of the apes-.pdf

1 Tarzan of the Apes 1 Edgar Rice Burroughs 2 Table of Contents 3 Tarzan of the Apes..........................................................1 4 Edgar Rice Burroughs..........................................................1 5 Tarzan of the Apes 6 7 Tarzan of the Apes 8 Edgar Rice Burroughs 9 I Out to Sea 10 II The Savage Home 11 III Life and Death 12 IV The Apes 13 V The White Ape 14 VI Jungle Battles 15 VII The Light of Knowledge 16 VIII The Tree−top Hunter 17 IX Man and Man 18 X The Fear−Phantom 19 XI "King of the Apes" 20 XII Man's Reason 21 XIII His Own Kind 22 XIV At the Mercy of the Jungle 23 1 ape (s) - macaco 17 treetop (s) – copa da árvore 19 phantom (s) – fantasma, espectro, aparição 21 reason (s) – razão, motivo, causa, justificação 23 at the mercy of... - à mercê de...;

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Tarzan of the Apes 1 Edgar Rice Burroughs 2 Table of Contents 3 Tarzan of the Apes..........................................................1 4 Edgar Rice Burroughs..........................................................1 5 Tarzan of the Apes 6 7 Tarzan of the Apes 8 Edgar Rice Burroughs 9 I Out to Sea 10 II The Savage Home 11 III Life and Death 12 IV The Apes 13 V The White Ape 14 VI Jungle Battles 15 VII The Light of Knowledge 16 VIII The Tree−top Hunter 17 IX Man and Man 18 X The Fear−Phantom 19 XI "King of the Apes" 20 XII Man's Reason 21 XIII His Own Kind 22 XIV At the Mercy of the Jungle 23

1 ape (s) - macaco 17 treetop (s) – copa da árvore 19 phantom (s) – fantasma, espectro, aparição 21 reason (s) – razão, motivo, causa, justificação 23 at the mercy of... - à mercê de...;

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XV The Forest God 24 XVI "Most Remarkable" 25 XVII Burials 26 XVIII The Jungle Toll 27 XIX The Call of the Primitive 28 XX Heredity 29 XXI The Village of Torture 30 XXII The Search Party 31 XXIII Brother Men 32 XXIV Lost Treasure 33 XXV The Outpost of the World 34 XXVI The Height of Civilization 35 XXVII The Giant Again 36 XXVIII Conclusion 37 This page copyright © 2000 Blackmask Online. 38 39 40 Chapter 1. Out to Sea 41 I had this story from one who had no business to tell it to me, 42 or to any other. I may credit the seductive influence of an old 43 vintage upon the narrator for the beginning of it, and my own 44 skeptical incredulity during the days that followed for the 45 balance of the strange tale. 46

24 god (s) – deus, divindade 25 remarkable (adj) – notável, digno de nota, excepcional, extraordinário 26 burial (s) – enterro, funeral 27 toll (s) – número de vítimas, consequências negativas, prejuízo, perda (portagem, taxa) ♣♣♣ tool (s) – ferramenta, instrumento 29 heredity (s) - hereditariedade 30 village (s) – aldeia, povoação 34 outpost (s) – posto avançado normalmente militar 35 height (s) – auge, ponto elevado (cúmulo, altura, estatura, altitude) 43 credit (to) – acreditar em, dar crédito a 43 seductive (adj) – sedutor, encantador, tentador 46 balance (s) – veracidade (equilíbrio, harmonia)

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When my convivial host discovered that he had told me so 47 much, and that I was prone to doubtfulness, his foolish pride 48 assumed the task the old vintage had commenced, and so he 49 unearthed written evidence in the form of musty manuscript, 50 and dry official records of the British Colonial Office to support 51 many of the salient features of his remarkable narrative. 52 I do not say the story is true, for I did not witness the 53 happenings which it portrays, but the fact that in the telling of it 54 to you I have taken fictitious names for the principal characters 55 quite sufficiently evidences the sincerity of my own belief that it 56 MAY be true. 57 The yellow, mildewed pages of the diary of a man long dead, 58 and the records of the Colonial Office dovetail perfectly with 59 the narrative of my convivial host, and so I give you the story 60 as I painstakingly pieced it out from these several various 61 agencies. 62 If you do not find it credible you will at least be as one with me 63 in acknowledging that it is unique, remarkable, and interesting. 64 From the records of the Colonial Office and from the dead 65 man's diary we learn that a certain young English nobleman, 66 whom we shall call John Clayton, Lord Greystoke, was 67 commissioned to make a peculiarly delicate investigation of 68 conditions in a British West Coast African Colony from whose 69 simple native inhabitants another European power was known 70

59 dovetail (to) – bater certo, encaixar 61 painstakingly (adv) – cuidadosamente, diligentemente, meticulosamente, com todo o esmero ♣♣♣ stake (s) – interesse, empenho, envolvimento (estaca, fueiro, pau) 61 piece out (to) – alargar, completar acrescentando partes (partilhar) 61 several (adj) - (pron) - vários, muitos 62 agency (s) – informador (agência, agente, organismo) 63 At least – pelo menos 63 as one man - unanimemente; como um só; em conjunto; em sintonia; em completo acordo 64 acknowledging/acknowledgement (s) – concordância, reconhecimento, confirmação (recompensa, manifestação de apreço, plural: agradecimentos) 66 learn (to) – informar-se, ficar a saber ou a conhecer (aprender, instruir-se) 68 peculiarly (adv) - especialmente

47 convivial (adj) – alegre, jovial 47 host (s) – dono da casa, anfitrião 48 prone (adj) – disposto, inclinado, com predisposição 48 doubtfulness (s) – incerteza, dúvida (ambiguidade, indecisão) 48 foolish (adj) – tolo, insensato, disparatado 9 task (s) – tarefa, trabalho a fazer 50 unearth (to) – desenterrar, trazer à luz 50 musty (adj) - bafiento 51 dry (adj) – insípido, desinteressante, relato seco e directo e objectivo 51 record (s) - registo 52 feature (s) – característica, particularidade 52 remarkable (adj) – notável, digno de nota 53 witness (to) – presenciar, testemunhar, ver, assistir 54 portray (to) – descrever, retratar 58 mildewed (adj) – atacado pelo bolor, bolorento

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to be recruiting soldiers for its native army, which it used solely 71 for the forcible collection of rubber and ivory from the savage 72 tribes along the Congo and the Aruwimi. The natives of the 73 British Colony complained that many of their young men were 74 enticed away through the medium of fair and glowing 75 promises, but that few if any ever returned to their families. 76 The Englishmen in Africa went even further, saying that these 77 poor blacks were held in virtual slavery, since after their terms 78 of enlistment expired their ignorance was imposed upon by 79 their white officers, and they were told that they had yet 80 several years to serve. 81 And so the Colonial Office appointed John Clayton to a new 82 post in British West Africa, but his confidential instructions 83 centered on a thorough investigation of the unfair treatment of 84 black British subjects by the officers of a friendly European 85 power. Why he was sent, is, however, of little moment to this 86 story, for he never made an investigation, nor, in fact, did he 87 ever reach his destination. 88 Clayton was the type of Englishman that one likes best to 89 associate with the noblest monuments of historic achievement 90 upon a thousand victorious battlefields−−a strong, virile man 91 −−mentally, morally, and physically. 92

71 solely (adv) – exclusivamente, unicamente 72 forcible (adj) – forçado, com recurso à força, violento 72 collection (s) – recolha, colheita, apanha 72 ivory (s) - marfim 74 complain (to) – queixar-se, lamentar-se ♣♣♣ entice (to) – atrair, seduzir, aliciar, convencer 75 entice somebody away from something (to) - levar alguém a afastar-se de algo; 75 through the medium of... - por meio de, por intermédio de 75 fair (adj) – grande quantidade 75 glowing (adj) – entusiasmado, caloroso, brilhante (incandescente, em brasa) 76 if any – se algum 78 virtual (adj) – possível, potencial 78 since (conj) – visto que, uma vez que 79 impose upon (to) – abusar, aproveitar-se 84 unfair (adj) – injusto, desleal 85 subject (s) – pessoa, indivíduo 85 friendly (adj) – amistoso, amigável 86 little moment – de pouca importância ou de pouco tempo 90 monument (s) – memorial, escrito que relata factos memoráveis 90 achievement (s) – proeza, empreendimento 91 battlefield (s) – campo de batalha

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In stature he was above the average height; his eyes were 93 gray, his features regular and strong; his carriage that of 94 perfect, robust health influenced by his years of army training. 95 Political ambition had caused him to seek transference from 96 the army to the Colonial Office and so we find him, still young, 97 entrusted with a delicate and important commission in the 98 service of the Queen. 99 When he received this appointment he was both elated and 100 appalled. The preferment seemed to him in the nature of a 101 well−merited reward for painstaking and intelligent service, and 102 as a stepping stone to posts of greater importance and 103 responsibility; but, on the other hand, he had been married to 104 the Hon. Alice Rutherford for scarce a three months, and it was 105 the thought of taking this fair young girl into the dangers and 106 isolation of tropical Africa that appalled him. 107 For her sake he would have refused the appointment, but she 108 would not have it so. Instead she insisted that he accept, and, 109 indeed, take her with him. 110 There were mothers and brothers and sisters, and aunts and 111 cousins to express various opinions on the subject, but as to 112 what they severally advised history is silent. 113 We know only that on a bright May morning in 1888, John, 114 Lord Greystoke, and Lady Alice sailed from Dover on their way 115 to Africa. 116

93 average (s) - média 94 carriage (s) – porte, postura 96 seek (to) – pedir, solicitar, procurar, tentar ♣♣♣ entrust (to) – confiar, entregar 98 entrust a person with something (to) - confiar alguma coisa a alguém 100 elated (adj) – eufórico, exultante, extasiado 101 appalled (adj) – chocado, horrorizado 101 preferment (s) – nomeação, promoção a determinado cargo 102 painstaking (adj) – cuidadoso, diligente, aplicado, trabalhador, meticuloso, esmerado 103 stepping stone - alpondra; ponto de passagem; objectivo intermédio [alpondra: cada uma das pedras dispostas em fila através de um curso de água, por cima das quais se passa a pé enxuto de uma margem para a outra] 105 Hon. - abreviatura de Honourable 105 scarce (adj) – escasso, apenas 106 fair (adj) - (pele, cabelo) claro, de cor clara; louro 107 appal (to) – horrorizar, chocar, aterrar 108 appointment (s) – nomeação, convocação 110 indeed (adv) – na verdade, deveras, de facto, na realidade 113 severally (adv) – individualmente, separadamente 113 advise (to) – aconselhar, avisar, recomendar

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A month later they arrived at Freetown where they chartered a 117 small sailing vessel, the Fuwalda, which was to bear them to 118 their final destination. 119 And here John, Lord Greystoke, and Lady Alice, his wife, 120 vanished from the eyes and from the knowledge of men. 121 Two months after they weighed anchor and cleared from the 122 port of Freetown a half dozen British war vessels were 123 scouring the south Atlantic for trace of them or their little 124 vessel, and it was almost immediately that the wreckage was 125 found upon the shores of St. Helena which convinced the 126 world that the Fuwalda had gone down with all on board, and 127 hence the search was stopped ere it had scarce begun; though 128 hope lingered in longing hearts for many years. 129 The Fuwalda, a barkentine of about one hundred tons, was a 130 vessel of the type often seen in coastwise trade in the far 131 southern Atlantic, their crews composed of the offscourings of 132 the sea−−unhanged murderers and cutthroats of every race 133 and every nation. 134 The Fuwalda was no exception to the rule. Her officers were 135 swarthy bullies, hating and hated by their crew. 136 The captain, while a competent seaman, was a brute in his 137 treatment of his men. He knew, or at least he used, but two 138 arguments in his dealings with them−−a belaying pin and a 139

131 coastwise (adj) – costeiro, ao longo da costa 132 southern (adj) – do sul, meridional, austral ♣♣♣ {austral ou antárctico ou meridional ou do sul ou do Pólo Sul; boreal ou árctico ou setentrional ou do norte ou do Pólo Norte} 132 crew (s) – tripulação, equipagem, pessoal de serviço 132 offscourings (s plural) – bandidos, escória, ralé 133 unhanged (adj) – que não foi enforcado 133 cutthroat (s) – assassino 136 swarthy (adj) – moreno, de compleição escura 136 bully (s) – fanfarrão, desordeiro 136 hate (to) – odiar, detestar, desejar mal a 139 belaying pin – ferramenta dos navios [que se mal usada poderia servir para agredir as pessoas) ♣♣♣ belay (to) – amarrar, segurar ♣♣♣ pin (s) – cavilha, perno, eixo

118 bear (to) – levar (carregar, aguentar, suportar, tolerar) 122 weigh anchor (to) - recolher a âncora; levantar ferro ♣♣♣ weigh (to) – pesar, verificar o peso de 122 clear (to) – partir, levantar (desanuviar, desimpedir, levantar a mesa, limpar, libertar, autorizar, saldar ou liquidar dívidas) 124 scour (to) – dar busca a, rebuscar, esquadrinhar 128 hence (adv) – por isso, por este motivo 128 ere (prep) – antes de 128 scarce/scarcely (adv) – mal, dificilmente, escassamente 129 linger in (to) – persistir, perdurar, demorar, deter-se 129 longing (adj) – ansioso, nostálgico 130 barkentine – suponho que seja o ‘tipo’ de barco 131 often (adv) – muitas vezes, com muita frequência, frequentemente

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revolver−−nor is it likely that the motley aggregation he signed 140 would have understood aught else. 141 So it was that from the second day out from Freetown John 142 Clayton and his young wife witnessed scenes upon the deck of 143 the Fuwalda such as they had believed were never enacted 144 outside the covers of printed stories of the sea. 145 It was on the morning of the second day that the first link was 146 forged in what was destined to form a chain of circumstances 147 ending in a life for one then unborn such as has never been 148 paralleled in the history of man. 149 Two sailors were washing down the decks of the Fuwalda, the 150 first mate was on duty, and the captain had stopped to speak 151 with John Clayton and Lady Alice. 152 The men were working backwards toward the little party who 153 were facing away from the sailors. Closer and closer they 154 came, until one of them was directly behind the captain. In 155 another moment he would have passed by and this strange 156 narrative would never have been recorded. 157 But just that instant the officer turned to leave Lord and Lady 158 Greystoke, and, as he did so, tripped against the sailor and 159 sprawled headlong upon the deck, overturning the water− pail 160 so that he was drenched in its dirty contents. 161 For an instant the scene was ludicrous; but only for an instant. 162 With a volley of awful oaths, his face suffused with the scarlet 163

140 likely (adv) – provavelmente, possivelmente 140 motley (adj) – variado, misto, diverso 140 aggregation (s) – agregação, aglomeração (refere-se à tripulação) 140 sign (to) – contratar, assinar contrato (assinar, fazer sinais, acenar) 141 aught (adv) – qualquer coisa, coisa alguma 144 enact (to) – representar (desempenhar o papel de) 145 cover (s) – capa de livro ou revista 147 forge (to) – construir ou estabelecer uma ligação ou relação 147 destined (adj) – predestinado, destinado (condenado) 148 unborn (adj) – ainda não nascido, por nascer 154 face away (to) – estar virado para, dar para 160 overturn (to) – virar, derrubar 160 pail (s) – balde, selha 162 ludicrous (adj) – ridículo, absurdo, grotesco, caricato 163 volley (s) – saraivada, chuva, torrente (salva de artilharia, aclamação, série de palmas) 163 oath (s) – praga, imprecação, palavrão 163 suffuse (to) – cobrir, encher, inundar (espalhar-se sobre, derramar-se sobre)

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of mortification and rage, the captain regained his feet, and 164 with a terrific blow felled the sailor to the deck. 165 The man was small and rather old, so that the brutality of the 166 act was thus accentuated. The other seaman, however, was 167 neither old nor small−−a huge bear of a man, with fierce black 168 mustachios, and a great bull neck set between massive 169 shoulders. 170 As he saw his mate go down he crouched, and, with a low 171 snarl, sprang upon the captain crushing him to his knees with a 172 single mighty blow. 173 From scarlet the officer's face went white, for this was mutiny; 174 and mutiny he had met and subdued before in his brutal 175 career. Without waiting to rise he whipped a revolver from his 176 pocket, firing point blank at the great mountain of muscle 177 towering before him; but, quick as he was, John Clayton was 178 almost as quick, so that the bullet which was intended for the 179 sailor's heart lodged in the sailor's leg instead, for Lord 180 Greystoke had struck down the captain's arm as he had seen 181 the weapon flash in the sun. 182 Words passed between Clayton and the captain, the former 183 making it plain that he was disgusted with the brutality 184 displayed toward the crew, nor would he countenance anything 185 further of the kind while he and Lady Greystoke remained 186 passengers. 187

176 career (s) – carreira, profissão 176 whip (to) – pegar de súbito numa arma ou sacar de uma arma (chicotear, azorragar, açoitar com chicote ou látego, castigar) 177 point-blank (adv) – tiro directo, de perto, a pequena distância, à queima-roupa 178 tower (to) – elevar-se, destacar-se, sobressair 181 strike down (to) – derrubar (abater, fulminar) 183 former (adj) – primeiro (precedente, anterior) 185 display (to) – ostentar, mostrar, exibir 185 countenance (to) – permitir, tolerar 186 further (adj) – futuro, posterior, adicional, suplementar

164 mortification (s) – humilhação, grande vergonha 164 regain (to) – recuperar, readquirir 165 fell (to) – deitar abaixo, derrubar, abater 167 thus (adv) – assim, deste modo, desta maneira 168 bear (s coloquial, depreciativo) - bruto 169 mustachio (s) - bigode 171 mate (s coloquial) – amigo, colega, camarada, companheiro 171 crouch (to) – inclinar-se 172 snarl (s) – rosnadela 173 mighty (adj) – forte, poderoso, potente, possante 173 blow (s) – murro, golpe 174 mutiny (s) – revolta, amotinação, insubordinação 175 subdue (to) – dominar, subjugar, controlar (sujeitar, conquistar, vencer, reprimir)

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The captain was on the point of making an angry reply, but, 188 thinking better of it, turned on his heel and black and scowling, 189 strode aft. 190 He did not care to antagonize an English official, for the 191 Queen's mighty arm wielded a punitive instrument which he 192 could appreciate, and which he feared−−England's 193 far−reaching navy. 194 The two sailors picked themselves up, the older man assisting 195 his wounded comrade to rise. The big fellow, who was known 196 among his mates as Black Michael, tried his leg gingerly, and, 197 finding that it bore his weight, turned to Clayton with a word of 198 gruff thanks. 199 Though the fellow's tone was surly, his words were evidently 200 well meant. Ere he had scarce finished his little speech he had 201 turned and was limping off toward the forecastle with the very 202 apparent intention of forestalling any further conversation. 203 They did not see him again for several days, nor did the 204 captain accord them more than the surliest of grunts when he 205 was forced to speak to them. 206 They took their meals in his cabin, as they had before the 207 unfortunate occurrence; but the captain was careful to see that 208 his duties never permitted him to eat at the same time. 209 The other officers were coarse, illiterate fellows, but little above 210 the villainous crew they bullied, and were only too glad to avoid 211

202 limp off (to) - coxear 202 forecastle (s) – castelo da proa 203 apparent (adj) – evidente, visível 203 forestall (to) – antecipar, prevenir (monopolizar) 203 further (adj) –adicional (suplementar, futuro, posterior) 205 accord (s) – harmonia, consenso 205 surly (adj) – mal-humorado, carrancudo, grosseiro 205 grunt (s) – rabugice, resmunguice 210 coarse (to) – áspero, grosseiro, vulgar, inferior 211 bully (to) – oprimir, intimidar, assustar, ameaçar 211 only (adv) – apenas (só, unicamente, somente)

188 replay (s) - resposta 190 stride (to) – caminhar com grandes passadas 190 after (prep) – depois de, a seguir a, apesar de 192 wield (to) – empunhar, brandir, manejar 194 far-reaching (adj) – de grande alcance, de grande envergadura 197 gingerly (adv) – cautelosamente, cuidadosamente, delicadamente 199 gruff (adj) – rude (duro, grosseiro) 200 surly (adj) – grosseiro, carrancudo 201 well meant – bem intencionado 201 ere (conj) – antes que 201 scarce (adv) – mal, dificilmente

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social intercourse with the polished English noble and his lady, 212 so that the Claytons were left very much to themselves. 213 This in itself accorded perfectly with their desires, but it also 214 rather isolated them from the life of the little ship so that they 215 were unable to keep in touch with the daily happenings which 216 were to culminate so soon in bloody tragedy. 217 There was in the whole atmosphere of the craft that 218 undefinable something which presages disaster. 219 Outwardly, to the knowledge of the Claytons, all went on as 220 before upon the little vessel; but that there was an undertow 221 leading them toward some unknown danger both felt, though 222 they did not speak of it to each other. 223 On the second day after the wounding of Black Michael, 224 Clayton came on deck just in time to see the limp body of one 225 of the crew being carried below by four of his fellows while the 226 first mate, a heavy belaying pin in his hand, stood glowering at 227 the little party of sullen sailors. 228 Clayton asked no questions−−he did not need to−−and the 229 following day, as the great lines of a British battleship grew out 230 of the distant horizon, he half determined to demand that he 231 and Lady Alice be put aboard her, for his fears were steadily 232 increasing that nothing but harm could result from remaining 233 on the lowering, sullen Fuwalda. 234

212 intercourse (s) – comunicação, relações 212 polish (to figurado) – cultivar, educar, civilizar, ensinar boas maneirasa (polir, dar brilho, encerar, engraxar) 219 undefinable (adj) - indefinível 220 outwardly (adv) – exteriormente (aparentemente) 221 undertow (s) – ressaca, recuo das ondas, corrente submarina 225 limp (adj) – frouxo, mole, sem energia, débil, fraco (to) – coxear) 227 mate (s) – oficial de navio, imediato, contramestre (amigo, colega, camarada) 227 glower (to) – olhar ameaçadoramente, fitar com ar zangado 232 aboard (adv) – (prep) – a bordo

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Toward noon they were within speaking distance of the British 235 vessel, but when Clayton had nearly decided to ask the 236 captain to put them aboard her, the obvious ridiculousness of 237 such a request became suddenly apparent. What reason could 238 he give the officer commanding her majesty's ship for desiring 239 to go back in the direction from which he had just come! 240 What if he told them that two insubordinate seamen had been 241 roughly handled by their officers? They would but laugh in their 242 sleeves and attribute his reason for wishing to leave the ship to 243 but one thing−−cowardice. 244 John Clayton, Lord Greystoke, did not ask to be transferred to 245 the British man−of−war. Late in the afternoon he saw her 246 upper works fade below the far horizon, but not before he 247 learned that which confirmed his greatest fears, and caused 248 him to curse the false pride which had restrained him from 249 seeking safety for his young wife a few short hours before, 250 when safety was within reach−−a safety which was now gone 251 forever. 252 It was mid−afternoon that brought the little old sailor, who had 253 been felled by the captain a few days before, to where Clayton 254 and his wife stood by the ship's side watching the ever 255 diminishing outlines of the great battleship. The old fellow was 256 polishing brasses, and as he came edging along until close to 257 Clayton he said, in an undertone: 258

236 nearly (adv) – quase (de perto, minuciosamente) 238 request (s) – pedido, solicitação 242 handle (to) – tratar de, lidar com 242 laugh up one's sleeve (to) - rir à socapa; rir nas costas da pessoa 246 man-of-war (s) – navio de guerra 247 upper works (nautical) - obras mortas 249 curse (to) – rogar pragas (dizer palavrões, praguejar) 253 midafternoon (s) – meio da tarde 257 brass (s) – latão, bronze 258 undertone (s) – voz baixa

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"'Ell's to pay, sir, on this 'ere craft, an' mark my word for it, sir. 259 'Ell's to pay." 260 "What do you mean, my good fellow?" asked Clayton. 261 "Wy, hasn't ye seen wats goin' on? Hasn't ye 'eard that devil's 262 spawn of a capting an' is mates knockin' the bloomin' lights 263 outen 'arf the crew? 264 "Two busted 'eads yeste'day, an' three to−day. Black Michael's 265 as good as new agin an' 'e's not the bully to stand fer it, not 'e; 266 an' mark my word for it, sir." 267 "You mean, my man, that the crew contemplates mutiny?" 268 asked Clayton. 269 "Mutiny!" exclaimed the old fellow. "Mutiny! They means 270 murder, sir, an' mark my word for it, sir." 271 "When?" 272 "Hit's comin', sir; hit's comin' but I'm not a−sayin' wen, an' I've 273 said too damned much now, but ye was a good sort t'other day 274 an' I thought it no more'n right to warn ye. But keep a still 275 tongue in yer 'ead an' when ye 'ear shootin' git below an' stay 276 there. 277 "That's all, only keep a still tongue in yer 'ead, or they'll put a 278 pill between yer ribs, an' mark my word for it, sir," and the old 279 fellow went on with his polishing, which carried him away from 280 where the Claytons were standing. 281 "Deuced cheerful outlook, Alice," said Clayton. 282

259 mark (to) – prestar atenção a, registar (marcar, assinalar, balizar) 263 blooming (adj) - maldito 262 a 267 traduz-se assim: - Não tem visto o que se passa? Não ouviu dizer que o capitão e os oficiais têm aleijado metade da tripulação? Duas cabeças partidas, ontem, e três hoje. Black Michael está outra vez como novo, e não é homem para se ficar com estas coisas. Pode ter certeza disso. 268 contemplate (to) – pensar em, tencionar, considerar a hipótese de 273 a 279 - Não tarda, sir. Não tarda mas eu não vou dizer-lhes quando. Já falei demais. mas o Senhor foi correto, no outro dia, e eu pensei que devia avisá-lo. Não fale no caso e quando ouvir tiros vá para baixo e fique lá. Tenha cuidado e não fale. senão metem-lhe uma bala nas costelas e sou eu que o digo. 282 deuced (adj) – enorme, muito grande 282 outlook (s) – panorama, perspectiva, vista

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"You should warn the captain at once, John. Possibly the 283 trouble may yet be averted," she said. 284 "I suppose I should, but yet from purely selfish motives I am 285 almost prompted to `keep a still tongue in my 'ead.' Whatever 286 they do now they will spare us in recognition of my stand for 287 this fellow Black Michael, but should they find that I had 288 betrayed them there would be no mercy shown us, Alice." 289 "You have but one duty, John, and that lies in the interest of 290 vested authority. If you do not warn the captain you are as 291 much a party to whatever follows as though you had helped to 292 plot and carry it out with your own head and hands." 293 "You do not understand, dear," replied Clayton. "It is of you I 294 am thinking−−there lies my first duty. The captain has brought 295 this condition upon himself, so why then should I risk 296 subjecting my wife to unthinkable horrors in a probably futile 297 attempt to save him from his own brutal folly? You have no 298 conception, dear, of what would follow were this pack of 299 cutthroats to gain control of the Fuwalda." 300 "Duty is duty, John, and no amount of sophistries may change 301 it. I would be a poor wife for an English lord were I to be 302 responsible for his shirking a plain duty. I realize the danger 303 which must follow, but I can face it with you." 304 "Have it as you will then, Alice," he answered, smiling. "Maybe 305 we are borrowing trouble. While I do not like the looks of things 306

284 avert (to) – evitar (desviar, afastar) 286 prompted (adj) – com vontade de 287 spare (to) – tratar com generosidade, sentir pena por alguém, respeitar (economizar, poupar, dispensar, ceder) 287 stand (s) – posição firme, resistência 289 show (to) - conceder, dar (mostrar, indicar) 291 vested (adj) – empossado, investido 292 party (s) - participante 293 plot (to) – conspirar, maquinar 293 carry out (to) – realizar, levar a cabo 298 folly (s) – loucura, tolice 299 conception (s) – ideia, noção, conceito 300 cutthroat (s) – assassino 301 amount (s) - quantidade 301 sophistry (s) – sofisma, erro de pensamento em que, de má-fé, se empregam argumentos falsos com aparência de verdadeiros; falácia, engano 303 shirk (to) – fugir ou esquivar-se ou evitar responsabilidades

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on board this ship, they may not be so bad after all, for it is 307 possible that the `Ancient Mariner' was but voicing the desires 308 of his wicked old heart rather than speaking of real facts. 309 "Mutiny on the high sea may have been common a hundred 310 years ago, but in this good year 1888 it is the least likely of 311 happenings. 312 "But there goes the captain to his cabin now. If I am going to 313 warn him I might as well get the beastly job over for I have little 314 stomach to talk with the brute at all." 315 So saying he strolled carelessly in the direction of the 316 companionway through which the captain had passed, and a 317 moment later was knocking at his door. 318 "Come in," growled the deep tones of that surly officer. 319 And when Clayton had entered, and closed the door behind 320 him: 321 "Well?" 322 "I have come to report the gist of a conversation I heard 323 to−day, because I feel that, while there may be nothing to it, it 324 is as well that you be forearmed. In short, the men contemplate 325 mutiny and murder." 326 "It's a lie!" roared the captain. "And if you have been interfering 327 again with the discipline of this ship, or meddling in affairs that 328 don't concern you you can take the consequences, and be 329

311 least (adj) - menos 311 likely (adj) – provável, possível, plausível, verosímil 314 get over (to) – recuperar de, restabelecer-se de 314 beastly (adj) - brutal 316 stroll (to) – deambular, vaguear, passear sem pressas, dar uma volta 316 carelessly (adv) – despreocupadamente, descuidadamente 317 companionway - ???? 319 deep (adj) – forte, intenso 319 tone (s) – tom de voz 319 surly (adj) - carrancudo 323 gist (s) – ponto principal 325 forearmed (adj) – preparado, prevenido 325 contemplate (to) – contemplar, admirar

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damned. I don't care whether you are an English lord or not. 330 I'm captain of this here ship, and from now on you keep your 331 meddling nose out of my business." 332 The captain had worked himself up to such a frenzy of rage 333 that he was fairly purple of face, and he shrieked the last 334 words at the top of his voice, emphasizing his remarks by a 335 loud thumping of the table with one huge fist, and shaking the 336 other in Clayton's face. 337 Greystoke never turned a hair, but stood eying the excited man 338 with level gaze. 339 "Captain Billings," he drawled finally, "if you will pardon my 340 candor, I might remark that you are something of an ass." 341 Whereupon he turned and left the captain with the same 342 indifferent ease that was habitual with him, and which was 343 more surely calculated to raise the ire of a man of Billings' 344 class than a torrent of invective. 345 So, whereas the captain might easily have been brought to 346 regret his hasty speech had Clayton attempted to conciliate 347 him, his temper was now irrevocably set in the mold in which 348 Clayton had left it, and the last chance of their working 349 together for their common good was gone. 350 "Well, Alice," said Clayton, as he rejoined his wife, "I might 351 have saved my breath. The fellow proved most ungrateful. 352 Fairly jumped at me like a mad dog. 353

330 I'll be damned! - diabos me levem! 332 meddling (adj) – metediço, intruso, que interfere em tudo 333 work up (to) – enervar, excitar 333 frenzy (s) – furor, agitação, frenesim 339 level (adj) – suave, regular (plano, liso, raso) 339 gaze (s) – olhar fixo 340 drawl (to) – falar vagarosamente 341 candor (s) – sinceridade, franqueza 342 whereupon/whereon (adv) – após o que 343 ease (s) – à-vontade, tranquilidade, sossego, facilidade 344 ire (s) – ira, cólera 346 whereas (conj) – visto que, atendendo a que (enquanto que) 347 regret (to) – lamentar, lastimar, arrepender-se de 347 hasty (adj) – imprudente, irreflectido (apressado, precipitado) 347 attempt (to) – tentar, intentar 347 conciliate (to) – captar para o seu lado (conciliar, harmonizer) 348 mold/mould (s) – molde, modelo, matriz (bolor, mofo) 353 fairly (adv) – completamente (razoavelmente, toleravelmente)

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"He and his blasted old ship may hang, for aught I care; and 354 until we are safely off the thing I shall spend my energies in 355 looking after our own welfare. And I rather fancy the first step 356 to that end should be to go to our cabin and look over my 357 revolvers. I am sorry now that we packed the larger guns and 358 the ammunition with the stuff below." 359 They found their quarters in a bad state of disorder. Clothing 360 from their open boxes and bags strewed the little apartment, 361 and even their beds had been torn to pieces. 362 "Evidently someone was more anxious about our belongings 363 than we," said Clayton. "Let's have a look around, Alice, and 364 see what's missing." 365 A thorough search revealed the fact that nothing had been 366 taken but Clayton's two revolvers and the small supply of 367 ammunition he had saved out for them. 368 "Those are the very things I most wish they had left us," said 369 Clayton, "and the fact that they wished for them and them 370 alone is most sinister." 371 "What are we to do, John?" asked his wife. "Perhaps you were 372 right in that our best chance lies in maintaining a neutral 373 position. 374 "If the officers are able to prevent a mutiny, we have nothing to 375 fear, while if the mutineers are victorious our one slim hope lies 376 in not having attempted to thwart or antagonize them." 377

354 blasted (adj) - maldito ♣♣♣ blast (to) – amaldiçoar (fazer explodir com dinamite, arruinar, destruir, arrasar) 354 hang (to) – ir para o diabo (enforcar, ser enforcado, suspender, pendurar) 354 for aught I care - no que me diz respeito ♣♣♣ aught (adv) - (s) – coisa alguma (qualquer coisa, de qualquer modo) 356 welfare (s) – bem-estar (felicidade, prosperidade, saúde) 357 look over (to) – examinar, inspeccionar 359 ammunition (s) – munição, munições 360 quarters (s plural) - instalações 360 clothing (s) – vestuário, roupa 361 strew (to) – espalhar, encher, cobrir 376 while (conj) – ao passo que, embora 376 slim (adj) – fraco, pequeno, escasso 377 thwart (to) – opor-se, contrariar, impedir

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"Right you are, Alice. We'll keep in the middle of the road." 378 As they started to straighten up their cabin, Clayton and his 379 wife simultaneously noticed the corner of a piece of paper 380 protruding from beneath the door of their quarters. As Clayton 381 stooped to reach for it he was amazed to see it move further 382 into the room, and then he realized that it was being pushed 383 inward by someone from without. 384 Quickly and silently he stepped toward the door, but, as he 385 reached for the knob to throw it open, his wife's hand fell upon 386 his wrist. 387 "No, John," she whispered. "They do not wish to be seen, and 388 so we cannot afford to see them. Do not forget that we are 389 keeping to the middle of the road." 390 Clayton smiled and dropped his hand to his side. Thus they 391 stood watching the little bit of white paper until it finally 392 remained at rest upon the floor just inside the door. 393 Then Clayton stooped and picked it up. It was a bit of grimy, 394 white paper roughly folded into a ragged square. Opening it 395 they found a crude message printed almost illegibly, and with 396 many evidences of an unaccustomed task. 397 Translated, it was a warning to the Claytons to refrain from 398 reporting the loss of the revolvers, or from repeating what the 399 old sailor had told them−−to refrain on pain of death. 400

379 straighten up (to) – arrumar, pôr em ordem 381 protrude (to) – sobressair, ressaltar 384 inward (adv) - interiormente 384 from without - de fora 386 knob (s) – puxador ou maçaneta de porta ou gaveta 389 afford (to) - [com can] poder, ter os recursos necessários para 391 thus (adv) – assim, deste modo, portanto 393 at rest - em descanso; em paz; morto 394 grimy (adj) - sujo 395 ragged (adj) – irregular, desigual (em farrapos, esfarrapado) 395 square (s) – quadrado 396 crude (adj) – imperfeito, grosseiro (cru, simples) 397 task (s) – trabalho, tarefa 398 refrain (to) – refrear, abster-se de, privar-se

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"I rather imagine we'll be good," said Clayton with a rueful 401 smile. "About all we can do is to sit tight and wait for whatever 402 may come." 403 404 405 406 Chapter 2. The Savage Home 407 Nor did they have long to wait, for the next morning as Clayton 408 was emerging on deck for his accustomed walk before 409 breakfast, a shot rang out, and then another, and another. 410 The sight which met his eyes confirmed his worst fears. Facing 411 the little knot of officers was the entire motley crew of the 412 Fuwalda, and at their head stood Black Michael. 413 At the first volley from the officers the men ran for shelter, and 414 from points of vantage behind masts, wheel−house and cabin 415 they returned the fire of the five men who represented the 416 hated authority of the ship. 417 Two of their number had gone down before the captain's 418 revolver. They lay where they had fallen between the 419 combatants. But then the first mate lunged forward upon his 420 face, and at a cry of command from Black Michael the 421 mutineers charged the remaining four. The crew had been able 422 to muster but six firearms, so most of them were armed with 423 boat hooks, axes, hatchets and crowbars. 424

401 rueful (adj) – triste, pesaroso 412 knot (s) – grupo, associação 412 motley (adj) – variado, heterogéneo, diverso, misto 414 volley (s) – ‘salva’ normalmente de artilharia 415 mast (s) - mastro 415 wheel-house (s) – casa da roda do leme 420 lunge (to) – precipitar-se (atacar, investir) 423 muster (to) – reunir, juntar 424 hatchet (s) – machadinha 424 crowbar (s) – pé-de-cabra, alavanca

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The captain had emptied his revolver and was reloading as the 425 charge was made. The second mate's gun had jammed, and 426 so there were but two weapons opposed to the mutineers as 427 they bore down upon the officers, who now started to give 428 back before the infuriated rush of their men. 429 Both sides were cursing and swearing in a frightful manner, 430 which, together with the reports of the firearms and the 431 screams and groans of the wounded, turned the deck of the 432 Fuwalda to the likeness of a madhouse. 433 Before the officers had taken a dozen backward steps the men 434 were upon them. An ax in the hands of a burly Negro cleft the 435 captain from forehead to chin, and an instant later the others 436 were down: dead or wounded from dozens of blows and bullet 437 wounds. 438 Short and grisly had been the work of the mutineers of the 439 Fuwalda, and through it all John Clayton had stood leaning 440 carelessly beside the companionway puffing meditatively upon 441 his pipe as though he had been but watching an indifferent 442 cricket match. 443 As the last officer went down he thought it was time that he 444 returned to his wife lest some members of the crew find her 445 alone below. 446 Though outwardly calm and indifferent, Clayton was inwardly 447 apprehensive and wrought up, for he feared for his wife's 448

426 jam (to) – encravar 428 bear down (to) – aproximar-se rapidamente, vencer, derrotar 428 give back (to) – devolver (suponho que seja responder ao fogo da tripulação) 430 curse (to) – praguejar, blasfemar 430 swear (to) – praguejar, blasfemar (jurar) 431 report (s) – detonação, deflagração, estampido 433 likeness (s) – semelhança, parecença, similitude 435 cleave (to) – fender, rachar 436 chin (s) - queixo 439 grisly (adj) – terrível, medonho, horrível 441 carelessly (adv) – despreocupadamente 441 companionway (s) – cúpula de iluminação para o interior do navio, zona ou sítio do navio 445 lest (conj) – para evitar que 447 outwardly (adv) – aparentemente, exteriormente 448 wrought-up (adj) – nervoso, agitado, excitado

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safety at the hands of these ignorant, half−brutes into whose 449 hands fate had so remorselessly thrown them. 450 As he turned to descend the ladder he was surprised to see 451 his wife standing on the steps almost at his side. 452 "How long have you been here, Alice?" 453 "Since the beginning," she replied. "How awful, John. Oh, how 454 awful! What can we hope for at the hands of such as those?" 455 "Breakfast, I hope," he answered, smiling bravely in an attempt 456 to allay her fears. 457 "At least," he added, "I'm going to ask them. Come with me, 458 Alice. We must not let them think we expect any but courteous 459 treatment." 460 The men had by this time surrounded the dead and wounded 461 officers, and without either partiality or compassion proceeded 462 to throw both living and dead over the sides of the vessel. With 463 equal heartlessness they disposed of their own dead and 464 dying. 465 Presently one of the crew spied the approaching Claytons, and 466 with a cry of: "Here's two more for the fishes," rushed toward 467 them with uplifted ax. 468 But Black Michael was even quicker, so that the fellow went 469 down with a bullet in his back before he had taken a half dozen 470 steps. 471

450 fate (s) – destino, fado 450 remorselessly (adv) – desapiedadamente, desumanamente 451 ladder (s) – escada de mão 457 allay (to) – aliviar, acalmar 458 At least – pelo menos 462 partiality (s) – favoritismo, preferência, parcialidade 466 presently (adv) – imediatamente, logo 466 spy (to) – ver, observar, notar (espiar)

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With a loud roar, Black Michael attracted the attention of the 472 others, and, pointing to Lord and Lady Greystoke, cried: 473 "These here are my friends, and they are to be left alone. D'ye 474 understand? 475 "I'm captain of this ship now, an' what I says goes," he added, 476 turning to Clayton. "Just keep to yourselves, and nobody'll 477 harm ye," and he looked threateningly on his fellows. 478 The Claytons heeded Black Michael's instructions so well that 479 they saw but little of the crew and knew nothing of the plans 480 the men were making. 481 Occasionally they heard faint echoes of brawls and quarreling 482 among the mutineers, and on two occasions the vicious bark of 483 firearms rang out on the still air. But Black Michael was a fit 484 leader for this band of cutthroats, and, withal held them in fair 485 subjection to his rule. 486 On the fifth day following the murder of the ship's officers, land 487 was sighted by the lookout. Whether island or mainland, Black 488 Michael did not know, but he announced to Clayton that if 489 investigation showed that the place was habitable he and Lady 490 Greystoke were to be put ashore with their belongings. 491 "You'll be all right there for a few months," he explained, "and 492 by that time we'll have been able to make an inhabited coast 493 somewhere and scatter a bit. Then I'll see that yer 494

479 heed (to) – prestar atenção 482 echo (s) - eco 482 brawl (s) – rixa, questão barulhenta 484 fit (adj) – apto, adequado, conveniente 485 (adv) – do mesmo modo, igualmente, além disso 485 fair (adj) – considerável, significativo 487 fifth (num. ord) – quinto 491 ashore (adv) – em terra 493 inhabited (adj) - habitado 494 scatter (to) – dispersar-se

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gover'ment's notified where you be an' they'll soon send a 495 man− o'war to fetch ye off. 496 "It would be a hard matter to land you in civilization without a 497 lot o' questions being asked, an' none o' us here has any very 498 convincin' answers up our sleeves." 499 Clayton remonstrated against the inhumanity of landing them 500 upon an unknown shore to be left to the mercies of savage 501 beasts, and, possibly, still more savage men. 502 But his words were of no avail, and only tended to anger Black 503 Michael, so he was forced to desist and make the best he 504 could of a bad situation. 505 About three o'clock in the afternoon they came about off a 506 beautiful wooded shore opposite the mouth of what appeared 507 to be a land−locked harbor. 508 Black Michael sent a small boat filled with men to sound the 509 entrance in an effort to determine if the Fuwalda could be 510 safely worked through the entrance. 511 In about an hour they returned and reported deep water 512 through the passage as well as far into the little basin. 513 Before dark the barkentine lay peacefully at anchor upon the 514 bosom of the still, mirror−like surface of the harbor. 515 The surrounding shores were beautiful with semitropical 516 verdure, while in the distance the country rose from the ocean 517

499 up our sleeves – nas nossas mangas 500 remonstrate (to) – protestar, reclamar, argumentar 503 avail (s) – proveito, utilidade 513 basin (s) – doca, bacia (recipiente, lavatório) 514 at anchor - ancorado 515 bosom (s figurado) – coração (peito, seio)

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in hill and tableland, almost uniformly clothed by primeval 518 forest. 519 No signs of habitation were visible, but that the land might 520 easily support human life was evidenced by the abundant bird 521 and animal life of which the watchers on the Fuwalda's deck 522 caught occasional glimpses, as well as by the shimmer of a 523 little river which emptied into the harbor, insuring fresh water in 524 plenitude. 525 As darkness settled upon the earth, Clayton and Lady Alice 526 still stood by the ship's rail in silent contemplation of their future 527 abode. From the dark shadows of the mighty forest came the 528 wild calls of savage beasts−−the deep roar of the lion, and, 529 occasionally, the shrill scream of a panther. 530 The woman shrank closer to the man in terror−stricken 531 anticipation of the horrors lying in wait for them in the awful 532 blackness of the nights to come, when they should be alone 533 upon that wild and lonely shore. 534 Later in the evening Black Michael joined them long enough to 535 instruct them to make their preparations for landing on the 536 morrow. They tried to persuade him to take them to some more 537 hospitable coast near enough to civilization so that they might 538 hope to fall into friendly hands. But no pleas, or threats, or 539 promises of reward could move him. 540

518 tableland (s) – planalto 518 primeval forest - floresta virgem 523 shimmer (s) – brilho tremeluzente 528 abode (s) – residência, domicílio 531 terror-stricken (s) – pânico 537 morrow (s) – dia seguinte, manhã 539 plea (s) – apelo, súplica

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"I am the only man aboard who would not rather see ye both 541 safely dead, and, while I know that's the sensible way to make 542 sure of our own necks, yet Black Michael's not the man to 543 forget a favor. Ye saved my life once, and in return I'm goin' to 544 spare yours, but that's all I can do. 545 "The men won't stand for any more, and if we don't get ye 546 landed pretty quick they may even change their minds about 547 giving ye that much show. I'll put all yer stuff ashore with ye as 548 well as cookin' utensils an' some old sails for tents, an' enough 549 grub to last ye until ye can find fruit and game. 550 "With yer guns for protection, ye ought to be able to live here 551 easy enough until help comes. When I get safely hid away I'll 552 see to it that the British gover'ment learns about where ye be; 553 for the life of me I couldn't tell 'em exactly where, for I don't 554 know myself. But they'll find ye all right." 555 After he had left them they went silently below, each wrapped 556 in gloomy forebodings. 557 Clayton did not believe that Black Michael had the slightest 558 intention of notifying the British government of their 559 whereabouts, nor was he any too sure but that some treachery 560 was contemplated for the following day when they should be 561 on shore with the sailors who would have to accompany them 562 with their belongings. 563

545 spare (to) – poupar, tratar com generosidade, sentir comiseração ou pena 550 grub (s coloquial) – comida, ‘paparoca’ 557 foreboding (s) – pressentimento, mau presságio 560 treachery (s) – traição, perfídia

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Once out of Black Michael's sight any of the men might strike 564 them down, and still leave Black Michael's conscience clear. 565 And even should they escape that fate was it not but to be 566 faced with far graver dangers? Alone, he might hope to survive 567 for years; for he was a strong, athletic man. 568 But what of Alice, and that other little life so soon to be 569 launched amidst the hardships and grave dangers of a 570 primeval world? 571 The man shuddered as he meditated upon the awful gravity, 572 the fearful helplessness, of their situation. But it was a merciful 573 Providence which prevented him from foreseeing the hideous 574 reality which awaited them in the grim depths of that gloomy 575 wood. 576 Early next morning their numerous chests and boxes were 577 hoisted on deck and lowered to waiting small boats for 578 transportation to shore. 579 There was a great quantity and variety of stuff, as the Claytons 580 had expected a possible five to eight years' residence in their 581 new home. Thus, in addition to the many necessities they had 582 brought, there were also many luxuries. 583 Black Michael was determined that nothing belonging to the 584 Claytons should be left on board. Whether out of compassion 585 for them, or in furtherance of his own self−interests, it would be 586 difficult to say. 587

564 strike down (to) – abater, derrubar, fulminar 566 fate (s) - destino 567 grave (adj) - difícil 570 launch (to) – lançar, iniciar, empreender 570 hardship (s) – dificuldade, trabalho, privação, sofrimento 571 primeval (adj) - primitivo 572 shudder (to) – estremecer, tremer 573 helplessness (s) – abandono, desamparo 574 prevent (to) – evitar, impedir, obstar 574 foresee (to) – prever, entrever 574 hideous (adj) – horrível, terrível, hediondo 578 hoist (to) – içar, levantar 578 lower (s) – baixar, descer 582 thus (adv) – assim, deste modo, desta maneira 586 furtherance (s) – apoio, auxilio, ajuda

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There was no question but that the presence of property of a 588 missing British official upon a suspicious vessel would have 589 been a difficult thing to explain in any civilized port in the world. 590 So zealous was he in his efforts to carry out his intentions that 591 he insisted upon the return of Clayton's revolvers to him by the 592 sailors in whose possession they were. 593 Into the small boats were also loaded salt meats and biscuit, 594 with a small supply of potatoes and beans, matches, and 595 cooking vessels, a chest of tools, and the old sails which Black 596 Michael had promised them. 597 As though himself fearing the very thing which Clayton had 598 suspected, Black Michael accompanied them to shore, and 599 was the last to leave them when the small boats, having filled 600 the ship's casks with fresh water, were pushed out toward the 601 waiting Fuwalda. 602 As the boats moved slowly over the smooth waters of the bay, 603 Clayton and his wife stood silently watching their 604 departure−−in the breasts of both a feeling of impending 605 disaster and utter hopelessness. 606 And behind them, over the edge of a low ridge, other eyes 607 watched−−close set, wicked eyes, gleaming beneath shaggy 608 brows. 609 As the Fuwalda passed through the narrow entrance to the 610 harbor and out of sight behind a projecting point, Lady Alice 611

601 push out (to) - empurrar 605 breast (s) - coração 605 impending (adj) - iminente ♣♣♣ iminente (adj) - 1. que está prestes a acontecer; próximo; 2. que ameaça cair sobre alguém ou sobre alguma coisa; 3. que está quase por cima; sobranceiro; ♣♣♣ eminente (adj) - 1. elevado; 2. alto; 3. muito grande; 4. que sobreleva os outros; 5. figurado notável, excelente; 6. figurado superior; 606 utter (adj) – completo, total, absoluto 606 hopelessness (s) – desespero, situação desesperada ♣♣♣ helplessness (s) – abandono, desamparo 607 ridge (s) – serrania, cume, serra 608 beneath (prep) – debaixo de 608 shaggy (adj) – despenteado, desgrenhado 609 brow (s) - sobrancelha

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threw her arms about Clayton's neck and burst into 612 uncontrolled sobs. 613 Bravely had she faced the dangers of the mutiny; with heroic 614 fortitude she had looked into the terrible future; but now that 615 the horror of absolute solitude was upon them, her 616 overwrought nerves gave way, and the reaction came. 617 He did not attempt to check her tears. It were better that nature 618 have her way in relieving these long−pent emotions, and it was 619 many minutes before the girl−−little more than a child she 620 was−−could again gain mastery of herself. 621 "Oh, John," she cried at last, "the horror of it. What are we to 622 do? What are we to do?" 623 "There is but one thing to do, Alice," and he spoke as quietly 624 as though they were sitting in their snug living room at home, 625 "and that is work. Work must be our salvation. We must not 626 give ourselves time to think, for in that direction lies madness. 627 "We must work and wait. I am sure that relief will come, and 628 come quickly, when once it is apparent that the Fuwalda has 629 been lost, even though Black Michael does not keep his word 630 to us." 631 "But John, if it were only you and I," she sobbed, "we could 632 endure it I know; but−−" 633 "Yes, dear," he answered, gently, "I have been thinking of that, 634 also; but we must face it, as we must face whatever comes, 635

615 fortitude (s) – força moral, fortaleza de espírito 615 look into (to) – examinar, estudar 617 overwrought (adj) – exausto, extenuado, extremamente cansado 618 check (to) – conter, reprimir, deter, suster, travar 619 pent (adj) – sustido, encerrado, fechado 621 mastery (s) – domínio, comando, autoridade 625 snug (adj) – confortável, aconchegado, quente, agradável 628 relief (s) – auxílio, ajuda, amparo, socorro (alívio, consolo, libertação)

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bravely and with the utmost confidence in our ability to cope 636 with circumstances whatever they may be. 637 "Hundreds of thousands of years ago our ancestors of the dim 638 and distant past faced the same problems which we must face, 639 possibly in these same primeval forests. That we are here 640 today evidences their victory. 641 "What they did may we not do? And even better, for are we not 642 armed with ages of superior knowledge, and have we not the 643 means of protection, defense, and sustenance which science 644 has given us, but of which they were totally ignorant? What 645 they accomplished, Alice, with instruments and weapons of 646 stone and bone, surely that may we accomplish also." 647 "Ah, John, I wish that I might be a man with a man's 648 philosophy, but I am but a woman, seeing with my heart rather 649 than my head, and all that I can see is too horrible, too 650 unthinkable to put into words. 651 "I only hope you are right, John. I will do my best to be a brave 652 primeval woman, a fit mate for the primeval man." 653 Clayton's first thought was to arrange a sleeping shelter for the 654 night; something which might serve to protect them from 655 prowling beasts of prey. 656 He opened the box containing his rifles and ammunition, that 657 they might both be armed against possible attack while at 658

636 utmost (adj) – extremo, máximo, mais elevado 636 confidence (s) – confiança, segurança 636 ability (s) – aptidão, capacidade 636 cope (to) – lidar, enfrentar, arranjar-se 638 dim (adj) – obscuro, sombrio, vago 646 accomplish (to) – realizar, efectuar, conseguir 651 unthinkable (adj) – inconcebível, impensável, inimaginável 653 fit (adj) – apropriado, apto, adequado 656 prowl (to) – vaguear em busca de caça 656 prey (s) - presa

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work, and then together they sought a location for their first 659 night's sleeping place. 660 A hundred yards from the beach was a little level spot, fairly 661 free of trees; here they decided eventually to build a 662 permanent house, but for the time being they both thought it 663 best to construct a little platform in the trees out of reach of the 664 larger of the savage beasts in whose realm they were. 665 To this end Clayton selected four trees which formed a 666 rectangle about eight feet square, and cutting long branches 667 from other trees he constructed a framework around them, 668 about ten feet from the ground, fastening the ends of the 669 branches securely to the trees by means of rope, a quantity of 670 which Black Michael had furnished him from the hold of the 671 Fuwalda. 672 Across this framework Clayton placed other smaller branches 673 quite close together. This platform he paved with the huge 674 fronds of elephant's ear which grew in profusion about them, 675 and over the fronds he laid a great sail folded into several 676 thicknesses. 677 Seven feet higher he constructed a similar, though lighter 678 platform to serve as roof, and from the sides of this he 679 suspended the balance of his sailcloth for walls. 680 When completed he had a rather snug little nest, to which he 681 carried their blankets and some of the lighter luggage. 682

665 large (adj) - grande 665 realm (s) – reino, domínio, mundo, campo, esfera 668 framework (s) – madeiramento, armação, esqueleto, base 670 means (s) – meio, processo, forma, modo, método 674 pave (to) – cobrir de, pavimentar, revestir 675 frond (s) – folhagem, ramagem 677 thickness (s) – espessura, grossura 680 balance (s) - ???? 680 sailcloth (s) – lona, pano próprio para velas 681 snug (adj) – confortável, aconchegado

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It was now late in the afternoon, and the balance of the 683 daylight hours were devoted to the building of a rude ladder by 684 means of which Lady Alice could mount to her new home. 685 All during the day the forest about them had been filled with 686 excited birds of brilliant plumage, and dancing, chattering 687 monkeys, who watched these new arrivals and their wonderful 688 nest building operations with every mark of keenest interest 689 and fascination. 690 Notwithstanding that both Clayton and his wife kept a sharp 691 lookout they saw nothing of larger animals, though on two 692 occasions they had seen their little simian neighbors come 693 screaming and chattering from the near−by ridge, casting 694 frightened glances back over their little shoulders, and evincing 695 as plainly as though by speech that they were fleeing some 696 terrible thing which lay concealed there. 697 Just before dusk Clayton finished his ladder, and, filling a great 698 basin with water from the near−by stream, the two mounted to 699 the comparative safety of their aerial chamber. 700 As it was quite warm, Clayton had left the side curtains thrown 701 back over the roof, and as they sat, like Turks, upon their 702 blankets, Lady Alice, straining her eyes into the darkening 703 shadows of the wood, suddenly reached out and grasped 704 Clayton's arms. 705 "John," she whispered, "look! What is it, a man?" 706

683 balance (s) – trabalho realizado, duração (saldo, balanço) 684 ladder (s) – escada de mão 685 mount (to) – subir (trepar, montar a cavalo) 689 keen (adj) – forte (intenso, profundo, agudo, penetrante) 691 notwithstanding (prep) – apesar de 692 lookout (s) – observação, vigilância 694 cast (to) – atirar, lançar 695 evince (to) – demonstrar, indicar 696 plainly (adv) – nitidamente, claramente 697 conceal (to) – esconder, dissimular, ocultar 699 basin (s) - bacia 700 comparative (adj) - relativo 701 warm (adj) - quente 704 reach out (to) - estender 704 grasp (to) – agarrar firmemente

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As Clayton turned his eyes in the direction she indicated, he 707 saw silhouetted dimly against the shadows beyond, a great 708 figure standing upright upon the ridge. 709 For a moment it stood as though listening and then turned 710 slowly, and melted into the shadows of the jungle. 711 "What is it, John?" 712 "I do not know, Alice," he answered gravely, "it is too dark to 713 see so far, and it may have been but a shadow cast by the 714 rising moon." 715 "No, John, if it was not a man it was some huge and grotesque 716 mockery of man. Oh, I am afraid." 717 He gathered her in his arms, whispering words of courage and 718 love into her ears. 719 Soon after, he lowered the curtain walls, tying them securely to 720 the trees so that, except for a little opening toward the beach, 721 they were entirely enclosed. 722 As it was now pitch dark within their tiny aerie they lay down 723 upon their blankets to try to gain, through sleep, a brief respite 724 of forgetfulness. 725 Clayton lay facing the opening at the front, a rifle and a brace 726 of revolvers at his hand. 727 Scarcely had they closed their eyes than the terrifying cry of a 728 panther rang out from the jungle behind them. 729

709 upright (adj) – de pé, direito 714 cast (to) – atirar, lançar 717 mockery (s) – imitação (zombaria, escárnio, troça) 723 aerie (s) – ninho de ave de rapina, residência no topo do monte 724 brief (adj) – curto, breve 724 respite (s) – pausa, intervalo, folga, descanso 725 forgetfulness (s) – esquecimento 726 brace (s) – par, parelha (abraçadeira, gancho de ferro, escora, esteio) 728 scarcely (adv) - mal

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Closer and closer it came until they could hear the great beast 730 directly beneath them. For an hour or more they heard it 731 sniffing and clawing at the trees which supported their 732 platform, but at last it roamed away across the beach, where 733 Clayton could see it clearly in the brilliant moonlight−−a great, 734 handsome beast, the largest he had ever seen. 735 During the long hours of darkness they caught but fitful 736 snatches of sleep, for the night noises of a great jungle 737 teeming with myriad animal life kept their overwrought nerves 738 on edge, so that a hundred times they were startled to 739 wakefulness by piercing screams, or the stealthy moving of 740 great bodies beneath them. 741 Chapter 3. Life and Death 742 Morning found them but little, if at all refreshed, though it was 743 with a feeling of intense relief that they saw the day dawn. 744 As soon as they had made their meager breakfast of salt pork, 745 coffee and biscuit, Clayton commenced work upon their house, 746 for he realized that they could hope for no safety and no peace 747 of mind at night until four strong walls effectually barred the 748 jungle life from them. 749 The task was an arduous one and required the better part of a 750 month, though he built but one small room. He constructed his 751 cabin of small logs about six inches in diameter, stopping the 752

732 claw (to) - arranhar 733 roam away (to) – vaguear, deambular 735 handsome (adj) – belo, bonito, elegante 736 fitful (adj) – incerto, irregular 737 snatch (s) – bocadinho, pequena quantidade 738 teem (to) – abundar, estar cheio, estar a fervilhar 739 startle (to) – assustar, sobressaltar 740 wakefulness (s) – insónia, vigília 740 stealthy (adj) – furtivo, dissimulado, escondido 745 meager/meagre (adj) – escasso, insuficiente 745 pork (s) – carne de porco 752 stop (to) – calafetar, tapar, vedar (parar)

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chinks with clay which he found at the depth of a few feet 753 beneath the surface soil. 754 At one end he built a fireplace of small stones from the beach. 755 These also he set in clay and when the house had been 756 entirely completed he applied a coating of the clay to the entire 757 outside surface to the thickness of four inches. 758 In the window opening he set small branches about an inch in 759 diameter both vertically and horizontally, and so woven that 760 they formed a substantial grating that could withstand the 761 strength of a powerful animal. Thus they obtained air and 762 proper ventilation without fear of lessening the safety of their 763 cabin. 764 The A−shaped roof was thatched with small branches laid 765 close together and over these long jungle grass and palm 766 fronds, with a final coating of clay. 767 The door he built of pieces of the packing−boxes which had 768 held their belongings, nailing one piece upon another, the grain 769 of contiguous layers running transversely, until he had a solid 770 body some three inches thick and of such great strength that 771 they were both moved to laughter as they gazed upon it. 772 Here the greatest difficulty confronted Clayton, for he had no 773 means whereby to hang his massive door now that he had 774 built it. After two days' work, however, he succeeded in 775

753 chink (s) – fenda, abertura 753 clay (s) – argila, barro 757 coating (s) – mão ou camada de tinta 760 weave (to) – entrelaçar, entrançar (tecer) 761 grating (s) – gradeamento, grade (raspagem, chiadeira, som desagradável) 762 thus (adv) – assim, deste modo, desta maneira 763 lessen (to) – diminuir, atenuar 765 thatch (to) – cobrir de colmo um telhado 769 nail (to) – pregar, cravar 769 grain (s) – textura, fibra 770 contiguous (adj) – contíguo, adjacente 772 laughter (s) - riso 774 whereby (adv) – como?, por que meio? 775 succeed (to) – ser bem sucedido

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fashioning two massive hardwood hinges, and with these he 776 hung the door so that it opened and closed easily. 777 The stuccoing and other final touches were added after they 778 moved into the house, which they had done as soon as the 779 roof was on, piling their boxes before the door at night and 780 thus having a comparatively safe and comfortable habitation. 781 The building of a bed, chairs, table, and shelves was a 782 relatively easy matter, so that by the end of the second month 783 they were well settled, and, but for the constant dread of attack 784 by wild beasts and the ever growing loneliness, they were not 785 uncomfortable or unhappy. 786 At night great beasts snarled and roared about their tiny cabin, 787 but, so accustomed may one become to oft repeated noises, 788 that soon they paid little attention to them, sleeping soundly the 789 whole night through. 790 Thrice had they caught fleeting glimpses of great man−like 791 figures like that of the first night, but never at sufficiently close 792 range to know positively whether the half−seen forms were 793 those of man or brute. 794 The brilliant birds and the little monkeys had become 795 accustomed to their new acquaintances, and as they had 796 evidently never seen human beings before they presently, after 797 their first fright had worn off, approached closer and closer, 798 impelled by that strange curiosity which dominates the wild 799

776 fashion (to) – talhar, fabricar, moldar 776 hinge (s) – dobradiça, gonzo, charneira 778 stuccoing (s) – cobertura com estuque 780 be on (to) – estar pronto ou de serviço 781 thus (adv) – assim, deste modo, desta nmaneira 781 comparatively (adv) – relativamente, em relação 786 unconfortable (adj) – desconfortável 786 unhappy (adj) - infeliz 788 oft/often (adv) - frequentemente 791 thrice (adv) – três vezes 791 fleeting (adj) – fugitivo, fugaz 793 range (s) – distância, espaço, extensão (gama, variedade, série, colecção, linha, classe, ordem, montes, montanhas, serrania) 796 acquaintance (s) – amizade, relações 797 presently (adv) – agora, presentemente, dentro em pouco, em breve, logo 798 wear off (to) – passar, desaparecer gradualmente, dissipar-se

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creatures of the forest and the jungle and the plain, so that 800 within the first month several of the birds had gone so far as 801 even to accept morsels of food from the friendly hands of the 802 Claytons. 803 One afternoon, while Clayton was working upon an addition to 804 their cabin, for he contemplated building several more rooms, a 805 number of their grotesque little friends came shrieking and 806 scolding through the trees from the direction of the ridge. Ever 807 as they fled they cast fearful glances back of them, and finally 808 they stopped near Clayton jabbering excitedly to him as though 809 to warn him of approaching danger. 810 At last he saw it, the thing the little monkeys so feared−− the 811 man−brute of which the Claytons had caught occasional 812 fleeting glimpses. 813 It was approaching through the jungle in a semi−erect position, 814 now and then placing the backs of its closed fists upon the 815 ground−−a great anthropoid ape, and, as it advanced, it 816 emitted deep guttural growls and an occasional low barking 817 sound. 818 Clayton was at some distance from the cabin, having come to 819 fell a particularly perfect tree for his building operations. Grown 820 careless from months of continued safety, during which time he 821 had seen no dangerous animals during the daylight hours, he 822 had left his rifles and revolvers all within the little cabin, and 823

802 morsel (s) – bocado, pedaço 807 scold (to) – resmungar, rezingar 808 flee (to) - fugir 809 jabber (to) – tagarelar, palrar 813 fleeting (adj) – fugitivo, fugaz

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now that he saw the great ape crashing through the 824 underbrush directly toward him, and from a direction which 825 practically cut him off from escape, he felt a vague little shiver 826 play up and down his spine. 827 He knew that, armed only with an ax, his chances with this 828 ferocious monster were small indeed−−and Alice; 829 O God, he thought, what will become of Alice? 830 There was yet a slight chance of reaching the cabin. He turned 831 and ran toward it, shouting an alarm to his wife to run in and 832 close the great door in case the ape cut off his retreat. 833 Lady Greystoke had been sitting a little way from the cabin, 834 and when she heard his cry she looked up to see the ape 835 springing with almost incredible swiftness, for so large and 836 awkward an animal, in an effort to head off Clayton. 837 With a low cry she sprang toward the cabin, and, as she 838 entered, gave a backward glance which filled her soul with 839 terror, for the brute had intercepted her husband, who now 840 stood at bay grasping his ax with both hands ready to swing it 841 upon the infuriated animal when he should make his final 842 charge. 843 "Close and bolt the door, Alice," cried Clayton. "I can finish this 844 fellow with my ax." 845 But he knew he was facing a horrible death, and so did she. 846

826 cut off (to) - isolar 827 play up (to) – exagerar a importância de 827 play down (to) – atribuir pouca importância a 836 swiftness (s) – rapidez, velocidade, ligeireza 837 awkward (adj) – desastrado, grosseiro 837 head off (to) - interceptar 841 at bay – em apuros, em dificuldades, forçado a defender-se 841 grasp (to) – agarrar firmemente

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The ape was a great bull, weighing probably three hundred 847 pounds. His nasty, close−set eyes gleamed hatred from 848 beneath his shaggy brows, while his great canine fangs were 849 bared in a horrid snarl as he paused a moment before his prey. 850 Over the brute's shoulder Clayton could see the doorway of his 851 cabin, not twenty paces distant, and a great wave of horror and 852 fear swept over him as he saw his young wife emerge, armed 853 with one of his rifles. 854 She had always been afraid of firearms, and would never 855 touch them, but now she rushed toward the ape with the 856 fearlessness of a lioness protecting its young. 857 "Back, Alice," shouted Clayton, "for God's sake, go back." 858 But she would not heed, and just then the ape charged, so that 859 Clayton could say no more. 860 The man swung his ax with all his mighty strength, but the 861 powerful brute seized it in those terrible hands, and tearing it 862 from Clayton's grasp hurled it far to one side. 863 With an ugly snarl he closed upon his defenseless victim, but 864 ere his fangs had reached the throat they thirsted for, there 865 was a sharp report and a bullet entered the ape's back 866 between his shoulders. 867 Throwing Clayton to the ground the beast turned upon his new 868 enemy. There before him stood the terrified girl vainly trying to 869 fire another bullet into the animal's body; but she did not 870

848 nasty (adj) – mau, maldoso 848 hatred (s) – ódio, aversão, forte antipatia 849 fang (s) – presa, dente de animal 859 heed (to) – prestar atenção 863 hurl (to) – atirar violentamente 864 close upon (to) – aproximar-se 865 ere (prep) – antes de 865 thirst for (to) - ansiar 866 report (s) – detonação, deflagração, estampido 869 vainly (adv) – em vão, inutilmente

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understand the mechanism of the firearm, and the hammer fell 871 futilely upon an empty cartridge. 872 Almost simultaneously Clayton regained his feet, and without 873 thought of the utter hopelessness of it, he rushed forward to 874 drag the ape from his wife's prostrate form. 875 With little or no effort he succeeded, and the great bulk rolled 876 inertly upon the turf before him−−the ape was dead. The bullet 877 had done its work. 878 A hasty examination of his wife revealed no marks upon her, 879 and Clayton decided that the huge brute had died the instant 880 he had sprung toward Alice. 881 Gently he lifted his wife's still unconscious form, and bore her 882 to the little cabin, but it was fully two hours before she regained 883 consciousness. 884 Her first words filled Clayton with vague apprehension. For 885 some time after regaining her senses, Alice gazed wonderingly 886 about the interior of the little cabin, and then, with a satisfied 887 sigh, said: 888 "O, John, it is so good to be really home! I have had an awful 889 dream, dear. I thought we were no longer in London, but in 890 some horrible place where great beasts attacked us." 891 "There, there, Alice," he said, stroking her forehead, "try to 892 sleep again, and do not worry your head about bad dreams." 893

874 utter (adj) – completo, total 875 drag (to) – arrastar, puxar 875 prostrate (adj) – prostrado, derrubado 876 effort (s) - esforço 876 succeed (to) – ser bem sucedido, sair-se bem 876 bulk (s) – volume, corpulência 877 turf (s) - relva 879 hasty (adj) – apressado, rápido 879 mark (s) – marca, arranhadura 882 bear (to) – levar, carregar 892 stroke (to) – acariciar, afagar, fazer festas a

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That night a little son was born in the tiny cabin beside the 894 primeval forest, while a leopard screamed before the door, and 895 the deep notes of a lion's roar sounded from beyond the ridge. 896 Lady Greystoke never recovered from the shock of the great 897 ape's attack, and, though she lived for a year after her baby 898 was born, she was never again outside the cabin, nor did she 899 ever fully realize that she was not in England. 900 Sometimes she would question Clayton as to the strange 901 noises of the nights; the absence of servants and friends, and 902 the strange rudeness of the furnishings within her room, but, 903 though he made no effort to deceive her, never could she 904 grasp the meaning of it all. 905 In other ways she was quite rational, and the joy and 906 happiness she took in the possession of her little son and the 907 constant attentions of her husband made that year a very 908 happy one for her, the happiest of her young life. 909 That it would have been beset by worries and apprehension 910 had she been in full command of her mental faculties Clayton 911 well knew; so that while he suffered terribly to see her so, there 912 were times when he was almost glad, for her sake, that she 913 could not understand. 914 Long since had he given up any hope of rescue, except 915 through accident. With unremitting zeal he had worked to 916 beautify the interior of the cabin. 917

904 deceive (to) – enganar, iludir, desiludir, desapontar 906 beset, beset, beset (to) – assaltar, ocupar, assediar 916 unremitting (adj) – incessante, ininterrupto, contínuo, constante, perseverante, incansável

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Skins of lion and panther covered the floor. Cupboards and 918 bookcases lined the walls. Odd vases made by his own hand 919 from the clay of the region held beautiful tropical flowers. 920 Curtains of grass and bamboo covered the windows, and, 921 most arduous task of all, with his meager assortment of tools 922 he had fashioned lumber to neatly seal the walls and ceiling 923 and lay a smooth floor within the cabin. 924 That he had been able to turn his hands at all to such 925 unaccustomed labor was a source of mild wonder to him. But 926 he loved the work because it was for her and the tiny life that 927 had come to cheer them, though adding a hundredfold to his 928 responsibilities and to the terribleness of their situation. 929 During the year that followed, Clayton was several times 930 attacked by the great apes which now seemed to continually 931 infest the vicinity of the cabin; but as he never again ventured 932 outside without both rifle and revolvers he had little fear of the 933 huge beasts. 934 He had strengthened the window protections and fitted a 935 unique wooden lock to the cabin door, so that when he hunted 936 for game and fruits, as it was constantly necessary for him to 937 do to insure sustenance, he had no fear that any animal could 938 break into the little home. 939

918 cupboard (s) - armário 919 bookcase (s) – estante para livros 919 line (to) – encher 923 fashion (to) – moldar, dar a forma a 923 lumber (s) – madeira, tábua 923 seal (to) – vedar, fechar hermeticamente 925 turn to (to) – começar a trabalhar, dedicar-se a 926 source (s) – fonte, manancial, foco 926 mild (adj) – suave, leve 926 wonder (s) – surpresa, admiração 928 hundredfold (num. multiplicativo) – cêntuplo, cem vezes mais 932 vicinity (s) – vizinhança, cercanias, imediações, proximidade 935 fit (to) – aprontar, fornecer 936 unique (adj) – excepcional, incomparável, invulgar, sem igual, único

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At first he shot much of the game from the cabin windows, but 940 toward the end the animals learned to fear the strange lair from 941 whence issued the terrifying thunder of his rifle. 942 In his leisure Clayton read, often aloud to his wife, from the 943 store of books he had brought for their new home. Among 944 these were many for little children−−picture books, primers, 945 readers−−for they had known that their little child would be old 946 enough for such before they might hope to return to England. 947 At other times Clayton wrote in his diary, which he had always 948 been accustomed to keep in French, and in which he recorded 949 the details of their strange life. This book he kept locked in a 950 little metal box. 951 A year from the day her little son was born Lady Alice passed 952 quietly away in the night. So peaceful was her end that it was 953 hours before Clayton could awake to a realization that his wife 954 was dead. 955 The horror of the situation came to him very slowly, and it is 956 doubtful that he ever fully realized the enormity of his sorrow 957 and the fearful responsibility that had devolved upon him with 958 the care of that wee thing, his son, still a nursing babe. 959 The last entry in his diary was made the morning following her 960 death, and there he recites the sad details in a matter−of− fact 961 way that adds to the pathos of it; for it breathes a tired apathy 962

941 lair (s) – toca, covil 942 issue (to) – sair, brotar, descarregar (publicar, lançar, editar) 942 whence (adv) – de onde 943 leisure (s) – tempo livre, ócio, descanso 945 primer (s) – livro de leitura para as crianças aprenderem a ler, manual, compêndio 959 wee (adj) – pequenino, muito pequenino 959 nurse (to) – amamentar, alimentar com leite 962 pathos (s) – ridículo, patético

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born of long sorrow and hopelessness, which even this cruel 963 blow could scarcely awake to further suffering: 964 My little son is crying for nourishment−−O Alice, Alice, what 965 shall I do? 966 And as John Clayton wrote the last words his hand was 967 destined ever to pen, he dropped his head wearily upon his 968 outstretched arms where they rested upon the table he had 969 built for her who lay still and cold in the bed beside him. 970 For a long time no sound broke the deathlike stillness of the 971 jungle midday save the piteous wailing of the tiny man−child. 972 Chapter 4. The Apes 973 In the forest of the table−land a mile back from the ocean old 974 Kerchak the Ape was on a rampage of rage among his people. 975 The younger and lighter members of his tribe scampered to the 976 higher branches of the great trees to escape his wrath; risking 977 their lives upon branches that scarce supported their weight 978 rather than face old Kerchak in one of his fits of uncontrolled 979 anger. 980 The other males scattered in all directions, but not before the 981 infuriated brute had felt the vertebra of one snap between his 982 great, foaming jaws. 983 A luckless young female slipped from an insecure hold upon a 984 high branch and came crashing to the ground almost at 985 Kerchak's feet. 986

963 sorrow (s) – dor, pesar, mágoa 964 scarcely (adv) – mal, dificilmente 968 ever (adv) – nunca, jamais 968 pen (to) – escrever, redigir 968 wearily (adv) – fatigadamente, penosamente 969 outstretched (adj) – aberto, estendido 972 midday (s) – meio-dia 972 piteous (adj) – triste, lastimável, lamentável 972 wailing (s) – choro, pranto, lamento, vagidos de recém-nascido 974 tableland (s) - planalto 975 rampage (s) – alvoroço, tumulto, violência 976 scamper (to) – debandar, abalar, partir, romper numa correria 977 wrath (s) – ira, cólera, indignação 977 risk (to) – pôr em risco, arriscar-se a 979 rather (adv) – de preferência a, antes a, preferentemente 981 male (s) – macho 981 scatter (to) – dispersar-se 983 foam (to) – espumar, babar 984 luckless (adj) – infeliz, desafortunado

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With a wild scream he was upon her, tearing a great piece 987 from her side with his mighty teeth, and striking her viciously 988 upon her head and shoulders with a broken tree limb until her 989 skull was crushed to a jelly. 990 And then he spied Kala, who, returning from a search for food 991 with her young babe, was ignorant of the state of the mighty 992 male's temper until suddenly the shrill warnings of her fellows 993 caused her to scamper madly for safety. 994 But Kerchak was close upon her, so close that he had almost 995 grasped her ankle had she not made a furious leap far into 996 space from one tree to another−−a perilous chance which 997 apes seldom if ever take, unless so closely pursued by danger 998 that there is no alternative. 999 She made the leap successfully, but as she grasped the limb 1000 of the further tree the sudden jar loosened the hold of the tiny 1001 babe where it clung frantically to her neck, and she saw the 1002 little thing hurled, turning and twisting, to the ground thirty feet 1003 below. 1004 With a low cry of dismay Kala rushed headlong to its side, 1005 thoughtless now of the danger from Kerchak; but when she 1006 gathered the wee, mangled form to her bosom life had left it. 1007 With low moans, she sat cuddling the body to her; nor did 1008 Kerchak attempt to molest her. With the death of the babe his 1009

989 limb (s) – grande ramo,pernada de árvore 990 jelly (s) - gelatina 996 leap (s) – pulo, salto 997 perilous (adj) – perigoso, arriscado 997 chance (s) – sorte, possibilidade 998 she seldom if ever goes to the theatre - ela quase nunca vai ao teatro 1001 jar (s) - sacudidela 1002 cling (to) – segurar-se, agarrar-se 1002 frantically (adv) - freneticamente 1003 hurl (to) – atirar violentamente, lançar com violência 1006 thoughtless (adj) – imprudente 1007 wee (s) – pequenino, muito pequeno 1007 mangle (to) – mutilar, retalhar 1008 moan (s) – gemido, lamento, queixume 1008 cuddle (to) – abraçar, amimar, aninhar

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fit of demoniacal rage passed as suddenly as it had seized 1010 him. 1011 Kerchak was a huge king ape, weighing perhaps three 1012 hundred and fifty pounds. His forehead was extremely low and 1013 receding, his eyes bloodshot, small and close set to his 1014 coarse, flat nose; his ears large and thin, but smaller than most 1015 of his kind. 1016 His awful temper and his mighty strength made him supreme 1017 among the little tribe into which he had been born some twenty 1018 years before. 1019 Now that he was in his prime, there was no simian in all the 1020 mighty forest through which he roved that dared contest his 1021 right to rule, nor did the other and larger animals molest him. 1022 Old Tantor, the elephant, alone of all the wild savage life, 1023 feared him not−−and he alone did Kerchak fear. 1024 When Tantor trumpeted, the great ape scurried with his fellows 1025 high among the trees of the second terrace. 1026 The tribe of anthropoids over which Kerchak ruled with an iron 1027 hand and bared fangs, numbered some six or eight families, 1028 each family consisting of an adult male with his females and 1029 their young, numbering in all some sixty or seventy apes. 1030 Kala was the youngest mate of a male called Tublat, meaning 1031 broken nose, and the child she had seen dashed to death was 1032 her first; for she was but nine or ten years old. 1033

1010 seize (to) – atacar, acometer 1014 receding (adj) – ‘que se afasta’ neste caso para trás não para a frente do focinho 1014 bloodshot (to) – injectado de sangue, raiado de sangue 1015 coarse (adj) – áspero, grosseiro, vulgar 1015 thin (adj) – fino, delgado 1020 prime (s) – cume, apogeu, ponto mais alto 1021 rove (to) – deambular, vaguear 1025 trumpet (to) - barrir 1025 scurry (to) – fugir precipitadamente, corer precipitadamente 1026 terrace (s) - terraço 1028 fang (s) – dente de animal, presa 1031 mate (s) – fêmea (macho, parceiro de acasalamento) ♣♣♣ mate (s coloquial) – amigo, colega, camarada, companheiro, parceiro, conjugue, marido, mulher 1031 meaning (adj) – eloquente, expressivo, significativo 1032 dash (to) – atirar com violência

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Notwithstanding her youth, she was large and powerful−−a 1034 splendid, clean−limbed animal, with a round, high forehead, 1035 which denoted more intelligence than most of her kind 1036 possessed. So, also, she had a great capacity for mother love 1037 and mother sorrow. 1038 But she was still an ape, a huge, fierce, terrible beast of a 1039 species closely allied to the gorilla, yet more intelligent; which, 1040 with the strength of their cousin, made her kind the most 1041 fearsome of those awe−inspiring progenitors of man. 1042 When the tribe saw that Kerchak's rage had ceased they came 1043 slowly down from their arboreal retreats and pursued again the 1044 various occupations which he had interrupted. 1045 The young played and frolicked about among the trees and 1046 bushes. Some of the adults lay prone upon the soft mat of 1047 dead and decaying vegetation which covered the ground, while 1048 others turned over pieces of fallen branches and clods of earth 1049 in search of the small bugs and reptiles which formed a part of 1050 their food. 1051 Others, again, searched the surrounding trees for fruit, nuts, 1052 small birds, and eggs. 1053 They had passed an hour or so thus when Kerchak called 1054 them together, and, with a word of command to them to follow 1055 him, set off toward the sea. 1056

1034 notwithstanding (prep) – apesar de, não obstante 1035 clean-limbed – com membros perfeitos 1040 ally (to) – aliar, combinar, unir 1040 yet (conj) – contudo, embora, todavia 1042 fearsome (adj) – terrível, assustador 1042 awe (s) – profundo respeito, reverência 1044 retreat (s) – refúgio, abrigo 1044 pursue (to) – continuar, prosseguir, realizar (perseguir, caçar) 1046 frolic (to) – brincar, divertir-se, folgar 1047 prone (adj) – deitado de bruços ou de borco 1047 mat (s) - tapete 1049 turn over (to) – virar, virar ao contrário 1049 clod (s) – torrão de terra 1050 bug (s) – insecto, bicho 1052 nut (s) - noz

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They traveled for the most part upon the ground, where it was 1057 open, following the path of the great elephants whose comings 1058 and goings break the only roads through those tangled mazes 1059 of bush, vine, creeper, and tree. 1060 When they walked it was with a rolling, awkward motion, 1061 placing the knuckles of their closed hands upon the ground 1062 and swinging their ungainly bodies forward. 1063 But when the way was through the lower trees they moved 1064 more swiftly, swinging from branch to branch with the agility of 1065 their smaller cousins, the monkeys. And all the way Kala 1066 carried her little dead baby hugged closely to her breast. 1067 It was shortly after noon when they reached a ridge 1068 overlooking the beach where below them lay the tiny cottage 1069 which was Kerchak's goal. 1070 He had seen many of his kind go to their deaths before the 1071 loud noise made by the little black stick in the hands of the 1072 strange white ape who lived in that wonderful lair, and Kerchak 1073 had made up his brute mind to own that death−dealing 1074 contrivance, and to explore the interior of the mysterious den. 1075 He wanted, very, very much, to feel his teeth sink into the neck 1076 of the queer animal that he had learned to hate and fear, and 1077 because of this, he came often with his tribe to reconnoiter, 1078 waiting for a time when the white ape should be off his guard. 1079

1059 tangled (adj) - emaranhado 1059 maze (s) – labirinto, dédalo 1060 vine (s) – planta trepadeira 1060 creeper (s) – planta rasteira 1061 awkward (adj) – desastrado, grosseiro 1061 motion (s) – movimento, deslocação 1062 knuckle (s) – nó dos dedos 1063 ungainly (to) – desajeitado, desgracioso, deselegante 1067 hug (to) – abraçar 1067 breast (s) – seio, mama, peito, teta 1068 shortly (adv) – dentro em pouco, em breve 1068 noon (s) – meio-dia 1069 cottage (s) – pequena casa de campo 1070 goal (s) – fim, meta, objectivo a atingir 1071 death (s) – morte, fim 1074 make up one's mind (to) - decidir-se (a); resolver 1074 dealing (s) - maneira de proceder ou de agir 1075 contrivance (s) – aparelho, dispositivo, invenção 1075 den (s) – antro, caverna 1076 sink (to) – enterrar-se, afundar-se 1078 reconnoitre (to) – explorar, reconhecer, fazer um reconhecimento, verificar, inspeccionar

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Of late they had quit attacking, or even showing themselves; 1080 for every time they had done so in the past the little stick had 1081 roared out its terrible message of death to some member of the 1082 tribe. 1083 Today there was no sign of the man about, and from where 1084 they watched they could see that the cabin door was open. 1085 Slowly, cautiously, and noiselessly they crept through the 1086 jungle toward the little cabin. 1087 There were no growls, no fierce screams of rage−−the little 1088 black stick had taught them to come quietly lest they awaken it. 1089 On, on they came until Kerchak himself slunk stealthily to the 1090 very door and peered within. Behind him were two males, and 1091 then Kala, closely straining the little dead form to her breast. 1092 Inside the den they saw the strange white ape lying half across 1093 a table, his head buried in his arms; and on the bed lay a figure 1094 covered by a sailcloth, while from a tiny rustic cradle came the 1095 plaintive wailing of a babe. 1096 Noiselessly Kerchak entered, crouching for the charge; and 1097 then John Clayton rose with a sudden start and faced them. 1098 The sight that met his eyes must have frozen him with horror, 1099 for there, within the door, stood three great bull apes, while 1100 behind them crowded many more; how many he never knew, 1101 for his revolvers were hanging on the far wall beside his rifle, 1102 and Kerchak was charging. 1103

1080 of late - recentemente; ultimamente 1080 quit (to) – deixar, abandonar, retirar-se 1082 roar out (to) – atroar, troar, ribombar (rugir, bramir, berrar, bradar, gritar) 1089 teach (to) - ensinar 1090 slink (to) – ir à socapa, esgueirar-se 1090 stealthily (adv) – furtivamente, pela calada 1091 male (s) - macho 1095 cradle (s) - berço 1096 plaintive (adj) – dorido, queixoso, lamentoso 1096 wailing (s) – choro, pranto, lamento 1097 crouch (to) – inclinar-se, rastejar 1097 charge (s) – assalto, ataque

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When the king ape released the limp form which had been 1104 John Clayton, Lord Greystoke, he turned his attention toward 1105 the little cradle; but Kala was there before him, and when he 1106 would have grasped the child she snatched it herself, and 1107 before he could intercept her she had bolted through the door 1108 and taken refuge in a high tree. 1109 As she took up the little live baby of Alice Clayton she dropped 1110 the dead body of her own into the empty cradle; for the wail of 1111 the living had answered the call of universal motherhood within 1112 her wild breast which the dead could not still. 1113 High up among the branches of a mighty tree she hugged the 1114 shrieking infant to her bosom, and soon the instinct that was as 1115 dominant in this fierce female as it had been in the breast of 1116 his tender and beautiful mother−−the instinct of mother 1117 love−−reached out to the tiny man−child's half−formed 1118 understanding, and he became quiet. 1119 Then hunger closed the gap between them, and the son of an 1120 English lord and an English lady nursed at the breast of Kala, 1121 the great ape. 1122 In the meantime the beasts within the cabin were warily 1123 examining the contents of this strange lair. 1124 Once satisfied that Clayton was dead, Kerchak turned his 1125 attention to the thing which lay upon the bed, covered by a 1126 piece of sailcloth. 1127

1104 release (to) – renunciar (soltar, desprender) 1104 limp (adj) – frouxo, mole, sem energia 1104 form (s) – estado de saúde, estado físico (forma) 1108 bolt (to) – fugir, libertar-se, partir subitamente (fechar com ferrolho) 1112 motherhood (s) - maternidade 1113 breast (s) – coração, peito 1117 tender (adj) – terno, meigo, carinhoso 1118 reach out (to) - estender 1119 understanding (adj) - inteligente 1120 hunger (s) - fome 1120 gap (s) – falha, deficiência, lacuna, vazio 1121 nurse (to) – amamentar, alimentar com leite 1123 warily (adv) – prudentemente, cautelosamente

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Gingerly he lifted one corner of the shroud, but when he saw 1128 the body of the woman beneath he tore the cloth roughly from 1129 her form and seized the still, white throat in his huge, hairy 1130 hands. 1131 A moment he let his fingers sink deep into the cold flesh, and 1132 then, realizing that she was already dead, he turned from her, 1133 to examine the contents of the room; nor did he again molest 1134 the body of either Lady Alice or Sir John. 1135 The rifle hanging upon the wall caught his first attention; it was 1136 for this strange, death−dealing thunder−stick that he had 1137 yearned for months; but now that it was within his grasp he 1138 scarcely had the temerity to seize it. 1139 Cautiously he approached the thing, ready to flee precipitately 1140 should it speak in its deep roaring tones, as he had heard it 1141 speak before, the last words to those of his kind who, through 1142 ignorance or rashness, had attacked the wonderful white ape 1143 that had borne it. 1144 Deep in the beast's intelligence was something which assured 1145 him that the thunder−stick was only dangerous when in the 1146 hands of one who could manipulate it, but yet it was several 1147 minutes ere he could bring himself to touch it. 1148 Instead, he walked back and forth along the floor before it, 1149 turning his head so that never once did his eyes leave the 1150 object of his desire. 1151

1128 gingerly (adv) – cautelosamente, cuidadosamente 1128 shroud (s) – mortalha, sudário, lençol usado para envolver um cadáver 1130 throat (s) – garganta, pescoço 1130 hairy (adj) – cabeludo, peludo 1133 turn from (to) – mudar de 1138 yearn (to) – ansiar, suspirar 1142 through (prep) – por, através de 1143 rashness (s) – temeridade, imprudência, precipitação 1144 bear (to) – carregar, levar, produzir 1148 ere (prep) – antes de 1149 forth (adv) – para diante, para a frente

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Using his long arms as a man uses crutches, and rolling his 1152 huge carcass from side to side with each stride, the great king 1153 ape paced to and fro, uttering deep growls, occasionally 1154 punctuated with the ear−piercing scream, than which there is 1155 no more terrifying noise in all the jungle. 1156 Presently he halted before the rifle. Slowly he raised a huge 1157 hand until it almost touched the shining barrel, only to withdraw 1158 it once more and continue his hurried pacing. 1159 It was as though the great brute by this show of fearlessness, 1160 and through the medium of his wild voice, was endeavoring to 1161 bolster up his courage to the point which would permit him to 1162 take the rifle in his hand. 1163 Again he stopped, and this time succeeded in forcing his 1164 reluctant hand to the cold steel, only to snatch it away almost 1165 immediately and resume his restless beat. 1166 Time after time this strange ceremony was repeated, but on 1167 each occasion with increased confidence, until, finally, the rifle 1168 was torn from its hook and lay in the grasp of the great brute. 1169 Finding that it harmed him not, Kerchak began to examine it 1170 closely. He felt of it from end to end, peered down the black 1171 depths of the muzzle, fingered the sights, the breech, the 1172 stock, and finally the trigger. 1173 During all these operations the apes who had entered sat 1174 huddled near the door watching their chief, while those outside 1175

1152 crutch (s) - muleta 1153 carcass (s) – corpo, esqueleto 1154 utter (to) – soltar (pronunciar, proferir, dizer) 1155 punctuate (to) – acentuar, realçar, vincar 1157 halt (to) – parar, deter 1158 barrel (s) – cano da espingarda (barril, barrica, pipa) 1158 withdraw (to) – desistir de, anular 1161 endeavour (to) – esforçar-se, empenhar-se, fazer o possível 1162 bolster up (to) – incentivar, estimular, reforçar 1165 snatch away/off (to) – arrancar bruscamente 1166 resume (to) – recomeçar, reatar 1166 restless (adj) – agitado, inquieto, desassossegado 1166 beat (s) – ronda de vigilância (batimento, pancada) 1172 muzzle (s) – boca de arma de fogo (focinho de animal, açaime para animal) 1172 finger (to) – tactear, tocar em, manusear 1172 sight (s) – mira da arma (vista, visão) 1172 breech (s) - culatra 1173 stock (s) – coronha da espingarda (cepo do tronco, lote, fornecimento) 1175 huddle (to) – amontoar em desordem, pôr em montão

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strained and crowded to catch a glimpse of what transpired 1176 within. 1177 Suddenly Kerchak's finger closed upon the trigger. There was 1178 a deafening roar in the little room and the apes at and beyond 1179 the door fell over one another in their wild anxiety to escape. 1180 Kerchak was equally frightened, so frightened, in fact, that he 1181 quite forgot to throw aside the author of that fearful noise, but 1182 bolted for the door with it tightly clutched in one hand. 1183 As he passed through the opening, the front sight of the rifle 1184 caught upon the edge of the inswung door with sufficient force 1185 to close it tightly after the fleeing ape. 1186 When Kerchak came to a halt a short distance from the cabin 1187 and discovered that he still held the rifle, he dropped it as he 1188 might have dropped a red hot iron, nor did he again attempt to 1189 recover it−−the noise was too much for his brute nerves; but 1190 he was now quite convinced that the terrible stick was quite 1191 harmless by itself if left alone. 1192 It was an hour before the apes could again bring themselves to 1193 approach the cabin to continue their investigations, and when 1194 they finally did so, they found to their chagrin that the door was 1195 closed and so securely fastened that they could not force it. 1196 The cleverly constructed latch which Clayton had made for the 1197 door had sprung as Kerchak passed out; nor could the apes 1198 find means of ingress through the heavily barred windows. 1199

1176 strain (to) – esforçar-se (puxar com força) 1179 deafening (adj) - ensurdecedor 1185 inswung (adj) – metido para dentro 1195 chagrin (s) – contrariedade, desgosto 1197 latch (s) – trinco da porta, aldraba, tranqueta

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After roaming about the vicinity for a short time, they started 1200 back for the deeper forests and the higher land from whence 1201 they had come. 1202 Kala had not once come to earth with her little adopted babe, 1203 but now Kerchak called to her to descend with the rest, and as 1204 there was no note of anger in his voice she dropped lightly 1205 from branch to branch and joined the others on their 1206 homeward march. 1207 Those of the apes who attempted to examine Kala's strange 1208 baby were repulsed with bared fangs and low menacing 1209 growls, accompanied by words of warning from Kala. 1210 When they assured her that they meant the child no harm she 1211 permitted them to come close, but would not allow them to 1212 touch her charge. 1213 It was as though she knew that her baby was frail and delicate 1214 and feared lest the rough hands of her fellows might injure the 1215 little thing. 1216 Another thing she did, and which made traveling an onerous 1217 trial for her. Remembering the death of her own little one, she 1218 clung desperately to the new babe, with one hand, whenever 1219 they were upon the march. 1220 The other young rode upon their mothers' backs; their little 1221 arms tightly clasping the hairy necks before them, while their 1222 legs were locked beneath their mothers' armpits. 1223

1200 roam (to) – andar, vaguear, deambular 1200 vicinity (s) – vizinhança, cercanias, imediações 1214 frail (adj) – frágil, delicado 1215 lest (conj) – para evitar que 1217 onerous (adj) – pesado, oneroso 1218 trial (s) - prova 1223 armpit (s) – axila, sovaco

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Not so with Kala; she held the small form of the little Lord 1224 Greystoke tightly to her breast, where the dainty hands 1225 clutched the long black hair which covered that portion of her 1226 body. She had seen one child fall from her back to a terrible 1227 death, and she would take no further chances with this. 1228 Chapter 5. The White Ape 1229 Tenderly Kala nursed her little waif, wondering silently why it 1230 did not gain strength and agility as did the little apes of other 1231 mothers. It was nearly a year from the time the little fellow 1232 came into her possession before he would walk alone, and as 1233 for climbing−−my, but how stupid he was! 1234 Kala sometimes talked with the older females about her young 1235 hopeful, but none of them could understand how a child could 1236 be so slow and backward in learning to care for itself. Why, it 1237 could not even find food alone, and more than twelve moons 1238 had passed since Kala had come upon it. 1239 Had they known that the child had seen thirteen moons before 1240 it had come into Kala's possession they would have 1241 considered its case as absolutely hopeless, for the little apes 1242 of their own tribe were as far advanced in two or three moons 1243 as was this little stranger after twenty−five. 1244 Tublat, Kala's husband, was sorely vexed, and but for the 1245 female's careful watching would have put the child out of the 1246 way. 1247

1225 dainty (adj) – delicado, elegante, gracioso 1226 clutch (to) - agarrar 1230 waif (s) – criança abandonada 1236 hopeful (s) – aspirante, que deseja ou procura algo 1239 come upon (to) – encontrar por acaso 1240 thirteen (num) – treze 1245 sorely (adv) – extremamente, severamente, muito 1245 vexed (adj) – contrariado, aborrecido 1245 but for - se não fosse; sem

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"He will never be a great ape," he argued. "Always will you 1248 have to carry him and protect him. What good will he be to the 1249 tribe? None; only a burden. 1250 "Let us leave him quietly sleeping among the tall grasses, that 1251 you may bear other and stronger apes to guard us in our old 1252 age." 1253 "Never, Broken Nose," replied Kala. "If I must carry him 1254 forever, so be it." 1255 And then Tublat went to Kerchak to urge him to use his 1256 authority with Kala, and force her to give up little Tarzan, which 1257 was the name they had given to the tiny Lord Greystoke, and 1258 which meant "White−Skin." 1259 But when Kerchak spoke to her about it Kala threatened to run 1260 away from the tribe if they did not leave her in peace with the 1261 child; and as this is one of the inalienable rights of the jungle 1262 folk, if they be dissatisfied among their own people, they 1263 bothered her no more, for Kala was a fine clean−limbed young 1264 female, and they did not wish to lose her. 1265 As Tarzan grew he made more rapid strides, so that by the 1266 time he was ten years old he was an excellent climber, and on 1267 the ground could do many wonderful things which were 1268 beyond the powers of his little brothers and sisters. 1269 In many ways did he differ from them, and they often marveled 1270 at his superior cunning, but in strength and size he was 1271

1250 burden (s) – fardo, carga 1256 urge (to) – pedir insistentemente 1264 clear (adj) - perfeito 1271 cunning (s) – habilidade, engenho

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deficient; for at ten the great anthropoids were fully grown, 1272 some of them towering over six feet in height, while little 1273 Tarzan was still but a half−grown boy. 1274 Yet such a boy! 1275 From early childhood he had used his hands to swing from 1276 branch to branch after the manner of his giant mother, and as 1277 he grew older he spent hour upon hour daily speeding through 1278 the tree tops with his brothers and sisters. 1279 He could spring twenty feet across space at the dizzy heights 1280 of the forest top, and grasp with unerring precision, and without 1281 apparent jar, a limb waving wildly in the path of an approaching 1282 tornado. 1283 He could drop twenty feet at a stretch from limb to limb in rapid 1284 descent to the ground, or he could gain the utmost pinnacle of 1285 the loftiest tropical giant with the ease and swiftness of a 1286 squirrel. 1287 Though but ten years old he was fully as strong as the average 1288 man of thirty, and far more agile than the most practiced 1289 athlete ever becomes. And day by day his strength was 1290 increasing. 1291 His life among these fierce apes had been happy; for his 1292 recollection held no other life, nor did he know that there 1293 existed within the universe aught else than his little forest and 1294 the wild jungle animals with which he was familiar. 1295

1280 dizzy (adj) – que provoca vertigens 1280 height (s) - altura ♣♣♣ weight (s) - peso ♣♣♣ eight (num) - oito 1281 unerring (adj) – infalível, seguro, que não erra 1282 jar (s) – sacudidela, choque 1282 limb (s) – ramo, cipó 1284 stretch (s) – envergadura, extensão 1285 pinnacle (s) – cúpula, zimbório, pináculo, pico 1286 lofty (adj) – elevado, alto, majestoso 1286 swiftness (s) – rapidez, velocidade, ligeireza 1287 squirrel (s) - esquilo 1288 average (s) – média 1289 thirty (num) – trinta 1289 practiced (adj) - treinado 1290 become (to) – suceder, ser feito 1294 aught (adv) – qualquer coisa, coisa alguma

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He was nearly ten before he commenced to realize that a great 1296 difference existed between himself and his fellows. His little 1297 body, burned brown by exposure, suddenly caused him 1298 feelings of intense shame, for he realized that it was entirely 1299 hairless, like some low snake, or other reptile. 1300 He attempted to obviate this by plastering himself from head to 1301 foot with mud, but this dried and fell off. 1302 Besides it felt so uncomfortable that he quickly decided that he 1303 preferred the shame to the discomfort. 1304 In the higher land which his tribe frequented was a little lake, 1305 and it was here that Tarzan first saw his face in the clear, still 1306 waters of its bosom. 1307 It was on a sultry day of the dry season that he and one of his 1308 cousins had gone down to the bank to drink. As they leaned 1309 over, both little faces were mirrored on the placid pool; the 1310 fierce and terrible features of the ape beside those of the 1311 aristocratic scion of an old English house. 1312 Tarzan was appalled. It had been bad enough to be hairless, 1313 but to own such a countenance! He wondered that the other 1314 apes could look at him at all. 1315 That tiny slit of a mouth and those puny white teeth! How they 1316 looked beside the mighty lips and powerful fangs of his more 1317 fortunate brothers! 1318

1300 low (adj) – baixo, inferior, vulgar, grosseiro 1307 bosom (s) - seio 1308 sultry (adj) – abafado, opressivo, quente e abafadiço 1312 scion (s) – descendente jovem de familia nobre 1313 appal (to) – horrorizar, chocar, aterrar 1314 countenance (s) – rosto, expressão, semblante 1316 puny (adj) – fraco, débil, franzino 1317 beside (adv) - ao lado de, junto a, perto de

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And the little pinched nose of his; so thin was it that it looked 1319 half starved. He turned red as he compared it with the beautiful 1320 broad nostrils of his companion. Such a generous nose! Why it 1321 spread half across his face! 1322 It certainly must be fine to be so handsome, thought poor little 1323 Tarzan. 1324 But when he saw his own eyes; ah, that was the final blow −−a 1325 brown spot, a gray circle and then blank whiteness! Frightful! 1326 not even the snakes had such hideous eyes as he. 1327 So intent was he upon this personal appraisement of his 1328 features that he did not hear the parting of the tall grass behind 1329 him as a great body pushed itself stealthily through the jungle; 1330 nor did his companion, the ape, hear either, for he was 1331 drinking and the noise of his sucking lips and gurgles of 1332 satisfaction drowned the quiet approach of the intruder. 1333 Not thirty paces behind the two she crouched−−Sabor, the 1334 huge lioness−−lashing her tail. Cautiously she moved a great 1335 padded paw forward, noiselessly placing it before she lifted the 1336 next. Thus she advanced; her belly low, almost touching the 1337 surface of the ground−−a great cat preparing to spring upon its 1338 prey. 1339 Now she was within ten feet of the two unsuspecting little 1340 playfellows−−carefully she drew her hind feet well up beneath 1341 her body, the great muscles rolling under the beautiful skin. 1342

1319 pinched (adj) – apertado, comprimido 1321 broad (adj) – largo, amplo, extenso 1328 intent (adj) – atento, absorto, concentrado 1328 appraisement (s) – cálculo, avaliação, 1330 stealthily (adv) – furtivamente, pela calada 1334 thirty (num) - trinta 1335 lash (to) – chicotear, flagelar, açoitar 1336 padded (adj) – acolchoado, almofadado 1340 unsuspecting (adj) – que não desconfia de nada, confiante 1341 draw up (to) – puxar, endireitar 1341 hind (adj) – traseiro, posterior, situado atrás

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So low she was crouching now that she seemed flattened to 1343 the earth except for the upward bend of the glossy back as it 1344 gathered for the spring. 1345 No longer the tail lashed−−quiet and straight behind her it lay. 1346 An instant she paused thus, as though turned to stone, and 1347 then, with an awful scream, she sprang. 1348 Sabor, the lioness, was a wise hunter. To one less wise the 1349 wild alarm of her fierce cry as she sprang would have seemed 1350 a foolish thing, for could she not more surely have fallen upon 1351 her victims had she but quietly leaped without that loud shriek? 1352 But Sabor knew well the wondrous quickness of the jungle folk 1353 and their almost unbelievable powers of hearing. To them the 1354 sudden scraping of one blade of grass across another was as 1355 effectual a warning as her loudest cry, and Sabor knew that 1356 she could not make that mighty leap without a little noise. 1357 Her wild scream was not a warning. It was voiced to freeze her 1358 poor victims in a paralysis of terror for the tiny fraction of an 1359 instant which would suffice for her mighty claws to sink into 1360 their soft flesh and hold them beyond hope of escape. 1361 So far as the ape was concerned, Sabor reasoned correctly. 1362 The little fellow crouched trembling just an instant, but that 1363 instant was quite long enough to prove his undoing. 1364 Not so, however, with Tarzan, the man−child. His life amidst 1365 the dangers of the jungle had taught him to meet emergencies 1366

1344 upward (adj) – voltado para cima 1344 bend (s) – curva, arqueação 1345 gather (to) – preparar (reunir, congregar, juntar) 1349 wise (adj) – fino, astuto 1349 wise (adj) – sábio, sagaz, sensato 1353 wondrous (adj) – espantoso, assombroso, surpreendente 1353 quickness (s) – velocidade, rapidez 1354 unbelievable (adj) – incrível, inacreditável 1355 scrape (s) – raspagem, arranhadela 1356 effectual (adj) – válido, eficaz 1360 suffice (to) – chegar, bastar 1361 beyond (adv) – para além de 1362 so far as something is concern – no que diz respeito a qualquer coisa 1362 reason (to) – raciocinar, pensar 1364 prove (to) – acabar por ser, revelar-se, redundar em (provar, demonstrar) 1364 undoing (s) – desgraça, destruição, ruína

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with self−confidence, and his higher intelligence resulted in a 1367 quickness of mental action far beyond the powers of the apes. 1368 So the scream of Sabor, the lioness, galvanized the brain and 1369 muscles of little Tarzan into instant action. 1370 Before him lay the deep waters of the little lake, behind him 1371 certain death; a cruel death beneath tearing claws and rending 1372 fangs. 1373 Tarzan had always hated water except as a medium for 1374 quenching his thirst. He hated it because he connected it with 1375 the chill and discomfort of the torrential rains, and he feared it 1376 for the thunder and lightning and wind which accompanied 1377 them. 1378 The deep waters of the lake he had been taught by his wild 1379 mother to avoid, and further, had he not seen little Neeta sink 1380 beneath its quiet surface only a few short weeks before never 1381 to return to the tribe? 1382 But of the two evils his quick mind chose the lesser ere the first 1383 note of Sabor's scream had scarce broken the quiet of the 1384 jungle, and before the great beast had covered half her leap 1385 Tarzan felt the chill waters close above his head. 1386 He could not swim, and the water was very deep; but still he 1387 lost no particle of that self−confidence and resourcefulness 1388 which were the badges of his superior being. 1389

1367 confidence (s) – segurança, confiança, autoconfiança 1372 beneath (prep) – debaixo de, abaixo de, por baixo de 1372 rend (to) – rasgar, despedaçar, fender, lacerar 1375 quench (to) – matar ou satisfazer ou saciar ou mitigar a sede (apagar ou extinguir uma luz ou um lume, arrefecer ou esfriar bruscamente) 1376 chill (adj) - frio 1380 further (adv) – ainda, para além disso 1383 ere (prep) – antes de 1388 resourcefulness (s) – esperteza, vivacidade, manha, desembaraço, desenvoltura 1389 badge (s) – emblema, divisa

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Rapidly he moved his hands and feet in an attempt to 1390 scramble upward, and, possibly more by chance than design, 1391 he fell into the stroke that a dog uses when swimming, so that 1392 within a few seconds his nose was above water and he found 1393 that he could keep it there by continuing his strokes, and also 1394 make progress through the water. 1395 He was much surprised and pleased with this new acquirement 1396 which had been so suddenly thrust upon him, but he had no 1397 time for thinking much upon it. 1398 He was now swimming parallel to the bank and there he saw 1399 the cruel beast that would have seized him crouching upon the 1400 still form of his little playmate. 1401 The lioness was intently watching Tarzan, evidently expecting 1402 him to return to shore, but this the boy had no intention of 1403 doing. 1404 Instead he raised his voice in the call of distress common to his 1405 tribe, adding to it the warning which would prevent would−be 1406 rescuers from running into the clutches of Sabor. 1407 Almost immediately there came an answer from the distance, 1408 and presently forty or fifty great apes swung rapidly and 1409 majestically through the trees toward the scene of tragedy. 1410 In the lead was Kala, for she had recognized the tones of her 1411 best beloved, and with her was the mother of the little ape who 1412 lay dead beneath cruel Sabor. 1413

1391 scramble (to) – subir dificilmente com recurso a pés e mãos 1391 design (s) - estilo 1392 stroke (s) – braçada de natação (pancada, soco, golpe) 1396 acquirement (s) – conhecimento, talento adquirido, aquisição, obtenção 1397 thrust upon (to) – impor a, impingir a, empurrar para 1400 seize (to) – apanhar, agarrar, capturar ♣♣♣ size (s) – tamanho, dimensões 1401 playmate (s) – companheiro de brincadeira, colega ♣♣♣ mate (s) - amigo, colega,camarada, companheiro, parceiro, amigalhaço (casal, companheiro, parceiro, cônjugue, marido, mulher, animal macho ou fêmea) 1405 distress (s) – aflição, angústia, perigo, dificuldades 1406 prevent (to) – prevenir, evitar 1406 would-be (adj) – com pretensões a ser, que pretende ser 1407 rescuer (s) – salvador, libertador 1407 clutch (s) – presa, garra 1409 presently (adv) – dentro em pouco, em breve, logo 1409 forty (num) – quarenta 1410 majestically (adv) – majestosamente

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Though more powerful and better equipped for fighting than 1414 the apes, the lioness had no desire to meet these enraged 1415 adults, and with a snarl of hatred she sprang quickly into the 1416 brush and disappeared. 1417 Tarzan now swam to shore and clambered quickly upon dry 1418 land. The feeling of freshness and exhilaration which the cool 1419 waters had imparted to him, filled his little being with grateful 1420 surprise, and ever after he lost no opportunity to take a daily 1421 plunge in lake or stream or ocean when it was possible to do 1422 so. 1423 For a long time Kala could not accustom herself to the sight; 1424 for though her people could swim when forced to it, they did 1425 not like to enter water, and never did so voluntarily. 1426 The adventure with the lioness gave Tarzan food for 1427 pleasurable memories, for it was such affairs which broke the 1428 monotony of his daily life−−otherwise but a dull round of 1429 searching for food, eating, and sleeping. 1430 The tribe to which he belonged roamed a tract extending, 1431 roughly, twenty−five miles along the seacoast and some fifty 1432 miles inland. This they traversed almost continually, 1433 occasionally remaining for months in one locality; but as they 1434 moved through the trees with great speed they often covered 1435 the territory in a very few days. 1436

1415 enrage (to) - enfurecer 1416 hatred (s) – ódio, aversão, antipatia 1419 exhilaration (s) – alegria, regozijo, satisfação 1420 impart (to) – comunicar, transmitir 1421 ever after – a partir daí, daí para a frente 1422 plunge (s) – mergulho, salto para a água 1424 accustom (to) – acostumar, habituar 1427 food (s) – alimento 1428 pleasurable (adj) – agradável, que causa prazer 1428 affair (s) – aventura, acontecimento, caso 1431 roam (to) – andar, vaguear, deambular 1431 tract (s) – extensão de terreno, região 1431 extend (to) – estender-se, prolongar-se, continuar 1432 roughly (adv) – aproximadamente, grosseiramente 1433 traverse (to) – atravessar, cruzar

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Much depended upon food supply, climatic conditions, and the 1437 prevalence of animals of the more dangerous species; though 1438 Kerchak often led them on long marches for no other reason 1439 than that he had tired of remaining in the same place. 1440 At night they slept where darkness overtook them, lying upon 1441 the ground, and sometimes covering their heads, and more 1442 seldom their bodies, with the great leaves of the elephant's 1443 ear. Two or three might lie cuddled in each other's arms for 1444 additional warmth if the night were chill, and thus Tarzan had 1445 slept in Kala's arms nightly for all these years. 1446 That the huge, fierce brute loved this child of another race is 1447 beyond question, and he, too, gave to the great, hairy beast all 1448 the affection that would have belonged to his fair young mother 1449 had she lived. 1450 When he was disobedient she cuffed him, it is true, but she 1451 was never cruel to him, and was more often caressing him 1452 than chastising him. 1453 Tublat, her mate, always hated Tarzan, and on several 1454 occasions had come near ending his youthful career. 1455 Tarzan on his part never lost an opportunity to show that he 1456 fully reciprocated his foster father's sentiments, and whenever 1457 he could safely annoy him or make faces at him or hurl insults 1458 upon him from the safety of his mother's arms, or the slender 1459 branches of the higher trees, he did so. 1460

1438 prevalence (s) – predomínio, prevalência, preponderância 1443 seldom (adv) – raramente, raras vezes 1446 nightly (adv) – todas as noites 1448 question (s) – dúvida (pergunta, interrogação) 1452 caress (to) – afagar, acariciar 1453 chastise (to) – punir, castigar com severidade, bater 1455 near (adv) - (prep) – quase, por pouco 1457 reciprocate (to) – retribuir, tornar recíproco, corresponder 1457 foster father – pai de acolhimento 1457 whenever (adv) – sempre que, em qualquer altura que 1458 hurl (to) – atirar violentamente, lançar com violência 1459 slender (adj) – delgado, fino (escasso, insuficiente, pequeno, reduzido)

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His superior intelligence and cunning permitted him to invent a 1461 thousand diabolical tricks to add to the burdens of Tublat's life. 1462 Early in his boyhood he had learned to form ropes by twisting 1463 and tying long grasses together, and with these he was forever 1464 tripping Tublat or attempting to hang him from some 1465 overhanging branch. 1466 By constant playing and experimenting with these he learned 1467 to tie rude knots, and make sliding nooses; and with these he 1468 and the younger apes amused themselves. What Tarzan did 1469 they tried to do also, but he alone originated and became 1470 proficient. 1471 One day while playing thus Tarzan had thrown his rope at one 1472 of his fleeing companions, retaining the other end in his grasp. 1473 By accident the noose fell squarely about the running ape's 1474 neck, bringing him to a sudden and surprising halt. 1475 Ah, here was a new game, a fine game, thought Tarzan, and 1476 immediately he attempted to repeat the trick. 1477 And thus, by painstaking and continued practice, he learned 1478 the art of roping. 1479 Now, indeed, was the life of Tublat a living nightmare. In sleep, 1480 upon the march, night or day, he never knew when that quiet 1481 noose would slip about his neck and nearly choke the life out 1482 of him. 1483

1461 cunning (s) – astúcia, manha, habilidade 1462 burden (s) – incómodo, fardo, carga 1464 tie (to) – atar, amarrar, prender 1464 grass (s) – cipó, caule trepador, cana, bambú 1464 forever (adv coloquial) - sempre 1465 trip (to) – fazer tropeçar 1465 attempt (to) – tentar, intentar 1468 noose (s) – nó corredio, laço 1470 originate (to) – inventar, ser o autor, produzir, criar 1471 proficient (s) – perito, especialista 1474 squarely (adj) – direito 1478 painstaking (s) – esforço, cuidado, trabalho 1479 roping (s) – acto de laçar um animal 1481 quiet (adj) – silencioso, discreto, sem ruído 1482 noose (s) – nó corredio, laço

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Kala punished, Tublat swore dire vengeance, and old Kerchak 1484 took notice and warned and threatened; but all to no avail. 1485 Tarzan defied them all, and the thin, strong noose continued to 1486 settle about Tublat's neck whenever he least expected it. 1487 The other apes derived unlimited amusement from Tublat's 1488 discomfiture, for Broken Nose was a disagreeable old fellow, 1489 whom no one liked, anyway. 1490 In Tarzan's clever little mind many thoughts revolved, and back 1491 of these was his divine power of reason. 1492 If he could catch his fellow apes with his long arm of many 1493 grasses, why not Sabor, the lioness? 1494 It was the germ of a thought, which, however, was destined to 1495 mull around in his conscious and subconscious mind until it 1496 resulted in magnificent achievement. 1497 But that came in later years. 1498 Chapter 6. Jungle Battles 1499 The wanderings of the tribe brought them often near the closed 1500 and silent cabin by the little land−locked harbor. To Tarzan this 1501 was always a source of never−ending mystery and pleasure. 1502 He would peek into the curtained windows, or, climbing upon 1503 the roof, peer down the black depths of the chimney in vain 1504 endeavor to solve the unknown wonders that lay within those 1505 strong walls. 1506

1484 dire (adj) – terrível, horrível, extremo 1484 vengeance (s) – vingança 1485 avail (s) – proveito, utilidade, vantagem 1486 defy (to) – desafiar, opor-se 1488 derive (to) – conseguir, obter, retirar 1489 discomfiture (s) – atrapalhação, desconcerto 1492 reason (s) – raciocínio, razão, entendimento 1496 mull around (to) - falhar 1497 achievement (s) – consolidação, materialização, realização 1502 source (s) – fonte, manancial 1505 endeavour (to) – esforçar-se, lutar, empenhar-se ao máximo

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His child−like imagination pictured wonderful creatures within, 1507 and the very impossibility of forcing entrance added a 1508 thousandfold to his desire to do so. 1509 He could clamber about the roof and windows for hours 1510 attempting to discover means of ingress, but to the door he 1511 paid little attention, for this was apparently as solid as the 1512 walls. 1513 It was in the next visit to the vicinity, following the adventure 1514 with old Sabor, that, as he approached the cabin, Tarzan 1515 noticed that from a distance the door appeared to be an 1516 independent part of the wall in which it was set, and for the first 1517 time it occurred to him that this might prove the means of 1518 entrance which had so long eluded him. 1519 He was alone, as was often the case when he visited the 1520 cabin, for the apes had no love for it; the story of the 1521 thunder−stick having lost nothing in the telling during these ten 1522 years had quite surrounded the white man's deserted abode 1523 with an atmosphere of weirdness and terror for the simians. 1524 The story of his own connection with the cabin had never been 1525 told him. The language of the apes had so few words that they 1526 could talk but little of what they had seen in the cabin, having 1527 no words to accurately describe either the strange people or 1528 their belongings, and so, long before Tarzan was old enough 1529 to understand, the subject had been forgotten by the tribe. 1530

1509 thousandfold (adj) – mil vezes maior 1518 prove (to) – mostrar ser, revelar-se (provar) 1520 often (adv) – muitas vezes, frequentemente 1523 abode (s) – residência, domicílio 1524 weirdness (s) – sobrenaturalidade, mistério, carácter estranho 1528 accurately (adv) – com precisão, de modo exacto, preciso, fiel

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Only in a dim, vague way had Kala explained to him that his 1531 father had been a strange white ape, but he did not know that 1532 Kala was not his own mother. 1533 On this day, then, he went directly to the door and spent hours 1534 examining it and fussing with the hinges, the knob and the 1535 latch. Finally he stumbled upon the right combination, and the 1536 door swung creakingly open before his astonished eyes. 1537 For some minutes he did not dare venture within, but finally, as 1538 his eyes became accustomed to the dim light of the interior he 1539 slowly and cautiously entered. 1540 In the middle of the floor lay a skeleton, every vestige of flesh 1541 gone from the bones to which still clung the mildewed and 1542 moldered remnants of what had once been clothing. Upon the 1543 bed lay a similar gruesome thing, but smaller, while in a tiny 1544 cradle near−by was a third, a wee mite of a skeleton. 1545 To none of these evidences of a fearful tragedy of a long dead 1546 day did little Tarzan give but passing heed. His wild jungle life 1547 had inured him to the sight of dead and dying animals, and had 1548 he known that he was looking upon the remains of his own 1549 father and mother he would have been no more greatly moved. 1550 The furnishings and other contents of the room it was which 1551 riveted his attention. He examined many things minutely 1552 −−strange tools and weapons, books, paper, clothing−− what 1553

1536 latch (s) - trinco 1536 stumble (to) - tropeçar 1542 cling (to) – manter, pegar-se 1542 mildewed (adj) - bolorento 1543 mouldered (adj) – desfeito em pó 1543 remnant (s) – resto, sobra 1544 gruesome (adj) – terrível, horrível, macabro, arrepiante, horrendo 1545 wee (adj) – pequenino, muito pequeno 1545 mite (s) – criança pequena, miudinho, criaturinha 1547 heed (s) – atenção, reparo (cuidado, cautela) 1548 inure (to) - habituar 1550 greatly (adv) – muito, grandemente 1550 move (to) – comover, emocionar, enternecer 1552 rivet (to) – fixar ou atrair ou prender a atenção e o olhar 1552 minutely (adv) – minuciosamente

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little had withstood the ravages of time in the humid 1554 atmosphere of the jungle coast. 1555 He opened chests and cupboards, such as did not baffle his 1556 small experience, and in these he found the contents much 1557 better preserved. 1558 Among other things he found a sharp hunting knife, on the 1559 keen blade of which he immediately proceeded to cut his 1560 finger. Undaunted he continued his experiments, finding that 1561 he could hack and hew splinters of wood from the table and 1562 chairs with this new toy. 1563 For a long time this amused him, but finally tiring he continued 1564 his explorations. In a cupboard filled with books he came 1565 across one with brightly colored pictures−−it was a child's 1566 illustrated alphabet−− 1567 A is for Archer Who shoots with a bow. B is for Boy, His first 1568 name is Joe. 1569 The pictures interested him greatly. 1570 There were many apes with faces similar to his own, and 1571 further over in the book he found, under "M," some little 1572 monkeys such as he saw daily flitting through the trees of his 1573 primeval forest. But nowhere was pictured any of his own 1574 people; in all the book was none that resembled Kerchak, or 1575 Tublat, or Kala. 1576

1554 withstand (to) – resistir, suportar, aguentar 1554 ravages (s plural) – estragos, acção destrutiva 1556 baffle (to) – baralhar, confundir, desconcertar 1560 keen (adj) – afiado, cortante, agudo, penetrante 1561 undaunted (adj) – audaz, destemido, intrépido 1562 hack (to) – cortar grosseiramente, golpear 1562 hew (to) – cortar, decepar 1562 splinter (s) – lasca, pedaço, fragment 1573 flit (to) – saltar, passar rapidamente 1574 nowhere (adv) – em parte alguma, em nenhuma parte

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At first he tried to pick the little figures from the leaves, but he 1577 soon saw that they were not real, though he knew not what 1578 they might be, nor had he any words to describe them. 1579 The boats, and trains, and cows and horses were quite 1580 meaningless to him, but not quite so baffling as the odd little 1581 figures which appeared beneath and between the colored 1582 pictures−−some strange kind of bug he thought they might be, 1583 for many of them had legs though nowhere could he find one 1584 with eyes and a mouth. It was his first introduction to the letters 1585 of the alphabet, and he was over ten years old. 1586 Of course he had never before seen print, or ever had spoken 1587 with any living thing which had the remotest idea that such a 1588 thing as a written language existed, nor ever had he seen 1589 anyone reading. 1590 So what wonder that the little boy was quite at a loss to guess 1591 the meaning of these strange figures. 1592 Near the middle of the book he found his old enemy, Sabor, 1593 the lioness, and further on, coiled Histah, the snake. 1594 Oh, it was most engrossing! Never before in all his ten years 1595 had he enjoyed anything so much. So absorbed was he that 1596 he did not note the approaching dusk, until it was quite upon 1597 him and the figures were blurred. 1598 He put the book back in the cupboard and closed the door, for 1599 he did not wish anyone else to find and destroy his treasure, 1600

1581 meaningless (adj) – sem sentido, sem significado 1581 baffle (to) – baralhar, confundir, desconcertar 1583 bug (s) – insecto, bicho, pulgão 1584 nowhere (adv) – em parte alguma, em nenhuma parte 1591 at a loss - atrapalhado 1595 engrossing (adj) – cativante, fascinante 1597 dusk (s) - crepúsculo 1598 blur (to) – borratar, manchar, turvar, toldar

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and as he went out into the gathering darkness he closed the 1601 great door of the cabin behind him as it had been before he 1602 discovered the secret of its lock, but before he left he had 1603 noticed the hunting knife lying where he had thrown it upon the 1604 floor, and this he picked up and took with him to show to his 1605 fellows. 1606 He had taken scarce a dozen steps toward the jungle when a 1607 great form rose up before him from the shadows of a low bush. 1608 At first he thought it was one of his own people but in another 1609 instant he realized that it was Bolgani, the huge gorilla. 1610 So close was he that there was no chance for flight and little 1611 Tarzan knew that he must stand and fight for his life; for these 1612 great beasts were the deadly enemies of his tribe, and neither 1613 one nor the other ever asked or gave quarter. 1614 Had Tarzan been a full−grown bull ape of the species of his 1615 tribe he would have been more than a match for the gorilla, but 1616 being only a little English boy, though enormously muscular for 1617 such, he stood no chance against his cruel antagonist. In his 1618 veins, though, flowed the blood of the best of a race of mighty 1619 fighters, and back of this was the training of his short lifetime 1620 among the fierce brutes of the jungle. 1621 He knew no fear, as we know it; his little heart beat the faster 1622 but from the excitement and exhilaration of adventure. Had the 1623 opportunity presented itself he would have escaped, but solely 1624

1611 flight (s) – fuga, evasão, retirada 1624 solely (adv) – somente, unicamente

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because his judgment told him he was no match for the great 1625 thing which confronted him. And since reason showed him that 1626 successful flight was impossible he met the gorilla squarely 1627 and bravely without a tremor of a single muscle, or any sign of 1628 panic. 1629 In fact he met the brute midway in its charge, striking its huge 1630 body with his closed fists and as futilely as he had been a fly 1631 attacking an elephant. But in one hand he still clutched the 1632 knife he had found in the cabin of his father, and as the brute, 1633 striking and biting, closed upon him the boy accidentally turned 1634 the point toward the hairy breast. As the knife sank deep into 1635 its body the gorilla shrieked in pain and rage. 1636 But the boy had learned in that brief second a use for his sharp 1637 and shining toy, so that, as the tearing, striking beast dragged 1638 him to earth he plunged the blade repeatedly and to the hilt 1639 into its breast. 1640 The gorilla, fighting after the manner of its kind, struck terrific 1641 blows with its open hand, and tore the flesh at the boy's throat 1642 and chest with its mighty tusks. 1643 For a moment they rolled upon the ground in the fierce frenzy 1644 of combat. More and more weakly the torn and bleeding arm 1645 struck home with the long sharp blade, then the little figure 1646 stiffened with a spasmodic jerk, and Tarzan, the young Lord 1647

1626 since (adv) – desde essa altura, há muito 1627 squarely (adj) – com firmeza, com decisão 1630 midway (adv) – a meio caminho, a meia distância 1631 futilely (adv) – inutilmente, em vão 1634 strike (to) – bater, dar pancadas 1638 tear (to) – rasgar, despedaçar, dilacerar 1638 drag (to) – arrastar, puxar 1639 earth (s) – terra, solo 1639 plunge (to) – mergulhar, impelir 1639 hilt (s) – cabo, punho 1641 strike (to) – atirar, arremessar (bater) 1643 tusk (s) – dente 1644 frenzy (s) – frenesim, furor, arrebatamento 1645 weakly (adj) – debilmente, sem energia 1645 tear (to) - rasgar 1646 home (adj) – certeiro, evidente, eficaz (doméstico, caseiro) 1647 stiffen (to) – entorpecer, desfalecer 1647 jerk (s) – sacudidela, arranco, sacão

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Greystoke, rolled unconscious upon the dead and decaying 1648 vegetation which carpeted his jungle home. 1649 A mile back in the forest the tribe had heard the fierce 1650 challenge of the gorilla, and, as was his custom when any 1651 danger threatened, Kerchak called his people together, partly 1652 for mutual protection against a common enemy, since this 1653 gorilla might be but one of a party of several, and also to see 1654 that all members of the tribe were accounted for. 1655 It was soon discovered that Tarzan was missing, and Tublat 1656 was strongly opposed to sending assistance. 1657 Kerchak himself had no liking for the strange little waif, so he 1658 listened to Tublat, and, finally, with a shrug of his shoulders, 1659 turned back to the pile of leaves on which he had made his 1660 bed. 1661 But Kala was of a different mind; in fact, she had not waited 1662 but to learn that Tarzan was absent ere she was fairly flying 1663 through the matted branches toward the point from which the 1664 cries of the gorilla were still plainly audible. 1665 Darkness had now fallen, and an early moon was sending its 1666 faint light to cast strange, grotesque shadows among the 1667 dense foliage of the forest. 1668 Here and there the brilliant rays penetrated to earth, but for the 1669 most part they only served to accentuate the Stygian 1670 blackness of the jungle's depths. 1671

1651 challenge (s) – desafio, provocação 1655 account for (to) – representar, dar conta de 1663 ere (prep) – antes de 1663 fairly (adv) – completamente, muito 1664 matted (adj) – emaranhado, eriçado 1667 cast (to) – atirar, lançar 1670 stygian (adj) – sombrio, tenebroso

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Like some huge phantom, Kala swung noiselessly from tree to 1672 tree; now running nimbly along a great branch, now swinging 1673 through space at the end of another, only to grasp that of a 1674 farther tree in her rapid progress toward the scene of the 1675 tragedy her knowledge of jungle life told her was being 1676 enacted a short distance before her. 1677 The cries of the gorilla proclaimed that it was in mortal combat 1678 with some other denizen of the fierce wood. 1679 Suddenly these cries ceased, and the silence of death reigned 1680 throughout the jungle. 1681 Kala could not understand, for the voice of Bolgani had at last 1682 been raised in the agony of suffering and death, but no sound 1683 had come to her by which she possibly could determine the 1684 nature of his antagonist. 1685 That her little Tarzan could destroy a great bull gorilla she 1686 knew to be improbable, and so, as she neared the spot from 1687 which the sounds of the struggle had come, she moved more 1688 warily and at last slowly and with extreme caution she 1689 traversed the lowest branches, peering eagerly into the moon− 1690 splashed blackness for a sign of the combatants. 1691 Presently she came upon them, lying in a little open space full 1692 under the brilliant light of the moon—little Tarzan's torn and 1693 bloody form, and beside it a great bull gorilla, stone dead. 1694

1673 nimbly (adv) – agilmente, rapidamente 1677 enact (to) - representar 1679 denizen (s) - habitante 1679 wood (s) – bosque, mata, floresta 1681 throughout (adv) – por toda a parte, em toda a parte 1689 warily (adv) – prudentemente, cautelosamente, ponderadamente

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With a low cry Kala rushed to Tarzan's side, and gathering the 1695 poor, blood−covered body to her breast, listened for a sign of 1696 life. Faintly she heard it−−the weak beating of the little heart. 1697 Tenderly she bore him back through the inky jungle to where 1698 the tribe lay, and for many days and nights she sat guard 1699 beside him, bringing him food and water, and brushing the flies 1700 and other insects from his cruel wounds. 1701 Of medicine or surgery the poor thing knew nothing. She could 1702 but lick the wounds, and thus she kept them cleansed, that 1703 healing nature might the more quickly do her work. 1704 At first Tarzan would eat nothing, but rolled and tossed in a 1705 wild delirium of fever. All he craved was water, and this she 1706 brought him in the only way she could, bearing it in her own 1707 mouth. 1708 No human mother could have shown more unselfish and 1709 sacrificing devotion than did this poor, wild brute for the little 1710 orphaned waif whom fate had thrown into her keeping. 1711 At last the fever abated and the boy commenced to mend. No 1712 word of complaint passed his tight set lips, though the pain of 1713 his wounds was excruciating. 1714 A portion of his chest was laid bare to the ribs, three of which 1715 had been broken by the mighty blows of the gorilla. One arm 1716 was nearly severed by the giant fangs, and a great piece had 1717

1698 inky (adj) – muito escuro, muito carregado (manchado de tinta, cheio de tinta) 1700 brush (to) – afastar (varrer, escovar) 1703 cleanse (to) – limpar, purificar 1704 healing (adj) – que cura, medicinal, terapêutico 1705 toss in (to) – agitar-se 1706 crave (to) – suplicar, implorar 1711 waif (s) – criança abandonada 1712 mend (to) – restabelecer-se, convalescer, melhorar 1713 complaint (s) – queixa, reclamação 1715 rib (s) - costela 1717 sever (to) – cortar, separar

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been torn from his neck, exposing his jugular vein, which the 1718 cruel jaws had missed but by a miracle. 1719 With the stoicism of the brutes who had raised him he endured 1720 his suffering quietly, preferring to crawl away from the others 1721 and lie huddled in some clump of tall grasses rather than to 1722 show his misery before their eyes. 1723 Kala, alone, he was glad to have with him, but now that he was 1724 better she was gone longer at a time, in search of food; for the 1725 devoted animal had scarcely eaten enough to support her own 1726 life while Tarzan had been so low, and was in consequence, 1727 reduced to a mere shadow of her former self. 1728 Chapter 7. The Light of Knowledge 1729 After what seemed an eternity to the little sufferer he was able 1730 to walk once more, and from then on his recovery was so rapid 1731 that in another month he was as strong and active as ever. 1732 During his convalescence he had gone over in his mind many 1733 times the battle with the gorilla, and his first thought was to 1734 recover the wonderful little weapon which had transformed him 1735 from a hopelessly outclassed weakling to the superior of the 1736 mighty terror of the jungle. 1737 Also, he was anxious to return to the cabin and continue his 1738 investigations of its wondrous contents. 1739 So, early one morning, he set forth alone upon his quest. After 1740 a little search he located the clean−picked bones of his late 1741

1720 endure (to) – suportar, sofrer, aguentar 1721 crawl away (to) – afastar-se (rastejar, gatinhar) 1722 huddled (adj) – de qualquer maneira (amontoado, desordenado) 1736 outclassed (adj) - ultrapassado 1736 weakling (s) – animal débil 1739 wondrous (adj) – espantoso, assombroso 1740 set forth (to) – partir, iniciar viagem 1740 quest (s) – procura, busca

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adversary, and close by, partly buried beneath the fallen 1742 leaves, he found the knife, now red with rust from its exposure 1743 to the dampness of the ground and from the dried blood of the 1744 gorilla. 1745 He did not like the change in its former bright and gleaming 1746 surface; but it was still a formidable weapon, and one which he 1747 meant to use to advantage whenever the opportunity 1748 presented itself. He had in mind that no more would he run 1749 from the wanton attacks of old Tublat. 1750 In another moment he was at the cabin, and after a short time 1751 had again thrown the latch and entered. His first concern was 1752 to learn the mechanism of the lock, and this he did by 1753 examining it closely while the door was open, so that he could 1754 learn precisely what caused it to hold the door, and by what 1755 means it released at his touch. 1756 He found that he could close and lock the door from within, 1757 and this he did so that there would be no chance of his being 1758 molested while at his investigation. 1759 He commenced a systematic search of the cabin; but his 1760 attention was soon riveted by the books which seemed to exert 1761 a strange and powerful influence over him, so that he could 1762 scarce attend to aught else for the lure of the wondrous puzzle 1763 which their purpose presented to him. 1764

1743 rust (s) - ferrugem 1744 dampness (s) - humidade 1746 former (adj) – anterior, precedente, antigo 1750 wanton (adj) - arbitrário 1752 latch (s) - trinco 1752 concern (s) – ansiedade, preocupação 1756 release (to) – soltar, desprender 1761 rivet (to) – fixar, concentrar, atrair, prender, firmar 1761 exert (to) - exercer 1763 aught (adv) – qualquer coisa, coisa alguma 1763 lure (s) - sedução 1763 wondrous (adj) – espantoso, assombroso 1764 purpose (s) – vontade, necessidade

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Among the other books were a primer, some child's readers, 1765 numerous picture books, and a great dictionary. 1766 All of these he examined, but the pictures caught his fancy 1767 most, though the strange little bugs which covered the pages 1768 where there were no pictures excited his wonder and deepest 1769 thought. 1770 Squatting upon his haunches on the table top in the cabin his 1771 father had built−−his smooth, brown, naked little body bent 1772 over the book which rested in his strong slender hands, and 1773 his great shock of long, black hair falling about his well− 1774 shaped head and bright, intelligent eyes−−Tarzan of the apes, 1775 little primitive man, presented a picture filled, at once, with 1776 pathos and with promise−−an allegorical figure of the 1777 primordial groping through the black night of ignorance toward 1778 the light of learning. 1779 His little face was tense in study, for he had partially grasped, 1780 in a hazy, nebulous way, the rudiments of a thought which was 1781 destined to prove the key and the solution to the puzzling 1782 problem of the strange little bugs. 1783 In his hands was a primer opened at a picture of a little ape 1784 similar to himself, but covered, except for hands and face, with 1785 strange, colored fur, for such he thought the jacket and 1786 trousers to be. Beneath the picture were three little bugs−− 1787 BOY. 1788

1765 primer (s) – livro de leitura para as crianças aprenderem a ler 1771 squatt (to) – acocorar-se, agachar-se 1771 haunch (s) – anca, quadril, traseiro, rabiote 1773 slender (adj) – delgado, esbelto, esguio 1774 shock (s) – guedelha ou tufo de cabelo (choque, abalo, comoção) 1777 pathos (adj) - patético 1777 promise (s) – esperança, sinal 1777 allegorical (adj) – alegórico, 1. representação de uma realidade abstracta através de uma realidade concreta, por meio de analogias, metáforas, imagens e comparações; representação simbólica; 2. obra de arte que representa uma ideia abstracta 4. concretização por meio de imagens, pessoas e figuras, de ideias ou entidades abstractas; 3. expressão verbal ou plástica de uma coisa, com o fim de que as palavras ou imagens usadas sugiram outra coisa 1778 grope (to) – tactear, avançar às apalpadelas 1780 grasp (to) – compreender, alcançar, apanhar o significado de (agarrar firmemente) 1781 hazy (adj) – vago, indistinto, enevoado, incerto 1786 fur (s) – pêlo, pelagem

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And now he had discovered in the text upon the page that 1789 these three were repeated many times in the same sequence. 1790 Another fact he learned−−that there were comparatively few 1791 individual bugs; but these were repeated many times, 1792 occasionally alone, but more often in company with others. 1793 Slowly he turned the pages, scanning the pictures and the text 1794 for a repetition of the combination B−O−Y. 1795 Presently he found it beneath a picture of another little ape and 1796 a strange animal which went upon four legs like the jackal and 1797 resembled him not a little. Beneath this picture the bugs 1798 appeared as: 1799 A BOY AND A DOG 1800 There they were, the three little bugs which always 1801 accompanied the little ape. 1802 And so he progressed very, very slowly, for it was a hard and 1803 laborious task which he had set himself without knowing it−−a 1804 task which might seem to you or me impossible−−learning to 1805 read without having the slightest knowledge of letters or written 1806 language, or the faintest idea that such things existed. 1807 He did not accomplish it in a day, or in a week, or in a month, 1808 or in a year; but slowly, very slowly, he learned after he had 1809 grasped the possibilities which lay in those little bugs, so that 1810 by the time he was fifteen he knew the various combinations of 1811

1798 resemble (to) – assemelhar-se a, parecer-se com 1808 accomplish (to) – realizar, efectuar, conseguir, concretizar 1810 grasp (to) – compreender, alcançar, apanhar o significado de (agarrar firmemente)

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letters which stood for every pictured figure in the little primer 1812 and in one or two of the picture books. 1813 Of the meaning and use of the articles and conjunctions, verbs 1814 and adverbs and pronouns he had but the faintest conception. 1815 One day when he was about twelve he found a number of lead 1816 pencils in a hitherto undiscovered drawer beneath the table, 1817 and in scratching upon the table top with one of them he was 1818 delighted to discover the black line it left behind it. 1819 He worked so assiduously with this new toy that the table top 1820 was soon a mass of scrawly loops and irregular lines and his 1821 pencil−point worn down to the wood. Then he took another 1822 pencil, but this time he had a definite object in view. 1823 He would attempt to reproduce some of the little bugs that 1824 scrambled over the pages of his books. 1825 It was a difficult task, for he held the pencil as one would grasp 1826 the hilt of a dagger, which does not add greatly to ease in 1827 writing or to the legibility of the results. 1828 But he persevered for months, at such times as he was able to 1829 come to the cabin, until at last by repeated experimenting he 1830 found a position in which to hold the pencil that best permitted 1831 him to guide and control it, so that at last he could roughly 1832 reproduce any of the little bugs. 1833 Thus he made a beginning of writing. 1834

1816 red lead pencil - lápis para escrever a vermelho 1817 hitherto (adv) – até agora 1821 scrawly (adj) – desigual, irregular 1822 wear down (to) – gastar-se, desgastar-se 1827 hilt (s) - cabo 1827 dagger (s) – punhal adaga

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Copying the bugs taught him another thing−−their number; and 1835 though he could not count as we understand it, yet he had an 1836 idea of quantity, the base of his calculations being the number 1837 of fingers upon one of his hands. 1838 His search through the various books convinced him that he 1839 had discovered all the different kinds of bugs most often 1840 repeated in combination, and these he arranged in proper 1841 order with great ease because of the frequency with which he 1842 had perused the fascinating alphabet picture book. 1843 His education progressed; but his greatest finds were in the 1844 inexhaustible storehouse of the huge illustrated dictionary, for 1845 he learned more through the medium of pictures than text, 1846 even after he had grasped the significance of the bugs. 1847 When he discovered the arrangement of words in alphabetical 1848 order he delighted in searching for and finding the 1849 combinations with which he was familiar, and the words which 1850 followed them, their definitions, led him still further into the 1851 mazes of erudition. 1852 By the time he was seventeen he had learned to read the 1853 simple, child's primer and had fully realized the true and 1854 wonderful purpose of the little bugs. 1855 No longer did he feel shame for his hairless body or his human 1856 features, for now his reason told him that he was of a different 1857 race from his wild and hairy companions. He was a M−A−N, 1858

1843 peruse (to) – ler cuidadosamente, ler atentamente 1845 storehouse (s) – armazém, depósito 1852 maze (s) – labirinto, dédalo, confusão, desorientação

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they were A−P−E−S, and the little apes which scurried through 1859 the forest top were M−O−N− K−E−Y−S. He knew, too, that old 1860 Sabor was a L−I−O−N−E−S−S, and Histah a S−N−A−K−E, 1861 and Tantor an E−L−E−P−H−A−N−T. And so he learned to 1862 read. From then on his progress was rapid. With the help of the 1863 great dictionary and the active intelligence of a healthy mind 1864 endowed by inheritance with more than ordinary reasoning 1865 powers he shrewdly guessed at much which he could not 1866 really understand, and more often than not his guesses were 1867 close to the mark of truth. 1868 There were many breaks in his education, caused by the 1869 migratory habits of his tribe, but even when removed from his 1870 books his active brain continued to search out the mysteries of 1871 his fascinating avocation. 1872 Pieces of bark and flat leaves and even smooth stretches of 1873 bare earth provided him with copy books whereon to scratch 1874 with the point of his hunting knife the lessons he was learning. 1875 Nor did he neglect the sterner duties of life while following the 1876 bent of his inclination toward the solving of the mystery of his 1877 library. 1878 He practiced with his rope and played with his sharp knife, 1879 which he had learned to keep keen by whetting upon flat 1880 stones. 1881

1859 scurry (to) – correr precipitadamente, fugir 1864 healthy (adj) – são, saudável, sadio 1865 endow (to) - dotar 1865 inheritance (s) - herança 1865 reasoning (adj) – que raciocina 1866 shrewdly (adv) – sensatamente, astuciosamente 1867 more often than not - com muita frequência 1872 avocation (s) – ocupação, vocação, hobby, passatempo 1873 bark (s) – casca de árvore, cortiça 1874 provide (to) – dar, oferecer, 1874 whereon (adv) – em que, no qual, sobre o qual 1876 stern (adj) – severo, austero 1880 whet upon (to) – amolar, afiar

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The tribe had grown larger since Tarzan had come among 1882 them, for under the leadership of Kerchak they had been able 1883 to frighten the other tribes from their part of the jungle so that 1884 they had plenty to eat and little or no loss from predatory 1885 incursions of neighbors. 1886 Hence the younger males as they became adult found it more 1887 comfortable to take mates from their own tribe, or if they 1888 captured one of another tribe to bring her back to Kerchak's 1889 band and live in amity with him rather than attempt to set up 1890 new establishments of their own, or fight with the redoubtable 1891 Kerchak for supremacy at home. 1892 Occasionally one more ferocious than his fellows would 1893 attempt this latter alternative, but none had come yet who 1894 could wrest the palm of victory from the fierce and brutal ape. 1895 Tarzan held a peculiar position in the tribe. They seemed to 1896 consider him one of them and yet in some way different. The 1897 older males either ignored him entirely or else hated him so 1898 vindictively that but for his wondrous agility and speed and the 1899 fierce protection of the huge Kala he would have been 1900 dispatched at an early age. 1901 Tublat was his most consistent enemy, but it was through 1902 Tublat that, when he was about thirteen, the persecution of his 1903 enemies suddenly ceased and he was left severely alone, 1904 except on the occasions when one of them ran amuck in the 1905

1885 loss (s) – dano, prejuízo (perda, derrota, desperdício) 1887 hence (adv) – por isso, por este motivo, daí 1887 male (s) - macho 1890 amity (s) – boas relações, paz (amizade, relações de amizade) 1891 establishment (s) – estabelecimento, fundação, instauração 1891 redoubtable (adj) – formidável, terrível, temível 1895 wrest (to) – tirar, arrancar violentamente, sacar 1899 vindictively (adv) – vingativamente, por vingança 1899 wondrous (adj) – espantoso, assombroso 1902 through (prep) – por causa de, devido a, por 1904 severely (adv) – rigorosamente, seriamente, severamente, duramente 1905 run amuck (to) - perder a cabeça; enlouquecer selvaticamente

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throes of one of those strange, wild fits of insane rage which 1906 attacks the males of many of the fiercer animals of the jungle. 1907 Then none was safe. 1908 On the day that Tarzan established his right to respect, the 1909 tribe was gathered about a small natural amphitheater which 1910 the jungle had left free from its entangling vines and creepers 1911 in a hollow among some low hills. 1912 The open space was almost circular in shape. Upon every 1913 hand rose the mighty giants of the untouched forest, with the 1914 matted undergrowth banked so closely between the huge 1915 trunks that the only opening into the little, level arena was 1916 through the upper branches of the trees. 1917 Here, safe from interruption, the tribe often gathered. In the 1918 center of the amphitheater was one of those strange earthen 1919 drums which the anthropoids build for the queer rites the 1920 sounds of which men have heard in the fastnesses of the 1921 jungle, but which none has ever witnessed. 1922 Many travelers have seen the drums of the great apes, and 1923 some have heard the sounds of their beating and the noise of 1924 the wild, weird revelry of these first lords of the jungle, but 1925 Tarzan, Lord Greystoke, is, doubtless, the only human being 1926 who ever joined in the fierce, mad, intoxicating revel of the 1927 Dum−Dum. 1928

1906 throes (s plural) – convulsões, estertores, vascas, ânsias 1909 right to respect – direito ao respeito 1911 creeper (s) – planta rasteira ou trepadeira 1914 hand (s) – lado, direcção (mão) 1915 matted (adj) – emaranhado, eriçado 1915 undergrowth (s) – vegetação rasteira, matagal 1915 bank (to) – acumular-se 1916 level (adj) – plano, liso 1919 earthen (adj) – de terra, de barro 1920 drum (s) - tambor 1921 fastness (s) – profundidade ou espessura 1922 witness (to) – testemunhar, presenciar, ver, assistir 1923 drum (s) - tambor 1925 weird (adj) – estranho, esquisito 1925 revelry (s) – festança, pândega, patuscada 1926 doubtless (adv) – sem dúvida 1927 intoxicating (adj) – embriagador, inebriante 1927 revel (s) – divertimento, diversão

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From this primitive function has arisen, unquestionably, all the 1929 forms and ceremonials of modern church and state, for through 1930 all the countless ages, back beyond the uttermost ramparts of 1931 a dawning humanity our fierce, hairy forebears danced out the 1932 rites of the Dum−Dum to the sound of their earthen drums, 1933 beneath the bright light of a tropical moon in the depth of a 1934 mighty jungle which stands unchanged today as it stood on 1935 that long forgotten night in the dim, unthinkable vistas of the 1936 long dead past when our first shaggy ancestor swung from a 1937 swaying bough and dropped lightly upon the soft turf of the first 1938 meeting place. 1939 On the day that Tarzan won his emancipation from the 1940 persecution that had followed him remorselessly for twelve of 1941 his thirteen years of life, the tribe, now a full hundred strong, 1942 trooped silently through the lower terrace of the jungle trees 1943 and dropped noiselessly upon the floor of the amphitheater. 1944 The rites of the Dum−Dum marked important events in the life 1945 of the tribe−−a victory, the capture of a prisoner, the killing of 1946 some large fierce denizen of the jungle, the death or accession 1947 of a king, and were conducted with set ceremonialism. 1948 Today it was the killing of a giant ape, a member of another 1949 tribe, and as the people of Kerchak entered the arena two 1950 mighty bulls were seen bearing the body of the vanquished 1951 between them. 1952

1930 state (s) – estado (cerimónia, gala, dignidade) 1931 countless (adj) - inúmero 1931 uttermost (adj) – extremo, mais remoto 1931 rampart (s) – fronteira, baluarte, muralha 1932 forebear/forbear (s) - antepassado 1936 unthinkable (adj) – inconcebível, impensável, inimaginável 1936 vista (s) – cenário (vista, paisagem, panorama, horizonte, perspectiva) 1937 past (s) - passado 1937 shaggy (adj) – peludo, desgrenhado 1938 bough (s) – galho, ramo de árvore 1940 win (to) – obter, conquistar, ganhar (vencer) 1941 persecution (s) – opressão, perseguição 1941 remorselessly (adv) – desapiedadamente, desumanamente 1942 thirteen (num) - treze 1944 noiselessly (adv) – silenciosamente, sem ruídos 1947 denizen (s) - habitante 1947 accession (s) – tomada de posse, subida 1951 vanquished (adj) - vencido

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They laid their burden before the earthen drum and then 1953 squatted there beside it as guards, while the other members of 1954 the community curled themselves in grassy nooks to sleep until 1955 the rising moon should give the signal for the commencement 1956 of their savage orgy. 1957 For hours absolute quiet reigned in the little clearing, except as 1958 it was broken by the discordant notes of brilliantly feathered 1959 parrots, or the screeching and twittering of the thousand jungle 1960 birds flitting ceaselessly amongst the vivid orchids and 1961 flamboyant blossoms which festooned the myriad, 1962 moss−covered branches of the forest kings. 1963 At length as darkness settled upon the jungle the apes 1964 commenced to bestir themselves, and soon they formed a 1965 great circle about the earthen drum. The females and young 1966 squatted in a thin line at the outer periphery of the circle, while 1967 just in front of them ranged the adult males. Before the drum 1968 sat three old females, each armed with a knotted branch fifteen 1969 or eighteen inches in length. 1970 Slowly and softly they began tapping upon the resounding 1971 surface of the drum as the first faint rays of the ascending 1972 moon silvered the encircling tree tops. 1973 As the light in the amphitheater increased the females 1974 augmented the frequency and force of their blows until 1975 presently a wild, rhythmic din pervaded the great jungle for 1976

1962 myriad (adj) – inumerável, em número infinito 1964 at length – finalmente (a fundo; detalhadamente) 1964 settle upon (to) – instalar-se, fixar-se 1965 bestir (to) – agitar-se, mover-se 1967 squat in (to) – acocorar-se, agachar-se 1968 range (to) – alinhar, dispor em fileiras, ordenar 1976 din (s) – barulho, ruído 1976 pervade (to) – infiltrar-se em, impregnar, penetrar em

1953 burden (s) – fardo, carga 1954 squat (to) – acocorar-se, agachar-se 1955 curl (to) – enrolar-se 1955 grassy (adj) – coberto de erva 1955 nook (s) – canto, recanto 1959 feather (to) – cobrir de penas 1960 parrot (s) – papagaio ♣♣♣ screech (to) – guinchar, soltar gritos agudos 1960 twittering (s) – chilreio, gorjeio 1961 flit (to) - esvoaçar 1961 ceaselessly (adv) - incessantemente 1961 vivid (adj) – brilhante, intenso 1962 flamboyant (adj) – vistoso, extravagante, brilhante 1962 blossom (s) - flor 1962 festoon (to) – enfeitar, coroar, engrinaldar

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miles in every direction. Huge, fierce brutes stopped in their 1977 hunting, with up−pricked ears and raised heads, to listen to the 1978 dull booming that betokened the Dum−Dum of the apes. 1979 Occasionally one would raise his shrill scream or thunderous 1980 roar in answering challenge to the savage din of the 1981 anthropoids, but none came near to investigate or attack, for 1982 the great apes, assembled in all the power of their numbers, 1983 filled the breasts of their jungle neighbors with deep respect. 1984 As the din of the drum rose to almost deafening volume 1985 Kerchak sprang into the open space between the squatting 1986 males and the drummers. 1987 Standing erect he threw his head far back and looking full into 1988 the eye of the rising moon he beat upon his breast with his 1989 great hairy paws and emitted his fearful roaring shriek. 1990 One−−twice−−thrice that terrifying cry rang out across the 1991 teeming solitude of that unspeakably quick, yet unthinkably 1992 dead, world. 1993 Then, crouching, Kerchak slunk noiselessly around the open 1994 circle, veering far away from the dead body lying before the 1995 altar−drum, but, as he passed, keeping his little, fierce, wicked, 1996 red eyes upon the corpse. 1997 Another male then sprang into the arena, and, repeating the 1998 horrid cries of his king, followed stealthily in his wake. Another 1999 and another followed in quick succession until the jungle 2000

1979 betoken (to) – indicar, pressagiar, augurar 1980 shrill (adj) – agudo, esganiçado, estridente 1981 din (s) – barulho, ruído 1985 deafening (adj) - ensurdecedor 1987 male (s) - macho 1992 teeming (adj) – que está a fervilhar 1992 solitude (s) – solidão (lugar retirado ou isolado) 1992 solitude of that world – lugar retirado daquela região 1992 unspeakably (adv) – inexprimivelmente, indizivelmente, horrivelmente 1992 quick (adj) – dinâmico, vivo, sagaz 1992 unthinkably (adv) – inconcebivelmente, impensavelmente, inimaginavelmente 1994 crouch (to) - inclinar-se 1994 slink (to) – mover-se disfarçadamente 1995 veer (to) – desviar-se, rondar 1997 corpse (s) - cadáver 1999 stealthily (adv) - furtivamente 1999 wake (s) – velório, vigília

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reverberated with the now almost ceaseless notes of their 2001 bloodthirsty screams. 2002 It was the challenge and the hunt. 2003 When all the adult males had joined in the thin line of circling 2004 dancers the attack commenced. 2005 Kerchak, seizing a huge club from the pile which lay at hand 2006 for the purpose, rushed furiously upon the dead ape, dealing 2007 the corpse a terrific blow, at the same time emitting the growls 2008 and snarls of combat. The din of the drum was now increased, 2009 as well as the frequency of the blows, and the warriors, as 2010 each approached the victim of the hunt and delivered his 2011 bludgeon blow, joined in the mad whirl of the Death Dance. 2012 Tarzan was one of the wild, leaping horde. His brown, 2013 sweat−streaked, muscular body, glistening in the moonlight, 2014 shone supple and graceful among the uncouth, awkward, hairy 2015 brutes about him. 2016 None was more stealthy in the mimic hunt, none more 2017 ferocious than he in the wild ferocity of the attack, none who 2018 leaped so high into the air in the Dance of Death. 2019 As the noise and rapidity of the drumbeats increased the 2020 dancers apparently became intoxicated with the wild rhythm 2021 and the savage yells. Their leaps and bounds increased, their 2022 bared fangs dripped saliva, and their lips and breasts were 2023 flecked with foam. 2024

2020 drumbeat (s) – rufo do tambor 2020 increase (to) – intensificar, aumentar 2021 intoxicated (adj) – embriagado, ébrio (alcoolizado) 2022 bound (s) - salto 2023 drip (to) – pingar, gotejar 2023 saliva (s) – saliva 2024 fleck (to) – manchar, salpicar

2001 reverberate (to) – ecoar, ressoar, reverberar 2001 ceaseless (adj) - incessante 2002 bloodthirsty (adj) – sedento de sangue, feroz, sanguinário 2003 challenge (s) – desafio, repto, provocação 2007 deal (to) – dar (repartir, dividir) 2010 warrior (s) – guerreiro (soldado) 2011 deliver (to) – atirar (entregar, distribuir) 2012 bludgeon (adj) – de moca 2014 sweat (to) – suar, transpirar 2014 streaked (adj) – riscado, raiado, listrado 2014 glistening (adj) – reluzente (cintilante, brilhante) 2015 supple (adj) – flexível, elástico 2015 uncouth (adj) – grosseiro, rude, bizarro, esquisito 2015 awkward (adj) – grosseiro, desastrado 2017 stealthy (adj) – furtivo, dissimulado, escondido

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For half an hour the weird dance went on, until, at a sign from 2025 Kerchak, the noise of the drums ceased, the female drummers 2026 scampering hurriedly through the line of dancers toward the 2027 outer rim of squatting spectators. Then, as one, the males 2028 rushed headlong upon the thing which their terrific blows had 2029 reduced to a mass of hairy pulp. 2030 Flesh seldom came to their jaws in satisfying quantities, so a fit 2031 finale to their wild revel was a taste of fresh killed meat, and it 2032 was to the purpose of devouring their late enemy that they now 2033 turned their attention. 2034 Great fangs sunk into the carcass tearing away huge hunks, 2035 the mightiest of the apes obtaining the choicest morsels, while 2036 the weaker circled the outer edge of the fighting, snarling pack 2037 awaiting their chance to dodge in and snatch a dropped tidbit 2038 or filch a remaining bone before all was gone. 2039 Tarzan, more than the apes, craved and needed flesh. 2040 Descended from a race of meat eaters, never in his life, he 2041 thought, had he once satisfied his appetite for animal food; and 2042 so now his agile little body wormed its way far into the mass of 2043 struggling, rending apes in an endeavor to obtain a share 2044 which his strength would have been unequal to the task of 2045 winning for him. 2046

2027 scamper (to) – correr rapidamente, debandar abalar 2028 rim (s) – margem, orla ♣♣♣ squat in (to) – acocorar-se, agachar-se 2031 seldom (adv) – raras vezes, raramente 2032 revel (s) – bacanal, pândega 2035 hunk (s) – naco, pedaço 2036 choice (adj) – cuidadosamente escolhido 2036 morsel (s) – bocado, pedaço 2037 weak (adj) - fraco 2037 pack (s) – grupo ou matilha ou alcateia de animais (pacote, maço, embrulho) 2038 dodge in (to) – fintar, iludir 2038 snatch (to) – roubar, arrancar, arrebatar 2039 filch (to) – roubar 2040 crave (to) – sentir necessidade, suspirar, ansiar, ter ganas 2043 worm (to) – conseguir ardilosa e perseverantemente 2044 rending (adj) – que rasga ou despedaça 2044 endeavour (s) – esforço, tentativa 2045 unequal (adj) - desigual 2046 winning (s) – conquista, vitória

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At his side hung the hunting knife of his unknown father in a 2047 sheath self−fashioned in copy of one he had seen among the 2048 pictures of his treasure−books. 2049 At last he reached the fast disappearing feast and with his 2050 sharp knife slashed off a more generous portion than he had 2051 hoped for, an entire hairy forearm, where it protruded from 2052 beneath the feet of the mighty Kerchak, who was so busily 2053 engaged in perpetuating the royal prerogative of gluttony that 2054 he failed to note the act of LESE−MAJESTE. 2055 So little Tarzan wriggled out from beneath the struggling mass, 2056 clutching his grisly prize close to his breast. 2057 Among those circling futilely the outskirts of the banqueters 2058 was old Tublat. He had been among the first at the feast, but 2059 had retreated with a goodly share to eat in quiet, and was now 2060 forcing his way back for more. 2061 So it was that he spied Tarzan as the boy emerged from the 2062 clawing, pushing throng with that hairy forearm hugged firmly 2063 to his body. 2064 Tublat's little, close−set, bloodshot, pig−eyes shot wicked 2065 gleams of hate as they fell upon the object of his loathing. In 2066 them, too, was greed for the toothsome dainty the boy carried. 2067 But Tarzan saw his arch enemy as quickly, and divining what 2068 the great beast would do he leaped nimbly away toward the 2069 females and the young, hoping to hide himself among them. 2070

2058 outskirts (s plural) – imediações, arrabaldes, limites 2060 retreat (to) – afastar-se, retirar-se 2060 goodly (adj) – substancial, considerável 2063 clawing (adj) – de garras afiadas e patas 2063 throng (s) – multidão, ajuntamento 2063 hug (to) – apertar nos braços 2066 loathing (s) – aversão, repugnância 2066 in them - neles 2067 greed (adj) – ávido, com cobiça de 2067 toothsome (adj) – saboroso, delicioso 2067 dainty (s) – manjar, iguaria, petisco 2068 divine (to) – adivinhar, predizer 2069 nimbly (adv) – agilmente, rapidamente

2048 sheath (s) – bainha, estojo 2050 feast (s) – banquete, festa 2051 slash off (to) – cortar, golpear, esfaquear 2052 forearm (s) – antebraço 2052 protrude (to) – sobressair, ressaltar 2054 gluttony (s) – voracidade, glutonaria, gulodice 2056 wriggle out of (to) – libertar-se de, desprender-se de 2057 grisly (adj) – terrível, macabro, horrível 2057 prize (s) – prémio, galardão 2058 futilely (adv) – inutilmente, duma maneira fútil

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Tublat, however, was close upon his heels, so that he had no 2071 opportunity to seek a place of concealment, but saw that he 2072 would be put to it to escape at all. 2073 Swiftly he sped toward the surrounding trees and with an agile 2074 bound gained a lower limb with one hand, and then, 2075 transferring his burden to his teeth, he climbed rapidly upward, 2076 closely followed by Tublat. 2077 Up, up he went to the waving pinnacle of a lofty monarch of the 2078 forest where his heavy pursuer dared not follow him. There he 2079 perched, hurling taunts and insults at the raging, foaming beast 2080 fifty feet below him. 2081 And then Tublat went mad. 2082 With horrifying screams and roars he rushed to the ground, 2083 among the females and young, sinking his great fangs into a 2084 dozen tiny necks and tearing great pieces from the backs and 2085 breasts of the females who fell into his clutches. 2086 In the brilliant moonlight Tarzan witnessed the whole mad 2087 carnival of rage. He saw the females and the young scamper 2088 to the safety of the trees. Then the great bulls in the center of 2089 the arena felt the mighty fangs of their demented fellow, and 2090 with one accord they melted into the black shadows of the 2091 overhanging forest. 2092 There was but one in the amphitheater beside Tublat, a 2093 belated female running swiftly toward the tree where 2094

2072 seek (to) - procurar 2072 concealment (s) – esconderijo, dissimulação 2073 put to (to) - enfrentar 2074 swiftly (adv) – velozmente, rapidamente, depressa 2075 bound (s) – salto 2075 limb (s) – grande ramo 2076 burden (s) – fardo, carga 2080 perche (to) – empoleirar-se, pousar em poleiro ou ramo 2080 hurl (to) – atirar violentamente 2080 taunt (s) – provocação (piadinha, boca) 2092 overhanging (adj) – suspenso sobre, pendente 2094 belated (adj) - atrasado

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Tarzan perched, and close behind her came the awful Tublat. 2095 It was Kala, and as quickly as Tarzan saw that Tublat was 2096 gaining on her he dropped with the rapidity of a falling stone, 2097 from branch to branch, toward his foster mother. 2098 Now she was beneath the overhanging limbs and close above 2099 her crouched Tarzan, waiting the outcome of the race. 2100 She leaped into the air grasping a low−hanging branch, but 2101 almost over the head of Tublat, so nearly had he distanced 2102 her. She should have been safe now but there was a rending, 2103 tearing sound, the branch broke and precipitated her full upon 2104 the head of Tublat, knocking him to the ground. 2105 Both were up in an instant, but as quick as they had been 2106 Tarzan had been quicker, so that the infuriated bull found 2107 himself facing the man−child who stood between him and Kala. 2108 Nothing could have suited the fierce beast better, and with a 2109 roar of triumph he leaped upon the little Lord Greystoke. But 2110 his fangs never closed in that nut brown flesh. 2111 A muscular hand shot out and grasped the hairy throat, and 2112 another plunged a keen hunting knife a dozen times into the 2113 broad breast. Like lightning the blows fell, and only ceased 2114 when Tarzan felt the limp form crumple beneath him. 2115 As the body rolled to the ground Tarzan of the Apes placed his 2116 foot upon the neck of his lifelong enemy and, raising his eyes 2117

2095 perche (to) – empoleirar-se, pousar em poleiro ou ramo 2100 outcome (s) – resultado, efeito, consequência 2103 rending (adj) – que racha, que fende ou parte 2109 suit (to) – satisfazer, contentar, convir, servir 2111 nut brown - castanho; cor de noz 2113 plunge (to) - mergulhar 2114 broad (adj) – largo, amplo 2115 limp (adj) – frouxo, mole 2115 crumple (to) – vacilar (amarrotar, enrugar, amarfanhar)

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to the full moon, threw back his fierce young head and voiced 2118 the wild and terrible cry of his people. 2119 One by one the tribe swung down from their arboreal retreats 2120 and formed a circle about Tarzan and his vanquished foe. 2121 When they had all come Tarzan turned toward them. 2122 "I am Tarzan," he cried. "I am a great killer. Let all respect 2123 Tarzan of the Apes and Kala, his mother. There be none 2124 among you as mighty as Tarzan. Let his enemies beware." 2125 Looking full into the wicked, red eyes of Kerchak, the young 2126 Lord Greystoke beat upon his mighty breast and screamed out 2127 once more his shrill cry of defiance. 2128 Chapter 8. The Tree−top Hunter 2129 The morning after the Dum−Dum the tribe started slowly back 2130 through the forest toward the coast. 2131 The body of Tublat lay where it had fallen, for the people of 2132 Kerchak do not eat their own dead. 2133 The march was but a leisurely search for food. Cabbage palm 2134 and gray plum, pisang and scitamine they found in abundance, 2135 with wild pineapple, and occasionally small mammals, birds, 2136 eggs, reptiles, and insects. 2137 The nuts they cracked between their powerful jaws, or, if too 2138 hard, broke by pounding between stones. 2139 Once old Sabor, crossing their path, sent them scurrying to the 2140 safety of the higher branches, for if she respected their number 2141

2120 retreat (s) – esconderijo, refúgio 2121 vanquished (adj) – vencido, dominado 2121 foe (s) – adversário, inimigo 2125 beware (to) – acautelar-se, ter cuidado 2128 shrill (adj) – penetrante, agudo 2128 defiance (s) – desafio, provocação 2134 leisurely (adj) – sem pressa, calmo, vagaroso 2134 cabbage (adj) – de couve 2134 palm (s) – palmeira, folha de palmeira (palma da mão) 2135 plum (s) – ameixa 2135 pisang (s) (língua Asiática) - banana 2135 scitamine (s) – nome muito parecido com o nome científico de uma espécie de bananeira 2136 pineapple (s) - ananás 2140 scurry (to) – fugir precipitadamente

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and their sharp fangs, they on their part held her cruel and 2142 mighty ferocity in equal esteem. 2143 Upon a low−hanging branch sat Tarzan directly above the 2144 majestic, supple body as it forged silently through the thick 2145 jungle. He hurled a pineapple at the ancient enemy of his 2146 people. The great beast stopped and, turning, eyed the 2147 taunting figure above her. 2148 With an angry lash of her tail she bared her yellow fangs, 2149 curling her great lips in a hideous snarl that wrinkled her 2150 bristling snout in serried ridges and closed her wicked eyes to 2151 two narrow slits of rage and hatred. 2152 With back−laid ears she looked straight into the eyes of Tarzan 2153 of the Apes and sounded her fierce, shrill challenge. And from 2154 the safety of his overhanging limb the ape−child sent back the 2155 fearsome answer of his kind. 2156 For a moment the two eyed each other in silence, and then the 2157 great cat turned into the jungle, which swallowed her as the 2158 ocean engulfs a tossed pebble. 2159 But into the mind of Tarzan a great plan sprang. He had killed 2160 the fierce Tublat, so was he not therefore a mighty fighter? 2161 Now would he track down the crafty Sabor and slay her 2162 likewise. He would be a mighty hunter, also. 2163 At the bottom of his little English heart beat the great desire to 2164 cover his nakedness with CLOTHES for he had learned from 2165

2142 hold (to) – respeitar, considerar 2143 esteem (s) – consideração (estima, apreço) 2145 supple (adj) – flexível, elástico 2145 forge (to) – explorar, malhar, trabalhar 2146 hurl (to) – atirar violentamente, lançar com violência 2148 taunting (adj) – injurioso, insultuoso 2151 bristling (adj) - peludo 2151 snout (s) - focinho 2151 serried (adj) – serrado, compacto 2151 ridge (s) - estria 2152 hatred (s) – ódio, aversão 2154 shrill (adj) - penetrante 2154 challenge (s) – desafio, repto ♣♣♣ change (s) - troca 2159 toss (to) – atirar, lançar, arremessar 2159 pebble (s) – seixo, pedra, calhau 2161 therefore (adv) – por isso, portanto, por conseguinte 2162 crafty (adj) – astucioso, astuto 2162 slay (to) – matar, assassinar 2163 likewise (adv) – também, igualmente, do mesmo modo, da mesma maneira

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his picture books that all MEN were so covered, while 2166 MONKEYS and APES and every other living thing went naked. 2167 CLOTHES therefore, must be truly a badge of greatness; the 2168 insignia of the superiority of MAN over all other animals, for 2169 surely there could be no other reason for wearing the hideous 2170 things. 2171 Many moons ago, when he had been much smaller, he had 2172 desired the skin of Sabor, the lioness, or Numa, the lion, or 2173 Sheeta, the leopard to cover his hairless body that he might no 2174 longer resemble hideous Histah, the snake; but now he was 2175 proud of his sleek skin for it betokened his descent from a 2176 mighty race, and the conflicting desires to go naked in prideful 2177 proof of his ancestry, or to conform to the customs of his own 2178 kind and wear hideous and uncomfortable apparel found first 2179 one and then the other in the ascendency. 2180 As the tribe continued their slow way through the forest after 2181 the passing of Sabor, Tarzan's head was filled with his great 2182 scheme for slaying his enemy, and for many days thereafter he 2183 thought of little else. 2184 On this day, however, he presently had other and more 2185 immediate interests to attract his attention. 2186 Suddenly it became as midnight; the noises of the jungle 2187 ceased; the trees stood motionless as though in paralyzed 2188

2168 badge (s) – distintivo, emblema, divisa, crachá 2168 greatness (s) – grandeza, importância 2170 hideous (adj) – muito feio, medonho 2173 lioness (s) - leoa 2175 resemble (to) – assemelhar-se a, parecer-se com 2176 sleek (adj) – liso, lustroso 2176 betoken (to) – indicar, augurar 2176 descent (s) – origem, raízes, ascendência 2178 conform (to) – conformar-se 2179 apparel (s) – vestimenta, vestuário 2180 ascendency (s) – poder, influência 2183 scheme (s) – plano, projecto ♣♣♣ shame (s) - vergonha 2183 thereafter (adv) – depois disso 2188 motionless (adj) – imóvel, sem movimento, sem se mexer

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expectancy of some great and imminent disaster. All nature 2189 waited−−but not for long. 2190 Faintly, from a distance, came a low, sad moaning. Nearer and 2191 nearer it approached, mounting louder and louder in volume. 2192 The great trees bent in unison as though pressed earthward by 2193 a mighty hand. Farther and farther toward the ground they 2194 inclined, and still there was no sound save the deep and 2195 awesome moaning of the wind. 2196 Then, suddenly, the jungle giants whipped back, lashing their 2197 mighty tops in angry and deafening protest. A vivid and 2198 blinding light flashed from the whirling, inky clouds above. The 2199 deep cannonade of roaring thunder belched forth its fearsome 2200 challenge. The deluge came−−all hell broke loose upon the 2201 jungle. 2202 The tribe shivering from the cold rain, huddled at the bases of 2203 great trees. The lightning, darting and flashing through the 2204 blackness, showed wildly waving branches, whipping 2205 streamers and bending trunks. 2206 Now and again some ancient patriarch of the woods, rent by a 2207 flashing bolt, would crash in a thousand pieces among the 2208 surrounding trees, carrying down numberless branches and 2209 many smaller neighbors to add to the tangled confusion of the 2210 tropical jungle. 2211

2193 unison (s) – uníssono, harmonia, acordo, concordância 2196 awesome (adj) – impressionante, terrível, assustador 2197 whip (to) – precipitar-se, mexer-se (chicotear) 2198 deafening (adj) - ensurdecedor 2200 cannonade (s) - bombardear 2200 belch (to) – vomitar, arrotar 2200 forth (adv) – avante, adiante, para diante 2201 deluge (s) – dilúvio, inundação 2201 all hell breaks loose - é um pandemónio; é um barulho dos diabos 2204 dart (to) – precipitar-se 2205 whip (to) – chicotear, açoitar 2206 streamer (s) – julgo que se refere a ramos das árvores 2206 trunk (s) - tronco 2207 rend (to) – fender, rasgar, despedaçar, arrancar 2210 tangled (adj) – confuso, emaranhado

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Branches, great and small, torn away by the ferocity of the 2212 tornado, hurtled through the wildly waving verdure, carrying 2213 death and destruction to countless unhappy denizens of the 2214 thickly peopled world below. 2215 For hours the fury of the storm continued without surcease, 2216 and still the tribe huddled close in shivering fear. 2217 In constant danger from falling trunks and branches and 2218 paralyzed by the vivid flashing of lightning and the bellowing of 2219 thunder they crouched in pitiful misery until the storm passed. 2220 The end was as sudden as the beginning. The wind ceased, 2221 the sun shone forth−−nature smiled once more. 2222 The dripping leaves and branches, and the moist petals of 2223 gorgeous flowers glistened in the splendor of the returning day. 2224 And, so−−as Nature forgot, her children forgot also. Busy life 2225 went on as it had been before the darkness and the fright. 2226 But to Tarzan a dawning light had come to explain the mystery 2227 of CLOTHES. How snug he would have been beneath the 2228 heavy coat of Sabor! And so was added a further incentive to 2229 the adventure. 2230 For several months the tribe hovered near the beach where 2231 stood Tarzan's cabin, and his studies took up the greater 2232 portion of his time, but always when journeying through the 2233 forest he kept his rope in readiness, and many were the 2234

2212 tear away (to) – arrancar, partir 2213 hurtle (to) – passar a grande velocidade, precipitar-se 2215 thickly (adv) – densamente, espessamente 2215 people (to) - povoar 2216 surcease (s) – fim, termo, cessação 2219 bellow (to) – rugir, bramir 2220 pitiful (adj) – lamentável, deplorável 2223 moist (adj) – húmido 2228 snug (adj) – confortável, aconchegado 2231 hover (to) – rondar, girar 2232 take up (to) – ocupar, preencher

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smaller animals that fell into the snare of the quick thrown 2235 noose. 2236 Once it fell about the short neck of Horta, the boar, and his 2237 mad lunge for freedom toppled Tarzan from the overhanging 2238 limb where he had lain in wait and from whence he had 2239 launched his sinuous coil. 2240 The mighty tusker turned at the sound of his falling body, and, 2241 seeing only the easy prey of a young ape, he lowered his head 2242 and charged madly at the surprised youth. 2243 Tarzan, happily, was uninjured by the fall, alighting catlike 2244 upon all fours far outspread to take up the shock. 2245 He was on his feet in an instant and, leaping with the agility of 2246 the monkey he was, he gained the safety of a low limb as 2247 Horta, the boar, rushed futilely beneath. 2248 Thus it was that Tarzan learned by experience the limitations 2249 as well as the possibilities of his strange weapon. 2250 He lost a long rope on this occasion, but he knew that had it 2251 been Sabor who had thus dragged him from his perch the 2252 outcome might have been very different, for he would have lost 2253 his life, doubtless, into the bargain. 2254 It took him many days to braid a new rope, but when, finally, it 2255 was done he went forth purposely to hunt, and lie in wait 2256 among the dense foliage of a great branch right above the 2257 well−beaten trail that led to water. 2258

2235 snare (s) - armadilha 2235 throw (to) – atirar, lançar 2237 boar (s) - javali 2238 lunge (s) – investida, ataque 2238 topple (to) – cair, tombar 2240 launch (to) – lançar, atirar, arremessar 2241 tusker (s) – javali ou elefante adulto já com presas 2244 alight (to) – descer, pousar, aterrar 2245 on all fours - de gatas; 2245 outspread (adj) – estendido, aberto 2252 perch (s) - poleiro 2253 outcome (s) – resultado, efeito, consequência 2255 braid (to) – entrançar, entrelaçar 2256 forth (adv) – avante, adiante 2256 purposely (adv) – propositadamente, deliberadamente, intencionalmente 2258 beat (to) – bater ou explorar um terreno

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Several small animals passed unharmed beneath him. He did 2259 not want such insignificant game. It would take a strong animal 2260 to test the efficacy of his new scheme. 2261 At last came she whom Tarzan sought, with lithe sinews rolling 2262 beneath shimmering hide; fat and glossy came Sabor, the 2263 lioness. 2264 Her great padded feet fell soft and noiseless on the narrow 2265 trail. Her head was high in ever alert attention; her long tail 2266 moved slowly in sinuous and graceful undulations. 2267 Nearer and nearer she came to where Tarzan of the Apes 2268 crouched upon his limb, the coils of his long rope poised ready 2269 in his hand. 2270 Like a thing of bronze, motionless as death, sat Tarzan. Sabor 2271 passed beneath. One stride beyond she took—a second, a 2272 third, and then the silent coil shot out above her. 2273 For an instant the spreading noose hung above her head like a 2274 great snake, and then, as she looked upward to detect the 2275 origin of the swishing sound of the rope, it settled about her 2276 neck. With a quick jerk Tarzan snapped the noose tight about 2277 the glossy throat, and then he dropped the rope and clung to 2278 his support with both hands. 2279 Sabor was trapped. 2280 With a bound the startled beast turned into the jungle, but 2281 Tarzan was not to lose another rope through the same cause 2282

2261 scheme (s) – método, procedimento, plano, projecto 2262 lithe (adj) – ágil, flexível 2262 sinew (s) – força, vigor, tendão, espinha dorsal 2263 shimmering (adj) - reluzente 2263 hide (s) – pele de animal 2263 fat (adj) – corpulento, gordo 2263 glossy (adj) – brilhante, lustroso, polido 2271 motionless (adj) – imóvel, sem movimento, sem se mexer 2271 death (s) - morte 2272 stride (s) – passo grande, passo largo 2274 noose (s) – nó corredio, laço 2276 swish (to) – silvar, sibilar 2278 cling (to) – agarrar-se, segurar-se

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as the first. He had learned from experience. The lioness had 2283 taken but half her second bound when she felt the rope tighten 2284 about her neck; her body turned completely over in the air and 2285 she fell with a heavy crash upon her back. Tarzan had 2286 fastened the end of the rope securely to the trunk of the great 2287 tree on which he sat. 2288 Thus far his plan had worked to perfection, but when he 2289 grasped the rope, bracing himself behind a crotch of two 2290 mighty branches, he found that dragging the mighty, 2291 struggling, clawing, biting, screaming mass of iron−muscled 2292 fury up to the tree and hanging her was a very different 2293 proposition. 2294 The weight of old Sabor was immense, and when she braced 2295 her huge paws nothing less than Tantor, the elephant, himself, 2296 could have budged her. 2297 The lioness was now back in the path where she could see the 2298 author of the indignity which had been placed upon her. 2299 Screaming with rage she suddenly charged, leaping high into 2300 the air toward Tarzan, but when her huge body struck the limb 2301 on which Tarzan had been, Tarzan was no longer there. 2302 Instead he perched lightly upon a smaller branch twenty feet 2303 above the raging captive. For a moment Sabor hung half 2304 across the branch, while Tarzan mocked, and hurled twigs and 2305 branches at her unprotected face. 2306

2290 crotch (s) – entrepernas, neste caso são: ‘dois ramos perto um do outro’ 2294 proposition (s) – plano, projecto (proposta) 2297 budge (to) – moer, agitar 2305 mock (to) – fazer troça, escarnecer, ridicularizar 2305 twig (s) – galho, ramo

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Presently the beast dropped to the earth again and Tarzan 2307 came quickly to seize the rope, but Sabor had now found that it 2308 was only a slender cord that held her, and grasping it in her 2309 huge jaws severed it before Tarzan could tighten the strangling 2310 noose a second time. 2311 Tarzan was much hurt. His well−laid plan had come to naught, 2312 so he sat there screaming at the roaring creature beneath him 2313 and making mocking grimaces at it. 2314 Sabor paced back and forth beneath the tree for hours; four 2315 times she crouched and sprang at the dancing sprite above 2316 her, but might as well have clutched at the illusive wind that 2317 murmured through the tree tops. 2318 At last Tarzan tired of the sport, and with a parting roar of 2319 challenge and a well−aimed ripe fruit that spread soft and 2320 sticky over the snarling face of his enemy, he swung rapidly 2321 through the trees, a hundred feet above the ground, and in a 2322 short time was among the members of his tribe. 2323 Here he recounted the details of his adventure, with swelling 2324 chest and so considerable swagger that he quite impressed 2325 even his bitterest enemies, while Kala fairly danced for joy and 2326 pride. 2327 Chapter 9. Man and Man 2328 Tarzan of the Apes lived on in his wild, jungle existence with 2329 little change for several years, only that he grew stronger and 2330

2309 slender (adj) - delgado 2310 sever (to) - cortar 2312 naught (s) – nada, zero 2314 grimace (s) – careta, esgar, trejeito 2315 forth (adv) – avante, adiante 2316 sprite (s) – duende, elfo, espírito 2317 but might as well have clutched at the illusive wind that murmured through the tree tops - mas não teria conseguido mais se tivesse tentado apanhar o vento que murmurava entre as altos ramos 2320 aim (to) – fazer pontaria, apontar 2320 ripe (adj) - maduro 2324 swelling (adj) – que incha, arrogante, orgulhoso 2325 chest (s) – peito, tórax 2325 swagger (to) – bazofiar, vangloriar-se, gabar-se 2325 impress (to) - impressionar 2326 bitter enemy - inimigo implacável (refere-se a que o Tarzan teria alguns inimigos entre os macacos do seu grupo) 2326 fairly (adv) – muito, completamente

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wiser, and learned from his books more and more of the 2331 strange worlds which lay somewhere outside his primeval 2332 forest. 2333 To him life was never monotonous or stale. There was always 2334 Pisah, the fish, to be caught in the many streams and the little 2335 lakes, and Sabor, with her ferocious cousins to keep one ever 2336 on the alert and give zest to every instant that one spent upon 2337 the ground. 2338 Often they hunted him, and more often he hunted them, but 2339 though they never quite reached him with those cruel, sharp 2340 claws of theirs, yet there were times when one could scarce 2341 have passed a thick leaf between their talons and his smooth 2342 hide. 2343 Quick was Sabor, the lioness, and quick were Numa and 2344 Sheeta, but Tarzan of the Apes was lightning. 2345 With Tantor, the elephant, he made friends. How? Ask not. But 2346 this is known to the denizens of the jungle, that on many 2347 moonlight nights Tarzan of the Apes and Tantor, the elephant, 2348 walked together, and where the way was clear Tarzan rode, 2349 perched high upon Tantor's mighty back. 2350 Many days during these years he spent in the cabin of his 2351 father, where still lay, untouched, the bones of his parents and 2352 the skeleton of Kala's baby. At eighteen he read fluently and 2353

2331 wise (adj) – sábio, sensato, sagaz 2334 stale (adj) – sem sabor, insípido (com mofo, bolorento, velho) 2336 cousin (s) - primo 2337 zest (s) – animação, entusiasmo, gosto, prazer, satisfação 2342 talon (s) – presa, garra 2343 hide (s) – pele

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understood nearly all he read in the many and varied volumes 2354 on the shelves. 2355 Also could he write, with printed letters, rapidly and plainly, but 2356 script he had not mastered, for though there were several copy 2357 books among his treasure, there was so little written English in 2358 the cabin that he saw no use for bothering with this other form 2359 of writing, though he could read it, laboriously. 2360 Thus, at eighteen, we find him, an English lordling, who could 2361 speak no English, and yet who could read and write his native 2362 language. Never had he seen a human being other than 2363 himself, for the little area traversed by his tribe was watered by 2364 no greater river to bring down the savage natives of the 2365 interior. 2366 High hills shut it off on three sides, the ocean on the fourth. It 2367 was alive with lions and leopards and poisonous snakes. Its 2368 untouched mazes of matted jungle had as yet invited no hardy 2369 pioneer from the human beasts beyond its frontier. 2370 But as Tarzan of the Apes sat one day in the cabin of his father 2371 delving into the mysteries of a new book, the ancient security 2372 of his jungle was broken forever. 2373 At the far eastern confine a strange cavalcade strung, in single 2374 file, over the brow of a low hill. 2375 In advance were fifty black warriors armed with slender 2376 wooden spears with ends hard baked over slow fires, and long 2377

2357 master (to) – dominar, controlar 2361 lordling (s) – pequeno senhor, fidalgote 2369 maze (s) – labirinto, dédalo 2369 matted (adj) – emaranhado, eriçado 2374 confine (s) – fronteira, limite 2374 cavalcade (s) – desfile, cavalgada 2374 string (to) – desfilar, mover-se em fila 2375 brow (s) – cume de monte ou colina 2376 slender (adj) – delgado, esguio, fino 2377 spear (s) - lança 2377 bake (to) – endurecer a lâmina (cozer, assar)

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bows and poisoned arrows. On their backs were oval shields, 2378 in their noses huge rings, while from the kinky wool of their 2379 heads protruded tufts of gay feathers. 2380 Across their foreheads were tattooed three parallel lines of 2381 color, and on each breast three concentric circles. 2382 Their yellow teeth were filed to sharp points, and their great 2383 protruding lips added still further to the low and bestial 2384 brutishness of their appearance. 2385 Following them were several hundred women and children, the 2386 former bearing upon their heads great burdens of cooking 2387 pots, household utensils and ivory. In the rear were a hundred 2388 warriors, similar in all respects to the advance guard. 2389 That they more greatly feared an attack from the rear than 2390 whatever unknown enemies lurked in their advance was 2391 evidenced by the formation of the column; and such was the 2392 fact, for they were fleeing from the white man's soldiers who 2393 had so harassed them for rubber and ivory that they had 2394 turned upon their conquerors one day and massacred a white 2395 officer and a small detachment of his black troops. 2396 For many days they had gorged themselves on meat, but 2397 eventually a stronger body of troops had come and fallen upon 2398 their village by night to revenge the death of their comrades. 2399 That night the black soldiers of the white man had had meat 2400 a−plenty, and this little remnant of a once powerful tribe had 2401

2378 shield (s) - escudo 2379 kinky (adj) – estranho, bizarro 2379 wool (s) – cabeleira espessa e encaracolada 2380 protrude (to) – sobressair, ressaltar 2380 tuft (s) – tufo, penacho 2380 feather (s) – pena, pluma, plumagem 2382 breast (s) - peito 2387 former (adj) – primeiro (precedente, anterior) 2387 burden (s) – fardo, carga 2388 ivory (s) - marfim 2388 rear (s) – parte de trás 2391 lurk (to) – esconder-se, ocultar-se 2393 flee (to) – fugir de, abandonar 2394 harass (to) – incomodar, molestar, assediar 2395 turn on (to) – atacar, virar-se contra (ligar ou acender a luz ou o gás ou máquinas) 2396 detachment (s) - destacamento 2397 gorge (to) – empanturrar-se, engolir, devorar 2401 remnant (s) – resto, sobra

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slunk off into the gloomy jungle toward the unknown, and 2402 freedom. 2403 But that which meant freedom and the pursuit of happiness to 2404 these savage blacks meant consternation and death to many 2405 of the wild denizens of their new home. 2406 For three days the little cavalcade marched slowly through the 2407 heart of this unknown and untracked forest, until finally, early in 2408 the fourth day, they came upon a little spot near the banks of a 2409 small river, which seemed less thickly overgrown than any 2410 ground they had yet encountered. 2411 Here they set to work to build a new village, and in a month a 2412 great clearing had been made, huts and palisades erected, 2413 plantains, yams and maize planted, and they had taken up 2414 their old life in their new home. 2415 Here there were no white men, no soldiers, nor any rubber or 2416 ivory to be gathered for cruel and thankless taskmasters. 2417 Several moons passed by ere the blacks ventured far into the 2418 territory surrounding their new village. Several had already 2419 fallen prey to old Sabor, and because the jungle was so 2420 infested with these fierce and bloodthirsty cats, and with lions 2421 and leopards, the ebony warriors hesitated to trust themselves 2422 far from the safety of their palisades. 2423 But one day, Kulonga, a son of the old king, Mbonga, 2424 wandered far into the dense mazes to the west. Warily he 2425

2402 slink off (to) – retirar-se furtivamente 2402 gloomy (adj) – sombrio, triste, carregado, escuro 2404 pursuit (s) – busca, procura 2407 cavalcade (s) - desfile 2410 overgrown (adj) – coberto com, cheio, repleto 2414 plantains (s) – banana da terra, banana de são tomé 2414 yam (s) – inhame, planta monocotiledónea, herbácea, em regra com rizoma tuberoso, alimentício, especialmente da família das Aráceas e da família das Dioscoriáceas, cultivada para fins alimentares e ornamentais 2414 maize (s) - milho 2414 take up (to) – retomar, continuar, recomeçar (dedicar-se a actividade nova, iniciar) 2417 taskmaster (s) – capataz, superintendente 2418 ere (prep) – antes de 2422 trust (to) – confiar em 2425 warily (adv) – prudentemente, cautelosamente

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stepped, his slender lance ever ready, his long oval shield 2426 firmly grasped in his left hand close to his sleek ebony body. 2427 At his back his bow, and in the quiver upon his shield many 2428 slim, straight arrows, well smeared with the thick, dark, tarry 2429 substance that rendered deadly their tiniest needle prick. 2430 Night found Kulonga far from the palisades of his father's 2431 village, but still headed westward, and climbing into the fork of 2432 a great tree he fashioned a rude platform and curled himself 2433 for sleep. 2434 Three miles to the west slept the tribe of Kerchak. 2435 Early the next morning the apes were astir, moving through the 2436 jungle in search of food. Tarzan, as was his custom, 2437 prosecuted his search in the direction of the cabin so that by 2438 leisurely hunting on the way his stomach was filled by the time 2439 he reached the beach. 2440 The apes scattered by ones, and twos, and threes in all 2441 directions, but ever within sound of a signal of alarm. 2442 Kala had moved slowly along an elephant track toward the 2443 east, and was busily engaged in turning over rotted limbs and 2444 logs in search of succulent bugs and fungi, when the faintest 2445 shadow of a strange noise brought her to startled attention. 2446 For fifty yards before her the trail was straight, and down this 2447 leafy tunnel she saw the stealthy advancing figure of a strange 2448 and fearful creature. 2449

2430 render (to) – realizar, fazer, prestar (dar, dar em troca) 2430 deadly (adv) – mortalmente 2430 needle (adj) – de agulha 2430 prick (s) – picada, picadela, ferroada 2436 astir (adj) - (adv) – a pé, agitado, em movimento 2438 prosecute (to) – levar a cabo, fazer (continuar, prosseguir) 2439 leisurely (adj) – sem pressa, calmo, vagaroso 2441 scatter/spread/disperse (to) – dispersar-se ♣♣♣ rot (to) - apodrecer 2445 log (s) – tronco (barrote, cepo) 2445 bug (s) – pulgão, insecto 2445 fungi (s) - ??????? 2448 leafy (adj) – coberto com folhas

2426 step (to) – andar, caminhar 2426 slender (adj) – delgado, esguio, fino 2426 lance/spear (s) – lança 2426 shield (s) - escudo 2427 sleek (adj) – lustroso, liso 2428 quiver (s) – aljava, carcás, estojo das setas 2428 shield (s) – estojo, protecção, caixa 2429 slim (adj) – delgado, esguio 2429 straight (adj) – direito (recto, directo, desempenado, erecto) 2429 smear (to) – untar, besuntar, esfregar com, cobrir com substância 2429 thick (adj) – denso, espesso (grosso, largo) 2429 tarry (adj) – que se agarra e permanece agarrado

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It was Kulonga. 2450 Kala did not wait to see more, but, turning, moved rapidly back 2451 along the trail. She did not run; but, after the manner of her 2452 kind when not aroused, sought rather to avoid than to escape. 2453 Close after her came Kulonga. Here was meat. He could make 2454 a killing and feast well this day. On he hurried, his spear 2455 poised for the throw. 2456 At a turning of the trail he came in sight of her again upon 2457 another straight stretch. His spear hand went far back the 2458 muscles rolled, lightning−like, beneath the sleek hide. Out shot 2459 the arm, and the spear sped toward Kala. 2460 A poor cast. It but grazed her side. 2461 With a cry of rage and pain the she−ape turned upon her 2462 tormentor. In an instant the trees were crashing beneath the 2463 weight of her hurrying fellows, swinging rapidly toward the 2464 scene of trouble in answer to Kala's scream. 2465 As she charged, Kulonga unslung his bow and fitted an arrow 2466 with almost unthinkable quickness. Drawing the shaft far back 2467 he drove the poisoned missile straight into the heart of the 2468 great anthropoid. 2469 With a horrid scream Kala plunged forward upon her face 2470 before the astonished members of her tribe. 2471

2453 seek (to) – procurar, tentar, esforçar-se por 2456 poise (to) – estabilizar, pairar, equilibrar 2459 sleek (adj) – lustroso, liso 2459 hide (s) - pele ♣♣♣ hide (to) – esconder, ocultar 2461 cast (s) – lançamento, lanço 2461 graze (to) – raspar, roçar 2466 unsling (to) – significa tirar do ‘descanso’ ou de um ‘estojo’

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Roaring and shrieking the apes dashed toward Kulonga, but 2472 that wary savage was fleeing down the trail like a frightened 2473 antelope. 2474 He knew something of the ferocity of these wild, hairy men, 2475 and his one desire was to put as many miles between himself 2476 and them as he possibly could. 2477 They followed him, racing through the trees, for a long 2478 distance, but finally one by one they abandoned the chase and 2479 returned to the scene of the tragedy. 2480 None of them had ever seen a man before, other than Tarzan, 2481 and so they wondered vaguely what strange manner of 2482 creature it might be that had invaded their jungle. 2483 On the far beach by the little cabin Tarzan heard the faint 2484 echoes of the conflict and knowing that something was 2485 seriously amiss among the tribe he hastened rapidly toward 2486 the direction of the sound. 2487 When he arrived he found the entire tribe gathered jabbering 2488 about the dead body of his slain mother. 2489 Tarzan's grief and anger were unbounded. He roared out his 2490 hideous challenge time and again. He beat upon his great 2491 chest with his clenched fists, and then he fell upon the body of 2492 Kala and sobbed out the pitiful sorrowing of his lonely heart. 2493

2472 dash (to) – precipitar-se, mover-se rapidamente 2473 wary (adj) – cauteloso, prudente 2486 amiss (adj) – errado, mal 2486 hasten (to) – apressar-se, precipitar-se 2488 jabber (to) – tagarelar, palrar 2489 slay (to) – matar, assassinar, chacinar 2490 grief (s) – dor, sofrimento, pesar, aflição 2490 unbounded (adj) – ilimitado, infinito, sem limites 2491 hideous (adj) – muito feio, medonho, terrível 2493 pitiful (adj) – deplorável, lamentável 2493 sorrowing (s) - aflição

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To lose the only creature in all his world who ever had 2494 manifested love and affection for him was the greatest tragedy 2495 he had ever known. 2496 What though Kala was a fierce and hideous ape! To Tarzan 2497 she had been kind, she had been beautiful. 2498 Upon her he had lavished, unknown to himself, all the 2499 reverence and respect and love that a normal English boy 2500 feels for his own mother. He had never known another, and so 2501 to Kala was given, though mutely, all that would have belonged 2502 to the fair and lovely Lady Alice had she lived. 2503 After the first outburst of grief Tarzan controlled himself, and 2504 questioning the members of the tribe who had witnessed the 2505 killing of Kala he learned all that their meager vocabulary could 2506 convey. 2507 It was enough, however, for his needs. It told him of a strange, 2508 hairless, black ape with feathers growing upon its head, who 2509 launched death from a slender branch, and then ran, with the 2510 fleetness of Bara, the deer, toward the rising sun. 2511 Tarzan waited no longer, but leaping into the branches of the 2512 trees sped rapidly through the forest. He knew the windings of 2513 the elephant trail along which Kala's murderer had flown, and 2514 so he cut straight through the jungle to intercept the black 2515 warrior who was evidently following the tortuous detours of the 2516 trail. 2517

2499 lavished (adj) – esbanjado 2502 mutely (adv) – silenciosamente, mudamente 2503 fair (adj) – bom (justo, correcto, de pele clara, louro) 2504 outburst (s) – acesso, ataque 2504 grief (s) – dor, sofrimento, aflição, pesar 2506 meager/meagre (adj) – escasso, pouco abundante, insuficiente (magro, descarnado, seco de carnes) 2507 convey (to) – comunicar, transmitir 2508 need (s) – necessidade (precisão, falta, carência) 2509 feather (s) – pluma, plumagem, pena 2510 launch (to) – atirar, arremessar 2510 slender (adj) – delgado, esguio, fino 2511 fleetness (s) – rapidez, velocidade, ligeireza, efemeridade 2511 deer (s) – veado, gamo 2513 winding (s) – volta, curva 2514 flow (to) – correr, circular 2516 detour (s) – rodeio, volta

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At his side was the hunting knife of his unknown sire, and 2518 across his shoulders the coils of his own long rope. 2519 In an hour he struck the trail again, and coming to earth 2520 examined the soil minutely. 2521 In the soft mud on the bank of a tiny rivulet he found footprints 2522 such as he alone in all the jungle had ever made, but much 2523 larger than his. His heart beat fast. Could it be that he was 2524 trailing a MAN−−one of his own race? 2525 There were two sets of imprints pointing in opposite directions. 2526 So his quarry had already passed on his return along the trail. 2527 As he examined the newer spoor a tiny particle of earth 2528 toppled from the outer edge of one of the footprints to the 2529 bottom of its shallow depression−−ah, the trail was very fresh, 2530 his prey must have but scarcely passed. 2531 Tarzan swung himself to the trees once more, and with swift 2532 noiselessness sped along high above the trail. 2533 He had covered barely a mile when he came upon the black 2534 warrior standing in a little open space. In his hand was his 2535 slender bow to which he had fitted one of his death dealing 2536 arrows. 2537 Opposite him across the little clearing stood Horta, the boar, 2538 with lowered head and foam flecked tucks, ready to charge. 2539 Tarzan looked with wonder upon the strange creature beneath 2540 him−−so like him in form and yet so different in face and color. 2541

2518 sire (s) – pai, antepassado 2520 strike (to) – atingir, chegar a (bater com, bater em) 2521 minutely (adv) – minuciosamente, em detalhe, ao pormenor 2522 rivulet (s) – regato, ribeiro 2526 set (s) – conjunto, grupo, rumo, orientação 2526 imprint (s) – pista (cunho, marca, impressão) 2527 quarry (s) – presa, perseguido 2528 spoor (s) – pista (rasto de animal) 2529 topple (to) – cair, tombar 2530 shallow (adj) – de pouca profundidade, pouco fundo, baixo 2534 barely (adv) – só, apenas, escassamente 2536 fit (to) – aprontar, preparar-se para 2536 dealing (adj) – de comportamento 2538 boar (s) - javali 2539 foam (adj) – que espuma 2539 flecked (adj) - salpicado 2539 tuck (s) – lâmina, ponta aguçada

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His books had portrayed the NEGRO, but how different had 2542 been the dull, dead print to this sleek thing of ebony, pulsing 2543 with life. 2544 As the man stood there with taut drawn bow Tarzan 2545 recognized him not so much the NEGRO as the ARCHER of 2546 his picture book−− 2547 A stands for Archer How wonderful! Tarzan almost betrayed 2548 his presence in the deep excitement of his discovery. 2549 But things were commencing to happen below him. The sinewy 2550 black arm had drawn the shaft far back; 2551 Horta, the boar, was charging, and then the black released the 2552 little poisoned arrow, and Tarzan saw it fly with the quickness 2553 of thought and lodge in the bristling neck of the boar. 2554 Scarcely had the shaft left his bow ere Kulonga had fitted 2555 another to it, but Horta, the boar, was upon him so quickly that 2556 he had no time to discharge it. With a bound the black leaped 2557 entirely over the rushing beast and turning with incredible 2558 swiftness planted a second arrow in Horta's back. Then 2559 Kulonga sprang into a near−by tree. 2560 Horta wheeled to charge his enemy once more; a dozen steps 2561 he took, then he staggered and fell upon his side. For a 2562 moment his muscles stiffened and relaxed convulsively, then 2563 he lay still. 2564 Kulonga came down from his tree. 2565

2542 portray (to) – representar, retratar, descrever 2543 dull (adj) – sem imaginação, monótono 2543 sleek (adj) – liso, lustroso, atraente, elegante 2545 taut (adj) – esticado, retesado 2545 drawn (adj) – tenso, crispado 2550 sinewy (adj) – forte, vigoroso, enérgico 2551 shaft/arrow (s) – flecha, seta 2552 release (to) – soltar, desprender, largar 2554 lodge (to) – meter, introduzir, alojar 2554 bristling (adj) – com cerdas ou pêlos 2555 ere (prep) - (conj) – antes de 2561 wheel (to) – rodar, rolar 2562 stagger (to) – cambalear, vacilar

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With a knife that hung at his side he cut several large pieces 2566 from the boar's body, and in the center of the trail he built a 2567 fire, cooking and eating as much as he wanted. The rest he left 2568 where it had fallen. 2569 Tarzan was an interested spectator. His desire to kill burned 2570 fiercely in his wild breast, but his desire to learn was even 2571 greater. He would follow this savage creature for a while and 2572 know from whence he came. He could kill him at his leisure 2573 later, when the bow and deadly arrows were laid aside. 2574 When Kulonga had finished his repast and disappeared 2575 beyond a near turning of the path, Tarzan dropped quietly to 2576 the ground. With his knife he severed many strips of meat from 2577 Horta's carcass, but he did not cook them. 2578 He had seen fire, but only when Ara, the lightning, had 2579 destroyed some great tree. That any creature of the jungle 2580 could produce the red−and−y ellow fangs which devoured 2581 wood and left nothing but fine dust surprised Tarzan greatly, 2582 and why the black warrior had ruined his delicious repast by 2583 plunging it into the blighting heat was quite beyond him. 2584 Possibly Ara was a friend with whom the Archer was sharing 2585 his food. 2586 But, be that as it may, Tarzan would not ruin good meat in any 2587 such foolish manner, so he gobbled down a great quantity of 2588

2573 whence (adv) – de onde 2573 leisure (s) – tempo livre, lazer, descanso 2581 fang (s) – chamas (presa, dente de animal) 2584 plunge (to) – atirar, mergulhar 2584 blighting (adj) – desonroso, aviltante 2584 heat (s) - calor 2585 Ara, the lightning 2587 be that as it may - seja como for;

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the raw flesh, burying the balance of the carcass beside the 2589 trail where he could find it upon his return. 2590 And then Lord Greystoke wiped his greasy fingers upon his 2591 naked thighs and took up the trail of Kulonga, the son of 2592 Mbonga, the king; while in far−off L ondon another Lord 2593 Greystoke, the younger brother of the real Lord Greystoke's 2594 father, sent back his chops to the club's CHEF because they 2595 were underdone, and when he had finished his repast he 2596 dipped his finger−ends into a silver bowl of scented water and 2597 dried them upon a piece of snowy damask. 2598 All day Tarzan followed Kulonga, hovering above him in the 2599 trees like some malign spirit. Twice more he saw him hurl his 2600 arrows of destruction−−once at Dango, the hyena, and again 2601 at Manu, the monkey. In each instance the animal died almost 2602 instantly, for Kulonga's poison was very fresh and very deadly. 2603 Tarzan thought much on this wondrous method of slaying as 2604 he swung slowly along at a safe distance behind his quarry. He 2605 knew that alone the tiny prick of the arrow could not so quickly 2606 dispatch these wild things of the jungle, who were often torn 2607 and scratched and gored in a frightful manner as they fought 2608 with their jungle neighbors, yet as often recovered as not. 2609 No, there was something mysterious connected with these tiny 2610 slivers of wood which could bring death by a mere scratch. He 2611 must look into the matter. 2612

2589 raw (adj) – cru, não cozinhado 2589 bury (to) - ocultar 2589 balance (s) – resto, saldo 2591 wipe (to) – limpar, esfregar 2591 greasy (adj) - gorduroso 2592 thigh (s) - coxa 2595 chop (s) – costeleta 2596 underdone (adj) – mal passado, meio cru 2599 hover (to) – pairar, girar, rondar 2600 hurl (to) – atirar violentamente 2604 wondrous (adj) – incrível, espantoso, assombroso 2604 slay (to) – matar, chacinar, assassinar 2607 dispatch (to) – matar, liquidar (enviar, despachar, expedir) 2608 scratch (to) - arranhar 2608 gore (to) – espetar 2611 sliver (s) – lasca de madeira 2612 look into (to) - examinar

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That night Kulonga slept in the crotch of a mighty tree and far 2613 above him crouched Tarzan of the Apes. 2614 When Kulonga awoke he found that his bow and arrows had 2615 disappeared. The black warrior was furious and frightened, but 2616 more frightened than furious. He searched the ground below 2617 the tree, and he searched the tree above the ground; but there 2618 was no sign of either bow or arrows or of the nocturnal 2619 marauder. 2620 Kulonga was panic−stricken. His spear he had hurled at Kala 2621 and had not recovered; and, now that his bow and arrows were 2622 gone, he was defenseless except for a single knife. His only 2623 hope lay in reaching the village of Mbonga as quickly as his 2624 legs would carry him. 2625 That he was not far from home he was certain, so he took the 2626 trail at a rapid trot. 2627 From a great mass of impenetrable foliage a few yards away 2628 emerged Tarzan of the Apes to swing quietly in his wake. 2629 Kulonga's bow and arrows were securely tied high in the top of 2630 a giant tree from which a patch of bark had been removed by a 2631 sharp knife near to the ground, and a branch half cut through 2632 and left hanging about fifty feet higher up. Thus Tarzan blazed 2633 the forest trails and marked his caches. 2634

2613 crotch (s) – entrepernas, várias pernadas juntas de árvore 2620 marauder (s) – saqueador, ladrão 2629 wake (s) – pista, esteira, sulco 2631 bark (s) – casca de árvore 2632 through (prep) – de uma ponta à outra 2633 blaze (to) – marcar árvores com golpes na casca para indicar o caminho (arder com chama, resplandecer) 2634 cache (s) – coisas escondidas, depósito secreto, esconderijo

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As Kulonga continued his journey Tarzan closed on him until 2635 he traveled almost over the black's head. His rope he now held 2636 coiled in his right hand; he was almost ready for the kill. 2637 The moment was delayed only because Tarzan was anxious to 2638 ascertain the black warrior's destination, and presently he was 2639 rewarded, for they came suddenly in view of a great clearing, 2640 at one end of which lay many strange lairs. 2641 Tarzan was directly over Kulonga, as he made the discovery. 2642 The forest ended abruptly and beyond lay two hundred yards 2643 of planted fields between the jungle and the village. 2644 Tarzan must act quickly or his prey would be gone; but 2645 Tarzan's life training left so little space between decision and 2646 action when an emergency confronted him that there was not 2647 even room for the shadow of a thought between. 2648 So it was that as Kulonga emerged from the shadow of the 2649 jungle a slender coil of rope sped sinuously above him from 2650 the lowest branch of a mighty tree directly upon the edge of the 2651 fields of Mbonga, and ere the king's son had taken a half 2652 dozen steps into the clearing a quick noose tightened about his 2653 neck. 2654 So quickly did Tarzan of the Apes drag back his prey that 2655 Kulonga's cry of alarm was throttled in his windpipe. Hand over 2656 hand Tarzan drew the struggling black until he had him 2657 hanging by his neck in mid−air; 2658

2639 ascertain (to) – averiguar, verificar 2640 reward (to) – recompensar, premiar 2656 throttle (to) – estrangular, esganar 2656 windpipe (s) – traqueia

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then Tarzan climbed to a larger branch drawing the still 2659 threshing victim well up into the sheltering verdure of the tree. 2660 Here he fastened the rope securely to a stout branch, and 2661 then, descending, plunged his hunting knife into Kulonga's 2662 heart. Kala was avenged. 2663 Tarzan examined the black minutely, for he had never seen 2664 any other human being. The knife with its sheath and belt 2665 caught his eye; he appropriated them. A copper anklet also 2666 took his fancy, and this he transferred to his own leg. 2667 He examined and admired the tattooing on the forehead and 2668 breast. He marveled at the sharp filed teeth. He investigated 2669 and appropriated the feathered headdress, and then he 2670 prepared to get down to business, for Tarzan of the Apes was 2671 hungry, and here was meat; meat of the kill, which jungle 2672 ethics permitted him to eat. 2673 How may we judge him, by what standards, this ape−man with 2674 the heart and head and body of an English gentleman, and the 2675 training of a wild beast? 2676 Tublat, whom he had hated and who had hated him, he had 2677 killed in a fair fight, and yet never had the thought of eating 2678 Tublat's flesh entered his head. It could have been as revolting 2679 to him as is cannibalism to us. 2680 But who was Kulonga that he might not be eaten as fairly as 2681 Horta, the boar, or Bara, the deer? Was he not simply another 2682

2659 still (adj) – quieto, sossegado, tranquilo 2660 tresh (to) – malhar ou debulhar o cereal ???????? 2660 shektering (adj) – que protege, protector 2663 avenge (to) - vingar 2665 sheath (s) – bainha, estojo 2666 copper (adj) – de cobre 2666 anklet (s) – enfeite em forma de anel para o tornozelo 2668 tattooing (s) – tatuagem 2670 feathered (adj) – com penas, cheio de penas 2676 training (s) – formação, instrução, treino 2678 fair (adj) – justo, leal 2679 Tublat – era um dos gorilas, era o gorila que odiava o Tarzan 2682 deer (s) - veado

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of the countless wild things of the jungle who preyed upon one 2683 another to satisfy the cravings of hunger? 2684 Suddenly, a strange doubt stayed his hand. Had not his books 2685 taught him that he was a man? And was not The Archer a 2686 man, also? 2687 Did men eat men? Alas, he did not know. Why, then, this 2688 hesitancy! Once more he essayed the effort, but a qualm of 2689 nausea overwhelmed him. He did not understand. 2690 All he knew was that he could not eat the flesh of this black 2691 man, and thus hereditary instinct, ages old, usurped the 2692 functions of his untaught mind and saved him from 2693 transgressing a worldwide law of whose very existence he was 2694 ignorant. 2695 Quickly he lowered Kulonga's body to the ground, removed the 2696 noose, and took to the trees again. 2697 Chapter 10. The Fear−Phantom 2698 From a lofty perch Tarzan viewed the village of thatched huts 2699 across the intervening plantation. 2700 He saw that at one point the forest touched the village, and to 2701 this spot he made his way, lured by a fever of curiosity to 2702 behold animals of his own kind, and to learn more of their ways 2703 and view the strange lairs in which they lived. 2704 His savage life among the fierce wild brutes of the jungle left 2705 no opening for any thought that these could be aught else than 2706

2683 countless (adj) - inúmero 2684 craving (s) – ânsia, carência, desejo 2684 hunger (s) – fome 2688 alas (interj) – ai!, Ai de mim! 2689 qualm (s) – enjoo, náusea, escrúpulo, dúvida 2690 overwhelm (to) – confundir, dominar por completo 2694 worlwide (adj) – universal, mundial 2698 fear (adj) – do medo, do temor, que se teme, temido 2699 lofty (adj) – elevado, alto 2699 perch (s) – posição ou situação elevada, poleiro 2699 view (to) - examinar 2699 thatch (to) – cobrir de colmo o telhado 2700 intervening (adj) – no meio de, intermédio 2702 lure (to) – encantar, fascinar, seduzir 2703 behold (to) – observar, ver, contemplar 2706 aught (adv) – qualquer coisa

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enemies. Similarity of form led him into no erroneous 2707 conception of the welcome that would be accorded him should 2708 he be discovered by these, the first of his own kind he had 2709 ever seen. 2710 Tarzan of the Apes was no sentimentalist. He knew nothing of 2711 the brotherhood of man. All things outside his own tribe were 2712 his deadly enemies, with the few exceptions of which Tantor, 2713 the elephant, was a marked example. 2714 And he realized all this without malice or hatred. To kill was the 2715 law of the wild world he knew. Few were his primitive 2716 pleasures, but the greatest of these was to hunt and kill, and 2717 so he accorded to others the right to cherish the same desires 2718 as he, even though he himself might be the object of their hunt. 2719 His strange life had left him neither morose nor bloodthirsty. 2720 That he joyed in killing, and that he killed with a joyous laugh 2721 upon his handsome lips betokened no innate cruelty. He killed 2722 for food most often, but, being a man, he sometimes killed for 2723 pleasure, a thing which no other animal does; for it has 2724 remained for man alone among all creatures to kill senselessly 2725 and wantonly for the mere pleasure of inflicting suffering and 2726 death. 2727 And when he killed for revenge, or in self−defense, he did that 2728 also without hysteria, for it was a very businesslike proceeding 2729 which admitted of no levity. 2730

2708 accord (to) – atribuir, conceder, dar 2712 brotherhood (s) – fraternidade, convivência, relações harmoniosas 2715 hatred (s) - ódio 2728 accord (to) – atribuir, conceder, dar 2718 cherish (to) – estimar, apreciar, prezar 2720 morose (adj) – pouco sociável, sombrio 2720 bloodthirsty (adj) – sanguinário, feroz, violento, sedento de sangue 2722 betoken (to) – indicar, denotar 2725 remain (to) – continuar, persistir, permanecer, ficar 2725 senselessly (adv) – insensatamente, estupidamente, disparatadamente 2726 wantonly (adv) – sem razão, sem motivo, libertinamente, brincalhonamente 2730 admit of (to) – permitir, possibilitar, conceder 2730 levity (s) – leviandade, falta de seriedade

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So it was that now, as he cautiously approached the village of 2731 Mbonga, he was quite prepared either to kill or be killed should 2732 he be discovered. He proceeded with unwonted stealth, for 2733 Kulonga had taught him great respect for the little sharp 2734 splinters of wood which dealt death so swiftly and unerringly. 2735 At length he came to a great tree, heavy laden with thick 2736 foliage and loaded with pendant loops of giant creepers. From 2737 this almost impenetrable bower above the village he crouched, 2738 looking down upon the scene below him, wondering over every 2739 feature of this new, strange life. 2740 There were naked children running and playing in the village 2741 street. There were women grinding dried plantain in crude 2742 stone mortars, while others were fashioning cakes from the 2743 powdered flour. Out in the fields he could see still other women 2744 hoeing, weeding, or gathering. 2745 All wore strange protruding girdles of dried grass about their 2746 hips and many were loaded with brass and copper anklets, 2747 armlets and bracelets. Around many a dusky neck hung 2748 curiously coiled strands of wire, while several were further 2749 ornamented by huge nose rings. 2750 Tarzan of the Apes looked with growing wonder at these 2751 strange creatures. Dozing in the shade he saw several men, 2752 while at the extreme outskirts of the clearing he occasionally 2753

2743 fashion (to) – moldar, dar forma a 2744 flour (s) - farinha 2745 hoe (to) – sachar, cavar 2745 weed (to) – arrancar as ervas daninhas, mondar, sachar 2745 gather (to) – apanhar, colher, juntar, reunir 2746 wear (to) – usar, trazer, vestir 2746 protruding (adj) – saliente, protuberante 2746 girdle (s) - cinta 2747 hip (s) – anca, quadril 2747 brass (adj) – de latão 2747 anklet (s) – enfeite em forma de anel para o tornozelo 2748 armlet (s) – braçadeira, brecelete 2748 bracelet (s) - pulseira 2748 dusky (adj) – escuro, sombrio 2749 curiously (adv) - curiosamente 2749 strand (s) - fio 2750 nose (s) – nariz (focinho, olfacto) ♣♣♣ noose (s) – nó corredio, laço, prisão, armadilha, cilada 2752 doze (to) – dormitar, tirar uma soneca 2753 outskirts (s pl) – limites, periferia

2733 unwonted (adj) – raro, invulgar, pouco comum 2733 stealth (s) – actuação furtiva, coisa feita pela calada ou em segredo ♣♣♣ steal (to) – roubar, furtar 2735 deal (to) – dar, repartir, dividir, tartar de 2735 unerringly (adv) – infalivelmente, sem falhar 2736 at length - finalmente; a fundo; detalhadamente ♣♣♣ lade (to) - carregar 2736 laden (adj) - carregado 2737 creeper (s) – trepadeira, planta rasteira 2738 bower (s) – habitação, residência, aposento 2740 feature (s) – característica, particularidade 2742 grind (to) – moer, triturar, esmagar 2742 plantain (s) - banana 2742 crude (adj) – rudimentar, imperfeito, grosseiro 2743 mortar (s) – almofariz, vaso em que se tritura qualquer coisa com um pilão

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caught glimpses of armed warriors apparently guarding the 2754 village against surprise from an attacking enemy. 2755 He noticed that the women alone worked. Nowhere was there 2756 evidence of a man tilling the fields or performing any of the 2757 homely duties of the village. 2758 Finally his eyes rested upon a woman directly beneath him. 2759 Before her was a small cauldron standing over a low fire and in 2760 it bubbled a thick, reddish, tarry mass. On one side of her lay a 2761 quantity of wooden arrows the points of which she dipped into 2762 the seething substance, then laying them upon a narrow rack 2763 of boughs which stood upon her other side. 2764 Tarzan of the Apes was fascinated. Here was the secret of the 2765 terrible destructiveness of The Archer's tiny missiles. He noted 2766 the extreme care which the woman took that none of the 2767 matter should touch her hands, and once when a particle 2768 spattered upon one of her fingers he saw her plunge the 2769 member into a vessel of water and quickly rub the tiny stain 2770 away with a handful of leaves. 2771 Tarzan knew nothing of poison, but his shrewd reasoning told 2772 him that it was this deadly stuff that killed, and not the little 2773 arrow, which was merely the messenger that carried it into the 2774 body of its victim. 2775 How he should like to have more of those little death−dealing 2776 slivers. If the woman would only leave her work for an instant 2777

2756 nowhere (adv) – em parte alguma 2757 till (to) – cultivar, lavrar 2757 perform (to) – realizar, levar a cabo 2758 homely (adj) – modesto, caseiro, simples 2760 cauldron (s) - caldeirão 2761 tarry (adj) – semelhante a alcatrão, alcatroado, com alcatrão 2763 seethe (to) - ferver 2763 rack (s) – armeiro, lanceiro, suporte, prateleira 2764 bough (s) – galho, ramo de árvore 2769 spatter (to) – borrifar, salpicar 2770 stain (s) – pinta, mancha 2772 shrewd (adj) – sensato, astucioso, manhoso 2772 reasoning (s) - raciocínio 2777 sliver (s) – lasca de madeira

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he could drop down, gather up a handful, and be back in the 2778 tree again before she drew three breaths. 2779 As he was trying to think out some plan to distract her attention 2780 he heard a wild cry from across the clearing. 2781 He looked and saw a black warrior standing beneath the very 2782 tree in which he had killed the murderer of Kala an hour 2783 before. 2784 The fellow was shouting and waving his spear above his head. 2785 Now and again he would point to something on the ground 2786 before him. 2787 The village was in an uproar instantly. Armed men rushed from 2788 the interior of many a hut and raced madly across the clearing 2789 toward the excited sentry. After them trooped the old men, and 2790 the women and children until, in a moment, the village was 2791 deserted. 2792 Tarzan of the Apes knew that they had found the body of his 2793 victim, but that interested him far less than the fact that no one 2794 remained in the village to prevent his taking a supply of the 2795 arrows which lay below him. 2796 Quickly and noiselessly he dropped to the ground beside the 2797 cauldron of poison. For a moment he stood motionless, his 2798 quick, bright eyes scanning the interior of the palisade. 2799

2788 uproar (s) – tumulto, excitação, desordem, barulho, rebuliço, algazarra 2790 sentry (s) - sentinela

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No one was in sight. His eyes rested upon the open doorway 2800 of a nearby hut. He would take a look within, thought Tarzan, 2801 and so, cautiously, he approached the low thatched building. 2802 For a moment he stood without, listening intently. There was 2803 no sound, and he glided into the semi−darkness of the interior. 2804 Weapons hung against the walls−−long spears, strangely 2805 shaped knives, a couple of narrow shields. In the center of the 2806 room was a cooking pot, and at the far end a litter of dry 2807 grasses covered by woven mats which evidently served the 2808 owners as beds and bedding. Several human skulls lay upon 2809 the floor. 2810 Tarzan of the Apes felt of each article, hefted the spears, 2811 smelled of them, for he "saw" largely through his sensitive and 2812 highly trained nostrils. He determined to own one of these 2813 long, pointed sticks, but he could not take one on this trip 2814 because of the arrows he meant to carry. 2815 As he took each article from the walls, he placed it in a pile in 2816 the center of the room. On top of all he placed the cooking pot, 2817 inverted, and on top of this he laid one of the grinning skulls, 2818 upon which he fastened the headdress of the dead Kulonga. 2819 Then he stood back, surveyed his work, and grinned. Tarzan 2820 of the Apes enjoyed a joke. 2821 But now he heard, outside, the sounds of many voices, and 2822 long mournful howls, and mighty wailing. He was startled. Had 2823

2802 thatched (adj) – coberto de colmo 2803 without (adv) – fora, exteriormente ((prep) – sem) 2804 glide (to) - deslizar 2806 shield (s) - escudo 2807 litter (s) – cama de palha ou feno 2808 grass (s) – bambus, canas (relva, erva) 2808 weave (to) – tecer, entrançar 2808 mat (s) – esteira de junco ou bambu (capacho, tapete) 2809 bedding (s) – roupa de cama e colchões 2811 heft (to) – avaliar ou tomar o peso de 2814 trip (s) - viagem 2819 fasten (to) – fixar, firmar, atar, prender 2823 wailing (s) – choro, pranto

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he remained too long? Quickly he reached the doorway and 2824 peered down the village street toward the village gate. 2825 The natives were not yet in sight, though he could plainly hear 2826 them approaching across the plantation. They must be very 2827 near. 2828 Like a flash he sprang across the opening to the pile of arrows. 2829 Gathering up all he could carry under one arm, he overturned 2830 the seething cauldron with a kick, and disappeared into the 2831 foliage above just as the first of the returning natives entered 2832 the gate at the far end of the village street. Then he turned to 2833 watch the proceeding below, poised like some wild bird ready 2834 to take swift wing at the first sign of danger. 2835 The natives filed up the street, four of them bearing the dead 2836 body of Kulonga. Behind trailed the women, uttering strange 2837 cries and weird lamentation. On they came to the portals of 2838 Kulonga's hut, the very one in which Tarzan had wrought his 2839 depredations. 2840 Scarcely had half a dozen entered the building ere they came 2841 rushing out in wild, jabbering confusion. The others hastened 2842 to gather about. There was much excited gesticulating, 2843 pointing, and chattering; then several of the warriors 2844 approached and peered within. 2845

2823 startled (adj) – assustado, atemorizado 2837 utter (to) – soltar, pronunciar, dizer 2838 weird (adj) – estranho, esquisito 2842 jabber (to) – tagarelar, palrar 2842 hasten (to) – apressar-se, precipiar-se 2843 gather about (to) – reunir

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Finally an old fellow with many ornaments of metal about his 2846 arms and legs, and a necklace of dried human hands 2847 depending upon his chest, entered the hut. 2848 It was Mbonga, the king, father of Kulonga. 2849 For a few moments all was silent. Then Mbonga emerged, a 2850 look of mingled wrath and superstitious fear writ upon his 2851 hideous countenance. He spoke a few words to the assembled 2852 warriors, and in an instant the men were flying through the little 2853 village searching minutely every hut and corner within the 2854 palisades. 2855 Scarcely had the search commenced than the overturned 2856 cauldron was discovered, and with it the theft of the poisoned 2857 arrows. Nothing more they found, and it was a thoroughly 2858 awed and frightened group of savages which huddled around 2859 their king a few moments later. 2860 Mbonga could explain nothing of the strange events that had 2861 taken place. The finding of the still warm body of Kulonga−−on 2862 the very verge of their fields and within easy earshot of the 2863 village−−knifed and stripped at the door of his father's home, 2864 was in itself sufficiently mysterious, but these last awesome 2865 discoveries within the village, within the dead Kulonga's own 2866 hut, filled their hearts with dismay, and conjured in their poor 2867 brains only the most frightful of superstitious explanations. 2868

2847 nacklace (s) – colar 2851 mingle (to) – misturar (assiciar, juntar-se, ligar) 2851 wrath (s) - cólera 2851 write (to) – passar (escrever) 2852 countenance (s) – rosto, expressão, semblante 2857 theft (s) – roubo, furto (crime) 2858 thoroughly (adv) - completamente 2859 awe (to) – intimidar, assustar, recear 2863 verge (s) – limite, orla, margem, beira 2863 hearshot (s) – alcance do ouvido 2864 strip (to) – cortar às tiras, despojar, desguarnecer 2865 awesome (adj) – impressionante, terrível, assustador 2867 dismay (s) – medo, receio, consternação, desânimo

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They stood in little groups, talking in low tones, and ever 2869 casting affrighted glances behind them from their great rolling 2870 eyes. 2871 Tarzan of the Apes watched them for a while from his lofty 2872 perch in the great tree. There was much in their demeanor 2873 which he could not understand, for of superstition he was 2874 ignorant, and of fear of any kind he had but a vague 2875 conception. 2876 The sun was high in the heavens. Tarzan had not broken fast 2877 this day, and it was many miles to where lay the toothsome 2878 remains of Horta the boar. 2879 So he turned his back upon the village of Mbonga and melted 2880 away into the leafy fastness of the forest. 2881 Chapter 11. "King of the Apes" 2882 It was not yet dark when he reached the tribe, though he 2883 stopped to exhume and devour the remains of the wild boar he 2884 had cached the preceding day, and again to take Kulonga's 2885 bow and arrows from the tree top in which he had hidden 2886 them. 2887 It was a well−laden Tarzan who dropped from the branches 2888 into the midst of the tribe of Kerchak. 2889 With swelling chest he narrated the glories of his adventure 2890 and exhibited the spoils of conquest. 2891

2870 affright (to) - assustar 2872 lofty (adj) – elevado, alto 2873 demeanour (s) – comportamento, procedimento 2877 break one's fast (to) - quebrar o jejum; tomar o pequeno-almoço 2879 toothsome (adj) – saboroso, delicioso 2881 leafy (adj) – com folhas, folhudo 2881 fastness (s) – segurança (rapidez, velocidade) 2884 exhume (to) – exumar, tirar um corpo da sepultura, desenterrar 2885 cache (to) - esconder 2888 laden (adj) – carregado, cheio 2891 spoil (s) – roubo, rapina, saque 2891 conquest (s) - conquista

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Kerchak grunted and turned away, for he was jealous of this 2892 strange member of his band. In his little evil brain he sought for 2893 some excuse to wreak his hatred upon Tarzan. 2894 The next day Tarzan was practicing with his bow and arrows at 2895 the first gleam of dawn. At first he lost nearly every bolt he 2896 shot, but finally he learned to guide the little shafts with fair 2897 accuracy, and ere a month had passed he was no mean shot; 2898 but his proficiency had cost him nearly his entire supply of 2899 arrows. 2900 The tribe continued to find the hunting good in the vicinity of 2901 the beach, and so Tarzan of the Apes varied his archery 2902 practice with further investigation of his father's choice though 2903 little store of books. 2904 It was during this period that the young English lord found 2905 hidden in the back of one of the cupboards in the cabin a small 2906 metal box. The key was in the lock, and a few moments of 2907 investigation and experimentation were rewarded with the 2908 successful opening of the receptacle. 2909 In it he found a faded photograph of a smooth faced young 2910 man, a golden locket studded with diamonds, linked to a small 2911 gold chain, a few letters and a small book. Tarzan examined 2912 these all minutely. 2913 The photograph he liked most of all, for the eyes were smiling, 2914 and the face was open and frank. It was his father. 2915

2893 seek (to) - procurar 2894 excuse (s) - pretexto 2894 wreak (to) – saciar, satisfazer 2894 hatred (s) – ódio, aversão 2898 ere (prep) – antes de 2898 mean (adj) – mau, de qualidade inferior 2899 proficiency (s) – competência, capacidade, mestria 2903 though (conj) – embora, se bem que, ainda que, apesar de 2911 locket (s) - bracelete 2911 stud (to) – eriçar, encher, juncar 2911 linked (adj) - unido

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The locket, too, took his fancy, and he placed the chain about 2916 his neck in imitation of the ornamentation he had seen to be so 2917 common among the black men he had visited. The brilliant 2918 stones gleamed strangely against his smooth, brown hide. 2919 The letters he could scarcely decipher for he had learned little 2920 or nothing of script, so he put them back in the box with the 2921 photograph and turned his attention to the book. 2922 This was almost entirely filled with fine script, but while the little 2923 bugs were all familiar to him, their arrangement and the 2924 combinations in which they occurred were strange, and entirely 2925 incomprehensible. 2926 Tarzan had long since learned the use of the dictionary, but 2927 much to his sorrow and perplexity it proved of no avail to him in 2928 this emergency. Not a word of all that was writ in the book 2929 could he find, and so he put it back in the metal box, but with a 2930 determination to work out the mysteries of it later on. 2931 Little did he know that this book held between its covers the 2932 key to his origin−−the answer to the strange riddle of his 2933 strange life. It was the diary of John Clayton, Lord 2934 Greystoke−−kept in French, as had always been his custom. 2935 Tarzan replaced the box in the cupboard, but always thereafter 2936 he carried the features of the strong, smiling face of his father 2937 in his heart, and in his head a fixed determination to solve the 2938 mystery of the strange words in the little black book. 2939

2933 riddle (s) – adivinha, mistério 2936 thereafter (adv) – depois disso 2937 the features - as feições, o rosto

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At present he had more important business in hand, for his 2940 supply of arrows was exhausted, and he must needs journey 2941 to the black men's village and renew it. Early the following 2942 morning he set out, and, traveling rapidly, he came before 2943 midday to the clearing. Once more he took up his position in 2944 the great tree, and, as before, he saw the women in the fields 2945 and the village street, and the cauldron of bubbling poison 2946 directly beneath him. 2947 For hours he lay awaiting his opportunity to drop down unseen 2948 and gather up the arrows for which he had come; but nothing 2949 now occurred to call the villagers away from their homes. The 2950 day wore on, and still Tarzan of the Apes crouched above the 2951 unsuspecting woman at the cauldron. 2952 Presently the workers in the fields returned. The hunting 2953 warriors emerged from the forest, and when all were within the 2954 palisade the gates were closed and barred. 2955 Many cooking pots were now in evidence about the village. 2956 Before each hut a woman presided over a boiling stew, while 2957 little cakes of plantain, and cassava puddings were to be seen 2958 on every hand. 2959 Suddenly there came a hail from the edge of the clearing. 2960 Tarzan looked. 2961 It was a party of belated hunters returning from the north, and 2962 among them they half led, half carried a struggling animal. 2963

2941 needs (adv) - [usado antes ou depois de must] - forçosamente, necessariamente; 2957 stew (s) – estufado 2958 cassava (s) – mandioca, BOTÂNICA planta arbustiva da família das Euforbiáceas, originária do Brasil (actualmente muito cultivada na África), cuja raiz é comestível e da qual se faz a farinha-de-pau e a tapioca; 2962 belated (adj) – atrasado, tardio

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As they approached the village the gates were thrown open to 2964 admit them, and then, as the people saw the victim of the 2965 chase, a savage cry rose to the heavens, for the quarry was a 2966 man. 2967 As he was dragged, still resisting, into the village street, the 2968 women and children set upon him with sticks and stones, and 2969 Tarzan of the Apes, young and savage beast of the jungle, 2970 wondered at the cruel brutality of his own kind. 2971 Sheeta, the leopard, alone of all the jungle folk, tortured his 2972 prey. The ethics of all the others meted a quick and merciful 2973 death to their victims. 2974 Tarzan had learned from his books but scattered fragments of 2975 the ways of human beings. 2976 When he had followed Kulonga through the forest he had 2977 expected to come to a city of strange houses on wheels, 2978 puffing clouds of black smoke from a huge tree stuck in the 2979 roof of one of them−−or to a sea covered with mighty floating 2980 buildings which he had learned were called, variously, ships 2981 and boats and steamers and craft. 2982 He had been sorely disappointed with the poor little village of 2983 the blacks, hidden away in his own jungle, and with not a 2984 single house as large as his own cabin upon the distant beach. 2985 He saw that these people were more wicked than his own 2986 apes, and as savage and cruel as Sabor, herself. 2987

2966 quarry (s) – presa, vítima 2973 mete (to) – administrar, mandar executar 2975 scatter (to) - dispersar

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Tarzan began to hold his own kind in low esteem. 2988 Now they had tied their poor victim to a great post near the 2989 center of the village, directly before Mbonga's hut, and here 2990 they formed a dancing, yelling circle of warriors about him, 2991 alive with flashing knives and menacing spears. 2992 In a larger circle squatted the women, yelling and beating upon 2993 drums. It reminded Tarzan of the Dum−Dum, and so he knew 2994 what to expect. He wondered if they would spring upon their 2995 meat while it was still alive. 2996 The Apes did not do such things as that. 2997 The circle of warriors about the cringing captive drew closer 2998 and closer to their prey as they danced in wild and savage 2999 abandon to the maddening music of the drums. Presently a 3000 spear reached out and pricked the victim. It was the signal for 3001 fifty others. 3002 Eyes, ears, arms and legs were pierced; every inch of the poor 3003 writhing body that did not cover a vital organ became the target 3004 of the cruel lancers. 3005 The women and children shrieked their delight. 3006 The warriors licked their hideous lips in anticipation of the feast 3007 to come, and vied with one another in the savagery and 3008 loathsomeness of the cruel indignities with which they tortured 3009 the still conscious prisoner. 3010

2988 Tarzan began to hold his own kind in low esteem – Tarzan começou a ter a sua espécie em baixa estima 2993 squat (to) – acocorar-se, agachar-se 2994 drum (s) - tambor 2998 cringe (to) – encolher-se, retrair-se 3000 abandon (s) – à-vontade, despreocupação 3001 reach out (to) – chegar a 3001 prick (to) - picar 3004 writhe (to) – contorcer-se 3004 target (s) – alvo, mira 3007 lick (to) - lamber 3008 vie (to) – competir, rivalizar 3009 loathsomeness/loathliness (s) – asquerosidade, carácter repugnante e desprezível

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Then it was that Tarzan of the Apes saw his chance. All eyes 3011 were fixed upon the thrilling spectacle at the stake. The light of 3012 day had given place to the darkness of a moonless night, and 3013 only the fires in the immediate vicinity of the orgy had been 3014 kept alight to cast a restless glow upon the restless scene. 3015 Gently the lithe boy dropped to the soft earth at the end of the 3016 village street. Quickly he gathered up the arrows−−all of them 3017 this time, for he had brought a number of long fibers to bind 3018 them into a bundle. 3019 Without haste he wrapped them securely, and then, ere he 3020 turned to leave, the devil of capriciousness entered his heart. 3021 He looked about for some hint of a wild prank to play upon 3022 these strange, grotesque creatures that they might be again 3023 aware of his presence among them. 3024 Dropping his bundle of arrows at the foot of the tree, Tarzan 3025 crept among the shadows at the side of the street until he 3026 came to the same hut he had entered on the occasion of his 3027 first visit. 3028 Inside all was darkness, but his groping hands soon found the 3029 object for which he sought, and without further delay he turned 3030 again toward the door. 3031 He had taken but a step, however, ere his quick ear caught the 3032 sound of approaching footsteps immediately without. In 3033

3012 stake (s) – estaca, poste ao qual se amarram os condenados 3013 moonless (adj) – sem lua, sem luar 3015 restless (adj) – agitado, desassossegado 3016 gently (adv) – suavemente, devagar 3016 lithe (adj) – ágil, flexível 3018 fiber/fibre (s) – fibra, filamento, corda 3018 bind (to) – prender, atar, ligar 3020 haste (s) – pressa, urgência 3020 ere (conj) – (prep) – antes de 3021 capriciousness (s) – irregularidade de temperamento 3022 hint (s) – insinuação, alusão 3022 prank (s) – traquinice, diabrura, travessura 3022 play upon (to) – brincar com , jogar com, abusar de 3024 aware (adj) – consciente, informado de, ciente de 3029 grope (to) – tactear, apalpar 3030 seek (to) - procurar 3033 without (adv) – fora, exteriormente

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another instant the figure of a woman darkened the entrance of 3034 the hut. 3035 Tarzan drew back silently to the far wall, and his hand sought 3036 the long, keen hunting knife of his father. The woman came 3037 quickly to the center of the hut. There she paused for an 3038 instant feeling about with her hands for the thing she sought. 3039 Evidently it was not in its accustomed place, for she explored 3040 ever nearer and nearer the wall where Tarzan stood. 3041 So close was she now that the ape−man felt the animal 3042 warmth of her naked body. Up went the hunting knife, 3043 and then the woman turned to one side and soon a guttural 3044 "ah" proclaimed that her search had at last been successful. 3045 Immediately she turned and left the hut, and as she passed 3046 through the doorway Tarzan saw that she carried a cooking 3047 pot in her hand. 3048 He followed closely after her, and as he reconnoitered from the 3049 shadows of the doorway he saw that all the women of the 3050 village were hastening to and from the various huts with pots 3051 and kettles. These they were filling with water and placing over 3052 a number of fires near the stake where the dying victim now 3053 hung, an inert and bloody mass of suffering. 3054 Choosing a moment when none seemed near, Tarzan 3055 hastened to his bundle of arrows beneath the great tree at the 3056 end of the village street. As on the former occasion he 3057

3049 reconnoiter (to) – reconhecer, explorer, verificar

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overthrew the cauldron before leaping, sinuous and catlike, 3058 into the lower branches of the forest giant. 3059 Silently he climbed to a great height until he found a point 3060 where he could look through a leafy opening upon the scene 3061 beneath him. 3062 The women were now preparing the prisoner for their cooking 3063 pots, while the men stood about resting after the fatigue of 3064 their mad revel. Comparative quiet reigned in the village. 3065 Tarzan raised aloft the thing he had pilfered from the hut, and, 3066 with aim made true by years of fruit and coconut throwing, 3067 launched it toward the group of savages. 3068 Squarely among them it fell, striking one of the warriors full 3069 upon the head and felling him to the ground. 3070 Then it rolled among the women and stopped beside the 3071 half−butchered thing they were preparing to feast upon. 3072 All gazed in consternation at it for an instant, and then, with 3073 one accord, broke and ran for their huts. 3074 It was a grinning human skull which looked up at them from the 3075 ground. The dropping of the thing out of the open sky was a 3076 miracle well aimed to work upon their superstitious fears. 3077 Thus Tarzan of the Apes left them filled with terror at this new 3078 manifestation of the presence of some unseen and unearthly 3079 evil power which lurked in the forest about their village. 3080

3065 revel (s) – divertimento, diversão 3065 comparative (adj) – relativo, comparativo 3066 aloft (adj) - (adv) – em cima, ao alto 3066 pilfer (to) – surripiar, roubar 3067 with aim made true by years of fruit and coconut throwing – com a pontaria afinada por atirar muitos cocos e fruta 3069 squarely (adv) - acertadamente 3080 lurk (to) – esconder-se, ocultar-se

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Later, when they discovered the overturned cauldron, and that 3081 once more their arrows had been pilfered, it commenced to 3082 dawn upon them that they had offended some great god by 3083 placing their village in this part of the jungle without propitiating 3084 him. From then on an offering of food was daily placed below 3085 the great tree from whence the arrows had disappeared in an 3086 effort to conciliate the mighty one. 3087 But the seed of fear was deep sown, and had he but known it, 3088 Tarzan of the Apes had laid the foundation for much future 3089 misery for himself and his tribe. 3090 That night he slept in the forest not far from the village, and 3091 early the next morning set out slowly on his homeward march, 3092 hunting as he traveled. Only a few berries and an occasional 3093 grub worm rewarded his search, and he was half famished 3094 when, looking up from a log he had been rooting beneath, he 3095 saw Sabor, the lioness, standing in the center of the trail not 3096 twenty paces from him. 3097 The great yellow eyes were fixed upon him with a wicked and 3098 baleful gleam, and the red tongue licked the longing lips as 3099 Sabor crouched, worming her stealthy way with belly flattened 3100 against the earth. 3101 Tarzan did not attempt to escape. He welcomed the 3102 opportunity for which, in fact, he had been searching for days 3103

3081 dawn upon (to) – perceber, compreender 3084 propitiating (s) – apaziguamento, propiciação 3088 seed (s) – semente, começo, fonte, causa 3088 sow (to) – semear, disseminar, espalhar 3093 berry (s) – baga, grão 3094 grub (adj) – de larva, de verme 3094 worm (s) – verme, bicho, lombriga, larva, minhoca, lagarta 3094 famished (adj) – faminto, esfomeado 3095 root (to) – procurar, esquadrinhar, remexer (deitar, raízes, enraizar, firmar-se; um suíno a fossar) 3099 baleful (adj) – maligno, sinistro, ameaçador 3099 longing (adj) – ansioso, que deseja ardentemente 3100 worm (to) – rastejar, arrastar-se como um verme

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past, now that he was armed with something more than a rope 3104 of grass. 3105 Quickly he unslung his bow and fitted a well−daubed arrow, 3106 and as Sabor sprang, the tiny missile leaped to meet her in 3107 mid−air. At the same instant Tarzan of the Apes jumped to one 3108 side, and as the great cat struck the ground beyond him 3109 another death−tipped arrow sunk deep into Sabor's loin. 3110 With a mighty roar the beast turned and charged once more, 3111 only to be met with a third arrow full in one eye; but this time 3112 she was too close to the ape−man for the latter to sidestep the 3113 onrushing body. 3114 Tarzan of the Apes went down beneath the great body of his 3115 enemy, but with gleaming knife drawn and striking home. For a 3116 moment they lay there, and then Tarzan realized that the inert 3117 mass lying upon him was beyond power ever again to injure 3118 man or ape. 3119 With difficulty he wriggled from beneath the great weight, and 3120 as he stood erect and gazed down upon the trophy of his skill, 3121 a mighty wave of exultation swept over him. 3122 With swelling breast, he placed a foot upon the body of his 3123 powerful enemy, and throwing back his fine young head, 3124 roared out the awful challenge of the victorious bull ape. 3125 The forest echoed to the savage and triumphant paean. Birds 3126 fell still, and the larger animals and beasts of prey slunk 3127

3106 daub (to) – refere-se a estar untada de veneno, borrar, sujar, pintar toscamente 3110 dip (to) – colocar ponta, guarnecer com ponteira 3116 strike home (to) – produzir efeito, atingir o objectivo em cheio 3121 trophy (s) – troféu, prémio 3121 skill (s) – talento, jeito 3126 paean (s) - hino, cântico de louvor ou de triunfo na antiga Grécia

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stealthily away, for few there were of all the jungle who sought 3128 for trouble with the great anthropoids. 3129 And in London another Lord Greystoke was speaking to HIS 3130 kind in the House of Lords, but none trembled at the sound of 3131 his soft voice. 3132 Sabor proved unsavory eating even to Tarzan of the Apes, but 3133 hunger served as a most efficacious disguise to toughness and 3134 rank taste, and ere long, with well−filled stomach, the 3135 ape−man was ready to sleep again. First, however, he must 3136 remove the hide, for it was as much for this as for any other 3137 purpose that he had desired to destroy Sabor. 3138 Deftly he removed the great pelt, for he had practiced often on 3139 smaller animals. When the task was finished he carried his 3140 trophy to the fork of a high tree, and there, curling himself 3141 securely in a crotch, he fell into deep and dreamless slumber. 3142 What with loss of sleep, arduous exercise, and a full belly, 3143 Tarzan of the Apes slept the sun around, awakening about 3144 noon of the following day. He straightway repaired to the 3145 carcass of Sabor, but was angered to find the bones picked 3146 clean by other hungry denizens of the jungle. 3147 Half an hour's leisurely progress through the forest brought to 3148 sight a young deer, and before the little creature knew that an 3149 enemy was near a tiny arrow had lodged in its neck. 3150

3128 slink away/off (to) – retirar-se furtivamente, esquivar-se 3131 kind (s) – espécie, género, tipo 3133 unsavoury (adj) – desagradável ao gosto e ao cheiro, que sabe mal 3134 disguise (s) – disfarce, máscara 3134 toughness (s) – dureza, rijeza ♣♣♣ tough (adj) – duro, rijo 3135 ere long - dentro em pouco 3139 deftly (adv) – habilmente, com destreza 3139 pelt (s) – couro, pele de animal com pêlo 3142 crotch (s) – pernadas da árvore 3142 dreamless (adj) – sem sonhos 3142 slumber (s) – sono, descanso, inactividade 3143 what – neste caso poder-se-ia traduzir: ‘devido a’ mas o melhor seria ignorar a palavra 3145 noon (s) – meio-dia 3145 straightway (adv) - imediatamente 3148 leisurely (adj) – calmo, sem pressa, vagaroso 3148 progress (s) – avanço, progressão

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So quickly the virus worked that at the end of a dozen leaps 3151 the deer plunged headlong into the undergrowth, dead. Again 3152 did Tarzan feast well, but this time he did not sleep. 3153 Instead, he hastened on toward the point where he had left the 3154 tribe, and when he had found them proudly exhibited the skin 3155 of Sabor, the lioness. 3156 "Look!" he cried, "Apes of Kerchak. See what Tarzan, the 3157 mighty killer, has done. Who else among you has ever killed 3158 one of Numa's people? Tarzan is mightiest amongst you for 3159 Tarzan is no ape. Tarzan is−−" But here he stopped, for in the 3160 language of the anthropoids there was no word for man, and 3161 Tarzan could only write the word in English; he could not 3162 pronounce it. 3163 The tribe had gathered about to look upon the proof of his 3164 wondrous prowess, and to listen to his words. 3165 Only Kerchak hung back, nursing his hatred and his rage. 3166 Suddenly something snapped in the wicked little brain of the 3167 anthropoid. With a frightful roar the great beast sprang among 3168 the assemblage. 3169 Biting, and striking with his huge hands, he killed and maimed 3170 a dozen ere the balance could escape to the upper terraces of 3171 the forest. 3172

3152 undergrowth (s) – vegetação rasteira, matagal 3165 wondrous (adj) – espantoso, assombroso 3165 prowess (s) – proeza, façanha, coragem, heroísmo 3166 nurse (to) – alimentar, promover, fomentar 3170 maim (to) – aleijar, mutilar, estropiar 3171 balance (s) – últimos, resto

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Frothing and shrieking in the insanity of his fury, Kerchak 3173 looked about for the object of his greatest hatred, and there, 3174 upon a near−by limb, he saw him sitting. 3175 "Come down, Tarzan, great killer," cried Kerchak. "Come down 3176 and feel the fangs of a greater! Do mighty fighters fly to the 3177 trees at the first approach of danger?" And then Kerchak 3178 emitted the volleying challenge of his kind. 3179 Quietly Tarzan dropped to the ground. Breathlessly the tribe 3180 watched from their lofty perches as Kerchak, still roaring, 3181 charged the relatively puny figure. 3182 Nearly seven feet stood Kerchak on his short legs. His 3183 enormous shoulders were bunched and rounded with huge 3184 muscles. The back of his short neck was as a single lump of 3185 iron sinew which bulged beyond the base of his skull, so that 3186 his head seemed like a small ball protruding from a huge 3187 mountain of flesh. 3188 His back−drawn, snarling lips exposed his great fighting fangs, 3189 and his little, wicked, blood−shot eyes gleamed in horrid 3190 reflection of his madness. 3191 Awaiting him stood Tarzan, himself a mighty muscled animal, 3192 but his six feet of height and his great rolling sinews seemed 3193 pitifully inadequate to the ordeal which awaited them. 3194 His bow and arrows lay some distance away where he had 3195 dropped them while showing Sabor's hide to his fellow apes, 3196

3173 froth (to) - espumar 3179 volley (to) – disparar em torrente, lançar em torrente 3182 puny (adj) – franzino, fraco, débil 3184 bunch (to) - agrupar ♣♣♣ bunch (s) – ramo de flores, feixe, molho 3184 rounded (adj) – bem acabado, perfeito 3185 lump (s) – pedaço, grande bocado 3186 sinew (s) - tendão 3186 bulge (to) – ser saliente, fazer bojo, estar inchado 3193 height (s) - altura 3194 pitifully (adv) - lamentavelmente 3194 ordeal (s) – prova difícil

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so that he confronted Kerchak now with only his hunting knife 3197 and his superior intellect to offset the ferocious strength of his 3198 enemy. 3199 As his antagonist came roaring toward him, Lord Greystoke 3200 tore his long knife from its sheath, and with an answering 3201 challenge as horrid and bloodcurdling as that of the beast he 3202 faced, rushed swiftly to meet the attack. He was too shrewd to 3203 allow those long hairy arms to encircle him, and just as their 3204 bodies were about to crash together, Tarzan of the Apes 3205 grasped one of the huge wrists of his assailant, and, springing 3206 lightly to one side, drove his knife to the hilt into Kerchak's 3207 body, below the heart. 3208 Before he could wrench the blade free again, the bull's quick 3209 lunge to seize him in those awful arms had torn the weapon 3210 from Tarzan's grasp. 3211 Kerchak aimed a terrific blow at the ape−man's head with the 3212 flat of his hand, a blow which, had it landed,might easily have 3213 crushed in the side of Tarzan's skull. 3214 The man was too quick, and, ducking beneath it, himself 3215 delivered a mighty one, with clenched fist, in the pit of 3216 Kerchak's stomach. 3217 The ape was staggered, and what with the mortal wound in his 3218 side had almost collapsed, when, with one mighty effort he 3219 rallied for an instant−−just long enough to enable him to wrest 3220

3198 offset (to) – equilibrar, compensar, contrabalançar 3202 bloodcurdling (adj) – de gelar o sangue, horripilante, arrepiante 3203 shrewd (adj) – astuto, sensato, sagaz, manhoso, astucioso 3207 hilt (s) – cabo do punhal 3209 wrench (to) – puxar ou torcer violentamente 3210 lunge (to) – precipitar-se, atacar, investir 3215 duck (to) – mergulhar, fugir a, esquivar-se, evitar, desviar-se 3216 deliver (to) – atirar, atacar 3216 pit of the stomach - a boca do estômago 3218 stagger (to) – cambalear, vacilar 3218 what – ignorar esta palavra 3220 rally (to) – voltar a atacar, voltar ao combate, restabelecer-se, recuperar energias, recobrar forças 3220 enable (to) – possibilitar, permitir 3220 wrest (to) – tirar, arrancar, puxar violentamente

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his arm free from Tarzan's grasp and close in a terrific clinch 3221 with his wiry opponent. 3222 Straining the ape−man close to him, his great jaws sought 3223 Tarzan's throat, but the young lord's sinewy fingers were at 3224 Kerchak's own before the cruel fangs could close on the sleek 3225 brown skin. 3226 Thus they struggled, the one to crush out his opponent's life 3227 with those awful teeth, the other to close forever the windpipe 3228 beneath his strong grasp while he held the snarling mouth from 3229 him. 3230 The greater strength of the ape was slowly prevailing, and the 3231 teeth of the straining beast were scarce an inch from Tarzan's 3232 throat when, with a shuddering tremor, the great body stiffened 3233 for an instant and then sank limply to the ground. 3234 Kerchak was dead. 3235 Withdrawing the knife that had so often rendered him master of 3236 far mightier muscles than his own, Tarzan of the Apes placed 3237 his foot upon the neck of his vanquished enemy, and once 3238 again, loud through the forest rang the fierce, wild cry of the 3239 conqueror. 3240 And thus came the young Lord Greystoke into the kingship of 3241 the Apes. 3242 Chapter 12. Man's Reason 3243

3221 clinch (s) – abraço apertado 3222 wiry (adj) – rijo, resistente, duro 3223 strain (to) – puxar com força (esticar, retesar, torcer-se) 3224 sinewy (adj) – forte, vigoroso, duro, enérgico, cheio de nervos e tendões ♣♣♣ sinew (s) - tendão 3225 sleek (adj) – liso, lustroso 3227 crush out (to) – destruir (esmagar, triturar) 3228 windpipe (s) - traqueia 3231 prevail (to) – triunfar, vencer, prevalecer 3233 shuddering (adj) – tremente 3234 sink (to) – tombar (afundar-se) 3234 limply (adv) – sem energia, molemente 3236 withdraw (to) - retirar 3236 render (to) – dar, dar em troca, retribuir 3236 master (s) – vencedor (senhor, mestre, chefe) 3238 vanquish (to) – vencer, dominar, derrotar, superar 3240 conqueror (s) – vencedor, conquistador 3241 kingship (s) – realeza, dignidade real

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There was one of the tribe of Tarzan who questioned his 3244 authority, and that was Terkoz, the son of Tublat, but he so 3245 feared the keen knife and the deadly arrows of his new lord 3246 that he confined the manifestation of his objections to petty 3247 disobediences and irritating mannerisms; Tarzan knew, 3248 however, that he but waited his opportunity to wrest the 3249 kingship from him by some sudden stroke of treachery, and so 3250 he was ever on his guard against surprise. 3251 For months the life of the little band went on much as it had 3252 before, except that Tarzan's greater intelligence and his ability 3253 as a hunter were the means of providing for them more 3254 bountifully than ever before. Most of them, therefore, were 3255 more than content with the change in rulers. 3256 Tarzan led them by night to the fields of the black men, and 3257 there, warned by their chief's superior wisdom, they ate only 3258 what they required, nor ever did they destroy what they could 3259 not eat, as is the way of Manu, the monkey, and of most apes. 3260 So, while the blacks were wroth at the continued pilfering of 3261 their fields, they were not discouraged in their efforts to 3262 cultivate the land, as would have been the case had Tarzan 3263 permitted his people to lay waste the plantation wantonly. 3264 During this period Tarzan paid many nocturnal visits to the 3265 village, where he often renewed his supply of arrows. He soon 3266 noticed the food always standing at the foot of the tree which 3267

3247 petty (adj) – insignificante, pequeno, trivial 3248 mannerism (s) – mania, tique, afectação 3249 wrest (to) - tirar 3250 stroke (s) – golpe 3250 treachery (s) – traição, perfídia 3255 bountifully/bounteously (adv) – generosamente, abundantemente 3255 threfore (adv) - (conj) – por conseguinte, por isso, portanto, logo 3256 content (adj) – satisfeito, contente, conformado 3256 ruler (s) – governante, rei, soberano, governador 3258 chief (adj) – principal 3258 wisdom (s) – sabedoria, sagacidade, prudência, discernimento, sensatez 3258 eat (to) - comer 3259 require (to) – necessitar, precisar, exigir, pedir, requerer 3260 most (adj) - (adv) – a maioria de, a maior parte de 3261 wroth (adj) – irado, indignado 3261 pilfer (to) – roubar em pequenas quantidades 3264 lay waste to (to) – assolar, devastar 3264 wantonly (adv) – injustificadamente, sem razão, sem motivo

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was his avenue into the palisade, and after a little, he 3268 commenced to eat whatever the blacks put there. 3269 When the awe−struck savages saw that the food disappeared 3270 overnight they were filled with consternation and dread, for it 3271 was one thing to put food out to propitiate a god or a devil, but 3272 quite another thing to have the spirit really come into the 3273 village and eat it. Such a thing was unheard of, and it clouded 3274 their superstitious minds with all manner of vague fears. 3275 Nor was this all. The periodic disappearance of their arrows, 3276 and the strange pranks perpetrated by unseen hands, had 3277 wrought them to such a state that life had become a veritable 3278 burden in their new home, and now it was that Mbonga and his 3279 head men began to talk of abandoning the village and seeking 3280 a site farther on in the jungle. 3281 Presently the black warriors began to strike farther and farther 3282 south into the heart of the forest when they went to hunt, 3283 looking for a site for a new village. 3284 More often was the tribe of Tarzan disturbed by these 3285 wandering huntsmen. Now was the quiet, fierce solitude of the 3286 primeval forest broken by new, strange cries. No longer was 3287 there safety for bird or beast. Man had come. 3288 Other animals passed up and down the jungle by day and by 3289 night−−fierce, cruel beasts−−but their weaker neighbors only 3290

3274 cloud (to) – perturbar, confundir 3275 manner (s) – espécie, tipo (modo, maneira) 3277 prank (s) – partida, travessura 3279 burden (s) – fardo, carga, peso 3282 strike (to) – penetrar, fazer penetrar (bater com, bater em) 3290 weak (adj) – fraco, débil

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fled from their immediate vicinity to return again when the 3291 danger was past. 3292 With man it is different. When he comes many of the larger 3293 animals instinctively leave the district entirely, seldom if ever to 3294 return; and thus it has always been with the great anthropoids. 3295 They flee man as man flees a pestilence. 3296 For a short time the tribe of Tarzan lingered in the vicinity of 3297 the beach because their new chief hated the thought of leaving 3298 the treasured contents of the little cabin forever. But when one 3299 day a member of the tribe discovered the blacks in great 3300 numbers on the banks of a little stream that had been their 3301 watering place for generations, and in the act of clearing a 3302 space in the jungle and erecting many huts, the apes would 3303 remain no longer; and so Tarzan led them inland for many 3304 marches to a spot as yet undefiled by the foot of a human 3305 being. 3306 Once every moon Tarzan would go swinging rapidly back 3307 through the swaying branches to have a day with his books, 3308 and to replenish his supply of arrows. This latter task was 3309 becoming more and more difficult, for the blacks had taken to 3310 hiding their supply away at night in granaries and living huts. 3311 This necessitated watching by day on Tarzan's part to discover 3312 where the arrows were being concealed. 3313

3291 flee (to) – fugir de, abandonar, escapar, evitar 3291 vicinity (s) – vizinhança, proximidade, imediações 3294 seldom if ever (to) – quase nunca, raramente, raras vezes 3296 flee (to) – fugir de, abandonar, escapar, evitar 3297 linger (to) – demorar, deter-se, deixar-se ficar 3305 undefiled (adj) – sem mácula, puro 3309 replenish (to) – encher novamente, atestar, reabastecer 3311 granary (s) – celeiro, tulha 3313 conceal (to) – esconder, dissimular, ocultar

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Twice had he entered huts at night while the inmates lay 3314 sleeping upon their mats, and stolen the arrows from the very 3315 sides of the warriors. But this method he realized to be too 3316 fraught with danger, and so he commenced picking up solitary 3317 hunters with his long, deadly noose, stripping them of weapons 3318 and ornaments and dropping their bodies from a high tree into 3319 the village street during the still watches of the night. 3320 These various escapades again so terrorized the blacks that, 3321 had it not been for the monthly respite between Tarzan's visits, 3322 in which they had opportunity to renew hope that each fresh 3323 incursion would prove the last, they soon would have 3324 abandoned their new village. 3325 The blacks had not as yet come upon Tarzan's cabin on the 3326 distant beach, but the ape−m an lived in constant dread that, 3327 while he was away with the tribe, they would discover and 3328 despoil his treasure. So it came that he spent more and more 3329 time in the vicinity of his father's last home, and less and less 3330 with the tribe. Presently the members of his little community 3331 began to suffer on account of his neglect, for disputes and 3332 quarrels constantly arose which only the king might settle 3333 peaceably. 3334 At last some of the older apes spoke to Tarzan on the subject, 3335 and for a month thereafter he remained constantly with the 3336 tribe. 3337

3314 inmate (s) – pessoa que vive numa casa, habitante de uma casa 3315 mat (s) – esteira de junco ou palha 3317 fraught (adj) – carregado ou repleto ou cheio de problemas 3318 strip (to) – tirar, despojar, privar de 3322 montly (adj) - mensal 3322 respite (s) – pausa, intervalo, folga 3332 neglect (s) – desatenção, esquecimento, descuido, desleixo 3333 quarrel (s) – desavença, rixa, discussão 3336 thereafter (adv) – depois disso, consequentemente

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The duties of kingship among the anthropoids are not many or 3338 arduous. 3339 In the afternoon comes Thaka, possibly, to complain that old 3340 Mungo has stolen his new wife. Then must Tarzan summon all 3341 before him, and if he finds that the wife prefers her new lord he 3342 commands that matters remain as they are, or possibly that 3343 Mungo give Thaka one of his daughters in exchange. 3344 Whatever his decision, the apes accept it as final, and return to 3345 their occupations satisfied. 3346 Then comes Tana, shrieking and holding tight her side from 3347 which blood is streaming. Gunto, her husband, has cruelly 3348 bitten her! And Gunto, summoned, says that Tana is lazy and 3349 will not bring him nuts and beetles, or scratch his back for him. 3350 So Tarzan scolds them both and threatens Gunto with a taste 3351 of the death−bearing slivers if he abuses Tana further, and 3352 Tana, for her part, is compelled to promise better attention to 3353 her wifely duties. 3354 And so it goes, little family differences for the most part, which, 3355 if left unsettled would result finally in greater factional strife, 3356 and the eventual dismemberment of the tribe. 3357 But Tarzan tired of it, as he found that kingship meant the 3358 curtailment of his liberty. He longed for the little cabin and the 3359 sun−kissed sea−−for the cool interior of the well−built house, 3360 and for the never−ending wonders of the many books. 3361

3340 complain (to) – queixar-se, lamentar-se 3341 summon (to) – chamar, mandar chamar, convocar 3344 daughter (s) – filha 3350 beetle (s) – escaravelho, besouro 3351 scold (to) – ralhar, repreender, censurar 3351 taste (s) – bocado, pedaço, prova, amostra (gosto, paladar, sabor) 3352 sliver (s) – lasca de madeira 3356 factional (adj) - faccioso 3356 strife (s) – luta, briga, conflito, contenda 3359 curtailment (s) – redução, encurtamento

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As he had grown older, he found that he had grown away from 3362 his people. Their interests and his were far removed. They had 3363 not kept pace with him, nor could they understand aught of the 3364 many strange and wonderful dreams that passed through the 3365 active brain of their human king. So limited was their 3366 vocabulary that Tarzan could not even talk with them of the 3367 many new truths, and the great fields of thought that his 3368 reading had opened up before his longing eyes, or make 3369 known ambitions which stirred his soul. 3370 Among the tribe he no longer had friends as of old. A little child 3371 may find companionship in many strange and simple 3372 creatures, but to a grown man there must be some semblance 3373 of equality in intellect as the basis for agreeable association. 3374 Had Kala lived, Tarzan would have sacrificed all else to remain 3375 near her, but now that she was dead, and the playful friends of 3376 his childhood grown into fierce and surly brutes he felt that he 3377 much preferred the peace and solitude of his cabin to the 3378 irksome duties of leadership amongst a horde of wild beasts. 3379 The hatred and jealousy of Terkoz, son of Tublat, did much to 3380 counteract the effect of Tarzan's desire to renounce his 3381 kingship among the apes, for, stubborn young Englishman that 3382 he was, he could not bring himself to retreat in the face of so 3383 malignant an enemy. 3384

3363 removed (adj) – separado, afastado 3364 aught (adv) - (s) – coisa alguma 3370 stir (to) – excitar, agitar 3373 semblance (s) – semelhança, parecença 3376 playful (adj) – brincalhão, divertido 3377 surly (adj) - mal-humorado, carrancudo, grosseiro, intratável 3379 irksome (adj) – aborrecido, custoso, maçador, fastidioso, penoso 3381 counteract (to) – neutralizar, contrariar 3382 stubborn (adj) – teimoso, obstinado, inflexível 3383 retreat (to) – retirar-se, bater em retirada 3384 malignant (adj) – mau, perverso

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That Terkoz would be chosen leader in his stead he knew full 3385 well, for time and again the ferocious brute had established his 3386 claim to physical supremacy over the few bull apes who had 3387 dared resent his savage bullying. 3388 Tarzan would have liked to subdue the ugly beast without 3389 recourse to knife or arrows. So much had his great strength 3390 and agility increased in the period following his maturity that he 3391 had come to believe that he might master the redoubtable 3392 Terkoz in a hand to hand fight were it not for the terrible 3393 advantage the anthropoid's huge fighting fangs gave him over 3394 the poorly armed Tarzan. 3395 The entire matter was taken out of Tarzan's hands one day by 3396 force of circumstances, and his future left open to him, so that 3397 he might go or stay without any stain upon his savage 3398 escutcheon. 3399 It happened thus: The tribe was feeding quietly, spread over a 3400 considerable area, when a great screaming arose some 3401 distance east of where Tarzan lay upon his belly beside a 3402 limpid brook, attempting to catch an elusive fish in his quick, 3403 brown hands. 3404 With one accord the tribe swung rapidly toward the frightened 3405 cries, and there found Terkoz holding an old female by the hair 3406 and beating her unmercifully with his great hands. 3407

3385 stead (s) – lugar, proveito, serviço 3387 claim (s) – pretensão, reivindicação, reclamação 3388 resent (to) – ficar ressentido com 3388 bullying (s) – ameaças, intimidação, coacção, brutalidades 3389 ugly (adj) – feio, desagradável, repelente, repulsivo, perigoso, mau, ameaçador 3392 master (to) – dominar, controlar, subjugar 3392 redoutable (adj) – formidável, terrível, temível 3393 fight hand to hand (to) – combater corpo a corpo 3393 be for (to) - ser partidário de 3398 stain (s) – desonra, mancha, mácula (nódoa, mancha) 3399 escutcheon (s) – brasão, escudo de armas 3403 limpid (adj) – límpido, cristalino 3403 brook (s) – ribeiro, regato 3403 elusive (adj) – esquivo, difícil de reter

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As Tarzan approached he raised his hand aloft for Terkoz to 3408 desist, for the female was not his, but belonged to a poor old 3409 ape whose fighting days were long over, and who, therefore, 3410 could not protect his family. 3411 Terkoz knew that it was against the laws of his kind to strike 3412 this woman of another, but being a bully, he had taken 3413 advantage of the weakness of the female's husband to 3414 chastise her because she had refused to give up to him a 3415 tender young rodent she had captured. 3416 When Terkoz saw Tarzan approaching without his arrows, he 3417 continued to belabor the poor woman in a studied effort to 3418 affront his hated chieftain. 3419 Tarzan did not repeat his warning signal, but instead rushed 3420 bodily upon the waiting Terkoz. 3421 Never had the ape−man fought so terrible a battle since that 3422 long−gone day when Bolgani, the great king gorilla had so 3423 horribly manhandled him ere the new−found knife had, by 3424 accident, pricked the savage heart. 3425 Tarzan's knife on the present occasion but barely offset the 3426 gleaming fangs of Terkoz, and what little advantage the ape 3427 had over the man in brute strength was almost balanced by the 3428 latter's wonderful quickness and agility. 3429 In the sum total of their points, however, the anthropoid had a 3430 shade the better of the battle, and had there been no other 3431

3408 aloft (adj) - (adv) – no ar, ao alto 3410 therefore (adv) - (conj) – por isso, portanto, por conseguinte 3413 bully (s) – fanfarrão, tiranete, desordeiro 3415 chastise (to) – punir, castigar com severidade, bater 3416 tender (adj) – suculento, tenro (meigo, carinhoso, terno, afectuoso) 3416 rodent (s) – roedor, neste caso talvez coelho ou rato 3418 belabor/belabour (to) – espancar, bater, zurzir 3421 bodily (adv) – em pessoa, fisicamente 3424 manhandle (to) – tratar com rudeza, maltratar 3424 ere (prep) – antes de 3425 prick (to) – furar, golpear 3426 offset (to) – equilibrar, compensar, contrabalançar 3431 shade (s) – aspecto, aparência (sombra) 3431 get the better of - levar a melhor sobre

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personal attribute to influence the final outcome, Tarzan of the 3432 Apes, the young Lord Greystoke, would have died as he had 3433 lived−−an unknown savage beast in equatorial Africa. 3434 But there was that which had raised him far above his fellows 3435 of the jungle−−that little spark which spells the whole vast 3436 difference between man and brute−−Reason. This it was which 3437 saved him from death beneath the iron muscles and tearing 3438 fangs of Terkoz. 3439 Scarcely had they fought a dozen seconds ere they were 3440 rolling upon the ground, striking, tearing and rending−−two 3441 great savage beasts battling to the death. 3442 Terkoz had a dozen knife wounds on head and breast, and 3443 Tarzan was torn and bleeding−−his scalp in one place half torn 3444 from his head so that a great piece hung down over one eye, 3445 obstructing his vision. 3446 But so far the young Englishman had been able to keep those 3447 horrible fangs from his jugular and now, as they fought less 3448 fiercely for a moment, to regain their breath, Tarzan formed a 3449 cunning plan. He would work his way to the other's back and, 3450 clinging there with tooth and nail, drive his knife home until 3451 Terkoz was no more. 3452 The maneuver was accomplished more easily than he had 3453 hoped, for the stupid beast, not knowing what Tarzan was 3454

3432 outcome (s) – resultado, efeito, consequência 3436 spark (s) – faísca, faúlha, chispa 3436 spell (to) – formar, significar, implicar, ter como consequência 3441 rend (to) – fender, rasgar, lacerar, despedaçar 3450 cunning (adj) – habilidoso, engenhoso 3451 fight tooth and nail (to) - lutar com unhas e dentes 3451 home (adv) – para o sítio correcto, para o centro 3453 accomplish (to) – realizar, efectuar, conseguir, completar

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attempting, made no particular effort to prevent the 3455 accomplishment of the design. 3456 But when, finally, he realized that his antagonist was fastened 3457 to him where his teeth and fists alike were useless against him, 3458 Terkoz hurled himself about upon the ground so violently that 3459 Tarzan could but cling desperately to the leaping, turning, 3460 twisting body, and ere he had struck a blow the knife was 3461 hurled from his hand by a heavy impact against the earth, and 3462 Tarzan found himself defenseless. 3463 During the rollings and squirmings of the next few minutes, 3464 Tarzan's hold was loosened a dozen times until finally an 3465 accidental circumstance of those swift and everchanging 3466 evolutions gave him a new hold with his right hand, which he 3467 realized was absolutely unassailable. 3468 His arm was passed beneath Terkoz's arm from behind and 3469 his hand and forearm encircled the back of Terkoz's neck. It 3470 was the half−Nelson of modern wrestling which the untaught 3471 ape−man had stumbled upon, but superior reason showed him 3472 in an instant the value of the thing he had discovered. It was 3473 the difference to him between life and death. 3474 And so he struggled to encompass a similar hold with the left 3475 hand, and in a few moments Terkoz's bull neck was creaking 3476 beneath a full−Nelson. 3477

3456 design (s) – desígnio, intenção (design, desenho, esboço, planta) 3457 fasten (to) – fixar, prender, apertar 3458 alike (adv) – da mesma maneira, de forma semelhante 3460 cling (to) – segurar-se, agarrar-se 3464 squirming (s) – contorcimento 3465 loosen (to) – soltar-se, desprender-se 3468 unassailable (adj) – inatacável, inexpugnável 3472 stumble upon (to) – encontrar por acaso 3475 encompass (to) – rodear, cercar, envolver

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There was no more lunging about now. The two lay perfectly 3478 still upon the ground, Tarzan upon Terkoz's back. Slowly the 3479 bullet head of the ape was being forced lower and lower upon 3480 his chest. 3481 Tarzan knew what the result would be. In an instant the neck 3482 would break. Then there came to Terkoz's rescue the same 3483 thing that had put him in these sore straits−−a man's reasoning 3484 power. 3485 "If I kill him," thought Tarzan, "what advantage will it be to me? 3486 Will it not rob the tribe of a great fighter? 3487 And if Terkoz be dead, he will know nothing of my supremacy, 3488 while alive he will ever be an example to the other apes." 3489 "KA−GODA?" hissed Tarzan in Terkoz's ear, which, in ape 3490 tongue, means, freely translated: "Do you surrender?" 3491 For a moment there was no reply, and Tarzan added a few 3492 more ounces of pressure, which elicited a horrified shriek of 3493 pain from the great beast. 3494 "KA−GODA?" repeated Tarzan. 3495 "KA−GODA!" cried Terkoz. 3496 "Listen," said Tarzan, easing up a trifle, but not releasing his 3497 hold. "I am Tarzan, King of the Apes, mighty hunter, mighty 3498 fighter. In all the jungle there is none so great. 3499

3478 lunge (s) – investida, soco 3480 bullet-head (adj) - cabeçudo, teimoso 3483 rescue (s) – socorro, salvação 3484 sore (adj) – extremo, intenso, forte, severo (doloroso, dorido) 3484 strait (s) – dificuldade, aperto, situação difícil 3484 reasoning (adj) – que raciocina 3493 ounce (s) – medida de peso=28,35 gramas 3493 elicit (to) – obter, provocar, desencadear, fazer sair 3497 trifle (s) – um pouco, pouquinho 3497 release (to) – soltar, desprender, largar

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"You have said: `KA−GODA' to me. All the tribe have heard. 3500 Quarrel no more with your king or your people, for next time I 3501 shall kill you. Do you understand?" 3502 "HUH," assented Terkoz. 3503 "And you are satisfied?" 3504 "HUH," said the ape. 3505 Tarzan let him up, and in a few minutes all were back at their 3506 vocations, as though naught had occurred to mar the 3507 tranquility of their primeval forest haunts. 3508 But deep in the minds of the apes was rooted the conviction 3509 that Tarzan was a mighty fighter and a strange creature. 3510 Strange because he had had it in his power to kill his enemy, 3511 but had allowed him to live−−unharmed. 3512 That afternoon as the tribe came together, as was their wont 3513 before darkness settled on the jungle, Tarzan, his wounds 3514 washed in the waters of the stream, called the old males about 3515 him. 3516 "You have seen again to−day that Tarzan of the Apes is the 3517 greatest among you," he said. 3518 "HUH," they replied with one voice, "Tarzan is great." 3519 "Tarzan," he continued, "is not an ape. He is not like his 3520 people. His ways are not their ways, and so Tarzan is going 3521 back to the lair of his own kind by the waters of the great lake 3522

3507 naught (s) - nada 3507 mar (to) – estragar, arruinar 3508 haunt (s) – lugar favorito, esconderijo 3513 wont (s) – hábito, costume 3515 male (s) – macho

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which has no farther shore. You must choose another to rule 3523 you, for Tarzan will not return." 3524 And thus young Lord Greystoke took the first step toward the 3525 goal which he had set−−the finding of other white men like 3526 himself. 3527 Chapter 13. His Own Kind 3528 The following morning, Tarzan, lame and sore from the 3529 wounds of his battle with Terkoz, set out toward the west and 3530 the seacoast. 3531 He traveled very slowly, sleeping in the jungle at night, and 3532 reaching his cabin late the following morning. 3533 For several days he moved about but little, only enough to 3534 gather what fruits and nuts he required to satisfy the demands 3535 of hunger. 3536 In ten days he was quite sound again, except for a terrible, 3537 half−healed scar, which, starting above his left eye ran across 3538 the top of his head, ending at the right ear. It was the mark left 3539 by Terkoz when he had torn the scalp away. 3540 During his convalescence Tarzan tried to fashion a mantle 3541 from the skin of Sabor, which had lain all this time in the cabin. 3542 But he found the hide had dried as stiff as a board, and as he 3543 knew naught of tanning, he was forced to abandon his 3544 cherished plan. 3545

3527 goal (s) – fim, meta, objectivo a atingir 3529 lame (adj) – aleijado, coxo 3529 sore (adj) – dorido (triste, magoado, pesaroso, irritado, inflamado) 3537 sound (adj) – saudável, sadio, são, robusto 3538 heal (to) – curar, sarar, cicatrizar 3541 fashion (to) – moldar, dar a forma a 3541 mantle (s) - manto 3542 lie (to) – conservar-se, permanecer, jazer 3544 naught (s) – nada 3544 tanning (s) - curtimento 3545 cherish (to) – estimar, apreciar

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Then he determined to filch what few garments he could from 3546 one of the black men of Mbonga's village, for Tarzan of the 3547 Apes had decided to mark his evolution from the lower orders 3548 in every possible manner, and nothing seemed to him a more 3549 distinguishing badge of manhood than ornaments and clothing. 3550 To this end, therefore, he collected the various arm and leg 3551 ornaments he had taken from the black warriors who had 3552 succumbed to his swift and silent noose, and donned them all 3553 after the way he had seen them worn. 3554 About his neck hung the golden chain from which depended 3555 the diamond encrusted locket of his mother, the Lady Alice. At 3556 his back was a quiver of arrows slung from a leathern shoulder 3557 belt, another piece of loot from some vanquished black. 3558 About his waist was a belt of tiny strips of rawhide fashioned by 3559 himself as a support for the home−made scabbard in which 3560 hung his father's hunting knife. The long bow which had been 3561 Kulonga's hung over his left shoulder. 3562 The young Lord Greystoke was indeed a strange and war−like 3563 figure, his mass of black hair falling to his shoulders behind 3564 and cut with his hunting knife to a rude bang upon his 3565 forehead, that it might not fall before his eyes. 3566 His straight and perfect figure, muscled as the best of the 3567 ancient Roman gladiators must have been muscled, and yet 3568 with the soft and sinuous curves of a Greek god, told at a 3569

3546 filch (to) - roubar 3548 mark (to) – distinguir, marcar 3548 order (s) - ordem 3550 badge (s) – emblema, divisa 3551 therefore (adv) - (conj) – por isso, portanto 3553 don (to) – vestir, pôr 3555 depend (to) – pender, estar pendente, estar suspenso (depender, estar dependente) 3556 locket (s) – medalhão usado geralmente ao pescoço 3558 loot (s) – pilhagem, saque 3558 vanquish (to) – vencer, dominar 3559 rawhide (s) – pele não curtida, couro cru 3560 scabbard (s) - bainha

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glance the wondrous combination of enormous strength with 3570 suppleness and speed. 3571 A personification, was Tarzan of the Apes, of the primitive 3572 man, the hunter, the warrior. 3573 With the noble poise of his handsome head upon those broad 3574 shoulders, and the fire of life and intelligence in those fine, 3575 clear eyes, he might readily have typified some demigod of a 3576 wild and warlike bygone people of his ancient forest. 3577 But of these things Tarzan did not think. He was worried 3578 because he had not clothing to indicate to all the jungle folks 3579 that he was a man and not an ape, and grave doubt often 3580 entered his mind as to whether he might not yet become an 3581 ape. 3582 Was not hair commencing to grow upon his face? All the apes 3583 had hair upon theirs but the black men were entirely hairless, 3584 with very few exceptions. 3585 True, he had seen pictures in his books of men with great 3586 masses of hair upon lip and cheek and chin, but, nevertheless, 3587 Tarzan was afraid. Almost daily he whetted his keen knife and 3588 scraped and whittled at his young beard to eradicate this 3589 degrading emblem of apehood. 3590 And so he learned to shave−−rudely and painfully, it is 3591 true−−but, nevertheless, effectively. 3592

3570 wondrous (adj) – espantoso, assombroso 3571 suppleness (s) – elasticidade, flexibilidade ♣♣♣ supple (adj) – flexível, elástico 3572 personification (s) – exemplo perfeito, tipo ideal, protótipo, personificação, encarnação 3574 poise (s) – porte, postura, aprumo, equilíbrio, compostura, firmeza 3576 readily (adv) – facilmente, sem grande esforço (prontamente, rapidamente, sem demora) 3576 demigod (s) - semideus 3577 bygone (adj) – passado {(s) – coisa antiga} 3579 clothe (to) - vestir 3587 nevertheless (adv) - (conj) – mesmo assim, contudo, não obstante 3588 whet (to) – afiar, amolar 3589 whittle (to) – aparar, desbastar 3592 nevertheless (adv) - (conj) – mesmo assim, contudo, não obstante 3592 effectively (adv) – eficientemente, eficazmente

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When he felt quite strong again, after his bloody battle with 3593 Terkoz, Tarzan set off one morning towards Mbonga's village. 3594 He was moving carelessly along a winding jungle trail, instead 3595 of making his progress through the trees, when suddenly he 3596 came face to face with a black warrior. 3597 The look of surprise on the savage face was almost comical, 3598 and before Tarzan could unsling his bow the fellow had turned 3599 and fled down the path crying out in alarm as though to others 3600 before him. 3601 Tarzan took to the trees in pursuit, and in a few moments came 3602 in view of the men desperately striving to escape. 3603 There were three of them, and they were racing madly in single 3604 file through the dense undergrowth. 3605 Tarzan easily distanced them, nor did they see his silent 3606 passage above their heads, nor note the crouching figure 3607 squatted upon a low branch ahead of them beneath which the 3608 trail led them. 3609 Tarzan let the first two pass beneath him, but as the third came 3610 swiftly on, the quiet noose dropped about the black throat. A 3611 quick jerk drew it taut. 3612 There was an agonized scream from the victim, and his fellows 3613 turned to see his struggling body rise as by magic slowly into 3614 the dense foliage of the trees above. 3615

3595 carelessly (adv) – despreocupadamente, descuidadamente 3603 strive (to) – esforçar-se ao máximo, empenhar-se 3608 squat (to) – acocorar-se 3612 taut (adj) – esticado, teso

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With frightened shrieks they wheeled once more and plunged 3616 on in their efforts to escape. 3617 Tarzan dispatched his prisoner quickly and silently; removed 3618 the weapons and ornaments, and−−oh, the greatest joy of 3619 all−−a handsome deerskin breechcloth, which he quickly 3620 transferred to his own person. 3621 Now indeed was he dressed as a man should be. None there 3622 was who could now doubt his high origin. How he should have 3623 liked to have returned to the tribe to parade before their 3624 envious gaze this wondrous finery. 3625 Taking the body across his shoulder, he moved more slowly 3626 through the trees toward the little palisaded village, for he 3627 again needed arrows. 3628 As he approached quite close to the enclosure he saw an 3629 excited group surrounding the two fugitives, who, trembling 3630 with fright and exhaustion, were scarce able to recount the 3631 uncanny details of their adventure. 3632 Mirando, they said, who had been ahead of them a short 3633 distance, had suddenly come screaming toward them, crying 3634 that a terrible white and naked warrior was pursuing him. The 3635 three of them had hurried toward the village as rapidly as their 3636 legs would carry them. 3637 Again Mirando's shrill cry of mortal terror had caused them to 3638 look back, and there they had seen the most horrible sight−− 3639

3620 deerskin (s) - camurça 3620 breechcloth (s) – tanga, calções 3624 parade (to) – exibir, ostentar, alardear, pavonear-se, mostrar-se, desfilar 3625 envious (adj) - invejoso 3625 wondrous (adj) – espantoso, assombroso 3625 finery (s) – enfeite, adorno, ornamento 3629 enclosure (s) – cerca, vedação, recinto 3632 uncanny (adj) – estranho, misterioso, inquietante, sinistro, perturbador

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their companion's body flying upwards into the trees, his arms 3640 and legs beating the air and his tongue protruding from his 3641 open mouth. No other sound did he utter nor was there any 3642 creature in sight about him. 3643 The villagers were worked up into a state of fear bordering on 3644 panic, but wise old Mbonga affected to feel considerable 3645 skepticism regarding the tale, and attributed the whole 3646 fabrication to their fright in the face of some real danger. 3647 "You tell us this great story," he said, "because you do not dare 3648 to speak the truth. You do not dare admit that when the lion 3649 sprang upon Mirando you ran away and left him. You are 3650 cowards." 3651 Scarcely had Mbonga ceased speaking when a great crashing 3652 of branches in the trees above them caused the blacks to look 3653 up in renewed terror. The sight that met their eyes made even 3654 wise old Mbonga shudder, for there, turning and twisting in the 3655 air, came the dead body of Mirando, to sprawl with a sickening 3656 reverberation upon the ground at their feet. 3657 With one accord the blacks took to their heels; nor did they 3658 stop until the last of them was lost in the dense shadows of the 3659 surrounding jungle. 3660 Again Tarzan came down into the village and renewed his 3661 supply of arrows and ate of the offering of food which the 3662 blacks had made to appease his wrath. 3663

3642 utter (to) – pronunciar, proferir, dizer, soltar 3654 renew (to) – renovar, retomar, reatar 3656 sprawl (to) – estatelar-se, cair 3656 sickening (adj) – chocante, revoltante 3657 reverberation (s) – eco, repercussão 3663 appease (to) – aplacar, acalmar, apaziguar, satisfazer 3663 wrath (s) – ira, cólera (indignação)

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Before he left he carried the body of Mirando to the gate of the 3664 village, and propped it up against the palisade in such a way 3665 that the dead face seemed to be peering around the edge of 3666 the gatepost down the path which led to the jungle. 3667 Then Tarzan returned, hunting, always hunting, to the cabin by 3668 the beach. 3669 It took a dozen attempts on the part of the thoroughly 3670 frightened blacks to reenter their village, past the horrible, 3671 grinning face of their dead fellow, and when they found the 3672 food and arrows gone they knew, what they had only too well 3673 feared, that Mirando had seen the evil spirit of the jungle. 3674 That now seemed to them the logical explanation. Only those 3675 who saw this terrible god of the jungle died; for was it not true 3676 that none left alive in the village had ever seen him? Therefore, 3677 those who had died at his hands must have seen him and paid 3678 the penalty with their lives. 3679 As long as they supplied him with arrows and food he would 3680 not harm them unless they looked upon him, so it was ordered 3681 by Mbonga that in addition to the food offering there should 3682 also be laid out an offering of arrows for this Munan− 3683 go−Keewati, and this was done from then on. 3684 If you ever chance to pass that far off African village you will 3685 still see before a tiny thatched hut, built just without the village, 3686

3665 prop (to) – encostar, apoiar, não deixar cair 3667 gatepost (s) - faixa de madeira ou barra de ferro sobre que gira a porta e onde se pregam as dobradiças ou os gonzos; 3670 attempt (s) - tentativa 3670 thoroughly (adv) - completamente 3671 reenter (to) – reentrar, voltar a entrar 3671 past (prep) – por 3677 therefore (adv) - (conj) – por isso, portanto 3684 be done from then on (to) – fazer daí em diante 3684 from then on – daí em diante 3686 thatched (adj) – coberto de colmo

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a little iron pot in which is a quantity of food, and beside it a 3687 quiver of well−daubed arrows. 3688 When Tarzan came in sight of the beach where stood his 3689 cabin, a strange and unusual spectacle met his vision. 3690 On the placid waters of the landlocked harbor floated a great 3691 ship, and on the beach a small boat was drawn up. 3692 But, most wonderful of all, a number of white men like himself 3693 were moving about between the beach and his cabin. 3694 Tarzan saw that in many ways they were like the men of his 3695 picture books. He crept closer through the trees until he was 3696 quite close above them. 3697 There were ten men, swarthy, sun−tanned, villainous looking 3698 fellows. Now they had congregated by the boat and were 3699 talking in loud, angry tones, with much gesticulating and 3700 shaking of fists. 3701 Presently one of them, a little, mean−faced, black−bearded 3702 fellow with a countenance which reminded Tarzan of Pamba, 3703 the rat, laid his hand upon the shoulder of a giant who stood 3704 next him, and with whom all the others had been arguing and 3705 quarreling. 3706 The little man pointed inland, so that the giant was forced to 3707 turn away from the others to look in the direction indicated. As 3708 he turned, the little, mean−faced man drew a revolver from his 3709 belt and shot the giant in the back. 3710

3688 daub (to) – borrar, sujar, cobrir, neste caso refere-se a cobrir com veneno 3698 swarthy (adj) – moreno, escuro, trigueiro, da cor do trigo maduro, um tanto escuro, moreno, queimado 3698 tan (to) – bronzear (queimar, tostar) 3702 mean (adj) – mau, mauzinho, maldoso 3703 countenance (s) – expressão, semblante (rosto)

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The big fellow threw his hands above his head, his knees bent 3711 beneath him, and without a sound he tumbled forward upon 3712 the beach, dead. 3713 The report of the weapon, the first that Tarzan had ever heard, 3714 filled him with wonderment, but even this unaccustomed sound 3715 could not startle his healthy nerves into even a semblance of 3716 panic. 3717 The conduct of the white strangers it was that caused him the 3718 greatest perturbation. He puckered his brows into a frown of 3719 deep thought. It was well, thought he, that he had not given 3720 way to his first impulse to rush forward and greet these white 3721 men as brothers. 3722 They were evidently no different from the black men−−no more 3723 civilized than the apes−−no less cruel than Sabor. 3724 For a moment the others stood looking at the little, mean− 3725 faced man and the giant lying dead upon the beach. 3726 Then one of them laughed and slapped the little man upon the 3727 back. There was much more talk and gesticulating, but less 3728 quarreling. 3729 Presently they launched the boat and all jumped into it and 3730 rowed away toward the great ship, where Tarzan could see 3731 other figures moving about upon the deck. 3732

3712 tumble (to) – cair, tombar 3714 report (s) – estrondo, detonação, estampido, deflagração 3715 wonderment (s) – assombro, espanto, pasmo 3716 startle (to) – assustar, atemorizar 3716 healthy (adj) – são, saudável, sadio 3716 semblance (s) – semelhança, parecença 3719 pucker (to) – contrair, enrugar 3721 greet (to) – saudar, cumprimentar, felicitar 3730 launch (to) – lançar à água (atirar, arremessar)

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When they had clambered aboard, Tarzan dropped to earth 3733 behind a great tree and crept to his cabin, keeping it always 3734 between himself and the ship. 3735 Slipping in at the door he found that everything had been 3736 ransacked. His books and pencils strewed the floor. 3737 His weapons and shields and other little store of treasures 3738 were littered about. 3739 As he saw what had been done a great wave of anger surged 3740 through him, and the new made scar upon his forehead stood 3741 suddenly out, a bar of inflamed crimson against his tawny hide. 3742 Quickly he ran to the cupboard and searched in the far recess 3743 of the lower shelf. Ah! He breathed a sigh of relief as he drew 3744 out the little tin box, and, opening it, found his greatest 3745 treasures undisturbed. 3746 The photograph of the smiling, strong−faced young man, and 3747 the little black puzzle book were safe. 3748 What was that? 3749 His quick ear had caught a faint but unfamiliar sound. 3750 Running to the window Tarzan looked toward the harbor, and 3751 there he saw that a boat was being lowered from the great ship 3752 beside the one already in the water. Soon he saw many people 3753 clambering over the sides of the larger vessel and dropping 3754 into the boats. They were coming back in full force. 3755

3737 ransack (to) – saquear, pilhar, assaltar, roubar, revistar, rebuscar, esquadrinhar 3737 strew (to) – encher, cobrir, juncar, espalhar 3738 shield (s) – emblema, escudo 3739 litter (to) – pôr em desordem, desarrumar 3740 surge (to) – afluir, agitar-se, aumentar de súbito 3742 crimson (s) – cor vermelha muito viva, carmesim 3742 tawny (adj) – moreno, trigueiro

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For a moment longer Tarzan watched while a number of boxes 3756 and bundles were lowered into the waiting boats, then, as they 3757 shoved off from the ship's side, the ape−man snatched up a 3758 piece of paper, and with a pencil printed on it for a few 3759 moments until it bore several lines of strong, well−made, 3760 almost letter−perfect characters. 3761 This notice he stuck upon the door with a small sharp splinter 3762 of wood. Then gathering up his precious tin box, his arrows, 3763 and as many bows and spears as he could carry, he hastened 3764 through the door and disappeared into the forest. 3765 When the two boats were beached upon the silvery sand it 3766 was a strange assortment of humanity that clambered ashore. 3767 Some twenty souls in all there were, fifteen of them rough and 3768 villainous appearing seamen. 3769 The others of the party were of different stamp. 3770 One was an elderly man, with white hair and large rimmed 3771 spectacles. His slightly stooped shoulders were draped in an 3772 ill−fitting, though immaculate, frock coat, and a shiny silk hat 3773 added to the incongruity of his garb in an African jungle. 3774 The second member of the party to land was a tall young man 3775 in white ducks, while directly behind came another elderly man 3776 with a very high forehead and a fussy, excitable manner. 3777 After these came a huge Negress clothed like Solomon as to 3778 colors. Her great eyes rolled in evident terror, first toward the 3779

3769 appear (to) - parecer 3771 elderly (adj) – de certa idade 3771 rimmed (adj) – com aros de óculos (com borda, com orla) 3772 spectacles (s pl) - óculos 3772 slightly (adv) – com aspecto franzino ou débil 3772 stoop (s) – inclinação do corpo para a frente 3772 drap (to) – envolver em pano ou tecido 3773 ill (adj) – mau, inadequado, que não está bem 3773 fitting (adj) – adequado, apropriado, conveniente 3773 frock (s) - sobrecasaca 3773 silk (adj) – de seda 3774 add (to) – acrescentar mais ainda 3774 incongruity (s) – falta de coerência, disparate, incompatibilidade, inconveniência, incongruência 3774 garb (s) – maneira de vestir 3776 duck (s) – tecido branco 3777 fussy (adj) – esquisito, espalhafatoso, complicado 3777 manner (s) – atitude, comportamento 3778 negress (s femenino) (depreciativo, ofensivo) - preta

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jungle and then toward the cursing band of sailors who were 3780 removing the bales and boxes from the boats. 3781 The last member of the party to disembark was a girl of about 3782 nineteen, and it was the young man who stood at the boat's 3783 prow to lift her high and dry upon land. She gave him a brave 3784 and pretty smile of thanks, but no words passed between 3785 them. 3786 In silence the party advanced toward the cabin. It was evident 3787 that whatever their intentions, all had been decided upon 3788 before they left the ship; and so they came to the door, the 3789 sailors carrying the boxes and bales, followed by the five who 3790 were of so different a class. The men put down their burdens, 3791 and then one caught sight of the notice which Tarzan had 3792 posted. 3793 "Ho, mates!" he cried. "What's here? This sign was not posted 3794 an hour ago or I'll eat the cook." 3795 The others gathered about, craning their necks over the 3796 shoulders of those before them, but as few of them could read 3797 at all, and then only after the most laborious fashion, one 3798 finally turned to the little old man of the top hat and frock coat. 3799 "Hi, perfesser," he called, "step for'rd and read the bloomin' 3800 notis." 3801 Thus addressed, the old man came slowly to where the sailors 3802 stood, followed by the other members of his party. Adjusting 3803

3780 cursing (adj) – que dizem palavrões 3781 bale (s) - fardo 3794 mate (s) – amigo, colega 3796 crane (to) – estender, esticar, alongar

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his spectacles he looked for a moment at the placard and then, 3804 turning away, strolled off muttering to himself: "Most 3805 remarkable−−most remarkable!" 3806 "Hi, old fossil," cried the man who had first called on him for 3807 assistance, "did je think we wanted of you to read the bloomin' 3808 notis to yourself? Come back here and read it out loud, you old 3809 barnacle." 3810 The old man stopped and, turning back, said: "Oh, yes, my 3811 dear sir, a thousand pardons. It was quite thoughtless of me, 3812 yes−−very thoughtless. Most remarkable−−most remarkable!" 3813 Again he faced the notice and read it through, and doubtless 3814 would have turned off again to ruminate upon it had not the 3815 sailor grasped him roughly by the collar and howled into his 3816 ear. 3817 "Read it out loud, you blithering old idiot." 3818 "Ah, yes indeed, yes indeed," replied the professor softly, and 3819 adjusting his spectacles once more he read aloud: 3820 THIS IS THE HOUSE OF TARZAN, THE KILLER OF BEASTS 3821 AND MANY BLACK MEN. DO NOT HARM THE THINGS 3822 WHICH ARE TARZAN'S. TARZAN WATCHES. TARZAN OF 3823 THE APES. 3824 "Who the devil is Tarzan?" cried the sailor who had before 3825 spoken. 3826 "He evidently speaks English," said the young man. 3827

3805 stroll off (to) – dar uma volta, deambular, vaguear 3806 remarkable (adj) – extraordinário, excepcional, fora do vulgar, notável 3807 fossil (adj) - fóssil 3808 bloomin (s) – maldito, estuporado 3810 barnacle (s)(figurado, depreciativo) - lapa 3812 thoughtless (adj) – descuidado, imprevidente 3818 blithering (adj) – despreocupado, indiferente, desinteressado

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"But what does `Tarzan of the Apes' mean?" cried the girl. 3828 "I do not know, Miss Porter," replied the young man, "unless 3829 we have discovered a runaway simian from the London Zoo 3830 who has brought back a European education to his jungle 3831 home. What do you make of it, Professor Porter?" he added, 3832 turning to the old man. 3833 Professor Archimedes Q. Porter adjusted his spectacles. 3834 "Ah, yes, indeed; yes indeed−−most remarkable, most remar -3835 kable!" said the professor; "but I can add nothing further to 3836 what I have already remarked in elucidation of this truly 3837 momentous occurrence," and the professor turned slowly in 3838 the direction of the jungle. 3839 "But, papa," cried the girl, "you haven't said anything about it 3840 yet." 3841 "Tut, tut, child; tut, tut," responded Professor Porter, in a kindly 3842 and indulgent tone, "do not trouble your pretty head with such 3843 weighty and abstruse problems," and again he wandered 3844 slowly off in still another direction, his eyes bent upon the 3845 ground at his feet, his hands clasped behind him beneath the 3846 flowing tails of his coat. 3847 "I reckon the daffy old bounder don't know no more'n we do 3848 about it," growled the rat−faced sailor. 3849 "Keep a civil tongue in your head," cried the young man, his 3850 face paling in anger, at the insulting tone of the sailor. "You've 3851

3837 remark (to) – comentar, mencionar 3837 truly (adv) – verdadeiramente, autenticamente 3838 momentous (adj) – de grande importância, decisivo, grave 3842 tut, tut, child – basta! basta! Criança… 3844 abstruse (adj) – de difícil compreensão, obscuro, abstruso 3845 still (adj) – silencioso, calmo 3847 flowing (adj) – diz-se do vestuário que cai solto 3848 reckon (to) – supor, pensar 3848 daffy (adj) – tonto, amalucado 3848 bounder (s) – canalha, aldrabão

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murdered our officers and robbed us. We are absolutely in 3852 your power, but you'll treat Professor Porter and Miss Porter 3853 with respect or I'll break that vile neck of yours with my bare 3854 hands—guns or no guns," and the young fellow stepped so 3855 close to the rat−faced sailor that the latter, though he bore two 3856 revolvers and a villainous looking knife in his belt, slunk back 3857 abashed. 3858 "You damned coward," cried the young man. "You'd never 3859 dare shoot a man until his back was turned. You don't dare 3860 shoot me even then," and he deliberately turned his back full 3861 upon the sailor and walked nonchalantly away as if to put him 3862 to the test. 3863 The sailor's hand crept slyly to the butt of one of his revolvers; 3864 his wicked eyes glared vengefully at the retreating form of the 3865 young Englishman. The gaze of his fellows was upon him, but 3866 still he hesitated. At heart he was even a greater coward than 3867 Mr. William Cecil Clayton had imagined. 3868 Two keen eyes had watched every move of the party from the 3869 foliage of a nearby tree. Tarzan had seen the surprise caused 3870 by his notice, and while he could understand nothing of the 3871 spoken language of these strange people their gestures and 3872 facial expressions told him much. 3873 The act of the little rat−faced sailor in killing one of his 3874 comrades had aroused a strong dislike in Tarzan, and now that 3875

3858 abashed (adj) – embaraçado, atrapalhado, confundido 3862 nonchalantly (adv) – despreocupadamente, descontraidamente 3864 slyly (adv) – dissimuladamente, em segredo 3864 butt (s) - coronha 3865 vengefully (adv) – vingativamente 3865 retreating (adj) – que se afasta, em retirada

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he saw him quarreling with the fine−looking young man his 3876 animosity was still further stirred. 3877 Tarzan had never seen the effects of a firearm before, though 3878 his books had taught him something of them, but when he saw 3879 the rat−faced one fingering the butt of his revolver he thought 3880 of the scene he had witnessed so short a time before, and 3881 naturally expected to see the young man murdered as had 3882 been the huge sailor earlier in the day. 3883 So Tarzan fitted a poisoned arrow to his bow and drew a bead 3884 upon the rat−faced sailor, but the foliage was so thick that he 3885 soon saw the arrow would be deflected by the leaves or some 3886 small branch, and instead he launched a heavy spear from his 3887 lofty perch. 3888 Clayton had taken but a dozen steps. The rat−faced sailor had 3889 half drawn his revolver; the other sailors stood watching the 3890 scene intently. 3891 Professor Porter had already disappeared into the jungle, 3892 whither he was being followed by the fussy Samuel T. 3893 Philander, his secretary and assistant. 3894 Esmeralda, the Negress, was busy sorting her mistress' 3895 baggage from the pile of bales and boxes beside the cabin, 3896 and Miss Porter had turned away to follow Clayton, when 3897 something caused her to turn again toward the sailor. 3898

3878 firearm (s) – arma de fogo 3884 bead (s) – ponto de mira 3893 whither (adv) - até onde, aonde 3895 sort (to) – separar, pôr em ordem, seleccionar 3896 bale (s) - fardo

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And then three things happened almost simultaneously. The 3899 sailor jerked out his weapon and leveled it at Clayton's back, 3900 Miss Porter screamed a warning, and a long, metal− shod 3901 spear shot like a bolt from above and passed entirely through 3902 the right shoulder of the rat−faced man. 3903 The revolver exploded harmlessly in the air, and the seaman 3904 crumpled up with a scream of pain and terror. 3905 Clayton turned and rushed back toward the scene. The sailors 3906 stood in a frightened group, with drawn weapons, peering into 3907 the jungle. The wounded man writhed and shrieked upon the 3908 ground. 3909 Clayton, unseen by any, picked up the fallen revolver and 3910 slipped it inside his shirt, then he joined the sailors in gazing, 3911 mystified, into the jungle. 3912 "Who could it have been?" whispered Jane Porter, and the 3913 young man turned to see her standing, wide−eyed and 3914 wondering, close beside him. 3915 "I dare say Tarzan of the Apes is watching us all right," he 3916 answered, in a dubious tone. "I wonder, now, who that spear 3917 was intended for. If for Snipes, then our ape friend is a friend 3918 indeed. 3919 "By jove, where are your father and Mr. Philander? There's 3920 someone or something in that jungle, and it's armed, whatever 3921

3900 jerk out (to) – puxar bruscamente 3901 shod (adj) – de ou com ponteira 3902 bolt (s) – flecha, dardo, relâmpago, faísca 3905 crumple up (to) – dobrar-se (amarrotar-se, enrugar-se) 3908 writh (to) – contorcer-se, torcer-se 3917 dubious (adj) – hesitante, duvidoso 3918 intended for (adj) – destinado, dirigido 3920 jove (s) (mitologia) – Jove, Júpiter

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it is. Ho! Professor! Mr. Philander!" young Clayton shouted. 3922 There was no response. 3923 "What's to be done, Miss Porter?" continued the young man, 3924 his face clouded by a frown of worry and indecision. 3925 "I can't leave you here alone with these cutthroats, and you 3926 certainly can't venture into the jungle with me; yet someone 3927 must go in search of your father. He is more than apt to 3928 wandering off aimlessly, regardless of danger or direction, and 3929 Mr. Philander is only a trifle less impractical than he. You will 3930 pardon my bluntness, but our lives are all in jeopardy here, and 3931 when we get your father back something must be done to 3932 impress upon him the dangers to which he exposes you as 3933 well as himself by his absent−mindedness." 3934 "I quite agree with you," replied the girl, "and I am not offended 3935 at all. Dear old papa would sacrifice his life for me without an 3936 instant's hesitation, provided one could keep his mind on so 3937 frivolous a matter for an entire instant. There is only one way to 3938 keep him in safety, and that is to chain him to a tree. The poor 3939 dear is SO impractical." 3940 "I have it!" suddenly exclaimed Clayton. "You can use a 3941 revolver, can't you?" 3942 "Yes. Why?" 3943 "I have one. With it you and Esmeralda will be comparatively 3944 safe in this cabin while I am searching for your father and Mr. 3945

3926 cutthroat (s) - assassino 3928 apt (adj) – propenso, inclinado a 3929 aimlessly (adv) – sem destino 3929 regardless (adv) – de qualquer forma, de qualquer maneira, desatento, sem prestar atenção 3930 trifle (s) – pouco (bagatela, coisa sem importância, insignificância, ninharia) 3930 impractical (adj) – que não é prático 3931 bluntness (s) – franqueza, sem-cerimónia, rudeza 3931 jeopardy (s) – risco, perigo 3934 absent (adj) – distraído, distante, vago 3937 provide (to) – providenciar, tratar de 3938 frivolous a matter – assunto de pouca importância

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Philander. Come, call the woman and I will hurry on. They can't 3946 have gone far." 3947 Jane did as he suggested and when he saw the door close 3948 safely behind them Clayton turned toward the jungle. 3949 Some of the sailors were drawing the spear from their 3950 wounded comrade and, as Clayton approached, he asked if he 3951 could borrow a revolver from one of them while he searched 3952 the jungle for the professor. 3953 The rat−faced one, finding he was not dead, had regained his 3954 composure, and with a volley of oaths directed at Clayton 3955 refused in the name of his fellows to allow the young man any 3956 firearms. 3957 This man, Snipes, had assumed the role of chief since he had 3958 killed their former leader, and so little time had elapsed that 3959 none of his companions had as yet questioned his authority. 3960 Clayton's only response was a shrug of the shoulders, but as 3961 he left them he picked up the spear which had transfixed 3962 Snipes, and thus primitively armed, the son of the then Lord 3963 Greystoke strode into the dense jungle. 3964 Every few moments he called aloud the names of the 3965 wanderers. The watchers in the cabin by the beach heard the 3966 sound of his voice growing ever fainter and fainter, until at last 3967 it was swallowed up by the myriad noises of the primeval 3968 wood. 3969

3955 volley (s) – saraivada, torrente, grande quantidade de 3955 oath (s) – praga, imprecação, palavrão 3958 role (s) – papel, função, cargo 3959 former (adj) – anterior, precedente, primeiro 3959 elapse (to) – decorrer, passar

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When Professor Archimedes Q. Porter and his assistant, 3970 Samuel T. Philander, after much insistence on the part of the 3971 latter, had finally turned their steps toward camp, they were as 3972 completely lost in the wild and tangled labyrinth of the matted 3973 jungle as two human beings well could be, though they did not 3974 know it. 3975 It was by the merest caprice of fortune that they headed 3976 toward the west coast of Africa, instead of toward Zanzibar on 3977 the opposite side of the dark continent. 3978 When in a short time they reached the beach, only to find no 3979 camp in sight, Philander was positive that they were north of 3980 their proper destination, while, as a matter of fact they were 3981 about two hundred yards south of it. 3982 It never occurred to either of these impractical theorists to call 3983 aloud on the chance of attracting their friends' attention. 3984 Instead, with all the assurance that deductive reasoning from a 3985 wrong premise induces in one, Mr. Samuel T. Philander 3986 grasped Professor Archimedes Q. Porter firmly by the arm and 3987 hurried the weakly protesting old gentleman off in the direction 3988 of Cape Town, fifteen hundred miles to the south. 3989 When Jane and Esmeralda found themselves safely behind 3990 the cabin door the Negress's first thought was to barricade the 3991 portal from the inside. With this idea in mind she turned to 3992 search for some means of putting it into execution; but her first 3993

3973 tangled (adj) – emaranhado, confuso, enredado 3973 matted (adj) – entrançado, emaranhado 3976 até 3978 – significa só que se encaminharam para a praia em vez de se encaminharem para o interior da selva

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view of the interior of the cabin brought a shriek of terror to her 3994 lips, and like a frightened child the huge woman ran to bury her 3995 face on her mistress' shoulder. 3996 Jane, turning at the cry, saw the cause of it lying prone upon 3997 the floor before them−−the whitened skeleton of a man. A 3998 further glance revealed a second skeleton upon the bed. 3999 "What horrible place are we in?" murmured the awe−struck 4000 girl. But there was no panic in her fright. 4001 At last, disengaging herself from the frantic clutch of the still 4002 shrieking Esmeralda, Jane crossed the room to look into the 4003 little cradle, knowing what she should see there even before 4004 the tiny skeleton disclosed itself in all its pitiful and pathetic 4005 frailty. 4006 What an awful tragedy these poor mute bones proclaimed! The 4007 girl shuddered at thought of the eventualities which might lie 4008 before herself and her friends in this ill−fated ca bin, the haunt 4009 of mysterious, perhaps hostile, beings. 4010 Quickly, with an impatient stamp of her little foot, she 4011 endeavored to shake off the gloomy forebodings, and turning 4012 to Esmeralda bade her cease her wailing. 4013 "Stop, Esmeralda, stop it this minute!" she cried. "You are only 4014 making it worse." 4015

4000 awe (adj) – com receio e temor 4000 strike (to) – afligir-se, emocionar-se fortemente (bater com, bater em) 4004 cradle (s) - berço 4005 disclose (to) – descobrir, revelar, divulgar 4005 pitiful (adj) – que inspira piedade, de meter pena, deplorável, lamentável 4006 frailty (s) – fragilidade 4007 mute (adj) – mudo, silencioso 4009 fated (adj) – fadado, marcado pelo destino 4009 haunt (s) – esconderijo, antro, covil 4012 endeavor (to) – esforçar-se, lutar 4012 shake off (to) – esforçar-se, lutar 4012 foreboding (s) – pressentimento, agouro, mau presságio, mau prenúncio 4013 bid (to) – ordenar, mandar 4013 cease (to) – cessar, parar, acabar

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She ended lamely, a little quiver in her own voice as she 4016 thought of the three men, upon whom she depended for 4017 protection, wandering in the depth of that awful forest. 4018 Soon the girl found that the door was equipped with a heavy 4019 wooden bar upon the inside, and after several efforts the 4020 combined strength of the two enabled them to slip it into place, 4021 the first time in twenty years. 4022 Then they sat down upon a bench with their arms about one 4023 another, and waited. 4024 Chapter 14. At the Mercy of the Jungle 4025 After Clayton had plunged into the jungle, the sailors 4026 −−mutineers of the Arrow−−fell into a discussion of their next 4027 step; but on one point all were agreed−−that they should 4028 hasten to put off to the anchored Arrow, where they could at 4029 least be safe from the spears of their unseen foe. And so, 4030 while Jane Porter and Esmeralda were barricading themselves 4031 within the cabin, the cowardly crew of cutthroats were pulling 4032 rapidly for their ship in the two boats that had brought them 4033 ashore. 4034 So much had Tarzan seen that day that his head was in a whirl 4035 of wonder. But the most wonderful sight of all, to him, was the 4036 face of the beautiful white girl. 4037

4016 lamely (adv) – de modo pouco convicente 4016 quiver (s) – estremecimento, tremura, tremor (carcajás ou aljava para transportar as setas) 4027 mutineer (s) – amotinado, revoltoso, rebelde 4029 hasten (to) – apressar-se 4029 put off (to) – lançar um barco ao mar (adiar, desencorajar, fazer desistir, convencer a mudar de ideias) 4030 foe (s) – adversário, inimigo

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Here at last was one of his own kind; of that he was positive. 4038 And the young man and the two old men; they, too, were much 4039 as he had pictured his own people to be. 4040 But doubtless they were as ferocious and cruel as other men 4041 he had seen. The fact that they alone of all the party were 4042 unarmed might account for the fact that they had killed no one. 4043 They might be very different if provided with weapons. 4044 Tarzan had seen the young man pick up the fallen revolver of 4045 the wounded Snipes and hide it away in his breast; and he had 4046 also seen him slip it cautiously to the girl as she entered the 4047 cabin door. 4048 He did not understand anything of the motives behind all that 4049 he had seen; but, somehow, intuitively he liked the young man 4050 and the two old men, and for the girl he had a strange longing 4051 which he scarcely understood. 4052 As for the big black woman, she was evidently connected in 4053 some way to the girl, and so he liked her, also. 4054 For the sailors, and especially Snipes, he had developed a 4055 great hatred. He knew by their threatening gestures and by the 4056 expression upon their evil faces that they were enemies of the 4057 others of the party, and so he decided to watch closely. 4058 Tarzan wondered why the men had gone into the jungle, nor 4059 did it ever occur to him that one could become lost in that 4060

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maze of undergrowth which to him was as simple as is the 4061 main street of your own home town to you. 4062 When he saw the sailors row away toward the ship, and knew 4063 that the girl and her companion were safe in his cabin, Tarzan 4064 decided to follow the young man into the jungle and learn what 4065 his errand might be. He swung off rapidly in the direction taken 4066 by Clayton, and in a short time heard faintly in the distance the 4067 now only occasional calls of the Englishman to his friends. 4068 Presently Tarzan came up with the white man, who, almost 4069 fagged, was leaning against a tree wiping the perspiration from 4070 his forehead. The ape−man, hiding safe behind a screen of 4071 foliage, sat watching this new specimen of his own race 4072 intently. 4073 At intervals Clayton called aloud and finally it came to Tarzan 4074 that he was searching for the old man. 4075 Tarzan was on the point of going off to look for them himself, 4076 when he caught the yellow glint of a sleek hide moving 4077 cautiously through the jungle toward Clayton. 4078 It was Sheeta, the leopard. Now, Tarzan heard the soft 4079 bending of grasses and wondered why the young white man 4080 was not warned. Could it be he had failed to note the loud 4081 warning? Never before had Tarzan known Sheeta to be so 4082 clumsy. 4083

4061 maze (s) – labirinto, dédalo 4066 errand (s) – missão, tarefa, incumbência 4069 presently (adv) – dentro em pouco, em breve 4069 come up (to) – chegar, aparecer 4070 fag (to) – esgotar-se com trabalho 4077 glint (s) – brilho débil 4077 sleek (adj) – liso, lustroso 4083 clumsy (adj) – desajeitado, grosseiro

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No, the white man did not hear. Sheeta was crouching for the 4084 spring, and then, shrill and horrible, there rose from the 4085 stillness of the jungle the awful cry of the challenging ape, and 4086 Sheeta turned, crashing into the underbrush. 4087 Clayton came to his feet with a start. His blood ran cold. Never 4088 in all his life had so fearful a sound smote upon his ears. He 4089 was no coward; but if ever man felt the icy fingers of fear upon 4090 his heart, William Cecil Clayton, eldest son of Lord Greystoke 4091 of England, did that day in the fastness of the African jungle. 4092 The noise of some great body crashing through the 4093 underbrush so close beside him, and the sound of that 4094 bloodcurdling shriek from above, tested Clayton's courage to 4095 the limit; but he could not know that it was to that very voice he 4096 owed his life, nor that the creature who hurled it forth was his 4097 own cousin−−the real Lord Greystoke. 4098 The afternoon was drawing to a close, and Clayton, 4099 disheartened and discouraged, was in a terrible quandary as to 4100 the proper course to pursue; whether to keep on in search of 4101 Professor Porter, at the almost certain risk of his own death in 4102 the jungle by night, or to return to the cabin where he might at 4103 least serve to protect Jane from the perils which confronted her 4104 on all sides. 4105 He did not wish to return to camp without her father; still more, 4106 he shrank from the thought of leaving her alone and 4107

4089 smite (to) – atingir, afectar 4091 eldest (adj) – o mais velho 4092 fastness (s) - imensidão 4095 bloodcurdling (adj) – de gelar o sangue, horripilante, arrepiante 4097 forth (adv) – para a frente, para diante 4100 dishearten (to) – desencorajar, desanimar 4100 discourage (to) – desencorajar, desanimar 4100 quandary (s) – embaraço, perplexidade, situação difícil, dilema, incerteza 4101 course (s) – rumo, direcção 4101 pursue (to) – seguir, continuar, prosseguir (perseguir, caçar)

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unprotected in the hands of the mutineers of the Arrow, or to 4108 the hundred unknown dangers of the jungle. 4109 Possibly, too, he thought, the professor and Philander might 4110 have returned to camp. Yes, that was more than likely. At least 4111 he would return and see, before he continued what seemed to 4112 be a most fruitless quest. And so he started, stumbling back 4113 through the thick and matted underbrush in the direction that 4114 he thought the cabin lay. 4115 To Tarzan's surprise the young man was heading further into 4116 the jungle in the general direction of Mbonga's village, and the 4117 shrewd young ape−man was convinced that he was lost. 4118 To Tarzan this was scarcely incomprehensible; his judgment 4119 told him that no man would venture toward the village of the 4120 cruel blacks armed only with a spear which, from the awkward 4121 way in which he carried it, was evidently an unaccustomed 4122 weapon to this white man. Nor was he following the trail of the 4123 old men. That, they had crossed and left long since, though it 4124 had been fresh and plain before Tarzan's eyes. 4125 Tarzan was perplexed. The fierce jungle would make easy 4126 prey of this unprotected stranger in a very short time if he were 4127 not guided quickly to the beach. 4128 Yes, there was Numa, the lion, even now, stalking the white 4129 man a dozen paces to the right. 4130

4113 fruitless (adj) – inútil, sem resultado, vão, estéril 4113 quest (s) – procura, busca 4121 awkward (adj) – inconveniente, desastrado

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Clayton heard the great body paralleling his course, and now 4131 there rose upon the evening air the beast's thunderous roar. 4132 The man stopped with upraised spear and faced the brush 4133 from which issued the awful sound. The shadows were 4134 deepening, darkness was settling in. 4135 God! To die here alone, beneath the fangs of wild beasts; to be 4136 torn and rended; to feel the hot breath of the brute on his face 4137 as the great paw crushed down up his breast! 4138 For a moment all was still. Clayton stood rigid, with raised 4139 spear. Presently a faint rustling of the bush apprised him of the 4140 stealthy creeping of the thing behind. It was gathering for the 4141 spring. At last he saw it, not twenty feet away−−the long, lithe, 4142 muscular body and tawny head of a huge black−maned lion. 4143 The beast was upon its belly, moving forward very slowly. As 4144 its eyes met Clayton's it stopped, and deliberately, cautiously 4145 gathered its hind quarters behind it. 4146 In agony the man watched, fearful to launch his spear, 4147 powerless to fly. 4148 He heard a noise in the tree above him. Some new danger, he 4149 thought, but he dared not take his eyes from the yellow green 4150 orbs before him. There was a sharp twang as of a broken 4151 banjo−string, and at the same instant an arrow appeared in the 4152 yellow hide of the crouching lion. 4153

4133 upraised (adj) – levantado, erguido 4134 issue (to) – sair, brotar, surgir 4140 apprise (to) – informar, pôr ao corrente 4151 twang (s) – som de corda tensa, ruído seco de corda de um arco

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With a roar of pain and anger the beast sprang; but, somehow, 4154 Clayton stumbled to one side, and as he turned again to face 4155 the infuriated king of beasts, he was appalled at the sight 4156 which confronted him. Almost simultaneously with the lion's 4157 turning to renew the attack a half−naked giant dropped from 4158 the tree above squarely on the brute's back. 4159 With lightning speed an arm that was banded layers of iron 4160 muscle encircled the huge neck, and the great beast was 4161 raised from behind, roaring and pawing the air−−raised as 4162 easily as Clayton would have lifted a pet dog. 4163 The scene he witnessed there in the twilight depths of the 4164 African jungle was burned forever into the Englishman's brain. 4165 The man before him was the embodiment of physical 4166 perfection and giant strength; yet it was not upon these he 4167 depended in his battle with the great cat, for mighty as were 4168 his muscles, they were as nothing by comparison with Numa's. 4169 To his agility, to his brain and to his long keen knife he owed 4170 his supremacy. 4171 His right arm encircled the lion's neck, while the left hand 4172 plunged the knife time and again into the unprotected side 4173 behind the left shoulder. The infuriated beast, pulled up and 4174 backwards until he stood upon his hind legs, struggled 4175 impotently in this unnatural position. 4176

4155 stumble (to) - tropeçar 4156 appalled (adj) – chocado, horrorizado 4159 squarely (adj) – a direito, directo 4160 band (to) – ligar unir 4160 layer (s) – camada 4164 witness (to) – testemunhar 4170 owe (to) – dever, estar em dívida 4174 pull up (to) – arrancar (puxar para cima, subir, içar) 4174 pulled up and backwards – erguido nas patas traseiras 4175 backwards (adv) – para trás 4175 hind (adj) – posterior, traseiro

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Had the battle been of a few seconds' longer duration the 4177 outcome might have been different, but it was all accomplished 4178 so quickly that the lion had scarce time to recover from the 4179 confusion of its surprise ere it sank lifeless to the ground. 4180 Then the strange figure which had vanquished it stood erect 4181 upon the carcass, and throwing back the wild and handsome 4182 head, gave out the fearsome cry which a few moments earlier 4183 had so startled Clayton. 4184 Before him he saw the figure of a young man, naked except for 4185 a loin cloth and a few barbaric ornaments about arms and legs; 4186 on the breast a priceless diamond locket gleaming against a 4187 smooth brown skin. 4188 The hunting knife had been returned to its homely sheath, and 4189 the man was gathering up his bow and quiver from where he 4190 had tossed them when he leaped to attack the lion. 4191 Clayton spoke to the stranger in English, thanking him for his 4192 brave rescue and complimenting him on the wondrous strength 4193 and dexterity he had displayed, but the only answer was a 4194 steady stare and a faint shrug of the mighty shoulders, which 4195 might betoken either disparagement of the service rendered, or 4196 ignorance of Clayton's language. 4197 When the bow and quiver had been slung to his back the wild 4198 man, for such Clayton now thought him, once more drew his 4199 knife and deftly carved a dozen large strips of meat from the 4200

4178 accomplish (to) – realizar, efectuar, conseguir 4180 ere (prep) – antes de 4186 loin (adj) - dos rins ou lombo 4187 priceless (adj) – inestimável, de preço tão alto que nem pode calcular-se 4191 toss (to) – lançar, atirar, arremessar 4194 dexterity (s) – destreza, habilidade 4194 display (to) – exibir, mostrar 4196 betoken (to) – indicar, denotar, pressagiar, augurar 4196 disparagement (s) – depreciação, descrédito 4196 render (to) – prestar, realizar, entregar, transmitir 4200 carve (to) - trinchar

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lion's carcass. Then, squatting upon his haunches, he 4201 proceeded to eat, first motioning Clayton to join him. 4202 The strong white teeth sank into the raw and dripping flesh in 4203 apparent relish of the meal, but Clayton could not bring himself 4204 to share the uncooked meat with his strange host; instead he 4205 watched him, and presently there dawned upon him the 4206 conviction that this was Tarzan of the Apes, whose notice he 4207 had seen posted upon the cabin door that morning. 4208 If so he must speak English. 4209 Again Clayton attempted speech with the ape−man; but the 4210 replies, now vocal, were in a strange tongue, which resembled 4211 the chattering of monkeys mingled with the growling of some 4212 wild beast. 4213 No, this could not be Tarzan of the Apes, for it was very 4214 evident that he was an utter stranger to English. 4215 When Tarzan had completed his repast he rose and, pointing a 4216 very different direction from that which Clayton had been 4217 pursuing, started off through the jungle toward the point he had 4218 indicated. 4219 Clayton, bewildered and confused, hesitated to follow him, for 4220 he thought he was but being led more deeply into the mazes of 4221 the forest; but the ape−man, seeing him disinclined to follow, 4222 returned, and, grasping him by the coat, dragged him along 4223

4201 haunch (s) – anca, quadril 4203 raw (adj) – crú 4204 relish (s) – prazer, gosto, satisfação, deleite 4206 presently (adv) – imediatamente, dentro em pouco, em breve 4215 utter (adj) – completo, total, absoluto 4215 stranger (s) – desconhecedor

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until he was convinced that Clayton understood what was 4224 required of him. 4225 Then he left him to follow voluntarily. 4226 The Englishman, finally concluding that he was a prisoner, saw 4227 no alternative open but to accompany his captor, and thus they 4228 traveled slowly through the jungle while the sable mantle of the 4229 impenetrable forest night fell about them, and the stealthy 4230 footfalls of padded paws mingled with the breaking of twigs 4231 and the wild calls of the savage life that Clayton felt closing in 4232 upon him. 4233 Suddenly Clayton heard the faint report of a firearm−−a single 4234 shot, and then silence. 4235 In the cabin by the beach two thoroughly terrified women clung 4236 to each other as they crouched upon the low bench in the 4237 gathering darkness. 4238 The Negress sobbed hysterically, bemoaning the evil day that 4239 had witnessed her departure from her dear Maryland, while the 4240 white girl, dry eyed and outwardly calm, was torn by inward 4241 fears and forebodings. She feared not more for herself than for 4242 the three men whom she knew to be wandering in the abysmal 4243 depths of the savage jungle, from which she now heard issuing 4244 the almost incessant shrieks and roars, barkings and growlings 4245 of its terrifying and fearsome denizens as they sought their 4246 prey. 4247

4229 sable (adj) – negro, preto 4239 bemoan (to) – chorar, lamentar 4241 outwardly (adv) – aparentemente, exteriormente 4241 inward (adj) – íntimo, interior 4242 foreboding (s) – pressentimento, mau presságio

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And now there came the sound of a heavy body brushing 4248 against the side of the cabin. She could hear the great padded 4249 paws upon the ground outside. For an instant, all was silence; 4250 even the bedlam of the forest died to a faint murmur. Then she 4251 distinctly heard the beast outside sniffing at the door, not two 4252 feet from where she crouched. Instinctively the girl shuddered, 4253 and shrank closer to the black woman. 4254 "Hush!" she whispered. "Hush, Esmeralda," for the woman's 4255 sobs and groans seemed to have attracted the thing that 4256 stalked there just beyond the thin wall. 4257 A gentle scratching sound was heard on the door. The brute 4258 tried to force an entrance; but presently this ceased, and again 4259 she heard the great pads creeping stealthily around the cabin. 4260 Again they stopped—beneath the window on which the 4261 terrified eyes of the girl now glued themselves. 4262 "God!" she murmured, for now, silhouetted against the moonlit 4263 sky beyond, she saw framed in the tiny square of the latticed 4264 window the head of a huge lioness. The gleaming eyes were 4265 fixed upon her in intent ferocity. 4266 "Look, Esmeralda!" she whispered. "For God's sake, what shall 4267 we do? Look! Quick! The window!" 4268 Esmeralda, cowering still closer to her mistress, took one 4269 frightened glance toward the little square of moonlight, just as 4270 the lioness emitted a low, savage snarl. 4271

4251 bedlam (s) – confusão, caos, balbúrdia 4264 frame (to) – estar dentro da moldura neste caso da janela 4264 latticed (adj) – gradeado, entrançado

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The sight that met the poor woman's eyes was too much for 4272 the already overstrung nerves. 4273 "Oh, Gaberelle!" she shrieked, and slid to the floor an inert and 4274 senseless mass. 4275 For what seemed an eternity the great brute stood with its 4276 forepaws upon the sill, glaring into the little room. 4277 Presently it tried the strength of the lattice with its great talons. 4278 The girl had almost ceased to breathe, when, to her relief, the 4279 head disappeared and she heard the brute's footsteps leaving 4280 the window. But now they came to the door again, and once 4281 more the scratching commenced; this time with increasing 4282 force until the great beast was tearing at the massive panels in 4283 a perfect frenzy of eagerness to seize its defenseless victims. 4284 Could Jane have known the immense strength of that door, 4285 built piece by piece, she would have felt less fear of the lioness 4286 reaching her by this avenue. 4287 Little did John Clayton imagine when he fashioned that crude 4288 but mighty portal that one day, twenty years later, it would 4289 shield a fair American girl, then unborn, from the teeth and 4290 talons of a man−eater. 4291 For fully twenty minutes the brute alternately sniffed and tore at 4292 the door, occasionally giving voice to a wild, savage cry of 4293 baffled rage. At length, however, she gave up the attempt, and 4294 Jane heard her returning toward the window, beneath which 4295

4273 overstrung (adj) – demasiado sensível, tenso, nervoso 4277 sill (s) – parapeito, peitoril 4278 talon (s) – presa, garra 4290 shield (to) – defender, proteger

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she paused for an instant, and then launched her great weight 4296 against the timeworn lattice. 4297 The girl heard the wooden rods groan beneath the impact; but 4298 they held, and the huge body dropped back to the ground 4299 below. 4300 Again and again the lioness repeated these tactics, until finally 4301 the horrified prisoner within saw a portion of the lattice give 4302 way, and in an instant one great paw and the head of the 4303 animal were thrust within the room. 4304 Slowly the powerful neck and shoulders spread the bars apart, 4305 and the lithe body protruded farther and farther into the room. 4306 As in a trance, the girl rose, her hand upon her breast, wide 4307 eyes staring horror−stricken into the snarling face of the beast 4308 scarce ten feet from her. At her feet lay the prostrate form of 4309 the Negress. If she could but arouse her, their combined 4310 efforts might possibly avail to beat back the fierce and 4311 bloodthirsty intruder. 4312 Jane stooped to grasp the black woman by the shoulder. 4313 Roughly she shook her. 4314 "Esmeralda! Esmeralda!" she cried. "Help me, or we are lost." 4315 Esmeralda opened her eyes. The first object they encountered 4316 was the dripping fangs of the hungry lioness. 4317

4297 timeworn (adj) – gasto pelo tempo 4297 lattice (s) - grade 4298 rod (s) – vareta, haste 4304 thrust (to) – enfiar, meter, empurrar com violência ♣♣♣ trust (s) – confiança ♣♣♣ trust (to) – confiar em, acreditar em 4306 lithe (adj) – ágil, flexível 4307 trance (s) – transe, êxtase, arrebatamento

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With a horrified scream the poor woman rose to her hands and 4318 knees, and in this position scurried across the room, shrieking: 4319 "O Gaberelle! O Gaberelle!" at the top of her lungs. 4320 Esmeralda weighed some two hundred and eighty pounds, 4321 and her extreme haste, added to her extreme corpulency, 4322 produced a most amazing result when Esmeralda elected to 4323 travel on all fours. 4324 For a moment the lioness remained quiet with intense gaze 4325 directed upon the flitting Esmeralda, whose goal appeared to 4326 be the cupboard, into which she attempted to propel her huge 4327 bulk; but as the shelves were but nine or ten inches apart, she 4328 only succeeded in getting her head in; whereupon, with a final 4329 screech, which paled the jungle noises into insignificance, she 4330 fainted once again. 4331 With the subsidence of Esmeralda the lioness renewed her 4332 efforts to wriggle her huge bulk through the weakening lattice. 4333 The girl, standing pale and rigid against the farther wall, sought 4334 with ever−increasing terror for some loophole of escape. 4335 Suddenly her hand, tight−pressed against her bosom, felt the 4336 hard outline of the revolver that Clayton had left with her earlier 4337 in the day. 4338 Quickly she snatched it from its hiding−place, and, leveling it 4339 full at the lioness's face, pulled the trigger. 4340

4319 scurry (to) – correr precipitadamente 4320 lung (s) - pulmão 4322 haste (s) – pressa, presteza 4323 elect (to) – escolher, eleger 4326 flitting (adj) - fugitivo 4327 propel (to) – mover, impelir 4328 apart (adj) – separado, afastado 4329 succeed (to) – conseguir (ser bem sucedido, sair-se bem, ter êxito) 4329 whereupon/whereon (adv) – após o que, em que, no qual 4330 screech (s) – grito penetrante, guincho 4330 pale (to) – ofuscar, empalidecer 4331 faint (to) - desmaiar 4332 subsidence (s) – acalmia (aluimento, desmoronamento) 4334 farther (adj) – oposto, mais afastado 4335 loophole (s) – buraco, abertura

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There was a flash of flame, the roar of the discharge, and an 4341 answering roar of pain and anger from the beast. 4342 Jane Porter saw the great form disappear from the window, 4343 and then she, too, fainted, the revolver falling at her side. 4344 But Sabor was not killed. The bullet had but inflicted a painful 4345 wound in one of the great shoulders. It was the surprise at the 4346 blinding flash and the deafening roar that had caused her 4347 hasty but temporary retreat. 4348 In another instant she was back at the lattice, and with 4349 renewed fury was clawing at the aperture, but with lessened 4350 effect, since the wounded member was almost useless. 4351 She saw her prey−−the two women−−lying senseless upon the 4352 floor. There was no longer any resistance to be overcome. Her 4353 meat lay before her, and Sabor had only to worm her way 4354 through the lattice to claim it. 4355 Slowly she forced her great bulk, inch by inch, through the 4356 opening. Now her head was through, now one great forearm 4357 and shoulder. 4358 Carefully she drew up the wounded member to insinuate it 4359 gently beyond the tight pressing bars. 4360 A moment more and both shoulders through, the long, sinuous 4361 body and the narrow hips would glide quickly after. 4362 It was on this sight that Jane Porter again opened her eyes. 4363 Chapter 15. The Forest God 4364

4354 worm (to) – conseguir ardilosa e perseverantemente 4362 hip (s) – anca, quadril 4362 glide (to) - deslizar

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When Clayton heard the report of the firearm he fell into an 4365 agony of fear and apprehension. He knew that one of the 4366 sailors might be the author of it; but the fact that he had left the 4367 revolver with Jane, together with the overwrought condition of 4368 his nerves, made him morbidly positive that she was 4369 threatened with some great danger. Perhaps even now she 4370 was attempting to defend herself against some savage man or 4371 beast. 4372 What were the thoughts of his strange captor or guide Clayton 4373 could only vaguely conjecture; but that he had heard the shot, 4374 and was in some manner affected by it was quite evident, for 4375 he quickened his pace so appreciably that Clayton, stumbling 4376 blindly in his wake, was down a dozen times in as many 4377 minutes in a vain effort to keep pace with him, and soon was 4378 left hopelessly behind. 4379 Fearing that he would again be irretrievably lost, he called 4380 aloud to the wild man ahead of him, and in a moment had the 4381 satisfaction of seeing him drop lightly to his side from the 4382 branches above. 4383 For a moment Tarzan looked at the young man closely, as 4384 though undecided as to just what was best to do; 4385 then, stooping down before Clayton, he motioned him to grasp 4386 him about the neck, and, with the white man upon his back, 4387 Tarzan took to the trees. 4388

4368 overwrought (adj) – exausto, extenuado, muito excitado, em estado de grande agitação 4369 morbidly (adv) – doentiamente, morbidamente 4369 positive (adj) – evidente, inegável, indiscutível, certo, seguro (positivo, optimista) 4377 wake (s) - rasto 4380 irretrievably (adv) – irremediavelmente, irrecuperavelmente 4386 stoop (to) – inclinar-se, vergar-se

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The next few minutes the young Englishman never forgot. High 4389 into bending and swaying branches he was borne with what 4390 seemed to him incredible swiftness, while Tarzan chafed at the 4391 slowness of his progress. 4392 From one lofty branch the agile creature swung with Clayton 4393 through a dizzy arc to a neighboring tree; then for a hundred 4394 yards maybe the sure feet threaded a maze of interwoven 4395 limbs, balancing like a tightrope walker high above the black 4396 depths of verdure beneath. 4397 From the first sensation of chilling fear Clayton passed to one 4398 of keen admiration and envy of those giant muscles and that 4399 wondrous instinct or knowledge which guided this forest god 4400 through the inky blackness of the night as easily and safely as 4401 Clayton would have strolled a London street at high noon. 4402 Occasionally they would enter a spot where the foliage above 4403 was less dense, and the bright rays of the moonlit up before 4404 Clayton's wondering eyes the strange path they were 4405 traversing. 4406 At such times the man fairly caught his breath at sight of the 4407 horrid depths below them, for Tarzan took the easiest way, 4408 which often led over a hundred feet above the earth. 4409 And yet with all his seeming speed, Tarzan was in reality 4410 feeling his way with comparative slowness, searching 4411

4390 bear (to) - levar 4391 chafe (to) - irritar 4394 dizzy (adj) – muito alto, vertiginoso 4395 foot (s) - pé 4395 thread (to) – abrir caminho, atravessar 4395 interweave (to) – entrelaçar, misturar 4396 tightrope walker - equilibrista; equilibrista que anda ou dança em corda bamba 4398 chilling (adj) – sinistro, assustador, medonho, pavoroso 4399 envy (s) - inveja 4403 occasionally (adv) – ocasionalmente, acidentalmente, às vezes 4407 fairly (adv) - completamente 4410 seeming (adj) – aparente, suposto 4411 slowness (s) – lentidão, vagar

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constantly for limbs of adequate strength for the maintenance 4412 of this double weight. 4413 Presently they came to the clearing before the beach. Tarzan's 4414 quick ears had heard the strange sounds of Sabor's efforts to 4415 force her way through the lattice, and it seemed to Clayton that 4416 they dropped a straight hundred feet to earth, so quickly did 4417 Tarzan descend. Yet when they struck the ground it was with 4418 scarce a jar; and as Clayton released his hold on the ape−man 4419 he saw him dart like a squirrel for the opposite side of the 4420 cabin. 4421 The Englishman sprang quickly after him just in time to see the 4422 hind quarters of some huge animal about to disappear through 4423 the window of the cabin. 4424 As Jane opened her eyes to a realization of the imminent peril 4425 which threatened her, her brave young heart gave up at last its 4426 final vestige of hope. But then to her surprise she saw the 4427 huge animal being slowly drawn back through the window, and 4428 in the moonlight beyond she saw the heads and shoulders of 4429 two men. 4430 As Clayton rounded the corner of the cabin to behold the 4431 animal disappearing within, it was also to see the ape−man 4432 seize the long tail in both hands, and, bracing himself with his 4433 feet against the side of the cabin, 4434

4420 squirrel (s) – esquilo 4431 behold (to) – observar, ver, contemplar 4433 brace (to) – apertar

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throw all his mighty strength into the effort to draw the beast 4435 out of the interior. 4436 Clayton was quick to lend a hand, but the ape−man jabbered 4437 to him in a commanding and peremptory tone something which 4438 Clayton knew to be orders, though he could not understand 4439 them. 4440 At last, under their combined efforts, the great body was slowly 4441 dragged farther and farther outside the window, and then there 4442 came to Clayton's mind a dawning conception of the rash 4443 bravery of his companion's act. 4444 For a naked man to drag a shrieking, clawing man−eater forth 4445 from a window by the tail to save a strange white girl, was 4446 indeed the last word in heroism. 4447 Insofar as Clayton was concerned it was a very different 4448 matter, since the girl was not only of his own kind and race, but 4449 was the one woman in all the world whom he loved. 4450 Though he knew that the lioness would make short work of 4451 both of them, he pulled with a will to keep it from Jane Porter. 4452 And then he recalled the battle between this man and the 4453 great, black−maned lion which he had witnessed a short time 4454 before, and he commenced to feel more assurance. 4455 Tarzan was still issuing orders which Clayton could not 4456 understand. 4457

4437 lend (to) - emprestar 4437 jabber (to) – tagarelar, palrar 4443 rash (adj) – temerário, ousado 4448 insofar (adv) – assim, em tal medida

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He was trying to tell the stupid white man to plunge his 4458 poisoned arrows into Sabor's back and sides, and to reach the 4459 savage heart with the long, thin hunting knife that hung at 4460 Tarzan's hip; but the man would not understand, and Tarzan 4461 did not dare release his hold to do the things himself, for he 4462 knew that the puny white man never could hold mighty Sabor 4463 alone, for an instant. 4464 Slowly the lioness was emerging from the window. At last her 4465 shoulders were out. 4466 And then Clayton saw an incredible thing. Tarzan, racking his 4467 brains for some means to cope single−handed with the 4468 infuriated beast, had suddenly recalled his battle with Terkoz; 4469 and as the great shoulders came clear of the window, so that 4470 the lioness hung upon the sill only by her forepaws, Tarzan 4471 suddenly released his hold upon the brute. 4472 With the quickness of a striking rattler he launched himself full 4473 upon Sabor's back, his strong young arms seeking and gaining 4474 a full−Nelson upon the beast, as he had learned it that other 4475 day during his bloody, wrestling victory over Terkoz. 4476 With a roar the lioness turned completely over upon her back, 4477 falling full upon her enemy; but the black−haired giant only 4478 closed tighter his hold. 4479 Pawing and tearing at earth and air, Sabor rolled and threw 4480 herself this way and that in an effort to dislodge this strange 4481

4463 puny (adj) – fraco, débil, franzino 4467 rack (to) – torturar, atormentar 4468 cope (to) – enfrentar, fazer frente 4468 single-handed (adj) - (adv) – sozinho, sem ajuda de ninguém 4473 rattler (s) – cobra cascavel 4481 dislodge (to) – desalojar

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antagonist; but ever tighter and tighter drew the iron bands that 4482 were forcing her head lower and lower upon her tawny breast. 4483 Higher crept the steel forearms of the ape−man about the back 4484 of Sabor's neck. Weaker and weaker became the lioness's 4485 efforts. 4486 At last Clayton saw the immense muscles of Tarzan's 4487 shoulders and biceps leap into corded knots beneath the silver 4488 moonlight. There was a long sustained and supreme effort on 4489 the ape−man's part−−and the vertebrae of Sabor's neck parted 4490 with a sharp snap. 4491 In an instant Tarzan was upon his feet, and for the second time 4492 that day Clayton heard the bull ape's savage roar of victory. 4493 Then he heard Jane's agonized cry: 4494 "Cecil−−Mr. Clayton! Oh, what is it? What is it?" 4495 Running quickly to the cabin door, Clayton called out that all 4496 was right, and shouted to her to open the door. 4497 As quickly as she could she raised the great bar and fairly 4498 dragged Clayton within. 4499 "What was that awful noise?" she whispered, shrinking close to 4500 him. 4501 "It was the cry of the kill from the throat of the man who has 4502 just saved your life, Miss Porter. Wait, I will fetch him so you 4503 may thank him." 4504

4484 higher (adj) – mais alto 4484 creep (to) – deslizar 4484 steel (adj) – de aço 4488 corded (adj) – saliente 4488 knot (s) – cacho, grupo (nó) 4489 sustain (to) – aguentar, segurar 4491 snap (s) – estalido, estalo (dentada, energia, vigor)

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The frightened girl would not be left alone, so she 4505 accompanied Clayton to the side of the cabin where lay the 4506 dead body of the lioness. 4507 Tarzan of the Apes was gone. 4508 Clayton called several times, but there was no reply, and so 4509 the two returned to the greater safety of the interior. 4510 "What a frightful sound!" cried Jane, "I shudder at the mere 4511 thought of it. Do not tell me that a human throat voiced that 4512 hideous and fearsome shriek." 4513 "But it did, Miss Porter," replied Clayton; "or at least if not a 4514 human throat that of a forest god." 4515 And then he told her of his experiences with this strange 4516 creature−−of how twice the wild man had saved his life−−of the 4517 wondrous strength, and agility, and bravery−−of the brown skin 4518 and the handsome face. 4519 "I cannot make it out at all," he concluded. "At first I thought he 4520 might be Tarzan of the Apes; but he neither speaks nor 4521 understands English, so that theory is untenable." 4522 "Well, whatever he may be," cried the girl, "we owe him our 4523 lives, and may God bless him and keep him in safety in his wild 4524 and savage jungle!" 4525 "Amen," said Clayton, fervently. 4526 "For the good Lord's sake, ain't I dead?" 4527

4520 make out (to) – dar a entender, sugerir 4520 make out (to) – dar a entender, sugerir (compreender, perceber, entender) 4522 untenable (adj) – insustentável, indefensável 4523 owe (to) – dever, estar em dívida, sentir-se em dívida em relação a alguém 4526 fervently (adv) - ardentemente

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The two turned to see Esmeralda sitting upright upon the floor, 4528 her great eyes rolling from side to side as though she could not 4529 believe their testimony as to her whereabouts. 4530 And now, for Jane Porter, the reaction came, and she threw 4531 herself upon the bench, sobbing with hysterical laughter. 4532 Chapter 16. "Most Remarkable" 4533 Several miles south of the cabin, upon a strip of sandy beach, 4534 stood two old men, arguing. 4535 Before them stretched the broad Atlantic. At their backs was 4536 the Dark Continent. Close around them loomed the impenetra-4537 ble blackness of the jungle. 4538 Savage beasts roared and growled; noises, hideous and weird, 4539 assailed their ears. They had wandered for miles in search of 4540 their camp, but always in the wrong direction. They were as 4541 hopelessly lost as though they suddenly had been transported 4542 to another world. 4543 At such a time, indeed, every fiber of their combined intellects 4544 must have been concentrated upon the vital question of the 4545 minute−−the life−and−death question to them of retracing their 4546 steps to camp. 4547 Samuel T. Philander was speaking. 4548 "But, my dear professor," he was saying, "I still maintain that 4549 but for the victories of Ferdinand and Isabella over the 4550 fifteenth−century Moors in Spain the world would be today a 4551

4530 testimony (s) – testemunho, prova 4530 whereabouts (s) - paradeiro 4532 bench (s) – banco, assento 4532 laughter (s) - riso 4537 loom (to) – agigantar-se, começar a aparecer 4539 hideous (adj) – horrível, terrível, feio, medonho 4539 weird (adj) – misterioso, sobrenatural, estranho 4540 assail (to) – atacar, tomar de assalto 4546 retrace (to) – recordar, rever, reconstituir a história de 4549 maintain (to) – opinar, afirmar, sustentar, defender 4551 Moor (s) – Mouro, Sarraceno

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thousand years in advance of where we now find ourselves. 4552 The Moors were essentially a tolerant, broad−minded, liberal 4553 race of agriculturists, artisans and merchants−−the very type of 4554 people that has made possible such civilization as we find 4555 today in America and Europe−−while the Spaniards−−" 4556 "Tut, tut, dear Mr. Philander," interrupted Professor Porter; 4557 "their religion positively precluded the possibilities you suggest. 4558 Moslemism was, is, and always will be, a blight on that 4559 scientific progress which has marked−−" 4560 "Bless me! Professor," interjected Mr. Philander, who had 4561 turned his gaze toward the jungle, "there seems to be 4562 someone approaching." 4563 Professor Archimedes Q. Porter turned in the direction 4564 indicated by the nearsighted Mr. Philander. 4565 "Tut, tut, Mr. Philander," he chided. "How often must I urge you 4566 to seek that absolute concentration of your mental faculties 4567 which alone may permit you to bring to bear the highest 4568 powers of intellectuality upon the momentous problems which 4569 naturally fall to the lot of great minds? And now I find you guilty 4570 of a most flagrant breach of courtesy in interrupting my learned 4571 discourse to call attention to a mere quadruped of the genus 4572 FELIS. As I was saying, Mr.−−" 4573

4553 broad-minded (adj) – de vistas largas, tolerante, liberal 4557 tut! (interj) – basta! 4558 preclude (to) – impedir, impossibilitar, excluir 4559 Moslemism (s) - Maometanismo 4559 blight (s) – mal, praga 4561 interject (to) – lançar ou interpor de maneira abrupta uma observação ou exclamação 4565 nearsighted (adj) - míope 4566 chide (to) – censurar, ralhar 4566 urge (to) – insistir com, pedir insistentemente 4571 breach (s) – violação, brecha, quebra (abertura) 4571 learned (adj) – instruído, erudito, ilustrado, informado 4573 felis (s) – felino, leão, leopardo, gato

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"Heavens, Professor, a lion?" cried Mr. Philander, straining his 4574 weak eyes toward the dim figure outlined against the dark 4575 tropical underbrush. 4576 "Yes, yes, Mr. Philander, if you insist upon employing slang in 4577 your discourse, a `lion.' But as I was saying−−" 4578 "Bless me, Professor," again interrupted Mr. Philander; "permit 4579 me to suggest that doubtless the Moors who were conquered 4580 in the fifteenth century will continue in that most regrettable 4581 condition for the time being at least, even though we postpone 4582 discussion of that world calamity until we may attain the 4583 enchanting view of yon FELIS CARNIVORA which distance 4584 proverbially is credited with lending." 4585 In the meantime the lion had approached with quiet dignity to 4586 within ten paces of the two men, where he stood curiously 4587 watching them. 4588 The moonlight flooded the beach, and the strange group stood 4589 out in bold relief against the yellow sand. 4590 "Most reprehensible, most reprehensible," exclaimed Professor 4591 Porter, with a faint trace of irritation in his voice. "Never, Mr. 4592 Philander, never before in my life have I known one of these 4593 animals to be permitted to roam at large from its cage. I shall 4594 most certainly report this outrageous breach of ethics to the 4595 directors of the adjacent zoological garden." 4596

4577 slang (s) - calão 4581 regrettable (adj) – lamentável, deplorável, lastimável 4582 At least – pelo menos 4582 postpone (to) - adiar 4583 attain (to) – conseguir, alcançar, obter 4584 enchanting (adj) – encantador, arrebatador 4584 yon/yonder (adj) – situado acolá, situado além 4583 until we may attain the enchanting view of yon FELIS CARNIVORA which distance proverbially is credited with lending." - Até podermos realizar o sonho de uma visão situada acolá de um leão cuja distância proverbialmente se empresta e nunca se dá. 4589 stand out (to) – destacar-se, notar-se 4590 relief (s) – nitidez, realce, contraste (alívio, libertação) 4591 reprehensible (adj) – censurável, condenável 4594 roam (to) – vaguear, deambular 4594 be at large (to) - andar à solta, andar a monte 4594 cage (s) – jaula, gaiola 4595 report (to) – relatar, narrar 4595 outrageous (adj) – ultrajante, indigno, revoltante 4595 breach (s) – violação, brecha, quebra (abertura)

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"Quite right, Professor," agreed Mr. Philander, "and the sooner 4597 it is done the better. Let us start now." 4598 Seizing the professor by the arm, Mr. Philander set off in the 4599 direction that would put the greatest distance between 4600 themselves and the lion. 4601 They had proceeded but a short distance when a backward 4602 glance revealed to the horrified gaze of Mr. Philander that the 4603 lion was following them. He tightened his grip upon the 4604 protesting professor and increased his speed. 4605 "As I was saying, Mr. Philander," repeated Professor Porter. 4606 Mr. Philander took another hasty glance rearward. The lion 4607 also had quickened his gait, and was doggedly maintaining an 4608 unvarying distance behind them. 4609 "He is following us!" gasped Mr. Philander, breaking into a run. 4610 "Tut, tut, Mr. Philander," remonstrated the professor, "this 4611 unseemly haste is most unbecoming to men of letters. What 4612 will our friends think of us, who may chance to be upon the 4613 street and witness our frivolous antics? Pray let us proceed 4614 with more decorum." 4615 Mr. Philander stole another observation astern. 4616 The lion was bounding along in easy leaps scarce five paces 4617 behind. 4618

4604 grip (s) – aperto, força de pulso 4608 gait (s) – maneira de andar 4608 doggedly (adv) – persistentemente, teimosamente 4611 remonstrate (to) – protestar, reclamar, argumentar 4612 unseemly (adj) – indecente, indecoroso, impróprio, feio, inconveniente 4612 unbecoming (adj) – impróprio, inconveniente, que fica mal 4614 frivolous (adj) – leviano, fútil, frívolo 4614 antic (s) – palhaçada, disparate 4614 pray (to) – suplicar, implorar (rezar, orar) 4614 proceed (to) – prosseguir, continuar, agir, proceder 4615 decorum (s) – decoro, compostura 4616 steal (to) – fazer algo pela calada ou furtivamente 4616 astern (adj) - (adv) – para trás, à ré, à popa, na popa

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Mr. Philander dropped the professor's arm, and broke into a 4619 mad orgy of speed that would have done credit to any varsity 4620 track team. 4621 "As I was saying, Mr. Philander−−" screamed Professor Porter, 4622 as, metaphorically speaking, he himself "threw her into high." 4623 He, too, had caught a fleeting backward glimpse of cruel 4624 yellow eyes and half open mouth within startling proximity of 4625 his person. 4626 With streaming coat tails and shiny silk hat Professor 4627 Archimedes Q. Porter fled through the moonlight close upon 4628 the heels of Mr. Samuel T. Philander. 4629 Before them a point of the jungle ran out toward a narrow 4630 promontory, and it was for the heaven of the trees he saw 4631 there that Mr. Samuel T. Philander directed his prodigious 4632 leaps and bounds; while from the shadows of this same spot 4633 peered two keen eyes in interested appreciation of the race. 4634 It was Tarzan of the Apes who watched, with face a−grin, this 4635 odd game of follow−the−leader. 4636 He knew the two men were safe enough from attack in so far 4637 as the lion was concerned. The very fact that Numa had 4638 foregone such easy prey at all convinced the wise forest craft 4639 of Tarzan that Numa's belly already was full. 4640

4620 varsity (s) - universidade 4621 track (adj) – de pista de atletismo 4623 metaphorically (adv) – metaforicamente, simbolicamente 4624 fleeting (adj) – fugitivo, fugaz 4624 silk (adj) – de seda 4639 forego (to) – abster-se de, deixar de usar, renunciar 4639 forest (adj) – da floresta ou mata ou bosque 4639 craft (s) – ofício, arte, habilidade, profissão

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The lion might stalk them until hungry again; but the chances 4641 were that if not angered he would soon tire of the sport, and 4642 slink away to his jungle lair. 4643 Really, the one great danger was that one of the men might 4644 stumble and fall, and then the yellow devil would be upon him 4645 in a moment and the joy of the kill would be too great a 4646 temptation to withstand. 4647 So Tarzan swung quickly to a lower limb in line with the 4648 approaching fugitives; and as Mr. Samuel T. Philander came 4649 panting and blowing beneath him, already too spent to struggle 4650 up to the safety of the limb, Tarzan reached down and, 4651 grasping him by the collar of his coat, yanked him to the limb 4652 by his side. 4653 Another moment brought the professor within the sphere of the 4654 friendly grip, and he, too, was drawn upward to safety just as 4655 the baffled Numa, with a roar, leaped to recover his vanishing 4656 quarry. 4657 For a moment the two men clung panting to the great branch, 4658 while Tarzan squatted with his back to the stem of the tree, 4659 watching them with mingled curiosity and amusement. 4660 It was the professor who first broke the silence. 4661 "I am deeply pained, Mr. Philander, that you should have 4662 evinced such a paucity of manly courage in the presence of 4663 one of the lower orders, and by your crass timidity have 4664

4641 stalk (to) – perseguir, espreitar, aproximar-se silenciosamente 4642 angered (adj) – irado, encolerizado, irritado 4643 slink away/off (to) – retirar-se furtivamente, esquivar-se 4647 withstand (to) – resistir, suportar, aguentar 4650 spend (to) – esgotar (gastar, despender) 4652 yank (to) - puxar 4654 sphere (s) – alcance, campo de acção 4657 quarry (s) – presa, caça 4659 stem (s) – tronco de árvore 4660 mingled (adj) – misturado 4663 paucity (s) – falta, escassez 4663 mainly (adj) – próprio de homem, masculino, viril, másculo, forte, enérgico 4664 crass (adj) – grosseiro, estúpido

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caused me to exert myself to such an unaccustomed degree in 4665 order that I might resume my discourse. As I was saying, Mr. 4666 Philander, when you interrupted me, the Moors−−" 4667 "Professor Archimedes Q. Porter," broke in Mr. Philander, in 4668 icy tones, "the time has arrived when patience becomes a 4669 crime and mayhem appears garbed in the mantle of virtue. 4670 You have accused me of cowardice. 4671 You have insinuated that you ran only to overtake me, not to 4672 escape the clutches of the lion. Have a care, Professor 4673 Archimedes Q. Porter! I am a desperate man. Goaded by 4674 long−suffering patience the worm will turn." 4675 "Tut, tut, Mr. Philander, tut, tut!" cautioned Professor Porter; 4676 "you forget yourself." 4677 "I forget nothing as yet, Professor Archimedes Q. Porter; but, 4678 believe me, sir, I am tottering on the verge of forgetfulness as 4679 to your exalted position in the world of science, and your gray 4680 hairs." 4681 The professor sat in silence for a few minutes, and the 4682 darkness hid the grim smile that wreathed his wrinkled 4683 countenance. Presently he spoke. 4684 "Look here, Skinny Philander," he said, in belligerent tones, "if 4685 you are lookin' for a scrap, peel off your coat and come on 4686 down on the ground, and I'll punch your head just as I did sixty 4687 years ago in the alley back of Porky Evans' barn." 4688

4665 exert (to) – recorrer a, fazer uso de 4665 degree (s) – situação (grau, gradação, etapa) 4670 mayhem (s) – caos, desordem, barafunda 4670 garb (to) - revestir 4672 overtake (to) – ultrapassar, passar à frente de 4673 clutch (s) - garra 4674 goad (to) – arreliar, picar, aguilhoar, incitar 4675 worm (s) – bicho, neste caso refere-se ao leão 4678 as yet – até agora 4679 totter (to) – oscilar, vacilar, cambalear 4679 verge (s) – beira, borda 4679 forgetfulness (s) – esquecimento, desleixo 4685 skinny (adj) – forreta, avaranto (magro, descarnado) 4686 scrap (s) – rixa, discussão, briga (pedaço, fragmento, bocado) 4686 peel off (to) – despir-se 4688 alley (s) – viela, beco 4688 barn (s) – celeiro, armazém

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"Ark!" gasped the astonished Mr. Philander. "Lordy, how good 4689 that sounds! When you're human, Ark, I love you; but 4690 somehow it seems as though you had forgotten how to be 4691 human for the last twenty years." 4692 The professor reached out a thin, trembling old hand through 4693 the darkness until it found his old friend's shoulder. 4694 "Forgive me, Skinny," he said, softly. "It hasn't been quite 4695 twenty years, and God alone knows how hard I have tried to 4696 be `human' for Jane's sake, and yours, too, since He took my 4697 other Jane away." 4698 Another old hand stole up from Mr. Philander's side to clasp 4699 the one that lay upon his shoulder, and no other message 4700 could better have translated the one heart to the other. 4701 They did not speak for some minutes. The lion below them 4702 paced nervously back and forth. The third figure in the tree 4703 was hidden by the dense shadows near the stem. He, too, was 4704 silent−−motionless as a graven image. 4705 "You certainly pulled me up into this tree just in time," said the 4706 professor at last. "I want to thank you. You saved my life." 4707 "But I didn't pull you up here, Professor," said Mr. Philander. 4708 "Bless me! The excitement of the moment quite caused me to 4709 forget that I myself was drawn up here by some outside 4710 agency−−there must be someone or something in this tree with 4711 us." 4712

4689 lordy – meu Deus! 4705 graven image - ídolo

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"Eh?" ejaculated Professor Porter. "Are you quite positive, Mr. 4713 Philander?" 4714 "Most positive, Professor," replied Mr. Philander, "and," he 4715 added, "I think we should thank the party. He may be sitting 4716 right next to you now, Professor." 4717 "Eh? What's that? Tut, tut, Mr. Philander, tut, tut!" said 4718 Professor Porter, edging cautiously nearer to Mr. Philander. 4719 Just then it occurred to Tarzan of the Apes that Numa had 4720 loitered beneath the tree for a sufficient length of time, so he 4721 raised his young head toward the heavens, and there rang out 4722 upon the terrified ears of the two old men the awful warning 4723 challenge of the anthropoid. 4724 The two friends, huddled trembling in their precarious position 4725 on the limb, saw the great lion halt in his restless pacing as the 4726 blood−curdling cry smote his ears, and then slink quickly into 4727 the jungle, to be instantly lost to view. 4728 "Even the lion trembles in fear," whispered Mr. Philander. 4729 "Most remarkable, most remarkable," murmured Professor 4730 Porter, clutching frantically at Mr. Philander to regain the 4731 balance which the sudden fright had so perilously endangered. 4732 Unfortunately for them both, Mr. Philander's center of 4733 equilibrium was at that very moment hanging upon the ragged 4734 edge of nothing, so that it needed but the gentle impetus 4735

4721 loiter (to) – tardar, demorar-se 4725 huddle (to) – acotovelar-se, comprimir-se, amontoar-se 4726 halt (to) – fazer alto, parar 4727 bloodcurdling (adj) – de gelar o sangue 4727 smite (to) – atingir, bater em 4727 slink (to) – escapulir, esgueirar-se 4731 frantically (adv) – freneticamente, como um maluco 4734 ragged (adj) – irregular, imperfeito 4735 gentle (adj) - suave

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supplied by the additional weight of Professor Porter's body to 4736 topple the devoted secretary from the limb. 4737 For a moment they swayed uncertainly, and then, with mingled 4738 and most unscholarly shrieks, they pitched headlong from the 4739 tree, locked in frenzied embrace. 4740 It was quite some moments ere either moved, for both were 4741 positive that any such attempt would reveal so many breaks 4742 and fractures as to make further progress impossible. 4743 At length Professor Porter made an attempt to move one leg. 4744 To his surprise, it responded to his will as in days gone by. He 4745 now drew up its mate and stretched it forth again. 4746 "Most remarkable, most remarkable," he murmured. 4747 "Thank God, Professor," whispered Mr. Philander, fervently, 4748 "you are not dead, then?" 4749 "Tut, tut, Mr. Philander, tut, tut," cautioned Professor Porter, "I 4750 do not know with accuracy as yet." 4751 With infinite solicitude Professor Porter wiggled his right 4752 arm−−joy! It was intact. Breathlessly he waved his left arm 4753 above his prostrate body−−it waved! 4754 "Most remarkable, most remarkable," he said. 4755 "To whom are you signaling, Professor?" asked Mr. Philander, 4756 in an excited tone. 4757

4737 topple (to) – cair, tombar 4739 unscholarly (adj) – impróprio de sábio, ignorante, iletrado 4739 pitch (to) – cair pesadamente, tombar 4740 frenzied (adj) – enlouquecido, frenético, delirante 4740 embrace (s) - abraço 4741 be positive (to) – estar convencido 4742 attempt (s) - tentativa 4744 at length - finalmente; a fundo; detalhadamente 4746 mate (s) – colega, amigo, camarada, mas neste caso refere-se à outra perna 4752 wiggle (to) – mexer, agitar com movimentos leves e rápidos

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Professor Porter deigned to make no response to this puerile 4758 inquiry. Instead he raised his head gently from the ground, 4759 nodding it back and forth a half dozen times. 4760 "Most remarkable," he breathed. "It remains intact." 4761 Mr. Philander had not moved from where he had fallen; he had 4762 not dared the attempt. How indeed could one move when 4763 one's arms and legs and back were broken? 4764 One eye was buried in the soft loam; the other, rolling 4765 sidewise, was fixed in awe upon the strange gyrations of 4766 Professor Porter. 4767 "How sad!" exclaimed Mr. Philander, half aloud. "Concussion 4768 of the brain, superinducing total mental aberration. How very 4769 sad indeed! and for one still so young!" 4770 Professor Porter rolled over upon his stomach; gingerly he 4771 bowed his back until he resembled a huge tom cat in proximity 4772 to a yelping dog. Then he sat up and felt of various portions of 4773 his anatomy. 4774 "They are all here," he exclaimed. "Most remarkable!" 4775 Whereupon he arose, and, bending a scathing glance upon the 4776 still prostrate form of Mr. Samuel T. Philander, he said: 4777 "Tut, tut, Mr. Philander; this is no time to indulge in slothful 4778 ease. We must be up and doing." 4779 Mr. Philander lifted his other eye out of the mud and gazed in 4780 speechless rage at Professor Porter. Then he attempted to 4781

4758 deign (to) – condescender, dignar-se a fazer alguma coisa 4758 puerile (adj) – pueril, infantil, trivial, de pouca importância 4765 loam (s) – barro, argila 4766 sidewise (adv) - de lado, lateralmente 4766 awe (s) – receio, temor 4766 gyration (s) – rotação, movimento circular 4768 sad (adj) – lamentável, deplorável, triste 4771 gingerly (adj) – cautelosamente 4772 bow (to) – curvar, inclinar 4772 resemble (to) – parecer-se com, assemelhar-se a 4776 whereupon (adv) – após o que (em que, no qual) 4776 scatting (to) – mordaz, sarcástico, contundente, fulminante, cruel 4778 indulge (to) – entregar-se a, ceder a 4778 slothful (adj) – preguiçoso, indolente, ocioso, inactivo, mandrião 4781 speechless (adj) – mudo, silencioso, calado

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rise; nor could there have been any more surprised than he 4782 when his efforts were immediately crowned with marked 4783 success. 4784 He was still bursting with rage, however, at the cruel injustice 4785 of Professor Porter's insinuation, and was on the point of 4786 rendering a tart rejoinder when his eyes fell upon a strange 4787 figure standing a few paces away, scrutinizing them intently. 4788 Professor Porter had recovered his shiny silk hat, which he had 4789 brushed carefully upon the sleeve of his coat and replaced 4790 upon his head. When he saw Mr. Philander pointing to 4791 something behind him he turned to behold a giant, naked but 4792 for a loin cloth and a few metal ornaments, standing 4793 motionless before him. 4794 "Good evening, sir!" said the professor, lifting his hat. 4795 For reply the giant motioned them to follow him, and set off up 4796 the beach in the direction from which they had recently come. 4797 "I think it the better part of discretion to follow him," said Mr. 4798 Philander. 4799 "Tut, tut, Mr. Philander," returned the professor. "A short time 4800 since you were advancing a most logical argument in 4801 substantiation of your theory that camp lay directly south of us. 4802 I was skeptical, but you finally convinced me; so now I am 4803 positive that toward the south we must travel to reach our 4804 friends. Therefore I shall continue south." 4805

4783 crown (to) – recompensar, premiar, coroar 4787 render (to) – dar em troca, devolver, retribuir 4787 tart (adj) –cáustico, mordaz, rude, (amargo, azedo) 4787 rejoinder (s) – resposta, réplica 4788 scrutinize (to) – examinar minuciosamente, investigar 4792 behold (to) – observar, ver, contemplar 4793 loin (adj) – dos rins ou do lombo 4798 discretion (s) – prudência, discernimento, sagacidade, reserva, circunspecção, discrição 4805 therefore (adv) – (conj) – por isso, portanto

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"But, Professor Porter, this man may know better than either of 4806 us. He seems to be indigenous to this part of the world. Let us 4807 at least follow him for a short distance." 4808 "Tut, tut, Mr. Philander," repeated the professor. "I am a 4809 difficult man to convince, but when once convinced my 4810 decision is unalterable. I shall continue in the proper direction, 4811 if I have to circumambulate the continent of Africa to reach my 4812 destination." 4813 Further argument was interrupted by Tarzan, who, seeing that 4814 these strange men were not following him, had returned to 4815 their side. 4816 Again he beckoned to them; but still they stood in argument. 4817 Presently the ape−man lost patien ce with their stupid 4818 ignorance. He grasped the frightened Mr. Philander by the 4819 shoulder, and before that worthy gentleman knew whether he 4820 was being killed or merely maimed for life, Tarzan had tied one 4821 end of his rope securely about Mr. Philander's neck. 4822 "Tut, tut, Mr. Philander," remonstrated Professor Porter; "it is 4823 most unbeseeming in you to submit to such indignities." 4824 But scarcely were the words out of his mouth ere he, too, had 4825 been seized and securely bound by the neck with the same 4826 rope. Then Tarzan set off toward the north, leading the now 4827 thoroughly frightened professor and his secretary. 4828

4812 circumambulate (to) – andar à volta, deambular, fazer rodeios 4817 beckon (to) – acenar, fazer sinais 4817 stood in argument – permanecer com as mesmas ideias 4820 worthy (adj) – digno, merecedor, respeitável 4821 maim (to) – aleijar, mutilar, estropiar 4823 remonstrate (to) – protestar, reclamar, argumentar 4824 unbeseeming (adj) – impróprio, pouco conveniente, que fica mal 4825 ere (prep) – antes de 4826 bind (to) – prender, atar, ligar 4828 thoroughly (adv) - completamente

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In deathly silence they proceeded for what seemed hours to 4829 the two tired and hopeless old men; but presently as they 4830 topped a little rise of ground they were overjoyed to see the 4831 cabin lying before them, not a hundred yards distant. 4832 Here Tarzan released them, and, pointing toward the little 4833 building, vanished into the jungle beside them. 4834 "Most remarkable, most remarkable!" gasped the professor. 4835 "But you see, Mr. Philander, that I was quite right, as usual; 4836 and but for your stubborn willfulness we should have escaped 4837 a series of most humiliating, not to say dangerous accidents. 4838 Pray allow yourself to be guided by a more mature and 4839 practical mind hereafter when in need of wise counsel." 4840 Mr. Samuel T. Philander was too much relieved at the happy 4841 outcome to their adventure to take umbrage at the professor's 4842 cruel fling. Instead he grasped his friend's arm and hastened 4843 him forward in the direction of the cabin. 4844 It was a much−relieved party of castaways that found itself 4845 once more united. Dawn discovered them still recounting their 4846 various adventures and speculating upon the identity of the 4847 strange guardian and protector they had found on this savage 4848 shore. 4849 Esmeralda was positive that it was none other than an angel of 4850 the Lord, sent down especially to watch over them. 4851

4831 overjoyed (adj) – exultante, cheio de alegria, radiante 4837 stubborn (adj) – teimoso, obstinado, rebelde 4837 willfulness (s) – suponho que seja teimosia 4840 hereafter (adv) – de hoje em diante 4842 umbrage (s) – ofensa, ressentimento 4843 fling (s) – remoque, dito que encerra uma censura ou um conceito malicioso; motejo; 4845 castaway (s) – náufrago (pária, réprobo, condenado, malvado)

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"Had you seen him devour the raw meat of the lion, 4852 Esmeralda," laughed Clayton, "you would have thought him a 4853 very material angel." 4854 "There was nothing heavenly about his voice," said Jane 4855 Porter, with a little shudder at recollection of the awful roar 4856 which had followed the killing of the lioness. 4857 "Nor did it precisely comport with my preconceived ideas of the 4858 dignity of divine messengers," remarked Professor Porter, 4859 "when the−−ah−−gentleman tied two highly respectable and 4860 erudite scholars neck to neck and dragged them through the 4861 jungle as though they had been cows." 4862 Chapter 17. Burials 4863 As it was now quite light, the party, none of whom had eaten or 4864 slept since the previous morning, began to bestir themselves 4865 to prepare food. 4866 The mutineers of the Arrow had landed a small supply of dried 4867 meats, canned soups and vegetables, crackers, flour, tea, and 4868 coffee for the five they had marooned, and these were 4869 hurriedly drawn upon to satisfy the craving of long−famished 4870 appetites. 4871 The next task was to make the cabin habitable, and to this end 4872 it was decided to at once remove the gruesome relics of the 4873 tragedy which had taken place there on some bygone day. 4874

4856 recollection (s) – lembrança, memória, recordação 4858 comport (to) – comportar-se, conduzir-se 4858 preconceived ideas - ideias preconcebidas; preconceitos 4861 scholar (s) – académico, estudioso, erudito, sábio 4865 bestir (to) – agitar-se, mover-se 4868 cracker (s) – biscoito salgado, bolacha salgada 4869 maroon (to) – abandonar em ilha ou costa desértica 4870 draw upon (to) – arranjar, preparar, planear 4870 craving (s) – ânsia, carência, desejo insaciável 4870 famished (adj) – faminto, esfomeado 4874 bygone (adj) - passado

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Professor Porter and Mr. Philander were deeply interested in 4875 examining the skeletons. The two larger, they stated, had 4876 belonged to a male and female of one of the higher white 4877 races. 4878 The smallest skeleton was given but passing attention, as its 4879 location, in the crib, left no doubt as to its having been the 4880 infant offspring of this unhappy couple. 4881 As they were preparing the skeleton of the man for burial, 4882 Clayton discovered a massive ring which had evidently 4883 encircled the man's finger at the time of his death, for one of 4884 the slender bones of the hand still lay within the golden bauble. 4885 Picking it up to examine it, Clayton gave a cry of astonishment, 4886 for the ring bore the crest of the house of Greystoke. 4887 At the same time, Jane discovered the books in the cupboard, 4888 and on opening the fly−leaf of one of them saw the name, 4889 JOHN CLAYTON, LONDON. In a second book which she 4890 hurriedly examined was the single name, GREYSTOKE. 4891 "Why, Mr. Clayton," she cried, "what does this mean? Here are 4892 the names of some of your own people in these books." 4893 "And here," he replied gravely, "is the great ring of the house of 4894 Greystoke which has been lost since my uncle, John Clayton, 4895 the former Lord Greystoke, disappeared, presumably lost at 4896 sea." 4897

4876 state (to) – dizer, referir, especificar, declarar 4880 crib (s) - berço 4881 offspring (s) – prole, descendência, filhos, filhas 4885 slender (adj) – delgado, fino 4885 bauble (s) – bugiganga 4887 crest (s) – armas, brasão 4889 flyleaf (s) – capa de livro 4896 former (s) – primogénito (primeiro, precedente, anterior)

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"But how do you account for these things being here, in this 4898 savage African jungle?" exclaimed the girl. 4899 "There is but one way to account for it, Miss Porter," said 4900 Clayton. "The late Lord Greystoke was not drowned. He died 4901 here in this cabin and this poor thing upon the floor is all that is 4902 mortal of him." 4903 "Then this must have been Lady Greystoke," said Jane 4904 reverently, indicating the poor mass of bones upon the bed. 4905 "The beautiful Lady Alice," replied Clayton, "of whose many 4906 virtues and remarkable personal charms I often have heard my 4907 mother and father speak. Poor woman," he murmured sadly. 4908 With deep reverence and solemnity the bodies of the late Lord 4909 and Lady Greystoke were buried beside their little African 4910 cabin, and between them was placed the tiny skeleton of the 4911 baby of Kala, the ape. 4912 As Mr. Philander was placing the frail bones of the infant in a 4913 bit of sail cloth, he examined the skull minutely. Then he called 4914 Professor Porter to his side, and the two argued in low tones 4915 for several minutes. 4916 "Most remarkable, most remarkable," said Professor Porter. 4917 "Bless me," said Mr. Philander, "we must acquaint Mr. Clayton 4918 with our discovery at once." 4919 "Tut, tut, Mr. Philander, tut, tut!" remonstrated Professor 4920 Archimedes Q. Porter. "`Let the dead past bury its dead.'" 4921

4898 account (to) – reconhecer como, considerar 4901 late (adj) – falecido, defunto (atrasado, tardio) 4913 frail (adj) – delicado, frágil, débil 4918 acquaint (to) – informar, pôr ao corrente, familiarizar 4920 remonstrate (to) – protestar, reclamar, argumentar 4921 Let the dead past bury its dead - Deixemos que o passado morto enterre os seus mortos...

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And so the white−haired old man repeated the burial service 4922 over this strange grave, while his four companions stood with 4923 bowed and uncovered heads about him. 4924 From the trees Tarzan of the Apes watched the solemn 4925 ceremony; but most of all he watched the sweet face and 4926 graceful figure of Jane Porter. 4927 In his savage, untutored breast new emotions were stirring. He 4928 could not fathom them. He wondered why he felt so great an 4929 interest in these people−−why he had gone to such pains to 4930 save the three men. But he did not wonder why he had torn 4931 Sabor from the tender flesh of the strange girl. 4932 Surely the men were stupid and ridiculous and cowardly. Even 4933 Manu, the monkey, was more intelligent than they. If these 4934 were creatures of his own kind he was doubtful if his past pride 4935 in blood was warranted. 4936 But the girl, ah−−that was a different matter. He did not reason 4937 here. He knew that she was created to be protected, and that 4938 he was created to protect her. 4939 He wondered why they had dug a great hole in the ground 4940 merely to bury dry bones. Surely there was no sense in that; 4941 no one wanted to steal dry bones. 4942 Had there been meat upon them he could have understood, for 4943 thus alone might one keep his meat from Dango, the hyena, 4944 and the other robbers of the jungle. 4945

4929 fathom (to) – aprofundar, sondar 4935 pride (s) – orgulho 4936 warrant (to) – justificar, garantir, confirmar 4937 reason (to) – raciocinar, pensar 4940 dig (to) – cavar, escavar

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When the grave had been filled with earth the little party turned 4946 back toward the cabin, and Esmeralda, still weeping copiously 4947 for the two she had never heard of before today, and who had 4948 been dead twenty years, chanced to glance toward the harbor. 4949 Instantly her tears ceased. 4950 "Look at them low down white trash out there!" she shrilled, 4951 pointing toward the Arrow. "They−all's a desecrating us, right 4952 here on this here perverted island." 4953 And, sure enough, the Arrow was being worked toward the 4954 open sea, slowly, through the harbor's entrance. 4955 "They promised to leave us firearms and ammunition," said 4956 Clayton. "The merciless beasts!" 4957 "It is the work of that fellow they call Snipes, I am sure," said 4958 Jane. "King was a scoundrel, but he had a little sense of 4959 humanity. If they had not killed him I know that he would have 4960 seen that we were properly provided for before they left us to 4961 our fate." 4962 "I regret that they did not visit us before sailing," said Professor 4963 Porter. "I had proposed requesting them to leave the treasure 4964 with us, as I shall be a ruined man if that is lost." 4965 Jane looked at her father sadly. 4966 "Never mind, dear," she said. "It wouldn't have done any good, 4967 because it is solely for the treasure that they killed their officers 4968 and landed us upon this awful shore." 4969

4947 weep (to) - chorar 4951 trash (s) – lixo, porcaria 4952 desecrate (to) – abandonar, profanar, desconsagrar 4957 merciless (adj) – cruel, desumano, sem piedade 4959 scoundrel (s) – patife, miserável, canalha 4961 provide (to) – fornecer, abastecer 4962 fate (s) – destino, fado 4963 regret (to) – lamentar, lastimar, deplorar 4964 request (to) – solicitar, pedir

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"Tut, tut, child, tut, tut!" replied Professor Porter. "You are a 4970 good child, but inexperienced in practical matters," and 4971 Professor Porter turned and walked slowly away toward the 4972 jungle, his hands clasped beneath his long coat tails and his 4973 eyes bent upon the ground. 4974 His daughter watched him with a pathetic smile upon her lips, 4975 and then turning to Mr. Philander, she whispered: 4976 "Please don't let him wander off again as he did yesterday. We 4977 depend upon you, you know, to keep a close watch upon him." 4978 "He becomes more difficult to handle each day," replied Mr. 4979 Philander, with a sigh and a shake of his head. "I presume he 4980 is now off to report to the directors of the Zoo that one of their 4981 lions was at large last night. Oh, Miss Jane, you don't know 4982 what I have to contend with." 4983 "Yes, I do, Mr. Philander; but while we all love him, you alone 4984 are best fitted to manage him; for, regardless of what he may 4985 say to you, he respects your great learning, and, therefore, has 4986 immense confidence in your judgment. The poor dear cannot 4987 differentiate between erudition and wisdom." 4988 Mr. Philander, with a mildly puzzled expression on his face, 4989 turned to pursue Professor Porter, and in his mind he was 4990 revolving the question of whether he should feel complimented 4991 or aggrieved at Miss Porter's rather backhanded compliment. 4992

4982 be at large (to) - andar à solta, andar a monte 4983 contend with (to) – lidar com 4985 fitted (adj) – equipado, ajustado 4985 regardless of – sem olhar a… 4986 therefore (adv) - (conj) – por isso, portanto 4988 wisdom (s) – prudência, sensatez, sagacidade (sabedoria) 4989 mildly (adj) – suave, brando 4990 pursue (to) – ir atrás de, perseguir 4992 aggrieved (adj) – ressentido, melindrado, magoado, ofendido 4992 backhanded (adj) – ambíguo, indirecto 4992 compliment (s) - elogio

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Tarzan had seen the consternation depicted upon the faces of 4993 the little group as they witnessed the departure of the Arrow; 4994 so, as the ship was a wonderful novelty to him in addition, he 4995 determined to hasten out to the point of land at the north of the 4996 harbor's mouth and obtain a nearer view of the boat, as well as 4997 to learn, if possible, the direction of its flight. 4998 Swinging through the trees with great speed, he reached the 4999 point only a moment after the ship had passed out of the 5000 harbor, so that he obtained an excellent view of the wonders of 5001 this strange, floating house. 5002 There were some twenty men running hither and thither about 5003 the deck, pulling and hauling on ropes. 5004 A light land breeze was blowing, and the ship had been 5005 worked through the harbor's mouth under scant sail, but now 5006 that they had cleared the point every available shred of canvas 5007 was being spread that she might stand out to sea as handily as 5008 possible. 5009 Tarzan watched the graceful movements of the ship in rapt 5010 admiration, and longed to be aboard her. Presently his keen 5011 eyes caught the faintest suspicion of smoke on the far northern 5012 horizon, and he wondered over the cause of such a thing out 5013 on the great water. 5014 About the same time the look−out on the Arrow must have 5015 discerned it, for in a few minutes Tarzan saw the sails being 5016

4993 depict (to) – retratar, representar, descrever 4998 flight (s) – deslocação muito rápida, fuga, retirada 5003 hither and thither - de cá para lá; 5004 haul (to) – acção de tirar ou arrastar ou puxar 5006 scant (adj) – pouco, diminuto, escasso 5007 clear the land (to) (náutica) - afastar-se da terra; 5007 shred (s) – farrapo, trapo, tira, bocado 5008 stand out (to) – resistir, opor-se 5008 handily (adv) – prontamente (com habilidade, com jeito) 5010 rapt (adj) – extasiado, arrebatado, encantado 5011 aboard (adv) – (prep) – a bordo 5015 lookout (s) – observação, vigia 5016 discern (to) – avaliar, apreciar, medir, discernir, distinguir

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shifted and shortened. The ship came about, and presently he 5017 knew that she was beating back toward land. 5018 A man at the bows was constantly heaving into the sea a rope 5019 to the end of which a small object was fastened. 5020 Tarzan wondered what the purpose of this action might be. 5021 At last the ship came up directly into the wind; the anchor was 5022 lowered; down came the sails. There was great scurrying 5023 about on deck. 5024 A boat was lowered, and in it a great chest was placed. Then a 5025 dozen sailors bent to the oars and pulled rapidly toward the 5026 point where Tarzan crouched in the branches of a tree. 5027 In the stern of the boat, as it drew nearer, Tarzan saw the 5028 rat−faced man. 5029 It was but a few minutes later that the boat touched the beach. 5030 The men jumped out and lifted the great chest to the sand. 5031 They were on the north side of the point so that their presence 5032 was concealed from those at the cabin. 5033 The men argued angrily for a moment. Then the rat−faced one, 5034 with several companions, ascended the low bluff on which 5035 stood the tree that concealed Tarzan. They looked about for 5036 several minutes. 5037 "Here is a good place," said the rat−faced sailor, indicating a 5038 spot beneath Tarzan's tree. 5039

5017 shift (to) – mudar, trocar, substituir 5017 come about (to) – o vento ou um navio a mudar de direcção ou a virar, neste caso o navio vira de direcção 5017 presently (adv) – dentro em pouco, em breve 5018 beat back (to) – obrigar a retroceder 5019 bow (s) - proa 5022 come up (to) - 5022 wind (s) – curva, meandro, sinuosidade (neste caso não é ‘vento’) 5023 scurry (s) – pressa, corrida, precipitação 5033 conceal (to) – esconder, ocultar, dissimular 5035 ascend (to) – subir 5035 bluff (s) – cabo, promontório escarpado, falésia (bluff, simulação, intrujice, mentira, fanfarronada) 5036 look about (to) – olhar em volta

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"It is as good as any," replied one of his companions. "If they 5040 catch us with the treasure aboard it will all be confiscated 5041 anyway. We might as well bury it here on the chance that 5042 some of us will escape the gallows to come back and enjoy it 5043 later." 5044 The rat−faced one now called to the men who had remained at 5045 the boat, and they came slowly up the bank carrying picks and 5046 shovels. 5047 "Hurry, you!" cried Snipes. 5048 "Stow it!" retorted one of the men, in a surly tone. "You're no 5049 admiral, you damned shrimp." 5050 "I'm Cap'n here, though, I'll have you to understand, you 5051 swab," shrieked Snipes, with a volley of frightful oaths. 5052 "Steady, boys," cautioned one of the men who had not spoken 5053 before. "It ain't goin' to get us nothing by fightin' amongst 5054 ourselves." 5055 "Right enough," replied the sailor who had resented Snipes' 5056 autocratic tones; "but it ain't a−goin' to get nobody nothin' to 5057 put on airs in this bloomin' company neither." 5058 "You fellows dig here," said Snipes, indicating a spot beneath 5059 the tree. "And while you're diggin', Peter kin be a−makin' of a 5060 map of the location so's we kin find it again. You, Tom, and 5061 Bill, take a couple more down and fetch up the chest." 5062

5043 gallows (s) - . [usado geralm. com verbo no sing.], forca, patíbulo, cadafalso; 5049 stow (to) – parar com, deixar de (guardar, acondicionar, arrumar) 5049 retort (to) – replicar, responder, ripostar 5049 surly (adj) – grosseiro, carrancudo 5050 admiral (s) - almirante 5050 shrimp (s) - camarão 5052 swab (adj) (calão) – ‘trengo’, desajeitado 5052 volley (s) – saraivada, torrente 5052 oath (s) – palavrão, praga, imprecação (juramento numa situação, solene, jura) 5053 steady (s) – disciplina, calma 5053 caution (to) – avisar, advertir, prevenir 5056 resent (to) – ficar ressentido com, ficar magoado com 5057 autocratic (adj) – autocrático, com poder absoluto e ilimitado 5058 puts on (he) airs (and graces); he gives himself airs (and graces) - ele faz-se de importante; ele gosta de se armar 5062 ‘take a couple…’ – ‘leva 2 pessoas…’ 5062 fetch up (to) – ir buscar

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"Wot are you a−goin' to do?" asked he of the previous 5063 altercation. "Just boss?" 5064 "Git busy there," growled Snipes. "You didn't think your Cap'n 5065 was a−goin' to dig with a shovel, did you?" 5066 The men all looked up angrily. None of them liked Snipes, and 5067 this disagreeable show of authority since he had murdered 5068 King, the real head and ringleader of the mutineers, had only 5069 added fuel to the flames of their hatred. 5070 "Do you mean to say that you don't intend to take a shovel, 5071 and lend a hand with this work? Your shoulder's not hurt so 5072 all−fired bad as that," said Tarrant, the sailor who had before 5073 spoken. 5074 "Not by a damned sight," replied Snipes, fingering the butt of 5075 his revolver nervously. 5076 "Then, by God," replied Tarrant, "if you won't take a shovel 5077 you'll take a pickax." 5078 With the words he raised his pick above his head, and, with a 5079 mighty blow, he buried the point in Snipes' brain. 5080 For a moment the men stood silently looking at the result of 5081 their fellow's grim humor. Then one of them spoke. 5082 "Served the skunk jolly well right," he said. 5083 One of the others commenced to ply his pick to the ground. 5084 The soil was soft and he threw aside the pick and grasped a 5085 shovel; then the others joined him. There was no further 5086

5069 ringleader (s) – cabecilha ou chefe da quadrilha ou da greve ou do protesto 5073 all-fired bad – muito doente 5075 Not by a damned sight – não, nem de longe 5075 butt (s) - coronha 5078 pickax (s) – picareta, alvião, picão 5083 skunk (s) – canalha, indivíduo desprezível 5084 ply (to) – trabalhar com afinco, manejar vigorosamente

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comment on the killing, but the men worked in a better frame of 5087 mind than they had since Snipes had assumed command. 5088 When they had a trench of ample size to bury the chest, 5089 Tarrant suggested that they enlarge it and inter Snipes' body 5090 on top of the chest. 5091 "It might 'elp fool any as 'appened to be diggin' 'ereabouts," he 5092 explained. 5093 The others saw the cunning of the suggestion, and so the 5094 trench was lengthened to accommodate the corpse, and in the 5095 center a deeper hole was excavated for the box, which was 5096 first wrapped in sailcloth and then lowered to its place, which 5097 brought its top about a foot below the bottom of the grave. 5098 Earth was shovelled in and tramped down about the chest until 5099 the bottom of the grave showed level and uniform. 5100 Two of the men rolled the rat−faced corpse unceremoniously 5101 into the grave, after first stripping it of its weapons and various 5102 other articles which the several members of the party coveted 5103 for their own. 5104 They then filled the grave with earth and tramped upon it until it 5105 would hold no more. 5106 The balance of the loose earth was thrown far and wide, and a 5107 mass of dead undergrowth spread in as natural a manner as 5108 possible over the new−made grave to obliterate all signs of the 5109 ground having been disturbed. 5110

5087 frame (s) – concordância, união (estrutura, sistema) 5089 trench (s) – fosso, vala 5090 inter (to) – enterrar, inumar, sepultar 5092 hereabout (adv) – por aqui, perto daqui 5094 cunning (s) – astúcia, manha (habilidade, engenho) 5098 below (adv) – (prep) - por baixo 5099 tramp down (to) – calcar, pisar 5103 covet (to) – ambicionar, cobiçar, invejar 5106 hold (to) – captar ou prender a atenção ou o interesse (segurar, agarrar)

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Their work done the sailors returned to the small boat, and 5111 pulled off rapidly toward the Arrow. 5112 The breeze had increased considerably, and as the smoke 5113 upon the horizon was now plainly discernible in considerable 5114 volume, the mutineers lost no time in getting under full sail and 5115 bearing away toward the southwest. 5116 Tarzan, an interested spectator of all that had taken place, sat 5117 speculating on the strange actions of these peculiar creatures. 5118 Men were indeed more foolish and more cruel than the beasts 5119 of the jungle! How fortunate was he who lived in the peace and 5120 security of the great forest! 5121 Tarzan wondered what the chest they had buried contained. If 5122 they did not want it why did they not merely throw it into the 5123 water? That would have been much easier. 5124 Ah, he thought, but they do want it. They have hidden it here 5125 because they intend returning for it later. 5126 Tarzan dropped to the ground and commenced to examine the 5127 earth about the excavation. He was looking to see if these 5128 creatures had dropped anything which he might like to own. 5129 Soon he discovered a spade hidden by the underbrush which 5130 they had laid upon the grave. 5131 He seized it and attempted to use it as he had seen the sailors 5132 do. It was awkward work and hurt his bare feet, but he 5133

5116 bear away (to) – ‘ganhar’ neste caso uma direcção de viagem 5133 awkward (adj) – incómodo, inconveniente, desastrado, maljeitoso

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persevered until he had partially uncovered the body. This he 5134 dragged from the grave and laid to one side. 5135 Then he continued digging until he had unearthed the chest. 5136 This also he dragged to the side of the corpse. 5137 Then he filled in the smaller hole below the grave, replaced the 5138 body and the earth around and above it, covered it over with 5139 underbrush, and returned to the chest. 5140 Four sailors had sweated beneath the burden of its weight 5141 −−Tarzan of the Apes picked it up as though it had been an 5142 empty packing case, and with the spade slung to his back by a 5143 piece of rope, carried it off into the densest part of the jungle. 5144 He could not well negotiate the trees with his awkward burden, 5145 but he kept to the trails, and so made fairly good time. 5146 For several hours he traveled a little north of east until he came 5147 to an impenetrable wall of matted and tangled vegetation. 5148 Then he took to the lower branches, and in another fifteen 5149 minutes he emerged into the amphitheater of the apes, where 5150 they met in council, or to celebrate the rites of the Dum−Dum. 5151 Near the center of the clearing, and not far from the drum, or 5152 altar, he commenced to dig. This was harder work than turning 5153 up the freshly excavated earth at the grave, but Tarzan of the 5154 Apes was persevering and so he kept at his labor until he was 5155 rewarded by seeing a hole sufficiently deep to receive the 5156 chest and effectually hide it from view. 5157

5138 fill in (to) – preencher 5141 sweat (to) – suar, transpirar 5142 pick up (to) – recuperar, recobrar (levantar, pegar, apanhar do chão) 5143 spade (s) - pá 5143 sling (to) – atirar, lançar 5145 negotiate (to) – transpor dificuldades e obstáculos 5152 drum (s) - tambor 5153 altar (s) - altar

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Why had he gone to all this labor without knowing the value of 5158 the contents of the chest? 5159 Tarzan of the Apes had a man's figure and a man's brain, but 5160 he was an ape by training and environment. His brain told him 5161 that the chest contained something valuable, or the men would 5162 not have hidden it. His training had taught him to imitate 5163 whatever was new and unusual, and now the natural curiosity, 5164 which is as common to men as to apes, prompted him to open 5165 the chest and examine its contents. 5166 But the heavy lock and massive iron bands baffled both his 5167 cunning and his immense strength, so that he was compelled 5168 to bury the chest without having his curiosity satisfied. 5169 By the time Tarzan had hunted his way back to the vicinity of 5170 the cabin, feeding as he went, it was quite dark. 5171 Within the little building a light was burning, for Clayton had 5172 found an unopened tin of oil which had stood intact for twenty 5173 years, a part of the supplies left with the Claytons by Black 5174 Michael. The lamps also were still useable, and thus the 5175 interior of the cabin appeared as bright as day to the 5176 astonished Tarzan. 5177 He had often wondered at the exact purpose of the lamps. His 5178 reading and the pictures had told him what they were, but he 5179 had no idea of how they could be made to produce the 5180

5170 hunt (to) – percorrer uma região em busca de algo

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wondrous sunlight that some of his pictures had portrayed 5181 them as diffusing upon all surrounding objects. 5182 As he approached the window nearest the door he saw that 5183 the cabin had been divided into two rooms by a rough partition 5184 of boughs and sailcloth. 5185 In the front room were the three men; the two older deep in 5186 argument, while the younger, tilted back against the wall on an 5187 improvised stool, was deeply engrossed in reading one of 5188 Tarzan's books. 5189 Tarzan was not particularly interested in the men, however, so 5190 he sought the other window. There was the girl. How beautiful 5191 her features! How delicate her snowy skin! 5192 She was writing at Tarzan's own table beneath the window. 5193 Upon a pile of grasses at the far side of the room lay the 5194 Negress asleep. 5195 For an hour Tarzan feasted his eyes upon her while she wrote. 5196 How he longed to speak to her, but he dared not attempt it, for 5197 he was convinced that, like the young man, she would not 5198 understand him, and he feared, too, that he might frighten her 5199 away. 5200 At length she arose, leaving her manuscript upon the table. 5201 She went to the bed upon which had been spread several 5202 layers of soft grasses. These she rearranged. 5203

5181 portray (to) – descrever, pintar, retratar 5185 bough (s) – galho, ramo de árvore 5187 tilt (to) – reclinar-se, inclinar-se 5188 stool (s) – banco, banquinho 5188 engross (to) – ocupar, entreter, absorver 5192 features (s pl) – feições, rosto, traço fisionómico 5194 grass (s) - erva 5196 feast (to) – regalar-se, recrear, desfrutar, gozar 5201 at lenght – finalmente

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Then she loosened the soft mass of golden hair which 5204 crowned her head. Like a shimmering waterfall turned to 5205 burnished metal by a dying sun it fell about her oval face; in 5206 waving lines, below her waist it tumbled. 5207 Tarzan was spellbound. Then she extinguished the lamp and 5208 all within the cabin was wrapped in Cimmerian darkness. 5209 Still Tarzan watched. Creeping close beneath the window he 5210 waited, listening, for half an hour. At last he was rewarded by 5211 the sounds of the regular breathing within which denotes 5212 sleep. 5213 Cautiously he intruded his hand between the meshes of the 5214 lattice until his whole arm was within the cabin. 5215 Carefully he felt upon the desk. At last he grasped the 5216 manuscript upon which Jane Porter had been writing, and as 5217 cautiously withdrew his arm and hand, holding the precious 5218 treasure. 5219 Tarzan folded the sheets into a small parcel which he tucked 5220 into the quiver with his arrows. Then he melted away into the 5221 jungle as softly and as noiselessly as a shadow. 5222 Chapter 18. The Jungle Toll 5223 Early the following morning Tarzan awoke, and his first thought 5224 of the new day, as the last of yesterday, was of the wonderful 5225 writing which lay hidden in his quiver. 5226

5205 shimmering (adj) - reluzente 5205 waterfall (s) – cascata, queda de água 5206 dying sun – sol poente 5207 waist (s) - cintura 5207 tumble (to) – cair, tombar 5208 spellbound (adj) – enfeitiçado, encantado, fascinado 5209 Cimmerian (adj) – de Cimério (povo), tenebroso, obscuro, lúgubre, (povo conhecido como habitantes de terras enevoadas e de trevas nos limites do mundo) 5214 mesh (s) – malha, rede 5215 lattice (s) - grade 5218 withdraw (to) – retirar, afastar, remover 5223 toll (s) – tributo, consequências negativas, danos, desastres, perdas, prejuízos

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Hurriedly he brought it forth, hoping against hope that he could 5227 read what the beautiful white girl had written there the 5228 preceding evening. 5229 At the first glance he suffered a bitter disappointment; never 5230 before had he so yearned for anything as now he did for the 5231 ability to interpret a message from that golden−haired divinity 5232 who had come so suddenly and so unexpectedly into his life. 5233 What did it matter if the message were not intended for him? It 5234 was an expression of her thoughts, and that was sufficient for 5235 Tarzan of the Apes. 5236 And now to be baffled by strange, uncouth characters the like 5237 of which he had never seen before! Why, they even tipped in 5238 the opposite direction from all that he had ever examined 5239 either in printed books or the difficult script of the few letters he 5240 had found. 5241 Even the little bugs of the black book were familiar friends, 5242 though their arrangement meant nothing to him; but these 5243 bugs were new and unheard of. 5244 For twenty minutes he pored over them, when suddenly they 5245 commenced to take familiar though distorted shapes. Ah, they 5246 were his old friends, but badly crippled. 5247 Then he began to make out a word here and a word there. His 5248 heart leaped for joy. He could read it, and he would. 5249

5227 hope against hope - esperar mesmo quando já não há esperança 5231 yearn (to) – ansiar, suspirar 5237 baffle (to) – desorientar, deixar perplexo, desconcertar, confundir 5237 uncouth (adj) – estranho, esquisito, invulgar, bizarro 5238 tip (to) – inclinar-se, voltar-se, virar-se 5242 bug (s) – sinal (insecto, bicho) 5247 crippled (adj) - estropiado, mutilado, muito prejudicado

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In another half hour he was progressing rapidly, and, but for an 5250 exceptional word now and again, he found it very plain sailing. 5251 Here is what he read: 5252 WEST COAST OF AFRICA, ABOUT 10X DEGREES SOUTH 5253 LATITUDE. (So Mr. Clayton says.) 5254 February 3 (?), 1909. 5255 DEAREST HAZEL: 5256 It seems foolish to write you a letter that you may never see, 5257 but I simply must tell somebody of our awful experiences since 5258 we sailed from Europe on the ill−fated Arrow. 5259 If we never return to civilization, as now seems only too likely, 5260 this will at least prove a brief record of the events which led up 5261 to our final fate, whatever it may be. 5262 As you know, we were supposed to have set out upon a 5263 scientific expedition to the Congo. Papa was presumed to 5264 entertain some wondrous theory of an unthinkably ancient 5265 civilization, the remains of which lay buried somewhere in the 5266 Congo valley. But after we were well under sail the truth came 5267 out. 5268 It seems that an old bookworm who has a book and curio shop 5269 in Baltimore discovered between the leaves of a very old 5270 Spanish manuscript a letter written in 1550 detailing the 5271 adventures of a crew of mutineers of a Spanish galleon bound 5272 from Spain to South America with a vast treasure of 5273

5251 plain sailing - ausência de obstáculos ou dificuldades; coisa fácil 5259 ill-fated (adj) – funesto, fatal, desgraçado 5264 presume (to) – supor, presumir, ousar, aventurar-se 5265 entertain (to) – considerar, alimentar ideias de 5265 wondrous (adj) – espantoso, assombroso, incrível, surpreendente, maravilhoso 5265 unthinkably (adj) – inconcebível, inimaginável, impensável 5266 remains (s pl) – vestígios, restos (sobras) 5269 bookworm (s) – pessoa a quem chamam ‘rato de biblioteca’ 5269 curio (adj) – de curiosidades, de objectos de arte 5269 shop (s) – loja, estabelecimento 5272 bind (to) – estar obrigado a, ser obrigado a

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"doubloons" and "pieces of eight," I suppose, for they certainly 5274 sound weird and piraty. 5275 The writer had been one of the crew, and the letter was to his 5276 son, who was, at the very time the letter was written, master of 5277 a Spanish merchantman. 5278 Many years had elapsed since the events the letter narrated 5279 had transpired, and the old man had become a respected 5280 citizen of an obscure Spanish town, but the love of gold was 5281 still so strong upon him that he risked all to acquaint his son 5282 with the means of attaining fabulous wealth for them both. 5283 The writer told how, when, but a week out from Spain the crew 5284 had mutinied and murdered every officer and man who 5285 opposed them; but they defeated their own ends by this very 5286 act, for there was none left competent to navigate a ship at 5287 sea. 5288 They were blown hither and thither for two months, until sick 5289 and dying of scurvy, starvation, and thirst, they had been 5290 wrecked on a small islet. 5291 The galleon was washed high upon the beach where she went 5292 to pieces; but not before the survivors, who numbered but ten 5293 souls, had rescued one of the great chests of treasure. 5294 This they buried well up on the island, and for three years they 5295 lived there in constant hope of being rescued. 5296

5274 doubloon (s) – dobrão, moeda Espanhola de ouro 5274 pieces of eight – moedas, dinheiro 5275 piraty (adj) – suponho que significa ‘ilegal’ 5279 elapse (to) – decorrer, passar 5282 acquaint (to) – informar, pôr ao corrente 5283 attain (to) – conseguir, alcançar, obter 5283 wealth (s) - riqueza 5284 crew (s) – tripulação, equipagem 5286 defeat (to) – destruir, malograr 5289 hither and thither - de cá para lá 5289 blow (to) – soprar, ventar 5290 scurvy (s) - escorbuto 5291 islet (s) – ilhota, pequena ilha

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One by one they sickened and died, until only one man was 5297 left, the writer of the letter. 5298 The men had built a boat from the wreckage of the galleon, but 5299 having no idea where the island was located they had not 5300 dared to put to sea. 5301 When all were dead except himself, however, the awful 5302 loneliness so weighed upon the mind of the sole survivor that 5303 he could endure it no longer, and choosing to risk death upon 5304 the open sea rather than madness on the lonely isle, he set 5305 sail in his little boat after nearly a year of solitude. 5306 Fortunately he sailed due north, and within a week was in the 5307 track of the Spanish merchantmen plying between the West 5308 Indies and Spain, and was picked up by one of these vessels 5309 homeward bound. 5310 The story he told was merely one of shipwreck in which all but 5311 a few had perished, the balance, except himself, dying after 5312 they reached the island. He did not mention the mutiny or the 5313 chest of buried treasure. 5314 The master of the merchantman assured him that from the 5315 position at which they had picked him up, and the prevailing 5316 winds for the past week he could have been on no other island 5317 than one of the Cape Verde group, which lie off the West 5318 Coast of Africa in about 16x or 17x north latitude. 5319

5303 sole (adj) - único 5308 ply (to) – trabalhar com 5310 bound (adj) – com destino, em direcção 5312 balance (s) – os que restaram

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His letter described the island minutely, as well as the location 5320 of the treasure, and was accompanied by the crudest, funniest 5321 little old map you ever saw; with trees and rocks all marked by 5322 scrawly X's to show the exact spot where the treasure had 5323 been buried. 5324 When papa explained the real nature of the expedition, my 5325 heart sank, for I know so well how visionary and impractical the 5326 poor dear has always been that I feared that he had again 5327 been duped; especially when he told me he had paid a 5328 thousand dollars for the letter and map. 5329 To add to my distress, I learned that he had borrowed ten 5330 thousand dollars more from Robert Canler, and had given his 5331 notes for the amount. 5332 Mr. Canler had asked for no security, and you know, dearie, 5333 what that will mean for me if papa cannot meet them. Oh, how 5334 I detest that man! 5335 We all tried to look on the bright side of things, but Mr. 5336 Philander, and Mr. Clayton−−he joined us in London just for 5337 the adventure−−both felt as skeptical as I. 5338 Well, to make a long story short, we found the island and the 5339 treasure−−a great iron−bound oak chest, wrapped in many 5340 layers of oiled sailcloth, and as strong and firm as when it had 5341 been buried nearly two hundred years ago. 5342

5321 crud (adj) – de porcaria, de esterco, de imundície 5321 funny (adj) – difícil de compreender, estranho, bizarro 5323 scrawly (adj) – irregular, tosco 5328 dupe (to) – enganar, intrujar 5330 distress (s) – aflição, angústia 5332 amount (s) - quantia 5332 note (s) – refere-se a terem sido entregues recibos em troca da quantia em dinheiro 5333 security (s) - garantia 5334 meet (to) – pagar, cumprir, fazer face a (encontrar, encontrar-se com alguém, ir ter com)

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It was SIMPLY FILLED with gold coin, and was so heavy that 5343 four men bent underneath its weight. 5344 The horrid thing seems to bring nothing but murder and 5345 misfortune to those who have anything to do with it, for three 5346 days after we sailed from the Cape Verde Islands our own 5347 crew mutinied and killed every one of their officers. 5348 Oh, it was the most terrifying experience one could imagine−−I 5349 cannot even write of it. 5350 They were going to kill us too, but one of them, the leader, 5351 named King, would not let them, and so they sailed south 5352 along the coast to a lonely spot where they found a good 5353 harbor, and here they landed and have left us. 5354 They sailed away with the treasure to−day, but Mr. Clayton 5355 says they will meet with a fate similar to the mutineers of the 5356 ancient galleon, because King, the only man aboard who knew 5357 aught of navigation, was murdered on the beach by one of the 5358 men the day we landed. 5359 I wish you could know Mr. Clayton; he is the dearest fellow 5360 imaginable, and unless I am mistaken he has fallen very much 5361 in love with me. 5362 He is the only son of Lord Greystoke, and some day will inherit 5363 the title and estates. In addition, he is wealthy in his own right, 5364 but the fact that he is going to be an English Lord makes me 5365 very sad−−you know what my sentiments have always been 5366

5343 simply (adv) – somente, unicamente 5346 misfortune (s) – desgraça, infelicidade 5358 aught (adv) - (s) – qualquer coisa 5363 inherit (to) - herdar 5364 estate (s) - bens

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relative to American girls who married titled foreigners. Oh, if 5367 he were only a plain American gentleman! 5368 But it isn't his fault, poor fellow, and in everything except birth 5369 he would do credit to my country, and that is the greatest 5370 compliment I know how to pay any man. 5371 We have had the most weird experiences since we were 5372 landed here. Papa and Mr. Philander lost in the jungle, and 5373 chased by a real lion. 5374 Mr. Clayton lost, and attacked twice by wild beasts. Esmeralda 5375 and I cornered in an old cabin by a perfectly awful man−eating 5376 lioness. Oh, it was simply "terrifical," as Esmeralda would say. 5377 But the strangest part of it all is the wonderful creature who 5378 rescued us. I have not seen him, but Mr. Clayton and papa and 5379 Mr. Philander have, and they say that he is a perfectly god−like 5380 white man tanned to a dusky brown, with the strength of a wild 5381 elephant, the agility of a monkey, and the bravery of a lion. 5382 He speaks no English and vanishes as quickly and as 5383 mysteriously after he has performed some valorous deed, as 5384 though he were a disembodied spirit. 5385 Then we have another weird neighbor, who printed a beautiful 5386 sign in English and tacked it on the door of his cabin, which we 5387 have preempted, warning us to destroy none of his belongings, 5388 and signing himself "Tarzan of the Apes." 5389

5368 plain (adj) – modesto, recatado 5371 pay (to) – dar, compensar, oferecer (pagar) 5384 deed (s) – acção, acto, feito 5385 disembodied (adj) - incorpóreo 5387 tack (to) – pregar com tachas, prender, firmar 5388 preempt (to) - prevenir

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We have never seen him, though we think he is about, for one 5390 of the sailors, who was going to shoot Mr. Clayton in the back, 5391 received a spear in his shoulder from some unseen hand in the 5392 jungle. 5393 The sailors left us but a meager supply of food, so, as we have 5394 only a single revolver with but three cartridges left in it, we do 5395 not know how we can procure meat, though Mr. Philander says 5396 that we can exist indefinitely on the wild fruit and nuts which 5397 abound in the jungle. 5398 I am very tired now, so I shall go to my funny bed of grasses 5399 which Mr. Clayton gathered for me, but will add to this from day 5400 to day as things happen. Lovingly, 5401 JANE PORTER. 5402 TO HAZEL STRONG, BALTIMORE, MD. 5403 Tarzan sat in a brown study for a long time after he finished 5404 reading the letter. It was filled with so many new and wonderful 5405 things that his brain was in a whirl as he attempted to digest 5406 them all. 5407 So they did not know that he was Tarzan of the Apes. He 5408 would tell them. 5409 In his tree he had constructed a rude shelter of leaves and 5410 boughs, beneath which, protected from the rain, he had placed 5411 the few treasures brought from the cabin. Among these were 5412 some pencils. 5413

5396 procure (to) – obter, conseguir 5400 will add to this from day to day – escreverei dia a dia 5404 brown study - abstracção; devaneio 5411 bough (s) – galho, ramo de árvore

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He took one, and beneath Jane Porter's signature he wrote: 5414 I am Tarzan of the Apes 5415 He thought that would be sufficient. Later he would return the 5416 letter to the cabin. 5417 In the matter of food, thought Tarzan, they had no need to 5418 worry−−he would provide, and he did. 5419 The next morning Jane found her missing letter in the exact 5420 spot from which it had disappeared two nights before. She was 5421 mystified; but when she saw the printed words beneath her 5422 signature, she felt a cold, clammy chill run up her spine. She 5423 showed the letter, or rather the last sheet with the signature, to 5424 Clayton. 5425 "And to think," she said, "that uncanny thing was probably 5426 watching me all the time that I was writing−−oo! 5427 It makes me shudder just to think of it." 5428 "But he must be friendly," reassured Clayton, "for he has 5429 returned your letter, nor did he offer to harm you, and unless I 5430 am mistaken he left a very substantial memento of his 5431 friendship outside the cabin door last night, for I just found the 5432 carcass of a wild boar there as I came out." 5433 From then on scarcely a day passed that did not bring its 5434 offering of game or other food. Sometimes it was a 5435

5423 clammy (adj) – viscoso, húmido, frio 5423 chill (s) - arrepio 5426 uncanny (adj) – estranho, misterioso 5431 memento (s) – lembrança, recordação

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young deer, again a quantity of strange, cooked food−− 5436 cassava cakes pilfered from the village of Mbonga−−or a boar, 5437 or leopard, and once a lion. 5438 Tarzan derived the greatest pleasure of his life in hunting meat 5439 for these strangers. It seemed to him that no pleasure on earth 5440 could compare with laboring for the welfare and protection of 5441 the beautiful white girl. 5442 Some day he would venture into the camp in daylight and talk 5443 with these people through the medium of the little bugs which 5444 were familiar to them and to Tarzan. 5445 But he found it difficult to overcome the timidity of the wild thing 5446 of the forest, and so day followed day without seeing a 5447 fulfillment of his good intentions. 5448 The party in the camp, emboldened by familiarity, wandered 5449 farther and yet farther into the jungle in search of nuts and fruit. 5450 Scarcely a day passed that did not find Professor Porter 5451 straying in his preoccupied indifference toward the jaws of 5452 death. Mr. Samuel T. Philander, never what one might call 5453 robust, was worn to the shadow of a shadow through the 5454 ceaseless worry and mental distraction resultant from his 5455 Herculean efforts to safeguard the professor. 5456 A month passed. Tarzan had finally determined to visit the 5457 camp by daylight. 5458

5437 cassava (s) – mandioca de onde se faz a farinha de pau e a tapioca 5437 boar (s) - javali 5439 derive (to) – retirar, obter, conseguir 5441 wellfare (s) – bem estar, felicidade, prosperidade, saúde 5444 bug (s) – insecto, mas neste caso refere-se ao nome que o Tarzan dá às letras chamando-lhes ,little bugs’ 5448 fulfillment (s) – realização, satisfação, execução, cumprimento, desempenho 5449 embolden (to) – encorajar, animar 5452 stray (to) – vaguear, perder-se, extraviar-se, afastar-se, desviar-se 5452 preoccupy (to) – preocupar, inquietar, causar preocupação a 5454 robust (adj) – forte, vigoroso, robusto 5455 ceaseless (adj) - incessante 5455 distraction (s) – desorientação, transtorno, loucura 5456 safeguard (to) – defender, proteger

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It was early afternoon. Clayton had wandered to the point at 5459 the harbor's mouth to look for passing vessels. 5460 Here he kept a great mass of wood, high piled, ready to be 5461 ignited as a signal should a steamer or a sail top the far 5462 horizon. 5463 Professor Porter was wandering along the beach south of the 5464 camp with Mr. Philander at his elbow, urging him to turn his 5465 steps back before the two became again the sport of some 5466 savage beast. 5467 The others gone, Jane and Esmeralda had wandered into the 5468 jungle to gather fruit, and in their search were led farther and 5469 farther from the cabin. 5470 Tarzan waited in silence before the door of the little house until 5471 they should return. His thoughts were of the beautiful white girl. 5472 They were always of her now. He wondered if she would fear 5473 him, and the thought all but caused him to relinquish his plan. 5474 He was rapidly becoming impatient for her return, that he might 5475 feast his eyes upon her and be near her, perhaps touch her. 5476 The ape−man knew no god, but he was as near to worshipping 5477 his divinity as mortal man ever comes to worship. While he 5478 waited he passed the time printing a message to her; whether 5479 he intended giving it to her he himself could not have told, but 5480 he took infinite pleasure in seeing his thoughts expressed in 5481 print−−in which he was not so uncivilized after all. He wrote: 5482

5465 elbow (s) - cotovelo 5474 relinquish (to) – desistir de, abandonar, renunciar a 5477 worshipping (s) – adoração, culto

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I am Tarzan of the Apes. I want you. I am yours. You are mine. 5483 We live here together always in my house. I will bring you the 5484 best of fruits, the tenderest deer, the finest meats that roam the 5485 jungle. I will hunt for you. I am the greatest of the jungle 5486 fighters. I will fight for you. I am the mightiest of the jungle 5487 fighters. You are Jane Porter, I saw it in your letter. When you 5488 see this you will know that it is for you and that Tarzan of the 5489 Apes loves you. 5490 As he stood, straight as a young Indian, by the door, waiting 5491 after he had finished the message, there came to his keen 5492 ears a familiar sound. It was the passing of a great ape 5493 through the lower branches of the forest. 5494 For an instant he listened intently, and then from the jungle 5495 came the agonized scream of a woman, and Tarzan of the 5496 Apes, dropping his first love letter upon the ground, shot like a 5497 panther into the forest. 5498 Clayton, also, heard the scream, and Professor Porter and Mr. 5499 Philander, and in a few minutes they came panting to the 5500 cabin, calling out to each other a volley of excited questions as 5501 they approached. A glance within confirmed their worst fears. 5502 Jane and Esmeralda were not there. 5503 Instantly, Clayton, followed by the two old men, plunged into 5504 the jungle, calling the girl's name aloud. For half an hour they 5505

5485 roam (to) – andar, vaguear 5501 volley (s) – torrente, saraivada

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stumbled on, until Clayton, by merest chance, came upon the 5506 prostrate form of Esmeralda. 5507 He stopped beside her, feeling for her pulse and then listening 5508 for her heartbeats. She lived. He shook her. 5509 "Esmeralda!" he shrieked in her ear. "Esmeralda! For God's 5510 sake, where is Miss Porter? What has happened? 5511 Esmeralda!" 5512 Slowly Esmeralda opened her eyes. She saw Clayton. She 5513 saw the jungle about her. 5514 "Oh, Gaberelle!" she screamed, and fainted again. 5515 By this time Professor Porter and Mr. Philander had come up. 5516 "What shall we do, Mr. Clayton?" asked the old professor. 5517 "Where shall we look? God could not have been so cruel as to 5518 take my little girl away from me now." 5519 "We must arouse Esmeralda first," replied Clayton. "She can 5520 tell us what has happened. Esmeralda!" he cried again, 5521 shaking the black woman roughly by the shoulder. 5522 "O Gaberelle, I want to die!" cried the poor woman, but with 5523 eyes fast closed. "Let me die, dear Lord, don't let me see that 5524 awful face again." 5525 "Come, come, Esmeralda," cried Clayton. 5526 "The Lord isn't here; it's Mr. Clayton. Open your eyes." 5527 Esmeralda did as she was bade. 5528 "O Gaberelle! Thank the Lord," she said. 5529

5506 mere (adj) – mero, simples 5528 bid (to) – mandar, ordenar ♣♣♣ bide (to) – aguardar, esperar, ficar, tolerar

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"Where's Miss Porter? What happened?" questioned Clayton. 5530 "Ain't Miss Jane here?" cried Esmeralda, sitting up with 5531 wonderful celerity for one of her bulk. "Oh, Lord, now I 5532 remember! It must have took her away," and the Negress 5533 commenced to sob, and wail her lamentations. 5534 "What took her away?" cried Professor Porter. 5535 "A great big giant all covered with hair." 5536 "A gorilla, Esmeralda?" questioned Mr. Philander, and the 5537 three men scarcely breathed as he voiced the horrible thought. 5538 "I thought it was the devil; but I guess it must have been one of 5539 them gorilephants. Oh, my poor baby, my poor little honey," 5540 and again Esmeralda broke into uncontrollable sobbing. 5541 Clayton immediately began to look about for tracks, but he 5542 could find nothing save a confusion of trampled grasses in the 5543 close vicinity, and his woodcraft was too meager for the 5544 translation of what he did see. 5545 All the balance of the day they sought through the jungle; but 5546 as night drew on they were forced to give up in despair and 5547 hopelessness, for they did not even know in what direction the 5548 thing had borne Jane. 5549 It was long after dark ere they reached the cabin, and a sad 5550 and grief−stricken party it was that sat silently within the little 5551 structure. 5552

5532 bulk (s) – volume, corpulência, tamanho, grandeza 5533 take away (to) – levar embora daqui, tirar daqui, retirar, afastar 5544 woodcraft (s) – conhecimento e experiência da vida nas florestas 5544 meager (adj) – insuficiente, pouco abundante, escasso, parco (magro, descarnado) 5547 draw on (to) – aproximar-se (passar) 5549 bear (to) – levar, carregar 5551 grief-stricken (adj) – transtornado, dominado pela dor

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Professor Porter finally broke the silence. His tones were no 5553 longer those of the erudite pedant theorizing upon the abstract 5554 and the unknowable; but those of the man of action−− 5555 determined, but tinged also by a note of indescribable 5556 hopelessness and grief which wrung an answering pang from 5557 Clayton's heart. 5558 "I shall lie down now," said the old man, "and try to sleep. Early 5559 to−morrow, as soon as it is light, I shall take what food I can 5560 carry and continue the search until I have found Jane. I will not 5561 return without her." 5562 His companions did not reply at once. Each was immersed in 5563 his own sorrowful thoughts, and each knew, as did the old 5564 professor, what the last words meant−−Professor Porter would 5565 never return from the jungle. 5566 At length Clayton arose and laid his hand gently upon 5567 Professor Porter's bent old shoulder. 5568 "I shall go with you, of course," he said. 5569 "I knew that you would offer−−that you would wish to go , Mr. 5570 Clayton; but you must not. Jane is beyond human assistance 5571 now. What was once my dear little girl shall not lie alone and 5572 friendless in the awful jungle. 5573 "The same vines and leaves will cover us, the same rains beat 5574 upon us; and when the spirit of her mother is abroad, it will find 5575 us together in death, as it has always found us in life. 5576

5557 wring (to) – arrancar, tirar, fazer sofrer, torturar, atormentar 5557 pang (s) – aflição, agonia, tormento 5567 at length - finalmente 5575 abroad (adv) – ao longe, suponho que neste caso significará mais: ao aproximar-se, à solta, livre

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"No; it is I alone who may go, for she was my daughter−− all 5577 that was left on earth for me to love." 5578 "I shall go with you," said Clayton simply. 5579 The old man looked up, regarding the strong, handsome face 5580 of William Cecil Clayton intently. Perhaps he read there the 5581 love that lay in the heart beneath−−the love for his daughter. 5582 He had been too preoccupied with his own scholarly thoughts 5583 in the past to consider the little occurrences, the chance words, 5584 which would have indicated to a more practical man that these 5585 young people were being drawn more and more closely to one 5586 another. Now they came back to him, one by one. 5587 "As you wish," he said. 5588 "You may count on me, also," said Mr. Philander. 5589 "No, my dear old friend," said Professor Porter. "We may not 5590 all go. It would be cruelly wicked to leave poor Esmeralda here 5591 alone, and three of us would be no more successful than one. 5592 "There be enough dead things in the cruel forest as it is. 5593 Come−−let us try to sleep a little." 5594 Chapter 19. The Call of the Primitive 5595 From the time Tarzan left the tribe of great anthropoids in 5596 which he had been raised, it was torn by continual strife and 5597 discord. Terkoz proved a cruel and capricious king, so that, 5598 one by one, many of the older and weaker apes, upon whom 5599

5597 strife (s) – luta, briga, conflito, contenda, questão, discussão, porfia

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he was particularly prone to vent his brutish nature, took their 5600 families and sought the quiet and safety of the far interior. 5601 But at last those who remained were driven to desperation by 5602 the continued truculence of Terkoz, and it so happened that 5603 one of them recalled the parting admonition of Tarzan: "If you 5604 have a chief who is cruel, do not do as the other apes do, and 5605 attempt, any one of you, to pit yourself against him alone. But, 5606 instead, let two or three or four of you attack him together. 5607 Then, if you will do this, no chief will dare to be other than he 5608 should be, for four of you can kill any chief who may ever be 5609 over you." 5610 And the ape who recalled this wise counsel repeated it to 5611 several of his fellows, so that when Terkoz returned to the tribe 5612 that day he found a warm reception awaiting him. 5613 There were no formalities. As Terkoz reached the group, five 5614 huge, hairy beasts sprang upon him. 5615 At heart he was an arrant coward, which is the way with bullies 5616 among apes as well as among men; so he did not remain to 5617 fight and die, but tore himself away from them as quickly as he 5618 could and fled into the sheltering boughs of the forest. 5619 Two more attempts he made to rejoin the tribe, but on each 5620 occasion he was set upon and driven away. At last he gave it 5621 up, and turned, foaming with rage and hatred, into the jungle. 5622

5600 prone (adj) – propenso, inclinado, disposto 5600 vent (to) – dar livre curso a, abusar de 5601 seek (to) - procurar 5604 admonition (s) – aviso, advertência, conselho 5606 anyone (pron na neg) - ninguém 5606 pit (to) – obrigar animal a lutar com outro 5613 warm (adj) - quente 5616 at heart - no fundo; no íntimo 5616 arrant (adj) – completo, notório, consumado 5619 bough (s) – ramo, galho 5621 set upon (to) – atacar com violência, atirar-se a

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For several days he wandered aimlessly, nursing his spite and 5623 looking for some weak thing on which to vent his pent anger. 5624 It was in this state of mind that the horrible, man−like beast, 5625 swinging from tree to tree, came suddenly upon two women in 5626 the jungle. 5627 He was right above them when he discovered them. The first 5628 intimation Jane Porter had of his presence was when the great 5629 hairy body dropped to the earth beside her, and she saw the 5630 awful face and the snarling, hideous mouth thrust within a foot 5631 of her. 5632 One piercing scream escaped her lips as the brute hand 5633 clutched her arm. Then she was dragged toward those awful 5634 fangs which yawned at her throat. But ere they touched that 5635 fair skin another mood claimed the anthropoid. 5636 The tribe had kept his women. He must find others to replace 5637 them. This hairless white ape would be the first of his new 5638 household, and so he threw her roughly across his broad, hairy 5639 shoulders and leaped back into the trees, bearing Jane away. 5640 Esmeralda's scream of terror had mingled once with that of 5641 Jane, and then, as was Esmeralda's manner under stress of 5642 emergency which required presence of mind, she swooned. 5643 But Jane did not once lose consciousness. It is true that that 5644 awful face, pressing close to hers, and the stench of the foul 5645

5623 aimlessly (adv) – sem destino (inutilmente) 5623 nurse (to) – criar, alimentar 5623 spite (s) - rancor, despeito 5624 vent (to) – dar livre curso a, abusar de 5624 pent (adj) – aprisionado, entalado 5631 thrust (to) – enfiar, meter, atirar 5631 within a foot of her – a pequena distância dela 5635 yawn (to) – escancarar-se, abrir-se 5636 mood (s) – disposição, vontade, humor, estado de espírito 5636 claim (to) – pretender, exigir 5641 once (adv) – uma vez mas é preferível neste caso ignorar a palavra 5643 swoon (to) – desmaiar, desfalecer 5644 once – ignorar a palavra 5645 stench (s) – cheiro pestilento ou nauseabundo, fedor 5645 foul (adj) – sujo, imundo

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breath beating upon her nostrils, paralyzed her with terror; but 5646 her brain was clear, and she comprehended all that transpired. 5647 With what seemed to her marvelous rapidity the brute bore her 5648 through the forest, but still she did not cry out or struggle. The 5649 sudden advent of the ape had confused her to such an extent 5650 that she thought now that he was bearing her toward the 5651 beach. 5652 For this reason she conserved her energies and her voice until 5653 she could see that they had approached near enough to the 5654 camp to attract the succor she craved. 5655 She could not have known it, but she was being borne farther 5656 and farther into the impenetrable jungle. 5657 The scream that had brought Clayton and the two older men 5658 stumbling through the undergrowth had led Tarzan of the Apes 5659 straight to where Esmeralda lay, but it was not Esmeralda in 5660 whom his interest centered, though pausing over her he saw 5661 that she was unhurt. 5662 For a moment he scrutinized the ground below and the trees 5663 above, until the ape that was in him by virtue of training and 5664 environment, combined with the intelligence that was his by 5665 right of birth, told his wondrous woodcraft the whole story as 5666 plainly as though he had seen the thing happen with his own 5667 eyes. 5668

5647 transpire (to) – acontecer, suceder 5650 advent (s) – vinda, chegada 5650 extent (s) – grau, ponto 5655 crave (to) – suspirar, ansiar, ter ganas, estar mortinho por

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And then he was gone again into the swaying trees, following 5669 the high−flung spoor which no other human eye could have 5670 detected, much less translated. 5671 At boughs' ends, where the anthropoid swings from one tree to 5672 another, there is most to mark the trail, but least to point the 5673 direction of the quarry; for there the pressure is downward 5674 always, toward the small end of the branch, whether the ape 5675 be leaving or entering a tree. Nearer the center of the tree, 5676 where the signs of passage are fainter, the direction is plainly 5677 marked. 5678 Here, on this branch, a caterpillar has been crushed by the 5679 fugitive's great foot, and Tarzan knows instinctively where that 5680 same foot would touch in the next stride. Here he looks to find 5681 a tiny particle of the demolished larva, ofttimes not more than a 5682 speck of moisture. 5683 Again, a minute bit of bark has been upturned by the scraping 5684 hand, and the direction of the break indicates the direction of 5685 the passage. Or some great limb, or the stem of the tree itself 5686 has been brushed by the hairy body, and a tiny shred of hair 5687 tells him by the direction from which it is wedged beneath the 5688 bark that he is on the right trail. 5689 Nor does he need to check his speed to catch these seemingly 5690 faint records of the fleeing beast. 5691

5670 spoor (s) – rasto de animal, pista 5672 bough (s) – ramo, galho 5674 quarry (s) - caça perseguida por caçadores 5679 caterpillar (s) – lagarta, insecto 5681 stride (s) – grande passada 5682 demolish (to) – destruir, desmantelar, demolir 5682 larva (s) – larva 5682 ofttimes (adv) – muitas vezes, frequentemente 5683 speck (s) – mancha pequena, ponto 5683 moisture (s) - humidade 5684 bark (s) – casca de árvore 5686 stem (s) – tronco de árvore 5687 shred (s) – tira, bocado 5688 wedged (adj) – preso em cunha 5690 check (to) – limitar, restringir, parar

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To Tarzan they stand out boldly against all the myriad other 5692 scars and bruises and signs upon the leafy way. 5693 But strongest of all is the scent, for Tarzan is pursuing up the 5694 wind, and his trained nostrils are as sensitive as a hound's. 5695 There are those who believe that the lower orders are specially 5696 endowed by nature with better olfactory nerves than man, but it 5697 is merely a matter of development. 5698 Man's survival does not hinge so greatly upon the perfection of 5699 his senses. His power to reason has relieved them of many of 5700 their duties, and so they have, to some extent, atrophied, as 5701 have the muscles which move the ears and scalp, merely from 5702 disuse. 5703 The muscles are there, about the ears and beneath the scalp, 5704 and so are the nerves which transmit sensations to the brain, 5705 but they are under−developed because they are not needed. 5706 Not so with Tarzan of the Apes. From early infancy his survival 5707 had depended upon acuteness of eyesight, hearing, smell, 5708 touch, and taste far more than upon the more slowly 5709 developed organ of reason. 5710 The least developed of all in Tarzan was the sense of taste, for 5711 he could eat luscious fruits, or raw flesh, long buried with 5712 almost equal appreciation; but in that he differed but slightly 5713 from more civilized epicures. 5714

5692 stand out (to) – sobressair, destacar-se 5693 leafy (adj) – coberto de folhas 5695 hound (s) – cão de caça 5697 endow (to) - dotar 5699 survival (s) – sobrevivência 5699 hinge (to) – girar (pôr gonzos em, colocar dobradiças em) 5700 sense(s) (s) – sentido(s) 5700 reason (to) – raciocinar, pensar 5700 relieve (to) – libertar, desobrigar, aliviar 5701 extent (s) – grau, ponto 5711 least – superl. de little 5712 luscious (adj) – saboroso, delicioso 5714 epicure (s) - gastrónomo

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Almost silently the ape−man sped on in the track of Terkoz and 5715 his prey, but the sound of his approach reached the ears of the 5716 fleeing beast and spurred it on to greater speed. 5717 Three miles were covered before Tarzan overtook them, and 5718 then Terkoz, seeing that further flight was futile, dropped to the 5719 ground in a small open glade, that he might turn and fight for 5720 his prize or be free to escape unhampered if he saw that the 5721 pursuer was more than a match for him. 5722 He still grasped Jane in one great arm as Tarzan bounded like 5723 a leopard into the arena which nature had provided for this 5724 primeval−like battle. 5725 When Terkoz saw that it was Tarzan who pursued him, he 5726 jumped to the conclusion that this was Tarzan's woman, since 5727 they were of the same kind−−white and hairless−−and so he 5728 rejoiced at this opportunity for double revenge upon his hated 5729 enemy. 5730 To Jane the strange apparition of this god−like man was as 5731 wine to sick nerves. 5732 From the description which Clayton and her father and Mr. 5733 Philander had given her, she knew that it must be the same 5734 wonderful creature who had saved them, and she saw in him 5735 only a protector and a friend. 5736 But as Terkoz pushed her roughly aside to meet Tarzan's 5737 charge, and she saw the great proportions of the ape and the 5738

5717 spur (to) – obrigar, incitar, estimular, acicatar, aguilhoar 5720 glade (s) – clareira em floresta 5721 prize (s) - recompensa 5721 unhampered (adj) – livre, sem estorvos 5722 match (s) – igual, adversário à altura 5724 provide (to) – dar, oferecer 5732 wine (s) - vinho

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mighty muscles and the fierce fangs, her heart quailed. How 5739 could any vanquish such a mighty antagonist? 5740 Like two charging bulls they came together, and like two 5741 wolves sought each other's throat. Against the long canines of 5742 the ape was pitted the thin blade of the man's knife. 5743 Jane−−her lithe, young form flattened against the trunk of a 5744 great tree, her hands tight pressed against her rising and 5745 falling bosom, and her eyes wide with mingled horror, 5746 fascination, fear, and admiration—watched the primordial ape 5747 battle with the primeval man for possession of a woman−−for 5748 her. 5749 As the great muscles of the man's back and shoulders knotted 5750 beneath the tension of his efforts, and the huge biceps and 5751 forearm held at bay those mighty tusks, the veil of centuries of 5752 civilization and culture was swept from the blurred vision of the 5753 Baltimore girl. 5754 When the long knife drank deep a dozen times of Terkoz' 5755 heart's blood, and the great carcass rolled lifeless upon the 5756 ground, it was a primeval woman who sprang forward with 5757 outstretched arms toward the primeval man who had fought for 5758 her and won her. 5759 And Tarzan? 5760

5739 quail (to) - desanimar 5740 vanquish (to) – vencer, dominar, subjugar, derrotar, superar 5742 seek (to) - procurar 5743 pit (to) – enferrujar (obrigar animal a lutar com outro, guardar em tulha ou silo) 5744 lithe (adj) – ágil, flexível 5752 at bay - em apuros; em dificuldades; forçado a defender-se 5752 tusk (s) – defesa, protecção 5752 veil (s) - manto 5753 sweep (to) - varrer 5753 blurred (adj) – turvo, indistinto 5753 vision (s) – cultura, civilização

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He did what no red−blooded man needs lessons in doing. He 5761 took his woman in his arms and smothered her upturned, 5762 panting lips with kisses. 5763 For a moment Jane lay there with half−closed eyes. For a 5764 moment−−the first in her young life−−she knew the meaning of 5765 love. 5766 But as suddenly as the veil had been withdrawn it dropped 5767 again, and an outraged conscience suffused her face with its 5768 scarlet mantle, and a mortified woman thrust Tarzan of the 5769 Apes from her and buried her face in her hands. 5770 Tarzan had been surprised when he had found the girl he had 5771 learned to love after a vague and abstract manner a willing 5772 prisoner in his arms. Now he was surprised that she repulsed 5773 him. 5774 He came close to her once more and took hold of her arm. She 5775 turned upon him like a tigress, striking his great breast with her 5776 tiny hands. 5777 Tarzan could not understand it. 5778 A moment ago and it had been his intention to hasten Jane 5779 back to her people, but that little moment was lost now in the 5780 dim and distant past of things which were but can never be 5781 again, and with it the good intentions had gone to join the 5782 impossible. 5783

5762 smother (to) - abafar 5768 outraged (adj) – ultrajada, indignada 5768 suffuse (to) – espalhar-se sobre, cobrir, encher 5769 thrust (to) – empurrar com violência 5772 willing (adj) – de boa vontade 5779 hasten (to) – apressar-se

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Since then Tarzan of the Apes had felt a warm, lithe form close 5784 pressed to his. Hot, sweet breath against his cheek and mouth 5785 had fanned a new flame to life within his breast, and perfect 5786 lips had clung to his in burning kisses that had seared a deep 5787 brand into his soul−−a brand which marked a new Tarzan. 5788 Again he laid his hand upon her arm. Again she repulsed him. 5789 And then Tarzan of the Apes did just what his first ancestor 5790 would have done. 5791 He took his woman in his arms and carried her into the jungle. 5792 Early the following morning the four within the little cabin by the 5793 beach were awakened by the booming of a cannon. Clayton 5794 was the first to rush out, and there, beyond the harbor's mouth, 5795 he saw two vessels lying at anchor. 5796 One was the Arrow and the other a small French cruiser. The 5797 sides of the latter were crowded with men gazing shoreward, 5798 and it was evident to Clayton, as to the others who had now 5799 joined him, that the gun which they had heard had been fired 5800 to attract their attention if they still remained at the cabin. 5801 Both vessels lay at a considerable distance from shore, and it 5802 was doubtful if their glasses would locate the waving hats of 5803 the little party far in between the harbor's points. 5804 Esmeralda had removed her red apron and was waving it 5805 frantically above her head; but Clayton, still fearing that even 5806

5784 lithe (adj) – ágil, flexível 5786 fan (to) – atiçar, avivar (ventilar) 5787 sear (to) – marcar com ferro ao rubro (crestar) 5788 brand (s) - marca 5794 cannon (s) - canhão 5803 doubtful (adj) – duvidoso, incerto 5805 apron (s) - avental 5806 frantically (adv) – freneticamente

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this might not be seen, hurried off toward the northern point 5807 where lay his signal pyre ready for the match. 5808 It seemed an age to him, as to those who waited breathlessly 5809 behind, ere he reached the great pile of dry branches and 5810 underbrush. 5811 As he broke from the dense wood and came in sight of the 5812 vessels again, he was filled with consternation to see that the 5813 Arrow was making sail and that the cruiser was already under 5814 way. 5815 Quickly lighting the pyre in a dozen places, he hurried to the 5816 extreme point of the promontory, where he stripped off his 5817 shirt, and, tying it to a fallen branch, stood waving it back and 5818 forth above him. 5819 But still the vessels continued to stand out; and he had given 5820 up all hope, when the great column of smoke, rising above the 5821 forest in one dense vertical shaft, attracted the attention of a 5822 lookout aboard the cruiser, and instantly a dozen glasses were 5823 leveled on the beach. 5824 Presently Clayton saw the two ships come about again; and 5825 while the Arrow lay drifting quietly on the ocean, the cruiser 5826 steamed slowly back toward shore. 5827 At some distance away she stopped, and a boat was lowered 5828 and dispatched toward the beach. 5829 As it was drawn up a young officer stepped out. 5830

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"Monsieur Clayton, I presume?" he asked. "Thank God, you 5831 have come!" was Clayton's reply. "And it may be that it is not 5832 too late even now." 5833 "What do you mean, Monsieur?" asked the officer. 5834 Clayton told of the abduction of Jane Porter and the need of 5835 armed men to aid in the search for her. 5836 "MON DIEU!" exclaimed the officer, sadly. "Yesterday and it 5837 would not have been too late. Today and it may be better that 5838 the poor lady were never found. It is horrible, Monsieur. It is too 5839 horrible." 5840 Other boats had now put off from the cruiser, and Clayton, 5841 having pointed out the harbor's entrance to the officer, entered 5842 the boat with him and its nose was turned toward the little 5843 landlocked bay, into which the other craft followed. 5844 Soon the entire party had landed where stood Professor 5845 Porter, Mr. Philander and the weeping Esmeralda. 5846 Among the officers in the last boats to put off from the cruiser 5847 was the commander of the vessel; and when he had heard the 5848 story of Jane's abduction, he generously called for volunteers 5849 to accompany Professor Porter and Clayton in their search. 5850 Not an officer or a man was there of those brave and 5851 sympathetic Frenchmen who did not quickly beg leave to be 5852 one of the expedition. 5853

5835 abduction (s) - rapto 5852 beg (to) – pedir, suplicar

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The commander selected twenty men and two officers, 5854 Lieutenant D'Arnot and Lieutenant Charpentier. A boat was 5855 dispatched to the cruiser for provisions, ammunition, and 5856 carbines; the men were already armed with revolvers. 5857 Then, to Clayton's inquiries as to how they had happened to 5858 anchor off shore and fire a signal gun, the commander, 5859 Captain Dufranne, explained that a month before they had 5860 sighted the Arrow bearing southwest under considerable 5861 canvas, and that when they had signaled her to come about 5862 she had but crowded on more sail. 5863 They had kept her hull−up until sunset, firing several shots 5864 after her, but the next morning she was nowhere to be seen. 5865 They had then continued to cruise up and down the coast for 5866 several weeks, and had about forgotten the incident of the 5867 recent chase, when, early one morning a few days before the 5868 lookout had described a vessel laboring in the trough of a 5869 heavy sea and evidently entirely out of control. 5870 As they steamed nearer to the derelict they were surprised to 5871 note that it was the same vessel that had run from them a few 5872 weeks earlier. Her forestaysail and mizzen spanker were set 5873 as though an effort had been made to hold her head up into 5874 the wind, but the sheets had parted, and the sails were tearing 5875 to ribbons in the half gale of wind. 5876

5855 lieutenant (s) - tenente 5858 inquiry (s) – pesquisa, investigação 5863 crowd (to) – pressionar, encher, empurrar, forçar a entrada de 5864 the ship is hull down - só se vêem os mastros e as chaminés do navio, não se vê o casco 5873 early (adj) - (adv) – primeiro, antes 5873 mizzen (s) – vela de mezena 5873 spanker (s) – vela da ré 5876 ribbon (s pl) – farrapos, tiras

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In the high sea that was running it was a difficult and 5877 dangerous task to attempt to put a prize crew aboard her; and 5878 as no signs of life had been seen above deck, it was decided 5879 to stand by until the wind and sea abated; but just then a figure 5880 was seen clinging to the rail and feebly waving a mute signal of 5881 despair toward them. 5882 Immediately a boat's crew was ordered out and an attempt 5883 was successfully made to board the Arrow. 5884 The sight that met the Frenchmen's eyes as they clambered 5885 over the ship's side was appalling. 5886 A dozen dead and dying men rolled hither and thither upon the 5887 pitching deck, the living intermingled with the dead. Two of the 5888 corpses appeared to have been partially devoured as though 5889 by wolves. 5890 The prize crew soon had the vessel under proper sail once 5891 more and the living members of the ill−starred company 5892 carried below to their hammocks. 5893 The dead were wrapped in tarpaulins and lashed on deck to be 5894 identified by their comrades before being consigned to the 5895 deep. 5896 None of the living was conscious when the Frenchmen 5897 reached the Arrow's deck. Even the poor devil who had waved 5898 the single despairing signal of distress had lapsed into 5899

5878 NÁUTICA prize crew - tripulação posta a bordo de navio apresado 5881 feebly (adv) - debilmente 5881 mute (adj) - mudo 5888 intermingle (to) – misturar-se, confundir 5892 ill-starred (adj) – desafortunado, desgraçado 5893 hammock (s) – cama de rede 5894 tarpaulin (s) – lona 5894 lash (to) – amarrar com firmeza, atar (chicotear, excitar, espicaçar) 5896 deep (s) – profundidade neste caso refere-se ao mar 5899 lapse (to) – cair, decair, enfraquecer

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unconsciousness before he had learned whether it had availed 5900 or not. 5901 It did not take the French officer long to learn what had caused 5902 the terrible condition aboard; for when water and brandy were 5903 sought to restore the men, it was found that there was none, 5904 nor even food of any description. 5905 He immediately signalled to the cruiser to send water, 5906 medicine, and provisions, and another boat made the perilous 5907 trip to the Arrow. 5908 When restoratives had been applied several of the men 5909 regained consciousness, and then the whole story was told. 5910 That part of it we know up to the sailing of the Arrow after the 5911 murder of Snipes, and the burial of his body above the 5912 treasure chest. 5913 It seems that the pursuit by the cruiser had so terrorized the 5914 mutineers that they had continued out across the Atlantic for 5915 several days after losing her; but on discovering the meager 5916 supply of water and provisions aboard, they had turned back 5917 toward the east. 5918 With no one on board who understood navigation, discussions 5919 soon arose as to their whereabouts; and as three days' sailing 5920 to the east did not raise land, they bore off to the north, fearing 5921 that the high north winds that had prevailed had driven them 5922 south of the southern extremity of Africa. 5923

5909 restorative (adj) - (s) – tónico, fortificante, reconstituinte 5920 whereabouts (s) - paradeiro 5921 rise (to) – encontrar (elevar, levantar, erguer)

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They kept on a north−northeasterly course for two days, when 5924 they were overtaken by a calm which lasted for nearly a week. 5925 Their water was gone, and in another day they would be 5926 without food. 5927 Conditions changed rapidly from bad to worse. One man went 5928 mad and leaped overboard. Soon another opened his veins 5929 and drank his own blood. 5930 When he died they threw him overboard also, though there 5931 were those among them who wanted to keep the corpse on 5932 board. Hunger was changing them from human beasts to wild 5933 beasts. 5934 Two days before they had been picked up by the cruiser they 5935 had become too weak to handle the vessel, and that same day 5936 three men died. On the following morning it was seen that one 5937 of the corpses had been partially devoured. 5938 All that day the men lay glaring at each other like beasts of 5939 prey, and the following morning two of the corpses lay almost 5940 entirely stripped of flesh. 5941 The men were but little stronger for their ghoulish repast, for 5942 the want of water was by far the greatest agony with which 5943 they had to contend. And then the cruiser had come. 5944 When those who could had recovered, the entire story had 5945 been told to the French commander; but the men were too 5946 ignorant to be able to tell him at just what point on the coast 5947

5942 ghoulish (adj) – macabro, horrível

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the professor and his party had been marooned, so the cruiser 5948 had steamed slowly along within sight of land, firing occasional 5949 signal guns and scanning every inch of the beach with glasses. 5950 They had anchored by night so as not to neglect a particle of 5951 the shore line, and it had happened that the preceding night 5952 had brought them off the very beach where lay the little camp 5953 they sought. 5954 The signal guns of the afternoon before had not been heard by 5955 those on shore, it was presumed, because they had doubtless 5956 been in the thick of the jungle searching for Jane Porter, where 5957 the noise of their own crashing through the underbrush would 5958 have drowned the report of a far distant gun. 5959 By the time the two parties had narrated their several 5960 adventures, the cruiser's boat had returned with supplies and 5961 arms for the expedition. 5962 Within a few minutes the little body of sailors and the two 5963 French officers, together with Professor Porter and Clayton, set 5964 off upon their hopeless and ill−fated quest into the untracked 5965 jungle. 5966 Chapter 20. Heredity 5967 When Jane realized that she was being borne away a captive 5968 by the strange forest creature who had rescued her from the 5969 clutches of the ape she struggled desperately to escape, but 5970

5948 maroon (to) – abandonar em ilha ou costa desértica (vadiar, vaguear) 5965 ill-fated (adj) – condenado à partida, desgraçado, funesto, fatal 5965 quest (s) – procura, busca

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the strong arms that held her as easily as though she had 5971 been but a day−old babe only pressed a little more tightly. 5972 So presently she gave up the futile effort and lay quietly, 5973 looking through half−closed lids at the faces of the man who 5974 strode easily through the tangled undergrowth with her. 5975 The face above her was one of extraordinary beauty. 5976 A perfect type of the strongly masculine, unmarred by 5977 dissipation, or brutal or degrading passions. For, though 5978 Tarzan of the Apes was a killer of men and of beasts, he killed 5979 as the hunter kills, dispassionately, except on those rare 5980 occasions when he had killed for hate−−though not the 5981 brooding, malevolent hate which marks the features of its own 5982 with hideous lines. 5983 When Tarzan killed he more often smiled than scowled, and 5984 smiles are the foundation of beauty. 5985 One thing the girl had noticed particularly when she had seen 5986 Tarzan rushing upon Terkoz−−the vivid scarlet band upon his 5987 forehead, from above the left eye to the scalp; but now as she 5988 scanned his features she noticed that it was gone, and only a 5989 thin white line marked the spot where it had been. 5990 As she lay more quietly in his arms Tarzan slightly relaxed his 5991 grip upon her. 5992

5973 presently (adv) – dentro em pouco, em breve (presentemente, actualmente, agora) 5974 lid (s) - pálpebra 5975 stride (to) – caminhar a grandes passadas 5977 unmarred (adj) – sem nada que desfeie 5982 brooding (adj) – perturbante, pesado (absorto, pensativo)

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Once he looked down into her eyes and smiled, and the girl 5993 had to close her own to shut out the vision of that handsome, 5994 winning face. 5995 Presently Tarzan took to the trees, and Jane, wondering that 5996 she felt no fear, began to realize that in many respects she had 5997 never felt more secure in her whole life than now as she lay in 5998 the arms of this strong, wild creature, being borne, God alone 5999 knew where or to what fate, deeper and deeper into the 6000 savage fastness of the untamed forest. 6001 When, with closed eyes, she commenced to speculate upon 6002 the future, and terrifying fears were conjured by a vivid 6003 imagination, she had but to raise her lids and look upon that 6004 noble face so close to hers to dissipate the last remnant of 6005 apprehension. 6006 No, he could never harm her; of that she was convinced when 6007 she translated the fine features and the frank, brave eyes 6008 above her into the chivalry which they proclaimed. 6009 On and on they went through what seemed to Jane a solid 6010 mass of verdure, yet ever there appeared to open before this 6011 forest god a passage, as by magic, which closed behind them 6012 as they passed. 6013 Scarce a branch scraped against her, yet above and below, 6014 before and behind, the view presented naught but a solid mass 6015 of inextricably interwoven branches and creepers. 6016

5995 winning (adj) – atraente, sedutor, cativante, insinuante (vencedor, vitorioso) 5996 presently (adv) – dentro em pouco, em breve 6000 fate (s) – destino, fado 6005 remnant (s) – resto, vestígio, indício 6009 chivalry (s) – cavalheirismo, cortesia, generosidade 6016 interweave (to) - entrelaçar

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As Tarzan moved steadily onward his mind was occupied with 6017 many strange and new thoughts. Here was a problem the like 6018 of which he had never encountered, and he felt rather than 6019 reasoned that he must meet it as a man and not as an ape. 6020 The free movement through the middle terrace, which was the 6021 route he had followed for the most part, had helped to cool the 6022 ardor of the first fierce passion of his new found love. 6023 Now he discovered himself speculating upon the fate which 6024 would have fallen to the girl had he not rescued her from 6025 Terkoz. 6026 He knew why the ape had not killed her, and he commenced to 6027 compare his intentions with those of Terkoz. 6028 True, it was the order of the jungle for the male to take his 6029 mate by force; but could Tarzan be guided by the laws of the 6030 beasts? Was not Tarzan a Man? But what did men do? He 6031 was puzzled; for he did not know. 6032 He wished that he might ask the girl, and then it came to him 6033 that she had already answered him in the futile struggle she 6034 had made to escape and to repulse him. 6035 But now they had come to their destination, and Tarzan of the 6036 Apes with Jane in his strong arms, swung lightly to the turf of 6037 the arena where the great apes held their councils and danced 6038 the wild orgy of the Dum−Dum. 6039

6017 onward (adj) – para diante, para a frente 6019 he felt rather than reasoned – sentia mais do que raciocinava 6030 mate (s) – mulher, cônjugue (marido, companheiro/a, coloquial amigo, colega, camarada, companheiro, parceiro, amigalhaço, (casal) companheiro, parceiro; cônjuge, marido, mulher) 6037 turf (s) - relva 6038 arena (s) – arena, recinto, área destinada a

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Though they had come many miles, it was still but 6040 midafternoon, and the amphitheater was bathed in the half 6041 light which filtered through the maze of encircling foliage. 6042 The green turf looked soft and cool and inviting. The myriad 6043 noises of the jungle seemed far distant and hushed to a mere 6044 echo of blurred sounds, rising and falling like the surf upon a 6045 remote shore. 6046 A feeling of dreamy peacefulness stole over Jane as she sank 6047 down upon the grass where Tarzan had placed her, and as 6048 she looked up at his great figure towering above her, there was 6049 added a strange sense of perfect security. 6050 As she watched him from beneath half−closed lids, Tarzan 6051 crossed the little circular clearing toward the trees upon the 6052 further side. She noted the graceful majesty of his carriage, the 6053 perfect symmetry of his magnificent figure and the poise of his 6054 well−shaped head upon his broad shoulders. 6055 What a perfect creature! There could be naught of cruelty or 6056 baseness beneath that godlike exterior. Never, she thought 6057 had such a man strode the earth since God created the first in 6058 his own image. 6059 With a bound Tarzan sprang into the trees and disappeared. 6060 Jane wondered where he had gone. Had he left her there to 6061 her fate in the lonely jungle? 6062

6042 maze (s) - labirinto 6044 hush (to) – silenciar, calar-se, aquietar 6045 surf (s) – ressaca de ondas, rebentação de ondas, espuma de ondas 6053 carriage (to) – porte, postura, atitude 6057 baseness (s) – baixeza, vileza

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She glanced nervously about. Every vine and bush seemed 6063 but the lurking−place of some huge and horrible beast waiting 6064 to bury gleaming fangs into her soft flesh. Every sound she 6065 magnified into the stealthy creeping of a sinuous and 6066 malignant body. 6067 How different now that he had left her! 6068 For a few minutes that seemed hours to the frightened girl, she 6069 sat with tense nerves waiting for the spring of the crouching 6070 thing that was to end her misery of apprehension. 6071 She almost prayed for the cruel teeth that would give her 6072 unconsciousness and surcease from the agony of fear. 6073 She heard a sudden, slight sound behind her. With a cry she 6074 sprang to her feet and turned to face her end. 6075 There stood Tarzan, his arms filled with ripe and luscious fruit. 6076 Jane reeled and would have fallen, had not Tarzan, dropping 6077 his burden, caught her in his arms. She did not lose 6078 consciousness, but she clung tightly to him, shuddering and 6079 trembling like a frightened deer. 6080 Tarzan of the Apes stroked her soft hair and tried to comfort 6081 and quiet her as Kala had him, when, as a little ape, he had 6082 been frightened by Sabor, the lioness, or Histah, the snake. 6083 Once he pressed his lips lightly upon her forehead, and she 6084 did not move, but closed her eyes and sighed. 6085

6066 magnify (to) – exagerar, aumentar, ampliar 6066 sinuous (adj) – sinuoso, com muitas curvas 6072 pray (to) – rezar, orar ♣♣♣ prey (s) – presa, vítima 6073 surcease (s) – cessação, termo, fim 6076 ripe (adj) – maduro, amadurecido 6076 luscious (adj) – saboroso, delicioso, suculento 6077 reel (to) – cambalear, titubear (enrolar, bobinar, filmar)

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She could not analyze her feelings, nor did she wish to attempt 6086 it. She was satisfied to feel the safety of those strong arms, 6087 and to leave her future to fate; for the last few hours had taught 6088 her to trust this strange wild creature of the forest as she would 6089 have trusted but few of the men of her acquaintance. 6090 As she thought of the strangeness of it, there commenced to 6091 dawn upon her the realization that she had, possibly, learned 6092 something else which she had never really known before− 6093 −love. She wondered and then she smiled. 6094 And still smiling, she pushed Tarzan gently away; and looking 6095 at him with a half−smiling, half−quizzical expression that made 6096 her face wholly entrancing, she pointed to the fruit upon the 6097 ground, and seated herself upon the edge of the earthen drum 6098 of the anthropoids, for hunger was asserting itself. 6099 Tarzan quickly gathered up the fruit, and, bringing it, laid it at 6100 her feet; and then he, too, sat upon the drum beside her, and 6101 with his knife opened and prepared the various fruits for her 6102 meal. 6103 Together and in silence they ate, occasionally stealing sly 6104 glances at one another, until finally Jane broke into a merry 6105 laugh in which Tarzan joined. 6106 "I wish you spoke English," said the girl. 6107 Tarzan shook his head, and an expression of wistful and 6108 pathetic longing sobered his laughing eyes. 6109

6090 acquaintance (s) – amizade, relações, conhecido 6096 quizzical (adj) – perplexo, confuso (irónico, trocista) 6097 wholly (adv) – totalmente, completamente, integralmente 6097 entrancing (adj) – arrebatador, fascinante, encantador 6099 hunger (s) – fome 6099 assert (to) – afirmar-se, declarar-se 6104 sly (adj) – dissimulado, fingido 6108 wistful (adj) – ansioso, pensativo, sério

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Then Jane tried speaking to him in French, and then in 6110 German; but she had to laugh at her own blundering attempt at 6111 the latter tongue. 6112 "Anyway," she said to him in English, "you understand my 6113 German as well as they did in Berlin." 6114 Tarzan had long since reached a decision as to what his future 6115 procedure should be. He had had time to recollect all that he 6116 had read of the ways of men and women in the books at the 6117 cabin. He would act as he imagined the men in the books 6118 would have acted were they in his place. 6119 Again he rose and went into the trees, but first he tried to 6120 explain by means of signs that he would return shortly, and he 6121 did so well that Jane understood and was not afraid when he 6122 had gone. 6123 Only a feeling of loneliness came over her and she watched 6124 the point where he had disappeared, with longing eyes, 6125 awaiting his return. As before, she was appraised of his 6126 presence by a soft sound behind her, and turned to see him 6127 coming across the turf with a great armful of branches. 6128 Then he went back again into the jungle and in a few minutes 6129 reappeared with a quantity of soft grasses and ferns. 6130 Two more trips he made until he had quite a pile of material at 6131 hand. 6132

6111 blundering (adj) – disparatado 6112 latter (adj) – último 6115 long since – há muito 6116 procedure (s) - procedimento 6126 appraise (to) – avaliar, calcular 6130 fern (s) – feto

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Then he spread the ferns and grasses upon the ground in a 6133 soft flat bed, and above it leaned many branches together so 6134 that they met a few feet over its center. Upon these he spread 6135 layers of huge leaves of the great elephant's ear, and with 6136 more branches and more leaves he closed one end of the little 6137 shelter he had built. 6138 Then they sat down together again upon the edge of the drum 6139 and tried to talk by signs. 6140 The magnificent diamond locket which hung about Tarzan's 6141 neck, had been a source of much wonderment to Jane. She 6142 pointed to it now, and Tarzan removed it and handed the pretty 6143 bauble to her. 6144 She saw that it was the work of a skilled artisan and that the 6145 diamonds were of great brilliancy and superbly set, but the 6146 cutting of them denoted that they were of a former day. She 6147 noticed too that the locket opened, and, pressing the hidden 6148 clasp, she saw the two halves spring apart to reveal in either 6149 section an ivory miniature. 6150 One was of a beautiful woman and the other might have been 6151 a likeness of the man who sat beside her, except for a subtle 6152 difference of expression that was scarcely definable. 6153 She looked up at Tarzan to find him leaning toward her gazing 6154 on the miniatures with an expression of astonishment. He 6155 reached out his hand for the locket and took it away from her, 6156

6137 he closed one end – fechou uma extremidade 6144 bauble (s) – bigiganga 6145 skilled (adj) – trabalho ou operário especializado 6147 cutting (s) – lapidação, corte 6147 former (adj) – antigo, passado 6149 clasp (s) – fecho de jóia 6149 half (s) – metade, meio 6152 likeness (s) – semelhança, parecença

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examining the likenesses within with unmistakable signs of 6157 surprise and new interest. His manner clearly denoted that he 6158 had never before seen them, nor imagined that the locket 6159 opened. 6160 This fact caused Jane to indulge in further speculation, and it 6161 taxed her imagination to picture how this beautiful ornament 6162 came into the possession of a wild and savage creature of the 6163 unexplored jungles of Africa. 6164 Still more wonderful was how it contained the likeness of one 6165 who might be a brother, or, more likely, the father of this 6166 woodland demi−god who was even ignorant of the fact that the 6167 locket opened. 6168 Tarzan was still gazing with fixity at the two faces. Presently he 6169 removed the quiver from his shoulder, and emptying the 6170 arrows upon the ground reached into the bottom of the 6171 bag−like receptacle and drew forth a flat object wrapped in 6172 many soft leaves and tied with bits of long grass. 6173 Carefully he unwrapped it, removing layer after layer of leaves 6174 until at length he held a photograph in his hand. 6175 Pointing to the miniature of the man within the locket he 6176 handed the photograph to Jane, holding the open locket 6177 beside it. 6178

6161 indulge (to) – entregar-se a, ceder a, desejar, satisfazer desejos 6162 tax (to) – sobrecarregar, forçar 6167 woodland (adj) – de bosque, de mata 6169 presently (adv) – imediatamente, dentro em pouco, em breve

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The photograph only served to puzzle the girl still more, for it 6179 was evidently another likeness of the sameman whose picture 6180 rested in the locket beside that of the beautiful young woman. 6181 Tarzan was looking at her with an expression of puzzled 6182 bewilderment in his eyes as she glanced up at him. 6183 He seemed to be framing a question with his lips. 6184 The girl pointed to the photograph and then to the miniature 6185 and then to him, as though to indicate that she thought the 6186 likenesses were of him, but he only shook his head, and then 6187 shrugging his great shoulders, he took the photograph from 6188 her and having carefully rewrapped it, placed it again in the 6189 bottom of his quiver. 6190 For a few moments he sat in silence, his eyes bent upon the 6191 ground, while Jane held the little locket in her hand, turning it 6192 over and over in an endeavor to find some further clue that 6193 might lead to the identity of its original owner. 6194 At length a simple explanation occurred to her. 6195 The locket had belonged to Lord Greystoke, and the 6196 likenesses were of himself and Lady Alice. 6197 This wild creature had simply found it in the cabin by the 6198 beach. How stupid of her not to have thought of that solution 6199 before. 6200 But to account for the strange likeness between Lord 6201 Greystoke and this forest god−−that was quite beyond her, and 6202

6183 bewilderment (s) – desnorteamento, desorientção 6184 frame (to) – formar, construir 6193 endeavour (s) - esforço, tentativa 6193 clue (s) – pista, chave

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it is not strange that she could not imagine that this naked 6203 savage was indeed an English nobleman. 6204 At length Tarzan looked up to watch the girl as she examined 6205 the locket. He could not fathom the meaning of the faces 6206 within, but he could read the interest and fascination upon the 6207 face of the live young creature by his side. 6208 She noticed that he was watching her and thinking that he 6209 wished his ornament again she held it out to him. 6210 He took it from her and taking the chain in his two hands he 6211 placed it about her neck, smiling at her expression of surprise 6212 at his unexpected gift. 6213 Jane shook her head vehemently and would have removed the 6214 golden links from about her throat, but Tarzan would not let 6215 her. Taking her hands in his, when she insisted upon it, he 6216 held them tightly to prevent her. 6217 At last she desisted and with a little laugh raised the locket to 6218 her lips. 6219 Tarzan did not know precisely what she meant, but he 6220 guessed correctly that it was her way of acknowledging the gift, 6221 and so he rose, and taking the locket in his hand, stooped 6222 gravely like some courtier of old, and pressed his lips upon it 6223 where hers had rested. 6224 It was a stately and gallant little compliment performed with the 6225 grace and dignity of utter unconsciousness of self. It was the 6226

6206 fathom (to) – aprofundar, descobrir, sondar 6221 acknowledge (to) – agradecer, mostrar-se reconhecido 6222 stoop (to) – inclinar-se 6223 courtier (s) - cortesão 6225 statley (adj) – solene, nobre, elevado 6225 gallant (adj) – galante, sedutor 6225 perform (to) – realizar, fazer, efectuar 6226 utter (adj) – completo, total, absoluto

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hall−mark of his aristocratic birth, the natural outcropping of 6227 many generations of fine breeding, an hereditary instinct of 6228 graciousness which a lifetime of uncouth and savage training 6229 and environment could not eradicate. 6230 It was growing dark now, and so they ate again of the fruit 6231 which was both food and drink for them; then Tarzan rose, and 6232 leading Jane to the little bower he had erected, motioned her 6233 to go within. 6234 For the first time in hours a feeling of fear swept over her, and 6235 Tarzan felt her draw away as though shrinking from him. 6236 Contact with this girl for half a day had left a very diferent 6237 Tarzan from the one on whom the morning's sun had risen. 6238 Now, in every fiber of his being, heredity spoke louder than 6239 training. 6240 He had not in one swift transition become a polished 6241 gentleman from a savage ape−man, but at last the instincts of 6242 the former predominated, and over all was the desire to please 6243 the woman he loved, and to appear well in her eyes. 6244 So Tarzan of the Apes did the only thing he knew to assure 6245 Jane of her safety. He removed his hunting knife from its 6246 sheath and handed it to her hilt first, again motioning her into 6247 the bower. 6248

6227 hallmark (s) – traço distintivo 6227 outcropping (adj) – que aflora à superfície 6228 breeding (s) - educação 6229 uncouth (adj) – grosseiro, bárbaro, rude, tosco 6233 bower (s) – habitação, aposento interior 6247 hilt (s) - cabo

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The girl understood, and taking the long knife she entered and 6249 lay down upon the soft grasses while Tarzan of the Apes 6250 stretched himself upon the ground across the entrance. 6251 And thus the rising sun found them in the morning. 6252 When Jane awoke, she did not at first recall the strange events 6253 of the preceding day, and so she wondered at her odd 6254 surroundings−−the little leafy bower, the soft grasses of her 6255 bed, the unfamiliar prospect from the opening at her feet. 6256 Slowly the circumstances of her position crept one by one into 6257 her mind. And then a great wonderment arose in her heart−−a 6258 mighty wave of thankfulness and gratitude that though she had 6259 been in such terrible danger, yet she was unharmed. 6260 She moved to the entrance of the shelter to look for Tarzan. 6261 He was gone; but this time no fear assailed her for she knew 6262 that he would return. 6263 In the grass at the entrance to her bower she saw the imprint 6264 of his body where he had lain all night to guard her. She knew 6265 that the fact that he had been there was all that had permitted 6266 her to sleep in such peaceful security. 6267 With him near, who could entertain fear? She wondered if 6268 there was another man on earth with whom a girl could feel so 6269 safe in the heart of this savage African jungle. Even the lions 6270 and panthers had no fears for her now. 6271

6256 prospect (s) – panorama, vista 6258 wonderment (s) – assombro, pasmo, espanto 6259 thankfulness (s) – gratidão, reconhecimento 6259 gratitude (s) - gratidão, reconhecimento 6268 entertain (to) – abrigar, alimentar

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She looked up to see his lithe form drop softly from a near−by 6272 tree. As he caught her eyes upon him his face lighted with that 6273 frank and radiant smile that had won her confidence the day 6274 before. 6275 As he approached her Jane's heart beat faster and her eyes 6276 brightened as they had never done before at the approach of 6277 any man. 6278 He had again been gathering fruit and this he laid at the 6279 entrance of her bower. Once more they sat down together to 6280 eat. 6281 Jane commenced to wonder what his plans were. Would he 6282 take her back to the beach or would he keep her here? 6283 Suddenly she realized that the matter did not seem to give her 6284 much concern. Could it be that she did not care! 6285 She began to comprehend, also, that she was entirely 6286 contented sitting here by the side of this smiling giant eating 6287 delicious fruit in a sylvan paradise far within the remote depths 6288 of an African jungle−−that she was contented and very happy. 6289 She could not understand it. Her reason told her that she 6290 should be torn by wild anxieties, weighted by dread fears, cast 6291 down by gloomy forebodings; but instead, her heart was 6292 singing and she was smiling into the answering face of the 6293 man beside her. 6294

6272 lithe (adj) – ágil, flexível 6285 concern (s) – ansiedade, preocupação, interesse 6286 comprehend (to) - compreender 6288 sylvan (adj) – silvestre, rústico 6288 within (adv) – no interior 6291 dread (to) – terrível, temido 6291 cast down (to) – derrubar, deitar abaixo 6292 foreboding (s) – pressentimento, agouro

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When they had finished their breakfast Tarzan went to her 6295 bower and recovered his knife. The girl had entirely forgotten 6296 it. She realized that it was because she had forgotten the fear 6297 that prompted her to accept it. 6298 Motioning her to follow, Tarzan walked toward the trees at the 6299 edge of the arena, and taking her in one strong arm swung to 6300 the branches above. 6301 The girl knew that he was taking her back to her people, and 6302 she could not understand the sudden feeling of loneliness and 6303 sorrow which crept over her. 6304 For hours they swung slowly along. 6305 Tarzan of the Apes did not hurry. He tried to draw out the 6306 sweet pleasure of that journey with those dear arms about his 6307 neck as long as possible, and so he went far south of the direct 6308 route to the beach. 6309 Several times they halted for brief rests, which Tarzan did not 6310 need, and at noon they stopped for an hour at a little brook, 6311 where they quenched their thirst, and ate. 6312 So it was nearly sunset when they came to the clearing, and 6313 Tarzan, dropping to the ground beside a great tree, parted the 6314 tall jungle grass and pointed out the little cabin to her. 6315 She took him by the hand to lead him to it, that she might tell 6316 her father that this man had saved her from death and worse 6317

6298 prompt (to) – impelir, incitar, induzir 6304 creep (to) – aproximar-se, deslizar 6306 draw out (to) – arrancar, tirar, extrair 6311 brook (s) – ribeiro, regato 6312 quench (to) – satisfazer ou saciar ou matar a sede

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than death, that he had watched over her as carefully as a 6318 mother might have done. 6319 But again the timidity of the wild thing in the face of human 6320 habitation swept over Tarzan of the Apes. He drew back, 6321 shaking his head. 6322 The girl came close to him, looking up with pleading eyes. 6323 Somehow she could not bear the thought of his going back into 6324 the terrible jungle alone. 6325 Still he shook his head, and finally he drew her to him very 6326 gently and stooped to kiss her, but first he looked into her eyes 6327 and waited to learn if she were pleased, or if she would repulse 6328 him. 6329 Just an instant the girl hesitated, and then she realized the 6330 truth, and throwing her arms about his neck she drew his face 6331 to hers and kissed him−−unashamed. 6332 "I love you−−I love you," she murmured. 6333 From far in the distance came the faint sound of many guns. 6334 Tarzan and Jane raised their heads. 6335 From the cabin came Mr. Philander and Esmeralda. 6336 From where Tarzan and the girl stood they could not see the 6337 two vessels lying at anchor in the harbor. 6338 Tarzan pointed toward the sounds, touched his breast and 6339 pointed again. She understood. He was going, and something 6340

6323 plead (to) – suplicar, rogar, pedir 6327 stoop (to) – inclinar-se, vergar-se

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told her that it was because he thought her people were in 6341 danger. 6342 Again he kissed her. 6343 "Come back to me," she whispered. "I shall wait for you− 6344 −always." 6345 He was gone−−and Jane turned to walk across the clearing to 6346 the cabin. 6347 Mr. Philander was the first to see her. It was dusk and Mr. 6348 Philander was very near sighted. 6349 "Quickly, Esmeralda!" he cried. "Let us seek safety within; it is 6350 a lioness. Bless me!" 6351 Esmeralda did not bother to verify Mr. Philander's vision. His 6352 tone was enough. She was within the cabin and had slammed 6353 and bolted the door before he had finished pronouncing her 6354 name. The "Bless me" was startled out of Mr. Philander by the 6355 discovery that Esmeralda, in the exuberance of her haste, had 6356 fastened him upon the same side of the door as was the 6357 close−approaching lioness. 6358 He beat furiously upon the heavy portal. 6359 "Esmeralda! Esmeralda!" he shrieked. "Let me in. I am being 6360 devoured by a lion." 6361 Esmeralda thought that the noise upon the door was made by 6362 the lioness in her attempts to pursue her, so, after her custom, 6363 she fainted. 6364

6349 nearsighted (adj) - míope 6355 startle out (to) – alarmar, surpreender, chocar 6356 haste (s) – pressa, prontidão, celeridade

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Mr. Philander cast a frightened glance behind him. 6365 Horrors! The thing was quite close now. He tried to scramble 6366 up the side of the cabin, and succeeded in catching a fleeting 6367 hold upon the thatched roof. 6368 For a moment he hung there, clawing with his feet like a cat on 6369 a clothesline, but presently a piece of the thatch came away, 6370 and Mr. Philander, preceding it, was precipitated upon his 6371 back. 6372 At the instant he fell a remarkable item of natural history 6373 leaped to his mind. If one feigns death lions and lionesses are 6374 supposed to ignore one, according to Mr. Philander's faulty 6375 memory. 6376 So Mr. Philander lay as he had fallen, frozen into the horrid 6377 semblance of death. As his arms and legs had been extended 6378 stiffly upward as he came to earth upon his back the attitude of 6379 death was anything but impressive. 6380 Jane had been watching his antics in mild−eyed surprise. Now 6381 she laughed−−a little choking gurgle of a laugh; but it was 6382 enough. Mr. Philander rolled over upon his side and peered 6383 about. At length he discovered her. 6384 "Jane!" he cried. "Jane Porter. Bless me!" 6385 He scrambled to his feet and rushed toward her. He could not 6386 believe that it was she, and alive. 6387

6367 succeed (to) – ser bem sucedido, sair-se bem 6367 fleeting (adj) – fugitivo, fugaz 6370 clothes line – corda para estender a roupa 6371 precede (to) – preceder, anteceder 6374 feign (to) – fingir, simular 6375 faulty (adj) – imperfeito, deficiente 6378 extend (to) – estender-se, prolongar-se 6379 stiffly (adv) – com rigidez, de maneira hirta 6380 impressive (adj) – impressionante, impressivo, realista 6381 antics (s pl) – palhaçadas, disparates 6381 mild (adj) – brando, suave, leve

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"Bless me!" Where did you come from? Where in the world 6388 have you been? How−−" 6389 "Mercy, Mr. Philander," interrupted the girl, "I can never 6390 remember so many questions." 6391 "Well, well," said Mr. Philander. "Bless me! I am so filled with 6392 surprise and exuberant delight at seeing you safe and well 6393 again that I scarcely know what I am saying, really. But come, 6394 tell me all that has happened to you." 6395 Chapter 21. The Village of Torture 6396 As the little expedition of sailors toiled through the dense 6397 jungle searching for signs of Jane Porter, the futility of their 6398 venture became more and more apparent, but the grief of the 6399 old man and the hopeless eyes of the young Englishman 6400 prevented the kind hearted D'Arnot from turning back. 6401 He thought that there might be a bare possibility of finding her 6402 body, or the remains of it, for he was positive that she had 6403 been devoured by some beast of prey. He deployed his men 6404 into a skirmish line from the point where Esmeralda had been 6405 found, and in this extended formation they pushed their way, 6406 sweating and panting, through the tangled vines and creepers. 6407 It was slow work. Noon found them but a few miles inland. 6408 They halted for a brief rest then, and after pushing on for a 6409 short distance further one of the men discovered a well− 6410 marked trail. 6411

6397 toil (to) – labutar, trabalhar duramente, afadigar-se 6399 venture (s) – risco, aventura 6401 prevent (to) – evitar, impedir 6402 bare (adj) – pequena, simples 6404 deploy (to) – colocar 6405 skirmish (adj) – de conflito, de combate 6409 push on (to) – avançar, pôr-se a caminho

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It was an old elephant track, and D'Arnot after consulting with 6412 Professor Porter and Clayton decided to follow it. 6413 The path wound through the jungle in a northeasterly direction, 6414 and along it the column moved in single file. 6415 Lieutenant D'Arnot was in the lead and moving at a quick pace, 6416 for the trail was comparatively open. 6417 Immediately behind him came Professor Porter, but as he 6418 could not keep pace with the younger man D'Arnot was a 6419 hundred yards in advance when suddenly a half dozen black 6420 warriors arose about him. 6421 D'Arnot gave a warning shout to his column as the blacks 6422 closed on him, but before he could draw his revolver he had 6423 been pinioned and dragged into the jungle. 6424 His cry had alarmed the sailors and a dozen of them sprang 6425 forward past Professor Porter, running up the trail to their 6426 officer's aid. 6427 They did not know the cause of his outcry, only that it was a 6428 warning of danger ahead. They had rushed past the spot 6429 where D'Arnot had been seized when a spear hurled from the 6430 jungle transfixed one of the men, and then a volley of arrows 6431 fell among them. 6432 Raising their rifles they fired into the underbrush in the 6433 direction from which the missiles had come. 6434

6414 northeasterly (adj) – de nordeste 6424 pinion (to) – atar, prender, amarrar com cordas 6431 transfix (to) – atravessar de lado a lado, trespassar 6431 volley (s figurado) – chuva, torrente, saraivada

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By this time the balance of the party had come up, and volley 6435 after volley was fired toward the concealed foe. 6436 It was these shots that Tarzan and Jane Porter had heard. 6437 Lieutenant Charpentier, who had been bringing up the rear of 6438 the column, now came running to the scene, and on hearing 6439 the details of the ambush ordered the men to follow him, and 6440 plunged into the tangled vegetation. 6441 In an instant they were in a hand−to−hand fight with some fifty 6442 black warriors of Mbonga's village. Arrows and bullets flew 6443 thick and fast. 6444 Queer African knives and French gun butts mingled for a 6445 moment in savage and bloody duels, but soon the natives fled 6446 into the jungle, leaving the Frenchmen to count their losses. 6447 Four of the twenty were dead, a dozen others were wounded, 6448 and Lieutenant D'Arnot was missing. Night was falling rapidly, 6449 and their predicament was rendered doubly worse when they 6450 could not even find the elephant trail which they had been 6451 following. 6452 There was but one thing to do, make camp where they were 6453 until daylight. Lieutenant Charpentier ordered a clearing made 6454 and a circular abatis of underbrush constructed about the 6455 camp. 6456

6435 balance (s) - equilíbrio 6436 conceal (to) – esconder, dissimular 6436 foe (s) – inimigo, adversário 6438 rear (s) – parte de trás, parte traseira 6445 knife (s) - faca 6445 butt (s) - coronha de espingarda 6450 predicament (s) – situação difícil, aperto, apuro 6450 render (to) – devolver (dar, dar em troca, retribuir, transmitir, entregar) 6455 underbrush (s) – vegetação rasteira

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This work was not completed until long after dark, the men 6457 building a huge fire in the center of the clearing to give them 6458 light to work by. 6459 When all was safe as possible against attack of wild beasts 6460 and savage men, Lieutenant Charpentier placed sentries about 6461 the little camp and the tired and hungry men threw themselves 6462 upon the ground to sleep. 6463 The groans of the wounded, mingled with the roaring and 6464 growling of the great beasts which the noise and firelight had 6465 attracted, kept sleep, except in its most fitful form, from the 6466 tired eyes. It was a sad and hungry party that lay through the 6467 long night praying for dawn. 6468 The blacks who had seized D'Arnot had not waited to 6469 participate in the fight which followed, but instead had dragged 6470 their prisoner a little way through the jungle and then struck the 6471 trail further on beyond the scene of the fighting in which their 6472 fellows were engaged. 6473 They hurried him along, the sounds of battle growing fainter 6474 and fainter as they drew away from the contestants until there 6475 suddenly broke upon D'Arnot's vision a good−sized clearing at 6476 one end of which stood a thatched and palisaded village. 6477 It was now dusk, but the watchers at the gate saw the 6478 approaching trio and distinguished one as a prisoner ere they 6479 reached the portals. 6480

6461 sentry (s) – sentinela, guarda, vigilante 6466 keep sleep (to) – manter acordado 6466 fitful (adj) – incerto, irregular 6471 strike (to) – tomar, penetrar em (bater com, bater em) 6475 contestant (s) – concorrente, adversário 6476 good-sized (adj) – bastante grande, razoável

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A cry went up within the palisade. A great throng of women 6481 and children rushed out to meet the party. 6482 And then began for the French officer the most terrifying 6483 experience which man can encounter upon earth−−the 6484 reception of a white prisoner into a village of African cannibals. 6485 To add to the fiendishness of their cruel savagery was the 6486 poignant memory of still crueler barbarities practiced upon 6487 them and theirs by the white officers of that arch hypocrite, 6488 Leopold II of Belgium, because of whose atrocities they had 6489 fled the Congo Free State−−a pitiful remnant of what once had 6490 been a mighty tribe. 6491 They fell upon D'Arnot tooth and nail, beating him with sticks 6492 and stones and tearing at him with claw−like hands. Every 6493 vestige of clothing was torn from him, and the merciless blows 6494 fell upon his bare and quivering flesh. But not once did the 6495 Frenchman cry out in pain. He breathed a silent prayer that he 6496 be quickly delivered from his torture. 6497 But the death he prayed for was not to be so easily had. Soon 6498 the warriors beat the women away from their prisoner. He was 6499 to be saved for nobler sport than this, and the first wave of 6500 their passion having subsided they contented themselves with 6501 crying out taunts and insults and spitting upon him. 6502

6481 throng (s) – multidão, ajuntamento, tropel, afluência 6486 fiendishness (s) – espírito satânico, diabólico 6487 poignant (adj) – forte, vivo 6488 arch (adj) – malicioso, astuto 6488 hypocrite (s) - hipócrita 6490 pitiful (adj) – deplorável, lamentável 6490 remnant (s) – sobra, vestígio 6492 fight tooth and nail (to) - lutar com unhas e dentes 6494 merciless (adj) – implacável, cruel 6495 quivering (adj) – tremente, trémulo 6497 deliver (to) – libertar, salvar 6501 subside (to) – abrandar, acalmar 6502 cry out (to) - gritar 6502 taunt (s) – provocação, piadinha, boca

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Presently they reached the center of the village. There D'Arnot 6503 was bound securely to the great post from which no live man 6504 had ever been released. 6505 A number of the women scattered to their several huts to fetch 6506 pots and water, while others built a row of fires on which 6507 portions of the feast were to be boiled while the balance would 6508 be slowly dried in strips for future use, as they expected the 6509 other warriors to return with many prisoners. The festivities 6510 were delayed awaiting the return of the warriors who had 6511 remained to engage in the skirmish with the white men, so that 6512 it was quite late when all were in the village, and the dance of 6513 death commenced to circle around the doomed officer. 6514 Half fainting from pain and exhaustion, D'Arnot watched from 6515 beneath half−closed lids what seemed but the vagary of 6516 delirium, or some horrid nightmare from which he must soon 6517 awake. 6518 The bestial faces, daubed with color−−the huge mouths and 6519 flabby hanging lips−−the yellow teeth, sharp filed−−the rolling, 6520 demon eyes−−the shining naked bodies−−the cruel spears. 6521 Surely no such creatures really existed upon earth−−he must 6522 indeed be dreaming. 6523 The savage, whirling bodies circled nearer. Now a spear 6524 sprang forth and touched his arm. The sharp pain and the feel 6525

6506 scatter (to) – dispersar-se 6511 delay (to) – atrasar, demorar, adiar 6512 skirmish (s) – combate, escaramuça, conflito 6514 doomed (adj) - condenado 6516 vagary (s) – extravagância, excentricidade 6519 daub (to) – cobrir, sujar, borrar 6520 flabby (adj) – flácido, mole 6520 file (to) – limar (arquivar, classificar)

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of hot, trickling blood assured him of the awful reality of his 6526 hopeless position. 6527 Another spear and then another touched him. He closed his 6528 eyes and held his teeth firm set−−he would not cry out. 6529 He was a soldier of France, and he would teach these beasts 6530 how an officer and a gentleman died. 6531 Tarzan of the Apes needed no interpreter to translate the story 6532 of those distant shots. With Jane Porter's kisses still warm 6533 upon his lips he was swinging with incredible rapidity through 6534 the forest trees straight toward the village of Mbonga. 6535 He was not interested in the location of the encounter, for he 6536 judged that that would soon be over. Those who were killed he 6537 could not aid, those who escaped would not need his 6538 assistance. 6539 It was to those who had neither been killed or escaped that he 6540 hastened. And he knew that he would find them by the great 6541 post in the center of Mbonga village. 6542 Many times had Tarzan seen Mbonga's black raiding parties 6543 return from the northward with prisoners, and always were the 6544 same scenes enacted about that grim stake, beneath the 6545 flaring light of many fires. 6546 He knew, too, that they seldom lost much time before 6547 consummating the fiendish purpose of their captures. 6548

6545 enact (to) – representar, desempenhar o papel de 6546 flaring (adj) - brilhante 6547 seldom (adv) – raramente, raras vezes 6548 fiendish (adj) – demoníaco, satânico, diabólico

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He doubted that he would arrive in time to do more than 6549 avenge. 6550 On he sped. Night had fallen and he traveled high along the 6551 upper terrace where the gorgeous tropic moon lighted the 6552 dizzy pathway through the gently undulating branches of the 6553 tree tops. 6554 Presently he caught the reflection of a distant blaze. It lay to 6555 the right of his path. It must be the light from the camp fire the 6556 two men had built before they were attacked−−T arzan knew 6557 nothing of the presence of the sailors. 6558 So sure was Tarzan of his jungle knowledge that he did not 6559 turn from his course, but passed the glare at a distance of a 6560 half mile. It was the camp fire of the Frenchmen. 6561 In a few minutes more Tarzan swung into the trees above 6562 Mbonga's village. Ah, he was not quite too late! Or, was he? 6563 He could not tell. The figure at the stake was very still, yet the 6564 black warriors were but pricking it. 6565 Tarzan knew their customs. The death blow had not been 6566 struck. He could tell almost to a minute how far the dance had 6567 gone. 6568 In another instant Mbonga's knife would sever one of the 6569 victim's ears−−that would mark the beginning of the end, for 6570 very shortly after only a writhing mass of mutilated flesh would 6571 remain. 6572

6553 dizzy (adj) – muito alto 6565 prick (to) – picar, afligir, atormentar 6569 sever (to) – cortar, separar 6571 writhe (to) – contorcer-se, torcer-se

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There would still be life in it, but death then would be the only 6573 charity it craved. 6574 The stake stood forty feet from the nearest tree. Tarzan coiled 6575 his rope. Then there rose suddenly above the fiendish cries of 6576 the dancing demons the awful challenge of the ape−man. 6577 The dancers halted as though turned to stone. 6578 The rope sped with singing whir high above the heads of the 6579 blacks. It was quite invisible in the flaring lights of the camp 6580 fires. 6581 D'Arnot opened his eyes. A huge black, standing directly 6582 before him, lunged backward as though felled by an invisible 6583 hand. 6584 Struggling and shrieking, his body, rolling from side to side, 6585 moved quickly toward the shadows beneath the trees. 6586 The blacks, their eyes protruding in horror, watched 6587 spellbound. 6588 Once beneath the trees, the body rose straight into the air, and 6589 as it disappeared into the foliage above, the terrified negroes, 6590 screaming with fright, broke into a mad race for the village 6591 gate. 6592 D'Arnot was left alone. 6593 He was a brave man, but he had felt the short hairs bristle 6594 upon the nape of his neck when that uncanny cry rose upon 6595 the air. 6596

6574 crave (to) – suspirar, ansiar, sentir desejos, sentir necessidade 6583 lunge backward (to) – precipitar-se para trás ou atirar-se para trás 6583 fell (to) – abater (cortar, derrubar) 6588 spellbound (adj) – enfeitiçado, fascinado (encantado) 6594 bristle (s) - pêlo 6595 nape (s) - nuca 6595 the nape of the neck - o cachaço 6595 uncanny (adj) – sinistro, misterioso, inquietante, perturbador

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As the writhing body of the black soared, as though by 6597 unearthly power, into the dense foliage of the forest, D'Arnot 6598 felt an icy shiver run along his spine, as though death had 6599 risen from a dark grave and laid a cold and clammy finger on 6600 his flesh. 6601 As D'Arnot watched the spot where the body had entered the 6602 tree he heard the sounds of movement there. 6603 The branches swayed as though under the weight of a man's 6604 body−−there was a crash and the black came sprawling to 6605 earth again,−−to lie very quietly where he had fallen. 6606 Immediately after him came a white body, but this one alighted 6607 erect. 6608 D'Arnot saw a clean−limbed young giant emerge from the 6609 shadows into the firelight and come quickly toward him. 6610 What could it mean? Who could it be? Some new creature of 6611 torture and destruction, doubtless. 6612 D'Arnot waited. His eyes never left the face of the advancing 6613 man. Nor did the other's frank, clear eyes waver beneath 6614 D'Arnot's fixed gaze. 6615 D'Arnot was reassured, but still without much hope, though he 6616 felt that that face could not mask a cruel heart. 6617 Without a word Tarzan of the Apes cut the bonds which held 6618 the Frenchman. Weak from suffering and loss of blood, he 6619 would have fallen but for the strong arm that caught him. 6620

6597 writhe (to) – contorcer-se, torcer-se 6597 soar (to) – pairar nos ares, planar, elevar-se 6598 unearthly (adj) – sobrenatural, misterioso, terrível 6600 clammy (adj) – húmido e frio 6605 sprawl (to) – estatelar-se, cair 6607 alight (to) – descer, pousar, aterrar 6609 clean-limbed (adj) – bem constituído 6614 waver (to) – hesitar, vacilar, titubear 6616 reassure (to) – voltar a animar, encorajar 6617 mask (to) – mascarar, esconder, ocultar, disfarçar 6618 bond (s) – corda delgada, prisão, cadeia

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He felt himself lifted from the ground. There was a sensation 6621 as of flying, and then he lost consciousness. 6622 Chapter 22. The Search Party 6623 When dawn broke upon the little camp of Frenchmen in the 6624 heart of the jungle it found a sad and disheartened group. 6625 As soon as it was light enough to see their surroundings 6626 Lieutenant Charpentier sent men in groups of three in several 6627 directions to locate the trail, and in ten minutes it was found 6628 and the expedition was hurrying back toward the beach. 6629 It was slow work, for they bore the bodies of six dead men, two 6630 more having succumbed during the night, and several of those 6631 who were wounded required support to move even very slowly. 6632 Charpentier had decided to return to camp for reinforcements, 6633 and then make an attempt to track down the natives and 6634 rescue D'Arnot. 6635 It was late in the afternoon when the exhausted men reached 6636 the clearing by the beach, but for two of them the return 6637 brought so great a happiness that all their suffering and 6638 heartbreaking grief was forgotten on the instant. 6639 As the little party emerged from the jungle the first person that 6640 Professor Porter and Cecil Clayton saw was Jane, standing by 6641 the cabin door. 6642 With a little cry of joy and relief she ran forward to greet them, 6643 throwing her arms about her father's neck and bursting into 6644

6625 dishearten (to) – desencorajar, desanimar 6634 track down (to) – encontrar, localizar, capturar

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tears for the first time since they had been cast upon this 6645 hideous and adventurous shore. 6646 Professor Porter strove manfully to suppress his own 6647 emotions, but the strain upon his nerves and weakened vitality 6648 were too much for him, and at length, burying his old face in 6649 the girl's shoulder, he sobbed quietly like a tired child. 6650 Jane led him toward the cabin, and the Frenchmen turned 6651 toward the beach from which several of their fellows were 6652 advancing to meet them. 6653 Clayton, wishing to leave father and daughter alone, joined the 6654 sailors and remained talking with the officers until their boat 6655 pulled away toward the cruiser whither Lieutenant Charpentier 6656 was bound to report the unhappy outcome of his adventure. 6657 Then Clayton turned back slowly toward the cabin. His heart 6658 was filled with happiness. The woman he loved was safe. 6659 He wondered by what manner of miracle she had been spared. 6660 To see her alive seemed almost unbelievable. 6661 As he approached the cabin he saw Jane coming out. When 6662 she saw him she hurried forward to meet him. 6663 "Jane!" he cried, "God has been good to us, indeed. Tell me 6664 how you escaped−−what form Providence took to save you 6665 for−−us." 6666 He had never before called her by her given name. Forty−eight 6667 hours before it would have suffused Jane with a soft glow of 6668

6645 cast upon (to) – atirar, lançar 6647 strive (to) – lutar, combater por, esforçar-se por, empenhar-se 6647 manfully (adv) – corajosamente, com valentia, com intrepidez 6647 suppress (to) – reprimir, sufocar, suprimir 6648 strain (s) – tensão, pressão, esforço 6656 whither (adv) - aonde 6660 manner (s) – espécie, tipo (modo, maneira) 6660 spared (adj) – poupado, salvo 6661 unbelievable (adj) – incrível, inacreditável

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pleasure to have heard that name from Clayton's lips−−now it 6669 frightened her. 6670 "Mr. Clayton," she said quietly, extending her hand, "first let me 6671 thank you for your chivalrous loyalty to my dear father. He has 6672 told me how noble and self−sacrificing you have been. How 6673 can we repay you!" 6674 Clayton noticed that she did not return his familiar salutation, 6675 but he felt no misgivings on that score. She had been through 6676 so much. This was no time to force his love upon her, he 6677 quickly realized. 6678 "I am already repaid," he said. "Just to see you and Professor 6679 Porter both safe, well, and together again. I do not think that I 6680 could much longer have endured the pathos of his quiet and 6681 uncomplaining grief. 6682 "It was the saddest experience of my life, Miss Porter; and 6683 then, added to it, there was my own grief—the greatest I have 6684 ever known. But his was so hopeless−−his was pitiful. It taught 6685 me that no love, not even that of a man for his wife may be so 6686 deep and terrible and self−sacrificing as the love of a father for 6687 his daughter." 6688 The girl bowed her head. There was a question she wanted to 6689 ask, but it seemed almost sacrilegious in the face of the love of 6690 these two men and the terrible suffering they had endured 6691 while she sat laughing and happy beside a godlike creature of 6692

6676 misgiving (s) – mau pressentimento, receio, inquietação, apreensão 6676 score (s) – situação actual 6681 endure (to) - suportar 6681 pathos (s) – doença, enfermidade, aflição, problema 6682 uncomplaining (adj) – resignado, paciente 6682 grief (s) – dor, sofrimento 6685 pitiful (adj) – deplorável, lamentável 6689 bow (to) – inclinar-se, curvar-se

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the forest, eating delicious fruits and looking with eyes of love 6693 into answering eyes. 6694 But love is a strange master, and human nature is still 6695 stranger, so she asked her question. 6696 "Where is the forest man who went to rescue you? Why did he 6697 not return?" 6698 "I do not understand," said Clayton. "Whom do you mean?" 6699 "He who has saved each of us−−who saved me from the 6700 gorilla." 6701 "Oh," cried Clayton, in surprise. "It was he who rescued you? 6702 You have not told me anything of your adventure, you know." 6703 "But the wood man," she urged. "Have you not seen him? 6704 When we heard the shots in the jungle, very faint and far away, 6705 he left me. We had just reached the clearing, and he hurried 6706 off in the direction of the fighting. 6707 I know he went to aid you." 6708 Her tone was almost pleading−−her manne r tense with 6709 suppressed emotion. Clayton could not but notice it, and he 6710 wondered, vaguely, why she was so deeply moved−−so 6711 anxious to know the whereabouts of this strange creature. 6712 Yet a feeling of apprehension of some impending sorrow 6713 haunted him, and in his breast, unknown to himself, was 6714 implanted the first germ of jealousy and suspicion of the 6715 ape−man, to whom he owed his life. 6716

6713 impending (adj) – iminente, muito próximo, prestes a acontecer 6714 haunt (to) – perturbar, inquietar, assombrar, impressionar 6715 jealousy (s) – ciúme, inveja

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"We did not see him," he replied quietly. "He did not join us." 6717 And then after a moment of thoughtful pause: 6718 "Possibly he joined his own tribe−−the men who attacked us." 6719 He did not know why he had said it, for he did not believe it. 6720 The girl looked at him wide eyed for a moment. 6721 "No!" she exclaimed vehemently, much too vehemently he 6722 thought. "It could not be. They were savages." 6723 Clayton looked puzzled. 6724 "He is a strange, half−savage creature of the jungle, Miss 6725 Porter. We know nothing of him. He neither speaks nor 6726 understands any European tongue−−and hi s ornaments and 6727 weapons are those of the West Coast savages." 6728 Clayton was speaking rapidly. 6729 "There are no other human beings than savages within 6730 hundreds of miles, Miss Porter. He must belong to the tribes 6731 which attacked us, or to some other equally savage−−he may 6732 even be a cannibal." 6733 Jane blanched. 6734 "I will not believe it," she half whispered. "It is not true. You 6735 shall see," she said, addressing Clayton, "that he will come 6736 back and that he will prove that you are wrong. You do not 6737 know him as I do. I tell you that he is a gentleman." 6738 Clayton was a generous and chivalrous man, but something in 6739 the girl's breathless defense of the forest man stirred him to 6740

6734 blanch (to) - empalidecer 6736 adress (to) – falar, dirigir a palavra

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unreasoning jealousy, so that for the instant he forgot all that 6741 they owed to this wild demi−god, and he answered her with a 6742 half sneer upon his lip. 6743 "Possibly you are right, Miss Porter," he said, "but I do not 6744 think that any of us need worry about our carrion−eating 6745 acquaintance. The chances are that he is some half−demented 6746 castaway who will forget us more quickly, but no more surely, 6747 than we shall forget him. He is only a beast of the jungle, Miss 6748 Porter." 6749 The girl did not answer, but she felt her heart shrivel within her. 6750 She knew that Clayton spoke merely what he thought, and for 6751 the first time she began to analyze the structure which 6752 supported her newfound love, and to subject its object to a 6753 critical examination. 6754 Slowly she turned and walked back to the cabin. She tried to 6755 imagine her wood−god by her side in the saloon of an ocean 6756 liner. She saw him eating with his hands, tearing his food like a 6757 beast of prey, and wiping his greasy fingers upon his thighs. 6758 She shuddered. 6759 She saw him as she introduced him to her friends−−uncouth, 6760 illiterate−−a boor; and the girl winced. 6761 She had reached her room now, and as she sat upon the edge 6762 of her bed of ferns and grasses, with one hand resting upon 6763

6743 sneer (s) – sorriso escarninho, ar de desprezo ou gozo 6745 carrion-eating (s) - comedor de carne putrefacta, comedor de carne podre ♣♣♣ carrion (s) – carne podre (coisa imunda ou nojenta) 6746 acquaintance (s) – relações, conhecido 6747 castaway (s) – náufrago 6747 surely (adv) – seguramente, verdadeiramente 6750 shrivel (to) – murchar, desanimar 6758 thigh (s) - coxa 6759 shudder (to) – estremecer, tremer 6760 uncouth (adj) – grosseiro, bárbaro, rude, tosco, bizarro, estranho, esquisito 6761 boor (s) – labrego, patego 6761 wince (to) – assustar-se, estremecer, retrair-se

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her rising and falling bosom, she felt the hard outlines of the 6764 man's locket. 6765 She drew it out, holding it in the palm of her hand for a moment 6766 with tear−blurred eyes bent upon it. Then she raised it to her 6767 lips, and crushing it there buried her face in the soft ferns, 6768 sobbing. 6769 "Beast?" she murmured. "Then God make me a beast; for, 6770 man or beast, I am yours." 6771 She did not see Clayton again that day. Esmeralda brought her 6772 supper to her, and she sent word to her father that she was 6773 suffering from the reaction following her adventure. 6774 The next morning Clayton left early with the relief expedition in 6775 search of Lieutenant D'Arnot. There were two hundred armed 6776 men this time, with ten officers and two surgeons, and 6777 provisions for a week. 6778 They carried bedding and hammocks, the latter for transporting 6779 their sick and wounded. 6780 It was a determined and angry company−−a punit ive 6781 expedition as well as one of relief. They reached the sight of 6782 the skirmish of the previous expedition shortly after noon, for 6783 they were now traveling a known trail and no time was lost in 6784 exploring. 6785

6764 outline (s) – perfil, contorno 6766 tear (adj) – de lágrimas 6768 crush (to) - apertar 6775 relief (adj) – de libertação 6779 hammock (s) – maca (cama de rede, rede de dormir) 6783 skirmish (s) – combate, pequeno combate

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From there on the elephant−track led straight to Mbonga's 6786 village. It was but two o'clock when the head of the column 6787 halted upon the edge of the clearing. 6788 Lieutenant Charpentier, who was in command, immediately 6789 sent a portion of his force through the jungle to the opposite 6790 side of the village. Another detachment was dispatched to a 6791 point before the village gate, while he remained with the 6792 balance upon the south side of the clearing. 6793 It was arranged that the party which was to take its position to 6794 the north, and which would be the last to gain its station should 6795 commence the assault, and that their opening volley should be 6796 the signal for a concerted rush from all sides in an attempt to 6797 carry the village by storm at the first charge. 6798 For half an hour the men with Lieutenant Charpentier crouched 6799 in the dense foliage of the jungle, waiting the signal. To them it 6800 seemed like hours. They could see natives in the fields, and 6801 others moving in and out of the village gate. 6802 At length the signal came−−a sharp rattle of musketry, and like 6803 one man, an answering volley tore from the jungle to the west 6804 and to the south. 6805 The natives in the field dropped their implements and broke 6806 madly for the palisade. The French bullets mowed them down, 6807 and the French sailors bounded over their prostrate bodies 6808 straight for the village gate. 6809

6803 rattle (s) – matraca, barulho, descarga 6806 implement (s) – instrumento, ferramenta, utensílio 6807 mow down (to) – ceifar, matar, dizimar em grande número, devastar 6808 bound (to) - saltar

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So sudden and unexpected the assault had been that the 6810 whites reached the gates before the frightened natives could 6811 bar them, and in another minute the village street was filled 6812 with armed men fighting hand to hand in an inextricable tangle. 6813 For a few moments the blacks held their ground within the 6814 entrance to the street, but the revolvers, rifles and cutlasses of 6815 the Frenchmen crumpled the native spearmen and struck 6816 down the black archers with their bows halfdrawn. 6817 Soon the battle turned to a wild rout, and then to a grim 6818 massacre; for the French sailors had seen bits of D'Arnot's 6819 uniform upon several of the black warriors who opposed them. 6820 They spared the children and those of the women whom they 6821 were not forced to kill in self−defense, but when at length they 6822 stopped, parting, blood covered and sweating, it was because 6823 there lived to oppose them no single warrior of all the savage 6824 village of Mbonga. 6825 Carefully they ransacked every hut and corner of the village, 6826 but no sign of D'Arnot could they find. They questioned the 6827 prisoners by signs, and finally one of the sailors who had 6828 served in the French Congo found that he could make them 6829 understand the bastard tongue that passes for language 6830 between the whites and the more degraded tribes of the coast, 6831 but even then they could learn nothing definite regarding the 6832 fate of D'Arnot. 6833

6811 white (s) – branco, brancos, homem branco 6812 bar (to) – trancar, fechar, barrar 6815 cutlass (s) – sabre, espada 6816 crumple (to) – amarrotar, enrugar, vencer 6818 rout (s) – fuga desordenada, debandada, confusão 6821 spare (to) – poupar, respeitar 6823 parting ou panting ????? 6826 ransack (to) – revistar, rebuscar, procurar minuciosamente, esquadrinhar

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Only excited gestures and expressions of fear could they 6834 obtain in response to their inquiries concerning their fellow; 6835 and at last they became convinced that these were but 6836 evidences of the guilt of these demons who had slaughtered 6837 and eaten their comrade two nights before. 6838 At length all hope left them, and they prepared to camp for the 6839 night within the village. The prisoners were herded into three 6840 huts where they were heavily guarded. Sentries were posted at 6841 the barred gates, and finally the village was wrapped in the 6842 silence of slumber, except for the wailing of the native women 6843 for their dead. 6844 The next morning they set out upon the return march. Their 6845 original intention had been to burn the village, but this idea was 6846 abandoned and the prisoners were left behind, weeping and 6847 moaning, but with roofs to cover them and a palisade for 6848 refuge from the beasts of the jungle. 6849 Slowly the expedition retraced its steps of the preceding day. 6850 Ten loaded hammocks retarded its pace. In eight of them lay 6851 the more seriously wounded, while two swung beneath the 6852 weight of the dead. 6853 Clayton and Lieutenant Charpentier brought up the rear of the 6854 column; the Englishman silent in respect for the other's grief, 6855 for D'Arnot and Charpentier had been inseparable friends 6856 since boyhood. 6857

6837 slaughter (to) – matar, chacinar, massacrar 6840 herd (to) – conduzir, levar (juntar em rebanho) 6843 slumber (s) – sono, descanso 6847 weep (to) - chorar

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Clayton could not but realize that the Frenchman felt his grief 6858 the more keenly because D'Arnot's sacrifice had been so futile, 6859 since Jane had been rescued before D'Arnot had fallen into the 6860 hands of the savages, and again because the service in which 6861 he had lost his life had been outside his duty and for strangers 6862 and aliens; but when he spoke of it to Lieutenant Charpentier, 6863 the latter shook his head. 6864 "No, Monsieur," he said, "D'Arnot would have chosen to die 6865 thus. I only grieve that I could not have died for him, or at least 6866 with him. I wish that you could have known him better, 6867 Monsieur. He was indeed an officer and a gentleman−−a title 6868 conferred on many, but deserved by so few. 6869 "He did not die futilely, for his death in the cause of a strange 6870 American girl will make us, his comrades, face our ends the 6871 more bravely, however they may come to us." 6872 Clayton did not reply, but within him rose a new respect for 6873 Frenchmen which remained undimmed ever after. 6874 It was quite late when they reached the cabin by the beach. A 6875 single shot before they emerged from the jungle had 6876 announced to those in camp as well as on the ship that the 6877 expedition had been too late−−for it had been prearranged that 6878 when they came within a mile or two of camp one shot was to 6879 be fired to denote failure, or three for success, while two would 6880

6863 alien (s) – estrangeiro, forasteiro 6872 however (adv) - (conj) – de qualquer maneira, seja como for 6874 undimmed (adj) - não obscurecido, não ofuscado, brilhante 6878 prearrange (to) – combinar previamente

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have indicated that they had found no sign of either D'Arnot or 6881 his black captors. 6882 So it was a solemn party that awaited their coming, and few 6883 words were spoken as the dead and wounded men were 6884 tenderly placed in boats and rowed silently toward the cruiser. 6885 Clayton, exhausted from his five days of laborious marching 6886 through the jungle and from the effects of his two battles with 6887 the blacks, turned toward the cabin to seek a mouthful of food 6888 and then the comparative ease of his bed of grasses after two 6889 nights in the jungle. 6890 By the cabin door stood Jane. 6891 "The poor lieutenant?" she asked. "Did you find no trace of 6892 him?" 6893 "We were too late, Miss Porter," he replied sadly. 6894 "Tell me. What had happened?" she asked. 6895 "I cannot, Miss Porter, it is too horrible." 6896 "You do not mean that they had tortured him?" she whispered. 6897 "We do not know what they did to him BEFORE they killed 6898 him," he answered, his face drawn with fatigue and the sorrow 6899 he felt for poor D'Arnot and he emphasized the word before. 6900 "BEFORE they killed him! What do you mean? They are 6901 not−−? They are not−−?" 6902

6889 ease (s) – conforto, bem-estar

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She was thinking of what Clayton had said of the forest man's 6903 probable relationship to this tribe and she could not frame the 6904 awful word. 6905 "Yes, Miss Porter, they were−−cannibals," he said, almost 6906 bitterly, for to him too had suddenly come the thought of the 6907 forest man, and the strange, unaccountable jealousy he had 6908 felt two days before swept over him once more. 6909 And then in sudden brutality that was as unlike Clayton as 6910 courteous consideration is unlike an ape, he blurted out: 6911 "When your forest god left you he was doubtless hurrying to 6912 the feast." 6913 He was sorry ere the words were spoken though he did not 6914 know how cruelly they had cut the girl. His regret was for his 6915 baseless disloyalty to one who had saved the lives of every 6916 member of his party, and offered harm to none. 6917 The girl's head went high. 6918 "There could be but one suitable reply to your assertion, Mr. 6919 Clayton," she said icily, "and I regret that I am not a man, that I 6920 might make it." She turned quickly and entered the cabin. 6921 Clayton was an Englishman, so the girl had passed quite out of 6922 sight before he deduced what reply a man would have made. 6923 "Upon my word," he said ruefully, "she called me a liar. And I 6924 fancy I jolly well deserved it," he added thoughtfully. "Clayton, 6925 my boy, I know you are tired out and unstrung, but that's no 6926

6904 frame (to) – formar (construir, fabricar) 6907 bitterly (adv) – amargamente 6910 unlike (adj) – contrário à índole de 6911 courteous (adj) – cortês, delicado 6911 blurt out (to) – dizer bruscamente 6915 regret (s) – tristeza, mágoa 6916 baseless (adj) – infundado, sem fundamento 6919 suitable (adj) – adequado, apropriado, conveniente 6919 assertion (s) – afirmação, asserção 6920 regret (to) – lamentar, lastimar, deplorar 6921 might make it – neste caso refere-se a que se fosse homem lhe daria a resposta conveniente 6922 pass out (to) - desaparecer 6924 ruefully (adv) – pesarosamente, lamentosamente 6924 liar (s) – mentiroso, intrujão 6926 unstrung (adj) – enervado, sem domínio dos nervos

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reason why you should make an ass of yourself. You'd better 6927 go to bed." 6928 But before he did so he called gently to Jane upon the 6929 opposite side of the sailcloth partition, for he wished to 6930 apologize, but he might as well have addressed the Sphinx. 6931 Then he wrote upon a piece of paper and shoved it beneath 6932 the partition. 6933 Jane saw the little note and ignored it, for she was very angry 6934 and hurt and mortified, but−−she was a woman, and so 6935 eventually she picked it up and read it. 6936 MY DEAR MISS PORTER: 6937 I had no reason to insinuate what I did. My only excuse is that 6938 my nerves must be unstrung−−which is no excuse at all. 6939 Please try and think that I did not say it. I am very sorry. I 6940 would not have hurt YOU, above all others in the world. Say 6941 that you forgive me. WM. CECIL CLAYTON. 6942 "He did think it or he never would have said it," reasoned the 6943 girl, "but it cannot be true−−oh, I know it is not true!" 6944 One sentence in the letter frightened her: "I would not have 6945 hurt YOU above all others in the world." 6946 A week ago that sentence would have filled her with delight, 6947 now it depressed her. 6948 She wished she had never met Clayton. She was sorry that 6949 she had ever seen the forest god. No, she was glad. 6950

6931 sphinx (s) – esfinge, estátua 6950 ever (adv) – alguma vez, já

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And there was that other note she had found in the grass 6951 before the cabin the day after her return from the jungle, the 6952 love note signed by Tarzan of the Apes. 6953 Who could be this new suitor? If he were another of the wild 6954 denizens of this terrible forest what might he not do to claim 6955 her? 6956 "Esmeralda! Wake up," she cried. 6957 "You make me so irritable, sleeping there peacefully when you 6958 know perfectly well that the world is filled with sorrow." 6959 "Gaberelle!" screamed Esmeralda, sitting up. "What is it now? 6960 A hipponocerous? Where is he, Miss Jane?" 6961 "Nonsense, Esmeralda, there is nothing. Go back to sleep. 6962 You are bad enough asleep, but you are infinitely worse 6963 awake." 6964 "Yes honey, but what's the matter with you, precious? You acts 6965 sort of disgranulated this evening." 6966 "Oh, Esmeralda, I'm just plain ugly to−night," said the girl. 6967 "Don't pay any attention to me−−that's a dear." 6968 "Yes, honey; now you go right to sleep. Your nerves are all on 6969 edge. What with all these ripotamuses and man eating 6970 geniuses that Mister Philander been telling about−−Lord, it ain't 6971 no wonder we all get nervous prosecution." 6972 Jane crossed the little room, laughing, and kissing the faithful 6973 woman, bid Esmeralda good night. 6974

6954 suitor (s) – pretendente a casamento 6955 claim (to) – exigir, reclamar 6961 hipponocerous – eata palavra não existe 6965 precious (s) - amor, tesouro, querido, precioso 6966 disgranulated – a palavra não existe 6967 ugly (adj) - mal-humorado, briguento, repontão 6968 dear (s) – importante ???? 6970 ripotamuses – a palavra não existe 6971 genius (s) – demónio, génio, espírito bom ou mau 6972 prosecution (s) - acusação 6973 faithful (adj) – fiel, leal 6974 bid (to) – desejar, dar (ordenar, mandar)

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Chapter 23. Brother Men. 6975 When D'Arnot regained consciousness, he found himself lying 6976 upon a bed of soft ferns and grasses beneath a little "A" 6977 shaped shelter of boughs. 6978 At his feet an opening looked out upon a green sward, and at a 6979 little distance beyond was the dense wall of jungle and forest. 6980 He was very lame and sore and weak, and as full 6981 consciousness returned he felt the sharp torture of many cruel 6982 wounds and the dull aching of every bone and muscle in his 6983 body as a result of the hideous beating he had received. 6984 Even the turning of his head caused him such excruciating 6985 agony that he lay still with closed eyes for a long time. 6986 He tried to piece out the details of his adventure prior to the 6987 time he lost consciousness to see if they would explain his 6988 present whereabouts−−he wondered if he were among friends 6989 or foes. 6990 At length he recollected the whole hideous scene at the stake, 6991 and finally recalled the strange white figure in whose arms he 6992 had sunk into oblivion. 6993 D'Arnot wondered what fate lay in store for him now. He could 6994 neither see nor hear any signs of life about him. 6995 The incessant hum of the jungle−−the rustling of millions of 6996 leaves−−the buzz of insects−−the voices of the birds and 6997 monkeys seemed blended into a strangely soothing purr, as 6998

6979 sward (s) - relvado 6981 lame (adj) – aleijado (coxo) 6981 sore (adj) – dorido, doloroso 6983 dull (adj) – triste (lento, estúpido, parado, bronco, pesado, carregado) 6983 aching (s) – dor 6984 hideous (adj) – horrível, terrível, medonho 6987 prior (adj) – anterior, antecedente, precedente 6990 foe (s) – adversário, inimigo 6991 at lenght – finalmente 6993 oblivion (s) - esquecimento 6994 fate (s) – destino, fado 6998 blend (to) – misturar, combinar-se, confundir-se 6998 soothing (s) – tranquilizador, relaxante, calmante 6998 purr (s) – ou ruído produzido por um motor ou o ruído dos gatos a ronronar

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though he lay apart, far from the myriad life whose sounds 6999 came to him only as a blurred echo. 7000 At length he fell into a quiet slumber, nor did he awake again 7001 until afternoon. 7002 Once more he experienced the strange sense of utter 7003 bewilderment that had marked his earlier awakening, but soon 7004 he recalled the recent past, and looking through the opening at 7005 his feet he saw the figure of a man squatting on his haunches. 7006 The broad, muscular back was turned toward him, but, tanned 7007 though it was, D'Arnot saw that it was the back of a white man, 7008 and he thanked God. 7009 The Frenchman called faintly. The man turned, and rising, 7010 came toward the shelter. His face was very handsome−−the 7011 handsomest, thought D'Arnot, that he had ever seen. 7012 Stooping, he crawled into the shelter beside the wounded 7013 officer, and placed a cool hand upon his forehead. 7014 D'Arnot spoke to him in French, but the man only shook his 7015 head−−sadly, it seemed to the Frenchman. 7016 Then D'Arnot tried English, but still the man shook his head. 7017 Italian, Spanish and German brought similar discouragement. 7018 D'Arnot knew a few words of Norwegian, Russian, Greek, and 7019 also had a smattering of the language of one of the West 7020 Coast negro tribes−−the man denied them all. 7021

7001 slumber (s) – sono, descanso 7003 utter (adj) – completo, total 7004 bewilderment (s) – desnorteamento, desorientação 7006 haunch (s) – anca, quadril 7013 crawl (to) - rastejar 7020 smattering (s) – leves noções, conhecimento superficial 7021 deny (to) – recusar, rejeitar

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After examining D'Arnot's wounds the man left the shelter and 7022 disappeared. In half an hour he was back with fruit and a 7023 hollow gourd−like vegetable filled with water. 7024 D'Arnot drank and ate a little. He was surprised that he had no 7025 fever. Again he tried to converse with his strange nurse, but 7026 the attempt was useless. 7027 Suddenly the man hastened from the shelter only to return a 7028 few minutes later with several pieces of bark and−−wonder of 7029 wonders−−a lead pencil. 7030 Squatting beside D'Arnot he wrote for a minute on the smooth 7031 inner surface of the bark; then he handed it to the Frenchman. 7032 D'Arnot was astonished to see, in plain print−like characters, a 7033 message in English: 7034 I am Tarzan of the Apes. Who are you? Can you read this 7035 language? 7036 D'Arnot seized the pencil−−then he stopped. This strange man 7037 wrote English−−evidently he was an Englishman. 7038 "Yes," said D'Arnot, "I read English. I speak it also. Now we 7039 may talk. First let me thank you for all that you have done for 7040 me." 7041 The man only shook his head and pointed to the pencil and the 7042 bark. 7043 "MON DIEU!" cried D'Arnot. "If you are English why is it then 7044 that you cannot speak English?" 7045

7024 gourd (adj) – como abóbora ou cabaça 7030 lead pencil (s) – lápis 7032 bark (s) – casca de árvore

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And then in a flash it came to him−−t he man was a mute, 7046 possibly a deaf mute. 7047 So D'Arnot wrote a message on the bark, in English. 7048 I am Paul d'Arnot, Lieutenant in the navy of France. I thank you 7049 for what you have done for me. You have saved my life, and all 7050 that I have is yours. May I ask how it is that one who writes 7051 English does not speak it? 7052 Tarzan's reply filled D'Arnot with still greater wonder: 7053 I speak only the language of my tribe−−the great apes who 7054 were Kerchak's; and a little of the languages of Tantor, the 7055 elephant, and Numa, the lion, and of the other folks of the 7056 jungle I understand. With a human being I have never spoken, 7057 except once with Jane Porter, by signs. This is the first time I 7058 have spoken with another of my kind through written words. 7059 D'Arnot was mystified. It seemed incredible that there lived 7060 upon earth a full−grown man who had never spoken with a 7061 fellow man, and still more preposterous that such a one could 7062 read and write. 7063 He looked again at Tarzan's message−−"except once, with 7064 Jane Porter." That was the American girl who had been carried 7065 into the jungle by a gorilla. 7066 A sudden light commenced to dawn on D'Arnot−−this then was 7067 the "gorilla." He seized the pencil and wrote: 7068 Where is Jane Porter? 7069

7046 mute (adj) – mudo 7060 mistify (to) – confundir, baralhar, complicar 7062 preposterous (adj) – absurdo, ilógico, irracional, disparatado, ridículo

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And Tarzan replied, below: 7070 Back with her people in the cabin of Tarzan of the Apes. 7071 She is not dead then? Where was she? What happened to 7072 her? 7073 She is not dead. She was taken by Terkoz to be his wife; but 7074 Tarzan of the Apes took her away from Terkoz and killed him 7075 before he could harm her. 7076 None in all the jungle may face Tarzan of the Apes in battle, 7077 and live. I am Tarzan of the Apes—mighty fighter. 7078 D'Arnot wrote: 7079 I am glad she is safe. It pains me to write, I will rest a while. 7080 And then Tarzan: 7081 Yes, rest. When you are well I shall take you back to your 7082 people. 7083 For many days D'Arnot lay upon his bed of soft ferns. The 7084 second day a fever had come and D'Arnot thought that it 7085 meant infection and he knew that he would die. 7086 An idea came to him. He wondered why he had not thought of 7087 it before. 7088 He called Tarzan and indicated by signs that he would write, 7089 and when Tarzan had fetched the bark and pencil, D'Arnot 7090 wrote: 7091 Can you go to my people and lead them here? I will write a 7092 message that you may take to them, and they will follow you. 7093

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Tarzan shook his head and taking the bark, wrote: 7094 I had thought of that−−the first day; but I dared not. The great 7095 apes come often to this spot, and if they found you here, 7096 wounded and alone, they would kill you. 7097 D'Arnot turned on his side and closed his eyes. He did not wish 7098 to die; but he felt that he was going, for the fever was mounting 7099 higher and higher. That night he lost consciousness. 7100 For three days he was in delirium, and Tarzan sat beside him 7101 and bathed his head and hands and washed his wounds. 7102 On the fourth day the fever broke as suddenly as it had come, 7103 but it left D'Arnot a shadow of his former self, and very weak. 7104 Tarzan had to lift him that he might drink from the gourd. 7105 The fever had not been the result of infection, as D'Arnot had 7106 thought, but one of those that commonly attack whites in the 7107 jungles of Africa, and either kill or leave them as suddenly as 7108 D'Arnot's had left him. 7109 Two days later, D'Arnot was tottering about the amphitheater, 7110 Tarzan's strong arm about him to keep him from falling. 7111 They sat beneath the shade of a great tree, and Tarzan found 7112 some smooth bark that they might converse. 7113 D'Arnot wrote the first message: 7114 What can I do to repay you for all that you have done for me? 7115 And Tarzan, in reply: 7116 Teach me to speak the language of men. 7117

7102 bathe (to) – limpar, desinfectar

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And so D'Arnot commenced at once, pointing out familiar 7118 objects and repeating their names in French, for he 7119 thought that it would be easier to teach this man his own 7120 language, since he understood it himself best of all. 7121 It meant nothing to Tarzan, of course, for he could not tell one 7122 language from another, so when he pointed to the word man 7123 which he had printed upon a piece of bark he learned from 7124 D'Arnot that it was pronounced HOMME, and in the same way 7125 he was taught to pronounce ape, SINGE and tree, ARBRE. 7126 He was a most eager student, and in two more days had 7127 mastered so much French that he could speak little sentences 7128 such as: "That is a tree," "this is grass," "I am hungry," and the 7129 like, but D'Arnot found that it was difficult to teach him the 7130 French construction upon a foundation of English. 7131 The Frenchman wrote little lessons for him in English and had 7132 Tarzan repeat them in French, but as a literal translation was 7133 usually very poor French Tarzan was often confused. 7134 D'Arnot realized now that he had made a mistake, but it 7135 seemed too late to go back and do it all over again and force 7136 Tarzan to unlearn all that he had learned, especially as they 7137 were rapidly approaching a point where they would be able to 7138 converse. 7139 On the third day after the fever broke Tarzan wrote a message 7140 asking D'Arnot if he felt strong enough to be carried back to the 7141

7128 master (to) - dominar

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cabin. Tarzan was as anxious to go as D'Arnot, for he longed 7142 to see Jane again. 7143 It had been hard for him to remain with the Frenchman all 7144 these days for that very reason, and that he had unselfishly 7145 done so spoke more glowingly of his nobility of character than 7146 even did his rescuing the French officer from Mbonga's 7147 clutches. 7148 D'Arnot, only too willing to attempt the journey, wrote: 7149 But you cannot carry me all the distance through this tangled 7150 forest. 7151 Tarzan laughed. 7152 "MAIS OUI," he said, and D'Arnot laughed aloud to hear the 7153 phrase that he used so often glide from Tarzan's tongue. 7154 So they set out, D'Arnot marveling as had Clayton and Jane at 7155 the wondrous strength and agility of the apeman. 7156 Mid−afternoon brought them to the clearing, and as Tarzan 7157 dropped to earth from the branches of the last tree his heart 7158 leaped and bounded against his ribs in anticipation of seeing 7159 Jane so soon again. 7160 No one was in sight outside the cabin, and D'Arnot was 7161 perplexed to note that neither the cruiser nor the Arrow was at 7162 anchor in the bay. 7163 An atmosphere of loneliness pervaded the spot, which caught 7164 suddenly at both men as they strode toward the cabin. 7165

7146 glowingly (adv) – calorosamente, entusiasticamente 7154 glide (to) – deslizar (passar sem se notar) 7159 rib (s) - costela 7164 pervade (to) – atravessar, penetrar em, impregnar, infiltrar-se em

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Neither spoke, yet both knew before they opened the closed 7166 door what they would find beyond. 7167 Tarzan lifted the latch and pushed the great door in upon its 7168 wooden hinges. It was as they had feared. The cabin was 7169 deserted. 7170 The men turned and looked at one another. D'Arnot knew that 7171 his people thought him dead; but Tarzan thought only of the 7172 woman who had kissed him in love and now had fled from him 7173 while he was serving one of her people. 7174 A great bitterness rose in his heart. He would go away, far into 7175 the jungle and join his tribe. Never would he see one of his 7176 own kind again, nor could he bear the thought of returning to 7177 the cabin. He would leave that forever behind him with the 7178 great hopes he had nursed there of finding his own race and 7179 becoming a man among men. 7180 And the Frenchman? D'Arnot? What of him? He could get 7181 along as Tarzan had. Tarzan did not want to see him more. He 7182 wanted to get away from everything that might remind him of 7183 Jane. 7184 As Tarzan stood upon the threshold brooding, D'Arnot had 7185 entered the cabin. Many comforts he saw that had been left 7186 behind. He recognized numerous articles from the cruiser −−a 7187 camp oven, some kitchen utensils, a rifle and many rounds of 7188

7175 bitterness (s) – rancor, ressentimento 7181 get along (to) – sair, ir embora 7185 threshold (s) – soleira, entrada 7188 oven (s) – forno

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ammunition, canned foods, blankets, two chairs and a 7189 cot−−and several books and periodicals, mostly American. 7190 "They must intend returning," thought D'Arnot. 7191 He walked over to the table that John Clayton had built so 7192 many years before to serve as a desk, and on it he saw two 7193 notes addressed to Tarzan of the Apes. 7194 One was in a strong masculine hand and was unsealed. The 7195 other, in a woman's hand, was sealed. 7196 "Here are two messages for you, Tarzan of the Apes," cried 7197 D'Arnot, turning toward the door; but his companion was not 7198 there. 7199 D'Arnot walked to the door and looked out. Tarzan was 7200 nowhere in sight. He called aloud but there was no response. 7201 "MON DIEU!" exclaimed D'Arnot, "he has left me. I feel it. He 7202 has gone back into his jungle and left me here alone." 7203 And then he remembered the look on Tarzan's face when they 7204 had discovered that the cabin was empty−−such a look as the 7205 hunter sees in the eyes of the wounded deer he has wantonly 7206 brought down. 7207 The man had been hard hit−−D'Arnot realized it now−− but 7208 why? He could not understand. 7209 The Frenchman looked about him. The loneliness and the 7210 horror of the place commenced to get on his nerves−−already 7211

7190 cot (s) – cama pequena 7206 wantonly (adv) – injustificadamente, sem razão ou motivo 7211 get on one's nerves (to) - irritar; enervar

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weakened by the ordeal of suffering and sickness he had 7212 passed through. 7213 To be left here alone beside this awful jungle−−never to hear a 7214 human voice or see a human face—in constant dread of 7215 savage beasts and more terribly savage men−−a prey to 7216 solitude and hopelessness. It was awful. 7217 And far to the east Tarzan of the Apes was speeding through 7218 the middle terrace back to his tribe. Never had he traveled with 7219 such reckless speed. He felt that he was running away from 7220 himself−−that by hurtling through the forest like a frightened 7221 squirrel he was escaping from his own thoughts. But no matter 7222 how fast he went he found them always with him. 7223 He passed above the sinuous body of Sabor, the lioness, 7224 going in the opposite direction−−toward the cabin, thought 7225 Tarzan. 7226 What could D'Arnot do against Sabor−−or if Bolgani, the 7227 gorilla, should come upon him−−or Numa, the lion, or cruel 7228 Sheeta? 7229 Tarzan paused in his flight. 7230 "What are you, Tarzan?" he asked aloud. "An ape or a man?" 7231 "If you are an ape you will do as the apes would do−− leave 7232 one of your kind to die in the jungle if it suited your whim to go 7233 elsewhere. 7234

7212 ordeal (s) – má experiência, tortura, suplício, provação 7220 reckless (adj) – imprudente, temerário, ousado 7221 hurtle (to) – passar ou ir a grande velocidade, precipitar-se, deslocar-se com ruído 7233 suit (to) – satisfazer, contentar, convir, servir 7233 whim (s) – capricho, extravagância 7233 go (to) – estar (ir, andar) 7234 elsewhere (adv) – em qualquer outra parte

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"If you are a man, you will return to protect your kind. You will 7235 not run away from one of your own people, because one of 7236 them has run away from you." 7237 D'Arnot closed the cabin door. He was very nervous. Even 7238 brave men, and D'Arnot was a brave man, are sometimes 7239 frightened by solitude. 7240 He loaded one of the rifles and placed it within easy reach. 7241 Then he went to the desk and took up the unsealed letter 7242 addressed to Tarzan. 7243 Possibly it contained word that his people had but left the 7244 beach temporarily. He felt that it would be no breach of ethics 7245 to read this letter, so he took the enclosure from the envelope 7246 and read: 7247 TO TARZAN OF THE APES: 7248 We thank you for the use of your cabin, and are sorry that you 7249 did not permit us the pleasure of seeing and thanking you in 7250 person. 7251 We have harmed nothing, but have left many things for you 7252 which may add to your comfort and safety here in your lonely 7253 home. 7254 If you know the strange white man who saved our lives so 7255 many times, and brought us food, and if you can converse with 7256 him, thank him, also, for his kindness. 7257

7256 converse (to) - conversar

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We sail within the hour, never to return; but we wish you and 7258 that other jungle friend to know that we shall always thank you 7259 for what you did for strangers on your shore, and that we 7260 should have done infinitely more to reward you both had you 7261 given us the opportunity. Very respectfully, WM. CECIL 7262 CLAYTON. 7263 "`Never to return,'" muttered D'Arnot, and threw himself face 7264 downward upon the cot. 7265 An hour later he started up listening. Something was at the 7266 door trying to enter. 7267 D'Arnot reached for the loaded rifle and placed it to his 7268 shoulder. 7269 Dusk was falling, and the interior of the cabin was very dark; 7270 but the man could see the latch moving from its place. 7271 He felt his hair rising upon his scalp. 7272 Gently the door opened until a thin crack showed something 7273 standing just beyond. 7274 D'Arnot sighted along the blue barrel at the crack of the 7275 door−−and then he pulled the trigger. 7276 Chapter 24. Lost Treasure 7277 When the expedition returned, following their fruitless 7278 endeavor to succor D'Arnot, Captain Dufranne was anxious to 7279 steam away as quickly as possible, and all save Jane had 7280 acquiesced. 7281

7271 latch (s) - trinco 7275 barrel (s) – cano da espingarda 7279 endeavour (s) – tentativa, empreendimento

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"No," she said, determinedly, "I shall not go, nor should you, 7282 for there are two friends in that jungle who will come out of it 7283 some day expecting to find us awaiting them. 7284 "Your officer, Captain Dufranne, is one of them, and the forest 7285 man who has saved the lives of every member of my father's 7286 party is the other. 7287 "He left me at the edge of the jungle two days ago to hasten to 7288 the aid of my father and Mr. Clayton, as he thought, and he 7289 has stayed to rescue Lieutenant D'Arnot; of that you may be 7290 sure. 7291 "Had he been too late to be of service to the lieutenant he 7292 would have been back before now−−the fact that he is not 7293 back is sufficient proof to me that he is delayed because 7294 Lieutenant D'Arnot is wounded, or he has had to follow his 7295 captors further than the village which your sailors attacked." 7296 "But poor D'Arnot's uniform and all his belongings were found 7297 in that village, Miss Porter," argued the captain, "and the 7298 natives showed great excitement when questioned as to the 7299 white man's fate." 7300 "Yes, Captain, but they did not admit that he was dead and as 7301 for his clothes and accouterments being in their 7302 possession−−why more civilized peoples than these poor 7303 savage negroes strip their prisoners of every article of value 7304 whether they intend killing them or not. 7305

7302 accoutrement (s) – equipamento, trajes, aprestos

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"Even the soldiers of my own dear South looted not only the 7306 living but the dead. It is strong circumstantial evidence, I will 7307 admit, but it is not positive proof." 7308 "Possibly your forest man, himself was captured or killed by 7309 the savages," suggested Captain Dufranne. 7310 The girl laughed. 7311 "You do not know him," she replied, a little thrill of pride setting 7312 her nerves a−tingle at the thought that she spoke of her own. 7313 "I admit that he would be worth waiting for, this superman of 7314 yours," laughed the captain. "I most certainly should like to see 7315 him." 7316 "Then wait for him, my dear captain," urged the girl, "for I 7317 intend doing so." 7318 The Frenchman would have been a very much surprised man 7319 could he have interpreted the true meaning of the girl's words. 7320 They had been walking from the beach toward the cabin as 7321 they talked, and now they joined a little group sitting on camp 7322 stools in the shade of a great tree beside the cabin. 7323 Professor Porter was there, and Mr. Philander and Clayton, 7324 with Lieutenant Charpentier and two of his brother officers, 7325 while Esmeralda hovered in the background, ever and anon 7326 venturing opinions and comments with the freedom of an old 7327 and much−indulged family servant. 7328

7306 loot (to) – pilhar, saquear 7312 thrill (s) – tremor, estremecimento 7313 tingle (s) – vibração de excitação e expectativa 7314 worth (adj) – merecedor, digno 7317 urge (to) – insistir com, pedir insistentemente, recomendar, aconselhar 7323 stool (s) – banco, banquinho, tamborete 7325 brother (s) – colega, amigo (irmão) 7326 hover (to) – girar, rondar 7326 anon (adv) – sem demora, imediatamente

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The officers arose and saluted as their superior approached, 7329 and Clayton surrendered his camp stool to Jane. 7330 "We were just discussing poor Paul's fate," said Captain 7331 Dufranne. "Miss Porter insists that we have no absolute proof 7332 of his death−−nor have we. And on the other hand she 7333 maintains that the continued absence of your omnipotent 7334 jungle friend indicates that D'Arnot is still in need of his 7335 services, either because he is wounded, or still is a prisoner in 7336 a more distant native village." 7337 "It has been suggested," ventured Lieutenant Charpentier, 7338 "that the wild man may have been a member of the tribe of 7339 blacks who attacked our party−−that he was hastening to aid 7340 THEM−−his own people." 7341 Jane shot a quick glance at Clayton. 7342 "It seems vastly more reasonable," said Professor Porter. 7343 "I do not agree with you," objected Mr. Philander. "He had 7344 ample opportunity to harm us himself, or to lead his people 7345 against us. Instead, during our long residence here, he has 7346 been uniformly consistent in his role of protector and provider." 7347 "That is true," interjected Clayton, "yet we must not overlook 7348 the fact that except for himself the only human beings within 7349 hundreds of miles are savage cannibals. He was armed 7350 precisely as are they, which indicates that he has maintained 7351 relations of some nature with them, and the fact that he is but 7352

7330 surrender (to) - entregar 7334 absence (s) – ausência, falta 7347 role (s) – papel, cargo 7347 provider (s) – fornecedor, abastecedor 7348 interject (to) - observar, interpor abruptamente 7348 overlook (to) – não notar, não ver, não dar por

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one against possibly thousands suggests that these relations 7353 could scarcely have been other than friendly." 7354 "It seems improbable then that he is not connected with them," 7355 remarked the captain; "possibly a member of this tribe." 7356 "Otherwise," added another of the officers, "how could he have 7357 lived a sufficient length of time among the savage denizens of 7358 the jungle, brute and human, to have become proficient in 7359 woodcraft, or in the use of African weapons." 7360 "You are judging him according to your own standards, 7361 gentlemen," said Jane. "An ordinary white man such as any of 7362 you−−pardon me, I did not mean just that−−rather, a white 7363 man above the ordinary in physique and intelligence could 7364 never, I grant you, have lived a year alone and naked in this 7365 tropical jungle; but this man not only surpasses the average 7366 white man in strength and agility, but as far transcends our 7367 trained athletes and `strong men' as they surpass a day−old 7368 babe; and his courage and ferocity in battle are those of the 7369 wild beast." 7370 "He has certainly won a loyal champion, Miss Porter," said 7371 Captain Dufranne, laughing. "I am sure that there be none of 7372 us here but would willingly face death a hundred times in its 7373 most terrifying forms to deserve the tributes of one even half so 7374 loyal−−or so beautiful." 7375

7366 surpass (to) – ultrapassar, superar, exceder 7371 win (to) – ganhar (vencer, triunfar) 7371 champion (s) – defensor (campeão, herói) 7373 willingly (adv) – de bom grado, de boa vontade

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"You would not wonder that I defend him," said the girl, "could 7376 you have seen him as I saw him, battling in my behalf with that 7377 huge hairy brute. 7378 "Could you have seen him charge the monster as a bull might 7379 charge a grizzly−−absolutely without sign of fear or hesitation− 7380 −you would have believed him more than human. 7381 "Could you have seen those mighty muscles knotting under the 7382 brown skin−−could you have seen them force back those awful 7383 fangs−−you too would have thought him invincible. 7384 "And could you have seen the chivalrous treatment which he 7385 accorded a strange girl of a strange race, you would feel the 7386 same absolute confidence in him that I feel." 7387 "You have won your suit, my fair pleader," cried the captain. 7388 "This court finds the defendant not guilty, and the cruiser shall 7389 wait a few days longer that he may have an opportunity to 7390 come and thank the divine Portia." 7391 "For the Lord's sake honey," cried Esmeralda. "You all don't 7392 mean to tell ME that you're going to stay right here in this here 7393 land of carnivable animals when you all got the opportunity to 7394 escapade on that boat? Don't you tell me THAT, honey." 7395 "Why, Esmeralda! You should be ashamed of yourself," cried 7396 Jane. "Is this any way to show your gratitude to the man who 7397 saved your life twice?" 7398

7377 in/on my behalf – por minha causa, a meu favor, no meu interesse 7380 grizzly (s) – urso-pardo da América 7386 accord (to) – dar, atribuir, conceder 7388 suit (s) – pedido, rogo, petição 7391 Portia – suponho que se refere a uma Deusa Grega

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"Well, Miss Jane, that's all jest as you say; but that there forest 7399 man never did save us to stay here. He done save us so we all 7400 could get AWAY from here. I expect he be mighty peevish 7401 when he find we ain't got no more sense than to stay right here 7402 after he done give us the chance to get away. 7403 "I hoped I'd never have to sleep in this here geological garden 7404 another night and listen to all them lonesome noises that come 7405 out of that jumble after dark." 7406 "I don't blame you a bit, Esmeralda," said Clayton, "and you 7407 certainly did hit it off right when you called them `lonesome' 7408 noises. I never have been able to find the right word for them 7409 but that's it, don't you know, lonesome noises." 7410 "You and Esmeralda had better go and live on the cruiser," 7411 said Jane, in fine scorn. "What would you think if you HAD to 7412 live all of your life in that jungle as our forest man has done?" 7413 "I'm afraid I'd be a blooming bounder as a wild man," laughed 7414 Clayton, ruefully. "Those noises at night make the hair on my 7415 head bristle. I suppose that I should be ashamed to admit it, 7416 but it's the truth." 7417 "I don't know about that," said Lieutenant Charpentier. "I never 7418 thought much about fear and that sort of thing−−never tried to 7419 determine whether I was a coward or brave man; but the other 7420 night as we lay in the jungle there after poor D'Arnot was 7421 taken, and those jungle noises rose and fell around us I began 7422

7399 jest (s) – brincadeira, piada, graça 7401 peevish (s) – rabugento, impertinente (teimoso) 7405 lonesome (adj) – isolado, triste 7408 hit off (to) – imitar, ridicularizar 7412 scorn (s) – desdém, escárnio 7414 blooming (adj) – maldito, estuporado 7414 bounder (s) – canalha, pretensioso, aldrabão 7415 ruefully (adv) – pesarosamente, lamentosamente, lugubremente 7416 bristle (to) – eriçar-se

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to think that I was a coward indeed. It was not the roaring and 7423 growling of the big beasts that affected me so much as it was 7424 the stealthy noises−−the ones that you heard suddenly close 7425 by and then listened vainly for a repetition of−−the 7426 unaccountable sounds as of a great body moving almost 7427 noiselessly, and the knowledge that you didn't KNOW how 7428 close it was, or whether it were creeping closer after you 7429 ceased to hear it? It was those noises−−and the eyes. 7430 "MON DIEU! I shall see them in the dark forever−−the eyes 7431 that you see, and those that you don't see, but feel−−ah, they 7432 are the worst." 7433 All were silent for a moment, and then Jane spoke. 7434 "And he is out there," she said, in an awe−hushed whisper. 7435 "Those eyes will be glaring at him to−night, and at your 7436 comrade Lieutenant D'Arnot. Can you leave them, gentlemen, 7437 without at least rendering them the passive succor which 7438 remaining here a few days longer might insure them?" 7439 "Tut, tut, child," said Professor Porter. "Captain Dufranne is 7440 willing to remain, and for my part I am perfectly willing, 7441 perfectly willing−−as I always have been to humor your childish 7442 whims." 7443 "We can utilize the morrow in recovering the chest, Professor," 7444 suggested Mr. Philander. 7445

7435 hushed (adj) - silencioso 7438 render (to) – dar em troca 7438 passive (adj) – calmo, passivo 7438 succour (s) – ajuda, socorro, auxílio 7439 insure (to) - garantir 7441 will (to) – desejar, querer 7442 humour (to) – fazer a vontade a, submeter-se aos caprichos de, ceder a 7443 whim (s) – capricho, extravagância 7444 morrow (s) – dia seguinte (manhã)

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"Quite so, quite so, Mr. Philander, I had almost forgotten the 7446 treasure," exclaimed Professor Porter. "Possibly we can 7447 borrow some men from Captain Dufranne to assist us, and one 7448 of the prisoners to point out the location of the chest." 7449 "Most assuredly, my dear Professor, we are all yours to 7450 command," said the captain. 7451 And so it was arranged that on the next day Lieutenant 7452 Charpentier was to take a detail of ten men, and one of the 7453 mutineers of the Arrow as a guide, and unearth the treasure; 7454 and that the cruiser would remain for a full week in the little 7455 harbor. At the end of that time it was to be assumed that 7456 D'Arnot was truly dead, and that the forest man would not 7457 return while they remained. Then the two vessels were to leave 7458 with all the party. 7459 Professor Porter did not accompany the treasure−seekers on 7460 the following day, but when he saw them returning empty− 7461 handed toward noon, he hastened forward to meet them −−his 7462 usual preoccupied indifference entirely vanished, and in its 7463 place a nervous and excited manner. 7464 "Where is the treasure?" he cried to Clayton, while yet a 7465 hundred feet separated them. 7466 Clayton shook his head. 7467 "Gone," he said, as he neared the professor. 7468

7450 assuredly (adv) – indubitavelmente, sem dúvida, com certeza 7453 detail (s) – destacamento militar (pormenor) 7460 seeker (s) – pessoa que procura, pesquisador 7463 preoccupied (adj) – pensativo, absorto, ensimesmado, cismático (preocupado)

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"Gone! It cannot be. Who could have taken it?" cried Professor 7469 Porter. 7470 "God only knows, Professor," replied Clayton. "We might have 7471 thought the fellow who guided us was lying about the location, 7472 but his surprise and consternation on finding no chest beneath 7473 the body of the murdered Snipes were too real to be feigned. 7474 And then our spades showed us that SOMETHING had been 7475 buried beneath the corpse, for a hole had been there and it 7476 had been filled with loose earth." 7477 "But who could have taken it?" repeated Professor Porter. 7478 "Suspicion might naturally fall on the men of the cruiser," said 7479 Lieutenant Charpentier, "but for the fact that sub−lieutenant 7480 Janviers here assures me that no men have had shore 7481 leave−−that none has been on shore since we anchored here 7482 except under command of an officer. I do not know that you 7483 would suspect our men, but I am glad that there is now no 7484 chance for suspicion to fall on them," he concluded. 7485 "It would never have occurred to me to suspect the men to 7486 whom we owe so much," replied Professor Porter, graciously. 7487 "I would as soon suspect my dear Clayton here, or Mr. 7488 Philander." 7489 The Frenchmen smiled, both officers and sailors. It was plain 7490 to see that a burden had been lifted from their minds. 7491

7474 feign (to) – fingir, simular

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"The treasure has been gone for some time," continued 7492 Clayton. "In fact the body fell apart as we lifted it, which 7493 indicates that whoever removed the treasure did so while the 7494 corpse was still fresh, for it was intact when we first uncovered 7495 it." 7496 "There must have been several in the party," said Jane, who 7497 had joined them. "You remember that it took four men to carry 7498 it." 7499 "By jove!" cried Clayton. "That's right. It must have been done 7500 by a party of blacks. Probably one of them saw the men bury 7501 the chest and then returned immediately after with a party of 7502 his friends, and carried it off." 7503 "Speculation is futile," said Professor Porter sadly. "The chest 7504 is gone. We shall never see it again, nor the treasure that was 7505 in it." 7506 Only Jane knew what the loss meant to her father, and none 7507 there knew what it meant to her. 7508 Six days later Captain Dufranne announced that they would 7509 sail early on the morrow. 7510 Jane would have begged for a further reprieve, had it not been 7511 that she too had begun to believe that her forest lover would 7512 return no more. 7513

7511 reprieve (s) – adiamento, prorrogação (suspensão temporária de pena, comutação de pena)

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In spite of herself she began to entertain doubts and fears. The 7514 reasonableness of the arguments of these disinterested 7515 French officers commenced to convince her against her will. 7516 That he was a cannibal she would not believe, but that he was 7517 an adopted member of some savage tribe at length seemed 7518 possible to her. 7519 She would not admit that he could be dead. It was impossible 7520 to believe that that perfect body, so filled with triumphant life, 7521 could ever cease to harbor the vital spark−−as soon believe 7522 that immortality were dust. 7523 As Jane permitted herself to harbor these thoughts, others 7524 equally unwelcome forced themselves upon her. 7525 If he belonged to some savage tribe he had a savage wife −−a 7526 dozen of them perhaps−−and wild, half−caste children. The girl 7527 shuddered, and when they told her that the cruiser would sail 7528 on the morrow she was almost glad. 7529 It was she, though, who suggested that arms, ammunition, 7530 supplies and comforts be left behind in the cabin, ostensibly for 7531 that intangible personality who had signed himself Tarzan of 7532 the Apes, and for D'Arnot should he still be living, but really, 7533 she hoped, for her forest god−−even thoug h his feet should 7534 prove of clay. 7535 And at the last minute she left a message for him, to be 7536 transmitted by Tarzan of the Apes. 7537

7514 entretain (to) – ter em mente, alimentar, considerar, abrigar, albergar 7518 at length - finalmente 7522 harbor (to) – abrigar, albergar, proteger 7522 As soon – tão depressa, em breve 7527 half-cast – pessoa descendente de pai branco e mãe negra ou de mãe branca e pai negro 7527 caste (s) – casta, classe 7532 intangible (adj) – imaterial, intangível, impalpável 7535 prove of clay (to) – provar ser de barro, provar ser de fraca qualidade

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She was the last to leave the cabin, returning on some trivial 7538 pretext after the others had started for the boat. 7539 She kneeled down beside the bed in which she had spent so 7540 many nights, and offered up a prayer for the safety of her 7541 primeval man, and crushing his locket to her lips she 7542 murmured: 7543 "I love you, and because I love you I believe in you. But if I did 7544 not believe, still should I love. Had you come back for me, and 7545 had there been no other way, I would have gone into the jungle 7546 with you−−forever." 7547 Chapter 25. The Outpost of the World 7548 With the report of his gun D'Arnot saw the door fly open and 7549 the figure of a man pitch headlong within onto the cabin floor. 7550 The Frenchman in his panic raised his gun to fire again into the 7551 prostrate form, but suddenly in the half dusk of the open door 7552 he saw that the man was white and in another instant realized 7553 that he had shot his friend and protector, Tarzan of the Apes. 7554 With a cry of anguish D'Arnot sprang to the ape−man's side, 7555 and kneeling, lifted the latter's head in his arms−−calling 7556 Tarzan's name aloud. 7557 There was no response, and then D'Arnot placed his ear 7558 above the man's heart. To his joy he heard its steady beating 7559 beneath. 7560

7549 report (s) – detonação, estrondo, estampido 7550 pitch (to) – cair, tombar (levantar, montar, armar, fixar, cravar 7550 onto (prep) – em direcção a, para cima de 7556 latter (adj) – último, mais recente, ‘aquele/a’, ‘este/a’, ‘esse/a’

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Carefully he lifted Tarzan to the cot, and then, after closing and 7561 bolting the door, he lighted one of the lamps and examined the 7562 wound. 7563 The bullet had struck a glancing blow upon the skull. There 7564 was an ugly flesh wound, but no signs of a fracture of the skull. 7565 D'Arnot breathed a sigh of relief, and went about bathing the 7566 blood from Tarzan's face. 7567 Soon the cool water revived him, and presently he opened his 7568 eyes to look in questioning surprise at D'Arnot. 7569 The latter had bound the wound with pieces of cloth, and as he 7570 saw that Tarzan had regained consciousness he arose and 7571 going to the table wrote a message, which he handed to the 7572 ape−man, explaining the terrible mistake he had made and 7573 how thankful he was that the wound was not more serious. 7574 Tarzan, after reading the message, sat on the edge of the 7575 couch and laughed. 7576 "It is nothing," he said in French, and then, his vocabulary 7577 failing him, he wrote: 7578 You should have seen what Bolgani did to me, and Kerchak, 7579 and Terkoz, before I killed them−−then you would laugh at 7580 such a little scratch. 7581 D'Arnot handed Tarzan the two messages that had been left 7582 for him. 7583

7561 cot (s) – cama pequena, beliche 7564 glancing (to) – de raspão, oblíquo, de lado, de través 7576 couch (s) – sofá, divã

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Tarzan read the first one through with a look of sorrow on his 7584 face. The second one he turned over and over, searching for 7585 an opening−−he had never seen a sealed envelope before. At 7586 length he handed it to D'Arnot. 7587 The Frenchman had been watching him, and knew that Tarzan 7588 was puzzled over the envelope. How strange it seemed that to 7589 a full−grown white man an envelope was a mystery. D'Arnot 7590 opened it and handed the letter back to Tarzan. 7591 Sitting on a camp stool the ape−ma n spread the written sheet 7592 before him and read: 7593 TO TARZAN OF THE APES: 7594 Before I leave let me add my thanks to those of Mr. Clayton for 7595 the kindness you have shown in permitting us the use of your 7596 cabin. 7597 That you never came to make friends with us has been a great 7598 regret to us. We should have liked so much to have seen and 7599 thanked our host. 7600 There is another I should like to thank also, but he did not 7601 come back, though I cannot believe that he is dead. 7602 I do not know his name. He is the great white giant who wore 7603 the diamond locket upon his breast. 7604 If you know him and can speak his language carry my thanks 7605 to him, and tell him that I waited seven days for him to return. 7606

7599 regret (s) – tristeza, mágoa

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Tell him, also, that in my home in America, in the city of 7607 Baltimore, there will always be a welcome for him if he cares to 7608 come. 7609 I found a note you wrote me lying among the leaves beneath a 7610 tree near the cabin. I do not know how you learned to love me, 7611 who have never spoken to me, and I am very sorry if it is true, 7612 for I have already given my heart to another. 7613 But know that I am always your friend, JANE PORTER. 7614 Tarzan sat with gaze fixed upon the floor for nearly an hour. It 7615 was evident to him from the notes that they did not know that 7616 he and Tarzan of the Apes were one and the same. 7617 "I have given my heart to another," he repeated over and over 7618 again to himself. 7619 Then she did not love him! How could she have pretended 7620 love, and raised him to such a pinnacle of hope only to cast 7621 him down to such utter depths of despair! 7622 Maybe her kisses were only signs of friendship. How did he 7623 know, who knew nothing of the customs of human beings? 7624 Suddenly he arose, and, bidding D'Arnot good night as he had 7625 learned to do, threw himself upon the couch of ferns that had 7626 been Jane Porter's. 7627 D'Arnot extinguished the lamp, and lay down upon the cot. 7628

7622 utter (adj) – completo, total, absoluto 7625 bid (to) – desejar, dar (ordenar, mandar) 7626 couch (s) – sofá, divã

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For a week they did little but rest, D'Arnot coaching Tarzan in 7629 French. At the end of that time the two men could converse 7630 quite easily. 7631 One night, as they were sitting within the cabin before retiring, 7632 Tarzan turned to D'Arnot. 7633 "Where is America?" he said. 7634 D'Arnot pointed toward the northwest. 7635 "Many thousands of miles across the ocean," he replied. 7636 "Why?" 7637 "I am going there." 7638 D'Arnot shook his head. 7639 "It is impossible, my friend," he said. 7640 Tarzan rose, and, going to one of the cupboards, returned with 7641 a well−thumbed geography. 7642 Turning to a map of the world, he said: 7643 "I have never quite understood all this; explain it to me, 7644 please." 7645 When D'Arnot had done so, showing him that the blue 7646 represented all the water on the earth, and the bits of other 7647 colors the continents and islands, Tarzan asked him to point 7648 out the spot where they now were. 7649 D'Arnot did so. 7650 "Now point out America," said Tarzan. 7651

7629 coach (to) – treinar, dar explicações, ensinar 7642 thumbed (adj) – livro manchado com dedadas, manuseado

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And as D'Arnot placed his finger upon North America, Tarzan 7652 smiled and laid his palm upon the page, spanning the great 7653 ocean that lay between the two continents. 7654 "You see it is not so very far," he said; "scarce the width of my 7655 hand." 7656 D'Arnot laughed. How could he make the man understand? 7657 Then he took a pencil and made a tiny point upon the shore of 7658 Africa. 7659 "This little mark," he said, "is many times larger upon this map 7660 than your cabin is upon the earth. Do you see now how very 7661 far it is?" 7662 Tarzan thought for a long time. 7663 "Do any white men live in Africa?" he asked. 7664 "Yes." 7665 "Where are the nearest?" 7666 D'Arnot pointed out a spot on the shore just north of them. 7667 "So close?" asked Tarzan, in surprise. 7668 "Yes," said D'Arnot; "but it is not close." 7669 "Have they big boats to cross the ocean?" 7670 "Yes." 7671 "We shall go there to−morrow," announced Tarzan. 7672 Again D'Arnot smiled and shook his head. 7673 "It is too far. We should die long before we reached them." 7674 "Do you wish to stay here then forever?" asked Tarzan. 7675

7653 span (to) – medir aos palmos, abranger com a mão

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"No," said D'Arnot. 7676 "Then we shall start to−morrow. I do not like it here longer. I 7677 should rather die than remain here." 7678 "Well," answered D'Arnot, with a shrug, "I do not know, my 7679 friend, but that I also would rather die than remain here. If you 7680 go, I shall go with you." 7681 "It is settled then," said Tarzan. "I shall start for America 7682 to−morrow." 7683 "How will you get to America without money?" asked D'Arnot. 7684 "What is money?" inquired Tarzan. 7685 It took a long time to make him understand even imperfectly. 7686 "How do men get money?" he asked at last. 7687 "They work for it." 7688 "Very well. I will work for it, then." 7689 "No, my friend," returned D'Arnot, "you need not worry about 7690 money, nor need you work for it. I have enough money for 7691 two−−enough for twenty. Much more than is good for one man 7692 and you shall have all you need if ever we reach civilization." 7693 So on the following day they started north along the shore. 7694 Each man carrying a rifle and ammunition, besides bedding 7695 and some food and cooking utensils. 7696 The latter seemed to Tarzan a most useless encumbrance, so 7697 he threw his away. 7698

7695 besides (prep) – além de 7695 bedding (s) – roupa de cama e colchões 7697 latter (adj) – último, ‘este/a’, ‘aquele/a’ 7697 encumbrance (s) – estorvo, embaraço, impedimento 7698 throw away (to) – deitar fora, deitar ao lixo

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"But you must learn to eat cooked food, my friend," 7699 remonstrated D'Arnot. "No civilized men eat raw flesh." 7700 "There will be time enough when I reach civilization," said 7701 Tarzan. "I do not like the things and they only spoil the taste of 7702 good meat." 7703 For a month they traveled north. Sometimes finding food in 7704 plenty and again going hungry for days. 7705 They saw no signs of natives nor were they molested by wild 7706 beasts. Their journey was a miracle of ease. 7707 Tarzan asked questions and learned rapidly. D'Arnot taught 7708 him many of the refinements of civilization−−even to the use of 7709 knife and fork; but sometimes Tarzan would drop them in 7710 disgust and grasp his food in his strong brown hands, tearing it 7711 with his molars like a wild beast. 7712 Then D'Arnot would expostulate with him, saying: 7713 "You must not eat like a brute, Tarzan, while I am trying to 7714 make a gentleman of you. MON DIEU! 7715 Gentlemen do not thus−−it is terrible." 7716 Tarzan would grin sheepishly and pick up his knife and fork 7717 again, but at heart he hated them. 7718 On the journey he told D'Arnot about the great chest he had 7719 seen the sailors bury; of how he had dug it up and carried it to 7720 the gathering place of the apes and buried it there. 7721

7700 remonstrate (to) – protestar, reclamar, argumentar 7705 again (adv) – de novo, outra vez 7713 expostulate (to) – protestar, discordar, queixar-se 7717 grin (to) – sorrir de modo aberto 7717 sheepishly (adv) – acanhadamente, timidamente, com um ar envergonhado

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"It must be the treasure chest of Professor Porter," said 7722 D'Arnot. "It is too bad, but of course you did not know." 7723 Then Tarzan recalled the letter written by Jane to her 7724 friend−−the one he had stolen when they first came to his 7725 cabin, and now he knew what was in the chest and what it 7726 meant to Jane. 7727 "To−morrow we shall go back after it," he announced to 7728 D'Arnot. 7729 "Go back?" exclaimed D'Arnot. "But, my dear fellow, we have 7730 now been three weeks upon the march. It would require three 7731 more to return to the treasure, and then, with that enormous 7732 weight which required, you say, four sailors to carry, it would 7733 be months before we had again reached this spot." 7734 "It must be done, my friend," insisted Tarzan. "You may go on 7735 toward civilization, and I will return for the treasure. I can go 7736 very much faster alone." 7737 "I have a better plan, Tarzan," exclaimed D'Arnot. "We shall go 7738 on together to the nearest settlement, and there we will charter 7739 a boat and sail back down the coast for the treasure and so 7740 transport it easily. That will be safer and quicker and also not 7741 require us to be separated. What do you think of that plan?" 7742 "Very well," said Tarzan. "The treasure will be there whenever 7743 we go for it; and while I could fetch it now, and catch up with 7744

7739 settlement (s) – colónia, grupo de colonos, povoação

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you in a moon or two, I shall feel safer for you to know that you 7745 are not alone on the trail. 7746 When I see how helpless you are, D'Arnot, I often wonder how 7747 the human race has escaped annihilation all these ages which 7748 you tell me about. Why, Sabor, single handed, could 7749 exterminate a thousand of you." 7750 D'Arnot laughed. 7751 "You will think more highly of your genus when you have seen 7752 its armies and navies, its great cities, and its mighty 7753 engineering works. Then you will realize that it is mind, and not 7754 muscle, that makes the human animal greater than the mighty 7755 beasts of your jungle. 7756 "Alone and unarmed, a single man is no match for any of the 7757 larger beasts; but if ten men were together, they would 7758 combine their wits and their muscles against their savage 7759 enemies, while the beasts, being unable to reason, would 7760 never think of combining against the men. Otherwise, Tarzan 7761 of the Apes, how long would you have lasted in the savage 7762 wilderness?" 7763 "You are right, D'Arnot," replied Tarzan, "for if Kerchak had 7764 come to Tublat's aid that night at the Dum−Dum, there would 7765 have been an end of me. But Kerchak could never think far 7766 enough ahead to take advantage of any such opportunity. 7767 Even Kala, my mother, could never plan ahead. She simply ate 7768

7745 moon (s) - lua 7747 helpless (adj) – indefeso, desamparado 7748 annihilation (s) – aniquilação, destruição 7752 genus (s) – género, espécie, classe, ordem 7759 wit (s) – inteligência, compreensão, entendimento 7763 wilderness (s) – lugar selvagem, deserto, selva, vastidão, imensidão 7768 plan (to) – planear, conceber, traçar 7768 ahead (adv) – à frente, em frente, adiante 7768 eat (to) - comer

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what she needed when she needed it, and if the supply was 7769 very scarce, even though she found plenty for several meals, 7770 she would never gather any ahead. 7771 "I remember that she used to think it very silly of me to burden 7772 myself with extra food upon the march, though she was quite 7773 glad to eat it with me, if the way chanced to be barren of 7774 sustenance." 7775 "Then you knew your mother, Tarzan?" asked D'Arnot, in 7776 surprise. 7777 "Yes. She was a great, fine ape, larger than I, and weighing 7778 twice as much." 7779 "And your father?" asked D'Arnot. 7780 "I did not know him. Kala told me he was a white ape, and 7781 hairless like myself. I know now that he must have been a 7782 white man." 7783 D'Arnot looked long and earnestly at his companion. 7784 "Tarzan," he said at length, "it is impossible that the ape, Kala, 7785 was your mother. If such a thing can be, which I doubt, you 7786 would have inherited some of the characteristics of the ape, 7787 but you have not−−you are pure man, and, I should say, the 7788 offspring of highly bred and intelligent parents. Have you not 7789 the slightest clue to your past?" 7790 "Not the slightest," replied Tarzan. 7791

7770 scarce (adj) – raro, escasso, insuficiente, pouco abundante 7769 and if the supply was very scarce, even though she found plenty for several meals, she would never gather any ahead. – e se houvesse pouca comida e encontrasse mais que o suficiente não guardava nada 7774 barren (adj) – deserto de 7778 weigh (to) - pesar 7779 as much - mais 7784 earnestly (adv) – seriamente, com seriedade 7787 inherit (to) - herdar 7789 offspring (s) – consequência, resultado 7789 breed (s) – fornada, casta, geração, raça

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"No writings in the cabin that might have told something of the 7792 lives of its original inmates?" 7793 "I have read everything that was in the cabin with the exception 7794 of one book which I know now to be written in a language other 7795 than English. Possibly you can read it." 7796 Tarzan fished the little black diary from the bottom of his 7797 quiver, and handed it to his companion. D'Arnot glanced at the 7798 title page. 7799 "It is the diary of John Clayton, Lord Greystoke, an English 7800 nobleman, and it is written in French," he said. 7801 Then he proceeded to read the diary that had been written 7802 over twenty years before, and which recorded the details of the 7803 story which we already know−−the story of adventure, 7804 hardships and sorrow of John Clayton and his wife Alice, from 7805 the day they left England until an hour before he was struck 7806 down by Kerchak. 7807 D'Arnot read aloud. At times his voice broke, and he was 7808 forced to stop reading for the pitiful hopelessness that spoke 7809 between the lines. 7810 Occasionally he glanced at Tarzan; but the ape−man sat upon 7811 his haunches, like a carven image, his eyes fixed upon the 7812 ground. 7813

7793 inmate (s) – pessoa que vive numa casa 7797 fish (to) – puxar, içar 7805 hardship (s) – dificuldade, trabalho, privação, sofrimento, aflição 7809 pitiful (adj) – que inspira piedade, de meter pena 7809 hopelessness (s) – desespero, situação desesperada 7812 haunch (s) – anca 7812 carve (to) – esculpir, cinzelar, entalhar

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Only when the little babe was mentioned did the tone of the 7814 diary alter from the habitual note of despair which had crept 7815 into it by degrees after the first two months upon the shore. 7816 Then the passages were tinged with a subdued happiness that 7817 was even sadder than the rest. 7818 One entry showed an almost hopeful spirit. 7819 To−day our little boy is six months old. He is sitting in Alice's 7820 lap beside the table where I am writing—a happy, healthy, 7821 perfect child. 7822 Somehow, even against all reason, I seem to see him a grown 7823 man, taking his father's place in the world—the second John 7824 Clayton−−and bringing added honors to the house of 7825 Greystoke. 7826 There−−as though to give my prophecy the weight of his 7827 endorsement−−he has grabbed my pen in his chubby fists and 7828 with his inkbegrimed little fingers has placed the seal of his tiny 7829 finger prints upon the page. 7830 And there, on the margin of the page, were the partially blurred 7831 imprints of four wee fingers and the outer half of the thumb. 7832 When D'Arnot had finished the diary the two men sat in silence 7833 for some minutes. 7834 "Well! Tarzan of the Apes, what think you?" asked D'Arnot. 7835 "Does not this little book clear up the mystery of your 7836 parentage? 7837

7815 alter (to) – alterar, mudar 7817 subdued (adj) – preocupado, prudente 7818 sad (adj) - triste 7819 hopeful (adj) – optimista, esperançoso 7821 lap (s) – colo, regaço 7821 healthy (adj) – são, saudável, sadio 7828 endorsement (s) – apoio, aval 7828 grab (to) – apanhar, agarrar 7828 chubby (adj) – rechonchudo (bochechudo) 7829 begrime (to) – sujar (enegrecer, enfarruscar) 7829 seal (s) – selo (sinete, carimbo, marca) 7832 wee (adj) – pequenino, muito pequeno 7837 parentage (s) – origem, ascendência, linhagem

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"Why man, you are Lord Greystoke." 7838 "The book speaks of but one child," he replied. "Its little 7839 skeleton lay in the crib, where it died crying for nourishment, 7840 from the first time I entered the cabin until Professor Porter's 7841 party buried it, with its father and mother, beside the cabin. 7842 "No, that was the babe the book speaks of−−and the mystery 7843 of my origin is deeper than before, for I have thought much of 7844 late of the possibility of that cabin having been my birthplace. I 7845 am afraid that Kala spoke the truth," he concluded sadly. 7846 D'Arnot shook his head. He was unconvinced, and in his mind 7847 had sprung the determination to prove the correctness of his 7848 theory, for he had discovered the key which alone could unlock 7849 the mystery, or consign it forever to the realms of the 7850 unfathomable. 7851 A week later the two men came suddenly upon a clearing in 7852 the forest. 7853 In the distance were several buildings surrounded by a strong 7854 palisade. Between them and the enclosure stretched a 7855 cultivated field in which a number of negroes were working. 7856 The two halted at the edge of the jungle. 7857 Tarzan fitted his bow with a poisoned arrow, but D'Arnot 7858 placed a hand upon his arm. 7859 "What would you do, Tarzan?" he asked. 7860

7840 crib (s) - berço 7846 sadly (adv) – tristemente 7848 spring (to) – nascer, brotar 7850 realm (s) – reino, esfera 7851 unfathomable (adj) – insondável, impenetrável, imperscrutável

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"They will try to kill us if they see us," replied Tarzan. "I prefer 7861 to be the killer." 7862 "Maybe they are friends," suggested D'Arnot. 7863 "They are black," was Tarzan's only reply. 7864 And again he drew back his shaft. 7865 "You must not, Tarzan!" cried D'Arnot. "White men do not kill 7866 wantonly. MON DIEU! but you have much to learn. 7867 "I pity the ruffian who crosses you, my wild man, when I take 7868 you to Paris. I will have my hands full keeping your neck from 7869 beneath the guillotine." 7870 Tarzan lowered his bow and smiled. 7871 "I do not know why I should kill the blacks back there in my 7872 jungle, yet not kill them here. Suppose Numa, the lion, should 7873 spring out upon us, I should say, then, I presume: Good 7874 morning, Monsieur Numa, how is Madame Numa; eh?" 7875 "Wait until the blacks spring upon you," replied D'Arnot, "then 7876 you may kill them. Do not assume that men are your enemies 7877 until they prove it." 7878 "Come," said Tarzan, "let us go and present ourselves to be 7879 killed," and he started straight across the field, his head high 7880 held and the tropical sun beating upon his smooth, brown skin. 7881 Behind him came D'Arnot, clothed in some garments which 7882 had been discarded at the cabin by Clayton when the officers 7883

7867 wantonly (adv) – sem razão, sem motivo 7868 pity (to) – apiedar-se de, condoer-se de, ter pena de 7883 discard (to) – abandonar

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of the French cruiser had fitted him out in more presentable 7884 fashion. 7885 Presently one of the blacks looked up, and beholding Tarzan, 7886 turned, shrieking, toward the palisade. 7887 In an instant the air was filled with cries of terror from the 7888 fleeing gardeners, but before any had reached the palisade a 7889 white man emerged from the enclosure, rifle in hand, to 7890 discover the cause of the commotion. 7891 What he saw brought his rifle to his shoulder, and Tarzan of 7892 the Apes would have felt cold lead once again had not D'Arnot 7893 cried loudly to the man with the leveled gun: 7894 "Do not fire! We are friends!" 7895 "Halt, then!" was the reply. 7896 "Stop, Tarzan!" cried D'Arnot. "He thinks we are enemies." 7897 Tarzan dropped into a walk, and together he and D'Arnot 7898 advanced toward the white man by the gate. 7899 The latter eyed them in puzzled bewilderment. 7900 "What manner of men are you?" he asked, in French. 7901 "White men," replied D'Arnot. "We have been lost in the jungle 7902 for a long time." 7903 The man had lowered his rifle and now advanced with 7904 outstretched hand. 7905 "I am Father Constantine of the French Mission here," he said, 7906 "and I am glad to welcome you." 7907

7884 fit out (to) – equipar, apetrechar 7886 behold (to) – observar, ver 7900 bewilderment (s) – desnorteamento, desorientação 7901 manner (s) – espécie, tipo

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"This is Monsieur Tarzan, Father Constantine," replied D'Arnot, 7908 indicating the ape−man; and as the priest extended his hand to 7909 Tarzan, D'Arnot added: "and I am Paul D'Arnot, of the French 7910 Navy." 7911 Father Constantine took the hand which Tarzan extended in 7912 imitation of the priest's act, while the latter took in the superb 7913 physique and handsome face in one quick, keen glance. 7914 And thus came Tarzan of the Apes to the first outpost of 7915 civilization. 7916 For a week they remained there, and the ape−man, keenly 7917 observant, learned much of the ways of men; 7918 meanwhile black women sewed white duck garments for 7919 himself and D'Arnot so that they might continue their journey 7920 properly clothed. 7921 Chapter 26. The Height of Civilization 7922 Another month brought them to a little group of buildings at the 7923 mouth of a wide river, and there Tarzan saw many boats, and 7924 was filled with the timidity of the wild thing by the sight of many 7925 men. 7926 Gradually he became accustomed to the strange noises and 7927 the odd ways of civilization, so that presently none might know 7928 that two short months before, this handsome Frenchman in 7929 immaculate white ducks, who laughed and chatted with the 7930 gayest of them, had been swinging naked through primeval 7931

7915 outpost (s) – posto avançado 7919 sew (to) – coser, costurar

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forests to pounce upon some unwary victim, which, raw, was to 7932 fill his savage belly. 7933 The knife and fork, so contemptuously flung aside a month 7934 before, Tarzan now manipulated as exquisitely as did the 7935 polished D'Arnot. 7936 So apt a pupil had he been that the young Frenchman had 7937 labored assiduously to make of Tarzan of the Apes a polished 7938 gentleman in so far as nicety of manners and speech were 7939 concerned. 7940 "God made you a gentleman at heart, my friend," D'Arnot had 7941 said; "but we want His works to show upon the exterior also." 7942 As soon as they had reached the little port, D'Arnot had cabled 7943 his government of his safety, and requested a three− months' 7944 leave, which had been granted. 7945 He had also cabled his bankers for funds, and the enforced 7946 wait of a month, under which both chafed, was due to their 7947 inability to charter a vessel for the return to Tarzan's jungle 7948 after the treasure. 7949 During their stay at the coast town "Monsieur Tarzan" became 7950 the wonder of both whites and blacks because of several 7951 occurrences which to Tarzan seemed the merest of nothings. 7952 Once a huge black, crazed by drink, had run amuck and 7953 terrorized the town, until his evil star had led him to where the 7954 black−haired French giant lolled upon the veranda of the hotel. 7955

7932 unwary (adj) – descuidado, negligente, incauto, imprudente, imprevidente, precipitado, irreflectido 7934 fork (s) - garfo 7935 exquisitely (adv) – elegantemente, de maneira requintada 7937 apt (adj) – pessoa com grandes capacidades 7937 pupil (s) – aluno, discípulo, pupilo 7939 in so far as - até ao ponto de 7945 leave (s) – licença, autorização, permissão 7947 chafe (to) – irritar-se 7948 inability (s) - incapacidade 7952 merest of nothings – mero ou simples insignificância 7953 crazed (to) – enlouquecido, maluco 7953 amuck (adv) – freneticamente 7953 run amuck (to) - perder a cabeça; enlouquecer selvaticamente 7955 loll (to) - descansar 7955 veranda (s) – alpendre, varanda coberta ao longo da parede de uma casa

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Mounting the broad steps, with brandished knife, the Negro 7956 made straight for a party of four men sitting at a table sipping 7957 the inevitable absinthe. 7958 Shouting in alarm, the four took to their heels, and then the 7959 black spied Tarzan. 7960 With a roar he charged the ape−man, while half a hundred 7961 heads peered from sheltering windows and doorways to 7962 witness the butchering of the poor Frenchman by the giant 7963 black. 7964 Tarzan met the rush with the fighting smile that the joy of battle 7965 always brought to his lips. 7966 As the Negro closed upon him, steel muscles gripped the black 7967 wrist of the uplifted knife−hand, and a single swift wrench left 7968 the hand dangling below a broken bone. 7969 With the pain and surprise, the madness left the black man, 7970 and as Tarzan dropped back into his chair the fellow turned, 7971 crying with agony, and dashed wildly toward the native village. 7972 On another occasion as Tarzan and D'Arnot sat at dinner with 7973 a number of other whites, the talk fell upon lions and lion 7974 hunting. 7975 Opinion was divided as to the bravery of the king of beasts 7976 −−some maintaining that he was an arrant coward, but all 7977 agreeing that it was with a feeling of greater security that they 7978

7956 mount (to) – subir (trepar) 7957 sip (to) – beber aos golinhos, beberricar 7958 absinthe (s) – absinto, bebida alcoólica, muito forte, de cor esverdeada e sabor amargo, preparada com as folhas desta planta; 7968 wrench (s) – súbito e violento movimento de torção 7977 arrant (adj) – consumado, completo

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gripped their express rifles when the monarch of the jungle 7979 roared about a camp at night. 7980 D'Arnot and Tarzan had agreed that his past be kept secret, 7981 and so none other than the French officer knew of the 7982 ape−man's familiarity with the beasts of the jungle. 7983 "Monsieur Tarzan has not expressed himself," said one of the 7984 party. "A man of his prowess who has spent some time in 7985 Africa, as I understand Monsieur Tarzan has, must have had 7986 experiences with lions−−yes?" 7987 "Some," replied Tarzan, dryly. "Enough to know that each of 7988 you are right in your judgment of the characteristics of the 7989 lions−−you have met. But one might as well judge all blacks by 7990 the fellow who ran amuck last week, or decide that all whites 7991 are cowards because one has met a cowardly white. 7992 "There is as much individuality among the lower orders, 7993 gentlemen, as there is among ourselves. Today we may go out 7994 and stumble upon a lion which is over−timid−−he ru ns away 7995 from us. To−morrow we may meet his uncle or his twin brother, 7996 and our friends wonder why we do not return from the jungle. 7997 For myself, I always assume that a lion is ferocious, and so I 7998 am never caught off my guard." 7999 "There would be little pleasure in hunting," retorted the first 8000 speaker, "if one is afraid of the thing he hunts." 8001 D'Arnot smiled. Tarzan afraid! 8002

7988 dryly (adv) – secamente, com secura, friamente 7995 stumble (to) - tropeçar 8000 retort (to) – replicar, retorquir, responder

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"I do not exactly understand what you mean by fear," said 8003 Tarzan. "Like lions, fear is a different thing in different men, but 8004 to me the only pleasure in the hunt is the knowledge that the 8005 hunted thing has power to harm me as much as I have to harm 8006 him. If I went out with a couple of rifles and a gun bearer, and 8007 twenty or thirty beaters, to hunt a lion, I should not feel that the 8008 lion had much chance, and so the pleasure of the hunt would 8009 be lessened in proportion to the increased safety which I felt." 8010 "Then I am to take it that Monsieur Tarzan would prefer to go 8011 naked into the jungle, armed only with a jackknife, to kill the 8012 king of beasts," laughed the other, good naturedly, but with the 8013 merest touch of sarcasm in his tone. 8014 "And a piece of rope," added Tarzan. 8015 Just then the deep roar of a lion sounded from the distant 8016 jungle, as though to challenge whoever dared enter the lists 8017 with him. 8018 "There is your opportunity, Monsieur Tarzan," bantered the 8019 Frenchman. 8020 "I am not hungry," said Tarzan simply. 8021 The men laughed, all but D'Arnot. He alone knew that a 8022 savage beast had spoken its simple reason through the lips of 8023 the ape−man. 8024

8007 bearer (s) – apoio, de apoio 8008 beater (s) – batedor de caça 8017 list (s) – orla, extremidade 8019 banter (to) – gracejar, estar na galhofa, estar na brincadeira

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"But you are afraid, just as any of us would be, to go out there 8025 naked, armed only with a knife and a piece of rope," said the 8026 banterer. "Is it not so?" 8027 "No," replied Tarzan. "Only a fool performs any act without 8028 reason." 8029 "Five thousand francs is a reason," said the other. "I wager you 8030 that amount you cannot bring back a lion from the jungle under 8031 the conditions we have named−−naked and armed only with a 8032 knife and a piece of rope." 8033 Tarzan glanced toward D'Arnot and nodded his head. 8034 "Make it ten thousand," said D'Arnot. 8035 "Done," replied the other. 8036 Tarzan arose. 8037 "I shall have to leave my clothes at the edge of the settlement, 8038 so that if I do not return before daylight I shall have something 8039 to wear through the streets." 8040 "You are not going now," exclaimed the wagerer−−"at night?" 8041 "Why not?" asked Tarzan. "Numa walks abroad at night −−it 8042 will be easier to find him." 8043 "No," said the other, "I do not want your blood upon my hands. 8044 It will be foolhardy enough if you go forth by day." 8045 "I shall go now," replied Tarzan, and went to his room for his 8046 knife and rope. 8047

8030 wager (to) - apostar 8045 foolhardy (adj) – temerário, audacioso, imprudente 8045 forth (adv) – avante, adiante, para a frente

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The men accompanied him to the edge of the jungle, where he 8048 left his clothes in a small storehouse. 8049 But when he would have entered the blackness of the 8050 undergrowth they tried to dissuade him; and the wagerer was 8051 most insistent of all that he abandon his foolhardy venture. 8052 "I will accede that you have won," he said, "and the ten 8053 thousand francs are yours if you will but give up this foolish 8054 attempt, which can only end in your death." 8055 Tarzan laughed, and in another moment the jungle had 8056 swallowed him. 8057 The men stood silent for some moments and then slowly 8058 turned and walked back to the hotel veranda. 8059 Tarzan had no sooner entered the jungle than he took to the 8060 trees, and it was with a feeling of exultant freedom that he 8061 swung once more through the forest branches. 8062 This was life! Ah, how he loved it! Civilization held nothing like 8063 this in its narrow and circumscribed sphere, hemmed in by 8064 restrictions and conventionalities. Even clothes were a 8065 hindrance and a nuisance. 8066 At last he was free. He had not realized what a prisoner he had 8067 been. 8068 How easy it would be to circle back to the coast, and then 8069 make toward the south and his own jungle and cabin. 8070

8064 circumscribe (to) – limitar, circunscrever 8064 hem in (to) – limitar, restringir, cercar, rodear 8066 hindrance (s) – impedimento, dificuldade, estorvo, obstáculo, bloqueio 8066 nuisance (s) – maçada, incómodo, aborrecimento

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Now he caught the scent of Numa, for he was traveling up 8071 wind. Presently his quick ears detected the familiar sound of 8072 padded feet and the brushing of a huge, fur−clad body through 8073 the undergrowth. 8074 Tarzan came quietly above the unsuspecting beast and silently 8075 stalked him until he came into a little patch of moonlight. 8076 Then the quick noose settled and tightened about the tawny 8077 throat, and, as he had done it a hundred times in the past, 8078 Tarzan made fast the end to a strong branch and, while the 8079 beast fought and clawed for freedom, dropped to the ground 8080 behind him, and leaping upon the great back, plunged his long 8081 thin blade a dozen times into the fierce heart. 8082 Then with his foot upon the carcass of Numa, he raised his 8083 voice in the awesome victory cry of his savage tribe. 8084 For a moment Tarzan stood irresolute, swayed by conflicting 8085 emotions of loyalty to D'Arnot and a mighty lust for the freedom 8086 of his own jungle. At last the vision of a beautiful face, and the 8087 memory of warm lips crushed to his dissolved the fascinating 8088 picture he had been drawing of his old life. 8089 The ape−man threw the warm carcass of Numa across his 8090 shoulders and took to the trees once more. 8091 The men upon the veranda had sat for an hour, almost in 8092 silence. 8093

8071 travel up (to) – viajar para o interior de, viajar em 8072 presently (adv) – dentro em pouco, em breve, logo 8073 fur-clad (adj) – vestido de peles, com vestuário de pele 8077 noose (s) – nó corredio, laço 8077 tawny (adj) – amarelo acastanhado, moreno, trigueiro 8084 awesome (adj) – terrível, assustador, impressionante 8085 sway (to) – oscilar, balançar 8086 lust (s) – desejo, ânsia 8088 crush (to) – subjugar, dominar, esmagar

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They had tried ineffectually to converse on various subjects, 8094 and always the thing uppermost in the mind of each had 8095 caused the conversation to lapse. 8096 "MON DIEU," said the wagerer at length, "I can endure it no 8097 longer. I am going into the jungle with my express and bring 8098 back that mad man." 8099 "I will go with you," said one. 8100 "And I"−−"And I"−−"And I," chorused the others. 8101 As though the suggestion had broken the spell of some horrid 8102 nightmare they hastened to their various quarters, and 8103 presently were headed toward the jungle−−each one heavily 8104 armed. 8105 "God! What was that?" suddenly cried one of the party, an 8106 Englishman, as Tarzan's savage cry came faintly to their ears. 8107 "I heard the same thing once before," said a Belgian, "when I 8108 was in the gorilla country. My carriers said it was the cry of a 8109 great bull ape who has made a kill." 8110 D'Arnot remembered Clayton's description of the awful roar 8111 with which Tarzan had announced his kills, and he half smiled 8112 in spite of the horror which filled him to think that the uncanny 8113 sound could have issued from a human throat −−from the lips 8114 of his friend. 8115 As the party stood finally near the edge of the jungle, debating 8116 as to the best distribution of their forces, they were startled by 8117

8095 uppermost (adj) – predominante, mais importante 8097 wagerer (s) – apostador 8097 endure (to) – suportar, sofrer, passar por 8098 express (s) – marca de espingarda 8101 choruse (to) – falar ou cantar em coro 8102 spell (s) – feitiço, bruxaria (encantamento) 8104 presently (adv) – dentro em pouco, em breve, logo 8113 in spite of - apesar de; a despeito de 8113 uncanny (adj) – estranho, sinistro, perturbador, inquietante 8114 issue (to) – sair, surgir (publicar, lançar, editar)

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a low laugh near them, and turning, beheld advancing toward 8118 them a giant figure bearing a dead lion upon its broad 8119 shoulders. 8120 Even D'Arnot was thunderstruck, for it seemed impossible that 8121 the man could have so quickly dispatched a lion with the pitiful 8122 weapons he had taken, or that alone he could have borne the 8123 huge carcass through the tangled jungle. 8124 The men crowded about Tarzan with many questions, but his 8125 only answer was a laughing depreciation of his feat. 8126 To Tarzan it was as though one should eulogize a butcher for 8127 his heroism in killing a cow, for Tarzan had killed so often for 8128 food and for self−preservation that the act seemed anything 8129 but remarkable to him. But he was indeed a hero in the eyes of 8130 these men−−men accustomed to hunting big game. 8131 Incidentally, he had won ten thousand francs, for D'Arnot 8132 insisted that he keep it all. 8133 This was a very important item to Tarzan, who was just 8134 commencing to realize the power which lay beyond the little 8135 pieces of metal and paper which always changed hands when 8136 human beings rode, or ate, or slept, or clothed themselves, or 8137 drank, or worked, or played, or sheltered themselves from the 8138 rain or cold or sun. 8139 It had become evident to Tarzan that without money one must 8140 die. D'Arnot had told him not to worry, since he had more than 8141

8118 behold (to) – observar, ver, contemplar 8121 thunderstruck (adj) – assombrado, estupefacto 8126 feat (s) – façanha notável, proeza, feito 8127 eulogize (to) - elogiar 8130 remarkable (adj) – notável, extraordinário, excepcional 8132 incidentally (adv) – a propósito, por acaso

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enough for both, but the ape−man was learning many things 8142 and one of them was that people looked down upon one who 8143 accepted money from another without giving something of 8144 equal value in exchange. 8145 Shortly after the episode of the lion hunt, D'Arnot succeeded in 8146 chartering an ancient tub for the coastwise trip to Tarzan's 8147 land−locked harbor. 8148 It was a happy morning for them both when the little vessel 8149 weighed anchor and made for the open sea. 8150 The trip to the beach was uneventful, and the morning after 8151 they dropped anchor before the cabin, Tarzan, garbed once 8152 more in his jungle regalia and carrying a spade, set out alone 8153 for the amphitheater of the apes where lay the treasure. 8154 Late the next day he returned, bearing the great chest upon his 8155 shoulder, and at sunrise the little vessel worked through the 8156 harbor's mouth and took up her northward journey. 8157 Three weeks later Tarzan and D'Arnot were passengers on 8158 board a French steamer bound for Lyons, and after a few days 8159 in that city D'Arnot took Tarzan to Paris. 8160 The ape−man was anxious to proceed to America, but D'Arnot 8161 insisted that he must accompany him to Paris first, nor would 8162 he divulge the nature of the urgent necessity upon which he 8163 based his demand. 8164

8146 succeed (to) – ser bem sucedido, sair-se bem 8147 tub (s) – barco velho ou muito lento 8147 coastwise (adj) - (adv) – costeiro, ao longo da costa 8148 land-locked (adj) – fechado por terra 8150 weigh anchor (to) - levantar a âncora 8151 uneventful (adj) – sem grandes acontecimentos, sem nada de especial, sem incidentes, calmo, rotineiro 8152 garb (to) – vestir 8153 regalia (s) – neste caso refere-se ao traje de gala isto é: à tanga que o Tarzan gosta de usar 8153 spade (s) - pá

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One of the first things which D'Arnot accomplished after their 8165 arrival was to arrange to visit a high official of the police 8166 department, an old friend; and to take Tarzan with him. 8167 Adroitly D'Arnot led the conversation from point to point until 8168 the policeman had explained to the interested Tarzan many of 8169 the methods in vogue for apprehending and identifying 8170 criminals. 8171 Not the least interesting to Tarzan was the part played by 8172 finger prints in this fascinating science. 8173 "But of what value are these imprints," asked Tarzan, "when, 8174 after a few years the lines upon the fingers are entirely 8175 changed by the wearing out of the old tissue and the growth of 8176 new?" 8177 "The lines never change," replied the official. "From infancy to 8178 senility the fingerprints of an individual change only in size, 8179 except as injuries alter the loops and whorls. But if imprints 8180 have been taken of the thumb and four fingers of both hands 8181 one must needs lose all entirely to escape identification." 8182 "It is marvelous," exclaimed D'Arnot. "I wonder what the lines 8183 upon my own fingers may resemble." 8184 "We can soon see," replied the police officer, and ringing a bell 8185 he summoned an assistant to whom he issued a few 8186 directions. 8187

8165 accomplish (to) – realizar, efectuar, levar a cabo 8168 adroitly (adv) – com habilidade 8172 least (adj) – o menor 8180 alter (to) – alterar, mudar 8180 loop (s) - volta 8180 whorl (s) – espiral 8182 lose all (to) – perder todos 8184 resemble (to) – assemelhar-se a, parecer-se com 8186 summon (to) – chamar, mandar chamar 8186 issue (to) – comunicar (emitir)

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The man left the room, but presently returned with a little 8188 hardwood box which he placed on his superior's desk. 8189 "Now," said the officer, "you shall have your fingerprints in a 8190 second." 8191 He drew from the little case a square of plate glass, a little tube 8192 of thick ink, a rubber roller, and a few snowy white cards. 8193 Squeezing a drop of ink onto the glass, he spread it back and 8194 forth with the rubber roller until the entire surface of the glass 8195 was covered to his satisfaction with a very thin and uniform 8196 layer of ink. 8197 "Place the four fingers of your right hand upon the glass, thus," 8198 he said to D'Arnot. "Now the thumb. That is right. Now place 8199 them in just the same position upon this card, here, no−−a little 8200 to the right. We must leave room for the thumb and the fingers 8201 of the left hand. There, that's it. Now the same with the left." 8202 "Come, Tarzan," cried D'Arnot, "let's see what your whorls look 8203 like." 8204 Tarzan complied readily, asking many questions of the officer 8205 during the operation. 8206 "Do fingerprints show racial characteristics?" he asked. "Could 8207 you determine, for example, solely from fingerprints whether 8208 the subject was Negro or Caucasian?" 8209 "I think not," replied the officer. 8210

8188 presently (adv) – passado pouco tempo, em breve, logo, dentro em pouco 8192 plate (s) – chapa, lâmina (prato) 8203 whorls (s) – espira, espiral 8205 comply (to) – aceder, obedecer, cumprir

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"Could the finger prints of an ape be detected from those of a 8211 man?" 8212 "Probably, because the ape's would be far simpler than those 8213 of the higher organism." 8214 "But a cross between an ape and a man might show the 8215 characteristics of either progenitor?" continued Tarzan. 8216 "Yes, I should think likely," responded the official; "but the 8217 science has not progressed sufficiently to render it exact 8218 enough in such matters. I should hate to trust its findings 8219 further than to differentiate between individuals. There it is 8220 absolute. No two people born into the world probably have 8221 ever had identical lines upon all their digits. It is very doubtful if 8222 any single fingerprint will ever be exactly duplicated by any 8223 finger other than the one which originally made it." 8224 "Does the comparison require much time or labor?" asked 8225 D'Arnot. 8226 "Ordinarily but a few moments, if the impressions are distinct." 8227 D'Arnot drew a little black book from his pocket and 8228 commenced turning the pages. 8229 Tarzan looked at the book in surprise. How did D'Arnot come 8230 to have his book? 8231 Presently D'Arnot stopped at a page on which were five tiny 8232 little smudges. 8233 He handed the open book to the policeman. 8234

8218 render (to) – fazer, executar 8219 hate (to) - detestar 8219 finding (s) – achado, descoberta 8233 smudge (s) – mancha, nódoa, borrão

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"Are these imprints similar to mine or Monsieur Tarzan's or can 8235 you say that they are identical with either?" 8236 The officer drew a powerful glass from his desk and examined 8237 all three specimens carefully, making notations meanwhile 8238 upon a pad of paper. 8239 Tarzan realized now what was the meaning of their visit to the 8240 police officer. 8241 The answer to his life's riddle lay in these tiny marks. 8242 With tense nerves he sat leaning forward in his chair, but 8243 suddenly he relaxed and dropped back, smiling. 8244 D'Arnot looked at him in surprise. 8245 "You forget that for twenty years the dead body of the child 8246 who made those fingerprints lay in the cabin of his father, and 8247 that all my life I have seen it lying there," said Tarzan bitterly. 8248 The policeman looked up in astonishment. 8249 "Go ahead, captain, with your examination," said D'Arnot, "we 8250 will tell you the story later—provided Monsieur Tarzan is 8251 agreeable." 8252 Tarzan nodded his head. 8253 "But you are mad, my dear D'Arnot," he insisted. "Those little 8254 fingers are buried on the west coast of Africa." 8255 "I do not know as to that, Tarzan," replied D'Arnot. "It is 8256 possible, but if you are not the son of John Clayton then how in 8257 heaven's name did you come into that God forsaken jungle 8258

8238 meanwhile/meantime (adv) - entretanto 8239 pad (s) – bloco de apontamentos 8242 riddle (s) – enigma, mistério 8248 bitterly (adv) - amargamente 8251 provide (to) – afirmar, estabelecer, estipular 8252 agreeable (adj) – favorável, agradável 8258 forsake (to) – abandonar (deixar, partir para longe)

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where no white man other than John Clayton had ever set 8259 foot?" 8260 "You forget−−Kala," said Tarzan. 8261 "I do not even consider her," replied D'Arnot. 8262 The friends had walked to the broad window overlooking the 8263 boulevard as they talked. For some time they stood there 8264 gazing out upon the busy throng beneath, each wrapped in his 8265 own thoughts. 8266 "It takes some time to compare finger prints," thought D'Arnot, 8267 turning to look at the police officer. 8268 To his astonishment he saw the official leaning back in his 8269 chair hastily scanning the contents of the little black diary. 8270 D'Arnot coughed. The policeman looked up, and, catching his 8271 eye, raised his finger to admonish silence. 8272 D'Arnot turned back to the window, and presently the police 8273 officer spoke. 8274 "Gentlemen," he said. 8275 Both turned toward him. 8276 "There is evidently a great deal at stake which must hinge to a 8277 greater or lesser extent upon the absolute correctness of this 8278 comparison. I therefore ask that you leave the entire matter in 8279 my hands until Monsieur Desquerc, our expert returns. It will 8280 be but a matter of a few days." 8281

8265 throng (s) – multidão, ajuntamento 8270 hastily (adv) – com vivacidade, apressadamente 8272 admonish (to) – lembrar, aconselhar, avisar 8273 presently (adv) – passado pouco tempo, em breve, logo, dentro em pouco 8277 deal (s) – negócio, assunto 8277 at stake - em jogo 8277 hinge upon (to) – depender de 8278 extent (s) – grau, ponto 8279 therefore (adv) - (conj) – por isso, portanto

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"I had hoped to know at once," said D'Arnot. "Monsieur Tarzan 8282 sails for America tomorrow." 8283 "I will promise that you can cable him a report within two 8284 weeks," replied the officer; "but what it will be I dare not say. 8285 There are resemblances, yet−−well, we had better leave it for 8286 Monsieur Desquerc to solve." 8287 Chapter 27. The Giant Again 8288 A taxicab drew up before an oldfashioned residence upon the 8289 outskirts of Baltimore. 8290 A man of about forty, well built and with strong, regular 8291 features, stepped out, and paying the chauffeur dismissed him. 8292 A moment later the passenger was entering the library of the 8293 old home. 8294 "Ah, Mr. Canler!" exclaimed an old man, rising to greet him. 8295 "Good evening, my dear Professor," cried the man, extending 8296 a cordial hand. 8297 "Who admitted you?" asked the professor. 8298 "Esmeralda." 8299 "Then she will acquaint Jane with the fact that you are here," 8300 said the old man. 8301 "No, Professor," replied Canler, "for I came primarily to see 8302 you." 8303 "Ah, I am honored," said Professor Porter. 8304

8286 resemblance (s) – semelhança, parecença 8300 acquaint (to) – informar, pôr ao corrente 8302 primarily (adv) – essencialmente, principalmente, em primeiro lugar

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"Professor," continued Robert Canler, with great deliberation, 8305 as though carefully weighing his words, "I have come this 8306 evening to speak with you about Jane." 8307 "You know my aspirations, and you have been generous 8308 enough to approve my suit." 8309 Professor Archimedes Q. Porter fidgeted in his armchair. The 8310 subject always made him uncomfortable. He could not 8311 understand why. Canler was a splendid match. 8312 "But Jane," continued Canler, "I cannot understand her. She 8313 puts me off first on one ground and then another. 8314 I have always the feeling that she breathes a sigh of relief 8315 every time I bid her good−by." 8316 "Tut, tut," said Professor Porter. "Tut, tut, Mr. Canler. Jane is a 8317 most obedient daughter. She will do precisely as I tell her." 8318 "Then I can still count on your support?" asked Canler, a tone 8319 of relief marking his voice. 8320 "Certainly, sir; certainly, sir," exclaimed Professor Porter. "How 8321 could you doubt it?" 8322 "There is young Clayton, you know," suggested Canler. "He 8323 has been hanging about for months. I don't know that Jane 8324 cares for him; but beside his title they say he has inherited a 8325 very considerable estate from his father, and it might not be 8326 strange,−−if he finally won her, unless−−" and Canler paused. 8327 "Tut−−tut, Mr. Canler; unless−−what?" 8328

8305 deliberation (s) – ponderação, cuidado com o que afirma 8309 suit (s) – petição, requerimento, pedido, rogo 8310 fidget (to) – remexer-se, estar desassossegado 8314 ground (s) – terreno, esfera de acção 8316 bid (to) – desejar, dar 8324 hang about (to) – andar por ali, deixar-se ficar, vaguear 8325 care for (to) – gostar de, interessar-se por, importar-se com

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"Unless, you see fit to request that Jane and I be married at 8329 once," said Canler, slowly and distinctly. 8330 "I have already suggested to Jane that it would be desirable," 8331 said Professor Porter sadly, "for we can no longer afford to 8332 keep up this house, and live as her associations demand." 8333 "What was her reply?" asked Canler. 8334 "She said she was not ready to marry anyone yet," replied 8335 Professor Porter, "and that we could go and live upon the farm 8336 in northern Wisconsin which her mother left her. 8337 "It is a little more than self−supporting. The ten ants have 8338 always made a living from it, and been able to send Jane a 8339 trifle besides, each year. She is planning on our going up there 8340 the first of the week. Philander and Mr. Clayton have already 8341 gone to get things in readiness for us." 8342 "Clayton has gone there?" exclaimed Canler, visibly chagrined. 8343 "Why was I not told? I would gladly have gone and seen that 8344 every comfort was provided." 8345 "Jane feels that we are already too much in your debt, Mr. 8346 Canler," said Professor Porter. 8347 Canler was about to reply, when the sound of footsteps came 8348 from the hall without, and Jane entered the room. 8349 "Oh, I beg your pardon!" she exclaimed, pausing on the 8350 threshold. "I thought you were alone, papa." 8351

8329 fit (s) – crise, ser contra 8329 request (to) – pedir, rogar, solicitar 8331 desirable (adj) – desejável, conveniente, aconselhável 8332 sadly (adv) - tristemente 8332 afford (to) - [com can] poder, ter os recursos necessários para 8333 association (s) – sociedade (associação) 8333 demand (to) – exigir, necessitar 8338 tenant (s) – rendeiro (inquilino, arrendatário) 8340 trifle (s) – bagatela, insignificância 8340 besides (adv) – além disso, de resto 8343 chagrin (to) – desgostar, mortificar 8346 debt (s) – dívida, débito 8349 without (adv) – fora, exteriormente, no exterior 8350 beg (to) – pedir, suplicar 8351 threshold (s) – soleira, entrada, limiar

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"It is only I, Jane," said Canler, who had risen, "won't you come 8352 in and join the family group? We were just speaking of you." 8353 "Thank you," said Jane, entering and taking the chair Canler 8354 placed for her. "I only wanted to tell papa that Tobey is coming 8355 down from the college tomorrow to pack his books. I want you 8356 to be sure, papa, to indicate all that you can do without until 8357 fall. Please don't carry this entire library to Wisconsin, as you 8358 would have carried it to Africa, if I had not put my foot down." 8359 "Was Tobey here?" asked Professor Porter. 8360 "Yes, I just left him. He and Esmeralda are exchanging 8361 religious experiences on the back porch now." 8362 "Tut, tut, I must see him at once!" cried the professor. "Excuse 8363 me just a moment, children," and the old man hastened from 8364 the room. 8365 As soon as he was out of earshot Canler turned to Jane. 8366 "See here, Jane," he said bluntly. "How long is this thing going 8367 on like this? You haven't refused to marry me, but you haven't 8368 promised either. I want to get the license tomorrow, so that we 8369 can be married quietly before you leave for Wisconsin. I don't 8370 care for any fuss or feathers, and I'm sure you don't either." 8371 The girl turned cold, but she held her head bravely. 8372 "Your father wishes it, you know," added Canler. 8373 "Yes, I know." 8374 She spoke scarcely above a whisper. 8375

8357 do without (to) – dispensar, passar sem 8357 until (prep) - até 8358 fall (s) - Nos Estados Unidos da América significa Outono 8359 put one’s foot down (to) – mostrar firmeza, bater o pé 8362 porch (s) – varanda, sacada, átrio, alpendre 8367 bluntly (adv) – rudemente, secamente, sem cerimónia 8371 fuss or feather – aparato ou pompa ♣♣♣ feather (s) – traje, vestuário (pena, pluma, plumagem)

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"Do you realize that you are buying me, Mr. Canler?" she said 8376 finally, and in a cold, level voice. "Buying me for a few paltry 8377 dollars? Of course you do, Robert Canler, and the hope of just 8378 such a contingency was in your mind when you loaned papa 8379 the money for that hair−brained escapade, which but for a 8380 most mysterious circumstance would have been surprisingly 8381 successful. 8382 "But you, Mr. Canler, would have been the most surprised. You 8383 had no idea that the venture would succeed. 8384 You are too good a businessman for that. And you are too 8385 good a businessman to loan money for buried treasure 8386 seeking, or to loan money without security−−unless you had 8387 some special object in view. 8388 "You knew that without security you had a greater hold on the 8389 honor of the Porters than with it. You knew the one best way to 8390 force me to marry you, without seeming to force me. 8391 "You have never mentioned the loan. In any other man I 8392 should have thought that the prompting of a magnanimous and 8393 noble character. But you are deep, Mr. Robert Canler. I know 8394 you better than you think I know you. 8395 "I shall certainly marry you if there is no other way, but let us 8396 understand each other once and for all." 8397

8377 paltry (adj) – mesquinho, vil, reles 8380 have a hairbreadth escape (to) - escapar por um triz 8389 hold (s) – poder sobre 8393 prompting (s) – incitamento, instigação

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While she spoke Robert Canler had alternately flushed and 8398 paled, and when she ceased speaking he arose, and with a 8399 cynical smile upon his strong face, said: 8400 "You surprise me, Jane. I thought you had more self−control 8401 −−more pride. Of course you are right. I am buying you, and I 8402 knew that you knew it, but I thought you would prefer to 8403 pretend that it was otherwise. I should have thought your self 8404 respect and your Porter pride would have shrunk from 8405 admitting, even to yourself, that you were a bought woman. 8406 But have it your own way, dear girl," he added lightly. "I am 8407 going to have you, and that is all that interests me." 8408 Without a word the girl turned and left the room. 8409 Jane was not married before she left with her father and 8410 Esmeralda for her little Wisconsin farm, and as she coldly bid 8411 Robert Canler goodby as her train pulled out, he called to her 8412 that he would join them in a week or two. 8413 At their destination they were met by Clayton and Mr. 8414 Philander in a huge touring car belonging to the former, and 8415 quickly whirled away through the dense northern woods toward 8416 the little farm which the girl had not visited before since 8417 childhood. 8418 The farmhouse, which stood on a little elevation some hundred 8419 yards from the tenant house, had undergone a complete 8420

8405 shrink (to) – esquivar-se, fugir (encolher roupa, recuar, acobardar-se) 8412 pull out (to) – o comboio a sair da estação, partir 8415 touring car – carro de turismo 8420 tenant (s) – rendeiro, arrendatário 8420 undergo (to) – sofrer, passar por

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transformation during the three weeks that Clayton and Mr. 8421 Philander had been there. 8422 The former had imported a small army of carpenters and 8423 plasterers, plumbers and painters from a distant city, and what 8424 had been but a dilapidated shell when they reached it was now 8425 a cosy little two−story house filled with every modern 8426 convenience procurable in so short a time. 8427 "Why, Mr. Clayton, what have you done?" cried Jane Porter, 8428 her heart sinking within her as she realized the probable size 8429 of the expenditure that had been made. 8430 "S−sh," cautioned Clayton. "Don't let your father guess. If you 8431 don't tell him he will never notice, and I simply couldn't think of 8432 him living in the terrible squalor and sordidness which Mr. 8433 Philander and I found. It was so little when I would like to do so 8434 much, Jane. For his sake, please, never mention it." 8435 "But you know that we can't repay you," cried the girl. "Why do 8436 you want to put me under such terrible obligations?" 8437 "Don't, Jane," said Clayton sadly. "If it had been just you, 8438 believe me, I wouldn't have done it, for I knew from the start 8439 that it would only hurt me in your eyes, but I couldn't think of 8440 that dear old man living in the hole we found here. Won't you 8441 please believe that I did it just for him and give me that little 8442 crumb of pleasure at least?" 8443

8424 plasterer (s) – estucador, caiador 8425 dilapidated (adj) – arruinado 8426 cosy (adj) – confortável, acolhedor, cómodo 8426 two-story – de dois andares ou pisos 8427 procurable (adj) – que pode obter-se, alcançável 8430 expenditure (s) – gasto, despesa (consumo) 8433 squalor (s) – porcaria, imundície, miséria, sordidez 8443 crumb (s) – migalha, pedaço, fragmento, fracção

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"I do believe you, Mr. Clayton," said the girl, "because I know 8444 you are big enough and generous enough to have done it just 8445 for him−−and, oh Cecil, I wish I might repay you as you 8446 deserve−−as you would wish." 8447 "Why can't you, Jane?" 8448 "Because I love another." 8449 "Canler?" 8450 "No." 8451 "But you are going to marry him. He told me as much before I 8452 left Baltimore." 8453 The girl winced. 8454 "I do not love him," she said, almost proudly. 8455 "Is it because of the money, Jane?" 8456 She nodded. 8457 "Then am I so much less desirable than Canler? I have money 8458 enough, and far more, for every need," he said bitterly. 8459 "I do not love you, Cecil," she said, "but I respect you. If I must 8460 disgrace myself by such a bargain with any man, I prefer that it 8461 be one I already despise. I should loathe the man to whom I 8462 sold myself without love, whomsoever he might be. You will be 8463 happier," she concluded, "alone−−with my respect and 8464 friendship, than with me and my contempt." 8465 He did not press the matter further, but if ever a man had 8466 murder in his heart it was William Cecil Clayton, Lord 8467

8454 wince (to) – estremecer, assustar-se 8458 desirable (adj) – desejável, atraente, atractivo 8459 bitterly (adv) – amargamente 8462 already (adv) - já 8462 despise (to) – desprezar, menosprezar 8462 loathe (to) – detestar, abominar, sentir aversão por 8463 whomsoever (pron) – quem quer que, seja quem for 8465 contempt (s) – desprezo, desdém, menosprezo

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Greystoke, when, a week later, Robert Canler drew up before 8468 the farmhouse in his purring six cylinder. 8469 A week passed; a tense, uneventful, but uncomfortable week 8470 for all the inmates of the little Wisconsin farmhouse. 8471 Canler was insistent that Jane marry him at once. 8472 At length she gave in from sheer loathing of the continued and 8473 hateful importuning. 8474 It was agreed that on the morrow Canler was to drive to town 8475 and bring back the license and a minister. 8476 Clayton had wanted to leave as soon as the plan was 8477 announced, but the girl's tired, hopeless look kept him. 8478 He could not desert her. 8479 Something might happen yet, he tried to console himself by 8480 thinking. And in his heart, he knew that it would require but a 8481 tiny spark to turn his hatred for Canler into the blood lust of the 8482 killer. 8483 Early the next morning Canler set out for town. 8484 In the east smoke could be seen lying low over the forest, for a 8485 fire had been raging for a week not far from them, but the wind 8486 still lay in the west and no danger threatened them. 8487 About noon Jane started off for a walk. She would not let 8488 Clayton accompany her. She wanted to be alone, she said, 8489 and he respected her wishes. 8490

8469 purring (adj) – que faz ronron, que faz um ruído bonito 8470 uneventful (adj) – calmo, rotineiro 8473 at lenght – finalmente 8473 give in (to) – ir-se abaixo, sucumbir, ceder, render-se, submeter-se 8473 sheer (adj) – simples, mero, puro 8473 loathing (s) – aversão, repugnância 8474 importune (to) – importunar, incomodar, enfadar, aborrecer 8482 lust (s) – ânsia, cobiça 8486 rage (to) – grassar, assolar, devastar ♣♣♣ raging (adj) – que se torna violento ou muito intenso

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In the house Professor Porter and Mr. Philander were 8491 immersed in an absorbing discussion of some weighty 8492 scientific problem. Esmeralda dozed in the kitchen, and 8493 Clayton, heavy−eyed after a sleepless night, threw himself 8494 down upon the couch in the living room and soon dropped into 8495 a fitful slumber. 8496 To the east the black smoke clouds rose higher into the 8497 heavens, suddenly they eddied, and then commenced to drift 8498 rapidly toward the west. 8499 On and on they came. The inmates of the tenant house were 8500 gone, for it was market day, and none was there to see the 8501 rapid approach of the fiery demon. 8502 Soon the flames had spanned the road to the south and cut off 8503 Canler's return. A little fluctuation of the wind now carried the 8504 path of the forest fire to the north, then blew back and the 8505 flames nearly stood still as though held in leash by some 8506 master hand. 8507 Suddenly, out of the northeast, a great black car came 8508 careening down the road. 8509 With a jolt it stopped before the cottage, and a black−haired 8510 giant leaped out to run up onto the porch. 8511 Without a pause he rushed into the house. On the couch lay 8512 Clayton. The man started in surprise, but with a bound was at 8513 the side of the sleeping man. 8514

8493 doze (to) – dormitar 8496 fitful (adj) – incerto, irregular 8496 slumber (s) – sono, descanso, inactividade 8498 eddy (to) – rodopiar, redemoinhar 8502 fiery (adj) - ardente 8503 span (to) – alcançar, transpor, atravessar 8506 leash (s) – trela (preso à trela) 8507 master hand - mão de mestre; perito; especialista 8509 careen (to) – aparecer aos poucos, tornar-se visível (querenar) 8510 jolt (to) – solavanco, sacudidela

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Shaking him roughly by the shoulder, he cried: 8515 "My God, Clayton, are you all mad here? Don't you know you 8516 are nearly surrounded by fire? Where is Miss Porter?" 8517 Clayton sprang to his feet. He did not recognize the man, but 8518 he understood the words and was upon the veranda in a 8519 bound. 8520 "Scott!" he cried, and then, dashing back into the house, "Jane! 8521 Jane! where are you?" 8522 In an instant Esmeralda, Professor Porter and Mr. Philander 8523 had joined the two men. 8524 "Where is Miss Jane?" cried Clayton, seizing Esmeralda by the 8525 shoulders and shaking her roughly. 8526 "Oh, Gaberelle, Mister Clayton, she done gone for a walk." 8527 "Hasn't she come back yet?" and, without waiting for a reply, 8528 Clayton dashed out into the yard, followed by the others. 8529 "Which way did she go?" cried the black−haired giant of 8530 Esmeralda. 8531 "Down that road," cried the frightened woman, pointing toward 8532 the south where a mighty wall of roaring flames shut out the 8533 view. 8534 "Put these people in the other car," shouted the stranger to 8535 Clayton. "I saw one as I drove up−−and get them out of here 8536 by the north road. 8537

8536 one – refere-se a que viu um/outro carro

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"Leave my car here. If I find Miss Porter we shall need it. If I 8538 don't, no one will need it. Do as I say," as Clayton hesitated, 8539 and then they saw the lithe figure bound away cross the 8540 clearing toward the northwest where the forest still stood, 8541 untouched by flame. 8542 In each rose the unaccountable feeling that a great 8543 responsibility had been raised from their shoulders; a kind of 8544 implicit confidence in the power of the stranger to save Jane if 8545 she could be saved. 8546 "Who was that?" asked Professor Porter. 8547 "I do not know," replied Clayton. "He called me by name and 8548 he knew Jane, for he asked for her. And he called Esmeralda 8549 by name." 8550 "There was something most startlingly familiar about him," 8551 exclaimed Mr. Philander, "And yet, bless me, I know I never 8552 saw him before." 8553 "Tut, tut!" cried Professor Porter. "Most remarkable! Who could 8554 it have been, and why do I feel that Jane is safe, now that he 8555 has set out in search of her?" 8556 "I can't tell you, Professor," said Clayton soberly, "but I know I 8557 have the same uncanny feeling." 8558 "But come," he cried, "we must get out of here ourselves, or 8559 we shall be shut off," and the party hastened toward Clayton's 8560 car. 8561

8540 lithe (adj) – ágil, flexível 8541 still (adv) - ainda 8545 confidence (s) - confiança 8551 startlingly (adv) – surpreendentemente, assustadoramente 8557 soberly (adv) – calmamente, sobriamente (sensatamente) 8558 uncanny (adj) – estranho, misterioso, inquietante

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When Jane turned to retrace her steps homeward, she was 8562 alarmed to note how near the smoke of the forest fire seemed, 8563 and as she hastened onward her alarm became almost a panic 8564 when she perceived that the rushing flames were rapidly 8565 forcing their way between herself and the cottage. 8566 At length she was compelled to turn into the dense thicket and 8567 attempt to force her way to the west in an effort to circle around 8568 the flames and reach the house. 8569 In a short time the futility of her attempt became apparent and 8570 then her one hope lay in retracing her steps to the road and 8571 flying for her life to the south toward the town. 8572 The twenty minutes that it took her to regain the road was all 8573 that had been needed to cut off her retreat as effectually as her 8574 advance had been cut off before. 8575 A short run down the road brought her to a horrified stand, for 8576 there before her was another wall of flame. An arm of the main 8577 conflagration had shot out a half mile south of its parent to 8578 embrace this tiny strip of road in its implacable clutches. 8579 Jane knew that it was useless again to attempt to force her 8580 way through the undergrowth. 8581 She had tried it once, and failed. Now she realized that it would 8582 be but a matter of minutes ere the whole space between the 8583 north and the south would be a seething mass of billowing 8584 flames. 8585

8562 retrace (to) – voltar novamente 8564 onward (adj) – para a frente 8567 at lenght – finalmente 8567 compel (to) – obrigar, forçar, compelir 8574 retreat (s) – retirada, recuo 8574 effectually (adv) - eficazmente 8577 main (adj) - principal 8578 parent (s) – causa, origem, fonte (pai ou mãe, antepassado) 8584 seething (adj) – fervente, a ferver ♣♣♣ billow (s) – vaga, onda 8584 bollowing (adj) – que se assemelham a vagas ou ondas

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Calmly the girl kneeled down in the dust of the roadway and 8586 prayed for strength to meet her fate bravely, and for the 8587 delivery of her father and her friends from death. 8588 Suddenly she heard her name being called aloud through the 8589 forest: 8590 "Jane! Jane Porter!" It rang strong and clear, but in a strange 8591 voice. 8592 "Here!" she called in reply. "Here! In the roadway!" 8593 Then through the branches of the trees she saw a figure 8594 swinging with the speed of a squirrel. 8595 A veering of the wind blew a cloud of smoke about them and 8596 she could no longer see the man who was speeding toward 8597 her, but suddenly she felt a great arm about her. Then she was 8598 lifted up, and she felt the rushing of the wind and the 8599 occasional brush of a branch as she was borne along. 8600 She opened her eyes. 8601 Far below her lay the undergrowth and the hard earth. 8602 About her was the waving foliage of the forest. 8603 From tree to tree swung the giant figure which bore her, and it 8604 seemed to Jane that she was living over in a dream the 8605 experience that had been hers in that far African jungle. 8606 Oh, if it were but the same man who had borne her so swiftly 8607 through the tangled verdure on that other day! 8608

8596 veering (s) – mudança, desvio

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but that was impossible! Yet who else in all the world was there 8609 with the strength and agility to do what this man was now 8610 doing? 8611 She stole a sudden glance at the face close to hers, and then 8612 she gave a little frightened gasp. It was he! 8613 "My forest man!" she murmured, "No, I must be delerious!" 8614 "Yes, your man, Jane Porter. Your savage, primeval man 8615 come out of the jungle to claim his mate—the woman who ran 8616 away from him," he added almost fiercely. 8617 "I did not run away," she whispered. "I would only consent to 8618 leave when they had waited a week for you to return." 8619 They had come to a point beyond the fire now, and he had 8620 turned back to the clearing. 8621 Side by side they were walking toward the cottage. The wind 8622 had changed once more and the fire was burning back upon 8623 itself−−another hour like that and it would be burned out. 8624 "Why did you not return?" she asked. 8625 "I was nursing D'Arnot. He was badly wounded." 8626 "Ah, I knew it!" she exclaimed. 8627 "They said you had gone to join the blacks−−that they were 8628 your people." 8629 He laughed. 8630 "But you did not believe them, Jane?" 8631 "No;−−what shall I call you?" she asked. "What is your name?" 8632

8614 delirious/delerious (adj) – delirante, em delírio

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"I was Tarzan of the Apes when you first knew me," he said. 8633 "Tarzan of the Apes!" she cried−−"and that was your note I 8634 answered when I left?" 8635 "Yes, whose did you think it was?" 8636 "I did not know; only that it could not be yours, for Tarzan of 8637 the Apes had written in English, and you could not understand 8638 a word of any language." 8639 Again he laughed. 8640 "It is a long story, but it was I who wrote what I could not 8641 speak−−and now D'Arnot has made matters worse by teaching 8642 me to speak French instead of English. 8643 "Come," he added, "jump into my car, we must overtake your 8644 father, they are only a little way ahead." 8645 As they drove along, he said: 8646 "Then when you said in your note to Tarzan of the Apes that 8647 you loved another−−you might have meant me?" 8648 "I might have," she answered, simply. 8649 "But in Baltimore−−Oh, how I have searched for you−−they 8650 told me you would possibly be married by now. 8651 That a man named Canler had come up here to wed you. Is 8652 that true?" 8653 "Yes." 8654 "Do you love him?" 8655 "No." 8656

8642 matter (s) – assunto, problema, matéria 8642 worse (adj) - pior 8644 overtake (to) – alcançar, atingir (ultrapassar, passar à frente) 8652 wed (to) – casar, unir em casamento

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"Do you love me?" 8657 She buried her face in her hands. 8658 "I am promised to another. I cannot answer you, Tarzan of the 8659 Apes," she cried. 8660 "You have answered. Now, tell me why you would marry one 8661 you do not love." 8662 "My father owes him money." 8663 Suddenly there came back to Tarzan the memory of the letter 8664 he had read−−and the name Robert Canler and the hinted 8665 trouble which he had been unable to understand then. 8666 He smiled. 8667 "If your father had not lost the treasure you would not feel 8668 forced to keep your promise to this man Canler?" 8669 "I could ask him to release me." 8670 "And if he refused?" 8671 "I have given my promise." 8672 He was silent for a moment. The car was plunging along the 8673 uneven road at a reckless pace, for the fire showed 8674 threateningly at their right, and another change of the wind 8675 might sweep it on with raging fury across this one avenue of 8676 escape. 8677 Finally they passed the danger point, and Tarzan reduced their 8678 speed. 8679 "Suppose I should ask him?" ventured Tarzan. 8680

8665 hint (to) – sugerir, insinuar, aludir veladamente a, dar a entender 8673 plunge (to) – atirar-se, lançar-se 8674 uneven (adj) – desigual, irregular 8674 reckless (adj) – imprudente, temerário

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"He would scarcely accede to the demand of a stranger," said 8681 the girl. "Especially one who wanted me himself." 8682 "Terkoz did," said Tarzan, grimly. 8683 Jane shuddered and looked fearfully up at the giant figure 8684 beside her, for she knew that he meant the great anthropoid he 8685 had killed in her defense. 8686 "This is not the African jungle," she said. "You are no longer a 8687 savage beast. You are a gentleman, and gentlemen do not kill 8688 in cold blood." 8689 "I am still a wild beast at heart," he said, in a low voice, as 8690 though to himself. 8691 Again they were silent for a time. 8692 "Jane," said the man, at length, "if you were free, would you 8693 marry me?" 8694 She did not reply at once, but he waited patiently. 8695 The girl was trying to collect her thoughts. 8696 What did she know of this strange creature at her side? What 8697 did he know of himself? Who was he? Who, his parents? 8698 Why, his very name echoed his mysterious origin and his 8699 savage life. 8700 He had no name. Could she be happy with this jungle waif? 8701 Could she find anything in common with a husband whose life 8702 had been spent in the tree tops of an African wilderness, 8703 frolicking and fighting with fierce anthropoids; tearing his food 8704

8701 waif (s) – objecto ou animal sem dono 8703 wilderness (s) – vastidão, imensidão, lugar selvagem 8704 frolic (to) – divertir-se, folgar, brincar, fazer travessuras

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from the quivering flank of fresh−killed prey, sinking his strong 8705 teeth into raw flesh, and tearing away his portion while his 8706 mates growled and fought about him for their share? 8707 Could he ever rise to her social sphere? Could she bear to 8708 think of sinking to his? Would either be happy in such a 8709 horrible misalliance? 8710 "You do not answer," he said. "Do you shrink from wounding 8711 me?" 8712 "I do not know what answer to make," said Jane sadly. "I do 8713 not know my own mind." 8714 "You do not love me, then?" he asked, in a level tone. 8715 "Do not ask me. You will be happier without me. You were 8716 never meant for the formal restrictions and conventionalities of 8717 society−−civilization would become irksome to you, and in a 8718 little while you would long for the freedom of your old life−−a 8719 life to which I am as totally unfitted as you to mine." 8720 "I think I understand you," he replied quietly. "I shall not urge 8721 you, for I would rather see you happy than to be happy myself. 8722 I see now that you could not be happy with−−an ape." 8723 There was just the faintest tinge of bitterness in his voice. 8724 "Don't," she remonstrated. "Don't say that. You do not 8725 understand." 8726 But before she could go on a sudden turn in the road brought 8727 them into the midst of a little hamlet. 8728

8705 quivering (adj) – palpitante (tremente) 8709 sink (to) – baixar ou descer de nível (afundar, atolar, tombar) 8710 misalliance (s) – casamento ou associação desigual 8711 shrink (to) – recuar, acobardar-se, esquivar-se 8718 irksome (adj) – aborrecido, custoso, maçador, fastidioso, penoso 8720 unfit (adj) – incapaz, inapto, sem capacidade 8724 tinge (s) – tom, vestígio, traço, laivo 8724 bitterness (s) – amargor, amargura 8728 hamlet (s) – lugarejo, aldeola, lugar

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Before them stood Clayton's car surrounded by the party he 8729 had brought from the cottage. 8730 Chapter 28. Conclusion 8731 At the sight of Jane, cries of relief and delight broke from every 8732 lip, and as Tarzan's car stopped beside the other, Professor 8733 Porter caught his daughter in his arms. 8734 For a moment no one noticed Tarzan, sitting silently in his 8735 seat. 8736 Clayton was the first to remember, and, turning, held out his 8737 hand. 8738 "How can we ever thank you?" he exclaimed. "You have saved 8739 us all. You called me by name at the cottage, but I do not 8740 seem to recall yours, though there is something very familiar 8741 about you. It is as though I had known you well under very 8742 different conditions a long time ago." 8743 Tarzan smiled as he took the proffered hand. 8744 "You are quite right, Monsieur Clayton," he said, in French. 8745 "You will pardon me if I do not speak to you in English. I am 8746 just learning it, and while I understand it fairly well I speak it 8747 very poorly." 8748 "But who are you?" insisted Clayton, speaking in French this 8749 time himself. 8750 "Tarzan of the Apes." 8751 Clayton started back in surprise. 8752

8744 proffer (to) – oferecer, ofertar

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"By Jove!" he exclaimed. "It is true." 8753 And Professor Porter and Mr. Philander pressed forward to 8754 add their thanks to Clayton's, and to voice their surprise and 8755 pleasure at seeing their jungle friend so far from his savage 8756 home. 8757 The party now entered the modest little hostelry, where 8758 Clayton soon made arrangements for their entertainment. 8759 They were sitting in the little, stuffy parlor when the distant 8760 chugging of an approaching automobile caught their attention. 8761 Mr. Philander, who was sitting near the window, looked out as 8762 the car drew in sight, finally stopping beside the other 8763 automobiles. 8764 "Bless me!" said Mr. Philander, a shade of annoyance in his 8765 tone. "It is Mr. Canler. I had hoped, er−−I had thought 8766 or−−er−−how very happy we should be that he was not caught 8767 in the fire," he ended lamely. 8768 "Tut, tut! Mr. Philander," said Professor Porter. "Tut, tut! I have 8769 often admonished my pupils to count ten before speaking. 8770 Were I you, Mr. Philander, I should count at least a thousand, 8771 and then maintain a discreet silence." 8772 "Bless me, yes!" acquiesced Mr. Philander. "But who is the 8773 clerical appearing gentleman with him?" 8774 Jane blanched. 8775 Clayton moved uneasily in his chair. 8776

8758 hostelry (s) - estalagem 8759 entertainment (s) – banquete, festa, recepção (entretenimento) 8760 stuffy (adj) – abafado, com cheiro a mofo 8760 parlor/parlour (s) – saleta, sala de estar 8761 chug (s) – ruído de motor, zoada 8768 lamely (adv) – de modo pouco convincente 8772 maintain (to) – manter, preservar, conservar

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Professor Porter removed his spectacles nervously, and 8777 breathed upon them, but replaced them on his nose without 8778 wiping. 8779 The ubiquitous Esmeralda grunted. 8780 Only Tarzan did not comprehend. 8781 Presently Robert Canler burst into the room. 8782 "Thank God!" he cried. "I feared the worst, until I saw your car, 8783 Clayton. I was cut off on the south road and had to go away 8784 back to town, and then strike east to this road. I thought we'd 8785 never reach the cottage." 8786 No one seemed to enthuse much. Tarzan eyed Robert Canler 8787 as Sabor eyes her prey. 8788 Jane glanced at him and coughed nervously. 8789 "Mr. Canler," she said, "this is Monsieur Tarzan, an old friend." 8790 Canler turned and extended his hand. Tarzan rose and bowed 8791 as only D'Arnot could have taught a gentleman to do it, but he 8792 did not seem to see Canler's hand. 8793 Nor did Canler appear to notice the oversight. 8794 "This is the Reverend Mr. Tousley, Jane," said Canler, turning 8795 to the clerical party behind him. "Mr. Tousley, Miss Porter." 8796 Mr. Tousley bowed and beamed. 8797 Canler introduced him to the others. 8798 "We can have the ceremony at once, Jane," said Canler. 8799 "Then you and I can catch the midnight train in town." 8800

8777 spectacles (s pl) - óculos 8780 ubiquitous (adj) – que possui o dom de estar ao mesmo tempo em vários lugares (omnipresença) 8785 strike (to) – chegar a, atingir, descobrir (bater com, bater em) 8787 enthuse (to) - entusiasmar 8794 oversight (s) – distracção, descuido, lapso, equívoco

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Tarzan understood the plan instantly. He glanced out of 8801 half−closed eyes at Jane, but he did not move. 8802 The girl hesitated. The room was tense with the silence of taut 8803 nerves. 8804 All eyes turned toward Jane, awaiting her reply. 8805 "Can't we wait a few days?" she asked. "I am all unstrung. I 8806 have been through so much today." 8807 Canler felt the hostility that emanated from each member of the 8808 party. It made him angry. 8809 "We have waited as long as I intend to wait," he said roughly. 8810 "You have promised to marry me. I shall be played with no 8811 longer. I have the license and here is the preacher. Come Mr. 8812 Tousley; come Jane. There are plenty of witnesses −−more 8813 than enough," he added with a disagreeable inflection; and 8814 taking Jane Porter by the arm, he started to lead her toward 8815 the waiting minister. 8816 But scarcely had he taken a single step ere a heavy hand 8817 closed upon his arm with a grip of steel. 8818 Another hand shot to his throat and in a moment he was being 8819 shaken high above the floor, as a cat might shake a mouse. 8820 Jane turned in horrified surprise toward Tarzan. 8821 And, as she looked into his face, she saw the crimson band 8822 upon his forehead that she had seen that other day in far 8823

8803 taut (adj) – tenso, sob tensão 8806 unstring (to) – debilitar, perturbar, enervar 8811 play with (to) – brincar, não encarar com seriedade 8812 preacher (s) - pregador 8813 witness (s) - testemunha 8822 crimson (adj) – de côr carmesim

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distant Africa, when Tarzan of the Apes had closed in mortal 8824 combat with the great anthropoid−−Terkoz. 8825 She knew that murder lay in that savage heart, and with a little 8826 cry of horror she sprang forward to plead with the ape−man. 8827 But her fears were more for Tarzan than for Canler. She 8828 realized the stern retribution which justice metes to the 8829 murderer. 8830 Before she could reach them, however, Clayton had jumped to 8831 Tarzan's side and attempted to drag Canler from his grasp. 8832 With a single sweep of one mighty arm the Englishman was 8833 hurled across the room, and then Jane laid a firm white hand 8834 upon Tarzan's wrist, and looked up into his eyes. 8835 "For my sake," she said. 8836 The grasp upon Canler's throat relaxed. 8837 Tarzan looked down into the beautiful face before him. 8838 "Do you wish this to live?" he asked in surprise. 8839 "I do not wish him to die at your hands, my friend," she replied. 8840 "I do not wish you to become a murderer." 8841 Tarzan removed his hand from Canler's throat. 8842 "Do you release her from her promise?" he asked. "It is the 8843 price of your life." 8844 Canler, gasping for breath, nodded. 8845 "Will you go away and never molest her further?" 8846

8827 plead (to) – rogar, suplicar, pedir, implorar 8829 mete (to) – administrar ou mandar executar uma punição

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Again the man nodded his head, his face distorted by fear of 8847 the death that had been so close. 8848 Tarzan released him, and Canler staggered toward the door. In 8849 another moment he was gone, and the terror−stricken 8850 preacher with him. 8851 Tarzan turned toward Jane. 8852 "May I speak with you for a moment, alone," he asked. 8853 The girl nodded and started toward the door leading to the 8854 narrow veranda of the little hotel. She passed out to await 8855 Tarzan and so did not hear the conversation which followed. 8856 "Wait," cried Professor Porter, as Tarzan was about to follow. 8857 The professor had been stricken dumb with surprise by the 8858 rapid developments of the past few minutes. 8859 "Before we go further, sir, I should like an explanation of the 8860 events which have just transpired. By what right, sir, did you 8861 interfere between my daughter and Mr. Canler? I had promised 8862 him her hand, sir, and regardless of our personal likes or 8863 dislikes, sir, that promise must be kept." 8864 "I interfered, Professor Porter," replied Tarzan, "because your 8865 daughter does not love Mr. Canler−−she does not wish to 8866 marry him. That is enough for me to know." 8867 "You do not know what you have done," said Professor Porter. 8868 "Now he will doubtless refuse to marry her." 8869 "He most certainly will," said Tarzan, emphatically. 8870

8849 stagger (to) – cambalear, vacilar 8855 pass out (to) – sair??? Costuma ser: desmaiar, perder os sentidos 8855 await (to) – esperar, aguardar 8858 dumb (adj) – mudo, silencioso, calado 8863 regardless (adj) – indiferente (negligente, desatento)

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"And further," added Tarzan, "you need not fear that your pride 8871 will suffer, Professor Porter, for you will be able to pay the 8872 Canler person what you owe him the moment you reach 8873 home." 8874 "Tut, tut, sir!" exclaimed Professor Porter. "What do you mean, 8875 sir?" 8876 "Your treasure has been found," said Tarzan. 8877 "What−−what is that you are saying?" cried the professor. "You 8878 are mad, man. It cannot be." 8879 "It is, though. It was I who stole it, not knowing either its value 8880 or to whom it belonged. I saw the sailors bury it, and, ape−like, 8881 I had to dig it up and bury it again elsewhere. When D'Arnot 8882 told me what it was and what it meant to you I returned to the 8883 jungle and recovered it. It had caused so much crime and 8884 suffering and sorrow that D'Arnot thought it best not to attempt 8885 to bring the treasure itself on here, as had been my intention, 8886 so I have brought a letter of credit instead. 8887 "Here it is, Professor Porter," and Tarzan drew an envelope 8888 from his pocket and handed it to the astonished professor, "two 8889 hundred and forty−one thousand dollars. The treasure was 8890 most carefully appraised by experts, but lest there should be 8891 any question in your mind, D'Arnot himself bought it and is 8892 holding it for you, should you prefer the treasure to the credit." 8893

8882 elsewhere (adv) – em qualquer outraparte 8891 lest (conj) – para evitar que

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"To the already great burden of the obligations we owe you, 8894 sir," said Professor Porter, with trembling voice, "is now added 8895 this greatest of all services. You have given me the means to 8896 save my honor." 8897 Clayton, who had left the room a moment after Canler, now 8898 returned. 8899 "Pardon me," he said. "I think we had better try to reach town 8900 before dark and take the first train out of this forest. A native 8901 just rode by from the north, who reports that the fire is moving 8902 slowly in this direction." 8903 This announcement broke up further conversation, and the 8904 entire party went out to the waiting automobiles. 8905 Clayton, with Jane, the professor and Esmeralda occupied 8906 Clayton's car, while Tarzan took Mr. Philander in with him. 8907 "Bless me!" exclaimed Mr. Philander, as the car moved off 8908 after Clayton. "Who would ever have thought it possible! The 8909 last time I saw you you were a veritable wild man, skipping 8910 about among the branches of a tropical African forest, and now 8911 you are driving me along a Wisconsin road in a French 8912 automobile. Bless me! But it is most remarkable." 8913 "Yes," assented Tarzan, and then, after a pause, "Mr. 8914 Philander, do you recall any of the details of the finding and 8915 burying of three skeletons found in my cabin beside that 8916 African jungle?" 8917

8894 owe (to) – dever, estar em dívida 8910 skip (to) – saltar, saltitar

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"Very distinctly, sir, very distinctly," replied Mr. Philander. 8918 "Was there anything peculiar about any of those skeletons?" 8919 Mr. Philander eyed Tarzan narrowly. 8920 "Why do you ask?" 8921 "It means a great deal to me to know," replied Tarzan. "Your 8922 answer may clear up a mystery. It can do no worse, at any 8923 rate, than to leave it still a mystery. I have been entertaining a 8924 theory concerning those skeletons for the past two months, 8925 and I want you to answer my question to the best of your 8926 knowledge−−were the three skeletons you buried all human 8927 skeletons?" 8928 "No," said Mr. Philander, "the smallest one, the one found in 8929 the crib, was the skeleton of an anthropoid ape." 8930 "Thank you," said Tarzan. 8931 In the car ahead, Jane was thinking fast and furiously. She had 8932 felt the purpose for which Tarzan had asked a few words with 8933 her, and she knew that she must be prepared to give him an 8934 answer in the very near future. 8935 He was not the sort of person one could put off, and somehow 8936 that very thought made her wonder if she did not really fear 8937 him. 8938 And could she love where she feared? 8939

8920 narrowly (adv) – atentamente, minuciosamente, de perto 8923 worse (s) – coisa pior 8923 At any rate – de qualquer maneira, seja como for, pelo menos, ao menos

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She realized the spell that had been upon her in the depths of 8940 that far−off jungle, but there was no spell of enchantment now 8941 in prosaic Wisconsin. 8942 Nor did the immaculate young Frenchman appeal to the primal 8943 woman in her, as had the stalwart forest god. 8944 Did she love him? She did not know−−now. 8945 She glanced at Clayton out of the corner of her eye. Was not 8946 here a man trained in the same school of environment in which 8947 she had been trained−−a man with social position and culture 8948 such as she had been taught to consider as the prime 8949 essentials to congenial association? 8950 Did not her best judgment point to this young English 8951 nobleman, whose love she knew to be of the sort a civilized 8952 woman should crave, as the logical mate for such as herself? 8953 Could she love Clayton? She could see no reason why she 8954 could not. Jane was not coldly calculating by nature, but 8955 training, environment and heredity had all combined to teach 8956 her to reason even in matters of the heart. 8957 That she had been carried off her feet by the strength of the 8958 young giant when his great arms were about her in the distant 8959 African forest, and again today, in the Wisconsin woods, 8960 seemed to her only attributable to a temporary mental 8961 reversion to type on her part−−to the psychological appeal of 8962 the primeval man to the primeval woman in her nature. 8963

8940 spell (s) – encanto, fascinação (feitiço, bruxaria) 8943 appeal (to) – atrair, despertar interesse 8944 stalwart (adj) – forte, robusto, vigoroso 8953 crave (to) – suspirar, ansiar 8958 carry off his feet (to) – ficar estonteado com 8962 reversion (s) – regresso a um estado anterior 8962 type (to) - tipificar 8963 nature (s) – temperamento, índole, natureza

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If he should never touch her again, she reasoned, she would 8964 never feel attracted toward him. She had not loved him, then. It 8965 had been nothing more than a passing hallucination, 8966 super−induced by excitement and by personal contact. 8967 Excitement would not always mark their future relations, should 8968 she marry him, and the power of personal contact eventually 8969 would be dulled by familiarity. 8970 Again she glanced at Clayton. He was very handsome and 8971 every inch a gentleman. She should be very proud of such a 8972 husband. 8973 And then he spoke−−a minute sooner or a minute later might 8974 have made all the difference in the world to three lives −−but 8975 chance stepped in and pointed out to Clayton the 8976 psychological moment. 8977 "You are free now, Jane," he said. "Won't you say yes−−I will 8978 devote my life to making you very happy." 8979 "Yes," she whispered. 8980 That evening in the little waiting room at the station Tarzan 8981 caught Jane alone for a moment. 8982 "You are free now, Jane," he said, "and _I_ have come across 8983 the ages out of the dim and distant past from the lair of the 8984 primeval man to claim you−−for your sake I have become a 8985 civilized man−−for your sake I have crossed oceans and 8986 continents−−for your sake I will be whatever you will me to be. 8987

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I can make you happy, Jane, in the life you know and love 8988 best. Will you marry me?" 8989 For the first time she realized the depths of the man's love 8990 −−all that he had accomplished in so short a time solely for 8991 love of her. Turning her head she buried her face in her arms. 8992 What had she done? Because she had been afraid she might 8993 succumb to the pleas of this giant, she had burned her bridges 8994 behind her−−in her groundless apprehension that she might 8995 make a terrible mistake, she had made a worse one. 8996 And then she told him all−−told him the truth word by word, 8997 without attempting to shield herself or condone her error. 8998 "What can we do?" he asked. "You have admitted that you 8999 love me. You know that I love you; but I do not know the ethics 9000 of society by which you are governed. I shall leave the decision 9001 to you, for you know best what will be for your eventual 9002 welfare." 9003 "I cannot tell him, Tarzan," she said. "He too, loves me, and he 9004 is a good man. I could never face you nor any other honest 9005 person if I repudiated my promise to Mr. Clayton. I shall have 9006 to keep it−−and you must help me bear the burden, though we 9007 may not see each other again after tonight." 9008 The others were entering the room now and Tarzan turned 9009 toward the little window. 9010

8991 accomplish (to) – realizar, efectuar, levar a cabo 8991 solely (adv) – somente, unicamente, exclusivamente 8994 succumb (to) – ceder, não resistir, sucumbir 8994 plea (s) – apelo, rogo, súplica 8998 shield (to) – defender, proteger 8998 condone (to) – perdoar (reparar uma falta) 9002 eventual (adj) – que pode variar 9003 welfare (s) – felicidade, bem-estar

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But he saw nothing outside−−within he saw a patch of 9011 greensward surrounded by a matted mass of gorgeous tropical 9012 plants and flowers, and, above, the waving foliage of mighty 9013 trees, and, over all, the blue of an equatorial sky. 9014 In the center of the greensward a young woman sat upon a 9015 little mound of earth, and beside her sat a young giant. They 9016 ate pleasant fruit and looked into each other's eyes and smiled. 9017 They were very happy, and they were all alone. 9018 His thoughts were broken in upon by the station agent who 9019 entered asking if there was a gentleman by the name of 9020 Tarzan in the party. 9021 "I am Monsieur Tarzan," said the ape−man. 9022 "Here is a message for you, forwarded from Baltimore; it is a 9023 cablegram from Paris." 9024 Tarzan took the envelope and tore it open. The message was 9025 from D'Arnot. 9026 It read: 9027 Fingerprints prove you Greystoke. Congratulations. D'ARNOT. 9028 As Tarzan finished reading, Clayton entered and came toward 9029 him with extended hand. 9030 Here was the man who had Tarzan's title, and Tarzan's 9031 estates, and was going to marry the woman whom Tarzan 9032 loved−−the woman who loved Tarzan. A single word from 9033 Tarzan would make a great difference in this man's life. 9034

9012 greensward (s) - relvado

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It would take away his title and his lands and his castles, 9035 and−−it would take them away from Jane Porter also. "I say, 9036 old man," cried Clayton, "I haven't had a chance to thank you 9037 for all you've done for us. It seems as though you had your 9038 hands full saving our lives in Africa and here. 9039 "I'm awfully glad you came on here. We must get better 9040 acquainted. I often thought about you, you know, and the 9041 remarkable circumstances of your environment. 9042 "If it's any of my business, how the devil did you ever get into 9043 that bally jungle?" 9044 "I was born there," said Tarzan, quietly. "My mother was an 9045 Ape, and of course she couldn't tell me much about it. I never 9046 knew who my father was." 9047

9035 castle (s) - castelo 9040 be acquainted with somebody (to) - conhecer alguém pessoalmente 9042 environment (s) – meio, ambiente 9044 bally (adj) - maldito 9047 Novas aventuras de Tarzan, e o que aconteceu em conseqüência do seu nobre gesto de renúncia serão contadas no livro seguinte, que se intitula “O REGRESSO DE TARZAN. O mundo, e um ou dois filósofos (!) franceses pegaram o assunto e tentaram dissecá-lo. Atribuiriam-lhe malefícios, disseram que era contraproducente para as crianças, ou então que era o herói puro, aquele que as crianças deviam ler, porque lhes incutia no espírito princípios de acordo com a Natureza. Não nos interessa aqui comentar quaisquer dessas correntes, embora em Portugal, por volta dos anos 50-60 os educadores se deixassem influenciar pelo “que dizia Paris” e proibissem também Tarzan, sobretudo nos jornais juvenis. Mas essa medida foi tão absurda, como outra promulgada, nessa altura por uma Comissão para as coisas juvenis, que proibiu que nos jornais juvenis aparecessem pistolas ou quaisquer espécies de armas. Tarzan, porém, sobreviveu a tudo isso. Conheceu sobretudo pelos seus filmes e pela banda desenhada, a maioria dos países do mundo, e viu-se traduzido e lido também em muitos deles. Foi e é aquilo a que se pode chamar um “best-seller” de todos os tempos. Seller (s) – artigo que se vende (vendedor, comerciante)