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1/8 Tafsir Wanita Dalam Al-Quran Syeikh Imad Zaki Al-Barudi ISBN: 9789673681419 (pbk.) Al-Hidayah Publisher (2016) LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah Buku terjemahan ini diberi tajuk Tafsir Wanita Dalam Al-Quran, ianya banyak menyentuh ten- tang hak dan kewajipan wanita dari sudut hukum, moral dan sosial. Buku ini akan menjadi panduan bagi kaum wanita untuk meniti kehidupan dengan cara yang benar dan sesuai dengan aturan Al-Quran. Hukum-hukum yang terkandung dalam buku ini akan membuat kaum wanita mampu menikmati hidayah Al-Quran. Buku ini akan memberikan makna lebih mendalam ten- tang hukum-hukum yang berkaitan dengan wanita. Akibat Buruk Apabila Kamu Meremehkan Sedekah Furqan Al-Azizy ISBN: 9789674390853 Al-Hidayah House Of Publishers Sdn Bhd LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah Apakah perasaan kita apabila harta yang kita kumpulkan selama bertahun-tahun tiba-tiba musnah atau lenyap? Pastinya kita akan me- lalui pelbagai kesukaran dan kesusahan. Bukan itu sahaja, maruah diri kita pasti akan tercalar dan jatuh serendah-rendahnya di hadapan masyarakat umum. Pandangan ser- ong dan jijik pasti terbit di mata orang lain ter- hadap kita yang sudah jatuh miskin. Itu mungkin sebahagian kecil sahaja keadaan yang akan dialami semasa di dunia sekiranya kita meremehkan anjuran untuk bersedekah. Bagaimana pula di akhirat kelak? The Qur'an: The Basics Massimo Campanini ISBN:9781138666306 Routledge; 2 edition (2016) LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah This second edition of a popular introduction to the Quran includes an essential updated refer- ence guide, including a chronology of the revela- tion, links to internet resources, and suggestions for further reading. Exploring the Qur'an's recep- tion through history, its key teachings, and its place in contemporary thought and belief, this volume analyzes: the Qur'an as the word of God; its reception and communication by the Prophet Muhammad; the structure and language of the text; conceptions of God, the holy law, and jihad; and Islamic commentaries on Quranic teachings through the ages. The Qur'an: The Basics, Sec- ond Edition is a concise and accessible introduc- tion. Islamization and Activism in Malaysia Julian C. H. Lee ISBN:9789814279024 Institute of Southeast Asian Stud- ies (2010) LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah Islamization and Activism in Malaysia exam- ines aspects of the increasing political and social profile of Islam in Malaysia and de- scribes how different kinds of activists in Ma- laysia have sought to protect fundamental liberties and to improve the state of democracy in Malaysia. In particular, focus is paid to activ- ists who engage with electoral process, the law and the public sphere, and in particular, to movements that cut across or combine these realms of action. | SENARAI BUKU PERPUSTAKAAN TUN ABDUL RAZAK UiTM CAWANGAN NEGERI SEMBILAN KAMPUS KUALA PILAH | 32 JUDUL VOL 8. NOV 2017

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Tafsir Wanita Dalam Al-Quran Syeikh Imad Zaki Al-Barudi ISBN: 9789673681419 (pbk.) Al-Hidayah Publisher (2016) LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah Buku terjemahan ini diberi tajuk Tafsir Wanita Dalam Al-Quran, ianya banyak menyentuh ten-tang hak dan kewajipan wanita dari sudut hukum, moral dan sosial. Buku ini akan menjadi panduan bagi kaum wanita untuk meniti kehidupan dengan cara yang benar dan sesuai dengan aturan Al-Quran. Hukum-hukum yang terkandung dalam buku ini akan membuat kaum wanita mampu menikmati hidayah Al-Quran. Buku ini akan memberikan makna lebih mendalam ten-tang hukum-hukum yang berkaitan dengan wanita.

Akibat Buruk Apabila Kamu Meremehkan Sedekah Furqan Al-Azizy ISBN: 9789674390853 Al-Hidayah House Of Publishers Sdn Bhd LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah Apakah perasaan kita apabila harta yang kita kumpulkan selama bertahun-tahun tiba-tiba musnah atau lenyap? Pastinya kita akan me-lalui pelbagai kesukaran dan kesusahan. Bukan itu sahaja, maruah diri kita pasti akan tercalar dan jatuh serendah-rendahnya di hadapan masyarakat umum. Pandangan ser-ong dan jijik pasti terbit di mata orang lain ter-hadap kita yang sudah jatuh miskin. Itu mungkin sebahagian kecil sahaja keadaan yang akan dialami semasa di dunia sekiranya kita meremehkan anjuran untuk bersedekah. Bagaimana pula di akhirat kelak?

The Qur'an: The Basics Massimo Campanini ISBN:9781138666306 Routledge; 2 edition (2016) LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah This second edition of a popular introduction to the Qur’an includes an essential updated refer-ence guide, including a chronology of the revela-tion, links to internet resources, and suggestions for further reading. Exploring the Qur'an's recep-tion through history, its key teachings, and its place in contemporary thought and belief, this volume analyzes: the Qur'an as the word of God; its reception and communication by the Prophet Muhammad; the structure and language of the text; conceptions of God, the holy law, and jihad; and Islamic commentaries on Qur’anic teachings through the ages. The Qur'an: The Basics, Sec-ond Edition is a concise and accessible introduc-tion.

Islamization and Activism in Malaysia Julian C. H. Lee ISBN:9789814279024 Institute of Southeast Asian Stud-ies (2010) LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah Islamization and Activism in Malaysia exam-ines aspects of the increasing political and social profile of Islam in Malaysia and de-scribes how different kinds of activists in Ma-laysia have sought to protect fundamental liberties and to improve the state of democracy in Malaysia. In particular, focus is paid to activ-ists who engage with electoral process, the law and the public sphere, and in particular, to movements that cut across or combine these realms of action.


VOL 8. NOV 2017

Page 2: | SENARAI BUKU PERPUSTAKAAN TUN ABDUL RAZAK UiTM …library.nsembilan.uitm.edu.my/v1/images/newarrival/booknovember.pdf · Dr. Aidh Bin Abdullah al-Qarni ISBN: 9789675115417 Al-Hidayah


Domination and Contestation: Mus-lim Bumiputera Politics in Sarawak Faisal S. Hazis ISBN: 9789814311588 Institute of Southeast Asian Stud-ies (2011) LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah This book makes an important contribution to understanding the ongoing political evolution of politics in Sarawak. It also provides a case study of the engagement of a dominant state with social forces in a multi-ethnic society. Prof Harold Crouch, Emeritus Professor, Department of Political & Social Change, School of Interna-tional, Political & Strategic Studies, Australian National University

Jangan Bersedih: Jadilah Wanita Yang Paling Bahagia Dr. Aidh Bin Abdullah al-Qarni ISBN: 9789675115417 Al-Hidayah Publisher 2012 LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah Buku ini menghimbau kepada setiap wanita untuk hidup bahagia dengan agamanya, mera-sa senang dengan kurnia Allah yang telah dianugerahkan kepadanya, dan bergembira dengan berbagai nikmat yang telah Saudariku! Bacalah buku ini agar ianya dapat mengusir segala macaw kesedihan dari dalam dirimu, bayang-bayang kedukaan, dan mimpi-mimpi buruk, ketakutan dan kekhuatiran. Saudariku! Setelah anda selesai membaca buku ini, ucapkanlah selamat tinggal pada kesedihan, tinggalkan kegelisahan, hindarkan lorong-lorong kesengsaraan, dan jauhlah dari keputusasaan dan kegagalan. Marilah kembali ke jalan keimanan dengan melampiaskan kerinduan kits kepada Allah dan merasa puas dengan qadha dan qadarNya.

Kitab Fiqh Mendidik Anak Ber-dasarkan Al-Quran dan Sunnah Syeikh Khalid Bin Abdul Rahman Al-Ik ISBN: 9789674390891 Al– Hidayah House Of Publishers Sdn Bhd LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah Mendidik anak merupakan amanah besar yang wajib dipikulkan oleh setiap ibu bapa dan para penjaga. Tanpa pendidikan dan latihan ke-hidupan yang benar pasti akan mencacatkan pembangunan sebuah tamadun agama dan bangsa. Bukan itu sahaja, is juga akan melemahkan sebuah institusi negara yang ber-daulat. Lebih-lebih lagi di zaman yang semakin mencabar ini dengan kemajuan dan kecanggi-han teknologi dan sistem maklumat. Semua maklumat boleh dipetik dengan hujung jari tanpa sempadan. Sama ada ia betul atau tidak, positif atau negatif, semuanya amat mudah untuk dicapai dalam bentuk visual, audio ma-hupun teks. Oleh sebab itu, Islam amat meni-tikberatkan coal pendidikan anak ini. Panduan dan petunjuknya telah terdapat di dalam dua rujukan utama Islam iaitu Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah lebih 1400 tahun yang lalu.

Peranakan Indians of Singapore and Melaka: Indian Babas and Nonyas - Chitty Melaka Samuel S. Dhoraisingam ISBN: 9789812303462 Institute of Southeast Asian Stud-ies,Singapore (2006) LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah This book offers a glimpse into an almost un-know but distinct community in Singapore and Malaysia : the Peranakan Indians. Overshad-owed by the larger more widespread and more influential Peranakan Chinese, this tightly knit community likewise dates back to early coloni-al merchants who intermingled with and war-ried local malays in Malacca.

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Ensiklopedia fikah sunnah wanita Ahmad Jad ISBN: 9789675274114 Al-Hidayah LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah Padat dengan hukum fikh yang merangkumi bab taharah , solat, puasa, zakat, haji, tengtang perkhawinan, tengtang harta warisan dan lain-lain lagi. Rujukan untuk semua bukan sahaja wanita atau kaum hawa sahaja. Setiap perba-hasan dan huraian disokong dan diperkuatkan oleh dalil Al-Quran dan Hadis. Fokusnya adalah menyentuh tentang permasalahan wanita dan yang ada sangkut pautnya dengan wanita.

Introduction to Physics ET.AL JOHN D. CUTNELL ISBN: 9781118651520 JOHN WILEY & SONS; 10th Inter-national student edition edition (2015) LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah This book is authorized for sale in Europe, asia, Africa and middle east only and may not be exported. The content is materially different than product fot other markets including the authorized U.S. counterpart of this title.

Physics, Volume 2 David Halliday ISBN: 9780471401940 John Wiley & Sons; 5th edition (2001) LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah Written for the full year or three term Calculus-based University Physics course for science and engineering majors, the publication of the first edition of Physics in 1960 launched the modern era of Physics textbooks. It was a new paradigm at the time and continues to be the dominant model for all texts. Physics is the most realistic option for schools looking to teach a more demanding course. The entirety of Volume 2 of the 5th edition has been edited to clarify conceptual development in light of recent findings of physics education research. End-of-chapter problem sets are thoroughly over-hauled, new problems are added, outdated references are deleted, and new short-answer conceptual questions are added.

Physics Paperback – 2015 Betty Richardson, Robert Richard-son Alan Giambattista ISBN: 9789814714389 Mc Graw Hill education LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah INTERNATIONAL EDITION, brand New, Inter-national/Global Edition, NOT LOOSE LEAF VERSION,NO SOLUTION MANUAL, NO CD, NO ACCESS CARD, Soft Cover/ Paper Back written in English, Different ISBN and Cover Image from US Edition; Sometimes, the title is different from US Edition, and the exercises and homework problem are in different orders or maybe completely different than the US edition, Please email us for confirmation. Some books may show some word such as Not for Sale or Restricted in US on the cover page. However, it is absolutely legal to use in USA, the book will be sent from IL or oversea ware-house based on the stock availability.

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SmartBook Access Card for Phys-ics of Everyday Phenomena 8th Edition W. Thomas Griffith ISBN: 9789814738606 McGraw-Hill Education; 8 edition (2014) LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah McGraw-Hill College. Book Condition: Acceptable. Softcover, International Edition. This is an International Edi-tion. Bookseller Inventory

Principles of Physics Jearl Walker, David Halliday, Rob-ert Resnick ISBN: 9781118230749 WILEY; 10th edition (2014) LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah WileyPLUS to accompany Principles of Physics 10th Edition, provides an innovative, research based, online enviroments for effective teaching and learning.

Quantitative Chemical Analysis 9th Edition Daniel C. Harris ISBN: 9781464135385 W. H. Freeman; 9th edition (May 29, 2015) LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah The gold standard in analytical chem-istry, Dan Harris’ Quantitative Chemi-cal Analysis provides a sound physical understanding of the principles of ana-lytical chemistry and their applications in the disciplines.

Fundamental Neuroscience for Basic and Clinical Applications: with STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 4e Duane E. Haines PhD FAAAS FAAA ISBN: 9781437702941 Saunders; 4 edition (2012) LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah Turn to Fundamental Neurosci-ence for a thorough, clinically rele-vant understanding of this complicat-ed subject! Integrated coverage of neuroanatomy, physiology, and phar-macology, with a particular emphasis on systems neurobiology, effectively prepares you for your courses, ex-ams, and beyond.

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Analytical Chemistry 7th Edition Gary D. Christian ISBN: 9780470887578 Wiley; 7 edition (October 7, 2013) LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah The 7th Edition of Gary Christian's Analytical Chemistry focuses on more in-depth coverage and information about Quantitative Analysis (aka Analytical Chemistry) and related fields. The content builds upon previous editions with more enhanced content that deals with princi-ples and techniques of quantitative analysis with more examples of analytical techniques drawn from areas such as clinical chemistry, life sci-ences, air and water pollution, and industrial analyses.

Chemistry 12th Edition Raymond Chang Dr. ISBN: 9780078021510 McGraw-Hill Education; 12 edition (January 8, 2015) LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah Chang's best-selling general chemistry text-book takes a traditional approach and is often considered a student and teacher favorite. The book features a straightforward, clear writing style and proven problem-solving strategies. It continues the tradition of providing a firm foun-dation in chemical concepts and principles while presenting a broad range of topics in a clear, concise manner. The tradition of Chemistry has a new addition with co-author, Kenneth Goldsby from Florida State University, adding variations to the 12th edition. The organization of the chapter order has changed with nuclear chemistry moving up in the chapter order.

Fundamentals of Chemical Engi-neering Thermodynamics, SI Edi-tion 1st Edition Kevin D. Dahm ISBN: 9781111580711 CL Engineering; 1 edition (February 19, 2014) LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah A brand new book, FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAM-ICS makes the abstract subject of chemical engineering thermodynamics more accessible to undergraduate students. The subject is pre-sented through a problem-solving inductive (from specific to general) learning approach, written in a conversational and approachable manner. Suitable for either a one-semester course or two-semester sequence in the sub-ject, this book covers thermodynamics in a com-plete and mathematically rigorous manner, with an emphasis on solving practical engineering problems. The approach taken stresses prob-lem-solving, and draws from "best practice" engineering teaching strategies. FUNDAMEN-TALS OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THER-MODYNAMICS uses examples to frame the importance of the material.

Doing Research in Education: The-ory and Practice 1st Edition Ioanna Palaiologou ISBN: 9781446266748 SAGE Publications Ltd; 1 edition (December 9, 2015) LOCATION : PTAR Kuala Pilah This book will help you to plan, design and conduct quality research within the specific context of education and educational studies. An impressive cast of contributors discuss the reality of conducting research in different edu-cational settings and provide practical advice for both undergraduate and postgraduate stu-dents and early career researchers doing re-search in education. The book discusses key philosophical issues such as understanding research paradigms, ethics and selecting appropriate methodologies but remains grounded in the practical experi-ence of the researcher.

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Malaysia's Socio-Economic Trans-formation: Ideas for the Next Dec-ade Basu Sanchita Das ISBN: 9789814459693 Institute of Southeast Asian Stud-ies (August 6, 2014) Location : PTAR Kuala Pilah Since 1957, Malaysia's economic development has been an account of growth, transformation, and of structural change. More than 75 per cent of its gross domestic product (GDP) comes from the manufacturing and services sectors. However, Malaysia is stuck in a middle-income trap and is facing challenges on the economic and political front. In June 2010, Prime Minister Najib Razak unveiled the 10th Malaysian Plan (2011-15) to chart the development of Malaysia from a middle- to high-income nation.

Mixed Methods Research: A Guide to the Field (Mixed Methods Re-search Series) 1st Edition Vicki L. Plano Clark ISBN: 9781483306759 SAGE Publications, Inc; 1 edition (October 22, 2015) Location : PTAR Kuala Pilah Mixed Methods Research: A Guide to the Field by Vicki L. Plano Clark and Nataliya V. Ivankova is a practical book that introduces a unique socio-ecological framework for under-standing the field of mixed methods research and its different perspectives. Based on the framework, it addresses basic questions in-cluding: What is the mixed methods research process? How is mixed methods research defined? Why is it used? What designs are available? How does mixed methods research intersect with other research approaches? What is mixed methods research quality? .

An Introduction to Educational Re-search: Connecting Methods to Practice 1st Edition Chad Lochmiller ISBN: 9781483319506 SAGE Publications, Inc; 1 edition (January 22, 2016) Location : PTAR Kuala Pilah Written specifically for education practition-ers, An Introduction to Educational Research: Connecting Methods to Practice approaches research methods from a practice-first perspec-tive that aligns research with professional expe-riences and identifies the tools and resources readers can use when conducting their own research. Throughout the book, authors Chad R. Lochmiller and Jessica N. Lester illuminate complex research concepts using problems of practice confronting educators to help readers make meaningful connections with key con-cepts and research practices.

Differential Equations with Bound-ary Value Problems David Morton, Joy B. Perry James W. Perry ISBN: 9781305970632 Cengage Learning; International Metric ed of 8th Revised ed edition (2012) Location : PTAR Kuala Pilah DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH BOUND-ARY-VALUE PROBLEMS, 8th Edition strikes a balance between the analytical, qualitative, and quantitative approaches to the study of differ-ential equations. This proven and accessible book speaks to beginning engineering and math students through a wealth of pedagogical aids, including an abundance of examples, explanations, "Remarks" boxes, definitions, and group projects. Written in a straightfor-ward, readable, and helpful style, the book provides a thorough treatment of boundary-value problems and partial differential equa-tions.

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Using IBM® SPSS® Statistics: An Interactive Hands-On Ap-proach 2nd Edition James O. Aldrich ISBN: 9781483383576 SAGE Publications, Inc; 2 edition (July 20, 2015) Location : PTAR Kuala Pilah For those who have a basic understanding of statistics and want to learn SPSS on their own, Using IBM SPSS Statistics, Second Edi-tion by James O. Aldrich and James B. Cun-ningham is a concise, practical guide that can be used in conjunction with another text or as a self-instructional resource. With the assistance of ample screenshots, bullet points, and callouts, readers master SPSS by inputting and analyzing their own data, rather than simply opening existing databases. The Second Edi-tion introduces advanced concepts such as Logistic Regression, Principal Components Factor Analysis, and more complex graphing methods. This edition is compatible with IBM SPSS versions through 23.

The Practice of Qualitative Research: Engaging Students in the Research Process 3rd Edition Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber ISBN: 9781452268088 SAGE Publications, Inc; 3 edition (March 30, 2016) Location : PTAR Kuala Pilah The Practice of Qualitative Research guides readers step by step through the process of collecting, analyzing, designing, and interpret-ing qualitative research. Written by Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber in an engaging style, this student-centered text offers invaluable insights into the practice of qualitative research, with coverage of in-depth interviewing, focus groups, ethnography, case study, and mixed methods research. The Third Edition features even more integrated attention to online re-search and implications of social media throughout all methods chapters; updates on qualitative analysis software; and significantly expanded coverage of ethics.

Muslim-Non-Muslim Marriage: Po-litical and Cultural Contestations in Southeast Asia Gavin W. Jones ISBN: 9789812308740 Institute of Southeast Asian Stud-ies (June 8, 2009) Location : PTAR Kuala Pilah This is an excellent and rare exploration of a sensitive religious issue from many perspec-tives - legal, cultural and political. The case studies from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand portray the important and excit-ing, yet very difficult, negotiation of Islamic teachings in the changing realities of Southeast Asia, home to the majority of Muslims in the world. Interreligious marriage is an important indicator of good relations between communi-ties in religiously diverse countries. This book will also be of great interest to students and scholars of religious pluralism in a Southeast Asian context, which has not been studied adequately.

Chinese Schools in Peninsular Ma-laysia: The Struggle for Survival Lee Ting Hui ISBN:9789814279215 Institute of Southeast Asian Stud-ies (June 22, 2011) Location : PTAR Kuala Pilah The history of modern Chinese schools in Pen-insular Malaysia is a story of conflicts between Chinese domiciled there and different govern-ments that happened or happen to rule the land. Before the days of the Pacific War, the British found the Chinese schools troublesome because of their pro-China political activities. They established measures to control them. When the Japanese ruled the Malay Peninsula, they closed down all the Chinese schools. After the Pacific War, for a decade, the British sought to convert the Chinese schools into English schools.

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Calculus For Dummies (For Dum-mies (Math & Science)) 2nd Edition Mark Ryan ISBN:9781119293491 For Dummies; 2 edition (June 7, 2016) Location : PTAR Kuala Pilah Calculus For Dummies, 2nd Edition makes calculus manageable—even if you're one of the many students who sweat at the thought of it. By breaking down differentiation and integration into digestible concepts, this guide helps you build a stronger foundation with a solid understanding of the big ideas at work. This user-friendly math book leads you step-by-step through each concept, oper-ation, and solution, explaining the "how" and "why" in plain English instead of math-speak. Through relevant instruction and practical examples, you'll soon learn that real-life calculus isn't nearly the monster it's made out to be.

Physics I For Dummies (For Dum-mies (Math & Science)) 2nd Edition Steven Holzner ISBN: 9781119293590 For Dummies; 2 edition (June 7, 2016) Location : PTAR Kuala Pilah For high school and undergraduate stu-dents alike, physics classes are recom-mended or required courses for a wide variety of majors, and continue to be a challenging and often confusing course. Physics I For Dummies tracks specifically to an introductory course and, keeping with the traditionally easy-to-follow Dum-mies style, teaches you the basic princi-ples and formulas in a clear and concise manner, proving that you don't have to be Einstein to understand physics

Probability and Statistics for Engi-neering and the Sciences, Interna-tional Metric Edition Jay L Devore ISBN: 9781337094269 Cengage Learning; 9th edition edi-tion (May 19, 2016) Location : PTAR Kuala Pilah Put statistical theories into practice with PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS FOR ENGI-NEERING AND THE SCIENCES, 9th Edition. Always a favorite with statistics students, this calculus-based text offers a comprehensive introduction to probability and statistics while demonstrating how professionals apply con-cepts, models, and methodologies in today's engineering and scientific careers. Jay Devore, an award-winning professor and internationally recognized author and statistician, emphasizes authentic problem scenarios in a multitude of examples and exercises, many of which involve real data, to show how statistics makes sense of the world. Mathematical development and derivations are kept to a minimum.

A History of Classical Malay Litera-ture Liaw Yock Fang ISBN: 9789814459884 Institute of Southeast Asian Stud-ies (August 1, 2013) Location : PTAR Kuala Pilah This is a detailed, narrative-based history of Classical Malay Literature. It covers a wide range of Malay texts, including folk literature; the influence of the Indian epics and shadow theatre literature; Panji tales; the transition from Hindu to Muslim liter-ary models; Muslim literature; framed tales; theological literature; historical liter-ature; legal codes; and the dominant forms of poetry, the pantun and syair.