Æèâ³ ïàðàô³¿ - ì³ñöÿ çóñòð³÷³ ç æèâèì Õðèñòîì of the church”...

VOL. 73 - No. 5 . î. Ñòåïàí Á³ëèê ãîâîðèâ ïðî ñïîä³âàííÿ ³ ö³ë³ „³糿 2020" ³ ïðîâîäèâ ñåì³íàð. Îô³ö³éíèé äðóêîâàíèé îðãàí Ô³ëàäåëüô³éñüêî¿ Àðõèºïàðõ³¿ Óêðà¿íñüêî¿ Êàòîëèöüêî¿ Öåðêâè Óêðà¿íñüêà Âåðñ³ÿ 18 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p. Æèâ³ ïàðàô³¿ - ì³ñöÿ çóñòð³÷³ ç æèâèì Õðèñòîì Ñâÿùåíè÷à êîíôåðåíö³ÿ Ô³ëàäåëüô³éñüêî¿ Óêðà¿íñüêî¿ Êàòîëèöüêî¿ Àðõèºïàðõ³¿, 6-ãî áåðåçíÿ, 2012 ð., â êàòåäðàëüíîìó çàë³ ó Ô³ëàäåëüô³¿, ÏÀ Ìèòðîïîëèò-Àðõèºïèñêîï Ñòåôàí Ñîðîêà ðîçïî÷àâ ñâÿùåíè÷ó êîíôåðåíö³þ ç ïðèâ³òàííÿ ³ âñòóïíî¿ ÷àñòèíè ïðî „Â³ç³þ 2020" “Æèâ³ Ïàðàô³¿ ̳ñöÿ Çóñòð³÷³ ç Æèâèì Õðèñòîì.î. Ðîáåðò Ãèò÷åíñ (ñèäèòü) ³ î. Ñòåïàí Á³ëèê (ñòî¿òü) ïðîâîäèëè “Instrumentum Laboris” – ãðóïîâå îáãîâîðåííÿ Ïðåçåíòàö³¿.

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VOL. 73 - No. 5

.î. Ñòåïàí Á³ëèê ãîâîðèâ ïðî ñïîä³âàííÿ ³ ö³ë³ „³糿 2020" ³ ïðîâîäèâ ñåì³íàð.

Îô³ö³éíèé äðóêîâàíèé îðãàí Ô³ëàäåëüô³éñüêî¿ Àðõèºïàðõ³¿ Óêðà¿íñüêî¿ Êàòîëèöüêî¿ Öåðêâè

Óêðà¿íñüêà Âåðñ³ÿ18 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p.

Æèâ³ ïàðàô³¿ - ì³ñöÿ çóñòð³÷³ ç æèâèì ÕðèñòîìÑâÿùåíè÷à êîíôåðåíö³ÿ Ô³ëàäåëüô³éñüêî¿ Óêðà¿íñüêî¿ Êàòîëèöüêî¿ Àðõèºïàðõ³¿,

6-ãî áåðåçíÿ, 2012 ð., â êàòåäðàëüíîìó çàë³ ó Ô³ëàäåëüô³¿, ÏÀ

Ìèòðîïîëèò-Àðõèºïèñêîï Ñòåôàí Ñîðîêà ðîçïî÷àâñâÿùåíè÷ó êîíôåðåíö³þ ç ïðèâ³òàííÿ ³ âñòóïíî¿÷àñòèíè ïðî „Â³ç³þ 2020" “Æèâ³ Ïàðàô³¿ ̳ñöÿÇóñòð³÷³ ç Æèâèì Õðèñòîì.”

î. Ðîáåðò Ãèò÷åíñ (ñèäèòü) ³ î. Ñòåïàí Á³ëèê (ñòî¿òü)ïðîâîäèëè “Instrumentum Laboris” – ãðóïîâåîáãîâîðåííÿ Ïðåçåíòàö³¿.

î. Á³ëèê

Æèâ³ ïàðàô³¿ – ì³ñöå çóñòð³÷³ ç æèâèì Õðèñòîì

6 áåðåçíÿ 2012 ð. â³äáóëàñÿ êîíôåðåíö³ÿ äóõîâåíñòâàÓêðà¿íñüêî¿ Êàòîëèöüêî¿ Àðõèºïàðõ³¿ Ô³ëàäåëüô³¿. Ãîëîâíîþòåìîþ çóñòð³÷³ ñòàëà: «Â³ç³ÿ 2020». Ìèòðîïîëèò-ÀðõèºïèñêîïÑòåôàí Ñîðîêà ðîçïî÷àâ êîíôåðåíö³þ ìîëèòâîþ «ÖàðþÍåáåñíèé» ³ ðîçïîâ³â ïðî ïðîãðàìó «Â³ç³¿ 2020» - «Æèâàïàðàô³ÿ – ì³ñöå çóñòð³÷³ ç æèâèì Õðèñòîì».

Ìèòðîïîëèò Ñòåôàí îçíàéîìèâ ïðèñóòí³õ ç ³ñòîð³ºþ«Â³ç³¿ 2020» ³ ÿê âñå ðîçïî÷àëîñÿ ê³ëüêà ðîê³â òîìó ï³äïðîâîäîì Ïàòð³àðõà-åìåðèòà Ëþáîìèðà Ãóçàðà. «Â³ç³ÿ2020» - öå ïðîöåñ àíàë³çó íàøî¿ Öåðêâè ñüîãîäí³ òàðîçï³çíàííÿ òîãî, êèì ìè º; à òàêîæ âèð³øåííÿ äå ìèáà÷èìî ñåáå ÷åðåç 5, 10, 20 ðîê³â.

Âñå÷åñíèé îòåöü Ñòåôàí Á³ëèê áóâ ãîëîâíèì ïðîìîâöåìíà Êîíôåðåíö³¿ äóõîâåíñòâà. ³í ãîâîðèâ ïðî ñïîä³âàííÿ òàçàâäàííÿ «Â³ç³¿ 2020» òà îçíàéîìèâ ç ñåì³íàðîì. Âñå÷åñíèéîòåöü Á³ëèê ïîÿñíèâ, ùî ãîëîâíà ³äåÿ ïðîåêòó – öå îæèâëåííÿíàøî¿ ïàðàô³¿.

ϳä ÷àñ Êîíôåðåíö³¿ Âñå÷åñíèé îòåöü Ñòåôàí Á³ëèê òàÂñå÷åñíèé îòåöü Ðîáåðò óò÷åíñ ïðîâîäèëè InstrumentumLaboris - îáãîâîðåííÿ ïðåäñòàâëåííÿ â ãðóïàõ.

Íà Êîíôåðåíö³¿ ç óñï³õîì áóëî ïðåäñòàâëåíî «Â³ç³þ2020» íàø³é Ô³ëàäåëüô³éñüê³é Àðõèºïàðõ³¿. Íà íàñòóïí³éçóñòð³÷³ â Ãåðø³, Ïåíñèëüâàí³ÿ, òàêîæ áóäóòü ïðåäñòàâëåí³³íø³ ðîçä³ëè «Â³ç³¿ 2020».

Äèâ³òüñÿ â³äåî íà íàøîìó áëîç³: www.thewayukrainian.blogspot.com

218 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p.

Ôîòî ç ñâÿùåíè÷î¿ êîíôåðåíö³¿ 6-ãî áåðåçíÿ, 2012 ð. óÔ³ëàäåëüô³¿, ÏÀ

318 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p.

PENNSYLVANIA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE223 North Street � Box 2835 � Harrisburg, PA 17105 � (717)238-9613 � FAX 238-1473

The Public Affairs Agency of the Catholic Dioceses of Pennsylvania Since 1960 www.pacatholic.org

March 7, 2012 Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The assault by the federal government on constitutionally guaranteed religious liberty continues. Our concern and alarm flows from a mandate of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) which punishes the Church for its firmly held beliefs and consistent teaching. This mandate – published in the federal register without change, despite claims of “accommodations” – would force Catholic employers to pay for abortion-causing drugs, sterilization and contraception.

Some falsely suggest that the HHS mandate is about contraception. This is primarily about religious liberty and our First Amendment rights to the free exercise of our religion. Make no mistake about it – this government mandate is a step which will inevitably lead to other mandates that continue to strike at the heart of our Faith and the constitutional liberties we have been guaranteed. The mandate cannot stand – it must not stand!

This same mandate also, alarmingly, purports to tell churches what type of activities the government thinks are religious. Catholic schools, hospitals, nursing homes and Catholic charities do not qualify for a religious exemption. Why? Because they serve non-Catholics. Under the government’s view, Jesus and his disciples would have been deemed not religious enough. We have entered dangerous territory – the government is defining religion and limiting its practice. This is an unprecedented and gross infringement on our religious freedom. We did not pick this fight, but neither will we run from it.

Religious liberty does not belong to the Democrats or Republicans, it belongs to all Americans. Long before these mandates were issued, the bishops in the United States worked for health care reform and universal coverage that respects all human life from conception to natural death and includes language to protect religious conscience and practice of all citizens. Our fervent entreaties were answered with promises that we had nothing to fear. We cannot now sit idly by and let this happen. We cannot, as a Church, be silent because some have sought to politicize our plight. Please visit www.pacatholic.org to send a message to your legislators in support of conscience rights. Our voices and yours must be heard. The mandate must be rescinded. Our freedom and liberty must be preserved. And in this effort, we must remain steadfast.

Throughout history, Catholics in times of need have turned to God through prayer and fasting, as these practices allow us to grow closer to the Lord, inspire us to do His will and invoke His protection in answer to our prayers. During the Fridays of Lent, the faithful are obliged to abstain from eating meat. As Eastern Rite Catholics, on Monday, the First Day of Lent, and Good Friday, we are also asked to fast from meat, eggs and dairy products to aid our spiritual life. Recognizing the efficacy of prayer and fasting as well as the challenges we face in overcoming the recent attack on our religious freedom, we, the Bishops of Pennsylvania, request that all Catholics dedicate the regular Lenten Friday practice of prayer and abstinence as well as the additional practice of fasting on Friday, March 30, to the preservation of religious liberty. On that day, offer your sacrifice for the cause of religious

418 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p.

(Ïðîäîâæåííÿ íà ñò. 5)

liberty, that the Church may be granted the basic right to practice what she preaches, and for our political leaders, that their eyes may be opened to the rights of all Americans, including those of faith. We will join with the over 3 million Catholics in Pennsylvania to mark this day of prayer, fasting and abstinence for religious liberty.

As we continue on our Lenten journey, we know the Lord walks with us during times of trial and concern. Let us do all that we are able – prayer, fasting, abstinence and the exercise of faithful citizenship – to uphold the freedoms of Christ’s Church and to grow closer to Him.

In Christ,

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. The Most Reverend John O. Barres Archbishop of Philadelphia Bishop of Allentown Metropolitan of Philadelphia

The Most Reverend Mark L. Bartchak The Most Reverend Donald W. Trautman Bishop of Altoona-Johnstown Bishop of Erie

The Most Reverend Lawrence E. Brandt The Most Reverend Joseph P. McFadden Bishop of Greensburg Bishop of Harrisburg

The Most Reverend David A. Zubik The Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera Bishop of Pittsburgh Bishop of Scranton

The Most Reverend Stefan Soroka The Very Reverend Eugene P. Yackanich Metropolitan Archbishop for Administrator of the Byzantine Ukrainians in the USA Catholic Archdiocese of Pittsburgh

HHS Mandate

518 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p.

(ïðîäîâæåííÿ ç ïîïåðåäíüî¿ ñòîð³íêè)

5 new Altar Boys (3 are tripletbrothers) for SS. Cyril and

Methodius Ukrainian CatholicChurch, Olyphant, PA

SS. Cyril and Methodius Ukrainian Catholic Church, Olyphant,PA has inducted 5 Altar Boys into the “Society of Altar Boysof St. Cyril’s” . Senior Altar Boy is Joseph Garafalo, Left toright: Joseph Skirpan, Brian Radle, Samuel Sczesniak, JordanRadle, and Thomas Radle. Pastor: Father Nestor Iwasiw.They will be attending the Liturgy on Saturday at 5:00 p.m.and Sunday Liturgy at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. They willbe serving Good Friday Services and Procession on April 6thand attending the Blessing of the Easter Baskets on HolySaturday, April 7th, 2012. Submitted by: Lauren Telep

618 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p.

Ïðèõîäüòå ³ çíàéîìòåñÿ ç âàøèìè ñâÿùåíèêàìè ³ áîãîïîñâÿ÷åíèìè

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Óêðà¿íñüêà Êàòîëèöüêà Öåðêâà Ñâ. ²âàíà Õðåñòèòåëÿ

Northampton, PA

Ãîñïîäü íàø ²ñóñ Õðèñòîñ âèðàçíî ñêàçàâ, ùî äëÿ òîãî, ùîá ñë³äóâàòè çà Íèì, ìè ïîâèíí³ â³äðåêòèñÿ ñàìèõ ñåáå ³ âçÿòè íàø õðåñò ³ ñë³äóâàòè çà Íèì (Ìàðêî 8:34). Êîëè öå ñòîñóºòüñÿ íàøîãî çàãàëüíîãî õðèñòèÿíñüêîãî ïîêëèêàííÿ â æèòò³, ìè ïîâèíí³ çàâæäè ñë³äóâàòè çà Õðèñòîì ó âñüîìó, ùî ìè ðîáèìî. Öå îçíà÷ຠâ³äêëàäåííÿ íàøèõ âëàñíèõ ìàðíèõ áàæàíü ³ ïðàãíåíü ³ òâîð³ííÿ äîáðà â äîòðèìàíí³ çàïîâ³äåé Õðèñòîâèõ òà â÷åííÿ Ñâÿòî¿ Öåðêâè. ³äðåêòèñÿ ñåáå íå îçíà÷ຠíåõòóâàòè ñîáîþ ³ áà÷èòè ñåáå íåïîòð³áíèì ³ ìàëîçíà÷íèì. Ùîïðàâäà, â ïîð³âíÿíí³ ç âåëè÷í³ñòþ Áîãà, ìè º ïèëèíêàìè ïîðîõó, íåçâàæàþ÷è íà òå, ÿêèìè á³äíèìè ÷è áàãàòèìè ìè á íå áóëè. Àëå Áîæà Ëàñêà ìîæå ñïîâíèòè íàñ ³ ï³äíÿòè àæ äî íàéâèùèõ âèñîò, ÿêùî ìè ñòàâèìî Áîãà íà ïåðøîìó ì³ñö³ â íàøîìó æèòò³ ç õîðîøîþ ì³ðîþ ïîêîðè ³ ñòðèìàíîñò³. Ìîíàõè(³ äóõîâåíñòâî òàêîæ) ïðàãíóëè âäîñêîíàëåííÿ â ñâîºìó æèòò³, äîêîð³ííî â³äð³êàþ÷èñü ñåáå ÷åðåç àñêåòè÷í³ âïðàâè ³ æèâó÷è â ÷åñíîòàõ ïîêîðè, ÷èñòîòè ³ óáîæåñòâà. Îäíàê, âñ³ õðèñòèÿíè òàêîæ ìîæóòü êîðèñòàòè ç ïðàêòèêóâàííÿ ÷åñíîò ïîêîðè, ÷èñòîòè ³ óáîæåñòâà. Óíèêàþ÷è ðîçêîøåé ³ æèâó÷è íå äëÿ ïîêàçó, íå ï³ääàþ÷èñü ñåêñóàëüí³é ðîçáåùåíîñò³ òà ³íøèì ïðèñòðàñòÿì (íàïð. îáæåðëèâîñò³, ãí³âó, ³ ò.ï.), ³ ï³äïîðÿäêîâóþ÷è ñåáå ç³ ñêðîìíîþ ïîêîðîþ óïðàâèòåëÿì ³ â÷åííþ Öåðêâè, ïîâñÿêäåííèé õðèñòèÿíèí-êàòîëèê ìîæå óñï³øíî â³äðåêòèñÿ ñàìîãî ñåáå ³ íåñòè ñâ³é âëàñíèé ùîäåííèé õðåñò ç â³ðîþ, çàïàëîì, ³ ëþáîâ'þ. Êîëè õðèñòèÿíèí-êàòîëèê ðîáèòü öå, â³í àáî âîíà ïî ñóò³ â³äêðèâຠñâîº ñåðöå äëÿ Áîæî¿ ëàñêè ³ äîçâîëÿº Áîãîâ³ âåñòè ¿õ æèòòºâèìè âèñîòàìè ³ íèçèíàìè. ³äð³êàòèñÿ ñåáå îçíà÷ຠíå â³äð³êàòèñÿ ñâ³òó, àëå ðàäøå âèçíàâàòè Áîãà ÿê Öàðÿ, Òâîðöÿ, ³ Áàòüêà, ÿêèé ç ëþáîâ’þ ïðîâàäèòü íàñ â óñüîìó.

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Óêðà¿íñüêî¿ Êàòîëèöüêî¿ Àðõèºïàðõ³¿ Ô³ëàäåëüô³¿ 827 North Franklin Street

Philadelphia, PA 19123-2097

Òåë.: 1-215-627-0143 Ôàêñ: 1-215-627-0377

E-mail: [email protected]

718 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p.

Sister Cecelia Sworin, SSMI - “Called by Name”

Well, what is the contextof my early life? I am thefirst born of four children.I grew-up in the richnessof “breathing with bothlungs of the Church” asBlessed Pope John Paul IIwould encourage. Myfather was of theByzan t i ne -Ru then ianCatholic Church and mymother was of the RomanCatholic Church.

I attended public school,which at that t imeincluded: public prayer;Scripture reading; faithsharing and family/t e a c h e r - s u p p o r t e dcharacter development,along with the usual schoolacademics and activities.It was a typical 1950’s-1960’s ethnic-basedhardworking “coalcracker’s” milieu.

Growing-up, I campedwith my family, playedvolley ball, swam andbecame qualified to be alife-guard - was a Brownieand a Gir l Scout, amember of the FutureNurses of America, - aMarian Sodalist, volunteerkindergarten catechist,church choir member, andvolunteer hospital candy-striper. My teen-age jobs

were as a baby-sitter, abus girl at a country club,and a waitress in a pizzaparlor.

My parents were open-minded and supportive asI considered variousvocations and careers. ButI frequently kept feelingJesus tugging at my heartto become a Sister – evenduring dates.

During my senior highschool years I came toknow the Sisters Servantsthrough a welcoming (butnot pressuring) good-natured correspondencethat answered my many,many questions.

After the struggle of muchsoul searching andencouragement of myparents to “make -up mymind” about how I wantto live my life, I was readyto enter the Sisters Servantsof Mary Immaculate by thetime I graduated from highschool.

I entered the SSMI’s firstall-American novitiate in1966 at the Villa of DivineProvidence Nursing Homein Lansdale, PA. My 40-some years as a SisterServant of MaryImmaculate have beenfilled with the richness oflife’s joys and challenges.“For Whom and throughWhom I am and do” is farmore important, thanwhere I am on the

hierarchy of worldly statusin ministry. I love variety,and so God has blessedme with a variety of waysto glorify and serve Him,as I live the mystery ofMary’s Magnificat ‘Mybeing magnifies the Lord,Who works through thelowliness of His simplehandmaiden!’

Presently, I am the Principalof a small parish school. Ihave served in variousways and on various levelsin care of the elderly,geriatric nursing andcatechet ics. Otherministries have been:parish pastoral ministry,especially for the sick andbereaved; vocation andformation ministry;provincial secretary;provincial councilor; parishschool religion teacherand; various types ofmanagement oradministration.

I most enjoy living theMary-Martha paradox ofprayerful leisure free space- and the active ministryof “going forth in the nameof the Lord” as a SisterServant of MaryImmaculate.

I believe that each lifevocation is a special andintimate invitation fromGod. So, it is vital todiscern at the depths ofwho you are, in order togive an authentic life-long“Yes!” commitment.

As a Sister Servant of MaryImmaculate I have had theopportunit ies to:experience God ever sodeeply; live with othervowed women who sharein the same thirst for anddedicat ion to God;develop talents that I didnot realize that I had;travel to many places inthe United States, Canadaand Europe and; meet somany wonderful people. Ihope to spend my entirelife consecrated to Godthrough Our Mother,Mary – following in thesacred legacy founded byBlessed JosaphataHordashevka SSMI, Rev.Jeremiah LomnitskyOSBM and Rev. KyryloSeletsky to joyfully “servewhere the need is thegreatest” and “whereverthere beats a humanheart.”

For more informationabout the Sisters Servantsof Mary Immaculate in theU.S., please visit ourwebsite: www.ssmi-us.orgor cal l Sr. Kathleen,Provincial Superior, at845-753-2840.

818 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p.




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710 Fox Chase Rd. Fox Chase Manor, PA 19046 215-780-1227

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Send to: BASILIAN SPIRITUALITY CENTER 710 Fox Chase Road Fox Chase Manor, PA 19046




Known to many of you, Father Damian is a Ukrainian Catholic priest of the Eparchy of Chicago, who has served as an Iconographer for the last 20 years. Father will be joining us again this year to share his insights and to provide time for private reflection and sharing.

In a precise and yet simple language, Father Damian manages to capture the attention of his listeners with a gentle humor and colorful examples that leave participants inspired to look ever more closely at the icon and the mysteries which seek to be revealed.

We will seek to examine the mystery of a God who brings order, beauty and peace into a chaotic void as is expressed in the first verses of Genesis.

We will relate this reality to the experience of traditional approaches to Byzantine Iconography. The process of beginning to bring forth a holy icon always begins with the embrace of chaos. Before the iconographer begins to add the lines and colors s/he floods the board to be painted

with a watery flood of muddy , transparent color, "And the Spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters" Gen.1:2.

We will look at each step of the iconographic development and relate these to our own prayer and the development of Christian Spirituality i.e. moving from Chaos into Order/Beauty and

moving from Darkness into Light and so on.


SUNDAY, MAY 6 2:00 – 5:00 P.M. DONATION: $25


918 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p.

1 018 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p.

Êîï³ÿ Òóðèíñüêî¿ Ïëàùàíèö³ â Perth Amboy, N.J.

Âàòèêàíñüêà êîï³ÿ Òóðèíñüêî¿Ïëàùàíèö³ áóëà íà ïîêàç³ âÓêðà¿íñüê³é Êàòîëèöüê³é Öåðêâ³Óñï³ííÿ Ïðåñâÿòî¿ Áîãîðîäèö³ â PerthAmboy, N. J ï³ä÷àñ ïåðøèõ äâîõòèæí³â Âåëèêîãî Ïîñòó.

1 118 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p.

"No way! This isn’t happening at our school!"

While other schools are struggling to provide the most basic school suppliesdue to increasingly tighter budgets, Assumption Ukrainian CatholicSchool in Perth Amboy, NJ has figured it out. Through frugal spendingand applying for grants, the school has provided its educators and 172students with high technology tools to enhance education at ACS. Accordingto school principle Mr. Michael Szpyhulsky, gaining more and better technologyfor ACS has been in the works for the past two years.

Today we are in possession of updated technology for the students and teachers: laptops for each teacher,Smartboards in 7 of the 10 classrooms, Document cameras (Elmos) in all classrooms, 20 laptops shared bygrades 4 and 5. In addition to desktops in most classrooms and a computer lab with 14 desktops. Theentire school uses a program called PowerSchool for grades, attendance and communication with parents.

Our eighth grade uses a program called Acellus for supplementarymath, the entire school has a subscription to a program called IXL forsupplementary math practice and a subscription to Discovery Education(access to over 50,000 film clips on various topics), and the fourthand seventh grades must take a mandatory writing assessment online.

Recently 4 teachers received brand new iPads, which can be usedfor audio and visual media consumption like books, movies, music,games and Internet programs that help students with reading, math,history, geography and much more. We can truly say, “those whogive the gift of learning received the gift of technology”.

NJ Deanery Lenten Service

On the first Sunday of Lent, clergy and 250 faithfulfrom NJ Deanery Parishes gathered at theAssumption Ukrainian Catholic Church in PerthAmboy, NJ for the veneration the Shroud of Turin- Authentic Replica sanctioned by the Vatican andfor praying the Akathist to the Divine Passion ofChrist. The service marked the beginning of the2012 Lenten Season.

After the service, two sermons were given by Rev.Joseph Szupa, Dean of Clergy for New Jersey andRev. Andriy Dudkevych, Pastor of St. Nicholas Parishin Passaic, NJ.

Rev. Joseph Szupa Rev. Andriy Dudkevych

Meatless Meal for LENT


FISH DINNER Sponsored by Ss. Cyril & Methodius Ukrainian Catholic Church

Olyphant, Pa.


5:00 – 7:00 p.m

At the REGAL ROOM (Ballroom/side entrance)

216 Lackawanna Avenue

Olyphant, Pa. Sit Down or Take Out!!

$10.00 per ticket/dinner

Baked haddock, potato, vegetable, cole slaw, roll and dessert

Call 570-489-4348 for Reservations

Deadline for Tickets is Monday, March 26, 2012

South Anthracite Deanery

Lenten Confession Schedule

During the Great Fast, the priests of the South Anthracite Deanery

visit neighboring churches to offer the Holy Mystery of Penance. It

provides an excellent opportunity for the faithful to receive the Holy

Mystery of Reconciliation as they spiritually prepare for the

celebration of Pascha.

The following is the visiting priests’ confession schedule for the

parishes of the South Anthracite Deanery. Confessions will be heard

on the listed dates from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Monday, March 26 St. Mary-Centralia

St. Michael-Frackville

St. Mary-Middleport

Transfiguration of Our Lord-Shamokin

Tuesday, March 27 St. Nicholas-Minersville

St. Michael-Shenandoah

St. Mary-Marion Heights

St. John-Maizeville

Thursday, March 29 St. Mary-McAdoo

Ss. Peter & Paul-Mt. Carmel

St. Michael-Hazleton

St. Nicholas-St. Clair

1 218 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p.

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Replica of ‘Shroud’ to be on display in Minersville

BY STEPHEN J. PYTAK (STAFF WRITER [email protected])Published: March 11, 2012

MINERSVILLE - A replicaof the Shroud of Turin, thefamous l inen whichbelievers say Joseph ofArimathea used to wrapthe body of the crucifiedJesus Christ more than1,970 years ago, willsoon be on display in achurch in the borough.

It will be on display at St.Nicholas Parish, aUkrainian-Catholic churchat 415 Front St., fromMarch 21 to April 1,according to the Rev.Mark Fesniak, pastor.

“It’s beautiful,” Fesniaksaid Thursday.

Archbishop Stefan Sorokaof the UkrainianArchdiocese ofPhi ladelphia hasarranged for the replicato be on display inMinersville, according toFesniak.

“The transportation tobring it here was our onlycost,” said ConnieBrophy, church secretary.

“He enjoys sending it tochurches which haveschools,” Fesniak said.

Some area students havealready seen thisparticular replica.

In April 2010, studentsfrom St. Nicholas Schoolin Minersville saw it at theUkrainian Cathol icCathedral of theImmaculate Conception inPhiladelphia, according toFesniak.

“My nephew was there,”Brophy said. His name isLucas Rinaldo, 13. And shesaid he’ll be lookingforward to seeing it again.“He said he thought it was‘so neat,’ “ Brophy said.

The actual shroud is a 14-foot long, 3 1/2-foot widelinen cloth bearing the frontand back image of ascourged, crucified man,according to shroud.com,the website for the Shroudof Turin Education andResearch Association,Florissant, Colo.

The shroud became theproperty of the CatholicChurch in the late 1980sand has been kept in Turin,I taly, s ince 1578,according to shroud.com.

This replica is exact, Fesniaksaid. “The cloth is madeof hand-twisted flax, a veryexpensive, fine linen clothwhich would support theprescriptions for traditionalJewish burial,” Fesniaksaid.

“It bears the faint front andback image of a 5-foot,10-inch tall bearded,crucif ied man withapparent wounds andbloodstains that match thecrucifixion account asrecorded in the Bible.Millions of people over thecenturies have believed itto be the actual burialshroud of Jesus ofNazareth,” Fesniak said.

The replica will be unveiledat the church at theStations of the Crossscheduled for 6:30 p.m.March 21.

The church will be openevery day until April 1,allowing the public to see

the repl ica free ofcharge. The hours will befrom 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.,unless there is a servicein the evening. Then thechurch will remain openuntil the end of theservice, Brophy said.

“I feel like it’s part of ourLord that will be with us,”Brophy said.

For more information,call the church at 570-544-6807.


(Photo: Some of the students from Minersville, PA,saw the replica of the Shroud of Turin in 2010

when it was on display at the Cathedral inPhiladelphia.)

1 418 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p.

St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Church 2026 Bath Road

Bristol, PA 19007

In the church hall (215) 788-3014


NUT ROLLS $11.00





(Blessed Easter Dinner and Dance) At

St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Church 2026 Bath Road

Bristol, PA 19007

APRIL 22, 2012 1PM – 5PM


We invite you to help us CELEBRATE the closing of our Easter Holiday and to

WELCOME the beginning of SPRING.

Denny-O and his Polka Band, Traditional Svyachene (Blessed) Easter Dinner buffet style, Raffles, Door Prizes, 50/50, Set ups, AND JUST PLAIN FUN!


Tickets $25.00 per person

Please call

Joan or Paul Kravchak (215) 943-1216 Or Linda Buchanan (215) 945-6661

1 518 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p.

1 618 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p.

B A S I L I A N S P I R I T U A L I T Y C E N T E R Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great

710 Fox Chase Road Fox Chase Manor, PA 19046 215.780.1227


MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO : T H E B A S I L I A N S P I R I T U A L I T Y C E N T E R Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great

710 Fox Chase Road / Fox Chase Manor, PA 19046 215.780.1227 Register by April 16, 2012 Donation: $25.00



City: State: Zip:

Phone: Email:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We will explore how our peers are moving through life issues, and discuss inspirational stories from Dr. Reese’s blog - www.elderchicks.com.

So many questions. Come join us and ask more and receive each others wisdom. Interactive breakout sessions and workgroups will add to the fun!

Men and women of all ages are welcome!



Dr. Reese is a nationally known educator who was executive director of the Mayor’s Commission on Literacy in Philadelphia; she hosted a local cable TV show on literacy, appeared on local radio programs and spoke at statewide conferences.

As part of the development team for Hooked on Phonics, she made numerous appearances on local, regional, and national radio and TV, including Dateline and The Right Side, and testified before State Legislatures. She also organized and addressed the first international Family Literacy Symposium for UNESCO in Paris in 1994.

Currently she writes a Family column for www.rightsidewire.com and created and hosts the blog for and about senior women www.elderchicks.com with her writing partner, Dr. Barbara Fleisher.

They are working on a book called Mastering the Art of a Senior Life.


2:00—5:00PM DONATION $25


APRIL 16 Refreshments included

As you move through the various stages of you life, what is important to you? Is it the years in your life or the LIFE in your years?

What has meaning for you? Are you seeking a sense of community - a new way to connect?

What do you need to add to your life? What do you need to downsize? How are you dealing with separation / loss of all kinds?

Aging doesn’t mean stopping – we continue to grow until we die. What about Balance - Mind /Body /Spirit?

Easter Pierogie/Kielbasa/Easter Lamb Butter Sale -Orders Now Being Taken! (Clifton Heights, PA)

Due to a continued huge demand, we are back withoffering three traditional Easter-time favorite foods -Kielbasa, Pierogies and Lamb Butters. Ss. Peter &Paul Catholic Church in Clifton Heights proudlyannounces the offering of mouth-watering, high qualitykielbasa for the unbelievably low price of only $11.00per ring (each ring is approximately 2 pounds) or 3rings for $30.00. Remember, this may be the lastsale before Summer and you may want to stock upyour freezer for those weekend BBQs.

We are also offering our very own homemade,mouth-watering, flavorful, potato-cheese pierogiesfor the unbelievably low price of only $7.00 perdozen or 3 dozen for $20.00! In order to maintainthe highest quality standard for our pierogies, we willhave them made fresh for you and they will not be

frozen. We are already almost up to our pierogie-making capacity, so be sure to order yours early!

Remember last Easter when you couldn’t find a Lamb-shaped Butter for your table, well for the 1st timeever, we are offering Lamb-shaped Butters for only$5.00 each.

For your convenience, email your pierogie, kielbasaor Lamb Butter orders to us [email protected] or you can call Kathyat (610) 328-4731 before Monday March 25th.Pickup will be at noon on Sunday, April 1st, at ourChurch which is located at 100 South Penn Street inClifton Heights, PA. Please place your orders earlysince high demand and our desire to fully satisfy allorders may require us to limit quantities and stoptaking orders.

3-ãî ÷åðâíÿ, 2012 ð., Àðõèºïàðõ³ÿëüíèé Îô³ñ Ðåë³ã³éíîãî Íàâ÷àííÿ ïðîâîäèòèìå 2-é ùîð³÷íèé Ôåñòèâàëü ðåë³ã³éíèõ ï³ñåíü: «Ï³ñí³ ñåðöÿ». Ôåñòèâàëü â³äáóäåòüñÿ âÓêðà¿íñüê³é Êàòîëèöüê³é Êàòåäð³ Íåïîðî÷íîãî Çà÷àòòÿ ijâè Ìà𳿠ì³ñòà Ô³ëàäåëüô³ÿ,ÏÀ î 3 ãîä.ïî ïîëóäí³. ϳñí³ ïðåäñòàâëÿòèìóòü ä³òè ³ ìîëîäü â³ä ïàðàô³éÔ³ëàäåëüô³éñüêî¿ Àðõèºïàðõ³¿. o. Âîëîäèìèð Ïîïèê, Äèðåêòîð Ðåë³ã³éíîãî Íàâ÷àííÿ

On Sunday, June 3, 2012, The Office of Religious Education is organizing the 2nd Festival of ReligiousSongs, “Songs of the Heart”. Last year, we had many children from parishes participate in a wonderfulchildren’s concert of songs, and we would like to build on this success. Each parish is asked to present twoage groups of children: 8-14 years old and 15-19 years old. Each parish group is asked to limit theirgroups to sing a total of 2-3 songs, which can either be traditional hymns or modern religious songs. Inaddition, participants can be accompanied by musical instruments. The presentation of original musiccompositions is encouraged. This Festival will take place in the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of theImmaculate Conception at 3:00 pm, located at: 833 North Franklin St., Philadelphia, PA 19123.

Participants will need to register with their parish priest, by e-mail to: [email protected],or by telephone at 1-215-627-0143. Please register no later than May 22, 2012.

Rev. Volodymyr Popyk, Director of Religious Education and Youth Ministry

1 718 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p.

Sister Mary Vincent Starosta, OSBM1918 – 2012

Sister Mary VincentStarosta, OSBM, passedfrom this life on Thursday,March 1, 2012, at HolyRedeemer Hospital inP h i l a d e l p h i a ,Pennsylvania. A viewingwas held on Tuesday,March 6, 2012, in theHoly Trinity Chapel at theBasilian Motherhouse inFox Chase Manor.Officiating during Parastaswere the Sisters’ chaplain,the Very Rev. ArchpriestDaniel Troyan, and theRev. Edward Higgins.Sister’s funeral was heldon Wednesday withRequiem Liturgy celebratedby Father Troyan. She waslaid to rest at the Cemeteryof the Sisters of St. Basilthe Great. Mourned bymany, she will be fondlyremembered and sorelymissed.

Born in Philadelphia onMay 5, 1918, Sister wasthe daughter of the lateSamuel and CatherinePlisak Starosta. She andher family wereparishioners at theCathedral of theImmaculate Conception.Entering the convent of theSisters of St. Basil theGreat on September 6,1933, she professed herfinal vows on August 24,1943.

Sister Vincent attendedCatholic University inWashington, D.C.;Fordham University in New

York City; and Seton HallUniversity in South Orange,N.J. Armed with a B.S. inEducation, she served asa teacher in numerousUkrainian parish schools aswell as in other ministriesin Pennsylvania, New York,New Jersey, Ohio, Illinois,and Michigan, touchingthe lives of many thousandsof pupils and students andtheir families. Upon herreturn to the Motherhouseshe assisted at the BasileiadLibrary at Manor Collegefor f ive years. Thenumerous schools andparishes listed on herextensive resume are areflection of a personalhistory dedicated toservice; they are also areflection of the history ofthe Province that sheserved with so muchdedication for so manydecades.

In her eulogy, ProvincialSuperior Sister DorothyAnn Busowski, OSBM,remembered Sister MaryVincent as a dynamicforce, always active andevery ready to take up anytask that needed attention.After many decades ofteaching, she returned tothe Motherhouse in FoxChase, nominally retiredbut still devoted to servingthe community she hadjoyfully entered as a youngwoman. An avid readerand lover of books, it wasshe who became grand

custodian of the Sisters’Reading Room. But shewas wise enough to knowthat feasts for the mindmust sometimes betempered by treats for thepalate. Each year, on thefeast of St. Nicholas, it wasSister Vincent who madecertain that each of herSisters in Christ received apresent of fruits and othergoodies to enjoy.

The Provincial Superioralso reminded thosepresent about a gentle,humble nun, one whoserved without ever askingfor or expect ingrecognition. Hers was agentle and caring spiritthat embraced others, beit students, family, friends,or the cats and dogs shecared for with anindiscriminate tenderness.

In the last six months ofher life, Sister Vincent knewthat she was leaving thelife she had known, andshe would not emerge untilher soul took its leave ofthis world, rising to meetthe Lord. She was at peacewith this challenge, as shehad been with otherhardships in her long life.For Sister Vincent, it wasbut another small step ona journey begun long ago,a journey that led to herCreator. During manysteps of this final journeyshe was accompanied bypeople whose lives shehad touched, especially the

Sisters she had lived with forso many years and a familyshe loved with all her heart.

Sister Vincent is survived byher brothers John Starosta(Helen) and James Starosta(the late Mary) and ispredeceased by her sisterAnn Cwiek (the late Steve).She is also survived by niecesand nephews Christine,Daniel (Dawn), Thomas,Daria Pierce (Wayne),Joseph (Kathleen), NancySeroka (Ken), SuzanneHoffman (Kurt), ConnieCannis (Jerome), Andrea,Ellen, and Timothy, andmany great nieces andnephews. In her f inalmonths, the love that Sistershared with her siblings andtheir chi ldren andgrandchildren flowed backto her in the form of friendly,caring visitors who camebearing gifts and kind wordsand hearts filled with joy inknowing her as sister, aunt,great aunt, and friend.

She will also be rememberedwith much love by thecommunity of the Sisters ofSt. Basil the Great with whomshe lived and worked andprayed for 79 years.

1 818 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p.

HHS Mandate: The More It Changes,The More It Stays the Same

Since the announcement ofthe Department of Healthand Human Servicesmandate that would forcereligious employers toviolate their consciencesand pay for abortion-causing drugs, sterilizationand contraception, muchmisinformation has beenbantered about regardinghealth care, CatholicChurch teaching and theimpact this new regulationwill ultimately have.

On February 10, theObama Administrationannounced some“accommodations” to theoriginal rule, but, by theend of the day, the originalrule was published withoutchange. Promises weremade that moreregulations might bedeveloped, but the“accommodations,” ifmade, wil l st i l l forcereligious employers to payfor abort ion-causingdrugs, sterilization andcontraception – eitherdirectly or through moneypaid to an insurancecompany.

Further, the vast majorityof Pennsylvania’s diocesesand Catholic Charitiesagencies are self-insured,meaning they are both theemployer and insurer.Despite the fact that theChurch raised this issuethroughout the debatedating back to July 2011,the clear violation of

conscience for self-insuredreligious institutions was notaddressed in the“ a c commoda t i o n s . ”Therefore, most ofPennsylvania’s diocesesand Catholic Charitiesagencies will be requiredto direct ly pay formedicat ions andprocedures that violatetheir religious beliefs. The“accommodations” havechanged nothing for them.

Fixes for this problem couldcome in the form oflegislative correction viaThe Respect for Rights ofConscience Act (S 1467and HR 1179), litigationthat overturns themandate or a change inthe rule by HHS.

On March 1, a vote wastaken on the “BluntAmendment,” whichcontained the text of theRespect for Rights ofConscience Act. BothSenator Toomey andSenator Casey voted touphold religious liberty.However, with a final voteof 51-48, the amendmentdid not pass. Next, HR1179 will be consideredin the House, and italready has nearly 220cosponsors. A strong votein the House will helpadvance the cause ofreligious liberty. Pleaseconsider contact ingSenator Casey andSenator Toomey to thankthem for their vote, and

contact your congressmenand women to ask for theirsupport and co-sponsorship of HR 1179.

You can contact yourlegis lator viawww.pacatholic.org or bycal l ing the capitolswitchboard at 202-224-3121.

Do not be confused:religious liberty now andfor the future is at stake inthis debate. Will you standup for our first amendmentright to exercise freely ourreligion – both on Sundaysat Mass AND the rest ofthe week?

Shea is Outreach Directorof the PennsylvaniaCatholic Conference – thepublic affairs arm ofPennsylvania’s Catholicbishops and the Catholicdioceses of Pennsylvania.

SIDEBAR:Update on LegislationBoth Senator Toomey andSenator Casey voted in favorof the Blunt Amendment, whichmirrored the language in SB1467. The final vote was 51-48. However, the amendmentwas ultimately tabled. The nextvote will take place in theHouse of Representatives.

Pennsylvania Cosponsorson the Respect for Rightsof Conscience Act:SB 1467· Sen. Pat Toomey

HR 1179

· Rep. Jason Altmire (D-Al legheny, But ler, Beaver,Lawrence, Mercer,Westmoreland)

· Rep. Lou Barletta (R -Columbia, Carbon, Monroe,Luzerne, Lackwanna)

· Rep. Mark Critz (D -Allegheny, Armstrong, Cambria,Fayette, Greene, Indiana,Somerset , Washington,Westmoreland)

· Rep. Michael Fitzpatrick(R - Bucks, Montgomery,Philadelphia)

· Rep. Jim Gerlach (R -Berks, Chester, Lehigh,Montgomery)

· Rep. Mike Kelly (R -Armstrong, Butler, Crawford, Erie,Mercer, Venango, Warren)

· Rep. Tom Marino (R –Bradford, Lackawanna, Luzerne,Lycoming, Montour,Northumberland, Pike, Snyder,Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga,Union, Wayne, Wyoming)

· Rep. Patrick Meehan (R– Delaware, Chester, Berks)

· Rep. Tim Murphy (R -Allegheny, Beaver, Washington,Westmoreland)

· Rep. Todd Platts (R-Adams, Cumberland, York)

· Rep. Bill Shuster (R-Bedford, Blair, Huntingdon,Fayette, Indiana, Perry,Cumberland, Franklin, Fulton,Summerset, Cambria, Mifflin,Juniata)

· Rep. Glenn Thompson(R- Cameron, Centre, Clarion,Clinton, Elk, Forest, Jefferson,Juniata, McKean, Mifflin, Potter,Clearfield, Crawford, Lycoming,Tioga, Warren, Venango)

PCC Article - March 2012

1 918 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p.

2 018 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p.

2 118 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p.


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(Ïðîäîâæåííÿ íà ñò. 25)

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THE WAY StaffMsgr. Peter Waslo, Teresa Siwak, Fr. Ihor Royik

The Way is published bi-weekly by the Apostolate, Inc.,827 N. Franklin St., Philadelphia, PA.

Articles and photos proposed for publication should be in theEditor's office at least two weeks before requested date ofpublication. For advance notice of the upcoming events, kindlysend one month in advance. All articles must be submitted inboth English and Ukrainian languages, THE WAY will not translateproposed articles. All materials submitted to THE WAY becomethe property of THE WAY.

Happy Birthday!Ç Äíåì íàðîäæåííÿ!

April 1: Rev. Deacon Mr. Theophil StaruchApril 7: Rev. Petro ZvarychApril 7: Rev. Deacon Mr. Paul SpottsApril 14: Rev. Taras Svirchuk, C.S.s.R.April 28: Rev. Ihor Royik

May the Good Lord Continueto Guide You and Shower

You with His Great Blessings.Mnohaya Lita!

Íåõàé Äîáðèé ÃîñïîäüÒðèìຠÂàñ ó Ñâî¿é Îï³ö³òà Ùåäðî Áëàãîñëîâèòü Âàñ.

Ìíîãàÿ ˳òà!

Congratulations on yourAnniversary of Priesthood!

³òàºìî ç г÷íèöåþ Ñâÿùåíñòâà!

April 3: Rev. Msgr. Stephen Hrynuck (74th Anniversary)April 7: Rev. Taras Svirchuk, C.S.s.R. (6th Anniversary)April 10: Rev. Roman Dubitsky (47th Anniversary)April 10: Rev. Edward Levandusky (47th Anniversary)April 10: Rev. Uriy Markewych (47th Anniversary)April 14: Rev. Volodymyr Klanichka (11th Anniversary)April 14: Rev. T. Frank Patrylak (50th Anniversary)April 19: Rev. Evhen Moniuk (20th Anniversary)April 27: Rev. Wasyl Bunik (19th Anniversary)

May God Grant You Many Happyand Blessed Years of Service in the

Vineyard of Our Lord!

Íåõàé Áîã Îáäàðóº ÁàãàòüìàÁëàãîñëîâåííèìè ÐîêàìèÑëóæ³ííÿ â Ãîñïîäíüîìó


April 2012 - Êâ³òíÿ 2012

2 518 áåðåçíÿ 2012 p.

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