAND, 0„ Dee. 8 flJiO-Dr. feUow Waiioanan Sherwood Luce. 74. Canton, «1ih congresstas.. has been named -oulslamj- ahead,r doctor of Uie year" at the fourth DiA-onJiak, whnical seulon of the American a telegram » n l•dieaJ assoclaUon. Idaho Pallj.-wa,uce. the son of a Yankee sea , ^ « t5t»ln. waa reported "busy with '"Eton and 11 I, pracUce In Canton,- but Is ex- P « P '' :lM “ WT5tt‘ noTn-nen!-nir-W S^lUtlon of the gold medal tha t ha v eb w co n u r[ . ^ . . 1 , , -Vn^Bmllng ■ .".dmtninnillJiL;:tor of 1950.- ^‘^ u c h hadJnUl hl5 selection was announced j, ..the S.OOO delegates, Luce had no quit acUng likeowiedge he wa.i being considered leiiyrun, (' one of lhe highest honon In his authority louseifesslon. available to carrme BssoclaUon's house of dele- munlsts wherev£s decided on Uice over runner- *ary. Prevent iI Dr. Jim Camp, Pccoe. Tex., and enco by stale de, Jonn WiUIami Stm ige. Loogoo- of war.”. Uid. ----------yuce was eraduated from Har- / ^ n 1 /•d medical school In 1004 and ^_ ,U ^npleied h b Internship In Long ch.mre■»» »■ V- « e X ™ W

tures ahown bv VISITS PARENTS a report was f

3LENN8 FEJtRY. Dcc. 8-O cne hoi lunch prog lehart, a member of the army air Plans were m: ce* BlaUonetS iV Langlej FltW. prosram D t t 23 , U vWlIng his parents, Mr. and frcshments wen *. Basil ninehart. ------- ; ■

ir-Tl3ltlnt-for-th»-flTtt-Ume, He ___D R . E .lied: O PTO]The eapltol and the Washington ,numenL People In Washington VlSUIllthem every day. But they must IDAHO THbe taken for granted, ncmember • PIIO

a t Uiey sj-mtflllte.”


ID A H O ■ C A L IF O R N IA - M) N EV A D A ■ O R EG O N ■ U I W A S H IN G T O N - ‘V'SfAS’S™

Insured Vans — Twtn FalU Phone

I e w R u k i

V models...fivtn

■w “SJ” cbne Aat r tf Aefo-r*tric Ink System. 7X<rr li a rrteir'U efate-n$lx«uit PH lau. TWs pea oontaini tvo n J nuttrtti Ink flon astuft a flawlea line. Choo]t frtm s . ColJ-filUJo^:uu(asi>ie<rn).SX.7S—aidup:lndI‘ I. jMiiraiiy eapi (no f .£ tfrV tti . S19.7S: pen a iw ,


worshak Urges Oakley A [daho “Patience” Events In Critical Times CSS'.i.'J.';

DAHO FALLS, Dec. 8 (UJ5-U. fl. left for Uielr h 1. Henry C. Dworahak a sk ^ a , , ^ „ low Wahoan today to be paUent " • . “ ■> ^ A congress durtng Ua period “ d Mr*,cad. purchased a honSu-oraliak, who replied by letler to tu j QjgT Ihera s elegram sent by Alfred J, Pouch. „ ,„ w Iho Fallj,-was Quoted as aaylng: J r ! ^ .* '» These are crlilcil Umes m w S - :ton and 11 b only natural U ut home ^I people erpecl congress to ever- Mf' *nd Mra. E ne-the^-tfmrtc-trtunflen—vMtll PocateUo. tai^Tl: fe been committed by the Truman- parenls. Mr. and

•ouch hsd messtSTjl Dwarshat:I t Is ume you menMa congress / I RE A D I acUng like a bunch of spine- . /J Jellyfiili. Olve MacArUiur futl /Jiorlty louse any and all weapons I _Lllable to carry agnrcasion to com* nlsls wherever he deems neee«> y. Prevent any further Interfer- S;o by sUie department In conduct .

CBA Convenes^ e Shamrock CBA't rvgular eUng Friday featurtd moUon pic- M shown by Oeorge N. Taylor, report was given on the school

lunch program. lans were made for a' Chrtstmal D ll .1 ■ , Kram D t t 23 »v Uio church. He- ■ * 1 \ I ' ihmenla wero seri'ed.

D^E^jjiiCKS I mmO PT O M ETR lSr” ■ ------K f VVlsunl Analysis i P ■

IDAHO ■nreATOE BLOO. ^ _ru o N E :s33 V

in r i i > I 24Q AH*m»r e«iPfltRli fiflfl hj»umine.asp irin , iju uua]eoId“i


IA - M ON TA N A ! M k PM « ■ U TA H a n dECT CONNECTION WTTB 1 (oMds!NS ALL OVER TUE 0. a ^FalZj P h a n a 21Q CONT^

em. Then Utt ntw, fajier OQotains no rubber p u lil Choose from 8 txaml/ul

^ajtd un' Intil.7S; pen'alOTit, * 1 3 5 ° ^

could make a t anywh

whlla his *ttx


MW fA ix n * s r ^Lers^ tfem

O a a i^ point t!y*ita k w »A «f« - j r . Xl tn^udlnt Octanlm pelt (no rvblxr perti). 4 eol H*W rAIKITTL Gift U

•J'nootV*' i rM rAHKin MAQHrt

Stoop Mder cawagnet M T£:H9.r.Z.taxoiip

U K | d U H M | U | H Oiv.iwk>n«r»ii*N ec«w r

, ■ . • ,v


akley Activities,Events Revealed R A I N .AKLEY, Dee. » -M r. and Mrs. 1 1 ^ 3 3’ Daroes. New York Clly, hav# M ‘

for Uielr home after vlsltlnf f i t h nand Mr*. Fred R. Oritchfield.

tr. and Mr*. S tan Face h a n chased a home In Ooodlnii aad I move Uiere sooa.[arald WelU and EarTy. Wash- Morin are a t Mesa, Aili., and areected home by Christmas. StODtr. and Mra.'Dick Powell and son. ■ L _ _ _^tetlo.iai^Tlsiunir'Mrx.Tcnpai’i ‘eais. Mr. and Mr*. -Henry Tanner. nzA D TlMES-N:

/T R E A D ABOUT A N A H I S T I N RCAOa ___A N O rr P RO VED e i B H T n


I n v a m i t a H i t - t n a a l n g iANamsr cootaloa p a rt aatl- d o lY tt.A N A iltnhla tam ina— tfo o ther d ro s laifBe*. cm se*.a d d e d -o o o tb tf (bugneeded d iie b arg e . a n d iFor aM autn done dow wtiat tsbeiiea— asd civasp irin . (julDliie, and o the r tha m y a tartl J\uua]eoId“mnMliea"ean)UEe- rM tlom oa label

_ . Dnj„Yonker*2,l


aed (Urt taklsg TabUti a t dn

« M la l^ l a tw «ad> Btal.HIW COMPANION n

Tb* aoaslai s n r aMUWT Ats *»unrr b aotolfM fer dlrKt i

nlia r rSr MNikaandd


IFTpfeNS- ■■)''■'' . 1

StlVIKT SHIATH V p iruH M f-o u » .


y - s e e th e wide selection o

i t Pens an d Sets a t y o u r dea odels to su it an y gift budg

, This Christmas'. remOTbcr your loved ones nt hotne r tervicewiththegiJUthey'Ilnc\^erforBet!Theseh I bring a beauty and pcrfoimance ui^iatcbed by ott

Each is the toimdest Investmest in dependable n ake a t anywhere near tbe price. For the finest, tb«

is New Parker ‘'S r ’. But whether you want to sp or S27^,00, te« these new P uker Pess a t your de while his stocks are complete. Any oae o f them Is i

the right thing the bright way a t <

Parker s r end “21” Pens write dry tv/rt Si Ink. N o bloltere neededl (T^ey caneltous

i x n -3r.S«aA t-Z »Jt«K lw iw t^/l aoe. Typkel " j r I LoKtJife rturvcir o f PH-gha (no mbSefparu). y u l 1 point ff>«i taljh*moolh wrUlj . 4 coion. L usn io j eef KKf« - j r . Attrocthelr |(/» boxtd. Offeri many fiie-f ■ Octanlum point, rUlble Ink mpplr, tbrpUfiedfilStr, POil tr peril). 4 e o lm . Stoinlea e ^ .IKITTL Glfl boxed. Ftrjt chok*{ » teanotK/. Smart Ofl elut. i ’m ootW f/tw OoanlMi potft. S i ^ e ^ 4 eolo HKtn MAQNnixnN tm . . Rir.dak cr h e n'Uerenmarnetswbv>ie«ivt"ll*- O v * ,( r y t^ e r m »l9.r.E .taxoitptmlltudiifM j' . » '

' j m m l i t w rAtHtoN ac^

[ A I N S O l W I

MoTlxig Pbon*S to rag* 8S4

'jx> T ngs-N B T O w im r I n k

' I N R C A D C f^ O m e S T ]

eiBHTimusJ J

r m TWIUyaX<MiTKI bj>Oy«( 'in h b d M R i,


€ 0 » -

tOMS\ a s i n g h d o f lll ye*, AWADfn-aloMcheck*' ifile*. CBMse*. watery aawl lebarge , and lim iia r cold Iaeiiaa— and chKka th a a i . ta w y a ta r t l J o r t follow di- ---------Hlons oa label, AMABm CO,, o„Y onker*2,N .Y .

Ar YOM SAM n e u

a gX abU tsatto tdg iiefaceU .''*, e r a ^ toM tew UirM K «ad> Btal. t«« b«{gc« M tttef. COMPANION n o D v a iMif aMUWTAtsislser-eeBtalB* ’ I altM ferdlrK tapplkatioaiatO ' j

----------------- ■ \ I

S T ,

k N T I H I S T A M I N E

IS .

t. '

: c t i o n o f n e w

. ^ o u r d e a l e r ’ s . . J

i f t b u d g e t . *

d ones a t hotne and b the Nforge t! These I^k c rP en t lyatcbed by other nakta. a dependable writing yoo ' the finest, tho choice, of you want to tpend'U.OO to5 a t your dealer’i oow }oe o f them Is t u n to tay bright way a t Christmas.

■rite dry H’/r t Suptrdvoma hey can ciM me « ty iw t)

» . Typleal '• s r htma, W - ' - 'Aef paru). yUiUebAkfO.rt. L usn io j eep. ..........................fert many /tae-pei ftetsrtty *Ufied filler, PUfieartMrKtr

»C0(r. Smart etrBnt, teadm I P ^ e ^ 4 c o h r * . - ^r u 6 k r * H o m ta » l« f f le ik ^ ......, V . - ^t,ffyeU .irw »iU btm M . '

• _

UMON ACMoiy AWAM ' . - ' ' fl

PAGE F IF T ® -4

Page 16: · m^^uixETIN M U» £ ^ ' " m*j1««^ d - K c ^ho5 & ____________ ly ed by


1 T. 7»£llci« H. Cunr.WiI i « : r j r t to' f t fTlnclp.1 pu t 4J.I a a .V ‘“ ‘’ 11

ji: lBc*0iV*(a k jt.' f'rr'

______ r»BiM u — u_i== iii-J -

___________ _______________ OgV N_____

■ I. h |> I K 1 ^ ' F; ^ — ; j - — . TT

— -

7 ---------------------- r - J T -

E----------------- t r - 4 r r ----------

•5 z6 ~

3 T p " p 3 r J T

J T -------------------»S'i7j g - --------------

I i i { ? r «* ^

I ? r ------------------ jT

is--------------------- ~ ~ 7 t ‘~ ~ '

b o a r d i n g ^ h o u s e

' BRUSH iH e eoG, o u r \ : [ g r 5 OF 10UH e y e s . v w V ^ H


"WTij- ahould I p u t nn a t y o u n R m n n . . . L e t H E R irap i

' T H E G U M P S

~ ~ CH.MlMf o - jo

A>4sn7 tW ^





, ' fs.JECE3fBEB 8. 1950

-------- — «< Y«i<i rd«y*i f ij n l l „I. IfvmitUiy <. n i u * U U

ts» t ■tu’ i ' t i T t i i i r i r n m ^ ^ e r a

S,rrI ^ -I I — »:• (Untird

■“ ' ^ I t E ^ L

I^ '•. '' il! ruSfia BnlleM

__ __ __ _ _ Vl, r 11. lM»n4l B«oLr r . 23-n o n

-------------- I T --------------- tl.

- n - g - | - ] -

i f ll. im.U

— T T - ^ T Tro«4t

JT — y;-----------------------------------T— ----------luV "*"

r r “ ■ : JT" ““ “ ~il^lii!lir * —

LLJ IiioU SE - MAJOR HOOPI-ET \^/G R £A yT C A e5A R ,M A I7T M A /lT S ’’ I J \ W H A t/ . f i B ' i i n f DID I. FO R - >- L-S^ <56T TO SET TUB A t. W IM ? .

— A'V COPFCB B U S1H E S6/- ^ A W PF-5Pirrr.TT.7A {Y M <?T,' P<5T EMT£BPR;SS WfffiOiCO!t / ) ^ 7 eeA X > /fJow i t o j o w j ^\ r ^ f PDLLVfJeU.WHW r ' f a n r ^) ^ C t H 6 WALLSTKBET

t h a t B y N E H E K

m t on a t i e nnd cont? I t ’.s dnUKhtcr’s H E R irap re s fl h im T




O U T O U R W A Y '•

Ufua\tL. - K I I r .H ^ '^ " ^ ' B i IM ^

3 » r a ---------


HI [ L

L . . , ^nnBu M C f T A T m ja w w ir o a a n - .C Rjlu BU TIPlW veA U . lOW M TOBBI


£■* 1? »..!■> _ ______ 1 rjiKjuoi I —

OPLE ! .

I I I ,/ J lP'.V MOT , i l > *<fly dkKs o ie D ! n , , V r . J S W S •

I«cwL w«> friKA wwe*. I

'"I paid two dollars a n d a qui > F F £ 6 1 — a n d h e d o e sn 't t a k e th o leaf T O J - 1 X K S " |

! H E R c a r n i v a l

8 y9

# « V ^.....................M .........« s ? t

JK htcr’s T / «i-fc«ewi w »« — ■& T. ■.!«».«

"Y ou have N O T h a d too mi I c c tly w ell w h a t y o u 'r e doing


" iC a c C T C R i^ ^aWTD BB HW A&a;M/ ..'Arjll.Stfa. J;ES By G ALBRAITH

ifriKA»u*««.«e.t.»,>ft«.>.»T.tiff, I

•a a n d a quartfi* Icr h e r— s h e 's im p o r te d •ke th o le as t notice o f h e r ! ”


® [TT^ b g | P '

h a d too m uch to d r in k ! Y ou k n o w p c r- 3 u 're doing!"



\ i P By W H L U m F

; w s , TW IN F A IL S , IDAHOf

J A M Sy

f VOU UIXH Z V65. MTITC ( K f f i

i ?0 P«19

^ fMOMMXl pueiC O M t QOACvt V. r - = r

^ X i ^ / T n t o w read , WinaT^ , i ^ l ' n S - l~ t^A 'rn ,< :> .o ts i> ry i}o \ .

J Q V t tolevision i n t o r f o r ^ ^


m p o r te d y ^

j ' ' N

\ ^ I — " “s a


I, SHt'LL PUT cm m ' SPO L WH£RiYC0,EV]l;EYE,HI7S r T HlMV,-)rATRlC>LE ____•■ whammy: f.MtcH 7 ^ : 5 ,’ FREEZES HIS . BRAIN-

- A

I _ ^ N

, f ^ ( '"Ei.u.rM 1 s o •

I f . t

B ff________________________ _____

^ ^ 9 E S 7 i^ i t S S rH lK \ *g

\’' o i i A ^ 5 Z T o o V w i s <

— — _ “ V T > i e r e 7 a n wI, W in O n ' v a s P t \ fl c h a ir , a lamps i r v r to A / th in c o all ) y o u r book n to r fo ro .J l f i « 3 f o r \------------ VOO in your \ f M^ K ^ njSkcczi^^

s : | ■VW.-n^ ® f l 1 b I

O M ,T H 'A n /i W HW '9 ALJ. TM* ^PlTV OP ] \U BLUBBBRiN' PSK., J IT A U L .'y ^ tJ AM A

I / " '^ iS w N


'W T rn rE H ff lT I r A u T ^ ^ r iT ’ w H A f X ^ ----------- / b e a u t if u l )

IS BEINS J f W V TH A TG Ivea ,’S RUINED^-^I 1 'i ' 7 /v ^


■ H O j j l F 'G R E ^ f l ^ VEiH ? SWELL.' ■®^^?WSCCRCU.'tiJti <EEf» rr WARV\ WILE I Pl.' y S HAVE r C-OT VOU COME IN WP .'? .' J m SOMETWIN' MEET 50\\E MCE W

- J L ^ J C ^ ,

: W i m 'ICMTH'SPCfC •^^AKI^J' ir SIMPLE F W HER 1 EYE,HITS TO DRAG HIM CVER TVI' < AE r— ^ fin ish lin e a n ' m a r r y \


'-■■^4^ FLEASLE-AN'ITALL ____'■ fj . '-“' % > / DEPENDS ON y o o R ^ n Z ^ ^

f e * ?g jf T SIXTY tJAVS ^


'sS“ | n S ‘


JteksBo o n wn'vvw |[\M 0ii0 I so u 'f i iT O tt fstivtviws w Wl? n oow . TOM^fv

t r o t a n sa sy I EGVI lr , a lamp ^ T h a t 's \ d y o u r b o o k ^ swell, P | M

i l l i rI I

IIT ^ > f I PON'T RtCALt VA I f.T.BlHVrzr:S 5 K S g » r 2 = C B f

TH' wiNPS I - A a r ~ ^ , %viliuTVBK^ITV... N 5 a40WBUB99 * 0 W«HT,

^ ^ ^ ^ u v ' N O i e . ^

WHAT A 'V I |lD O N T ^E E H O W '< l ’AND 81 e a u ^ f u l ) A N |B 0 c g r o u ^ 0 j a e i s T i

S w i i T T '^ H IsOfJRV.SCN/lOWE^ I LOOK.'/ iJJWWHlLE ■ ■ TOMEETONL.VMX// OL LAI> IINA.VC’ « 4 H HOPIMFOf?A‘S?IW ' B M .0 A V E K I C e IH ^ O l U f e v e r v w EXPECT

FORHEr T IIRTVl’ < A j DO'rtX) < m O A G f^ -H £ tS ■lARRY \ ) K ttP D S r ^ N O LCNGER IILLION T H a D E y E ? jD £ L M f ^ £ ^ ^ ^ I R I A G E . /^ ro UKE i< HE WENT- /------


i n e s d a y , D E CSli

■ H | S * ^


r a w H ^

*l fRAOAR R£F>(^ \

Page 17: · m^^uixETIN M U» £ ^ ' " m*j1««^ d - K c ^ho5 & ____________ ly ed by

a U n i O B ® n ^® , * * . BUDAPEffT. aAimB - Olplcmxm

^ ■ Oooununlrt G

lA tt^ tio nther u H r t a ^

«ab4M7 eonfette > * C ^ ‘ w know bow to <W5 « » T “ S n ! S S - « T l« O h ln » .*^ J, c a u fta je ^ t lo o to h d p

lo Wrtorr. “ >• “>to do » . ChU

* * ? .. ]^(ne*e WBunu- l»*»Uon. which

^ S * y .I----------- --------------

sm og Pci s g L .A .T S f a C E x p e .

^ ^ ANGELES,*“ ?i^^thB United N»* twroloBUt Irvln* ■ ? 2 ? ^ .V ^ tp irt lil ly dleUrf * ««<« diu

Uio o m a t d»y eould UU « t 1ft“ w ir murt In th* Ixx An«elM i

S l S ttT e Euf»P«- '* '“ «> '* '»iS i niBi 11*« * #Ut«nient. 1 S ' <!«J9lU *tot ot % piW ^te wtl *^L-Btl»] Id rowipower, »ervlce. d U d Uib D .feiTar jn i* K> tr»g*dy Oct. 30. Il 5 ^ toinfdUt* vicinity 30 live* »ad le lt h: itcnlB*. “ Id: jjjfly, All* fr»'"6j "Donor»’« popuU

!a lU O un Ib »bout 4.000,0 *• , .1 ~ .. c*®® IftTgely „ *aaoml6 We have mwiy. If este»J w . t J ! eontlnuM upwi

Ihould iet* to P » - It »1U unless chwfc O'* I, M tk . eentritlon of poteni , S ! D onor, could roe 4«St. f f ! * t I m t 6.000 p e rw IrtlJit ao». I t rSom #d*y • cat**

» ** ;.h ! : cur hem tha Uke of jS j^ A a e r ^ elUea ptr»Uel tn hUtor a IM i»of» 01 wJua# Krtdc w m a wim ici. taMinbly heirlnBg oi ---------------- - u id th« «ltuiUoii U

Ml Peopleel Entertain --------

^ ( - u r . u d Urt. HEN r oa pd 1001, D«!ie. h ire BURLEy. Dtc. e-4d ta teo ilitf»“ lUord 1, by-BurleypollM

^ ^ toxtoiWd w w SlluttSynf, KoaniP»nlM by w . AUeabiek. ClertCT.Kelcb^' Burley, oeo rrs E. M tnnln*.M isut U tli l t their fuvsd tw «njh.dtBjtiiUve*- --Ct«!a Moncur hiv8 _ ^ittU l!a lrfoa .M «k. ■ mUnctMsi treatment ■ ■ ^

f?j5»SKW t a « . j

tiioay, wore recent ^ ,,. f»»w fw tot W iw wd .b tw ln . 2 2 5 “ N « ^ » Sw» i.w .! :N e U o a .» gSS5S!:& 5»ri?K 5lr a e«n. Hennta «* •«»<» n t a a i ^a u le»TJ woo for fcy la t . ( b r u ii br 19 tCTI U Benttcr (nd Tn.lta*« DBUJ- ksB«i«vi> draaUt. 'Ai

H e r i

f o r y j

t o l

P h i

_ ^ a i

icnta ^ ^ ^ “ ‘ “ a a o u n U o f h viU " • *1 ®' wcoiDe hard startini

• Wll dSot ®od Umf

‘ ' c a t e F O R i S


Assist ' TrappinJAPEffT, HuB««rT. Dee. I T T i

m p la a u l^ jocident: U p h i l la n u a lr t Chine's em buiy I 7 ^ ^

Price»U ad. the d rtten » t the ateke » b u d tn i Ir»y eonfcated they did not doiUr. bui your Chbow to drlw th e a bame. Ukely u» cost ta yfThiw— the SVU* than lu t.

ja to help th e a out, but T hit's whi( theiHm «»ld they were aa*bl6 ^ f '^ ' t u r e i.kJ

m. which praapUy e ^ t w buv?««Si" ',/n°r B m t i n u l ^ Iga^ - yeer m a llr rt fnim,-«J»-e*T r-t« r-B JT -cm a»- jW E ^on their h«J* ChrlJteiL* stiion e — ' The fieperunent

• T fc • year ire likely lo}g Posing* r x n . On the buU of IA: I hreaL >*" s'on the Mle of J8.0

-» , O • e*peet«l!.xpert Says

la w u t ___ WftUilnsum andlU tem ent. Dr. Krlcfc c ^ - .apply a big shire.piW »tew t» th« tor«M U a* holly oulpui. h»» a dU d the Donora. P t . nao* ^ jC . L !Oct. 30. Wtt. which took ie a th e r last W n ^ »ad le ft hundredi UI. and

- *1J0 a pound, U «r»’« popuUUoTj U 13,000. « thl* chrljtm u—tbout ^OOOflOOr-ThrDoDOTS- .;--------------me largely from oa# pUat. aETUB.V8I many. 11 the nnog trend _Unuea upw ard-*! I believe 'lUess chwked—« sirsb con- cooper nas retumt in of potency equal to tha t {5 Dol” “f« f 'islUr -• could roean the death of tlra . Malcolm Stua:6.000 persons. ____day a cataitrophe could « -

N a tu re Isiwas a wiineM s t the ita te hearlngg on amog here. He altuaUon U «o aerlouj th a t ^ ^Ihould vtand oa (onnalltlu

corrected aad M Moa as

HEN FINED mn , Dec. e-Charg«d receat- m m / W *

■SK asssii"- . # T 1 .-back. Clere H. CrUp snd W - :. M annla*. Tha mea wer«

m K m k i f ,

T C H 1 ^

roTOfckM i’S ? ^ b S ro^ ‘- ^ 5 5 ' T r ^

C et^fffSfiSSTfSanU* i B I |%« fo»d«l m ay woodfrtaL T «

•In ralli br W»Urm Dnif. Iid Tnlloitr Dnt Blent or rrnt draaUt. 'Atf.

s r e ' s a l

y o u r m

f i n f e r - 1

h i l l i p s 6

' a s o l i n e

^ ^ 1 ^ 0

ders you can g«t '» gMoUne epo- I unt« of hlgb tcflt (High volatility) \ i s t a r t iD g and motor aluggishncss ■BlauUd Phffllpi 66 Qasolino i s . and thrifty mileage. So giva your lipa 66 Goiollne nm tdd to your

^ ^ m o s fR SAFBTY EVERll*n and tha Uni of tha Plonaar* arary Fi

__________________________________ ^ M E S -1

i p p i n g s G o B o o s t f o r 1

» h n f T r o P P o s t R a tJ J U l x r c e WASHn-'OTON. D

• t~\ 1 . departmea'nee SteadyIlINOTON. Dec. « OUO-In. “ erajlng :prices o! Yule trappin** may 5 ^ * ' * »" bU d tn l in your C hristm u

Qui your Christaias tre« U n l ' D<Pul7 Aulstant P(0 cost any more this year «»! Nelsoa D, Went*- J t. posed raifj «iu help a whal the department cf « »sk lnf puceU i ure laid today t i t e r a «*?•>-eoait sun'cy. The reason: The department m; l;rL haT ga :t~ to io tt«a -UU- -to-ceasiau^r-the-l eoelUous coruumers refused merce commlulon U tr e t t iu n n tte d - p r tc e s i lh s t fourth cltM n i « . 'lallrrt - Oongt««» tttus'.-j3n their hands when the rtt« i. but directed tia» season ended. to ask the commlulcdeparUnent says prices this creases u msy b« ne likely lo rua trom $1 to eure revenue "su»ltlependlng on the species and cost of such lerrlce,*i.*ie Ue«. ------------ ---IB basis of almllar prices ro-last year srossed *SOW>W 1^31116111611Mle of 28,000,000 trees. De- . ^

J . K ! f ‘° A u c t i o n a l3a, as In poat years Is ex. DDnLCT. Dec. ».to fumlsh about 7,000,000 catUemea Baturday t

r Uie American market. The1 be han-f.Mea domesUeally. CatUemt Jerrled hoUy, however, wUl t t Welser. 8«r*nlr.<; er 10 gel Uila year. And Uj# /o f »»•«»• "nn m be higher.Insurn and Oregon, which w*>«r Schodde, Bia big share of tho naUon’s • '’<> ^ 0-Uput, has a short crop this aucUonter. Leoas '^u ie U l T « c r e ^ . said U,. ,■ last winter. *«PP«<1 *»>«

uhlch last year sold for ol »3W a head,pound, Is expected lo reach , So’'|, »or ia.783 ic h rljtm si------------------------_____________S7S8J0, Taealy-flrettfT rm v n n n x r r brought IHJ70 for i

Dec. 6 - M rs . H leen for $7,Ms for an avihas returned lo her homa t il l iO . The lop ptteeafter vlslUng her daughter, psld for a bull told I

tlcolm Stuart, and taaUly. cock, Oreana.

a tu r e i s n ' t a l w a y s r i ^ . . TINT

'ttllR crd

W 0 1 0 -^ —HOME-HAIRMCOLCB j E ^ S k • S A V I U P T O 3 H O U I

• S A V I U P T O $ 2 S

1 ^ 3 ■ * v n » t « f r T 0 D A y - » 2 ,

V g j l ^ k N o 'm - i i a c H m • n o m - s




m p t p r -

■ B le n d e d

6 6I t !

Bpo- I fTO PA TttJity) W M 4\l7m wHwnnesa SHTHISIl

rour < « n ^ | f f l | | | | ['OUT w d i T l i i i m

\PM lIips$g

V E R Y 1 , 0 0 0 Ml• m r , h U t y n l i h t t l l:l>l> M . M IT ^

- - - "l


ist for Parcel gj.g.o s t R a t e A s k e d CHICAOO, DecMlh-OTON. Dec e 0 JJ9 -A U t r ‘ce department official tod ty oflerw l rtduced re the b u n u te e o aace* com- » Ih j 0»Uea s n » to spprovt pircel post raU t t t C h r t s t a u hoU M averaging » p tr c tn t to f ^ »ood 1‘te sn annuU 1100,000,000 b* cu t for Uje a.

v o a a Iros) Occ.ilT AsJlsUat Poitmaster-Oea.

.,r„SLS'.™S m

to 4 s s - u. 3 S - ; « “^ tth ijea to -tiocar-Tiar 'but directed lha department —________the commlulon for lueh tn> u msy be necciuty to ta -

ivenue -sufficient to pay the such serrlee,* B K i r

tlemen Attend y f F i l iction at Weiser I \ r | lLEV. Dec. ft-Msgls VaUey I ^ L H lea Baturday took part In the 1

annual salt iponsored by D O K IU C K Jaho CatUemea^ assoelaUoa W k ser. Strenlr^ne bulls v e r t r »H.«00. Thl averst* was •piece.

?r Schodde, Burley, waj sales r. and £. 0 . Walter, Filer, | •cUonw. L «n W ctU Bolae, f l O O d O l 7 . Mid Uie tala lhls year J f W W f g a lu l year's sale by aa arerage a head.Ior ia.783 were 30 gradei_for_M -*veftgr-prlce-of- — ---------------------—_T««nty-flre grade B bull* ^IHJ70 for an sverage of u \ \

and 19 pade 0 bulls sold <5 for an averagB price of _The lop pttee oS ll.CM w m ®: a bull Mid lo Theroa Ad- V . . reana.


't t l lR c r d m a f T ^. ’ ^ T t a H t r M w l f ' 'wimter. 12/ lit f (e lm i

ro sH o u u J j | | B w 1ro $ 2s [ L K f i V jD D A r - * 2 ^ K . : ' u j ^ ^

• NO m-SHAMPOOMO \ H |T E m ...0X B D D O $ j K I

O u r Comp!«U ^ j |ICS DEPARTMENT ^

ER^S•J ^ *■


GIFTSm ooth capeskin Sidewall coDstrucI Ideal fo r driving, I


Unlined— ____ __________ S o ft-c a b re tta dre

B lack, brown and « Siroa 8 to 10«/ ..

^ I mG iftT i

l a e h -----------------G «M i^biK M )ki«

. VM AS.VMI•WM nycm (t9c*tf Md. e w ^ w i* O w e wn



. R o y R o g e n 2

nllfmSf ---I m M l f t l CelwMrwTweertli

R B a K ^ ) c i « w » « i 4 .KCOTTON -

I M l I H SM . M I T w r C . » . l .

a l l s . ID A H O J

Rrpak I ‘Day* Proc

d rtducw l reund trip farts United haUomt oatlea's raUroad* during ' • h rlstm u holiday season. prodamalloo si, fares, good In coaches, will o ' >=«l' hum.a rithUi It for Uie aervlcemen and D Inaa Occ. 15 to Jaa. 10. “ '>e Uniirtwill' be a t tha rate of 3 •iniij'le

k mUe and-w irtaiTO-i-rr-'Uinlt of Jaa . IS. I ................. ~~I cu t la farts wt* tpprovedneeUn* ef the Transcontl- THE WESTI paastngtr aasoclaUon. The } ' R a t t K A w IKlJaiTtc<jmi)»nLRlUi.3JH- 1 ia mile In the e u t and H Rt*OprnH fortf-U is-w eet.,,----------- - i - n .iL P rv T T B

m m N tt O t l l K K A N D C O J ' I


od g ift ideas for yoi

\^ IW r


!IFT GLOVES1 capeskin fully fu r lined for extra warmt U conatruction. a Q i)r driving. S, M. L _____________

OTHERS u r TO 4.98

!ine_dJ3JJFTJ3LOVESib re tta drflas^glovos. Sidewall conBtructio Drown and tan . 4 O l

to 10«/^___ _________________ :. 1 * " ‘

_ _O TH EM W T O 4 .9 8 '______

G i f t T i « i A I I W o o l A i g y l .

------------------ > 0 0 ______ ___________

*»* a — ,. .71 iWiA..* ^Trr-' 1»

. R o g e r , s c a r f J r . R o y R p g e ,

W e e d ---------- P 9 CW etl Qift ---------

0H^ •wKll. 0«>Cy R»t*n «M KMM, Tiltiar •■1waldtr»4 *•rw» J» ■ J4.K iU«. r«My hlngtJ y,!,.. ,lp4

COTTON — aao, . ,

rc j i rnjm»/KOHiydaai" JEHI'

/ Proclaimed;iKOTOS, K c . « w v - p n n -m u , p ro cU ln r t D.C. ■■■ »*■'nlted KaUons hum aa rights

odamallon said recoenlUoa "humaa rl(hu and frtedoms

uS3QE»1 lu iiTuijl# against armed ^ «


arber Shop MAG- t o s b o s h o i

>r y o u r f a v o r i t e s p o i

I ^ smW ' R e g . 5.89


n \ *A h 2 i | v J / I J a c -S h r itj . See th c i

b la aU o n s. Z ip p u fro

| B ^ ----- - ^ ■ 5 /


I p ■


/ES ^ ^( t r a w arm th .

2 > 9 8

DYESconB truction. .f

f e

»IAwl»Sodc. j y i , n ' , D r e s ,

__1,98 - ' Kno»edfri“! ■' SmooA 8Q% Q«tai« ri

trem .lvsoft and ccmfoi

I. m t. I i IS. o;

oy Rosen Shlrf B oys'lined G

Qin ___ _ 1.98 ei“* “ • I ------DomeiUa Capatkln i1

)aV<«idtr*4 uller. With warm cotton (liyoiit. r iH ik>Uh. on style hts (uU

«tnMhrU(.4t*lz. s r e w n o r tw t

C C A D C 4 0 3 M A I N a v e ; W E J l H K J p h o n e 2S60

r A G E s i r

EAVxa rO R HOME Sa ta rtty t e h « t eU Dte. B-M n. Allan H om . Wrer, Ore.I bttn rlilUng her parenta,1 Mrs. J. M. Dunlap. le ft JtEAD TTMES-NEWS

e m a n d HI-HEAT C_ M A i 3 i C _ a i 3 l L f i U E L C aaSBOSgOW g-CT-SOUTH— ~ - - P H O N

e sportsm an's Christ


;HIRT JACKI;tm a s s a l e p r i c e __

nrl At this apecial low prico on these warm l3. See the many d iffe ren t flttractlvoplaid s,Zippw front I S ires 36 to 44. H urry Inl S&vi

Soecloll'LEtiM^ T p l a i d ja c i

f f l ^ 1 ^ Rea. 11.95 1® iBui .......... iI h • W A R JI 20 o z . PU R E


moveipent In th! ja ck e t. W arm wool, knit i

• r - W j . - 'v K tom . Rayon quilted lined U* ceaaed wooll

's Dress Mufflers 1 iKnotted fringo Ends B

IQ% Q«tai* royon crop* ond 20% fiyten, FuU tvrt. oft and comrortobU. Can b« hond wothed. Idtol f( u or fomial w*or. .Whlto, G rty , Ton, Maixt, solid

OTHEM re O M e$o UP,

^ S J

'LinedGlovas "Coldflm" Yam

I * ' --------- 1 * 9 * PA W ----- -------------^la Capatkln i Iotcs U ntd t w o M «arm cotton neeeel SUp* ^Mfaa ta'CaUrto'yvM. le hts (uU outseaat. M k Mmo r tw t « ... wwU«t«elM. V taarti



33Al)SEAT Coali E L C Q . _ _ _ _ i

I M iii



c k l f '5 . 0 0

these warm pure wool ■active plaid color com- [urry Inl S&ve a t Seaxal

allyPricadi-,.----- ------




eipant In thta taflored wool, knit cuffa, bot-

uilted lined to repro*

'\vW hx

1.98nten, Fun cut. . ..oihed. IdsoKof .n, Moll#, solid colon. ’

m™" Yarii Soda

— , 3 9 c __________

r « T t a -wiM. VtaartilU


Page 18: · m^^uixETIN M U» £ ^ ' " m*j1««^ d - K c ^ho5 & ____________ ly ed by

W A N T A D R A T ^«» 6 jM m

• 4«» — — ^ IS l I

U W •• • «l«wUM U JJ** «.?■" I

J .Jp j

”* M jS tJ M lu 7 rc w n ? ^ >

I B. ■. Du I»»«n«» -

=£:i-f£:-"?sjSS£*•4 s« iBfonsitM «•• »• *■’•• “c«w< U Om U tirtIMt,

Mnm .h«iM U

L E G A L A D V E R TlSE H ffiN T S


and vLll f cubllrir At uU chr hlll -I lT i j i o-riJtk 1-. M- IWtnbn I,». IIM. I

• ri,\“ ^ ‘ from"c»r‘E r .T n -r 'jV " "mtii.Ki p«<- •- ’• _____________KOTIC-E fflB rrni.tCATION o r THE E



BOUSRT II.«U*3»V*' }<l *rXn. »«. >«««•

U k«r«t>r (l'"> '>»> UoniUr. Ik* UlhA, K. of mI4 M . n --ui»-0«rt-lu .» - or tlill Court. >1 CourlhnH In »>• . Cllr •! Twin r.ll.. C« «I T.U r.iu.lad“i w f*r ^iu>ttt IL Donlo.. 4«c«M>4. •»4 for h»*r- Ul lio ip9lk»llo« ol C lur- t Cnw I Ict lt>< iMuont* w Win of U i u n ^ '^ mtoUrr wb«a iB< *»r »•"»«lBt«rMI«d m»f »PP«»r •M «>nl«l Mm*. ji . s . r , _FgblUhi Nov. » . M. B«. I. «■*.»• *• ^t. I. l»to._______________________

m . T T ^ o V W ™ . " . »«• ■CrASEt).N«(!{. U h»rtfcr »l'»n bj 1*« «>'■>"• J

<l<n«<l th> AJ«>lfl‘‘»*lri» ot ll-*ct H. C. I'Aiwrit. »f»«»»J. 1" tlx cr»il orith»*iHJ^tTTi*H. lo oihf^i ihffn w"u? *h« . OKMurr «wrbtn. »llhln four Ut monlh*

?h«'piMo'flxod fcr 1S« tr«ii*«'lo» «t lh* kwlnm of J

' ” viitfiir.'rDWARCS.AdmlBli«*lrli^«f iMJW*U»f JhablUtit :t, I. It. HH. -

NOTICE TO CBEDITOM -MTATE o r nrcTA cau d w eu . de- c

v tu t '^ u brrote H r« fcr IS. . . 4 ^•lr>«l AdmlnUtrtlor «f U« EiUI* o! ZRmU C*Mw»1I. dK«»«d. »» tl« »r«dlUii«• t •»<) all p*ncu U ’Ixt >UJju u>ln*t lli« Mid dMto<»d. to tihlbll ttim vlU IhoBKWMTT voucSm. «IU<ln four III Bwnlh* -

O K I^ 'T iu ri'iu f ?UW J ' t i i i .* U.U U ili l ^ Ij l i r f f l i td to^ U>ii J t»n»»«U«» ^ lb«

OllHl -AdmtDblrotor ot IS* bu t* *1 f KmU C*U»<I1. dxMiM.

rubiuhi Ho». «■ » . Pw. «• »• mo. 5 kot»c:k r o i publjcation o r th» _

T in* ArpcitfTED ro a pBOvmo iOf iTfE rxasATz covm or u r e iCOIW ^ o r TWIK TAtlA STATE o rJK % 'lpM ATrrji o r w i : estatx o r

flERTBUBE t t l e r BAWTER. .rsttaaat U u otd<r ot Mid Co«rt. t

Bid* oa tb* tllii du «r I)«mik«T. l»S.'

A. M. du. at »>* C««rt Booa *1

ft.r*pr*»ln* tS* Will of i»M C«tnd« _ Trier S*<r7*r. d«>u«J. and lor luarlu P Ul* a»plleatlna of CMnla* T. 8>WT*r for «h«a 'a^** «h*r* inr »<noa h itm *d J Mar » sr~ r aad Mm*.

CtUil l>Mafc*r ttlti. !•(«.. -«UtAt) U W SALIIQH ., rDrpotr 0l«tt. “

hU kk N<r>. (I. M. u 4 M. D*t- 1. 1.- - I. t. <. atld T. »i«. -• • • -

t>i TBB^iSnA're coiwT o r countt OP TWIN rALLS. state Or IDAHO -

» ‘'»TT o r A1tr*d J. LltlMiloB. Kim*-— ‘p,~ I ~"< lr»OwB a«-Alfr»d D»-

• I* )>*r*k' l l '» )>' th* «Bdinl<n*d ^tlraUla ol (h» £<UI* of AWr«l J. f Ion. H<a«tlm>a knows a* Alfrad

itoB, d*n*M4. to th* «r»dlUin ofS I ^ '“ to*’'Wbfl*S‘ “ i'lli* S* I

M ^ s iu n ' *t>itfc»r«. wllhlfl f*«r rvjnlK* I'^W r Ol* flrtl tublkailon ef Ub ao<l». | | > lh* tiM Adnlntelnirtl at ofltr* ft[ •w T 'p w T S u ' H»Uormr“ lUnv‘ nulUllM. . I T-lB raUt. Idiko. IhU Wli>« lh* »l.t. ' I IlMd for t>i* uaMtcUoB ol U>* fcailaM _f at .aid - u u . 1

Datod No««nW >t. m s.XAPCAUrr P. LtVTNGSTON.

J^mlaltlrtlrlt J Uf lil.I* *f Alfr*d J.LI»lB».loB. .otniUm.* kno»a a* Allf*l ^

^UtlMilon. 4i»~«l. ^


■ S K ............. . . . . . » ’>U»M A.tml>IJllililI rl IM ElUl* el Ch»t. r , Sfhn*ll. d*r*M«<l. lo tiia trWIleii ol p«wiu ttrlr* «l»lnii a**'"*'

alur Ihi fli»l ru'nic*lirn'*f'ui.*ollr«. to tiia uM A^mlnUli»ili. tl tht La» Ottleo ot tart P- Vi’atkar, Ut U*llT»la ^*1'^ Sj*’* o M«S«. Oi'la bait/ lk(

IMMi'Kottm*'*':<9, 1U4.MAY }. SCIISrXU AdmltMrairli ol th* CaUU *1 Chai. P. S<>inalL da aOMd. PbVIUKi Kor. » . it. Pat, i. II. im .

Th PUK •Vj°R*' C^^*la.l«. of lh

Mtaoni >i>4 daUmlMnt rafulalkiu liir tha ItSl tlabi>4 **«o«. »«4 lo t»iul4.,a rr o ^ r^b^l««^»h lfh ».r^»r.t-itr '

M^lMl'an"-!^ h"ld P»W'^l7n^

• tn U<a 1‘tiimMV/iaullK. roAno n s j i an? gamp coxmimiom

. R. O. COLE. Sacittarr.lUU*. tdah*IW«b1.»t 4. JtM.rubll.h; D*r. ». I»M._______________


op TWIS I'ALl-'!. STATt OV IDAHO e.'sta tt; o r w a l t t r c davu . de­

cea sed . _ . _____Sotio* t* barabr fN*a Vr il» sndtnlixad

Admlnlilriur ot Iba aUl* of WALTER C. DAV’IS. datnanl. u tba trodllun of ami all bu lnr «l»lm< aratiul lhauld dMMUtd. 10' aiklbll iStn «lth Uia

. B*raaaafr rouchfn. vjLhN tour BtonUu aflar tho rinl pobllcailos *f thii Bollc*.10 th* u U AdmlnUtralar *1 lia la> oftlr* of Maa C. Llord. 101 Kiln A tiis* N.

■ ■ ^ S ' £ K S ifor tte tr«M*(Un af lha boilata* at aaJd j "nmtrnt Ifar. U. {*H.

ISt RODERT E. DAVIS >Adaiiaiftraior of Ib* mUI* ot .U'alltr C OarW. dac**a*d. 1.

f.oW(tu u. M. r . U(«

- V.


i*»i Is ,


■ I lUU aNt>*tb0Ut*n<l**aU( Pbo»* aiiZ J^ Vlll.,. Claaa^ .It «*.t *ddi.~. (

m, I, odil riOMACll iroubl* > Mt. E*l cabbafi- (

(Irta la noibln* ao« •» »|e. Daa IVA. TlBt*- j

M COr^Acf~ Ak*k*lu* AaoaraM f

S ; E l / S s I.filENTS I cAEn tor r^ r .Id OcU ai>d Jtwaln \

lf“ l6.!l.. “ A"ll*fDRnrU S aK *^ IiMirtUfJ tt^hoj.* W. Pboa* 141 [

« li', T llA V E L - KESORT f

cUHa. Call MI.W. __ J______________ <______ _ PERSONALS s

t^OPyTDE f

OP TWIN S C H O O I ^ a n d T H ^ n Tm T {?/„■?*»{{}: UAIU STYLim ., .U— . . - n^ASEU *•» •*»*" t***®"'!” '■ *

,!"ib*“ iS iiJ^rcS S ^ad*«ar."r**a^ ^ “ 'ci!uV''E»~lJ*Tidl.T ‘

« . '> , £ u i S ^ ’ h h Tnd" " iJl11* *f *iri5 UJall b.i”lUwrUr «rttil»«^UigrB fli for b»T* ovfrrlMoa bui monar. ^HI HaftUtn. «■I t Cru- LOSTi Wbli* f*<*d<.lf. .W IU. TiitraJ !illtn 1*1 U- rroRi plitt BorU af ttrrrr. TiitU- Flxat |

. 't« o « !' ? " l *'*«. LOUT n*ar Twia Pill., rlchl h.xt ~>>»dar ;’• *■ • junli fnr 't t Cbmoltt I’bOB. !— «tJ, lUward, f

>B* . inilAYKV a w . A».r(»« »*4iJJ.r, til J.RQS. DE- btttk. t«.r oB rlibl froal fsot. Call »;».J1<, Pilar.__________________ J

lha poUNUi WiUtw.ith. 0-nrr (tn b t» tlha rauu Ij.nllljlrr tM rajlt.» fnr .rl. •; {

*Ut’ mSn'lh*. AVIATION •

= % “b r 'U 'r « , “ H 'r . 'id '‘s s ' ‘^aii: S^unlr of elaaa. lUadtr ri}la« Sartlta Pbaaa 2liilt iMlni * <I. (,i« ct th. CHlKOI'KAClOltS J

bn. a ll. JUIUISON. tit T»lrd A m a. f39. Ea.t Talaehnaa 111. I«J?a!fI‘* * ' hWlVS^ap«W-^ “ i i u '** ^'*• ” **’• - BEAUTY SHOPS ~ |rEU- DE- COMPUnX aodan baaoir aarrU* b» «x- 4»art awraUtv KathlatJat. as4 aoid CUm eaiar. wtr**. 11.00 ■». AnklU tta*ali galoa. IE.UI* of COkPLETE^UW **rrlt* br *d>.M*d |

St »r*dlloi« Itsdtata at radwad pricta, Jaalor .ts- ,‘a t MsHntt t a u wcti t n t HtcblD.K*. asd *»Id im wllh Ih* wt*9u. Ii.oa !lt*»lr Art. At.damt. j

HEARING AIDS jI lh* U - V5U~ CAH r*tUn* rour~S».rla»~ ald I^gBlr*0t btlUtln, Sa»» Tb. Jawtl Unt. j

t balBf lh* UEAIUNQ aid btiutlti f.r all’ caaii, of ,las a< lb* la.ln>m«U. C«>iMU*d frttb. }*>•! \

D.l, RottrviB Haiti Uttrr._________ {, ^ , l . - -31 IU A T IU N S WANTED !>* E.UU al Pon YOUR drlra.w inr.U ull t l l | .n . |**“ Twia Ptll.. j'*• ***’• WILL do lionlbii la n r bosi*I CTl .I o r TH» Wl-flll. Twin l.u..______________ 1ROVINO C^UX Carula UuMrr- I llt <th Avnoa {

EatL Phant H7.R. <' o r T?fE GICAV£fj fur •Irirrwin, p.rktnr Jou. {STATE o r fn»h»l nr pll nii.. m n i in. ’STATT o r ll»:ilOl>Cl-INli *b4 libls.l -frh. ~Tw«itr I>«.rt a.Parl.rKa. I'hrna Dtnt-Itll. ;iild Court. ES;i-»UllC.SCKl> r«k wiai. work. Juhn JBb«T. IHO. MrOuIra, »0 Vin Itui.n, Th,^nt 1140, jturdar. t i . TREF. lopplafTTtlllir tad rra .r lu , Pr*t .19 0 aloch ..ilBi.tM. Weik ntnala«L Phoe* |

rt Bomb oI o il-J t > ? 6 ueLL fJa.**»> 6. >o.l Cblld aa,* b

^ i"b . . “d <•» *» ’ *«» • SId c" tnd , J » » M -_____________________ __lor haarlM PAINTUJU. ptptrlai tnd >*lnl Unlar- |8tWT*r for PrM ^UisM... a.Uiltctla> riar*ei**d. a

Prod^^^rVukil'M'uoi.'LU.l e?*leu ^ lf«ni»B P.rka. dltl-Bt. {

OltrV t>.T AMP CAimr.ALU .1.* tmaM Wll- ,' *• |l»_ATt«B*,Ea.l-_Pb«iia .

P COUNTT Btw^tcn.lrxiclloa'^ll V.* IL^OoopA 'o r IDAHO - -Caiin.l (trprein viitk. pUiuriB*, IIbo- IiloB. t o ^ ^ n m ^ lo f aad ird.bI tlBUbla*. PkoB* |

h e l p ” \VANTED—FEM ALE {* WANTED! Cltl 1. tn.wtr »ho«*. 1104 {tn d lU « ^ Jad A»«noa N.rlli .fur T ». ta , Wadaa- |

.“ il"li‘ Sa' lxrCHII^'Cd> ,»1 /or o^tlr. «:irk l» jNr monlK. 1 *1 l^*.'lr*lo.wt.r tlorr. Ob. tood al .ibk ■odea llrvrm. Mml Ijya. (Viod ».lt/r. Jaurol- '

■ RulUlB*. Tlmap.Saw..________________ jH E U - WANTED — M ALE |

NGSTON. Ptulknir.'c. t And.r- j

‘ « V-i: ;JkU> i- o n>ra lo r.» r..« t a "- .ll {known flm. Our latn ntk . IliO.M a |

,m Phon* Hr. Ari». Ilnc.raOB IloUI. i lo .

*"''~d * tarrrii>„‘* ‘a.Uhl'uhrd' il.Ill.Va! jtia trWIlcii iKwIrt r. Jimm Ra... -Il.lrlf! mtnt. 1lail u tln ti »«r. *t Ilal.l Irl.ltr. Da««Bh.r '

I ‘i T.ri.’r HEi7l‘ WANTED i“ m ’ v ti i MAL E . FEMALE !

I. bal«« lk( IDAHO STATT. mrLOmCJfT IUaa ol tbt synvirr. ,;TEUniosp. Illo I

.1. ilh* E.UU al rh.rmarl.u a« dr.lttmtn. (

phrtktl th.T.Mit, bMoir m.rttM, Jtr- '»*• ^m*: Cltik. i.r.t.1, Imt!.; d.r work. ]lulin nt lh. l'''“t«nrt itlMra.n. Itb t,<h. I

^ S lN E ^ O P E ’ORTUNl'r'lES-1wltltoM pou RENT! Mora Oood lottlloa. Rol J».B |

Il’lhtriTmZ '” ' s " r5*. ^ '! * f" d ‘m''tiwr«'.4j Wl.Ll. LOCATLU tMioll modara tpart-ItoUa Mt^! ' ■ ' . » « A htrrtl.. .-O/l. ,

l" b .7 “ mi'i J, b o a r d AND ROO.M


- touXilITAULX .'Mrlaj K<>s.'~a!<»a Ia. ORX <ih f .n , . mi.

tl WALTER Wanraa. Kl tr»l A.aau. hortb.«»llurt of I---- .

I ualiut lha t lM t i t rIB wllh tha!our Btonlh. ffol wtirr buU. laaanprlaf ButUM. . ‘ l. w’oKli TRAIU ESQ MOTEL .

mid FURNISHED APARTMENTS“ • »-]lOOM furakiad aptrlnvtaV Addu._

t DAVIS I.ROOM with aad^prj«iu balh.

wXad* * iiif rLOOnltod.ra I-iocri. .nJ {UijTl I «, r . 11(4 porch. U l ird A>u» NotHl

3 8ESbacruiioa* MboM «ll& V DoU*—Sladt—WazoM<■»»» CK* DlfTtl**—D.IU looU■lui. « l f f ^

- - ............. —"-•-------------__rr___ ^ ORDER TOaB

W PERROHALIEEOI ' - i ™ a CHKISTJIAS CAKD3■A. TlB»- 2 KOW I _______ M l« i i t J t ttrd. laprtauJ wllk

w “ g S i ” ‘;“ o " .S W OFFICE SUPPLY

;«*.!/» Ef n5, - ^ S S A N T A ’Skoa. 141 a S U G G E S T IO N S :— - ' f t KEW IIOMEr T — E- - W PIIILCO RADIOS

W w u S J n - b a t E s

i m . . . W ------- -------------------------------------i N j j ^ l l TOYS i G IFTS— .----- T y BARIOa . rUllNITUBBismloJ I. M J *'l™l*d^''*?^t°**'” •

L S : ffl raST E B N -G A M B L E Sr*U Todar. rC WESTtllH AlHD BUPPLT

N D ^ ~ g ^


I,,;, m a * « n m m i m b i r dI H O S ^ ip Y

n i O T U V A N E N G E L E N 'SItk. I’bOB* W

------— ^ Givo ■ir” ri. Sf H e r a B e a u t ifu l


S S “; i S HALE'S A PPA R E L»» Pboao S r -

ia------- S , ,^ P IC T U R E S Q U E

irtC T T o © N Y L O N H O S E

s — w S?;l‘, ’ .'h‘"«“ iii’ l“ .‘1 k r a f ? « 2 f t . . . lht<B CB. m dotk-l. I » t .

© c . C . A N D E R S O N.d*.M*d !■

idrm?. ** Sf rnrj^L o ir r FOti DAD ~----------- 3 Gtf J. c. IIICCINS3 i t HUNTING PANTSi.rla(~ald M W.Icr r*p«lt.rt^ulgB IraaUd. Ut*

Va E«ti1*r Mil. now H.HS f S E A R S R O E B U C K

T E D S? & CO ..11 iH i-n. ^ ‘

ffl SMOKING STANDSI Tna. tooiUn.Uoo toajUr

.. “tw« w M ncff. $ 3 J5 -T lT b 'w w lc u j s

W SAV-MOR d r u g

s . I --------- ----------f . CERAMICS

S .- S 1 K 9 BPECM. ON tiff “ - CaM.rtIa

Il‘c“ 'iSS ^ Bl-ACKSTONi’ 'WASHEItfl

imaM kail- AulSM.t'l -i;» .00.^ t w i n f a l l s _

— S ? H A R D W A R E ’

1 — :S iS O E S 'I c h r Ts t m a s ' ..: : r - n « Sf c a n d l e s" - W All K ind .I :r. laura.1- Wf • RAKTA CLAUSESl*ne. .ml A • MADOSNAS1 boi ;».n U? • s.soiv r a l w

f t >or a brlfbl .nd flowln*, J “r Cbrlttmiu t>«ir«U wlih thw.

M A L b M DtagUfBl Chrltlmt. CaBdl«—3------— W PROMwiiiin. to' Gff R A N D A L L F L O R A L

K A N D G IF T SH O Pmt a">.ll ^ VOUn ONtTIiio.w a Of S*1I cn rr-t stam p f lo r i s tawNttrr. (A tot Biu. Ukt. K. Phos. Ittl

loul. i lo f f

^ 'a j^ fo r f t - -'^ ilm ul^ ^ BaaaUfnl. U.ifalrijl ».na. M TANTALIZING• "" ' ® TOYS3 fc3 ' 'lE f t Uuat.] Wrirtt TMI..T7 ^ ^ ^ Korluk. I ^ r U d Obt.

K XtteliUi] A;»IUbc»

r t O irn rOR^VERTOKl


------------ 1 f t A . ^ /ra - ti« Pa.1 Otl^ 1

.... ........... - ---------- '


W P ractical Gift*

™.’® t^ar W0.- .W* .a. S ' " T H E F O L K S "u ;:«.~p„. M PRESTO COOKHILS . WAPPLElorth. M IRONS . AUTOJIATIC TttAJTEM



m.iuM. ^ On.displny n tX . •

KRENGEL’S, INC.M E K T S ^ Tour Sar.. To^n.lf Kar^inr*

M S g g g t g g g g g g g O g ^ ^

e r o c i

iuDs Eniprtaul wllk S s ^

PPLY Free Theof«___________I E v e r dur tu ChristmM 3 fre* t t

Ucktu to the Id»ho will b* »»»rt-I coDlat tcftlber wltb * v««Ur pi

'S enter U t t d ip • CompUU Um i■Tmq a H i UJO btUae* of the cemple« UjN S . part of tte eiMtiriRl «cU«i 0/

lequenett. P u t* up tha Une* In U Uon pMdlble *nd m*U of brtiw

3I0S Ttmes-Newi. WUioers wlU be

J t ^ s--------------- 1 T O nST WEERL’--------------- 1 MRS. URSULA WILLIFTS Winsf f i ' CAMELLA BLOUSE. m -aa t picoM CU »t the Tlm«.Ne-

i*DT IPa THE WINSINO..rJrS O’Drll Nururr 5<i,oI.BtirPLT P.nd.»

______ _J , _ »moat11


S 4-W EEKLY,Y Camclla Blouse

Travel A larm Clock fn LEN'S Man’s Orvin W rist W

I Famous Purrcy^ B lanket frc

---------------1 T O D A rS WINNEROBPnEUM TICKETS

1“ “ ' LoniSE STEVENS[I'PUSE Tirtn r »lU. IiUbB

Win* 3 ccEetrtu « • —------»»AREL .O tf* Dtnce”

or Ihfl eomlns ailr#cUon a t — .................. Ui« Otplttutn UiEBler. All ,Q U g Uckeli mbject to ledcnil ,

: o s E “ • !I yroeou th.l DEBi: IS THE COVCKLZ'. i:j» .' Lo„ 1DO AV lloptionr CutldrR S O N Ertmblrf 10 fltu* . ■

f.utnnlaod for I r««r ‘' Cta l b. b**ua ‘

WR ^ —kNTs r ---------—^. IraaUd. Ut* DIAMONDS

W.ub.. . Jtw.trr IIM THE JEWEL 001ow l l.l l Soxfttoa lloUl Ubbr rboa. >H:b u c k L-------------------------------------

CU1LDKEN-S Ctm« • llooU • Atbumi

CANDS WOE Store . _ |


Week t ia s l a u n d r o m a tDRUG w..ka.. ■— . li ^t?.nlM oa*'‘urt*arK]-iB Utat- T

mCailon.---------------1 m & y e l e c t r i cc s 41, H.ia ^ rh .n ^ u j

Oi* I BRIOtlTCN TliP. HOWiralia with biaauiltul ntwiVASiiEM LIGHT F O T U R E S L

= { : » « . . ,TW In 'f A L L S_ |- LLS ELECTRIC.BE — I TdB-rka.. uT : V. U-Wi.*-Taa |

- r - ------ n ..........YOUR GIFTS - -'JAS W RAPPED F R E E

Baadr for Cl.laiia « tt.1” , IDAHO DEPT. STORE■'®” - n i l cnJusTVAS store*

' wiSr'thw. ,u CaBdlM r

LORAL g iv e




m o • «• FTCE _____

10“ • n m N m n tiPmarr





1 A uncTiwE o i r r rnioM

5" CLAUDE BROWN •Music & F u rn itu re

'i^O A WB.II dapotll >111 roB,lUa. for ikU Cbrlitau

Sift* I------------------ ---------------------1

LKS" F o r ALighter — Brighter

;c TttAJTERs Christm as ,

X °c“ oe1n"^ . GIVE A T> OP REATi. "PERSONALITY” ::rt.T. o im I_AMP

>■’" n o » - .

I, INC. SroSGRAVE’SU Hardir.r. y jjj . gHOW PLACE OP


a s i s a s s i a s i s a s i a a a a s a a


s g e g e g e e e g g e e g g g g t

I C R I S K K I N G L E ’S [ s

— G l F T - G U I D E - a n d — ^ i E l

- ^ H t J o a E - C O i o E S L p r

Enter Now! J heofer Ticketso u i t t H O tteu to the Orpheum and 3 ------«m b* »»»rded M prties la Uio ChueUo

h * »eeklT prlie*. AU you oeed to do > f— ™ « l .tr i :to froa the OUt Ouldo Mctloa . be wmpleu Uae. tup to 8) from .my o th «I « c a a j o / U ) # p * j « w m i k o u p » f ^ V-thfl Une* In Uio moil bumorou* eotnbln»- c.' S u Of brS« It to Krii Krlmtle E ^tor. c n wlU be Annmioced la thl* colimin' ♦*' Ucket* « Uio Tlmes-Ne*» oHlee.

r W E E K L Y W IN N E R

J L A W ILLIAM S, T w in FnH s W ins a

. B L O U SE FROM H A L E ’S Jie Tlm«.New» Ior your cerUllcale.

IE WINSINO CTIUCKUJ p: <urt.rr Sti^ol. « l / i «r« br j l , ; ?M."l Stnoatmr. Q«lUlrJ ’-------lo M^BirtattnBi.------- ---- ---------------------

EEKLY PRIZES -lla Blouse fro m H ale’sn C lock fro m T hc Jew el B o x n.tin W ris t W atch fro m S e a rs i £B la n k e t fro m C. C. A n d erso n C o. I------

N E R TODAY’S W IN N E R /— :CET8 .IDAHO TICKETS.. .a MnS. WM. MADBUTTi’to Durlfy, IdahoI ' “w i'nTs'tiekets^lo ie* - - -„ ' ^ 0 Next Voice'YdU-Htn— --------

andcUon a t "On UiB Isle ot Samoa"

or the coming nltracUoa a t — ledcral I d a h o theater. AU

UtkeU .whjcct to lederal F ( tax.

OCKLZ CHUCKLE *I.ltlla Womta

b m .y » .r ^ - • L _

I ClIfUST^!A5 RECORDSr.awo._ rttorJlno ^ Chrlaimu

Pboa. »» CullDE IIR0V.U MUSIC


Se . H O U SE S H O E S |-------I ■— ) ’ Poc Maa. Wom.n aad Chlidrtn

5— — 3 t h e 'I D A H O SE ■■ D E PA R T jrE N T S T O R ET Idrlta and •'■ '•*' ___________________________I



----- -------1 A BB O T T ’SPiumbioft & H e a tin g I :

R E S I__________________________ I J

'S - I------------------------------------- 1■ TOY S P E C IA L S

- «t.»Uitil Itoninc Rotrd. _____ tl.l i *

— ABcta<t. Cn.slB» Doll---- ll.ll

'S • I .....R . F ..C O O D R IC H .................... ^lE E m x .inP . I S.


■ ' 149.85 lo rBJ)SD;cri, W.k-Jl. M.hnttBr


Vllr, 9a»t.‘ia*rt. Diutht.r

SW E E T ’S i ” F U R N IT U R E

:’S ______________ —* WO.VDERrUI,

CimilTilA^ GIFT

r r m t l G E N E R A L E L E C T R IC ________ B L A N K ET S________ Wllh >lr.{I. dutl .srtrnt* li

j “ I” 'hd ic>;bl. bad .Ilia <VOIIfi ClinlCE OP

IAS Rosr. Giirr-N. dlu»OR CRDAR

rof |{K|AM R«t'„l S!w,

Tr? T > r a a ___ _ ______

Jj* D E T W E I tO ’S. IN C .

L . ™ ~ n r rt u r e TIM E S-N E W S


— OP

K U -A R T ';h tc r CmilST.MAS CARDS


.• — Also— \



,T I.M E S .N E « 'r ^ . ,1

^ JO B D E P T .

s < a s a a s ^ i a a g i a ^ f a a f S iS ia iS i


M l ^ [ j

o m m t O K i S S B S & B m j R e & t H J, S uo t

ilMuABBtd GItUI PaBtOt. McIal W *1


. c. C. A N D E R S O N ®irORTIKC GOODS PEPT. ■ A ^

1 -------------------------------------------------- ' f i J 111

<-------------------------------------- i^ ^ ”w R O Y A L g Jmy VACUUM C L E A N E R W wva- c.«5ltU wllh all atl^haiattiU , M - 2Ot. f=r oftir H9.»* - »»•»« d«-B igi i ' , »W« »«alhlr. f fl —

R IS E R -C A IN . Q u- - s w

I ' TO CAI( ........... fllCYCLES, . . , , « S(^

Tikrtl« aad Wacoa. S hirinaai ttlKlloa Ib town. ffl ,-ySEE TIIESE BEPOat ffi lo

r tF IR E S T O N E S T O R E S ■

410 Uila C, nctta ” . ^ lli

____________________________ g

F O L K 'S ® * tl-------------- r o R - A ---------------- --M in?

F IN E R C H R IS T M A S g nUdlt. an^ Mrtatorla ffi _J1»>«’( Cbtblai tnd FurslthlDP JS ONiDc7>'. GlrU' aad lafaaU' Wmt PJ P

noutkold Good. .Bd A»»IUat« X’0. l - l - I— I I •& ^

____________________________ f y aff

^ ■“ <1111 llm. lo Palol I S CniFIOORINES i i .Jl

rOR CHRISTMAS 3§ * \\L.rx. U

Tba sluitr li-«umtloBillr laootk S^ ! I Z t L H . ’ K W G C p ; ~ f e 3


' ----------------- S ra,*,i FIN E CHINA K J sn J FOR F IN E FR IEN D S K "£

I ' ■ " " I S S ’*” I s |DIA*MOND JR

H A R D W A R E , JgI—' ^ ^

KARMONY HOCrSE■ All Wool. rro-Shrank f i n’3 B L A N K E T ^

TJ br lO-iW pound, 533 BnsUtUl Colora A— ^5 "KS

S E A R S R O E B U C K g j;

N , W ITa

rtn I S P E C I A L &TRADE-IN, K G

ALLOWANCB «RE --------- ON ® *5-;____ C O O L E R A T O R Sa c

RANOES & r f Pt>l-------, REPRIOERATOBa W ~ Ii

A Olfl ShVn Trauara TOM O O N ’S TO C a

P A IN T & F U R N IT U R E g S

® I JU S T T H E T H IN G I TOF O R M O T H E R f i

-----A P E X __________________________TO _POLD-A-MATIO jS

IMI ;-':-IRO N ER Vt i l l »»«• • ^*** - i rll .l . TO K,

R O B E R T E . L E E fflM ti...........S A L E S V S E R V I C E " " S „

I F R E E I W.. J PAIR or ■ ,

LOAFER 60CKI! ;S ’- “*■ , WMth portbu* nt a Ai

m iu Slu—Skrilo*- Uor Hedomaa A

S P O R T S H IR T 5§1M% wool-rAll «lcrt tnd tiw W




,1 0 . |L^W om en L ove W f—

rAllODi_ w ^> oornAM ooLD tn ira ^


___________ I Ijc. HUDSON’S I _

__________________________ W >-UE

•— 1^ ~ \ T H E R E I S NO I ^

P L A C E L IK E HOME K J L^ rou

So ke ep i t TO y ;

B R IG H T WAKD « —ffi Koo

H A P P Y g f ;'S WITH rivE @


’ - A N D TO m

L A ^ IP S & SV ■ ■ ^ ^‘ TOOM ^aUd ' • 53 r "

N O R T H S ID E gV \ F U R N IT U R E CO. § rui

JEROME. IDAHO TO t>“i<Jp«i vn t P. K. • TO .

'< 3 i 2 i 2 ! g S i S i S i S i S i S l & i 3 f f l a i L .


■I 0 Aduiu. ' H»t*r*oMt. iM ktlo^onl*''

‘ g “ f j i . r ' i . - r ’a j j a . y . : ; ; : t s - . = L @ i s a u : ” S i ‘, ; s = :

wH • ftTaao. aaoL ‘fH^nnTI 'IH lii ■» m—“ ) JS 'D N i'U H N T sH B D A1*T8 . ~^ ~ m i 'iio 6US and M rar-n«arnn i»u r /T:J ? .Ubad. rhon*t«_tl^.____________ — _

, g ■ ; =W i-llUUH apartm.Bt trlia erlTtU kth.' ''DTO lltal .hd bot wtUr. IW.90. Pbeot ?;». IIa PoOll-HQOM co!

—J f i J |ir.UR001dS. balh ll.lai room. V.i.„o.‘ n^ Vllltn. TtUtaat pr.f«rt*d. PbeMSmj.

— n J UEOROOM aod.rn ap.i«tBt. rtlliT.5® araUf. ran j. fur«l»h«l. Poraat. b,,,. _r t Phoa. ion.____________________S I BOOMS. f«U Ulh. furaat.. .IkuI* ----fla waUr baal.r. lOl tlh A rntt Ei.i ~ ~^ PMB* m»-J pr tllO-K.__________ p —

■ H KUKNISHED HOUSES ~ „t f hlnMSHED cablB for m l. Ult XbT- k'r t barlr mad.___________________ cl

_ g »-|I00il botit*. j«^rtl7 ouidtra. im fih

_ TO CAIIISS. n .b l hoa,,k.»liir room.. i«^ . ^W In« bou.*- 4»l M.ln toulh, Bi;.f fl UqDUIN 2-l»droo» aptilni.ot .i.rfS bou... iU HtrtBm artnii.. PT.cb. »t.n.W 1 IIOOM.S. «initori.blr taralihtrt. ciSiTO la. NWt for OOTipIt. I-boa. 2tO.;i. Ktm.

TO COHl'LETELT foraltb^J |.rooB> Uiii.i s wllh I flnlabMl roosu Ib baimtali t|| __^ saw (arsllura. t i l t coaeth. Muil bt rh _ _

l l i i . :’o.^"i;^*-n.^"»i^,!:r.:?^ I -. TO u n f u r n i s h e d h o u s e s

------- TO l.nOOM-hau**> —•ji : t :u ,_______________________ Pr.

— - .M t;KOOM-bouM.-bath.-ciPd.Lin lkia,. E J**

W * aod^iaia. «'«* I*. lhI t f ONIMIOOM hotiaa for m l. Wtll bulIL Uu

ffl Phoo. OllW Jt,________ _ =».■ g& 1.KUUU hotiat. rlo.. IB, laqulr. .1 til s r

f i SMALL hcot.. hot .nd Sold »tUr. *" —1 S iOl nitt. Lakt. .oulh.

f S »,nCOROO«^hj^. IJil »»r«BtA arrsoa

58 t noOMS and balti and butmtaL~C.ll .1TO tllih hfiut* w«*t ct Rut.r IVlorr Irxkj,

^ a t.nOUM morfttB hou.t.- IH nillt to»lh ol“ r t Pllrr. GarrUo SloL P.O. boa « l. Twin ^

—§ ......... 'hCT rT B t>,inr f”m er. iKnalrt t i l Wmt AHItn. rboai

_ J W ;nl.W.________________________r t roll KENTi l>b*droata hoR.. OII toiau^ .

—1 S Nlct Bclehborbood. Bwla iBrttlatsiin Con’Ptay. |.„] V KKW ^MODEIIN ^lAodroon^broa. blihir Coi@ nUh.^ tT'oVtV^r °mU.___?VTO * JIOOMH and baUi. modrrB. AdulU. CtllK 114-W Sundar. a( a tm ill. llll Plirr

TO W ANTED TO RENT, L E ^TO Mnilst:. with aoml. cka. la. l i ^ i t . 11.S TlwyNoi^__________ __________ 1,

_ M H ACIli:^: hat.*. plaatr ot agulp. CmK manl .nd Phot. «»II. fttndtll. |.iTO lO.lM. EQUIPMEKT. flatnei* .nd trttr.TO *'*'* •*'*■ >JTO A (iUOU >0 or Ito. Har. (latnrt. aqslp.ig TBtnl anil r.t*r*oca. . S. W. C.dd,

j s WoISTmV^ or tm.ll furrlthtd bouw. Cka. In. ^n inoJtnU r«iL JI.T* rtfmatu. Pboa. _ _

TO lIAVi; HOLD Bir farm, wiiit to rtsi M ___f f lo Ito. hav. S ltl . Biod.l l/acton, full

“ I ff* lln*, own flB.ata, b.rtftmad 1“ ^K la Utrle Vatlcr » r*ara Sm U . b4 KonhM .Idt, tU iamtm. Aln UtlloB. finu 1.« Goodln«._______________________TO M ISC. FOR KENTTO cS?AVBi?.*rtfc'phoBrii°L ” ^r t ^{I'h ^**m7i'iu*t»i “ *'''***■ 2TO VOLDIHO chaitalor all o r ie n t 1 .U«j3 L —

TO J t“*T ■27K z : I p§ I TRU CK S & CARS If i FO R R E N T . . »-

r t IDAHO ^® U -D RIV E, I N a ' jii

© KABT n v K p o n n B h k rv ic b •TO PHONS u n


f i N E E D MONEY —

i C•[a ru u . a. law u air. ..TO Le««r UuB saar. ^a RELZANOE OREDIT OOnP.^ Ul tad ■!»•« Wart naw Hll

TO f— —& LOANS a n d FINANOINQ _g OH A D T O I^M l^^ rtlW m iM

_ a W . C . ROBINSON'TO (Aaraaa tnm Bail* BU»

@ U l m

TO I IDAHO FINANCE W . tf i LOANS5S - t a * - f'*r t (laaMlat m tW

roniltara and agUaabll.^flS o m o H U TT, Manner -----jm Ona ad rin*^ Ba^ * T»wl »«» r —"

a HOM ES FOR SALEr t I.UP.miOOM hom* br .'B .f' ^

f f " u " *»i7 ^ M Vtn’ifim ” ” ''* ^1 % StMl.UASKMENT hooM. Oil fajtKfc IJI'

f i , . r « . , lana loV dtl B«Ub. b. Pboa. IM

f f “ b DMs’r ’Art S ^ '

f i :.]100M hout. with clo.»d lo ^TO ” d Ut”h^»i W.1* ‘yPll.r^ttl.trooad. Nor

i “ s s r "a fa«adla »ard. Call lIH-n. IKI Eul mJ

•TO ruralthad or

J § ^ .'IM-W or aoBUrt .1 IMI.Sob. s.^^ rlt. Botilrr.rd. ________ bi»»


. i s * 2 ,6 0 0 D O W N I

s a i l ----------■—

___ . wednesdj

3 1•»IENTSor rtat. -!«■ ar Iti >-.y 6i^ » la Vtlk

^ ".H rtodw. ■i P l S ” , N; AND2JSS r ^ u 'f iT : ^ “ f T^iiu ■t t '

r‘V“ ^ m aTTl

co7 pa| \ ^ “*

"biM-'mj' u’s? -

u .. tiKuk -----— *m s t Itiu ----

™ o u I5 ^ S 'a- UM llh NKARLTatw

» F = - -E aTThSrcir.

M«ta?r:;iMtttl bt rt. ------------

ttt tan . ----- -

OUSES” bargain n i««L .cu - — CITY-LO?'_ _ _ ^ f"5«. a«wiabi[i.u.

-« n a : INCOME oppoa ■wiTKis: i '3 r ‘'a “C ‘? S I—,---------- tmta lu ibr«’“i" •' *‘i , 5


iHSlluia. ftoa.

a h o miBntiaiBl

^ rV ^ tw rn i^

* '»»rir« spACloa SBEDBOQl

:: •KT-.Ttr W“ H«'«-W4imI. Uoi It-U. <l«a la latati.*. U&9__________!» Prrlael te aiM MItr ot agulp. Catntil btMsai, o ^ iMl. | . tu t. Prfc, KtM, I. .nd trttr. <*«'“• » “«,


J ‘w .n5;at' ' “pbo'”"

, „ K PAHHSfOfl‘b’. 'tS r i .r t r — —


N T ^m i“klt«. of'TwiiTi'ldiidl

, rtoldnUiI n HbM*>. trttkath________ Ba Antf-l aWW

J m UtIn Ir u n J i» ^ AOM JHill

“ 1 Oood'ffWylu kll NR3 i ' i : F Z i V : z

Somt itrat.n o u M

* .'

1 '

mmo, S - i.iS x - '


. “ r i . .

1 -------- :

i a r p 3 ^

. 0 ^ , - t t a■m. U ll t V■ I . > RULE

• phoatMl *»

'^CINQ '■ .. ^

IN' 5«®;U . HUM TBI

______ I HAGICVJJ CO. I N V E ^ ‘

n*a. uarW ____iblte ~ ~n e r ---------It IldA p -

— — J R M ® !iE ___ FOBW

K ^ l

Page 19: · m^^uixETIN M U» £ ^ ' " m*j1««^ d - K c ^ho5 & ____________ ly ed by

b e c e m b e b 6, ISM.

I l g ^ S A L E _ I .

Ck.lM )« . j ■___E '^.K ** " t S i u J . -------------------------

! FARM IMICOHO^«jl».r,

B E ST I «•>«««'»

I s a , ' “ a

I . i ~ r ■ PO T A T O EL>u*"-‘ J ^ ,

p'TSbl* "fc*!??II B«fUri •• Lnt


S i ? S r V l u jATs [ DOUI

m <'>‘- -------------!!:___acB0BEl!T3 i CO . — - '

» I I P O tA T O

= = E r ~ ^ l

C o a c h e s I

— m jjQ

Aspey-HEALTOR i ^ a n d w e l i

i S i ^ ^ l i l " F A R l| A T T E ^


m ..™ . I

a K ™ I - U S E D T K

t L A D J M S . . , . . . _ j L j - ^ - . - . . , „

g f ^ . , . , [ |

s P l i ! 1i | S r . t e

S — ■•• . - ■ -

W CONDIT 5 -------

! ;sE ciio N I :

:« PER ACRE !I _____S E J f f S

i S t . i ' C ’’!}!' i

^-V-; b« ?„ i IMPLEME,

■iw.’ «('.11, Z iMm [ j *''*•

j h a y , g r a in .

GICYALLEY !a sK T -c o R p .— i * > o g . ; rVifi.


P T tim .sA i.B j i j n ^ ;” '£ r ;

i w 3 , S gW O . s k - h s « «

p.,. j[ I J V E S T Q C R -


e ! ;? :■ « :» £


^ r a n 'g h e '! ! * t i l ' i - } S z S : ^ - ' , V ran’c i i S i v A ’ ‘A K«OMES • ’

\ H l S.. « P R IC E S I" cttYi iDAno : F o r D E A D and

™ “ L ,E a ■■XT YEAR! ' c o o i ,o /S ° ^ ° * ^; w . riiu

Acrc Rnnch ID A H O Ht a l l o \

«j-u,r,'i5,?;ri’:7; j___________

Aero Ranch

s S “i£ '.£3 i l i i ^ [ j s ; ; . S : - . T ' a

p ^ n s i l i l F ! ;Good Buys i fiO O D T H lN GE

a th u

■ estate


S V t^ 'iliiA i-J »«>>-. n .w , |Jr.!,°iw *r‘*‘'’ ^M% tu* 0 «l«Ul. Jui,rbriI UECAE U IMS med«l. John Dnn m: :c,-. lu 's 'o .i

fk~. MWT. rtlT. ■<:..U »■ D«M u tl. '

'OTATO E Q m P M E ffF ^ «• • t T.ln r.l'].,

»W« W»»fc«» — _______:*lil« 8o»«r> I .,,,_»ri •• Uf< CI\ETTJBKtTSl>«r tr BIX A»»BI .

DOUGLAS '^ A C m N E S H O P ^ ^

I I.— I ' - I CU,A,V.pu;,„|J5 “

p o t a t o SLICERS

PLAT rfATE trT^T'f -c , i S S E ^ ’

TRUCK MANURE i F^R SAI.E . SPR EA D ER S--....... lE E rH H IcT T ^


‘ FARMERS ||° l 5 ^ g ^ ATTENTION '


USED TRACTORS |li^^\Ti.s‘?i'7i'r ^

— '* o :je iflw ^

- H A Y t o o l s —

N f a l l s TRACTOR | | c o o S i i S

:m p l e m e n t CO. i ir.'.v:„l;;’:7IrRi .^- ! T r . i . 'S ^ ' . h

, GRAIN AND F E E D I .ui'i"i;

r r £ i : “^fi.- f u r n i t u r e Ta


... n. p. c .k . rii.r. Itithw.r m a g ic VA;

" " I i i r . " " " ' i ! E‘ir"PRICES PAID J r tm C tn V ':


A N I M A L S 5259.00 v ;

IDAHO HIDE • ^209.9[t t a l l o w CO. $30.00

PETS N o .l ]

^‘t h i n g s TO EAT j

j c l a u d e b i


g w ! ! j 8 a . “ i i . ^ P


, \

m n TOINGS TO EAT [ J ^ ^ S =^ •n j Ji-Mih.r.i, brliK wmilMii.:I UvJ.juub, ! nonh. I « « t 0* W-lI'olnu.

H ^ S S i S a ; N E V IT iRtmu..,, A ehoki » » ^ ”»r*3i!


C la. m t-w .iict-M .runH tJi#

^FERTILIZER M ondc»"■*

WANTED TO BUY 'I Tues<S p .m .

OR SALE OR TRADE ■ S u n d o '

S ' i ' ! ! ’!.!?"'!-.".'’ ' I T t o r n it u r e . ai

j ; i . . ..'.n > w ;t » w U . .- . I

^ ; S y . ■„■ ,.»■ „ , . , j ^MATTr I ™ [

g ^ g a ; - g a s j | . p p l ™HEADQUAF

W T K v S S f e ’m i! . I SPECIAL SEI

i i S E i t e s


i f i S p :--------------- ^ ' - ‘' ; s , ! s " . u ' i :AGIO VALLEY'S :

BEDROOM SUITE ' ■•<<.»««------

■ v „ I „ e , I

N o . i " ' ' g f s a . - a ;

;;. i? “ .v ‘. ] ■ s ? e n c e» . p — , MOTOR Ci

259.00 VALUE [ '■ '■‘- i - - ------

■ 'A ilT ir '^ -------- ------------------$203 96 B U S I N I

■■ D l lN o . 11 ' • ! • BICYCLE SALES b :

M9.00 VALUE | i> n u o p f i S ' m ^A ll fo r U !‘/.!'in, ! , T . " S

AUDE BRO\YN ! c. jon«’fnr kcmlfltl lc

T.I» r.ii^ U.S. • M OTOncrcLES■ M liliiiM L-»l,rT. l-h. 1.1. Ul

_______________________t im e s-]

, \


----------------------— — f o ^ —

“ " T l M E f i j - K E W B '

C l a s s i f i e d A cM o n d a y Ads-5 p . m . S a t u r

T U e s d a Y j r h r q u g j L F r i d o ;

5 p . m . D a y B E F O R E I n s e r l

S u n d a y A d s - 3 p . m . S a t u r

IITURE. APPLIANCES RADIO ANDr « i i | . i « room “»M rl»... lo .x.ll.n

EVERTON' : ’TTRESS FACTORY I tiu iu m i MuuK.«-in't

One Group ■ I ” 7 uTO3''f «R~

USED 1|-------------------------


C. ANDERSONS ; " ” ™Your ' I ' " ’ r ." r* :.5 ? ,';;s

APPLIANCE ' ! ' ’‘I ”™ ! " " ; " EADQUABTERS j " " f . 'S S i i” “

- I ' • " . T s r . r J : ^ :ISED oil/HEATEnS ll » " ORD V.*

L s \y A S | ^COMMERCI

RISER-CAIN fo'*o Htcii _

.....................................- ........... CHURCHM3CIAL SERVICES MOTORS. I

....... .

j ’’IIS F r


'■.■..‘. z ' A i ' t a ........ . . t I p : S «

I " " i l P


MOTOR CO. INC.., . . . . x I h c f f ? , a w „ , . !



. W, rh»n.jl4 '» -M .v r ,V f f c ~f3'KCOEnClAL PfUNTlStilln* of >11 Wai.. A. I-, ________

, ,.t.,,i...ln>- I’b- o.»:i.lll. * ShWISC. MACHlSt.n H J E ^ n H E I E J I E 1-';^ "Jl"* '"rV.l;'““5iS“ if!5£nwcE * T m :w ju ro .s

ICl'CLES |~MWlinr^Tc.rr. l-h. . . . . Ul >1,1. Arc tL C«m»» N=(. W.u, Kr-lc

t im e s-n e w s , t w in f a l l s , i i



-------- ' ‘ ' ' USED~C.

S W SUl]

1 - ^ IMS DO.'A d s

i9« onnyiItriUfi "I" <our4i>or

1. S a tu rd a yIMi OLDSjJ

"■ *»!• Club tkito. IJHr

LFrJday-E Insertion

■^ j i l THIS WEI


----O N U S E D (


4 S 'J u T t w il l s


" »!.5?,';‘. a , ™ " i ! i ! s l.llf» ra

s 's f r . ^ - "i:r,;s»' “■" k s . * a ii!!;

no V.4 -----IUI.M ' ;------


MOTORIn o ^ T T T I Z : . '™ : .” USED CAR

CHURCHMAN............. ...........



................. .......... * ■ GUARANTE


i S B : i B iI S

l l l i iI

' J S f f i R C U R Y ” ‘' S " ” S - F i ^ INC..

| | i’i ' g « » m .i .> -

3 S 1 0 N A L " “ E E K 'S ™ '™

,„i.„. j o t NTER



BE SURE w ith ft — —

BLUE RIBBON I Z J949 LING(z y ^ c A R z z r i ; j-l»»-PA O RA nD -------- - J -R*ai^ b r tr« .t• Klia ~D«aiiniirilor' fatl7 viU UrM IIM9 b!W I. N.« u c >UCMU. BoUU»> , , m.

” \ « D c . ' c r . ’ ■•i?‘ 1>'71 BARNARlHo’onnysLEii 1 USED CAR

I -I- »ogr^»o, n ..t« . 0«»« ip4 Ar.. t k>.

MiiiD.t. riiiki hialar. I>n>**:e<eiU'<itUf < W __ IXm . - -IMi OLDSMODHJj.m = r.H ;h iT n !ri.‘L 0^ * I 1949


ir .,E . r ioM lIl WI»3flO------------- — s t u d e b



“SELECT"BUYS || °"°*yny.»r

IN USED CA RS..- ■ ‘ '

8 T U D E . B A WILLS ^

M ^ R C O .

S " M i - z ; ' a 5 ; i


' • ' • s r K r s ' ;

;:::E“£r:W IL LS IIL T v 'o 'm ^ t.’'

[O T O R C O . I , S-K -E D .I.(

5 D C A R K ) T I ^ i ^ ' ^ o R ^ «w. Twla r.ll. I ebo» wilrnS'*

------------------------------1 ^^ R N A R D ’S I TAKE THI



. E D C A R S - > «

* ^ p B SI - i « . ~

.................... ...... " “ S E ^

■ ' " a g Y i s a "

; : : : E i ^BOLti «ufc •01P4. itAii,. ■ COMMERCIA— ------------------ ' " - g g g i L r

---------- .m NORTH SIDAUTO CO.

ou ra_ j

H E SE C A R S I 'l l c«CT» o tiT .- i« ,.


s f i i i i . p H ^

lARNARD'S NORTH SIEE b C A R L p T , , . AUTO.CO4 Ar.. ru . . J l,d Bl. X . --------- Lp_T-NO._:


) / A l td fTODnAXCT C«.,


SPOKTSEGAN .......... . .nan, a-i «c»dnto. .

jIIMJ.OO • ------------------------

BARNARD'S « smcx «,«ui chi,JSED CAR L O T ' .‘ff.'?;, w .“o‘!S * l.' ia4 An. E. ks4 tr< IU S. riioN t 1III.W

----------------- ' BROWNIN-------------------------------- AUTO CO

■ I CWkn. m 4«1 wllk1949

.DSMOBILE "98‘*-'- --------------------------■i.n. r.ii®. bMUr, Ivdtieutk.

laiMflO ll

l 2 w - S £ ® i ^ ’L i . W A L ITl...d,iV^-»1U u j i

» - O K -



- I 'SA L E '

U D E . B A K E R ' ’


0 T 0 D 0 R * f lS 5 ? ^ “

' ' = 3,. A .TOSEVML.

______ . L ...................I fM T O IO a O O U E

g _____ “ ° 5 a E g- P D C iA L - B

’' K r a - J i - K . s

•‘. r s ' s s s s ' z s i s i « = i » o " S S ^

™ o ra 1 - ! Ill TO“ » "ITO W » a_________ I l i t ' CHEVROU

“ v T l ^ r i Z Z l « p o n D o i ^ S ^

E-E D-I-C-K - o s n f i ? 5 S 5 ^ “I N F A L L S —

o t o r C O .

.............................. ...........1[ « T 0 « , n S r 2 f


DP BUYING n t o u P I S ’L L .

I t ^ Z l u , . ------------ “

n o L tn -t'^ n..ti!M

' ' S s r - ‘ '’ T - K=Hio»” » s r “

E S . S a s t L l . l i T i I«TC»“ S S ^

iMMERCIALS ‘m D O R ^ s i ^ f ^


ORTH SIDE roiiDOR b e d a n ____AUTO CO. 4. mjDBOWLOT NO. 1 rORDOR S E D A N -- .310MS. IDAHO « » «

entikT s t o '«01IT W «,.™ OF USED CA

™ ,. . 1 - ANDTRUCB


S . C o “ , G L E N G .JE N I

M t N p . _ 2 _ _ l l ' _ _ _ s X U 3 -* -S E B i

U ™ ™ ' H IU I

. • ....................... "■ .V. ..V •



UDUArr* Craoitndw | 4»*r. II.M b Um tl.UO.tO. riMs*





ct lral.1 i-im . HeUr n.ow J;

cx Cbk «eai>.. MU,>r, W« b IImc^ Sm UU* Ml-Uw ktf. OAI7 _________tsm


r. m wlA m flteM )

'‘Q U A L I T Y ’? ......■ -




^WOTcroo L rr

, y r g r "



n S '! I i i^ -_ 4 a e e

P , : $ 5 ! L _ 4 m

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ilU STG'O—


[lEfl A P F R y i<7f f — —


■■ ■ 5 ■ ;■■

Page 20: · m^^uixETIN M U» £ ^ ' " m*j1««^ d - K c ^ho5 & ____________ ly ed by

r ^ '| , i P A O I T W E N T T

' Steel to o Short’ " For Two Plaij. DOJBE. Dcc. 6 (UJ5-Th# «U\< i(j«hoIiMl>#ennolMJM5b7»l«e*'I; ; p aalti I t prol«bly cm aot o'

A ROEBUCK A............ ‘-‘V . . .


i: l l J 0

a^-.. ' ^ S B K S ! 9 ^


........................: . ' , . . . . .

----- H arm ony-H o' -2 Pc. Dl

Makes Ifirpe bed hns deep ' com partm ent. W alnut Iriti■ te rn s in your chioce of C(!, contruction. Idcnl fam ilyi • __ ,

E ' I H I M ^ 9 j a


- C OLORFUL-Tha Ideal gltl for t n ; home. In * w le ty ot oolon tmd ahnr

; A . KIDNEY ...................9 .5 0B. SQUARE .................. 4 .9 5


' C


r --------- -------- -r r [riflldea t« t« ltop rodnM aor»S h o r t w J)«a« per c*r Xor

c f ume,. Atty.-I7f t P l a f p a nobert Srorlle ruled th* t Idaho KO X i a i c S <jOT»ndi mat each ftulomobUi u :u--n.. , u . » . t “ "■

^ c i^ o t^ ^ o b S i I Gor. C. A. RolilP* *»ld the

l U C K A N D C a / j . ^

: 2 0 ” - ^ - P c .

n y - H o u s s - E r i e z e - C o y e r

l> c . D I V A N S U I T E - ^ - "

h n s d e e p 7 inch beildiiifc * '5-n ln u t t r im . A ssorted p n t- ^ O 0 ? . 5 ( lioce o f color.i. U nrdw oodll f a m i ly s i f t l E„;.y Terna

A .'

B l ^ ^ 3

I ^ B j E .


m- a f l J K \ i

C. - . D.

IFULrGIFT HASSOCKSany home. Oicic hamly and Suable hai-.ocks ec

in tmd ahnpcsl gave now al Starsl

............9 .5 0 C. R O U N D ....................7.

........... 4 .9 5 D. BENCH .................... 6.E. X f ‘-EV'(S/ON........12.95

>dne« sun t h u rtmedy, tf tb i *t«*l ihortAgt • t r c*r Xor 1951. -tjouM, would be to h*T» tb t '. ame,-Atty.*Oen. , i—mature take em erjtacy aci

to the motor vehicle,■ed W th two U. to permit one pUte per o r .

I laid the only RgAP T O a S -irrW B WAKT A

’" “ •’• • m r r , —

- - - - - r ' y - ...... - ' ............

Pc. DIVAN SIt — = 4 ^

B f f l i

i-gi ^

— . ■■■ -I • — I -

l y - 1 = ^

apH .....

lyer ---------Tapestry-j— ------------PLATFCBeg. 33V50 In be .n iitifu l turquoi.-<o «i0 0 1 . 5 0 c ovcr. H na r c ln x in s rocl'A 7 Htorcd u rm s . pillow -seal.Cn:.y Terna t r im !

L _ _ _ . . _ 2 r


CKS------Regr90;00------ha..-ocki com. C o m b i n a t i o n P r i a

■ 1 2 . 0 0 D o................S^ve 110.05 — on ilil^ liuiir

................» •* '' In matlrtM anil so coih in1 quality mnlcrlnJj. An outM.m


: s n : r l A t t e n d F u n e S

per ear oX-lown p m o n i attending tne---------- 1 - neral Jor Mr*. Ldur« Bailey 8a7B WAKT ADS. day were Mr. and M n. Cht



- Regular 274.5C

^ 2 5 4! 38.00 Down, 16 .00M <

a ] j S ^ ^ • Rose, T u rq u o ise o r I

--------- • R ubber C h o i r Cushii

\ • D urobic F r ie z e C ovt_____________________

\ ‘*i'.'w iSS& l ' 5M deep resilient colla — pe

OP' " ' ^

I I I I jP^' Use SeorsEasy Paym ent


w f w ^ “

C T V iL . 'U .

p e s t r y - o r - A ^ e l o u t - C o - y e r ____

LATFGRM ROGKER------.urquoi.-<o am i ^ recn ta i ic s tr y — « q InxinK ro ck cr nelion. U phol- 5 ;)illo\v -seal. W alnu t n rm a and

E;l^y Tc:i


) -----------------------------------------■

i o n P r i c e ......................... M

1 2 . 0 0 D o w n - 5 . 5 0 M o n t h™ ilil^ liuiirloiiv jlftpins comblnnllon. SIO eoll ? 1 RO coil' In box i.prir.k's. Carelul v.■orkm:^n llln. 5. An out.-ianilinK vuliicl

NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO- I 6 >«runf~ Salt lA ie a t j ; 'M r.i l i n s r s l M n. Earl BaUey, PocateUo; Mr.

M n. Wllllftm Bailey. Mr. w id 3 Km nff lhe out- Lyan Ballcy and M n. E sd e S l Airong the out calUomU; Mr. M d M ri. ' ;tendlng the la- ga*toa, Evanaton. Wyo.; Rol r« Bailey BaW- wilde. Coalville. Utah, and 1 1 M n . CharlK h-etUe MarahaU, BoUe.

- — ■■■■. T -— r - r — r ^ . r ~ r ^

-Ifc w.

N Y H O U S I '. [ ^

Q U A L IT Y ^ I

r 2 7 4 , 5 0 - - - ...... -o c c a s i o n a l -Ta b l

LAMP T A B L E ______ 1*I ^ END TADLE ....... .........1 ;' | > ^ _ COFFEE TABLE ----- 1!i Any one of these tnbleaf make an excellent Chrl:

" Rltll 1 6 .0 0 M o n ti i

•quoise o r G rey I j r i

h a ir C ush ion --------

• r ie z e C over | g i ^ g ^ g g - n g ^ | ^

i t colla — penna*

one moiion C e d a r C host.e bed. 5a \ e now Hormony Houso, Only ol S

Blond Wnlniit .... 59.!S ears W ol,„t,.n.,-.<!l.orW <irn«t

dolgn. dionord motch.d <tr.1<;aym ent r.m.«buu=rF^


' e n d ' t a b l ea f c ^ S . . ; , . _ Walnut r in l ih -

K ^ K i o n l y ............... - I S * !Btitrdlly cowtnic'.cd. Mbk

f ^ f iK S p - ’ract nt each end; tins Ie = H J K -

) - y e r _ _ _ ________jH ||;i:_;r ------------- — L ^ L _ ^

Round H assocl

5 4 -® ® »..==».............2 -<Co;iiiilclc\ llie comfort of

E;l^y Tcrou l'"'nc Sinari rounil .Myl'l>lup, brown nncl ri'cl wllh 1 cobr Of nil Ivory color.

n ^ s

K neeholo DeskV't’olnul or Maolo finish

V I ! : r- :ry Hcuifl 4 9 * w

’ d t ' t d IWg|„(cH l;n. S«t(n roonr

- - - I i ’i ! ! - - i ; - ^


ISPRING’RINGS^ - Q '.9 5 ’. ^ Spring R ockcr

r h M O rn. sio eoll rprlne . T!rj, rno; , ^ O a Q ■or :man l1lp, Be,-,I A :r;,l jjjij

I 403 MAIN AVEt-


AHO _________________ _a t j - - M r ." a id | -V IS IT S E L K m W .

MteUo; Mr. and m lS I . Dee. J -M n . J . T. BmJ . Mr. w id Mrs. and daughter an . E sd e SUrk, wMvea In Whittier na ad M ri. We*Wyo.: Robert Nerada City, ta w .


I iilp s ^

S ! Sf^AL-TABLES . ; ^ -B ------- 11.95 a r..... .......13.95 Hi

BLE „ .- l5 .9 5 .1 ; these tnblea will ^:ellent Chrbtmas ^



r C h o » t ^ ^ " I h a r m o n y HOUSE

I BLANII lrpy.V,n<)t .Irlpid. ^ 1 A

J : R cg . J 3 .9 a I /

R i B l f l ^ • 8 0 x 9 0 In. Siza

^ • W oshoble

il t . • So tin Binding '

A gift Uiey'U remembe:

t cold winter iildiU. \V 100%newTi’oollneojy3’

1 /A U L .b Soft Hnrmony Howe cI t r in l ih ... -* p .. nowl

. , , ^ . 1 8 . 9 5 inictcd. MftRaane ,d id ; iinj JotrcT- ^

^ FiSg lpTo7 ' " "------;-----*— ------- h»xp«miv». Pfoitica! ■H a s s o c k ^ Boxo(6T oy,el,.. 1 ,

2 . 6 6 W Smoflly ilykd .Iff. m ,. Irli, Eodi glfl bo« corlgtu ili n

comfort of your S »o««iikioMorteJH(imwrH£>i. rounil .’.tyle In r^ -

- - ~ ~ 1 # GIVE REAL TABLE B£

w im y ^ ^ l Scrvice

% For 6 .............................

J _ : • M clropolilon Polti

. l o D e s k ' • 5 la a » s s S ic c l '

Maolo finish >' •'■' b(•loyoiirt.iWf, wii)«uind.i.

a ^ 9 * 9 % >i:e. NopI^illnKtowrarofT , . . A ’■I'll’. I"':>1. *

iir,*’r< ,w rf”«opi Y priccai

' f

5 8 . 8 8 ySIjij )a»p ^ .

A V E ^ W E S T - P H O N E 2 8 (


kXIYEB DANCE i m Dn . J T. Bardi- DIBTOCH. Dec.' B -D letileh u A A nm lots held their annum ecnior ta aau«i w iu= march w aj.I Whittier aoa jjy Lorr*lne Nelson wid Waj

Bterens. Patrona and matrons W'______ Mr. and Mra. Irfwln and Mr. i'8 WANT ADS, Mrs. Herb McOoyen.________

f f l i - i i i r a a t j



m m


ty'U remember on those cr iilRliU. Wftrm. thick 5i’oollneojy3’i lb, weight. nony Howe colors. Bave

J r t i p f o w o t s ” A p p r B c i o T o d O rtiva, fiociical GiUt Harmony House 3-pc Towb ■ m th .. 1 . 9 8 Gill P o c l o o .d , . . . l . <

id »llti M«. Irbigtd tnim *" prodkol «Ull H« co-i|[it>»-.l» II X 16.h. **"'* •*»*MbU In lotifl-w. nidihmtrrUBvieulen. •olti, bord lowth.


V E R W A R E ^.....................r y ^ /

21 Pieces M a l .ipolilon Po ltcrn f m t /

ess S l e d ' / M /M /m fA

[ that ttiltls beauty £ _^ Wii)«Uind.’ (Jfllly j fInK to wear off , . . rlllji, pral. Mnin,

!t priccai


^ P N B B JA T , I i k ^ I


ecnlo? ball E s a ^ ^

___________ uiue ct

■HEER t h a t lasts A ll




Reg. 4.98 J{ ONLY....*1

W f t u W / l K l A > m d aI W J /M /l l lJ P jA « ta j

! - " x i^ «Itctlon of chea

« j P ^ Save HoTl

Othen 5.JI1,


^ . i

h'h . . . ; r L ^ P


f l ”®

d n T S o 7 f t $ -)U5o3.pc Towel Sef SP‘« ™

o d . . . . 1 . 4 9

I, proclkol «ll>l M»d»i»xrabi* In krg-wtotlng . ^ ypKloih, bord lowth. tbtiv

/ a A

E ^ ^


4 P i e c e i - ^

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P a r k F r e e i n ^