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UDК 2 ISSN 1450-9148 Давид Перовић, У дијалогу са кинематографском христологијом Зоран Крстић, Традиционални верници као пастирски проблем и изазов Могућности теолошке употребе појма солидарност Свилен Тутеков, Поглед към „синергията” на св. Григорий Палама Дарко Ивановић, Црква у Марковцу Р адован Пилиповић, Проблеми јурисдикције у Чехословачкој 1923–1931. г. Мирослав Лазић, Судбина једне ктиторије: „обвезателство“ Савићевих Живојин Андрејић, Висока теолошка осмишљеност архитектуре у Ресави Ненад Мијалковић, Дух (πνεύμα) и душа (ψιχή) у посланицама Светог ап. Павла Г оран Младеновић, Старозаветни пророци и њихова пророштва Давор Жабарац, Старозаветни монотеизам Милош Јелић, Човеково обожење као охристовљење по Св. Григорију Богослову Марко Јефтић, Христолошке формуле у Фил 2, 6–11 и Рим 1, 1–4 Звездан Живановић, Онтологија културе Петар Николић, Мешовити брак у Римокатоличкој и Православној Цркви Саша Антонијевић, Страдање Светог владике Горазда и православних Чеха Предраг Драгутиновић, Новозаветна наука и савремене религијске студије [приказ] Предраг Драгутиновић, Нови завет и философија [приказ] Зоран Р анковић, Сусрет са историјом богословије Светога Саве [приказ] Зоран Р анковић, Монографија о манастиру Студеници [приказ] Грегори Стерлинг , Филон Александријски ЕПАРХИЈА БРАНИЧЕВСКА ПОЖАРЕВАЦ 2011

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  • UD 2 ISSN 1450-9148

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  • ISSN 1450-9148

    , www.sabornost.org

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  • Contents

    Essays and ArticlesDavor abarac

    Old Testament Monotheism ...................................................................................... 120Goran Mladenovi

    The Old Testament Prophets and Their Prophecy ...............................................2137Nenad Mijalkovi

    Spirit () and soul () in the Epistles of St. Paul ................................. 3957Marko Jefti

    Christological formulas in the Phil 2, 611 and Rom 1, 14 ............................5969Milo Jeli

    MansdeificationasChristificationbySt. Gregoryof Nazianzus ................... 7180Svilen Tutekov

    Review of synergy of The Sacraments and featin theological thought of Saint Gregory Palamas ............................................. 81102

    Zvezdan ivanoviThe Ontology of Culture ........................................................................................103117

    Zoran KrstiTraditional Believers as Pastoral Problem and Challenge ............................. 119129

    Zoran KrstiPerception Solidarity and its Possibility of Theological Implementationin the Serbian Theology ........................................................................................ 131134

    Petar NikoliMixed marriage in Roman Catholic and Orthodox church ......................... 135152

    David PeroviIn Dialogue with Cinematography Christology .............................................. 153180

    ivojin AndrejiA High Theological and Conceptual Purposefulness of the Orientation,Architecture and Frescoes of the St. Trinity Church in Resava .................. 181205

    Radovan PilipoviThe problems of the orthodox jurisdictionin Czechoslovakia in 1923/1931. ..........................................................................207221

    Saa AntonijeviThe passion of Saint Bishop Gorazd and the Orthodox Czechsduring World War II ..............................................................................................223245

    Miroslav LaziDestiny of an Endowment: the Savi Family obvezatelstvoto the Cathedral Church in Poarevac ..............................................................247272

    Darko IvanoviChurch in Markovac ..............................................................................................273288

  • Treatises and ReviewsPredrag Dragutinovi

    New-Testament Studies and Contemporary Religious Studies ...................291296Predrag Dragutinovi

    New Testament and Philosophy ..........................................................................297302Zoran Rankovi

    Encounter with the History of the St Savas Seminary ..................................303304Zoran Rankovi

    Monograph on the Studenica Monastery .........................................................305307

    TranslationsGregory Sterling

    Philo of Alexandria................................................................................................. 311321

  • 2011 ,

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  • 120 5 (2011)



    (1. )

    Abstract: - . - . , , , - , , .Key words: , , , , , -, , , .


    ( ) - . . , -, . , , -, . . . , , . . , . , . , , , , -. , .


    [email protected]

  • 2|, ., (1. )

    : , , . - : , , -? , . , . . -. , , , - .

    . - , . , . , . , , - . , - , . . , , ( 51, 16) - ( 5, 11; 1, 13), , , , .

    , , : ? , -? . , , . , , .

    . , - . , . : , - ( 55, 8).

  • 5 (2011) [120]|3

    ,1 , .

    , - . , -. . , . . . , . , . , - (. ).2


    . : , ; .3 , - . , - . , , , .

    ( ) . . - . , , , , ., .4 , , , 5, .

    . -, .6 . - .7 ,

    1 , , , 12 (2001), 206.2 McGrath, Alister, Uvod u krsansku teologiju, Ex Libris, Rijeka, 2006, 215.3 Fromm, Erich, Psihoanaliza i religija, Narodna knjiga, Beograd, 1998, 90.4 , , , 12 (1995), 38.5 .6 McKenzie, John L., Biblijska teologija Starog i Novog zavjeta, KS, Zagreb, 1980, 146.7 .

  • 4|, ., (1. )

    .8 , .


    . , - . . .9 .10

    , - . , , . , . , .11 , ( 1, 5. 8. 10). .

    , . , .12 - , , .13 : , , , ( 54, 8), : , , ( 54, 3).14 - . .

    8 , , , 12 (2007), 93.9 -

    . , , , ( 25, 25) ( 25, 2934). , , , , ( 18, 3). , , ( 6, 2532). , , .

    10 , , . ., 36.11 .12 Etches, Stephen, Sustavna teologija, Novi Travnik, 2008, 106.13 , , . ., 9394.14 .

  • 5 (2011) [120]|5

    . , , , - .15

    , - . . , . - , .16 E. . , , .17


    , - . , . : , , , , , , , , , , , , , 18, , , , , .19 . ? ?

    2.2.1. , ,

    . -, . 250 -, () 2 000 .20 .21 . o , . .22 . , , : , , , , , , .23 - , .24

    15 . ., 101.16 Etches, Stephen, . ., 105.17 McGrath, Alister, . ., 212213.18 , , . ., 3940.19 McKenzie, John L., . ., 148.20 Etches, Stephen, . ., 106.21 , , . ., 36.22 Etches, Stephen, .23 Elijade, Mire, Istorija verovanja i religijskih ideja, I, Beograd, 1991, 131.24 , , .

  • 6|, ., (1. )

    . , , , .25 - : Wayomer Elohim: na ase adam ( : ).26 ( ).27 - .28 - . . -: (), .29 , .30 - pluralis deliberationis.31 . , - ,32 .33 .34


    , . ,35 , .. .36 - . ,37 . ( 17, 1; 28, 3; 35,

    25 .26 Papo, Eliezer, Tora i ljudska prava, Beograd, 2000, 18.27 .28 Popovi, Anto, Biblijska teologija ljudske prokreacije u kontekstu stvaranja oveka, Vrhbo

    snensia, Sarajevo, 2007, 13.29 , , IV , , 2003, 227.30 Popovi, Anto, . ., 14.31 . pluralis deliberationis 1, 26

    . . : Smith, Mark S., The Origins of Biblical Monotheism, University of Pennsylvania, 2001.

    32 Etches, Stephen, .33 , , . ., 37.34 .35 . ., 39.36 Albright, William F., Monotheism and the Historical Process, Baltimore, 1940, 175.37 , , .

  • 5 (2011) [120]|7

    11; 43, 14; 48, 3; 49, 25)38, . - , - .39 - , . -, , .

    2.2.3. ()

    - : . . , , -, .40 ? , . . . 1 .41 , 42, - . . . . .43 . , .44


    . , . , . -, . , . , , , , .45

    ( 26, 24; 31, 5. 29. 42. 53; 32, 9; 46, 1. 3; 48, 15; 49, 25; 50, 17).46

    38 .39 , , , , 1999, 1819.40 , , .41 .42 .43 .44 Beltz, Walter, Biblijska mitologija, Zagreb, 1984, 31.45 , , . ., 40.46 , , , , 2002, 5051.

  • 8|, ., (1. )

    . , . - . , . - . , . -: , , , .47


    , . , . . , - . , . ( !), ( 3, 13). ? , , , . JHWH. , JHWH , . , , . , . , , , , . , , - .48 . , .

    - ? , .49 .50 - . 3, 1316 - , , , , , . .

    47 , , . ., 4748.48 , , . ., 93.49 . ., 94.50 .

  • 5 (2011) [120]|9

    . , . - . . . - .51 -. , , .52 3, 13, . , .53 , - , , . , - . , ( 6, 3). : , , ( 12, 10). , . . , - . , .54

    , - JHWH. - . . . , . : IEVO, IAOU, IAO, IAOVE ( ), IAVE ( -, ), IAHO ( ) .55 .56 3 .57 ( 3, 14).58 - . , , , . . , , , ,

    51 . ., 95.52 .53 .54 .55 , , JHWH , II (1951),

    393.56 , , . ., 37.57 , , . ., 9596.58 , , , , 33 (2004), 295.

  • 10|, ., (1. )

    ().59 . .. .. -, JHWH - .60 . (. ).61 , - . . , . , ( 104, 29). ( 104). , . , ( 45, 5). , . ! (. ).62

    . . 63, - , , . - .64 . . . .65 .66

    , . , . - , . -. , , .

    . . . - , . , - .

    59 , , , , 2004, 97.60 , , , 12 (2007), 96.61 .62 , , , , 2004, 97.63 , , . ., 295.64 , , , 12 (2007), 97.65 Dybdahl, Jon, Izlazak, Beograd, 1988, 31.66 , , , , 2004, 98.

  • 5 (2011) [120]|11

    , . , - , , , , . , . , . . , ( ), .


    , - . , . . . . :

    , -, , , . , , . - . , . . . , : , .67

    , , . . .. .68 , - , , , , . . , .


    , . () ( ), - ,

    67 Papo, Eliezer, . ., 8990.68 Gnuse, Robert K., No other Gods, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series

    241, Sheffield, 1984, 133.

  • 12|, ., (1. )

    . , , , . , , .

    . , . - . . - . . .69 . . . ( 7). . , . . . , .70 - . . , , -. . . - , .71

    . . - . . . . , , . - , , , . . , (1 4, 18). , (1 4, 22). 69 Karli, Ivan, Temelji objavljene religije, Zagreb, 2001, 52.70 , , . ., 63.71 Gnuse, Robert K., . ., 129.

  • 5 (2011) [120]|13

    , .

    (1 4, 11) , -, . - . (1 5, 3), (1 5, 4), , . , , , . .


    - . , - . . - ( 9). , ( 1517).

    . - , , . - , -.72 , .73 .. . . : (1) - . (2) - ; . (3) : , , , , , - . (4) . (5) . (6) . (7) . (8) . (9) .74

    72 McKenzie, John L., . ., 169.73 .74 .

  • 14|, ., (1. )

    . , , , - . , . .75 . , -76, . . . , , .

    , , , . ( 20, 23). . , - . . , , . : , ? . . . . , -, . , .

    . - . . , , .77 , .78 , , , . - , . . , .

    75 , , . ., 63.76 McKenzie, John L., . ., 171.77 McGraht, Alister, . ., 201.78 Uzelac, Milan, Istorija Filosofije, II, 295298, 12. 4. 2010. : http://www.scribd.


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    - . , . - . . , , . , , - . . , .79 , . . hesed.80 - , . .81

    . - . . -- : (1) ; (2) , ; (3) - , ; (4) .82

    . . . - , , . (, , ) - . ( 1000961. ).83 - . (716687) , - , . .84 (640609) 628. .85

    79 McKenzie, John L., . ., 168.80 Hesed ,

    . . McKenzie, John L., . ., 174.

    81 .82 , , . ., 8990.83 , , , , 2005, 50.84 . ., 83.85 . ., 90.

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    , , ( 1, 2). , . - . - . - .


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  • |19

    Davor abaracPoarevac

    Old Testament Monotheism

    The subject of Old Testament monotheism is of a complex nature. It is difficult to approach the subject in a thoroughly comprehensive manner. Old Testa-ment monotheism gradually evolved. The idea of one God did not just simply ap-pear, rather its appearance was preceded by an entire chain of events. Therefore, the idea mentioned has its own genesis. The formative process of Old Testament monotheis was substantively determined by historical circumstances. The con-stant contacts with neighbouring peoples left their marks on the religious life of Israel. However, despite numerous upheavals throughout history, Jewish theology did not reduce itself to the polytheistic vision of the world.

    A key moment was the discoverance of Yahweh, a living, active God, who out of love chooses the people of Israel to be His people. Yahweh is unlike the sculpted, inactive gods of the neighbouring peoples. The accent is placed on activ-ity. Because of the fact that He intervenes in history, in the daily life of the Jews, Yahweh is understood to be the only God who could be though of as real, a true elohim. There is no elohim like Yahweh. The ineffectiveness of the gods of other peoples clearly demonstrates that the other elohim are not real. They are only lifeless idols made by human hands who love and save no one. In reality, such elohim truly do not exist.

    From the idea of an active God and Saviour developed the idea of God the Creator. Jahwe is responsible for the existence of the universe. He Who Truly Is during the creation of the universe does not fight against some evil god. He is the only creator of everything that exists. At the same time, the creation of the universe is a distinct moment. The world is but one reality which did not eternally exist. God is eternal, a Being completely different from the world that logically and chronologically precedes that same. The existence of all creation depends on one Creator, and not an army of warring elohim. Certain allusions to the con-structive cosmic battle which are present in Old Testament accounts are to a great extent contingent on the then generally accepted notions and mythological termi-nology. Despite this, a myth should not be looked upon as something that is a prii false. In their original context myths had an extremely important role to play, they were not meaningless. Myhs were a religious and cultural foundation for archaic societies, and they should not be so easily dismissed. Jewish theology developed surrounded by a plethora of mythological notions and eas not immune to certain influences and trends that came from without. It is perfectly understandable that we should find in the bible mythological elements. However, we find them placed

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    in such a way as to induce a kind of de-polytheisation of the old world. Whilst using mythological notions, Israeli theologians point to the idea that the founda-tions of empirical reality are to be found in a unified metaphysical reality.

    Key words: Old Testament, Monotheism, Polytheism, Revelation, Knowledge of God, The Creation, Covenant, Theophany, Messiah.

    : 6. 5. 2011. : 16. 6. 2011.

  • 2137 5 (2011)


    *a a ,

    Abstract: , , , , . - : , , - , () . - : , () .Key words: , , , , , , -, , , .

    - , , - . , . , , . , ( ) -, .1

    o -, 8. . a (1 7, 117) ( 49; 2324; 33). , , , , a . 8. . , , , , .2

    (2 7, 816), [email protected] Tomi, Celestin, Poruka spasenja Svetog pisma Starog zavjeta, Provincijalat franjevaca konven-

    tualaca, Zagreb, 1983, 305.2 , , , , ,

    , , 2002, 76.

  • 22|, .,

    , . , , . ( 18, 15. 18), , .3

    -. , - .4

    , , - , . , , , , , , , .


    , . , , . - , , , . , - (1 19, 13. 19; 3, 4). -, (2 4, 8. 42). , , .5

    : navi, roe, hoze, i ha-Elohim. , 6, , . navi ( nava, (: , , . , nv , , . , - navi ,

    3 , , , 24 (1973), 87.4 , , , Clio, , 2003, 29.5 , , . ., 91.6 , , ,

    , , 2006, 20.

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    ( 7, 1; 4, 1516).7 - (LXX) navi .

    , . phemi, , pro. pro ( , ), (- , ). - . .8

    roe () , - . , , : , , . : roe (), rei (-), reut (), mare (, , ).9 Hoze () , ), ) . hoze 175 , 130 , 45 . , , .10 - i ha-Elohim ( ( . , , 33, 1, .11

    , .12


    , . . , - (). - ( , 18941595. . .) . - , , , . , , ,

    7 Harrington, Wilfrid, Uvod u Stari zavjet, Kranska sadanjost, Zagreb, 1987, 192193; . , , , , 1910, 6; Rebi, Adal-bert, Prorok ovjek Boji, Kranska sadanjost, Zagreb, 1982, 810.

    8 Harrington, Wilfrid, . ., 193; . Rebi, Adalbert, . ., 1011.9 , , . ., 18.10 . ., 17.11 . ., 20.12 , , . ., 209.

  • 24|, .,

    , , , - .13

    , . . , , - , . , , - , . .14

    . ( 3, 17; 33, 7). . , .15 . . . .

    . -, , . , , , .16

    ( 11, 25; 12, 6) 2. (1 4, 46; 14, 41).17 ( 11, 27; 13, 11; 15, 32; 21, 20; 1 11, 2829; 14, 29). . , : , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

    . , , , 13 . ., 209210.14 , , , , , 1993, 463; . Crowther, Duane S.,

    Prophets & Prophecies of the Old Testament, Horizon Publishers & Distributors, Incorporated, USA, 1998, 257260, 297301, 434440, 528530.

    15 , ., , , , , Clio, , 2003, 53.16 , , , , , 1996, 210.17 , , . ., 86, 177187.

  • 5 (2011) [2137]|25

    . , ( 1, 411). ( 6, 113; 1, 411; 13; 3, 8).


    :1. . -

    ( 6, 14), ( 13), ( 37, 112). ( 1, 114), ( 24, 110). ( 8, 27). , , . , , . , , - .18

    2. . ( 12, 6; 3, 1; 1 28, 6; 4, 1221), a ( 7, 128). , ( 1, 17; 2, 28; 4, 5), . , () ( 13, 13). ( 23, 1518).19

    3. . ( 12, 6. 8; 33, 11). - : , , . , , , , , . . : , , .20

    , - . - . , ( 7, 2;

    18 , , , 1908, 112.19 Tomi, Celestin, . ., 322323.20 , , . ., 34.

  • 26|, .,

    26, 12). (, - ), ( 22, 1; 28, 13; 42, 810; 5, 1) .21

    . ( 36, 17; 2732), . - (), , .22

    - , . . ; -, , ( 8, 13; 20, 24), , , ( 19, 1011) - , - ( 1, 29). , .


    , - ( 7, 1016), (1 10; 2 28, 6),23 , . . , , , - . . - , . -, , ,

    21 , , . ., 87.22 , , . ., 5152.23 ,

    . , . , - . - , . , (Harrington, Wilfrid, . ., 195; , , . ., 16).

  • 5 (2011) [2137]|27

    , , .24

    , . (); (Septuaginta, LXX): pseudoprophetes ( : 48 , navi , 16 pseudoprophetes). , . navi, - . , - . . ( 14, 1415; 13, 116). ( 18, 20). (1 22). , ( 14, 15; 23, 32; 29, 9; 13, 6). , , - ( 14, 14). , , ( 3, 4), ( 3, 5. 11), (1 22, 13; 30, 10), ( 23, 14; 29, 23), ( 28, 7), , ( 23, 27).25

    , , - , , , , , . - . . , - .26 . , . , -, , , . - , , , - . , , - . ,

    24 , , , , , 1992, 67.25 , , . ., 9699; Harrington, Wilfrid, . ., 199200; , , . ., 4951.26 Pareti, Luigi, Stari svijet, Naprijed, Zagreb, 1967, 284.

  • 28|, .,

    , .27

    , , - , . 50 , . 750. 700. . , , . , 650. 587, , . - . , -.28

    5. ()

    () . . : , - ( 3, 8). , : : , ; , , , ( 20, 9). , , . - ( 13). ( 4, 3; 12, 6. 11; 24, 24).

    , , . : . - . . - .

    () . - - ( 24, 45; 34, 27; 30, 23; 36, 2). , , . : ( 11, 1725), ( 34, 9), (1 16, 14), (1 16, 13; 2 23, 2). , (2 2, 9) (2 2, 15), ( 6, 34; 13, 25; 14, 619; 15, 14), ( 11, 2430; 1 10, 513; 19, 2024),

    27 , , . ., 465.28 , , . ., 52.

  • 5 (2011) [2137]|29

    (1 17, 14; 2 2, 15; 4, 144) ( 40, 8; 41, 1638; 4, 8; 5, 11; 6, 3).29

    ( 22, 31; 26, 54; 7, 313; 24, 4445; 10, 3435). ( 1, 16; 4, 25), ( 28, 25). ( 3, 2; 1 14, 21; 3, 7; 10, 15 ).30 , - (2 3, 16 2 1, 21). : (2 3, 16); - : , (2 1, 21).

    6. , ,

    . , , .31 , , , . , - , , : , , , , .32

    : . . - , , , - .33 . . . , . . , , , .

    29 , , , , 1991, 5354; Harrington, Wilfrid, Uvod u Bibliju, Kranska sadanjost, Zagreb, 1991, 44.

    30 Harrington, Wilfrid, . ., 44.31 Verber, Eugen, Uvod u jevrejsku veru, Narodna knjiga, Beograd, 2002, 7.32 Tomi, Celestin, . ., 333.33 .

    , . , a .

  • 30|, .,

    , . -. , , : , : ( 6, 4), ( 20, 3).34 . , , . , : , , , , .35

    - . - Gerharda von Rada , ; . , - . . , . , .36

    : (). , ( 11, 2. 6). , . , , . , ( 4, 37; 7, 6). , .

    , ( 15, 18; 6, 4; 1 16, 17; 105, 1011). , ( 1920) , , (2 7, 816; 89; 1 17). . . .

    , . ( 11, 2. 6). - , , ,

    34 Tomi, Celestin, . ., 334.35 Rebi, Adalbert, . ., 132.36 , , , , 2004, 331.

  • 5 (2011) [2137]|31

    .37 , -, . . .38

    , : -, . - , , . . , , , . , .39

    , . . , -, , , . : ( 20, 23). . , , , .

    : , , . , - ,40 , , . , . -, , .41

    - ( 9, 8; 1 9, 16; 10, 1; 15, 1; 16, 3. 1516; 2 2, 4; 12, 7; 1 1, 3435; 5, 1; 2 9, 312; 11, 12; 23, 30).42 -37 , , . ., 316.38 . , , . ., 105106.39 , , . ., 213.40 . (mas

    chiach, schicha aramejski) , . , (Harrington, Wilfrid, Uvod u Stari zavjet, Kranska sadanjost, Zagreb, 1987, 252; McKenzie, Biblijska teologija Starog i Novog zavjeta, Zagreb, 1980, 211).

    41 Rebi, Adalbert, . ., 137.42 ,

    ( 9, 2223).

  • 32|, .,

    , - (), . .43 , , . . , , (2 23, 3). .44

    je , .45 - . , () .46 , .47 , , 1 19, 16 . 2 2, 9, . , , 61, 1.

    , . . , , . , (1 8, 7; 9, 16; 10, 19).

    43 , , , . , , 1999, 173.

    44 Rebi, Adalbert, Biblijske starine, Kranska sadanjost, Zagreb, 1992, 154.45 .

    , . , , - ( 7, 64). , , , ( 21, 10; 13, 18; 44, 13).

    46 , - . , . , , , . . .

    47 4, 16. 35 , (Harrington, Wilfrid, . ., 252). - , . 4, 8 6, 12 () 4, 2; 23, 5; 33, 15. 9, 2526 .

  • 5 (2011) [2137]|33

    - .48 , . , , , , . , , , .49 , , , , , . . , , , . , , , , .50

    , , - :

    1. , (2 7, 16) ( 9, 11; 3, 5; 30, 89; 34, 23). , ( 5, 2). ( 11, 10; 9, 10). ( 9, 5; 11, 68) ( 9, 6; 11, 6).51

    2. : ( 18, 15), , ( 42, 1), ( 53, 911), ( 42, 4), ( 49, 56), ( 52, 1213). -, . , ( 42, 14; 49, 16; 50, 49; 52, 1353, 12).52

    48 , . : , , . , - (45. ), . , .

    49 McKenzie, Biblijska teologija Starog i Novog zavjeta, Kranska sadanjost, Zagreb, 1980, 211.50 , () ,

    , , , 1925, 17.51 . Tomi, Celestin, . ., 339.52 ,

    , : - . ( 49, 3), ( 49, 56) ( 50, 49). ,

  • 34|, .,

    3. : - , . , , , , , , , -, ( 7, 1314).53

    . , , . - ( 23, 19; 25, 6; 8, 4; 146, 3; 51, 12). , - ( 2, 1; 8, 17).54 , 7, 1314. , , . , .55 .

    , . , , , .56 , . , , , , , - ( 9, 9), , , .57

    ( 50, 6; 53, 7) ( 53, 8. 1112). . , , , (Har-rington, Wilfrid, . ., 265).

    53 Tomi, Celestin, . ., 339.54 , , , Clio, , 2004, 78.55 , ( 10, 23; 13, 41;

    16, 13; 19, 28; 24, 27. 37; 2, 10. 28; 8, 38; 13, 26; 14, 62; 10, 45; 17, 30; 18, 8; 21, 36; 22, 69; 3, 13; 6, 53; 8, 28; 12, 23. 34; 13, 31), .

    56 , (Harrington, Wilfrid, . ., 269).

    57 : , , , , 2006, 2739.

  • 5 (2011) [2137]|35


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    , , , , 1990.Jeruzalemska Biblija, Stari zavjet iz Biblije Kranske sadanjosti, Zagreb, 1993;

    Novi zavjet u prevodu Bonaventure Dude i Jerka Fuaka, Kranska sada-njost, Zagreb, 1985; uvodi i komentari iz La Bible de Jrusalem, Les dition du Cerf, Paris 1987, novo, pregledano i proireno izdanje, Kranska sada-njost, Zagreb, 2003.

    Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS), Deutsche Bibelgeselschaft, Stuttgart, 1994.Septuaginta (hg. A. Rahlfs), Deutsche Bibelgeselschaft, Stuttgart, 1979.


    ANET (The Ancient Near East in Texts to the Old Testament), by B. Prichard, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1969.

    Verber, Eugen, Uvod u jevrejsku veru, Narodna knjiga, Beograd, 2002.Gerhard, von Rad, Theologie des Alten Testaments, III, Mnchen, 1968., , ,

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    Zagreb, 1980., , , 1908., , , Clio, , 2003., , , Clio, , 2004., , , , , 1996., , , , , -

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    Rebi, Adalbert, Prorok ovjek Boji, Kranska sadanjost, Zagreb, 1982.Rebi, Adalbert, Biblijske starine, Kranska sadanjost, Zagreb, 1992.Tomi, Celestin, Poruka spasenja Svetog pisma Starog zavjeta, Provincijalat fra-

    njevaca konventualaca, Zagreb, 1983., , ,

    , , 2006.Harrington, Wilfrid, Uvod u Stari zavjet, Kranska sadanjost, Zagreb, 1987.Harrington, Wilfrid, Uvod u Bibliju, Kranska sadanjost, Zagreb, 1991.Herrmann, Siegfried, Die prophetischen Heilserwartungen im Alten Testament,

    Stuttgart, 1965.Crowther, Duane, Prophets & Prophecies of the Old Testament, Horizon Publish-

    ers & Distributors, Incorporated, USA, 1998.

  • |37

    Goran MladenoviHigh School Svetozar Mileti, Novi Sad

    The Old Testament Prophets and Their Prophecy

    Introducing this topic in his work, the author has given a short review of the role and importance of the prophets and their service in Israel of the Old Tes-tament. Hereby, the immense role that the prophets used to have in maintaining the national consciousness has been specifically emphasized, not only being the announcers of Gods thoughtful acts, but also being the active participants in all social aspects of the Jewish people.

    Forthwith, the ways the prophets used to live have been described and also the concept of the word prophet has been explained etymologically. In the next chapter, the goals and the tasks of the prophetic service determined by God have been described.

    Furthermore, the ways the prophets used to come to Gods revelation, either in their visions, or in their dreams, or by their speech via oral announcement, have been given and shortly described. Likewise, the ways the prophets used to announce the Gods revelations to their people they lived with, (either by speech or by reading of the written prophecy, or by symbolizations), have also been described.

    Also, some reference has been made both on the court prophets and the fake ones; what impact they had on social and political life of the Jewish people of those times. In additional chapter, the prophetic service inspired by God has been elaborated.

    In the end, the basic notions, given in the salvation message by the Old Tes-tament prophets (monotheism, the Testament and messianism), have been de-scribed. There is a special emphasis on messianism being one of the central perspectives the prophets used to take in order to foresee the future of Israel. It has been made a distinction among three streams of messianism which appears in theological contemplation of the Old Testament Jewish people (the divine, the prophetic and the apocalyptic messianism).

    Key words: Old Testament, prophets, prophecy, God, revelation, inspiration, salvation, monotheism, Testament, messianism.

    : 16. 5. 2011. : 16. 6. 2011.

  • 3957 5 (2011)


    *1 ,

    () ()

    Abstract: - , . -, . , , , . , - -. , , , - . , .Key words: , , , , , , , , .


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    [email protected]

  • 40|, ., () ()

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    2 . Barnet, Don, Rana Grka filosofija, Zavod za udbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd, 2004, 115116.

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  • 42|, ., () ()

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    14 . , , , , , 1998, 21; . Mac Doland, William, Komentar Novoga zavjeta, drugi svezak Djela Filipljanima, Euroliber, Zagreb, 1999, 113.

    15 . , , . ., 93.16 . , , . ., 8991; . Mac Doland, William, . ., 163164.17 [] 11, 31; 12, 19; . 9, 1; 1, 20.

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    22 . , , , , , 1983, 2930; . , , , , , , 2006, 308309; . , , , , , 2008, 7072; . Mac Doland, William, Komentar Novoga zavjeta, drugi svezak Djela

    Filipljanima, Euroliber, Zagreb, 1999, 185.23 . 3, 1719.24 . 1, 8; 1 1, 5.25 . , , . ., 30; . , , ,

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    28 , , . ., 199.29 . 1 15, 46; . , , . ., 237238; . Mac Doland, William, . ., 241.30 . 14, 17.31 , , ,

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    , .36 , . , .37 , .38 , . ? . .39 .40 - .41 .42 , . , .43 . . , , . - , . . , -. . - . , , . , , . , , .44 . , . , , . , . - . . , . , . , . . , . . ; , , . , , . , . ,

    36 . 1 2, 12.37 . 2, 3.38 . 1 1, 5; 1, 8.39 . 5, 22.40 . 3, 17.41 . 12, 2.42 . 14, 23.43 . 10, 1.44 . 2 1, 2021.

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    * * *

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    45 . , , . ., 166167.46 . Stott, John R. W., Novozavjetni komentari, Tumaenje Pavlove poslanice Efeanima, Dobra

    vest, Novi Sad, 1986, 129133; . Mac Doland, William, . ., 335336; . , , , , 2010, 188194.

    47 . 5, 9; . Stott, John R. W., . ., 174176.48 . Hewitt, Tomas, Novozavjetni komentari, Tumaenje poslanice Hebrejima, Dobra vest, Novi

    Sad, 1986, 4955; . Mac Doland, William, Komentar Novoga zavjeta, trei svezak Koloanima Otkrivenje, Euroliber, Zagreb, 2001, 186187.

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    -: () ; . , , (2 3, 1718). - . , , , , . ; , . , . , , . , , . . , .49 , -, , ( 5, 1). , . , , ; , ( 5, 13). -. .50 , .51 , . . .

    : , , (2 5, 5). -, . . , - , . , , . , , , .52

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    49 . , , . ., 298299; . Barrett, Kingsley C., . ., 136140.50 . 4, 19; . , , ,

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    51 . 4, 13.52 . , ,

    , , , 1983, 327; . Barrett, Kingsley C., . ., 168169.

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    , -, , ( 1, 1314). - . , 13. 14.

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    : , , . . . , [] , [] ( 8, 1. 2. 416). - , , -, . , . , , - . - , , . . -, . , . . ( 8, 16). . , . , - . . -, , , , . , .

    53 . Stott, John R. W., . ., 4145; . Mac Doland, William, Komentar Novoga zavjeta, drugi svezak Djela Filipljanima, Euroliber, Zagreb, 1999, 343344; . , , , , 2010, 6269.

  • 54|, ., () ()

    .54 , , .


    , . (), - . -. , , , , , . - , . . , , . , . , , . - .


    Aristotel, O Dui, Nagovor na filosofiju, Naklada naprijed, Zagreb, 1996.Barnet, Dzon, Rana Grka filosofija, Zavod za udbenike i nastavna sredstva, Be-

    ograd, 2004.Barrett, Kingsley C., Novozavjetni komentari, Tumaenje Druge Pavlove poslanice

    Korinanima, Dobra vest, Novi Sad, 1988., , , , , 1998.Gregori, Pavel, Aristotel o diobi due, Prologomena VII/2 (2008), 133151.De Kreenco, Luano, Istorija Grke filosofije od Sokrata nadalje, IP Svetovi, Novi

    Sad, 1993., , , ,

    , 2008., , , , , 2005., , ,

    XLIII/12 (1999)., -, , ,

    , 2005.

    54 . 14, 17; . , , , , , 1998, 4957, 101.

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    Mac Doland, William, Komentar Novoga zavjeta, drugi svezak Djela Filipljanima, Euroliber, Zagreb, 1999.

    Mac Doland, William, Komentar Novoga zavjeta, trei svezak Koloanima Otkrivenje, Euroliber, Zagreb, 2001.

    Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism, Chatolic Encyclopedia, 28. 3. 2011. : http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12587b.htm.

    Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, Fragments and Commentary, 26. 3. 2011. : http://history.hanover.edu/texts/presoc/pythagor.htm.

    Platon, Dela, Beogradski izdavaki-grafiki zavod, Beograd, 2002., , ,

    , , 1986., , ,

    , , 1986., ,

    , , , 1983., , ,

    , , 1998., ,

    , , , 1986., ,

    , , , 1986., , , , , 2002., , , -

    , , 1904. , , , , 2001. , , ,

    , , , 2006. , , , -

    , , , , , , 1998.

    Stott, John R. W., Novozavjetni komentari, Tumaenje Pavlove poslanice Efeanima, Dobra vest, Novi Sad, 1986.

    , , , , 2010.

    , , , , 2010.

    , , , , , -, 2006.

  • 56|, ., () ()

    , , , , , , , 2010.

    Hewitt, Tomas, Novozavjetni komentari, Tumaenje poslanice Hebrejima, Dobra vest, Novi Sad, 1986.

  • |57

    Nenad MijalkoviSerbian Orthodox Seminary of St. Cyril and Methodius, Ni

    Spirit () and soul () in the Epistles of St. Paul

    Through his teachings in the Epistles, St. Paul the Apostle looks at man as a psy-cho-physical entity and rules out any possibility of dichotomy or trichotomy. He does not enter into the essence of a mans composition (being), nor does he try to systematically expose it. Through these concepts he tries to express mans being as a whole. Thus the teachings of St. Paul the Apostle view man as a whole, a unique psycho-physical being, while using the terms spirit, body, soul. For St. Paul the Apostle, teachings about immortality and movement of the soul were aberrant as we could see in old-Hellenistic philosophy. He continues to develop the Old Testament tradition through which man is shown as an integrated being that has a personal relationship with God. According to St. Paul the Apostle, the only way to live life and attain eternal life is to live life in Christ and with Christ, life in the hope of resurrection. Eternal life is reflected through the Church, the Body of Christ, which depicts the kingdom of God. Man is thus seen as a whole being, which is the point of St. Apostle Pauls teaching. All phases of human life are incorporated in the process of transformation in Christ and serve their true purpose, which is to glorify God.

    Key words: spirit, soul, Apostle, Paul, epistle, Holy Spirit, Plato, Aristotle, life, freedom.

    : 18. 5. 2011. : 16. 6. 2011.

  • 5969 5 (2011)



    2, 611 1, 14 (1. )

    Abstract: (2, 611) (1, 14) . - . , , , , . , -, . , - , , , . , - .Key words: , , , , .


    I . -, . , ( 22, 3; 21, 39: ). (2 11, 22; 3, 5), .1 16, 3738 , 22, 2529 . 25, 612 , .

    [email protected] , , , Clio, , 2004, 356. . -

    ( ) , , . Brown, Raymond, Uvod u Novi Zavjet, Kranska sadanjost, Zagreb, 2008, 416.

  • 60|, ., 2, 611 1, 14 (1. )

    , - , . 22, 3 ( , )2, ( , , 22, 3). .

    , - . , , , , , - , . , , , . , . - . , , . - () , 48/49. , . ( 15) , . . - .

    - , , , , 2. , 1. 2. ; .3

    . , . - , . : ,

    2 . ., 417. . - , , , .

    3 , , , , , 2007, 181 , , , , , 2004, 255.

  • 5 (2011) [5969]|61

    .4 - .5 23, 2630, .6 , , ; , , . , . . - : , ( 1, 7). . , , , . , , , , , , , .7 , , , .

    , . , . , . - : ( 1, 7). - . ( 4, 16).

    - , . , , , . ( ) 8, .

    4 Buri, Viktor, Sveti Pavao kao pisac, Kranska sadanjost, Zagreb, 2009, 51.5 .6 .

    . , , . ., 394.7 Buri, Viktor, . ., 53.8 : -

    , . , ; , , . , , . ( 1, 19). (1 16, 21; 6, 11) ; 16, 22 -

  • 62|, ., 2, 611 1, 14 (1. )


    1. . ( 16, 1140). , . 54. , .

    , , , , , - , , (2, 611).

    . , , - . - :

    ) 3, 1 , . 3, 1 3, 2, 2, 19 .9

    ) 4, 1020 . - , . .10

    ) , , 2. .11

    ) 4, 4 . 4, 47; 4, 8 - , .12

    - , ,

    : , . , . .

    9 , , . ., 215; , , I: , , , 2010, 91.

    10 , , . ., 21711 .12 , , . ., 92.

  • 5 (2011) [5969]|63

    . - , 2, , .13

    , . ( 2, 10), - . , , 61. , . 57. -, 14 15, 113 , , .

    , , , , .14 , .15 , - .16 , , , , . .17 , , : -, . .

    - . - 50. 56. ( 60, ). , ( ) . - , . -, , :

    13 .14 , , . ., 235.15 , , . ., 97.16 .17 , , . ., 236.

  • 64|, ., 2, 611 1, 14 (1. )

    1. 1, (?), 1 2 ( ), ;

    2. 1, 1 2, (?), ( .18) , -

    13 :1 2 (51/52, ) (54, )1 ( 57, )2 ( 57, ) ( 5758, ), , , (5455, 6163, )1, ( 64, , )2 (6667, ).19

    - . - 2, 611 1, 14, . , , , , .

    2. 2, 611

    , .

    -. 1, 27 2, 4. 2, 611 ( 2, 18). 2, 611 , 2, 14 (, , 1, 27 2, 4).20

    2.1. 2, 611

    - . (

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    . ( 1, 4655, 1, 6879), - : 2, 611, 1, 1520, 1 1, 1821; 2, 2125; 3, 1822, 5, 710, 1, 314.21 , , 2, 611 - 22. :

    , , , , , - ; , , , . ; .( 2, 611) 68 , ,

    , . . , 911 , 45, 1824, .

    - . . 2, 611 :

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    21 , , . ., 138.22 .

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    . - . , 1, 14, - . (3, 2126; 5, 1221) .25 , .

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    25 , 58 , .

    26 Moo, Douglas J., The Epistle to the Romans; New International Commentary of the New Testament, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, 40. .

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  • |69

    Marko JeftiMladenovac

    Christological formulas in the Phil 2, 611 and Rom 1, 14

    In the Epistles to the Philippians 2, 611 and to the Romans 1, 14 the Apostle Paul exhibits his faith and the faith of his Churches in Christ. At first glance these excerpts seem to be opposed. In the first one, we see clear worship of the Christ as the Son of God, who is, in the Gods form, equal to the God the Fa-ther. Meanwhile, in the other one, we read about the Christ who was born by the body of the seed of David, and proclaimed to be the Son of God by the Holy Spirit through the resurrection from the dead. However, although they seem to be contradictory, these quotes represent the product of the theological reflection of the Apostle of the Gentiles. The complexity of the problem and understanding of the reasons why the Apostle Paul wrote in such a manner must be reviewed in the wholeness of his work, from life circumstances, through conditionality by the auditorium, all the way to the final goal the building of the Church, based on worship of the Jesus Christ of Nazareth. In the first part of this article we will pursue the philological and literary context of these passages, and in the second with hermeneutical-theological analysis.

    Key words: Jesus Christ, New Testament, Christology, Christological formu-las, epistles.

    : 30. 5. 2011. : 16. 6. 2011.

  • 7180 5 (2011)

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  • 80|

    Milo JeliSmederevska Palanka

    MansdeificationasChristificationbySt. Gregoryof Nazianzus

    In thetheologicalsystemof St. Gregory of Nazianzus, deificationis nothingbut acomplete unity ofman(andworld)withGod Man Christ.There is an invi-tation sent toevery person tobecome a godby grace, whichwas made possibleby the Incarnationof the Logosof God. Through baptism we are becoming thesons ofour FatherWho is in Heavens, and therefore bornfor eternal life.Onlyin li-turgicalterms,that is,withinthe Church asthe Body of Christwe can speak about mansdeificationasunion with Christ, and those aretheterms in whichhe lived and offered upto GodhimselfSt. Gregory the Theologian (St. Gregory of Nazianzus).

    Key words: The Church,Deification, Christ,The Saints, Salvation.

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