~'?!] prod-lama tloncollections.mun.ca/pdfs/hgstandard/harborgracestandard...t • i pe"g...

. t . I PE"g YEAR.] HARB()R GltACE, 1\FLD., TG · ESDA.Y •. OCTOBER 11, l sil2. [8IN9LB COPID 'l'WO OD'l'B] QFF!cE NoTICE. LINE NEWFOUNDLAliD I SERVICE. By 'J:' olegraph. -o--. . 'll.\t , 'x. ::' "J r. tOn of Iri.•h latllllonl:> Jt•m,ultls 1lt ANGE OF l'JAILINGS. umuent () nu isfl i 'f h<' v •km <'jN·tmcnts nrc rh:td (; to t' l'n l:i •• 1"1';11'8 'the Gcl\ ·cmmunt. i!'rbm M ntreal to I From St. J ohn' s \() )[itdw ll, the l1ns ber n st'n- t. J ho '!l : · J,h ·crpool: tl'HCl 'd in I.ondon to two mon ths' im- . 1 · 1 1 II b It- W etlncsJ l y, p. 21. Saturday, Se pt. 24 pnsonmcn wtt , 1n.n R or OJ; 115Snu Wcdncsd y, Oc t. 5 t:! a turdav, Oot. S no old mnn. 'l ' he juilttc decJ,\rcd th 11t clnss were worth- 1y, Nov. &ltu:rdny, Nov. lel! nod a t<' societ v. W e< l.uet!d y, Nov.l6 nt un i:ly, Nov. 10. Fr e nch fo rc<'N h t1 vc !ken vic torious No chn gc is proposed io sailing of l in n.bAttle withthcnnti\: CS ofDah om cy. st e amer r om Baltimore nud Halifax, Fi\·c Europcnilll 'wrc kill <.>d nnd thi rtr ('au· he f, Li erpool hich will 11 ix wounded. 'l ' hrU1 h u uclred of t he b lllg re or 'w l'11e nw wcr\' kill<'<l. 'fhe French olnim e S<' pt. 14. ' thntGer ru: myia theDnhom i- WE .:\"'ESO.\ Y , Oct oJ>er 2G. :Ins with r epeating riliC:> ond nmmuni- \\'E !\"'ESD.A. Y. December 27, lt 1 I in n long' J. 0. P.M.G. Jetter h> the J,. ,l)c{on Tums the Gc1 wrnl 'fost Office. -:ept . 27, 1 92. X:• totti on 1: tb l•t ('. l h' of pr()· _ j . fluc th'Pl\(.,.;, h1 i 1 , to ( l' DelJJtal tml . \. Jri ... ·n, : U:\1• t "!rllll.l :l l•d" tia t• ,.our C<' ol thc B ry<' !' , '' " U.' ; Juui tmir J' 1.1\lUn lt. shnt If ! l::ilco to 1 his N otice ! I ' Prod-lama tlon .. By His Excellency. Sir F1t&DEruo 1'. CA.RTEn Knig ht C<>mmande rf the M011t Di s tinguished Order f St. Michael and Saint George, A - ministrntor . of the GovernmerlJ, and Oomrunoder-in·chief in ana over the leland of NewfouodlD.nd and it .a Dependencies. , . . lti'CLINTON & THOMSON'S BARILLA . .A.SH ·_ 802\iP ' ·. . -r ' Recommended by Professor K[ RK }n _b_ is paper il on h_ ealt.h . , I The Best NUJ-sery Soap J\n Toilet :n d Laundry Soap A bplcu ·id '' having · Pure and Free from all !\oxious&-t! Jd Irritating Tngre·lients Put up in sma.H aoJ hn·ge l h: ·s . Sa le by MU.:-lN" BROS. \ · JUS1i RECEIVED! WHEREAS I did, by t 'be advice o{ my C<>t mo il, issue my Proo lrunation, benring dnte the 80th day of August'. 1 8!)2, establish s trict Quarantine and Sn.n iti nY'Ru lcs nnd RcgulRti ous for the pmveot 'ion of cholern, n.nd otb er inf cctio\15 uisensc. ,; nod N F. pa h -- · \\' hcrc:is l did , by my Proclamat ion ew urs, IUS es, Feathers. ou th e t.h dny of September, 1892, furtht'r thnt m, · Proclnm ntion of date first menti oned should appl y to nll por ts or pa rt s of thi s Col on y; and · b alauce of our NEW STOCK i:; ax pecletl to next week .. '. MUN B OS. I Water Street I i gu oi' t il e Li on I Har bor c r ace. Post Office Notice . ' ON · and after 8Utmon 1 day October, Mn.ila Tor Placentu. Bay to be forwarded by 8. 8 . .l.len, will'be <lm- pn. tchcd from office on Saturday mornings for Red leland and places ia no rth ' J>f\rl-<lf the bay, round to Mer.- h ccn; nod on Tucsd-.y mornings Cow Presque and western. ,l)&ri of tho bav far as LamRlino, caUmg at Bain e fi""' bor with mn. ila for Fortune and llu- mi tagc Bays. Maih! will clOI!O on mczn· i ngs of deapn.tob o'clook, sharp. J. 0. FRASER, P.?tLU. Gcnernl Postr Offi ce, St.. 1ohn's.} &pt. 22, 1 892. . - HigginS' Hair - Dressing Rooms, ['1'wo doors of fbo Telegrnpb,Office] W ATER TREET, EUBBO:( Yi 11 itol'8 nnd tmvellers cnn rely on their requirement& nttcndcd to. min , lt ion. . YdJ<,,,. J l' y •· rrr:h..,. DE"NTI5T. \ 1lm:>:i l; 1-. :lr•• \\ 11 itin!! to db- -c .. d .. , I" .::<' tlw ir t·nr ' OfficeOordoo L odgtl) Wa t.er stree t R Whcrcns, it is expedient thnt vessels com ing from i nfected ports shall not be n dmi tled to pmct iq uc matil twc·nty-one dnys sh rd ) hn \"( ' cln ps<'<l since the eom- n H· nc<'1nent. of t h<' vo,·:lge; I do .. there- fo r e' br th e ndv icc of' H er Majesty's he Coml<'ilof thi!l Col ony, he by onlcr nnd dirt:l't th:tt th e rcg ul n ti Otl.S contained in vi 'C lion fo ur of ruy Pr och\· mat ion of 1lMe 30th dny of 1 9'2 hM·ing "r <'rcren('O to Ounmntinc Rcguln· Remembe r, Only 10 · Pays .l we wi ll gi ve :) t he Publi t.: OliC 1110 1'P. chance Boots & = shoes \• l' l' . J·•nfl ,•lo: \l' l'l 't' d j-.. J East, H ar b or Grace trihu t t'<l tlu• Umrch at 0 ::-i co Hot.. rfl:-from 10 a. m. p .m.; ti ons to be e nf orced for thu po rt of St. B f · d' 1-' c !Ki.'. t otw w 11i ·h di- t mht·ci tlu: •! 1 fr om 2j to 15 !).Ul . Tlw prnt t'- l :\ 1\j!tlill"l thoo r:;rSnt is fnc ' lO:l Ex smlD· itw Oil<!rilll o t" W\'11-l'ttl Hi h op:> \\ith ; ntion .. --SE U i:U. G- - Good chenp and Relinble at Joh•J 's, sh 11 ll be amended nnd s ha ll e ore "< 11 mg Up, rend ns f ollows : ·1.- An Y ' '<'sse! com ing f rom nn in f ec· hnt; ' inctl!ll l':- lt ·t tu ring workm• n •m I - ---' '-- ---- th e. uhj•· ct oi thri t t. .I 'L I n - F 1' ill Pt•nn yhani!\C;\ll:;cd .r:\JO O nng e · c. . l•y tlw lubor tn .u hl<', . · . '1 ht • t·it izt IIR <•f hn·t• Hi vPr:l , QIH: ht'C' , cd port iO a ny port in thi s Colony. on G d honrcl whi ch no discnse hn s oc . c urred , I 00 s and bn.1 · ing been out twe nty-one dnys or more, s hnll be ndmitted topractiquc, n.nd if und er th at time shn.ll be \' _ at the ir o\\in Pric es. animlkn.lllt ; \ltlu .\nw ri1·.m ('on,u!',. 50 llolla ROOFL 'G .FELT at S2.70 r•'Julrl tht ir ;. r:\ te. The per c wt. in qunmntine until twf' nty-one duys Ji . , . . sh:\11 h·n·oclnp scd since th e commence- . During the next ten days " Ghe e al e Wlll cont inue J•<"' lit•c are prut .. uinl! t h£1 tht• \V . T . CLEARY, willddw,. (Jf wlai .. h W<'1'l' lor, ,l : c•n. Spnoi nrd 's Bay .\ mnn. ju -1 r ··l<·u- ! t'r• ' lll · Tnronto .:.:..::...:.__..!-.. ____ ..:...... ___ mentor th e ,·oynge . . . . wd.. every one may be sure of securing Bargains. Any esscl nppronchmg t he uld · lim its of this Colom ·. fJ om n.nytnf t!ctcd e WO auVlSe all to Call early. Jll nitt ' t1!inry . ki !!.o I hi- mo tlwr. :lll<l :oist•·r n, ,,,. :::mit h":l F. lb. a nd St t nr c tv tlw !u,n,.t : Ill i- lll It r ; I!Tl'.ot. port shall! be prohibit ed hy nny pilot, or UD)' qun.rnntinc oOic<'r, from entor· Remember only Ten Days a ny port in this Colony , until th e :. ., 1\ - _. _ \'Cssel is r e))Ortcd to tb<' H ea lth M ' J J 0 N E \116 A"ir" ..... , T R E ET - Tlli.'. Call;hii:Jtl "'·:d• , iz,·.l J,,· 1 lOppv it t' Po:;r. Offi ce Officer, nnd pe rmit ;sion in is S, 93 Vt/ a r,;:.R S ){u .. :-ia m: w r. !oo t l J,,: · t l"·'· wiil l gh ·e n bv him tc enter th e saHI port. g I ·,, ;;:i ·: T.. nr.t 1:\ ... I ·y i·· .·, ;:oo\\'(f St ock of kinds AnY person in viohlioo ufthis t• • tilt· \\" .. r !ti" ,. .. t-r• ·, , 1. t!: .• t -OF- orcli:-r shn ll be sub'eot. to peonlt.y th,· ::• n-• nl ll ll"l tl i,.. ;.: i' i: _ 1::- , ,, n .... q .1 :· , q T "- T 0 N Ljl R·Y nnd pun is hme nt pro vided by the tt .ll l ·•ll t <': , 1:1: !: r. 1 1 • •:· · ... ;:,.' u ...t::1. _ .:.[!J rcci tl'd Pr oclamation. · -\\':!1 .. \1 1 1'1 ., , .. in:. lc :" Pit l'. ·im1 JY 1 • •" Gi, ·en und er my hnod n.nd sen l n.t :, ·, in t il o ••. , .... ,; : .• 1: l•i .. ! o• s·l, A C' ( titl d a; ,d el:lttk BOOK .. . GOYernmC'nt Hou se' . t. John 's, in the ' II \'( t '·, tid Ts lnnd. t'hc 15th dn. .r (If e n- .. - -·· 1 : ... ,·z ·s · P L:I ah ohlcrs .. •· ' · .... · • " temher: in tho yenr of Our Lord ono '< ·-: ,' - , 1 ' ' r· JJ c: L ; 1 \·n1 icty. thou l' md E' i)!ht hu ndr<'Cir yH!.ninc ty- two. · w. H. T HO & GG., Wholesale an d Retail Dr uggists .. . i, l t. .<J,.• : . . .- l r• t.u. · .. , - o ::'\ \ l"( . lo \ •' :• A .l:ly Hi!! 1 ·: ,·. . n.BOXD, Coloninl ccrNnry. ·--- -- I. i. ----- --- \ c I •. ·n n. , ·· \ . . ; • • .... :4. •1: r 1... 1 -. - w "".k.u'"" ""''' · - ·outport Or de rs pars onc!,ll7 d.Dd promptly at tended '• I I r . . -:=;. r e " h•·•·· forl •. PHUTOGit.\ l'll:,ooll htto P r·es r' t• ·, . , ... . ·l '\7 c nde d .. - t"A r lll c.b ii•W C.lp lOns C .J. _e_t:. _1: ompou . I I I' '· - ._1 ..... ,., ' ,.. ... - - r •Ill!• ., (' .t .•h or it.Si ft ll· I l :! · • ' · ! I' I ·I- . I : ' . ...... r .. ·" <.: : t 1 !"fl lll! t ly :l ll d !u :•a r: • t llo• /Jill· m i• . .;i t 11 wi ll'; l·' •rt en· '1''1 lt· \.'H CliUl!:'tanCt:., a nd r ::.l! . ts C1f 1.!\" i t- tions an d on nil nlnu t r., on th,: in a ny 'wny tllll- rs mad e for !' tltt lu wl• t. \\'e inst.t· tmc the enqu ir y in ·'" •I l.t lth in lilt.! hope thnt. both lw d!- n' " and tc ntLnh will aesist, und in Lh I t•u:llf th at: it is 1\o ind ispensah!(· nrd in 111ary to efi' £'Ctjt nJ. lll CI\Siltl'S f11 t hea. hu:; e very UeOJf social misch.\cf:' . I MAB.n.mn . . \.t Poin• 1. Chnrte, , .llet bo<list. 'hurch, :=:t:pt. WtL, by th " .Rc, ·. J. W. Pitc lwr. :\LA., ) Jr. E. DILW( ·, tormc ly of Brigu8: to Lcnl)rx .Eti1•• b th, e hl tst. dnlig hl&r or }fr. JnculJ Trapnell, form e rl Y of H nibor Gruz . =;=;-;-. DIED. At B rQOkJyn; New York, on •. cpt. tb, nfter n lingering i lln ess, DM·id, eldr st son of the L'\te Edwnrd rwd Eliznbeth Boland, aged iH yea.l'IS, n. nati ve of Joh n's, 1\"tfcl , At T oronto 1 Sept ember 26, :\Trs. Abignil Drock tugt.oll, late of St. Johu's, Nc wfouud,lnnd, 84 yenn. Nfld. Railw-ay I .. I' n- s rt:C; c i,.ih UUIIII!l UV(•r 1: ,oo vv1uut,.!t, .\ ).!f\Ut ll L •• · r .• 1 J. ' 8 . . arJ J J e'.velle r. m.•nle" Jtl Hnfll ' l h nn I - 1 :•l r. ' l"hM. L. ATTE); O,\:<I('E 0:-< t•)) 1 tt l ll '2 to :: anu R to 9 p. m. \ ·ti ', ! !"OI Il:•tlJ · nnt I rr d to, 1 ... '-'·rc. t .ji1h iu .,, · , • H ,_ .. ,. . 1. 1 •JII , '.\ \• '"'r.' "'· · "!3 .• r,.; i ·, l 11 _ ..,.. __ ...... -.. ........ _ • ••t• "' : •. ll -. ·: nr'\ l '" ' li:tHII IJ""!Jt 1 '·. t ,. , I• . - . !! 1••1 t, ·ur .. ;n b··nnnr..t ; .. ·nth " 't•l) 1 d n'' lr. l1()·uk uu <"r •· U• J•lJ .. . ' I! '' · A. lc 1 • " " (, i ut •t' !ilt ' ·• t l;,,.. •. 7::3 ''I.•·· I• II ! ::-- c. , .. P• .• o.,,. rl qrn :-, • . T -i -- ' na-" 8 ........ .... ... , I > rdst cr =1 .>· \"ater St. , harb or Grace. nt Mr ll . IIJ:l!'::, ne arl y op- po.;il<' Post Office. ' Avoi d ............ ..... t Alum I BY GS IXG O OD!I ... A BAKING . OWDER. L. BROWN, and Block Malter. - I Pun1ps, · Blo oka nod all olber Ship's Gear mnde noli r cpnired L\t short t ice nnd nt low ra tes. S tre et, ·Harbor Gr a ce. .. . ' l i!d Ihetltu e. Chtl . / I t:: The beg to in for m t he t rade t bnt hav i ng j uttt put up a new and i mp roved Machinery for the m11nufacture of MUNN'S LiCfu id FISH CLUE, th ey are prepared to fill fvr L\ny quR.n tity,- -in casks frotn 5 to 10 gnllona.; in oao& from i gallon to 1 pint; altJo, in 1 and 2 oz. bottle.J by the gr oss . We Challenge the Strength of this a rti c le against all Competi- tor s. MUNN & CO. , HARBOR GBAOK Mannfaot '.l refl by F. W. GoLDER, at tho Bench Pr(lmi ses, l.:farborurace f26tf Wanted at Once. Will apot cMh for the following Newfoundland St ampe :- i, 1, and 3 ......... so Ol'nt& per 100. 2, 5, ond '6 "' ..... ... . 50 " ," 10 a.nd 12 11 .. . : .. .. . ' 1 ·co ob. 18 nnd 24 " ......... 1$ 11 " 5 eentt Blnck (senl) ... 11 "1 6 " Brown .. ..... ..... 75 '' " Stnmps · must be all in good con· dltion Send nt once to . N. OHMAN, f, 0. Sox q 1, St. Jobn'a, Newloundlao<l. Sept, . . WILLIAM ana fthoe - Maker. GIU.OE. ., .... 1855. .. ),.AK Yj1 .lll J.:.J A Note is 'the only Meat prepa ration thnt m akes FI . SH· ERIES, 1893. . Thfl are prep n full stoc).c of Netdog and Tw •ne of th etr · O\V ma nu facture , 9l\it nb e t r the Newfo undhmd ttnd Lal rado_ r Fishe r·ios and ir. vjt u the fav orable at tc tioo of tl\e·r patrgns on th ·: Islaud, Particular attention qiven to makiu,., of Cod Traps aud Selnes , and Het·r ing Nets, 0 Prices a nd -terms sntlSJnc tory. William. Stow-e, Glouces er Net and Twine Co., 94 Co+nmercial St., · · . Boston, Mass. · JameS Bamca, ·wist.es tQ inform his friends his BUSINESS PREMSl ES are TJ• t ' · 3!l!l 'Water Street , S John's, oppoaitu A. Goodri!igq t t..l. bous. ' . 298 Water St., St. [. '!(; S OF T H'E BIO Boo T.] -s- - 1 FH ED. OOD, in thanking hid r w-:nm crs for the ir support, begs to ncqu nwt the public of St. John's and l oc nliti es that. be ia._After be ing burnt. ou t io the lat e fi re, again in the Boot and Shoe Business nnd mny be found at 298 WATER S TREET. (SIGN OF BIG - BOOT,) · wh ere is prepa red to sell Boota and ShoP :o at the snme old tntes, lind to _give sntisr uclion in eve ry particular. 4 Customer!! CR O rely OU Obtaining the Du-·l \"nllll· th nt th <' tr money can se- cun '. nnd tho full est attent ion. r:fiiJ"' Gh ·c our shop n. call and, be su i t.ctl Ucmcmbcr -298 Watcr. SUeet, · Sig u of the Big Boot. Fred. Smallwood - -- VJ: illiam Ryan, CU .... T0)[ TAILOR in c ut, Qual · i t:: :II H IJ ri t•c. Water Harbor Grace J. A. Custom \r ill g unmnt ee Fit, Wo rkmanahip nnd 'lyle. Give us n. call. Out port orders receive prompt attention Con!>'T. R VICTORIA AND WA'IER BTB.E.rm, HARBOR GRACE, Nftd ..

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. t • . I

PE"g YEAR.] HARB()R GltACE, 1\FLD., TG·ESDA.Y •. OCTOBER 11, l sil2. [8IN9LB COPID 'l'WO OD'l'B]



By 'J:'olegraph. -o--. ~. .

'll.\t , ~ 'x. ::'"J r. ~t-.\ tOn of Iri.•h la tllllonl:> Jt•m,ultls 1lt the-t.~~,·-

ANGE OF l'JAILINGS. umuent Evil~t ion ()nu isfli b¢ ~ly ccn~lh.utl~. 'fh<'v •km <'jN·t mcnts nrc rh:td(; to t'l'nl:i •• 1"1';11'8 'the Gcl\·cmmunt. i!'rbm M ntreal to I From St. John's \()

)[itdw ll, th e pu~ili~t. l1ns bern st'n- t. J ho'!l : · J,h·crpool: tl'HCl'd in I.ondon to two months' im-

. 1 · 1 1 II b ~ It- WetlncsJ ly, ~ p. 21. Saturday, Sept. 24 pnsonmcn wtt , 1n.n R or OJ; 115Snu Wcdncsd y, Oct. 5 t:!a turdav, Oot. S tn~ no old mnn. 'l'he juilttc decJ,\rcd • th11t mt.•n oDlitclu•ll'~ clnss were worth- ~Wcdnl?lid 1y, Nov. 2 · &ltu:rdny, Nov. ~. lel! nod a tn<'n:l~'e t<' societ v. W e<l.uet!d y, Nov.l6 ntuni:ly, Nov. 10.

French forc<'N h t1vc !ken victorious No chn gc is proposed io sailing of l in n.bAttle withthcnnti\:CS ofDahomcy. steamer r om Baltimore nud Halifax, Fi\·c Europcnilll 'wrc kill<.>d nnd thirtr ('au· he f, Li erpool hich will 11ix wounded. 'l'hrU1 hu uclred of the b lllg re or , ~ 'w l'11enw wcr\' kill<'<l. 'fhe French olnim e :\\f;~.:\'"F.SDAY; S<'pt. 14. ' thntGerru:myia ut~lyiug theDnhomi- WE .:\"'ESO.\ Y , OctoJ>er 2G. :Ins with repeating riliC:> ond nmmuni- \\'E !\"'ESD.A. Y. December 27,

ti~~,.. lt .-('ap·~;n 1 '~.~u I in n long' J. 0. FRA.~ER, P.M.G. Jetter h> the J,. ,l)c{on Tums ur.:r~ the Gc1wrnl 'fost Office. -:ept. 27, 1 92. X:• tottion on ·~ 1: tb l•t ('. l h' of l~.i pr()· _ j . flucth'Pl\(.,.;, h1 i 1 c•in~ .~ l e k·, to ( l'n · DelJJtal tml . \.Jri ... ·n, :U:\1• t"!rllll.l :l l•d" tiat• ,.ourC<' ol thc ~il<>. •

Bry<'!', '' " U.';Juui tmir J' 1.1\lUn lt. shnt l lim~c If l"'t".lll t~t· ! l::ilco to 1 n~:. his

N otice !

I '

Prod-lama tlon . . By His Excellency. Sir F1t&DEruo ~.

1'. CA.RTEn Knight C<>mmanderf the M011t Dis tinguish ed Order f St. Michael and Saint George, A -ministrntor . of the GovernmerlJ, and Oomrunoder-in·chief in ana over the leland of NewfouodlD.nd and it.a Dependencies. ,

. ~

.lti'CLINTON & THOMSON'S BARILLA . - ·.A.SH ·_ 802\iP'·.

. -r ' Recommended by Professor K[ RK }n _b_is paperilon h_ealt.h .

, ~ ~ I

The Best NUJ-sery Soap J\n ~~:r·ellcnt Toilet :n d Laundry Soap A bplcu ·id ' 'having ~oap. ·

Pure and Free from all !\oxious&-t!Jd Irritating Tngre·lients Put up in sma.H aoJ hn·ge lh:·s. ~"'or Sale by MU.:-lN" BROS.


WHEREAS I did, by t'be advice o{ my C<>tmoil, issue my Proolrunation, benring dnte the 80th day of August'. 18!)2, establish s tric t Quarantine and Sn.nitinY'Rulcs nnd R cgulRtious for the pmveot'ion of cholern, smt\ll·po~ n.nd otber infcct io\15 uisensc.,; nod N F. p a h -- w· ·

\\'hcrc:is l did, by my Proclamation ew urs, IUS es, engs~ Feathers. ou the t.h dny of September, 1892, furtht'r di rcc~ thnt m,· Proclnmntion of date first mentioned should apply to nll ports or part s of this Colony; and ·

~'l'htl balauce of ou r NEW STOCK i:; ax pecletl to ~rrive next week .. '.


Water Street I igu oi' t il e Lion I Harbor c race.

Post Office Notice . ' ON ·and after 8Utmon1 ftra~ day ~

October, Mn.ila Tor Placentu. Bay to be forwarded by 8. 8 . .l.len, will'be <lm­pn.tchcd from ~hie office on Saturday m ornings for Red leland and places ia north 'J>f\rl-<lf the bay, round to Mer.­hccn; nod on Tucsd-.y mornings Cow Presque and western. ,l)&ri of tho bav • far as LamRlino, caUmg at Baine fi""' bor with mn.ila for Fortune and llu­mitagc Bays. Maih! will clOI!O on mczn· i ngs of deapn.tob at~ o'clook, sharp.

J . 0. FRASER, P.?tLU. Gcnernl Postr Office, St.. 1ohn's.}

&pt. 22, 1892. . -

HigginS' Hair - Dressing Rooms,

['1'wo doors wcs~ offbo Telegrnpb,Office]

W ATER TREET, EUBBO:( GR~CE. Y i11itol'8 nnd tmvellers cnn rely on

hoxin~ their requirement& s~tisfactorily nttcndcd to.

t:'\ ~1 min,lt ion. . YdJ<,,,. Jl'y •· i · rrr:h..,. l :~ w t.~m, DE"NTI5T. \

1lm:>:il; :~11 ' '~~~ 1-. :lr•• \\ 11 itin!! to db- -c• .. d .. , I".::<' tlw ir t·nr ' ~. Office-· Oordoo Lodgtl) Wat.er street


Whcrcns, i t is expedient thnt vessels coming from infected ports shall not be ndmitled to pmctiquc matil twc·nty-one dnys shrd) hn \"(' cln ps<'<l since the eom­nH·nc<'1nent. of th<' vo,·:lge; I do .. there­fore' br the ndvicc of' H er Majesty's Exc~·ut h e Coml<'ilof thi!l Colony, h e by onlcr nnd dirt:l't th:tt the rcgulntiOtl.S contained in vi' Clion four of ruy Proch\· mat ion of 1lMe 30th dny of Au~us t, 1 9'2 hM·ing "r<'rcren('O to Ounmntinc Rcguln·

Remember , Only 10 ·Pays.l P- ~~G:u.'Is, Pro~rietor.

we w ill gi ve:)t he Publi t.: OliC 1110 1'P. chance 0~ Boots & =shoes \ •l'l'. ll.-;-.;<•,·b.i~l J·•nfl,•lo: \l'l'l't' dj-.. J E as t , Harbor Grace trihu tt'<l ;~t tlu• Umrch ('(ln!!r~ l'=> at 0 ::-ico Hot..rfl:-from 10 a.m. to ~ p.m.; tions to be enforced for thu port of St. B f · d' 1-'c !Ki.'. totw w 11i ·h di-t mht·ci tlu: •! k · 1 from 2 j to 15 !).Ul. • ~:11 < ~. Tlw w~i t . 'l" p r n t t'- l :\ 1\j!tlill"l thoo r:;rSnt is fnc' lO:l gua~antee<l ExsmlD· itwOil<!rilll; · o t" W\'11-l'ttl Hi hop:> \\ith ; ntion t'n~c. ..

--SE U i:U. G- - Good chenp and Relinble at Joh•J 's, sh11 ll be amended nnd shall e ore "<11 mg Up, rend ns follows :

·1.- AnY ' '<'sse! coming from nn infect· · hnt;•' inctl!lll':- lt·t tu ring workm• n •m I - ---''------the. uhj• ·ct oi thritt. .I 'L • I n - F 1' ~hnyfnilur ill Pt•nn yhani!\C;\ll:;cd .r:\JOOnng e ·c..

l•y tlw lubor tn .uhl<', . · . '1 ht• t·it izt IIR <•f • hn·t• HivPr:l, QIH:ht'C',

cd port iO a ny port in this Colony. on G d honrcl which no d iscnse hns oc. curred, I 00 s and bn.1·ing b een out twenty-one dnys or more, shnll be ndmitted topractiquc, n.nd if under that time shn.ll be dc~nincd \' _

at their o\\in Prices. an• imlkn.lllt ;\ltlu .\nwri1·.m ('on,u!',. 50 llolla ROOFL'G .FELT at S2.70 r•' Julrl ~.r: tht ir .~onn i1 ury ;.r:\te. The p er c wt.

in qunmntine until twf'nty-one d uys Ji . , . . sh:\11 h·n ·oclnpscd since the commence- . During the next t en days "Ghe eale Wlll continue

J•<"'lit•c are prut .. uinl! t h£1 C•m,oult~, tht• \V . T . CLEARY, willddw,. (Jf wlai .. h W<'1'l ' lor,,l: c•n. ~l 30i Spnoinrd 's Bay

.\ mnn. ju -1 r ··l<·u- ! t'r• ' lll ·Tnronto .:.:..::...:.__..!-.. ____ ..:...... ___ ~

mentor the ,·oynge. . . . wd.. every one may be sure of securing Bargains. Any ,·esscl nppronch mg wt~bm the uld ~ ·

limits of this Colom ·. fJom n.nytnft!ctcd e WO auVlSe all to Call early. Jll nitt' t1!inry . ki !!.o I hi- •~ ~~ ·~~·r, motlwr. :lll<l :oist•·r n , ,,,. :::mit h":l F. lb. a nd St t nrc tv t lw !u,n,.t : Ill i- lll It r ;I!Tl'.ot.

port shall! be prohibited hy nny pilot, • or UD)' qun.rnntinc oOic<'r, from entor· Remember ~or only Ten Days in~ any port in this Colony, until the :. ., 1\ - •

_. _ ~n 1d \'Cssel is re))Ortcd to tb<' H ea lth M' J J 0 N E \116 A"ir" ....., T R E ET - Tlli.'. Call;h ii :Jtl "'·:d• ~ , iz,·.l J,,· 1 lOppv it t' Po:;r. Offi ce ) · Officer, nnd permit;sion in wri~ng is • • S, 9 3 Vt/ a r,;:.R S •

){u .. :-ia m:w r. !oo t .r~ ,.t• r• l J,,:· tl"·'· wiil l gh·en bv him tc enter the saHI port. g I ·,,;;:i,··: T..nr.t 1:\ ... I ·y i· · .·, ;:oo\\'(f ~·u ll Stock of a~l kinds AnY person actin~ in viohlioo ufthis t• • tilt· \\" .. r!ti",. c· .. t-r• ~!, · , , 1. "· :· t!: .• t -OF- orcli:-r shnll be sub'eot. to ~he peonlt.y th,· ::•n-• nlllll"ltl i,.. ;.:i ' i: _ 1::- , ,, n .... q .1 : · , q T "- T 0 N Ljl R·Y nnd punishment provided by the nbov~ t t .ll l·•ll t <': , 1:1: !: r. 1 • 1 • •:· · ... ;:,. ' u ...t::1. _ .:.[!J rccitl'd Proclamation. ·

-\\':!1 . . \1 11'1 ., , ..

in:. lc :" Pit l'. ·im1 JY 1 • •" .:~ •! . ~· Gi,·en under my hnod n.nd senl n.t : , · , i n t il o ••. , .... ,; : • .• 1: l•i .. ! o• s·l, A t·C'( titl d a;,d el:lttk BOOK . . . GOYernmC'nt H ouse' . t. John's, in the ' II \'( t !I~Ort '·,tid Tslnnd. t'hc 15th dn..r (If en-.. • • • - -·· 1: ... ,·z ·s · i>•'r·~ P L:I ahohlcrs .. • •· ' · .... · • " · ~ , temhe r: in t ho yenr of Our Lord ono

'< ·-: ,' - , 1 • ' ' r·JJc: L ; 1 ~1 ~.u \·n1 icty. tho ul'•md E'i)!ht h undr<'CiryH!.ninc ty-two.

·w. H. THO PSO~J & GG., Wholesale and Retail Druggists ..

. i, ~ l t. ~7 .-'.lt .<J,.• : . . .- l r• t.u. · .. , -o 1\~'l!l ::'\ \ l"(. l o ·~ \ •' :•

A .l:ly Hi!! Excellcnt'y'~commnnd. 1

• • ·: ,·. . {'r . \!\ i' l·~ t:J'· .r~YI~.NE: n.BOXD, Coloninl ccrNnry. ~~---~~ ~·-··~ ·--- -- -~· I. i. -------- \

c I •. • ·n n. , ·· \

. . ; • • .... :4. •1: r

1... • 1 -. ~ - w ·. ~T~n-1·.-j ~.-.l.)•nk ·· "".k.u'"" ""''' · - ·outport Orders parsonc!,ll7 d.D d promptly at tended

'• I I r . . -:=;. ~-c:i r e " h•·•·· forl ••. HIJ: J·t ··~ PHUTOGit .\ l'll:,oollht• to P r·es r ' t • ·,. , .... ·l' \ 7 c nded .. - • ,\"OI:I.',l ''llh·· ·<rt·• l t•~·····k on t"Ar lll ,· c.bii•W • C.lp lOns C .J._e_t:._1: ompou .

I I I' '· - ._1 ..... ,., ~ ' ,.. ... - -•: 1(1(',\..C~~ : r t ~t il a l :1.:2~ •Ill!• ., ('.t .•h or i t.Si ft ll· I l :! · • ' · ! I' I

• ·I- .

I :

' .......

~ r ..

·" <.: : JlH::--~i ~ t • 1 !"fllll! t ly :llld !u :•a r: • .l~ t llo• /Jill·

m i• . .;i t 11 wi ll'; l·' •rt en· '1''1 •lt· • \.'H CliUl!:'tanCt:., C< ~:> l~ a nd r ::.l! .ts C1f 1.!\" i t­tions and on nil nlnu t r., butrin~ on th,: qur<~tion in any 'wny i t to~lading 1m~· tllll-rs made for !'tlttlc·uwl•t. \\'e inst.t· tmc the enquiry in ·'" •I l.tlth in lilt.! hope thnt. both lw d!- n'" and tcntLnh will aesist , und in Lh I t•u:llf that: it is 1\o indispensah!(· nrd in•111ary to efi'£'Ctjt nJ. lllCI\Siltl'S f11 t h ea.hu:; every UeOJf social misch.\cf:' .


MAB.n.mn . . \.t Poin• • 1. Chnrte,, .llet bo<list.

'hurch, 1Iuntr~1l, :=:t:pt. WtL, by th" .Rc,·. J. W. Pitclwr. :\LA., ) Jr. E. DILW(·, tormcly of Brigu8: to Lcnl)rx .Eti1•• br·th, ehltst. dnlighl&r or }fr. JnculJ Trapnell, formerlY of H nibor Gruz . =;=;-;-.

DIED. At BrQOkJyn; New York, on •. cpt. tb,

nfter n lingering illness, DM·id, eldrst son of the L'\te Edwnrd rwd Eliznbeth Boland, aged iH yea.l'IS, n. native of s~. John's, 1\"tfcl ,

At Toronto1 September 26, :\Trs. Abignil Drock tugt.oll, late of St. Johu's, Nc wfouud,lnnd, .L~C"tl 84 yenn.

Nfld. Railw-ay

I .. I' n - s rt:C; ci,.ih UUIIII!l U V(•r 1:,oo vv1uut,.!t, .\ ).!f\Ut ll ._,.,~. L •• · r .• 1J. ' 8 . . arJ J Je'.veller. m .•nle" Jtl Hnfll ' l h illu~tr,,., J,•trt'uh;r• nn I !o•rm~ ,-~-~,-~ ·.~,- -

1 •il r\ ,~ilh l'll ~l'o·>•. :•l r. ' l"hM. L. ~t nr tiro,C···- . ATTE);O,\:<I('E 0:-< ~t:~]).\Y~-l (l t•)) 1 tt l ll ~ '2 to :: anu R to 9 p.m. \ ·ti ~,. ', ! !"OI Il:•tlJ· nnt I rrd to, 1 · ~ ... ~ '-'·•rc.t .ji1h iu ~r ,f,.~J;.; ~~~~ ,. .,,

· , • H ,_ .. , . . 1. 1 •JII , ' .\ \• '"'r.' "'·· "!3 ~1 ~tl ' .• r,.; i ·, l11 _ ..,.. __ ...... -.. ........

_ • ••t• "' : 1 ~·· \", •. ll -.·:nr'\ l '"'li:tHII I J""!Jt 1 '·. t ,. , I• . - . !! ',"11 ~ ~ , {"\.!'E. 1••1 t,. IJ , r-- ~•; t, ·ur .. ;n b··nnnr..t ; ~u·~·dUc,•ttt

• .. ·nth" 't•l) 1 dn'' l r . l1()·uk uu <"r•· U• • ~TtJiJ:l• ,~~ti•

L~- J•lJ .. . ' I! ''· A.lc1 • " " (, iut•t' !ilt ' ·• t uhli~ld r,~ l;,, . . ~ •. 7::3 ''I.•·· I• II! ::-- c., t.:,l: il~ .. P• .• or~;, o.,,.rlqrn :-,• .

T -i - - ' na-"8 ~ -· ............... ~ l. , I -·

> rdstcr =1 .>· i ci~o i' , \"ater St., harbor Grace.

l~oomsl nt Mrll . ~1. IIJ:l!'::, nearly op­po.;il<' Post Office.

' Avoid -~A~!!loni~. ......... ... ..... t Alum


~.~~.r.~ r,:~::mcness BY GSIXG

OOD!I ... L'~


L. BROWN, and Block Malter.

- I Pun1ps, ·Blooka nod all olber Ship's

Gear mnde noli rcpnired L\t short t ice nnd nt low ra tes.

Street, ·Harbor Grace. .. . ' l i!d Lite~nry Ihetltu e.

Chi· '· tl . / I t:: p:1~3U

The underRi~nPil beg to inform the t rade t bnt having j uttt put u p a new and i mproved Machinery for the m11nufacture of


LiCfuid FISH CLUE, they are prepared to fill ord~rs fvr L\ny quR.ntity,- -in casks frotn 5 to 10 gnllona.; in oao& from i gallon to 1 pint; altJo, in 1 and 2 oz. bottle.J by the g ross.

We Challenge the Strength of this article against all Competi­tors .


Mannfaot'.lrefl by F . W. GoLDER, at tho Bench Pr(lmises, l.:farborurace


Wanted at Once. Will ~y apot cMh for the following

Newfoundland Stampe :-i , 1, and 3 ~ent• ......... so Ol'nt& per 100. 2, 5, ond '6 " ' ......... 50 " ," 10 a.nd 12 11

.. . : .. ... ~ '1 ·co ob.

18 nnd 24 " ......... 1$ 11 "

5 eentt Blnck (senl) .. . ~ 11 " 1 6 " Brown ............ 75 '' "

Stnmps · must be all in good con· dltion Send nt once to

. N. OHMAN, f, 0 . Sox q1, St. Jobn'a, Newloundlao<l.

Sept, . .

WILLIAM tALCO~, Boo~ ana fthoe - Maker. WATEa~B.BOR GIU.OE.

., .... ~


.. ),.AK Yj1

.lll J.:.J

A Note


is 'the only Meat preparation thnt m akes

FI.SH·ERIES, • 1893. . Thfl un~ersi gn~d are prep lrin~ n full stoc).c of Netdog and

Tw•ne of thetr · O\V manufacture, 9l\it nb e t r the Newfo undhmd ttnd Lal rado_r Fisher·ios of ~ ~93, and ir .vjtu the favorable attcn· tioo of tl\e·r patrgns on th·: Islaud,

Particular attention qiven to th~ makiu,., of Cod Traps aud Selnes, and Het·ring Nets,


~ Prices and -terms sntlSJnctory.

William. Stow-e, Glouces er Net and Twine Co., 94 Co+nmercial St.,

· · . Boston, Mass. ·

JameS Bamca, ·wist.es tQ inform his friends ~d cbsto'ro~nt his BUSINESS

PREMSl ES are TJ• t ' ~ ·

3!l!l 'Water Street, S ~ , John's, oppoaitu M~s~rs. A. Goodri!igq tt..l. bous. ' .

298 Water St., St. John~s, [. '!(;S OF TH'E BIO BooT.]

-s--1 FHED. ~MALL" OOD, in thanking

hid r w-:nmcrs for their support, begs to ncqunwt the public of St. John's and nci(!hb(lrin~ locnlities that. be ia._After being burnt. out i o the late fi re, again in th e

Boot and Shoe Business nnd mny be found at


where is prepared to sell Boota and ShoP:o at the snme old tntes, lind to _give sntisruclion in every particular. 4 Customer!! CR O rely OU Obtaining the Du-·l \"n llll· thnt th <'tr money can se­cun'. nnd r~ceiving tho fullest attention.

r:fiiJ"' Gh ·c our shop n. call and, be suit.ctl Ucmcmbcr-298 Watcr. SUeet, ~ · Sigu of the Big Boot.

Fred. Smallwood • - -- ~----------

VJ:illiam Ryan, CU .... T0)[ TAILOR

~-' ~i;;;fat,·ion gt1~ntccd in cut, Qual· it:: :IIHIJ•rit•c.

Water St~ Harbor Grace J . A. Wh~tman, .

Custom Tailor~ \rill gunmntee Fit, Workmanahip

nnd 'lyle. Give us n. call.

Out port orders receive prompt attention


0~'--........ Both the method ll.l!d mm.lts when S~pofFip is taken; it is plessan­aiul iefreshfug to the l.:lsto, and acts gently yet ~rompUy:on tho 'Kidneys, Liver and .Bowels, dClll\SCS the sys· J.erJ1 etrectruilly, dispels colds, head­a®.es and fevers s.n.d cu~ h:WitUAl. constipation. Syrup of Fi&i is the only l'emcdy of it{l kind evcrlrtr ~uCed, plea:mg to tho taste a.n a.p­~pt.nblil to the sr.o:m::tcb, prompt m its action apd trnly bcnoficW In its effects, prop:lred only from the moit healthy nndafitecnhle:rubJtances, itll manycxccllt'ntquriticscommendi~ to all n.nd ha•;o mado it tile moat popular remedy k'nown.

Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75o bottles br :ill leading druggist& Any ; did ole dru. ~t who may not hnve it on h11na will procure it J>rompUy for !loy one who wisher ID try it. M!m•tured only by tho


W>VDJVII.G...=. :=-.z. :rrsw Yoom, •~ ~

Po not be .D~~~~;S!~~. b~

unable to rid yourself of thJ t obstin::tc c~ugh. You have been experi­menting with new and

worthless compounds.

Cheer up! There is hope for you jf you will try th:lt stand­

ard prcpar:ltion thJt has been in usc for more

than 50 ye:~rs.

Wistar's Balsam qj Wild Cherry.

. It ·uJi/1 Cur~ YO...!. Sold by a!i q)rursists.

m Wild

Cherry Thla old rellabte spoolflo

for cou«ho, colda and all dlseasoa of o pulmonary nature easily retains Its popularity among the peo· plo, thousa.1d6 of whom may olmbet bo eald to have been raloed upon It elnoo lt has eo long been the uni­versal oure-all In eo m any homea. Ita reoord for up­warda of a hpff century Ia known to all and ottoata Ita r emarkable merit. For sale byaiiD~~/

Seth W. Fowle& Sons, PWOP11D11'0Uo





orooo .&Jm rt111DI (1887\ : ra,., Prenuomt ......... ... ...... £607 000 IJfe P remiumt ... 7., ... ,.. ..... . 197 000 Iatere~~t ... .••. :,. ........... ... 143.000 .&.ooumoJated J'aada ......... .£S,4-21,000

the t.uuleni~oed il e:r.pow•wbd tu etreoc intai'Uloel on .It kinde of PM­,_,, ID NewtoaDdlaad at ourreatR&'*' OIPNmiaa. ·

TJae aboft Oompur I.e well known

lor hit libeaii'J aDd ptOm~ la •&a~atrto.a .. ~ .• r PN:t••••••• ..._ of ~ toa fin_. Ute I.Muraaol, _..

~ laton.Miea ... -~ ....... 01

~ 0. IUYW A.BD, •• lou'a;

~for}l .. foal ..... ~IIPdu~ -.~ ... ~Qi.&

o j, I


HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Special &ellion.

Tt7ESDAY, Aq. :as. (Conlin nod.)

Hon. E. P. MOrutra-<conLioned)-'A number or quer~ wero laaed \o iclnan&e and l~nd· Iordi tnx on nAture or occupancy, nature o J hold I p,llablllty cor t.axea,tenjrthorleiU01 ron'- lm t"mcnt-8, com)X'nutlon, t.erma or roncwal b oldlnp provlout \o '4(), compot!Uon ror ~~t'ty an.cr aro o r ·~ right• ot owncra t.o tbreabore, barbor ACCOmmOdation, neoc• alt.y ror leglelatlon. &c.~ 4c. In moet etUHl tho Q.ne lea are nnawcroo and contain valu· nblo l~rmatlon, not aton11 on tho abovo matter but on othe r germiUlo questions. There rt or that comriiJtt.ee 11 all that cnn be dca red, and t.be publlc»pll1t.ed euaca­tlona I'Ont.alned tqereln are a credit. tO ·tho N>mmlt~ nnd the only thlna to be ~tt.cd In connkdon with It wu that DO acUoD bod be6n t.aken In tho matter. U WU \o glvo practical c~t to the reeommendatlona con· tal nod ln that r eport, aa well u to t.ake ad· vant.acc or the Jlreaent 0\)portunltyl that. bo wu oO'f Introducing tbeac reeolu Ions. It linch a aqbem o woa IOR41blo tben u propoeed, ~ely, to parehnao the lntereeta ortbo town the Wb~o wniOf'ollde propertL, wblcb wp then est mated al. a c:oat or 41.;,13>,000. bow much m ro f'Cnslblo Ia whal. be DOW propoiOO whlcb o ly oporni.Qd In tbc burnt.rtllltrlctnDd wblcb now reQuired only tJu~ lnnd ~~ bo pur­cbruoed, u tho bnlldlng1 had bet>n recently ~>wept R"''M' by n re. lie woulrl drnw tho pnr· llculnr attention ror n moment o r bon. m cm· hers to tho plnn or Commnnder Robinson nl· rendy rorcrred t.o. IL wos drn'"" on n plnn or Pn~rc·a oil 18-4:> which II bowed tho high wa te r mark In ~haL year. On Lhlll plnn wn.s llhowo an outline or the wharves nnd breMtworkllll.ll thcylt.ood thnt. yPnr, &nll down on thnt plno had boon carof\llly lmced hy Commander Robln!!On tho wharves nod brcl\lltworlu 1\11 they litood In If'S:?, which trnclo~ dl&ctOiieB tho cnc·roach)mmtli. nnd ho woulddrnw nttcntlon to thl' roqL thnt this ll~l8 01 en croachm ent Is .II' Ill s;oln~r oe. wns ~tQin~t on to-<lay· "nd pnrllca on \\fnt<'r Ati'\.'Ct whllllt ho WM ~pcnk· tog ' '""ro throwing dr brllllnto the wnwrs o r 1 h<· hnrbor. m nkl n~ lnnrl tor t.hfl n'hl!cnt<>e landlord nt tht' <'~pcnse orrobhln~; the puhllc, fi·rom t bq l't!'jrlnnlog ho wns nwore LbnL crr­tnln.pn»f"ll \Vho loolt tnvo rnbly on mensures not fa the red b,· thcmsolvel', hnd ondt>a,·orl'd to mnke thh! ·mnucr unpopulnr by p'ttlng out n rrnort. thnt It \\"11.!1 !lOIDJ: to lnlorrero \Yith t ho lrtHic, .~a·. . 'ow. h~cd no texplnln the nb~umlt ,. ot this bllltbl'nr. There w M no •lt·~lrl' on hfs pari to In any wnv lnwrrero with prtrl\l e rlcht•. hut he owed o duty to t he town \<'b lch he would dlschnrgc no mnuer who h c d l!l plrn.sl'd. I t1 hIs proper ty \\"1\8 ow nl'd ll\· tho town lhc,•l!hould oo put In possession ot ll. nnrl ~h()!:r who hold l~rrd not. b<' nrrnld 1u t l'llt their title ltiL b<' n ,.nlld nnd lr gnl one. H e wll'hWI to ~!'o the rl~:ht n11 owne rs put Into po:<ac~tllon. TIH' own~>r o r 1 he lnnd would up­point onco. nrbltmtor, the upremo Court one. nnrl thl' OQvernmcot, re presenting tho town, une. Thn declslon I)( nny t\rO would bo nnnl. A mnn must hn\•c Indeed n von· llhndy title I t ho \rould hc!llnl•' In commltt\ng hl1lntt1r· <>'ts to tl~ tlndln~t or u 1111r h n roul"t. It the p roperty on lhP eoutlt aide o r 'Vnter Street wn once n<'qulred nod owne.l Ly ~he elty,nnd Its mnnnaom cnL .... c!!ted In n harbor trnst1 tho ~·bolo dll'llcutty orthe lf'MO or I Rod qucll~loo would be (orevc r !!OIYcd, nnd there would bo no neces.•lty tor nn\· legislation on the qne&­tlon or lu:u.c . W ater Stree t Wt\1 the only pmco n man could bo 11Qucezed and deal~ bar hi\· with b,• n lnnlllord. Thc ro were no .:rh:vnncCtlln ony other pnr~ or tho city. lt an nttempt nt rock rcntln~t wna tried In noy oth<>r parl or liHI town, n mao hRd bls rcm~y R e could gPt ou~ nnd 11ult hlmscl! olecwhe N I· not 100 In Wnter SlrPct. A mnn estnbllsbe< there In bu~lnl'!lll,wlth hlsstores1hl8 wbarvel!. h ill nnm<'. & c •• d:<' . • he must.rcmnln the re. nnd knowing this, Lho lnndlonl Ulkea ndvnotn~e or him. The dlmculty In other parts or \ho town wa• tbnt. persons couhl not n o found to l •·n~>•' lnnd nnd mnny vncnnt Iota give evl· d••nre Of 1111&. I It \fOUid 00 lmpoulbl<' IO rnCntinrC' the ,·nhtl' 1 0th~> town otthl1 n.cqul~l­tton. Tc nnnL'< on \\•nt.'r Lre<'l<'OUid he ~;ln•n long I CRllC8 ; thlll \VOIIItl ~>ncOIIrRitC the cre<'-1 I on of mn~o:n l llrlt'nL hnlldlnJC8 which would 1.1<• nn ornnuwut to tho town. Tho reRSOn \r h '' tb<' chy did notln th<! pU!IL!l()SSess bNtl'r bulidln~K \rn~ h<•cnu~<' the lno<U,vns h eld hy Rh't!nt•'l:ll WhO l>l~RIIll' OWil!'r«''t I he lJUlltlln;; u·"m th o:t'l!l'lrnt lou o tthe WRIIcs nndthP ten. n!t t hn.t th m< nu lnt er~Jet In conl'.l,ruetln;; n hull.tlnr: which would lrult beyondllls term. UuL If thc own,•rshlp o r t hP foreshore w as one!' vcst...t m tho public ar1.t m&nnv:ed by 1\ Harbor Truct. llwn they could Sl'<'urc tho erection hlld mnl nt<•nnnce of valnnblc. sub­stnllllnl nntl orn11me ntnl buildings. nod lonv: I•·~'"" \:hillel lw r:rnnlt·d on thl' m n•L tld\·nn· ta.:••ou!l termF. In .. .-wi n ~-: nil rhle h e tlt•slrl'tl tet lw unclt•ro.tootl t hnt he tlhl not wish to ln­t .. r ft•r•• "ll h th\! rlo:hiR o( thl' pre~l'nL t)('rU· JI.IIIIS ~xcl'pl t ll rou~h the opcrntlon or this . \ ct · nor t<• ln tcrpost• nn,· hlntlrnnl'e to th" cr••<"llon or whurvM<. lrl' OOll l' \'•'d thnt whurv<>~< un wcll·r••~;ulnt r•l <'Ondltlons wero neN~.,nry fo r tile tratlr <>f thi s ~lty. but nt. the AAm•• time there ~hould I)(' nothiOlt nbout 1 :u-lr mnna~tomcnt to pr~>v t•nt the public ha v. lot; O"!'c lngr,•bM nnd t•~:r•'I!S to lho wntcr·llldn. .\ t pr~!ll' nt n fl '-h l•rml'll WM as~umcd to treM· p11.'" whu •ra~ una ble to ~nln tho h ll!hwoy o( tlw ON•nn wltllout ~;otng ~hrough private luntl .

ilfr. MORL...,._Ho hod n right _to the watcr1 not to tho lnnd. The Crown bad tho rlgbt o r po'sesalou In the foreshore. !Bon. E. P. MORRts-Thc next Important

point Wt\1 tbnt tho Trust. hnvlng acquired po1111eulon or Lhle land, what were they t.o do with It 1 The 7th 11e0llon of the Bllleald t h at they mlgM leue or grant permluloo to pa,.. tics t.o eooltruct wharves thereob. That, or coar se, would refl'r to such portions or It l\11 we r" not nllocnted ror tho uao or the nubile; for he did not menn thnt the enure property w~~ t.o be tlullt on for public u110, butlhnL any

rtloo or It might oo rescrvl'd for public !!Ucll ~ n publl<' wharr. Thero wu no

question t IlL when they como to 110parnte rroru thl'! ropertv on tho toreshore, not. or the crol\'D orJ'ubllc, there \VOuld be very llttlo to~ nl ror. Tbnt. Wt\lll m(ltl<'r lhnt llppcarcd 1.9 be 1\dmltted onalll!ldl'l, Mit WM "'eJI koowo thnL the pr~cu or. Oiling up tho wntere or ~bo hnrbOr had been I(Oing on tor mnny yearS. Rowuver, that wu a Q.Uelttoo tor the aTbltrntors t.o doclde.

Mr. MoRt.:ot-Tben you 1\dmlt thnt It tho nrbllratora decldl) llgn\ost the landlord!! tho latter will Jmvo to pny ror th&tproperLy over which Lhe)l n pr<'tlcrlp!lve riiCbt.

llon. ~lr. ~\tonttL'I-Re d entlid tho e:dstcoco ot I!Uch n right. Wnt.or Street lUI It WtU now ns~'tl, WMJ\lonc t.lmo onl~:~n mere path, call· ed Jhe •• ~wer Poth," wolch ran along by tbo war.e ... or the harbor nod tho wlndlo~ obnrnctcr ~(tho prue ot. Watl'r Street would lntlmnte t.hnt 1\ tollo'l'l'cd tho line o t tho vorl· OIU covet or Inde ntation• or rbo harbor. Tllereforo,~bon .the court or nrbltr&lloo ~at, the pru~>n <'lalmlln ta would hove ~o show their Lillo tho Jnod now In their pouel· slon and t o oo\111 woald re~t oo them.

Mr.lfonmz-commnndl'rRoblnann,ln his plan. called Wat.or Street the Low or Path ami 1atd thai. It ,ran 10 and 10, but you b avo I!Otb· tnr to 1t10"{ tn proot or that UIOrtlon.

!!on. lfr.· Jd dtty 'vlt· u~u t.o produce ooo who drowned at the co tho wnter, at lha' n'• corner.

lfr. hoo. reotlemao dltJ not do could ob:atn a J'lfbt by presort




ooDaorrecS !a Lhl.l 1'!ew. 1"-o were IOIDO or tbo rcNOnl In tavor or&be adopt.lon o r the) mu.aare. and be abOGJd be Tel')' Iliad If bon. membcra woCild rlvo lobo maUertbolr aerlou.. eoolldt>raUon. n WUA rua&tcr to w hlob no~ only I:St. John's wututei'OIII.Od, bal. &be! whole COQD\ry, AL t>I'\!MDI. larao rent.at1 were paid t.o t.bOliO abi!Ouc.oo laDdlordl wbo took tbc m one7 ou~ or tho eountr)' ; 'wberou. 1f the propt'l'tJ' beloa~ \o t.he coloQ7, t.bOIO who clld bculllul., on W'a&er Btreel. woald b&1'e t.o pay 10111 renta, would bavo more IIOOOmmocla­Lion, pu~up better bulldlnp. there would be no annual drain or renee loavlqtbooountry, and tho whole lo=would be beneiiU.od by ft. Be WOilld ~al Ia)' tbat tho Oovommen&. were In no way oalblo for tbll mcasa ro, :w be boo almply brouaht It In u a prlvat.o member, oa one of tbo city .ropreeoni.Mivea. The IdeM 1101. COrth might not be auoh lUI would r ecommend tbemtiOiva. to bon. m om· bora but b&- woa In no way wedded to tho pArt\culnr aeh om o, and would be clad t.o talco OVOD a part OC WhAL he Ukod COr, Or t.o toke It to a d fallre)lt manner and 10 lone t\1 t hoy eoaldacoompllsb tho ob}oct In vlow1.tbnt. wna the acquiring or proport.v on tbo rorcsbore, he would b<' utllllod. Ho had not rono lu\o the Jlgurea, ~hat. Ia, Lbo llkoty ooet t lUI ho did not t.blolt It prodent to commll. ntmselt t.o soy valuation or tbo land at prcsonl., and tbe llkely or probable ooet wu known t.o boo. m omberaaud ~be wholo city.

Mr. MORlSE thought it Wt\8 hnrdly worth the COilBiderntion of the com­m,ittco whether tho land should be b6ugh t or not, until the hon. gentleman showed some financial or other gn.in that. was to nccrue to the community from the purQ)'tnse. lie should show llrst. show if the land Wl\8 tn.kcn and paid for thnt there would benny more proJit to the public ; and, secondly, thnt tf it wns put in tho hands of o. Trust and let out. agnin, tho public would hare any greater pri,·ilegcs that they had ut. the present tim<'. Then, R~ain, tho hon, gentleman hntl shown no pub· lie .~ ricvancc thnt existed.

B on. Mr. :Uonrus-1 assumed 1hnt cverv one knew of the existence of grievnnc~. .

Mr. ~loRJ)\E-Thntwas n very sen ous nss\tmption when it. involved thousnnds of lollnra, ·antl the hon. gentleman should lnv down what. tho .grievance wn" and show thnt. the passing of· his mea.suro would end the grievance. \VRS it a g-rientnct> t.lmt. pen~ons should Jpay for !tho use of the mcrchnnta' wharves; and! if n. Trust were created and nllo\vcd to C1\se out the premises, could it be imrrincd thnt nm·onc would take n lcn.s with the understanding that. there was to be n. common right for every­bod · to pnss o,·er his whnrf at will, whan lte might. ha ,.e a lnrge nmount of goods .stored there, .or that the tru~t~cs wou)d think ofputtmgsuch ncondit.10n in t.bc l~sc?

~n. Mr. Monms-Thc main griev­

·:l.n Wl\8 that the landlords by un· In' tlly acquiring public lnnd were re­cdv·ng rents,which ought to go to the city . l[f. Moru~r:-It wn.s a quest.ton whc her they could rcdr~s t~nt so-c:1.ll· cd g ieYancc or not by paying them f~r thei right.s, lcttiug the land out agnm und paving the interest. The bon. ~cnt emim !':tid that, over the foreahorc th~r could uo no prescrip tive right a••ni liL the crown, ant! the only proof h~ b ou~ht forw:Lr,l WttS nn cxpressio,n of o inion bv Chief Just.i,ee Hoyll'S n long time ago, which hull never been con rmcd hy nnyonc cl c, and which ·ir u~it H oylt'IS " 'ould not confirm

him elf if he were ulh·e to-<ln)'. '"'ir Hug H oyles snit! thl\t. there could ~o. no p cscriptive right lO the foreshore tn New onndlund, thl\t no grants had ~ver bee given of sueh property from ttme im1 moria!. S ow, alLcommon law laid down " time imm<.'morinl " to a period of sixty y<'n··"· ~e c:1ni.o ncr~ n cus<' in the volume, whtch he held 1n hia-hand wherein it wns stated that tL

thirty yenn~' USJt~O wonlrl rnisc a doubt in the Court and throw the burden of proof on tho ~ther side, ~nd th~t n sixt:.- yenrs' c~1 .would rntse nn trre· buttnble presum\>tt.on. H e ~voulcl lny it down ns his opmton that !ltxty ycnro use of tho foreshore would g1 ve the landlord an indefetl8iblo right, nod that even thirty years would rniae a pre­sumption in his favor which would have to be rebutted on the other side. The bonornble gentleman attempted to show that wharves wcro a public nuis· nnce because the public were not. allowed to land, but every inoh of the for<'Shore could be granted to mer­cha~ts and no one would ha,•e a right. t.> pa.ss over their whurn>s without thetr porruission. He would now ..read some quot.l\tions respecting fishing rights which hnd n bcMing on tho sub· jcct before tho oht\ir. (Here bon. mem­ber cited authorities from Patterson's Fishery laws.) ~ th!lt a man co~ld acquire lln oxclustve rtght by prescnp­tion for fishing, e,·en in an nrm of t.lio sea. Tho question of whether Ash ing, Wl\8 an obstruction to nnvigntiontwhicn was a similar cnse tp that rnised oy tho hoo. gentleman noout the whnrves, wns 1\lso decided nod it ,was laid down that if the Cllrryin_g on of a fl.shery W!18 in· combatible w1th free n1w1gntton tn the wRters in the locRiity, then the former should give way to the latter. The bon member ahould show in this oase, tbnt the wharves impeded nn.vigation, but ho had failed to adduce nny argument. to that. efrcot.

Hon. Mr. Moruna-A.s tho rceolutioo had only just. been printed and 11\id on ou the table that cvenin' he would nak thAt their further COilBt~eration be deferred t ill to-morrow, when he would be prepared to shnpe them acconling to the wish or tlv~ Honse and to all8wer objections l'lllsed bl !be hou. membor for Bonavistn., Mr. M~. He would then Also be enAbled to imP.art to the House additional arguments in enpport of his position bl\llod upon a recent. au· tborlty, whoeo ciompllAtlon OD.the fore­abore bad juat been plAoed in ht. banda.

The committee roee, 1-eportod that they bad made "ttome progree' and aaked leave to ait a,aln to-morrow.

Nona or QnrmOI'. Mr. KOJUD-To ult the Hem. Colon·

lal !eoretal')' whether the puohmeat eopfN of the act1 of the Jut ... ton of the ~!Mure had beea bartR. • HoD. Ool.olrl.u. baur.ulY.Jl'be Ida­

CAtion. the Knnlctpal an4 Dart of &he eUl'l)l) ectt\,whlo)l wae Ia tbe Gueete omcie-wen . am&, wl&b n.,uaipr elle

there but copiee of th.ese acta, u they were P.ssed to committee oft.he wholoL wore in tho posaet~sion of the Clerk 01 the H ot.ise1 and could bore-engrossed if corroot.. ,

Mr. MoRIN£ gave .notice tha.t on t~ morrow be wilf nsk lt•avo to introduce a bill to provide for tho crootion ·or n. tribunn.l to adjudicate between land­lorda and. tcnBnts in the town Of & int John's and to prescribe tho condition of leas~ of laud therein.

Mr. Moru~"E o.lso gn vo notice that on to-morrow ho will ~U~k the Premier to st.ate the present relntioiUI ber.weon this CfOlony and the Me sn1. Simpson & Co .. lessees of tho d~· dock. ·

The H ouse adjourned until to-morrow {Wednesday) st hnlf·pll8t three o'clock.

('ro be continnod.)


B.ESTO~ATION TO liEALTH. __. After 'Three Years of :Paralysis, Insen.si·

bility, and Useleslness, .de 'fells the Tale of .His Recovery and Renewed Work in the World- H.ia Story as Told a Free Pr03S Reportor.

Ottawa Free P ress. The town of Alcxnndria, some 65

miles south of th city of Ott.nwR, on the Canada Atlantic Rnilwny, has been completely astonished, recently, at the mnrvellous ex_pcrienco of n young mRn, wlio after havtng hccn bcd·ridden for ncn~ly twelve months, :md his cnsc pro­nounced incurnblt< lJV Montreal And

exandria docton~, is no'v "t"CI!torcd to complete health nnd strength.

)lr. James ami is l~ young team· ster well knowu llntl cxtretucly popular thr~ughout the country side, ami his illness And I. wonderful recovery ha,·c uecn-indcca St.ii!Rre-the chief t011ics in the town and nei~hborhood. The story of his mimt•ulous cure having rcnchcd Ottnwll, n member of The l'rcc Press st.atr journeyed to Alexnndrin and sought out 1fr. and:i for the pur(>Odc of ~Urecrtninin~ tho truth of the state­ments made regnrdjng his recovery. Mr. Sands is a sriml3· built, but wiry· lookiug young man of nbout. 32 ycnrs of age, nod when met by the newapap~r man the bloom of health wa.s on Ius cheek nnd his whole frame showed si~'lls of unimpaired vigor nnd ... ·i tnlity.

The newspaper man told )lr. Sands the object of hi$"Visit, nnd the latter expressed his pcrfccL willinsne11s to gh ·c nil the fncts connected wnh his case. 'I wns, • snid lli Sands, 'IL complete wreck, given up b~ the cl~tors, bu~ ':OW I am well and strong ngnm, nnd gatmryg strength e\·cry dRy. 1 wns born 1n Lancaster in 186:), and u p to three years ago I was nlw11ys h(':dthy and strong, living in the cpen .nir ami being well· known throughout the whole country of Glcngnrry. It wn in tho winter oi 18&'H!!> thnt I first felt. s igns of incipient pamlysis. I was then tenro'iter for thl' sash anct; door fnctory here, n.nd httd been exposed to all k inds of went.hcr. I · then experienced violent twi11tin..., cmmps in my ris;ht hand. I wns in Cornwall that winte r when the first stroke fell , and n ' m'lincd there for three day11 before I knaw nnybody nt all. A medical man w.l.i cnlh·d in hut could do not.hiu~ fM ml'. After that J en me home anti ap~·'a r~:d t•) s;ct. nil right. for :l time. but arwr n. few days tho old t rouble lwgnn ngnin, my h nntl continued the twi tch in;: nnd cmmping t hnt h~\d prccet•<h!• l t lw stroke: Up to twdvc months ugo thl'H' twitching fits were the only sy:npwm~ r lltlirc r,•d fro '!'· 'I'h cn.in Aug u t , l~!> l, wh••n I was tn HuntingJ on ,·iJlngc l11ustnitwd a second ~;trokc, and rcm,dnctl unconscious for about so,·en hours. A doctor attended me and I recovered sufficiently to bo brought home. After my rc~urn home the paralysis steadily @'~lined on me, nnd I loet the usc of my r1ght arm nnd leg entirely! my right. ere wrs distorted and my tong ur partiily p!irnlyzed. 1 wa9 pen~cribed for by nn )..lexnn­drin physician, whollc treatment I cnre· fully followed, but it had no effect. I still got. steadily worse. and about a month before Christmns lnst, went to the English hospital nt :Uontrenl. Prof. Stuart and nil the doctors can\e around me, ns minC' was n curiotlll cnsc, nnd t.ho professor treated me. All the doctol'B could give me no satis(action, and <.lid not a_ppenr to understand my cnae. I queattoned somo of thcm,ASilt they told me i t was~ hopeless c.l\8e. I remained in the hospital o. month, without the lcnst improvement, and was then brought home, and remained iu my bed till May dny. I haq constant medical advice, but. continued td ~"' ,.;orse nnd worae. ) Iy Hght. nnn w1thered nod l grew so wenk ~nd u•eless that 1 could not turn myat'lf in bed. lrenutimu I hntl t ried nil aor uf pntont. medicines without tho len~t (\fl'eet. In l\fay I snw an Rdvc.rtiaemem of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the ptlpcrs, Rnd anid I would try them aa a lcnst resort. I had h eR rd of tho wonderful curt's work~ by Pink Pill8, and told my folks to ges me some. I hnd.not. tAken them long when I round myself improving, nnd tliia cletermincd mo to oo~tinue their use. 1\ly strength gmduaJly returned, tho musole of my arm and leg becam<' imigorated nnd 11t~uger, nnd T Wl\8 n.hlo to sit up. I still cont.inucd taking the Pillellndgnin· ing strength, untU at lnet I wna able to go about, and flnall:r to return to my old plAce nt thenah and door factory. I gave up tho Pllle for a while, but dic.l not feel eo well, so I again began thoir uae. I now feel u well u ever, 1hou~h perhape not quite 10 etrongaa formerly. You oan see m:r right arm, which WR.S whhered. t. now &11 righ~" and Mr. Sandi etretcbed out a mUIOUlar Umb, which would ban done oredlt to a blaabmtth. In reply to the reporter Kr. 8uJda ..Ud be thought hil t.rouple had been broqbt on throagh e.poe­are to the 'WIMlin. "I am oom.Pif?lel)' ~added." uid .. that it te ~ '-0 Dr. Willlaml' Piak Pi1ll that 1 cnr~txai' .

rTighcst Qf :l.!l i:1 Lc~vcning Power.--:.Latest U.S. Gov't Report.

wonderfui restoration. Desides the medico.! treatment I hnd tried clectri· city and patent medicines, both inter­nal and ~cpml, but without the S'f i~htest a vatl. After beginning Pink Pills I began to mend, nnc.l they ha\'e made. n. nc~ man of me."

Tho newspaper man then Clllled on l\l('ssra. O'::~trom Bros. ..~ Co., widel.Y known drns:gists, nnd interviewed th01r rclJr~scnt.attve,Mr. mith 1\8 to his know­ledge of the cn.se. Ur. Smith. W/\8 fully com·crsnnt with the facts, nod vouched for the story told by .Mr. Sands, and further said, thl\t his ~ope less CMC nod remm-kable recovery aro l.:nowntbrough· out Glengnrry County. ln reply to the query if mnny of Dr. WiUinms' Pink Pills nrc sold, Mr. Smith replied that the sale wns rt'marknblo and that in his experience be had never hnndlcd a remody thnt sold so well, or J:!a,·o such genernl satisfnct.ion to those using them, ns e\'crywhcro ~lowii1g reports nrc henrd of tho ~xccll<'nt ·results following their use. Dr. Williarrus' Pink Pillsaro not n patent m <.'dicinc in the s ense thnt wor,l Is understood. 'l'h<') .. nrc not a puf1!nth·e medicine, but net directly upon the blood nnd nerve's, supplving those constituents required tQ enrich the forrncr ..-attd stimulate nnd rcstdro thE' latter.

For nll disen.scs dependinJ:! upon n vitiated condition of Lho blood, or l'hatr tcred nerves, they nrc nn unfailing remedy. Such dist>n.sl's ns these speed· ily yield to their trc!l.tmcnt. Locomo· tor ataxia, partinl pnrnlysis, t. Vitus' dance, nournlgia, rhcumntism, scinticn., nervous prostration, nen·ous headnche, dyspepsia, chronic erysipelas. scrofula, etc. They nrc a spcctllc for the troub­les peculiar to femnlcs, corrcctin~ ir­r<'gularities, and restoring the functions, nnd in the cnsc of men effect n rndicill cure in nil CMCS arising from o,·erwork, mental worry .or excesses of any nnture. In fnct i t. may be sttid of thorn

" 1'hlly cnm,. • a " !Jonn ••••I 11 blc:.tllln~r to men ne.~torin..: l " ~~~~llh, ltrn 1\0d vll:or a.::aln ..

These pills nre manufnctured by the Dr. William's Medicine Company, Rrock\·illc. Ont..,antl Schenectady, ~.Y., nod nrc ROid in box<'s (never in looso form by the dozen or hundred, nncl tho public nre cautioned nJ:!ninst. numerous tmitnt ionssold in this shnpc) nt 50 cents n bo'!c, or six boxes for~2.f>O, nnd mny be hnd of all rlruJ:gi ts or direct by mail fT>Jm Dr. Wi llinm'i' )(edicinc Company from either address. The price nt which these pills nro sold make a course of treatment comparnth•c ly in­e"xpcmsh·e ns compa red with other rem!'llic.s or ){edienl trl':llm<.'nt.


Great Probability Of its Establishment in the Sandwich Islands-What it Offers.

Ho)\OLt:T.L', Sept. 10.-Thc Vmisinnn lotte ry hns prescnte1l itself for public f!l.,·or here nnd n bill wns rC'nd in the legisll\ture Au~st 80, granting an ex­clusive fmnchtso to D. H. Cross, of Chicago; S. w. B. Davenport, of St. Louie, nod John Phillips, J. J. Williams nnd Dr, Gilbert Foote, of Honolulu, to establish a lottery inHonolulu for a term of twenty-five yenn~, tho compsmy to pn~· for tho f~nchise ~.000 ellch ye.ar in quart.erlv mstalmcnts, and the mtrus­ter of interior to diaburse this sum for the following purpose: Ocean cable between H onolulu nod any port on the North American continent connect­in~ with the American telegraplays~em, $100,000 a yenr; subsidy for the con· ~;truction of n ntilrotcl nround the island of O!l.hu. $50,000 n. yenr; sub· sidy for n. rnilrond lhrongh Tiilo nnd Hnmadun, Hnwaii, $50,000 n. yrar;roncls, bridge, s landings nnd whnrvcs in Haw· aiian kingdom, $176,000 a yonr; i~prov· ing Honolulu h nrbor $50,000 n. year; encouragement to industries in the kingdom, 850,000 a yenr. If, however, the reciprocity t reaty with the United

tnte8 is abrogated, tho last two items arc to be applied to the building of dry doq.ks. The lnat item is $2.3,000 for the encouragement of tourist travel nnd immigration. Tho Cllpital stock of the company is fU:ed at $0,000,000, 50,000 shar~. which ma be increased to 810,-000,000. The bill provides thnt two commiasionera shall be appointed by by the queen nt n salny of 86.000 a yeAr to preside at. aU drawings of the lottery. The grantees are to be exempted from llll taxes and lieeJl8e fees, and to have the use or the Hawaiian maUs. The bill baa created much d1idu8llion, nnd, though there is ~ et.rong oppoeition, present appearances are in favor of the pu~age of th bill.

-BJJ:A'ITT'B To OP THl WORLD.-Ex· Mayor DAni ~tty," of B~tty'a Colebrated Qrga an Pianos, Waah· ington, New Jeney1 returned home fron1 &D exte.ndea tour or the world. Read hie advertitement in• thie paper and 1end for oat&lOIUe.

MYJl'!'U NAVY.-Tbe eucoeA wblob th~ H7rUe Navy tobaooo hu with the pablio lrbeoaaee it t. oompoeed of the veq ~-V~a leal lfOWD, and II IIWlutaotJued With the moat IOnlp11loul oart M •'fWT•&ace of the prGp'8&

W. J. Russell HOllse Ship, Sign and General Paillter.

Vcnetin.n Blinda made, refitted reno,·ntcd.

Also wishes to intimntet.hnthcisnow prepared to !do Fresco Painting n.t reason· ..\. ~ ablo rn~s. · ,

IEiJ'" Sntisfnction guaranteed. :--=-----

For Sale - AT THE--


--o­L:ldics' nod Gent's Card Cnses, P QCket Books, Cignr Cases, Locnl View Good , Fnnev and Mustache Cup.s and Saucers Chin& and Glass Vnses, A larg-o lot of Ink lands; other Faucy Goods too numerous to mention.

A. &. A.·. BRUNLEES.

Stewart Munn & Co., SHIPP~G A..'W OOMillSSIO~ MER­


22) ST, JO.HN ST., • MONTREAL. ' Special attention given to the sn.le

of Fish and Fish Oi Is. Also. to tho buying nnd shipping

of Flour and provisions n.nd General Produce.

Cable Aodress-:\lunn, Montreal.

iP-'i;:-::~~~ ~'i~\T,;,.m~- ~~ 1s-l·~~n ·i. ~ " ;~(", w ijl .. · ~~u· .

" 0, · .~ CodLimOil



HypophosrnHEs or l!me and Soda. ~ l

No of:>cr Eni.!is.Io:;o !s so 1 -cas¥ to t--~:c. •

1 I .. ,;oes no'" ~ ... -a..., ·· ... r:~-' """'. '" ~ -l.l " ' ''""'"' .v. spo;l. It is alway3 swyct as ere=.!:'!.

• C2.1! rcta.n 1t. •

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VJ:lst!r:g D:se?.~.P.s. Chro•;ic C~:.tr:h. 1

•. • " I • • L.~.z~ o .····!".9C~.u:c. ~~

Mer.t.1.l ana. ~c::vo :!: ! Prcs~-a-;::c:1.

Gcnerttl Debility, C::.c.

l:ew:t:c o: n:! :m:~t:om;. A::.: for ;,t::c n. £': L. '' .::::::r:!-:· on, :~:.d re!'~o a.!J o!l:eu.

PRIC E GOC. ~NO e-t PEA E:OTTLE:. ·-- x · a::: ~-





CAPITAL:-£ 1.000,000 Sterling

T nsurstnC('S ·E-ffected on almost all kinds o f property in NcwfoundlBud nt lowest possible rates.

J. A UGUSTU8 Gun, Agent lor New{OU.ftdLand,

E. B. TBOHPI!ON. .A gmt for Harbor Gra~

~~e. l atbAtr ~tau ftzmbarb -A.'ID-

OONOE.Pl'ION BAY ADVERTISER. lR printed anrl published every Tuesday and Frid"v eveofng, at the Standard OfBce. VictnriA. Street, Harbor GBee, bv MtTNN & Oa.

SubeeriptioM Rates :-$2 per an­num ; 11.50 per balf·year ; to fore• ftr:n -eubsorlbere tbe ratee will be t2.6Q, I

Ad~ng 1laUt :-liO oeute per fnob for 6nt fneertiou i tweaty ceat.l per lnoo for' each OODUDuatlon.. Special raw for three or more mont be. The number of IDMrtiou of 'JPU~l advenJHmeD\1 IDalt bt ·~ by the adnns... ..

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For Croup, Col~s, Cou e, re-Throat, Cramps a!"d Pain• • ._ IUJ"'t10QI h<\w nla.Q)' dllftt'll.D~ ~mplalnte eurc~, lte •roD« POtct u .. lA Ule faa UoM lhdl Cl'lllltcb'. lie&l1lljr all ftlll, lAlrU &AJ ~ Wto J1ACtG. .lle.U•....,. all ~r or Dowel OompWnU. To be takealli ...-.:.

Think of it I Although originated by an Old F amily Phyalolan ID 1810 Johnson's Anodyne Llnr.'ment oould net· hawe

aurvlved over e ighty y ears unless I t possesaGs extraordinary aa.,tt. rNH.A.LE IT FOB NERVOUS H~ACH:G.

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Ito~!~! I~ 1ft ~D'Ib lllro ,.... ...

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THt: a &ST 17~f.tJLY f:".CCOY F"O;J ­


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COL.D l!:v•RYI!IHI!Rfl AT 260. A BO""'---

. . u.T lleware oC Couatufolt. "1101 Imitation&






AMEIIGAN NET & TWINE C~. 34 Commercial Street, Bostyn, Mass.


C()l> •. llERKING AN , ;- SEINES.



· ·HERRING NK~~; . . · ilL Of T.H~ VERY BE-iT QUAI1lTY .L.'iD IM.!DE OF OUR

~HEP A.RD • G0LD ~ J\IEDAL. · ~WIN:E;S ' ~

-His_· ceUaneous. I th"' hM"Ytt-lirnbiu#OVCr aharpsu;>nea and. ia·& CODA!.ant tendency toward the total - frequentfaJ.Ja. absorption ot both ni: &nd water, and

·- ........ - ... - ·-----.. • Ulo .hLn ., red brown and iLlmost Lhe copti.Hunt.ioll,v• •. h.J<.I. \YiLh t.hllii"Mli· LIEUT • . PBA.R;('3 B.BTU.Ii.M frt'o from anow, is covered. with gli\Cit>r • elometlt.s ml'lking up their m1\88! :the

debris and slirnp atones or oil sizes. 1 moon, where tho evolutionary proceaa .l<'lowera, insects and mu11k oxen aro 1 i_a still more advanced than in Mara, A1JUUdiUJt flVC Of £ho lattt'r l.u•ing Rhlll. ~~1":08 to }-UI\'t'> reached tho 11tnte Of ab­Thcro fl'CC'


numbota of birds, traCeR Of IIOlUW IJOli.llilicntiOn, 80\ that life, all We fnX\'8, ha rra, ptnrmignn rLnd poesible lc1ow i t, ia no longer pO&aible there. wolvea. The surface oftllo t)ny,coverod Another-uaeful purpoeo may be served with winter's at.ill unbroken ice, prison· by the ~!arti~l cannls-thatof lessening ed the berga. the efl'eote or. periodical convulsions,

(Jreenland Expedition • a Big Succeu.

ST. Jom;'s, Soptember 18.-Tbe North Gn~nland expedition of(l8!1Hl2 h1111 re­Lumed, wi\b ita pt!l'llonnOl, with one ex­ception, safe and wt1ll.

Lieut. P~ aays, " Two da~s · after the .Kite. left last year, Rcdolifle house Wll.8 sufficiently completed to afrord a somewhat better protection than the tent from the const.1.nt min and heavy winds which prevailed ten da~·s follow­ing her departure, and I wna moved into

· it and stowed on a pile of boxes in one corner.

11 Two weeks later the bouse being compieted externally, I sent Gibaon in the Faith, with Dr. Cook, Astrop and Verhooff, to Northumbland and' Hnk­luyt Islands to bring back a native hunter and family and a. supply of birds from t.he rookeries from those isln.nds. The party returned in six days after a succCS&fu.l trip, bringing a large number of birds and my hunter Ikwa, with . bis wife, MAne, two chil­dren, dog', sleqge and kayak.

· "Work then commence on the outer stone and turf wall which was to en· close Rcdcliffe and protect i t in the long Arctic night.

" The first of September the entire party went to the head of McCormick bay to start the Humbolt glacier depot party. .A.atrup, . Gibson and Verhoff left ·Sept. 7, and returned four days Inter, baffled by bad weather nod "deep snow. · •

" Astmp and Gibson started ngain Sept. 22 and r~turned seven dnys lntcr, ha\o'ing penetrated nn eatimntcd dis­tance of thirty miles toward Humbolt.

" During the absence of the p:1.tty I made several boat trips to · d1fferent places for doer. nnd then attempted to e:cplore Inglifield gulf, accompanied by M~. Peary;· Dr. Cook, Ml\tt nod my nn.hve bunter. 1 wns stopped by youn:; icc, and nearly lost my boat in an nt­t.nck by a herd of angry wn.lrus, seven of which were k.illctl.

" Oct. 1, the young ice stopped all further boo.t work nna t~ weeks later sledge trips were inaugurated. By this time I · blld discarded crutchet~ and could hobble about with a cane.

" The beginning of our long night found us with 31rcindeerhscvernl seals and walrus and sc,·crnl undred birds in our larder and a snug house to shel-.cr ll8 . . More natives cnme and setUctl near us and the wjnter passed rapidly in the preparation of otu· deer skins, the making of fur clothing, sledges, skier and other equipments and visits from tho natives from all parts of tho coast.

"The return' of the sun, the ~die of F ebruary, wn.s mn.rked by n furious storm,. accompanied by to~s of rain nnd a tcmperuture of over F. Dur­ing 18 hours the entire reg·on was­swept 1\nd wllShed almost bnrc of snow, and Redcliffe nearly flooded.' The fine weather, thou~h the temperature wua between 400 nnd 50" below zero,.ofllirch nnd April, found us nil in g~ndi· tion, and gn.vc opportunitv for sle<Ul:e nnd snow shoo practice nncf the compfe· tion of my inltm1l ico-cquipm<'nt.

The mi~dle of April, wit!\ l\1rs. Peary and Ill)' native dri ,·er Qb a sledge drnwn by 31 dogs, I started ~r the tour of the islands and sbor of Vhnle sound and Inglefield gulf. even ys I wns bl\ck nt Rcdclilfe, ha.ving tmvclled some 250 miles behind my wild wolves, visiting nU the nn.t ivca in the gulf and discover·

" From the great glacier, July 9, we like thoee felt on the earth, , in a.leaaer started on the return, t.Rking a comn degree, on account of the prcc~· on of more inland. In scvo.n days we were tho equinoxes. The sens of re in struggling through the soft snow and nh>vin$ from one hemisphere the wrapped m the snow cloud~ fQ.r the great· other 1n obctliencd to thcae forces, mny interior plateau over 8,000 feet. above sea How through the canals in question,· level. We remained in'tho clouds some nod tho submersion or the continents 14 days when wo descende~ from them may thus be averted. Lnstly, the ctu1als east of the Hum bolt ~:lacier. Then, with may serve ns a meaiilrof communication dogs and selvea tmi'hed down to hard and ttnl18portl\tion between the two pan we covered over 30 miles. per day inhabitnted continents. Th'e excavation for ~even dayw, tiU our eyes were glad· of these canalll could not have been of-. dened b)'" the green iceberg waters of fected without the employment offorccs McConruck bay. so numerous that we can form only a

"On the last dA>; as I came over the feeble ide&- of them. .Moreover, the summit of the first ice dome. lying be- whole population of .Mars must have tween the border of the tme inland ice 11'0rkcd together in harmony, united as and the heads of £be bny, I saw-mO\'ing one l~lan , 0~ rather tl~ one comm\mity, figures a mile or two ahead on the next !'<>, bn?g to 1te concluston a taak so th1ly ice dome. :Ftom these burst almoet :rit!lntc. . instantly a cheer and it. was not Ion~ It is quite legitimate to suppose since bcfore~l.w118 clasping bands with Prot. the inhabitants of Mare began tbeir Heilprin .and his party, who were ~ut d~\·elopmcnt at 1\ far remote.r date than on a. reconnnisnnce preparatory to gomg dtd. thos.e or tho earth th~t the present in toward Hum bolt. to meet me. A few soctnl status of these res1dcnta of the houl'l! Inter I climbed over the side of skies is tbnt towards which we, too, are tho K:ffil." anchored nt the h<'nd of M.c· tcndi ng-thn.b is t.o sl\y, they evidently Cormi<;.k 'bnv, and the 1,300 miles jour- t'nust be united in one great and homo­uey wa's at an cud. Two dn.ys Inter. tho <Y(lnous. nnLion (for. their s_akca i~ is to b~ Kite steamed down to Redchffe. Etght hoped) and consohdntcd m one vast frn· days after tlris as all the work was com· temity. A..las! how many million times pleted and n~ar cvprything on board must our earth tnwcrse its l~uge orbit the Kite, Verhocff " 'ho bad gone on a. around tho sun bcf9re we arnve at such geological trip

1 faile.d to return, 11.nd, a. stage. of development. It is t~ue that

iearing somcthmg mtght bl\ve happen- they w11l ha\·e begun the decrepitude of cd to h im an immediate search Wl18 oar star. After 1\ll,r tho knowledge and instiLuted.' During this search, P.roso- appreciation of n. great and co.mmon cuted for seven do.vs o.nd se\'en m ghts danger muy hn\·e brought the umversal by aU tho members of my party o.nd P.cnce which must reign on .Mars, and a ProfCS&or H cilprin's, the Kite's, crew tnmular inlluence would doubtless teach and njnc Eskimo. the latter excited to ns thcsamo lesson· but nothing i11 more the u tn1ost by the promise of a ritl~ diflicultthnn to make menseewherc lica and a box of ammunition to the first their real ancl teritablc interests. Were who saw Verhoff. The entire country it otherwis<', the inhabitants of each between the place wh.crc Verhoeff mls planet. woniJ be~in '!'here their succcs· IMt seen and the Eakimo settlomcnt, sors w1ll end, and Cam would not have which was his deatination, wals careful- killed Abel. ly quartered, the m en' fi ring guns at - -· ... ·-· ----··-----regular intervals and shouting continu· THAT WAS GOOD ENOUGH ously. A knife and a handkerchief lost The boy was sittin11 lazily in the stern by n bunting party nearly a year pre vi- of a boat, dnngliug h1s feet in the water. ous were found, nlso mildlrnls left by whon n. man from the dock cnlled shal'}>' Verhoff, and be wns finally tracked to ly to him: the edge of one pf the large glaciers, '· Whnl arc you doing there," he said. where further trace was lost, and after " Kothing,'' respm1ded the boy. q_uartcring the glacier in every dircc· " Do you get any pay for it?" t1on we were forced to the painful con- " None," nnd he drew one foot out of elusion that had he perished in one of the water rendy to run if need were. the crevasses, and the search ?.'118 there- " \Yhy don't you go to work?" for reluctantly abandoned." " Will you gi vc me n. job?"

"Yes." With the exception of this sad. .acci- .. PR.y anything ?" dC'nt the exp~dition has been throu~honL " Well no X' hesitated the man " not most fortunate, n.nd bn.s carried out nl· the first week." ' most to the letter the ori~nal pro-~tromme. The conve...,.enc.Y ofthe Grccn- ·'How nbout the scconJ ?"

" f'o " Then I will." lnnd c!OnstJJ nbove the 7ith pnrn.llcl, the d~fl<'ction of the mnin dh·idc to the

11 .:Ul right, 1'11 come nround the sec·

~orthwcst nbovc the eamo narnllel, tho ond week. This is good cnou~h lor me determination of the continent-ieccnp now," nnd the boy stuck the foot bnck below Victori:~. inlet and the exist<'ncc in the water nnd winked at the man on of largeglnceins in a ll the grcnt northern the dock. fjords, nrc nmon~ the d iscoYcries.

The expedition brin~ !,ack much ethnol~icn.l mnterial, inclmlin:;r tents. costumes sledj!es. kayn.ks and d~s of tho northern Eskimos, meteorol~c.n.l and tidn.l obscrmlions, and n. la~e number of ·photographs of natin•s, dwellings, ~nd costumes nml Arctic scenery.

HAn: Yoti A Cot:ou, ooiJ, pnin in the clll'~t, or hronchitit~ t In fact--, have you t!H' pr(•monitory symtoms-or consump­twn ~ If so, knvw thnt rclcM ie withm your rench in tho shnpc of Dn .. WrstAit's 13.\.L:;A.\1 OF \\'11.0 CIIERRY, which, in, maQy C.'Uie . hns snatched the \·ictim from the ynwning grawe.

ing LadY. Heilpriu, )[clville, )feehan, CAN ATe ON THE PLAN."Dm ...-Anc Sun Brenton, Hart, Hubbard, Sharp, ~ ....... ~ and Dahlgren gl.aciel'll, Daly, Putnam,

Kickapoo Indian Sagwa _._ and Adame mountains. and the scu.lp- European Observations said to be con· tured cliffs of Ekarnak. firmed. ·

"Upon my return,~ Dr. Cook, AatrnP., WASHTNGTo~. Aug. 27.-Word hns

Why it is the Safest Tonic and· Blood-Purifier made,

Gibson, 12 d~, ana all the male Esk1- been received here f-rom California that moe at RedcliiTe began tmnsport.ing the the astronomers at. the Lick obserYa- Indians Ha.ve No Knowle<Ure of lfin. inland ice eupt>lies and equipment to tory have seen the marks supposed to eral Dru~ and Poisons. ::fhey Cure and u~n the 1ce at tho head of Me- be canals on Mars and also thnt all the with th~ Remedies of the Field and Conruck bay. I~'oined . them with main ones they have dotcctedd are the Forest. Their Knowl~ is Born of ,.c_ d 12 d 3 d ar · Many Centuries' Experience. w.Att an ogs, Y , an , ter tn· duplica~ions or germinations escribed terrupt.ions and delo.ys from stortnB and by Bohiaparelli. This is the first evi- The Kicklit>oo Indiana, who make steep gradea, of the outer portion dence received corroborating that as- Kickapoo Iod1an Sa~va, nature's grand of Finland, everything wM brought tronomers report as to the .so-called tonic and blood puritier,and oiher Kick­to the rolling surface of be true canals being double. npoo Indian remedies, are the oldest icecap at an elevation of some • l'fEw YoRK, Aug. 27.-Dr. Paul G.i.Q.ier, tribe extant. Wbeu Columbll8 discov· 4,000 feet.. and the -real start may be the distinguished French so~ntist, cred America they occupied tho terri­said to have commenced May 15. At writes to the Herald as fonows : Though tory about whore the State of Georgia. this time there were four of us and 16 J have not the honor to be an aatron- is n9w located. . d~, ?.lntt bavfn!ll been invalided home. omer, none the lesll I take a keen inter- TOday, driven back stop by step1 they

' M:a.y 24 we arnved on the edge of the e!t in everything that can give us a. nrc found mostly in TC.'\':1\8, New Mexico great basin -of the Humboit glacier, ~ore aecurate idea of this umverse, one and Arizona, but their tmditions have about 180 miles from McCormick bay. of wboee citizens I am. Furthermore, t cmaincd int.nct and tho secret of com­Gibson a.nd Dr. Cook, fonning the sup- what I have t.o say bas only an indirect pounding thoir raruediea is kno'Ml only porting party, turned back with two relation with the ooleatial system. to themselves and to one white man, dogs, and A.etrop and myself with the Many interesting things have been said adopted into the tribe, and through remA.ining dogs went on. of late in regard to the planet Mare, but whom they became known to tho white 'At Midnight of May 81 we looked one point, ao fa;Rdknow, hu received people.

down into Petermann fjord from the no consideration, and it is of this, \he · Kickapoo Inditul Sa_gwa is the prioci­edge of its great glacier feeder bnsin. meaning of the canau of Mars and their pn.l remedy and upon 11. thoy depend for Eight days later we•snw the land at t.he eonnectton with the social status of the tho curing ofnll troublee of the stomach bead of Saint George's1jord, a.nd the~ planet's inhubit.ants, if i ridoed there and liver, thc.reby purifying the blood. for two weeks were bafHed and harraae- arc any canala and any inha.bittulta lt is the king among_ their medicines ed by atorm1, fog, crevaaea and deep the.re, that I wish to speak. and their principal reliance.for warding ice slopes while trying t-o weather the I doubt. if it. will much advance my off malarial infections n.nd all troubles feeder basins of St.GeOrge'a and O.bome pUl'p08e to say that in· the opinion of arising · from exposure and frequent glAcier aptem the Hatteraa of the moet aetronomera, .Mars ia habitable chan,;cs. • northern inl&nd aea. and inhabited. In the eig}lteentb cen· I~ 1so.bsolu~ and, by the nature of the

., J 2a der the 82d tory Hersch ell bad alreadf apoken of Ind1a.n and lns lack of knowledge of lillel ~~en th: ~~1 ~bieb 1 had J:e~ tbi.l u the natural auppoeltion. Fur- ruga ,illd poiso~, compulsory freCdo!ll kee >in« in view to the north west 000• t.hor whoever loolta at tbe mapa made rom nuneral ~~l!lnta or~gs lD rrolt.e<f me to the north and nortbeut. by observerwlparticula.rly tboee ofBobia-- nb•l~~1onn,,nmo.kes 1t cal ~me and and then to the eut defteetlna mo ~ }Jo.rolU) muet admit that, uauming the ~-purl or tbat cannot oea1bly leave the aoutheut. Aft~ marchP four matual relation of the oanal.l and the bchmd the ~ftor-eff~~~mon to day1 to the aouthca.t, the land ~ll ex- aeu, thetonner ~Ye ~very ap~aran~ b'li ext~1vely-a.dve~oetrw:D4 ~in •outheaet and u.t 1 made dir· of haYing been tntelltgently laid out. n t e mar et 1 ect tor ft toward a lArge o~ in th e !iothing of tho ohaot.io appearw in the!r in~~ hclian ~b •- madd be by the monnt.alM mlble over the oearenum· Uf!UJ~ement but on the contrary, thOU' lane trom roo!AI, ar .. an • c~be of mi&l and 1Mcsecl July lit !f'tlCIW!ty, iloae may II<J uae their word thei.t ownfatbe~ ~ ounog, 1a ob-

• ' ' , u their moet.atrild.ngcbaraoteril~c t3inable o any ~tat at one dollar - JulY 4, after three clap tl&Yel ov~ Eooup iD tblllhie. rather let m~ ... per boUle; aix bot.tlea for ft.-e dollan

.J:dsf.~:!i~~ = •bumb1e, oooe and lor all, tbat lfarl it in- FREE Send three two-cent~;. -~A ' tldt -.~._ a . ~and t.hM it. 'YRd canalt haye to!5~1andwewill ~ bella~ lDHWpni haadt.. Perhape mail roa tree • ana intereetiDr UOI •Jiof. hcf!!.~ ~~ ~ ~~ the~ ot tbeie aanaJI ll to ~ book ot 178 J*IM, en tlecl "Lin .l1Q) C ..~ . ..-="-. ' wace 1a}aad. •here' n hM ~1 bna .ucon ~ .~CJcc.voo IKmue."

,, ..--•' I · . btmua'to11e~ Kaa l.iluloh older Telll aU aboa' ~ Iadlaaa ..t.c1c1z.e •JM.ititt III1Ui4 loe ...... ~~ t, 1llill·ea.· ~~to the eYOlu- f JUUI,Y & BIGBLOW, Di.trJ~ ==-~•.:f:it=.~, =rc:~~cm~~.=; &c.-• U1 GlaDd 4•e. lfew J¥YID,

"AHgUst·_i. FloweP" . How does he feei!-:Heilllt


cranky, and is constaady !'Wr meoting, dieting bim!el( •clojllig strange notions, and ceban~ng .. cooking, ~e dishes, the hOiii-i; u4 manner of his eating-Auguat Flower the Remedy.

I -

How does he feel ?-He feels M times a gnawing, voracious, i.nsdl­able appetite, wholly unaccountabt., unnatural and unhealthy.-Augue& FloWEtr the Remedy.

How does he feet ?-He feels• desire to go, to the table and • grumb1ing, fault-finding, over-nioe­ty about what is set before him when be is ~ere-August Flower the Remedy. -

How does he feel ?-He f~ after a spell of this abnormal a~ • tite an utter abhorrence, loathing, and detestation of food ; as if a mouthful would kill him-August Flower the Remedy.

How does he feel ?-He has ir­regular bowels and peculiar stool9-Aug~st F.lower the Remedy. ~




In 'tbo larwM bo.pltatl 1o tho world, J)t'ed4ecS ove.r by tbo m~ lld.lltul or U't1Dg ~ c.bo l~toote aro prucrtbed IDOI'O UlAn CWJoo u onon u aU oc.benl pu' ~-

4'i:~J~:si' A R£UA8LE REMEDY FOR


And f!'n!r1' Otbt!l' 87mP!om or D'- tiiA& rt!Al .. trom aii.J DIIOnlor of Ulll

Stomach, Uter or ·Bowels. Rtpans Tabu tee banllh p&ID and prolong ute. Rlparu~ Tabula. eoo!Aln no~ c.bat can bob

jurtowo to tbo m~ delicate. Rlpons Tabula. aro pteuant to tAlre,ato an4 as­

waya ~.r~o-c:rual. Ono d-gt•e~ relief: Tbo be&\. general ramll.y medlctno e-rer o«ezed

to tbo pubUc. Cll'oulars -t 9ll&PPllca11oll. Expertcuced and tborowmb' ~Uled Dhnfd­

ana o.ro eoooecled wltblc.bii1Upane Chemleillllom· pa.o,y, and paUente aro n\'1104 co WTICO tor~ wttuctlooa to pecultar c:ues. Tllelr letcers W1U rocelvo auch atteotlon u c.be7 require. ttoo at ~aj-s keep Rh•au" Tualu Ill tho Jloale and wben 70u travel take 110100 wttb..,.oa. TheY aro put up lo amall 't'1ala, wll.lcll ~ conTODI­cntiT can1e<11o tho 1'$ pocket or. pOr1;I:Dolulalo

Sold b7 Dnlgglate, or ~~e~~t bY mall fD tllo fbllow-1og QIIAIIU~ upon receipt of prtco: 1 Bottle, • 16 cenla.112 Bottles. • 11.25 6 Bottles, • 76 centa. 24 Bottlu, • t .bO


T E RIPANS CHEMICAL CO.~ 10 81'11\ICC 8T,, 1'4CW Yoaa.






Jeaepu Wm Oax•ndalo, F.~ JlriKto\Y Rovill . Eaq 'l'ho1 bon J~mee hlug J flbn Clalloo, E'tt OctAutae g Ooo~. Eaq. M P GI'OrJt& Arthur Fuller, Etq OhArlt~t E Gnndh~ct, E"'l At Rhodot Hawkin11, E~q t!lr Jobo Lubbock, B11rt, M·P, P Obarlea 'l'bomu Loe~~e, Baq, Qh&riM Maf{Oay, Seq 1'hl' Hon Edwin D Portman Dudley Robert Smith, Ee'} Wm Jamee Tbompton, Elq.

liON. DIR901'0R: .Jous J. BL()Ql(FI!LD, EsQ.


The eorp~temAnt of this omoe are Caranteed by a numeroul and wealtbya Ptopri.,tary addi~i'oo to a large laV.ted uapit.al ; and the promptitade and and liberality with wbiob ol&ima haYe al_,aya IJeen met, are well-knowu and aekoo..,led~

The imporwaoe of the tra~AOtioo of 'be

PH<ENIX FIRE OFFICE may be estimated from the fact tba• lllil'l~ itll f'ICAhlilhmeDL.DOW 0'1V_/Orq tiURDRKD Yuu-the paymeo~a ill I&LitfaotiOD of 1ohUIDI tor Lt... ban exONtted 1!\)UR'rKBN MILI.JONB 8TKRLlNG.

IDturaoca apla.u T.- b7 B'1re aacl LfJht.Dlnl are efeo&ell "' tJae Compuf , apoo everr. di'IOrlp&ica cf ~pett)", oa tbe CllOH faYGnble _.

W. lrl Q BIDBLL, lt. IOIIR

..... tar ..... , ...


Tu•~D4 \', O<.'TOBER ll,,lS92. ~ ....... ""'_ ... _, ... ._._..... ________ _


Jar;nes llurray. E sq., M.H.A .. has warned the public, by an advertis e­mel,}t in Thursday's Tcltgrarn. nnd Herald. that there are tra a m t he camp, and that the co 'ng con fAr· ence.u.t Halifax,(ofwh h · \V. V. WhitttYmY an<! l:ion. R. o nd nre reported · to be the Newfoundland Delegates,) for the purpose of con · ferring on fishery and other matte rs baa something to with Co'nfeder:L­tion.

B.owever, we cannot s~e bow any harm can l>e done if the s u bj ect of Confederatioh should be brought up - o anf'lhi ng m :ty be l earned a Lout it which would be u seful Iuter o n w.hen the q\wstioo ~ocs come befor people. At the same time, bo w­ever, Wf' b old that uothing '"l lich would btnrl the Colon v i n an1· Wl\v s ho u ld be ('IOtElred i nt h~· by 'these delegates . Oonfedf'ration could not be brought n bout hy two Delegates alone; at the len t. lht>y wou ld require t he a id of the ma· jority of the Legislatu re to con!<u m­m a te t be agreement. W hi le we nre i~< fa vJ'r of Confcdemtil)l1. if reasonable ter ms c:m bo obta ined, and believe it to bo the be::L tuea ·ure for t he peo1lc of tho Coll)uy. we woulJ nnt co u u te na nce or be l'arty to the uninn of :Newfound ::tu!l wit h the Great D ominion except u.r t he voic~ of the peop le. T hey a l ·ne shou~ tl h~tro tb ti po wer t1) t!v ,:,,, 1\:aJ on tbl;m :->b•)• tiu r. s t the r ,•.·p011: ~ibility of the net. ~rhe ter llls shou ld be k nown. t hei r lll er it s or demeri~ d i::cn i ed. and t hen t he peopl•• l"hould h)' th.t· ir u wn ~tchde· cid P th 1· l"•i uL nt i ~sue. .

We are d ecided ly opposeJ t r> nny­tbing underhand bt:lll~ d.nie. It cnncPTD>~ t :,,. pPt ~<,le. a nd by the people should the q uestion lw de· oided. W e can sc,Lrcelv l ·elieve. however, tha t tll l)' of uur pvl itici~ns of any p li tical JJarL~· · WIIUI•l L~ so recreant to solemn pleJges 11ud so traitor,lllS ns to med itate uuv s uch such att.e m p t on t he li hert iPs· of t he p eople, e\"en thou~h it s h 1mlcl turn uut fo~; l t•e people's good . At th e same time i t m ay be uu harm to rc· mind &r~ ent e .... ~t·rlorutt·~ in t he Govern:nenl. nn1l ou t it , tha t nny­tbing eavt, ring of s~crt:cy wtl l onlv prejudh:e the m inds c.f t he people against Confederation.

Whilst quite a.t one with the nu· thoritie!l, ne re and elsewhere. i n their crusade agui nst in~an i ta ry sur­roundings. we wo uld u t te r a cant tOn on the ~Jubject for t he u~e of the householder. Hrof n o ot her.althonl!:h judj.tiug fro m t.be st a temen t in one ot: the c ity p:l p l!rs tha t some recen t cases of diphtheria in St. Joh n s may be du., to t he o pcnin<r o f tho

• :> IIPWf'rP 10 sume pnrt~ of •he city. it may be no ha r m t o refresh t he memories e'{en of t he sanitary board of SL. J ohn's. T he cauti on to this : That.' especiall.v in wild weather such ns we hlive had late­ly, a good d6lll of dnn~er a ttends the disturbing of la rge cl eposi ts o f decaying animal or vegetable re­main,. Hit be o ecel's nrv to remove such, large q ua nti tiel! of lime, ashes or olayshoutsi l1t.t t hrown amongst the maes~ :w ,) t he etuc& f rom 1Vh ich they nre t?.k en 11hou!d be well lprmkleJ wi t.h some good d isinfec· ta.nt, aol;d or l iquid. I t is often better ttl cover de.,.osits with earth. lime or ushee, and let them remai .'l till the wenU!er. ~ets ~~ol~ Ap~opos_ o~t, we m~y

tneat1on that ODfl who uppea~s to be an authori ty on such m atter3 ut ­tributPs t be outbreuk uf cbol1·rtl near Paris to \)flle d id turl •ing of the r emains or <le:jectiou~ of cholera. patients of furmer epidt·tnic". u1oci inst4\nces a number of alt11 i htr t~X· amp les.

It is evident -" ven to the m oat eare lt>!4P r ead er f'Jf the S t . J oh n 's papera that tho relfltioos between t.he present Ge nHa.l Gover n m en t o f tbe Colony and the. Munioipf\1 Council are aaytbjngJ>ut frienrlly. It. ae~>ms to han been the aiafof the GoVfmt· ment from the commencing of iti ~me to exereiae a con t rollinJ:; in-1luence in tbe Co aocil, which .. n­tempt baa been r esisted by t he m n­jorhy or that. part of the Council which is ' eJeoLive. At preaent aad llnc;e tue . l iUit, Municipal electiou, the opponents or the Goverorue nt ~ to have the uppor h"~ Tile Gonrnment at its accessioh tb ,.,., sot lhe upper band in tbe­\loaDali by appoiuLiu• ita own sup· nn~P~Moil Jn ace .of 'he aomlueee o(

Sluoe the

taken p~ between the two parti~a we nee; not speak of. Tt1e general reader as almos t dni ly evidence of it. •

The a cret of the bittornPP of the struggl is thnt pnrty politics has been i ported mto the manllJ!e· ment th& nffu.irs of the city. While e nave SPen n o f\Vidence of the op onent.ca o f the Gover01 11ent in the ounl·il beinj! s wayed b v partisa~ motives. y Qt their s ide has been c*mpioned by the politiM I oppoeiti n-and heuce the acerbity of party strife. . Whil~t the ques t io n who or wha t

is to blame fo r this s tme o f t hings may be answered according to t he di!feren political complexion of the rea er. ~very one buvin~ t he good of.b ' t~e community a~ h elltt must :l!f tDlt that its effects h:tvo been rl~plorabl~ and will cnntin u~ to. be so. A house njv id ed ug.,i n~L it.o,•lf cdnnot, on t he hi~heHt 1\U·

Llwri ty, ~to.nd, n ot to s pOtlk of pr l~· per . .

It Aebms usele3~S to s peak o f seok. in~ a " !m urlus. vivendi 11 hut ween the contendin~ factions. It seemd to .us tb11t the. dual admlnlstration of tbe <lffai r~ of ~t. J o~n 's i\ t present t·x i"'ttng l will n ever pr.•vc Hatis fnr.­tory . Either place the nun,lge · 111 e 1~t '01j the Capital ttgnin und(lr tne ge~eral government, or e ise e nti re ly under the control of her citizens ! The first alternati ve w, u lcl not p ro?ably. be acceptable to the people ?,f. St. J o hn's . antl wo u ld !oo ·t ce~tamly .n'ot be asz rePn b le nM J u4 to tbe outstde p nttulation. We s een o o. 1 reaso n wbv, th e ci tizen~ s hould no t he per m it ted to m&nage lbeir o wn a ffairs. We suppo~~ t he chief ob~ect i.on thnt woul•l be urgecl tothnt s top woul d be that the ~ent•ml Governrllent s h ould have n voice in the. nd ln ioistra tio o because the Colony has g unranteen inte rest o n c ity loan~; h u t sure ly that a nd othe r di fficultie~ ntten n ing the ha nd ing over to t he c ity the c 1n ' r :>l 1•f i t~ O\Tn nffJ i r:i cnn be got over.

T o put on t he siJI)ulJt!r of t he community t h P res pons ibility of providing for its o wn wnntu an 1 cort? fort~ seems to us t b q m ost logtca l way, ann w e believe tbe one like ly to be nltende.t wi t h the m ost Pati sf~clory results . The ci t izen . wi l l never tnke n comrnon­~t>nse. non · p:t rtiznn and b ron. 1-lllind~d interest i.n t he mana~ement of t hen loca l affatr!'l untWthey h ttve t he sens~ ofrespon~ihH-ity that coUle. fru m betng entrusted with full con · trol.

A g reat d.eal of th e s pace in the press both of E u rope and Americn iR tak en :UP with the spread of ~h J. e ra ~nd ~ the meMure.~ adopt1·d t11 rt!strtc t 1ts cour~e. Britain Rf'.-rrl.l tn .ha v~ arl~pted a Ry ste m o f d,eal t ng t h1s wtLh dtsease t hat is alitn •>s t pf' r· feet.

0 e. of its m ost. i m porlnnt f :l· tu res 1s th e thoro u~h examinntin:, ~f pAPsen gArs from nny place sus· peeled to be infected. T hese nre no~ a llO\Tcd t o ~and ti ll t hey furni~h snttsfactory p roof tha t they nTe free fro m ch ol(!ric sym tJtoms nnti are f urtper. requ~ed t o . g ive thA name ofj ti.Jetr place o f destination and address so a~ to be kept under medica.l l inspec tio n. f ht> L<lndo n ~,.,"'..., d i als with the n ece •sity o t

ng a; cor ps o f n u raes tra ined es· pecially to ta ke c.~ re of c holera P.atien te This h igh a uthority cun· !!Hiers tl nt c lasses s hou ld without delay, be formed for this p u rpose. lf soohiFho uld be .i eem tfd neces· ~ary in ogland, i t it~ ten fold more tn Newf u nd la nd . T h is is une nf t he !lJa.ny tl.ingll C!lll ing for t.he tLt· lent toa df nur H ealth· a uthorities. l'ould no~ cl.a.s~es . for t his pur poee he organtzea 1n ~t. J oh n's u nrl it muy b~ tlJtller to w1•!!t. The Lancet tdl4u potnts to t he danger 11 tlending the use jof rea ly-rnnde gar ments.

T n th E 11g l i.-1h Pr~>a-1 . t he tri. llmJohan re ·el>-ct ion r,f j(r. J ol•n ~{ •r !ey o rm11 t he suhj cct. M IOfiOY re ~nnrk!>. ·.T he LibA.!'al m oj<l ri t.y on t hiS OCO 8\')n WAS }, 39, whef~llil nt t lac ~t>n 1 election i n Jul v, Mr. Morl · ve OJ)IJ"Iiont se· cured more voleo Llum It~, aoJ t lti11 notwi t hlltnnrli taK tb11 t Mr. w•1u.ld uot h ind hiause lf t o eu h11Ei~bt llour move m out. \fui le . Ra~lli who· oppo ed hi111 dtd p ie• hi mself t o give some (lu vport. 0 lt.

mi-J qltllt'e'' Ant~D:ll llleet· Britjal• 'frad.,a' Union

too~ place IMtft•Y j,, Gl !l8· Jobn Ho,tg.,, of the

Counnil "'" elt!dL· 4fltl t)el\vttred his

•d<Jr~at~, wbiou form" or ao&a men~ , .,, thl'l _ .......... pt&per.. Tber a J.l·

u{j an rl j u,.1c;iou•


HARBOR GlUCE l'fANDARL>. - -· ------.L-

I to recu*e eautioua handling. He Local and other Items. recorumende a faw· to restrict •• the , ............... ~,_, __ , .... -t ............... ~-­enormous immi!lntion of de~Litute -'L'hc1~. •• Kite, Gtlflt.. J•ikc, am ht•u aliens" aud advuc&t.ea the org!mi· · :lt ~t. Jc>ht~'g 'aturdny morning trotr\

t . · ' f th • d 1· a. t' Ph'tludcl)llua. . za JOn ° e unorgablze auor 0 -Mnifs for the l tu ted t lllC'4 nnll tha co~ntry · ·· . . Dominiot) of Cn.nu\lu, will he c losed · T~o Congte81! by a Jarg~A m~JOrlty nl tho l,<~l. Office hera on. Friduy n cx(,

dechned tQ censure the Parh:unen- 14th imst., a t !'1.30 o'clock n.m. tary- Seoretn.r,rancl the Committee · for their nctton in Tf'_g:trd to tho -'1'11 01'~:.:-: l'l' m:tt~:-.\. fi rm, compos· Miners' Eil{lat - Hour Lo.Lor Bill . Al'l cd of two young llu rbor Grnciu.ns, is regard s this ques~ion. some o f (·Ur fl:tid to ho coming ht;rc from • ' t . John't~

to open buKineSA. One· o f tho m eant rea dPrS al ¥ea <J v k uow· tbiLl. th<• leud- iltOrcll on Water Street hns b •en cnquir· ora nf bot)1 po.litioal parties d p not t•d fnr. The husilll':!s purp0:1ct.l to be see their wa y ol oar to r estrict · the ~pCOl'd i:< in the dropcr.1· nnd ~roccry work inJ.;mnn'~ ho urs of l~t.bour. hno. · nod t hnt t he Congre~s itself scams to be less confid ent t.bun formerly of tho e ffi c;tcio us ness of t he p ro,,ot;­ed r emedy. Two yettrs ngo, it JJrono unced i n ft.Lvor (lf :1. .. universal law, ' ' lust year of "n te ntative per­miR ive uct." · Notwithstanding the fact 'tha t t he ranks of the advocates of r"~triction have been re-inforc1·d h y the Lancashire t extile workers, it is ptobable that tbe present Con­gress will not adopt &oy very rad i­cal attitude towards the matt~>r.

The respectful way which Brit ish or~a11s o f all political shlldcs of o pinio u trent the lt\bor que~St iun is a sign of the important p l'ition t be wo rking man now occupies by r easou of htd vote. The last R"furm Bill ad d'f'd to the 3.000.000 of e: er.­to rs 2,000,00u more. m ostly o f th e l ~t bou ring cla.oses. The P.re~cnt PM­Iin.rnent h R.s n gootlly spriuld ing o f the rcpre~entntivo:S uf labour. l.l iH.l

ever y vear s~es hLbour bette r 1)r· ~ani?.etl. with tL more intt: l li~ent kno wled ge of ita ri~hts, and in u tnor~ co a nmandin~t position to m uk e i ts d emands beard. \

- \\\• ill• lien.' t hut Rome of tlw Fi rc fn.sut·:uit'l' ( 'o111pt1nic:> :1rc nbottt tu wit It· tlr:l\1' Llll'ir _Jlg\•nci<>R from )iewfound· bnd. tho !!lop:; bein~ Cl\USL'<i l..!y the hcn.1·.". lo<> ~ rccei1·et.1 by them ii1 the Into lire· at. .'t. .John's, One com­pluty pni<L r lnim nmonnting to$:.! ·o,. uno.

-rm;'Jt:wt~nox:; 1:-.- . • \Ju tw l•'w1: :-'rrn:l!~: l ::'.-c<lntrihut..ion~ from ' l!OlliC l'n•:-bytt•rian 'bun~ht•:~ of Cnnndn, p r r ]{e ,·. :\l r. Ornhnm, $:!:.!'.! . .')11; \ 'n<·uaun Oil '('ompnny, Hoston . )[aQs., throu~h 'l'· ) l itchcll, Esq .. C.~u· .. ~100 ; contribu­tion~> of D . .1. ~cl'ille, E.:;q., Publo, ('P l.. pt•r .1. L. )(evillc, Esq., $1-17.!1,' ; H1>yn l Buuk of. 'cotltlllll , throu~h l'n iun H11uk, .!:Ul."i l:!-1. ad. st~ ; J. \\". \\'iu. low,

[ j ~ion Jnuct ion, Briti:~h C'oluml,ia, ~:?()1\, -

- T iw ('hnrch Fair aL \\' hitlotmrlw, which ·opt•n:; t lwr<' tu·morrow t•\'t•ali ~~~. i i in II ill or tht• l'r shl·tery. 'l'h~· I :e\' . 1'. \\'. Drown\: hn~ bet;n worki n)! hnrd h1r tht• Slll'Ce:Osful holding of the Sn l(•, nn<l his etl'orLs de:~en·c n good rl'tnru. ~1'\'l'ral of OU( best sin~er::~-M<•,;,mo: . .1 . l'nscy. \\' .. J.LynC'h nnd \V.Kcn•wdy ~o to \\' hit h.-\urnc to-morrow to t n kl~ 1•:\rt in th<' eonccrt. which i !S to be h l•ld in l'onncction wi th the Fnir ..

Ruasian Seizures in the Bohr.u.g Sea..

-J.o~no~, Eng., Soj>trmbcr 24.-Gom· rhenting Oil the.• torrn t scizur~ or Urit· ish ,·clnl'cls in l3('hring Mtm, somo oftht>t~ <! bcin~ from Xum Sc11t iu, the Tim es this mo~ning :mys :-" We lind it easier to belton! tho Hussi:m commander i 011 inhu mn11 nntl almost i 1·r ponsiblc ntf· finn tiH\11 to l!Up.{>o."o Hussin. scck<J to j >ick u tluurrcl w1th F.nglnud. All tho ~am~ un npolol{y is due Jo~nglnnd for the .msu lt ·to her fl11g1 1llld inilemnily for los:ws inllick'<l on the s~ps' crC\I't~."

--<TI•J'.I \\'.1, 'ept. '27. Tt is 'rr portcd t.hat. t.ll~ cnptnin of one or the British olmnhin,f;cnlin~ \ '('!:Sri. ized bv Rus-


l'liu in !h'hri!lg .st·~~ is h('rc for Uic pur~ p Oi'C ot furmslnng the (lo,·crnmcnt with atlida,·i t~ of hit: seizure nnd iJlfOrmation a~; l tJ nt lw rs.; :thw, that he mnkcs tho follo'win~ t~ l : lll'll iCilt.: " lJn ,·ing been in the Balllc l11~ uutle rdtood the l~us ian l: 111g-tl~t' untl while n. prisoner on bon.rd the Hus~inn guubont., lcRrncd from tho cun\'1'111: t ion nnd nctions of the R tt!!Sittn otlitl'i"li 1 ht·y wert• in tmctctl to nu1kc unl,\' "a pr,•tt.•n<~· nt ~ci1.ing .Amcri<:lln rt·:<st•l:-:: the r~·af c!l>il·~t bC'ing to nsscrt sud• ~r ;.:ht tn. JJehrm~ .' n ns ·wou~d nl.tt t'l'l:dly a:<~t t thP1 l 111tcd tn~s m ihc. a p1,runclu n~ nrb tlr:ltion. Do · th iiS n:.. it ·ma.'· (•ablt'gmms rognrtling .these ~>}' '_zr_m·:; ar<' pnssu~g daily uct.wet~n the Lrlltnh a111l ('anndllln GO\'t'rnmcnts nnd tl 11• M'lld iog 111' a Uriti:ih gunboat to the :<n·IH.' i, rt'l,.l!' lt•d :liS omiuous. Th • con· t i u~C'Il•'.'' i,; ~· · · •·1.1 iul,,· cuntcmpJatil·t" of :_1 _ w:1 r lll't ,~·~·c · 11 Bullsta :md Euglnnd. ami ~~ t !at•,;~· :.t· J;lfi n·.- n u~ l t'<'_!l!!Cqucni rioi:L­tll •nuf ti n• tn•:1ty ol J .-.~, hclween Rus­~> i a :uul En;;l:and arc rc~-:"ilr<l<'<l ns a Cl\USIIS ht•ll i. witla the l.'uitcd . 1t1Lcs assistin); !1u!-:;i.l, l ht' (>11.~:-liiJ!I' ('011Se()UC'IICCS t9' t ':an:11la 11 rt• l'<'l'." t~t•ri ous. )f r. 'bris· l\•t •h1·r J:uhiu:Snn, 1 ~.1 · .. of Toronto, one ol tlw Briti:.h t'llllll. t•l in the Ul•hrin~ :-\t•a a rbitralinn anti the H on, C. H . Tuppt•r, Hri t7:-l.' .n:!t'nt , prcpr~cing the n •pl.Y lll lht• llll~l'd .~ll\l t·~ CllSl', nrp 1111:~11." t • n:.::a~~·~l thu ly 111 t he rooms of tht• Jii. r;Hy rot' l'ar: t.llllt'llt wht•rn thc1· han· a t·ct·!':s to nil the docunwnts nn(l

- . llll'l'l~u .Xon:...:.-Tht• bri~t. ('o n · IH,ok.-, of rt:fr-r,•n(·t•. Very noticeable progress is now hr iug f'cdcntl<·, pnsscd Cupc Hnc<' yesterday \'.\:-it 11•·n:1:. B. <' .. ~l'ptt•mocr ~3.-

mt~dt• with the work on the interior of hound to this port from Sydney. ~·apt. t'opl'tllla:-tt•rnfth t• se:din" choon·

Dilcovery of Ule Gill Stream.

Ponce d e Leon, whilocon his famon11 aearcb for the fountain of youth madu the clisco,·~· of the gu'tr atrcnm: Tho.:._ w~olcrs ~f .Now EnglAnd woro tha fi rst to

,g_a•ry n. fmrly accu.ra.te know}Nlgc of the hmttls of the current betw&cn Amerit:n nnd l~uropo by following the h&ttnts of the '~ho.lC'II, which were · f6uud north of' one hnc u nd south of another buL 11<'\'E~r hot.Wf'On thc two.. T tUs, they: l'OaiiOnC'tl, Wfu! the gulf strcu.m current.

H nj~min l~ranldin r eceived this in­fo~a~JOn frot.n tho whalers and publi, h· eel tt on n. chart for the l!enefit of the mail pnpketlt plyi~g between Engln11d !\Dd the colom es. Tho chart was fi~~ tlll3ucd {lbout ~770, but. Wf\8 not acceptL'd by tho Enghsh captams. Defore it ct1ruc to be generally known nod usoo the ~ouhlc between Engla_nd and the coloo1ee began, nnd Frankijo, kiiowing the a.d1·an ta.ge the knowledge would IJe ~o the Brft ish nas-al officol"ll, suppressed tt nil be could until bostilitiea·ceaaed -Detroit F ree Press. · .

DEATH OF THE P' AT BOY. •, , --- . ' ·

~\\:BRUNSWICK, N. J., Aug. 30.-Ma~\\' curt<?Slty seek0;n1 to .dny visited_ ~moo,it l<><!ku~g dw.elling m Comstodft strcN, t.lu s ctty, wtth a hope of gett ing 1\ vi('w of the hody of F u rman Schenck known ns Bnrnum's fat boy, who died' ycster­dny of fnLty dc~c.ncmtion of the liver H.c weighed 5.13 pounds a t th e time of h ts death. Cndcrtnkcr Rogers has llcen puzzled i n plnrming for tbc re­mo,·nl or the immense collln fro.m the hou:!~. The door is not wide enough to J?Crn\lt. the collin be ing carried out the lront cntrnncr . and it will Le carried IJv n dozen r;ucn through the.. back door nnd t hrougl.1 nn opening mo.de in the fen cr. There 18 not B horse in New Bunawiclt or a ny adjacent town large enough for th.o c.xtmordinary cor)l6e, and the coffin ~I l~a,·e to to bccorl\'eyed to the com e­tar}· 11~ 11 wns;!_on. The rrlath·e11 want.~ 1\ pub he sen · ICc nt the Mt. Zion Color Church but. this wns impossible on n coun~ of the church bei ng too nnrrO'I\' to J)t'rllllt. tho comn being carried to the a ltnr. 'l'lie e<'n;cc will be held nt. tht late home of the deceased. tho C'athcdrRI. The worL: of pia t~ring Tho harqt. · Colcrids;!C is nnxiously t'l' \ '.LIIt'OII \'t•r 1~· 111'. which 1~u seize

will be linishctl in fl short time. Th~· looked for :IS she has the fnl l gocxls of hy . t ill' nu~,.;inll ~ rui,.;t•t' labia:;kn, has linn! plnstering of the t ransept i nd· :->t' l'l'ra.llirms her('. 'h . is uow ncnrh· :arnH:d ht•r~' · ll ts n ::<s<'l wns cupturt'd xllnccd so fnr, that the nltnr will br ·Ill days ont froRt LiYerpool. · ·•·• 1111 11.':-~ .. n ( 'upper 1,..(and, Juh· l~th The Decline of the C~ese Tea Trade. m o,·etl into' it next. week for Di l'int• .·C'r· 'L'hl· ~. ·. (3r,•cn lnnd, Capt. ' urt.iR, will and laatlm•arly 7!10 ~k in~. wlaich WC'rC Yic<'. The Cn.thedml whcnlini:ihl.'ll will !Pil l'~' Ul-morrow for Lahr:ulur to hrin~ a lso ~>t· i ;wtl. lit· l'.xpo tulntct.l in the undouht.edly ho a ~mceful nnd l)rntt· lrmrw the deniers nml crews nt Gralh · :<t rongt·st JlOi':<iblc nuumer about bcinl! mental bttildin"'. The chnncd will be and other places ou the c nst. . tuk t·n on lht• lai~h seas hnt. the ccilcd in ornamcnt.nl woods. Tllc <•ll' •ct. Hu~si:tn <.'ommandl·r told' him the of this, in contn1st with the lll! ight nirr - \\'n il Com·• H.- o1·crnl Rchoou<'rt< ( 'zur',; J!O\'l'rnmcn t clnimcu j urisdic­nrches or .t.h e trnnscpt nncl n n,·c, will l)o nrri1·cct h~rc yCJ~tcrdn~7 with cot.ltish to tion fur n d ist:mcc of one hun­Yery :\llmlrnb~f'. Htt~Lordship Vr. )fi~C· M<·s ·rs.John ).{uhn&. Co. 'f ho Lnnock, tln•d milt•" :til round Copper islnud. donnlll cxcrctscs cont~t.ant supcni:!ion Bu rton, mnstcr from Grecuspond. wi th <'•J(IP nut! hi<~ nwn, c~ccpting two, wrre OI'Cr the work, and can be seen occnsi- n full Jnnu. from F . ,V. White Esq., or ta kt·n ni,.Ja n l t hf' 1·rtttsl'r and com·eyecl 01u\lly on t.hc scn.llblding s;!il·ing 1-10mc t ht\t place,and the Blomingdalc,CrockC'r to _l'etropauJ,,ky, ibc ri1t , o. pr1zc crew work.rnnn . n few "pointa " in (;othic mnsler,· from Trinity Bay, from Mr. )£. b l.' tll~ placrtl .. n tlat• ,.<•sse!. 'fh c se ized nrch ttcctur~. The pll\nniqg of 1\ r.:he:·, l'nl'l!on ·. The C. C . .:\[., Lcgron mast er, cnpLt\'t•:-~ ~-.:,•rt• !nckt:d u p for 501110 t ime thC' tndy of the etfccts~r light nnd nlsonrril't•d from~ort,h S)1orc with ptlrt nftl'r a r nml 111 iiJOn n nnd allo'l\•cd shnde ory the inte~· or, the strict nd. of he r sum mer's catch of Ln.brndor I ish. lmt n ll l':tnt~· supply of food. A:ftcr h •renee tn e,·cry po t. to the principiC's . . SCI'\' .tl intl•rl'icw~ the Ruseiim com­of Gothic architectur tail an Jlmount - 111c ' . . •. \"i~inin Lake n.rri r ed nt. mumft>r nil owed Copp to return on the of lnbor nnd t!1ough t w~icb, hnppil~-. is ·~.-1.1 th is nftrrnoon from Northern port!i. ·chr. lt ••'!ic 01 en to Vancou1·er. This lcssenC'd by h ts I ..ordshtp'e large cxpcri· · J h'r dc lny WnJ Cl\Ut!etl by the non·nr· <:mil w:~.:~ old nnd unseaworthy but ( ' ll('(' of thirty ycnrs Ill nrcl1itectuml rim! or the \\'indsor Lllko nt. llntlle during the s!xty ~nys' \'Oyng~ the work. Jlnrhor. ' l'ht' In trnnmL'<i steamer hns wcnllt t•r was hue. 1 he R usstnns gn.1·c

.\ !!•t•nt nmount. of money is l'C<tui red gone Xort h on another t rip. Amon:; them but t wcnty t.la\)'S provisions and Itt t•arry O~lt ~he completion of such a tht• pn« cn~cn; lauded here wc:rc-1\frd. the supply rnn ou t. drspitc the most br . ..:r ht~ tiel mg. .T he. amount paid ,.1~1111 C'oacly. :\I iss Pllrsons, :\Iis!< :F'lynn, economical wny of living. The men !'.ltlla ~ hly 11! wngca IS qu.ttc n }n~e sum. l~l' l". _.J. :\I urphy. )fcssrs. J. C. J errctt., \\'t·ru uearl\· ~;tnn;in<T when thc1· arrin•d .L he! till pos tllf! l root )VlllCh ht Lord:->\) i p 1 .:'\. l'td• llt•. ami ot ln•rs. 4 ht•r(•. 1-'ou'rtcen of thcso men 'be!ong~d llal t·nt!s plnot~l~ on the Cathedral will :\[r. :\r il:<t•n wns nlso pn . .:nger. ~li to t ht· l:o•llt· .and ...._ l\o b!l l:llll't' to thl' <:1Ji' t br.twt'ct~~· w,OOO and $1::!,000. ·n,c (irorginn :-:t<'rl i n~ ( younj:!e::IL tlnughl<'r schoutll n; \\' . JI., :~yward nml J-~. D. ~[nr­!nn.tlll lor thts u rpose arc now low ; hut. ur Dr. ' t crlin~. 1'willingntc) Newfound- dn. Tht'dl' thrc<· seized n •ssl·l" Wl·rc tt !" <•xpect hnt the Church Fnir laod'!! !.I'!' I singer wns on bonrd en worth S 10,1)0(). On t h l' wn ,. frona-=-'iberin ~'·htch wtll br h . no:>ttmonth will bring ruttll' · to ~t. .John's. )[iss Sterling pro· thr~· lll l't thC' .:'choon1·r,; \ri ll ia111 :\fac­t.n :\ ,·cr~· C?~stdernble s~1111 . Judging CC!l'(l to Itnly tu complete her studill:l liownn. _\ riel. of Yi1·torin , and l'. 1 r. !rom t he sp!r tt of emu!at10n which pre- itt trl usic nnd ,·ocal tm ining. \\'hiLl'. of 'uu F 1, tnri,.l·u. whil·h wN .· vndt•s tho Cl rclc of ladles who nrl' now :d. o uud"•r :-1t i7.llrt'.· Tla<·rc i . n hitter laboring so cnergeticaUv for the Church -OwX£1) II\' A C.\ 11110:-:E.Ul ~1.\.:-: .-The fcl'lins:: h en• u~n inst th • ans:! inn11 on Fl\ir, rtnCI whose ~en·ice8 iry such n ~ood Gloucester fishi ng schooner D. D. \\'in· on nccuu:H. of the way in which t'opp cause n re dcsern"!g of pra1so, we hn ve chester, C~• pt. Hnrdinz, wus in Carbon- was t n ·n ted. no doub~, t here Wl~ be reason for coo· cnr on Fridny lnst , Jn one t of bnit. ' grcltlllntton on a.ll etdea, he WM three-parts full oi1 codfish, nod , .,t,.ot:t.\ . H. t' .. Sept. :!:l.-'l'h!' "~·nl in"'

• · d 1 schonncrs Yictorin, ~[nr.'· Ellen nnd c\ . . . . roqUt re >u.t. n t"ma .. ll b~iting. tosecuro n If T l · - :\ft.: :-: rur~~· Coo~ou..-At tho regulnr fulllond ol cod. qmd belllg t'nrcc . npp r tn "" nm ,·eel in. Tlw lnRt

" :eckly meottng o~t~e Municipul Cvun· she lt'ft the following dny in quest of~ n_nnw~l took 1/ 1·3 senls, 5.>~ on t h(' Rus· otl, ycsterd!'y, deoteton was come to on bniting. The D. D. Winchester i own· !lll\n sHic . . In reply to the dr mnnds of t~rco wry lmportnnt .Jl?Btters. (1st) It I ed by )lr. Edwnrd Uroo,·es, formerly of th{• Cllptnnl of thu Rull inn <'rui.-<'r \\ as r<'eoh·ed, on motton of Councillor Carbonenr. Rome yonrs ngo, )lr. t7roo\'(~S Znllif'_qktt, ('n;>t. Bn kor, of the 'l'upp<'r, Goodfe llow, tllllt nil lAnd not oco_upied left his 1\lllivc plnce and went to Glou- 'W<'nt ~bol,l~ of thn t , .•. !'.!;('{with lh <• Rhip's by tho SUit of October ncx£ " rill be ns· ccster nnd ongnged iu tislting. H e wn pnprrs. 1 hu nrrogn n<'C' or Cnpt. Drlr· se.ssed as vacant. ln~d, in accord:1nce succc!'sful, nntl im·estcd his ea rnings in bton w:t. \.tnhrnmolc, he luning thrC'nt­wuh. the lat~ l!un~elpnl Act ; (:?ml) n ave sci. H a h ns no\\; fh·o sohoon!'rs ~ned to , e iZ<' lmth ,·esse I nnd skin, but spectnl mee~tng Wlll be vPr)' shortly angngc1l in fishing out of G!ouc<'stcr. ! 1!1nll~· concluded not to do so. H t> snid held to constder the wholo question of ---- tf ht• cnught them ngnin ho would tnkc FftcBrigarlo Org1lnizn.tion; (3m) n il cnh· - 'l'H£ r u usT f'RO)L J-.~hoou.-1'ho both t lat' schooner;; :tllll skins. Cnpt. men, truckmen .. nnd others, 0 11 whom schooner )fntildn, Capt. w. Dmm, PMS· IJt,!chron d<'t•iined to sn1· whnt wntcrs tho O>uncil· hR!'I p<nvcr to lo,·y n specifll eel up the Harbor a t noon, and como to thf' Rus,i:~ns lo id clni m. to, nnd Cnpt. tax, will ho procecdc.d ngninst ne~"t. an nnobor nt the h Pntl or t ho Uil'er. he BLtk<>.r 'YllS ,rrullly told ne,·er to minJ 11:.cok, unle8s their. nmount.s be pro· is from Ll\l.m'ldor. nud is thr 111'l!tnrrh·nl the ltmtt <~. Cnpt. Vclcbron enid he hnd nously pnid.-Hernld, Friday. nt this porr. All were well on bonr<l sd7.Nl the Ariel. McGowan Yiot.oria

-the Ong nt the mi\sthc'nd indicnting flnd three other Britishera, be~idrs four . -TR£ FA~CY FA.tJl.:-Tho Pnir org1\n· 't.hat.faot. 1 Amer'icnn . The ca~tn io of tbc Tnppcr tzed hy RoY. P. W. Browne nnd to be The 11choonor.:iimrod, Dead,· m nllt er nya h ('l wn11 suro Un.pt. Delehron wn11 h('l!d at held nt Whitbourn~, opens 011 1.rrh·ccl hrrc nt ~ p.m:, from Lnhrndor: bcm on mnking n. seizure of any Yessels Wt'<lncsdn.y next. SpociBI cnr11 h tw e The re-ports hrought' by these schooncu he could make an oxcuee for doing ~ecn ~ngngcd to convey fr iends to nnd nro thnt a. lnrgo nl\mbor of ,.euels n.rc The schoon'er . [ary Ellen corroborated I rom 1t at. low rntes ; t1cketa to r~main on their way homo, the m~t vl which th~ st<?ry Of tho '!'upper, and gal'e tho good n. few dn.ye, for those wi11h ing (o left the coML on tho .1st Oct. foltowtng nccoum ol tho cat.ohe., made prolong their ltAy. The train Icn.\'C's . The schoon r Pet., Joyce master, nr- hv ~'t't!I!CII'I spoken by her : l\ltlud S 880, St. John'~ flt 10 a. m., and n. apccinl ox, rn·ed to llcssra. John Muon & Co. this Umhria 420. \'nncou,·er Belle 1 300 0 P~ s trn.mlea.v~ Whit.bourne nt 0 p.m ., morn in$! from Emily Hurbor. ~he lt' ft H. White l7J), ntlie Turple 606 Bro~d~ With the returmng p1u ty. A\'1\il of tho E mily llt\l'bor !Mt Wcdne~~dny lmtl hnd 230~ \\'. A .. J•:tu-1 ~500, Sesi Lion 6~0. The plcneBn t spiu by rail out a.nd bnok and n. fine run up. Th e sohr. Matchlou hnd ~fary Bllen brought' home 804 alcine. tqo enjoyment ot agreeable comprmy, Rl'rivcd in );;mil)' Hllrbor from tho On tho wny over she warned tho .Be~ F1tther Browne and the ladi(>a 1\lt leting lower pllrt of t h r o6nst, with 500 qils. Lion of the dnngcr of being aei\ed, he him ~ill bid you welcome, 1\nd " 'ill anti the Rota with 400 qtls. ' mfldo t~c trip from Atton leland in 25 Jeave 1t. to your own choice as to how -...--- dny&. rho . &rhooner Yictorio. Capt much , if any, you ah"ll help tile fair - XEw&u1;-.-;EoWtsnows.-\Yowltlor- llohin11, returned h ome !aet ~\•cuing Whatever you give .,ul be well qtilized: sta~d that ~<\ rchdeaoon F orriatnl hns " ilh 600 skins for tqe seRaon's work -Telegram. _ bRd completed two nev.· stained glnll8 • Tho so boot riot taG. Cox and Um--LO~DO:of, Sept. 80.-..Whllc the feel- winclowe for the Roman Catholic Ctlthe- brion, the for o he top liner tor the

ing o( the purely Baptiat aeotton at )[r. drRl. It will be remembered th&t eight ao.Mon w~th 2,71 kins, and tho latter Spurgeon'• tabemaole la {n fa VOl' or tl}e of theee beflutiful omamenea were rc- " '1th ~2 lil Ra OOOeoi&ed on tho retention or the .Bev. Tb~ Spurgeoq ~ntly plnoed thoJto, and that t.wo of the Coqu1tlam, re~~.;cb rt la.tt evening. fo~ a. furtqer PJMChlnR ~od, tho t>ulk wlndow.remainod unoccupied. Thes e They hnso no tmpo nt newt and met p! tile deabe the _perm a· will now bo filled with.the onfM referred \\'i th no nd\'enturee \\ith th~t Bueaian1•

Tnobnt BeT, )(r. Pieraon. to. The aub.iect or one it • thtt Anntmoia· Tho Anaconda or Seattle, \V. L. Rich

e baa already tion of the ~loaed V~n Mary, • and ~£.necot. flnd Sadio Turple, of thia pqrt:

" The glorious dn.ys df Chinn's tl•a tr~dcnre rccedinggrndun.lly butsure!l· '' :o:n td, . Rowe to the writer . . Mr. Ro":c hns been ongnged in the ten trade :at. Foochow for 15 ycnrs. "Indian nnd <X>~·lon tens a re absorbing the market " ho . continued. •' The 800,000 chcsis wh1ch we used to export annuaUy in ~he sevcnti~ nrc now do'll·n to ~60,000. rhcro a rc two reasons for this. One is thnt. t h'c Chinese nrc growing careless in the ir cul th ·ation, nnd we can onlv get :!0 cent8 II. pound for tens where we used to got 40 ; nnd tho other ie that. the Ceylon nnd Indian Tea.'! a re strong­er The general. t rade hn~ fallen 50 per cent nil over Cbma. Indto. and Ceylon ~upply t he de~ciency nod are nbsorb· mg the r ema1ndcr. Australia is pi~­he~ded and sticks to her " post nnd n1 il'' Chm n tea , but tnk i~ into 1·iew thnt. Ceylon tea. ad mits of three nnd four "b " to . rows . one tenpo~, n~nm t only ono of Chtna, the bn bm~n will tum to Ceylon nnd thd I ndino tens directly the Chinn,'~ca Ring i11 broken lhrouJ::h nnd opposll ton brokera can rcsich them.­'an Fmncisco Chronicle. .

- The speech of Dn.,·itl l 'owe)l, ~o,·er nl?r uf the llnnk. of En~lnnd, is by no nwn n:-> t:~ fa Yornblc to tho prospects of tl!l' Bartngs ' liquidntinn •lS ·that of LttldPrrl:d(' ln t yenr. Tt i~ t.rue thnt he $talt•d th:tt th' tolnl li!lbilitics on Au;:. 3 l hau hl•cn r rduced to £;") 1131ila nr' wh i1·h £.).0~5,000 wen• mdug 'to tht• llnnk, 1\thllhe nsscts .wC'rc worth£ .~11.· 000, bn,t thi lnst sum wa only rendal'd by tnkwg the \'nluntiOll i\S it stood in October, 1 00. The reduction 1111..<~ brt'll immen c s ince then, nnd Mr. PowPII roultl only tmst lhnt. the expcctntion held out to the g uarnntors would h l· l'u l!illetl. 'rhnt menns thnt if things do not !rCt hcttcr the mem bers of the old l3nring finn will he minC'd. .The onu chnncc for them is that nft'er Oct. 1:?, \~hen tho n.cw president or the Argcn· ttue r~pubhc C<?mes into power, he will mnko n detennmcd efibrts to r ehnbilit· nto the credit of hia State.

-Lo:on>o~, Oct. 8.-It is said tbnt J,j,-000 hands who were employed in thC' Clyde shipbuilding ynrds are idle nod those who. nro still a t '1\'0rk a.re wo;king on short hme. To make m.o.tters WOT!!e the masters ba,·e now decided to make 1\ general reduction in wages and baYe • announced tha t engineers iron fouo· dOl'll .and ship-buildOl'll will' henceforth rece1 ,.e 10 percent leta than beretofore This reduction i.e to take eft"ect on Oct. 10. The Olyde minel'll hne a1eo bee~ n<?tificd that their wages will be reduced sixpence per d4y on and alter the aame dntc.

-WABHt.'fM:O.~, Oct. S.-Tbe Lltett na tional Monetl\1'\• conference will be held at Brueeea November 29 with 17 powers ~presented bceidee the Unhed State.. The Gov~enta which be.a . ncoepted tbe imitation of the· Unit States to •end deieptee to the confer enoe are Au•tria·Hungary ~ Franco <Hrmanv, GreatBrf~ Greecun; Italy1 NetberlanCte, Portupl, Boumania' Rua1aa, Servia, bin, swa..~;.. __ ..~ ~ ' way and Qwitserlaad. ~· auu ..... ~


Zer.l4ad. . but t~ or the Qther,'8ain' OecJiA.' She ,Wltb twoorthrocothert,aronowbeadng lt4.Y be 1ViU being tb~ patron.,. ot nauaio, we will up the atraite. ' . CONFIRMED. ,

~~=~ *lle l?•ent I be plaoecl nu,ebe~gallery. They The ee~lera generally arQ better Tho faYorable impl'ellian produced ~ tbe bave been ahlpped fiOm New York, and Jlble&sed ~~th tho •ltuatlon and think ftn -~~do ~~t appearanoe oftlle '~le·

blatld ~.ln are e~ &o &I'Jbe b7 the Kiraod& tbt e. aci.OO ~stlt will be retui'Qed .&o fo q"4 · ·~'"t rem~ ~ o(Ftp a

&lae ' n~ Week; · The lame work for &betr t'lt Obert. Ae.!_~ ago bu hMD more UaaD con-to-tile 1 .on II saow~ JO' in fMdfnefl · ·~1 "-i•--!IIJ*ieDR of all

laa ... ' ·~midlate!y plaoed lP Sir \VUUam DAWIOD, of Mcmtreal, Ia ·• Ul S....-thiliida. ot1he ..... . . ·~;u· ' A I .... ~ .... a.u-"'