· no.2 dosmd ....... ne.. jilulti1l' ltdpricl-lijli no. 80. fur fallandwin·...

No.2 DO Smd ....... Ne .. JIlUltI1l' ltd PriCl-LiJlI No. 80. fur FallandWin· ler,flggl .• "reetoan,.ddl'8l. Con. l:liM r,lll dtlCl'iptioo O( oil iiM' of pcIII8 lor Ilfnon"l Ind fSllIlly 1IIlt. W. dnl dilCtlly .lIh the COOlumer, and Mil all in All' quancit, al tMdaah !lrlctll. You Cl'11 buy beUf!1' aDd cbtaper thaD at hOIlle!. "ABD" CO, 221 lad Z29 Wabuh Anouf,Chbp,JIl Plepared by Dr, J. C. Ayer *' Co., Praetleal .atI A.U1J'1ea1 a ....u. lo"'.tI, Man. NLD Ir "'L "ICllQIf'n ...., ......... Cathartic Pills Comblno the cholCMt eaUwtlc prtllC::tplN In mf!lllclne, In proportion. IoCcurakly JlIlh'd 10 lIf!oCDre aclh'lty. oertaJnl1 and. unlformll! or elI'ecl. Ther are the n.ul' of or CII.«ftll IItud, .nd practical u- "ud a,e the mflllL flffllCtu.1 re.. edy .11Ic0\'eretl fllr dlaeue.t, caullfKl hr t1emll!tclllfllt 01 the scomach, liver I1Ml which rel1,lltre IlrolUpt. and Irp.l\lll1tlllt. AVkKI PII.U are '1*1.11, ap- S IlCllble 10 l!lll clUl or tllaeuet. 1'bfjyact on the tllg!llIve and .... lmll.t.Ive rrOCnllu.. anti ,"rore ll'(Ulu health, aD- lion. Tllt!!r eJ:tcnllln Ule b'llb l llelaulo. Ihelr rractlce. and by all civil zed 01110111 I. one 01 tile mao 1 Jlroora or their nlue .; a pe ectl, rell.lble purgath'o rnClllt nil, neln, cowpoulllled or 11011 llUU- centratel:1 \'Irtuea of pu.rel1 vqetable atallCtIl, Ihey are ptlIlllnly fl1lll from tala. mel, or lUIy InJu,loo. I'f1IJll!nlea, aDtl taO ...hulnllt.eret.llu c1dkln:u wi'" pIllCec& aalell. Ann's PILlA are .0 efl'ectual cure fOf" COII.UpatioD or lod'-t.. Uoo\ Dr'pe"", Lou of Appetite. Fou Stom.w.b aDd BrMtb, LaM of Memol"J N••b."", BllIou'Dea, JauDcUc. l RbuDlaUl_. t:rupUODt aad !HLIa D IMlMo Dropa1. Tunlo,*, Worms, Ne.raJ..... C.Ue., Grlpef<t D1arrbcu. DrM-atef')'. Go_t. Piles, Ditordert of tho LIver. &lid an otlttr IUteMI!Il from a d1aonJ&nd tale or tbe cI..IMe&LJ."e apparatus. AJI a [)loner pul tM, III" no llCIuaL While Jtlltle In 'belr acUoa, 'hHe PII.", are tbe nlOIt thoroaall ami .ucblua: eatbar· de lha' eau "" employed, and. ae't'u g1"" raJn nolHl the bowell an totlaJMd, and Ihln fbelr 11l.t1llellCe Is besllnc. TheyaLlma. lue lbe app811u and dlcntlve orpDI;, tileT f)perr.te to puTtft AIld urich Ibe blOOd , and Imr-n feoeWIlQ be&lIh ud ncor to OM wbole 1)'It.eIll. New Ohop Hou8e. f.XT OOOH. TO POST O... 'ICK.I HU1' PIES. CAKES, .J1III\... BEf;FSTEAK, ClU Oysters In tbeir St.·aKlu, .Dd In .11 St,let, VI" u. a call. G. H. UoEXUTDER. Pooll 'ro.. nten(f.. W. T. au. I X L MARKET. (Corner Qlllllt'J alld POJU' 'l'o\\'XsES"D, WASil. TERR. All Kind. of 0h0kM .....'-' AS"D 'filE BEST 0.' -Const.. lntly on Hnnd.- Can.nd .alid, Jourse1t. JOHN 'ENCHLIIt, Hol.K:1 01 A":kalOIllo "'reu.. n..r J I;snF.1J FoTIoTr. 01 TMlCT J..um l Ol.f)II'U. \V ""lIlror-YON 'r.uUIITOIlf. f SOllre II hel'O!ll} ,h"en COUHtllan Wllh 11111 I'rovltolt'nl 01,\" olL:oPlfreMap' nl.. 111'11('111. S"ntlll WlUhlll/(lon Tin" Ill.·.. ," .. btl .11"' .... 110.. 10 PII",-balti' Ih" ....·'lrl>( ... Ilr OrllOqrl!l!(',27 .11'.1 tit \\ 1I111mtU. tlWrltlllll, p:':.l\? J. T, IlltOll s. :.10'" Ilf'lltlUOl tbf Laull ornl-e. 8 ° ,..,. TRrES. A. W. DASH. Collector 01 Customs. ARGUS. United States Nationalloscom, D. c. NO"r:I:OEI. TIMBI·;n E Custom House Sale CUSTOlt Hoc Eo POlCT 'l'OW"SSr.{O, W. T. f'eb', . 1852, NnUl'e !llvell, that Ih(' 'ollow. hlj[ dt'k'rihed IItllclc8 ocel7.t'd ror .\oI.lIon 01 Ihe Ullital !iCIlU>J JkYellue I. .. ",.. will be MIld Bt Am'll!)ll. 10 the hlghell: lt1llder. lor Itt. Ibe Cuslom III Pori Wuhlnll:lOl\ Territor).. M"rch 8. ISS:!. at i o·cklck. P. 11. 11 ..... t1 CltrI'rJ. .wllud at Port. semt. .1. 1881. No. 116 2 lint Opillm, .elud It Be· 1I1l1t'. 1\1A\' 23.1. '11. l1i, 60 fin 01,1110). 3Oa. aelz.ed at Oa:. ie. 1881. No tt Q GO tin. OI,lum.:IOa· telzed.t Pori ·fp\vny,.d. On 20. I. I, So. 119, 10 I box Clr.tJ'l. t 1Io:a: Tn)"•• 8 1d§.• 'Illnel, 1 3 pI'S. Children's HO§e. I Silk IJmbl'fllll,lellftlat 101lo·oknd. Nn.lI. ;So, 12(). j1 rda. I RIlII n"lltl. kl'n:h'er. I tin Ii 2 broh!1I till' Opillm. 0.... TobIIcro. Ilebed at Pore 'rfl\\'\lCf!IIt1, Nnv. II. Xo 121.2 rln,Olllllm. 1 .. lJClud at Port 'rOl\'ft!leIKI, :sov. :11, l!'fll. No' iOO seized at Port To"'n. tend. Feb. J. J8.'fj. P rtle. {'Illmln,; allY or thelllbt\,-e mell., _ tlollt'll "'Ilclell. are n'l'Julred to IHe thel: chtlm5 therel!),. Ille Coileclor or t.:u of th l D13I,iet wllhln twton,y tillY' rrom tho ftl'1lt pUbllcatlo1l or this no- tie.. . I I\m IIlSlwctcd by ProlCl.lOr Spencer F. 1l.1lnl, 01 the SmlthlOllhm to ""1l0tltlQe to thMC Mllltllllli; flonltlona to the: N,,· IlOllnl :\11I'flltll. !lllll I "III n!l'el..t! 'Ileel. Inl'nj lit Port TowlISf'mlllnd tOJ\fllnl them lrom here to Withington tree 01 chnrCt to Ihe dOtlOr. 81Je\"imens 01 Illtefltied to trate qUlIrrltlor bulkllng nllterlll, should be In IOll,h Ctlbelt 1I0l O\'er is Ir.cllel, 10 lU 10 .Ihnlt 01 bl!luC t111llhed a, W" hhla;tOlI 01 a tlllllorlll 'Ize 01 ... ·Inch Ctlbei. S/""" 01 Indill" 1110118 work 01 an I. mit, IlIl:h M I\ere Iorlllt'rl)' lI<PCI b)' SPt'''' heatl • Itrf\lW polnr .. ",,11 otherlreh.. eolo"It't11 t'OIIec1luIIJ rOIllKI In old llwlr lind "'lteA or (onner ·Iwelllnr-. ludlllll (·ftrffil WMIt (M III klllll,. Mlne",,1 , Metal!. "cwll Vtrtellel 01 wood. to. how the products 01 Olll (or* sv. till M II. 10 ho,,- the 1'1"11111 Illli lexture; 1"10111 oloblnl.lllltJ be"'l. I.bn olr M'\ aJ (0 Illlow 01 bt:11IJI: rnotllllf'fl; ',w. 01 ft4h. iht'li' lUll! lltolht.tl "" 1ft-II III po....lble 4 10 tit ror prHen·. iliAC In "Ioohol; III 'hort. eVt!r)'lhlllg .-hleh "'1II111114tn". thu I'lOthll:U rn IhtH'Ouulr)·. ,\11 ","-,'I"M:1I5 ... "llu rlle hOl.lkJ ",hl! till.' \t111l0r'j1I1AIlIt! AII\I lkkJ..e. In lulL wIth 1141111.,,11I1"i a.l to locdll.r wlM'nl Jlllk.m't."ll. On ""1"1111 lteft'. Iher will tlIl Proll- \'rll wllh Ihu Mlhe JWI'"IlIl tIlflll. IIlid 10rWllnlt,1 Itt Olll.ot to "'.,.1111181011. where dill' tredit lor the 1111\ will bt! ltwa"lal. I\lklrs: JA)(E; O. S\VAS", AXellt U. S. Xalioulil 1'0rt'1'0"," ml, w, T. -&!t, &1 EUt.8, It fnlm thedawullll[ 01 thc raornhll Ull· til 11111111"". and I wok Itaud 'lew rpopII- 1111011) o( It leftll .• 30r tif AllItor I had duolf!ll Il. And I 180k thenOt! the 1'I:'Me1, ot Jehovah. "lid d,..g""oetl them bcfol"ll Kemo.;h, ... 1 bllllt Anor•• ull I matltl the lOIlIl on!r the Ar· 1I0li I built Deth Bomoth fer It h,,'1 bo:!eu plllICd 1I0wn. Bezer. And J built IJelh J)lbl.lm, InO Heth BAal Meoll., .• AlIIl saltl to me. 'Go dOWlt tight .)tahlll 1I0fOn.im.'.. lIere Will hue not 11\11)' the lIalllt: or )letha, but alto that It' Olllrl, k!tIK or IUAeI, of KfUlO!!h •• or rhe lrOl'blue. Cl\Ued ChlllllOlih 111 he H1ble. aud or the c1t1tli1 Dlbon KarJII. 1h:1lm. Ikvn. Arvor. M!tdet.. At.rotb, NM alit: Btlth BIIII )leoD, eltll tribe or O"d !lull Uli:l brooll ArnOIl. a. well Jj Ihe UII.lltfl JE:honh. all 01 whlet. ant meUtl"ll- t. ...111l lhe Bible, alld ""hldl Ilre III the rt.'!tloll o( tho C'Olllltry 01' Mon.b. It ",1110 !tJtiIlk! 01 a 11100t'8!lrul ",lMItliell ami the lllbl\J SIIeRk!! or It .. IlO sUI.'C!'8Ijrullhn.t lhc ":llIg8 01 .Iud"h amt EtJom we." eall\.o() to ttSllit III qllt:lUIlI It. A VUUAULtt I NVKNTlnN,-The llIacklllao Brothers ot Snohomilth city, huc just obt.ined a pablltL tor A 'ery Y&luablll illvention. Thi. in· ve!ltion ilt an impr\.lfflment on car truck, ror us. on wooden railw.y, These impruyed car trurk. or carll .re now ill .ucce.srul operation in Snohomish county. During thl. time has more than satil6ed the c:a:peetlltions or the :nventor•• Thue ca:-s "'ill Ilntirele tho old tellious and upen.t.e akid road. No" thai lumbermen are torced '0 go back into the "ood. lome dla tanct (or their log., the prirnitiu method of fi(leen or l_ent1 ,ear. .iit0 "'ill not anawer. This invention or Ull&ckman 8ro's meet. tbe want'l or the time.. A wooden traok with these improud cars aan be used by lumbermen in places and upon grades _her. an iron traak could 1I0t be used, ror ebe reuolll th.t an iron track elD oDI, b. u•• d on com· I'allilin li{lht aradea. whore.. thc ,.oode .. tr.ak ha. been lucee.. tull, \t.ed witb ebes. vaeh where t.he !Crade _as one (oot to ovcry nine. E.ery lumhcrmao on Puget Sound will understlnd at a glaDco ehe im· port.nce or this inventiun. it is likely to prodoce a ro.olution ill the methoos or hauliog logs trom the woods to tbe hooms ot navill"ble ""ater. We .hall ltOe be lurpriseo 10 letl. within a )'ur, ev('r)' enlcr" pri.h·g IO,liU{er on PUlee Sound mak· use o( thia mOle timely and Vtt)· lIahle iountion,-"Polt Intoiligen eer," TUE senAte contnllUte 011 -rerlfMIetl 011 10th hellN paul Shull"" or Ortlflll. 0' the Alailla 'l'""dhl/t ami rl,ltlul ComPAny. And W. D. lhll, 01 Sll .... In advOOACr 01 ruonlble 11."'011 on tbt: bill hurodl1:)el by Senllor Or.ver 1\1111 I'leVrtlM'nl.llUvc Georre, to lJrovkle a <:Ivl .O\·crnlllflilt (or 8outf.eau AI ..k•• al3M pe.r ysrcan be ... 11)' 1lI1r!4l1l1 hnnle ror E. U. H.1dfIo1l1 .t 1.;0.. 10Iknlll!!}' &end tor their cal·tow l \\! )1"0 remedy IlIlhe "'orkl e\'er "lne 11110 'uch tlnl\'ttsltl U88. or bu 'VI won thecolidellOtlot IUInlllnll. as Ayer'IGIM'Trr ror the cure 01 CouKI .., l:tJII.b Illlll Con.umptloo. Assessment Notice. I'f'JCom IIpplyllig U\ Tlm""r l'OUT t..:O. III I,;IIIIIMIII. Ma.10U. 1\11. The H'l,.'Ond ot tWI nh' pt'r 1'111'. or lilly ocher COIllII)' III Ihe OIj"lIIplll Cf'1I1. 011 tile ..:apical Ill:Pctlb.ll1 0' Lalul III11ulcl. uIIIll'r IIIU .\,'t or ,Iulle :1, the Port Mill Co. "".:1, IIc:d not ll:0 to Olrlllpia In Ill.'"'' IIl.1le ou or bcluru Uoml.I)·. Ihll 13111 thl)' r. ' " , 01 A. U., Itt Ihuollk" of III\.' Ilroo AlIt pit)' "Ir lie r 111m. bill .,u, :-it.'Cltt.ry 01 IIllll tJolltj}t111Y hi 1'1Irt Ulltlltlflldillroof belorc D. W. 8MII·/I. 'I'owlllcllli. w. '1'. I .llItI:,:I' or Ihe l'rotxU6 COUlt or Jen" ....ou H, onler 0' noanl or w .,' 0, 1111.1.. :oit.... :n". ". 1GOIIII&Y, . ,au", I/llH"tby lhlll' I'ort TOWWClltl, W, '1' .• ,18J!, sml mOlley. ·loI;tI. , nd, W. T., Friday, F HENRY LANDES, Oommission and Shipping Merchant, & ExchllltyC B1'OJ.:CI'. GOODS nOUGHT AXO SOLD COMMISSION. Sft'illS Disbul'sccl. &r' ". L 1''''' .Iher »ltArnt ftWIhetl •• 1M" ,"- Will !ell 81011'1' EXCHANGIo; 011 SAN" POIt'I'I.A:s'D, Alid 0111111 pllrla or tim UNTn;O S'I'ATE . \\'111 1>1\)' the luke III COIN. (or WOOL HIDES, FURS and SKINS. "llIIfOe Ile.1 door to f'lI.r"'rlr."" lliboe "fore. "'flier "'I,. P.r' TO"·OM!IIII. ,.. .. t'r_elll<ell ."ee.• 1 II: 23 BaUer)' '''rlllll. Wild Oats. llol&b alld the DIble, Port To-wns A reo.'C'llt rllde: 01 11011, D:nkl iOme ""'ho lately Illal. on Ihl.. ubJet.'t III lhe A Hta;l!. n:llllutk'\J me 01 sollie 0' Ill)" ilL'.... IUdlflg III a tllXi! lOme )'I·.. n IIltV. tlte .Irl.er Iud IIIJaell Idl huo II. l'Ull\'t!mllotl. 1IU111N! JCIIVil me Ihc belle· nt ()4 "Ii oo;(!rullllu "bollt • roull;lI 01 people, wllkll IltQh,1 the trulr. 01 tilt' proverb ··W!llll/to'.:ver a 1lIita lIOWtlh thlt "hili healllO Tellp." Thc.llbJ<'ct.c1utllJ\:w I1ml .... '1Il WCN UllklllJ{ llbout a )'otlng m'lu who Ii.tll bt..'ll hruuaht up ",Ith thll be.t or Ir.lllltllC. 111111 Ill)' 1. .... 111111&111011 uk! thllt 110 Olljll1t to lito It'll ".IV :0110 mOle u he Lhllt he Iliull't('elvw ellol1gh lOOtI trlllnhll( lor Ihe Ilr&l(llu. l.ee 111m IIOW ItOI\' hl-f wilt! 0 liS. \\'111'11 he .. Id 11lI-f I lIut hdll tlllllkhlg 0' ",hit he h".1 I'nlviOIl§I)' tlllJ me of who h:1I1 MlW· t!ll tlltltll 111ll!I'I'!,ltlt ...1 IhullI. I thOtlJ(ht or !l01l1" CXI,,·,'hllll.'tl 'which I IlIullll«1 tllI:I ... thl'\'IJ or lilllr \'t'lri willi OBU. O,ll: tlllll'" I WAIl thllt where till')' WCrt· 10\\ II. willi O:lIa Willi flint to lCrow. Thll'''' I. I,u 1l111rt: l,,'lJrUllut, ot till. IhrUl IIII'll! I. 01 Ilt1llU O,lt. A dromh whlell will kill .... 1111111011 (tau kill thol,. .lId tloc)" Ie&.- \,tlllh·lIlloll. 'l'11t! ..... uw or tlll:4l. 1I1111n. TIIC)' al't: Wltll. II"· tin'. of the !COli', II tile ex\lt:rlclioo I, o( lillY V1l11l8. the 11111111 trlltl 01 Il OO)"!I wlklo.'I •. 'l'111l)' will I'MlW wllh IIll1101t llO tllalval1ol1 ti,r tht')' an'! wlkllllluntlly. 1\lI:lllu I 101l1l11lhllt I hel would I,ropa,"lc wltoout lurtller aMlllana!. Sow 11111111 O',lll lIull III a lew rt"l'lI they wU11iu all bllt 101" ....·11i oneil IIIItJ 111t!1 .. HI flllt lilu out. lIenl'o( :11t! 0' 1116.!OIJ aud 1ll0\"luX tllo'mlor lUI)' wlllllot tle-illO' them. So I .hfllu tM huma...lId Oll,. wlllwolotple Hut uot oilly .. UIIIlt'v thl .. the)' wlJl 'pmll. :;'.::111.', I Il:lullflll or t .... 'o 011 a 'Hill III.d III " few )·car.. tilt! (.Ir111 _III "" .. 'lIh tI"lII. It 111'0 nr1 dllfk'ult 10 11111 \,;lIt Ihem wlJeIi Ultly are Ilf'eell IIIKI ttw-)· ..... 111 "prout allillro", ••alll rrom IItt' roMf. btl II eVer '0 IAle Itl the .!If'.$Of\, ·'.\'11 If they 110 flOC hue to grow 10 Ih.lr n"'lllntl III/1tllt. lher will «row 1M .Ix IlldlH or", (oot.lld 111t'1l ll'olOIt::t'd. Or I( 1(\ PI't\i;IU Ihli !Jlt'y are Wlltll ripe or enu .hllUl't 10, Ihtl1 ,,'U1.hatkr nllt AIIII ,<ow IIMtIll"t'lve.t. l( IIII' luelllpt IJ UIiHIe loa,okl bofh tlllllwttlet b)' ttll· ling t1It'U1 h"ll p.,nl)· "MIn lU,t1 par:I, rip!:. tI ... ·y be na<k(1. but IORlt: wllllll(llltl lrolllihelrotlllilalllhomc will "C'luer Inllll lhe held' Ot!rOnt tlte, .lII Iltktll r"'lIl 11M! .;l"ell 10 I 110111.1'(1 .bout bo,. wll.., 010"- they ,pl"f'llll IUlIl lire vtry hll"1 to kltl. f"UI' th ·r. I h:ne..--,." Ihllt the, "'1II111l1 Olll .1,nGPot evu,)'lhItIK el'4fl III IhelOlI it .101· "Iy It:tlllolle. roou are 10 alrollJt Illd Illtiol Ii'o til/it Ih..y 11th ortlle soli. Ilere IIkl'wl"tl I hlivt: ... -ell thll' lhe \'(Jlllllllrll!l.J1l dill llOt t.lli. 1.IUtly, I have 10ullIi IIMt fltrmers W\'re ver)' \'Ilrtlllli llOt 10 IIOIV lileill 011 their pIJlUl'" UUlllu r"rlU whllre I lived I rOllh.IIIIf:IlI-·1 Until l,aVe Oil ..... to 'till. "Wutlkl not huu them 011 lily pl.l:<l ror a 1II0uo\Ilnll c1ollarll"-"wUl lIt1t lOW lIlly tWltll Ir I CKUIIOt Ket which hll! 110 wlkl amollf tht:III, "_ "lllllllmUllrcxl,reuloll. hue oneil h('lIrtl wheu tlley 1"'1 rllH.1 or the willi Ollt!§. :UIlI fll"n ttlrned "IV", whell Ihe, h.lI no Idell wllt'lou til )' \.')lIld IIl'ttl 01.1. But here till' COmptlrllIOli ollell has r.It\.'l1 .lltl I h!1.Vtl why mell ...,ero nlON l.'IInl(ul "bout their 01114 alld r',nll tlllll lllt'lr 00)'1. Suttlc hu Jlliit 011 the Kllllnwl alII uXlllllple 01 AOlllti who IOwl. ...llhelr wlhl 0111.. propltg.led II,read, "'ere !lOt klllal until the lIIeli wett! kllleo.l III1lI perli'plIl1ot then. 00010" .IIJ do NOT IIktlwlAe. 31e!!h•• klnjt 01 WOIlb. II a penon bill Olla! lIlellllolHld by ll!tlne III thc bible (:I Kilif-. 3: ".i .ml lin th.' ...a1 ":Utl"''' or him l'te¥l6'u to tria', "'llt Vrobllbl'I.'OII. taln,d In thllt dl"llter. We n'All that ")lMM. Ill .., or Moab wa. II .heep Inu· NOTICI. ler alltl felllle.n.ood limier tilt: Ung 01 141'1lel a hlllKll'el1 tllOlI;41)11 Ialnbl, AIItJ a hun· The ladltl of IIIe Good Will Soclety ex. i11'ed lbollUIllO nUll_ ""hh cheu wool. P«t 10 r;lve.n tnlt,llIhuRfOIIt IIlId IUIIIM'r And It \.'aUlfltO p:l. • 1\'hen Ahab .. u 'l\le5lJllyewelllnl. reb. 23. :!. III "ow. that lhe klul ..I Moab rtbt-l1td 'rn.intt Icr', lIall. A.ulKanl'e In 1"liul: out Ihe Ihe kl"'lt 01 lt4'br1l101l I'rovnllfllne IJI .. rlllly aolldtf!\l, 'llCOe)lj 1,lr a .. hort tlnMl.,leuf. Although l{), oNer or the Sodel" aner a thn(' I, wu cnlJ!le(1.1 .f,lCllnllur to 1 --:--::-::--: _ lbe IJIble. III a WlI' lli-wver- etIllllho ruhl' 0' the old ,:Ity 01 lJI'boIl, NOTICE. In the .nciellt 1.'OllIllrl III .\Ioall, 00 which "'M III Illocriptloll, which tUtet Illat Ie t:ALED "on nLl .. "'. llI",te by till' "lIle Mr<llta, aud It tell' 11ll( In till' E.se eud or Wllin ur lor alll.'1ellt killp rrum the lennlu.tlon of the Pn'M'lIt 11x.11 recunlO'lllhdr .) lIelultowlllX art Kt1Ille to Ihe breskWl\ler, "'III be I'e\.'tlln'l:l sollie UIr:U.:U rMIIl 1I1k.'I'll'IlolI;"1, b, Ute Cll, Council Of Purt TUWll"\:!tII. Itt . ..011 0' K.. m04ll1(ad. IIII1AC 01 Moab. thtl of11C1:l of the Clark or I8kl Cnundl. Ill"' Ihe )(y 'llllM-r I"f!lklltld O\ef '0 Ihe IIlIt l(onda,11l llllrch. At 20·t'l0I.'1o )IOlIb 'hi rtf 1Ir.t! I rc1lllt"l.I "'h:r P. M. Grllde to be lIllllnrlll, Illid i:tllle a4 IllY l.. lI",r., .. I'hell ar04l' Omrl. klllX or tltlAbll he\! JCtRlk!:. "!"lei o... flll11ly 1.1"11. 8YlH\ler 01 tM Cit)" Collnell. bI,:a1Il-e Kt'IIIOl1Il ....... "'''Kry with hI11.utJ. , .... r. Dt:I.1., ftK\.'eet.w..1 111m. ami he too AI.1.llIg CIty 'Je,lI, .. Id '1 ",llIol,pn'S. In IUIII)·dJl)'1 lie 11\11111110(" bllt. I looked 111'011 tlkl rulll or "'mAnti hoIl.., (OI"f!Vt'r. Anti 0111,1 h.llltllkcll 01 the 1,111111 01 Mfd· ell:! lind dWl'lt Itl It. 111111 111lJ)' !I0111> lortj' r,e.,.. .... AmI Ilie Ul()lllJl 01111 wcrt! dWl'lInX III thu 1,lIld of AI"lOlh (ruUl \,r IUld Ihll kllll{ 01 I,rllel hilll built 'or hllll\l'IIIII1' cit)·. Aud I (ollKht 1IN;lIhl't Ille dl)" a:,lI Illok It ItUlI "lew lit the 11Ih.hh.llIlU III till! \.'lIy. It plOldll1( .lllht 10 K"mO\h .lItl til Mual,. "1.1I I 1·lIr. rIL'l1 off thCllW the -- of ." hU\"IlII. Ilwl tlrdl(/(td It lIcflll'\l Kl:l1If)o1h. Alid KCllltlilh ,ahl co III\,. -00 taku Xl bO from 11Inel;' aud I bl 1111111, IIl.tJ foueht IIKllhl1t K " WEEKLY lfh,. UND RULINGS. IUTt:!'l4lt' AUn:IlTl::I"':: 4nch. tltli! It'"t'rtlnu ........... 1.00 ":lIdl IUlil.'rtloll ..•• . .•• . GO '1'1'1111 lellt Ill1n:rtloellll!lIli, 10 III-.:rtloll. mlll.l btllh.. '\.'OlIIpalllal b,Y l'IHb. t:1lr' " .. .lffu.u"lIIeUleIIIlI _llh', .J!g I ... l'I'lLl.I"''';U ":\I-.In' .'IUI>.\\" AT I'url TflrrUor)', A·r.T..... W.E-:11l t.IIITull j'ltlJl'IlIt:T'lll. 'T"'''•• r"llbow",,'l"'" 3._ .... a... In .(10'11"("-: lol' In\)1I1h .... II.JG. Vol. XII PUGET U1\ rhll fith hi t, 300 toni 01 Call(vrllll\ "la:llt It;Ileh.. 11 St, IbeSolltltern heine rltlt ....tJ. Tile 'ollnwhllC Jccl11011 wa, by thl.! 01 thll (;olllcf,ll I,Illili UIlh:c fill IIHl Utll or ,1.ullltr)', upon Ihe .' .... lo::·l.t'.IIlUlIll·..1e or 0 FIlIlI IUIiI A Ibr- loW' fir LOI .... /; IiluruJ. We It:h'e lelU 111 rul l , thlnklllg It btl 01 lutl:/"C3t to 111"'1 ot nm U •. r"UT'IlK"" 0" TllY. INTtlilOll'j Ut:lroUl.H. I .. ua.. U.·t'IC'ri wlI.III1I1(I;\I1. I), l'., .1:'11. ij, Ihl1l-TUI Io:rtoU Ih;c"'\"II, olyUlI;IIt, J'errlrolY: IlU'TU:NIOi: I "II"" llunlilleo! the OOt1lefiled U.C(' 01 I:Olr "',1111.• ;\ ,tlml Hallow, fill wank-t1 wlll.1)'Ol1r ul II, l')SI, "lid luvnhllllC to :>t It U. :lull !e 'Ir of''''IIf.4l:'\.. 2-1. 3. 1l"lIth'K .. 1i''I1 Odof),'r 7. 1 SO. The ",1"'1'11. 'hili Arlhur U::lrlow N:uk II. E. So. ..Iallllu)' l.:'Iil'. fOr lot! G. l' Ir 9.•,,"1 'Ir 0( "llr soc slid I "'C. :U 2 ,\lMlthlilOlolr Fllt,lltt",1 I). S. "'Ali. JIIllIlltry 7. ld7il. 'IlO' Illt", 1Io'C 18. :u S. I .. all1llol." 5. llw(lrlNt-1.:l.a X. 2. W Allt'llllJ,: ...nlemel1t n, ISi7. Thl.. MtlrlllK h.d III l)IIrtlloln ..... or the "1'lllh111Iol1 of "'1111' to mllke rlllal prool a'lll P-'.\ IllI nl. UIIOII llue lIotk:e. Uolh IlInk.. W'1'11" Iln4t'ut at Ihc ... lth .... ·tht! au"",er·. IUIII the li,lIow o In" 1"""IIIH.lIIy III .Ubt-hUk'l!..... .'11l1t I. " II"allllHI pte-o·II(lllor. 11\11 .... ·t· 1110011 lot" 01 clJIltll olllile lilh ur LIIa.'mllt'r. 1\"" II,·t 01 II, ..nt ""_ 'rf'llIllrhllC all Olll IlnOLUlpll.'ll tI)· .UlIlllyllill a allli IIo:I.t M nWlI. A leW' d"r" III ,hi. hl:t III IlUu .. •. !tllli no Ilk'd "I' 10 the liMe or IIIt't,.ll.l. :--Im'" hi_ he IIM.-IIII· 1 11'0\'-.11 lot" bv 0011111111 d,ldell IIOllk. IIml root IIUIl'"4!. lind b)' (Illlch,/( uhll"t tt'll I",:reil 01 tho IlIlIlI. a/l\l 111111 t'Mlliv,Ulllll kUlUl lour lIen'a th.·n.-o . III 1I1u wlllltlr or ISiS.U. hl' bllilt a 10i[ h()u1te 011 lot 0 01 l'!MIIIl, lll"kluK hllpro"'IIIClltA III "iP:rt'I""'u worth "OO\lt 1100; III. lm<lut'1l:l OOtlll.cte\.1 with tht' hUlll 1,11.' been t\.hlllg MIlII rurnillg, It Mlltj(t'tl th"t Olltl Silmllel Altoll &Ill· tll.'1I11POll loti tIaM Iud nw qr 01 lIU tlr sa: 2t 011 the tll'St. 01 Ocooller, Idil, nlltl 11It- ...1 n. ror thc Ille. Janllary 15, Idill. Ihu he h:ul built a hOll""C on \'ICIHt'l1 about IWO .t,," 01 Ihe tRllIl. 11111 theN unUl aoouUhtl t1mt! or lIAr· 10w'l "ntr1, IIml IOIlI 1111 1m· prO\·tUII:III.. to Uarlo"', It I. III tllllt 1I111he d.y that Barlow made III II. F:. (or riM' Ialld III OOllleil, be IIlltle hili IInal I'roo' ami paymeut lor 1111 ad· JUIIIIIlJ: cl.lm. The m"JDrlty IIr hi. 11I1II1Iy. hl5 Wile, hne L'Ullllllllt!d tl) M.IlIe ul'0n Ihl. pl'l'-emptloll C! 1111, II)' hbuwuadlUluloll. ami WtI hllve lHWlI!lIK lHlt hl4 Ii\\'ll te811- ilion)' •• III OWII 18llldeUCIll IlpOU the IlOm'lleIUl clnllll. while lif:nral or hi' I"·I,KI,I,,.,.. that It hlj beell upon I:h F. """" Illilthlll cllliru. Kulow claims ttl (IInr t.ef'ej 011 101. 3. IIUrl to 11m· cultl.l1.ted hA'rallltt·rt1 nt Ihe rruuud Ill' I.. tlte ,Ifltll u, he.ullljt. lllltl to hne 11 'II broken (or ran wlle-4t. Ue ,,' ..... cl.lm.! to 1t'1I1.'I!d "bout Ihnle erea, .Dtl thllt. I.e II,. rour lllOllPlltJ ,..11. "n:a 1'1 III \IIY ull. ".11 011 811t &be leIlHIIOIl' 0' two wltn llilO" .... K,,·,r lluubt UpOll hi. a'leJ,ulolI 0' 1"'11'1· alld at thll8111llO lime rtlldf'rslL vcr) u,.c.rtalll wh.:ther lhem WAf II hOll'" I'" lut 3, wlon: lktubo::r or '$I$. At All eventl U mUM be lI"mllted thllt , lIat WAI 00 lanJ, .,ll.! lakl dnlm to It Ii IIUU tIUIUVn:V'11tI1 toliurcllllllllhtrtCO h, lI .. rlow. llh IJ.:I. WaJ D:oenlbt!r :it lS7j. alltl b1 m,,11 to th.: alai .. whom It rt&I'bcIl .1.'IIl:u)· 7. whl... oI, 1I.u-= II Lt!:\f'i, I ll"'llnl the I ud tttrlbrlt\.'llill I". IJ, 3 .• ami u hi' 1111111 I,mol Ull 1I1c whit ll ... audlJft'llIlA,and ullldellI. Y'1Il wUlltllnwhllll to\.'Oltlplete Tilt:: II. .:. or IMrlow, to tlte estellt chllt. III "')lIl1lct wHll Fllnt'8 U. S. III held IIUb- tu 'lIkl ellCry 01 10'11111. Sotl()'.11 IIIf' l':trlle4 III liltemt and allow tile 11-1'111 tlllle ror Aj>IM!IlI. Vf'ry Jlt"'IK'Clrull.\·. ,11(1101) ., C, llcF.HU.ANIJ, t:cJUlI1lIMlouer. t..:. )1, 11'1'11 11lIlA'. IIttorney ' .... r fli"t. :'itru\\.!. 11,11111:11 J..ellrl, attorne1 ror 1I,lrl",,'. , ,

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ler,flggl.•"reetoan,.ddl'8l. Con.l:liM r,lll dtlCl'iptioo O( oil iiM' of pcIII8lor Ilfnon"l Ind fSllIlly 1IIlt. W. dnldilCtlly .lIh the COOlumer, and Mil all~11 in All' quancit, al tMdaah !lrlctll.You Cl'11 buy beUf!1' aDd cbtaper thaD at


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lo"'.tI, Man.NLD Ir "'L "ICllQIf'n ....,.........

Cathartic PillsComblno the cholCMt eaUwtlc prtllC::tplNIn mf!lllclne, In proportion. IoCcurakly ad~JlIlh'd 10 lIf!oCDre aclh'lty. oertaJnl1 and.unlformll! or elI'ecl. Ther are the n.ul'of ~''''11'll or CII.«ftll IItud, .nd practical u­Pl'rllllen'~ "ud a,e the mflllL flffllCtu.1 re..edy }'~t .11Ic0\'eretl fllr dlaeue.t, caullfKl hrt1emll!tclllfllt 01 the scomach, liver I1Mlho\\'el~. which rel1,lltre IlrolUpt. and elf~tualIrp.l\lll1tlllt. AVkKI PII.U are '1*1•.11, ap-

SIlCllble 10 l!lll clUl or tllaeuet. 1'bfjyactIfI~t1y on the tllg!llIve and ....lmll.t.Ive

rrOCnllu.. anti ,"rore ll'(Ulu health, aD­lion. Tllt!!r eJ:tcnllln Ule b'llbl llelaulo.Ihelr rractlce. and by all civil zed 01110111I. one 01 tile mao1Jlroora or their nlue .;a fIllfellure~.and pe ectl, rell.lble purgath'ornClllt nil, neln, cowpoulllled or 11011 llUU­centratel:1 \'Irtuea of pu.rel1 vqetable 11I~atallCtIl, Ihey are ptlIlllnly fl1lll from tala.mel, or lUIy InJu,loo. I'f1IJll!nlea, aDtl taO ~...hulnllt.eret.llu c1dkln:u wi'" pIllCec& aalell.

Ann's PILlA are .0 efl'ectual cure fOf"COII.UpatioD or Coath'eD~ lod'-t..Uoo\ Dr'pe"", Lou of Appetite.Fou Stom.w.b aDd BrMtb, D1ulu~lIe.daeh~_LaM of Memol"J N••b."",BllIou'Dea, JauDcUc.


t:rupUODt aad !HLIa D IMlMo Dropa1.Tunlo,*, Worms, Ne.raJ..... C.Ue.,Grlpef<t D1arrbcu. DrM-atef')'. Go_t.Piles, Ditordert of tho LIver. &lid anotlttr IUteMI!Il realll~DI from a d1aonJ&ndtale or tbe cI..IMe&LJ."e apparatus.

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While Jtlltle In 'belr acUoa, 'hHe PII.",are tbe nlOIt thoroaall ami .ucblua: eatbar·de lha' eau "" employed, and. ae't'u g1""raJn nolHl the bowell an totlaJMd, andIhln fbelr 11l.t1llellCe Is besllnc. TheyaLlma.lue lbe app811u and dlcntlve orpDI;, tileTf)perr.te to puTtft AIld urich Ibe blOOd , andImr-n feoeWIlQ be&lIh ud ncor to OMwbole 1)'It.eIll.

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SOllre II hel'O!ll} ,h"en Ih~r.ln COUHtllanWllh 11111 I'rovltolt'nl 01,\" olL:oPlfreMap'

::~~~tlil':I~::'; ::;\~:~~1:~8~.j:' ~~,,~~~:nl.. 111'11('111. S"ntlll ~nd WlUhlll/(lon Tin"

:~~r,i';r.'U.:~i,1:~:,.'~· ~.~~I~~~h::1~el:.~Ill.·.. ," 1111~oltk.. btl .11"' ....110.. 10 PII",-balti'Ih" ....·'lrl>( ...w'lrllnll~w Ilr OrllOqrl!l!(',27~r~,1 J1I~ I~ T~:~:II~;~~~:' 'A~~(h~~~~~~'~;.11'.1 tit Ih~ \\ 1I111mtU. tlWrltlllll,

"1~ll.l"::·I"~I~~II'I~".7I~~lIt\~lII~~~!tlf.n~\;;~~~~f.~~~, 1,1,1'~'IWn::~\~:~ilw\~tl~~"~~~,~~~~:I~I~~~~'p:':.l\? .1\~:d:·~:~}I~'I~:I'}.~I~n.~\~~:~~~I.'t';';:I·~j J. T, IlltOll s.:.10'" Ilf'lltlUOl tbf Laull ornl-e.



A. W. DASH.Collector 01 Customs.



United States Nationalloscom,WA~IJINO'rON, D. c.



Custom House SaleCUSTOlt Hoc Eo POlCT 'l'OW"SSr.{O, W. T.

f'eb', . 1852,NnUl'e 1111f'~h,v !llvell, that Ih(' 'ollow.

hlj[ dt'k'rihed IItllclc8 ocel7.t'd ror .\oI.lIon01 Ihe Ullital !iCIlU>J JkYellue I... ",.. willbe MIld Bt 1~llbliu Am'll!)ll. 10 the hlghell:lt1llder. lor Cll~b. Itt. Ibe Cuslom HOtI~' IIIPori "'!)wll~lIll. Wuhlnll:lOl\ Territor)..M"rch 8. ISS:!. at i o·cklck. P. 11.~o. 11..... t1 CltrI'rJ. .wllud at Port. TO~fl.

semt. ~I.rch .1. 1881.No. 116 2 lint Opillm, I~ .elud It Be·

1I1l1t'. 1\1A\' 23.1. '11.~o. l1i, 60 fin 01,1110). 3Oa. aelz.ed at

I~Mt'I'own"i!lId,Oa:. ie. 1881.No tt Q• GO tin. OI,lum.:IOa· telzed.t Pori

·fp\vny,.d. On 20. I. I,So. 119, 10 Chln~ w~ I box Clr.tJ'l.

t 1Io:a: Tn)"•• 8 1d§.•'Illnel, 1 Chlkl'~~. 3 pI'S. Children's HO§e. I SilkIJmbl'fllll,lellftlat 101lo·oknd. Nn.lI.1~1.

;So, 12(). j1 rda. O:\n'A~, I RIlII n"lltl.kl'n:h'er. I tin Ii 2 broh!1I till' Opillm.0.... Chlll~ TobIIcro. Ilebed at Pore'rfl\\'\lCf!IIt1, Nnv. II. 1~1.

Xo 121.2 rln,Olllllm. 1.. lJClud at Port'rOl\'ft!leIKI, :sov. :11, l!'fll.

No' 1~1. iOO CI~"" seized at Port To"'n.tend. Feb. J. J8.'fj.P rtle. {'Illmln,; allY or thelllbt\,-e mell., _

tlollt'll "'Ilclell. are n'l'Julred to IHe thel:chtlm5 therel!),. wh~ Ille Coileclor ort.:u tom~ of th l D13I,iet wllhln twton,ytillY' rrom tho ftl'1lt pUbllcatlo1l or this no-tie.. .

I I\m IIlSlwctcd by ProlCl.lOr SpencerF. 1l.1lnl, ~rellr)' 01 the SmlthlOllhmlll~llttltioll. to ""1l0tltlQe to thMC ~f80nlde'llrou~1I1 Mllltllllli; flonltlona to the: N,,·IlOllnl :\11I'flltll. !lllll I "III n!l'el..t! 'Ileel.Inl'nj lit Port TowlISf'mlllnd tOJ\fllnl themlrom here to Withington tree 01 chnrCtto Ihe dOtlOr.

81Je\"imens 01 !~one Illtefltied to llill~'

trate qUlIrrltlor bulkllng nllterlll, shouldbe In IOll,h Ctlbelt 1I0l O\'er is Ir.cllel, 10 lU10 .Ihnlt 01 bl!luC t111llhed a, W" hhla;tOlI01 a tlllllorlll 'Ize 01 ...·Inch Ctlbei. S/"""men~ 01 Indill" 1110118 work 01 an I. mit,IlIl:h M I\ere Iorlllt'rl)' lI<PCI b)' tMnAlh'~:SPt'''' heatl • Itrf\lW polnr.. ",,11 otherlreh..eolo"It't11 t'OIIec1luIIJ lIJ.u~II)· rOIllKI In oldllwlr hea~ lind II~rtt!ll "'lteA or (onner·Iwelllnr-. ludlllll (·ftrffil WMIt (M IIIklllll,. Mlne",,1 , Metal!. "cwll Vtrtellel01 wood. to. how the products 01 Olll (or*sv. till ~11f'(1 M II. 10 ho,,- the 1'1"11111 Illlilexture; 1"10111 oloblnl.lllltJ be"'l. I.bnolr M'\ aJ (0 Illlow 01 bt:11IJI: rnotllllf'fl; ',w.c1m.·ll~ 01 ft4h. iht'li' lUll! lltolht.tl ""1ft-II III po....lble~ 4 10 tit ror prHen·.iliAC In "Ioohol; III 'hort. eVt!r)'lhlllg .-hleh"'1II111114tn". thu I'lOthll:U rn IhtH'Ouulr)·.,\11 ","-,'I"M:1I5 ..."llu rlle hOl.lkJ ",hl! till.'\t111l0r'j1I1AIlIt! AII\I lkkJ..e. In lulL wIth1141111.,,11I1"i a.l to locdll.r wlM'nl Jlllk.m't."ll.~~. On ""1"1111 lteft'. Iher will tlIl Proll­\'rll bbel~t1 wllh Ihu 1I11n~ Mlhe JWI'"IlIlp":~lIlhIK tIlflll. IIlid 10rWllnlt,1 Itt Olll.otto "'.,.1111181011. where dill' tredit lor the1111\ will bt! ltwa"lal.

I\lklrs: JA)(E; O. S\VAS",AXellt U. S. Xalioulil ~l~llm.

1'0rt'1'0"," ml, w, T. -&!t,

&1 EUt.8,

It fnlm thedawullll[ 01 thc raornhll Ull·til 11111111"". and I wok Itaud 'lew rpopII­1111011) o( It leftll thOu~Hll..• 30r tifAllItor Kerno~h I had duolf!ll Il. And I180k thenOt! the 1'I:'Me1, ot Jehovah. "lidd,..g""oetl them bcfol"ll Kemo.;h, ... 1 blllltAnor••ull I matltl the lOIlIl on!r the Ar·1I0li I built Deth Bomoth fer It h,,'1 bo:!euplllICd 1I0wn. (~lIt Bezer. And J builtIJelh J)lbl.lm, InO Heth BAal Meoll., .•AlIIl Kflm~h saltl to me. 'Go dOWlt tight.)tahlll 1I0fOn.im.'.. lIere Will hue not11\11)' the lIalllt: or )letha, but alto that It'Olllrl, a~ k!tIK or IUAeI, of KfUlO!!h ••~ or rhe lrOl'blue. Cl\Ued ChlllllOlih 111he H1ble. aud or the c1t1tli1 Dlbon KarJII.1h:1lm. Ikvn. Arvor. M!tdet.. At.rotb,NM alit: Btlth BIIII )leoD, eltll tribe orO"d !lull Uli:l brooll ArnOIl. a. well Jj IheUII.lltfl JE:honh. all 01 whlet. ant meUtl"ll-t....111l lhe Bible, alld ""hldl Ilre I1ktllfl~ IIIthe rt.'!tloll o( tho C'Olllltry 01' Mon.b. It",1110 !tJtiIlk! 01 a 11100t'8!lrul ",lMItliell amithe lllbl\J SIIeRk!! or It .. IlO sUI.'C!'8Ijrullhn.tlhc ":llIg8 01 .Iud"h amt EtJom we." eall\.o()to ttSllit III qllt:lUIlI It.

A VUUAULtt INVKNTlnN,-ThellIacklllao Brothers ot Snohomilthcity, huc just obt.ined a pablltL torA 'ery Y&luablll illvention. Thi. in·ve!ltion ilt an impr\.lfflment on cartruck, ror us. on • wooden railw.y,These impruyed car trurk. or carll.re now ill .ucce.srul operation inSnohomish county. During thl.time i~ has more than satil6ed thec:a:peetlltions or the :nventor•• Thueca:-s "'ill Ilntirele .u~ctlede tho oldtellious and upen.t.e akid road.No" thai lumbermen are torced '0go back into the "ood. lome dlatanct (or their log., the prirnitiumethod of fi(leen or l_ent1 ,ear..iit0 "'ill not anawer. This inventionor Ull&ckman 8ro's meet. tbe want'lor the time.. A wooden traok withthese improud cars aan be used bylumbermen in places and upongrades _her. an iron traak could1I0t be used, ror ebe reuolll th.t aniron track elD oDI, b. u••d on com·I'allilin li{lht aradea. whore.. thc,.oode.. tr.ak ha. been lucee.. tull,\t.ed witb ebes. vaeh where t.he!Crade _as one (oot to ovcry nine.E.ery lumhcrmao on Puget Soundwill understlnd at a glaDco ehe im·port.nce or this inventiun. it islikely to prodoce a ro.olution ill themethoos or hauliog logs trom thewoods to tbe hooms ot navill"ble""ater. We .hall ltOe be lurpriseo10 letl. within a )'ur, ev('r)' enlcr"pri.h·g IO,liU{er on PUlee Sound mak·1I1~ use o( thia mOle timely and Vtt)·lIahle iountion,-"Polt Intoiligeneer,"

TUE senAte contnllUte 011 -rerlfMIetl 011,,~ 10th hellN paul Shull"" or Ortlflll.I~mldellt 0' the Alailla 'l'""dhl/t amirl,ltlul ComPAny. And W. D. lhll, 01Sll .... In advOOACr 01 ruonlble 11."'011 ontbt: bill hurodl1:)el by Senllor Or.ver 1\1111I'leVrtlM'nl.llUvc Georre, to lJrovkle a <:Ivl.O\·crnlllflilt (or 8outf.eau AI..k••

al3M pe.r ysrcan be ...11)' 1lI1r!4l1l1 hnnleworkln~ ror E. U. H.1dfIo1l1 .t 1.;0.. 10Iknlll!!}':~'r~li ;:"t~:;'"&end tor their cal·towl\\!

)1"0 remedy IlIlhe "'orkl e\'er "lne 11110'uch tlnl\'ttsltl U88. or bu 'VI (nll~ wonthecolidellOtlot IUInlllnll. as Ayer'IGIM'Trr1'~0,.1 ror the cure 01 CouKI.., l:tJII.bIlllll Con.umptloo.

Assessment Notice.I'f'JCom IIpplyllig U\ l)llr~h""" Tlm""r

l'OUT 'l'OWNSE~1) ~t1"', t..:O. I."IHI~ III .1t'nt:r~OIl. I,;IIIIIMIII. Ma.10U. 1\11.

The H'l,.'Ond ~n:ellt ot tWI nh' pt'r 1'111'. or lilly ocher COIllII)' III Ihe OIj"lIIplllCf'1I1. 011 tile ..:apical ~r()l'k Ill:Pctlb.ll1 0' Lalul III11ulcl. uIIIll'r IIIU .\,'t or ,Iulle :1,the Port 'l'owlI~ntl Mill Co. 11l1ll~lltlllaV' "".:1, IIc:d not ll:0 to Olrlllpia In Ill.'"''IIl.1le ou or bcluru Uoml.I)·. Ihll 13111 thl)' r. ' " ,01 ~1l\rt!II, A. U., I~:!. Itt Ihuollk" of III\.' Ilroo AlIt pit)' "Ir lie r 111m. bill .,u,:-it.'Cltt.ry 01 IIllll tJolltj}t111Y hi 1'1Irt Ulltlltlflldillroof belorc D. W. 8MII·/I.'I'owlllcllli. w. '1'. I .llItI:,:I' or Ihe l'rotxU6 COUlt or Jen"....ou

H, onler 0' noanl or Tru~U'e.. • w .,' •~Io1'II. 0, 1111.1.. :oit....:n". ". 1GOIIII&Y, . ,au", I/llH"tby ~ll\C lhlll'

I'ort TOWWClltl, W, '1' .• ~'eb')' ,18J!, sml mOlley. ·loI;tI.,

nd, W. T., Friday, F

HENRY LANDES,Oommission and

Shipping Merchant, &ExchllltyC B1'OJ.:CI'.


Sft'illS Disbul'sccl.&r' ". L 1''''' .Iher »ltArnt ftWIhetl

•• 1M" ,"-Will !ell 81011'1' EXCHANGIo; 011

SAN" f'IU:Vl.:l~CO. POIt'I'I.A:s'D, Alid0111111 pllrla or tim UNTn;O S'I'ATE .

\\'111 1>1\)' the 111"h~.t luke III COIN. (or

WOOL HIDES, FURS and SKINS."llIIfOe Ile.1 door to f'lI.r"'rlr.""

lliboe "fore. "'flier "'I,. P.r' TO"·OM!IIII.,.... t'r_elll<ell ."ee.•1 II: 23 BaUer)'


~o,,'nf Wild Oats.

llol&b alld the DIble,

Port To-wns

A reo.'C'llt rllde: 01 11011, D:nkl ~·e"'·

iOme ""'ho hl\~ lately Illal. on Ihl.. ubJet.'tIII lhe A Hta;l!. n:llllutk'\J me 01 sollie 0'Ill)" tXI~r" ilL'.... IUdlflg III a tllXi! lOme)'I·..n IIltV. tlte .Irl.er Iud IIIJaell Idl huoII. l'Ull\'t!mllotl. 1IU111N! JCIIVil me Ihc belle·nt ()4 "Ii oo;(!rullllu "bollt • roull;lI cll~01 people, wllkll IltQh,1 the trulr. 01 tilt'proverb ··W!llll/to'.:ver a 1lIita lIOWtlh thlt"hili healllO Tellp." Thc.llbJ<'ct.c1utllJ\:wI1ml ....'1Il WCN UllklllJ{ llbout a )'otlng m'luwho Ii.tll bt..'ll hruuaht up ",Ith thll be.t orIr.lllltllC. 111111 Ill)' 1.....111111&111011 uk! thllt 110Olljll1t to lito It'll ".IV :0110 mOle u heplel\~; Lhllt he Iliull't('elvw ellol1gh lOOtItrlllnhll( lor Ihe Ilr&l(llu. l.ee 111m IIOWItOI\' hl-f wilt! 0 liS. \\'111'11 he ..Id 11lI-f Iwll~1 lIut hdll tlllllkhlg 0' ",hit he h".1I'nlviOIl§I)' tlllJ me of Iho~ who h:1I1 MlW·t!ll tlltltll 111ll!I'I'!,ltlt...1 IhullI. I thOtlJ(ht or!l01l1" CXI,,·,'hllll.'tl 'which I IlIullll«1 tllI:I ...thl'\'IJ or lilllr \'t'lri \~lth willi OBU.

O,ll: tlllll'" I lIollOl~1 WAIl thllt wheretill')' WCrt· 10\\ II. willi O:lIa Willi flint tolCrow. Thll'''' I. I,u 1l111rt: l,,'lJrUllut, ot till.IhrUl IIII'll! I. 01 Ilt1llU O,lt. A dromhwhlell will kill ....1111111011 (tau ~'ltiliot killthol,. .lId tloc)" lIel.~1 Ie&.- \,tlllh·lIlloll. 'l'11t!..... uw or tlll:4l. 1I1111n. TIIC)' al't: Wltll. II"·tin'. of the !COli', II tile ex\lt:rlclioo I, o(lillY V1l11l8. the 11111111 I~ trlltl 01 Il OO)"!Iwlklo.'I •. 'l'111l)' will I'MlW wllh IIll1101tllO tllalval1ol1 ti,r tht')' an'! wlkllllluntlly.1\lI:lllu I 101l1l11lhllt Ihel would I,ropa,"lcthcmkh'c~ wltoout lurtller aMlllana!.Sow 11111111 O',lll lIull III a lew rt"l'lI theywU11iu all 1l01l~. bllt 101" ....·11i oneil IIIItJ111t!1 .. HI flllt lilu out. lIenl'o( ~atlltl,

:11t! h,'I'\IIl~ 0' 1116.!OIJ aud 1ll0\"luXtllo'mlor lUI)' wlllllot tle-illO' them. SoI hll\"tllloll~1 .hfllu tM huma...lId Oll,.TI~)' wlllwolotple t1"'rn.~lv8l'. Hut uotoilly .. UIIIlt'v ~," thl.. the)' wlJl 'pmll.:;'.::111.', I Il:lullflll or t ....'o 011 a 'Hill III.d III" few )·car.. tilt! (.Ir111 _III "" "'V\'c~1 ..'lIhtI"lII. It I~ 111'0 nr1 dllfk'ult 10 11111II~m. \,;lIt Ihem wlJeIi Ultly are Ilf'eellIIIKI ttw-)· ..... 111 "prout allillro", ••alll rromIItt' roMf. btl II eVer '0 IAle Itl the .!If'.$Of\,·'.\'11 If they 110 flOC hue Il~ to grow 10Ih.lr n"'lllntl III/1tllt. lher will «row 1M.Ix IlldlH or", (oot.lld 111t'1l ll'olOIt::t'd.Or I( 1(\ PI't\i;IU Ihli !Jlt'y are I.'U~ Wlltllripe or enu .hllUl't 10, Ihtl1 ,,'U1.hatkrnllt AIIII ,<ow IIMtIll"t'lve.t. l( IIII' luelllptIJ UIiHIe loa,okl bofh tlllllwttlet b)' ttll·ling t1It'U1 ~ h"ll p.,nl)· "MIn lU,t1 par:I,rip!:. tI ...·y ~,llIllo, be na<k(1. but IORlt:wllllll(llltl ~Ullt lrolllihelrotlllilalllhomcwill "C'luer Inllll lhe held' Ot!rOnt tlte,.lII Iltktll r"'lIl 11M! 1I~k1. .;l"ell 10 h",~ I110111.1'(1 .bout ll~ bo,. wll.., 010"- they,pl"f'llll IUlIl lire vtry hll"1 to kltl. f"UI'th ·r. I h:ne..--,." Ihllt the, "'1II111l1 Olll.1,nGPot evu,)'lhItIK el'4fl III IhelOlI it .101·"Iy It:tlllolle. 'l'1~ roou are 10 alrollJt IlldIlltiol Ii'o til/it Ih..y 11th ~Ioll ortllesoli. Ilere IIkl'wl"tl I hlivt: ...-ell thll' lhe\'(Jlllllllrll!l.J1l dill llOt t.lli. 1.IUtly, I have10ullIi IIMt fltrmers W\'re ver)' \'Ilrtlllli llOt10 IIOIV lileill 011 their pIJlUl'" UUlllu r"rlUwhllre I lived I rOllh.IIIIf:IlI-·1 Until l,aVeOil..... to 'till. "Wutlkl not huu them 011lily pl.l:<l ror a 1II0uo\Ilnll c1ollarll"-"wUllIt1t lOW lIlly tWltll Ir I CKUIIOt Ket ~which hll! 110 wlkl 011t.~ amollf tht:III,"_1I1~ "lllllllmUllrcxl,reuloll. hue oneilh('lIrtl wheu tlley 1"'1 rllH.1 or the willi Ollt!§.:UIlI fll"n ttlrned "IV", whell Ihe, h.lI noIdell wllt'lou til )' \.')lIld Jl~t IIl'ttl 01.1. Buthere till' COmptlrllIOli ollell has r.It\.'l1 .lltlI h!1.Vtl ~'omlt!n!d why mell ...,ero nlONl.'IInl(ul "bout their 01114 alld r',nll tllllllllt'lr 00)'1. Suttlc hu Jlliit (urtll~hetl 011the Kllllnwl alII uXlllllple 01 AOlllti whoIOwl....llhelr wlhl 0111.. ~Illch propltg.ledtheU1~lvCI, II,read, "'ere !lOt klllal untilthe lIIeli wett! kllleo.l III1lI perli'plIl1ot then.00010" .IIJ do NOT IIktlwlAe.

31e!!h•• klnjt 01 WOIlb. II a penon billOlla! lIlellllolHld by ll!tlne III thc bible (:IKilif-. 3: ".i .ml lin th.' ...a1 ":Utl"''' orhim l'te¥l6'u to tria', "'llt Vrobllbl'I.'OII.taln,d In thllt dl"llter. We n'All that")lMM. Ill .., or Moab wa. II .heep Inu· NOTICI.ler alltl felllle.n.ood limier tilt: Ung 01 141'1lela hlllKll'el1 tllOlI;41)11 Ialnbl, AIItJ a hun· The ladltl of IIIe Good Will Soclety ex.i11'ed lbollUIllO nUll_ ""hh cheu wool. P«t 10 r;lve.n tnlt,llIhuRfOIIt IIlId IUIIIM'rAnd It \.'aUlfltO p:l. • 1\'hen Ahab .. u de~ 'l\le5lJllyewelllnl. reb. 23. I~ :!. III "ow.that lhe klul ..I Moab rtbt-l1td 'rn.intt Icr', lIall. A.ulKanl'e In 1"liul: out IheIhe kl"'lt 01 I~rael." lt4'br1l101l lJl~ant I'rovnllfllne IJI ~1Jt.'...rlllly aolldtf!\l,'llCOe)lj 1,lr a ..hort tlnMl.,leuf. Although l{), oNer or the Sodel"aner a thn(' I, wu cnlJ!le(1.1 .f,lCllnllur to 1 --:--::-::--: _lbe IJIble. III 1~3 a ICOO~ WlI' lli-wver-etIllllho ruhl' 0' the old ,:Ity 01 lJI'boIl, NOTICE.In the .nciellt 1.'OllIllrl III .\Ioall, 00 which"'M III Illocriptloll, which tUtet Illat Ie t:ALED PROl~OSAI.8"on nLl.."'. llI",te by till' "lIle Mr<llta, aud It tell' 11ll( In till' E.se eud or Wllin ~rt."t'I,ur hl~ "Ik.~ lor alll.'1ellt killp ~hJotll rrum the lennlu.tlon of the Pn'M'lIt 11x.11recunlO'lllhdr 11o~ltal" .) lIelultowlllX art Kt1Ille to Ihe breskWl\ler, "'III be I'e\.'tlln'l:lsollie UIr:U.:U rMIIl thl~ 1I1k.'I'll'IlolI;"1, b, Ute Cll, Council Of Purt TUWll"\:!tII. Itt~1el'11A . ..011 0' K..m04ll1(ad. IIII1AC 01 Moab. thtl of11C1:l of the Clark or I8kl Cnundl. Ill"'Ihe J)lbo.'IIIt~. )(y 'llllM-r I"f!lklltld O\ef '0 Ihe IIlIt l(onda,11l llllrch. At 20·t'l0I.'1o)IOlIb 'hi rtf ~'f'It",. 1Ir.t! I rc1lllt"l.I "'h:r P. M. Grllde to be lIllllnrlll, Illid i:tllle a4IllY l.. lI",r., .. I'hell ar04l' Omrl. klllX or P~!:It tltlAbll he\! JCtRlk!:."!"lei al1lll~ o...,,~oal ~IMl) flll11ly 1.1"11. 8YlH\ler 01 tM Cit)" Collnell.bI,:a1Il-e Kt'IIIOl1Il ....... "'''Kry with hI11.utJ. , .... r. Dt:I.1.,AlI~ hl~ ~ll ftK\.'eet.w..1 111m. ami he too AI.1.llIg CIty 'Je,lI,..Id '1 ",llIol,pn'S. ~O.'lb.' In IUIII)·dJl)'1lie 11\11111110(" bllt. I looked 111'011 tlkl rulllor "'mAnti hl~ hoIl.., (OI"f!Vt'r. Anti 0111,1h.llltllkcll ~.~Iflll 01 the 1,111111 01 Mfd·ell:! lind dWl'lt Itl It. 111111 111lJ)' opp~l!I0111> lortj' r,e.,.. .... AmI Ilie Ul()lllJl 01111wcrt! dWl'lInX III thu 1,lIld of AI"lOlh(ruUl \,r ul~l. IUld Ihll kllll{ 01 I,rllel hilllbuilt 'or hllll\l'IIIII1' cit)·. Aud I (ollKht1IN;lIhl't Ille dl)" a:,lI Illok It ItUlI "lew litthe 11Ih.hh.llIlU III till! \.'lIy. It plOldll1(.lllht 10 K"mO\h .lItl til Mual,. "1.1I I 1·lIr.rIL'l1 off thCllW the -- of ." hU\"IlII. Ilwltlrdl(/(td It lIcflll'\l Kl:l1If)o1h. Alid KCllltlilh,ahl co III\,. -00 taku Xl bO from 11Inel;'aud I well~ bl 1111111, IIl.tJ foueht IIKllhl1t

~1!IGJj:'F ~-K "WEEKLY lfh,.


IUTt:!'l4lt' AUn:IlTl::I"'::

()11~ 4nch. tltli! It'"t'rtlnu ...........•1.00":lIdl .n~luclit IUlil.'rtloll ..•• . .•• . GO

'1'1'1111 lellt Ill1n:rtloellll!lIli, 10 I~SUln:

III-.:rtloll. mlll.l btllh..'\.'OlIIpalllal b,Y l'IHb.

t:1lr' " .. .lffu.u"lIIeUleIIIlI _llh', • .J!g

I ... l'I'lLl.I"''';U ":\I-.In' .'IUI>.\\" AT

I'url Tuw~~("lIti. W.~hl.,tonTflrrUor)',

A·r.T.....~S W.E-:11l

t.IIITull .\~II j'ltlJl'IlIt:T'lll.

'T"'''••r"llbow",,'l"'" 3._~....a...In .(10'11"("-: lol' In\)1I1h.... II.JG.

Vol. XII


U1\ rhll fith hi t, 300 toni 01 Call(vrllll\"la:llt It;Ileh..11 St, l~oullO.l!r IbeSolltlternheine rltlt....tJ.

Tile 'ollnwhllC Jccl11011 wa, rellll~refl bythl.! ':OIlIlIlI~(hJ1l~r 01 thll (;olllcf,ll I,Illili

UIlh:c fill IIHl Utll or ,1.ullltr)', upon Ihe.' .... lo::·l.t'.IIlUlIll·..1e or 0 FIlIlI IUIiI A Ibr­loW' fir LOI.... /; IiluruJ. We It:h'e th~ lelU111 rul l, thlnklllg It I\I~}' btl 01 lutl:/"C3t to111"'1 ot nm ~.dt"r":

U •.r"UT'IlK"" 0" TllY. INTtlilOll'jUt:lroUl.H. I..ua.. U.·t'IC'ri

wlI.III1I1(I;\I1. I), l'., .1:'11. ij, I~.

Ihl1l-TUI Io:rtoU Ih;c"'\"II,olyUlI;IIt, W~hIIlXI"'U J'errlrolY:


I "II"" llunlilleo! the OOt1lefiled U.C(' 01~ I:Olr "',1111.•~, ;\ ,tlml Hallow, fill wank-t1wlll.1)'Ol1r Icll~r ul ~ltl\.h II, l')SI, "lidluvnhllllC tlrl~ to lot~~. :>t It U. :lull !e 'Irof''''IIf.4l:'\.. 2-1. 3. ~·,,2w.

1l"lIth'K .. ,,~ 1i''I1 Odof),'r 7. 1 SO. The",1"'1'11. ~how 'hili Arlhur U::lrlow N:ukII. E. So. i~J..Iallllu)' ~. l.:'Iil'. fOr lot!G. l' Ir 9.•,,"1 ~ 'Ir 0( "llr soc ~U. slid lo'~I .,~, "'C. ~j. :U ~. 2 ~'. ,\lMlthlilOlolrFllt,lltt",1 I). S. "'Ali. JIIllIlltry 7. ld7il.'IlO' Illt", 1Io'C 18. :u S. I ~..~t, all1llol." 5.~*9. "11tl~llro' llw(lrlNt-1.:l.a X. 2. WAllt'llllJ,: ...nlemel1t lA"~lIllJcr n, ISi7.Thl.. MtlrlllK ".,,~ h.d III l)IIrtlloln..... or the"1'lllh111Iol1 of "'1111' to mllke rlllal proola'lll P-'.\ IllI nl. UIIOII llue lIotk:e. UolhIlInk.. W'1'11" Iln4t'ut at Ihc IIt·IIrhl~... lthIh~1r ~I .... ·tht! au"",er·. IUIII the li,lIow o

In" 1"""IIIH.lIIy III .Ubt-hUk'l!..... ..\kh~.

.'11l1t I. " II"allllHI pte-o·II(lllor. 11\11 ....·t·III.~ 1110011 lot" 01 hl~ clJIltll olllile lilh urLIIa.'mllt'r. 1~i1. III~ 1\"" II,·t 01 ~ule·II, ..nt ""_ 'rf'llIllrhllC all Olll IlnOLUlpll.'llh~l~ tI)· .UlIlllyllill a 1~l()r. wlndolY~ allliIIo:I.t M t1~ nWlI. A leW' d"r" ·1l~IUClllIII ,hi. I~ l'1lu.hll~ltett hl:t re~I'lcnlX III ~hlIlUu..•. !tllli no Ilk'd 111l'~ "I' 10 the liMe orIIIt't,.ll.l. :--Im'" hi_ ~Ulclllt'nt he IIM.-IIII·

111'0\'-.11 lot" bv 0011111111 d,ldell IIOllk.~'IC 1~1I IIml root IIUIl'"4!. lind b)' (Illlch,/(

uhll"t tt'll I",:reil 01 tho IlIlIlI. a/l\l b~Uklt,r.111111 t'Mlliv,Ulllll kUlUl lour lIen'a th.·n.-o .III 1I1u wlllltlr or ISiS.U. hl' bllilt a 10i[h()u1te 011 lot 0 01 hl~ l'!MIIIl, lll"kluK hl~

hllpro"'IIIClltA III th~ "iP:rt'I""'u worth"OO\lt 1100; III. lm<lut'1l:l OOtlll.cte\.1 withtht' hUlll 1,11.' been t\.hlllg MIlII rurnillg,It I~ Mlltj(t'tl th"t Olltl Silmllel Altoll &Ill·tll.'1I11POll loti tIaM Iud nw qr 01 lIU tlr sa:2t 011 the tll'St. 01 Ocooller, Idil, nlltl 11It-...1III~ n. ~. ror thc Ille. Janllary 15, Idill.AI~ Ihu he h:ul built a hOll""C on lot~.

\'ICIHt'l1 about IWO .t,," 01 Ihe tRllIl. 11111,,'~I,k~1 theN unUl aoouUhtl t1mt! or lIAr·10w'l "ntr1, IIml anerw.nJ~ IOIlI 1111 1m·prO\·tUII:III.. to Uarlo"', It I. III e,'dell~tllllt 1I111he ~allle d.y that Barlow madeIII II. F:. (or riM' Ialld III OOllleil, be IIlltlehili IInal I'roo' ami paymeut lor 1111 ad·JUIIIIIlJ: lt~IIII)lhtll cl.lm. The m"JDrltyIIr hi. 11I1II1Iy. Inch~lIl1l hl5 Wile, hneL'Ullllllllt!d tl) M.IlIe ul'0n Ihl. pl'l'-emptlollC! 1111, II)' hbuwuadlUluloll. ami WtI hllvelHWlI!lIK lHlt hl4 Ii\\'ll Ilu~lll,ported te811­ilion)' •• III hl~ OWII 18llldeUCIll IlpOU theIlOm'lleIUl clnllll. while lif:nral or hi'I"·I,KI,I,,.,.. ~w6olr that It hlj beell upon I:h

F."""" Illilthlll cllliru. Kulow claims ttlIW~ dc,~1 (IInr t.ef'ej 011 101. 3. IIUrl to

11m· cultl.l1.ted hA'rallltt·rt1 nt Ihe rruuudIll' I.. tlte ,Ifltll u, he.ullljt. lllltl to hne11 'II tWO:l4~ broken (or ran wlle-4t. Ue,,' ..... cl.lm.! to ha~ 1t'1I1.'I!d "bout Ihnleerea, .Dtl thllt. I.e II,. rour lllOllPlltJ ,..11.

"n:a 1'1 III \IIY ull. ".11 011 ~akllot~. 811t&be leIlHIIOIl' 0' two wltn llilO"....K,,·,r lluubt UpOll hi. a'leJ,ulolI 0' 1"'11'1·~Uon, alld at thll8111llO lime rtlldf'rslLvcr) u,.c.rtalll wh.:ther lhem WAf II hOll'"I'" lut 3, wlon: lktubo::r or XO~llIber.

'$I$.At All eventl U mUM be lI"mllted thllt

, lIat WAI 00 tl~ lanJ, .,ll.! lakl dnlm to ItIi IIUU tIUIUVn:V'11tI1 toliurcllllllllhtrtCO h,lI.. rlow. llh IJ.:I. WaJ lla~ D:oenlbt!r:it lS7j. alltl l"rw.~1 b1 m,,11 to th.:Htll~,er alai He~..~h·t'r, whom It rt&I'bcIl.1.'IIl:u)· 7. l~id. whl...oI, 1I.u-= II Lt!:\f'i,I ttll::~(lIre ll"'llnl the I ud tttrlbrlt\.'llillI". IJ, 3.• ami u hi' 1111111 I,mol I~ Ull 1I1cwhit ll... \.'ll.~, audlJft'llIlA,and ullldellI.Y'1Il wUlltllnwhllll to\.'Oltlplete 111~elllry.Tilt:: II. .:. or IMrlow, to tlte estellt chllt.III "')lIl1lct wHll Fllnt'8 U. S. III held IIUb­J~I.' tu 'lIkl ellCry 01 10'11111. Sotl()'.11IIIf' l':trlle4 III liltemt and allow tile11-1'111 tlllle ror Aj>IM!IlI.

Vf'ry Jlt"'IK'Clrull.\·.,11(1101) ., C, llcF.HU.ANIJ,

t:cJUlI1lIMlouer.t..:. )1, 11'1'11 11lIlA'. IIttorney ' .... r fli"t.:'itru\\.!. 11,11111:11 ~t J..ellrl, attorne1 ror1I,lrl",,'.




"n'~'"tMa<a"livel'I\iDICof II(woul



• ...1'roQl

'fhe 1t1'.1 I" t· .....

101 "UI'IITII Iii·r,. I'CUC'I'I"lSU.



Sllllrtdll't "lOti XI .. ,ml' UII!..t1..d, .., 4. Ia"Ue.-d, 1if'<I"I'I'", .ru•• S I



neld.... In XII" ".dSH'osn IUSU )UCIIISt,:U\'.

ell )l1.dl..... Ill., l"ul'1ll1.l1, Or.-- ~ ...""HI':w:.Tilr:::lc·ttiil~r:i&'!:~~~"'.:c ....

i,i .tI.....I". Mr. c.. lII..r.New RIIII Scrollil nand lIBcblJlet1

1I..."'t ••11 ..141 tIP' tr.... te 1011....·-


18:50, 32 Yenr, Practical Ellperlenu. 1882,

. John A. Child ""'"DRUGGIST 1.,.

ntt.let hi t' 4 \"e:Fine Chemic." "11

Perrume~ brip~Tollel Arllclu,' w~\Sponglls, SoaPt, mG&t&. Rubber Go~ e'lI·t

, tCor Mnrl1 ..... tltO:dlll °h"

l'orll.uJ, Or. t L~ \·!Ipec:ll llWlll ~

11'11 10 orden ~ fLke.Ulilll Wbllll actolL. L' tL>.llle<1 flit lhl nq 11151

Il.'·])!'!' --: th'", .' ) ,.UU &. UU.U, mile111


'rltolfind,try •bllll)ean, IItgi IhlvO"'usItayacurlslhonr,~, Imileshcul!two J,oin~mile.or III

Th'the 1'1..ill Imiloe~rf

IDoudont trm£"


it OLI'mUe....loilll



fernthe I~...OlD'd')(i1""""I........


is r~



.""tbe ITI

'''Il1IiI' Ifille(11..11

f""t1a1.101oat 1




timeCillil.....101,Ulil.YiIJIII tb

~Inu"f." lUt, ,.."r "",II~'II~r", III

'rll!l"ll"ll·hlt. ),II"·lrl.. "1 '\lId Sl"'~")"r·. 1..·1"U'II"Ilt~ll",1 \1"10'1"1" U.-(h'"IO"ud,

111'1: ..,,·), 1 ·11'11"".

Wherein ho WllS lIli!ltnkcn: A SouthEII,lloln lk!\'ertillOl1 for tho mClllll!tlt tlogin tbo llitS. His Illed w..,. thl~t 1M: 111(' are110 foml of tluli,' own ,logs lhat theywonhln'lllrillK Il lIin~do Ininllli to him.Bllt he 10lit Ilis bet. 'l'UOUllall,1!1 cl1lled,en,ch bringing lila neighbor's llvg,­&lItOIl Post.

SCUltlltifln llt-.:-::W~.',I<'I~ill~g~:- ltis Honorto tho I.>rillo tJleel: ".\ro Ion willing tot.lI:o Mr, X., Illlru )lrc.cnt, UJI your hua.Ill\ullf' Brido·elect: "'fhllonk yon, IiI'1 am notl" W. HOl1or (Oabber·ga14ted);"lint 1111 clJlld, yon 'bonld III\'-u .aill 80beforo cnming here!" Drillo-olecl; "0,• ir, you .re tbo lint !'cnon th"t balconsulteJ my wishes in Ihe D1n.tterl"­Lt~igllro,

tlOld ~I,"

Old Si. put bit feet on tho braa fen.·ller, Ipaneo.l back ill his arme1.lair,knookodthe atlilell (Iff his Sa\'4nllllh cigar, aud.roiliogt,)' 81ilt.

"llklrler 'giu tor fcellll\fe fer onnlldery04h nnw."

"In "lUll IVa)'?""W'y of uat 010 l\ludder Shimon'lI

Rwine ter 'Hiu bor 'atrnktdlOn ob diswurt' l1iS yc Ii Ill·eaiut. lihe'll better tochotf her llynhuita 1ll0uKhty allddint. k~[swells Now l'C!ah ai' 'roun' oOOry tOWllkitchen tlat [gool 'oout."

"Theil ,)'ou dOIl't fear tho oM latly',l>topecy?"

"1'110 aU liS skeer'tl tolliln uM,qer·. donepu" hut 1'&0 IHlt bit JOWtl Ilot de oM1V0m.n Wlt1- lC1iglitlllllll olTon her bUlLo",'en Iho tit t1Bt jodgWl)nt ou Jill hullyeahl"

"What 110 J'01l think about the cl111 oftllD world RIl)'IIOW?"

"lliin't peetf111n' bout hit lUlloU,ta..I Iliu't gITiue tel' bo hooh ",'en It IlIIa\'cllin lito; but tbis muoh J'iMJ boun'terbo!eche. lint hehlll UlO L:t\Vtl tuck IICbontJayll fur t~r mike lUll wurl' iu, An' (Iwtydllj'lI ff'r to t1ro"'n tho wicklJ ,,·'un doPOPPJIlIlIlllIn Villi IIkuaa, He'a gwino torhlku plenty er thUG \lll· tola or pninll IeI'wiu' ujlllo luTu'ril ob 110 lUi~hl)' llAllhun.ob 110 vi,!urlh Jat He'll 'lowed to grow nildown Lellb I"~

'·That'. a r.thor comforting \'iew oftUll case."

"Well, tlnt'll my '"inion enn,boW';kft~o w'.~·.l kno'lI fokes right hCllh III lilatown lillt hit 'Utl take R dlly er l,illtJO tel'II»~ ob, or 11"JY got justit!8 ind Lflil jcdg.wont au (l1J dore mCnnlllli!II."

Anll thcreupon tho oltl mftn luok intotho l~lIccrul Ihllnbcr of a mllon fCllriell!of th~ ~OUtt nthC!nt.-~\tlo.lIla (Oa.)ConihtlltlOn.

Co!111 l'Illrli!!l,

:'IIr, OoorgG W. Chil,li of til{' l'hihl,M­(lhill J.etl/oler. I\cl'unliul-:' to tho Bt'l'or,l fir11mt cit.,. ii Iho 1'0"o;c~.;ur of dOt.'k-l tr) the"ldul' Ilf ~;jI),tHO. Among tlll'm is lii'lL.tfnlllt'" I'rc....·ut. IfOtuutillll'lt kU!Jwn II" tilt'tfr'1II1 \'·locl.: IlU,1 ofl"n 1l1llUf\11 th.' Klin·W'lll.lIr~~ eluek lllttN il" milkoI'. Jouu1\1i1l;'Wlllilllj;, of .\IlI...I,'nllllll). of ~ru:lt

\·IIIlH'. Blit It i" COlHIIIOllplll'·... 1I~ .'UUl­

Il,lre,1 "ith the niuclllit,lultu clock. whichocclIl'i,'~ llll hUlll,r,',1 <'orncr III lho lUll;.:"nilie.·ut Illlicl'. Ful' ill~(,1I1l1t.\· un,1 IC·('llllll'\' ltll,ll"'.l1l!\· nf \\l1rlWIlIIl:'lhil' it i'i1~lIu\'I!,1 tu ('\:~"I':1 UIl.'" c!UI'k III AUH'ri,·u.!),j\'i,! nlll~ulaulHll", 1I frllnulI~ I'hihlllll!'1,Idllll, aftl,r \\hulU I\illt'nholl~e Hl(Iln.r('wa11mllll'tl,Dlfulcthi'dlwk lIll;li~{o(Jt)".

I'tltt~." ILU I':,i,l ~1;1I1 t" I'Ltlt'ul.Oll-.c, ThisIlull'l'iel'f' wn:. mudl ~lllght lI{ter in Ihe1'1II'h' .hl)·lt of thu r"IlublLC. U:, p:lliOell~

IlIldll(.lIJ'l'o olll'r.'t1 \II' it !oJ LOl'll ~[owowlll'u be Wl\:i Iwllling: l'IJlllldell'ldu 1I11,1(!1'u,,,,:ulJutiuu, LlituL" Oli tlJG ~I'lllli'\h Min·l.!ltuI· to the Ullih,,\l Stl\l~lI 11'lulte,i to mllkeII !il\IJl>~lllllhll pl'cl>eut ~o Idll ao\'oreign,tlllil ollereol ~ojkl for till!! oloell. It. how·C)n'l·. f,'!llnln the !111~'\'l~:tiiln of tho Bill"tOll IlImil\', wh.) rt1tllllH'11 it nnlil it waliIIOUglit 11~·l\lr. Ghil,ls in OdollOr, 18~~,Thu iUlm'llcJ uf its lUel'hani~1ll i! WOli',t,'rhl!. it contalll:t 1W\-I'lIh·-tl\·o wheels.\\,ith fJ.t.:8f1 tccth. It Ie Ol'l:l'llICII b,r tlJl~weights. I\ggl'eglllitig 100 )JO)!1II11::!. Ul\\·cight. [II IhlllJtioli to tll\) tlhwl)leeoit hllli II lUush·n.1 utluCltll\illlt LUlIl II linl'itt!,l pl:llltltll.rinill in Illiniaturu, On itKfUCl' Rrll Mix rliu\lt. 'rho Iu:lin tlial ill llwct)ntor h1\..~ fOUl' kmlls, in,li~utiJlg IRO'011<1l'l. mill1ltc~, hOllrll Ilotl 1111),11. lilt) t~l~t

hl'iUl{ !l('l :let liS 10 rUll I'Cl"pNulIlIy. Willitillu prO\'ioiioll (Ill' lC'ljl ,leur allli nil tilelither \·uglltie.. rll IIIl! calf'n,!ar, '1'111'!)lm'iCs o{ tilt· IJlI)Un lilt' al:\o :.lIown. '1'110Sl'l'l'lll! ,Ii"l (l('clI:"llf'I)' reprt1iCul'4. theJLlU\'UlllCIIIIi of Vl'lllll>. Jupitl'l', Yllf!',1lorenr,Y, lind tho c,trth IlroulI(1 till' '1Il11,follCh of the 1.lonot... beill~ h'IJlCMl.ntC!l1IJ."n ~lUllll gul,t IJlllI, tllRt UlL1kes itlt orhilll!rClvo!Luiulu nroulI,l tho CI'lltr,l1>lUU wilh won,itlrful )lrcciaion, Thusfur till' g01<l lmJl 111111'1:1'11 JLI)litcr lll\tf

mntlG onlr lIillO llllli a hull' l'u\'olutionl>>lioca tllCl clock WU!I wllt.le-II ~ }·Cilrll o.gO.'rho dill ot t!te dilll i. markc(1 hy Ihosigus or tho zo.litw, thtlllllhowiu~ tho lo­cation 0' clIol'h 1)1&lIot. Tllo!c clocks iuMr, <;hi!lls' ol1h:c cOlllt1 oot be bOlllthtfor an.\' mOlll'r, '1'lloy eoott o,.cr 810,000.wlailtl 830,000 1I'il! Imrtll;r co\t'r tilt) COlltof all his ..lIncks, nnmbcrillf{ Ilfl.r. theothers boillg ,!i\'ideI1 (ullong hil ~nllllllor

huuse at Woottcn, hilt LoliK llrilnoll rl'lIi·Iioneo lind hill lURI1Jolion at 'rll'cllty-l':ioooollau.1 Wlllnut Ktrccts, E\'or;v room in t'll('hof tllcllO tlemicilt!1 haM it" dOt..:k. nnd eachclock hILi itl{ pelll11ial' merit. lu tbo Ii·I.>tU1'\· Ilt lilt! corllor of T ....UDh'·SCCOlUIl\nll 'Wrllttut 8troetl'l ill u helLvy cluck, richin Uilligli alltl flni/lh, thllt "'1\1t olleoo\\'lIed b)' Princo NallOlcoll, "'bile in th"parlol' 8tuod.. what is l)rolie.bly tho 1Il000teostly plll'lor olock tn tho worM, It\VolKhl' two tOIlK aud Itlllllia nino feethiBb, ollyx anti verlle lIntiqllo formiog flbuo two reet "'tnllro nnti ronr foot high.On thill POdCilt1l1 P0IleS a lite-size figurein IUVttr of ~ womllu. hor ra.illCd lLrDlIlOiling " tliteulnr penilulum, whichu/)Oratell tile Dlllcbinor.v in tbe ba.'lo, 'fhocook won univoranl 1Lt1mirlltlon, III well"I tho gtl.nlt prize, at the l'lrill e:rhibj·tinD of 11(17,

•I"nrll_t1 :r.-..h-tl )llOr.... '.

n.Ol1R-~lallllartlbrud" fJ: t:OUlIlrf.:II~ W.'o~rnoe.'J iltll:rl 15.

O,\'nI-WiJSIie pee, \lolbel.1J \ 111,£\'-11 OOf...'J 11<" reutil.IlAY-1J"I~ u""ol"".'I•• I~ 11 too.MILL f'Elm-QtwtlU.m,: M-ntdlloll" sn ~~41

I!LOrt., f~"J"': chop f(edU,,-,,1&: 10'111 '14,t.:tlIU:D ME.\1'ri-llall'", Or~,,~lll'lIi&r clIrt!t1 IVet

16<:: t ..c~ru 1'1 l&oli blKll1l, lJolllltlc:; _hllullLen 11

~ill)"'Q~'IIUIOD' ue H~U"'lIluhI": ugU!otin•. tII1dl;\f,t,lllr' In ,,1111•.

PftU:U .~J'f'LEIi-t1l1l1drlotd. '.T~: FlalJllrludried

Ji:\to l'Lt"ltS--Wlih pi"'. k; rllleol. llSl2cfur .1111 'hltd: 1~)j~IJcl fur Waeblll"l/laoll.

llUPll-1 ,'JOe,lIWl:II-\l1l1lIalh,1I1 IN I,),,: fll' 6",t-clt.ll d.,;

1)i -tool,: ItIt' gl'ftll: C'1I1l •• Ii ~a. SIi(lp I"'lu c.4lt:

fliJnl:lt_.'ln,,. :n)jll, pod '" ("tiltf'. 2llf-ttl)fc:hlr. h,_J.Jc. hlbtllll ~'l.Scl in l.rlUll.'U,,;;'J}"'~.

OXrOS:o--4.tllOtllUOII 1\ 1,11 I Jil fL ....,,:uOJl-'JOo;t.CUl:tiU;-Br" 'anilI1, 11 lito:.AI'I'LL5-f'fr lool. U.1'&\K!l-fJi)..Tk Iter 1101.TmOTIlt' IU:'£lJ-Per 1\, iIl1t~,

ClflCl£.'9--Dtl•• ,.'... 1 010: 1111,,11 aad mtd~nru,12~:t \lfr dill,

Il.\LUo)lif-G,IOlllbla rlnr." bbl, 'Ioall: bf lobi,16.10 fl· litllIN. hI lolli, 111,

POT"'TOi:Jl-OlIIIII CbUI. 'k, per billb.l: PHr_I... II' rbolel while ""rldl",. Wo.' pt'r bull.l.

CE)lI:ST-lWtelld.I•• , bbl. U 00. l't1rllwd••

\Ib~i,~'(~Gi.r.9--Sb....td. n :.sa3 parY.Ke.u.

DEEF~)jc 11 ""fOIl.POllIt-I(f'~, lin '!+iit,)IV nOlol-J"'e, IIro".VCAL-~ j~,

]:ivo tmckDlfln \VNO kUlel\ Oil tho l:JthiUIl tllunel ou the BI,ltiwOI'Il !lu,1 Poto·lIll'C rntll'ol14I, OORl' UUIOU d611ot, in tlUltcit}·, ",\' I' locomotil'o o{ 110 Western~[m',v!lInll Ihilrollll, Tho lOen werC!DR\'ill Udor, Timothy Kenno()}', I':,lwtmtllirminlltmDl, Illm{'s Irvin all II PatrickM,·llolr. Thc}' stepPclIl ftom ono truckw get out of the WRJ of 1\ Vill8ing trAin.and wlilkell ,lirectl.r in front of t1.l0 loco­motive ou tho opposite track,

On JRnuRry 14th, TrcllOott wall for·mall)- rf'rcivcd 1Iy 11.10 Chililln go\'ern­ment. His remarks in (lreilellting cre·dentia.l! wero cxcee,iillgly con~lIutcr,..

stlllltl~ ou tho pllrt of tho prelitlellt ofthe Uuiteo.1 State8, ,that Rny D1isullcler­Itandiug thut 'fa! unrair, onl)' requirella .:Iear explanation w btl sutidllctory.The ObiliBR l)re,idenl cortIia\ty r~I)lied

to Trowott, Jfiving overl lllilUnlnCO ofkinJly intentIOn on tho pnrt or his gov·ernment toward tho United States.

The J:rcellbnck !!tatc ('ommiUeo me€"in ~t'\\" YlJrk, Fub. ~:!tl 10 ~on .."ler ft ('nilfllr l~ ~utlOlilil convcutiun unll otucr litlsl

trlSASCE .....'lQ t;UlIMI:IIC:r..

d.ul I'uJrCIICIO. reb. 10. -Stetlln. "ICII&lI.' 01lAlldo' lIIIobn, 'In da",4 Wi' S&lt: do, doto.wl!1l1Iry," liHIi ~ sa.Trau.ferl-I~.

Ya" Yu... "eb. 11._ hlerllnr nehol('. ~rlm.

!Motl"', Ion,. fillS; allOft, U 90,"'. Oood COlli·lIIu'Il:l. tNm If\IIlic lower: 4ue:llllllllllU)', '41'-0lilWU,

1I1hrr bullion. lOCO lilli, Ptf .line OIlOtt, til.11,8, IIoad..-lt" •• I00 ; 4)411.11111: ,., lUI,mIlMd~~" 100":4"1, 114\: 4~, Hill.LollDOl'. reb. 1&. - COuol.. IOU li-llI@lOO &_IS

II.IOJlOI1: 100 1-Ill@llll lI-le Icoount.Il.llnr buIUOII, EDllllib .LllIlIln1,:r.I~ llll~, per lIoe

Ollllu.51.U. It 1101I'~lf',110, erlol.; 11,1211.Cloel.- II. Itll)f.-----,",HI __ .C~ ae........

, .......ClIOO 111".lI ..lI hAlfChCO. feb. 14,

nuelpl_Wbul, 311,000 etl.: Ittllir. j.-oo qr IU;0lL1.II:Q! eUI: puilloti.~ lach: 1'1I1ol., U,WOdOl,

<:".1111:'.11.nr bull Ottltude, 10 COrt. U. It.. ~\rior to errlYil.

r..::tl:~IV~::. ""T::8~I:b:~ ~~=i'I~: ~Ar~~~:'~l>~;:,·luli.11 Ttjlutttd, itlil. 10 L1....rllUOl. 411 1.1, 10 Il;o,vu0' Aotwup, alii, III Ctlrk, U. K•• C>f WIIUU.UI. 6'u lid.Nil ulu Jd "1J~led \/1 .. call" "I Ib" w~n:"aJl""u~bauili.

K,Ua~r~'i'iO:ir ~~::~~~~~fll. AlIlIulltJellmy, cll'.,...... lIut-)Jarklll dull ...Ilb • \ledlnllt. lelldtD~J.

AlOonl,"lu 1111••lterll'lfll wnl!U ItlU<I )Ill. I _blp.phlJ(, 11<1", II lIo1: lbl,. I' OIor" oll'e'Io", "lib' "1111dlillUI bnt It II dOlllJttl,llt tll" ..I. (\Julll be (IUIIIl.tattd toodaJ. 'I'lI,rl II uotb_lttlllo ooltt III "lWI..tll1.;ur_)tll"kU II will 11IppU"d: (1I1Iel: 1l00d On!.1I0D fill! W.lIa W'lll JobblulI.l II ...u ,..b,Darl~)'-)l"htI. Mlt"I,,, fall prle..; ij\ItIll rdll,

fllJ3l,,, tMt 'l"Ollblt.t$ll1"'lllollUU.t.-)Jul8l I. qul,l "'lilt. 110 1l11pt»IUolI liD lb.

5urllll bllhlen w IIUU' (tllleu~toul. !\al. of 100IIOr'J:l!o"" _mille: .t $1 8')4. (JuoIll,ood III dlllic.t-' fI 113.1 I'llt.

l'ota__)Inkel i••ludJ wltb nOlblnll to 10,11.~::~ :~~I"~r ~~to.'b.uee oJf nlu.~: O,rOII CbLle

Wool_1'lItfe" nr11l1lIedult.lhl; '>Jukn dllll.1uo(haulled IluollllonM.

JloJpt-TuoneUuua.lllaU: rllulpl.h.I1'Y: nnrht",.,,\1: Ur~lluo.Uld WUhll1Jjlou DOLUln.l a' ........1-ll:,

.:,II;I-W...".~. 'He.lIuu~r-)I.rlttlIUUI: prlccluDeb.olle,l,


A C'hit'ag-o l'il1lCil' "p"f'illl -.n.I"': Inor,!or I" l'Xfl'lhl liN Ill'nlitul,l ... "on"l'rttOIll· :'Ili..s l'l(l.m LOlli ..o 1\1'1I"~l{ ht; I'/l..t·Il\lllt'd ft'r '\IIIII' wc.!!..; h('r III u'rlll";u Iu III.'I'hill\lhll.llill hrt'\\ur,

'I'1'l"rl1 Wtll'f\ I~'l\ (>\:pl()~ionlj ill I:h"nlillVllllcJ mill'" The tiL'..1 kill,',1 1\\(.'1 I't'r­1i0ll'l, l\lhl "!Iilt'nu f'~I,lorin.g pnrty Wil8dCIICI'lhllllg. :llkl('orhl I'I pl"~lon ocl'url'f>ll,lihu.ueriug th\llilln.ft RUt! killill~ (01\1' I'N·Ions.

TWIl Uo,lil'~ '-tole'n {l'om ~I, .\u,qu ... tillo<;,'Tn,'lf'I'v t,\· lllt'lhctli "ttl,lellt~ 11.1\'1: he(!11IIi:-l'Il\'f'le,1 ;11 tho rt'"hl"IWI) or 11 ltlll,l ..ntJlt :'IlllUIl'f',l.1. Toe !'.,Intion.. \\1.'1'.' obli~('~llu 11.1" ~h.h· Ilollara fm Iho ltn.li~1f IIdortiut'in~ 1111')\\'0,110 rcnlO\'c thom.

Snllh'llll, W1Jtl,1.'!e.tI(',! Hmn nt Mi~~i8·

irlpi Cil~" g!H'(l a HI' Irrinl{ lUiltI'h lit Chi­CligO <Ill the 11th, witb :'Ilrl,ltlcn, llintrllinlll'. Itt' hll" A'Ollf' to nlllrnit, wliC'rtlhe t'xhihitt'l! wilh :\bdlloll, "ue till~S,

PillO :'l1,'CoS nml Dob FRrl'UI, IIlhl thcn~egocs to 'ftoJ anll rotllrn!4 ill the HJlring,

The Enst"rn antt WC!!tl't1i Trunk Lil1t)gOlloml paS.iuuger ngellb 1h'IJ cOllf.lr·euce" last wed•• reslIlthlA' ill tllO IlOlllc­mont of Ihoil' trouulo r~glHtlinlfeudlolwnlrldl'~, It WM e~rec,lt'l rBtlll'U to Iho "J.)pro rolo. arJanA','molit in {or(.'O bcforOlheWCiltOl'1l118!fucln.tion Wfl!t formed. ThoEllstorn lille!l will chargo 10 ll{lr l'l'llt,iostclltl of :!;, per cent. for scclll'illg hll~i·ue::!!!,

'IIie pr<'si,lent Ii'lJS thn.1 tho Muhjcct orImpOtfllnl rUrf'iR'lIllppoillllllOlll~ iK nnrlf'reonsidenltioll 1JctW(."t.'ll Uim!h,1{ lind theIWlcrelar.r of slate, :mc! thu}' expoct tilbllV6 ttlPll1 rc,hh' for tho IIeo'lt I'nrh'n(',t lI't'ok, '1'lie mil!siollH to Bf'rr ill ,\'ieIlOtl, St. rf'l6ti1lH1rg, Chili an.! Mox·icotlrotu be flllel!. Jo:x·Ath1rlltl", (jl'nt'mlTaft, lL fl'iolll1l>ll.ys. will got Iuo Uarlinmili'lion.

PUGET SOUND ARGUS. 01:1:'11:' ~1.:I~i:'.'llri rhw \\:\$ open at UIQ.~ha1... ·1 :";nlhiuy IIIl {'arthqll,lko ~hOI'k \v.\~

O~'tl. !:.ta.:!'lt _It' ,11'1'11:1: ..41'\ lll,n,. 'I'lt .,' 1.11111-\'11," l'oillradtl. ~~,

-- - -\1:...1 '[I bl.'llIlL,·r hrOllA'ht "'~ IllureU.U:S \0:11(.: : 1:,lillll'llll,ll'roprh'lor /l'llill II.:' II '" S 'II ('r,1I11'i""o. 011 ~11Il l:lth.• \'1\:, ......r'·'·llh· ... lhe I ,1lfOlllm ijl1Sl\CL:l11ES'f ~I~"'~ Sl'~lJl.\Hr. rt·:ill I 1'11 •• 'I'll lu ~"\\' \'ork.

• n .I.,,',ljlifl, ,Ill "ItI flr":llj huilol"r,",. 1'1:1••".1(.' t'li Til'''''''''' ,li,',1 .L' III r\ .. i,II'IlI",' ill Suv.' York, Oil tho

1 hu.Crop rt'll0rlt fNm tho nurtuwl"t Inil IUI":11) nri"II. pr'"Lliu"lll III St. 1'11111,

gnlli(~lug. r . ., •.« •. " nro to bt, ill Iil~h 'tmnt'l'~. dil,l J.t thut 1'1:lco ou'fllt' \,\CJ.nt na·elgn... v ~ lUI' I,ill!.

fille,ltLI wCi.'k, A. iI. lIi1lill~", tll(' \nll !.IJtl'l'on nctlll',.\.:\1. S()wJ,ll\lli at Iho l'ro\'i,lcucc .11t',1 o'llh~ lalh, IU ~tlW '{',rh, {rllUi lUI

hO~J'litl\1 aL lU.~.-1 "" the 11th. in "\'or,lv~l' u{ 11I1ll!rltlUul.Thl!rl' !Uli ht'1"1l hut 0110 minrull UI''':I \'m Hch'Lf'f('l'. 1lf'\\'I,r nppoint, I

Son om. ::\(l\tico, thiil ....a~ou, Ill.iui~','r {WILl _\u"lritL In tho L:uitelirOSllllll~lt'rs hIIYI\ 1'(,(,11 iu\'ite II" ('('In· *ILI,", I t~ ~ liI,',1 f,,1' ,\1.\ 'ri,'~.

trilmto 1\) Iho nll.rli~hl mOUUlUl'Ul fUlh!.Ar '"ll,·IL 'I' I'lll"', II i~ ill n fuir::.t ,10 nf

::'Jar.' llan;lhy, RgaJ 10:, J"l"l\r~, dic,t in h('a! I I"ld, \I"·'·j.. lu wi'llI'~~ tlo ('l'Il"a Brln ',Fl"all~illCo o.lwoi huu.o:o on th 11th hl'J.ll"U ul' Ill; )o;:.ll 1,1l·tl"la\ two) II ...ok"iDit. lIeu"I'.·

:\ pllotli~nlontRry roport 6holf:; I"[lt 1"/12 Boll: ..\ \"('r.~, IIj{l,,1 .'IJ. iH lic Ill. lie \VR!~u~I)ecti Brl) conllucd in \'ariou8 jails of Ol\tl "f 1,"lli.. \'illl'd lIu'I'dllLtll pl'inCl'i, IludIre Bod, ono uf ,!I,. n\lll'it IIL'IIl/lim'lIt ~11111,urtcrl4of

Tue 7:-.t nnnl\'er~r~' of Lincoln's birth Heur,)' Clny,wal ('elebmhllllll Ban l,'rllndsco on Iho ,ru~'i '1' Ficl,ll-Cllw 1\ hriJIiBut tlilllwrovening of tbo l~lh. pMly "u th(' I:lth. to 111"1 IIl·othor. DIIl'1l1

T1.Ie ballI, o{ :\bcon (lu,l tho Vi11niro Dutll,.\ Fil'lll, ill t·"luuMtiuu or 1110 hit·bllnk of l'criguous, Franco, hili lInl· ter'i' ~;th birlh.ltl~"

pondeJ JlR)·mont. 1'h'l IInrwgO\'inilut ill~lLrgcnltl h(lwJohn Shorllltllliionie!l that Pitllo.(s tell- cstabli"hell Il provisilJlIlI.! goverulIlolIL

tilDOIIY was Iiku Ihllt ucrilxld to lulU 11}' 'fllt} !"U\'olt i~ 1I1l~n:w~iug a1J,,1 u\'cr liOthe telograph. hloc'k IhJlhlll~ Ililo\'U beoll II'l>1lro)'&1.

A IRrga ntllUbo~ of nihilist pampblllt!l, 1"11"i''lllllIJliOse,l to IIn,'O informnliollpriute.lll~(;oLurg,llUti fOUlhl in BJrJin. 1111011 "'.mlll lilook>l llrl) bUJ-in;c \\'nl.Ja"hhave beeu ~iz&tl. COllilllQUllUII!lrilbrrOtI. :Sorlhwelll com

Tbe Tenue8.'lco SlIpt'ilmo Court 1111.\'0 mOil i'i Olll: uf tho fll\'oritcs ior " riht),deciJe.llho llUt relloJjustiuJ: tlle stuto Jobt A pri\"ntf' Ilil1'3tch fJ'OIll Parill ou tileunconstitutioDal. lith, ~lli,1 fnihlrc .. ~'ere oC:.Hlrrillg ill nil

Dandv Jim, au Illllill.ll pri!loner nt Fort part!! 'lr t!lC'l'ol1nll·.v. 'lIl,lll.Hr~HJtJ woulllGrano. A, T., WIl5 kiUolt wllilo trying to be nec"'b,lrilJ di<>th!d~~lt fol' ut Icast UOClICl\PO on ULe 11th. dllY...

Severalievool in 10\Yer Louisiana hne A !i1X!ciat from O!UUl, X, Y.. IllJ'" eon-been broken by high wllter, which is comillg tho oil tIt'CII ill IlIllt 1'f'J{ioll tlmt.bovo tho great rille of 1&17. tb~ fOllrll! tllnlt C.lllH'!It lhii mOl'uing.

The bouse eommittoo on elootions !IllS Thw\ fIr, IJla,OOO bnrL'clll. vllluc..1 .Itagreed to di,mla! tile oonlest easo of 8100,000, [\re flostro)'cd, lIuli it ill leaTedXablon vs Osl:4ll. from Alnbamll. tllu fh'e will Kpl'COO.

Willillm Toore ahot two Kirls in a A rnmor 800ltH vori6c"tion ill Clel'C-bOllllO of iII,hlllo atSyraolllO, Now York, 11tolll1 that MrtI, <JarJlohl has writton to tueon tbo lllh .nll then k.Hletll.dm..!!olf, One president Mking uim to COlDlnute theof tbe girla "ill die. sentellce of Guitoau. The Herald Myll:

"Wo h.wo tho Ui!lIt of Ilutllority for IIlal·Tbe repubJioana of llAdri.l celebrated ing th:\t thoro iSllot one word of truth in

tbo anniYenarJ' of tho decltnatlon of tho tlla $tlll'y," .Spanish rollublio in 187lJ uy It ba.nuuotOD tho 10th. TheN is DO news received at Dotroit,

MioJlJig.ll.l. of NnTiu. Aario.n'a fugitive'tho .hip E, B. Clrver. from JU(l, IG5t maJor. Balpll J. Jewt!lI, a Ilromillent

tbe capLlin'. wife, dtit ml\~ &11(1 tbreo citizen, ha.iI. beaD. tlrrel~tetl for OOlllpliCit/.se.men froa typhoirl'ID"lariRl fover, con· in tht! llllegell hamls. and is noll' in jll.i ,trac'ted at Jna. There is B gonerltot tlesiro nn;oDg mili.

Thomas M, Neah.lI. a friond of Oor- buy ml'n to )19ve th~ rotirinR' bill pllllACdbId, gives the atalwarta a I01'"OtO seorin" by cOllgresil. provhling for all ol1leara at.in tho N, Y. Tribun6. The)' are placOtl ta.iuing tllO lLge of li2 )'elln, to bo com­in tb.ligbt of IIobettOt'l of Ouiteau. pellad to retire. 'fhls feel hI" prevailll

The King of IJorw'lh 11118 abolishell tbe prinoipall)' aIDonz tlle 10ung ollleeni.monopolieR. anti appointed an ambaBlly Tho bouse comlllitteo ou agrioulturewith tho viow of re--eBtD.bliahing rolation. han agreed to report fa.vorllobl,.. bill towith India. make the agrioultlu'al depl1rtmont an

DilOrdor. have ooonrrec"l at OarikoR' encutiYe departmont, and itl cbief IlUniYenit1, RUN;a. caUIl6J uy the expul· cabinet officer, aud frioul1lOf the bill are.ion of three .tudentl for iII-treaUnlf • coufhlcnt that it will P'" eoogren.~rao,D, formerly. IOcislilt, 'lIr ch..gtng The bnJld whicb killed Soteldo

11 TIe".. "eighed' 87 graios, Tho bullet thatAt the forthoomiJlgparliamtat&ryeleo· W'otllldod nartoo welgbed witbln holf a

lioo .t K&alb\ th. Irlab p.rty illltend to gr.in, aOll evidently came from tbe aame.Iee' lliebM Dui*" Patriok Eagall pi.to}. It is regarl1Cl,1 19 certain A, O.will allO tt,aomina*1, in order if Davitt Soteld" shot hi. brotlior when firing atbe disquUW Elpll __yoall tbe H.t. Barton.

W. BaDaOm, employe of the D. 11, An explolion occorred recently in aO'Mt'M reaper oompaD1 for eiabteen oolliory iu RhoDlla Vlllley. Wales.r-n. aad mauger of the Chicafto offiice HouAtis "ero IIh'ken tIm mileloft', Thefor tho IMt Dille yearl " ... found dead In loa. of life is unkno"n; lLlJ. it beiog Satur­the snbn.rbt of Biuadaie, aboat h.lf way Uayuight, fow perlona "01'9 in tho pit.be'...eeD bis hoaM and the (lepot, Near Two thou saud persons arc out of em.kim Wat • leToher with t ...o chambers plo,YlUent,empty, and lbere "u .1'lltol.1Iot ...ound Tho president hilS lligoed the commiM'in the back of bis he&ll, from. whioh tho .ionM of ltrec1edck A. 1~'ritlc)' ll.!I go\-ornorbrtina 00:1811. ~ere were oyilienClL1I of of Arizonl\; 000, B. Dnubam all colleclora atroggle, but no traoo of tbo murdorer. of internnl rovcnne for the .ixth distrlotThe clolbea.nd "allet hw been ri.fled of of __, Dnd Willliam LI, Armi:ltronR, oftbeir cont.eDt3, He leaTOs a fo.mily in Peuna,Yh·ll.uiR,lU oomwistioDer of rdB.moderate oircnmsta!lces. rOIlJ acoounts.

A JlO"l of threl men, headed by Frank The funeral of Henry '[l1cker, mUlicBILeWI., B Oran... 100 miles "Ollt 01 At- COlllpo511r and writer of poplllllr '00g8.bnqaerqae, fOrlOIllOUmepl\SthlloTO been took plnco on Iho l:.!lb, {roro tho ro,i.preTing UpoD t4nderfeet Bnd otbel1l, _1 f II I· lJ.1 H·ateaJingand robbing from all who came ueDOO 0 1 II IoUllil flt tOO In. litwi'bin their reach. 00 tbe 10th they deluh WiUI caused by bninail'ection, from

1<1 wbieh ha bad bften (l utTerer for year•."held" seTeraJ perlOns, and Dot on 1 Be le~ve. (l ..... ife tond thrt'e Ilaughto(l,robbM them 01 nJnablc', but 88M themin the mOlt brutal m.nner. The)' .bot Minor eDgl\genlflOb hlno taken placeCharles Hemek: in the heM), inflioUnfJ 110 in Herl.l'1govinto .ineo the !Jtb iO!lt. In·•1iJht Kulp wound, bolJlde!l beatiDg 111m lurgentl bue beeD wONtcd in every case.with a sis'shooter, .od l8Coroo a55, ODe Tbe fight on the lOlh 111l1t, near Tirnova.f the meD "Tcd 85000 by throwing his llUlet.1 from dl\ybreak unli! o.fternOOIJ,pocketbook .....,. Next moroiugcitizens Tho inlnrgeutJ tied, lenving20 tlelkl, tlOlI• f 'h.li'Ue Iowa orgaoizod .foroo uDder ourf)·in" away llool1t 40 wounded, 'Xhethe leMlenhip 01 .Deputy Sberiff .Joues A.U8triallslo~t fh'o killed aod wounded.• nd started out to arrest tho ,rob'jn, A Vicnn~ oill~atlh says: til order tlot.bo bave their bearlquartou Ill. og to OfT"flll Hussl., Austril\ hJ' eutil'Clytllobin formerl1 ocoullioJ lUI It. poat hO\lso abGo,lollod tho pl~n of pllrtill.1 or tempo'for ImalJllox patienta. Jones aud hill rllory uccupatioll of Mooteuea-ro. Neij'D­par'y "alked boltl1y up to lbo robbers' tilUOlIll, IJowo\'er. are proceelliug WithrendeZ'fon••nd demllnJed thoir Sl1rn1O· I' ~'k {I f \ .del', Their demand W(Ul Dnswored 'a; a ·rmot} I: I etlfo or t Ie JlU!l:LRe 0 , Ilstralll

trool" II 'ro..s his terrltor\·, if ncecli'tary.TolleY of IIbot. from tbe oullaw.. on' Thi'f II,... hollJeJ to dillCou'rnge tllo illiltr.rad K~u.. of the IttllCking Pllort1 IU(\ genb.oue of tbo Tlctim. of tho robbcu,..aa killed. Tho men in tile bouae Or~llt flxcitomont proTniia nTcr theafter the B",' Bre. came out from under Annou nClltncut tbrlt 1m ulll Oorman..belter auJ uttering uuoorthlY1el1a llol1ll name,l Pllter Hoffman, who (liC\1 iu 1:111"Iring their revolTOt8luto thl) Ilttacking riM>n cuunty reool11ly. ll;t,cl 1Ull\.le lomepady, attempted to mllko tbeir elJClpo, startlill~ \1i.tdOalll'O'i rC,ldl'tHng 1"'0 my8'Their Aho'. "are returneU auJ €Iyery WIlU toriflllH RIl,1 bmtill Ulllrlieu thllt hnd beeoof tbe outlaw. "at .hot lle:ut. James }>OqJo.trll1o 1 ellJ.r hill hUILl,), It AppoarsLInch f~lIl1tl!t. anil a fellotA· abollt eigh· thllt I{,,:fnllm w~ t.'lken lick llshort timoh~D or ninetNn J'eattl of agt1, known as IgO, nll,l" .. lie lJrow ITOrllO 110 evinced"The Kid" dropped bofore ho hll.11 gOM greMt meo(sl lullerlnq. On bl'inl; in·A dozen l~pS. Lewis got n gootl sturt, {orrow t1u' bo WIU I~bollt to die, he Critllland ran llooout forly rodll before ho WIU out (or .I,rie:st ao.1 cou{ell.ieJ that he Ll\JbrouRht llo.lI. bC1Hlt/. Sbt'ri8' Jones mnrtieret. thrco Ulen. Ontl oUlle crimes"as '-bot in the neck, Alii J, .\. Fil7.p:lt· he hud <'ommiLted in OiHmany. to e~alJerick. one of his Il8J!ttant.!, ill thC! f'lK-ek l)ltDi.!lllwent' for wllit'li )10 lied to thi!l.nt1thiqb. '[b('1 wero ))rofUJ)t!y IOnt to cOllntr)·. Tile other two llIurdc,. be ..idFort WiujJate ('Ill alPooisl tr In for trOllt· bo committed III l[arrll(lll county. alldment, Jonel is nOl elpected to the. 1\1· .inee bc WlLI lo.kcD I!.ick 110 haJ boontbough it ill bareill>01sihle bo will pull O\'ercome with remor!lo. lli8 mel1tal tor·througb. Pran\. LewCt, loatIer of the lure 1It,."'I,:lUnO &<I unLuarllble tbl1Lt 110 ....05robben formerly run" fIance lUll! III coml}8l1ell to confos'l hi.!! guilt. HisAlbnIIQ~rIIUe,and biJ brotbor killotl 11 statemente "bout tlae tlIt1rdM~ I1re fully)(ericlUl lat lIlD1mer in a roW' Ilt lho corroborated by oriilcoce in the han\!l. o{ball. tbo authoritiel.

. .-

W. T.



Etc.,k Sn les nnd Smnll Profits.LY COr1POUNDED.

Port TownsendHOSPITAL

PorI Towoseod. W. 1'.


••" Il:lfh,,"'. Dllhl"l IIllhlll. XI'>. I ('UrP1l l'ltAII'l't, ... n,~IIl",t "'~·'I'lol "'<&If"": "",,,... "It Ih' ...... IIlldItvdy: ....p'hIUIk- ."Ulrrh. dl.o.'_ll 8c1l111. ~nd all~~:I~~ onllsuf Ih.. U~. l'"r1~.N" pet"

~1~~!~~~::'~~~:lm~.8nl:':t.'::I~II;Il!.cr~IIITtU.lAtfie~';::.I.':illlt~~:J'~f.:r:~rr:ll.oo8=ltJ:mllft:::,l~r~:-wl...lh.rclU_' h~ bad Inoallll..1II orallll,. ~ tn<!r:;J:t.~I'~':;~I:~~~It!':"'" IlIIrI IUIIl bl'llilhy. rl1M.

tAl .Idm,,'. G.l\kll fII....n... AIlUllohi ror 1M~fr~,OullurrllQN .. Ul"I,tlC. r.t..., •• U .....

tt,'r~jl~II::~;i~,ni'~rt~Il~~~~~~~~·\:~:;=alld 1IIIl1t'ler.el('. Prtn••'''.-et'M.tH11e.

, ..... 1~1a,",'. U..I•• 01..1__ tOf Ihl ffl"--ell'l'.~'i.I~'~ ~:Y'':~~I:'~ ~~ 11,,11 l:ru~loll~ Pm.,

Aoo "."ll~ fllf Le IIlela...'. Qaklea PIli.. tOf'.. n.w.'Iol.1uooo or II!tYlk'lt1 IIU.·"I'II .11Il aU II~er~~ ~~~~;: .. Illi ....~orovt,....orli:. PrtM_

8ent ..·.rywllel'¥ (·.O.D., ~ul"Cl, l.cll:", pef E,Iprf1L

c. ..,.....:II,'-HO",~C:;;:-,A-",I.. e 4 Ql3Au­»om.. 1I ....·I .......mHl.:I.y. "'an hant::Itll:o, cal



Perfumery,Hair Oils.

And all Articl.s for the toilet.

I Wall Paper,Etc.,


Wllolcnlt IPI1 rOtAlI. b,








Wbk:h uc en Mle ,.

-1~I'OnTf:1l O~'-



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Tinware,PUlIP", } - { 1I:0N PIPEl'U llI's, - IHOl( PIPE:PUlIl'S, - mOll PIPE,



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"~D ., .·Al. 'i"'ltKt;'r ".1"l;'''r 1""'l\~V Ilrt.ido m;ule or lOW.


JOliN '1'. NORItI <.i,


Attorney at Law, Proctor In Admiralty andNolary Public.


""r( ·,.ow......·..,. 'V.""ln~I •• T .....llory.

O"ICE-In \',n I!okkel('o', bulldlr.c, ~nrntr.\d.JlI~ .ul! \\.tltllla:U1 '11«1&, oPI_lu. OI<urtho_

ponl' 'fOWKSEND•.. "" •.. W. T_

The LouJest Ilcdes /01' ensh.

AGENTS FOR THEBuck.y. 1IIow.r and R....p.r.

Jilitch.U'sl'arm Wagon,Taylor's Sulky Rak••

Sw••pslak. Plowe,Haln.e' Header.

Molin. Plows,Etc.,

Etc· ,Etc. Etc·

Agricultural Implements of all kinds at Lowest Price.POR.T TOWNSEND, W. T.



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Ship Chandl.ry.Grocerie.,

:Boots and Sho•• ,Provi.ioilli ,

,Win.s.Liquorl ,



Paints, Oils, Stationery, Etc.,






Patent Medicines of all kinds.

Friell Sweot PolnlOC!l.-Parlloil ".oetpotlltoe. alld ('lIt thom in lInlall IIlice:­ROil fry in hot drlppingll. Or peel r",,:pot,\lOCIL Rlltll'ut thorn in IIbllviugs,rolllldnnll fOUllll, a. yOIl I't\fll all "PI,lo. l.ctthem ~tnnfl huif lUi hour ill 1.'0111 WIIIi'r'jIhell (It)· on II nUJlkl1l lind fr)' iu hot Inrllor IlriI'IHOR'I. Iucp Il\O\'iIlH 1110 1l::l1I tilltho IlOlllltj{!llllr~' eri"lK!tl. the II skim thew. A J~nrge, Assortment,out 111111 IR)' on fl ftic\'o to dry ill tilt> uvtlll.~C,," 1'0'"' cohl, IPRESCRIPTIONS CAR

Ho WIIS n frollh yonng COllgrcullumfrom n rlln\llll~triut, alld wheo he got toWailhingtoll he ftl:nnrl o"ery other ulcm·bel' 1I:IIIn privn.te IlCCreto.r;r.1JO he hire.1ono. BlIt, tbough frcsh,lle was energetioantlll mnn of vigorollll illcllJol. Ouo 01.)'he Inill to hill llCoretnr)': "Mr. Skecl8, to·morro~'lsha1Il!I)(lI\k00 the tnrift'ltue!l'tiou." ·'To·morrow," Illiu thollooreta.ry;"tbat'lI r!lther short timo, hut 1 gUCII» ICUll tlo it. Which lillo ",re yOll ou?""'1'bo froo tr~tlf! lillie, sir," The !IOCre·tar} Icft tho room, IlIlll tho Congl'eumnuVo'lUt mther 11lIl1.te,1 to COtUllrehclIll billremark. Next morniug, IJright lIudOllrly, hill IICCrotarv np\'Oolfetlaod !lnOlledhim 3 paper. "'''hnt S thi.!l?" asked tlloU1ODlher. "\"onr IIJ>eoolil" ")Iv Itlli'el'h?""Yell; )"'0 "rilt{lu olltwbnt "o-u'ro to illlyon tho InritT i'i!lUll." "Yoil millCrablewrctch!"crictl the cunr:ell member. "doyOll 1I1111\lUe to lliol.nto what [ "Iulilllly?"Ho 11ro"o tho nmazell vel'rrt!\r}' illtn 1110!!Ireet aot! woulll hear no c:<tplanlltioll,Imlif;uRnt. ho WODt 110""11 to Iho j'oJlitolDlid told l~ friend, au 0lt.1 mellll~r, IheItory. 'no friend ""0.14 i1llockctl tit tbefl'Howl! imlnltlenci', bllt. tile)' lookt,.J overthe f11lCt..'Oh 111111 fOllllll it rcad "eIJ woll."YOII did just right to di!<'bllrgo thoconceiled rflllCnl!"lDoid tho olll momber,aU11 Ihe ne~t !lRy Iho YOUlllf membor "'UIIIlmnzcI! to Icnrn that llis dllfchRrgcllllCc,relllr)' hntl U.OIl llmplo!cli I))' hiil oMfdclhl.

-----Tho ollfcle•• llI"U ulI,l t!ll' thief nro

CtluIIII," troublrl\(jllle. ~citllf'f of th(ttnO\l.'r loa,c, :Iuytl..lillg whero bo liads it,

PrUI' as roud.

Whilo thero hUll boon eonsillorab!o~o(treu ntll.llo in the last re\\' ycarll ill

1 Inllolter of IJio11etic reforloll with IIIIItril!tl improvemeot lit the tllblo offUt}' of Ollr fllrnlt.'rll. thero ~ ,)'et n1ueh~. earn. 000 of tho grootCllt fllulh. in

\II lhrootioll, :Ullt ono which is tllot:'.use 01110 Dlllch i11lleKK, illtho COIllPllt1\·111011 1I utili qUlIut.it1 of hllit tile,. con·IQI1IO. Wo 11I41'e known fnrmorll, ltO.,18of houfleboMll, who, witli thl'il' familiesWould lit llowll to a Ur<.'lIk(allt of frieliPO~k allil Jl:OtUtoell, six lIlornlllg!l ou, of:;en, nrll'd on the 10'-01lt1l by friedbIil mack('rul ur lull /'odfbh. when Iheycell bll Itcls of Ilol'plolt rotting in thdrII lI'I,' or on their Krollnllll. The mill'~on. ItieR _till ),revullil nmong tlint Chl31

t IU 101IIe llIy.terionll "'aJ lH>rlt: nn(1other mcals are prOl.lucti"o of tl:!IylliClll;:or, Ilrllngth I\nd abilit.r to wltli8lnllt!~guo, untl thnt fruits, like coofeolion­10 beare tllk0l! beLweon nlt~"ls. Alld notI'r c~lInte.11I1 tho work of flllslJlin;ug: i' filill ia terribl! llrrOtlCOll:i vic ..~Otle 111,,1. i.i rQllpOnllible for cotlntlol~dhlJIJ.f COUlIumptlOn, .crofnla nnll kin­'&il IllCtll109, We willi wo coultt pre­I °POli cvery faroer. ill fact

jtatD evory IlOnon in tho laoll toIDee

la part of tho 1ll0rnil11{

Obt OD frilit. It wotlltlad y take II 8hort limo 10 IlemOlllttratll itsIle:~utn"c~, "1111 thcreaft~'r tile! wVlIllifro 00 le~turt:'!l.iucl;II'lIti~g .!lUdl a llif't

lU U9. ,\oy kID\1 uf frtut III goo\l, uUll




Id ~ 1I0W' 1u RUll, Jf frceh fruit I, not at thoir (lispo:'lll1. Culer ~NA!le in ICa!lrOllQeri., I -- drietl. c'Vl\llUfal",1 or C!aunel1 fruit should --• '. reO' fl'w hO."K kuollo'how 10 rllD. tnke!llt placo. WO hlll'O known olJlltiu' general DInDaRer l-'rQuk TlJoul80n. of, j "Uo! ho!" Sl'~' II l10zllD bo)'s. "JUllt "il' CMca of cOll'itilJldoll to sieM to ",!iet tbe PClllll!.rlmlJitl HailrOUAl Compll.lI.'· ,lIas

briull Ollt !ho bor thai CBU run lWihll' only (·!:uDj.Jthl 10 lhut 1\ l1hdl 01 lJakt!J illllll&l ill~trnClionllllnJcr whil'll CXIIlUi·1

1tbau 1CPIl! • applel wa Dla,li' "'l>IUl of elWb hrcukfa3t DRtioll8 will ~ IDado by the rt!~pt!cti"e

!lIlt !ll0l' l\ IDolUent. I .10n t moan that au,l clnouio headaches RIltI biliou,.noS8 lIuperiutendents ou ('Dcb di\'l.!iioll of tlJet W\'~ clln't rUIl fll:-t-I Illenll tho)' uro ofton relit"l\'Cll iu 1\ !IilllillU' WII)'. rOlIlIIl~8Ut.lUU!I practicable of IIIl ('m·

lII~t rlui rnr. I Ilu[l't Lelio\'o thoro HI AnollJpr lIIill"ko which \\!Iro to he COlU- IJlovoli who arc reqnlrC!ll to uso or be~e boy III tHt,\' of thOllC WhD 1Ul\~' rend IUOU nOlong JUall.)' (ltrmorll RIIlI their IJO,:orllotl!l1 lliRU.'1IH. Ptlrs 118 will nut

.. thi:i "'h,1 ellU run R 9llUrtcr of. n 111110 at" familicli, 'UK tllllt of urOilllcing" tmy of he nppoint('!1 to such llo8itionll nntilpI .wllrtyucil WlhlOl~lllI\"IUgto blow 111>111011. f1Rukl'l\ by a dish of hil'kory DUllS :110\' bll\'o slli"fllctorily plhllefl {'XIUlIillll'bke a purl'''ISO by 1110 1I0l0 bo hI'li mnele 011 one ~iJo nlhlupitollNof I'idor ou tho timi!! with ,,'glll'll 10 their \'il'iIOIJ, ('olorhi! lHslllO,·I'. Antl bow lUaOy LOYI aro othor, whi('h, on wlntor)' ovening8 wOlllJ IM)n&o I\lUl hell ring,th~f{' ',1'110 I'nll rUI~. fl~~t or slow, R fnll beJlRl'tllkcn or by 1111111to in thll c"oniuK, 'rile llH'thot.l of Clllmiol\tiun WIIS lIe-

- lIIi1e wilhout !twI'1111lJ;. RII nftcr thl',l- 111111 £1Rt()1l tllfj.\o well Is \'illOt.1 lJ'y Will. 'l'lIolU:oIOn, 1'lI. D" Pro'It ILilrlll" l!peaks wo\l !or ou.r 11lUC,tl~lil~ IIlrelltl)' ill thntt111)'.. 'lhis ill ng lllhlltll to fC:-l'IOr or 0llhluuhnology in the JcU'crSOIl

S'1 t1.l!lt nllllo.t lUI." lWllutll III crl'RllflU not f!l\t frnit l1t 1\11. )llIko nil thello :\!r,1iclll Cullf'ge, ill conjuuction with n~h't IlretcDllll to run lit ~Il ClIII outruu tltiUg'1t pllttll of n r('gulnr Illl'llI, hf\'llkfllst IIl'ecinl \'olUmhtee or the lWcict,)· ofIIII' of U!'? . ROll dinTler Bro bo~l, IU1I1 omit euting jll~t 'ImnSIJQI·tlltion Oltlcer!! of tho PCIl1l8,)'\­

If"ko Iho stunl1cllt tl'rrlor-dug )'011 clln boforo ruHrillg. Scicutitlo lllOIl ha"o or ,,"uill Hon,l. !lnd ""l' acceptetl b~' theBlld tlillt is llolllllilmll uut 1\ pIII)l',v. 11I1l1 IntI) heou "omlt'l·rull,'· IlfOrll~1J ill HIl·ir rllilroll.l ClJlI\pnll,)'. Tho instrllctiollli

.. tr},' s rlleo with him. Ho'll.ICM you prllillo Ilf frlli~ flllllU urticlu of lliet, lind a hllVO IJI'OO !W 1'llliul.r Jai,l tlo"'11 thnt itb,dly. He'll run n thirl1 fll~tl.'r th~m yOIl tri,,1 will con\'inCel:lll,)' ono of tho wilMlolll ilt lIOt UOCCIl8llr)' for II. ~killotl prnctitiouurtan I\DlltOIl !imcH l\!l fnr, uUll tillS With of tlio pl16I1.-0rIU~Htl COllnty .~armor, to ,~oll\lllct tho oxulllinntioll. but em·Itg~ not marc th"n lix illClulII long. I IJlop1lt fllilinR to como upto tho 8talldlirtIh,ve n bOllUlllio ncti\'o that ho nlwtlJM UIIUl'lllg-1I001ll }lillarl.. ulwe tho !JI'h'i!t'ge of ulIllersoir.g Ill'()cialrnus at leallt IKH·Clltr·l1\'o. 1l111~1I when 1 -- 1'XD.milllLtioll h.y Prof. 'fhowlWo, "'bo

•• lta}'lI lh\)' in tbo "ou,ts wllh 111111; .for he Wo Ih'fl in lut llgO in whioh hcalth hns OOoli rotl~inu.t lIy tl.io COWpl:lU)' asuuei!rlllinl)' rllll:4 moro thllll I\tlVCU llIlles 11\1 i9 mOn'l1IIllnilOtl h,)' Ilillel\llS'4 thl\11 woro .lport.heur,lu111 if 1 um .:,)110 It'll honril, )'011 nOCO:4tord, 1U1l1 henco wo Ileo(l 'fhe entire metbOil hu.s l>ot!o sllbmitt(l(t

.. tee ho \nUllt trn\'cl about l:lq.\·Ol:.I;y·U"c more nllil moro I'unning llilJOi(llc:4 of to n ptRctloal cxperimeutlll tellt exteud·~ mile!! f)f \li:sl:U1l'f'. AUII thou. II. Q'ootl il::"ICullLplu8 to lteop pace wilh tho grOI\" ing O\'llr ncnrl)' 2000 mOil, omployed 118lit hOUDII will 1I0mctimcII follow II fox for iOl:f uuwber of ullr fctlll. l\1C\lical 8ujeuoo conductorll, engint."OfII, tlremoll !lnd~ l_ot1n)"1l IUl,1 uiKhhl without stol'pinR, hasdouo OJllcb to Jlrotct't 118, "nd oleau- brakcmAn, lind tho re8ull.8ll1\v{, lI11tisdell.. going mor'" tllull tl1roo hUUllrell allll fifty HUMA slill rooro, Wo no 1011gel' IUI"o the committee thLlt the 8Ylltem prol'08ell~ Utile•. nnll hu will 110 it witholl~ oatiug much CllUllO to ftltlr tho "bllick Iionth" 111:1)' UUI\' IJe pnt ill forcu with ClluUllence,. or !Ieaping'. Rod "Il"Olulllg s!ckne88" whlc:, dooimatcd III 1I!l practicnl utitit,)·. lUIII,ir, 111ln,l-~ Tboll ~'Illi lUll)' htl.,.", heard how !lOme of wbole to"D!I or provinces in tile Midlll~ opel) thut there Wel'O iu tLl! t;Cnico of, tbe rnunerll in tho Sollih Afl'ic:m h'i1l(!!1 Agel, but theil, all 11:.0 other I.umd, we the PeulIsyh'lllli:1 UailrOll(1, of Illola8a~ ..ill run lor 10111{ lli~tlll\l'eli-huuc1red. or hue llurroundcu onr*lh'clI with dllngorlll IUl:1l eXlltuinod, ~16 mCIl ,lellcicnt in tho• mile&-cllrr,\'lllg ,lillllllh;hc'i, IUIl\ making uukoowl\ iOlllelill civilizl!(l cowllulIlil)'. filII IlCuteoellll of ,'i"ion, fl~ abilolulol)'~ ,.ry (tll,II1oIIlI, 000 or theso i~ no ill8itluou!l lJiIl- color blilllllUlu 21 defectivo ill heuring,~ 11U8kc t!1f'I>U "('nlll'nriIlOl\llto IdlOW tlllit CWlO lalol)' IIlllt.lu kllOWIi 10 In onl' of thc reporls un eXllminatlOn notlour bo\'1 \\'ho elUl Il(,t rlill I' milo willi· physiciulil llll.l bellt dtJltCribc(1 ilidulloll ill Iho instrucllOu"i from UIO

~r Ollt lJt!\ug hl~ul)' willlll!tl Itt'\! wr.\' poor II" 111'11" mg· room llltlllHia, The otlllOS' cOlllluiuoe \\'1\8 millie with colortlll fhlH9

runner... JlIUlril uf 1\ lint mom In wll1ch lrlRny 11\,- Rlld culor"llliRht~ by nigbt, llUll HI 1111.'11

"ll. -Hilt I lleli""c I j'all loll thl:\ bOYIL ,,"ollie· lug l'lallt~ Gre krill hUll IllIitc roculltly fl,lllc~ll tu Lo able ro ~ecoGnizo llu~m fromI !>,¥lllug tllllt will hell' t!lblll t"rllll botter. WOIl f.IUUll to bo illlprcgllll.tt,l with n l\ tohd of 21, who w(Jro oolor-blind to

)1 \\'ll~ II prpt!v 0111 \.lor \1'1,1'0 I IIr6t fOll1111111l01llt mpor uri.iu" (r[lOi t1l\l carth in tho It'lit. tl',(,,1 for It:t Ilotooholl.~tlollt "lit 11;0 l!lost tillie t tl'l~'\ it I run u which Ilte.-;e plants UfO routell. 'rho Roil IIl\'e:stilliitionlla~ leu deep tlllDkers to

aile ~nll R IJllrlrter nt OUIl llusb, a\lcl I froUl which Ihoy IIHri,·C their Ml81ellUllCO Ihe rondUJolion that one IIlIUI in t.wenty­nil uut Iltl.lr)' nm' blllWll. Alllllluw.l'l1l !'i gflneru.lly rich iuorWlllh' uUluer.whillll Ih'c \dll bo fOUllllcolor·bliml to 1I Jt'&{fCO(OiUgtllJ.(I\·O,rOll 11I0lo\'I'rct: IS. lltll,,'n Ollt or It 1.1.1' the heat, lUlIl to relulilr him unfit forllCf"jce whero

Brc:lthe through J'our ilOilO I lllfl'ut>eli itself intn tht' cJo~o nir illlpris· proml't rCCo811ilioli of lIigUlib is ncedett,111:1\\ \),"1'1} Ihillklllg what poor runnerll 0110.1 io the "l>arttn('lIt. 'rlult (I !lOt'l uf mnslllllch 1\11 color·hlilldlle!l!\ for rCtl aod

we I&ro, 1&1111 WOIHloriug why tho animahl l!Jw fuvllr Hlight Jill t1egonorlllOll ill lhls greull ronllcrlllllgul\lI of thosc colors In­fill r\lUliO fnr, U.DIllt ('IUI10 to mo tlmt Wll.... , ill II thoor/' which \\l\:i UllllIlCilllt~t1 lIi~lillglli~1\(lblo. It i't II. foct in phylliol­ptrllllJl!llhiil might llC"Ollllt for 11m dir· ill Ib71) b,)' Iho enrrllld prorl's.~urll h':lehll ulotic:II OptiClI, howc\'cr. t1mt ,rellow nntlfer1loe6,tllllll!tcy UIWI\)"1I tllke uir t1lrollgh aotl Orulleli, but it ill olll}' more Ilud,)' Milt! lifO lli'cll by MiOllO colol'-Llind forlite nose, ""hilu \\'e 1I111U11Iy begin to Imll' tbut their ,'iuw hiM been contlrmed by rOtI nud !;'rOi,lIl, \loll thut )'ullo,,'-\'ioletthrough flUr monthl brforo \1'0 luu'o gOllo !,osith'o DXl'eriont'o, blilHlnoll" i.. llo rnro thllt it U1illht lead toIIIIH' rOtI~. SOIllO n.nimrl),., slIoh All thu 'l'ue NlJnlroll uroof bM oomo from thllt lho UiOO of tllOllO yullow I\lId blue oolor'll,d'i and fllX, 110 open t1loir lllonlh", nlltl part or thtl worhl whj'Jh might ho ex- ill pruforonuo t() fedlUltl grt'en whore"erptD~ wbile ruuniug, but thor Ilothil' to peete.11 to fllrnilli it, tbllt is to RIIy, from Jlo~llJlu.cool tbemlMllve" l\IId not 1,01'1111110 tI16,)' HnllSlu, whero tho lIiltillg room" ill will' In cOlilillt'ring Il lIystem wllich \l'oultlfill DO' get air ClJOlIgu thlougu tboir tor AtO kept hnhitnall)' lit II "ery high ellnblu lin,>' iuwlliH,mt perilon to coO\I"otDIlW. tellllKlraturll with littlo \·onlillnliOll. the cXluulUntiunlJ tiS to the .!ltrollgtlt of

I founu oncl!,tbrougbII 1!1,1 oJ:pericoco Profe.!i80r "011 Eichwl.lIll wa.s C{l1l811ltllll ,'islon, (!olor IKlDIIO anll IU!IUing, noting..itb a llel ItOg, thl\t dO~K mll~~ Ilio ir It:' ~o t1!O hea.lth of a l:llly, ~\'I~o, tbollgh hilolJ!Wf\'lltioOloi on prO)Jcr blnnkll IIlle]tbtir nOlles bl'come Itol)lll!'\' 'l'ho,\' will II\'lIlH 111 a healthy spo~ e:dlllJltod alll.he inl.tlllittill,l( t1Ul:1l0 to tuo expert for juJ"­bre,Ulethronl!'h Iho 1Il011th onl)' wllilo it sYIllIl:!l)U1ij Ot.lriMVlILlu III thollO who In' ment. It WllS found neceIill4r~': 1. To U!I­

iI rorcibly beltl opell, if left to thelU' h~1tit. l.IJar~lq· pll\ce~. Tho I!!tl~nl remo- cortAiu wbether elloh mAli J)OII!!0611estelvet 1h01alwll"iI breathe throllgh tho 111011, COUlllstlllU chiefly of tjulDlne, wora lIiij1Jt 1I11lUoient to !wo form lit. tho Ilverage1I0iM!. - al'plitJd with f1l1cceu; Lnt ll.ii ofteD nlll tile dillllUlCO, Ulhl rilllg'O (If vision to ('nablo

So, poMibly, wo nro illtendC'll 10 tul", InJy. aftor. recoverlnj:t fr~1n all I\ttnck, him to lieu IICIIr oujecUl well onough toIU our breath throl1gh uur DOSO IInlolli \elltured lnlo her .urll"'lng roorn the rcall writlen or printed orllcn nut! inDeetllil, (IrivCll 1111 to hrco.tue through 1I1l1ll0 IlYllIlJlOlU1I perslstelltl,. ro·npllearcti. atrnctiolll. :!. To learn if t!ncb IlUlIl IIRSthe monlh. ~t Wll.5 thea tUllt the doet,)r, t"ffiClllbor· colol' IIenilO slIllicicnt to jllligol proll1Jllly

There 1U0 mallY ot1l1.'r rt'1\!40nS why wo lug tho DOW theury. nrder<lel tho rOlllo"111 by Ilfl.\· or night, botW~1I the culor/l inought 10 llInkO our IW~Cll furlli:th nil tho of tllO nUllierOll' forns "lItl Jl:lllnl~ whicb 11110 fur f1lgn"l",.tir to our IUl1glt. Ono is, t.ho IIC»1O ill IIIl~d tbo, IlrllwinR' room, !lllil . tho com· AOUOflliug to tho inltrDctlOllll fortuu­811eu with nli~t1o {t)rc"t of llnir whit'h III IllluOt winch hall beOD 90 OIJl>tlOoto \I'lUl latal for tho oJ:allliul\lion nlhl ilUllrll by1I1I'Iyll kflilt moist liko 1111 tho llmer 8m. f01ll1t1 to l1iijllVl'enr at oot:c. It. i:ol pOllsi- General ,\Ianu.gor TlIGmpHOlI, tue follow­IICN of lhe 110110: u'uIl pnrtiulell of 11\lllt ~Ic tl13t.. n j.{~OtI Illany h~atlnclll'lI an" iug ul'pnrntnl will lie 1I11ed: A carll con,lhJt wonld olherwi$ rlllih ioto tlJe Inngll 111(1I11110111t!onlllll Lon(lollmlgbt bo trucod In.illing letiers of grlldoll /litcI' for I('!!lingloll mike tronblo uro CflU{rht anti kept ton '1llIilar CItoUIIO, Ol'poutilllf witlt Dlore lli!ltnnt sight, a fl'llDlit for supporhngnnt by Ihia Iittlo bll;ry Dct,work '1'holl or I('IIS ,'1010)111'(' ill )Jroportion to tile print to 1.0 rcu.tt with 1\ 1;11\,lul\tell ro-lnt­~'ltIJWlge"of the !InS(! aro lougur ,ul.ll IInmoor of 1l0worB Or pllllll.. kept and uluhcll for IIlCllJUlrillg (llillmco frOID Ibolin. ler.IIllll 1II0re eroolw(l limn U;l\t of Iho hent of tho ruom in whit!h t11l1)' ovo while rCllliillg; I1llllectl\clo fmllle forUte moutb, so tlult 11.t1 it }l:t!Ull.!1I through grow. obottrllcting tho "isioo of eitherc,}e whilotbolD the air lJUcorocll WfU!lI. Dllt.tln. It h~ijting t1w other; 0. wntch wit11 nn hourare ooly a fow rellllOll!l why tho 110&0 " Orne ~ IttlHlrllod. tick for tCKting tlte hellrin,:t,8ud l"'lll~..ort-Gugll' not to be awltelH.1{\ otl anlt loft I IU('Ut of cfl\orC:II ~·flrnll for tetllillK tboidle, All 10 IIInny nOjIJlI aro, while ,hoir A f011110, King of l'ilJllln , 11.111 conforrod Ileuse of <.'Olor, This lallt conllilltl of IIo " gre:lt honel' upoo Cilptlllll JO!epll f .. f'nora go pnffing through their moutlill. frillh, of l\owl10rt, H. r., WllO ill now ill rlilUO COlltUllllOg orty tillie of NII,j:treeuAll tnlillerd for moo for roolliS l1ulI comll\llllll of thA United Stllle" rAW'nlli' l\ud rOlo colorl. PerllOIlS will Lu fe·

rowing, lind IIIJ other athletic OOlltOlllll, 'Iuired to IlUlr.'t n given <loluf wLcn it is• d .. I I onttor Bo.Uluel Doder. Ju 1871t. whilo Itt'

11 era III t Ii,!! anti tClWh the:ir I'upilll Irillh WI\II in l:oOlmant! of tho rovonue 1II\00el, 0 lUll £In a tOlit skein ImollC\1 tolCeortllngly. If tho UoJs will try this tuuDl allli to Iltlliorgo 1111 eJ:I\llliuatioll 00

"tl.... Iboy will soou lIC!e what IIifl'ercnno cutter llllmlltoll, 01 'Philadel!lbia, llllil Hill! poillt whlcb will Ilaicullilc their'" II k whit') cruiMIIl8 aloug tile c"peH of Dola· ."l WI lUI 0 III thcir oD<1nrcllce. Aftor I' 1 I I color w;l01O to 1\ n_lcoty_, _f 'OIl ba.,,~ rnn 11 fow rOl.lK hoMlllg Jonr ware, 19 learne( t 1St t ICre Will tiD Uut-

~l)u'lI IJgbtly CIOlIOO, there will como n iau blll'k Iloor Ly .whioh bad Oft board the '·('r~Frfllh.time wben it will Kecm ill thou"h ,011 erew olillo l:ipalllll.lltlOOI)or war Pi1.llrro,eonld Dot uot lIir tllloll"'h throll"b tim which batl fOllndcrCtl lit sea. lrilth utII b ~ e e ouce lell' lUi officer lind host to tho "CS'

OM.: ot 1101l't gh'o 111'; X84IP right 011, 101 ancl llaCcrtnir;cll thnt two hundroo.Illd 111 II fltW lIIinutO'l )'011 will OvtlrCOUlOth.lI. A HUlu ItracHoa of tbill mothod shipwlWked Oleo wore 01) OOllrll. He Ill.'Ir111 f ODI'O I'laccll his v6ll~1 Ilt t11l~ir comUlant!I b

RO If to ltluke )'Oll the bcilt ruoner aud 8111'I)lictl thom with 100..1. ct.. H.,n t °neigbhorhool1. ..then Ilcl\tlet.l his "011101, In II.tcrriblelltorm,

to tho »oln."·llfo BrcnkwRter, ,,'here thcwall 1l00IlI,rter"'11,,11 oonrJod by of1leerllof tho 8pnllil'h 1>4l:lol:lltiOll, who toolt theirfellow cUlIulrpueli in cbnrgo I1n(l o!lcort·e,l thlJro to Now York. All tho fada intile c~se wel'l' promptly ltdd before thoSpaDlsh gO"l'rnmunt. Uy orller or theSplllli..h 1I11t1lOtitica an omolul comulllni­CllliOD wa!llMlnt to tho trOll!lIlr, RlIll Sinle111'llDrtlllellt~ at Wa~hiogton, in "hicItCa\ttaill lrieh', comlllot WIUI fully lIetfor h lind At>Il:fOcitlted in II lIlost com·plvrncntl\ry Dunner. Cnl,tnin Id:ill'lt "cthil.I 110" hoollllllblll.mtllli y remombered,he bellig In fl'Cell't of R 10Uer froUl thoSoercJllr101 Iho 'freaMmy which con­Vl!Y~ the plc(IIliug iotolligcuco that KingAHODl\1'l hM conferred upon him thaOraull Cro," of NII\'lll Merit of the 800­ltnllolasll. 'J'llfl Wlltirooni81 WIllJ cooliliellill II ~atill·lilled morocco CRBO, !JEinrillgtllfl Hpunish Aelll and lhe inll{'riptioll. "A.X. nr." It ill ao eight·poinl&l 81lU of_liver lmllion ill In.,effl, Orowning theceotcralHl rClltlng Ull:On it i. tho OrllllliCroM, whiuh ill of w1llto onamel, nUll towhich i~ altlll'hed nn DlIl'lior of hlue('oAmel; willi lllltn,ck of rOtI eURmel. Jtrolievoll Ly II. ectting of noo gold tlnlli1llrmOIlDted by Do RoM crown on II bm..'k~rollntl of garnet onalllel. Accomplin~'­

mg llecomtioo hi the llip\oma of WOlll'l.lCrllhill iu t.ho orlier. which :.. lligllC,1lIy Killg .t\!fonllo .11,1 cOlllltel'8igoel1 lJyiho MiniKter of Mllfine.


Work Itnt (rom

All)' part ~( eh. SOUND,

'Viii recli.,.

Next. door 1.0 Dr. :\1Inor·. 0010"_



-none In the-


C'Staple and Fancy Groceries-.=>


Tobacco, Cigars,Call1ornia and Oregon FruIts, Btc., Btc.

Water Street, Port Townsend, W. T,

Feed, Flour,


All kill'b or lIIA!OlIfY done. AllY Ol\t-' tie.~lrlIlK wnrk III m)' :Ine wltl ~ .urlHletI 1(1III! 1I0ri Ilollt.oe.'·'lr.. t (,'In''l!!1 Work O'tRrant:oodW'At!tlntW b)' k!uer &'- I~or: 1'owll_

ItlltJ, \\'. T. tOll


ANACORTES. - (FldalBO Island,) - Waahlngton TerrllolT

We have Just received in succtssive instalmtnts from s.u.FRA.CISCO, 3 Big Stock of GOUDS. of Evtry Kind suittd tothe Country and the Times; PRICII at regular competitionratts, bting obligtd tOCOffip<lt with La Conn.. lOon '~"''''o_

• tit. "Irht It,,.t.

Executor'. NotIce. IP .fi C - -!fotlft!I. hel't!l!fllh:;hatlbe.lrIdertIJlnet1 aCI IC oast

hullftft apprlntll!'d lIy I~ t'roc...te'·onf1 ot STEAMlW.n Juan "!Qunt)·. W. T.• It.ecutor ..r Iblt-I SHIP COlat. of &1IItk'1 '-lVwn. !atll nl I~ Lot.lId In __Ill _lItf. ~-t, .All lJ'I!"""n" bal'l"lf Id.ltrI.... I"..111\l' ...11 eool... ..,... ~ull1!l1 to , ••• It,....rl.....6e _V8t,. ......pn:ootonl IhIt .,-. ,,"Y«Ibt!r ..lib prt;!ller 11_U_""'-1 _ II I"()lld...,.. to lbe Ull(J.. ,.1tJ1I4IIl "!tbln on'll yn.r .'.11'11 r ....." ., 4~.. :.~:.....rru... ,.. lin. pul.l_llo.ia ut '1t1Jl nOI~ DC' •Lte 1o"!I1'"u tL.l.oI:mMI, • Th. COtn~nY'.'UN.Q1.blr-.

W. \'. ALL••IOKr, I D~~i!attJI4&ACu..W.T,,"eb.III.,I.1. A H 0,


UKh w\l1 he rl!t~h· ...1ulltIIlhe 201h In~t. G O· 'W"_Elde1'\ror IlIrlll.hl", 00 fOnt. 01 WOOtl II' be (ill. {CAt>TAI!f 11.11. 3I01l8K,1l\nrt'd Otl l.lllhl.·,V Sth:d Wbarf. rOr WlII "Ulor

..."k.""~'''''y~ £TUlWAN .t KATZ. Vicloria, Port fOTilIlend, SeatUe, Ta•-N-O-T-.-C-E-T-O-C-R-E-D-IT'--O:.::R:.::S::...·: coma and OIymnia.

O~ T't...>:"... or II"". My.... -'kd. 10th 20th and 30th,

I' OTIC~~ I~ IIf~llf;UY G'Vf:lI BY 0'" "'VERY MONTH...1. ,h. 1l1ll)enl~II.1I. l'::xeClltor or the~ .I.: £4

I.lt! or JJ~l)r1 .lIre"" lJa't:uetI. to (he t::rT~~J.l'n,"':.'~ny.. St4!am.hlpa "IU MIlcl't'tlhol'lof.•I,d 1111 IlCtsOU!! having clilms·llllllJt. -ski lk>t.<eil-..'t.J. (0 prrit'nL them San Fra ."ltl. rhe Jlt.'U' r)' vtlud'll!f!I 1\'1111111 oue nClSCO,I rll r Rller tiM! dati! 01 thl.i nollce. 10 me,,""Iteh Ut.'t.'tltOr,1l III)' "~kJellt.'(l aL New via Victoria,UUll"~IIt:'" W. T.

CUAHLL'! A. lInlls. On. or about 11)0tta~ut.or of lilt t:.fl.hl ul Jlt'llry 11,)'en, V,., I.,,, ••d 18•••rMe.....11,

tlt;\.'Ca.,.,·tl. I"""III/C \'Ielorla on IlItI~t:w Uuugl"lIes-, lo'l!b')' 0.1852, '01.,20'" a~d .'Ib .(eull •••III.

All kind... or

Watoh, Clook .nd.left'rlfT I{rpalrlDI'.

.Best Manner.--AT--

neaaol1nbl~ 1)'1.,.,.

Francis W. James,WATEIl STIlEET, l'OIlT TOWNSEND, W. T.

El\'han/;e 011 SIlO FrsndlC'O Boulhlanll Bolli3:(Ollf)' 10 IAnn It 101.. rile. 011 AI)Pro\'l.\l Sc\.'tIMt1

County Ol'\lers or S\'flp. I.ntl t'orelXII t:XC'hlllgt". run:huedell II adVllllCf'5 InlHle and Yt'~I~ lll"bul1t'tJ. Collslgnmtnt.l &Glinted

MOlley remittal to aU p:JrlS or }:IIA'IIUlll. and Colk<t:t1on! M.dekef" 1I0~onl\B1,!o; Of:AI.l:olO OUAnA~'I'EI.;o

RC(I'T'em". b)' JM.·rml~lon, 'l'he ll:IlIk o( llrltllh Columbia. Victoria. V. t,and San Fnlllcl~...'O, C""I. 18:tt.

JOHN LAW,GP- Watch-maker and Jeweler '§.£>

cent'.' Hotel Bulldl"' · ·.. •.. · · ,011 Town••nd. W. T.

Dealer In Waltham, 1l1gln and Springfield Watchea.

I t'ote "!fllntW, J. u:xr'l

It, Wal. 8£1;1t.

1·~11I. ,'IIL•. .\.•:"..11. " .. 1'Ml'l, It. W. ~ Lwm.

Chlllan Ship In.peotor.S~;ITIH;1t Ihl.! CLl!ltlOl" linT Ihu 11ll.I"",IM"etl

A,It,'nl~ ...111 he ft!tIllOn.Il,J" rllr.lllhlll'lmlm,,"'(1lo)'lhll oJlk,~1'$ \llltl llrew 01 tht,! ...~>'('I .IMI\·~

.1l1ll1lltl, J .•\. llo\M. 11..ttlr.It. w. IH;1.I0S. AC(l.. It.lCtlnl~.

I'oft Tm.'mloen,l••·Ill~ I.'. llllt!,

Hondnros Bark Cbiclayo·,'llOM IIONOLULU.

Nt:J!~~~,~.,.TI~:;,11'~rA~f.n~~I~M~II~r ~~It!I ...111 lJe re.lpolI~lble tor dtlbt.llOnlracted bythe ol!k:enor<'no"'.

TlltJM,\5!OIWASO.llUtcr.K, W, IJI::LIOS a t:..... ,\I('·l1t..I"on Town~nd. Jan. ro. I":'

HawaIIan Bark Starlight.Nt~;I~~~:~to~h~I~~:~:t.~ ::~[.l~~\tl;~~r:.ln;lr~nlOIpon.llllt! liM' lI!!hllt C'llIItf1lCt~lI IJ)' Illu om.oervorerew Ihereor.

9. I'. 11.\T,t,;,i, )llIlltcr.en... A.I!SI:LL ot ('v..lU(l'nl'"

l'of! Tt·wlI~nd••·!!h. 1,'.1 ••


I~~ippiug~ ~OmmilSiou:Ilhrc~anlsCUSTOM HOUSE BROKERS•

•'orwardlng Alt"flll$.t Slonl!="e .·Il!'IIIUtOPFICE. 1'1". Whiff, Qulnc), SI.

Port Town.end. W. T.":11"'" A • •;~\lt1.1. ,\lll'lllloltlill .·nutrllll'O •.ntl

::~I~~I~lTulll~~ t!'Jl~Ii:~d'" ,.~~~ir;r~':~W.T,


flllPORTEIl AlID JosnEIl


Staple and Fancy Groceries, FineWines and Brandies.



Tmporter and wbolesalf) Oe.llr in Groc.riu,

Winu. Liquorf, Cip:an• .te. SEATTLB, W. T,

P. O. 801268. Send ror Jenning.' Price Lilt.

J.m.. Jone., Agen' (or I~WihJ"ood," .t PonTo"nuod.

A complete Itock o( F.nc1 a. well .. "aple,000, in thi. line, .11 or whicb "'ould ••k ,our in·'reelion 0(. ~ Wool. Hid", Butter, "~glZ"

Potatoe.-Anllbing. io r.ct, ukeo in nchal)"_tor Goodl, or, C..b paid ror .ame.•

Sole IW'OIM"kltor JWII.UWUQU brandlOld lloul'bon

03' QI.4 WUclw.@d.. '2DThis favorite brand of Old

Bourbon whisky of which D. ,I/..Je,."i"l!S is Sulv Proprietor, comesfrom one of the largest and bestdistilleries in Kentucky. Thel!oods are pure, ft'll proof, G U.tJ. R­.tJ.NTEED, and will more tha"compete with any of the 1/.luner·ous brands of so called Old Bour·bon now 0" the market. For s(tlefrom store, and inJobbinJ! lots di·rect from Distillery..

Cigars Tobacco.E,.terD Cigar. of all br.nd'i ,110 C.liforni8;

(uti atoek of bo~h 01& hand .ad tor ••l_.~ SailFranci.co pric..,


VUIII. Con.l,nd to Chll. A. £".11 a Co,

U~,\vt:~ l'on'I' 'I'UWXSI-;XO ."Olel1tOSU:\U; A'I' S. A. ~I.; 1\1"0 lorWIIIIJUY ISI.ASn lit 10::10. A. 3:1.

}'orIItOSIUt.t:.lit ... 1'. ~I.

.I,:V.I':IC.Y D ..\.Y•.·or lrtl£ht or J1:1".,I~t'. nil 111)' nil boRnl,

I., IJ. lI"lST,"Il~••111 ..Hlr ~lIUler.


N..;:ITr!~~lll~.JIl:~,~~~~1;\I~ui"1~II~v~II,~,,~~\'1."lI1'l'1 will 1-.: n...·1JOMII'!e lor tlebls rontractedb)' thtl oltlet!t'!!I or "I'IJ",

J. n. ~1I1.1.,\IIt:H, )IlU1ler,It W Ilt:l.lOS.t "11.. AII"enl4..

"Orl To"·n.. 'ntl. Jiln. ~~.lm.


:11' IMI" ... iIl I~· >""Ilt Ollt Ihi.. "..,,,'..!.II a hlr.....• IIl1mh.'r or Ulir 11ll1r.1II.... t.. r,min..1 Iht:1U or ..thnl httl.~ l\("'tlllni .. tlhIh~ .-\ "'1\1'"." ['uri I..... k'"l" 111j.t 111"111'.....·1\'1'11 In ht' iIlJ~bl..J ttl 1.1" fur ,!olll>o<t'rip·tion WIll 1~'lIr ill lDitlll Ihut IIU Nlfl~ r.·­mltl.l1Wt· ..ill nti!M' tllt'ru iWII~(l!'tlmiJl~

Itl Ullr I~hmatiou au.1 IIoIl"t.' tile l\llY furIII1Il u"loll'f .1......111 I1l.1lklt'il it Will IJl'pullin!: til.' muuf':)' "whl're it "'11t .10 thl'm,)lilll\)o.l:·---


~ltl. W. P. Bell ","0e8 to Stol\ttlc tll..:tll~·.

TllIl: WolooH jil eSIM"Ct{l() he~ b~' tbe10th of :\Ian=b.

Ttlll: "hill (ll"f'lIl Admirall<HIt t_o menlllT Cupu Horn.

MM. f'. W. I'hilhridl:. tormf'rl)' nf t!liJipll\N'. oontcrn,.latH n!tnrnill,ll.

A YOOSO prillter from the EMIt. Dam·....1 UlI\II'tln, IS aoout lllartiu,iC n "UCWllPB'1)('1 llt·:;ehome.

OWlsn ttl thJllmf':rIlf'f'tf'tlllf'tl'lltinn lIt

the ~Iitllr lit LnCOIlIll'r thi" week, h)' 1\

'A'in\llIlurm, our 1I1111111 ",I(rillt." of Cl..lito·rinl ill nix., 'rlflt lkIhoon(lr I'n'mil'r llrri\'oo ~·cllicr.

,IllY, &J lillY' from the I~iji ltllunlllL 011boArd were a Mr. St. John 8Utl niece.the only paNellll'tlf'll., They report "IllehAot tri". The IICbooDcr ill ll;"itinJ:nnle","

Tn advertilM'!-menlA or MesA", Jack-

mn. T"".nd N. n. HHI k So. will Sbl'n Paclolns."Pllear next week on the oull!ide paReS }I

of the AJlOt:H in ne...nd .ttracti"e l'RO)l l·llll."U":I.I'IIIA,

form. Our AMenee pre\"entcd tbe r~I~~:;:erl!..:':II\:,~~'T~~~?t~lil::r~~:t'.huxe in time tor tbiJ illme. ~~~e~a::nr:I~~;.lbe otn<..'\!.... orc:re" ot Ibe

M.. J. W. 8ta\"er. of the firm of Stn.,er R. W. 1ll:1.I0S .\[;j~·.\~~:I~IIA)I.lh'.Itt.r.

.. Walker, Portland, bM been vi iliDW' ron TO.",u.entl. Jan~. IstJ. Bark Protans,t.he farmiDll Al!elionl on Pu~t. Sound.ith • ';ow 10 di.....i". or impn",d SHIP GREAT ADIIRAL. NF.lTII.. Til" C., ...... " so. TIIF. "So

Jo'RO)( PIIIL"D":I.I'III". t1tlt.o~:~~t:f'i.;lt~I~rt'o;.n'JlIpotl.IW. rQrm",hi...y. II, i, pa,';'nl,d, repre· , "'" c......TT". w",... FARMERS' STORE,IIIttltiDKtbll in\el'ClltAof J. I. Oll8C.i Co" ..~~fi:I~~R~b':"~~~~e":'~:,~~,,':.~~~...:i:lltIR. w. Ol:LlOS.t Co.• A"~nl ,

u __• w· , by tbeere. or lhe .hove ".It,,"1 ,hlp. l'on. Town.tcnd. JllIl. :11, I~ N nor ..__IDe, ltICOD III., Rt:SJ. TIIU)lI'iK)S, MUle.. OeO C ':f5101i-' 'V I. Ter,.,)'"Tn IitUe l\eamer Dai!)' hAl been IOld I~•.""_·.'-''->£~'.,.-'O,,S_·•.:...c"..:'".".."n,,",....,::-___ German Ba,lQue Anita Delfina. ' , . uat eceived. Tbe Chellpe.l. Larllelll••nd mon Complete

by the P. S. TrnnaportatioD Co.• to D. h' A . A S 'Ib nlu)I '''ALI·,ut,\I!JO. 1'~i\ o( IJHY GO~)J):;,F.ncy Goods. CLOTH I NO, Furnilhinr Good..B. JaeUon. of PorlGamble. (or 8GOOJ. SID BRIe . WI , Nt:ITIiEK Tlfto: CAl"T,\lS SuH. TilE I·S. HOtlery, Hardware, Fun~ ITUHE, BED .nd BEUDING Winchelter

f'KO)( l·llll.AU":LI·III". l tlol·"'I~nedagentlO(lh'll.bo,..¥ MIIletl v_ R.mmingtoll, .nd Ballard R.iOe.. hot GunA, Revoh'en•• ~d SIJOrtmen';She ..ill ruD from Utaalad, up the S.:ITHt:ltlhet."1l1.1oInorlll.. und4'n!tcned IIelwllll... reJXM,..lbltsrord'llIMC'I'ulnw:teoJ b)' tfi I II ( h h h r IS"- b ·It t lI,I[{!nl. Will he rellltJn~lt.ole tor tlI"lll. r:'OlIt"",eted tbtl oltleJr." or ue.. Or Lbe IRk! &rll. OU II comp ete, a 0 " Ie c.n e 0110( at the F'.rlner.' Store No"

8kagi\ riY@r. U'CI..... UI ..0 ,ea

... IJ)' tlitICNW or Ulo.bcwe "lu~1 ve-I. \',\LI' ..:KAR "I~IH:R, MUler. DlInll~ne .., W; T. AIIO ,. tul! Foe or GROCERU; I oompriling i~ part.avo a\ Se.ttle .t. a 00It. of abcmt. 19(0), n. \\": Dt!LIOS. A.ent.: r. BarUeu. Malter. a.r::L ~~~~n~.~;.;,.Al'i'~ of Drlt=tl Ind C.nneJ Frull~, ClOned Meat••lId Fi.h, .nd .11 tho Sl.pl ..• nd 11 oonliderell .Itanncb cralt. 1~;':;';';;;;;;:;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;"""""""""""""";,":;;;";';':;';;;;;;;;;;;;';;;';;";;;;;;'""""""""",, I ulually kept. by first·clul General Merchalldiae houles. Speoial in.luce.

menla .re now beioJroffer..d.t this, Eal.bli.hm&n1.. NOW IS TilE TIMEto 1a1fl!l adun,taKe or LOW PIUCES· Come Early .lId Mcure Bargainl.

N. n. Dnn t Ie' money trouhle you. Ir yllll hav~n't, any coin bring "our1l1det. Sl~p SkIns. Wool. }~JlJ(S, 011. 'I'allow, or any other }'Ilrlll I·"..inco Y&u' ilia,lillY!!. ror whIch you \\'111 l'CI.'eIVI! the hlKlw.lL prlW. chher III lrarle or Club

OlUJEHS hom ADI'tauoo Protnplll AUeudl't.llo. • j

C. F. CLAPP.Dungenell, W. T.


Foor min.,. named John Oburch.John M.ru, Daniel MoKiDru .nd Wm.Reid, left. Fort. WraDgel tor H.rrisbnrg.ia a amall boo'" Jan. 00th. 1100 up tothe pHi OK of the Eureka, Feb. 14:tb,DO\bllllf had beeD b~nl ot them.

A dil\llrbaDOCl occurred between tbebdla'" III Hurilbarll' lOme time linoe,rtlUUina io t.he formlltiOD of three mil·Hart oompanie. of M eoob amoDg \bewhite&, tor mutual protection. Itllt.ar1OO ia a quarrel bet..flClD \wo

Ill"· ..I lbown the report hom the ..'

..,01 ore rrom the FttIler miDeI, which.,alDed lhe rock .\ aUfi per lou.

The ecboooer a Co Perkina, Capt. AJ­tea Pra~ Jr., len Bitk. tor Victoria,J.n. 29th. O.p\ Francia will purehaae• DeW TMICII for.n ext.enain u.ding.,01. north.

WID. K. PiIh, a tmer reeklin,lf a\'ronpa Narro.... ditd aoddeDI1 Feb. S,.nder e1l'C11JDAtaooe- wbicb created teanof toa) pl.,.

The buian maerderer, X.-ta·ta, to bekierd at Portl.nd. iI enjo)'inl AJong d601., iDCident to the workiDKI of ourI.... It ia. pity that o.pL Lull, of theW-ehuet" oould. DOt hue ItmnR bimup to the Ja.N arm in .arbt. 01 tM Til·., wben be .... ant. taken. He w..con,.eyed 10 PorUaDd ia Oetober I..t..aDd hit trial ..ill OOlll!lleoce lbe 27th.

••,. .,·.. • 7" ••f'.' 1--.1. It t1t,.... .'OtlI!H. CGkI, lI",n• bltw. WIMlotllnlr loacL 4,;roolp, I•• ,,,,,.n&&.,.__pc_.·..d ..1Tb".t pIS .LanK (;ou).

1*ln,-- :"_11 antS II. t.ot.Ufo.

..." ..wan;u .. CArr......U••



Brltl.h Bark BI.ohll.ove,.·ltvJI !lYU:..t;Y x. s. \\',\1••:8.

St;ITIII:tllhu I.·MlllM," 1I0rlll. Unuen!lrned.\lIl'nlllll/lh".IIO'·C Plunel!vl_twUI hllN­~I)OlI.lbl\l fl)r lIubl_conlrnt:l",d br. IlIll Omt'lltlvrerllw. J. B. "lItlSt:IS. MUler.


S~hr: Snmatral..110:11 OU,\TM.\!, llKX1L'O.

Sf~ITUEft lh, ellllllllA nor Ille undel"ll,nftd,\l(el1l" 'A"1lI lIll I\.'lpotlllble 1m'deblt oon·tnlele,1 by Ihe C1l!k.-en or enw lielonrln, 1011iulllJ'U·t! n.Ult.'" n_l.

CIlt\ltL&'i !lOCK, Kalter.1!~~'t+;;~~~~,~ciy;"t1:,,'.I.

Sohr. Ladle of Caller.t'KOM 1I0S0LV'I.V.

Ji\l'cllllcr tho Cllpluln nor tllft IIndel'llne,tI'\I(Cnhlr Ihe abo"ll namet! vHI!lI wOI iii

reJlI)On~lolelor ullbll t:Onlnu:led. b)' lh, otncel'1lVfO·"'.... I,. I'. I......a)l"l lhIlar.


CANNED GOODa-AII K".... Coli'...Choice Ttl. or all kinds. Best Brsnda 01

EJ:ttletA, Oroul1t1 and Wbol, SpIOlll. Ral_

lin!!, Zante Curtallt.. Full PIOrtmea' or

Sollpt, Tolle WIt!h1l1C. sal ~I.. Flu,tt Coal'le Liverpool 8Itlt. Columbia Rtnr

Silmon. CoAl 011 and Caodl.,

ComlsUncln pal1 oj

Port Townsend, W. T.

Agont fol' the Oolebl'ate<1

\Vhole8u.lo nndRotnil Dealers in

WHISKY,Covlnllton. Kentuoky.

Fox' Port Townsend and Vicinity.



In Either Produce or Cash!

0",,,,.. J'lIIed .-.... Dhpak'h,

W Prcscriptions CareCully Compounded, nay or Night,..a1


IID1tDSCDI.£lJ .. CD.,Port Townsend,


.IUNF. 1. 1881 t(

German hi Martha Brothelman, 8chr ReJorterFRu)( :-lIlAXGIIAI. 'U\"M\S X' leo

N Jo: ITIHH Tltt: t·.\I'T.\l~ XIII: TIU: .• ....NO)II., '. es ,J: IIIlJll r"'l(nl'll.I,,"I1I~ olt 111"lIh"\l'1I11111",1 ~ UTII •• R lhe ..... ,I.ttln nnr Ihe untll'nlrrned.n~l .'tIl I.· r"~I"IIl~II,lll lor '''')' ,Illhl~. ,n \",·nl. 'A"lUoo N.!'pon~lble (ot'debIiCOnlf'llelt'Irw'lnl loy \'111". 111) "nlt.·1'lI or ,'row 01 11I-;1l1lo'·._ ltn1l1p.t1 "HHL

J \COIII\I CTII )1 'ler t:. U. t:OQK. XUler.ItOTtl;ol4'UIl,1I a l·n:••\II·llnl....:· • '!OTlISCIII1.U.r-o•• -'llt!nl..

l'Orl Tu.·n$llud••\UI".t II, 18tll. Ion TO"PMull, uet. D;Ul1.

Am. hark Amie)o'HO)1 AI·STHA(.l.\.

N ):ITIU:1t TlU: 1',\I'T,\IS Sl1It TlU:1: 1Il1,It:""I""t!ll Jt!lt'lll~ fir II ..•"'IIlI e lmUll,,1\,_1 'll'IIl'1ll 1\'~,"ln"Ihlfl 1,lr 1111)' III' hi .. t."(In­11.....·led 1,)'lh\.'ollk"r> "r'·nl'A".

.....'. :o,\SlIlIt.Rt;. )JlI$lcr.Ihrrl1~·IIII.11,t l'u •.\Ilt.IlIi1.

PUrl '·owutlelHl. ,\1Ij("~111.1""1.

BarQne Amethyst.~·U".lI 110:<1(/ KO:<lH.

X~:ITIU:H Tilt: L'.\I'T.\IX SOli 1m: us·'ltl .... llll1e'l '\\ll'nl" will lit: rei!tlilln"",lu ror Iln)'11I"I'''t..,nlnllllell b}' Iho l·I'1lW.

l'ort 1·own~nll•.\UIotIl"1 ':D. !Sill.II. C. 1\1I.l.lfA.lt. )Ill.'tler.

D. t'. n. RoTIl!lCUI1,iI. '\IICIII.

Fine wines and IIquors;

Am. hktne W1'1isler·rnV)1 GU.\YMAS, Meslco.

N.:ITn~:l"t tllp Cllfl1aln lIor Iho nndefllignetl

.. Af(Clltll nl Ihe MUonl nMllilIU \.\!jtjl!\ ""111I.., 1'ii~tlUll"II'l\: Inr IItlbl_ conlrl<;;llld b,. 1110 om.t.1ll'1l or Cl'll'll·.

1:11,\ If 1.):8 s\;IISAUEU, linter.~~~I~~!:.I1i;:I)ll~~~:·8.''l':.:~~''·

Golia.h, Blakeley and PolitkofSky.tT Leiters Anti Telegraml Itklrelled to our CI~ will be prompU, dellnred oa


D. C. II. 1I0'l'IISCIIII.l>.

tv" .IUST UECEIVED-A large lotar Imported Ind Dome.t1c elJlIS Or Utebest brlllld~. ' •

CASH GROCERY STORE.I have just added a full Line of Groceries to my

lock DC Stationery, &0.) and intond 10 SELLC8EAP FOR READY PAYS



Cholt."I1 Bntter, ChCffil, HoncYI FOrillgnand Domesth: f'rults, Pl'ov($lolls 111111 Sup,

pllt!il. Fleu/. Oat aUfI Corn )feft(s, Bntn,Oregon AJlllles. Drloo Fruit" In KllldR.

aUTIDNERY, • ro",pl". 8t"k & Ch"p.'l'hc BJo:S'r Branll,; 01 Cllal'S And To


Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines &Fancy Articles,Paints. Oils and G/ass-ware;

Pure WInes and Llqusrs for Medl:a! Use.

IU)'J'II$,;IIII,ll.t. L'O.. ,\lt1'n III.I'ort To"n.cnd.lk:l. Ill.·!:NIl.


IUNU... '. n:o. 't8,' tllilt.JTomlnjf Iklr\'lt-e, "'rhtl tlml'tllJr OOtI."J-:\'onlnll !I&!l'vll'Q. ··i~~~~,\;:t:n~~lICr. I'~tor.

". J,\r.VS"I':T, '\hl!tter.nOTliSCIIII.Il~t.:o. 1\..." .. 1&.

1'01'1 'fownllUlIu, Jnlllll'1, 1&11.

Bktn. Catharlno 8uddon.~'lltJ)l KAlICI.Il".

'l\.....:.TII.~n1til.' 4"II'luln nor lhc und"\"lOhrne<lL'" Altlll1b.of lh"\lhl1\"" 11I,nll'tl \·.....,...1",IIIIMIn!jJlUnllllllll for lIeble <">l\ln~'h',1 11\ ,,!ll'''Crl! orcm,.,. J. 4'. t:~4'ln;S. MII_lur.

RVTIt.@CIIlI,Il.t. t'H.••\l(l'lI'~'I'ort '·owniltlnu. OCt. V, bdl.

Bark J. W. 8oaver..'1(0)1 I',\I'.:.:T.\. T,\II.\ITI.

Nt;'T,,~.. lt Ihl! CUjl1u11l nor IIMlllnlll'nob(lIeol.\I(llllill "Ill'll' l't.'!'\M'[loIlI,l.. lor ,'I·'J/.. rnll.

IntCletl hy the OfTIl't!l'lI or ,.".... nr 'hI' lltlfwen",'nod vllfIiICll. J. \". :1l~:I••\SI'~:Il,


Am. Brj~ Sea Waif..nousln'un t;:IJI I~'\l,\~~'

NEITIU:lt Till-: CAI..t,\lS XUIl Tltt: I'S.,111"11111011 IUllln". or Iho nl""'lI ll",uetl

vl-.sl ... 111 III! rlllll.)II~lhte rnru\lI'I"eUl1lrllt:lmlby thu olttoorllorcron"'.

!>l. !lUt\IO~S.':S. lll1Ah!l".ROTI1SCIIII.U~ Co...\I(,·nlil.

I'nrt To... n*!llIl. JIHIOI ~~, 11lII1.

Hollandisb ark Hollander.to'UOM 8I1MriC':IlA~~,CllIS,\.

N~\~~:'~~JllI~u~,~I'Jt:~Il s:{~\"~lI'~~I~;~i,·~....I wl~ he re"lXIlI~llJlu rUI:" dUht" corn rlleled\/). the ollkel"l or ('I"•.

ft'ITIISCUtl.l)~ ~u.~·~:"i~t;~:STI lll\8tl!r,l'ort TO'HliIlllll • .lui)' 1. lalll..

. I ,

ffRt.:SII'·Tt:nIAS t.:lIUItt.:11 SERne.:!:

Mornlnl( ~~~~~.'.::.~I~~;I.'ula;~iittho 1IIo1I11l)·ellltlr.IlI)·. ll.-dllY IIlld r..rm·III'."

,H\Crnuon, 1:1~ o'elfll'k~hlllt\h 8011001.I::\~llllllt 7 O'elotJk-"StUlI\)I()II"-lhu MJurceC1r hl"llm{,lll)' ~lrellslh. I"'lluhllul rnlJlJcr or1111< I(lOr)·-&IWIOIilt. I) pu of II 'lruugtlr Il1anlIu.

No llCrvlOllon WellllcltlJl)' e"onllll(.

British Bk Earl or EI[ln.}o'HO~1 SilAS-GliAl. l:IlIKA.

Nt:II.~~\~II.t.J~~,~:~?;i~~~I~\!~1l~:.~~:,I~J,;~IIl'1 will Loti N!~I)OIl.llJJc for dohr'l tOnlnu:llHI btbll ul1lt."tJNor cruw. '

JAMh:8 )IOUItISOX. )llUjler.1t01·1lSl:11I1.1I.t '·V. "'C'·IIII1.

Fr'ch BarQ;~";~;;";;~;J~~~i'~~;;i~e. Custom House Broker :diiIt Ships Disbursed.- .-ItO.\1 Ni;\V CAI,ElJONI/\. AGENT FOR S'rEA!ll TUGts,

t:I'tSCOI'.\I, ollUlttar.

81~1~~::1;~~ l1Crvlc~~tl 81\n,'~.~~k.l.\lnl.t:\·tlnhlItMlt\'lce At 7O·l·HlCll".llulIllur SCholll 1I1~. I'. M.Aul1l1nrllll( thtl I,,·ulen. lletl'!oOll o"cry Wild

nt:ltlluy u.llcrnoon liLa.k;\'tlry t'rhlllY u\'~llln8' III i o'dock".

Rtl". J. II. Alcsnnlll'r. )1. .\.re.llIl'llt."C. !I1'11o ,~.Jj.•'o,.,lcr·3

British Bari M.arthaFHO)I SIIt\NUIIAt:.

N~~~~~~~~;~t)t:n~·~,'r"ri.~I~I'l~~I~ll~:~~i~~~Ilt!lwlIl tllll'\l81Klnillbitl rur tlellu<.'OnlI'1U:lell h)'Iho CI'\lW. ~i.ILt. M'l'lIl',Il/lM~,jlllr,

lIOTuSClllLlI .. t.:O. .\KNllS,I'ort Townlll!lIu, Jul)' 31, llilli.

V",..,..,I .. COlllitlj,(ned to


Bark LU:zie Kanhall...lIuN OU.\ Y .Y.\~, ,>Ie:dt.o.

N·~~~:.~~t~~w~r~~:~I".·~I!~I~O~1I1~1~~~funu~~~~"~I~~~e~~~~l'.thl! olllt'tll'll orc.rtlw of IhullOO\'lI

AIIOI.I'U n~:lUllll.\S. !ih",ler,IlIlTllSCIllI.. U A co., AlIllllli.be]', 11, IllIJI,


~E\' ESOI:;XU SUI'PEH. :,it;The llOOVO (Ill ::;;;'liCUOll 1'1'1111 lhle I~

r·I·~.IJ}·tl'ri:lll ('Imrdll. h ,1x!"!1 lOr TUC;J·,Ill)' 1I~·xt. :Hlh Illilt., lit .·n\\'lcr·~ lI:lll.l'lI\! pwgr:ullllle. 115 \\'1111)1' ""t'U IJelolV. bIIr" lll(l~t 111,·ltl11~ clml'1l1:ll"f. The pro·~'~Illll:" will l'(lUlmelll,'(lIU .i I', 31.. 811:\ 'I'.~:NTII"NCr. "'t:.:.-hIChllllll~ eulert,lll·111l'lIt IIUlI ~l1JlI)er-30 l.\:lIU, clllhJrell UIl-

li~r Ii )'l'lIN 21) \'tilll".

)111",11 frolll." LlIl·ror.I:.lt;~\::I~~r\lm~~~~~'~~~I:~

\{.I::: ~:l~i~ \\;liii~: iil;;ni;:::A·'h:'~,,~nTl~N~~r.;:llo"'!lnllllll 1IIr. 1k!1l. Under Now Custom House Building. ·wu1.tlr .'" l·ortTownllend. W. T.\"no:.1 llth·U •• , ••••• MI~ ;\I0t')l'It II ,t SIO.... llllll.!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!!~".'\' , ~11'\O..J. )llJl'I(ll.t1"811";~I:~I~;::~;~:lt~~i~n~~.~~I~::I'1I' 11II!h, IK'II1I1.llnultl \'l1lllU dtl l:on'~rt lJ)' TUo "Illite!.


llel'!h.IIOIl ...... , .. , ..•..... , ...• )11'>1. I;IIU1'"II"'.

W~'~;r:~ '~:;i';;Cilt',ie;'jiliitiii:: '.: )',';; ~~II~~I~:l.Il'1I.lllllIl.

~:'~"I)' "' ' .. I'~.J'i!o. nA!h,~lIlK '-The lJl'i'hrt'.··.·,··········~\.... )IOrvUll,'l'IUII", 1I11l1 "loll" ,I Jlltt .. ,. ~II.... 1'lbloub .t

1.leLlI. Whlttlek.Itt:clhllhlll )lr. Kerr..\Im.I(·I'llll her ~IBI rIHlIIK IdIlO:U, Ml'IIllwnhl~"

,'t MI~.lIcld.

O.·erIUI!. "I'OUllOld I'lllll!lllllt"•••. NIII! 1·lhool••111'<.:111111.. 11 , ---·'(;urlloVltlc ,llollble Quurllltt.8.

All Sorts.


Am, Schooner Compeer.fl(U:d HUA)')I,\li,

WE Al'rived humo 100 !lIte to "et the NtaTIU:lllhU l'lIlltuln ~r 1110 lIu f lllr'hlll",I... I:" ;\Jtt:nll nf Ih" "',,",HI nlluHltl "lI_1 'A"llll...,<.lollIl1)· Cornnl;~.iol1e.",· proc'Oet.liuJ,lll in ~~lldule for uelJl~ 1'00IIn'ct.....II,\ um"cl. vr'hid week, bitt the)' Will appellr. tOj(cther • II. II' llUICKIlOI.lI, )I••ler.with the courldocke\, in our ned iH08. :'~I~~~~~IJ" u.., ·\lf~lIti.

'rhe l,lllowllllC explolus Itsoll:Slr.Ollfcr Wlill'Ott.:o"·r"". Alllllklt. F~b. n. 1852.TO F:UITQIl or l'oJl1' "l'OWlrillF.I'UJ Allf/u:!!.

l'otiT'l'vw"u:su. W. '1'.1)~:,11 SIII:-lu your bin& o( 1I!t! ~1th

1I1f. "IJI",,:II1'8 :t 11ll1'llgT"IVh In tlte locul 1.'01­UlIIIl 10 till. l·ni.."l·~· "Thllt lilt Uelle.01011I11. 01 Iblll vt!5St1. rMlgllf'd his COIl1·1II1~dnll owlllK 10 8UllltlIIUlIclIlI)' wllh III}".ell." 'l'll1~ I~ 11lltlllll. 11'" the relatloll'"bdWefll J.il!llt, Uluudl anti lllyAr.lr hl\"(.'al~':I)'1 bt'ell Irlcmlly. IlIti my 01,1111011 or111m !Jut" II~ Ill> oftlo,:o:r nllli Il j;Cllllllel'laH I,of tile vrrf Illghcit. You will flltll!ltlllBVe,hi. ~IJOr' \.'tHI't"Cll'l.l In )'0111' Ilcxt liSlleilullolJll)Cl!, YourJ rC~I't.'Cl(lllly

1.0UI~ A. l$Tollm:lI. I,,;tl.,tll.

[We hl1ve "\flrel)' to illy t1uu our lurnr­mluon Will' Irom whllt Wll t.vn,ltlerf'Ll the~t AuthOl'lty, II It "as "I'rourou,. UItllted wo SI'1lIIIlI to bl.: t.'Offt.,,:tctJ.-}o;I.l.]

TUE ~ulKcTlptioll~ :110 yeleran homeIII t,;Mlllorllh, IUIlOUllta \0 "10.000.

~Jo~ ...11 N. Drew. 01" ~:\cnllflelllo, lIulJ(>~1I1IVllOlllttllV.ti. Mafllhllilurl,,;al\lor~


'rilE \'lr,rlnlll8cllllle hu pasted n billllbtlll~hlll~ Ihe 1\'IlillIlIIIg po~ll ami It bbelll,l\'l'li thu hOUJll will \.'Ullcur.

AN 11I\1ll1,2'rutlt.lll IOCIOI)', witll severlllw~II'llllld ullkuol, hll~ been oraanl1.t... lluCnllrorula. '1'h" re~"lcuu o( tllt! Kolden8lllte IIl10w hoI'<' ttl llp~rt'\:hltu ,uch llllor~.

OI,AU!!. Slln'CkoIJ. Iho C;ttillornill lugorkluK, Iii hi NtlW York,AIllI thnllltCllll tobuild A Ilew n:1I1I1:1')"'11I the Eu, lor theIlurflO!!C o( ul1~lijr'lltlllhlK tUll mlllu(14ctur­t:l'Ii Itl \hnt stelloll.

'1'0 lit: IScllt:A!y.u.-The l"llllcity oflhe Scllule ::):lwllIllI. owned by thu CQ­IUllllJ11l IInti l'Uld ::Suuutl ltUIlNlllti 1,,;0111­vRny, III lit Vn'!t.'ut ltlXHlt ~O.(M,O fuet rJllrIlity. It 11lI~ lJt."cu llccllietl tu jllli 111 " reo._:tw, lind mttkll olhcr IIllVl"4l\'ClUCl1U 10 stIt'll-~t 1I0lllJle tIlt: tIlpllclty. 'l'h~ t:hallguwill btl mllde Ii !l'IUU :I, poMlble. a" mure11lInbt.·r 101 lH!t(II'(1 lhlln Ihe mlll C.'111 ItVrtaell' turu ollt._"I'OIIt.llltelll,elll'\lr.'


FOn ~notl c1glll'll. Itt) 10 JUlie, .10I1e·,helld ot Ullloll WIMrr Ol'llOSi~ CeutrltlJlolt:!. •

'I'm: ~hlll Great Achnlrl\l, eomlllllnl.ll'tl

by (':1111. UI'uJ:llulll ·l·holllp.Oll. I\rrlfell ou)lllIllI.y III tOI\' o( ~ICllU1 rlill ·nlL'Omn.:-ohtl mntle II rCl1IlIrkubh: 1(l1lck trIll, ~ll1g

UlIU humln.'I.ll&llll elcVClI 11:l1a frolll !kIlt·"'Mt 8rci\k\\':llllr. Sho l~ IO:llle<l withtlllho:.ul \rOIl, Ailli lI(ler cntul'lng lit lilt!

ClI"tOlll 1I011"t. VI'OtlCt.'lll-J (Ill Ill' to S"t1W"I'il~~'1II1l to 1I1~chArl:0 Ill'r l'1orgn. ClIlll .'1'l!ump:WlI &!L..:JtlltI 00 prol". o( Bueh 1&


Tm: "Ort<KOllIIlU"IIIYlIlhllt the f:urilkltwill tOIl Wlll"II·.11\'1I (rucu tim Alu~kl\ route.

IIml Illtl (\Iaho l,wlJ:lbl)' put Oil 111 Illlr

Il1Ut9. It nillfl !lly>t nvt.' AtellHI~IilI)!I willlJtj rt'J!:llhlrly etllllloycl1 lJct1'iC\'U BilllFnlllCi'Cli allil I'orlhllld !lellt !iUll1ll1cr.lJlll lIull \\'11I1~l"j tho)' bf'111,tC tlill Orc!:OIl,

C:OIUlUbhl. :-It:ttu ul L:l\ltr"rllla IIIIlI l~lItlCll

of tho I'llcltlu. U1llkhll; re~lIll1r Irlll§ t'veryfUllr liMy". [111I1 the city oC ChCIJln rUH·Illll~ Irn'gnllll'ly, III 1I111 trllllllllOrt:ulon o(

l'OlIlbu~lIblu Ircljtllrll.."lr the be~t 11'1"1111y 01 ~U lmllh of

ltrcx~rlCi!. 1I11t1 chclloll. Jto to JIIlIei Juues,OllllOsllo (;elllr:ll 11011'1. •

TIl~: I'llpillup hurel 1:\I'lOry will nl·'<llll" 01ll:I''IllolI.. 11I :UJuut a mOillh.

~1,\l"OIt I'hOIllIl~OIl. 01 1'111·lInlltl. rl'llOrl'

t Ivun!> " pro.:l'l'o.:l~ lilt ,1l'curltl!t r& ~"\'crll ­UlCut 1l1'proIHI:ltl'lli (or IholllUl'll 1l\·l'lI,·,1lllll)l~H'I'mClllS III the I,,;ulumbllllllltl Will­IlllCltC 1'1\'t·~.

flo :11011 -"1' 1Iln-c nice Che~t Prlllt'clor~

,t I..\'rr\ll""'~ ('0'''' .• 1111,1 ,1'lIl't filII III il".-,In: 1I tit,Hlu ur C..uJ:11 ~)'rllil' •

~lli' n. A.•I('lIl1lnI:1. tho hO!M Krottr of"'ic:ltlle. IIkt.'ll our lI'lvcrl101ClUcut ot hi­hl1"Ir\l""~ \\'dl tlmt he Ol'llcrt'tl twkoe Ihe

'11:h·\.' It o':1.:upl''lI. Hc~u.llll~ CUI.ll'gl~J nd·\"l'rll-t:ulcllt Iu·dll~'.

'l'11l: flf'ltl "1'1111" 1m" IK'eO !!Cored ulT~'1I11l' Flutter)' In till' I!clllill~ bUl!inCllilCur Iho pI'ClICut foI('llWn, Tho IlOhOOllcr:i1·\'t·lll~'·Si;( hrouJ,lht in 15 IK!l\IH, IIm\ the.\uniu F. IlriL!'J..'!ol brnuJ,lht 5.

Tilt: Ib:I'onn:II.-'I'hll Amcrlcnn ~hll)

I~CprWltH· h,,' IIU\\" !Jt·cu olf tho b:lr iCV"1I

\\'I'clii'. We Ic14rnl~1 p~§I"I'I.RY she 1:1 lIhnut..m o( l\tovI~lol1•. lIud her Wlltcr fllllPISI. ItlilO ~llort. ''1'1:1 tun !):Ill thut thu vf!SM!1t.'lI.UlIot mille III. 'l'he "Ort'lt0llhm" thlllklIf there w:\§ II IlrullX tluo!lgh hilt 011 thebur III:\t It l'Ol1hf~llJlr.uhl'r III. Well, tlu'lIllll)Cr 1r.t10W.4 ~tWr. but It II ,,"onllt! UI)

til 11111)' JIl~t 0118 tltlle.-"~lItorllttl."

SAU: OF f·.\lI~1 r••\SIl!.-)rr Wl1ltl~r

Gf;lh~m )'l·~toflll,y~oki 12'J 101\'.4 O( Illmi.1\ (llIrt 01 hill ("rill 011 till.' \WlIt Ihon! 011.14ku \\'ltshlu~low. :11111 ",llout tlve milesfrmu Ihl~ cltr. tl) t'\'() mClI ttl WIIII:IWilllii. '1'111.. hUll! WII4 thu l1nlillflrowd

IIUt,tlull of lib (1tI'UI. Mr. (Jrllhuill llllUha- 9:) acre.~ uf hi.. orl~llllil IIQlllu§tel\(1Jc(l. nUl IlIlllroVLo(l l)()l'(ltlll. \\,o,tll lit

IClist '100 I'IJI' Ih:rc.-..Post~llIt&lIIgell.



!Ju K Ilj,mill.Huw l1u )'un like our UC'I\' Int{'?

~11I. X'HlIllUl H. Smilb, or Port All'J:l'Iu,'I, cnllu:1 on 1I.,.1Id", ""cl·k.

MIl, Hirnm Parrillh hos 1:11110 III Hla·lock. Uml., Iltlrllllfl!' III fCUULill rur It rll\\month",.

D<Js"r rur!'J.'t Ih~' 00011 TI'l11plllr 01K'11

'flJmJl'r.lllll· 1ll1'_'till;: 11I·lliltht. Allmi..·Miull t'A'euly-tln' c\.'1l1;t.

Till: 11l1~it!lIll11r tl dlliu/ol' l'llitur 011 UlllII"\\" dllily lUI" In {Ia CN':ltC'''.lfolllnr~'. no

uhjl·ct). 01111'1 fill ~1M!nk at lIuce.

UU'T. Alcllllndf'r. lute or tho r,IAhn. i~

Ilriu).:illA' the mn.>rniticoul Hll':lmellilJt):U'C'll lit Iho l'ncHlll uut rr"m tho AI·IUlltie eu:.st. CUlll. llll~'wllni ill ill CU1l1­mlllltlor tIm 11111110.

•'11'. HClIrJ Lltll\lt·... our buuker. hilSrl'tnrl1l'11 rrom Neuh nllY IUlll i~ "hnlll·iul.r turlh" lit tllo oll1 8tllml. He hilI{lJ4't)1l ilo~'n lookint:l' nfter hill il1tefl'8t ill

1ho 1t1'llliuj( bUl{i IIC!U'.

'ro~ Stoop FrnnciJo!. ownOlI by Mr. E'.'L'urry ul thi .. Illncc. Wll~ lo~t un nU(Jk~'

1'.11111, ,lllrilll( Ih,' tll"lIt Witt 01 this week.'I'he lu,,1'1 tu Mr. 'rnry WllS nnt lltlCer·\·.'rtuine:1 b~' tho lima 01 uoilll: to flrellll.

P.:. Welch. th{' .lcnth,t, (":lIno Itp IrlJm1)1Illj..-en,·..!S 011 till' I)jl'llll1tch Ilist WN!k.hllhinj.C hl>('11 I melicitl)t" 011 tho 1lI0lurMIIf <JIalllluilt..'ll1l rl'\\' dU~1I tor n ahltll,l,'(·.

NOTr. tllll chllUh'C in I).•\. Jtlllnil1~8'

11I1\·l'rliflenltllli.IT itt eXIIl'Ch.'ll Ihnt lho lIOOinl to be

lliVI'l1l1t Fowler'lI Hnl1, 11m Ilruu-rnmme(If which we inKCrl to.ln~·, will 00 II"nukl ..UI'Cella. AtlmilllSiun lift~· (.'tml~,

;hihl~n nnller I~ ~'cnrf:l. twent)'·ftvc1'1'0111, llUt! lim ulTlIir iii ill gootl !llImlll.

IIJ...uo.-'fhe IltNlmer hJnho whichIlult hl'llll rllllllinM' 011 tile Ou1ulUhiurin'r. ,,"U!! fit the 11. C. S. !:I. Cu'jIl whurf"n W"''f.!llel4llllY CVel1ill~. Wo t1luterlllltllllIhllt gllll willinko till' IlIIlOO nf tho (11'0.to:. HimI', that will 110 Inil1 up tor II time.•,ml tholl she will r~lio ...o lIle Nurlh PII'o'inf'. Hhe is e;(~('b,,1 to run to Sohom,1in JJI~ or lho Welcome. Shl! IIloppt...111('1'l.' 1\ 1I1lt'rt I,illll'. hud lhon pruct.>t:.'lll'\l"111111 Iho Hollnd.

till!'!. .It. C. liill. lute of 1,.... lflllll cOlllll)·.n'C"utly rt",i~t1C'.1 hi!l u!l\celt ill !llIItC"llIlI'" COllllty Allllitm UIIJ PmhntoJlIllg~ :\l1t\ ill nuw Il rt!tlillout or I'ort'l\lWll'iOUJ. Mr. dill is tI Ii\'l' hlll'illl'AAUllin llllli II \"1l1uubb citizen. IftJ nlltll1i,~

(':Ilinlllblo rillnil~' lurm Ann,lditioll to'uurllllllllilltion Ihnt will be Ilt'arlily ...d­elMI!!!. '\'hecillimation ill wldoh [ ..1111111llImnt)'1)(!OIJ10 helll Mr. llill i.... t'f1IoIiI~'

lllulcrslt'MJl1 trom ......lI1tillllllnCl! or him inimlK.lrtant Jlo~itionJi.

'rUE flhip Annie A. ldlllith luntlOl.l

with rnilrontl iron from ('Ilihlllcl"hitloKrrh'l'll ill Ihi8 l)Orl Woolletlt.lllY IliuM,IIml ntwr beiliU illl'llOOlcll hy tho 0118­trim House olllocl'lt will PfOtlCt.'tl Oil up\hc tklllnd to New TllcomA. MIlO WIUImu~ lJnmlrod /Inti thirt.y·thn.oe du)'" frOlU

the Uolll'l1mre Ureuk'll'lItcr, l\le88r11. ItW. DoLion.t Co., uro 11""CUI..ol, Au,1

)INlInL ThOft Butler IIml 011118. KinK111'0 to di8Clllllrge the loud, beiuW tho

lowesL biJJem.

Wo Iclltll Ihllt n IAr~(l whnle 11M beannlllkin~ lhin1o:i1 Iinlly III' HOoJ.'8 CIiIlRI.

Hecenlly hii! wltnlrnlhil' cOlloltltll'll luUIL\'1l n Iittlo fun ,,·ith the Mtenmer St.I'lilrick. lJeurinll 110wI1 upon 11l~r wilhII filII hf'NI or ~I(lam, 1'0 to '1It!nk. he Wl\JIlloont tu run her Ilown. wholl Cilpt WA­Tin blew the t1llHtQnmry whiztUei (whichhllWC\"N wero not nUIl,,'ered IIlltlOrdil1/ltil mnritilUl' rulell). 'i'he Ilubla mtlll~ltlr

ur the tlOO11 lI111hlenl}' thOllllht or !kIme·thinJ( h(\ hnd f,mrotteD lluWIl nl:M>Ilt 1110bottom, tlOII he Ktllrt&1 poKt 1\I\lIte tu Iol'otit. Oa11t. WnriO. !lut bllvinJC !«)rIt lin)'wbulC'll hildy. wout un bill WII}' rejnicinu·Onr locRI "'lOt imlltOvell the ocl'RI!ioll tilwnll bit eyoil hcltven""nnl BI1\1 iuvokehi, IlCl mnlW, Tho rCllult ill giveu elllC'wbere.

A. O. U. W. On l\[ullIlny e\"cuinA'IAilt Ihe e.litor hert.'Ut orURllizCll "Swju·omish Lotluo 01 Workmen lit LAOoIllH'r.Tho npllOitllment Wllil I,,, one week lire­,iolts to lhn' time, bllt coul(l not befllll'li on /\COOunt of I wind slorm. Hutllttcen out or twenty·two I1'Iu1y fllr lld­miMion were iuiliutcd lit the or~'\Uli:dn~

rcrf'monie.... 'rim nllHtlut Olle!' tllj.(ether""ilh IlcvemJ atheril will be initiute<.llltthe tl~l rUJCular mootiuJ; or the Lot1,1l'oon the 'lth ot Murch. '1'bo omCt'n1 otthe Lodge are n8 lollowI: M. W.• L. L.Andrewit; b~.~ J.ll~. "Owell)'; P. hl.. J. 8.llllllrcb; R.. J. A. OillnlRnd; 1\cct!lvcr,It 1.. MArtin j Fin., 8. ,Jorllelllen: 0.,A. OArlllOn: I. W" W. K IJowllell i O.W .• J. W. Heillf1'\ll.l; EJ,IlJDiuiulf Phyll­

ciun, Dr. O. V. CBlboll11,

).·Oll a Rl100 t:I)(ar. ImporlWtl or Domn-lie, 10 to . O. U. UI,lLCQ)lBot',. •






'J. CDC my hU<'tt ~~:ll~;~~ I.Dd or 1'111 1.Iltl\

I ""VI: A GHt: T Itl\'P:RENCi: 1'0& CA,1l.:I1~TU~I~K,j.

,JUUl'lt F",IlP.'Tnlt·".

Port· 'fownsend

l<'''Jlo"lI. "'·...., ••t •• ".1.,1.,




Boots and Shoes

A ~1'IU: {'l'lt": flU" RA"''T~:l:Il.

VEGETAELES,Alto, CtImrd Bet, Ind Port, l!lDOted !II"I, Por~

::~Il. ~~~OIU hu.·.... H~ll1 (,1I1ll::1e. T'I.....

Tll.......I... Ilo'''·.uOol ••rt ' ....... IIaA~ __

1::;h.~r:'':,~,·~~,7'~~i~,..:.:~~~i'·i~~ :';:I; ..,~J~, ... t ""t.,,. I.... f •• I /l. ",,1, .. II' IM·lh··" ,,,tt lit... Il':lIb~trJ~.~I·;';~·;':~'.· ....,~ i:1..I.~~.....tc=1 :';r..f:;::'~I.. r ·1 t... It .... ·,." r) .., w.."...,',1'lo.o'e Xtl~."."'IIJ' ...I'll'" 1ll.OI"It' , ,,.. ... r ... In .h.. '''"' m '" "'1~,,,,,,1 \I.. ' .. '""" • .01"'1\'1" '1'I'Jl1r,II•• ' ,,' , ....",,1" 1''''1'''001 ,.j"., Ih ,,'I~"WI"'''''--'-.' I' 1101".1.11 , t ,.,.. _h "/ lit- 1f".1 "I'lI."'.•""

1.1.. n-." lIillr.~IltI .. onh_,.I.r I "'_PO"I_

~~~,!i.,:.r,"::::t,f;-:h~lll~j, 'h,~·r;,..t'-~~ij':;';:lr..-.l'~·:,~~f":I,',~~~.~. "ll:~N ;,1II::.~";:::1 ,., ~~:'ktl·:..,. •.J..l1~'I~~III;~~·'~.I'~,~r. ~,~V~', ,.."'....r !t·r "'m.I.. , "lIrI~ l'trg".,,,,, h .. 1I1 ....lIInll )1""'\"'.11,," .11.1 III1"."IIla"I.. I", 1"·lI'~,rrll •• "r ~'"IU"lf ' , ,II.' "·,,"'It.,\." 1ll,,,"'I·u.,Il.,. It f. """1'",1"'1. r.... II ... ,,.,, ,INlIrt.","lh.1 "1..... 111 .. LI,,,.I,

IIf~U' T ...: ••:4'ORI)... tl ..'I.··1 110' 111..," K 1I,I..k..',·.~I., •. \Ia.Ill. 'II",..", .." .. Ihl\l .. III,'Ur" Ill .. ""'"' <II......'.

11+'(:1111.'\6'''''''''' ,. llUlh,,.' l, ...<l.h....'"It hll.. 1"'_' , "'.\' r' I .1' ."a ..n" n"I'"fm.nu

:~~,.~~:"{.~.I;; \t~~~i:i~ 1Il",11 ·.r 11ll,"lln IIW (\lUll'

'JI:~~::'~I:~I~1 f"l~~,~~~;r;,~~ ~;;1'''-I~~,1 tlU lit' ",1,1 ,."II .... I \, II••• ) II, II. W."'JU'to",. 1'.1

TI1I. 1t.1n' I)'... tlll'h II." .I~",' _\l·h VI ,',I ' •• 11 1111

~"'~"~~~lli ~.~,~~~,~ ~:tll,~,~: I~ ~~,:?~~!·t;n~lfi~:f M'I:~i~h,1"MIt... ~, "'I ",'I ''''r 1",,,,". ~'.. r 11\01""'" "'.'1"11<..f"r W,\II~~,It'''I'I,\~J: I't,t lit: I lo:"1 tJl·IiJ'., .~ I••1'O''I'rl\'t: Ihlll..,ly.

H. H. WAKNUi " CO., .Mh.""... ~. Y.--_.~..::....:..:"----


j. F. SHEEHAN,Sloyes, Till rlalt, Sheel Iron,


Shipwright and Caulker,WATliUl aTa1o:2T.

Pon To......ntl, 'VI.hl•• toa Te.. rIlIU'"

"S Wrt'«rlll'rUI. "1'" T"W'I"'art.

DR. THO'. T. MINOR,•••alll, 8Drlflol

Port Townoend HOlpltal,P ..., T.__.d. W. T"

C.. be eoUlll\ld, alabl 0' d'J. at lb. ROf!)It.!.



"mIT. flutTer'. bllll,UIl". mnm, 4 Inti I, J.OII.Iftetl, ODpolllf OCeldult.-1 Hotel.

M".lllf'• .,.·••bl ....108 Terrllnr"7.

..... DOOI), ••• !'IIQH.


.... R. ~ti:WI.,


Por, Tn......" ... WI.bl•• I•• TutU",..,-.

....1'1' , W. T.

1bll bOUI.1I a,. aid D••IJ ll:lratabrd. and J*._au lb. ApJIOlDUlInli or a

Will prom pUr 'llllQd In .11 bUllCleu fDtnaltd tohim.



: ~::.ppl~:': ~~I: ~m~L1~::::·fllntn~~~~~~QUI~" ::'~'.:m~l~·a:~~ r:b. Ttf'rtlOrJ'. DODD. 'DOH.



C'artJID, u. a. 'hn. ud "'.Ilun,


Boot and Shoemaker.MA DE ANn REP! IRED.


Attomeys &Counsellors at LawPrO"lnrt ill i\llmimlil\·. :\Iune\' Lnllllt'tl,

11".11 ":'I:U~ oou,Illt uwf 180111. Furlllll t'Jll'll.oll·, Colli!t;liulIll m,Hle. COII\,cVallciUlf.tile., CIC.

fUliBBS, AnimO)l

W. S, SEAVEY. Proprietor.


A Ll. TRI PRllCCIPAL .."PIM AND MAO".II•• "'Cel'..'. I.Dd ",e, lb. toor JUlie atSl

&l1rL:'r1J labtutPf,lOlM will be "rel~ f« ur.,PIM-~~: ~':'O~lItl":b~~~rc:,:'J.prlCllllD 1oa.

lhd boo.. boUrbt, IOld or ueblllred.




Saddle & Harness Shop,

11111'machl'd, _nd, tl\kiDij' ill thu horror of -,-~ PRO'II_SIOMAL CARDI.lll.\' siTulltiun nt Il lflltlh.:e, Itn I, h)' theoul.\ lU~an..; ILl IlIlth1. "\''''\111,,1 the l.lIlMl.mall, who Im't the vt'n JlMIt'IIIIIl' luul ALLEN WEI R111'1'11 ..ur.lIl1onl'l.l to /lHeul" \'111 who 11~11 •f' "'1\('11 llio viRill1.Q{"~ of lu..; 1:.·•.·I ...·r 1101)11

,,(/t·t the IIl!l'urlUN! of the 11lI''I'''t'U!.i'Ct.who Illkln.l..· r. htrnl'l] wilh the ,11I.'lor iu JUSTICE OF THE PEACE/IUf1IlIit of him. AlO Illlt puOt \Hewh wa..If'lug hl1rrk'<1 tl\\"IO)', hI) turlled to IUOJ,

tlU,IIl,lid : lOR 1 DE I>R!"I~CT OF":'Ilullllnl, thill i ... II ,lInl 10 rob 1U0 of

01.\' N'plHation. Y'lIlt JIlI~hnnll i'l en\·j· PORT TOWNSEND.011.. of m~' gn t !Ckill M II allrgt'OIi..\111.:11 !"

I. afterw8r.1 !f'atllt'.J 'hl't 1110' mall "'Ii'" SJK!Cical attention given 10 eollection!ll.Olll,.~ nil rlJliu('ut snrRf'OO in r:;nm!'l', hutmilch If'arning hll.t III hi,' him ID.I,!. .i'"Qllll.'(-Su\b II13e of 'K'ier ~r[t't, <"PJlOI'IWht.'o he bouud me 10 tho 1:&1I1i', l1I" Co Ul".l Kg.... ,Ii'lir W~ Muck &.'I u. m\','O, wlten II('ft ii, ----------------­It Wl\) lIil ·011 see it nOW-\1 hilo till full·Llov..n co'lton, .lllorrh n ..ller. \\,.It.r p, Bot:!

rew ]leopte realize wh..t a wODderfu1l1lIelieate btrudnrll the hUUlan ear realllb, That wbicb.e tlnlillirily designate10. i. after aU ooly the n}ere onter IJOrehof a Hlie. of winding I)A),AAgl!!l, whioh,like the 10blJifll of a great IJIlddlntf, be.."lfrom tbe onter lir inlo tbtl inner ch.wh­en. Certaio of 1heM IlMIIIlfl'C& are (ullof liquid, ..nJ tbeir melnbranet .reItrttehed like parobmenl cart,inl ICrouthe outrido", It \lilftlrent ptacel and clinbe tbrown inlo Tillratioo, or wade totrell1blo a~ the held or " drlt'll\ or thl)IDrf.w=e of a ",mobnrlnc (Ioe. when .trnl·kwilli. stiet or tbe 8ogen. netween twoof tbeM parchment like curwDlll chaiaof 1'f~r1 amiUt bonea utend., whlobtenos to tightCD or relas the"6 memobrane., an(1 to commuoiutc "illralion.to them. In the looermOit lilac. of all,row. o( flne tbretWI,cll.lled norvflll, ItretchIi'e tbe .triog. of a pumo (rom tho IIIL

IJOint to wl1icll tho trembling. or tllrH.i11811 reot.'h, Rod pus IOWllld to tho

linin. If tli8 IICr"e. lue deltroye<t HUlIlOwer er b<!Hing a. cerlainly JOllt\rtll AIIhe llow,r to fth'e Ollt sollnd~ iI 10lt by• II lIOO or "ioHn wben it••pringl an,braKeD.

The miMion o( IU"l i" to rCl'reJent na­tore. out tu imilatl.! Itt'r.

l\ tt l~rucerle~.

.. ':\fllillcn'!S blu.!Ih' Is tbe fll,"orito ('arlymornilll{ tipple with OU\D.\' of Ollr em,­IOllle~, ",bo COLOa IlrlO w(oro brenkfll!tto get llowothillH tbllt will stir up Ibeinuer mlln," tillitll1 natt,Y b.lrtemlt·r At aChe tuut :.ttc(l~ gil,lod 1)1I1c1l:0 )·e8hmlay.10 a reporter, "OrlHnMry fulk .. call itIlt('ir 'lJ~'e 0pCl!1CrM,' ":\lOrDing glori(\.'n~l Sitch other nnlDClt, but tho lrue

j{cntleman \\'hl:ipefll 'nmitlell' bll1~h.'

Wha~ ilt it? WIi)' 001)' U Rin cocklall,e3tm !I"'~t, with 1& dl\8h or biUtJrs togh'(I I. lilt! detimto tingu which 0110 lOe.on tlto UlOllllllt IlIlIiel. !Jut tlMO Is 11011t.'Collnting fur tRl'teR, t\Utl thero 111'0Ilit IU\lII,)' fllllC.)· .1riuklt lilt Iltt'I'" III'U

lhinkeril, Now there ililho ·r.lc'luct.'Ah I thut i~ ltl\'c1y, aD{1 a (ow of lhom"'ill 8(lDlt a (ullelw on ~ rnckul, IUroeuough. Will 1 nmko ouc1 Well. illRoes a Iittlo Jlunniea raUl, KGIUO SlllltClCruz." "-IIlCt'ZO or lemoll, !lIO't11) tock,/'rll p nud Del8colu'l !\atilt, Xo",· WOII .ako 'om 11\): ,t:; cClih. IJlellloO."

"Wbat "j I yOIl tllko~" allkell the re­l)Orler of tho insianatiu$ .\·ollog Ullin \\'hocom})onulled tbo tlccocllou.

"r gUI.!18:\ 'falillitZ,'\' h R"ood enoughfor U1C," wa.i tllo ~pl.}-. III goc Ilomobh\nd~' an,1 n bottle of imported sinKor1110 ItllJows. "f..,rt)·,tlvc cenlt more.plelllC."

"Here I I'm no bont," 81\1<1 the report·er, "ohllli: it. Bllt I ..-ould Je0 furtberinto tbe myatl.!rietl. Tbe 'nc'luet' I"goo<l, 1 woohl imbibe Il 'POl:li8I'llInour' on top of that."

OlSo I" ejacula-led tlie mlln of drinlul .Anll witb dcliC4ta bandl h. )llal."Ot.t It"yerafter laJor of eONiab iu thu glMi. tboolOme cbartren'H l1o{loul'al)(l&. 011 topo( tbe!lt' he flnsted tbe yolk of an fIJS, It"aa betlutitnl to beholJ: anl! klmpIIllR lothe e1e. Tbtl nrie~atCtl colon of Ibeliql10filwere aomothltlg to .mile al, andIOmeOOd,)' prel)Ared to smile.

"Fool belter, no..," be aald, and illfhe mintttM he beaaa to IKlO two b r·tenderll, both dre8!1OO lJib. aoll elC'b bodthe Ilame large dialDon(l pin. SbuUin8Ol1a eye bo wn.s enabled to calch tberigbt Ono 85 lie came along, aoil jll1\ IIho .aa nbout to cAli tbo nut drink ontbo bill an individual with a bnlk1 vok'(\wbisJMlre\l; "OiTe mo a 'bol-rumgreuor...• Wltb a magio touch tl::e munof many compound. JIOul'e,llll IIOIUO hotrum. u little lemon lind fIIl'ieel!. and tllcntumbled in a lump of butter. WllcnIbil hGd meltod lind wall ltllly mlxet.i, thehoak.y-"oil·ed man lIwullowell it, .mackfl{lhi. "1M, ilcpo"ited D rJuul'er atlll ,10')llfte< ,

".-\. 'MiMi.sippi Punch' i"i aban, IllyI'ullaoity." .aill tho reportori "no Rrel~IlOfnr DlO. I know .ome people 01111 it II'noolltcr,' or n 'Shaughlli,' but l'U tllktltbo olll nnmo." I

Then tbo man in tho glldocl palacemade a plain lemoutldo and drOPj>cc1111tegfil' in it. After this Willi miset thor­oughly it(made a mOlt ravi.bluR drink.

"I'll take a ·wbl.k)' aqtteeze,'" laid Imild'mlUlnered man wbu looked OTer thebar and wu satiltled when b...w rUID.wbllky. rock Iyrup aud IIOlnCl orangeaqueezed into a stMi. "Now, if it Wtl'anmmer. l'il bll'f8 a INa. EngllollCooler,'" !laid tbo M. M. )4., "becauaeyou can make them 10 Ilioe ont of oldBedford rnm. witb a little lemon and.nKar."

.. fbtl patent is agOOt.l ,,·ind·np (or me."..id the reporter, "for ['m ubligOli toatleull a ebnreh fair to.nigbt. Tbl....merely solid Boorbon. rock and lemon­joiee. Aftf'r thi, he eould 8ee onl1 Ono'bGr·t.ellller-tbe otber lliupvelred. Abri.k walt. a ride iu a .treet ear behinl1Dery lleet1a, anti tbe oewllm n (elt glori'oualy hapPl, if uot be(uddled,

Ttle an,

"~ll," I r"IIIl,1 \oir,' 10 "llIlIl'lu'r, ,·th(\.tn,·to'r illl' 'Ii.t nlllllllll{ I" Ill.' aIJUl1t (1\1,'lur '\t till'" L"lIr 1'1 Ih,} Illp:ht.·'

··.lll: II" "1,1., I Itl "I"'" .\·tlll. fill,1('mll1. a ,!l·Illo;n'·.II'j" 1I1'1'1I'Iu'u,iuu," lier"I11t"Ill!',I.II,!v.lu,·ml: nlhl Illkillllll ,,('ul onIIIL' '111',1 01'11+" ,,, Ill". wllt'l"I' fllr u. f,'wIIlOlllt'llt.. ht! 'It lill,I,',\,·1 1110' (r"1Il ht'."lhi f"ot II 11!1 U ",t~411ll'I' :.:hl~'rillo{ h(:bt inhi.. ".",,~ llull lU\"ol'r,,,n,I,\' hUl'r, , .....t Ult',"run hWI'I\ r,'m'llkah!.,· lin!! Ilh~'llill'h!.

Illalbm:' he ul, ....,t\lIl 'Iuit·th·-"olloIh1l1 mi;.(ltt ,!t',"lh' tllr 1,,",'01 IJf u. mu.. tIIkill.11 al"l prtlc'j{"'lt ph~·tll·illll. Do ~'1111

"ulfolr mm II p_I;111'l'll 10',· In "'11I·d:. r ..Ito 1:C 11I~' h".t,1. .l

It'rrll,!I' ~11"1'1\'I.'11 \ot~" ,'f "I';n~ "\,'r lilt·.I 11':1'0 ul,'n". lllil.. ~ 1\1111\' (null IIohl orn'H·IW. "'llh (1111.1<1 .., Ill ••

".\II~" III' cOllllllll.·,1. rtlllf'Cth-el~'.

")".\llr h1l1l1l1l.0.t w... ,· It... \·,· llU"tflkl'lI (Ihlllur f.n II 1:.11ll'"l'r. ~ .\11"", Ill" to fl'tll)o)1\r tllllltC." hI! i.l, ri~iug aillt OOllltiUgO\'tIt lilt'.

r llll>tlght it ""nl the he"l 10 humorhiw. rl'Ull'lIlllf'rinfl it w,.., ua\.,-jo;e fur l\

Ilelplclloll f,'um.m 10 01'11OI>e tLo Ull ,\'l'tharmlu,"l frl'l&k (,f II IIIMlk. Ill! lookant hili ",lltch. ,hl'l,lk hill bt!:~,l p:I\·el,\'.l(iill my hlln,l llown J;tnlly, 111(\" ':reuttt)1\'nrJ tho Ihlll>" "llea'oJ Oil ttlll table \l'tl:l

Itn rpcn e,,""O of linr/{icAI lnlllrlllllrnill.,. On not he I,ll" tnl II IlIUtiIIUl." he Mill

to 010, 1\11 I Wll" Ilhol1t to riM) lIuII lICO,llIIJin uDotller inslant Ill' \\'fl'i 0." Ulol' lIitlll.wllh tho (':tile ill h:lS Jlur.lI(' ....!ou.

IIl\'olulllfll'i!J I rli"l',l Ill.\· head IllldCrlQ'!: "S~)jlll) lJlll. 011, 1I1'll.rll wo, I bv-­l'IC(!ch you!'

"l\Itl(lnm!" IIIl IIRhl IIterlll.y, claspingIll>' \n/lit with his 101l1l", liiuuw,Y fillROl·M.\l'llh u. grip of Mtccl, "vou bchl1volikc l'chitt!, I ha\'c 110 IlniO' It) 11nr1('.\·. (or [luwc t'CCuive.1 n. letter from the Em~lOrot·

of the FNlnoh, .tllliugtlmt ho illl1e8trOIl!fof m,)' lItiondl1ncc. [mU8~ 8tal't (..,r Eu­rap" imru6flilltel ... llft"r \H1rformiu/f thooperation 011 YOlir lm.'ll'\t, '(lilt!, bofort'! (conM wakc the liKhcat relilltancc. lIeIUkl lall in hiM nrlnll, nllil "'11.11 I'"rrying meinto tho .tu{l~·, wbero WIl8 1l1011S" lurgil'nltable eovcrCll with groon baiw. On thillhe Jaill mc, Itllli holdiug mo {Iown "'It11one htlnd, with tbe Itronglh of It m.ntat'.be brought forth "eral long leatherIItMt.pl, ....Lich oorocvillen\.'6of havina reocenU.\' heen cut, an,1 "'itll which ho N­curetl mo to the uble with tbtl .kill of ILDexpert. It wal but the work of a mo­meut to r:mtOOll8 my robell tlull bare myboiOm. Tllen, aftercarefull)' elllwiuingmy leU breut, be uill:

..u....1Am, your b... ,baull bas m",le It

O1istake, I dOll no necc~it)' for ml in­tended operation."

At tbi-t 1 s..ve a loug·druwn aigh ofrelief, anJ prepared to riee.

"Bl1t," be oonli[moo, oil bave mallotbel1iAOO"er, thal yonr hearL ia iii lar89a. tbat of an OJ:! 1 will removo It 10lbat J'ou ean &eO for )'ounelf: rednce it;0 it6ualural,iw b,.. curious froeeu of1010wn. unknown to mediea aoienee.lad of wbioh 1 om IOle 11ilCoverer, thenrepJace il agail1."

BB be,"'D to examine tbe edge of tbecruel knl(e, on which 1010100 my e,.e8,while eYery norve was iu a PCrcol)tilllotremor.

.IThe mech"nilm of tbe heart il likeI ..atcb," Le re.amed; "if it goe. toofast tbe great biool "euel tLat aUl'plietitbe force mus' be Itol)ped, lite tho leTerof " watch. and tLo '\foru must beeltaDCII.\ Ithl repaired anll rogul~ted. Hmn intereAt YOIl to knowlLot I WM prel'enfat tho poat-mortem eumlnation heldo"er the reml\inl of the buutiful Loui",of Prnuitl, lIao.l 1 been conlUllt."l.1 00­fore ber cleath. [ wonld bnvo II\vod horL,. takillB' out ber hellrt lIad rOlllo ... io~tbe polYl'i, in whiola it ""l'W wedgel1 &II Ifil1 a "ice, but I \'88 called too Iutc. 'rlJoKing llUd I had a little llitroroucei heWIo.! Gorman, [ am Freach. I trust thili••nfficion' esplanation."

He DOW beDt over me, hill IonA', .. blUlbeard bralhing m,. (aeo. I opened mye101 buoccllingly, trying to thiDk of10100 way to lava D1'ylOrt. "Ob. lir,gl"e!L8 In an_tbelio. that 1 WIl)' nol(eel the lNlin." I pleadetl.

"Indeed, indeet.l. lUdam, I wou1l1­..ould comply wilb yOllr wiab were yountl' Lbe wife of a pby.ician-of a lki.lUnllurgeon, I wi.b ,on \0 note with wbateIIltC Il'er(orm till' dimculL operation, 10Ibat 1011 may tell your blubaod of thegreat .....nt ",hOlO Ioe"ice. bo secnredfonaoatel1 in ae&IOn."

As be Mid tbill, be made tbe 8nal tettof tbe knife on hia thumb. How prec·ion were tba momenlAnow I They werlll.l1eeting all too fl\ltJ and yet an eternityteemed oompl'CIIaea in Illvery ono. I nevertainted in m,liflll, an<1 I nefer felt IftIoIlike awooning tban no", .. t.nmmooedan m,. preteneo of mintl to dela,. tb,rearful moment. fenenlly p"'Jlng In themelntime for m,. bu"ban(t II retorn,

"Doolor," .aill [, with IMllmed com­poaure, "1 ha"e thtl utmOlt eonftcleDoeIU luur akill; ['III'olild nul trulL tul1i(eto another bnt. ~loctor. ,yoo hne fOr­gotten to brine a naplt.Jn to launeb th,blood. U 100 will b.,.o the goodneuto ucend to m,. aleepbg ehllm1Jer at therigbt of tbe ball yon will flnd ne"•thing !Oo neN for tbat p.llrPMO in tJi.bOrela.··

'lAb, mlllam," be It! ••baking billuad ugaoinnll,. "1 oe"er dnaw bloodduring A .urgieal oporation, that iJ an­other one of m1 IIICrtli uoknown to thefaeult.r."

Then placing hi. bind on my boIam.be atlded, witb horriblo ell,ieglerie:

"I'll scarcel,. Ulark tbl\t .kin. whiterthan .no"" and Iwootb 110I mOnumontalalaoot8r."

"0001.1 r' I crle,l, u I felt the coM.teel touch my brellti but wtlb UJO..mo br atb cnme llelh·orance.

Quiok N tboughL a hcavy woolenpianG-Cover w.. thrown ovor 1110 hew.lallli porton or tbe madman, "nd boundtigbtl,. aronntt Mm. A. (tuickly wal (rolOOllC!d. I1n(1 tho thongll tlUlt hOllnd meaoon heM the lll11nlac. 1\1.,' bnllhan.lbeM we io bia IlrLQ.... 110 bad noilt!ltllJly

,-.l 3t.\Xl.\f'!I: t·:i:E.\I~.

"I bnT.~ b,'.r.r,l or Ih't'!t(lnll whOl'e h.\·rWI" whlll'ul'.1 Ihr'lll(t'h elIit''''''''I''.' filir.bnt.11 I UU\l'r NtW, 1II.\M'lf. 1'11.\ OUt' ,,0Ail«·ti"l. I "Ill dll.llOa&llo .... hlefl"oIlll<llhaD Ihr II1nhj"I,t,"

Tilu ~llll\" h'nlllrk \II\.'" wath'll,' Hr.Ma.\llu.l. ",.. "",nlt (In the l,i(lllll ~f lliPn'U.\ \ ,1I,t. .h"·1111 in);' thl' ,ltfll'f(lntI.'lf,'('I" uf l'rrtlr on IIL,.imillir !('DIIN'rll'Dleu!". WlIllllnl rt'!.I.,illK III WI'. thedo.·:'lr lllrnl"j to Ltll. 'ni!' (loll,] ...llll:

"Urlt·n. "ill ~'Ol1 )l1(':t>((' rei",,, to myoM frll,n,1 the llll'hll'nt \\ Ithlll \'onr 1)1lo'nu~perwt:l.·, t JI i.. thl' masl <'011\ IllclIlgar'::l1m~nt I Clllll.t"'''I't'.''

"llootu"l.t :\lrtt. ;\(:I,:nllfl.l iu !!llrJlril"l"1 hll.1 ..boorh' Illult her bit", ,,1.j·J. 'IT;I'

hl111ril\nt u,I.lreMeJ \'ory '-".'l·I'lilillil1y,1II"U~ pllrel~' eolurlr _, hUI, IW Ibe .'I6"i II

yl'\I1D,: "-OWIIl, All.1 al5Q .. vflr.\· l'rclt,\"ODe, I l'urwll1t!ll lual it \\1\1 liO\\,tl',(',1to helghtou lbo llrilliaDe,' of lWf ,10rl.;Cr~ll.

Tht' <lOClor In.t r hnll hooo f('Jlo\\'­llln,!eul.-o. hnt, IIller I('&viug euli.·/{·. Wft

hllli ,lriftellll.!>IUI-1 to l'Ollllnel1ee "rAC.ti<.'ct in tw Etl.;tern CIIS, Lt! 10 \lllrl'llU hiltprofclIlion iu II Rrotrln;: tOWI1 ill tbe""'e~t. I \'-&" now on Il ,'bit to him (l)rthe libl tilne binw hiB Illllorri.\ije.

111"1. MlI.\ Illlrll. no donut rl,) ling m)'1I111,po.. itioli b,)' w.\' look of incrtllhtlit~"IlwileJ tlll etIC Ilhook Ilt'r IUOw,)' trolMC~

oyer her Ilhoul,ler, aU11 »taling hilr:l6lfby her hUIIOOntl'1 Iille, relutoJ tuo rol,luwiu,lf iliturntiuK tmilWth::

It ....:&, ncarl)' two ''·.:In ago sineo mybtu1.lotlll WlI.S clllletl OD onc e\'ening 10viait II (Jntil,lllt lOve,,\! miioR aWill', Ourd{)mc:>llc8 had all RODO to a wl1ka il1 thevlciuil)', tllu droll IOll.1l beiuB II rr)lIti\·cof ont! o( onr lleuiu" women, 'rim.'! IWll~ left !lluuD. But I (olt ItO fear, (or weDner hlMl Ilearl1 f.t( 1.lurgbra or Iln~' IOrtof t!OIII,li'l3\IOI's in our Iluiet viIJa,ar, theneonailliiog of a faw ~tteretl houselt.Ths windowl 1~t1ding Ollt on tile pinuswore 0llen all ItO",. bl1t ] iOCuroJ tllll

hlilili. beforo my IlI15blll1,l"l {Ierllrtllre,Illd loc:tell tbe ou..id41 Iloor8. al ('tuepttbe froot one. whieb I left for tbe doc lorto lock arrer going out, 10 tbat, if 1Illouid fl&l! uleel) before his retura, be,onhl euter 1I'lthoo' atoualllS mo. ]hoariliho l1oolor·. mpid (ootstepl on tbo!grovel, quickened bl the urgent toile, ofa meuonger who a..aited bim; Inll. nfterthe 'harp fllttle of the carriAge wbeeh.bu become but an eohG, IlMtaU wyee1fby abe lIarlor ......1. anel "er,lOOn be­c.D. abiorh.c1 ill the book [ Lad hoeDrtadiog betote beini{ dilturbel by theItlmmolli.

l\ut alter a time fnl iul.erolt IUC­c1Imbtd to, tlrowaioe.., I&Qd ltbonsht o(n&iring. Tuen tbe olook in tbe doctor'aatudy atruck 12, 10 1 deterlDined to walt• flw Dlom.... more. f.ling &liat hewoald be bome Y.r1IOOn. I eloeed. mybook. donned a robe tie cbambre. letdowu m)' hair lOti thee Ntorned to myMat to patfentl, waU ud Iilten,

N"ol tb8 falnloeill lOuod di turbod tbe,tillnf. of lbe aiBbt. Nol a br'8l.tb ofair lItirred t.be lea.... The .BenCle waJ80 profound that n became oppreasi\'u.J Jouged for the .harp click of tbo gatelatcb IDd tbe ....ell·lwalUl llap 00 tho1ft...1walk. I did Dol dare CO b"CAkth. bnlh D}Y~moyillg or .iuging.I..-ulO0l'I) witb the deep hush.The bamall mind it a "rlngc torturer o(lteelf. I beau to conjure op vivid'anei81 abou' 8hoeUy "i.it-Dtll, in tbeaida' 01 wbiobocoDlred to me the ItorielJ bad !leaNI (mm lupmtitioo. JIeOpleabout thlll tronb101 I\,)rilll of those wbo'*1 died tttddenl.r, ike tbe man wbom.y Ier"IUlUl had 80ne to "waku." "-'0Ud OOID kl1llki by I.D accident at. the

.'" mill.In the midi' of thele tclrri(,iug reo

&etionl] wuat&rtletl by.. Itealthy foot­fall ou tbe piaua. I U,telled botwoon"ar and hope. 11 DliRltt be tbe doctor,But DO, be .ould Dol U'oad like thut; thoItoep ..... too 10ft aDd eAOUOtll for any­tbing leu wil, tban • cat, Aa I Ii.tened!t8JUu, m, e,.. bed (,11 t.be window·blind t I .... the aJa& 1II0ve 110wl.. Ind.l1uoa.I" and then th. ra.... o(mooodlllCIOMd a lhin. cadanrooa face andbrigbt. gliberiag e," peoriO,lt me. Ob,J.Jrrorl wbo ... it. or what wu it?

I (.Ia tbe oold pe.-.piraLion atarl aten". port. t ..med to be (rozen in., ehair. I ooald aol mo"e; 1 couldDol er~ out; 811 tonp rued Blued to&be roof of m1 mooth bUe \Oe deathlJ..hite face pNlHd olo.or, ud the grft,t.,... wandered in tbUr 8Ul'1 abontthe room. In a (fw mom'lItI the bliudfloaed AI DoiN1_I, AI it bad beenopined, aad tb. cantious lootatepl came

""to"ard tbe door."Mer"iful bea"euI!" I cried in a hor­

roMtrie'.D Wharr. II I heard tbe keytara in the loe • "tbe doctor, in blahalte, mn.l baYe (orlettea to withdrawdie b,."

J beard the fronl door open. tbe eupin 'be baU, aucl. belpi.. II a Ilatoc, I.t. rinted 10 m,. ehair, The parlordoor WMOpeD, and io it aLood a taU,tbinman. wbom [ neTer btfore bebeld, Be• 11 dreaMd in a long. 100M robe, a IOrtof guboadine, aDd a blac:k nhet forcap parti 111 concealed a bfOlld (on>head,onder which gLMmw\ black eylll, brigbt.. tiring ooe.t.1and placed 110 bear to­,etber thaa tbelr Sa. w" llrelernaturalin lheir dillundi,.eDMI; bell",. ~rilZled"ebrowl bnng over tbem hila 'heLlDgled malle 01 tb. lion; tbe nnee w..aharp aDel prominent, the ehln w.. over­grown wltb white hair. wbicb hllllSd01JD in loekJ II welN III Ule IneienlIDaliner". He fOliW!ly doa"ed hi. call,bo"ed. rel,laeed 11. and tlteD IAld, iu I.lightll tor.itJD ltO<Jeut:

"l1adam, i& it ao' C.eeeMarl (or me to.taDd on ..n.. farther ceremoD1,'. yourhllat...url. Dr. XaIllard," bere be againbowed profoundly. "h.. ahudy ICl­

~Qainlt'tl yOD wltb the nature of mrlntaIn", bere to,uiRbl 1 peN'.iva,'· hsadded, glaLd:t3 Il my DegUro robe,"that 1t1u uru OJ:jlflCtiog me,"





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.1'....-....u '- It -_1-4. DI_

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.'umltnfC', C11r1Wb, Willi l'ItI)US, tare('urtaln" illlrl'or~1 JIt'Chllngt ele.

liE-fIT '\>.,'olOll'OtJo:l'I'T AT Till: UJW,:Jft l'IIIl'I:IO.

"lI~t·.ll.:1o"· It \\·UIoII"",. four mil•.,. lrom EIUIl\l"Iall'l. \("Ilt't'ff'Unl. "."~n11 al,rollll'h~ t....l 'rom1M ,.a"T TO .8., FaUXT AT" .." .... I...d.

So'boo,1 0.-.""'. "1IW1II1ay• .!k1l<1 f".Cttla!ulll.lt'll .,11I

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TI:UJilSII JtI:US.~ E~~h~lfoi.~~:.I.~~ :~.. ~~I:~,!.~:~. ~~,I' ~il};7~ \~'''''',', \ ,1\.1.1,.." .. ,,1.1 ~o(,,, •• ,,1 ,·".1 "I ...... " ,hoot\lt, ..101."'11"

..... f). tI. O.\. U 1110/.0;'\' .\. f'lJ••

wit ,I~ Till,., .lrrMI, 1'".,:&".1. "" ./<1'1

,.. P ....llh...nd Xn~".t'.11I•• C••-.: r.." 1Ia....h.... 1._

Firat dr..t, _lIo"le M'Q....oon,Portl_"d. Or.

81.eHHI IU';'\·.j\' un

FI)It '\~"O:'l~: WII.) Wll.l. I ~'\ll.:'l" ..Un.......• .11lI""u· .. !I .,,,....r u......

~~It~~;':~"t~ll ~(fin~:':;r~I: ••~~",.:S ~I;:I~.~rn,~u,. ~"f..1 hnl' "' ..n'.. I ,••'''''''''''••'~nl.I" 11 .. ,,~ '''''·11 It"'1

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"·IIIII.r....... I ••~ _ .- t,.".l..\. ,w.I'oIIl!lh 1'1'\lfl.. m.'n"'....l" Intl., W ... 'In_:~,r:;..,='i"J:;"'pti::- II,.. lIril.'k. l'tl:. l'WIIU1

.A.T"U •• i:v.... -

ol.';' ~':;~"1:8.;t·~;'~~~":.11;'::,I~:';,~i~~~""""lIll.,, til l"'lt.·... 1·..I~nl '.r 1111·"",''''', h.'<On!.to.. t"I""IIl""'" <\'rln Ih~l''''''" /I'l_llt!

P\lnw .." ~ ,~. ". I'l-'I.I'J!. 1I~"'I.II:'-~I.lStr: 1....\1'0\ '11:... I I .)UI""

1111111 .It. ,uI..:hlll, .",1 ~'","'IIIl) ,I ••11 .I 1-»1 1I1ll1t..I.J Il~UI JUir_..t"lnrlull v..., 1... 111 II' _. '·f IltlIU" ... I wl.b .'~, .."llllbll I 1"..1 "" " I"~ ,.-,.

:;~lj~-~:I~t.'I.·bf;:ud;~::t~IJ"~'!,~~;''. tl","~iT:;;:;011 lrill. Ilill &lIlt I)Jr~ UI)" 1'1,.11111111111 It. 1111

;i.;'~I~~·;1 0::f1 ;,'.:.:':r~l~f t;'':h~lIi; 1;I:nj;llI~~;Ill' uU" q:.., I now b.... I'.. lu"or,rno h"w lba•.... ll... Ihln for Ill1 tltllt' fer '.IN, 111,1 bne Irl..dlIutlIOI,," InU)' rolil...lla Ih.llII.,.. 1I',...llIlnlI.

b. A. CL\UKY., ~. 1I',II<I""t~ " ....fr."::111 lbo.." 1.llIr II bill OD. ,woIa, llae 11111011"0'10

'hlhu"IlI.I" lin" lit l.lr.•ltole, IIn."h ..U..<1. UU!J.,I,......... In bl, 1__....1'.11 hVIJl hi. ""II IOWIlO....,u.Uvlntl tlflhl " ..til IWI'DI n,. ,.>.ill,lnli 10 HltI'" n.d..rful '·"nll .... PO"U" '"~ bto llL.......Il.. X,·,lInl.Iler. !Jr. Uenl., I'l!f'n <luI)' 10 lb. t",llnH'III.I.Ill\'t'll 111 ,,'.It ),Ilu..u llUllMllli our luH.I.lld n, n...II.... (Ill far ..1I' ..II" UllhlOwlIlmU..I,lllll" >tJ IlliloIlOtlllll: 'II/bar b...llima I" b.II.".. "r hI. IIh'lIlllllie.s••trlllz..,. f. '.; U wlll'Lu.. "II)' ,·u.. of ,h.nlll••tt .... III nlall'IIU, Tile dortar lou, Ilnflllll... n\"p.otIlIb.. tullr ..t 'lll'lrinil Ull rnll 'fUlI'III ... t",. ,11.1 a..

~?~tll~~~~~~::a~~r~~~~~~r:,~~~~':.~~l,~.O~:,~,~,~~~'rh.UlI.ull.n, .•uil U1~"tlu" mly ••III,"1l lhll In hbIIb'lImllie YI'lllnll~~r ..., hl....n "tr~'h·\l andlltly"r.,.1lI1111 ,' ..e, P••t1~. who n ••1lItrlrl! Willi.h'UIlIIII_1Il ..nul<l hOI btonrnlNI hr ."nn••lnll .llhH, ... )IIWlaw•. <If Ill. t:.ollll'II<1 hOlI'I, .·bn " .. un"

:i'~::""~t:ee~'T~rr;••~~Sal~,III~lu.'l.pot: \lO:I 'fhlrd

Pornall~ BusinBSS DU'BCIOry ~

:l'Ol'IC.~ ~\IlJlEIl~.


1!.!:.....L·.:..'liU ,·,:I., _c. U•••:Tl"=-'alOIIlI .:1 1. ~ :f1:"'...,·"t. It\Il!;'if.

1a«<lltI I!' tol...1 an I H ~ !tlln,l'". IIl.oo. Itlll".""tar7 MlIltl!lIrf _b. u IUlotI'I "",..'IttII.

---Ul:'c:.~~'·...IT I"OTI":.V.--

corfCllpllnllent8 of the ballk,' we ilia,)'mention 1\ portion, ill r.,lIo"·II: UnronbRnk, Lonllon, EUAlnllll; Ilollln~('r.\: (;0,rllri~. Frulll.'t1; Direction Ocr lJi~(.~ltlto

(it:ljcIJ!Mllulft. Uerlin. Prn~~i{l; Imllt1rterlilUll! TnatlOnt XllliuQl&1 IJlIllk, S\,w Y,'rk.~. Yo; l,,",lIk of Cowmen·c. ~ow \'llrk,S. 1'" Sl,lionlll Park 1~\lIk. Sew York.X. Y.; SIIIIO ~alloolll hauk, &lIton.)ha~; SatinUllI :\Ietrop...litllll Ltulk,\\"D..IIiIl~tOll. D. C.; :UI'ft·halllol Sotiullltlhanl;.. t'hil'fl~O, III~.; COllIIU... rci.11 ballk..:it. LOlli!!. :\10.

OR':UOX TO K,ViI'f,"CU I,;JIft:T"l'l'I.Killilillm, '!llI :W o,., HQt!lll. !J&\,I• .t. Co" lit tllia

~~~~1~~~ 1~:ld~.~ t'::C~;lih~:.,~r.~~h~'ntl~~;~iwllh all Incurable IIldn~l !ll.a..... lId ba.. t-IInhlllj"OlI 10 I:tn Ill' ~.II and .etlln to hi, hnln"'rh" Inilu.dlal.ly",tl blm I boll ot lhth etl.brl..dOrtll'JU "hlnt,. T '11,1 tro'lilimt 10 Urnt ,'ut himulll.. .....t•. At ,b,..... lb., n ...lutJ tNlll111m lhtl followlnllltUer:

CUIUIO,...JUI.TM 0' )(,uUCIIC'I'Mt. IAtUltlor', 0'1)". J)o,.lOn.l'I' II, IllIll,

Mt...... lInolll_. n...I• .t (:., . 1 81 ..-1 bin nnbUlI,nOllI'" ..ylq Ib.11 h.... "'"'" mll.h bl!ul'llIf'l1

:ttl.~:,;7I~C~I~,O:hll~ ~~~JII~i~~:..'j=·~I~t::~S:II;~':I~UI1~~I";' ,'r:~~~~~ ~~II':':I'~~I~~~=,tl.'y" I,b.n ten 111 nrlll'" tn'lbtr. tllr I b....r~:.~ld~:~~I.lIl~:~:I::ii~Il:~'::.QlAll1 dliltaae. of

ca.\I!. R. UIJD.'rbl ""1110.1 ottbl. IHlfr U.a be _ by t11I1DlI

on )I_rl. 1I001l:I. nul. ,Ii; Col., Pottlallil Otttf\lD.lad ahe Ofl'lfIJD KlulIe, Tea riD ~ IKtnlfbl ..r '11'dru.1fI1l tIT uealtr.lll O,t'1fVIl or W...b1~wu. F.lc..

H 1t"r bolI._-,_.--_._.-Tho fllXteell crop for the current ,)'ClLl'

ill MtimlUNlllt 7,000.000 bu..hel,. against8.iCO,OOO bnlheJIl in 1880, The l1Jre h­ing sbowl a yiehl of from four to eightbushel. pt'r acre. whore tltO to t.,*I,.4'

.bu heb wtre Anticipate 1 Jx.for. banest•There Cf, bowner. an wUDelue oro)) of.tra",.

1'.«:;00 Unto

Tbe snonal IltAlemeot of ,hn PAtitloRink il before tbe public. and fr.:lm itafbr:nN!1I mllY be tiedneed " \'oltune in..1icb may be inllCrilJOO a full rocitalul totile benelltll to be llerlved from lOunti aUllcllrofal monetary mlnltgcmeot. }~.tt11

ROil honor are tho ulIllt!rl,ins ItreuKtbof lit great t1nfln(tiRI in.UtuUoli Jjko thatto "'bli'h we refer in thia, Tho clUltomorbnl faith ill its Hlabllit,· aD11 capac it,. 10Ir.lIIl1oRct u hanking bUl!lue.s upon 11 10'~itillllltc bAli'j ftu,J tbolltl cou\rolUug tholO~titntioll raror08llill biml tbemlOh'e. inbonll. of honor tv Ilulll JUJU,)' aUll honur·Ilbl,· l.Iy th080 who put faith in them.Tho l'ucitlu Dlluk Willi ollaLJIIKh~\ in)~ti:J, niuetcc" r'aN 1Itf0' ltllJ hlUl Ittllll·i1y )IrOilW!IlIOtl III IhllDChl1 Ittrtlugth IudprOIlliococo1uIltii now It. mo)' lay jtllltclaim to It P Iloe ill tito front l'lIok of tbugrellt D1ooo,)'~1 ellllhli...hment, 011 tit isCoatI. It Ia~ beeu mllllliletl in acco"l·auoo .. ith the IIhlet lJriocilllet of \Julinl!l)4without Ibow or OIlenlAtioD. mllkiug.trMe iD pUblic oonftdol.loo IDd f'.!Iteom asIl weU-rCtlUlafClI banking CnWr!lri80 mij:l:htbn uatulilly INI to expoct. I. U. Mc·Douald, Prelli.tout of tllo P~lftO llank.bM been tho ruliug aud guhling 1llllrit.In,l uOller hi. Iuvertor !'!kill aUI! bud­ne., Cact, h"" 1kl\'aDcw tbe Bank, te­cuntlJ au.l fairl.\'. until now it greet, thepubhts DuJ itli cu"tomerlll witb un esbiLitIbat uIJre8.~' 101i,litl. permAnence .udBaftl iUTe&tlUellt. H.IIliabilitie. !lod pt.idlilt eApitaJ are 81.000,000: witll" 'IIr),lu,of$UiO,l:ill 13. ullullepoaitorll,SI. •6,j,) u1, Due bMnltt ItDtl 1.tanken. 811'&":lit) ;-... Di\'iJCIIIIA nnltllold, $~/J 00; IUllk·ing a griLlul total 01 !;j.ij2:J.~4:!3. 'nolUOurce. of tbe bank lire· bank prfOmi·.11. 150,000 00; otlaN no,1 ~Iltlth·. 8.1.'~l.) 3.); United StatC8 bonll. G'l6,U77 3.;;looul 00 rnl ~Iilte. a3-&.. . 00; lol.ll~ ODbomb. (fLi, wator allil hauk llooka. 81:11.­IllS 3.i; I03US 00 othor u.'Cnrlti~l. "'be t,1 rlcy,oIC.• S;:'7:ot.II:10tJ; loallll au per·AVnal l6et'urit1. 1,100.001 Ii; due frolllbsnk'l unll ballker",. ~J:!,"d7 til; IUOll!!!on Iuuhl, $:W ,(j(:!) 3l; Tvllll, $:1,0:'=;',"81l ZJ. 'l'!Ii" ill a IIJlollllid bowiug. "Iltlonll of It gralil»inK 00111,. to ~II CI)ll·oerlll!'ll, an.1 o1'uluncea of thO:le !)reltUlIlingit !Ill"'" a thorough knowlec.lge of bAlIl:lns;in all iu \letAlle l\tlll ,hal.1I IJllalDep Iu·trn:lled to tbCD1 illlliAIKJ~1 of Ill. iiI Ie·lUalic AntI careful ItllUlnct. .\ prlllit'litIlud c.mllll...,."li",o courltO helng 0110 of lbofirst I>rilll'ipies of Iuccolloirnl Ill1nking.l'rl!dldout ~I~D.mnltl. III hil Bnullal re.port. IIboWI tli.'" he hM 1I0t 001,. IlllOJlli!ll1M It 1Jtui. of hilt JloauclL'1 COli rIC, bllt

IUIII \Il'orkclIlll' to it IIU eminent Ilcgroo.'rho PllChlo Ulink IIOCI e\'cry kind of Ie­giliwllto LJllIlItUl~. lIoll J>OAIKlllo8CI un·equllllotl fn('lliliul fQr the trAlIllWtioll ofbUllioe'lt of 1111 kiuds Intrulleu to itAcare. It. corrc.pomlcoco II extooll1't',nlll) with tbo be1It of hlformatiou through·oa\ tbe world, .\moliS tbe tlumerOUi

Optuilit or the Dbtlld Court I' " ..b.IUltoo.

All courtlj Rre to tho lAity queer plncea.Therl' hi a certlliu IUbOllllt of ~rLlnouy

aml Ilh1ctl\luN. whiub 10 Ihe I "bu.1looker·un. h ucitlll.'r rla.\·lllo uur rt'Il"On,.\" an iUdAIlct!. 1 \I'iUdte tho "cllllius:"ufa Ihlft'u.lI~ulll'IJlaiutlO'\t.bcll it illl w,,11kuown tbnt be illuln.eut anlll.'IlDuot llOlllll·IJI~ reiJlOuJ. hu~ ho Iii ""'flUe-I." oud. therecor.l i.. tuR.lo 1t1'loIh'flinljt him, Thel"IOCulb.r formlliu UM'i1 In 0llC!ninil courtIS .uo:her 'j1w\,r thioM', "uJ hero IU\\'fl~hill"It)U it iii. \Vol1l1crfllll.r '1u~r.

JII~' ilUlIoMillu that lJcforo 'lIu ".'ourt Le·gilli un" Im·ille .. ~ wlmte\'er (all,1 ~'e whollrc nttcudiud Ihe UUlllr"," In:ll hear It(werr ,IRy, uo,1 mer) b'\tly know. tllore ill110 olbl!r bUJIlioe5s before tbe conrt), 11III 0 of WOIIIllDi llize, bnt \\ itla InllHI hltetho bull or Ua"!llln. lilClI1i ur. 10 tbo ellllof Iho jlhlgu·. ,1~llk, (.&It'i wit I bit knife·hllt1dlll ... III in II. Voil'8 Haltl ('ould be llil­Iluclly hf'l\I'il ill 11 1ut11 vf :!O.lIlIO, callllout: "Como to onler, geDllemeuj lwtllofT!" He wlilS tl. U10llU!lIt. gILlDces(aroun,) tlUI COlHt room, la-Jill hi. Jeft el­OOIll' UII tho u''Ik, litr.ughteUll lIimll6lf,drop! hilt hf'lII.l 1l1'0U tall brc'&llt, d~bi~ ••nli. tilla hill lunga \nth Ie"onlunl.li ... fcct of air, Illld then ho 1Ia)'1I, iun\'olumo of voice .¥ big itS tho llriti.b "\'.,'!ollGUlla: "1-10 I}·Q·o·b, Yeilll." I~olJo'l.u.e1ll IIUll salberg hill brclath ngalu. nn,1tho lI~COllti lIuo.l of 10llUlI rollll bllt:"Uo·o·o·o·h, }·UCII." 'Ihoae who uroacutlllloru('l\ to'it turn to tbOlK! \vllO IUOstrtlngora ill tho room nmlllaY: "Ilow',thnt for II \'Oico?" Aud tho aOIlWllr is:"Why. he could bo!lcurLilimllo." Mellll',...hilo tho Ilr,.cr in s""clling Ull (llfQnotherthuudoring nthmUlee, 11lIJ be llltlOhmlOllt: "Ho'o 0 o·h, )·eelj." Utl pull. it1 It

mighty I.acnth nlill lJulluwli: "!iu-w·w'lporil ,a-awing LueK tuill(or' tbou bullJ-Ihlge lI'premo conrt th'.lceli ItrlckllllD."Ho gathortl hin:IIHll( agllio, laill clioat ell:­pUlllllI, hi.!l lise" Cl08O, Ilnl.! he goeil ou:~-Il·a·vulJ Jiulf·aea'iwolil lerm."Auoll1l.·r g.tthcriug' of tb. Dor·cuu torce. Illl,l: "Orawlllg·a.,·""heur, give rer ten dlll'O tIm court·IiUIt'" ven!" J\a hit uUeri the lut Jlllrttbe thuD.ler runK llu.IJonl)' down tu "Wl'hrr 1111 wtl\ldlltll togetbef, aDd bo is1I111t ....ay 1I0Wl1 Ihe l!teVI.

It took oue wac-he "II frow Ohio­four da)", to tranlllhlte tbo orier'lII 01.'1111D·IlruUl. ll,· tbole wbo know wbllt billbU8iDeM l.i, to "'it, to 0lloU courts, 110eff()r' ill made 10 gue.. whother bu illcalling "oldfll,gll" or "a-o-o-ttp,"Ther1ct hiw wiutl "I' aDtl rUIl JOWD, ",nJthl!.r go to LJullinulIl'. 'rho rt!IllUIt or ac~reful iu\·a..lig4uI0D. ",h"wlK!.tb.t Ihe c 11uner \·ariell. Liko tho cogili ill Ito wbt.'t!l~he worJs mO\'e in the SIlWU gruo\'ee\'er,'tinlu. \\,h ...u th" Obler.ul bud f1naU,t'...rclitle,1 tlu) conuudrum out, Iio fOUOt1 itto rc"J Oil folloW': "0 ,'01, V yelll. 0 yel,aU l)OfSOlil ha"iog bUlinCIIiI bofore timhODorable the jUllgo of tlie liUprtHUllCourt of tbtl mlltlct of OoluwLJi", DO wboldiog ill crhniutll term. liN"" uellr IUhl8i"8 Jour aUcullaoee. 'rho court i. nowopon."

Whllt Is Luxur1 r"{be orlioll! "r,t1xe," In Yollalro', Phil·

OJOIJhknl Diotiounr.,", 1J~sin8: "(Il. 1\countr," whero l!IVl"fJlM:xly wcn\ bl\fl.>·fOOle,I, "lI~ "1~ tlrat 1U n \l"bo woreIt I,air II! ,iloeli IU\llfIOllS? \rll~ be DotA..en~illllll\1l11IOJlnlriolt. rcllo.'? lIaynot Ih.' lJII,NO I~ "lIi,1 of him \\ ho 11110.1 timftr~t ~hun .h (or him wIll) Lull It1\";1311,,1 anti iron€!\l, J Lelian! Lim to be II

8li!nill'i .rul1 or r",ollr~'c~ an,l e:a.I'll.hlc ofgf)\"l!rUlUfJ a Stnto. \ot lho!lo ... 10 wereflllt ll.l'':ll ..towe.l to "'l'.\r elmn slnrlJitr~l('d him llil all. oll'mdn:uc II.ri ..tocrat...ho corro"tcU the nutloll." Tho in­lCUllpl1 inrereul'i! i! lUI'! hJ 1I. EtUilo ,10Lan'l,l.'l'f', .'ll\Illl·8Ile~ 11l1l:IIn to 1.It, !lmt"'hidl ,h-3Iro,,, tho J'N,hU't of eMuyIhIJ§ of htlltir withont \;rinsiu~ IlU.,"reu-.lllul,lc 'Itidllctioll. ·'T1.Iat 111ICf.'U ufthe lo.llll'4llelilroyllllf in thu ~'birhtof 1119W':llt~ll Jloaul" or Illee ",·oltllIO.OOtJf.;Ihcl't'l{oeol the l'llui .....leD\or ;,o,IW lIonn.·uf loil.h~lIlrllcth·o of C1eiliKht; alul willat..l"'ilIiID/{it hall lJcton llra""n Crolll it 1"Unt lM:rure coulleluUlng the qUe"1l or tllu!Jail I{lt 11>1 IWe to how 101IOY other" Ihel.'ell~llrI· 'W()uIJ IIPpl/" It hit! IJOOu COIl1·

IJl1tCol th.t Rohl nm llih'or 10 tllo \'nlnotit C:!.:,oo.OOO b uuu:l.lIy l.'OIlBumcd iu}'rau\,e rur tl!ll.te. In.1 Ornllllt'lIt1l, mostlyof 1110 llniol sort that Ire dis·

\,11,,', II ill tllll lIllOr,' of tlj() I'ulltillto'·lll. all1l mllrn t!ttUI R million of goltl

for'allllllllr IJUrpo~~ in UirmllllfbnlU. AIlel'iltnlion of ribbon·welworll, who cameup rrum (Jo\cntrj' full of lho dig·IlItl' 'Jf IlIlIoI' IUlll t 10 irnportll.lIoo of thowurkillil mnll, were lu,l.lonl,)' t lkollaback II\' buillif l'ulUilllhtll ,hut. tliU worldcoul,1 .10 VOl'\' woll ..·ithullt l'ilJhons. HIll' thing ill'lIllI'le " Oll'Ollt 1111 lin orn,,·tIlI'Ut. the tOlt mutturll urotbl ng to the llr­GI\1I1~·1I1. nll,l till.! 1'f'UIlI~' witll hur ha '0) bo·IOll";tt 1'1 tho IIlIIliIl t:;I!t'tllJr,)' 11'1 till! IIen'nlltKirl wIth h"r ribbon or ILu .1I0p hoy,,'ilu hi'l I·hllin. Sho bdll, IIHlreO\·cr.lhi l\I.l\·lllltllf(lI; llhu hll' hlllirilotl., <,,,,notrill\ltOlI w thu Jlro..luotioll or a llcliclltcworlt ollut, "n.l nil unlightolleJ utilitu­riafl! ..ill lll/OW thlll IIItll.tever ij'h'e811I{l:l~llrU to (l cllltivlttu,1 tu~t.t fllll, r air!)'witlliu the .Iom lin of lItilit,)', II we gi\'(~

111' 11lo1.'t1 we IlIUIII give IlIJ (Hnmonds Ilmlpellrl.. ~\'relll cbina. \'cuctian gtlli!lI.ulllllhe choice,t II~im~n.sof the (told·Imith'lI wOrk,lill! IDbtefpicc..'lI of Bcn­"eontO Cl!lIlni.

II i. olll,. D IIIte., rurtber to IItahlr", andl'iClIln!!l, alld thd b:lre lIuggtl~tio'l illeD~ugh to alllrm )I, !JallJrdllut for hi.eount'lmtn: "Derri\'e tlii", Frell 'bNek lit \bC8O 'inutl ilies,' lIeprl"'fl It ofIilk to h.' reV11u'eJ brl.'Ollon. luko llwaylje 1Io1lltnei. the I'WJturclI,lho tllllrLIe.t.Ib . hroll~e•• tbe Tch'elll, tLae trinkt'~

tblhC thot1lllnd objeotil of over.,. kiod...·,,'eo, MpUII, I'lltitt·,I. eotbroillere I hyf~r,' lllij{f'fa-'and ~'ou t.lke trom illhfUlltlll,vmellt. itl nnenur, ili pc"or. i\8Illiolruckon. tho 1x'ttf'r part ofitaelf," If, be wigllt It..,,£, .thiN..0 Ire to keel) I tho IOlill nnumat/,rilll; if tbe f.n('~'. tho .COIO ofbeanty. grace antl.ell.'fj:'\lIco 11'0 ne\·lil.r tobe atlJreate 1. tbe higher facIlltiCil will,row tor pill lor di!UlIW. the min.1 1I'iI1d..-au.lIo "'Dil degrucrr.te. aDd iuwllectuDIIlrogralll will be nrre.te<l or dllDg lx1clr."Ibtoe "'i1boll' "..ntJI. moe withoutitt.u." The rinl 'Yiltemll ant woll rep'resealc.1 hl Atbenl an!l Sparill. Wt.tbinb 01 Spar'" ,,'lltlD wo HI)ClU; of(jri'lw.,? Wh,,1 1111..1 Sputa done for Uwworili. an,1 what woullo1 tbo "orlt! bewithout. \II,bllt. it. oweM to AtLeIlM? "AIhing of beaut,. I. a j01 forever" linll thecreationl of Iho ago 01 Porlclelll IIIro ft

hLliliD~ boon of 10e~litllllLJlo vlLluo toIII nklnll.-f<Ju"rttirly nu\'iell.

A IIt"tllea (.1I1ut~.

ltcrently lu Ellrckll, ,.dloro ChiuRmeDpiny" ftuo" ~()Otll1olll, II luihllUallllor·e.l Lelllllcu 1111\1 into l~ rnro Kallle.lultlafter lo.ing II. ftw Ilolllln pulled Ollt alitlle Jlaok.IKtl of gollllhut luad laid it ODtbe AllO. 'J'ho Iwn lo..t. IIntl ttad IICRI.~r,

piclliog up tllO 11Iwlmgo. uufolJe,llt atlllwltil;bl."ll ont 1110 dlllllt, ",blcll WR!Io S50"'orth. 110 "'as llOOnt t", CIL'it n'''l tbeP81)Ur WLI'R tllll CI'!f'lItial mntlonC',1 to ItaUtllUlkcll tllat i, Dligbt he boiven bnck ASit halllWllUo wnllllng- Rrl·OIl1lt.. on It. ThePAIM'r .'ilI retorn6l1. IlUlI tho oest niAlI\be ".... thcm agam lJe'tlng 800 It1lZulJdnlt n beforo. lie Imt lJiI IIlU'kllJ:oo"l'fully on tlie Ice lIu.1 'Won. 'flal'11raler h,ul\letl OU' ~J. lloll 'be Cll1l1:l'

man llbook hi. head."WlI.t·1I tbe mllUc" .fohn?""YOIl J)I1yeo aUN I bel. 0011 bun·

llred nfty t101l1r."TLe dealer lallKhPtl ~onloml'tollollf.hut

tbll hHthru. Dorolliog Ibe It.I~"'SC'~,Ibo...oo A $100 bill Illid iu hctwoell "It'1I0nbl' I)ICOO of piper whidl c.Dlllinetltllf'tlu I.

The llClller looi~l "I1'~Y ehen!,. btlttlae Cbll1Aman lIe~l'r mo\ceJ A lIIu'tC-le.U. a,·te.1 1M it it WM t!.le rep-nlar tliiD~tObCltA8100 @rceuLack rolliClI t1(1 iobl' Jto J tltl§t p"ekngoJ.

"I'lly h." lI.uJ tlie lookout mall. "Uo·.!rOt 111 tINIi."

Tue nwe \Jill ..at In Ibe J"/Xlr thenij.."ht before. but the .Ieulor Iia tao,I~1it ~ck IhioltllltJ It ..IlS U walshbill. }jutof l'Our~ ,hil """10" (htl Ctaiollm n'lIfault.-l:1elenR U"ralll,

There .re mo··,o."".c.cyc.",7h-,,-n-.-n-u to krcilII bUllhnnll home e\,.'nillA:a. 'rho" i(I'might put ItPI e;l ..1t or IJCt'r 10 OIUI cornerof. tbe Iii oinK rl)()m, eover Ibo Illtllr"llh lI.:lIId, ami hlru two or tlirl.'O lIirt,)·fel1ow~ to 111I tho Illaco futl or ..mokotrom vilo elgart. A ,,'omnu .. ith nnv AOrlof Illd enD walto home M llulllli, III1tIcheerhal "II a beer mloon.-Sew Orlf'IHl.!Piea)·ullc.

ITwo Illd"I.",""::w"e::-n,","o-'..-e"'C"·'-I.-ra :\Iorril,

UIlDO 01 tho lllOlt IIlfllOtiUg JllU6ligeK of'11u pIny. "'ben tllo "'bofn botllJO WlUI~~~Ctl In 1III0000,Oll0 Indy, ,,'110 btulUWll lI"iog bor 0I)Ora gl~I'I Rtlouti,cly,relDarlted totheotbor: "Poob! Ibe trim

bQl1ng On hor tire.. I. l:lOlhll:lg I.IUtlllUU·

lIrg eclgiog."

Frank ... 8.rt..lI.



F. Albert Bartlett.


Chu. C. Bartlett.

Ship Chandler)", CLOTHING, BOOT & SHOES, Hats Caps,;Hardware. Crockery. Furniture. )k(lding. Farming lmpl~ments,Building ~Iatt:rial, Produce. Etc.. Etc .• Etc.[

ALL Goods will be sold Cheap for Cash.Dra/l$ Bong'ltt and SoM OIt,,1l ",,,,ts oj'tlte n 'o,.Zel.~~ We ,,,ill Pi)' Highest prices for Wool. Oil, llit.les, Furs aad

Countr1 Produce.



l:"cI' Mr, 1'0'''' h.. made a n;ce PORT DISCOVERY ITACE.illll,rOvulIlcut ill hi. barhur·,hop. \\-8 UlInylllg U. S. Mltl!!, nud Pasalngers.\'I;IIItUre to IIlty thal tlo hili I Ihull AS J.t':AVt:S PQH'I' 'I'OWNSf:NO EV-nf'all,v littotlull 118""y 011 the 80uI1I.1. "~HY Ilt\Y, at 2, P. H.,lie hUll ,,110 tiuoli up a balhroolll (Of Making clOIO t.'OlIlI~lloll'" willi theIlIh 1l.11~ (,cioih \,,",rt hath,. lie hilI .teamer Jo'J\NNIJ.o: It 'I'ulley'. I,andlu&­d01le 1111 b~lt to hl\" olle of Ih" fin'le"t ShUVI, auJ i. U1nh;:,r o( hi, PI't,l' \"'. S, SEA VEY,(usioa, ,I 18U' Propr\e~r.


At such exceedingly low pricesthat we are now able to sell all goodsat much greater inducements thancan be offered anywhere on theSound.

We guarantee our goods to bo firstclass and invite the public to call andbe convinced.

GROSS BR'OS.r ow Tacoma amI Port Townsond, 'V. T.,

117, 8an80me St" San Franolsco, Cal.

The San Francisco StoreThe public will please bear in mind

that our Mr. Gross in San Franciscohas bought our fall & winter stock ofSTAPLE and FANCY DRY·GOODS,

Pealer in all kinds of Notion. moro particu!ar1y enllmerated at (011011'1:

J~pol1f(1 .t DomeAtltl C1rtld: CI&Al'Ollei'Il-'l1l11l1l1l1 ~1I.re aud Sc ~Itlo 1,lb...r1es,Cl.oll,,"e TobACOOfl, !ionl', Soll~ Uooks _00 ~t lltul<;

Clllllle,.l.t NuLl, !'ll,.'turesallli J'lcturc }'nuueltAll klmb of Jo'rult.sln thelueUOll, 'fO)·...

CalW)fllla Ctlh:lteN. V.~

Allltlndl Al SIMlonery, A Fino AlWIrtment or Pocke.PhottXtl'1tflh ami Autograph KIlI\'tS'"d Uuzon.,

AllInm.., All kludJ or Toilet Soap,&11001 8nob, J'(!r(ulllerles,

01l,n1l Books, Dr'~r·""nod nnd Meer·lJlnrl6, aclUlIlIll P1l)el:, And

I'.:IC., I-.:to., t:tl. CIKareHe lIokiera.0. H, Hol.ocn,nbe,


PORT 1'0WN/!;E1>'D, W. T.




And Ceneral Dealers in

~\'!t·~¢~b.:$f mt~~t\t,it- --




CIGARS. TOBACCO PLOWS, .te" .te.CirAl_o A 8"".AlAo ..

Lal'go A sortmollt Of GoodsNot enumerated, which we will sell at theLowest Market Prices.



Fruit and Variety Store !

Creditors!Notice to

Vstn:u Sl',\TI!:.<o( IllSlr1c1 I.nnd Orlll'l, ISoil lo<el:~ l~~~'l ~y ~~'\~~,l,l h:F.'~~~1 ;:'t!~~:,7:rr;i lU'U

...·Itll I h", .11"ll\'I~hll1" flf tlu' ACI ,.(1 '(lIllt'"""'~ ul1.pro\ ."1 JUIl\l 3. 1:<;1:1. I!llllll..'ti ...\lI ,II" (./1' III""'111" tlf TlmtJ." 1~IlI(b III the fllll'f'~ "r "llllf",·

:~~~)'~!"'t;1.:~:~~;tl1~~,~'ml t;~r!w~:t:~l~::'I~:~~:;Wt~~II:~;'I~~~~8~~~~ 'hl~ ·~~~l:~a~lIhi.~ :I~: ~h~~~lI 1Il1 ,,"'. (I' ol ~ 'I' 'If iIeC '.'; IIl1lt "."'fOllllJ 'If,11I,1 nl"lro(nw 'I' or~'t' So.1l'J III ""'I' X", \Ill,~~~l~I.,:~llll'tl So. 'I ""tit of tho Wllbllllloltlu

A")' Killt all pel"'lOO' dllolmhlll' ,1l;\','",,-'I)·lhu~nlllllf'il(;rll~(1 l.aml, or KII/, 110'11011 111..".'CI(,IIr" bllruh)' te(lull'i!tl 10 n ~ Ihulr d"~l1l~ hithl"lI!Tk.-c withIn n';l.y (11111 dll)s rrom lillieht!N'tJr,

og:~~,~ ~~~:v., ~~1. ~~:~ill~: ~:y ~~C::l'~~:~A. U. l.tllli.

J. T. BIIQWS,1~lI'bter.

'1'1lP; AAIOOl1 bulillllll{ Ull Ullion Whllr(l-~or lJ'&ltwulan apply to the Wh:ulhl,er.

4'J:U. UJlIO" WU .. RF lO,

l':I"ITICU~TATJ[i1llUTMI('TLA:I"U 0"'1t·". IOI.1'''I'IA. "A.III:1"Oll~ TI·MItI"fl\.

Sot~ liI herelly (fh'l"l 1111101 In (lo)fIlIJllum.:wltll Ih" Ju.....'-Ia.on" or the .\CI or \.·"n,lfn.....•/lllnll'l'd une:s. \""Ii. enlltl....1",\n .\1'1 r,lrtit' iIale orTllllber I..anll" In Ihl' ~I.II'" or "·nl.II'lrDlti. OreJl'nn. ~fO,'•• tR In,1 \\'11,.1111111'101.T~rrlll....",." J \)H~ 1\1i,'.\n:. nr J,·IT"'I".nll

n~~rt~'ll~'~~~g~i: ~;:;:I':::ir.'lll~~ ~~~~1~~1lhe ~ Il(or Ibt! ~W '- or ~I\c)" Sn, II. Inluwn.btp:l9 norllt. IlIlille St, 'J ..""I Dr lit"WlIIamen,"'.rkJlan.

.\"1 ami III pel'lUnl et.hnhlW' ad'·f:n.el, IheMid tlClN·rllH!tllantl. or an)" fIOI'llf1n Ilwfffil.an- Mnlb)'IIOlllle(l loll1tlIbt>lrt"'lllI~ IlIlhl.­O~ ... Ithln aln)' ,IDI dlt.), I'rom 1I.11Il h"'NflI.

llh'en limier DiY haml .t my On1L~. InOI)llIpUl,W.T,tbfll~daynr lJoc'\'llIbt-r, A.U.I5el. J. T. UIIO~:i,

lOW Regwter ot'thel.a,nd 11f1lcJt!.


Io:,tlt!+· ..r Itullo-rl h ....llgl.l.~ tk."I.'t'll.....'l.1'--l'l'h.• E IS JlEHI-:ny 1:I\'t-:X UYJ...'\ Iht' lI111ler.lgnt.'\1 ":Xt,\;tltOr. of lthtwi:! 311'1 1e..llrnOlI~' of H"wrt 11Il1lj.(tlt •••tl,,,,- ........1. or "lltl t·l:U~. lOllie t'n1UI"~ of.111111\111"-"1111<0 !IU'!lIl: d.Ir~. lI~:II11.t llll'.lld Ill"t'-':t-t.'tJ. (0 tXhlhlt Illt'llI "lIh IllI'IIn""Ir\' \'ollchl'r~ \\hhlll OIlC 'liU (ronl,lit, lir·i JlllbllutthlU or Ihl. 111'11..,:1'. tu til",• 1111 ..: '-, ·utOr" • t tile! r. 'll t'1tIM" 01 1IIt'Irh' ........ I1 01. :-'111 .IUllI '.11I1I1I. "'II .I .. ltllt"OlllJl~·. W".hllll:tull '1~rrlIOr)·. or lite...'\Ilt\! "ill W (""-\',,, b:lrrell.

~1.\TJI.ll:\ IJ(Jl'llJ..\:-oS.1I.\SIEt \L\llIH:X.

t:Xt,\:l1lnr; of Ihlbcn I h.tll::II.... ,1....•...1.Uat,,1 Ihl~ :list tillY of Jallll.. r~· 1",1­

.00 4....•



L'.!' LAlrU UV.'IClt, U"",III'I", W, T"JUllu"r, ~ I~l.

"ompl.l"l hll\'hut I.."",, rnler... l at lhlilor_nl.'l:l ll)' J""lll.' W.irrrs 11lIl\ln.L J \iIIl'A Y.~IIITII.lf)l'lI1JfIrl(lolllll; "I~ lIOllle.I~\(I. t.1\11')'!lou.~. ,1:111',1 ,II"r"h '. b;~. UIIIl.. Ih,' w hfot

::,~;\~ 1I~:~.;~.rr~I';I~lri;l -;:};. I'j::.,:;n~~~.I"lt;\\'••hlnIlWU \r~fI"lWr)'. wI! h ~ viol ... I" Ihemm":I"IHlIl or ....,1'1 "11' f)': I lit! Nlitl 1.1t'111'~ liN


I 'I' UaOwS, Begl ~r.

ROlllurr O. Snl.lN'r, UeUlI\"er. C;'J4t,


A~01'lIlm ve .el 'ffilh htlr ..llI.Lletargo, bu June to del!rucLlon on1he ColumbIa liver bar, t.king leulime te It than auy of lhe numen 1I1unfortunate ,blpl befole her. Sheclnte near hawing company ill h. rdiluter, a weuel tblt preceded h~r.trilling repeatet.lly 011 the lime ob·atruot!of't but h~p~ily n. t .ufficientlyhard to break her In piecell. The hllrrecord of the pu, )·e., b.. been byrar the "or t y,t mllde. It will he.traul(e, illJeed, if ehippert, tbipo"neril lOll ml.tel" inturanee com..panie. and oonlignu.t refrain lonp'!r110m t.~i Ii tbe perl It or tbe Colum­bia "yer bat intG.p:oper &CQoaoL