encollections.mun.ca/pdfs/hgstandard/harborgracestandard...r volume l. it ie eald that an...

r VOLUME L. It ie eald th at an aaaouaeement of u enpcemeat may be expected ' In the Dear fatare. ae t he reeutt of freqaeDt rillta from a your bull· belODEiar to a tbrh ·· iar toWD aot maay .lies cllebat. Father James Walhr who bu juet comptet.d Ids CC*rM at Rome aad wu Ylalttar h ia friea4a here. left early ia . the week for bia aew p:uuh. Whilut Rome Father Walbt wae moet aural ia hie work. u4 iDade a b rilliut W6 our fc llow-towaaasaa •'ffiCJ ia bia future ephere of work. CoatiSPOJfDEJCT, Sept. 15, 1909. , \ T •. J. P.lfallWIAN, ' cor. 8tneta. FOit.!_¥E. 800 M. Ho. 1 SBIHGLBS, A11o MaiMed BOABD, llo. lltmatllll 8tlt JDi ti BDl. fj+ood. Oats, Hay, Cattle P'eed, Harness, &c., for sale. Also, .Provisions and Grocenes. Verbena Flour alwaywin stock at bottom price. TJIOJUS WALSJL Ri\'erhead. .. . (Oppoea star of tU lea Ball.) TUpboM ... tirr , ••• ) Of Brilaia, Tinned Fruits,. Dried Fruits, 1 . Peels, Syrups, Etc. ALL RELIABLE DEALERS . carry our goods in stock. If not solei in your vi- cinity, ask your _ Dealer to supply--you. , Maken of the Famous "STOBJI KING" boot for Prospector, 9uide or Railroad man. ' W. J. JAN8S, Manager. Facto rJ ud Salesroows-LeMarchut St., Harbor Grace. I 5 A. R' 0 - 1 AN YlctoRil aoo• stoRE Calla attefttioa to Sports for Foot· FIRE AND Uf -( balls. Cricket. Halls, Cricket Bats a ad Wickets, Trout Rods-jointed J ud bamboo, Trout Hooks, Fly f!lfftW\fttl't Q n Hooks, and Twisted Gut Ganged Batt Hoolcs, Common IIJV1TIIDI OP LONDON. Bait1Ioob, Sets of Garden Tools. in. New Magazines, Fashtpa Books, Dream Boob, Joke Books. .. VllRBENA FLOUR llltead. of tlaae llferlar Graiel. The Purchaser is pleased and will onl)' think of co mi11g back for more. He knows what he is buyinand T he L.'ake of the Woods · Milling Co. guarantee that he 1 EN THE VERY HIG'WES-r. MANI)'"OBA PATENT. lc;:-- - -- --- -------- Board, Scantlmg, · Dry Goods. I :pry Goods, Grocenes, Hardware. Lumber of Good Qunlity in Stock.' - ALSO- Full of Dry Goods, Provitrions, Groceries, Hnrd- w·arc, Mnttrnsscs, Furniture, &c. IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS. . Provisions, · · Oadiz Salt, . Tar, )?itc Fishery Supplies, &c. · Beach Harbor Grace. \ Business at Grady, Labre,dor. St. John's · Marble morks \ -PERSONS REQUIRING- Monuments, Headstones, Tablets and such like Work, cnn be by nddrc sing tho Prop.rictor of the nuovc- , 1\UIDCU \Vork"'S. llarOutport letters of cnqnil'Y promptly an wcrod, c timutcs prices und tylc fwnishcd, and snt i&fnction assured to customers. , J. M ciNTYRE, Proprietor. ········caBsLi3·y··wo<>ns-······t the Oldest Established i Musical Instrument Housel NOW EXISTENT IN NEWFOUNDLAND. "" _.Nothing Shoddy kept. : I PIANOS ORGANS i ' From the in ' World. £. ' our They should I CHESLEY WOODS, Street, S.T. JOJlw's. i l\1. SEARLE, k ent for Hnrbor .. .; .................... :t

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Page 1: ENcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...r VOLUME L. It ie eald that an aaaouaeement of u enpcemeat may be expected ' In the Dear fatare. ae the reeutt of freqaeDt



It ie eald that an aaaouaeement of u enpcemeat may be expected

' In the Dear fatare. ae the reeutt of freqaeDt rillta from a your bull· aeee~aa belODEiar to a tbrh·· iar toWD aot maay .lies cllebat.

Father James Walhr who bu juet comptet.d Ids CC*rM at Rome aad wu Ylalttar hia friea4a here. left early ia . the week for bia aew p:uuh. Coadnaaa·e~ Whilut Rome Father Walbt wae moet eu~ aural ia hie work. u4 iDade a brilliut .t~owi.IIJ• W6 wl~ our fcllow-towaaasaa •'ffiCJ ~IDCUII, ia bia future ephere of work.

CoatiSPOJfDEJCT, Bri~:ue. Sept. 15, 1909.

, \

T •. J. P.lfallWIAN, ' cor. ~atu • ~ 8tneta. .u:::~~

FOit.!_¥E. 800 M. Ho. 1 SBIHGLBS, A11o MaiMed BOABD, llo.

lltmatllll 8tlt JDi ti BDl. fj+ood. Oats, Hay, Cattle P'eed, Harness, &c., for sale. Also, .Provisions and Grocenes. Verbena Flour alwaywin stock

at bottom price. TJIOJUS WALSJL


RDntT~. · .. . (Oppoea star of tU lea Ball.)

TUpboM ... tirr , •••


Of ~- Brilaia,

Tinned Fruits,. Dried Fruits, 1 . Pr~erves,

Peels, Syrups, Etc.


carry our goods in stock.

If not solei in your vi­cinity, ask your _Dealer to supply--you. ,

Maken of the Famous "STOBJI KING" boot for Prospector, 9uide or Railroad man. '

W. J. JAN8S, Manager. FactorJ ud Salesroows-LeMarchut St., Harbor Grace. ,·

• I 5

~ ~u A. R' 0-1 A N "~ YlctoRil aoo• stoRE Calla attefttioa to Sports for Foot·

FIRE AND Uf-( balls. Cricket. Halls, Cricket Bats aad Wickets, Trout Rods-jointed

~ J ud bamboo, Trout Hooks, Fly

f!lfftW\fttl't Q n Hooks, Doub~e and Twisted Gut INIU.AoJ~ ~· Ganged Batt Hoolcs, Common


Bait1Ioob, Sets of Garden Tools. EYe~lDg in. New Magazines, Fashtpa Books, Let~er-Writers, Dream Boob, Joke Books.



FLOUR llltead. of tlaae llferlar Graiel. The Purchaser is pleased and will onl)' think of comi11g back for more.

He knows what he is buying· and T he L.'ake of the Woods

· Milling Co. guarantee that he



lc;:-- - -- --- --------

Board, Scantlmg,· Dry Goods. I

:pry Goods, Grocenes, Hardware. Lumber of Good Qunlity ~ow in Stock.'


Full nssortm~nts of Dry Goods, Provitrions, Groceries, Hnrd­w·arc, Mnttrnsscs, CrockerY"~are, Furniture, &c.


Provisions, G~qceries, · · Oadiz Salt, . Tar, )?itc Fishery Supplies, &c. ·

Beach ~remises,: Harbor Grace. \ ~Branch Business at Grady, Labre,dor.

St. John's ·Marble morks \ -PERSONS REQUIRING- •

Monuments, Headstones, Tablets and such like Work,

cnn be sui~d by nddrc sing tho Prop.rictor of the nuovc-, 1\UIDCU \Vork"'S.

llarOutport letters of cnqnil'Y promptly an wcrod, c timutcs o£ prices und tylc fwnishcd, and snt i&fnction assured to customers. ,

J. MciNTYRE, Proprietor.

········caBsLi3·y··wo<>ns-······t H:~.s the Oldes t Established i

Musical Instrument Housel NOW EXISTENT IN NEWFOUNDLAND. ""

_.Nothing Shoddy kept. : •

I PIANOS A~J? ORGANS i ' From the Bc~t M:~.n~fac)urers in' t~e World. £. '

Lea~usicians ~rc our P:~.\n{ns. They should kno~

I CHESLEY WOODS, t~~~~~:· Street, S.T. JOJlw's. ~~ i l\1. SEARLE, k ent for Hnrbor Gr:~.ce . .

.; .................... 211~·························


Page 2: ENcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...r VOLUME L. It ie eald that an aaaouaeement of u enpcemeat may be expected ' In the Dear fatare. ae the reeutt of freqaeDt

St. John's.

(Ea&abllabed lAir.)

Full Unea Granite and Marble Heacbtonea, Monumenta and Ceme­tery Decoration& now. ou hand. Designa and eatimatea on applica· tion. Beet workmanabip. Loweat price-.



~ -~"""'~ .

Wiitar's : Balsam · J ..


Wild · Gfiany

Thlo old rellab.._ ..-oJ~ for cou.ha, ooldo and ail dieM ... of a putmonarJ

~ n.aturo eMily retalna It 1 (I popularity amo~ tM peo­(. p i;,, thouacnd• or whom ~ may a.moat be 481d to haYo , . boon· ralaod upon It atnoe r 11 hea eo lona boen tho ur•l· (l Yo:-ael ouro·all In ao mauy

home~s. lte record for up• C' wordtt of a half oontury lot

S~ kn'.)wn to al' ~ atteetalta .

romorkablo tnerlt. For .ate )>'! all Dru~rslat•·

$ Seth W;J!~& SJns, ~ 808TON, MASS. • . ~

~gt ~fattbttrb ®ffut YOU CAN HAVE DONI 4LL KINDS OF pBJH'l';. . - lNG, SUCH AS-~:xx:ooc~:x::c::::::::o:;x


Posters Cards Billheafs

Commercial dD

General Jobbing. ~~

Moderate in Price Prompt Despatch.

a•a». JAMI!B D. MUNN,

Dealer iu Real Estate, Commis­sion Agent, Conveyancer, Com. of Sup. Court, Auctioneer, etc.

Harbor (ho.~, • Nmo{ovNlll:md.

AdftrtiM to

Japanese ).~enth~l i~ unequD.l­led as a pun rehevtng agent. APPlied in· . the 11 D. & L.'' Menthol Plaster it is the most eJiective reUledy known for Lumbago, Sciatica, Rhtumatic Aches and Pnins. Try a "D. &...L." Menthol Plaster the

· ~t time you are suft'eri.ng from any one of these ~m­plai.nts and be convinced. 25c. each at druggists.

a low rate but ucel· IDnraDC*.

Pjitliillinloulll bAd trom membNI M'CIIl!~'"lll&lllc)UdJ'abll"'" No. 2a11, Har-

.Jobo W. Carter, Sap. Oraad S.C., Torouto


A Reliable Local Salexman Wanted to repreeen\ Moaaieur AchWe De La Force

luded. 6ue evesriag at the port of Dub~U:~ hariug arrived there by tbe 1 steamer. He )lad .auffer­ed. much from mal-de-mer, and wu altogether very poorly. He put up at a deceu~look:ing inn, aad on the landlady inquriog what be would take, declared that beial' very tired and ill, all he re­quired was to go to bed as soon

usually Canada's Oldest and Gr~t-leeluire est Nurseries

. th ~- Fer: in Harbor Grace and adjoining t'OVlm, a.t combi- cau9trr. nation of beef, iron· sherry The demand Cor Noreer, Stock: wine, if taken wbJ:.n the'" 5,..5_ Ia increasing yearlr, and iC you be-,

· d 'J come one of our salesmen you will tem 1S run own from over- realize there is good money in the wofk or a slight cold, will business for you. preven~ a ~ore serious illness. Write at once for particulars. Perrovun gwes strength to con- Pay weekly; FrJe ou\&t.

uoc.ible. au~~n-r.t.· tiBat," aai4 the bosteaa, "you

U.l-tli;li:f•u•l; han aometbing. I will get 1011 a glasa which will soon make you feel better, and make you

valescents and all thin-blooded STONE & WELLINGTON people. $1.00 a bottle. Foothill Nurseries, '

aleep well too.'' Moasieur, who had never been

in ~relaad before, though, per­haps, it was the custom of the couatry, 10 submitted, and beiq-c:uridal, watched tbe motions ~f ct11lU the landlady narrowly. First abe ~~-,:.:'.:~s =sbro=ia a bottle of whiskey, 11114 H...:., *Z::.;c*...... _ .__ _..... t •• _..,.,.,..~--t~ .,. ...

- r·--- wa. er, e...,., acnpaJou-ua Gee.._......_ ()IIIMICtlli._ ~ by pouriag aome \of the FAdt ~ Ue.ta .. ...,.... ...

apir!_t_ Ua a glua. . ~I J'VCl roiUI.OO. Mabea .... u Vat ta dat fort" asked Mou· . Ill ot Pt'kc. or ._...toe leo

-1- . ~ CUAit&fta lloat tla~ wfU ..ue.e l11C11r• _.a qllicbr U.U .. ,. oUaa plaster.

"To make it atron~r,.1' oAvrs• uwam:Cllco.. UOIItftal. Thea abe poum Ul some bot- ~=::;:=;;;=::=:=~~~

~~~at is dat for?" O~D DAYS WE REMEMBER. .. To make it weak.'' Thea abe put iu a slice of le­

moa. .. Vat is dat for?" «tTo make it sour." ·

Then abe put in some sugar. .. And vat is dal for?" ''To make it sweet." "This all aeem vert stra~ge.

Fint you make it strong, den you make it weak, den you make it IOU!', and den you mm it sweet; ab, vell1 Ye ahal1 see."

Tbe,old days we-remember­Bow softly did they glide,

Wbile ?11 untouc~~d b.J worldly care,

We. wandered side by side I lu those 'pleasant days, when the

sun's last rays Just liugered on the hill, Or the moon's pale light with the

coming night, Shone o'er our path.,-ay still.


Those great big autos go so fast, They scare a man as they whiz

past. They take up both sides of the


850 Acree, TORON'I'O, CANADA.

---.. Graduate of Philadelphia Dental College and Hoa­pital of Oral Surgery: .....

Dental Office on Water St., nexl door to Simm~oa' Grocery.

Teeth extracted abaolut9ly with· pain by use of Yi~tzed air or

perfect weathetic. I

Dr, A. B. tehr, ' Dentist,

2q!Water ~t., ST. JOHr{S;.NFLO.': The ltAIUfACTURER'' Lif~

. l

Moas1er liktP the first glass very well, and without much prelehtg took a second, and then retiriut to rest was soon fast asleep. Nest morning _lie came dowtl looking if auythlag paler aud more fatigued that he had the prerioua evening. Ou the landlady appearing, she asked

No show for anything tbey meet. It see~ me a shame and sin ; They boot, and toot, and make a

lnsuranc~ co~ .. him how he had slept.

"Oht I aleep ver well/' said Monsieur, 11 but you sweet-sour pheeaic 1t0t much good do me.

diJ;t, And tear thr6ugh town at break·

neck'pace, Just as though they were in a race. They knock you down and leave

you staring, . And they don'tstop but leave you

tearing, ~ And break the s~ laws, and all

that-Go SO miles an lsour fiat. They're awful things upon

word, A.ud honestly, r.,e o(ten beard, They run down people just for

fun, Oh, it'a awful, the harm they've

doael · J~ Honeatt. y, they're all that'aoa lrue 1 got one ? I wish {."h ,

aie., former empress of the Fieuch, .widow of NapOteon Ill., bu been .liriag iu iremeut for mail Jean. She uow 83 Je&rl 0 •

Total Income, • - $2,439,114.95.

Iosuranr.es in force Dec. 31, \.907,


No other Canadian Company l laas ever equalled this record at the same age.

WM. BUTt, Manager for Conception Bay.




Page 3: ENcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...r VOLUME L. It ie eald that an aaaouaeement of u enpcemeat may be expected ' In the Dear fatare. ae the reeutt of freqaeDt







.T HBY are tbo Remedy that tile bounteous baDd of natare bu

provided for !'I dlseues prtalac fn-m IMPURE BLOOD. . .

fHE W. H. COMSTOCK CO,. Ltd. _,,....., 0.-Y. &100 uo ... ,.._,., ... '1. I dmRrillt&.



Book.lt"J)ft B14oot~:rapbtr AdverUtcraent Wrllllr Show Card Wrtttr Sl~tn Painter Marine Engineer lllu.atrator Cbomlal P.loctrlcl.an Bloetrical l>octnacr

do, and if it beiu m.1 power, you may ~d upoa it.' .

40 You wilf give me the de­apatches ?"

I was reaolvtd to'hi.UDour her, 110'1 aaid:

"Oaly teJI UJe, my dear, !lOme good reaaoa for. giviag you the despatches, aad they ahall be' yours."

(To be coatinutd).

Blackhead 8~ 8cboOl ColmDtioD. -

-·---··-- rather ..... ______ ., o&ber 1FOU1d to Me

of · relalionablp drawn cloeer. Oar klqdly entertalnen iecelved a areal ovalioa. Tbeu the choir who had contributed \heir Jmportaa' part to 'he euccea of the cpnventlon, recehed our hearUeet thanh. An old faahlon· ed picnic on the grau ought opt . to be omlUed, for U waa truly a real family gatherlag. .

The Ume came to oloee the Con· •ention, and- tbe grea' ooagrega· Uon eaog wUh a power DO\ or .. n felL aa on that oocaalon: "Bleat be the Ue that binds, Oar hearta ln ObrlsUan love." The departing delegates dld'nt take the who~ of the eonsbine w!Lb them, and ~· efl'eota · of Lbal gatherlag~ wll · • malo ana be seen after many da, aod tbe leaohera we lrut& b caught auoh an lnapiraUon h on· Laol with their fellow-wcr era aa aball enable them to engage more

y ln the bue.ioeu of Tbe

OonveoUon Reporter.


Tbo IIOUibUhloa o f ovtrl' cold are d~ful to conttmpla.t<'. Rronchlll•, pntumonla, cooeumptlon utttaUy bel:tn wllh' lllmplo cold. Why ool flahL "tho cold frbm tho etart &cd OQIUro eucots• by n•lng Dr. Cbun Syrup of Lln~ and TorpenUne. 1t alia~ luflammaUon .ltocpe tho ooagb froo and looeo and pro· tocUI lbo bronclll&l wboeaud lunge trom dangtr. ·

-Tho Qneeo of Slam wnrt a boollbal corretpOnCS. In eln to oar numbor one­anc!,·a·balf.


Jlow llko oloctrlclly lJ l.be mye~rl 01 nerve force wbl<~b coona lbrou.gh e body ooatroUing tbt movtra of OYOf)\.ttiUIQII! a.Dd lbo worldog fjf O'I'OfJ' Or lfllll· Tb"e ucrot of koeplllbo mar· veHoae nervoae eyatem In altb and vigor lJ found In lbo UICI' or r. Cbuo'e No no Food, tho great blood builder and nerve rottorallvo. -----In maoy \O"'Diln Swlt.J:crland,glau wtlgbUI are now need to grocery a lore• u being eleanor tbau ellber I roo or brut

Sl. Joeepb, IA\•1•, Jol.r H, 1903. ML"fA.B.p's Lt:ru••~ Oo., 'LLMIT,JCJ>.

OJ:!fTLBIIIE!fl-1 ,. .. badly kJcktcl by my horse la•l ~d lftt~r UIIOJ; eov· oral /rt~parauoor on my leg nl7lhlog wont do. My le~; wu blaclt u Jot. I wu laid~ In ~ for a fortnight and could not walk, After nalng throe bol· Uoe or yoor MINARD'S t.Jl'..-TMENT I wu perfocUy cured, 110 that 1 could eta.rt ou tho road.

JOS. DUDES, Oommerolal Travolor.

•. . -Now Zaalaudera paid out over ooo

mUllon doUan lo old qo pou1tou. Jut year.

Dr. Mono'• Indian Root Pill• romove all obttruoUon1, pur1fy lbt~ blood and atn to tbo ekln Uiat beauUJul clear a nd healtbfol look 110 groatly adralrod lu a beautifUl and healthy woman. Atoa~ taln portoda th01o pill• are'an lodi.I"P6n· labia compaoloo. from ono to lonr abould bo takonovory day, unUl rollofll obWnecl. A few d-occ.ulooalty will k~top tbo aytt4ra 10 hoaltbyl tho blood

S&ure, that dlaou01 c•ono cater tho J)'. Dr. Alorte'a Indian Root P}-11• aro

110 cl by all medloloo dealort. · ---P. Bot~:an, R.O., Aeadomy.Oarbonoar and All .. 1(. B. Bolmoa, UonavlJia woro tho win non I hie J'C&r of thoO. IJ • .t;. Jubllei! BobolanbJpt~(of$100oach) Wol!bn~ratn· Jato 1\lt~lr paronte, tetchore, and tbom· Mlvot.

H•• "'""' tho atonda~d balr ~madt-, 11! the ltnuo or the Canadian bu Ute boa,.lo.t coat of bait

any a.oJmal. We!. a jar. , ____ _ to turn up. Olber• toro t he p. Get tbe STANUA.RD to bc:Jp JO ,


JIZr"Some people wait forrbio

---- ) O:IJI P'ACT IS tlltTTIIJ\Tlfo\1'1'r.~ IJIUR•

UY&-..Uk Dr. nnrs;-, tlnpl. Ooeplto\ for .In1ane, Montroa.l, for bl.il ol'lntoo of "Tho D.& L." Mcothol I'lutor. The! gen· ulue made onJy by Davia&: L.&wrooco Oo.

Page 4: ENcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...r VOLUME L. It ie eald that an aaaouaeement of u enpcemeat may be expected ' In the Dear fatare. ae the reeutt of freqaeDt




Jmporten ot Britiab, American, Cnadian, frenc:b aod Germaa

Dry IIIIIs. Pre¥1,-.s. 81'1C111as, Hardnn1,LiiiBn,.,._l -DPORT&aS Ol'-

Ctdft,tl. Cld 011, ~diiYar 011, Salm9i, ,,1"1111, ~Ill-, .. -BltAHCH ~ABUSHMiafTS AT


BaU8&UX1 Webber's. Bartior, Q9eans and Bawk~s Harbor.

FISHING OUTFITS Supplied at all the aboYe EatablisbiDCDll HIGHEST PRJCBS PAID for ah kinds of Produce.

0:. ~ 1Stla 1909. tU1 tla6 of lludl ~ ... buUJ

~;ppl~-= ::,.Tile Uootiq· MUOII

~ ~ ..... COlD~ of 7 lloadaJ DUt. lllrd ·1J=~ .. ~ -. 59 Belrl--. 140 clop .. t Oftt rleatlflll la .. uil ~ eledaee. Jlanllllst wu tie hood. bu tlla'e wiU da7 oa ·w~~~aa coarm aced tbt dub tbaa eaoqb to jworicte rittlll'•-~11 IIOi1la flolll ,Cape Colambla aero. tile ice to tile POle. For thl• uader· ~ Peary bact 7 White ~ 17 BeldJiioa, 133 .dol'a aud 191ledpa. Bartlett made tlie tral1 with hie p1oaeer party. TbW poet of hArd· ulp aM,boaour eeema eyer to ha.., beeD Bartlett'e. IUid Peary epeab of hie work with the rreatest eathuium. At l.Jltenab the dl(· fereat white mea were taraed back with parties of EUima. u aupport· i.ag partiea. u..atil there" wu ao white mea left except Peary 1U1d Bartlett. , They foud "wiather coadiUona fuomble a.ad the ice amooth IUid the uow hard oa mo.t of the joumey, IUid partlcalarly u they were pttiag aearer and Dear­er the Pole. Tbe Ume came at lut wbea Bartlett hituelf hacl to tam back la coauaaad of tbe lut aurport­~ party, aact Peary bimael with hii lwo ·mal made the &aal dub to the Pole. After Pear,1left Capt. Bartlett be had '" Jkkinao. with him for bit iaa1 dub. Two of them bad beeD with him Ia hie dub ill 1906. MeD were all &t: dop were the bat of 172. all powerful mala and hard U D&i1a. IDa plaD wu to make be forced Dl&tChes of 15 mila eada with tile fiye men aact all the dop. Thea with a ~bt aledp a.act a doable team of dop to ralb with oDe or two, to the North Pole. All depended oa weather. A nle wouldlmodt hla pla.n.l oat. :r1oea were blg and hard. Oa April let Peary hfi on a tn1L Be bad fine roiD&' lot 10

-Da.nlel McDoanll, District PI"'t aldeat of the U;Jl. W. AIIIM:Jatioa at Glace Bay. baa beca arrest.~ at that place and taken to lf•treal cbati'ed with crimlaal libel fa that iD tie lfoatteal J'reach CaaaAia• papua adrutleemeab haYe appear· ed ~ tbat the D. L 6 ·s. Co. a.re endeaYOriar by falae 'preteacee to induce adaer. to come to wotk Ia ita miaea. and ata\lar &IIIODpt other thlap that the Co. 'a aa.blen han to be protected by a higli fe1 aurroaaded' by wirea chafeed SOO Yolta of electricity. aad treated u bad aa priaou.era h~abor. ___ _..

A highly reapected corre.poDdeDt. Mr. Selby Hawkiaa of Chelaealfua, wha.e YirlJe..bro&d·miaded letten haYe been 110 widely read eeada aa a Pietorl•t Poat Cird abowl.ar the Factorlea Of the Waltoa Slaoe Co. of Boatoa Ma..,, wbete be Ia employ. ed. Jt il ODe Of tbe lata'est Of 1\a kiad ill the State. It employea3000 pereoaa aad baa an output Of 12;000 ~ra of lboea a day. Mr. Hawldu wbo it the Seic:retar,r of a Labor UDioa there •peab Of a atrtb Jaay. lag recent beea woo. tJae atrlbn aeearinr af•r a three daJ11 coateat aa adya.nce ot 25 5* CIIDt Ia ~ and better coaclltiou aact a lJiiee yean qreeaaeat with the Ina. 200 workera la thla ll'adory are membera of ble UaloG.

-Kr. ·a. RcJpn, OlaalnDaD of wr .Boa4 = .... to ht 4o1D& &oocl

~bllo'1M ='l~~~'::; bMD J*&lll ~·order.

.-.s..s U.e 111a11 tlaat pa& up Ute NoH" Pol:.a ..aatoa& boDJIOIIuf&er &be•&yle of U.a' .,_~ ma4e for PAoa'l WIU PJnlcmro, aocl. Peary would han heeD abJj ·10 pa& ap a memorial oa U, aD4 bro'Daht liaolt a auap ahot U DO~ a aample of'U.,-IL BUTB'IIUOJU) & Co.

-The Ba7 Robert'• Guardian baa eome fee1l.Da' fttaea iD memory of lit. Bdward" Rauell of that town. a JUP11 rea~ dtbea, la bul· - aDd chiardl drdeS, who lately 4iecl ndclesllJ at aa adnac:ed age.

-8ome youq lacla or Ute tamUita UY· 1111 oa Hr. Oraoe lalaDd Ute aommer wen amulo& lh~Y.. OD 8uDday at&enaooD *' by alld1ng down on~ot tile ldopee a._,.e Ute •'-11 oUA'1, whaD OM or llaflll'. l'nDII, IU&Je boy on yean ~111 Jlr.&l'l'o..wortla)';waa poahecl ~.,a.. barrier oteoda Ud weD&OYet Uti oUtr IDto tile water. The alarm waa .,. ~~ aD4 oae mao raaohecl aDd. ~ Uui lueaalble Jlld, aDd bcoo&M ~Be- ba.Ddto bebaCUy •• aboU tile ~ hJa head~elll'Dg ..-tlY ~U.Uo&lat... had to tie lMiiM4 !IP t.be oUA' from ODe ao to ..OU.er. 'fte poor ~DC ohap,. faa~ re. ~f baa lie 11U17 be a UUlt marked for UIL


A Nu.mbe·r of Families. conaiiUDg largely of girls,

tO work with~ -Textile Co~pany,


ALL .COCOA .... ' iacw!e under absolutely perfect conditions,

reach~ you in its purest slate. It is •m~nllrth:' so that JOU use only half as

other Cocoas. lllil'" You can ~btain 'it of aJf Grocers.

Benado-!»'• Cocoa~ btlakfast braces you for the day

t7 FBEE • ...:..we ask y~ to try this Cocoa at our expease. f• A Post Card will l>~ag you a FREE SAMPLE.

T. A. MacNAB &. CO.~· Wholesale Agents, P. 0. Box 351.


"' FREE : The Montreal tt Weekly HeraJd," that great Family Newspaper, (usual price $t ), or

FREE • Half-dt>zen J. H. Rogers TEA SPQONS, • (valued at $1), or ·

FREE : One pr.large HOUSEHOLD SGisSORS • with tension spring (valued a~$~ 1

FREE : The Montreal Weekly Witness, free with the Harbor Grace Standard.


• ·' The Canadian Pictorial, free with the Har· • bor Grace Standard.

• Wotld Wide, free with the Harbor Grace e Standard.

.. •Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Order F9J:Pls. Receipt Books, . Fishery Forms, School ~nd Chbrcb Forms, ~eports, t

PamphleLS, etc., all done neatly, promptly, cheaply.-' Come or send for samples. •

Wedding Jnvltatlons, (on American Vellum, with double set of Envelopes to match), executed in good style:

~=~~==~--The Drink for This Weather . '



Guaranteed to contain nothing but the pure jui~e of the apple.

IT IS REFRESHING AND HEALTH ·~IVING: , Put up in splits', pints and quarts.


~e Ladi~ of the Pteabyteriaa A iii Society he.~#~ a meetioc yeater­day afteraooa. la VIctoria Street Sca.ootro.t_m, when It ~a:ed to reaame th'e wqekly aew· eetlap 011 tbe &rat Friday la r, be-(iulor "t 7 o'dock.

- At a :neeting of Society held oa F riday cui to conaider. tbe mat . it wa c:ided to continue the present l'lUiremeat whereby no line ia acted of those that do not at fwaerale.

I ..


'{ .
